Das Ende von Oslo?

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Der arabische Gipfel in Libyen ging zu Ende. Ein Ergebnis lese ich hier:


Abbas beschreibt darin vier Alternativen, sollte Isreal weiterhin die Verhandlungen durch die Fortführung des Siedlungsbaus blockieren:

"First: If Israel decides to halt the settlement activities, the direct negotiations will continue, and its pace will be accelerated.

Second: If this does not take place, we will call on the United States to recognize the State of Palestine within the 1967 borders; if the United States does not do so, we will go to the UN Security Council, and call on all the countries of the world to recognize the State of Palestine; and if this does not take place, we will go the UN Security Council to impose a mandate over the Palestinian people.

Third: (If the two previous proposals were to fail) we call on Israel to re-occupy the territories.

Fourth: [In this case] The Palestinian Authority is to be abandoned and leave Ramallah."

Das hat Sinn, da auf palästinensischer Seite die Frage immer lauter wird, worüber noch verhandelt werden kann, wenn durch die Siedlungen immer mehr Land aufgefressen wird. Woraus soll dann ein palästinensischer Staat, der ja am Ende des Osloer Abkommens stehen sollte, noch bestehen?

Tatsächlich ist der Geist des Abkommens am Ende - wird Zeit, dass es ausgesprochen wird:

"Abbas also told Arab leaders over the weekend that Israel has in effect scrapped the landmark 1993 Oslo autonomy accords, an aide said on Monday.

"Abbas affirmed to the Arabs that Israel has effectively cancelled the Oslo agreement and the other agreements it has signed with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), " chief negotiator Saeb Erakat told AFP.

He went on to accuse Israel of having stripped the Palestinian Authority of much of its limited powers in the occupied territories and of "intruding on a daily basis" into areas governed by the Palestinians, Erakat said.

"If Israel does not respect agreements or adhere to implementing them then how can the PLO and the Palestinian Authority adhere to them?" he asked.

The 1993 Oslo accords formally launched the peace process based on autonomy and led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, which was to govern parts of the occupied West Bank and Gaza until a final agreement."

Ob das aber wirklich kommt? Sehr viele Palästinenser, die ich kenne, trauen Abbas kein konsequentes Handeln zu - höflich ausgedrückt. Um das, was er sagte, umzusetzen, würde es doch Rückgrad brauchen. Ich bin gespannt.

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