Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 211 - Yemen War Mosaic 211

Yemen Press Reader 211: Nach dem Luftangriff auf Sanaa: US-Bomben, Krieg eskaliert–Westliche Medien haben versagt–US-Rechtsanwälte hatten Regierung gewarnt–Hunger–Angriff auf US-Kriegsschiff??

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Eingebetteter MedieninhaltAfter the Sanaa air raid: US bombs; war is escalating – western media have failed – US lawyers had warned their government – Hunger – Allegedly attack at US warship – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten: Saudischer Luftangriff auf Sanaa / Most important: Saudi air raid at Sanaa

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Sonstiges / Most important: Other

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Zentralbank / Central Bank

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

10.10.2016 – Buzzfeed (A K P)

An Airstrike On A Funeral Has Become The Latest In A Line Of Horrors In Yemen


10.10.2016 – Vice News (A K P)

48-hour escalation


cp1a Am wichtigsten: Saudischer Luftangriff auf Sanaa / Most important: Saudi air raid at Sanaa

9.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage

9.10.2016 – Xinhua (* A K)

analysis: military escalation blows up peace effort in Yemen

At least 458 people, almost all civilians, were killed and 514 others injured in a double-tap airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition on a mourning ceremony in Yemen's capital Sanaa on Saturday, officials said.

9.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

New death toll from Saudi brutal airstrikes on funeral hall in capital Sanaa rises to 115, 610 injured

New death toll from Saturday Saudi aggression air strike on the funeral hall in the capital Sanaa rose to 115 and 610 were injured, health ministry's spokesman Kamim al-Shami told Saba on Sunday evening.
He said that among the injured there 300 cases in deadly condition and required immediate transfer abroad to receive treatment.
Al-Shami said the death toll is more likely to increase.

10.10.2016 – NZZ (** A K P)

Torpedierte Friedenspläne

Ein Luftangriff auf eine Beerdigung in Jemen stellt erneut die westliche Militärhilfe für die Saudi infrage. Unter den Getöteten waren Politiker, die beim Friedensprozess eine Rolle spielen sollten.

Luftangriffe auf eine Beerdigung in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa haben die Rufe nach einer Beendigung westlicher Militärhilfe für den saudischen Luftkrieg in Jemen verstärkt.

Die Räumungsarbeiten waren am Montag noch im Gange, während Berichte über verstörende Einzelschicksale die Runde machten. Eine Familie konnte die Überreste ihres Sohnes nur anhand von dessen Ehering identifizieren. Eine Mutter verlor ihren Mann und ihren letzten Sohn, der eben sein Studium in Libanon unterbrochen hatte und zurückgekehrt war, um der Familie nach dem Unfalltod ihrer anderen zwei Söhne zur Seite zu stehen. Die Spitäler sind überlastet. Zahlreiche Verletzte müssten zur Behandlung evakuiert werden, doch die saudische Koalition weigert sich bis jetzt, den blockierten zivilen Luftverkehr in Sanaa freizugeben.

Die Chancen auf ein Friedensabkommen haben sich erneut verschlechtert. Die Huthi riefen in Reaktion auf die Bombardierung der Trauergäste nach Rache und liessen ihrerseits die Angriffe auf ihre Gegner eskalieren. Das Blutbad vom Samstag dürfte ihnen bei der Rekrutierung neuer Kämpfer behilflich sein. Unter den Toten waren zudem politische Figuren, welche eine Rolle bei der Umsetzung eines Friedensprozesses spielen sollten; so der Bürgermeister von Sanaa, Abdelkader Hilal, oder Ali al-Jaifi, ein Militärführer aus einer mächtigen Familie. Jaifi hatte sich geweigert, sich mit seinen Truppen einer der beiden Kriegsparteien anzuschliessen. Die Hoffnung war, dass er dereinst im Falle eines Abkommens mit der schwierigen Aufgabe der Entwaffnung von Milizen betraut werden könnte.

Manche Beobachter spekulierten, dass der Angriff dem Innenminister der selbsternannten Huthi-Regierung, Jalal al-Ruweishan, für dessen Vater die Beerdigungszeremonie abgehalten wurde, sowie anderen führenden Figuren aus dem Huthi-Umfeld gegolten haben könnte. Gut informierte Quellen wollten hingegen wissen, Riad habe den ehemaligen Präsidenten Saleh unter den Trauergästen vermutet. Das würde in keiner Weise die Inkaufnahme von Hunderten ziviler Opfer rechtfertigen, könnte aber zumindest im Ansatz erklären, weshalb die Saudi eine Beerdigung angriffen, bei der sich mehr als tausend Personen versammelt hatten – von Monika Bolliger

Comment: Already seems to be outdated. See also Al-Shami in the following article in NYT:

10.10.2016 – New York Times (** A K P)

A Roar at a Funeral, and Yemen’s War Is Altered

“This really might be the watershed,” said April Longley Alley, an analyst with the International Crisis Group who follows events in Yemen.

The carnage in the heart of the capital could hamper any return to talks aimed at ending the conflict, while galvanizing support in northern Yemen for military escalation against Saudi Arabia, Ms. Alley said.

Yousif al-Emad, who sells insurance, was in the reception hall in Sana when the first strike hit, filling the hall with smoke and causing a stampede.

“It was like a movie, when all of a sudden the roof started falling on the gathering,” Mr. Emad, 27, said from his bed in a Sana hospital.

When he heard a second strike, he jumped from a window to escape, breaking his leg. Then he hid in a bathroom as a third strike hit.

He lost six friends and one cousin in the attack, and he now feels nothing but anger at Saudi Arabia, saying that Yemenis should stage counterattacks along the Saudi-Yemeni frontier.

“There is nothing for us to do but to go to the fronts at the border,” he said. “That is the only weapon at our disposal.”

Tamim al-Shami, a spokesman for the Yemeni Health Ministry, said that hospitals had received at least 114 bodies from the airstrikes and that more than 600 people had been wounded.

In a statement on Saturday, the United Nations said more than 140 had been killed in all. Mr. Shami said the higher figure probably included victims who had not been taken to medical facilities.

“Some bodies were shredded to pieces, an ear here, a head there,” Mr. Shami said.

The dead included many members of prominent tribes from northern Yemen. Ms. Alley, the analyst with the International Crisis Group, said those tribes might now ally with the rebels in new attacks on Saudi Arabia. Also killed were Abdulqader Hilal, the mayor of Sana, and a number of other political and military leaders who not only supported peace talks with the exiled government, but also had the credibility to put an accord into effect.

“They killed and injured several important moderate leaders who were working with them, who wanted a deal,” Ms. Alley said of the Saudi-led coalition. “Now the desire for revenge is high, and militants will be empowered, which puts us in a situation where a compromise might not be possible.”

“I’m sick at the current situation in Yemen — we have to take more responsibility for it,” Thomas C. Krajeski, a former United States ambassador to Yemen, said in an email. “We can put a lot of pressure on the Saudis. It’s time to do it. They have to know that this war is going badly for them, if not on the ground then in the arena of world opinion.”In a statement, the Revolutionary Guards predicted that the Houthis would seek revenge and said that Saudi leaders would suffer the same fate as that of “dictators” like the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and the former Libyan leader Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

For Ali el-Shabani, a Yemeni journalist who fled the reception hall after the first strike and watched it unfold from nearby, the toll on his community continues to mount.

“Every hour that goes by, I learn that someone I knew was either killed or wounded,” he said. “We are getting worse by the hour. That was like our little Hiroshima.” – By SHUAIB ALMOSAWA and BEN HUBBARD

10.10.2016 – ITV (A)

On Monday funerals for those killed in the airstrike were held while mourners voiced their anger and called for revenge.

Speaking exclusively to ITV News one mourner said: "They don't have the right to bomb us everyday.

"We need no [sic] talk, we need war. We will kill or be killed... (with film)

"Blood for blood and an eye for an eye." – by Neil Connery

10.10.2016 – Paul Tyson (A P)

Funeral today for the governor of #Sanaa, killed in Saturday's airstrike. One of #yemen's most popular politicians, many thousands came.

Grief mixed with anger at #sanaa funerals today. Many told us the peace talks were finished.

As mourners gathered in #Sanaa main cemetery Saudi coalition jets are back overhead.

10.10.2016 – Saleh Abdul Malik (A P)

Photo: UN representative visiting the site of massacre

9.10.2016 – Amar Basha (A K)

Tomorrow will hold the Governor of #Sanaa's funeral. I expect a large gathering. I wonder if Saudi would bombard that too?!.

9.10.2016 – Amar Basha (A K)

Families & friends r still searching 4 their beloved ones. Names of victims keep coming up. Sadness is all over #Sanaa

9.10.2016 – Arabian Saluki (A K)

list of deceased people from the hall all military (see image)

Comments by Jamila Hanan: ... already they started circulating a list with some of the names of the dead to show they were in the military or "Houthi rebel aligned"

.... of course some were in the military! And probably you can describe the majority of people in Sanaa as "Houthi aligned" now

... fact remains, this was not a military gathering it was a civilian funeral + they won't tell you about all the rest killed + maimed

... the one thing the circulating list of dead military officers does prove however is that the civilian funeral was indeed targeted.

10.10.2016 – Crimes of decisive Storm (* A K)

List of victims, from Yemeni newspaper, in Arabian and

9.10.2016 – Crimes of Decisive Storm (** A K)

Photos of burnt victims which no more can be identified; graphic!!!

9.10.2016 – Reuters (* A K P)

Western-backed coalition under pressure over Yemen raids

An air strike on a funeral wake, widely blamed on Saudi-led warplanes, poses more trouble for a Western-backed Arab campaign against Yemen's Houthis that has long been criticized for civilian losses.

The White House announced an immediate review of Washington's support for the 18-month-old military push after planes hit mourners at a community hall in the capital Sanaa on Saturday, killing 140 people according to one U.N. estimate and 82 according to the Houthis.

The statement from Riyadh's main ally, noting for the second time in as many months that U.S. support was not "a blank check", sets up an awkward test of a Saudi-U.S. partnership already strained by differences over wars in other Arab lands.

The reproach also indirectly hands a propaganda win to Riyadh's arch rival Tehran, a Houthi ally that has long seen the Sunni kingdom as a corrupt and domineering influence on its impoverished southern neighbor, diplomats say.

There was dismay, too, in the ranks of the internationally recognized Yemeni government that the coalition is defending.

"It's shocking to see that a target like this was hit," said a senior official in the Saudi-backed government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. "It's the latest in a series of attacks by all sides on civilian targets like homes and public gatherings that are turning this into a dirty war."

"If anything positive can come from this, it would be increasing the will for a ceasefire that is needed. But incidents like these before have just fueled a desire for revenge."

The funeral wake was for the father of the interior minister of northern Yemen's Houthi-run administration, Jalal al-Roweishan, who had died of natural causes on Friday. Yemenis say the Roweishan family is widely respected and has good ties with many groups and tribes across Yemen's political spectrum.

Mokhtar al-Rahabi, a spokesman for Hadi, condemned the attack on his official Facebook page on Saturday.

"Bombing a mourning hall in which there were dozens of civilians is not acceptable, even if leaders of the (Houthi) putschists were present. Our war is a war of morals."

A statement issued by the alliance after Saturday's raid reiterated that its forces "have clear instructions not to target populated areas and to avoid civilians".

But the eventual prospect of a more limited military campaign -- perhaps through tighter targeting parameters for air operations - and a possible reduction in Western support could deliver a blow to Riyadh's efforts to confront perceived Iranian expansionism in its southern neighbor.

Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a United Arab Emirates (UAE) political scientist, said that if the coalition was found to be responsible for the killings, that should be acknowledged openly and compensation arranged.

He said no country wanted an end to the war more than Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other coalition members, while adding that it was up to the Houthis to respect resolution 2216.

"I think everyone realizes this war has gone on way beyond what was originally expected. But the ball is in the Houthis court," he said – by William Maclean

Comment: Quite interesting – that is the first time in the whole war that the Hadi government condemns a Saudi air raid. Why they do that? Attacking a funeral is absolutely contradictory to Yemeni tradition, and the family of the man for whom this funeral had been held, “is widely respected and has good ties with many groups and tribes across Yemen's political spectrum”. It’s just for saving the last remains of his political reputation among the important families and tribes in the North that forced Hadi to do so. – And the UAE seems to use even this terrible incident to repeat their standard propaganda, as the last part of this article shows. Well, UN resolution 2216 is dead because it is just pro-Saudi – and how should it be that “the ball is in the Houthis court," when it was the Saudi coalition who had committed one of the most terrible war crimes of the whole war? And, one thing more: “if the coalition was found to be responsible for the killings, that should be acknowledged openly and compensation arranged”: These oil monarchies think for their dirty money they could get everything, even “compensation” of a crime like this. No “compensation” ever will be possible for things like that. – And, even the coalition is able to tell (very bad) jokes: “A statement issued by the alliance after Saturday's raid reiterated that its forces "have clear instructions not to target populated areas and to avoid civilians". LOL.

9.10.2016 – FAZ (* A K P)

Weltweites Entsetzen über Luftangriffe mit 140 Toten

Weltweites Entsetzen und Schuldzuweisungen in Richtung Saudi-Arabien: Die Luftangriffe auf eine Trauerfeier im Jemen mit mehr als 140 Toten sind international verurteilt worden.

[siehe folgende Artikel und Ban Ki-Moon unter cp7]

Das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz äußerte sich „entsetzt“ über den neuerlichen Angriff auf Zivilisten im Jemen.

In Sanaa gingen am Sonntag tausende Menschen auf die Straße, um gegen Saudi-Arabien zu protestieren. „Tod den Al-Saud“, riefen sie mit Blick auf die saudiarabische Herrscherfamilie. Die Vereinigten Staaten beschimpften sie als „großen Satan“. Rebellenführer Mohammed Ali al-Huthi rief zum Krieg gegen Riad auf. und bei und bei Tagesschau

9.10.2016 – Spiegel Online (* A P)

USA rügen Verbündeten Saudi-Arabien

Beim Luftangriff auf eine Trauerfeier im Jemen sind fast 150 Menschen gestorben, verantwortlich ist offenbar Saudi-Arabien. Die USA gehen deutlich auf Distanz zu ihrem Alliierten und prüfen eine Reduktion der Militärhilfe.

Die US-Regierung übt ungewöhnlich scharfe Kritik an ihrem Verbündeten Saudi-Arabien. Grund ist der verheerende Luftangriff auf eine Trauerfeier in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa. Bei dem Bombardement starben am Samstag fast 150 Menschen.

Die Sicherheitszusammenarbeit mit dem sunnitischen Königreich sei "kein Blanko-Scheck", sagte der Sprecher des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats, Ned Price, in der Nacht zum Sonntag. Die Berichterstattung über den Vorfall sei "zutiefst verstörend". Uno-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moonverlangte am Sonntag eine "schnelle und unabhängige" Untersuchung.

Kommentar: Das „offenbar“ im Titel ist überflüssig.

9.10.2016 – Die Presse (* A K P)

140 Tote im Jemen: USA erwägt Ende der Kooperation mit Saudiarabien

Dem Sender Almasirah zufolge war auch der Bürgermeister von Sanaa, Abdel Kader Hilal, unter den Todesopfern. Ein Augenzeuge berichtete, zuerst habe ein Armeeflugzeug eine Rakete abgeschossen "und Minuten später hat ein weiteres Flugzeug geschossen". Nach den Angriffen geriet das Gebäude in Brand und stürzte laut Anwohnern ein.

In Washington machte der Sprecher des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats, Ned Price, die Empörung der USA über einen erneuten Angriff auf Zivilisten im Jemen deutlich: "Die US-Sicherheitszusammenarbeit mit Saudiarabien ist kein Blankoscheck", sagte er. Die US-Regierung habe angesichts des Luftangriffs auf eine Trauergemeinde und früherer Vorfälle eine "sofortige Überprüfung" ihrer bereits verringerten Zusammenarbeit mit der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Koalition in die Wege geleitet.

Den Vorwurf der Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen, dass die Luftangriffe von der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition geflogen worden seien, hatte das Bündnis zuvor zurückgewiesen. Die Koalition habe "derartige Versammlungen in der Vergangenheit gemieden". Sie seien "nie ein Zielobjekt" gewesen. Für den Vorfall müssten "andere Ursachen" in Erwägung gezogen werden. und sogar Bild berichtet:

Kommentar: Typisch saudische Taktik: Die eigene Propaganderzählung wird einfach geändert, wenn etwas gar nicht mehr passt und etwas anderes opportuner ist.

9.10.2016 – Josephji1221 (A H P)

Spokesman of Ministry of Health: There r about 300 critical condition requiring travel abroad for treatment @UN must lift the siege #Yemen

Comment: The Saudis block all flights to and from Sanaa airport since months.

9.10.2016 – Julien Harneis, UNICEF (A H)

@UNICEF medical supplies for terrible attack on funeral being delivered last night to Sabaaen Hospital and checked today (photos)

9.10.2016 – Paul Tyson (A K)

Yemenis hold pictures of dead at main hospital in #Sanaa (photo)

We have no room for the bodies says morgue attendant at #sanaa main hospital (photo)

Crowds gather outside the morgue in #Sanaa hospital (photo)

One hospital alone received over 250 casualties from attack on funeral #Yemen (photo)

9.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A P)

- What do you think will happen now, after yesterday's airstrikes targeting the funeral, with so many political figures and tribal leaders involved?
- We will see mutual revenge and settlement of accounts between them. More blood, hatred, and the winner is the third party: the warmongers and arms

The Day After, conversation in #Sanaa

11.10.2016 – Defensor Pacis (* A K)

Neue Beweise enthüllen die US-Waffenlieferungen an Saudi-Arabien im Jemen-Krieg

Mehrere Bombensplitter im Jemen zeigen, dass die abgeworfenen Bomben der Streitkräfte des saudischen Königreiches aus den USA stammen. Auf Twitter und anderen Portalen wurden nun Fotos veröffentlicht, worauf man die Herkunft der Bomben eindeutig feststellen kann.

Das untere Twitter-Bild zeigt ein Fragment, worauf man die Herkunft der saudischen Bomben erkennen kann.

Die MK-82 ist eine explosive Bombe, die in den USA hergestellt wird und profitabel an die Saudis verkauft werden, die seit März 2015 Krieg gegen ihre südlichen Nachbarn führen. Der Strichcode „96214“ soll laut dem Portal Intercept dokumentieren, dass die Bombe aus dem Hause Raytheon stamme, dem drittgrößten Rüstungskonzern in den Vereiinigten Staaten.

Weiter berichtet die Enthüllungsplattform, dass der US-Präsident Barack Obama bislang die meisten tödlichen Waffen an die Saudis während seiner Amtszeit lieferte. Darunter auch tausende MK-82 Bomben, die nun verstärkt im umkämpften Gebiet einschlagen.

10.10.2016 – The Intercept (** A K)

Photos Show Fragments of U.S. Bombs at Site of Yemen Funeral Massacre

FRAGMENTS OF WHAT APPEAR to be U.S.-made bombs have been found at the scene of one of the most horrific civilian massacres of Saudi Arabia’s 18-month air campaign in Yemen.

Multiple bomb fragments at the scene appear to confirm the use of American-produced MK-82 guided bombs. One fragment, posted in a picture on the Facebook page of a prominent Yemeni lawyer, says “FOR USE ON MK-82 FIN, GUIDED BOMB.”

ITV News correspondent Neil Connery visited the site shortly after the attack, and found a similar bomb fragment. Connery said he was told by a Yemeni official that it appeared to be a MK-82 bomb.

The MK-82 is a 500-pound explosive weapon manufactured in the United States. The code “96214” indicates that the bomb was produced by Raytheon, the third-largest defense contractor in the United States.

The U.S. has supplied Saudi Arabia with more than $20 billion worth of weapons during its Yemen campaign, including thousands of MK-82 bombs. In November, the State Department approved the sale of 8,020 new MK-82 bombs as part of a $1.29 billion transfer of more air-to-ground weapons.

As Bruce Riedel, a 30-year CIA officer and senior fellow at the Brookings Institute, said in April, “If the United States and the United Kingdom, tonight, told King Salman [of Saudi Arabia] ‘this war has to end,’ it would end tomorrow. The Royal Saudi Air Force cannot operate without American and British support.”– by Alex Emmons

Comment: We need to go to the root of the problem: producing bombs implies there are buyers who, always, use them.
How? On civilians. This is what wars are made for: to hurt, always, the most vulnerable. Civilians. #KefayaWar . All wars

9.10.2016 – ITV (** A K)

In Yemen, even those who mourn are in the firing line

When we arrived smoke was still billowing as flames ravaged what remained of the venue.

They were still finding bodies and human remains.The latter were being collected in carrier bags at times because there were so many. The smell of death pierced the smoke filling the air.

Two huge craters mark the place where the bombs from the Saudi-led coalition struck on Saturday afternoon.

Wahid Hamid al-Sarari was at the funeral but left to his home nearby just before the bombs struck.

He ran back to help and describes the hellish vision which greeted him.

"When I got inside we were stepping over bodies. It was terrible. The smoke was so thick. I did what I could helping others to try and rescue who we could. No one would think they would hit a funeral," he said.

The roof to the hall is blown away. The floor is strewn with burned and broken furniture and rubble and ashes from the inferno which followed.

At first glance very little makes sense here but the longer you look the clearer it becomes.A charred sandal wedged next to part of a chandelier, foam from a sofa resting on top of part of a blood stained jacket.

The fire crews and officers shake their heads with disbelief when you catch their eye.

In the underground car park they're gathering evidence. We found parts of a bomb which a Yemeni Ordnance officer tells us is an American mark 82.

Outside the morgue families wait for what remains of those killed so they can bury them.

Inside the stench is overpowering. We're shown a dozen bodies which officials say are victims from the funeral airstrike – by Neil Connery


9.10.2016 – Neil Connery (* A K)

ITV News finds a bomb fragment in #Sanaa funeral hall. Yemeni officer says it's a US made mark 82 bomb #Yemen. (photo) and on this bomb see also


10.10.2016 – Ammar Aulaqi (*A K)

Photo taken by a police officer friend of mine from Al-Kobra Grand Hall airstrike aftermath!

Comment by Iona Craig: Cage number indicates fin pictured was produced/made by US company @Raytheon.

Comment by Fahed: probably GBU-12 Paveway II, based on MK82? see Wikipedia:

Comment: The Mark 82 (Mk 82) is an unguided, low-drag general-purpose bomb, part of the #US Mark 80 series

10.10.2016 –l4Yemen (* A K)

#Video New evidence from the crime scene (Funeral hall) that was bombed by #Saudi fighters. MK82 guided bomb.

10.10.2016 – Sophie McNeill (A K)

Yemenis say here's the proof #Saudi coalition airstrikes targeted funeral hall in #Sanaa on Saturday killing 140 via @HussainBukhaiti #Yemen (photos)

9.10.2016 – Neil Connery (* A K)

Preparing to bury the dead from #Yemen airstrike. Sana'a still numb with shock at scale of casualties (photo)

Smoke still rising from the scene of #Yemen funeral attack. and

9.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (* A K P)

Actually the death toll from the Saudi-led coalition's double-tap attack on a mourning gathering in Yemen's capital Sanaa on Saturday was 458 people-213 completely burned bodies. Around 514 others were injured including 356 in critical condition. In September and August, the West-backed Saudi coalition killed more 100 civilians in several Yemeni provinces. Since the coalition launched the bombing campaign in Yemen in early 2015, around 10.0000 people "many children" have been killed and more than 30.000 others injured. Airstrikes were to blame for most of the casualties; the rest from ground fighting-mostly in indiscriminate Houthi shelling. The Saudi coalition has also been involved in more crimes in Yemen including an embargo which has put the country on the brink of famine.
The US, the UK, France and Turkey have been involved in the bombings as well as providing logistical "large arms sales" and intelligence support to the coalition. In fact, the Saudi coalition lies that it is bombing the Houthis who seized power by force in order to restore legitimacy of the puppet government. It is a war on everything on Yemen: people, infrastructures--health facilities, schools, roads, ports and military and security sectors as well as heritage sites. It is a war on everything.

9.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K)

We want to remember them alive. RIP (photos of killed)

9.10.2016 – Red Cross (A K)

Red Cross Red Crescent mourns loss of staff member in Yemen attack

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is mourning the death of one of its staff members, Mr. Ibrahim Abu Taleb, who was killed in yesterday’s attack in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. Ibrahim had been attending a funeral ceremony in a personal capacity, together with hundreds of other mourners, when the bombing occurred. His death was confirmed early this morning.

“Ibrahim was a valued member of our team in Yemen. We are in shock over this news, and we extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues,” said Elhadj As Sy, the Secretary General of the IFRC.

“His death is a reminder of the unacceptable risks that civilians face in Yemen today. Innocent lives must be protected at all times,” said Mr Sy.

A national of Yemen, Ibrahim joined the IFRC in 2004. As finance manager for the IFRC Country Office, he played an important role in supporting the Yemen Red Crescent Society.

The IFRC is deeply shocked and outraged by this latest loss of civilian life in Yemen.

10.10.2016 – Oxfam (A P)

Airstrike on Yemen funeral a gruesome act of killing

Sajjad Mohammad Sajid, Oxfam Yemen Country Director, said: “This was a massacre of civilians who were gathered for a funeral, a gruesome act of killing in the absence of any known military target.

9.10.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K)

Saw smoke on my way2work Thought was another strike! It wasn't, Smoke Still raising frm #Saudi #UAE funeral strikes (photos)

9.10.2016 – Albawaba (A K P)

Is the Sana’a, Yemen funeral massacre being overlooked on Twitter?

with news of the funeral bombing yesterday, many on Twitter complained that the loss of Yemeni civilian life is not receiving the attention it deserves.

Some said it’s being overshadowed by Syria.

While Yemen may not receive the attention of Aleppo or the US presidential election, the above tweets do show that the war-torn country is indeed being discussed heavily on Twitter.

9.10.2016 – Saudi Press Agency (A P)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Permanent Mission to United Nations sends a message to Security Council about the attack on a hall in Yemeni capital, Sana'a 2 United Nations

The message informed the Security Council of the statement issued by the Coalition Forces to restore legitimacy in Yemen which expressed its deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and the injured in this tragic incident and which confirmed that its troops follow strict and clear rules of engagement that ban targeting of civilians and civilian sites and take all possible measures to prevent any risks to civilians, and which announced the start of an immediate investigation and promised full cooperation with the investigation team, including providing all data and information related to the military operations that took place during the day of the incident (October 8, 2016), and in the incident area and all the surrounding areas, and its reconfirmation that the coalition will not spare any efforts to work hard in order to reach a lasting political solution to the conflict in Yemen according to relevant resolutions of the Security Council, and its emphasis in this regard on the full support for the important work being done by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and (longer text) (in image) and see article by Arab News

Comment: More lies are hardly thinkable.

9.10.2016 – The National UAE from AFP/AP (* A K P)

Coalition to investigate ‘regrettable’ Yemen air raid

The Saudi-led coalition fighting a rebel alliance in Yemen said on Sunday it would investigate an air raid that killed more than 140 people at a funeral.

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels blamed the coalition for Saturday’s attack, one of the deadliest since it launched a military campaign against the insurgents in March 2015.

The coalition initially denied carrying out attacks in the area but said on Sunday it would launch a probe into the "regrettable and painful" strike, which the UN said wounded more than 525 people.

"The coalition will immediately investigate this case along with ... experts from the United States who participated in previous investigations," it said.

The coalition said it would provide the investigation team with any information related to its military operations at the location or in the surrounding areas.

The statement also expressed "deepest condolences and support to the families of the victims of hostilities" and said its troops have clear instructions not to target populated areas and to avoid civilian casualties.

Comment: Emirati site. Such claims by the coalition are ridiculous. The criminal probing his own crime. – And, be aware, this bombing just was regrettable – no, not even that, it just was “regrettable”.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well I don't expect they will investigate too closely and I can tell you the probable result now - they will say it's not their fault. So much for the 'precision bombs' that our UK government says they 'have to' sell to ensure that civilians are not killed 'by mistake'. Will this force May and Obama to stop supplying weapons? I hope so but I am not optimistic.

Comment by Fuad Rajeh: It is ridiculous that a criminal investigates their own massacres! How and why? I can't believe the world is dealing with the situation just like this. We need an international independent probe. Otherwise no need for this shit.#

9.10.2016 – AFP (A K P)

Arab coalition says to probe Yemen raid that killed 140

The Saudi-led coalition fighting rebels in Yemen said on Sunday it is ready to investigate together with the United States an air strike on a funeral ceremony in Sanaa that killed more than 140 people.

The Iran-backed Huthi rebels have blamed the Arab coalition for Saturday's attack, one of the deadliest since it launched a military campaign against the Shiite insurgents in March last year.

But after initially denying any responsibility, the coalition said it was ready to launch a probe into the "regrettable and painful" strike, which a UN official said also wounded more than 525 people.

"The coalition will immediately investigate this case along with Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen and experts from the United States who participated in previous investigations," it said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

"The coalition is also willing to provide the investigation team with any data and information related to its military operations today, at the incident's location and the surrounding areas," it said.

"The result of the investigation should be announced as soon as it's completed." – by Mohammed Huwais =

Comment: Ridiculous. The criminal is probing his own crimes. What a bad joke. This is a ping-pong game between friends. The “ping” is the US statement (see below), which had become necessary for keeping up USs reputation. – This here is the “pong” from the Saudi side: They play to take this seriously and investigate (a joke in itself), with “and experts from the United States who participated in previous investigations”. And in a few days, the world speaks of something quite different and the whole thing is forgotten.

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee: Now Saudis are Going to investigate into their Yemen War crimes including massacre of mourners. Do not worry Obama!

Comment: “Prompt and impartial” probe. The result will be an additional insult. #Saudis are so predictable

9.10.2016 – The Guardian (* A K P)

Saudi Arabia to investigate Yemen funeral air raid as US reviews support

Saudi Arabia has agreed to investigate an air raid on a funeral in Yemen that killed 140 people, as the US said its support was not a “blank cheque”.

The White House issued a statement saying it had begun an “immediate review” of its support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

The issue is embarrassing for the US since it has decried the Russian failure to be more open about its role in the air attack on a UN convoy in Syria a fortnight ago, and it will face allegations of double standards if it allows the Saudis to delay an inquiry.

The UK foreign office minister Tobias Ellwood also called for the Saudis to urgently investigate – by Patrick Wintour and by Bloomberg: and article by The Independent

Comment: It is all just hot air and just further backing the Saudis, when it is required or accepted that the Saudis investigate themselves. A serious matter just would be installing an independent investigation. But that is what not also the Saudis, but also the US and the UK want to prevent, whatever happens. See article by Vice News below in cp1b.

Comment by NasserArrabyee: Saudis SHAMELESSLY Investigate in their Yemen genocide crimes2keep Obama away from embarrassment of "blank check"

8.10.2016 – The White House (A P)

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Ned Price on Yemen

We are deeply disturbed by reports of today's airstrike on a funeral hall in Yemen, which, if confirmed, would continue the troubling series of attacks striking Yemeni civilians. U.S. security cooperation with Saudi Arabia is not a blank check. Even as we assist Saudi Arabia regarding the defense of their territorial integrity, we have and will continue to express our serious concerns about the conflict in Yemen and how it has been waged. In light of this and other recent incidents, we have initiated an immediate review of our already significantly reduced support to the Saudi-led Coalition and are prepared to adjust our support so as to better align with U.S. principles, values and interests, including achieving an immediate and durable end to Yemen's tragic conflict. We call upon the Saudi-led Coalition, the Yemeni government, the Houthis and the Saleh-aligned forces to commit publicly to an immediate cessation of hostilities and implement this cessation based on the April 10th terms.

Comment: The only matter that really is important for the US is to prevent any damage to the reputation. That’s all.

Comment by Aisha: They don't need a review. They have satellites images, drones and planes refueling. Need US 2 stop refusing jest to save ppl #Yemen

Comment by Ali AlAhmed: Do not be fooled. @BarackObama is not changing his strong support for #Saudi Monarchy #Yemen, otherwise he wont let @Price44 speak on it.

9.10.2016 – Common Dreams (* A K P)

US Reviewing Support for Saudis After Brutal Massacre, But Will Arms Sales Stop?

The U.S. has resisted previous attempts to hold its ally—or itself—accountable for the civilian slaughter in Yemen. Indeed, just last month the U.S. Senate rejected an attempt to block a $1.15 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, leading to charges that the U.S. is "indifferent to Yemen's misery."

Meanwhile, a spokesman for United States Central Command, which oversees American operations in the Middle East including support for the coalition, told journalist Samuel Oakford in August that despite this summer's attacks on a hospital, a school, and a snack food factory, the U.S. was "not conducting a single investigation into civilian casualties in Yemen."

Furthermore, as Oakford noted Sunday on Twitter, not only has the White House "used this 'not a black check' language for months," but Price's statement indicates "no deadline for support review," while U.S. refueling of Saudi warplanes continues.

Indeed, many said Saturday's attack demanded more than words from both the U.S. and the U.K., which is also arming Saudi Arabia.

As Huffington Post foreign affairs reporter Akbar Shahid Ahmed wrote on Saturday, "ending U.S. cooperation with the Saudis' misadventure in Yemen could help on three big fronts. … But that all depends on whether the president wants to stop the slaughter," Ahmed wrote. "Right now, it certainly seems like he doesn't." – by Deirdre Fulton

Comment by Judith Brown: (comment to headline): In a word – no.

10.9.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Britain and US pile pressure on Saudi Arabia over Yemen funeral bombing

White House says allegiance to its Middle East ally is ‘not a blank cheque’, while the UK warns it is ‘continually reviewing’ Saudi arms export licences

9.10.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Kerry speaks to Saudi leaders over Yemen strike: State Department

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince and foreign minister on Sunday to reiterate the United States' "deep concern" about an air strike on a funeral gathering in Yemen, a State Department spokesman said.

Kerry spoke with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman and Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir and said he welcomed bin Salman's commitment "to launch a thorough and immediate investigation of the strike," according to the statement by State Department spokesman Mark Toner.

10.10.2016 – RT (A P)

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday expressed Washington's “deep concern” about the bombing, and welcomed Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman's “commitment to launch a thorough and immediate investigation of the strike, and urged him to take urgent steps to ensure such an incident does not happen again,” according to a US statement.

Kerry also “reiterated the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities, and the Deputy Crown Prince stated his desire to institute a renewable 72-hour cessation as soon as possible, provided the Houthis will agree.”

Kerry added he still supports Riyadh's demand for Houthis to "pull back weapons from Saudi Arabia's border and respect its territorial integrity," saying he appreciates Riyadh's "support" for a start of the UN-led negotiations with the Houthis and Ali Abdullah Saleh

Comment: Kerry just is rising the forefinger – that’s all he will do.

Comment by Ali AlAhmed: History must record this: @JohnKerry gives absolute #Saudi Monarchy a way out by covering up its massacres #Yemen

10.10.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

Canada calls for immediate investigation into deadly Saudi air strikes on civilians of Sanaa

Canada on Monday called for an immediate investigation into Saturday's Saudi deadly air attacks on civilian funeral hall in the capital Sanaa, which left hundreds of people dead and wounded.
Canadian minister of foreign affairs, Stéphane Maurice Dion, condemned the air strikes on the funeral hall, saying "the Saudi -led coalition must fulfill its obligations to probe its air strikes."

Comment: When they ask the Saudis to investigate their own bombings, the Canadians help the Saudis to whitewash themselves. An independent probe is needed.

9.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

Iran ready to treat Yemenis injured in Saudi strike: Larijani

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has denounced the latest Saudi airstrike against Yemeni civilians, expressing Tehran’s readiness to take swift action to treat the wounded people.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to take swift action with regard to transferring the wounded [Yemenis] and treating them in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Yemen's Red Crescent Society,” Larijani said in a message to the speaker of Yemeni House of Representatives, Yahya Ali al-Raee, on Sunday.

“This is while certain countries which claim to be advocating human rights and international organizations still continue their silence and indifference,” the top Iranian parliamentarian said.

Larijani noted that it is high time for conscientious people to ask themselves how the rulers of a country backed by the US and its allies allow themselves to attack the vital infrastructures of an impoverished country under fictitious pretexts and are committing the biggest human rights crimes by blatantly violating international law

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bahram Qassemi, on Sunday said the Islamic Republic calls for an immediate end to Yemen’s air embargo and the establishment of a safe corridor to help the Yemeni people wounded in Saudi Arabia's Saturday airstrike.

10.10.2016 – Jamila Hanan (A K P)

Asiri says people should keep their minds open to other causes of bombing (whilst they think up a good story)

If only there were someone else dropping bombs on the region and it wasn't caught on camera, would so be much easier

10.10.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Saudi heavily monitors social media & arrests ppl for silly tweets. Kudos to ppl sharing vids from inside Saudi of #Yemen missile attacks

10.10.2016 – Madawi Al-Rasheed (A P)

According KSA press, Salih, Huthis and Daesh are responsible for Sanaa massacre ! http:/ relying on

9.10.2016 – Sophie McNeil (A P)

Conspiracy theories abound in Saudi /Gulf media about #Sanaa attack. UN & US have said they believe it was #Saudi coalition airstrike (image)

9.10.2016 – Ali AlAhmed (A P)

Pro-AlSabah #Kuwait monarchy paper @alqabas celebrates #Saudi bombing of #Yemeni civilians, 500+ killed and relying on

8.10.2016 – Shapban (A K P)

#Saudi official media and social media celebrating today's massacre in #Yemen in which at least 156 were killed, many others injured

More films: = = = (second strike) (Ruptly, HD)

59 photos again:

more photos, graphic: (Building from the air; victims)

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Sonstiges / Most important: Other

10.10.2016 – The American Conservative (** B P)

The War on Yemen and the Failure of Western Media

The striking thing about the war on Yemen is how utterly unnecessary it is. The U.S./U.K.-backed coalition is not fighting to defend itself or for the sake of regional security. They are battering their neighbor to reinstall a deposed leader, and that leader is now widely hated across most of the country for his role in inviting the attack on Yemen. The U.S. and Britain were likewise not threatened by Hadi’s overthrow, and the war hasn’t made either one of them the least bit more secure, but they have backed it mainly to keep the Saudis and the other GCC clients satisfied. Insofar as the war has strengthened AQAP (and the coalition has sometimes even made common cause with them on the ground), the U.S. and our allies are less secure now than we were before the war began. The war has also exposed Saudi Arabia to attacks that it had not faced before the intervention, and in the wake of the funeral hall massacre this weekend many in Yemen want to escalate their fight and go deeper into Saudi territory. Both Saudis and Yemenis would have been much better off if the coalition had never intervened.

The U.S. and British publics ought to be hearing about Yemen all the time, because this is a disaster that their governments have helped to create and it is one that their governments could still ameliorate if they wanted to. Unlike in the Syria, the U.S. and Britain have influence with most of the coalition governments that are attacking Yemen and could put a stop to their campaign quickly if they so chose. Our governments could significantly improve the situation simply by withholding the support they have provided to the coalition and by providing more humanitarian assistance to the people that the coalition has been starving to death, but they aren’t doing it because almost no one at home is pressuring them to do so. The near-total neglect of the war in Western media coverage helps the U.S. and British governments avoid the scrutiny that they should be facing, and it allows them to continue to support an unjust and outrageous war.

The war continues to be neglected after a year and a half, and the lack of attention makes it easier for the coalition and their patrons to keep doing what they have been doing – by Daniel Larison

10.10.2016 – Near Eastern Outlook (** B P)

Bloody Massacre in Yemen Must be Stopped Now!
In several of the documented military attacks, the report states that the UN Human Rights Office was unable to identify the presence of possible military objectives. “In numerous situations where military targets could be identified, there remain serious concerns as to whether the incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects that could be expected from the attack were not excessive in relation to the anticipated concrete and direct military advantage apparently sought, “the report states.

As for the combat readiness of Saudi troops, it is clear that it is far behind the technical capabilities Riyadh possesses due to the ongoing purchases of lethal weapons from the US and Europe (including the UK, France, Germany). A chance to serve in the army is more of a privilege for higher ranks of the Saudi population. It allow those rich kids to earn a lot of more than they normally would, while occupy prestigious positions. It’s no wonder that Saudis are completely unwilling to die on the battlefield fighting. That is why Saudi Arabia has always preferred to act behind Washington’s back. The same pattern is being repeated in Yemen, since the Saudi-led coalition has been actively deploying mercenaries from Colombia, Pakistan and other states that are capable of doing some serious work in the field. However, Riyadh does not fully control its mercenaries which results in new war crimes being committed.

But concerns about who’s giving orders in Saudi Arabia and who obeys them are of secondary nature. The important thing is that none other than the United States and Britain have been exploiting Saudi frustration with the rise of Shia muslims across the region, which allows Washington continue selling its weapons and starting new conflicts, while paying its expenditures with Saudi money.

It’s no wonder that under these circumstances Washington has once again decided to “immediately reexamine” the support it has been providing to the international coalition led by Riyadh. A spokesman for the US National Security Council (NSC) Ned Price rushed to assure everybody that Washington didn’t sanctions the strikes against the funeral ceremony in Sa’ana and that’s it’s prepared to adjust the support it has been providing to Saudi Arabia. Can we treat this as an admition that all the previous war crimes committed by Saudi Arabai were directly sanctioned by Washington? – by jean Perier

9.10.2016 – Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (** B H K)

Jemen: Nothilfe im Krisengebiet

Seit Beginn der Kämpfe im Jemen vor etwa 2 Jahren hat sich die Lage im Land dramatisch verschlechtert, die Zivilbevölkerung des ohnehin schon sehr armen Landes leidet. Das DRK unterstützt den Jemenitischen Roten Halbmond bei der Trinkwasserversorgung und der Lieferung von Nahrungsmitteln, Medikamenten und anderen Hilfsgütern. Auch helfen wir mangelernährten Kindern und werdenden Müttern und unterstützen medizinische Einrichtungen.

Über 3 Millionen Menschen sind in ihrem Land auf der Flucht, d.h. jeder zehnte Jemenit musste sein Zuhause verlassen.

Bis dato wurden 6.787 Todesfälle und 33.857 Verletzte durch Kampfhandlungen registriert, die Dunkelzahl wird wesentlich höher eingeschätzt. Über 900 der Todesopfer waren Kinder.

1,8 Millionen Kinder sind durch Unterernährung bedroht.

21,2 Millionen Menschen, also über 80% der Bevölkerung, sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen.

Die Kindersterblichkeit ist um ca. 23 Prozent gestiegen.

14,1 Millionen Jemeniten, haben keinen Zugang zu medizinischer Grundversorgung mehr.

Derzeit sind laut Schätzungen von UNICEF etwa 1.600 Schulen geschlossen, über 1.000 Schulen wurden im Krieg beschädigt, 184 werden offiziell als Notunterkünfte für vertriebene Familien genutzt. Somit können etwa 387.000 Mädchen und Jungen derzeit nicht zur Schule gehen.

Zwei Millionen schwangere Frauen und junge Mütter und ihre Kinder sind mangelernährt.

Helfen Sie mit!

Jede kleine Spende hilft den notleidenden Menschen dieser Welt!

Jetzt spenden!

10.10.2016 – Reuters (** B P)

Exclusive: As Saudis bombed Yemen, U.S. worried about legal blowback

U.S. government lawyers ultimately did not reach a conclusion on whether U.S. support for the campaign would make the United States a "co-belligerent" in the war under international law, four current and former officials said. That finding would have obligated Washington to investigate allegations of war crimes in Yemen and would have raised a legal risk that U.S. military personnel could be subject to prosecution, at least in theory.

For instance, one of the emails made a specific reference to a 2013 ruling from the war crimes trial of former Liberian president Charles Taylor that significantly widened the international legal definition of aiding and abetting such crimes.

The ruling found that "practical assistance, encouragement or moral support" is sufficient to determine liability for war crimes. Prosecutors do not have to prove a defendant participated in a specific crime, the U.N.-backed court found.

The documents, obtained by Reuters under the Freedom of Information Act, date from mid-May 2015 to February 2016, a period during which State Department officials reviewed and approved the sale of precision munitions to Saudi Arabia to replenish bombs dropped in Yemen. The documents were heavily redacted to withhold classified information and some details of meetings and discussion.

(A selection of the documents can be viewed here:;;;

The State Department documents reveal new details of how the United States pressed the Saudis to limit civilian damage and provided detailed lists of sites to avoid bombing, even as officials worried about whether the Saudi military had the capacity to do so.

State Department lawyers "had their hair on fire" as reports of civilian casualties in Yemen multiplied in 2015, and prominent human rights groups charged that Washington could be complicit in war crimes, one U.S. official said.

In internal policy discussions, officials said, the Pentagon and the State Department's Near East Affairs bureau leaned toward preserving good relations with Riyadh at a time when friction was increasing because of the nuclear deal with Iran.

On the other side, the State Department's Office of the Legal Advisor, backed by government human rights specialists, expressed concern over U.S. complicity in possible Saudi violations of the laws of war, a former official said.

U.S. refueling and logistical support of Riyadh's air force - even more than the arms sales - risked making the United States a party to the Yemen conflict under international law, three officials said.

While preserving military ties with Riyadh, the Obama administration has tried to reduce civilian casualties by providing the Saudis with "no-strike lists" of targets to avoid, dispatching to Saudi Arabia a U.S. expert on mitigating civilian casualties and pressing for peace talks, the officials said – By Warren Strobel and Jonathan Landay

and shorter her:

10.10.2016 – Salon (** B P)

State Dept. lawyers warned that U.S. might be complicit in Saudi war crimes in Yemen — but arms deals continued

Internal records show officials were worried that U.S. might be implicated in Saudi atrocities in Yemen

Government lawyers warned officials that the United States might be implicated in Saudi war crimes in Yemen, according to internal records obtained by Reuters. Yet the Obama administration continued to sell billions of dollars worth of arms to Saudi Arabia anyway.

A January 2016 email shows that Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a meeting with U.S. officials in which they discussed “options to limit U.S. exposure to LOAC (Law of Armed Conflict) concerns” in the war in Yemen, according to his email.

As the war progressed, with the Saudi-led coalition killing more and more Yemeni civilians and human rights organizations warning that the United States could be complicit in war crimes, a U.S. official told Reuters that State Department lawyers “had their hair on fire.”

Multiple officials acknowledged to Reuters that the U.S. might be a party to the war in Yemen under international law not just because of its massive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia but also because the U.S. has provided tens of millions of pounds of fuel to coalition planes in more than 1,000 refueling sorties and given logistical support to the coalition air force.

Reuters’ investigation shows that, despite American officials’ public rhetoric, the U.S. government has been well aware of the legal ramification of its support for the Saudi-led coalition and nevertheless continued to back it.

For its article, titled “As Saudis bombed Yemen, U.S. worried about legal blowback,” Reuters obtained heavily redacted government documents and emails through Freedom of Information Act requests. The documents date from May 2015 to February 2016. The news agency also interviewed nearly a dozen U.S. officials – by Ben Norton and another article by Common Dreams

Comment: “Might be complicit”? They already are, from the very first day of this war on.

and see here the document mentioned.

10.10.2016 – Noah Browning (A P)

Exclusive: documents & officials reveal U.S. worried about legal blowback as "co-belligerent" in Saudi-led Yemen war and

and on the same subject:

10.10.2016 – Sputnik News (* B P)

US Issued ‘No-Bomb Lists’ to Saudis in Yemen in Fear of War Crimes Accusations
According to secret documents that Reuters obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, the Obama administration was concerned about the rising civilian death toll in Yemen and tried to downplay legal risks tied to its connection to Riyadh’s bloodbath operations. The censored papers cover the period from May 2015 to February 2016.
In particular, some records reflect doubts by some State Department officials over the ability of Saudi Arabia to conduct military operations in Yemen without killing civilians and ruining "critical infrastructure." As the death toll in Yemen continued to grow in 2015, confirming officials’ fears, the US State Department faced backlash from human rights groups. Trying to calm down rights watchdog groups, the State Department convened a meeting with activists in October 2015. At the gathering, an attempt to whitewash Riyadh was made by implying that Saudi military shelled civilians “not intentionally.” "The lack of Saudi experience is compounded by the asymmetric situation on the ground where enemy militants are not wearing uniforms and are mixed with civilian populations," the State Department staffer said to human rights activists at the meeting. "Weak intelligence likely further compounds the problem." and RT report

Comment: No bomb lists... Why bombing, in the first place?

Comment: “No bomb lists” in the same moments are a grant to bomb anything else. Who on earth or beyond is giving the US any right to give such a grant??? The Saudi war against Yemen is a WAR OF AGGRESSION from its very beginning. The WHOLE WAR and thus EVERY bombing is a crime of war.

2.10.2016 – Vice News (** A P)

As Saudis Block a Human Rights Inquiry in Yemen, America Stays Quiet

A Dutch-led effort to create a human rights mission for Yemen was abandoned Wednesday amid intense Saudi opposition at the UN, but human rights experts are laying blame in part at the feet of the United States, which failed to vigorously back the Netherlands — and may have worked behind the scenes to head off the independent investigation.

Largely quiet on the matter was the United States. After multiple requests for comment on whether the American government supported an international, independent human rights inquiry for Yemen, US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power released an ambiguously worded statement on September 24.

"We're following the ongoing discussions in Geneva closely," Power said. "We do believe the Human Rights Council and OHCHR [Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights] have an important role to play regarding the humanitarian situation, and look forward to working with our colleagues in Geneva."

Four days later, on September 28, the US ambassador to the HRC Keith Harper told the Associated Press in a text message that he supported Dutch efforts.

While not explicitly calling for a human rights investigation, Harper told AP that though he supported the Dutch, he felt "that the council speaks most powerfully when unified, so we are working with all parties to find a consensus solution."

The next day, a spokesperson for the US mission in Geneva, once more refraining from endorsing either what Zeid requested or the Netherland's resolution, told VICE News, "Yes, we support the Dutch position."

But observers in Geneva and New York say that instead of pushing for the Dutch resolution or one of its later drafts to be passed, the US simply let it die.

By calling for consensus, said Nicolas Agostini, Geneva representative for the International Federation For Human Rights, the Americans were in essence pushing for the Saudi text.

Despite being left alone, and under intense pressure from the Saudis, the Netherlands still could have left their resolution tabled ahead of a vote on Friday. This week, in an effort to compromise, the Dutch delegation presented a new draft with different language. But it still called for a team of experts and support staff to collect human rights information, have access to "all relevant parties," and "establish the facts and circumstances of serious violations and abuses committed by all parties."

The Saudis responded with a new resolution of their own that appeared to further water down a text that human rights groups had already deemed insufficient. It called for no international human rights team, and instead requested only that OHCHR provide an update on "implementation of the program of technical assistance and capacity building in the field of human rights."

Faced with total opposition from the Saudis and their allies, and de-facto instructions from the US to compromise, the Dutch announced on Wednesday that they had withdrawn their text entirely, likely ending efforts to get an international inquiry.

The Arab text, meanwhile, was tabled as an item 10 resolution, a move that generally sees a consensus outcome and the consent of the host country. In the case of Yemen, however, both the government and those introducing the text were belligerents in the war, and thus far have proven resistant to any kind of independent accounting of the conflict. By Thursday, only their resolution remained – by Samuel Oakford

Comment: This article had been overlooked by me. It’s one of the best explaining this shameful Human Rights Council capitulation to the Saudis.

20.9.2016 – NZZ (** A E P)

Jemens Zentralbank im Kreuzfeuer

Abedrabbu Mansur Hadi, jemenitischer Präsident auf dem Papier, hat am Sonntagabend mit dem Zentralbankchef eine der integersten Figuren in der jemenitischen Verwaltung entlassen. Mohammed Bin Humam hatte alles daran gesetzt, die Neutralität der Zentralbank im Bürgerkrieg so weit wie möglich zu gewährleisten. Nun hat Hadi ihn im Zuge einer Kabinettsumbildung durch den bisherigen Finanzminister Mansur al-Kaiti ersetzt, der den Ruf eines korrupten Hardliners hat.

Zugleich verkündete der Präsident, das Hauptquartier der Zentralbank werde von Sanaa in Hadis temporäre Hauptstadt Aden verlegt. Damit zementiert Hadi die voranschreitende Fragmentierung Jemens.

Laut der Regierung Hadi nahestehenden Kreisen wurde der Schritt mit Saudiarabien und den Emiraten abgesprochen, welche eine arabische Militärkoalition gegen die Huthi anführen und Hadi unterstützen. Hadi wirft den Huthi vor, vier Milliarden Dollar von den Reserven der Zentralbank zur Finanzierung ihres Aufstandes abgezapft zu haben, was die Bank jedoch verneint. Der jüngste Entscheid Hadis scheint ein Versuch, die Institution unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen und den Huthi Legitimität zu entziehen, wobei er sich wohl auch Hilfszahlungen von seinen Verbündeten am Golf erhofft, die sonst nach Sanaa gegangen wären.

Die Huthi hatten mit der Machtübernahme in Sanaa auch die Kontrolle der Zentralbank übernommen. Der Zentralbankchef Mohammed Bin Humam kehrte bald nach dem Putsch in die Hauptstadt zurück, während das Kabinett Hadis im saudischen Exil blieb. Er gilt als unbestechlicher Technokrat, der dafür sorgte, dass trotz dem Konflikt weiterhin in allen Landesteilen Löhne an Staatsangestellte wie Lehrer und Ärzte ausbezahlt wurden. Der Internationale Währungsfonds lobte die Zentralbank daher dafür, dass sie eine grundlegende finanzielle Stabilität aufrechterhalte und im politischen Konflikt bemerkenswert neutral bleibe. Der Zentralbank gelang es lange Zeit trotz beschränkten Mitteln, einen wirtschaftlichen Kollaps zu verhindern.

Das Machtspiel um die Zentralbank wird primär die Zivilbevölkerung des ärmsten arabischen Landes treffen, die zum grösseren Teil in Gebieten unter Kontrolle der Huthi lebt. Der jemenitische Analyst Farea al-Muslimi vergleicht die Zentralbank mit dem Blutkreislauf in einem kranken Körper, mit dem letzten einigermassen funktionierenden Organ. Ob die Bank mit dem neuen Chef und von Aden aus das ganze Land versorgen wird, ist zweifelhaft. Wenn die Bank die landesweite Versorgung nicht mehr sicherstellt, bleibt aus institutioneller Sicht nicht mehr viel vom jemenitischen Staat übrig. – von Monika Bolliger

Kommentar: Sehr guter und langer Artikel.

cp2 Allgemein / General

10.10.2016 – The American Conservative (* A K P)

Reckless Interventionism and the War on Yemen

Max Boot has happily ignored the war on Yemen until this week:

For the record, the Houthis have denied responsibility for launching the missiles [at an US warship, see cp17], so it is not certain that they made the attempt. It remains unclear who was responsible for the attempted attack, which fortunately resulted in no casualties or damage to the U.S. vessel. No matter who is responsible, the smart thing to do is to reassess the disastrous U.S. policy in Yemen before it is too late. There is no justification in responding to a failed attack with escalation against people that have otherwise done nothing to us, and only a fanatic like Boot would think that is the right response.

The episode does highlight the danger of continued U.S. involvement in and support for a completely indefensible war in Yemen waged by the Saudis and their allies. Among other things, it potentially exposes U.S. forces in the area to attacks from the people our government is helping to bomb. The U.S. is and is perceived to be a participant in that war, and there is always the danger that the U.S. is pulled into the war more deeply because of its support for the campaign. Boot’s post is titled “acts of war cannot go ignored,” and yet he has been more than happy to ignore the acts of war that our government has enabled against Yemen for the last year and a half.

As ever, Boot wants to seize on this episode to increase U.S. intervention abroad. Boot’s proposals are as stupid as they are reckless. – by Daniel Larison

10.10.2016 – Deutsche Welle (B K P)

Eskalation im Jemen

Saudi-Arabien und der Iran liefern sich im Jemen einen Stellvertreterkrieg. Die beiden Staaten setzen auf unterschiedliche Strategien. Beiden geht es letztlich um die Vorherrschaft in der gesamten Region.

In Riad sieht man die Ordnung auf der arabischen Halbinsel durch den benachbarten Iran bedroht, der sich als schiitische Führungsmacht versteht. Die saudische Regierung wirft der iranischen vor, die Huthis - eine mehrheitlich schiitische Volksgruppe - gegen die rechtmäßig gewählte Regierung Mansur Hadi aufzuwiegeln. Das will diese nicht zulassen.

Die Regierung in Riad sehe sich durch die iranische Präsenz im Jemen so bedrängt, dass sie sich entschieden habe, einem Hilferuf von Mansur Hadi Folge zu leisten, sagt Sebastian Sons von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik. Mit dieser Entscheidung habe das militärisch bislang zurückhaltende Königreich einen ganz neuen Kurs eingeschlagen. "Im Jemen ist man von der bisherigen Agenda abgewichen, weil man sich so stark unter Druck gesetzt fühlte. Man glaubte, Stärke zeigen zu müssen."

Ein Signal der Stärke wolle das Land aber nicht nur an den Iran, sondern auch an die USA senden. "Man will zeigen, dass man in Riad auch ohne die USA agieren kann, in der Lage ist, die sunnitische Welt anzuführen, Allianzen zu schmieden und auch Waffengewalt einzusetzen." – von Kersten Knipp

Kommentar: Und wieder einmal zieht sich jemand an der angeblichen Einmischung des Iran im Jemen hoch. Die Rolle des Iran ist in diesem Konflikt aber sekundär und beschränkt sich vor allem auf „Cheerleading“. Die Verbindung zwischen Jemen und Iran wird de facto von den Saudis kontrolliert, Waffenlieferungen sind daher nur in sehr geringem Umfang möglich – und mengenmäßig gegenüber dem, was die Saudis und ihre Verbündeten völlig frei bekommen, völlig zu vernachlässigen. – Ein über weite Strecken also irreführender Artikel.

10.10.2016 – The Guardian (B P)

Why Yemen conflict has become another Syria

Diplomatic neglect as well as US and UK arms sales have fuelled Saudi-Iranian proxy war that could blow up in west’s face

Neglected diplomatically by the US and Europe, let down by UN human rights watchdog, fuelled by US and British arms sales and exploited and manipulated by Iran, the conflict in Yemen is another Syria, on a smaller scale. Like Syria it has increasing potential to blow up in the west’s face – by Simon Tisdall

Comment: This article really is not convincing. The role of Iran is very much overrated. Obama being nearly a bystander in the Middle East wars just is wrong. It’s not more US interference that can help to solve the crisis, only less.

10.10.2016 – AFP (* A K P)

Yemen funeral strike lessens chances of peace: analysts
Read more: Alani, a senior adviser to the Gulf Research Centre, said the attitude of the rebels is "getting harder every day. They think they can get more and more and more," Alani said.

In the aftermath of the strike, ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh -- who has allied his security forces with the Huthis -- called for a mobilisation along the Saudi border "to take revenge".

Making matters worse, among those killed at the funeral were a number of Yemeni politicians and military officers "who were working towards a peace settlement," said April Longley Alley, a Yemen specialist at the International Crisis Group.

Hopes of an immediate ceasefire "almos t certainly" died along with them "and it will have longer term consequences for the potential to develop any sustainable peace plan," she said.

Adam Baron, a visiting fellow and Yemen specialist at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said the Saudis are unlikely to budge from their goal of ending the war on their own terms.

"I'm doubtful... We've seen the Saudis continue striking targets in Sanaa and elsewhere in the country unabated," while the rebels have given the Saudis enough of a justification by escalating strikes across the border, he said.

10.10.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (* A P)

Tribes remained relatively neutral now answering call to retaliate. Unless quickly contained, rapid escalation imminent & deadly.

Cost of funeral massacre extends beyond human toll to serious ramifications of murdering dignitaries from both sides of aisle.

Emotions high. Easy to ride wave of public anger & galvanize masses. Now even less room to compromise or for cooler heads to prevail.

10.10.2016 – Common Dreams (* A K P)

Do Western Nations Care about Yemeni Lives or Saudi Blood Money?

How much is the life of a Yemeni worth? Not much, according to the Saudi regime that has been bombing and starving the people of Yemen for since March 2015, or to the Saudi’s western backers, particularly the US and UK, which have been supplying the Saudi regime with weapons, military training, logistical support and diplomatic cover for its dirty interventionist war.

What has been the US and UK governments’ response to the funeral bombing? The British government announced UK arms sales to the Saudis is “under careful and continual review”, while the Obama administration issued a statement that US support for Saudis is not a “blank check” and that the US was “prepared to adjust our support so as to better align with US principles, values and interests.”

The “principles, values and interests” of the Western powers, however, have been to buy cheap Saudi oil and make record profits by selling massive quantities of weapons to one of the most repressive countries in the world.

Yemenis are furious about the latest Saudi massacre, as well as Western complicity and the lack of action on the part of the international community.

What can we do? Join us in demanding that our government stop arming the Saudi regime – by Medea Benjamin

10.10.2016 – New York Times (* A P)

A Roar at a Funeral, and Yemen’s War Is Altered

“This really might be the watershed,” said April Longley Alley, an analyst with the International Crisis Group who follows events in Yemen.

The carnage in the heart of the capital could hamper any return to talks aimed at ending the conflict, while galvanizing support in northern Yemen for military escalation against Saudi Arabia, Ms. Alley said.

Diplomats, including Mr. Kerry, have struggled to restart peace talks, a possibility that appeared remote after Saturday’s strikes. Yemeni leaders who supported peace talks were among those killed in the airstrike, along with ordinary civilians. – By SHUAIB ALMOSAWA and BEN HUBBARD

10.10.2016 – ABC News (* A K P)

Saudi-led coalition denounced by Yemenis, under review by Washington following 'deadly' airstrike

Thousands of people call for an international investigation into the airstrike

Saudi coalition initially denied any involvement in the attack

After international condemnation, coalition now launching a probe into the incident

Saturday's attack is one of the single deadliest bombings of civilians since the Saudi war to defeat Iranian-backed Houthi rebels began last March.

One protester among the crowds that took the streets on Sunday asked: "Where are human rights? Where is the UN? Where is the world?"

"They were very angry. They wanted revenge," political analyst Hisham Al Omeisy, who is based in Sanaa and attended the rally, said.

"It was no longer about peace. They did not want the talks to continue. I'm afraid for a lot of people it's a tipping point."

The Saudi coalition initially denied any involvement in the attack, but after international condemnation — and the fact they are the only ones carrying out airstrikes over Yemen — the coalition has now said it will launch a probe into the incident.

Mr Al Omeisey said that was not good enough.

"To be honest that's really just insulting. Since when is the criminal allowed to investigate his own crime? Be judge and jury," he said.

"Saudi denied it at first. Saudi claimed that it was Daesh. That it was ISIS. Now they are saying they will investigate it. No! – by Sophie McNeill

10.10.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

WRAPUP 1-Yemen's Houthis lash out after air strike with missile attack

The air strike ripped through a wake attended by some of the country's top political and security officials, outraging Yemeni society and potentially galvanising powerful tribes to join the Houthis in opposing a Saudi-backed exiled government.

Among the dead in the funeral bombing on Saturday were notables straddling the country's many political divides, threatening to harden the will of powerful armed tribes around the capital who may make common cause with the Houthis.

"Despite all the massacres that have happened in this war, attacking a funeral is unprecedented and crosses a major red line in Yemeni culture," said Farea al-Muslimi, an analyst at the Sanaa Centre for Strategic studies.

"The air strikes killed powerful people, and their tribes and families will be drawn closer to the Houthis as they all try to retaliate." – By Noah Browning

10.10.2016 – Badische Zeitung (A P)

KOMMENTAR: Frieden hätte Signalwirkung

Eine Reduzierung der Waffenlieferungen – nicht nur aus den USA – wäre nach dem Massaker in Sanaa das richtige, längst überfällige Signal an Riad.

Im Vergleich zu Syrien ist der Jemen-Krieg nur ein Nebenschauplatz, der mit gutem Willen aller direkt und indirekt beteiligten Parteien sicherlich rascher gelöst werden könnte als der so mörderische Syrien-Konflikt. Ein Frieden im Jemen, das ist sicher, hätte eine Signalwirkung auf den gesamten Nahen Osten.

Kommentar: Freilich: Es ist falsch, dass im Jemen „Saudis und Iraner um die Vorherrschaft im Mittleren Osten ringen“. Die Iraner spielen nur eine Statistenrolle. Es ist ein Krieg der Saudis gegen einen erheblichen Teil der jemenitischen Gesellschaft.

9.10.2016 – Süddeutsche Zeitung (A K P)

Das vergessene Land

Saudi-Arabien führt in Jemen Krieg. Deutschland muss daher seine Waffenlieferungen an Riad stoppen.

Der Westen hat nicht viele gute und realistische Möglichkeiten, dem Schlachten in Syrien Einhalt zu gebieten. Auch in Jemen kann er aus eigener Kraft das Morden kaum stoppen. Aber die USA, Großbritannien, Frankreich und auch Deutschland haben sehr gute Druckmittel, um Saudi-Arabien zum Einlenken zu drängen: ein sofortiger und vorläufiger Stopp aller Waffenlieferungen nach Riad.

Ohne Bombennachschub aus dem Ausland wären die Arsenale der saudischen Luftwaffe und ihrer Verbündeten leer – von Paul-Anton Krüger

9.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A P)

Saudi strike on Sana'a funeral collective punishment of civilians: Analyst

"I am sure the overwhelming majority of them (the victims) had nothing to do with this conflict, they had nothing to do with the war," Naseer al-Omari told Press TV.

"But in the Saudi mindset, if you deal with the Houthis … then you are automatically a criminal. This is the medieval mindset that we have warned the world about for years."

The analyst also stated that the regime in Riyadh thinks "killing hundreds who happen to be in the vicinity" of a specified target "is justified."

"This is the Wahhabi value system. This is the royal family’s value system," the commentator said.

"And I hope that they (the Americans) will move after they have seen that this royal family has no respect for human life. It does not fight on principle, it does not fight for legitimate political or military reasons. It fights to take revenge, it fights to punish its own foes and enemies."

The commentator further noted that the United States supported Saudi Arabia for political reasons and it saw the Saudi royal family as a “useful foreign policy tool.” However, Omari said, this tool had “backfired.”

9.10.2016 – Telepolis-Forum (A K P)

Natürlich wird es keine Flugverbotszone über dem Jemen geben. Aber die formelle Ablehnung dieser Forderung müsste normalerweise auch dem Allerdümmsten erneut die Doppelzüngigkeit und völlige Unglaubwürdigkeit westlicher Politik und Mainstreammedien vor Augen führen!

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

10.10.2016 – Al Masirah TV (A H)

Film: situation of fishermen at Hodeidah coast

10.10.2016 – Doctors without borders (B H)

@MSF surgical teams performed more than 23,000 surgeries in #Yemen since March 2015.

18,962 women gave birth in #MSF facilities in #Yemen since March 2015. Many are still delivering at home with unskilled attendants.

Comment by Judith Brown: I expect the teams are working overtime in Sanaa following recent events. How can the destitute health service - starved of funds, equipment, medicines - cope with the Saudi onslaughts? So many of the injured who could otherwise survive will die because of the bombing of medical facilities and the embargo stopping medicines getting into Yemen.

6.10.2016 – BBC (* B H)

Back to school in the Middle East: A glimmer of normal life

Due to violence and the closure of schools, more than 350,000 children were unable to resume their education in the last school year, bringing the total of out-of-school children in Yemen to 2 million.

"Children were killed on their way to school or while at school," said Julien Harneis, representative of the UN Children's Fund (Unicef) in Yemen. "Parties to the conflict should keep children and schools out of harm to give education a chance."

Despite the dire security situation, Yemenis still want the best for their children.

"People still send their children to school because they want to resume their normal life, and going to school is part of it," Moustafa al-Rifai, a grandfather of a 10-year-old boy who lives in the Houthi-controlled capital Sanaa, told the BBC – By Dina Aboughazala

9.10.2016 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Yemen: Overview of Field Hubs & Governorate Coverage (as of August 2016)

Yemen: Aden Hub - Overview of the humanitarian situation (as of August 2016)

The Governorate Dashboards present information on the humanitarian situation and action taking place per governorate and clusters in the humanitarian hubs across the country, in response to the 2016 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP).

9.10.2016 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Dashboard (January - August 2016)

In August 2016, humanitarian partners released the Revised 2016 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP), resulting in a 7 per cent decrease in the number of people targeted with assistance, and 9.3 per cent decrease in financial requirements. Response progress and funding levels will be measured against revised targets and requirements starting in this issue of the Dashboard. These decreases have been driven primarily by funding shortages and more focused prioritization. They do not reflect improvements in the dire humanitarian situation. With intensified air strikes and ground clashes, as well as continued bureaucratic impediments, humanitarian space in Yemen continues to shrink. Despite many challenges, humanitarian partners have provided direct assistance to 4.6 million people since January 2016. As of 5 October, donors had contributed US$762.4 million to the 2016 YHRP, or 47 per cent of total revised requirements ($1.63 billion).

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

10.10.2016 – RT (A P)

Massiver Protest im Jemen

Tausende haben sich gestern in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa versammelt, um gegen die jüngsten Saudi-geführten Luftangriffe zu protestieren, die Hunderte Zivilisten im südlichen Teil der Stadt am Samstag getötet beziehungsweise verletzt haben. mit Film:

9.10.2016 – Sputnik News (* A P)

Yemen’s Houthis Say United States Behind Horrific Funeral Bombing Killing 140+

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement condemned the recent Saudi airstrike targeting a funeral in the capital city of Sana’a and laid the blame first and foremost at the feet of the United States.
Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leather of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement, addressed the nation in a televised speech on Sunday condemning the Saudi-led airstrikes against the impoverished country and expressing particular disdain for the United States as the primary weapon supplier and supporter of the coalition that has engaged in indiscriminate bombings of schools, hospitals and civilian infrastructure.

"The United States is the first and foremost party responsible for the carnage," al-Houthi said. "Those killing Yemenis are morally bankrupt, which has driven them to perpetrate any sort of crime. The Saudis are killing Yemenis by means of US weapons and military aircraft. They strike where Americans pinpoint and allow."

"Saudis have a black criminal record of killing innocent people. They have a cruel and evil nature, and do not respect independence of other countries. The Saudi king (Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud) would not have dared to attack Yemen if it had been without US consent," al-Houthi stated.
The leader called on all able bodied Yemenis to engage in retaliatory counter attacks against the Saudi Arabian regime leading many in the international community to fear an escalation of the crisis in Yemen. and more by Saba Net

9.10.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

Thousands of armed Yemeni protesters call for investigation into wake bombing

Thousands of Yemenis, many of them armed, gathered at the United Nations headquarters in Yemen's capital Sanaa on Sunday calling for an international investigation into an air strike on a wake this weekend that was widely blamed on Saudi-led forces.

Radios and mosque loudspeakers throughout the city blared mourning verses as demonstrators crowded the streets around the U.N. headquarters, many waving their rifles in the air.

Nada, a high school student living near the site said body parts propelled by the explosion flew into her house.

"What happened was an unprecedented crime ... The sight of it was terrifying and will never leave my mind," she said.

One Sanaa resident, Ahmed Abu Taleb, described his frantic search for a relative.

"We were searching in the hall and in hospitals from the afternoon until dawn today, but after all our anguish we learned that he was among the dead."

On Sunday, Yemen's powerful former president Ali Abdullah Saleh called for more attacks at the Saudi border - by Mohammed Ghobari

9.10.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

People in Yemen’s Sanaa Protest Airstrike on Funeral in Front of UN Office

Tens of thousands of people in Yemen joined a protest held in front of a local UN office in the capital city of Sanaa following a deadly airstrike on a funeral ceremony, local media reported.

According to the al Masirah television channel, the protesters carried Yemeni flags and posters, condemning the actions of Saudi Arabia.
The protest participants also criticized United Nations’ inaction regarding the airstrike, while President of Houthi Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi urged to open training camps for new recruits in order to defeat “aggressors,” the channel reported. and by Saba Net:

9.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Film: Yemen vows to retaliate after Saudi deadly attack

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council has strongly denounced Saudi Arabia’s deadly attack on a funeral in the Yemeni capital Sana’a.
The body has pledged to do whatever within its power to retaliate accordingly. The council went on to criticize the United Nations Security Council for turning a blind eye to everyday killings of Yemenis. It called on the Yemeni people to take to the streets to voice their anger at the Saudi atrocities. Meanwhile, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has described the raids as heinous and inhumane. The Leader of Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah says Saudi warplanes intentionally targeted the funeral gathering knowing they could kill a large number of people.

9.10.2016 – The Guardian (A P)

Film: Yemeni protest deadly air strike outside UN building - video

Hundreds of Yemeni men, women and children gathered outside the United Nations building in Sanaa on Sunday to protest against an air strike in which 140 people were killed.

Comment by Judith Brown: Why do they continue to post these sorts of pictures of Yemen making Yemenis appear so violent and aggressive? The demonstrations I have seen in Sanaa and the photos of recent demonstrations have been very organised and dignified and above all have been peaceful - even the incredible photos of the enormous 20th August demonstration said in Sanaa to have been attended by some 4 million Yemenis who attended from all over Yemen. And of course that peaceful demonstration was also bombed by Saudi warplanes.

9.10.2016 – ORF (A P)

Jemen: Ex-Präsident Saleh ruft zu Kampf gegen Saudis auf

Der einflussreiche jemenitische Ex-Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh hat nach dem verheerenden Luftangriff auf eine Trauerfeier zum Kampf an der saudischen Grenze aufgerufen.

Die bewaffneten Einheiten und die Sicherheitskräfte des Landes sollten sich an die Frontlinien an der Grenze zu dem Königreich begeben, um für die Bombardierung „Rache“ zu üben, sagte Saleh gestern in einer TV-Ansprache seines eigenen Senders.

9.10.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Yemen ex-president urges attack on Saudi Arabia after air strike

Yemen's powerful ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, a key ally of the country's dominant Houthi movement, called for an escalation of attacks against their common enemy Saudi Arabia on Sunday.

Saleh, a politician who retains influence over Yemen's military, spoke a day after an apparent Saudi-led air attack on a meeting hall in the capital Sanaa killed at least 140 people, according to local health officials cited by the United Nations.

Sources in the Saudi-led coalition denied any role in the attack.

"I call upon all the sons of this nation ... to face this aggression with all their strength and you must proceed to the battlefronts," Saleh said in a televised speech – by Noah Browning and by Sputnik News:

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

10.10.2016 – Reuters (A P)

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday there must be accountability for the "appalling conduct" of the entire war in Yemen after an apparent Saudi-led air strike killed 140 Yemenis.

"Aerial attacks by the Saudi-led coalition have already caused immense carnage, and destroyed much of the country's medical facilities and other vital civilian infrastructure," Ban told reporters. "More broadly, there must be accountability for the appalling conduct of this entire war."

10.10.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

UN-Kommissar für Ermittlung mutmaßlicher Kriegsverbrechen in Jemen

UN-Menschenrechtskommissar Seid Raad al-Hussein hat nach dem Luftangriff auf eine Trauerfeier im Jemen mit Hunderten Toten und Verletzten abermals eine internationale Untersuchung mutmaßlicher Kriegsverbrechen in Jemen gefordert.

Zugleich kritisierte er am Montag, die Mitglieder des UN-Menschenrechtsrates hätten dazu beigetragen, ein Klima der Straflosigkeit in Jemen zu schaffen, indem sie die Situation in dem Land nicht angemessenen untersucht hätten.

Im vergangenen Monat hatte der Menschenrechtsrat eine unabhängige Untersuchung mutmaßlicher Kriegsverbrechen in Jemen abgelehnt

10.10.2016 – UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (** A P)

Outrageous attack on funeral makes international investigation into Yemen even more vital – Zeid

Describing the attack on a funeral in Sana’a on Saturday as “outrageous”, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Monday reiterated his urgent call for an independent, international inquiry into alleged violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in the country.

“Since the beginning of this conflict in Yemen, weddings, marketplaces, hospitals, schools – and now mourners at a funeral – have been hit, resulting in massive civilian casualties and zero accountability for those responsible,” the High Commissioner said. “This deadly attack comes just weeks after the UN Human Rights Council, for the second year in a row, dismissed my call to take decisive action to create an international, independent investigative body to look into extremely serious alleged violations of international law, including possible war crimes, in Yemen. The Human Rights Council’s inability to take decisive action by setting up an international investigation is contributing to a climate of impunity, and violations continue to occur on a regular basis. Such outrageous attacks cannot be allowed to continue.”

“The international community has a legal and moral duty to react robustly to the increasingly horrific levels of civilian casualties in Yemen, just as it has in many other situations,” Zeid said. “We take note of the recent letter sent by Saudi Arabia to the Security Council indicating its readiness to take corrective and appropriate measures to ensure accountability, including the release of the results of the ongoing investigations into this incident, in the near future.”

High Commissioner Zeid also called on all States contributing to the conduct of hostilities in Yemen in any way to seriously reconsider their support to the parties to the conflict. He urged all sides to resume dialogue and to work towards a sustainable ceasefire. = and by Reuters:

10.10.2016 – AFP (A P)

UN-Sondergesandter fordert nach Angriff im Jemen Verfolgung der Verantwortlichen
Nach dem Luftangriff auf eine Trauerfeier im Jemen mit mehr als 140 Toten und 525 Verletzten hat der UN-Sondergesandte Ismail Ould Scheich Ahmed eine juristische Verfolgung der Verantwortlichen gefordert. "Alles muss unternommen werden, um die Hintermänner dieser abscheulichen Angriffe vor Gericht zu bringen", sagte Ould Scheich Ahmed am Montag nach einem Gespräch mit dem französischen Außenminister Jean-Marc Ayrault in Paris.;art154776,3276642

Kommentar: Was soll man davon halten. Die Verantwortlichen bzw. die Hintermänner sind wohl bekannt, warum nennt er sie nicht? Hat er jetzt gefordert, die saudische Führung + Obama vor den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof zu bringen oder hat er nur Schaum geschlagen??

9.10.2016 – Reuters (A P)

UN envoy hopes to announce Yemen ceasefire deal soon

The United Nations' envoy for Yemen has said that he hoped to announce a ceasefire in the conflict in the next few days, following a meeting with Houthi forces in Oman.

Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, speaking to Oman's state news agency ONA, said Houthi representatives and their allies had said a ceasefire was necessary. But he added he had yet to meet with exiled Yemen President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to discuss the matter.

"They were long and positive meetings, which make me optimistic. They have agreed during them to accept a ceasefire for 72 hours in Yemen which could be extended," he told ONA.

He would meet President Hadi in Saudi Arabia later on Friday, he said.

Comment: That seems quite ridiculous after what has happened.

9.10.2016 – AFP (A P)

Ban verurteilt Luftangriff im Jemen und fordert "unabhängige" Untersuchung

UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon hat die Luftangriffe auf eine Trauerfeier im Jemen mit mehr als 140 Toten und über 525 Verletzten verurteilt. Jeder vorsätzliche Angriff auf Zivilisten sei "absolut inakzeptabel", erklärte Ban am Sonntag. Es müsse eine "schnelle und unabhängige" Untersuchung zu dem Vorfall geben, die Verantwortlichen müssten Rechenschaft ablegen.
In Bans Erklärung wurde erwähnt, dass die Angriffe offenbar von der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition geflogen wurden, allerdings machte der UN-Generalsekretär selbst niemanden direkt verantwortlich. =;art154776,3276029

Kommentar: Schlechter Witz. Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat hat vor kurzem eine unabhängige Untersuchung der Kriegsverbrechen im jemen abgelehnt, und Ban hat dazu den Mund gehalten.

10.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

UN peace envoy calls for justice over Yemen funeral attack

UN peace envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, has called for immediate action against the perpetrators of the deadly attack.

"We must do everything possible to ensure the authors of these heinous attacks face justice," he told reporters in Paris.

He also noted that Saudis must publish the result of an investigation they claim to be carrying out over the incident."We need to have the results of the investigation underway very quickly," he stressed.

"We have all been saddened by the fact these attacks took place amid significant progress in the long peace negotiations, and at a time when we were negotiating a durable accord," he added

9.10.2016 – UN Secretary-General (A P)

Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on Yemen

The Secretary-General condemns the attack on an event hall in Sana’a where hundreds of people were gathered for a funeral ceremony. Initial reports indicate that the attack, said to have been airstrikes by the Coalition, killed over 140 people and injured hundreds of others. The Secretary-General expresses his sincere condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured.

The Secretary-General notes that any deliberate attack against civilians is utterly unacceptable and calls for a prompt and impartial investigation of this incident. Those responsible for the attack must be brought to justice.

The Secretary-General once again reminds all parties to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law – including the fundamental rules of proportionality, distinction and precaution – to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure against attack.

Comment: “calls for a prompt and impartial investigation”: That’s hypocrisy. When the UN Human Rights council rejected an independent investigation of the war crimes of the Yemen war just 2 weeks ago, Ban stayed quiet.

9.10.2016 – UN News Centre (* A P)

UN chief, senior humanitarian officials strongly condemn attack in Yemen that killed over a hundred people

In a separate statement, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O'Brien said he was “horrified and extremely disturbed” at the attack.

“This horrendous and heinous attack displayed an utter disregard for human life. It highlights once again the disproportionate risk for civilians when explosive weapons are used in urban areas,” said Mr. O'Brien, also the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs. “The few hospitals left able to operate continue to receive the dead and injured so the casualty figures may well rise further,” he added.

Mr. O'Brien, who had visited Sana'a last week, described the situation in the city as “heart-breaking.” He said that medical facilities were without medicines; parents were struggling to feed their children even once a day; and entire communities were without access to basic services or livelihoods.

Calling on all parties to protect civilians and stop using explosive weapons or conducting aerial bombardments in civilian-populated places, Mr. O'Brien expressed: “Surely enough is enough.”

Further yesterday, Jamie McGoldrick, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, on behalf of the UN agencies and international non-governmental organizations in the country, expressed “shock and outrage” at the incident and called on the international community to exert pressure and influence on all parties to the conflict to ensure civilians are protected. =

9.10.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K P)

This is new! UN spokesman took podium now in huge anti Saudi protest in Sana'a saying UN agencies feel #Yemen's pain & here in solidarity.

He said that various UN agencies issued statements condemning yesterday's airstrikes in Sana'a & demanded int'l investigation.

To everyone blocked UN's independent investigation into war crimes, especially despicable pro Saudi #Yemen-is at UN, you're forever shamed.

9.10.2016 – Xinhua (* A P)

News analysis: military escalation blows up peace effort in Yemen

At least 458 people, almost all civilians, were killed and 514 others injured in a double-tap airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition on a mourning ceremony in Yemen's capital Sanaa on Saturday, officials said.

The attack came shortly after the UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh announced that the factions had agreed on a 72-hour ceasefire and to resume peace talks.

The airstrike, as part of recent military escalation by all parties to the conflict, has deepened the uncertainty of the peace process in the country, observers said.

Adil Al-Shuja'a, professor of politics at Sanaa University, said the Saturday's massacre blew up the fragile peace process and will result in further escalation.

"Violence begets violence. Furthermore, massacres are continuing, while the international community is still unable to take action," Al-Shuja'a said. "UN can't guarantee an effective ceasefire. It can't guarantee protection of civilians and prevent violation of the laws of war. How can it run a successful peace process then?" he added.

Observers argued that repeated attacks on civilians expose the failure of the Arab coalition and the Yemeni factions in achieving a military victory on the ground.

Even if we assume the Saudi-led coalition lacks precise information about military targets, repeated attacks on civilians tell us about real attitudes toward the peace process, observers said.

"Saudi Arabia is facing mounting pressure over possible war crimes, catastrophic impacts, humanitarian crisis in particular after its military intervention and inability to help make peace talks a success," Al-Shuja'a said.

"International silence and what appears to be international collision are also leading to more violations of the laws of war in Yemen," he added.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

10.10.2016 – Ali Ali Kassus (B P)

Saudi cartoon (image)

8.10.2016 – Ali AlAhmed (B H)

Film: House for women in Saudi Arabia

7.10.2016 – Deutsche Welle (* B H)

UN child rights report slams Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia continues to tolerate "severe" discrimination against girls and even teenage executions, according to the UN Committee of the Rights of the Child. It's also condemned Riyadh for its warfare in Yemen.

The Geneva-based surveillance committee said on Friday that despite some law reform Saudi Arabia still did not recognize girls as "full" legal subjects and left them exposed to the whims of male guardians, a discriminatory dress code and domestic violence, including marital rape.

A recommended international minimum age of 18 for marriage was still being ignored by Saudi judges, who "frequently authorized girls" to marry as soon as they reached puberty, the committee said.

In 2014, a religious leader had even declared himself to be in favor of girls' marriage from "9 years old" - a practice often misconstrued by judges as being in the child's "best interests," the committee said in its report published Friday.

Guardianship meant that males exercised limits over girls in terms of their rights, such as freedom of movement and access to education and health care.

Precedence given to Sharia law by Saudi Arabia and a lack of monitoring in the kingdom combined to undermine the implementation of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, the report said.

The UN committee went on to express "deep concern" that Saudi Arabia executed people for offences allegedly committed under the age of 18 and put even 15-year-old's on trial as adults.

It named six adolescents still facing execution and said a mass execution of 47 people on January 2, 2016 included four under the age of 18.

The UN committee said it was "deeply concerned" over "corroborated" information that Saudi Arabia had committed "grave violations of children's rights" through its military operations in neighboring Yemen.

Starvation had been used as a method of warfare and "hundreds of children have been killed and maimed as a result of indiscriminate airstrikes and shelling."

cp9 USA

Siehe / See cp1a

10.10.2016 – Samuel Oakford / Jamila Hanan (A P)

US officials say American tankers did not refuel Saudi jets on Saturday, Oct 8 - day of the funeral strike - but continued Sunday.

So they knew there was going to be a massacre that day?

10.10.2016 – Samuel Oakford / Jamila Hanan (A P)

US officials told me today they would consider *increasing* the number of personnel assisting the Saudis, to prevent more casualties.

There seems to also be confusion among US officials about the exact nature of White House's review of Saudi support package.

I'm sure there is. What review? It was already reviewed and they had already agreed to sell more bombs (to improve targeting).

10.10.2016 – Already Happened (A K)

Satellite images show recent deployment of 3x B-52 bombers at #US military base in #Djibouti. (2012, 2014, 08/2016)

Comment by Raiz Fayli: I wonder what the B52 bombers are doing across the pond from #Yemen.

9.10.2016 – Senator Chris Murphy (A P)


"Saudi airstrikes, with support from the United States, have killed thousands of civilians in Yemen. ‎Yesterday's attack on large funeral party follows months of attacks on schools, homes, and hospitals. I know the administration is just as horrified as I am by the Saudis' seemingly willful neglect for civilian life, but we are past the point of strongly worded statements," said Murphy. "If the U.S. is serious when it says our support for Saudi Arabia isn't a blank check, then it's time to prove it -- because it's clear the Saudi-led coalition isn't listening. The administration should pull U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen because it's harming America's national security, enabling terrorist groups to thrive, and killing innocent civilians.”

7.10.2016 – The Guardian (* A P)

Russia and Syria must face war crimes investigations, says John Kerry

US secretary of state calls for restoration of ceasefire and denounces bombings of civilian targets, ‘They are beyond the accidental now’

US secretary of state John Kerry has called for Russia and Syria to face war crimes investigations for their bombing of civilian targets.

Kerry was speaking before a meeting with the French foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, to discuss a new Franco-Spanish resolution presented to the UN security council on Friday,

The Franco-Spanish resolution calls for all parties, particularly the Syrian regime, to comply with international humanitarian law and said “war crimes and crimes against humanity shall not go unpunished”

“These are actions that beg for an appropriate investigation of war crimes and those responsible would and should be held accountable for these actions,” the secretary of state added. “They are beyond the accidental now. Way beyond, years beyond the accidental. This is a targeted strategy to terrorise civilians and to kill anybody and everybody who is in the way of their military objectives.” – by Julian Borger

Comment: It would be remarkable to point out how large Kerry’s hypocrisy is when just looking at what happens in Syria. Anyway, it is tremendous comparing the Syrian and the Yemeni theater of war. What do the US and Kerry say of air raids against civilians in Yemen? Look at cp1a and cp1b (there: Vice News, Oct. 2). There is quite a difference – oh well, in the one case, the Russians and the Syrian army are bombing civilians (or better: the US accuse them to do so; others bombing civilians are not mentioned, the US themselves and their jihadist Syrian rebels), in the other case, USAs Saudi allies are bombing: US hypocrisy at its best.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

10.10.2016 – NZZ (* A P)

Britische Rüstungsfirmen auf der Anklagebank

Das britische Aussenministerium verurteilte den Angriff, anders als beim amerikanischen Protest fehlte jedoch jeglicher Hinweis auf mögliche Konsequenzen für die britische Unterstützung Saudiarabiens und der von Riad angeführten Anti-Huthi-Koalition.

Die Zurückhaltung steht im Gegensatz zu einem letzten Monat publizierten Bericht der Committees on Arms Export Controls (CAEC), die mit Mitgliedern von vier ständigen Parlamentskommissionen (Aussenpolitik, Verteidigung, Entwicklung und Wirtschaft) besetzt sind. Der vom Tory-Abgeordneten Chris White verfasste Bericht zu Jemen hält fest, die Beweislast bezüglich Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch die Anti-Huthi-Koalition sei so gross, dass die an Auflagen gebundenen Lizenzen für britische Waffenexporte nach Saudiarabien unglaubwürdig geworden seien. White empfahl ein Ausfuhr-Moratorium und eine internationale Untersuchung der mutmasslichen Kriegs- und Menschenrechtsverletzungen der Koalition.
Gegen ein Waffenausfuhrembargo sprechen jedoch starke strategische und wirtschaftliche Interessen – von Monika Bolliger

10.10.2016 – Rasha Mohamed / Afrah Nasser (A P)

The @BBCBreaking should be ashamed. Their coverage of #Yemen conflict is not just lacking, but lazy, lacklustre and at times biased.

@RashaMoh2 you should also check their Arabic version. They often write Saudi airstrikes in brackets, as if it's alleged & not certain.

@Afrahnasser think that's bad? They've actually changed Yemen headlines/content before on UK cluster munition research we did. Disgusting.

10.10.2016 – Sky (B K)

Film: Were UK arms used to kill 140 mourners?

Comment: This is NO (or no more) a civil war. Or are the Saudis who committed this massacre really Yemenis??

10.10.2016 – ITV (A P)

UK will not stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia after air strike

Britain will not halt sales of weapons to Saudi Arabia before an investigation into anairstrike which killed 140 mourners at a funeral in Yemen is complete.

On Monday, Downing Street stated it would not review its sale of arms to the desert kingdom before a probe into the airstrike was complete.

Comment: Even in doubt, Britain decides in favour of killing.

10.10.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Britain must end all arms exports with Saudi Arabia immediately, campaigners demand

Arms exports to Saudi Arabia from Britain “must end now” campaigners have demanded in the wake of one of the deadliest massacres of Yemen’s ongoing civil war.

Campaign against Arms Trade (CAAT), which has condemned the bombing, has called for an end to all arms exports to the oil-rich kingdom, and the revoking of all current licences.

Andrew Smith of CAAT: “There can be no more excuses. There are major steps that the UK can take right now that could alleviate the suffering and reduce the chance of further atrocities. If Theresa May and Boris Johnson are serious about peace, then they must stop the arms sales and use their influence to call for an end to the bombardment.” – by Ashley Cowburn

Comment by Judith Brown: Absolutely true. Even Tobias Ellwood has been moved to a sort of criticism which is a miracle in itself.

9.10.2016 – Foreign Minister Boris Johnson (A P)

Spoke to Saudi Foreign Minister Al Jubeir earlier. Raised concerns about attack in #Sanaa #Yemen, vital urgent investigation is underway

Comment: “vital urgent investigation is underway”: LOL. A Saudi self-investigation. What Johnsons – who relentlessly has backed the Saudi campaign in Yemen and arms sales to the Saudis – is doing here, is just helping the Saudis to whitewash themselves.

Comments by:

Charles Bennett: A bit like asking Sinn Fein to have an 'urgent investigation' into the IRA. Saudi Arabia isn't a neutral party!

Two Flames: The bombs were dropped by jets sold to Saudi under Tory gov't:

Zarmina Tarar: under what grounds did you raise the concerns? Aren't you providing them with weapons? Must have had a good laugh together

Jamila Hanan: Boris spoke to the killers and asked them to urgently investigate their own crimes so they can whitewash the massacre asap.

Ans Tyrgertyger: Well, it might be better they do it than the UK. It'll probably be quicker to the white wash e.g. child abuse eq

9.10.2016 – Paul Tyson (A P)

Half of Saudi strike planes are British, pilots are British-trained, UK is heavily involved in #yemen war. Gov reaction to latest massacre ?

1/ UK Defence Secretary was asked about #yemen by the excellent @jponpolitics this morning. He stressed UN, UK support for Saudi coalition.

2/ UK Defence Secretary: "where there are allegations like this...that there are civilian casualties, we ask the Saudis to investigate."

Comment: Backing Saudis as always.

9.10.2016 – British Foreign Office (A P)

Minister for the Middle East statement following attack on Yemen funeral hall

Minister for the Middle East, Tobias Ellwood, expresses concern following an airstrike which hit a funeral hall in Yemen and will raise concerns with the Saudi Ambassador to London

Foreign Office Minister Tobias Ellwood said:

I am deeply concerned by reports of an airstrike hitting a funeral hall in the Yemeni capital Sana’a yesterday. The scenes from the site are shocking.

I am raising my concerns with the Saudi Ambassador to London today and urge the Saudi-led coalition’s announced investigation into the incident to take place as a matter of urgency.

There can be no military solution to this conflict. We urge all sides to recommit to political talks and to implement a cessation of hostilities.


9.10.2016 – Tobias Ellwood (A P)

Dreadful loss of life at funeral in Sana'a. Important there is a thorough investigation.Political solution best way to end conflict in Yemen

Comment: Ellwood is one of the most relentless backers of Saudi Arabia and the arms sales in whole British policy. And now he shows a new example of hypocrisy. The comments to this tweet are quite angry:

Brian Whitaker: Was any British weaponry involved in the Yemen funeral massacre? Will you carry on selling weapons to the Saudis?

Empire Exposed: Were British Riyadh-based personnel involved in this strike, Ellwood? Lots of blood on your government's hands.

S. Ghani: If you have nothing helpful to say, say nothing at all. Everyone knows whom you support, no need to tweet it out!

USA Global Killer: then perhaps the UK should stop selling weapons to them? UK weapons killing civilians. go figure.

Peter Oborbe: Crocodile tears Mr Ellwood. You have supported the Saudi coalition throughout. You have blood on your hands.

Peter Oborne: And here's a question for you. Will you support an INDEPENDENT investigation into the atrocity at Sana'a?

Linda: First UK must stop selling arms to Saudi. Saudi uses UK arms to kill people in Yemen

Ali Hadi: enough with the empty rhetoric: you know #Saudi crimes warrant sanctions but you're all too afraid to act! Need Saudi money

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

10.10.2016 – Linksfraktion (* A P)

Syrien und Jemen – doppelte Standards der Bundesregierung

„Die Bundesregierung lehnt eine Flugverbotszone im Jemen ab, während in Bezug auf Syrien hochrangige Politiker der Regierungskoalition genau dies fordern. Mit dieser Politik der doppelten Standards macht sich die Bundesregierung international unglaubwürdig“, erklärt Heike Hänsel, stellvertretende Vorsitzender der Fraktion DIE LINKE, mit Blick auf die Diskussion um eine Ausweitung des Krieges in Syrien und des saudischen Bombardements im Jemen. Hänsel weiter:

„Nach den jüngsten Bombenangriffen auf eine Trauergesellschaft im Jemen mit 100 Toten wird deutlich, wie die NATO-Staaten – allen voran Deutschland – mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen ihres Bündnispartners Saudi-Arabien offenbar stillschweigend in Kauf nehmen. In einer diesbezüglichen Antwort auf meine Frage zum Jemen erklärt die Bundesregierung, die Einrichtung einer solchen Flugverbotszone sei ‚nur mit Zustimmung aller beteiligten Parteien oder durch eine Resolution des VN-Sicherheitsrates (…) denkbar‘. Es stelle sich darüber hinaus die Frage, ‚wer die Einhaltung überwachen soll‘.

Angesichts der Massaker im Jemen muss die Bundesregierung endlich ihr Schweigen brechen und die Waffenexporte an die saudische Diktatur einstellen. Eine Politik der doppelten Standards durch die Bundesregierung trägt dagegen lediglich zu einer weiteren Aushöhlung des Völkerrechts bei.“

9.10.2016 – Auswärtiges Amt (A P)

Außenminister Steinmeier zur Lage in Jemen

"Wir verurteilen den Angriff auf eine Trauerfeier gestern Nachmittag in Sanaa, bei dem möglicherweise über 100 Menschen getötet und über 500 verletzt wurden. Tief entsetzt verfolgen wir die militärische Eskalation der letzten Wochen und insbesondere die hohe Zahl ziviler Opfer in diesem Konflikt.
Berichte über Verletzungen des humanitären Völkerrechts und der Menschenrechte in den militärischen Auseinandersetzungen in Jemen haben ein erschreckendes Ausmaß angenommen. Wir begrüßen daher, dass der UN-Menschenrechtsrat dem UN-Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte nun ermöglicht hat, solche Vorfälle unabhängig zu untersuchen.

Kommentar: Das ist Heuchelei, solange Deutschland an einem Militärbündnis mit den USA, NATO genannt, festhält. – Und es ist falsch und geradezu eine Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit, denn „Wir begrüßen daher, dass der UN-Menschenrechtsrat dem UN-Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte nun ermöglicht hat, solche Vorfälle unabhängig zu untersuchen“: genau das ist nicht eingetreten, der sog. UN-menschenrechtsrat hat eine unabhängige Untersuchung abgelehnt, stattdessen sollen die jemenitischen Vasallen ihre saudischen Herren untersuchen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

10.10.2016 – France at the UN ( A P)

Envoy @OSESGY in Paris: we need the results of investigation into Sanaa attack quickly in order to bring perpetrators to justice

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Amusing how everyone is: "we need to identify perpetrators behind airstrikes" when evidently clear.

Comment: Yes, the whole UN and western countries all use the same wording just to show but actually not to do any action and not to name the perpetrators everybody knows.

9.10.2016 – KUNA (A P)

The EU has urged parties in Yemen to return to the negotiation table and offered its full support to the efforts of UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed to find a political solution.
“The people of Yemen deserve a return to peace” said EU High Representative Federica Mogherini in a statement late Saturday.
She noted that “the horrific attack” on a funeral gathering in Sanaa yesterday has provoked a terrible loss of life among mourners and family members and left many injured. “Those responsible for the attack must be identified and held accountable. But it’s not enough. The parties, the regional and international actors should engage without any further delays to put an end to the war,” she added. =

Comment: The EU adopts the strange wording of Ban Ki-Moon, and even stronger: There is no mention of the Saudi coalitions bombing at all. ““Those responsible for the attack must be identified”: what a stupidity is that – they are identified very well. – Well, Mogherini is the speaker of the EU, all EU states together might supply nearly as much arms to Saudi Arabia as the USA. There the music is playing, stupid.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

10.10.2016 – Canadian Dimension (** B K P)

Canadian complicity and the Saudi-led war on Yemen

Stéphane Dion, Minister of Foreign Affairs, published a press release of just four sentences, gutlessly “condemning” the attack and “urging” an investigation. Just six months and one day prior, Dion defended the Trudeau government’s sale of $15 billion of armoured vehicles and military equipment to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—the truth having been wrestled out from beneath him by a tenacious professor at the University of Montreal, Daniel Turp, who pressured the government to disclose details of the deal.

Dion signed off on the export deal, the last possible barricade to shipping weapons overseas. This, of course, was after the Liberals spent an entire election cycle criticizing the Harper government for selling weapons to an atrocious human rights abuser.

“We need to make sure we are respected on the world stage by keeping our word,” Trudeau said. So much for electoral posturing. Saudi Arabia has “bought the silence” of Western countries, Jocelyn Coulon said.

The sentiment was reinforced on September 30 2016, when the Saudis proclaimed to theGlobe and Mail that the arms deal was an “act of friendship,” even as video evidence emerged of what appeared to be Canadian-made LAVs targeting civilian targets in Yemen. Friendship must then mean taking the Saudis at their word that our LAVs are not to be used in Yemen. Amnesty International warned Canada about this eventuality, but the admonition was drowned out by the shouting of assurances from our valued business partners.

Did the government really believe that the respect we supposedly retained by honouring the deal would translate into some kind of restraint?

Today, it is hard to see Canada as anything but fully complicit in the currently one-sided, year-long bombing crusade by Saudi Arabia, supported fully by the US. Nothing we can say will stop them, and I suppose Dion rests peacefully at night knowing he injected 3,000 jobs into the Canadian economy so that a violent dictatorship could continue to bomb its neighbours at will – by Graham Moon

8.10.2016 – El Pais (* B K)

Armas ‘marca España’ en la guerra de Yemen

4 NGOs open enquiry: how did Spanish arms end up in #Saudis' hands? (#KSA is #Spain's n.1 arms client)

Cuatro ONG piden una investigación independiente sobre el destino del material vendido a Arabia Saudí

El pasado 8 de enero, Yemen Fights Back, una publicación online que refleja los puntos de vista de los rebeldes huthis yemeníes, aliados del expresidente Saleh, mostraba imágenes del armamento abandonado en su huida por los “mercenarios saudíes” en la localidad de Tuwal, en la frontera entre Arabia Saudí y Yemen. Como parte del botín de fusiles automáticos, munición y documentos personales, un lanzagranadas C90 fabricado por la empresa española Instalaza. Una semana después, la misma publicación exhibía imágenes más nítidas de otros dos C90, esta vez en Raboha City, también en la frontera saudí con Yemen. El 23 de febrero, difundía un vídeo en el que se veía a milicianos huthis celebrando la captura de un BMR-600, de la firma española Enasa, en la localidad yemení de Midi, cerca del Mar Rojo.

¿Cómo llegaron lanzagranadas y blindados españoles al campo de batalla yemení?

El régimen saudí es el mejor cliente de la industria militar española fuera de Europa. En 2015 compró armas españolas por 540 millones de euros (el 15% del total); una factura que corresponde, en su mayor parte, a aviones de reabastecimiento, pero también incluye granadas de mortero y munición de artillería. Y esta relación se remonta ya a varias décadas.

ARES (Armament Research Services), una consultora australiana especializada en armas y municiones, ha identificado dos productos de fabricación española en poder de los huthis – by MIGUEL GONZÁLEZ

cp13b Zentralbank / Central Bank

Siehe / See cp1b

cp15 Propaganda

10.10.2016 – Saudi Gazette (A P)

Kingdom condemns Houthi-Saleh militia attack on USS Mason

The Kingdom on Monday strongly condemned the missile attack on the American fleet destroyer USS Mason in the Red Sea off the Yemeni coast, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) quoted an official source as stating.

The attack was carried out by the Houthi-Saleh militia. The source described the attack as an act of terrorism that poses danger to international navigation. The militia is supported by Iran and is methodologically targeting international commercial navigation passing through Bab Al-Mandab waterway.

The source added that the latest attack follows a missile attack on an Emirati relief vessel earlier this month and the continuous attacks on civilians in Saudi border villages, apart from ballistic missiles targeting Saudi territories.

Comment: How the Saudis really can blame anybody for anything? What about the Saudi funeral hall? And should they send you a post card from Tonking?

9.10.2016 – Jamila Hanan (A P)

Seems Saudis with western PR launched new social media trolling campaign to try + distract/confuse/distort the truth. Don't engage. #Yemen

9.10.2016 – Emirati News Agency (A P)

Civilians’ safety is our top priority in Yemen: Coalition

The Command of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition has expressed its deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of the civilian casualties that fell victim to hostilities in Sanaa on Saturday.
The Saudi Press Agency (SPA), reported that the command, in a statement, said that the incident was part of atrocities carried out since coup forces took over power in Yemen in 2014.
The command confirmed that its troops have clear instructions not to target populated areas, and to do their utmost to avoid jeopardising the safety of civilians.
The statement added that the coalition will immediately investigate the case with the Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen along with US experts who have been involved in previous investigations.
It also said that the coalition is willing to provide the investigation teams with any data and information related to its military operations on that day, including the incident’s location and surrounding areas.

Comment by Judith Brown: If civilian safety is the concern of Saudi Arabia, why does it bomb homes, schools, farms, markets, hospitals, factories, water plant, electricity plant, ports, weddings, and funerals. Why does it starve the children of Yemen who have died in the hundreds of thousands? I ask you, is this the action of a country that puts civilian safety at the top of its priorities?

Comment: This is a propaganda which even mocks the own victims. – And what does “statement, said that the incident was part of atrocities carried out since coup forces took over power in Yemen in 2014” mean? Do they want to blame the Houthi “coup” for that? That is a non-sense-sentence. Of course, it was. One of the many atrocities committed by the Saudis since that date.

8.10.2016 – Jane Novak (A K P)

#Saudi recently planted a fake drowning story & YouTubes using pic of #Yemen girl killed in #KSA airstrike @abdullahMiddleEastOne

it was amazing #KSA went to so much effort & expense to steal the baby girl's death like their bomb stole her life.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

10.10.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

#Saudi #UAE strikes targetd2homes n Baqim N #Saada #Yemen kild11inc1 entire family&many kids 7inj and also and film: = = and photos: (graphic)

10.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi enemy warplanes damage public road between Sanaa, Taiz

Saudi jets launch raids on Hamedan

caused huge damage to farmlands and other residents' properties

9.–10.10.2016 – Tweets Sanaa at night (A K)

Multiple fighter jets criss crossing Sana'a sky at low altitude now. Fact Saudi crossed all red lines in bombing spree making nervous

But it's 12:25 AM and no funerals, weddings, or any big gatherings at this hour to bomb! Go home Saudi.

As usual at midnight first Air strike by #Saudi war jets hit #Sanaa #Yemen capital. local time 12:28am

First airstrike just hit somewhere north of Sana'a. And 2nd in south part where I live & pressure wave just knocked window open.

Now : Loud explosion near Bayt Bos in #Yemen capital Sanaa. Angry Saudi jets.

I can hear drones circling overhead. They will probably be back after target selection. Brace for another.

"Heavy traffic" is an understatement. I think they're going for blocking moonlight by sheer numbers in sky.

4huge explosion by bombs droppd by #Saudi #UAE CO jets on military academy just 600m frm where I live N #Sanaa Yemen

10.9.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance
Casualties and damage (full list)

9.10.2016 – Legal Center (A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list)

9.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

U.S.-Saudi aggression fighter jets raid Sanaa

U.S.- Saudi aggression warplanes waged two air strikes on the capital Sanaa early on Sunday, an official told Saba.
The strikes targeted Hasabah residential , while the other raid targeted food supplies department in Attan area.
The strikes caused large damage to residents' homes and public facilities, said the official, adding that the planes kept flying very close as they broke sound barriers .

9.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

2 Saudi brutal air strikes flatten resident's home in Marib

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

11.10.2016 – Xinhua (A K)

Saudi-led airstrikes mistakenly kill 8 pro-government fighters in southern Yemen

At least eight pro-government fighters were mistakenly killed and several others injured in airstrikes carried out by Saudi-led warplanes in Yemen's southern province of Abyan on Monday, a tribal chief told Xinhua.

The tribal source said on condition of anonymity that the Saudi-led warplanes targeted the positions manned by pro-government fighters with three airstrikes that left eight killed at the scene.

"Instead of targeting the Shiite Houthi rebels who escalated their assault in the outskirts of Abyan province, the pro-government fighters lost their lives in friendly fire from the Saudi warplanes," the local source said.

The incident sparked anger among the tribal fighters allied with the Saudi-backed government forces in confronting Houthis in southern Yemen, he said.

A government source confirmed that the incident occurred due to receiving wrong information that resulted from weak communication with forces on-ground.

10.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K)

Film: Saudis are launching rockets from Jizan city. Taking their people as human shields. illegal technique in Geneva Conventions and

10.10.2016 – AP (A K)

Raketen in Richtung eines amerikanischen Zerstörers abgefeuert

Zwei vom Jemen abgefeuerte Raketen haben einen Zerstörer der amerikanischen Marine knapp verfehlt. Die Geschosse seien in den Persischen Golf gestürzt, bevor sie am Sonntagabend die «USS Mason» erreicht hätten, sagte Marinesprecher Ian McConnaughey. Sie seien von einem Gebiet abgeschossen worden, das die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen kontrollieren. Ob der Angriff der «Mason» gegolten habe, sei nicht ganz klar.

10.10.2016 – Reuters (* A K)

U.S. Navy ship targeted in failed missile attack from Yemen: U.S.

A U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer was targeted on Sunday in a failed missile attack from territory in Yemen controlled by Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, a U.S. military spokesman told Reuters, saying neither of the two missiles hit the ship.

The failed missile attack on the USS Mason began around 7 p.m. local time, when the ship detected two inbound missiles over a 60-minute period in the Red Sea off Yemen's coast, the U.S. military said.

"Both missiles impacted the water before reaching the ship," Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said. "There were no injuries to our sailors and no damage to the ship."

A U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the first missile triggered counter-measures from the USS Mason. It was not immediately clear whether those defenses may have helped prevent a direct hit on the ship.

The USS Mason did not return fire, the official said, adding that the incident took place just north of the Bab al-Mandab strait off Yemen's southern coast – By Phil Stewart and by and AP

Comment: Please re-read history and the #Tonkin Gulf accident which occured in 1964. A lie to pave the way to VietNam war

10.10.2016 – Sputnik News (A K P)

New Gulf of Tonkin Incident? US Destroyer 'Attacked Off Yemen Coast'

10.10.2016 – Sultana (A K P)

#Saudi news accounts reported 9oct Saudi navy attacked an "Iranian ship" supplying Houthis then deleted & reported Houthi attacks a #US ship (images)

10.10.2016 – CNN (* A K)

Missiles target US warship off Yemen, Pentagon says

Two missiles targeted a US warship off the coast of Yemen on Sunday but missed the vessel, hitting the water instead, a Pentagon spokesman says.

The missiles were fired at the USS Mason from Houthi-controlled territory in war torn Yemen, Capt. Jeff Davis said. The US ship, a guided-missile destroyer, deployed "onboard defensive measures" and was undamaged, he said.

The warship was in international waters more than 12 nautical miles (22 km) offshore, in the southern end of the Red Sea, north of the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, according to a defense official.

The missiles were launched within 60 minutes of each other, Davis said.

"We assess the missiles were launched from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen. The United States remains committed to ensuring freedom of navigation everywhere in the world, and we will continue to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of our ships and our service members," he said – by Ryan Browne and Jamie Crawford

10.10.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Yemen's Houthi movement denies attack on U.S. warship: official

The Houthi movement on Monday denied its forces had carried out a missile attack on a U.S. warship which the U.S. Navy said was launched from Yemeni territory under Houthi control.

"(The Houthi movement) denies targeting any ship off Yemeni waters," a Houthi official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

10.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army purges Nawh valley in Marib from Saudi-paid mercenaries

The army and popular forces have managed to purge Nawh valley from Saudi-paid mercenaries, a military official told Saba on Monday.
The valley is in Serwah district of the central province of Marib.
The forces also defeated attempts by the mercenaries to cut off roads linking the district with other areas of the province, the official said.
The operation left dozens of mercenaries killed and injured, including top commanders

10.10.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Yemen's Houthis respond to air strike with missile attack

Yemen's Houthi movement launched a ballistic missile deep into Saudi Arabia, two days after an apparent Saudi-led air strike killed 140 mourners at a funeral attended by powerful tribal leaders.

Saturday's air strike ripped through a wake attended by some of the country's top political and security officials, outraging Yemeni society and potentially galvanizing powerful tribes to join the Houthis in opposing a Saudi-backed exiled government.

On Monday, a Saudi-led coalition waging war in Yemen said it had intercepted a missile fired by the Houthis at a military base in Taif in central Saudi Arabia, striking deeper then ever before in the latest in a series of more than a dozen missile attacks.

A missile was also fired at Marib in central Yemen, a base for pro-government militiamen and troops who have struggled to advance on the Houthi-controlled capital Sanaa´– by Mohammed Ghobari

9.10.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

#Houthi #Yemen-i army launchd modified Scud C ballistic missile on King Fahd airbase in Taif #Saudi and films and and

9.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K PH)

#Yemeni Burkan1 missile hit Alttaif airbase in #SaudiArabia
(Burkan is newly developed missile / scud with a range btwn 300 to +1000km)

9.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills 25 Saudi soldiers

At least 25 Saudi enemy soldiers were killed and dozens of others wounded in a unique military operation carried out by heroes of the army and popular forces deep in Saudi city of Jizan on Sunday, a military official told Saba.
The operation took place in Khuba region, during which the army and popular forces bombed two Saudi armored vehicles and killed all onboard in Karish area, whom they were counted for about 25, as well as destroying another vehicle in Karn area at the same Khuba region.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

10.10.2016 – Reuters (* A E)

Merchant ships off Yemen brace for more danger after attacks on navy craft

Missile attacks from Yemen on Western military craft risk spilling over into nearby busy sea lanes which could disrupt oil supplies and also other vital goods passing through the tense area, shipping and insurance sources say.

While shipping companies have yet to divert ships, there are growing worries that any further escalation could hinder oil supplies and potentially lead to higher insurance costs for shipments.

The route is among the world's busiest and used by major shipping groups such as container line Maersk (MAERSKb.CO) and oil tanker carriers including Norway's Frontline (FRO.OL) and Iran's NITC, which has benefited this year from the lifting of international sanctions on Tehran.

A ship insurance source said some ships coming into Yemeni ports were already switching off their tracking systems, which allow anyone to monitor their movements via the Internet, due to the violence in the country.

The source said war risk insurance premiums to Yemeni ports such as Hodaida in the north, already amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars of cover for every vessel – by Jonathan Saul

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