Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 202 - Yemen War Mosaic 202

Yemen Press Reader 202: Britische Jemenpolitik – Nach Hause in den Krieg – Verhungernde Kinder – US, Saudis, Gegenrevolution – USA: Opposition gegen Jemenkrieg – Jemen und UNO – Zentralbank - ua

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British Yemen policy – Homecoming into war – Children dying from starvation– US, Saudis, counterrevolution – USA: Opposition against Yemen war – Yemen and UN – Central Bank - and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp13c Zentralbank / Central Bank

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Siehe / See cp 7 (UN/ UNO), cp13d (Zentralbank / Central Bank)

21.9.2016 – Stop War (** A P)

How the British Government's Policy on Yemen Has Become a Fiasco

In spite of the mounting evidence, the British government is refusing to budge in its support for the Saudi’s war. It knows very well that the UN declared Level 3 emergency in Yemen represents a humanitarian crisis.

In truth, recent months have seen the British government policy descend into fiasco.

The fiasco has been made definitive with the publication of two contradictory House of Commons reports under the same title, “The use of UK manufactured arms in Yemen”.

The BIS/IDC report highlights the growing incoherence of government policy. “The UK government has not responded to allegations of IHL breaches by the Saudi led coalition in any meaningful way and we are concerned that our support for the coalition, principally through arms sales, is having the effect of conferring legitimacy on its activities” (BIS/IDC report p.13).

But despite this “unprecedented” involvement, even Parliamentary Select Committees can’t get clarity from the Tory government about the size, nature and precise activity of British personnel and BAE Systems employees. After all, ministers told the Committees that British personnel were not part of “intelligence planning cells”, but that they are in the “Joint Combined Planning Cell HQ”. The same ministers told the Committees that “…UK personnel are in Saudi Arabia to train, educate and teach best practice, which includes understanding IHL and training air crews and planners how to go about assessing targets for the future, but that our liaison officers “do not provide training, they do not provide advice on IHL compliance, and they have no role in the Saudi targeting chain” (BIS/IDC report p.31). Once again, the government glides from confident assertion to clueless bewilderment.

The Ministerial Correction of July 21st demonstrated that the government has not made an assessment of any breaches of IHL by the Saudis.

One obvious source of chaos in government policy is the contradiction of arming the Saudis whilst supporting development aid to Yemen.

Overall the BIS/IDC report makes a compelling case for an immediate arms embargo. The FAC attempts to make the opposite case, in support of the government’s policy. All it succeeds in compelling is a sense of nausea. One of the richest countries in the world is attacking one of the poorest, and the FAC concludes “… we should be grateful for the Saudi-led intervention” (FAC report p.10).

The whole outcome of the report, and that of government policy, is premised on fantasy. “A strong and durable relationship with Saudi Arabia has enhanced the United Kingdom’s work in advancing many of our shared and vital strategic interests. These include military action against ISIL in Syria and Iraq, combatting manifestations of violent extremism and radicalisation, countering terrorist financing , confronting Iranian subversion of the existing state systems across the region, and providing immediate relief and long term solutions for Syrian refugees” (FAC report p.22). No amount of whitewash hides the bloodstains. The momentum for an arms embargo is growing, and it needs our continued support – by Stephen Bell

Comment: A good overview on British politics on Yemen, broadly reported before.

20.9.2016 – Zeit Online (** B H K)

Nach Hause kommen in den Krieg

Seit eineinhalb Jahren tobt der Bürgerkrieg im Jemen. So lange war der jemenitische Autor Ahmed Hezam Al-Yemeni im Ausland. Nun ist er in seine Heimat zurückgekehrt.

Schon als ich in Sana’a landete, sah ich die Verwüstung, die die Luftschläge auf dem Flughafen hinterlassen hatten. Passagier- und Militärflugzeuge lagen ausgebrannt und zerstört auf der Landebahn. Als ich aus dem Flughafengelände herausfuhr, traf mich der Schock über das unfassbare Ausmaß der Zerstörung wie ein Schlag: Militär- und Sicherheitsgebäude, Schulen, Fabriken, Gärten, TV- und Radiostationen, und auch mein Viertel in der Stadt: Alles lag in Trümmern.

Als ich durch die Berge fuhr, dachte ich an die vielen getöteten Zivilisten und Kinder. Ich habe Fotos von einigen gemacht, aber sie sind zu schockierend, als dass ich sie veröffentlichen könnte. Wie wird das alles enden? Es ist unfassbar, dass die Koalitionsmächte, die den Jemen eigentlich schützen sollen, das Land stattdessen zerstören. Sie bombardieren selbst Hühner- und Kamelfarmen. Das hat ernsthafte Konsequenzen: Die Preise sind dramatisch gestiegen.

Die Provinz Ibb ist derzeit das ruhigste Gebiet, weshalb sie zu einem Zufluchtsort für Hunderttausende Binnenvertriebene geworden ist. Ich war sehr froh, als ich hörte, dass mein Heimatdorf die vielen Vertriebenen, die dort aus dem ganzen Jemen zusammenkamen, so herzlich aufgenommen hatte.

Wenn die internationalen und regionalen Medien über die sektiererischen Konflikte im Jemen berichten, müssen wir Jemeniten immer lachen. Die Menschen im Jemen kennen Begriffe wie Sunniten und Schiiten nicht. Sie gehen heute genauso miteinander um wie in den vergangenen Jahrhunderten. Jemeniten untereinander sind Freunde, Nachbarn, Cousins und Brüder und das ohne Rücksicht auf die vermeintlichen religiösen Gräben, die einige Kommentatoren immer wieder heraufbeschwören.

Das einzige, das mir noch Hoffnung gibt ist, wenn ich am Morgen aufwache, meine Fenster öffne und draußen die Menschen herumlaufen sehen. Die Ortschaften und Dörfer sind voller Energie, die Einwohner haben den Wunsch zu leben, ihr Leben trotz aller Hindernisse in dieser humanitären Katastrophe weiterzuführen. Sie alle sind meine Helden in diesem Bild des Krieges. Ich bin stolz, in diesem Bild und einer von ihnen zu sein." – von Ahmed Hezam Al-Yemeni, Übersetzung Andrea Bader

English version, already presented in August:

20.9.2016 – BBC (** A H)

Film: Children dying of starvation in Yemen's conflict

The war in Yemen has pushed the country to the brink of famine.

1 million children on brink of starvation. BBC Arabic's Nawal al-Maghafi visited an area where major aid agencies can no longer operate. and short trailor:

Comment: BBC claims there have been 3500 victims as a result of the war.
BBC: wake up! Stop white-washing crimes of your government selling arms to #KSA!

Comment: That’s true. The figure is not 3.500, even the UN now thinks of 10.000 or even more, in reality certainly it’s still much more.

Comment by Judith Brown: Is Yemen on the brink of famine or does it have a famine? According to this programme 300,000 children are severely malnourished and hundreds of thousands of others are hungry. This seems like a famine to me.

Comment by Amol Rajan: Brave, world-class journalism from #Yemen by @Nawalf. Long felt it is most neglected story in the Middle East.

20.9.2016 – The Independent (** B K)

'I don’t want it to be my turn to die’: the powerful speech from a Yemeni girl the UN should be talking about

10-year-old Yara from Sana recorded a heartfelt personal message for the outside world about the war in Yemen, which has killed more than 10,000 people

“I don’t want it to be my turn to die,” Yara, a little girl with green ribbon in her hair says to the camera on her mother’s phone. “I want to grow up and be something important in this world.”

The message is one that Yara, who is 10 and lives in Yemen’s capital Sana, would like the world leaders currently meeting to discuss the global refugee crisis at the United Nations General Assembly in New York to take on board.

In a message recorded at home that she asked her parents to post to social media, where it has been viewed thousands of times on various platforms in the past three weeks, she pleas in English for the US and international community to intervene to bring the war to an end.

Yara is also very clear that she blames Saudi Arabia for her current situation, rather than the rebels. “I want America to stop helping [the Saudis] so the war can end,” she added in an interview with PRI on Skype.

“If [the US] can't stop the war against Yemen, I'd like them to stop helping Saudis and stop selling them weapons, so the war can stop.”

For the last 18 months, Yara’s school has not always been open, and now she and her brother and parents all sleep in one room in the basement, with backpacks ready with money and passports in case the family need to leave quickly – by Bethan McKernan and film

19.9.2016 – Telesur (** B P)

US Disguises Counter Revolution Plans with Saudis as Revolution

When denial no longer works, the next move is intellectual containment in the case of U.S. and Saudi Arabian geopolitical designs.

Saudi policy is no longer deniable in Washington. U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton refers to Saudi support for “radical schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path towards extremism.”

They are “arsonists,” in the phrase of William McCants, a Brookings Institution scholar. If a truth in Washington becomes true when Democratic Party think-tanks, Democratic Party candidates, and Democratic Party scribblers say so, then in Washington it is an agreed-upon truth that Saudi policies are problematic.

When denial no longer works, the next move is intellectual containment. Some retail the myth that Saudi Arabia is a “rogue state,” its clerical establishment pushing global Wahhabism against its powerless patron’s wishes. Others prefer the nursery tale of a Saudi lobby dictating policy, as opposed to the much truer tale of a counter-revolutionary Saudi-U.S. special relationship which has public relation firms in the U.S. capitol emitting dubious cant about Saudi reformism. McCants himself can barely decide, claiming that Saudi Arabia is also a “fireman,” helping the U.S. in “counter-terrorism” efforts.

Ross takes another tack, playing the role for Saudi Arabia he long played for Israel when the facts obtruded too far into people's perception: change the facts. So Saudi Arabia is now having an “awakening.” The monarchy's technocrats are erecting plans for “economic development and modernization.” And Ross wonders “whether a lag effect is causing the Saudis to be singled out for behaviors their leadership no longer embraces. In any case, that is certainly not the Saudi Arabia I just encountered.”

Anti-Iran hostility is at the core of the increasingly public rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel, the two pillars of U.S. control in the region. Former U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad relayed Saudi Arabian thinking regarding Israel,“The Saudis stated with unusual directness that they do not regard Israel as an enemy and that the kingdom is making no military contingency plans directed against Israel.”

Saudi Arabia and Israel are also boons to the U.S. arms industry.

More recently, both Saudi Arabia and Israel—and behind them, the U.S—have agreed on the dismantling of Hezbollah as well as the isolation and targeting of Iran. Israel also recently launched airstrikes against Syria, where Saudi Arabian funds and fighters are supporting an insurgency against what economist Linda Matar calls Syria’s “social defense structures—schools, factories, and hospitals.

This is part of a longer-term U.S.-Saudi plan of “bolstering … Sunni extremist groups” to target any political institution or movement which deviates from the U.S. agenda.

In Yemen, Saudi Arabia is prosecuting a U.S. war with U.S. aerial refueling tankers literally pumping jet-fuel into Saudi planes aloft on bombing runs. Yemen is the home of the Houthis and historically a most revolutionary Arab state—and one which Saudi Arabia has invaded in the past, as well – by Max Ajl

20.9.2016 – The American Conservative (** B P)

Paul and Murphy’s Laudable Opposition to the War on Yemen

Fortunately, more Americans are gradually being made aware of this involvement through the efforts of Murphy and Paul in the Senate and Rep. Ted Lieu and others in the House, but it remains the case that the war and U.S. support for it have been mostly ignored for almost a year and a half. That has allowed the Obama administration to enable the Saudis and their allies to wreck Yemen with little scrutiny and even less criticism, and it has allowed the coalition to commit serious crimes against Yemeni civilians with impunity. Between the Saudis’ own indiscriminate bombing and continued U.S. arms sales, the war has become harder for Washington to keep out of sight, and with luck that should mean that it will become harder for the administration to persist in its horrible policy of support for an indefensible war. Sens. Paul and Murphy deserve praise for continuing to shine light on the administration’s policy and for doing what they can to oppose it.

I have mentioned it before, but it bears repeating that the U.S. is facilitating the devastation of a country whose people have done nothing to us and who posed no threat to us or their neighbors. Thanks to our government’s support for the war, we are making enemies of tens of millions of people for no reason except to appease the paranoid fears of Gulf despots. The U.S. has been deeply complicit in an intervention that is largely responsible for the creation of near-famine conditions in one of the world’s poorest countries, and in the process has only made the region less stable and secure than it was before the intervention began. U.S. policy in Yemen is both profoundly shameful and extremely stupid, and it is one of the most destructive things the U.S. has done in a region where it has already done a lot of damage – by Daniel Larison

cp2 Allgemein / General

21.9.2016 – Modern Diplomacy (A K P)


A deafening Silence. That is how the world is reacting to the screams and miseries of the Yemeni children. I will not ask why or how are they able to be so silent? By now we are used to the indifference of the world when it comes to the atrocities committed by Imperialism in the name of democracy in the Middle East.

It is no secret that the world has lost all its senses, especially to feel the sufferings of the tormented.

Saudi Arabia appears to have completely lost what was left of its sanity.

it is no secret that this war waged on Yemen hardly appears balanced when a homegrown resistance movement finds itself facing a mighty military coalition of both Western and Arabian powers, an alliance of some of the richest and militarily most powerful countries in the world against a native Yemeni representative resistance. Strong on its imperial force and petrodollars, the Monarchy of Al Saud flexed every muscle it has - or in this case every muscle it could buy – by Marwa Osman

21.9.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

US weapons sales to Saudi not just for profit: Analyst

Chicago-based author and radio host Stephen Lendman made the comments in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday, while speaking about a bipartisan effort at the US Senate to block the sale.

According to Lendman, the White House’s inclination towards making the deal with the monarchy, while it is engaged in war crimes in neighboring Yemen, surpasses far beyond just making profit.

“America is already too happy to sell (weapons) to them not just for the profits involved for the corporation, which are considerable, but because Saudi Arabia is involved in fighting America’s war in Yemen,” said the American analyst.

“All of the wars in the Middle East are US wars with no exception, including the war in Yemen,” he said. “(US) drones have been killing people in Yemen for years and years.”

And it is not only the US that is wreaking havoc in the region as other countries such as Britain and other NATO members are also “actively involved with the Saudis in choosing targets to bomb.”

According to Lendman, if the Democratic Party can manage to maintain power over the country through Clinton’s presidency, the situation in the Middle East will “get worse.”

Comment by Judith Brown: I think this too. And maybe there is advantage for the west in seeing Saudi Arabia weakened by war.

20.9.2016 – Junge Welt (* B K)

Mit Phosphor gegen Zivilisten

Saudi-Arabien scheint in seinem Krieg im Jemen Phosphormunition einzusetzen, welche die Golfmonarchie von den USA geliefert bekommen hat, berichtete die Washington Post (Montagsausgabe) unter Berufung auf Menschenrechtsgruppen. Die Auswertung von Bildern und Videos, die in den »sozialen Netzwerken« verbreitet wurden, hätten Anlass zur Sorge gegeben, dass das leichtentzündliche Material auch gegen Zivilisten eingesetzt werden könnte.

Nach US-Recht darf Phosphormunition nur unter der Auflage an andere Länder verkauft werden, dass sie später nicht gegen Menschen, sondern lediglich zu Signal- und Vernebelungszwecken eingesetzt wird. Wird diese Munition gegen Soldaten oder Zivilisten eingesetzt, kann sie zu schweren Verletzungen führen. Kommt Phospor in direkten Kontakt mit der Haut sind schwerste Verbrennungen möglich.

Offizielle US-Vertreter haben laut Washington Post zwar zugegeben, dass die US-Regierung der Golfmonarchie in der Vergangenheit diese Munition zur Verfügung gestellt hat, weigerten sich aber zu sagen, wann und in welchem Umfang sie geliefert wurde.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

21.9.2016 – UNHRD (A H)

Map: response to Yemen Crisis

21.9.2016 – World Food Programme (A H)

Map: Yemen: Emergency Dashboard, August 2016

21.9.2016 – UN Population Fund (A H)

Cargo plane carrying life-saving reproductive health supplies arrives in Sana’a, Yemen

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund received $200,000 worth of emergency medicines and supplies today to meet the urgent reproductive health needs of women and girls caught in the conflict in Yemen.

The reproductive health supplies will benefit nearly 500,000 Yemenis, with more than 80,000 women and girls benefiting directly across 14 governorates in the north and south of the country. The supplies will assist in safe and clean deliveries, including home deliveries as well as in the management of miscarriages, treatment of rape and provision of contraceptives.

This arrival comes as a major breakthrough in the delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance. Previous supplies have taken up to five or seven months to reach Sana’a from ports in Al Hudaydah and Djibouti due to air and naval blockades.

Comment by Judith brown: At least some planes are being allowed to enter Yemen. There are very few now as Saudi Arabia controls the skies over Yemen. The planes have to land first in Saudi Arabia for searches and cannot fly directly into Sanaa

21.9.2016 – Almasirah TV (B K)

Trafic; destoyed bridges in Saada province (film)

21.9.2016 – Handelsblatt (* B H K)

Die internationale Hilfsorganisation Oxfam hat angesichts der andauernden Kämpfe und Luftangriffe im Jemen vor einer humanitären Katastrophe gewarnt. Arbeitslosigkeit, Verschuldung und steigende Lebensmittelpreise machten es immer mehr Menschen des Landes im Süden der Arabischen Halbinsel immer schwerer, ihr Überleben zu sichern, schrieb Oxfam in einem am Mittwoch vorgestellten Bericht.

Oxfam befragte nach eigenen Angaben im Jemen rund 1000 Menschen, die vor den Kämpfen in andere Landesteile fliehen mussten. Drei Viertel von ihnen seien von Luftangriffen in die Flucht getrieben worden, bei denen zudem die Wohnhäuser von 20 Prozent der Befragten zerstört worden seien. Fast zwei Drittel hätten angegeben, enge Familienangehörige seien getötet oder verletzt worden. Fast die Hälfte aller Familien habe unbegleitete Kinder bei sich aufgenommen.

Wer in seinen Heimatort zurückkehrt, finde dort zerstörte Schulen, Fabriken und Krankenhäuser vor. Nicht detonierte Granaten, Minen und Bomben stellten eine ständige Gefahr dar. Die Wirtschaft liege am Boden: Ein Viertel aller Unternehmen musste schließen, 70 Prozent der Arbeitskräfte wurden entlassen. und auch

Kommentar: Die angegebenen Zahlen – Zerstörungen bisher entsprechen 6,25 Milliarden Euro, wirtschaftliche Schäden 11 Milliarden Euro – sin viel zu niedrig. Die Schäden liegen her bei 150 Milliarden Dollar.

21.9.2016 – Oxfam (* B H K)

War pushes millions in Yemen to brink of catastrophe

Eighteen months of war has pushed Yemen to the brink of catastrophe and left millions of people running out of means of survival, warned Oxfam in a new report published today.

In a survey of 1,000 people who had fled their homes, three-quarters said they had been forced to flee due to airstrikes and one in five said their homes had been destroyed. Unable to return home, millions of people are facing unemployment, mounting debt and high food prices.

Almost two-thirds of those surveyed told Oxfam that close family members had died or had been injured as a result of the conflict.

Sajjad Mohamed Sajid, Oxfam's Country Director in Yemen, said: “Eighteen months of war has destroyed the lives of millions of Yemenis. Twenty million people are in need of aid for survival and half the country goes to bed hungry every night. The world cannot continue to turn a blind eye as the most vulnerable continue to pay the highest price in this brutal conflict.

People who try to return home find unexploded ordinances and destroyed schools, factories and health centers, making it almost impossible for them to rebuild lives. The economy has been shattered, with one in four companies now closed and 70 percent of the workforce laid off. The conflict has caused $7 billion of damage and over $12 billion in economic losses. =

Comment: “To the brink of catastrophe”??? You really can omit “the brink of”.

Comment by Judith Brown: Why for gods sake don't they call a spade a spade - there is a famine in Yemen. People with no jobs cannot afford to buy food and very little aid is getting into the north of Yemen - indeed very little food. Saudis have bombs cranes for unloading ships in the only port serving the north; bombed roads; bombed food factories, warehouses, farms, the lack of fuel means irrigation is impossible and farms cannot be irrigated. Many are dying of hunger especially the most vulnerable - children, the elderly and infirm.

20.9.2016 – Oxfam (B H)

Oxfam Yemen Situation Report #26, 30 August 2016 - Bi-weekly

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has called on the international community to establish an international, independent body to carry out comprehensive investigations in the Yemen. The call comes as OHCHR office released a report on the situation of human rights in the country which outlines a number of serious allegations of violations and abuses committed by all sides to the conflict in Yemen and highlights in particular their impact on civilian lives, health and infrastructure.

It contains examples of the kinds of possible violations that have occurred between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016, including attacks on residential areas, marketplaces, medical and educational facilities, and public and private infrastructure; the use of landmines and cluster bombs; sniper attacks against civilians; deprivation of liberty, targeted killings, the recruitment and use of children in hostilities, and forced evictions and displacement.

BUDGET (phase 2): £18 mil budget for Year 2016‐17 £16 mil secured for the year 2016‐17 and in full

Comment: They do a lot with a budget that just equals less than 2 and a half our cost of Saudi aerial war against Yemen.

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

Luftangriff der saudischen Koalition auf die historische Altstadt von Sanaa cp16

Saudi coalition air raid at Sanaa historical center cp16

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

21.9.2016 – Aleezisa (A P)

[Demonstration at Hodeida, 21. September 2. Year of Houthi’s overcome at Sanaa] (photos)

21.9.2016 – Haykal Bafana (A P)

On the streets of capital Sanaa, most Yemenis consider this an American war on Yemen, under the disguise of Saudi Arabia.

21.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen supreme leader, Houthi Reassured Saudi people that Yemen retaliation is only against Saudi family not anyone else.

20.9.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Saudi Arabia damaging image of Islam, Muslims: Houthi leader

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has accused Saudi Arabia of seeking to tarnish the image of Islam and its followers, saying that the regime in Riyadh is a puppet of the US and Israel.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia has targeted the national unity, Islamic brotherhood, stability and the identity of Muslims in all Islamic countries, including Egypt, Algeria and Yemen.

Saudi Arabia is like cholera, which has plagued Muslim countries, Houthi further noted, adding that the kingdom’s servility has even surprised Washington and Tel Aviv.

He also denounced the deadly Saudi aggression on Yemen and described the US as the mastermind of the offensive.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Houthi leader stressed that the Yemeni citizens will resist an economic blockade imposed by Saudi Arabia and its mercenaries, calling them thieves who are after looting the resources and wealth of Yemen.

He further denounced a ban on the country’s central bank and called for a campaign in support of the financial institution. and also by Alwaght and more he said: and

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

Presidential decree issued to grant general amnesty

President Saleh al-Sammad of the Supreme Political Council on Tuesday issued decree No. 15 for 2016 for granting general amnesty.

For giving an opportunity to Yemeni nationals who involved in supporting and serving the Saudi aggression and its allies against Yemen, to return back to the homeland and re-enjoy full rights of peace and public life to share in re-building the country.
And for reasons of the country's higher interest, the President of the Supreme Political Council decides:
Article (1) - Granting comprehensive amnesty to those, whether civilians or affiliated military individuals, who took part by word or practical action in supporting the aggression by Saudi Arabia against Yemen since March 26, 2015, but under the following conditions:
- Whoever corrects his stance, renounces the aggression by word or action and return back to the homeland within two months of this decree's date.
- Whoever returns to his home by his own choice, renouncing fighting alongside the aggression before the issuance of this decree.
- Whoever renounces battling alongside the enemy and join the ranks of the national army and popular committees.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A E P)

Presidential decree issued to form committee to supervise economic development

President Saleh al-Sammad issued decree No. 14 for 2016 for forming a higher committee to supervise field audit work to address fiscal and economic development.
The decree includes the appointments of a number of Supreme Political Council's members and acting ministers of the government.

21.9.2016 – Hakim Almasmari (A)

#American Peter Willems was inside language center in #Yemen capital when 10s Houthis (National Security) surrounded center Tues.

They searched apartment for 1 hour, took phone & laptop. He was detained & prisoned in retaliation for Saudi led attacks on #Yemen

Willems has been in #Yemen for over decade & very good friend/colleague. He was detained for being #American. Accusations are baseless.

Willems had permit to live in #Yemen & Houthis were aware. He never had problems for all these years in #Yemen

Willems was cautious of being kidnapped by AlQaeda, but never expected Houthis to detain him, same people who gave him #Yemen visa!

#Yemen officials informed me Willems will be bargaining token to ensure Saudi not attack National Security office, where he is held.

Comment: The surrounding Yemeni neighbours not enough as a protection shield for NSB? need a #US citizen as additional hostage?

Comment: Shocking news. Worked in many projects with him promoting English language learning, Really sad about him …

Comment: That’s just criminal, foolish and best Saudi style. He must be released at once. What a nonsense should it be to detain somebody just for being American when at the same time the president decrees a general amnesty even for enemy fighters just when they renounce aggression and go home. If things like detaining somebody just for being an American happen, this amnesty is not worth the paper on which it is written, and nobody should care for it. Connecting this case to espionage is rather odd,

20.9.2016 – Hakim Almasmari (A)

Shame!! Houthis kidnap #US national Peter Willems in Sanaa. In #Yemen since 2004 teaching English & loved by 1000s.

20.9.2016 – Voice of America (A)

Gunmen Detain Popular American English Teacher in Yemen

A popular American English teacher was taken from his school in Yemen's capital, Sana'a, on Tuesday by gunmen wearing civilian clothes, students said.

Peter Willems is principal of the Exceed Language Center.

Students say gunmen surrounded the school while others burst into the building and took Willems to an undisclosed location.

Reports say the gunmen are Houthi rebels, who control the capital.

No one has claimed responsibility, and it is unclear if Willens was arrested or kidnapped.

Some of the students are reported to be in a panic.

20.9.2016 – AFP (A)

Gunmen posing as security forces on Tuesday detained a US national in the Yemeni capital where he runs an English-language school, witnesses said.

A dozen men dressed as members of the Huthi rebels' "national security service" appeared at the Exceed Language Center in the afternoon, according to students.

Three of the gunmen, who were masked and brandishing automatic weapons, headed to the principal's office, before escorting the American to their vehicle. and by Al Arabiya:

20.9.2016 – Terror Monitor (A T)

Houthis claim thwarted terrorist plot in Beit al-Faqih Hodeidah and captured large quantities of weapons

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

20.9.2016 – Africa News (A H)

Illegal African migrants detained in Yemen

Dozens of illegal African migrants have been detained in Yemen’s second city Aden.

The migrants mostly from Ethiopia were arrested by Yemeni authorities on suspicion that they might be recruited to join militant groups in the country.

Fahman Attirih, head of security in Aden said,
“We noticed that many are coming here, especially Ethiopians. They are all young men. We had some doubts and to be careful, we have put them in detention because we believe our enemies (rebels) Huthis and (former President) Ali Abdullah Saleh are recruiting them to fight in the war against our son in the south.” (with film)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

20.9.2016 – Nicolas Agostini (A P)

An excerpt from the #HRC33 resolution on #Yemen proposed by the Arab Group: unbalanced, irrelevant; simply designed to shield #SaudiArabia

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Wait, what? Wants support for pro Saudi Nat'l Commission that worked to clear Saudi & #Yemen gov of IHL violations!!

Comment by Maryam Alkhawaja: #Egypt: we can’t have an int inv because they won’t have access.. (Due to #Saudi bombings?)

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: But investigators of notoriously pro Saudi national commission will have access to Houthi-controlled areas!?

Comment by Maryam Alkhawaja: #Qatar: having an int inv would discredit and undermine the national commission - being prejudged as failed

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Arab logic: How dare U undermine corrupt nat'l commission. Besides, local trumps foreign, common sense. TaDa!

Comments by Rasha Mohammed; Yemen researcher at AI: Arab Group Resolution on #Yemen does not make a single mention of Saudi coalition and does not include call for international inquiry #HRC33

Requests OHCHR provide support to national commission that failed in its work to meet intl standards like independence & impartiality

20.9.2016 – Sputnik News (* A P)

Fresh Calls for Independent Investigation Into Alleged Saudi Crimes in Yemen

There are fresh calls for an independent investigation to be carried out into alleged Saudi humanitarian law breaches in Yemen, with the Dutch government calling for an inquiry during a meeting with the UN human rights council.

Speaking to the Geneva-based council, the Netherlands' permanent resident Roderick van Schreven, said the Dutch government wanted to "reiterate our grave concern about the ongoing and deepening crisis in Yemen."

The Dutch intervention has strengthened calls for an independent investigation to be carried out, while it also places pressure on many of Saudi Arabia's western allies — principally the US and Britain — to adhere to calls for a third-party inquiry.

While it is unknown whether the Dutch intervention will lead to formal calls for an independent inquiry, pressure is building within the international community to press Saudi Arabia about its actions in Yemen.

?.9.2016 – Middle East Press (A P)

Abdul Salam: Washington A Key Part Of The War On Yemen

Ansarullah and the head of its delegation negotiator said they had not formally received any “US-backed peace” or a proposal to suspend a comprehensive ceasefire in Yemen, stressing “We consider the United States a key part of the war on us, not a mediator and cannot have that.”

He said Abdel-Salam in an interview with “BBC” that what has been presented to the national delegation during a meeting in Muscat in the eighth and ninth of September with US Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon, the presence of the mediator RO was “just ideas are essentially the same ideas It raised in Kuwait, but the face value and shape are different, in other words, change the title of ideas and displays them.

The fundamental ideas and new things remained unclear until now, has not delivered any written ideas or papers for discussion since the end of consultations Kuwait. ”

5.9.2016 – Sanaa Center (** A P)

Yemen at the UN - August 2016 Review

United Nations-mediated peace talks aimed at resolving the conflict in Yemen stalled during the month of August, while divisions regarding Yemen became increasingly apparent at the UN Security Council and violence escalated around the country.

The negotiations between the warring parties, held in Kuwait, ended in early August over an impasse regarding so-called “sequencing concerns” related the UN-sponsored peace plan; these were essentially a disagreement over whether the Houthi rebels and allied forces should be required to cede capture territory and disarm before, or after, their place in a new unity government was established.

In an effort to break the impasse, in late August the United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia formed a new multilateral diplomatic group, which then put forward a new peace proposal drafted by the US Secretary of State to address the sequencing concerns.

Stalled peace talks

Tensions at the UN Security Council

While it is customary for the UNSC to issue a coordinated press statement after such briefings, following this August 3 briefing the UNSC failed to do so, after Russia opposed an Egyptian amendment. The Egyptian delegation had wanted to include language condemning the Houthis and Saleh for announcing the unilateral formation of a Supreme Political Council to govern Yemen at the end of July.

Such disagreements at the UNSC mark an increasingly apparent deviation from the traditional consensus regarding Yemen within the council (for more regarding the council’s previous unanimity and increasing diversions regarding Yemen, see here). Some Security Council member states – most prominently Russia – are increasingly unhappy with non-permanent member Egypt due to its overt support for President Hadi and the Saudi-led military coalition currently intervening in Yemen on Hadi’s behalf. The Egyptian delegation has consistently pressured the UNSC to focus criticism on the Houthis and Saleh, while also trying to silence criticisms of Hadi and the Saudi-led coalition.

Against this backdrop, Russia has tried to “highlight the perspective of the Houthis and to promote what it considers more balanced Council positions”, according to a Security Council Report briefing. This is a new approach by Moscow and appears to be part of a Russian assessment that the current UN peace process is ineffective, that Hadi’s leadership is weak, and that Hadi is ill-equipped to actualize the requirements of any potential peace agreement.

New multilateral diplomacy and foreign involvement

The Houthi-Saleh Supreme Political Council

As reported in the Sana’a Center’s Yemen at the UN review for the month of July, on July 28 the Houthis and Saleh-allied forces unilaterally established a Supreme Political Council (SPC) to manage the state’s political, economic, military, and security affairs.

Despite UN condemnation of the Houthi-Saleh action – which the UN described as obstructive to the peace talks, illegitimate, and in violation of Yemen’s transitional agreements and UN resolutions – the two allies requested that the Parliament of Yemen sit to authorize the SPC. On August 13, the Parliament convened its first session since the outbreak of the civil war in March 2015. The session was attended, according to the Parliamentary records, by 142 out of 275 living members of Parliament, with the 26 remaining seats declared vacated the MPs’ demise.[1]

This attendance met the parliamentary quorum, and during the session the Houthi-Saleh alliance’s decision to create the SPC was unanimously approved.

The Yemeni government-in-exile disputed the attendance, however, stating that only 120 MPs were present. President Hadi claimed the parliamentary session violated the Yemeni constitution and warned that MPs attending the session could be prosecuted as criminals. The next day, the chairman and members of the SPC took the constitutional oath in Parliament.

Despite UN condemnation of the Houthi-Saleh action – which the UN described as obstructive to the peace talks, illegitimate, and in violation of Yemen’s transitional agreements and UN resolutions – the two allies requested that the Parliament of Yemen sit to authorize the SPC. On August 13, the Parliament convened its first session since the outbreak of the civil war in March 2015. The session was attended, according to the Parliamentary records, by 142 out of 275 living members of Parliament, with the 26 remaining seats declared vacated the MPs’ demise.[1]

This attendance met the parliamentary quorum, and during the session the Houthi-Saleh alliance’s decision to create the SPC was unanimously approved.

The Yemeni government-in-exile disputed the attendance, however, stating that only 120 MPs were present. President Hadi claimed the parliamentary session violated the Yemeni constitution and warned that MPs attending the session could be prosecuted as criminals. The next day, the chairman and members of the SPC took the constitutional oath in Parliament.

[1] This is according to a letter written by the Parliament of Yemen to the US House of Representatives, a copy of which was obtained by the Sana’a Center

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

21.9.2016 – Katehon (A P)

A few points about Prince al-Faisal's statements

Iran never talked about attacking the Saudis nor had any intention to do so.

Anyhow talking about Iran's possible attack on the Saudis is a way to deviate the attention from the main problem. Iran has a very clear demand, and it is to allow an international committee to investigate the events took place during the previous hajj pilgrimage that caused thousands of people to die in a very heart-breaking way.

The governor of Mecca called on Iran to refrain from its wrong manner towards Arabs. This is a way to direct Saudi problems to all Arabs – by Morteza Agha Mohammadi

Comment: Iranian view.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

18.9.2016 – Arabian Business (A E)

Saudi Arabia to remove subsidies for 7 services

Saudi Arabia will cut subsidies for seven government services, including removing price-caps on 193 items, according to local media.

Effective from October 2, the 50 percent subsidy that has for years applied to port services, passport fees, car driving license fees, car transfer fees, traffic fines and renewal of residence permits for domestic workers will be removed, while the protection tariffs added to 193 imported items will be removed, Arab News said.

The kingdom is making substantial cuts to state spending to help cope with the prolonged decrease in oil revenues.

18.11.2014 – Washington Post / Toby Matthiesen (* B P)

Sectarianism comes back to bite Saudi Arabia

The Saudi state and the religious establishment have for decades fueled sectarian animosities across the region. Saudi recruits for al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group are often motivated by a desire to contain Shiism and stem Iranian influence in the region – strategic objectives that Saudi media perpetuates ad infinitum. Anti-Shiite (and anti-Christian and anti-Jewish) incitement is spread across the region by Saudi-based television channels. It was encouraging that immediately after the attacks the long-standing Saudi Minister of Information Abdel Aziz Khoja announced the closure of perhaps the worst of those TV stations, Wisal. But in a sign that factions within the Saudi regime are divided over how to deal with the Shiites and with Sunni extremism in the kingdom, the minister was dismissed the next day, and Wisal, which retains some popularity in Saudi Arabia and the wider region, is still up and running. =

Comment: Nimr-al-Nimr sentenced to death; Shiism in Saudi Arabia.

cp9 USA

21.9.2016 – Bloomberg (* A P)

Saudi Arabia’s Clout in Washington Isn’t What It Used to Be

Lawmakers in both parties call for reassessing relationship

War in Yemen, export of Wahhabism and human rights at issue

Saudi Arabia doesn’t have the same clout it used to. That’s the message the chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee says he has delivered to the Saudi government.

In an embarrassing blow to the kingdom, Congress is set to vote Wednesday on a measure to block a $1.15 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia and is expected next week to try to override a looming presidential veto of a Sept. 11 lawsuit bill the kingdom strongly opposes.

"I have shared with the Saudis directly that public opinion in Congress and in America is at a low and they should be aware of that," said Senator Bob Corker.

Long a strategic ally in the Middle East with enormous financial resources, Saudi Arabia now faces rising bipartisan criticism in the halls of the Capitol over the export of Wahhabism, a branch of Sunni Islam, the bloody prosecution of the war in Yemen using American weaponry and other human rights concerns. Another huge change is that Saudi oil exports to the U.S. hit a six-year low in 2015, thanks to a boom in North American supply.

"It is true that when we were so dependent on their oil they had more influence on us," said Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Senate Democrat. "We still would like to have them as allies, but on the right terms."

Durbin said he met with the Saudi ambassador recently and expressed his concerns about the export of radical Wahhabism in particular.

To be sure, Saudi Arabia still has friends in high places, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who declared Tuesday he would back the arms sale – by Steven T. Dennis and Roxana Tiron and see also and following

20.9.2016 – The National Interest (* A P)

Sens. Rand Paul and Chris Murphy's Tough Questions on Middle East Policy

said Senator Murphy, “if you talk to Yemenis on the ground, they will tell you that this is a U.S. bombing campaign.” And besides the unwelcome association of the United States’ reputation with an increasingly aimless war, both senators wondered what Washington’s continued involvement signaled about its other priorities in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East in general.

Dov S. Zakheim, former under secretary of defense and CFTNI’s vice chairman, wondered about that too. “Would Congress be sending even more mixed signals to the Saudis than they’re already getting?” he asked the senators. Both replied that, as things stand, Washington does too little to exercise leverage over its military aid, which Senator Paul noted has cost $100 billion in the eight years of the Obama administration. In fact, added Senator Murphy, the Obama administration has seen a “six-to-eightfold increase in the dollar amount” of military aid to Riyadh compared to the Bush years. Consequently, “we should be sending signals to the Saudis that our support for them is conditional.”

Paul derived the other part of his argument from the Constitution itself. “The initiation of war was specifically taken away from the presidency and given to Congress” by the framers, he said. And more than just a transaction between allies, in Paul’s reading the United States’ behavior in Yemen, refueling planes, sharing intelligence and assisting with targeting, constitutes complicity in acts of war. “We are actively part of a war in Yemen, and I think almost no American knows that we’re involved.” – by Ivan Plis

20.9.2016 – Ted W. Lieu, Congressman (A P)


Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) introduced bipartisan legislation to block the proposed arms sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The legislation was co-led by Congressman Mick Mulvaney (R | South Carolina) and has been introduced in the Senate by Sens. Rand Paul, Chris Murphy, Al Franken and Mike Lee. and full

21.9.2016 –The American Conservative (* A P)

McCain and Graham’s Despicable Defense of the War on Yemen

The worst offenders were John McCain and Lindsey Graham, who ranted and raved about the dangers of blocking arms sales to the Saudis and mostly tried to make the debate about Iran’s role in the region. McCain incredibly described the Saudis as a “nation under attack” because of incursions into Saudi territory that were provoked by the Saudi-led bombing campaign. Graham portrayed the Saudis as victims of Yemeni “aggression,” which has everything completely and obviously backwards. It requires swallowing Saudi propaganda whole to argue that the Saudis and their allies have been acting in self-defense, and that is what McCain and Graham tried to do. Both repeatedly asserted that the Houthis are Iranian proxies when the best evidence suggests that Iran’s role in the conflict has always been negligible.

Needless to say, the humanitarian crisis brought on by the Saudi-led bombing campaign and blockade never once came up in their remarks.

It doesn’t surprise me that McCain and Graham are taking the Saudis’ side in this. They complained that the U.S. wasn’t doing enough to help the Saudis when the bombing campaign began, and McCain is on record several times offering sickeningdefenses of Saudi behavior. The lie that Iran is a major player in Yemen’s conflict allows McCain and others like him to distract attention from the governments most responsible for wrecking Yemen, and it gives them a way to shift blame and avoid addressing the reality that U.S. clients are committing war crimes with active U.S. backing. Then again, what would we expect from John “Thank God for the Saudis” McCain and his sidekick? – by Daniel Larison

20.9.2016 – Der Standard (A P)

US-Senat debattiert Stopp der Waffenlieferungen an Saudis

Nachdem Menschenrechtsorganisationen den Einsatz von Phosphormunition und international geächteten Streubomben im Jemen-Krieg kritisierten, debattiert der US-Senat diese Woche über die Sperre einer Waffenlieferung an Saudi-Arabien. Das 1,15-Milliarden-Dollar-Geschäft wurde bereits vom Weißen Haus genehmigt, geliefert werden sollen vor allem M1-Abrams-Panzer, die als Ersatz für im Jemen-Krieg beschädigte Fahrzeuge benötigt werden. Die republikanischen Abgeordneten Rand Paul und Mike Lee sowie die Demokraten Chris Murphy und Al Franken hoffen, mit ihrem Antrag zumindest zu erreichen, dass die Regierung ihre bedingungslose Unterstützung für die Saudis überdenkt. Murphy erklärte, seiner Ansicht nach gefährde die Militärhilfe für die Saudis die Sicherheit der USA: "Wenn wir mithelfen, Jemeniten gegen uns zu radikalisieren, uns am Abschlachten von Zivilisten beteiligen … wie kann das in unserem Sicherheitsinteresse sein?"

20.9.2016 – Telesur (* B K)

US Provides Skin-Melting Chemical to Saudi Arabia for Yemen War

Saudi Arabia is using white phosphorus, a skin-melting chemical, in its conflict with Yemen, according to social media reports, and the U.S. acknowledges that it has supplied the kingdom with the chemical.

It is unknown exactly how Saudi Arabia is using the napalm-like chemical, but recent photos and videos published on social media appear to show white phosphorus canisters being used in a mortar shell.

Military officials in the U.S. confirmed that they have previously supplied the Saudi kingdom with white phosphorous, but refused to say how much and when the chemical was sold to the Saudis.

When white phosphorus is used in munitions it can cause horrific damage. The highly flammable chemical can burn skin down to the bone. While internationally there is no outright ban on white phosphorus, it has been sold by the U.S. to other countries under the condition that it only be used for the purpose of creating smoke screens and signalling to troops.

Comment: More and earlier reporting see YPR 201, cp1.

20.9.2016 – Pacific Standard (A K P)

Will Civilian Deaths in Yemen Force a Reset on U.S.-Saudi Relations?

The doublethink of the U.S. diplomatic calculus on Saudi Arabia — condemning civilian deaths while selling off deadly weapons, championing human rights while quietly overlooking abuses among its supposed “friend” — cannot stand another bloody contradiction.

With the unanimous approval of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act in May (despite the threat of an Obama veto) by the Senate, U.S. lawmakers are sending a clear message that they’re willing to rethink the nation’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. The question remains: How many bodies have to pile up in Yemen for the White House to do the same? – by Jared Keller

Comment: Overview article.

19.9.2016 – Roll Call (* A P)

Senate to Debate Selling Arms to Saudis, War in Yemen

A small-but-vocal band of senators who want the chamber more engaged in debates over war and authorizing the use of force have found a way to carve out floor time.

Senators will face a vote this week on a resolution disapproving the sale of more than a billion dollars worth of arms to Saudi Arabia. Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said Monday afternoon that it looked likely that the measure he's drafted with a bipartisan group also led by Connecticut Democrat Christopher S. Murphy will get a vote on Wednesday.

The resolution itself would disapprove of a roughly $1.15 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia that includes 153 Abrams tanks. But it's essentially a proxy vote about U.S.-Saudi ties and the kingdom's military response to an uprising in neighboring Yemen.

"I would argue that … our issues are not aligned in fighting in the way that many new senators and congressmen are taught when you show up here. I think we have largely turned the other way, and allowed for the Saudis to create a version of Islam which has become the building blocks for the very groups that we are fighting today," Murphy said Monday – by Niels Lesniewski

20.9.2016 – Washington Post (* A P)

Both House and Senate move to block tank sale to Saudi Arabia

The sale is likely to go through, as there is probably not enough support in Congress to block the deal, which the White House has approved.

On Tuesday, when asked about Paul’s measure to block the sale, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said the senator from Kentucky “has a fundamental misunderstanding of the entire Middle East.” – by Thomas Gibbons-Neff

Comment: McCain, one of the greatest warmongers from the USA when thinking of the Ukraine crises, in the Middle East just the same. This article reports mainly what already what been reported elsewhere.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

21.9.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Boris Johnson urged to back probe into international law violations during Yemen war

Boris Johnson has been urged by two senior MPs to back an independent probe into whether international law has been violated during the Yemen conflict.

The Commons committee chairs told the Foreign Secretary the matter was urgent in the light of a growing death toll in the country, where Saudi Arabian forces have led an intense bombing campaign.

It comes after Mr Johnson controversially refused to block UK arms sales to Saudi, saying it was not clear the state’s military action had breached laws – by Joe Watts

21.9.2016 – Counterpunch (* A P)

Reports of human rights abuses in Yemen were met by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson with a cautiously ambiguous claim that no ‘clear breach’ had occurred.

Though displaying an intense lack of concern for Britain’s humanitarian credentials, Johnson was simply continuing a policy outlined by his predecessor, Philip Hammond,

On September 7th, BBC’s flagship Newsnight programme reported on how MPs had attempted to water down an investigation by the Committees on Arms Export Controls into whether the UK’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia should be suspended. The report strongly recommended that it should; senior MPs John Spellar and Crispin Blunt tried to alter much of the language to tone down the culpability of the government in the human rights abuses taking place in Yemen.

Cases such as this suggest that the legal and parliamentary mechanisms which allow the arms trade to successfully and consistently commit to its more egregious clients should be reformed, and the strong state-corporate ties between government and top arms firms seriously compromise the public’s ability to hold the industry to account and implement the government’s own ethical export criteria. The arms trade has integrated itself into a number of public and quasi-public institutions – by Elliot Murphy

19.9.2016 – The Conversation (* B P)

The saga of Britain’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia hits a disturbing new low

The recent parliamentary bunfight over UK arms export policy towards Saudi Arabia illustrates the government’s boundless ability to mangle the meaning of simple words.

Under the 2008 EU Common Position on arms exports, the UK is committed not to grant an arms export licence “if there is a clear risk” the arms “might be used in the commission of a serious violation of international humanitarian law”. This requirement is enshrined in British law, and was amplified when Britain ratified the UN Arms Trade Treaty in 2014.

And yet the government seems unable grasp the meaning of the phrase “clear risk” – at least not as it applies to the £3.3 billion of British arms exports licensed to Saudi Arabia since the start of the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen in 2015, which has now claimed thousands of lives.

The British foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, claimed recently that the test of whether weapons “might be used” to commit serious breaches of international humanitarian law had “not been met”.

This claim should be treated with caution. After all, the British government also seems to have a perennial problem with the meaning of the word “not”.

The upcoming judicial review will be an interesting test of the legal questions this raises.

This is not merely a matter of sordid Whitehall wordplay. At stake in this controversy are civilian lives in Yemen, the protection of international humanitarian law as both principle and practice, and the British state’s domestic accountability.

As things stand, the government has ended up suggesting that Britain can be a staunch defender of international humanitarian law while providing arms to a country that is destroying civilian lives. And when confronted with the ugly implications of its actions, its response has once again been to suppress, obfuscate and evade – by Anna Stavrianakis and Neil Cooper

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

12.9.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

EU Commission to Announce $44-Mln Humanitarian Aid to Yemen

The European Commission will announce allocation of additional 40 million euros (some $44 million at the current exchange rates) in humanitarian aid to the war-torn Yemen at the United Nations General Assembly, the commission’s press service said in a statement Wednesday.

Comment: What an insult: European countries make so much more in arms-deals with killing Royals of #KSA and Gulf..

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

20.9.2016 – Flandern Info (* B K)

Wallonien liefert so viele Waffen an Saudi-Arabien wie nie zuvor

Saudi-Arabien hat im letzten Jahr 60 Prozent der wallonischen Waffen gekauft. Das geht aus einem Bericht zu abgelehnten und angenommenen Exportlizenzen aus 2015 des Unterausschusses 'Waffen' des wallonischen Parlaments hervor. Wallonien habe noch nie zuvor so viele Waffen nach Riad ausgeführt wie im letzten Jahr, schreibt die Zeitung "Le Soir".

Für Saudi-Arabien sind nur 34 Lizenzen von den insgesamt 1.369 Lizenzen für 68 Länder im gesamten Jahr ausgestellt worden, aber diese Verträge machen einen Gesamtwert von 575,8 Millionen Euro aus, das heißt 60 % des wallonischen Umsatzes in diesem Sektor (955 Millionen). Das ist ein neuer Rekord. Der vorige Rekord lag 2014 bei 396,9 Millionen, was den Waffenverkauf an Riad betrifft.

Alle Waffenankäufe zusammengenommen, inklusive durch andere Länder des Mittleren Ostens (die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate kauften in Wallonien für 19,3 Milllionen Waffen ein und der Oman für 15,76 Millionen) macht das 65% der wallonischen Exporte aus.

Im Detail: Den größten Umsatz macht die wallonische Waffenindustrie mit Feuerwaffen, die nach Saudi-Arabien geliefert werden - 2015 waren es 396 Millionen - mit u.a. Granatwerfern (7,6 Millionen), Munition (105 Millionen), Raketen (5,18 Millionen), Panzern und gepanzerten Fahrzeugen sowie Ersatzteilen (58 Millionen).

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

20.-21.9.2016 – Qaid (A H P)

world leaders meet in #New York summit to shed crocodile tears over refugees while many of them created the refugees crisis

war-torn #Yemen not mentioned in world refugees summit though millions are internally displaced & @ least 2 mlns are refugees abroad

19.9.2016 – Oxfam (* B H)

Film: Yemen: Four questions

How do Yemeni refugee children remember their country after 18 months of war?
There are now 3 million people in Yemen who have been forced to flee their homes.

cp13c Zentralbank / Central Bank

20.9.2016 – 7 Days (* A E P)

Moving Yemen’s Central Bank could be a ‘catastrophe’

The Yemeni government’s decision to move their central bank headquarters from the capital to the southern city of Aden could have catastrophic implications for the country, experts say.

The move, designed to deliver a blow to Houthi forces, will hit the entire country by dismantling the “last state institution” left, Farea Al Muslimi, an analyst with the Middle East Institute in Washington, said.

Government ministers, who relocated to the southern port city after the capital was seized by Houthi forces in September 2014, are applying economic pressure to “try to make the Houthis surrender” Al Muslimi told 7DAYS from Beirut.

“The logic behind it is to take control of all the salaries from the government that are paid to 1.2 million Yemenis in the public sector,” he said, which includes Houthi state employees and troops that have fought on both sides of the 18-month conflict.

While the decision was designed to strangle the Houthis, it would strangle the entire country, Al Muslimi added, saying: “Technically they think it will deal a blow to the Houthis, but it’s much more dangerous than that.

“It’s a blow to the last institution in Yemen. It’s the last central institution keeping this country together.”

He said from a logistical point of view, Aden lacks the infrastructure for the proper functioning of the economic institution.

“There is no moving the central bank from a technical point of view. It will take forever merely from a logistical perspective,” said Al Muslimi, who is also co-founder of think–tank the Sanaa Center For Strategic Studies.

“There is no clear mechanism for the bank’s functioning or security in Aden.” – by Shoshana Kedem

20.9.2016 – Al Arabiya (A E P)

When Houthi militias entered Yemen’s capital two years ago, the Central Bank had at least $4.6 billion in hard currency, as well as reserves of gold and other foreign currencies. Today, only a small amount is left - not enough to run the state or pay employees. Why did the legitimate government, which left Sanaa following the coup, not establish an alternative central bank in the temporary capital of Aden?

The reasonable explanation is that after leaving to Aden, the government preferred to leave the Central Bank as is and not compete with the militias over its management, in order to avoid harming state employees and obstructing the service sectors, although most of these sectors have stopped operating. Now that the bank is empty, the government in Aden has announced the establishment of an alternative central bank.

The situation has worsened since they looted and wasted more than $4 billion to fund their fighters and transferred money to the houses of rebel leaders to fund war efforts.

A few months ago, the planning and development minister of the Houthi militias requested that the international community support it with $5 billion to stop financial and economic collapse. However, no one has helped them yet because Western donor countries know what happened to the Central Bank funds.

Once opened in Aden, the alternative central bank will only be responsible for liberated areas. The bankruptcy of the Central Bank in Sanaa does not mean that the rebel government is hungry for money, as they still have the funds looted from the bank.

Also, Saleh is considered one of the region’s richest men. His secret bank accounts outside Yemen contain enough money to fund the country for five years. He did not steal this money to donate it. Most of his known bank accounts are frozen by the UN Security Council, and the legitimate government will most likely later request the right to confiscate them – by Abdulrahman al-Rashed, former General Manager of Al Arabiya News Channel =

Comment: The Houthis having looted the Central Bank now seems to get the standard propaganda story as justification for changes at the Central Bank. I wonder why here the narrative is not as just the day before that the Central Bank would have to be relocated from Sanaa to Athens and the former Governor to be fired. Here we are told that an “alternative central bank” will be “established” and that it should “only be responsible for liberated areas” – thus letting the Central Bank in Sanaa just as it is and establishing a second one. The split of the country will be deepened by that. Interesting also is the mentioning of ex-President Saleh’s fortunes.

20.9.2016 – Reuters (* A E P)

Yemen's Houthis criticise exiled government's central bank move

Yemen's Houthi movement and supporters of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh criticised the country's exiled government on Tuesday for appointing a new head of the central bank and relocating it to Aden.

The governing council of Houthis and Saleh supporters said in a statement that the "unprecedented move reflects the desperation and lack of direction that the Saudi regime and its supporters in Riyadh had reached."

It said the central bank in Sanaa, currently run by veteran governor Mohamed Bin Humam, should be the only legitimate monetary authority.

"This act from a legal perspective is null and void," it said. "We call on the international community especially the international monetary and financial institutions to stand by their decision to reject that move."

The leader of the Iran-allied Houthi faction Abdel-Malek Al-Houthi on Al Manar television, the Lebanese Hezbollah's official station, that the move was mainly directed by the United States and appealed to Yemenis to support the bank in Sanaa.

"Whoever can contribute should contribute, whether it is fifty riyals or a hundred or a thousand, and then you will see how the bank will stand strong in the face of the conspiracies it faces," he said.

Still, diplomats largely agree that the bank has maintained its impartiality throughout the 18-month civil war, remaining the last pillar of Yemen's financial system and guaranteeing imports of key food staples - a job that becomes harder as foreign exchange reserves dwindle – by Noah Browning and Ali Abdelat and also

20.9.2016 – Middle East Monitor (A E P)

Houthis condemn relocation of Yemen Central Bank

A spokesman for the Houthi rebels in Yemen has condemned the relocation of the country’s Central Bank to Aden by the government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. According to Mohamed Abdel Salam, the move is both illegitimate and foolish.

The Houthi spokesman also rejected the dismissal of Mohamed Bin Hammam as the bank’s head. He accused the Hadi government of simply complying with Saudi demands in this matter.

Comment: This is indeed a turning point. The big divide envisioned by Hadi runs through the relocation of Yemen Central Bank to Aden. Still, it may be a temporary victory. Hadi should know it.

21.9.2016 - Al Araby (* A E P)

Houthis reject relocation of Yemen's central bank to Aden

A spokesman for the Houthi rebels in Yemen has slammed the decision of the government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi to relocate the country’s central bank from the capital Sanaa to the port city of Aden located approximately 300km away.
Mohamed Abdel Salam dismissed the move as both illegitimate and foolish, whilst also criticising the dismissal of the bank’s former head Mohamad Awad Bin Haman. Bin Hamman has been replaced by former Finance Minister Monasser Al Quaiti.

Abdul Salam said, in comments published by Reuters, that the relocation of the central bank showed the subservience of the Hadi government to the demands of their Saudi Arabian backers illustrating the desperation and lack of direction that the Saudi regime and its supporters in Riyadh had reached."

21.9.2016 – Saba Net (* A E P)

Yemen Revolution leader calls to support Central Bank

Leader of the Revolution, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, called on the Yemeni people to stage a popular campaign to support the Central Bank of Yemen to help it recover from a plot hatched by the alliance of aggression.
Mr. al-Houthi said in a speech delivered on the occasion of Ghadeer Day and the second anniversary of the 21 September Revolution on Tuesday night that: "the steps they made against the central bank were mainly directed by the United States."
"Although the bank had paid all salaries and that we have not intervened in its work at all…but if the bank was abroad, then they were very keen to not deliver salaries to any citizen disagrees with them," the leader said.
The leader confirmed the neutrality of the central bank during the previous period and that the Bank had paid all salaries without discrimination or exclusion, adding that the mercenaries of the aggression are controlling the gas and turning all the country's wealth to their own commercial benefits.

20.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A E P)

Yemen ruling council: Attempt of moving central bank to Aden Is against unity and all UN resolutions.

Yemen ruling council: Attempt of moving central bank2Aden is reckless,anti-unity,anti-State,by idiot at enemy hand

20.9.2016 – Mohammed Basha (A E P)

#GPC #Houthi backed #SPC calls upon international financial institutions to continue supporting Central Bank's Governor Bin Humam

20.9.2016 – Shapban (A E P)

#Yemen's Central Bank in Sanaa denies its branch in Aden access to accounts

20.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A E P)

I'm Yemeni citizen (Nasser Arrabyee) donating 500$ for Our Central Bank2foil US-backed Saudi conspiracy against it

20.9.2016 – Engr. Moh’d Lotf (A E P)

I am giving a permit for #Yemen Central Bank to deduct 30,000YR=US$100 from my salary every month as a donation

and this is just a few days before:

17.9.2016 – Yemen News (* A P)

Yemeni Central Bank Governor Mohammed Awad bin Hammam has warned that if five billion dollars stacked outside the bank were not returned to the institution, then the problem of lack of liquidity would not be solved.

During an interview with Reuters, Hammam warned the crisis would turn into chaos over the bank’s failure to pay the five-million-worth of salaries for over 1 million and 250 thousand employees.

He explained that the bank was facing several problems including lack of income and halt of production and export of oil.

The governor also said that the bank had to pay for imports of sugar, rice, and wheat.

Hammam said that during his visit to Washington, he spoke with donors and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help the Central Bank because it is difficult for the bank to pay for imports.

According to Hammam, all economic activities in the country had stopped as a result of the war.

As for the liquidity problem, Hammam said that it was heightened in 2016, with money leaving the bank and never returning after having to pay salaries and cover other expenditures.

The governor said that the bank requested the print of additional bills and awaits the approval of the government. He added that if the government approved it, then the liquidity problem would be solved and it would be easier to pay salaries.

If the government refused the request, then this would add to the growing problems that Yemeni citizens face.

He explained that the bank is paying to all citizens without any exception and without discrimination.

Hammam confirmed that Houthis take up to 100 million dollars to pay for members of the military institution, which they say are for war expenses.

The governor called citizens to take their money outside the bank system and deposit at the central bank to help with the liquidity problem.

A recent government report revealed that the severe liquidity problem is due to the increased bank withdrawals and money stored outside the bank system.

Comment: The new appointed Governor for the Hadi government, now at Riyadh.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

21.9.2016 – AFP (A T)

Drone strike kills two suspected Al Qaeda members in Yemen

An apparent US drone strike in Yemen killed two suspected Al Qaeda members and caused a large explosion when munitions they were transporting blew up, a security official and witnesses said on Wednesday.

Washington is the only government to operate drones over Yemen but only periodically releases statements on its long-running bombing campaign against the country’s Al Qaeda branch.

Tuesday evening’s strike hit the Wadi Abida district of Marib province, east of the capital Sanaa.

The security official named one of the dead as Abu Yaqin Al Waeli, a local Al Qaeda commander.

Marib is largely in the hands of loyalists of president Abdrabbu Mansur Hadi and his allies in a Saudi-led coalition.

cp15 Propaganda

21.9.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemen’s Information Minister: Insurgents are Incurring Military and Economic Losses

Yemen’s Information Minister Moammer Al-Iryani said on Tuesday that Houthi rebels were incurring major military and economic losses, as they currently occupy only 20 percent of the country’s territories, against 80 percent of areas under government control.

In exclusive remarks to Asharq al-Awsat newspaper, Iryani said that, over the past two years, the legitimate government and coalition states have been giving great attention to the humanitarian and living conditions of the Yemeni population.

The Yemeni minister added that citizens will never forgive the militias and those who stand behind atrocities incurred by Yemen due to some officials’ “greed and ambition to control the country’s wealth and exclude the others.”

Commenting on Iran’s interference in Yemeni internal affairs, Iryani asked: “What is Iran doing today with regards to the Yemeni people’s sufferings?”

On the other hand, the Yemeni official lauded the support provided by Saudi Arabia, Gulf States and the international community to the war-stricken population.

“Brothers and friends are those who send us medicine and food to cover the needs of a population squashed by corruption and rebellion; brothers and friends are not those who send explosives and weapons of all types,” the minister said.

Iryani reiterated his government’s commitment to support its people, noting that the insurgency would not live long, and that the government would soon regain control over Sana’a – by Arafat Madabish =

Comment: Odd propaganda. Since a long time, the Hadi government "argues" using these 80-20 % figures. Well, the Hadi government not even is the lord of its own self-proclaimed capital Aden, there are Al Qaeda, the Hirak separatists, militia of Islah party and others fighting against Houthis, but certainly not in favour of Hadi. – “the legitimate government and coalition states have been giving great attention to the humanitarian and living conditions of the Yemeni population.”: by relentlessly bombing them???? – “The Yemeni minister added that citizens will never forgive the militias and those who stand behind atrocities incurred by Yemen”: does he mean the Saudi coalition air raids??? – “Commenting on Iran’s interference in Yemeni internal affairs, Iryani asked: “What is Iran doing today with regards to the Yemeni people’s sufferings?”: There is a Saudi blockade, stupid. Did you never hear about that??? – “lauded the support provided by Saudi Arabia, Gulf States and the international community to the war-stricken population”: by bombing it??? – “brothers and friends are not those who send explosives and weapons of all types,” the minister said”, certainly right, the by far worst form of “sending weapons” is just bombing. – “his government’s commitment to support its people”: by having asked the Saudis to bomb the country???

20.9.2016 – Almasdar (A P)

Yemen's Houthi militia recruit African refugees to fight: Yemeni president

Yemeni president Abdu Rabu Mansoor Hadi at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has said on Monday that Houthi militia has used and recruited African refugees as mercenaries at its wars.

President Hadi confirmed that Houthi militia take advantage of those refugees especially Somalis and take them to fight beside its fighters, and forces of legitimate government caught Somali children at fighting fronts.

According to the speech published by Sheba state agency, Hadi stated that Yemen already has three million internally displaced people (IDPs) due to the aggression of Houthi militia and allied forces loyal to former president Saleh on cities and population.

He added that refugees are treated like Yemenis, and “they study in our schools and universities…and compete with Yemenis for jobs opportunities.

Comment: 3 million displaced people “due to the aggression of Houthi militia and allied forces loyal to former president Saleh”, never heard of Saudi coalition air raids, certainly responsible for the greatest part of these displaced people.

Comment by Judith Brown: I can't stop laughing ! He has the cheek to say this when tens of thousands of mercenaries from all over the world have been used to fight by the Saudi led coalition. Let's get this straight - there are frequent reports of Saudi paid mercenaries dying in Yemen. To my knowledge there have been no reports of Houthi paid mercenaries killed in Yemen and I look through Saudi and Gulf news outlets every day. And besides which, it is Saudi not the Houthis who have flare money to invest in foreign fighters.

20.9.2016 – Al Arabiya TV (A P)

MSF praises King Salman Center’s humanitarian role in Yemen

A delegation from “Doctors Without Borders- Médecins Sans Frontières” praised “the great services provided by King Salman Center for Relief and humanitarian action in Yemen at all levels and its work to improve the medical and health conditions there.

The head of the Emergency Unit in the organization Teresa San Krastofl, said “We are interested in Yemeni affairs and appreciate the great efforts of King Salman Centre for relief and humanitarian action, and its support for Yemen, and we hope that our cooperation with the Center continues."

Her meeting with the Center’s officials discussed the health and medical situation in Yemen and the cooperation between King Salman Center and MSF and the mechanisms of the coordination, in addition to the exchange of the information in order to serve the humanitarian operations.

The meeting discussed also the partnership in the vaccination programs inside and outside Yemen and the aspects of cooperation in the stricken countries (with film)

Comment by Judith Brown: Well this is a truly amazing piece of propaganda. This woman who purports to be speaking on behalf of MSF praises the humanitarian role of Saudi Arabia in Yemen without mentioning that they have destroyed 4 MSF hospitals - and many other Yemeni hospitals as well. This story just does not ring true.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

21.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets launch raids on Nehm

The Saudi fighter jets have waged raids on Nehm district of Sana'a province, a security official said Tuesday.
The official added the hostile fighter jets targeted Bani Faraj and al-Majaweha areas and al-Betna bridge in Nehm.
The raids caused huge damage to the bridge and citizens' houses and their properties.

Saudi fighter jets launch raids on Belad al-Arous

targeted telcommunciations towers in Naqeel Yasleh area

Saudi warplanes hit Serwah

The Saudi warplanes waged on Wednesday raids on Serwah district of Mareb province, a local official said.
The official added the hostile raids targeted Serwah Souk and al-Mashjah and Wadi Rabe'ah areas with seven raids.
The raids caused huge damage to citizens' houses andthier properties, the official pointed out.

Saudi warplanes target Khab, al-Sha'af district

causing huge damage to citizens' houses and thier properties.

Hostile airstrkes destroy mosque, fuel station in Serwah

The Saudi warplanes destroyed on Wednesday a mosque in Serwah Souk of Mareb province, a local official said.
The official added the warplanes also hit a fuel station in the Souk in Serwah.
The mosque and the fuel station were razed to the ground, the official pointed out.

20.-21.9.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

two hours ago ,#Saudi air strike targeted a civilian car in Marib city #Yemen Exclusive photos

and more information:

21.9.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

MORE DEAD: 5 killed & burnt to death by Saudi airstrike attack on traveling car in #Yemen region Mareb, 3rd in week.

21.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

20/9/2016, Saudi coalition air raids
(Sana'a, Saada, Taiz, Marib, Sana’a Capital, Al-Hodeida, Al-Jawf, Dhamar, Shabwa and Lahjj)

Casualties and damages (full list):

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A E P)

Saudi airstrike targets Serwah

20.9.2016 – Josephjo1221 (A K PH)

Local sources in Sada'ah :Saudi jets again targeted #Walbah & #Khulab Valley in Aldhaher by cluster bombs today

Saudi jets dropped Cluster bombs on #Razih in #Sada'ah yesterday, people can't enter their houses & farms

Cluster bombs threaten the lives of citizens in #Razih, homes & farms become a minefield.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launches 11 raids on Taiz

The Saudi aggression warplanes resumed criminal raids on Taiz province late on Monday night, targeting villages and residential areas amid intensive flying, an official said.
The hostile warplanes targeted residential areas nine times in al-Wazaia district , caused damage to a number of houses, farms and roads.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage raid on Dhamar

The raids targeted the Central Security camp of Dhamar province.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage raid on Jawf

20.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

10 Yemen women at least killed now By US-backed Saudi war criminals bombing their car While traveling in Matamah of Jawf north east.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A E P)

Aggression kills 15 in Jawf

At least 12 children and three women were killed on Tuesday in a Saudi air raid in al-Matmah district in Jawf province, a local official said.
The Saudi war jets targeted the car of Ahmed al-Sara'a Abu-No'air in a farm in the district, killing the fifteen people and injuring another, the official added. and films: and


20.9.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

12Yemeni children3women killed By US-backed Saudi war criminals Houses in Matamah (al-Matama)of Jawf province north east and place name given as: Almonsaab village

20.9.2016 – Pars Today (A K PH)

Saudische Angriffe im Jemen fordern 2 Tote

Der jemenitische Nachrichtensender al-Massira berichtete am Dienstag, dass die saudischen Kampfflugzeuge 12 mal die Altstadt von Sanaa bombardierten, wodurch ein jemenitischer Bürger ums Leben kam und mehrere weitere verletzt wurden.

Ein Mensch wurde auch bei einem Luftangriff auf ein Fahrzeug an der Küste von Midi in der Provinz Hadscha getötet. Dabei wurden außerdem 5 weitere Menschen verletzt.

20.9.2016 – Crimes of Decisive Storm (A K PH)

Sanaa Province: Photo Effects targeting the Saudi airline brutal aggression houses and the Great Mosque in the village of Massoud Directorate Sanhan (photos) and

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi barbaric airstrikes kill civilian in UNESCO world heritage old city Sanaa

A husband was martyred and his wife injured when the Saudi brutal warplanes pounded residential old traditional quarters of the old city in the capital Sanaa early on Tuesday, an official told Saba.
The planes targeted the home of Mohammed Hamoud al-Maswari, killing him and fatally wounded his 50-year-old wife, the official said. and photos: and film and film and film paramedics help woman out of rubble

20.9.2016 – AFP (A K)

Coalition hits Sanaa Old City after missile fired at Saudi

Aircraft of the Saudi-led coalition hit the UNESCO-listed Old City of Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa on Tuesday after the rebels fired a missile at Saudi Arabia overnight.

The missile launched at the King Khalid air base outside the city of Khamis Mushait on Monday evening was intercepted by the kingdom's air defences and its launcher destroyed, the coalition said.

But it sparked intensive retaliatory air strikes in the early hours of Tuesday.

Around a dozen bombs or missiles hit the headquarters of the National Security Bureau in Sanaa's Old City, causing damage to neighbouring homes which left at least one civilian dead and three wounded, witnesses said.

It was the first time that the headquarters had been targeted by the coalition, which has come under heavy criticism for previous strikes on the historic district, which is world renowned for its multi-storey, rammed-earth tower houses.

The coalition also bombed the defence ministry, near one of the gates to the Old City, ministry staff and residents said.

A coalition strike on a checkpoint in the capital's northwestern suburbs killed two rebels and wounded four residents said.

Two rebel military camps in the Sanhan district, southeast of the capital, also came under attack by coalition aircraft, tribal sources said.

Comment: What should these two attacks have in common? For the missile attack at Saudi Arabia, the launcher had been destroyed, and it did not stand in Sanaa’s old city and not at the National Security Bureau building. The report does not mention at all the destruction of cultural heritage.

21.9.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Coalition Planes Hit Yemen Compound Holding Militant Suspects

Yemen’s Houthi group said aircraft of an Arab coalition bombed a security compound in the capital Sanaa where suspected al Qaeda militants and foreigners accused of spying, including Americans, are held.

The Houthi group, in a statement carried by news agency, quoted a source at the country’s national security service as saying that coalition aircraft had caused a number of casualties among residents living in the vicinity of the compound that was bombed.

“This apparatus is not a military establishment but a security one concerned with fighting terrorism and to limit the spread of its organisations,” quoted an official at the service as saying.

“He holds the aggression (the coalition) responsible for exposing those held there to danger, be it terrorist elements or those held for spying from Arab and foreign countries, including Americans,” it added without giving any further details. = =

Comment: Serving the master, National Yemen! Why in the article it is not stated that THE NATIONAL SECURITY which is in the Old City of Sanaa was targeted? Why don't you plainly say that 7 houses under the Unesco protection were demolished? General concepts, always. Why don't you ever say things as they are? 3

20.9.2016 – Shofoot (A K)

Our house in old city of #Sanaa was destroyed by a #Saudi bomb tonight. #ThankyouSalman

Saudis targeted NSB headquarter which is (was) in immediate neighborhood of our quarter. NSB buildings flattened.

this is (was) al mandar on top of our house in old city of #Sanaa. DESTROYED by #KSA (photo)

all windows & doors blown out. top of house destroyed. neighbors & family guarding house from plundering & looting.

This is the densely populated part of old #Sanaa which was hit by #Saudi bombs tonight. Our house is destroyed (map)

20.9.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Double tap Saudi airstrikes hit several homes in Sana'a Old City, a UNESCO protected site, targeting civilians & 1st responders.

Civilian victims still being pulled from under rubble by 1st responders whom Saudi went back & bombed too

I'm so so sorry. Just learned they pulled Haj Mohammed alMaswari's dead body from rubble. and photo

I heard homes of Abu Taleb, Rassam, and alMaswari in Sana'a Old City were destroyed too

20.9.2016 – Rawan Shaif (A K)

The Maswari house in Old City #Sanaa where an airstrike hit this morning, Haj Al-Maswari died as he slept (Photo) and

20.9.2016 – Al Mamoon Group (A K)

With anger, with rage, with an amount of pain we can neither contain nor describe, we confirm that once again the Old City of #Sanaa has been bombarded in the early hours of today. The level of destruction accounts for 7 houses lost (or more: many buildings were inter-connected), a number of civilians perished and patrimony of humanity lost forever.
We ask the world to look onto Yemen, for once, with the eyes of brotherly solidarity and peace. We ask the world to remember Yemen the way it was and to help us in striking a cord in this universe of war and destruction. Please help Yemen (photo)

20.9.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K PH)

Film: What the airstrike on the National Security in the Old City of #Sanaa looked like last night

19.9.2016 – Al Masirah TV (A K PH)

Film: Saudi used Cluster bombs in Sada, #Yemen Today 19-9-2016 =

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

21.9.2016 – AP (A K)

Cross-border projectile from Yemen wounds Saudi man

The Saudi Civil Defense says a citizen has been wounded by a projectile fired from Yemen into the southern border region of Najran.

21.9.2016 – 7 Days (A K)

Death of Emirati soldier in Yemen brings death toll to 99

The death of a UAE soldier in the war in Yemen has brought the death toll of soldiers killed in the conflict to 99.

Saeed Anbar Juma Al Falasi was receiving medical treatment in France after he was wounded in Yemen serving in the Saudi-led coalition’s Operation Restoring Hope, according to state news agency WAM.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A E P)

Riyadh's hirelings pounded intensively citizens' houses in the areas of al-Matar, Serwah Souk and Hailan.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A E P)

14 mercenaries killed ,19 injured in Lahj

At least 14 Riyadh's mercenaries were killed on Tuesday in the east of Kahbob area in Lahj province, a military official said.
The army and popular committees targeted the mercenaries with artillery shells, the official said, adding 19 other mercenaries were injured, the official added.

20.9.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army launches missiles on Saudi mercenaries in Jawf

The army and popular committees' missile force has fired Katyusha rockets at a gathering of Saudi mercenaries in the government provincial compound of al-Jawf province, a military official told Saba on Tuesday. The rockets were fired late on Monday, killing and injuring dozens.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-201: / Yemen War Mosaic 1-201: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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