Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 197 - Yemen War Mosaic 197

Yemen Press Reader 197: Finian Cunningham, Matthew Croston über Jemen – Lokale Regierung im Jemen - Verhungernde Kinder - Gesundheitsweisen vor dem Zusammenbruch – mehr siehe unten vor dem Text

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Legitimität und Friedensprozess - Im saudischen Luftkrieg-Kontrollraum - Landminen der Huthis - Frauen im Jemen – Yaras Video – Saudi-Arabien kann nicht zahlen – Konferenz über Jemen in London – Saudischer Luftangriff auf Wasserbohrer, 18 Tote - und mehr

Finian Cunningham, Matthew Croston on Yemen – Local governance in Yemen - Starving children - Healthcare at breaking point – Legitimacy and peace process - Inside the Saudi air raids control room - Houthi land mines - Women in Yemen – Yara's video – Saudi Arabia cannot pay – Conference on Yemen in London -Saudi air raid at water drill, 18 killed – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp16a Saudischer Luftangriff auf Wasserbohrer, 18 Tote / saudi air raid at water drill, 18 killed

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Luftangriff mit 22 Toten / Air raid, 22 killed: cp16a

10.9.2016 – Fars News (*** B T)

Al-Qaeda in Yemen Assisted by US, Saudi Arabia

Finian Cunningham, a prominent Irish expert in international affairs, says that US and Saudi intelligence operatives have long been colluding with al-Qaeda terrorists in Yemen to stop the advances of the Ansarullah popular fighters.

US and western policy towards Yemen indeed exposes the hypocrisy and duplicity of these states and all their self-righteous fraudulent claims of supporting democracy and human rights. The double-think is glaring when we compare the West’s policy towards Ukraine. In the latter, a democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukoych, and his government were overthrown in an illegal and violent coup in February 2014. Yet Washington and its European allies immediately declared that coup to be a “democratic uprising”, and the western media pumped out the narrative that the ousted president was a “Russian stooge” and deserved to be deposed.
Whereas in Yemen, the dubiously-elected President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi (he was elected in a non-contested poll in 2012) actually served as an American and Saudi “stooge” by continually reneging on a democratic transition for the past three years.

The Houthi popular fighters assumed power by force of arms at the end of 2014 after battling against the repressive regime. Seizing power by force of arms can be a moral and legitimate means if it is against a repressive regime and leads to a more democratic outcome, as the revolutionary people of Iran well know. Mansour Hadi eventually fled the country to seek refuge in his paymaster’s territory of Saudi Arabia. But note the West lionizes this figure as the “legitimate president of Yemen” when in fact Hadi is a discredited, corrupt holdover from a discredited and corrupt regime that ruled over Yemen for 30 years with an iron rod, enriching itself and its cronies while the majority of Yemenis were mired in poverty and deprivation.

This surely points to a risible contradiction in western policy if the latter is taken at superficial face value. But to many observers, this contradiction is neither new nor surprising. It is very much how the US and its western allies operate in the real world as opposed to the rarefied world of public relations and vain proclamations. Washington and its western minions prefer, promote and protect regimes and dictators who are loyal to their economic and political interests. But if a popular uprising leads to a democratic government that attempts to serve the interests of the people of the country, as opposed to western elite interests, then in that case the West will denounce such a development as undemocratic and will try by every means to thwart it, including launching wars of aggression, subversion and suppression, and economic sanctions.

It is notable that Washington and London, while supporting the Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen, are also calling for UN-brokered peace talks. Those talks are not a genuine effort to facilitate democracy in Yemen, but rather are an attempt to restore elements of the old western-serving regime, under the guise of “a compromise”. This kind of “compromising” is what the western powers and the Saudis have been doing ever since the popular uprisings of 2011 threatened to oust their puppets in Sana'a and to instate a new democratic polity, one that does not kowtow to the West or the Saudis but serves the needs of the people instead. So, the Saudi-led bombing campaign is one part of the vice; the other part of the vice is the western-exhorted UN “peace talks”. It can be cynically surmised that the bombing campaign will be used to try to force the Houthis to the negotiated table where they will be pressured by the western powers into accepting a shoddy compromise which actually sells the people of Yemen short of their democratic rights.

There are reliable claims out of Yemen that US and Saudi military intelligence have been covertly working with al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to undermine the Houthi fighters.

Comment: Iranian source, but here is Finian Cunningham speaking. Very worth reading in fullGreat and so true! That's exactly what I had told from the very beginning of the Yemen war, when I compared Ukraine and Yemen and Western attitude and hypocrisy in both cases.

10.9.2016 – Fars News (** B K P)

Saudi Massacre of Muslims Remains Unheeded by Main Media Outlets

There are many reflective aspects to the war on Yemen, including the media coverage of Yemen’s developments in the United States and Europe, the importance of international law and the underlying reasons behind the eruption of the bloody conflict in Yemen.

A professor of political science tells Fars News Agency that the problem with the media coverage of the Yemeni war is not the level of bias in news stories, commentaries and video footage being released, but the overall absence of the conflict from the media reports.

“The problem is not how biased the media is here in the West, trying to portray it in a one-sided and unfair fashion and engendering a misinformed public perception. No. The problem is how absent the conflict largely is from the main media sources,” said Prof. Matthew Crosston.

“This of course means the population simply does not have an opinion one way or another, because it simply does not know. There is no real awareness of the Yemen conflict. I fear it is in the shadow of such ignorance and indifference that the worst of human nature comes out,” he added.

Prof. Matthew Crosston is the Miller Chair for Industrial and International Security and Director of the International Security and Intelligence Studies (ISIS) program at Bellevue University in Nebraska.

A: This conflict provides a perfect case study for those of us in the school of skepticism when it comes to international law. We skeptics have raged for years that, perhaps unfortunately, international law acts more like ‘international guidelines’ rather than actual law. What this means in real terms is that power balances and dominant control over conflict narratives often determine just which conflicts will come up on the global stage for judgment by the international community.

What Assad does to his own people in Syria clearly passes the threshold and therefore becomes international news – in the West, at least – for months on end. But what Saudi Arabia may or may not be doing to the Houthi rebellion within Yemen with either the implicit or explicit support and backing of the United States, Great Britain, and Israel, remains relatively unfocused and ambiguous across global Western media. So, the real issue is not so much whether or not Saudi Arabia is violating international law, but rather why is international law being violated in this case with little fanfare or outrage while it can be violated in other instances to great attention? The second half of this question leads to the more poignant and perhaps sad fact of global affairs: political justification is more important than international law.

A: The US government will remain interested in the continuation of the conflict in Yemen as long as an outcome in line with its foreign policy remains undetermined. What I mean by that is that the clear foreign policy interest of the United States, rightly or wrongly depending on your own foreign policy perspectives and priorities, is to make sure Yemen does not end up under the control of a group that is sympathetic to or directly aligned with Iran.

I do not believe the Saudi military campaign should be judged a global terrorism campaign – especially not the ‘most extraordinary’ in history, simply because it resembles too closely what a standard conventional war campaign looks like to me.

Indeed, to me that has been the much more egregious situation regarding media coverage of the Yemen conflict: the problem is not how biased the media is here in the West, trying to portray it in a one-sided and unfair fashion and engendering a misinformed public perception. No. The problem is how absent the conflict largely is from the main media sources. This of course means the population simply does not have an opinion one way or another, because it simply does not know. There is no real awareness of the Yemen conflict. I fear it is in the shadow of such ignorance and indifference that the worst of human nature comes out.

10.9.2016 – Sanaa Center (** B P)

The Essential Role of Local Governance in Yemen

Yemen’s local councils are responsible for the day-to-day provision of basic public services to 26 million Yemenis and are amongst the most crucial institutions of governance in the country.

However, the outbreak of civil war in 2014 and the subsequent Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen in March 2015 has devastated local councils’ ability to provide these services: financial resources have evaporated, armed militias challenge their authority, and extremist groups such as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State have assassinated council members. Despite the challenges, local councils have been generally resilient and continue to operate in some form in most parts of the country, though they have been rendered ill-equipped to handle the largest humanitarian crisis in the country’s history.

This paper assesses the historical context through which the local councils came to prominence, their role in decentralization and governance, the challenges they have faced through the uprising and civil war, and their essential role in any negotiated cessation of hostilities and post-conflict reconciliation. This paper will examine why it is critical for the international community to coordinate with and channel humanitarian support through the local councils, given that this would help alleviate widespread suffering, help sustain this crucial form of governance in Yemen, and prevent jihadist groups – most notably Al Qaeda – from exploiting gaps in basic services to garner support.

To provide a balanced view of the challenges facing local governance in Yemen, this paper focuses on three specific areas of the country: Sanaa, which is currently under the control of the Houthis and their allies; Wessab, in central Yemen, currently controlled by local councils in coordination with the central government in the capital; and Aden in South Yemen, currently under the nominal control of the internationally recognized government – by Adam Baron, Andrew Cummings, Tristan Salmon, Maged al-Madhaji and on bottom of page: further downloads

9.9.2016 – Reuters (** B H)


and also

9.9.2016 – Reuters (* A K)


9.9.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (** B H)

Yemen: “Healthcare at breaking point”

Crystal van Leeuwen, an MSF nurse, just returned from seven months coordinating MSF’s medical activities in Yemen. A member of MSF’s emergency team, van Leeuwen has worked with MSF in countries including Syria, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria, as well as on the Ebola response in West Africa.

In Taiz itself, large parts are heavily affected by the war, with empty streets full of barricades, destroyed buildings, bomb craters and an active frontline running through the city.

One of MSF’s activities in Taiz is running a mother and child hospital, in a building originally intended as a hotel and shopping mall. Our focus is on children under five and reproductive health services. We do caesarean sections, deliveries, antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, nutrition, neonatology and paediatrics. It’s very well-attended, as most people can’t access these free services anywhere else.

ll never forget the first set of twins delivered at the hospital. They were the first critical neonates we had.

On the other side of the frontline crossing the city, we are providing similar services by supporting a Ministry of Health facility for reproductive health as well as a paediatric hospital.

People’s humanitarian and medical needs across Yemen are so vast. We can very visibly see that there are more needs: for essential relief items for people who have been displaced from their homes by the violence; for primary health and chronic disease care; for lifesaving reproductive and child health; for advanced surgical care and rehabilitation. But we have to accept that we can’t do everything. We have to choose what we can do well and with limited resources to give the best possible care to the most vulnerable groups. It’s very difficult to make those decisions, and one of the reasons I found working in Yemen particularly challenging.

Healthcare in Yemen has suffered, whether it’s preventative healthcare such as vaccination programs for children, primary and secondary healthcare, or tertiary care such as treatment for cancer or chronic diseases. The healthcare infrastructure itself has also been heavily affected by the war.

In the public hospitals that are still functioning in Yemen, beds are full – those people who are able come from all over the country to access what medical care is available. For others, all that remains are private clinics that, in the current economic crisis, people can barely afford.

It’s amazing to see the dedication of the local health staff - by Crystal van Leeuwen =

9.9.2016 – Atlantic Council (** B P)

Will Increased US Attention on Yemen Help End the War?

The key issues have not changed. President Abd Rabbo Mansour al-Hadi and his Saudi backers demand the full implementation of UN SC 2216, including the full disarming of the Houthis and their withdrawal from major cities including Taiz and Sanaa prior to the convening of a transitional governing process. The Houthis refuse this demand, recognizing that their arms and occupation of those regions give them bargaining power. Neither side, however, is willing to bargain. Kerry’s statements to the press on the timing of the Houthi disarming were more ambiguous, suggesting that they might do so in parallel with the formation of a new unity government. He also noted that the Houthis might hand their weapons off to a third party, which may be more acceptable to passing them to forces under Hadi’s control.
Other developments inside and outside of Yemen, however, complicate the situation. Since the recess in the talks, the Houthi-GPC alliance convenedwhat it describes as a quorum of the last elected parliamentarians. They reportedly voted unanimously to recognize the newly created ten-person Supreme Political Assembly. Hadi, the Saudis, the USA, the UN, the GCC, and pretty much all international powers failed to recognize the new assembly or the legitimacy of the parliamentary vote. Kerry’s recent comments did not mention the assembly at all.

While Hadi and his allies reject the legitimacy of that new assembly, the parliamentary vote creates an obstacle because those MPs were internationally recognized when they were elected in 2003.

Because the 2011 uprising was directed against then president Ali Abdullah Saleh—and not the elected parliament—it is difficult to dismiss out of hand the reconvening of a legitimately elected parliament, even if it was initiated by the Houthis and Saleh. Given that large swaths of Yemenis reject Hadi’s claim as Yemen’s legitimate president—his term expired in 2014, prior to the Houthi advance on Sanaa, and he was elected only by referendum, not in an open contest—dismissing outright the legitimacy of the elected parliamentarians may increase the already vast divide that needs to be bridged.

But as Kerry spoke of the needs of the Yemeni people, he also emphasized repeatedly that the US was deeply committed to its partnership with Saudi Arabia. A peace agreement, he argued, must meet “the appropriate needs of respecting the sovereignty and the security of Saudi Arabia.

Kerry’s intervention brings increased attention and effort from the United States to the devastating war in Yemen and its humanitarian consequences, but it is not likely to be embraced by the Houthis or their allies as long as the US continues to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen. The US also continues to conduct mid-air refueling for Saudi bombers, which contradicts Washington’s efforts to urge both sides to compromise – by Jillian Schwedler

Comment: An important article clearly revealing that the government installed by the parliament in Sanaa has more „legitimacy“ than „president“ Hadi and his government. Schwedler also clearly describes the ambiguity of US the position and the quite strange role of the US in a „peace“ process and the political development of Yemen.

8.9.2016 – IRIN (** B K)

EXCLUSIVE: Inside Saudi Arabia’s Yemen war rooms

Allowed rare access to the Saudi military's targeting cells, IRIN Middle East editor Annie Slemrod is presented with an anodyne operation that couldn’t be further from the horror on the ground in Yemen.

Our position is extremely strong,” said Lieutenant General Fayyad al-Ruwaili. “We are hitting military targets on [the enemy’s] side, their facilities, their lines of communication…. At the end of the day, they will be the losers.”

The certainty with which the deputy chief of staff of Saudi Arabia’s armed forces outlined his country’s position seemed off-key, especially given the storm brewing around the kingdom’s 17-month intervention in Yemen.

ranted rare access inside the Saudi defence ministry to specialist cells where targeting decisions are taken, IRIN found a jarring disconnect between the cool calculations of the generals in Riyadh and the deaths of innocent civilians, women, and children on the ground.

Throughout IRIN’s guided tour, Saudi military officials insisted they are scrupulous in their targeting, abide by the rules of war, and are constantly honing what they do to avoid civilian casualties.

Al-Ruwaili said UN numbers on civilian deaths were not to be trusted.

We are not saying that there have been [no civilian casualties]. Any military operation in a situation working against a guerrilla [force] would have some collateral damage or effect.” But the casualties are minimal, al-Ruwaili said.

We choose our targets very carefully. We scrutinise the target list… and we have a no target list – it is thousands – and we do avoid all these targets.”

Much of this decision-making happens inside an operations room that has a plaque, in English and Arabic, that reads “Joint Targeting Cell”. Despite its name, the choices about what to target don’t appear to be made here, only what not to hit.

IRIN was shown leaflets in the operations room. The officials explained that they are dropped to bring locals onside, as are fliers warning civilians to stay away from specific military targets.

The propaganda or PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) material IRIN was shown is in simple to understand comic-strip form – by Annle Slemrod

Comment: Interesting visit, interesting to look at the propaganda leaflets, but a lot of repeated Saudi propaganda. Thus, Judith brown states:

Comment by Judith Brown: Well. Obviously Saudi are innocent them. Only bombing the 50,000 Houthi militias that they claim are the only ones opposing them. So obviously all the reports from HRW Amnesty Oxfam ICRC Save the children - and reporters in Yemen eg Peter Oborne, Iona Craig and the like were wrong and all the photos fictitious.

8.9.2016 – Human Rights Watch (** B K)

Yemen: Houthi Landmines Claim Civilian Victims

All Sides Should Comply with Mine Ban Treaty, Reject Weapon’s Use

The use of landmines by Houthi forces and their allies in Yemen’s third-largest city of Taizz has caused numerous civilian casualties and hinders the return of families displaced by the fighting.

On August 9, 2016, 11 civilians, including seven children, were killed by an antivehicle mine in al-Waziyah, a western part of Taizz, a local activist told Human Rights Watch. Two of the children were 4 years old.

Houthi and allied forces are showing cold-hearted cruelty toward civilians by using landmines,” said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch. “Yemen’s warring parties should immediately stop laying mines, destroy mines in their possession and ensure that demining teams can work unimpeded so that families can safely return home.”

Human Rights Watch interviewed 14 people in Taizz, including landmine victims or their relatives, and Taizz-based medical professionals and deminers.

While total figures for landmine casualties in Taizz are not available, landmines killed at least 18 people and wounded more than 39 in the Taizz governorate between May 2015 and April 2016, according to Against Mines National Organization (AMNO), a Taizz-based group. and in short by AP:

8.9.2016 – Aljazeera (** B H)

'Women like us': On women and war in Yemen

Four Yemeni women share their experience of the war, their struggles and aspirations.

The idea of documenting women's lives during a conflict is not new. However, these stories remain under-reported in Yemen, a country torn by war and conflict.

In the photo series "Women Like Us", visual storyteller Thana Faroq captures the stories of women from different social status and class in Yemen and their experience of the war - their struggles, their aspirations, and their ambitions.

While each woman has suffered the war differently, yet they all share a sense of hope and resilience.

Here four Yemeni women share their stories about what has changed in their lives due to the conflict.

Among all the women photographed on this journey, it was striking how Om Nawal would get lost in cluttered thoughts. Her dream of a healthy, happy family seemed so distant to her, and her thoughts so filled with perpetual sorrow.

"The war made me discover my life hasn't been great, it never was, but I still held a hope that I have now lost. It's a feeling mixed with loss, fear and deflated dreams. I am not sure if anyone else understands," she elaborated.

"Other women tell me that I should remember the privileges I am blessed with during this rough time. But why should we endure this? There's a huge burden on my shoulders that no one else could understand, only women like me will."

Comment by Judith Brown: Oh, this breaks my heart. Women in war just are so amazing, they hold the family together when the world is falling apart. And these Yemeni women - so much courage because things are so terrible in Yemen, yet they carry on, caring, loving, hoping, giving. They deserve medals. Please read.

6.9.2016 – PRI (** A H P)

A 10-year-old girl makes her pitch to Western powers for peace in Yemen

Yara is a 10-year-old girl living in Yemen's rebel-held capital city, Sanaa. The sound of fighter jets, rockets and bomb blasts have kept her awake at night since she was 8-and-a-half.

Recently, she decided it was time to do something. So she made a video.

“I don't want it to be my turn to die,” she says, in a message recorded in her bedroom on her mom’s cell phone. “I want to live all my life, I want to be a doctor, I want to be an engineer,” she tells the camera. "I want to grow up and be something important in this world.”

Yara encouraged her parents to share the video on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Within a week, it had been viewed more than 15,000 times.

Like many residents of the rebel-held capital city, Yara blames Saudi Arabia for dragging out the war that has destroyed hospitals, markets and schools.

She delivers her video message in English. That way she can reach viewers in the UK and the United States — the ones who, in her view, hold the keys to ending the conflict.

“I want America to stop helping [the Saudis] so the war can end,” she said in a Skype interview from Sanaa. “If [Americans] can't stop the war against Yemen, I'd like them to stop helping Saudis and stop selling them weapons, so the war can stop.”

“Mommy told me that war against Yemen [had] started, and tons of people are dying, and all people lost their jobs,” she remembers. “My dad lost his job, also.”

She recalls how her family first adjusted to daily — and nightly — air strikes. “We all slept in one room in the basement, and our backpacks were ready — they had money, our passports even.”

Yara still sleeps in the basement next to her mom, dad and brother. Their packed bags still rest there too, in case the family needs to leave quickly. But Yara knows there is little chance for her family to escape the war. The Saudi-led coalition controls the airspace, the seaports and Yemen’s long border with Saudi Arabia. and video

Comment by Judith Brown: My hero! Do you think she could be president of the United States? She would do a much better job than Clinton or Trump. I just love her.

8.9.2016 – The Independent (** A E P)

Saudi Arabia cannot pay its workers or bills – yet continues to fund a war in Yemen

In Saudi Arabia itself, the government seems unable to cope with the crisis. The 'Arab News' says that 31,000 Saudi and other foreign workers have lodged complaints with the government’s labour ministry over unpaid wages. On one occasion, the Indian consulate and expatriates brought food to the workers so that their people should not starve

Almost unreported outside the Kingdom, the country’s big construction magnates – including that of the Binladen group – have not been paid by the Saudi government for major construction projects and a portion of the army of Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan and other workers have received no wages, some of them for up to seven months.

Indian and Pakistani embassies approached the Saudi government, pleading that their workers should be paid. Economists who adopt the same lickspittle attitude towards the Saudi monarchy as the British Government, constantly point out that the authorities have been overwhelmed by the collapse of oil prices. They usually prefer not to mention something at which the rest of the world remains aghast: deputy crown prince and defence minister Mohamed bin Salman’s wasteful and hopeless war in Yemen.

The result? A country with 16 per cent of the world’s proven oil reserves, whose Aramco oil company makes more than $1bn a day and now records a budget deficit of $100bn, cannot pay its bills.

In Saudi Arabia itself, the government seems unable to cope with the crisis – by Robert Fisk

9.9.2016 – Der Freitag (** A P)

Internationale Jemenkonferenz in London

Krieg im Jemen: In London fand vom 20.-21. August die "Internationale Konferenz zur Unterstützung des Volkes des Jemen" statt. Erstmals präsentierten sich dabei die Huthis im Westen.

cp2 Allgemein / General

10.9.2016 – Mehr News (* B K P)

Media blackout on Saudi Yemen invasion; UN’s futile shouts

While Western media outlets, by and large, have turned a blind eye to US-sponsored, Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen, the presence of UN Humanitarian Chief, Stephen O'Brien, in Tehran provided an opportunity to bring this humanitarian crisis back into focus.

There is no questioning the powerful role of mass media in construction of public opinion and social change, and amid this, key opinion leaders have been created, on which many people around the world rely to get their facts. When the body of three-year-old Syrian Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach a year ago, it was the social media that managed to draw the world’s attention to the dire and perilous situation of Syrian refugees.

Yet, there is a deafening silence from Western media outlets, which could have been a tremendous help to force the Saudi-led coalition to abandon its campaign under international pressure and thus, alleviate the sufferings of the Yemenis, but instead, they decided to become complicit in the US-sponsored, Saudi-led nightmare that has been going on for one whole year and six months, with no immediate prospect of peace.

The UN humanitarian chief’s presence at a press conference on Sep. 5 in Tehran provided the perfect opportunity to draw the attention of the media, and subsequently the general public around the world, to the pressing matter of Yemen’s crisis and the Yemenis’ growing humanitarian needs - by: Marjohn Sheikhi

Comment: Iranian article showing the Iranian viewpoint, also giving a broader overview. On the Iranian propaganda (or not-propaganda), see comment to next article.

10.9.2016 – Fars News (* B K P)

Multiple Parties Colluding to Starve Yemen into Submission to Saudi Objectives

It is up to the international civil society to decide; either remain complicit in Saudi war crimes in Yemen or initiate calls at the United Nations to force Western governments, including the United States and Britain, to end their arms sale to the despotic regime.

To be sure, as long as American tanks and bombs are involved in the dirty war, more lives will be lost. And it's not just about tanks. It is about the United States fuelling Saudi war crimes without demanding that the Saudis demonstrate a serious commitment to preventing civilian casualties. The United Nations has repeatedly said the Saudis are responsible for approximately two-thirds of civilian casualties. It has documented Saudi attacks on a slew of civilian areas, including hospitals, schools, refugee camps, markets, civilian homes and more.

The key argument here is that there is already instability in the region on several levels. The Saudi regime and its partners in crime need stop their indiscriminate bombing campaign and take real steps to prevent civilian casualties and further instability. Ask any Yemeni who is bombing his country and they will all say the US is bombing Yemen - technically not, but Washington is supporting the Saudi-led coalition militarily.

The same is true about the British government.

The increases in Western arms sales are extremely destabilising.

Western governments are all in the know that what they are doing in support of the dirty war is a serious violation of international protocols, including International Humanitarian Law.

They are also in the know that it is indeed their bombs and missiles that have wreaked devastation and displacement on the Yemeni population.

What's more, the United Nations Security Council, which has kept mum about the Saudi crime and genocide, is complicit too.

The world community could also force Western powers to stop their deadly arms sales, help avert humanitarian disaster, and institutionalise a non-violent conflict-resolution mechanism following a ceasefire.

Comment: You might be in doubt of this text because this is an Iranian source, and of course Iranians have their special interests in their rivalry with Saudi Arabia and also make their special propaganda. But, in the case of Yemen, are in an advantage: They just must abide by the facts – and they just do in many cases. The name of the author of this text is not given – I think a „Westener“ behind it.

9.2016 – UN Radio Arabic (* B K)

Audio: UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen: Everyone in the country has been affected by the war

In an interview with UN Arabic Radio Jamie McGoldrick the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen said: " Everyone in this country has been affected by this war...The numbers are staggering, 80%+ of the population have been affected directly or indirectly by this war. The second thing is, because we are in a region that has a larger more geopolitical important conflicts, in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen always falls off the radar screen and this is really unacceptable. The international community has a different view of humanitarian requirements, needs and suffering...We have to have a more universal, more consistent approach to how we view suffering and how we address that suffering."

10.9.2016 – The Pioneer (* B K P)


The main architect behind the Yemen war is Saudi Prince Mohammed. The war is expensive, but the country can’t make a premature exit, because of its domestic compulsions and for the widely acclaimed standing of the Prince. At the same time, Iran-backed Houthi militias are not giving up. Therefore the conflict is set to last longer than expected

Whether it is war or peace, the advanced nations have never hesitated to do business. But can doing business at the cost of the lives of innocent people be justified? Only time will tell the truth.

Though the Saudis have stressed that the conflict in Yemen is a proxy war between them and Iran, in reality Iran is tangentially engaged into the conflict. Fearing a backlash from Obama Administration, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is making a calculated move in assisting the Houthi rebels as an outright overture may jeopardise the post-nuclear concessions offered to the country by the former. Hence the kind of help offered by Tehran does nowhere come closer to the massive campaign the Saudis have undertaken. Today, Iran needs the US more than what the Saudis. Also, Obama without making major fuss is directing his forces to come up with an all-out help to the Saudis with an attempt to make up with the old ally after signing the historic nuclear deal with Iran.

In the run up to the Yemeni civil strife, naturally the only party which is reaping fast benefits is al-Qaeda – by Makhan Saikia

Comment; Overview article, superficial in many points. When will they finally learn that Northern Yemen is not Shia, but Zaidites? Why always labeling the Houthis as „Iran-backed“, when the authot himself tells that Iranian support is much less than often claimed?

9.9.2016 – Voiced from Yemen (B K)

Film: "Voices From Yemen" highlighting Nawal Al-Mughafi, a Yemeni journalist speaking about the war in Yemen. "I am urging all those involved to go into diplomatic negotiations with pure intentions because the Yemeni people have suffered enough, and it is time this conflict ends."

9.9.2016 – Global Research / Sott Net (* A B K)

24 hours of destruction in Yemen: UN, US, UK Devastation, Complicity and Double Standards

On Tuesday 6thSeptember, twenty-four hour monitoring by the country's Legal Centre for Rights and Development (LCRD) recorded the bombings by the Saudi led "coalition", armed by the US and UK and advised by their military specialists, thus collusion and co-operation of both countries render them equally culpable for the carnage.

This heartbreak, fear and destruction has been rained down in commensurate devastation near every twenty four hours since March 2015.
Ironic to remember Kuwait's "victim" status in 1990, when Iraq was threatened with being "reduced to a pre-industrial age" for taking revenge for Kuwait's slant drilling theft oil from Iraq's Rumaila oil fields. Now Kuwait, population just 3.369 million (2013) is now in the gang of murderous bullies decimating a poverty stricken country - no doubt as a thank you to Saudi Arabia for extending hospitality to their ruling family when they fled ahead of the Iraq troops, leaving their subjects to face the onslaught which their theft had generated.
Those who unleashed near Armageddon on Iraq over an oil dispute are either silent on or participating in Yemen's nightmare - and as ever money is talking and the US and Britain are selling the arms and the 'planes in billions of $s.
Further ironically is that in September 2015, Faisal bin Hassan Trad, Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, was elected Chair of a United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) panel. At the time UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer said: "It is scandalous that the UN chose a country that has beheaded more people this year than ISIS to be head of a key human rights panel. Petro-dollars and politics have trumped human rights."

The double standards of the "international community" and its UN "umbrella" is ever breathtaking – by Felicity Arbuthnot = =

9.9.2016 – Kyles Fyles (* A K P)

[Timeline, main event in Yemen day by day]

9.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Ex-chief of Arab league Musa: Saudi war on Yemen is flagrant intervention &reckless decision

9.9.2016 – Alwaght (* A P)

Al-Azhar Scholar Slams Wahhabis, Says Saudi Forces Killed in Aggression on Yemen Not Martyr

Ahmed Karima, scholar of Islamic law at al-Azhar University, in an exclusive interview with Alwaght news and analysis website, declared that unlike the propaganda of Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, Saudi and Emirati troops that have been killed in the Saudi-led war coalition against Yemen, are not martyrs.

Painting Wahhabis as agents of training terrorists in Central Asia, Sheikh Karima stated that Wahhabis have ruined young minds in the area and are using them to fuel terrorist operations.

In another part of his speech, Mr. Karima Referred to the Saudi aggression against Yemen, and said the Saudi and Emirati troops that are being killed in the war against Yemen are not martyrs, rather Yemenis who are victims of the Saudi attacks in this country should be considered martyrs. There is a difference between an aggressor and a victim. You can consider it a Fatwa that troops who get killed in the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen are not martyrs.

He also emphasized that the Saudis have established schools in Central Asia where extremist and takfiri beliefs are promoted. They grow up youths with the belief that Shiites, al-Azhar, Ibadis, Sufis, should be excommunicated, so, they get recruited in terrorist groups.

8.9.2016 – Middle East Rising (* B K P)

THE TRAGEDY IN YEMEN And so it goes, with innocent Yemenis being torn to shreds by the most horrific of weapons out there, the Lords of War continue to make windfall profits. Fortunately for them, the media’s silence guarantees that there is no significant pressure to end the supply of weapons to maim and kill a bunch of poor people here and there. After all, how else will the demand for these weapons keep up with their massive supply? As the fictional character in the movie Lord of War, Yuri Orlov said, “where there’s a will, there’s a weapon”. And the “coalition of the willing”, whether it be to go to war in Iraq, or for the destruction of Yemen, have been more than ready to oblige to the will of western arms manufacturers. For the Yemenis, however, the horrors of having these weapons used on them are, unfortunately, very real. As should be our shame for failing to genuinely care for the lives of innocent men, women and children, despite repeatedly saying otherwise, as evident from our remorseless silence in the face of their desperate screams - by Ariyana Love

Comment: Overview article.

8.9.2016 – Press TV Iran (* B K P)

Arms sale to Saudis, big business in UK, US: Pundit

Press TV has conducted an interview with Lawrence Davidson, lecturer at West Chester University, about British Prime Minister Theresa May defending selling arms to Saudi Arabia, which is accused of committing war crimes in Yemen.

Press TV: How exactly does assisting Riyadh with destroying Yemeni infrastructure and killing Yemeni civilians keep Britons safe at home? Please clarify that.

Davidson: I am afraid I cannot clarify that because I do not understand the logic that the prime minister is actually using here.

very big business both in the United States and in England and in France. Arms sale is a major, major aspect of the economy and therefore the employment and so it would be difficult economically to stop arming the Saudis because they consume so much of the weapons that are produced.

8.9.2016 – BBC Newsnight (* A K)

Film: 'I found my son burnt like a piece of coal'

BBC Arabic's Nawal al-Maghafi has just returned Yemen for an Our World documentary. The country has been devastated by fighting. Many have called it the “forgotten war”. Here's an extract from her report.

6.9.2016 – Fars News (* B P)

Wahhabi Ideology Driving ISIL and Zionist Ideology Close to Each other

Saudi Arabia’s military assault on Yemen and the passive response by the international community to the alarming events in the Arabian Peninsula is still a source of astonishment among people in the region and the world.

An American novelist, author and journalist says Saudi Arabia is trying to achieve regional dominance and supremacy through launching the unprompted attack against Yemen.

According to Richard Edmondson, the United Nations and the Security Council have been reluctant to take a firm stance regarding the Saudi aggression because their approach has been the same on the Israeli atrocities in the Occupied Territories and several other violations of the international law.

“I think the only conclusion we can draw with any certainty at this point is that the Saudi leadership is seeking to consolidate its political power over the Arabian Peninsula,” said Mr. Edmondson in an interview with FNA.

“I don’t think the Western media have as yet tried to sell us on the idea that the Saudis are bringing “democracy” to Yemen. That would be a good laugh, although, who knows – maybe that’ll be the next lie they try to pedal,” he added.

FNA spoke with Mr. Richardson regarding the recent Saudi military aggression against Yemen and its international repercussions. Here is the text of the interview.

[Here just the questions, one omitted]

Q: Saudi Arabia’s military invasion of Yemen was received in Washington and Tel Aviv with enthusiasm, many Arab nations joined the operation and many European capitals voiced their support for the Saudi aggression. What’s your perspective on the recent developments unfolding in Yemen? Do you think that military intervention can help with the settlement of the crisis that has emerged in Yemen?

Q: The United Nations Security Council has so far remained silent on the Saudi assault against Yemen, while the move certainly constitutes a violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Yemen. Why do you think they haven’t made any decision in censuring the Saudis for militarily intervening into a sovereign nation, causing the killing of thousands of civilians?

Q: Why does the US government support military operations across the Middle East in order to support the undemocratic rulers it has helped come to power? It’s now more than 4 years that it’s helping the Al-Khalifa regime in Bahrain crush and suppress the revolution of the Bahraini people. The US statesmen always proclaim that they are in favor of democracy and the will of nations. But the evidence shows the contrary is happening. Why is it so?

Q: Is Saudi Arabia’s unanticipated military intervention in Yemen part of its ambitious plans for gaining regional dominance and becoming the leading political, military power in the Middle East? Could it be for the same reasons that it propped up the unrest in Syria that led to the rise of the ISIL?

Comment: Interesting and certainly true on Saudi Arabia. It also is true that Israel had welcomed the saudi intervention – the attempt to construct an ideological affinity between Zionism and Wahabism anyway is quite odd.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

10.9.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A H K)

Painting cars and listening for bombs: Eid in Yemen's Taiz

Thousands of refugees have returned to Taiz since the partial lifting of a months-long siege. But the shelling continues

Over a year after fleeing conflict and siege in the embattled town of Taiz, thousands of Yemenis are now returning home – in time to celebrate the festival of Eid.

But, despite the partial lifting siege in the southern town, those returning have found the run-up to celebrations on Saturday punctuated by the sounds of shelling and missile attacks.

The normal life that is returning in Taiz, though, is still one punctuated by violence and hardship.

Seventeen months of war have killed more than 10,000 people across Yemen, most of them civilians. In Taiz itself, the same number have been injured.

Though thousands of people have returned to Taiz since the Popular Resistance seized the main road into the town from the Houthis on 22 August, the local Humanitarian Relief Coalition (HRC) said this week that clashes are ongoing on several fronts within Taiz.

As displaced people return to the city, ongoing violence – which HRC says saw 165 people killed by shells and sniper fire around the province of which Taiz is capital in August – has caused a new flow of refugees going in the other direction.

For those who do go back to the city, said HRC head Abdul Kareem Shamsan, electricity, water and basic sanitation services are still not up and running.

“Although the siege on the city was broken, most basic health services are also still not available in Taiz,” Shamsan told MEE.

“We cannot say that Taiz is now safe – displaced people just failed to find sufficient services in the camps, so they returned to houses in the middle of war.” - by Nasser Al-Sakkaf

10.9.2016 – Red Cross (* B H)

The struggle for water in Yemen

When infrastructure is destroyed, taps stop running. In #Yemen, getting water has become a daily struggle.

10.9.2016 – Daily Mail (* B H)

Starving child reduced to just skin and bone as war ravages around him: Shocking image of helpless tot emerges from Yemen as UN pleads for peace

The malnourished child is pictured in the Red Sea port city of Houdieda

The weakened toddler is seen chewing on his spindly forearm

Shocking images have emerged of a malnourished child reduced to little more than skin and bone at a hospital in war-torn Yemen.

The helpless boy is pictured lying on a hospital bed in the Red Sea port city of Houdieda.

The weakened toddler is seen chewing on his spindly forearm, his rib bones protruding from his chest (graphic images)

9.9.2016 – Hakim Almasmari (A H)

#Yemen.. Old man falls due to hunger after 40 hours without food. He moans in pain while politicians busy with war. (photo)

9.9.2016 – Humanosphere (* B H)

Podcast: Breaking down the complex crisis in Yemen

Our U.K. correspondent Charlie Ensor talked to Oxfam America‘s humanitarian policy adviser Scott Paulon the current crisis in Yemen, which is now in its second year.

Paul also talks about how people – especially citizens of powerful countries – can help. Think of it as a call againstarms. Currently, world powers like the U.S. and the U.K. play an active role in providing a Saudi-led coalition with arms to restore the former Yemeni government (and perhaps enabling the coalition to conduct bombing campaigns with what some humanitarian groups have described as a “pattern of disregard for civilian life“). Yet at the same time, the U.S. and the U.K. are also trying to be peace brokers. Maybe there’s a saying about not being able to have a cake and eat it, too, that can be used here – by Imana Gunawan

9.9.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (B H)

Imagine urself living n this situation,IDPs n #Yemen living here @OCHAYemen must help them Pix n Dharwan camp #Sanaa

8.9.2016 – UNICEF (B H)

#ChildrenUprootedfrom their homes due to conflict are easy to recruit. These are #ChildrenNotSoldiers.

Comment by Judith Brown: Who can blame children when they have nothing except anger and the wish to earn something to feed their family?

8.9.2016 – Dr. Karim (A H)

These deaths are the responsibility of the entire Saudi Coalition.....Every one of them has blood on their hands! , referring to, images of malnourished child from Hodeida region

Comment by Judith Brown: The most shocking picture I have seen for a while. And so far, the UN and other world bodies have not said that Yemen is in famine.

8.9.2016 - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Yemen Humanitarian Bulletin Issue 15 | As of 31 August 2016

1.5 million children suffer from life-threatening malnutrition.

Displaced population of concern increases by 7 per cent.

Violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses are condemned by the UN.

World Humanitarian Day highlights attacks on aid workers.

Snapshot on needs and assistance provided through the Ibb humanitarian hub . and in full:

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

8.9.2016 – Yemen Update (A T)

Several people were killed and injured in a bomb car targeting a Houthi gathering tonight in Sanaa.


8.9.2016 – Haykal Bafana (A T)

Car bomb explosion in north-west part of #Yemencapital Sanaa. Casualty figures not known yet. (photo)

8.9.2016 – Shapban (A)

2 killed in #Yemen's capital tonight after quarrel with security over delay in receiving their salaries (graphic photos)

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

11.9.2016 – Albawaba (* A T)

Bus bomb attack foiled in Yemen’s Aden

Yemeni security services foiled an attempt to carry out a terrorist attack using a bus laden with explosives. Aden police’s anti-terrorism unit succeeded in preventing the attack before it could take place on Friday.

An police unit thwarted the bus bombing in the Sheikh Othman district where the driver of the bus was arrested before he could detonate the bomb in the middle of the Al-Hashemi station for passengers. The press bureau for Aden police said that, according to security information, the anti-terrorism unit travelled to where the driver of the bus was and arrested him before he could carry out the attack.

According to the driver’s initial confessions, he was instructed to park the bus in a crowded place anddetonate the bombs on boardon the first day of Eid in order to create chaos and panic amongst the population of the province of Aden

11.9.2016 – Der Standard (A T)

Selbstmordattentäter rissen im Süden zehn Soldaten in den Tod

Bei einem Angriff eines Selbstmordattentäters auf eine Straßensperre der Armee wurden am Sonntag im Süden des Jemen zehn Soldaten getötet und 14 weitere verletzt. Wie aus Sicherheitskreisen verlautete, ereignete sich der Anschlag in Al-Wadi in der Provinz Abyan.

11.9.2016 – Xinhua (* A T)

8 soldiers killed as suicide car blast hits police station in Yemen

A suicide bomber rammed his explosives-laden car into a police station Sunday in Yemen's southern province of Abyan, killing 8 soldiers and injuring 20 others, a Yemeni security official told Xinhua.

Two hours after the suicide bombing, residents said that fierce clashes occurred between pro-government forces and suspected al-Qaida gunmen near the local authority compound in Abyan's provincial capital city of Zinjibar.

Eight pro-government soldiers were killed and up to 20 were critically wounded, the security source said, adding that the explosion also damaged nearly five armored cars lined up inside the police center in Abyan province.

The source said that the suicide car bomb targeted newly-trained soldiers gathered inside a police station in Al-Wadea district of Abyan province, the hometown of Saudi-backed Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

11.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Over 20 Saudi-hired recruits killed by Yemen Qaeda/ISIS suicide car bomb in Wade'e Abyan south of the country

10.9.2016 – Shapban (A P)

Aden Governor calls for secession of south #Yemenfrom its north

10.9.2016 – Shapban (A P)

transportation corporations n south #Yemensay will not accept any passenger on their buses unless he/she has ID card issued in south Yemen

10.9.2016 – Shapban (A P)

#Yemen- Hadi #PM: we're moving the Central Bank to a neutral place & Sanaa is not neutral [Australia & Congo are neutral]

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

9.9.2016 – UN News Centre (A P)

Security Council urges warring parties in Yemen to resume talks with UN envoy

he United Nations Security Council today urged the parties to the conflict in Yemen to immediately resume talks with the UN envoy for that country and discuss his proposal for a comprehensive agreement covering both security and political issues.

In a press statement, the members of the Council “expressed their continued support for and commitment to the work of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, in bringing the parties to negotiations with a view towards swiftly reaching a final and comprehensive agreement to end the conflict in Yemen.”

The 15-member Council “urged the parties to resume consultations immediately without preconditions and in good faith with the UN Special Envoy on the basis of his proposal for a comprehensive agreement covering both security and political issues.”

To support consultations of the envoy, and avoid further loss of life, the Council “urged all parties to recommit to and fully respect the terms and conditions of the cessation of hostilities entered into on 10 April, which will include a complete halt to ground and air military activities.”

The Council called upon all sides to comply with international humanitarian law and to take urgent measures to improve the humanitarian situation, and to allow safe, rapid, and unhindered access for humanitarian supplies to all affected governorates and facilitate access for essential imports of food, fuel, and medical supplies into the country and their distribution throughout.

In the statement, the members of the Council reiterated their strong commitment to the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen. and the full statement: =

Comment: Bla bla bla. The US and the UK in special have fired this war, profit from it supplying arms, the whole Council by it's totally one-sided resolution 2216 has created an obstacle for any peaceful solution. These empty words are a document of hypocrisy.

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

End of Saudi war in Yemen Is Obama decision not UN. Saudi war in Yemen was Obama decision.

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Notice how UN avoided using word airstrikes and called it "air activities". d Da hell! Power of Saudi money.

Comment by Jamila Hanan: UN pleads for peace whilst supporting Saudi blockade with its "starve #Yemen" resolutions 2216/2266

8.9.2016 – Samantha Power, US ambassador to UN (A P)

After few months of unhelpful division on #Yemen, #UNSCunites to call on parties to recommit to cess of hostilities

Comment by Yemen Peace Project: This is frustrating: US is a party to the conflict, and has not ceased its own participation in hostilities.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

10.9.2016 – IRNA (A P)

Arab League should urge Riyadh to stop supporting terrorists: Foreign Ministry

The Arab League should urge Saudi Arabia to stop supporting terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi said on Friday.

He made the remarks in a message released in reaction to the anti-Iranian statement issued by the Arab League's council of foreign ministers.
The Arab League's unilateral support for Saudi Arabia has not only increased instability and unrest in the region but also it has encouraged Riyadh to kill more civilians of the Arab countries, Qasemi said.
He said that the Arab League should help promote peaceful co-existence among regional countries by urging Riyadh to stop cracking down on the Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi and Bahraini people and killing them.

6.9.2016 – New York Times (* A P)

Iran and Saudi Arabia Squabble as Millions of Muslims Begin Pilgrimage

As Muslims from around the world head toward Mecca for the annual hajj pilgrimage, Saudi Arabia and Iran have escalated their sectarian rivalry over which country represents the true Islam.

Iran unleashed the first barb Monday, when the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, accused Saudi Arabia of deliberately killing pilgrims during last year’s hajj. He called for the world’s Muslims to reconsider Saudi control of the holy sites.

Saudi Arabia answered back on Tuesday, when the kingdom’s top cleric said that Iran’s leaders “are not Muslims.”

The spat underlines the deep religious and strategic rivalry between Shiite-led Iran and the Sunni royal family of Saudi Arabia that has put the two Middle Eastern powers on opposite sides of the wars in Yemen and Syria, and has them competing to undermine each other’s influence in the region – by Ben Hubbard

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / See cp1

9.9.2016 – Carnegie Endowment (* B K P)

Saudi-Backed Extremism is Fueling Yemeni Outrage

Blaming Saudis and Americans for civilian casualties and growing extremist violence, Yemenis are upping their own media and military campaigns.

The Saudi government wants the Houthis to implement UN Resolution 2216 by surrendering their weapons to the internationally recognized government of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and withdrawing from the cities they occupy, including Sanaa and Taiz. But what Riyadh wants is the Houthis’ complete surrender, and it seems unconcerned that weapons handed over to the Yemeni government could go to members of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), some of whom pose as members of Hadi’s internationally recognized government. The U.S. Department of the Treasury designated three members of the Riyadh-based Hadi government as global terrorists: Abdul Majid al-Zindani, Abdul Wahhab Humayqani (who represented Hadi’s government at the 2015 UN-sponsored talks in Geneva), and Nayif Salih Salim al-Qaysi (whom Hadi appointed as governor of Bayda in December 2015).

As the atrocities accumulate and the humanitarian crisis worsens, Yemenis blame the U.S. administration for most of their suffering.

Saudis are increasingly worried—not only by rising hatred, anti-Saudi sentiment, and the growing number of attacks on southern Saudi Arabia, but also by the photos and videos published almost daily showing bare-footed Yemeni fighters defeating the Saudi army and its most advanced weapons – by Nasser Arrabyee

Comment: This article shows that Carnegie Endowment can do better than the odd propaganda listed here at cp15.

9.9.2016 – International Business Times (A P)

Film: Hajj: Why Saudi Arabia is stepping up security for this year's pilgrimage

Disaster struck in September 2015 as two groups of pilgrims collided at a crossroads of two a narrow streets killing at least 2,426 people. There are various factors that affected the stampede including: pilgrims rushing to complete the time-sensitive rituals, heat and exhaustion, masses of people pushing in opposite directions, and confusion of first-timers. This hasn't been the only incident; hundreds of other pilgrims have been killed during the same ceremony in years past but 2015’s disaster was the deadliest at Mina since 1990 when 1,426 people died. This year Saudi Arabia have to step up security after Iran called its organisers incompetent. Iran, Saudi Arabia’s regional rival, blamed the disaster on organisers’ incompetence straining international relations. , for the Hajji see also

8.9.2016 – Washington Post (A P)

In Saudi Arabia, a revolution disguised as reform

Today, it’s hard to be optimistic about anything in the Middle East. And yet having just visited Saudi Arabia, in which I led a small bipartisan group of former national security officials, I came away feeling hopeful about the kingdom’s future.

In fact, the Saudi Arabia I just visited seemed like a different country from the one I’ve been visiting since 1991. There is an awakening underway in Saudi Arabia, but it is being led from the top. As one Saudi told us, there is “a revolution here disguised as economic reform.” While political change may not be in the offing, transformation is nonetheless taking place.

Practically, the Saudis’ plans for transformation are ambitious, designed to diversify the economy, end overreliance on oil, keep capital in the country for domestic investment, and foster both transparency and accountability.

The war in Yemen may drain resources and, in time, public support. Or the preoccupation with Iran, or Iranian efforts at subversion, could prove distracting and hard to overcome. – by Dennis Ross

Comment: I really thought about putting this piece to cp15 Propaganda. It's a strange praise of Saudi Arabia taking the surface and the propaganda of officials' speaking for reality: The relentless foreign policy including military intervention and destruction of a neighbouring country; the 200 years old symbiosis of Saudi rule and Wahabism, resulting in close restrictions of life inside the country (for instance in case of women and of other religions) and in the spread of Wahabism worldwide, including the spread of Wahabi terrorism?

Comment: Media missions are run by governments: they invite journalists on location, sugar coat reality, fill the head of the journalists with propaganda and this is the result.
Utterly disappointing, Washington Post: you have been bought off

8.9.2016 – Huffington Post (* B P)

What Islamic schism? Wahhabism does not have divine monopoly

The world has now learned of Islam division – a division which started over legitimacy.

Let us now speak of legitimacy.

The first question you need to ask yourself is whose legitimacy? Ultimately this divide in between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam comes down to one simple question: Did the prophet appoint an heir? Or rather did God provision for His Religion, His Book, His Tradition, His Message to be entrusted in the care of a custodian?

Remember this word: custodian!

While many so called religious authorities would have us believe that God left us to our own devise after offering us absolute guidance, History tells us differently.

Wahhabis have looked down on all Muslims: from all different school of thoughts and backgrounds on account they have chosen to embrace the Oath of Ghadeer and live it as their declaration of faith.

Wahhabis have mocked Shia Islam and called it an aberration and an evil. Wahhabis have rejected the authority of Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, and Imam Husayn, and YET they are quite happy to revere al-Saud Royals as the Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques – those very individuals, who, from atop their wealth have called for the genocide of Christians, Muslims and Jews for they suffer no contention to their dogma.

Today many the Judeo-Christian world embraces the House of Saud blaming the violence it promotes on those it oppresses. What an interesting deflection indeed.

Wahhabism worse still has not only denied Islam its unity by ostracising the Shias (followers of) Muhammad, it has taken an axe to the world religious heritage so that communities would lose sight of their past, and thus grow in ignorance.

How many Muslims today have suffered in their faith by the hands of Wahhabism? How many have endured persecution on the very ground which God consecrated to Islam: Mecca, for they sought to walk the walk of remembrance by visiting those shrines and those places which bear still the mark of the prophet and echo of Abraham?

Wahhabism has called and worked towards a grand cleansing of our religious patrimoine so that nations would learn of one another only mistrust and fear, anger and resentment.

Still the Quran commands on the Faithful to protect the people of the Book (Christians and Jews) before they protect themselves, for God spoke to them and guided them a right guidance.

It is the hypocrites, those who seek to destroy and do harm which the Quran calls to destroy, never those who work for peace, regardless of their faith, regardless of their station. Those verses of the Quran people continue to quote to justify their hatred and venom have been manipulated away from their context and meaning – just as the verses of the Bible and the Torah have been manipulated and played against each other.

The only schism which exists, exist in the minds of those for whom Religion remains a tool of oppression – by Catherine Shakdam

Comment: Interesting rejection of Wahabi intolerance from a Muslim viewpoint.

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: I think I found article why @HuffingtonPostwas blocked in Saudi yesterday. How dare you expose Wahabisim

cp9 USA

10.9.2016 – New York Post (** B P)

Despite ‘28 pages’ release, Saudi’s 9/11 involvement still buried

The White House thinks releasing the “28 pages” summarizing Saudi involvement in 9/11 satisfied the public’s need to know. But don’t be fooled. The full story remains buried under more than 100,000 pages of other, still-secret documents.

The public didn’t even get to see everything that was in those long-classified 28 (actually 29) pages from the congressional inquiry, which narrowly focus on Saudi government officials’ contacts with just two of the 15 Saudi hijackers during their stay in San Diego. The Obama administration blacked-out critical information throughout the document.

In all, there are nearly 100 separate redactions, ranging from single words, such as names of Saudi suspects, to paragraphs and entire sections of text. Obama’s censors offered no reason why any of that information had to be kept secret 15 years after the attacks, even though such explanations are required as part of declassification reviews.

Lawyers for 9/11 families suing the Saudi kingdom,who Friday won congressional passage of a bill removing Saudi’s sovereign immunity, want to get their hands on those documents, along with: […]

The White House and Riyadh hoped the public would move on after the partial release of the 29 pages.

“Now that the declassification is complete,” said Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, “we hope to continue our close cooperation with the US.” Not so fast. With so much still hidden from public view, the release of the 29 pages should be just the start of 9/11 transparency, not the end of it – by Paul Sperry

Comment: While #Saudi's foreign minister arrived to USA today to attempt to change Congress vote allowing the suing of his government over 9/11

10.9.2016 – Middle East Monitor (* A P)

What does John Kerry’s leaked report say about US policy on Yemen?

Last week, BBC Arabic leaked a 12-point peace plan that was written by US Secretary of State John Kerry with regards to Yemen. The report caused much controversy in the Yemeni community; by Monday, the full plan was deleted from the internet.

The points in the leaked plan were: [...]

The fifth point was the one that caused the most controversy. Power sharing between Houthis, Saleh’s GPC and Hadi’s government is explicitly robbing the Yemeni people of their right to democracy. Though this government is intended to be a transitional move to restore political normality, realistically speaking, none of the three parties intend to give up power to each other, let alone facilitate free and fair elections to let the Yemeni people decide on who should govern them.

For too long, Yemeni politics has been at the mercy of corrupt officials and outside influence. The people have no real say in their political affairs and local actors are deemed irrelevant on the national level, completely under-representing minorities. If such a plan was to be implemented, it would only plaster over the existing power struggles, without reaching their root causes.

Comment: I disagree to some points. There is no reason at all to grant the Hadi government more tah 1/3 of the new transitional government, as this government nearly has no more support in the population. Other political parties like Southern Hirak are excluded in kerry's plan. Mohsen is a figure without any legitimacy – he was appointed without approval by the parliament as is required by the constitution; he is an old Saleh crony; he was closely affiliated to Al Qaida; he is not accepted in the South at all due to his former politics in Saleh's times.

Comment by Judith Brown:

An interesting discussion on the US plan for Yemen. The suggested division of a three party split has problems - not least the concentration of power into the northern tribes. The person who would be most pleased would be Saleh who would see his chance to grab power again. I guess if this was a temporary situation until elections it might be accepted - but the previous UN plan (before the war started, agreed by everyone else but refused by Hadi) had proposed a five man ruling committee which gave representation to more interest groups. I will be interested to hear the Yemeni response. I guess the ordinary Yemeni in the street just wants peace. At any price.

10.9.2016 – Alwaght (* A P)

Kingdom of the Unjust by US Activist, Unveiled

An antiwar US activist unveiled her latest book titled “Kingdom of Unjust” about the aggressions and crimes committed by the Saudi Government.

Medea Benjamin is a peace activists and member of CODEPINK antiwar group who has recently been active in protests against the Saudi attacks in Yemen and its role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks against US in 2001.

About her 203 pages book, Benjamin said it is a struggle to inform people on why US government is this close to the Saudis, which she believes the closeness began after the Standard Oil California now known as “Chevron” got the license for oil .exploration in eastern Saudi Arabia in 1933.

9.9.2016 – Middle East Monitor (* A P)

Undiplomatic language exposes the mother of all war criminals

It would have been more appropriate — and accurate — for Duterte to call Obama a hypocrite.

Neither Duterte nor Obama have chosen to go through the legal channels of evidence-gathering, arrest, charge, trial, judge and jury to determine the guilt or innocence of the suspects. Extrajudicial killings, in fact, have almost become normalised, as has the use of drones, in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. In short, Obama could be the mother of all war criminals, given the number of innocent people who have been killed along the way.

This is, no doubt, why other governments, such as Israel’s, for example, feel emboldened to shoot first and ask questions later; that policy is illustrated by the annual death toll of Palestinian civilians.

It is the sort of rough justice that the population of Yemen is enduring at the moment as British bombs bought and used by Saudi Arabia are dropped routinely on hospitals, maternity units and playgrounds, while US drones unleash hell-fire missiles on suspected militants who often hide out in civilian areas.

The global descent into lawlessness began decades ago and accelerated in the aftermath of 9/11 – by Yvonne Ridley

9.9.2016 – The Intercept (* A P)

Wolf Blitzer Is Worried Defense Contractors Will Lose Jobs if U.S. Stops Arming Saudi Arabia

SEN. RAND PAUL’S expression of opposition to a $1.1 billion U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia — which has been brutally bombing civilian targets in Yemen using U.S.-made weapons for more than a year now — alarmed CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday afternoon.

Blitzer’s concern: That stopping the sale could result in fewer jobs for arms manufacturers.

“So for you this is a moral issue,” he told Paul during the Kentucky Republican’s appearance on CNN. “Because you know, there’s a lot of jobs at stake. Certainly if a lot of these defense contractors stop selling war planes, other sophisticated equipment to Saudi Arabia, there’s going to be a significant loss of jobs, of revenue here in the United States. That’s secondary from your standpoint?”

Paul stayed on message – by Zaid Jilani and Alex Emmons and in film, CNN:

Commetn by Judith Brown: My God ! This man is looking at these photos of Yemen and worrying about US jobs! Is he human? He certainly has no morals.

8.9.2016 – Huffington Post (* A P)

Lawmakers Launch Last-Minute Bid To Block Billion-Dollar Arms Sale To Saudi Arabia

They say the U.S. shouldn’t continue to be complicit in mounting civilian casualties in Yemen.

A bipartisan group of senators thinks maybe it’s not such a great idea for the United States to back Saudi Arabia’s slaughter of civilians in war-torn Yemen, and are mounting a rare bid to block a $1.15 billion arms sale to the U.S. ally.

The lawmakers, led by Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.),introduced a resolution of disapproval on Thursday to block the weapons sale. They argue that the Saudis’ war against Houthi insurgents in Yemen harms U.S. national security by creating a chaotic environment that allows the al Qaeda unit there to strengthen. The Saudis have long been a U.S. ally in the war against al Qaeda and associated groups ― but in Yemen, their primary target is the Houthi insurgent group, which the Saudis see as closely aligned with Iran.

Paul and Murphy introduced legislation earlier this year that would place stricter conditions on U.S. military support to Saudi Arabia ― but GovTrack gives it a 2 percent chance of becoming law. - by Michael McAuliff


8.9.2016 – Salon (* A P)

Warning U.S. is funding “disaster” in Yemen, senators take bipartisan action to stop arms sale to Saudi Arabia

Joint Senate resolution hopes to block U.S. weapons deal. Oxfam called for holding Obama admin's "feet to the fire" – by Ben Norton, with more statements of senators

8.9.2016 – Human Rights Watch (* A P)

The “resolution of disapproval” introduced today, by Senators Rand Paul, Chris Murphy, Mike Lee, and Al Franken, comes amid growing calls – by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the Campaign Against Arms Trade, and the Guardianand New York Timeseditorial boards – to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabiagiven its record in Yemen. It also comes as other members of Congress have increasingly raised concernsabout the coalition’s compliance with the laws of war and the impact on Yemeni civilians.

The resolution of disapproval is a step forward, and this initiative and others like it should be supported. Yemenis deserve more than quiet concern; they deserve an outcry – by Kristine Beckerle and John Swifton

8.9.2016 – Washington Post (* A K P)

A reminder of the permanent wars: Dozens of U.S. airstrikes in six countries

While Americans savored the last moments of summer this Labor Day weekend, the U.S. military was busy overseas as warplanes conducted strikes in six countries in a flurry of attacks. The bombing runs across Asia, Africa and the Middle East spotlighted the diffuse terrorist threats that have persisted into the final days of the Obama presidency — conflicts that the next president is now certain to inherit.

While the breadth of ongoing U.S. combat operations may appear to be a step back from the Obama administration’s earliest national-security goals, Scharre said the bombing was an appropriate response to an array of security threats, one that might be sustained over time in the same way that the United States has committed to long-term military presences in places such as Germany and South Korea.

“I think the goal of getting to zero U.S. involvement was always just the wrong metric,” he said. “The goal was to get to the place where U.S. involvement is commensurate with our interests.” - by Missy Ryan

Comment: Trying to justify the unjustifiable. Droning for peace.

8.9.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A P)

US drone operators join lawsuit against Obama over Yemen strike

Suit seeks an official apology over deaths of innocent Yemenis in US drone strike

Three US former drone operators on Thursday joined a lawsuit against US President Barack Obama over the deaths of innocent Yemenis in US drone strikes.

The brief, filed by Brandon Bryant, Lisa Ling and Cian Westmoreland, said the veterans had “witnessed a secret, global system without regard for borders, conducting widespread surveillance with the ability to conduct deadly targeted killing operations.

“From their collective experience working on the drone programme...[they] believe the public has been misinformed about the effectiveness of drone strikes and the way they are conducted.”

The evidence was submitted in support of a lawsuit filed by Faisal bin Ali Jaber, a Yemeni environmental engineer whose brother-in-law and nephew were killed in a drone strike on his village in 2012.

Jaber's brother-in-law, Salem, was a preacher who gave a sermon denouncing al-Qaeda's ideology a few days before the deadly strike on 29 August 2012.

Comment by Judith Brown: Now drone operators are joining in to put pressure on Obama for deaths in Yemen. The net is closing. But I guess they will all get away scot free. As they do.

8.9.2016 – Asia Times (* A P)

US cluster bombs: Obama apologizes to Laos, sells more to pound Yemen

CIA’s nine-year secret war had made Laos the most heavily bombed country in human history. During his visit to that country on Sept 6, US President Barack Obama talked to local students, people and officials about America’s moral obligation to help Laos heal. Just three days later, the White House approved another $1.15 billion arms package to Saudi Arabia to bomb Yemenis who will have to suffer similar consequences for decades.

This self-contradictory US policy is especially highlighted in that while Obama sees US offering partial payment for damages in Laos is a “moral obligation”, Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) sees continued US support for the Saudi war in Yemen as a “moral abomination.” Likewise, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) sees “an American imprint on every life lost in Yemen.”

Indeed, if Obama sees a moral obligation to help Laos heal due the continual damages caused by US cluster bombs more than 40 years ago, shouldn’t the same moral obligation apply to Yemen to stop US from selling cluster bombs used to further harm the population for decades to come? - by Christina Lin

Comment: The question easily can be answered. In Laos, the US cluster bombs are of no use for the US at all anymore, they even are an obstacle to better political and economic relations – and to US influence – in that country. In Yemen, things are different. At the moment, the Saudi bombing campaign is of various use for the US, The whole story is just another example of US hypocrisy.

8.9.2016 – RT (A K P)

$115bn in US arms for Saudis should leverage reduction of civilian casualties in Yemen – think tank

The US has offered Saudi Arabia $115 billion worth of arms during Barack Obama’s two terms as president, an anti-war think tank counted, arguing that this should give Washington enough leverage to pressure Riyadh to prevent civilian casualties in Yemen.

Weapons have been sold to Saudi Arabia in 42 separate deals since 2009, William Hartung of the US-based Center for International Policy, a non-profit group that has been advocating demilitarization since 1975, reported on Wednesday.

The sum of $115 billion was arrived at based on data on arms sales deals published by the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency. The figure is greater than that for any previous US administration over more than seven decades of US-Saudi alliance.

Comment: Headline misleading.

7.9.2016 – Rare (* A P)

Justin Amash: Why are we giving the Saudis $1 billion in weapons with zero debate?

The United States government has an unfortunate history of ill-conceived arms sales to nations around the world. But it’s our longstanding arrangement with Saudi Arabia that has become particularly troubling in recent years.

President Barack Obama’s latest announcement—that he intends to provide the Saudis with a rushed order of over one billion dollars in new weaponry—should provide the impetus Congress needs to seriously reflect on and re-evaluate the nature of our relationship with this supposed ally.

The American people deserve to know that their tax dollars are funding weapons that may be used by a foreign government against civilians. And as their representatives in Congress, we must not be afraid to question the status quo.

Members of Congress who support arms sales to Saudi Arabia must publicly justify this position when basic human rights questions linger. The lives of innocent civilians are at stake. At the very least, we owe them—and the people we represent—open eyes and a vigorous debate – by Justin Amash, Member of Congress

7.9.2016 – USA Today (* A P)

House to vote this week on letting 9/11 families sue Saudis

The House will vote this week on whether to allow 9/11 survivors and family members of those killed that day to sue Saudi Arabia in connection with the attacks, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan confirmed Wednesday.

The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) passed the Senate unanimously in mid-May.

President Obama has threatened to veto the legislation, saying it could open the door for other countries to allow lawsuits against Americans in courts abroad. But Congress appears to have enough votes for an override.

The lengthy legal battle has stretched out as lawyers have battled over whether the Saudi government has immunity from prosecution under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 or whether they are covered by an exception for terrorist acts in the U.S.

The latest setback for the 9/11 families came last September in a ruling by U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels, who said the court lacked jurisdiction. Attorneys for the 9/11 families have said the legislation merely clarifies existing law – by Brian J. Tumulty

4.9.2016 – Cleveland (* A P)

Probe U.S. role in Yemeni civilian deaths during Saudi-led war: Ali Mohamed (Opinion)

Congress has the power to stop the human tragedy in Yemen. Firstly, when Congress comes back later this month, they should hold a hearing on the Saudi war in Yemen, the U.S. involvement, and the supply of lethal weapons to the Saudis. Secondly, Congress must also act now and stop military sales to the Saudis in the light of the indiscriminate bombings of innocent Yemenis by coalition airstrikes.

Those airstrikes are alienating more Yemenis in a time when America needs more help defeating al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen, the most lethal al-Qaida affiliate, which has expanded its influence in Yemen and benefited during the Saudi-led military campaign.

We must put the value of human lives ahead the interest of the Saudi regime, one of the worst human rights violators in the world. America must give peace a chance in Yemen because all Yemenis deserve to live and work in peace – by Ali Mohamed

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

10.9.2016 – Foreign Office (A P)

FOI release: Rehman Chishti MP and Yemen

Correspondence between Rehman Chishti MP about Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

Comment: And Tobias Ellwood again.

9.9.2016 – Middle East Monitor (* A P)

Al-Jubeir’s visit changes committee’s report on UK-Saudi arms sales

A UK government committee’s reports which recommended halting arms sales to Saudi Arabia was watered down following a visit by the Gulf country’s foreign minister.

In their original report the committee wrote: “The weight of evidence is now so great that the UK should suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen until an independent and international inquiry can establish the truth.”

The BBC’s Newsnight reported that there was a concerted effort to water down the report by two prominent members of parliament who had previous ties to the British arms industry.

Reporter Gabriel Gatehouse described the “anatomy of a whitewash” while commenting on the “turmoil at the heart of the establishment”

Controversy intensified following a meeting between the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir and British MP’s, which has raised further questions about the process by which the draft was amended.

This recommendation was dramatically changed in the second draft, which merely proposed a legal case that will be taken to a high court next year. Others wanted this removed altogether.

Comment: This article clearly tells how great Saudi influence on the British parliament really is. Just disgusting. Remember that PM May also directly and by 100 % adopted Jubeir's bizarre argument that furnishing arms to the Saudis would make Britain saver from terrorism. See below, and also YPR 196 cp10 and cp15 (Jubeir's statements there).

Comment: When violations become 'allegations'

8.9.2016 – RT (* A P)

‘UK acting as weapons pimp, reaping rewards of Saudi Arabia’s dirty work’

Raza Kazim, Islamic Human Rights Commission, told RT.

RT:The Prime Minister's comments have now been backed by the Foreign Minister, Boris Johnson. Yet reports suggest quite the opposite. Why are Britain's decision makers going against the clear findings?

Raza Kazim: I think we need to look at the plethora of evidence that has been gathered. The Committee itself has said that the UK government is probably in violation of its international human rights obligations due to the way that the weapons that have been supplied by the UK have been used. It is said that the assurances supplied by the Saudi government are also not sufficient, not acceptable and so on. Yet, the UK government continues. We need to understand that basically the UK government is acting like a pimp, and is reaping the benefits of the dirty work that Saudi Arabia is actually doing. This needs to stop.

RT: Saudi Arabia is claiming if the UK suspends arms sales, there might be even higher risks of terrorism spreading. Is that a valid point?

RK: There is no evidence to suggest that. Saudi Arabia is the one that is carrying out acts of terrorism.

Daoud Khairallah, International Law professor at Georgetown University said that it has not been easy for Britain, the US, or other countries that are providing Saudi Arabia and its allies with weapons, “to resist the temptation of money and corruption.” (same questions asked to him also]

9.9.2016 – The Guardian (* A K P)

How many Yemenis need to die before we stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia?

The UK government has ignored human rights charities, lawyers, and even an arms trade treaty to prop up the Saudi war machine

With US lawmakers gearing up to block a proposed billion-dollar sale of US arms to Saudi Arabia over concerns at mounting civilian deaths in Yemen, what will it take for politicians in the UK to do the same?

According to media reports, the cross-party parliamentary arms export controls committee is minded to call for a suspension of UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia. Providing the committee resists pressure to water down that call, it will be yetanother influential voice urging that the UK-Saudi arms tap be turned off.

But will the government listen? Let’s put it this way – what exactly will it take to convince ministers here of the need to halt the flow of UK arms to Riyadh?

But no, the weapons – the Typhoon warplanes, the missiles and the bombs – carried on flowing.

You might have thought ministers would act when, in December, a group of leading lawyers issued a comprehensive legal opinion (running to 90 pages) that the arms exports were in breach of UK, EU and wider international law.

You might have imagined that ministers would think again when a UN report in January found that there had been 119 coalition attacksthat breached international humanitarian law .

Again, no.

Notwithstanding growing disquiet on both sides of the Atlantic over how Saudi Arabia is deploying its expensive western weaponry in Yemen, the months tick by while the list of Yemeni civilians killed grows ever longer. And of course, UK arms continue to flow into Saudi Arabia’s war machine – by Kate Allen

8.9.2016 – Judith Brown (* A P)



The suggested changes are recommended by the Conservative MP Crispin Blunt, and the Labour MP John Speller. Both have earlier belonged to a group in the House of Commons that supported Saudi Arabian interests. The committee is still meeting at the moment, and these drafts and suggested changes are being leaked by someone on the committee. There are apparently wide differences of opinion between members on the committee and there is as yet no agreement between members.

Wording in the summary: suggested amendments in italics.

“There has been very serious evidence of violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights
Law by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen including targeting of civilian areas and medical facilities and the use of cluster munitions.”

Suggested changes: “There has been allegations of violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.”

“We believe there must be an independent UN led investigation of these alleged violations and we call upon the UK government to support and press for such an investigation.”

Suggested changes: “We believe an independent UN led investigation of alleged violations by all parties to the conflict is necessary to supplement the internal investigations to the Saudi led coalition.”

“Given that the UK has a long history of defence exports to Saudi Arabia and considering the evidence we have heard it seems inevitable that any violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law by the coalition have included arms supplied by the UK.”

Suggested changes: omitted altogether.

“We therefore recommend that HM government suspend sales of arms which could be used in Yemen to Saudi Arabia until the independent UN-led investigation has come to its conclusion.”

Suggested changes: omitted altogether.

Comment: Just disgusting. Showing how rotten 95 % of the whole political class is.

8.9.2016 – Political Scrapbook (* A P)

A group of MPs are trying to water-down a powerful report on Saudi Arabia’s gross human rights violations in Yemen so we can carry on selling arms to them.

WATCH the segment on how key language was being watered down, primarily by two MPs:Crispin Blunt (Tory) and John Spellar (Labour)

Shocking that some MPs are willing to ignore our own rules just to make a bit of money from the Wahhabi fundamentalists

and see at BBC:

8.9.2016 – BBC (Sunny Hundal on youtbe) (A P)

How MPs are trying to water down report on Saudi Arabian violations in Yemen


8.9.2016 – The Guardian (* A P)

MPs split over UK-Saudi arms sales amid bid to water down report

MPs on Britain’s influential committee on arms export controls are divided over plans that would recommend suspending UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia over alleged breaches of international law in Yemen.

A concerted attempt has been mounted to water down a draft report that said it seemed inevitable that the alleged breaches by the Saudi-led coalition had involved arms supplied by the UK, and that this would mean Britain was in violation of its legal obligations.

The draft had said: “The weight of evidence of violations of international humanitarian law by the Saudi-led coalition is now so great, that it is very difficult to continue to support Saudi Arabia.”

But the staunchly pro-defence Labour MP John Spellar, with support from some Conservative committee members including the chair of the foreign affairs select committee Crispin Blunt, has tabled more than 130 amendments to change the report, including removing the call for a suspension of arms sales. Details of the report first leaked on the BBC’s Newsnight.

The number of amendments underlines the sensitivity of the issue of UK-Saudi relations at Westminster, the importance of the Gulf to the UK defence industry and the concern that Britain, for a variety of security reasons, is too ready to take Saudi assurances about how it is conducting a difficult civil war in Yemen – by Patrick Wintour

8.9.2016 – BBC Newsnight (* A P)

Film; Kirsty Wark asks Blunt: Did you walk out of Saudi / Yemen arms committee? - BBC Newsnight

Sources told Newsnight that influential MP Crispin Blunt had walked out of Parliament's Committees on Arms Export Controls to halt progress in the publication of a report on Britain's export of arms to Saudi Arabia. Kirsty Wark asked him whether he did - this is what he said.

Early drafts of the report seen by Newsnight were highly critical of the the arms exports - and suggested that it was highly likely that arms sold to Saudi Arabia by a British company had been used to violate international and human rights law in Yemen. Newsnight also saw amendments submitted to the report in which members of the committee, Blunt included, had attempted to tone down the language of the report.

Comment by Judith Brown: I used to like Crispin Blunt as he has in the past made some helpful statements concerning the suffering of Palestinians. Which makes his hard line position of arms sales to Yemen very hard to understand. He has certainly dropped down my list of MPs with principles.

8.9.2016 – Sputnik News (* A P)

Prime Minister Theresa May defended the UK's close relationship with Saudi Arabia, despite mounting evidence that British weapons are being used in illegal attacks in Yemen.

Prime Minister May staunchly defended the UK-Saudi relationship. Speaking in the Commons on Wednesday, May said:
"Actually what matters is the strength of our relationship with Saudi Arabia on issues like dealing with terrorism, on counter-terrorism issues. It is that relationship that has helped to keep people on the streets of Britain safe."

Also on Wednesday, the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir was in London. He too has claimed that if the UK were to withdraw support from the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, the West would be more vulnerable to terrorism.

Andrew Smith from the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) rejected Mrs. May's and Mr. al-Jubair's assertions.
"I think it's no coincidence that Mr. al-Jubair was in London yesterday. He was specifically there to put pressure on MPs ahead of the committee meeting [the Committee on Arms Export Controls] in order to try and influence the committee to try and whitewash Saudi Arabia's crimes." "And this goes broader: we should ask, what would it take for Mrs. May to stop supporting the Saudis, if the death of 10,000 people isn't enough?"

[More critics; backgroound] and see also RT:

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: On #Yemenbeing devastated, UK gov response "Actually, what matters is our (UK) relationship with Saudi". Speechless

8.9.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A P)

Oborne: Boris Johnson must act boldly to reset Riyadh relations

Johnson faces an urgent problem. He has inherited from Hammond a cynical and immoral policy which has done great damage to Britain’s international reputation.

This concerns the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

Britain bears its share of responsibility for the thousands of civilian deaths caused by Saudi-led military operations. Britain – along with the United States – has arguably been complicit in mass murder.

Boris Johnson therefore faces the most serious moral choice of his brilliant and colourful political career.

He can either carry on with the Cameron/Hammond policy of shielding Saudi Arabia and its allies from international criticism.

Or he can repudiate the Cameron/Hammond policy and strike out on his own.

Yet the pressures upon the new foreign secretary are enormous. Bear in mind that if he changes tack on Yemen, he will not simply anger the Saudis. He will also infuriate the British defence and foreign policy establishment – by Peter Oborne

Comment: Illusional. It seems he already had decided just to continue the policy of his predecessor – as also the new prime minister did.

8.9.2016 – They work for you – Members of parliament ask the government

Dawn Butler, Labour: To ask the Secretary of Statefor Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what operational orders are given to the armed forces serving in Yemen on the protection of cultural property.

Tobias Ellwood, The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs: The UKis not a member of the Saudi Arabian-led Coalition and British military personnel are not directly involved in the Saudi led Coalition’s operations. We remain concerned about any damage to cultural property in Yemen and are aware of reports of alleged damage by actors in the conflict. Yemen and many members of the Saudi Arabian-led Coalition are parties to the 1954 Hague Conventionon the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict and to the 1972 World Heritage Convention. We have raised our concerns regarding protection of cultural property with both the Government of Yemen and the Saudi Arabia.

Comment: The same as always. The British government – whether Cameron or May – will not change their road even for a single inch.

8.9.2016 – Iona Craig (A P)

MP Crispin Blunt calls for private investigators and email search to find source of leaked draft of Yemen report.

Comment by Jemen Peace Project: UK will investigate this leak far more seriously & thoroughly than they'll ever investigate IHL violations in #Yemen

Comment by Judith Brwn: Would you believe it. Someone leaked the report from the arms control committee saying that arms sales to KSA should be stopped - the arms sales are defended by Johnson and a witch hunt now to find the person who leaked the report. Pity they weren't so rigorous in investigating alleged war crimes by KSA.

8.9.2016 – BBC Newsnight (* A P)

Film: Yemen: An attempted whitewash? - BBC Newsnight

Do weapons sold to Saudi Arabia by Britain break international humanitarian law with their use in Yemen, and if so, what should be our response? Gabriel Gatehouse talks through the changes to a draft report and Lieutenant General Simon Mayall and former shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn discuss. and little extract

Comment: That's a really hot duo – Mayall an absolute „cement head“ fully backing UK arms sales and Saudi aerial war.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

9.9.2016 – Auswärtiges Amt (A P)

Außenminister Steinmeier nach seinem Gespräch mit dem jemenitischen Außenminister

Nach seinem Gespräch mit dem jemenitischen Außenminister Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi heute Abend im Auswärtigen Amt erklärte Außenminister Steinmeier heute (9. September) in Berlin:

Das Gespräch mit meinem jemenitischen Amtskollegen stand unter dem Eindruck der großen Not, die die Menschen in seinem Land leiden. Wir stehen in Jemen vor einer der größten humanitären Krisen weltweit. Deutschland leistet Unterstützung in großem Umfang. Damit die humanitäre Hilfe aber dort ankommen kann, wo sie so dringend benötigt wird, brauchen wir ungehinderten Zugang in alle betroffenen Gebiete und muss die Gewalt so schnell wie möglich ein Ende haben. Alle Konfliktparteien sind aufgefordert, zu einer Waffenruhe und Friedensgesprächen zurückzukehren. Ein Ende des Konflikts lässt sich nur über einen inklusiven politischen Prozess erreichen. John Kerry hat neue Vorschläge für eine politische Konfliktlösung vorgelegt und sich dafür ausgesprochen, Sicherheitsfragen und Fragen des politischen Übergangs in Jemen miteinander zu verbinden.

Kommentar: Nach 17 Monaten, bei fortdauernder engster Verbindung mit den Hauptschuldigen an diesem Desaster, den USA und den Saudis. Steinmeier, der Mann, der aus dem Mustopf kam. Vielleicht bleibt er aber auch weiter drin, denn die Schuldigen des Desasters will er sich offensichtlich nicht näher ansehen.

Und übrigens: Der Mann, den Steinmeier „Außenminister des Jemen“ nennt, ist das in doppelter Hinsicht nicht mehr: Die Amtszeit des Präsidenten, der ihn eingesetzt hat, ist vor 18 Monaten abgelaufen. Er gehört einer Regierung an, die keine Legitimation durch das Parlament hat, sondern von eben diesem Präsidenten unter Bruch der Verfassung ohne Zustimmung des Parlaments eingesetzt wurde.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

8.9.2016 – Shapban (A P)

#Turkey's #FM: We provide diplomatic & intelligence support for #Saudiforces in its operations in #Yemen

Bahrain, new films:

9.9.2016 – Veterans Today (A P)

Kuwait FM: Saudi Arabia Reconsidered its Policies Against Houthis

Kuwait minister of foreign affairs on Tuesday expressed his concern over Saudi Arabia’s stance shift toward Houthis.

In an interview with Kiewit news agency (KUNA), Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah said, “Adel al-Jubier surprised us with his remakes on acceptance of Houthis right for political intervention in Yemen and inviting them to break the siege of cities under control”.

This policy shift of Saudi foreign minister shows that after a year of war with Yemen, now they turn to change their stances toward Houthis, he added.


11.9.2016 – KUNA (A P)

Kuwait denies Iranian allegations over Yemen

Kuwait has categorically denied holding talks with Saudi Arabia about changing the policies of Riyadh authorities in Yemen. The Foreign Ministry refuted the allegations of Iranian Fars News Agency and other media outlets, which claimed that Kuwaiti Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Shaikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah held talks with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir in this regard.

“As member of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition to restore stability in Yemen, Kuwait is in full coordination with the Saudi Government’s efforts”, it said in a statement posted on Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) website. The ministry reiterated Kuwait’s firm in supporting Saudi-led efforts to restore peace and stability in Saudi Arabia, urging the media to ensure accuracy before publishing any reports.

cp13a Mercenaries / Söldner

9.9.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Eritrea junks Iran lies on Yemen war

The Eritrean Embassy in Riyadh has rejected a report by Iran’s Fars News Agency (FNA) that 5,000 terrorists from organizations like Al-Qaeda were being trained in Eritrea to fight against the Houthi rebels.
“The FNA report that the militants, belonging to a number of terror organizations, were transferred from Aden port to Eritrea’s Assab port for military training is false,” the embassy said in a statement on Thursday.

Comment: reports on Yemeni mercenaries for the Saudis see YPR 196, cp1. Eritrea certanly is not a very credible witness. Well, there are arising problems with these mercenaries (see YPR 196), might be they will not take their way via Eritrea, we will see.

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

9.9.2016 – Deutsche Welle (* B H)

Syrians in Yemen: They fled Assad to find Saudi strikes

After fleeing the five-year civil war at home, Syrians have found themselves in another battleground in Yemen. Some have found work, but others face new hardships and tragedy, DW's Mohammad Al-Haidari reports.

Millions of people have been displaced by Syria's civil war, with thousands coming to Yemen at a time when the economy was relatively stable. Now, though, the work has dried up and Syrians are taking any job they can get.

Many Syrians in Yemen have become destitute and hope to seek refuge in Europe, but most will stay in Yemen - and without any aid to speak of.

Comment: „fled Assad“ already is propaganda telling the Western propaganda narrtive on Syria. There are many reasons to flee in Syria: the IS and Al Kaida affiliates (supported an whitewashed as „moderate rebels“ by the West) should not be forgotten.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / See cp6

9.9.2016 – Middle East Monitor ( B T)

CIA director: Al-Qaeda and Daesh working together in Yemen

“The farther away you get from that [Daesh] heartland of Syria and Iraq, the more likely you’re going to see collaboration between Al Qaeda elements, [Daesh] elements, and others,” he said.

“We see it right now in Yemen…. There are indications that, in fact, they’re working together.”

He stated the main indicator that that AQAP and Daesh are working together in Yemen is that they are not fighting against each other, as opposed to the way Al-Qaeda branches and Daesh do in Syria. He also acknowledged that Daesh has supported AQAP against the Hadi government in its operation to push AQAP out of the Mukalla port in Hadhramaut.

Comment: Why does the CIA support Al Qaida affiliates in Syria?

Comment by Iona Craig: Brennan says IS supported AQAP "against govt operation to push AQAP out of Mukalla" ??There was no fight for Mukalla

Comment to Ioana Craig by Judith Brown: So true. When AQ left Mukalla they did so in an organised way - leaving with all their weapons in a negotiated retreat. The Saudis claimed 800 were killed. It was simply not true.

cp15 Propaganda

10.9.2016 – Saudi Press Agency (A P)

President Hadi: Al-Houthi-Saleh Militias Declare War against People of Yemen

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi of the Republic of Yemen stressed that militias of Al-Houthi and the ousted Saleh, declared war on the Yemeni people, after having recoiled the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and the draft constitution emerging from the Conference.
This came during the President's reception here today the Chinese Ambassador to Yemen, Tian Qi.

Comment: What a nonsense propaganda. The rejection of the draft constitution by Houthis and the Saleh party now happened two years ago. Hadi labels this rejection as a „Declaretion of War against People of Yemen“. Well Houthis and Saleh followers are just a part of the people of Yemen. The only declaration of war against the people of Yemen up to now is the saudi aerial war, Saudi blockade and Saudi / UAE invasion of Yemen.

10.9.2016 – Asharq Al-Awat (A P)

Yemen Insurgents Cornered by Security Council over Unilateral Actions

Comment: the headline is the most remarkable: propaganda takes what fits most. For the facts, read cp7, cp1.

9.9.2016 – Carnegie Endowment (A P)

Zero Tolerance for an Iran-Dominated Yemen

The Saudi-led war is successfully preventing Iran from controlling Yemen politically or militarily.

Most analyses of Saudi goals in Yemen miss the most essential element: Saudi Arabia (KSA) built the Arab coalition to intervene in Yemen in order to prevent something from happening, rather than to make something happen. And that is to prevent Yemen from becoming another Iraq, where sovereignty lies in Tehran, not in Baghdad. That caveat must be kept in mind when analyzing the evolution of KSA goals there. Another caveat to keep in mind is that, strategically speaking, the political question is about one word: options.

So the best outcome of the Yemeni crisis for the Saudi-led Arab coalition is to see the Iranian-backed Houthi militia and Saleh forces withdrawing from state institutions, ending their siege of cities like Taiz, turning in heavy weapons (including ballistic missiles), and agreeing to the formation of a unity government whose composition reflects all components of Yemeni society. Yet, it is clear that this outcome will be very difficult to achieve.

Now, in a situation where there is Iranian expansionism, where there is zero tolerance for an Iran-dominated Yemen, and where the best outcome for the Arab coalition is difficult to achieve, how does KSA see the evolution of the crisis?

Riyadh has achieved several strategic goals. It prevented Yemen from becoming another Iraq, with 80 percent of Yemen now liberated. It demonstrated its capacity to take initiatives. It demonstrated its capacity to put an end to Iranian support for militias, a message to Iran-backed militias. And it demonstrated its capacity to build and manage a large-scale military operation, a message to Iran itself – by Mansour Almazoqi

Comment: This is nothing more than a 100 % repetition of Saudi propaganda in it's most bizarre form. Iranian influence in Yemen is marginal, as is it's support for the Houthis, apart from political and media cheerleading. What saudi Arabia up to now really has „achieved“ in Yemen is a total desaster for Yemen and Saudi Arabia as well. And not even one thought has been spent on the means by which Saudi Arabia has tried to Achieve it's goals in Yemen, the killing and devastating aerial war.

And there had not been a single consideration – even if the Iranian influence in Yemen would be as large as the Saudis claim – whether such an influence of a rivaling power in any sovereign country gives any right to the greater neighbouring country to fight against this influence by bombing this country to ruins. That seems to be a quite natural right of the greater neighbouring country, as this fact is taken for granted. So imagine: Russia would fight against US influence in Ukraine by bombing the whole country as far as it controlled by this US influenced Poroshenko government – the same way as the Saudis do in Yemen. What the Carnegie Endowment, would the US government also treat this as if it would be Russia's natural right to do so, and also not take into account the devastating effect and the killing it causes in Ukraine? I doubt. Articles like this one here and these double standards one again reveal Western bizarre hypocrisy.

9.9.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Arab League Ministerial Meeting Supports Yemen’s Legitimate Government

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit

On the Yemeni file, Abul Gheit said that the league only supports President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi’s government, adding that no armed group would succeed in imposing its control over Yemen.

Comment: The Arab League appears to be totally Saudi-dominated. And it's just Saudi money behind that.

9.9.2016 – Qatar News Agency (A P)

Arab League Council Grateful to Qatar for Hosting Yemen Humanitarian Relief Conference

The Arab League Council, in a closing statement that followed its 146th session on Thursday at the level of foreign ministers, has expressed gratitude to Qatar for hosting a humanitarian relief conference for Yemen in February.
The Arab ministers discussed the situation in Yemen and stressed support for the constitutional legitimacy of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, reaffirming that any negotiations should be based on the Gulf initiative, its executive mechanism and Security Council Resolution 2216.

Comment: As the political background reveals, this „human relief conference“ will be little more than a Saudi „coalition“ propaganda show. Furtheron, politically nothing new.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

11.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

10.-11.9.2016 – Tweets Sanaa at night (A K)

heard the jets clearly..The 2nd bomb is louder than t 1st..Far f my area but clearly heard They r targeting both S & N pars f Sana'a

Can confirm two locations being bombed so far, Sana'a airport and Nahdayen

Well that's awkward. Heard the whooshing of missiles followed by two massive explosions but not hearing any fighter jets! Sana'a

3rd massive and huge explosion now in Sanaa

10.9.2016 – Sager Al Surbi (A K)

#Saudiairstrikes bombed resident homes in Qataber district of #Saada, leaving 6 civilians dead

10.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Hostile jets launch four raids on Nehm

causing huge damage to citizens' houses and their properties.

10.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage two raids on Sehar

The hostile raids targeted a house in al-Khafeji area, the official said, adding the house was completely destroyed

10.9.2016 – Khabar Agency (A K PH)

5 kids killed, others injured as #Saudi-led airstrikes bombed 2 resident homes in #Hajjeh province

10.9.2016 – Almasdar (A K PH)

The Saudi Air Force has been relentless over the Yemeni capital on Saturday, carrying out 60+ airstrikes above Sanaa’s densely populated neighborhoods.

Yemen-based Al-Masirah News reported minutes ago that 15 Saudi airstrikes hit the Sanaa Governorate town of Beit Sa’daan, killing 13 civilians and wounding a dozen others.

In addition to their airstrikes over Beit Sa’daan, the Saudi Air Force also struck several other villages in the Arhab region of Sanaa, leaving a number of civilians dead wounded.

10.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch raids on Beld al-Arous

10.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damages (full list):

9.9.2016 – Tweets Sanaa daytime (A K)

2:30pm now, #Sanaais under heavy #Saudiairstrikes, explosions are heard & jets loudly are screaming overhead!

Nine fighter jets bombing us now! That's unprecedented. What gives? Did Saudi decide to level Sana'a to ground!

Raining bombs in Sana'a right now. Literally. Calm down Saudi. Bloody hell

Saudi jet fighters are screaming angrily like crazy over #Sanaasky and starting to bomb the city..

Hey UK, fyi, your bombs create fancy plumes of smoke in aftermath of exploding amid civilians. Pretty nifty.

Last airstrikes hit presidential palace, which already been targeted more than1000 times in 18mnths

Heavy #Saudiairstrikes now on Nahdayn hills, southern part of #Yemencapital Sanaa.

@Hanaalshowafisaw two bombs land in Nahdayen, and hearing explosions towards west and north as well.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net(A K PH)

Saudi aggression hits hirelings in Serwah

The Saudi war jets targeted on Saturday a gathering of Riyadh's hirelings on Serwah district of Mareb province, killing 15.
A top leader of the hirelings was also killed in the two airstrikes in the district, a local official said, adding that seven other people were injured.
The targeted site was a house used as an operation room in Serwah.
The airstrikes caused disputes and splits in the ranks of the hirelings as they come in the in the course of internal conflicts among aggression forces.

Comment: „Friendly fire“.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch four raids on Jawf

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi fighter jets wage raids on Sa'ada

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Hostile raid hits Belad al-Arous

targeted a catchment in al-Wathan village in Wadi Nabnah area which led the death of more than 40 livestock


9.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

US-backed Saudi war criminals hit now flocks of sheep & cattle with 5 airstrikes in Balad Arross south of Yemen capital Sanaa

Over 40 Yemeni grazing sheep & cattle killed by 5 US-backed Saudi airstrikes on pasture 20 km south-east Sanaa during Friday sermons and

Comment: Yemenis should be starved out.

9.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage raids o

Saudi aggression launches 50 on Serwah

caused huge damage to citizens' properties.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression launches raids Belad al-Arous

The Saudi war jets waged on Friday a series of air raids on several areas of Belad al-Arous district in Sana'a province, a local official said.
The official added the hostile war jets destroyed a school with an air raid in Sabrah area and an air raid on a farm in the same area.
The war jets targeted also Nabeh Mount with an air raid and telecommunications towers in Bait Dhaba'an Mount and Neqeel Yasleh area with three raids.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage raids on Capitalhe Saudi warplanes launched on Friday raids on the Capital Sana'a, a local official said.
The official added the hostile warplanes targeted the vicinity of the Presidency Palace in al-Sabeen district in the Capital.
The raids caused huge damage to citizens' houses and private and public properties.
The hostile warplanes flew at a low altitude and broke a sound barrier to frighten women and children.

9.9.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Hey UK, fyi, your bombs create fancy plumes of smoke in aftermath of exploding amid civilians. Pretty nifty.

Nine fighter jets bombing us now! That's unprecedented. What gives? Did Saudi decide to level Sana'a to ground!

Raining bombs in Sana'a right now. Literally. Calm down Saudi. Bloody hell.

8.9.2016 – Euronews (* A K)

Jemen: Tote und Verletzte nach Luftangriff in Sanaa

Bei einem Luftangriff der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition sind in der Hauptstadt des Jemens, Sanaa, mindestens neun Zivilisten getötet worden, unter ihnen vier Kinder. Mindestens fünf Menschen wurden verletzt. Von einem dreistöckigen Wohnhaus blieben nur Trümmer.

Ein Augenzeuge sagt: “Hier leben doch nur Zivilisten. Hier sind doch keine Waffen, keiner ist hier bewaffnet. Das ist eine solches Unrecht, was hier geschieht. Hier sind zwei Familien einfach so getötet worden.” and film:

8.9.2016 – Reuters (* A K)

Nine Yemeni civilians, four of them children, killed in air strike: residents

At least nine civilians, including four children, were killed on Thursday in an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition on a residential building north of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, residents said.

At least five other people were injured in the attack early on Thursday on the three-storey apartment building in the Amran provincial capital, Amran city, north of Sanaa, they said.

A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition said he was checking the report.

Residents said the building was struck three times while an adjacent but empty school was hit twice. No one was hurt in the school which was empty as the school year has yet to start.

Rescue workers were still sifting through the rubble searching for more victims – by Mohammed Ghobari and phtos (some graphic) and and film: = =


8.9.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Multiple airstrikes also hit & demolished a school in Amran, but since bombing very early in morning, was luckily empty.

8.9.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Multiple airstrikes also hit & demolished a school in Amran, but since bombing very early in morning, was luckily empty.

8.9.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

Pics of #Saudi#UAE strikes on Najr market n Amran city N #Sanaa#Yemen 7kild (graphic photos) and

8.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damages (full list):

8.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets launch raids on Nehm

8.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage raids on Mahweet

The Saudi war jets launched on Thursday raids on Mahweet province, a local official said.
The hostile war jets targeted Lahema bridge on the main road in al-Qeta'a area in Mahweet district in the province with two raids, the official added. and film: =

8.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch raids on al-Ghail

The Saudi warplanes waged on Thursday raids on al-Ghail district of Jawf province, a local official said.
The hostile raids targeted citizens' houses and their farms in al-Ghail and al-Arodhi villages in the district causing huge damage to them, the official added.

8.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raids injure five in Belad al-Rous

Two women and three children were injured on Thursday in a Saudi air raid on Belad al-Rous district of Sana'a province, a local official said.
The official added the raid targeted al-Dhula'a area, adding that the raid destroyed a house, burnt a car and damaged dozens of houses in the area and film

8.9.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

In 45 minutes , # 15 #Saudiair strikes targeted Orman mountain in Alhawban district #Taizcity

8.9.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

16 hours ago, #Saudi-led coalition bombed important road called Yaslleh linking #Sanaa with Central & Southern #Yemen (photo) and

cp16a Saudische Luftangriffe nördlich Sanaa / saui air raids north of Sanaa

11.9.2016 – Der Standard (* A K)

Jemen: Mindestens 22 Zivilisten bei Luftangriffen getötet

Bei Luftangriffen der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition auf eine Baustelle nahe der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa sind laut Augenzeugen mindestens 22 Zivilisten getötet worden. Die Kampfflugzeuge des arabischen Militärbündnisses seien am Samstagnachmittag einen ersten Angriff auf ein Dorf in der Region Arhab geflogen, wo Einwohner gerade einen Brunnen bauten, berichteten Einwohner und Augenzeugen. Als Einwohner den Verletzten zu Hilfe kamen, gab es demnach einen zweiten Angriff. Nach übereinstimmenden Angaben aus dem Dorf wurden mindestens 22 Zivilisten bei den beiden Angriffen getötet und sieben weitere verletzt. Es wurde ein weiterer Anstieg der Opferzahl befürchtet. und Film:

10.9.2016 – Reuters (* A K)

At least 21 civilians killed in Saudi-led air strikes in Yemen: residents

At least 21 civilians were killed in two separate air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition in northern Yemen on Saturday, residents said on Sunday, as fighting intensified in the country before the Muslim Eid al-Adha feast.

They said at least 15 civilians were killed when war planes targeted workers drilling for water in the Beit Saadan area of the Arhab district north of Sanaa, and that 20 other people were wounded.

Residents said Saudi-led coalition warplanes, apparently mistaking the drilling machine for a rocket launcher, bombed the site and killed four workers. The planes conducted a second raid when residents of the village rushed to the scene, killing at least 11 more and wounding 20.

A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition could not immediately be reached for a comment – by Mohammed Ghobari

Local media put the number of dead and wounded at the water-drilling site at around 100 and published pictures of burned bodies and mangled equipment, and videos showed workers collecting mutilated bodies and carrying them away in blankets.

In the second attack on Saturday, residents reported an air strike hit the home of Sheikh Maqbool al-Harmali, a local tribal chief in Hairan district of Hajjah province, killing six civilians. and film (Hajjah)

Comment by Shapban: drilling rigs are easy to distinguish from missile launchers & #Saudi airstrike at the water drilling rig in Arhab was deliberate massacre

11.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage:
Legal center for rights and development documented the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by 15 airstrikes on a water well in
-The airstrikes killed 18 civilians including children and injured 10 others. Three airstrikes targeted the rescures and caused many casualties and damage.

10.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression warplanes kill 10 civilians north Yemen's capital

At least ten civilians were killed and dozens injured when the Saudi aggression warplanes launched a series of strikes against residents' houses and farms in Arhab district on Saturday, a local security official told Saba.
This is an initial death toll, he said.
The warplanes waged five airstrikes against an artesian well in Bait Sa'dan village of Arhab, and resumed with three other strikes when rescue teams tried to pull out possible survivors, said the official, adding that many of rescuers were killed or wounded.

but figure of killed proved to be higher


10.9.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

18 dead as Saudi jets hit northern Yemen residential area

At least 18 people have been killed and several others injured when Saudi warplanes carried out an airstrike against a residential area in Yemen’s northern province of Sana’a.

Saudi jets fired a number of missiles at a water well drilling machine in Bani Atban village of Arhab district on Saturday morning, leaving several people dead and injured, Arabic-language Saba news agency reported.

Separately, Saudi warplanes conducted six airstrikes against Sana'a International Airport, also known as El Rahaba Airport, causing substantial damage. There were no immediate reports about possible casualties. and Sputnik News (photo from earlier airstrike):


10.9.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Fighter jets came back & bombed first responders & volunteers rushed to help victims. Now tens of casualties

10.9.2016 – l4Yemen (A K PH)

Details of Saudi aggression #Massacrein Saadani village North #Sanaa,22martyrs,7wounded,until now.

10.9.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

24 dead, most r rescuers kild n 2nd 3rd &4th #Saudi#UAE-double tap strikes-on water drill n Arhab #Sanaa#Yemen

Photos: (and names of victims)


Almasirah TV, = = =

Yemen TV Today:

Press TV Iran:

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

10.9.2016 – Gulf News (A K PS)

Yemen forces expel Al Houthis from Serwah airport

Controlling Serwah would secure the city of Marib from Al Houthi shelling

Yemen government forces have pushed deeply into Al Houthi-held territories in Marib’s province’s Serwah, taking control of strategic mountains and the town’s airport, local army commanders and government officials said on Saturday.

With the help of heavy air support from the Saudi-led coalition, forces loyal to president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi on Friday afternoon stormed Serwah airport after heavy clashes with the rebel forces.

“The national army forces have effectively cut almost all supply lines from Sana’a to Al Houthi forces on Helan mountain and other locations,” a government official close to the governor of Marib told Gulf News on condition of anonymity.

The official said the government forces are engaging in heavy battles with the rebels in Serwah’s downtown and the surrounding mountains. “Controlling Serwah would set the stage for finishing Al Houthi pockets on the mountains and completely secure the city of Marib from Al Houthi shelling,” the official said.

Army commanders and military analysts who previously spoke to the Gulf News said that liberating all of Marib would enable government forces to open a new front outside Al Houthi-controlled Sana’a through Khawlan district.

10.9.2016 – Shaba Net (A K PH)

Army fires 2 Scud tactical ballistic missiles against Saudi enemy targets

The Army missile force fired two Scud tactical ballistic missiles against Saudi enemy targets on Saturday, a military official told Saba.
The first ballistic missile fired at Power plant and water desalination plant in Shakik area in Saudi southwest region of Jizan, the official said.
The another missile hit industrial area in Saudi southern region of Asir, inflecting heavy losses among the enemy targets, said the official, adding that artillery units took part in tearing the enemy, targeting gatherings of the Saudi aggression soldiers in military camps inside southern Saudi borders, achieving direct hits.
The missile attack against Saudi enemy came simultaneously as heroes of the army and popular committees continued to achieve victories and advances on the ground in all fronts throughout the country and inside Saudi enemy territory of Jizan, Najran and Asir over the past 24 hours, the official said.
In battles against Saudi mercenaries, the army and popular committees killed dozens of them after failing their attempts to sneak on al-Ghail district in Jawf province, said the official.
The same tactic against the mercenaries applied in several fronts in the same governorate, he added.
Elsewhere, the army and popular committees repelled the mercenaries in Dhubab district and Raboua area in southwest province of Taiz, killing scores and destroying two vehicles, said the official.
The army and popular committee also hit mercenaries in Karish area of southern province of Lahj, and fired Katiusha rockets against mercenary gatherings in Asilan district of neighboring province of Shabwa.

Comment: To be honest, targeting a desalination plant is also a war crime.

And film:

10.9.2016 – Alalam (A K PH)

VIDEO: Yemeni Missiles Rain Destroyed Saudi Military Base in Jizan

The Yemeni Army Rocket Battalion flooded the southern countryside of Saudi Arabia with a number of scud missiles today, causing severe damage to several military posts in the Jizan Region.

10.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires Scud on electrical power plant in Jizan

The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Saturday a Scud missile on an electrical power plant in Jizan region, a military official said.
The missile hit its target accurately, the official said,

Comment: Evidently a war crime.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army pounds Saudi enemy sites in Asir, Najran, Jizan

The missile force of the army and popular committees pounded on Friday a number of the Saudi enemy sites in Najran, Jizan and Asir with a barrage of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells.
The missile force targeted an industrial area in Dhahran al-Janoub province in Asir region with a ballistic missile, Zelzal-3 type, which hit its target with high accurately, a military official said.
The official said that the missile force pounded gatherings of Saudi army in Araq al-Seyoul camp in Najran region with Katyusha rockets causing direct hits among the Saudi army.
Moreover, the artillery units of the army and popular committees pounded gatherings of the enemy army in Malhama military site in Jizan region with a number of shells, he added.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires ballistic missile on Dhahran al-Janoub

The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Friday a ballistic missile on an industrial area in Dhahran al-Janoub province in Asir region.
A military official said that the missile of Zelzal-3 type hit its target with high accuracy causing huge damage to the industrial area.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army pounds Saudi enemy sites in Asir, Najran, Jizan

The missile force of the army and popular committees pounded on Friday a number of the Saudi enemy sites in Najran, Jizan and Asir with a barrage of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells.
The missile force targeted an industrial area in Dhahran al-Janoub province in Asir region with a ballistic missile, Zelzal-3 type, which hit its target with high accurately, a military official said.
The official said that the missile force pounded gatherings of Saudi army in Araq al-Seyoul camp in Najran region with Katyusha rockets causing direct hits among the Saudi army.
Moreover, the artillery units of the army and popular committees pounded gatherings of the enemy army in Malhama military site in Jizan region with a number of shells, he added.

9.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires missile on Mas camp

The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Friday a ballistic missile on a gathering of Riyadh's mercenaries on Mas military camp in Mareb province.
A military official said that the missile of Zelzal-3 hit its target, killing or injuring among them.
The official added that the bombing caused a burn of weapons cache.

9.9.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Commander: Yemeni Army, Popular Forces Advance Deep in Saudi Arabia's Jizan Province

enior military commanders announced that the Yemeni army and popular forces have continued their advances deep inside Saudi Arabia's Jizan province as other troops have inflicted heavy losses on the pro-Saudi forces in Ma'rib.

"Yemen's special forces have taken control of more military positions of the Saudi army in Jizan province in the border with Yemen," Senior Ansarullah Commander Ali al-Hamzani told FNA on Friday.

He also said that Assir and Najran provinces were also the scenes of tough battle between the Yemeni forces and the Saudi troops and film

9.9.2016 – Fars Nes (A K PH)

Yemen's Ballistic Missile Destroys Pro-Saudi Military Camp in Ma'rib Province

The Yemeni army pounded the military camps and positions of the forces loyal to Saudi Arabia in Ma'rib province with a ballistic missile, media reports said.

Yemen's Zalzal-3 ballistic missile hit the pro-Saudi forces' camp in Ma's region in Ma'rib province, the Arabic-language al-Masira news channel reported.

The Yemeni ballistic missile precisely hit its target in Ma'rib province.

There were no reports on the exact casualties of the Saudi forces, but it is believed that a large number of them have been killed in attack.

9.9.2016 – RT (A K)

Film: Yemen: Pro-Hadi forces battle Houthi militants on Saudi-Yemini border

Forces loyal to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi clashed with pro-Houthi militants, in the district of Harad, on the border with Saudi Arabia on Friday. The pro-Hadi fighters reportedly failed in their attempts to push the Houthi militants out of the area.

9.9.2016 – Liveleak (A K)

Film: SHOCKWAVE .... 3000 Pounds Of Houthi Mines Detonated -

The Saudis can be seen detonating 3000 pounds worth of Houthi mines in the barren desert of west Yemen/Saudi Arabia. And obviously a big boom happens.

9.9.2016 – Yemen fights back (A K PH)

Film: A new mercenaries attack foiled in Midi 9/9/2016

9.9.2016 – Yemen fights back (A K PH)

Film: Seized Saudi weapons by Yemeni forces at Midi

9.9.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A K)

Film: Taiz Siege

Yemen's second city Taiz has been under siege for eighteen months.

9.9.2016 – Basem Akabsi (A K)

Film: A woman, a child & 6 victims were killed due to #Houthisshells in #Taiz

9.9.2016 – Alwaght (A K PH)

Yemen’s Ansarullah Fires Missiles at Saudi Camp, Kills Large Number of Fighters

Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement Forces, in a retaliatory attack, have fired a number of Zilzal-3 missiles at the Al-Mas Military Camp, Al Masdar News reported on Friday.

The solid propellant missiles, with a range of 200 km, hit the Saudi’s camp in al-Jad'an region of Ma'rib province that houses both Hadi loyalists and Saudi-led Coalition fighters, inflicting severe damage to this installation.

According to local activists, one of the missiles fired was a direct hit on the target, killing a large number of the pro-government fighters.

9.9.2016 – Almasdar ( K PH)

Houthi forces seize large quantity of Saudi weapons

The Houthi forces seized a large quantity of weapons from the Saudi-backed Hadi loyalists on Wednesday, as they continued their large scale advance inside the Midi Desert.

According to pro-Houthi media, their forces advanced north towards the Saudi border-crossing on Thursday, killing a large number of Hadi loyalists in the process.

The photos released by the Military Media (Hezbollah media wing) on Thursday show dozens of assault rifles that were left behind by the Hadi loyalists, who were seen fleeing the battlefield prior to Houthi forces’ arrival.

Most of the Midi Desert in northern Yemen is now under the control of the Houthi forces and their allies (photos) and

8.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army forces continue demolishing hostile Saudi locations

The army and popular committee’s artillery forces continued on Thursday bombarding Saudi enemy locations in Jaizan, Najran and Asir.
A military source in Najran told Saba that the missile forces have launched a number of missiles against Riqabat Al-Fawaz burning a depot and attacked other military locations causing human and material losses.
The source pointed out that the artillery forces targeted groupings of Saudi soldiers at Alab inlet in Asir and behind Al-Khawbah bridge in Jaizan.

8.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills 30 mercenaries in Serwah

At least 30 mercenaries, including two top leaders were killed on Thursday in Serwah district of Mareb province, a military official said.
The army and popular committees repulsed the mercenaries advance on Wadi al-Rabe'ah area in Serwah, the official added.

8.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires rockets on Serwah

The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Thursday a barrage of Katyusha rockets on Serwah district of Mareb province, a military official said.
The Katyusha rockets targeted a gathering of Riyadh's mercenaries in Kawfal military camp in Serwah, killing or injuring a number of them, the official added.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

10.9.2016 – The Arab Gulf Institute in Washington (* B E)

The Economic War in Yemen: Oil Revenue and Debilitated Financial Institutions Weaken Recovery Hopes

Yemen is a not a major oil producer, but of its exports and sources of foreign exchange, oil is its primary source of revenue. Historically, Yemen has used this limited resource to heavily subsidize the price of fuel.

The economics of Yemen’s crisis are startling. The institutional damage is equally devastating. The remaining financial architecture of the country, fewer than 20 commercial banks and a central bank, is struggling. Yemen’s central bank has been providing a basic semblance of order in the delivery of public salaries, foreign exchange to import basic food and medicine, and management of a rudimentary monetary policy. The central bank is now at the center of the conflict between the Houthi-led rebel groups, supported by former President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s forces, and the Saudi-supported government-in-exile led by President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

While oil prices are not in Yemen’s control, the preservation of its surviving financial institutions can be. But, it is in the interest of all the warring parties in Yemen to retain the basic institutions, especially the central bank, that will be necessary to fund and administer a peace, when it finally does come – by Karen Young.

Comment: Figures are outdated. And, again, it´s not a civil war. What #Yemenneeds like oxygen is for the war to end

Comment: World Bank estimate of cost of damage in Yemen is extremely low – multiplicate by 10, that's more realistic.

9.9.2016 – Al Araby (*B H)

A bleak Eid in Yemen

The Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha begins on Monday, but for many Yemenis, there is little cause for celebration.

Amar Saleh, a 25-year old resident of Sana'a, knows Eid al-Adha - the Muslim festival of sacrifice - is approaching. But this year, he does not know how to celebrate, as his country, Yemen, lies in ruins. The four day annual feast of Eid al-Adha will kick off this Monday, September 12. But for Saleh and other Yemenis, the celebration falls at a time of dire humanitarian crisis.

The cost of infrastructure damage and economic losses since the breakout of war in Yemen has reached more than $14 billion, according to a recent joint report published by the World Bank, United Nations, Islamic Development Bank and

Ghamadan Abdulqadir , a government employee in the customs authority in Sana'a, said this Eid will be gloomy. "Last Eid was better, and I was glad. Smiles and laughs were everywhere. Children set off fireworks, and a sense of joy was felt. Now people do not care about Eid. There is a huge difference."

Living in the Houthi held Sana'a, Abdulqadir says that "warplanes hover overhead every now and then. "I cannot celebrate as I see others lose their family members, houses and properties. It is just saddening." - by Khalid Al-Karimi

Comment by Judith Brown: Slight issue here - in the background the author says the Houthi militias took Sanas by force. That is not accurate - there was no resistance to their takeover of the city, and indeed, most northern tribal leaders and most of the Yemen army supported them as Hadi was very unpopular for a variety of reasons; a dissatisfaction with the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, fuel price rises, Hadi had not recalled parliament at any point in his term as interim President, and his term had expired in February 2014 and they had not been consulted about his reinstatement or a successor. But the southwest of Yemen - Taiz and Aden in particular and for different reasons - did not welcome the Houthi militias and they met with fierce resistance. It is worth noting that even in the southwest Hadi was not popular. The militias in Aden wanted independence from the much more populous North, a position that was not, and is not, supported by Hadi. But the deprivations of living in Yemen as described are so accurate - sadly.

8.9.2016 – Kurt Shork Memorial Awards (A P)

Yemen’s civil war and sensitive cultural issues in Pakistan were the stories that motivated the winning reporters in this year’s Kurt Schork Memorial Awards in International Journalism, with results announced today.
Iona Craig, an Irish journalist based in London, has won the Freelance category award for her undercover reporting of the most under-reported story in the Middle East for Al Jazeera America and The Intercept.
The judges praised her “informative, beautiful writing, courageous views and empathy”.

1.9.2016 - International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies (A)

Yemen: Flash floods DREF Operation no MDRYE005 Update no 1

On 13 and 14 April, 2016, heavy rainfall caused heavy flooding that swept across various governorates in Yemen killing at least 20 people and affecting more than 4,250 families (29,750 people) in six governorates (Hodeidah, Amran, Hajjah, Sana'a, Abyan, Al Mahwit, and Marib). The floods have caused severe damage to vital infrastructure, property, livestock and crops. Security officials reported that small dams have also collapsed as a result including two in Hajjah and Amran governorates. The affected people were in urgent need for shelter, food, non-food items (NFIs), water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH), and health assistance. and in full:

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Dietrich Klose

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