Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 221 - Yemen War Mosaic 221

Yemen Press Reader 221: Teilung des Jemen–Medienpropaganda und Krieg–US-Heuchelei–Saudi-Arabien wieder in Menschenrechtsrat–Huthis keine iranischen Proxys–Viele Tote bei saudischen Luftangriffen

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Partition of Yemen – Western media propaganda and war – US „Review“: Hypocrisy – Saudi Arabia reelected to UN Humanitarian Council – Failure of Britain – Houthis no Iranian proxies – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Heftige saudische Luftangriffe / Most important: Heavy Saudi air raids

cp1 Am wichtigsten: Propaganda: Angriff auf Mekka / Most important: Mecca attack propaganda

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

30.10.2016 – Reuters (** B P)

War pushes Yemen to partition, thwarting peace efforts

The conflict has led to Yemen's de facto partition, with rival armies and institutions in the north and south, and could mean the map of the Middle East will have to be redrawn.

Behind the combatants' disagreements over how to share power, Yemen's future as a unified state appears increasingly in doubt.

The Houthis' rise to power in the north has provoked a revival of southern separatism, a movement that sees the fracturing of state power as its moment to break away.

At the same time, the south and its major city, Aden, serve as a base for the internationally recognized government, which is trying to take back national control even as it manages an uneasy alliance with the secessionists.

Many southerners now believe their time has come after two decades of what they see as marginalization within the unified state, and the plundering of mostly southern oil reserves by corrupt northern tribal sheikhs and politicians.

Southern soldier Faisal al-Salmi says he and his comrades are ready to die to be rid of the northerners.

"We have become an independent state thanks to God and the leadership of the Arab coalition ... southern lands have been liberated by the blood of her sons and have loosed the bonds of unity which brought only terrorism, cronyism, and the looting of the people's wealth," Salmi told Reuters.

Now the two peoples seldom dare to cross mine-strewn front lines and the rugged mountains separating security forces flying different national flags.

But a split could bring more instability along one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, perhaps by setting the scene for a fight over the south's oilfields, or by triggering, as in 1994, efforts by the north to dominate the south.

For now, both sides appear to be setting up parallel institutions that could pave the way for an enduring divorce.

"The Houthis realize they probably won't reconquer southern lands, so have strengthened their base with its own administration, while the government wants as many state tools under its control and serving its interests as possible," said Yemeni analyst Farea al-Muslimi.

"But moves like these deepen distrust on both sides and delay negotiations which everybody realizes are the only way to end the conflict," he added.

Paradoxically, neither rival administration says it seeks a partition but rather styles itself the legitimate heir to a unified country to follow the war.

While Hadi may wish to extend his writ to Sanaa, the army commanders who have built up southern forces and made progress against al Qaeda and Islamic State are veteran secessionist guerrillas with no interest in the North.

Senior Houthi official Mohammed Abdul Salam accused the United Arab Emirates, which is influential in the south, of encouraging separatism to advance its war goals.

"The hereditary rulers of the UAE are clearly and blatantly advancing a separatist agenda," Abdul Salam said this month – By Noah Browning

28.10.2016 – Consortium News (*** B P)

Im Innern der unsichtbare Regierung – Krieg, Propaganda, Clinton & Trump

In meiner langen Laufbahn als Journalist und Filmemacher habe ich noch nie so eine Propaganda erlebt, wie sie sich heute in unser Leben schleicht und damit durchkommt.

Stellen Sie sich zwei Städte vor. Beide werden von den jeweiligen Regierungstruppen belagert. Beide Städte sind von Fanatikern besetzt, die schreckliche Gräueltaten begehen, zum Beispiel Enthauptungen. Aber es gibt einen entscheidenden Unterschied.

Bei der einen Belagerung werden die Regierungstruppen von westlichen Reportern (die eingebettet sind) als Befreier bezeichnet. Begeistert berichten sie über die Kämpfe und die Luftangriffe. Es gibt Fotos auf den Titelseiten mit heldenhaften Soldaten mit dem V für Victory. Zivile Opfer werden kaum erwähnt.

In der zweiten Stadt – in einem Land gleich in der Nachbarschaft – passiert fast genau dasselbe. Regierungstruppen belagern eine Stadt, die von derselben Brut aus Fanatikern kontrolliert wird. Der Unterschied ist der, dass diese Fanatiker von „uns“ – den Vereinigten Staaten und Großbritannien – unterstützt, beliefert und bewaffnet werden. Sie besitzen sogar ein Medienzentrum, das von Großbritannien und Amerika finanziert wird. Ein weiterer Unterschied ist, die Regierungssoldaten, die diese Stadt belagern, sind die schlechten Jungs, sie werden für die Angriffe und Bombardements auf die Stadt verurteilt – genau das was die guten Soldaten in der ersten Stadt auch tun.

Verwirrend? Nicht wirklich. Das ist die grundlegende Doppelmoral, der Kern von Propaganda. Ich beziehe mich natürlich auf die gegenwärtige Belagerung der Stadt Mossul durch irakische Regierungstruppen, die von den USA und UK unterstützt werden, und auf die Belagerung von Aleppo durch die Regierungstruppen Syriens, unterstützt von Russland. Die einen sind die Guten, die anderen sind die Schlechten.

Worüber selten berichtet wird: Beide Städte wären nicht von Fanatikern besetzt und durch Krieg verwüstet, wenn nicht 2003 Großbritannien und die Vereinigten Staaten in den Irak einmarschiert wären. Dieses kriminelle Unternehmen wurde mit Lügen begonnen, verblüffend ähnlich der Propaganda, die heute unser Verständnis über den Bürgerkrieg in Syrien verzerrt. Ohne dieses Propagandagetrommel, das sich als Nachrichten verkleidet, würden die monströsen ISIS und Al-Qaida und al-Nusra und der ganze Rest aus dschihadistischen Banden wahrscheinlich gar nicht existieren, und die Menschen in Syrien müssten heute nicht um ihr Überleben kämpfen.

Einige erinnern sich vielleicht, wie 2003 nacheinander eine Reihe von BBC-Reportern in die Kamera sprachen und Blair für das „verteidigten“, was sich als das Verbrechen des Jahrhunderts herausstellte. Die US-Fernsehsender produzierten für George W. Bush die gleiche Einschätzung. Fox News zerrte Henry Kissinger vor die Kamera und der war ganz begeistert von Colin Powells Fälschungen. Im selben Jahr, kurz nach der Invasion, drehte ich in Washington ein Interview mit Charles Lewis, dem bekannten amerikanischen Investigativjournalisten. Ich fragte ihn: „Was wäre passiert, wenn die freiesten Medien auf der Welt ernsthaft das angezweifelt hätten, was sich als plumpe Propaganda herausstellte?“

Er antwortete, dass wenn die Journalisten ihre Arbeit gemacht hätten, „dann hätte eine sehr, sehr gute Chance bestanden, dass wir nicht in den Irak gegangen wären.“

Saudi Arabien, der mittelalterliche Kunde des Westens – an den die USA und UK Waffen für Milliarden von Dollar verkaufen – zerstört zur Zeit den Jemen, ein Land so arm, dass in normalen Zeiten schon die Hälfte der Kinder unterernährt ist. Schauen Sie sich YouTube an und sie werden die massiven Bomben sehen – „unsere“ Bomben – die die Saudis gegen bitterarme Dörfer einsetzen, und gegen Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen. Die Explosionen sehen wie kleine Atombombenexplosionen aus. Die Richtschützen in Saudi Arabien arbeiten eng mit britischen Offizieren zusammen. Diese Tatsache erscheint nicht in den Abendnachrichten.

Propaganda ist dann am effektivsten, wenn unsere Zustimmung von Leuten mit feiner Erziehung hergestellt wird – Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Columbia – und mit einer Karriere bei BBC, dem Guardian, der New York Times, der Washington Post. Diese Organisationen sind als die liberalen Medien bekannt. Sie präsentieren sich selbst als aufgeklärte, progressive Tribune des moralischen Zeitgeists. Sie sind anti-rassistisch, pro-feministisch und Pro-LGBT.

Und sie lieben den Krieg.

Und während sie für den Feminismus reden, unterstützen sie räuberische Kriege, die die Rechte unzähliger Frauen verweigern, darunter das Recht auf Leben – von John Pilger

and the original English version:

28.10.2016 – Consortium News (*** B P)

Selling ‘Regime Change’ Wars to the Masses

Propaganda is now such a pervasive part of Western governance that any foreign leader who resists the prevailing power structure can be turned into a demon and made a target of a “regime change” war, explains John Pilger.

In my career as a journalist and filmmaker, I have never known propaganda to insinuate our lives and as it does now and to go unchallenged.

Imagine two cities. Both are under siege by the forces of the government of that country. Both cities are occupied by fanatics, who commit terrible atrocities, such as beheading people. But there is a vital difference. In one siege, the government soldiers are described as liberators by Western reporters embedded with them, who enthusiastically report their battles and air strikes. There are front-page pictures of these heroic soldiers giving a V-sign for victory. There is scant mention of civilian casualties.

In the second city – in another country nearby – almost exactly the same is happening. Government forces are laying siege to a city controlled by the same breed of fanatics.

The difference is that these fanatics are supported, supplied and armed by “us” – by the United States and Britain. They even have a media center that is funded by Britain and America.

Another difference is that the government soldiers laying siege to this city are the “bad guys,” condemned for assaulting and bombing the city – which is exactly what the good soldiers do in the first city.

Confusing? Not really. Such is the basic double standard that is the essence of propaganda. I am referring, of course, to the current siege of the city of Mosul by the government forces of Iraq, who are backed by the United States and Britain, and to the siege of Aleppo by the government forces of Syria, backed by Russia. One is good; the other is bad.

What is seldom reported is that both cities would not be occupied by fanatics and ravaged by war if Britain and the United States had not invaded Iraq in 2003. That criminal enterprise was launched on lies strikingly similar to the propaganda that now distorts our understanding of the civil war in Syria.

Without this drumbeat of propaganda dressed up as news, the monstrous ISIS and Al Qaeda and the Nusra Front and the rest of the jihadist gang might not exist, and the people of Syria might not be fighting for their lives today.

Some may remember in 2003 a succession of BBC reporters turning to the camera and telling us that British Prime Minister Tony Blair was “vindicated” for what turned out to be the crime of the century, the invasion of Iraq. The U.S. television networks produced the same validation for George W. Bush. Fox News brought on former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to effuse over then-Secretary of State Colin Powell’s fabrications.

The same year, soon after the invasion, I filmed an interview in Washington with Charles Lewis, the renowned American investigative journalist. I asked him, “What would have happened if the freest media in the world had seriously challenged what turned out to be crude propaganda?”

He replied that if journalists had done their job, “there is a very, very good chance we would not have gone to war in Iraq.”

The West’s medieval client, Saudi Arabia – to which the U.S. and Britain sell billions of dollars’ worth of arms – is at present destroying Yemen, a country so poor that in the best of times, half the children are malnourished.

Look on YouTube and you will see the kind of massive bombs – “our” bombs – that the Saudis use against dirt-poor villages, and against weddings, and funerals. The explosions look like small atomic bombs. The bomb aimers in Saudi Arabia work side-by-side with British officers. This fact is not on the evening news.

Propaganda is most effective when our consent is engineered by those with a fine education – Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Columbia – and with careers on the BBC, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post.

These organizations are known as the “liberal media.” They present themselves as enlightened, progressive tribunes of the moral zeitgeist. They are anti-racist, pro-feminist and pro-LGBT. And they love war. While they speak up for feminism, they support rapacious wars that deny the rights of countless women, including the right to life – by John Pilger

29.10.2016 – Huffington Post (** A P)

The Obama Administration Can’t Get Its Story Straight About Promised Review Of Horrific Yemen War

While U.S.-backed bombing continues, government officials can’t even agree on which agencies are involved.

There’s little evidence that the Obama administration is keeping its promise to review the U.S. role in a war that has killed more than 10,000 people in Yemen, The Huffington Post has found after conversations with more than a dozen U.S. officials, congressional staffers, analysts and human rights advocates.

The White House announced the review in a statement on Oct. 8, 12 hours after a Saudi-led coalition strike killed 140 people and injured hundreds more.

Three weeks later, the U.S. military continues to refuel jets and provide targeting assistance for the Saudi-led coalition trying to restore Yemen’s internationally recognized government.And confusion reigns over what the review looks like or involves, with the administration failing to even identify which agencies are involved in the process.

The Obama administration’s various arms have yet to get the story straight. On Thursday, Defense Department spokesman Christopher Sherwood told HuffPost that the Pentagon isn’t even involved in the review, but a day later, a State Department official emailed to say that it is.

White House spokeswoman Dew Tiantawach declined to provide any evidence the administration is actually reassessing its policy.

Asked about the structure of the review, the agencies involved, who would be leading it, when it would conclude, and whether the U.S. would halt support for the Saudi-led coalition during the review, Tiantawach pointed HuffPost to previous statements from White House and State Department spokespeople at press briefings.

But the briefings do not contain answers to those questions.

While the White House dithers, U.S. tanker planes are helping Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and other countries spend more time in the air bombing Yemeni infrastructure and killing civilians with U.S.-made jets.

The administration believes that simply announcing the review sent a powerful signal to Saudi Arabia and its most important partner in the war, the UAE

But the Saudis likely recognize that U.S. support for their efforts in Yemen is not really in doubt — especially since the U.S. has stood by as they’ve slaughtered civilians for 18 months, argued Scott Paul, a senior humanitarian policy adviser at human rights nonprofit Oxfam America.

The review “seems more like a stalling exercise,” Hartung said. “It may actually be intended to undercut critics [of the U.S.’s role in the war] by giving the illusion that they’re dealing with it in some fashion.”

On Thursday, two well-known former State Department officials published a piece on War on the Rocks, a prominent foreign affairs blog, imagining what a real review of U.S.-Saudi ties might look like. But they concluded that the current effort is a sham – by Akbar Shahid Ahmed

Comment by Judith Brown: A very interesting article - worth reading to the end. Obama promised a investigation into the Saudi bombing if Yemen but so far no evidence of it, three weeks after the announcement - despite Obama lawyers thinking there could be a case for prosecution of US on this issue.

28.10.2016 – RT (** A P)

Russia loses UN Human Rights Council place, Saudi Arabia re-elected

For the first time since UNHRC's inception in 2006, Russia has lost an election to the UN Human Rights Council after being narrowly beaten by Croatia in a vote. Saudi Arabia was successfully re-elected, despite criticism from human rights organizations.

The 47 places on the council are distributed on a regional basis, with staggered ballots seeing a third of the body re-elected each year.

The elections took place against a backdrop of criticism from non-governmental human rights organizations, who say that the body has been hijacked by oppressive regimes looking to deflect criticism and drive their own agendas.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International produced a joint statement earlier this year condemning Saudi Arabia for “an appalling record of violations” in Yemen

Saudi Arabia used its power in the council to block an outside inquiry into the campaign last month, while leading a successful resolution that placed the responsibility of investigating human rights abuses in the hands of its allies, the exiled Yemeni government.

Riyadh has repeatedly refused visits from UNHRC rapporteurs looking to investigate the justice system, incidences of torture, and discrimination.

In its official campaign brochure, published ahead of the vote, Saudi Arabia boasted about its human rights record, claiming, for example, that it supports “the empowerment of women at all levels” in compliance with “Sharia law, which guarantees fair gender equality.”

“The non-election of Russia shows that the nations of the world can reject gross abusers if they so choose,” said executive director Hillel Neuer. “This makes the election of Saudi Arabia, China and Cuba even more preposterous.

Comment: This Human Rights Council just is a ridiculous event and unable to serve as watchdog for Human Rights.

And one the same subject:

28.10.2016 – News 18 (* A P)

Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia win election to UNHRC, Russia loses

Human Rights Watch had said accepting Saudi Arabia and Russia's bids for membership would be contrary to the basic standards for which the Human Rights Council was created 10 years ago, and risk undermining the credibility of the UNs top human rights body and its ability to hold abusers accountable. Human Rights Watch had also expressed serious concerns about the "poor human rights records" of China and Egypt running for three-year council terms.

"The UN Human Rights Council's ability to successfully expose and hold violators to account is under threat because a number of countries use it to thwart attempts to expose their
own crimes and abuses," UN director at Human Rights Watch Louis Charbonneau had said.

"Electing council members that are truly committed to improving human rights is the responsibility of each and every UN member country, and Saudi Arabia and Russia don't honour
the ideals that underpin the UN Human Rights Council."

28.10.2016 – Middle East Eye (** A P)

How Britain's party of war gave the green light to Saudi in Yemen

This week's Yemen vote demonstrates something apparent since the vote to invade Iraq: the party of war holds a majority in the Commons.

To sum up, on Wednesday night, the British parliament sent the green light to Saudi Arabia and its allies to carry on bombing, maiming and killing. I have reported politics from Westminster for almost 25 years and can recall few more shocking parliamentary events.

Party of War

Shocking – but not surprising. The Yemen vote demonstrates something that has been apparent ever since the vote on 18 March 2003 to support the invasion of Iraq: the party of war holds a majority in the Commons.

It comprises virtually all of the Conservative Party and the Blairite wing of Labour. As Nafeez Ahmed wrote in July, there is a clear and demonstrable connection between the vote for war in Iraq, opposition to an Iraq inquiry, support for the calamitous intervention in Libya, and opposition to Jeremy Corbyn.

Ahmed showed the majority of those who tried to unseat Corbyn last summer were interventionist. Some 172 supported the motion of no confidence in Corbyn’s leadership. By coincidence or not, exactly the same number of MPs have supported Britain’s calamitous overseas wars.

Now let’s look at the Labour MPs who put a smile on the faces of King Salman and Boris Johnson by defying Corbyn’s three-line whip and abstaining in Wednesday night’s vote: once again we are at least partly talking about a confederacy of Blairites.

Nevertheless there is a telling pattern here. For the past 15 years, parliament has been governed by a cross-party consensus in favour of war. During that period, Britain has undertaken three major foreign interventions, each one of them utterly disastrous. In each one, military success was swiftly followed by political and, ultimately, state failure.

Despite the hard-won experience of 15 years, there is still a parliamentary majority in favour of intervention.

Very few parliamentarians opposed all these interventions. Jeremy Corbyn was among them and he has never been forgiven for it.

This brings me to the final paradox of Wednesday night’s vote: the intimate connection between politicians who style themselves as moderate or occupying the centre ground in Britain and neoconservative policies overseas.

For the past 20 years, the so-called "modernisers", whether Blair’s Labour or Cameron’s Conservatives, have been in charge at Westminster. As has been well-documented (not least by Labour’s Jon Cruddas), they have hollowed out British politics through techniques of spin and electoral manipulation.

It is these same modernisers who have caused havoc in the Middle East, condemning the region to bloodshed and war. They were at it again on Wednesday by sending a signal to the Saudi dictatorship that it was acceptable to carry out its murderous policies in the Yemen. Thirteen years after Iraq, neoconservatism still rules – by Peter Oborne

Comment: A lot of reporting on this debate and vote linked in Yemen Press Reader 220, cp10.

23.10.2016 – Veterans Today (** B P)

Can Everyone Stop Saying The Houthis Are An Iranian Proxy?

Tehran’s support for the Houthis is minimal at best, and its influence in Yemen is non-existent. It is simply inaccurate to state that the Zaidi Houthis are Shia Iranian proxies.

One thing that is beginning in to bug me the most when reading anything analysing the Yemen Crisis is the claptrap narrative being pumped out by practically everyone covering the Yemen conflict since it began over a year ago.

The idea that Iran is somehow heavily involved in what is happening in Yemen and pulling all the strings behind the Houthi forces fighting both Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda and now it seems the USA. This narrative is grossly exaggerated at best if not almost completely false and misleading to people who genuinely want to understand the truth in Yemen, not just what Saudi Arabia thinks is going on.

I would like to clear a few things up in this humble article of mine for people who want a much more honest description of who is really involved in Yemen conflict and to what extent.

Who’s in the game?

Yemen, like Syria, has lost all meaningful government authority and has descended into chaos. As a result, all the larger regional and international superpowers have entered the conflict to take advantage of Yemen’s vulnerability, in order to fight it out with one another for resources, power and a political foothold.

The Houthis are variously labelled as “Iranian-supported,” “Iranian-backed,” or “Iranian-influenced” but practically all credible media sources that cover the Yemen in depth with exhausted studies have concluded the Iranian involvement in supporting the Houthis is minimal at best.

Despite this, you find when trying to read into what’s happening in Yemen, practically every article is written from a Saudi perspective only. The Houthis are always labelled the ‘Shia-Rebels’ or ‘Iranian-backed’, this is what annoys me and many Yemenis that I have spoken to also share my frustrations.

The Iranians do indeed speak about Yemen regularly and yes there are Iranian ships off the coast of Yemen right now which have American media in a panicked frenzy since last week but Iran’s involvement in the conflict has been grossly exaggerated and used by the countries currently dropping bombs on civilians to justify their war crimes.

Are the Houthis actually an Iranian proxy?

The Saudi’s are adamant that the Houthi tribes from north Yemen are another Iranian armed proxy force which plans to launch attacked on Saudi from Yemen in a similar way to how the Lebanese Hezbollah has fought against Israel. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are guilty of sponsoring armed proxy forces around the Middle East. The only difference is Iran gets called up on it while the Saudi’s proxy supplying foreign policy is largely overlooked or at least not labelled in the same way as the Iranian’s are by the media. The Lebanese Hezbollah, various Iraqi militias and even the peaceful opposition protests in Bahrain are all labelled as ‘Iranian proxies’ or ‘Iranian-inspired’ for the fact they receive money, arms or even just basic political sympathy from the Iranian establishment. In return, armed Salafist groups such as Al Qaeda in Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan are not labelled as ‘Saudi proxies’ despite the fact they receive money, weapons, the religious and political support they receive from Saudi Arabia.However, it is incredibly important to realise when looking at the Yemen conflict that the Houthi’s simply do not qualify as an ‘Iranian proxy’ when comparing them to a genuine Arab representative of Iran, like Hezbollah. A genuine Iranian ‘proxy’ would comply with direct orders from the Iranian military Quds force commanders and also the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Hezbollah and its leader Sayid Hassan Nasrallah are an obvious example of this, however, the 2014 Houthi-led revolution in Yemen showed that the Yemen leadership was ignoring Iranian advice since the begging. US President Obama also admitted to this fact back in June 2015, that the Houthi’s had ignored Iranian advice not to enter the capital Sanaa and overthrow the old government, the Houthis made the decision independently without Iranian string pulling which Obama believed led to:

“precipitating a much wider war in Yemen.”

A true Iranian proxy ally would also openly admit that it follows orders from Iran, both the Houthi’s and the Iranians have admitted publicly that they are not directly coordinating strategy with each other.

The Houthis have looked to Iran for sympathy in the struggle against Saudi Arabia and American imperialism. What they perceive as a Saudi puppet government in Sanaa led by Hadi. The Iranian establishment, in turn, sympathises with the Houthi cause due to a desire to pressure Saudi politically but that is as deep as the relationship goes, for now at least.

The future

Saudi Arabia has gotten everything wrong in Yemen – By Muhammed Ali Carter

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Schwere suaidche Luftangriffe / Most important: Heavy Saudi airstrikes

30.10.2016 – DPA (* A K)

Mindestens 60 Tote bei Luftangriff auf Gefängnis im Jemen

Bei einem Luftangriff auf ein Gefängnis im Jemen sind einem örtlichen Mitarbeiter der Gesundheitsbehörden zufolge mindestens 60 Menschen getötet worden. Mindestens 30 weitere Menschen seien bei dem Bombardement auf einen von Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Sicherheitskomplex in der Hafenstadt Hodeida verletzt worden. =

Kommentar: Das ist die aktuelle Zahl an Toten, mittlerweile sind es schon 62.

30.10.2016 – Tagesschau (* A K)

Mindestens 60 Menschen getötet

Im Jemen sind bei einem Luftangriff auf ein Gefängnis mindestens 60 Menschen getötet worden. Der Komplex steht unter der Kontrolle der Huthi-Rebellen, die im seit 2014 andauernden Bürgerkrieg gegen die Truppen des sunnitischen Präsidenten Hadi kämpfen.

Bei einem Luftangriff auf ein Gefängnis im Westen des Jemen sind mindestens 60 Menschen getötet worden. Hinzu kämen mindestens 30 Verletzte. Das gaben Gesundheitsbehörden des Landes bekannt.

Das Gefängnis in der Hafenstadt Hodeida wird von Huthi-Rebellen kontrolliert und war am Samstagabend von der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition bombardiert worden. In dem Komplex waren zum Großteil Gegner der Huthis inhaftiert. Zunächst hatten Behörden von mehr als 30 Toten und Dutzenden Verletzten gesprochen - darunter sowohl Rebellen als auch Häftlinge.

Neben der Attacke auf das Gefängnis warfen die Rebellen der Militärkoalition zudem einen Angriff auf ein Viertel der Stadt Salu im Südwesten des Landes vor. Die Stadtverwaltung bestätigte die Angriffe: Drei Wohnhäuser seien komplett zerstört worden, alle Einwohner seien dabei ums Leben gekommen. Laut den Huthis gab es mindestens 17 Tote.

darunter 52 Kommentare, hiervon:

A: Wo sind die entrüsteten "Barbarei"-Äußerungen einer Samantha Power? Wo haben sich unsere Politiker hinverkrochen, da sie anscheinend die Nachrichten aus dem Jemen nicht sehen, nicht hören und dazu nichts sagen wollen?
Sind nicht alle Menschen gleich, also auch Leben im Jemen gleich viel wert wie in Ost-Aleppo (und nebenbei bemerkt auch West-Aleppo)?
Nach dem peinlichen Schweigen zu den Bombardements im Jemen stellt sich doch immer mehr die westliche Doppelmoral heraus. Man kritisiert nur diejenigen und wirft denen unbewiesene Aktionen vor, die gegen die eigenen geopolitischen Interessen stehen (Russland, Syrien), aber man lässt diejenigen ungeniert gewähren (die das tun, was man den anderen vorwirft), die auf der "richtigen" Seite stehen.
Belohnung: Sitz im Menschenrechtsrat.

G: Saudi-Arabien hat den Vorsitz im UN-Menschenrechtsrat..... Bin mal gespannt, ob heute hier im Forum jemand dafür eine Rechtfertigung parat hat.

S: ich warte ... auf ein Wirtschaftsembargo für Saudi Arabien
bei den Russen redet man ja permanent davon
wie sieht es mit einem deutschen Waffenembargo aus, für dieses Land ?

SGB: Die Guten! Der Westen bestimmt, wer die Guten sind. Entsprechend wer die Bösen sein sollen. Außerdem geht es bestimmt um Arbeitsplätze in der Rüstungsindustrie. Sarkasmus aus

T: Also dumm gefragt:
Das Gefängnis wird von den Rebellen gehalten.
Dann werden da ja tendenziell die drin sitzen, die gegen die Rebellen sind.
In einem Gefängnis sind tendenziell mehr Insassen als Wärter.

Heisst das: Saudi Arabien hat Leute bombardiert, die auf der eigenen Seite stehen, um ein paar Rebellen zu erledigen?????

[Anmerkung von mir: Ja, genau, das heißt es]W:

W: Immer wieder ... ... diese ausgewiesene Bemäntelung von Kriegsverbrechertum und Baraberei des engen Verbündeten von USA und Deutschland, den Saudis und Katar, mit:
"Luftangriffe ... der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition"
Wortakrobatik vom Feinsten!
Und was soll das für eine "Militärkoaliton" sein?
Saudi-Arabien und Katar bomben hier seit geraumer Zeit ein Nachbarland mit US-Flugzeugen und US-Hubschraubern, mit US-Bomben und US-Raketen und von den USA ausgebildeten Piloten aus SA und Katar.
Kann man das nicht auch mal so benennen, anstatt mit Wortakrobatik zu umschreiben und damit zu vernebeln?
Einfach nur noch nervig diese Zwiesprache zu gleichen Sachverhalten:
a) sind Bomben "Kriegsverbrechen und Barbarei" bei Russland und Syrischer Armee
b) sind es "Luftangriffe" oder "Luftschläge" einer nicht näher benannten Militärkoalition bei US-geführten Bombardements

30.10.2016 – APA (* A K)

Mindestens 45 Tote bei Luftangriff im Jemen

Im Jemen sind bei einem Luftangriff der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition auf eine von Houthi-Rebellen kontrollierte Stadt mindestens 45 Menschen getötet worden. Örtliche Behörden, Mediziner und Angehörige berichteten am Sonntag, bei dem Angriff auf Hodeidah am Roten Meer sei ein Gefängnis getroffen worden. Unter den Toten seien auch Häftlinge.

Den Angaben zufolge wurde das Gefängnis am Samstagabend dreimal getroffen. 84 Häftlinge hätten sich zu dem Zeitpunkt in dem Gebäude befunden. Eine Stellungnahme der Koalition war zunächst nicht zu erhalten. Zudem waren am Samstag nach Behördenangaben bei einem Luftangriff der Koalition auf die Provinz Taiz im Südwesten des Jemen mindestens 17 Zivilisten ums Leben gekommen.

Vgl. auch bizarre Wortwahl westlicher Medien: „Rebellengefängnis“ (was soll das eigentlich sein?):

30.10.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Death toll of Saudi double tap airstrikes in Hodeidah last night climb to 62. Bodies still being pulled out

30.10.2016 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Saudi aggression airstrikes kill 60 prisoners in al-Hodayda

At least 60 prisoners were killed and 38 others wounded when the US-backed Saudi-led coalition aggression fighter jets bombed a prison early on Sunday in al- Zaydiya district of al-Hodayda port city.
The fighter jets targeted the prison since Sunday dawn and lasted their air striking for hours.
The prison was totally collapsed.
Earlier the day, the rescue teams have recovered nearly 43 bodies and dozens of wounded from under the rubble of the prison building. Later this morning, the initial death toll rose 60 and 38 injured. Medical officials told Saba that the death toll could rise in the next hours because a lot of injured were in critical conditions and the hospitals are suffering from acute shortage of medicines due to the 19-month prolonged air, sea and land blockade.
The Health Office in the city called people to donate blood to save the injured.

30.10.2016 – Deutsche Welle (* A K)

Air strikes in Yemen's kill 60 people

Saudi-led coalition air strikes on security buildings in Yemen's west have killed 60 people and 35 injured. One of the buildings was a detention center, where over 100 inmates were being held.

Sixty people in total were killed and dozens were wounded," said a health official. "All the victims are civilians," Abdel-Rahman Jarallah, the director of Hudaydah health office, said.

Most of the victims were anti-rebel detainees who were being held in two cells at the detention centre in Zaidia, north of Hodeidah., a source who requested anonymity told the German news service DPA.

It remains unclear why the coalition would hit a detention centre holding anti-rebel inmates.

Strikes on residential buildings killed 17 people on Saturday and wounded seven in the battleground town of Salo, southeast of Yemen's third city Taez. The website said four raids had completely destroyed three residential buildings. "All those in the houses were killed," one source told the French agency (with photos from Reuters)

30.10.2016 – Reuters (* A K)

Saudi-led raid kills 60 at Yemen security site, prison: official

Arab coalition warplanes bombed a security complex near the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah, killing 60 people including inmates of a prison on the site, a regional official, relatives and medical sources said on Sunday.

The prison in the city's al-Zaydiyah district was holding 84 inmates when it was struck three times late on Saturday, Hashem al-Azizi, deputy governor of the Houthi rebel-controlled Hodeidah province of the same name, told Reuters.

Local officials said the site lies within a security complex for the area guarded by Houthi militiamen but that only prison security guards were present during the night-time air strike.

A Reuters witness at the security complex said the entire building was destroyed and medics pulled about 17 bodies away - many of them missing limbs - while others remained stuck under the rubble.

One of the strikes directly targeted the building, the witness added, bringing it down over the heads of the prisoners, while two others hit the gate of the complex and nearby administration buildings – By Mohammed Ghobari and Abduljabbar Zeyad

30.10.2016 – Reuters (* A K)

Arab coalition says Hodeidah raid hit Houthi command center

Arab coalition warplanes struck a security building in Yemen's Hodeidah city used by Houthi forces as a command center, the Saudi-led alliance said on Sunday in its first comment on an attack that local sources and relatives said killed 60 people.

"Coalition aircraft this morning targeted the central security building in Hodeidah. This building is used by Houthi militia and the forces of the deposed president as a command and control center for their military operations," a coalition statement said, referring to former head of state Ali Abdullah Saleh, a Houthi ally.

"The coalition forces' leadership stresses that targeting protocols and procedures were followed fully.‎" – by William Maclean

Comment: LOL. Copy and Paste excuse.

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: So Saudi accuses Houthis of detaining innocent civilians, bombs prison killing all, then justifies by saying Houthis were there

Comment by Judith Brown: well it seems strange to me that Saudi claim a prison was a control and command centre. They always have excuses. What about the house in Taiz killing 9 and the two civilian cars fleeing bombs in Saada and Marib? What is the excuse there?

30.10.2016 – AAP (* A K)

It's being reported that 43 people have been killed after Saudi-led airstrikes battered two prisons inside a security headquarters in Yemen

Dozens of prisoners and security personnel are feared dead after Saudi-led airstrikes battered two prisons inside a security headquarters in a western port city in Yemen.

Security and medical officials say the airstrikes bombed the al-Zaydiya security headquarters in the Red Sea port city of Hodeida on Saturday. The building contained two prisons and many prisoners along with security forces have been killed in the strikes, the officials said.

The city is under control of Yemen's Shiite Houthi rebels who have seized the capital and much of the northern region in 2014. The Houthis' TV network al-Masirah said that 43 people were killed in the airstrikes but it was not immediately possible to verify its account.

The airstrikes came hours after warplanes rained bombs on houses of civilians in the western city of Taiz, killing at least 18 people, including children, earlier in the day.

30.10.2016 – Juan Cole (* A K)

Another Saudi War Crime in Yemen as 43 Prisoners dead in Airstrike

Saudi airstrikes targeting a judiciary building in al-Hudayda, a port on the western coast of Yemen under Houthi control, have killed some 43 people and wounded dozens of others, most of them prisoners.

The strike on the judiciary building, which had a prison attached, could have been predicted to kill civilians. It is therefore a war crime in international law. It isn’t that hard, Riyadh. If you think taking the shot will possibly kill non-combatants, especially a lot of non-combatants, you can’t take it.

Prisoners are especially vulnerable since they are restrained.

Whoever ordered that airstrike should be hauled before the International Criminal Court in the Hague – by Juan Cole

Comment: Cole is right. Even to Saudi measures, police is no “military target”.

30.10.2016 – Almanar (* A K)

Yemen: Death Toll from Hodeidah Massacre Rises to 46 Martyrs

The death toll from raids of the Saudi-US aggression on Yemen on the Zaidi Directorate Security Administration in Hodeidah Governorate rose to 46 martyrs and 38 wounded.

Al-Massira website suggests that the toll would rise as search and rescue operations are still ongoing.

The site reported that most of the martyrs are prisoners of the Zaidi directorate, pointing out that nearly 130 prisoners were in the jail during the raids.

Earlier at dawn on Sunday, the initial toll of martyrs was more than 46 people, and 20 people at least.

The Health Bureau in Hodeidah province launched a distress call to donate blood for the wounded, pointing out that 15 injured were transferred to the military hospital, 3 were taken to the May 22 hospital and one is treated in the Revolution Hospital.

29.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K PH)

At least 46 killed, 20 injured in Saudi airstrike in Yemen’s Hudaydah

Saudi fighter jets have killed over 46 people in their latest airstrike on Yemen’s western coastal province of Hudaydah.

According to the al-Masirah television network, some 20 people were also injured in the Saturday night attacks, which were carried out on a security building in the city of Zaydiyah.

Local officials said that three separate strikes were launched on the facilities and noted that most of the casualties had been prisoners.


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30.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance launched 2 airstrikes on the house of the civilian/ Abdullah Abdu Hamoud AL-Shehab and killed (11) civilians including 5 children and 5 women and injured 3 others . The airstrikes destroyed the house, damaged 6 others, destroyed a car and a mosque in AL Sharaf area, AL-Sulo district.
• They also launched 2 airstrikes on the house of the civilian/ Yaqoub Ha'el Sa'eed and killed (6) civilians including (3) children and a woman and injured (5) others. The airstrikes destroyed the house and damaged (8) others in AL-Ma'baran area, AL-Sulo district.
• Furthermore, they launched one airstrike on the house of the civilian/ Muhammad Abdu Sa'eed and injured (4) civilians including (2) children and a woman in AL-Sayar area, AL-Sulo district (images)

29.10.2016 – Reuters (* A K)

Air strike kills 17 in Yemen

At least 17 civilians were killed in Yemen's southwestern province of Taiz on Saturday by a Saudi-led coalition air strike that struck a house, local officials and residents said.

The raid targeted a house in the al-Salw district, the sources said, an area of Taiz where Houthi rebels and government forces backed by the coalition are fighting for control. Taiz is Yemen's third largest city with an estimated pre-war population of 300,000 – by Mohammed Ghobari

Comment: Seems to be “only” 10 killed: man, Wife, 8 sons and daughters, among them 4 children.

29.10.2016 – AP (* A K)

Family of 11 killed in Yemen air strike

The air strike hit the house of a citizen named Abdullah Abdo in a southern district called al-Salw, officials said.

The district that came under attack is close to the front line, and officials said that it is often difficult to distinguish rebels from government forces.

The fighting between the two sides intensified in al-Salw in recent days and many families have fled their homes.

Comment by Judith Brown: So Saudi kills Yemenis in Taiz. Although Islah, Salafist and Abu Abbas. militias and their supporters in Taiz constantly harass me stating that it is 'only' the Houthis who are killing Taiz children, here is a story to the contrary. In truth the ordinary people of Taiz are suffering terribly from a ground war, but although their humanitarian situation is serious I have not seen any of the pictures of seriously starving people in Taiz, such as those photos I receive in dozens every day from the Tihama, where the people are suffering under the Saudi led embargo. Of course Taiz is horrible - although a UN report did say that people could get out along the mountains if they wished to do so, but I am not going to criticise people who want to stay in their home area - but the violent deaths and injuries are caused by the war between a range of militias, mercenaries and armies, as well as from Saudi aerial bombardment.

films: = and

photos: = (with names of victims, among them 5 children)

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Propaganda um Angriff auf Mekka / Most important: Mecca attack propaganda

Siehe / See Yemen Press Reader 220, cp1a

30.10.2016 – British Government, Foreign Office (* A P)

Foreign travel advice: Saudi Arabia

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advise against all travel to within 10km of the border with Yemen and against all but essential travel between 10km and 80km of this border.

On 27 October a SCUD Missile was fired from rebel-held territory in Yemen, apparently targeting Jeddah’s King Abdulaziz International Airport. It was intercepted by Saudi air defence systems.

Comment: The propaganda smoke seems to disappear. Even the British government now writes: “apparently targeting Jeddah’s King Abdulaziz International Airport”. Does this mean the propaganda flip flop will stop now? No attack at Mecca, and the missile did not arrive at its target?

29.10.2016 – Mohamad Shami (* A K P)

#CNN Takes Side with #Saudi in Their Lies: Saudis use an old video of THAAD missile test, claiming it was the Saudi interception of Yemeni #Borkan missile fired at JeddahAirPort, Thursday 27th Oct. 2016! (Links in comments)

As you see, the video was published on youtube (and other sites) with older dates. Reason for Saudi US lies is: 1) they didn't expect Yemenis to retaliate after 19 months of their aggression, as deep inside the Kingdom as in #JeddahAitport; 2) This shows their implication that missile was targetting #Mekkah City is a lie; 3) The missile sucessfully hit Jeddah Airport (photos)

Comment by Judith Brown: I have been told the alleged Mecca missile attack pictures that were released by KSA and shown on CNN were from earlier footage from YouTube. I really have no opinion on this - propaganda is everything in war. But why would the Houthi militias fire at Mecca? It seems like an illogical target from my perspective - I have no further view and it is only raising the issue. I really don't know if a missile was fired at Jedda airport either nor whether it struck its target. It's so,difficult to assess these sorts of reports from where I am now. Reports in war are notoriously made up in order to give your 'side' an advantage. So without collaboration I can only report claims and counterclaims.

28.10.2016 – Xinhua (* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis deny targeting Mecca with missile

The Yemeni Houthi army's spokesman on Friday denied Saudi allegation of targeting the holy city of Mecca with a ballistic missile, noting that it targeted a Saudi airport in the Red Sea city of Jeddah, in a statement carried by Houthi-controlled state Saba News Agency.

Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman said that Thursday's ballistic missile attack "has hit the target" with 100 percent accuracy, stressing that the target was inside the King Abdel Aziz Airport in Jeddah, west of Mecca.

He slammed the allegation as "a media war and misleading of public opinion," affirming that his army fighters are "very careful to spare civilian areas, particularly the Islamic holy sites, from any attack."

28.10.2016 – Saba Net (* A K P)

Army spokesman: Attacking Abdulaziz Airport in Jeddah with Volcano 1 missile was successful

Spokesman of the army, staff brigadier Sharaf Ghaleb Luqman, has affirmed that the coordinates of the targets of the army and popular committees are set at 100% accuracy to cause big damages as much as possible to the enemy’s military forces.
In a statement to Saba, Luqman said that the first operation against King Abdulaziz Airport in Jeddah which took place on Thursday using Volcano 1 missile was successful and hit the designated target.
He pointed out that news by the enemy’s media that the missile was intended to another location is no more than a media war to mislead the public opinion.
Luqman also affirmed that the army and popular committees are keen, since the onset of the war up to the moment, to avoid attacking civilian areas, let alone the Islamic sanctities, and we will not be driven to such actions.
“It is ridiculous what has been circulated by the aggression’s media that we targeted the Holy Mecca which are we are ready to sacrifice our lives and all that is in our possession to protect it,” Luqman said.

Comment: The missile really hit its target Jeddah airport????

28.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

Saudis resorting to media flimflam over missile attack: Ansarullah

Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has strongly dismissed claims that the recent missile attack against Saudi Arabia was aimed at Islam's holiest and most revered site, emphasizing that the Saudi regime is restoring to media hype to justify its military aggression against its southern neighbor.

Ansarullah spokesman Mohammad Abdulsalam, in a statement released on Friday, said Saudi officials are looking for sympathy in the name of guardianship of the Masjid al-Haram in the holy city of Mecca, and availing themselves of media frenzy – something which nobody actually believes in.

Abdulsalam underlined that Saudi Arabia seeks to provoke Muslims worldwide through fabricated allegations that Ansarullah fighters sought to hit the Kaaba, calling on Muslims not to take note of lies being spread by the Saudi-led military coalition.

"The Yemeni nation needs no proof to show its Arab and Muslim identity. It has never targeted religious sites, and definitely treats religious rites with much greater respect compared to US mercenaries. Aggressors must end their attacks and siege against Yemen, embrace peace and observe the principle of good neighborliness," the Ansarullah spokesman pointed out.

Saleh must condemn Houthi attack

Even with the brutal wars raging in parts of the Middle East, some acts stand out for their despicable nature. That the Houthi rebels would fire a missile at the most sacred site in Islam defies belief. Fortunately, the Saudi Arabian military was able to intercept the missile, but the act still marks a shocking escalation in the war in Yemen.

In one sense, perhaps we should not be surprised. The Iranian-backed Houthis have taken every opportunity to destabilise Yemen and Saudi Arabia. They have shown no interest in negotiations, have not respected ceasefires and have shown nothing but contempt for the people of Yemen. The humanitarian crisis that they have sparked shows no sign of abating and despite multiple opportunities to pursue peace – or even merely talks – they have not. This from a group that claims to represent the will of the Yemeni people – and whose flag includes the slogan "Victory to Islam". The group has yet to explain how targeting Islam’s holiest shrine would aid that victory.

With ISIL slaughtering civilians in the most horrific ways and the Houthis now targeting the holiest sites of Islam, the militias who have taken hold of parts of the Middle East appear unwilling to respect any norms. Yet there is a crucial difference with the Houthis, because they are backed by groups who have, or did have, international respectability. While this missile strike raises some very serious questions for the Houthis, it also raises hard questions for their backers, both Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Iranian government.

On Twitter, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, asked how the Iranian government could continue supporting the Houthis after they fired on Mecca. "Is this an Islamic regime as it claims to be?" he asked. The same question must be directed at the former Yemeni president. Mr Saleh still has considerable support in northern Yemen. It is only because of that the Houthis have managed to hold on to territory.

Both must now condemn the attack and distance themselves from the group. The Iranians cannot continue sending weapons to a group that uses them to attack Islam’s holy shrines, nor can Mr Saleh back them. Failure to do so will make them complicit in what seems like an attack not on one state, but on an entire religion.

Comment: A full power propaganda, shooting not only at the Houthis and Iran, but trying to involve another foe as well, in this case ex-president Saleh.

28.10.2016 – WAM (* A K P)

Houthis' attempted missile attack on Makkah is an atrocious criminal act: Arab Parliament

The rebel Yemeni Houthi-Saleh group's attempt to target Makkah city, home to the most sacred sites in Islam, including the Grand Mosque, with a ballistic missile fired from Yemen's northwestern Saada province on Thursday night, is, by all means, an atrocious criminal act, the Arab Parliament, a body of the Arab League, said on Friday.

"This criminal act of targeting the Masjid al-Haram (Grand Mosque of Makkah) is evidence that these gangs intend to target the holiest sites for Arabs and Muslims to provoke their feelings," Speaker of the Arab Parliament Ahmed Mohammed Al Jarwan said in a statement.

Al Jarwan called upon Muslim countries "to join forces to prevent the Houthi gangs and their supporters from perpetrating further criminal acts through which they seek to incite sectarian wars that would destroy countries and peoples."

Earlier, the Saudi-led Arab Coalition conducting a campaign to restore legitimacy to Yemen said it had intercepted and destroyed the ballistic missile 65 kilometres from Makkah City.

The Secretary-General of the six-member Co-operation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) Dr. Abdullatif Al Zayani, in a statement, condemned the missile attack as "a provocation of the feelings of all Muslims in the world."

Comment: This is the original report by the Emirati Press Agency, see earlier report in YPR 220. The Saudi side fully is beating the propaganda drum, to cause a sectarian showdown in the Muslim world. See earlier reporting in YPR 220.

28.10.2016 – Arab News (* A P)

Yemen strongly condemns Houthi attack near Makkah

Yemeni government on Friday said Houthis failed attempt to attack Makkah undermines regional stability and proves they are a menace to world stability.
“We seek peace and they seek war; we look for the stability of Yemen and the region, and they look for destruction and sedition, and reaffirm they are a menace to the world peace,” Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdel-Malek Al-Mekhlafi said on Friday, adding that the deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Houthi militias are seeking a regional war to implement their plans offensive to Arabs and Muslims, and show that those "criminal gangs" have no respect for the sanctity of Islam.
"This criminal act is additional proof that the Houthis are the tool Iran is using to destroy Yemen and its neighboring countries," he said.
Seperately, the Yemeni government on Friday denounced and condemned in the strongest and harshest words the blatant ballistic missile attack on Makkah by Houthi and forces of ousted Ali Abdullah Saleh, describing the assault as a clear violation of all international norms and values, and human ethics and morals.
“This irresponsible act reveals the true face of the Houthis and proves their sectarian nature driven by Iran, through its puppets in the region, which has been campaigning for a sectarian incitement recently against Saudi Arabia,” a Yemeni government official said in a statement sent to Arab News yesterday, adding that the attack and the recklessness of Houthi militias and Saleh forces reflect their association with the destructive Persian scheme against Arabs and all Muslims as well as sacred Muslim shrines.
He pointed out that the Yemeni people and government reject and condemn this flagrant and criminal assault by the Houthis against the feelings of millions of Muslims, adding that Yemen fully supports and stands in solidarity with Saudi Arabia and its wise leadership in confronting anyone trying to compromise its security and stability, or dare to target the religious shrines.

“We urge the UN, the Security Council and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to immediately mobilize efforts and take strict measures to put an end to Iran’s blatant interventions through their tools to sabotage the region, and not just issue statements of condemnation or denunciation,” he said–by Hani Hazimeh

Comment: Of course, the Hadi government (here in the headline labeled as Yemen = 5 star hotel in Riyadh) also cannot stand aside and shows up with this rather stupid statement. And of course they also play the Saudi anti-Iranian tune.

29.10.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A P)

Stupid Saudi allegations & accusations: Yemen launch missile targeting Mecca from a mosque!. Sick sectarian attempt to strike Islamic war (photos)

cp2 Allgemein / General

30.10.2016 – Talking oft he Soul (* B K)

Ongoing War on Yemen: What I have Learnt and What Stays

I have learnt that out of all the wars this is one of the most unjust.
I have learnt that there is no such thing as collateral damage the very moment you decide to drop a bomb as the aim is simply to harm, kill, destroy and bring inconceivable pain.
I have learnt that bombs come in all shapes and sizes, with a light during the trajectory and a travelling sound which gives you the shivers.
I have learnt there are sound bombs which can break your ears, enter your bones and make you think the earth is breaking to engulf you, that there are no banned/illegal bombs as they are still produced, used and sold. That the shock wave of each explosion leaves your soul scarred and your heart bumping.
Of this war, I have learnt all the numbers by heart: the dead, the injured, the maimed, the starving, the displaced, the children out of school, the infrastructure pulverized, the hospitals attacked, the missing in action, the dates of each massacre, the number of NGOs operating inside/outside/for Yemen/only for some parts of Yemen, the orphaned, the widowed, the flights cancelled by the imposed blockade (land, air, sea).

30.10.2016 – Tagesspiegel (B K P)

Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Seit anderthalb Jahren fliegt Saudi-Arabien Angriffe gegen Aufständische im Jemen. Gewalt, Not und Hunger lassen die Menschen verzweifeln. Doch der Konflikt wird von der Welt kaum

Im Jemen gehören Angst, Not und Armut zum Alltag. Keine Jobs, kein Geld für Einkäufe, dazu immer wieder Gefechte und Bombenangriffe – Folgen eines Kriegs, dem die Welt kaum Beachtung schenkt.

Von Saida Ahmad Baghili gibt es Fotos, die kaum zu ertragen sind. Sie zeigen eine 18-Jährige, die bis auf die Knochen abgemagert ist. Das Mädchen liegt auf einem Krankenbett und hofft, dass die Ärzte sie retten können. Hunderttausenden Kindern geht es ähnlich schlecht wie Saida. Laut Unicef leben sechs Millionen Heranwachsende in zum Teil bitterer Armut. 1,5 Millionen gelten als mangelernährt – davon 370.000 lebensbedrohlich – VON CHRISTIAN BÖHME UND BENJAMIN MOSCOVICI

Aus den Kommentaren zum Artikel:

Jemen, Syrien und Irak hängen zusammen.

Der verbindende Knoten ist eine Regionalmacht,die die Vorherrschaft in der Region für sich beansprucht. Wo sie diese Vorherrschaft durch nicht-wahabitische Bewegungen bedroht sieht, da interveniert sie direkt oder indirekt militärisch. Neben Jemen, Syrien und Irak wäre da auch noch die militärische Niederschlagung des Aufstandes in Bahrain zu nennen - was die eigene Dominanz bedroht, wird rücksichtslos platt gemacht.

Dumm bei der Sache ist nur, dass diese Untaten mit Waffen passiert, die für teuer Geld bei uns eingekauft werden.
Saudi-Arabien ist zwar der Hauptkriegstreiber der Region und eine der übelsten Diktaturen auf der Welt - es ist aber einer unserer besten Partner (und Kunden).
Darum dürfen die saudischen Terrorfinanziers, Auspeitscher und Kopfabschneider auch (anders als Russland) im UN-Menschenrechtsrat bleiben...

Warum lesen wir nichts über die saudischen Verbrechen, hingegen alles über syrische Verfehlungen?
Kurz gesagt: Die Saudis begehen ihre Verbrechen mit Mercedes, Krauss-Maffei und Heckler&Koch.
Die Syrer setzen auf Lada, Ural und Kalashnikov -
klar, wer da der Böse ist, oder?

Kommentar: Überblicksartikel mit einigen Schwächen (Hadis Amtszeit ist längst ausgelaufen).

30.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

Yemeni tribes joind hands to counter Saudi aggression

Yemeni tribes in different provinces have joined forces to counter the deadly Saudi aggression against their country, vowing revenge for the blood of the innocent.

In the northwestern province of Hajjah, the tribes of the Sharafein district expressed their readiness to deploy forces to the battleground in response to a call issued by the tribes of Khulan and Sanhan, Yemen’s al-Masirah television reported on Saturday.

Bani Sara tribe in al-Shaqadreh also said that it was prepared to team up with Khulan al-Tayal tribe to score a victory against the Riyadh regime and take revenge for the recent Saudi carnage in the capital, Sana’a, which was denounced by rights groups as a war crime.

The tribe of Sanhan in Sana’a put 300 troops equipped with arms on alert.

Elsewhere in Ma’rib Province, Qaramish tribe voiced its full preparedness for combat.

Additionally, members of the Azla al-Zabareh tribe from different areas and villages took part in a summit, while uts armed forces strongly condemned the US-Saudi crimes in Yemen and said they are ready to go to battlegrounds.

Also in Ibb Province, the residents of the Sabrah region said that they are set to unite other tribes in their resistance against the Saudi military campaign.

Meanwhile, sheikhs and renowned figures of the Mansuriyah region of Hudaydah province and its tribal members came together and underlined the need for deploying new troops to the front line. They also described the Saudi attacks on civilians as a sign of the regime’s weakness.

29.10.2016 – Soraya Tebani from Wikileaks (* B K)

Houthis obtain their arms from the Yemeni black market (photos)

Comment by Judith Brown: A better look at the Wikileaks report. Houthis are not getting weapons from Iran but from the black market. I have heard many times from Yemenis that weapons are being sold by those fighting on the other 'side' though never corroborated but this report is the nearest thing to confirmation of those rumours

30.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* B K)

Saudi officials must stand trial for war crimes in Yemen: Commentator

In its latest airstrikes, Saudi Arabia bombarded various targets in several Yemeni provinces, including a prison in Hudaydah which claimed scores of lives.

In an interview with Press TV, Alfred Lambremont Webre, a war crimes lawyer, described the latest attack as another flagrant war crime by Saudi Arabia which demands an urgent reaction from the international community.

“Even if they are prisoners of war, they are civilians. They would be civilian prisoners protected by The Geneva Convention. So, this is another intentional war crime. The Saudi regime is a war crime regime,” Webre underscored.

“Whether or not this [attack] is in retaliation for actions [by Yemenis] on [Saudi] military targets, [It] becomes irrelevant when one is carrying out serial war crimes,” he added.

In other comments about the complicity of Western countries in Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Yemen, Webre opined that all those countries should be treated as "co-defendants."

30.10.2016 – Islam Times (* B P)

Why Saudi Arabia Does Not End War on Yemen?

It appears that what more than anything else keeps the Saudis’ pounding of Yemen ongoing is the experience of the Saudi pleasant sway and presence in pre-uprising Yemen and the type of behavior of earlier Yemeni political actors who turned into instruments in the hands of the Saudi kingdom to serve its policies. This is a significant factor that prevents the Saudis from easily coming to terms with the new conditions and accepting shift of the political orientations of the Yemeni revolutionaries led by Ansarullah movement. Furthermore, fears of spread of uprising to the millions of Yemeni employees in Saudi Arabia have pushed the Saudi leaders to even develop concerns about losing their hereditary throne.
It is notable that before revolution of 2011 in Yemen, all of the economic, political, and social parties could be divided into two pro and anti-Saudi sway in their country. As for that period, Riyadh used a diplomacy based on petrodollars and succeeded in taking to its side many of influential political, military, security, and social figures including the tribal leaders, military commanders, and the heads of big political parties in Yemen as well as the country's president, Mansour Hadi. This allowed the kingdom to apply its favorable policies in Yemen.
In fact, Saudi Arabia’s sway in Yemen was possible through spending money and buying loyalty of prominent Yemeni figures in different government structures. This way helped Riyadh to affect the top people who could influence the Yemeni politics and power centers in the country. This influence paved the way for Saudi Arabia to, in line with the West, manipulate the Yemeni political directions through affecting the key actors.
But the important point about the Saudi relations with the pre-revolution Yemen that need to be taken into consideration is that the security of Saudi Arabia was tied to security of Yemen. In other words, insecurity in one of them could carry the potentials of spilling over to the other. This fact draws many concerns of the Saudi Arabian leaders.

But now in new conditions Saudi Arabia lost the influence on the key Yemeni organizations and actors that for nearly half a century prepared the ground for Riyadh’s leaders to easily dictate their demands to the Yemenis.

29.10.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy / Jamila Hanan (A K)

I get feeling Saudi committing as many massacres as possible in #Yemen hoping world would eventually be desensitized & okay with bloodbath.

.@omeisy in genocide it is often the case that masterminds trial massacres, when there is no consequence they know they can increase

.@omeisy we have seen over past 19 months each massacre quickly forgotten, never fully investigated, because it's buried by the next one

29.10.2016 – The Telegraph (B K)

The West must get all sides in Yemen to reach a deal - or face an overwhelming humanitarian catastrophe

[Overview on the situation in Yemen]

The past year and a half has shown that neither persecutor of this conflict will achieve a military victory and nor, left to their own devices, will they reach agreement. The UK and other leading powers must find their moral spine and exert pressure on all sides to strike a deal. A further thought: Yemen has been labelled in the past few months as “the forgotten crisis”. But as a population of 26 million runs out of options, it is hard to imagine that this disaster will continue to be contained within the country’s borders. By then, it might be too late to “remember” the Yemeni crisis – by Rafat Al-Akhali =

Comment: The West is making money out of #Yemeni-s' blood. There is no interest in saving one life.

Comment by Jamila Hanan: Sorry but this headline is nonsense. The West must stop literally refuelling #Yemen war. Only then it will end.

29.10.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K)

Saudi to continue Yemen war with US, UK support: Activist

Saudi Arabia will continue its military aggression against Yemen as long as it gets support from the United States and Britain, says an activist and political commentator.

“They are the ones who are funding, and they are the ones who have given the Saudis the green light to commit their crimes in Yemen because if the war continues in Yemen, this means that the United States and Britain will continue selling their weapons to the Saudis,” Hussain al-Bukhaiti told Press TV in an interview on Saturday.

He also mentioned there is no “international investigation” into Saudi Arabia’s crimes in Yemen which is the reason why it continues its offensive against the impoverished Arab country.

The activist went on to say that both the United States and Britain are “directly involved” in the war on Yemen because of their arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

However, he said, Britain has played a “dirty role” by supporting Saudi Arabia’s membership at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and blocking two previous investigations into Riyadh’s war crimes in Yemen.

Pointing to Saudi Arabia’s accusation of Yemeni ballistic missile being fired at Mecca, Bukhaiti noted the Saudis are seeking to gather more support from Islamic countries by this allegation.

“So they want to make it as a war to defend Mecca and if the Saudis have reached this point, this means that they are really weak and they are on the brink of either to stop this war or to collapse but it will depend on how long they will get a green light from the US to continue the war on Yemen,” he stated.

27.10.2016 – CNN (* A H K)

Film: A whole generation might be lost in #Yemen after people have been left to become skin and bones in the midst of this forgotten war. We discuss how the international community has allowed the situation to become so horrible.

Comment: US citizens, don’t wonder. It’s the US who is greatly responsible for all this.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

30.10.2016 – WHO (* A H)

Update on the cholera situation in Yemen, 30 October 2016

The Ministry of Public Health and Population in Yemen has released new figures on the number of cholera and cholera-related deaths in the country.

As of 30 October 2016, a total of 1410 suspected cases of cholera, including 45 associated deaths have been reported. Laboratory-confirmed cases of cholera have been reported from Taiz, Aden, Lahj, Al-Hudaydah, Hajjah, Sana'a, Al-Baida and and Ibb governorates. Of the 116 stools samples tested so far, 55 were positive for Vibrio cholerae 01 Ogawa at the Central Public Health Laboratory of Sana’a.

WHO is working in coordination with the Ministry and partners on the ground under a joint health/WASH taskforce to coordinate the response. WHO has established 21 cholera treatment centres in the most affected governorates, and provided IV fluids, diarrhoeal disease kits and oral rehydration solutions for case management in these centres. WHO also conducted a training workshop for epidemiological surveillance coordinators from 16 out of Yemen's 23 governorates to strengthen cholera case detection, reporting and response.

While acute watery diarrhoeal diseases are endemic in Yemen, the ongoing conflict has exacerbated the situation. More than 7.6 million people are currently living in areas affected by the outbreak, as well as more than 3 million internally displaced persons.

28.10.2016 – World Socialist Website (* A H)

UN Warns US-Saudi War Threatens Mass Starvation in Yemen

According to statements issued by UN agencies, over 14 million Yemenis, more than half the population, is now living in hunger, while 7 million are on the verge of starvation.

In a press briefing in Geneva Friday, the UN children’s agency UNICEF said that at least 370,000 children are at risk of severe malnutrition, and without urgent treatment will die. Fully 1.5 million children are malnourished.

The World Food Program (WFP) reported that almost half the children of Yemen are already suffering irreversibly stunted growth due to malnutrition. “An entire generation could be crippled by hunger,” said the WFP’s Yemen director, Torben Due.

The UN agency found that at least 10 of the country’s 21 governorates are on the brink of famine.

“It is really a dire situation on the ground. When you see mothers who have little to eat themselves and they see their children slipping away, it just breaks your heart,” said WFP spokeswoman Bettina Luescher. “It really is shocking and horrible to see this in the 21st century.” – By Bill Van Auken =

29.10.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H)

.@monareliefye's ground crew in Hodeidah in western #Yemen distributing now school bags to orphan students in Zabid area (photos)

29.10.2016 – Oxfam (A H)

Oxfam Yemen Situation Report #66, 30 September 2016 - Bi-weekly

The past few weeks have witnessed an increase in targeting civilians, including children, by both sides. Just yesterday, the Houthis shelled a market in Taiz killing at least 8 civilians. Similarly, coalition airstrikes killed at least 20 civilians when jets hit the Suq al‐Hunod district of Al‐Hudaydah city. A few days later, airstrikes targeted residential buildings in Ibb city in centra Yemen at dawn killing at least 9 people.

After the decision of the Central Bank to Aden, the situation on the ground remains greatly the same. Government employees remain with no salaries for the second month in a row. The Houthis have called people to donate to the Central Bank. On the other hand, Hadi’s government has announced its commitment to pay all government employees as the register of the year 2014, not including those appointed by Houthis. However, no payment has been made. and in full:

29.10.2016 – Yemen Updates (A H P)

Dialysis patients in Taiz Thawra Hospital turn to people to help them get medication when Prz Hadi govt has forgotten them (photos)

29.10.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Eddge (B H)

Conflict-affected women line up to receive their families’ food rations provided by a local relief group in #Sanaa
photo Yahya Arhab/EPA

29.10.2016 – The Independent (* A H)

Cholera cases soar in war-torn Yemen amid widespread starvation as Saudi bombing campaign continues

World Health Organisation fears the illness could affect up to 76,000 people

The number of suspected cholera cases in war-ravaged Yemen has ballooned to more than 1,400 in under three weeks, according to the World Health Organisation.

An outbreak of the deadly disease was announced in early October in the capital Sanaa, but WHO officials said soon after that it had not spread.

However, the organisation has now announced that there were 1,410 suspected cholera cases in 10 of Yemen’s 23 governorates, mostly in Taiz, Aden, Lahj, Hodeida and Sanaa.

The organisation has released $1m (£820,000) of emergency funding to help combat the illness. More than 7.6 million people are living in the areas affected by cholera.

Malnutrition, also a problem, wears down the immune system and makes people, especially youngsters, much more vulnerable to disease – by Will Worley

28.10.2016 – Reuters (* A H)

More than one million children starve as Yemen war rages: U.N. agencies

Around 1.5 million children in Yemen are malnourished and half the population lives in hunger, United Nations aid agencies said on Friday, three days after pictures of an emaciated Yemeni teenager sparked headlines around the world.

Yemen's 18-month war has left 370,000 children at risk of severe malnutrition - a condition which needs urgent treatment to prevent a child from dying - the U.N. children's agency UNICEF said at a press briefing in Geneva on Friday.

"It is really a dire situation on the ground. When you see mothers who have little to eat themselves and they see their children slipping away, it just breaks your heart," said World Food Programme (WFP) spokeswoman Bettina Luescher at the briefing.

"It really is shocking and horrible to see this in the 21st century."

Overall, almost half of all children in Yemen are stunted, according to WFP. Stunting is where children are short for their age, and is a sign of chronic malnutrition.

Luescher said because of diminishing resources and increased needs the U.N. agency has had to split food aid into smaller rations to reach 6 million people every month.

Around 7 million Yemenis are "desperately in need of food", she said, and the situation could worsen as the war rages.

Even before the conflict broke out, Yemen had one of the highest rates of malnutrition in the world, WFP said.

The agency said it needed $257 million to provide food aid until March next year – By Lin Taylor

27.10.2016 – AJ from UN (* A H)

Film: Starvation in Yemen

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

10.2016 – (* B K)

The war in Yemen. World heritage under destruction – by St. John Simpson, Curator for Ancient Arabia and Ancient Iran at the British Museum and film

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A H P)

MSF activities in Yemen reviewed

Acting Prime Minister Talal Aqlan met on Saturday in Sana’a with head of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) mission in Yemen.
During the meeting, they reviewed the medical and humanitarian services provided by the French, Spanish, Swiss, and Netherlands MSF missions in a number of governorates in the country.
They also talked about the overall humanitarian tasks carried out by the mission to contribute to treating the war wounded of the aggression and internal fronts, in addition to providing health services to mothers and children.
The MSF representatives provided a summary of other activities such as transporting wounded people to hospitals and providing first aid and psychological support as well as dialysis reagents and medicines and oxygen as well.
They pointed out that the total of medical assistance provided since March 2016 up to the moment is at 1,750 tons, valuing support and coordination of the Ministry of Public Health and Population.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

29.10.2016 – AFP (* A T)

Guards thwart suicide attack on Yemen central bank

Guards thwarted a suicide attack on the Yemeni central bank Saturday opening fire on the bomber's vehicle and blowing it up before it reached the building, a security official said.

The central bank has been based in the government-controlled second city of Aden since last month, when President Abedabbo Mansour Hadi ordered its relocation from the rebel-held capital Sanaa accusing the rebels of running down its foreign reserves.

Five guards were wounded when the bomber's vehicle blew up around 30 meters (yards) from the bank building, the security official told AFP.

The force of the blast shattered the bank's windows and caused damage to other nearby buildings.

29.10.2016 – AP (A T)


Witnesses say a car bomb has exploded in the southern city of Aden at a checkpoint steps away from the central bank, which has been relocated recently from the rebel-held capital, Sanaa.

The bomb injured three soldiers and caused panic in the busy commercial district of Crater, the witnesses said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of security concerns – by Ahmed Al-Haj

29.10.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Bomb-laden car explodes near central bank in Yemen's Aden: sources

A car laden with explosives blew up near the headquarters of Yemen's central bank in the southern city of Aden on Saturday and five people were injured, local security sources said.

Security guards fired at the car as it moved at high speed toward the bank's building and it then blew up, they said.

The blast caused minor damage to the building in a central district of Aden known as Crater and two cars nearby, one belonging to security guards and the other to a private citizen, caught fire and burned.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

It was believed to be the first attempt to target the central bank since President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's decision in September to appoint a new governor and move its headquarters from the capital Sanaa, controlled by Houthi rebels, to the southern port city of Aden, where his government is based. and photos and =

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

29.10.2016 – Deutschlandfunk (A P)

Präsident lehnt neuen UNO-Friedensplan ab

Jemens Präsident Hadi hat einen neuen von den Vereinten Nationen vorgelegten Friedensplan abgelehnt.

Mit den Vorschlägen würden die Rebellen bevorzugt und die legitime Regierung bestraft, sagte Hadi bei einem Treffen mit dem UNO-Sondergesandten Scheikh Ahmed in der saudischen Hauptstadt Riad. Der Friedensplan sieht vor, die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen an der künftigen Regierung zu beteiligen. Zudem soll Hadi einen Großteil seiner Befugnisse an einen Vize-Präsidenten abgeben. und auch

29.10.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Exiled president rejects peace plan

The exiled Hadi on Saturday rejected a U.N. peace proposal to end the turmoil saying the deal would only be a path to more war and destruction.

Speaking after meeting U.N. envoy Ismail Ould Cheickh Ahmed in Riyadh, Hadi said the agreement would "reward the rebels and penalize the Yemeni people and legitimacy," according to the government-controlled Saba news agency.

According to a copy of the proposal seen by Reuters, the plan would sideline Hadi and set up a government of less divisive figures.

The deal would involve removing Hadi's powerful vice president, Ali Mushin al-Ahmar Ahmar from power and Hadi agreeing to become little more than a figurehead after a Houthi withdrawal from the capital Sanaa – by Mohammed Ghobari

Comment: Hadi wants to stay “president”, whatever happens. And he just wants no participation of the Houthis in a future political settlement. He insists in capitulation of the Houthis, which means, there will be no peaceful solution possible.

Comment by Judith Brown: Hadi is saying that the new peace deal rewards the rebels whilst punishing the Yemeni people. This is crazy. The thing that punishes the Yemeni people is war and whilst the contacts lead me to the conclusion the Houthis are not popular as future rulers they are given credit because they are defending the Yemeni nation against invading nations. The thing about peace is that you haven't sit down with people you hate and make painful compromise. Hadi seems unable to do this - his ultimate goal is to rule Yemen as he did before - not by consent as he is unpopular but as an autocratic ruler.

30.10.2016 – AAP (A P)

Yemen's president in exile has turned down a UN peace deal aimed at ending the country's devastating conflict, saying it "rewards" Yemen's rebels.

The proposed peace deal gives the Houthi rebels - who seized the capital Sanaa in 2014 and eventually forced President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi out of Yemen - a share in the future government. It also reduces some of the president's powers in exchange for a rebel withdrawal from major cities.

30.10.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (* A P)

Yemen Government Brushes off U.N. Envoy’s Flawed Peace Proposal

Yemen’s President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi refused to receive the political roadmap for peace in Yemen put forth by the U.N. Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

The Yemeni government elaborated on the rebuff, saying that the roadmap has a poor understanding of the situation in Yemen and does not agree with most previously set references for peace.

President Hadi rejected the deal after meeting the U.N. Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed in Riyadh.

“The Yemeni people have condemned these ideas and the so-called road map out of belief that the deal is a gateway to more suffering and war,” Mr. Hadi said. “The ideas presented … carry the seeds of war,” he added. “It rewards the coup leaders and punishes the Yemeni people at the same time.”

The internationally recognized president of Yemen and his deputy will not step down or hand over their powers to new leaders until their previously stated conditions are met.

Mr. Hadi told Mr. Ahmed that peace is only attainable when the rebel “coup” is reversed, based on a U.N. Security Council resolution that stipulates the rebels must lay down their weapons and withdraw from cities as a precondition to any peace agreement.

The government official responding to media reports said that the latest U.N.-proposed draft agreement presented to Houthis over looks most fundamental conditions for peace in Yemen such as the outcomes of national dialogue and the Gulf initiative.

“President Hadi’s resignation is out of the question until Houthis first put into effect UN Security Council resolution 2216, a new constitution is approved and an election is held,” Hadi’s aide said on Friday.

What the U.N. envoy presented to Houthis are initial ideas and the government has the right to accept or reject them.

Prime Minister Ahmad Bin Daghar and his cabinet ministers vowed to reject any peace plan that does not require Houthis to disarm and leave cities ahead of establishing a new governing body. Limited protests took place in some southern cities rejecting the new proposal, which Houthis are yet to respond to.

Some senior figures in the group however urged their leaders to reject the plan as it would defang their movement.

Comment: Hadi can do this because he is backed by his Saudi masters. Both do not want any peace agreement deserving this name. Hadi simply wants back to before-2014 times, being president – as autocratic as he ruled at that time – although his term already had expired for long. And the Saudis simply want the same; any peace agreement would mean a loss of influence. – As the Emirates have agreed to the peace plan, even hailed it, thie even more shows a rift between the Saudis and the Emirates in the case of Yemen.

28.10.2016 – Salon (* A P)

Russia kicked off U.N. Human Rights Council, but Saudi Arabia was re-elected

The Saudi absolute monarchy, which bombs Yemen, beheads dissidents and supports extremists, remains on U.N. council

Saudi Arabia, a theocratic absolute monarchy that carries out mass executions of dissidents, beheads drug dealers, systematically subjugates women and has supported extremist groups like al-Qaida and ISIS, was re-elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Friday.

Russia, however, was not. Croatia defeated it in a bid for re-election by just two votes.

The U.S. government has previously welcomed Saudi Arabia’s ascension to the head of a U.N. Human Rights Council panel, noting the two are “close allies.”

The oil-rich Saudi monarchy has used its position on the council to systematically cover up its own egregious rights abuses. With the help of its Western allies, Saudi Arabia has blocked independent investigations into the war crimes it has committed in its ongoing bombing campaign in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia, in particular, has supported extremist Islamist rebels in Syria for years. The theocratic Saudi monarchy — which is based on a fundamentalist ideology known as Wahhabism, an ideology that is very similar to that of al-Qaida and ISIS — has spent billions of dollars helping to bankroll the CIA’s program to arm and train anti-government Syrian rebels, many of whom later joined or collaborated with al-Qaida or al-Qaida-linked groups.

Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two close Western allies, have supported the genocidal fascist militia ISIS, according to U.S. intelligence sources cited in email from Hillary Clinton that was recently released by the whistle-blowing journalism organization WikiLeaks – by Ben Norton

Comment: Earlier reporting already YPR 220.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

30.10.2016 – Ali AlAhmed (A P)

3 people face 1 years in prison by Saudi monarchy court for planing a dog show (photo)

29.10.2016 – Fars News (A K)

Saudi Arabia Evacuates 60 Percent of Villages Along Border with Yemen

"More than 60 percent of Saudi Arabia's villages located along Saudi Arabia-Yemen border have been evacuated by the kingdom's border guards," the Arabic-language al-Ahad news website reported.

Lieutenant Commander of al-Arezeh Border Guards in Jizan Province Ali al-Amri said that the evacuation of the villages took place at the order of senior Saudi officials.

He reiterated that the Saudi border guards are doing their best to facilitate the evacuation of citizens from border villages.

Comment: There was reported sometimes ago that a great part of the population does not want to leave but is evacuated by force.

cp9 USA

Siehe / See cp1

30.10.2016 – MbKS15 (A P)

#Saudi Armed Forces begin the joint military exercise '#NorthSpears 2016' in Tabuk with the #US & #Malaysia Special Forces (photos)

Comment: Saudi–US chumminess has many facets.

30.10.2016 – Irish Times (A P)

John Kerry to be presented with international peace award

Comment: Nothing should surprise us any longer.

26.10.2016 – The Intercept (* A P)

At Hillary Clinton’s Favorite Think Tank, a Doubling Down on Anti-Iran, Pro-Saudi Policy
The Center for American Progress hosted a sort of preview of Hillary Clinton’s Middle East policy on Tuesday, with a Clinton adviser and a Gulf state diplomat agreeing that the next president should double down on support for the Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, while ramping up action against Iran.
It is a signal that a future Clinton administration would overwhelmingly favor the Gulf states in their ongoing, Middle East-wide power struggle with Iran, implicitly rebuking President Obama, who has come under fire from Gulf states for mild criticism of their foreign policy and his nuclear deal with Iran.
The founder of the Center for American Progress, John Podesta, is the campaign chair for Clinton’s presidential bid; many of the candidate’s closest advisors are alumni of CAP and it is widely viewed as a launching pad for policy staff for Democratic presidents. The center is currently helmed by Clinton transition co-chair Neera Tanden.
Panelists at the event, titled “Strengthening U.S. Partnerships in the Middle East,” argued for what is essentially a supercharged anti-Iran, pro-Saudi posture, with little disagreement from CAP moderator Brian Katulis.
Former acting CIA Director and Clinton foreign policy advisor Mike Morell called for escalation of sanctions “that bite” on Iran in response to their “malign behavior in the region.” And in what would be a dramatic escalation of U.S. power in the region, he called for intercepting Iranian vessels traveling to Yemen to supply weapons to Houthi rebels. – von Zaid Jilani

Comment: it seems whether the whole propaganda trying to pull anti-Iranian benefit from events in Yemen are a foreshadow of what is to come with Clinton as president.

21.10.2016 – Breitbart (A P)

Hillary Clinton Tops Middle East Forum’s ‘Islamist Money List’

The Middle East Forum has released its 2015-16 “Islamist Money In Politics” list, charting the top ten recipients of contributions from Islamic organizations — and Hillary Clinton is at the top of the list.

According to the Middle East Forum, their list tracks political donations from “from individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS.”

Clinton has received a total of $41,165 from individuals that the Middle East Forum describes as “prominent Islamists,” including $19,249 from senior officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates on November 15, 2014.

Comment: It’s still much more. About 20 % of Clintons campaign had been sponsored by Saudi Arabia, as deputy crown prince Salman had said.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / See cp1

29.10.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Government refuses to deny whether it backed Saudi Arabia’s new membership on UN Human Rights Council

The Foreign Office has refused to deny whether it backed Saudi Arabia’s renewed membership on the UN’s Human Rights Council, despite alleged war crimes by the kingdom in Yemen.

It comes after a meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York elected 14 members to the council, including the oil-rich kingdom, through a secret ballot. The 193-member assembly also voted Russia off the UNHRC, which lost its regional seat to Hungary.

When asked whether the UK voted for Saudi Arabia, a Foreign Office spokesman told The Independent: “We do not reveal our voting intention”.

The Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, told The Independent: “It is appalling that the UK would consider supporting any country as chair of the Human Rights Council which didn’t itself uphold fundamental human rights at home and abroad. Saudi Arabia in particular consistently disregard not only the rights of their own citizens, but have also been involved in serious violations of International Humanitarian Law in Yemen.

29.10.2016 – Jamila Hanan (A P)

I'd like to apologise to my #Yemen-i friends for this tweet and the next 5 made by a UK member of parliament.

28.10.2016 – Labour List (* A P)

Labour MPs clash over missed Yemen vote

Labour MPs are embroiled in recriminations over the party’s failed motion to withdraw UK support from Saudi Arabia over the war in Yemen.

Around 100 Labour MPs were missing from Wednesday’s vote, which failed to pass by 283 votes to 193, and prompted the circulation online of lists of absent MPs. Emily Thornberry, shadow foreign secretary, later said she was “disappointed” in the actions of some of her colleagues.

While some on the Labour benches deliberately abstained on the vote, others claimed confusion over how seriously support for the motion was being whipped.

Dozens of Labour MPs were given authorisation from the whips to miss the vote, while many others say they were given indications that attendance on Wednesday afternoon was not paramount, and now feel unfairly targeted. As well as online pressure, several MPs have faced questions from local party members and constituents over the issue because they did not take part in the vote.

Thornberry said Wednesday’s motion was an opportunity to “send a message” that while Saudi Arabia will remain an “ally” in the region, the UK would suspend its support for Saudi forces in Yemen until “alleged violations” of international humanitarian law in the had been independently investigated.

She added that she would not want to see support resumed “until the children of Yemen have received the humanitarian aid that they so desperately need.”

“That would have been the right message to send to the rest of the world. That would have reflected what we should stand for as a country. And that is why I was so disgusted that all but one brave Tory MP voted against sending such a message and disappointed that some of my Labour colleagues abstained from doing so,” she said.

However, some Labour MPs did actively choose to abstain on the motion

27.10.2016 – The Canary (* A P)

Over 100 Labour MPs just scuppered a crucial Corbyn-led vote in parliament [TWEETS]

A crucial Corbyn-led vote was held in parliament on 26 October. And only around half of Labour MPs voted for it. The vote was cast on whether to halt support for, and therefore arms sales to, Saudi Arabia. And it happened just as the country is carrying out a brutal assault on Yemen, killing thousands of civilians.

In short, these ‘rebel’ Labour MPs have succeeded in ensuring the UK continues to be complicit in war crimes.

Jeremy Corbyn demanded the government commit to ending arms sales to Saudi Arabia at this week’s Prime Minister’s Questions, prior to the vote in parliament. Since the Saudi-led coalition began its offensive in Yemen, the UK had approved £2.8bn worth of arms sales to the kingdom as of April this year.

A UK-manufactured cluster bomb was discovered in Yemen by Amnesty International. And the UK government did not deny selling such weapons to Saudi Arabia; even though cluster bombs are illegal under international law.

As Éoin on Twitter pointed out, most parties (other than the Conservative Party) actually voted for the motion

In other words, if the Labour Party had united over the issue, the motion could have passed. This would have ensured a seriously diminished future weapons stockpile for the Saudi-led coalition – by Carlyn Harvey

27.10.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Saudi Arabia attacks Jeremy Corbyn over lack of 'respect'

The Labour leader has urged the Government to scrap a £5.9m prison consultancy contract with the repressive Middle Eastern regime

Saudi Arabia has launched an attack on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn after he urged the UK Government to scrap a £5.9m prison consultancy contract with the repressive Middle Eastern regime.

Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz, the Saudi ambassador to the UK, said there had been “an alarming change in the way Saudi Arabia is discussed in Britain” in the last few weeks.

He stressed his country’s importance to the UK, the security of the Middle East and its role as “the epicentre of Islam”, but noted this seemed to be “of little concern to those who have fomented this change”.

And he warned of “potentially serious repercussions that could damage the mutually beneficial strategic partnership that our countries have so long enjoyed” However he wrote: “One recent example of this mutual respect being breached was when Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Opposition, claimed that he had convinced Prime Minister David Cameron to cancel a prison consultancy contract with Saudi Arabia worth £5.9m.

“This coincided with speculation linking the contract’s cancellation to a number of domestic events in the Kingdom.

“If the extensive trade links between the two countries are going to be subordinate to certain political ideologies, then this vital commercial exchange is going to be at risk.

“We want this relationship to continue but we will not be lectured to by anyone. Hasty decisions prompted by short-term gains often do more harm than good in the longer term.” – by Ian Johnston

Comment: This article by the Saudi ambassador tells a lot of Saudi psychology: We are allowed to do whatever we want, nobody might say anything against us.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

30.10.2016 – Landespressedienst (A K P)

Auswärtiges Amt zu jüngster Eskalation im Jemen-Konflikt

„Die Bundesregierung ist in großer Sorge angesichts der jüngsten Eskalationen im Jemen-Konflikt, wie dem Abschuss von Raketen aus Jemen nach Saudi-Arabien und Luftangriffen mit zahlreichen zivilen Opfern in Jemen. Wir rufen alle Seiten dazu auf, an einer umfassenden politischen Lösung unter der Ägide der Vereinten Nationen mitzuarbeiten, um die Gewalt zu beenden und der jemenitischen Bevölkerung die so dringend benötigte humanitäre Hilfe zukommen zu lassen.“ =

Kommentar: Heuchelei im Quadrat. Würde der Westen, Deutschland eingeschlossen, seine Unterstützung für Saudi-Arabien einstellen, wäre der Krieg morgen vorbei.

29.10.2016 – Martin Lejeune (* A P)

Film: Rheinmetall mordet im Jemen

Rheinmetall mordet im Jemen. Ich fordere eine Produkthaftung bei Kriegsverbrechen und das Ende der Straffreiheit für Waffenhersteller in Deutschland. Bombenhersteller müssen die Opfer ihrer Produkte finanziell entschädigen.

Kommentar: Geht leider kaum: Wenn Sie Ihrem Nachbarn ein Küchenmesser in den Bauch rammen, kann man auch nicht den Messerhersteller haftbar machen. Freilich dient das Küchenmesser eigentlich zum Brot- und Gemüseschneiden, mit Waffen kann man von Vorneherein nicht anderes machen als töten und zerstören. Das einzig moralisch Vertretbare ist und bleibt: Jede Waffenproduktion ist unmoralisch.

23.10.2016 – 0815-Info (* A P)

Programmbeschwerde: Desinformation über Jemen-Krieg

Diese Darstellungen verfälschen und verkürzen aufs Gröbste. Völkerrechtswidrig werden die Huthi im Jemen von einer saudi-arabisch geführten „Allianz“ mit Luftangriffen bekämpft, bei denen schwerste Kriegsverbrechen verübt werden

Während von ARD-aktuell fälschlich/unvollständig (wie in allen westlichen Medien) durchgehend über eine von Saudi-Arabien geführten Allianz arabischer Länder gegen den Jemen berichtet wird, sind demnach auch US-Amerikaner und Briten essentiell am Krieg gegen den Jemen beteiligt.

ARD-aktuell unterschlägt wesentliche Fakten über den Jemen-Krieg sowie Informationen über die Komplizenschaft/Mitwisserschaft der USA und Großbritanniens bei Völkerrechtsbruch und Kriegsverbrechen. Die Redaktion spielt insofern im publizistischen Bereich die gleiche transatlantische Vasallenrolle wie die Berliner Regierung im politischen Raum.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

29.10.2016 – Russian Platform (A T)

Terrorist names #Saudi supplier. #Syria (film)

28.10.2016 – Ali AlAhmed (A T)

Film: #Saudi national Mohmed AlMohaisni speaks2 mother of Saudi suicide bomber #Aleppo 2day promising her son heaven

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / See cp1a

30.10.2016 – Sanaa daytime (A K)

Another frenzy strike, #Sana'a under heavy bombardments now..

Now from Sana'a (photo)

Shocking strike in Faj Attan (photo)

Breaking: huge explosion shook my windows, #Saudi jets all of a sudden hovering overheah #Sanaa, I can see new massacre on its way!!

Yeah, airstrikes were bloody sudden I almost choked on drink was having at moment.

WTF....!!! A sudden nearby bomb shaked the entire neighborhood, and scared the hell out of us...

Saudi airstrikes bombarding Sana'a now (photo)

30.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Five members of a family, including their child, were killed when the Saudi barbaric aggression warplanes targeted their car driving on a public road in Razih district of Saada province overnight, a security official told Saba on Sunday.

30.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi barbaric warplanes kill husband, wife, 3 children in Marib

A family, including three children, were killed when the Saudi barbaric planes hit the family's car in Serwah district of Marib province overnight, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The family: husband, his wife and their three children, were all killed and ripped through into parts and their car burned when the cowered warplanes targeted them.
The air strikes, in the meantime, launched a series of other strikes targeting the residents' houses and burned their farms.

30.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression war jets launch 3 strikes on school in Shabwa

Saudi aggression fighter planes waged three strikes on Hajr Kahlan school in Usylan district of Shabwa province overnight, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The strikes targeted the school, destroying it completely to the ground

30.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression launch 2 strikes on Jawf, destroying houses, burning farms

Saudi aggression war jets waged two strikes on al-Maslub district in Jawf province overnight, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The strikes targeted al-Sakaih and al-Salan areas in the same district, destroying citizens' houses and burning farms.

29.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

29.10.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

29.10.2016 – Xinhua (* A K)

Saudi-led airstrikes kill 27 civilians across Yemen provinces

At least 27 civilians, mostly children and women, were killed on Saturday in three Yemeni provinces by airstrikes from a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia, officials and residents said.

Early Saturday morning, the Saudi-led air strikes hit residents' homes in two villages of al-Sharaf and Mabaran in al-Salo district of the southwestern province of Taiz, killing 10 villagers on the spot and flattering several mud-brick houses to the ground, according to the local officials and the residents.

The death tool later the day rose rapidly up to 17, mostly children and women, and seven others were fatally injured, said the officials and residents.

"The hospital receiving the injured lacked medicine and necessary equipment, so the death toll is more likely to increase in the next hours," a local official told Xinhua by phone.

In the far north province of Saada, officials and residents witnessed an airstrike targeting a car driving on a public road in Bani al-Sayyah area of Razih district on Saturday, killing a family of five members, including their infant.

The witnesses said the family was trying to flee the heavy air raids on the province, which is the stronghold of dominant Shiite Houthi movement.

In the central province of Marib, another family of five were all killed when the Saudi-led airstrike targeted their car in Habbab valley in east of the province on Saturday afternoon, local officials, residents and witnesses.

An official told Xinhua that the family was escaping the intensified air strikes on the villages and farms of Marib.

Local officials and residents also reported dozens of other air attacks on several regions across northern Yemeni provinces, most of the strikes burned farms and destroyed villagers' houses.

Dozens of cows and livestock of the villagers were also killed in the Saturday air strikes according to local authorities' reports to the agriculture ministry, a ministry official told Xinhua.

Comment by Judith Brown: News of more strikes over Yemen today by the Saudi coalition killing 27 civilians. In two of the air strikes families fleeing intensified strikes were killed in their cars. In one of these strikes in Marib the family was fleeing strikes on farms killing many cows. If the Labour Party in U.K. Had united against the conservative ruling party this week we could have stopped supplying weapons to them; the fact that Saudi was voted onto the human rights panel at the UN and UK Parliament did not stop their weapons supply means that they can act with Impunity. I am going to start sending a copy of all the deaths in Yemen to my MP every day.

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression warplanes launch 3 strikes on Jawf, burn farms

US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes launched three air strikes on Khab and al-Sha`af district of Jawf province overnight, officials told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes caused horrifying destruction to citizens` houses and burned farms, the officials added.

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression fighter jets launch 9 air raids on Sanaa

Saudi aggression war jets launched nine strikes on Nehm district of Sanaa province overnight, a security official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes targeted Bani Bariq area and al-Salsa Mount in the same district, causing heavy damage to citizens` houses, farms and public properties

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Enemy Saudi war jets launch 6 strikes on Al Mahwit

US-backed Saudi aggression war jets launched six strikes on Bani Sad of al- Mahwit province overnight, an official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes targeted al-Badaha and Bani al-Hamadi villages in the same district, injuring a number of citizens and killing dozens of cows and livestock, as well as the destruction to citizens' houses and burning farm

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Enemy Saudi war jets launch 3 strikes on Marib

Saudi aggression war jets launched three strikes on Serwah district of Marib province overnight, an official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes targeted al-Makhdarah and Habab areas in the district, killing cows, livestock, and destroyed citizens' houses and burning farms

28.10.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

I was going to sleep now , unfortunately #Saudi warplanes are hovering over my city Dhamar #Yemen . When the war will be over? That's enough

29.10.2016 – Saudi war crimes (* A K)

The final list of those killed at the Sanaa funeral attack, Oct. 8.

29.10.2016 – Asem Alposi (* A K)

360° photo of the funeral hall in #Sanaa bombed by Saudi Coalition on 8 October. =

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

30.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

the Saudi –paid mercenaries fired artillery intensively on the homes and farms of citizens in neighboring district of al-Moton

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army and popular forces kill 5 Saudi-paid mercenaries commanders in Taiz

A number of Saudi-paid top mercenaries commanders were killed in al-Salu front of Taiz province by the army and popular forces on Saturday, a military official told Saba.
The killed mercenaries were as following:
1-Collon Saif al-Ashari.
2- Commander Mansour Abdallghani.
3-commender Monir Mutahar Ali Aqlan al-Yousifi.
4-commender Awis Adnan Hazam Thabat Shamsan.
5-commender al-Hassan Hazam Muhmmed Mokrad

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army repels mercenaries in Jawf

A number of Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and others injured in an ambush carried out by the army and popular forces in Safr al-Hanaia area of al-Moton district in Jawf province, a security official told Saba on Saturday.
The operation took place on Friday when the mercenaries attempted to advance toward the army and popular forces` sites

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army bombs mercenaries in Shabwa

The artillery units of the army and popular forces hit gatherings of the US-backed Saudi-paid mercenaries in Usylan district of Shabwa province overnight, a military official told Saba on Saturday.
The shelling killed and injured dozens among the mercenaries' rank

29.10.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army captures al-Daif mountain in Taiz

The army and popular forces recaptured al-Daif mountain in north of al-wazaia district of Taiz province on Saturday, securing the site from the US-backed Saudi-paid mercenaries, a military official told Saba.
The official said the army and popular forces secured the mountain from the mercenaries after fighting that resulted in the killing and injuring of dozens of them.
The army and popular forces, meanwhile, fired artillery on gatherings of the Saudi-paid mercenaries in Hamdah village in nearby Salo region, killing scores and inflicting major losses upon their ranks and equipment

29.10.2016 – Middle East Monitor (* A K PS)

Fighting in Yemen’s Taiz intensifies

Fighting in Taiz has increased dramatically over the last few hours between Houthi militias and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the local resistance who are backed by the Yemeni national army, Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported.

Violent clashes erupted in a number of villages with deaths being reported on both sides.

Asharq Al-Awsat reported a Yemeni army source in Hifan saying: “Yemeni army forces were able to make significant progress on the Al-Ahkoum front in Hifan […] after fierce battles. This matter has made the Houthi militias and those loyal to Saleh respond by bombing villages.”

“Similarly, violent confrontations took place … During these confrontations, the militias tried to advance on sites belonging to the army in the Asseeratayn area. However, army forces confronted them and forced them to retreat and flee,” the army source added.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well this road in Taiz still looks whole and uninjured. You can tell the bias of any article - there is bias in all directions - by the wording. This news outlet is usually pro Hadi and it talks about the newly recruited Saudi paid UAE trained army as 'The Yemen Army' - the original Yemeni army sided with the Houthis. Taiz is possibly the only city in Yemen that still has a section of people - but not all by any means - loyal to Hadi. But it is alarming to see the war is escalating in Taiz, as the Taiz people have been suffering a severe ground war for over a year. How much more can they take?

Comment: „president“ hadi and the saudi coalition odten lament fort he population of Taiz shelled by the Houthis. Well, they love them so much that they bombed them this day, causing 17 dead, see cp16.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

28.10.2016 – International Federation of Journalists (* B K P)

End impunity in Yemen!

As a consequence of the fighting between the Houthis, the Saudi led-coalition and al-Qaida, 20 journalists have died in Yemen since 2011, five of whom have been killed this year. In addition, 14 journalists remain detained by Houthis - and 1 by Al Qaida - and at least 9 have been tortured since 2015, according to IFJ latest figures.

Amid this conflict, which started early 2015, journalists have been accused by all the warring parties of affiliating with rival parties and serving their interest. As a result, reporters face the threats of being killed and tortured on a daily basis. As media houses were taken by the rebels, journalists have been forced to either leave or to follow their editorial line in an increasingly precarious and hostile atmosphere towards independent reporters.

The IFJ’s affiliate, the Yemen Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), recently recorded over 100 cases of violation against journalists, photographers and dozens of newspapers and websites closed during the first six months of 2016. This includes 6 deaths, 11 cases of torture, 10 cases of attempted murder, 24 cases of abduction and detention, 12 cases of assault on journalists, media offices and private property, 13 cases of threats and incitement against journalists, 13 cases of blocking internal and external web sites, 7 cases of stopped salaries and dismissals and confiscation of journalist’s equipment and newspapers, and two trials.

The IFJ has mourned the death of five Yemeni journalists this year.

10.2016 – ABC Radio (* D)

Graffiti Artist Portrays the Horrors of War in Yemen

Subay, an artist originally from Dhamar, Yemen, moved to the capital Sana’a with his family in 1993. He now uses the walls of the city to paint about the 18-month-old war there.

In his art campaign, “Ruins,” started in May 2015, Subay paints about some of the country’s problems. He painted on walls last week with his friends under the theme “death by hunger and disease.” An emancipated child in a casket was among the motives.
“There’s hunger, so much hunger,” Subay said. “People wait in line for water. Cholera was a disease of the 19th century but now we have people suffering from cholera in Yemen in the 21st century.”

During the first campaign in 2012, he and fellow artists painted portraits of more than 100 people who've disappeared.
Since then, he has painted about civilian deaths, destroyed homes, life under siege and restrictions on freedom of speech. Subay says there are only a few newspapers left in Yemen and that they all represent the same voice.

Financial struggles, however, prevent him from painting as often as he would prefer. Like many other Yemenis in the Arabic-speaking country, Subay doesn’t have a salary.
“I can’t paint like before,” he said. “Materials are expensive, so I only paint every two months. Before, I would paint something every two weeks. There’s almost no work because of the war.”

“Art gives hope and expresses the situation people are living,” he said. “It is the voice of people. In war, all voices are voices of hatred and destruction. What we do is show that there are other voices people can listen to. In times of war, even the smallest voices may save lives. Yemenis are in need of every voice in the world to push for stopping the war. The worst thing in war is when hope is lost. I personally also paint to protect myself from becoming hopeless."

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-220: / Yemen War Mosaic 1-220: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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