Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 269 - Yemen War Mosaic 269

Yemen Press Reader 269: UNCHR: Humanitäre Katastrophe – UN: Endbericht der Jemen-Kommission – IDEX-Waffenmesse – CIA, Saudis und Terror – Ideen für Frieden – Trumps Dubai-Geschäft – und mehr

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UNCHR: Humanitarian catastrophe – Final report of UN panel on Yemen – IDEX arms fair – CIA, Saudis and terror ties – Ideas for peace – Trump’s Dubai business – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17a Kriegsereignisse: Mokha / Theater of War: Mokha

cp17b Kriegsereignisse: Sonstige / Theater of War: Other

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Ideen für Frieden / Ideas for peace: cp2 (Lobelog)

Trumps Geschäft / Trump's business: cp9 (AP)

17.2.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (** A H)

Funding crunch exacerbating Yemen “catastrophe” - UNHCR

Deaths through famine and lack of medical attention in the country are being aggravated as UN Refugee Agency relief operations are just one per cent funded.

People in war-ravaged Yemen are dying of famine and lack of medical attention in a situation now “beyond any humanitarian catastrophe,” UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency said today, warning the crisis would likely worsen as humanitarian needs are acutely underfunded.

“There is significant famine, there are people dying because of lack of medical attention, there are people who are out of schools simply because the schools are being used as shelters for displaced people,” said UNHCR’s Representative in Yemen, Ayman Gharaibeh.

“We used to say last year that we were in a catastrophe. Now we’ve said that it is beyond any humanitarian catastrophe that we’ve seen,” he said, speaking on the sidelines of a news briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

“It is beyond any humanitarian catastrophe that we’ve seen.”

War reignited in the country of 27 million people in March 2015, creating a situation where fully two-thirds of the population – or some 18 million people - are now dependent on external aid in order to survive. The situation facing many of the three million people displaced from their homes in Yemen is essentially a struggle for survival – food, water and shelter are priority.

Many are now enduring miserable and inadequate conditions living in overcrowded or makeshift shelters for months on end and without sufficient protection.

Providing an effective response is currently being hindered by an acute funding shortfall that has left UNHCR with just one per cent of the US$99.6 million it needs to continue its vital relief operations in the year ahead, Gharaibeh said.

Whereas in 2016, UNHCR spent US$76 million in its emergency response to different waves of displacement and stockpiling relief items in Yemen, Gharaibeh said it has started this year with just US$600,000 in its bank account.

Having a fully funded operation “gives us the opportunity to have different options, be it for shelter, be it for cash programming,” he added.

“Without resources ... it really means that we will have more and more people languishing in the streets.”

In an example of the impact the funding shortage was having, Gharaibeh said UNHCR would not be able to follow through with financial assistance to some 2,000 vulnerable widows identified as in need. “There have been assessments done in terms of vulnerability, but since that has not been matched with funding, it undermines our credibility, and the credibility of the response.

“Without resources we are not useful at all in Yemen. We need to be able to identify needs, identify who is deserving … and make sure we are able to respond.”

The current situation has been compounded by decades of neglect, which has left weak institutions, poor government, and a feeble economy.

“Every aspect of life is impacted and without this, it really means that we will have more and more people languishing in the streets. An unstable Yemen is not going to be a stable region, and that’s not in the interest of any of its neighbours.” – By: Tim Gaynor =

My comment: Imagine how miserable all that is. The sum UNCHR so urgent requires for the whole year 2017 to do its work just is the equivalent of 12 hours Saudi aerial war against Yemen (around the clock, since March 26, 2015). Or: It is 1,38 % of the yearly sum for which the Saudis bought arms just from the US during Obama’s eight years of presidency. – And imagine how small the sum actually is the UNCHR requires: It’s somewhat more than US $ 5 for every person in need per year! What more than a few simple meals you could give to one person for that money – within a whole year??

31.1.2017 – United Nations Security Council Panel of Experts (*** B K P)

Final report of the Panel of Experts on Yemen


The Panel of Experts on Yemen considers that, after nearly two years of conflict in Yemen, an outright military victory by any one side is no longer a realistic possibility in the near term. The country has fractured into competing power centres, with the Houthi-Saleh alliance controlling much of the northern highlands and the legitimate Government, backed by forces from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, seeking to build capacity to administer parts of the south and the east. To date, the parties have not demonstrated sustained interest in or commitment to a political settlement or peace talks.

The Panel assesses that the Houthi and Saleh forces continue to operate as part of a military alliance, while maintaining separate lines of command and control at the operational level. The Panel has identified the increased use by the Houthis of battle - winning weapons, such as anti-tank guided missiles that were not in the pre-conflict Yemeni stockpile. These missiles are covertly shipped to the Houthi-Saleh alliance over land, along a new main supply route from the border with Oman. The Houthis have also continued to use short-range ballistic missiles and free-flight rockets against Saudi Arabian towns within 300 km of the border, to some political and propaganda effect.

The air campaign waged by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia, while devastating to Yemeni infrastructure and civilians, has failed to dent the political will of the Houthi-Saleh alliance to continue the conflict. Maritime attacks in the Red Sea in late 2016 have increased the risk of the conflict spreading regionally. The HouthiSaleh alliance has demonstrated that it has an effective anti-ship capability, with one successful attack against a United Arab Emirates naval ship, and other attacks eliciting a cruise missile response by the United States Navy against Houthi land radar stations. There has also been a failed improvised explosive device attack by an as yet unidentified party against a large liquid nitrogen gas tanker heading north through the Bab al-Mandab strait.

Although the military front lines have remained largely the same, the nearconstant clashes and casualties notwithstanding, the political landscape has shifted. The Panel has identified a tightening of the Houthi-Saleh political alliance, culminating in the establishment of a Sana’a-based supreme political council. On 28 November, this body announced a new 42-person government. The Panel believes this to be an attempt by the alliance to create “facts on the ground” by establishing a functioning, de facto government that will be difficult to uproot. It is, in effect, a new “bureaucratic” front to the conflict. Throughout 2016, the alliance has constantly undertaken acts that are exclusively within the authority of the legitimate Government.

The transfer of the Central Bank to Aden by the Government has effectively opened an “economic” front to the conflict, aimed at denying the Houthi-Saleh alliance the resources necessary to support continued hostilities or to administer the territory under its control. It has also significantly reduced the provision of material and services that are indispensable to the survival of civilians. The move may result in accelerating the impending humanitarian catastrophe in areas under the control of the alliance.

Terrorist groups such as Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) affiliate in Yemen are now actively exploiting the changing political environment and governance vacuums to recruit new members and stage new attacks and are laying the foundation for terrorist networks that may last for years. The Panel assesses that AQAP is pursuing a two - track strategy of seeking to control and administer territory in Yemen to serve as a base, while simultaneously looking to plot and execute attacks against the West. ISIL experienced a leadership restructuring early in 2016 and is looking to attract new recruits after a wave of defections in the first half of the year. The improvised explosive device threat from terrorist groups has also increased significantly, with the introduction of new technology and tactics into Yemen in 2016. It cannot be assumed that the use of this technology is now the preserve of a single group in the light of the movement of fighters and thus the exchange of technical knowledge between AQAP, ISIL, Houthi or Saleh forces and “resistance” forces affiliated to the President. Improvised explosive devices are also acting as a force multiplier for armed groups operating outside the control of the Government, reducing their current and future dependence on conventional weapons. This has all significantly increased the overall risk to civilians from explosive remnants of war

The conflict has seen widespread violations of international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict. The Panel has undertaken detailed investigations into some of these incidents and has sufficient grounds to believe that the coalition led by Saudi Arabia did not comply with international humanitarian law in at least 10 air strikes that targeted houses, markets, factories and a hospital. It is also highly likely that the Houthi and Saleh forces did not comply with international humanitarian law in at least three incidents when they fired explosive ordnance at a market, a house and a hospital

There have also been widespread and systematic violations of international humanitarian law, international human rights law and human rights norms by officials and security forces affiliated to the Government and to the Houthis. The Panel has investigated cases of forced displacement of civilians and concludes that there are indications of a governorate-level policy, with clear violations by the Government in Aden and Lahij. The Panel has concluded that the Houthis, as well as Hadrami Elite Forces aligned with the Government and the United Arab Emirates, have violated international humanitarian law and human rights law and norms on at least 12 and 6 occasions, respectively, by forcibly disappearing individuals. The Houthi security forces in particular routinely use torture and commit international humanitarian law violations and human rights abuses relating to deprivation of liberty. The Panel also documented many cases of violations against hospitals, medical staff, children and religious minorities. It concludes that the violations by the Houthi-Saleh alliance are sufficiently routine, widespread and systematic to implicate its top leadership

All parties to the conflict have obstructed the distribution of humanitarian assistance within Yemen. The methods of obstruction vary, including the denial of movement, threats to humanitarian staff and the placing of conditions that seek to influence where and how aid is distributed.

The Panel continued its investigations into the financial networks of designated individuals and has identified that Khaled Ali Abdullah Saleh has a significant role in the management of financial assets on behalf of listed individuals Ali Abdullah Saleh (YEi.003) and Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh (YEi.005). The Panel has identified suspicious transfers of significant funds during the period 2014-2016, involving six companies and five banks in five countries, that certainly fall well outside the normal fund management practices of high-wealth individuals. The Panel has also identified a company named Raydan Investments and accounts used by Khaled Ali Abdullah Saleh to launder $83,953,782 within a three-week period in December 2014.

The financial activities, in terms of regional black market arms trafficking, of Fares Mohammed Mana’a (SOi.008) have also come to the attention of the Panel, in particular since he was appointed as minister of state in the new Sana’a -based government of 28 November and has known connections to both Ali Abdullah Saleh (YEi.003) and the Houthis. He is freely travelling on a Yemeni diplomatic passport, including within the Schengen area. This case is just one illustration of how opportunistic businesspeople and criminal entities are benefiting from the conflict using governmental privileges and immunities. It is in their vested interest to use their influence to undermine any prospect for peaceful settlement.

Only the continuation and effective implementation of the targeted sanctions regime will deter such individuals and their supporters from participating in acts that threaten the peace and security of Yemen. If well implemented, delisting within the sanctions regime could offer incentives for those who are willing to engage constructively for a better Yemen.

Total: 242 pages and summary only as cited above:

My comment: A very interesting report. As it had to be expected, it stays in the political frame of rhe Hadi government as “legitimate” (what it is not; recognition from outside cannot bestow any “legitimacy”, even not the UN can do so). Thus, such twisted phrases can show up as “Throughout 2016, the [Houthi / Saleh] alliance has constantly undertaken acts that are exclusively within the authority of the legitimate Government.” Really??

and Samuel Oakford pointing at important facts and commenting:

17.2.2017 – Samuel Oakford (** A K)

Un panel of experts report

Image. UN panel of experts lists 30 "air and drone" strikes carried out by the US in #Yemen during 2016:

and following thread (with images showing more text):

Nearly 2 years into the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen, Houthi-Saleh forces control land where more than 80% of Yemenis lived pre-conflict.

Final report of UN experts panel concludes military victory for any side in #Yemen "is no longer a realistic possibility in the near term."

UN panel of experts: Houthis have received weapons including anti-tank guided missiles since start of #Yemen conflict.

UN panel of experts: 2 year Saudi air campaign "devastating to Yemeni infrastructure and civilians," but not Houthi "political will."

UN PoE: Move of Yemen's central bank "may result in accelerating the impending humanitarian catastrophe".

UN PoE: AQAP and ISIL "exploiting... governance vacuums" in Yemen... "laying the foundation for terrorist networks that may last for years."

UN PoE has Saleh family laundering more than $80 million. #Yemen.

Buried in this UN report: "The Panel assesses #Yemen to be in danger of fracturing beyond the point of no return."

UN PoE: AQAP and ISIL "exploiting... governance vacuums" in Yemen... "laying the foundation for terrorist networks that may last for years."

Bizarre situations in #Yemen: dueling sides lay claim to same military unit names. In Taiz there are two opposing '35th armoured brigades.'

"Instead of one large war... the conflict in #Yemen comprises several smaller wars."

UN PoE: Saleh still exerts huge level of control in #Yemen:

UN PoE first documented units loyal to Saleh fighting alongside Houthis on border with Saudi Arabia in summer of 2016:

UN PoE: "AQAP [al Qaeda's Yemen branch] has devoted most of its efforts in Yemen to fighting the Houthis." (US opposed to both.)

US deploys "small numbers" of military personnel in #Yemen to "assist in operations targeting AQAP."

UN PoE assesses ISIL in #Yemen weaker than in 2015. "ISIL is struggling to maintain this early momentum... suffered a wave of defections."

Original (Englisch) übersetzen

UN PoE says not seen evidence to confirm "large-scale supply of arms" to Houthis by Iran, but some entering #Yemen in are Iranian produced. For more on possible smuggling routes, check out pages 26 and 27:

One of the few things in #Yemen that is now *more* affordable? Bullets.

Indiscriminate Houthi missile fire towards/into Saudi Arabia (a violation of IHL) costs the Saudis a lot to defend:

UN PoE finds Saudi air campaign reflects either "ineffective targeting process" or policy of "attrition against civilian infrastructure."

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Excellent thread on UN Panel of Experts report on #Yemen. Sam does superb job tweeting highlights/excerpts with own expert commentary.

18.2.2017 – The National UAE (** A E K P)

Idex 2017: Mena defence spending to rise this year as conflicts create demand for arms

As Mena defence spending tries to recover from last year’s first decline in eight years, multiple ongoing conflicts in the region are expected to keep the arms industry busy.

Mena defence spending, which fell last year almost 2 per cent year-on-year because of low oil prices, is expected to rise 1.4 per cent to US$165 billion this year as countries face a number of conflicts, according to the consultancy IHS Jane’s.

"Defence spending in the region is expected to rise to around $180bn by 2020 and we’ll also see this spending being heavily supported by ‘off-budget’ funds where key equipment requirements emerge," said Craig Caffrey, a senior analyst at IHS Jane’s.

Some deals, particularly for the UAE, could emerge this week at the International Defence Exhibition (Idex) taking place in Abu Dhabi, where 1,235 companies will participate in the biennial event, a 3 per cent increase on 2015.

There are new developments likely to spark new spending.

"From a geo-strategic standpoint, Iran remains the most critical challenge for the [Arabian] Gulf states," said Aleksandar Jovovic, of the aerospace and defence consultancy Avascent.

The Gulf stand-off with Iran has already led to a spike in investments in missile defence systems in the region over the past five years and is likely to continue if Iran’s defence budget swells, said Mr Caffrey.

There is likely to be a shift in spending patterns owing to the nature of new conflicts.

"We’ve seen the acquisition of strategic transport and tanker aircraft, intelligence-gathering platforms and precision guided munitions … which are capabilities that states within the region have not traditionally focused upon," said Mr Caffrey.

"And that’s down to attempts to build the kind of capabilities required to conduct operations beyond their own borders. Until recently, military capabilities in the region have been very much focused upon territorial defence, so this transitional process will take time and significant amount of funding."

Mena countries involved in conflicts are likely to prioritise spending on weapons, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of all systems and platforms, including aircraft, and land vehicles among others, said Mr Jovovic.

The region also may experience an uptick in investment in naval capabilities, which are needed to protect the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf and Bab El Mandeb strait in the Red Sea.

"Yemen is not only land or air warfare. It is a naval war also," said Mustafa Alani, the senior adviser for the Geneva-based Gulf Research Center. "Again there is a gap for equipping special forces. You need to intensify the use of drones and special forces for this war. You don’t need army and tanks." – by Dania Saadi

My comment: Insane. Spreading anti-Iranian paranoia = more profit from arms sales. – Nearly in every paragraph of this article you can hear that more arms especially for the Yemen war are to be bought, whether for fighting on the ground, in the air or at sea. More war in Yemen = more profit from arms sales. – Does the Trump government favor both just to “make America [the American arms industry] great again”? –More reporting and photos of IDEX: cp13a below. Earlier reporting on this arms show YPR 267 ( ).

18.2.2017 – World Net Daily (** B P T)

CIA honors Saudi for fighting terror, despite nation's terror ties

Philip Haney, a retired Department of Homeland Security officer who specialized in Islamic theology and the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic movement, said the CIA had to overlook a remarkable amount of “derogatory information” to honor a Saudi leader for fighting terrorism.

“Since 9/11, the terms of our relationship with Saudi Arabia have been defined by the Saudis, not by the U.S.,” Haney told WND. “To gain Saudi support in the ‘War on Terror,’ one of the first post-9/11 compromises America made with the Saudis was to redact the now-infamous ’28 pages’ from the 9/11 Commission Report, thus shielding and/or exonerating them from any involvement or responsibility.

“A second compromise we made with our Wahhabi partners in peace was to ignore their decades-long role in the funding and support of thousands of pro-jihad madrassas throughout the Eastern Hemisphere.

“Nor should we overlook Saudi Arabia’s on-again, off-again support of Hamas, a close Muslim Brotherhood affiliate and globally designated Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997. Despite Saudi Arabia’s earlier 2014 designation of the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, on July 17, 2015, King Salman of Saudi Arabia met with top Hamas leaders, including Qatar resident and political leader Khaled Meshal, thus publicly revealing his willingness to work with known Islamist terrorist organizations.”

Trump and Pompeo [Trump’s new CIA director] appear to be continuing the long tradition of treating Saudi Arabia as an ally despite its past associations with terrorism.

“The one-sided quid pro quo alliance between America and Saudi Arabia is remarkably similar to the ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ between Turkey and Europe, and the West, to overlook the Armenian genocide for the sake of peace and political and economic stability,” Haney said.

Haney, co-author of the book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad,” noted the Saudis exercise tremendous influence over the American government.

Haney said he can think of several possible reasons why Pompeo would give a Saudi prince an anti-terrorism medal.

It may have been intended to signal to Iran that the U.S. is openly siding with the Sunni Islamic world. Or maybe it was an acknowledgement of the Saudi-led coalition in the ongoing war in Yemen, which began in March 2015 with U.S.-supported air strikes. Or maybe it was a gesture of thanks for Saudi Arabia’s ground-support role in Syria after Obama authorized the CIA to begin secretly arming Syrian rebels in 2013.

Here, however, things get complicated, because a year later Saudi Arabia designated two of the opposition groups the CIA was initially supporting in Syria as terrorist organizations.

“Virtually all the financing for Sunni Muslim terrorist groups comes from Saudi Arabia and the other Sunni Muslim gulf states. The Saudi intelligence services financed and armed the Sunni gangs that started the Syrian Civil War in 2011.”

Murray, author of “Utopian Road to Hell: Enslaving America and the World with Central Planning,” pointed out virtually all Islamic terror is Sunni, with Hezbollah being the only Shia terror group. But Murray said Hezbollah is not in the same league as other Muslim terror groups because Hezbollah attacks military, not civilian, targets and operates hospitals in Lebanon.

“In fact, there has never been, to my knowledge, a Shia Muslim terror attack on civilians in Europe or the United States,” Murray asserted. “On the other hand, every terror attack in America has been Sunni Muslim and has had some ties to Saudi Arabia. By some ties, I mean either direct, or the terrorists attended Sunni Muslim mosques associated in some way with Saudi Arabia.”

Murray places the blame for this award squarely on Pompeo.

“I don’t think President Trump ordered Pompeo to go to Saudi Arabia,” Murray said. “I do not believe that President Trump was aware that Pompeo was going to give Prince Abdulaziz this prestigious CIA medal. Rather, I believe that CIA Director Pompeo has been in the pocket of the Saudi royal family since his time on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the House. It was his duty to oversee the CIA and now he runs it.

“Just as was true under the Bush and Obama administrations, the Saudis can do no wrong in the eyes of the CIA. Every briefing that President Trump receives will pump up the Saudi royals. I pray that the president will watch his Twitter account and read about the human rights abuses of the Saudi royals and their devastating war on the civilians in Yemen. Frankly, I don’t know how Director Pompeo can sleep at night.” – by Paul Bremmer

cp2 Allgemein / General

23.2.2017 – Arab Gulf States Institute (A K P)

Conference: Is Yemen the First Battleground in the Trump Administration’s Confrontation with Iran?

President Donald J. Trump’s administration and U.S. partners in the region – in particular, Saudi Arabia – see Yemen as an important arena in which to confront Iran’s destabilizing behavior, and to neutralize the threat it is seen as posing to Gulf Arab states. But this confrontational approach carries the risk of triggering Iranian retaliation, or even an armed conflict involving Iran, the United States, and the United States’ regional partners. What role is the United States playing in the conflict in Yemen and is its support for the Saudi-led intervention likely to increase? Is Iran challenging the Trump administration’s resolve by testing ballistic missiles and applauding attacks by Houthi rebels on Saudi targets? Will the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action survive the increased tensions and do the parties involved have the space or the inclination to de-escalate current tensions?

Join AGSIW for a discussion of these issues and other challenges facing the Trump administration and U.S. partners in the Gulf as they push back against growing Iranian influence in the region.

Additional speakers to be announced.

Check back on February 23 to watch live.

Speakers: Peter Salisbury, Sanam Vakil, Stephen A. Seche

Comment by Judith Brown: Well - I guess their intelligence is still haywire. WMD in Iraq. Iran in Yemen. I could do a better job than the US intelligence agencies. And in any case, unless I've got this wrong - name me one country that Iran has invaded and bombed incessantly from the air? Maybe this is Iran's mistake. It hasn't learned that to save people you gave to bomb them their homes, their hospitals,their schools, their ports, their farms, their roads, their bridges - just like USA and U.K. do.

19.2.2017 – Gulf News (A K P)

Saudi Arabia helps clear mines from Yemen governorate

A Saudi-led coalition is working with the Yemeni military in an effort to clear thousands of landmines believed to have been planted by Houthi militias and forces loyal to deposed Yemen President Ali Abdullah Salah, the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington reported recently.
The landmines, which the embassy said have claimed many lives and prevented Yemeni citizens from returning to their homes, are intended to stop the advance of pro-government forces.
Hussein Awadi, the former governor of Yemen's Al-Jawf Governorate, said he believes the Houthi militias and their allies had planted more than 30,0000 mines of various sizes in the governorate.

My comment: The saudis should stop dropping cluster bombs as well.

17.2.2017 – Mail Online (* A H K)

Bloodied, bandaged and bodies pitted with shrapnel: Baby girls lie in hospital beds opposite each other after air strike on mourners at a WAKE in Yemen kills seven women and a child

Two babies, both one, lie burned and pitted with shrapnel in a hospital in Sana'a

Eman's hands have to be tethered to prevent her from scratching her wounds

Zuhoor's eyes are puffed from bruising and her gown is flecked with blood

Seven women and a child are said to have died in an airstrike in Ashira, Yemen

Her face horribly burned and body pitted with shrapnel, Eman’s hands have had to be tethered to prevent her from scratching at her sickening wounds.

The one-year-old’s eyes are closed, one is badly bruised while a tube and monitors are dotted round her broken, bandaged body as she lays in the emergency ward of a hospital in Yemen’s capital Sana’a. Her stomach has been punctured by flying debris.

In a bed across the ward, one-year-old Zuhoor, her eyes puffed and red from bruising and right arm in plaster is an equally shocking sight, lying in a yellow top dotted with cartoon characters and her own blood.

Both children were among the innocent victims of an airstrike by warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition which struck a house north of Sana’a where a crowd of mourners had gathered on Wednesday night.

Seven women, among them Eman’s mother, and a child are said to have died in what was being described as the ‘latest outrage’ of the coalition’s controversial bombing campaign.

Dozens were reported to have been injured, including Eman and Zuhoor, as residents in the village of Ashira pulled them from the wreckage of collapsed buildings.

The airstrike hit the house of a local tribal leader where mourners were gathering to offer condolences after the death of a well-known local woman.

‘People heard the sound of planes and started running from the house but then the bombs hit the house directly,’ a resident of Ashira said, ‘The roof collapsed. Blood was everywhere.’

Pictures published by local media showed tribesmen searching through the rubble of a destroyed house said to belong to Mohammed al-Nakaya, a tribal leader allied with Yemen's Houthi movement.

Some dug bodies and survivors from the rubble with their bare hands. One man cradled the body of a dying woman as he knelt in the dust. Grant Pritchard, Deputy Country Director for Yemen of the British-based charity Save the Children, called the attack ‘horrific.’

He said : 'We’ve heard at least one child was killed, and our teams have just visited a hospital where they saw two infants who had been seriously injured, including a one-year-old girl with shrapnel wounds to her stomach and burns right across her face.

‘The little girl’s aunt told us her mother had been killed in the attack and there are still two children missing in the rubble – by David Williams (with photos)

My comment: Broad reporting on this air raid YPR 268. – But in this article here, no word on the fact that these kids’ faces are Britain looking into the mirror of its own foreign policy backing Saudi air raids and selling them arms to do so.

18.2.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

#Saudi has killed over 200 fishermen Since the beginning of its war on #Yemen

My comment: This figure clearly shows how eager the Saudis and the US defend the security of shipping in the Red sea.

17.2.2017 – Voice of America (* A K)

Warring Factions in Yemen Fight Over Strategic Port

Yemeni government troops and Houthi rebels have been engaged in fierce battles in and around a coastal town seen as a major smuggling point for arms used to supply rebels.

In recent days, both sides have won and lost territory near the port of Mokha in what analysts and Yemen officials see as a make-or-break fight to sever a rebel supply line.

Saudi and U.S.-backed government forces are convinced that Houthis rely on Iranian smuggled arms coming through maritime ports along the western shores of Yemen.

“By taking Mokha, we deprive Houthis from the source where 40 to 50 percent of their smuggled arms are coming from,” Ahmed Saif Al Yafei, a Yemeni army commander, told VOA.

Iranian officials say they are not involved in supplying weapons to Houthis — despite credible evidence, Yemeni and U.S. officials say, that in recent months Iran has been violating a U.N. embargo prohibiting the transfer of arms to Houthis.

Mohsen Rezaei, Iran’s Expediency Discernment Council secretary, said in early February that Houthis receive missiles and ammunition from Russia. Tehran’s support to Houthis, he said, is limited to spiritual guidance and sympathy.

And Houthis say they already have weapons and that the U.S.-backed monitoring efforts on the Red Sea have virtually shut down weapons smuggling.

“We don’t need to smuggle weapons. We defeat them and get theirs. We control several weapon stockpiles, too,” said Aziz Hussein, the deputy spokesperson of the Houthi and Saleh forces.

The fight to control Mokha has intensified over the past couple of weeks. All warring factions are claiming victory in Mokha, including government forces loyal to President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi, Houthis and their ally of loyalists to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Meanwhile, government forces claim full control over the Dhubab port on the southwestern coast of Yemen. Now they are aiming at reaching Hodeida port, one of the main and strategic harbors in the country.

“They [Houthis] almost certainly receive some smuggled weapons, but these are not decisive in their ability to continue the war,” said April Longley Alley, an analyst at International Crisis Group

17.2.2017 – Lobelog (* B P)

Avoiding All-Out War in Yemen

Yemen’s problems are many, but the most urgent is to make and enforce peace. That is easier than many think—if the political will is there. Unlike Syria, the Yemeni conflict is principally intra-elite and resource-driven not revolutionary. U.S. intervention into the conflict, as Jon Finer argues in Foreign Policy, is indeed a terrible idea. But what are the alternatives?

Currently, transitional President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi is insisting on full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2216, while the Houthis and ex-President Ali Abdallah Salih demand a government of national unity before they consider ceding any of the power they have seized. Neither of the two opposing factions believes that it needs to compromise (and Hadi has just hardened his position). The UN special representative is thus left shuttling between two sides who each reject what the other accepts.

Despite the impasse, the broad outlines of an agreement are widely understood. A government of national unity would include sizeable Houthi, Salihi, and Hiraki elements as well as representatives from Hadi-aligned groups and others such as the Tihamis. The Houthis and Salihis would withdraw and decommission their heavy weapons. All sides would complete the transitional process initiated in 2011.

The key issue is sequencing. Hadi demands complete compliance with UNSCR 2216, which would allow him to return victorious to Sana’a and force the Houthis and Salihis to surrender everything they have fought for. Only then would a new, more inclusive government be formed. For obvious reasons, the Houthis and Salihis disagree, and want the government first before they give up their weapons – by by James Spencer, retired British infantry commander

My comment: An idea for peace in Yemen. I disagree that the US should be the main peace broker; they have disqualified for such a role, especially in Yemen, since a very long time. Take the UN and neutral states like Oman, Switzerland, Algeria, Uruguay. – Why Hadi-aligned forces should return to Sanaa? That’s still a rest of the outdated pro-Hadi pro-Saudi UN resolution 2216. Sanaa only can become a neutral city open to all parties of the country, controlled not by any party alone. Algerian blue helmets would do much better. US $ 15 as estimate for the sum required to rebuild the country is a joke, spread by the Saudis to keep the idea of damages in Yemen low. Take at least 10 times more, as more realistic estimates require. Yes, the Saudis should pay for all that.

17.2.2017 – Japan Times (A P)

Suspected Saudi airstrike kills eight women, child at Yemen funeral

My comment: “Suspected Saudi airstrike”: Typical western propaganda wording. This air strike is not “suspected”. They even found the bombs’ fragments at the site. Ful reporting on this raid YPR 268, cp1a.

17.2.2017 – Muftah (* B P)

With Core Issues Unresolved, the Arab Spring Is Far from Over

It has been six years since protesters took to the street across the Arab world, demanding human dignity and political and economic rights. Since then, only Tunisia has made a relatively successful transition into representative democracy.

It would be a mistake, however, to assume that the impetus behind the Arab Spring has been buried by counter-revolutionary forces and the reemergence of Arab autocrats. Instead, as a recent report from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reveals, the core issues that led to the uprisings remain unresolved.

That report, the Arab Human Development Report 2016 (AHDR), focuses on the sizeable youth population of the Arab world who, at 105 million people, are about a third of the region’s total population. The report demonstrates that, while recent developments have been discouraging and disheartening, the need for political and economic change remains – by Matthew DeMaio

Comment: Nothing close to a spring: all the countries saw the dreams of the youth being stolen by the usual bunch of those who claim 'order' and 'democracy'.
In #Yemen a Coalition of 9 countries backed by US/UK intelligence and skyrocketting arms sales from 'democracies' turnt the country into an aggression field still raging on.
If only they let people, the common ones, choose for themselves.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

18.2.2017 – Human Needs Development (A H)

We are in Yemen's ground with Comitato Nour fighting Cholera disease's source in the capital of Yemen, Sana'a, through distributing chlorine tablets for families.
photos of today project that aimed to support 250 families with chlorine tablets in Bani AlHareth district, the capital of Sana'a. The families we have helped don't have completely access to clear water.
Thank you so much for Comitato Nour's team donations and for all those who made that possible. (photos)

18.2.2017 – Fatima Albani (B H)

Film: women`s rights in Yemen 2

the criminal and punishment law in Yemen (part 1 Arabic )

My comment: there is still much to be done in this country after the war.

17.2.2017 – US Agency for International Development (A H)

Map: Yemen ‑ Active USG Programs for Yemen Response (Last Updated 02/17/17) and in full:

17.2.2017 – (* A H)

Hungerkatastrophe im Jemen: Der endlose Krieg

Der Jemen hat seit Jahren mit Hungersnöten zu kämpfen. Das Land muss einen Großteil der Nahrunsmittel importieren, da es größtenteils aus Wüste besteht. Nun hat der Krieg die bestehenden Probleme weiter zugespitzt: Den Einwohnern droht eine riesige Hungerkatastrophe. Mehr als 18 Millionen Menschen sind davon betroffen. Etwa 10 Millionen bräuchten sofortige Hilfe, um ihr Überleben zu sichern.

Verschiedene Hilfsorganisationen sind im Jemen tätig und unterstützen dort seit Jahren die Bewohner.

Über die Situation im Jemen, wie Deutschland die Hilfsorganisationen unterstützt und was man selbst dagegen machen kann, darüber hat Eric Mackin mit Marten Mylius gesprochen. Er ist bei der Hilfsorganisation Care Nothilfekoordinator für den Nahen Osten und ist selbst oft im Jemen. (mit Audio, 7:41 min.)

17.2.2017 – Anadolu (* A H)

Thousands displaced in Yemen’s Port Mocha: Local source

Thousands of families from Yemen’s port city of Mocha and its outskirts have been displaced by recent fighting between pro-government forces and the Shia Houthi militia, according to a local activist.

"More than 3,000 families from Mocha now face poverty, hunger and disease," Ahmed Mokaiber, a Mocha-based activist and journalist, told Anadolu Agency on Friday.

"They are living in extremely difficult circumstances," he said. "The ongoing conflict has only aggravated their suffering."

Most basic services in the port city, he added, including the local telephone network, had been rendered inoperable by the recent fighting.

"Residents remain cut off from the outside world," Mokaiber lamented. "The war has prevented many people from returning to their villages."

He called on the Yemeni government and international aid organizations to send urgent humanitarian relief to help Mocha’s struggling civilian population.

He also urged the government to accelerate efforts to remove landmines and unexploded ordnance from the area before displaced persons return to their homes – By Murad al-Arifi

17.2.2017 – UN (* A H)


Deaths through famine and lack of medical attention in Yemen are being aggravated as the UN Refugee Agency relief operations are just one per cent funded. UNHCR

17.2.2017 – Saba Net (A H)

FAO: it is unacceptable deaths of millions of starvation in 21st century

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) confirmed on Friday that it is unacceptable in the 21st century to be 20 million people at risk of starvation in various parts of the world.
FAO director at the Emergency and Rehabilitation Division Dominique Bargeon called on the international community to find solutions for the armed conflicts in some countries through political means to enable the United Nations agencies and relief organizations to do their function safely and delivery of humanitarian aid urgently.
Bargeon said in remarks carried out by Belgian's state media on Friday that there are four areas in the world currently suffering from hunger, such as Yemen, South Sudan, Nigeria and Somalia.
"There are 20 million people suffering from severe food shortages in these areas and we are afraid of their lives of starvation in the upcoming six months", he said.
The UN official described the situation in those four countries as "tragic", stressing that the population does not have access to basic food, and sometimes forced to sell their property and their livestock for food.
He said that the FAO is very concerned about this situation, pointing out that this situation is the worst in 20 years.

17.2.2017 – The Lad Bible (* B H)

WIRE: The Truth Behind The Humanitarian Crisis In Yemen And The Lives It’s Ruined

Despite all of this, you probably won't have heard much about it, because Yemen is rarely reported on. Mostly this is due to insecurity and the country's limited access for the media; but because of this it remains a largely 'hidden crisis'. Meaning that, while people are rushing to donate to help children in Syria, the children of Yemen are going largely unnoticed.

The international response to the crisis is far from adequate, both in terms of funding - the UN's $1.8 billion response plan is only 12 percent funded - and for coming up with a solution for the political unrest and to end the conflict. The UN has recently launched a new push for $2.1 billion.

Amongst all this mess Save the Children is stepping in to help children who are in danger - with just under half of Yemen's population aged under 18, this is a pretty massive task.

Zuhair* was just 13-years-old when he and his stepdad Waleed* were almost killed late last year in an airstrike on a funeral that killed 140 people. However, they didn't escape unscathed; both received burns in the attack, with Zuhair suffering from third degree burns to many parts of his body as his clothes caught alight.

Waleed tells his heart-breaking story: "The hall was full of mourners. Suddenly, there was an unimaginably loud blast followed by a dazzling flash and a firestorm. I found Zuhair and carried him out of the hall. Both our clothes were on fire and burning our skin. Zuhair and I saw dozens of burned bodies and body parts - half bodies, heads, hands, legs, etc. Seconds later, we heard another airstrike, then a third one. They targeted the two entrance gates and the centre of the hall. I ran out to the main street for safety. We were lucky to escape with our lives. Many didn't.

"It was evening when we reached our home. My wife panicked when she saw our burned and swollen bodies. Our pain was unbearable, and we did not know what to do. Zuhair had burns on his hands, thighs, knees, legs and feet. We thought they were superficial burns and did not know what to do, unable to afford to take him to hospital. So we applied toothpaste, tomato paste, honey, herbs and some ointments on them for about a fortnight. During that period, Zuhair got very thin and weak, could not walk and screamed very loudly every day because of the pain."

Luckily for Zuhair, help arrived in the form of Save the Children, when Zuhair's case was picked up via Save the Children's Child Protection Committee: a group of community members trained to identify children in need and report them to Save the Children's Child Protection staff.

They were able to intervene to ensure that he got the specialist treatment he needed, and they continue to help him to this day.

Waleed continued: "When they saw Zuhair, they immediately referred him to a local hospital where his wounds were cleaned and treated. Although Zuhair's physical condition has improved, he remains under a severe shock. He now suffers from recurrent nightmares and wakes up screaming most nights. 'Mum, the missile is going to hit us. The missile is going to kill us'.

"When he hears a Saudi-led Coalition aircraft overhead, he runs to his mother and asks her to switch off the mobile phone because he thinks the aircraft can target his family through a SIM card," Waleed said.

"Zuhair still goes to school; he is in the third grade. However, his character has changed a lot - now he is uninterested, introverted, unsociable and fearful. I really hope that Zuhair improves and gets back to his normal psychological condition. I also want this war to end. We have suffered enough. The children are scared and hungry.

Save the Children will continue to coordinate and provide psychological support sessions for Zuhair in order to help him overcome his traumatic experience and hopefully set him on a path for a better future. – by Claire Reid

My comment: A sad story of this boy… – One thing is wrong: There is not just little reporting on Yemen “due to insecurity and the country's limited access for the media”: There is access, there is enough treporting from within the country. But the Yemen war does not fit well into the Western mainstream “transatlantic” propaganda bias: The US are the “good guys”, there politics is the right one, and the crimes of their allies are just not reported.

17.–18.2.2017 – Fatik Al-Rodaini / MONA Relief (A H)

Million thanks to @monarelief's ground crew in #Yemen who always putting their lives at risk just to help ppl. Mohammed, Saddam and Saif.

The 90 projects carried out by @monarelief were focused on food security, nutrition, education, disabled, shelter,& child protection

Since 2015 @monarelief has carried out 90 projects in Amanat Alasima,Sanaa,Amran,Hodeidah,Dhamar,Mahweet,Hajjeh,Saada,& Marib of #Yemen

Poor ppl in my country deserve 2be helped by @monarelief and not actually the rich ppl.That's what im doing during my work since 2015 (photos)

I'm always proud of our humanitarian work in my country. Here is pix of @monarelief's last project in #Yemen Pix taken yesterday in Mahweet (photos)

Don't even think what obstacles that we are facing all the time. @monarelief's team jailed four times due 2 our transparency in work. (photos)

Here n the pix @monarelief's team trying to persuade needy ppl that we are ganna distribute food aid for them again next time. Ppl are hungry. (photos)

I'm always proud of our humanitarian work in my country. Here is pix of @monarelief's last project in #Yemen Pix taken yesterday in Mahweet (photos)

I thank from the bottom of my brothers and sisters in the State of Kuwait for their continuous support to the activities of the Organization of Mona charity in Yemen. Last supporting them was the project yesterday in Mahaweet (photos)

Do not forget to thank here International Organization for Migration in Yemen for their support for organization Mona activities through the dignity and health bags to be distributed (photos)

@monarelief's team sleeping near the storage of food aid2watch it bc we received a threat that our aid will b stolen by gangmen there (photos)

My comment: MONA relief is doing such a great work all the time – what sort of ignorant idiots did jail them for doing that???

16.2.2017 – MONA Relief (A H)

Mona Relief at its very best, distributing food & Dignity Kits to 1000's in Al Mahwit. Thanks to anonymous donors from Kuwait and IOM Yemen (photos)

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

19.2.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Yemen's parliament condemns Saudi massacre on Arhab women funeral house

19.2.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Aggression financed by Saudi, backed by Israel: Saleh

Former President and head of the General People Congress (GPC) Ali Abdullah Saleh said the aggression on Yemen is financed by Saudi and Gulf money and backed by the US, Britain and Israel.
In a speech delivered on Saturday night, Saleh said the so called "decisive storm" has achieved nothing but more bloodshed, destruction and attempts to starve and kill 27 million Yemenis through the unjust all-out blockade, imposed by Saudi Arabia and its allies.
"The aggression on Yemen has been committed under the eyes and ears of the whole world for two years, particularly the United Nations," Saleh said.
"The UN silence and blessing make it a complicit partner in war crimes committed on a daily basis by Saudi Arabia and its coalition," Saleh concluded.

17.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A P)

A Massive March in Capital Sana’a for the Blood of Martyrs

The Yemeni capital witnessed on Friday a massive march in Bab Al-Yemen on the occasion of the annual anniversary of the martyr under the slogan “A march of loyalty for the blood of martyrs.”

The event consisted of chants and spirited slogans, a number of speeches and a show held by the Ansarullah band.

The statement of the marching given by the president of the Martyrs Foundation, Hussein Al-Qadhi, welcomed Sayyed Abdulmalik’s call on the importance of documenting the martyrs and taking care of their families.

He also confirmed his foundation’s total support for the families of the martyrs, calling upon the government to implement projects for the families’ service in recognition of their resilience.

As one of hundreds during the march for the martyrs, he stressed on the importance of unity and standing as one confronting the Saudi American aggression in a way to respect and appreciate the sacrifices of the martyrs.

Statement also condemned war crimes committed by the Saudi American aggression, most recently a massacre in Shra village in Arhab, appealing the international and local organizations to stand with the oppressed Yemeni people and lift the imposed land, air and sea blockade (with photos) and more photos: and

17.2.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen foreign minister Sharaf calls on UN secretary general to take responsibility for US-backed Saudi war crimes against funeral

My comment: ?? That’s the Saudis and their US, UK etc. arms suppliers who must take responsibility.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

19.2.2017 – Aden Now News (A P)

personnel land Aden Authority demonstrating and blocking the administration and are demanding their salaries and the dismissal of corrupt brokers in the fastest time of urgent (photos)

My comment: The Hadi government still not had paid state employees at Aden proper. It seems all announcements just have been propaganda up to now?

18.2.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Aden Governor: Militias of Houthis and Saleh are behind terrorism

Governor of Aden Aidroos al-Zabedi has said that there are a lot of challenges which the port city of Aden faces, pointing out that the main challenge is counter-terrorism and naturalization of life.

"We succeeded to a large extent in fighting terrorism and are still need to be supported in order to eradicate it" he added.

He also emphasized that Aden lack to essential services such as electricity, water, judiciary and others.

The Yemeni government had stated that it prepares a plan to eliminate al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula from the governorate of Abyan.

My comment: By Islah Party media. Yes, there are many challenges for Aden, terrorism being a very great one. Look at the article, the headline does not fit to the text. And this headline is odd propaganda only, as often stated before. – And the determined wording of the Hadi government to fight Al Qaida is quite the opposite to its opportunities.

18.2.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Yemen calls Interpol to resume activities

Yemen's Interior Ministry has called Interpol to resume its activities in liberated areas of Yemen.

This call came during a meeting held in Jordon between Yemen's deputy interior minister Ahmed al-Musai and Director of the Interpol's Middle East and North Africa regional office Abdulaziz Obaidallah.

Remark: “Yemen” = Hadi government.

18.2.2017 – Josephjo1221 (A P)

Photo: Hadi’s son at Aden airport (after clashes and fighting)

but that seems actually to be :

18.2.2017 – demolinari (A P)

Using old images from Hadi's visit to Hadramout they made it appear that Nasser Hadi's Presidential Guard were at #Aden airport (photos)

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee: Tension stays high In Aden south Yemen where Saudi invaders conflict with UAE invaders over influence Qaeda/ISIS win

17.2.2017 – Almasdar Online (A T)

Four persons including a Passport Authority official killed by unknown gunmen in Shabwa

A local source in Ataq city of Shabwa governorate, southeastern Yemen, said that four persons were killed on Thursday in mysterious circumstances northern the city by unknown gunmen.

The source told Almasdaronline that the locals found four dead bodies for the office director of the Passport Authority Chairman in Shabwa governorate, and three other people.

The source added that the gunmen have not been recognized, pointing out that they were likely al Qaeda elements.

17.2.2017 – Josephjo1221 (A P9

Photo: Hadis and his international allies, including the new president of Somalia: propaganda advertisement

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

FM calls on friendly countries to help establish peace in Yemen

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hisham Sharaf, expressed Saturday his surprise at remarks made by some ambassadors of friendly countries, calling them to instead seek the interest of the Yemeni people and help establish peace in the region.
In a statement to Saba, the minister said that some of these countries only seek to serve the objectives and interests of their own, but not the interests of the Yemeni people.
He Said those countries, or the so called Quarter countries, don't take into account the objective of restoring security, peace and stability in Yemen, or solving the problem of millions of homeless displaced by the Saudi aggression and rebuild what has been destroyed by the Saudi aggression air attacks, including facilities, public and private buildings.
He said that the Republic of Yemen has asked the United Nations to add Russia into the Quarter countries's group as a neutral party.

My comment: “Friendly countries” (that’s misleading!) and “Quarter countries” are USA, UK, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates; representatives of these countries had met several times to play “peace brokers” for Yemen although they all together are warring parties. Thus, this request by the Sanaa foreign minister really was to be expected.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

17.2.2017 – Wallstreet Journal (A E P)

Hurdles Mount for Saudi Aramco’s IPO

Basic elements of oil giant’s governance, structure and financial disclosures remain unresolved

Complications restructuring Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company and disentangling its finances from those of the government are slowing the march toward what is expected to be the biggest initial public offering in history.

The hotly anticipated listing of a minority stake in Saudi Arabian Oil Co., the kingdom’s corporate crown jewel, is now unlikely to happen until late 2018 at the earliest, and if foreign advisers have their way, won’t happen until 2019, according to more than a half-dozen people involved in the process.

The country’s deputy crown prince first said early last year that the initial public offering would happen in 2017 or 2018. More recently, Saudi officials have said 2018 will be the year.

The difficulty of quickly turning a behemoth that functions largely to support the Saudi budget into a company accountable to shareholders has crystallized over the past couple of months.

Despite the hurdles, Aramco officials and advisers are still pushing to do the IPO as quickly as feasible. Recently, Aramco hired boutique bank Moelis & Co. for advice on the IPO, and has been soliciting proposals from bigger banks to underwrite it. The underwriters could become public in coming weeks, people familiar with the process said – By SUMMER SAID, MAUREEN FARRELL, and JUSTIN SCHECK

17.10.2016 – Knowledge in beautiful (* B H P)

Film: Women in Saudi Arabia

In this documentary, the possibility of achieving more equality between men and women in Saudi Arabia is discussed. Female shop owners, politicians and employees talk about the hostility of men when it comes to taking a stand in public life. A sports teacher talks about the problems of girls and women to exercise in public. A chief editor talks about possible freedom of press. In a family, the new phenomena of single life or divorce are being discussed, as well as the role of women in western societies compared to traditional Arab societies. Female artists and photographers discuss censorship in exhibitions. With shrinking oil reserves and more economic restraints, the government is pondering reforms in society. A young lawyer works to adjust rigid Islamic law to modern life. =

Comment by Soraya T: interesting perspective from women in #KSA.They are from privileged family.But working to make the change for women

16.2.2017 – RT (* A H P)

Saudi-Arabien weist 40.000 Pakistanis wegen Terrorismus-Verdacht aus und baut Mauer zum Irak

Saudi-Arabien hat in den letzten Monaten tausende pakistanische Arbeiter unter dem Verdacht des Terrorismus ausgewiesen. Eine Mauer an der irakischen Grenze soll die Golfmonarchie nun vor den eigenen wahhabitischen Gesinnungsbrüdern schützen. Die Massenabschiebung rund 40.000 pakistanischer Arbeiter in den letzten vier Monaten, von denen viele in Verbindung mit der Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" stehen sollen, wirft auf dem internationalen Parkett einmal mehr ein beschämendes Licht auf Pakistan. Das Land fühlt sich auch selbst zunehmend isoliert und sieht sich selbst als ohnmächtig dem Terror gegenüber. Nach außen hin macht Pakistan die Nähe zu Afghanistan für den Terror im eigenen Land verantwortlich und weist seinerseits massenhaft Afghanen aus. Aber es sind nicht zuletzt unzählige illegale religiöse Kaderschmieden, die quer über das eigene Land verstreut sind, in denen Prediger Schülern ein Leben für den Gotteskrieg einimpfen.

Denjenigen abgeschobenen Arbeitern, die keine Verbindungen zum Terror haben, wirft die saudische Regierung kriminelle Delikte wie Drogenschmuggel, Diebstahl, Körperverletzung und Dokumentenfälschung vor. Für Pakistaner ist Saudi-Arabien der größte Arbeitsmarkt außerhalb ihrer Landesgrenzen.

Saudi-Arabien war eines der letzten Länder, welches die Sklaverei offiziell im Jahr 1974 abgeschafft hat. Die Gastarbeiter aus den asiatischen Ländern Pakistan, Indien, Sri Lanka, Bangladesch, Philippinen und Indonesien werden als "Miskeen" bezeichnet, was soviel wie arme Schlucker bedeutet. Ein deklassifizierender Ausdruck, der sie zu Menschen zweiter Klasse macht und das Leben am Rande der Gesellschaft Saudi-Arabiens kennzeichnet. Heute steht das Land im internationalen Vergleich an dritter Stelle mit 10,4 Millionen ausländischen Arbeitern, bei einer Bevölkerungszahl von 30,8 Millionen im Jahre 2016. Auch Saudi-Arabien hat die Abschottung nach dem Vorbild Trumps für sich entdeckt. Grenzzäune sollen künftig die Auswirkungen des Chaos im Irak von der Golfmonarchie fernhalten. Und so bauen die als arme Schlucker Bezeichneten diese Befestigung für ihre Herren an der Grenze zum Nachbarland. Insgesamt 40 Wachttürme und zwei einander gegenüberstehende Zäune werden mit modernster Überwachungstechnik ausgestattet. Es gilt die 814 Kilometer lange Grenze gegen IS-Terroristen abzuschirmen. Denn so sehr Saudi-Arabien und den IS die gemeinsame Liebe zum Wahhabismus verbindet, bedeutet der "Islamische Staat" eine Gefahr für das Königshaus Saudi-Arabiens. Den Zuschlag für den Bau des ersten Grenzzaunes erhielt 2009 die Airbus-Gruppe.

Mein Kommentar: der Artikel verschweigt etwas ganz entscheidendes: Die radikalislamischen Kaderschmiden in Pakistan sind ganz wesentlich von Saudi-Arabien finanziert und eingerichtet worden: und Deutsch.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

18.2.2017 – Huffington Post (* A H P)

Food Urgently Needed in War-Torn Yemen

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s plea for “humanitarian assistance throughout Yemen” must be followed with robust action by the U.S. and its allies.

There is a severe risk of famine in the impoverished Middle Eastern nation. The United States and other donor nations must increase their food aid to Yemen.

To put Yemen’s crisis in perspective, more than two-thirds of Yemen’s population is living in hunger. It’s critical we stop the famine. We cannot achieve peace in Yemen or anywhere in the globe where there is hunger.

The U.S. has to make fighting hunger a priority at this critical time in Yemen and elsewhere. The US famine warning system (FEWSNET) stated in January, “Given persistent conflict, severe drought, and economic instability, FEWS NET estimates that 70 million people, across 45 countries, will require emergency food assistance this year.”

Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen face the most severe risk of famine. There is also the continuing hunger tragedies caused by the wars in Syria and Iraq. Drought has struck other nations including Ethiopia and Madagascar.

To deal with this crisis the Congress will have to provide extra funding to our aid programs including Food for Peace, Feed the Future and the McGovern-Dole international school lunch program.

Like we did after World War II to prevent famine, the United States will have to step up its hunger relief efforts. Food has again become top priority for our foreign policy.

Yemen is where the food is needed most urgently. Remember this: small children suffer lasting physical and mental damage from the lack of food. Or they may perish from starvation.

We must respond quickly with food for peace in Yemen – by William Lambers

My comment: Lambers is absolutely right. But food actually never had not been the interest of US foreign policy: it always was bombs instead of bread, fighter jets instead of food.

18.2.2017 – AP (* A E P)

Trump's sons Eric and Donald Jr. open golf club in Dubai

Two of U.S. President Donald Trump's sons arrived in the United Arab Emirates for an invitation-only ceremony Saturday to formally open the Trump International Golf Club in Dubai.

The visit to Dubai, the first joint business trip abroad by Eric and Donald Trump Jr. since their father's inauguration, comes as questions still swirl about how the Trump Organization's many international business interests will affect the administration of America's 45th president.

Photographs shared on social media by real estate brokers showed Eric and Donald Jr. first attending a private luncheon Saturday afternoon in Dubai with Hussain Sajwani, the billionaire who runs DAMAC Properties, the developer that partnered with Trump on the golf course.

Trump's two sons gave brief remarks at the billionaire's mansion on Dubai's man-made Palm Jumeirah archipelago, speaking underneath an ornamental clock whose face spelled "SAJWANI VILLA."

"It's rare in the world where you can be such great friends with a partner and that's what we have right here," Eric Trump said. "Hussain, he is an amazing person and DAMAC is an amazing company."

The golf course sits inside a larger villa and apartment building project called DAMAC Hills on the outskirts of Dubai. Some 100 Trump-branded villas also are on the property, selling from 5 million dirhams ($1.3 million) to over 15 million dirhams ($4 million).

Eric and Donald Trump Jr., who now run the Trump Organization, receive Secret Service protection as immediate family members of the president.

Ties between the Trumps and Sajwani remain strong. One of the Trump Organization's subsidiaries received from $1 million to $5 million from DAMAC for running the golf club, according to a U.S. Federal Election Committee report submitted in May.

Sajwani and his family also attended a New Year's Eve celebration at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, where Trump referred to them as "the most beautiful people from Dubai."

Trump days later told journalists that DAMAC had offered the Trump Organization $2 billion in deals after his election, something DAMAC later confirmed.

The Dubai golf course marks Trump's first successful venture in the Arab world – by Jon Gambrell and by Bloomberg: and photos: and

My comment: Almost incredible. Does anybody really think this president will make a foreign policy which is not influenced by his private businesses??

18.2.2017 – CTV (A H P)

CTV video shows Yemeni man, Sudanese family illegally crossing into Quebec from U.S.

As a growing wave of asylum seekers brave frigid temperatures to illegally enter Canada, CTV Montreal positioned itself on the American side of the border that divides New York State and the province of Quebec.

There, early Friday morning in the small border town of Champlain, N.Y., the crew met a young Yemeni man who identified himself as Abdullah.

“It’s so cold,” he told CTV Montreal as he trudged north through snow and ice on picturesque Roxham Road, wearing only a hoodie, light jacket, jogging pants and running shoes. Travelling alone and carrying a small backpack, he said he had been walking for nearly half an hour.

Asylum seekers like Abdullah are travelling by bus to Plattsburgh, a city in Upstate New York, from where they are hiring taxis to take them to the U.S.-Canada border. Many are from the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by U.S. President Donald Trump’s much-maligned travel ban. – by Daniel Otis

18.2.2017 – The Canadian Press ( A H P)

Photo: Here's Canadian Mounties greeting refugees from Somalia who walked across the border into Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS photo by Paul Chiasson

17.2.2017 – Overgrown (* A K P)

The Ongoing U.S. Role In The Decimation Of Yemen

If you’re outraged over Russia’s role in Syria, you should be outraged over our role in Yemen.

For the almost two years since the war began, the U.S. has been a vital ally to Saudi forces. Like many of our conflicts over the decades, it’s mostly a proxy war we’re fighting here.

Most of our influence in this conflict isn’t direct exactly, but we are certainly a party to this destruction. We have been providing intelligence to Saudi Arabia, we’ve been refueling their planes, and most significantly, we’ve been selling them weapons. Lots and lots of weapons.

Cluster bombs consist of large canisters which spin open in mid-air and rapidly disperse hundreds of small bomblets throughout an area. The bomblets are typically scattered for hundreds of yards and can leave unexploded ordnance (UXO) behind. These tools of death—as yet unfulfilled, often come in the form of little metal spheres about the size of a baseball. They look like toys, which is why 40% of cluster bomb victims are children.

The United States blanketed Laos with over 270 million bomblets during the Vietnam War, and there have been around 50,000 civilians killed or maimed by unexploded ordnance there since 1964. 20,000 of those casualties occurred after the bombing ended. There are still an estimated 80 million unexploded bomblets in Laos.

Relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia became strained following the Iran nuclear deal, and we rely on their intelligence and assistance in combating terror cells abroad. So it stands to reason that our support is more of an attempt to repair an important relationship then it is a show of overwhelming support for the Saudi cause. Of course, our reasons are entirely irrelevant. We are supporting this war. We are profiting off the destruction of a country. We are complicit in what many would call outright war crimes. We have made billions off of shoddy military procedures that have resulted in thousands of civilian deaths and have left millions homeless.

This is one of the largest current humanitarian crises, and the United States is adding literal fuel to the fire on one side while (potentially) offering no refuge on the other.

Many Americans have been up in arms over Russia’s involvement in Syria and the catastrophic destruction of that war. This is entirely warranted and vital, and it needs to continue—but the war in Yemen cannot be forgotten.

Unfortunately, forgetting is common practice in the United States. We’re a nation stitched to flavor-of-the-week outrage. A few heartbreaking photos, some mainstream coverage and we’re in! Needles crack off outrage meters as inaudible snaps reverberate in zeros and ones through through social media. We’ll probably forget about the whole thing a few weeks later, but for a minute there—empathy rules the day. It’s our signature, American brand of narrow and convenient empathy. It’s a force that has little regard for equivalency or research or self-reflection.

The harsh truth is this: If the atrocities in Syria make you seethe with anger (and they absolutely should), so too should the atrocities in Yemen—atrocities the U.S. government has directly supported – by Jesse Mechanic =

My comment: The author is right on Yemen, but quite wrong on Syria. Russia just stepped into this war several years after it had begun. Syria already was destroyed in great parts the day the first Russian aircraft dropped its first bomb there. The US and their allies did and do exactly the same there – for years now. All the destructions Russia committed in the time to follow are the consequences of the failed US policy of regime change in Syria to oust president Assad, by fueling civil war, by supporting and arming rebels who actually were jihadists and Al Qaida terrorists.

17.2.2017 – Motherboard (* A K)

Did a Drone Carrying NSA Tech Crash in Yemen?

Images posted on social media show a codename associated with secret US technology used in drone strikes.

Images taken at a drone crash site near the city of Ma'rib, Yemen, on February 14 appear to show secretive cell-tracking equipment used by the National Security Agency amidst the wreckage.

Photographs posted to Twitter by Yemen news outlet AdenNowNews [later deleted, see below for screenshot] and witnesses, purportedly from the crash location in central Yemen, show a piece of equipment from the drone labelled 'GILGAMESH'—the codename for simulated cell site technology, first reported by The Intercept as NSA technology used to track down targets of drone strikes.

Details about the crash are still unclear. Reports from Yemeni news service Saba cites a military source claiming the drone of "Saudi American aggression" was shot down by Houthi air defenses. Another report from the Turkish Anadolu Agency repeats these claims. GILGAMESH equipment acts in a similar way to Stingray devices commonly used by police forces around the world to track targets by latching on to their cell phones. Attached to the underside of a drone's wing, the GILGAMESH simulated cell tower forces cell phones to connect to it, subsequently allowing GILGAMESH to geolocate the targets via SIM card (IMSI) or device (IMEI).

A former drone operator for the US Military's Joint Special Operations Command, acting under anonymity, originally revealed to The Intercept in February 2014 that the NSA uses electronic surveillance, such as cell-tracking, to locate targets for lethal drone strikes in areas such as Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan. Further images from the crash site show a piece of equipment labelled Force 524D, made by a US company called Trimble. As described on the Trimble website, the device is used for GPS-based positioning – by Ben Sullivan (with photos)

Remark: Earlier reporting YPR 267, cp17b; YPR 268, cp2.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

19.2.2017 – Daily Record (* B K P)

Smart bombs made in Scotland were dropped in Yemen by UK-trained Saudi air force

Shock evidence shows the RAF trained Saudi Arabia's air force how to use Paveway IV missiles produced in Scotland.

The UK trained an air force at the centre of war crime allegations in Yemen how to carry out airstrikes with smart bombs.

Evidence submitted during a legal case into UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia reveals the RAF trained the country’s air force how to use Paveway IV missiles.

The documents also reveal that only a “very, very small” number of airstrikes were tracked and the UK knew little about the Saudis’ targeting practices.

Despite being kept in the dark over airstrikes, the UK Government claimed last year that no war crimes had been committed by the Saudis.

Laser-guided systems for Paveway IV smart bombs are made at a factory in Fife, owned by US arms giant Raytheon – by Billy Briggs

Remark: Already often reported.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

18.2.2017 – Landesverlag (* A P)

Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik würdigt saudische Piloten im Jemen

Die Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS), eine ressortübergreifende Weiterbildungsstätte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf dem Gebiet der Sicherheitspolitik, lässt sich aber in ihrer Beurteilung der saudischen „Aktivitäten“ im Jemen von solchen Zahlen nicht beeindrucken.
In einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Analysepapier der BAKS zum Einsatz der saudischen Luftstreitkräfte im Jemen heißt es im schönsten Beamtendeutsch:

„Der letzte Auslandseinsatz vor dem arabischen Frühling war 1991 gegen den Irak, doch auch in den Jahrzehnten davor war das saudische Militär wenig im Einsatz. Seine Operation im Jemen hat unter anderem diese Funktion: Sie dient nicht nur den saudischen Piloten als Bombardierungs- und Aufklärungspraktikum, sondern auch der Koordinierung von verschiedenen Einheiten am Boden – und der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Staaten.“

Auf diese Wortwahl muss man/frau [bei der Verfasserin handelt es sich um die Senior-Analystin Florence Gaub] erstmal kommen: Die Bombardierung von zumeist zivilen Zielen im ärmsten Land der arabischen Welt als „Bombardierungspraktikum“ zu bezeichnen, hat durchaus etwas Makaberes bis Zynisches an sich. Völlig falsch ist diese Einschätzung anderseits auch wiederum nicht, eingedenk der Tatsache, dass die von den Saudis ins Visier genommenen schiitischen Huthis kaum über Waffen zur Luftverteidigung verfügen. Von den zerbombten Krankenhäusern und Schulen ganz zu schweigen – von Heinz Duthel

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1 (IDEX)

13.2.2017 – Shephard Media (* A E K P)

IDEX 2017: Navies look to address militant threat

Recent events off the coast of Yemen and an uptick in militant activity, including a suicide attack against a Saudi vessel last month, are expected to dominate discussions at this year's NAVDEX in Abu Dhabi.

Navies that operate in the region, particularly around the Gulf of Aden and the Bab al Mandeb strait, will be particularly keen to refresh training and procedures as well as see what industry has on offer when it comes to upgrading ship defensive capabilities.

Big industry players will undoubtedly use NAVDEX as a shop window for its wares, especially those companies that specialise in detection using naval radar, electro-optic surveillance technologies, countermeasures and kinetic weapons such as cannons and missiles.

Over the last year Iranian-backed Houthi rebels have used their strategic position on the western coast of Yemen to launch several attacks on naval vessels, with at least two being successful. In the firing line have been ships that are aligned to the Saudi-led coalition fighting against the militant group.

'The Yemeni conflict has significantly increased the risk to all types of vessels transiting the Red Sea and Bab al Mandeb, as much of the fighting has centred on Yemen's west coast where Houthi militants have controlled a number of strategic port towns,' said analysis by the maritime security specialists Protection Vessels International (PVI).

It added: 'The conflict has led to the proliferation of criminal and militant armed groups across Yemen, which has seen a rise in suspicious and aggressive activity towards vessels in the area.'

According to Michael Stephens, a research fellow for Middle East studies at the Royal United Services Institute, there will always be a 'latent low-level' terrorist threat in the region that will require naval expenditure.

'The Yemen conflict has brought into focus developments in the naval area, particularly around the threats in the Bab al Mandeb off the coast of Yemen, which were reflected of course in a Saudi frigate being targeted,' he said.

Another concern is the risk to merchant vessels, though MAST says there is currently no indication that rebels or terror groups are specifically targeting non-naval ships. However, 'there is a risk of collateral damage and this remains true, particularly during the hours of darkness when vessel identification is more difficult' - by Grant Turnbull

My comment: As admitted, there is no actual threat to commercial ships off the Yemeni coast. All the propaganda of the need to secure international shipping there (by military means) is void. – More reports on IDEX cp1.

18.3.2017 – Janes (* A E K P)

Attacks reaffirm need for force protection [IDEX17D1]

Recent attacks on shipping off the coast of Yemen have provided both regional and extra-regional naval forces with a timely reminder that instability and insurrection on shore can all too easily extend its malign effects into the maritime sphere.

What is now very clear is that the anti-ship missile threat is increasingly transcending definitions of conventional and asymmetric warfare.

Proliferation to proxies and non-state actors has become a reality, evidenced by the attack on Swift.

Also apparent is the continuing threat from fast inshore attack craft and/or suicide boats. Multiple swarm craft approaching along different axes pose a major challenge to shipboard defences.

Against this backdrop, manufacturers exhibiting at IDEX and NAVDEX will be looking to promote the operational benefits offered by the latest generation of ship defence systems.

These include active and passive sensors, hard-kill weapons, soft-kill countermeasures, and command and weapon control systems – by Richard Scott and here the official IDEX Show Daily:

My comment: See comment above.

2.2017 – MbKS 15 / AEC Saudi Arabia (A E K)

AEC at IDEX: products of surveillance systems, and tracking, and electronic warfare (photos)

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

14.2.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (* A H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, February 14 2017


2,007,216 Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) *

1,027,674 IDP returnees

724,846 recipients of NFIs since March 2015

18.8 million people in need

263,432 people reached by the Protection cluster led by UNHCR in 2016

279,211 registered refugees and asylum seekers

1,839 new arrivals to Yemeni coast since 1 January 2017

FUNDING USD 99.5 million requested for the IDP and refugee operation in 2017 and in full:

31.1.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Somalia Task Force on Yemen Situation: Inter-Agency Update #23 (1 - 31 January 2017)

Key Figures

385 arrivals from Yemen

320 refugee children enrolled in schools

482 refugees supported with health care assistance

798 refugee households provided with cash assistance


During the reporting period 385 persons – 312 Somalis and 73 Yemenis – arrived and were provided with arrival assistance by UNHCR and partners;

UNHCR and partners facilitated access to education for 320 refugee children;

Health care assistance was provided for 482 Yemeni refugees by UNHCR and partners;

UNHCR and partners distributed cash assistance to 798 households to support their (re)integration. and in full:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

18.2.2017 – Josepjhjo1221 (A T)

Al-Qaeda claims killing of one of its elements a Saudi, "Abu Rabea al-Rubaie," a Saudi citizen in the province of white (photo, graphic)

17.2.2017 – Terror Monitor (A K T)

#IslamicState Claims Mortar Shelling On #Houthis Positions In #Qaifa, #Bayda.

cp15 Propaganda

19.2.2017 – RT (A P)

Jemen ruft UNO auf, Huthi-Kämpfer als Terroristen einzustufen

Die jemenitischen Behörden haben an den UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres einen Brief geschickt, in dem sie fordern, die Huthi-Bewegung Ansar Allah als eine Terrororganisation einzustufen. Außerdem werfen sie in dem Appell dem Iran vor, die schiitische Miliz zu unterstützen, berichtet der Fernsehsender Al Jazeera. Demzufolge soll Teheran die Huthi-Kämpfer mit Waffen und Geld versorgen.

Der jemenitische UN-Botschafter Khaled Al Yamani behauptet im Schreiben an António Guterres, dass der Iran die internationale Schifffahrt durch den Bab al-Mandab störe und den Huthi helfe, vorbeifahrende Schiffe anzugreifen. Teheran bestreitet das.

Mein Kommentar: „Jemen“ = Hadi-regierung. Auf Englisch wurde das schon vor längerem berichtet. Die Houthis mögen alles mögliche sein, eine Terrorgruppe sind sie sicher nicht. Würde man den Terroristen-begriff aber tatsächlich so weit fassen wollen, dann müsste man viele andere auch zu Terroristen erklären: die saudische Regierung und Luftwaffe (allemal), die US-Regierung, die CIA (hätte es auch redlich verdient) u. a. m. Ansonsten: Dümmliche Propaganda.

19.2.2017 – Arab Weekly (A P)

Taking sides in Yemen

Already, there are signs of Oxfam’s pernicious influence on UN institutions in Yemen

Many Yemeni citizens are aware that some international organisations head to the country with political agendas. Often these aims make life more miserable for Yemenis, particu­larly when the organisations buy the discourse of armed groups that are guilty of the worst crimes against human rights in the country.

By their behaviour, such or­ganisations, unfortunately, give a concrete example of how to betray the principles of neutrality and independence in humanitar­ian work.

The British organisation Oxfam, for instance, has taken it upon itself to be a defender of the armed Houthi militias. Oxfam’s latest questionable move was supporting Andrew Mitchell, for­mer British secretary of state for International Development and a Conservative member of parlia­ment, on a trip to Yemen. Mitchell tried to polish the Houthis’ politi­cal image in Europe. The issue of the Houthis’ crimes against the Yemeni people obviously was never brought up – Hamadan al-Alliei

My comment: A really disgusting propaganda article not just repeating the well-known old/odd propaganda, but now even blaming Oxfam and MP Mitchell.

19.2.2017 – Sputnik News (A P)

Saudi Foreign Minister Believes Yemeni Crisis to End in 2017

Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia Adel bin Ahmed Jubeir said Sunday that the Yemeni crisis could be resolved over the course of 2017.

"I believe that 2017 will be a year when a number of challenges in the Middle East will be resolved. I believe that the crisis in Yemen will be brought to an end in 2017 and we see that an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government would have failed and Yemen will be on the path of economic development and reconstruction," Jubeir said at the Munich Security Conference.

My comment: LOL.

19.2.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

U.N. Body of Experts for Yemen to Stay in Service until Further Notice

In its upcoming session on February 23, the United Nations Security Council will be extending, until further notice, the service of the committee of experts put together by Security Council resolution 2140 for Yemen.

The committee is known to have shed light on extreme violations committed by coup militias in Yemen.

A recently released report issued by U.N. experts on the situation in Yemen revealed that Iran-backed Houthi militants have staged violations ranging from corruption to torture.

Not only did the report expose the steep financial corruption within the insurgency, but it also said that coup militias violated the humanitarian international law during the ongoing conflict in Yemen.

Houthis resort to torture against those who oppose them and they strictly control intelligence and security institutions, the report said, adding that ousted president Saleh controls a network of tribal, political and military allies and that the Houthis have a military, political wing and decisions are still made by Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

The report added that rebels fund their battles through shadow economy like drug trade, smuggling and black market sales.

The report also accused the Houthis of targeting Saudi cities with missiles and rockets.

More so, U.N. experts have urged that sanctions imposed on names enlisted for violations continue, so that insurgency crimes in Yemen do not go unpunished. and similar Al Arabiya:

My comment: This is how Saudi propaganda works. Great parts of the report deal with the Saudi aerial war and various violations by Saudi Arabia, its allies, Hadi affiliates. Or they refute Saudi propaganda as the great scale arming of the Houthis by Iran. It’s just not worth mentioning.

18.2.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Abyan tribes accuse Saleh, Houthis of supports terrorist groups

Tribes of al-Maraqishah in Abyan have accused ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Houthis of supporting terrorist groups with the aim of taking it over.

Tribal leaders on Saturday held a meeting in which they stressed that they would fight terrorists and drive them out of their areas.

They affirmed that their areas will be secure, emphasizing that they will not accept any existence of armed groups in their areas.

The tribes warned against sheltering any outlaws, pointing out that terrorists coordinate with Saleh and the Houthis to destabilize Abyan and plunge it into chaos.

My comment: By Islah Party media. Houthis and terrorist groups in Yemen are the greatest foes; the objections are void, even if often repeated. Abyan province really is menaced by terrorism and in parts has been taken over by terrorists, but it’s Al Qaida (AQAP) active in Abyan province. And as everywhere where AQAP operates with greater success, in many ways tribes and tribal chiefs are affiliated to AQAP in the one or the other way – Abyan being no exception. Thus, the whole article is quite a joke.

18.2.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Saadah Governor: Iranian Revolutionary Guards largely increase in Saadah

Governor of Saadah province Hadi Tarshan al-Waili has said that militias of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Lebanese Hezbollah have largely increased in Saadah.

Tarshan affirmed that Iranian military experts give consultations to the Houthis on the ground, pointing out that some of them are specialized in industrializing explosives and missiles.

He said that some elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were captured in Saadah, al-Jawaf and Aden.

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition last week killed five Iranian experts along with a number of Houthis in the area of Saqain, Saadah governorate.

My comment: By Islah Party media. A governor appointed by the Hadi government, almost without any part of his “province”. That article sounds quite “post-truth”, he had claimed this already sometimes ago, without any proof and further information. This seems to be the same story again.

18.2.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemen’s President Lauds U.S. Intervention Curbing Iranian Expansionism

Yemeni President Abdu Rabbo Mansur Hadi lauded the United States new administration, particularly on its active interventionism against Iran’s systematic interference in region-wide affairs.

Hadi’s remarks followed a meeting with the U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Mathew Taller, the president stated that that the U.S. stance is compatible with Yemeni views, in fighting terrorism and attempting to put an end to Iran’s expansionist ambitions.

Iran has been backing a local armed coup ripping Yemen apart, manned by loyalists supporting ousted Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Tehran-aligned Houthi militias.

Houthis have been seeking to topple the constitutionally elected and internationally backed government in Yemen led by President Hadi.

For his part, the U.S. envoy reiterated his government’s stance on backing the internationally recognized Hadi-led government in Yemen, and assisting with the realization of a peace solution.

The envoy also relayed U.S. desire towards surmounting challenges and difficulties, pointing to an interest in consolidating bilateral relations with Yemen, in order to fortify counterterrorism efforts against extremist forces targeting Yemeni security and stability. and similar

My comment: LOL. Again the “typical Hadi”.

18.2.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemeni Government Says Int’l Reports not Impartial

Yemen’s Deputy Minister of Human Rights Dr. Mohamed Askar accused Houthi and Saleh militias of looting food and medical aid provided by humanitarian organizations to those in need in areas under the control of the insurgents.

The government also defended the legitimacy of its military operations carried out west of the country.

Askar told Asharq Al-Awsat that reports issued by human rights organizations from Sana’a were not impartial as many looting cases were documented, the latest of which was in al-Bayda’ when Houthis looted trucks of food aid sent from the World Food Program and drug depots belonging to a number of international organizations.

The Yemeni official said civilians living in areas controlled by Houthi militias are subjected to many human rights violations. They use civilians as human shields in conflict zones, and prevent women and children from fleeing to safer areas.

Askar explained the reasons behind the lack of impartiality in international reports by saying that Houthi militias are not allowing the organizations to deliver real information in the reports sent to their headquarters around the world and are forcing them to manipulate the facts.

On many occasions, local staff has played a negative role in many cases by issuing false reports by siding with the insurgents. and similar

My comment: LOL. See comment below.

18.2.2017 – Arab News (A P)

Yemeni govt: Saving civilians from militia atrocities is our mission

The Yemeni government on Friday said that the efforts exerted by the Yemeni Army to liberate the western coastal areas from rebel control are proof of the government’s keenness to save citizens from Houthi-Saleh militia attacks.
The government said the “military advancements are part of the government’s efforts to protect its citizens.”
“Citizens in the western coastal areas are suffering from ongoing violations and threats to human rights from the Houthi-Saleh rebels,” the statement said, adding that these include forced conscription of youth and children, detentions, kidnapping, bombing of civilian houses and denial of aid to citizens.
The government stressed that the military advancements are strongly supported by the Arab coalition intent on having these areas liberated.
The government also said that humanitarian assistance coming through Al-Hudeidah Port, especially petroleum products and food items, is often seized and sold by rebel leaders on the black market; the money they get is used to fund their military activities. As a result, the residents of Al-Hudeidah province continue to suffer from lack of food and basic necessities.
The government also said it is working with the KSRelief and other humanitarian organizations to obtain necessary assistance for civilians. Work is also going on to revitalize important facilities in Al-Mokha and other cities located south of the Red Sea that were liberated. and similar by Emirati news Agency:

My comment: That again is quite odd propaganda. “Saving civilians from militia atrocities is our mission”: by bringing them a 23 month Saudi aerial bombing war?? “keenness to save citizens from Houthi-Saleh militia attacks”: the same; who is steadily attacking citizens in Northern Yemen? – ““military advancements are part of the government’s efforts to protect its citizens.”: That sounds Orwellian; the people of Mokha city fully could fruit of this type of “protection” within the last weeks. And, again, “protecting” them by bombing them for 23 month now, is a bloody folly and lie. Yes, there are human rights violations by Houthis; the very greatest part of killings, injuring, destructions, suffering is brought by Saudi coalition bombings however. Yes, a (smaller) part of humanitarian help is looted and resold on the Black Market – by Houthis as by others. But the bulk of humanitarian aid and all normal required imports for livelihood do not reach those who need it because of Saudi blockade; the Saudis having destroyed Hodeida harbour so that unloading ships got a problem: the Saudis having destroyed and destroying roads, bridges, trucks so that goods cannot be transported to the places where they are needed; by the Saudi blockade of Sanaa airport. – “working with the KSRelief”: the Saudis up to now have spent ca. US $ 140 billion for the aerial war against Yemen alone – and, compared to this, give some dates, some per mills of that sum for humanitarian aid, I would think the proper reason is a propaganda purpose.

17.2.2017 – The National UAE (A P)

Family of fallen UAE soldier says he was proud to serve his country

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

19.2.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The violations in 18-2-2017 that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen (full list): and ( )

18.2.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The violations in 17-2-2017 that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen (full list): and (,%202017.pdf )

17.2.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The violations in 16-2-2017 that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen (full list): and (,2017.pdf)

18.–19.2.2017 – Sanaa at night (A K)

War planes hovering over #Sanaa

A Saudi reporter said the Saudi jets are striking Sana'a now. Well i'm in Sana'a so wheter i'm a deaf or he is lying. #Yemen

18.2.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

Saudi jets are over my city Dhamar now #Yemen What is the next massacre ? God save us

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi fighter jets continue strikes on Yemeni provinces

The US-Saudi agression fighter jets continued fierce strikes on several provinces over the past hours, targeting private and public properties, a military official told Saba on Saturday.

The warplanes waged two strikes on al-Omeri Schools and area of Dhubab district and another one on Shabarah village in Mokha district of Taiz province, the official added.

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch three strikes on Sa'ada

The Saudi aggression fighter jets on Saturday launched three strikes on Majz and Kutaf districts of Sa'ada province, a local official told Saba.
The warplanes hit a communication network in Sawid area of Majz district, destroying it.
And other strikes hit al-Aqiq and al-Atfain areas of Kutaf district two time, causing heavy damage to citizens' properties and farms, the official added.

18.2.2017 – News2Tor (A K PH)

3 children were killed in Sa'ada in a #Saudi airstrike on Husama residential area in Dhahir district. Feb 18 (photo; from this raid?)

18.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Aggression’s Raids in Saada and Taiz

In Taiz: warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged raid on Al Omari district.

In Saada: warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged raid on the communications network in Sweden region directorate of Majzzer.

17.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Airstrike hits Sheikh al-Ghader's house

The Saudi aggression struck the house of Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghader in Khawlan district of Sana'a province, a local official told Saba on Saturday.
The strike destroyed the house completely and cars in the house's yard.

17.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

3 Saudi air raids on the house of Sheikh Mohammed bin Naji Al-Ghader, Sheikh of Khawlan tribe (photos) = and and films: and

@HussamSanabani Since 5 years, Sheikh Al-Ghader stay's away from the conflicts in #Yemen. Saudi problem is with the Yemeni identity

Comment by Soraya T: KSA is looking for more troubles in Yemen, this Sheikh was not with Houthies, & by striking his house #KSA pushes him & his tribe 4 revenge.

17.2.2016 – Saudi war crimes (* A K PH)

Hodeidah, photos some of the devastation caused by air raids during this month on: -

Miami tourist resort

port of Hodeida

cp17a Kriegsereignisse: Mokha / Theater of War: Mokha

18.2.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Taiz: pro-government forces and Houthis exchange artillery and missile shelling in al Mocha and Mawza

The artillery and missile shelling have renewed between the Houthi-Saleh forces and the pro-government forces on Saturday in al Mocha district in western Taiz, southwestern Yemen, according to sources in the field.

The sources told Almasdaronline that the shelling renewed after the Houthis and allied forces in Mawza area had launched 10 katyusha missiles on the pro-government forces sites southern al Mocha city.

The pro-government forces air defense systems intercepted the katusha missiles, and shelled back the Houthis and allied forces sites in Mawza district and northern al Mocha city with missiles and heavy artillery.

Meanwhile, the fighter jets of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition had launched three airstrikes on the Houthis and allied forces in al Mocha crossroad, central Mawza, and four raids on their sites in Yakhtel and al Wazieyah.

17.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army secures two villages in al-Dhabab, Taiz

The army and popular forces managed on Friday to secure Tabshe'a and al-Haram villages in al-Dhabab area in Taiz province.
A military official told Saba that Saudi-paid mercenaries were inflicted heavy losses by the army and popular forces during the military clashes in the two villages.

cp17b Kriegsereignisse: Sonstige / Theater of War: Other

19.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Army and Popular Committees Fulfill Triumphs in battlefronts of Jizan

19.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Jizan: Army and popular committees launched rocket type of Al Saraka 3 on groupings of Saudi army in the Waalan camp

18.–19.2.2017 – Saba Net / Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Man killed in Saudi missile attack on Haydan

A man was killed in Saudi missile attack on houses and farms in Haydan district of Sa'ada province.
Five citizens were wounded in the attack that targeted Tallan area on Saturday.
Most of the border areas, including Tallan, which are struck by Saudi warplanes or/and artillery on a daily basis, are suffering a very difficult humanitarian situation, particularly for women and children. and also


18.2.2017 – Saudi war crimes (A K PH)

Photos wounded Saudi missile strike that hit a house in today Talan District Directorate of Haydan in Saada resulted in the death of a citizen and wounding five others, including a child and a woman

19.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Artillery shelling kills dozens of Saudi soldiers

in Jizan, Najran and Asir provinces

18.2.2017 – New News (A K PH)

Films: Houthi / Saleh successes; dates of films?

and also by Noto Wahabism:

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army hit mercenaries' gatherings in Taiz

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi soldier shot dead, Saudi military groups shelled in Najran, Asir =

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Ballistic missile hits Saudi-paid mercenaries in Mareb and

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Army shoots dead Saudi soldier, hits Saudi military sites in Jizan

19.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Missile hits al-Shaqiq power plant in Jizan

The missile force of the army and popular forces fired early on Sunday a medium-range ballistic missile on al-Shaqiq power plant in Jizan province, a military official said.
The missile accurately hit the plant, which provides power to most of the military bases in Khamis Mushayt and Abha provinces. and

19.2.2017 – Fars News (* A K PH)

Saudi Arabia's Key Power Plant In Jizan Comes Under Yemen's Ballistic Missile Attack

"The missile hit the target with high precision," the Arabic-language al-Massira television quoted a military source as saying.

Al-Shaqiq power plant supplies electricity of most of Saudi Arabia's military bases.

There were no immediate reports on the damages caused to the power plant, but the Yemeni missile attacks usually inflict heavy losses on the Saudi forces.

Al-Shaqiq power plant generates 2,640 megawatts of electricity and it has been built by South Korea's Hyundai Heavy Industries Company at a cost of $3.3 billion


18.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani / Stephen Snyder (A K PH)

Yemen launching another ballistic missile targeted Al Shageeg water treatment in Jizan

Film: Video from Saudi shows the missile crossing Jizan city towards AlShageeg water treatment station

Houthi/Saleh forces hitting back at Saudi water facilities?

It is a known as this but the complex is for water treatment & electric plant produces 850 megawatts (photo)

My comment: What actually has been targeted? Targeting civilian infrastructure is a war crime.

18.2.2017 – Xinhua (A K)

Saudi resident injured in projectile attack from Yemen

18.2.2017 – Al Arabiya (A K PS)

Houthi militia killed, field commanders captured in Yemen

18.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

New images of #Yemen army & militia break into & control the Saudi military site Asa'ad Al Majaz in the approved Asir KSA.

18.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Army and Popular Committees Killing 7 of Mercenaries in Taiz

18.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Army launch Zailzal 1 on Midi and killing A number of Mercenaries

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Four mercenaries' vehicles smashed in Shabwa and

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Dozens of US-Saudi-paid mercenaries killed in Jawf and

18.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army shells mercenaries in Lahj and

17.2.2017 – Arab News / Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K)

#Saudi defence systems just intercepted a #Houthi launched ballistic missile targeting #Jazan

Lol. #Yemen didn't fire any missiles today so it could be the Aliens. E.T. was you who fired the missile? Steven Spielberg can you stop him

17.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army shoots dead two Saudi soldiers in Jizan = and

17.2.2017 – Al Araby (A K)

Yemen War claims new Emirati soldier's life

17.2.2017 – New News (A K PH)

Films: Houthi successes

Houthi--The Saudi soldier has been shot by Yemeni sniper,Najran

Houthi - The men of Nehm defeated the hypocrites and suffered great losses

Targeting Alqurn military base by the artillery and burning vehicles militaries in Aldafina military

Targeting Abramaz tank with a missile at Albuq entrance

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

21.8.2015 – Alex Potter at NPR (* A H K)

Photos: An ancient city plunges into darkness as a war on civilians rages and website by Alex Potter:

26.8.2015 – Refinery 29 (* A)

These Photos Exist So People Won't Say "That Never Really Happened"

Fresh out of nursing school and just 22 years old, Alex Potter dreamed of being a photojournalist and bridging the gap between her home in the Midwest and the Middle East. After graduating from college, Potter left her native Minnesota and traveled to Jordan. When she saw that Yemen, a country on the Arabian Peninsula, had a big election coming up, she hopped on a plane in a matter of hours. Potter has been living in Yemen's capital, Sana'a, ever since.
When Houthi rebels seized power in February and forced out the country's president, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, Potter pointed her lens at the families around her as they struggled to cope. Airstrikes from neighboring Saudi Arabia, as well as the participation of fighters from Al Qaeda and the Islamic State group, or ISIS, have made the conflict a complex one. In March, ISIS carried out two major suicide bomb attacks at mosques in Sana'a, killing 137 people.
From behind her lens, Potter captured the anguish of her friends and neighbors when the section of the Old City she was living in was destroyed by an airstrike in June – by Kaeleyn Forde and continuing

? – Yemen Times (* B H P)

Genderism in society, schools and colleges

Like racism and classism, sexism is against the interest of the students, if practiced in schools and colleges, consciously or unconsciously.

Patriarchal society

The main reason for this inequality against females is not difficult to understand. Our society is traditionally a patriarchal one, grounded on three assumptions: that the separate spheres of men and women are natural divisions based on biology-as-destiny ideology; that women are defined in relation to men and children rather than as individual beings; and that women are inferior to men.

Household servant

Within the home, male chauvinism is expressed in other ways too. Many men refuse to share the household tasks

Perpetually dependents?

Nature has decreed that women play caretaker roles such mother, wife and housekeeper. Those who venture outside home for work should occupy jobs such as nurses, teachers, caretakers and social workers, that are in line with these qualities.

These roles are nothing but an extension of their domestic role as a support to men and their work.

Curriculum favor boys

The curriculum especially the teaching materials favor boys playing up the male sex

Men prefer uneducated women

Inculcating self-confidence – by Dr. M. N. K. Bose

My comment: This article does not refer to Yemen in special but to patriarchal societies in general. The author seems to be Indian. The Yemen Times website presented it to Yemeni readers.

6.12.2010 – Yemen Times (C H)

"I used to be a doctor in Yemen"

Unlike most countries in the 1950s, which were to some extent developing, Yemen was still stuck in a darkness of ignorance and disease. Into this almost unheard of country came a French anthropologist and doctor, who fell in love with the country and its people.

“I used to be a doctor in Yemen,” was written by Claudie Fayien and published in France in 1955. It was translated into Arabic by Muhsen Al-Eni in 1958, and released in Lebanon in 1960.

Claudie Fayien worked in Yemen during the period from 1951 to 1952, and found a country living in the darkest of dark eras. The French doctor said that the world should know about Yemen. At that time only a few people in France had even heard of Yemen.

Fayien came to Yemen during the rule of Imam Ahmad Hamid Al-Deen, a ruler who kept the north of Yemen away from any means of development.

“I used to be a doctor in Yemen” is full of vivid descriptions about the humanitarian experience of the people in Yemen. This very detailed book has immortalized itself as one of the most important travel books of the region.

The situation of women

Women received a considerable amount of attention in Fayien’s book, and she was deeply concerned how miserable their lives were in terms of education, health and their treatment from their husbands.

For a proper Yemeni woman in that time, it was considered inappropriate for strangers to hear her voice. So when Fayien went to diagnose the medical condition of a woman, she had to talk to a translator, who in turn had to talk to the husband, who would then talk to his wife. Any replies from the wife in turn had to be relayed back through the husband, and the translator to Fayien.

She stated that the situation for women was really miserable. They had no right to an education and indeed could face death from their husband if he decided to take up another woman to replace her. Yet reading between the lines you can feel her sincere feelings towards the Yemenis, who she said were very nice and eager to learn. – by Malak Shaher

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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