Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 298 - Yemen War Mosaic 298

Yemen Press Reader 298: US & Saudis–Konflikt Hadi & Emirate–Hodeida–Al Kaida–Bewässerung zerstört–Lebensmittelmangel–Saudis & Terrorismus–Russland & Emirate–Unruhe im Süden–Journalismus im Jemen

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US and the role of Saudis in Yemen – Conflict between President Hadi and Emirates – Assault on Hodeida will bring mass starvation – AQAP in Yemen – Irrigation system destroyed by the war – Food insecurity – When great powers intervene – Saudis, Wahabism and terrorism – Russia and the Emirates – Unrest in Southern Yemen – Journalism in Yemen

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Unruhe im Südjemen / Most important: Unrest in Southern Yemen

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Journalismus im Jemen / Most important: Journalism in Yemen

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

4.5.2017 – National Interest (** B K P)

Does Donald Trump Know He's Helping Saudi Arabia Ruin Yemen?

Why Trump needs to rethink his decision to support Saudi Arabia's role in the Middle East.

The euphoria over reinvigorating the Riyadh-Washington alliance has reached dizzying diplomatic heights. Both capitals are rejoicing over rejuvenating the decades-old alliance, which had become abrasive during the Obama administration. Assertively, the Trump administration has underscored the strategic value of a strong Riyadh as the pivot to strengthening the relationship. This American posture, however, is critically grounded in military terms as a foil to Iran’s regional role to the exclusion of all ideological and sociopolitical factors and values that undergird a strong relationship. More specifically, whereas Washington should be rightly concerned about Iran’s spoiler role in the region, it has perilously swept under the rug all concerns about Saudi Arabia’s role in directly—or indirectly—fomenting terrorism as a growth and/or byproduct of the kingdom’s religiopolitical policies to promote its Wahhabi-Salafi creed and to curb Iranian influence in the Middle East.

Certainly, United States should address all threats posed by Iran. Nevertheless, United States cannot address those threats by oversimplifying the context and background against which Iran carries out its spoiler regional role.

Saudi Arabia, considering Yemen as its underbelly and backwater, tried to influence the politics of Yemen by supporting central authorities to impose their rule throughout the country and to promote their Wahhabi-Salafi school of Islam. Whereas Southern Yemen felt marginalized, Zaidis felt that their culture and religion were under attack. In fact, several Saudi-educated Yemeni religious scholars, such as Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi’i, Hazam al-Bahlawi, Muhammad al-Mahdi and Muhammad al-Wasabi, have focused on propagating the Wahhabi-Salafi creed and converting Zaidis to Sunnis. Sheikh Wadi’i was successful in creating a Salafi center in the village of Damaj next to Sa’da, the capital of Zaidi Sa’da Province, as well as in converting a number of Zaidi Shia to Sunnism. Worried about their culture and religion, Zaidi religious scholars, led by Badr al-Din al-Houthi, mobilized to face off what they considered a Wahhabi onslaught on their very existence as a community.

the Saudi-led campaign had failed to dislodge the Houthis and their allies from the capital. Rather, it had further devastated Yemen’s economy and security. AQAP and ISIS have exploited the ongoing strife to expand their power and terror attacks across Yemen. Following the loss of a number of their troops in Yemen, Arab Gulf Countries have hired mercenaries to do their campaign bidding. The UAE has deployed the largest mercenary force in Yemen, hailing from Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan and other countries.

It is against this background that the Trump administration wants to cooperate and strengthen Saudi military role in the region mainly as a counterbalance to that of Iran. This singular naïve approach will only deepen the strife and crises—not only in Yemen but also in Syria and Bahrain. It will also indirectly enhance the power of Salafi jihadis. Washington, indeed, should maintain and strengthen its alliance with Saudi Arabia; but that should entail candor talks and firm requests that the kingdom curb the propagation of its Wahhabi-Salafi creed and its anti-Shia religiopolitical policies at home and abroad that inadvertently help pave the way for Iran’s growing influence and meddling in Middle Eastern societies. Otherwise, Washington should not be shocked by the human catastrophe awaiting Yemen – by Robert G. Rabil

My comment: A good look at history, at the main factors which caused the Yemen war, and at the US involvement.

4.5.2017 – RT (** A P)

Hadi im Streit mit den VAE: Spaltung in der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition im Jemen

Der Streit um die Kontrolle des Flughafens in Aden weist bereits seit einiger Zeit auf Zerwürfnisse in der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition hin, die seit mehr als zwei Jahren im Jemen kämpft. Am Donnerstag gab es Proteste in Aden gegen die Entlassung des Gouverneurs.

Wie David Hearst vom Middle East Eye berichtet, hatte es bei einem Treffen in den VAE starke Auseinandersetzungen gegeben, als es um die Frage nach der Kontrolle des jemenitischen Flughafens ging. Muhammad bin Zayid Al Nahyan ist stellvertretender Kommandant der Streitkräfte der VAE und führt faktisch die Amtsgeschäfte der Emirate. Bei einem Treffen gerieten der jemenitische Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi und er aneinander.

Es hatte bereits seit einiger Zeit Differenzen um den Flughafen in Aden gegeben, der eine Hauptversorgungsroute sowohl für die Koalition als auch für Hadi darstellt. Das eher kurze Treffen im Februar endete in Wutausbrüchen und in gegenseitigen Schuldzuweisungen.

Die saudische Seite hatte bereits zuvor mehrere Versuche unternommen zwischen den beiden Seiten zu vermitteln, doch am 27. April entließ Hadi per Präsidialdekret den Gouverneur von Aden, Aidarus al-Zoubaidi sowie Hani Ali bin Braik und andere Minister, die den VAE loyal gegenüberstanden.

Bereits seit Monaten gibt es Spannungen in der Frage um die Kontrolle des Flughafens in der für die Versorgung und Transport bedeutenden Stadt Aden. Anfang Februar war Hadi selbst keine Landeerlaubnis erteilt worden, woraufhin er den Leiter des Flughafens feuerte und den Flughafen durch Brigadegeneral Muhran Quabati, den Kommandanten der Vierten Brigade, die Leibwächter des Präsidenten, belagern ließ.

Doch in der vergangenen Woche hatte es einen Eklat am Flughafen gegeben zwischen Quabati und den Emiratis

Öffentlich hatte Hadi bisher volle Unterstützung aus Riad, daher ist unklar, was die VAE nun machen werden.

3.5.2017 – Middle East Eye (** A P)

EXCLUSIVE: Yemeni president says Emiratis acting as occupiers

Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi has accused Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander of the Emirati armed forces, of behaving like an occupier of Yemen rather than its liberator, Middle East Eye can reveal.

The feud between the two men threatens to split the alliance between forces who are fighting the Iranian-backed Houthis.

Sources close to Hadi told MEE that an angry confrontation took place between the two leaders when Hadi flew to Abu Dhabi in an attempt to patch up differences over who controls Aden's airport, a key supply route for Emirati-backed troops and the Yemeni president himself.

When Bin Zayed reminded Hadi of how much the UAE had sacrificed in the fight to liberate Yemen, Hadi responded by saying the Emiratis were behaving "like an occupation power in Yemen rather than a force of liberation". This enraged Bin Zayed even more, the sources said.

The feud between the two men has outwitted at least two attempts by the Saudis at mediation and now Hadi has sacked two men close to the Emiratis.

They are Aden's governor Aydarus al-Zubaydi, and Hani Ali bin Braik, a minister of state and general commander of the forces of the Security Belt, run by the UAE.

Aden airport confrontation

The Aden airport issue first erupted when Hadi himself was refused landing permission in early February and had to land instead on the Yemeni island of Socotra before he made another attempt to fly back into Aden.

Hadi responded by firing the head of the airport, who had refused to obey orders.

Hadi then had Brigadier General Muhran Qabati, commander of the Fourth Brigade - which acts as the presidential bodyguard - lay siege to the airport, and clashes between the two sides followed.

All appeared to calm down until last week, when a second incident occurred at the airport.

Qabati's plane landed at the airport, and the Emiratis in control of the airport refused to allow him to leave.

Qabati refused to fly away from the airport in the airplane he came in on. The standoff was finally resolved when the Saudis flew a private jet to take the brigadier general back to Riyadh.

This incident was the last for straw for Hadi, who went ahead with the firing of the governor of Aden and the minister. Other sackings will follow, sources say.

Growing chasm between Saudi Arabia and UAE

The Saudis have since been forced to back Hadi publicly. Hadi's legitimacy has been endorsed first by a meeting with the Saudi king, Salman, and then by meeting the US ambassador.

According to Arabi 21, Bin Salman is said to have declared Riyadh's support for "all the decisions, measures and arrangements that support legitimacy and put in order the security and military situation in Aden and the rest of the provinces".

No one knows quite what Bin Zayed will do now. Apart from the presence of Emirati special forces in Yemen, the UAE is expanding its grip on southern Yemen by funding groups loyal to them. One is 15,000 strong.

The UAE's foreign minister, Anwar Gargash, has criticised the sacking of the two men described as close to the UAE – by David Hearst

Comment by Judith Brown: Well here we have confirmation of the UAE - Hadi split that has been rumoured for such a long time.

4.5.2017 – The Arab Gulf States Institute (** B P)

Shaping the South: The UAE in Yemen

As the contours of the United Arab Emirates’ ambitious agenda in southern Yemen continue to become more evident, so do the differences between the UAE and the government of Yemen’s exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Increasingly – and much to Hadi’s dismay – the UAE seems to be building ties to individuals identified with a movement that continues to press for greater autonomy, if not outright independence, from Yemen’s central authority. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia – which organized the military intervention into Yemen’s civil war to reinstate Hadi’s internationally-recognized government – has thus far avoided getting drawn into the public debate over the Emiratis’ southern strategy, inviting questions about its own disposition regarding the future of a unified Yemeni state, and its support for Hadi himself.

The most recent evidence that the UAE is pursuing a political agenda across southern Yemen that diverges from that of the Hadi government surfaced April 22 at the so-called Inclusive Hadramout Conference.

Meanwhile, the UAE’s ongoing strategic investments in southern Yemen continue to draw attention. The UAE is reportedly building an airstrip on Perim Island, which sits in the middle of the strategic Bab el-Mandeb.

As early as June 2015, when UAE special forces entered Aden and established a military presence, it appears that the Saudis had already agreed that the Emiratis would assume responsibility for the management of southern Yemen. This outsized role in the ground war against Houthi militants and allied forces continues, including along the Red Sea coast, now seen as potentially a game-changing bit of real estate, particularly as it pertains to control of the port city of Hodeidah. In fact, a Yemeni analyst suggested last week that Abu Dhabi is busily building inroads at all of Yemen’s major ports, from Mukalla in the east to Mokha on the Red Sea coast, all with an aim to harness the economic potential of these seaports as part of a larger state-building exercise seen as crucial to southern Yemen’s long-term stability. Viewed in this context, the UAE’s enthusiasm for an amphibious assault to liberate Hodeidah from Houthi control appears to follow a certain logic, even if it now seems to be backing away from any imminent military operation.

As the war in Yemen drags on with no apparent end in sight, the Emiratis appear increasingly determined to shift their focus from short-term tactical advantage to long-term strategic stabilization. As a result, while stasis seems to prevail on the battlefield, the UAE is moving ahead with plans that appear to support a much longer-term investment in Yemen, one that may include redrawing the map of the country – by Stephen A. Seche, former US ambassador to Yemen

My comment: Written before the last events at Aden.

3.5.2017 – Reuters (** A K P)

UAE builds up Yemen regional army but country fragments

Since a Yemeni force trained and funded by the United Arab Emirates recaptured the southern port of Mukalla from al Qaeda fighters a year ago, the Gulf state's efforts to consolidate progress risks being compromised by traditional rivalries.

Divisions within Yemen's heavily tribal society as well as secessionist sentiment among troops and leaders in the once-independent south make building a truly national army an almost impossible task for the UAE right now.

They could also suck the UAE deeper into the Yemen quagmire.

UAE officers say the situation has made it difficult for them to push north and add to their territorial gains. A southern offensive has slowed down since it crossed the borders of Taiz province, they said.

"Taiz is part of the north, and southerners would not fight beyond their borders. Taking them there was a big challenge," one UAE military officer said.

The UAE concentrated its efforts on building a Yemeni force since it reduced its own troops' frontline exposure following a Houthi missile attack which killed scores of UAE and other Gulf soldiers in eastern Marib province in September 2015.

Senior UAE military officers say their forces have trained and pay more than 11,000 Yemeni soldiers from Hadramout and 14,000 from Aden and three provinces. Unity is elusive, however.

But the war effort may now take second place to local fervor to revive a southern state, bolstered by the recapture of Aden from the Houthis by coalition forces in July 2015.

Now local forces appear to be prioritizing the fight on their front door over those in lands they regard as a foreign country.

"If there is no peace with the north, we will just split away," Hadramout provincial governor General Ahmad Bin Bourek said at his heavily guarded residence in Mukalla.

In Aden, 480 km (300 miles) to the west of Mukalla, divisions have already started to mount between Hadi and pro-secession troops – By Aziz El Yaakoubi

3.5.2017 – Vice News (** A H K P)

“Catastrophic”. Saudi Arabia’s expected military assault on Yemen will almost certainly cause mass starvation

Now Saudi coalition forces plan on seizing Hodeidah in an ambitious amphibious assault they say will cut off supplies to the Houthis while also facilitating a massive increase in aid to the country. Human rights groups and NGOs, however, worry that the attack would actually act as a trigger for the long warned-of famine. On April 27, a bipartisan group of U.S. senators sent a letter to the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. arguing that “a military campaign against Hodeidah would make a horrible humanitarian situation in Yemen catastrophic.”

Yet the Trump administration appears increasingly inclined to not only allow the assault but also lend it direct military support.

Analysts warn of a far worse humanitarian situation in the wake of a Hodeidah invasion, which senior U.N. officials have already described as likely having “catastrophic” consequences, believing it would render the port totally inoperable.

“The projected [economic and humanitarian] disaster is a direct consequence of decisions by all belligerents to weaponise the economy, coupled with indifference and at times a facilitating role played by the international community, including key members of the Security Council such as the U.S., U.K., and France,” analysts at the Brussels-based International Crisis Group wrote in a frank appraisal of the situation in April.

ICG has called for the coalition to halt plans for the Hodeidah offensive and for the parties in the conflict to agree to a ceasefire. Instead, plans for the U.N.-led peace talks pushed for by former Secretary of State John Kerry are on hold until the offensive takes place. NGOs and aid agencies are lobbying Western governments with close ties to the Saudis to prevent the offensive, but the Trump administration has signaled an eagerness to push back against Iranian interference in the Middle East. Yemen, where the U.S. has few interests aside from combating the local al-Qaida franchise, appears to be an ideal place to do so.

If there’s a common thread that runs through the last 15 years of wars across the Middle East and North Africa, it is a misplaced optimism that outsiders can shape the facts on the ground in countries they do not fully understand. The cost of that misunderstanding has been hundreds of thousands of deaths, the mass displacement of people resulting in the worst refugee crisis since World War II, and the rise of brutal extremist groups.

Representatives of aid agencies and human rights organizations tell VICE News that U.S. defense officials have been trying to sell the offensive to them as an opportunity to improve humanitarian access to Yemen. Once the port is under coalition control, officials reportedly said during a mid-April meeting in Washington with NGOs, the coalition would be able to bring in large volumes of basic goods. The U.S. told humanitarian organizations it expects the port to be inaccessible for just four to six weeks, but that’s likely wildly optimistic; the Houthis may very well destroy the port if they feel they’re about to lose control of the city.

Two Western analysts with military experience told VICE News that an amphibious assault of the kind being discussed — launched from the sea, with the port city then being reclaimed street by street — would be a deeply complex operation only the U.S. military could undertake with any guarantee of success. And regardless of who undertakes it, they said, there would be a high loss of life – By Peter Salisbury

2.5.2017 – Long War Journal (** B T)

AQAP leader discusses complex war in Yemen

Al Malahem Media, the main propaganda arm for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), published a “dialogue” with Qasim al Raymi on Apr. 30. Raymi was named AQAP’s overall emir after a drone strike killed his predecessor, Nasir al Wuhayshi, in June 2015. For nearly two years since that time, Raymi has been forced to navigate an increasingly complex battlefield in Yemen. And Al Malahem’s newly released interview* is intended to explained Raymi’s thinking on everything from AQAP’s conflict with the Houthis, to the Arab-led coalition that is fighting the Houthis, to al Qaeda’s approach to implementing sharia law.

Raymi says his organization follows the example set by the Taliban. He also cites a text written by al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri to explain why AQAP cooperates with other Islamist and tribal groups inside Yemen. Raymi is openly loyal to Zawahiri, so it is not surprising that he would follow the al Qaeda emir’s guidance.

Criticizes American counterterrorism raid

The interview begins with a critique of the American counterterrorism operation launched on Jan. 29 in the Yakla area of Yemen’s Al Bayda province. Women and children were killed during the raid and Raymi doesn’t miss the opportunity to portray the US as an aggressor against all Muslims.

“From their crimes, we confirm that they are enemies of Muslims,” Raymi says. He argues that this “crime” is just one of many supposedly committed by the Americans in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Syria. Raymi also attempts to tie the raid in Yemen to America’s pro-Israel policy, citing the “unlimited” and “constant support in finance” and “weapons” the US provides to the Israeli nation.

Raymi also argues that the Yakla operation demonstrates America’s weakness, because the US is still hunting the “mujahideen” more than 15 years after the 9/11 hijackings. “A decade and a half [after] the outbreak of the contemporary Crusader war and they have not achieved a thing,” he claims. “Their ploy has now drifted into killing women and children.”

Raymi claims the Houthis are allied with America

Even though the Houthis have fired on American ships off the coast of Yemen, Raymi argues they are in cahoots with the US. “The issue is…vivid and clear,” he says, as the Houthis “conduct continuous meetings with” the Americans. Raymi reminds his audience that former Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh, who is closely allied with the Houthis, first partnered with the Americans years go. “So the issue is not at all strange,” Raymi contends.

The UAE campaign is supposedly part of an “American project”

Raymi portrays this Emirati and Saudi-led force as an American proxy, and even accuses the UAE of cooperating with the US in the controversial counterterrorism operation on Jan. 29.

“They cooperate and contribute with the Americans constantly,” Raymi claims. The UAE “wants to entirely implement the American project in Yemen,” such that key ports come under their control and the southern part of the country is transformed into “an American protectorate.”

AQAP would prefer to focus on the Houthis

Perhaps the most interesting section of Raymi’s interview is his discussion of AQAP’s priorities inside Yemen. Asked if Ansar al Sharia “should concentrate” its efforts on “fighting the Houthis instead of indulging in other battles,” Raymi replies: “Yes we are going to great lengths and all [of] our efforts are towards that.”

While AQAP wants to focus on the Houthis, Raymi says his men have to make sure they do not “expose” themselves to other threats. “It is our duty to unify our efforts in fighting the Houthis by all means,” Raymi explains.

The AQAP chieftain then provides an anecdote that offers real insight into AQAP’s strategic thinking.

The Taliban is AQAP’s model

Raymi claims that AQAP does not promise the people they “will rule others,” nor does it seek “leadership” for itself. “Our main goal is to be governed by the Islamic Sharia,” whether AQAP is the ultimate authority or “others” earn that role for themselves. “Surely this is not upon us but in the power of Allah,” Raymi says. “If He wills for the honor to accompany us, His absolute bounty will bestow upon us. And if He wills else, we are bestowed with the honor of loyalty and truth in striving to rule the sharia in this earth.”

AQAP works with other Islamist groups and the tribes

Al Malahem’s interviewer asked Raymi about the other existing “Islamic groups,” as well as “established tribes,” and how AQAP deals with them.

“My noble brother, these people are the Muslim nation,” Raymi says. “We treat and deal with them according to Islam and…sharia. And any Muslim whatsoever is our brother. We face today a Crusader war that does not [distinguish] on its way.”

Raymi continues: “Defensive jihad does not stipulate any condition. We are ready to aid and protect any Muslim and fight together with all Muslims as one.” – BY THOMAS JOSCELYN and an abridgement:

3.5.2017 – Down to Earth (** B H)

Yemen's irrigation system: invisible victim of the war

Spate irrigation systems were attacked in the bombing campaigns. In war, however, such civil structures are not supposed to be targeted by any one.

Agriculture is vital for food security in Yemen. More than 70 per cent of its people depend on agriculture either directly or indirectly as their economic foothold. Yet the harmless sector has been brutalised like anything else. The war damage to the agricultural sector is already more than US $16 billion.

Spate irrigation systems in the coastal red sea zone of Yemen, the Tihama, made it the food basket of the country. Tihama produced most of the grains, livestock and export fruits in the country. But water system infrastructure has been hit by the war while Tihama Development Authority’s equipment and machines stores have been directly destroyed. Below are the images of Wadi Siham branch in Waqer Area of the Tihama Development Authority that has been wilfully destroyed. In addition to the physical damage a lot of documents and computer files, containing data and studies carried out since many decades have also been lost.

The indirect repercussions of the war are even larger. Flood-based irrigation systems need to be cleaned regularly to allow the flood water to flow. The lack of maintenance due to war, however, has led to accumulation of sediments and harmful tree growth in the bottom of canals. As a result, the Wadi Sihamspate irrigation system runs at 50 per cent of its capacity, as confirmed during meetings with farmers and Water User Association members.

It is descent into poverty: half the production in the country’s food basket has gone; food prices escalated; income severed and employment opportunities disappeared.

Worst still is the fate of the many tenants and farm workers, who constitute 70 per cent of the agricultural population – by Frank van Steenbergen

30.4.2017 - World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Government of Yemen, Food Security Cluster (** A H)

Yemen - State of Food Insecurity in Yemen based on the Emergency Food Security and Nutrition Assessment (EFSNA), April 2017

The EFSNA has been the first nation-wide household survey conducted in Yemen since the escalation of conflict in 2015. It is the main data source of the latest Yemen Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) released in March 2017 and was jointly conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Yemen Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC), in close partnership with the Yemeni authorities. The assessment represents 95 percent of the entire population. A total of 6,711 households were interviewed in November 2016, out of which 66 percent resided in rural and 34 percent in urban areas.

The conflict in Yemen has led to an alarming deterioration in the food security and nutrition situation, leaving sixty percent of the population in food crisis or emergency.

One in three Yemeni households have poor food consumption reflecting a diet of extremely poor quality and quantity – mainly consisting of bread, sugar and oil.

The ongoing widespread conflict has had devastating impacts on people’s lives and overall well-being. In response, 62 percent of households are forced to adapt coping strategies, a 30 percent increase compared to 2014.

The household hunger score has nearly tripled since 2014. Over two-fifth of Yemeni households went to sleep hungry and almost one-fifth reported to have gone one day and night without eating. = and in full:

2.5.2017 – Swarajyamag (** B K P)

How The Great Powers Intervene In Regions They Don’t Understand Using False Moral Arguments

Hardeep Puri’s Perilous Interventions is an excellent exposition of Great Power hypocrisy and the weakness of the United Nations in both, curbing the predatory instincts of some of its members and the oppressive nature of other members.

Puri, Hardeep Singh. Perilous Interventions: The Security Council and the Politics of Chaos. Noida: HarperCollins Publishers, 2016. 280 pp.

Yet long before then, Iraq had attracted the attention of certain American strategists such as Paul Wolfowitz. They had argued as early as the early 1970s, Puri reminds us, that the removal of Saddam Hussein from power could potentially result in a domino effect of democratisation in the region, and with it, better partners for the United States. Two other candidates for regime change to accelerate this region-wide democratic revolution were Iran and Libya. Revolution in the former in 1979 and the subsequent Iran-Iraq war extinguished all such thoughts from the White House.

However, they were not forgotten. In Binyamin Netanyahu's address to a joint session of the US Congress in 2002, the former and future Israeli prime minister reiterated this same idea. American fears about Iraqi ABCs – atomic, biological, and chemical weapons – rang his message sweeter to Washington. Looking to their own careers, CIA officials funnelled intelligence reports they knew would be prefered by the High Command rather than those undermining the public narrative of state sponsorship of terrorism and WMDs. The United States went to war in Iraq soon afterwards and the Middle East began to unravel – not in a manner either Wolfowitz, Netanyahu, or anyone else had envisioned.

Narrow national interests coloured the deliberations of the Security Council over Libya as well

Everything has consequences, and the Western sleight of hand over Libya had got Russia's back up over Syria. As a result, when the Security Council started deliberating on Bashar al-Assad's civil war, Moscow was implacable in their opposition to any sort of intervention.

Perilous Interventions also describes the paralysis of the Security Council owing to its veto provisions over the crisis in Ukraine caused by the secession of Crimea and its return to Russia. The author stops short of excusing Russian behaviour as he lambasts European and American ambition in seeking to pry Ukraine out of the Russian sphere of influence.

Yemen saw similar inaction from the Security Council. The country, already a regular on the UN body's agenda even before civil war broke out, has experienced more death and destruction in five months than even Syria after four long years of fighting. Impoverished Yemen has for long been Saudi Arabia's bete noire: fearful of foreign intervention – Egypt in the 1960s and Iran since the 1980s – in a country bordering its own restive Shia population, Riyadh has been quick and ruthless in its involvement in Yemen. The Saudi campaign, Puri reminds us, has received complete support from the United States and other Western powers.

The real punch of Perilous Interventions comes from its author's assertion that this behaviour of the Western powers was given intellectual cover by their think tanks and media. In fact, Puri explicitly states that the push towards intervention in Libya came from the Western media over the inclination of a hesitant diplomatic corps. Gaddafi was portrayed negatively, incompletely, and even falsely – he had not, for example, threatened civilians with retaliation – in the tabloids to the extent that it was difficult for him to even get hotel rooms in New York during a 2012 visit. These observations by Puri only cement the cautious view of Western organisations in the rest of the world. They can no longer be seen as sources of intellectually rigorous, methodologically sound, and unbiased information. In fact, reading Puri between the lines, think tanks and media have become a new front for the West to propagate their hegemony through 'mindfare' – the war for opinions and minds throughout the world – true hegemony as described by Antonio Gramsci – by Jaideep A Prabhu

30.4.2017 – Newsbud (** B P T)

Saudi Arabia is the Top Sponsor of Terrorism, Not Iran

The Trump administration has ignored the role played by Saudi Arabia in creating “trouble in the region,” trouble that overshadows anything purportedly created by Iran.

Omitted from any official discussion is the Saudi role in creating Islamic terror. The effort began in earnest in 1973 when the price of oil skyrocketed. Between 1972 and 1978 the price of oil per barrel rose $9.02, from $3.50 a barrel to $12.52. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates began to put their windfall to use by funding Wahhabi projects around the world.

In 2003 the Center for Security Policy (CSP) calculated that between 1975 and 2002 the Saudi government spent over $70 billion on international aid. Nearly all the money went to Islamic related projects such as building Wahhabi mosques and religious schools. CSP scholar Alex Alexiev characterized the effort as “the largest worldwide propaganda campaign ever mounted” in the history of the world.

“Accompanying the money, invariably, was a blizzard of Wahhabist literature,” US News and World Report noted in 2003. “Critics argue that Wahhabism’s more extreme preachings—mistrust of infidels, branding of rival sects as apostates, and emphasis on violent jihad—laid the groundwork for terrorist groups around the world.”

The massive funding effort represents “a monumental campaign to bulldoze the more moderate strains of Islam, and replace them with the theo-fascist Saudi variety. Despite being well aware of the issue, Western powers continue to coddle the Saudis or, at most, protest meekly from time to time,” writes Yousaf Butt.

The Saudis participated in the effort to defeat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and were instrumental in the creation of both al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Saudi Arabia worked closely with Pakistan to fund and support the Afghan Mujahideen.

The Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, and the CIA were responsible for organizing the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. After the Soviets left Afghanistan in defeat, the Brotherhood and its Saudi benefactors established a number of supposed charities to spread the Wahhabi cause. For instance, according to Richard Labeviere (Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam), Mercy International, a “subsidiary of the Muslim Brotherhood, was able to establish its headquarters in the United States, in the state of Michigan, with the assistance of the CIA. The Agency provided significant logistical and financial support to this ‘humanitarian’ organization, enabling it to act clandestinely in the various Balkan conflicts as well as within the Muslim communities of several Russian republics.” Mercy International was later tied to al-Qaeda.

In the early 1990s, the Saudi government initiated payments to al-Qaeda and by 1996 it became the largest financial backer of the terrorist group. Additionally, the Saudis were spending a fortune to finance other Salafist groups, including Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the al-Nusra Front. LeT carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks and used a Saudi-based front company to fund its activities.

In 2015, the journalist Patrick Cockburn reported on Saudi support for jihadi groups – by Kurt Nimmo

25.4.2017 – Atlantic Council (** A K P)

Russia and the UAE: Friends with Benefits

Russia’s deepening engagement in the Middle East is a positive development from the United Arab Emirates’ perspective. The Emiratis, with their unique relationship with the Kremlin, are trying to resolve regional security challenges that threaten their interests. More importantly, the Emiratis’ relationship with the Kremlin could help the UAE become an important interlocutor in efforts to defuse tensions between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The UAE’s strong relationship with Russia was on display when Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ), Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, visited Putin in the Kremlin on April 20. The two discussed crises in the Middle East as well as strengthening an already substantial relationship between their two countries. The visit took place at a time when the Trump administration has ratcheted up its anti-Iran rhetoric and US-Russia relations have reached an all-time low.

According to both Russian and Arab officials, this emerging strategic partnership’s first focus is Yemen, where the UAE wants Russia to help extricate Saudi Arabia from its war against the Zaidi Houthi rebels. With the Kremlin’s help, the Riyadh-led coalition could achieve this goal following a political process that includes holding presidential elections in Yemen later this year.
It is no secret that Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi is unpopular among Yemenis. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and its Russian interlocutors have noted that the Emiratis and Saudis want former Yemeni Prime Minister Mohammed Basindawa, who resigned in 2014 following deadly clashes between Houthi rebels and the army in Sana‘a, to be Yemen’s next president because he has good relations with Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen’s longtime president who was ousted in 2012. Specifically, Abu Dhabi sees utility in keeping Basindawa close despite his Muslim Brotherhood credentials because it will serve the UAE’s objectives in Yemen.
Under this plan, Saleh, who attended the Moscow meeting, according to Arab diplomats in Russia, will remain in Yemen, potentially as defense minister in a Basindawa administration. The question then is what becomes of Ali Moshen, Hadi’s military commander and a Saleh foe?

Russia’s role in Yemen
Russia, with the UAE’s help, is working to bring peace to Yemen. The Emiratis and the Saudis want Russia to press Iran to stop arming the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Any Russian help that extracts Saudi Arabia from the war in Yemen will bring dividends to the Moscow-Riyadh relationship.
Specifically, Russia is to receive berthing space for its naval vessels in Aden. This would give Russia its fourth “pit stop” from the top of the Suez Canal in the Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea, the others being Alexandria, Aqaba, and Fujariah.

Russia, meanwhile, will provide aid with support from the UAE. When this aid bridge starts, Russia is likely to use the UAE as a major hub to Yemen, as well as other parts of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. This emerging model of UAE-Russia cooperation in Yemen will boost the Kremlin’s profile in other regional hot spots as well – BY THEODORE KARASIK AND GIORGIO CAFIERO

My comment: Wait and see. Even an US think tank admits that Russia will play a positive role in Yemen, while the US only plays a disastrous one.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Unruhe im Südjemen / Most important: Unrest in Southern Yemen

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Für Hintergründe siehe auch cp1 / For backgrounds also look at cp1

Vorbemerkung: Die Lage in Aden ist verworren und kaum überschaubar. Möglicherweise waren die Ereignisse vom 4. März nur ein Strohfeuer. Die weitere Entwicklung wird von folgendem abhängen:

1. Wie positionieren sich die Emirate? Unterstützen sie tatsächlich die Abspaltung des Südjemen und die neue „Regierung“ von Aidross Zubaidi? Lassen sie „Präsident“ Hadi jetzt fallen? Bisher haben sie sich hierzu nicht geäußert; entsprechende Behauptungen (s. unten, Nasser Arrabyee) sind wohl verfrüht.

2. Wer hat nach dem Ende der Demonstration und den großen Erklärungen tatsächlich die Macht in Aden? Wie stellen sich Armee und Polizei, die diversen Milizen, der Verwaltungsapparat, die Gouverneure in den anderen südlichen Provinzen?

3. Hat Zubaidi tatsächlich weitgehende Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung?

Nachtrag: Keine Neuigkeiten (6. Mai, 6.15 Uhr)

Preliminary remark: The situation in Aden is confused and hardly to understand in the moment. Possibly, the events of March 4 were only a short-term straw fire. The further development will depend on the following:

1. How do the emirates position themselves? Do they actually support the secession of Southern Yemen and the new "government" of Aidross Zubaidi? Do they really turn away from "President" Hadi? So far, a clear statement is still missing; corresponding assertions (see below, Nasser Arrabyee) are presumably premature.

2. Who really will be in power in Aden after the end of the demonstration and the great declarations? What’s the position of the army and of the police, the various militia, the administrative apparatus, the governors in the other southern provinces?

3. Does Zubaidi actually have substantial support by the population?

Addendum: No news (March 6, 5.15 Greenwich time)

4.5.2017 – Southern Movement (* A P)

At its largest rally ever! today #SouthYemen took 1st step to #TakeBackControl from #Yemen, announcing @AidroosZubaidi political council lead (photos)

4.5.2017 – Reuters (** A P)

Thousands protest at Yemen president's sacking of southern leaders

Tens of thousands of Yemenis protested in Aden on Thursday against President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's sacking of the provincial governor and a cabinet minister widely praised for helping drive Iran-aligned Houthis from the city in 2015.

The two men sacked, Aden provincial governor Aydaroos al-Zubaidi and cabinet member Hani bin Brek, are both seen as supporting separatism for southern Yemen, while Hadi is determined to tighten his grip over a unified country.

Zubaidi was one of the leaders of the Southern Resistance that helped expel the Houthis from his city.

Diplomats and some analysts say Hadi is uncomfortable with the fact that among the forces trained and supported by the United Arab Emirates are some pro-secessionist fighters.

Zubaidi and Brek are also seen as close to the UAE, a powerful regional military player.

Witnesses described convoys of buses and cars carrying hundreds of people that had been arriving since Wednesday from around southern Yemen in Aden, the capital of the former South Yemen, for a rally billed as "a gathering of millions".

Zubaidi told the protesters that he intended to work with all parties to push for independence for the south.

"May 4th represents a turning point in the Southern nationalist movement's struggle for independence," he told the protesters in Aden – by Mohammed Mukhashaf

4.5.2017 – AFP (** A P)

Pro-secession rallies in Yemen spotlight tensions with UAE

Thousands of southern Yemenis who support the secession of their region rallied in Aden on Thursday against the sacking of the city's governor.

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi last week fired Aden's governor, Aidarous al-Zubaidi, along with Cabinet minister Hani Bin Braik. They are both believed to be close to the United Arab Emirates, a key member of a Saudi-led coalition fighting Yemen's Shiite rebels, also known as Houthis, since 2015.

The demonstration was held in the district of Khormaksar, where protesters announced in a statement that they are authorizing al-Zubaidi to form a political entity to represent southern Yemenis.

The demonstration took place amid tightened security but turnout was lower than anticipated. Security officials said that limited clashes took place between supporters of Hadi and the protesters.

Thursday's demonstration, and the sacking of al-Zubaidi and state minister Hani Bin Braik are the latest developments in an ongoing stand-off between Hadi and the Emiratis.

4.5.2017 – AFP (** A P)

South Yemen protesters challenge president's authority

Thousands of south Yemenis demonstrated on Thursday in support of a governor sacked by the president in a blow to his authority and his efforts to keep together a motley loyalist coalition.

In his war with Shiite Muslim rebels who control the capital Sanaa and much of the north, President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi has relied heavily on militia recruited in the formerly independent south, where separatist sentiment runs deep.

That has often forced him into a difficult balancing act with his other supporters -- Sunni Islamists and loyalist army units from the north.

Thursday's demonstrators converged on the region's main city Aden, where Hadi's government is based, from towns across the south.

Organisers called for sacked Aden governor Aidarous al-Zoubeidi to set up a "national leadership to represent the south" and pledged their allegiance to it, in a statement received by AFP.

Hadi dismissed Zoubeidi and state minister Hani bin Breik on April 27 in a move that was widely seen as reflecting divisions among his supporters.

The two men, who are both believed to be close to southern self-rule activists, played a key role in restoring security to Aden and adjacent provinces after the rebels were pushed out in 2015.

But they have rivals among northern generals who remained loyal to Hadi and among Islamist militia.

4.5.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee: New events at Aden (** A P)

UAE declaring new "legitimacy" for south Yemen amid disputes with Saudis over "legitimacy" of runaway,twice-resigned president Hadi (photos of rally)

Comment: UAE does not have the authority to redesign Yemen, nor does Saudi piggeria. If the north & South divide it weakens Yemen. Its suicide.

Comment to comment: Uae didnt declare crap, the southerners never wanted to be part of a unified Yemen, uae gave them their blessings and thats the result

UAE has buried 2day the "legitimacy" of Saudi puppet runway president Hadi by declaring a president for south Yemen, Zubaidi, in the middle (photos of rally)

UAE-backed Yemen south separatists refused "legitimacy" of Saudi puppet runaway president Hadi,&declared their own "legitimacy" (photos of rally)

Millions of Yemeni southern separatists,backed by UAE,refuse legitimacy of the twice-resigned runaway Saudi puppet Hadi& declare their own (photos of rally)

UAE-backed separatists declared their president Mr Zubaidi, the one sacked by Saudi-imposed president, runaway, Hadi (photos of rally)

UAE-imposed president for south Yemen, Zubaidi, says now, he will declare south Yemen as an independent State (photo: billboard)

US Trump prefers UAE over Saudis in Yemen Saudis have only Qaeda/ISIS as proxies UAE is strong enemy of MB brotherhood,Qaeda/ISIS incubator (photo, rally)

My comment: Wait and see.

4.5.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy: New events at Aden (** A P)

Billboard of South leaders centered by dismissed Aden's governor now leader of South. Hadi et henchmen lost footing in temp capital.

(Comment to billboard): Note presence of Hadramawt governor Bin Brayk and Hadrami military leader Faraj al-Bahsani.

Aden's governor sacked by Hadi is declared leader of South #Yemen today and to pursue independence from North. Gov's legitimacy out window (photo, rally)

Saleh, Houthis, Hadi and their cronies marginalized South and received int'l backing to do it in name of unity & legitimacy. No more (photo, rally)

Saleh saying anyone calling for federalism or independence of South is a foreign agent!? It's a LOCAL demand of South, NOT foreign.

I fully back right of self-determination. As much as I favor unity, it's South has full right to decide federalism or independence.

27 years of marginalization and where Saudi backed Hadi's dismissal of popular South leaders cracked floodgates open.

Remember this? This was just last year and many similar in years before due to systematic marginalization of South #Yemen referring to

This is from 2014. The days when South marginalization at gun point. Saleh's infamous "Unity or Death". referring to

Both them [Hadi government] and Saleh/Houthis desperately playing dead. I hope international MSM doesn't. What happened in Aden should be in headlines.

Massive deliberations within Saudi-led coalition for damage control after fallout btwn #Yemen gov't & South leaders. Eyes on UAE and Saudi.

Cryptic tweet by UAE FM @AnwarGargash w/ 'you had it coming' & 'now reality exposed, new status quo'. Seems to be directed at Hadi. #Yemen (see images)

Ironically, the heavily South forces dependant push for Hodeidah will be delayed by disarray in Saudi-led coalition's house

4.5.2017 – Josephjo1221 (A P)

The whole world laughs at your million! Some people honored you and said thousands! And the people who toured your right said hundreds (photo of rally)

4.5.2017 – Aidreos Zubidi (Southern leader, former Aden governor) (A P)

National symbols, social and political blessed to Al - Zubaidi
The home of Maj. Gen. Eidros al-Zubaidi in the capital of Aden witnessed a "great" arrival of social, political and national figures and delegations from the governorates of Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Shabwah, Hadramout and al-Mahra. He praised the step announced by Major General Zubaidi today during the " Big.
Al-Zubaidi also receives contacts from around the world, from the southern figures and symbols. Zubaidi received contacts from President Ali Salem al-Baidh, Haidar Abu Bakr al-Attas, Sheikh Saleh bin Farid and from the leaders and representatives of the southern communities around the world (photos)

4.5.2017 – Ahmad Bhumi (A P)

it's over for Al-Islah to regain powers even in South Yemen. Or we will seeing South Yemen civil war ?

(photos, rally)

4.5.2017 – Aden Alghad (* A P)

Stay tuned in the south .. Hours separated from the announcement of the names of the transitional council in the south

There is a state of anticipation throughout the cities of the south in anticipation of the issuance of the statement of the historic Aden Declaration, which is expected to announce the disengagement of the south of the Yemeni legitimate government and the announcement of a transitional council to manage the affairs of the south.

Southern political sources said the statement would include an announcement on the strength of a southern political council that would lead the south in the coming period.

The statement will include confirmation of the lack of recognition of the legitimacy of President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi. (Arabic) and translation:

4.5.2017 – Aden Alghad (** A P)

The text of Aden's historic declaration

[in full]

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Aden Historical Declaration

The capital of Aden is the capital of Aden on May 4, 2017, the largest public rally in the history of the political south. This crowd is an extension of the peaceful struggle of the southern movement and its valiant resistance, which today expresses the will of the people from all over the south. the wounded and detainees, in order to restore the goal of the State of the South ..

As the cause of the people of South Arabia just cause and has legal and political legitimacy and recognized regionally and internationally and regionally ..

In view of the dangers that threaten the cause of the South and the perception of the masses of the South these dangers, the most recent of which was the plot of April 27, 2017, which coincided with the day of the declaration of war on the South April 27, 1994 .. These were the dangerous and provocative decisions that reflect the aggressive psychological partners of the war of occupation of the south in the summer of 1994 .. targeting the most prominent issue of the South and their valiant resistance and the most prominent symbols of the heroes of the storm and firmness of hope and the fight against terrorism, but also targeted the essence and the substance of the issue of the South ..

And as the storm of firmness and hope has formed a new turning point in the history of the region and created a positive reality in the land of the South as a product of the active contribution of the southern resistance in all its specter to achieve the great victory with the support and support of the Arab coalition countries in the liberation of the south, and to confront and expel the militias of the invasion Houthi Aafia, The southern resistance is to be an active partner in the political process. It has been excluded, marginalized, conspired, denied, and exploited by the forces of political terrorism that dominate the authority of decision and hostile to the aspirations of the people of the South. The political punishment and the investigation with the most prominent symbols of the resistance, which means the assault on the political partnership of the people of the south with the legitimacy hijacked by the Muslim Brotherhood, and not only stopped at this point, but the highest levels of social oppression and collective punishment of the popular incubator of the resistance in the south systematic collective punishment And the launching of the war of services in the south and the deterioration of living and service conditions and salary cuts, especially the city of Aden, the capital and the present of the south, this city, which made great sacrifices and resisted the courage and courage of its sons in the battle of storm Hazm and the expulsion of invaders from Aden, A deterioration in services and collective punishment in electricity, water, salaries, and the disruption of civilian life and the failure of the rehabilitation of institutions including the judiciary institution. But used the war of services as an unethical means to try to disrupt and thwart the tasks of the leaders of the southern resistance, which bore the responsibility for the management of liberated areas and the fight against terrorism.


Hence, from the city of Aden, the Southern People's Will, which is truly legitimate, started to declare its rejection of these resolutions and any similar decisions in the future. It expresses its position and desire to exercise its legal right to protect the southern issue and to safeguard its path. Historical, which must be captured and benefit from, as well as this great popular crowd has come to maintain the southern victory and maximize it and based on the aspirations of the people of the South.

And we find it appropriate to greet the people of Hadramout province in the convening and success (Hadramout Conference of the mosque), who are considered an integral part of the southern national movement and carrying the torch of civilization.

In view of the importance of the political tool to protect the southern issue and its political project and realize the aspirations of the people of the south for sovereignty on their land and the establishment of their free democratic federal state, the Southern People's Assembly will decide the following:


This is called the resolution (Aden's historic announcement) and holds the legal power of the force derived from the popular South will ..


Authorization of Commander Idruss Qasim Al-Zubaidi to declare a national political leadership (under his leadership) to manage and represent the south. This leadership will represent and lead the south to achieve its goals and aspirations.

And authorizes the commander Qasim al-Zubaidi Aidroos full powers to take the necessary measures to implement the provisions of this Declaration.


The two millionth crowd reaffirms that the South is a homeland and an identity in its present and future for all its people and all its people, and that the south south of May 4, 2017 is not South before this date on the basis of consensus and national partnership.


The realities on the ground proved the depth of the strength of the partnership between South resistance and the southern movement and the forces of the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates sealed common blood and sacrifices and continuous access to upgrade this strategic partnership to achieve the common goals of the Arab coalition to repel the danger of the Iranian tide of expansion .. and the fight against terrorism and to ensure the security and the stability of the region and the restoration of the people of the South to sovereignty over their territory as a decisive factor for the security of the region, as well as the crowd of two million reaffirms the international community and the Arab world and all human rights and humanitarian organizations's obligations Its full international law and the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and at the same time renews its appeal to the international community to help the people of the South and alleviate the suffering of their legitimate aspirations to achieve legal.


It works from this announcement until its release on Thursday, May 4th 2017 AD.

Issued in the city of Aden on May 4, 2017 m Square offers Khor Maksar ... (Arabic) and translation: and also (somewhat different): and

4.5.2017 – Middle East Monitor (A P)

Saudi Prince denies dispute with UAE forces in Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince and Defence Minister, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has denied media reports that a dispute erupted between Saudi and Emirati forces in Yemen.

“Relations with the UAE are good, and there is no truth to what is being instigated by those who do not want good for the two countries” Prince Mohammed bin Salman told Saudi Arabia’s Al Akhbariyah TV Channel.

My comment: That looks like the opposite of reality.

4.5.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (* A P)

Trilateral High Committee to Underpin Coordination in Restoring Hope to Yemen

An agreement has been reached in Jeddah in coordination with the United Arab Emirates to establish a high joint committee headed by Yemen and consisting of Saudi and UAE membership in order to enhance coordination among them, discuss obstacles hindering mutual goals and the interest of the Yemeni legitimacy and its supporting coalition, put an end to the coup and fight terrorism and crime, an official reported to Yemeni News Agency (Saba).

The trilateral high UAE-Saudi-Yemeni committee, chaired by Yemeni Vice President Lt. General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, held its first meeting in Jeddah to discuss its work and recent contacts made among the political leaders of the three member states.

The committee expressed appreciation for the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud for his honorable stances and continuous support to the joint work.

It also discussed its agenda for security action and progress of military operations being conducted in Yemen to liberate all Yemeni territory from rebels. Recommendations made during the meeting were approved unanimously by the members.

Yemeni observers described the committee as a “significant step”. and by an Emirati source:

My comment: This seems to be outdated by the last events at Aden.

3.5.2017 – Middle East Monitor (* A P)

Yemen: Muslim Brotherhood causing tension between Saudi Arabia, UAE

The Yemeni government accused the Muslim Brotherhood of trying to cause tensions among the members of the Saudi-led Arab coalition which fights Shia Houthi militias in Yemen, Moheet reported yesterday.

According to an Emirati news website cited by Moheet, Yemeni sources said that a “certain state” in the region “offered massive funds for Brotherhood mass media to cause tension between Saudi Arabia and the UAE in order to dissolve the coalition which is fighting Iran’s allies in Yemen.”

Meanwhile, Yemeni Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdelmalik Al-Mikhlafi accused the Muslim Brotherhood of seeking to cause tension among the member states of the Saudi-led coalition, stressing that “these efforts will not succeed.”

“The Saudi-led Arab coalition will remain in Yemen until the achievement of its goals,” Al-Mikhlafi said. “The legitimate leadership of Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE sacrificed too much for the sake of the country and Arab nation and attempts to cause tension among them will not succeed,” he added.

He also said that “all differences were exaggerated and the coalition will continue until it achieves its goals – construction, security and stability.”

Commenting on reports that the UAE was forced out of the coalition, he said: “The Arab coalition is a strong alliance built on sacrifices. It will not be ripped apart by mass and social media.”

According to Moheet, the Muslim Brotherhood slammed the Arab coalition, causing massive controversy in Yemen and among the internationally recognised Yemeni leadership.

This work by Middle East Monitor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

My comment: This could have been labeled as “propaganda” in cp15 below. It is like hunting ghosts in Aden. The Muslim Brotherhood, in Yemen it is represented by Islah Party, is one of the main backers of “president” Hadi and his government.

4.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P9

Pro-Hadi’s decrees demonstration in Aden, hours before Hirak anti-demonstration

Dozens of civilians demonstrated on Wednesday in Crater district of the southern city of Aden, the interim capital of Yemen, to express support for the decrees issued by the Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and his government.

Today’s demonstration comes prior to another demonstration in which the supporters of the Hirak, pro-al Zubaidi southern movement calling for separation of south from north of Yemen, aim at showing their strong presence rejecting the presidential decrees.

Aden city is witnessing a security tension and preparations for the demonstration, in which thousands of protesters are expected to take part.

Security sources in Aden city, where the Yemeni government is based, said that an agreement was reached between the organizers of tomorrow’s demonstration and the government forces represented by the Interior Minister Hussein Arab to provide security to the demonstration.

3.5.2017 – AP (* A P)


Saudi Arabia's King Salman had to step in recently to calm tensions between President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the United Arab Emirates, Yemeni officials said Wednesday.

Hadi had accused the Emiratis, who are supporting him in Yemen with troops against Shiite rebels known as Houthis, of meddling in sovereign affairs, especially in the southern city of Aden where they had allegedly encouraged some locals to reject government orders, they said.

Salman's meeting with Hadi last weekend in Riyadh had been unplanned, but came just days after Hadi fired Minister of State Hani Bin Braik and Aden Gov. Aidarous al-Zubaidi in what was the latest chapter in the stand-off between Hadi and the UAE.

Relations between the two sides have also been tense over allegations the Emiratis are offering patronage to southern Yemeni politicians campaigning for secession. Aden has been the seat of Hadi's government since 2014, when rebels seized the capital, Sanaa.

Hadi told Salman the Emiratis were attempting to create an "alternate legitimate leadership" to his Yemeni government, said the officials.

Other officials said that despite Hadi's urging to stand down, thousands of pro-secessionist protesters were heading toward Aden for a demonstration on Thursday to protest the sacking of Gov. Zubaidi. – by Ahmed Al-Haj

3.5.2017 – Yemen Updates (A P)

Southern Hirak's activists mobilize population for the event of the "Historical Aden" declaration! referring to

2.–3.5.2017 – demolinari (A P)

Film: #Aden counterterrorism forces arrested several suspected terrorists during raids in Al-Qalua area of Mualla.

Photos: #Aden security forces spread throughout Al-Qalua neighborhood during the operation.

Presidential Protection forces deployed at points in Crater & Sira #Aden expelling Southern Resistance forces Tue night.

Some reports suggest that these images are of Presidential Protection forces in Crater #Aden.

2.5.2017 – 3rd world (A P)

Photo: 1st group of "Southern Resistance" fighters arrived in Aden from Mocha protests against Yemen's President Hadi's decisions. Via @NajTV

2.5.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

The rest of the Southern Movement this opportunity next Thursday either be or not be.

If they fail, the reform will swallow him up after grinding him with al-Qa'ida and shouting (image)

2.5.2017 – demolinari (A P)

UAE warplanes deployed illumination flares over #Aden. #SouthYemen

2.5.2017 – Saleh Khalid Saleh (* A P)

Very very critical moments in #Aden . #Aden at a crossroads.

Political tension on the rise in #Aden. Fear of armed escalation is growing as sniper rifles truck seized on its way to #Aden.

Pics of the weapons sent from Taiz to #Aden but seized by emergency forces. referring to

This comes only two days before #Aden May4 protest. Crystal clear who behind turmoil in #Aden.

Right now UAE fighter jets hovering over us in #Aden.

I don't think Aidaroos gonna take any step against Hadi without UAE green light .

1.5.2017 – Yemen Today (A P)

Film: Anti-Hadi rally at Aden

30.4.2017 – Malek Al-Yazidi (A P)

Film: Fire statement to the leader of the anti-terrorist team in # Aden
We are all your soldiers Yaidaros interpreted us where you want
# Yes_for the legitimacy of the South-South

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Journalismus im Jemen / Most important: Journalism in Yemen

2.5.2017 – Deutschlandfunk (* B P)

Jemen: Eines der gefährlichsten Länder für Journalisten

Christoph Dreyer im Gespräch mit Brigitte Baetz.

Seit die Huthis im Herbst 2014 die Hauptstadt Sanaa und große Teile des Landes unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht haben, stehen Journalisten zwischen allen Fronten des Kriegs: Gefahr droht ihnen gleichermaßen von Heckenschützen wie durch Luftangriffe der saudi-arabisch geführten Anti-Huthi-Koalition. Entführungen durch bewaffnete Gruppen sind eine ebenso reale Gefahr, wie von den Sicherheitskräften der Regierung festgenommen zu werden.

2016 wurden im Jemen mindestens sechs Journalisten in direktem Zusammenhang mit ihrer Arbeit getötet. Zehn weitere Journalisten befinden sich seit fast zwei Jahren unter desolaten Bedingungen in der Gefangenschaft von Rebellen. Mehrere von ihnen würden inzwischen unter schweren gesundheitlichen Folgen leiden, meint Christoph Dreyer von Reporter ohne Grenzen.

Weil sich der Jemen ihm zu Folge zu einem der weltweit gefährlichsten Länder für Medienschaffende entwickelt habe, werde auch kaum aus dem Land berichtet. Das liege daran, dass inzwischen nur noch wenige unabhängige Journalisten vor Ort seien. Dazu komme, dass der Konflikt sehr kompliziert und nicht leicht zu durchschauen sei.

Viele Medien mussten schließen, seitdem die Huthis weite Teile des Landes übernommen haben und die Rebellen keine kritische Berichterstattung mehr dulden würden, so Dreyer. Es gebe eigentlich nur noch parteilich berichtende Medien - für die Regierung oder für die Huthis (mit Audio)

3.5.2017 – Atlantic Council (** B P)

The Yemen War, Media, and Propaganda

Yemeni media is one of the most affected aspects in the raging war in Yemen. In an unprecedented case, a Houthi-controlled court issued a death sentence earlier in April, against journalist Yahya al-Joubayhy, for being a “Saudi spy,” reflecting a glimpse of the risks Yemeni media workers endure.
The war in Yemen has negatively impacted media in multiple-levels.

Yemen’s media has suffered a decline and retreated as it comes under increased pressure during the ongoing conflict.

Controlling the local and international narrative is crucial for the Houthis. When Houthi forces took over Sanaa in 2014, they shelled the Yemen state TV station, and soon after they replaced media professionals with Houthi-affiliated media groups.

Today, in Houthi-controlled areas, there are ten Houthi-owned print publications, two Houthi-owned TV channels and one TV channel owned by former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. In the south, a handful of TV channels and newspapers are currently working, the most notable are owned separately by Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar. There are also three independent media groups.

Meanwhile, Hadi and his government have begun focusing on using social media as the sole tool for dissemination of information starting from the day he escaped Sanaa to Aden in February 2015.

As a result of the hindered and biased media landscape, both the international community and more particularly the Yemeni public receive a distorted picture of the Yemen war. This turmoil in the media landscape has undermined any relatively comprehensive media representation of the Yemen war. Each side of the media coverage focuses on its opponent’s atrocities, deliberately overlooking its own wrongdoings, to cast the other as the only perpetrator. More importantly, each side of the media may not necessarily instigate sectarianism, but it does instigates regionalism, antagonism, and violence by humanizing one side and dehumanizing the other. For instance, each side depicts the other as mercenaries for the Saudis or the Iranians, respectively, and depicts their dead as the only ones worthy of being called victims.
The polarized media outlets also characterize the beginning of the war differently. For pro-Houthi and Saleh media, it began when the Saudi-led coalition began its campaign, while for pro-exiled government media outlets, there is an emphasis on the Houthis’ coup d’etat. For Yemenis, it is impossible to get a full picture of the conflict.

The international media, and specifically Arab media, coverage suffers from a different set of problems. A quick look at major news organizations shows a lack of coverage of Yemen in comparison to other global events, and rarely features Yemen articles in the headlines. There are three main reasons for this: first, Houthi forces either forcibly disappear or put behind bars non-propagandist Yemeni journalists; second, Saudi Arabia is buying media silence along with hiring PR companies to polish its image in media; and lastly, independent foreign journalists do not have access to the country.

One journalist pointed out that, “polarization in Yemeni media has never been this high. The problem is that there is no room for a middle ground. On one hand, Houthis allow press only if it is biased in favor of them, as does the Yemeni exiled-government. All that you have in Yemen now is propaganda and each side can support you, only if you abide by their propaganda.” – by Afrah Nasser

4.5.2017 – Rights Radar (** B P)


A Report on the Freedom of the Press Situation

General Context

2015 and 2016 saw the greatest number of reported violations against journalists and people working in the media by various parties in the conflict.

Yemeni journalists and professionals who work in the media faced largest amount of killing, abducting, arresting, torturing, unfair trials, death penalty, murder threats and extreme campaigns against them. Journalists were forced to shut their mouths, and alternative media outlets were absent. The official media inside Yemen become one directional, lacking diversity. It only expresses the views of one side—the Houthi and Saleh group.

4.5.2017 – Al Araby (* A P)

The Houthis war on words in Yemen

Local Yemeni rights organisation Rights Radar sent The New Arab a report documenting the abuses of the Houthis since their takeover, which they describe as a “wave of terror for media professionals working under the Houthi control”.
The report documented the ways in which the Houthis took over media outlets and waged war on ones that refused to comply with their propaganda standards.

“The Houthis took full control of all state media outlets and shut down all private media outlets critical to their views,” the report said.
Between 2014 and 2015, they routinely ransacked headquarters of media organisations, including Yemen’s state news agency Saba News and their equipment.
Journalists are routinely targeted, subject to torture, detention and disappearances, with death waiting at their doorsteps.
Rights Radar described the inhumane circumstances journalists who fall into the hands of the Houthis are forced to endure.
One particular case, Abdul Khalik Amran, who was abducted in June 2015 was particularly disturbing. He had already suffered from pre-existing health conditions when he was detained and despite his family telling the authorities in Sanaa, Amran was refused medicine, and calls for him to be transferred to a hospital were rejected.
The Houthis even increased his level of torture as a way to silence his family from speaking to media outlets and human rights organisations. He was left paralysed by the end of last November.

Journalists are also highly vulnerable to assassination. The majority of the time, they are killed on the job in targeted shelling and sniper attacks.

More recently, however, the Houthis have begun issuing death sentences through their de-facto Central Security’s Counterterrorism Unit.

Rights Radar called for global solidarity to end the Houthis war on words – by Diana Alghoul and as anti-Houthi propaganda by Mohammed Jumeh:

4.5.2017 – Al Sahwa (* A P)


Rights Radar, an NGO defending human rights in the Arab World, has released a report entitled “Yemen: Suppressing Voices”, which addresses issues of violations of press freedom and freedom of expression in Yemen from mid-2014 until the end of the first quarter of 2017. The report includes an executive summary on the status of press freedom and violations in Yemen during the past 30 months.

The report states that 19 professional journalists working in the media were killed in Yemen in 2015 and 2016, of whom eight were killed in 2015 and 11 in 2016, including seven killed by the bullets and rockets of the Houthi and Saleh forces and four others killed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition air strikes. 22 journalists and professionals working in the media remain in detention centers, including one detained by AQAP militants and a further 21 detained in Houthi and Saleh prisons.

The report includes a brief presentation of the most prominent cases of killings, kidnappings, arrests and trials. Amongst these violations was the issuing of a death sentence against the prominent journalist Yahya Abdul-Raqeeb al-Jubaihi.

The report highlights how the freedom of the press in Yemen faced its worst time in the years of 2015 and 2016. and by Asharq Al-Awsat:

My comment: Asharq Al-Awsat, a Saudi media, really should look at Saudi Arabia first. Might be they can publish a report written by Raif Badawi on his experiences with the freedom of press in Saudi Arabia. There is a report on freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia at cp8 below.

3.5.2017 – Mwatana (** A P)

Press in Yemen faces the Risk of Eradication

Mwatana Organization for Human Rights said that the press and its institutions in Yemen have been subjected to horrific violations since the outbreak of the violent conflict in the country after the fall of the Yemeni capital in the grip of the armed group of Ansar Allah (Houthis) and the forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in late September 2014.

The patterns of violations and methods of abuse experienced by the press and its staff for more than two years varied between arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, raids over media centers, newspaper closures and confiscation, and unfair trials, one of which led to the death penalty. In its statement on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, "Mawtana" warned that the continuation of systematically violent and repressive practices against journalists and their institutions and means would lead to the extinction of the profession of journalism and the elimination of the remaining margin of freedom of expression that existed in Yemen before the war. The armed group of Ansar Allah (Houthis) and the forces of the former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh topped the list of violations of press and media freedom in the country. Ansar Alsharea Ansar Al-Sharea extremist group in Taiz governorate also took a repressive and hostile attitude towards the press and its staff in Yemen. Mawtana demanded the authority of Ansar Allah and its ally, Saleh, who has the largest record of violations of press freedoms, to quickly stop its violations against journalists and the press profession. It also urged all parties to immediately cease all repressive practices that threaten the work of journalists and limit their freedom. While it still detains 17 Yemeni journalists arbitrarily, including at least one journalist who remains forcibly disappeared for more than two years, and while those journalists were subjected to torture at varying intervals, the Ansar Allah and Saleh authorities have recently issued a death sentence against journalist Yahya Abdulraqeeb Al-Jubeihi, who has been detained by Ansar Allah in its prisons for more than seven months in Sana'a.

Radhya Al-Mutawakil, the head of Mwatana Organization for Human Rights, said: " Defacto authority of Ansar Allah and Saleh should swiftly halt their violent attitude against press and press staff, and set free all journalists behind their bars without any conditions or delay. Since September 2014, infringements against freedom of expression rapidly and frightfully escalated and Ansar Allah group has been dominant in this race, however this conduct of violations against freedom of expression has become shared by all parties to the conflict and their affiliated various. According to surveys conducted by "Mwatana" in respect of violations committed against the press profession and its staff since early 2015, 17 journalists remain behind the bars of Houthis and Saleh prisons, some of whom remain forcibly disappeared since March 2015. "Mwatana" also documented the killing of three journalists in air strikes carried out by Saudi-led coalition aircraft, two of whom were killed while they were being held in a building used by Houthis and Saleh's forces as a detention center in the governorate of Dhamar, north of Yemen. According to information and statistics, documented and recorded by "Mwatana" the authority of Ansar Allah (Houthis) and its ally, former president Saleh, has blocked access to at least 36 news websites, raided and stormed more than 14 media and newspapers offices, where during these raids, they seized and confiscated a lot of the properties in these offices, most of which owned by opposing media outlets, some of which are linked with the Yemeni Congregation for Reform Party (Islah).

4.5.2017 – Al Sahwa (A P)

World Press Freedom Day, demands to release Yemeni Abducted journalists

we, in Yemen, mark this day with 20 Yemeni journalists have been languishing inside the Houthi-Saleh militias for more than two years. They are subjected to mental and physical torture, and all sorts of terrorism are used against them.

We, the families of the Yemeni abducted journalists, congratulate all journalists on the anniversary of World Press Freedom Day which we receive it with broken hearts. We are talking to you from gates of prisons and appeal to all conscientious people to express solidarity with our sons and put pressures on the Houthi-Saleh militias.

Our sons were kidnapped from their houses and their work offices without any justifications or charges. They were abducted because of their occupations as journalists, so we hope that you do your best to bring our sons back to us.

With the commemoration of World Press Freedom Day, we wait for the day on which our abducted sons will be released.

Issued by the families of the Yemeni journalists abducted by the Houthi-Saleh militias

3.5.2017 – Jack (* B K P)

Film: Yemen media attacks by US-Saudi coalition are violations against Yemeni media. #CoalitionKillsJournalists

3.5.2017 – Al Araby (* B P)

The story of Nabeel al-Osaidy and Yemen's faltering press

The story of Nabeel, who like many journalists in Yemen has lost his job and been chased out of the country, while others have been killed.

After Saudi Arabia led an aerial campaign against the Houthi and Saleh targets on March 2015, the crackdown on journalists intensified. Nabeel himself had first-hand experience with the Houthi members.

On April 23, 2015, almost a month after the Saudi-led coalition started its operations, Nabeel was meeting with the journalist’s syndicate members to discuss the abduction and torture of their colleagues when they received a call from Jalal al-Sharabi.
Jalal, also a journalist, had a quick and short message: “The Houthis have just stormed into my house after shooting at my car.”
Three hours later, Nabeel’s house was raided but thanks to Jalal, Nabeel was not home. He spent a couple of days in hiding before leaving for Taiz, central Yemen, where he spent another four months.

Nabeel eventually travelled to Aden, South Yemen, and then to Saudi Arabia.

From Saudi Arabia he moved to Geneva to cover the Yemen peace talks that took place in Switzerland. Here he applied for a refugee status, but he is still waiting to hear a response from the Swiss immigration.

Nabeel is one of the few lucky journalists who managed to get out of the country alive – by Baraa Shiban

Comment by Judith Brown: Not only are journalists targeted by Houthi militias - they are also bombed from the air, as many have been killed and injured especially in second tap attacks where they go to report a story and then become a victim as the second bomb targets rescuers.

Most articles deal with Houthis‘ violations. Anyway, the other side is hardly better, and the Saudi coalition also has oppressed and killed journalists in Yemen. Here some reports from the other side:

The journalists killed by the Saudi coalition are remembered here:

And Abdullah Sabry, “Journalist and researcher in political science and contemporary Islamic thought, interested in issues of rights, freedoms and enlightenment in general, Member of the National Dialogue Conference in Yemen”, has collected evidence:

More than 25 media employees in Yemen killed by Saudi Coalition bombing (film)

and more in his timeline: (timeline, May 3, 2017)


3.5.2017 – Yamanyoon (* A P)

Yemeni Media Union : More than 133 violations against the Yemeni journalists

The Yemeni Media Union announced on 26 April the second annual report of violations of the aggression against the Yemeni media and journalists.

The report monitors more than 133 violations of the aggression coalition against the media and national media institutions , moreover , the alliance killed more than 100 Journalists they were documents the alliance crimes.

The coalition of US - Saudi committed more than 60 cases of deliberate killing of Yemeni journalists , and the Yemen media union observe alliance crimes in Yemen against the journalists .

Moreover , the brutal warplanes of the US _ Saudi coalition more than 9 injured & 12 media institutions destroyed during two years of war in Yemen.

The Union of Yemeni journalists calls for an international investigation into all the crimes of the US _ Saudi coalition against the Yemeni media .

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

4.5.2017 – UN Dispatch (unrated B H K)

Audio: There’s Enough Food. But Famine Still Looms in Yemen. Here’s Why

Yemen was already the poorest country in the region when the country descended into civil war three years ago. Now, millions of people in Yemen are facing a potential famine.

The reasons for this famine? Conflict. Specifically, a potential battle over a key port and also a dispute over control a central bank from which salaries are paid.

On the line with me to discuss the conflict in Yemen and why despite the availability of food Yemen is still at serious risk of famine is Joost Hiltermann, the Middle East and North Africa Director for the International Crisis Group. We discuss how and why this conflict erupted, the role of key regional players like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran and how the United States is shaping the conflict. This is a useful look into one of the world’s worst conflicts that gets the least amount of attention.

If you have 20 minutes and want to better understand the conflict in Yemen, have a listen – by Mark Leon Goldberg

4.5.2017 – Muftah (* B K P)

Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the “Forgotten War.”

Because of inadequate international and media attention to the ongoing calamity, the on-going destruction of Yemen has been popularly designated as aforgotten war” (if not a “deliberately ignored” one). Considering the geopolitical dimensions of the war (Yemen is now a battle ground for regional powers, with al-Qa‘ida expanding its presence in the Arabian peninsula), as well as the devastating scope of war crimes, the question is why this continues to be the case.

One reason is the relative marginal status of Yemen in Middle East scholarship at North American universities. The more widely used introductory textbooks on the modern Middle East tend to sideline meaningful analysis of political and social developments in the southern Arabian Peninsula. When focus is given to the region, the attention tends to be episodic or restricted to major events. Extensive academic treatments, if offered at all, are limited to oil or religious fundamentalism, particularly in Saudi Arabia. As a result, with a few exceptions, there are not many trained North American experts regularly and reliably commenting on contemporary politics in Yemen.

In addition, when Saudi Arabia escalated its attacks on Yemen, it launched a lobbying campaign designed to charm potential critics, namely policymakers and journalists in major Western capitals, and “whitewash” (if not justify) its horrendous human rights record. Saudi Arabia and its allies (particularly the United States) have also “wielded their diplomatic clout” at the European Parliament and the UN Security Council, in order to block damning resolutions and human rights investigations into the war.

The war on Yemen, backed by some of the world’s most powerful states, is simply indefensible. Millions are suffering from famine and a lack of medical supplies as a result of blockades, while more than one third of coalition air raids have hit civilian sites. None of these measures have a discernable military-strategic value. Indeed, anti-Western sentiment has only increased and Saudi-led forces are nowhere close to routing Houthi forces or limiting Iranian influence in the region.

It is, as such, in the interest of Saudi Arabia, as well as major Western powers, to try and divert whatever media attention exists on Yemen – by Oscar Jarzmik

4.5.2017 – Ahram (* A K P)

Yemen: Race to victory before famine

A deepening famine could spur a breakthrough in the Yemen war, though for which side remains unclear

Everyone is in a race against time in the Yemen war. The Saudis and their US allies want a military resolution before famine conditions worsen — a famine the UN secretary general warned against. Meanwhile, their Houthi rivals are trying to hold their positions until the tragedy is so obvious it puts more international pressure on their enemies to end combat operations.

Thus, fighting has escalated on several fronts

Despite widespread fighting, the Saudi-led Arab coalition wants to liberate any of the cities of Taez (central) or Al-Hudayda port (West) or Maidi (far northwest) or Al-Makha (southwest) or Al-Baydaa (central) or the actual capital Sanaa. Each of these is significant.

But no one will accept allowing Yemen to starve to death. It is primarily a moral condemnation of the rivals in Yemen, then the Arab coalition and finally the US. This moral condemnation could pave the way for a political solution to head off worse humanitarian conditions, but the military stalemate could entice Houthis to hold on to the “victory” they achieved with great difficulty. This could, in turn, cause Hadi and the Arab coalition to insist on saving face.

The military stalemate — causing political stagnation — could in turn lead to famine or “the greatest humanitarian disaster in the world”, whereby the southern region of the Arabian Peninsula linked to the Horn of Africa could become a multi-faceted humanitarian disaster. Iran, Saudi Arabia’s nemesis and top rival in the region, could take advantage of this calamity to expand the crisis to Gulf countries, not by hunger but political unrest – by Haitham Nouri

4.5.2017 – Yemen Extra (A P)

Letter of Solidarity From Belgium: Simon Hendrickx

Simon Hendrickx is an activist for the Yemeni issue and a resident of Belgium who studies Arabic and Islamic studies. Simon will be YemenExtra’s journalist for today and wants to dedicate a letter for the people of Yemen:

3.5.2017 – Fars News (A K P)

Analysts: Riyadh Seeking to Hide Real Death Toll in Yemen War

Political analysts believe that Riyadh is hiding the exact number of the Saudi army casualties during the three-year war against Yemen, adding that the measure could lead to the collapse of the House of Saud.

According to al-Najm al-Thaqib news website, the official Saudi news agency has reported that 63 Saudi soldiers and officers have been killed in the past 4 years while the number stands at 124 military men.

Analysts believe that the Yemen war has cost dearly for Saudi Arabia and if the precise number of military death toll is revealed, a chaotic situation would prevail over the country which could even lead to the collapse of the al-Saud. =

My comment: Even the real figure would be quite low. The main case is that the Saudis let fight others (mercenaries; Yemenis; Sudanese army) fight for their case. Now even 5000 Pakistani soldiers will be transferred to the Saudi-Yemeni border.

3.5.2017 – BBC News (* A K P)

Film: Yemen: 'Ceasefire and talks' needed

All the parties involved in the Yemen conflict need to return to talks, UN humanitarian co-ordinator for Yemen Jamie McGoldrick has told BBC Hardtalk.

3.5.2017 – The American Conservative (* B H K P)

Yemen Is Still Being Starved to Death

Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and tens of millions are at risk of dying from starvation and preventable disease. There has undoubtedly been a failure of international diplomacy and international institutions in this case, but more than that the crisis is the result of the deliberate efforts of many governments, including ours, to batter and starve a poor country into submission. The creation of a major man-made famine in Yemen is not some unforeseen accident. It is mostly the predictable outcome of a series of horrible policy decisions made by coalition governments and their Western supporters.

First, the coalition intervened and escalated an existing conflict so that it became much more destructive and severe than it would have been, then they blockaded the country and greatly exacerbated the country’s food insecurity, and then their bombing campaign has systematically devastated the country’s infrastructure and economy and brought Yemen’s health care system to the point of collapse. All of this was done with the full support and active assistance of the U.S. and Britain. The governments most responsible for this disaster are also the ones with the means to prevent it from getting worse, but until now they have shown little interest in doing so.

All parties to the conflict have shamefully used food as a weapon, but it is the coalition air and sea blockade that has taken such a massive toll on a country that relies heavily on imported food and medicine. It is their bombing campaign that destroyed the cranes at Hodeidah, and that has brought the delivery of what little does come in to a crawl. Hadi’s government further compounded the problem by moving Yemen’s central bank to Aden, which has made it much harder for importers to arrange financing in the first place. The food that does make it into the country is now far too expensive for most people to buy, and distribution of aid is also hindered by the ongoing conflict – by Daniel Larison

Comment by Judith Brown: Whilst the government of Yemen are living the life of luxury in Yemen their people are being starved to death - what's it all for Hadi ? For occupation of Yemen by foreign forces - as you recognised today ? For the precious isle of Soqatra to be given away? For your heritage - one of the most unique in the world - to be destroyed? Is this price for you staying as president for a few months or years really worth it?

3.5.2017 – AFP (* A H K)

Hodeida port closure would be 'disaster' for Yemen: WFP head

A closure of the Hodeida port would "bring disaster to Yemen," which is already on the brink of famine, the new head of the UN's World Food Programme warned Wednesday.

There are rising fears that a Saudi-led military coalition fighting rebels in Yemen could attack the Hodeida port, through which most of the country's food is imported.

A spokesman for the coalition however has denied it plans to launch an offensive on Hodeida.

"Ninety percent of the imports into Yemen come in through the port of Hodeida. Something like 80 percent of all the World Food Programme food comes through that port," David Beasley told AFP.

"So if that port is shut down for whatever reason, it would bring disaster to Yemen."

"If that port gets closed down, the risk of famine substantially increases," said Beasley.

"Let's pray and hope that doesn't happen."

2.5.2017 – Action Against Hunger (* A H K)


Seven International Humanitarian Organizations Express Grave Concerns Regarding Possible Attack

As humanitarian organizations operating in Yemen, we are gravely concerned by reports of a possible attack by the Saudi-led coalition on the critical port of Hudaydah. Such an attack risks tipping a country starved by two years of war into near certain famine, risking the lives of millions. The crisis in Yemen cannot be addressed with a military solution. Rather than fuelling more conflict, we urge the US and the UK, as key supporters of the Saudi-led coalition, to use their influence to urge all parties to the conflict to redouble their efforts to forge a political solution and take immediate steps to address the humanitarian crisis.

The port of Hudaydah is the major lifeline for a country on the verge of starvation. Yemen is almost totally reliant on imported food, medicine and fuel, and up to 80 percent of all imports have historically entered the country at Hudaydah. Any attack on the port would severely disrupt the ability to import goods via this critical route, including much of the humanitarian aid and most of the commercial imports that are so urgently needed. Even optimistic estimates indicate that a military operation with minimal damage to infrastructure would put the port out of action for at least six weeks. For a country potentially down to its last few weeks of wheat supplies in some areas, such disruption could be catastrophic. History tells us that military operations are rarely quick or "clean." I

2.5.2017 – The American Conservative (* B H K P)

The U.S. Must Stop Enabling the Destruction and Starvation of Yemen

A new letter from members of Congress challenges the Trump administration on its support for the war on Yemen and specifically opposes American assistance in attacking the port of Hodeidah:

A coalition attack on the port would be a guaranteed death sentence to countless civilians who are already on the verge of starving to death because of the bombing campaign and blockade over the last two years. The Saudis and their allies bear much of the responsibility for creating what is now widely recognized to be the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Attacking Hodeidah would make an already horrific situation far worse.

It is important to remember that the Saudi-led coalition has been deliberately strangling the civilian population of Yemen of basic necessities for years. Pushing the country into a famine is consistent with the policy they have been pursuing from the beginning. The U.S. has shamefully enabled the Saudi-led war all along, but helping them with this attack would represent an even deeper involvement in one of the most obnoxious parts of the campaign to date.

If the coalition does this, they will be the main authors of a major famine, and if the U.S. continues to help them it will be an accomplice to the same crime – by Daniel Larison

2.5.2017 – The American Conservative (* B K P)

The War on Yemen and the Delusional Saudis

The Saudi-led war on Yemen has wrecked the country’s infrastructure, destroyed its economy, and brought millions to the brink of famine, but it has failed to achieve any of the coalition’s stated goals for over two years. The Saudis have persisted in their indefensible war as long as they have in part because the reputation of both the king and his son are bound to its outcome, and they are unable or unwilling to admit that they recklessly plunged into a war they couldn’t win for no good reason. Like any hawkish dead-ender, the prince doesn’t have a clue how to win the war he started but won’t concede defeat, and so the senseless war drags on.

Hadi, the puppet ruler they have been trying to reimpose on the country, is deeply loathed across much of Yemen, and now he also faces major protests in the south after he removed Aden’s governor. The coalition is not meaningfully closer to “uprooting” their enemies in Yemen than they were in 2015, and if anything they have spent more than two years proving that they can’t do this. The Saudi leadership seems to be more divorced from reality than ever if they think that they can win the war outright, and the U.S. is only prolonging the war and the suffering of Yemen’s people by continuing to encourage them in their delusions – by Daniel Larison

2.5.2017 – The American Conservative (* B P T)

The U.S. and Al Qaeda Are Still on the Same Side in Yemen

some of Hadi’s associates have been sanctioned by our government for their connections to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). This shouldn’t come as a surprise. There have been reports of collusion between coalition-backed forces and AQAP for years, and the coalition has made no secret that its priority in Yemen is fighting the Houthis and their allies. The Saudis have tried to spin their war as a fight against Iran, which has both greatly exaggerated Iran’s role in the conflict and distracted Washington from the gains that AQAP has been able to make under the coalition’s noses. The only enemy the U.S. plausibly has in Yemen is the one that our government’s policy has been helping to strengthen for over two years.

The coalition hasn’t been embarrassed by previous evidence that AQAP is on their side in this war, and it won’t be embarrassed by more evidence showing the same thing. They evidently don’t care if they are found to be cahoots with jihadists, and they probably assume that Washington won’t ever hold them accountable for this behavior – by Daniel Larison

2.5.2017 – Middle East Monitor (A P)

UAE-Saudi share same stance on Yemen, official

Emirati Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said yesterday that Abu Dhabi and Riyadh share the same stance on Yemen, as both countries want “stability” and the “return of the state” in the country.

In a tweet published in Arabic, Gargash said the UAE-Saudi stance constitutes a “good strategic partnership, strengthened day after day.”

This comes after reports that a rift had developed between the two Gulf states regarding their position on the Yemen crisis.

My comment: Events at Aden tell a different story (look at YPR 297, cp6).

2.5.2017 – The Australian (* A P)

Rebuilding Emiratis find Yemen’s fissures difficult to bridge

Now a new power is in town [Aden]: the United Arab Emirates is this decade’s candidate trying to build a modern state in Yemen.

The streets of Aden are bustling with activity now that the Emiratis have pushed out both the Houthis and al-Qa’ida, which had also established a presence.

However, it is clear that few even among his allies have much confidence in Mr Hadi, who ­mainly stays in Riyadh, the Saudi Arabian capital. He is accused by critics — on his own side — of being corrupt and incompetent. By rejecting, against the wishes of the Emiratis, a peace deal to end the war, he has become as much Yemen’s problem as the answer to its problems.

One senior UAE official despaired of the likelihood of ever ­reinstating a unified, strong government in the country. “We are seeing that political agreement is very difficult to conclude,” the ­official said. “All of the Yemeni warring parties have their own agendas.”

The UAE is trying hard instead to rebuild. Abdel Nasser al-Wali, Aden’s director of public health, spoke in glowing terms of the new supplies of equipment and medicine sent by the Emirates Red Crescent to the hospital – by Richard Spencer

My comment: This article evidently is pro-Emirati propaganda. Nevertheless, it shows that the Emirates have their own agenda in Yemen. – And the author is definitely right in describing Hadi’s incompetence, corruption and blocking a peaceful solution, and in pointing out how difficult a peaceful solution will be.

1.5.2017 – The Antimedia (* B K P)

War Crimes & Genocide: What You Aren’t Being Told About US Involvement In Yemen

If the public were to rely solely on the U.S. government and its respective mouthpieces for its source of news, one might assume Iran is to blame for the current crisis engulfing Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country.

If Iran, which has relatively low military spending — and is mired by crippling economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. — is truly capable of destabilizing Yemen, then surely the mainstream media would be able to provide concrete evidence of this Iranian-Houthi relationship. Claims that there is an Iranian arms supply to Yemen have been extensively debunked. A recent report that attempted to show that Iran had an arms supply route to Yemen concluded that some (emphasis on some) weapons that arrived in Yemen via Somalia were “probably supplied with the complicity of Iranian security forces.” Probably supplied…would this hold up in a court of law?

In addition to their lack of direct proof, these reports also fail to answer two important questions. First, how is it that Iran is able to ship weapons to Yemen in the face of a Saudi-imposed blockade, which has completely devastated the country?

If you are inclined to think that the origin of manufacture is proof of direct interference, perhaps you should read this report that outlines how the U.S. has armed both sides of the conflict.

But we should never let these facts get in the way of a good story. If you repeat a lie enough times, people will believe it.

If you repeat the claim over and over that the Houthi rebels are backed by Iran, people will believe it.

No one doubts that Iran has a stake in the Yemen conflict and has probably tried its best to send support in some way or another (whether political, symbolic, or by direct military assistance). But the fact remains that the mainstream media is unable to provide any shred of direct intelligence or conclusive evidence of any large scale involvement that has contributed to the destabilization of Yemen.

War Crimes, Genocide, and Mass Starvation

The Houthi Movement – by Darius Shahtahmasebi

30.4.2017 – Uncut News (* B K)

Film: Das vom Westen unterstützte Saudische-Regime wirft extreme Bomben auf Jemen und das Resultat

Bemerkung: Die Ruinen der saudischen Bombenangriffe.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

4.5.2017 – Euronews (* A H)

Der Krieg im Jemen fordert immer mehr Opfer. Eines von ihnen: die siebenjährige Jamila. Zwei Wochen lag das Kind im Krankenhaus, dann starb es an Unterernährung. Der seit zwei Jahren dauernde Krieg einer von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition gegen die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen hat das ohnehin arme Land in eine tiefe humanitäre Krise gestürzt. Die Hauptleidtragenden: Zivilisten wie Jamila und ihre Familie.

Jamilas Mutter: “Sie war sehr krank. Ich wollte sie in Krankenhäusern behandeln lassen, aber nichts half. Als wir genug Geld hatten, wollte ich ihr eine gute Behandlung ermöglichen. Wir haben unsere Möbel, Schafe und anderes verkauft. Ich wollte ein gesundes Leben für Jamila. Aber wir konnten es ihr nicht ermöglichen.”

Die Klinik, in der Jamila starb, ist voller unterernährter Kinder. Viele andere aber schaffen es gar nicht erst ins Krankenhaus. Hunger und Krankheiten haben das gesamte Land im Griff. (mit Film) = =

3.5.2017 – Reuters (* A H)

Victim of Yemen's war: the death of Jamila, aged 7

Eyes half open and sunken deep into their sockets, little Jamila Ali Abdu already looked half dead for most of her 12-day stay at the malnutrition ward of Yemen's Hodeidah hospital.

Too weak to resist the march of disease and hunger in her war-battered country, the seven-year-old's tiny frame was swathed in a childishly bright green shroud and lowered by sobbing relatives into a dusty grave on Tuesday.

Jamila suffered from worms which doctors in her remote village home were unable to treat, and her family could not afford to transfer her for specialist care in the capital Sanaa.

"Her condition has been deteriorating for the past two years ... Every time we went to a hospital they told us she has worms and bacteria. We couldn't get anywhere and we are poor people and can't go to Sanaa or anywhere else," lamented her father Ali just before her death.

Even before the war, villagers on the baking plains, clumped with gnarly palms, on Yemen's Red Sea coast were already struggling to get clean water, feed themselves and obtain medicine.

Now thousands of Saudi-led air strikes and nationwide battles have demolished Yemen's fragile economy and squeezed food supplies – By Abduljabbar Zeyad and photos: and

2.5.2017 – Health Mobilisation (* A H)

#Jamila died ...Yesterday activists - on social medias, called whom it may concern, for humanitarian support of #Jamilah and her family, namely her father who is suffering of #kidney failure and on #Dialysis, but hasn't work currently neither income that covers simple needs of his family or his treatment costs (photos) and also

Comment by Judith Brown: How can this be? We sell weapons to the people who are stopping the UN from repairing the unloading cranes in Hodeida port.

4.5.2017 – Fatik Al-Rodaini and others (* A H)

Cholera outbreak spreading in Sana'a. Hospitals here received 100s of suspected cholera cases last night & today (photos)

more photos:

Cholera outbreak in #Sanaa. 154 cases in just 1 day confirmed by Ministry of Health (document)

Film: Suspected cholera cases at al-Sabeen Hospital in Sanaa receiving treatment on their cars bc there no enough space for all cases

60 cholera cases registered at 1 hospital in Sanaa, #Yemen past days.Outbreak reported in cities of Mahwit,Ahmran & Hajjah

4.5.2017 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H)

Film: As we heard today me & @A7medJa7af at al-Sabeen hospital.Child in this footage is sick,his father brought him to the hospital& disappeared

Film: Lack of health services in #Yemen cause the suffer of 100000s of #Yemen-i children Plz stop the Saudi war on my country.

4.5.2017 – Fatik Al-Rodaini and others (A H)

Another 250 patients at al-Sabeen Hospital in Sanaa received hygiene kits funded by @iom_yemen and delivered by @monareliefye. (photos) (Arabic, news)

3.5.2017 – Human Needs Deve (A H)

In #Yemen,where 7 million people are facing hunger NOW,we are always in its ground to fight hunger&alleviate hungry people pain.Thx donors (photos)

3.5.2017 – NTV (* A H)

"Beispiellose Hungersnot": Millionen Jemeniten sind in Lebensgefahr

Nach zwei Jahren Krieg haben zwei Drittel der Menschen im Jemen fast nichts zu essen. Sieben Millionen brauchen sofort Hilfe. Der letzte Hafen könnte zerstört werden. Der norwegische Flüchtlingsrat richtet einen selten dramatischen Appell an die Welt.

Nach seinem Besuch im Jemen hat der Vorsitzende des Norwegischen Flüchtlingsrates, Jan Egeland, ein verheerendes Bild von der Lage in dem Bürgerkriegsland gezeichnet. "Nirgendwo auf der Welt sind so viele Menschenleben in Gefahr", sagte Egeland in einer Mitteilung. Der Konflikt sei ein "gigantisches Versagen" der internationalen Diplomatie. "Die Welt lässt sieben Millionen Männer, Frauen und Kinder langsam aber sicher in einer beispiellosen Hungersnot versinken." Die verhinderbare Katastrophe sei komplett vom Menschen zu verantworten.

Es sei nicht einmal sicher, ob die humanitäre Lebensader über den Hafen von Hudaida am Roten Meer offen bleibe, so Egeland. "Die saudisch geführte Koalition, vom Westen unterstützt, hat damit gedroht, den Hafen zu zerstören." Er appellierte an die beteiligten Mächte und den Westen, die Kämpfe zu beenden und Hilfe für 19 Millionen Menschen bereitzustellen. und auch und;art46446,1020935

4.5.2017 – AFP (* A H)

Norwegischer Flüchtlingsrat fordert sofortige Aufhebung der Jemen-Blockade

Der Generalsekretär des norwegischen Flüchtlingsrats (NRC) hat sich für die sofortige Aufhebung der von von Saudi-Arabien durchgesetzten Jemen-Blockade ausgesprochen.

"Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen sei schrecklich und schockierend. Millionen Jemeniten, darunter Frauen und Kinder, befinden sich in der Hunger- und Dürrenblockade", teilte Jan Egeland laut CNN bei einer Pressekonferenz in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa mit.

"Die saudischen Luftangriffe führten zur Eskalation der humanitären Krise ", fügte der NRC-Generalsekretär hinzu.

Er rief zudem die "Männer mit Waffen und Macht" im Jemen und in aller Welt auf, einen Waffenstillstand für das Land auszuhandeln und auf dem Verhandlungsweg den Krieg zu beenden.

2.–3.5.2017 – Jan Egeland, Norwegian Refugee Council (A H)

#Yemen is the largest population at risk of famine anywhere in the world. I'm visiting to see the situation firsthand & speak to families

I tell journalists in #Yemen: The world is letting 7 million men, women & children slowly but surely be engulfed by unprecedented #famine

and full statement:

3.5.2017 – Norwegian Refugee Council (* A H)

A man-made famine on our watch

Norwegian Refugee Council Secretary General Jan Egeland on the humanitarian situation in Yemen:

“I am shocked to my bones by what I have seen and heard here in war- and hunger- stricken Yemen. The world is letting some 7 million men, women and children slowly but surely, be engulfed by unprecedented famine. It is not a drought that is at fault. This preventable catastrophe is man-made from A to Z,” said Jan Egeland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) after a five day visit to Sana’a, Aden and Amran in Yemen.

This is a gigantic failure of international diplomacy. Men with guns and power inside Yemen as well as in regional and international capitals are undermining every effort to avert an entirely preventable famine, as well as the collapse of health and education services for millions of children.

“Nowhere on earth are as many lives at risk. We are not even sure that the main humanitarian lifeline through the port of Hudaydah will be kept open. The Saudi-led, Western-backed, military coalition has threatened to attack the port, which would likely destroy it and cut supplies to millions of hungry civilians. The severe access restrictions to Yemen by air, sea and land has caused economic collapse in a country of 27 million people,” said Egeland.

NRC’s appeal to the parties of the conflict in Aden and Sana’a, as well as to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to Iran and to Western powers like the USA and UK, is the following:

“Do not bring further fuel to this fire. =

and as reported by AFP:

3.5.2017 – AFP (A H)

Food imports to war-torn Yemen at all-time low: NGO

Norwegian Refugee Council says loss of imports pushes up prices and exacerbates 'largest food security crisis in the world'

and by Reuters:

3.5.2017 – Reuters (A H)

Veteran aid expert Egeland warns of 'Biblical' famine in Yemen

"We will have a famine of Biblical proportions, if it continues like now with only a portion of those in greatest need getting humanitarian relief," he told Reuters after visiting Sanaa, the port of Aden and the town of Amran. "I’m coming out of here angry with those men with power and guns, inside Yemen, in regional capitals and international capitals who are not able to fix this man-made crisis," Egeland said. "It’s not rocket science." and by The Guardian:

Comment by Judith Brown: What have Yemeni people done to deserve this. They have supported peace at every turn. They refused to take up arms when the army split in 2011 and instead voted for a peace process. They took part in that process. Now day after day the situation gets worse. It seems to me that even when there are ten million corpses due to this man made famine they will still be saying that there have been 10,000 killed. They really don't know how many have died and this is their default position. STOP SELLING WEAPONS TO ALL THOSE FIGHTING IN THIS BRUTAL WAR.

and film:

2.5.2017 – CNN (* A H)

World letting Yemen 'be engulfed in famine'

"What I've seen here in Yemen is indeed shocking, it's beyond belief," says Jan Egeland, Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, from Sanaa. [interview]

2.5.2017 – World Food Programme (A H)

WFP Yemen Port Situation Update, 1 May 2017

During the past month, the number of vessels arriving into Al Hudyadah has remained constant, as has the

pace of discharge and number of vessels at anchorage albeit a slight decrease in the number of vessels at

anchorage. As demonstrated in the table found at the bottom of the second page, there has been a delay

in the arrival of more than 50% of the expected vessels

2.5.2017 – Health Mobilisation (A H)

Photos: #Jamila died ... Yesterday activists - on social medias, called whom it may concern, for humanitarian support of #Jamilah and her family, namely her father who is suffering of #kidney failure and on #Dialysis, but hasn't work currently neither income that covers simple needs of his family or his treatment costs ..

2.5.2017 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Infographic: Yemen: Humanitarian Snapshot - Food insecurity and population displacement (May 2017) [EN/AR] and in full: and

2.5.2017 – Ayad (A H)

#Yemen Ministry of Health warns of the onset of cholera epidemic in a number of provinces with the entry of summer

2.5.2017 – Living in Yemen on the edge (* A H)

The farce of AID TO YEMEN
After the ship with rotten wheat (the other day), here comes a new LOW: 9 trucks load of expired medicines arrived to #Taiz.
There is a will to kill Yemenis in all possible ways. Sick. Sick (photos from film, film) and film:

2.5.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (* B H)

Braving bombs and bullets to stay in school in Yemen

With over two million children out of school in Yemen as a result of the conflict, UNHCR is helping refugee, displaced and local children to continue their studies.

Basic services and institutions, including the public education system, are buckling under the pressure of war. Though public education in Yemen remains free for local and refugee children, more than 1,600 schools are now damaged and unfit for use while others remain close to the frontlines, jeopardizing the safety of students.

For young refugees and asylum seekers like Afrah, whose family crossed the Gulf of Aden to escape war in their native Somalia, the risk of their education being disrupted is already significant. According to a recent report by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, entitled Missing Out: Refugee Education in Crisis, refugee children are five times more likely to be out of school than local children.

“The conflict is not only affecting the psychosocial state and health of both students and teachers, but they are also grappling with poverty and require a lot of support,” explained Afrah’s school Principal Aisha Al Dhafari.

Her school, like many others across Yemen, is now overcrowded and functioning far beyond capacity, as a result of having to absorb additional students who have been displaced to the area.

In addition to the impact on students, Yemen’s brutal conflict is also taking a toll on teachers. Most public sector salaries, on which 30 per cent of Yemen’s population depends, are paid irregularly or not at all.

“Teachers have not received their salaries for up to five months and yet they are still turning up to the schools to teach unpaid. They do it just because they believe it is their duty,” says the Head of the Ministry of Education’s Office in Sana’a, Mohammed Al Fadhli.

To address the educational needs of both refugees and Yemenis, UNHCR has been assisting schools and providing educational materials in areas hosting a high concentration of refugee and forcibly displaced children – By: Shabia Mantoo =

Comment: 2 mln children cannot attend schools. Schools have been bombed. Parents need children to be safe and receive an education: how can #Yemen grow if there is a coordinated plan to keep it poor, famined and illiterate? Those who pay the price, obvsiouly, are children

1.5.2017 – UN Flüchtlingshilfe (* B H)

Film: 5 Dinge, die man über den Jemen wissen sollte

Am 25.04.2017 warnte das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) im Zuge einer Geberkonferenz in Genf davor, dass zusätzlich zu den bereits Millionen Vertriebenen etwa 500.000 weitere Menschen durch den Konflikt im Jemen entwurzelt werden könnten. UNHCR befürchtet außerdem, dass sich durch die Gewalteskalation die katastrophale Lage noch verschlimmern könnte. Hier sind 5 Dinge, die man über den Jemen wissen sollte.

4.2017 – Go Fund Me (* B H K)

Yemen Reconstruction Fund

Since 2015 Veritas-Consulting has partnered and supported charitable organizations in Yemen to provide the country with much-needed humanitarian relief.
Our goals are many — raise awareness to Yemen’s plight, denounce war crimes, promote peace and social cohesion, help towards education, defend human rights, speak on behalf of those who have been silenced … Our task is enormous but we shall not waver in our duty.

Veritas-Consulting ambitions now to draw a comprehensive humanitarian map of Yemen to devise new aid campaigns and programs to meet communities’ needs and offer people a real chance at rebuilding their lives. Distributing emergency aid is not enough.We ought to think reconstruction.

Beyond the simple human cost of this war, we ought to realise that it is also Yemen’s cultural, religious and historical heritage which has been declared war to.
It is therefore important that resources are reserved for such reconstruction and preservation work.
Because aid has become an absolute necessity for 26 million people – Yemen total population, we absolutely need to approach distribution, and need assessment by first drawing an accurate humanitarian map of Yemen through data gathering, and analysis.
A more scientific approach to humanitarian aid is required if we are in fact to help towards Yemen reconstruction, while avoiding the usual pitfalls: corruption, abuses of power, tribal entanglements …
If not for your donations our humanitarian efforts would be lost. We ask for your support – Help us feed Yemen, help us bring hope back to broken and traumatised nation. and for donation:

2.5.2017 – Muslim Press (* A H)

Yemen receives 32 thousand tons of rotten wheat: report

The Yemen Society for Consumer Protection (YACP) has said that 32,000 tons of rotten wheat have been sent to Yemen.

The YACP obtained a report and photographs of a World Food Program ship which was uploading rotten wheat in the port of Aden to be used by Yemeni citizens.

The report which was obtained from the ship “AMBER” was carrying 32 thousand tons of wheat on behalf of the World Food Program to be distributed between the provinces of Aden and Hodeidah.

According to the report, 20,000 tons of the wheat are to be sent to the province of Aden and 12,000 tons to the province of Hodeidah. and more photos:

Remark: Earlier reporting, YPR 297, cp3.

25.4.2017 – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (* AH)

Race against time to avoid famine in Yemen

A combination of food assistance and food production assistance is the only way to avoid famine in conflict-ridden Yemen where two-thirds of the population - 17 million people - are suffering from severe food insecurity, FAO Director-General José Graziano said today. "As the conflict continues, food security and nutrition will also continue to deteriorate," Graziano da Silva stressed in his address to a United Nations High-Level Pledging conference for Yemen organized in Geneva and co-hosted by the Governments of Switzerland and Sweden.

"To put these figures (the 17 million) into perspective, we are talking about the double of Switzerland's population being unable to meet their basic daily food needs," the FAO Director-General said. He stressed how livelihoods support, especially for agriculture and fishing, must be an integral part of the international community's response to the crisis in Yemen.

In 2016, agriculture production in Yemen and the area under cultivation shrank by 38 percent due to the lack of inputs and investments. Livestock production fell by 35 percent. "Agricultural assistance in a humanitarian crisis can no longer be an afterthought," the FAO Director-General said. "We need to seize every opportunity to support communities in Yemen to continue producing food, even under difficult circumstances."

FAO is working on the ground = and crisis overview by UNOCHA again:

My comment: Famine already is there.

31.3.2017 – World Food Programme (A H)

Infographic: Yemen: Snapshot on Shipping, Food and Fuel Imports, March 2017 and in full: =

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

2.5.2017 – Reuters (* B K)

Ancient mummies rot as Yemen war vexes even the dead

Ancient mummies are withering away in a major museum for lack of electricity and preservative chemicals from abroad - a sign that the conflict is harming not only the country's present and future but also its rich past.

The dozen spindly corpses, curled into the fetal position or swaddled in baskets, belong to a lost pagan civilization around 2 1/2 millennia ago - long before the advent of Islam.

But a timeless enemy, abetted by the disorder of war, threatens the mummies' repose.

"The mummies have started to decay and are infected with bacteria. This is because we don't have electricity and the machines that are supposed to maintain them," said Abdelrahman Jarallah, head of the university's anitiquities department.

"We need some chemicals to sanitise the mummies every six months, and they aren't available due to the political situation."

Power cuts plague Sanaa, sapping the dehumidifiers that help preserve the "Hall of Mummies." (with long film) and shorter version of film: and photos from film.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1b

4.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Human rights report says Houthis-Saleh forces committed 134 violations in April

The militants of the Houthi group and pro-Saleh forces committed 134 human rights violations against civilians in the coastal province of Hodeida, west of Yemen, during the month of April, a human rights report said on Wednesday.

The report, issued by the Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations, said the violations had included the killing of two people, abduction of 82 people - including a woman, torture and physical assaults, house and shop raids, and the imposition of royalties and levies on the poor citizens.

My comment: I was in doubt where to place this report. The “Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations” is labeled as “a government-funded NGO created to document Houthi-Saleh violations” (, thus it is a Hadi government organization. The bias of reports like this one is propaganda.

3.5.2017 – Josephjo1221 (A P)

Ben Habtoor completes what has faltered in the so-called "Arab Spring," on the sale of the port of Salih to the sons of Tawfiq Abdel Rahim (document)

Remark: Ben Habtoor, now prime minister of the Sanaa government.

3.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (* A P)

15 casualties in clashes between Houthis and Saleh forces northwest of Marib

An informed source said that about 15 Houthi militants and pro-Saleh forces’ elements were killed and wounded on Monday in clashes between the two parties in Harib al-Qaramesh district northwest of Marib city, east of the capital Sanaa.

The source told Almasdaronline that the Houthis and allied forces were divided into two parties, and fought battles against each other in Sarim region, after differences over the eligibility of the region's leadership and administration, before leaders of the group stop the fighting.

Recently, the clashes between various factions of the Houthis and Saleh forces have been repeated, with Saleh's forces accusing the Houthis of failing to lead the fighting.

Remark: No other report so far.

2.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Houthis release a leader jailed for killing Houthi militant in Dhamar

2.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Houthis bomb loyal Sheikh’s house in Ibb

A local source said that the militants of the Houthi group bombed on Monday the house of a pro-Houthis tribal Sheikh in al Udain district of Ibb province.

Since Sunday evening until Monday morning, armed confrontations were flaring up in Al Udain district center between gunmen belonging to Sheikh Hamid Mohammed Qaid Jabbah, a pro-Houthi Sheikh, and Houthi militants, in which a number of militants were wounded, according to the source.

“The clashes ended up by Jabbah fleeing the area, and the Houthis bombing his house”.

2.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A)

Gunmen kidnap merchant’s son, demand a ransom in Ibb city

2.5.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

FM meets Norwegian Secretary General of Norwegian Refugee Council

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf met on Tuesday with the Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (SNRC) Jan Egeland and his accompanying delegation.
The meeting dealt with the difficult humanitarian situation in Yemen

2.5.2017 – Saba Net (A T)

Security arrests two in Baidha

The security services and popular forces arrested two terrorists who were trying to plant an explosive device and also

2.5.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

a conflict of decisions intensified on Monday inside the government of the two sides responsible for the coup in Sana’a, the Houthis and former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The conflict started when head of the so-called Higher Political Council in Sana’a, Saleh al-Samad, canceled several decisions issued by Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor, who heads the non-legitimate government and is loyal to the ousted Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Remark: By a Saudi media.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1a

4.5.2017 – Terror Monitor (A T)

Al-Qaeda adopts the bombing of a security center belonging to the elite forces in the Directorate of Doan in Hadramout province in eastern Yemen (images)

3.5.2017 – Aden Now (A T)

elements of al-Qaeda burn two sets and his armor in the center of the city of Shuqra and abducted two soldiers are Qasim Larj and Salem Hassan and the city is still under their control (photo)

3.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Checkpoint in Lahj prevents northerners from crossing, soldiers shoot at civilian

Local residents and eyewitnesses said Monday that a checkpoint of the Security Belt Forces on the road connecting the provinces of Lahj and al-Bayda, south and central Yemen, had been preventing northern citizens from crossing into the southern areas for the third day

My comment: Also showing the tensions between factions in Southern Yemen.

2.5.2017 – Anadolu (A T)

Yemeni commander escapes assassination in Marib

A military police commander escaped an assassination attempt in eastern Yemen on Tuesday, according to a local official.

A device exploded under the car of Lieutenant Colonel Yahya al-Harbi in the Marib province Tuesday

2.5.2017 – Save Socotra (A P)

Save Socotra is a sister page devoted to save Socotra island from any foreign intervention or abuse, being the little paradise a World Natural Heritage Site of UNESCO, and one of the UNESCO's Universal Marine Sites of biological importance.
We invite you to check the page, like it in order to have constant updates and participate in saving this marvelous island.

"Schützen Sie Socotra" ist eine Seite, die gewidmet ist, um die Insel Socotra vor irgendeinem ausländischen Interventionen oder Missbrauch zu Weltnaturerbe der UNESCO zu retten, und eines der UNESCO-Universal-Marine-Stätte von biologischer Bedeutung.

Wir laden euch alle ein, die Seite zu mögen und an der wunderbaren Insel teilzunehmen. and also and appeal at Avaaz:

#Socotra island, where the national carrier, Yemenia, can no longer fly, is now chartered by UAE Rotana flights.

#Socotra: Do you know that salaries of the army and hospital employees are now paid in UAE Dirhams and no longer in Yemeni Ryial?
What is happening to the identity of the island?

and films:

26.4.2017 – Save Socotra (* B)

Film: Appel an die UNESCO … Schütze Socotra (Save Socotra)

Film. Appeal to the UNESCO ... Save Socotra

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

3.5.2017 – IMI (* B P)

Kriegsverbrechen Saudi Arabiens in Jemen

Die bisherigen Friedensverhandlungen der UN sind nicht gut gelaufen. Einer der Gründe dafür ist vermutlich die sowohl militärische als auch politische Rückendeckung, die Saudi Arabien von wichtigen Akteuren wie den USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich im Krieg in Jemen erhält. Solange Saudi Arabien sich trotz seiner wiederholten Kriegsverbrechen in Jemen dieser stabilen Unterstützung bewusst ist, wird das Königreich sich nicht zu einer Kompromissbereitschaft gezwungen sehen – doch eben diese ist für eine erfolgreiche Friedensverhandlung erforderlich. So setzte Saudi Arabien für die UN-Friedensgespräche in Genf am 15. Juni 2015 einen Rückzug der Houthis aus allen von ihnen unter Kontrolle gebrachten Gebieten voraus – dies ist die Forderung einer Kapitulation und keine simple Gesprächsbedingung. In der Resolution 2216 (2015) des ‚UN-Sicherheitsrats ist diese Forderung neben der geforderten Entwaffnung der Houthis seither festgeschrieben. Ein Waffenembargo gegen Saudi Arabien wird in der Resolution nicht verlangt. Zudem betonte der UN-Sonderbeauftragte für den Jemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed wiederholt, dass jeder Friedensvorschlag die „Legitimität“ von Hadi anerkennen muss.[19] Doch insgesamt erkennen nicht nur die Houthis und der ehemalige Präsident Saleh, dem sich weite Teile der jemenitischen Armee und Verwaltungsstruktur anschlossen, den offiziellen Präsidenten Hadi nicht an, sondern auch Teile des Southern Movement, die sich zunehmend für die Unabhängigkeit des Südjemens stark machen, lehnen ihn ab. Der von Saudi Arabien gestützte Hadi kann kein Schlüssel zu einer Lösung sein – von: Jacqueline Andres

2.5.2017– Ärzte ohne Grenzen (* B K)

Ärzte ohne Grenzen zieht verheerende Bilanz beim Schutz von Gesundheitseinrichtungen durch den UN-Sicherheitsrat

Am Mittwoch jährt sich die Verabschiedung der UN-Resolution 2286 zum Schutz medizinischen Personals und medizinischer Einrichtungen in Konflikten am 3. Mai 2016 zum ersten Mal. Dazu erklärt Florian Westphal, Geschäftsführer von Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Deutschland:

„Vor einem Jahr wurde die UN-Resolution 2286 zum Schutz medizinischer Einrichtungen einstimmig angenommen. Doch seitdem hat sich nicht viel geändert. Vier der fünf ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrats sind Teil von Militärkoalitionen, die in Syrien und im Jemen zahlreiche weitere Krankenhäuser bombardiert haben. Bislang war die Resolution ein reines Lippenbekenntnis. Nur wenige Wochen nach Verabschiedung der Resolution, im August 2016, wurde etwa ein von Ärzte ohne Grenzen unterstütztes Krankenhaus in der Stadt Abs im Jemen bei einem Luftangriff der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition getroffen. Mindestens elf Menschen starben, darunter ein Mitarbeiter von Ärzte ohne Grenzen.

Zum Jahrestag fordern wir die Staatengemeinschaft auf, ernsthafte Konsequenzen aus den wiederkehrenden Angriffen auf medizinische Einrichtungen zu ziehen und sicherzustellen, dass der völkerrechtlich verbindliche Schutz medizinischer Einrichtungen im Krieg auch in nationale Gesetzgebung und in die Einsatzregeln von Streitkräften übernommen wird.

Darüber hinaus wird sich an der Situation erst dann etwas ändern, wenn Angriffe unabhängig und schnell aufgeklärt werden. Ohne einen neutralen, internationalen Mechanismus, der Angriffe untersucht und Verursacher zur Rechenschaft zieht, bleiben diese Angriffe ohne jegliche Konsequenzen."

30.4.2017 – UN Watch (* A P)

Belgian FM defends election of Saudi Arabia to U.N. women’s rights body, advocates ‘dialogue’

Before he would be contradicted by his prime minister the very next day, Belgian foreign minister Didier Reynders justified at length the U.N. election of Saudi Arabia to the Commission on the Status of Women, saying on April 26th:

“I strongly support multilateral meetings… including with countries with which we do not share the same opinions.”

“We must open this dialogue, not only bilaterally, but also in all organizations in multilateral meetings.”

“The UN in general, and the Commission for the Status of Women in particular, exist precisely for being places for debate, implying that we can occasionally find ourselves dealing with countries with which we profoundly disagree.”

“At least the commission provides a forum where we can speak plainly about this issues with a country such as Saudi Arabia, and involve it in such debates.”

Foreign minister Reynders also made the pragmatic, realpolitik case for Belgium to vote for Saudi Arabia on U.N. human rights bodies. Even when they produce immoral and absurd candidacies, “Belgium respects clean slate policies and the usual practice of not proceeding with voting in this type of situation,” he said, because “Western countries are far from holding a majority at the UN, and this may end up making it so that we are no longer elected to organizations of this type.”

And yet despite making a firm and extensive case for putting the Saudis on the women’s rights body, Reynders also manages to express the opposite position, saying “Belgium is in no way pleased with the election of Saudi Arabia into this commission,” and if there

My comment: Just disgusting – and typical “Western” style of politics.

Comment by Hillel Neuer: Under pressure, Belgian FM scapegoats @NikkiHaley & US. But his theory fails: Saudi-@UN_Women went unreported until UN Watch sounded alarm.

Remark by UN watch: Belgian FM @dreynders accused U.S. of forcing vote on Saudi @UN_Women bid to discredit UN. Yet story went unreported for days—till we spoke.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

2.5.2017 – Reuters (* A P)

Powerful Saudi prince sees no chance for dialogue with Iran

Saudi Arabia's powerful deputy crown prince ruled out on Tuesday any dialogue with arch rival Iran and pledged to protect his conservative kingdom from what he called Tehran's efforts to dominate the Muslim world.

In unusually blunt remarks, Prince Mohammed bin Salman said any struggle for influence between the Sunni Muslim kingdom and the revolutionary Shi'ite theocracy ought to take place "inside Iran, not in Saudi Arabia". He did not elaborate.

Asked if Saudi Arabia was ready to open a direct dialogue with Tehran, Mohammed said it was impossible to talk with a power that was planning for the return of the Imam Mahdi - whom Shi'ites believe was a descendent of the Prophet who went into hiding 1,000 years ago and will return to establish global Islamic rule before the end of the world. = and by Deutsche Welle: and by Time: and by Press TV Iran: and by RT:

My comment: And the West is supporting such a warmongering nonsense. – Other parts of this interview at cp15.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

4.5.2017 – The Guardian (* A P)

UN accuses Saudi Arabia of using terror laws to suppress free speech

Report also criticises kingdom for failing to carry out independent inquiries into its bombing raids in Yemen

Saudi Arabia has been accused of using anti-terror laws to suppress free expression and failing to carry out independent inquiries into its Yemen bombing campaign in a hard-hitting report published on Thursday by the UN special rapporteur on human rights.

The report follows a five-day visit by Ben Emmerson QC on behalf of the UN to Riyadh, where Saudi officials refused to grant the rapporteur access to prisoners the UN believes are being wrongly held under anti-terror laws.

He also said he had heard repeated stories of wrongful arrest, misuse of court procedures, cases of torture to extract confessions and clear cases of miscarriages of justice in recent beheadings.

In Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition war to fight back against Iranian-backed Houthis, Emmerson reminded Saudi Arabia “of its international legal obligation to conduct a fact-finding investigation, independent of the chain of command involved in the strike, in any case in which there are reliable indications that civilians may have been killed or injured and to make the results public”.

He said he wanted the Saudi government to ensure that such investigations were conducted in every case and the true civilian death toll made public – by Patrick Wintour and by The Jurist:

and the original press release:

4.5.2017 – UNOCHA (* A P)

UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism concludes visit to Saudi Arabia

Despite many positive developments, the Special Rapporteur would like to share some observations, concerns and recommendations with regard to the unacceptably broad definition of terrorism, and the use of the 2014 counter-terrorism law and other national security provisions against human rights defenders, writers, bloggers, journalists and other peaceful critics. He would also like to raise the continuing problems relating to the prevention of torture of terrorist suspects during investigation; the reported use of confessions obtained by duress during interrogation, the use of the death penalty following proceedings in which there are reported due process shortcomings; and the need for greater transparency about civilian casualties in Saudi Arabia’s extra-territorial counter-terrorism operation in Yemen and allegation of support from sources within Saudi Arabia for armed opposition groups in Syria.

The Special Rapporteur considers that the definition of terrorism in the 2014 Law on Counter Terrorism and its Financing fails to comply with international human rights standards of legal certainty. Any definition of terrorism should be confined to acts or threats of violence that are committed for religious, political or ideological motives, and that are aimed at putting the public or section of the public in fear or to coerce a government or international organization to take or refrain from taking any action. Contrary to the basic international human rights standards, article 1 of 2014 Law enables the criminalization of a wide spectrum of acts of peaceful expression, which are viewed by the authorities as endangering “national unity” or undermining “the reputation or position of the State”.

The Special Rapporteur has received numerous reports about prosecution, on the basis of this law, of human rights defenders, writers, bloggers and journalists in connexion with their expression of non-violent views. Despite repeated requests and efforts from the Special Rapporteur, the Government was unable to give access to any of the individuals whose names he provided to be interviewed.

The Special Rapporteur strongly condemns use of counter terrorism legislation with penal sanctions against individuals peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression, as well as freedom of religion or belief and freedom of peaceful association and assembly.

4.5.2017 – Ali AlAhmed (A P)

when U examine #Saudi @KingSalman order on allowing women to access services without male approval U get nothing

3.5.2017 – DU Center for Middle East Studies (not rated B P)

Film: Saudi scholar Madawi Al-Rasheed sat down with Center for Middle East Studies Director Nader Hashemi for a conversation on the topic of her latest book, "Muted Modernists: The Struggle Over Divine Politics in Saudi Arabia."

Madawi Al-Rasheed: the US can change Saudi behavior by stopping its unconditional support to the Saudi regime

3.5.2017 – Almasdar News (A P)

Saudi Arabian prince dies from illness

Moments ago, Saudi Arabian prince Mishaal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud was pronounced dead by Saudi Arabian state media.

29.4.2017 – Deutschlandfunk (* B E P)

Aufbruch in die Zeit nach dem Öl
Saudi-Arabien lebt vom Export seiner Rohstoffe Erdöl und Gas. Das Königshaus will Saudi-Arabien in eine ressourcenunabhängige Zukunft führen. So wie in King Abdullah Economic City, einer Stadt, die mit privatem Kapital finanziert und an der Börse geführt wird. Alle ansässigen Unternehmen sind außerhalb des Öl- und Gassektors tätig.
Die Zukunft von Saudi-Arabien liegt hinter einem Bogen, gebaut im prunkvollen Tausend-und-eine-Nacht-Stil. Dies ist das Stadttor von King Abdullah Economic City, eine gute Fahrstunde nördlich von Jeddah am Roten Meer gelegen. Hinter dem Tor fährt man zunächst noch viele Kilometer durchs Nichts, durch die Wüste. Auf einer Kreuzung pusten Arbeiter mit einem Laubbläser Sand von der Fahrbahn. Schließlich tauchen die ersten Wohnviertel und Bürogebäude auf, dahinter das türkisfarbene Meer.
Stephen Bowen ist der Marketing-Manager von King Abdullah Economic City: „Vor zehn Jahren war das alles Wüste, hier war nichts. Seitdem haben wir etwa 350 Kilometer Straße gelegt und 3.500 Straßenlaternen aufgestellt. Wir haben fünf große Wohnkomplexe errichtet und 6.500 Apartments und Villen, und wir haben einen ‚Businesspark‘ fertiggestellt. Wir haben 120 Unternehmen aus den bereichen Handel, Logistik und Produktion für unser Gewerbegebiet gewinnen können. Weil dies ein Areal von 181 Quadratkilometern ist, sieht alles viel leerer aus, als es tatsächlich ist.“ – von Carsten Kühntopp

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

4.5.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

US advancing sale of precision-guided missiles to Riyadh: Saudi FM

The US administration has taken measures to advance the sale of warheads and precision-guided missiles to Saudi Arabia as part of additional military and intelligence assistance to the kingdom’s bloody intervention in Yemen.

On Thursday, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said that the administration of President Donald Trump has taken steps in the congressional notification process for the sale of armor-piercing Penetrator Warheads and precision-guided Paveway missiles to the kingdom.

The controversial sale is expected to include over $1 billion worth of the weapons, informed sources said.

4.5.2017 – Just Security (* B K P)

U.S. Officials Risk Complicity in War Crimes in Yemen

The Sierra Leone war crimes tribunal, in a decision the U.S. military commissions prosecutor endorsed in 2013, ruled that for an individual to aid and abet a war crime, they must provide practical assistance that has a “substantial effect” on the commission of a crime; and know or be aware the assistance has a “substantial likelihood” of aiding that crime.

The U.S. has for many years sold arms to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi-led coalition has used these weapons in its Yemen attacks, including two of the war’s deadliest for civilians—on a crowded market and a funeral hall full of people—both of which appear to have been war crimes.

For U.S. officials providing assistance to be guilty of aiding and abetting coalition war crimes, they must be “aware” of the “substantial likelihood” their aid would be used to assist unlawful attacks, and that the forces they were assisting intended to commit war crimes. A U.S. State Department lawyer, writing in his personal capacity, has made the same point, using assistance to the Syrian government as an example.

Last month, an apparent coalition helicopter attacked a boat filled with Somali refugees and migrants who were fleeing Yemen in search of safety. Instead they found themselves at sea, at night, attacked from above. At least 33 died and 27 were injured.

The day before the attack, the Defense Department announced Boeing had been awarded a $3.2 billion contract to sell Saudi Arabia more military helicopters.

While many of the weapons in Saudi Arabia’s arsenal were obtained long before the coalition began its military operations in Yemen in March 2015, U.S. officials should have been aware by late 2015 of the coalition’s numerous attacks that violate the laws of war.

There is no mystery here: The Saudi-led coalition has committed scores of unlawful attacks, many amounting to war crimes. Continued arms sales not only send a clear message to the coalition that it can kill civilians with impunity, but they increasingly put U.S. officials at legal risk for aiding those crimes – By Kristine Beckerle =

3.5.2017 – Daily Caller (A P)

Comey: It’s Difficult To Vet People From Syria and Yemen
FBI Director Jim Comey testified in a Senate hearing Wednesday that he has “concerns about the ability to vet people” from countries with which the U.S. does not have a relationship, such as Syria and Yemen.

Read more:

3.5.2017 – Noto Wahabism (A P)

Did the pink pu**y hat knitters protest #Saudi_Arabia's election to #UN women's board? Or is their vagina not offended? (photos)

2.5.2017 – Almasdar News (A K)

Saudi Arabia inters six officers killed in Yemen, another three soldiers shot dead in Jizan

2.5.2017 – Washington Post (* A K P)

Alarm grows in Washington as Saudi coalition attack on Yemen port appears imminent

A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers urged Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday to reconsider his support for a seemingly imminent assault by a Saudi-led coalition on the crucial Yemeni port city of Hodeida.

“In the face of Yemen’s senseless humanitarian tragedy, where 19 million people need emergency support, we are committed to using our Constitutional authority to assert greater oversight over U.S. involvement in the conflict and promote greater public debate regarding U.S. military participation in Yemen’s civil war, which has never been authorized by Congress,” the legislators said in a letter.

Saudi fighter jets dropped leaflets over Houthi-controlled Hodeida in recent days warning its hundreds of thousands of residents of an impending offensive, according to the United Nations and aid agencies. Yemen imports 90 percent of its food, and Hodeida's already-damaged port is the entry point for the vast majority of it.

Tuesday's letter, drafted by Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Justin Amash (R-Mich.), asserts that any direct U.S. support for an offensive on the Houthis must be authorized by Congress. The letter also threatens legislation that would seek to “prohibit U.S. involvement in any such assault” should Mattis fail to brief Congress on the nature of U.S. support for the coalition – By Max Bearak

2.5.2017 – Fars News (* B K)

Insultingly Low: Pentagon Regime Undercounts Civilian Death Tolls in Iraq, Syria, Yemen

Pentagon reports and official figures on civilian casualties in their airstrikes in Iraq and Syria are well less than 10% of the count as figured by private organizations, human rights groups, and international aid agencies, including those of the United Nations. As the civilian deaths grow in the twin air wars, that undercount is becoming even more dramatic, and the oversights all the more glaring.

In light of these findings, it is safe to conclude that what the United States and its coalition partners in crime are doing to Iraq, Syria and Yemen has nothing to do with fighting terrorism or containing Iran, and everything to do with killing as many civilians as possible. They are consistently doing all these human rights violations and war crimes for the sake of their own illicit designs and regional interests – all in contravention to the customary International Law, chiefly the prohibition of murder of civilians and arbitrary deprivation of the right to life, applicable not only in the armed conflicts of Iraq and Syria, but in Yemen as well.

2.5.2017 – Lowy Institute (* B K P)

What is Trump’s game in Yemen?

Trump's policy towards Yemen is not as different to Obama's as one might think. The January raid's proximity to Trump's inauguration suggests it had been planned well in advance by the Pentagon. However, the Trump Administration now appears to view Yemen as more than just an opportunity to act against an increasingly strong al-Qaeda. Rather, Trump appears to be subscribing to the narrative that Yemen's conflict is a proxy war reflecting geopolitical rivalries between the Iran and Saudi Arabia, a rivalry that is often placed within a wider sectarian conflict between Shia and Sunni Islam. In this context, greater support provided to the Saudi-led Coalition represents a blow to Iran's speculated regional ambitions. Trump has repeatedly articulated his anti-Iran stance throughout his election campaign, targeting the Obama Administration's softness on Iran and the nuclear deal. Such a view, however, misrepresents and oversimplifies a conflict that is shaped more by complex local and historical factors than religion or regional power rivalry.

The Trump Administration now seems poised to significantly increase its support for the Saudi-led coalition in the build-up to a potentially major offensive against Yemen's west coast port of Hudaydah – by Alexander Harper

2.5.2017 – AP (A P)

Gulf Arab officials in Washington for 2-week outreach effort

Officials and experts from Gulf Arab countries are in Washington for the next two weeks to take part in a series of public lectures aimed at addressing issues of concern for the region under the Trump administration.

Saudi Arabia's Undersecretary for International Communication at the Information Ministry, Abdulmohsen Alyas says the talks will address "issues of misunderstanding and miscommunication" between the United States and its Gulf allies through direct and frank discussions on important issues.

The lectures at Washington-based think tanks, including the conservative American Enterprise Institute and the Atlantic Council, will run from Tuesday until May 12.

Speakers from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain will discuss topics ranging from economic reforms in the region to developments in women's rights, counterterrorism efforts and the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

My comment: Call it what it is: Propaganda.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

5.4.2017 – Human Rights Watch (* A K P)

Will the Next UK Government Curb Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia?

Alleged War Crimes In Yemen Demand Urgent Review

The influential International Relations Committee of the United Kingdom’s House of Lords issued a highly critical report this week on UK policy towards the Middle East. Whoever forms the next UK government should look closely at the report’s recommendations, especially on arms sales to the Gulf.

While noting the commercial benefits, the report says sales can “cut across our wider interests in stability, our humanitarian responsibilities, and our obligations under international law,” and suggests those conflicts of interest “have become glaring in the case of the war waged in Yemen.”

Human Rights Watch shares these concerns.

But despite this overwhelming evidence, the UK government still won’t acknowledge that the Saudi-led coalition – which the UK supports and arms – has committed any violations.

However the court rules, business as usual is clearly not a tenable position for the next UK government. As the Lords report recommends, there should be a major review of UK policy on arms exports, and future policy should demonstrate “unequivocal adherence to international law.”

All UK political parties ought to be able to sign up to that – by David Mepham, UK Director HRW

2.5.2017 – House of Lords (unrated B K P)

Select Committee on International Relations
The Middle East: Time for New Realism

2nd Report of Session 2016-17 - published 2 May 2017 - HL Paper 159

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

3.5.2017 – IMI (* A P)

Kriegsverbrechen Saudi Arabiens in Jemen

Die Bundesregierung macht sich mitverantwortlich

Die Bundeskanzlerin erklärt das für Menschenrechtsverletzungen berüchtigte Saudi Arabien zum Partner im Kampf gegen den Terror – wodurch der Staat auf der politischen Weltbühne aufgewertet wird – und vereinbart eine Ausweitung der militärischen, polizeilichen und wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Staat, der für offensichtliche Kriegsverbrechen in Jemen und vermutlich Terror in Syrien verantwortlich ist. Dafür soll die Bundeswehr künftig saudische Militärangehörige in Deutschland ausbilden und das Bundesinnenministerium soll verstärkt Grenzschützer_innen und Polizist_innen schulen.[1]

Die drohende Hungerkatastrophe

Partner im Kampf gegen den Terror?

Vergessen scheinen die im Jahr 2016 von Wikileaks veröffentlichten E-Mails von Hillary Clinton, aus denen hervorgeht, dass die US-Regierung sich dessen bewusst war, was lange vermutet wurde: Saudi Arabien und Katar bewaffneten den ISIS.

Keine Rüstungsgüter dieses Mal?

Profiteure des Desasters

Begleitet wurde die Bundeskanzlerin auf ihrer Reise nach Saudi Arabien von einer Wirtschaftsdelegation bestehend aus den Vorstandschefs von Bilfinger, Siemens, Herrenknecht, der Deutschen Bahn und Lufthansa.

Nun erwartet Siemens in Saudi Arabien neue Aufträge. Das Unternehmen scheint gute Aussichten zu haben, sich im September 2017 einen 1.6 Milliarden US$ schweren Auftrag für ein Projekt einer 450km langen Elektrizitätsübertragunsverbindung zwischen Ägypten und Saudi Arabien an Land zu ziehen.[16] Auch Bilfinger, SAP, Lufthansa und die Deutsche Bahn hoffen darauf, ein großes Stück vom Modernisierungs- und Öffnungsplan „Vision 2030“ sicherstellen zu können.

Fest steht: Zur Sicherung der eigenen wirtschaftlichen und geostrategischen Interessen wertet die Bundesregierung den für Kriegsverbrechen in Jemen verantwortlichen Staat Saudi Arabien auf und beteiligt sich weiterhin am Desaster auf der Arabischen Halbinsel. Sollte die Bundesregierung ein Interesse an einer erfolgreichen Friedensverhandlung im Jemen haben, so würde sie die militärische Zusammenarbeit mit Saudi Arabien nicht ausweiten, die ausstehenden Rüstungslieferungen stoppen und das Königreich dazu drängen, die See-, Luft-und Landblockade unverzüglich aufzuheben und UN-Untersuchungen zu den von beiden Seiden begangenen Kriegsverbrechen zuzulassen. Der Besuch von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel nimmt die BRD mehr denn je in Mitverantwortung für das humanitäre Desaster in Jemen, das jetzt noch gestoppt werden kann und gestoppt werden muss –von: Jacqueline Andres

2.5.2017 – Frankfurter Rundschau (* A P)

Kritik an Militärwissensexport

Die deutsche Opposition hält Merkels Vermittlungsversuche im Jemen-Konflikt für den falschen Weg: Man solle den Saudis hart statt diplomatisch entgegentreten.

Die Bundesregierung ergreift Partei, um einen Bürgerkrieg zu beenden. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel will eine politische Lösung des Konflikts im Jemen und bietet der Kriegspartei Saudi-Arabien dafür die Ausbildung von Soldaten und Grenzschützern durch Bundeswehr und Bundespolizei an. Für die Opposition in Berlin ist das der falsche Weg.

Links-Fraktionschefin Sahra Wagenknecht sagte: „Es ist völlig verantwortungslos, die saudische Kopf-ab-Diktatur (…) zu unterstützen.“ Das autokratische Königreich führe einen blutigen Krieg im Jemen, in dem Tausende von Menschen getötet worden seien – von Damir Fras

2.5.2017 – Telepolis (* A P)

Saudi-Arabien: Alles viel besser als gedacht?

Zu Merkels Besuch lobt die Tagesschau die Entwicklungen beim Geschäftspartner

"Saudi-Arabien ist - viel besser als sein Ruf", kommentierte die Tagesschau gestern Nachmittag den Besuch der Bundeskanzlerin in Dschidda (auch: Jeddah). Die Begleitung Merkels, die Vorstandschefs von Bilfinger, Siemens, der Deutschen Bahn und Lufthansa, weist das Interesse aus, das mit der Reise verbunden war. Es ging um gute Geschäftsabschlüsse.

Muss man dazu das Springbrunnen-Geplätscher auch in Deutschland anstellen? Und dem Land, das im Jemen einen gnadenlosen Krieg mit Aushungern großer Bevölkerungsteile führt, mit Todesstrafen gegen Oppositionelle vorgeht und Atheisten zum Tode verurteilt, bescheinigen, dass es nicht nur besser, sondern gleich "viel besser" als sein Ruf ist?

Hate-Speech im staatlichen Fernsehen

Als der US-Außenminister James Matthis kürzlich nach Katar reiste, machte die US-Publikation The Hill auf den Prediger Saad bin Ateeq al-Ateeq aufmerksam, der dort noch immer im Staatsfernsehen auftreten darf. Al-Ateeq hatte 2013 in der "Großen Moschee" in Katar, die Platz für 10.000 Menschen bietet und vom Staat beaufsichtigt wird, Gott angerufen, die Christen und die Juden zu vernichten.

Der Prediger stammt aus Saudi-Arabien. Laut The Hill war al-Ateeq im Juni vergangenes Jahr reichlich Sendezeit im staatlichen saudischen Fernsehen vergönnt. Auch in diesem Jahr würden al-Ateeqs Predigen durch eine Abteilung des Ministeriums für Islamische Angelegenheiten gefördert.

Gute Politik?

Geht es Informationen des zugegebenermaßen dem Haus Saud gegenüber sehr kritisch gesinnten Bloggers Angry Arab, so stehen die Reformen, mit denen sich die saudische Herrschaft gerade als "modern" darstellt, in engem Zusammenhang mit Machtinteressen der rivalisierenden Familienzweige – von Thomas Pany

Mein Kommentar: Abenteuerliche Propaganda im Propagandamedium „Tagesschau“. Daran erkennt man auch gleich, wo die deutsche Politik / Bundesregierung tatsächlich steht.

2.5.2017 – The National UAE (A P)

Merkel holds talks with Sheikh Mohammed in Abu Dhabi

German chancellor Angela Merkel made a state visit to the UAE on Monday and held talks with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed on the conflicts in Yemen, Libya and Syria, as well as strengthening economic ties. "Mohamed bin Zayed & German Chancellor discuss in Abu Dhabi enhancing strategic bilateral ties, regional & international issues," Sheikh Mohammed’s Twitter account said.

A business delegation accompanying the German chancellor was expected to hold talks with UAE energy and trade officials in a separate meeting. Reuters reported that Mrs Merkel hopes to rekindle EU-GCC free trade agreement talks that broke down almost a decade ago.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Emirates: Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1a

3.5.2017 – New News (A P)

China : Yemen Crisis is the Biggest Humanitarian Crisis in the World

Ambassador of China Tian Chi confirmed that his country is working to push forward the political process to find a comprehensive solution to the Yemeni issue and alleviate the humanitarian crisis and economy reconstruction.

3.5.2017 – The National UAE (A P)

Young Arabs see UAE as a ‘model’ country: survey

Young Arabs across the region see the UAE as a model country they would like their own nations to emulate, according to a new study.

It is the second year in a row that the Emirates was rated the best, with 36 per cent of the vote, ahead of the US in second and Canada third. The figure is a 13 per cent increase on last year.

The findings are from the ninth annual Arab Youth Survey, which interviewed 3,500 Arabs aged 18 to 24 from 16 countries.

A third of those questioned said the UAE was also their preferred destination to live.

"The UAE is widely seen by young Arabs in the region as safe and secure, with a growing economy and a wide range of work opportunities," the report said – by Nadeem Hanif

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

31.3.2017 – International Organization for Migration, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Infographic: Yemen Situation: Regional Refugee and Migrant Response: Arrivals from Yemen into the Horn of Africa - as of 31 March 2017 and in full:

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

2.5.2017 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

UNHCR Yemen Thematic Update: Cash-Based Assistance - May 2017


Targeted cash grants for refugees; including survivors of SGBV, child protection cases and refugees with specific needs.

Multi-purpose grants to support protection outcomes for most vulnerable IDPs; including persons with specific needs and survivors of SGBV.

Targeted cash-based assistance, purposed as rental subsidy for those in displacement, or shelter repair grants for returnees. and in full: =

31.3.2017 – International Organization for Migration, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Infographic: Yemen Situation: Population movement between Yemen and the Horn of Africa - as of 31 March 31 2017 and in full:

Infographic: Yemen Situation: Regional Refugee and Migrant Response: Arrivals from Yemen into the Horn of Africa - as of 31 March 2017 and in full:

Infographic: Yemen Situation: Regional Refugee and Migrant Response – Population movement out of Yemen (As of 31 March 2017) and in full:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

4.5.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (* A T)

Washington Vows to Destroy Qaeda in Yemen

Leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Qasim al-Raymi took about 60 days to engage in an extended dialogue in which analysts said he showed weakness and disarray. The Qaeda offshoot is said to face its darkest days in Yemen, analysts added.

Up-to-date and official statements credit Washington for staging over 90 raids in two months.

Raymi exhibited a desire to find a way to halt the United States strikes, analysts said when reviewing the AQAP chief’s speech.

A US State Department spokesman made a brief statement to Asharq Al-Awsat saying that Washington will not roll back on its decision to disrupt and destroy AQAP presence in Yemen.

Oxford University’s oriental studies faculty member Elisabeth Kendall, who wrote a paper on AQAP and ISIS in Yemen, said that Raymi’s tone mirrored AQAP anxiety under pressure, he resorted to stretching the truth when revisiting resistance Qaeda militants put up against the US strike on January 29 in the Yakla area of the Al Bayda province in central Yemen.

“I think that at this stage, Raymi is trying to reshuffle the cards, trying to draw on alleged common interests between Yemeni tribes and pro-coalition members and AQAP is desperate,” said the Yemeni political analyst and researcher Baraa Shiban.

“Raymi is trying to remind people that he still exists, and I believe that he wants to embarrass the Arab coalition and the Yemeni government in front of their international allies,” he added.

“The AQAP chief’s allegations were picked up by many Western media. Instead of questioning claims made by a terrorist, Western media reported news stories wrongly claiming that AQAP has joined ranks with pro-US groups in Yemen,” Shiban said – by Badr Al-Qahtani

My comment, to last sentence: “stories wrongly claiming that AQAP has joined ranks with pro-US groups in Yemen”: keep in mind that this not only has been claimed by Raymi just now, but this fact had been reported many times before.

4.5.2017 – Clarion Project (* A T)

Al-Qaeda in Yemen Confirms Muslim Brotherhood Ties

The leader of Al-Qaeda’s branch in Yemen said in a statement aired on the branch’s propaganda outlet that his group has formed alliances with other Sunni jihadists in the country, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

Al-Qaeda’s links to the Yemeni branch in the Muslim Brotherhood go far back, particularly through a jihadist cleric named Abdul-Majeed al-Zindani. He is a co-founder of the Brotherhood’s party in the country which is called Islah.

Zindani is also very close to Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Zindani was deeply involved in the top tier of the international jihadist network that included Osama Bin Laden – BY RYAN MAURO

2.5.2017 – Terror Monitor (A T)

Al-Qaeda published pictures of the suicide attack that targeted the government compound in the southern province of Lahj.

Al-Qaeda published a video entitled "Deterrent aggression 7" shows the suicide attack on the government security complex in the southern province of Lahj

The video also included pictures of the three suicide bombers on motorcycles who stormed the compound in Lahj province.

Al-Qaeda published a video of the car bomb commander in the attack on the government compound in the province of Lahj and named Amer Hadrami.

2.5.2017 – Daily Caller (* B T)

Time To Get Tough With Qatar

Secretary of Defense James Mattis was in Doha last week to talk about counter-terrorism and shared interests between the tiny emirate and the United States which include counter-terrorism.

According to the Pentagon, Qatar’s role in financing terror wasn’t on the agenda. It should have been. Qatar continues to fund terrorist groups in Palestine, Libya, and Syria and elsewhere.

Qatar played a leading role in Obama’s war to remove Qaddafi in Libya. A role that saw the CIA, Al-Qaeda and the Qataris all on the side of the rebels attempting to remove the long-time dictator. The U.S. came to regret its role in toppling Qaddafi in many ways. However, Qatar has doubled down and remains active. Qatar has in recent years reportedly funded terrorist groups from Mali to Somalia – by Bruce Majors

cp15 Propaganda

5.5.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Saudi Diplomat: Saudi-led Alliance does not have Ambitions in Yemen

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed bin Said Al Jaber said that the Kingdom and other countries in the coalition supporting Yemen’s legitimacy did not have any personal ambitions, but were seeking the establishment of security and stability in the war-torn country.

Addressing a gathering of politicians, intellectuals and media specialists at the Washington Institute on Thursday, the Saudi ambassador said that war was not a choice, but came as an utmost necessity to save Yemen’s legitimacy and stop Iranian interference in the country.

Al Jaber underlined the need to put an end to Iran’s expansionism project, which threatens security of Gulf States and the region.

He noted that Saudi Arabia has supported the participation of all Yemeni parties in Yemen’s political process, based on UN Security Council Resolution 2216, the outcome of the national dialogue and the GCC Initiative and its implementation mechanism.

The Saudi diplomat said that the Kingdom, along with other alliance members, have sought during the negotiations in Switzerland and Kuwait to find a political solution to the crisis, underlining their readiness to rebuild the country.

He further stressed that the Saudi-led alliance has made civilian protection its ultimate priority, and has banned attacks on thousands of civilian-populated areas.

Underlining the alliance’s full commitment to international humanitarian law, Al Jaber said that appropriate investigation was conducted every time the alliance was accused of breaching the law.

My comment: LOL. That’s 100 % opposite to reality in all points.

4.5.2017 – MbKS15 (A P T)

#Saudi SF counter-ops against #AQAP in #Yemen reaffirm the Kingdom's commitment to protect the lives of Yemeni people from terrorist groups (photos)

My comment: LOL.

4.5.2017 – The National UAE (A P)

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed offers condolences to families of martyrs - in pictures

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, on Thursday offered his condolences to the families of serviceman Hassan Abdullah Al Bishir and Sgt Abdullah Mohamed Eissa Al Hammadi, who died in separate incidents while participating in the Saudi-led coalition against Houthi forces in Yemen.

3.5.2017 – The National UAE (A P)

Hundreds attend funeral for ‘outgoing and loving’ martyr in Ras Al Khaimah

The family of a serviceman killed in the line of duty in Yemen, on Wednesday chose to focus on their pride rather than grief at his funeral.

3.5.2017 – Yemen Online (A P)

Yemen human rights minister to lead an international campaign to denounce the Houthis' violations against freedom of expression

Yemeni Deputy Minister of Human Rights Mohammad Askar said Wednesday that an international campaign to be launched in a number of European countries to denounce the Houthis' violations of freedom of opinion and expression, especially the death sentence against Yemeni journalist Yahia al-Jubeihi.

The Yemeni human rights minister Askar launched his campaign during the meeting last week with Ms. Kate Gilmore, Deputy High Commissioner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, where he reviewed a number of Huthi violations against civilians and journalists, calling on the High Commissioner for Human Rights to declare a clear condemnation of the death sentence of journalist Jubeihi. These violations may encourage the rebels in Yemen to carry out more arrests and violations , referring to the last speech of the leader of the Houthis, which has encouraged the use of violence against their opponents, Askar said.

My comment: In this constellation, this is propaganda.

2.5.2017 – Reuters (* A K P)

Saudi land push in Yemen would cause heavy casualties: top prince

Saudi Arabia could launch a land offensive in Yemen to crush its Iranian-aligned Houthi enemies but the cost in casualties would be heavy on both sides, the kingdom's powerful deputy crown prince said on Tuesday.

Comment by Judith Brown: They will wait until all Yemenis have died of hunger. And Yemenis get more not less united every day. They just want the war to end so that they can get on with their lives. This is propaganda.

My comment: LOL. But what about the planned attack at Hodeida?

Comment: Mohamed bin Salman is so obsessed with Iran that he is chasing ghosts in #Yemen

2.5.2017 – Sputnik News (A P)

Saudi Arabia Had No Option But to Invade in Yemen – Saudi Deputy Crown Prince

Saudi Arabia had no option but to support Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and to invade the country, Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman al Saud told the MBC broadcaster.

“We have no option whether to intervene in the Yemeni war supporting the legitimate authorities, otherwise the situation would have become worse. Postponement of interference in the situation in Yemen would have aggravated the threat coming from the [Houthi] rebels,” the deputy crown prince said.

He pointed out that Saudi Arabia had supported political initiatives aimed at preventing the war in Yemen.

My comment: Another part of the interview. – Some of the well known propaganda nonsense, now by prince Salman, the father of the Yemen war. And more from this interview: and and

2.5.2017 – Defense One (A P)

Yemen Could Be the Key to Solving the Iran Problem

A proposal to transfer control of a Red Sea port could have wide-ranging effects on regional tension.

If President Trump travels to Riyadh later this month, as reported, he will find that the six leaders of the Gulf Coordination Council (GCC) countries hold widely divergent views on Iran, the extent of the Iranian threat, and how to resolve the conflict in Yemen.

This divergence has made it difficult to coordinate on a policy to challenge Iran’s bad behavior without tipping the region into open conflict.

But Oman has been a particularly reluctant partner in the GCC’s desire to confront Iran, and even the other non-Saudi GCC states favor a reduction in regional tensions.

Yemen may be the key to solving the GCC’s Iran problem. After last year’s Kuwait round of Yemeni negotiations ended in stalemate, the Saudi-led coalition determined that only a shift in the military balance would bring the Houthis and their allies, loyalists of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, back to the negotiating table. A strategy was derived to push the Houthis off the Red Sea coast — the Yemeni terminus of the arms-smuggling route that begins in Iran — and seize the vital port of Hodeidah.

Even more importantly, an agreement among the parties to transfer control of the port to a neutral party might spark a return to UN-led negotiations.

Yemen’s Hadi government, along with the Saudis and Emiratis, is signaling its willingness to accept a peaceful transfer of the city and port to a neutral third party. That party would be responsible for repairing damaged port facilities, allowing unfettered access to humanitarian relief organizations, and ensuring that the port would no longer be used for arms smuggling. There are encouraging signs that Houthi and Saleh forces may agree to this proposal – by Gerald feierstein, former US ambassador to Yemen

My comment: An article by a, let’s say “loyalist” to Saudi Arabia. – Why this port of Hodeida should be given to a third party? This would be a politics fully following Saudi / Hadi propaganda of Iranian arms smuggle, which only is of minor importance.

Comment: When the US runs one of its paranoia: it was the Communists, the muslims, and now - again - Iran. Chasing Iran in Yemen.

3.5.2017 – Finanznachrichten (A P)

Auszeichnung von Sharjah dotiert Flüchtlingseinsatz humanitärer jemenitischer Stiftung mit 100.000 US-Dollar

Die Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) im Jemen hat 100.000 US-Dollar als Anerkennung für ihren humanitären Einsatz zur Rettung von Menschenleben und Wiederherstellung der Würde erhalten.

Die Auszeichnung für ihre kontinuierlichen Leistungen wurden anlässlich des ersten Sharjah International Award for Refugee Advocacy and Support verliehen, einer Initiative, die von Sharjah in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ins Leben gerufen wurde.

Mein Kommentar: Erst zusammenbomben und Millionen Menschen vertreiben; dann mit 100.000 $ (= 0,05 % der Kosten des saudischen Bombenkriegs pro Tag!!) eine Organisation „auszeichnen“, die sich um die Opfer kümmert und daraus Propaganda schlagen – genau drum geht es hier.

2.5.2017 – Khaleej Times (A P)

Sharjah to honour Yemen charity next Sunday

The Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) in Yemen has won the first Sharjah International Award for Refugee Advocacy and Support.

The award is under the patronage of His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, and wife Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, chairperson of the Big Heart Foundation (TBHF), and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Eminent Advocate for Refugee Children.

The winner will get $100,000 to help continue its humanitarian efforts. The Yemeni foundation will be honoured at a special ceremony in Sharjah next Sunday. and also

My comment: Those who bomb the country into ruins and are responsible for a great part of Yemen’s 3 million displaced people, really dare to spend a humanitarian award of US $ 100.000 (0,05 % of the daily costs of Saudi aerial war against Yemen) for refugees in Yemen.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

3.5.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 3/5/2017 (full list): and

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt3.5.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 2/5/2017 (full list):

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt2.5.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 1/5/2017 (full list):

4.5.2017 – Sanaa at daytime (A K)

Saudi fighter jets doing heart stopping low flyovers in Sana'a now. Not sure what's point beyond terrifying our children ran to basement now

4.5.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes strike Sanahan, Bani Behlol

3.–4.5.2017 – Sanaa in the evening (A K)

Surveillance drone has been flying over #Sanaa since sunset (prior to 7 pm)**

Jets over #Sanaa now, low & loud. 9:19pm

Now : #Saudi airstrikes south of #Yemen capital Sanaa, in Sanhan & Bani Bahlul regions.

4.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Houthi casualties in coalition airstrikes in al-Jawf – source

“The Arab Coalition aircrafts bombed Houthis’ sites and equipment, after they had waged an offensive on the pro-government forces’ locations. According to the source.

4.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition bomb Houthis sites west of Taiz

“The fighter jets launched six raids on Khaled camp, and four raids on the rebels’ sites in the al Hameli area east of Mozza,” a military source told Almasdaronline.

The raids had killed 11 Houthi militants and injured 14 others, including prominent leaders, and destroyed 4 military vehicles and an arms depot.

2.–3.5.2017 – Sanaa at night (A K)

Huge explosion woke me up now The house is shaking , and #Saudi jets still hovering over Sanaa now .

3.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

15 Houthis-Saleh militants killed by coalition aircrafts south of Midi

A total of 15 militants of the Houthi group and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed by airstrikes of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition aircrafts on their positions in Midi, northwestern Yemen, government forces said Monday.

The Media Center of the Fifth Military Region wrote on Facebook, citing a military source, that the raids targeted Houthis-Saleh reinforcements and military equipment and vehicles south of Midi city.

2.5.2017 – Saudi War Crimes (* A K PH)

Photos: #Sada province: new #Saudi massacre on #civilians at #Bakem district .. =

and film: =

2.5.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi fighter jets continue furious raids on citizens' properties

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

4.5.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

A civilian killed, his brother wounded by Houthis-Saleh forces shelling in al Bayda – residents

Pro-Houthi- / Saleh reports:

Pro-Hadi- / Pro-Saudi reports:

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

5.5.2017 – Aljazeera (B H)

Yemen: 'Love is stronger than war'

Despite two years of war, Yemeni couples are continuing to defy numerous challenges to get married.

Samar Qaed, a Sanaa-based journalist who covers social issues, noted that some engaged couples had postponed their marriages while awaiting an end to the war. He also observed that the number of guests invited to wedding halls these days is smaller than in the past: "Some families don't bother to book a hall for wedding ceremonies. They just celebrate in their homes. They struggle with financial restrictions, and they are also worried because halls can be shelled."

"It is fascinating that marriage rituals continue despite the deteriorating economic situation of families in the country. People are keen to smile in the face of poverty and war," Yemeni sociologist Hanan Ali told Al Jazeera. "The bride price is a big burden. Some families struggle to pay even part of it. War has cost the people a lot, yet it has not stolen the spirit of joy from all of them." – By Khalid Al-Karimi

4.5.2017 – Sprudge

Amid Crisis, Al Mokha Brings Yemeni Coffee To The United States

the international coffee community is right now having something of a moment of renewed interest in Yemeni coffee. Although the country was the first to commercially cultivate coffee in the 15th century, only in the past five years or so has there been a strong interest from specialty coffee companies abroad in buying, roasting, and serving Yemeni coffee. That such a historically important growing region, once a footnote as only that, is now receiving recognition for its ability to produce excellent coffee today is ostensibly good news.

But looming questions remain. Given the ongoing instability inside Yemen, what exactly will an increased demand for Yemeni coffee mean for Yemeni coffee producers? And moreover, what does it mean for Yemen’s overall economy given that the country is in the midst of a war?

Washington DC-based Al Mokha is attempting to answer those questions. by MICHAEL LIGHT

4.5.2017 – INC Arabia (A E)

How War Is Powering Yemen’s Solar Power Sector

The renewable energy sector in the country has developed in the past two years more than anyone could have imagined.

As the country’s central electricity system breaks down, solar panels have become a mainstay of Yemen’s ancient, richly ornate architecture.

Over the last two years, roiling conflict has jarred Yemen’s already fragile economy. However, one facet of business, the country’s solar power sector, has boomed.

Since Houthi forces seized power in the capital in 2015, Yemen’s solar industry has surged to the tune of $400 million dollars, said Saad Sabrah, country head for Yemen at the International Finance Cooperation (IFC), the financing arm of the World Bank Group.

3.5.2017 – AIPS

In pictures: Football triumphs over war in Yemen

However, in spite of the cruelty of war, eyebrows have been raised at the sight of some photos circulated by social media users. The photos showed an impressive number of football fans crammed in the stands of Sayoun Olympic Stadium to watch a match between two “local-level” teams, Sallam Al-Ghorfah vs. Wahdat Tarim disputing the Hadhramout Cup semi-finals – a local-level competition held in the region.

Mohammed Mustafa Bamakhrama, a sports journalist from the Hadramout governorate, was the first to publish the photos on his personal webpage. His post quickly turned into a message of peace shared by various Yemeni activists on social networking pages, a clear sign of Yemenis’ intense desire to have peace and stop war.

The images themselves inspired an extensive and varied response from the people who reacted to them, and saw them as both a symbol of – and a contradiction to – the current conditions in the country - by Basheer Senan

2.5.2017 – Aljazeera

Film: Life above the conflict: Cable car links Yemen's mountain villages

Remote mountain villages in Yemen have always struggled to gain access to the basic necessities of life.

The continuing conflict between warring factions has not made things any easier.

But villagers have recently found an ingenious way to haul up much-needed food and building materials - a cable car. and also at

2.5.2017 – Bloomberg (A E P)

IMF Sees Gulf Budget Deficits Shrinking as Rulers Spend Less

GCC to return to current account surplus as oil prices rise

Bahrain and Oman are struggling to control public finances

Spending cuts and an increase in oil prices are helping Gulf Arab monarchies lower some of the world’s highest budget deficits, the International Monetary Fund said, hailing it as progress in efforts to transform economies that have relied on hydrocarbons for more than five decades.

These five charts highlight key elements from the latest IMF outlook released in Dubai on Tuesday.

2.5.2017 – Xinhua (A E P)

Saudi, UAE remain tepid in economic growth in 2017: IMF

Despite the rebound in oil prices in the last 12 months, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Director of Middle East and Central Asia Department Jiahd Azour said Tuesday that more reforms and fiscal consolidation are needed in the Gulf region's two biggest economies to spur growth.

? – Al Monitor

Yemeni's graffiti movement

Message on the walls

Yemen's graffiti has become more and more political as artists struggle to respond to increasing violence. Credit: Mohammad al-Absi (photos)

2014 – International Library of Human Geography

The Water Crisis in Yemen: Managing Extreme Water Scarcity in the Middle East (International Library of Human Geography) by Ward, Christopher (2014) Hardcover

E-Book for Download (Subscribers only!)

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-297 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-297: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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