Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 281 - Yemen War Mosaic 281

Yemen Press Reader 281: Luftangriff auf Flüchtlingsboot, 31 Tote–Hungersnot–Brasil.Streubomben–Khat und Krieg–Blockade des Hafens von Hodeida-US-Politik: Schlimmer denn je–Saudis und Terrorismus

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Saudi air raid at refugee boat, 31 killed – Famine, hunger crisis – Brazilian cluster bombs – Khat, crisis and war – Blockade of Hodeidah port – US policy: Going towards World War 3, more aggressive and disastrous than ever – Saudis and terrorism

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

a) Budget cuts, more spending for military

b) Yemen war, Iran

c) Loosening rules for intervention and droning

d) USA and Saudis

e) Travel ban

f) Saudi propaganda

g) Yakla and second attempted raid

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17a Kriegsereignisse: Küste / Theater of War: Coast

cp17b Kriegsereignisse: Sonstige / Theater of War: Others

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Zur US-Politik mehr cp9 / For US politics. more cp9

17.3.2017 – Spiegel Online (** A K)

Kampfhubschrauber tötet offenbar Dutzende Flüchtlinge

Vor dem Jemen sind laut Küstenwache Dutzende Flüchtlinge aus Somalia getötet worden. Ein "Apache"-Kampfhubschrauber soll ihr Boot angegriffen haben.

Sie waren offenbar auf dem Weg in den Sudan: Vor der Küste des Jemen sollen 31 Flüchtlinge aus Somalia ums Leben gekommen sein, als ihr Boot von einem "Apache"-Kampfhubschrauber angegriffen wurde. Das berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher der Küstenwache.

Rund 80 Flüchtlinge konnten den Angaben eines Seemannes zufolge gerettet werden. Die Menschen aus Somalia sollen offizielle Dokumente der Uno-Flüchtlingshilfeorganisation UNHCR dabei gehabt haben.

Der Vorfall ereignete sich demnach in der Meeresstraße Bab al-Mandab vor der Küste des Jemen. Sie verbindet das Rote Meer mit dem Golf von Aden.

Wer für den Helikopter-Angriff auf die Flüchtlinge verantwortlich ist, steht nicht fest. Die "Apache"-Hubschrauber werden in den USA produziert, aber auch an verbündete Armeen geliefert - unter anderem nach Saudi-Arabien.

Mein Kommentar: Es ist klar, dass es ein Hubschrauber der saudischen Koalition war. Die USA waren es mit Sicherheit nicht, die Houthi/Saleh-Kräfte haben keine Hubschrauber. Die Sauzdis haben schon mehrmals Boote im Roten Meer bombardiert, erst gestern ein Fischerboot (7 Tote, s. cp16): Die Sicherheit der Schifffahrt, saudische Art.

17.3.2017 – Reuters (** A K)

31 Somalis killed in raid off Yemen coast

Thirty-one Somali refugees were killed off the coast of Yemen late on Thursday when a helicopter attacked the boat they were traveling in, a local coast guard in the Houthi-controled Hodeidah area said.

Coast guard Mohamed al-Alay told Reuters the refugees, carrying official UNHCR documents, were on their way from Yemen to Sudan when they were attacked by an Apache helicopter near the Bab al-Mandeb strait.

A sailor who had been operating the boat, Ibrahim Ali Zeyad, said 80 refugees had been rescued after the incident.

It was not immediately clear who carried out the attack.

My comment: Security of international shipping in the Red Sea, Saudi style. The day before they had bombed a fishing boat (killed 7), look at cp16. – It IS definitely clear who carried out that attack: The Saudi coalition. The Houthi / Saleh forces do not have helicopters.

17.3.2017 – US Today (** A H K P)

Don't let Yemen turn into Syria: Column

Diplomacy and foreign aid are best ways to end terrorist groups. Why is Trump slashing them?

All indications are that he plans a hardline approach to armed extremism.​

He’s not the first president to lean on militarism to fight terrorists.

But Trump takes this aggressive hard-power approach further, with a budget that ramps up defense spending while slashing diplomacy and development programs at the State Department, the United Nations, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Institute of Peace and other agencies.​

That is the wrong way to fight terrorism. The Defense Department’s affiliated think tank, the Rand Corporation, studied this issue closely in a report about how to end terrorist groups. The researchers found that the military approach wasn’t the winner, not even close. In reality, terrorist groups ended 43% of the time with a transition to the political process and 40% of the time with better policing.

Furthermore, ignoring the Rand report’s advice in Yemen, and relying instead on U.S. and Saudi Arabian firepower, creates awful optics on the ground and throughout the region. The State Department made that worse by announcing it had approved resumption of weapons sales to the Saudis, the country that’s leading the bombing of Yemeni civilians.

When I was in Yemen in 2014, to assess the conflict on behalf of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the warning signs were everywhere. The famine was brewing for years, providing ample time for the U.S. government to organize a response. The majority of the country was malnourished, poverty was pervasive and illiteracy was ever-present — all the factors that set the stage for violence and extremism. And yet amidst this, the Obama administration was primarily engaged in air wars, with little attention to much-needed development aid. The administration even suspended aid for a full year. We didn’t help then and we’re not helping now.

Add to this combustible mix the fact that Yemen is running out of water.

The likelihood of a mass migration of water refugees, and the potential for more chaos as conflicts over limited essential resources mount, is very real.

This is exactly how the Syrian crisis started, with water scarcity and subsequent migration. The U.S. also had an opportunity then to intervene with aid but decided against it. Now, years later, the Syrian conflict has escalated out of control, while the Pentagon employs more unproductive American military tactics.

POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media

The tens of thousands of American airstrikes in Syria over the past few years are a harbinger of what’s to come in Yemen if we don’t change course quickly. And the coordinates for a new course aren’t hard to decipher. Every country that the U.S. is bombing, whether under the Obama administration or the Trump administration, shares similar characteristics: high rates of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and lack of access to essential resources. The basic needs in Yemen are the same as those in Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Airstrikes won't meet them.

Politics in Yemen is about local power sharing and access to natural resources. These should be our top priorities

Furthermore, if we truly want to end insecurity in Yemen, we’d help fix the highly politicized food and fuel crises. The same goes for water. This is doable, undoubtedly less expensive than airstrikes, and assuredly more effective in winning Yemeni hearts and minds. Before another 40 airstrikes fan the flames of a war-torn, famine-afflicted Yemen, let’s revisit the Rand report and do what works, before Yemen becomes Syria – by Michael Shank, head of communications at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

16.3.2017 – ABC (** A H)

Yemen: Agencies call for aid as skeletal starving children on brink of death

New evidence of babies starving to death in Yemen has emerged as the United Nations (UN) and aid agencies issue urgent calls for increased aid deliveries to feed 7 million people at risk of famine.

Key points:

Children are so hungry they don't have energy to cry, Save the Children says

Saudi Arabia, its allies prevent delivery of food and aid by sea, it says

It calls on governments to put pressure on Saudi-led Coalition to unsure food aid

Charity Save the Children took the images this week in the Yemeni Capital Sanaa, in the wards of the Al Sabeen Hospital.

The NGO says its teams are seeing skeletal children in Yemen's hospitals on the brink of death, so hungry they do not even have the energy to cry.

"We are helping pregnant women who have starved themselves to feed their families, forced to choose between the living and the unborn," said Grant Pritchard, interim country director for Save the Children in Yemen.

The NGO is calling on governments to put pressure on the Saudi-led Coalition to immediately ensure urgent food aid can be delivered through Yemen's main port on the Red Sea at Hudaydah.

Ships have recently been prevented from docking at the port due to bombed infrastructure and "security reasons" imposed by the Saudi Coalition.

"Right now the odds are stacked against us. We have had three shipments of life-saving medical aid delayed by the coalition so far this year, and our field teams tell us children have died as a result," Mr Pritchard said.

"By bombing and blocking Yemen's main port — the country's lifeline for essential supplies — Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies are preventing the delivery of food and aid by sea – by Sophie McNeill (with images)

16.3.2017 – Save the Children (** A H)

Film: Today more shocking evidence of starving babies in #Yemen

- this filmed by @SavetheChildren just 2 days ago in Al Sabeen hospital in #Sanaa

16.3.2016 – Democracy Now (** A H K)

Film: Aid Worker Decries U.S.-Backed "Relentless War" in Yemen Causing Widespread Threat of Starvation

The United Nations has warned that the world is facing its largest humanitarian crisis since the end of the Second World War. Nearly 20 million people are at risk of starvation in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. Last month, the U.N. declared a famine in parts of South Sudan. Earlier this week, aid officials said they’re in a race against time to prevent a famine brought on by a U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war and blockade. Almost 19 million people in Yemen, two-thirds of the total population, are in need of assistance, and more than 7 million are facing starvation. For more, we speak with Joel Charny, director of the Norwegian Refugee Council USA.

16.3.2017 – BBC (** A H)

Yemen conflict: How bad is the humanitarian crisis?

Two years of conflict have devastated Yemen, left 18 million people in need of some kind of humanitarian assistance and created the largest food security emergency in the world.

The country is experiencing a 'humanitarian catastrophe'. That was the frank assessment by a senior UN aid official back in August 2015, and one that was repeated by Emergency Relief Co-ordinator Stephen O'Brien in a statement to the UN Security Council in October 2016.

Yemen has been plagued by years of instability, poor governance, lack of rule of law, under-development, environmental decline and widespread poverty.

Before 2015, almost half of all Yemenis lived below the poverty line, two-thirds of youths were unemployed, and social services were on the verge of collapse.

Almost 16 million people were in need of some form of humanitarian assistance.

Civilians are bearing the brunt of the violence

As of March 2017, an estimated 18.8 million people - 69% of Yemen's population - needed some kind of humanitarian or protection assistance, according to the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). That includes 10.3 million in acute need, who urgently require immediate, life-saving assistance in at least one sector.

Basic commodity prices are on average 30 to 50% higher than before the conflict, while purchasing power has been substantially reduced because of dwindling livelihoods.

The World Bank estimates that the poverty rate has doubled to 62%, with public sector salaries - on which about 30% of the population depend - paid only irregularly.

The restrictions on imports of fuel - essential for maintaining the water supply - combined with damage to pumps and sewage treatment facilities, also mean that 14.4 million people now lack access to safe drinking water or sanitation, including 8.2 million who are in acute need.

People have been forced to rely on untreated water supplies and unprotected wells, placing them at risk of life-threatening illnesses. An outbreak of cholera and acute watery diarrhoea was declared in October.

Those affected by the outbreak, and the wider conflict, have struggled to get medical help. An estimated 14.8 million people lack access to basic healthcare, with 8.8 million living in severely affected areas.

Treatments for chronically ill patients are increasingly unavailable due to import difficulties, rising prices or lack of health personnel.

Remark: A good overview article, but the background of war and responsibility is omitted. For this, you must read the following:

16.3.2017 – The American Conservative (** A H P)

The Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Is Approaching a ‘Point of No Return’

Yemen’s humanitarian disaster is approaching a “point of no return”:

The U.S. and Britain have helped bring Yemen to this awful state with their support for the Saudi-led coalition, and they could now make some reparations by reining in the coalition and insisting that they lift their sea and air blockades. Barbara Bodine, a former U.S. ambassador to Yemen, recently suggested an emergency airlift as a way to bring food into the country, but that would require Saudi agreement. Unfortunately, neither May’s government nor the Trump administration seems the least bit inclined to put pressure on the Saudis and their allies. Neither government has an incentive to draw attention to the disaster they have helped create. There are a few outspoken critics of this policy, but there aren’t many in Parliament or Congress calling them out for this.

Even if there were a surge in funding and aid right now, the aid still needs to get into the country, and at the moment the Saudi-led coalition is deliberately getting in the way of that as it has been for years. In order to distribute food in the country, there will also need to be a prolonged cease-fire, and that will never hold as long as the coalition’s supporters continue to provide arms and fuel to keep their campaign going. There needs to be a dramatic and swift change in U.S. and U.K. policies, but all signs point to the continuation of the disgraceful status quo.

Yemen’s famine could still be prevented, but it is almost too late. The international failure to respond effectively to Yemen’s crisis continues to be remarkable. One reason for that failure early on was lack of knowledge of the scale and severity of the crisis. There has been no consistent attention paid to the crisis in major media, and even when there is some coverage it often leaves out identifying the governments responsible for the disaster. The war on Yemen has been mostly neglected since it began, and even when there are reports on the humanitarian crisis they do not always identify the causes of the impending famine.

But those explanations can’t account for the near-total indifference to the plight of Yemen’s people almost two years later. The crisis had already been classified as one of the worst in the world in the summer of 2015, and yet here we are in 2017 and conditions have been allowed to deteriorate much further. That is happening in no small part because the governments that are in a position to avert disaster have been helping to bring it about and they don’t want to call attention to the horror they have unleashed on millions of innocent people.

Larison is referring to:

16.3.2017 – The Guardian (** A H)

Yemen at 'point of no return' as conflict leaves almost 7 million close to famine

Governments have been warned they face enduring shame should famine take hold in Yemen, where two-thirds of the population face severe food shortages

Aid agencies have warned that Yemen is “at the point of no return” after new figures released by the UN indicated 17 million people are facing severe food insecurity and will fall prey to famine without urgent humanitarian assistance.

A total of 6.8 million people are deemed to be in a state of emergency – one step from famine on the five-point integrated food security phase classification (IPC), the standard international measure – with a further 10.2 million in crisis. The numbers reflect a 21% increase in hunger levels in the Arab world’s poorest state since June 2016.

Taiz and Hodeidah governorates, home to almost 25% of Yemen’s 28 million-strong population and the scene of intense conflict since the outbreak of civil war in 2015, are at particularly heightened risk of famine.

“The numbers affected are absolutely extraordinary,” said Mark Kaye, Save the Children’s Yemen spokesperson.

“We keep on talking about a country that’s on the brink of famine, but for me these numbers highlight that we’re at the point of no return. If things are not done now we are going to be looking back on this and millions of children will have starved to death, and we’ll all have been aware of this for some time. That will shame us as an international community for years to come.

“The problem is that you see the numbers but you don’t see the people behind it,” he said. “I’m always concerned when we’re waiting for a tick-box to happen before we say, ‘This is famine.’

Emphasising the role of conflict in the escalation of the crisis, Kaye said funding for Yemen – subject of a Disasters Emergency Committee appeal that has raised more than £20m as well as a call for $2.1bn (£1.6bn) by the UN – was only part of the solution.

“This crisis is happening because food and supplies can’t get into the country. Yemen was completely dependent on imports of food, medicine and fuel prior to this crisis. You have one party delaying and significantly preventing food from getting into the country, and another on the ground who are detaining aid workers or preventing aid and food from getting to areas they don’t want it to go to.

“As much as funding – and obviously we do need money to do all the work that needs to be done in Yemen – the political track is the one that really needs working on. There needs to be a significant game change from the UK government, the US government, who have influence over the Saudi-led coalition and can say, ‘You need to open up the ports, you need to ensure that enough food and aid is getting in.’

“Also, those on the ground – the Houthis, for example – need to ensure that aid can get to hard-to-reach areas, because you can throw money at this all day but ultimately it’s about people being able to access what we are trying to provide.”

Aid groups and senior UN figures have repeatedly urged the Gulf States to acknowledge that any attack on the port would have devastating consequences for Yemen’s food crisis. Before the conflict began, 80% of imports to Yemen came through the port, and 90% of food was imported – by Les Roopanarine, Patrick Wintour, Saeed Kamali Dehghan and Ahmad Algohbary

15.3.2017 – Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, Government of Yemen (** A H)

Yemen: IPC Analysis - Summary of Findings, Acute Food Insecurity Current Situation Overview | March - July 2017

Key Highlights:

Food security in Yemen has deteriorated further since the last IPC analysis conducted in June 2016. An estimated 17 million people, which is equivalent to 60% of the total Yemeni population, are food insecure and require urgent humanitarian assistance to save lives and protect livelihoods. Among those, approximately 10.2 million people are in IPC Phase 3 ‘crisis’ and 6.8 million people are in IPC Phase 4 ‘emergency’. Nationally, the population under Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and Crisis (IPC Phase 3) has increased by 20% compared to the results of the June 2016 IPC analysis.

Conflict and civil insecurity are the main drivers of food insecurity with devastating effects on livelihoods and the nutrition situation.

Displacement: As of January 2017, over 2 million individuals were displaced across 21 governorates mainly due to the conflict. 85% of the conflict related IDPs come from Taiz, Hajjah, Sana’a City, Sa’ada and Sana’a Governorates. In February 2017, the Task Force on Population Movements reported an additional 44,226 IDPs, with the majority (31,860 individuals) from Taiz Governorate (Al Mokha and Dhubab districts), followed by Al Hodaidah Governorate with 9,162 people.

Livelihoods and market disruptions: The widespread civil insecurity has affected both urban and rural livelihoods resulting in protracted and continuous worsening of the food security situation. Restrictions and disruptions of commercial and humanitarian imports, mass displacements, loss of income, fuel scarcity and high prices, disrupted market systems, high food prices and the collapse of public services are aggravating the already fragile socio-economic context. Port infrastructure, essential for ensuring food imports and humanitarian assistance, are seriously threatened by the worsening conflict. Cultivated area and production in 2016 decreased by 38% compared to the pre-crisis period, affecting food availability and household stocks. Similarly, the majority of fishermen lost their fishing assets such as boats, nets and fishing gear and essential fishing infrastructure has been damaged.

Economic crisis: The economic status of 78% households in Yemen is currently worse than in the pre-crisis period. This is mainly due to public budget deficit, which has led to a reduction in government expenditures, delayed or total unavailability of salaries for government employees since September 2016, collapse of the social protection system, liquidity crunch of the local currency, depreciation of the Yemeni Riyal against the US Dollar and depletion of central bank reserves. The economic meltdown aggravated and affected all dimensions of food security, especially food availability and access.

Acute malnutrition is a major outcome of the severe food insecurity and is at alarming levels. Malnutrition has been a serious problem in Yemen for a long time, especially chronic malnutrition (stunting). However, the prevalence of acute malnutrition (wasting) has been rising in recent years, peaking in the last three years. Out of 22 governorates of Yemen, four governorates (Abyan, Taiz, Al Hodaidah, and Hadramout) have Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) prevalence above the WHO emergency threshold (≥15%). Seven and eight governorates have GAM prevalence at critical levels (10-14.9%) and serious levels (5-9.9%), respectively.

Humanitarian assistance to most affected governorates did not fully cover the targeted beneficiaries in 2016. Main challenges faced are; lack of funding, the ongoing conflict, restricted movements of humanitarian aid workers and procurement and transportation of lifesaving supplies. Going forward, unconditional humanitarian access must be facilitated by all parties for all humanitarian actors to reach the most affected populations and scaled up to reach the demands of the growing population in need.

Worst affected Governorates: Out of 22 governorates, Seven Governorates are in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) –Lahej, Taiz, Abyan, Sa’ada, Hajjah, Al Hodaidah, and Shabwah. Ten Governorates are in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) – Aden, Amran, Dhamar, Sana’a Governorate, Sana’a City, Ibb, Marib, Raymah, Al Mahwit, and Hadramout, and three Governorates are in IPC Phase 3! - Al Jawf, Al-Dale’e, and Al Bayda. and in full: =

Comment: IPC result: No famine in #Yemen, just 17ml ppl in crisis/emergency food situations! Based on approximate data! Come on

Comment by Beatrice de Filippis: Yet, it famine is never declared: it's always 'a country on the brink of starvation'. Frustrating how we play with words

My comment: The report begins „Food security in Yemen has deteriorated further”. Many western media, starting with Reuters, headline with “No famine in Yemen but over half on the brink -U.N.-backed report” (Reuters). That’s really odd when the first impression these media are giving only can be called an appeasement of the reader (in cp3). Different is Save the Children:

15.3.2017 – Save the Children (** A H)


Latest IPC assessement shows country heading closer to famine

A worrying announcement this morning in Yemen suggests the country is drawing even closer to famine. The latest IPC assessment, released today, shows 17 million people – or 60 percent of the population – are now food insecure. This is a 20 percent increase, or about 3 million more people, since the previous assessment in June 2016. Of particular concern are the 6.8 million people now classed as ‘IPC-4’ and on the verge of famine.

Kevin Watkins, Save the Children CEO, said:

“By bombing and blocking Yemen’s main port – the country’s lifeline for essential supplies – Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies are restricting the delivery of food and other aid by sea. Meanwhile, warring parties are detaining aid workers and hampering the delivery of food, medicines and vital supplies by land. This crisis is not an act of nature – it is man-made. Food and aid are being used as weapons of war.

“Our teams are seeing skeletal children on the brink of death. We’re helping pregnant women who have starved themselves to feed their families. And we’re treating babies who have been sick since birth with diseases that are preventable and easily curable with the right medicines.

“But right now, the odds are stacked against us. We’ve had three shipments of life-saving medical aid delayed by the coalition so far this year – and children are dying as a result.

“The UK Government has been a global leader in supporting aid efforts in Yemen, and the public have donated generously through emergency appeals. More aid is vital. But to be effective, it has to be delivered swiftly. The UK must stand up for the children whose lives are at stake.”

**New visuals of children suffering from acute malnutrition are available for download:**

For more information about delays to Save the Children’s shipments of medical aid for Yemen see here

15.3.2017 – World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (** A H)

Yemen Needs Urgent Assistance To Prevent Famine

Number of people at emergency food insecurity levels increases 20 percent in nine months

Severe food insecurity threatens more than 17 million people in conflict-ridden Yemen, according to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis released by the United Nations and humanitarian partners today.

Twenty of the country’s 22 governorates are in ‘emergency’ or ‘crisis’ food insecurity phases and almost two-thirds of the population are now facing hunger and urgently require life and livelihood-saving assistance. Without additional humanitarian and livelihoods support, Taiz and Hodeidah, two governorates accounting for almost a quarter of Yemen’s population, risk slipping into famine.

With an estimated 17 million people at ‘emergency’ or ‘crisis’ levels of food insecurity, Yemen is currently one of the worst hunger crises in the world. These numbers represent a 21 percent increase since June 2016 and underscores the findings of the February 2017 Emergency Food Security and Nutrition Assessment.

Conflict is driving food insecurity

The conflict has had a devastating impact on food security and livelihoods. Almost 80 percent of households in Yemen report having a worse economic situation than before the crisis. The decrease in domestic production, disruption of commercial and humanitarian imports, increasing food and fuel prices, rampant unemployment, loss of income, relatively low levels of funding for UN agencies providing food assistance and the collapse of public services and social safety nets are all factors contributing to a worsening food security situation.

Taiz and Hodeidah, traditionally food producing governorates, have been the focus of intense violence in the two years since the current crisis escalated. These two governorates have the highest rates of global acute malnutrition in the country, ranging from 17 percent in Taiz City to 25 percent in Hodeidah. The emergency threshold set by the World Health Organization is 15 percent.

“The conflict has a devastating impact on agricultural livelihoods. Crop and livestock production fell significantly compared to pre-crisis levels,” said Salah Hajj Hassan, FAO Representative in Yemen. “It is absolutely essential that the humanitarian response encompass food and agriculture assistance to save not only lives but also livelihoods.”

Stephen Anderson, WFP Representative and Country Director in Yemen said the situation had deteriorated rapidly since the conflict escalated two years ago. “The current dire food security and nutrition situation in Yemen requires significant financial resources to allow immediate, adequate and sustained food, nutrition and other assistance for those in greatest need to prevent a slide into famine,” he said. “Unrestricted access to all areas, including for commercial trade, will also be critical to ensure the food insecurity in the country does not further deteriorate,” he added.

“We are seeing the highest levels of acute malnutrition in Yemen’s recent history. Of the 2.2 million children suffering from acute malnutrition, 462,000 are severely and acutely malnourished (SAM). To put things in perspective, a SAM child is ten times more at risk of death if not treated on time than a healthy child his or her age. The ongoing conflict and food insecurity will have long-term implications on the health and overall development of children in Yemen.” said Dr Meritxell Relaño, UNICEF Representative.

Persistent insecurity disrupts livelihoods

Fighting along the Red Sea coast in recent months has caused extensive damage to Yemen’s largest port in Hodeidah. This has disrupted imports, which account for 90 percent of Yemen’s staple foods. Access restrictions and the loss of boats, nets and other gear, have wiped out fishing - an important source of food and income.
Insecurity along the coast will likely affect the start of the planting season for sorghum in April - the most important domestically produced cereal. Moreover it will hamper trade, force more people to leave their homes, further limit the availability of food and disrupt livelihoods.

Across Yemen as many as 2 million households engaged in agriculture now lack access to critical agricultural inputs, including seeds, fertiliser and fuel for irrigation pumps. High fuel prices also make irrigation prohibitively expensive.

Because of insecurity, humanitarian access may be soon limited to a few kilometres around main towns, leaving rural communities in dire need of aid.

The United Nations in Yemen reiterates its appeal for all parties to the conflict to facilitate unconditional and sustained access so humanitarian organizations can scale up their assistance to meet the growing demands of people in the most acute need. =

15.3.2017 – Washington Post (** A H K)

U.S. plan to help Yemenis obtain humanitarian aid falters, amid growing food crisis

An American plan to facilitate the urgent entry of food, medicine and commercial goods into Yemen has been halted at least temporarily, U.S. and U.N. officials said, risking the potential worsening of an already dire humanitarian crisis.

The push to rehabilitate the Red Sea port of Hodeida, a vital sea link severely damaged amid Yemen’s ongoing civil war, comes as a grinding conflict puts millions of Yemenis in acute need of humanitarian aid, and relief agencies struggle to get needed supplies to those hovering on the brink of starvation. It also takes places as the new Trump administration reconsiders the U.S. policy regarding Yemen, approaching the third year of a conflict that has pitted the country’s U.S.- and Saudi-backed government against Houthi rebels that Gulf nations say are backed by Iran.

The port, including a series of large industrial cranes used to unload shipping containers, was first targeted in 2015 by aircraft from Saudi Arabia, which is leading a coalition of countries battling Houthi rebels who control the seaside facility, U.S. and U.N. officials say. The destruction at the port, which impaired the flow of arriving goods and added to an already acute shortage of food and other supplies, is just one manifestation of the destruction the war has inflicted on critical infrastructure across Yemen.

Now, an effort begun under the Obama administration to restore Hodeida port to normal operations, and help more relief supplies reach needy Yemenis, remains in doubt. Replacement cranes paid for the United States and brought to Yemen’s coast by the United Nations are languishing at a Dubai storage facility. U.S. and U.N. officials have given conflicting reasons for the delay, and about whether Saudi Arabia, a close U.S. ally who Washington is supporting in its Yemen campaign, is to blame.

Stephen Anderson, Yemen country director for the World Food Program (WFP), the U.N. agency responsible for responding to famine and other food emergencies worldwide, said the port is a primary entry point for goods coming into Yemen, which relies on outside suppliers for virtually all its food, fuel and medicine. “We just want to keep this lifeline open,” he said.

Last year, hoping to help alleviate a growing humanitarian crisis, the Obama administration provided funds to WFP to procure and install four large replacement cranes for Hodeida. Two of the cranes would be reserved for use by WFP, a sign of the intense interest in getting more aid into Yemen. Officials also hoped that increased transport of other commercial goods would help the Yemeni economy at a time of scarcity and high prices.

Eric Pelofsky, who was a senior official for North Africa and Yemen in the Obama White House, said refurbishment of the port was a priority in the final period of the previous administration.

According to Anderson, the WFP secured permission from the Saudi-led coalition, which controls the sea perimeter around Hodeida, to deliver the cranes to the port early this year. When the cranes arrived off the Yemeni coast, however, the U.N. agency was instructed to wait. Two weeks later, in late January, it was informed that the shipment’s entry clearance had been revoked.

“The Saudis’ argument amounts to ‘Don’t fix the cranes we bombed, just in case we may want to bomb them again,'” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who served as director of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance under the Obama administration. “Meanwhile, people starve.” – by Missy Ryan

17.3.2017 – Human Rights Watch (** B K)

Yemen: Cluster Munitions Wound Children

Brazil Should Stop Producing Banned Weapon, Join Ban Treaty

The Saudi-led coalition launched Brazilian-made cluster munition rockets that struck a farm in northern Yemen in late February 2017, wounding two boys, Human Rights Watch said today.

“The Saudi-led coalition’s continued use of widely banned cluster munitions in Yemen shows callous disregard for civilian lives,” said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch and chair of the Cluster Munition Coalition, the international coalition of groups working to eradicate cluster munitions. “Saudi Arabia, its coalition partners, and Brazil, as a producer, should immediately join the widely endorsed international treaty that bans cluster munitions.”

Cluster munitions are delivered from the ground by artillery and rockets, or dropped from aircraft and contain multiple smaller explosive submunitions that spread out indiscriminately over a wide area. Many fail to detonate and leave unexploded submunitions that become de facto landmines, posing a threat long after a conflict ends.

On February 22, at about 3 p.m., Muhammad Dhayf-Allah, 10, and Ahmad Abdul-Khaleq, 12, were working at their relatives’ farm at Qahza, in the al-O’albi area of northern Saada governorate, when it was attacked. Human Rights Watch interviewed by telephone two men who witnessed the strike. One witness provided photographs taken at the attack site shortly afterward that show remnants of part of a cluster munition rocket. Both witnesses said they heard a loud explosion followed by several smaller explosions, consistent with a cluster munition attack.

Muhammad Hunish Hawza, 60, an uncle of the boys, was in Qahza that day. “We heard blasts in the air, dozens of multiple small blasts together,” he said. “The small bombs fell over us.”

Photographs that al-O’airi provided show part of the bursting mechanism from an ASTROS II cluster munition rocket lying where witnesses said it landed, near a greenhouse at the farm. Other photographs show solar panels damaged by fragmentation consistent with submunitions from a cluster munition attack

ASTROS cluster munition rockets have been used on at least three previous occasions since the Saudi-led coalition began its intervention in Yemen, killing two civilians and wounding at least 10.

“The Brazilian government’s silence is a wholly inadequate response to mounting concerns over civilian casualties from the Saudi-led coalition’s use of Brazilian cluster munition rockets in Yemen,” Goose said. “Brazil should recognize that cluster munitions are prohibited weapons that should never be manufactured, transferred, or used because of the harm inflicted on civilians.”

Coalition Use of Cluster Munitions

14.3.2017 – Paste (** B H K)

How an Obscure Drug's Cultivation Led to Civil War in Yemen

The perpetual combat, the invasion of terrorist fundamentalists, the threat of disease, devastating famine, and historic drought have all led to what is essentially a failed state. What came first has its roots deeply embedded in the ancient Yemeni tradition of chewing an obscure drug called khat (qat). Since many Yemenis are devout Muslims prohibited from drinking alcohol, nearly every man, most women, and many children chew the plant to get their buzz, with 97 percent of its production being consumed inside the country.

Yemen may run out of water within a decade, some experts even say by the end of the year. And khat, a mild narcotic plant similar to amphetamines that give the person chewing it an energized euphoria similar to drinking a lot of caffeine, uses even more water to farm than the beans that made the country famous for its coffee. The word Mocha even derives from the Yemeni city of the same name. If you were to walk the streets of Yemen’s capital city Sana’a in the late afternoon, you would see the ubiquitous plant in the bulge of civilians’ cheeks as they passed by.

Khat also takes up precious land instead of using it for agriculture, which comprises a significant portion of Yemen’s GDP. While their economy is hopelessly dependent on the distribution of the drug, Yemen is also currently the poorest country in the Arab world. The cultivation of khat—the country’s most lucrative crop—consumes around 30 percent of the total water according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and that water is extremely scarce. This is a conservative estimate, other reports indicate it uses more than half of Yemen’s water.

As khat continues to suck up the country’s water in its underground aquifers, the allocation of resources is one of the largest contributing factors for the uprising of Houthi rebels and the endeavors of revolution. With no food, water, or the means to obtain these basic necessities of life, the sectarian rebels essentially took up arms in complete desperation. The civil war is mostly an attempt at a change, any kind of change, in order to achieve a government that provides the essentials for life to the people.

“Really they are all about sharing and participating in the resources of the country,” said Abdulrahman Al Eryani, Yemen’s Minister of Water and Environment. “Either oil, or water and land.

In addition to the poor distribution of resources on the part of the government, the Houthis also critique the regime for its corruption, which also ties into the allocation of land, crops, and water. Critics have pointed out the government is intimately involved with khat production, accusing the elite politicians of owning much of the land the plant is produced on including the substantial portion of state-owned property in the south of the country. Khat production takes up one-third of agricultural GDP in Yemen according to the World Bank, and agriculture is the country’s literal and proverbial life source.

As with any uprising, people are desperate for solutions.

The production of khat, the lack of water, and the brutality of starvation culminated in the civil war the United States is complicity engaged in.

Still, most Yemenis are not capable of seeing the connection between the drug and the brutality of the situation in their country.

As the custom of taking the drug depletes water, uses up the already sterile land, and is a driving factor of both the debilitating starvation and incessant warfare, the Yemeni people still use khat, which keeps them cripplingly poor, hungry to the point of famine, dying of thirst, and without a semblance of hope – By Ryan Beitler

12.3.2017 – The Independent (** B P)

World war 3 is coming...

Although there has been no major combat between the great powers since the Second World War, there are three key fronts emerging that make the prospect of a third global conflict alarmingly conceivable

Yet it is possible that future conflict between the great powers may take the form of another cold war or even a conventional (as opposed to thermonuclear) hot war. In the 21st century, there are three key fronts emerging as the loci for future wars. The first is the Europe-Russia front with a new cold war triggered by the Ukrainian conflict. The second is the Middle East cauldron centred around Isis and the Syrian war. The third is the Asia-Pacific front with a face-off between the United States and China.

Middle East geopolitics

The intrepid German author Jürgen Todenhöfer took the concept of embedded journalism to a whole new level by holing up with Isis. He points out that in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, there were only a few hundred Islamist fighters in the Hindu Kush mountains. Fast forward through 16 years of the war on terror costing some $4,000bn (£3,300bn) and leaving 1.3 million dead, according to Physicians for Social Responsibility, and the number of terrorists is currently about 100,000. Even on its own terms, the war on terror has been an abysmal failure. How on earth did this happen? Retired US General Wesley Clark revealed that, in the wake of 9/11, the Pentagon drew up plans to attack 7 countries.

These plans have been adhered to with remarkable fidelity with Western involvement in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The pretext may have been terrorism but the intention was to guarantee economic and military supremacy in the region.

Iraq was transformed from a secular dictatorship into a Jihadist safe haven.

Back in 2007, the veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh posited in an extended New Yorker essay, The Redirection, that US Middle East geopolitical strategy was directed against the regional superpower of Iran and its Shia sphere of influence extending through Syria and to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hersh has since elaborated, in a series of controversial London Review of Books essays, that the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad would have severed this Shia sphere. Following the destruction of Iraq, this sphere remained the only obstacle to US full-spectrum dominance of the world’s largest oil fields.

The Syrian war has seen allies – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – arming and funding radical Jihadist groups, such as the al-Nusra front. Former Vice President Joe Biden – renowned for bloopers – frankly admitted as much to a Harvard audience. The Wikileaks disclosures of Hillary Clinton’s emails revealed that she too was aware of Saudi and Qatari governments arming Isis. In realpolitik, the ends apparently justify the means.

The terrorist attacks in Europe have demonstrated the difficulty in containing the spill-over from these policies. The Syrian war has seen the return of great-power politics with the involvement of Russia. This contamination has the potential for a wider conflict in which western countries could be drawn in. One possible trajectory is that a Sunni-Shia war along the Saudi-Iran axis looks increasingly likely. Yet this destabilisation of Iraq and Syria may well have been engineered deliberately. Bannon views China and Islam as expansionist threats. He has also stated that the Judaeo-Christian west is, “at the beginning stages of a global war against Islamic fascism” and that, “We’re clearly going into, I think, a major shooting war in the Middle East again.” China will eventually overtake the US in economic terms but US supreme military dominance is unchallenged. This is a dangerous discrepancy as it means that the US will use this military power to guarantee its economic prerogative – particularly as a massive national security apparatus now seems to dictate US foreign policy. As Obama has put it, the US is exceptional because it acts.

This would be in keeping with the default operational mode of capitalism. One might even argue that capitalism often resolves systemic economic crises through war. After all, a war economy with militarisation, mobilisation, full employment and jingoism can be viewed as the ultimate solution to economic woes and social unrest. The transition of Western democracy to oligarchy and the descent into soft fascism is under way – by Youssef El-Gingihy

16.3.2017 – Huffington Post (** B P T)

The Real Largest State Sponsor Of Terrorism

Saudi Arabia—not Iran—is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world today and Wahhabism remains the source of most radical Islamic extremism. For years Iran has borne the unenviable title of “world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism.” However, out of the 61 groups that are designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S. State Department, the overwhelming majority are Wahhabi-inspired and Saudi-funded groups, with a focus on the West and Iran as their primary enemy. Only two are Shi’a—Hezbollah and Kataib Hezbollah, and only four have ever claimed to receive support from Iran. Nearly all of the Sunni militant groups listed receive significant support from either the Saudi government or Saudi citizens.

The Great Compromise

Wahhabism is an ideology of compromise between the ambitions of the zealot and the needs of the ruler. Wahhabism can be thought of as a religio-political subcategory of the Salafi approach to Islam. Salafis get their name from the al-salaf al-salih or “pious companions” of Muhammad whose practices they claim to imitate. What distinguishes Wahhabism from Salafism is that the former is dependent on the House of Saud for its power whereas the latter is a phenomenon that exists globally.

The 18th century partnership of tribal leader Ibn Saud and cleric Abd al-Wahhab wedded two parallel sources of legitimacy in Arabia—religion and tribal kinship. The clerics known as ulema received their authority from God and then conferred it upon the Saud clan themselves. In exchange the ulema are protected from the risks that come with governance. Wahhabis must be distinguished from jihadi Salafis because Wahhabism is inextricably linked to the Saudi state and therefore not revolutionary in nature. The Royal family walks a tightrope between the liberalization necessary for economic development and strong political ties with the West, and the more conservative demands of the Wahhabi movement. One such demand is to turn a blind eye to the sponsorship and export of terrorism and jihad in South Asia, the Middle East, and even the West.

Exporting Jihad And Buying Friends

Some contend that Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia are being used as scapegoats when in fact the real causes of Islamist terrorism are far more complex. Mohammed Alyahya made just this argument in his New York Times article “Don’t Blame ‘Wahhabism’ for Terrorism.” The crux of the argument is that “most Islamist militants have nothing to do with Saudi Wahhabism.” For example, he asserts that the Taliban are Deobandis which is “a revivalist, anti-imperialist strain of Islam that emerged as a reaction to British colonialism in South Asia” and al Qaeda “follow a radical current that emerged from the Muslim Brotherhood.” While a nuanced understanding of the causes of terrorism is important, it must not lead policymakers to ignore an obvious source.

It is certainly true that not all Sunni extremist movements find their roots in Wahhabism.

But the export of extremism from Saudi Arabia is not always by design.

Controlling The Message

The internet age rendered in-person missionary work by Saudi clerics less relevant. The radical messages of Saudi preachers and their protégés can be viewed on mobile phones across the world. Students filter into the seminaries in Mecca and Medina and return to teach at the hundreds of madrasas spread across the world. These representatives of the Kingdom do not always preach a militant message. Sometimes, and perhaps more dangerously, they preach an apologist one.

A Complicated Relationship

How can Saudi Arabia possibly serve as an effective partner against terror when its internal security is dependent on the continued export of terrorism? The answer is that for both Saudi Arabia and the U.S. the other has always been the perceived lesser of two evils.

The U.S. must stop treating implicit and explicit state sponsors of terrorism differently. Saudi Arabia’s compartmentalized efforts at containing rather than eradicating extremism should not be lauded as a genuine partnership. States that clandestinely sponsor terrorism, albeit sloppily, must be held to the same standards as those that openly provide support. Counterterrorism strategists must adopt a long-horizon approach and recognize that state sponsors of terrorist groups are responsible for the consequences even when those organizations inevitably go rogue and turn on their benefactor – by Adam Weinstein

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

17.3.2017 – Mint Press News (* B K)

Saudi Arabia’s Blockade Of Yemen’s Largest Port Expected To Worsen Humanitarian Crisis

Despite a warning from the UN to end its existing blockades of Yemeni ports, a Saudi-led coalition is planning another major assault on the nation’s largest port city of Al Hudaydah, a move that threatens to worsen Yemen’s already unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

16.3.2017 – FIFDH not rated (B H K P)

Film: Yemen: out of sight, a descent into chaos | Forum #fifdh17

from there:

17.3.2017 – Afrah Nasser (A P)

Film: "I refuse to buy Iran is backing any1 in Yemen"

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Every time I listen to @Nawalf or @Afrahnasser, I am reminded #Yemen historically better off when women led this country now run by crooks.


@TawakkolKarman to @fifdh: the ongoing war is a consequence of Houthis/Saleh's counter-revolution

My comment: As always, she tells 100 % pro-Saudi propaganda.

Remark: Overview article.

16.3.2017 – Oxford Analytica (not rated K P)

The deadlock in Yemen may break, raising risks

A new military offensive in the two-year civil war aims at taking a vital food import hub

Western advance

Trump acquiesces

Humanitarian concerns

Victory or peace? (subscribers only)

16.3.2017 – The Hill (* A K P)

Former cable news reporter slams networks for ignoring Yemen crisis

Former cable news reporter David Shuster is slamming his old employers for not covering a humanitarian crisis in Yemen that the United Nations is calling the worst since 1945.

Shuster has worked for MSNBC, CNN and Fox News.

Shuster, now an anchor and managing director at the fledgling i24 News that launched in the U.S. last month, challenged some his former co-workers by name to cover a story that includes seven million Yemeni facing starvation due to an ongoing civil war and U.S.-backed bombing and blockade campaign in that country, according to U.N. estimates.

"I would like to extend a special challenge to our colleagues in the media at some of the other cable news networks," Shuster said at the end of "Stateside with David Shuster" on Tuesday night. "To my friends at MSNBC, including Rachel [Maddow], Chris [Hayes] and Brian [Williams], do a story on Yemen.

"To my friends at Fox News, including Shep [Smith] and Sean [Hannity] and Bill [O'Reilly], do a story on Yemen," Shuster continued. "To my friends at CNN, including Jake [Tapper] and Wolf [Blitzer], it is time for everybody in the media to step up and recognize what is going on in Yemen... to do something about this outrageous catastrophe." – By Joe Concha

15.3.2017 – i24News (A)

Do a story on Yemen, @DavidShuster urges @CNN, @MSNBC, @FoxNews (film) =

My commewnt: Shuster simply is right. Western media almost ignore the Yemen war, because of the Western involvement and guilt for war, destruction, killing and famine. That’s the truth not only for US media, but European as well.

16.3.2017 – Scoop (* B K P)

The Genocide that is Yemen

Not only is Saudi Arabia deploying the largest arsenal in the Middle East courtesy of the United States and the U.K.) against the impoverished country of Yemen, but it has financed armed and trained their Wahabbhi ‘rebels’ like Al Qaeda and Al Nusra in Syria along with Qatar, to a massive degree over the past few years. The vicious sectarian ideologies of the Saudi ‘kingdom’s’ Wahabbists; long supported and bolstered by the U.K. , are the rationale for killing anyone who does not espouse those extremist Sunni views. The 40-45% of Yemenese who follow the Zaidi order of Shia Islam- many of whom are supporters of the Houthis, are therefore regarded as apostates for extermination by the Wahabbists. Small wonder that Saudi pilots are clearly under order to attack Shi-ite civilian centres.

As supposedly democratic and humanitarian Western governments usually do in times like these, the U.K. government has contracted lawyers to concoct grotesque legal arguments that their massive arms sales to Saudi Arabia and their support of U.S. drone killings in Yemen, do not constitute an equally massive violation of the rule of international law. The U.K. Government, its foreign policy advisors and its hand-in-glove armaments manufacturers are once again undoubtedly guilty of horrifying war crimes.

The U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabia however, dwarfs the U.K.’s historical complicity with the brutal Saudi regime.

In addition, the Saudis, despite their denials, are enforcing a naval and air blockade of Houthi held areas of Yemen, further exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation on the ground. The Saudis and United States and the mainstream media claim, without any evidence, that the Iranians are militarily supporting the Houthis. Should this have been the case, we would have seen satellite imagery of Iranian planes and ships trying to break the blockade, if not Iranian seized vessels and arms.

The reality is that the Houthis have more than enough weaponry through the Yemen army that have largely backed the Houthis, and through seized armaments from the Saudis. While a different branch of Shi-ism, the Iranian government is clearly sympathetic to the Houthis and is likely to have at least supplied the Houthis with the technical now-how for their devastating missile attacks on Saudi troop deployments.

The sad reality is that Western democracies have cloaked their barbarities in pursuit of profit and power under labels of ‘ bringing the true religion’, ‘civilisation’, ‘democracy’ and ‘humanitarian intervention’, since long before the rise of capitalism. Western governments cannot kill their own populations in large numbers as they would no longer be in power at the next election!: instead they are licensed to kill the ‘other’, the ‘dark races’, the ‘uncivilized’, the ‘un-Christian’ in ‘foreign’ countries. Yemen is the epitome of ‘foreign’ to the West. For not only are they of significant interest to the West’s pawns in Riyadh, the Saudis; they are also tribal, dark skinned, and at the bottom of the heap in terms of poverty and far away from the gaze of Western publics. An ‘ideal’ testing ground for Western weapons.

The Gulf potentates are therefore none better for the West to sell vast amounts of weapons to, and watch their incompetent new owners destroy them in vast numbers in the vicious war with the Houthis and their allies in Yemen. It makes little difference to their Western minders that the Saudis are committing genocide in Yemen; aided with targeting facilities and refueling of aircraft by the United States and U.K trainers..

The current application of the rule of law in international politics and conflict is a complete farce. It is grounded purely in ‘right is might’; which for this current and previous century at least, has been the prerogative of Western powers against ‘The South’. That dynamic is now of course changing rapidly with the rise of China and the resurgence of Russian military power – By Paul Martin

15.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A)

Iran sends naval force to Aden Gulf

Iran has announced that it sent "45 group" of the Iranian Naval Force, which consists of a ship and a destroyer to the Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab.

The tension caused by the continued friction between the Iranian gunboats and US forces located in international waters is due to the persistent attempts of Iran to assist and provide the Yemeni militia with weapons.

Iranian media outlets said that Iran sent its warships to Aden Gulf and Bab al-Mandab to protect Iranian ships which are currently anchoring in Omani ports.

My comment: “The tension caused by the continued friction between the Iranian gunboats and US forces located in international waters is due to the persistent attempts of Iran to assist and provide the Yemeni militia with weapons.” That’s simply bullshit. There have been just a few shipments of arms from Iran to Yemen – some in fact rather dubious (Eastern Africa also could have been the destination) and all by small boats. The US-Iranian naval frictions did not take place in the Gulf of Aden, but in the Persian Gulf and the Street of Hormuz – just this fact alone shows that they cannot have anything to do with Yemen. We could ask what really the reason of these frictions between Iranian navy and a great fleet of the US navy is – in the Persian Gulf, “international waters” is 12 sm (22 km) off the Iranian and 6.676 sm (12.360 km; beeline Hormuz-Miami) off the USS coast. “Defending” the US? That’s bullshit, stupid.

15.3.2017 – Shireen Al-Adeimi (B K P)

If I relied solely on the (sparse) news about #Yemen, I wouldn't know that Saudi is brutally bombing & starving #Yemen to assert dominance.

I also wouldn't know that #US support of Saudi far exceeds weapons sales- that US is refueling Saudi planes midair & providing intelligence.

I would be misinformed on the causes of the war and would think that the Saudis are battling Iran in #Yemen (far from the truth.)

I'd also belive that civil war is the main conflict in #Yemen; I wouldn't know about the disproportionate deaths resulting from air strikes.

I may inaccurately conclude that Yemenis are used to war - that their kids are somehow more adept at living through war than mine.

I wouldn't know about the millions who struggle to find food because 10+ (rich) countries decided to drop bombs instead of aid on #Yemen.

Nor would I know about the millions of children who suffer or die in #Yemen because their parents can't afford food, medicine or both.

I'd feel helpless & wouldn't know that I can help #Yemen by applying pressure on my elected officials to stop supporting Saudi's brutal war.

15.3.2017 – Andrew Hammond (B K P)

Almost every Saudi paranoia about #Yemen has been exacerbated and fed by its own actions. It's quite striking

15.3.2017 – The American Conservative (* A H K P)

The Horrifying Starvation of Yemen Continues

There is not officially a famine in Yemen yet, but conditions are horrible and continue to get worse:

Several of the wealthiest states in the world have done this to one of the poorest through two years of war and blockade, and our government has aided and abetted the intervention that created these conditions the entire time. Millions of people are at risk of dying from starvation and preventable diseases, and all so that a few despotic governments could be “reassured” of U.S. support and indulged in their excessive fears of Iran. The U.S. has helped bring about the ruin of an entire country whose people did nothing to us. The people of Yemen have had the misfortune of being targeted by U.S. clients with U.S. support, which has meant that their lives don’t count as far as most of our political class is concerned – by Daniel Larison

14.3.2017 – Reuters (* B K)

Photos: Saudi strikes on Yemen and some more photos:

14.3.2017 – RT (* B K P)

Yemen: From Saudi violations of international law to Western complicity in genocide

Genocide is taking place in Yemen at the hands of a coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia, supported by the US and the UK, while the world is deaf to the screams and misery of Yemeni children.

As a university instructor in media studies, I always focus my students’ attention on journalistic objectivity as a significant principle of journalistic professionalism. I teach them about fairness, disinterestedness, factuality, and non-partisanship, and how to encompass all of these qualities in a journalistic piece even if it were an Op-ed.

However, today I find myself compelled to take sides when I write about Yemen. For how can a journalist or a political writer be objective when writing about dead children? Children who have been bombed intentionally in homes, schools, and markets while the world is not only blind but also choosing to ignore the fact that the war on Yemen is a genocidal one.

By now we are used to the indifference of the world when it comes to the atrocities committed by imperial powers in the name of democracy in the Middle East. However, as a mother first and a political writer second, I cannot remain silent on Yemen. Silence is complicity in Yemen. I cannot but take the side of the Yemeni civilians who are victims of an ongoing campaign of haphazard murder which has been going on for two years now, while the United States and the United Kingdom bear a large part of the responsibility.

Being devastated on a daily basis for the past two years with aerial bombing by a Saudi-led coalition, along with a Saudi-imposed blockade doesn’t even begin to cover the situation in Yemen.

Prohibition of the use of force is one of the fundamental principles on which international law has been founded. According to Article 2(4) of the Charter of the UN, all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

According to The Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States adopted by the General Assembly on 24 October 1970 (resolution 2625 (XXV), “A war of aggression constitutes a crime against the peace, for which there is responsibility under international law.”

According to the declaration, “States have the duty to refrain from propaganda for wars of aggression … [and] every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State.”

Although the declaration is not legally binding, it is an important document for the interpretation of the relevant rules of the UN Charter. Therefore, the use of force for furthering national policy as well as interference in the internal affairs of other countries, create the infringement of the basic principles of international law.

As such, the Saudi regime is doing everything in its power to ensure the Yemeni people have no means of survival or sustenance under a crippling blockade that has been in place since the inception of the war of aggression against Yemen. A blockade that is lamented, decried and condemned by an international community that hides behind familiar rhetoric while ensuring the flow of arms continues unhindered into Saudi weapons depots.

West complicit in Yemeni carnage

Armed with American and British ammunition and European warplanes, among other Western-supported military hardware, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has wreaked havoc in Yemen since March 2015. The offensive, which is allegedly aimed at reinstalling the former Yemeni government, a close Riyadh ally, has been nothing short of blatant violations of all laws of war and human rights condoned and supported by the West.

This US-backed war is not just a case of the former Obama administration sitting vainly by while its close ally goes on a destructive spree of historic proportions. The government has been and still is actively selling the Saudis billions of dollars of weaponry. They are also re-supplying planes engaged in the bombing runs and providing “intelligence” about the targets Saudi Arabia is hitting.

According to a report published by the Global Research, the use of cluster munitions has been recorded 56 times in Yemen by various on-the-ground sources. Cluster bombs supplied, primarily, by the US. – by Ms. Marwa Osman. PhD Candidate located in Beirut, Lebanon. University Lecturer at the Lebanese International University and Maaref University

14.3.2017 – Risk Intelligence (not rated A H K)

Yemen Ports & Terminals threat assessment report

The situation in Yemen has deteriorated since the beginning of the Saudi Arab-coalition campaign and the security situation in Yemen ports are assessed in our weekly Yemen Ports & Terminals threat assessment reports.
Each report consists of an assessment of each port including both security and operations with a summarized table with colour coding for easy overview. In addition the report includes analysis of the political and security situation.
The following ports are included in the report: Hudaydah, Saleef. Aden, Balhaf, Mukalla, Ash Shihr

The information is of use for both security/operations staff as well as commercial departments fixing the charters.
The service includes the following deliverable:
A weekly Ports & Terminals threat assessment of current security and operations situation listed in a table with colour coding (Green, Yellow and Red) for each port. In addition, the report includes analysis of the political and security situation on the national level.
Pricing: Please see the Pricing page for more information
Request a sample: Contact Risk Intelligence for a free sample


#Yemen: Volume of goods to Port of #Hudaydah dropped significantly in Jan. & Feb. compared to previous months (map)

14.3.2017 – The American Conservative (* B K P)

The U.S. Must Stop Enabling the Destruction of Yemen

Bruce Riedel reviews the effects of the unnecessary, atrocious war on Yemen after almost two years.

When the Saudi-led intervention began in March 2015, Yemen experts warned of the humanitarian disaster that would follow, and very soon after that the disaster began to unfold. Today Yemen suffers from the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

The U.S. has enabled the Saudis and their allies to do this, and continues to back them as they work to create what may be one of the worst modern man-made famines.

The coalition blockade and its indiscriminate bombing campaign have worked together to bring Yemen to its current state. We got another glimpse of that recently. The coalition had bombed the cranes at the port of Hodeidah early in the war, which severely limited the supplies that could be offloaded there. Since then, The U.N. had hoped to bring in mobile replacement cranes to facilitate more aid, but instead the Saudis have continued bombing the port and the surrounding area.

The coalition starves the civilian population, and then attacks civilian targets, and this has been going on regularly for the last two years with our government’s support and approval. Every indication from the Trump administration to date has been that it will continue with this indefensible policy and possibly intensify it.

Riedel says near the end that “[t]he prime American interest is to help our oldest ally in the region, Saudi Arabia, find a way out of a conflict that is not working out in its own interests,” but at this point that isn’t true. The prime American interest after the last two years of this disgraceful war is to recognize that the Saudis aren’t really an ally at all and to extricate ourselves from the noxious relationship we have with Riyadh as quickly as we can. In the absence of U.S. backing, the Saudis and their allies will be hard-pressed to continue their failed war, and will have to come to terms with their enemies sooner rather than later. Attacking Yemen was never going to “work out” in Saudi Arabia’s interests, and the U.S. should want nothing to do with a reckless government that imagined that it would – by Daniel Larison

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

17.3.2017 – Emb Rus (* A H)

Hodeidah Province, Yemen, MARCH 4, 2017 (misery, starvation)

16.3.2017 – Doctors Without Borders (* A H)

Yemen: "A few more hours and she would have died"

Hella Hultin is a surgeon from Sweden. She wrote this post on assignment with Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Khameer, Yemen. Here she blogs about operating on a young girl in critical condition – by Hella Hultin

16.3.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A H K)

Film: La catastrophe humanitaire au Yémen de plus en plus alarmante (French)

16.3.2017 – NZZ (A H P)

Ursachen des Hungers in Afrika: Die hausgemachte Hungerkrise

Die Uno warnt vor einer Hungerkatastrophe in Afrika. An deren Ursprung liegt zumeist das Versagen der dortigen politischen Elitenvon Fabian Urech

Mein Kommentar: Symptomatisch? Jemen kommt im Titel gar nicht vor, obwohl ca. 60 % der bedrohten Menschen dort leben, nur 40 % in Afrika. Und im Jemen trifft den Westen ein Großteil der Schuld an der Hungerkatastrophe – deshalb beredtes Schweigen??

16.3.2017 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (* A H)

Yemen: Escalating Conflict – Western Coast Situation Report No. 3 (as of 10 March 2017)

Conflict along the western coast of Taizz Governorate escalated in January 2017 and has continued over the last week, including in several areas adjacent to coastal districts and near the southern border of Al Hudaydah Governorate.

As of 10 March, the fighting had led to more than 48,000 people being displaced from across Taizz Governorate. The majority are from Al Mukha and Dhubab districts in the south-west. Nearly all displaced people are sheltering in more secure areas of Taizz Governorate (73 per cent) or neighbouring Al Hudaydah Governorate (20 per cent).

Humanitarian partners have provided direct, in-kind relief to nearly 120,000 people, including IDPs, host communities and residents of affected areas. In addition, partners are supporting critical services through assistance to local water networks and health facilities, as well as offering protection.

Access to the most affected areas of Taizz remains challenging due to ongoing clashes and movement restrictions imposed by parties to the conflict.
Assistance in some sectors has concentrated mainly on Al Hudaydah, with further scale-up planned in Taizz. and in full:

16.3.2017 – RT (A H)

Film: Russische humanitäre Mission liefert Hilfsgüter im Jemen aus

Im Darawan Camp in der west-jemenitischen Provinz Amran wird eine russische humanitäre Mission heute Hilfslieferungen übergeben. In dem Lager wohnen Binnenvertriebene. Der Konvoi bringt lebensnotwendige Güter für sie. Während der Krieg in dem Land tobt, spitzt sich die Hungerkatastrophe stetig zu.

16.3.2017 – RT (A H)

Russian humanitarian aid arrives in Yemen

A Russian NGO has delivered lifesaving aid to the desperate population of war-torn Yemen, where over 18 million people now urgently require some form of humanitarian assistance.

The first delivery of humanitarian aid from the Russian Humanitarian Mission, which cares for the needy in conflict zones, began arriving at the Darawan refugee camp, in the western Yemeni province of Amran on Thursday.

Filled with life essential supplies for the internally displaced people who are temporarily residing in the camp, the first batch of aid comprised basic foodstuff, medicines, tents and blankets.

To help alleviate the human suffering in Yemen, the Russian Humanitarian Mission initiated an aid drive, where anyone willing to contribute donated anything that they could to help their fellow beings. Little by little, the mission gathered enough supplies to fill the aid convoy.

Comment by Haykal Bafana: Mystery solved : Photo @RT_com used for the #Yemen humanitarian aid story was actually of Russian soldiers offloading cargo in Tajikistan.

16.3.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A H)

Delivering mobile solar solutions to IDPs in remote area, and @monarelief already there distributing food baskets. Kudos (photo)

15.3.2017 – World Food Programme (* A H)

WFP Yemen Situation Report #27, 15 March 2017

In Numbers

18.8 million (72 percent of population) in need of humanitarian assistance 2017 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan

17 million food in secure, including 6.8 million severely food insecure Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) March 2017

2 million internally displaced and 1 million returnees HCT Task Force on Population Movement, 12th Report, January 2017

111,504 refugee and migrant arrivals in Yemen from the Horn of Africa in Jan-Dec 2016 Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat/UNHCR


WFP continues its urgent countrywide assistance. In February, WFP reached a record number 5.25 million people in 17 governorates with food assistance – 5 million with food distribution (84 percent of a 6 million target) at a reduced daily household entitlement, and 249,462 people with commodity vouchers (29 percent of an 868,668 target). WFP assisted 9,106 refugees at the Kharaz camp (52 percent of a 17,500 target).

From April 2017, WFP will assist its beneficiaries through a new 12 month emergency operation. WFP will continue to target 7 million people per month through general distribution (food and vouchers), nutrition activities, and refugee and IDP assistance.

WFP Executive Director. Ms. Ertharin Cousins, visited Yemen on March 11 to 13. The WFP ED highlighted it is a race against time and advocated for access and the prioritisation of resources to the most vulnerable. The ED urged the international community to help prevent a famine by providing resources to meet the needs of the food insecure. The news release is available here.

Situation Update

In March, WFP continues to respond to the deteriorating humanitarian and food security situation across the country. Ongoing fighting in the Mokha and Dhubab districts of Taizz governorate has displaced over 44,000 people, with most displaced civilians fleeing to other parts of Taizz governorate or to Al Hudaydah, Lahj, Ibb, Al Dhale’e or Aden governorates.

According to the 13th Task Force on Population Movement Report, as of March 2017 there are 2 million internally displaced people and 1 million returnees in Yemen. The report stated that food is the highest priority need among 75 percent of IDPs and half of returnees.

Following the escalation of tension around Al Hudaydah port, there is a concern that access to the port may be restricted and commercial shipping lines may stop calling at the port. If this development was to materialise, this would have a negative impact on the delivery of humanitarian supplies in the northern part of the country. As an immediate implication, a rise in transportation costs and an increase in delivery times are expected. To avert a situation where food assistance is unable to be delivered, WFP is developing a contingency plan to address access constraints to ensure that beneficiaries in will be not be affected by delays in the arrivals of supplies. and in full:

15.3.2017 – BBC (* A H)

Film: Yemen's children facing starvation amid conflict

Yemen spiralled into conflict in 2014 and, despite peace initiatives, fighting continues.

Food security in the country is a major issue, with an estimated two million children starving in the country.

The BBC visited a hospital where children are being treated for malnourishment.

Comment: How low can the BBC go?
@JNovak_Yemen underlines there is no mention to Saudis' role in the famine.

15.3.2017 – Reuters (*A H)

No famine in Yemen but over half on the brink -U.N.-backed report

Yemen is one of four current famine or near-famine situations, along with South Sudan, northeast Nigeria and Somalia, with more than 20 million people at risk of starvation in the next six months.

A U.N.-backed report on Yemen has found no full-blown famine in the country but said 60 percent of Yemenis, or 17 million people, are in "crisis" or "emergency" food situations, 20 percent more than in June.

The World Food Programme said in a statement on Wednesday that the governorates of Taiz and Hodeidah along the Red Sea risked slipping into famine if they did not receive more aid. Both have long traditions as food-producing regions.

Taiz and Hodeidah governorates, home to important Yemeni ports, "have the highest rates of global acute malnutrition in the country, ranging from 17 percent in Taiz City to 25 percent in Hodeidah," the WFP said.

"The emergency threshold set by the World Health Organization is 15 percent," it added.

The report was written by an expert team using the globally recognised IPC methodology. The IPC, or Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, is a system of analysing food security on a five-point scale, where five is "famine".

The report, drawing on analysis from 69 experts from Yemen's government and regions, the United Nations and non-governmental institutions, said 10.2 million people were at phase three, or "crisis", and 6.8 million at phase four, or "emergency".

The worst affected governorates - those in the emergency phase - were Lahej, Taiz, Abyan, Sa'ada, Hajjah, Hodeidah and Shabwah, it said. Taiz, where heavy fighting looks likely to continue, has seen its biggest spike in livestock and commodity prices since the war escalated in 2015 – By Tom Miles = and by Foreign Policy:

My comment: A somewhat strange discussion about arbitrarily fixed threshold values. Those who are starving and starving to death will hardly be interested.

Comment: Bombs. Public sector without salary for over 7 months. Bombs again. A strangling siege. Rampant cholera, malaria, dengue.
Bombs again. 3.2 Internally Displaced with no access to water, medicines, job. Bombs again.
What else does it take the UN to admit, once and for all, that #Yemen is in full famine?

15.3.2017 – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (* A H)

Yemen Emergency Livelihoods Response Plan: Support to agriculture-based livelihoods in Yemen, January – December 2017

The Emergency Livelihoods Response Plan (ELRP) is a tool that allows the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to scale up its response in Yemen to prevent the already dramatic levels of food insecurity and malnutrition from worsening.

The ELRP sets out the key emergency agricultural livelihoods interventions to be implemented in Yemen, within the framework of the 2017 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan.

The overall goal of the ELRP is to improve food and nutrition security, alleviate rural poverty, and enhance the country’s capacity to manage and respond to risks and threats in the agriculture sector through a resilience-based approach. In this regard, the plan reflects FAO’s strategic objective to increase livelihoods by helping countries to prepare for, manage, and respond to threats and crises.

The plan was prepared after an extensive analysis of the drivers of food and nutrition insecurity in Yemen, a thorough review of assessment reports, as well as discussions with FAO technical staff and local st akeholders.

Implementing the plan will require USD 48.4 million to support 431 985 households (3 million people) over a 12-month period, in the nine governorates1 with the most food and nutrition insecure people. = and in full: =

15.3.2017 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H K)

Photos: Due to ongoing war since 2years in Hareeb al-Qaramish n #Marib governorate,ppl fled their own houses to nearby caves just to b safe

15.3.2017 – Shabia Mantoo ( AH)

Meet little Yusuf who stole and broke my heart. His only wish is to be able to go to school and finish his studies.
But he and his family were forced to flee their homes in a nearby governorate because of the conflict and his father due to age and health can no longer work so Yusuf has become a little breadwinner for his mother and siblings.
Attempting to juggle both his studies and provide for the family, he tries to attend school during the day and works at night. He sits outside a popular cafe with a weighing scale; people give him the equivalent of a penny for the use of the scale.
But during this time he keeps with him his textbooks, diligently trying to cram in as study as much as he can and finish his homework in the only opportunity he has.
So heartbroken at the circumstances he has to endure and at the same time so in awe of his beautiful optimism, determination and hope, I asked him what drove him to be so dedicated to his studies.
"I want to study so that I can become a businessman."
"And why do you want to be a businessman?"
"Because if I were a businessman I would be able to help poor people and give to charity." (photo) =

15.3.2017 – Qasim Ali Al-Shawea

Yemen faces the world's largest and worst humanitarian crisis.
Millions in Yemen needs for basic humanitarian assistance such food , medicines and water.

Our team of

participated with distributed food packets which helped many families in several areas in Yemen.

We trying to achieve more families in Yemen, help us to save more lives , you can save at least a live , thank you (photos) = and also:

Let's pray for our little Mayasaa to get recover soon,she is 7years old and has 3carcinomas: eye, stomach, brain) (photos)

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (* A H)

Hodeida hospital sends call for help

Al-Thawra General Hospital in Hodeida port city on Wednesday called for urgent help after its electricity cut off.
The hospital sent urgent call to the humanitarian organizations and government authorities to rescue the sick and injured in the emergency units and all hospital sections after the power outage.
The hospital warned in a statement received by Saba, that the hospital has stopped working after the cutoff of its electricity hot line that was feeding its facilities.
The hospital said its impossible to operate generators due to fuel shortage.

15.3.2017 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Map: Yemen: Assessment Tracking - 2016

14.3.2017 – ITV (* A H)

Fighting Famine: How Yemen is facing the 'world's largest humanitarian crisis'

Yemen's suffering is the largest humanitarian crisis facing the world today.

According to the latest United Nations figures, two-thirds of the population - 18.8 million people - need aid and more than seven million people are now facing famine.

The war in the Arab world's poorest nation will soon reach its second anniversary. The fighting has already claimed more than 10,000 lives.

But it's the effects of hunger and the threat of famine driven by that conflict which now loom large.

The scale of the challenge is difficult to comprehend. The UN's under secretary-general for humanitarian affairs updated the security council last Friday.

Stephen O'Brien says $2.1 billion (£1.7 billion) is needed this year to reach 12 million Yemenis “with life-saving assistance and protection” - but so far only 6% has been received.

As the world beyond looks on with continuing indifference to Yemen's plight, the UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres will chair a pledging conference for Yemen on April 25 in Geneva.

During his recent visit to Yemen, Mr O’Brien said he met senior leaders of the government and Houthi rebels who control the capital Sanaa. All promised access for aid.

“Yet all parties to the conflict are arbitrarily denying sustained humanitarian access and politicise aid,” he said.

Mr O'Brien warned that if that behaviour did not change “they must be held accountable for the inevitable famine, unnecessary deaths and associated amplification in suffering that will follow”.

The huge unloading cranes in the nearby port of Hodeida were bombed by the Saudi-led coalition hampering aid deliveries.

In the city hospital, a 15-minute drive away, children are dying of hunger. Doctors say they lack the supplies to help.

Doctor Marwan Mohammed warned us back in October of a catastrophe unless aid arrived soon: “They’re going to die. Most of them we cannot do anything for them. They are going to die. It’s very sad."

His warning and the alarm calls from many others in Yemen have gone unanswered as the country's descent into hell continues – by Neil Connery (with film)

14.3.2017 – International Business Times (B H)

In pictures: Which city has the lowest quality of living?

The Mercer's 19th annual Quality of Living survey takes into account a city's infrastructure, transport connections, economic instability, social unrest and growing political upheaval which affect the quality of living.

3rd place for #Sanaa, our beloved Capital, after Bangui in the Central African Republic and Baghdad (Iraq)
The survey takes into account a city's infrastructure, transport connections, economic stability, social unrest and growing political upheaval – all of which affect the quality of living.

14.3.2017 – The Health Mobilisation (A H)

#MOPHP - #Yemen: Civilian Casualties & Health System Damages, 717-Days statistics ... (images) =

My comment: This are official figures of victims who had been registered. The most weren’t. The real figures are much higher.

13.3.2017 – World Food Programme (* A H)

Yemen Supply Chain Map: Access by Port and Transit Time - 13 March 2017 vand in full: =

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

15.3.2017 – Shafaqna (* A K)

Yemen’s Appeal 2017

The Mona Relief Organisation, Veritas-Consulting and its affiliate: the Veritas Centre for Strategic Studies have partnered up this 2017 towards not just conflict resolution in Yemen, but RECONSTRUCTION.

Our goals are many — raise awareness to Yemen’s plight, denounce war crimes, promote peace and social cohesion, help towards education, defend human rights, speak on behalf of those who have been silenced … Our task is enormous but we shall not waver in our duty.

Yemen is precious! Yemen remains the beating heart of Arabia, the very land which for thousands of years has spoken a light onto the region. With Yemen’s disappearance it is a part of all our History we are abandoning to the evil of Wahhabism.

Beyond the obvious devastation of war lies one reality too few of us have dared look square in the face: Yemen is unravelling art the seams under a religious and cultural genocide.

Yemen has been exploded and starved for its people have refused to bow to Wahhabism dogma. Yemen has been ravaged and its history pillaged for that its people held tight to Islam pluralism and proclaim that in religion there shall be no compulsion.



For all of our heart and dedication we continue to rely on the generosity of our donors.

Veritas-Consulting ambitions now to draw a comprehensive aid and reconstruction program in Yemen to reclaim the heritage that was lost and assist communities in rebuilding their lives – not under any tutelage but in a fashion that suits them and in keeping with their traditions.

Yemen is losing its religious and cultural identity and we owe to preserve those treasures fascism is working to obliterate – if not for ourselves then for our children.

If Yemen was already the poorest, most socio-economically unstable country in the Arabian Peninsula, March 2015 War literally exploded whatever stability there was to have in Yemen.

Income per capita dropped from $2 per day to less than $1 per day. Yemen civilian infrastructures have all but collapsed under the burden of war – either through direct hits or as a result of the punishing blockade the country has found itself under.

Beyond the simple human cost of this war, we ought to realise that it is also Yemen’s cultural, religious and historical heritage which has been declared war to.

It is therefore important that resources are reserved for such reconstruction and preservation work.

A more scientific approach to humanitarian aid is required if we are in fact to help towards Yemen reconstruction, while avoiding the usual pitfalls: corruption, abuses of power, tribal entanglements.

Veritas-Consulting will organise this May a conference on Yemen on the back of a fact-finding mission to Yemen. We will attempt to expose the many grave human rights violations Yemen was subjected to. We will also issue a research paper we intend to make available tooth state and non-state actors at an international level.

An exclusive documentary will premiere at the conference with exclusive interviews from world renowned experts, humanitarians, politicians, activists and state officials.

We ask for your support! Let us not allow for OUR COLLECTIVE HISTORY AND TRADITIONS TO BE FORGOTTEN! – by Catherine Shakdam


cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

17.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A H K)

Houthis send children from Hajjah to frontlines

A number of families in al-Maghrabah district of Hajjah on Wednesday found out that their children were sent by Houthis to fight in different fronts without the knowledge of them.

Local sources told Alsahwa Net that Houthi militias took more than ten children from the area of Wadi Hawsan, al-Maghrabah district.

16.3.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A P)

Film: Yemeni women stage three-day sit-in in front of UN office

Yemeni women continue their three-day sit-in outside the UN's office in Sana'a. They hope to make their voice heard now that the Saudi war on their country is less than two weeks away from entering its third year.

Press TV’s correspondent Mohamad al-Attab has talked to some of the sit-inners.

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A T)

Al-Qaeda member arrested in Baidha

16.3.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen President Samad Attending graduation ceremony of 100 of those wounded by US-backed Saudi war criminals. New skills,going back to war! (photos)

15.3.2017 – Yemen Update (A P)

GPC directs to mobilize citizens, on the anniversary of "Decisive Storm" on #Yemen; to apologize to Saleh and beg him to take over the power (photo of document)

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Human rights minister calls on UN to stop aggression against Yemen

The minister of Human rights Alya Faisal called on Wednesday the United Nations to double its efforts to stop the Saudi aggression against Yemen.
During her meeting with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Dr. Obaid Ahmed Obaid, affirmed the importance of forming a joint team of the ministry and the OHCHR to record violations and damage that carried out by the aggression.
The human rights minister also called to lift the land, air and sea blockade and to form an international investigation committee on the crimes committed against the Yemeni people.
Dr. Obaid expressed his readiness to provide technical support for the ministry's staff, pointing out that the OHCHR is currently preparing report about the human rights in Yemen.

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A T)

Explosive device exploded in Ibb

An improvised explosive device was exploded in Ibb province, no casualties were reported, a local official told Saba on Wednesday.

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A T)

Two citizens killed in explosive device bomb in Baidha

Two citizens were killed when a improvise explosive device exploded in al-Qurashiah district of Baidha province, a security official told Saba on Wednesday.
The explosive device was planted by unknown people on the main road in Moka area.

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Ibb tribes announce mobilizing men to the front lines

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Dhamar schools condemn Saudi war crimes on Yemen

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A

Sons of Sana'a province condemn Saudi war crimes on Yemen

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

FM calls for forming Int'l investigating committee into Saudi war crimes

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf Abdullah called for forming a an international committee to investigate into the Saudi aggression's crimes and violations in Yemen.
The minister said in a statement to Saba on Tuesday that the Saudi aggression have been targeting civilians in wedding, markets, roads, hospitals, schools, funeral hall since the beginning of the war and have imposed all-out blockade on the ports and airports of Yemen without any legal reasons.

15.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A H)

The Houthis abduct a senior leader in Saleh’s party, put him into jail

A source in Ibb province, central Yemen, said on Monday that the Houthis militants had abducted a local authority official who is also a GPC leader, ex-president Saleh’s party, and put him into jail.

The source told Almasdaronline that the Houthi-appointed governor of Ibb Abdul Wahid Saleh had put the General Secretary of al Mashanah district Local Council Mohammed Ba Salamah in the jail two days back.

This incident came after a dispute erupted between gunmen following Ba Salamah and other militants from the Houthi-Backed Bait al Sharif family over a land in al Rakeza area in al Mashanah, according to the source.

15.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A H)

Child abduction phenomenon increasing in Dhamar

Human rights sources in Dhamar province, central Yemen, said that the child abduction crimes have increased recently due to the deteriorated security situation in Dhamr city that is under the Houthis-Saleh forces control.

The sources told Almadaronline that two children were abducted on Monday from one of the streets nearby their house, and their fate was still unknown.

12.3.2017 – Yemen Update (A P)

#Houthis' ministers of Supreme Political Council absent from the parliament session on Saturday, and the Parliament refrains from debating!

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

16.3.2017 – Middle East Monitor (* B P)

Separatism in Yemen under the coalition umbrella

When Yemen’s President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi decided to appoint Brigadier Aidarus Al-Zubaidi as governor of Aden and Colonel Shallal Shaye as director of the police, only 24 hours after the assassination of the former governor, these two men were in the UAE on a political and security mission to prepare them to take over the roles. They are roles whose nature became clear during the weeks and months that followed their appointment, which certainly did not come within the framework of restoring the unity of the state.

Al-Zubaidi and Shaye came back from the UAE full of enthusiasm for achieving the separatists’ goal of a divided Yemen. This enthusiasm was supposed to be toned down a bit while they were in Abu Dhabi, which originally participated in the Arab coalition forces to restore legitimacy rather than divide Yemen into two separate states.

Since that time, nothing in the conviction of Al-Zubaidi and Shaye has changed in terms of separatism. This raises a question about whether they share the same views as those of the Arab Coalition and, in particular, the United Arab Emirates, which is the most influential force in the south of Yemen.

A statement by Al-Zubaidi, which was published in Aden on Saturday, reflected a clear bias towards the separatist project as it talked about the participation of the so-called southern resistance in the battle to liberate Al-Mokha. The content of the statement is unbearable, providing further evidence that this regional resistance within the unified state era can only be part of the coup attempt itself.

Abu Dhabi bears the moral responsibility for the statements and positions of Al-Zubeidi and other southern leaders connected to the UAE who are leading trained military units that were formed in the full knowledge of those in the region and have clear ties to the Emirates since they were first formed in Aden’s camps.

Thus, Abu Dhabi is required to explain the nature of its mission in Yemen, and whether or not this is in line with the Arab Coalition’s objectives or if it’s there to support the separatists. This clarification will help shape the position of Yemenis towards this rising power, which is obsessed with domination in a risky area – by Yassin Al-Tamimi

My comment: A document of the strife within the anti-Houthi forces. The author seems to be a backer of president Hadi and of the unity of Yemen, and affiliated more to Saudi Arabia and less to the Emirates. There had been several reports of conflicts between different positions.

Comment by Fernando Carvajal: This is a very tricky issue .... UAE doesn't want to deal with 2 Yemens... but it no longer pays attn to Sanaa ... etc ... KSA wants both, Aden and Sanaa ... Oman doesn't want two Yemens either ..

15.3.2017 – Josephjo1221 (A T)

Qaeda says it attacked Aldilaah camp area Cabacbh Wadi Hadhramaut, a car mounted the attack while the other broke into the camp and exploded (photo)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

16.3.2017 – Asharq Al-awsat (A P)

Yemeni Crisis to Be Solved within Weeks- UN

Riyadh-Special UN Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed stressed his belief that a real solution for the Yemeni crisis would be found within the coming few weeks based on real and sustainable foundations.

“We know today that a solution is close. We know that a solution in Yemen will be built on military and political basis so it’s a bit shameful that opposing parties don’t want to sit down at the table to discuss that,” Ahmed said in an interview with France 24 channel.

Ahmed expressed doubts regarding Houthi and Saleh’s seriousness in implementing the political solution given their refusal to talk about withdrawing from the cities and handing over heavy weapons.

He said: “Houthis and Saleh should admit that there isn’t going to be a solution as long as there is an external authority or militias controlling the security situation in the country. They should withdraw and hand over their weapons.”

Despite the fact that Houthis admitted they have been receiving support from Iran, Ould Cheikh confirmed that Iranian authorities denied it and said they were not playing any role in the Yemeni war.

“No solution can be achieved without taking into consideration the presence of President Hadi,” the UN Envoy told France 24.

He further explained that Houthi and Saleh militias approved the political roadmap without discussing the security aspect of it. They are still reluctant to engage in serious work on this issue, he added.

My comment: This is a totally unrealistic statement. And: Just currying favor with one side never will bring peace.

15.3.2017 – Arab Press (A P)

Yemen: forti pressioni per l’approvazione del progetto di pace

La comunità occidentale incalza il governo legittimo per approvare l’esito del vertice che propone una pace di compromesso fra tutte le parti del conflitto in Yemen

L’esito del vertice, che ha visto anche la partecipazione dell’inviato speciale dell’ONU per lo Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, non proporrà niente di nuovo, anzi rappresenta un tentativo di rafforzare i risultati già raggiunti in occasione degli incontri precedenti: il piano di pace di Kerry e la mappa per la pace di Ould Cheikh, proposte rifiutate in toto dal governo legittimo, a seguito del rafforzamento della rivoluzione in Yemen.

Considerato che il vertice a Berlino riproporrà i contenuti delle precedenti iniziative con solo delle modifiche al piano di pace, è evidente come il gruppo di Paesi del vertice stia esercitando pressioni su tutte le fazioni del conflitto yemenita già da ora, nel tentativo di forzare le parti ad accogliere con favore il prossimo progetto, dato che potrebbe rappresentare l’ultima occasione per un qualsiasi processo di pace in Yemen.

Per tutta risposta, nell’incontro con Helga Schmid, sottosegretaria generale per gli Affari Esteri dell’UE, Hadi ha confermato il suo rifiuto categorico a un qualsiasi esito del vertice, a meno che non si basi sull’iniziativa dei paesi del Golfo, sulla risoluzione 2216 del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU e sugli esiti del Dialogo Nazionale. Inoltre, ha affermato che la stabilità dello Yemen rappresenta la chiave per la stabilità e per la sicurezza del traffico marittimo internazionale dell’intera regione – di Khaled al-Hammadi, corrispondente yemenita del quotidiano panarabo al-Quds al-Arabi e direttore della “Freedom Foundation” per i diritti e la libertà di stampa in Yemen.

Remark: Italian media translation of an Arabic article, re: talks being held in #Berlin pushing for a peaceful solution to the #Yemeni conflict.
No new proposals have been submitted and Hadi has been stoically rigid on non-acceptance of Kerry's plans
The talks are held in Berlin with the participation of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States and Oman.
(note: apart from Oman, all other countries are in some form part of the Coalition. This is how peace talks are enforced these days)

14.3.2017 – Reuters (A P)

U.N. Yemen envoy says warring parties refuse to talk as violence escalates

Yemen's warring parties are refusing to discuss U.N.-brokered peace efforts, the United Nations' envoy for the country said on Tuesday, amid an escalation in violence that he said was having a "dramatic" impact on the civilian population.

"We know today that a solution is close because we know it. We know that a solution in Yemen will be based on a military and political aspect so it's a bit of a shame that the parties don't want to sit down at the table to discuss that," U.N. envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed told reporters after talks in Paris with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.

"One of the subjects that concerns us the fact that we're seeing an increase in military operations with the consequences which that is having on the civilian population," Ahmed said – by John Irish

Comments by Haykal Bafana: The UN envoy still fails to grasp the stark reality : A dozen states, and multiple (not just 2) Yemeni factions, jointly wage war in Yemen.

To suggest that a UN-brokered deal, if even agreed, between 2 Yemeni factions would bring peace to Yemen is not just naive. It's delusional.

To bring peace to Yemen, we need diplomacy firmly grounded on evident facts i.e. this is an international conflict, not simply a civil war.

In that light, the various iterations so far proposed by the UN envoy to Yemen are, to put it bluntly, a complete and deadly waste of time.

Prime example : In the UN envoy's currently faulty conception that Yemen is a civil war of 2 parties, who did this?

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

15.3.2017 – Iranian Frontpage (A P)

Iranian Speaker Blasts Saudi Invasion of Yemen as Genocide

Iranian Parliament speaker has slammed the Saudi invasion of Yemen as an all-out war against a nation, adding a genocide is taking place in the country.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says “Saudi invasion of Yemen is an all-out war against a nation. We are faced with a genocide in the country.”

According to a report by IFP, Larijani made the remarks in a press conference on March 13, answering a question about Saudi Arabia’s crimes in Yemen.

He added Iran is following up on the issue of Yemen, as it is a very important topic.

“Iran is very sensitive about this issue and is upbeat that Saudi Arabia would eventually change its behaviour towards Sana’a after its two-year imposed war against the country. The continuation of this war is not in the interest of Saudi Arabia, as an important regional country. We are hopeful about a change of policy by Saudi Arabia in this regard.”

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

16.3.2017 – Ali AlAhmed (A P)

#Saudi Monarchist says their national guard forces will attack #Qatif to cleans it referring to

Remark: Qatif in Eastern Saudi Arabia, with a great Shia minority.

15.3.2017 – SCMP (* B P)


As Riyadh and Beijing nurture grandiose plans for military bases, New Delhi fears the archipelago could become a breeding ground for the terrorist group

Saudi King Salman’s stop in the Maldives on his month-long tour of Asia brings into focus how this tiny archipelago – best known for high-end tourism and an existential battle against climate change – has emerged as a key player in a regional struggle for influence.

Both Riyadh and Beijing are currying favour with the strategically located 820km-long chain of Indian Ocean atolls, in efforts analysts believe are aimed at gaining concessions for military bases.

The possible building of Chinese and/or Saudi military bases here would also complement the independent development of both nations’ military outposts in Djibouti, an East African nation on a key energy export route at the mouth of the Red Sea – BY JAMES M. DORSEY

15.3.2017 – RT (* B E H P)

Kein königliches Verhalten: Saudi-Arabien plant Abschiebung von fünf Millionen Migranten

Das Golf-Königreich plant massive Abschiebungen. Die Arbeitsmigration nach Saudi-Arabien hat im Laufe der vergangenen Jahre drastisch zugenommen. Saudische Politiker sehen darin ein massives Risikopotenzial mit Blick auf Kriminalität und Terrorismus.

Im Königreich Saudi-Arabien werden radikale Maßnahmen im Kampf gegen illegale Einwanderung diskutiert. Bedeutende Teile der Gesellschaft sehen die illegalen Einwanderer als Gefahr für die nationale Sicherheit an. Die Führung des Landes zielt nun darauf ab, die Sicherheit des Landes durch eine Reihe geplanter Schritte zu erhöhen. Dazu soll auch das Militär seinen Beitrag leisten, dessen Budget die Regierung in den nächsten Jahren deutlich erhöhen will.

In der Beratenden Versammlung des Golfkönigreichs Saudi-Arabien kam es jüngst zu einer Diskussion über mögliche Maßnahmen zur Lösung der Probleme rund um die illegale Migration. Während einer Sitzung des aus 150 Mitgliedern bestehenden Beratungsorgans des Königs trat der Abgeordnete Sadka Fadel mit einer radikalen Initiative auf den Plan.

Er schlug vor, eine Kommission im Innenministerium zu gründen, die sich in erster Linie mit der Abschiebung von fünf Millionen Ausländern beschäftigen soll, die illegal in das Land gelangt sind. Bei einer Einwohnerzahl von etwa 30 Millionen Menschen sind das mehr als 15 Prozent der Bevölkerung.

Das Golf-Königreich plant massive Abschiebungen. Die Arbeitsmigration nach Saudi-Arabien hat im Laufe der vergangenen Jahre drastisch zugenommen. Saudische Politiker sehen darin ein massives Risikopotenzial mit Blick auf Kriminalität und Terrorismus.

Im Königreich Saudi-Arabien werden radikale Maßnahmen im Kampf gegen illegale Einwanderung diskutiert. Bedeutende Teile der Gesellschaft sehen die illegalen Einwanderer als Gefahr für die nationale Sicherheit an. Die Führung des Landes zielt nun darauf ab, die Sicherheit des Landes durch eine Reihe geplanter Schritte zu erhöhen. Dazu soll auch das Militär seinen Beitrag leisten, dessen Budget die Regierung in den nächsten Jahren deutlich erhöhen will.

In der Beratenden Versammlung des Golfkönigreichs Saudi-Arabien kam es jüngst zu einer Diskussion über mögliche Maßnahmen zur Lösung der Probleme rund um die illegale Migration. Während einer Sitzung des aus 150 Mitgliedern bestehenden Beratungsorgans des Königs trat der Abgeordnete Sadka Fadel mit einer radikalen Initiative auf den Plan.

Er schlug vor, eine Kommission im Innenministerium zu gründen, die sich in erster Linie mit der Abschiebung von fünf Millionen Ausländern beschäftigen soll, die illegal in das Land gelangt sind. Bei einer Einwohnerzahl von etwa 30 Millionen Menschen sind das mehr als 15 Prozent der Bevölkerung.

In der Gesellschaft des Golfstaates ist das Vorurteil verbreitet, dass illegale Migranten dazu beitragen, die sozial-wirtschaftliche Situation in Saudi-Arabien zu untergraben, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Sputnik International. Ein Top-Manager eines internationalen Großunternehmens der Tiefbaubranche, der viele Jahre in verschiedenen Städten in Saudi-Arabien arbeitete und anonym bleiben möchte, erzählte in einem RT-Interview, dass die Abschiebung von Migranten dem saudischen Bestreben nach Verschärfung der Sicherheitsverschärfungen entspricht:

17.3.2017 – Katholisches Info (A P)

Saudi-Arabiens internationale Imagepflege: Erste Frauentagung der Geschichte – ohne Frauen

Das Ereignis wurde als Pionierleistung angepriesen und von professionellen Agenturen im staatlichen Auftrag weltweit über die sozialen Netzwerke hinausposaunt. In Saudi-Arabien tagte vergangene Woche erstmals in der Geschichte ein „Girls Council“ – allerdings ohne Mädchen und ohne Frauen. Das kleine Detail wurde freilich unterschlagen.

In der Hauptstadt des Wahabismus, der radikalsten und finanzkräftigsten Variante des Islams, bleiben Frauen unsichtbar, was die Abhaltung einer Tagung über Frauen und „neue Möglichkeiten der Mädchen- und Frauenarbeit“ ziemlich schwierig macht.

Wohl aus diesem Grund tagte der „Mädchenrat“ in der Provinz al-Qasim. Das Ereignis war offenbar so aufregend und wegweisend, daß ganz darauf vergessen wurde, die eigentlichen Hauptfiguren einzuladen: die Frauen.

Dreizehn Referenten, ausnahmslos Männer, sprachen auf der Tagung über die Chancen und Möglichkeiten von Frauen und Mädchen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Und sie taten das vor einem Publikum, das ebenfalls nur aus Männern bestand.

Laut Einladung hatte Prinzessin Abir bint Salman nicht nur die Schirmherrschaft über die Tagung übernommen, sondern wird als „Vorsitzende“ des „Mädchenrates genannt. Theoretisch bestand also Aussicht, mindestens einer Frau zu begegnen. Doch Fehlanzeige. Auch die Prinzessin-Vorsitzende war auf der Veranstaltung nicht zu sehen. Dafür aber ihr Mann, Prinz Faisal bin Mishal bin Saud.

Bemerkung: Die BBC vermutet, dass die Frauen in einem Nebenraum waren, mit Video zugeschaltet. Viel besser ist das aber auch nicht.

15.3.2017 – BBC (A P)

Saudi Arabia launches girls' council - without any girls

It was an encouraging initiative for a country not known for giving women a platform in public life.

But when Saudi Arabia wanted to show off its inaugural girls' council in al-Qassim province, they overlooked one thing: the women.

Pictures released to mark the first Qassim Girls Council meeting showed 13 men on stage, and not a single female.

The women were apparently in another room, linked via video.

The male-dominated photos have been circulating widely on social media, after the meeting took place on Saturday.

The Saudi launch was led by Prince Faisal bin Mishal bin Saud, the province's governor, who said he was proud of the conference and it was the first of its kind in the kingdom.

In Saudi Arabia, a state policy of gender segregation between unrelated men and women is rigorously enforced.

remark: More image, short report already at YPR 280.

14.3.2017 – Bloomberg (A E)

Saudi Arabia's Totally Not Bluffing

We've already reached that stage in Saudi Arabia's poker game with the oil market where it drops the stony face and simply declares, "I'm not bluffing."

As Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday, OPEC's Monthly Oil Market Report showed an odd discrepancy in Saudi Arabia's production numbers for February. OPEC publishes two sets of such supply figures, official ones provided by members and estimates derived from secondary sources (a sure sign of rock-solid trust, that). While secondary sources had Saudi Arabian output falling by 68,000 barrels a day last month, the country claims it actually boosted it by 263,000 barrels a day – by Liam Denning

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp2

a) Budget cuts, more spending for military

b) Yemen war, Iran

c) Loosening rules for intervention and droning

d) USA and Saudis

e) Travel ban

f) Saudi propaganda

g) Yakla and second attempted raid

a) Budget cuts, more spending for military

16.3.2017 – Democracy Now (* A H P)

U.S. prepares to cut humanitarian aid as 20 million people face famine

The world is facing the most serious humanitarian catastrophe since the end of the Second World War. Twenty million people are at risk of starving to death in Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and South Sudan. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is responding by slamming the door on refugees and cutting aid funding while proposing a massive expansion of the U.S. military.

While the United Nations scrambles to raise the $5.6 billion needed to avert the worst impacts of these crises, the Trump administration is slashing funding to the U.S. State Department, and, according to a draft executive order obtained by The New York Times, to the United Nations as well. The order as drafted (but not yet officially signed or released) calls for "at least a 40 per cent overall decrease" of U.S. voluntary contributions to UN programs like the World Food Program, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and UNICEF. "This is, frankly, a juvenile attitude unbecoming of the world's only superpower," wrote former George W. Bush State Department official Stewart M. Patrick, now at the Council on Foreign Relations.

While the attitude may be juvenile, its impact on actual juveniles is deadly. Seven million people in Yemen are in danger of starvation, and 2.2 million of those are children. Close to half a million of those children are "severely and acutely malnourished," which means they have already suffered potentially lifelong, developmental damage due to starvation.

Famine in these four countries is avoidable. President Trump should fully fund food shipments -- not arms shipments -- and spearhead much-needed diplomacy to avoid the immense catastrophe of 20 million horrific deaths by starvation.

This is what would make America great – by Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan =

14.3.2017 – Vice News (* A H P)


20 million people on brink of famine as Trump prepares major cuts to U.N. aid

But the mounting crises come at a time when traditional leaders in humanitarian aid look to scale back on their foreign aid spending. President Donald Trump aims to cut more than 50 percent of U.S. funding to the United Nations, Foreign Policy magazine reported Monday evening. U.N. expert Richard Gowan told the magazine that such a move would instantly stir “chaos.”

The drastic cuts would be in keeping with previous proposals reportedly floating within the Trump administration. Trump is said to be looking to cut State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) budgets by 37 percent, Politico reported last week. And the U.S. isn’t the only country planning to cut back on humanitarian aid efforts: The United Kingdom is set to cut its foreign aid budget as well before 2020.

These significant cutbacks at a time of extraordinary humanitarian crisis would only be made worse by increased military actions abroad, warns Human Rights Watch.

“A budget that slashes State Department and USAID funding, while further expanding the Pentagon, shows Trump is intent on undermining U.S. government agencies that address pressing human rights issues, most of which are not dealt with by military force,” said Sarah Margon, Washington director of Human Rights Watch.

The four countries facing encroaching famine all share one thing in common: extreme conflict – By Habibah Abass

13.3.2017 – Foreign Policy (* A H P)

White House Seeks to Cut Billions in Funding for United Nations

U.S. retreat from U.N. could mark a “breakdown of the international humanitarian system as we know it.”

State Department staffers have been instructed to seek cuts in excess of 50 percent in U.S. funding for U.N. programs, signaling an unprecedented retreat by President Donald Trump’s administration from international operations that keep the peace, provide vaccines for children, monitor rogue nuclear weapons programs, and promote peace talks from Syria to Yemen, according to three sources.

The cuts would fall heaviest on U.N. programs, like peacekeeping, UNICEF, and the U.N. Development Programme, that are funded out of the budget of the State Department’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs. It remains to be seen whether other U.N. agencies popular with Congress, like the World Food Programme and U.N. refugee operations — which are funded out of separate accounts in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the State Department, respectively — will get hit as hard. But one source tracking the budget proposal said the Trump administration is considering cuts of up to 36 percent on humanitarian aid programsBY COLUM LYNCH

14.3.2017 – The American Conservative (* A H P)

Trump’s Foolish Budget Priorities

There are multiple major humanitarian crises around the world, the worst of which is happening in Yemen, but Trump’s budget proposal would leave the U.N. with far fewer resources to use in addressing them:

Congress may end up rejecting these cuts, but together with Trump’s proposed increase in the military budget it shows what the administration’s priorities are. The president is making clear that he has little use for diplomacy or development as instruments of foreign policy and is concerned solely with building up the military. It confirms that he wants to throw tens of billions at a military establishment that doesn’t need more funding (and could manage with less) while slashing funds for humanitarian aid programs that desperately need more than they get now. Given the U.S. role in contributing to at least some of the world’s humanitarian crises, that is extremely hard to justify.

Slashing support for aid programs seems especially foolish at a time when the people affected by crises in several countries require far more assistance than they are currently receiving. Yemen is suffering from the worst crisis, but it is hardly the only country threatened by famine.

Cutting funding for U.N. aid programs under these circumstances will practically guarantee that all of these crises will get much worse when they don’t have to. That would be the wrong thing to do in any event, but it is even worse when the money is just going to be frittered away on an already bloated military – by Daniel Larison

b) Yemen war, Iran

16.3.2017 – Daily Caller (* A K P)

By Continuing Obama’s War In Yemen, Donald Trump Is Putting America At Risk

It isn’t just possible that our misadventure in Yemen will make al-Qaeda stronger. It’s already happened.

According to a report from the International Crisis Group released earlier this year, whereas before the civil war al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) was a “sideshow for most Yemenis,” today it is “stronger than it has ever been.”

To crush AQAP, considered one of the most lethal terrorist operations in the world, and determined to attack the American homeland, President Trump will have to cool Yemen’s concurrent civil war, which is aiding the terrorists at the same time we’re fighting them. The illogic of Obama’s involving us in both conflicts is staggering. The Houthis, who the Saudis and by extension the United States are fighting, are Shias who have long clashed with the Wahhabis, devotees to an extreme strain of Sunni Islam that originated in Saudi Arabia and heavily influenced the development of al-Qaeda.

Put in English, the Houthis hate al-Qaeda just as much as we do. Meanwhile, our nominal ally Saudi Arabia has been relatively hands-off when it comes to the terrorists, focusing almost exclusively on Houthi targets. Bomb the Houthis, support the Saudis, and you get a recipe for rapid al-Qaeda expansion, which is precisely and predictably what’s happened.

It’s a policy only a masochist could get behind.

Donald Trump swept into power pledging to end America’s self-defeating wars of choice in the Middle East and focus singularly on the terrorist threat there. Yet his record on Yemen has been exactly the opposite.

I doubt Donald Trump swept into the Oval Office hell-bent on making Yemen suffer; more likely is his advisors counseled him poorly and ahead he went – by Matt Purple

16.3.2017 – The American Conservative (* A K P)

The War on Yemen and Trump’s Iran Obsession

Matt Purple comments on Trump’s backing for the Saudi-led war on Yemen and the benefits that Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula reaps from it

I’m sure Trump has been badly advised in this matter, but the larger problem is that he has accepted a dangerously false view of the conflict that makes him think that he is hurting Iran by helping the Saudi-led coalition to wreck Yemen. As I feared, Trump and his advisers wrongly see the war on Yemen as an effort to combat Iranian influence. This is the lie that the Saudis have been telling for two years, and it is the propaganda line that so many in Washington are only too eager to endorse. Despite the fact that the Houthis are not actually Iran’s proxy and receive only minimal support from Tehran, Trump seems to buy into this falsehood wholeheartedly. That betrays both his ignorance about the conflict and his willingness to blame Iran for anything in the region that they don’t like. The obsession with Iran is leading the U.S. to continue its support for an atrocious and unnecessary war that now endangers the lives of millions of people. That is not just a fluke or the result of happening to heed some bad advice, but the product of bipartisan acceptance of dishonest Saudi framing of the conflict and a dangerous fixation on Iran and its supposed “expansionism.” Lousy analysis from the last few years years that Iran has been “on the march” in the region has helped pave the way for opportunistic and cynical client states to take advantage of our exceedingly gullible political leaders, and that has led to our government’s disgraceful support for the wrecking and starving of Yemen – by Daniel Larison

15.3.2017 – US News (* A K P)
Don't Fight Saudi Arabia's War

It would be a mistake to get more involved in the Yemeni conflict that poses no risk to national security.

The civil war in Yemen has created one of the world's greatest humanitarian disasters.

Most important, the U.S. has no vital national security interests at risk in this conflict.

Why, then, is the United States reportedly preparing to assist the Saudis to an even greater extent than when the conflict began?

Foreign Policy magazine reported just last month that the Trump administration is searching for ways to escalate America's part in the civil war "[t]o counter Iran's proxies in Yemen." It continues, "the administration is considering ramping up drone strikes, deploying more military advisors and carrying out more commando raids."

This would be a mistake with potentially huge ramifications.

The Obama administration, perhaps viewing U.S. logistical and diplomatic support to Riyadh's adventure in Yemen as an effective way to lessen Saudi criticism over the Iranian nuclear agreement, believed it would be in Washington's interest to extend help with refueling so Saudi planes could stay in the air longer. Billions of dollars in tanks, munitions and spare parts were sold to the Kingdom as a profitable way to demonstrate to the Saudis the United States supported their efforts.

These decisions, however, have been and remain strategically bankrupt. It was always a dubious proposition that Washington should stick its thumb on the scale of this conflict in the first place. But as the Yemeni conflict enters its third year this month, the proof is in the pudding – Washington's offer of military aid to the Saudi-led coalition hasn't made the successful completion of the war any closer. In fact, it has only lengthened the hostilities and generated an intense anger among vast segments of the Yemeni population – By Daniel DePetris

14.3.2017 – Buzzfeed (* B K P)

Iran Is The Reason Why The Trump White House Cares So Much About Yemen

The renewed focus on Iran’s role in Yemen’s ongoing civil war leaves the door open to losing ground against al-Qaeda.

The real reason for this new interest, experts say, is because of how the country figures into the White House’s plans to counter Iran’s influence.

But in doing so, they may be opening space for another foe to regain momentum: al-Qaeda.

Since the days of the presidential campaign, Donald Trump has taken a hardline stance against Tehran

Though he hasn’t torn it up as he’d indicated he would, he has surrounded himself with hawks — like Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo — who think rolling back Tehran is a top priority.

A part of that effort currently looks like it will be focused on Yemen

It appears that the US believes that ramping up its support even further for the Saudis is necessary.

“We’ll be looking for ways to blunt Iranian malign influence in the region. And we’ll be looking for all the tools that the US government has,” a senior US official told the Post. “In that context, I think you have to look at Yemen.”

Reversing the political fallout in Arab capitals after the nuclear deal also plays a role in Yemen’s boosted importance. After the deal was signed, the US’s traditional Arab allies became convinced that the US was attempting to pivot towards Iran as part of a new long-term strategy.

The Trump administration has been seeking to counter that view — even if the actual actions to do so have been few and far between.

But, as with most things involving Yemen, things are a bit more complicated that they would seem on the surface.

But, Gartenstein-Ross warned: “If you weaken the Houthis, you strengthen AQAP and vice versa.”

AQAP and the Houthis “feed off each other. And violence begets violence,” Thomas Joscelyn, senior editor of Long Wars Journal, said. “Without a strong government that can fight these actors, you have different insurgencies jockeying to take over what’s left,” he said.

No one in the administration has answered how the US can weaken AQAP while not strengthening the Houthis, particularly in the areas of southwest Yemen currently under AQAP control.

Part of the issue lies in the fact that the US is currently viewing the conflict from a Saudi point of view, Pletka said, including Riyadh’s view that the battle is part of its broader struggle with Iran in a Sunni-Shia battle for dominance in the Middle East.

A US defense official told BuzzFeed News that the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia will still attack the Houthis as part of their ongoing strike campaign on behalf of the government. With the US attacking AQAP that may allow the UAE and Saudi Arabia to more aggressively attack the Houthis. But US defense officials concede that approach is precarious, given that the Gulf states have in several instances struck the wrong target.

The US struggle over how to tackle two foes in Yemen already has presented challenges within the Trump administration.

“If we go in there looking at it as an Iran only problem, the only thing that’s going to happen is this is going to come back and bite us in a year or two,” Pletka said – by Nancy A. Youssef and Hayes Brown

c) Loosening rules for intervention and droning

16.3.2017 – New York Times (* A K P)

Preventing a Free-for-All With Drone Strikes

For nearly a decade, drone strikes have been central to America’s counterterrorism policy.

But this seductive tool of modern warfare has a dark side. Seemingly bloodless and distant, drone strikes can tempt presidents and military commanders to inflict grave damage without sufficient forethought, violating sovereign rights and killing innocent civilians. Civilian deaths during Mr. Obama’s tenure undermined American counterterrorism operations and became a recruiting tool for more extremists.

Now comes disturbing news: President Trump and his administration are moving to dilute or circumvent the Obama rules. This could have disastrous outcomes, not least because Mr. Trump seems even more enticed by drone warfare than Mr. Obama was. In the days since his inauguration, the tempo of airstrikes has increased significantly.

Military commanders often chafe at civilian oversight. But there is no evidence that the Obama rules have slowed counterterrorism efforts, and there are good reasons to keep them in place, including the fact that the legal basis for such strikes lacks credibility because Congress never updated the 2001 authorization for war in Afghanistan to take account of America’s expanded military action against terrorists in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

Mr. Trump should heed the advice of national security experts who have urged the retention of strict standards for using force in non-battlefield areas and warned how even a small number of civilian deaths or injuries can “cause significant strategic setbacks” to American interests.

And as most experts agree, killing terrorists does not by itself solve the threat from extremists. For that, Mr. Trump will need a comprehensive policy that also deals with improved governance in the countries where terrorists thrive and with ways to counter their violent messages on social media – by Editorial Board

15.3.2017 – ACLU (* A K P)

Trump is Considering Expanding Killing Powers Abroad. The Consequences for Civilians Will be Disastrous.

When the Obama administration put in place guidelines meant to restrain lethal drone and other killings abroad, we were concerned that they set too low a bar, and that even that low bar could easily be overturned.

Now, our worst fears are coming to a head. According to a recent New York Times report, the Trump administration is considering weakening or withdrawing those rules, which, while flawed, are intended to limit civilian deaths and injuries. Without them, the U.S. will further unmoor itself from domestic and international law that safeguards against extrajudicial killing, and many more innocent people will die. The Trump administration has also reportedly lifted limits on the CIA carrying out drone strikes, meaning that the CIA could return to its role as a paramilitary organization killing people largely in secret.

Now, according to news reports, President Trump has granted a military request that three areas of Yemeni provinces be, at least temporarily, declared “areas of active hostilities.” This could explain why a January raid in Yemen killed up to 23 civilians — including, according to a detailed Intercept report, 10 children under the age of 13 and six women. That designation would have effectively given the military the green light to proceed without the “near certainty” that civilians wouldn’t be harmed — even in areas where the United States isn’t actually engaged in hostilities. The Times report suggests that the Trump administration is considering applying the same “area of active hostilities” designation to Somalia, which would endanger civilians there as well If the Trump administration’s patterns expand, the limits of war as we know it could virtually dissolve. At stake is no less than the global legal framework that protects life and preserves international peace and security — and the lives of many more people who could now die – By Hina Shamsi, Director, ACLU National Security Project

15.3.2017 – The Independent (* A K P)

Donald Trump gives Pentagon permission to carry out more raids in Yemen after botched operation

Similar permission is being sought by military leaders to carry out operations in Libya and Somalia

Donald Trump has reportedly given the Pentagon permission to carry out more raids in Yemen – despite a botched mission in January that resulted in the deaths of 20 civilians and a US Navy Seal.

The White House told military leaders they can carry out missions in the Gulf state without specific presidential approval.

Negotiations about extending similar permissions to raids in Libya and Somalia are also taking place, CNN reported.

Instead of needing Mr Trump to sign off on specific missions, officials told the broadcaster that military leaders will be given the freedom to carry out operations providing they are in line with a broader strategy agreed by the President.

US Navy Captain Jeff Davis said the White House had acted to "open up a window of opportunity based upon a set geographical area and a set period in time".

The move comes amid what US officials see as a growing threat from terrorist groups in Yemen, Libya and Somalia.

Military leaders have long tried to get the White House to categorise missions in the three countries as “active hostility” – a move that would allow them to carry out raids and airstrikes more quickly and with fewer restrictions.

Before he left office Barack Obama had already agreed to allow operations in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the city of Sirte in Libya.

But while Mr Trump has agreed to extend the remit to Yemen, he not made a decision on Somalia or the rest of Libya – by Ben Kentish

13.3.2017 – New York Times (* A K P)

Trump Administration Is Said to Be Working to Loosen Counterterrorism Rules

The Trump administration is exploring how to dismantle or bypass Obama-era constraints intended to prevent civilian deaths from drone attacks, commando raids and other counterterrorism missions outside conventional war zones like Afghanistan and Iraq, according to officials familiar with internal deliberations.

Already, President Trump has granted a Pentagon request to declare parts of three provinces of Yemen to be an “area of active hostilities” where looser battlefield rules apply. That opened the door to a Special Operations raid in late January in which several civilians were killed, as well as to the largest-ever series of American airstrikes targeting Yemen-based Qaeda militants, starting nearly two weeks ago, the officials said.

Mr. Trump is also expected to sign off soon on a similar Pentagon proposal to designate parts of Somalia to be another such battlefield-style zone for 180 days, removing constraints on airstrikes and raids targeting people suspected of being militants with the Qaeda-linked group the Shabab, they said.

Inside the White House, the temporary suspension of the limits for parts of Yemen and Somalia is seen as a test run while the government considers whether to more broadly rescind or relax the Obama-era rules, said the officials, who described the internal deliberations on the condition of anonymity.

The move to open the throttle on using military force — and accept a greater risk of civilian casualties — in troubled parts of the Muslim world comes as the Trump administration is also trying to significantly increase military spending and cut foreign aid and State Department budgets.

Against that backdrop, officials said, both the Central Command, which oversees military activity in Yemen, and Africa Command, which oversees it in Somalia, had already been developing proposals by mid-2016 to ask for parts of Yemen and Somalia to be declared active-hostilities zones, officials said. They submitted those to the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s “J5” directorate, which handles strategic plans and policy.

As a result, the Pentagon was in a position to swiftly bring the ideas forward to Mr. Trump, whose inauguration raised expectations that the White House would be more permissive. The officials said that Mr. Mattis signed one-page memos to Mr. Trump asking for each authority, backed by about five pages of supporting material, within days of Mr. Trump’s becoming president in January.

Several officials said Mr. Trump signed off on making parts of Yemen an active-hostilities zone at the same dinner with Mr. Mattis five days after his inauguration where he approved the ill-fated raid on a Qaeda compound in Yemen – by =

d) USA and Saudis

15.3.2017 – Just Security (* A K P)

U.S. Arms Sale to Saudis Spells Legal Trouble for State Department Officials

In December, the Obama administration suspended a large weapon sale to Saudi Arabia due to concerns about widespread civilian casualties from Saudi airstrikes in Yemen. The Trump administration is now looking to reverse that decision. If the White House approves the sale and overcomes expected congressional opposition, it could leave bureaucrats in the State Department holding the bag—under pressure to approve sales that put them personally at legal risk. Policymakers may believe there are overriding U.S. interests favoring US support for Saudi Arabia in its proxy war with Iran in Yemen, but that kind of policy calculation does not resolve the legal risks involved.

Under international criminal law, and perhaps U.S. federal law, individual officials may be personally liable for “aiding and abetting,” or helping to commit, serious breaches of the laws of war. The Department of Defense’s Law of War Manual may not serve policymakers well in this important respect. The DoD Law of War Manual states that aiding and abetting a war crime requires that an accomplice has “a desire to help the activity succeed.” If that were the legal rule, U.S. government officials could rest easy knowing that they obviously don’t desire the Saudis to use US-manufactured weapons to target or kill civilians. That’s not, however, what the law actually says. The key source of authority that the Law of War Manual cites is an Opinion by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel—but that Opinion, authored by one of the most highly respected attorneys to ever lead the Office, clearly reached the opposite conclusion.

Walter Dellinger wrote the Opinion warning administration officials that they could be found guilty for aiding and abetting by sharing official intelligence with foreign governments who used that information to shoot down civil aircraft. That scenario now sounds hauntingly familiar.

Dellinger explained that having a desire to facilitate an offence is part of the standard elements required for an accomplice to be culpable, but not when the act of the recipient government involves a “particularly grave” or serious criminal act. When it comes to those more serious offences, the Opinion stated, knowledge that one’s assistance would support the act could alone suffice.

It is difficult to imagine that war crimes would not fit that category. Indeed, under international criminal law, including across different war crimes tribunals that have adjudicated the question, defendants can be found guilty of aiding and abetting even if they had no desire to facilitate the crime – By Ryan Goodman

16.3.2017 – Washington Post (* A P)

Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor

President Trump’s new deal with Saudi Arabia is really good — for the Saudis. After publicly bashing the kingdom for years, Trump completely reversed course Tuesday and rolled out the red carpet for the Saudi royals. He gave them a huge publicity boost and a highly sought-after U.S. commitment to improve and elevate bilateral relations. And what did Trump get in return? Not much at all.

The hastily arranged meetings between Trump and his top White House aides with a high-level delegation from Riyadh, led by Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was hailed by the Saudi side as a “historical turning point” in U.S.-Saudi relations after eight contentious years with the Obama administration. A statement from the Saudis said that the prince considers Trump “a true friend of Muslims” and that the meeting marked a “significant shift in relations” across all fields.

A White House statement, issued Wednesday, said that Trump and Salman had directed their teams to find ways “to further strengthen and elevate the United States-Saudi strategic relationship” on the political, military, security, economic, cultural and social fronts. The two sides agreed to cooperate more in the economic, commercial, investment and energy fields and start a new U.S.-Saudi program “worth potentially more than $200 billion in direct and indirect investments within the next four years,” the statement said. No details were provided.

For the Saudis, cozying up to the Trump White House is an obvious play.

“Saudis have actually expressed marked optimism about the Trump administration and its ‘America first’ approach to foreign policy,” Andrew Bowen, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, wrote in a paper this week. “Trump’s disdain for meddling in the internal affairs of foreign nations and his tough, no-nonsense approach to ISIS and Iran are music to their ears.”

Trump’s Cabinet picks also are longtime friends of the Saudi government and their Persian Gulf allies.

At a rally last April in Wisconsin, Trump laid out exactly how he would deal with Saudi Arabia if elected president.

The White House is touting Saudi Arabia’s plans to increase U.S. investment.

On the security side, the White House touted increasing collaboration on counterterrorism, military cooperation in Yemen and increasing pressure on Iran. But on the thorny issue of Saudi Arabia’s own complicity in spreading radical Islamic ideology, the Trump administration has said exactly nothing, and the Saudis have promised the same.

“Politically, this is very tough for the Trump administration. If the president is talking about his fundamental opposition to radical Islam, for many of his supporters radical Islam has a return address, and it’s Saudi Arabia,” said Jon Alterman, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “How does Steve Bannon explain this to his base?” – by Josh Rogin

15.3.2017 – Common Dreams (* A P)

Why is Donald Trump Lunching With a Saudi War Criminal While Yemenis are Starving?

While President Trump sat down for a sumptuous meal at the White House on Tuesday, March 14 with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, millions of Yemenis are going hungry thanks to Trump’s lunch guest.

Prince Salman is only 31 years old, but as the king’s favorite son, he was put in charge of the nation’s two most critical sectors: the economy and the military. A brash defense minister, the young prince made the disastrous decision to interfere in an internal conflict in neighboring Yemen.

The Saudis are threatening to make matters significantly worse by launching a major military campaign in the area of Hudaidah that will make the port totally inaccessible.

It’s not just the Saudis and Houthis who are responsible for Yemen’s destruction. As Senator Chris Murphy said, the United States also has blood on its hands.

The Trump administration has signaled a desire to step up the fight against the Houthis in Yemen as part of its plan to get tough on Iran. It cited Iran’s support for the Houthi rebels when putting Iran “on notice” in February. The Saudi leaders are enthusiastic about Trump’s hawkish position on Iran. They also appreciate his support of the oil industry (proven by naming the CEO of Exxon as Secretary of State) and his lack of interest in human rights. And they are delighted that unlike Yemen, Saudi Arabia was not included in Trump’s Muslim travel ban, despite the fact that more Saudis have killed Americans on US soil than any other foreign nationals (remember: 15 of the 19 September 11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia).

It seems that the admiration is mutual. As Trump and Prince Salman sat for a photo op after lunch, Trump smiled, pointed to the Saudi delegation, and said, “They are nice people.” No, Mr. Trump, they aren’t. They behead people for peaceful dissent at home. They export the extreme Wahhabist ideology that fuels terrorist groups. And they are committing war crimes in Yemen. The United States should not be selling them any weapons or helping in their reckless military adventure that has left so many Yemenis dead, displaced and starving – by Medea Benjamin

16.3.2017 – MbKS15 (A P)

The #Saudi Deputy Crown Prince & Minister of Defense during his meeting with the #US Secretary of Defense, today at the #Pentagon (film, photos) and

16.3.2017 – US Department of Defense (A P)

Remarks by Secretary Mattis at Top of Meeting with Saudi Arabia's Deputy Crown Prince and Minister of Defense Mohammed Bin Salman at the Pentagon

Your royal highness, excellencies, distinguished members of the kingdom's delegation. Welcome to the Pentagon.
Mindful of our legacy, our relations between our two nations go back to when your king and our president met on board a U.S. cruiser in Bitter Lake in 1945. So, this does not start with us here at the table, and certainly it will not end with us here as we continue the legacy that was established by President FDR and by King Ibn Saud.
The warmth of that relationship has held firm through good times and bad times over many, many years -- 70-odd years now. And it's been the basis for an indispensable economic and security partnership together. The kingdom's regional leadership providing stability to the region and our military-to-military relationship remains steady and consistent.
And I appreciate your vigorous leadership, Your Royal Highness, your political commitment and your willingness to broaden and deepen the kingdom's support for our common efforts. But again, welcome to you and your delegation.
DEPUTY CROWN PRINCE AND MINISTER OF DEFENSE MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for making us feel welcome today at the Pentagon.
The Saudi-U.S. relation is longstanding and it's been there for the past 80 years. And the cooperation between us was very positive to deter and counter the challenges facing both of us. And we've gone through very important historical phases.
So the challenges facing us today are not the first challenges to face our two nations. Today, we are facing a very serious danger in the region and in the world, either when it comes to the hostile activities of the Iranian regime that has supporting the extremists and terrorists in the region and around the world, or the challenges posed by the terrorist organizations.
We in Saudi Arabia are at the front line in facing these challenges. Any terrorist organization, their primary target to recruit and spread their ideology is to start with Saudi Arabia, the house of -- the holy city of Mecca. Once they put their hands on Saudi Arabia, they will get access to the entire Islamic world. That's why we are the primary target.
That's why we suffer the most. That's why we need to work and cooperate with our allies. On top of the list comes the United States, the leader of the world. Today, we are very optimistic under the leadership of President Trump and we believe these challenges will be easy to tackle under the leadership of the president.

My comment: Bizarre all together. US. “The warmth of that relationship has held firm through good times and bad times over many, many years”. Saudi: The greatest terror sponsor as fighter against terror: the arsonist as fire fighter. Look at article in the HuffPost in cp1.

16.3.2017 – MbKS15 (A P)

Secretary Mattis to the #Saudi Foreign Minister @AdelAljubeir: "Always good to see you alive. The #Iran/ians tried to murder you" (film)

My comment: Odd.

16.3.2017 – The Independent (* A P)

Saudi deputy crown prince calls Donald Trump a 'true friend of Muslims' after White House meeting

Prince Mohammad bin Salman defends US President over immigration ban

Saudi Arabia’s deputy crown prince has hailed Donald Trump as a “true friend of Muslims” and said he does not believe the President’s controversial immigration ban targets Islam.

A senior adviser to Prince Mohammad bin Salman said the meeting marked a “historical turning point” in US-Saudi relations, which worsened under Barack Obama’s administration because of the nuclear agreement struck with Iran.

A statement said the prince’s visit had put “things on the right track” and marked a significant shift across politics, security and the economy

“All of this is due to President Trump’s great understanding of the importance of relations between the two countries and his clear sight of problems in the region,” it continued, according to Bloomberg.

“Saudi Arabia does not believe that [the immigration ban]is targeting Muslim countries or the religion of Islam.

“This measure is a sovereign decision aimed at preventing terrorists from entering the United States of America.

“President Trump expressed his deep respect for the religion of Islam, considering it one of the divine religions that came with great human principles kidnapped by radical groups.”

“Prince Mohammed bin Salman has stressed how bad and very dangerous the nuclear deal is on the region,” his spokesperson said, claiming weapon development would continue.

“The President and the Deputy Crown Prince share the same views on the gravity of the Iranian expansionist moves in the region.

“Iran is trying to gain its legitimacy in the Islamic world by supporting terrorist organisations.”

My comment: LOL. That’s absurd theater we are presented here. But it will be deadly for many – in Yemen and elsewhere. Remember, during his campaign Trump had labeled Saudi Arabia as terror sponsor. And he was right.

15.3.2017 – Reuters (A P)

Saudi deputy crown prince, Trump meeting a 'turning point': Saudi adviser

Saudi Arabia hailed a "historical turning point" in U.S.-Saudi relations after a meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman highlighted the two leaders' shared view that Iran posed a regional security threat.

The meeting on Tuesday appeared to signal a meeting of the minds on many issues between Trump and Prince Mohammed, in a marked difference from Riyadh's often fraught relationship with the Obama administration, especially in the wake of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

"This meeting is considered a historical turning point in relations between both countries and which had passed through a period of divergence of views on many issues," a senior adviser to Prince Mohammed said in a statement.

"But the meeting today restored issues to their right path and form a big change in relations between both countries in political, military, security and economic issues," the adviser said.

Riyadh and other Gulf allies see in Trump a strong president who will shore up Washington’s role as their main strategic partner and help contain Riyadh's adversary Iran in a region central to U.S. security and energy interests, regional analysts said.

The deputy crown prince viewed the nuclear deal as "very dangerous", the senior adviser said, adding that both leaders had identical views on "the danger of Iran's regional expansionist activities". The White House has said the deal was not in the best interest of the United States.

My comment: This statement is nice Saudi propaganda. But might be it will hit the spot. That depends on how stupid president Trump will be. The full interview with Faisal here:

14.3.2017 – Huffington Post (* A P)

President Trump: Beware Of Saudi Snake Oil That Fuels Terror

Dear President Trump,

This week you are scheduled to meet with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

As a 9/11 widow who has fought for more than 15 years for truth, justice, accountability, and transparency with regard to the murder of my husband, Ron, I have a considerable interest in your upcoming meeting with the Deputy Crown Prince.

First, foremost, and for good reason, I fear that the Deputy Crown Prince will not be forthright with you about his Kingdom’s role in the 9/11 attacks and global terrorism.

Indeed, many in the Kingdom refuse to tell the truth about their continued, long-standing, and well-documented clandestine, logistical and financial support of radical Islamist terrorist groups that target and kill innocent Americans.

For example, last summer when the infamous 2002 Joint Inquiry of Congress’ 28 pages were finally released, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir claimed that the Saudis were exonerated and that the matter surrounding the Saudi role in the 9/11 attacks was “now finished.”

In reality, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its role in facilitating the 9/11 attacks is far from over. And, in truth, the 28 pages prove to be quite illuminating, devastating and damning towards that end:

Unsurprisingly, the Saudis continue to wage war against the 9/11 families and JASTA by paying millions to their 14 powerful, insider Washington DC lobbying firms, like the Podesta Group, to repeal JASTA and rob us of our day in court.

In addition, some of the Saudi’s key legislative supporters who threaten to repeal JASTA are Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain. Sadly, McCain and Graham choose to protect the Saudis rather than American victims of terrorism.

Quite horrifically, one of the Saudi lobbyists — Qorvis — was recently caught trying to dupe, manipulate, and pit U.S. veterans against the 9/11 families.

Which brings me to my last point—the Saudi Aramco IPO on Wall Street. The notion that the Saudis — whom the 9/11 families are currently trying to hold accountable in a court of law for their role in the murder of our loved ones ― want to return to the scene of their own alleged crime to make billions of dollars is immoral and simply untenable.

As my fellow 9/11 widows and I have repeatedly said — not over our husbands’ dead bodies – by Kristen Breitweiser

14.3.2017 – AFP (* A P)

Trump meets top Saudi prince as Yemen war rages

US President Donald Trump hosted Saudi Arabia´s powerful Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the White House Tuesday, for talks expected to focus on the economy and rolling back Iranian influence.

Trump welcomed the young prince to the Oval Office, as both countries expect to improve ties that were frequently strained under Barack Obama´s administration.

Saudi Arabia is likely to welcome Trump´s harder line on its arch-rival Iran and there is likely to be less friction over Riyadh´s war against Iranian-backed Huthi rebels in Yemen.

Second in line to the throne, Prince Mohammed is the son of King Salman and holds the post of defense minister, although much of his focus is on economic issues.

He is the chief proponent of Vision 2030, a wide-ranging social and economic reform plan begun last year to diversify the oil dependent economy.

He has also played a key role in the Yemen campaign.

Trump has expressed hope that Saudi Arabia and other Gulf allies can be helpful across a range of issues, from creating safe zones in Syria to solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Aaron David Miller and Richard Sokolsky warned in a Washington Post opinion editorial that "the president is likely to find that his vision of US interests, let alone strategy, doesn´t mesh with that of the Arabs on whom he´s relying." and photos: and

Comment by Rania Khalek: Here is how you know that all his bluster about combatting so-called "Islamic extremism" is a joke.

14.2.2017 – CNN (* A P)

Oil, arms, tech: Trump and Saudi prince have a lot to discuss

Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will have lunch at the White House in the highest level meeting yet between Saudi Arabia and the new U.S. president.

Prince Mohammed is spearheading the kingdom's attempts to wean itself off oil as part of an economic strategy called Vision 2030 announced last year. He's also defense minister and son of King Salman.

For decades, the Saudis have traded their oil for American guarantees of security. But the "oil for security" motto that has characterized the relationship has been upset by the huge increase in U.S. energy production.

"With the obvious shift in global energy markets... the motto has now been rendered outdated," said Salman Al-Ansari, president of the Saudi American Public Relation Affairs Committee.

"The new motto is now more along the lines of 'trade and security for trade and security'."

Here's what they're likely to chew on over lunch.

Oil, oil, oil

$50 billion tech investment

Security and defense

Before his inauguration, Trump threatened to halt imports of oil from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries if they didn't commit ground troops to fight ISIS, or at least reimburse the U.S. for its efforts.

But the security relationship is a lot more complex.

The U.S. is part of a Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen. And Saudi is the biggest purchaser of American weapons.

The Obama administration, concerned about civilian casualties in Yemen, suspended certain arms sales to Saudi Arabia. The Trump administration has resumed those sales, and the prince may have one item in particular on his shopping list.

"Saudi Arabia is aiming to buy fighter jets, the F-35 and I think this is one of the most important things that they will discuss," said Ahmed Alibrahim, an expert in Saudi-U.S. affairs.

With such issues at hand, the prince and Trump may need every minute of the 2-3 hours they have – by Zahraa Alkhalisi

14.3.2017 – Amnesty International (* A P)

Saudi Arms Deal Would Fan Flames of Conflict

Amnesty International this week urged President Trump not to approve impending arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The deals would arm members of a military coalition that has attacked thousands of civilians in Yemen and violated international humanitarian law. Amnesty International researchers have already found both unexploded U.S. bombs and identifiable fragments of exploded U.S. bombs among the ruins of Yemeni homes and other civilian objects.

Yemen is one of the six Muslim-majority countries included in Trump’s revised travel ban executive order, which comes into effect this week.

“If approved, this deal would essentially have President Trump throwing gasoline on a house fire and locking the door on his way out,” said Margaret Huang, Amnesty International USA executive director. “The U.S. should not continue to arm governments that violate international human rights and humanitarian law and simultaneously shut its doors to those fleeing the violence it helps to escalate. Arming the Saudi Arabia and Bahrain governments risks complicity with war crimes, and doing so while simultaneously banning travel to the U.S. from Yemen would be even more unconscionable. President Trump must not approve this arms deal.”

My comment: “The U.S. is part of a Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen”: that’s not the official and not the western media position – but it’s simply the truth.

e) Travel ban

15.3.2017 – The Blaze (* A P)

Hawaii Judge slaps nationwide restraining order on Trump’s re-written travel ban

A federal judge in Hawaii has hit President Trump’s second travel ban with a restraining order Tuesday. The ban targeted six Middle East countries that former President Obama’s administration has named among countries with terror threats: Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia. Iraq had been under the former travel ban but excluded from the second.

The federal judge said the reasoning for restraining order depended on the argument that the travel ban might have violated First Amendment protections of religion. To substantiate the claim, Trump’s campaign promise of calling for a “Muslim ban” were included in the judgement handed down by the judge. The travel ban was set to take effect Thursday – by Carlos Garcia

15.3.2017 – Keith Olbermann (A P)

Film: As Hawaii judge stops Trump's 2nd Ban, from 2/28: Let's stop the bullshit and call it what it is: A MUSLIM BAN

16.3.2017 – T-Online (* A P)

Entscheidung in Hawaii: Bundesgericht stoppt auch Trumps zweites Einreiseverbot

Auch das überarbeitete Einreiseverbot für Flüchtlinge und Menschen aus sechs vorwiegend islamischen Ländern scheiterte: Bundesrichter Derrick Watson im US-Bundesstaat Hawaii stoppte das am 6. März unterzeichnete Dekret Trumps vorerst. Es hätte um Mitternacht (US-Ostküstenzeit) am Donnerstag in Kraft treten sollen.

Der Präsident reagierte bei einer Kundgebung in Nashville (Tennessee) wütend. "Dies ist nach Meinung vieler eine nie da gewesene Überregulierung der Justiz", sagte Trump mit bebender Stimme. "Das geblockte Dekret ist eine abgemilderte Version des ersten Dekrets, das von einem anderen Richter ebenso geblockt wurde und das nie hätte geblockt werden dürfen, um einmal so anzufangen", sagte der Präsident.

"Diese Entscheidung lässt uns schwach aussehen", räumte er ein. Es gehe um die Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten. Trump kündigte an, notfalls den Supreme Court, das oberste Gericht der Vereinigten Staaten, anrufen zu wollen.

15.3.2017 – DPA (A P)

Trumps Einreisestopp tritt voraussichtlich morgen in Kraft

Ungeachtet der Klagen mehrerer US-Bundesstaaten tritt voraussichtlich morgen das Einreiseverbot von US-Präsident Donald Trump für alle Flüchtlinge sowie Menschen aus sechs vorwiegend islamischen Ländern in Kraft. Das Dekret ist der zweite Versuch, die Einreise aus Ländern, die nach US-Lesart dem Terrorismus nahestehen, vorübergehend weitgehend zu verhindern. Das Verbot gilt für Flüchtlinge aus aller Welt sowie für Menschen aus Somalia, Iran, Libyen, Sudan, Syrien und dem Jemen.

3.2017 – Global Fund for Women (* A H P)

How Trump’s ‘travel ban’ impacts women’s groups and activists in the Middle East

Global Fund for Women reached out to our network of grassroots women’s groups, advisors, and human rights activists in the original seven countries targeted—Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen—to understand how the U.S. travel ban is impacting them and how women’s groups on the ground are responding. While the new ban is yet to be implemented and the original ban is technically stayed, the women Global Fund for Women spoke with remain hesitant to travel to the U.S. and have cancelled existing plans.

“We are seeing increased concern particularly amongst the elderly women who may have children living in the U.S. far from them,” explained one of Global Fund for Women’s partners in Iraq.

Further, women’s groups fear that the travel ban could weaken or damage existing relationships with U.S. women’s rights organizations or U.S.-based international NGOs.

15.3.2017 – Lobelog (* A P)

AIPAC Gave $60K to Architect of Trump’s Muslim Ban

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has been noticeably quiet about the Trump administration’s slowness to denounce the spike in anti-Semitic attacks and bomb threats, its nomination of an ambassador to Israel who described J Street as “worse than kapos,” and its ties to ethno-nationalists like White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon and senior adviser Stephen Miller. But AIPAC has done more than just tolerate the U.S. tilt toward extreme and often xenophobic views. Newly released tax filings show that the country’s biggest pro-Israel group financially contributed to the Center for Security Policy, the think-tank that played a pivotal role in engineering the Trump administration’s efforts to impose a ban on Muslim immigration.

In 2015, AIPAC launched a 501c4 advocacy group, Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran (CFNI). Expected to spend $20 million in July and August 2015, the group was “formed with the sole mission of educating the public ‘about the dangers of the proposed Iran deal,’” spokesman Patrick Dorton told The New York Times. The Times reported that the $20 million budget would go to ad buys in as many as 40 states as well as other advocacy.

Indeed, the group’s filing (viewable here) show that the AIPAC spin-off paid $18 million for “media related expenses,” $8.35 million for “phone program expenses,” and $58,200 for “survey expenses.”

Shortly after the group launched, my colleague Ali Gharib and I noticed that the group’s website featured two items promoting an exiled, ex-terrorist Iranian opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK). CFNI even used b-roll footage from a press conference held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which the State Department deemed the MEK’s “political wing” (earning it a corresponding terrorist designation until the MEK was delisted as a terrorist organization in 2012).

After we reached out for comment, AIPAC’s anti-Iran deal advocacy group scrubbed their website of the MEK related materials, seemingly acknowledging a PR misstep. But the b-roll footage remained in their television commercials and on YouTube.

AIPAC’s flirtation with extreme groups appears to have gone even further than borrowing footage from the MEK – by Eli Clifton

My comment: Look at at least some of the spin doctors who fuel US-Iranian friction – and by this, also the Yemen war.

f) Saudi propaganda

15.3.2017 – Review Journal (* A P)

Nevada assemblywoman, 3 others are registered foreign agents for Saudi Arabia

They quietly labor as registered foreign agents on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Their mission: Encourage U.S. veterans and policymakers to oppose a law Congress passed that would allow terror victims’ families to sue nations linked to terrorism.

Four Nevada-based registered foreign agents for Saudi Arabia either work for or are closely tied to Organized Karma, a Las Vegas consulting firm. Aida Blankenship, Ronni Council and Charity Stevens are registered with the U.S. Department of Justice as agents for Saudi Arabia and work as subcontractors for Qorvis MLSGroup, a public relations firm that does advocacy work for Saudi Arabia, records show.

The other registered foreign agent is Assemblywoman Shannon Bilbray-Axelrod, D-Las Vegas.

The agents linked to the kingdom work to oppose the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, or JASTA. JASTA has long been sought by some 9/11 families who declined other legal settlements so they could pursue claims against Saudi Arabia instead. Others oppose the measure on legal grounds, citing fears that other nations could enact similar laws and sue U.S. veterans, intelligence officials and diplomats who work on foreign soil.

The Saudi government has invested in a multimillion-dollar public relations and lobbying effort to advocate against the law in the U.S. with agents throughout the nation. The work includes flying veterans to Washington, D.C., to raise concerns about the issue and encouraging them to write letters to members of Congress – By BEN BOTKIN

g) Yakla and second attempted raid

16.3.2017 – The Intercept (* A P T)


NAVY SEALS attempted to conduct another raid inside Yemen earlier this month but aborted the mission at the last minute, according to a senior U.S. military official.

The aborted mission followed a botched January 29 raid in the village of al Ghayil, in al Bayda province.

According to a current U.S. special operations adviser, the January raid was an attempt to kill or capture al Rimi.

After SEAL Team 6 aborted the March mission, the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, which oversees the SEAL unit, chose to target suspected AQAP personnel and facilities with drone strikes, according to the U.S. military official, who requested anonymity to discuss classified information. It could not be learned why SEAL Team 6 aborted the mission. A Pentagon spokesperson declined to comment on the aborted raid.

On March 2, Yemeni media reported that U.S. forces were on the ground as the U.S. conducted airstrikes in the southern portion of the country.

Photos of boot prints — of the same type of boots often worn by members of SEAL Team 6 — circulated online purporting to be evidence that U.S. forces had returned to Yemen.

The strikes and presence of SEAL Team 6 on the ground marks a significant increase in U.S. counterterrorism operations in Yemen.

SEAL Team 6 long maintained a clandestine presence in Yemen, working with CIA and the Yemeni government to track al Qaeda, until Washington withdrew all military and diplomatic personnel in 2015.

After the removal of U.S. personnel, special operations commanders, including from SEAL Team 6, bristled at what they viewed as overly strict limitations by the Obama White House for action against AQAP inside Yemen – by Matthew Cole

Comment by Haykal Bafana: No, US Seals did not abort. They did land in Yemen with their dogs, faced heavy fire from AQAP terrorists, and they withdrew. Leaked again?

These US Seals even left litter in Yemen on their failed 2 March mission.

I think the question journalists should ask is : "Why were AL Qaeda terrorists waiting well-prepared in Yemen, again, for the US Seal team?"

Assuming there's no closet jihadi undercover-AQAP in the SEAL team doing Yemen, the AQ leak should be easy to trace : Saudi Arabia or UAE?

Does the United States of America not have, like, 3 million spies in CIA & other 3-letter US intel agencies to check this kind of thing?

17.3.2017 – Mail Online (* A P T)

US officials say Yemen raid that resulted in the death of a Navy SEAL faced unexpected resistance but deny the enemy KNEW they were coming

Earlier reports suggested that al Qaeda fighters knew US forces were coming

But military sources denied that the mission was compromised

Sources said the US troops were surprised at the enemy's combat readiness

What we know is we have no indication of any prior knowledge or compromise in advance.'

Nonetheless, the source did tell the Times that the US forces did not expect the level of preparedness that they encountered from the enemy.

'At a certain point, this becomes more kinetic than we expected. But that doesn't mean there was a compromise.'

'Perhaps the folks in the compound were more trained, prepared for a fight, not this fight, but a fight. Maybe they were more ready to fight, and they had established firing positions perhaps more than we would have expected.'

'[While the mission was] not compromised, [the enemy was] at a state of preparedness to enter into a fight that was probably unanticipated. When you talk about lessons learned, that is one of them.'

15.3.2017 – Pulitzer Center (A)

Iona Craig's Reporting on U.S. Yemen Raid Picked up by Major Outlets

Pulitzer Center grantee Iona Craig's reporting for The Intercept on the U.S. raid in Yemen against Al-Qaeda militants was picked up by major media outlets like Poynter, Vanity Fair, CNN, The Huffington Post, and The Independent.

In her reporting, Craig traces the impact of the U.S. government's raid on the residents of Al Ghayil, the town where the U.S. combat action approved by President Donald Trump took place. She interviewed Yemeni villagers and current and former military officials, concluding that the raid was not "highly successful" as President Doanld Trump had previously stated.

James Warren, Chief Media Writer for Poynter, wrote in an opinion piece for Poynter and Vanity Fair, that the collaboration between the Pulitzer Center and The Intercept was "revealing" and "would appear to demolish Trump claims."

In a video interview with CNN, Craig said that the raid was "a clear sign of bad judgement." She added: "[They continued] the raids when they knew they were compromised, they knew that people inside the village knew they were coming, possibly Al-Qaeda knew they were coming, but still they decided to carry on." – BY IFATH SAYED

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

13.3.2017 – Government of the United Kingdom (* A P)

"More than 20 million men, women and children risk starving to death in the next six months."

Statement by Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations, at the Security Council briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen, South Sudan, and Somalia.

I would like to begin by thanking Stephen for his briefing. As well as for his initiative and stamina in confronting the toughest humanitarian challenges that the world present. And through him, may I pay tribute to all humanitarian workers responding to these humanitarian challenges, which are of a scale so unprecedented, so unacceptable that it’s almost unimaginable.

More than 20 million men, women and children risk starving to death in the next six months. That’s nearly the entire population of Australia. Absolutely astounding in 2017.

Let me focus briefly on South Sudan, Somalia and then Yemen.

And in Yemen, the situation is equally grave. Civilians are paying the highest price for the continuing conflict. So we urge all sides to facilitate safe access by the UN and by NGOs to deliver vital life saving assistance.

That means all parties must uphold their obligations under International Humanitarian Law, and do everything feasible to prevent civilian casualties and to prevent damage to civilian infrastructure. Because the continued flow of commercial supplies into Yemen will be critical if we are to prevent famine. Eighty five percent of Yemen’s food needs in the last year were met through commercial imports.

All parties need to ensure the continued facilitation of commercial and humanitarian imports and their onward distribution - and we must continue to support UNVIM to carry out their crucial work. In tandem, we need to find ways to stabilise the banking sector and solve the liquidity crisis so that importers have the means and the funds to pay for foods and basic goods.

Again, we need step up our own efforts. Last year’s UN Appeal was only 60% funded. This year it’s only 6% funded. We need to give generously so that the Resident Coordinator has the resources he needs to tackle the crisis.

For our part, the United Kingdom has increased our humanitarian aid to Yemen to $125 million. And in both 2015 and 2016, we helped more than a million Yemenis with food, medical supplies and clean water.

Ultimately, however, it will remain difficult to address Yemen’s humanitarian needs whilst the conflict is ongoing. We call upon all parties to engage meaningfully with the UN Special Envoy’s proposals for peace, and to make progress towards a ceasefire and an enduring political settlement. The United Kingdom will continue to play a leading role in supporting his efforts to achieve this.

My comment: A document of Western hypocrisy and double-thinking which could fit into future history books. Britain (together with the US) is in the pool position of being responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Foreign secretary Boris Johnson is the same: Boris Johnson: Moving fast to tackle famine threat:

And also as far as Africa is concerned, there is the dirty hand of British (and of course other Westerners as well) exploitation in the whole mess: And the British are not told the background, but are asked to donate for Africa:

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

17.3.2017 – RT (A P)

Programmbeschwerde gegen ARD: Erneut Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen verschwiegen
Die von den USA und Großbritannien dirigierte Allianz arabischer Diktaturen, voran Saudi-Arabiens, hat im Jemen am 10. März ein weiteres Kriegsverbrechen begangen. Zahlreiche Quellen berichteten darüber, u.a.:

Informationen und Bildmaterial sind in den kritischen alternativen Medien im Internet zu finden. ARD-aktuell, transatlantisch genormt und den Berliner Regierungsinteressen an guten Beziehungen zu den „Partnern“ in Nahost innig verbunden, brachte über dies abermalige Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen kein Wort.

Erneut wurde in der Stadt Hudaydah, der viertgrößten Stadt des Landes, ein Marktplatz bombardiert, diesmal mit mindestens 22 Toten und ungezählten Verletzten. Eindeutig handelte es sich nicht um ein militärisches Ziel.

Als Erklärung für dieses Versagen bieten sich an: Komplette journalistische Inkompetenz, Auftragserfüllung als Konsequenz des Staatsfunk-Bewusstseins. Ein Versehen ist nicht anzunehmen, die Meldungen über Hudaydah kamen in großer Aufmachung z.B. bei RT. Sie wurden demnach von ARD-aktuell absichtlich ignoriert.

Für die Bundesregierung ist der Waffenkäufer und Öllieferant Saudi-Arabien ebenso wie die meisten der am Jemen-Krieg beteiligten Despotien bekanntlich ein „stabiler und wichtiger Partner“. Davon mag jeder halten, was er will. Moral spielt in der Politik keine Rolle. Aber in den Nachrichten des Ersten Deutschen Fernsehens muss ein Kriegsverbrechen wie das hier genannte eine Rolle spielen, und zwar eine herausragende.

Andernfalls liegt eine Verletzung des Programmauftrags, der Programmgrundsätze und der Programmrichtlinien vor. Wir fordern Sie auf, genau dies festzustellen.
Volker Bräutigam, Friedhelm Klinkhammer

15.3.2017 – News4 Teachers (B H)

Vom Bauernsohn im Jemen zum Weltenerklärer im Web: Hashem Al-Ghaili bringt einem Millionenpublikum Wissenschaft nahe

7,6 Millionen Menschen haben «Gefällt mir» geklickt: Hashem Al-Ghaili vermittelt Wissenschaft nicht im Hörsaal, sondern auf Facebook und YouTube. Derzeit studiert der junge Mann in Bremen. Sein Grundsatz: Alles geht, nur «postfaktisch» nicht.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

16.3.2017 – MbKS15 (A K P)

Units from #Egypt/ian Special Forces, Rapid Deployment Forces & EAF F-16 Block 40s have arrived to #UAE to participate in «Zayed 2» exercise (film)

16.3.2017 – Arab News (A P)

Brazil reaffirms support to Hadi-led govt in Yemen

Brazil, the largest economy in Latin America and currently negotiating key bilateral agreements with the Kingdom, has reaffirmed its support for the legitimate government of Yemen led by President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.
“The Brazilian government has very closely followed the development of events in Yemen since the start of the conflict,” Brazil’s Ambassador Flavio Marega told Arab News.

Spelling out the details of the growing relations, he said that “Brazil and Saudi Arabia established diplomatic relations in 1968, and since then we have had a long-standing stable and excellent relationship.”

My comment: Well, selling Brazilian cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, which up to now several times had been used to destroy and to kill in Yemen, is part of this “long-standing stable and excellent relationship” and Brazil’s “support to Hadi-led govt in Yemen”.

15.3.2017 – Sputnik News (A P)

Yemeni President Hails Russian Role in Reconciliation Process

Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi met on Wednesday with Russian Ambassador to Yemen Vladimir Dedushkin and praised during the meeting the Russian role in the intra-Yemeni reconciliation process, local media reported.

The meeting was held in the Saudi Arabia’s capital of Riyadh where Hadi spends most time after the Yemeni capital of Sana’a had been seized by the Houthi Shia rebels.

According to the Saba news agency, Hadi hailed the Russian role in pursuing the peace in Yemen based on the initiative of the Gulf States, results of the national dialogue as well as UN resolutions.

Dedushkin praised efforts made by Hadi as the country’s legitimate president.

15.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Russia reiterates support to President Hadi

Russia has reiterated its support to the Yemeni legitimate government led by President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi, praising in the meantime his efforts in getting Yemen out of its quagmire.

This came during Hadi's reception to the Russian Ambassador to Yemen Vladimir Dedushkin. During the meeting, they also discussed mutual relations between the two friendly states.

For his part, Hadi praised Russia's stances and its constitutional legislation, indicating to the role of Russia to support Yemen and its seeking to reach a reconciliation.

15.3.2017 – Greenpeace (* A K P)

Spanish made warships to kill civilians in Yemen

Spain has also played a role in this war. Just like any other conflict, this one requires arms to fuel it and a naval blockade requires ships to impose and maintain it. In the last decade, Spain has sold arms to Saudi Arabia worth almost 1,400 million Euros, mainly airplanes, munitions, mortar shells, bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles since the outbreak of the conflict. In January 2017, King Felipe VI visited Riyadh to, inter alia, advocate for a contract for the sale of five type Avante 2200 corvettes for the Saudi navy that the Spanish company Navantia would build.
This is obviously an unethical deal because it is underpinned by such heinous acts as war crimes. Yet, the key to this case is that it is illegal. The Spanish government CANNOT sell arms to Saudi Arabia because the Saudi coalition is committing atrocities in Yemen.
This is why, when authorising arms exports to Saudi Arabia, Spain is breaching its Law on foreign trade of defence materials and dual-use goods, whose enactment was driven by Greenpeace and other NGOs and which is not yet a decade old, and the Arms Trade Treaty it ratified in 2014, which prohibits the sale of arms to commit international crimes.
There are those who, with a more or less friendly discourse, justify this illegal atrocity on the grounds that “others countries sell arms to the Saudis”. If Sweden, the Netherlands or the Belgian region of Flanders no longer sell arms to the Saudis, Spain can obviously stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia and echo the 2016 demand of the European Parliament that, in the light of the humanitarian situation in Yemen, urged Member States not to allow arms exports that may provoke or prolong armed conflicts or aggravate existing tensions in the country.

The Spanish government can choose to respect international law or abet the atrocities being committed in Yemen. That also contributes to the image that Spain wants to project abroad. Eventually, it will always be held to account – by Sara del Río & Alberto Estévez

14.3.2017 – Foreign Minister of France (A P)

Humanitarian situation in Yemen "catastrophic" - Minister

Yemen – Statements by M. Jean-Marc Ayrault, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, following his meeting with Mr Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Yemen

It’s a conflict that is talked about less than others, but it mustn’t be forgotten, because the humanitarian consequences on the ground are catastrophic. There are even famine situations – we must be aware of that. There’s a humanitarian emergency, and obviously the war mentality, the military mentality, can’t resolve the problem.

In this increasingly violent military conflict between the [warring] parties, we can see there are unacceptable civilian targets: clinics, schools, markets and public places, where there are a lot of civilian casualties. The situation must clearly be stopped as quickly as possible.

That’s the appeal we’re making to the parties, and that’s why it’s important that the political solution – promoted by the United Nations and very concretely and bravely championed by Cheikh Ahmed – should be upheld with great determination.

Even though his mission is difficult, we trust in him completely to bring about a rapprochement, secure a ceasefire and begin political negotiations.

The urgent thing is also – and this is an appeal we’re making to the warring parties – to enable the humanitarian organizations to get through. At the moment they can’t, and that’s what makes the situation even more tragic.

I’d like to finish by saying that France is ready to help contribute – along with other countries, in the United Nations framework obviously – to a peaceful solution in Yemen

My comment: Another document of Western hypocrisy. France is an important supplier of military goods to Saudi Arabia and a backer of US / UK / Saudi position in the UNSC.

15.3.2017 – Khaleej Times (A T)

Emirati man jailed for joining Daesh in Yemen

15.3.2017 – Bernama (* A K P)

Parliament: Malaysia Neutral In Saudi Arabia-Yemen Crisis - Hishammuddin

Malaysia maintains a neutral stand in the crisis involving Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said the presence of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) in Saudi Arabia was only to focus on evacuating Malaysians from restive areas.
"MAF personnel are still there but only to evacuate Malaysians from areas of conflict.
"Our assets there are not capable of offensive action. The twisting of facts by the foreign media is irresponsible and unfounded," he said during Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat.
He was replying to a supplementary question from Datuk Mujahid Yusof (Amanah-Parit Buntar) on media reports which said Malaysian forces were assisting Saudi Arabia's military operation in Yemen. and also

16.3.2017 – Nation (Pakistan) (* A K P)

Saudi Arabia, Yemen and us

News about Pakistan sending troops to defend Saudi Arabia have started surfacing in the media and there is talk once again of General Raheel taking charge of the so-called Saudi counter-terrorism coalition. There has been no official confirmation and these just might be fake news like so many other rumours being floated these days as weapons of psychological warfare. Whether they are true or false, in either case, they are strands of a sinister web being woven around us.

Clearly, there is a concerted effort to push us back into the murderous lap of the US-led empire. The carrot-and-stick routine and the do-more mantra doesn’t work anymore, so we are being patted on the back for doing a good job of countering terrorism and flattered with crafty compliments that overstate our capacity. By crowning us as the leader and defender of a fictional Muslim ummah, we are being lured into the quicksand of imperial conflicts as pawns.

Consider this news report that is as real as they get. In a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Riyadh-based Yemeni government who was in Islamabad this week, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced a million dollars in humanitarian assistance for the ‘distressed people’ of the country. Does he really think that this token would help the besieged people of Yemen? Or is it meant to signal our support for the Saudi-led war of aggression against them? Is it meant to pave the way for fighting the Saudi war, something our prime minister has been itching to do from the day it started?

Even if we were to go along with the imperial narrative that blames Iran for supporting the Houthi ‘rebels’, how does it help our national interest to become party to the conflict?

The Saudi royals and their imperial masters haven’t given up though. They’d like to drag us into the Yemen conflict and divert our attention from the war at home. That’s not all. They’d like to use various ploys to drown us in their fraudulent narrative and undo our integration in the multipolar framework. Their distractions are designed to make us lose our direction and wander back into their murderous arms. It should come as no surprise that our Prime Minister is playing their game like a helpless puppet – by Jalees Hazir

15.3.2017 – APP (* A K P)

No military Brigade sent to Saudi Arabia: Khawaja Asif

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Defence Khawaja Muhammad Asif on Wednesday categorically rejected the reports about sending any military personnel to Saudi Arabia for participating in ongoing Saudi-Yemen conflict.

"None of the military personnel have been sent to Saudi Arabia in perspective of Saudi-Arabia-Yemen conflict," he stated in National Assembly in response to a point of order, raised by PTI MNA Shafqat Mahmood.

The member had mentioned to certain reports and posts on social media, stating that a Brigade of Pakistan Army was sent to Saudi Arabia.

The minister said, "it is our policy not to get involved in Saudi Arabia-Yemen conflict. If any decision had to be taken, it will flow through the Parliament."

He said as discussed in this House and approved, "it would be our endeavour that our role is not partisan rather we would play a conciliatory role." =

14.3.2017 – Gegenfrage (* A K P)

Jemenkrieg: Pakistan sendet Truppen nach Saudi-Arabien

Pakistan wird Truppen in den Süden Saudi-Arabiens schicken, um die Grenze zum Jemen vor Vergeltungsangriffen jemenitischer Kräfte zu schützen. Die Entsendung der Brigade folgt einem dreitägigen offiziellen Besuch von General Qamar Javed Bajwa, dem pakistanischen Chef des Armee-Stabes (COAS), in Saudi-Arabien, meldet die Zeitung Middle East Eye.

Betont wurde jedoch, dass pakistanische Streitkräfte nicht die Grenze zum Jemen überschreiten werden.

Der Einsatz der pakistanischen Truppen sei in Islamabad politisch sensibel, da das pakistanische Parlament vor etwa zwei Jahren einen Antrag Saudi-Arabiens nach Unterstützung beim Überfall auf den Jemen abgelehnt hat.

Mein Kommentar: Der pakistanische Verteidigungsminister hat das dementiert, s. oben.

16.3.2017 – AP ( A T)

Emirati gets 10-year sentence for joining IS branch in Yemen

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

16.3.2017 – US Department of Defense (* A K P)

Contracts. Press Operations

Release No: CR-049-17, March 15, 2017

The Boeing Co., Mesa, Arizona, was awarded a $3,276,522,609 modification (PZ0002) to foreign military sales (Saudi Arabia) contract W58RGZ-16-C-0023 for Apache attack helicopter multi-year lots 7-11, AH-64E full-rate production of remanufactured aircraft and new build aircraft, remanufacture and new build Longbow crew trainers, peculiar ground support equipment, initial spares, integrated logistics support, and engineering technical services. Work will be performed in Mesa, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of June 30, 2022. Fiscal 2010, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 other procurement (Army) funds in the amount of $3,276,522,609 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity.

and correction:

CORRECTION: The contract modification originally announced on March 15, 2017, for the Boeing Co., Mesa, Arizona, inaccurately identified the modification solely as a foreign military sales contract to Saudi Arabia. The modification was actually to an Apache multi-year contract W58RGZ-16-C-0023 (inclusive of foreign military sales – Saudi Arabia). Additionally, there was an error in the obligated funds, as the Fiscal 2010 funding was previously announced as other procurement (Army); it is actually foreign military sales. All other information in the announcement was correct.

14.3.2017 – The National UAE (* B E K P)

How Pakistan’s military offers the Gulf much more than boots on the ground

The deployment of Pakistani troops to Saudi Arabia would cap a diplomatic push by Islamabad’s army chief and prime minister, who have visited the kingdom, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE in recent months. ​

A number of economic and security interests have aligned to underscore the strategic importance of the relationship for both sides.

The GCC is the world’s largest importer of arms, but as budgets are set to remain tightened in an era of low oil prices, its members are also looking for cheaper alternatives. This imperative comes in parallel to a longer-term goal of diversifying strategic relationships away from a dependence on the United States.

"You can’t afford having these very expensive contracts with western companies and contractors, so what [the GCC] will do is go toward cheaper contractors, so that’s why they are looking towards China, towards Pakistan, towards Turkey – it’s just the natural move," said Andreas Krieg, a professor at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom’s Joint Command and Staff College.

"Over the last two years the Qataris have really turned their backs towards the West and looked toward the East, as all the Gulf countries are doing right now"

The UAE has the most advanced Arab military and defence sector, but Qatar and Saudi Arabia have further to go in terms of the capacity of their forces and their domestic defence industries – both areas where Pakistan can play an important role.

Qatar in particular is working closely with Pakistan and Turkey in this field, and the three countries are in the early stages of talks aimed at joint production of new defence systems.

Pakistanis provide training to GCC armed forces and thousands serve in Gulf uniforms in most of the GCC’s militaries, including entire battalions of Pakistanis in the Saudi military. "So there is a very intimate relationship already that goes beyond any relationship ... with western countries", Mr Krieg said. "There is a dependency on Pakistan anyway."

For Pakistan, the expansion of the export-orientated aspects of its defence industry is an important part of its economic growth

Islamabad sees the GCC as a key market for this expansion. – by Taimur Khan

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

16.3.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (* A H)

Conflict affected Yemenis homeless & desperately struggling to find safe shelter - urgent support needed

By the beginning of 2017, more than 4.5 million people required assistance with shelter, non-food items (NFIs), or CCCM support of collective centres in which they were living (based on the YHRP for 2017). Of these people, 3.9 million were in areas of acute need, and over 2 million were displaced. Extremely vulnerable IDP families in Yemen experience degradation of already sub-standard living conditions, overcrowding, lack of prospects of accommodation solutions, eviction threats. If not urgently addressed, some of the consequences for alarmingly large numbers of people are increasing health and psychosocial trauma, harassment, sexual exploitation, stigmatization and forced recruitment.

IDP Shelter and CCCM Situation

While the majority of the IDP population resides in hosted or rented arrangements, a sizable segment have had to resort to more precarious shelter options. 21%1 (413,190 IDPs) of those displaced have opted – likely as a last resort – to reside in collective centres (CC) or spontaneous settlements (SS).

Note that these are considered the most vulnerable people of those requiring assistance as they have no means to support a more adequate shelter solution. Additionally, limited to no assistance has reached them since displacement occurred. Their situation is extremely alarming and continuing to worsen if a solution is not identified and minimum services continue to not be provided.

Among this 21% figure, 4% (76,182 individuals) are living in collective centres such as disused schools, health facilities, religious buildings and other vacant public and private buildings, while 17% (337,008 individuals) are residing in SS in rural or urban settings, or in isolated or dispersed settlements.

The fact that that 84% of IDPs have been displaced for more than a year suggests a prolonged burden on hosting families and those paying rent.

Return situation

The 13th TFPM report has identified an estimated 1,048,896 individuals (174,816 households) who have returned from conflict driven displacement to their location of origin across 19 governorates.

In addition to those who have returned to their original house of habitual residence, 8% (or 86,046 returnees) of returnees are living in rented accommodation, with a further 6% (or 66,600 returnees) living with host families and 2% (or 2,769 returnees) returning to a second home.

While the majority of the returnee population are residing in their original house of habitual residence and in hosted or rented arrangements, a small population (0.7% or 8,154 returnees) have had to resort to more precarious options, i.e. seeking shelter in collective centres (CC) or spontaneous settlements (SS) within their village or neighbourhood of origin.

Major challenges in the response

Given the context there were several challenges encountered: and in full: and

15.3.2017 – UNO Flüchtlingshilfe (* A H)

Jemen: Kämpfe vertreiben über 62.000 Menschen

Andauernde Kämpfe im Westen und der Mitte Jemens haben in den letzten sechs Wochen mehr als 62.000 Menschen zur Flucht gezwungen.

Als die Kämpfe im vergangenen Monat immer näher an die Hafenstadt Mokha kamen, entschloss sich Aminas* Familie schließlich zu fliehen, um ihr Leben zu retten. “Die Gefahr kam aus der Luft und vom Land. Wir versteckten uns meist im Haus, aber wir wurden fast getötet und unser Haus wurde während der Kämpfe beschädigt, wir mussten gehen”, erzählt die 28-jährige Mutter von drei Kindern.

“Wir konnten nichts mitnehmen – kein Essen, Kleidung oder irgendetwas, weil es kaum Platz für all die Menschen gab. Wir haben alles dagelassen”, erklärt Amina. “Als wir in Hudaydah ankamen, hatten wir nichts, aber die Gemeinde war so hilfsbereit. Obwohl sie auch leiden, haben sie uns einen Platz zum Wohnen gegeben und uns geholfen”, fügt sie hinzu. Von UNHCR bekamen sie Matratzen, Decken, Schlafmatten, Eimer und ein Küchenset. Doch trotz aller Hilfe bleibt die Situation der Familie schwierig.

“Das Leben ist schwer. Wir haben nicht genug zu essen und zu trinken und wir sind krank. Viele Leute und ihre Kinder haben Infektionen und die Angst hat unsere Körper und Seelen schwach gemacht”, sagt Amina.

“Die meisten Binnenvertriebenen brauchen dringend Hilfe und sind in öffentlichen Gebäuden untergekommen, wie Schulen und Krankenstationen, andere leben in Bauruinen oder einfach unter freiem Himmel”, erläutert UNHCR-Sprecher William Spindler. und Spenden hier:

15.3.2017 – International Organization for Migration (* A H)

Over 8,400 Vulnerable Yemenis Fleeing Conflict in Al Mokha Receive Humanitarian Assistance

Escalating violence in the city of Al Mokha continues to cause mass displacement. Al Mokha is a strategic port city in Taiz Governorate, which is one of Yemen’s most brutal conflict zones and currently hosts approximately 273,780 displaced people.

Last month, displacement from Al Mokha spiked as fighting intensified. IOM activated the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Al Mokha immediately after the clashes erupted. So far, IOM has tracked a total of 34,920 displaced individuals from Al Mokha into neighboring areas.

To support those that have been displaced, IOM distributed a total of 1,200 core relief items including mattresses, blankets, sleeping matts, kitchen sets and water buckets, and 900 hygiene kits containing hand soap, washing powder, jerry cans, sanitary pads, water jugs, toothpaste and tooth brush. 8,400 displaced people in Al Ma’afir, Dhubab, Jabal Habashi, and AL Mudhaffar were reached with this distribution.

“IOM is looking at faster interventions in order to guarantee better humanitarian response to populations affected by the ongoing conflict; this is critical for hundreds of thousands of Yemenis today,” emphasized Laurent De Boeck, IOM Yemen Chief of Mission.

“We are expanding our operations through strategic partnerships with international and local organizations, and have moved towards more decentralized hubs within the country, enabling quicker decision-making and closer coordination with beneficiaries,” added de Boeck.

14.3.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


According to the latest available statistics from IOM and the Government of Djibouti, a total of 37,428 persons of mixed nationalities have arrived in Djibouti as of end of February 2017 (since 26 March 2015). Of those, 19,636 persons (53 per cent) are Yemeni nationals, 15,828 (42 per cent) are transiting migrants and 1,964 persons (5 per cent) are Djiboutian returnees

As at 28 February 2017, there are 4,201 registered refugees from Yemen currently in Djibouti. Markazi camp hosts over 1,400 refugees.,,,,YEM,,58c7fc1a4,0.html

14.3.2017 – International Organization for Migration (* A H)

IOM Aids Displaced Families Fleeing Conflict in Al Mokha, Yemen

Escalating violence in the city of Al Mokha continues to cause mass displacement. Al Mokha is a strategic port city in Taiz governorate, which is one of Yemen’s most brutal conflict zones and currently hosts approximately 273,780 internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Last month, displacement from Al Mokha spiked as fighting intensified. IOM activated its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Al Mokha immediately after the clashes erupted. So far, IOM has tracked a total of 34,920 displaced individuals from Al Mokha into neighbouring areas.

IOM has responded by distributing a total of 1,200 core relief items, including mattresses, blankets, sleeping mats, kitchen sets and water buckets, to some 8,400 displaced people in Al Ma’afir, Dhubab, Jabal Habashi, and Al Mudhaffar. It also distributed 900 hygiene kits, containing hand soap, washing powder, jerry cans, sanitary pads, water jugs, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

“IOM is looking at faster interventions to provide a better humanitarian response to populations affected by the ongoing conflict; this is critical for hundreds of thousands of Yemenis today,” said IOM Yemen Chief of Mission Laurent De Boeck.

“We are expanding our operations through strategic partnerships with international and local organizations, and have moved towards more decentralized hubs within the country, enabling quicker decision-making and closer coordination with beneficiaries,” he added.

Through 2016, and despite restricted access to Taiz, IOM successfully reached 23,376 individuals, providing them with shelter and core relief support. It also launched a series of lifesaving water and sanitation projects, which included trucking water to vital health facilities and IDP sites, rehabilitation of water networks, and the provision of new water pumps to help over 56,000 displaced people affected by the conflict in the governorate.

IOM Yemen is seeking additional financial support to expand its operations and to respond to the needs of the most affected vulnerable populations throughout the country. Please see IOM’s Yemen Appeal and further details here. =

14.3.2017 – European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (A H)

Map: Horn of Africa Displacement - ECHO Daily Map | 14/03/2017 and in full: =

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

15.3.2017 – haykal Bafana (A E)

After unexplained account closures in Germany, many bank accounts of Yemenis now shut down in Egypt, Jordan and Malaysia.

14.3.2017 – Yemen Updates (* A E)

The Yemeni rial depreciates further today reaching YER355/1USD creating further panic among already tired population.

14.3.2017 – Daily Vox (* A E H P)

Workers And Their Families Left To Starve In Yemen By Multinational Companies

The war in Yemen has not only destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of civilians; it has also created a landscape whereby multinational corporations have been allowed to behave like local thugs. Energy company Total and G4S have denied wages to hundreds of workers in Yemen, leaving entire families starving and destitute as the country continues to collapse under the weight of a horrific war.

The French energy giant Total has been active in Yemen for more than 25 years. During this period, the protection of its facilities and installations has been done by workers employed as security guards via a subcontract with the British company G4S.

G4S is the largest security firm in the world, and of notorious reputation.

After having fostered generous profits through the use of Yemeni workers for years in peacetime conditions, these two companies have used the circumstances generated by the war in 2015 to do a hit-and-run wage robbery, assuming they could get away with it thanks to the international media blackout on Yemen and to the dysfunctional and collapsing state infrastructure. At least 10 000 people have been killed since the war began in March 2015.

As a result of the war, Total and G4S halted most of their activities in Yemen in 2015, but did so with utter disregard to the country’s labour legislation.

Total and G4S left Yemen without giving any compensation, or even any notice to the 208 security guards who were working under their authority.

Lack of communication

“I did not know that the two companies had left Yemen. No notice from any competent authority or the government reached me to inform me that the company was about to leave,” said Rabbi Atiah, who worked as security agent for eleven years.

“I was surprised that Total and G4S had left Yemen without any knowledge or a notice”.

Some local workers employed by Total, such as the drivers hired via a local group called Almaz, were notified of their redundancy by text message.

The G4S guards, for their part, were not notified at all.

“At the end of December 2015, it is by watching TV that I learnt that Total had left Yemen,” says Mohsin Omar Almashdali, also a longstanding Total/G4S security worker.

Following a judicial procedure before the Labour Arbitration Commission of Sana’a, the Yemeni capital, the two companies were ordered in December 2015 to pay the workers’ wages and other rights until the termination of their contracts. The guards were ordered to continue protecting Total buildings until this materialised – but the court decision was wilfully ignored by both companies.

Local authorities, corrupt to the bone, have unsurprisingly done nothing to enforce these decisions, and workers have fought ever since to demand their rights. Some workers, under duress and out of desperation, have accepted money to stop the struggle.

However, to this day, 115 of them continue to work without pay.

They have also continued to fight for their wages, standing firm, holding several street protests in Sana’a, despite the ban on demonstrations imposed by the Houthi rebels who took over the capital at the end of 2014.

They have also resisted the mafia-like intimidation methods used to silence them, which have often included death threats and kidnappings by armed gangs directly connected to the management of these companies.

Terror used against workers

Last December, Mohammad Alzubide, Ali Al Sanhani and Abdurhaman Kieran, three security guards in their twenties, were shot dead by an armed gang as they were working on court-mandated duty protecting a Total compound involving 50 electricity generators in Sana’a.

Eyewitnesses say the shootings were carried out by armed men belonging to Total and G4S. It is an allegation that has been made before – by Cedric Gerome =

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

16.3.2017 – Terror Monitor (A T)

#AlQaeda In The Arabian Peninsula (#AQAP) Warns Hadramout Tribes Not To Join Security Forces (document in image)

15.3.2017 – AP (A T)

US offers $5 million for info on American's murder in Yemen

The State Department says it will pay up to $5 million for information about the killers of an American citizen who was slain in Yemen five years ago in an attack claimed by an al-Qaida affiliate.

The department announced Wednesday that its "Rewards for Justice" program would offer the cash to anyone with information leading to the arrest or conviction of the killers of Joel Shrum. The 29-year-old educator from Pennsylvania was shot and killed in Taiz, Yemen on March 18, 2012. Al-Qaida's Yemen branch claimed responsibility several days after the attack.

12.3.2017 – Szawel Wwojcik (A T)

Battle of Qifa, Ansar Allah positions have been marked. AQAP/IS frontlines (photos)

Remark: Al Qaeda fighting against the Houthis.

cp15 Propaganda

17.3.2017 Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Reviews Insurgency Violations in London

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Al Jaber showcased the militias’ destructive behavior and their ongoing obstruction of the national political process.

Not only did putschists inhibit peace negotiations, but have cast away all proposed settlements in each of Switzerland and Kuwait. Coup militants failed time and time again to follow through on their word, especially on promises made to United States former Secretary of State John Kerry.

Yemen’s Iran-backed insurgency did not confine its hostile activity within national borders, but has also carried international transgressions against neighboring Saudi Arabia. Houthi militias are held accountable for launching rockets against Saudi towns and villages—with one of their most provocative transgressions being the attempted attack against Islam’s most holy pilgrimage site Mecca.

Jaber aimed to clarify the true image of armed militias in Yemen and the flagrant violations they committed against Yemen’s people.

The diplomat also broke down all political, military, economic and relief efforts carried by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to restore constitutional legitimacy in Yemen.

My comment: The normal standard propaganda once again.

17.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Rights group: The militias deprived two thirds of Yemenis from food security

The Yemeni Alliance for Monitoring Human Rights Violations has affirmed that the war launched by militias of the Houthis and Saleh against Yemenis deprived two thirds of Yemenis from food security.

Executive director of the alliance Mutahar al-Budaiji said that human rights situation in Yemen has dramatically deteriorated since the coup was conducted against the legitimate government in Yemen.

My comment: This quite dubious “rights group” showing the world a great range of Houthi horrors. Well, in this way this obviously is a propaganda crusade. The most odd of this is the headline and first paragraph. That’s definitely not the Houthis but the Saudi air raids having destroyed agriculture, infrastructure, transport facilities and the Saudi blockade on imports which have caused this humanitarian disaster.


17.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A H P)

HRC warns against humanitarian disaster in Taiz

The Humanitarian Relief Coalition has warned against a humanitarian disaster in Taiz due to the siege imposed on it by Militias of the Houthis and Saleh.

In a press conference, Deputy Governor of Taiz Rashad al-Akahali said that the militias committed gross crimes in Taiz, breaching all international conventions and treaties.

My comment: Ascribing the disaster of Taiz to just one side of the conflict when several parties are fighting over the city is propaganda.

15.3.2017 – Kuwait News Agency (A H P)

Kuwaiti campaign offers shelter aid to displaced Yemenis

The "Kuwait beside you" campaign launched Wednesday a project offering shelter aid to displaced Yemenis from governorates of Al-Hudaydah and Ta'iz in Al-Buraiqah Directorate, west of Aden.

Aid was delivered to 150 people, out of a total of 1,200 targeted by the campaign, the Yemeni-Kuwaiti Relief Agency said in a statement. =

My comment: Kuwait had committed 3.000 air raids against Yemen. They really should not boast with some humanitarian aid.

15.3.2017 – Washington Times (A P)

Iran behind Yemeni rebels’ explosive boats

Iranian-backed Houthi rebels working to take power in Yemen are using a new weapon that is raising fears of seaborne attacks on both military and commercial shipping in the region.

The weapon is an Iranian-designed remotely piloted small boat filled with explosives, a defense official told Inside the Ring.

The exact number of the explosive drone boats is not known, but the rebels are believed to have enough to threaten ships that pass through the strategic sea lanes off the Yemeni coast. The Navy has intelligence photos of the deadly boats but declined a request to release them. The boats were first detected after one was used in an attack Jan. 30 on a Saudi frigate in the Red Sea.

Iran is backing Houthi rebels as part of a strategy of seeking to encircle its rival, Saudi Arabia, and ultimately to take control of the peninsula.

One strategic objective of the Iranians is to control the strategic Bab el-Mandeb or Mandeb Strait on the southern Red Sea that is a major shipping passage.

Iran already has a major influence in Iraq and in the past has threatened to shut down shipping in the Persian Gulf by targeting traffic passing through the Hormuz Strait.

My comment: The incident in which such a boat was involved is no news at all. Where the Houthis got it from, is actually unknown. Iran of course in an option. Why this story now? It seems whether just the standard anti-Iranian propaganda should have been warmed up once again. I am not astonished when looking at the author: and

15.3.2017 – Emirati News Agency (A P)

Yemeni Minister of Endowments praises role of UAE in Yemen

Dr. Ahmed Attia, Yemeni Minister of Endowments, praised the role of the UAE in supporting the Yemeni people.

In his statement to the Al Ittihad newspaper, in today’s edition, on the sidelines of his participation in the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs Conference in Cairo, he said that Emirati casualties in Yemen are proof of the UAE’s strong commitment to supporting the Yemeni people.

He said that the UAE has always supported Yemen and its people, and added that the UAE’s role in Yemen cannot be denied. He also noted that the Yemeni people appreciate the UAE’s leadership, government and people, as well as the people of the Gulf countries, for their considerable role in protecting Yemen from foreign threats.

Dr. Attia praised the role of the UAE in rebuilding Yemen, highlighting that UAE rescue aid had reached Yemen’s damaged areas that were destroyed by forces of the Houthi insurgency. He added that the UAE had allocated large funds to rebuild Yemen, and has informed the Yemeni government of its willingness to start the rebuilding process once the war, which was started by the Houthis, has ended.

He added that the Yemeni people have suffered from terrorism for more than 20 years as Yemeni youth have been deceived by extremist ideas while noting that terrorism has targeted Yemeni soldiers, journalists and scientists. He also highlighted the efforts of the Yemeni government in combatting extremist ideology on the political, scientific and military levels.

My comment: How fine. Spending bulks of money for destroying the country and (compared to this) giving some peanuts to do a little bit of rebuilding. “Yemeni youth have been deceived by extremist ideas” and “efforts of the Yemeni government in combatting extremist ideology”: There is nothing to see that this government would fight against the most extremist ideology of all, called Wahabism.

15.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Endowment Minister: Ideologies of the Houthis and ISIS are alike

Yemen Minister of Endowment Dr. Ahmed Ateyah on Tuesday stressed that the ideologies of the Houthis and ISIS are alike.

He further cited that ISIS and the Houthis' acts are similar in murder, intimidation of civilians, extremism and terrorism.

My comment: That’s rather funny. Islam certainly is the base of Houthi ideology – but quite far apart from ISIS. But, there is a great similarity between ISIS ideology and Saudi Wahabism – ISIS ideology being a direct offspring of Saudi Wahabism. – And: you might ascribe quite many evils to the Houthis, they certainly are no “terrorists”.

15.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Houthis commit 309 crimes in Ibb during February

Militias of the Houthis and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh committed 309 crimes during February 2017 in Ibb governorate

The crimes included murder, injury, abduction and enforced disappearance, storming of houses and private institutions, looting and other crimes, rights groups revealed.

In a report, the groups said that 16 cases of murder were committed and 22 persons were injured.

The report indicated that militias of the Houthis stormed into 45 houses and trading stores and that they looted 19 stores

My comment: Yes, there are crimes committed by the Houthis. Nevertheless, this article is labeled as propaganda here. Dubious is the spin to present high figures without giving any more facts. In many cases, such reports originate from rather dubious rights groups, often otherwise totally unknown and certainly little more than a propaganda invention. In this article, it’s even more dubious: it’s just “rights groups”.

15.3.2017 – Emirati News Agency (A P)

Houthi violations harming relief: paper

"The fact remains that repeated violations, atrocities and attacks on humanitarian organisations by the rebel Houthi-Saleh militias have exacerbated the humanitarian conditions of the population," said The Gulf Today in an editorial on Wednesday.

Abdul Raqeeb Fath, Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Head of the Higher Relief Committee, has stated that the rebel Houthi-Saleh militias seized and looted more than 63 aid ships in the ports of Hodeidah, Sulaif and Aden since they grabbed power in Yemen from September 2014 to March 2017.

The seized ships carried humanitarian, shelter and medical assistance for internally displaced persons who had fled bombardment by the insurgents against Yemeni governorates. In disgraceful acts, the rebel militias confiscated 223 relief, medical and humanitarian convoys and sold them in the black market. Nearly 30 aid workers were also abducted by the rebels.

The UAE, on its part, generously supports legitimacy and humanitarian operations in the country. The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, has been doing a commendable job by launching various campaigns to ease the suffering of the Yemeni people during their times of distress. The Al Sha’b Park in Al Briqa city of Aden Governorate opened its doors to citizens this week. The project to build the park was funded by the ERC.

The opening of the park is ample proof that life is back to normal in Aden. On Monday, the ERC distributed fresh batches of relief aid to families living in Tarim Directorate of the Hadramaut Governorate.

My comment: “life is back to normal in Aden” ??? LOL.

14.3.2017 – Foreign Policy (A P)

Donald Trump Needs to Own the Yemen Raid

Soldiers and civilians die in the war against terrorists. But sending a message to our allies that we’re in the fight is more important.

There is an understandable temptation to want greater investigation into the January 29 raid in Yemen.

Despite all these reasons, we should resist the temptation to take the investigation out of routine military channels.

The truth is that we don’t really know how valuable the intelligence gleaned from the raid is, or will be, in understanding how to fight al Qaeda.

We also know that America’s allies in the Persian Gulf are deeply concerned about the danger al Qaeda in Yemen poses.

Those allies are taking most of the risks of defeating al Qaeda and pushing back against Iranian subterfuge. The Obama administration had been stingy in the support it provided to our allies; Trump appears inclined to be more helpful.

The most important thing to consider is that we clearly want our Gulf allies to win the war in Yemen. The Obama administration sent confusing signals on that count, not only “leading from behind” but seeming to give allies just enough support for them not to lose but never enough for them to win. What it told allies is that we would only support them when there was little cost to our involvement — they could not count on us. Obama’s careful parsimony allowed al Qaeda to continue sinking roots in Yemen while emboldening Iran – by Kori Schake

My comment: A dull propaganda. Just look at the author:

14.3.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Saudi-led Coalition Spox wants everyone to get "facts" from his #Yemen-i cronies in Geneva (hint: see #PT), whom he praises here. No shame. referring to film: (Arabic)


14.3.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

The organization holding "human rights" seminars spreading fake reports and statistics about #Yemen war in Geneva at UN #HRC34 referring to

14.3.2017 – OAB (A P)

The web host in located in Canada but the site owner is, unsurprisingly, located in Riyadh referring to “Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations”, seems to be a Saudi propaganda mouthpiece.

and this is the site in question, English version:

and this is a Human Rights violations report of this organisation (an article on the Islah Party website):


15.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Symposium highlights violations committed against journalists in Yemen

The Yemeni Alliance for Monitoring Human Rights Violations organized Tuesday in Geneva a symposium on freedom of expression in Yemen as well as violations committed by militias of the Houthis and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen.

In a symposium chaired by Dr. Sameer Shaibani, the situation of journalism in Yemen and outbreak into private and public media companies in the capital Sana'a by militias of the Houthis and Saleh were discussed.

A number of journalists and activists presented working papers on Yemen's press and violations committed against journalists, media professionals and media outlets.

My comment: There are such violations, but this alliance is a quite doubtful source. Here, I had recorded such violations of journalists’ by the Houthis (as by the Saudis) several times.

13.3.2017 – Baghdad Post (A P)

Film: What the satanic Khamenei wants from Yemen?

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

15.3.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 14/3/2017 (full list): and (

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Roundup: Saudi kills 30 in 235 airstrikes on Yemen in 6 days


14.3.2017 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Saudi conducts 47 airstrikes, killing 4 civilians in 24 hours

US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched 47 air strikes over the past 24 hours, killing at least four Yemeni civilians, including a woman, officials told Saba on Tuesday.
The air strikes targeted citizens, their farms, public and private properties in the provinces of Sanaa, Sa'ada, Lahj, Taiz, Dhalee, Mareb and Najran.

(full list)

16.3.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi American Aggression Targets a Vegetable Truck, Kills Civilians

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression targeted on Thursday a vegetable truck on the main road in Hodeidah, resulting in the death of all those on-board.

The barbaric raid hit the truck on the main road linking Kokha and Al-Jah in Baiq Faqih district, Hodeidah, local source reported (photos) and better photos

16.3.2017 – New News (* A K PH)

Saudi airstrike leaves seven Yemeni fishermen dead

At least seven people have lost their lives when Saudi fighter jets carried out an airstrike off the coast of Yemen’s western province of Hudaydah as the Riyadh regime continues its atrocious aerial bombardment campaign against its beleaguered southern neighbor.

An unnamed military source told al-Sumaria satellite television network that the aircraft struck a fishing boat in waters off the coast of Durayhimi district, located 150 kilometers southwest of the capital Sana’a, on Thursday evening.

The source added that the air raid left eight other fishermen injured.

Hours later, Yemeni soldiers and fighters from allied Popular Committees launched a BM-21 Grad rocket at a gathering of Saudi-sponsored militiamen loyal to resigned Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi in Wadi Namlah area of Nihm district in Yemen’s western-central province of Sana’a, though no report of casualties was immediately available.

Saudi warships shelled the coast of Tuhayta district in Hudaydah province, but there were no reports on possible casualties and the extent of damage caused. and


16.3.2017 – Saudi war crimes (* A K PH)

Photos: Pictures of some of the martyrs and the wounded fishermen Directorate Althita province of Hodeidah

Saudi aggression which targeted their boat and the martyrdom of eight fishermen

My comment: Security of shipping in the Red Sea, Saudi style.

15.3.2017 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K PH)

Film: TODAY Saudi coalition bombed and destroyed the only rural hospital available in Baqim area in Saada Governorate = and some stand-by photos

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi fighter jets drop on Sa'ada

The US-Saudi warplanes launched on Thursday 15 strikes on districts of Sa'ada province, a security official told Saba.
The warplanes dropped a cluster bomb on a citizen's farm in Al-Moghram area of Baqim district and waged 15 strikes on various areas of al-Buqa district.
Moreover, al-Sahlain and al-Hajer areas of Kutaf district hit twice by the enemy fighter jets.

16.3.2017 – Al Masirah TV (A K PH)

Film: The size of the devastation caused by the aggression at market area in Kitaf area, Saada province

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi fighter jets wage 3 strikes on Nehm

The US-Saudi aggression coalition warplanes launched three strikes on Nehm district of Sana'a province, a local official told Saba on Thursday.
The warplanes hit al-Hawl area twice, causing heavy damage to citizens' farms and private properties.
Meanwhile, the aggression warplanes waged a raid on oil station in al-Mahaly area in the same district, the official added.

16.3.2017 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

Vivid video Cluster bomb strike by #Saudi #UAE on Nehim area E #Sanaa #Yemen = and photos

15.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi aggression launches raids on Nehm

The US- Saudi aggression warplanes on Wednesday launched two raids on Nehm district of Sana'a province.
A local official told Saba that the aggression warplanes targeted a gas station in a Mahali area which completely led to the destruction of it.
The raids also caused huge damage to citizens' homes and their properties.

15.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Arab Coalition warplanes bomb Houthis-Saleh forces in Taiz, Lahj – military source

The fighter jets of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition launched on Tuesday several airstrikes on the sites of the forces loyal to the Houthi group and ex-president Saleh in Lahj and Taiz provinces in southern and southwestern Yemen.

A military source told Almasdaronline that the fighter jets had launched two airstrikes on the Houthis’ sites in al Shuraijah area in northern Lahj.

Another source said that the Arab Coalition fighter jets had launched five airstrikes on the sites of the Houthis and allied forces near Khaled camp and in western Mawza district, western Taiz.

“The fighter jets also targeted the Houthis in Bait Hameem village killing and injuring a number of their militants, and were taken to Khadir district in southeastern Taiz”. According to a local source.

15.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Arab Coalition warplanes bombard Houthis-Saleh forces sites in Taiz, Hajja

The fighter jets of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition launched on Monday several air raids on the sites of the forces loyal to the Houthi group and ex-president Saleh in the provinces of Taiz, southwestern Yemen, and Hajja, northwestern Yemen.

Different sources in the two provinces told Almasdaronline that the fighter jets have launched three airstrikes on the sites of the Houthis and allied forces in al Barah area of Maqbana district in western Taiz.

The source added that the airstrikes have targeted militants’ gatherings and equipment in the area, adding that the bombardment had caused casualties among the rebels’ forces.

On the other side, the Arab Coalition fighter jet had targeted the Houthis sites in the farms of the former president and the tribal leader Mujahed Abu Shawareb in Abs district.

14.3.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Taiz: aggression warplanes waged 2 raids in northern Omari camp

14.3.2017 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K)

#Saada : 3 civilians killed & 5 injured after 3 airstrikes by #Saudi coalition on #Al_Safra

and film:

14.3.2017 – Al Masirah TV (A K PH)

Film: Three martyrs and 4 wounded, including women and children, due to a cluster of three raids Airline Saudi American aggression against Mohammed Rafiq's family inside the Bedouin tents area of the Al Safrah Directorate of Saada province

14.3.2017 – Saudi war crimes and others (A K)

Airline Saudi aggression bombing children and women by cluster bombs yesterday (March 13) evening killed four women and two children, and more than 11 injured in the city of Saada

Films: =

cp17a Kriegsereignisse: Küste / Theater of War: Coast

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army pounds mercenaries' gathering in east of Mocha

The missile force of the army and popular forces on Thursday pounded Saudi-paid mercenaries' gatherings in the east of Mocha of Taiz province.
A military official told Saba that the pounding hit its target accurately in which a number of mercenaries were killed or injured.

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Missile forces hit mercenaries in Taiz

The missile force of the army and popular forces fired Katyusha missiles on gathering of Saudi-paid mercenaries and their military vehicles in the east of Mokha district of Taiz province, a military official told Saba on Thursday.
The shelling killed many of the mercenaries and destroyed their military vehicles, the official added.

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army pounds mercenaries in Taiz

The army and popular forces hit fortifications of US-Saudi-paid mercenaries in the east of Mokha district of Taiz province, a military official told Saba on Thursday.
Meanwhile, the US-Saudi aggression warplanes dropped a light bomb in the district, the official added.

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Air Defense Units shoot down enemy Apache helicopter in Hodeida

Air defense units of the army and popular forces on Thursday shot down Apache helicopter belonging to the enemy US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition in Bait Fakih district of Hodeida province, a military official told Saba.

15.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A K PS)

Military preparations to liberate port city of al-Hudeidah

Government forces backed by the Arab Coalition have finished military preparations for the liberation of three main directions, military sources said.

The sources affirmed that the military operation will be extensive and will not take long time.

Yemen's National Army managed in the past weeks to liberate a number of coastal areas in al-Hudeidah.

15.3.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

#Taiz: aggression battles ships waged four missiles in east of Yktil area north Mokah district

15.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

The fighting between the pro-government forces and the Houthis intensifies in Mawza western Taiz – military source

A military source said on Tuesday that the fighting and artillery-missile shelling have intensified between the pro-government forces and the Houthis-Saleh forces in the outskirts of Mawza district in western Taiz province, southwestern Yemen.

The source told Almasdaronline that the pro-government have destroyed three military vehicles, and killed and injured a number of militants from the Houthis and allied forces in the battles.

Meanwhile, the air defense systems have intercepted 12 katyusha missiles fired by the Houthis militants in Khaled camp on the sites of the pro-government forces eastern al Mocha city.

14.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Tens of Saudi-paid mercenaries killed in Thubab

A number of Saudi-paid mercenaries' gatherings were killed or injured on Tuesday in parts of Thubab city of Taiz province.
A military official told Saba that the army and popular forces targeted the gatherings with missile attack.
Meanwhile, the US-Saudi paid mercenaries waged two raids on al-Naar Mount in Mocha and an air raid on al-Amri Camp in Thubab district in Taiz province.

14.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Mercenaries hit in Taiz

The army and popular forces on Tuesday fired Katyusha missiles on gatherings of US-Saudi aggression-paid mercenaries in the east of Mokha district of Taiz province, a military official told Saba.
Meanwhile, the aggression warplanes waged two strikes on northern al-Omeri camp in Dhubab district, the official added. and

16.3.2017 – The Maritime Executive (* A K)

Yemeni Coast Guard Vessel Strikes Mine Near Mokha

On Friday, a Yemeni coast guard ship struck a mine near the port of Mokha (Al Mukha), and the ensuing blast killed two servicemembers and wounded eight. The injured included the vessel's master, Yemeni officials said.

Investigations continue, but the explosion appears to confirm experts' fears that Houthi rebels could be planting naval mines in the vicinity of Yemeni Red Sea ports. In response to the latest evidence of a maritime security threat, the U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency broadcast a warning to mariners to exercise caution while transiting the area.

Mokha is not the only port affected. Last October, a Yemeni explosives ordinance disposal team removed a sunken vessel at the port of Al Mukalla that had been booby-trapped with explosives. The divers found and disposed of over half a ton of explosive material. Team leader Colonol Abu Saleh Al-Yafai said in a statement that the quantity of explosives was enough to cause damage to structures on shore if the vessel had been detonated. and also

My comment: One week ago, already had been reported. According to Janes, an “unidentified” Yemeni coast guard vessel.

cp17b Kriegsereignisse: Sonstige / Theater of War: Other

16.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Citizen martyred in Saudi paid mercenary shelling on Jawf

A citizen martyred on Thursday in his farm by artillery shelling from the US-Saudi paid mercenaries in Jawf, a security official told Saba.
Abdul Aziz al-Najar was killed in his farm in the enemy artillery shelling that targeted al-Moton district, the official added.

15.3.2017 – Anadolu (A L)

Yemen: Saudi-led raids kill 12 Houthi rebels near Sanaa

Coalition warplanes pounded mountaneous areas in Nihm district

At least 12 Houthi rebels were killed Wednesday in Saudi-led coalition airstrikes east of the capital Sanaa, according to local media.

Coalition warplanes pounded mountainous areas in Nihm district, east of Sanaa, the army-affiliated September 26 website said.

According to the news portal, 12 Houthis were killed in the area.

On Monday, government forces said they made gains in Nihm directorate.

15.3.2017 – Emirati News Agency (A K PS)

A UAE newspaper has said that the war in Yemen has reached a decisive phase with the Yemeni army approaching the Directorate of Arhab and capital, Sanaa.

According to Brig. Gen. Abdou Abdullah Bamajalli, Spokesman of the Armed Forces and Consultant at the General Staff of Yemen, battles are continuing to liberate Nahm, eastern front of Sanaa, a development preceded by liberating a series of mountains, including Dorah, Al Ayani, Al Safeh, Al Dhabeeb, Al Tibab Al Hamaraa, west of Al Garn mountain and Al Safeenah.

14.3.2017 – Emirati News Agency (A K PS)

Coalition planes pound militia bases as Yemeni Army advances to Shabwa, Sana'a

The Yemeni Armed Forces and Popular Resistance have captured many Al Houthi and Saleh militias' bases in northern and southern Nahm province in Sana'a Governorate.

Yemen's official news agency, Saba, quoted military sources as saying that the army were advancing towards Arhab province, overlooking the Sana'a International Airport, putting many surrounding villages within the range of the army's fire.

They noted that the advance coincided with the coalition's intensive air raids on several militia sites, where a number of military vehicles were reported to have been damaged.

Houthi / Saleh reports:

Pro-Saudi / Pro-Hadi reports:

Houthi / Saleh films:

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

16.3.2017 – Al Araby (* B P)

Inside Yemen, six years after the 'Friday of Dignity'

Yemen's dreadful ordeals have not ceased for the past six years.
Events in the capital on March 18, 2011, ushered in uncontrollable turbulence and a truly gloomy era.

It was the Friday of Dignity, in which at least 45 anti-regime peaceful protesters were killed in broad daylight. Hundreds more were injured.

Today, Yemen is commemorating the sixth anniversary of that massacre. Sorrowfully, countless days of carnage have followed that day, and the nation today is upside down. The Friday of Dignity was the first terrible bloodshed of Yemen's Arab Spring uprising.

The uprising hoped to fulfil the dreams of the masses. The search for that dream remains ongoing, and the setbacks have been more than the gains. The people have been fragmented and the conflict is intensifying. When the youths began calling for change, they did so near a university campus in the capital. Today, the fallout of the uprising has reached every corner nationwide.
It is easy to answer the question of when Yemen's first Arab Spring massacre was carried out. The tougher question is to ask when the final massacre will be. When will Yemen stop seeing blood shed for the sake of power and politics?

Today, after six years of both peaceful struggle and war, Yemenis have not found their path to peace or justice.
Public memory may not forget the Friday of Dignity. However, the number of tragedies since are too many to count. The country is fed up with atrocities, and there is no end in sight to this violence.
The bodies of the dead of the Friday of Dignity massacre were buried years ago. The corpses may have turned into dust deep within the ground, yet the country is still in the throes of war, penury and mayhem. – by Khalid Al-Karimi

15.3.2017 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A)

#Trump according to #Yemen-i artist Hanan Saleh Al-Hayah, 9 years

photo collected by Yemeni NGO Human Needs Development - HND

A couple of weeks ago we asked the Yemeni children to get their colours out and draw, in connection to #TRUMPOMANIA Exhibition running in New York (up to the 16th March 2017 at SALOMON ARTS TRIBECA - 83 Leonard St ) how they see Trump or what the name means to them.
Though young, Yemeni children know about Trump: the new President has been on the news 24/7 and the Children of Yemen - on their side - have been living under (also) US made bombs for the past 2 years.
And if it's not bombs, it's drone strikes. Or airstrikes, Or military ship bombings. Or a killing siege (supported by western powers).

Unfortunately the new President has not been benevolent to our children. As soon as we made the post, drawings started pouring in and it has been difficult for us to tackle the amount of grief connected to those colours and shapes.
Our children drew war. Only war.
Starting from today, we will be posting the drawings received.
Maybe you will understand why we say it is always a war on children". (photo)

15.3.2017 – AFP (A)
Yemen artists paint on walls to protest war

A group of Yemeni artists took to the streets Wednesday, painting murals on the wall of Sanaa University in a visual protest against three years of war.

The open-air exhibition and workshop attracted locals exhausted by a conflict with no end in sight.

"I came here with my family to express how fed up we are with the way we're living because of the war," said Fouad Sharfeddin.

"This event gives us a breather and hope for a return to a normal life."

The event was organised by an artists' collective let by Mourad Soubaye, in defiance of the rebels who control the capital.

"This is a day for peace, against violence, war and the current situation," said Soubaye.

It followed another rare demonstration, a three-day women's sit-in protest against the war.

The artists wrote a leaflet addressed to Sanaa residents, saying they did not take a position in the conflict.

15.3.2017 – Reuters (D)

Yemeni tennis hopeful crosses war zone to compete

Stepping onto a floodlit tennis court in Qatar last week, 13-year-old Alhassan Ishaq tried to steady his nerves.

The aspiring tennis champion from Yemen had trained for months and used his family's savings crossing a war zone to reach the Asia junior championships in Qatar.

Justifying the arduous trip, he not only made it through the qualifying stage but pressed on to reach the last eight, lifting his ranking to 126th in Asia among under-14s – By Tom Finn

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-280 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-280: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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