Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 186 - Yemen War Mosaic 186

Yemen Press Reader 186: USA schauen weg – Kinder im Jemen – 3 Millionen Vertriebene - Ärzte ohne Grenzen verlässt Nordjemen – USA fördern Kriegsverbrechen – Think Tanks produzieren Endlos-Kriege

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USA looking the other way - Children in Yemen – 3 Million displaced people in Yemen – Doctors Without Borders leave Northern Yemen – USA promoting war crimes – Think tanks generate endless wars – and more

Der etwas langatmige Titel für den Yemen Press Reader ändert sich und wird Jemenkrieg-Mosaik

The somewhat lengthy German title of Yemen Press Reader changes to Yemen War Mosaic

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

19.8.2016 – New York Times (** A K P)

Saudi Arabia Kills Civilians, the U.S. Looks the Other Way

An Obama administration official told me on the condition of anonymity that the United States included the bridge [Sanaa-Hodeida road, bombed Aug. 11] on a no-strike list of vital infrastructure, explicitly informing the Saudis that it was “critical to responding to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.” And yet the Saudi-led coalition obliterated the structure, either intentionally disregarding humanitarian considerations and the wishes of the United States, or out of sheer incompetence.

The American assistance for Saudi Arabia that Mr. Obama authorized last March includes aerial refueling for coalition jets, intelligence and targeting assistance. American tankers offload fuel to any coalition jet, no matter its target. This support comes on top of more than $100 billion in arms deals with Saudi Arabia between 2010 and 2015, and recent deals made explicitly to “replenish” stockpiles spent in Yemen.

At the United Nations, Saudi Arabia and its allies have blockedinvestigations into the Yemen conflict and complained when the Security Council considered a resolution aimed at protecting Yemeni civilians.

The Saudis are not the only negative force in Yemen. The Houthis and their allies loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh have waged a cynical war, and are responsible for human rights violations. But it is difficult to see what possible progress can be made when Saudi Arabia routinely bombs civilian sites.

Many in Washington see support for the Saudi-led coalition as necessary for maintaining American-Saudi relations after the nuclear deal with Iran last year. Saudi Arabia has used this leeway to carry out its Yemen campaign with abandon. Each fatal strike and subsequent implausible Saudi denial should test the limits of the Obama administration’s support.

Instead, a spokesman for United States Central Command, which oversees American operations in the Middle East including support for the coalition, told me last week that the United States is not conducting a single investigation into civilian casualties in Yemen.

The Obama administration has in recent days insisted that it wants all sides in Yemen’s war to stop fighting. But as American tankers wait to refuel American-made fighter jets, loaded with American-made bombs destined for Yemen, the White House evidently doesn’t realize that it is waging a war – by Samuel Oakford

19.8.2016 - International Organization for Migration (** A H)

More than 3 million uprooted by conflict in Yemen

Figures released today by UNHCR and IOM show that forced displacement across Yemen is on the rise. The conflict has now uprooted 3,154,572 people which include 2,205,102 individuals who remain displaced across the country and some 949,470 displaced people who have attempted to return home.

The figures appear in the latest report of the Task Force on Population Movement (TFPM), a technical working group led by UNHCR and IOM as part of the humanitarian response to the crisis in Yemen.

Amid escalating conflict and worsening humanitarian conditions, displacement across the country has seen an increase of seven per cent since April, with 152,009 individuals fleeing from violence within this period. “The crisis is forcing more and more people to leave their homes in search of safety.
More than three million people now live in very transient and precarious situations, struggling to cover basic needs,” said Ita Schuette, UNHCR’s Deputy Representative in Yemen.

Whilst the report also confirms a significant number of displaced people are attempting to return home, a 24 per cent increase of some 184,491 individuals, the report cautions that movements remain fluid and correlate to moments of lulls or perceived improvements in the conflict. and full report:

19.8.2016 – Human Rights Watch (** A K P)

Congress Needs to Press the Pentagon, Saudi Arabia on Abuses in Yemen War

Direct US support for coalition airstrikes, such as providing targeting intelligence and in-air refuelling, has made the United States a partyto the conflict under international law.

The coalition-appointed panel of investigators recommended compensation for victims of only one—the July 24, 2015 bombing of two residential compounds for workers at the Mokha Steam Power Plant and their families that killed at least 65 civilians.

The panel blamed the faulty targeting on “inaccurate intelligence information” rather than deliberate or reckless acts by the personnel involved. But this admission that the attack was wrongful represents a real change in tone.

After Human Rights Watch released a report from the bombed-out site, the coalition’s military spokesman, Saudi Gen. Ahmad alAssiri, denied that coalition aircraft were responsible for the attack and said our report wasn’t credible. He later claimed that my colleagues and I had not been on the ground during the war, despite the hefty written, video, and photographic material we have issued documenting our trips there.

The panel also said the coalition should have warned medical staff at the Doctors Without Borders-supported Haydan hospital in Saada governorate before bombing it six times. But the panel dismissed the seriousness of attacking a hospital by concluding there had been no “human damage.”

The coalition’s examination of attacks is a reversal of past practice, but there’s a long way to go before its investigations can be considered credible, transparent, and impartial.

There are also many more airstrikes that need to be investigated. It is unclear how the panel chose these 8 strikes overthe more than 70 apparently unlawful airstrikesthat we and Amnesty International have documented, and the more than 100 that the United Nationshas.

Also striking is the panel’s failure to address the use of internationally banned cluster munitions.

Unless the panel investigates all alleged unlawful coalition attacks during this devastating war and does so in accordance with international standards, Saudi Arabia and other coalition members should agree to an independent international investigation into serious violations by all parties to the conflict so that accountability is ensured. The victims of these attacks have the right to know on whose watch their family members were killed.

For its part, Congress should not approve weapons sales to a government that cannot seem to stop its military from committing war crimes nor bring itself to seriously investigate the crimes that have already occurred. Cutting sales is the most powerful form of leverage that the US has in this war, and continued sales will instead send the clear message to the coalition that there is no cost to killing hundreds of civilians with impunity -by Belkis Wille

18.8.2016 – UNICEF (*** B H K)

Yemen: Childhood under threat

Nearly 400 children have been killed and over 600 others injured since the violence escalated some four months ago.
Disrupted health services, increased levels of child malnutrition, closed schools and higher numbers of children recruited by fighting groups are among the effects of the conflict now ravaging the Arab world’s poorest country.

“This conflict is a particular tragedy for Yemeni children”, said UNICEF Representative in Yemen, Julien Harneis. “Children are being killed by bombs or bullets and those that survive face the growing threat of disease and malnutrition. This cannot be allowed to continue”, he added.
The report underlines that as devastating as the conflict is for the lives of children right now, it will have terrifying consequences for their future.
Across the country, nearly 10 million children – 80 per cent of the country’s under-18 population – are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. More than 1.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes.

Yemen: Childhood Under Threatoutlines the different dimensions of the crisis facing children including:

At least 398 children killed and 605 injured as a result since the conflict escalated in March.

Children recruited or used in the conflict has more than doubled – from 156 in 2014 to 377 so far verified in 2015.

15.2 million people lack access to basic health care, with 900 health facilities closed since March 26.

1.8 million children are likely to suffer from some form of malnutrition by the end of the year.

20.4 million people are in need of assistance to establish or maintain access to safe water and sanitation due to fuel shortages, infrastructure damage and insecurity.

Nearly 3,600 schools have closed down, affecting over 1.8 million children.

Recent rapid assessments on child protection show that most children are living under enormous stress—up to 80 per cent of affected children say they fear playing in the open.

UNICEF has been at the centre of humanitarian operations in Yemen since the beginning of the conflict. Its staff working across the country are responding to the critical needs of children by providing life-saving services including distribution of safe water and treatment of children with malnutrition, as well as diarrhoea, measles and pneumonia. and in full:

See also:

UNICEF photos from Yemen crisis:

UNICEF videos from Yemen crisis:

in detail:

Yemen conflict: (6 videos)

Children: (3 videos)

Displaced people:

Malnutrition: (2 videos)

Hospitals and water:

Supplies: and

Voices of Youth: (2 videos)

18.8.2016 – Aljazeera (* B H K)

[About the UNICEF report; this as addition:]

"This conflict is a particular tragedy for Yemeni children," Julien Harneis, UNICEF Representative in Yemen, said.

"Children are being killed by bombs or bullets and those that survive face the growing threat of disease and malnutrition. This cannot be allowed to continue," he added.

18.8.2016 – VOL.AT (** A H K)

Ärzte ohne Grenzen räumen Kliniken im Jemen

Die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen (MSF) hat ihre Mitarbeiter aus sechs Krankenhäusern im Norden des Jemen abgezogen, nachdem dort am Montag bei einem Luftangriff auf eine Klinik 19 Menschen getötet worden waren. Die in Paris ansässige Organisation erklärte am Donnerstag, sie halte die Kliniken in den Regionen Saada und Hadscha nicht länger für sicher.

Außerdem habe man das Vertrauen in die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition verloren, “solche tödlichen Angriffe zu verhindern”, teilte MSF mit. und Spiegel Online:

19.8.2016 – HPD (* A K P)

Nach erneutem Luftangriff: Ärzte ohne Grenzen geben Kliniken im Jemen auf

Ärzte ohne Grenzenfordert erneut von allen Konfliktparteien und insbesondere von der Allianz unter saudi-arabischer Führung, die für den Angriff verantwortlich ist, Garantien, dass es einen solchen Angriff nicht noch einmal geben wird. Als Konsequenz zogen dieÄrzte ohne GrenzenPersonal aus dem Krankenhaus ab. "Das Personal aus sechs Spitälern werde in Sicherheit gebracht… Als Grund wurden 'willkürliche Bombardements' und 'unverlässliche Zusicherungen' des saudisch geführten Militärbündnisses angeführt.

19.8.2016 – Die Welt (* A K P)

Arabische Militärkoalition will mit Helfern über Rückkehr in den Jemen beraten

Nach dem Abzug von Helfern aus sechs Krankenhäusern hat die im Jemen kämpfende arabische Militärkoalition sich für rasche Gespräche mit der Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen (MSF) über eine Rückkehr ausgesprochen. Die Militärkoalition bedaure die Entscheidung von MSF zum Abzug sehr, hieß es in einer am Freitag veröffentlichten Erklärung. Mit der Organisation solle rasch darüber beraten werden, "wie wir zusammen diese Situation lösen können".

Kommentar: Heuchelei und Zynismus in Höchstform. Man will halt den Skandal wenigstens noch halbwegs kontrollieren. Man will doch noch als „Partner“ von Ärzte ohne Grenzen dastehen, wie die Formulierung zeigt: "wie wir zusammen diese Situation lösen können".

19.8.2016 – dpa (* A K P)

Einsatzchefin von Ärzte ohne Grenzen: Die Lage im Jemen ist schrecklich

Die Chefin der MSF-Einsätze, Isabelle Defourny, äußerte sich am Freitag in Paris in einem Interview mit der Deutschen Presse-Agentur zu den Hintergründen.
Die Situation im Jemen ist schrecklich. Das Gesundheitssystem ist zerstört. Der Zugang zu medizinischer Behandlung ist äußerst schwierig. Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind sehr hoch. Die Tatsache, dass wir gehen werden, wird den Zugang zu medizinischer Behandlung weiter verringern.
Wir werden dem jemenitischen Personal der Krankenhäuser Medikamente liefern, falls sie (die jemenitischen Mitarbeiter) bereit sind, die medizinischen Einrichtungen weiter funktionieren zu lassen. Wir haben einen Punkt erreicht, wo wir nicht mehr sehen, wie wir die humanitäre Hilfe in diesen bombardierten Regionen weiterführen können.
Frage: Das saudisch-geführte Militärbündnis will MSF treffen, um eine gemeinsame Lösung zu finden. Was sagen Sie dazu?
Antwort: Wir haben die saudische Koalition zwei Mal getroffen, im Februar und im Juli. Sie haben uns Zusicherungen gegeben. Wir haben ihnen GPS-Daten unserer Krankenhäuser gegeben. Wir haben die Identifizierung unserer medizinischen Einrichtungen diskutiert. Wir haben alle Reisen angemeldet, als sich unsere Teams sich in Bewegung setzten.

Sie haben beim letzten Mal im Juli Zusicherungen gegeben, das war alles glaubhaft und ernsthaft. Und heute sprechen sie nach den Bombardierungen von Fehlern. Die Frage des Vertrauens, das ist eine Frage von Leben und Tod.
Wir unterbrechen den Dialog mit der saudischen Koalition nicht, wir sind bereit, mit ihnen zu sprechen. Wir haben ihnen mehrere präzise Fragen zu stellen. Wir haben keine Ahnung, worin die Fehler (bei den Bombardierungen) bestehen. Wir hören nicht endgültig auf. Wir unterbrechen unsere Aktivitäten.

19.8.2016 – Deutshe Welle (* A K P)

"Ärzte ohne Grenzen" zurück in den Jemen?

Nach dem angekündigten Abzug der Organisation "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" will das arabische Militär die Ärzte bewegen, im Land zu bleiben. Untersuchungen sollen nun den Luftangriff aufklären, der zum Abzug der Ärzte führte.

So berichtete die staatliche saudische Nachrichtenagentur, die Allianz wolle ein dringendes Treffen mit "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" abhalten, um die Mediziner im Land zu halten. Mit der Organisation solle rasch darüber beraten werden, wie man zusammen diese Situation lösen könne.

Unterdessen hat die Hilfsorganisation ihre Bereitschaft zum Kontakt zum saudisch-geführten Militärbündnis angezeigt. "Wir unterbrechen den Dialog mit der saudischen Koalition nicht, wir sind bereit mit ihnen zu sprechen", sagte die Chefin der Einsatzplanung, Isabelle Defourny, in Paris.Ärzte-ohne-grenzen-zur%C3%BCck-in-den-jemen/a-19487711

Kommentar: Der Titel dieses Artikels macht die Wünsche der Saudis schon zu einer halben Tatsache. Wo fängt hier die Propaganda an?

18.8.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (** A H K)

MSF Evacuates Staff from Six Hospitals in Northern Yemen


Following theAugust 15 aerial bombingof Abs Hospital in Yemen’s Hajjah governorate, which killed 19 people and injured 24, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has decided to evacuate its staff from the hospitals it supports in Saada and Hajjah governorates in northern Yemen.

MSF is withdrawing its staff members from Haydan, Razeh, Al Gamouri and Yasnim hospitals in Saada governorate and Abs and Al Gamouri hospitals in Hajjah governorate. The airstrike on Abs Hospital was the fourth and the deadliest attack on an MSF-supported medical facility during this war

Over the last eight months, MSF has met with high-ranking SLC officials on two occasions in Riyadh to ensure that humanitarian and medical assistance can reach Yeminis, as well as to seek assurances that attacks on hospitals would end.

Aerial bombings have however continued, despite the fact that MSF has systematically shared the GPS coordinates of hospitals in which the organization works with the parties involved in the conflict. Coalition officials repeatedly state that they honor international humanitarian law, yet this attack shows a failure to control the use of force and to avoid attacks on hospitals full of patients. MSF is neither satisfied with nor reassured by the Saudi-led coalition’s statement that this attack was a mistake.

The decision to evacuate the staff, who include obstetricians, pediatricians, surgeons and emergency room specialists, was not taken lightly, but in the absence of credible assurances that parties to the conflict will respect the protected status of medical facilities, medical workers and patients.

The hospitals that MSF supports in Saada, Haydan, Razeh, Abs, Yasnim, and Hajjah will continue to operate with staff from the Ministry of Health and local volunteers. These hospitals are already struggling to keep up with the medical needs caused by the renewed bombing campaign, which are exacerbated by the numerous supply shortages in Yemen.

MSF condemns the way all actors involved in the conflict, including the Saudi-led coalition, the Houthis and allies, are conducting this war and carrying out indiscriminate attacks without any respect for civilians. =

Comment: That’s what the Saudis wanted. There are no independent witnesses of their crimes in the region any more. And the situation for the people living there is getting still more disastrous. Remember from February: Exclusive: Saudi Arabia Warns the UN and Aid Workers in Yemen,

Comments by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Unfortunately, MSF leaving won't slow down aerial bombardment. To opposite, now no witnesses, will intensify.

Severe shortage of doctors/meds in already catastrophic healthcare situation just took nosedive to worse. and

Comment by Judith Brown: So terribly sad - and maybe this is what Saudi Arabia was aiming for. MSF has been trying to offer care under terrible circumstances in Yemen and its hospitals are constantly targeted. This not only causes danger to staff and patients but also makes people unwilling to attend hospital for care. And meanwhile people will die without care, and more importantly to the Saudi led coalition, the bodies cannot be counted as they have to be verified by a medical facility. So shocking.

And see the top of cynism:

19.8.2016 – Reuters (* A K P) Saudi-led coalition says it regrets MSF decision to evacuate staff from Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition expressed deep regret over a decision by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) to evacuate staff from northern Yemen and said it was trying to set up "urgent meetings" with the medical aid group.

MSF said on Thursday it was evacuating its staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen after a Saudi-led coalition air strike hit a health facility operated by the group killing 19 people.

"The coalition to support the legitimacy in Yemen expressed its deep regret over MSF decision to evacuate its staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen and asserts its appreciation for the work the group is undertaking with the Yemeni people in these difficult circumstances," the coalition said in a statement carried by Saudi state news agency SPA.

The coalition said it was committed to respecting international humanitarian law in all its operations in Yemen and had set up an independent team to investigate incidents in which civilians are killed.

"The coalition is seeking to hold urgent meetings with MSF to find a way on how to jointly find a solution to this situation," the statement said.

Comment: "The coalition to support the legitimacy in Yemen”: there is more “legitimacy” with the new Houthi / Saleh government in Yemen now than with any other president and government. And: “The coalition said it was committed to respecting international humanitarian law in all its operations in Yemen” is a bad joke. Just look how they did it (graphic!): / and

Comment by Dr. Joanne Liu, International President of Doctors without Borders: Hospitals in Saada & Hajjah governorates too unsafe 4 patients & staff-can't trust Saudi led coalition

Comment by Abdallah Alradai: Bouchet-Saulnier, @MSFLegal Director: "They’re sorry, but we're dead.They killed our patients, they killed our staff."

Comment by Judith Brown: Well why oh why do they keep bombing the people and hospitals of Yemen ? And it's schools, it's roads and bridges, it's factories, it's farms, it's warehouses, it's refugee camps, just everything. Do the coalition think that this will win the war against ANYONE????

19.8.2016 – AFP (* A K P)

Coalition wants urgent talks over MSF Yemen pullout

The Saudi-led coalition fighting rebels in Yemen said Friday it wanted urgent talks with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) over the charity's withdrawal of staff from six hospitals in the war-torn country.

Paris-based MSF on Thursday accused the coalition of "indiscriminate bombings" and said it had lost confidence in the alliance's ability to prevent fatal attacks on its facilities.

"We very much regret MSF's decision to evacuate staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen," the coalition said.

"We are seeking urgent discussions with MSF to understand how we can work together to resolve this situation."

The coalition added that it values greatly MSF's work "under difficult circumstances" in Yemen. = and even Gulf News adopts this (Western agencies reports even fit for Saudi / Emirati media):

Comment: LOL. Look at comment above.

19.8.2016 – Arab News (A K P)

MSF leaving Yemen ‘unhelpful’

Comment: Among other events, repeating the coalition's statements. Here just added for the headline, which is rather odd: “unhelpful”!! Unhelpful for what? For Saudis' reputation, I guess.

19.8.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

MSF leaving Yemen due to world silence on Saudi raids: Analyst

Press TV has conducted an interview with Omar Nashabe, a political analyst, about Doctors Without Borders (MSF) announcing that it is evacuating its staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen, saying it cannot get assurances that its hospitals will not be bombed again by Saudi warplanes.

Nashabe: Well as is the case with the American bombing in Iraq in the past, well today the Saudis have learned the lesson from the Americans apparently and they use the term “collateral damage” and they say this was a mistake and they did not actually target the hospital. Well with the advanced equipment that they have and the advanced military equipment and the radar system and the advanced target designation radars and all these equipment that are there with the Saudi army, I think it is difficult for them to say that it was a mistake.

PressTV: Well speaking of accountability, Saudi Arabia has set up a meeting with MSF representatives and tried to assure them that they are setting up an independent inquiry into these incidents that get reported from the Yemen war. What do you make of that?

Nashabe: Well this is, I think, a diplomatic move in order to calm things down but I think the actual damage has been done and there is blood and as we say in Arabic, ‘blood cannot be turned into water’. There is blood, they killed people, they should be held accountable, mistake or no mistake, inquiry or no inquiry.

18.8.2016 – The Guardian (** B K P)

The US is promoting war crimes in Yemen

The humanitarian disaster there is, by some measures, greater than that in Syria. Why is Obama continuing to enable the Saudi bombing campaign?

This US-backed war is not just a case of the Obama administration sitting idly by while its close ally goes on a destructive spree of historic proportions. The government is actively selling the Saudis billions of dollars of weaponry. They’re re-supplyingplanes engaged in the bombing runsand providing “intelligence” for the targets that Saudi Arabia is hitting.

Put simply, the US is quite literally funding a humanitarian catastrophe that, by some measures, islarger than the crisis in Syria.

High-ranking Obama administration officials are hardly ever asked about the crisis. Cable television news has almost universally ignored it. Both the Clinton and Trump presidential campaigns have been totally silent on this issue despite their constant arguing over who would be better at “stopping terrorism”.

The fact that the Obama administration has allowed the Saudis to continue committing war crimes should be a full-fledged scandal. Officials should be resigning over this and shouting from the rooftops. Instead, for months, we’ve heard almost nothing from the administration beyond a couple boilerplate, lukewarm expressions of “concern” as the death toll has mounted over a year and a half. Finally, after prodding from reporters last week, the US state department condemned the bombing of a Doctors Without Borders (AKA Médecins sans Frontières) hospital thatkilled at least 15 people. But then, thestate department spokesman refusedto say whether the US would stop supplying the Saudis with the weapons they are using.

At the same time, the US military can’t even articulate why our government is helping at all.

the US has the ability to step in and stop the disaster unfolding Yemen right now. Yet most of those same pundits remain disturbingly silent on the issue – by Trevor Timm

17.8.2016 – Consortium News (** B P)

How ‘Think Tanks’ Generate Endless War

U.S. “think tanks” rile up the American public against an ever-shifting roster of foreign “enemies” to justify wars which line the pockets of military contractors who kick back some profits to the “think tanks”.

U.S. “think tanks” rile up the American public against an ever-shifting roster of foreign “enemies” to justify wars which line the pockets of military contractors who kick back some profits to the “think tanks,” explains retired JAG Major Todd E. Pierce.

The New York Times took notice recently of the role that so-called “think tanks” play in corrupting U.S. government policy. Their review of think tanks “identified dozens of examples of scholars conducting research at think tanks while corporations were paying them to help shape government policy.”

Unfortunately, and perhaps predictably, while the Times investigation demonstrates well that the U.S. is even more corrupt – albeit the corruption is better disguised – than the many foreign countries which we routinely accuse of corruption, the Times failed to identify the most egregious form of corruption in our system. That is, those think tanks are constantly engaged in the sort of activities which the Defense Department identifies as “Information War” when conducted by foreign countries that are designated by the U.S. as an enemy at any given moment.

Information warfare uses disinformation and propaganda to condition a population to hate a foreign nation or population with the intent to foment a war, which is the routine “business” of the best known U.S. think tanks.

There are two levels to this information war. The first level is by the primary provocateur, such as the Rand Corporation, the American Enterprise Institute andthe smaller war instigators found wherever a Kagan family member lurks. They use psychological “suggestiveness” to create a false narrative of danger from some foreign entity with the objective being to create paranoia within the U.S. population that it is under imminent threat of attack or takeover.

Once that fear and paranoia is instilled in much of the population, it can then be manipulated to foment a readiness or eagerness for war, in the manner that Joseph Goebbels understood well.

The measure of success from such a disinformation and propaganda effort can be seen when the narrative is adopted by secondary communicators who are perhaps the most important target audience. That is because they are “key communicators” in PsyOp terms, who in turn become provocateurs in propagating the false narrative even more broadly and to its own audiences, and becoming “combat multipliers” in military terms – by Todd E. Pierce

cp2 Allgemein / General

19.8.2016 – Critical Threats (* A K P)

Gulf of Aden Security Review

[Main events day bay day from Aug. 19 backwards]

19.8.2016 – Huffington Post (* B K P)

Yemen at war - The sound of your silence

Today silence has become more than a war crime. Today silence has become more than just the manifestation of our egocentrism and selfishness. Today silence has enabled, empowered and shielded oppressors and tyrants.

Today I’m hoping that silence at last will be broken.

I urge you to remember that as officials, politicians and other bodies debate Yemen, and the suffering which has befallen this impoverished nation of southern Arabia, lives are being lost, communities are being obliterated, and a people is being starved.

Those are the crimes, and the heinous barbaric atrocities we have all failed to stop for we lack political courage.

Before I begin to speak to you about Yemen humanitarian crisis, allow me to teach you Yemen’s pain. Allow me to open a window into the hell we have all collectively contributed to, for we have lacked courage, determination, and humanity.

A people was made to starve, and you, we, all of us, argued legal technicalities and realpolitik.

As bombs have rained and poisonous chemical filled the air, you, we, all of us, have turned away to avoid the shame of our collective apathy!

We cannot look away anymore. Looking away today equates to the most despicable of war crimes since it offers immunity to the very brutes we ought to cast out! - by Catherine Shakdam

19.8.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A H K)

A)Kid survives Assad bombing #SyriaB)Kids survive Saudi bombing #Yemen..Guess which made international front pages

18.8.2016 – Omnyapp (** A K)

Audio: The Saudis brutal war in Yemen

@Night with Dan Riendeau

For 17-months Saudi Arabia has engaged in a brutal war in neighbouring Yemen. The Saudi’s invaded when a Shia rebel group known as the Houthi’s overthrew the former Saudi backed Sunni regime. The UN and other international observers have been harshly critical of the Saudi’s indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets including hospitals and schools.

Hisham Al-Omeisy, Political Analyst based in Yemen

18.8.2016 – Finian Cunningham (* A K P)

Deutsche Version hier: nicht vollständig. Complete English version(**): Link below.

Westliche Werte … machen wir ein Mord-Geschäft im Jemen

Das Gemetzel im Jemen wird schlimmer, wie immer vor allem an Zivilisten. Aber schändlicherweise gibt es in den westlichen Medien keinen Aufschrei. Man schweigt, obwohl die westlichen Regierungen enorme Profite einheimsen, da sie die saudische Aggression gegen ihren südlichen Nachbarn unterstützen. Wo bleibt der edle westliche Journalismus, um diesen Horror zu untersuchen?

Wäre Washington wirklich daran gelegen, die Vernichtung von Hospitälern und den „kolateralen Schaden“ an Zivilisten zu stoppen, warum fahren sie dann fort, den Saudis ihre volle militärische und politische Unterstützung im Jemen zu geben, wo Krankenhäuser, Schulen und Wohnhäuser ständig bombardiert werden?

Abgesehen von gelegentlicher verbaler „Sorge“ wegen der zivilen Toten, haben die westlichen Regierungen geschwiegen.

Was im Grunde im Jemen passiert, ist eine durch-und-durch ausländische Aggression – nach Nürnberger Standard ein Kapitalverbrechen – an dem alle westlichen Länder mitschuldig sind.

Wo sind denn die UNO-Sanktionen gegen Saudiarabien und ihre Unterstützer in Washington, London und Paris?
Es gibt deswegen keine, weil die UNO ein Werkzeug der westlichen Geopolitik ist. Eine frühere Verurteilung von UN-Chef Ban Ki-moon wurde schnell zurückgenommen, weil die Saudis drohten, nicht mehr ihre Mitgliedsbeiträge an die UNO zu zahlen.

Im Jemen [im Unterschied zu Syrien, wo man einen nicht passenden gewählten Präsidenten stürzen will. D. Ü.] will der Westen eine korrupte Marionette wieder zu Amt und Würden bringen.

Der einzige westliche „Wert“, der Bedeutung hat, ist das Geld, das durch Menschenleben gemacht werden kann. Jemen demonstriert, wie diese boshafte räuberische Logik funktioniert: Menschen töten, samt Frauen und Kindern, bedeutet mehr Profit, was seinerseits mehr Mord bedeutet. Diese schändliche Logik des westlichen Kapitalismus muss aber mit allen Mitteln geheimgehalten werden. Daher das westliche Medien-Schweigen und die Blindheit in Bezug auf den Jemen – von Finian Cunningham and full English version:

18.8.2016 – ABC Net (*A K)

The war on children

A Night Strike: “I want to go out and play,” says eight-year-old Faris as he lies in his hospital bed. Then the burned and wounded boy turns pleadingly to his grandfather: “Will I live? Will I live?”
Faris and his family were asleep when a missile hit their house, killing his mother and brother.
A Wedding Party: “We didn’t expect them to hit a wedding,” says Mohammed. He was among the wedding guests who had just finished feasting; the singing and dancing was starting up. Then came the air strike - leaving as many as 40 people dead, among them a little girl named Jood, aged five. She was Mohammed’s daughter.
“We recognised her from her hair ribbon,” he says. “There was no face.”
A Starving Child: “We don’t sleep day or night worrying about him,” says the father of 17-month-old Eissa. The boy is severely malnourished and needs to move into the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. His family can’t afford it.
A Boy Soldier: “Are you going to watch your country and your kids and families destroyed?” laments another father, as he buries his 16-year-old son, a child soldier taken by a sniper’s bullet.
“Why is the whole world silent about Yemen?”
Middle East Correspondent Sophie McNeill travels to Yemen (report to come Aug. 20).

18.8.2016 – Shiite News (A P)


People in Yemen have held a huge demonstration to express their approval of the formation of the Higher Political Council and the reopening of the parliament in the crisis-hit country.

People flocked into the streets of the southwestern province of Ta'izz on Wednesday to voice their support for the recent developments in Yemen’s political scene.

The protesters were carrying placards condemning the Saudi war on Yemen and highlighting the need for unity in the fight against aggressors and mercenaries.

Comment: Interesting that this happened at Taiz, where both sides are fighting already for more than a year.

8.2016 – Change Org Italy (* A K)

Stop armi italiane ai sauditi che le usano per stragi di civili nello Yemen

[Italian petition against selling arms to Saudi Arabia; also Italy sells arms to Saudi Arabia, in this case bombs. Yes, you are right, bombs – that’s what the Saudis drop every day at Yemen]

18.8.2016 – Telepolis (* B K P)

Jemen: Ignorierte Zerstörung

Der Krieg im Jemen ist hauptsächlich eine einseitige Zerstörung unter der Federführung Saudi-Arabiens, die im Schatten der Weltöffentlichkeit weiterhin fortgeführt wird

Die Frage, wann und inwiefern eine solche Untersuchung [des Angriffs auf die MSF-Klinik] stattfinden wird, bleibt zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt offen. Nach allen Bombardements spielte sich nämlich stets dasselbe Szenario ab. Obwohl MSF schon im Vorhinein die Koordinaten seiner Einrichtungen an alle Konfliktparteien übermittelte, fanden dennoch Luftangriffe statt. Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Kriegsallianz leugnete im Nachhinein immer wieder jegliche Beteiligung - bis der nächste Angriff stattfand.

Die Ignoranz Riads hat mehrere Gründe. Einerseits findet der Krieg im Jemen weiterhin im Schatten der Weltöffentlichkeit statt. Die meisten politischen und medialen Akteure bringen ein starkes Desinteresse an den Tag. Andererseits herrscht eine direkte oder indirekte Unterstützung für das saudische Vorgehen, in der hauptsächlich westliche Staaten eine dominante Rolle einnehmen – von Emran Feroz

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

19.8.2016 – Sputnik News (* A H)

Hospitals in Yemen's Taiz register rise in civilian casualities – MSF

Doctors Without Borders (MSF)-supported hospitals in the war-torn Yemeni city of Taiz have registered a many-fold increase in numbers of wounded civilians admitted for treatment, MSF said Friday.

Fighting between forces loyal to the Saudi-backed government of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and the Ansar Allah movement's Houthi rebels has intensified over recent days [see cp17 here]

19.8.2016 - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Statement of behalf of the Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, Jamie McGoldrick, on the World Humanitarian Day

In Yemen, the recent escalation of hostilities is exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation. The spike in fighting, including airstrikes, has affected non-military targets such as hospitals and schools which have been damaged and destroyed, resulting in casualties among innocent civilians, particularly women and children who continue to bear the brunt of the conflict.

Humanitarian workers have not been spared in the escalation of violence. Medical staff, in particular, have come under fire while providing assistance since the beginning of the conflict. Attacks on medical facilities are prohibited under international humanitarian law. These attacks put at risk the lives and well-being of millions of people who rely on medical assistance for survival and they will continue to impact the access to longterm health care when peace comes.

Despite the difficult situation, humanitarian partners in Yemen continue to work to reach as many people as they can with resources available.

19.8.2016 – Huffington Post (* B H)

Yemen: Three Hundred Sixty Five Days and Still Counting

Three hundred and sixty five days and still counting. The war in Yemen continues. The majority of Yemenis who have no stake in the war continue to suffer. Yet, they have an unwavering hope that things will be better tomorrow. Some of these brave hearts are within our own organization CARE. - by Ram Das, CARE Emergency Coordinator in Yemen

19.8.2016 – The Talking of the Soul (* B H)

Yemen, where schools are bombed ‘just because’

According to Unicef, over 3000 schools had to close doing to the ‘ongoing conflict’ (why no one calls it an aggression is still beyond comprehension) leaving almost 2 million children with no education.

What the world does not get is the vastitude of this war: schools are considered recruitment places for child soldiers, hence, bombed.
Schools are bombed just because everything else has already been bombed. Schools are bombed because the uncle of the cousin of someone whose relative teaches in the school is Houthi or has a drop of Iranian blood in his veins.
Schools are bombed as collateral damage.
Schools are bombed because the carnage of the innocent hurts more and there is a pleasure in breaking the spine of Yemen.
Schools are bombed because the ‘taking of Sanaa’ the media keeps on filling its mouth with, passes through war crimes. One after the other, one filthier than the other.
The vast majority of Yemeni children goes to school empty stomach because 80% of the population is food insecure (famined), still, teachers are there and children walk to whatever stands as a school.
A paranoid urge to bomb has pervaded Saudis: something unseen before in history. Satanic.

18.8.2016 – Oxfam /* A H)

Oxfam Yemen Situation Report #25, 30 July 2016

Suspension of regional and international donor support has undoubtedly contributed to worsening the economic and social crises. Therefore, we call on our donors to resume their support to Yemen, particularly financing the cash assistance provided to the poor beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Fund, as well as financing the basic services projects that are necessary for all Yemenis. Said Dr. Mohammed Al‐Maitami , Minister of Planning and International Cooperation in MoPIC social economical updates No.16.

Hadi’s government wants to relocate the Central Bank to the south, due to real and perceived interference and a desire to assert control over state functions ( as demanded by PM. Ahmed bin Dahgher) .

Cash distributions affected‐ Oxfam confronted challenges in making cash distribution in the north through a Post Office, with the latter citing a lack of YER to make the transfer. Whilst the issue has been resolved and the transfer was made, this does highlight the ongoing instability in the Yemeni banking sector. and in full:

18.8.2016 – 7 Days AE (** B H)

War in Yemen causes “terrifying” medical emergency

The war in Yemen has caused the country’s public healthcare system to collapse, with “terrifying” consequences, a top medical aid agency has said.

Thousands of Yemenis have died from diseases that could be treated if the fighting stopped, Medicine San Frontieres’ (MSF) country director for Yemen said.

Hassan Boucenine told 7DAYS that more than 6,000 people have died in the country because of a lack of medical services. Boucenine said that was “just the top of the iceberg”.

He said: “The state of healthcare everywhere in Yemen, north, south, east and west is a catastrophy. It will seriously affect the demographic of Yemen. It’s not a joke.

“Only 35 -36 per cent [of hospitals] are fully functional, but most of those hospitals you need to pay so they are accessible to only 10 per cent of the population.”

“We appeal to the international community who have completely forgotten about Yemen, really, and to push a UN resolution for peace.”

“For the last 10 days now, since the end of the negotiations, violence has turned to heavy fighting on all fronts, including heavy bombardment and airstrikes, so it’s really difficult for any citizen to get any kind of healthcare.”

Without peace, Boucenine said, more people will die “from the effects of untreated diabetes, kidney failure, heart failure, from infection in a wound that was not treated correctly, and from the malnutrition that started to strike children because many places are not accessible due to security”.

“We need peace and we need to rebuild the public healthcare system, as well as the state.

“We need it now. A year ago it was a humanitarian tragedy. Since 2011 the country has been in crisis.”

“The situation on the ground is terrible for the normal population. Women are dying because they can’t have a caesarean section because they can’t reach any hospital on time,” he added.

“People die from a lack of treatment that will cost 50 or 80 dollars. It’s a shame.” – by Shoshana Kedem

Comment: This is absolutely true. From an Emirati website. Thus, the author did not write that Saudi coalition air strikes on the one and Saudi blockade on the other hand caused the greatest part of the disaster described here. Even before the war, only about 58 % of Yemenis had access to medical healthcare, the situation having dramatically worsened now.

18.8.2016 – World Food Programme, Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (A H)

Yemen – Conflict: ETC Situation Report #12, Reporting period 04/07/16 to 18/08/16

While the security situation is deteriorating across the country, especially in the capital, the ETC continues supporting humanitarian operations in Sana’a, Aden, Al Hudaydah, Sa’ada and Ibb. The ETC plans to deploy vital communication services in two additional locations, Ta’izz and Al Mukalla, when the security situation allows.The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) visited the ETC Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) back-up hub in Sana’a to check the infrastructure and services provided.

The extension of ETC staff in Yemen was approved until the end of the year.

The ETC has finalised the technical proposal to deploy back–up connectivity services in Sa’ada and Ibb.

The UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) and the ETC have revised and updated the Security Telecommunications Country Plan and in full:

18.8.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A H)

24Yemenis died out of Dengue FeverNShabwah south. US-backed Saudi war criminals not only killing by US cluster bombs

18.8.2016 – Almanar (* A K)

Yemeni Army Declares Area beyond Border ’Pure Military Target’

Yemeni army declared the area beyond the Yemeni border a 'pure military target' by the army and the popular committees.

Army spokesman Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman said the Yemeni soldiers and popular committees fighters have been watching movements of Saudi forces along the border with Yemen, stressing that the allied Yemeni forces will deal with such movements according to rules of engagement with hostile force.

Comment: This is unacceptable as this would mean that everything including all civilian houses and structures is declared “military target”. That was unacceptable when the Saudis did this for Yemeni Saada province, and it now also is in this case.

? - inspirational.creativeassociatesinternational (* B H)

Salwa Al-Azzani: Delivering education in Yemen during conflict and peace As the streets of Sana’a flooded with thousands of pro-democracy protesters in early 2011—radically transforming business, politics and life as usual—Salwa Al-Azzani and her team worked to deliver quality education to Yemeni students despite the upheaval.

Salwa believes education is the path to a brighter future for Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world where radical extremism has taken root.

“There will be no development in Yemen if boys and girls don’t get the proper education,” she declares. “Our communities will not be able to fight poverty and extremism without education.”

Salwa is doing her part—from organizing a nationwide public awareness campaign promoting reading to developing early grade reading training materials for parents and life-skills books for children—all as part of her work with USAID-funded education projects.

Salwa—who served from 2012 to 2015 as the education, gender and communications specialist for the Yemen Early Grade Reading Approach, a USAID-funded project implemented by Creative Associates International to enhance education and literacy—faces many challenges.

Nearly 30 percent of Yemeni children who begin primary school do not complete it, according to UNESCO data from 2013. For girls, the primary school dropout rate is close to 40 percent. Around 48 percent of adolescent girls of secondary school age are not enrolled, according to UNESCO data from 2012.

Dedicated to changing attitudes and practices that hurt girls’ chances of achieving an education, Salwa took the lead in supporting the Ministry of Education in developing the first-ever national gender sensitization training materials for teachers, principals and parent councils.

Comment by Judith Brown: What an inspiration another amazing Yemeni person. Well worth a read if you want to know what real Yemenis are like.

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

19.8.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

NEW Saudi #UAEstrikes on Rahbaan historic city n #SaadaN #YemenIts just like #Sana'a old city (photos from before raids)

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

20.8.2016 – Almasdar News (* A P)

Thousands of Yemenis protest Saudi regime in Sanaa

Tens of thousands of Yemenis flooded the streets of Sanaa on Saturday to show unity with the newly formed High Political Council and protest the Saudi regime for their interference in the Yemeni affairs (with photos) and more photos: and film:

Comment: Saudi jets bombed at this rally, see cp16

19.8.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

The sheer number of convoys arriving now from other governorates to join tomorrow's demo in support of HPC & #Yemenparliament. Impressive.

18.8.2016 – RT (* A P)

Jemen bildet neue Regierung: Weiterer Rückschlag für Saudi-Arabien

Am vergangenen Wochenende trat im Jemen erstmals seit den politischen Unruhen im Februar 2014 ein Parlament zusammen. Aufgrund des Krieges, den Saudi-Arabien gegen das Land führt, konnte nur die Hälfte der Abgeordneten an der Sitzung teilnehmen. In der Versammlung unterstützten die Abgeordneten einstimmig die kürzlich von den Huthi-Rebellen eingesetzte Regierung.

Die Abgeordneten bestätigten Salah al-Sammad als Vorsitzenden des Obersten Politischen Rates, wie die neue Regierung sich bezeichnet. Bei einer Zeremonie am Sonntag erklärte al-Sammad, die neue Regierung sei ein „historischer Schritt und eine positive Entwicklung für den Wiederaufbau des Jemen“. Er sieht in der gemeinsamen Regierung die Möglichkeit, in Zukunft effektiver auf die saudischen Angriffe zu antworten.

Dieser Vorgang könnte einen wichtigen Schritt zur politischen Stabilisierung des Landes darstellen. Das Parlament hatte im November 2014 den Übergangspräsidenten Mansur Hadi abgelöst, der daraufhin nach Saudi-Arabien flüchtete. Seitdem versuchen Saudi-Arabien und die anderen Golfstaaten, ihren Kandidaten mithilfe einer militärischen Intervention wieder einzusetzen.

18.8.2016 – Hakim Almasmari (A P)

1 #Yemen with 2 governments: Parliament majority (Saleh/Houthis alliance) to form new govt (ministerial cabinet) before end August. Soon.

18.8.2016 – Hassan Al-Haifi (A P)

Report of Russian plane in Sana'a Airport

Corroborated reports said Saudis tried to divert plane but pilot insisted on landing und

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

18.8.2016 – AFP (A T)

Al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills four Yemen troops

An Al-Qaeda suicide bomber killed four Yemeni soldiers in an attack Thursday in the southern Abyan province, where government forces have launched an anti-extremist offensive, a military official said.

The attacker rammed his car into two military vehicles parked on a road linking the towns of Loder and Moudia in Abyan province, the source said.

"Four soldiers were killed and others were wounded," the official told AFP.

The attack came after troops recaptured both towns from the extremists who fled to surrounding mountains as the army entered, residents said.

18.8.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemen’s Parliament to Resume Sessions in Reaction to Political Council

Yemen’s Prime Minister Ahmed bin Daghr said parliament will convene in a liberated area within the country to assume its constitutional role, in response to the rebels’ establishment of the political council.

In exclusive remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper on Wednesday, the Yemeni premier said that the majority of members in the General People’s Congress (GPC) were supporting the legitimate government, contrary to recent claims by former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who had stated that the GPC was still backing the rebellion – by Sawsan Abu-Husain

Comment: That would become interesting. A great part of this parliament had met at Sanaa to confirm the new Houthi / Saleh government. The reported numbers of deputees really present at this session are very different. And now, the opposite?

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

19.8.2016 – Inner City Press (** B P)

Exclusive: On Yemen, ICP Publishes Ban’s Envoy’s One-Sided Proposal That Failed, Airstrikes Followed

The UN Secretariat of Ban Ki-moon’s bungling of Yemen mediation has become ever more clear, according to multiple sources and documents exclusively seen by Inner City Press, see below.

And now the failure is public: Ban’s envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on August 6 issued this statement (full text via After that the Saudi-led Coalition stepped up airstrikes.

Today Inner City Press exclusively publishes the proposal that Ban’s envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed made in Kuwait. This was the proposal described as blatantly one-sided that led to a collapse of the talks, the Saudi-led Coalition increased airstrikes and the death of more civilians. Not only the envoy, but Ban Ki-moon are responsible for this.

The proposal by Ban’s envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed set as a prerequisite the “withdrawal of militias and armed groups from the defined locations, in Interim Security Arrangements 2 (iii), and the “surrender of heavy and medium weapons” in Sana’a (Amanat al-Asima), Taizz and Houdeidah – by Matthew Russell Lee =

Comment: This was the proposal described as blatantly one-sided that led to a collapse of the talks, the Saudi-led Coalition increased airstrikes and the death of more civilians. Not only the envoy, but Ban Ki-moon are responsible for this.

18.8.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

UN does nothing to halt aggression on Yemen: Activist

Press TV has interviewed Hussain al-Bukhaiti, an activist and political commentator from Sana’a, about the intensifying Saudi aggression on Yemeni civilians.

Al-Bukhaiti: So, for Ban Ki-moon to mention only this single incident and he hasn’t mentioned the ten thousands of people that have been killed in Yemen. He has taken Saudi out of the report for violating and killing children in Yemen.

On top of these ten thousand, over two thousand children killed and according to UNICEF, which is an organization belonging to the UN, they have said 10 thousand children have died because of the blockade, because of the lack of medicine, the lack of nutrition and the lack of food, so we have 13 thousand children who have died because of the Saudi war on Yemen.

I have seen an old statement of Ban Ki-moon about the Saudi fifth attack on MSF facility in Yemen, he has not condemned Saudi directly, he called all Yemeni parties, he has not include Saudi to stop targeting medical clinics as he said over 70 health centers have been hit including three MSF.

All these facilities have been targeted by Saudi, why he mentioned the Yemeni parties? It’s Saudi who targeted all these health facilities.

I think 90 percent of these health facilities are in areas far away from the conflict, are in Hajjah, in Sa’ada, in Sana’a, in Amran, in Dhamar, in all those cities that are under the control of Yemeni army and Ansarullah the Houthis.

Press TV: Are you saying basically that the UN has not done enough to bring this aggression against Yemen to halt?

Al-Bukhaiti: Of course, I mean the UN hasn’t done anything. We have seen since the beginning of the so-called truce on the 10th of April, Saudi has been bombing Yemen since then; they might have avoided major cities like Sana’a and others because they have UN staff in there, but it has been bombing everywhere.

Saudi war on Yemen has failed politically, because they failed to install Hadi’s government, they couldn’t even bring Hadi back to areas they say have liberated in the south.

18.8.2016 – APP (B P)

The escalating Yemen conflict: Another failure of UN


cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

18.8.2016 – Focus (* A E P)

1600 Milliarden Euro für „Vision 2030“ ohne Öl: „Frauen ein großer Vorteil“: Wie Saudi-Arabien seine Wirtschaft auf den Kopf stellt

Sieben Billionen Rial wird der Fonds des saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman groß, das sind mehr als 1600 Milliarden Euro. So viel wie das Bruttoinlandsprodukt Italiens. Mit dem weltweit größten staatlichen Investitionsfonds soll Saudi-Arabien bis 2030 wirtschaftlich umgekrempelt werden.

Die einzelnen Maßnahmen der „Vision 2030“ seien aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht „überreif“, sagt Oliver Oehms, der Chef der Außenhandelskammer in Riad. Die fetten Jahre der Ölmonarchie seien vorbei und die Durchführung der Reformen würde eine große Herausforderung.

Denn Riad muss sparen. Subventionen für Wasser und Benzin wurden bereits abgebaut. Dies hätten Privatleute und Unternehmen zu spüren bekommen. Eine weitere Kürzung der staatlichen Hilfen sei zu erwarten.

Ob Salman seine „Vision 2030“ komplett wird umsetzen können, ist daher unsicher. Es gebe „viele Fragen, die noch gestellt und beantwortet werden müssen“, schreibt Henderson. „Und es ist alles andere als klar, ob Mohammed bin Salman und sein Stab die notwendigen Reaktionen parat haben.“

cp9 USA

20.8.2016 – Antiwar (* A K P)

The Hunger To Fix Syria, and the Indifference Towards Yemen

So we’re talking about Syria because it’s dreadful, it’s caused a refugee crisis, and because two disturbing photos of boys not old enough to go to first grade have made us discuss it. But also because it’s the kind of conflict that the US always feels like it can fix. It’s itching to fix, to do something about before it’s too late.

And in the meantime, there are plenty of other atrocities to mull over. Iraq and Afghanistan – Pakistan and what’s that other one where drones sometimes visit? Yemen. Yemen is currently being wrecked by a war that he US is deeply involved in, but perfectly able to plead ignorance over.

Saudi Arabia and the US have been buddies since the 1930s. American has never been one for consistency over which nations offend its humanitarian sensibilities. Pragmatism wins the day. And pragmatism is the only thing that could justify the continued alliance with Saudi Arabia.

We are funding this war, and even helping the Saudi coalition find targets, and most of us don’t seem to give a damn. It’s not even our official war – we barely care about those – and we haven’t seen any photos of grief-stricken Yemeni children - by Lucy Steigerwald

20.8.2016 – AFP (* A K P)

US-Streitkräfte ziehen Militärberater aus Jemen ab

Die US-Armee hat die Zahl ihrer Militärberater bei der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition in Jemen reduziert. Von Seiten Saudi-Arabiens habe es nicht so viele Anfragen um Unterstützung gegeben.

Dies sagte der US-Armeesprecher Ian McConnaughey in Bahrain der Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Samstag. Aus Rücksicht auf die personellen Ressourcen der US-Marine sei die Zahl der Berater daher im Juni auf «weniger als fünf» verringert worden. Phasenweise waren rund 45 US-Militärberater in Bahrain und Saudi-Arabien im Einsatz.

Kommentar: Tatsächlich lassen die USA in ihrer Unterstützung für die Saudis in nichts nach. U.a. werden immer noch die saudischen Kampfjets in der Luft von den USA betankt – unabhängig vom Ziel, und wenn es ein Krankenhaus ist.

19.8.2016 – Reuters (** A K P)

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

The U.S. military has withdrawn from Saudi Arabia its personnel who were coordinating with the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen, and sharply reduced the number of staff elsewhere who were assisting in that planning, U.S. officials told Reuters.

Fewer than five U.S. service people are now assigned full-time to the "Joint Combined Planning Cell," which was established last year to coordinate U.S. support, including air-to-air refueling of coalition jets and limited intelligence-sharing, Lieutenant Ian McConnaughey, a U.S. Navy spokesman in Bahrain, told Reuters.

That is down from a peak of about 45 staff members who were dedicated to the effort full-time in Riyadh and elsewhere, he said.

The staff withdrawal, which U.S. officials say followed a lull in air strikes in Yemen earlier this year, appears to reduce Washington's day-to-day involvement in advising a campaign that has come under increasing scrutiny for causing civilian casualties.

The U.S. military personnel were withdrawn from Riyadh in June, U.S. officials said.

"The shift does not diminish U.S. commitment to supporting Saudi-led military operations. The JCPC forward team that was in Saudi Arabia is now in Bahrain," said Chris Sherwood, a Pentagon spokesman, who added that U.S. aerial tankers continue to refuel Saudi aircraft.

The U.S. officials said the reduced staffing is unrelated to the growing international concerns over civilian casualties – by Phil Stewart and by The Hill:

Comment: This already happened in June, when there actually had been a reduction in air strikes. And now, while air strikes have increased again? Seriously, nothing has changed. Saudi air raids are as relentless like ever. The US still support. The US still refuel. The US still are complicit to war crimes.

Comments by Dr. Karim: I'll give you an example how media can deceive/manipulate audience in a very recent news piece from USA via reuters

Careful wording of title gives impression USA is somehow starting to disconnect from Saudi war/crimes in Yemen

While in reality only reducing staff, while remaining committed 2 Saudi war. Zero concern re war crimes,famine

...additional note, the reduction occurred in June. Whether staff increased again after intensification of airstrikes left 4 you 2 guess!

and also read this: UK military 'working alongside' Saudi bomb targeters in Yemen war:

And by RT:

19.8.2016 – RT (* A K P)

In addition to withdrawing air support personnel, Lieutenant Ian McConnaughey, a US Navy spokesman in Bahrain told Reuters that the Pentagon also sharply reduced”its “Joint Combined Planning Cell” (JCPC) staff to under five people.

The JCPC, which was established in March last year when the Saudi-initiated its air campaign, at its peak devoted some 45 members to coordinate US military and intelligence support with Riyadh.

The withdrawal which took place in June is an attempt by Washington to distance itself from the responsibility of the rising death toll in Yemen, which now stands at over 6,500 people, mostly civilians. While both warring parties are to blame for the death toll, the Saudi-led coalition has been repeatedly accused of conducting “indiscriminate bombings.”

“At no point did US military personnel provide direct or implicit approval of target selection or prosecution,” Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump said in a statement after Reuters disclosed the withdrawal.

As the Pentagon admitted of largely wrapping up its effort to advise the Saudi-led coalition on steps to prevent civilian casualties, the Stump did acknowledge the growing US concern over the death count.

“Even as we assist the Saudis regarding their territorial integrity, it does not mean that we will refrain from expressing our concern about the war in Yemen and how it has been waged.”

and by Telesur:

19.8.2016 – Telesur (* A K P)

After Ramping Up Yemen Offensive, US Says It Reduced Its Staff

"The U.S. may move its assets, but that doesn't have any impact on the bilateral relationship between the countries," said Brigadier General Ahmed al-Asseri.

The June staff withdrawal, which U.S. officials say followed a lull in air strikes in Yemen earlier this year, reduces Washington's day-to-day involvement in advising a campaign that has come under increasing scrutiny for causing civilian casualties. A Pentagon statement issued after Reuters disclosed the withdrawal acknowledged that the JCPC, as originally conceived, had been "largely shelved" and that ongoing support was limited, despite renewed fighting this summer.

"The cooperation that we've extended to Saudi Arabia since the conflict escalated again is modest and it is not a blank check," Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump said in a statement.

U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the reduced staffing was not due to the growing international outcry over civilian casualties

Comment: Asseri nearly always tells fairy tales and dull stories. In this case, he certainly is 100% right.

19.8.2016 – Inspire to change world (* B K P)

US military presence in Mideast only serves to benefit jihadist groups’

Repeated errors by the US and its inability to understand the bigger picture in the Middle East, as well as its wars in the region, will continue with no end in sight for millions of civilians, says Matthew Hoh, a former US State Department official.

MH:… History didn’t start at 9/11, and certainly the American president at that time, George Bush, was under tremendous political pressure to do something.

I think it is important when we talk about 9/11 not to allow history to start on that day. But rather to look at the things that led up to it – the causes, and those things – forces, conditions that still exist.

So this massive American military presence throughout the Middle East only serves to the to these various jihadist groups – groups like Al-Qaeda and its Al-Nusra Front allies, ISIS, the Taliban in their recruiting of Muslim men who want to fight the invader, who want fight the infidel. So by not understanding the bigger picture, but not understanding the history, and by continuing to commit the same errors throughout the Middle East, these wars just to continue to go on again with unfortunately no end in sight for the millions of people living in those countries.

RT:What was the most challenging thing for you during your posting?

MH: The most challenging aspect of it was the deafness of American leaders wanting to win in Afghanistan. The blindness and the deafness towards the corruption of the Afghan government, to the fact that Afghanistan has been in a civil war since the 1970’s that predated the Soviet invasion, and that we were backing one side in that civil war. By doing so we were only prolonging the conflict and in many ways escalating the conflict… (with films)

18.8.2016 – Ben Norton (* A P)

NYT admits Saudi bombing of Yemen could not continue without US support

The editorial board ofThe New York Timeshas finally acknowledged what journalists and activists have been saying for well over a year: The Saudi-led coalition’s brutal bombing campaign, which has ravaged Yemen and created a humanitarian catastrophe, would be impossible were it not for US support.

It comes a bit late, considering the US-backed bombing began in March 2015 — and, since then, thousands of civilians have been killed; millions have been displaced; more than half of the country, at least 14 million people, are going hungry; and parts of major Yemeni cities have been pulverized.

But better late than never, I suppose.

Many of these basic facts — which I and (unfortunately few) other journalists have pointed outover and over againfor months in our reporting — have been absent from theTimes’regular reporting on the war.

But at least it eventually got it right, for what it’s worth, if anything at all.

18.8.2016 – Jamila Hanan (A K P)

@AmbassadorPower admits she made a huge mistake over #Yemen and calls for immediate halt of US refuelling of jets etc

Comment: Really????

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

19.8.2016 – Saferworld (* A P)

The lawfulness of the authorisation by the United Kingdom of weapons and related items for export to Saudi Arabia in the context of Saudi Arabia's military intervention in Yemen

In this legal opinion commissioned by Saferworld and Amnesty International - both members of the Control Arms coalition - Professor Philippe Sands QC, Professor Andrew Clapham and Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh of Matrix Chambers conclude that, on the basis of the information available, the UK Government is acting in breach of its obligations arising under the UK’s Consolidated Criteria on arms exports, the EU Common Position on Arms Exports and the Arms Trade Treaty by continuing to authorise transfers of weapons and related items to Saudi Arabia within the scope of those instruments, capable of being used in Yemen.

19.8.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Theresa May urged to vote against Saudi Arabia remaining on Human Rights Council over abuses

Exclusive: The Saudi Ambassador has also held an influential panel post over the last year

Politicians and campaigners will demand Theresa May vote against Saudi Arabia remaining on the UN Human Rights Council after a year which saw the country's government savagely bomb Yemen, commit vast numbers of beheadings, a mass execution and detain activists.

Their call, on World Humanitarian Day, comes ahead of a critical UN vote on whether Saudi Arabia retains its seat. Controversy over the matter has increased since the Saudi Ambassador was also given a key role on a panel related to the council.

But despite the repeated and well publicised atrocities of the Middle Eastern state, UK ministers still refuse to say whether they will back the kingdom or not.

Saudi’s position on the council means it has influence over international human rights standards. Critics say the vote in October is a golden opportunity for Ms May’s new government to demonstrate it truly values human rights -by Joe Watts

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

18.8.2016 – TASS (A P)

Russian diplomat urges not to use military force against civilians in Yemen

Using military force against peaceful citizens and civilian facilities in Yemen is absolutely unacceptable, Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Thursday commenting on the new escalation in violence in the country.

"The situation in Yemen arouses concerns," the diplomat said. "Reports say there have been new victims among the civilian population after the active phase of a military confrontation resumed," she added.

"The use of military force against civilians and civilian facilities is absolutely unacceptable," Zakharova stressed.

Moscow calls to act in the framework of the international law to prevent similar incidents in the future. Zakharova underlined Russia’s position "if favor of abandoning the logic of war in the country as soon as possible and achieving sustainable settlement based on the UN Security Council’s resolutions and the National Dialogue Conference."

Comment: They should have cared earlier, vetoed the totally one-side UNSC resolution 2216 for instance.

18.8.2016 – European Commission (A P)

Statement by the Spokesperson on the attacks of an MSF hospital and a school in northern Yemen

The air attacks on a fully operational hospital in Abs in the north west of Yemen and on a school in northern Yemen, resulting in many killed and wounded, are unacceptable.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the families and colleagues of those affected at this time.

These incidents are the latest of a series of attacks on medical facilities and medical personnel, as well as schools, recorded in Yemen since the start of the conflict. They must be investigated and consequent action should be taken.

Attacks that target humanitarian operations and civilians, among them many children, are clearly prohibited under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The EU expects all parties to the conflict to act responsibly, abide by their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law and to avoid targeting civilian infrastructures.

The solution to the conflict remains a political one and the EU urges all parties to engage without preconditions and in good faith to resume the UN-facilitated negotiations as soon as possible. =

Comment: Blab la blah. EU countries are among the greatest arms sellers to Saudi Arabia and Emirates (United Kingdom; France; Germany also). Hypocrites.

cp13 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / See cp1

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

18.8.2016 – Janes (* A T)

UAE ground troops support southern Yemen operation

Ground forces from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) participated in a military operation against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in southern Yemen, television news footage has revealed.

The operation to clear AQAP from Zinjibar, the capital of the southern province of Abyan, was carried out by Yemeni forces, but television news footage filmed on 14 August showed it also involved Leclerc tanks, 155 mm G6-45 self-propelled howitzers, Agrab mortar carriers, and Nimr Ajban light armoured vehicles with Kornet missile launchers: equipment that is only used by the UAE's military.

M-ATV and Caiman armoured vehicles were also seen, but the UAE and/or Saudi Arabia are known to have supplied these types of vehicle to allied Yemeni forces – by Jeremy Binnie

Comment: Already reported earlier, there were also doubts asking whether this operation really was that successful.

cp15 Propaganda

19.8.2016 – Middle East Monitor (A P)

What does a diplomat’s pro Houthi stance say about Russia’s Yemen policy?

the Russian Chargé d’Affaires in Sana’a, Oleg Dremov, has endorsed the de facto government openly in an interview with Yemen Today.

He stated that the formation of the council is a step in the right direction and urged the Yemeni people not to fall into dispute over its legitimacy. Dremov explained that the Russian standpoint is for all parties to agree on a peace deal, including the Supreme Council as a legitimate party for negotiation. In other words, he personally endorsed a new dimension to the culture of coups that is becoming increasingly normalised in Yemen.

Al Sharq Al Awsat contacted Dremov and asked for clarification. Despite the fact that there is video evidence of his personal endorsement of the de-facto government, he assured the Saudi newspaper that the official Russian standpoint has not changed to undermine the legitimacy of the Hadi government. Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi then reiterated that the Russian standpoint remains on the side of “legitimacy”, meaning support for the Hadi government.

Compared to other warring countries in the rest of the region, the Kremlin has been relatively discreet in its stance on Yemen. It seems that officials are attempting to sustain an outwardly neutral approach, not straying far in public from the demands of UN Security Council Resolution 2216, which reiterates support for the Hadi government and demands Houthi disarmament. They have not, however, tried to implement their policy of support in any meaningful way.

When it comes to their dealings with pro-Saleh and Houthi officials, matters are more complicated.

Comment: A quite pro Hadi / pro-Saudi article. The author really thinks it to be unjustified when a country like Russia Not takes the definitely pro-Saudi western position and clearly criticises Saudi air strikes.

Comment by Judith Brown: And what does this article say about the political position of Middle East Memo? It seems to me that a government in Yemen must be a positive move forward - the people of Yemen are suffering so much and the country needs organising. It is notable that when Hadi was so called 'president' (he was elected as interim President for 2 years in February2012, but refused to go, hence the reason why he was overthrown by the Houthis with the support of most of the Yemen army) Hadi NOT ONCE convened the Yemeni parliament, with its elected members.

19.8.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Every country looking at KSA with optimism and admiration

The Kingdom’s Vision 2030 is very ambitious and clear cut road-map for the overall development in the Kingdom by transformation with a focused program for sustainable development, said expert panelists comprising foreign ambassadors and Saudi authorities at the Arab News dialogue that took place in Riyadh last Wednesday under the title “Vision 2030 — A plan for sustainable development.”

Comment by Judith Brown: Ha ha ha ha ha

18.8.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K P)

UNICEF to Asharq Al-Awsat: Children are Trained to Use Heavy Weapons in Yemen

An annual report prepared by the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) affirmed the dangerous involvement of Houthi militias in crimes committed against Yemeni children, by mainly recruiting child soldiers and enrolling them in training camps to become a main target during the ongoing war.

The report also showed that those children were placed in the forefronts during military confrontations and were turned into humanitarian shields behind which rebel forces are hiding.

The dire humanitarian conditions in Yemen were further deteriorating due to the activities of Yemeni rebels.

The international reports have warned against recruiting child soldiers and training young combatants on carrying heavy weapons.

UNICEF asserted that Yemen is one of the leading countries where violations against children are registered.

UNICEF spokesperson for the Middle East and North Africa, Juliet Toma told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that recruiting and training children to carry and use heavy weapons for military purposes was one of the most hostile violations committed against children.

Toma said the latest UNICEF report on Yemen asserted the number of child soldiers used in Yemen for military purposes had increased while the age of those young combatants had declined – by Asma Al-Ghabiri =

Comment: For the UNICEF report, see cp1.

In it’s report, UNICEF also mentions recruiting and using child soldiers. Yes, that actually happens in Yemen, and it happens quite often. The UNICEF report deals with all violations of children in the Yemen war, recruiting child soldiers being just one of them. And all the violations are just let aside which in most cases are either due to Saudi coalition air raids, killing, injuring, destroying homes, destroying schools, killing parents and relatives, or are due to the Saudi blockade, preventing supply of food and medical equipment. And of course also is not mentioned that as far as recruiting child soldiers is concerned, that are BOTH sides in the conflict doing that, Saudi puppet president Hadi had just posed with child soldiers as body guards. This is true, there are more child soldiers with the Houthis.

The claim by Asharq Al-Awsat the UNICEF report “affirmed the dangerous involvement of Houthi militias in crimes committed against Yemeni children, by mainly recruiting child soldiers and enrolling them in training camps to become a main target during the ongoing war” just is wrong – by UNICEF, no side is specially blamed for recruiting child soldiers. In the whole UNICEF report, there is not a single match for “Houthi”. The report just says that: “Children are also being recruited and used by armed forces and groups across the country”. That sounds quite different. – And there is the objection the Houthis “enrolling them in training camps to become a main target during the ongoing war”. Well, “training camps” do not have a single match in the UNICEF report, neither have “training” nor just “train” alone. This is just an invention by the Saudi author!

Asharq Al-Awsat further claims that the Houthi child soldiers “were turned into humanitarian shields behind which rebel forces are hiding”. Well, “human shields” has no matches at all in the UNICEF report, neither does “rebels”. All that is just an invention by Asharq Al-Awsat. And: “The dire humanitarian conditions in Yemen were further deteriorating due to the activities of Yemeni rebels.”: The UNICEF report tells absolutely nothing of that – the whole article is just Saudis well-known propaganda, now trying to pretend this would be part of an international report and by this trying to give more weight to the own flimsy propaganda.

Quite different to all that propaganda, the UNICEF report in length stresses all the children rights violations which for the most part are the fault of the Saudi air raids and blockade of Northern Yemen: Children being killed (bombing), suffering from malnutrition (blockade, bombing of transport), missing even basic healthcare (bombing of hospitals, blockade of imports of medical needs), children losing their homes and made refugees (bombing), children missing education (schools bombed).

Well, it is obvious why in the moment the Saudis stress the subject of child soldiers, as they already did the last time before this UNICEF report was published. They are repeating this objection of recruiting child soldiers against the Houthis again and again, pretending as if this would be the heaviest and almost the only violation of children rights happening in Yemen. Thus, they try to divert attention from their own and much heavier violations of children’s rights.

And now, the Saudis have been blamed for having bombed a Koran school, having killed 10 children. And Saudi propaganda wanted to tell us that this would have been no school at all but a Houthi training camp for children soldiers, thus a military target. And thus they would have targeted it for right, and the Houthis even should be blamed for these victims, as they had risked the children’s lives to become a target. Thus, because of that, in this Asharq Al-Awsat article there is the reference to a “training camp”. All of that is the most primitive propaganda – by means of a very flimsy distraction.

And there still something more has to be added. Many of these child soldiers just do this “job” because they do not have any alternative: Their schools have been destroyed (by whom??); factories, working paces, where they could go to find their first job, have been destroyed (by whom??); their fathers have lost their working places, because they had been destroyed (by whom??), or, in other cases the breadwinner of the family had lost his job because the whole economic infrastructure had been severely damaged (by whom??). Under such circumstances these kids have become the only breadwinner for their family with no other jobs for them than getting soldiers . Who also is to blame for this – because of having destroyed everything??? The blame simply is falling back to the Saudis themselves – at least for a great part.

18.8.2016 – Al Arabiya (A K P)

Houthi militias incur 1,654 deaths in one week

Al Arabiya News Channel sources have confirmed the Houthi militias and forces loyal to ousted former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen have incurred nearly 1,654 deaths and 2,000 injured over the past week.

The strikes by the Saudi-led coalition forces started on Wednesday and has strategically targeted Houthi military sites in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. The strikes have also targeted sites in Saleh-stronghold city of Sanhan and coup-held city of Saada.

The coalition warplanes also recently bombed Houthi fighters from Yemen seeking to infiltrate Saudi Arabia.

Comment: Both sides exaggerate figures to increase the glory of their successes. This figure seems to be exaggerated in such a scale that the whole article is labeled as “propaganda” here.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

20.8.2016 - Tweets - saudi air rids at masses during the demonstration at Sanaa (* A K)

Silly Saudi fighter jets criss crossing over crowd trying to scare and disperse. Desperate much are we?

conductd2massive strieks on Alnahdain hill&presidential palace next the rally in an attempt2spread panic

Saudi just dropped another bomb on hill overlooking crowd. Shot pic while getting out of dodge. Sana'a.

Video I accidentally captured of Saudi bomb dropped near crowd in attempt to disperse demo. Scumbags. Sana'a

Crowd reacts to Saudi bomb by firing their machine guns in the air. THIS IS DEFIANCE you Saudi cowards. Sanaa

2ppl killed 9 injured by strikes on Northern gate of presidential palace just next to the rally in

19.-20.8.2016 – Tweets, air raids Sanaa in the night

Bugger. Bombing started with more jets arriving in Sana'a night sky. Huge blast just ripped through capital now.

CITY SHAKES: Saudi airstrike attacks #Yemencapital Sanaa at late at night shaking 100,000s homes as children wake up fear.

Children CRYING: 5 Saudi airstrikes in 10 minutes attack heart #Yemencapital forcing children to hide in fear.

Scumbags going for maximum terror with jets breaking sound barrier while others simultaneously bombing targets on ground. Sana'a now

Unprecedented frenzied airstrikes on Sana'a now. Was it me mentioning tomorrow's demos? Mah bad, promise will stay home. Plz STAAHP.

Duuude! WTH!? Are they testing new fighter jets? New bombs? Did any of you two do something to piss off!?

This is 5th and was so dam near!! Maybe in 70road..

19.8.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

NEW Saudi #UAEstrikes on Rahbaan historic city n #SaadaN #YemenIts just like #Sana'a old city (photos from before raids)

19.8.2016 – Dr. Karim (A K)

Breaking: # dead, wounded civilians in 5 airstrikes on osaylan, Alnokob, Shabwa

19.8.2016 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Film: Targeting farms and agricultural products Abs in Hajjah 08/19/2016

19.8.2016 – Legal Center (* A K)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damages (complete list):

19.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes pound gas station, house in Sa'adaThe Saudi warplanes pounded on Friday a domestic gas station and a house in Sa'ada province, a security official said.
The official added the hostile air raid completely destroyed Kutaf domestic gas station in Kutaf district. The raid caused severe damage to neighboring houses in the district.
Another Saudi air raid pounded the house of "Abdullah Ahmed Farhan" in Bani Bahr area in Saqain district, injuring a woman in the area, he said.

19.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raids kill four in Arhab

Four people were killed on Thursday in a Saudi air raid on Arhab district of Sana'a province, a security official said Friday.
The hostile warplanes targeted two trucks carrying foodstuffs in Harran area in Arhab, killing four people, the official added.

19.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets hit al-Matmah, al-Masloub

19.8.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

-4kild by Saudi #UAEstrike on Al Khawkhah n #HodeidahW #Yemen- 2kild by strike on their car n Baqim #Saada&1women badly injrd n Saagaien

19.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi airstrike kills three in al-MatmahTwo children and a man were killed on Friday in a Saudi air raid in al-Matmah district of Jawf province, a local official said.
The hostile warplanes targeted the house of "Abdullah al-Sharif", killing al-Sharif himself and his two children, the official added.
The house was completely destroyed, he said.

19.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raid kills two in Souk in Jawf

Two people were killed on Friday in a Saudi raid on al-Dahl Souk in Khab and al-Sha'af district of Jawf province, a local official said.
The official added the raid also injured nine other people.

Comment: Figures of victims vary, see:

19.8.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

New MASSACRE: 14 civilians killed after Saudi airstrike attacked shopping market (bazaar) in #Yemenregion of Jawf (photo)

18.–19.8.2016 – Sam Adam (A )

Wow it sounded different? Seems like Spy plane hovering around Sana'a sky?

18.8.2016 – Khabar Agency (A K PH)

A woman and her husband, mother and her baby Last Martyrs of Sa'ada under raids

Local source said the agency "news," that a man and his wife were killed, Thursday, August 18 2016, by the bombing of Air aggression destroyed their house Directorate Baqim, after four raids were distributed to homes and schools in the Directorate Baqim.He is pointing out that it had been recovered the body of a mother and her child within the martyrs of the raid on Baqem district that led the death of a man and his wife and injuring others.

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Saudi raids kill four in Jawf

Around four people were killed on Thursday in Saudi raids in al-Matmah area in Jawf province, a local official said.
The Saudi warplanes targeted two trucks carrying foodstuffs on the main road in al-Matmah, the official said, adding three other people were injured in the raids. and images:

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Saudi raid hit Sa'ada city, kills five

At least five people have been killed in a Saudi raid on Sa'ada city, a security official said Wednesday.
The raid targeted a gas station in the city, the official said, adding eight other were injured in the raid. and photos:

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage raids on Sanhan

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression launches raids on Haifan

The Saudi war jets have waged a series of air raids on al-Alhkom area in Haifan district of Taiz province, a local official said Wednesday.
The hostile war jets targeted citizens' houses in al-Akbosh village in Haifan with three raids and the fourth raid hit a house in al-Adoof area in the same district.

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets launch raid on Noqom

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage raids on Hamdan

18.8.2016 – Yemen TV Today (A K PH)

Film: Air raids at Saada, Aug. 17.

18.8.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (* A K)

Death toll after airstrike against @MSF supported hospital in Abs #Yemen raises to 19 people including one MSF staff

18.8.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (* A H K)

Look at cp 1.

.@MSF to evacuate its staff from hospitals it supports in #Saada & #Hajjah, after the #ِAug15 attack on its supported Abs hospital in N Yemen

Comment by Dr. Karim: That is exactly what Saudi Co wants!

18.8.2016 – Rawan Shaif (A K)

#Sanaa to Hodeidah - 5 bridges bombed, 40 truck pile up & 2 hr detour. Appalling targeting of vital road

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

19.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army thwarts advance on Malahan in JawfT

he army and popular committees thwarted on Friday an attempt of the hirelings to advance on Malahan area in al-Masloub district of Jawf province.
A military official said that a number of the hirelings were killed or injured in the failed attempt.

19.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army pounds al-Shurfa site in NajranThe army and popular committees pounded on Friday al-Shurfa site in Najran, a military official said.
The missile force targeted military vehicles and Saudi soldiers in al-Shurfa with 24 Katyusha rockets.
The Saudi enemy suffered big losses in ordenance and human as a number of its military vehicles have withdrawn.

19.8.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Yemen forces cut off Saudi supply line

Yemen’s Ansarullah fighters and allied army units have cut off the main supply route used by invading Saudi Arabian forces between the Aden and Ta’izz provinces in the impoverished country’s southwest.

Yemen’s al-Masirah television reported the development on Friday, saying that the pathway had been being used as the main channel by the invaders to procure arms and ammunitions.

Separately, in west-central Yemen, the Yemeni forces recaptured the areas that had been seized by Saudi mercenaries in the Ma’rib Province.

Also on Thursday, two Saudi unmanned aerial vehicles went down in the Nihm district of the Sana’a province, similarly located in west-central Yemen, and the Sa’ada province in the country’s extreme northwest.

18.8.2016 – Almasdar (A K PH)

Houthi forces fire 20+ rockets into Saudi stronghold

The Houthi forces continued their onslaught in southern Saudi Arabia on Friday, striking several Saudi Army targets in the key city of Najran this morning.

According to local reports in the Saada Governorate, the Houthi forces fired more than 20 rockets from their Soviet manufactured Katyusha launcher, causing severe damage to a Saudi military post in southern Najran.

This latest barrage of rockets to hit Najran were fired by the Houthi forces at the southern outskirts of the city.

Comment: Both sides contradict each other, both sides report victories and successes. Now the pro-Saudi side:

19.8.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

The Saudi-led coalition’s Apache helicopters attacked several Houthi targets on Thursday, killing 64 Iran-backed rebels. A number of them were arrested and their weapons seized.
The coalition said it lured the Houthis to attack some border areas near Najran before targeting them.

19.8.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

Yemen’s Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh Al-Ahmar said that the country’s national army supported by Popular Resistance forces, and the Saudi-led coalition forces, made substantial progress on the battlefield in the governorate of Taiz, south-west of the country.

The pro-legitimacy forces are fighting battles pitting them against insurgency militias, which are mainly composed of Houthi gunmen and fighters supporting ousted Yemeni former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

VP Al-Ahmar pointed out that the army and the resistance completed the initial phases of fully liberating the city of Taiz.

Most of the progress was made across western, eastern and northern axis of the city front.

18.8.2016 – AFP (* A K PS)

Yemen army launches bid to break rebel siege of Taez

Yemen troops on Thursday launched a bid to break a rebel siege of third city Taez, with fierce fighting leaving five soldiers and 13 insurgents dead, military sources said.

Soldiers attacked positions of the Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels from the east, west and north of the flashpoint southwestern city that has been under siege for more than a year, they said.

One military source said the troops made "a relative breakthrough" by driving the Huthi rebels from several positions around the city.

A pro-government activist, Abdel Majid al-Dhababi, confirmed that troops had made progress after months of trying to break the siege of Taez.

He told AFP the army "practically succeeded in breaking the blockade from the west.

"But the road leading to Aden is still unsafe and this is preventing civilians from fleeing south," said Dhababi. and by Al Araby: and by Middle East Eye: and by Anadolu, some more details:

Comment: “Yemen army” = Hadi government’s troops. “Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels” typical propaganda wording: The Houthis are neither “iran-backed”, nor “Shiites”, and “rebels” they had been some times before, since nearly two years they are a ruling party, now participating in a government. Again, both sides contradict each other. And again, western media take their information just from the Saudi / Hadi side.


19.8.2016 – Reuters (A K PS)

Street by street fighting erupts in Yemen

Film: Government troops battle Houthi rebels south-west of the Yemeni city of Taiz.(Reuters)

19.8.2016 – World Bulletin (A K PS)
Yemen’s Houthis lose ground in Taiz: Pro-govt sources

Pro-government forces in Yemen on Thursday claimed to have captured several positions in the central city of Taiz from the Shia Houthi militia.

Pro-government forces launched simultaneous attacks from the east and west on Houthi positions inside the city, Army Brigadier-General Abdul Wahid Sarhan, head of army intelligence in Taiz, told Anadolu Agency.

"Government forces are now trying to retake the city’s Al-Dhabab area with a view to breaking a siege imposed on city residents by the Houthis and their allies," he said.

According to a statement issued by a government media center, pro-government forces have registered considerable progress east of Taiz, recapturing a number of sites in the area. and by Oman Observer: where “liberated” is put in brackets

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army cleanses three sites in Nehm

The army and popular committees cleansed on Thursday three strategic sites in Fardhat Nehm district of Sana'a province.
The sites were in Yam Mounts area and secured after violent clashes with the Riyadh's hirelings, a military official said.
Moreover, the missile force of the army and popular committees destroyed four military vehicles while on their way to reinforce the hirelings, the official said, adding all soldiers on the vehicles were killed or injured.

18.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Riyadh's hirelings in al-Turbah intensively pounded al-Ahkom village with artillery shells.

18.8.2016 – I’m Muslim (A K PH)

Film: #‎Yemen‬punches Al-Saud inside‪#‎Saudi_Arabia‬’s territories. Many destroyed armored vehicles & military losses in Jizan.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

19.8.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

A Step Closer to Freeing Yemen’s Taiz, Religious Guidance Ministry Working Procedures for This Year’s Yemeni Pilgrims

As for Yemeni Muslim civilians, the emergency committee at the Yemeni Endowment and Religious Guidance Ministry is sparing no effort on completing border procedures for Yemeni pilgrims wishing to perform Haj and Umrah rituals this year.

The committee, charged with the task of facilitating the issues and affairs of Yemeni pilgrims, is headquartered at Al-Wadia border crossing under the direct supervision of Fuad Omar bin Ali bin Al-Sheikh Abu Baker, minister of endowments and religious guidance in Yemen, according to a report in a local newspaper.

Comment: Sounds like propaganda. That will be a bad year to go for a Haj to Mekka this year.

19.8.2016 – UNESCO (A K P)

Director-General condemns killing of journalists Mubarak Al-Abadi and Abdulkarim Al-Jerbani in Yemen

The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, today urged measures to improve the safety of journalists in Yemen following news of the killing of two reporters in the country, Mubarak Al-Abadi and Abdulkarim Al-Jerbani.

7.1.2014 – World Travel Buzz

Najran: Down on the Yemeni Border

[travel piece on Saudi Arabia's border region to Yemen, now war zone]

Najran is quite the place. More traditional, different in culture, fantastically friendly and hospitable, with little gems like the hundreds of beit teenand jembiyasall around. It’s more rugged, original and with a hint of lawlessness. If you ever get to Saudi Arabia, put it near the top of your list. I’ll be back – by Mark Payne

Comment by Judith Brown: This was part of Yemen for many centuries but conceded to KSA by president Saleh in 2000 after a border dispute since The Saud tribe captured it in battle in the 1930s

Vorige / Previous:

Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 1-185: / Yemen Press Reader 1-185: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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