Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 283 - Yemen War Mosaic 283

Yemen Press Reader 283: Jemen: Ein zerstörtes Land–Iona Craig im Jemen-Zwei Jahre saudischer Jemenkrieg–Trumps Außenpolitik–Beziehungen USA und Saudis–9/11: Saudis und Terrorismus–Kämpfe in Nehm

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Yemen, a destroyed country (Film, German) – Iona Craig's report from the Yakla raid – Saudi’s Yemen war turns Two – Trump’s foreign policy – US-Saudi relations – 9/11: Saudis and terrorism – Heavy fighting at Nehm, E of Sanaa – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Flüchtlingsboot / Most important: Attack at refugee boat

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Kämpfe in Nehm / Fighting at Nehm cp17

19.3.2017 – ARD (** B H K)

Film: Jemen: Ein zerstörtes Land

Er diskutiert mit seinen Arbeitern, ob und wie es weitergehen kann. Sadiq Mohammed, stellvertretender Direktor, hat keine Antworten. Die Zementfabrik ist zerstört, die Produktion steht still. Schuld sind die Luftangriffe der von Saudi Arabien geführten Militär-Koalition. "Die Flugzeuge fliegen die ganze Zeit über die Fabrik. Wir sind ständig Ziel von Angriffen."

Als sie die Schäden des ersten Angriffs reparieren wollten, gab es einen zweiten, erzählt Sadiq Mohammed. 15 Mitarbeiter seien dabei getötet worden. "Wir wurden bombardiert, damit die Fabrik nicht mehr produzieren kann, damit man Hunger schafft! Darum geht es. Die Menschen im Jemen sollen hungern!"

Sadiq Mohammed versichert uns, die Fabrik habe niemals Zement für den Bau militärischer Einrichtungen geliefert. Wenn das stimmt, hätten die Angriffe gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen, denn danach dürfen zivile Ziele nicht angegriffen werden.

Fakt ist: Alle Arbeiter haben ihren Job und ihr Einkommen verloren. Und ohne Zement kann die im Krieg zerstörte Infrastruktur nicht wieder aufgebaut werden. Amer Hasan hat einen Luftangriff selbst erlebt, als der Krieg vor zwei Jahren begann. In einer Fabrik für Milchprodukte. "Ich habe in der Milchfabrik hinter mir gearbeitet, als sie aus der Luft angegriffen wurde. Sieben Menschen starben dabei, 13 wurden verletzt. Die Produktion steht seit dieser Zeit still." Eine Fabrik, die Milchprodukte herstellt, ist kein militärisches Ziel. Bombardierungen ein Verstoß gegen humanitäres Völkerrecht. Amer geht in das Zentralkrankenhaus von Hudaydah, er will ein Grippemittel für seine Kinder kaufen. Medikamente sind seit der See und Luftblockade durch die Militärkoalition Saudi Arabiens sehr teuer geworden. Ein paar Etagen höher im Krankenhaus. Die verzweifelte Mutter schildert, dass ihre Tochter seit gestern Fieber hat und starken Durchfall. Über zwei Millionen Kinder leiden im Jemen an Unterernährung. Knapp eine halbe Million Kinder sind stark unterernährt, das heißt sie müssen sofort medizinisch behandelt werden, sonst sterben sie.

"Medikamente sind knapp, es fehlen Ersatzteile für medizinisches Gerät. Wir arbeiten hier unter sehr schwierigen Bedingungen. Ganz ehrlich: das ist ein harter Kampf dieses Krankenhaus am Laufen zu halten, aber nur so können auch diese Kinder überleben", berichtet der Kinderarzt Abdullah Zuhairi – von Alexander Stenzel (Text) und Film hier: und und

21.3.2017 – Poynter (** A K)

How a freelance journalist told the real story of the U.S. Yemen raid

Iona Craig, who reported on the aftermath of the botched Navy SEAL raid in Yemen for The Intercept from Yeman, did so with the help of the Pulitzer Center.

The details of her recent Yemen experience should give pause to most journalists with relatively soft gigs, perhaps chained to desks, beholden to press conferences and not having much danger to face beyond a few nasty words from a politician.

I caught up with Craig earlier this month to ask how her piece — which challenged the Trump administration's narrative on the Yemen raid — came together. Below is our edited conversation.

How many journalists from reliable, mainstream organizations are based there? And how do most organizations cover the place?

There are no international journalists based there anymore. I lived in Yemen from October 2010 to January 2015. But the Houthis/Saleh (alliance) put an end to foreign journalists based in Yemen at the start of the war in March 2015.

I was the first of the foreign reporters to get into the country after the war started, and all airports were closed. I went by boat from Djibouti in May 2015 and stayed for three weeks in the besieged city of Aden. I went back again at the end of July 2015 — was there for four months — two of those were not voluntarily. (I can't talk about that as I want to be able to go back).

The BBC is probably the main exception as they use a very good London-based British-Yemeni journalist. She and I have the advantage of being women, so we can travel around the country more easily and safely as women dressed in Yemeni female garb of all-black burqa, including face veil.

I was in Aden (President Hadi/Saudi coalition territory) when the raid happened. It took five days of planning to get to al Ghayil in Bayda province. In peacetime it would've been about an eight-hour car journey. But in the civil war, the direct route would have involved crossing territories without permission from the Houthi/Saleh side — likely to end in being arrested for me and worse for any Yemenis I had with me.

I went on my own by public bus — the bus ran out of fuel en route so we had a bit of a delay — and then stayed with a friend and their family in Mukalla overnight. That Yemeni friend then drove me north at dawn the following day to a place called Bin Aifan. There, I switched cars and met up with a Yemeni friend who I'd known for several years who would be my translator, driver and companion. He then drove us west from there to Marib. We travelled as man and wife.

I was veiled, wore brown tinted contact lenses to cover my green foreigner eyes. He had his marriage papers, so we stayed in hotels as if we were man and wife. I just kept my mouth shut and never spoke English in public. That was all for security reasons.

I'd already been in contact with the senior figures in the village, but once in Marib we contacted them with the hope of going to al Ghayil the following day. I got permission from the two most senior tribal Sheikhs in the villages, as per Yemeni custom — Sheikh Aziz al Ameri and Sheik Abdulelah al Dhahab. Sheikh Abdulelah is now presumed dead after being targeted by at least two drone strikes since I saw him. They gave me permission over the phone but asked me to wait a day.

So we were then kicking our heels for 24 hours, and I had to keep a low profile. I didn't want the Yemeni (Hadi) government, who currently control Marib, getting wind I was there or planning to go to al Ghayil because I didn't think they'd be too pleased.

After a 24-hour wait, we headed to Yakla at 5.30 a.m. with two local activists — one who drove us in his SUV (I knew it would be a rough road in) and a female activist. In Yemeni culture where men and women are segregated, it was very good to have a Yemeni woman as well as men with me so I could interview the women and the men.

Finally, say a few words about the role of freelancers these days in international coverage

As budgets have been slashed in the media industry, especially in my main field of print journalism, international news coverage has become heavily reliant on the work of freelancers. I worked for over four years in Yemen as a freelancer, or stringer, while living there and have done another two years going in and out. – by James Warren

My comment: Whow. Iona Craig really is impressive. Her report on Yakla is here:

21.3.2017 – The American Conservative (** B K P)

Saudi Arabia’s Brutal and Futile War in Yemen Turns Two

The Saudi-led—and U.S.-backed—war in Yemen turns two on March 26. The war, initially dubbed “Operation Decisive Storm,” and now more ironically called “Operation Restoring Hope,” has failed to achieve any of its aims.

The Saudi-led—and U.S.-backed—war in Yemen turns two on March 26. The war, initially dubbed “Operation Decisive Storm,” and now more ironically called “Operation Restoring Hope,” has failed to achieve any of its aims. Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who Saudi Arabia erroneously claims are Iranian proxies, have retained control of northwest Yemen and Yemen’s unpopular government remains in exile. In addition, the war has succeeded in impoverishing millions, empowering al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and now threatens the broader region with increased instability.

Yemen, already the Middle East’s poorest country, now faces a catastrophic famine.

Saudi Arabia’s inability to achieve its aims in Yemen despite an aerial campaign that appears to know few ethical constraints is telling on two fronts: first the war has shown Saudi Arabia’s military to be a paper tiger. Second, the war has again shown the very real limits of advanced weaponry when faced with a creative, resolute enemy who knows how to leverage complex terrain.

Despite spending billions of dollars on the latest weaponry—in 2016, Saudi Arabia had the third largest military budget in the world—it is unable to defeat a poor but determined foe.

Given the Trump Administration’s paranoia about Iran, King Muhammad bin Salman and the Saudi government likely secured further promises of support for their war in Yemen.

While the arms sales will no doubt make billions more for U.S. arms manufacturers, the additional weapons are unlikely to help Saudi Arabia win its war in Yemen.

Even with the help of mercenaries (several thousand mercenaries are deployed in Yemen) and advanced weaponry, Saudi Arabia is unlikely to achieve its aims in Yemen. Yemen has a long history of bedeviling invaders that dates back to the RomansIf the U.S. cannot win in Afghanistan with what is the best equipped and trained military in existence, how can the Saudis possibly expect to prevail in Yemen with a military that cannot even defend its southern border?

The simple answer is that they will not prevail. The war in Yemen will grind on—at least at a low level—for years to come if the U.S. continues to enable Saudi Arabia. All the while, millions of Yemenis will continue to suffer and die and groups like AQAP will flourish.

The blowback from the Saudi-led war in Yemen will spread well beyond Yemen’s borders. It already has. Retaliatory raids by the Houthis deep into the Saudi provinces of Jizan, ‘Asir, and Najran have inflamed tensions in those provinces where the Saudi government and its hardline Wahhabi version of Islam have never been popular with much of the population which includes Zaidi and Ismaili Shia. Further afield the weapons that both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have poured into Yemen—ostensibly to arm militias to fight the Houthis—are being smuggled to places like Somalia. Somalia’s own al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab has long suffered from a lack of advanced weaponry. It is all but certain that al-Shabaab along with Somalia’s pirate gangs will benefit from the influx of arms to the country.

As the Saudi-led war in Yemen turns two, one can only hope that the Trump administration will not double down on the Obama administration’s policy of largely giving the Saudis carte blanche in Yemen. Such a policy does not serve the interests of U.S. national security and it does nothing to contribute to regional stability. Rather, it will do quite the opposite – By MICHAEL HORTON

10.3.2017 – The National Interest (** A P)

Why Is Trump Abandoning the Foreign Policy that Brought Him Victory?

Candidate Donald Trump offered a sharp break from his predecessors. He was particularly critical of neoconservatives, who seemed to back war at every turn.

Indeed, he promised not to include in his administration “those who have perfect resumes but very little to brag about except responsibility for a long history of failed policies and continued losses at war.”

Yet so far the Trump administration is shaping up as a disappointment for those who hoped for a break from the liberal interventionist/neoconservative synthesis.

The first problem is staffing. In Washington people are policy. The president can speak and tweet, but he needs others to turn ideas into reality and implement his directives. It doesn’t appear that he has any foreign policy realists around him, or anyone with a restrained view of America’s international responsibilities.

Rex Tillerson, James Mattis and H. R. McMaster are all serious and talented, and none are neocons. But all seem inclined toward traditional foreign policy approaches and committed to moderating their boss’s unconventional thoughts. Most of the names mentioned for deputy secretary of state have been reliably hawkish, or some combination of hawk and centrist—Abrams, John Bolton, the rewired Jon Huntsman.

Trump appears to be most concerned with issues that have direct domestic impacts, and especially with economic nostrums about which he is most obviously wrong.

Trump’s signature policy initiative, rapprochement with Russia, appears dead in the water.

Trump policy in the Middle East seems in confused flux. During the campaign he briefly pushed an “even-handed” approach to Israel and the Palestinians, before going all in backing the hardline Likud government’s practical repudiation of a two-state solution and expanded colonization of the West Bank. Since then, however, he, like other presidents before him, has backed away—though perhaps only temporarily—from the promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Moreover, President Trump has emphasized his desire to make a peace deal, which obviously would require concessions on both sides.

The president appears to be stepping into the Syrian and Iraq quagmires despite his election promises to the contrary.

Finally, the president appears to have reversed himself on Afghanistan.

It remains early for the Trump administration, and there’s no there there in much of the State and Defense departments, as well as other agencies. The president still could move in a more pragmatic, realist direction. However, without allies in his administration that prospect seems small.

The American people, having voted against the promiscuous military intervention of Trump’s predecessors, may well end up with more of the same foreign policy – by Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and a former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan

20.3.2017 – Oil Price (** B P)

Are U.S.-Saudi Relations Turning Sour?

Time will tell, but cries of “victory in Washington” by Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman seemed hollow and perhaps even apocryphal. He needed some sign of success when he emerged from his White House meeting with U.S. Pres. Donald Trump on March 14, 2017: Saudi Arabia is running out of options and is pushing its traditional allies — some of which are not happy with it — to show solidarity, particularly over the wars in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. And at a time when the Kingdom’s economic fortunes are delicate and worsening, presaging internal political pressures.

Prince Mohammed seemed to want to sweep Pres. Trump into the Saudi camp — and to speak for all Muslims and how the Trump Administration would be good for them — but he was, in fact anxious to exorcise the President’s apparently blossoming friendship with Egyptian Pres. Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, now Prince Mohammed’s nemesis. So the Saudi-Egyptian animosity extended to Washington as it became clear that the new U.S. Administration would not automatically continue any Middle Eastern policies of the former U.S. Administration.1

The stakes are of global significance to the U.S., but if Washington had to choose, it would choose the geopolitical (Mediterranean-Suez-Red Sea) and cultural weight of Egypt.

Saudi Arabia’s recent rivalry with Egypt — or, rather, the falling out between Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohamed and Egyptian Pres. al-Sisi — has meant that the government of each state has attempted to sway the U.S. to its side, but with Washington giving away little as to its preference. It does not wish to fully alienate Saudi Arabia at this stage, or its neighbor and fellow-Wahhabist state, Qatar, but Egypt’s strategic position cannot be ignored.

Now, the Trump Administration was attempting to determine what was likely to be the most expedient U.S. strategy for the region going forward, and being coerced by Saudi Arabia (and Turkey and the UAE) into a wider conflict in Yemen and Syria/Iraq was not seen as beneficial.

But Prince Mohammed had already committed Saudi Arabia to a path from which it was difficult to retire gracefully. As a result, Riyadh was pushing its erstwhile friends deeper into a commitment to fight its wars with it, or for it. Prince Mohmamed continues to demand that Pakistan enter the conflict in Yemen, despite the fact that this was being promoted by Riyadh as a war against the Shi’a sect of Islam (and therefore against Iran), while Pakistan has a significant (20 percent plus) Shi’a minority. To enter the war in Yemen would, for Pakistan, possibly precipitate civil war at home. And yet Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who has benefitted from his long friendship with Saudi Arabia, has difficulty now in rejecting the demands of Riyadh.

Thus, not only in Washington, but in other corridors of power, Saudi Arabia’s demands for support are not being well received, and are perceived as shrill and desperate. Increasingly, Washington, in particular, sees Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar at an opposing side in the wars against DI’ISH (Islamic State) as well as in Yemen and Libya. Yemen has already reverted, essentially, to at least its former two-state identities – By Gregory Copley

20.3.2017 – NBC (** A C T)

9/11 Lawsuits Against Saudi Arabia Flow Into Federal Court Under 2016 Law

At least seven lawsuits alleging Saudi government support and funding for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have landed in federal courts in the six months since Congress opened the door to such litigation over the fierce opposition of former President Barack Obama.

A suit consolidating some of those actions was filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, representing the families and estates of about 800 of the 2,996 people killed in the attacks.

It alleges that the Saudi government helped pay for the operation through its alleged funding of al-Qaeda terrorist camps and its logistical support for the group's transport of weapons, people and money around the world.

The suit, which doesn't specify damages, alleges that the money and support were channeled through nine Saudi government-supported charities — including the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Few if any of the allegations, many of which mirror accusations in other lawsuits filed since September, appear to be new, but they add details to the assertions of 9/11 victims' families that elements of the Saudi government, one of the United States' closest allies in the Middle East, secretly backed the attacks. It alleges that Saudi authorities even applied a secret code to the passports of al-Qaeda members to facilitate their international travel and that such codes were discovered on the passports of at least three of the 9/11 terrorists.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Flüchtlingsboot / Most important: Attack at refugee boat

Frühere Berichte / Earlier reporting cp1a in YPR 282.

21.3.2017 – APA /DPA (* A K P)

UNHCR verurteilt Angriff auf Flüchtlingsboot vor Jemen mit 42 Toten

Nach dem blutigen Anschlag auf ein Flüchtlingsboot vor der Küste Jemens mit 42 Toten hat UN-Flüchtlingshochkommissar Filippo Grandi Ermittlungen gefordert. Die Drahtzieher des Anschlags müssten zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, sagte er am Montag. Grandi sprach von einem unvertretbaren Angriff „auf hilflose Menschen, die vor Gewalt und Konflikt geflohen sind“.

20.3.2017 – UNCHR (* A H K)

UNHCR condemns refugee deaths off Yemen, calls for inquiry

The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, condemns last Thursday’s incident in which 42 people, including refugees, were killed when a boat carrying around 145 passengers - among them women and children - came under fire off Yemen’s west coast, near Al Hudaydah.

“Over forty lives have been lost in this unwarranted attack on helpless civilians fleeing violence and conflict,” said United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. “Many questions remain unanswered on the circumstances of this horrific event. We call on all parties to the conflict to make proper inquiries to ensure accountability and to prevent this from happening again.”

While the circumstances surrounding Thursday’s attack are still unclear, according to international law, civilians must not be attacked and warring parties must do everything possible to protect civilians.

“Civilians are disproportionately bearing the consequences of the conflict and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen,” said Grandi. “More than ever, peace is urgently needed in Yemen. Only a peaceful political solution can put an end to the current suffering and misery.”

UNHCR staff on the ground have been giving support to families of the victims and survivors of the attack.

20.3.2017 – AFP (* A K P)

UN wants probe into refugee boat attack off Yemen

The United Nations called Monday for an inquiry into last week's attack on a boat off Yemen's coast that killed 42 people, mostly Somali refugees.

"Many questions remain unanswered on the circumstances of this horrific event," the head of the UN refugee agency, Filippo Grandi, said in a statement.

"We call on all parties to the conflict to make proper inquiries to ensure accountability and to prevent this from happening again," he added.

20.3.2017 – AP (* A K)

Film: Injured Treated in Yemen Following Boat Attack

Survivors of Friday's attack on a boat that was transporting Somali refugees off the coast of Yemen have been receiving treatment in a hospital Hodeidah. (March 20) =

20.3.2017 – Al Araby (* A K P)

UN rejects Saudi-led coalition call to supervise Yemen port

The United Nations on Monday rejected a call by the Saudi-led coalition battling rebels in Yemen for the key port of Hodeidah to be placed under its supervision.

The coalition made the appeal following an attack on a boat carrying Somali refugees off the coast of Yemen that killed 42 people, and as the country faced famine.

UN spokesman Farhan Haq said the warring sides in Yemen have a responsibility to protect civilian infrastructure and civilians.

"These are not obligations they can shift to others," Haq said.

"The humanitarian community delivers assistance in Yemen solely based on needs and not on political considerations, and will continue to do so through all available means," added Haq.

20.3.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (* A K P)

Yemen: Coalition Calls For UN Supervision over Hodeidah Port

The Coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen asked Sunday the United Nations to place the Yemeni western Hodeidah port under its direct supervision in order to facilitate the flow of humanitarian supplies to the Yemeni people and to end the use of the port for gunrunning and human trafficking.

In a statement issued Sunday, the Coalition forces denied, for the second time, being involved in an attack on a refugee boat that killed 42 Somalis out of the 140 refugees who were on board.

The refugees had departed from the western port city of Hodeidah en route to Sudan when their boat came under fire.

“We can confirm the coalition was not responsible for any attack on a refugee boat on Friday… and on that day, there was no coalition warplanes overflying the area where the attack on the boat took place,” the Coalition statement said.

AFP quoted medical sources as saying that the wounds on the Somali bodies show that the attack was conducted using light weapons.

My comment: Look at commentary to next article.

20.3.2017 – Gulf News (* A K P)

UAE denies targeting boat carrying Somali refugees

UAE forces did not target a boat carrying Somali refugees from Yemen to Sudan, according to an unnamed government source.

The forces recognised the boat was carrying a large number of civilians, the UAE state news agency WAM reported, adding that the UAE remained committed to the rules of engagement that prohibit it from engaging with any non-military target.

UAE authorities are continuing investigations into the “painful humanitarian disaster” but have not ruled out that the boat was targeted by Iran-backed Al Houthi rebels, the source said.

The UAE also welcomes an independent international investigation into the incident.

My comment: LOL. The Houthis definitely NOT did it – they do not have a single Apache helicopter. In this case, claiming that it could not “be ruld out” to blame the Houthis, is pure propaganda. On this, read again:

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

21.3.2017 – Tasnim News (* B K P)

Riyadh, Washington Taking Advantage of ‘Global Turbulence’ to Oppress Yemenis: Russian Author

A Russian geopolitical analyst and author said Riyadh and Washington are making the most of the ongoing “global turbulence” to oppress the will of the Yemeni nation and represent it as reasonable with the help of the controlled media outlets.

Leonid Savin is the head of the Administration of the International Social Movement “Eurasian Movement”. He is also the editor-in-chief of “Geopolitika” magazine as well as Furthermore, Savin, the author of several books on geopolitics, is the director of the social-political research programs in Russia’s Institute of Economics and Legislation.

Savin: The "International community" is still a kind of neo-liberal agenda led by Washington. No matters how many people are dead if these victims were results of the US and its allies’ acts. How many people were killed in Eastern Ukraine horned by a civil war after coup d'etat in 2014 backed by Washington and Victoria Nuland? Yemen is just another point located in a region that is very important for interests of the US. You need to also pay attention that part of Yemen was illegally occupied by Saudi Arabia many years ago and people of Yemen do not recognize political borders. In the ongoing global turbulence, Saudi Arabia and the US are interested in oppressing the will of the Yemeni people and they are trying to show this attitude as logical under the umbrella of controlled global media.

In general, the problem is that rules of world politics are Eurocentric and western-centric. Laws do not work if there is dissonance with western teleology. This issue also is valid for Afghanistan, Pakistan and many other places where Euro-Atlantic community keeps its own interests and supports puppet elites.

21.3.2017 – Saudi Press Agency (* B K P)

The Arab Coalition Forces to support legitimacy in Yemen, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in cooperation with the legitimate government are training thousands of elements of the new Yemeni national army through trainers who supervise intensive programs in various combating fields.

The training is carried out at Al-Anad airbase "60 kilometers north of the temporary capital of Aden" located on an area of 15 square kilometers, and other training camps were established in the Yemeni province of Marib to equip and prepare elements of the new national army with participation of officers from the coalition countries and former Yemeni officers.

Coalition forces in Yemen have deployed selected elite forces and aircraft to train and rehabilitate elements of the new National Army, as well as a squadron of Apache attack helicopters and light-attack helicopters Bell 407.

The trainers of the coalition supervise the rehabilitation and training of elements of the Popular Resistance, who have been integrated into the framework of the new national army and security forces, and thousands have been graduated so far.

An intensive training program has been recently launched to form a new Yemeni air force at the rehabilitated Al-Anad air base by training Yemeni pilots to use aircraft, aiming to equip and rehabilitate pilots as part of the reinforcement of military operations on the remaining fronts.

Yemeni pilots earlier flew in the area of operations in Taiz and Al-Baidhah to support the forces of legitimacy and resistance, carried out air strikes on several targets and destroyed weapons stores and vehicles of Houthi militias and ousted Saleh forces. =

My comment: Anti-Houthi fighter should be labeled as “Yemeni army” – the Houthis should do the same, with the same right.

20.3.2017 – Dissident Voice (* B K P)

Reality and the U.S.-Made Famine in Yemen

At this critical juncture, all member states of the UN must call for an end to the blockade and airstrikes, a silencing of all guns, and a negotiated settlement to the war in Yemen. The worst malefactors, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, must abandon cynical maneuvering against rivals like Iran, in the face of such an unspeakable human cost as Yemen is being made to pay.

U.S. people bear responsibility to demand a radical departure from U.S. policy which exacerbates the deadly tragedy faced by people living in Yemen.

Choosing a path of clear opposition to U.S. policies toward Yemen, U.S. citizens should demand elected representatives stop all drone attacks and military “special operations” within Yemen, end all U.S. weapon sales and military aid to Saudi Arabia, and provide compensation to those who suffered losses caused by U.S. attacks.

We didn’t succeed in lifting the brutal economic sanctions against Iraq, but we surely learned harsh realities about how callous and reckless U.S. policy makers could be.

We must ground ourselves in reality and in solidarity with the greater part of the world’s people. As our neighbors around the world flee in desperation across borders or within the confines of their own countries, we must continually educate ourselves about the reality of what our nation’s actions mean to the world’s poor. Building toward a time when our voices may unite and be heard, we must raise them now in crying out for the people of Yemen – by Kathy Kelly =

20.3.2017 – The Canary (* B K P)

The world’s unhappiest countries have all been screwed over by the West

Monday 20 March was the UN “International Day of Happiness”. But the World Happiness Report 2017 doesn’t make for pleasant reading. Especially as most of the nations in the bottom ten have been subject to perpetual Western intervention.

As The Canary previously reported, the world’s happiest countries are places like Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Finland. But the bottom of the list reads like a post-colonial ‘who’s who’ of failed Western interference:

Below are just four examples. Those of Yemen, South Sudan, Syria, and the Central African Republic.

As Naomi Klein wrote in her book The Shock Doctrine, corporations feeds off disasters. Where there’s chaos, there’s money to be made.

The World Happiness Report 2017 manages to highlight the never-ending chaos and suffering that comes with failed Western intervention. And the reason is generally because such interference is driven by one thing: money. So while Western nations enjoy the fruits of past colonial plunder and modern neoliberal policies, people in far-off, forgotten lands continue to suffer the consequences of those greed-driven Western exploits – by Steve Topple

20.3.2017 – MbKS15 (* A K)

More than 90,000 sorties flown by the #Saudi-led coalition air forces in #Yemen, coalition spox says (photo)

18.3.2017 – ARWA (A K P)

Film: #HRC34 | Watch #ARWA on #Saudi Co human rights violations in #YEMEN's health & ed sectors that amount to war crimes

19.3.2017 – Medium (* B K P)

Bayhan Shabwa Two Years Under Siege

Bayhan and Usylan districts in Shabwa province southern Yemen have been besieged by Houthi rebels and security forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh since march, 2015. Citizens’ ability to move freely is restricted and suffering has increased as result of the siege, daily armed confrontations, blocked roads and landmines.

Blocked and destroyed roads make it very difficult for residents to leave the district and for aid organizations to bring relief to the besieged areas. Medical facilities have also stopped functioning due to lack of supplies and frequent power cuts. Many are forced to seek medical attention in Ateq the capital of Shabwa province- making a dangerous journey that could cost the citizen his life. Because the road connecting Bayhan to Ateq is blocked, residents have to use different routes such as ‘Al-qunza Ramp’ a treacherous road via Albayda province known to local travelers as “the ramp of death” because of the large number of accidents that happen there, or have to use desert routes via Marib province. What was usually a two-hour trip to Ateq is now a ten-hour dangerous and deadly journey.

Thousands have been displaced in Bayhan and Usylan due to indiscriminate shelling on residential areas by Houthi forces and continued clashes between the Houthis and forces loyal to the legitimate president Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi.

Bayhan is the only part of Shabwa province still controlled by the Houthi rebels after the Southern Resistance forces supported by the Saudi-led Arab coalition last year expelled them from five southern provinces. Even though the Southern Resistance liberated Shabwa in a short period and have recaptured some areas in Bayhan from the Houthis, they have not been able to break the siege of Bayhan – by Summer Al-Ahmed

Remark: Also telling of strife within the anti-Houthi forces. The photo shows former Southern Yemeni flags, now used by the Hirak separatists.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

21.3.2017 – TAZ (* A H)

Der Jemen hungert

Mehr als die Hälfte der jemenitischen Bevölkerung leidet an Hunger. Dies sei gegenwärtig die größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt, so das Rote Kreuz.

Die schieren Zahlen lassen einem den Atem stocken. 17 Millionen Menschen leiden Hunger im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen, 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung. Sieben Millionen Menschen können ohne internationale Hilfslieferungen nicht überleben. Es ist die größte humanitäre Katastrophe weltweit, hieß es am Montag in einer Erklärung des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes (ICRC).

Das Hilfswerk fordert die Bürgerkriegsparteien im Jemen zu einem unmittelbaren Waffenstillstand auf. Der scheint derzeit aber in weiter Ferne. Es sei eine Krise, bei der die Welt wegblicke, schreibt das ICRC.

„Die Lage im Jemen ist so schlimm wie nie zuvor“, erklärt Reem Nada von der Welternährungshilfe in Kairo gegenüber der taz. Allein im letzten Jahr seien zu denen, die ohne internationale Hilfslieferungen nicht überleben können, drei Millionen Menschen dazugekommen. Der Bürgerkrieg habe die Lage rapide eskalieren lassen.

Auch das ICRC sieht den Bürgerkrieg, der nun schon fast zwei Jahre andauert und der durch regelmäßige Luftangriffe von Saudi-Arabien verschärft wird, als Hauptursache der humanitären Krise. Der Krieg verhindere Nahrungsmittelimporte, zerstöre den Lebensunterhalt vieler Menschen und verhindere Hilfslieferungen, heißt es in der ICRC-Erklärung.

Das Hilfswerk fordert nicht nur die jemenitischen Kriegsparteien, sondern auch Saudi-Arabien zu einem unmittelbaren Waffenstillstand auf, damit Hilfsorganisationen Zugang zu allen Teilen des Landes bekommen.

Der Krieg hat eine verheerende Kettenreaktion ausgelöst, schildert Reem Nada vom Welternährungsprogramm. „Der Jemen hängt heute fast vollständig von Nahrungsmittelimporten ab. Dazu kommt die wirtschaftliche Krise. Die Staatsangestellten haben seit sieben Monaten keinen Lohn mehr erhalten. Sie können sich Nahrungsmittel einfach nicht mehr leisten“, erklärt sie.

Zudem habe die Abwertung des jemenitischen Riyal zu enormen Preissteigerungen geführt, weil Importe dadurch noch teurer geworden seien. Auch könnten sich Bauern nicht mehr die Dinge leisten, die sie für die Produktion ihrer Güter benötigten, wie zum Beispiel Treibstoff, Dünger und Saatgut. „Damit werden heute 30 Prozent weniger in der Landwirtschaft im Jemen produziert als vor der Krise“, sagt Nada.!5394451/

21.3.2017 – Migazin (* B H K)

Ärzte ohne Grenzen: Im Jemen werden Grundrechte mit Füßen getreten

Im Jemen herrscht seit zwei Jahren Krieg, aber die Welt nimmt kaum Notiz davon. Millionen Menschen hungern, es gibt kaum Medikamente und Kliniken werden bombardiert. Der Geschäftsführer der deutschen Sektion von „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“, Florian Westphal, fordert im Gespräch dringend Schutz für Zivilisten.

Westphal: Die Situation ist zutiefst alarmierend. Kaum ein Jemenit leidet nicht unter dem Konflikt. Millionen Menschen sind innerhalb des Landes auf der Flucht. Die UN schätzen, dass bereits 17 Millionen Menschen von Hunger bedroht sind. Rund 460.000 Kinder unter fünf Jahren sind wegen extremer Mangelernährung in akuter Lebensgefahr. Krankenhäusern fehlt es am Nötigsten, sogar an Medikamenten und an Personal.

Viele Menschen leiden unter Kriegsverletzungen durch Schusswaffen, Bombardierungen, Scharfschützen oder Minen. Andere haben Erkrankungen des Verdauungstraktes und Verdacht auf Cholera. Gerade chronisch erkrankte Menschen mit Nierenerkrankungen, Herz-Kreislaufstörungen oder Diabetes sind oft von jeglicher medizinischen Versorgung abgeschnitten. Vor allem Kinder und Schwangere haben große gesundheitliche Probleme.

Viele Menschen haben außerdem psycho-soziale Probleme.

Die Not im Jemen findet nicht die Beachtung, die sie finden sollte. Das hat aus europäischer Sicht viel damit zu tun, dass keine Menschen aus dem Jemen an Europas Grenzen auftauchen, weil sie das schlichtweg nicht können. Der Konflikt ist leichter auszublenden, weil die Menschen nicht wie andere Flüchtlinge vor unserer Haustür stehen. Das ist besonders zu bedauern, weil auch Staaten, die einen ständigen Sitz im UN-Sicherheitsrat haben, eine aktive Rolle in dem Konflikt spielen.

Unserer Meinung nach geht es nicht nur um öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit: Die mächtigsten Staaten der Welt müssen sich dafür einsetzen, dass die Angriffe auf Zivilisten und Krankenhäuser sofort eingestellt werden.

21.3.2017 – World Health Organization (* A H)

Weekly update: Cholera cases in Yemen, 21 March 2017

The Ministry of Public Health and Population in Yemen has released updated figures for the ongoing outbreak of cholera. During the week of 6–12 March 2017, 88 new suspected cases of cholera and 2 deaths have been reported, mainly from Hajjah, Al Bayda and Sana’a governorates.

Since the start of the outbreak in October 2016, a cumulative total of 23 506 suspected cases of cholera, including 108 associated deaths, have been reported across the country, with a case-fatality rate of 0.46%. Of the reported cases, Vibrio Cholerae 01 has been laboratory-confirmed in 198 stool samples collected from 15 governorates. One third of all suspected acute watery diarrhoea/cholera cases were children under 5 years of age.

The number of new cholera cases per week continues to decline in most districts and governorates, thanks to successful intervention efforts by the health cluster led by WHO in partnership with Ministry of Public Health and Population.

WHO has provided emergency medical supplies to hospitals handling cholera cases and has supported the rehabilitation and maintenance of 16 diarrhoea treatment centres in Sana’a city, Aden, Abyan, Raymah, Ta’izz, Al-Hudaydah, Ibb, Hajjah, Al Bayda, Dhamar, and Sana’a governorates.

While cases are on the decline, new cases continue to occur due to poor access to health care services and limited ability of health workers to investigate new cases due to regional insecurities. =

20.3.2017 – World Food Programme (A H)

Infographic / Map: Yemen: Emergency Dashboard, March 2017 and in full: =

20.3.2017 – UNICEF Yemen (* A H)

Film: Children as victims of mines, explosives, bombs =

20.3.2017 – Your Abilities (A H)

A family with ten members used to live inside what is left of a car's structure ..
Due to the miserable situation in Yemen , workers haven't available job, so the father of this family has no money to buy food, medicines , clothes, and blankets for his kids .
Unfortunately, they have nothing.
Children sleeps inside that with no blankets or even a tent protecting them of rain and cold.
For helping this family contact directly with or calling this number 771179973 for more information (photos) =

20.3.2017 – Rescue Committee (* A H)

Yemenis suffer from largest humanitarian crisis in the world

7 million face starvation as the world looks away

60% of the population is facing critical food insecurity and require urgent humanitarian assistance

Hunger crisis is a result of conflict; civil war has obstructed food imports, devastated livelihoods and prevented the delivery of aid

The IRC has expanded its emergency humanitarian response throughout the country to address its highest level emergency, across conflict lines

The IRC calls for unimpeded humanitarian access for food imports and delivery and an increase in funding in order to save lives

Remark: Short overview.

20.3.2017 – ORF (* B H)

Audio: Jemen: Weltweit größte humanitäre Krise

17 Millionen Menschen leiden Hunger im Jemen, das sind 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung. Sieben Millionen können ohne internationale Hilfsliegerungen nicht überleben. Auf der arabischen Halbinsel ist die größte humanitäre Katastrophe weltweit im Gange, heißt es heute in einer Erklärung des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes. Gestaltung: Karin El Gawhary

19.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A H P)

ICRC briefed on Taiz's tragic situation

A team of the International Committee for Red Cross arrived in Taiz on Sunday and was briefed on the tragic situation of the city.

The team held meetings with officials of the governorate and visited some public facilities including al-Tahwarah Hospital.

Remark: This is on the pro-Saudi / pro-Hadi side at Taiz.

19.3.2017 – Living in Yemen on the edge (A H)

In #Yemen you can die at the doorstep of the post office waiting for 6 months overdue salary. Happened in #Aden (photo) and also and and

16.3.2017 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (* A H)

Infographic: Yemen: Humanitarian Snapshot - Two years into the escalation of violence (Mar 2015 - Mar 2017) and in full: and

11.3.2017 – Oxfam (* A H)

How we're scraping by through the Yemen war

Two years since the escalation of the conflict, life continues to get worse in Yemen. After a short pause last summer, daily airstrikes have intensified across the country, accompanied by intense fighting between in many areas. Malnutrition is on the rise, cholera had been spreading until only recently, and the number of people in need continues to increase.

Our daily reality remains bleak. Every morning, I face the uncertainty as I step out to go to work that I will return that evening, or if I do, that I will still find my home and family alive.

No electricity

Perhaps another way to describe the condition of daily life in Yemen is to say it is like having travelled 400 years back in time. We have now got used to living without electricity, not even hopeful that we will have it. Generators are too expensive for the majority, and few have solar energy. I only have access to electricity when I am at work in the Oxfam office.

We have managed to go without power in our homes for so long now that it is almost hard to remember how life was with electric lights, refrigerators or television. Very few people use cars because of the prohibitive fuel price. There aren't even taxis or public transport to speak of. Instead people have gone back to using that ever-dependable beast of burden, the donkey.

Healthcare disappearing

More significantly, we no longer enjoy the benefits of modern medicine: more than half of all health facilities in Yemen are closed or partially functioning and drugs are no longer readily available because they just do not get to Yemen.

People are barely scraping by

Money is still king, but many people have sold most of their assets and have nothing left to sell. Few people have jobs and government salaries haven’t been paid in months. In addition to my wife and children, I also support an extended family of about 50 people with my sole salary. In the villages, my relatives are now growing cash crops to earn a bit of cash, but they no longer have the financial resources to cope with difficult periods or family emergencies.

People with money can still get food, despite occasional shortages in the market. But even the food seems like something from the past, with very few imports and a very different diet from what we were eating before the war. Many families are living on one meal a day and others prioritise food for children to cope with its scarcity. For those without money including those who had to flee their homes because of the bombings and the fighting, many have only managed to survive due to the kindness of strangers.

Our lives have diminished

The only thing that we still have to remind us that we haven't travelled four centuries back in a time machine is the mobile phone. With these, we can still keep in touch with family and friends, and with the outside world. But these only work thanks to the few people who have generators and who provide what has become an essential community service, the charging of our mobile phones – by Mujeeb Al-Jaradi, Deputy Program Manager in Oxfam Khamer Office

28.2.2017 – World Food Programme (* A H)

Yemen Market Watch Report, Issue No. 10, February 2017


Prices of food and fuel commodities continued to escalate in February 2017, and remained to be much higher than the pre-crisis levels.

The cost of the minimum food basket further increased in February, and became 31% higher than the level estimated during the pre-crisis period.

Availability of food and fuel commodities further deteriorated in February 2017 due to low imports and reduced level of informal cross border overland imports of commodities.

According to Alert for Price Spikes (ALPS) methodology, in February 2017, wheat flour was on stress situation, alert status prevailed for vegetable oil and red beans, while the situation of sugar continued to be at crisis level. The ALPS indicator for the cost of the minimum food basket continued to be at alert status.

Macroeconomic Situation

With an estimated 17 million people at ‘emergency’ or ‘crisis’ levels of food insecurity, conflict-ridden Yemen is currently one of the worst hunger crises in the world. Twenty of the country’s 22 governorates are in ‘emergency’ or ‘crisis’ food insecurity phases and almost two-thirds of the population are now facing hunger and urgently require life and livelihood-saving assistance.
Without additional humanitarian and livelihoods support, Taiz and Hodeidah, two governorates accounting for almost a quarter of Yemen’s population, risk slipping into famine.1 The intensified conflict persisted for the past two years, coupled with restrictions and disruptions of commercial and humanitarian imports, mass population displacements, loss of livelihoods and income, scarcity and high prices of essential commodities including food and fuel, disrupted market systems, and suspension of safety net programmes and salaries for government employees have all contributed to the widespread food insecurity and malnutrition situation in Yemen.

Imports of essential commodities including food items are gravely affected by the lack of foreign currencies and continued depreciation of Yemen Riyal (YER) against US Dollar (USD) – with the average exchange rate in February 2017 reached to YER340/USD in parallel markets compared to the official rate of YER250/USD. and in full: =

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

21.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A)

The Houthis bomb five houses, kill an army officer in Otuma western Dhamar

The militants of the Houthi group and forces loyal to the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh have bombed five house and killed a former army officer in Otuma district in western Dhamar province , central Yemen. According to a local source.

The source told Almasdaronline that the militants, led by the Republican Guards Officer Mohammed Ahmed al Raimi, have stormed al Sawadeha village after clashing with the local residents.

The source added that the Houthis and allied forces have stormed several houses and abducted a large number of young men in the village under the pretext of searching for wanted persons from the popular resistance.

My comment: Almost the same had been reported some weeks ago; the photo is from this earlier incident. Thus, I ask whether the events reported here are actually new?

21.3.2017 – Tasnim News (A P)

Ansarullah Urges UAE to Leave Saudi-Led Coalition against Yemen

Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah Movement called on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to reconsider its position on Yemen and leave the Saudi-led coalition that has killed thousands of civilians in the impoverished Arab country.

In a statement on Monday, the Ansarullah Movement called on Abu Dhabi to review its military cooperation with the Saudi regime against Yemen, the online Arabic-language Ray al-Youm website reported.

It came after UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash, in a recent meeting with UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, said that the only solution to the Yemen conflict is through political means.

Separately, Hisham Sharaf, the foreign minister of Yemen's National Salvation Government, recently called on the UAE to leave the coalition and end its sanctions against the Yemeni nation, Yemen’s Saba news agency reported.

21.3.2017 – International Federation of Journalists (* A P)

Yemen: IFJ condemns arrests of two journalists

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the arrest and detention of two journalists in Yemen while working on a report covering social and humanitarian issues.

The two - reporter Ali al-Saqqaf, and photographer Abdul Hakim Abad – were arrested alongside two cooperators Alaa al-Shafi and Kamal al-Shawash in the city of Al Hudaydah.

The pair were detained for more than a week after the al-Houthi group entered the campus of Al Hudaydah University, and abducted them from the Faculty of Arts in the Department of Media on Sunday 12 March.

The journalists were working on producing a humanitarian social programme for the Al Ghad Al Mushreq channel in cooperation with Touch Magic Production Company.

The IFJ backed calls by the Yemen Journalists Syndicate, an IFJ affiliate, for an end to the harassment of media workers and a policy which treats them as enemies, and called for action to ensure an environment in which media freedom and the rights of journalists are respected.

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A)

Weapons-loaded car seized in Sana'a

Security forces seized weapons-loaded car in al-Azrakain road north of the capital Sana'a on Tuesday, a security official told Saba.

20.3.2017 – Abdulkaiti Khalid (A E P)

Minister Huthi loot money for the pockets of corrupt

Tobacco company is a joint stock company and not a state property. This looting means looting the shareholders' money (document)

20.3.2017 – new News (A K P)

More Forces Join Yemeni Army to Fight against US-KSA Aggression

-Hundreds of Yemeni fighters have joined the Yemeni army and the public forces to fight against Saudi Arabia and its allies as Riyadh’s deadly air campaign continues to kill and wound more innocent civilians.

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Minister of Agriculture meets International Committee of the Red Cross team

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

FM: we are with fair solution for Yemeni people

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf on Monday said that the Supreme Political Council and the Government of National Salvation are with the political peaceful comprehensive solution if it is an honorable and an equitable for the Yemeni people.
In a statement to Saba the minister noted that the Supreme Political Council and the Government of National Salvation welcomed the Muscat's principles agreement as a positive, while being refused by the other side openly.
Sharif affirmed the importance of political solution in Yemen, calling the United Arab Emirates to re-consider its participation in the aggression coalition led by the Saudi Arabia.
The foreign minister also confirmed the importance of opening Sana'a international airport before the commercial and civil navigation.

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf Abdullah met with Resident Representative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Laurent De Boeck in Yemen. The minister stressed that the National Salvation Government are providing all health careto the Somali injured survivors.
For his part, the IOM official appreciated support provided by the National Salvation Government to the organization for the success of its duties.

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

Cooperation agreement between prison authority, ICRC in capital

The Prison Authority of the capital Sana'a signed a cooperation agreement with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to rehabilitate sewage and water systems to the central prison.
During signing the agreement, the chief of the prison authority appreciated the role of ICRC in providing aid and essential support to the prisons.
For her part, the head of ICRC protection section, said that the committee will continue to support the prisoners according to the possibilities available in order to alleviate the suffering caused by the aggression.
The agreement took place on Sunday.

19.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Houthi militants abduct prominent pro-revolution tribal leader in Ibb

The Houthis abducted Mohammed Qasem Anan from his home in al Sahol area without giving any reasons. Said the source who is a family member of Anan.

“After seizing Ibb province, the Houthis were pursuing Anan as a main wanted person. However, the parliament member Hasan Anan of Saleh’s party, died few months ago, had led a mediation which provided for the safe return of Mohammed Anan”.

“Despite their promises, the Houthis abducted Anan and put him in the jail”.

19.3.2017 – New News (A)

Security Seizes Forged Currency in Sana’a

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

21.3.2017 – Gulf News (A P)

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A T)

Grenade kills man, injures 30 in Shabwa

A man was killed on Tuesday in a hand grenade in popular market in Azzan city of Shabwa province.
A local official told Saba that an armed man dropped the grenade at the middle of the Qat Market in Azzan, killing the man and injuring 30 others, some of them are critically injured
Shabwa province experiences insecurity in the light of al-Qaeda controls on a number of areas.

21.3.2017 – Gulf News (A P)

Yemen’s ambassador offers condolences

Yemen’s ambassador to UAE offers condolences to family of martyr Al Za’abi

My comment: The Hadi government never had any condolences for their own countrymen killed by Saudi coalition air raids. One Emirati soldier is more important to them than thousands of the own population.

21.3.2017 – Anadolu (A T)

Yemeni governor escapes assassination attempt

The governor of Yemen’s southern province of Ad-Dali survived an assassination attempt on Tuesday, according to a local source.

Fadl al-Jaadi came under fire as his car was passing near a military camp in Ad-Dali city, the source told Anadolu Agency, requesting anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to media.

The governor was unhurt in the attack, which injured two of his associates, the source said.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

Al-Jaadi was appointed as Ad-Dali governor in mid-2015 by Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

19.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A T)

Pro-government forces thwart al Qaeda attack in Hadhramout – military source

A member of the pro-government forces was killed in an attack waged by suspected al Qaida militants on a police camp in Al Dhaliah district in Wadi Hadhramout, southeastern Yemen. According to a military source.

The source told Almasdaronline that the militants attacked the Elite Hadhrami Forces camp, and confrontations erupted between the soldiers and the militants.

The clashes resulted in casualties among the al Qaeda militants, in addition to injury of the soldier Ali Bamasdos from pro-government forces, before the militants retreat.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe cp1 / Look at cp1

19.3.2017 – Sputnik News (A K P)

Saudi General Hails US Pledge to Boost Intel, Military Support Against Iran

A top Saudi military general says the Trump Administration has vowed it will significantly increase US intelligence support and defense cooperation with Riyadh against “Iran-backed” Houthis in Yemen.

Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Asiri, who serves as an adviser to the kingdom's defense minister and a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen, told reporters on Friday that Trump Administration officials had promised a Saudi delegation in Washington to increase cooperation in order to counter Iran.

Asiri pointed out that the move would help restore the relationship between the two countries that was shattered during Barack Obama's presidency, apparently implying the nuclear deal with Iran and US blocking arms deals with Riyadh over concerns of human rights violations.

19.3.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K)

A wounded Saudi soldier send msg to deputy crown: instead of receiving medical treatment, they shifted my case 2 a charity society 2 help me reffering to

19.3.2017 – The Independent (* A P)

Saudi Arabia's billionaire king is on a lavish Asian adventure — here's what he's spending his money on

His essentials include plenty of limousines and far too many golden escalators

Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud, who has an estimated net worth of over $17 billion (£13.8 billion), is not one for subtlety.

He's currently on a lavish tour of Asia, and has arrived in every country on his itinerary — most recently China — on a golden escalator from his personal plane.

He also isn't travelling alone — when he landed in Indonesia, he was joined by an entourage of 620 staff and a further 800 delegates.

The pomp and pageantry on display during the tour has caught the world media's attention — and not for the first time – by Tom Murray

cp9 USA

Siehe cp1 / Look at cp1

20.3.2017 – The Real Strategy (* A P T)

800 Families Just Filed A Lawsuit Against Saudi Arabia Over 9/11

Eight-hundred families of 9/11 victims and 1,500 first responders, along with others who suffered as a result of the attacks, have filed a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia over its alleged complicity in the 2001 terror attacks, according to an exclusive report by local New York outlet Pix 11.

The legal document, filed in a federal court in Manhattan, describes the Saudi role in the attacks.

Pix 11 further described the lawsuit, which reportedly relies on information from the FBI’s investigations.

The suit also produces evidence that officials in the Saudi embassy in Germany supported lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. It claims that a Saudi official was in the same hotel in Virginia with several hijackers the night before the attacks.

The suit also alleges “some of the hijackers had special markers in their passports, identifying them as al-Qaida sympathizers.”

According to the suit, filed by aviation law firm Kreindler & Kreindler, “Saudi royals, who for years had been trying to curry favor with fundamentalists to avoid losing power, were aware that funds from Saudi charities were being funneled to al-Qaida.”

“The charities were alter egos of the Saudi government,” Jim Kreindler told Pix 11.

According to Kreindler, “there was a direct link between all the charities and Osama bin Laden and…they operated with the full knowledge of Saudi officials.”

The lawsuit reportedly details how funds were transferred from charities inside Saudi Arabia to the terror group. One of those charities, Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, has been designated a sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. government.

Kreindler insists Saudi involvement occurred and was blatantly malicious – by Cody King

Remark: Another article in cp1.

21.3.2017 – Middle East Eye (* B K P)

How can the US recklessly kill civilians in Syria, Iraq and Yemen - and be great again?

With civilian deaths from US attacks rising, Trump seeks greater powers to circumvent rules of engagement. Is this the best way to beat IS?

the number of civilians killed in Syria and Iraq as a result of US air strikes has witnessed what Airwars researchers have called an “unprecedented increase” since Trump took office.

The picture in Yemen is similarly bleak as the country witnesses a rampant escalation of US military action.

But what is perhaps even more concerning is that the current policy of military escalation is coupled with a Trump request to change American obligations to follow international standards that minimise civilian harm.

This request comes as part of Trump’s Presidential Memorandum, signed on 28 January, that asks the military to formulate a preliminary plan within 30 days to defeat IS.

In the memorandum, Trump requests "recommended changes to any United States rules of engagement and other United States policy restrictions that exceed the requirements of international law regarding the use of force against ISIS".

On 10 March, more than 30 former US officials submitted a seven-page letter to US Defence Secretary James Mattis in response saying, among other things, that “the United States has always put a strong premium on minimising civilian harm in armed conflict, both because it is the right thing to do and because doing so is strategically beneficial".

Trump sees things differently, however, regarding these international standards as tantamount to a weak, “politically correct war”.

But winning a war does not just depend on military might. It invariably relies on a persuasion of hearts and minds to your cause. The US, however, is now rapidly losing this war as the line dividing the enemy and the protector becomes increasingly blurred.

Rather than seeking to protect those within the countries being bombed, Trump is prioritising giving new secret authority to the Central Intelligence Agency to conduct air strikes against targets, thereby reversing Obama’s approach that put the Pentagon in charge. This will greatly limit accountability and transparency over civilian deaths: while the Pentagon is legally obliged to provide public reports on air strikes, the CIA does not.

Taken altogether, we are seeing a new slash-and-burn policy in which the ultimate losers will be those on the ground who are unable to escape.

The situation at present instead suggests a callous disinterest from Trump in the value of human life of those forced to live in these war-torn countries, a sentiment seemingly part of his wider disregard and dislike for Muslims at home and abroad.

While we should not demean those in countries bombed by the US by suggesting that they will now all respond by running off to join terrorist groups, it is nevertheless clear that Trump is perpetuating the same dangerous them-and-us narrative that violent extremists use to rally others to their cause. With so much civilian blood on its hands, how can America possibly be made great again? – by Gemma Fox

20.3.2017 – Democracy Now (* B K P)

Amid Spike in Civilian Deaths from U.S. Strikes, Trump Requests Lifting Policy Limiting Casualties

we speak with Samuel Oakford, investigative reporter for the journalistic project Airwars, who reports that the number of civilian casualties in U.S. airstrikes has been escalating since Donald Trump took office two months ago (with transcript an film)

20.3.2017 – Aljazeera (* B K P)

Should we be scared of Trump's drone reforms?

Trump's planned reforms on drone policy are problematic, but what he inherited from Obama was already concerning.

And now Trump may go even further, rescinding some of the constraints President Obama placed on targeted killing policy.

How much of a difference will this make? The looser rules on targeting are certainly concerning.

Drones, while more accurate than other weapons systems, have killed plenty of non-combatants.

Civilian casualties are not just a moral and legal matter, but have strategic ramifications, too. The Stimson Center, in a major inquiry led by a bipartisan group of former government officials, concluded that targeted killing may cause blowback and "become a potent recruiting tool for terrorist organisations" (PDF).

Other prominent figures, including General Stanley McChrystal, and a leaked internal CIA report have expressed similar concerns (PDF).

Yemen exemplifies this problem most clearly. It has been reported that drone killings have driven many into the arms of al-Qaeda.

Yemeni activists, such as Farea al-Muslimi, have warned that the strikes intensify anti-American feeling in their country.

According to the Washington Post, al-Qaeda had about 300 operatives in Yemen in 2009. By 2012, after three years of intensifying US intervention, it had 700 or more.

However, Trump's plans may change little in practice. Even after Obama moved strike authority to the military, the CIA still remained closely involved in the killing process.

Agency personnel provided targeting information, and military drone operators pulled the trigger: it was a joint enterprise. Moreover, when Obama shifted drones to the Pentagon, the CIA still retained its control over strikes in Pakistan.

Also, as law professor Robert Chesney wrote, it is unlikely that moving drones to the CIA will markedly increase secrecy.

This meant that the government could not even acknowledge the existence of the drone programme, although it had been widely reported in the press – by Rupert Stone

20.3.2017 – Reuters (* A H P)

Photos: Fleeing to Canada from the U.S.

Photog Christinne Muschi at the Quebec border as families cross in the cold and

10.3.2017 – Army (* A K P)

CENTCOM commander: Iran poses 'long-term threat to stability'

Iran poses the most significant threat to U.S. Central Command's complex area of responsibility, CENTCOM commander Army Gen. Joseph L. Votel told the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday.
CENTCOM has dealt with a number of significant challenges over the past 12 months, including in Iraq and Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Egypt and the Sinai, the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, he said.
"We are also dealing with a range of malign activities perpetrated by Iran and its proxies operating in the region," the general said at the hearing on the posture of U.S. Central Command and U.S. Africa Command.
"It is my view that Iran poses the greatest long-term threat to stability for this part of the world," Votel said.

Iranian activities of concern, according to Votel, include "malign influence across Iraq and Syria," and efforts to prop up the Syrian regime and exploit Shia population centers.

My comment: US paranoia on Iran is a threat to peace in the region and beyond (more in cp1).

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

20.3.2017 – Reprieve (A K P)

New GCHQ chief must halt UK role in covert US drone strikes – Reprieve comment

Britain’s Foreign Office has today announced that Jeremy Fleming will take over GCHQ, the UK intelligence gathering agency that has been directly implicated in assisting covert US drone strikes in places like Yemen.

Secret US drone strikes have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of civilians, including women and children.

Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights has expressed concern about potential UK complicity in the US drone programme, and urged the Government to “clarify” its understanding of the legal basis for such support.

Otherwise, the committee has warned, it could potentially be putting “UK personnel who have a role in assisting or facilitating the use of lethal force by coalition allies, such as the US” at risk of “criminal prosecution for complicity in murder”.

20.3.2017 – Amnesty International (A P)

Giant 'Yemen dead' gravestone to be erected in Parliament Square in protest at UK arms sales

Amnesty International activists will erect a six-feet-high gravestone in Parliament Square on Wednesday 22 March (10.30am) in memory of the thousands of Yemeni civilians killed in Saudi Arabia-led airstrikes in the country.

The event - accompanied by a funeral-style attendance by mourners dressed formally in black, some wearing veils - is designed to draw attention to the UK’s sale of billions of pounds’ worth of arms to Saudi Arabia during the two-year conflict in Yemen.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

18.3.2017 – Andreas Kindl, german ambassador to Yemen (A P)

Some seem to claim that an attack on #Hudaydah can even improve delivery of & access to humanitarian and commercial goods - no comment

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Silence on a crime in progress, on premise of neutrality, is complicity. Wish more diplos were as outspoken as German ambassador to #Yemen

17.3.2017 – Government of Germany (* A P)

There has again been an increase in fighting along the western coast of Yemen since the beginning of the year. The situation of the civilian population is dire, and millions of people face starvation. Against this background, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Thursday (16 March) met with UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed. Gabriel demanded that, “in view of the devastating humanitarian situation in Yemen, the parties to the conflict must urgently return to the negotiating table.” *

Severe famine looms

Parties to the conflict scheduled to meet in Berlin

High‑level representatives of the parties to the conflict are scheduled to meet this week in Berlin. They want to search for ways to revive the stalled peace process. The meeting is also intended to develop trust among the parties, so that compromises can be reached more easily at a later time. Support for the talks is being provided by the Federal Foreign Office, and they are being hosted by the Berghof Foundation, an organisation that promotes peace around the world. The meeting is part of a series of multi‑party dialogues, and it has been closely coordinated with the UN Special Envoy.

Support for Cheikh Ahmed

Germany is the third‑largest donor

Germany is the third‑largest bilateral donor of humanitarian aid to Yemen. In 2016 alone, the Federal Foreign Office made available more than 32 million euros to alleviate the suffering of the civilian population. More than one third of this aid went to the United Nations’ Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund, which channels resources to the aid projects of local NGOs. In view of the situation, the current level of aid is to be maintained in 2017. =

My comment: Germany also is a great arms supplier to Saudi Arabia, thus fueling the war. But they spent € 1,25 for every Yemeni a year to loosen the burden of war and blockade to him / her.

19.3.2017 – Rationalgalerie (A P)

Manipulatives Verschweigen - aus Nahost nichts Neues
Hier: Kritischer UN-Kommissionsbericht über Israel / Treffen Trump - bin Salman

Die beiden Herren mögen zu den übelsten Kotzbrocken der Gegenwart zählen und wären persönlich nur mit Verachtung zu betrachten, aber sie und ihre widerwärtigen Abmachungen haben vitale Konsequenzen für Millionen Mitmenschen. ARD-aktuell hätte über das Treffen und seine Intensionen berichten müssen. Die Redaktion hat stattdessen wieder einmal ihre transatlantische Schlagseite demonstriert und manipulativ geschwiegen.

Dieser Redaktion geht jegliche Neutralität und Distanz zum politischen Geschehen ab. Sie übermittelt Auftragsbotschaften, nicht unabhängige Informationen – von Volker Bräutigam, Friedhelm Klinkhammer

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

20.3.2017 – Amnesty International (A P)

UAE: Surprise overnight raid leads to arrest of prominent human rights defender

Following the arrest of human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor at 3:15AM local time after a lengthy room-by-room search of his apartment, Lynn Maalouf, Director of Research at Amnesty International’s Beirut regional office, said:

“Amnesty International is appalled and dismayed at this surprise overnight raid resulting in the arrest of Ahmed Mansoor, a courageous and prominent human rights defender in the United Arab Emirates.

“We believe Ahmed Mansoor was detained for the peaceful expression of his conscientiously held beliefs, and we call for his immediate and unconditional release.”

Ahmed Mansoor does not have legal representation and, under UAE law, renewal of detention orders is a formality. Amnesty International fears that he may be at risk of torture or other ill-treatment in custody.
In 2015, Ahmed Mansoor was selected as the laureate of the Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders.

20.3.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Last tweet yesterday by prominent UAE activist warned of activists being indefinitely detained. He got detained in UAE today. referring to

19.3.2017 – Gulf Center for Human Rights (A P)

UAE: Call for the immediate release of human rights defender Osama-Al-Najjar as his sentence expires

Human rights defender and on-line activist Osama Al-Najjar was scheduled for release on 17 March 2017, having served a full three-year prison sentence as a result of the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of opinion and expression, however he remains in unlawful detention.

On 17 March 2014, Osama Al-Najjar was arrested, by ten state security officers during a raid on his home. He was kept in an undisclosed location for four days without access to his family or a lawyer.

He was not brought before the courts until 23 September 2014 when he was charged with belonging to Al-Islah, offending and instigating hatred against the State, and spreading lies about his father, Hossain Al-Najjar, who is one of the UAE94 human rights activists, currently serving an 11-year prison sentence. The charges related to postings he made on Twitter where he expressed concern at the alleged ill-treatment of his father in prison and called for him to be freed.

On 25 November 2014, he was sentenced by the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi to three years in prison and a fine of 500 Emirati Dirham (approx. $136,100), following a grossly unfair trial and a hearing that lasted less than ten minutes, without the possibility of an appeal. He has been subjected to torture and ill-treatment while in detention, prompting fears for his health and well-being and calls from the international human rights community for his immediate release.

Under UAE Punitive Installations Law (Article 44) he was entitled to be released in August 2016, having served three quarters of his sentence, however, the State Security Apparatus arbitrarily decided not to release him. In January 2017, he was reportedly transferred from Al Wathba Prison to al-Razeen Prison, where he remains in detention.

The 17 March 2017, marked the full completion of the term of his sentence. His family, friends and the human rights community eagerly awaited his long-anticipated release on that date. However, the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme decided to extend his detention at the request of the Public Prosecution on the pretext that he is a threat and must be imprisoned in the Counseling Center, another area within the prison. The term of this arbitrary and unlawful detention has not been specified and constitutes a flagrant breach of Osama Al-Najjer’s basic human rights.

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) believes that the arrest and on-going detention of Osama Al-Najjer, are solely related to the exercise of his right to freedom of opinion and expression. The GCHR calls on authorities in the UAE to immediately and unconditionally release him and all those detained as a result of their human rights activities.

12.3.2017 – Diplomatie France (A P)

Yemen – Continuation of deadly violence (March 20, 2017)

France condemns the continued violence in Yemen, including the rebel attack on March 17 on the mosque inside the Kofel military base and the bombardment on March 18 of a boat transporting refugees. Many civilians were killed in these attacks.

France condemns this violence. It calls on all parties to respect international humanitarian law and to halt attacks on civilian populations.

My comment: France is Saudi Arabia’s third largest supplier of military goods. And, when referring to these both events as if they would be equal, the French government pretends not to know the difference between civilian and military targets in a war. These both events cannot be valued as equal. And it simply is not true, that “many civilians” were killed in the raid at the military camp. You would expect soldiers there.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

20.3.2017 – Defence Blog (* A E K)

Saudi Arabia orders 300 Chinese strike-capable reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles

Saudi Arabia has signed a contract for the acquisition of 300 of the newest Chinese strike-capable reconnaissance unmanned aerial long-haul vehicles Wing Loong II (also known as Pterodactyl II).

China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported on 28 February said the deal represented the “biggest overseas purchase order in the history of Chinese [UAV] foreign military sales”. But the identity of the customer and the size and value of the contract were not disclosed.

The new Wing Loong II is a long-endurance strike-capable reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by Chengdu Aircraft Design & Research Institute (CADI), a division of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

My comment: China also wants to make money from killing in Yemen.

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

19.3.2017 – The Telegraph (A H)

'There is a saying: choose between one of two hard things': the refugees who fled war in Yemen only to find drought in Somalia

28.2.2017 – World Food Programme (A H)

WFP Djibouti Country Brief, February 2017

Djibouti is currently hosting 21,119 refugees from Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea and Ethiopia

WFP continues to provide food assistance to all registered refugees and asylum seekers living in Ali Addeh, Holl Holl and Markazi camps, in the form of general distributions, nutrition interventions and take home rations for school girls to encourage school attendance. The general distributions include a cash component to diversify refugees’ diet, increase their purchase power and boost the local markets. and in full:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

20.3.2017 – Saudi war crimes (* A T)

Ongoing arrangements growth al-Qaeda in Aden and Saudi Arabia recognizes the principle of separation from the Procedures of Hajj pilgrimage

A recently commissioned committee published a review of the so-called "military units in Aden, 120 names that were recently promoted and annexed to Badr Camp on the basis of directives According to the directives of the President of the Republic Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi Which is currently in the city of Riyadh

Saleh al-Hanashi, the director of Abyan Radio, said most of the members belonged to al-Qaeda and were promoted to higher ranks He said that the most prominent leaders who have been promoted: -
Abdul Nasser Al-Ghabri - Captain
And a person named a colonel
And the third claims Lutfi Abdullah Ali rank captain and others.

Saudi Arabia's alignment with "terrorist" groups in Yemen was highlighted in June when the Saudi-backed exiled Yemeni government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi sent Abdel-Wahab Humayqani to Geneva as one of its delegates in the failed UN-sponsored roundtable talks. In December 2013, the US Treasury Department designated Humayqani a "Specifically Designated Global Terrorist," having allegedly served as a recruiter and financier for al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and having orchestrated a car bombing in March 2012 that targeted a Yemeni Republican Guard base, killing seven.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has approved the start of work on the principle of separation in the pilgrims of this year .
The Embassy of Riyadh in Oman also published the names of the accredited agencies, which include a division of Hajj agencies between the north and south
The memo included a list of 20 agencies prepared by Riyadh 15 from Aden and 5 from Sanaa.

19.3.2017 – Ali AlAhmed (A T)

This #Saudi national was 1 of 2 AlQaeda suicide bomber outside Damascus #Syria today @StateDeptCT but no Saudi listed yet (photo)

cp15 Propaganda

23.3.2017 – Reuters (* A P)

HINTERGRUND-Iran weitet Waffenlieferungen an Rebellen im Jemen aus

Der Iran verstärkt offenbar sein verdecktes militärisches Engagement in dem seit rund zwei Jahren andauernden Bürgerkrieg im Jemen, in dem bislang mindestens 10.000 Menschen getötet wurden.

Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters aus Sicherheitskreisen in der Region erfuhr, liefert der Iran seit Monaten verstärkt moderne Waffen an die mit ihm verbündeten schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen, die im Jemen gegen die international anerkannte und von Saudi-Arabien unterstützte Regierung kämpfen.

Wie aus Militärkreisen verlautete, verfolgt der Iran mit der verstärkten militärischen Schützenhilfe im Jemen dieselbe Strategie schiitischer Expansion wie bei der Aufrüstung der Hisbollah-Miliz im Libanon und der Unterstützung des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al-Assad.

Offiziell weist der Iran die Unterstützung der Huthi-Miliz zurück und macht Saudi-Arabien für die Eskalation des Konflikts verantwortlich. Mit der Militärstrategie vertraute iranische Sicherheitskreise zeichnen allerdings ein anderes Bild. "Jemen ist der Schauplatz des wirklichen Stellvertreterkriegs zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran. Wer diesen Krieg gewinnt, wird die Machtbalance im Nahen Osten verschieben", sagt ein hochrangiger iranischer Militärangehöriger, der anonym bleiben will

Der Sprecher der arabischen Koalition im Kampf gegen die Huthi-Rebellen, Ahmed Assari, erklärt, dass sich seit einiger Zeit verstärkt moderne Panzerabwehrwaffen vom Typ Kornet im Arsenal der Rebellen befinden. "Es gibt keine andere Erklärung für diese Waffenlieferungen als militärische Unterstützung für die Huthi-Miliz, die höchstwahrscheinlich aus dem Iran kommt", sagt ein US-Militärangehöriger – Von Jonathan Saul und Parisa Hafezi und Michael Georgy

and English version:

21.3.2017 – Reuters (* A P)

Exclusive: Iran steps up support for Houthis in Yemen's war - sources

Iran is sending advanced weapons and military advisers to Yemen's rebel Houthi movement, stepping up support for its Shi'ite ally in a civil war whose outcome could sway the balance of power in the Middle East, regional and Western sources say.

Iran's enemy Saudi Arabia is leading a Sunni Arab coalition fighting the Houthis in the impoverished state on the tip of the Arabian peninsula - part of the same regional power struggle that is fuelling the war in Syria.

Sources with knowledge of the military movements, who declined to be identified, say that in recent months Iran has taken a greater role in the two-year-old conflict by stepping up arms supplies and other support. This mirrors the strategy it has used to support its Lebanese ally Hezbollah in Syria.

A senior Iranian official said Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force - the external arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps - met top IRGC officials in Tehran last month to look at ways to "empower" the Houthis.

"At this meeting, they agreed to increase the amount of help, through training, arms and financial support," the official said.

"Yemen is where the real proxy war is going on and winning the battle in Yemen will help define the balance of power in the Middle East." – By Jonathan Saul, Parisa Hafeziand Michael Georgy and in film:

My comment: There is little concrete Iranian support for the Houthis. It is remarkable, why – without any new events or facts – this daily Saudi propaganda now is adopted and warmed up by Reuters. Look what “sources” are cited here: “Sources with knowledge of the military movements, who declined to be identified” – “A former senior Iranian security official” – “A Western diplomat in the Middle East” – “Sources say” – and, twice, Saudi coalition spokesman Asiri, who certainly is the less reliable source you can find in the whole Middle East.

Comment by Nabeel Koury, Senior non-resident Fellow at the Atlantic Council: This coincides w Arab coalition's stepped up assaults on Hodeida & Sanaa. No dip progress = war intensifies.

and answer by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Where such an assault would exacerbate already colossal humanitarian catastrophe by many folds, int'l community's silence baffling.

21.3.2017 – Saudi Press Agency (A P)

Yemeni President : Al-Houthi can not impose Iranian way on Yemenis

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi has confirmed that Houthi militias and Saleh's forces can not impose the Iranian way on Yemenis, pointing out that the whole world and Arab and Islamic countries stand with the legitimate government, and the restoration of state's institutions from the putschists.

He explained that the government has a plan for the entry of all members of the Popular Resistance in training courses where they represent the new army of Yemen.

"We are not calling for war but for peace, but al-Houthi can not impose on us the Iranian way," he said in a speech at a graduation ceremony of a group of resistance fighters at Al-Anad base in southern Yemen. =


22.3.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemeni President: Houthis Won’t Succeed in Imposing Iranian Experiment in Yemen

Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi confirmed that Houthi and Saleh militias can’t impose the Iranian experiment on Yemenis, adding that the whole world is with the legitimate government.

During his speech at a graduation ceremony of a batch of members of the resistance, Hadi said the government has a plan to enroll all members of popular resistance in training camps who will then become the new Yemeni army.

“We do not want war. We want peace. Houthis can’t force us the Iranian trial,” he told the graduates.

The president thanked the graduates for their efforts and wished them success. He addressed them: “You were able to defend your country and religion. I tell you: the whole world is supporting you; Islamic and Arab nations are beside you. We have a plane to include members of the resistance in training sessions to form the new army.”

Activist Refaat al-Zamky said that the failure of Iran’s experiment in Yemen is inevitable because Yemen can withstand no Persian or foreign projects aiming to change its social fabric.

Zamky, who is also the sec-gen of the Geneva-based Consultation Center for Rights and Freedoms, said that Houthis’ Iranian ideology is rejected in their stronghold city, Saada.

He added that on the humanitarian level, it is difficult and rather impossible to impose Iran’s ideas on Yemen because of certain practices that are rejected by the Yemeni society. He added that executions, suppression of freedoms, violation of human rights and torture are not accepted in Yemen.

My comment: This is odd propaganda, telling the anti-Iranian tale, blowing it up to extreme ridiculousness. Nobody in Yemen ever was imagining to “impose Iranian way on Yemenis”. The danger of “imposing Saudi ways” (attempts for wahabisation) is much more real. - And how fighting against the Houthis could mean "to defend your religion" is odd when it means alligning with saudi wahabism. - And how this Zamky will know thet the Houthi ("Iranian", which simply is nonsense) ideology "is rejected in their stronghold city, Saada"?? Did he organize any poll there?

21.3.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Political Changes Reflect on Yemen

It is clear from the intensified Arab coalition’s operations in Yemen that the war there has greatly shifted in their favor against the insurgents.

Coordination between Saudi-led coalition forces and the US has been restored after it was suspended during the last year of Barack Obama’s presidential term. Several raids targeted Houthi militias training camps in Saada and several Houthi locations in the Nahm front, east of Sana’a, which ended with their defeat in that rugged governorate.

According to army statements, the national army, aided by coalition’s air force, moved to Arhab, the governorate close to the capital Sana’a.

In addition, naval cooperation has thwarted three Houthi naval attacks near Midi port.

Recent reports revealed that the next attack will be decisive in this war as it will target the strategic Hodeida port, which Iranian ships use to smuggle arms to insurgents.

Following Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to Washington, the coalition’s position strengthened and has been enhanced. As a result of the agreements with the US, supplies of ammunition have been resumed and so did the exchange of military intelligence information on enemy positions and operations.

In addition to military results, this sends an equally important message that in Yemen, unlike Syria, there is an international agreement to eliminate the insurgents and isolate their Iranian ally, which is present in Yemen through its militias that are fighting alongside the Houthis – by Abdulrahman Al-Rashed, former general manager of Al-Arabiya television =

21.3.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Saudi Ambassador: Iran Used Dummy Companies to Deploy Revolutionary Guard to Yemen

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Saeed Al Jaberbobjects to all accusations directed against Saudi Arabia for allegedly ‘destroying’ Yemen, noting that the Kingdom hosts approximately 50 percent of Yemen’s labor force.

Some 15 million Yemenis benefit from transactions sent by relatives presiding and working in Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom never sought praise for its open policy with Yemenis, but considers good neighborliness a duty it has been fulfilling over the past decades, said ambassador Al Jaber.

A political process known by the Gulf initiative was given comprehensive support so much that the United Nations Security Council based its resolutions on it, eventually leading to convening the National Dialogue Conference for Yemen. But Houthi militias and armed loyalists backing ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, receiving Iranian support, ended the chances of that political process materializing, Al Jaber explained.

Ever since, international efforts have been poured into reconciling Yemenis among themselves, whenever a step forward is taken everything tumbles down, Al Jaber added.

The war was launched by armed militias, and as soon as they commit to a political process based on the three references which are the Gulf initiative, the outcomes of national dialogue and UN Security Council resolution 2216 the legitimate government will no longer have a reason to fight back resting assured that the right of Yemeni people will be done justice, Al Jaber said.

Hadi’s government called for the Kingdom’s aid and that of the coalition after it had feared for the future of Yemen as it descended into chaos when Iran-aligned Houthis and Saleh loyalists staged an armed coup against government institutions and establishments.

The Saudi-led military intervention is keen to support pro-government forces and not harm either Yemeni people or national infrastructure. Coalition forces stage surgical military operations, carefully directed and with appropriate force. “The main objective is to support pro-legitimacy forces, and nothing else,” Al Jaber commented on military operations in Yemen.

Revolutionary guard members then trained and armed sectarian militias. Until this very day, the putschists receive unlimited logistics and arms trafficked by Iran.

Al Jaber concluded by affirming that Yemen, far and foremost, remains a state of Arab heritage and that Iran’s expansionist ambitions will not prevail – by Adhwan Alahmari

My comment: The old propaganda again, including the anti-Iranian paranoia tale, and really “funny” is that: “Coalition forces stage surgical military operations, carefully directed and with appropriate force.” How that works, look in detail for 2015: (scroll down to Third part)

There is a nice reply to this odd propaganda:

21.3.2017 – Haykal Bafana (* A K P)

I live in Yemen, and throughout this war, I have not seen a single Iranian. Invisible Iranians : I think Riyadh is right - Iran is a threat.

These invisible Iranians that Saudi Arabia futilely hunts for in Yemen must have Klingon cloaking tech. It's the only logical explanation.

In 5 days, 2 years of Saudi #Arabia's war on #Yemen : Not ONE Iranian killed, injured or captured. Zero. Nada. Sifr.

20.3.2017 – Newsweek (A P)


Rebels are deliberately preventing aid from reaching starving children.

Yemen’s Hodeidah has become an alarming humanitarian tragedy. Thousands have lost their lives and tens of thousands more have lost their homes and livelihoods—hopeless and displaced.

Floods of upsetting pictures of starving children, recognized by their wide-eyed skeletal body features, and patients suffering from preventable diseases have become the norm.

The suffering of these communities is bewildering given the fact that they are actually located in very close proximity to one of the most important aid delivery gateways to Yemen, Hodeidah’s port. One would presume that these communities would be flushed with aid goods, but regrettably, this has not been the case.

There is a reason for this absurdity: The Hodeidah port is still under the control of the Houthis, an Iranian-backed militia that took control by force areas in Yemen in their failed attempt to overthrow the government in September 2014, with the assistance of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and various military groups still loyal to him.

For the Houthis, Hodeidah’s port proves to be a source of significant, albeit illegitimate, revenue from customs and taxes imposed on incoming goods. Additionally, the Houthis have worked on deconstructing Yemen’s economy and financial system, creating profitable black markets for their own economic gain, which has become a key funding source for their war efforts.

Recapturing Hodeidah is necessary to bring back stability to Yemen’s west coast. The presence of the Houthis in Hodeidah threatens international maritime navigation and shipping routes in the Red Sea. On numerous occasions, the Houthis have fired upon ships in international waters – by Ahmed Awad BinMubarak, Yemen’s ambassador to the United States.

Comment by Rania Khalek: Another day, another article blaming Houthis and Iran for the Saudi-led and US sponsored starvation of Yemen

My comment: Odd Hadi government’s propaganda, putting facts upside down. As if there would be no Saudi blockade, no Saudi air raids, no pounding of Yemeni coastline.

Comments by Ben Norton: US-backed, Hadi-allied Yemen-US ambassador blames Houthis for the catastrophe created by US/Saudi blockade & bombing

Original (Englisch) übersetzen

Author of this Newsweek propaganda is Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, whom Abd-Rabbuh Mansour Hadi appointed prime minister referring to

20.3.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Saudi propaganda: Life back to normal in Mocha/Al Mukha after military offensive retook from Houthis. UN (Reality): Lives devastated (see in images)

19.3.2017 – Qatar Charity (A H P)

Qatar Charity is a member of the “Core Group” in Yemen

As a kind of showing appreciation for QC’s tremendous efforts concerning health care in Yemen, QC’s office there has obtained the membership of the “Core Group”, the health consultant group, which is one of the committees of The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

It’s worth mentioning that QC has been selected among 50 local and international health organizations competing to be a member of such significant international group.

The UN group is regarded the central nucleus which leads the structuring of health, according to the strategies and policies of the bloc, and the members of this group decide the priorities of the overall interventions into the health sector in Yemen.

National confidence

Director of QC Office in Yemen, Nasr Qaed Alzaeem, said, “QC has been able, in a short period of time, to get the confidence of major figures in the humanitarian work field, especially health care.

Expressing Qatari people’s commitment to continuously support their brothers in Yemen, QC is going to work on carrying out more Health and Relief Projects in the afflicted governorates over 2017 confirming that such projects will be ongoing benefitting the Yemenis and offering health services particularly in places where displaced people gather. =

My comment: Charity as means of propaganda to make bombings, killing and destruction look somewhat better.

19.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

Houthi militias turn 300 mosques to military barracks

Minister of Endowment Dr. Ahmed Ateyah has said that militias of the Houthis turned more than 300 mosques to military barracks and weapon depots.

He further said that the militias have blown up a number of mosques since they took over a number of Yemeni governorates.

19.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A K PS)

Deputy Prime Minister: We will celebrate soon in Sana'a

Deputy Prime Minister and Civil Service Ministry Abdul-Aziz Jubari visited on Sunday military units which are centering in the areas which look the capital Sana'a, confirming that the Yemeni National Army will enter Sana'a soon.

He visited some positions which have been recently liberated by the National army in Nihim district.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Six citizens wounded in Saudi air strikes on Sa'ada

Six citizens were injured in a US-Saudi air strike on Majza district of Sa'ada province on Tuesday, a security official told Saba.
The warplanes hit al-Maghsal area, wounding the six citizens.
Moreover , the aggression waged another raid on Sarah area, the official added. and

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes destroy education institute in Manakha, Sana'a

US-Saudi warplanes waged two air strikes on Al-Madhmar Institute at Manakha district in Sana'a province, an official told Saba on Tuesday.
The official said the airstrikes overnight destroyed the education institute.

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi war planes drop cluster bombs on Mareb

US-backed Saudi aggression waged six raids on Serwah district of Mareb province, dropping cluster bombs, an official told Saba on Tuesday.
The fighter jets dropped two cluster bombs on al-Wathabat Mountain in Harib al-Qaramish district and waged four raids on Hailan and Habab areas in Serwah district, the official added.

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression warplanes wage two raids on Nehm, hit farms

US Saudi aggression warplanes waged two air strikes on Nehm district in Sana'a overnight.
The warplanes targeted Ramada area two times, causing damages to private properties and citizens' farms, an official told Saba on Tuesday.

21.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Arab Coalition warplanes kill 14 Houthi-Saleh militants in Taiz

The fighter jets of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition renewed on Monday the aerial bombardment on the sites of the Houthis-Saleh forces in al Wazeyah and Mawza districts in Taiz province, southwestern Yemen.

A military source told Almasdaronline that the Arab Coalition fighter jets launched on Monday afternoon four air raids on reinforcements for the Houthis-Saleh forces in Wadi al Faqi area in al Wazeyah, killing 9 militants and injuring 7 others, in addition to the destruction of military vehicles.

The fighter jets also launched 8 raids and 2 raids launched by drones on the sites of the militias in al Omari mountains between Mawza and Dhubab districts, and 5 militants were killed and eleven others injured. According to the source

20.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition warplanes kill 22 Houthis, wound 40 in Taiz – military source

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition fighter jets intensified on Sunday evening the aerial bombardment on the sites of the Houthis-Saleh forces in the western coast and eastern Taiz city, southwestern Yemen.

A military source told Almasdaronline that the air raids targeted Houthis sites and equipment in Damkhnin mountain western Khaled camp in Mawza district western Taiz.

The source added that three air raids also targeted reinforcements in northern Mocha district on the Red Sea coast.

In Taiz city, two air raids had hit Houthis’ sites in Aala mountain in al Hawban region, and three raids hit the airport east of the city.

22 Houthis-Saleh militants were killed, 30 others wounded, and a number of military vehicles, rockets launchers were destroyed in the air raids.

and that’s reported from the other side:

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi warplanes wage 25 strikes on Taiz

The US-backed Saudi aggression fighter jets launched 25 strikes on various areas of Taiz province, a local official told Saba on Tuesday.
The warplanes hit al-Sadrah and al-Faqa'a Mountains in al-Waza'eih district six times and other six strikes on the north of al-Omeri area of Dhubab district, as well as a raid hit al-Barh area of Maqbanah district, the official said.
The official said, the aggression fighter jets launched waged two strikes on Ala Mountains and other three raids on Taiz air port, as well, waged three strikes on telecommunication network in Mokha junction.
Moreover, the enemy air forces also launched three strikes on al-Nar Mountain, the official added.

20.3.2017 – A MTRZ (A K)

#Saudi #UAE and #US airstrikes aftr midnight food & oil trucks in Yarim (photos)

20.3.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Aggression warplanes dropped Seven Lights bombs in Nihem

In Saada , the aggression warplanes waged four raids , and dropped two clusters bombs in Al Slop district . The clusters injured two citizens .

In Al Hodeidah , the aggression warplanes launched eight raids in the areas of the province , and in Nihem district of Sana’a province the aggression waged seven clusters bombs , and injured 3 women by shells dropped by the mercenaries .

In Marib , the aggression warplanes drooped paper leaflets , and waged raids in the districts of the province.


19.3.2017 – AMTRZ (A K)

Film: US-bomb at Nehm

20.3.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

At Least 6 Civilians Killed in Saudi American Raid on Saada

At least six civilians have been killed on Monday in Mazj district, Saada governorate, as a result of an airstrike waged by the warplanes of the Saudi American aggression on their region of settlement.

The hostile fighter jets bombarded Al-Maqsal region in Majz district, leading to the injury of six innocent civilians, a local source reported.

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression wages raids on areas of Sa'ada

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched on Monday a series of raids targeting civilians homes and their properties in Sa'ada province.
A security official told Saba that aggression waged four raids on Khaleqa area in Kutaf district, and three raids on al-Jamaala, and Takhya, al-Magasal in Majaz district, causing significant damage to the properties of civilians.
The official pointed out that the several parts of Razih border district were hit by the aggression warplanes.

19.3.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

#Saudi jets dropped 2 cluster bombs on Aldaher area #Saada #Yemen

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

the aggression warplanes waged a raid on Khalaqah area of Kutaf district and other strike on al-Sabah area of al-Dhaher district, using cluster bombs

19.3.2017 – AlMasira TV (A K PH)

Film: Saudi American aggression targeting farm Baqim citizen in Saada

Two wounded in serious condition, one of them wounded in a raid on a farm citizen Saturday evening in the area of Al Aslan Baqim border Directorate. =

19.3.2017 – AlMasira TV (A K PH)

Film: aggression aimed at the home Aldjamlh citizen in Saada

The screams of the girl with her sister and pains plaguing result of criminal raids carried out by a criminal aggression plane was carrying them to death and the care of God that prevented the piece.

Mother and daughter survived from that raid, which was lying in wait for them, but has left its impact Kabaraly their modest home, which has become a rubble disappears inwardly bother constructive and everything is owned by the family. =

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

21.3.2017 – MbKS15 (B K)

I was told that the Coalition's #Patriot AD System has destroyed so far +40 ballistic missiles over #SaudiArabia & +85 over #Yemen (+125)

20.3.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K)

King Khalid Airport in Riyadh Delays Flights After Yemeni Missile

King Khalid International Airport in the Saudi capital city delayed its flights after the Yemeni missile force launched last Saturday a ballistic missile of the type “Burkan 2” on King Salman military air base in Riyadh.

The site specialized to display the flight schedules online, “Flight Stat”, indicated the delay of planes landing and taking off from and to the airport after the Yemeni missile attack.

My comment: Anyway, the Yemeni missile seems not to have hit anything; there are no reports or accusations at all. Look at: , many flights delayed, but many still quite as usual. On March 21, 14:00 Greenwich time, no more delays.

20.3.2017 – Middle East Monitor (A K PS)

Saudi foils attempts to plant landmines on border with Yemen

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported the security spokesman of the Interior Ministry, General Mansour Al-Turki, as saying that Border Guard forces have successfully managed to foil several attempts to plant landmines, smuggle arms and ammunition and Hashish during the period last week. The spokesman pointed out that the Saudi authorities arrested 30 smugglers, including 19 Ethiopians, seven Yemenis, three Saudis and an unidentified person.

Al-Turki pointed out that a total of 1,265 people who were illegally crossing the border have been captured including 847 Yemenis, 309 Ethiopian nationals and 16 Somalis.
According to the spokesman, three of them were killed and two were injured, eight landmines were seized along with 23 different kinds of arms, 32,160 bullets and 607 kilogrammes of Hashish.

20.3.2017 – Tasnim News (A K PH)

More Missiles Ready to Hit Saudi Capital: Yemen’s Army Spokesman

Yemen’s Army Spokesman Sharaf Luqman confirmed the firing of a Scud-type ballistic missile at a Saudi air base in Riyadh, saying that more missiles are ready to confront the invading regime.

"We have managed to boost our missile production capabilities and our missiles can now reach the Saudi capital," Luqman told Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen news network on Sunday.

His remarks came after Yemeni forces on Saturday night fired a long-range ballistic missile at King Salman Air Base in the Saudi capital Riyadh, inflicting major material losses on the kingdom. The Scud-type Borkan-2 (Volcano-2) ballistic missile hit its target.

The Yemeni official said it was the first such attack by the Yemeni forces on the Saudi capital.

Luqman further said that more missiles are ready to be launched against the positions of the Saudi regime, stressing that the new missiles will change the equation of the kingdom's war on the impoverished Arab country. and also

My comment: The missile fired at a Saudi air base in Riyadh seems to have missed its target. There are no reports from the place, no images, no blames of a “terrorist act”, nothing.

21.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Dozens of mercenaries killed in Taiz

Dozens of US-Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and others wounded when the army and popular forces hit on Tuesday their gatherings in the north of Mokha district of Taiz province, a military official told Saba.
Moreover, the national army bombed a military vehicle of the mercenaries in the operation, the official added.

20.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

A senior pro-government forces military commander killed in al Mocha – military source

The source told Almasdaronline that the Colonel Ahmed Meqrat, Commander of the Second Battalion in the Zayed Brigade, was killed along with a number of soldiers in artillery shelling launched by the Houthis east of al Mocha city.

19.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)
3 pro-government troops killed, 7 others wounded in landmine explosion in Al Mocha - military Source

A military source said that 3 pro-government troops were Killed and 7 others wounded on Saturday in a landmine explosion targeted their military patrol in Al Jadidah area in Al Mocha district on the Red Sea coast, western Yemen.

The source pointed out that the casualties were members of the pro-government forces Zayed Al Hazm Brigade, adding that the wounded elements were taken to hospitals in the southern Aden city, Yemen’s interim capital.

From the theater of war at Nehm region, NE of Sanaa, both sides report totally different:

22.3.2017 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

Additional artillery position set-up by the #RSLF. M198 howitzer firing on Houthi targets at Nihm District, #Sanaa (photos)

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi paid mercenaries' crawl repelled in Nehm

Military heroes and popular committees repelled a crawl by US-backed Saudi-paid mercenaries from three axes towards the mountains of Yam in Nehm, a military official told Saba on Monday.
The units of the army and people's committees foiled the three attempts, killing and wounded dozens of the mercenaries.
The official confirmed the retreat of mercenary groups after they received painful strikes.
Meanwhile, the aggression warplanes waged a series of raids on separate areas in Nehm.
The operation took place on Sunday.

Houthi / Saleh films on Nehm:

20.3.2017 –Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Nehm: injured 3 women by shells dropped by the mercenaries .

20.3.2017 – Al Sawah (A K PS)

Hadi praises victories made in Nihim

President Abdo Rabu Mansour Hadi on Monday contacted Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Civil Service Abdulaziz Jubari and was briefed on military development in Nehim district.

The president praised the victories made by the army, pointing out that the Yemeni army will not stop until putting an end to the imamate forces and building up a federal state.

During his call, Hadi directed to pay attention to the families of the killed and treating the wounded.

For his part, Jubari emphasized that the Yemeni army is ready to cleanse the rest of Arhab areas from the putschists.

Yemen's army dominated on Sunday a strategic area in Nehim in the west of Sana'a, military sources affirmed.

According to the sources, the army and resistances' forces entirely dominated the area of Tabat al-Qanaseen which was considered among the most important positions of the militias.

Meanwhile, military sources said that the takeover of Tababt al-Qanaseen will transfer the confrontations with militias of the Houthis and Saleh to Arhab district which overlooks Sana'a Airport.

The sources affirmed that the army managed to capture large numbers of the militias while others escaped to Arhab.

My comment: Nehm is E of Sanaa.

20.3.2017 – Emirati News Agency (A K PS)

With Arab Coalition backing, Yemeni Army seize last militia stronghold in Nahm

The Yemen's Army, with baking of the Arab coalition, have captured al-Dabouha district, the last stronghold of coup militias in Nahm towards Arhab province in Sana'a Governorate.

According to Yemen's official news agency, Saba, the army's seizure of al-Dabouha came after twin attacks carried out by Brigade 141 with the support of Brigade 310, at dawn on Sunday with the air coverage from the Arab coalition.

An official military source, said, with the capture of Al Dabouha district in Nahm, Eastern Sana'a, the confrontations will be at Sashli district in Arhab province, close to the Sana'a International Airport.

The source noted that the army also seized some captives during the two attacks, while others fled in disarray towards Arhab. and by Asharq Al-Awsat:

19.3.2017 – Al Sahwa (A K PS)

Yemen's army entirely dominates strategic area in Nehim

Yemen's army dominated on Sunday a strategic area in Nehim in the west of Sana'a, military sources affirmed.

According to the sources, the army and resistances' forces entirely dominated the area of Tabat al-Qanaseen which was considered among the most important positions of the militias.

Meanwhile, military sources said that the takeover of Tababt al-Qanaseen will transfer the confrontations with militias of the Houthis and Saleh to Arhab district which overlooks Sana'a Airport.

The sources affirmed that the army managed to capture large numbers of the militias while others escaped to Arhab.

Remark: Yemen's army = Saudi-backed Hadi army.

19.3.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)
Pro-government forces kill 10 Houthis, hold 4 others captives in Nehm

1 militants from the Houthis-Saleh forces were killed and 4 others held captives in clashes against the pro-government forces in Dhabowa area of Nehm district in northeastern Sana’a.

The pro-government forces 26 September website, citing a military source, said that the pro-government forces and popular resistance have attacked the Houthis and allied forces in the outskirts of Dhabowa area, killing 10 militants and holding 4 others captives.

The source added that the pro-government forces also seized large amounts of heavy and medium weapons and ammunition.

18.3.2017 – New News (A K PH)

Nehm: Attacking the hypocrites’ military bases

Sana’a province: Nehm battle front :

The heroes of the Yemeni army and public committees attack several military bases for the aggression’s mercenaries in Yam area in retaliation to the war crimes committed by Saudi-led coalition against Yemeni people

20.3.2017 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi aggression missile shelling on Saada areas

Saudi aggression missile shelling on various areas of Saada province, causing heavy damage to citizens’ properties.

The shelling hit citizens’ farms and the main road in a number of areas of Razah and Monabah districts. and also

20.3.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi missile shelling on Sa'ada

Saudi aggression missile shelling on various areas of Sa'ada province, causing heavy damage to citizens' properties, a local official told Saba on Monday.
The shelling hit citizens' farms and the main road in a number of areas of Razah and Monabah districts.

20.1.2017 – Anadolu (A K)

Yemen: 20 Houthi rebels killed near Saudi border

At least 20 Houthi rebels were reportedly killed in a failed attempt to attack government positions in Yemen’s northern Saada province near Saudi border, according to the Yemeni army.

Houthi militants on Sunday attempted to sneak into army positions in Souq al-Buqaa area in northern Saada, the army said in a statement cited by the pro-army September 26 website.

The statement cited a military source saying 20 Houthi rebels were killed when government forces aborted the attack.

“The militias sustained heavy losses,” the source said.

There was no comment from the Shia Houthi group on the claim – By Mohammed al-Samei

Remark.. Relying just on Hadi army’s statements.

Houthi / Saleh reports: (summing up all “victories” for March 18)

Missile fired and intercepted:

Pro-Saudi / Pro-Hadi reports:

Houthi / Saleh films:

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

20.3.2017 – Jewish Press (* B H P)

Rescuing My Family From Yemen

When I speak to Dhahari, who visited Israel in January this year as a participant in Yeshiva University’s Israel Winter Mission, he takes me into a world where anti-Semitism is the stuff that life is made of. “As a Jew in Yemen, you live in your own little bubble and don’t associate with the world around you. You’re always seen as a stranger – even though you’ve been there for thousands of years,” he says. – By Rhona Lewis

19.3.2017 – Murat Subay

Yemenis painting peace (1) A photo by #AFP agency, of a Yemeni old man painting in the annual event #open_day_of_art, March 15, 2017.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-282 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-282: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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