Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 201 - Yemen War Mosaic 201

Yemen Press Reader 201: Film von Mwatana–Jemenkrieg und Medien–Saudischer Luftkrieg–Saudis bomben mit Phosphor–Film: Saudi Arabien–Hajj und Wahabismus–US-Militärlobby–Hadi greift Zentralbank an

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Luftangriff der saudischen Koalition auf die Altstadt von Sanaa, Nacht 19.-20. September 2016 / Saudi coalition air raid at historical Sanaa, night Sep. 19-20, 2016

Yemen: Film by Mwatana – Yemen war and media (German) – Saudi aerial war (German) – Saudis bombing with phosphorus – Film: Saudi Arabia – Hajj and Wahabism – US war lobby – Hadi attacks Central Bank – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13d Zentralbank / Central Bank

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Zentralbank / Central Bank: cp 13b

18.9.2016 – Mwatana (** B H K)

Film: From the Margin of Life, into the Heart of War

From the Margin of Life, into the Heart of War” a documentary by Mwatana Organization for Human Rights about the suffering of people from the marginalized group in Yemen who find themselves in the heart of the war when Saudi-led Coalition carried out an attack on 12 July 2015 in Sawan area in Sanaa. In the attack, 23 marginalized including 14 children and seven women of one family were killed, and 28 others including 17 children and seven women were wounded. This attack is one of four attacks on housing camps resulted in killing 84 civilians including 14 children and seven women from the marginalized group and wounding at least 87 others including 14 children and 11 women throughout 2015.

18.9.2016 – Der Freitag (** B K P)

Der Jemenkrieg: Immer noch "vergessen"?

In USA und Großbritannien wird wegen der eigenen Verwicklung jetzt mehr über Jemen berichtet. Deutsche Medien schweigen weiter und üben sich in transatlantischem Gehorsam.

A look at the way the Yemen war had been covered in Western media during the last month. While in British and US media more reporting can be found now, certainly due to the controversies in both countries whether arms supply to Saudi Arabia should be stopped or continued, in Germany media still almost do not report at all. Missing, insufficient, incoherent or misleading reporting is no fault or by accident, but following a general line not to uncover Western responsibility for and involvement in warfare and war crimes. Even many non-American journalists deeply are convinced of “American exceptionalism”. But people begin to wake up (in German) – von Dietrich Klose

17.9.2016 – Die Zeit (* [**] B K)

Saudi-Arabien bombardiert offenbar Schulen und Krankenhäuser

Die Militärkoalition um Saudi-Arabien hat im Jemen mehr als 8.600 Luftangriffe geflogen. Ein Drittel der Ziele sind einem neuen Bericht zufolge zivile Einrichtungen.

Kommentar: Ausführlich zu diesem Thema YPR 200, cp1. Hier interessieren vor allem die Leserkommentare.

20.9.2016 – Tacheles (* A K)

Saudi-Arabien setzt angeblich illegale Kampfstoffe ein

Menschenrechtler werfen Saudi-Arabien den Einsatz von weissem Phosphor im Jemen vor. Der Kampfstoff stammt aus den USA.

Wie die Washington Post vermeldet, setzen saudische Streitkräfte im Jemen auchGranaten mit weissem Phosphor ein. Die Geschosse explodieren in der Luft und setzen einen grünweisslichen Nebel frei, der Menschen bei Kontakt bis auf die Knochen verbrennen kann und nicht löschbar ist.

Die Granaten stammen aus den USA, dürfen aber laut amerikanischen Vorschriften nicht als Kampfstoffe eingesetzt werden. Erlaubt ist die Verwendung für die Schaffung von Nebelwänden oder Markierungen. Amnesty International und andere Menschenrechtsverbände werfen den Saudis jedoch den Einsatz der Phosphor-Granaten im Kampf gegen schiitische Houthi-Rebellen vor. Ein Amnesty-Sprecher sprach Washington deshalb Mitschuld an saudischen Kriegsverbrechen zu.

19.9.2016 – Washington Post (** A K)

Saudi Arabia appears to be using U.S.-supplied white phosphorus in its war in Yemen

Saudi Arabia appears to be using U.S.-supplied white phosphorous munitions in its war in Yemen, based on images and videos posted to social media, raising concerns among human rights groups that the highly incendiary material could be used against civilians.

Under U.S. regulations, white phosphorous sold to other countries is to be used only for signaling to other troops and creating smoke screens. When the munition explodes, it releases white phosphorous that automatically ignites in the air and creates a thick white smoke. When used against soldiers or civilians, it can maim and kill by burning to the bone.

It is unclear exactly how the Saudis are using the munitions, but the government has already received widespread condemnation for its indiscriminate bombing in civilian areas since its campaign against rebel forces in Yemen began in 2015.

U.S. officials confirmed that the American government has supplied the Saudis white phosphorous in the past but declined to say how much had been transferred or when. After reviewing a social media image taken from the battlefield that showed a white phosphorous mortar shell, a U.S. official said it appeared to be American in origin but could not trace it to a particular sale because some of the markings were obscured

Images on pro-Saudi Twitter and Instagram accounts show that Saudi forces are using several systems for firing white phosphorous munitions, including tank rounds, mortars, howitzers and rifle grenades.

Footage and images and social media posts showing the munition indicate that it is being used near the Saudi-Yemen border — in Najran province — and around the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.

The most recent footage — posted Sept. 9 — shows a U.S.-developed M198 155mm Saudi howitzer with the telltale sea-foam green white phosphorous rounds nearby ready to be loaded and fired – by Thomas Gibbons-Neff and by Common Dreams: and look at this film, phosphorus bomb dropped by Saudi coalition in Yemen Oct. 2015:

15.9.2016 – Arabi Press (** B)

Film: Saudi Arabia Documentary

19.9.2016 – Huffington Post (** A P)

Abused during Hajj – Pilgrims recall Saudi Arabia’s ultimate betrayal against Islam

It is violence today which most of all has tainted Hajj and turned Islam’s most sacred ritual into an exercise of submission to the dogmatism of Wahhabism.

“I have ben spat on, beaten and punched while performing Hajj. I was called an apostate and an infidel when I turned my face towards the Prophet Muhammad’s last resting place and called for his intercession. I was slapped in Medina as I read my book of duas [religious supplications] in al-Baqee cemetery where Islam’s saints are buried. My real crime? Doing Hajj while Shia” said Hassan al-Wazir, a pilgrim from Yemen in her testimony to the Baqee Organization.

Hanan Abbas, a British pilgrim recalled how her elderly mother was thrown to the ground by a Muttawa (Wahhabi religious police) when she shed tears at al-Baqee cemetery over the martyrdom of Fatema bint Muhammad, the daughter of the Prophet. “My mum was first told to move away … when she pleaded with police to be allowed to pay her respect to the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad she was pushed violently to the ground. They took her book of supplication and cursed her.

Under the care of the Saudi regime the Hajj pilgrimage has been turned into a painful and humiliating experience. For millions of non-Wahhabis, every step taken has become an act of resistance against the intolerance of blind extremism.

“Long ago Muslims faced the wrath of Mecca’s idolatrous elite … today we face the poison of another. We have tasted humiliation and oppression for we have refused to abandon our beliefs and buckle down before the House of Saud”, noted Sheikh al-Hashemi, a scholar from Yemen.

A sign of the time, and in negation of Islam calls for tolerance, the Saudi regime has called since 2015 for pilgrims to be profiled according to their school of thoughts. Pakistani officials confirmed in 2015 that: “Saudi Arabia will not entertain any Hajj application from aspirants that fail to specify whether the applicant is a Shia or a Sunni.”

Just as millions of pilgrims flocked to the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia senior cleric called for a grand religious cleanse against all those they view as apostates: all non-Wahhabis.

Of course the label non-Wahhabis extend to pretty much every faith, including Islam.

and on this subject:

19.9.2016 – Alwaght (** A P)

Hajj Pilgrims again Suffered Saudi Arabian Mistreatment: Witnesses

Despite the fact that the evidences suggested that this year's Hajj pilgrimage was not as warm and spirited as last years, the Saudis didn't decline to harshly treat the pilgrims. They reportedly did so much including pressuring and hurting the pilgrims. Meanwhile, the Shiite pilgrims were on focus and were offended by the Saudi Hajj authorities for any possible excuses. They reportedly had different conditions from other pilgrims. The eyewitnesses maintained that Sunni pilgrims from other countries came for their help and consoled them after mistreatment of Saudi security forces.

We here quoted words of the eyewitnesses who talked on the condition of anonymity as they were in Mecca during making this report. One of them has told the Iranian diplomacy website" the situation is under heavy security, they (Saudi government) slowed down the internet connection on purpose and are trying to weaken pilgrims' access to the outside world. The social networks are down, and we use proxy to pass filtering by Saudi government to get connected to our families. We can feel the heavy shadows of security forces everywhere."

He added "Not only are the Iranians under pressures. The Wahhabism is getting hated day by day across Muslim world. The Sunnis obviously seek parting ways from the Wahhabists. This is why the Saudi leaders are very concerned. It gives out its concerns in its mistreatment of the Hajj pilgrims. For example, because Ahmed el-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, along with a couple of other al-Azhar scholars took part in Sunni conference in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, and came clean against the Wahhabism and branded them extremist apostates, the Saudis bristled at the Egyptians and exposed their anger in their treatment of Egyptian pilgrims. They, for example, intrude the residence of Egyptian pilgrims and search them. They limit their entry to some places. To humiliate them, they sometimes call them " rafidi", the same term used by them to discredit the Shiite Muslims. They withhold some services from them and show no respect to them."

He continued "In some cases the same behavior was seen with the Lebanese, Tunisian, and Algerian Hajj pilgrims. Their harsh behavior has made them frustrated. Some pilgrims come to the Shiite Hajj missions and complain about the bad treatment of the Saudi security officers."

Meanwhile, hurting and offending the Shiite pilgrims was more noticeable in comparison to other Muslims.

and also:

19.9.2016 – Fars News (A P)

Rights Group: 9 Bahraini Hajj Pilgrims Detained in Saudi Arabia

Hussain Radhi, with the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, said Saudi security forces had detained the Shiite Bahraini muslims four days ago, while their fate together with charges brought against them remain unknown, Lu'Lu' TV reported.

Radhi noted that Saudi officials had briefly arrested the nine Bahrainis upon arrival on the Saudi soil, booked them at police custody and confiscated their passports before letting them go.

Saudi authorities then reviewed the Bahraini citizens’ case after the completion of their Hajj rituals and decided to re-arrest them.

Earlier this month, Saudi authorities detained 229 Indonesians for allegedly attempting to join the Hajj rituals without proper permits.

They had purportedly paid a local syndicate to help them join this year’s Hajj rituals without having to acquire the necessary documents, and were arrested at two Hajj pilgrim shelters around the city of Mecca.

14.9.2016 – The Boston Globe (** B P)

Frustrating the war lobby

By trying to block a $1.15 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, a bipartisan group of US senators is challenging one of the key forces that shape American foreign policy: the arms industry. Their campaign shines a light on the role that this industry plays in whipping up fears of danger in the world. How do Americans know that Saudi Arabia is a peace-loving country dedicated to fighting terrorism? The same way we know that Russia is a snarling enemy on a rampage of conquest: The arms industry tells us so.

Issuing warnings through its own mouthpieces, though, is not enough to shape public opinion. The industry also sponsors “think tanks” that obligingly issue alarming reports warning of increasing peril everywhere. Many are run by former diplomats or military commanders. Their scary warnings, which seem realistic given the warners’ personal prestige and the innocent-sounding names of their think tanks, are aimed at persuading Americans and foreign governments to spend more billions of dollars on weaponry.

The ludicrously misnamed United States Institute for Peace, for example, is run by Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser who also earns hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for his service on the board of Raytheon, a leading arms maker.

Washington think tanks are only part of the matrix that promotes the American weapons industry. The roughly 50 companies that make up the industry shower members of Congress with millions of dollars in campaign contributions. They also parcel out contracts across the country, in order to employ people in as many congressional districts as possible.

The congressional rebellion against a new arms deal with Saudi Arabia is extraordinary. Four senators — two from each party — have offered a resolution that would force a Senate vote on the deal.

Since taking office in 2009, Obama has made 42 arms deals with Saudi Arabia, worth a staggering $115 billion – by Stephen Kinzer

Comment by Sarah Lea Whitson: "There is an American imprint on every civilian life lost in #Yemen ."

cp2 Allgemein / General

19.9.2016 – Der Freitag (* B K P)

Jemen und Syrien: Kinder als Opfer im Krieg

Westliche Propaganda: Propaganda gegen Russland, ja, bitte her damit! Aber bei saudischen Luftangriffen verletzte Kinder aus dem Jemen sind für westliche Propaganda wertlos, ja schädlich

Kein Bild eines Kindes, das Opfer der saudischen Luftangriffe auf den Jemen wurde, hat es bisher in nennenswertem Umfang in die westlichen Medien geschafft. Da gibt es Bilder, die sich anzusehen man die Kraft haben muss, das kleine zweijährige Mädchen, dem der Kopf abgetrennt wurde (das Foto nur ohne Kopf), oder die beiden kleinen Jungen, beide in neuen Feiertagskleidern, denen der Schädel zertrümmert wurde, wo man das zerquetschte Gehirn sehen kann. So etwas finden Sie nicht schön?

Es wird leider so sein, dass es in der Tat das Foto eines Kindes aus dem Jemen als Opfer eines saudischen Luftangriffes nie zu einer solchen Verbreitung in den westlichen Mainstreammedien bringen würde, weil die dadurch geweckten Gedanken sich gegen die „Falschen“ richten würden.

Daran, dass solche Unterschiede gemacht werden, sieht man, wie herzlich egal diesen Medienleuten letztendlich die getroffenen Menschen, die Kriegsopfer, die verletzten Kinder tatsächlich sind, wenn nur ihr Propagandawert (oder eben ihr Propagandaunwert) zählt. Und einen Propagandawert haben Opfer der saudischen Luftangriffe für eine „westliche“, d. h. die amerikanische Interventions- und Militärpolitik grundsätzlich rechtfertigende bzw. positiv darstellende Propaganda natürlich nicht, ganz im Gegenteil – von Dietrich Klose

19.9.2016 – The Guardian (* A P)

Renewed calls for inquiry into alleged human rights violations in Yemen

Calls for an independent investigation into alleged breaches of humanitarian law in Yemen were stepped up on Monday when the Dutch government requested an inquiry at a meeting of the UN human rights council in Geneva.

The British government has said it has not yet ruled out supporting such an inquiry, but may follow the lead of Saudi Arabia and other Arab states which will resist the call.

Roderick van Schreven, the Dutch permanent representative to Geneva, told the council that he wanted to “reiterate our grave concern about the ongoing and deepening crisis in Yemen”.

“The gravity of alleged violations of human rights and international humanitarian law over the last year cannot be ignored and international comprehensive investigations of all violations committed by all parties is now called for,” he said.

Diplomatic sources said it was too early to say if a formal amendment calling for an independent inquiry will be tabled by European nations in the next week at the human rights council, or if the issue will be shelved – by Patrick Wintour

19.9.2016 – Spiegel Online (* B K)

Bei Angriff auf Klinik soll US-Bombe eingesetzt worden sein

19 Menschen waren bei dem Angriff auf ein Krankenhaus im Jemen ums Leben gekommen. Jetzt erhebt Amnesty International Vorwürfe gegen die USA: Bei der Attacke sei eine amerikanische Bombe genutzt worden.

Unabhängige Experten hätten bei der Auswertung von Fotos herausgefunden, dass eine US-Präzisionsbombe vom Typ "Paveway" genutzt worden sei, teilte die Menschenrechtsorganisation mit. Für den Angriff wurde die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition verantwortlich gemacht.

Der Amnesty-Experte Philip Luther nannte es "empörend", dass die Militärkoalition immer noch von anderen Ländern mit Waffen beliefert werde, darunter gelenkte und ungelenkte Bomben. Es gebe eindeutige Belege dafür, dass diese Waffen für Angriffe auf Krankenhäuser und andere zivile Einrichtungen sowie andere "schwerwiegende Verstöße gegen humanitäres Völkerrecht" genutzt würden.

19.9.2016 – Amnesty International (* B K)

Yemen: Evidence indicates US-made bomb was used in attack on MSF hospital

States – including the USA and UK – must immediately stop supplying weapons that could be used in the Yemen conflict, Amnesty International said, as it confirmed that a US-made bomb was used in the air strike on a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital on 15 August which killed 11 people and injured 19 others.

According to independent weapons experts consulted by the organization who assessed photographs of a bomb fin taken by a journalist at the site, a US-made precision-guided Paveway-series aerial bomb was used in the attack.

“Any attack on a medical facility in a war zone is an affront to humanity, yet this bombing is sadly just the latest in a grim series of attacks on hospitals and clinics by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition,” said Philip Luther, Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.

“It is outrageous that states have continued to supply the Saudi Arabia-led coalition with weapons, including guided and general purpose aerial bombs and combat aircraft, despite stark evidence that those arms are being used to attack hospitals and other civilian objects and in other serious violations of international humanitarian law.

“This attack highlights, yet again, the desperate need for a comprehensive embargo on all weapons that could be used by any of the warring parties in Yemen and for an international investigation to bring those responsible for unlawful attacks to justice.”

Comment by Judith Brown: Oh oh precision bomb was used on the hospital in Yemen. What's this excuse that the US and UK have to provide weapons to KSA because they provide precision bombs that reduce casualties? Doesn't this case show the obscenity of that argument?

16.9.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K P)

Yemen’s retaliatory attacks against Saudi only way to peace: Analyst

I think this is the only way to reach peace in Yemen, because we know that the Saudis have the money and have as well many Yemenis who will fight with them, so if we keep the fight and the fire just inside Yemen, then the Saudis will keep funding all this groups and the so-called Hadi government and Hadi army to fight inside Yemen.

We’ve seen they did the same thing for example in Syria, in Libya and in Afghanistan, but because those countries have no border with Saudi, it is hard to bring the fight back into Saudi. But we have seen in the latest attacks against the Saudi army in south Saudi, the Yemeni army and Houthi fighters have succeeded clearly. Many of their videos show that they are capable of taking Saudi ground, they are good as well in fighting Saudi army and the only thing we see from the Saudi side is the way that they leave all the equipment that cost them billions of dollars.

They just left them over there and I think now that the Yemeni army and Ansarullah the Houthis are using most of the weapons to fight in the border. These weapons come mostly from Saudi army bases, I hope that they will increase their fight because we have realized that all the UN negotiations and talks have failed

It seems that since the Saudis have failed in the military effort inside Yemen and as well in their border, they want to bring Yemenis to submission by this blockade, especially now on Sana’a airport there is no flight.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

19.9.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (* B H)

Yemen: "I didn't leave the hospital for three weeks"

British anaesthetist Rachel Craven has just returned from a short mission to our Emergency Surgical hospital in Aden, a port city in the south of Yemen. The hospital is one of 11 run by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Yemen.

In Aden, MSF is running a hospital with 74 beds. It’s completely staffed and run by MSF Yemeni and international staff.

The hospital is one of the few facilities in Aden providing treatment for war-related injuries, but remains the only one to provide emergency and surgical care free of charge.

Every day we see people with wounds inflicted by improvised explosive devices, gunshots and some blast injuries from mortars close to the frontline.

We run two operating theatres as well as an intensive care unit (ICU) for critical patients. I worked in a team of five Yemeni anaesthetists and five senior doctors. I was there to provide a second pair of hands in the operating theatre, supervise the junior doctors and support with the management of ICU patients.

We were always slightly on edge. When you hear explosions you think, how many people are going to be coming to the hospital? How many injured? How many have died? There were times when I heard a lot of gunfire.

That night the young man who was shot through the chest came in, we rushed him straight to theatre where we discovered his right lung had been almost completely destroyed by the bullet; he was bleeding internally and had a big hole in his chest.

He couldn’t have been more than 19 years old. While the surgeons started working on him, I was busy anaesthetising and resuscitating him.

MSF’s impact has been huge in Aden. The hospital is well respected – both in terms of the results it gets, but also because we carried on working throughout the worst of the war – we never shut. All sides of the conflict appreciate that." – by Rachel Craven

19.9.2016 – Christian Aid Ministries (* B H)

War in Yemen

Marwa* is a Yemeni widow with disabled children. Her son was not going to school because he was trying to provide food for himself and his mother and brothers. Every morning he would go out and collect plastic bottles to sell, but he barely earned enough to provide a little bread for the family. Sometimes he found leftovers that restaurants had dumped in the trash, and he would take them home to his family. Thanks to the food parcels that Marwa has begun receiving through CAM, her son no longer needs to go out and scrounge for food. Instead, he was able to enroll in school again.

In addition to food, there is a desperate need for clean drinking water in Yemen. We recently helped to provide water collection systems to over one hundred families. These systems allow families to collect rainwater from their roofs, store it in large tanks, and filter it so that it is safe to drink – by Shirley Brubacher

19.9.2016 – WAM (A H)

Emirates Red Crescent delivers 20 tonnes of medicines to Yemeni hospitals

The Emirates Red Crescent has distributed 20 tonnes of medicines to public hospitals in Hadramaut Valley as part of the UAE's continuous support for the Yemeni healthcare sector.

The agency delivered the medical aid to three hospitals in the towns of Tarim, Seiyun and Qatan, in the presence of local government officials.[Emirates]/1395300117364.html

Comment by Judith Brown: This medical aid, no doubt very well received and badly needed, is distributed in Hadramaut - but the old North Yemen still has very little medical aid and in this area people are dying from lack of medical supplies. When will the world take notice ?

18.9.2016 – Jane Novak (A H P)

UN refuses to declare #famine in #Yemen bc would highlight #Saudi war tactic using food as weapon, & US mil support

18.9.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (* A H)

How does the siege on #Yemen look like? Welcome to #Hodeidah and have a look (graphic photo) and here: and here

It's called malnutrition. It's called scabies. It's called lack of water. It's called 'brink of starvation'. It's called rachitism. It's called preventable disease turning into death sentence. It's called blockade: the world's crime against humanity in #Yemen (graphic photo)

18.9.2016 – 7 Days (* B H)

Inside Yemen’s hospitals under the strain of war

Al Thawra is the only hospital in Hodeida, a city that is suffering severe hardship due to the ongoing civil conflict in Yemen. It is a lifeline for residents but is also under incredible strain, according to Dr Jamal Abdulmoghni, a GP visiting from its sister hospital in Sana’a.

Earlier this month the hospital issued a distress call to the government to help treat the thousands of patients visiting every day. “There are more than 100 cases of malnutrition in Hodeida,” Abdulmoghni told 7DAYS.

“The children need drugs for malnutrition and we should take them to hospitals in Sana’a as soon as possible.”

Abdulmoghni said that much of the equipment is ruined due to poor maintenance, leaving the hospital ill-equipped to deal with the 2,000-plus patients who visit each day and the medical needs on the whole of the governorate’s 400,000 population.

“Lots of medical conditions enter Al Thawra Hospital,” he said.

“The common sickness for children is mal­nutrition while old and young people often have infectious diseases and skin diseases. Al Thawra Hospital cannot deal with all the medical conditions because of a lack of supplies and most of medical equipment is ruined from poor maintenance.

“It is the only hospital in the governorate and 80 per cent of the equipment is off. It has no doctors, no experienced nurses, no pharmacists.”

“Infectious diseases and skin diseases are common as a result of the high, hot temperatures and power outages in the city, which causes increased body temperature and sweating. That’s why the skin diseases are widespread in that city.”

The situation in Hodeida deteriorated rapidly with the onset of war, he said.

“[The area] is completely under Houthi control, but this is not the reason for this bad situation,” he added after returning to Sana’a from the visit.

“Al Hodeida has been bad for the last 35 years, but the situation of this governorate became worse after the war, especially at the end of 2015.” Fuad Rajeh, a Yemeni journalist based in Sana’a, said the naval blockade may have stopped the inflow of weapons to Houthis but it has caused a medical crisis throughout the country.

“Many hospitals have run out of medicines and necessary medical supplies. The healthcare system in Yemen has deteriorated largely, and WHO [the World Health Organisation] is warning it is on brink of total collapse,” he said.

“Most hospitals have shut down amid acute shortages of medicines and other supplies, including fuel.” – by Shoshana Kedem

17.9.2016 – World Health Organization, Yemen Government (* B H)

Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin Volume 04, Issue 35, Epi week 35, 29 Aug - 4 Sep 2016

During week no. 35, 2016; 91% (1160/1054) health facilities from 23 governorates provided valid surveillance data.

The total number of consultations reported during the week in 23 governorates was 147413 compared to 148402 the previous reporting week. Acute respiratory tract infections Lower Respiratory Infections (LRTI), Upper Respiratory Infections (URTI), Other acute diarrhea (OAD) and Malaria (Mal) were the leading cause of morbidity this week.

A total of 1040 alerts were generated by eDEWS system in week 35, 2016; Of these 522 alerts were verified as true for further investigations with appropriate response.

Altogether 80 alerts for Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever, 75 Pertussis, 62 Lower Respiratory Infections, 48 Bloody diarrhea, 45 Other acute diarrhea, 40 Dengue Fever, 38 Measles, 37 Malaria, 36 Upper Respiratory Infections, 13 Influeza Like Illness, 9 Mumps, 8 Acute Flaccid Paralysis, 7 each for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Schistosomiasis, 5 Cut.Leishmaniasis, 4 each for Meningitis and Acute viral hepatitis, 3 Neonatal Tetanus, 1 Viral hemorrhagic fever were received and responded in system generated. or and in full:

And the weeks before offer similar figures:

Comment: Bloody and other acute diarrhea together are on top of the list. There are no figures in how far children are among these cases. Pertussis, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, Dengue fever and malaria are spread. The war and the aerial war in special, the blockade, the destruction of medical facilities lead to an increase of diseases and of deaths which otherwise would have been avoidable.

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

19.9.2016 – Hamed Ghaleb (A K)

Another #Saudi airstrikes targeted Albasha house in the old city of Sanaa, a 3000 years old city under #Saudi attack backed by #US and #UK

Heritage of the whole world not only #Yemen is bein destroyed by #Saudi criminals backed by #UK ,old city of Sanaa (photo)

19.9.2016 – Dr. Karim (A K)

7 homes in old Sanaa city destroyed (of Alqata,Almota, Rassam,Assanhani,Abotaleb,Adhafari,Almaswari).Mohd Maswari killed

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

18.9.2016 – Sputnik News (A K P)

Houthi Delegation Refuses to Leave Oman Without UN Flight Safety Guarantees

A delegation of negotiators representing the Shia Houthi movement, also called Ansar Allah, has refused to return to Yemen from Oman in a UN plane after the international organization absolved itself of the responsibility for their flight's safety, a source in the delegation told Sputnik on Sunday.
The delegation of Houthi rebels and their allies loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has been stuck in Oman, where it arrived following the failed peace talks with the Yemeni government hosted by Kuwait, since August, when the Saudi-led coalition, which carries out airstrikes against the Houthis at the request of the Yemeni government, blocked the aircraft with the Houthi delegation trying to return to Yemen. "The flight on board of a UN private aircraft has been canceled due to the refusal by [president Saleh’s] General People’s Congress party and Ansar Allah to sign the document stating that the United Nations does not bear responsibility [for the flight's safety]," the source said.

According to the source, the United Nations offered the delegation to sign the document, according to which the organization does not take responsibility for the security of passengers as the plane will fly over the territory of an armed conflict.

Comment by Judith Brown: I guess there is no trust on either side. First of all they refused to allow the Houthi spokesmen to return to Yemen. Now they have said they can travel, the Houthi spokespersons feel vulnerable

18.9.2016 – Sana2 Al-Yemen

Yemeni females make a statement at an anti-Saudi march in the capital, Sanaa (photos)

17.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

#Yemen tribesmen Keep supporting army with fighters&money against US-backed Saudi invaders(Sep17 Arhab northSanaa) and film:

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

18.9.2016 – Shapban (A P)

#Yemen's fugitive president Hadi makes govt reshuffle. 9 ministers sacked.

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Will UN condemn way did when Houthis/GPC formed Supreme Political Council? Doubt it. SPC will likely retaliate now.

18.9.2016 – Yemen Update (A P)

President Hadi departs Riyadh heading to New York for the General UN assembly meeting.

18.9.2016 – Gulf News / National Yemen (* A P)

Hadi Instructs Government to Return to Yemen

“The government’s return to the liberated area is necessary since it would send a positive message to the general public that their government is standing by them. It will also send another message to the international community that the government is firmly controlling 80 per cent of Yemeni territories,” Mukhtar Al Rahabi, a former aide to Yemen president, told Gulf News.

In the same meeting, Hadi said that his government is “strongly” willing to end the conflict through peaceful means provided that the rebel forces abide by United Nations Security Council resolutions, the agreements made at the National Dialogue Conference and the GCC-brokered peace initiative.

“We have clearly told the UN envoy in our latest meeting that we seriously want peace in both deeds and words.” he said.

Hadi headed to New York on Sunday ahead of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. According to Saba, he will address the suffering of the Yemeni people “due to Al Houthis and Saleh’s unjust war” at the General Assembly.

Yemen president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi has asked his government’s ministers to leave their offices in the Saudi capital and visit liberated provinces in Yemen to address people’s thorny woes, the official Saba news agency said.

In a meeting in Riyadh on Saturday, Hadi told senior officials to travel to the liberated areas to survey the people’s needs including jobs, security, stability, services and infrastructure. The internationally-recognised government has repeatedly come under fire from locals for remotely running the liberated provinces from Riyadh. =

17.9.2016 – Khaled Al-Abbadi (A P)

The Supreme Council of Southern Movement welcomes #Aden Gov @AidroosAlzubaid call for #SouthYemen Political Council

Comment by Judith Brown: Look at this demonstration in Aden - the flags are of South Yemen - which activists often call South Arabia these days. This is not good news for those who want to retain a United Yemen.

Comment: Keep in mind that the highest representative of the Hadi government in his “capital” (whilst the whole “government” is not at Aden but in Saudi Arabia) is propagating a separation of South Yemen.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

18.9.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

If you cite UN or int'l humanitarian law or any of that ivory tower stuff to a guy on Sana'a streets, probably get punched in face. #Yemen

18.9.2016 – Inner City Press (* A P)

On Yemen, Iran Replies to Saudi Letter to UNSC, UN Plane Threatened?

On September 14 the Saudi ambassador to the UN wrote to the UN Security Council to complain - belatedly, in the case of events of August 31 - of attacks from Yemen, saying Saudi Arabia reaffirms “its right to take all appropriate measures.” Letter posted on Facebook, here.

Now there is a response to the Saudi letter, from the Iranian mission to the UN:

"The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations categorically rejects the allegations, as contained in Saudi Arabia’s letter to the President of the Security Council, dated 14 September 2016, regarding arms transfers to Yemen and violations of Security Council Resolution 2216
This letter includes unsubstantiated claims that have not been verified by any independent entity. These claims are raised against the numerous confirmed reports, documenting Saudi Arabia’s war crimes and violation of international law and international humanitarian law.” – by Matthew Russell Lee

Comment: For the Saudi letter, see YPR 199, cp7.

18.9.2016 – Iran Front Page (A P)

Iran Rejects Saudi Claim on Yemen Arms Transfer

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN), in a statement released on Saturday, categorically rejected the claim made in a September 14 letter by Saudi Arabia to the UN Security Council concerning the alleged transfer of weapons to the Yemeni Houthi Ansarullah fighters and the violation of UN Resolution 2216 by Iran.

“Unsubstantiated claims can be seen in Saudi Arabia’s letter, claims that no impartial body has ever been able to prove,” the Iranian mission’s statement read.

“This is while Saudi Arabia has for over a year and a half been involved in a full-scale, unequal war — which is devoid of logic — against the people of Yemen and has perpetrated undeniable crimes against the country’s defenseless civilians, children and women,” the statement read.

“Saudi Arabia, which, while destroying Yemen’s infrastructure, has no compunction about attacking hospitals and schools, is accusing Iran of breaching international resolutions while it (Riyadh) has violated international rules and civilian rights on numerous occasions based on documented reports,” the statement further read.

The Iranian UN mission said it was surprising that Saudi Arabia was complaining to the Security Council about the use of weapons in Yemen while it has itself spent tens of billions of dollars on the purchase of munitions to be used against the people of Yemen.

17.9.2016 – Gulf News / National Yemen (* A P)

Yemen Government Demands Quarantees before Joining Talks

Yemen government negotiators said on Saturday that they would not join peace talks or accept initiatives that do not include “clear assurances” that the recently formed Political Council would be disbanded.

Iran-backed Al Houthis and ousted Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh moved to unilaterally form the council in a move condemned by Yemen’s internationally-recognised government led by President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Speaking to Gulf News, a member of the government’s delegation to the failed peace talks in Kuwait, said Hadi’s government will not back down on its request to disband the council ahead of any talks aimed at forming a unity government.

“President Hadi and his government have made their position clear in their previous meetings with UN envoy to Yemen Esmail Ould Shaikh Ahmad. They have asked for guarantees that the putschists would put into place all agreements and would revoke their unilateral steps,” said the official =

Comment by Judith Brown: Depressing. The conditions placed on any negotiations by all sides mean they never start. So people keep dying.

Comment: Evident: „will not back down on its request to disband the council AHEAD OF any talks aimed at forming a unity government”. Just asking for a political capitulation as precondition.

17.9.2016 – IRNA (A P)

Iran rejects alleged US message for talks with Iran over Yemeni crisis

Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi on Saturday rejected news reports by some media about Iran's receiving a message from the US for talks over the ongoing crisis in Yemen.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

18.9.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

Saudi Arabia Accused of 'Trying to Impose Wahhabism' on Iran via TV

In an interview with Sputnik Hossein Sheikholeslam, an adviser to the Iranian foreign minister, blamed Riyadh for the deadly stampede during last year’s Hajj.

Earlier this week Saudi Arabia launched a Persian-language satellite television channel broadcasting the Hajj as many Iranians had decided not to make the pilgrimage amid the current tensions between the two countries.

Hossein Sheikholeslam believes, however, that this project is far from peaceful as it “is trying to use television to impose Wahhabi ideology on Persian-language countries.”
“The Saudi monarchy is baseds on the ideology of Wahhabism and terrorism. It was with this idea in mind that they opened so many Koranic schools in Medina and just about anywhere else. And they now launched a Wahhabi television channel [to spread this ideology to Iran which hasn’t seen a single terrorist attack over the past several years]” he noted.

“This mouthpiece of ideological propaganda threatens to spread murderous ideas to Iran and other Persian-language countries,” Hossein Sheikholeslam warned.
cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

17.9.2016 – Josephjo1221 (B T)

One hour I read in hashtag #ManhattanExplosion in Arabic, almost of Saudis are very happy, they said US are Koffar (disbelievers) Same ISIS

Saudi man said, we are sorry if there are any Muslims killed, I hope a lot of the American non-Muslims be killed …

Comment: Saudi Wahabistic education.

cp9 USA

20.9.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

Saudis Ignore US Requests Not to Bomb Targets in Yemen Civil War - US Senator

Saudi Arabia has ignored repeated US requests not to bomb targets that caused major civilian casualties in its air strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, US Senator Christopher Murphy told a meeting at the Center for the National interest.
"Much as we have been pressing the Saudis to get better they have not," Murphy said on Monday. "Even when we tell them not to bomb targets, they ignore we us and still bomb civilian facilities." Murphy noted that ordinary Yemenis blamed the United States for not restraining the Saudis and their coalition allies, and warned that this attitude was helping extreme Islamist groups win popularity in Yemen. "We are helping to radicalize Yemenis against us. How can that be in our security interest?… If you talk to Yemenis on the ground, they view every civilian casualty as having an American imprint to it," Murphy stated.

19.9.2016 – Al Monitor (* A P)

Iran looms large over Senate fight to block arms sales for Saudi war in Yemen

A bipartisan group of senators seeking to block US weapons sales to Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen are trying to disarm critics by arguing that their effort won’t benefit Iran.

The four lawmakers and their allies in the human rights community insist that the Saudi-led campaign is a civil war, not a proxy war.

“We’ve got to do a better job of educating members that this is not a simple proxy war” between Riyadh and Tehran, resolution sponsor Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said in a conference call with reporters Monday morning. While there are “connections” between the Houthis and Tehran, he said, “It certainly doesn’t resemble a command-and-control relationship like some would have you believe.”

“The first thing to say is this is not a proxy war inside Yemen,” he said. ”To simply view this as a clean, clear fight between the Saudis and the Iranians misunderstands the nature of this conflict.”

Congress was initially largely receptive to concerns about Iranian malfeasance.

“The conflict in Yemen is enormously complicated and has roots that are largely parochial and locally focused,” Gerald Feierstein, the principal deputy assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, testified at Ros-Lehtinen’s April 2015 hearing. “Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world with a long history of weak central governance, has for many years struggled to meet the needs of its diverse constituencies and address their grievances.”

Murphy, a longtime critic of Saudi Arabia’s support for Wahhabi clerics around the world, acknowledged the difficulty in getting a joint resolution of disapproval through both houses of Congress. He couldn’t remember one ever passing both chambers – by Julian Pecqet

Comment: Anti-Iranian paranoia long had ravaged at Washington. Evidently, Saudi interference in Yemen is much larger compared to Iran’s, and 99,8 % of all weapons in the region do not come from Iran but mostly from Western sources.

19.9.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Senate to vote on Saudi arms sale measure this week: senators

The U.S. Senate will vote as soon as Wednesday on a joint resolution seeking to block a $1.15 billion sale of military equipment to Saudi Arabia over concerns about the conflict in Yemen, sponsors of the measure said on Monday.

Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and Democratic Senators Chris Murphy and Al Franken introduced the legislation on Sept. 8. Backers of the joint resolution say it would block the sale of Abrams tanks and other equipment if it were passed by both the Senate and House of Representatives and signed by President Barack Obama.

However, any effort to stop the sale would face stiff opposition from the White House, which has already approved the sale, as well as in Congress – by Patricia Zengerle

19.9.2016 – The Hill (* A P)

Stop deadly Obama plan to fund the Saudi conflict in Yemen

The U.S. government has publicly and privately implored Saudi leaders to improve their targeting practices, but these entreaties have been ignored. Despite calls for an independent fact-finding mission, Saudi Arabia has thus far enjoyed total impunity for its conduct. According to UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon, the Kingdom even blackmailed its way off of the Children and Armed Conflict “List of Shame.”

None of this suffering is advancing US interests. Amidst the chaos, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — the group’s most powerful franchise — has greatly expanded its influence, controlling Mukallah, a major port and Yemen’s fourth largest city, for most of 2015. ISIS, virtually absent from Yemen before the Saudi intervention, now carries out routine terror attacks and is drawing supporters to its cause. The United States, viewed as the power behind the Saudi intervention, is widely despised throughout the country.

U.S. policy in Yemen should not be aimed at arming Saudi Arabia; rather, it should seek to return peace and security to the country, restore US standing, and reduce the influence and operating space of terrorist groups. Congressional silence now will signal to Saudi Arabia that our support for its intervention in Yemen is nothing less than unconditional. On the other hand, Congressional action will signal to the Yemeni people, terrorist groups, and Saudi Arabia that we have our priorities straight – by Anne Garrels

17.9.2016 – AP (* B T)

Al Qaeda bombmaker says Saudi 'royal' helped recruit him prior to 9/11 attack

Ghassan Abdallah al-Sharbi's statement adds to a list of suggestive but hardly definitive clues about possible involvement by members of the Saudi establishment in the Sept. 11 attacks, in which 17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi.

An accused Al Qaeda bombmaker, who went to college in Arizona, told military officials at the U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that he believed an unnamed member of the Saudi royal family was part of an effort to recruit him for violent extremist acts before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to a newly released transcript.

Ghassan Abdallah al-Sharbi said a religious figure in Saudi Arabia used the term "your highness" during a telephone conversation with a man, just before urging al-Sharbi to return to the U.S. and take part in a plot against the U.S. that would involve learning to fly a plane.

The Sept. 11 commission found there was no evidence to indicate that the Saudi government as an institution or Saudi senior officials individually had supported the attacks, and the kingdom's government has consistently denied it had any role in the plot – by Ben Fox =

13.9.2016 – The Intercept (* B P)

Clinton Aides Complain About Double Standard, But Media Also Went After Bush Foundation

Clinton operatives and their media supporters have cast criticism of Clinton Foundation practices as indicative of a double standard and complained that allegations of unethical conduct unfairly tarnish an otherwise sterling charitable enterprise. The level of transparency the foundation has imposed on itself is “unprecedented,” Clinton loyalists frequently insist.

It’s true that the volume of criticism over the Clintons’ close relationship with Saudi financiers has been substantial, including a recent front-page story in the New York Times. But this is not evidence of any anti-Clinton conspiracy — it’s common sense. And the Bushes faced similar allegations.

So I decided to take Fallon up on his challenge. There are plenty of examples.

For instance, irrespective of any explicit quid pro quo, the Saudis have won tacit acquiescence from Clinton for their military campaign in Yemen, which has caused what is arguably the worst current humanitarian crisis in the world.

But even though the conflict has been raging since March 2015, Clinton has offered no critical words in public. At a campaign event on June 1, I askeddirectly for her view on the Saudi incursion — twice. She ignored the question. To this day, her website contains no discussion of the ongoing bombardment. The topic did not come up during last week’s “Commander-in-Chief Forum” on NBC.

By contrast, Donald Trump in August appeared to criticize U.S. involvement with the Saudis in Yemen, although his comments were garbled and only semi-coherent – by Michael Tracey

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

18.9.2016 – The Guardian (* A K)

UK bases involved in targeting Yemen

At last, confirmation that many people are killed and injured, and homes and communities are destroyed (One in three Saudi raids on Yemen hit civilian sites, 17 September). However, there is no mention of the US bases in the UK which play a crucial role in this criminal and deadly work, such as NSA Menwith Hill, USAF Croughton and other RAF bases. They are a vital part of the NSA’s sprawling global surveillance network. There needs to be a thorough investigation into what these bases are involved in, instead of cover stories from the US and UK governments, the MoD and the Ministry of Defence police who are paid for by the US authorities. CAAB has been calling for this for many years – by Lindis Percy,Co-founder, Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB)

17.9.2016 – BBC Newsnight (* B K P)

Film: Newsnight tells the story of #Yemen, Saudi arms and @crispinbluntmp

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

20.9.2016 – Kurier (A P)

Umstrittene Saudi-Schule muss doch nicht zusperren

Höchstgericht weist Revision des Wiener Stadtschulrates als unbegründet ab.

Eine Niederlage kassierte der Wiener Stadtschulrat im Rechtsstreit mit der „Saudischen Schule des Königreichs Saudi-Arabien“. Wollte die Behörde mit Ablauf des Schuljahres 2014/15 doch die weitere Führung der Privatschule im dritten Bezirk untersagen. Dagegen legte die „Saudi Vienna School“ jedoch Berufung ein, gegen welche wiederum der Stadtschulrat in Revision ging. Letztere wies der Verwaltungsgerichtshof nun vor Kurzem ab.

Auf den Plan gerufen hatte den Stadtschulrat ein Bericht des Nachrichtenmagazin News. Demzufolge sollte sich in einem Geschichtsbuch der Schule „ein Sammelsurium aus Weltverschwörungstheorien, Hetze gegen Juden, Israelis und abweichende Strömungen im Islam“ finden – von Bernhard Ichner

Kommentar: In Deutschland wurde für eine saudische Schule kürzlich das „Aus“ beschlossen.


cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

18.9.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Arms for Houthis found in Yemen trucks with Oman plates: newspaper

Allies of Yemen's president found weapons bound for Iran-aligned Houthi forces on trucks with Omani license plates, although there was no evidence of any link to Omani authorities, who are neutral in Yemen's war, a Saudi-owned daily reported on Sunday.

Al-Hayat newspaper quoted Marib governor Sultan al-Arada as saying the vehicles carrying "explosives and weapons" had been en route from the Yemeni province of Hadramout to the Houthi-held Yemeni capital of Sanaa.

Arada is an ally of Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Omani officials were not immediately available for a comment. Arada was also out of the country and could not immediately be reached for a comment.

"Arada did not confirm an external link to that shipment, indicating that the trucks were carrying Omani license plates but it was not possible to confirm any Omani authorities' connection to that," al-Hayat said – by Sami Aboudi

Comment: Could also be a prefabricated news considering the source

cp13b Zentralbank / Central Bank

19.9.2016 – Der Freitag (** A E P)

Wirtschaftskrieg um Jemens Zentralbank

Jemens Präsident Hadi will das Präsidium der Zentralbank auswechseln und die Bank nach Aden verlegen. Die Auswirkungen wären katastrophal, die Aktion ist ohnehin illegal

Economic War over Yemen’s Central Bank

Yemeni President Hadi wants to exchange the Presidency of the country’s Central Bank and wants to transfer it to Aden. The effect would be disastrous, the whole action is illegal anyway – by Dietrich Klose

15.9.2016 – World Politics Review (unrated A E P)

The Economy Is the Newest Front in Yemen’s Brutal War

With the warring parties in Yemen locked in a stalemate on the ground, the battle for the Arab world’s poorest country is moving to a new front: the economy.

The government-in-exile of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi is planning to shut down the Central Bank of Yemen in the capital, Sanaa—a city that Houthi rebels have controlled for two years—and establish a new bank in the southern port city of Aden. Hadi hopes to cut off financing to the alliance of Houthi rebels and military units loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, which control Yemen’s northwestern highlands and western coast. He also hopes that moving the bank will convince Saudi Arabia, its main backer in the war, to inject much-needed foreign currency into Yemen’s beleaguered banking system. But there are fears that Hadi could use the new bank to wage economic war on Houthi-controlled areas, home to the bulk of Yemen’s population [you must register] – by Peter Salisbury

18.9.2016 – AP (* A E P)

Yemeni leader relocates central bank in blow to rebels

Yemen's exiled president sacked the head of the central bank on Sunday and ordered it relocated to the southern city of Aden, a move that would ramp up pressure on the Shiite Houthi rebels who control the capital but also bring increased hardship to millions of Yemenis living under their rule.

Yemen's limited oil revenues flow to the central bank. Sunday's move would therefore deprive the Houthis of a potential source of cash. The rebels' opponents have long accused them of plundering the Treasury.

The relocation of the bank will likely cause further economic deterioration in the north, where Saudi-led airstrikes have caused widespread destruction. Government employees have not been paid in months, and the capital, like most Yemeni cities, suffers shortages of fuel, water, electricity and basic goods.

Hadi announced the move as part of a limited Cabinet reshuffle. The current head of the central bank, Mohammed bin Hamam, will be replaced by Mansar al-Kaiti, an independent technocrat who has served as Hadi's finance minister. Hadi has been based in Saudi Arabia since the Houthis seized the capital in 2014.

Comment by Judith Brown: This is a real blow to the people of North Yemen - who are by far the largest part of the population of Yemen, maybe 80%. The governor of the Yemen bank had been doing an amazing job in keeping the bank afloat and paying out to both sides. This meant that people I the north were able to use banking facilities and more importantly the bank could function in purchasing items from overseas - Yemenis been before the war imported 90% of their food. Experts have thought that if the bank moves then this would have a dramatic effect in the Yemeni population in the north - most of who are civilians and half of whom are children. So sad. And another man made disaster for Yemeni people.

18.9.2016 – Reuters (*A E P)

Yemen president names new central bank governor, moves HQ to Aden

Yemen's exiled president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi appointed Finance Minister Monasser Al Quaiti as head of the country's central bank on Sunday, the state-run news agency reported.

The decree announcing the appointment included a decision to move the bank's headquarters from the capital Sanaa to the southern port city of Aden, according to the report.

Hadi also appointed Ahmed Obaid Al Fadhli to replace Al Quaiti as finance minister, it said.

The central bank has been the last bastion of the impoverished country's financial system amid a civil war and is effectively running the economy, according to central bank officials, diplomats and Yemenis on both sides of the war.

His government asked international financial institutions last month to prevent central bank officials from accessing state funds held in overseas banks, reported on August 6 (not Saturday).

The government has accused the Iran-allied Houthis of squandering some $4 billion on the war effort from central bank reserves, but the Houthis say the funds were used to finance imports of food and medicine – by Mohammed Ghobari

Comment by Nawal Al-Maghafi: One of the things I feared: #Hadi relocates Central Bank to Aden and fires Central bank manager Bin Hamam - this could be catastrophic.

Comment: Instead of uniting the country, instead of taking care of Yemeni people who have already suffered the unthinkable, ex President Hadi decides to re-shuffle the government and cut off Central Bank from the outside world. This is a killer move

Comment by Jane Novak: This is a disaster for the millions hungry in #Yemen & part of #Saudi policy of attrition.

19.9.2016 – Reuters (* A E P)

Yemen's cenbank has to move from capital Sanaa: new governor

Yemen's central bank has to move from the capital Sanaa because the armed Houthi movement that controls the city has been pillaging it to finance its war against the exiled government, the bank's newly appointed governor said on Monday.

"It has become obvious that the Yemeni Central Bank in Sanaa financed the (Houthi) putschists at government expense and therefore has totally lost its neutrality and independence," Quaiti told reporters in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

Salaries paid by the central bank to pro-Houthi soldiers and officials have reduced Yemeni foreign exchange reserves from $5.2 billion in September 2014 to less than $700 million by the end of August, Quaiti said.

The figure is well below a June estimate of $1.3 billion made by the Sanaa-based bank, which denies any misuse of public funds. If Quaiti's estimate is confirmed, economic collapse could engulf Yemen, one of the world's poorest countries, sooner than previously anticipated.

The central bank in Sanaa, which is currently run by veteran governor Mohamed Bin Humam, could not immediately be reached for comment.

Diplomats largely agree that the bank has maintained its impartiality throughout the 18-month civil war, remaining the last pillar of Yemen's financial system and guaranteeing imports of key food staples - a job that becomes harder as foreign exchange reserves dwindle – by Noah Browning

Comment: The new Governor is a man of president Hadi, he had been Hadi’s minister of finances, but he sits hundreds of miles away from the Central Bank at Sanaa. Of course he tells what Hadi government tells.

Comment by Judith Brown: More news about the Yemen Central Bank. The governor had been doing an amazing job but he is sacked for being unbiased I guess and trying to help Yemen rather than supporting one or other of the warring parties.

19.9.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (* A E P)

Yemen’s Central Bank Relocated to Aden, Leaving Insurgents in Financial Impasse

Chairman of the Yemeni Studies and Economic Media Center Mustafa Nasr told Asharq Al-Awsat that the relocation of the Central Bank is considered as the most important economic decision taken since rebels captured the capital in 2014.

Nasr said the relocation would have important repercussions as it shows the capability of the legitimate government to manage the crisis, and the good coordination with the Gulf Cooperation Council states, the 18 countries sponsoring peace in Yemen, in addition to international institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

A high-ranking Yemeni ministerial official said the decision to relocate the Central Bank was preceded by a series of procedures taken in Riyadh.

“The decision was coordinated with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.,” the official said, refusing to uncover more details.

The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of squandering some $4 billion from Central Bank reserves to finance their insurgency.

Nasr said moving the headquarters of the Central Bank from Sana’a to Aden comes as part of the government’s arrangements to regain control of the economic decision-making in the country.

“The government now should prepare the adequate environment for the implementation of its new decision by enhancing stability in the provisional capital, Aden, and to look for regional and international support,” Nasr said.

19.9.2016 – Gulf News (A P)

Yemen shifts central bank headquarters to Aden

The new governor of Yemen’s central bank, Munasar Al Quaiti, a former minister of finance, said in a press conference in the Saudi capital that the government sacked the Sana’a-based central bank chief after they realised he was colluding with Iran-backed Al Houthis by allowing them to plunder billions of Yemeni rials to finance their military efforts.

“The central bank has given them a free hand on the government’s accounts,” he said.

Al Quaiti said Al Houthis have withdrawn 25 billion Yemeni rials (Dh367 million or $100 million) monthly from the central bank since early last year and spent the money on their military expansion across Yemen.

The government’s relationship with Mohammad Bin Humam has soured since August, when prime minister Ahmad Bin Daghar accused him of facilitating Al Houthi plundering of the bank’s reserves.

To stop the rebels from using the country’s reserves overseas, Bin Daghar sent a letter to the International Money Fund and international banks asking them to sever ties with Bin Humam or face legal action.

Bin Humam denies misusing the funds, saying he alerted Bin Daghar’s government about the bank’s transactions.

In Riyadh, Al Quaiti said the cash-strapped Al Houthis, with the help of the central bank in Sana’a, secretly tried to print 400 billion Yemen rials through a Russian banknote-printing company called Goznak.

The company revoked the agreement with Al Houthis after receiving a warning letter from the government.

The bank’s foreign reserves have dropped from $5.2 billion in September 2014, to $700 million by the end of August 2016, according to Al Quaiti – by Saeed Al Batati

Comment: This is just a mixture of facts and propaganda. Of course the national financial reserves are dwindling, as the country is in war, revenues from exports and from taxes (the economy is broken down) have crashed.

Who mainly is responsible for that? 1) Due to the Saudi blockade, no goods can come to great parts of the country, companies, factories can work no more: they pay no more taxes. 2) Due to Saudi air raids, companies and factories are destroyed, the work no more, they pay no more taxes 3) Due to 1) and 2), people lose their jobs, have no more income, pay no more taxes 4) Mainly due to Saudi air raids, people lose their homes, are displaced somewhere in the country, have no more job, pay no more taxes 5) All those jobless and displaced people urgently need some sort of help – authorities have to spend money for them. So who mainly is to blame for all that??? The Houthis???

The Houthis are blamed for having used the country’s funds “and spent the money on their military expansion” – well, both sides got their warfare (and salaries for other government employees) paid from the Central Bank’s reserves. With the same right, the Houthi side could accuse the Hadi government of “illegal withdrawal” of Central Bank funds. So what? International observers agree that the Central Bank had held a neutral position. The objections against the Governor of the bank, Bin Humam, were directed against that pont, they should force him to leave this neutral position.

There is another objection that “Houthis, with the help of the central bank in Sana’a, secretly tried to print 400 billion Yemen rials”. That’s somewhat funny. It’s the task of a Central Bank to keep the cash flow running and to have new bank notes printed, either to replace old ones which got weary and damaged, or because the Central Bank’s money policy increases the total of cash. To do that hat might be a dubious decision, as it might fuel inflation, but that is just a normal task of a Central Bank. If the claiming “Governor” wants to give the impression, the “Houthis, with the help of the central bank” would have done that just to get more cash, is just odd and propaganda. – From this statement we clearly see what a change would happening if the Central Bank really would come under Hadi’s (and this new Central Bank Governor’s sitting in luxurious Riad) rule: it would shift from a bank just doing its economic job to a tool of economic warfare and propaganda.

20.9.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A E P)

Yemen’s Rebels Loot $6.3 Million..Bin Daghr: We Will Pay Our Debt

In a press conference held yesterday in Riyadh, Kaiti said the central bank foreign reserves in foreign currency, including the Saudi reserves, have reduced from $5.2 billion in September 2014 to less than $700 million by the end of August.

He added Houthis had spent $1.8 million on supporting “war activities” and currency speculation.

Kaiti said the Central Bank in Sana’a has financed the Houthi war activities at the expense of the government and therefore has totally lost its neutrality and independence.

He said that in order to serve Houthi interests, rebels were looting the bank’s reserves, causing the depletion of resources in national currency (Yemeni Rial) and foreign exchange.

The new governor said the central bank has reached a point at which it has exhausted its foreign reserves and is no longer able to cover its commitments.

“It was unacceptable to keep this situation ongoing and therefore we had to intervene and find solutions that would limit these conducts, which have pushed the Yemeni economy to the verge of collapse,” Kaiti said.

Meanwhile, Yemen’s Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Bin Daghr announced that the government would pay all the country’s internal and foreign debt.

He said his government would provide the Central Bank with the resources to cover its spending on civil servants and military personnel.

Comment: See comment above. The Central Bank had payed for military expenses of BOTH sides; thus it is odd to claim that the bank had lost its neutrality by paying the Houthi's expenses.

19.9.2016 – Khabar Agency (A E P)

#Yemen-i Association of Banks: All of the Central and commercial banks will continue its work as normal and there is no call to worry about

19.9.2016 – Shapban (A E P)

#Houthi leader 2 #Saudi commenting on relocating Central Bank 2 Aden: We're neighbors. Either we eat together or go hungry together

19.9.2016 - Almasirah TV (A E P)

Film: Saudi American aggression on Yemen's economy (Arabic)

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

17.9.2016 – ISIS UA Livemap (* A T)

Film: IS in Yemen publish first video of explosive belt suicide attack

cp15 Propaganda

18.9.2016 – Arab News (A P)

From Venezuela, Yemeni FM slams Iran interference

Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdulmalak Makhlafi has criticized Iran for continuing with its interference in his conflict-torn country.
Makhlafi stressed Yemen’s desire for peace during his address at a preparatory meeting for the Non-Aligned Movement summit which kick-started on Saturday in Venezuela.

The minister said Yemen had to seek help from the Saudi-led Arab Coalition after Iran-backed Houthi militias and allied forces loyal to deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh attempted a coup in September 2014.

Comment: That is strange that he laments against Iranian interference but not against Saudi interference. Iran up to now did not throw a single bomb at Yemen, not a single Iranian soldier or fighter up to now has been killed or caught in Yemen. And what about Saudi interference? You see it’s impacts everywhere. – “Yemen had to seek help from the Saudi-led Arab Coalition” is nonsense, as “Yemen” in this sentence is just the Hadi government. – And a very important point: Not only Saleh is a “deposed” president; Hadi simply is expired for long. And Makhlafi cannot be the constitutional foreign minister of Yemen, because 1) Hadi had appointed him when already having been expired, and 2) according to the constitution, ministers need parliaments approval, and this approval is simply lacking. Hadi simply had no right to just depose Makhlafi’s predecessor (who had parliament’s approval).

Comment: Propaganda of Saudi media. The government in exile, comfortably lounged in KSA, claims to be longing for peace.

Comment by Judith Brown: Hmmm Yemeni foreign minister watches his homeland being bombed by their neighbour Saudi Arabia and a few other Arab states, and then complains about a country that isn't bombing them. Seems a bit strange to me.

17.9.2016 – Arab News (A P)

No letup in Houthi attacks: Al-Assiri

Saudi forces have prevented attacks on Jabal Dukhan in Jazan region by terrorists from Houthi-occupied Yemeni territory. Twenty-four attackers were killed and 30 others injured in the attacks.
Most of the attackers were Republican Guard personnel loyal to deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
The Saudi-led coalition spokesman, Gen. Ahmed Al-Assiri, confirmed on Friday that each day Saudi soldiers kill Houthis and Saleh’s followers in battles along the borders.
“The attempts of Houthis to infiltrate Saudi border regions haven’t stopped,” said Al-Assiri. He said the Houthis had lost many of their leaders in these incursions.

Comment by Judith Brown: There is no let up in the attacks of any militias, armies and air assaults. Including the Houthis but not exclusively the Houthis. They are all addicted to killing and destruction.

Comment: Do not forget the Saudis themselves and their air strikes, the most horrific of all attacks.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

19.-20.9.2016 – Tweets Sanaa at night (A K)

Quite busy in sky, heavy bombing on S Sanaa civilians. May U make it 4 tonight and every night! 2 UN, UNSC: you are a disgrace for humanity!

And now we are in N Sanaa being bombed. 2nd explosion so far. Jets still in sky

Reports of deads, wounded in tonight's airstrikes on Old Sanaa city homes.

7 #Saudi airstrikes targeted the NSB HQ in the old city of sanaa,several houses collapsed 6 casualties so far,#Yemen heritage under attack

Another #Saudi airstrikes targeted Albasha house in the old city of Sanaa, a 3000 years old city under #Saudi attack backed by #US and #UK

Heritage of the whole world not only #Yemen is bein destroyed by #Saudi criminals backed by #UK ,old city of Sanaa (photo)

A 3000 years old city is being attacked by #Saudi terrorists using #US & #UK made bombs,US&UK support war criminals (film: sound)

19.9.2016 – Josephjo1221 (A K)

Multiple airstrikes now on Taiz targeted the same place

19.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

19/9/2016 Saudi Coalition Air Strikes

( Sana'a, Saada, Hajjah, AL-Mahweet, Taiz, Amran, Marib, Sana’a Capital, Dhamar, Al-Hodeida and Amran)

Casualties and damages (full list):

19.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression launches raids on Belad al-Arous

causing huge damage to citizens' properties.

Saudi warplanes wage raids on Sa'ada

The Saudi fighter jets launched on Monday a series of air raids on Razeh, Shada, al-Dhaher district of Sa'ada province, a military official said.
The Saudi-led aggression dropped cluster bombs on residential area in the district, killing or injuring a number of people, the official added.
A woman was killed and five other people were injured in a raid in al-Hajlah area in Razeh district in Sa'ada, he said.
The official said that a technical team of the army and popular committees dismantled bombs who did not explode.
He stressed the hostile warplanes had intensified their raids on villages and neighborhoods using weapons such as cluster bombs and thermobaric weapons.

The Health Bureau in Sa'ada province announced recently the increasing number of victims and the injured by the explosion of cluster bombs, noting that the majority of victims are children, he said.

Aggression destroys health center, bridge in Sa'ada

The hostile warplanes destroyed on Monday a health center and a bridge in Magz and al-Safra district of Sa'ada province, a security official said.
The official added the warplanes targeted the health center in Madhab Junction in al-Safra with two raids. The center was completely destroyed.
The warplanes launched a number of raids on Ragafa bridge in Magz, the official said, adding that the bridge was also completely destroyed. and film (health center):

Hostile warplanes wage raids on Khawlan

The official added the hostile warplanes targeted al-Watada Souk causing huge damage to trade stores.

Saudi aggression targets Mahweet province again

The Saudi fighter jets waged on Sunday raids on Mahweet province, a local official said.
The hostile fighter jets targeted Lahemah bridge in al-Qeta'a area in Mahweet district with many raids, the official added.
He said that Lahemah bridge was previously hit with more than five times by the aggression fighter jets causing the cut off the fiber distributed Data Interface (FDDI) in the district.

Saudi warplanes raid the capital

Eight strikes targeted Tappah al-Safra hilltop in Sarif area on the road linking the capital with neighboring province of Mareb.
The violent air attacks caused huge damage to citizens' houses and public, private properties and film: bombing entry to Sanaa:

Saudi jets wage raids on Hodeida

Saudi aggression fighter jets waged on Monday seven air raids against civilian targets in Hodeida city, an official said.
The five raids targeted Central Security camp in downtown, while the rest hit Hodeidah Airport and nearby a hospital.
The violent strikes injured many residents and intimidate patients in nearby hospital forcing them to leave for fears of their lives, a medical source said.

2 civilians killed in Saudi brutal air strikes on Sanaa province

Two residents were martyred in brutal Saudi airstrikes against their homes in Khawlan district of Sanaa province early on Monday, an official told Saba.
The warplanes hit al-Watada souk two times, fatally damaging shops and nearby mosque and residents' houses, where the two citizens martyred, the official added

18.-19.9.2016 – Tweets nights at Sanaa (A K)

I confirm it's the heaviest night since long time ago, obviously the Saudi madness is increased for no reason

heard 6 massive bombs till now, Mostly southern part of the capital, many F*** jets r still buzzing, God help the ppl there

In less than 7 minutes, 5 explosions rocking the northern areas of the capital Sanaa, as Saudi jets continue flying over the city.

Two hours of constant Saudi air strikes on Sanaa. Too many explosions, Sounds comes from every direction.

Ambulances are heard in #Sanaa As someone just commented: it is a swarm of fighter aircraft

Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike Airstrike

Few minutes ago Heavy airstrikes n Saref close to #Sanaa this is how Yemenies spend nights waiting for death #Yemen

Another terrible night in #Sanaa with continuous airstrikes. One, which we personally confirm is at the camp.

#Saudi air strikes now on #Yemen capital Sanaa. Many explosions. I can't confirm yet which school, hospital, home or chips factory got hit.

7 or 8 huge explosions by Saudi jets until now in Sanaa #Yemen

Intense airstrikes on Sana'a now to drive point home that Saudi can murder as it pleases in full view of silent int'l community.

Film Sanaa at night

18.9.2016 – Marwan Al-Munyfi (A K)

Breaking: #Saudi fighter jets targeted #Amran university H.O building northern Sanaa #Yemen with several air strikes

18.9.2016 – Yemen Today TV (A K PH)

Saudi air raid at water well, Nehm directorate, Sanaa province

18.9.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

WAR on Infrastructure: 2 major bridges destroyed today by Saudi airstrikes in #Yemen regions of Amran & Mahweet (photos)

18.9.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Saudi airstrikes demolished 2 bridges in Mahweet & Amran today. Adamant on cutting off & isolating Sana'a (more photos)

18.9.2016 – Khabar Net (A K PH)

aviation bombed a bridge on the road Sanaa – Hodeidah (photo) and more images (Bridge Soda-Wakhamar road): and films bridge in Mahaweet: and =

18.9.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

Another bridge destroyed by #Saudi #UAE CO in #Amran province N #Sanaa #Yemen (more photos)

18.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi aggression launch 10 airstrikes against Sa'ada and for details see (Arabic): with photo of US cluster bomb and film by Yemen Today TV (raids at Communication network, houses, farms) and film (Razeh area):

Saudi air aggression resumes striking sport city in capital Sanaa

The Saudi aggression warplanes resumed air striking sport city in the capital Sanaa on Sunday, a sport ministry official told Saba.
The brutal jets hit Muraisy football stadium and Olympic pool inside the al-Thawra sport city north of the capital two times this morning.
The whole area was badly damaged.
The sport city has been airstriking several times over the past few days.

Saudi jets wage raids on Shabwa

Saudi warplanes hit stadium in Dhamar

The Saudi fighter jets waged on Sunday morning three air raids against civilian targets in Dhamar city, an official told Saba.
The hostile warplanes targeted Sports stadium three times in the city.
Five citizens were injured in the air attacks and a number of nearby citizens' houses and shops were badly damaged during the strikes, said the official. and photos: and more photos: and more: and film and film =

18.9.2016 – Tweets Sanaa at daytime (A K)

Neighborhood's being bombed AGAIN...Sanaa, Yemen

#idiots and cowards. . SANAA Yemen (photos)

18.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

17/9/2016 Saudi coalition air raids

( Sana'a, Taiz, Saada, Hajja, AL-Hodeida, Shabwa and Marib)

Casualties and damages (full list):

18.9.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Saudi jets pound western Yemen afresh, drop cluster bombs

Saudi warplanes have conducted fresh aerial assaults on several provinces in western Yemen, using cluster bombs in their attacks.

Yemen’s al-Masirah TV channel reported that the Saudi jets targeted al-Dhahir and Shada'a districts of Sa’ada province on Sunday with six cluster bombs, but there is still no word on possible casualties.

[more raids]

Comment: So many partners in crime: those who buy cluster bombs, those who drop them, those who sell them, those who produce them.

19.9.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

WAR CRIME: 22 intl banned cluster bombs dropped in 24 hours by Saudi on #Yemen region of Saada (photo)

17.9.2016 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Film: The suffering of the child Ishmael Haig Hajjah province victims of a Saudi American aggression 09/17/2016 =

17.9.2016 – Haykal Bafana (A K)

Very disturbing breaking news in #Yemen : 4 poison gas bombs launched by Saudi jets on farms near capital Sanaa

Comment by Judith Brown: I've just got news of a gas attack on Yemen by the Saudi jets. I have no verification. But this is a good and reliable source that usually proves to be right. Worrying.

17.9.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K

Photo of #Saudi air strike on my city Dhamar Stadium #Yemen Unknown casualties till now and sound:

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

19.9.2016 – Anadolu (A K)

Pro-govt forces, Houthis trade fire in Yemen’s Al-Bayda

Pro-government forces and the Shia Houthi militia on Monday exchanged artillery fire in Yemen’s central Al-Bayda province, according to a pro-government source.

Abdul Bari al-Humaikani, a spokesman for the pro-government "popular resistance", alleged that Houthi militants had shelled residential parts of Al-Bayda’s Az-Zahir Directorate held by pro-government forces.

"Popular resistance fighters responded to Houthi shelling with artillery and heavy weapons," al-Humaikani told Anadolu Agency by phone, without mentioning whether the shelling had resulted in casualties – by Mohamed al-Samei

19.9.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Saudi forces intercept ballistic missile fired by Yemen's Houthis

Saudi air defense forces shot down a ballistic missile fired by Yemen's Houthi militia toward an air base outside the southern city of Khamees Mushait on Monday night, the Saudi-led coalition said in a statement carried by the state news agency SPA.

The Qaher-1 missile was aimed at Saudi Arabia's King Khalid Air Base, located about 60 km (40 miles) north of the Yemeni border, the Houthis announced on their official Twitter account.

The Royal Saudi Air Defence Forces destroyed the missile before it could cause any damage

Saudi forces responded to the missile attack by attacking the launch site – by Mohammed Ghobari

19.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army repels attempt advance in Nehm

The army and popular committees on Monday repulsed an attempt of the Riyadh's mercenaries to advance towards al-Hawal Mount in the southeast of Nehm district of Mareb province, a local official said.
A number of the mercenaries were killed or injured in the attempt, the official added.

Mercenaries killed in Jawf

A number of Riyadh's mercenaries were killed on Monday in al-Khalaifan area in Khab and al-Sha'af district of Jawf province, a military official said.
The missile force of the army and popular committees targeted a military vehicle of the mercenaries with a guided rocket, killing or injuring a number of them.

Woman, child injured in mercenaries shelling in Jawf

A woman and child were wounded in artillery shelling by Saudi-paid mercenaries on a farm in Maton district on Monday, an official source told Saba.
The mercenaries targeted people's homes and farms in the area, said the source.

Army destroys military vehicle, kills crew in Jawf

18.9.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Yemeni Army Takes Control of Key Region, Mountains Near Ma'rib Province

The Yemeni army and popular forces continued to push back the pro-Saudi forces from a strategic region and its nearby mountains located between Ma'rib and al-Bayda provinces.

The Yemeni forces took control of Qanieh region and the mountains overlooking it.

A large number of pro-Saudi forces were killed and wounded in fierce clashes with the Yemeni army and popular forces.

The Yemeni army also seized an arms and ammunition depot from the pro-Saudi forces.

18.9.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Pro-Saudi Forces' Missile Sites Destroyed in Ma'rib Province

A senior military commander announced that the Yemeni forces have pounded the missile bases of the pro-Saudi forces in the Southern part of Ma'rib province after taking control of Sarwah airport on Sunday.

"The Yemeni forces still continue their advances in Ma'rib province despite the ongoing massive clashes and the continued Saudi airstrikes," Senior Ansarullah Commander Ali al-Houthi told FNA on Sunday.

He said that the Yemeni army and popular forces targeted and inflicted heavy losses on the pro-Saudi forces' military positions in Ma'rib province after taking full control of Sarwah airport.

At least 30 pro-Saudi forces were killed in the Yemeni missile attack in Ma'rib.

Earlier on Sunday, the Yemeni army and Ansarullah fighters continued their advances in Ma'rib province, and killed nearly a dozen pro-Saudi forces, including three senior commanders in fierce clashes.

Comment: The reports of both sides differ extremely, compare:

18.9.2016 – Al Araby (A K PS)

Government loyalists battle Houthi rebels across Yemen

Yemen's pro-government fighters took part in several battles against Houthi rebels on Saturday, with clashes reported in the besieged Taiz region along with other parts of the war-torn nation.

Loyalist fighters killed at least five rebels in clashes around Taiz, where attempts have been made to break a siege imposed by Houthis for more than year.

"Five rebels and one of our soldiers were killed in the fighting" near Taiz, a local pro-government commander, Fadl Hassan, told AFP.

Rebels and allies were forced out from five hills in the Sharija region, along the borders of the Taiz and Lahj provinces, he said, noting the government forces are "trying to break the siege".

The operation to free Taiz was launched from the eastern side of the city in late August, more than year after it had been overran by the Houthis, however, little progress has been made.

Meanwhile. loyalist forces also clashed with rebels east of the Yemeni capital, with fighting concentrated in the strategic Sarwah region leading to Sanaa, military sources said. and film:

18.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

7 Saudi-paid mercenaries arrested

Army targets gatherings of Riyadh's mercenaries in Lahj

They fired a number of Katyusha rockets against their gatherings and armored vehicles, killing and injuring dozens, the official added.

17.9.2016 – Alalam (A K PH)

Yemeni Army Downs Saudi Drone Unharmed in Najran

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

18.9.2016 – Saba Net (A H)

Yemen's Women Union stages training course on writing stories of humanitarian crisis

A special training course in the art of writing news stories about humanitarian crisis was organized here in the capital on Sunday by the Yemeni Women's Union in association with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
About 33 participants from the women's union, civil society organizations and journalists attended the two-day course.
The course includes the concepts and principles of writing news stories related to humanitarian crisis situation and how to conduct interviews, as well as teaching photography skills.

18.9.2016 – (* A P)

Wahhabi ethos violates 600 years of Islamic jurisprudence: analyst

The growing tendency among Wahhabis to dismiss others, both individually and en masse, as not being Muslims is almost always counterproductive and certainly lies at the core of the destructive Takfiri ethos which violates almost 600 years of Islamic jurisprudence in favor of spontaneous assessments made by ignorant individuals.

I can appreciate that there are very limited and obvious circumstances which, after satisfying the substantive, evidentiary, and procedural imperatives of Islamic jurisprudence, can justify asserting that some specific individual is not a Muslim; but it seems to me that the growing tendency many self-avowed Muslims have to dismiss others, both individually and en masse, as not being Muslims is almost always counterproductive and certainly lies at the core of the destructive Takfiri ethos which violates almost 600 years of Islamic jurisprudence in favour of spontaneous assessments made by individuals that, all too often, are very recent reverts who, having been rejected and often humiliated by the Mushrik (infidel) culture of Europe’s night club scene, have travelled to troubled nations and taken up the sword from a position of utter ignorance. Certainly if, as is only proper, the standard to be applied in deciding who is and is not a Muslim is to be derived from the example set by RasoulAllah (Messenger of God), then scarcely anyone would qualify today as a Muslim. So where does that leave us?

As far as I know, even when referring to the worst among us, neither Muhammad (PBUH) nor the language of al Qur'an, resorted to expressly stating that individuals who identify as Muslims are in fact not Muslims. Without in any way implying that either Shia or those who embrace any of the more controversial variations on Sunni tradition are “the worst among us”, clearly this growing tendency many, typically less than devout Muslims have to decide who is and is not a Muslim based entirely on some abstract caricature of the impugned group’s implied beliefs, is counterproductive, divisive and contrary to the spirit of al Qur'an itself.

Looking at Mecca as well as the life styles of today’s al Saud clan and their retainers, Muslims could also be forgiven for thinking that the Saudi regime has replaced Mecca’s stone idols of the pre-Hijrah era with abstract idols that take the form of wealth, power, and privilege. The fact that the process of distributing Hajj visas to aspiring pilgrims globally has become one of the most corrupt recurring enterprises on earth also has done nothing to inspire confidence in the Saudi royal family’s Islamic credentials. – by Barry Grossman

Comment: In large parts a sound analysis of Wahabism: Nobody can take himself the right to decide whether somebody else is Muslim or not, as the Prophet Mohammed clearly had stated that is everybody’s own decision. And evidently also the Saudis at Mekka itself have erected the idols “2.0” of our age. This article is published on the website of Iran’s highest Ayatollah Khamenei and paints a very positive image of him. Do not forget that this man in Iran propagates a very conservative form of Islam, which sometimes is not so far away from his Saudi enemies. Look for instance here: A fatwah by Khamenei claiming that women are not allowed to go by bicycle: . Sick.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-200: / Yemen War Mosaic 1-200: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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