Ukraine, Russland, Gaspreise, Oligarchen

Jimmy Carter Mietpreisbremse

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Es sind ja einige hier dabei, im Freitag meine ich, die sich an das Desaster von Jimmy C. erinnern können. Da ich keine Lust mehr hatte „Off Topic“ Kommentare abzuspielen mache ich lieber einen weitreichenden Blog daraus den die allumfassenden wissenden Freitagsleser verstehen können.

...“He was a most unusual president, one not emulated by any of his successors“…

...“Big Oil und die Autoindustrie von Detroit schlugen seinen Antrag auf eine Windfall-Profit-Steuer zurück und finanzierten 1980 seinen republikanischen Herausforderer Ronald Reagan“…


The federal windfall profits tax was in effect from 1980 to 1988. In spite of its name, the measure was not a tax on profits but instead was an excise tax on the difference between the market price of oil and a statutory 1979 base price that was adjusted quarterly for inflation and state severance taxes. The tax rate varied based on several factors, including whether the oil was produced from an existing or new field and whether it was produced by an integrated oil producer (one that also refined and sold petroleum products) or an independent producer. The tax created net revenues of approximately $80 billion over its life.

Alaska's oil and gas production tax is similar to the former federal tax. It applies a percentage tax rate on the net value of oil and natural gas produced in the state. The 25% base tax rate increases slightly when the West Coast price of oil or gas, less the cost of producing it, is above $30 per barrel or its equivalent for gas. There is also a floor on the tax on oil and gas produced from the state's North Slope based on its gross, rather than net, value“...

Das waren ja die, die schon vor 30 – 40 Jahren wussten das etwas mit dem Klima nicht stimmen kann und wird, Oder?


- Absolute gas price: $0.66
- Inflation-adjusted price: $2.97 (#30 most expensive year in 85-year span)

Unemployment in 1976 had reached 7.7%, and President Jimmy Carter inherited a nation that was still in recovery from years of oil shortages, inflation, and general economic instability. Gas prices jumped up again this year, from $0.61 in 1976 to $0.66 in 1977, but the economy did prosper during Carter's first year in office, and unemployment rates fell for the two ensuing years"...


- Absolute gas price: $1.38
- Inflation-adjusted price: $4.14 (#4 most expensive year in 85-year span)

In 1981, the oil and gasoline panic gave way to a glut, though as New York Times writer Daniel Yergin cautioned, the idea of a “glut” was a “dangerous and costly illusion.” There wasn't more oil, simply a change in demand for the product. High prices meant that demand and consumer interest had fallen, and this lack of demand created a global surplus in the oil market. Additionally, the Reagan administration effectively deregulated the oil market. Suppliers were suddenly more eager to sell, as higher interest rates increased the cost of keeping large amounts of stock. Though prices rose again in 1981, they were moving closer to pre-crisis numbers“…

Nicht dass die Oil Companys und Autoindustrie dem Jimmy Carter den Genickschuss gegeben haben damit Ronald Reagan weiter Bleivergiften kann, weil, was nicht wahr sein kann darf nicht so stattgefunden haben.

Jetzt zu Ukrainchen:

Parallelen zur Geschichte sind nur rein zufällig, wie bei einer schlechten Doku.

Ich nehme ganz stark an dass die CDU ein U – Boot in der Ampelkoalition haben. Man kann nicht ein Tempolimit von 130 oder 110 Km/h einführen wenn es gefühlte 50 + X % der deutschen Bevölkerung ablehnen, das haben sogar die Grünen bei den Koalitionsverhandlungen eingesehen, die nächste Landtagswahl X – Y wartet schon wieder.

Jetzt kommt es noch dicker:

Ein ganz lustiger Kommentar aus dem „Capital“:

...“Deutschland kann also durchaus mit einem Stopp von Nord Stream 2 leben – allerdings muss man dafür in Kauf nehmen, dass die Gaspreise etwas steigen“…

„Etwas steigen“, na ja, ganz so wie es Aktionäre sehen denen es in etwa so egal ist in den Discounter zu gehen oder ein fettes Rumpsteak beim Argentinier zu futtern. Nehmen wir mal an dass die Heizkostenpreise um 20 – 40 Prozent steigen weil GAZPROM – Nordstream II abgekackt ist, man will ja im Ukrainekonflikt harte Bandagen anziehen, damit gewinnst du keine Landtagswahl mehr, da ist CDU 50 + X% garantiert und Ampel wech‘.

Lerne von Jimmy Carter!

Jetzt zu meinem 2. Themenschwerpunkt:

Brexiters Pfeifen pfeifen neuerdings mit Trillerpfeifen gegen Putin, sone DemagogIn muss man sich wirklich mal vorstellen als „HüterIn des Grales der Demokratie“, meine Fresse, nicht zum Aushalten:

...“Fri 21 Jan 2022 04.39 GMT

The foreign secretary, Liz Truss, has backed Boris Johnson, saying he is doing “a fantastic job” as prime minister, that he has her “100% support”, and should remain in Number 10 “as long as possible”…

...“SYDNEY, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Britain warned Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday that its allies would stand together to fight for democracy against dictatorships that it said were more emboldened than at any time since the Cold War.

Speaking in Australia, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said Britain and its allies in the "free world" must respond together to global threats, deepen ties with democracies in the Indo-Pacific and "face down global aggressors" who were using economic dependence to try to get what they want“…

Gut das wir jetzt Kämpfer einer freien Demokratie haben und uns um internationale Fischverträge mit Frankreich rum streiten dürfen.

Act III („Free“)

Insbesondere fällt da in das Gewicht das auch nahestehende Putin - Oligarchen in London gerne einen auf „Großer Hund pisst gerne dahin wo er lebt“, oder sogar eher einen großen Haufen macht.

...“Lange bevor die Ukraine-Krise die amerikanisch-russischen Beziehungen zerstörte, luden Wladimir Putin und seine rechte Hand, Igor Sechin, zu einem exklusiven Empfang für den damaligen Chief Executive Officer von Morgan Stanley, John Mackat, in Putins Anwesen Novo-Ogaryovo außerhalb von Moskau ein.

Laut Kreml dankte Putin Mack und einigen anderen ausländischen Bankiers bei der Versammlung im Oktober 2006 dafür, dass sie den 10-Milliarden-Dollar-Börsengang von OAO Rosneft, dem staatlich kontrollierten Ölgiganten unter der Führung von Sechin, geleitet hatten. Anschließend unterhielt er sich eine Stunde lang mit den Bankern in einem formellen Besprechungsraum. Putin und Sechin haben Morgan Stanley noch viel mehr zu verdanken. Die amerikanische Investmentbank half dabei, das staatliche Unternehmen Rosneft von einem Unternehmen, das die russische Regierung 1998 dreimal nicht verkaufen konnte, in den weltweit größten börsennotierten Ölproduzenten nach Produktion zu verwandeln. Morgan Stanley spielte eine Schlüsselrolle dabei, das Unternehmen vor einer Übernahme zu bewahren, und Rosneft stellte drei aufeinanderfolgende Chief Financial Officers der Bank ein. 2013 genehmigte Putin Macks Ernennung in den Vorstand von Rosneft“…

Eine Hand wäscht die andere. Weiter geht es:

...“It is unclear how he became the accountant. His biography offers few clues. The son of a police constable, McGregor was born in 1950 in the seaside town of Southport, Merseyside. He trained in Liverpool, working for Littlewoods Mail Order Stores, and joined Moores Rowland in 1978. An expert on tax policy, he speaks French and Italian. In 1998, Prince Rainier, the then monarch, made McGregor a knight and Chevalier in the order of St Charles.

The Pandora papers revealMcGregor’s wealthy Monaco clients. They include Gennady Timchenko, a one-time Soviet bureaucrat. Forbes estimates Timchenko’s fortune at $22bn (£16.3bn). McGregor has looked after his family and business assets for at least 20 years. Among them are jets and a 40-metre pleasure yacht, the M/S Lena, named after Timchenko’s wife.

Timchenko and Putin have been friends since at least the early 1990s when the former was a St Petersburg oil trader and the latter a rising politician. In 1991, Putin – then head of the city’s foreign relations committee – gave Timchenko an oil export licence“…

Und man will uns erzählen das man denen nicht an die westlichen „EIER“ - Konten gehen kann? Aber große Sprüche Klopfen, ja ja.

Und weiter geht es:

...“How Britain let Russia hide its dirty money

For decades, politicians have welcomed the super-rich with open arms. Now they’re finally having second thoughts. But is it too late?

Fri 25 May 2018 06.00 BST“…

Gähn Gähn Gähn…

Und weiter:

...“Putin's former son-in-law bought shares worth $380m for $100, report says

…Kirill Shamalov purchased large stake in Russian petrochemicals company months after marrying Katerina Tikhonova“…

Wie im altem Rom…

...“9. Offshore firms are helping push up London house prices“…

...“Close friends Sergei Roldugin and Vladimir Putin, pictured in 2009“…

...“None of the money that seems to have flowed from Russia into tax havens belongs to President Putin, but billions of dollars of it seems to belong to his friends. For the Kremlin, this is a sign that the revelations are driven by Putinphobia and those determined to do down Russia. For most other people it looks like the president is using his trusted friends to launder money for him.

You can take your pick but if you think that this is a conspiracy against President Putin, you might have to explain why one of his best friends, a Russian classical cellist, has made quite so much money“…

...“Panama Papers: Putin associates linked to 'money laundering'“…

3 April 2016

A suspected money laundering ring involving close associates of Vladimir Putin has been uncovered in a leak of confidential documents.

The billion-dollar operation was run by Bank Rossiya, which is subject to US and EU sanctions following Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Evidence seen by BBC Panorama reveals for the first time how the bank operates.

Documents show how money has been channelled through offshore companies.

They suggest Sonnette Overseas, International Media Overseas, Sunbarn and Sandalwood Continental have profited from fake share transactions, bogus consulting deals, uncommercial loans and the purchase of under-priced assets.

The documents show that International Media Overseas and Sonnette Overseas were officially owned by one of the Russian president's closest friends.

Eleven million documents held by the Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca have been passed to German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, which then shared them with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. BBC Panorama is among 107 media organisations - including UK newspaper the Guardian - in 76 countries which have been analysing the documents. The BBC doesn't know the identity of the source

They show how the company has helped clients launder money, dodge sanctions and evade tax

Mossack Fonseca says it has operated beyond reproach for 40 years and never been accused or charged with criminal wrong-doing

Tricks of the trade: How assets are hidden and taxes evaded

Panama Papers: Full coverage; follow reaction on Twitter using #PanamaPapers; in the BBC News app, follow the tag "Panama Papers"

. . . . . .

Concert cellist Sergei Roldugin has known Vladimir Putin since they were teenagers and is godfather to the president's daughter Maria.

On paper, Mr Roldugin has personally made hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from the suspicious deals.

But documents from Mr Roldugin's companies state that: "The company is a corporate screen established principally to protect the identity and confidentiality of the ultimate beneficial owner of the company."

The cellist has previously told reporters that he is not a businessman. His involvement in the complex offshore deals will raise suspicion that he is simply acting as a front for someone else.

Suspicious activity

In one example, documents show that Sandalwood Continental bought an asset for just $1 (70p) and sold it three months later for $133m (£93m).

Sandalwood was also given $800m (£562m) of loans by a Russian state bank. There is no evidence in the documents of Sandalwood providing security for the loans or making repayments.

Tom Keatinge - who runs the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies - says the transactions appear to be evidence of money laundering.

"There's nothing that I have seen which would make me say anything other than 'Stop, we need to investigate very closely what's going on here.' Whether it's loans being written off with no apparent compensation, other than the dollar, or whether it's loans being assigned through multiple pairs of hands for no obvious reason."

The documents show that one of the Roldugin companies, International Media Overseas, borrowed $6m (£4.2m) in 2007. Three months later the loan was written off for just $1, so the cellist's company had been given $6m.

In another suspicious deal in 2011, International Media Overseas bought all the rights - including interest and repayments - to a $200m (£140m) loan.

International Media Overseas paid just a single dollar, even though the interest payments alone were worth $8m (£5.6m) a year to Mr Roldugin's company.

Andrew Mitchell QC, one of the UK's leading experts on money laundering, says the deals are highly suspicious: "There can't be a commercial basis for transferring $200m and the rights to $8m a year for a dollar."

International Media Overseas also failed to disclose Mr Roldugin's connection to the Russian president when it opened three bank accounts.

The application form for each account asked whether Mr Roldugin had any relations to so-called PEPs or Politically Exposed Persons. Mr Roldugin's forms said he didn't, which was clearly not true.

International Media Overseas was also involved in dozens of suspicious share transactions. In one scheme, the company sold shares to a broker who then sold them back at a lower price the next day.

Mr Roldugin's company always made a profit and the documents show that these profits were worked out in advance of the share deals.

International Media Overseas also profited from a scheme where share deals were set up and then cancelled before they took place. Mr Roldugin's company was then paid compensation for the failed deals.

The leaked documents show that the share purchase agreements and the cancellation agreements were signed at the same time, so there doesn't seem to have been any intention to genuinely buy or sell the shares.

Andrew Mitchell QC has seen the share transactions. He said: "This is not business, this is creating the appearance of business in order to continually move and hide assets".

Ski resort

The leaked documents show that Mr Roldugin's other company - Sonnette Overseas - had a secret interest in the Russian lorry maker called Kamaz.

In 2008, Sonnette paid $1.5m (£1m) to join a consortium that had an option to buy a company that owned a valuable stake in Kamaz.

The documents spell out what was expected from Mr Roldugin's company. They say Sonnette should ensure that plans to increase the consortium's stake in Kamaz "received most favoured treatment".

Sandalwood Continental appears to be at the heart of the suspected money laundering ring. It borrowed $800m (£562m) in a series of uncommercial loans from a state-owned bank, before lending the cash on to other companies.

The leaked documents show that some of the Sandalwood cash was loaned to a company which owns a ski resort that is popular with the Russian president.

Vladimir Putin opened the Igora resort in 2006 and went skiing there in 2011 and 2012. His daughter Katerina's wedding was held at Igora in 2013.

The company which received the money is now part owned by Bank Rossiya owner Yuri Kovalchuk, who was described as one of President Putin's cashiers when the US government placed him on the sanctions list.

Bank Rossiya has been described by the US government as the "personal bank for senior officials of the Russian Federation".

Mr Kovalchuk's lawyer said he did not understand why his client was being asked questions, when all information about Bank Rossiya that was subject to mandatory disclosure was available in public sources.

Gas deal:

The fourth offshore company in the leaked files - Sunbarn - has also profited from a series of suspicious deals.

In one example, it was given shares by Bank Rossiya which it subsequently sold for $25m. In another example it received $30m (£21m) in consultancy payments for providing advice about investing and trading in Russia through a Cypriot company.

Sunbarn also received loans totalling $231m (£162m) from companies owned by or linked to another childhood friend of the Russian president - the billionaire Arkady Rotenberg. Once again, there was no security for the loans and no evidence of any repayment.

Around the time the loans were made to Sunbarn, one of Mr Rotenberg's companies was awarded a lucrative contract to work on a $40bn (£28bn) gas pipeline from Russia to Europe. The South Stream gas project has since been cancelled.

Bank Rossiya, Sergey Roldugin and Arkady Rotenberg have not responded to the questions put to them by the BBC“…

Aber keinen kann denen auf den Sack treten, auch nicht Boris Johnson, alles klar. Brexit Brexit fix it or fuck it...

Free Mietenspiegel Act III:

Falls es immer noch keiner kapiert hat, die Erleuchteten hier, ein kleiner Auszug aus der kleinen Anfrage der Grünen:

...“Der boomende deutsche Immobilienmarkt lockt verstärkt Kriminelle an. Ein Problem ist Geldwäsche. „Beim Immobiliensektor handelt es sich aufgrund der dort vorhandenen hohen Transaktionsvolumina um einen Sektor mit herausgehobenem Risiko“, heißt es in einer Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, die der Deutschen Presse-Agentur vorliegt.

Von den erfassten 563 Verfahren zur Organisierten Kriminalität im Jahr 2016 gebe es bei sieben Prozent „Geldwäscheaktivitäten mittels Investitionen in Immobilien“. Dabei gehe es in fast der Hälfte der Fälle um russische und italienische Gruppen. Zugleich wird eine hohe Dunkelziffer eingeräumt. Seit 2009 haben sich laut Regierung die Geldumsätze im Immobiliensektor deutlich erhöht, für 2016 werden sie auf 237,5 Milliarden Euro beziffert.

Zuletzt machten Hinweise Schlagzeilen, dass auf EU-Sanktionslisten stehende russische Oligarchen über Mittelsmänner in gefragte Immobilien zum Beispiel in Berlin investieren. Ein Hauptproblem ist die Verschleierung der wahren Besitzer und Investoren über verschachtelte Firmenkonstrukte“…

Da brauche ich mich nicht über „Rüstungsaufträge“ in die Ukraine oder nicht aufregen, denen muss man nur mal den Saft abdrehen, dem Putin, international Banktechnisch, aber das will scheinbar keiner, da gehen zu viele Provisionen über den Haufen, auch in der Wall – Street, auch nicht in der neuen Bundesregierung, Hauptsache über die hohen Mieten Kotzen. Wenn das nicht geregelt wird ohne dass sich das auf Mietpreise oder Heizungskosten widerspiegelt, muss man sich nicht wundern wenn 2025 die AFD 25% hat, den Remmo-Clan haben nicht nur 80% der Berliner satt, sondern sogar 70% der Deutschen, aber das muss im Berliner Koalitionspapier wahrscheinlich erst mal gegendert werden.


Gut das versuchte integrierte Flüchtlinge schon so genug Probleme mit der deutschen Rechtschreibung haben, mit Gender:Innen wird das jetzt im Sprachkurs noch um ein vieles einfacher, gelle?

Einfach Super, der Wasserkopf:innen

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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