Der lange Krieg im Korengal-Tal

Afghanistan Krieg ist Alltag in Afghanistan - schon im 8. Jahr. Die Bilder Adam Deans erzählen davon. Der Fotograf war an der pakistanisch-afghanischen Grenze bei US-Truppen embedded

The long war
Adam Dean

2009 is a critical year for Afghanistan. The war that began on October 7, 2001 shows no sign of ending soon and has already lasted longer than both World Wars. With the deteriorating security situation across much of the country and the massive influx of US Army military personnel, the Obama administration is hoping to turn things around before this summer's critical elections.

Much of the fighting and consequently the recent troop surge has been in the southern province of Helmand but as the war has continued it has become increasing clear that the borderlands between the eastern provinces of Afghanistan and Pakistan's tribal areas may well hold the key to success.

Adam Dean has been working in Afghanistan since 2004 and has spent several months in the past year embedded with US Army units along this troubled border.

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