Dear NSA - we surrender!

NSA Inquiry As you might have recognized - the german governmental party has no intention to work on the surveillance topic properly.

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Psst, dear NSA. It came to me this week, that you have spies and some serious submarines well placed inside the german governmental organisation, the ministry of defense and probably in each and every possible edge of this country.

If not in person, it is for sure digitally. Digitally yours - sounds like a nice greeting over the pond. But it is delivered with a bitter grin on a sad face.

These days, I see former NATO-Staff, totally not prepared for the cyberwar, that you have started. I already accepted, that NATO is a little ineffectiv - for sure you know what I mean.

But our government still seems claims to believe, this is only an irritation in a well going friendship.

Seeing a parlamentarian and former NATO-Colonel (Kiesewetter) who totally underestimates the threat on the fellow members of the inquiry for three months, makes me sick.

You may have heard since the last meeting, that now the parliamentarians use cryptophones. So your agents have to tap the landlines of the parliamentarians private homes and wait for them to use the crypto while other devices around loose battery very fast to record and transmit, whatever is available in spoken voice.

Sorry for this - I think this is one of the effects of confronting the opposition with the Verizon-contracts, you have so carefully installed - maybe together with the BND.

Planting Facepalms

How can it be, that the head of the inquiry commission does not raise the self-protection of parliamentarians to an appropriate OP-Sec-Level BEFORE the investigation starts?

How can it happen, that the head of the inquiry commission announces on television IN ADVANCE that he will have his Smartphone checked for viruses and trojan horses. Not only once, but twice. It is ridicolous.

I will not accuse you to snoop on the members of the inquiry. Just as a matter of courtesy .

MAYBE you really got aware, that the shit you are currently doing to peoples privacy is worse than any measure china and north korea do take on their population.

MAYBE, that you do not look closer into our parliamentarians smartphones, laptops and computers.

MAYBE, it is one of the other fucking paranoid services around the world - please excuse the f-word - that is probably watching everything, the parliamentarians of the NSA-Inquiry are doing.

But DEFINITELY our government does not send the best of the best of the best to investigate, what you have done. Beginning to plan IT-OpSec three months AFTER the investigation starts? I hope, that this is NOT exactly what you requested?

Dear NSA: currently - as much as I hate to say so - you pretty well deserve to be on top and ruling. You should not be there and I think, our government has no intention to get you out of this position.

So: here we are - we have to surrender.

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Geschrieben von

Daniel Lücking

Journalist - verfolgt den 1. Untersuchungsauschuss des Bundestags zum Attentat am Breitscheidplatz vom 19.12.2016

Daniel Lücking

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