Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 236 - Yemen War Mosaic 236

Yemen Press Reader 236: Hisham Al-Omeisy über Jemen – Jemen Files: Rolle der USA– Kriegsfotos – Behinderte – Frauen und Mädchen – Terror der pro-Hadi-Kämpfer in Taiz – Zwei Regierungen im Jemen

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Eingebetteter MedieninhaltHisham Al-Omeisy on Yemen (German) – US armed and trained both sides in Yemen – Photos from the war – Disabled – Women and girls – terror of pro-Hadi fighters at Taiz – Two Yemeni governments – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

4.12.2016 – RT (** B K P)

Politik-Analyst aus Sanaa im Exklusiv-Interview: "Jemen ist nur einen Schritt von Anarchie entfernt"

Im Interview mit RT Deutsch hat sich der Politik-Analyst Hisham al-Omeisy aus Sanaa skeptisch bezüglich der Friedensaussichten im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen geäußert. Bisherige Lösungsvorschläge wären nie inklusiv gewesen. Es drohe ein Abgleiten ins Chaos.

Was macht den Konflikt im Jemen so schwierig zu lösen?

Die Beantwortung dieser Frage erfordert im Grunde die Beantwortung vieler anderer Fragen, um so die Komplexität des Konflikts genau skizzieren zu können. Ein paar dieser Fragen möchte ich beantworten. Der Konflikt hat eine zersplitternde Wirkung. Es gibt heute mehr kämpfende Fraktionen und Gruppen, als es diese noch zu Beginn der militärischen Intervention der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Koalition im März 2015 gegeben hatte. Dies geschah, obwohl der Krieg als einen Konflikt zwischen zwei Hauptlagern begann. Auf der einen Seite stehen die schiitischen Huthis sowie Ex-Präsident Ali Abdullah Salih und auf der anderen der Präsident Abed Rabbu Mansur el-Hadi mit der saudischen Koalition. Die Realität sieht am Boden inzwischen sehr vielgestaltig aus.

Können Sie uns ein Beispiel für die Komplexität innerhalb der Lager geben?

Da gibt es das so genannte Südliche Widerstandskomitee. Dessen Kämpfer sind ein gutes Beispiel für eine Gruppe, die irrtümlicher Weise als Teil des Lagers der UN-unterstützten jemenitischen Regierung von el-Hadi gelistet wird. Gruppierungen wie das Widerstandskomitee haben oft eine eigene Agenda und nehmen keine Befehle von der UN-unterstützten Regierung an. Das einzige, was sie mit der Exil-Regierung von el-Hadi gemeinsam haben, ist, dass die Huthis und Salih die gemeinsamen Feinde sind sowie die Saudi-Koalition sie militärisch und logistisch unterstützt.

Wie wirkt sich die Zersplitterung der Lager auf den Friedensprozess aus?

Leider waren die verschiedenen Friedensinitiativen in den letzten zwei Jahren für alle beteiligten Akteure nicht inklusiv. Deshalb konnte ein ausgehandelter Waffenstillstand auch nie erfüllt werden, weil es immer irgendeine Partei am Boden gab, die nicht mit eingeschlossen wurde.

Wer ist für solche Lösungsvorschläge verantwortlich, die zum Scheitern verurteilt sind?

Ohne ernsthaften Druck vonseiten der internationalen Gemeinschaft, den Konflikt zu beenden, ist eine Versöhnung in der gegenwärtigen Form für die einander bekämpfenden Kräfte nicht opportun. Nur Druck von außen kann die Feinde am Boden dazu drängen, wieder miteinander zu kooperieren.

Selbst wenn eine politische Lösung unweigerlich der einzige Ausweg ist, bleibt der Trend vorerst nur bei einer militärischen Konfrontation. Das Ziel der Akteure ist es, die Feinde zu schwächen und möglichst viel an Boden zu gewinnen.

Wie groß ist der Einfluss des Ex-Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Salih, der aus dem Militär kommt, auf die Huthis im Kontext einer gemeinsamen Allianz?

Immer wieder tauchen Gerüchte auf, wonach es Konflikte auch unter den regionalen Unterstützern der el-Hadi-Regierung gibt, namentlich Saudi-Arabien, Katar und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Wie könnte ein solcher Umstand die Intervention im Jemen beeinflussen?

Kürzlich sind Berichte mit der Vermutung aufgetaucht, dass US-Truppen an der Seite der el-Hadi-Regierung in Aden kämpfen. Wie bewerten sie solche Behauptungen? – von Ali Özkök

3.12.2016 – The Antimedia (** B C)

Leaked Files Show U.S. Armed And Trained Both Sides of War in Yemen

In one of the documents leaked by WikiLeaks, U.S. Colonel Randolph Rosin told Major General Ahmed Ali al-Ashwal, the General Chief of Staff for the Yemeni Armed Forces from April 2006 to December 2014, that he looked “forward to building strong, fruitful, and mutually beneficial relations between our armed forces.” The letter was written in February 2014.

But long before that, in 2010, diplomatic cables also released by WikiLeaks showed president of Yemen between 1990 and 2012 Ali Abdullah Saleh, “secretly [offering] US forces unrestricted access to his territory to conduct unilateral strikes against” al-Qaeda-aligned “terrorist targets,” demonstrating the close relationship between Saleh and the U.S. government.

Later, Selah was also accused of being responsible for helping arm Houthi rebels.

Additionally, a United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) document from November 2012 outlining the course of action of the Yemeni weapons and training plan (1206 and 1207 programs) — a section tucked in an “Emergency Food Aid and Assess Security Assistance” program — shows the agency weighed the pros and cons of releasing weaponry early or after the scheduled date, often raising concerns associated with measures that would require further contact with Congress. The military material listed in this document includes armored Humvees, machine guns, handguns, grenades, and ammunition, among other items.

While the document came after Saleh resigned, loyal Saleh tribesmen and government forces were, at the time, known to be part of the Houthi uprising.

The leaks also offer a glimpse into the losses of military material provided to Yemen by the United States, with reports of stolen or lost items including GPS locators, batteries, and other related equipment. A July 2013 report from the Department of Defense (DOD)’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) outlines U.S. involvement, providing a list of training and arming efforts that began in 2008 and went through 2013, two years before the Yemeni civil war started.

Further, in a 2015 article, Middle East Eye explained the Houthis hadn’t been armed by Iran. Instead, the rebel group “acquired a vast pool of arms from Yemen’s black market.”

With an estimated 40 to 60 million weapons circulating in Yemen, a United Nations Experts’ report estimated, the Houthis “were also getting a continuing stream of modern arms directly from corrupt Yemeni military commanders from 2004 through 2010.”

During the same period, Porter continued, “the Houthis acquired a new bonanza of weapons that had been provided by the United States over the previous eight years,” a program that was later exposed by Joseph Trevithick via a Freedom of Information Act request.

According to the Pentagon documents acquired by Trevinithick, Porter added, the “Defense Department had delivered about $500 million in military hardware to the Yemeni military from 2006 on,” including “Russian-made helicopters, more than 100 Humvees with the latest armor packages, 100s of pickup trucks, rocket-propelled grenades, advanced radios, night vision goggles and millions of rounds of ammunition.”

In other words, whether the Barack Obama administration is aware of it or not, the same weaponry and training provided to the Yemeni government through the years appear to have fallen into the hands of militants whose main enemy is a close U.S. ally — Saudi Arabia.

If the Yemen files released by WikiLeaks prove anything, it is that, once again, American intervention in the Middle East has, at best, been carried out on behalf of its “allies.” At worst, it has been carried out by corrupt U.S. officials with financial ties to the Saudi Kingdom. =

3.12.2016 – NZZ (** B H)

[12 Fotos zum Hunger im Jemen, in hoher Auflösung]

2.12.2016 – AFP (** B K)

When the heart bleeds

Sometimes when you’re photographing war, you come across a scene that takes you away from your life as a human being, to another one which has nothing to do with humanity. The massacre at a funeral ceremony in Sanaa a few months ago was such a scene. I found myself staring at a human inferno that I have never seen, even in horror movies.

What was it like? Imagine someone, his legs shaking, walking into a human slaughterhouse. When he gets inside, he sees burning bodies, others completely charred, chopped off heads, amputated legs. Now imagine that among the dead you see friends and colleagues. And add to that the feeling that you are taunting death, because the bombing could start again at any moment.

Unfortunately, the war here in Yemen seems to have taken a backseat to the one in Syria as far as the international community is concerned. The regional and international players are the same in both conflicts, but the focus seems to be on Syria and any solution here seems to depend on what the solution in Syria will be.

It’s sad, because Yemen has never witnessed something like this, we are experiencing a humanitarian disaster because of this war. Innocent people are dying. The heart bleeds when you think of all the tragedies. And the bombing of the funeral hall was the worst, it was one of the ugliest crimes that I have seen.

I have been a photographer in Yemen since forever, so I’m quite plugged in. When something happens, I usually get a call very quickly. On that day in October, I got a call from my nephew who lives nearby and who told me that a hall holding a funeral appeared to have been hit.

I arrived on the scene around 30 minutes after the second strike.

The first thing that I saw when I got to the scene was smoke billowing out of the hall. Could the Saudi air force have hit a hall holding a funeral? I thought to myself. It seemed unbelievable. I saw ambulances taking away the killed and the wounded. There were so many people injured that even civilian cars were taking them away. Then I went inside.

There were bodies and wounded people everywhere – by Mohammed Huwais (photos) =

2.12.2016 – International Red Cross (** B H K)

Yemen: Disability is not an obstacle

Thousands of people have lost limbs in Yemen since the conflict started in 2015. In fact, reports indicate that an estimated 6,000 people have been left disabled – most as the result of a blast, a mine or sustaining a gunshot.


Samah Hassan, from Taiz, Yemen

Samah Hassan is a young lady from Taiz. She used to have a deformed leg which had been worsen due to a surgical error and she is now displaced in Sana’a. “My life was so difficult before I got the prosthesis; I had to struggle in my society as a disabled who should proof her capability. People used to mock me or looked at me piteously, which hurt me. Now, I am a strong girl whose future has changed. I am going to Tanzania to be the first women who will be come back to serve the disabled in my own country with the wheel chair specialization. I’m just speechless.” Samah gratefully expressed.

Yasser Mustafa, from Aden governorate, Yemen

This is Yasser Mustafa; a 45 years old man who lost his foot due to a non-treated wound. He spent years footless, jobless and hopeless. Once he got a prosthesis, he was determinate to go beyond. He had a prosthetic training in Ethiopia: “I was lucky to get a prosthesis that changed my prospective in life, hence everything positively changed. Now I’ve a job where I understand the suffering of people and I want to be of an added value.”

Samia Maher Tawfiq, 8 years old from Aden,Yemen.

Samia is an eight years old child who lost both her right leg and her elder brother at the same time by a Katyusha shelling. Samia spent 4 months in total sadness and desperation. Fortunately, she could get a prosthesis that brought back her smile while she’s playing with her friends in the neighborhood. “We managed to register Samia at the school after getting a prosthesis that enables her to have a normal life.” Samia’s mother said happily.

[and more]

31.10.2016 – CARE (** B H)

No Future for Yemen Without Women and Girls - Policy Brief: October 2016

There is an increasingly desperate situation for women and girls across most aspects of life in Yemen.
This is further compounded by gaps in the response to their needs. From immediate and life-threatening concerns to deteriorating gender relations, being a woman or girl in Yemen has become even more challenging.

Despite the deteriorating circumstances, there are some glimmers of hope that have emerged, pointing to how the current uncertainty created by the conflict can provide windows to change gender norms over the long term.

While the conflict has affected the entire population of Yemen, it is important to recognize the unique impact it is having on women and girls. Gender inequality and the specific barriers faced by Yemeni women and girls in achieving their full potential have long been recognized as both underlying and direct causes of food insecurity, undernutrition, and poverty in Yemen. Since 2006, Yemen has ranked last in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap (145 out of 145 countries in 2015). Prior to the conflict CARE and other organizations made positive progress in addressing the inequalities facing Yemeni women and girls working particularly on women and girls’ empowerment and preventing gender-based violence. However, advances made in recent years to address inequality in Yemen have come under severe strain during the conflict because of rising violence and lack of necessary goods and services. One concern is that in the absence of systematic analysis of and planning for gender-associated risks, humanitarian programming could be at best ineffective and at worst do harm by being blind to these concerns.

In order to ensure gender-sensitive programming, the specific needs of women and girls must first be articulated. In November 2015, CARE and GenCap conducted a scoping study to review and assess available information on the impact of the conflict on gender roles and relations, and consequently, the different needs of women, girls, men and boys. It found that while there was good pre-conflict information on gender issues in Yemen, most assessments conducted since March 2015 have been gender-blind.

To address this information gap, CARE, Oxfam, and GenCap jointly conducted a gender assessment to analyze the impact of conflict on gender dynamics in Yemen. Through this assessment, researchers conducted 554 household interviews, 40 focus group discussions, 32 in-depth interviews with individuals and officials, and a secondary data review. The assessment covered some of the hardest hit areas – Aden, Taiz, Hajjah, and Abyan governorates.

The findings of the gender assessment are intended to inform program development to address the specific needs and changing roles of women, girls, men, and boys and to strengthen gender equity and equality. The assessment goes well beyond this, however, providing a concrete evidence base to illustrate the importance of supporting a comprehensive Gender in Emergencies (GiE) approach in Yemen. The data points to a need for greater investment in women and girls across the aid sector, both in emergency response and longer-term programming, to ensure the highest quality programming and greatest impact on the Yemeni people today and for years to come and in full: =

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (** B H K)

Mercenary aggression in Taiz .. killing and looting and stealing and cut the right of citizens on a daily basis

Areas and neighborhoods under the control mercenaries Saudi American aggression, in Taiz, a theater for all kinds of crimes turned against citizens, and practiced by elements of the Reform Party and extremist groups and organizations, criminal groups.

And became such practices actually work on the elements of mercenaries who kill than they want and looting all the houses and shops and markets located in Logicians controlled mercenaries, and with the sounds loud in an unprecedented way by activists from the movement itself, after becoming those processes affect everyone, even those who stand and active in the ranks of aggression.

What is published through active pages on social networking sites by mercenaries on a daily basis activists, it is enough to draw a gloomy picture of the behavior of those elements that work in favor of aggression, as well as to clarify the ongoing suffering of the citizens, traders and hawkers, and daily threats to their lives and their money.

In Taiz, not only when the mercenary aggression practices against the citizens of the killing and looting and stealing and go, but the sorry state embodied in the ranks of the aggression of groups that reveal the news from there that combines those elements is the subordination of the forces of aggression, and what sets them apart is greed and the desire to reap money by destroying Taiz or terrorize its people.

Children and vulnerable people in the list of victims of the mercenary aggression in Taiz

Aggression gangs looted shops and occupies state institutions

At a time played by the regulations of the aggression of assaulting citizens and the loss of lives and looting of homes and shops, they at the same time does not stop for triggering the clashes between them because of issues related to money and influence, markets are Taiz, located in the control of mercenaries areas that have seen many battles that were fired random claim the lives of civilians.

Clashes between mercenaries themselves plague the city 's population

At a time played by the regulations of the aggression of assaulting citizens and the loss of lives and looting of homes and shops, they at the same time does not stop for triggering the clashes between them because of issues related to money and influence, markets are Taiz, located in the control of mercenaries areas that have seen many battles that were fired random claim the lives of civilians.

Domes and shrines .. systematic destruction of the history of Taiz

Mercenary aggression groups of criminals and the owners of precedents

Faced with such a wide array of crimes committed by mercenaries Saudi American aggression against the people of Taiz and their property, a leader of the Salafist party al-Rashad Mohammed Taher trying softest, an anti aggression, the interpretation of the causes of the behavior of these criminal elements.
He says the softest "tens of thousands of Taiz languishing under the rule of militias corrupting resistance in the city, and do not have a trick to get rid of them, not even allowed to complain and Altscht."

He adds that "most" of the militia resistance "in Taiz are unemployed youth gangs and thugs and murderers know that any peace or stop the war is to cut off the Artzagahm and return to their past destitute." – by Ibrahim Sarraji

Arabic: and Google Translator:

My comment: From Taiz, we mostly only learn of the Houthis terrible rule and behavior. From the pro-Saudi / pro-Hadi side’s terror regime at taiz we hear little. This long article unfortunately only is in Arabic. You might read and understand most of it in Google translation.

cp2 Allgemein / General

4.12.2016 – Xinhua (* A P)

News Analysis: China urges constructive move to serve peace in Yemen

China has expressed strong concern over the formation of a government by the Houthi group and its allies, hoping any move raised should serve peace in the war-torn Yemen.

Observers said China's concern over the Houthi-GPC government and reiteration of its support to the internationally recognized government signaled its intention to play a greater role in bringing peace back to the country.

"Yemen is a promising country either with natural resources that China needs or infrastructure projects that China will seek contracts for," said Ahmed Noman, an expert at the Red Sea and East Africa Research Center.

"And the most important point is that Yemen is a key gate to Africa where China is expanding its presence and investments, he added.

Adil Al-Shuja'a, a politics professor at Sanaa University, said the Houthi-Saleh alliance has failed to introduce itself to the international community as a capable and legitimate authority.

"The Houthis are facing the world, and simply China will not accept to back them," Al-Shuja'a said.

"Moreover, China might seek to take advantage of failures of other foreign players in order that it plays a key role toward the situation in the country," he added.

Some experts said China is a key business partner of Saudi Arabia and the logical reaction to the latest developments in Yemen is support the Saudi-backed government.

Faud Alsalahi, a political sociology professor at Sanaa University, said the Sanaa government comes within attempts to mix cards amidst political and military failures.

"Yemen is dominated by political chaos primarily because Yemeni factions are being controlled by foreign players. We have two governments that can't even think of a dialogue in order to end the war and form a unity government away from foreign meddling," Alsalahi said – by Fuad Rajeh

My comment: For my opinion not a very strong article. It sarts with China’s attitude towards Yemen, than mostly citing voices critical to the formation of the Houthi / Saleh government at Sanaa. As I stated earlier, the arguments against this government are not convincing at all.

4.12.2016 – Press TV Iran (* B K P)

Saudi Arabia mulls military base in Djibouti amid Yemen crisis

Djibouti says Saudi Arabia is planning to set up a military base in the African country amid the Riyadh regime’s deadly military campaign against neighboring Yemen.

In an interview with the Saudi-owned newspaper Asharq al-Awsat released on Sunday, Djibouti’s Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf welcomed the initiative, saying Saudi military authorities had made several investigative trips to his country for the establishment of a facility there.

Negotiations have been held between the two countries’ officials about the plan and a draft strategic security agreement has been prepared to that end, Youssouf said, stressing that the deal will be signed soon.

The top Djiboutian diplomat also noted that some coastal areas have been designated for the construction of the Saudi military base.

Djibouti, a resource-poor nation strategically situated in the Horn of Africa, relies on donations from Saudi Arabia.

The country has been following in Saudi Arabia’s footsteps in its foreign policy, among them severing its diplomatic relations with Iran in January and making baseless claims about Tehran’s intervention in the affairs of Arab countries.

My comment: Of course this has to do with the Yemen war.

3.12.2016 – NPR (* A H)

Yemen Crisis: Humanitarians Need 'Unconditional Access' To Reach The Food-Insecure

The civil war in Yemen has killed more than 10,000 people and left most of its population in need of humanitarian assistance. NPR's Scott Simon speaks with Muhannad Hadi, Middle-East regional director for the World Food Program, who recently returned from a visit there.

HADI: What I saw was heartbreaking. Even the second I started landing in Sana'a Airport, I was looking around in the faces of the people and I saw agony on their face. They were so puzzled by just seeing another U.N. convoy pass by, wondering if this U.N. convoy, if this mission bringing hope to them, an end to this war or just another U.N. mission going there for another assessment and maybe another talk. And that all before I even went to the field and before I even saw the catastrophes I saw in my own eyes.

SIMON: There was a two-day cease-fire last month, which was intended to let food aid and other forms of aid in. Did that work?

HADI: Two days is not enough. Three days is not enough. One month is not enough. What we need - we need unconditional access to reach the people where they are. I visited health centers. It was horrible. I looked at children lying in beds too sick even to cry, too tired to express their pain. But even next to them I saw mothers who were as in pain as their children, in pain because of seeing their kids sitting there sick, not having the right medical attention, but they themselves are tired. On top of that, when I spoke to those women, what brought you here, how did you come here? Basically they had to borrow money. They had to sell any of their assets just to take a long trip to bring a sick child to a hospital to receive treatment. Honestly, what I witnessed in my own eyes with the team is the worst thing I saw throughout my 25 years career with the World Food Program.

SIMON: The United Nations estimates about 21 million people are in danger of not eating.

HADI: Absolutely. There are 14 million people in Yemen who are food insecure. Out of the 14 million people, there are 7 million people who are severely food insecure. That means people will have to go and find anything to eat. It goes from even trying to look into a grass to eat. I have seen in my own eyes people looking into garbage trying to get something to eat in Yemen. What we need in Yemen is we need support.

First of all, there needs to be an end to this crisis in Yemen. Politicians must do their job.

3.12.2016 – Geopol Monitor (* B K P)

The deafening silence on the war against Yemen

Since the start of the coalition airstrikes led by Saudi Arabia on Yemen, the media has been silent in reporting the barbarity of the war. Why? Because the corporate media are silent collaborators in crimes against humanity when the perpetrator is a wealthy ally.

While Syria is subject to intense media scrutiny and the propaganda continues unabated – the Saudis have a license to carry out their indiscriminate bombing campaign – killing, maiming, destroying homes and hospitals in the process.

What has the Arab world’s poorest country done to incur the wrath of the wealthiest oil rich countries? The Houthis, who represent a broad section of Yemen’s population, including Sunnis and Shias won’t accept the will of Abd-Rabbuh Mansour Al-Hadi, an American – Saudi backed puppet.

Once again Iran is being vilified and held responsible for the backing of the Houthis, even though there is no evidence that Iran is arming the insurgency. However, as the movement is revolutionary and doesn’t fall into the fold of western/GCC hegemony, the Houthis are considered to be the aggressors.

Yemen, while being poor in resources, is strategically located making it a goldmine for America. The retreat of Hadi posed a serious problem to American interests who were forced to cease operations carried out by the CIA, the Pentagon and the military.

In March last year the Los Angeles Times reported that when the Houthis retrieved secret documents from the Yemeni National Security Bureau highlighting the extent of CIA operations, US officials said the takeover compromised their interests.

The war on Yemen has largely gone unnoticed by Muslims too, who have failed to condemn it. This is because of the Sunni/Shia schism that is being peddled by the media and promoted by Saudi Arabia.

It’s a sad state of affairs when Muslims act in accordance with what American journalist Seymour Hersh calls the ‘redirection’ policy of Washington. In order to pit Muslims against each other, Washington has covertly armed and funded radical Sunni groups to sow sectarian discontent in the aim of rolling back Iranian influence in the region.

It’s not because Iran is the enemy of Sunnis, it’s because the country doesn’t take orders from America, has the region’s second largest oil reserves and is a friend of Palestine.

Following in the footsteps of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah the Houthis too are part of the non-sectarian axis of resistance – by Sara Yasmin Anwar

2.12.2016 – Haykal Bafana (A P)

Yemen's Islah party is listed as a terrorist organization by Saudi Arabia & the UAE. But Islah is a key Saudi/UAE ally in the Yemeni war.

Comment by F Carvajal: there was an interesting article on an interview w Islah leader, Islah has 'disavowed' links to the MB :) :) which s da 'listed' group !!

2.12.2016 – Spiegel Online (* B H K)

Der Jemen leidet still, der Jemen stirbt still

Tausende Menschen sterben im Jemen durch Kämpfe, an Hunger und Durst. Am härtesten trifft es die Kinder. Doch der Westen guckt weg: Weil niemand flüchtet - und eine der Kriegsparteien in Deutschland Waffen kauft.

Zusammengefasst: Seit mehr als anderthalb Jahren führt Saudi-Arabien Krieg im Jemen. Seither hat sich die humanitäre Lage im Land kontinuierlich verschlechtert. Millionen Menschen sind auf der Flucht, Zehntausende Kinder vom Hungertod bedroht. US-Außenminister John Kerry hat einen Friedensplan ausgearbeitet, doch die Kriegsparteien zeigen derzeit kein Interesse an einem Ende des Konflikts. Beide Seiten setzen darauf, dass sich die Lage nach dem Amtsantritt von Donald Trump zu ihrem Gunsten verändert.

Europa kann es sich leisten, das Leiden zu ignorieren

Innerhalb des Landes sind rund 2,2 Millionen Menschen vor den Kämpfen geflohen, mehr als 10.000 Menschen wurden nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen getötet. Doch das sind nur die unmittelbaren Opfer des Krieges. Schon vor Beginn der Militäroffensive war Jemen das Armenhaus der Arabischen Welt, in den vergangenen Monaten hat sich die Situation noch einmal dramatisch verschärft: 21 Millionen Jemeniten benötigen Nahrungsmittel, Wasser und medizinische Hilfe, weil sie wegen des Krieges nicht selbst ihr Auskommen sichern können.

Saudi-Arabien ist einer der wichtigsten Importeure von Rüstungsgütern aus Deutschland. Bei seiner letzten Sitzung genehmigte der Bundessicherheitsrat die Lieferung von mehr als 40.000 Artilleriezündern für das Königreich. Und Saudi-Arabien setzt Artillerie gegen die Huthi-Milizen im Norden Jemens ein.

Es ist ein stilles Sterben. Der Jemenkrieg kennt keine monatelangen Schlachten wie in Aleppo oder Mossul, und kaum Aktivisten und Journalisten, die den Krieg mit ihren Kameras festhalten. Tausende Zivilisten kommen ums Leben, sterben an Unterernährung in abgelegenen Tälern und werden von ihren Angehörigen begraben, ohne dass die Welt überhaupt davon erfährt.

Europa leistet es sich, das Leiden zu ignorieren - weil kaum ein Jemenit es schafft, aus dem Land zu fliehen. Saudi-Arabien hat die Grenze abgeriegelt – von Christoph Sydow und Fotos:

Mein Kommentar: Recht guter Überblick über die Lage – einer der wenigen deutschsprachigen Berichte. – Die saudische Artillerie (mit den deutschen Artilleriezündern) wird freilich nicht nur gegen die Huthi-Milizen eingesetzt, zivile Ziele und Siedlungen werden ebenso beschossen.

Sehr interessant sind die Leserkommentare unter dem Artikel. Sie sind eindeutig.

10. Nein, Herr Sydow, der Westen schaut eben nicht nur zu!

Ich weiß ja nicht, warum es so schwer ist, einmal ein paar Sekunden Recherche zu betreiben, bevor man Artikel online schaltet, aber der Westen schaut im Krieg im Jemen mitnichten nur zu! Ganz im Gegenteil bombardieren die USA zusammen mit ihrem Hauptverbündeten Saudi-Arabien fleißig mit! Dass Deutschland auch ein Waffenlieferant für Saudi-Arabien ist, ist ein Skandal - wenn auch ein Skandal unter unzähligen in diesem Spiel, denn Frankreich und Hauptwaffenlieferant USA haben da noch mehr ihre schmutzigen Hände im Spiel. Jedenfalls ist es aber löblich, überhaupt einmal den Krieg im Jemen hier zu thematisieren, wo doch bisher alles Leid dieser Welt sich in Ost-Aleppo abzuspielen schien mit den Ur-Bösewichtern Assad und Putin in den Hauptrollen.

12. Und unsere Medien schweigen mit

ich bin erstaunt, dass hier mal vage angedeutet wird, welch unsägliches Leid dort die Saudis mit Unterstützung der USA anrichten. Ja, und alle gucken nur nach Syrien; während der Jemen ins Mittelalter gebomt wurde. Jed3 russ. Bombe in Syrien erreicht Leitartikel-Niveau. Die Bomben der Saudis, Hunderttausende vom Hungertod bedroht, Schweigen. Deutschland belegt Platz 3 als Waffenexporteur. Und, dass die Saudis unser Großabnehmer sind, wird nicht erwähnt. Wie verlogen, heuchlerisch u. interessengesteuert der Westen im Nahen Osten agiert, dazu muss man nach Büchern greifen, weil unsere Medien - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - dazu viel weglassen.Danke, wenigstens hier mal ein erschütterndes Bild. Vielleicht bekommt ein von den Saudis oder Amis zerbomtes Krankenhaus endlich auch die mediale Aufmerksamkeit wie eines von den Russen getroffenes.

15. Es ist doch nichts neues, dass die Politik weg guckt, wenn sie auf die Wirklichkeit nicht reagieren will!

Es sind doch zum Teil die gleichen, die mit Schaum vor dem Mund über die Schleuser herziehen, die nicht sehen wollen, wenn Kunden oder Verbündete Kriegstreiber dafür sorgen, dass eine Flucht aus einem seeuntüchtigen Schiff für die Flüchtlinge zum kleineren Übel wird.

19. Wir

sollten unbedingt die Sanktionen gegenüber Saudi-Arabien verschärfen. Achso, halt, es gibt gar keine und der Herr Röttgen ist ja nur für Russland zuständig. Armselige Polit-Darsteller im achso Christlichen Abendland.

20. Deutschland ist immer dabei

Deutschland ist immer dabei wo es Krieg gibt oder andere schlimme Dinge passieren, trotz dauernder Beteuerung von Menschenrechten und Demokratie und die will man noch anderen Ländern aufzwingen

2.12.2016 – Al Araby (* A P)

Yemen: Two governments and new wartime

A political tornado erupted in Yemen on Monday of this week, as once again, political manoeuvering shattered any sense of hope, rendering the pursuit of peace even more complicated.
Houthi militant group and their ally, Yemen's powerful ex-president Ali Saleh, formed a "salvation government", ushering in a fresh, dramatic development in the war-ravaged country.
This new government is headed by Abdulaziz bin Habtour, the former governor of Aden and a renowned academic who used to side with the legitimate government. But the formation of this government is a bold invitation for more wars.

The formation of this government has sparked a wave of ferocious reactions inside the country and overseas. Saudi-backed Yemen legitimate government commented on the move, stating this escalation is aimed at undermining the peace efforts.

As the days and months elapse, rifts between the warring sides continue to widen, and the formation of this new government is a case in point.

A rising appetite for secession
Today, Yemen has two governments, one headquartered in the north and another in the south. It seems that the country is taking drastic strides towards separation.
As the Houthis and allied forces do not have supporters in the south, the internationally recognised government has more enemies than proponents in Sanaa, and pro-Houthi northern provinces.
When the war began early 2015, it appeared to be a politically-motivated conflict. Now it has shifted to a sectarian one, potentially preparing the ground for the nation's disunity.

Those fighting and aspiring to separation can be dissuaded from this idea by adopting one thing: United Federal Yemen. The people in the south cherish the concept of federalism because it can grant them a form of autonomy; an ambition they seek to fulfill.
But the Houthi-Saleh coalition has been a vocal opponent of federalism, reasoning that federalism is a prologue to fragmenting the country. But the reality is clear, and the country is obviously fragmented. There are now two Cabinets; what comes next could be two independent sovereign nations.
The two sides still sing patriotic songs and repeat slogans of unity. But the disintegration of the country appears to be steaming ahead, as Yemenis live with two governments, neither of which are able to provide food, security or medicine. Their efforts are instead devoted to fighters in the battlefield.
It is not clear how long the UN will carry on the struggle in Yemen. Currently, a renewed period of wartime has just commenced. Two governments in Yemen means two presidents, two armies and two nations. As long as they both exist, the ingredients for civil strife will live on – by Khalid Al-Karimi

Comment by Judith Brown: Well in truth I don't know if things could be worse. But with two governments two banks two armies it's looking more and more as if Yemen is becoming two states. One state or two the war needs to end to end the suffering.

My comment: Describing the installation of the new Houthi / Saleh government at Sanaa as „political maneuvering [that] shattered any sense of hope, rendering the pursuit of peace even more complicated” is heavily exaggerated and shows that in this point the author completely was taken in by pro-Saudi and pro-Hadi propaganda. And here as well: “rifts between the warring sides continue to widen, and the formation of this new government is a case in point.” No, certainly it is not.

What really is enlarging the rifts between the different sides of this conflict just is the war by itself. Any destruction, any killings, any losses of relatives and friends, any destructions of houses, livelihood and peoples’ surroundings in this war creates much more rifts and hatred within a country than then formation of a new government. This government does not at all affect the life of anybody on the other side of the conflict line.

The disastrous effect of creating and deepening rifts is reserved to events like the Houthi shelling of Aden in 2015 (one of their greatest political faults and war crimes) and to all the “successful” Saudi coalition air raids since 620 days now.

Just a single one of them, let’s just take the first one which hit Sanaa on March 26, 2015, had a much more dividing effect on Yemen than all political maneuvers like the installation of this government.

Thus, the description the author gives of the effects of this new government shows a lot of hypocrisy.

Yes, the author is right when he states that “those fighting and aspiring to separation can be dissuaded from this idea by adopting one thing: United Federal Yemen”. Let us make it clearer: Let’s not say “only can be dissuaded” but “only could be dissuaded”.

But, that does not mean that the former concept of a federal Yemen, as proposed at the “National Dialogue Conference” in 2014, should be reanimated. Already in 2014, that concept had been rejected by the Houthis and their allies – because “president” Hadi had misused the idea of federalism to shape Yemen in such a way that the Houthis should be politically marginalized. That did not work in 2014, and it will not work now.

Yes, the only chance to save a united Yemen – and to achieve internal peace – is a federated Yemen. But now, completely new ideas are needed how this federal Yemen could be shaped and organized. And these ideas certainly never will come from the side of the Hadi “government” – which still will try to use “federalism” just as a means to weaken its foes and to keep its supremacy within this state.

The Houthis, because of the reason stated above critical to “federalism” at least in 2014, also did not show any signs of developing new ideas in this matter. And Southern Hirak (Separatist movement) is mainly claiming southern (full) independence.

Thus, federalism is urgently required, but there is a political stalemate also in this matter.

And on the same topic, from an Iranian media:

On Yemen's New Government and UN Criticism

It is tragic to hear the United Nations criticize the formation of a new government in Yemen.
The world body which is supposed to criticize and hold to account Saudi Arabia and its partners in crime for invading and occupying Yemen, or use its influence to end the unnecessary conflict, has instead criticized the Ansarullah movement for helping to form the "national salvation” government.

The new government replaced the Supreme Political Council, which was established by the Houthis and the party of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh earlier in the year.
Meaning, there should be no room for concern at the UN, because Ansarullah has given assurances that the new government will not hinder UN-brokered peace talks in any way at all.
Besides, this has nothing to do with "narrow ambitions” and everything to do with national unity and resolve to put Yemen’s national interests above partisan ambitions, take immediate steps to end political divisions, and address the country’s security, humanitarian and economic challenges. Now if this hasn’t had the blessing of the UN yet, it’s not Ansarullah’s fault.
However, that doesn’t change the fact that the UN still has some responsibility to act. It should help the new government calm the conflict before it becomes another intractable killing field. The UN and its members have the opportunity to learn from recent missteps in the region and take advantage of the new government that only wants to offer a window to prioritize diplomacy over military action in a bid to shift worsening dynamics across the war-torn country.
No doubt the UN’s criticism of the new government is not helpful at all. It could easily turn Yemen into another Syria, an intractable, grinding conflict that destroys one nation, while implicating others in a conflict that has no good possible outcomes.
Under international law, therefore, the UN has to recognise the legitimacy of the new government, which by the way happens to have the majority support among the ordinary citizens.
This way, the UN could identify points of entry for diplomacy and de-escalation, with the long-term goal of creating new forums for dialogue between the conflict parties. With so many key players dragged into the conflict, military action is unlikely to resolve the conflict there, but an effective political process - which depends on United Nations support for the new government - might reverse a dangerous escalation.
Long story short, all the key members at the UN have in front of them Libya and Syria, vivid examples of what happens in an entrenched war zone in which the combatants and the international community refuse to engage in diplomacy.
With a new government in Sana’a, the UN is in a position where it can negotiate along a complimentary line of diplomatic inducements. The UN should take this opportunity with more clarity and immediacy than it has at other junctures since the Saudi-led, U.S.-backed war began in March 2015.

My comment: See also and my comment in YPR 235, cp1.

2.12.2016 – Yemen Today and Al Masirah TV (* A K)

Film: new-born Twins, distorted, caused by depleted Uranium ammunition. and =

30.11.2016 – People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran

Gulf Countries Mulling to Place Houthis on Terror List

A Gulf official told Asharq Al-Awsat on Monday that Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states were discussing the possibility of placing Houthis and a number of other groups on the council’s joint list of terror.
On Tuesday, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior will chair in Riyadh the 35th meeting of GCC interior ministers, expected to discuss security issues facing the growing security challenges in the region.
According to informed sources, GCC states are currently working to prepare an electronic system for a joint list of terrorist organizations.
Asked by Asharq Al-Awsat whether the undersecretaries of GCC interior ministers had discussed the issue of listing Houthi groups on the list of terrorist organizations during their last meeting in Riyadh, GCC Assistant Secretary-General for Security Affairs Hazza’a Al-Hajri said: “Currently, we are discussing the issue. God willing, it will see the light very soon.”

My comment: Even if you look at Houthis’s crimes, if you fight them, they might bequite anything, but terrorists they certainly are not. What the GCc is deiscussing here, is just political propaganda. If you do not look for terrorists, but for sponsors of terrorists, then you easily will find them – not with the Houthis, but with those who want to declare them “terrorists” now.

29.11.2016 – Libertarian Institute (* B K)

Coping With a Warzone

Another Yemeni-American exchange student, 19-year-old Haitham al Mutarreb, also described the trauma of the war. Before leaving Yemen for the United States in early 2016, al Mutarreb witnessed firsthand the carnage of coalition aerial bombardment.

“You can’t imagine it,” al Mutarreb said. “I saw three airstrikes while I was on the street—I saw pieces of metal flying through storefronts, people getting injured. It was crazy.”

In the past year, al Mutarreb has lost several friends.

“[The coalition] started striking factories,” al Mutarreb said with some bewilderment in his voice. “Across the street from my home there’s a Coca Cola factory. I don’t know why, but they bombed that. A lot of the workers [from the factory] were killed, including my friend. He was only 17 years old.”

In addition to thousands of civilian casualties, the conflict has displaced millions of Yemenis and plunged the already-poor nation into a food crisis.

“[The coalition] bombed a bottled water plant recently, they bombed markets, they bombed farms and livestock—the sources of food,” al Wazir said, now more visibly frustrated. “They started a blockade, bombed all the ports and stopped aid and medicine from coming into Yemen.”

“In some cities, like Hodeida, people are actually dying of starvation,” al Wazir said. “It’s more than severe; it’s unbelievable.”

Yemen imports nearly 90 percent of its staple foods, such as wheat and other cereal grains. The war has not only left many domestic farms and food production facilities in ruin, but has disrupted markets and distribution networks across the country, leading to skyrocketing prices in some areas for what little food that remains.

“The numbers are staggering,” said Etienne Peterschmitt, emergency response team leader for the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. 14.4 million Yemenis, over half of the country’s population, are currently food insecure.

With American assistance, the coalition also enforces a naval blockade that prevents commercial shipping from entering Yemen’s ports. That makes food, fuel and medical supplies even harder to come by.

Signs of desperation are beginning to show: last month, al Wazir’s mother was the victim of a burglary. Though high walls surround her apartment building, thieves managed to slip into the complex and pry open her iron-barred windows while she was away.

“They stole a lot of things from her apartment,” al Wazir said. “I think they were desperate. More and more people are getting to that point—stealing and robbing.”

Beyond the humanitarian toll of the war, Yemen’s national heritage is also at stake. Al Wazir and al Mutarreb both spoke in the gravest terms about what effects Saudi strikes have had on Yemen’s ancient cultural artifacts, among the oldest in the world.

“They’re starving people, they’re destroying everything,” al Wazir said of the Saudi-led coalition. “How far are they going to go? They’re not gaining anything, so what’s the point? There’s no way they can get a victory out of this.” – By Will Porter

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / look at cp1

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

4.12.2016 – Sky news (A H)

Film: The plight of farmers at Aldhabab valley, southwest of #Taiz because of the war

4.12.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

Students demand world to stop ongoing Saudi brutal airstrikes

Hundreds of students staged mass protest rally north of the capital Sanaa to condemn the continuation of Saudi brutal airstrikes against the Yemeni people and civilians.

4.12.2016 – Saudi war crimes (B H K)

Photo: Saada school

3.12.2016 – Your Ability Relief Organisation (A H)

The organization's team during the second phase's account (photos)

3.12.2016 – Unicef Water (B H)

Across #Yemen, UNICEF is providing safe water to communities, especially those affected by the conflict. @UNICEF_Yemen #wateris (photos)

3.12.2016 – Living in Yemen (A H)

You bomb our childhood but we are still playing and going to school Murale at Alforat primary school, #Sanaa photo via @maddllock (photos9 and

3.12.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani / UNICEF Yemen (A H)

More suffering for children in Yemen, measles are coming back to the ulterior region. End #Yemen blockade now. referring to (photo: Warning leaflet)

3.12.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (B H)

.@MSF: 289,547 patients were received in #MSF emergency rooms in # Yemen since March 2015

3.12.2016 – NPR (unrated B H)

Yemen Crisis: Humanitarians Need 'Unconditional Access' To Reach The Food-Insecure

The civil war in Yemen has killed more than 10,000 people and left most of its population in need of humanitarian assistance. NPR's Scott Simon speaks with Muhannad Hadi, Middle-East regional director for the World Food Program, who recently returned from a visit there. [subscribe]

3.12.2016 – Living in Yemen on the edge (A H)

We all remember Saida, right?
She is recovering.
It will take long time for her to heal and some side effects will always be there... but she is better.
Thanks to those who never forget #Yemen, and help

photo via: @Ghada22yemen (photos)

2.12.2016 – World Food Programme (A H)

Yemen Access Constraints map as of 2 December 2016 and full map: =

2.12.2016 – Human Needs Development (A H)

With funds of #ComitatoNour, Human Needs Development Organization bought Winter Project clothes which will be distributed in the coming few days. Thank you Comitato Nour for support....,, (photos)

2.12.2016 – Your Ability (A H)

we are proud of who do care of humanity, and make poor and displaced people happy is great job (photos9

2.12.2016 – Various, on Your Ability ( A H)

You are doing a blessed work @YourAbility_org thank u so much I think it's our job to support u guys till the end (Photos)

"We are so happy today" #YemeniChildren said,I asked why?: those guys @YourAbility_org trying to do whatever they could to help us " (photos)

#Yemen almost 2years bombing killed our lovers& siege complete the job,while few who do the best to help @YourAbility_org WemustSupportThem (photos)

2.12.2016 – Your Ability (A H)

Received with request to share:
Myasah is 7 years old and has eye cancer.
Your Ability Organization in #Sanaa is trying to raise funds for an urgent operation.
For further information, you may contact directly

2.12.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H)

Plz dont forget that many children in #Yemen still waiting ur support Pic taken n al-Tuhita area #Hodeidah where 1000s children have nothing

Im very happy to make him smile With the support of @monarelief ppl have to smile.Pic by @monareliefye in Hayss #Hodeidah in western #Yemen

600 families in Hodeidah were able to get food aid from .@monarelief Pic taken by .@monareliefye last month during food distribution #Yemen and also

2.12.2016 – Financial Times (* B H K)

‘When it’s time to sleep under the bombs, few of us are there’

MSF chief warns fear is undermining international law in treatment of refugees

Joanne Liu spent two weeks working as a paediatrician in a hospital in Yemen last summer. While she was there she did not sleep well.

“Every night we got bombed,” says Dr Liu, the international president of Médecins Sans Frontières, the Financial Times seasonal appeal partner. “Every night. I came back and I was a wreck.”

In an interview with the FT, Dr Liu warns that attacks on medical facilities pose not just a mortal threat to MSF staff and patients, but also to the central mission of providing services where other agencies and governments fear to tread.

“When the time comes to cross the checkpoint and sleep under the bombs with our patients, very few of us are there,” says the French-Canadian doctor who has worked for MSF since 1996.

Preserving a humanitarian space where doctors can administer to patients without threat or interference “is the core and heart of MSF”, she adds.

“If today MSF loses that very specific space to care for everybody in a neutral and impartial way at the frontline, the world will be losing part of its humanity, part of its commitment to avoid total chaos in the middle of warzones.”

But since the beginning of the year there have been at least 50 attacks on MSF hospitals and MSF-supported facilities in Syria and Yemen – by Ben Hall

1.12.2016 – Your Ability (A H)

Your ability organization for Development distributed food baskets at the first stage in( for Yemen) campaign at the (shuhada al sabean )school.
presence by Mr/Samir al fathael)
the Director
of the Education Office of the sabean region
The Target group are
The displaced and the limited income
In hisyas and al sabean regions
To support the coming stages
Yemen International Bank Account Number
Or communicate with the office by the number
Emil (photos)

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

4.12.2016 – The Independent (A)

Stolen artifacts from Palmyra and Yemen seized in Geneva

Relics date back to third and fourth centuries

Artefacts looted from Syria’s ancient Semitic city of Palmyra have been seized by Swiss authorities after they were discovered in Geneva’s secretive free ports — warehouses often used to store expensive objects with few questions asked.

Relics from war-torn Yemen and Libya were also confiscated from the storage lockers, which are often placed near airports and allow people to keep items tax-free.

Another five of the confiscated objects were from Yemen,AFP reported – by Harriet Agerholm and from AFP

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

4.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (* A P)

30 civilians, including children and elderly, kidnapped by Houthis in Albaidha

The Houthi and Saleh forces have waged of a wide kidnapping campaign against civilians in Tayab area of Thi Na'em district in Albiadha governorate, central Yemen.

A local source told Almasdaronline that the rebels have kidnapped more than 30 civilians, including children and elderly from their houses and schools, following the death of 2 Houthi gunmen in a landmine explosion.

The 2 gunmen were killed while riding a motorbike by a landmine explosion inThi Amgier of Thi Na'em district.

The source also said that ''after the incident, the Houthis in the area went mad and kidnapped elderly people from their houses, and broke into the school and abducted 15 students and four teachers."

The Houthis are detaining the abductees at the Health Center of Tayab area.

4.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Tribal Sheikh returned dead body after kidnapped by Houthis since 2010

A local source in Amran governorate, north of the capital Sana'a, said the Houthi rebels have handed over the dead body of Mohsen Maaqal, a tribal leader and Secretary General of the Local Council of Harf Sufian district, to his family after 7 years of abduction and disappearance with the Houthi militants.

The source said that the Houthis were repeatedly denying holding this prominent tribal leader and his guards in Amran.

4.12.2016 – Yemen Today (A)

Film: Security agencies seized 83 Katyusha rockets at two houses Directorate Arhib

My comment: This country is full of weapons like these. The Houthis even do not need arms from Iran. These weapons ones they got from either terrorists or pro-Hadi fighters – and these guys also must have got them from somewhere. There is a great probability that this was Saudi Arabia – which imports great lots of weapons from Eastern Europe to arm its Yemeni proxies.

4.12.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

Yemen's National Salvation Government endorses its general program

The cabinet of the National Salvation Government headed by Prime Minister Abdulaziz Saleh bin Habtour endorsed their general program and referred it to the Parliament for approval.
The meeting was held here in the capital Sanaa on Saturday.
The program includes comprehensive political, economic, social, cultural, security, military and media plan that presented by the ministers and aimed to enhance national resistance and confrontation against the Saudi-led aggression coalition, as well as to preserve the state's institutions and alleviate consequences resulted by the Saudi aggression and Saudi sea, land and air blockade against the Yemeni people.

4.12.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

How hard is salvation gov't taking back control of public institutions from popular committees? Ever tried to remove gum from hair? #Yemen

3.12.2016 – Xinhua (A K P)

Disabled people rally to call for early end to crisis in Yemen

A Yemeni disabled man takes part in a rally marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities to ask all the national community to work together to end the ongoing crisis in Yemen, outside the United Nations building in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, on Dec. 3, 2016 (photos)

4.12.2016 – Disabilities Yemeni Forum (* A H)

A Message from the Disabilities Yemeni Forum

On the occasion of the International Day for people with Disabilities, 3rd of December 2016 - Sanaa, Yemen

The world, today, celebrates the International Day of People with Disabilities. Like every year, a number of events and activities are being organized to make people with disabilities (PWD) achieve their full rights and be able to equally participate in the community.

The conditions of people with disabilities in Yemen is getting worse and further deteriorating: thousands have been deprived their rightful access to health services and medicines due to the scarcity of resources of the Disability Fund.

Lives have been put at stake due to lack of necessary treatment: more than three hundred institutions for people with disabilities have stopped operating and providing any service - educational, rehabilitative and social services - affecting nearly two million people.

The continuing deterioration of the economic, security and living conditions in Yemen has reflected negatively especially on the lives of people with disabilities.

The right to live independently, with dignity, to move freely has halted: aids and prosthetic devices can either be not distributed or are no longer available nationwide.

We, therefore, appeal to the international community represented by the United Nation and the UN Security Council to stop this unjust war on Yemen and end the outside interference. We need to bring together the conflicting parties to build peace and commence, immediately, a national dialogue. We ask to lift the siege on our country with immediate effect in order to return to a more human life and address the endless issues caused by the conflict.

3.12.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy / Sultana (A P)

Houthis detained two 'Yemenites' on bogus suspicion of smuggling artifacts. No, not Jews, #Yemen-is of Jewish faith. Our brothers & family.

Despicable spewing bcz Houthis stigmatized anything to do with Jewish faith. STOP ignorant religious rants. Worse than sectarianism.

There is no smuggling. They're doing this to force the remaining jews who refused to leave #Yemen out.

3.12.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K P)

1000s of Yemen armed tribesmen Joining front lines to fight with army against US-backed Saudi invaders. ( Dec1 Amran north of the country) (photos) and

3.12.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen gov Referring its program to Parliament for confidence, Top priorities: Opening to the world after complete defeat of US-backed Saudis

My comment: This “top priorities” are odd: There is no possibility of “complete defeat of US-backed Saudis”; stalemate will continue; how long they want to continue the war? Top priority must be peace, and peace means compromise and not “complete defeat” of the enemy.

3.12.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Yemen security authorities, Foiled terrorist acts &assassinations by arresting Saudi-backed people with their plans&weapons (photo)

My comment: No place and date and details given. It is Amran:

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Asecurity services seized quantity of weapons and explosive materials in Amran subsidiary of mercenaries [pro-Hadi / pro-saudi fighters] (photos, film) and film:

2.12.2016 – Alwaght (* A P)

Will National Salvation Government Save Yemen?

Al Masirah TV of Yemen which is close to Ansarullah movement has confirmed that a national salvation government was formed, adding that the government came to birth in an emergency meeting of members of the Supreme Political Council led by Saleh Ali Sammad. The SPC decided that Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor will lead the newly-formed government.
After announcement of formation of the new government, the head and other members of the SPC emphasized that the national salvation government was all-encompassing, continuing that it had the duty of sorting out the domestic conditions and also tackling a heavy economic, military, and political blockade imposed on the country by the “enemy”, in a reference to the Saudi-led Arab coalition that has held all-out siege in place on Yemen for more than one and half a year.
“The new government has managed to come to existence according to a national solution based on a national participation to avoid more bloodshed in the country and in shadow of aggression of the enemy and its mercenaries,” the SPC's statement read.
SPC's statement added: “this government will try to make peace and pave the way for national reconciliation by taking advantage of a national amnesty, and we hold the enemy accountable for any further aggression and marring the political settlement of the conflict.”
The Prime Minister of the national salvation cabinet Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor has thanked the chief of SPC and other members for “doing all they could” to form the government. PM bin Habtoor reiterated his cabinet's commitment to meeting all of demands of the Yemeni people and finding proper solutions for problems deriving from the “brutal” Saudi aggression against Yemen.
While the country has been victim of a daily war and heavy bombing by the Saudi-led Arab military coalition for nearly two years, what messages could a national salvation government in Sana’a send? Will the new government succeed in getting the country on the track of a settlement to the devastating crisis?
Four features in the government can support the argument that formation of the government can mark a considerable step to put an end to the humanitarian crisis and conflict in Yemen.

Wide-ranging national consensus in support of the national salvation government

2. Holding strategy and road map

Besides announcing the national salvation government, the goals behind its formation were declared. It is set to deal with the domestic problems and counter the economic, military, and political blockade and, according to the SPC, the government will flatten the road for peace and national reconciliation in compliance with a public amnesty. The experts suggest if the government manages to achieve its announced objectives, particularly in economy, it will naturally add to its domestic legitimacy, something that will firm up its position at home and beyond the national borders

4. Gaining international legitimacy for pursuing Yemenis' interests through international organizations 4. Gaining international legitimacy for pursuing Yemenis' interests through international organizations

On the other side, the national unity government is formed in accordance with the international law, something doubling the validity of PM Habtoor's government. According to the UN Chapter 7, national salvation government can be formed in countries suffering from political disorder and war. The international law supports this government to do its necessary task of settling domestic crises through seeking peaceful solutions and also protecting security of the neighboring countries and supporting the international stability and peace in general. =

2.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Civilian died of Houthis torture in Hodeida city

Almasdaronline reporter has quoted reliable medical sources as saying that the Houthi militants informed on Wednesday the family of "Suleiman Yahya Suleiman Saleh" to collect his dead body from the Military Hospital.
Suleiman was kidnapped late last April from his house in Deer Al Daam area of al Meghlaf district, northern Hodeida, by the Houthi militants, leaded by the field commander Abu Hashim.

Sources in Suleiman's family stated that he was subjected to various forms of torture.

It is worth to mention that Sleiman, who was a medical staff at the medical centre in his village, is not the first victim of the Houthi brutal torture on prisoners, as others have died in the same way, while the Houthis do not listen to the repeated calls to stop the torture on prisoners.

2.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A)

Houthi leader kills brother over dispute in Ibb governorate

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

4.12.2016 – Gulf News (A P)

Yemeni President visits Wahat Al Karama

Hadi tours martyr’s memorial, writes in monument’s register

Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi on Sunday visited Abu Dhabi’s Wahat Al Karama Memorial, which was built to commemorate the UAE martyrs and their sacrifices to defend their country and its achievements.

President Hadi inspected the guard of honour and laid a wreath at the martyrs’ memorial. He then toured various facilities of the memorial and wrote in the monument’s register at the end of the visit. “I was honoured to visit Wahat Al Karama and the memorial of the martyrs — some of them fell in Yemen. They sacrificed their lives for the sake of their country’s dignity and pride, We pray to Allah Almighty to rest their souls in eternal peace”, Hadi wrote in the register.

Comment: Let's make it clear: He NEVER said one word for the 12.000 #Yemen-i civilians the Saudi-led Coalition slaughtered in #Yemen

2.12.2016 – Southern Hirak (A P)

#SouthYemen was first progressive country in ME. After unity with impoverished North #Yemen, poverty spread to south #TheSouthWillRiseAgain

Comment: Southern separatist propaganda.

4.4.2016 – Aden Now News (A)

ISIS, as told by Aden Now News [or other Salafists?] have destroyed the Jewish cemetery at Deka neighbourhoud, Mualla directorate, Aden (photos) and

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

3.12.2016 – Arab News (A P)

UN envoy: International community committed to peace in Yemen

The UN special envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on Friday confirmed the international community’s commitment and responsibility to achieving peace in Yemen based on the agreed-upon terms of reference of the Gulf initiative, the National Dialogue and UN Security Council resolutions.

Following his meeting with Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi on Friday in Aden, Ahmed said the international community, the UN Security Council and 18 countries sponsoring peace efforts reconfirmed the legitimacy of Hadi and the government of Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher.
The envoy said the meeting was “positive,” and included discussion of peace efforts and opportunities in Yemen.

Comment by Judith Brown: The international community is dedicated to war - in Yemen and elsewhere. This is complete propaganda.

My comment: Either he really said that – in this case he never will be able to achieve a peace agreement. These three points represent the agenda of “president” Hadi – just to secure his supremacy and further “presidency”. Even apart from his personal interests, this is a concept of yesteryear . it did not work in 2014, and now it will do even more less, after nearly two years of a terrible, devastating and dividing war.

Or the UN envoy was just maneuvering , not able to say anything substantial – and the Hadi propaganda then had put the typical Hadi agenda into his mouth.

It is a joke to label these talks as “successful”., as Hadi had rejected the envoys peace plan. We still are waiting for clear words by the UN Envoy blaming Hadi for that – as he blamed the Houthi /Saleh side for forming their government. We are waiting.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

3.12.2016 – AK PS)

Deputy Crown Prince & Minister of Defense Mohammed bin Salman visits the TSP facility in Dhahran, where the #RSAF Tornado undergoing upgrade (photos)

2.12.2016 – Computing (A)

Saudi Arabia hit by wave of cyber attacks, Iran blamed

Civil aviation authority hit by data destroying malware

In the past few days Saudi Arabia has been hit by a wave of destructive cyber attacks which have resulted in data being erased at the government's aviation agency. Five additional targets were hit too, unnamed sources told Bloomberg.

In total thousands of computers were wiped in Saudi's General Authority of Civil Aviation, erasing critical data and bringing operations there to a halt for several days, the sources say.

Already the finger of blame has been pointed at Iran, according to the sources. The two countries recently severed diplomatic ties and are on opposing sides in the region's many conflicts including Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

In particular, the malware deployed is similar but to that used in earlier attacks which were blamed on that Iran, but experts say that other countries may have been involved, routing the attack to make it appear to be of Iranian origin, perhaps aiming to derail the recent nuclear deal with the USA. and also

1.12.2016 – Amnesty International (A P)

Saudi Arabia increases ruthless sentence in unfair trial of human rights defender to 11 years

Saudi Arabian human rights defender, Issa al-Hamid, who received a nine year prison term for his work promoting human rights, had his sentence increased today to 11 years in prison, followed by a travel ban of equal duration as well as a fine of 100,000 Saudi Riyals (around 27,000 US Dollars) following an appeal.

Responding to today’s court ruling by the counter-terror court in Riyadh, Samah Hadid, Deputy Director for Campaigns at Amnesty International’s Beirut regional office said:

“Today’s ruling by the Saudi Arabian counter-terror court is yet another demonstration of the authorities’ continuous ruthless and relentless crackdown on human rights defenders. The appeal presented an important opportunity to correct a deeply flawed ruling. Instead, the authorities chose to proceed with their unabated persecution of human rights defenders by increasing an already unfounded sentence.

“Issa al-Hamid has shown tremendous courage in the face of blatantly unfair proceedings which appear designed to silence those who dare expose the Kingdom’s incessant human rights violations. His increased sentence is another nail in the coffin that the government is trying to build for Saudi Arabian civil society.

6.11.2016 – Gulf Center for Human Rights (A P)

Saudi Arabia: Authorities continue grave violations against human rights defenders

On 30 October 2016, the Specialised Criminal Court in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia held its first hearing in the trial of human rights defenders, Mohammed Abdullah Al-Otaibi, and Abdullah Al-Attawi.

They were charged with the following:

1. Establishing an association and announcing it before obtaining official authorisation;

2. Participating in preparing and signing petitions and publishing them on the Internet, which harms the reputation of the Kingdom and its justice and security institutions; and

3. Publishing information about the investigation against them despite their pledge not to publish in order to influence public opinion.

There were also other charges directed against Al-Otaibi, including posting on social media networks allegedly “hostile and offensive Tweets that will prejudice public order,” inciting international human rights organisations against the Kingdom by publishing on social networking sites false reports about the Kingdom, adopting the draft of a constitutional monarchy and his involvement in the hunger strike campaign in solidarity with one of the prisoners of conscience, and his participation in two interviews with a TV channel during which he allegedly insulted the Kingdom and its institutions. The court adjourned the trial until 27 December 2016.

cp9 USA

3.12.2016 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

An #RSAF F-15S Strike Eagle during aerial refueling from a #USAF KC-135 Stratotanker (photo)

My comment: US-Saudi complicity in pictures.

1.12.2016 – Independent Voter News (A E P)

California: Saudi Arabia’s Golden State

That’s right. According to WSPA, the Western States Petroleum Association, the state that makes it a point to emphasize the moral high ground of women’s rights, imports 52% of its oil from foreign sources; 36% of that coming from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, the same country that doesn’t allow women to drive, open a bank account or, in certain circumstances, vote. And let’s not get started with their views on gay rights.

And the why of all of this will, no doubt, leave you shaking your head as well. California’s strict environmental crude oil laws hinder access to heavier grades of oil, eliminating any crude coming from the tar sands of Canada. The Golden State favors the lighter oil imports from OPEC.

Certainly limiting our state’s dependence on foreign oil, particularly when we have an oil renaissance happening in this country, would be a natural place to start. And if California can reduce the amount of money it sends to countries that don’t share its high regard for human rights — that might just be a hidden benefit that should be at the forefront of the discussion – by Jeff Powers

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

4.12.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Boris Johnson says 'we do not think the threshold has been crossed' by Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen

Boris Johnson has insisted a “threshold has not been crossed” by Saudi Arabia in its bombardment of Yemen.

A UN panel in January found 119 air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition in the country potentially breached human rights law.

The UK is the second biggest arms dealer in the world and Saudi Arabia is it's biggest customer, implicating British-made Brimstone missiles and Typhoon missiles in the fighting.

“At the moment, we do not think the threshold has been crossed," the Foreign Secretary said on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.

“So far we do not believe there has been a clear risk of breach of humanitarian law in respect of the use of those weapons.”

He reaffirmed British allegiance to the Kingdom, saying the "UK is supportive of Saudia Arabia", while the country bombs Yemen.

Yet he denied that British experts were involved in picking exact targets of Saudi-coalition air strikes, saying they were simply giving "general guidance" and "trying to advise them on how targeting should work”.

In response to the foreign secretary's statements, director for arms control at Amnesty International UK said: "The Foreign Secretary is ignoring the real threshold here — the one that divides an approach to selling arms responsibly based on our arms trade controls system, and the UK's present cavalier approach to selling weaponry to Saudi Arabia.

"Mr Johnson is ducking his responsibility to prevent the UK being party to the unlawful killing of civilians in Yemen".

My comment: This sounds absolutely crazy. The crossing of the “threshold” can be visited for many hundreds and thousands of cases. This is beginning from the very first Saudi bombing campaign up to now. Britain does not care for anything that really happens in Yemen – the government just wants to follow its own geopolitical and economical (arms sales) interests in the region. – Johnsons statement generally implies that bombing a neighbouring country is an acceptable means of politics, in Yemen and thus also in other parts of the world. Also related to other cases, this statement is interesting. Taking this statement serious, the Russians and the Syrian government could not have crossed any threshold in Syria as well.

Comments by Judith Brown:

Really??? Then you do not use the same threshold as me, the majority of Yemenis, HRW, Amnesty, Oxfam, MSF, and many other organisations. Boris Johnson is a man without principles.

Is this man evil or what? What exactly would need to happen in addition to the 119 violations???

And by ITV:

4.12.2016 – ITV (* A P)

Government 'deeply concerned' about Saudi use of UK weapons against civilians in Yemen

The government is "deeply concerned" by reports of UK weapons being used by the Saudi air force in strikes on civilian targets in Yemen, Boris Johnson has said.

But he said he did not believe the "threshold" had been crossed which would demand the suspension of arms sales to the Middle Eastern country.

Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, the Foreign Secretary said there were "very difficult questions" for ministers on the use of UK-built weapons and technology - but said he did not believe any law had been broken.

So far we do not believe there has been a clear risk of breach of international humanitarian law.

People should not underestimate the concern we have about this. We are deeply concerned. I had a conversation only last night with the Saudi foreign minister, my counterpart, about this.

Of course we are making representations the whole time. At the moment we do not think the threshold has been crossed. and by IOM Today:

My comment: “Deaply concerned” means nothing.

And still more by RT:

4.12.2016 – RT (* A P)

'Threshold not crossed’: Boris Johnson denies Saudi bombing massacres in Yemen breach int'l law

The foreign secretary then reaffirmed the British allegiance to the Arab kingdom by saying that the UK is “supportive” of Saudi Arabia and has a “longstanding partnership” with it, as he defended the British government’s policy of selling weapons to the Arab country.

He went on to say that the actions of Saudi Arabia are justified and even supported by the UN. “There is a campaign supported by the Arab League, by a vast coalition, supported by the UN to move Houthis out of Sanaa and restore the legitimate government,” Johnson said

On Sunday, Johnson also put the blame solely on the Houthis by saying that they had “evicted the government and are attacking Saudi Arabia.”

At the same time, he denied that the UK is directly involved in the Saudi airstrikes in Yemen, arguing “we are not engaged in the command and control systems of the [Saudi] operations.”

“We tried to give general advice to the Saudis about how to do these things [but] we are not in the targeting,” he told BBC journalist Andrew Marr, adding that the British advisors only “give [general] guidance about how targeting should work.”

My comment: If these bombings do not breach international law, there actual is no international law. And in reality, there is not. Has any western country been accused and had been confronted with severe consequences for anything it committed? No. They in reality enjoy the freedom to do whatever they want, a jester’s license.

3.12.2016 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

[Dec. 2]: #RSAF Typhoon 8022/ZK621 (CS052) on its second test flight at Warton — by: Stuart Hill (photos)

My comment: British-Saudi complicity in pictures.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

2.12.2016 – Nachdenkseiten (* B K P)

Eine brisante Antwort der Bundesregierung zur wichtigen Rolle Ramsteins im US-Drohnenkrieg

Die Bundesregierung hat am 30. November 2016 in einer Bundestagsfragestunde durch den Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt (AA) Michael Roth (SPD) nach mehrjähriger Verzögerung eine brisante Antwort auf eine parlamentarischen Anfrage des Abgeordneten Hunko (Die Linke) zur bedeutsamen Rolle der US-Airbase Ramstein im globalen US-Drohnenkrieg gegeben, mit der sie frühere eigene Auskünfte modifiziert.

Staatsminister Roth erklärte jetzt u.a., „die US-Seite“ habe der Bundesregierung am 26. August 2016 mitgeteilt, dass „die globalen Kommunikationswege der USA zur Unterstützung unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge Fernmeldepräsenzpunkte auch in Deutschland einschlössen, von denen aus die Signale weitergeleitet würden. Einsätze unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge würden von verschiedenen Standorten aus geflogen, unter Nutzung diverser Fernmelderelaisschaltungen, von denen einige auch in Ramstein laufen würden. Außerdem teilte sie (= die US-Seite) mit, dass im Jahr 2015 in Ramstein eine Vorrichtung zur Verbesserung der bereits zuvor vorhandenen Fernmeldeausstattung fertiggestellt worden sei, und sie hat uns darüber informiert, dass Ramstein eine Reihe weiterer Aufgaben unterstütze, darunter die Planung, Überwachung, Auswertung von zugewiesenen Luftoperationen.“

Mit den Ausführungen des AA-Staatsministers Michael Roth werden die brisanten Whistleblower-Enthüllungen des früheren US-Drohnenkriegspiloten Brandon Bryant, dem dafür 2015 von IALANA und der Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler der Whistleblower-Preis verliehen wurde, der Sache nach bestätigt. Zugleich wird damit das Prozessvorbringen der Bundesregierung in mehreren verwaltungsgerichtlichen Verfahren zu Ramstein korrigiert, in denen sie erklärt hatte, von einer Einbeziehung der Airbase Ramstein in den globalen US-Drohnenkrieg könne aufgrund der Auskünfte der US-Regierung keine Rede sein – von Albrecht Müller

1.12.2016 – Telepolis (* B K P)

Bundesregierung räumt Wissen über Drohnenkrieg ein
Bekannt war es zwar schon lange, nun gibt es auch die Bundesregierung zu: Der weltweite Drohnenkrieg der US-Armee wird auch von der US-Airbase Ramstein aus geführt
Der weltweite Drohnenkrieg der Vereinigten Staaten, an dem auch der US-Luftwaffenstützpunkt Ramstein beteiligt ist, geschieht mit Wissen der Bundesregierung. Dies räumte das Auswärtige Amt nun erstmals offiziell ein. In einem Antwortschreiben auf eine Kleine Anfrage des Linke-Bundestagsabgeordneten Andrej Hunko heißt es, die US-Air Base im rheinland-pfälzischen Ramstein unterstütze die „Planung, Überwachung und Auswertung von zugewiesenen Luftoperationen.“ Dies habe man am 26. August 2016 von Mitgliedern der US-Botschaft erfahren.
Nach Jahren des Dementierens bestätigt die Bundesregierung damit, was Beobachtern längst bekannt ist: Den US-Luftwaffenstützpunkt gilt als informationstechnischer Knotenpunkt im weltweiten Drohnenkrieg der USA, ohne den die tödlichen Einsätze in Afrika und Nahost nicht möglich wären (Deutschlands Rolle im geheimen Krieg). Das ganze Ausmaß der deutschen Beteiligung war zuerst im Jahr 2012 durch den ehemaligen Drohnenpilot und Whistleblower Brandon Bryant öffentlich gemacht worden. Vertreter der Bundesregierung hatten jegliches Wissen dennoch stets abgestritten. In der offiziellen Sprachregelung hieß es meist, der Bundesregierung lägen „keine eigenen Erkenntnisse vor“ (Bundesregierung: Augen zu und durch).
In einer Stellungnahme wirft Andrej Hunko der Bundesregierung nun bewusste Täuschung vor: Drei Jahre lang wurden Abgeordnete hierzu an der Nase herumgeführt und die Öffentlichkeit getäuscht. Die Bundesregierung ist auf diese Weise beteiligt an völkerrechtswidrigen extralegalen Tötungen. Das erfüllt aus meiner Sicht den Tatbestand der Billigung einer Straftat und der Strafvereitelung.“

2.12.2016 – Der Spiegel (* A K P)

Deutsche Artilleriezünder für Saudi-Arabien

Die Bundesregierung genehmigt nach SPIEGEL-Informationen die Lieferung von Artilleriezündern für Saudi-Arabien. Das Land aber befindet sich mit dem Jemen im Krieg. Könnten deutsche Waffen in dem Konflikt eingesetzt werden?

Und nun kommt Kriegsherr Saudi-Arabien nach SPIEGEL-Informationen in den Genuss deutscher Waffentechnik: Bei ihrer letzten Sitzung hat der geheime Bundessicherheitsrat (BSR) unter Leitung von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und Wirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) beschlossen, 41.644 sogenannte Artilleriemultifunktionszünder an Frankreich zu liefern - zum Einbau in Artillerie, die für Saudi-Arabien bestimmt ist. Begünstigt wird dadurch die württembergische Firma Junghans Microtec, einer der Weltmarktführer hochpräziser Zündanlagen für Munition aller Art.

Der Export der Artilleriezünder ist der wohl heikelste Punkt auf der langen BSR-Liste, die an diesem Mittwoch an die Parlamentarier des Bundestages verschickt worden ist und die dem SPIEGEL vorliegt.

Für die Opposition im deutschen Bundestag ist die Liste deshalb auch ein Offenbarungseid für die Rüstungsexportpolitik Gabriels, der einst angetreten war, diese Ausfuhren in Drittländer außerhalb der Nato zu unterbinden. "Mit der Lieferung von Zündern für Artilleriemunition an die Saudis macht sich die Bundesregierung direkt mitschuldig an den Toten in Jemen", kritisiert der Linken-Verteidigungspolitiker Jan van Aken.

Der Experte für Biowaffen reibt sich auch an einem weiteren Rüstungsexportvorhaben, das sich auf der BSR-Liste befindet: Es handelt sich dabei um elektronische Bauteile für ein mobiles Gefechtsübungszentrum, das der Düsseldorfer Rheinmetall-Konzern an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate liefern darf. Van Aken verweist darauf, dass Gabriel die Ausfuhr eines ähnlichen Gefechtsübungszentrums vor einigen Jahren nach Russland unterbunden hat – Von Gerald Traufetter

2.12.2016 – Süddeutsche Zeitung (* A K P)

Deutschland - Zulieferer für den Bürgerkrieg in Jemen

Der geheim tagende Bundessicherheitsrat hat die Ausfuhr von Artilleriezündern nach Saudi-Arabien genehmigt.

Dabei schreiben die Exportgrundsätze der Bundesrepublik vor, keine Rüstungsgüter an Länder zu liefern, die "in bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen verwickelt" sind.

Die saudische Luftwaffe bombardiert ihren Nachbarstaat Jemen, in dem seit Jahren Bürgerkrieg herrscht. Die Bundesrepublik beruft sich auf Verträge mit Frankreich.

In diesem Fall sieht sich die Bundesregierung offenbar an Vereinbarungen mit Frankreich gebunden. Dorthin werden die Zünder aus Deutschland zugeliefert, bevor das Endprodukt von Frankreich aus nach Saudi-Arabien exportiert wird. – von Paul-Anton Krüger und Christoph Hickmann

Mein Kommentar: Man mag es kaum glauben. „Verträge mit Frankreich“ als Begründung dafür, dass die eigenen Exportgrundsätze über Bord geworfen werden. Das zeigt, dass man derartigen Verträgen eine höhere Priorität einräumt als den Exportgrundsätzen für Waffenexporte. Morgen ist es dann ein Vertrag mit den Briten, übermorgen mit den Saudis. Kein Gedanke wird offenbar darauf verschwendet, dass dann prinzipiell schon ein solcher Vertrag unzulässig ist und es gegen die Exportgrundsätze verstößt, einen solchen Vertrag abzuschließen. – Wer hat diesen (offensichtlich illegalen) Vertrag mit Frankreich geschlossen? Das verrät der Artikel leider nicht.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

3.12.2016 – Middle East Observer (`A P)

Features of China’s policies in the Yemeni war

It seems that China works with all parties for its interests in order to reach peace and relaunch the Chinese economics in Yemen.

At the same time in which China is hosting Houthis and enforces its relationships with Iran, it works with Saudi Arabia that led a coalition against Houthis in Yemen, to strength its relationship.

Last October, China conducted its first joint counter-terrorism drills with Saudi Arabia in the southern Chinese city of Chongqing., and according to The diplomat China once seemed to rush to replace the United States as Riyadh’s top oil importer.

Also, China promised more than that with Saudi Arabia. Since 2013, Beijing had championed its “One Belt, One Road” policy of promoting trade with historical Silk Road trade partners in faraway West Asia.

For Iran, it is known that the developing economic, political and military links with China, make them a Golden Triangle in Eurasia.

A Neutral policy with all parties is also appeared in Yemen conflict, for example, Saudis had used Chinese made cannons to fight Iran’s allies.

“Over 200 PLZ-45 SPHs have been sold by Chinese defense contractors NORINCO weapons manufacturer to Algeria, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. These countries have chosen more capable Chinese made artillery to take the lead in Operation Decisive Storm, the Arab intervention in Yemen”, said Popular Science American news website in April 2015.

Also, IHS Jane’s Defence military magazine reported in December 2015 that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have both acquired Chinese-made unmanned aerial vehicles to meet urgent operational requirements arising from their military intervention in Yemen.

“The drones the UAE is using in Yemen are Chinese because they failed to get US approval,” US Marine Corps General (retired) James L Jones said, quoted IHS Jane in its report.

Following Wikistrat, the stability of the regional oil export industry and the security of maritime passageways are critical to China’s continued economic growth, and this might explain China’s policies of building neutral relationships with all the international parties.

“Beijing’s support for conflict-termination efforts will focus less on the speed of success and more on its long-term sustainability”, reported the previous website – by Mai Hussien

2.12.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

China expresses concern as Yemen's Houthis form government

China's Foreign Ministry has expressed concern after Yemen's armed Houthi movement and its political allies formed a new government, in what appeared a blow to U.N.-backed efforts to end 20 months of war in the country.

Diplomats had hoped the Houthis, who control the capital Sanaa, would hold off on putting together a cabinet of their loyalists and instead form a unity government with their Yemeni foes, whom they pushed into Saudi exile.

In a statement late on Friday, China's Foreign Ministry said it supported Yemen's legal government.

"We do not approve of any side in Yemen taking any unilateral actions that complicate the situation, and believe this is not beneficial to a political resolution of the Yemen issue," the ministry said in a short statement.

China hopes relevant parties in Yemen continue dialogue to resolve the differences and reach an equitable settlement all sides can accept on the basis of United Nations resolutions and Gulf Cooperation Council initiatives, it added.

China relies on the Middle East for oil but has tended to leave Middle Eastern diplomacy to the other four permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, Britain, France and Russia.

However, China has been trying to get more involved, especially in Syria and has taken tentative steps over the Yemen crisis too.

My comment: By that China shows that it has no interests in Yemen and lets the stage to the US and the US allies in the Security Council. – “Diplomats had hoped the Houthis, who control the capital Sanaa, would hold off on putting together a cabinet of their loyalists and instead form a unity government with their Yemeni foes”: That’s exactly what just these “their Yemeni foes” have refused up to now.

1.12.2016 – Türkisches Generalkonsulat Zürich (A P)

Mitteilungen des Türkischen Aussenministeriums

Pressemitteilung In Bezug Auf Die Entwicklungen In Jemen , 01.12.2016

Nr.: 304, 1. Dezember 2016

Die sogenannte Regierung der Nationalen Befreiungsfront, die von Huthis und dem vorherigen jemenitischen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Salih gebildet wurde, wird von uns nicht anerkannt.

Es steht klar, dass diese illegitime Organisation zu den Bemühungen, die durch UN-Versöhnungsversuche eine dauerhafte politische Lösung für den Konflikt im Jemen zu finden abzielen, keinen Betrag leistet.

Um die öffentliche Ordnung in Jemen wiederherzustellen ist es von wesentlicher Bedeutung die legitime Staatsautorität im ganzen Land zu gewährleisten. Zu diesem Zweck muss die internationale Gemeinschaft sich auf die Unterstützung der Legitimität konzentrieren.

Mein Kommentar: Es gibt keinen Grund dafür, warum diese Regierung illegitimer sein soll als irgendeine andere, der einzige Grund im Fall dieses Statements aus der Türkei ist „Weil sie uns nicht passt“. Das hat aber mit „illegitim“ nichts zu tun. Man denke an Syrien, wo dieselbe Anmaßung seitens der Türkei gegenüber der dortigen Regierung dazu geführt hat, dass sich die Türkei dort militärisch einmischt mit allem, was so dazugehört: Einmarsch, Artilleriebeschuss, Kampfflugzeuge, Unterstützung von Terroristen aller Art. Das geht nun im Jemen wegen der Entfernung nicht. Mal ein einziger Fall, wo man sagen kann, da hat der Jemen aber Glück gehabt. – Wenn hier von der „legitimen Staatsautorität“ und der „Legitimität“ im Jemen gesprochen wird, sei daran erinnert, dass die „Regierung“ von „Präsident“ Hadi das auf jeden Fall nicht verkörpert, da seine Amtszeit am 27. Februar 2015 definitiv abgelaufen ist. Und es geht nun einmal nicht, dass „Legitimität“ für eine Regierung aus dem Ausland erteilt wird (und wenn es auch wie im Fall des Jemen der UN-Sicherheitsrat und fast die ganze Welt sein sollten), sondern nur aus dem Land selbst kommen. Und da gibt es nur den 27. Februar 2015, und danach ist Schluss.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

4.12.2016 – SDA (* A K P)

Ruag baut in Abu Dhabi eigene Tochtergesellschaft auf

Der bundeseigene Rüstungsbetrieb Ruag hat seine Präsenz im Nahen Osten ausgebaut. Seit knapp zwei Jahren hat er mit Ruag Simulation Company LLC in Abu Dhabi eine Tochter. Diese ist laut Eigenwerbung Ansprechpartnerin für den "globalen Full-Service" von Ruag Defence.

In einer Broschüre der Ruag Defence vom November 2015 wird die Simulation Company in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) neben der Ruag Schweiz, Deutschland und der belgischen Tochterfirma GAVAP als vierter Partner für das Rundum-Paket aus der Schweiz genannt.

Mit aufwendigen Fotos wirbt die Rüstungsfirma für den neu entwickelten Hightech-Mörsergranatenwerfer Cobra, unbemannte Bodenfahrzeuge, Lösungen für die Cybersicherheit, NATO-kompatible Vernetzungen von Aufklärungs-, Führungs- und Wirksystemen oder den Unterhalts- und Reparaturservice.

Auch in einer Broschüre, die nur dem Cobra-System gewidmet ist, wird die Ruag-Tochter als Ansprechpartner genannt, wie die "SonntagsZeitung" schrieb. Die Zeitung machte am Sonntag die Ruag-Tochter auf der Arabischen Halbinsel publik.

Wegen des Krieges im Jemen sind die Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für die Ruag aber eingeschränkt, wie Ruag-Sprecher Jiri Paukert am Sonntag zur Nachrichtenagentur sda sagte.

Die Gruppe für eine Schweiz ohne Armee (GSoA) kritisierte die Ruag scharf: Dass ein Schweizer Staatskonzern sich "direkt in die Kriege im Nahen Osten einmischen will, ist mit der Schweizerischen Neutralität und dem gesunden Menschenverstand nicht vereinbar", schrieb GSoA-Sekretär Sebastian Büchler.

In der Region herrsche seit Jahren ein Aufrüstungswahnsinn. Dass der Staatskonzern dabei mitmache, "widerspricht diametral der schweizerischen Aussenpolitik, die auf zivile Konfliktlösung setzt". =!792997753

4.12.2016 – Swissinfo (* A K P)

Swiss weapons producer expands presence in UAE

The Swiss state-controlled armaments manufacturer Ruag is to build up its physical presence in Abu Dhabi from next year. The move is doubly sensitive given the civil war raging in nearby Yemen and previous cases of Ruag weapons moving through the region to restricted territories.

The company plans to expand its daughter firm, Ruag Simulation Company, from four employees to 10-15 staff next year in the United Arab Emirate. The office will specialise in training simulation systems, Ruag told the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday.

Ruag chief executive Urs Breitmeier told the newspaper that the expansion of the Abu Dhabi branch, which was set up last year, would not breach Swiss munitions export restrictions. “We will only produce in Abu Dhabi what the Swiss export rules allow us to make,” he said.

My comment to Breimeier: LOL.

4.12.2016 – Tagesanzeiger (* A K P)

Ruag-Aktivitäten in Nahost irritieren selbst Bürgerliche

Dass die Gruppe für eine Schweiz ohne Armee (GSoA) das «skandalös» findet, wie sie in einem Communiqué schreibt, überrascht nicht. Doch auch bürgerliche Parlamentarier reagieren irritiert über die Ruag-Filiale in Abu Dhabi. «So etwas ist für ein neutrales Land Borderline», kritisiert der Walliser FDP-Nationalrat Philippe Nantermod. Er ist Mitglied jener Subkommission der Geschäftsprüfungskommission (GPK), die für die Ruag zuständig ist. Weder ihm noch der Präsidentin der Subkommission, CVP-Nationalrätin Ida Glanzmann, war bewusst, dass die Ruag eine Tochterfirma in den VAE hat.

Auch Glanzmann hält diese Präsenz wegen des Jemenkriegs für heikel. Ihr sei «nicht klar, was die Ruag in den VAE macht». Glanzmann will darum den Bundesrat anfragen, ob und wie er das Engagement der Ruag in den VAE «begleitet».

Die Ruag hatte die Gesellschaft Ruag Simulation Company LCC schon am 11. November 2014 in Abu Dhabi gegründet. Obwohl sie dies in ihrem Jahresbericht 2015 ausgewiesen hat, ist die Firma unter dem Radar der Bundespolitiker und Medien geblieben. Die Ruag hält nur 49 Prozent der Firma, der Rest des Aktienkapitals befinde sich in den Händen eines «lokalen privaten Partners», sagt Ruag-Sprecher Jiri Paukert. Wer das ist, sagt die Ruag nicht, «weil das so mit dem Partner vereinbart wurde» – von Markus Häfliger

2.12.2016 – Defence Blog (* A K)

Royal Saudi Air Force buys electronic warfare and surveillance aircraft from Ukraine

The new electronic warfare (EW) and surveillance aircraft will be based on the An-132 light multi-mission transport aircraft. According to the designers, the new electronic warfare (EW) aircraft can counter airborne warning and control system planes, air defense systems and manned and unmanned aircraft.

The An-132 aircraft is going to be propelled by Pratt & Whitney Canada PW150 engines, with six-bladed Dowty Propellers Company R408 propellers. The fully digital avionics system is going to be delivered by Honeywell, while the life support system is to be provided by the Liebherr company. The airframe has been designed with a wide application of modern alloys and composite materials.

2.12.2016 – Ultima Ratio (* B K)

Leçons de l’engagement des chars Leclerc au Yémen

[70–80 French Leclerc tanks used by the Saudi coalition in the Yemen war]

Dans le cadre de l’opération « restaurer l’espoir » de la coalition arabe au Yémen contre les rebelles Houthis, les Émirats Arabes Unis ont déployé 70 à 80 chars Leclerc depuis le printemps 2015. Il s’agit du premier engagement au combat du principal char de bataille français par une armée étrangère. Cette opération mérite à ce titre un retour d’expérience autant au niveau de la préparation opérationnelle et logistique, que de l’emploi tactique des chars en opération et de leur résistance au feu ennemi. Cet exemple doit aussi nous servir en vue de ne pas laisser notre supériorité technologique et doctrinale nous aveugler sur les capacités d’un adverse déterminé à vaincre.

Les unités Leclerc ont été employées pour remplir plusieurs missions dans des contextes variés. Les chars ont été répartis dans deux bataillons blindés au sein d’une brigade blindée qui comprenait par ailleurs un bataillon mécanisé sur BMP3 et une batterie d’artillerie équipée de G6. Engagés tout d’abord ensemble pour la prise de Al anab, les deux bataillons blindés furent séparées pour la suite des opérations, un restant sur Aden et l’autre poursuivant vers l’intérieur du pays.

Ces unités furent tout d’abord employées en zone urbaine ou périurbaine, en action offensive dès le début de leur engagement pour la bataille d’Aden (mars-juillet 2015) puis pour la prise de la base aérienne d’Al-Anad. Peu de temps après la conquête de cette base, le premier bataillon blindé se retrouva en posture défensive et mena des contre-attaques en zone urbaine et montagneuse, certainement sous forme de raids blindés, afin de chasser les troupes ennemies qui menaçaient la base depuis les hauteurs voisines. Par la suite, les forces émiriennes ont employé les Leclerc du second bataillon blindé dans des actions offensives en zone montagneuse autour de Ma’rib ou en zone urbaine sur Sabr mais avec des résultats mitigés. Les chars servirent également dans des rôles secondaires, comme par exemple en appui-feu au profit de l’infanterie ou en position statique pour la protection des PC.

1.12.2016 – The Independent (* A K P)

EU budget could be spent developing arms for Saudi Arabia

In what has been described as a departure from the EU's founding purpose, a new 'European Defence Fund' could be used to develop weapons for authoritarian regimes

A new, centralised EU fund for defence could be spent on developing weapons for authoritarian regimes, prompting tens of thousands of people to sign a petition against its creation.

The budget for the ‘European Defence Fund’ was approved in Brussels on Thursday, meaning arms companies will receive money to develop weapons directly from the European Union, in a significant departure from the EU’s founding mission as a preserver of peace.

Countries contributing to the fund, which will is currently only at trial stage, but may eventually hold billions of euros, would be able to offset their contributions against their overall payments to the EU budget.

But the proposals also recommend a lifting of a ban on the EU using its budget to pay for research and development into military technology, an undertaking that national armed forces have previously done by themselves. It means that military hardware developed in collaboration between different EU states could then be sold to other regimes with dubious human rights records.

64,000 people have signed a petition against the fund, which says that ‘The goal of these subsidies is to preserve the competitiveness of the arms industry and its capacity to export abroad, including to countries contributing to instability and taking part in deadly conflicts.’ – by Tom Peck

My comment: As an European I must say: Not with my tax money. – And: One reason more to dislike the EU as it is in the moment.

Comment by Hussam Al-Sanabani: I know life is unfair, but this is ridiculous. Sign a contract & fight 4 Saudi. At less u will be direct enemy & would be more respectable.

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

4.12.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (B H)

Zamzam and her three children are displaced. They have taken up residence in her old father’s tent. In the absence of a breadwinner, their living conditions are very hard. “My husband left eight months ago to take part in the fighting. There has been no news of him since. I hope he is still alive,” she says. She adds: “My dreams are modest; I dream of a peaceful life. I dream of going back home (photo)

Soria is a six-year-old girl from Yemen. She fled her home together with her family. “I managed to bring along one of my toys. But I don’t know the fate of my other toys,” she says innocently. Her brother has installed a handmade swing for her to play with outside the tent. “I love the swing. I would also love to have a bag full of coloured pencils and drawing books. My father has promised to buy me that when we go back home.” (photo)

3.12.2016 – HPFG / Judith Brown (B H)

Photos: Displaced in Yemen, and appeal to help =

29.11.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Yemen Situation - 2016 Funding Update as of 29 November 2016

172.2 M required for 2016
75.0 M contributions received, representing 44% of requirements
97.2 M funding gap for the Yemen Situation and in full: =

My comment: These figures are so embarrassing for the “international Community”, the “West” in special, the Saudis not to speak of. The sum still needed is ca. 21 hours of Saudi aerial war, all around the clock since 620 days, and 1/668 of the sum the US got from arms sales to Saudi Arabia during Obama’s presidency.

16.10.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Map: Yemen: Protection Cluster Mapping of Services as of August 2016 and full map: =

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

4.12.2016 – Gulf News (* A T)

Yemeni elite forces take control of Shabwah’s coast

Liberation of Shabwah has been in the works for months as hundreds received training in military camps

The Saudi-led Arab coalition has managed to extend its control over the southern coast of Shabwah province, as part of its efforts to fight against terrorist organisations in Yemen.

The process of Shabwah’s liberation has been in the works for months as hundreds of Yemenis from Shabwah were recruited into military camps in the Hadramout province, under the supervision of the Arab coalition countries represented by the United Arab Emirates.

The liberation of Shabwah comes on the heels of previous successes by the coalition to expel Al Qaida from Al Mukalla and the surrounding areas in Hadramout.

The first military batch of the elite forces in Shabwah, backed by coalition forces, are advancing in the Radhom, a coastal area of Shabwah. =

My comment: That is Al Qaida who was repelled from Shabwa coast (see propaganda article in cp15). This even is not clear from this article, suddenly shifting to the fight against the Houthis at Taiz.

4.12.2016 – Terror Monitor (* A T)

#IslamicState Releases Pictures Shows Its Training Camp In Al-Bayda. #TerrorMonitor (Photos)


4.12.2016 – Heavy (* A T)

In a new photo report purportedly released by the Islamic State, ISIS recruits participate in an "inghimasi" course at the Adnani Camp in "Wilayat Bayda," Yemen. The photo report was released on ISIS terrorist channels on December 4. Viewer discretion is advised (photos)

4.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A T)

Dismantle an Explosive Device in Al Bitha Province

Security agencies and popular committees on December 4, managed to dismantle an explosive device in Al Gorishia directorate, Al Bitha province.

A security source confirmed , security agencies and popular committees had found an explosive device placed by the terrorist elements belonging to al Qaeda and they faind it in the general street in Al Masoud area in Al Bitha province.

cp15 Propaganda

4.12.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemen’s Rebels Urge Military Resolution

The Iranian regime plans to dominate the international game by controlling the Mandeb Strait through its supporters – neglecting the economic and political interests of Yemeni, Arabs, and the whole world. Therefore, rebels have announced the composition of a government in Sanaa to blow up all the efforts aiming at saving the country; according to experts, the Yemeni people refuse the rule of illegitimate forces, which urges a military resolution based on the current developments; many national wise voices have also urged from a clear international failure in the country, which might contribute in the emergence of discord and the transformation of Yemen into a “new Libya”.

The Yemeni Expert Dr. Abdo Saeed sees that the rebels announcement of the composition of their government in Sanaa represents a new shift in their confrontation with the legitimate state that started on 21 September 2014 with clear features emphasizing the Iranian interference. He adds that Tehran’s role in ruining Yemen have appeared through sectarian scenes dedicated by the Iranian support for rebels – by Asma Al-Ghabiri

My comment: Please read in full. This is quite an absurd propaganda piece which would require a long response requiring a longer time. – The article reads like a total refusal of any peaceful political solution.

4.12.2016 – The National UAE (A P)

Belhaf battle helps to rebuild Yemen

While the battle for the capital continues, there is also a second, parallel, battle taking place, one in which the UAE has played a major role. It is in the wide expanses of Yemen’s east, towards its border with Oman, that Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula have made their stronghold.

Al Qaeda have been in the region for many years, but since the 2011 uprising they have expanded out of remote areas. As the Houthis began taking territory, they saw their chance and have even reached parts of the southern city of Aden. The UAE has taken a leading role in driving them out, pushing them back to their stronghold of Mukalla and into more remote areas.

The retaking this week of Belhaf, a strategic port near Mukalla, by Yemeni troops with UAE support matters for two important reasons. The first is strategic: by severing the supply lines of Al Qaeda, it makes it much harder for the terrorists to bring in weapons and people, and to resupply their followers farther inland.

But the second, equally importantly, is about nation-building. The Yemen troops who were trained by the UAE come from irregular forces that were formed in 2011. They will, in time, need to be incorporated into the regular national army. It is important that these fighters are absorbed and that there is one national army for the whole of Yemen. The country is already too divided.

That is what the securing of Belhaf means. As the Arab coalition fights to restore a legitimate government in the capital, the UAE is helping build that country’s future army on the southern coast.

4.12.2016 – Al Araby (A P)

UAE gifts Saudi Arabia's King Salman highest civilian award

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has been awared the UAE's highest civilian honorary award on Saturday, for his role in strengthening relations between the two Gulf states.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud recieved the Order of Zayed award at an official reception held in the UAE capital, during his visit to the country.

The UAE recognised the Saudi royal "for his pivotal role in strengthening the fraternal cooperation between the two countries and supporting the region", local Khaleej Times reported.
He is taking part in the tour of the Gulf, visiting neighbours in the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait in the coming week, but missing out GCC partner Oman who has not taken part in the Saudi-led military operations in Yemen.

"The UAE always believes that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the pillar of the Arab nation and its security and stability are part and parcel of the UAE and other GCC and Arab states," Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed said as he welcomed the king to the UAE on its 45th National Day.

"This confirms the close strategic co-ordination between the two countries at all levels and all fields at the Arab, Gulf, regional and global arenas," he noted.
More than 10,000 people have died in Yemen since the conflict escalated with the Saudi-led coalition military intervention in March 2015, according to UN figures.

My comment: “More than 10.000 people have died”: No, not died, they were killed – and at least 60 % by Saudi-UAE air raids. That’s it.

4.12.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Oh wow. Got media call asking about Houthis "publicly executing those demanding salaries"! Calm down, no executions or guillotines (photos)

3.12.2016 – Arab News (A P)

[“President” Hadi] presided over an extraordinary meeting of the government in Aden on Friday, attended by bin Dagher.
During the meeting, Hadi stressed the importance of merging efforts to defeat the rebels in all areas of Yemen, especially in Taiz.
“Battles of honor and perseverance continue in the face of invaders seeking to destroy the city and kill and displace the population,” said the president.
The official Yemeni News Agency reported that the meeting included discussion on issues related to the status of services, development and field work in Yemen in the face of the coup and Houthi militias.
Hadi touched on the government’s peace efforts as per the agreed-upon references of the Gulf initiative, the National Dialogue, and UN Security Council resolutions such as 2216.

He referred to “important” steps taken, namely that “the state has agreed to issue salaries of state employees in the civil and military sectors in the coming days.”
Mohammed Mousa Al-Ameri, advisor to the president, said the government was determined to proceed with military operations against the rebels, especially after they had rejected peace initiatives and recently formed their own government.
“There is no choice before Yemenis but to build a federal state and continue in the regional project that will allow all Yemenis to achieve and live in justice, quality, and resolution of their issues,” Ameri said during a meeting on Friday in Al-Baidaa province with leaders of the popular resistance.
Those leaders praised the role of the Arab coalition in standing by the legitimate government in order to restore the state and its institutions, and assisting the popular resistance in Al-Baidaa against the Houthi rebels.

My comment: Repeating the standard propaganda. One thing is true: The only possibility to save the unity of Yemen is a federal state. Anyway, it cannot be the federal state Hadi wanted to introduce in 2014, a proposal shaped to diminish Houthi influence. New ideas for a federal state are needed, and they will not come from the cement heads of Hadi and his “government”.

3.12.2016 – National Council of Resistance of Iran (A P)

Yemen warns of dangers of Iranian regime's meddling in the region

According to Saudi Arabia’s Okaz newspaper, “The representative of Yemen warned about the Iranian regime’s meddling in the internal affairs of his country and announced that the legitimate government of Yemen condemns illegal unilateral actions of conductors of coup (Houthis) backed by the Iranian regime. The latest action of these conductors of coup is forming a government unilaterally.”

In addition, the Arab Coalition spokesman, Major General Ahmad Asiri, warned about the consequences of long-range missiles in the hands of the Houthi militants and said: “The spread of this type of ballistic weapons is neither in favor of the regional countries nor the world, because it is likely that the Houthi militants’ weapons have spread and fallen into the hands of Hezbollah and Daesh terrorist militants as well as other terrorist groups.”

The Arab Coalition spokesman in his interview with Qatar’s Al-Sharq newspaper said: “The Iranian regime's goal of supporting the Houthi militants by smuggling weapons is to prolong the war in Yemen and destroy the country... and the Iranian regime is a regime that is the source of terrorism.”

My comment: “Yemen” is just the Hadi “government” at Riyadh. What is told here is quite old base propaganda. Quite ridiculous however is Gen. Asiri’s statement. Well, long-range missiles certainly are dangerous. Fighter jets and bombs even are more dangerous. So, why to blame the one and not to mention the other? And: Why these arms from the Houthis should have been “fallen into the hands of Hezbollah and Daesh terrorist militants”? Hezbollah in Lebanon is 2900 km away from Sanaa, Yemen. And Daesh only could get weapons from the Houthis if they achieve to capture them by fighting, what I think up to now did not happen. Daesh in Yemen got much more weapons from the Saudis themselves: The Saudis had dropped lots of arms for their proxies – and lots of these weapons fell in other hands, Daesh also included. So what? Asiri again is telling lies and nonsense.

2.12.2016 – The Washington Institute (* A K P)

Responding to Iran's Arms Smuggling in Yemen

Tehran is ramping up its sanction-busting military support to the Houthis, necessitating a coordinated international response to close off Red Sea access to antigovernment forces.


This week, credible evidence surfaced that Iran may be violating the UN embargo on arms transfers to the Houthi rebels, Tehran's proxy in the Yemen war..

By continuing such activities today, Iran may be violating the post-2014 resolutions restricting arms transfers to the Houthis and their local allies, the supporters of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh. UNSCR 2140 (February 2014), UNSCR 2216 (April 2015), and UNSCR 2266 (February 2016) call on member states to "take the necessary measures" to prevent such transfers.


In July 2015, President Obama stated, "It is in the national security interest of the United States to prevent Iran from sending weapons to...the Houthis in Yemen that accelerate a civil war there." Today, however, Iranian ATGMs give the Houthis greater ability to resist the internationally backed government's efforts to retake the capital. Meanwhile, Iranian-supplied antishipping missiles may have been used recently against U.S. naval vessels in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, triggering American missile strikes on Houthi maritime radar facilities on October 13. Therefore, the need to decisively check Iran's seemingly escalating arms transfers has become more urgent than ever.

The first step should be a more open U.S. approach to sharing intelligence on Iranian smuggling activities. Washington's unwillingness to cooperate with the CAR investigation -- in contrast to France and Australia -- poses alarming questions about U.S. commitment to the UN-mandated Yemen blockade, particularly since UN sanctions technically require unclassified supporting information before they are enforceable

If the Obama administration continues to underplay Iran's role in the Yemen conflict, it may drive the Saudi/UAE-led Gulf coalition to take actions that have potentially serious diplomatic and humanitarian effects, which the United States would be less able to mitigate if it "leads from behind." For example, the coalition could decide to tighten the naval blockade on the Houthi-controlled ports of Hodeida and Mokha, or even attack the ports directly. The former move would likely exacerbate humanitarian suffering, while the latter would constitute a major escalation and perhaps scuttle the ongoing peace effort. Either scenario would ratchet up pressure on Washington to rein in its Gulf allies. In short, avoiding the issue of Iranian arms transfers will not make the problem go away: it will only intensify the fallout.

To get ahead of this issue, the United States should strengthen its public warnings to Iran about arms transfers and back these words up with increased naval interdiction of suspect vessels. At the same time, it should engage the Omanis on bolstering their border security at sea and on land. Washington should also seek to broaden the sanctions outlined in UNSCRs 2140, 2216, and 2266 so that they prohibit all arms transfers to all Houthi and pro-Saleh forces, not just to specific leaders. In addition, the administration could consider using its domestic authority under Executive Order 13611 to sanction those involved with transfers.

Finally, if the Yemeni government and its Gulf coalition allies do choose to liberate the Red Sea coast and ports, the United States should provide intelligence and logistical support so that the operation is as quick, clean, and humane as possible. This may even mean joining with coalition partners in destroying Houthi antishipping missile batteries if they pose a threat to the effort. Washington could then take advantage of the presumed goodwill generated by its support, pressuring the Yemenis into quickly reopening these ports to civilian supplies under international supervision to avert a greater humanitarian crisis – by Michael Knights

My comment: This is a really warmongering article, asking even for direct US interference in a Saudi coalition and Hadi forces assault at the Houthi-Held Yemeni coast. The reasoning for this is typically self-referenced. Let’s start.

The Houthis are NOT Iranian “proxies” as claimed by the author.

The evidence for Iranian arms smuggle for the Houthis is weak, what else ever is stated.

The blockade of the Houthi held Yemeni ports is not “UN-mandated” at all. The UNSCR resolution 2216 just forbids arms shipments to the Houthis but gives no mandate to anybody for any blockade.

Obama’s statement: “"It is in the national security interest of the United States to prevent Iran from sending weapons to...the Houthis” is absolutely odd and should not be used for any argumentation. A civil war in a country ca. 10.000 km away from US territory by no means is any menace to US national security and cannot be any justification for an interference.

1.12.2016 – Gulf News (B P)

UAE celebrates 45 years of astonishing progress

The country’s young population willingly faces the challenges of a global world thanks to their strong national identity

The UAE is a young country with a young population. As the nation celebrates its 45th National Day much of the energy of the country is looking ahead to a bright future that the leadership and people are united in building for themselves.

There is an exciting emphasis across the nation on the importance of people-focused topics like innovation, and their willingness to seek new challenges. No country that is mounting its own mission to Mars can be in danger of getting stuck in its past.

And the government has clearly demonstrated its determination to serve the future aspirations of the people by appointing new ministers for Youth, Future and Happiness.

[several topics, the last:]

Regional security

The chaos after the revolutions of 2011 brought down some of the oldest Arab states in Tunisia, Iraq and Libya, brought near-disaster to Egypt, plunged Syria into a mess and more recently triggered a civil war in Yemen.

At this time of regional crisis, the UAE was able to give a valuable lead to the Arab world by articulating its enduring faith in the rule of law, and the importance of a stable and inclusive government.

As it continues to take part in the fight to restore good governance, the UAE is finding the necessary strength by drawing on the spirit of its own identity.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

3.12.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance (full list):

2.12.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage:

( 4 airstrikes)
• Two civilians were injured during the Saudi artillery bombardment by 12 shells that targeted a civilian's house and destroyed it in Talan area, Haidan district.
• Five civilians were killed and 3 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by 2 airstrikes on the commercial shops of AL-Talh Public Market and destroyed 9 shops and damaged 13 others and 13 neighboring houses with a mosque in AL-Talh area, Sehar district.

• One civilian was killed and another one was injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by one airstrike on a civilian's car at the public road, Qataber district.

[and more]

4.12.2016 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

#RSAF AWACS, ISR, refueling, and airlift squadrons play major roles in supporting the coalition's operations over #Yemen (film)

4.12.2016 – Living in Yemen on the edge (A K PH)

Anything sailing, floating, crossing the Red Sea is a target.
6 Pakistani sailors killed off the Mokha shore in #Yemen.
6 are missing referring to (Arabic)

4.12.2016 – Yemen Today (A K PH)

Film: Saudi air raid at Khokha, Hodeida province

4.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

13 Raids on the Sanaa Capital

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged at dawn on Sunday, December 4, series violent raids on areas south of the capital Sanaa .

Security sources said, the fight jets aggression in the early hours of dawn today, launched 13 violent raids and targeting Sanhan directorate in Sana’a province.

4.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression jets strike Sanhan 11 times

Saudi fighter jets waged overnight 11 raids on Sanhan district in Sanaa province, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The raids targeted al-Tikhraf area, causing material damages to citizens' houses and farms.

4.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression jets resume striking road linking capital with Dhamar

Saudi aggression fighter jets resumed striking Blad al-Rouse district in Sanaa province overnight, a security official told Saba on Sunday.
The planes hit Naqil Yasliha mountainous road two times, causing huge damage to the road, which links the capital Sanaa with southern neighboring province of Dhamar.

4.12.2016 – Living Yemen (A K)

#Saada: today an airstrike target a civilian home. A little girl was killed, her father and brothers were injured

4.12.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee / Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

Yemen woman 2 daughters were killed now by US-backed Saudi war criminals bombing their house in Bakem Saada north of the country. and

4.12. 2016 – Yemen TV Today (A K PH)

Film: Saudi coalition air raid at Serwah, Marib province

3.12.2016 – Pars Today (* A K PH)

Saudi warplanes martyr six civilians in Yemen’s Sa’ada

At least half a dozen people have been martyred and several others have sustained injuries when Saudi Arabia’s fighter jets carried out a number of airstrikes against residential areas in Yemen's Northwestern Province of Sa’ada.

Citing anonymous security sources, Yemen's official Saba news agency reported that Saudi warplanes bombarded a residential neighborhood in the Talh area of Sahar district on Friday, martyring five people and wounding three others.

Saudi bombs also claimed the life of another Yemeni and inflicted injuries on one more civilian after they hit the victims’ vehicle in Qatabir district. Two other Yemenis were also critically wounded as their house was destroyed as a result of Saudi aerial bombardment in the province's Hidan district.

The Saudi war machine also carried out at least five airstrikes on different districts of the Northern Province of Jawf, but there has been no immediate report about the possible casualties.

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Intensive Raids on Sahar District in Saada Province

Warplanes of the US-backed Saudi coalition launched on Saturday morning several raids on Al-Talh area directorate of Sohar in Saada.

3.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression jets strike Moton

Saudi fighter jets waged five raids on several areas of Moton districts in al-Jawf province overnight, an official told Saba on Saturday.
The raids targeted residential Ham and al-Shqban areas, as well as citizens' farms.

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi coalition air raids targeted tanker truck in Saada province (photo; film by Al Masirah TV) and film also at: =

3.12.2016 – Yemen Post (* A K)

No RED LINES: 8 Civilians killed & 6 injured when Saudi airstrikes attacked family home in Bani Hareth region, outside #Yemen capital Sanaa (photos)

and photos:

My comment: US bomb, see at


3.12.2016 – Saudi war crimes (* A K PH)

On the afternoon of Friday, 02.12.2016

At four o'clock in the afternoon

The Saudi warplanes and alliance to launch a raid on the home and continued factory citizen Abdullah Alberti in Bani al-Harith Directorate, which led to the fall of the nine dead complete destruction of the house and the factory, and the outbreak of a fire in the plant and destroy all materials and content and machines that were inside, and the destruction of home The last neighborhood house of Abdullah Alburti and damaged ten nearby houses.

Killed: 8, 5 from the family, 3 factory workers


1-2 homes Abdullah Alburti (1 total destruction and 1 part)

2. HOME Ali Saleh al-Hajj (partial damage)

3. The home of Ali Zaid Alburti (partial damage)

4. Zaid Hamid Alburti HOME (partial damage)

5. Hamid Haj home (partial damage)

6. Abed Haj home (partial damage)

7. Alburti factory for the manufacture of empty cartons of fireworks (total destruction)

8. damaging a vehicle belonging to Abdullah Alberti. (images)

3.12.2016 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Film: The crime of aggression targeting travelers in # # # Qataber Saada 12/03/2016

3.12.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

12 Yemen civilians killed by US-backed Saudi war criminals while shopping in Taleh rural market in Saada north of the country Friday (photo)

and (lesser figures)

2.12.2016 – Hassan Al Haifi (A K PH)

5 civilian martyrs 3 wounded by Saudi air raids on shops in Altalh, Sa'ada

and films: and =

2.12.2016 – Hassan Al Haifi (A K PH)

4 Saudi air raids with cluster bombs in Haradh Customs

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

4.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Military Media: Missile Bombardment Hits Saudi Mercenaries in Nihm

4.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Soldier Shot in Military Kariss Site

4.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

A Number of Rockets Targeting Gathering of Gunboats in Taiz

4.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Two Saudi Mercenaries Killed in Jawf Governorate

4.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army recaptures Ham mountain in Jawf from Saudi-paid mercenaries

4.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army launches missiles on Saudi mercenaries in Marib

4.12. 2016 – Yemen TV Today (A K PH)

Film: Saudi coalition artillery shelling at Haydan district, Saada province

4.12.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K)

Pro-Hadi militias set to launch new assault on Yemen coastline

Yemen’s former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi has ordered a major assault on the country’s Red Sea coast against Houthi Ansarullah fighters and allied army forces, who have been defending the nation against a deadly Saudi offensive.

Yemeni military sources said Saturday that reinforcements have been deployed by the ex-government to the war-torn country’s Red Sea shoreline, which is mostly controlled by army troops and Ansarullah fighters, AFP reported.

The former government now aims to push the Houthis back “from the western coast and Bab al-Mandab [Strait],” a Yemeni source said.

The offensive aims to seize an area stretching from Dhubab District in the southwestern province of Tai’zz to al-Khukha District, located 90 kilometers northwards. The contingents use tank reinforcements, armored vehicles, and Katyusha rocket launchers, according to the report.

My comment: Already reported earlier, see YPR 236.

Deaths and injuries among Houthis in Taiz

4.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Three Saudi civilians injured by Houthi artillery bombing in Jazan

The Saudi authorities have declared the injury of a woman, her child, and a third person on Saturday by Houthi and Saleh forces bombing on Jizan city, near the Yemeni borders, south of Saudi Arabia.

3.12.2016 – Arab News (A K PS)

Meanwhile, the coalition said 172 civilians were killed and several hundred injured, including women and children, in November by “indiscriminate and heavy shelling” by rebels targeting residential neighborhoods in Taiz.
The coalition added that dozens of homes, commercial and civilian establishments were partially or totally destroyed by rebel shelling.
It said schools, mosques, government buildings and health facilities were bombed, while 36 schools in Al-Salu in Taiz were shut down due to weeks of shelling and targeted attacks.
Water and electricity are still cut off in Taiz, and most health and medical facilities have been destroyed.
Aid organizations have still not reached Taiz since the partial lifting of the siege on the city from its western port in mid-August.
The coalition said 752 families had been forcefully displaced from their homes due to armed combat and indiscriminate shelling in the Taiz countryside. and see also = (end of article)

My comment: Yes, there is terrible shelling at Taiz. Yes, terrible shelling from the Houthi / Saleh side. But hardly one side is shelling. Yes, there are many victims. But in all cases figures given by the “coalition” are – very friendly spoken – extremely doubtful.

3.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army's artillery targets military locations of Saudi army in Jizan, Asir

3.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army's artillery targets gathering of Saudi mercenaries in Nehm

3.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

2 citizen injured in Saudi missile shelling in Saada

Two citizen were injured in Saudi missile shelling on Haidan district of Saada province overnight, a security official told Saba on Saturday.
The shelling destroyed the house of a citizen in Bait Talan, injuring two citizen critically and causing heavy damage to the house.

3.12.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Many mercenaries killed in Marib

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Yemeni Forces Cleanse Two Military Sites in Medi Desert

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Troop Carrier Destroyed, Killing 7 on-Board in Jawf

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Three Saudi Soldiers Shot in Jizan and a Weapon Store Burned in Najran

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Yemeni Forces Advance in Jawf Governorate

3.12.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Mercenaries Killed and Injured by Yemeni Shells in Mariss

3.12.2016 – AFP (* A K)

Yemen forces prepare assault on rebels near key strait

Yemeni government sends reinforcements to Red Sea coast to drive rebels from Dhubab, 30km from Bab al-Mandab strait

Yemeni government forces have sent reinforcements to the Red Sea coast to drive Iran-backed rebels from a key global shipping route, military officials said on Saturday.

Houthi insurgents and their allies, forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, control most of the country's Red Sea coastline.

That includes Dhubab, just 30km from the strategic and busy Bab al-Mandab strait linking the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The government now aims to "push back the rebels away from the western coast and Bab al-Mandab, and to secure maritime navigation in the southern part of the Red Sea," a military official said.

Pro-government forces have been sent to the area, backed by tanks, other armoured vehicles and Katyusha rocket launchers, military officials said.

They said the offensive aimed to wrest back control of the coast from Dhubab as far north as al-Khukha 90km farther north.

Troops were also sent by the Saudi-led Arab coalition which intervened in March 2015 to prop up the government of President Abd Rabbuh Hadi.

Pro-government troops seized Dhubab in early October 2015, giving them effective control of Bab al-Mandab.

The rebels managed to recapture the area in February.

Hadi ordered the assault ahead of meeting UN special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed in southern port city and temporary capital Aden on Thursday. =

3.12.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

This is How Yemeni fighters Arming themselves from US-made Saudi weapons & vehicles. Seized today in Khuba Jaizan south of Saudi Arabia

3.12.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Saudi-Backed Mercenaries Leaving War in Yemen

Senior Yemeni commander Ali al-Houthi told FNA on Saturday that there have been "heavy clashes between the Yemeni forces and the Saudi mercenaries in the Eastern parts of Ma'rib", adding that the Saudi-backed mercenaries sustained heavy death toll during the battle.

2.12.2016 – Hussain Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Two Saudi soldiers got killed in Najran. War is not a game (photos)

2.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

TV channel: 23 Houthis killed in Yemen-Saudi borders fighting

Saudi media sources reported that the Saudi border guards repelled on Friday evening an attack by the Houthi and Saleh militias off the Yemeni-Saudi borders, and killed a number of them.

2.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Child killed, 5 injured in bombardment in Taiz

A child was killed and 5 others injured by Houthi and Saleh forces bombing on residential neighborhoods in Taiz city, southwestern Yemen.

2.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Government forces repel Houthi attacks in Taiz

2.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Spokesman: Government forces control a mountain eastern Sana'a

2.12.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Government forces attack Houthi locations in Al Jawf

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

4.12.2016 – Amr Nasser

Film: Yemen Tourist attentions video

a tourism video from many places in Yemen that show it's tourism attraction .. like Socotra, Old Sana'a, Shobam and many historical and beautiful places.

2.12.2016 – Tagespost (*B P)

„Wir müssen noch mehr tun“

Auch auf der Arabischen Halbinsel leben Christen – Oft droht ihnen Verfolgung.

Viele Menschen in Deutschland wüssten gar nicht, dass auf der Arabischen Halbinsel Christen leben, sagte Erzbischof Ludwig Schick aus Bamberg. Dabei machten die Christen im Bahrain 15 Prozent der Bevölkerung aus, in Kuwait zwölf Prozent, in Katar und in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten je neun und in Oman bis zu vier Prozent. „Schätzungen zufolge leben mindestens drei Million Christen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel“, sagte Paul Hinder. Es seien jedoch keine Einheimischen. Die meisten Christen seien Katholiken.

Die Christen in den Golfstaaten könnten ihren Glauben relativ frei leben, betonte Erzbischof Schick. Es gebe katholische Seelsorge und sogar katholische Schulen. „Doch ein aktives Werben für das Christentum oder gar die Konversion von Muslimen sind streng verboten“, sagte er. „Beides wird strafrechtlich verfolgt.“ Er sprach von „Kultfreiheit, aber nicht von Religionsfreiheit“.

Im Königreich Saudi-Arabien, einem Land mit knapp 30 Millionen Einwohnern, herrscht der Wahhabitismus vor. Christliche Symbole dürften nicht öffentlich getragen werden. Der Besitz von Bibeln und christlichen Symbolen könne bestraft werden, ebenso die Teilnahme an liturgischen Feiern. „Vielen Christen bleibt nur die Möglichkeit, über Streaming-Angebote im Internet an Gottesdiensten teilzunehmen“, sagte Harald Suermann. Wer bei einer liturgischen Feier in privaten Räumen von der Religionspolizei, der Muttawa, erschwischt werde, werde verhaftet. Einem Muslim, der zum Christentum konvertiert, drohe die Todesstrafe. In letzter Zeit seien aber keine Hinrichtungen aus diesem Grund bekannt geworden, betonte der Professor.

Im Jemen mündeten Stammesfehden und ethnische Konflikte 2015 in einen Bürgerkrieg. Die Situation für Christen sei dort ebenfalls schwierig, sagte Erzbischof Schick: „Im Moment ist unklar, ob in diesem Land überhaupt noch kirchliches Leben existiert – Von Josefine Janert;art312,174324

2.12.2016 – Saferworld (* B K)

Yemen in our Hearts

Through its Community Security Programme in Yemen, Saferworld and local partner NODS have supported community groups in Taiz to identify and address safety and security problems in their local areas. In June 2016, one group organised an exhibition of children’s drawings. 20 girls and boys aged 7-10 years old were asked to draw how they felt about the war and what a peaceful environment meant for them. We have collected some of those drawings to show the impacts of the ongoing war on children. (slideshow)

2.12.2016 – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (A)

Desert Locust Bulletin 458 (November 2016)

9.6.2016 – (A E)

A $750 Wind Turbine for the Masses Comes from Kerala

We speak to the man behind a brilliant innovation in wind power: this $750 turbine can be installed on any rooftop and is capable of generating electricity of around 5 kilowatt hours per kilowatt per day at a minimal low-wind speed of just 1.5 meters per second.

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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