Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 250 - Yemen War Mosaic 250

Yemen Press Reader 250: Geteilter Jemen–Vertriebene–Was Trump tun könnte, was er sagt–Saudi Arabien im Treibsand–USA: Spezialeinsätze & Waffenexporte–BBC-Film: Angriff auf Begräbnis in Sanaa–u.a

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Yemen divided – Suffering of Displaced People – What Trump could do, what he tells – Saudi Arabia in quicksand – US: Special operations and arms sales – BBC-Film on Sanaa funeral attack – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

6.1.2017 – Harvard International Revue (** B P)

The Broken Throne of Saba: Yemen Divided

The modern state of Yemen was created when the northern and southern parts of the country were forcibly united in 1990. The state brought together two elements with hundreds of years of divergent historical paths into one nation that cannot truly accommodate either. This lack of national identity has caused Yemen’s slow development, in addition to leading to the rise of civil war and militancy in the region.

The Yemeni highlands had been developing independently of the lowlands for hundreds of years. Northern Yemen has been, since the days of the Umayyad Caliphs, the stronghold of the Zaydi Shias.

The south, on the other hand, is characterized by urban centers such as Aden and Lahj, and the areas around those cities are populated by Sunni farmers.

A good early example of the division can be seen in the events that followed the first Ottoman invasion of Yemen in the 16th century, where the north, led by the Zaydi Imams, rebelled against the Sunni empire and expelled it after a century-long struggle. The south, lacking religious opposition to Ottoman rule, remained under Ottoman rule.

The collapse of Ottoman power after World War I allowed the Imams of the north to create a more consolidated state in the highlands

After the revolution, Yemen was once again politically divided along the pre-existing north-south schism. The two states had differing ideologies and developmental paths, and while they both mainly subsisted on remittances from expatriate workers, northern Yemen expanded much more quickly. The side effect of increased contact with Saudi Arabia, however, was increased Salafist influence, and soon, the Salafists had developed into a faction of their own, affecting many aspects of life in northern Yemen.

It was not nationalism that brought the two regions together; rather, the weakening of the Soviets in the 1990s caused the two regions to unite. The south’s socialist position was constantly weakening, and it is very possible that their leaders feared that northern Yemen would come to a deal with their regional protector, Saudi Arabia, which would lead to the south losing their power completely.

The union led to a restrengthening of tribal elements that had been in slow decline. Powerful feudal leaders in the north used their tribal connections to President Saleh, who notoriously favored members of his own Hashid tribal confederation, to acquire land in the fertile south, which along with the economic decline of the state led to discontent in the south.

The nation-building endeavor in Yemen was greatly harmed by the southern secessionist movement of 1994, when the southern Socialist Party attempted to regain the southern independence, and its repression culminated in a sack of Aden that only intensified the already existing hatred of a so-called northern occupation.

The decision to unite the two regions did not sit well with the long dormant Zaydi elements of the Yemeni society either. It is very possible that the state tolerance of Salafist elements as a counter to socialism radicalized the generally moderate Zaydis and, in 2004, the Houthis rebelled against the Saleh government.

In 2007, a large secessionist movement began in the south which campaigned for an end to northern control

The recent years have seen the return of tribalism to the Yemeni life, as the reemergence of Zaydi tribes has prompted the Salafists to do the same. The lack of a true national identity has therefore prevented the south from reconciling with the north. In the north, tribal and religious identity take priority over nationalism, leading to the state of civil war that we witness today.

Looking forward, it is difficult to imagine that Yemen would be able to keep its numerous factions contained without a sense of national unity to keep conflict in check – by Soheil Sadabadi

5.1.2017 – News of Yemen (** A H)

Film: Displaced people in Athrwan IDP Sanaa Yemen 2017

The cameraman asked "what would you like?" and the boy replied "to study,some food and a blanket".This is #Yemen I translated it to English =

5.1.2017 – Huffington Post (** A K P)

Schon am ersten Tag im Amt könnte Donald Trump einen Kriegseinsatz im Nahen Osten beenden

Der designierte US-Präsident Donald Trump könnte schon in den ersten Stunden nach seiner Amtseinführung eines seiner wichtigstes Wahlversprechen in die Tat umsetzen.

Trump, der sich stets gegen ein Eingreifen der USA in Konflikte im Nahen Osten ausgesprochen hat, könnte die Rolle der Amerikaner in einem der am stärksten kritisierten Konflikte mit ein paar schnellen Schritten beenden. Es geht um den Jemen, wo die USA, Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und andere arabische Staaten bei ihrem Kampf gegen eine Miliz unterstützen, die dem gemeinsamen Feindbild Iran nahe steht.

Die von den USA unterstütze und von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Koalition wird beschuldigt, Kriegsverbrechen begangen zu haben und für die meisten der mehr als 10000 Tote seit Beginn des Konflikts verantwortlich zu sein. Sobald Donald Trump als Präsident vereidigt ist, könnte er noch einen Schritt weiter gehen. Es wäre eine erstklassige Möglichkeit, politisch zu punkten, indem er sich von der am stärksten kritisierten politischen Handlung seines Vorgängers distanziert und so gleichzeitig auch noch ein Blutvergießen an US-Soldaten verhindert.

Außerdem würde Trump so signalisieren, dass er nicht davor zurückscheut, mit Konventionen zu brechen und ausländische Regierungen herausfordert, indem er seine Vision der amerikanischen Interessen verfolgt.

Bereits wenige Stunden nachdem er seinen Amtseid geleistet hat, könnte Trump der Praxis, US-Tankflugzeuge zu entsenden, um die Jets der saudisch geführten Koalition in der Luft zu betanken, einen Riegel vorschieben.

Abgeordnete und Menschenrechtsgruppen haben diesen Aspekt der US-Unterstützung als eine der Schlüsselfragen identifiziert, ob Washington legal für die Handlungen Saudi-Arabiens verantwortlich gemacht werden kann. Das Betanken befeuert auch die Wut auf die USA im Jemen immer weiter, einem Land, in dem Terrorgruppen wie Al-Kaida schon seit Langem immer wieder neue Kräfte rekrutieren konnten.

Zwischen Februar und August des vergangen Jahres hat das Betanken der Flugzeuge der saudischen Koalition um 60 Prozent zugenommen, so die Air Force Times. Ohne diese Flüge könnte die Koalition wesentlich weniger Ziele bombardieren, so Pierre Sprey, ein früherer Mitarbeiter des Pentagon gegenüber der Huffington Post im Oktober. Trump könnte außerdem anordnen, der saudischen Koalition keine Geheimdienstinformationen mehr über pro-iranische Rebellen zur Verfügung zu stellen und ihr keine Punkte mehr zu nennen, die von der Bombardierung verschont bleiben sollen. Tatsächlich wird vermutet, dass die saudische Koalition diese Bereiche als besonders empfindliche Ziele einstuft.

Weiter könnte Trump in den folgenden Wochen militärische Unterstützung für Saudi-Arabien und seine Partner an Bedingungen knüpfen, um vor kontroversen Aktionen im Jemen und anderen Regionen abzuschrecken.

Zwei Sprecher Trumps wollten sich nicht zu den Plänen des designierten US-Präsidenten äußern.

Ein solcher Schritt würde die Kriegsgegner begeistern und Trump Zuspruch aus unerwarteten Lagern einbringen – von Akbar Shahid Ahmed

and the English version:

5.1.2017 – Huffington Post (** A K P)

Donald Trump Could Pull The U.S. From A Middle East War On Day 1

President-elect Donald Trump has the power to make good on one of his top campaign pledges within hours of taking office.

Trump, who pitched himself as an opponent of U.S. involvement in Middle East conflicts, could take a few quick steps to immediately end the American role in one of the most widely criticized of those wars ― in Yemen, where the U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Arab nations fight a militia linked to their rival Iran.

least popular policies, while also making a show of protecting U.S. blood and treasure and signaling anew that he is not afraid to break with convention or challenge foreign governments in pursuing his vision of the American interest.

Within hours of taking the oath, Trump could end the practice of sending U.S. tanker planes to refuel the Saudi-led coalition’s jets in the air. Lawmakers and humanitarian groups have identified that aspect of U.S. support as key to the question of whether Washington is legally liable for Saudi actions. The refueling also contributes to the growing hatred for the U.S. within Yemen, a country where terror groups like al Qaeda have long found hundreds of recruits. (The local al Qaeda franchise, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and a branch of the self-described Islamic State militant group have grown increasingly powerful in Yemen as the Saudi-backed government and the Iran-backed opposition have focused on battling each other.)

U.S. refueling of Saudi coalition planes increased 60 percent between February and August 2016, Air Force Times found. Without those flights, the Saudi-led coalition would make significantly fewer bombing runs, former Pentagon official Pierre Sprey told The Huffington Post in October. Its planes wouldn’t be able to spend nearly as much time bombing Yemen, Sprey estimated ― they’d be limited to between five and 15 minutes per run, rather than the one to three hours they spend over the country now. That would sharply reduce the amount of damage the coalition jets could do.

Trump could also order U.S. personnel to stop giving the Saudis intelligence about the pro-Iran rebels, and to stop identifying targets that the coalition should avoid hitting ― information that the Saudis are in fact suspected of using to target vulnerable areas. In later weeks, Trump could place conditions on future military assistance to the Kingdom and its partners, to try to deter more controversial actions in Yemen and other excesses.

Two Trump spokespeople declined to comment on the president-elect’s plans.

Disappointed by President Barack Obama’s approach, some in the outgoing administration want to see Trump take a dramatically different line. “At least he could do this,” a State Department official told HuffPost.

The move would likely thrill critics of the war and could earn Trump goodwill in some surprising quarters – by Akbar Shahid Ahmed

but read this:

6.1.2017 – The American Conservative (** A P)

Trump Continues to Babble About Yemen

Trump made some remarks on Yemen, Iran, and Saudi Arabia earlier this week that make for depressing reading. First, he says this:

Trump began by saying, [relevant remarks begin around 5:00] “I will say this about Iran, they’re looking to go into Saudi Arabia. they want the oil. They want the money. They want a lot of other things having to do. They took over Yemen. You look at that border with Yemen, between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. That is one big border, and they’re looking to do a number in Yemen, and I think they want it to go. That’s phase one, to go into Saudi Arabia, and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved, and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? Because that’s ultimately what’s going to happen. We made a true — we made a power power out of Iran. We made a power out of Iran with the deal.”

This is a thoroughly misinformed and foolish series of statements. Iran didn’t take over Yemen, and it isn’t trying to take it over. The Houthis don’t work for Iran, and they ignored Iran’s advice when they decided to seize Sanaa. The idea that “they took over Yemen” is the lie that the Saudis and their allies have been peddling for almost two years to justify their atrocious war. It doesn’t surprise me that Trump still claims to believe this, since this is what he said about the war last year, but it shows that he hasn’t learned anything since then. It’s embarrassing that the incoming president is so poorly informed about this, but I wouldn’t expect anything better from someone taking advice from the likes of Flynn. Practically nothing Trump said in that quote is accurate, and it shows how much the obsession with Iran distorts his view of the entire region.

Trump goes on to declare his willingness to defend the Saudis:

Trump was then asked if he would “take military action against Iran?” “Well, I would want to help Saudi Arabia. I would want to protect Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically. They were making, before the oil went down, now they’re making half, but they were making a billion dollars a day.” He added that such action against Iran would depend “on what the deal is, I would have to do that. I would defend certain groups of people over there.”

Obviously nothing says “America First” like going to war to defend the Saudis and “certain groups of people over there.” Trump appears to have no problem with having Americans fighting other nations’ wars so long as the U.S. is compensated to his satisfaction – by Daniel Larison

5.1.2017 – Orient XXI (** B E K P)

Saudi Arabia mired in quicksand of the Middle East

Two years after acceding to the throne, King Salman faces mounting challenges; both regional and domestic, and questions around his succession remain unanswered

If there is one thing the diplomats posted to Riyadh agree upon, it is that the Saudi leadership analyses the entire regional situation in terms of "the Iranian threat".
"They see the hand of Iran everywhere and take seriously the declarations in the Iranian press, bragging about how Iran now controls four Arab capitals - Baghdad, Sanaa, Beirut and Damascus," one of them explains.
"They are obsessed with Iran," another chimes in. "They end up forgetting that country is their neighbour, and that however they may feel about its policies, it's not going to disappear overnight." All see this obsession as the main reason for the Saudi intervention in Yemen.

"We had no choice, it was an obligation." This conviction, voiced by a Saudi diplomat, is shared by most of the officials met in Riyadh. "As we see it," he went on, "Yemen is a domestic problem: We need a stable, friendly regime on our doorstep. It's a matter of national security." And he reminded us that the population of Yemen is as large as that of Arabia.

However, the operation dubbed "Decisive Storm" was anything but "decisive" and shed a harsh light on the limitations of Saudi military (and political) strength.

Despite some ten thousand troops deployed along its border with Yemen, Saudi Arabia was forced to evacuate a strip of land 200 kilometres long and 20 to 30 wide; 7,000 inhabitants had to leave their villages for fear of Houthi incursions and still today the latter are firing missiles at cities such as Jizan where they don't do much damage, but create a climate of permanent insecurity, at times causing the shutdown of schools and other public institutions.
While the authorities admit to having lost 50 soldiers, the actual figure is said to be over 800, most of the casualties being camouflaged as "accidents". Finally, the very serious "blunders" perpetrated by the Saudi air force, including the bombing of a funeral in central Sanaa on 9 October 2016, killing 140, which shocked the world and led the US to suspend the Raytheon Company's delivery of 16,000 precision munitions to Saudi Arabia.
And on 19 December, after having denied using them for many months, Riyadh officially announced it would henceforth refrain from employing British cluster bombs.

The nationalistic euphoria which had united a large share of the Saudi population gradually dwindled as the country found itself bogged down in an endless war, with many civilian casualties. "We are destroying a very poor country," a young academic deplored. "And it affects us, even if we have no sympathy for Iran."
And, he went on to add: "We are beginning to see the connection between the austerity plans imposed on us and the cost of this war." According to different sources, this cost is estimated at two, three or even seven billion dollars per month, at a time when the collapse of oil prices has drained the resources of the state – by Alain Gresh,1641 =

My comment: A good article on the economic and political situation of Saudi Arabia, dealing also with the Yemen war as a crucial point.

5.1.2017 – Truth Out (** B K P)

US Special Operations Forces Deploy to 138 Nations, 70 Percent of the World's Countries

For America, 2016 may have been the year of the commando. In one conflict zone after another across the northern tier of Africa and the Greater Middle East, US Special Operations forces (SOF) waged their particular brand of low-profile warfare. "Winning the current fight, including against the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and other areas where SOF is engaged in conflict and instability, is an immediate challenge," the chief of US Special Operations Command (SOCOM), General Raymond Thomas, told the Senate Armed Services Committee last year.

SOCOM's shadow wars against terror groups like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (also known as ISIL) may, ironically, be its most visible operations. Shrouded in even more secrecy are its activities -- from counterinsurgency and counterdrug efforts to seemingly endless training and advising missions -- outside acknowledged conflict zones across the globe. These are conducted with little fanfare, press coverage, or oversight in scores of nations every single day. From Albania to Uruguay, Algeria to Uzbekistan, America's most elite forces -- Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets among them -- were deployed to 138 countries in 2016, according to figures supplied to TomDispatch by US Special Operations Command. This total, one of the highest of Barack Obama's presidency, typifies what has become the golden age of, in SOF-speak, the "gray zone" -- a phrase used to describe the murky twilight between war and peace. The coming year is likely to signal whether this era ends with Obama or continues under President-elect Donald Trump's administration.

In 2016, according to data provided to TomDispatch by SOCOM, the US deployed special operators to China (specifically Hong Kong), in addition to eleven countries surrounding it -- Taiwan (which China considers a breakaway province), Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, India, Laos, the Philippines, South Korea, and Japan. Special Operations Command does not acknowledge sending commandos into Iran, North Korea, or Russia, but it does deploy troops to many nations that ring them.

SOCOM is willing to name only 129 of the 138 countries its forces deployed to in 2016. "Almost all Special Operations forces deployments are classified," spokesman Ken McGraw told TomDispatch. "If a deployment to a specific country has not been declassified, we do not release information about the deployment."

SOCOM does not, for instance, acknowledge sending troops to the war zones of Somalia, Syria, or Yemen, despite overwhelming evidence of a US special ops presence in all three countries, as well as a White House report, issued last month, that notes "the United States is currently using military force in" Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, and specifically states that "US special operations forces have deployed to Syria."

According to Special Operations Command, 55.29% of special operators deployed overseas in 2016 were sent to the Greater Middle East, a drop of 35% since 2006 – By Nick Turse

and that fits perfectly well:

3.1.2017 – Motherboard (** B K P)

Obama’s Administration Sold More Weapons Than Any Other Since World War II

President Barack Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, will leave office in a few weeks with the dubious honor of having sold more weapons than any other American president since World War II. And experts say President-Elect Donald Trump will most likely sell even more.

Most of the arms deals totaling over $200 billion in the period from 2008 to 2015 have ended up in the Middle East, according to a Congressional Research Service reportpublished in December. The report, produced by the non-partisan government agency attached to the Library of Congress, breaks down the weapons sold which included surface-to-air missiles, tanks, and supersonic combat aircraft.

Focusing on arms deals to developing nations, the extensive report found that Saudi Arabia was the top arms importer with deals worth around $94 billion from 2008-2015. Under Obama the overall sales, pending delivery of equipment and specialised training for troops, to Saudi Arabia alone has ballooned to $115 billion.

Trump recently lambasted defense firm Lockheed Martin for their $400 billion F-35 fighter jet program with the Pentagon as ‘out of control’ spending on Twitter, but Bockenfeld sees no major change in policy from the outgoing Obama administration.

“I do expect US arms exports to increase under Trump,” he said. “I don’t see the use of arms sales as leverage as very likely in the next administration.”

5.1.2017 – Journeyman TV / BBC (** B K)

Film: Investigating the Deadliest Bombing of Yemen's Civil War

The Funeral Bombing: Nawal al-Maghafi investigates the Saudi-led coalition campaign in Yemen and its culpability in the bombing of a funeral hall in the capital, Sanaa, which killed over 140 people (on BBC Dec. 17)

cp2 Allgemein / General

6.1.2017 – The Conversation (* B K P)

Yemen: a calamity at the end of the Arabian peninsula

At the tip of the Arabian peninsula, Yemen’s disastrous war has been raging for nearly two years. Somewhat overshadowed by the devastating crisis in Syria, it is nonetheless a major calamity

So how did Yemen get here – and what are the prospects for turning things around?

This war has its roots in the popular uprising of 2011.

In January 2014, the Hadi government announced a plan to cut government fuel subsidies in order to secure outside support from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. This increased the price of fuel by up to 90%, and naturally met with widespread popular outrage.

The Houthis took advantage of this ill-feeling to enter the country’s capital, Sanaa, and secured the agreement of the main political parties on a new set of measures that might have put the transitional process back on track: the formation of a new, inclusive government, the withdrawal of Houthi fighters from territories they had seized, and a review of Yemen’s state structure.

But neither the government nor the Houthis ultimately honoured their commitments. Instead, the Houthis set up a shadow government, ostensibly to oversee ministries and fight corruption. And when Hadi tried to push through a federalism scheme to which they were opposed, and which clearly violated earlier agreements, they arrested a presidential adviser and surrounded the presidential palace. After months of pressure, Hadi and his government resigned in January 2015.

In a further provocation, just weeks later, the Houthis appointed a “revolutionary council” by “constitutional announcement” and marched south towards the northern port city of Aden, to which Hadi had fled before retracting his resignation and re-establishing his government. Faced with the Houthis’ advance, Hadi ultimately fled into exile.

This is when the conflict internationalised. Saudi Arabia, with the support of nine other states, launched a massive air offensive with the stated objective of restoring the Hadi government and reversing the Houthi advance.

Since then, all attempts to end the conflict have ended in failure.

This is a highly complex war, and understanding it isn’t easy. As a result, it’s become part of a regional narrative of sectarian conflict, with the Zaydi Shias seen as Iranian proxies in conflict with Saudi-backed Sunnis. However simplistic and misleading that narrative is, it has become entrenched – and that makes the conflict even harder to resolve.

For now, the violence seems set to continue. All the while, the country faces a humanitarian crisis of extraordinary proportions that no political settlement can easily address – by Vincent Durac =

Comment by Judith Brown: This is accurate as far as it goes but it doesn't hit the nail on the head - I keep saying this - Hadi's term was fixed and he didn't recall parliament to extend his term. So when it expired in February 2014 Saleh the ex president - and much more popular than Hadi although he is a divisive figure - began eyeing the presidential seat for himself, as its incumbent was no longer entitled to it. The root of the conflict was the struggle between unpopular Hadi and divisive Saleh. There was a peace deal on the table - brokered by UN envoy Jamal Benomar. Hadi did not accept it because it involved elections for president that he knew he couldn't win.

My comment to comment: But Hadi's term was prolonged for another year by the National Dialogue Conference, with the consent of all parties. But, this actually is irrelevant for the whole Yemen war: Hadi's term finally ended (prolonged for one year) on Feb. 27, 2015 - one month BEFORE the Saudis started their aerial war to reinstall him as "legitimate" president (what he no more was at that date). - Very important to remmeber what Judith Brown also tells here: Hadi's desire to stay "president" made the Benomar peace plan fail. There could have been no more Yemen war, not a single Saudi air strike...

6.1.2017 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Film: Devastation by Saudi aggression at Almazraq border market, Hajjah province

6.1.2016 – Shireen Al-Adeimi (B K P)

Nearly 2 years into the US- & UK-backed war against #Yemen, and the mainstream narrative is still plagued by the same issues. Some thoughts:

The #Yemen war is not innocently forgotten, as headlines like to declare, but is deliberately ignored.

When so many countries are making money ($112 sold in weapons by the US alone) & there are no refugees in sight, it's easy to look away.

Even when #Yemen receives much-needed attention, there are serious flaws in the narrative. Case in point, the @voxdotcom video below:

The video exposes US involvement in #Yemen: We're selling weapons, refueling jets & providing intelligence to Saudi:

Saudi is no doubt committing warcrimes in #Yemen by killing thousands and starving millions. Unfortunately, @POTUS continues to assist them.

However, the #Yemen war is misrepresented as primarily "civil," Iran's role is overemphasized & sectarianism is incorrectly cited as a cause

Important implications of the US-supported Saudi war are also ignored: The growth of ISIS and alQaeda in #Yemen.

The US cannot fight terrorism in #Yemen by supporting allies who have no qualms working with the terrorists the US would like to eliminate.

Yemen also has strategic importance but this angle isn't explored much. It's highlighted here:

6.1.2017 – New Eastern Outlook (* B K P)

The Nasty Truth About Yemen

The MSM and their “fake news” are again discredited until “next time.”

Why this applies to Yemen isn’t simple but it is also not too complex for the “fake news” to either spin or ignore or for governments to keep from their own people. As with Aleppo, Yemen is inundated with evidence of the use of illegal weapons, cluster bombs, chemical munitions, admittedly supplied by the US and Britain.

In fact, the real coalition there is quite different than we are told, and includes not only NATO but Israel. More than that, the Emirates have turned to the Colombian drug lords, long their investment partners, who have supplied mercenaries who now fight in Yemen alongside al Qaeda and other Saudi backed groups. From Reuters:
The issue of the mercenaries from Colombia is even more colorful. In 2015, “the Emirates” according to the New York Times and other “MSM,” sent “troops” to Yemen. What is not said is that these “troops” are not Colombian Army but CIA “auxiliaries” who have been used across the region as “support” and “security” for drug operations, the CIA’s longtime cocaine franchise that gave rise to the crack epidemic that destroyed America’s cities according to Gary Webb and Mike Ruppert, “suicided” whistleblowers. Ruppert, a longtime friend, is described in this hit piece by Matt Stroud:

What else isn’t told is that these drug lord mercenaries are almost all “flight restricted” but that they were allowed to fly commercial airlines through the United States, in and out of London Heathrow and straight into Dubai where companies like Dyncorp and L3Communications outfitted them to fight in Yemen alongside al Qaeda.

This should be no surprise either. In Syria, Saudi Arabia has been al Qaeda’s sponsor though Jabat al Nusra now trying to rename itself as Jabat an-Nusrah li ahli ash Sham, (loosely translated as “Saudi cash, CIA guns and Israeli advisors”)hoping that CIA/Saudi/Israeli terror groups with even more “pithy” names might seem less obvious.

In Yemen, however, the insanity goes further, much further, as pointed out by this Pravda report:
With Pravda reporting two Israeli planes shot down over Yemen and IAEA sources reporting a 30 year old Saudi nuclear program as well, the nuclear event over Yemen in 2015, is no surprise, nor is the press blackout on this event.

What continues to surprise, a term based on expectations that there is real journalism and that governments and international agencies are not all hopelessly corrupt, is that the war in Yemen, one that deeply parallels the war in Syria, can go on silently, year after year.

Were one to analyze “fake news” or “controlled news” or even “false historical narrative,” one would find a single overriding issue and that is a need to damn those who identify a single financial cabal as behind all war and social strife in the world. Thus, any who look at terrorism and extremism and, after peeling away the veneer, find other forces at work, tend to find themselves targeted – by Gordon Duff, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues.

My comment: The author pushs the issue to hard and tells quite a lot of conspiracy theory.

5.1.2017 – Middle East Eye (* A T)

Yemeni charity worker murdered, sparking fears of targeted campaign against women

Amat al-Aleem al-Asbahi, who campaigned for female literacy, was shot dead on a Taiz street, as the civil war rages on

A female charity worker, who campaigned to improve women's literacy in Yemen, has been murdered in a drive-by shooting in central Taiz, sparking fears of a campaign of targeted assassinations against women by "extremists".

Amat al-Aleem al-Asbahi was shot dead on 25 December by two motorcycle riders as she walked on the busy 26 September Street. Her death sent shockwaves through Taiz's activist community, who say they can no longer operate in the war-torn city in safety.

All sides in Yemen's ongoing conflict condemned the attack, while blaming each other claiming multiple motives. But no one has been arrested and Asbahi's death was little reported locally as journalists fear retribution by those responsible.

Asbahi, who was in her 30s, is a relative of the pro-Houthi governor of Taiz Abdu al-Ganadi, leading to claims by family members she was killed by "extremists" from the anti-Houthi group known as the "Popular Resistance Committees".

The area where she was murdered is controlled by the Popular Resistance, leading to further claims Asbahi was killed not for her work, but for her family's links to the Houthis.

However, last year women activists said they feared for their lives after a fatwa was issued by noted Islamic scholar Abdullah al-Odaini banning them from mixing with men. Many female charity workers, such as Asbahi, had already been forced to cut their activities due to fighting in Taiz province.

Asbahi's family was reluctant to speak on record, fearing reprisals from those behind the murder. However, a relative speaking on condition of anonymity told Middle East Eye blamed members of the Popular Resistance.

"There are no courts in Taiz and we cannot follow the killer, but all of us know that they were supporters of the resistance, and want to send a message to some people by killing a woman," the relative said.

The Houthis, who control large areas of Yemen and oppose the Hadi government, accused the Popular Resistance of the murder.

The Popular Resistance, however, denied any involvement in Asbahi's death, and blamed "extremists" in Taiz.

However Nageeb, the Taiz charity worker, said it was not important whether Asbahi was a supporter or opponent of the Houthis - the most important thing was that a woman had been assassinated, and no one was prepared to act. and by The Independent:

Comment by Mohammad Shami: This is the mindset Saudi empowers in Yemen .. also the method of murdering on a motorcycle is their signature as well. Sanaa lived it all now incidents like these are rare to happen Sanaa and all govs controlled by Yemeni army and public committee while they are in the very rise on Govd conteolled by Saudi dirty coalition.

Comment by DrYahya Humaid: She was killed by Qiada (extremists ) members everyone in Taiz know that, she was killed in the day time under the sun light a lot of witnesses said so.

My comment to comment: That sounds quite reasonable, but be aware that Al Qaida at Taiz is fighting alongside the anti-Houthi “popular resistance”, they are allied in many ways.

For this subject also read: Fatwa forbids work of female activists in Yemen's Taiz (Sep. 22, 2016)

and comment by Judith Brown: This really is a disaster. Taiz above all other cities in Yemen was one that respected women. In the old North Yemen it was the only place where girls could be educated. The women had a reputation of being good business people and they were active in local trade. I even met a woman from Taiz who told me that she wanted to be president - well she'd be a lot better that those that are jockeying for position now. Some of the fighters that have recently arrived in Taiz are said to be particularly 'religiously' conservative (I find it strange that the repression of women is linked to Islam when the Quran upholds women's rights) - and also according to a recent Amnesty report threatening hospital staff. An activist was killed in Taiz too. These people have been through so much, it's heartbreaking and worse. Yemen needs peace.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

6.1.2016 –Aktion Deutschland hilft! (* A H)

Film: Jemen: 19 Millionen Menschen in Not: Drohende Hungerskatastrophe im Jemen

Im Jemen droht eine Hungerskatastrophe. Hilfsorganisationen unseres Bündnisses leisten Nothilfe! =

6.1.2016 – DPA (* A H)

10 000 Kinder gestorben, obwohl Tod vermeidbar war

Wöchentlich würden 1000 Kinder in Jemen sterben, obwohl ihr Tod vermeidbar gewesen wäre, sagt die Hilfsorganisation Save the Children.

Wegen des kollabierenden Gesundheitssystems im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen sind rund 10 000 Kinder gestorben, obwohl ihr Tod vermeidbar gewesen wäre. «Wir verlieren wöchentlich zirka 1000 Kinder an Durchfall, Mangelernährung und Atemwegsinfektionen – alles Todesfälle, die wir normalerweise verhindern könnten», sagt Edward Santiago, Jemen-Länderdirektor der Hilfsorganisation Save the Children, am Freitag.

Insgesamt hätten acht Millionen Kinder im Jemen keinen Zugang zu einer grundlegenden medizinischen Versorgung. Mehr als die Hälfte aller rund 3500 medizinischen Einrichtungen im Land seien geschlossen oder nur teilweise funktionsfähig, heisst es in einer Studie von Save the Children. Mehr als 1200 Kinder kamen demnach durch Kämpfe zu Tode.

Im ganzen Land fehle es an qualifiziertem Personal, da viele Ärzte entweder Jemen verlassen hätten oder als Binnenvertriebene aus ihrem Heimatort geflohen seien. und Ärzteblatt

6.1.2017 – Aktion Deutschland hilft (* A H)

Humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen: Die Not wächst jede Minute / "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" schlägt Alarm, doch Spendengelder bleiben aus

Bündnisorganisationen von "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" schlagen Alarm: Es fehlt an Spenden, um die humanitäre Not im kriegsgebeutelten Jemen zu lindern. Neben einer Hungerkatastrophe bahnt sich dort eine Choleraepidemie an. 210.000 Euro sind bislang bei dem deutschen Hilfsbündnis eingegangen. 250 Familien können damit für ein Jahr mit Lebensmitteln versorgt werden - dabei brauchen 19 der 26 Millionen Jemeniten dringend Hilfe.
"Die Spendensumme ist ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein angesichts der katastrophalen Lage im Land", sagt Manuela Roßbach, Geschäftsführerin von "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". "Das immense Leid im Jemen entsetzt uns - genauso wie die Gleichgültigkeit der Weltöffentlichkeit, die davor die Augen verschließt, dass in diesem Land Millionen Menschen täglich ums Überleben kämpfen." Alle zehn Minuten stirbt im Jemen ein Kind durch Krankheiten, die man mit einfachsten Mitteln wie sauberem Trinkwasser hätte vermeiden können. "Das dürfen wir nicht zulassen. Doch ohne finanzielle Unterstützung sind den Helfern die Hände gebunden." Das Hilfsbündnis ruft deshalb verstärkt zu Spenden für Not leidende Menschen im Jemen auf.

Fünf Mitgliedsorganisationen setzen die gesammelten 210.000 Euro um. Vor allem im Westjemen versorgen sie Bedürftige mit Trinkwasser und Lebensmitteln, verteilen lebensrettende Medikamente und schulen lokale Geburts- und Rehabilitationshelfer. So ist beispielsweise die Organisation ADRA mit 2000 Helfern vor Ort. Islamic Relief unterstützt Menschen in 19 der 22 Regierungsbezirken und erreichte seit 1998 zehn Millionen Jemeniten.
Die Meldungen aus dem kriegsgebeutelten Jemen sind erschütternd. Seit März 2015 tobt im Armenhaus Arabiens ein Krieg zwischen Rebellen und der arabisch-westlichen Militärkoalition, der die Infrastruktur des Landes komplett lahmlegt. 80 Prozent der Einwohner sind dringend auf Hilfe angewiesen. Eine Hungerkatastrophe bedroht das Leben jedes dritten Kindes unter fünf Jahren. Ein Choleraausbruch schwächt die verzweifelte Bevölkerung zusätzlich. Immer wieder sterben Zivilisten bei Bombenangriffen und in den Gefechten. Die Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen nimmt zu. Straßen, Schulen und Krankenhäuser sind zerstört. Treibstoff ist enorm teuer geworden. "Wir müssen diesen Menschen helfen. Jetzt. Bevor es zu spät ist", appelliert Roßbach.
Aktion Deutschland Hilft ruft zu Spenden für die Not leidende Bevölkerung im Jemen auf:
Stichwort "Hunger Jemen" IBAN: DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30 (Bank für Sozialwirtschaft) Spendenhotline: 0900 55 102030 (kostenfrei aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunk höher) Charity SMS: SMS mit ADH10 an die 81190 senden (10 EUR zzgl. üblicher SMS-Gebühr, 9,83 EUR davon gehen direkt an Aktion Deutschland Hilft) Online spenden unter:

Mein Kommentar: Demnach wurden also bisher in Deutschland etwa ein dreizehntel Euro-Cent pro Kopf im Jemen gespendet.

6.1.2017 – Save the Children (*A H)

8 Millionen Kinder ohne medizinische Versorgung

Das Gesundheitssystem im vom Krieg gebeutelten Jemen steht vor dem Kollaps. Das hat eine neue Analyse von Save the Children ergeben, in der auch Ärzte und Eltern zu Wort kommen. Mehr als die Hälfte aller geschätzten 3.500 medizinischen Einrichtungen des Landes sind wegen des Konflikts geschlossen oder nur teilweise funktionsfähig, berichtete das Kinderhilfswerk am Freitag. Somit haben laut UN 8 Mio. Kinder keinen Zugang zu grundlegender medizinischer Versorgung.

Der Bericht "Der Kampf ums Überleben: Geschichten von Jemens kollabierendem Gesundheitssystem" belegt, dass die Kindersterblichkeit im Jemen steigt. Mindestens 1.219 Kinder sind direkt durch die Kampfhandlungen zu Tode gekommen. Der dauerhafte Mangel an medizinischer Ausrüstung und Personal führen allerdings zu weiteren 10.000 vermeidbaren Todesfällen, die die Studie als die "unsichtbaren Opfer des jemenitischen Kriegs" bezeichnet.

Im ganzen Land fehlt es an qualifiziertem Personal, da viele Ärzte entweder Jemen verlassen oder als Binnenvertriebene von ihren Heimatort fliehen müssen. "Schon vor dem Krieg starben Zehntausende Kinder an vermeidbaren Ursache", klagte Edward Santiago, Länderdirektor von Save the Children im Jemen. "Aber jetzt ist die Situation dramatisch schlechter: Wir verlieren wöchentlich ca. 1.000 Kinder an Durchfall, Mangelernährung und Atemwegsinfektionen – alles Todesfälle, die wir normalerweise verhindern könnten."

"Eltern verlieren durch das Kriegschaos ihre Arbeit und ihre Lebensgrundlage. Viele haben uns erzählt, dass sie ihren Schmuck, Fahrzeuge, Benzinkanister und Land verkaufen müssen, nur um sich die Fahrt in ein Krankenhaus leisten zu können. Andere machen Schulden, nur um im Krankenhaus festzustellen, dass sie sich die Arznei, die ihre Kinder dringend bräuchten, trotzdem nicht leisten können oder dass die Klinik gar keine lebensrettenden Medikamente mehr hat."

Der Vize-Direktor des Al-Sabeen Krankenhauses in Sanaa, Hilel Mohammed al-Bahri, bestätigt einen 300%igen Kostenanstieg für Medikamente seit dem Beginn des Kriegs im März 2015. Für die meisten Familien ist das unbezahlbar. "Wir können weder Medikamente noch Ärzte und Angestellte bezahlen. Wir hängen von den geringen Gebühren ab, die uns unsere Patienten bezahlen. Für Wartung oder Ersatzteile haben wir kein Geld, ohnehin macht die Blockade alles unmöglich. Wir können nur Babys unter neun Monaten auf der Intensivstation unterbringen, für die älteren haben wir keinen Platz. Überhaupt haben wir nur 20 Plätze auf der Intensivstation, dabei sind wir das einzige Kinderkrankenhaus weit und breit."

Zahlreiche Kinder müssen abgewiesen werden oder, wie im Al-Sabeen-Krankenhaus, sich die Station mit hochinfektiösen Kindern teilen. Für Masern oder andere ansteckende Krankheiten hat die Klinik weder Isolationsräume noch die entsprechende Ausrüstung.

Save the Children fordert die Konfliktparteien daher auf, den Import von wichtigen Handelswaren und humanitären Lieferungen nicht weiter zu behindern, sondern humanitärer Hilfe sofort und ungehindert Zugang in ganz Jemen zu verschaffen. Außerdem müssen die Parteien ihren Verpflichtungen zur Einhaltung von internationalem Völker- und Menschenrecht nachkommen und sofort Maßnahmen ergreifen, um grobe Vergehen gegen Kinder zu beenden und verhindern.

Dazu zählen das Morden, Verletzen und Verstümmeln von Kindern, das Angreifen von Krankenhäusern und die Rekrutierung und Ausbeutung von Kindern für militärische Zwecke.


6.1.2017 – Civil Society (A H)

DEC crisis appeal for Yemen has now raised over £13

The Disasters Emergency Committee has now raised over £13m for people facing hunger and displacement in Yemen. The DEC launched its emergency appeal for Yemen on 13 December and, according to the last update it gave on the appeal on 23 December, it has now raised over £13m for those left displaced and starving by the region's ongoing civil war. The DEC said that, alongside the money raised through donations from the public, the UK government has committed to contribute “more than £4.5m through Aid Match”, while other partners including Comic Relief, British Airways and the Scottish government have “also made significant donations”. Saleh Saeed, chief executive of the DEC, said: “We would like to thank the UK public for so generously donated to our Yemen Crisis Appeal, helping us raise more than £13m.

My comment: That’s a total US $ 0,50 per capita for every Yemeni (including ca. 0,13 US $ given by the British government), while Britian relentlessly backs the bombing of Yemen and sells weapons for billions of $ to the Gulf States.

6.1.2017 – MONA Relief (A H)

@monarelief aid delivery to the forgotten Jewish Community in Sana'a Thx @Fatikr @RSKarim1 and the team #HumanityIsPrimary Pix Yehia Arhab (photos)

@monarelief receiving a certificate of appreciation from the Jewish Community in Sana'a after critical aid delivery #HumanityIsPrimary (photos)

6.1.2017 – Daily Mail (* B H)

Girls aged SIX forced to marry men old enough to be their GRANDFATHERS: 12,000 child brides a day will have to wed in 2017, aid workers warn

War and poverty drive the 'significant increase' in the number of child marriages

Families marry off their daughters because they are unable to provide for them

In Yemen, a quarter of girls marry before they're 15 and tribal custom plays a role

An eight-year-old child bride died in Yemen of internal bleeding sustained during her wedding night after being forced to marry a man five times her age, activists have claimed.

In Yemen, more than a quarter of all girls marry before the age of 15 and tribal custom plays a role, including the belief that a young bride can be shaped into an obedient wife, bear more children and be kept away from temptation.

Yemen once set 15 as the minimum age for marriage, but parliament annulled that law in the 1990s, saying parents should decide when a daughter marries. While one girl under 15 is married every seven seconds, one girl under 18 is married every two seconds.

McNeill said: 'We have to recognise that child marriage is often a deep-seated social convention and often the key to change can be religious leaders or women's groups. These cultural leaders recognize that child marriage is a threat to girls' futures and are working to challenge and change these harmful attitudes and practices. – by David Williams

6.1.2017 – US Agency for International Development (A H)

Yemen Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #4 Fiscal Year (FY) 2017


WHO reports more than 12,700 suspected cholera cases and nearly 100 cholera-associated deaths

Wheat imports increased in November; however, the ongoing deterioration of economic conditions threatens to impede imports in the coming months


The UN World Health Organization (WHO) reports more than 12,700 suspected cholera cases and 97 related deaths between October—when the outbreak was first confirmed— and December 28, 2016. Although the humanitarian community is responding through health and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions, limited testing capabilities, bureaucratic impediments, and damaged or destroyed health infrastructure are impeding efforts to scale up the response.

Several commercial importers recently notified the Republic of Yemen Government (RoYG) of an inability to obtain a line of credit, a key component for facilitating the delivery of much-needed wheat supplies. While wheat imports increased in November and December compared to previous months, reduced access to lines of credit may significantly hinder commercial shipments to Yemen in the coming months. The country imports approximately 90 percent of its food and impediments to imports could lead to further deterioration in food security and increased malnutrition.

Conflict in Yemen has contributed to a nearly 200 percent increase in children under the age of five experiencing severe acute malnutrition (SAM) since 2014, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Countrywide, more than 462,000 children were experiencing SAM as of mid-December. The UN agency reports that a total of nearly 2.2 million children are acutely malnourished and require urgent assistance. and in full:

Map: Yemen ‑ Active USG Programs for Yemen Response (Last Updated 01/06/17) and in full:

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Ibb: Houthi militants kidnap four dignitary's family members and loot house

The Houthi and Saleh militants have kidnapped a number of family members of one of the community dignitaries in Ibb governorate on Thursday after storming his house and looting its contents.

A local source told Almasdaronline reporter that dozens of Houthi militants have come to Jiblah region, southern Ibb scity, and stormed the house of one of the community dignitaries.

The source added that the militia stormed the house of Jiblah neighborhood community dignitary, Ahmed Almontaser, for standing by a citizen who was suppressed by the Houthi militia, in response to his son's appeal for help to end the injustice done to his family.

The source confirmed that the repels looted all cash and in-kind assets from the house as well as his car, after kidnapping four of his brothers.

6.1.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Houthis storm village and abduct 4 civilians northeast capital Sana'a

Local residents in Arhab district said that the Houthi and Saleh forces stormed on Wednesday Yahees village and abducted four civilians.

The residents told Almasderonline that dozens of armed Houthis on military vehicles have raided a number of houses in the village and abducted four men from their houses, and the whole village went into a state of panic.

The residents noted that the gunmen have earlier launched similar abduction campaigns, and that dozens were still in prison for more than a year.

The abductees were taken into an unknown destination, according to the residents.

5.1.2017 – Press TV Iran (A K P)

Film: Yemen business community marks anniversary of Saudi attack

Yemen’s business community marks the first anniversary of Saudi airstrike on the offices of the country’s chamber of commerce. The attack was part of the policy of siege and bombardment, the Saudis and their allies have been pursuing since March 2015.

5.1.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Cabinet reviews army victories over Saudi-paid mercenaries

The cabinet held its weekly meeting on Thursday, reviewing strategic issues and discussing other security-related issues.
In the meeting held here in the capital, the state cabinet reviewed military victories achieved by the army and popular forces over enemy Saudi forces and Saudi-paid mercenaries on the front battles, in particular Nehm and Shabwa lines.
The council also evaluated efforts by the interior ministry of imposing security and stability inside major cities and rural areas, as well as early response to crimes.
Meanwhile, the council discussed other economic issues, including government efforts to address ongoing challenges and alleviate economical suffering of citizens that caused by ongoing Saudi-imposed all-out blockade.

5.1.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen Prime Minister Bin Habtoor: We have implemented 70 % of the financial resolutions over the first month of our government.

Yemen Prime Minister Bin Habtoor: If Bab Al Mandab Strait is not protected by army, then Qaeda/ISIS will threaten ships&intl navigation

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

6.1.2017 – Farouk Hamza Aden (A P)

Aden: More than seven militias and all militia and racist loyalty coterie or clique or Daesh or motionless Aljain Hadi scheme implemented in Sanaa for breaking up the army and now performs in Aden (photos)

6.1.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A T)

Abyan security belt is collapsing while soldiers are withdrawing. Threatening of ISIS taking over of Abyan again

5.1.2017 – Arab24 (A)

Film: Yemen - The aspirations of the people of Aden in the first days of the new year

The people of the city of Aden in southern Yemen, showed a set of aspirations in the first days of the new year despite the stalled peace talks as well as the difficult conditions experienced by the city because of the fighting between the sprawling conflict, those aspirations are summed up by improving the services in various sectors.

5.1.2017 – Middle East Monitor (A P)

Yemen opens new police departments near Oman border

Yemen yesterday opened a number of new police departments in a province near its border with neighbouring Oman.

The governor of Mahra yesterday visited the police forces and opened a number of departments including that of the Port Security Management, Security Facilities Management and Logistics Management.

Mohammed Abdullah Keda reiterated the importance of keeping the province free from threats.

Mahra has been largely untouched by the unrest in Yemen. However, there have been cases in the latter part of last year of weapons being smuggled from Oman to the Houthis via Mahra.

My comment: Warming up old anti-Oman propaganda tales.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

6.1.2017 – Kuwait News Agency (A P)

Yemen government backs UN peacemaking effort – FM

My comment: Nice propaganda, but far from reality. The Hadi government hat rejected the last UN peace plan, just accepting “peacemaking efforts” when they lead to Hadi’s unlimited sole role in Yemen.

5.1.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

U.S. State Department: Firm Stance on Political Solution in Yemen

The U.S. State Department said that it has maintained a firm stance towards the need to reach a political solution to the war in Yemen, based on the outcome of the national dialogue, the Gulf Initiative and U.N. Security Council Resolution 2216.

An official at the U.S. State Department told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that his country’s position on Yemen has not changed and stressed the need to implement the relevant international resolutions in this regard.

Asked about recent statements made by ousted Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in which he said that the three bases for a political solution in Yemen were “dead and were no longer subject for discussion”, the U.S. official, who preferred not to disclose his name, said: “Our stance is firm on the need to abide by the outcome of the Yemeni national dialogue, the Gulf Initiative and the international resolutions.”

My comment: I do not doubt at that US statement. Anyway, Saleh was quite right in his statement. One-sided and / or pre-war ideas cannot be the base for any solution for the future.

2.1.2017 – PJ Media (* A P)

UN Human Rights Council Welcomes Saudi Arabia to Its Ranks

You'll never believe which states joined the United Nations Human Rights Council. Or, well, if you know anything about the UN, perhaps you will believe it:

That reads like a who's who of human rights abusers. Nowadays, however, these regimes -- which routinely oppress women, and jail, torture, and even kill critics -- are somehow deemed to be the protectors of our universal human rights. I'd laugh if it wasn't so incredibly sad.

But wait, the UNHCR says, don't criticize Saudi Arabia! According to Sharia they have "fair gender equality"! – BY MICHAEL VAN DER GALIEN

22.9.2017 – Hillel Neuer (A P)

Saudi Arabia begins 2017-2019 term @UN_HRC. Don't worry: "Saudi Arabia supports empowerment of women" & "guarantees fair gender equality." (images)

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

6.1.2017 – Agency Covenant Yemen and others (* A P)

Film: An Officer in the #Saudi Army, left Islam, defected from the army and vowed to leak info on war crimes committed by Saudi against #Yemen.
He says will request asylum in #Germany

Dissident Saudi officer escaped to Germany with docs promising to expose intentional Saudi coalition War crimes #Yemen = (with English subs) = and 5.1.2017 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

The Minister of the #Saudi National Guard Prince Miteb bin Abdullah meets with personnel from the 1st Aviation Brigade (photos)

5.1.2017 – Redress Online (* B P)

Think that 2016 was a tough year for Saudi Arabia? Wait till you see 2017

The year 2016 was not a good one for Saudi Arabia. Sharply lower oil prices sparked a domestic financial crisis that is forcing the country to restructure its economy. Saudi Arabia’s bitter struggle with Iran for regional hegemony has embroiled it in wars and political conflicts it has been unable to win, leaving it no alternative but to admit failure or compromise. If 2016 was bad, 2017 threatens to be worse.



Islamic leadership

Sensitive to any challenge to its custodianship of Islam’s two holiest cities, Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia’s role is in the spotlight as it negotiates modalities with some 80 countries for the 2017 hajj, or pilgrimage. Saudi Arabia and Iran failed to reach an agreement for the 2016 pilgrimage, leaving the Islamic republic without a quota for pilgrims and the kingdom’s management of the hajj challenged.


An almost two-year-long military campaign in Yemen, which was supposed to be cakewalk, has turned into a quagmire for the kingdom. Saudi Arabia is looking for a face-saving exit strategy from a neighbour that its military has devastated without removing its enemies, the Iranian-backed Houthis and former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, from power in much of the country, including the capital Sana’a. The campaign has sparked widespread anti-Saudi sentiment among significant numbers of Yemenis.

The campaign has moreover cast a shadow over the capabilities of a country that ranks as the world’s second largest importer of military equipment.

Saudi Arabia’s inability to claim either political or military benefit from the Yemen war threatens to put on the line the credibility of Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Sultan.


Trump’s USA…

Uncertainty in its relationship with the US could not come at a worse moment for the kingdom. The Saudi government, beyond its foreign policy and military setbacks, has begun to unilaterally rewrite the social contract that underwrites it. The rewriting constitutes the end of a bargain involving a cradle-to-grave welfare system in exchange for surrender of political rights and adherence to Wahhabi social mores.

Cutbacks on subsidies, increased utility prices, reduced spending on education and social services, and streamlining of the bureaucracy in a country in which the state employs two thirds of the citizenry is a tricky business.

King Salman and Prince Muhammad have a full plate for 2017. For them and the Al Sauds, the core issue is survival. With no credible alternative to the Al Sauds and the Middle East and North Africa’s recent experience of popular protest producing civil wars, jihadism and increased repression, Saudis are unlikely to revolt. They will however demand a greater say and greater accountability, concepts the government has so far countered with increased suppression and authoritarianism – By James M. Dorsey

5.1.2017 – Nikkei Asian Review (* B P)

Missteps leave Saudis struggling, Iran on the rise

Kingdom loses fight on oil prices, suffers setbacks in Syria, Yemen

Saudi Arabia's attempts to rein in its regional nemesis Iran over the past year have largely backfired, leading to economic strain and military setbacks in Syria and Yemen.

At present, things are looking up for Iran. Economic sanctions have been lifted in exchange for a pledge to curb nuclear development. Saudi Arabia has been hit a good deal harder than its nemesis by a prolonged slump in oil prices, which could stand in the way of industrial and economic reforms spearheaded by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Friction between the two nations derailed an attempt by OPEC last April to boost oil prices by freezing the cartel's output level, with Saudi Arabia rejecting any pact that did not include Iran. But by November, the kingdom could hold out no longer. An agreement struck then to cut groupwide output included sizable concessions to Iran.

A Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen is putting further strain on the country's resources – by TAKESHI KUMON

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

5.1.2017 – The Washington Post (* B K P)

The United States’ bloody alliance with Saudi Arabia

AMONG THE muddled Middle East policies the Trump administration will inherit from President Obama is U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabia’s bloody and futile intervention in Yemen.

the Obama administration has withheld some support, but not enough to stop the carnage — a policy that manages to anger all sides while accomplishing next to nothing.

Evidently, the White House felt compelled to respond, however ineffectually, to charges that the United States is complicit in Saudi war crimes.

A review of U.S. policy was finally announced after the bombing of a funeral ceremony in October killed more than 140 people . The White House piously voiced “very significant concerns about the high rate of civilian casualties.” But the measure it adopted allowed the bombing campaign to go forward — and it has, notwithstanding a hasty and unavailing effort by Secretary of State John F. Kerry to broker a cease-fire.

A policy of half-measures and moral compromise might be called for if the Saudi campaign were judged to be a vital U.S. interest; the kingdom claims to be fighting a proxy war against Iran, and Yemen remains a base for al-Qaeda. But the conflict is not that simple: The Houthi sect backed by Tehran is allied with a former Yemeni ruler who was considered a U.S. and Saudi ally until 2011. More to the point, the Saudi strategy of bombing the Houthis until they agree to withdraw from the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, has next to no chance of succeeding.

The instinct to reverse the previous administration’s policies, combined with a willful disregard for human rights, might prompt the new administration to renew full support for the Saudi bombing. If so, it will be buying itself a place in a quagmire – by Editorial Board

My comment: “A step into the right direction”, this is my impression of this editorial. Do the authors really think that, if there would be any more justification for the Saudi aerial war “if the Saudi campaign were judged to be a vital U.S. interest”?? (And who actually would define what really is “a vital U.S. interest”? What is labeled as such “a vital U.S. interest”, actually is a “vital interest” just of the upper 1 % (or in cases of thing happening in foreign countries like Yemen, actually just of the upper 0,01%). That’s it.

5.1.2017 – Council on Foreign Relations (* B K)

How Many Bombs Did the United States Drop in 2016?

In President Obama’s last year in office, the United States dropped 26,171 bombs in seven countries. This estimate is undoubtedly low, considering reliable data is only available for airstrikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya, and a single “strike,” according to the Pentagon’s definition, can involve multiple bombs or munitions. In 2016, the United States dropped 3,027 more bombs—and in one more country, Libya—than in 2015.

Most (24,287) were dropped in Iraq and Syria. We found that in 2016, the United States conducted about 79 percent (5,904) of the coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, which together total 7,473. Of the total 30,743 bombs that the coalition dropped, then, the United States dropped 24,287 (79 percent of 30,743) – by Micah Zenko

My comment: As Zenko himself concedes, the estimates are very low. And they do not at all include the bombs dropped by US allies – as by the Saudi coalition in Yemen. And there had been 200.000 air raids within 20 month in Yemen alone…

5.1.2017 – US Department of State (* A K P)

Exit Memo From Secretary Kerry to President Obama

In Yemen, the United States has endeavored to support a peace process, facilitated by the United Nations, to find an immediate end to the conflict. Throughout the conflict, we have provided support to protect the security of Saudi Arabia from the threat on its southern border. Even as we do so, we know that there is no military solution to this conflict. This war has caused considerable destruction in Yemen and suffering for its people across the country; it has distracted our partners from the fight against ISIL and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which poses a threat to the U.S. homeland; and it continues to kill far too many civilians. The United States must continue to press all sides to reduce the violence, increase humanitarian access, and negotiate a political solution to end this war as soon as possible.

My comment: Leaving office with a great lie: “we have provided support to protect the security of Saudi Arabia from the threat on its southern border”: No, that topic has nothing today with 20 month bombing Yemen into ruins. The Houthi attacks against Saudi territory at its southern border started 10 weeks AFTER the beginning of US-supported Saudi bombing war against Northern Yemen. – And: This war distracted from fighting Al Kaida and IS. As also did the US regime change war in Syria: Fighting Al Kaida and IS was not the main US goal in the Middle East within the 8 Obama years. Words as “we know that there is no military solution to this conflict” and “The United States must continue to press all sides to reduce the violence” are absurd hypocrisy.

5.1.2017 – The Intercept (* B K P)


The U.S. State Department confirmed on January 5 that the man the U.S. government once claimed was the target of the drone strike that killed American teenager Abdulrahman Awlaki in 2011 in Yemen is alive. The department announced that it has designated Ibrahim al Banna “a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) under Executive Order (E.O.) 13224.” The U.S. is offering a $5 million reward for information leading to al Banna’s killing or capture.

Al Banna’s name was floated by anonymous U.S. officials as the target of the October 14, 2011, drone strike that killed Awlaki, a 16-year-old U.S. citizen born in Colorado. Awlaki’s family insists he was having dinner with his teenage cousin and some others in Shebwah, Yemen, when they were killed in the strike. The Obama administration has never explained why Awlaki was killed, other than anonymous officials implying he was with a terror target at the time or that it was a lethal mistake. Awlaki’s estranged father, Anwar al Awlaki, was a radical pro-al Qaeda imam whose sermons influenced and inspired many terrorists in the English speaking world. The elder Awlaki, who was also a U.S. citizen, was an enigmatic figure who supported George W. Bush’s 2000 election campaign, spoke at the Pentagon shortly after 9-11, and went on to become an important propaganda figure for the growing radical Islamist movement after the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. He was killed in a U.S. drone strike two weeks before his son was killed.

The younger Awlaki, who was living with his grandparents in Sanaa, had not seen his father in years at the time of his death and has never been linked to any terrorism.

The designation of al Banna by the State Department — and the confirmation he is indeed alive — once again raises an important question of the Obama administration: Why was this 16-year-old U.S. citizen killed in a drone strike authorized by the president of the United States?

Below is an excerpt from my book “Dirty Wars” that deals with Abdulrahman’s killing and the questions around al Banna: – by Jeremy Scahill

5.1.2017 – AFP (A P)

Hope, and fear, as US Gulf allies look to Trump

US Gulf allies are looking at Donald Trump to tilt Washington in their favour, analysts say, but fear a dangerous void if the incoming president goes so far as to tear up the Iran nuclear deal.
Still fuming after the nuclear agreement was brokered over their objections, Saudi Arabia and its fellow Sunni Arab states in the Gulf hope Trump will rebalance ties at the expense of their regional rival Tehran.
Washington's traditional allies in the Middle East are concerned, however, over the potential uncertainty of a radical move to go back on the deal with Iran.
"Eight years of (President Barack) Obama's administration destroyed the balance of power in the region completely," says Mustafa Alani, a senior adviser to the Gulf Research Centre.
Gulf states "hope now that under Trump the regional balance of power is going to be restored" after Obama "just ignored Iran's expansionist policy" in the Middle East, Alani says.
The oil-rich Gulf states have been highly critical of the nuclear deal, fearing it would lead to more regional "interference" by Tehran.

My comment: A new president, going to be confronted with exactly the same old Saudi/Gulf propaganda shit. "Eight years of (President Barack) Obama's administration destroyed the balance of power in the region completely," that’s so far away from realitiy, looking at the US support for the Saudi war in Yemen, at US arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, at the full US political support for Saudi Arabia at the UN. Well, the Gulf States of course never could get enough and still want more.

5.1.2017 – Donaukurier (A P)

USA lassen vier Guantanamo-Gefangene nach Saudi-Arabien ausreisen

Die USA haben kurz vor dem Regierungswechsel vier weitere Häftlinge aus dem Gefangenenlager Guantanamo ausreisen lassen. Die Männer aus dem Jemen landeten am Abend in Riad, wie ein AFP-Reporter von dort berichtete.

Die vier Jemeniten wurden im Flughafen von dutzenden Angehörigen empfangen. Er fühle sich wie "neugeboren", sagte der Ex-Gefangene Salim Ahmed bin Kanad. Sein früherer Mithäftling Mohammed Bawasir wurde nach eigenen Angaben 15 Jahre in dem berüchtigten US-Gefangenenlager auf Kuba festgehalten.
Nach Angaben des Innenministeriums in Riad sollen die vier Männer nun in Saudi-Arabien an einem Programm zur Deradikalisierung und Wiedereingliederung in die Gesellschaft teilnehmen.;art154776,3310027

5.1.2017 – Reuters (A P)

Four Yemeni detainees transferred from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia

The Pentagon sent four Yemeni detainees from the Guantanamo Bay military prison to Saudi Arabia on Thursday, launching President Barack Obama's final flurry of prisoner transfers despite Donald Trump's demand for a freeze.

It was the first phase of Obama's plan to move as many as 19 prisoners to four countries - Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and possibly Italy - to shrink Guantanamo's inmate population as much as possible before the Republican president-elect is sworn in on Jan. 20.

There were emotional reunions with families at the royal airport in the capital Riyadh, with one man bending down to kiss his sobbing mother's feet as she cried "God is great."

The four Yemenis, all captured as part of the Afghanistan conflict and held without trial for up to 15 years, were on a U.S. list recommended for transfer. They were sent to Saudi Arabia because the Obama administration has ruled out returning Yemenis to their homeland, which is engulfed in civil war and has an active al Qaeda branch – By Katie Paul and Matt Spetalnick and by Aljazeera: and by The Telegraph.

Comment by Hussam Al-Sanabani: After a few days in Mohammed bin Nayef Center 4 Counseling & Care, Saudi will send them to #Yemen to fight with IS

Comment by Alistair Reign: US gives Saudi royals back their Wahabi terrorists.

#SaudiArabia #Wahhabism #ISIS #Daesh One in the same! #Guantanamo releases more terrorists to go back home to Saudi Arabia.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

6.1.2017 – RT (* B P)

Film: "Theresa May supporting Gulf States is dangerous"

Catherine Shakdam a political commentator spoke about foreign forces receiving training at Sandhurst.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

6.1.2017 – Ostholsteiner Anzeiger (* A H)

Jemenitische Gemeinschaft: „Wir hoffen einfach nur auf Frieden“

Jede Woche greift Ayesh Al-Sanadi zum Telefonhörer und wählt eine lange Nummer. Dann sitzt er auf seiner alten Couch in seiner Wohnung in Tarp (Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg) und hofft, dass etwa 7000 Kilometer in Sanaa entfernt seine Eltern rangehen. „Es kann ihnen jeden Tag etwas passieren“, sagt Al-Sanadi, der vor sieben Jahren aus dem Jemen nach Deutschland kam. Jetzt ist er Vorsitzender der jemenitischen Gemeinschaft in Schleswig-Holstein, die sich gerade gründet und seinen geflüchteten Landsleuten die Integration erleichtern, die Freundschaft mit den Deutschen fördern – und die Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen auf das Land im Süden der arabischen Halbinsel lenken soll.

„Es ist klar, dass viele Menschen in Deutschland auf den Krieg in Syrien schauen, aber es ist traurig, das sie dabei die Menschenrechtsverletzungen und das Sterben im Jemen übersehen“, klagt der 39-Jährige.

Der Jemen ist weitgehend dicht“, sagt Andrea Dallek vom Flüchtlingsrat Schleswig-Holstein. Trotzdem schaffen es einige Menschen bis nach Schleswig-Holstein. 2014 kamen 153 im Norden an, ein Jahr später waren es schon 456. Etwa 700 Jemeniten leben laut Al-Sanadi zur Zeit in Schleswig-Holstein, zirka ein Zehntel von ihnen sei bei der Jemenitischen Gemeinschaft angemeldet.

Weil das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge bis Mitte dieses Jahres die Verfahren aller Geflüchteten aus dem Jemen in Schleswig-Holstein behandelte, gibt es im Norden eine jemenitische Hochburg. Trotzdem dauerten die Verfahren lange.

Meist sind es junge Männer, zwischen 20 und 30 Jahren, denen die Flucht nach Deutschland gelingt. „Sie hoffen, dass sie Geld verdienen und es ihren Familien schicken können“, sagt Al-Sanadi. Dabei bräuchten sie Hilfe, denn keiner habe Erfahrung im Umgang mit deutschen Behörden und wo es die Möglichkeit gebe, deutsch zu lernen. Al-Sanadi weiß wovon er spricht, er kam mit seiner Familie vor sieben Jahren nach Deutschland, weil es schon damals immer Unruhen im Jemen gab. Der studierte Informatiker wurde geduldet, konnte ein Studium an der Uni Flensburg absolvieren, sucht nun einen Job im Bereich Technik und Gesundheit.

6.1.2017 – Anonymous News (* B E K P)

Sparkasse Düsseldorf finanziert mit Millionen den Angriffskrieg von Saudi-Arabien im Jemen

Nach Recherchen der Organisation „urgewald“ hat die Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf bereits Ende 2015 gemeinsam mit 12 weiteren Banken dem größten deutschen Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall mit Sitz in der Hauptstadt von NRW einen Kredit von 500 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung gestellt. Dazu erklärt Dr. Barbara Happe, Rüstungsfinanzexpertin bei urgewald:

„Wir wissen nicht genau, in welcher Höhe sich die SSK an dem Kredit beteiligt hat, aber die SSK selbst sagt, dass sie nicht die „wichtigste Bank“ für den Konzern sei.“

Wohl die wenigsten Sparkassen-Kunden vermuten, dass auch ihre Bank, zu der sie womöglich bereits seit Jahrzehnten ein gutes und vertrauensvolles Verhältnis pflegen, derlei Geschäftspraktiken verfolgt. Dies wohl auch aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die Sparkassen ihre Aufgaben im „öffentlichen Interesse“ betreiben, das seinerseits wiederum der „Beachtung des Gemeinwohls“ unterworfen ist.

Das Vorstandsmitglied der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, Michael Meyer, hat denn auch keine Bedenken, was die Kreditvergabe an Rheinmetall angeht.

Dass die deutsche Praxis bei der Genehmigung von Rüstungsexporten selbst unter massiver Kritik steht, scheint dabei ebenso wenig in die Erwägungen des Geldinstituts einzufließen wie die Tatsache, dass die Rüstungsschmiede offensichtlich systematisch Exportbeschränkungen aushebelt. Dies vor allem durch Tochter- und Gemeinschaftsunternehmen im Ausland. So fotografierte ein Human-Rights-Watch-Mitarbeiter im Mai 2015 im Jemen eine Bombe des Typs MK-83, die zwar abgeworfen worden, aber nicht explodiert war.

Auf dieser Bombe fand sich ein Code, der auf das Unternehmen RWM Italia als Hersteller hinwies. Bei dem italienischen Unternehmen handelt es sich wiederum um ein Tochterunternehmen von Rheinmetall. RWM Italia exportierte Waffen legal nach Saudi-Arabien und dies unter Umgehung deutscher Ausfuhrgenehmigungen, da der entsprechende Deal über Italien abgewickelt wurde.

Darüber hinaus betreibt der größte deutsche Rüstungskonzern zusammen mit einem staatlichen südafrikanischen Partnerunternehmen eine neue Munitionsfabrik in Saudi-Arabien. Die Fabrik wurde von der saudischen Military Industries Corporation in Al-Kharj südlich von Riad gebaut, wird jedoch von Rheinmetall Denel Munition betrieben. Rheinmetall hält an dem gemeinsamen Joint Venture einen Anteil von 51 Prozent.

Zum Angebots-Portfolio von Rheinmetall Denle Munition gehören laut eigenen Angaben Artillerie, Mörser, Flugzeugbomben sowie Flugkörper-Subsysteme.

Mein Kommentar: Es gab eine Reihe von berichten in der italienischen Presse über diese auf Sardinien produzierten und von dort nach Saudi-Arabien geflogenen Bomben.

5.1.2017 – Deutschsprachige Medien

Feuerschlucker im Jemen: Ein neu rekrutierter Kämpfer der schiitischen Huthi-Milizen führt bei einer Parade in Sanaa seine Künste vor. Foto: Hani Mohammed

Mein Kommentar: Das gibt es für das deutschsprachige Publikum aus dem Jemen, die Google-Suche nach „Feuerschlucker im Jemen“ brachte laut Google 468 Ergebnisse. So sieht deutschsprachige „Berichterstattung“ im Mainstream aus.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

6.1.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K P)

Who will help who? Saudi - Mauritania signed a military cooperation agreement " read a mercenary services agreement" referring to:

Comment by Beatrice de Filippis: Where is Ismail Ould Cheikh from? Is it by coincidence that he is UN's special envoy to #Yemen?

My comment to comment: She is right. The UN envoy is from Mauretania, which by now is no more neutral at all. Actually, another UN envoy for Yemen is required.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A T)

Son of Saudi-paid mercenary officer murdered in Mareb

Unidentified gunmen assassinated on Friday a son of a Saudi-paid mercenary security officer in the center of Mareb city.

cp15 Propaganda

6.1.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P)

UN official meets repels ministers, and no comment from the legitimate government

A UN official met on Thursday and Wednesday two officials in the coup government in the capital Sana'a, a step that constitutes a recognition of the legitimacy of the coup made by the Houthis and former president Saleh's forces against the legitimate government.

According to the Houthi controlled Saba news agency, the acting regional Director of the World Food Program in Yemen, Adham Musallam, met on Wednesday the Foreign Minister in the coup government Hisham Sharaf.

During the meeting, a copy of the credentials of the WFP Director in Yemen was handed over to the coup Foreign Minister.

On Thursday, Musallam also met the coup Minister of Transportation Zakaria al-Shami, and both the parties discussed the World Food Program support for the rehabilitation of Hodeida Port, west Yemen.

The meeting was also attended by other officials in the coup government.

Almasdaronline has contacted officials in the Yemeni legitimate government and the Foreign Ministry to get an official tatement about the UN officials dealing with the coup ministers, but there was no response.

My comment: Reports on these meetings at cp5. – This article, really is odd propaganda. The author really thinks the UN institutions should not meet with officials of those who control Northern Yemen? In this case: World Food Programme? No need for food assistance for people in Northern Yemen because meeting with those who control that region would be “a step that constitutes a recognition of the legitimacy of the coup made by the Houthis and former president Saleh's forces”? How foolish Hadi government propaganda can be? – And another remark about wording: Hadi propaganda always is speaking of “coup” when labeling the Sanaa government or the Houthis. Well, you can argument that they got in power by a “coup”. But there are some more other “coups” in recent Yemen history: a) “president” Hadi just staying in office when is term was definitely over on Feb. 27, 2015. b) “President” Hadi just dismissing his vice president and ministers of his cabinet and appointing new ones, without any approval by parliament, what is required by the Yemeni constitution. –

5.1.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Houthi militias commit 154 crimes during one-month in Ibb

Militias of the Houthis and Saleh are continuing their crimes and violations against people of Ibb governorates .They committed over 154 violations and crimes in Ibb during last December alone.

Ten civilians were murdered , one person was tortured until death, and 13 attempted murders, two executions were also conducted by the Houthis in Ibb during December.

The report mentioned that 69 persons including children were kidnapped in December 2016 alone. No one day passes without the occurrence of abduction cases in Ibb.

My comment: Of course such crimes really occur – by the Houthis and by all other militia – the pro-Hadi army and militia in favour of whom this website is making propaganda. There is mentioned a “report” of that crimes – nothing said about what a report that is, who issued it, where he got his data from. – I nevertheless classify this article in cp15 “propaganda” – as there already had been published a very similar one by the same website, on January 1: , in that case referring to a more or less obscure organization “Rasad Organization for Rights and Freedoms”, giving a total of 85 Houthi crimes in December.

5.1.2017 – Al-Sahwa (A P)

UK diplomat: Saleh contradicts himself

The UK Ambassador to Yemen Edmund Brown has strongly slammed the remarks of ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh in which he evaded the commitment of his party to the terms of references for Yemen's political reconciliation.

Brown told al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper that Saleh on November 16, 2016 along with the Houthis pledged to commit to these terms of reference for solving the Yemeni crisis.

Saleh said that it was not logic to speak about a federal state of the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, the GCC-brokered imitative or the UN Resolution 2216, reiterating that all these terms of reference were revoked.

My comment: This ambassador is a 100 % supporter of his government’s policy fully backing the Saudis and their Yemeni puppet government. – Well, Saleh had been right in his last statement. He contradicts himself? Well, keep in mind that between his Nov. 16 and his last statement the Saudi-backed puppet government has blocked all progress by rejecting the last UN / Kelly peace plan. And time simply goes by. The old ideas simply are working no more after 20 month of war – in this Saleh is absolutely right.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

6.1.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


- Place of Violation: Saada, Al-Hodeida, Hajja, Marib, Sana’a, Al-Jawf, Shabwa, Taiz and Lahjj

- Violator: Saudi - led Coalition "war on Yemen"

Casualties and damages (full list):

5.1.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


- Place of Violation: Taiz, Lahjj, Al-Hodieda, Marib, Amran, Saada, Hajja and Sana’a

Violator: Saudi - led Coalition "war on Yemen"

Casualties and damages (full list):

6.–7.1.2017 – Sanaa at night (A K)

I think Saudi jets missed memo of fulfilling kill quota for the night..bombing my neighborhood in south of Sana'a now.

Explosion from second bomb dropped now felt like sky cracking open. Alright folks, who's lowlife sold Saudi new Armageddon bombs?

another huge explosion. God help those close to it.

Another bomb .. Massive and freaking scary, sounds like we're going to kiss the sleep goodbye!!

Here they come again. Not sure why jets speed on approach to drop bomb and hightail. It's not like we got any defenses to intercept

4 huge explosions until NOW in Sanaa by Saudi jets

6.1.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

14yrs Mohammed passed away hours aftr midnight 3days n a coma aftr #Saudi #UAE strikes on his home n #Saada #Yemen (photos)

and older tweets: and

6.1.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition launch 22 raid on Houthi sites

The fighters of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition launched on Thursday 22 air raid on the Houthi and Saleh forces in Taiz and Lahj governorates, southwest of Yemen, according to military and local sources.

The sources told Almasdaronline that the raids targeted the Houthi repels sites in al Omari camp and al Jadid area in Dhubab district, and destroyed a rocket launcher and military vehicles.

"Some elements were killed and others injured in the coalition aerial bombardment," according to the sources.

"The fighters also bombed with three raids the repels sites in al Sharijh and al Huyemi areas, northern Lahj, and targeted military vehicles, a heavy machine gun, and a Katyusha rocket launcher vehicle".

"These intensive raids came after the Houthis and allied forces have launched a ballistic missile from al Omari camp on the government forces in Shaab al Jinn camp in Kahbob district, eastern Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and unidentified casualties fell among the government troops".

In a related development, the coalition fighters launched three raids on the Radio camp in al Hawban area, eastern Taiz city.

6.1.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition fighters bomb Houthi stores in Amran

The fighters of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition launched on Wednesday five air raids on Houthi and Saleh forces sites in Amran city, southern capital Sana’a.

A local source said that five airstrikes targeted training camps and weapons stores for the repels in the Yemeni Economical Institution farms in Shwabat Sufian area, adjacent to eastern al Jawf governorate.

6.1.2017 – Anadolu (A K)

Saudi-led coalition warplanes reportedly struck a number of sites affiliated with the Houthis and their allies in the city of Dhobab and the Al-Jadid area -- including the Al-Omary army camp -- in the southwestern Taiz province near Aden.

According to local sources, the airstrikes led to the destruction of several Houthi military vehicles and at least one rocket platform.

6.1.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

Saudi-led Arab Coalition air forces launched a series of intense strikes on insurgency camps in multiple provinces, namely Shabwa, Taiz and Hodeidah, Marib.

Arab Coalition airstrikes also targeted militia positions west of Usaylan District resulting in the death and injury of dozens of the coup militants, the destruction of five crews and two rocket launchers.

My comment: As is pro-Saudi and Saudi media. They claim only to hit “insurgency camps” etc.

Reality looks different:

6.1.2017 – Stop War on Yemen 652 (A K PH)

Sanaa : 9 civilians killed & 4 injured when Saudi coalition targeted their car in Al-haimah Aldakhliyah. #WarCrimes against civilians #Yemen

6.1.2017 – Hisham Al-Radhi (A K)

Breaking: #Saudi jets hit a school & a mosque in Bani Yusuf area Alhaymah dist. west of #Sanaa, killing 12 people & injuring others


6.1.2017 – Amjad Khatabi (A K)

A school was targeted by Saudis jets last night in Bnyyousef Alhyma district in Sanaa (photos)

he same only school in the village was targeted in last March!! and

6.1.2017 – Hussan Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

16 civilians were killed when Saudi jets targeted a vehicle in A l Haimah, Sana'a Hodidah road #Yemen

6.1.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

My best friend's brother killed today by #Saudi rocket's shrapnel while he was playing football in Baqem area #Sadaa #Yemen I liked this kid (photo)

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi enemy's jets wage ten strikes on Bani Matar

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched ten raids on Bani Matar district of Sana'a province overnight, a security official told Saba on Friday.
The hostile airstrikes targeted al-Subaha area, leaving damage to citizens' homes and property.

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch 3 strikes on Serwah

The US-Backed Saudi aggression's fighter jets waged three raids on Serwah district of Mareb province overnight, a local official told Saba on Friday.
The three strikes hit Makhdara area, north of Serwah district.

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Backed Saudi airstrikes target Serwah 5 times

The US-Backed Saudi-aggression's fighter jets launched five raids on Serwah district of Mareb province, a local official said on Friday.
The hostile war jets hit Hailan Mountain five times, after hours from an air bombing targeted several areas of Serwah district.

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression resumes air striking Mareb, damaging houses, farms

Saudi aggression warplanes resumed bombing Mareb province late on Thursday evening, a security official told Saba on Friday.
The warplanes hit Makhdara area of Serwah district two times, few hours after morning aerial bombardment, causing large damage to citizens’ houses and fruits farms.

5.1.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

More than 7 #Saudi air strikes today on Baqem area in Sadaa city #Yemen

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Marib: Saudi American Raid Hits Haylan Mountain in Serwah District

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Hodeidah: Two Saudi American Raids on Coastal Defense in Jubana Area, Salif District

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

6.1.2017 – Southfront (A K PH)


Wie das Nachrichtenportal Press TV am Donnerstag berichtete, wurden in der Saudi-Arabischen Grenzregion Dschāzān und Asir acht saudische Soldaten und pro-saudische Söldner von Kämpfern der Allianz Huthi-Salih getötet.

Laut dem TV-Sender al-Masira wurden am Mittwochabend drei saudische Soldaten im Gebiet Tabat al-Zabreh in der Provinz Dschāzān, 969 Kilometer südlich der saudischen Hauptstadt Riad getötet.

Zur gleichen Zeit startete die Allianz auch einen Angriff auf einen Außenposten, der sich im Gebiet von Tabat al-Ghomameh in derselben Region befindet, wobei ein weiterer saudischer Soldat getötet wurde.

Weiter wurden vier pro-saudische Söldner getötet, als diese die Grenze Aleb in Saudi-Arabischen südwestlichen Provinz Asir überqueren wollten.

Später feuerte die Allianz Huthi-Salih eine Rakete auf ein Zusammentreffen saudischer Soldaten in der Stadt al-Rabiea in der Provinz Asir. Allerdings gab es keine Berichte über Verluste oder Schäden.

Des Weiteren führte die jemenitische Seite mehrere Angriffe mit Katjuscha Raketen auf die Militärbasis al-Mostahaddeth nahe der Region Reqabah al-Hamad sowie mit Artillerie gegen die Militärbasis al-Ash in Nadschran.

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army destroys mercenaries' BMP vehicle, killing its crew in Nehm

6.1.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee / Almasirah TV (A K PH)

And this is Ajoba post in Jaizan south Saudi Arabia under artillery bombardment of Yemeni army today. Advances continue deeper&deeper (photos)

This is HOW Yemeni fighters took over Semnah post today in Jaizan south Saudi Arabia (photos) and film by Almasirah: =

Yemen brave fighters Keep arming themselves from Advanced US-made weapons left by Saudi soldiers who always flee battlefields (photos) and film by Almasirah:

6.1.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

Army Forces Advance in Yemen

Clashes between pro-government forces and insurgency militias in Yemen’s northern province Saada intensified as Yemeni army forces , backed by Arab Coalition air power made significant advances retaking grounds and strategic locations, cutting the passageway linking Saada a to the insurgency-run Jawf province.

Military sources say that army forces successfully staged a retaliatory operation securing a sweeping advance in Saada, in which a Houthi senior leader, Mourad al Shabathi, had been neutralized by an Arab Coalition airstrike Wednesday evening.

Meanwhile, army artillery continues pounding insurgency militia pits in Sirwah considered the most important economic and political center in prehistoric Yemen. The location is a logistic gain that insurgency groups hold on to fiercely.

As for Beihan, located in the Shabwa province, army forces took control of new sites formerly controlled by coup militias after fighting fierce and violent battles over the course of several days.

Military sources said that the units backed by popular resistance managed to free the mountain range overlooking the valley Beihan through which militias supply routes pass to As Safra District, a local armed forces media outlet reported.

In Taiz, army forces regained control of new western positions by ambushing insurgency local strongholds.

Coup militias on the other hand continue sniping down and bombarding civilians and in different parts of Taiz. A young Yemeni girl, Siham Mohammed, being the latest victim of insurgency cruelty. Many other civilian injuries have also been accounted for after insurgency militias attacked a crowd of children and parents exiting a school on the 30th St.(west of an air defense camp), local sources said.

My comment: Own successes and only the other side sniping civilians – that’s a Saudi media.

6.1.2017 – Mohammed Al-Qadhi (A K)

Huge blasts rock the eastern parts of #Taiz city now as fierce battles rage around the presidential palace !

6.1.2017 – Gulf News (A K PS)

20 people killed in two days of fighting in Yemen’s Taiz

At least 20 people including a primary school student were killed and dozens injured in two consecutive days of fierce battles in Yemen’s southern city of Taiz, residents and army commanders said on Friday.

Fighting erupted on Thursday when Al Houthis launched a fresh offensive to take control of several locations on the western and eastern edges of the city.

The clashes lasted for more than 20 hours and the government forces pushed the rebels back, killing at least 15 under heavy air support from Saudi-led coalition fighter jets.

Army commanders said neither government forces nor Al Houthis managed to make territorial gains in the fighting that subsided on Friday afternoon.

Residents said a primary school student was killed and another was injured on Thursday when a shell fired by Al Houthis exploded on their way back home from school.

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

The Saudi-paid mercenaries continued the artillery and missile bombing on houses and farms of citizens in separated areas of Serwah

The Saudi-paid mercenaries launched an intensive missile and artillery bombardment on al-Matar, al-Rrabeah and Al Hajlan areas in the same district, causing large damage to civilians' houses and farms.

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army, popular forces kill Saudi-paid mercenary in Taiz

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army shells Saudi-paid mercenaries' sites in Taiz

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army foils mercenaries' attempt to progress in Lahj

6.1.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

Dozens of Saudi soldiers&their mercenaries killed&injured today when failed to restore strategic position of Shurfa Najran south KSA

6.1.2017 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

Houthi tanks destroyed by Saudi Apache helicopters in Serwah, Marib province (photos)

6.1.2017 – Al Arabiya (A K PS)

Film: A commander of the #Houthi militia in Sa'dah front and 41 of his troops killed in Arab coalition airstrike — via: @AlArabiya_Eng

5.1.2017 – Qabl Qalel (A K PS)

Film: Members of the Saudi army in control of the caches for the Houthis in the middle of the mountains

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Taiz: Five Killed Saudi-Paid Mercenaries at the Bottom of Shamali Hill in Klabah Region

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Military Vehicles Burned in Taiz, Sites Targeted in Dhala

5.1.2017 – Al Masirah TV (A K PH)

VIDEO: Pro-Saleh/#Houthis fighters capture & destroy two Ratel-20 IFV's near Asilan, Shabwah Governorate.

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Yemeni Artillery Force Kills and Injures Saudi Mercenaries in Nihm

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Over 150 mercenaries killed, injured in Yemen ballistic missile attack near Bab al-Mandab

At least 150 Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and injured when the rocketry force of the national army and popular committees fired a ballistic missile on a Saudi mercenary military camp in southwest of Taiz governorate, an army official told Saba on Friday.
The medium-range missile hit Shab al-Jin military camp near the Red Sea strait of Bab al-Mandab late on Thursday.
Among the killed were a number of terrorists transformed lately from Syria through Turkish planes, said the official. and by Fars News:

and by Anadolu, that sounds more realistic:

6.1.2017 – Anadolu (A K)

Yemen’s Houthis, allies strike site near Bab al-Mandab

Houthi militiamen reportedly fire ‘ballistic missile’ at Yemeni troop concentrations deployed near strategic waterway

Yemen’s Shia Houthi militia group and its allies launched an attack on a military site near the Bab al-Mandab Strait on Thursday, killing a number of government soldiers, sources from both sides of the conflict have said.

Fahman al-Subaihi, a government field commander, said Houthi militiamen and allied forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh had fired a "ballistic missile" at the Shaab al-Jen military camp, which is located near the strategic waterway.

According to al-Subaihi, the missile attack left six government soldiers dead and dozens more injured.

Houthi officials quoted by Yemen’s Houthi-linked SABA press agency said militiamen had fired the missile at a concentration of government troops deployed at the army camp.

The press agency quoted an unnamed Houthi military source as saying that "dozens" of government personnel had been killed and injured by the missile strike.

and confirmed by

6.1.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

the Houthis and allied forces have launched a ballistic missile from al Omari camp on the government forces in Shaab al Jinn camp in Kahbob district, eastern Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and unidentified casualties fell among the government troops".

6.1.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Artillery shells Saudi army in Najran, Asir, tens killed, scores fled

5.1.2017 – Hona Almasira (A K PH)

Film: A full coverage of #Yemen army & militia raid on AlMalzoz Saudi site in Jizan.

5.1.2017 – Ram_Z (A K PH)

Film: Saudi Arabia: Pro-Saleh/Houthis Storm Saudi Border Guard Tower

Pro-Saleh YA & Houthis storm a Saudi Border Guard Tower in the al-Malmouz military zone in Jizan Region.

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Military Sites Bombarded in Jizan

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Soldier Shot Down in Najran

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Dead and Wounded Saudi Mercenaries in Shabwa Governorate

5.1.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Asir: Uragan Missile Targets Saudi Military Jurba Site

5.1.2017 – Sputnik News (A K)

Houthi Forces Send Ballistic Missile at Government Camp in Yemen

The Houthi forces launched a mid-range ballistic missile at the camp of government supporters near Bab-el-Mandeb in Taizze governorate, according to a military source. and by Saba:

5.1.2017 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

Here's a video showing part of the #Yemeni National Army battles against the #Houthis inside Sa'dah

My comment: “#Yemeni National Army” here Saudi-backed “president” Hadi’s army.

Vorige / Previous:

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Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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