Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 272 - Yemen War Mosaic 272

Yemen Press Reader 272: 3 Filme: Krieg, Kriegsverbrechen, Humanitäre Lage–Eskalierender Konflikt an der Westküste–Hafen von Hodeida–Jemen, Iran: Fox News heizt Konflikte an–Saud. Luftangriffe–ua

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Films: War, war crimes, humanitarian situation – Escalating conflict on Yemen’s western coast – Hodeidah port: Blocked by Saudis for humanitarian aid – Foxing the public over Yemen and Iran – External, internal interests in Yemen – Saudi air raids – Saudi jet downed – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

25.2.2017 – War Witness (** B H K)

Film: WAR WITNESS. UK's Role in Yemen's War#

25.2.2017 – Manager4Business (*** B H K)

Film: Vergessene Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen - Einführung, Teil 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / Forgotten War crimes in Yemen, Introduction, Parts 1-5 (Films in English)

Berlin Konferenz, 25.02.2017 Berlin Conference - Forgotten War Crimes in Yemen

23.2.2017 – MONA Relief / Dr. Karim (** B H K)

Film: Yemen's humanitarian catastrophe after 2 years

25.2.2017 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (** A H)

Escalating Conflict on Yemen’s Western Coast - Flash Update # 2 | 25 February 2017

Key messages

Escalation of conflict on Yemen’s Western Coast has resulted in significant civilian casualties and large scale displacement, further aggravating the humanitarian situation.

Over 44,000 people have recently fled the conflict throughout Taizz Governorate, including at least 25,000 from Al Mukha and Dhubab districts.

Protection concerns persist for those still residing in areas of active conflict, including Al Mukha City and neighbouring villages.

Humanitarians have scaled-up their response efforts to meet the needs of the displaced and those hosting them.

Situation overview

The military operation on the Western Coast continues to intensify, with frontlines shifting north of Al Mukha City. The conflict has resulted in at least 25,000 people fleeing the districts of Al Mukha and Dhubab in search of safety. During the same period, over 44,000 people have been displaced throughout Taizz Governorate.

The displaced are mainly fleeing within Taizz Governorate or to the governorates of Al Hudaydah,
Lahj, Ibb, Aden and Al Dhale’e. Most of Al Mukha’s population has now fled the town, with reports indicating that there are only between 80 and 300 families remaining. The remaining are unable to flee due to the costs of transportation, with displaced families indicating that they had to pay as much as US$200 for transportation to other villages within the district.
Significant protection concerns remain in Al Mukha City as clashes persist and basic services are disrupted.

The main hospital is functioning at minimum capacity and there are reports of scores of dead bodies in the street. As fighting reaches Yakhtul, a village further north of Al Mukha City, reports of civilian casualties and displacement increase.

Some displaced families are renting accommodation, although most are staying with friends and relatives, residing in public buildings, including schools, or staying out in the open. They fled with minimal items or supplies and are in urgent need of food and non-food items (NFIs), shelter, safe water and health care.
Some displaced families have also highlighted the trauma they face as a result of the conflict, including the loss of loved ones and the destruction of their homes.

Humanitarian Response

In response, humanitarian clusters have scaled up their operations across six governorates. and

23.2.2017 – Sophie McNeill (** A H K)

Jamie McGoldrick tell @abcnews the #Saudi led coalition has told him aid can no longer be delivered through Hudaydah #Yemen's main port (photo)

23.2.2017 – Al-Bab (** B K P)

Foxing the public over Yemen and Iran

When it comes to reporting the conflict in Yemen, Fox News is exceptionally bad. Fox has been fooling its viewers for years but now, with Donald Trump installed in the White House, the problem is becoming a more serious. Trump is a devotee of Fox News: it tells him what he wants to hear – about Iranian influence in Yemen, among other things – and he seems to trust it more than he trusts America's intelligence agencies.

There was a similar Fox-inspired "incident" earlier this month involving Iran or, to be more accurate, not involving Iran. On 2 February, White House spokesman Sean Spicer wrongly asserted that Iran had attacked an American warship.

The "American" warship in question was actually Saudi. It had been attacked in the Red Sea at the end of January by Houthi fighters from Yemen who – as Fox constantly reminds its viewers – are "Iranian-backed". The mistaken idea that the ship was American appears to have come from a Fox News report claiming the attack might have been "meant for an American warship".

There was no credible evidence to support this claim but Fox was happy to report it on the basis of quotes from anonymous Pentagon officials even though the Houthis had been claiming all along that the ship was Saudi and identified it – correctly – as a frigate named al-Madinah which had been taking part in a naval blockade along the Houthi-controlled portion of Yemen's coastline. Nevertheless, suggesting that the intended target was American helped to raise fears about Iran and allowed Fox's presenter to tell viewers it "could have ominous implications for the US military".

Fox is always ready to sound alarm bells about Iran on the slenderest of pretexts.

While Obama was president propaganda of this kind didn't have much influence on American policy but it now has a receptive audience in the White House. The danger is that if Trump becomes mired in domestic political conflicts, as seems very likely, he may view confrontation with Iran as a way of rallying Americans around him. - See more at:

Fox, of course, isn't the only source of the scaremongering but it is one of the more extreme examples. In large sections of the media Iran's deep involvement in Yemen is taken for granted: it is assumed to be so obvious that there is no need to consider or even provide any evidence.

This isn't to suggest that Iran has no role in Yemen at all but it's important not to exaggerate. The Houthis certainly have some religious affinity with Iran and nobody – least of all, the Iranians – would deny that Iran has given them encouragement. But while describing the Houthis as "Iranian-backed" is factually correct it's liable to be be misleading unless qualified with further explanation. And while it suits Saudi Arabia's purposes to characterise the Yemen conflict as a proxy war with Iran, local factors inside Yemen are actually far more relevant.

There is a very noticeable contrast between the sort of Yemen coverage provided by Fox News and discussions among people who follow Yemen closely for professional or academic reasons and have no particular axe to grind. I have attended plenty of discussions of the latter kind since the conflict began and the Iranian angle is rarely given much significance.

One possible explanation for this is that the country with the longest, most extensive and most negative history of interference in Yemeni affairs is not Iran by Saudi Arabia. - See more at:

As for what Iran is actually doing to support the Houthis, available evidence suggests it's not very much – though this may be due more to the practical difficulties involved than a lack of inclination. A key question here is whether, or to what extent, Iran might be arming the Houthis (and supporters of ex-President Saleh who are allied with them).

One factor here is that the Houthi-Saleh forces may not have had much need (so far) to import weapons from abroad because they already have access to a large part of Yemen's national stockpile

A recent UN report by a panel of experts looked at this in detail and concluded that if Iran is providing weapons it is unlikely to be doing so on a large scale.

On the question of external supplies, the report considered various ways arms might be smuggled into Yemen from Iran. It discounted the possibility of delivery by air (since the Saudi coalition controls the skies) and identified three possible maritime supply routes. However, these are fraught with difficulties and are probably only suitable for small-scale arms trafficking, as the report explained:

1. Coastal dhows to Houthi-Saleh-controlled ports on the west coast of Yemen

2. Coastal dhows to Omani transit ports

3. Coastal dhows to south-eastern ports or beaches in Yemen

Whether weapons are smuggled across the border from Oman or landed on Yemen's southern coast, the hazards of transporting them overland to the Houthis through hostile territory are considerable.

Seizures at sea: a question of destination

During 2015 and 2016 there were only four confirmed seizures of weapons in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden. All four vessels had sailed from Iran but there's no real evidence that Yemen was their destination. The UN report suggests they are more likely to have been heading for Somalia:

It does seem a bit odd that governments which readily accuse Iran of arming the Houthis are not more enthusiastic about providing credible evidence. But perhaps they assume the public is already persuaded and needs no more convincing – and they could be right about that – by Brian Whitaker

cp2 Allgemein / General

24.2.2017 – (nicht bewertet B K P)

Film: Interview mit Jürgen Todenhöfer – Der erste westliche Journalist bei ISIS

In diesem Interview mit Bestseller-Autor und Kriegsberichterstatter Jürgen Todenhöfer sprechen wir über die Konflikte im Nahen Osten, die Rolle des Westens, Krieg und Aktivismus.

Wie ist die Geschichte des Mittleren Ostens und welche Rolle spielten die USA und ihre Verbündeten dort?

Warum mischt sich die US-Regierung immer noch im Mittleren Osten ein?

Was würde eine Annäherung von Iran & Saudi-Arabien für den Konflikt im Mittleren Osten bedeuten? Sollte westliche Politik dies unterstützen?

Welche Rolle spielt Deutschland in dem Konflikt? Profitiert es davon?

Welche Rolle spielt die Öffentlichkeit? Kann sie Friedensbestrebungen unterstützen?

Diese und weitere Fragen werden im Video beantwortet: und Todenhöfer aktuell zum Syrienkrieg:

23.2.2017 – WOZ (* B P)

Bürgerkrieg mit Countdown

Bald zwei Jahre dauert der Konflikt auf der Arabischen Halbinsel bereits. Eine schnelle Lösung ist nicht in Sicht – auch, weil Länder wie die USA und Deutschland ein Interesse an seinem Fortbestehen haben.

Der Krieg im Jemen wird oft als vergessener Krieg beschrieben. Und wenn man sich doch daran erinnert, passiert dies selten aus einer ganzheitlichen Perspektive, die den gesamten Konflikt mit einbezieht. So werden automatisch mangelhafte Schlüsse gezogen. Denn meistens liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Geopolitik, auf der Frage, wie der Jemen zum Schauplatz eines Stellvertreterkriegs zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran wurde.

Die jemenitische Innenpolitik lässt man dabei ausser Acht, obwohl die interne Dynamik zwischen den verschiedenen politischen Akteuren zu einem grossen Teil die treibende Kraft hinter dem Krieg darstellt. Dabei dominieren gerade Überlebenspolitik und gegenseitige Kontrolle die lokale Politlandschaft – und beeinflussen damit die geopolitische Beziehung zwischen dem Jemen und den anderen involvierten Ländern. Zwei Jahre dauert der Krieg bereits. Doch der Friedensprozess wird gerade dadurch erschwert, dass die «internationale Gemeinschaft» der Innenpolitik des Landes so wenig Beachtung schenkt.

Entwickelt hat sich der Krieg in drei Phasen: Als Folge des Aufstands von 2011 begann er als Konflikt zwischen dem damaligen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh und seinen GegnerInnen, insbesondere denen, die halfen, ihn zu stürzen. Mitte des Jahres 2014 trat der Krieg in die zweite Phase ein: als Konflikt zwischen der Allianz von Saleh und den Huthi-RebellInnen auf der einen und Salehs Nachfolger, Übergangspräsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi, auf der anderen Seite. Im März 2015 begann die dritte – bis heute anhaltende – Phase, als Saudi-Arabien den Huthis den Krieg erklärte. Um dem Blutvergiessen ein Ende zu bereiten, veranlasste der Golfrat, der sechs der sieben Staaten der Arabischen Halbinsel umfasst, im April 2011 ein Abkommen zur «geregelten Machtübernahme». Nach langwierigen Verhandlungen trat Saleh Ende 2011 schliesslich ab. Damit begann der nie ausgesprochene Countdown zum Bürgerkrieg, vor dem Saleh gewarnt hatte.

Nächste Woche jährt sich im Jemen der Aufstand von 2011 zum sechsten Mal. Viele werden dies zum Anlass nehmen, über die Errungenschaften und Fehler nachzudenken. Derweil versuche ich zu verstehen, wie es so weit kommen konnte. «Revolutionen sind die einzigen politischen Ereignisse, die uns direkt und unausweichlich mit einem Neubeginn konfrontieren», hat die deutsch-amerikanische Theoretikerin Hannah Arendt einmal gesagt. Dasselbe sollten wir zum Jubiläum des Aufstands tun: uns mit dem Neubeginn konfrontieren – von Afrah Nasser

Mein Kommentar: Mit klarer Richtung gegen die Huthis; die „Konterrevolution“ im Jemen begann freilich schon mit der Golfsratsinitiative und der Wahl von hadi zum Präsidenten, der unfähig und unwillig war, alle politischen Kräfte im Jemen am Neuanfang angemessen zu beteiligen.

And English version:

23.2.2017 – Huffington Post (* B P)

Yemen War: Between Internal and External Interests

*The war in Yemen is often described as a forgotten war and when/if it is remembered, it is not seen with a holistic lens recognising the full picture of the conflict – and this automatically leads to flawed conclusions. Great focus is often paid to the geopolitics of the war in Yemen, i.e how Yemen has become the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, while a lesser focus is paid to the domestic politics. The internal eco-political dynamics between the different local political and tribal actors is to a great extent the fundamental driving force of the war in Yemen. That is, the local political landscape is dominated by survival politics and checks and balances which influence the geopolitical relation between Yemen and countries involved in the conflict. More importantly, not giving a complete consideration to Yemen’s domestic politics by the international community hinders reaching any peace process for Yemen’s 2-years-long war.

In the wake of Yemen’s 2011 uprising, it was a conflict between ousted Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh and his opponents – particularly those who helped topple him. By mid-2014 it was a conflict between an alliance formed by Saleh and the rebels, the Houthis against Saleh’s successor, Yemen’s transitional president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and his government. Then, in March 2015, Saudi Arabia declared a war against the Houthis.

To understand the origin of the ongoing conflict in Yemen, it is essential to go back to 2011 when Yemeni youth joined the wave of revolutions happening across the Middle East and North of Africa

To cease the bloodshed, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) initiated a power-transfer plan in April 2011. After many long negotiations, Saleh accepted to step down. And that was the point when the unspoken countdown for the civil war which Saleh warned of began.

Next week marks the sixth anniversary of Yemen’s 2011 uprising. Many will take the opportunity to reflect on the merits and the failures of the uprising, and that will inevitably will be through an eye tainted by the ongoing war. For me, I reflect and try to understand how did we get here today. German political theorist, Hannah Arendt once said, “revolutions are the only political events which confront us directly and inevitably with the problem of beginning”, and that is what the uprising anniversary should do – confront us with the problem of beginning – by Afrah Nasser

My comment: With a clear anti-Houthi spin; the Yemeni “counter-revolution” began with the GCC initiative and the election of a president like Hadi unable and unwilling to a new order really including all Yemeni political forces.

24.2.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

UN chief in Yemen confirms in this press conference this week that Saudi Arabia bar intel journalists from entering Yemen referring to film:

13.1.2017 – 10 Facts Daily News (* B K)

Film: Saudi Arabia war crimes in Yemen (+18)

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

26.2.2017 – ABC (* B H)

Humanitarian catastrophe unfolds in Yemen as world refuses to act

We have heard a lot about lies, mistruths and fake news in recent weeks.

This week one story, one piece of very real news, should have been right at the top of the bulletins and in the newspaper headlines.

But you could be forgiven for missing this story completely.

It didn't make the big headlines, barely garnered any debate and seemed to disappear as soon as it was announced.

Yemen is listed as the worst-affected country facing potential famine, where more than 7 million people require emergency food assistance.

When I was in Yemen last August, we witnessed kids starving to death, right there in the hospitals of the capital city, Sanaa.

I'll never forget the looks on the parents' faces. They were so ashamed and embarrassed — unable to afford the most basic food for their children who now lay in hospital on the verge of death, some with their stomachs bloated and others with their tiny ribs sticking out.

Now the UN says there are more than 460,000 children like Eissa who are currently suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

"While Yemen is being starved or is starving, there is nothing really that is actually taking place to actually fix it," Jamie McGoldrick, the UN's top aid official in Yemen, told me this week.

"What we are facing is a generation of young kids who are going to be stunted. They are never going to reach their full potential physically and intellectually, because of the importance of those early years and the right nutrition."

The plight of children starving to death in Yemen was first reported around March last year.

Video and photos of this horrific phenomena has continued to be reported since then, despite the incredible difficulties facing journalists accessing the war-torn country.

But despite the overwhelming evidence, families across Yemen are continuing to watch their children die from a lack of food.

"These are stories of mothers who have to make stark choices," Mr McGoldrick told me.

It's clear the world knows this is happening but is refusing to act and is choosing to ignore what is happening in Yemen.

I asked Mr McGoldrick what should people who want to help do?

"I think raise their voice to their local politicians and parliament," he said.

"To try and create a worldview and world appreciation of the tragedy that is happening here in Yemen and push their government to give aid funding to the humanitarian crisis."

While Australia has one of the highest incomes per capita in the world, our current spending on foreign aid is at an eight-year low.

Australia does not currently allocate any of its current foreign aid budget to Yemen.

"It is one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, yet so far the Australian Government has committed no funding to help save lives there.

"We urge the Australian Government to step up and provide humanitarian aid to Yemen."

We can't say we didn't know what was happening in Yemen or north Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan.

We and the governments we elect have been put on notice.

What are we going to do about it? - by Sophie McNeill (photos)

25.2.2017 – Inside Philanthropy (B H)

Yemen: Another Humanitarian Crisis That Poses a Test for Philanthropy

The conflict in Yemen shows no signs of slowing, and with the country’s economy and infrastructure near collapse, an estimated 10 to 18 million people depend on outside aid for their survival.

As we’ve seen time and again with complex humanitarian crises, philanthropy has been slow to step up. Funders may feel that the scale of suffering is such that philanthropic dollars can't make a decisive difference and that emergency relief is a job best suited to international agencies funded by national governments. Funders may also worry about the obstacles to ensuring their money is well spent when it's flowing into a conflict zone.

In fact, none of these excuses stands up to scrutiny. There are plenty of tangible ways that private dollars can alleviate human suffering in crises like the one in Yemen, and every bit of help counts. As well, many top humanitarian organizations have strong reputations for effectively using philanthropic gifts and ensuring that help reaches the people who need it the most in complex conflict zones.

If you want to see an example of a private funder that's made a huge difference in humanitarian crises, keep a close eye on the Ikea Foundation – by Sue-Lynn Moses

My comment: That’s certainly true – but it would even be a greater sign of philanthropy simply to stop all support for a disastrous war and blockade which have created this disaster. I miss any hint to such a background in articles like this one.

24.2.2017 – Naeef Alwafi (* A H)

Film (Arabic): first part investigative film about the war wounded neglected in the province of Taiz, Yemen

More than 15,000 thousand wounded in Taiz province after being swept by Houthi group Saleh and waged a war and a blockade by

Those injured suffered neglect by the responsible authorities and continue to suffer from it and do not know anyone of them what is going on behind the scenes of their wounds file

Their name entered into a multi-million dollar contracts in order not to ignore, but the responsible authorities in the Ministry of Health of the top of the pyramid to the bottom in a row was wounded dealers and that what was born of suffering and neglect and trading

Hospitals knocked on the war wounded surgery in Taiz All this under the auspices of an official from the Ministry of Health in Yemen

24.2.2017 – (* A H)

Audio: Yemeni population on the brink of famine: UN

The UN urgently needs more than $5 billion by the end of March to help nearly 20 million people at risk of starvation in Yemen, north Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan.
Yemen is the worst affected country, where more than 7 million people urgently need food, with the UN describing the population there as on the brink of famine.
And there are indications food security in Yemen is about to get much worse.
Featured: Antonio Guterres, secretary-general, United Nations, and Jamie McGoldrick, chief Yemen official, United Nations – by Sophie McNeill

24.2.2017 – Washington Post (* A H)

Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children are nearing starvation

Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children languishing in refugee camps and remote villages are nearing starvation. Families who fled airstrikes are being forced to return to war-shattered homes, risking their lives again.

The United Nations and other humanitarian groups are describing alarming scenes in the Middle East’s poorest country as a humanitarian crisis and conflict deepen after nearly two years of war.

In recent weeks, clashes between rebels known as Houthis and forces loyal to the U.S.-backed government have intensified, especially along the western coast of the country. Airstrikes near a major port in the city of Hodeida — the main entry point for food, medicine and humanitarian aid into northern Yemen — have slowed the delivery of supplies and exacerbated the misery.

Almost a half million children are severely acutely malnourished, a nearly 200 percent increase since 2014, the United Nations Children’s Fund said this week. The United Nations described Yemen, along with Somalia and northern Nigeria, as “on the brink of famine,” and declared that famine has already gripped parts of South Sudan. In Yemen, more than 7.3 million are in need of urgent food assistance.

More than 1 million Yemenis have returned to their homes even as fighting still rages in many of those areas, the U.N. refugee agency and the International Organization for Migration reported.

Yemen’s growing crisis is likely to pose new challenges for the Trump administration as it seeks to neutralize a potent al-Qaeda branchThe desperation among ordinary Yemenis is growing. The lack of employment and basic services are forcing hundreds of thousands to return to their homes, according to a report by UNHCR and IOM released this week – By Sudarsan Raghavan

24.2.2017 – Civil Society (A H)

Ikea Foundation gives over £2m to charities working in Yemen

The Ikea Foundation has given over £2m to Médecins Sans Frontières and Save the Children for their work in Yemen, and is calling on other funders to do the same.

The Ikea Foundation gave £1.7m (€2m) to MSF, and another £0.4m (€500,000) to Save the Children to save lives and protect children and families in Yemen.

The foundation, which is the philanthropic arm of the owners of the Swedish furniture giant Ikea, is calling on other funders to do the same to ensure that the people of Yemen get the help that they need – by Alice Sharman

23.2.2017 – Public Now (A H P)

Yemen, Alfano: 'Italy funds interventions in favour of children and to prevent violence against women”

'Through the Italian Cooperation service, we have decided to grant two multilateral emergency contributions to Yemen for a total value of nearly one million euros. They will be used to finance humanitarian interventions to be carried out by the International Migration Organization (IMO) and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA),' said Angelino Alfano, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

My comment: Please stop the sale of bombs from Italy to Saudi Arabia – that would be serious.

23.2.2017 – Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (* A H)

Jemen: Die Gesundheit und Ernährung von Kindern verbessern

Traurige Höchstwerte: Im Jemen sind 1,8 Millionen Kinder von Unterernährung betroffen. Und seit Beginn des bewaffneten Konflikts im Frühjahr 2015 hat sich die Situation noch verschlimmert. Die UN spricht von einer Steigerung der Zahl unterernährter Kinder um 200 Prozent. So sind nach Schätzungen zwischen 300.000 und 500.000 jemenitische Kinder akut mangelernährt - eine alarmierende Zahl! Zudem sind unterernährte Kinder anfälliger für Infektionen und Krankheiten. Deshalb unterstützt das Deutsche Rote Kreuz den Jemenitischen Roten Halbmond dabei, die Gesundheit der Kinder an 27 Schulen zu verbessern.

Bauliche Verbesserungen schaffen ein gesundes Lernumfeld

Um die Gesundheit der Mädchen und Jungen zu fördern, setzen JRH und DRK an verschiedenen Punkten an. In einer ersten Phase ist es unser Ziel, ein gesundes, sicheres Lernumfeld zu schaffen.

Wissen hilft: Aufklärung über Hygiene, Ernährung und Gesundheit

Parallel zu den baulichen Verbesserungen legen wir gemeinsam mit allen Beteiligten Aufklärungs- und Bildungsmaßnahmen fest, die die Baumaßnahmen ergänzen. Die Instandsetzung von Handwaschbecken wird beispielsweise mit einer Hygieneschulung zum richtigen Händewaschen und anderen gesundheitsfördernden Verhaltensweisen verbunden.

Familien, Gemeinden und Partner sichern langfristige Wirkung

Damit die Erfolge des Projekts erhalten bleiben oder gar weiter entwickelt werden, setzt das DRK auf die intensive Beteiligung und enge Zusammenarbeit der Schulen, Eltern, Freiwilligen, Gemeinden und lokalen Regierungsvertretern

Das Projekt

Region: Lahj und Dhamar
Projektvolumen: 1.780.000 Euro
Finanzierung: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und Spenden
Partner: Jemenitischer Roter Halbmond (JRH)

Helfen Sie mit!

Jede kleine Spende hilft den notleidenden Menschen dieser Welt!

Jetzt spenden! c

23.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (* A H)

SOS Urgen call to Intl humanitarian aid organizations & Businessmen to save over 100 patients dialysis in 22 May hospital in Sana'a #Yemen referring to

23.2.2017 – UNICEF (* A H)

Yemen conflict: A devastating toll for children

The conflict in Yemen has taken a devastating toll, particularly on the most vulnerable members of society: children.

Close to 4,000 civilians have died as a direct result of the conflict, including 1,332 children. Thousands more are wasting away because of deprivations caused by the conflict. UNICEF estimates that more than 460,000 children in Yemen face severe malnutrition, while 3.3 million children and pregnant or lactating women suffer from acute malnutrition. Even after the conflict ends, the effects of malnutrition – stunted growth and delayed cognitive development – may linger. In the worst cases, it is fatal.

The number of out-of-school children – already high before the conflict – has ballooned to 2 million as more than 350,000 additional children have been unable to attend school because of closures. Education for these children cannot wait.

UNICEF is working hard to alleviate the effects of the conflict on children and families by delivering lifesaving services and supplies, including health, nutrition and vaccination services for mothers, newborns and children; preparing for potential disease outbreaks; expanding treatment services for children with malnutrition; and supporting displaced families through provision of safe water and hygiene facilities.

UNICEF and its partners urgently need to secure funding. Yemen’s needs are great; to provide the most basic health, education and protection services in 2017, UNICEF requires $236.6 million. (with film)

Learn more about the humanitarian situation for children in Yemen =

22.2.2017 – Time (* B H)

By the Time We Declare a Famine, It's Already Too Late

The declaration of famine in parts of South Sudan this week, the first announcement of its kind since 2011, is but the beginning of a cascade of similar pronouncements to come.

Yemen, northern Nigeria and Somalia are also on the brink of famine, warns the Famine Early Warning Systems network. According to the International Federation of the Red Cross in Africa, another 32 million people in southern Africa face extreme food insecurity. If nothing is done, the World Food Program’s chief economist, Arif Husain, told Reuters, some 20 million people could starve to death during the next six months.

And that is the least of the devastation. Famine doesn’t just kill; it leaves debilitating scars on a nation’s development that endure for decades, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and aid dependency. Once famine takes root, it’s that much harder to recover. Yet the call to prevent famine is never as widely shouted, or eagerly responded to, as the urgent demands to stop it. It’s time to change the stakes.

Famine, in technical terms, doesn’t just mean people are going hungry. It means they are already starving to death — two adults or four children a day per every 10,000 people. That means that by the time famine is formally declared, millions have already been suffering for months, or even years: international humanitarian agencies like Oxfam started warning about a looming famine in northern South Sudan back in March 2015. The only reason why the organization couldn’t declare famine outright was because ongoing fighting meant that no one could take an accurate body count. The last time famine was formally declared, in Somalia in 2011, most of the 260,000 victims had already died.

By the time the inevitable photos of emaciated bodies and gaunt, wizened children with extended bellies appear in the media, it is almost always already too late.

My comment: In many cases: Famine is man made. In many cases: The “West” is actively bearing a great part of the guilt. In case of Yemen: Both is evident. And: It was predictable for long. The “West” cared and changed its behaviour: NOTHING. In Yemen: NO. Elsewhere: NO.

8.2.2017 – BBC (* A H)

Audio: Yemen on the brink of famine

Hisham al-Omeisy, a resident of Yemen's capital Sanaa, talks of chronic shortages of food, medicine and electricity. The United Nations has warned that the war-torn country is facing a catastrophic famine.

31.1.2017 – World Food Programme (A H)

Yemen: Snapshot on Shipping, Food and Fuel Imports, January 2017 and in full: =

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

21.2.2017 – Alistair Reign (* B)

Vintage YEMEN Architecture Before Saudi Destruction Of This Ancient Civilization & Way Of Life.

Let us all be reminded of what Saudi Royal's have turned to rubble. As if the killing of Yemen's children was not enough of an unfathomable act of inhumanity. An action only a barbaric, megalomania, narcissistic regime like Saudi Arabia's ruling family could carry out.
The al-Saud war crimes have also struck deep into the very heart of the land, by razing to the ground its ancient footprint, and reducing its people's identity to impoverished by cruelty, abandoned by apathy - but never beaten.
The Saudi regime is wielding it's state religion - Wahhabism - like a sword - enforced by public beheading of anybody who speaks negatively about the Al-Saud's - a tribe of desert criminals infamous for killing anything living that opposes their spread of terror, under the guise of "ISIS" in all its names and gangs - they all wave the flag of the Wahhabi slaughtering machine.
Reporting The News That Matters - From A Human Rights Perspective. Alistair Reign News' Playlists Are Rated (18+) for possible graphic images of war, injury or death. Read our website disclaimer for more information (

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

26.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K P)

Bani Matar tribes supporting the army and front line

Citizens of Bani Matar district of Sana'a province on Saturday sent a food convoy to support the army and popular forces.
The Bani Matary citizens confirmed that the convoy would not be the last, and would be followed by many others, until defeating the invaders.
They appreciated the roles of victories of the national forces in defense of the Yemeni people, territories and sovereignty.
The convey includes tons of foodstuffs, sheep, water and juice.

25.2.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

3 months since Houthis/Saleh formed "Salvation Gov't". Except for few photo-opps, officials largely MIUA (Missing In Unknown Action) (images)

24.2.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Foreign Ministry expresses disappointment over UNSC resolution

Official at the foreign ministry expressed disappointment over UN Security Council resolution No. 2342, in a statement obtained by Saba on Friday.
The official said that at the time UNSC calls for completing Yemen's political transition, the UNSC ignores openly the daily aggression war.
The official affirmed that the UNSC resolution made no mention to aggression military escalation on the Yemeni coasts and cities, and the target of Yemeni civilians in front of the eyes and ears of all world.
The official reaffirmed that any solution to the aggression war on Yemen should be an integrated and comprehensive and ensures the security and sovereignty of Yemen without derogation.

23.2.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

GPC President Saleh delivers speech to aggression countries

President of General People's Congress (GPC) party Ali Abdullah Saleh delivered a speech to aggression countries on Thursday evening, saying " You are assaulting Yemeni people without justification, and your business with Iran you should settle down your account with Iran, not
with Yemen."
GPC President affirmed that long-range ballistic missiles have not be launched until now.
GPC President make sure that if the aggression countries stop air strikes and rocket attacks against the Yemeni people, we will then stop firing ballistic missiles too.

My comment: On Iran he is simply right.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

24.2.2017 – Aden Now News (A P T)

Demonstrations in the city of Zanzibar, Abyan demanding resignation of the Interior Minister and the Governor immediately and to make accountable the government (photo)

Remark: This demonstration after the terrorist attack, see the following:

24.2.2017 – APA (* A T)

Mindestens fünf Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag im Jemen

Bei einem Selbstmordanschlag vor einem Militärstützpunkt im Jemen sind am Freitag mindestens fünf Menschen getötet worden. Wie Vertreter der Sicherheitsbehörden mitteilten, wurden mindestens drei weitere Menschen verletzt, als der Attentäter vor dem Eingang zum Camp Najda in Sinjibar ein mit Sprengstoff beladenes Fahrzeug in die Luft jagte. Anschließend versuchten mehrere weitere Angreifer, in den Stützpunkt in der Provinz Abyan einzudringen. Zu dem Anschlag bekannte sich zunächst niemand. Nach Angaben aus Sicherheitskreisen deutet das Vorgehen jedoch auf einen Anschlag der Extremistengruppe Al-Kaida hin.

24.2.2017 – DPA (* A T)

Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag auf Militärstützpunkt im Jemen

Bei einem Selbstmordanschlag auf einen Militärstützpunkt im Jemen sind mindestens acht Soldaten getötet worden. Ein Attentäter habe eine Autobombe am Haupttor zu dem Stützpunkt in der Stadt Sindschibar gezündet, hieß es am Freitag aus Sicherheitskreisen. Mindestens 18 weitere Menschen wurden den Angaben zufolge verletzt.

Die Küstenstadt Sindschibar liegt im Süden des Jemen rund 50 Kilometer von Aden entfernt.

24.2.2017 – Xinhua (* A T)

Suspected al-Qaida suicide bombing hit police center in southern Yemen

About 10 pro-government soldiers were killed and nearly 20 others injured when suspected al-Qaida suicide bombing targeted a police center in Yemen's southern province of Abyan on Friday, a security official told Xinhua.

The security source based in Abyan said on condition of anonymity that suspected al-Qaida gunmen launched an armed attack on the main gate of the police center in Zinjibar city, Abyan's provincial capital, sparking a short clash in the area.

A few minutes later, a suspected al-Qaida suicide bomber slammed his explosives-laden car into the guards stationed around the police center, killing about 10 soldiers and injuring 20 others, the source said.

Residents told Xinhua that the explosion was very huge and some nearby residential buildings were partially damaged.

Ambulances rushed to the scene to rescue the injured soldiers to get treatment at public hospitals in the neighboring southern province of Aden. and by Aljazeera:

24.2.2017 – Reuters (* A T)

Suicide bomber kills at least eight soldiers in Yemen's Zinjibar

A suicide bomber killed at least eight soldiers in an attack on a military camp in Yemen's southern city of Zinjibar at dawn on Friday, a local official and residents said.

The bomber, wearing a military uniform, drove a car that exploded at the entrance of the camp. Ten others were wounded.

Residents said they heard a loud explosion at dawn in the city, the capital of Abyan province.

The bomber is suspected to be an al Qaeda member, the local official said – By Mohammed Mukhashaf


24.2.2017 – The National UAE (* A T)

Al Qaeda blamed for killing 8 Yemeni soldiers in attack on military camp

Eight Yemeni soldiers were killed and others injured in the southern city of Zinjubar on Friday when militants launched an attack on their military camp.

A journalist based in Zinjubar told The National that members of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (Aqap) carried out the assault, which began when a suicide bomber drove a car packed with explosives close to the gates of Najda Camp.

"After the explosion, Al Qaeda fighters tried to storm the military camp but the forces confronted them and killed some," said the journalist who did not want to be named for fear of being targeted by Aqap.

"Finally, after about half an hour of clashes, the [remaining] Al Qaeda fighters took [the bodies of the killed militants] and fled the area."

He said some of the soldiers were killed by the explosion and others in the clashes.

Security officials said the suicide bomber, who was disguised as a driver carrying fire wood for cooking, failed to get inside the camp after soldiers stopped him. So he blew himself up at the gates instead.

Aqap did not claim responsibility for the attack, but the group is the only force currently fighting pro-government troops in Abyan province – by Mohammed Al Qalisi

and photos:

24.2.2017 – Josephjo1221 (A T)

Film: Al-Qaeda claims suicide attack on a camp for help in the city of Zanzibar, a car bomb followed by an attack by three people and was carried out by Abu Bara Edenic

and more photos:

24.2.2017 – Yemen i Siria (* A T)

Film: A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb at a camp in Saudi mercenaries Naida. 8 people were killed. The city of Zinjibar, Abyan province.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

23.2.2017 – Inner City Press (A P)

UN's envoy on #Yemen, picked by Ban Ki-moon, is decidedly pro-#Saudi and has his staff say been doing business while at UN

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

25.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A P)

Saudi cleric Essam Alawed who finance terrorism, was arrested while tryinng 2 cross a desert area 2 Iraq or Syria, in coordination with ISIS (photo) referring to

24.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A P)

Israeli website DEBKAfile: Saudi intelligence chief K. Al Humaidan visited Israel & complained of #Yemeni missiles

24.2.2017 – MbKS15 (A K)

365 days of the #RSAF F-15S presence at #Incirlik AFB (photos)


Royal #Saudi Air Force has conducted a total of 341 sorties against #ISIS in #Syria as part of the #US-led coalition — MoD Spox (photos)

My comment: the Saudis as aprt of this “coalition” and bombing in Syria – really a bad joke.

23.2.2017 – Najran Today (A H P)

Video: .. maid tortured at the hands of her sponsor at # Najran.

5.2.2017 – MbKS15 / Saudi Air Force (A K P)

Film: THE ROYAL #SAUDI AIR FORCE A Power To Protect Peace

My comment: Odd.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

25.2.2017 – MIC (* A H P)

Trump's Muslim ban has trapped this Yemeni mother in a home destroyed by airstrikes

Bushra al-Fusail wanted to be heard.

She made that happen on Jan. 31 during a televised CNN town hall debate. With millions of viewers watching, the Yemeni asylum-seeker told former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi that her mother was trapped outside of the United States because of President Donald Trump's executive order on refugees, which bars immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.

"My mom isn't able to come to the U.S., due to [the order] Donald Trump signed recently," al-Fusail said with a mic in hand. "What could you help us and our people to ensure more families are not turned apart?" – by sarah harvard

24.2.2017 – The Hill (A P)

DHS analysis found no evidence of extra threat posed by travel-ban nations: report

A draft intelligence report compiled by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) finds little evidence that citizens from the seven countries included in President Trump’s travel ban pose a terror threat, according to The Associated Press.

The document, compiled by the agency’s intelligence unit, reportedly says citizenship is an “unlikely indicator” for terror threats within the U.S.

It also points notes that just a handful of people from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Sudan have been linked to terrorist activity in the U.S. or participated in attacks.

The report undermines the rationale for Trump’s executive order, which he said was put in place to protect the country from terror threats – BY JORDAN FABIAN

24.2.2017 – Ali AlAhmed (* A P)

Ex @Chevron Peter Robertson leads candidates for new #US envoy to Saudi Monarchy (photos)

My comment: Crazy. Complicity in extreme.

24.2.2017 – Human Rights Watch (** A P T)

Yemen: US Should Investigate Civilian Deaths in Raid

Al-Bayda Attack on Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula Killed at Least 9 Children

The US government should credibly investigate the raid on Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in central Yemen in late January 2017, that killed at least 14 civilians, including nine children, and make its findings public, Human Rights Watch said today.

The high number of civilian casualties raises concerns that US forces and the armed group failed to take all necessary measures to minimize loss of civilian life, as required by the laws of war. The US government reported that 14 AQAP fighters and a US service member were killed in the fighting and, three days after the attack, that civilians, including children, were likely killed.

“The US military’s acknowledgment of civilian deaths in this attack was a rare departure from past US practice in Yemen, but it’s not enough,” said Nadim Houry, terrorism and counterterrorism director at Human Rights Watch. “The US needs to go a step further and provide a full accounting of possible laws-of-war violations and deliver appropriate compensation to civilians.”

Human Rights Watch spoke about the attack with several village residents and the director of a hospital that treated three of the wounded. Witnesses said that five women and nine children were among the civilians killed in the raid.

Witnesses said that at about 2 a.m., about 30 US personnel flanked by military dogs approached the home of a military commander, Abdul-Raouf al-Dahab. Men in al-Dahab’s house heard people approaching and called out. When they got no response, they began shooting, one witness said. Those outside returned the gunfire. Another witness, who was in the house next to al-Dahab’s, said that the men in the house fired warning shots into the air and that the forces outside then opened fire on the home.

Witnesses said that US ground forces and aircraft appeared to target anything that moved and anyone who left their home. Aziz al-Ameri, a member of the local governing council, said that he and his family woke up when they heard gunshots. They initially thought it was a tribal or personal dispute: “We were surprised when we saw the [attack helicopters] coming and surrounding the whole village. … They were shooting at anything moving, anything that moved they shot, human or animal, even donkeys.”

“The women who have been killed, some of them were carrying their children, some running away,” al-Ameri said. “They raided our houses, destroyed them, killed our women and children.” He said that Fatim al-Ameri, a mother in her mid-thirties who is a relative of his, was found dead, with her 2-year-old son in her arms. The boy survived. Another boy, 5, was found dead next to the door of his house.

Local activists said that many of those wounded were not able to get medical care, as the village is remote. Dr. Ameen Mabrook, director of the “26th September” hospital in al-Joubah district in Marib, a five-hour drive from the Yakla area and the nearest hospital that provides neonatal care, said that the hospital received three people wounded in the raid – a young man shot in the leg, a pregnant woman, and a small girl. The woman, who was nine months pregnant, had been shot in the stomach. The hospital performed an emergency caesarean section, but the baby died.

Yakla residents disputed claims that the most of those killed in the fighting were AQAP members. The residents said that the village consists of a cluster of houses, next to two other small villages, with about 200 houses and 1,000 residents in all. Most of those killed lived in al-Dahab’s house, which US forces approached first, and in the two homes next to it, which belonged to Abdullah al-Ameri and his son Muhammad.

Human Rights Watch collected 23 names and ages of villagers killed in the raid. A witness said that two other people died but he could not remember their names. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which worked with a Yemeni journalist who visited the Yakla area less than a week after the raid, collected 25 names and ages of those who died from Yakla’s residents, which matched the names Human Rights Watch collected. =

My comment: Self-investigation is worthless; remember the Kunduz hospital raid, when the US presented 4 different stories.

23.2.2017 – Pittsburgh Post Gazette (* A K P)

The specter of famine: An impending crisis, made worse by war

Beyond what are appalling conditions in certain parts of the world, frequently those wracked with warfare, it appears that there is now actual famine in Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen and northeast Nigeria.

Conflict in the afflicted countries is the root cause of the famine. People who are either involved in fighting or who are trying to live in areas that are being fought over are not raising food or having access to relief supplies of food that can keep them alive. The direct causal relationship between war and hunger has been on display across history, in southeast Asia, the Balkans and on the conflict horizon of the world.

The circumstances of each of these particular four conflict countries are different, as is the level of United States involvement in the wars in the countries concerned.

Somalia, in addition to two running years of drought, has been a scene of U.S. military involvement since late 1992.

Yemen is another case where the United States is directly involved.

The United States could cut out support of the war and provide humanitarian relief to the victims if the Saudis, the Emiratis and America’s own defense contractors could be appeased.

Apart from stopping stimulation of the Somalia and Yemen conflicts, the United States should accept its responsibility as a rich world power to provide its share of the aid to prevent the 20 million people, many of them children, from starving to death as we ourselves fight obesity and the diseases that arrive from it — particularly since the stifled food production in Somalia and Yemen are partly a result of America’s own military activities – By the Editorial Board

23.2.2017 – MbKS15 (A K P)

RSAF #F15SA 12-1002 comes in for a touch and go before landing at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, #CA. 21 Feb 2017 — via: Thomas Bunce (photo)

My comment: US-Saudi complicity in photos.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / Look at cp1

24.2.2017 – Morning Star (A P)

A Destructive Role in Yemen

HOW long will the Ministry of Defence investigation into allegations of breaches of international humanitarian law by Saudi forces in Yemen take?

Is this a serious, if belated, commitment to examine the effects of the Saudi-led coalition bombing campaign on the civilian population or an attempt to flannel critics?

Will ministers expect opponents of the government’s current plan to sell even more warplanes to be mesmerised by reference to the MoD probe?

The MoD must have been spoilt for choice in identifying 257 alleged breaches of international humanitarian law.

If it wishes to be taken seriously, it should have initiated a parallel inquiry into British government culpability for war crimes in Yemen and elsewhere.

Britain’s arms industry is cosseted like no other, with export credits and corporate profits guaranteed by the government.

Exports to Saudi Arabia account for about half of all Britain’s annual arms sales, raising serious concerns about the industry’s direction.

If, as the MoD insists, arms exports to Riyadh are “compliant with the UK export licensing criteria,” those criteria need reassessment.

Saudi Arabia and its Gulf acolytes have, alongside Turkey, been financing, arming, training and supporting the jihadist groups, linked to both Isis and al-Qaida, tasked with overthrowing or, at least, destabilising Syria.

Yet successive governments, in line with their US allies, treat these brutal autocracies as factors for stability worthy of support.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

24.2.2017 – Propagandaschau (A P)

ZDF heute verschweigt 8,3 Millionen Hungernde im Jemen!

Wie die Vereinten Nationen in einer Pressekonferenz am 22.02. mitgeteilt haben, grassiert in mehreren Ländern Afrikas eine furchtbare Hungersnot. Laut UN benötigen im am schlimmsten betroffenen Land Jemen 8,3 MillionenMenschen Hilfe. Für das ZDF ist das keine Nachricht, die man der deutschen Öffentlichkeit zumuten sollte, denn im Jemen bombardieren Merkels und von der Leyens saudi-arabische Freunde das Land ins Elend.

Weil die deutsche Öffentlichkeit die politische und militärische Unterstützung der Bundesregierung für dieses Verbrechen zweifellos mehrheitlich zutiefst ablehnen würde, wird Jemen in der abendlichen Propaganda komplett ausgeblendet.

Die 2 Millionen Hungernden in Nigeria, 5,8 Millionen im Sudan und 5,5 Millionen in Somalia werden in der entsprechenden Grafik gezeigt und genannt. Kein Wort dagegen zum am schlimmsten betroffenen Land: dem Jemen.

Mein Kommentar: Wie immer: Klare Analyse, verbunden mit einem leider beleidigenden Tonfall. - Sehen Sie sich die Graphik an. Überall werden in Verbindung mit den Appellen der UNO immer die vier Länder genannt: Nigeria, Südsudan, Somalia, und Jemen. Nicht beim ZDF. – Unter dem Artikel noch 26 Kommentare.

23.2.2017 – Deutsche Welle (* A E P)

Gekündigte Konten: Jemeniten in Deutschland unter Generalverdacht?

Ein Leben ohne Girokonto ist schwer vorstellbar. In Deutschland hat jeder das Recht darauf. Doch Dutzenden hier lebenden Jemeniten wurden jetzt die Konten gekündigt, sogar dem Botschafter. Die Banken mauern.

Für viele aus dem Jemen stammende Studenten und Geschäftsleute in Deutschland begann das Jahr 2017 mit einer bösen Überraschung. Denn seit einiger Zeit kündigen die Deutsche Bank und eine Reihe weiterer Kreditinstitute Dutzenden von ihnen die Girokonten, ohne Gründe dafür zu benennen. Auch jemenitische Diplomaten, allesamt Kunden bei der Commerzbank, sind von der Kündigungswelle betroffen.

"Sämtliche jemenitische Diplomaten erhielten Mitte Oktober das gleiche Kündigungsschreiben von der Commerzbank", sagte Yahia Mohammed Abdullah Al-Shaibi, Botschafter der Republik Jemen in Deutschland, gegenüber der DW. Mit Ausnahme der Konten des Botschafters und der Botschaft, die mit Wirkung zum 15. März auslaufen, wurden alle Konten bereits am 15. Dezember terminiert. Jemenitische Vertretungen im europäischen Ausland oder Diplomaten anderer Länder in Deutschland sind laut Al-Shaibi nicht betroffen.

Die Kündigungen würden nicht nur den jemenitischen Diplomaten "große Schwierigkeiten bereiten", so Al-Shaibi weiter. Auch die betroffenen jemenitischen Studenten und Geschäftsleute würden unter der Lage leiden.

Genau wie die Commerzbank beruft sich dieDeutsche Bank in ihren Kündigungsschreiben auf die in Deutschland herrschende Vertragsfreiheit, die besagt, dass Dienstleister wie Banken - genau wie Kunden - das Recht haben, Konten jederzeit unbegründet zu kündigen. Voraussetzung ist die Einhaltung einer zweimonatigen Kündigungsfrist.

Abdulhameed Al-Mahfadi geht - basierend auf einer von ihm initiierten Umfrage in einer Facebook-Gruppe - von mindestens 74 Fällen gekündigter Konten aus. Demnach hätten alle Betroffenen über einen Zeitraum von Sommer 2016 bis Ende Januar dieses Jahres ein ähnlich formuliertes Kündigungsschreiben erhalten – von Benjamin Bathkeündigte-konten-jemeniten-in-deutschland-unter-generalverdacht/a-37687135-0

Mein Kommentar: Die deutschen Banken können auch „Trump“: einen „Muslim ban“ bekommen sie auch ohne US-Präsident hin.

And English version:

24.2.2017 – Deutsche Welle (* A P)

Yemenis' bank accounts canceled in Germany

It’s hard to imagine life without a bank account. In Germany, it’s a universal right. But many Yemenis living here have now had their accounts terminated - even that of the Ambassador. The banks are on the defensive.

For many Yemeni students and businesspeople in Germany, the year 2017 began with a nasty surprise. For some time now Deutsche Bank and a series of other credit institutes have been canceling the current accounts of dozens of these individuals, without giving any reason. Yemeni diplomats, all of them Commerzbank customers, have also been affected by the wave of cancellations.

"All Yemeni diplomats received the same termination letter from the Commerzbank in mid-October," Yahia Mohammed Abdullah Al-Shaibi, the Republic of Yemen's Ambassador to Germany, told DW.

The cancellations have not only caused "great difficulties" for Yemeni diplomats, Al-Shaibi continued. Yemeni students and businesspeople have also been adversely affected by the move.

"For our students it's a disaster if they can't pay their rent or transfer their tuition fees," said Abdulhameed Al-Mahfadi, Chairman of the Association of Yemeni Students in Germany, in an interview with DW. "It feels like a deportation."

Like that of the Commerzbank, the Deutsche Bank cancellation letter also referred to prevailing contractual freedom in Germany which states that service providers such as banks - as well as customers - have the right to terminate accounts without giving any reason.

There was also a cautious response from the Berliner Sparkasse, a bank that this article will return to at a later point. Its reply does at least contain an initial indication of why the move is affecting people from Yemen in particular. Applications to open a current account, says the Sparkasse, are reviewed in consideration of "compliance-relevant aspects." – by Benjamin Bathke

My comment: German banks: “trumphish” even without Trump: They can achieve their own “Muslim ban” without Mr. Trump.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

23.12.2017 – Indian Express (A P)

Sushma Swaraj helps rescue Navy officer, wife stuck in Yemen; but here’s why she scolded him first

The chief officer of an Indian crude oil tanker named 'Jag Prabha' was stuck in Yemen's Aden when he tweeted an SOS to the minister.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

24.2.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A E K P)

UAE signs arms deals worth $5bn at Abu Dhabi exhibition

The United Arab Emirates, a key partner in the bloody Saudi war on Yemen, has struck arms deals worth of over five billion dollars at an international exhibition of weapons and military equipment in Abu Dhabi.

The purchases were made during the four-day biennial International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX), which concluded on Thursday, the Middle East Eye news portal reported.

The deals included a $740-million one with US weapons manufacturer Raytheon.

London sent an official to the event, sparking criticism from human rights activists and some opposition figures. The UK’s Minister for Defense Procurement, MP Harriett Baldwin, who had joined the exhibition on the British government’s orders, however, said “It is wonderful to be celebrating the ties that we have between our two countries and the important role that UK firms play in terms of security and prosperity of the [Persian] Gulf states.”

23.2.2017 – Middle East Eye (* A E K P)

UK firms linked to alleged war crimes tout weapons in UAE

British arms manufacturers showcase weapons that have been used in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is accused of committing violations

Major British weapons manufacturers linked to alleged war crimes in Yemen have been touting their products at the Middle East’s biggest arms show in the United Arab Emirates, to the dismay of opposition politicians and human rights campaigners.

The presence of sales representatives from BAE Systems, Raytheon and MBDA at International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX 2017) in Abu Dhabi this week has prompted outrage as it comes only weeks after the High Court in London heard calls for a halt to arms sales to Saudi Arabia over allegations of human rights violations in Yemen by the kingdom and its allies, which include the UAE.

IDEX 2017, which concluded on Thursday, is organised in association with the UAE armed forces and held under the patronage of Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the country’s president.

According to promotional materials, the official delegations represented more than 150 countries and included a UK pavilion organised by ADS, the trade body for the arms industry in Britain. It was also attended by the DIT DSO, a UK civil service body that exists to promote arms exports.

All the major firms that arm Saudi Arabia and its allies were at the event displaying weapons, many of which have been used in air strikes in Yemen, including the Eurofighter jet.

Middle East Eye has also learned that BAE Systems used the event to showcase the British-made Hawk Advanced Trainer, including presenting a scale model fitted with Brimstone missiles and Pavey IV bombs that have been used by Saudi forces over Yemen.

Also in attendance was MBDA, which makes the Storm Shadow, and Brimstone missile and Raytheon, which makes the Paveway IV bombs.

According to reports from IDEX 2017, British arms firms are continuing to concentrate on arms exports to the Middle East

Andrew Smith, a spokesperson for Campaign Against Arms Trade, said many of the companies soliciting business in Abu Dhabi are the same firms that have “profited from the destruction of Yemen”.

“Events like IDEX don't make a war-torn region any safer, all they do is put even more arms into the hands of repressive regimes while providing photo-ops and politics support to the brutal Emirate dictatorship,” Smith told Middle East Eye.

Labour MP Andy Slaughter, a former shadow human rights minister, said there is “terrible logic” behind the growing role of the UK in supplying weapons to Gulf countries.

“The more active the GCC becomes in military action – from civil repression in Bahrain, to military action Yemen and Syria, the more they need a range of armaments and the more the UK can do to develop a market,” Slaughter told MEE.

“Very wealthy purchasers in a volatile area is nothing new, but the greater offensive role they are playing is new. At the same time, the human rights record of the Gulf countries is more under scrutiny, especially where UK contracts – from Saudi arms supply to custodial services – are seen as complicit with abuses.”

On Wednesday, Raytheon said it intends to focus on the region in spite of the US suspending an arms deal with Saudi Arabia, affecting some of its sales – by Jamie Merrill

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

25.2.2017 - IOM Yemen (B H)

Immigrant in the case of fainting due to drought
Mobile teams save lives
The life of any human being expensive
Anywhere and anytime
Our faith (photo)

21.2.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Yemen Situation - 2017 Funding Update as of 21 February 2017

123.8 M required for 2017

4.3 M contributions received, representing 3% of requirements

119.5 M funding gap for the Yemen Situation

All figures are displayed in USD and in full: =

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp 6, cp9

24.2.2017 – Josephjo1221 (A T)

Islamic state media take credit for the attack targeted Army&Popular Committees in Qaifa in Bayda province&pro Saudi media said its Resistance (images)


24.2.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A T)

Eh! Just another awkward moment today when anti Houthi resistance AND Islamic State (ISIS) are responsible for same Op in alBayda (images)


24.2.2017 – Terror Monitor (A T)

#IslamicState Claims Captur Of Himat Liqah Positions From #Houthi Fighters In Qaifa, Bayda.

Comment by Hussam Al-Sanabani: Another proof that ISIS is fighting alongside with the Saudi lead coalition in #Yemen.

25.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A T)

ISlS media & @Terror_Monitor said it was ISIS who capture Himat Liqah in #Yemen. Saudi TV correspondent insist to lie that it was the army

#IslamicState -the Saudi allies on Yemen war- broacast a video of their attack on Himat Liqah In Qaifa, Bayda #Yemen.

My comment: Eh, there not always seems to be a clear difference between president Hadi’s fighters and Al Qaeda – that seems to depend on the local situation.

cp15 Propaganda

25.2.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Hadi demands IRC to intensify its efforts in Yemen

President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi has demanded the International Red Crescent (IRC) to intensify its efforts in Yemen, treat the wounded persons of conflicts and provide medicines to them.

My comment: Certainly he better should ask to stop Saudi air raids on Yemen – and step aside to give way to peace.

25.2.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

EU Confirms Continuous Political, Humanitarian Support for Yemen

Secretary General of the European External Action Service Helga Schmid has confirmed that the EU will provide Yemen with humanitarian assistance and exert efforts to establish peace in the country.

This was unfolded during Schmid’s meeting on Friday, in Brussels, with the Yemeni Ambassador to Belgium Mohamed Taha Mustafa.

The diplomat pointed out his country’s will to reach peace in accordance with the three terms of references and the commitments agreed upon.

Mustafa also praised EU’s support for the legitimate government and the continuous humanitarian aid it provides for his country.

During his meeting with Schmid, Mustafa called for doubling humanitarian aid due to the bad economic and humanitarian situation Yemen has been facing.

He also called on the EU to double its pressure on Houthi militias, who prevent the entry of humanitarian aid convoys to areas under their control, and whoever backs them in order to accept the terms of references and proceed with the political process that was halted following the coup.

My comment: How much money EU states make by selling arms to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states? (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Belgium). – And a Hadi government ambassador gets a stage for the usual propaganda, while Saudi Arabia bombs and blocks half the country.

24.2.2017 – Washington Post (A P)

Yes, Yemen’s revolution was worth it — despite everything that came next

Tawakkol Karman is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who leads the group Women Journalists Without Chains.

Six years ago, in January 2011, a peaceful revolution erupted in Yemen. Our popular uprising bore many similarities to those sweeping other Arab countries at the same time, a phenomenon that came to be known as the Arab Spring. Like its counterparts elsewhere, Yemen’s revolution was the inevitable response to a regime that had turned the country into a failed dynastic state ruled by corruption and nepotism.

Yemenis succeeded in toppling the dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh and launching a democratic transition. They created a multiparty national unity government that represented a wide range of political forces from across the country. In spite of many difficulties, Yemen’s people experienced significant if modest progress in the observance of basic human rights and civil liberties.

Yemenis of all walks of life enjoyed their freedoms and rights without any limitations. This was perhaps the greatest and most significant achievement of our peaceful revolution. As the revolution proceeded, Yemenis from all over the country participated in a comprehensive national dialogue that reflected the widespread desire for a modern civil state.

The Houthi-Saleh coup is responsible for the war and destruction Yemen has seen since. This context is vital to understanding Yemen’s calamity as we work to end this devastating war and achieve a sustainable peace in our country.

The coup immediately undermined the rights and freedoms Yemenis enjoyed during the transitional period, including not least the freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

Yet despite all these challenges, our peaceful revolution has left behind a powerful legacy. It has sown the seed of revolt and resistance against oppression and injustice. This spirit created by the revolution will never be extinguished, and will one day achieve the aims of which our people dreamed. One day our people will enjoy the freedom, dignity and welfare they deserve in a democratic country that ensures the rule of law, equality and economic prosperity. We refuse to lose hope.

Some will wonder: Is this dream worth all the suffering the Yemeni people have witnessed in the years since?

The answer is yes. Freedom will not be attained without sacrifice. And the dignity to live free certainly deserves the highest price.

We understand that such sacrifices were imposed on us. We did not opt for war. War was imposed on us as a punishment for our desire for freedom and democracy.

There is a way to achieve a sustainable peace in Yemen. First, we must revoke all the actions taken by the coup leaders and restore all pre-coup institutions and systems. We must implement all agreements reached during the National Dialogue, including the holding of a referendum on the draft constitution and subsequent elections. We must affirm the principle that only the state has the right to a monopoly of violence and the possession and use of arms. This entails disarming all militias and armed groups, which should transform themselves into political parties active in political processes such as elections. Violence should no longer be an option for any group or party.

Amid the chaos brought by tyrannies, we say to those who have lost hope: Your revolutions are glorious. Your demand for change will be fulfilled. This is what history teaches us. Despite the betrayal, the conspiring, the coups, the counterrevolutions, you will emerge victorious. This is your fate.

Comment by Stephen Snyder: With all due respect, Ali Abdullah Saleh still holds power, 10,000 Yemenis have been killed, the north-south divide is a gaping chasm, and AQAP has grown. Yemenis tell me families are divided, brothers fight each other, and the dream of a modern Yemen has been set back by decades.

Comment: WP gives space to Tawakkol Karman, Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who loves to swim in dirty waters and has, so far, accused everyone of wrong doing. In this article the blame goes to Houthis and Saleh for the coup.
We want to remind Ms Karman that a Saudi cable leak from WikiLeaks revealed that while publicly denouncing Saudi Arabia she was secretly arranging meetings with the Saudis to request their support. Karman lavished praise on the Saudis for pushing through a transition agreement that for many reformers, was seen as a deep betrayal of the revolution. At the time she accused Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi of supporting the Houthis and Al Qaeda.

Ms Karman: you have disappointed your own people and no, it is not acceptable to endorse bombings on your own compatriots while enjoying life in exile.

My comment: What a grandiloquent pretension. The revolution was killed and finished by foreign forces who were eager to prevent it from spreading further into other Arab states. The US and the GCC states imposed their “solution” on Yemen which in the first place was to preserve their own interests. The result were the “election” of a president like Hadi and a “National Dialogue” from which main political forces were excluded and which the new president tried to misuse for strengthen his own power. The Houthi “coup” also could be interpreted as a continuation of the “revolution” which had been stopped half-way. – And the terrible aerial war and blockade imposed on Yemen by Saudi Arabia is not worth mentioning for Mrs. Karman. – “Is this dream worth all the suffering the Yemeni people have witnessed in the years since? The answer is yes.” This is cynicism in its worst form.

23.2.2017 – Saudi Press Agency (A P)

Implementing UN Resolutions' Relevant to Yemen, Only Mean to Bring Peace - Yemeni FM

Yemeni Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mikhlafi confirmed here today, that carrying out of UN resolutions related to Yemen, notably Resolution no. 2216, is the only way conducive to bringing about peace, in Yemen and compelling coup militias to go out of the towns, surrender their arms, halting Iranian interventions, in Yemeni internal affairs and smuggling arms to the putschists.
During a meeting with Director of the Belgian Institute for International Relations Marc Otte and the Belgian Ambassador to the Kingdom Gert Creel, the minister added that the internationally recognized Yemeni government bets on the European Union and European powers, with membership in the UN Security Council, in coordination with the United States and political settlement, in Yemen, sponsoring states to jointly work, in order to carry out UN resolutions related to Yemen.
He pointed out that the putschists attempted to assassinate President Abdu Rabbo Mansur Hadi, consequently, compelled the government to defend the country.

My comment: This resolution 2216 is not the “Only Mean to Bring Peace”, but the” Only Mean to Bring everlasting superiority and victory (by non-military means) for the Hadi government. Of course, he insists on that resolution.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

26.2.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by#Saudi_Arabiaand its alliance in#Yemen25/2/2017 (full list): and (

and by Saba Net:

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

25.2.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The violations in 24-2-2017 that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen (full list): and (,%202017.pdf )

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

24.2.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The violations in 23-2-2017 that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen (full list): and (,%202017.pdf )

25.2.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A K PH)

Eight dead in fresh Saudi airstrikes on Yemen

At least seven people have lost their lives and several others sustained injuries when Saudi fighter jets carried out a raft of aerial attacks against residential neighborhoods across Yemen.

On Saturday, Saudi military aircraft struck an area in the Red Sea port city of Mukha, situated 346 kilometers south of the capital, Sana'a, leaving five children dead, Arabic-language al-Masirah television news network reported.

A couple and their son also lost their lives when Saudi fighter jets struck a house in Manjadah village in Yemen’s southwestern province of Dhamar.

Later in the day, six aerial attacks hit Khalid military base in the Mawza' district of the southwestern Ta’izz Province. However, there were no immediate reports of casualties and the extent of damage caused.

Saudi military aircraft also bombarded an area in the city of Sirwah, which lies about 120 kilometers east of the capital, with no casualties reported.

25.2.2017 – MbKS15 (* A K PS)

The 12x #Kuwaiti Air Force F/A-18 Hornets based at King Khalid AB have conducted a total of 3,000 combat sorties (photos)

My comment: That’s plenty much. And Kuwait is showing off as if it was a peace broker for Yemen!

25.2.2017 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Five children killed in Saudi cluster bombs on Taiz

Five children were killed when US-Saudi aggression fighter jets on Saturday launched a series of strikes, dropping cluster bombs on districts of Taiz province, a local official told Saba.
The warplanes hit al-Mahbash area one time, killing the five children, another strike hit a cows farm and burned it.
Moreover, the aggression warplanes launched six raids on Moza district

25.2.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

Today ,#Saudi air strikes targeted a dairy farm in Mokha area #Taiz #Yemen (other raid than previous)

25.2.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

On Saturday 25/2/2017
- The warplane of #Saudi_led_coalition targeted a civilian's house of (Thabit Mos'eed Al-Yemeni) in #AlManjadah_Village, #Hayfan area, #Otmah district, #Dhamar province by (1) airstrike that led to kill (4) civilians including (1) woman and injured (9) others also destroy the house:
Some #Killed_Names:
1- Thabit Mos'eed Al-Yemeni - the father , 70 years old
2- Hamamah Naji Mohammad (his wife) , 65 years old
and 2 other men
also injured their grandchild
Al-Ezzi Abdu Thabit Mos'eed Al-Yemeni (12 years old) (photos) and and (part; better) and

and films:

25.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi fighter jets launch 3 strikes on Mareb

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes on Saturday waged three strikes on Serwah and Harib al-Qaramish districts of Mareb province, a local official told Saba.
The war planes hit citizens' farms in Serwah district and another strike on Harib al-Qaramish district, causing heavy damage to citizens' farms.

25.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression launches two airstrikes on Sana'a#

Saudi aggression warplanes launched on Saturday two airstrikes on Sana'a province, a security official said.
The warplanes targeted Qawbarah area in Nehm district and al-Rajo area in Arhab district, causing serious damage in citizens' houses. and

25.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

4:01 am Saudi jets are hovering above southern part of Sana'a.

25.2.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Airstrikes target Houthis’ northern al Dhali’

The fighter jets of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition launched on Thursday morning a number of air raids on the sites of the Houthi-Saleh forces in Rammah area in northern al Dhali’ governorate, southern Yemen.

A source in the field said that five Houthi militants were killed in the aerial bombardment.

24.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Aggression Wage 5 Raids on Districts of Haridh, Medi in Hajjah Governorate

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged 5 raids on Friday targeting the districts of Haridh and Medi in Hajjah governorate.

The hostile air strikes aimed at different regions in the two districts, a security source reported.

24.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Taiz: Aggression Warplanes Wage 4 Raids on Al-Amri Schools, Region in Dhobab District

24.2.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K PH)

#Saudi killing machine continue to kill civilians in #Yemen 2 air strikes killed&injured 7 ppl today in a restaurant in Maqbana area #Taiz


24.2.2017 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Film: 4 martyrs and six wounded in the heinous crime committed aggression against citizens in Taiz


25.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

NGO supreme council condemns aggression massacre on Taiz market

The Supreme Council of Non-Governmental Organizations condemned the massacre against civilians committed by US-Saudi aggression on al-Barah Souk in Makbanah district in Taiz province, in a statement obtained by Saba on Friday.
"The US-Saudi massacre is a war crime," read the statement.
The air strikes occurred early on Friday, leaving five martyrs and 10 injured.
The council called on the United Nations to form an independent investigation committee to investigate into the war crime against the civilians in the souk.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

25.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi-paid mercenaries' artillery shelled randomly on various areas of Serwah district, Mareb province.

25.2.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army foils mercenaries' infiltration in Taiz

Dozens of US-Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and others injured when the army and popular forces on Saturday foiled an attempt of mercenaries to infiltrate toward Mokha district of Taiz province, a military official told Saba.
The foiled attempt of the mercenaries was toward al-Nar Mountains.
The official said that the army and popular forces bombed military vehicles of the mercenaries off al-Nar Mountains in Mokha and killed their crew members.

25.2.2017 – Abdullah Albhry (A K)

Dhamar: Houthi shell hit a house belonging to Ahmed Hassan Saleh dissolute ignited ... to fully kill his son and injure young daughter (photo)

24.2.2017 – Yemen Press (A K PH)

Information reveal the advancement of sniper forces of Yemen

The Harbi media documented quality of operations of the sniper unit for the first time showing the advanced skills owned by sniper unit, which play a key role in the battleground for the sake of defending the homeland.

The advancement of the sniper unit have been revealed within the operations carried out in the border and internal fronts and have been documented by Harbi media, where dozens of Saudi soldiers have been dead during such intense sniping attacks.

In the recent operations that carried out in the battle of the western coasts vindicate the extent of the qualitative advance in the sniper unit and their accuracy in hitting targets on various circumstances.

24.2.2017 – Al Masirah TV (A K PH)

Crimes of mercenaries against civilians in Jawf province

24.2.2017 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Air Defense Units shoot down Saudi F16 warplane

The air defense units of the national Army and popular forces managed to shoot down enemy US Saudi warplane F16 on Friday,
a military official told saba.
The official said the F16 was shot down while it was backed infiltration attempt by enemy Saudi troops toward al Shabaka site in Najran

24.2.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A K PH)

Yemeni forces target Jordanian F-16 fighter jet over Saudi Arabia: Report

Yemeni air defense forces, backed by fighters from allied Popular Committees, have reportedly intercepted and shot down a single-engine, supersonic and multirole F-16 fighter jet of the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

An unnamed Yemeni military source told Arabic-language al-Masirah television network on Friday that the aircraft was targeted as it was flying in the skies over Saudi Arabia’s southwestern border region of Najran earlier in the day.

It had purportedly taken part in the Saudi-led military coalition strikes against Yemen.

This is while the General Command of Jordanian Armed Forces confirmed in a statement that one of its fighter jets had gone down inside Saudi Arabia, without providing any information about the cause of the crash.

The statement added that the pilot, identified as Adnan Naeem Abdulaziz Nabas, managed to eject before the plane crash.

24.2.2017 – MBKS15 / Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K)

A Royal Jordanian AF F-16 crashed due to technical issues over Saudi Arabia's southern province, the pilot ejected & survived and

My comment: Certainly involved in bombing Yemen as part of the Saudi coalition.

Comment by Soraya Tebbani: #Jordan keep saying they only participate in the operation rooms and on training. Looks like we got evidence that it is not true !

24.2.2017 – Yemen I Siria / Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Film: New footage for the Jordanian pilot Adnan Naeem after his F16 jet was crash in Najran. =

25.2.2017 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

the arrival of a fighter pilot of the F-16 Jordan, Lieutenant pilot / Adnan Nbas, to Marka military airport in Amman (photos)

25.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Parts of the Jordanian F-16, seems that is the fuel tank. Apparently it didn't crashed due to a technical problem pictures from inside Saudi

Film: #Yemen army & militia fighters celebrate by dancing next to the Jordanian F-16 jet wreckage inside Saudi territory.

25.2.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

Yemeni fighters on wreckage of Saudi f16 fighter jet after being downed by Yemeni anti-aircraft missiles south Saudi Arabia yesterday (photos)

24.2.2017 – Aden Now News (A K)

Rocket on a popular market kills 2 and about 10 wounded in Marib province, central Yemen (photos)


24.2.2017 – Living in Yemen on the edge (A K)

A Katiusha rocket hit a restaurant in #Mareb today: 10 injured, 3 dead.
It was a place with few seats and serving workers: those very same caught between the fire of different factions. Those very same common people who are paying the highest price of all.

Remark: Fired by whom? Islah Party of course claimed the Houthis were:

24.2.2017 – Live UA Map (A K)

Karte: Jemen: Regierung-Kräfte unterstützt von der arabischen Koalition vertrieben Houthis-Militanten aus der Stadt Yakhtul und Jabal al-Nar Mount bei Mocha im Westen Taiz.

23.2.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Government forces control Yachtil northern al Mocha, violent battles in Mawza district

A source in the field said that the pro-government forces have seized control of Yachtil village, the stronghold of the Houthis-Saleh forces in Mocha district, as the fighting renewed on Wednesday between the two sides in the northern and the eastern Mawza district in western Taiz governorate, southwestern Yemen.

The source also told Almasdaronline that the Saudi-led Arab Coalition fighter jets have launched six air raids on the Houthis positions in northern al Mocha near to al Khocha area, and three raids on Khalid military camp in Mawza.

Meanwhile, the pro-government air defense systems intercepted two missiles fired by the Houthi-Saleh militias in al Khocha, southern Hodeida governorate, on the pro-government forces sites in al Jadid area in northern Dhubab district.

23.2.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Artillery Bombardment Targets Saada Governorate

The Saudi American aggression continued its barbaric artillery bombardment on Thursday targeting border areas in Saada governorate, nothern Yemen.

Hostile shells hit various regions in Al-Sheikh village in Manbah district by the Yemeni-Saudi border, security source reported.

Houthi / Saleh side reports: = and

Saudi / UAE / Hadi side reports:

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

24.2.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A)

Film: Chinese actor Jackie Chan film depicts Desert Storm in Morocco, which is set for the fight against #Yemen

Comment by Soraya Tebbani: Hollywood making a movie about yemen war. .let's change the truth .. again .. and war is not a fucking movie !!!!!

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-271 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-271: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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Dietrich Klose

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