Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 227 - Yemen War Mosaic 227

Yemen Press Reader 227: Hadis fehlende Legitimität–Ein nicht gewinnbarer Krieg–Fotos vom Krieg–Karten zum Jemenkonflikt–Änderungen im Südjemen–Die angebliche iranische Gefahr–Schwere Kämpfe-u.a.

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Hadi’s missing legitimacy (German) – An unwinnable war – Yemen war photos – Mapping the Yemen conflict – Transformation in South Yemen – The Iranian threat that wasn’t – heavy fighting – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp13c Finanzen / Finances

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

11.11.2016 – Junge Welt (** B P)

Ohne Mandat und Autorität

Jemen: Die Regierung Hadi ist international anerkannt. Tatsächlich legitimiert ist sie nicht

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat betrachtet die von Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi eingesetzte Regierung als einzige legitime Vertreterin des Jemen. Das schließt deren Recht ein, andere Staaten zur Hilfe zu rufen, damit diese das Land durch Luftangriffe nachhaltig zerstören und Tausende Zivilisten töten. Der Sicherheitsrat hat daher die saudisch geführte Militärintervention seit ihrem Beginn im März 2015 niemals kritisiert.

Aber wie legitim ist die Herrschaft Hadis wirklich?

Hadis Amtszeit [war] von vornherein auf eine Übergangsperiode von nur zwei Jahren begrenzt wordenSeit Januar 2015 ist Hadi, selbst wenn man die fragwürdigen Umstände seiner Wahl 2012 unbeachtet lässt, definitiv ohne demokratisches Mandat. Seine Amtszeit ist seit über zwanzig Monaten abgelaufen, eine Neuwahl des Präsidenten – wie Ansarollah und ihre Verbündeten fordern – ist überfällig. Der destruktive Pseudopragmatismus, mit dem der UN-Sicherheitsrat an dem Mann festhält, kann weder rational noch rechtlich begründet werden.. In dieser Zeit sollten eine umfassende »Regierung der nationalen Einheit« gewählt, eine neue Verfassung ausgearbeitet und demokratische Reformen auf den Weg gebracht werden. Eine im März 2013 gebildete »Konferenz des Nationalen Dialogs« (NDC) unter Beteiligung aller relevanten politischen Faktoren des Landes sollte zentrales Instrument der Konsensfindung werden.

Das war jedoch schwieriger, als es sich manche Beteiligte wohl am Anfang vorgestellt hatten. Hadis Mandat als Übergangspräsident ging seinem Ende entgegen, ohne dass sich in wesentlichen Fragen eine Einigung abzeichnete. Am 24. Januar 2014 stimmte die NDC einer Verlängerung von Hadis Amtszeit um ein weiteres Jahr zu.

Mein Kommentar: (Fast) genau so ist es, hier auch einmal auf Deutsch festgestellt. Hadis Amtszeit endete genau aber erst am 27. Februar 2015: am 27. Februar 2012 hatte er sein Amt angetreten, dann kam noch ein Jahr Verlängerung hinzu.

11.11.2016 – The Jamestown Foundation (*** B K P)

An Unwinnable War: The Houthis, Saudi Arabia and the Future of Yemen

Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 14 Issue: 22

Saudi Arabia and its allies are engaged in an unwinnable war in Yemen.

Masters of the Mountains

The Houthis, or Ansar Allah, is an organization forged by years of war in some of the most rugged terrain on the planet. Since their first war with the Yemeni government in 2004, Houthi fighters have proved themselves to be the masters of the mountains and canyons in which they fight.

The genesis of the Houthi movement can be traced to a revivalist organization called the “Believing Youth,” formed by members of the eponymous Houthi family..

Saudi Arabia’s Strategy

As a Zaidi Shia organization, the Houthis’ rise to power set off alarm bells in Saudi Arabia, which views them as proxies for Iran. In fact, Iran has little influence over the Houthis, who have repeatedly disregarded Iran’s advice, including Iran’s warning against seizing the Yemeni capital.

The Houthis’ disregard for Yemen’s internationally recognized but unpopular government and their push south in 2015 helped trigger the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen (Yemen Times, March 2015). Saudi Arabia’s strategy is three pronged: first, it is engaged in what looks to be an increasingly desperate aerial campaign that it claims is targeting military sites; second, it continues to enforce a naval and aerial blockade of northwest Yemen in an attempt to stop supplies from reaching the Houthis; and lastly, Saudi Arabia and its allies are training and arming a mix of militias made up of southern separatists, soldiers loyal to the government, militant Salafists and tribesmen. The groups are being used as proxies in the land war against the Houthis.

Fickle Allies

Yemen’s socio-political landscape is much like its terrain: complex, rugged and treacherous, even for those who know how to navigate it.

Yet, a relatively small number of tribesmen, aided by ex-members of the British and French Special Forces, were able to keep thousands of well-armed troops pinned down. [9]

Yemen’s mountains played a key role in this. Another factor, however, was that the Egyptians’ allies in the war – tribes whose support they thought they had bought – were anything but loyal. The adage often repeated by Egyptian soldiers and Yemenis on both sides was, “a Republican by day and a Royalist by night,” a reference to the unreliability of tribesmen whose first loyalty was to their clan and then their tribe. Other loyalties are driven by pure pragmatism – in many cases loyalty was determined by which side paid the most and which had the best rifles to give away.

Systems of loyalty and patronage in Yemen remain byzantine and fundamentally local. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have spent months training and equipping militias to fight on behalf of Yemen’s unpopular president-in-exile, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi (Emirates News Agency, November 2015). Much of their effort has focused on recruiting tribesmen from the perennially fractious but strategic and resource rich governorate of Marib, located in central Yemen (The National, November 2015). Despite being relatively well armed and well provisioned, these “pro-Hadi” militias have made little or no progress against the Houthis and those tribes allied with them.

-The inability of pro-Hadi forces and Saudi-backed militias to launch a sustained ground offensive is no doubt due in part to their unreliability and the mixed motives of some of their leadership


Looking Back to Look Forward – By Michael Horton

My comment: Great and long article showing the background of the Yemen war, very worth a full read.

10.11.2016 – Global Journalist (** B H K)


In an effort to document the conflict, Egyptian photojournalist Asmaa Waguih traveled deep into Yemen in twice this year. Waguih, who has also covered conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and Libya for Reuters and other photo agencies, spoke with Global Journalist’s Tomás Orihuela about a country on the brink.

Global Journalist: How would you describe the humanitarian crisis Yemen is going through right now?

Waguih: There are a lot of issues: education, medical issues, displacement, lack of electricity… All of these are important, and Yemenis are suffering from all of it. We’re talking about a country with limited resources. Kids are affected by malnutrition. People have access to hospitals, they are everywhere, but their conditions are really poor. If you don’t have the money to go to another country, sometimes they can’t help you.

GJ: How was your experience with displaced people while you were covering Yemen?

Waguih: Conditions are not like people think they are. Yemen is a tribal country, so people rent places and stay with their families after being displaced from their homes. It’s hard to get photos of displaced people because they’re not as visible as they are in Syria, for example. The people I’ve seen don’t match with real numbers. It’s like there are more than 3 million invisible people.

GJ: What role do child soldiers play in the humanitarian crisis and in the war?

Waguih: Schools have been affected by bombings, so kids are recruited. They train them, they give them weapons, and they tell them they’re fighting against extremists, or even against ISIS. I was asked not to take photos of this. I couldn’t take pictures of young kids or checkpoints. When I was in the north, I had to be with a supervisor, so they could see what I was taking pictures of. They don’t want to show how they manage to get security, because it involves kids and early teenagers – photos, intervewy: Asmaa Waguih; interviewed by Tomás Orihuela

11.11.2016 – European Council on Foreign Relations (** B K P)

Mapping the Yemen conflict


Yemen’s president recently returned to the country after nearly six months in exile, but the conflict appears far from reaching a tidy conclusion, growing, if anything, more complicated by the day.

President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi was forced to flee the country by the Houthis - a Zaidi Shia-led rebel group targeted in six wars by the central government - and their new-found allies in the Yemeni Armed Forces, including many key backers of the country's former leader, Ali Abdullah Saleh. This prompted an ongoing, Saudi-led military campaign aiming to restore Yemen's internationally-recognised government to power, and now President Hadi and his Prime Minister and Vice President Khaled Bahah have returned to the port city of Aden.

Rather than being a single conflict, the unrest in Yemen is a mosaic of multifaceted regional, local and international power struggles, emanating from both recent and long-past events. The following maps aim to illustrate distinct facets of this conflict, and illuminate some rarely discussed aspects of Yemen's ongoing civil war.

Historical Division

Religious Divisions

Current Front Lines

Key Fronts

Houthi Expansion

Al-Qaeda Presence

The Southern Movement

Federal Division

Proposals for a federal system of governance in Yemen have long been in circulation, both in the aftermath of unification and following Yemen’s 1994 civil war. They picked up considerable steam following the 2007 emergence of the Southern Movement, as many southern leaders called for greater autonomy. A federal division of Yemen was finally agreed in February 2014 by a subcommittee in Yemen’s National Dialogue Conference, an ambitious summit that aimed to pave the way for the drafting of a new constitution. The proposal was accepted by the bulk of the country’s political players, with the exception of the Houthis, who expressed reservations about the final divisions, and some factions of the Southern Movement, who opposed the split of the former PDRY into two federal regions. While the precise nature of devolution of powers remains unclear, the federal division splits Yemen into six regions: Hadramawt, encompassing the Hadramawt, Mahra and Shabwa provinces; Aden, encompassing Abyan, Lahj, Al-Dhale and Aden, Al-Janad, encompassing Ibb and Ta’iiz, Saba, encompassing Marib, Al-Jawf and Al-Bayda, Tihama, encompassing Al-Hudayda, Rayma,

Mahwit and Hajja, and Azal, encompassing Dhamar, Sanaa, Amran and Sa’da. In recent statements, Hadi has continued to cast the federal division as sacrosanct—even if a diverse array of analysts, diplomats and politicians continue to advocate for amendments to be made (maps) and

10.11.2016 – Al Ahram (** A P)

Transformation in South Yemen

While central authority in Yemen collapsed following the 2011 Revolution, support appeared to wane for the southern project of secession, with a few backers remaining

On 3 November, Southern Yemeni cities and especially Aden, the country’s “second capital”, were the scene of mass rallies in support of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The event speaks of an interesting transformation in the southern political scene where demonstrations were always focused on the southern cause. The Southern Movement, spearheaded by retired army officers from the south in 2007, has since evolved from a protest movement demanding regional rights to a secessionist drive.

Bassem Al-Shaabi, director of the Aden-based Masarat Centre for Strategy and Media, said in a telephone interview with the Weekly: “There are no horizons for the secessionist project just as there are no horizons for the centralised state project which caused all this upheaval in the country.”

According to Yemeni press reports, it was local authorities in the south who called for the demonstrations in support of President Hadi last week. The officials are affiliated with the Hadi government but also with the Southern Movement, a phenomenon that observers such as Al-Shaabi believe signifies an essential shift in southern political performance and discourse. Al-Shaabi added: “Yes, the war engendered new alliances in order to confront the coup. Foremost among them is the alliance between the Southern Movement and the forces of the Popular Youth Revolution within the framework of the defence of Yemeni legitimacy led by President Hadi.

Indeed, the Southern Movement backed away from its radical alternative, evidence of which is to be found in its participation in what Al-Shaabi termed the “national federal state project.” This also signifies the rise a new pragmatism made possible by growing areas of common interest.

In addition to signs of the waning of the secessionist project, there appears to be no international or regional support for it, which means that even in the event that a secessionist drive resumes it would encounter the problem of international backing and recognition.

Ultimately, the southern cause faces a two-pronged dilemma as neither option — secession or unity — offers a solution, at least in their current form, capable of achieving lasting stability – by Ahmed Eleiba =

Comment: Interesting, also I do not know whether this really will be true.

10.11.2016 – Al Bab (** A K P)

Yemen, and the Iranian threat that wasn't

Four weeks ago there was a flurry of media excitement over Iranian warships that were supposedly about to confront the US Navy off the coast of Yemen. In case you are wondering how the battle went, it didn't happen and was never likely to happen.

The vessels, grandly described as a "flotilla", had set sail from Iran on October 5, on a pre-planned route, several days before skirmishes broke out between the Americans and the Houthis in the Red Sea, and the Red Sea was not their destination.

One effect of this hyped-up story was to divert attention from Saudi Arabia's conduct of the war in Yemen and serve as a reminder that in bombing Yemenis the Saudis claim to be protecting the world from Iran.

Fortunately for the Americans and British, however, the reported threat from Iran's navy came to their rescue.

The Iranian "flotilla" – consisting of a single 48-year-old frigate (British built) and its supply vessel – was due to carry out anti-piracy operations off the southern coast of Yemen then head down the eastern coast of Africa to make a port call in Tanzania. Weather permitting, it would continue south around the Cape of Good Hope and into the southern Atlantic. The Atlantic portion of this trip had been reported by Iranian media in September, well before last month's escalation in the Red Sea.

There was no suggestion from the Iranians that the vessels would enter the Red Sea, and they appear to have stuck to the announced route.

On October 17, the Iranian Press TV reported that they had foiled several pirate attacks:

Iran has been carrying out anti-piracy patrols in the area for about eight years.

On October 29 the naval vessels docked in Dar es Salaam "in line with the consolidation of the cordial relations and diplomatic ties between Iran and Tanzania", where they spent three days.

On November 7, Press TV said the flotilla was "close to Mozambique's maritime border" and heading towards South Africa – by Brian Whitaker

cp2 Allgemein / General

12.11.2016 – Know Terrorists (* B P)

Peacekeepers in Syria, warmongers in Yemen

The hypocrisy of Western interventionism is stomach-turning.

And what have those eager to denounce Russia in Syria had to say about their own nations’ involvement in Yemen? Have they alluded to the bombing of Guernica? Have they condemned the US-armed Saudis’ barbarism? Not exactly. In a speech earlier this summer, then foreign secretary Philip Hammond said ‘the Yemen crisis [is] high on the agenda’, but that allowing Hadi to fall ‘is simply not an option’. Kerry himself travelled to the Royal Air Base in Riyadh in January this year, nearly a year into the Saudis’ aerial bombardment of Yemen, to pledge America’s ongoing support. ‘We have made it clear that we stand with our friends in Saudi Arabia’, he said warmly. And Power, the poster girl for Western ‘humanitarianism’? She said that America’s military support for Saudi Arabia might reduce casualties in the long run.

In fact, although no one in Westminster or on Capitol Hill is prepared to justify the bombing of a funeral, few are prepared to condemn Saudi Arabia and question its Western support with anything like the same burning zeal with which they lambast Russia and Assad. As a Downing Street spokeswoman said at the weekend, although the UK government is ‘shocked’ at the targeting of a funeral, there is no plan at the moment ‘to review our relations with Saudi Arabia’.

The stench of hypocrisy is overpowering. It seems that those now keen to pose as peacekeepers in Syria are all too happy to continue warmongering in Yemen – by Jason Astrid

11.2016 – Amnesty International (* B K)


In March 2015, an international coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched air strikes against the Huthi armed group in Yemen. The world has since ignored this raging conflict and heard little about its devastating consequences.
Please donate urgently to our Yemen Crisis Appeal

Currently in Yemen, the human rights situation is dire. All parties to the conflict are responsible for committing war crimes and other violations, including the bombing and shelling of civilian areas.


Amnesty International is sending researchers to the front line to uncover the human rights abuses that are occurring and calling for:

All States to halt transfers of arms for use in Yemen by the parties to the conflict to ensure they are not supplied directly or indirectly to any party to carry out attacks in the country.

The United Nations to set up an international commission of inquiry to investigate war crimes and human rights violations committed during the conflict, and ensure that all those suspected of committing them are brought to justice in fair trials.

The international community and governments – in particular, the USA and UK – to publicly condemn the violations and war crimes being committed in Yemen and to support the establishment of an international commission of inquiry to investigate these crimes.

All parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian law – by taking all possible precautions to minimise harm to civilians, ending unlawful attacks, and granting full and unfettered access for humanitarian aid organisations.

This work is not possible without the generosity of our supporters. Please give generously to our Yemen Crisis Appeal so we can continue to fight for justice (with photo show: Yemen war)

11.11.2016 – The Whig (* B C K P)

Yemen: A blighted country

The story of modern Yemen begins in the 1960s. At the time, the country was divided in two along geographic lines: North Yemen was a tribal society living under a quasi-monarchical form of government, and South Yemen was a British colony and had been for nearly 130 years. Both entities were to undergo dramatic change and experience widespread violence in the 1960s.

What distinguishes this civil war from those that went before is its distinctly sectarian character. It primarily pits Shia Muslim tribes from the north against Sunni Muslim tribes from the south.

All of this is occurring in what is traditionally viewed as the poorest country in the Arab world. Decades of political instability and civil strife have prevented Yemen from effectively exploiting its agricultural potential and its oil and gas resources. Yemenis are not only the repeated victims of war but also of extreme poverty. Theirs is indeed a truly blighted country – by Louis A. Delvoie

My comment: Overview article, starting with the 1960ies. The sectarian aspect is not that important than the article is suggesting. Sectarianism never played a great role in Yemen – until Saudi Arabia started to pay billions for proselytizing for Wahabism in Zaidi northern regions. The Yemen conflict and the North-South rift above all are due to political reasons.

11.11.2016 – Centro Studi Islam Contemporaneo (* B P)

Yemen: Is there any realistic path ahead?

Since October, Yemen is divided among Houthi rebels, the recognized government of President 'Abd Rabbih Mansur Hadi, and the terrorists of Al Qaeda and ISIS. At the same time, the Saudi coalition continued bombing against Houthi's controlled areas. We need more realistic negotiations for the conclusion of this no-way-out conflict .

Such negative developments and the always looming permanent division of the country do not only necessitate an increased deal of attention. Ultimately, they point to the need of a more realistic strategy if after all consultations are meant to produce any positive outcomes and if the international community wills to avoid another Syria in the Gulf. The question is how this more realistic strategy will look like? The complexities of the situation notwithstanding, there are certain factors we should bear in mind.

First and foremost, although every peace negotiation is apparently welcome, we should expect some relative extent of violation of any potential new ceasefire. The reason for this is twofold: First, the record of the previous peace talks leaves little space for over-optimism that the violence will completely stop when the belligerent factions reach a new peace agreement. Second, the warring parties are diametrically different. That is to say, one the one side we have Saudi Arabia that spearheads the Arab coalition, a state with a fully-fledged army, intelligence and sufficient command and control over its forces. Conversely, when we speak about the Houthis and the pro-Saleh forces, we practically refer to a non-state actor consisting of ground militias whose credibility as interlocutors is at least contested. In this understanding, there are two lessons to be learned. First, that it would be imprudent to assume that both parties will abide by the agreed terms of a potential new truce in the exactly same manner; and second, that it is evenly problematic for the international community, Saudi Arabia in particular, to equate Saudi and Houthi actions. As Sultan Barakat points out “Houthis have very different communication channels, hierarchies, ability to pass on the ceasefire orders from one side to the other, so you can’t really hold them responsible for every single violation”.

A more realistic approach towards the Yemeni crisis would also entail a diversification in the deeply interrelated postures of Iran and the U.S, especially inasmuch Saudi Arabia and the Houthis appear to adopt more inflexible stances than ever, as Gerald M. Feierstein comments. Iran’s role is ambiguous.

the Saudi-Iranian rivalry for regional supremacy seems, to a great extent, to fuel the Yemeni war itself. But realistically speaking, can the Yemeni battlefield be disassociated from the overall Saudi-Iranian rivalry for regional supremacy? The answer is maybe and it is exactly here that the U.S could play a constructive role

For Washington, this would in turn necessitate a series of steps beginning with the shutoff in the sales of American arms to Riyadh. For the time being, Saudi Arabia does not demonstrate any clear willingness to step back in its bombing campaign.

Coming to an end, it is high time that all the parties that have a say in Yemen demonstrate the requisite prudence and pragmatism in the table of negotiations – by Georgios A. Papadimitriou

11.11.2016 – Oxford Analytica (not rated B P)

Fragmentation in Yemen could spill across borders [you must sign in]

10.11.2016 – Global Journalist (* B K P)

Film: Global Journalist: Yemen's man-made disaster

Civil war in Yemen has forced more than 3 million people from their homes and left millions more in need of food and other humanitarian aid.
With the recent failure of UN-backed peace talks, the situation is unlikely to ease. On this edition of Global Journalist, a look at the crisis in Yemen and Saudi Arabia's controversial airstrikes in the country that have worsened the plight of its desperate people.

Joining the program:
*Sama'a Al-Hamdani, writer for the news site Yemeniaty
*Akshaya Kumar, deputy director of the UN program at Human Rights Watch
*Laura Kasinof, freelance writer and former Yemen correspondent for the New York Times and other news outlets
*Nabeel Khoury, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and Podcast:

11.11.2016 – IRNA (A K P)

Israeli footprints spotted in Riyadh war room, claims activist

Kim Sharif, Yemeni activist based in the UK slammed Saudi government for committing genocide in Yemen and claimed that the Israelis footprint is spotted in Saudi’s war rooms.

Now that we have discovered the Israeli personnel were in the war room it is clear that it is an Israeli idea
Of course the Saudi regime has special relationship with Israeli regime and it is in the open.

We knew that this relationship existed for many years but now it is in the open and is a disgrace for the Saudi regime.

Clearly the Yemen intelligence services must have come up with the information of Israeli involvement in the war in Yemen by proxy and now openly there some evidence to show that 120 of their personnel pilots are in Riyadh war rooms.

My comment: The 120 are US and Israel, the names have been published, only a smaller part sounds Israeli.

10.11.2016 – Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (A H)

Yemen ETC Factsheet October 2016

Emergency communications services established by the ETC allow the response community to meet vital humanitarian needs in Yemen.

the ETC was activated in Yemen in April 2015 to provide the humanitarian community with internet connectivity, security communications and technical training.

The ETC is providing internet connectivity and security telecommunications to the humanitarian community in five sites:

Ibb and Sa'ada, managed by UN Children's Fund (UNICEF);

Aden, managed by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR);

Sana'a, Al Hudaydah and the inter-agency boat travelling between Aden and Djibouti, managed by WFP.

The ETC plans to deploy services in two additional locations, Ta’izz and Al Mukalla, which remain inaccessible due to the security situation.

For the Safety of Humanitarians

Two Communications Centres (COMCEN) have been installed in Sana’a and one in Ibb, ensuring humanitarians operating in these areas have access to safe and secure communications network.

The ETC has also delivered radio training to over 90 humanitarian emergency responders for them to know how to safely use the security communications network. and in full: =

13.10.2016 – France 24 (* B K P)

Film: Yemen Conflict: "War is a very profitable business for the USA"

Talking to William Jordan and Afrah Nasser

10.2016 – Le Courrier du Maghreb (* B K P)

Yemen – Total War

In Yemen, the war goes on: catastrophic humanitarian crisis, no foreseeable settlement.

Meanwhile military operations have almost come to standstill, the humanitarian situation is increasingly deteriorating, mainly in the health sector.

Since Al-Houthis and Hadi’s authorities have proved unable to pay salaries of approximately one million and two hundred thousand of the government’s employees in the civil and military sectors, people’s living conditions have further deteriorated and suffering is on the rise

Their probable rejection to deal with the Central Bank in Aden may mount pressures against them by the state’s employees and ordinary people for their failure to pay salaries. Particularly, as the legitimate government has announced publically that it is intending to pay all employees and it has commenced to pay salaries in the regions under its control. Though this process has been so sluggish so far because of the shortage of liquidity. The government procedures about printing currency abroad were also belated.

Against this background, prospects of any political settlement seems to be very limited. Despite of frequent international initiatives aimed to bring about a solution to the conflict, these good intentions fail to address the main concerns of the parties to the conflict.

While Hadi’s government appears to be more likely to succumb to external pressures and more willing to move toward a compromise, the Saudi government is unlikely to sponsor a plan that may keep Al-Houthis and their weapons as a time-bomb on their southern border – under the control of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Thereby, Saudi Arabian leaders believe that any settlement that does not stipulate disarming Al-Houthis will only be a temporary truce during which the group will work on preparing themselves, training their fighters and acquiring more weapons to fight one more war –follow the Hezbollah in this regard.

Since the ex-President Saleh considers all the proposed solutions so far are unfair because they don’t maintain him a place in any settlement. He certainly will act to spoil all suggested proposals. Specially, as his position within the Al-Houthi alliance is increasingly improving since Al-Houthis military capacities are extremely overextended and their human resources seriously drained.

For their own part, Al-Houthis don’t seem to be willing to accept any solution that doesn’t secure them the upper hand in the military and security issues, at least in their own main influence regions. Given that they are well aware of the hostilities they have created with their rival Islamist Jihadists and large number of influential tribal Sheikhs.

In the meantime, the popular resistance forces that are fighting on the side of Hadi’s troops have been unable to unify themselves and formulate their own political blueprint separately from Hadi’s government’s – by Salwa Dammaj

My comment: The events of the last 18 months and the prospects of peace, with a clear sympathy for the Hadi government and the Saudi point of view.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

12.11.2016 – The Times (* A H)

Every day Ashwaq Moharram finishes her hospital shift in the embattled Red Sea city of Hodeida, gathers volunteers and heads out to the remote areas hit hardest by the war. She operates a mobile clinic from her car and delivers hundreds of food parcels packed with water, milk, sugar, rice, beans and dates.

A nine-year-old boy, who cannot walk or talk and is so emaciated he looks like a toddler, lies crying on a filthy pillow in the sand. Without adequate food, water or clothes, he has pneumonia and dysentery.

“We often don’t have saline solution so if someone like this boy is severely dehydrated we can’t do anything but watch them die,” Dr Moharram says.

No one in the towns and villages near Hodeida – by Bel Trew… [registration is needed]

11.11.2016 – World Health Organization (A H)

Infographic: Health System in Yemen and

10.11.2016 – Mona Relief (A H)

Pic taken in al-Tuhita by @monareliefye's crew during food distribution #Hodeidah

Im sooo happy because those ppl are very happy. Thank u donors for helping me to help my ppl.Pix taken by @monareliefye in Hodeidah. #Yemen

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

12.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

Tribesmen in Yemen capital Sanaa 2day supporting army with fighters, food,&heavy clothes of cold winter despite US-backed Saudi starvation (photo)

Yemen military maneuvers In secret places 2day after training 1000s of young tribesmen to fight with army against US-backed Saudi invaders (photo)

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A)

Trade office confiscates dangerous toys

The trade office of the industry and trade ministry on Saturday seized a quantity of fireworks and toy guns in the capital Sanaa

11.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A)

Building laborer died hours after released by Houthis in Taiz

A laborer in Ibb governorate central Yemen died on Thursday one day after he was released by the Houthi militants.

A source close to the deceased Adel Sallam, 39 years old, stated to Almasdaronline that his death "was a result of the torture he received in the prison, and that his condition deteriorated few hours after his release."

Adel Sallam, the building laborer, was detained by the Houthi militants from Hawban area north of Taiz city, where he used to work, and he stayed in the prison for five days after they accused him of belonging to the Popular Resistance, added the source.

9.11.2016 – Ex-president Saleh (A P)

Your Excellency:

I would like to extend my warmest and most sincere congratulations to you on your remarkable victory in the US Presidential elections and through you to the Republican Party for winning the majority seats of the US Senate and House of Representatives, the party whom the General People’s Congress Party (GPC) of Yemen has been enjoying great and deep-rooted relations with for a very long time.

We and all the other nations in the world are looking forward to your anticipated and decisive role in restoring peace and stability to the world in collaboration with all the peace pursuing nations and in particular the permanent member countries of the United Nations Security Council

Your Excellency and Dear Friend:

The friendship ties and relationships between the Yemeni General People’s Congress Party (GPC) and the American Republican Party have been well-established and bonded by shared universal values since the times of the late Ronald Reagan and the Republican leaders who succeeded him.

Based on that, the leadership, members, allies and supporters of the GPC and the Yemeni nation are all sincerely hoping that you would kindly place ending the aggression on Yemen at the top of your priorities. We are also looking forward for a leading and decisive role of the United States of America in achieving a full and comprehensive peace settlement in Yemen that ends the unjust aggression and war that was waged on our country and nation by the so-called Saudi-led coalition.

Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Ali Abdullah Saleh
Former President of the Republic of Yemen
President of the General People’s Congress Party
on November 9th, 2016

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / See cp1

11.11.2016 – Southern separatist movement Hirak (* B P)

Video posted in "2010" about #SouthYemen. 6 years on, a devastating war, we're still asking world "do you hear me, do you see my suffering"

Posted in 2010: The story of SOUTH YEMEN. Nobody was listening

The People of South Yemen endured brutal repression under the forced Yemen unity. They Deserve justice, they need a referendum. Don't let North Yemen distract you from root causes for this conflict.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

12.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A P)

He was Waiting 4 @OSESGY, UNSC, UK resolution 4 immediate ceasefire & Kerry road map "Kerry has no impact now". StopYemen blockade now (photo)

12.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A P)

President Hadi pointing to Ould Cheikh roadmap: false, incomplete peace unwanted

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said on Saturday that Yemen is in need of permanent peace deal to put an end to the war.

"We do not want incomplete or false peace," said President Hadi referring to the content of Ould Cheikh roadmap.

During his visit to the Parliament of Djibouti, Hadi said: "the path of peace should be based on the three references in Yemen, and any ideas overstepping those references are only a waste of time, as we have an absolute faith that those three references will establish a permanent, just and comprehensive peace." According to the Yemen news agency "SABA"

Hadi added that the government is serious in achieving peace and put an end to the war and suffering caused by the Houthis and Saleh forces, but it is difficult to throw away the sacrifices made by the Yemeni people and betray their blood.

My comment: Hadi and his government making propaganda against any peace deal which includes a) Hadi himself must give off power and b) a power sharing. I commented this several times now, look at earlier YPRs.

12.11.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Yemen govt urges UN envoy to work on new road map

The Yemeni government announced on Friday that it can accept the UN envoy’s peace plan only if it takes into consideration three key issues: The UN Security Council Resolution 2216; the GCC initiative and the outcome of the Yemeni national dialogue.
Abdulmalek Al-Mekhlafi, Yemeni deputy prime minister and foreign minister, stressed the need for UN envoy Ismail Oul Cheikh Ahmed to work on developing a new road map that takes into account the terms of reference and other points agreed upon during previous negotiations in Switzerland and Kuwait.

My comment: “Yemen” is just the Hadi government – in Riyadh. And they insist in UN Security Council Resolution 2216 – which gives them absolute supremacy – and the political process of 2012/14, which had failed already 3 years ago – doing so as if there would not have been a war and destruction and despair. Yemen needs a restart – without Hadi.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

12.11.2016 – Breitbart (* A E)

Saudi Economist Publishes Controversial Study Claiming $293 Billion Disappeared From State Budget

Saudi Arabia has been in turmoil after an economist published a research paper showing that 1.1 trillion riyals (more than US $293 billion) have disappeared from the state budget without a trace.

Hamzeh Alsalem wrote that the total international revenues – from oil sales and loans – from the beginning of 2015 until September 2016 stood at 1.9 trillion riyal, “and after deducting the government’s expenditure, including the cost of the war in Yemen, we were left with 1.1 trillion riyal, but they are gone. Where are the 1.1 trillion riyal ($293 billion)?”

In response, the financial analyst Khaled Eluteibi called him “either a liar or an ignoramus” and wrote in his column that no money had disappeared. “Foreign currency data is published monthly, and according to the World Bank the kingdom spends 100 billion riyal every month, so it all adds up.”

On social media, many claimed that the publication was meant to sow divisions in the Saudi public and was in fact a plot against the unity of the Saudi people.

However, many accused the leaders of the country, mainly the heir to the throne, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, of stealing the money.

“Saudi Arabia faces many big plots and therefore as the children of one nation stand united against these rumors,” Saoud Suliman wrote (with photos of tweets) – by Ali Waked

My comment: 600 days of Yemen aerial war; $ 200 million daily cost of aerial war = $ 120 billion “only”.

11.11.2016 – Al Araby (A P)

Trump's Saudi nemesis sends best wishes after election victory

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who once labelled Trump as a 'disgrace' and was described by Trump as 'dopey', says it is time to put aside differences

A Saudi billionaire prince has congratulated Donald Trump for his presidential election victory, almost a year after they clashed over Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the US.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the 41st richest man in the world, said on Twitter on Thursday that "America has spoken" and that past differences would be put aside.

Trump has so far not replied.

Talal and Trump clashed on Twitter last December over Trump's call to ban Muslims entering the US shortly after the Islamic State attacks on Paris, which killed 130 people.

cp9 USA

11.11.2016 – MbKS15 (A K P)

Photo: Nov. 11: #RSAF F-15SA 12-1016 returns from a test flight at Palmdale, CA — by: Jim Mumaw

My comment: Showing US-Saudi complicity again.

11.11.2016 – Huffington Post (* A P)

President-Elect Trump: End U.S. Support for Saudi Arabia’s Barbaric War against Yemen

Without a vote of Congress the Obama administration has joined the Saudi-led coalition in war.

By taking an active role in the Yemeni civil war Washington made Americans as responsible as Saudis for the carnage in the world’s poorest nations.

President Barack Obama developed a reputation for being reluctant to plunge into new Middle Eastern wars. What possessed him to decide to help kill Houthi rebels who had done not threatened America? The administration’s involvement appears to be an embarrassed response to Riyadh’s criticism of the Iran nuclear deal. Instead of dismissing the royals’ presumption that American policy should revolve around their desires, the U.S. backed their aggressive war for regional influence.

America needs better allies and friends. And reasons to go to war.

There is no justification for America to play bloody handmaiden to the Saudis in Yemen – by Doug Bandow and at Forbes:

10.11.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

Biden, Oman Sultan Agree to Cooperate on Promoting Peace Amid Yemen Conflict

US Vice President Joe Biden and the sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al-Said, agreed during a phone call to have their countries work together in advancing regional stability amid the conflict in Yemen, the White House said in a press release.

10.11.2016 – The New Yorker (* A P)


Arab autocrats are gleeful. Islamic extremists seem ecstatic. Israel’s right-wing government is exuberant. Only Iran seems nervous about the election of Donald Trump, who has vowed to transform U.S. policy in a region with four wars (in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen), rising extremism, the return of authoritarian rule after the collapse of the Arab Spring, economic instability, and demographic challenges transforming almost two dozen societies.

The first world leader to telephone Trump after his victory was Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi – by Robin Wright

10.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A P)

Lets have a Break and laugh, even so it's #Yemeni tragedy . (text in image)

My comment: Saleh’s letter in cp6.

And on the Trump victory, look at a Saudi price backpedaling:

10.11.2016 – Dr Karim (A P)

Oh The shamelessness of it all!!! (look at images!)

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

11.11.2016 – Foreign Ministry of Russia (A P)

Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on developments in Yemen

According to incoming reports, the humanitarian situation in the Republic of Yemen is steadily deteriorating due to the bloody domestic conflict.

Moscow is consistently advocating the adoption of urgent measures by the world community to alleviate the disastrous socio-economic situation in Yemen, ensure unhindered humanitarian access to all areas of this country and the lifting of its sea and air blockade as soon as possible. We are currently planning to send another shipment of humanitarian relief to Yemen.

As before, we are convinced that the humanitarian situation can only be improved by a political settlement of the Yemeni crisis with due consideration for the interests of all public and political forces in that country, which is a friend to Russia.

We support the efforts of Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Yemen, Mr Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, who formulated a roadmap for a settlement in Yemen some time ago. For its part, Russia will continue actively facilitating the search for political and security solutions in dialogue with various parties in Yemen and the region and in cooperation with the United Nations.

11.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Film: UK opens part of military base in Bahrain

Film: Bahrain opposition warns of crackdown “Whitewash”

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

12.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A P)

Amnesty calls on Spanish king to block sale of warships to Saudi

Amnesty International has called on Spain’s King Felipe VI to prevent the possible sale of several warships to Saudi Arabia, warning that the Arab kingdom could use them to commit “serious violations of international humanitarian law” against the Yemeni people.

The Spanish king's first state visit to the oil-rich kingdom.

The UK-based rights group's director for Spain, Esteban Beltran called on the Spanish king to use his influence on Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who came to power in January last year after the death of his half-brother Abdullah, to stop the kingdom's 20-month-long "air attacks on civilians in Yemen.”

Spain’s Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis and Public Works Minister Inigo de la Serna will also accompany the Spanish king on his three-day visit to Saudi Arabia at Salman's invitation.

According to a new report published by the Spanish daily El Pais, one of the “imperatives” of the trip is sealing a deal with Spanish shipyard Navantia to build five Avante 2200 corvette patrol vessels for the Saudi navy for $2.2 billion.

The news of the possible sale of the corvettes has been circulating for the past 10 months. According to a mid-January report published by the Spanish daily La Voz de Galicia, the state-owned Navantia had been in advanced negotiations with Riyadh for the vessels. The report also added that the two sides had reached the “final phase” of talks over the military deal.

and here the report by El Pais:

11.11.2016 – El Pais (* A K P)

El Gobierno desbloquea la venta de munición de artillería a Arabia

[The Spanish government unblocks ammunition sales to Saudi Arabia]

La decisión se produce en vísperas del viaje de Felipe VI a Riad

El Gobierno ha desbloqueado una operación de venta de munición de artillería a Arabia Saudí, por valor de unos 40 millones de euros, que llevaba un año en suspenso por el riesgo de desvío a la guerra de Yemen. El desbloqueo se ha producido en vísperas de la primera visita oficial de Felipe VI a Riad, entre el sábado y el lunes. Se espera, aunque no hay confirmación oficial, que durante la visita se firme la compra de cinco corbetas a Navantia por más de 2.000 millones.

La visita del Rey a Riad, que se suspendió en enero pasado después de que el reino saudí ejecutase a 47 personas, es de alto voltaje político. Partidos como Podemos o ERC han criticado la visita, mientras que Ciudadanos ha pedido que se aproveche para pedir respeto a los derechos humanos.

Aunque no se ha confirmado oficialmente, se espera que la empresa pública Navantia y el Ministerio de Defensa saudí, con el aval del Estado español, lo firmen durante la visita. Se trata de la exportación más importante realizada nunca por el astillero público. Los cinco buques, basados en las patrulleras Avante 2200 vendidas en su día a Venezuela, aunque de mayor tamaño, darían trabajo durante los próximos cinco años a unas 2.000 personas en los astilleros de San Fernando (Cádiz) y Ferrol.

El contrato, por más de 2.000 millones de euros, incluirá el mantenimiento de los buques y la remodelación de la base naval de Jubail, en el golfo Pérsico.

Arabia Saudí, que ha comprado aviones de reabastecimiento en vuelo de Airbus, es uno de los mayores clientes de la industria militar española, con 546 millones en 2015, pero el Gobierno mantenía en suspenso desde hace un año la venta de una partida de proyectiles de artillería de 155 milímetros por unos 40 millones – por Miguel González

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

11.11.2016 – Mohammed Al-Assadi (A H)

It's now getting so cold as low as 2°C in northern highlands of #Yemen. Over 3M displaced people struggle to find adequate shelter (photo)

Comment by Judith Brown: It does get really cold in the mountains in the north - where most Yemeni people live. The mountainous areas are at 8000 ft and the winter weather is wonderful for Europeans - warm and sunny in the day but near freezing at night. These displaced people often have few clothes and blankets so it is really life threatening to sleep outside. My heart goes out to them.


11.11.2016 – Ms Jwaahr (A H)

What about those displaced internally in the cold ...

We did not hear them complain, but if they do not complain do you forget them ?? (photo)


12.11.2016 – Red Cross (A H)

Three million Yemenis have had to leave their homes since the conflict started (photo) and see also photo

11.11.2016 – International Organization for Migration (A H)

IOM Evacuation Operations See Return of Stranded Ethiopians and Somalis from Yemen

IOM evacuation operations are resuming in Yemen, after a pause imposed by airstrikes and ground fights in the country.

Reception capacity for the large influx of migrants from Ethiopia and other Horn of Africa countries returning migrants are over-stretched in Djibouti.

The resulting insanitary conditions are a cause for concern for the health and safety of the returning migrants.

“What’s happening in the region is a very big concern for us. So far hundreds of migrants have been deported in deplorable conditions,” said Mohammed Abdiker, Director of IOM’s Department of Operations and Emergencies. Abdiker added that so far Djiboutian authorities have confirmed that at least 24 migrants have died due to the conditions of their deportation.

Meanwhile, thousands of Ethiopian migrants remain in need of humanitarian support in Yemen, with several hundred extremely vulnerable and highly exposed to conflict and airstrikes.

Separately, IOM Djibouti, in coordination with IOM Ethiopia and IOM Yemen, assisted with the evacuation of 672 migrants stranded in Hodeida, Yemen. An IOM-chartered boat left Djibouti on November 8 for Yemen and was expected to return late today (11/11), evacuating 150 migrants, including 118 unaccompanied minors and 31 women.

IOM Yemen has confirmed that chartered vessel left Yemen late Thursday.

On 10 November 2016, IOM Yemen organized a new movement of 150 Ethiopian migrants from Al Hodeidah, on the west coast of Yemen, to Ethiopia via Djibouti. The migrants included 108 vulnerable migrants, including 94 unaccompanied minors. Forty-two women, including 11 minors, were assisted to return home by boat, firstly to Djibouti. They will be transferred back home from Djibouti to Ethiopia. =

11.11.2016 – International Organization for Migration (A H)

Saudi Arabia’s KSrelief Supports IOM Evacuations from Yemen to Somalia

This week (7/11) IOM evacuated 127 Somalis fleeing the conflict in Yemen. The men, women and children arrived in Berbera, Somaliland, from Sana’a, Yemen on a boat organized by IOM with financial support from Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief).

This is the first evacuation under the one-year USD 10 million KSrelief-funded project implemented by IOM and UNHCR: Increased Access to Safe Movement, Protection and Durable Solutions for Returnees, Refugees and Migrants Fleeing the Yemen Crisis.

The successful operation paves the way for the planned evacuation of 2,500 Somali nationals who are still stranded in Yemen, which will be carried out over the next 7 months. IOM will organize evacuations by air to Mogadishu and by sea to Berbera. = and by IANS news agency:

cp13c Finanzen / Finances

13.11.2016 – Al Araby (* A E P)

Yemen's Hadi 'secretly visits Djibouti to freeze Saleh's assets'

Yemen’s president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi made a secret trip to Djibouti on Saturday to pressure the country’s banks to cease all business with former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

According to online newspaper al-Mashad al-Yemeni, Saleh is helping bankroll the Houthi rebel movement through his business and shareholdings at a number of Djibouti banks.

“The former president is a shareholder in a number of investment companies in Djibouti, which he owns through bank bonds,” a source close to the president’s office said.

Hadi’s visit to Djibouti was reportedly focused on stopping Saleh’s investments in these companies, related to the Cooperative Agricultural Credit Bank (CACB).

This is not the first time the bank has been linked to the Houthi movement. In March 2015, a spokesperson for the Houthis announced they were accepting donations to their cause via an account at the CACB.

In December 2015, the CACB reported that they had installed new anti-money laundering systems that would help stop funding “terrorist groups”.

12.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (* A E P)

Yemen Central Bank Governor instructs paying all state salaries

Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen, Munasar Al Qu'aiti, has issued instructions for the payment of salaries of the state staff in all Yemen governorates, including those under the control of Houthi group and Saleh forces.

Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper in Saudi Arabia reported that that the Governor instructed the CBY general managers and branch managers to urgently commit to the payment of the full salaries of state employees around the republic without any reduction or diminution.

He also pointed out that the payment process will be in accordance with the ordinary salaries lists and the instructions of the Minister of Finance.

The Governor stressed that, "those procedures will include all various transactions of the CBY including the payment of salaries, government pensions, domestic and foreign banking operations, monthly closing reports, control and supervision of local banks, as well as managing the financial and administrative affairs".

These instructions come amid ongoing non-payment of the public sectors employees' salaries and other dues for three months, due to the lack of financial liquidity.

My comment: This is the new Aden Central Bank of president Hadi. Let us see whether this comes true.

12.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A E P)

Yemen’s Central Bank Sub-Governor Nahari Dismissed over Misconduct, Corruption

Yemen’s Central Bank Sub-Governor Ibrahim al-Nahari was officially relieved of his duties on Friday, reported a government news agency.

Nahari’s dismissal was not solely relevant to the transfer of the Central Bank from militia-run Sana’a to Aden, but also reportedly was due to misconduct.

Just months after the September 21, 2014 coup, Iran-aligned Houthi militias had stormed the Central Bank of Yemen along with other government institutions, in order to establish as much institutional control of Yemen as possible.

The Central Bank’s new Governor Monasser al-Quaiti says that Nahari had been found guilty of forging reports and misleading facts to national financial institutes based in the U.S.

Nahari had also accompanied the first-ever Houthi delegation visiting Tehran after the coup backed by former president Ali Abdullah Saleh loyalists had forcibly taken over swathes of Yemen.

Nahari’s visit was unauthorized and was considered biased for an official who should always prioritize neutrality as opposed to siding with a warring party.

A presidential order was issued on Friday arranging for the appointment of Khaled Mohammed Abed Arrahman Abadi as a successor to Nahari, who would carry out all foreign callings and liabilities for the national central bank.

Nahari’s lay off will further aid in mitigating the level of corruption inflicted by putschists against Yemen’s economic backbone.

Not only that but the measure taken is only one in a package of rearrangements ordered by the government as of late September, that would facilitate the safeguarding of the nation’s financial transactions and economic independence of the civil war. Relocating the Central Bank is another example of measures taken – by Badr Al-Qahtani

My comment: This is a propaganda article showing how much the Hadi government had made the Central Bank a matter of political partisanship and propaganda. The objections against the vice governor of the Central Bank certainly are as unrealistic as the earlier objections against the Sanaa Central Bank and the governor. Internationally it had been agreed that the Sanaa Central Bank has kept its neutrality, though staying in Houthi-ruled Sanaa (as reported several times, Reuters article and others). That just had been due to the Hadi government by transferring the Central Bank from Sanaa to Aden (or better: by opening a second Central Bank in Aden) that the Central Bank became subject and object of propaganda, of political influence, and was siding with a warring party.

11.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A E P)

Central Bank new deputy governor appointed after "SWIFT" transferred to Aden

President Abed RabboMansour Hadi issued a decree appointing Khalid Mohammed Abdulrahman Al Abadi as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen for Foreign Banking Operations.

The appointment comes one day after transferring the "SWIFT" system, which is the code for foreign remittances to the Central Bank, to Aden.

Transferring the "SWIFT" to Aden will contribute to isolating and disabling the Central Bank in Sana'a.

My comment: The effect of Hadi having transferred the Central Bank from Sanaa to Aden (or, as real: having installed a second Central Bank at Aden) for the country, its people and its economy is disastrous. – And transferring the "SWIFT" to Aden clearly shows that what we think to be an international communication service is a tool in Western hands – executing and backing Western foreign policy, which largely is synonym to US foreign policy. Look here: The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) provides a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment. SWIFT also sells software and services to financial institutions, much of it for use on the SWIFTNet Network, and ISO 9362. Business Identifier Codes (BICs, previously Bank Identifier Codes) are popularly known as "SWIFT codes". ( And look especially at this point: US government involvment ( One effect of Hadi’s maneuvers:

11.11.2016 – Aljazeera (*A E H P)

Film: Government workers go unpaid as Yemen war rages

The fighting in Yemen has led to chronic shortages of food, medicine and money. Public servants in Sanaa haven't been paid for the past two months. Al Jazeera's Mohammed Jamjoom reports.

3.11.2016 – Sama'a Al-Hamdani (* B E P)

Film: Yemen's War Economy in 5 Minutes

Rafat Al-Akhali, Co-founder and chairman of Resonate!Yemen explains the most pressing issue in Yemen's economy: the relocation of Yemen's Central Bank from Sana'a to Aden.

5.4.2016 – UNZ (B E)

Infographic: Why Yemen Matters to Saudi Arabia in One Chart – by Razib Khan

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

12.11.2016 – Terror Monitor (A T)

#YEMEN #AlQaeda In The Arabian Peninsula (#AQAP) Releases 16th Issue Of Inspire Magazine (photos)

#AQAP Inspire16 Focuses On 9/17 Bombing In Chelsea New York, Threatens More Attacks On US With Circulating Guide 4 Followers.

Comment by Hussam Al-Sanabani: This fine quality bilingual issue of Inspire magazine! This must be printed in Saudi intelligence agency. remember plan B

11.11.2016 – Zero Censorship (A T)

PHOTOS: ISIL / ISIS Shooting Mortar Rounds During Combat In Yemen

In a new photo report purportedly circulated by the Islamic State, ISIL terrorists can be seen mortar bombing opposition forces in Yemen.
In the report, ISIL terrorists are shown loading and firing mortar bombs in the countryside of "Wilayat al-Bayda."

Included photos show men loading mortar bombs before they are fired off into the distance.
These were circulated to ISIS channels on November 10, 2016.

cp15 Propaganda

12.11.2016 – Alsiasi (A P)

King Abdulaziz and the Yemen book

Perhaps the most recurrent advice that is currently being given to Saudi Arabia, from those who are well-informed and those who are not, is that the Saudi government should intensify its media activity to defend Saudi internal and external issues.

“We need a new media policy” – it is an expression that has been repeated a lot recently and has become a cliché. We need a new media policy for almost everything: the US JASTA law, the Yemeni war and the anti-Houthi and Ali Abdullah Saleh propaganda. Arabs and the West are looking into this advice.

But, is it valid advice?

Anyway, I recently read an old book that was republished by Saudi historian Dr. Mohammed al-Zulfa. The book is entitled “A statement about the relations between Saudi Arabia and Imam Yahya Hamid al-Din, 1925 to 1934.”

In his introduction, al-Zulfa said that “the most important reference is the green Saudi book that was published by the Saudi government immediately after the Saudi-Yemeni war.”

Yemen, with Houthi and Saleh this time, is still waging wars of negative publicity against Saudi Arabia

Perhaps, there is an urgent need to restore the Saudi book’s approach in a new modern format with documented arguments.

My comment: Asking for still more Saudi propaganda? There exists a lot of various documents on the Saudi aerial war against Yemen, only parts of them you can see at and

12.11.2016 – WAM / Gulf Today (A P)

UAE and ten others co-sign letter to UN against Iran

A group of 11 concerned countries including the UAE have warned the UN member states about Iran’s expansionist policies, flagrant violations of the principle of sovereignty, and constant interference in the internal affairs of Arab States that are destabilising and fomenting tension in the Middle East, in a letter delivered to the UN General Assembly.
The other signatories included Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen.
The group condemned Iran’s sponsoring of terrorism in the region, particularly in Yemen where it has financially, strategically, and militarily supported the Houthis. Moreover, Iran’s training of Houthi fighters and illegal shipments of weapons and ammunitions into Yemen are in blatant violation of UN Security Council Resolutions 2216 (2015) and 2231 (2015), said the group.
They also condemned the Houthi attack on a United Arab Emirates civilian vessel ‘Swift’ in the Strait of Bab Al Mandeb on 1st October, a clear violation of international law that the members of the UN Security Council considered a threat to freedom of navigation in the shipping passage.
The group highlighted that the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen was launched in response to a request for assistance from the Government of Yemen in full conformity with international law and the right to self-defence stipulated in Article 51 of the UN Charter.
This request was noted in UN Security Council Resolution 2216, 2015. Led by Saudi Arabia, the Coalition’s purpose is to protect Yemen and its people from the continuing aggression of the Iran-backed Houthis and to help Yemen counter terrorism.
The group of co-signatories confirmed the importance of the work of the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, in achieving a comprehensive peace agreement to end the conflict in Yemen, in accordance with the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative, the National Dialogue Conference outcome and its implementation mechanism, and relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The group reiterated their resolve that any interference by Iran is unacceptable and must be confronted. =

Comment: The standard Saudi / hadi government propaganda, now also in al letter to the UN. “Yemen” involved here is just the Hadi government – from Riyadh.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

13.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

( 8 airstrikes)
• (11) civilians were killed and 2 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by one airstrike on a civilians car at the public road in Baqem district.

and 12.11.2016 – Yemen Today TV (A K PH)

Film: Saudi air strikes at Saada province, “22 martyrs”

12.11.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

#Saudi jets dropped cluster bombs on a pomegranate farm in Baqem area #Sadaa city #Yemen . pomegranates become a target !!!

12.11.2016 – Bombing Sanaa in the evening (A K)

3 huge explosions heard. #Sanaa under #attack

Saudi dropping massive bombs on Sana'a now. Question is, hide in basement & freeze to death, or take chance with bombs? This sucks!

2 big explosions shook the house and rattled windows and doors. Somewhere East and South of Rawdha (Sarif & military academy)

12.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance
Casualties and damage (full list):


12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression warplanes continue targeting Yemeni governorates

The Saudi-American aggression warplanes continued on Saturday their raids against a number of Yemeni governorates.
A military source stated to Saba that three people were killed and two others injured in an airstrike against Al-Jah area in Bait Al-Faqi in Hudeidah governorate, noting that a raid was launched against Al-Khukha district, another one against the Marine College in Hudeidah city and two other raids against Ras Esa area in Al-Salif area (and more]

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression war jets launch 3 strikes on Shabwah

Saudi aggression fighter jets waged three strikes on Usylan district of Shabwah province overnight, an official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes targeted Haid Bin Akil area and al-Safra area in the same district, causing large damage to public, private and residents' properties.

11.11.2016 – Defence Pakistan (* A K)

UAE Deploys Mirage-2000 Jets To Support Yemen Ops

United Arabian Emirates has deployed nine Mirage-2000 Jets To Eritrea's Assab airport for supporting military operation in Southern Yemen.
The United Arab Emirates has deployed a combat air group that also includes two Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, two Bell 407 helicopters, one Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, and two Bombardier Dash 8 turboprop airliners, according to Airbus Defence and Space satellite imagery show.
All these jet fighters were there at the airport on 20 October, IHS Jane’s reported today.
Moreover, this combination of aircraft is only in service with the UAE air force, which has about 40 Mirage 2000-9EAD jets and operates the Northstar Aviation 407MHR armed version of the Bell helicopter – by Zarvan

My comment: French stuff helping to kill. For Mirage 2000, see

11.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition fighters bomb Houthi militias sites in Mokha and Taiz

The fighters of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition launched five airstrikes on Friday on sites of Houthi militia and Saleh forces in Dhubab and Mokha districts western Taiz Governorate.

A local source stated to Almasdaronline that the coalition fighter targeted the sites of the Houthi melitia and Saleh forces in Aljadded area in Dhubab and their sites in Al Zaharri area of Mokha.

The source confirmed that some elements were killed and others injured and military vehicles were destroyed in the airstrikes.

It is worth mentioning that the coalition fighters and Apache helicopters are flying constantly over the west coast of Taiz a day after targeting boats loaded with weapons in the port of Mokha, according to the source.

My comment: In propaganda, they bomb only “Houthi militia sites”. In fact, every site in Houthi-hold Yemen, including hospitals, markets, schools, mosques etc. is labeled “Houthi militia site” by propaganda. And the “boats full of weapons” sound quite doubtful too, they appear also here:

12.11.2016 – Al Arabiya (A K PS)

Coalition destroys boats smuggling Houthi weapons

Yemeni shipping sources reported that coalition aircraft destroyed early on Saturday two boats loaded with weapons belonging to Houthi militias in the northern port city of Salif of al-Hudaydah province, west of Yemen.

The sources said that coalition warplanes targeted the boats after they arrived in the morning to the port coming from one of the Yemeni islands loaded with smuggled weapons for the militias.

11.11.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

Heavy explosion in Maran area Sadaa city caused by 3 #Saudi air strikes

11.11.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini / Hassan Al-Haifi (A K)

At least 3 ppl have been killed while 2 others wounded in an attack today by Saudi jets in Beit Al-Faquih, al-Jah area of Hodeidah in western #Yemen and

11.11.2016 – Sanaa at daytime (A K)

Saudi fighter jets breaking sound barrier over Sana'a terrifying civilians. Aha, "only strategic strikes against military targets".

"Cold, hunger and fear", my dad describing #Sana'a today. The background voice is my daughter crying after hearing two big explosions #Yemen

#Saudi austerity in war : Right after Friday prayers, jet screams in low over #Yemen capital Sanaa. No bomb, just a sonic boom.

10.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

10.11.2016 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

Film: A Royal #Saudi Air Force F-15S Strike Eagle connects with an #RSAF K-3 tanker to refuel during a combat mission

#Saudi Air Force EF Typhoon from the 10th Sqn getting refueled by an #RSAF A330 MRTT over the southern borders to support #OpRestoreHope (film)

My comment: Own Saudi tanker air craft.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

12.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi-Led Coalition Targets Its Own Mercenaries in Taiz

Fighter jets of the US-backed Saudi coalition targeted today Saturday its own mercenaries in Hariqia village, Taiz governorate.

A number of Saudi soldiers have been reported to be killed as a result of 3 air raids waged by the US-backed coalition’s warplanes in Hariqia, military source confirms.

12.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Taiz: ongoing Houthi bombing, landline explosion kill 2 children

Local source told Almasdaronline that the Houthi militants stationing east of the city have bombed the neighborhoods of Hasanat, Tabat, Alshamasi, and the governorate centre, as well as other neighborhoods western the city.

On the other side, the National Army artillery have retaliated by bombing the Houthis barracks in Bazarah neighborhood near Alshaab Palace destroying Houthi military equipment, according to a local source.

On the other hand, 2 children were killed; one by the Houthi bombing and the other by a landmine explosion.

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army launches missiles on Saudi mercenaries in Marib

The army and popular committees' missile force fired rockets overnight at a gathering of Saudi mercenaries in Salb Mount in Jadaan district of Marib province, a military official told Saba on Saturday .
The rockets hit the targets accurately, killing and injuring dozens of the mercenaries. and

and from the other side quite different:

11.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition air defense systems intercept Houthis ballistic missile on Mareb

The air defense systems of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition intercepted on Friday a ballistic missile launched by the Houthi militants and forces loyal to the former president Saleh towards Mareb city.

A local source told Almasdaronline that the missile was bombed on the airspace of Mareb city after being intercepted by the coalition air defense systems.

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Many mercenaries killed and injured in Taiz

Dozens of Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and injured in an artillery shelling by the army and popular forces in Taiz province, a military official said Saturday.
The army and popular committees' forces targeted the gathering in south of Dhubab district, killing and wounding dozens.

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army guns 8 Saudi-paid mercenaries in Taiz

Eight Saudi aggression-paid mercenaries were gunned down by the army and popular forces` sniper units in Taiz province, a military official told Saba on Saturday.
Six mercenaries were gunned down in al-Hasb military site in al-Salu district and the others shot dead in al-Jarah area.

12.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Mercenaries Killed in a Demolished Tank in Taiz

A number of Saudi mercenaries have been killed when targeted by the Yemeni army and popular committees today Saturday in Taiz governorate. In addition, a Saudi tank has been burned by the Yemeni forces.

A tank belonging to the US-backed Saudi coalition has been successfully burned resulting in the death of those on-board in Taiz city, at the headquarters of Brigade 35 area in Bair Basha region, military source reports.

Yemeni forces also targeted a Saudi mercenary site by Al Ramlia Khazzan hill in Taiz, inflicting deaths in Saudi ranks. Ambulances were seen rushing to the scene.

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills mercenaries, bombing 2 military vehicles in Shabwah

Scores of Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and two vehicles bombed by the army and popular forces' artillery units in Usylan district of Shabwah province, a military official told Saba on Saturday.

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army, popular forces kill mercenaries, commanders in Jawf

The army and popular forces killed a number of Saudi aggression–paid mercenaries attempted to infiltrate into Kabu al-Sha`af district in al-Jawf province, a military official told Saba on Saturday.
The operation occurred in al-Sabreen area of the district, which also resulted in killing of three top Saudi-paid commanders.
The mercenaries' attempt to advance to al-Sabreen was the second attempt in less than 24 hours. Both failed. and also

12.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills mercenaries in Lahj

A number of US-backed Saudi aggression-paid mercenaries were killed and others wounded with artillery shells carried out by the army and popular forces in Karish district of Lahj governorate, a military official told Saba on Saturday.
The operation accrued in al-Jaribah area in the same district when the army and popular forces` artillery units fired shells on gatherings of the mercenaries, killing scores and injuring others.

12.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Photos of Targeting a Military Vehicle in Saudi Ash Site

The Yemeni army and popular committees targeted today Saturday groupings of Saudi soldiers on Amir hill, in addition to the burning of a Saudi military vehicle in Najran.

Scenes distributed by the Yemeni military media display the moment of targeting gatherings of Saudi soldiers on Amir hill as well as their fortifications, thus forcing them to withdraw.

The scenes also documented the fire eruption in the Saudi military sites and their fortifications on the hill.

My comment: There is such a plenty of Houthi / Saleh forces success stories that it is really doubtful what is fact and what is fiction.

12.10.2016 – Alalam ( AK PH)

VIDEO: Yemeni Forces Capture Saudi Military Base in Asir Province

Yemeni army soldiers, backed by fighters from Popular Committees, have taken full control of a military base in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern region of Asir in retaliation for the Saudi regime’s atrocious aerial bombardment campaign against Yemen.

The media bureau of the operations command in Yemen released footage on Friday afternoon showing Yemeni troopers and allied forces inspecting the hulks of damaged military vehicles at al-Nimsa base after several Saudi soldiers were killed during heavy fighting and the rest ran away.

A Yemeni fighter then shows untouched tactical vests, ammunition belts for a portable machine gun, hand grenades and rocket-propelled grenades that Saudi military forces had left behind in the wake of the Yemeni forces’ advance.

The bodies of a number of Saudi troopers could be seen scattered around as the video concludes with Yemeni soldiers and allied fighters chanting “Death to America and Israel.”
Yemeni artillery units also lobbed a barrage of rockets at al-Dhab’ah and al-Ash bases in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern border region of Najran, leaving scores of soldiers injured.

[and more “victories”]

12.11.2016 – Noto Wahabism (A K PH)

Yemeni Forces Capture Saudi Military Base in Asir Province
Yemeni army soldiers, backed by fighters from Popular Committees, have taken full control of a military base in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern region of Asir in retaliation for the Saudi regime’s atrocious aerial bombardment campaign against Yemen

12.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Jalah Military Center Bombarded in Jizan

The military media distributed scenes today Saturday documenting military operations carried out by the Yemeni army and popular committees. Scenes included the targeting of Jalah military center located in Jizan, resulting in several Saudi soldiers killed during the operation.

Scenes displayed the bombardment of Saudi Jalah center in regions the Yemeni forces recently have advanced to.

Movements of Saudi soldiers were also captured by the Yemeni military camera during the operation and and when mortar shells hit their groupings accurately.

11.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

After yesterday clashes in Jizan, Saudi city Samtah is within fire range of # Yemeni fighters. referring to (photos)

11.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

More Saudi soldiers got killed in Assir & Jizan. No official declaration of total loss yet.Only families & friends tweets. #VirulentYemen (photos)

11.11.2016 – Yemen Fights Back (A K PH)

Film: Yemeni Military Media tour in Namsa’a post after complete control

11.11.2016 – Yemen and Syria (A K PH)

Film: Yemen military and the Houthis destroyed the base of the Saudis in Dhahran area of the Asir province. Saudi Arabia.

11.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Film: Escapee Saudi army abandoned ammo & bulletproof vests in Dahran Al-Ganob mountain in Assir.

11.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Al Jawf: Government forces advance in Khub Al-Sha'af, Houthis bomb Al Hazm city

A field source said that the government forces and the Popular Resistance controlled on Thursday four mountainous locations in Khub and Al-Sha'af districts of Al Jawf Governorate, northwestern Yemen.

The source added to Almasdaronline that The government and the resistance forces fought fierce battles against the Houthi rebels and Saleh forces and approached the International Highway which connects Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

The Government forces advanced, under aerial cover from the Saudi-led Arab Coalition fighters, and are only about 6 kilometers away from the centre of Alsha'af district, destroying a number of military vehicles after the Houthis withdrawal from the area, the source added.

On the one hand, the Houthi militants and Saleh forces lunched three Katyusha rockets on Alhazm city, the largest city of Al-Jawf Governorate as a reply to their defeats, according to a local resident.

11.11.2016 – Middle East Monitor (A K)

Houthis claim to seize villages in Saudi Arabia

Yemen’s Houthi militia claim to have seized several villages in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern Jizan province, the Houthi-run SABA news agency reported.

SABA quoted a military source as saying yesterday that Houthi militiamen had taken control of the villages of Al-Kars and Al-Dafiniya – along with other villages – east of Al-Bahtit and south of Al-Qarn.

The same source also said that Houthi militiamen had captured a bridge linking Jizan’s Qaem Zubaid and Al-Ibadiya areas and the road to the nearby Al-Khubah area.

According to the source, who was not named, “scores” of Saudi soldiers were killed and injured in what he described as a “large scale” Houthi operation that also saw six Saudi armoured vehicles and two combat tanks destroyed.

The news agency went on to report that Saudi army helicopters had bombarded the Al-Khubah area in response.

The claims, however, could not be verified by independent sources, while the Saudi authorities have yet to comment on the reports.

According to unofficial Saudi accounts on social media, meanwhile, Saudi forces managed to repel a Houthi attack on Al-Khubah.


12.11.2016 – Musti Obaid (A K)

Huge advance by #Yemen's Houthi forces in southern #Saudi this week. Villages of Qarn, Bahtit, Dafiniya and Kars captured in Jizan province (with map)

Comment by Judith Brown: Something about the recent claims that the Houthi militias are gaining ground in southwest corner of KSA - which used to be Yemeni land once but was disputed after military conquest in the 1930s and then negotiated away by Saleh in 2000. So this has a strategic value if it is true - which some Yemenis have confirmed it is.

10.11.2016 – #GCC states SSF units during the month-long joint security exercise Arabian Gulf Security-1 in #Bahrain (2/3)

My comment: This is just a maneuver, look at the explosions remembering me of attacks in Yemen.

10.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Film: Yemeni army battery attack on several Saudi military sites in Jaizan & started successful sweep operation. Got more Saudi POW in hand

Film: Only 6 Brave #Yemeni tribesmen & military soldiers in a daylight attacked AlMustahdth military site in Assir.

10.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Biggest Yemeni Military Operation in the Saudi Depth

The Yemeni army and popular committees achieved successful military operations in Jizan, responding to the war crimes committed by the US-backed Saudi coalition against Yemeni civilians.

Yemeni forces declared their full control over the Saudi villages of Al Sharqia, Qalal Al Qarn, a nearby village, Kariss village and another village close to Kariss in Jizan, military source confirms.

A road linking Qaim Zabid and Al Abadia with Al Kawba’s main road is also now under Yemeni control, source reports.

Saudi ranks have been inflicted with heavy losses, where 6 Bradley vehicles, two Abrams, two military vehicles have been destroyed as well as two others damaged during a military operation at the main road of Kawba. In addition, dozens of Saudi soldiers have been killed and others injured.

This is considered to be one of the largest military operations in the Saudi depth, Jizan, and other Saudi cities in response to the suffocating siege on Yemenis.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

11.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A)

Ibb: 4 persons killed in local strife

4 persons were killed and others injured on Friday in local strife erupted in Alnadera district of Ibb governorate central Yemen.

Almasdaronline correspondent quoted local sources as saying that a strife erupted between Al Qahev and Al Dajena families in Alnaderah district eastern Ibb governorate turned into armed clashes in which four people, 2 of each family, were killed and others injured

11.11.2016 – Al Araby (* D)

Graffiti artist paints for peace on Yemen's bloodstained walls

Graffiti artist, Murad Subay believes painting the town red is one way to remind Yemen's warring factions of the need for peace amid conflict and a two-year political deadlock

"I believe that art can have important messages," Murad Subay told The New Arab. "It reaches more people - especially graffiti murals which are seen by hundreds of thousands of people walking by it every day."

The 29-year-old has used his talents to paint the town red, white and black, since the extraordinary days of the 2011 Arab Spring.

But among the flags and the patriotic symbols, Subay, along with his other peers, have imprinted his visions of both despair and hope along Yemen's iconic, old-brick walls.

"People who pass by while we're painting praise us, pray for us and sometimes even join us in painting," he said, noting that men, women, children the elderly "and even soldiers" have stopped to contribute to the colours seen on the walls of the city.

"They feel like we're highlighting their concerns and issues by discussing them on the streets."

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