Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 207 - Yemen War Mosaic 207

Yemen Press Reader 207: US-Medien: Keine Aufmerksamkeit für Yemen – Hilfsgüter werden verkauft – Saudis und Waffenhandel – Saudi-Arabien-Bücher besprochen – Huthis versenken Emirati-Kriegsschiff

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US media: no attention to Yemen – Cash for aid – Saudis and arms deals – Books on Saudi Arabia reviewed – Houthis sink UAE military vessel – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

cp13c Zentralbank / Central Bank

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp17a Huthis versenken Schiff / Houthis sink ship

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Huthis versenken Schiff siehe cp17a / Houthis sink ship look at cp17a

2.10.2016 – New York Times (** B K P)

Why Some Wars (Like Syria’s) Get More Attention Than Others (Like Yemen’s)

It is a truth universally acknowledged by every war correspondent, humanitarian aid worker and Western diplomat: Some wars, like Syria’s, receive tremendous public attention, which can translate into pressure for resolution. But many others, like Yemen’s still raging but much ignored conflict, do not.

The United States is the world’s sole remaining superpower, but Americans often seem so inward-looking as to be almost provincial.

A result is that American attention seems both vitally important and frustratingly elusive.

But when the world asks why America has forgotten Yemen and other conflicts like its, that has the situation backward. The truth is that inattention is the default, not the exception.

Conflicts gain sustained American attention only when they provide a compelling story line that appeals to both the public and political actors, and for reasons beyond the human toll. That often requires some combination of immediate relevance to American interests, resonance with American political debates or cultural issues, and, perhaps most of all, an emotionally engaging frame of clearly identifiable good guys and bad guys.

Yemen’s death toll is lower than Syria’s, and although Al Qaeda does operate there, Yemen’s conflict has not had the kind of impact on American and European interests that Syria’s has. There is no obvious good-versus-evil story to tell there

The war’s narrative is less appealing to American political interests.

No American politician has much incentive to call attention to this war, which would require either criticizing the United States and an American ally, or else playing up the threat from an obscure Yemeni rebel group.

Most conflicts are Yemens, not Syrias or Darfurs – by Amanda Taub

Comment: Good article, but you must keep in mind that there really IS geopolitical and economic interest of the US in this war (arms sails; comforting the Saudis as oil supplier, proxy against Iran and best arms buyer) and the real story just would be a blame to the US.

Comment by Judith Brown: I like this article but I have to say he is wrong in saying the war in Yemen is reported less because it is smaller. Firstly he believes the war statistics. In Yemen for example the only bodies counted are those that get to hospital and in many areas that us far from all. Also not counted in yemen are those killed by starvation and shortage of medical care - in effect killed by the war and the embargo. And refugees cannot flee Yemen - unlike Syria - the people are trapped inside Yemen's borders. This war in Yemen is not only not reported. It is distorted so that it appears smaller, less deadly - but New York Times - that is part of the illusion. Or should I say delusion. And this author has been deluded about the impact of the war on Yemen.

And Daniel Larison answers:

3.10.2016 – The American Conservative (*** B P)

Why the War on Yemen Is Ignored

Taub is correct that most foreign conflicts don’t receive much attention in the U.S. In that sense, it isn’t surprising that coverage of a war in Yemen is so limited. In almost every other way, however, the neglect of Yemen’s conflict isn’t explained by these other factors. Is the Syrian conflict more relevant to U.S. interests than Yemen’s? Not really, but many advocates for toppling the Syrian government would like us to think so. While there are undoubtedly some great villains in Syria’s war, there aren’t “identifiable good guys,” either, despite the constant efforts of the rebels’ boosters to treat them as such. Our politicians and media choose to frame the conflict differently in one place than they do another. That framing didn’t just happen. It is the product of years of agitation to get the U.S. to take one side in the conflict. Meanwhile, Yemen’s conflict has usually been framed as a proxy Saudi-Iranian war or simply as a result of sectarian tensions, both of which are very misleading and get in the way of understanding what has happened.

Taub claims that in Yemen “[t]here is no camera-ready villain for Americans to root against.” That’s also not true. The problem is that the “camera-ready villain” in this case is the U.S.-backed coalition of client states using weapons and other assistance provided by our government. It flatters the U.S. to believe it is on the right–or at least less horrible–side in Syria, but that definitely can’t be said about our role in Yemen. When faced with the atrocious nature and disastrous effects of the Saudi-led war on Yemen that our government is enabling, it is easier to look away. It is notable that Taub’s overview of the war minimizes the extent of the U.S. role in enabling the Saudi-led campaign, which makes it seem as if the U.S. is only tangentially involved.

There are some practical reasons why Yemen receives less attention, but they also point to why the war cries out for more coverage than it has received.

plenty of politicians are willing to criticize U.S. policies and “allies” at other times, so why not here?

One would also think that so-called “humanitarian” interventionists would be calling attention to the famine that the Saudis and their allies are helping to create, but then they would have to hold U.S. clients to the same standards that they hold other states, and most of them never do. The contrast with outrage over Darfur that Taub draws is instructive, because the same Sudanese government that slaughtered people in Darfur is a member of the Saudi-led coalition.

There are clearly incentives for our politicians to take the Saudis’ side, and many senators did so very vocally last month.

It is a mistake to conclude, as Taub does, that “most conflicts are Yemens.” There is no other conflict today or in the recent past in which the U.S. has helped a group of wealthy client states to wreck a poor neighboring country in the name of “reassuring” them of Washington’s support. This is a war effort that the U.S. keeps going by refueling the planes that bomb Yemen, and without U.S. support and diplomatic cover it could not have continued for this long.

It’s hard not to conclude that the war on Yemen is mostly ignored because it is an embarrassment to the U.S. and its clients. Most of the people that would normally be demanding that the U.S. “do something” to resolve the conflict are indifferent to the plight of Yemenis because they buy into Saudi propaganda and consider Yemeni victims of the war to be on the “wrong” side. U.S. support for this war is a disgrace, and so is the failure to oppose it – by Daniel Larison

1.10.2016 – Middle East Eye (** B H)

Cash for aid: Yemeni shops flog humanitarian supplies for profit

With UN aid being misappropriated and ending up in Sanaa shops, the needy say they are losing their only lifeline

"The aid is a refuge from hunger, and the situation of the poor would be even more miserable without it,” Jaraei told Middle East Eye. “For the needy, the aid is a source of solace but I am worried this aid may stop."

Sources inside the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) confirmed to MEE that "influential” locals, be they tribal chiefs, Houthi leaders or members of people affiliated with the General People's Congress, a major political party in Yemen, were managing to get their hands on humanitarian supplies. The official said that no official figures existed but that the practice was undeniably going on.

“This [selling of aid] has been happening beyond the control of aid agencies,” the IOM official said on the condition of anonymity. “What has been sold in the market is the aid which has been taken over upon arrival by influential people. They then start distributing these items to friends, relatives or selling them to merchants."

For people like Jaraei, the misappropriation of supplies has further complicated their already difficult situation and made it even harder for them to get aid while also helping to drive up prices.

The aid can clearly be seen on display for sale in the capital’s shops, which make no effort to hide what they are doing.

Abdulwahid al-Wesabi, a shop owner in the busy district of Dar Salm, is one of the many people displaying aid for sale.

"Throughout the month, some individuals came and offered to sell food which bears the logos of UN agencies or other relief charities,” the shop owner, who is in his mid-30s, said.

“They offer these products at a low price, and I bought them and now sell them. It is business. I am not supposed to question them and ask why they are selling these items. This is not my duty.”

Wesabi said he has no immediate connections to these unidentified aid vendors but that different people periodically show up at his shop offering sugar, rice, cooking and flour for sale.

Local disputes have also led to aid being frozen. Mohammed Hafdalla, an aid beneficiary in the Ibb province in central Yemen, said that since aid deliveries stopped he has not been able to support his wife and five kids – by Khalid al-Karimi and Jamal al-Ghurab

1.10.2016 - Consortium News (** B P)

How Arms Sales Distort US Foreign Policy

Money may not be the root of all evil but it surely contributes to horrible war crimes when lucrative arms sales distort U.S. foreign policy and cause selective outrage over human rights atrocities.

Forget oil. In the Middle East, the profits and jobs reaped from tens of billions of dollars in arms sales are becoming the key drivers of U.S. and British policy. Oil still matters, of course. So do geopolitical interests, including military bases, and powerful political lobbies funded by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states.

But you can’t explain Washington’s deference to Saudi Arabia, despite its criminal war in Yemen and its admitted support for Islamist extremism, without acknowledging the political pull generated by more than $115 billion in U.S. military deals with Saudi Arabia authorized since President Obama took office.

As arms sales expert William Hartung observed earlier this year, “U.S. arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia have increased by 96% compared to the Bush years. . . In 2014 alone more than 2,500 Saudi military personnel received training in the United States.”

These deals have generated huge new business opportunities for politically powerful U.S. contractors such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing, and Raytheon. Neither the White House nor Congress will let mere war crimes stand in the way of continued sales that fund thousands of jobs.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, who rips Moscow and Damascus for “barbarism” and “laying waste to what is left of an iconic Middle Eastern city,” is strangely silent when the target is Sanaa rather than Aleppo, and the perpetrator is Riyadh rather than Assad.

The same is true of the U.K. ambassador to the UN, who accused the Syrian government of a “sick bloodlust against its people,” while his own government blocked a European Union investigation of war crimes in Yemen.

One reason may be that Great Britain has sold almost $3 billion worth of arms to Saudi Arabia since it intervened in Yemen’s civil war a year and a half ago. Those sales provide plenty of reason to duck accountability – By Jonathan Marshall

30.9.2016 – Netzfrauen (** B H)

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate – Ausländische Hausmädchen gefangen, ausgebeutet, missbraucht oder hingerichtet

Nachdem 2011 eine Indonesierin hingerichtet worden war und weitere Fälle schwerer Misshandlungen bekannt wurden, ließ Jakarta keine Arbeiter mehr in die Golfregion reisen. Saudiarabien, bekannt für harte Gesetze gegenüber ausländischen Arbeitern, reagierte mit einem Visastopp für Indonesier.

Ein schrecklicher aktueller Fall erschüttert gerade auch Philippinas, die in Saudi Arabien arbeiten. Ein Hausmädchen aus den Philippinen wurde von ihrem Arbeitgeber so schlimm vergewaltigt, dass sie mit schwersten Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurde.

Rund 1,5 Millionen Frauen arbeiten in Saudi Arabien als Hausangestellte. Die meisten kommen aus Indonesien, Sri Lanka, Äthiopien und von den Philippinen. Sklaverei, Vergewaltigungen, schwere körperliche Misshandlungen und sogar Folter sind leider immer noch an der Tagesordnung. Diese Mädchen kommen nach Saudi Arabien, um hier Geld zu verdienen, doch anstatt Gehalt erwartet sie ein Leben als Sklave, Fliehen ist fast unmöglich, da ihre Pässe gleich bei der Einstellung vom Arbeitgeber einkassiert werden. Es ist eine schreckliche Verletzung der Menschenrechte, die auch von Menschenrechtsorganisationen immer wieder geächtet werden.

Gehorchen diese Mädchen nicht, werden Sie für Verbrechen beschuldigt, die sie nicht begangen haben.

Kashturi Munirathinam, die als Haushaltshilfe in Saudi-Arabien arbeitet, erzählte, dass sie von ihrem Arbeitgeber gefoltert werden sollte, als sie sich wehrte, hat er ihr einfach den Arm abgehackt.

Zurzeit wartet eine senegalesische Hausgehilfin auf ihre Todesstrafe. Mbayang Diop soll die Frau ihres Arbeitgebers umgebracht haben.

Haushaltshilfen aus dem Ausland werden in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) geschlagen, ausgebeutet und unter Sklavenbedingungen gefangen gehalten, darüber informierte Human Rights Watch am 23. Oktober die Öffentlichkeit. Die Regierung der VAE, die gerade in der International Labour Organization (ILO) eine wichtigere Rolle übernehmen soll, hat beim Schutz der weiblichen Haushaltshilfen komplett versagt. Die jungen Frauen, die in vielen Fällen von den Philippinen stammen, werden sowohl von den Personalwerbern als auch ihren Arbeitgebern missbraucht.

Auf 79 Seiten dokumentiert der Bericht ‘I Already Bought You’: Abuse and Exploitation of Female Migrant Domestic Workers in the United Arab Emirates, wie und warum die ausländischen Haushaltshilfen dem Missbrauch ausgesetzt werden.

„Das VAE-Sponsor-System macht die Frauen von ihren Arbeitgebern abhängig. Sie bleiben isoliert und dem Missbrauch ist in den Privathäusern Tür und Tor geöffnet“, sagt Rothna Begum, Researcher für Frauenrechte bei Human Rights Watch. „Ohne gesetzlichen Schutz für Haushaltshilfen können die Arbeitgeber diese Frauen ausbeuten, zu gering bezahlen und sie missbrauchen. Und viele tun es.“

In den letzten Jahren hat der gravierende Missbrauch dazu geführt, dass die Länder, aus denen die Arbeiterinnen stammen, temporäre Ausreiseverbote für Haushaltshilfen in die VAE erteilt haben.

Die folgenden Auszüge zeigen exemplarisch auf, wie Haushaltshilfen in den VAE missbraucht werden.

and the English version:

United Arab Emirates: Trapped, Exploited, Abused

Migrant domestic workers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are beaten, exploited, and trapped in forced labor situations, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The UAE government, about to take up an influential new role in the International Labour Organization (ILO), has failed to adequately protect female domestic workers – many of them from the Philippines – from abuse by employers and recruiters.

The 79-page report, “‘I Already Bought You’: Abuse and Exploitation of Female Migrant Domestic Workers in the United Arab Emirates”, documents how the UAE’s visa sponsorship system, known as kafala, and the lack of labor law protections leave migrant domestic workers exposed to abuse. Domestic workers, most from Asia and Africa, cannot move to a new job before their contracts end without the employer’s consent, trapping many in abusive conditions. Labor-sending countries don’t fully protect the workers against deceptive recruitment practices or provide adequate assistance to abused nationals abroad.

“The UAE’s sponsorship system chains domestic workers to their employers and then leaves them isolated and at risk of abuse behind the closed doors of private homes,” saidRothna Begum, Middle East women’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. “With no labor law protections for domestic workers, employers can, and many do, overwork, underpay, and abuse these women.”

At least 146,000 female migrant domestic workers – possibly many more – from countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Ethiopia work in the UAE.

The following excerpts provide examples of abuses domestic workers in the UAE described to Human Rights Watch.

Legal Center for Rights and Development Homepage:

1.10.2016 – The New York Review of Books (** B P)

In Saudi Arabia: Can It Really Change?

The Other Saudis: Shiism, Dissent and Sectarianism

Joyriding in Riyadh: Oil, Urbanism, and Road Revolt

Saudi Arabia: A Kingdom in Peril

Force and Fanaticism: Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and Beyond

Each of the authors acknowledges the gap between the totalitarian ideal and the looser reality. “Wherever I lived in [the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia],” writes Valentine in a chapter entitled “Serpents in Paradise,” “I was not only offered drugs and alcohol, but also ‘woman, for good time.’” Aarts is surprised by a portrait gallery violating sharia injunctions against figurative art. There are plenty of censors, but the Internet and satellite TV, he found, have made them obsolete. Menoret records how the joyriders have turned the uniform urban grids into an escape route from state planners and authoritarian governors as they speed down the streets.

Until the Wahhabi conquest of the Arabian peninsula at the turn of the last century, the mixture of sects there was as diverse as it was anywhere in the old pluralist Middle East. In its towns there lived, among others, Sufi mystics from the Sunni branch of Islam, members of the Zaidi sect, which is linked with the Shia branch of Islam, Twelver Shia traders, and seasonal Jewish farmhands from Yemen.

From the eighteenth century onward, successive waves of warriors from the Wahhabi revivalist movement, formed from Sunni tribesmen in the hinterland, have struggled to enforce a puritanical uniformity on the cosmopolitan coast. Toby Matthiesen recounts in The Other Saudis that, a few years after taking the eastern shores of the peninsula from the reeling Ottomans in 1913, Wahhabi clerics issued a fatwa obliging local Shias to convert to “true Islam.” In Hijaz, the western region that includes Mecca, Medina, and Jeddah, militant Wahhabi clerics and their followers ransacked the treasuries of the holy places in Mecca, lopped the dome off the House of the Prophet in Medina, and razed myriad shrines.

But their success was only partial. In 1930, when the Wahhabi Brethren began raiding Iraq and Jordan and upsetting the region’s British overlords, Abdulaziz al-Saud, the modern state’s founder, reined them in, slaughtering the zealots by the hundred.

Then, in 1979, apparently inspired by the Iranian overthrow of the Shah and the establishment of an Islamic republic earlier that year, Islamic militants stormed Mecca’s Grand Mosque, the holiest place in Islam, and declared a new order under a leader who proclaimed himself the Mahdi—the redeemer—and sought to replace the Saudi monarchy. Wahhabi forces loyal to the monarchy counterattacked, saved the al-Sauds, and retook the mosque. But a crucial deal was made: loyalist clerics approved the removal of the militants by force; but in return demanded that Saudi royals cede them power to strictly control personal behavior. The last cinemas and concert halls shut down. Women were obliged to shroud themselves in black.

Thirty-five years later, foreign descriptions of Saudi Arabia remain for the most part remarkably bleak. The writers of all four books under review examine the domination of the al-Saud dynasty with the fascination with which a zoologist might regard a black widow snaring its prey. Pascal Menoret describes young men whose only escape from Riyadh’s Islamist social

His remarks underlined just how much resistance Wahhabis face in a peninsula relandscaped as their own. Mecca’s ancient hill has been laid low and its old town leveled to make way for sixteen towering apartment hotels, and shrines to the Prophet’s descendents, historically venerated by Sunnis and Shia alike, have been bulldozed. “The crime has been committed,” says a Jeddah art curator and conservationist, who on his office wall has a painting of a group of bland hotels looming over the Kaaba—the inner sanctum of Mecca’s Grand Mosque—and shrouding its black sanctity in shadow. “Our task is to salvage what remains.”

But unlike the Islamic State, which in two years of depredation has purged its territory of Muslim and non-Muslim nonconformists, Wahhabis have failed to suppress the peninsula’s many cultures and sects, despite a century of rule – by Nicolas Pelham

cp2 Allgemein / General

3.10.2016 – Tasnim News (* B K P)

US ‘Tacitly’ Supporting Saudi Atrocities in Yemen, Bahrain: American Analyst

William O. Beeman, senior professor at the University of Minnesota highlighted the US role in the Saudi regime’s war crimes in the Middle East and said since no one outside the region cares about what happens there, Saudis “get away with their atrocities”.

The human tragedy in this policy is that the United States is tacitly supporting Saudi atrocities in Bahrain and Yemen.

Beeman: The Houthis are Zayidis, a branch of Shi'ism. It is not the Houthis that are the problem for the Saudis. It is the Zayidi population that lives in Saudi Arabia along the Yemeni border. The Saudis are deeply afraid of any Shi'a (Shiite) population in their kingdom.

There must be a commitment on all sides to protect Shi'a populations (including the Zayidis) in the region. No Sunni-dominated government is willing to do this.

There is a very absurd idea among Sunnis that ANY Shi'a population (Alawites, Zayidis, Lebanese and Iraqi Shi'a) are somehow "controlled" by Iran. This is of course not true, but it is difficult to counter this idea.

The Western media have not had adequate information about the Yemeni situation, and Saudi propaganda and lobbying in the United States has been effective in convincing many people that the Houthis are controlled by Iran. The standard line is that the Yemeni situation is an example of Iranian "hegemony," and since Iran continues to be demonized in the Western press, the plight of the Yemenis is ignored. People see crushing the Houthis as the same as crushing Iran, and Iran's enemies are happy about this.

Also, Yemen, like many similar countries, has virtually no strategic interest for the West or the United States (poor, no oil, no trade), so no one outside of the region really cares about what happens there.

Also, Yemen, like many similar countries, has virtually no strategic interest for the West or the United States (poor, no oil, no trade), so no one outside of the region really cares about what happens there.

2.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

US behind Saudi war on Yemen: Analyst

The United States is the “ultimate force” behind Saudi Arabia’s military aggression against Yemen, says Joe Lombardo, coordinator at United National Antiwar Coalition.

“It is Saudi Arabia that is doing the bombing. It is with weapons that have been provided by the United States … the logistics for all those airstrikes comes from the United States. The United States is helping enforce the Saudi blockade of Yemen, it has an aircraft carrier in the region and a several other war vessels in the region,” the analyst told Press TV.

Lombardo also stated the world has to put pressure on Washington to stop the war in Yemen which is where the decisions are being made.

“The news media at least in United States is not covering Yemen at all so it really takes the movement separate from the major new media and alternative media to publicize more about Yemen and to put pressure on the United States,” he added.

The analyst further said the United States is using Saudi Arabia as its “proxy force” to achieve what it wants in North Africa and the Middle East.

He also mentioned Washington cannot tolerate any independence from its policies which justifies all the wars it is conducting in the region.

1.10.2016 – Pakistan (* B K P)

Geopolitics of Saudi Yemen War

If we need to understand the Yemen War and its possible conclusion, we need to look a little back into history – for the string of future can only be snapped from the past.

The US and British interests in Yemen were always vital because of its proximity to the Bab al Mandab Strait, through which all ships crossing the Red Sea had to pass. In other words there was no point in controlling the Suez Canal if you did not control the Bab al Mandab. For this vital control, the US and Britain allied closely with Saudi Arabia whose influence in Yemen’s matters was natural.

So when the Arab Spring broke out in Yemen against Saleh’s dictatorship in 2011, the Saudis were not very keen to save him, nor did they trust the Houthi tribe that had rebelled against Saleh time and again. They had a submissive alternative in Hadi, who was Saleh’s vice-president from the South – Hadi was of the Islah Party, created in 1990. According to a Yemeni analyst, Riyadh used Al Islah to control Saleh and keep his power in Yemen in check. The whole point of Al Islah was to keep Yemen in a semi-state of control and dependence. Al Islah was the perfect medium for that — Al Saud’s Wahhabis and Salafis used Al Islah to spread their influence across Yemen, slowly reshaping both its political map and its religious demography.

This was the same time when Bin Laden was weaving his net of militancy throughout the Muslim World and pro-Wahabist Al Ishah could become a cover for its presence in Yemen.

So at the time when the Houthis rebelled against Hadi, the Saudis were buried neck-deep in Yemen, which was not only a vital element for their own survival, but wherein their nexus with Britain and US had become importunate. The Saudis had worked hard to build common interest with the US, the prevailing post-WW2 superpower – and decades of cooperation had made both indispensible for each other.

The Saudis had not waged a major war on a country before, so the Saudi ambassador to the US, Adel al-Jubeir, announced the start of “Operation Storm of Resolve” at a news conference in Washington – by Aneela Shahzad

Comment: The author also overestimates the Iranian involvement – at least as Yemen is concerned.

1.10.2016 – Shafaqna (* B K)

The Genocide nobody wants to talk about – Saudi Arabia war in the Yemen

Power has now become a justification in itself – the rationale by which all logic and all narratives are measured against. Might makes everything right by absolute necessity!

For all the efforts which have been spent rationalising Yemen’s war, a war we were told of political restoration – a necessary war to assert and preserve democracy, media spin doctors have long abandoned their campaigns to instead concentrate on hiding Yemen from view altogether.

Began an atrocious war of attrition pitting the might of several military super-powers to the stubborn will of Southern Arabia. If readers permit, we ought to recognise in Yemen the strength of all our humanity.

Yemen is dying! This statement no longer sits alone on the lips of rights activists; it has become an acknowledged reality – the very work of Saudi Arabia’s illegal humanitarian blockade against a nation which had the indecency of demanding that it be allowed to exercise political self-determination.

If burning women and children alive was not cruel enough Saudi Arabia has also taken a liking to cluster bombs.

The words war crimes have now become a euphemism for Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen. And though many parties and organizations have made their case – evidences in hands, international bodies such as the United Nations have yet to intervene.

Dr Riaz Karim from the Mona Relief Organization has documented frightening war crimes over the past 18 months: “Children bear the signs of chemical burns on their malnourished bodies, civilian populations have been earmarked for slaughter by drones and warplanes, businesses and civilian infrastructures have been exploded, bridges destroyed, water tanks poisoned by Saudi mercenaries and crops were hosed down with deadly chemicals. There is no crime the kingdom has not committed, no atrocity it has not stooped to and still the United States is happy selling those monsters more weapons,” – by Catherine Shakdam = =

1.10.2016 – Fars News (A P)

Ansarullah spokesman discloses UAE’s plot to disintegrate Yemen

Spokesman of Ansarullah resistance group warned of the UAE’s plot to disintegrate Yemen.

“In addition to its role in the aggression against Yemen, the UAE is also seeking to disintegrate the country,” Mohammad Abdolsalam wrote on his twitter page on Saturday.

A few months ago, Abdol Jamil al-Makhlafi, a prominent analyst of Yemen crisis, had also made similar remarks, adding that Abu Dhabi welcomes separation of Southern Yemen from the country.

Also in July, Arab sources disclosed Saudi Arabia’s plot to disintegrate Yemen into three countries, one in the North and two in the South.

The sources underlined that based on the plan, a government will be formed in the Northern parts of Yemen. Another one will be established in the Yemeni border province of Hadrarmout which will also include al-Mohrah and certain parts of Shabout, while a third state will be established in the other Southern provinces with Aden as its capital.

Also according to the Saudi plan, different Riyadh-backed terrorist groups will continue war against the Yemeni army and popular committees in the Southern provinces and al-Qaeda will be strengthened to keep the popular Ansarullah movement busy with fighting against terrorism in Marib and the Northern provinces.

1.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K P)

Sanaa. Legal Center for Rights and development held an event, which attended by human rights activists and representatives of organizations and official bodies

about (the crimes of Saudi aggression against Yemen during human rights documentation and international silence).
-Over more than a year and a half, the aerial bombardment of Saudi aggression and its alliance is continuing in attacking civilians in most of Yemeni cities and targeting directly the civilians and civilian facilities systematically and deliberately by missiles and shells .
-Since the beginning of the Saudi aggression, the legal center for rights and development ,as a moral, humanitarian and professional duty, works on monitoring and documenting the crimes that are committed by the coalition forces. According to the latest statistics issued by the center for 560 days of aggression as a primary outcome of what are committed by Saudi forces and the alliance, the airstrikes killed more than (10562) civilians, including (2397) children and (1751) women also wounded at least (18 508) civilians, including (2201) children and (1809) women, and they still till now suffering from a lack of medicines, medical supplies and specific treatment because of the blockade under the shameful silence of childhood organizations and human rights.
- During 560 days of aggression, the coalition destroyed infrastructure, they have targeted directly (15) airports and (12) Ports. Also have caused damage of (1155) roads and bridges, (216) reservoirs and water networks, (145) electricity generators and stations, (245) telecommunication networks, so most of the vital installations in Yemen become out of survice and this affected disastrously on the life of the whole Yemenis.
-In the social sector, the aggression has destroyed more than (375,468) houses, and displaced more than four million people displaced and homeless, (670) Mosques, and (700) schools and educational centers also (4500) schools were stopped, they also bombed (261) hospitals and health facilities, and (20) media organizations.
- The aggression also has targeted the production units of which (1519) are government facilities, (620) food stores, (462) foodstuff tankers, (506) markets and malls, (283) fuel stations, (214) fuel tankers, (238) factories, (170) poultry farms, (200) archaeological sites, (191) tourist facilities, (98) stadium and sports facilities, so most of the important private and public sectors become out the production and this affected on the national economy and caused huge losses and created social crises represented in unemployment, poverty and mercenary.
- The legal center shows that these figures do not reflect the true and final outcome of the killed and the wounded civilians,also the damaged, destroyed and stopped service and productivity facilities.
- The legal center do not have an interpretation of the UN negative role and its agencies concerned with the international peace and security and protection of human rights, especially the UN Security Council, the highest international authority and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which stand powerless to take a positive attitude to stop killing all Yemenis and the extermination of the population in villages and cities and Yemeni regions. You could even say that they are accomplice in the killing of the Yemeni people and their shameful and disgraceful attitude is a clear evidence. The last of these attitudes is of the Human Rights Council in Geneva two days ago. The council have ignored the demands of the human rights and humanitarian organizations. The Chairman of the council himself (Zeid Ra'ad AL-Hassan) ignored the necessity of forming an international commission of inquiry on the violations committed in Yemen. As a dangerous precedent in the world's human rights council, it bowed to pressure Saudi Arabia and its alliance and decided to extend the work of the commission of inquiry which tasked by one of the parties of the conflict who is the outgoing President Hadi . This caused a shock for all those concerned with human rights.
The Nations United must take into the account the responsibility to abide by the protection of human rights and the rules of international humanitarian law. The most important responsibility is to protect the civilians and the high populated neighborhoods and areas also protect of women and children and lift the illegal blockade which causes the death of the children, women and marginalized groups because of the lack of food, medicine, disease and poverty.
Finally, the legal center notes the failure of the international community, led by the United Nations. Thus, failure make the future of humanity in danger, so it is necessary on all free people of the world to work in order to change the international system, which has become a help to the criminals and cause more murder, anarchy and indifference in killing and targeting civilians all over the world and the international community will become the first supporter to commit violations. and

20.6.2016 – Arte ( B K P)

Mit offenen Karten - Jemen - Doku HD Deutsch neu

Nachdem 2011 im Zuge des Arabischen Frühlings Präsident Saleh zurückgetreten war, galt der Jemen als Erfolgsmodell. Heute, fünf Jahre später, wütet dort ein Bürgerkrieg. MIT OFFENEN KARTEN blickt zurück auf die jüngere Geschichte des Landes, die von einem schwer durchschaubaren Konflikt von nationaler und regionaler Bedeutung geprägt ist.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

2.10.2016 – Progress ME (* B H)

This Is What It’s Like To Be A Student in A Besieged Yemen

I could write an entire book about students’ experiences trying to study under these conditions of bombardments, war, and siege, but I will highlight only one anecdote.

“I wanted to study for my classes, but the sky was full of Saudi warplanes hovering and making noise. I could barely focus on what I was doing with bombardments so close to my home. When the warplanes left, I tried to force myself to study, but the planes returned to bomb the same place again. Oh heaven, I have a final exam tomorrow — what can I do?

That’s one day of fear and restlessness out of 18 months under the Saudi bombing campaign.

The Saudi-led bombing campaign will never stop me from getting high marks in my studies. The difficult situation that our country faces due to the Saudi-imposed siege will not stop me from succeeding.

A child from the northern city of Saada told me a moving story. When he arrived at school one day, he found the building completely destroyed. He cried all morning for the loss of his dream to be a doctor or a teacher. What will his future be? – by Qasim Alshawea, from Yemen, Sana’a

2.10.2016 – Save the Children (A H)

Save the Children Humanitarian Response, Yemen (Updated: September 2016)

Despite the incredibly difficult circumstances for our 400 national staff in Yemen – many of whom have been displaced themselves due to ongoing airstrikes and damage suffered to their homes – we are responding to the dire humanitarian crisis with Food Security and Livelihoods, Child Protection, Nutrition, Health, WASH and support for Education programming in eight of the affected governorates.
Since March 2015 we have reached over 1,085,377 people, including nearly 614,315 children and in full:

2.10.2016 – Famine Early Warning System Network (A H)

A major food security emergency continues in Yemen as an estimated 7 to 10 million people face difficulties meeting basic food needs, in line with Crisis (IPC Phase 3 or 3!) or Emergency (IPC Phase 4) food insecurity. Food insecurity will remain most severe in Ta’izz Governorate, as well as amongst IDP populations throughout the country.

Current large-scale food assistance programs are playing an important role in mitigating higher levels of food insecurity. In the absence of these programs, additional areas (Hajjah, Sa’dah, Sana’a, Amran and Ad Dali’) would have likely faced Emergency (IPC Phase 4) food insecurity.

As of August 2016, the official exchange rate was stable at 250 YER/USD, though rates on parallel markets have increased, ranging from 270 to 320 YER/USD. An announcement in mid-September was made that Yemen’s Central Bank would be moved from Sana’a to Aden. Potential implications for food security in Yemen are still being assessed.

Although wheat flour was either available or somewhat available in all governorates in August 2016 (WFP, FEWS NET), high food prices continue to limit household food access. According to WFP price data, August wheat flour prices generally remained above pre-conflict levels but fell compared to the previous month. and in full: =

2.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A H)

Last year it was #WFP who sent expired flour to #Yemen.
Now this. In this 19 months of war against Yemen, the list of 'accidents' is long.
There is no conspiracy theory: there is a WILL to harm and kill and hurt our country related to

2.10.2016 – Fuad rajah (A H)

Althawra Hospital-maybe only one open amid war in Yemen war-stricken city Taiz-said it received 2nd-hand & expired medical equipment from US

30.9.2016 – save the Children (* B H)


Our Yemeni colleagues have been in touch with worrying news. They are reporting that hospitals in the war-torn country of Yemen are running out of medicine.

We already know that a lack of food and fuel across the country has led to a widespread hunger crisis, with many babies and children suffering from malnutrition.

This leaves these youngsters vulnerable to diarrhoea and a variety of secondary infections that can be life-threatening, especially when their immune systems are low.

Many parents, especially in remote and rural areas, are struggling to find health care facilities that are functioning or well-stocked with medicine.

That’s why they’re having to travel to bigger hospitals in cities including the capital Sana’a.

Families have told our staff that they are borrowing money from family and friends to afford the journeys that are often very long.

On arrival, these hospitals can diagnose malnutrition and other infections. But they’ve run out of the medicines needed to treat these conditions.

They’re forced to ask some parents to go out to chemists and shops to buy the medicines they need themselves.

Often these chemists and shops don’t have medicines available, owing to the de facto blockade, and the medicines that do exist are overpriced.

Because many people have lost their jobs and livelihoods owing to the fighting, they have very little cash available – even for medicines they know will save their children’s lives.

Many are resorting to selling their belongings or taking out loans.

Donate now to help children in Yemen.

Comment by Judith Brown: They are desperate. And not just those previously labelled as 'the poor' - I hear from educated middle class Yemenis who are now desperate and don't know where there next money to buy food and daily essentials is going to come from.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

3.10.2016 – AFP (A P)

Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen wollen Gegenregierung gründen

Die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen haben eine Gegenregierung zur international anerkannten Regierung von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi angekündigt. Mit ihrer Bildung beauftragte der Oberste Rat der Rebellen am Sonntag den früheren Gouverneur von Aden, Abdel Asis Ben Habtur. Die Ankündigung der Rebellen dürfte die Aussicht auf eine politische Lösung des seit März 2015 anhaltenden Konflikts weiter verschlechtern.

Kommentar: Weder schiitisch (nie), noch „Rebellen“ (nicht mehr seit 2015).

2.10.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Yemen's Houthis ask former Aden governor to form government

Yemen's higher political council, which was formed by the armed Houthi movement and supporters of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, has appointed Abdulaziz bin Habtoor to form a national salvation government, Saba news agency said on Sunday.

Habtoor, a former governor of Aden, hails from Shabwa province in south Yemen and was a former minister of education - by Mohammed Ghobari and by Saba Net:

2.10.2016 – AP (A P)


The rebel-controlled Sabaa news agency says Abdel-Aziz Ben Habtour was tasked on Sunday with forming a "national salvation" government. Habtour is an ally of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is aligned with Yemen's Shiite rebels.

His appointment was decreed by Saleh al-Samad, chairman of the Supreme Political Council, the highest political body in rebel-held areas – by Ahmed Al-Haj

Comment: Neither “Shiite” (never), nor “rebels” anymore (since 2015).

9.4.2015 – The Atlantic (** B K P)

Who Are the Houthis?

Tanya Basu interviews filmmaker Safa al-Ahmad

In a new documentary, Safa al-Ahmad charts the rise of the mysterious rebel group now ruling much of Yemen.

The multi-front fight for Yemen—which involves numerous other factionsincluding al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and supporters of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh—is far more complicated than a straightforward sectarian proxy war, Ahmad says.

"It does nobody justice to simplify [the conflict] within sectarian terms," Ahmad told me by phone from London. She argued that Saudi Arabia has had far more influence in Yemen than Iran has, and bristles at the description of the Houthis as a "Shia militia."

"The Houthis are first and foremost a political group," she explained.

Houthi founder Hussein al-Houthi, whowas killed by the Yemeni government in 2004, mixed Zaidi revivalism with anti-imperialism. Hence the "Death to America / Death to Israel" chant, despite the fact that the Houthis, according to Ahmad, are fundamentally a "local group with local grievances."

So just what terms should we be using to discuss the Houthis—and the dramatic splintering of a country they partially control? An edited and condensed transcript of our conversation follows

Basu: The proxy war: You’re saying that’s a myth, or not?

Ahmad: No, I’m saying it’s part of the whole conversation of the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. One, the role of Iran is vastly overblown when it comes to Yemen. For example: Hamas in Palestine. They have very strong relationships with Iran. It’s not a religious or sect [connection]. They have political alliances. So Iran is quite capable of making alliances with other people that have nothing to do with being Shia. And I would put the Houthis within that paradigm of political alliances with other countries and groups that otherwise have nothing to do with the sect itself, outside Zaidism.

If we’re talking about a proxy war, Saudi Arabia has played a much bigger role when it comes to Yemen than Iran ever [did]. The control, the money, the influence that Saudi Arabia has had for decades over the Yemeni government and the tribes inside Yemen do not compare at all to the impact that is alleged of Iran. Iran does have a relationship with the Houthis, but [it's] not that strong. They can’t pick up the phone and tell the Houthis, “Go do this, go do that.” It’s not that type at all. The Houthis are very much a local group that was borne from local conflict inside Yemen. The outside regional conflict has exacerbated something that was local. But predominantly the Houthis are very much a local group with local grievances. and here a linkt to Ahmad’s documentary, April 7, 2015:

Comment by Judith Brown: An article with a lot of background information about the Houthis and their relationships inside Yemen.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

2.10.2016 – Southern Hirak (* A T P)

"Unity or Death" Assassinating South Yemen Military Personnel

After the assassination of Colonel Ali Muqbil in Mansoura Aden yesterday, even though ISIS in Yemen claimed responsibility, southerners questioned who's really behind the killing. They didn't ask why, but asked when will these assassinations end.
For the people of South Yemen, news of an assassination of military leaders, security officers, political leaders, activists isn't actually news, it's a routine announcement that we have all heard since South and North Yemen united in 1990.

Those assassinations started right after unity.

According to a report by "Sah" Organization for Human Rights, based in Aden which was sent to Abdulattif Al-Zayani, and Nabil Al-Arabi in 2013, 200 southern officers were assassinated in the period between 2006 to 2013 in Sana'a and the southern cities. In each of these assassinations the authorities did not catch a single killer. During the two years of 2012 and 2013, 80 senior southern officers were killed in southern Yemen in mysterious circumstances which the government attributed all to Al-Qaida without doing any investigations.
While southern military personnel and southern leaders were a constant target, during 2012-2013 where 80 southern officers were assassinated, 1 northern officer was killed while the makeup of the Yemeni military is 80% from northern Yemen.
Since Aden and most of the southern Yemen provinces were liberated from Houthi-Saleh forces in July 2015, and as demands for South Yemen independence grow stronger, assassinations of southern leaders and security personnel have been more frequent.

Comment: Hirak = Southern separatists propagating an independent South Yemen.

1.10.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Suicide bomber kills one person, wounds three in Yemeni port city

A suicide bomber blew himself up near a cinema in the Yemeni port city of Aden on Saturday, killing one person and wounding three others, residents and a local official said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombing in Aden's Crater district, which was carried out by an attacker wearing an explosive belt. and more details by AFP:

1.10.2016 – Alalam (A T)

Pictures Show ISIS Assassinate Yemeni Security Officer in Aden

Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, IS and Daesh) releases pictures show assassination Of Colonel Ali Mukbil Saeed in Mansourah, located in southern port of Aden. 12

Comment: Reporting YPR 206, cp6.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

2.10.2016 – Shapban (A P)

several #GCC leaders meet in #Oman tonight with #Houthis amid reports they may declare end to war in #Yemen tonight

2.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A P)

#GCC Delegation and #Houthi members are in Oman holding talks to
- a) implement ceasefire
- b) according to some Arabic media, declare end of war

We want peace. We need peace.

Ali AlAhmed ‏@AliAlAhmed_en 1h1 hour ago
Breaking: Reports that #UAE & #Saudi officials arrived #Oman 2 sign an end #Yemen war with #Yemeni leaders

Comment: What is rumours? I found no other reports. Look at:

2.10.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Not sure what's source of alleged agreement, but there wasn't even one being negotiated let alone signed

There's none as far as I know. Bizarre how many think there's one to be signed tonight.

2.10.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

UN official arrives in Sana’a

The Under-Secretary-General for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Stephen O'Brien arrived on Sunday in Sana’a for a two-day official visit.
In a statement to the media, O’Brien made clear that the visit aims at having a close acquaintance of what is taking place in Yemen.
“I have received many reports on what is taking place in Yemen and I am here for the second time to personally see what is happening and, in my turn, I will report it,” O’Brien said.
He pointed out that the visit will include Sana’a and Hudeida, noting that he will have a press conference at the end of his visit.

2.10.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

U.S. Official: Solution in Yemen Starts with Security before Politics

A high-ranking U.S. official told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that his country agrees it is necessary to reach an immediate cessation of fighting in Yemen, in addition to a comprehensive solution, which should be sequential in its security and political steps.

“There should be actions to remove the armed forces from Sana’a before a new cabinet is formed to take power in the capital,” he said.

The U.S. official, who wished to remain anonymous, denied the presence of a dispute with U.N. Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, asserting that all news reported in this regard was incorrect.

Last week, Yemeni diplomatic sources spoke about a dispute between the U.N. special envoy and the U.S. Department of State concerning the priorities of the peace initiative in Yemen.

However, the comments of the U.S. official cut the road to any speculations in this regard, particularly at a time when Ould Cheikh has already started a regional tour to revive the frozen Yemeni peace talks – by Bader alQahtani and Mohammad Ali Mohsen =

Comment: The US taking for granted that they can determine everything all over the world.

1.10.2016 – Inner City Press (* A P)

On Yemen, Iran Replies to Saudi, Hadi's Stagger at UN Photo Op, Ban's Insiders

On September 23, Inner City Press went up to document Ban Ki-moon's meeting with Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The latter walked slowly in to the room for the ceremonial handshake and book signing. Ban Ki-moon appeared to position Hadi (more than one reader called Hadi puppet). Hadi in turn in term spread out his hands. Photos here andhere. Beyond the Vine video here.

Now on September 28, Iran has replied to Saudi Arabia's letter, we publish the reply here:

Earlier on September 23, Inner City Press asked Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric, UN Transcript here:

Inner City Press: Given that the Secretary-General himself decided to remove the Saudi-led Coalition from the Children and Armed Conflict regarding Yemen, given that this airstrike has killed children and women, what's the status of putting them back on?

Spokesman: Well, they were… as I said, they were not removed. It was a temporary suspension, as you can look on the document. I think we are constantly looking at and reviewing the situation in Yemen, and when we have something to share with you, we will.

We're waiting. It seems clear Ban gave Hadi a copy of his vanity press book. Birds of a feather –by Matthew Russell Lee

1.10.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Adding insult to injury of #HRC33 enabling corrupt commission, #Yemen report due #HRC36 (Sep 2017). Full YEAR later.

Comment: See reporting on HRCs failure in YPR 206, cp1a. Omeisy’s look into the future is depressing…

30.9.2016 – PR news Wire (A P)

Ban Ki-moon Visits the Virtual Future of Riyadh; Shura Council Member: Saudi Women "Will Shatter Existing Stereotypes"

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joined theKingdom of Saudi Arabia's Permanent Representative to the U.N. H.E. Abduallah al-Mouallimi and the Mayor of Riyadh and President of the Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA), H.E. Ibrahim al Sultan, in touring the 'A Day in Riyadh' interactive exhibit at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on Friday. The Secretary General was given a demonstration of the virtual reality tour of Saudi Arabia's capital and also met with Saudi students volunteering at the 'A Day in Riyadh' exhibit, which ran fromSeptember 26-30 inside the U.N.

The event, sponsored by the Arriyadh Development Authority, consisted of a series of workshops showcasing the urban, environmental, transportation, social and economic development of Riyadh, and featuring the exchange of experience and knowledge by experts in their respective fields.

Friday's workshop, the "Development of Civilization and Social Partnerships," showcased a new municipal endeavor to enrich a sense of community and draw residents closer to their mutual heritage.

Comment: The UN as Saudi propaganda stage.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

2.10.2016 – DPA (A P)

Saudi Arabia turns to Gregorian calendar to shore up finances

Saudi Arabia on Sunday shifted to the Gregorian or Western calendar as a basis for paying civil servants as part of an austerity package.

Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, adopted the lunar Islamic calendar when the kingdom was founded in 1932. The Islamic year is around 11 days shorter than the Gregorian year.

The shift to the Gregorian year comes in response to a decision made by the Saudi government earlier this week as part of spending-cut measures.

Comment: This means they are gaining 11 days each year up to the announced fiasco of #Vision 2030. Little tricks to meet a vision

1.10.2016 – The National (* A P)

Saudi Arabia’s new visa regime comes into effect

Saudi Arabia’s increase in visa fees for travellers is expected to earn the country millions of riyals from pilgrims without dampening tourism figures, say travel industry experts.

The country’s new visa regime, which comes into effect on Sunday, does not affect pilgrims for Haj or Umrah travelling to the country for the first time.

But, as part of its effort to diversify non-oil income, subsequent religious visits and business travel will cost 2,000 Saudi riyals (Dh1,957) for a single-entry visa.

Religious tourists were previously exempt from all visa fees – by Sananda Sahoo

Comment: It’s a joke when the Saudi king labels himself as “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques”. He’s just making money with these Holy Mosques. 2.000 Saudi rials = 533 US $. 1.8 million pilgrims this year would make US $ 959 million.

1.10.2016 – The Globalist (* A P)

UAE Vs. Saudi: Fighting for the Soul of Islam

In a battle of the paymasters, the UAE leads frontal assault on Saudi-backed ultra-conservative movements.

A gathering of prominent Sunni Muslim leaders in the Chechen capital of Grozny that appeared to have effectively excommunicated Saudi-backed ultra-conservatism potentially opens not only a theological but also a geopolitical rift in the Muslim world.

The conference, sponsored and attended by some of Saudi Arabia’s closest allies, suggests that Saudi funding of ultra-conservative worldviews may be meeting its match in more liberal interpretations of Islam backed by the United Arab Emirates and Russia.

In a frontal assault on Saudi-backed ultra-conservative movements such as Wahhabism, Salafism and Deobandism, the conference charged that the label Sunni had been hijacked by heretics whose deviant practices distorted Islam.

In defining Sunni Islam, the conference explicitly excluded Wahhabism, the Saudi state’s adopted version of Islam, as well as Salafism and Deobandism from its definition.

The assault is all the more significant given that Saudi Arabia has over the last four decades invested tens of billions of dollars into promoting globally ultra-conservative interpretations of Islam.

Comment by Judith Brown: This is an important and interesting article - please read. The Wahhabi elements associated with The ruling family of Saudi Arabia have been heavily criticised in both Shia AND Sunni IslAmic leaders recently. Here the challenge is linked to the more liberal leaning UAE. b

27.9.2016 – The Independent (* A E P)

Saudi Arabia is showing signs of financial strain as its relationship with the US sours

Workers in the Saudi desert are not only no longer receiving wages, supplies of food and electricity have also been cut

Hundreds of foreign hospital workers in Saudi Arabia, unpaid for seven months, went on strike this week and were blocking a highway in Eastern Province in defiance of the ban on strikes and demonstrations in the Kingdom.

The employees’ anger was deepened by the belief that the same employer who has been holding back their salaries, regularly offers massive fees to attract international singers to perform at his parties.

Things are not well in Saudi Arabia and this week there were two pieces of bad news.

But now cuts are extending to the public sector workers who are Saudi citizens, 70 per cent of whom work for the government. So far the austerity is limited, with lower bonuses and overtime payments´.

There are political dangers in this strategy. In the oil states of the Middle East there is a trade-off between the spectacular wealth of a corrupt and autocratic elite and an extensive patronage system through which much of the rest of the native population plugs into oil revenues. Some $120bn, or half of government spending, went on salaries, wages and allowances in 2015 – by Patrick Cockburn

26.8.2016 – The Globalist (* B P)

Creating Frankenstein: The Saudi Export of Ultra-Conservatism

The Saudi export and global support for religiously driven groups goes far beyond Wahhabism. It is not simply a product of the Faustian bargain that the Al Sauds made with the Wahhabis.

For the Saudi government, support of puritan, intolerant, non-pluralistic and discriminatory forms of ultra-conservatism – primarily Wahhabism, Salafism in its various stripes, as well as Deobandism in South Asia and the South Asian Diaspora – is about soft power.

To create soft power, Saudi Arabia has waged the single largest dedicated public diplomacy campaign in post-World War II history. It is actually bigger than anything that the Soviet Union or the United States attempted.

The campaign is designed to a large extent to counter Iran in what is an existential battle for the Al Sauds, rather than a case of mere religious proselytization.

Saudi Arabia’s focus on ultra-conservatism rather than only Wahhabism or quietist forms of Salafism allowed the kingdom not simply to rely on export of its specific interpretation of Islam, but also to capitalize on existing, long-standing similar worldviews.

In waging its campaign, Saudi Arabia was not alone. It cooperated with governments willing to benefit from Saudi largesse and willing to use religion opportunistically to further their own interests. They cooperated with the kingdom wholeheartedly, but to the ultimate detriment of their own societies.

The net impact of the Saudi campaign is greater intolerance towards ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, increased sectarianism and a pushback against traditional as well as modern cultural expressions.

This is most clearly visible in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mali and Bosnia Herzegovina.

cp9 USA

Siehe cp1 / See cp1

1.10.2016 – Al Ahed (* A P)

The US-Saudi Schism

Today the US finds itself in an imperial post-democratic phase, striving to establish a global hegemony, led and governed only by the world's super rich.

This phase of the globalization project requires the transformation of both the US and the world as a whole.

The 9/11 attacks represent the cornerstone in America's transformation from a classical republic into a corporate empire. The country's neocons, which aggressively seek the destruction of ‘unfriendly' states, play a major role in this transformation with the help of global capital - and most importantly, the banking system.

This aggressive and conflicting ideology, which is tearing down state institutions, creating millions of refugees and destroying the middle class, has also produced a backlash, giving rise to politicians who have scored big using the ‘anti-establishment' and ‘nationalist' rhetoric.

Even the current US presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, represent the two opposing sides of this political spectrum.

The neocon agenda has essentially created a permanent schism between the ‘globalist' and ‘conservative' factions in the US, before spilling over and dividing the entire global ‘elite'.

The globalists, who enjoy much broader support from lobbies and foreign governments, including the Saudi monarchy, are using the US as a vessel for attaining global domination. Meanwhile the conservatives/nationalists want to use America's global exploits as a vessel for "making America great again".

The aspirations of the conservative camp should not be confused with an interest in abandoning Washington's interventionist policies. That said, however, their ‘nationalist' character views the Persian Gulf elites as a destabilizing force, while governments like Tehran, Moscow and Beijing are considered as actors that could potentially help secure US national interests in some parts of the world.

JASTA exemplifies this schism, which is certain to feature prominently in global politics for decades to come – by Darko Lazar

30.9.2016 – Huffington Post (* A B P)

The end of a love affair? America wants answers from Wahhabist Saudi Arabia

However strong and independent you may think the US to be, America cannot exist without the cooperation of other powers. There is a great degree of co-dependency involved when it comes to foreign relations.

Since 1979, when Iran left Washington’s gravitational pull, Saudi Arabia became a key strategic ally: not just for the oil and gas its wells promised, but for its geography. With Riyadh neatly tucked away in its pocket, the US had not only de facto control over the Greater Middle East, but an opening onto both Asia and Africa.

If Washington and Riyadh made sense on paper for a very long time … so much sense in fact that US officials have been willing to brush Saudi Arabia’s appalling human rights practices, and genocidal streak, moving realities and shifting dynamics meant such friendship had to be reassessed.

A bloody, violent, reactionary theocracy, Saudi Arabia stands the very antithesis of American values.

What you have learnt to call Islamic radicalism is in fact Wahhabism. For well over a decade you have hated, and feared, the very powers Washington and many other Western capitals have called “friends.” Obviously the penny had to drop at some point.

Saudi Arabia was always a ticking bomb … one look at Yemen should tell you just how vicious and inhumane Riyadh can be when brushed the wrong way.

Let’s not pretend that Riyadh was ever a worthy partner … not against Terror, not ever.

Allow me for a second to deviate from the matters at hand and tell you a bit more Saudi Arabia and the regime it houses.

Since its inception the kingdom has committed atrocities so grave, and so absolutely unforgivable, that full knowledge would terrify you. I would go as far as argue that Saudi Arabia stands the greatest tyrant of our age – by Catherine Shakdam

30.9.2016 – Lobelog (* B P)

America’s Outdated Special Relationship with Saudi Arabia

Like other longstanding American relationships in the Middle East, the ties between Washington and Riyadh have nothing to do with human rights or democracy. The alliance rests mostly on two key factors: natural resources and regional stability.

First, in addition to being the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the House of Saud is the custodian of a singular holy resource: oil.

Second, in the Cold-War era, maintaining a balance of power between Western allies such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, and Soviet allies such as Iran and Syria, was central to US policy in the region.

Further, although Saudi Arabia has no formal relations with Israel, unlike Egypt after the Camp David Accords, the Saudis have never used state force against Israel, making the kingdom more palatable to Washington.

Barack Obama’s administration has departed from the policies of its predecessors in being willing to equivocate in its dealings with Saudi Arabia. Obama has shown contempt toward the diplomatic assumption that he and the Saudis will present a common foreign policy in the region. The most dramatic example of this new approach was the signing of the Iran nuclear deal

Saudi Arabia has done much to warrant Obama’s hesitation. Since the passing of King Abdullah in 2015, King Salman and Minister of Defense Mohammed bin Salman have intensified the simmering regional rivalry with Iran.

n the past two weeks, Congress has adopted a contradictory posture toward Saudi Arabia.

In the post-Cold War world, the interests of Riyadh and Washington have increasingly diverged in the region. Obama is a pivotal figure. His term straddled the Arab Spring and the negotiations to end Iran’s nuclear program. The next administration must operate in a post-Arab Spring, post-Iran nuclear deal Middle East. If context, and not ideology, justified American ties with Saudi Arabia, new rationales must be found in this new regional context.

The first justification for the Washington-Riyadh relationship, the politics of oil, will undoubtedly remain an important factor for years to come.

The second justification, maintaining regional stability, is now an illusion. A nation or a region is politically “stable” when it is unlikely to change. In the context of the Cold War, where Western-approved dictators ruled largely docile publics, maintaining the status quo meant policy predictability. However, in the modern Middle East where Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, and Yemen have no effective centralized government that can control the entire state territory, maintaining the status quo means prolonged violence and a proliferation of failed states.

If the next administration continues to free US Middle East policy from its Saudi-centric, Cold-War-era thinking, Washington will find that it has more flexibility in making a strategic approach to Iran, advancing human rights in the region, and effectively countering political and religious extremism, whether Sunni, Shia, or any other variety – by Ryan Suto

30.9.2016 – New York Times (** A P)

Angered by 9/11 Victims Law, Saudis Rethink U.S. Alliance

Throughout President Obama’s time in the White House, Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Persian Gulf have watched with dismay as the kingdom’s decades-old alliance with the United States seemed to be slipping.

Then came the overwhelming congressional support for Jasta, or the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which will allow relatives of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for any suspected role in the plot.

That was all the proof many Saudis needed that the alliance that has underpinned the regional order for decades was fraying — perhaps irreparably.

“Jasta is a wake up call for the Saudis, that it is time to revisit the concept of the alliance with the United States,” said Khalid al-Dakhil, a Saudi political sociologist and writer.

Saudis responded to the passage of the bill, after both houses of Congress voted on Wednesday to override Mr. Obama’s veto, with a mix of anger and disappointment, while many have already begun thinking about how their country will need to adjust.

The Sept. 11 law has left many analysts questioning the alliance’s future.

“The countries still need each other, but it does increasingly look like a marriage that is past its sell-by date,” said Michael Stephens, the head of the Royal United Services Institute Qatar. “Both sides are questioning the utility of being hitched together.” – by Ben Hubbard and on this subject also (subscribers only)

30.9.2016 – Antiwar (* A T)

JASTA Passes: Here Are the Implications

JASTA is likely to have several important effects. Here’s a brief rundown:

A Chance for Justice

As a simple matter of justice, JASTA is a very positive development. Until now, there’s been a lot of violent retribution in response to the 9/11 attacks, but the vast majority of it was directed at unsavory people and governments that had little or no connection to the attacks themselves. Thus, real justice has remained elusive.

New Evidence Could Jeopardize the Saudi Alliance

The discovery procedure involved in the 9/11 lawsuits may reveal new information that has previously been withheld. If this information further confirms suspicions of Saudi complicity in the attacks, it may have negative implications for the US-Saudi alliance. And given that the Saudi government is currently engaged in an aggressive war against neighboring Yemen, with US support, an end to the alliance would be a positive development for peace.

Economic Uncertainty for US and Saudi

Naturally, the Saudi government has opposed any measures that aim to shine a brighter light on Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks. One tactic used by the Saudis was a threat to sell off billions in US government debt.

Unfortunately for Saudi Arabia, liquidating their US assets is a double-edged sword.

Accountability for US Crimes?

One of the most popular arguments against passing JASTA was that it would subject US personnel to lawsuits as well. However, this argument conveniently omits the fact that the bill only lifts sovereign immunity in the case of terrorism. – by Eric Schuler

2.10.2016 – Shapban (A P)

dozens of #US retired #Congressmen, retired security officials, lawyers flock to #Saudi to offer services against #JASTA

Class Action Lawyers firm in the #US urges #Americans to contact it to file lawsuits against #Saudi govt, #Saudi princes & #GCC Sheiks

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

2.10.2016 – Daily record (* B P)

Fury as MPs wined and dined by Fife-based US arms firm linked to war crimes in Yemen

A US arms firm in Fife linked to war crimes in Yemen have enjoyed at least 57 private meetings with the UK Government.

Raytheon have wined and dined MPs and even treated a minister at the MoD to a Burns supper with haggis, neeps and whisky.

The multinational also met privately with Chancellor Philip Hammond when he was foreign secretary after claims of war crimes in Yemen emerged.

The scale of Raytheon’s lobbying has been revealed by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) as UK ministers continue to refuse to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

Raytheon produce Paveway IV smart bombs at their factory in Glenrothes, which have been supplied to Saudi Arabia and used in Yemen’s war.

Raytheon met with Hammond last September before he was appointed as as Chancellor.

While foreign secretary, he refused to suspend arms sales to the Saudis despite pleas by groups such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Save the Children.

During 26 of the 57 meetings Raytheon had with the Government, officials from the Defence and Security Organisation – who promote arms exports – were present. A Government spokesperson said: “Defence ministers meet with defence-related companies for a range of reasons, from equipment procurement to encouraging them to support our veterans and reservists in terms of employment.” – by Billy Briggs

Comment by Judith Brown: This is how it happens - how British ministers are swayed to support arms companies that sell weapons to regimes that are destroying Yemen and conducting war crimes en masse. I hope they felt sick.

30.9.2016 – British government (* A P)

Baroness Anelay closing statement on the 33rd Human Rights Council

Baroness Anelay welcomes conclusions of UN Human Rights Council.

I remain deeply concerned about the plight of civilians in Syria subjected to abuses and violations perpetrated by Daesh and the regime. The Asad regime and its supporters, including Russia, must end their indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas and infrastructure.

The human rights situation in Yemen - including the continued use of child soldiers - remains of deep concern. The conflict has further impeded the capacity of the legitimate Yemeni authority and civil society to protect human rights. I am concerned about attacks on protesters and journalists, and arbitrary detentions. We continue to raise with the Government of Yemen, the Houthis and the Coalition the importance of respect for human rights law. I hope the adoption of the resolution on Yemen, by the consensus of the Council, will help the situation on the ground.

The Human Rights Council has yet again demonstrated why we must work together to uphold universal rights. For the UK, membership of the Council is a privilege and comes with a responsibility to act, to acknowledge what has happened in the past, to address the worst crises of our time, and to strengthen protections for the future.

Comment: See the difference, whether it’s Syria or Yemen. Human rights are not universal but depend on the own economic and geopolitical interests. This statement thus is a monument of hypocrisy and double standards. And the last paragraph is a bad joke anyway.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well I can hardly believe it. The situation in Yemen glossed over by our disgusting government. I am shocked.

Comment by Iona Craig: Illustrating the total moral capitulation of British govt. to Saudi over Yemen and double standards on Syria

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

1.10.2016 – Fars News (A P)

Bahrain Police Teargas Muslims in Manama

Bahraini police attacked Shia citizens draping walls in the capital, Manama, with black cloths as part of mourning ceremonies for the Muslim month of Muharram.

The security forces attacked the citizens with teargas canisters and sound bombs, removing all the cloths, Bahrain Mirror electronic newspaper reported.

Protesting the move, people took to the streets in the villages of al-Malikiyeh and Sanabis on the city’s outskirts.

The report said many suffered breathing complications following the attack.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / See cp1

1.10.2016 – Pars Today (* B K)

Statista: Osteuropa verkauft Waffen an Unterstützer von Terroristen im Nahen Osten

Acht osteuropäische Länder haben seit 2012 Waffen in Höhe von mehr als 1.2 Mrd. Euro an Staaten, die Terroristen im Nahen Osten unterstützen, verkauft.

Die Ergebnisse eines Berichtes, die heute im Statistikportal Statista, von Nick McCarthy veröffentlicht wurden, zeigen, dass Saudi-Arabien auf dem ersten und die Türkei auf dem letzten Platz der Waffenkäufer von diesen acht osteuropäischen Ländern stehen.

McCarthy zufolge sind die Staaten, die als Versorger von Waffen und Ausrüstung für terroristische Gruppen in Syrien und Jemen bekannt sind, Käufer dieser Waffen.

Kroatien, die tschechische Republik, Serbien, Slowakei, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Bosnien-Herzegowina und Montenegro haben von 2012 bis Juli 2016 Waffen in Höhe von insgesamt 1.2 Mrd. Euro an Saudi-Arabien, Jordanien, die Vereinten arabischen Emirate und Türkei verkauft.

Kroatien, die tschechische Republik und die Slowakei sind NATO-Staaten.

Diesem Bericht zufolge steht Saudi-Arabien mit dem Kauf von Waffen im Wert von 829 Millionen Euro auf dem ersten und die Türkei mit dem Kauf von 87 Millionen Euro auf dem letzten Platz.

23.9.2016 – Statista (* A K)

Eastern Europe Is Pumping Arms Into The Middle East

An investigation has found that countries in Eastern Europe have discreetly approved the sale of weapons worth over €1 billion to countries in the Middle East. Those countries are in turn known to ship weapons to war-ravagedSyria and Yemen. The hardware includes shells, anti-tank missiles, machine guns and thousands of Kalashnikov-style assault rifles.

The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) conducted the investigation, finding evidence pointing towards the systematic diversion of weapons to armed groups accused of committing serious human rights violations. The following infographic illustrates the scale of Eastern Europe's booming arms trade. Read the entire investigative report here.

This chart shows arms exports from Central & Eastern Europe to the Middle East since 2012 – by Niall McCarthy and full report (July 16, 2016) here:

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

2.10.2016 – WAM (A K)

Sudanese CoS inspects Arab Coalition's joint Emirati-Sudanese force

General Imad Eldin Mustafa Adawu, Chief of Staff of Sudan's Armed Forces, arrived in Sudan to inspect the joint Emirati-Sudanese force taking part in the Saudi-led Arab Coalition to support the legitimate government of Yemen.

General Adawi, who was accompanied by a number of Emirati and Sudanese commanders, renewed his country's commitment to support Yemen and to work with Arab Coalition forces to restore peace, security and stability in Yemen.

He also praised the UAE's role in the humanitarian, development and re-construction efforts in Yemen, and thanked the UAE Armed Forces for the facilities provided to the visiting Sudanese delegation.

Comment: Mercenaries is the right term. And also the Sudanese “praise” their Gulf paymasters, as the Hadi government always does. And the Sudanese even praises them on behalf of Yemen! Crazy.

cp13c Zentralbank / Central Bank

2.10.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A E P)

Central Banks…History of “Political Economy” in Yemen

Monasser al-Quaiti, governor of the Yemeni Central Bank, had enough courage to impose himself as the leader of the “political economy” in his country, and win his first challenges by moving the bank’s headquarters from Sana’a- a step no Yemeni policymaker has ever dared to make over the past 26 years.

During an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Quaiti revealed the second challenge and said: “When we officially corresponded with the United States concerning Ibrahim Al-Nahari, sub governor Of Foreign Operations Sector, we informed them on his anti-governmental activities and the misleading of financial institutions, and we renounced him.”

According to the governor, Nahari was preparing data to confuse the International Community. He also partook in the first Houthi delegation that visited Tehran, where he spent two weeks. Quaiti wondered what kind of independence does accompanying an insurgency delegation to Iran show!

During his interview, the new governor has asserted that his priorities include providing additional cash money, returning people’s trust in the bank, and recovering the monetary cycle so it resumes its normal rates.

He considered that to secure the safety of the bank’s performance, the main missions and commitments of the bank should focus on combating terrorism funding, money laundering, updating payment systems and encouraging banking institutions.

Quaiti said that he is keen to find solutions to pave the road to implement decisions of the Yemeni President in recomposing the Central Bank’s board and appointing a new governor and deputy governor, and moving its headquarters to Aden – by Badr Al-Qahtani

Comment: The Central Bank (the Aden central Bank) now is becoming an object of propaganda. – What really Al-Nahari should have done, stays unclear. – A bad joke: Objecting Al-Nahari that he had been at Tehran: “. Quaiti wondered what kind of independence does accompanying an insurgency delegation to Iran show!” – telling this from Riyadh!!!! – “priorities include providing additional cash money”: remember that the Hadi government had rejected the former (or now Sanaa) Central Banks governor to have new banknotes printed in Russia, telling the propaganda story that this printing of new banknotes would have been a bad Houthi plot to loot the Bank.

2.10.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (* A E P)

Power Supply Projects Kickoff Anticipated after Relocating Yemen’s Central Bank

Yemen’s government led by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi confirmed on Saturday that the power shortage, caused by war, will be effectively addressed. President Hadi ordered the release of supportive Gulf grants, estimated to amount to $210 million, which were frozen due to militants running over the nation’s central bank.

Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr was officially appointed by Hadi to overlook the disbursed funds and direct their flow into the national power sector.

In an emergency meeting held in Aden city, Yemen’s temporary capital, Hadi ordered that a Kuwait-sponsored $115 million grant be invested in a project set forth to serve the city’s electricity feed. Financing transport and other civil projects, other Gulf grants were also discharged.

The government approved the project on constructing a diesel-fueled local power station in Aden that will be supplying eastern provinces with an estimated 150 megawatts at a $172 million cost.

A $29 million and $700,000 have been released by the government for the renovation of Al-Heswa power station– post renewal, the station is expected to provide an additional 80 megawatts, raising production capacity from 60 to 140 megawatts in total.

Deputy Minister of Electricity Mubarak al-Tamimi said that the Al-Heswa’s renovation will be completed over the course of two years – by Mohamed Ali Mohsen

Comment by Judith Brown: Well we shall see. The power in northern Yemen as well Mr Hadi?

Comment: The light side of the news. GCC propaganda promising, literally, light

1.10.2016 – Almasirah TV

Film: 60 million R. paid to Central Bank, Sanaa

Comment: That’s just paper.

cp15 Propaganda

2.10.2016 – The National Interest (A P)

Why Saudi Efforts in Yemen Advance U.S. Interests

Four congressmen recently sponsored a bill on blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia, worth $1.15 billion and expected to generate over eleven thousand American jobs. They justified the bill by citing the conflict in Yemen—the worsening humanitarian situation as well as the harm to American national security.

I will argue here for three points. First, Saudi Arabia is not given enough credit for its commitment to the protection of civilians as well as for the humanitarian aid it provides to Yemen. Second, the bill neglects the strategic context that dictated the formation of the Arab coalition under Riyadh’s leadership and its intervention in Yemen. Third, it is of fundamental importance to American national security that Yemen has a strong central government and a stable as well as a functioning state structure. These are the objectives of the Arab coalition in Yemen.

Although it is important to call on the Saudis to respect humanitarian standards, Saudi Arabia is in fact making serious efforts to reduce civilian casualties and provide aid to Yemen. The U.S. military can attest to this given that it has a front seat in the command center of the Arab coalition forces in Riyadh. One major reason for the slow advance of Yemeni government’s forces is that the Arab coalition wants to avoid civilian casualties. That is why many operations against Iran-backed Houthi militia and Saleh forces have not been carried out.

Blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia will put the territorial integrity of the Arab world, its security, and the stability of the region in jeopardy. The current balance maintained by Riyadh and its allies will be in a grave danger, and with it American security and interests. – by Mansour Almarzoqi, researcher on Saudi politics in Sciences Po de Lyon

Comment: Long article, really is odd Saudi propaganda.

30.9.2016 – Fuad Rajeh (A T)

These days, you read US drones killing Qaeda militants in Yemen. All reports lie! Child below was killed by drone in Baidha city 2 weeks ago (photos)

Comment: Question: Who are the terrorist, those drowned or those drowning???

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

2.–3.10.2016 – Tweets Sanaa at night (A K)

The capital Sanaa now is under heavy bombing due to rockets being fired by Saudi jets.

Two huge explosions rocking the northern areas of the capital Sanaa n less than2 minutes,as Saudi jets continue flying over the coty.

The third explosion rocks the capital now following intense Saudi jets flying over the sky of the capital.

Since my first tweet tonight I just counted 6 sorties hitting the capital Sanaa in almost 12 minutes,as Saudi jets continue flying.

The seventh huge explosion rocks the capital Sanaa now due to Saudi bobardment on the city tonight.

3.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

2.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Civilian targets hit in fresh Saudi airstrikes in Yemen

Saudi warplanes have carried out a series of fresh airstrikes against residential areas across Yemen, leaving a number of people dead and causing more material damage in the impoverished Arab country.

Two fishermen lost their lives and more than 10 others suffered injuries on Sunday morning, when Saudi fighter jets struck an area in the Red City of Mokha, situated 346 kilometers south of the capital, Sana'a, Arabic-language al-Masirah television network reported.

Saudi military aircraft also bombarded an area in the city of Sirwah, which lies about 120 kilometers east of the capital, as well as Nihm district in the capital province of Sana’a, but there were no immediate reports on possible casualties and extent of damage.

Comment: There have been killed more fishermen.

2.10.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K)

10Yemeni fishermen Killed now By US-backed Saudi war criminals bombing their boats N Mokha south west where UAE military vessel destroyed Sat and photos (graphic): and film:

2.10.2016 – Khabar Agency (A K PH)

11 #Yemen-i fishermen killed including 7 Eritreans by #Saudi-led airstrikes in Wahejjah of Mocha #Taiz

and what Saudi propaganda tells about that:

2.10.2016 – Tweets Sanaa in the night / in the morning / during the day (A K)

The MOST bombed 'anything', period. 5 airstrikes at 2:40AM. 7:45AM now. Good morning from Faj Attan, Sana'a.

explosions now in #Yemen's capital as #Saudi warplanes start bombing the city. It's 10:42 am

massive blast in #Yemen's capital now. 10:53 am.

#Sanaa BOMBARDED: 17 Saudi airstrikes heart of #Yemen capital since midnight in one of scariest nights during 18 month war

1.10.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

Arab Coalition Continues Air Campaign, Houthi Chief Commander Killed in Taiz

The air campaign carried out by the Saudi-led Arab coalition continued zeroing in on coup militants located in Yemen’s Taiz.

Top Houthi commander Abu Nasr Alkhawlany along with eight of his companions had been reportedly killed by a recent coalition-staged raid on the coup’s pit in Alrawd village, located west of Taiz on Friday.

Arab coalition airstrikes mostly targeted reinforcement fighters and artillery warehouses belonging to Houthis and allied coup militias. Over ten militants were reportedly killed on Friday.

The operation in Taiz -Yemen’s third largest city- had cost grave losses among the ranks of the insurgency.

Howitzer ammunition, in addition to self-propelled anti-aircraft weapons found in Houthi depositories, were destroyed, eyewitnesses told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

Comment: “Legal center” tells nothing of this air raid, see below:

1.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damages (full list):

1.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage raids on Hamedan, Sanhan

Saudi aggression fighter jets waged late on Friday night four air raids on Hamedan and Sanhan districts of Sanaa province, a Security official said.
The raids targeted communications network in Alhaory region in Hamedan district, he said.
Two other raids targeted telecom towers in Massoud area in Sanhan district, the official added. No casualties were reported.

U.S.-Saudi warplanes launch raids on capital

U.S.-Saudi aggression's warplanes waged three raids against the capital Sanaa late on Friday night, an official said.
The strikes targeted al-Nahdain area south of the capital, causing large damage to citizens' houses, public and private properties, the official said.
The official added that the fighter jets continued flying intensely over the capital as they broke the sound barrier.

Saudi warplanes continue striking capital Sanaa

Saudi aggression's warplanes continued on Saturday morning striking the capital Sanaa, an official told Saba.
The strikes targeted Aser area west of the capital, on the road linking Sanaa with the province of Hodeidah.
The violent air attacks caused huge damage to citizens' houses and farmlands, the official added.

Aggression warplanes launch 20 strikes on Sanaa in 24 hours

caused bad damage to residential houses, private and public properties, as well as farms

Saudi war jets kill two citizens in Capital

Two citizens were killed on Saturday in Saudi raids on Attan area in the Capital Sana'a, a local official said.
The official added the Saudi war jets targeted Yemeni Economic Corporation's warehouses.
Around nine people were also injured in the raids

this is

coalition air raid at bus in 60. Street, one killed, several injured:

Photos: and

1.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes strike Yemen, 4 killed

Saudi warplanes pounded Jabal al-Atan district of the capital Sana'a on Saturday, Yemen’s official Saba News Agency reported. Two people were killed in the strike.

Saudi jets also carried out at least two airstrikes against a local outdoor market in Nehm district, northeast of the capital.

Additionally, Saudi warplanes bombarded al-Zaher district in the northwestern province of Sa'ada. Two people were killed in the bombardment.

Warplanes also pounded Ham area in Matun district of the northern province of Jawf.

1.10.2016 – Saudi air raids at Sanaa during daytime (A K)

It is 2:09 AM in Sanaa I think ppl in this time are sleeping but here in #Yemen they cant sleep due 2 Saudi jets that flying over ther heads

Additional 2 huge explosions in #Sanaa
Saudis have gone mad. Targeted Faj Attan mountain several times and the madness does not end.
First day of school in #Yemen. Kids cannot even seek parents' comfort. Heavy toll on the teachers.

6:45 AM. Intense Saudi airstrikes on Sana'a now (photo)

Saudi knows today is first day of school year. Bombing now is just wake up call for thousands of students to get ready for school.

I don't think I'm gonna send my kids today 2 the school, even if it's the 1st day, not gonna do it, million nooooo !

huge explosion now in Sanaa, #Yemen as #Saudi warplanes continue bombing the city. It's: 10:37AM

another massive explosion in Sanaa, #Yemen. Too close to where I reside.

another huge explosion now in Sanaa, #Yemen. #Saudi warplanes are on a frenzy this morning. It's 10:45 am

damn .. another massive explosion rocks #Yemen's capital now. It's: 10:49 am. what's wrong with the #Saudi Bedouins?

the #Saudi Bedouins are targeting my area. Children in the neighborhood are frightened and screaming.

man .. this is the sound of a nuke!?? what's the hell is going on? massive explosion now in Sanaa, #Yemen. It's 10:52 am

the previous explosion resembled the sound of a neutron bomb.

damn .. huge huge explosion now in #Yemen's capital. It's: 10:59 am

I am going out to check. those explosions are not typical. either new types of bombs are being used or something.

Firs day at school. Children at schools so scared. Huge explosions are heard. Saudi jets bombing every where inside the city of Sana'a

Finally, I got my kids out of their school which are located very close to the Attan mount after series of tense airstrikes

Morning in my country Sanaa (photo)

Operation Psychological Warfare on Children taking place in #Yemen capital #Sanaa now as #Saudi drops many bombs on 1st day of school.

I just rcvd a call from school asking to come and take my kids home. They r being kept in school's basement right now. Driver on the way

Very very huge explosions, #Saudi jets bombing #Sanaa 4last 5 hours, at least 10 heavy airstrikes over civilians areas!!

Films: and

Photos: Saudi

1.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damages (full list):

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

2.10.2016 – Tasnin News (A K PH)

Yemeni Army Warns of Attacks on Any Aggressor

The Yemeni Army announced that its troops are fully prepared to respond to any acts of aggression against the Arabian Peninsula country and destroy hostile targets by ballistic missiles.

Missiles are ready and will remain ready to fire, Yemen’s Army Spokesman Sharaf Luqman said on Saturday, according to Yemen's al-Masirah news website.

“Any military target that arrives in our territorial waters, will be destroyed undoubtedly,” the commander noted.

He further dismissed as “a lie” the United Arab Emirates’ claim that the Yemeni forces have attacked a UAE civilian vessel recently, saying that according to Yemen’s detailed information, it was a military vessel and the Emiratis are trying to mislead public opinion.

1.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army launches missiles on Saudi mercenaries in Serwah

The army and popular committees' missile force fired Katyusha rockets overnight at reinforcements of aggression mercenaries in Kovel Camp and Rabiah area in Serwah district of Marib province, a military official told Saba on Saturday.
The official said that the rockets hit their targets accurately, killing and injuring hundreds.

Aggression mercenaries killed in Lahj

A number of mercenaries of the Saudi-American aggression were killed Friday in Karish area in Lahj governorate.
A military source told Saba that the heroes of the army and popular committees foiled an attempt by the mercenaries to advance in Karish area, killing tens of them and destroyed two tanks and an armored vehicle.
The source affirmed that a number of mercenaries were also killed in Kahboub area in Lahj and destroyed one of their vehicle.

Missile, artillery forces demolish Saudi locations in Jizan, Assir

The missile and artillery forces of the army and popular committees destroyed a number of Saudi locations in Jizan and Assir causing human and material losses.
In a statement to Saba, a military source said that the missile force targeted a grouping of the Saudi army using Al-Sarkha Rocket 3, locally made, in Al-Madrasah village in Al-Khoubah in Jizan.
The missile force also launched Al-Sarkha Rocket 3 against groupings of the Saudi army in Al-Rahah village in Jizan, the source said, affirming that the rocket hit its target directly.
It also noted that artillery support units of the army and popular committees targeted Al-Soudah, Al-Karas, Al-Ayn Al-Harah, Al-Shabaka and Al-Muntazah military locations in Jizan.
The source made clear that the missile forces of the army and popular committees demolished Al-Mousim Camp and Defense Center in the Saudi Al-Mousim area, while the artillery forces targeted the Saudi Al-Dukhan military location.
In Assir, the missile forces launched Katusha rockets against the Border Guards Command in Thahran Al-Janoub.

Missile forces demolish Saudi military locations

The missile and artillery forces of the army and popular forces destroyed a number of Saudi military locations in Najran and Jizan provinces on Saturday, a military source said.
The forces fired Katyusha rockets at a grouping of the Saudi army in Tnsab site in Najran.
The shelling also targeted other groupings of the Saudi army in al-Ain camp, al- Karn and al-Gars sites in Jizan, the source said, affirming that the rocket hit its targets directly.
They hit Almzebrat, Alsudanh sites and al-Mahatta Saudi military camp in Jizan, the source told Saba.

Comment: Exaggeration seems to be included.

1.10.2016 – Pakistan Point (A K PS)

10 Rebels Killed In Air Strike In Yemen

10 Houthi rebels including a militia leader have been killed in an air strike of coalition warplanes in Burkan region of Yemen. The government forces have also claimed to have made some advances in Taiz province killing about 20 militia members allied to the Houthis and deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Meanwhile, 2 Al Qaeda members have also been killed in a US drone strike in Bayda province.

1.10.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Saudis Fail to Win Control of Wadi al-Rabia, Yemenis Attack Hadi Supporters in Shabwah

A commander of the Yemeni revolutionary committees (popular forces) said that the Saudi forces' attempts to enter Southern Wadi al-Rabia in Ma'reb have failed, and added that the Yemeni forces have launched missile attacks on the allies of fugitive President Mansour Hadi in Shabwah.

"The Saudi mercenaries sought to enter regions in the Southern parts of Wadi al-Rabia but their attempts were thwarted by the army and popular committees," Ali al-Houthi told FNA on Saturday.

He also said that the Yemeni army launched missile attacks against a military base of Mansour Hadi supporters in Assilan town of Shabwah province.

Comment: “Yemenis Attack Hadi Supporters “: Yemenis here: Houthi / Saleh fighters; Yemenis are both sides.

And contrast:

1.10.2016 – Gulf News (A K PS)

Yemen forces eye Sana’a after strategic victory

Liberation of Al Houthi-bastion in Jawf will bring Yemen army closer to absolute victory

Yemen government army troops backed by allied tribesmen have gained control of the district of Ghayel, Al Houthis major bastion in the northern province of Jawf after a swift morning assault, local army commanders and media reports said.

Supported by the Saudi-led coalition fighter jets, the army mounted a sudden morning attack on the last Al Houthi-held positions in the district, killing and capturing at least a dozen rebel fighters.

Unlike other fronts where Iran-backed Al Houthis put up stiff resistance, government forces in Jawf have made major territorial gains since December last year when they took control of Hazem city, the province’s capital and some neighbouring cities.

The liberation of Ghayel enables thousands of displaced people to return to their homes in the province.

By expelling Al Houthis and forces allied to Yemen’s ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, the army effectively cut off arms supplies to the rebel forces and lay siege on Saada, their stronghold.

Officials also say that by liberating Jawf, government forces can cross into Sana’a from the north.

Comment: That’s over a year now they are just jumping to occupy Sanaa – if we would follow propaganda.

cp17a Huthis versenken Schiff / Houthis sink ship

1.10.2016 – AFP (A K)

Rebellen im Jemen melden Angriff auf Kriegsschiff aus den Emiraten

Die jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen haben nach eigenen Angaben am Samstag ein Kriegsschiff aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten mit Raketen angegriffen und vollkommen zerstört. und Fotos und und

1.10.2016 – Reuters (A K)

UAE military vessel damaged in "incident" off coast of Yemen

A United Arab Emirates military vessel was damaged in a strategic Red Sea shipping lane off the coast of Yemen on Saturday but there were no injuries to its crew, the UAE military said.

"General Command of the Armed Forces said one of its leased vessels suffered an incident in the Bab al-Mandab strait this morning during a return trip from a mission in Aden. No injures were caused," UAE state news agency WAM said in a statement.

The armed forces are investigating the cause of the incident, it added.

In a statement on Saturday the Houthis said their forces had destroyed a UAE military vessel that was advancing toward the Red Sea port of Al-Mokha.

"Armed forces destroyed with a missile a military vessel belonging to the forces of the UAE," a military official was quoted as saying by the Saba Yemeni news agency, which has been run by the dominant Houthi movement since it seized Sanaa last year.

1.10.2016 – AFP (A K)

Yemen rebels claim attack on UAE military vessel

Yemeni rebels claimed on Saturday that they hit a vessel operated by the Emirati military, which is part of a Saudi-led coalition fighting in support of Yemen's government.

The UAE military said a boat under its command was involved in an "incident" in the Bab al-Mandab strait. It said there were no casualties.

"Rockets targeted an Emirati warship as it approached the coast of Mokha" on the Red Sea, the Iran-backed Huthi rebels said in a statement on their website.

"It was completely destroyed," they said.

In a statement published by the official WAM news agency, the Emirati military said the boat was on a routine trip from Aden, further south, and that an investigation has begun.

It said the boat had been hired, but did not provide more details or say if the vessel was damaged.

1.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Yemeni forces destroy Emirati military vessel: al-Masirah

Yemeni forces have targeted and destroyed an Emirati military vessel in a rocket attack near the Red Sea port city of Mokha, al-Masirah TV says.

A military source said Ansarullah fighters and allied army forces launched rockets at an HSV-2 Swift hybrid catamaran operated by the Emirati navy off the shores of the Red Sea port city of Mokha early on Saturday, al-Masirah television reported.

The catamaran was reportedly a high-speed logistical ship capable of locating mines, controlling military operations and transporting troops and equipment. The vessel formerly belonged to the US navy, al-Masirah said.

1.10.2016 – Alwaght (A K PH)

The warship was reportedly a high-speed logistical ship capable of locating mines, controlling military operations and transporting troops and equipment. Owned by the naval force of the United Arab Emirates, the war vessel formerly belonged to the US navy, al-Masirah said.

1.10.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Saudi-led forces rescue passengers from vessel off Yemen: SPA

A Saudi-led force in Yemen said it rescued passengers on Saturday from a vessel being used by the United Arab Emirates military that was attacked by Houthi fighters in a strategic Red Sea shipping lane.

"The coalition rescued civilians from a vessel targeted by Houthi militias ... that was transferring medical aid to the city of Aden and evacuating wounded civilians for treatment," the coalition said in a statement on Saudi state news agency SPA. and by SPA: and by National UAE:

1.10.2016 – Al Arabiya (A K PS)

Houthis target UAE ship carrying aid

Saudi-led Arab Coalition have dubbed attack by Yemeni militias on a UAE ship carrying aid Saturday in the Bab al-Mandab strait as a “dangerous indication.”

The coalition said civilians onboard the ship were rescued.

Comment: Nice propaganda. Why, see below at Almasdar.

Comment by Al Thani: We strongly condemn the attack on #UAE's civil ship carrying humanitarian aid to #Yemen. This crime should not pass w/o accountability.

Comment by Jamila Hanan: Accountability you say? Humanitarian? Hey why don't you go drop some more bombs on HOMES in revenge for the WARSHIP they blew up

More comments by Jamila Hanan:

Do you remember the accountability for the Indian sailors the coalition blown up delivering supplies to #Yemen? Neither do I.

Next time the Coalition want to send a humanitarian boat to #Yemen best labelling it clearly, like the #MSF hospital that they blew up.

When Coalition bomb a school of boys age 12 and under it's a 'militant training camp'. When Houthis bomb a warship it's a humanitarian boat!

Coalition should get their spin straight. Was their WARSHP evacuating the injured, or was it delivering humanitarian supplies? #Confused

1.10.2016 – Saudi Press Agency (A K PS)

Command of Coalition Forces Supporting Legitimacy, in Yemen, Save Civilian Passengers Targeted by Houthi Militias, aboard Emirates' Vessel (SWIFT)

The Command of Coalition Forces Supporting Legitimacy, in Yemen, announced that it has, in this morning, at exactly 1230 embarked on a rescue operation for the civilian passenger after militias of the Huthis targeted a civilian vessel (SWIFT), relating to an Emirates maritime company, which was on a regular trip to and from the city of Aden, to transfer medical and relief aid, in addition to evacuation of the wounded and injured civilians, in order to complete their treatment outside Yemen.
This comes as an indicator of a serious work to confirm the orientation of these militias to carry out terrorist operations targeting the international civil navigation and relief ships, at Bab al-Mandab.
Coalition air and naval forces had started chasing and targeting of boats, which carried out the attack.

Comment: Comment: Nice propaganda. Why, see below at Almasdar. A military vessel, see films, photos and type description.

1.10.2016 – Live UA Map (A K)

Video : Moment when UAE Navy HSV-2 Swift ship hit by Yemen-modified C802 cruise missile = = = and look also at and and photos and and

Comment: It really does not look like a civilian vessel, but a military ship.

1.10.2016 – Almasdar (`A K PH)

UAE warship obliterated off the coast of Yemen

The Houthi-allied Yemeni Republican Guard were able to destroy an Emirati Navy HSV-2 Swift ship near the port city of Mokha with a C802 Cruise Missile.

The Saudi-led coalition condemned the event blasting the Houthis for allegedly destroying a ship carrying humanitarian cargo.

However, the allegation is borderline comical since the warship took off from Aden and was located in the vicinity of the embattled port city of Mokha, a front of incessant violent clashes.

Initially, state-owned UAE media denied the claim and mentioned that a humanitarian ship was merely damaged due to technical difficulty while all those aboard it were rescued until video footage was published by Yemeni sources portraying the fried, sinking ship.

Comment: Which telling should be trusted? Looking at where the ship came from and where it went to, it is obvious that the Saudi story of “transporting aid” cannot match.

1.10.2016 – RT (* A K)

Rebels claim responsibility for attack on UAE warship transporting ‘medical aid’ to Yemen

A United Arab Emirates warship allegedly transporting medical aid has been damaged in an “incident” off the coast of Yemen, the navy announced. Meanwhile Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for the attack on the UAE military vessel in the Red sea.

“Rockets targeted an Emirati warship as it approached the coast ofMokha on the Red Sea, the Iran-backed Houthi rebels said in a statement on Yemeni website.

“It was completely destroyed,” the statement claimed.

Immediately after the attack the Saudis reported mustering an emergency rescue operation to save the crew of the UAE ship, that claimed to have been transporting “medical aid.”

“The coalition rescued civilians from a vessel targeted by Houthi militias ... that was transferring medical aid to the city of Aden and evacuating wounded civilians for treatment,” the coalition said in a statement on Saudi state news agency SPA.

Another report by Iran’s FARS News claimed that UAE’s sunken ship allegedly fired a round of rockets at residential areas in Ta'iz province before the Houthis took it down with the missile.

Comment: This report tells more. When the vessel had started at Aden heading to Houthi-held Mokha, it can be excluded that it was “transporting medical aid”. Might-be there can come up more information about the fact that this vessel had fired at the coast. – And, anyway: there is war, a warship is a warship, thus it might be attacked. “transporting ‘medical aid’” is a nice propaganda story.

2.10.2016 – Alalam (A K PH)

Heavy Loss of Soldiers in Emirati Military Vessel Sunk by Yemeni Missile

Yemen's army and popular forces targeted and destroyed an Emirati warship in the waters near Bab al-Mandab Strait on Saturday.

The UAE warship was targeted with Yemeni missiles in the Al-Mukha coastal waters in the province of Ta'iz yesterday.

The sunken ship had repeatedly fired rockets at residential areas in Ta'iz province, inflicting casualties and destruction there.

Other Saudi-led battleships that were approaching Yemen's coasts retreated fast following the attack.

The coast of Al-Mukha is located in Bab al-Mandab strait and the Saudi-led forces have been trying hard for several months now to win control over the coastal regions near the waterway.

UAE warship was destroyed in the operation, and 22 soldiers and officers were killed. from

1.10.2016 – Josephjo1221 (A K PH)
Type, position of ship and and and

1.10.2016 – Haykal Bafana citing Khabar Agency (A K PH)

22 sailors killed in missile strike on #UAE Navy ship HSV-1 Swift. (I think it's on lease from the US Navy) and

1.10.2016 – Classy Yemeni (A K PH)

" Any military target enters our Territorial Waters will be destroyed without a doubt, and our coasts are not for picnic "

The Spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier. Sharaf Ghaleb Luqman.

Comment: Yemen armed forces fighting against Saudis.

2.10.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Arab coalition says targets Houthi forces after ship attack

Arab coalition forces have launched operations against militia boats of Yemen's Houthi group that struck a civilian logistics ship on a humanitarian voyage in a strategic Red Sea shipping lane, the Saudi-led alliance said.

The vessel, an Australian-built high speed logistics catamaran under lease to the United Arab Emirates military, was attacked by Houthi fighters near the Bab al-Mandab strait off Yemen's southern coast on Saturday. The coalition rescued its civilian passengers. No crew were hurt.

In a statement late on Saturday, the coalition said the vessel belonged to the UAE Marine Dredging Company "on its usual route to and from Aden to transfer relief and medical aid and evacuate wounded civilians to complete their treatment outside Yemen."

"Coalition air and naval forces were targeting Houthi militia boats involved in the attack," it said.

The coalition said the incident showed that Houthi tactics involved what it called "terrorist attacks" against civilian international navigation in the waterway.

Comment: This report follows Saudi coalition propaganda. The ship had been going from Aden to the coast at Houthi-held Mokha. – “Act of terrorism”? That’s war, not terrorism. And what the Saudis really hit in the sea: and see also

2.10.2016 – AFP (A K P)

Houthis pose threat to shipping: Arab coalition

Houthi militia in Yemen are posing a threat to shipping in the strategic Bab al-Mandab strait, the Saudi-led coalition supporting the government said Sunday after an attack on an Emirati vessel.

The coalition said Shiite Houthi militiamen had attacked the vessel “on its usual route to and from (the southern port city of) Aden to transfer relief and medical aid and evacuate wounded civilians.”

“Coalition air and naval forces targeted Houthi militia boats involved in the attack” near the Bab al-Mandab, it said, while “coalition forces rescued civilian passengers following the attack” on Friday night.

“This incident demonstrates Houthi tactics of terrorist attacks against civilian international navigation in the Bab al-Mandab,” the coalition said in a statement. =

Comment: Propaganda is roaring after the “incident”. – This was a warship which had been attacked in a war, and nothing else.

Comment by Jamila Hanan: Threat to shipping? How ridiculous, Saudis have been blowing up boats for over a year now (including many fishing boats).

Comment by Judith Brown: Well that's true. One of the reasons for starvation in the Tihama is the destruction of the Yemeni fishing fleet.

Comment to Comments: I think blowing up a warship in a war is normal, blowing up fisher boats is a war crime.

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee: The real threats to the region and the world is : The US-backed Saudi war crimes against Yemen humans under UN cover

And this propaganda of course is repeated by the Hadi government, which now again also taks this opportunity to hail the Saudis:

2.10.2016 – WAM (A K P)

Yemen condemns targeting of UAE civil vessel

The Yemeni government has denounced the Houthi militia and Saleh group for targeting the UAE civil ship "Swift", owned by UAE Marine National Dredging Company, leased by the Arab Coalition.

The ship was on a routine trip to and from the city of Aden to deliver medical and relief aid, and evacuate the wounded civilians in order to complete their treatment outside Yemen.

The Yemen official news agency quoted the government as saying in a statement that "this is a terrorist attack that violates the international laws. It is also a clear violation of humanity and a flagrant aggression against life."

The Yemeni government deemed this incident a crime and threat not only to the security of the Yemeni coast, but also a clear threat to the international security.

It added that the coup militias plan to carry out more terrorist attacks to target the civil international navigation and relief ships at the Bab Al-Mandab waterway.

The Government thanked the Arab coalition for contributing to the implementation of a series of charitable, development and reconstruction projects in Yemen, particularly in the areas of health, education, housing and public utilities as well as its great efforts to restore the legitimacy, security and stability to all the cities and governorates of Yemen.

Comment: 'Yemen' here, means the government in exile. The one we comdemn for over an year and a half of senseless war against civilians.

2.10.2016 – Al Masirah (A K P)

Film: Media of Saudi coalition deceiving & Yemeni Op Destroying UAE Ship

2.10.2016 – Haykal Bafana (A K)

Devastating new info : 62 #UAE sailors were killed in #Yemen missile strike on UAE Navy's HSV-2 Swift vesel. 3 were sons of Emirati rulers.

6 UAE & Kuwait military intel officers who landed near #Yemen's Al Mokha city still missing. Mission : To land troops from HSV-2 Swift.

This appears to be the reason for the busy night in Muscat. They may be asking for Sultan Qaboos' help to get the bodies from Yemen.

Riyadh looks for another war. | #Saudi Navy held naval exercises today in the Persian Gulf, AND the Straits of Hormuz & the Gulf of Oman.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

1.10.2016 – Tribunalgroup4Yemen

Video: Saudi Arabia in the Yemen war

2.10.2016 – Josephjo1221

Photo: Saudi Arabia in the Yemen war

12.7.2016 – Al Mokha (B E)


So what does a change in GDP actually look like? I did a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation: doubling Yemen’s current coffee production (of 19,800 tons in 2013) will increase GDP somewhere between 0.30 and 3.73 percent. That may sound small, but it's not. That's $109 million - $1.3 billion (calculation below).

It's clear there's huge potential to increasing coffee production at an economy-wide level and big picture, we're focused on that. But there's all those components, too. We're going to keep digging down, into yields and acres planted, into where the money ends up and how it is spent, and into how it changes outcomes for families. We believe that impact is important. Al Mokha is trying to sell coffee, but with a purpose, and a seemingly simple goal to sell coffee will have many disparate impacts all over the economy, from the very biggest measurement, to the smallest.

Comment: No chance during the war.

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