Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 330 - Yemen War Mosaic 330

Yemen Press Reader 330: Saudis blockieren Benzin für UN-Hilfe – Emirate „kaufen“ US-Think Tanks – Saudis „kaufen“ Kritiker – Terroristen als saudische TV-Stars – Britisches Doppelspiel –ff unten

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Mekka für Propaganda missbraucht – Emirate expandieren in Yemen und Afrika – Cholera – Reuters' antiranische Propaganda

Saudis block fuel for UN planes – Emirates „buy“ US think tanks – Saudi Arabia „buys“ it's critics – Al Qaeda terrorists as Saudi TV stars – UK government's duplicity in Yemen – Mecca misused for propaganda – Emirates expand in Yemen and Africa – Cholera – Reuters' odd anti-Iranian propaganda – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp1b Reuters' anti-iranische Propaganda / Reuters' anti-Iranian propaganda

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

1.8.2017 – AFP (** A P)

Saudi coalition blocks fuel for UN aid planes to Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen is obstructing deliveries of jet fuel to UN planes bringing desperately-needed humanitarian aid to the rebel-held capital Sanaa, a UN official said Tuesday.

Auke Lootsma, the country director of the UN Development Program, also reported an outbreak of meningitis in Yemen, compounding the cholera epidemic and the risk of famine in the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

The United Nations operates two humanitarian flights into Sanaa from Amman and Djibouti, but there is no jet fuel available in the Yemeni capital for the plane to make the return trip.

"We have difficulties obtaining permission from the coalition and from the government of Yemen to transport this jet fuel to Sanaa to facilitate these flights," Lootsma, the country director for the UN Development Program, told reporters by video-link from Sanaa.

Asked why the jet fuel deliveries were blocked, Lootsma said: "It's a good question. I don't have an answer."

The fuel must be delivered to Sanaa from the port of Aden, which is controlled by the Saudi-backed Yemeni government. and by Devex:

2.8.2017 – Aljazeera (** A H P)

Saudi coalition blocks fuel for UN aid planes to Yemen

Top UNDP officer says situation "bleak" in Yemen as coalition blocking fuel for UN planes engaged in humanitarian work.

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen is obstructing deliveries of jet fuel to UN planes bringing desperately-needed humanitarian aid to the rebel-held capital Sanaa, a UN official said on Tuesday.

The United Nations operates two humanitarian flights into Sanaa from Amman and Djibouti, but there is no jet fuel available in the Yemeni capital for the plane to make the return trip.

"We have difficulties obtaining permission from the coalition and from the government of Yemen to transport this jet fuel to Sanaa to facilitate these flights," Lootsma told reporters by video-link from Sanaa.

Aid efforts are also hampered by delays and refusals of visas, by the Yemeni government and by the rebels in control of Sanaa, he added.

Asked why the jet fuel deliveries were blocked, Lootsma said: "It's a good question. I don't have an answer."

The fuel must be delivered to Sanaa from the port of Aden, which is controlled by the Saudi-backed Yemeni government.

1.8.2017 – RT (** B P)

Korrupte Think-Tanks: Wie sich die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate in die US-Außenpolitik einkaufen

Die US-Außenpolitik orientiert sich maßgeblich an den Analysen und Empfehlungen etablierter Think-Tanks. Wie geleakte Dokumente zeigen, werden US-Denkfabriken wiederum von finanziellen Zuwendungen ausländischer Regierungen beeinflusst – in diesem Fall von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten.

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) gelten als eines der repressivsten Regimes der Welt. Während die einheimische Opposition brutal unterdrückt wird, beteiligen sich die Emirate am Krieg gegen den Jemen und unterhalten dort mit US-Hilfe ein Netzwerk von Foltergefängnissen in den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten.

Dennoch wird das Emirat nur selten von den zum Washingtoner Establishment zählenden Think-Tanks kritisiert, die stattdessen dem US-Botschafter der Emirate, Yousef Al-Otaiba, häufig ein privilegiertes Forum bieten. Wie das sein kann, fragt sich The Intercept – und liefert die Antwort gleich mit: Wie geleakte E-Mails zeigen, erkauft sich das finanzstarke Emirat das Wohlwollen der einflussreichen US-Denkfabriken.

Zur Einflussnahme der VAE auf die Meinungsträger in Washington schreibt The Intercept:

Die Dokumente offenbaren einen Einblick, wie ein kleines, ölreiches Königreich einen solch übergroßen Einfluss auf die US-Außenpolitik erlangen kann. Sie zeigen, wie der Botschafter der Emirate von Veteranen der Obama-Regierung begünstigt wird – einschließlich Hillary Clintons Wunschkandidaten für das Amt des Verteidigungsministers – und im Gegenzug hohe Geldbeträge bezahlt.

So erhielt das den Demokraten nahestehende Center for New American Security (CNAS) einen Betrag in Höhe von 250.000 US-Dollar für die Anfertigung einer Studie, die die Empfehlung aussprach, die Exportbeschränkungen für US-Militärdrohnen in die Emirate zu lockern. Die nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmte Studie zirkulierte dann unter den politischen Entscheidungsträgern der USA und des VAE.

Danke für den Bericht“, schrieb Otaiba daraufhin an das CNAS. „Ich denke, er wird helfen, die Debatte in die richtige Richtung zu lenken. Einige der Drohnenhersteller stoßen in dieselbe Richtung, also könnte dieser Bericht deren Argumente untermauern.“

An sich seien Think-Tanks unabhängige Institutionen, die aber „oftmals von Waffenherstellern, Wall Street-Banken und selbst ausländischen Regierungen finanziert werden“, gibt The Intercept zu bedenken. Zwar mache das CNAS keinen Hehl daraus, dass es aus den VAE Gelder erhält. Doch wie auch andere Think-Tanks erwecke es den falschen Eindruck, dass seine Mitarbeiter unabhängig von den Wünschen der Spender agieren und ihre Analysen allein ihre persönliche Überzeugung widerspiegeln.

Die an die Öffentlichkeit gelangten Dokumente zeugen jedoch von einer „engen Beziehung zwischen dem CNAS und Otaiba“. Der Botschafter „zahlt für bestimmte Studien und diskutiert deren Inhalte mit den Autoren“, die er nicht im Zweifel darüber lässt, dass ihr Werk dazu genutzt werden soll, das Drohnenprogramm der VAE voranzutreiben.

30.7.2017 – The Intercept (** B P)


THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES has one of the most repressive governments in the world. The Gulf dictatorship brutally cracks down on internal dissent and enables abusive conditions for its massive migrant labor force. It also plays a key role in the bloody war in Yemen, running a network of torture prisons in the “liberated” parts of the country.

That makes it all the more shocking that the UAE is so rarely criticized by leading U.S. think tanks, who not only ignore the Gulf dictatorship’s repression, but give a privileged platform to its ambassador, Yousef Al-Otaiba. Otaiba is a deeply influential voice in U.S. foreign policy circles, and is known in Washington for using his pocketbook to recruit allies.

Last month, hackers began releasing screenshots of emails from a Hotmail account that Otaiba used for official business. The hackers have sent the screenshots to various news websites, including the The Intercept, the Daily Beast, Al Jazeera, and HuffPost. The hackers refer to themselves as “GlobalLeaks,” and have previously claimed to be affiliated with the website “DCLeaks.” The U.S. intelligence community has accused the Russia government of operating DCLeaks, and it’s unclear if the “GlobalLeaks” hackers are affiliated with Russia or just trying to give that impression. When asked about their motivations for an earlier Intercept story, the hackers responded in broken English by email that they were “not affiliated with any country or religion,” but added that their goal was to “make America great again.”

The latest batch of hacked emails passed to The Intercept and other outlets by “GlobalLeaks” provide insight into how Otaiba manages to find — or buy — so many friends in D.C. think tanks. The documents offer a glimpse into how a small, oil-rich monarchy can obtain such an outsized influence on U.S. foreign policy, showing the ambassador obtaining favors from Obama administration veterans — including Hillary Clinton’s presumptive Defense Secretary — and making large payments in return.

One of the documents obtained by The Intercept was an invoice from the Center for New American Security, an influential national security think tank founded in 2007 by alumni from the Clinton administration. The invoice, dated July 12, 2016, billed the UAE embassy $250,000 for a paper on the legal regime governing the export of military-grade drones. It was signed by Michele Flournoy, a senior Pentagon official under President Barack Obama; Hillary Clinton was widely expected to name Flournoy as her secretary of defense.

Think tanks are independent institutions, but they are often funded by weapons companies, Wall Street banks, and even foreign governments. - by Zaid Jilani and Alex Emmons

31.7.2017 – Truthout (** B P)

Saudi Arabia Is Buying Off and Silencing Its Critics

If you are following the global mainstream media coverage of the Saudi-led war in Yemen, you will have noticed the looming silence about the war there, as compared to the frequent coverage of the war in Syria.

There has been an additional cost for American and European interests. The Gulf petrodollar has strengthened, emboldening the acquiescence of US and European politicians, media and think tanks.

Most Western universities and policy institutes receive impressively generous funding from the Gulf monarchies and, in exchange, the tone of academic discourse constrains the focus on human rights abuses and attempts to accommodate the Gulf state rulers from a pragmatic point of business relationships and global commerce.

Linked to this is the ever-manifest presence of law firms and lobbying groups in Washington, DC, especially from Saudi Arabia, that have influenced US policy and public opinion. Numerous entities have benefited from Gulf state donations, including the Middle East Policy Council, the Middle East Institute and the Smithsonian Freer Museum of Art, just to name a small handful.

As disturbing as this should be, partnerships between Saudi Arabia and international organizations empowered to protect human rights are even more worrisome.

Last month, Saudi Arabia won a seat on the governing body of the International Labor Organization (ILO) at the annual conference in Geneva.

So if governments, politicians, academic institutions, media and even non-governmental organizations are unable or unwilling to heed the voices of desperate people seeking to live with dignity and human rights in the Gulf states, then the question becomes, "Who will?" It is a vulnerable time for democracy and human rights in the region: The petrodollar appears to be corrupting everyone into silent accommodation. Preserving the status quo on a slim surface is apparently the only meaningful objective for many, regrettably – By Yasin Kakande =

1.8.2017 – Middle East Eye (** B P T)

Saudi terrorvision: US-listed al-Qaeda men become stars of Saudi TV

Deemed terrorists by the US, and believed to be financing AQAP, sheikhs seem to receive a warm welcome in Riyadh

What at first perhaps looked like any regular hospital bedside visit between two old friends catching up was anything but.

In footage aired on an anonymous YouTube channel early in 2016, an elderly Yemeni cleric visited his Saudi peer, Ayeth al-Qarni, in a hospital in Riyadh, and brought good news from the battlefront next door.

"I've got good news for you from Taiz," says Abdulmajid al-Zindani, who supports the Saudi-led war against Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen.

But Zindani, who is apparently allowed to operate freely in Saudi Arabia, is a veteran al-Qaeda supporter, and in 2004 found himself on the

US Treasury's Specially Designated Global Terrorist List.

"Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar," people chant in the background.

"And soon, God willing, it'll be Sanaa [Yemen's capital]," adds Zindani, a former spiritual adviser to Osama bin Laden.

While Zindani has kept a low profile over the years, he has retained his influence and the respect of his peers of the Wahhabi creed in Yemen and the Gulf.

But Zindani is far from alone in making such public appearances, and over the last few years Saudi Arabia has become a hub for hosting Islamist radicals.

Shadowy relationships

Such public appearances, many on TV, offer a rare window into the kingdom's shadowy and often harmonious relationship with what some would term "extremists".

Two sources in Riyadh suggest that at least five Yemenis designated as terrorists by the US Treasury have advised and coordinated Saudi operations in Yemen with allied forces on the ground, in a Saudi bid to restore president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, who was toppled by a Houthi rebellion, at first supported by former president Ali Abdullah Saleh's loyalists in the military.

The US terrorist designations themselves back up these claims.

Yemen's al-Qaeda branch, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP),

is regarded by US as the most lethal of its global offshoots.

Nayif al-Qaysi is another Yemeni


in May 2016 by the US as an SDGT. He's a leader of an anti-Houthi group and was


by Hadi as governor of Bayda in December 2015, a position the Treasury said was used to further facilitate the expansion and settlement of AQAP in Bayda, AQAP's main stronghold and Qaysi's birthplace.

The Treasury said that Qaysi provided AQAP and allied tribesmen with weapons and money to fight against the Houthis.

"As of 2016, al-Qaysi was a senior AQAP official and a financial supporter of AQAP. At that time, he obtained some money for AQAP from parties outside Yemen," it wrote.

"He delivered aid to AQAP and used his position as an al-Bayda governorate, Yemen, political leader to facilitate the expansion and settlement of AQAP in the governorate." – by Shuaib Almosawa

Comment by Judith Brown: This is an incredible and very important article. Included is the salafist and al Qaeda member chatting with another extremist in a hospital about the goings on in the war in Yemen. It really is proof of the close links between al Qaeda ( described as 'the resistance') and Saudi Arabia.

1.8.2017 – Middle East Eye (** B K P)

Culture of concealment: The UK government's brazen duplicity in Yemen

The UK has done everything it can to draw attention away from its role in the Yemen conflict and its intimate relationship with the Saudis. It is right to be ashamed

Foreign Office report

on the state of human rights in 30 countries deemed to be of "priority concern". What makes the report embarrassing to Britain, however, is that 20 of these countries are major customers of British arms exports, with Saudi Arabia, of course, topping the list.

The Saudis, whose mass executions, public lashings and restrictions on women's rights are all detailed in the report, increased their UK weapons purchases from Britain by 11,000 percent following the start of their bombing campaign against Yemen in March 2015, and have purchased more than £3.3billion worth since then.

Those weapons have played a major role in pushing Yemen to its current catastrophic situation. As well as downplaying Saudi atrocities, however, we also learned on dump day that the UK government has been exaggerating its aid contribution to Yemen.

Britain is up to its neck in Yemen: it is the major supplier of the bombs dropped on Yemen, and of the jets used to drop them; it provides diplomatic cover to the Saudis (such as repeatedly blocking an independent investigation into Saudi war crimes); it supports the starvation blockade of the country; it provides training and logistical assistance to the Saudi armed forces; and it has 125 soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia , including six officers based in the Saudi command and control HQ "assisting with target selection".

Britain’s relations with Saudi Arabia have always been kept as obscure as possible, with the government regularly suppressing its own investigations and reports into the matter.

Secrecy surrounds every aspect of Britain’s Yemen operation.

When the truth does come out, government ministers see it as their job to try to rubbish it – by Dan Glazebrook

31.7.2017 – Yemen Press (** A K P)

Yemeni missiles hit their targets and do not targeted Mecca: Saudi allegations are mere false and malicious

In its claim to intercept ballistic missiles, Saudi Arabia is invading Mecca as a religious symbol of deception and lying in a sectarian tone, as is usual, in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that the US defense system failed to intercept Yemeni missiles.

and also

30.7.2017 – Reseau International (** A K P)

Une base saoudienne utilisée par la coalition ciblée par des missiles yéménites

La base aérienne du roi Fahd à Taef (ouest de l’Arabie Saoudite), servant au décollage des avions de la coalition arabe pour bombarder le Yémen, a été la cible d’une salve de missiles yéménites dans la nuit de jeudi 27 juillet, selon des sources militaires à Sanaa. A Riyad, l’Alliance annonce avoir intercepté «un missile balistique lancé vers La Mecque» pour «perturber la saison du Hadj». La base militaire de Taef est située à environ 65 km à l’est de La Mecque.

Cette base de Taef, d’où partent les bombardiers de la coalition menée par l’Arabie Saoudite qui attaquent le Yémen sans interruption depuis 2015 avec l’aide des conseillers militaires américains, a fait l’objet de tirs de plusieurs missiles de type Borkane1, de moyenne portée, qui ont atteint leur cible avec précision et causé plusieurs incendies à ses installations, selon des sources militaires yéménites citées par la presse. Celles-ci précisent que l’armée yéménite a «tiré plusieurs missiles en même temps afin d’empêcher le système de missile sol-air Patriot de les intercepter».

Very interesting in Mecca the comment by: Cap 360, Un point de vue ici via la Mecque.

Dans un éblouissant ouvrage sur La Mecque, il raconte comment les Saoudiens ont détruit la ville sainte pour la transformer en un temple de la consommation pour une clientèle riche jusqu’à l’obscénité.

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

18.7.2017 – Deutsche Welle (** B H)

Film: Yemen - the war on children | DW Documentary

For more than two years, Yemen has been wracked by a war. The conflict has taken a devastating toll on the country’s children.
The war has been between forces loyal to the Sunni government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and factions allied to the Shiite Houthi rebel movement. To support the government, a coalition led by neighboring Saudi Arabia has been bombing cities and villages.

26.6.2017 – Postwar Watch (* B K P)

Beyond the Peninsula: The United Arab Emirates’ rapid expansion into East Africa will permanently reshape the region

Over the past decade, the UAE has become increasingly assertive in its foreign policy, breaking from a tradition of regional neutrality. Since the Arab Spring, Abu Dhabi has, most notably, joined the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, participated in the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and deepened engagement in Libya. Why has the UAE sought to practice a more activist foreign policy – are Abu Dhabi’s policies today truly a departure from its historical foreign policymaking?

The UAE military’s successful conduct of the Aden operation and subsequent operations in Ma’rib, likely demonstrated to planners in Abu Dhabi that they could independently conduct large, complex expeditionary operations in Yemen, and potentially other places in the region, thus giving rise to the more ambitious power-projection mindset in Abu Dhabi today.

As the UAE started putting boots on the ground, however, Abu Dhabi’s goals began to diverge slightly from those pursued by Riyadh. At this point, too, there was a growing delineation of spheres of influence across Yemen: The UAE took a leading role in southern coastal areas in Aden and Abyan, while the Saudis operated further north in places like Ma’arib. These divisions ultimately precipitated a wider divergence of Emirati and Saudi goals over the following year of fighting. Today, the UAE is not terribly keen on putting the Hadi government back into power, which is a core Saudi objective.

Instead, the UAE has focused its efforts on building a what amounts to a sphere of influence in southern Yemen through infrastructure projects, humanitarian aid, and small, limited deployments of ground forces. By having actual boots on ground, the Emirati have been able to work with a range of local militias under the umbrella of the Yemeni Southern Resistance movement, which advocates for autonomy and a secular republic in southern Yemen.

The state of cooperation between Saudi and Emirati-backed forces has deteriorated over the past six months as a result of these divergent goals.

Within the context of the Saudi-led war in Yemen, the UAE has spearheaded operations in southern and eastern Yemen against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). How has the UAE shaped its counter-insurgency campaign against AQAP, particularly in terms of building local coalitions and financing train-and-equip programs?

In recent years, the UAE has sought to build up its military presence in East Africa, most notably through its 2015 acquisition of the deep-sea port and airbase at Assab in Eritrea following a breakdown in relations with neighboring Djibouti. How does the Assab base development fit into the context of the UAE’s growing footprint in East Africa, Horn of Africa, and Indian Ocean – has its development shifted the UAE’s strategic footprint in the region?

As Abu Dhabi expands its footprint in East Africa, it has become embroiled in regional conflicts. Who are the UAE’s main competitors in its push to expand its footprint in East Africa – how have Emirati actions impacted relations between regional actors like Djibouti, Eritrea, or Ethiopia? - Interviewed: Alex Mello

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

1.8.2017 - World Health Organization (** A H)

Yemen: Cholera Outbreak Daily Epidemiology Update (1 August 2017)

From 27 April to 1 August 2017, 443,166 suspected cholera cases and 1,921 deaths (CFR: 0.4%) have been reported in 95.6% (22/23) of Yemen governorates, and 89.2% (297/333) of the districts.
Geographical distribution of cases The five most affected governorates were Amanat Al Asima, Al Hudaydah , , Hajjah, Amran and Dhamar with 53% (234,761/443,166) of the cases reported since 27 April 2017.

Al Mahwit, Al Dhaele’e, and Amran governorates had the highest attack rates (34.8‰, 33.5‰ and 29.4‰ respectively)

Raymah ,Hajjah and Ibb governorates reported the highest case fatality ratios (1.2% ,0.8% and 0.7% respectively) and in full

and July 31: =

1.8.2017 – World Health Organization (* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April - 1 August 2017) and in full

and July 31:

and July 30: and in full

31.7.2017 – World Health Organization (* A H)

Map: Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 31 July 2017) and in full

and July 30:

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

2.8.2017 – The American Conservative (* A H)

Yemen’s Horrifying Cholera Epidemic Continues

Yemen suffers from the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and its young children are among the most affected by the ravages of starvation and disease brought on by the war on Yemen. All parties to the conflict are responsible for this to varying degrees, but the Saudi-led coalition and its Western patrons, including our government, bear a large share of responsibility. The coalition’s intervention has had an extremely deleterious effect on the country, and that has been a deliberate policy carried out by the coalition governments and their supporters. It is also within the coalition’s power to halt their campaign and render aid, but at every step they have impeded relief efforts, blocked the delivery of cranes to a critical port (after they destroyed or damaged the cranes that were there), relocated the central bank and helped cause the collapse of public services, and devastated the country’s infrastructure with their indiscriminate bombing. It is a man-made crisis, and the coalition and their Western backers are chiefly responsible for creating it. - by Daniel Larison

2.8.2017 – The Guardian (** B H K P)

Blame the Saudis for Yemen's cholera outbreak – they are targeting the people

The cholera crisis in Yemen is due largely to the Saudi-led coalition’s strategy of deliberately attacking civilians and infrastructure in rebel-held areas

The epidemic is one aspect of a broader humanitarian emergencyin Yemen.

The Saudi air force has carried out indiscriminate attacks that have caused the majority of civilian deaths and injuriesduring the conflict.

It was not until four weeks after the start of the outbreak that the first plane carrying medical aid was allowed to land in Sana’a. The government no longer pays public employees working in rebel-controlled areas. About 30,000 health workershave not received a salary for almost a year. Sanitation workers and water engineers in Sana’a have been on strike for months, leaving uncollected rubbish on the streets and municipal drains clogged.

So it is not surprising that rebel-controlled areas are disproportionately affected by the cholera outbreak.

These numbers indicate that the outbreak is not simply an inevitable consequence of civil war. It is rather a direct outcome of the Saudi-led coalition’s strategy of targeting civilians and infrastructure in rebel-controlled areas. Criticism of the US and UK governments’ support for the Saudi-led intervention, this has not led to a policy change - by Jonathan Kennedy.

My comment: That' true. Look at the following as well:

29.7.2017 – Reader Supported News (* B H K P)

Biological Warfare: US & Saudis Use Cholera to Kill Yemenis

More than two years of bombing has largely destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure, water and sewage systems are destroyed, hospitals and clinics are destroyed, and the population of about 25 million has almost no protection against the spread of cholera. The UN says Yemen’s cholera epidemic is “the largest ever recorded in any country in a single year since records began.”

This may not be literal biological warfare, but it is certainly biological warfare by other means. This is biological warfare in reality, if not in law. This is biological warfare in one of the world’s poorest countries, supported across two American administrations, with no sign of letting up.

And in Yemen, the US continues to support and participate in this panoply of criminal acts with little objection from Congress – by William Boardman =

My comment: A matter of interpretation … but letting aside the headline which is pointing too much, such an allegation is real.

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

2.8.2017 – Presseportal (** A H)

Jemen: Über 1 Million Kinder sind im brutalen Kreislauf von Cholera und Hunger gefangen - Save the Children verstärkt Hilfsleistungen

Mehr als eine Million akut mangelernährte Kinder sind in einem Teufelskreis von Mangelernährung und Cholera gefangen, warnt Save the Children: Die durch Mangelernährung ohnehin schon geschwächten Kinder haben ein dreifaches Risiko zu sterben, wenn sie an Cholera erkranken. Gleichzeitig sind Durchfallerkrankungen wie Cholera selbst ein Hauptgrund für Mangelernährung. Kinder, die aktuelle Epidemie überleben, sind trotzdem vom Hungertod bedroht. Unter den rund 1 Mio. akut mangelernährten befinden sich fast 200.000 Kinder, die an schwerer akuter Mangelernährung leiden, wie die neue Daten-Analyse der Kinderrechtsorganisation zeigt.

"Nach zwei Jahren Krieg sind die Kinder in einem brutalen Kreislauf aus Hunger und Krankheit gefangen", erklärt Tamer Kirolos, Länderdirektor von Save the Children Jemen. "Das ist einfach inakzeptabel. Unsere Teams kümmern sich tagtäglich um Babys und Kleinkinder, die nicht nur mangelernährt sind, sondern auch an Cholera leiden - beides Probleme, die eigentlich leicht zu lösen sind, wenn es die Möglichkeit medizinischer Grundversorgung gibt. Aber Krankenhäuser wurden zerstört, das Gesundheitspersonal der Regierung hat seit fast einem Jahr kein Geld mehr bekommen und die Lieferung lebensnotwendiger Hilfe wird blockiert. Wir und andere retten Leben, wo wir können und mit dem, was wir haben - aber wir brauchen dringend mehr Hilfe. Die Kinder dürfen diesen Konflikt nicht mit ihrem Leben bezahlen müssen."

Save the Children verstärkt daher die Aktivitäten im Jemen und schickt mehr Gesundheitsexperten in die am stärksten betroffenen Gebiete, einschließlich dem Distrikt Al Hali in Hodeidah, der die höchste Zahl an Cholera-Verdachtsfällen aufweist. In diesem Bezirk befinden sich außerdem geschätzte 31.000 Kinder, die wegen akuter Mangelernährung behandelt werden müssen. Das entspricht mehr als einem Viertel aller Kinder unter 5 Jahren im Jemen. und kürzer von euronews:

2.8.2017 – Euronews (* A H)

Film: Cholera-Epidemie im Jemen bedroht mehr als eine Million Kinder

1.8.2017 – Save the Children (** A H)

One Million Malnourished Children in Yemen Caught in Cholera 'Hot Zones'

More than a million children suffering from acute malnutrition are caught in areas of Yemen hardest hit by a deadly outbreak of cholera, Save the Children is warning.

The humanitarian organization’s new analysis reveals that more than 1,000,000 acutely malnourished children under the age of 5 – including almost 200,000 with severe acute malnutrition – are living in areas with high levels of infection.

Malnourished children have substantially reduced immune systems and are at least three times more likely to die if they contract cholera.

Diarrheal diseases like cholera are also a leading cause of malnutrition – raising fears that even if children survive the outbreak they could be pushed further toward starvation.

Save the Children is scaling up its response and sending more health experts to the worst hit areas, including Al Hali District in Hodeidah, which has the country’s highest number of suspected cholera cases.

The district also has an estimated 31,000 children in need of treatment for acute malnutrition, or more than a quarter of children under the age of five.

Save the Children currently operates 14 cholera treatment centers and more than 90 rehydration units across the country, with 160 tons of additional cholera treatment supplies en route to Yemen.

"After two years of armed conflict, children are trapped in a brutal cycle of starvation and sickness. And it's simply unacceptable," said Tamer Kirolos, Save the Children's Country Director for Yemen. "Our teams are dealing with a horrific scenario of babies and young children who are not only malnourished but also infected with cholera." - by Erin Taylor = and by Sky News, with photos:

1.8.2017 – Middle East Monitor (* A H)

MSF treated more than 75,000 cholera patients in Yemen

Médecins Sans Frontières International (MSF) revealed yesterday it had treated 75,000 cases of cholera in most of Yemen’s provinces since March.

In a report published on its Facebook page, the organisation said it had set up cholera treatment centres in nine Yemeni governorates: Amran, Hajjah, Dhale, Taiz, Ibb, Aden, Sana’a, Abyan and Al-Hudaydah.

The organisation said it has also distributed water treatment and hygiene kits in Wadi Osman and other neighbouring villages in the governorate of Amran, in addition to conducting educational sessions for the residents about cholera and how to prevent it.

1.8.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A H)

Torrential rains in Sana'a now. Kicking it with my kids driving in the rain. (film)

Rain in Sana'a will accelerate spread of cholera. Gotta be careful with water flooding everything now

31.7.2017 – SWR 2 (* A H)

Film: Cholera im Jemen

Krieg und Regen erschweren im Jemen den Kampf gegen die schlimmste Cholera-Epidemie aller Zeiten. Die Zahl der Neuinfektionen steigt derzeit nicht, bleibt aber auf hohem Niveau.

31.7.2017 – ARD Mediathek (* A H)

Audio: Verzweifelter Kampf gegen Cholera im Jemen

31.7.2017 - World Health Organization (* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Outbreak Weekly Epidemiology Bulletin: Week 30 - 2017

During week 30 (from 23 to 29 July 2017), 32 978 suspected cholera cases and 24 deaths were reported in Yemen.

Since the beginning of this outbreak second wave (from 27 April to 30 July 2017), 430,401 suspected cholera cases, and 1 903 deaths (CFR: 0.4%) have been reported in 21 of the country 23 governorates (91.3%), and in 88.9% of the districts (296/333).

The number of suspected cholera cases started to decline week 27. In some governorates, the decline started even earlier (e.g. week 25 in Amanat Al Asimah)

and in full

31.7.2017 – ACTED (* A H)

Yemen Cholera Outbreak

The conflict destroyed most of the infrastructure and undermined agricultural production capacity. Therefore, more than 1.8 million children already suffer from acute malnutrition. Both malnutrition and diarrhoeal diseases create a vicious cycle each making the other more severe and more likely to occur. Diarrhoea deprives the child of the necessary nutritional elements for growth and is a major cause of malnutrition, while malnourished weak children are more likely to fall ill and to die from cholera.

ACTED’s response to curb cholera

In July, 21% of the Yemen population beneficiated of all Cholera-related activities. In order to contain, combat and prevent the spread of cholera in affected areas of Yemen, ACTED provides joint emergency assistance and prevention interventions at both community and household levels:


cp1b Reuters' anti-iranische Propaganda / Reuters' anti-Iranian propaganda

1.8.2017 – Reuters (* A P)

Exclusive: Iran Revolutionary Guards find new route to arm Yemen rebels

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have started using a new route across the Gulf to funnel covert arms shipments to their Houthi allies in Yemen's civil war, sources familiar with the matter have told Reuters.

In March, regional and Western sources told Reuters that Iran was shipping weapons and military advisers to the Houthis either directly to Yemen or via Somalia. This route however risked contact with international naval vessels on patrol in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea.

For the last six months the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has begun using waters further up the Gulf between Kuwait and Iran as it looks for new ways to beat an embargo on arms shipments to fellow Shi'ites in the Houthi movement, Western and Iranian sources say.

Using this new route, Iranian ships transfer equipment to smaller vessels at the top of the Gulf, where they face less scrutiny. The transhipments take place in Kuwaiti waters and in nearby international shipping lanes, the sources said.

"Parts of missiles, launchers and drugs are smuggled into Yemen via Kuwaiti waters," said a senior Iranian official. "The route sometimes is used for transferring cash as well."

My comment: LOL. It would be helpful to look at a map. Look and laugh: "Parts of missiles, launchers and drugs are smuggled into Yemen via Kuwaiti waters."

Comment by Haykal Bafana: Can these



'writers' (I do dread to use the word 'journalists') explain how Iran arms travel 2,000 miles from Kuwait to Yemen? No?

Haykal Bafana remarks an evidently anti-Iranian, anti-Houthi, pro-Saudi, pro-Hadi bias at Reuters:

Here's the thing: I KNOW as a fact the principal #Yemen 'journalist' for @reuters from 2011 to now is a die-hard pro-Islah/MB Yemeni chap.

So I read @reuters reports on #Yemen from him as anti-Iran, anti-Houthi, anti-Saleh, pro-Saudi/UAE semi-propaganda, targeted spin.

All the way back 15 Dec 2014, @reuters screams 'Iran in Yemen'. "Iranian support seen crucial for Yemen's Houthis" referring to

18 Sep 2016, same BS by @reuters: "#Iran arms for Houthis found in Yemen trucks with Oman plates" referring to

21 Mar 2017 also by @reuters :Same BS. "Exclusive: Iran steps up support for Houthis in Yemen's war - sources" referring to

But you see, most don't know this about @reuters Yemen reports. So US pols & generals THINK Iran IS in Yemen. Because Reuters said so.

1.8.2017 – Moon of Alabama (** B P)

Reuters Suggests But Can Not Find "Iran's new route to Yemen"

The Trump administration is filled with people who, for whatever reason, hate Iran. These people are attempting to break the "nuclear deal" with Iran and other powers. Their propaganda accuses Iran of every "evil" in this world. Their position is fully in line with the Israeli-Saudi anti-Iran axis.

Since the U.S., the UK and the Saudis wage war against Yemen they claim that Iran is allied with the Zaydi people of northern Yemen who, together with the Yemeni army, resist the Saudi invasion. Iran is regularly accused of smuggling weapons to them even as no evidence for this has ever been shown.

Reuters jumps into the breach with this fantastic fake-news item.

The writer of that Reuters piece is one Jonathan Saul. Other most recent piece on his Reuters page are:

Older stories by Saul have similar headlines. Saul writes from London about the global shipping industry. That surely qualifies him as an expert on Yemen.

But even an expert can err. The Houthi are not Shia in the sense that Iran is predominantly Shia. They are Zaidi and follow the Hanafi school of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence. They pray in same mosques as Sunni believers do. Using the term Shia for the Zaidi side of the Yemen conflict is a lazy repeat of unfounded Saudi claims which try to set any local conflict in the Middle East into a "Sunni-Shia" frame even when that is completely inappropriate. As the Carnegie Endowment states:

The Reuterspiece comes with this rather unhelpful map. While that map is headlined "Iran's new route to Yemen" it shows no route at all.

Pushing anonymous rumors of Iranian weapon transfers at high sea the Reuters piece totally fails to explain how these weapons would then be transported INTO Yemen. There is no route shown for that. Saudi Arabia and its al-Qaeda allies on the ground blockade and ontrol all sea and land routes into Yemen.

The claim of weapon transfers near in the upper Persian Gulf makes no sense at all. It is about 2,000 kilometers from the area to the Yemeni coast. There are many much shorter routes from Iran to Yemen which small ships could use without any higher risk. Deeper down the Reuterspiece even admits that and thereby contradicts itself:

Another sign that the Reuters piece is utter bullshit is the claimed sourcing from three(!) anonymous "senior Iranian officials". Are we to believe that multiple "senior Iranian officials" admit to a shipping correspondent in London that Iran is willfully breaching UN resolutions by smuggling weapons into Yemen? Why would they do that? Why would they confirm Saudi anti-Iran propaganda?

The Reuters piece makes a fantastic claim that has no practical logic. The author lacks knowledge of the actual conflict at hand. The sourcing is extremely dubious. Reuters itself can not find "Iran's new route" on the map it provides.

2.8.2017 – Reuters (* A P)

Kuwait denies its waters used for Iran supplies to Houthis

Kuwait on Wednesday denied a Reuters report that Iran was using the Gulf Arab state's waters to smuggle weapons and equipment to Houthi forces in Yemen.

"The State of Kuwait refuted news by the Reuters news agency regarding Iran's exploitation of Kuwaiti waters to deliver arms and military assistance to the Houthis in Yemen," a Foreign Ministry statement said.

"A source at the ministry said that the country's waters were under the total control of the Kuwaiti navy and coast guard, adding that there were no reports of suspicious marine movements or activities," said the statement, carried by the official Kuwait news agency.

The ministry urged international media to investigate such matters "more thoroughly".

My comment: That's obviously true. Will Kuwait be the next ally which will be attacked by Saudi aggressive foreign policy, after Qatar?

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

31.7.2017 – Critical Threats (* A K P)

Yemen Security Brief

Al Houthi-Saleh forces attack Emirati ship in Mokha port, Taiz governorate, western Yemen; U.S. ambassador to Yemen announces renewed effort to facilitate political negotiations; reported U.S. airstrikes target AQAP militants in Abyan governorate, southern Yemen and Ma’rib governorate, central Yemen; AQAP militants kill al Hizam security forces commander in Abyan governorate, southern Yemen; Hadi government imports Russian-printed Yemeni riyals; al Houthi-Saleh forces launch offensive to retake Camp Khalid ibn al Walid, Taiz governorate, western Yemen

2.8.2017 – Middle East Monitor (A K P)

Houthi’s ballistic missile attacks on Saudi should not be ignored

34 Houthi missiles have entered Saudi Arabia since March 2015, with more notable attacks highlighted in the media reaching Riyadh, Mecca and Saudi oil company Aramco. With the religious pilgrimage, the Hajj, beginning late this month, does the Kingdom need to take steps in neutralise threats by accepting a truce?

Besides the domestic security threat emanating from sectarian groups and militant cells, seen last year with the unsuccessful car bombing of Islam’s second holiest mosque in the city of Medina. There is a direct national security threat from Houthi ballistic missiles. The fact that Saudi Arabia failed to intercept the missile heading towards Aramco in Yanbu province, 1,000 kilometres beyond its borders, shows signs of deficiency in dealing with fatal threats. Off the back of the US-Saudi arms deal, it is likely a major shift in defence capabilities against asymmetric threats will be seen. However, Saudi Arabia must realise that indiscriminate targeting and a continued campaign in Yemen, particularly in Saada and Sana’a, have given the Houthis resolve to strike inside the Kingdom. This has caused the conflict in Yemen to spill over beyond the southern Saudi border.

An opportunity to enter into a truce during the Hajj and lower the risk for the two-million Muslims who will be in Mecca, in addition to Saudi Arabia’s own nationals and residents in the country, should not be shunned.

Saudi Arabia needs to assess the threat of blowback from the continued airstrike campaign in Yemen, particularly when the war is at a stalemate dynamic. It is important to seek a political settlement amid a dire humanitarian crisis and cholera outbreak that is maturing – by Khalil Dewan

My comment: Truce and political solution always would be good matters. The Houthi missile threat began 10 weeks AFTER the Saudis began their bombing campaign, this fact always must be kept in mind.

1.8.2017 – Borgen Magazine (* B H K)

Causes of Poverty in Yemen: Domestic Disputes and International Insecurity

The death toll and the damage was only exacerbated by international intervention and Saudi Arabia’s support for the Hadi government. Operation Decisive Storm involved aerial bombings and a naval blockade by Saudi Arabia. Although it was set to end in March 2015, bombs continue to fall well into 2017. The emergence of Islamic Stateterrorists and the growing strength of al Qaeda groups in Yemen also fuel the international intervention.

Poverty in Yemen and its massive infrastructural damage left hundreds of thousands of civilians displaced and at severe risk of malnutrition and severe medical ailments. - by Sydney Nam

1.8.2017 – Pacific Council (* B H K P)

Yemen’s War is a Humanitarian Disaster that Must Be Resolved

Saudi Arabia has committed war crimes in Yemen’s civil war, creating a humanitarian disaster that demands resolution, Ambassador Barbara K. Bodine and Mr. James P. Farwell told Pacific Council members in the second installment of the Pacific Council’s Summer Teleconference Series.

Yemen’s undeclared civil war could have far-reaching, unpredictable, and international consequences. The conflict, spreading outwards from the key southern battleground around Aden, pits Saudi Arabia, the leading Sunni power—plus what remains of Yemen’s government—against northern-based Houthi rebels, who are covertly backed by Shia Iran. What has until now been an unacknowledged proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia has burst into an open confrontation that appears to be escalating rapidly.

"The Saudi intervention in the conflict qualitatively changed the extent and consequences of the war," said Bodine. "The infrastructure has been destroyed and half the population is displaced."

Both Bodine and Farwell said that Saudi Arabia is potentially guilty of war crimes in Yemen and that the U.S. government is complicit because of its support of Saudi Arabia’s campaign.

Bodine agreed that the war in Yemen is a stalemate politically and militarily and called for an end to the Saudi air bombing campaign in Yemen, including U.S. support for that campaign, which she said has created a humanitarian disaster. (with audio)

1.8.2017 – Al Monitor (* B P)

Iran outflanking Saudi Arabia in Yemen

Iran is gradually increasing its support for the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Rather than eliminating the Iranian presence in the country, the Saudi-led waris giving Tehran the opportunity to become more influential there than ever. The Houthis remain fiercely independent of Iran, but they will need Tehran's backing more as the stalemate continues.

This spring, the powerful head of the IRGC's Quds Force, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, ordered a step-up in aid to the Houthis, including more advisers and experts on the scene and more technology-sharing with the Yemeni forces. Naval mines, anti-tank missiles and drones are among the items reportedly sent.

The most important assistance is ballistic missile technology and expertise.

The IRGC has suffered some casualties in Yemen. According to one study, at least 23 Iranian soldiers have been killed or captured and another 21 Hezbollah fighters have been lost. Iran is now also sending Afghan Shiite fighters to Yemen, just as it has done in Syria.

It is far more difficult for Iran to smuggle weapons and personnel to Yemen than to Syria or Lebanon.

For Tehran, the aid to the Houthis is a very inexpensive means to bog down the Saudi kingdomin a quagmire that has gone on for more than two years. - by Bruce Riedel

and on the same subject, read this, and also a Reuters propaganda article, in cp15

1.8.2017 – Sputnik (* B P)

Facts, fiction and weapons: Iran's real role in the Yemen conflict

Despite the constant stream of rumors about Iran allegedly supplying weapons to conflict-ridden Arab states and meddling in the affairs of its neighbors, it appears that Tehran plays a different role in Middle Eastern affairs.
Tehran is frequently accused by certain parties of meddling in the affairs of its neighbors, supporting terrorist groups in the Middle East and, last but not least, of secretly supplying weapons to the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
However, it seems that these stories about Iranian vessels allegedly ferrying deadly cargo across the Gulf of Oman to the Houthi forces in Yemen may be just that - unfounded stories disseminated by Iran's rivals.
Hassan Aminian, former Iranian ambassador to Yemen and senior adviser to the Iranian Minister of Culture, told Sputnik Persianthat all reports about Tehran sending weapons to Yemen are simply untrue. He further explained that Iran only sends humanitarian aid to the country - namely food and medical supplies, and has to do it via air because the Yemeni border is blockaded by Saudi forces and US Navy warships.

Kamran Karami, Iranian political analyst and Middle Eastern affairs expert, also added that there would be no way for Iran to supply arms to Yemen even if it wanted to, as all possible routes are blocked by either US and Saudi forces or al-Qaeda.
"The US and Saudi Arabia spread these rumors in an attempt to diminish Iran's influence in the region. Iran regards the Yemeni crisis as a regional conflict. Iran's plan for Yemen involves efforts in four directions: the cessation of hostilities, a ceasefire agreement, support for the process of creating a national government and medical shipments for the people of Yemen. Iran seeks to help foster stability in Yemen. Iran wants Saudi Arabia to stop attacking Yemen because these attacks help foment instability," he said. =

31.7.2017 – Aljazeera (* B K)

Film: HRW accuses Houthis, allies of using banned landmines in Yemen

Human Rights Watch, the international rights monitor, says it has evidence that Houthi fighters, as well as al-Qaeda's local branch, have been planting landmines in Yemen .

A warning: viewers may find some images disturbing – by Mereana Hond =

31.7.2017 – Eurasia Review (* B P)

The Yemeni Tragedy: A Quagmire The World Will Regret – Analysis

So far, the Yemen crisis has had a ripple effect in the region, especially on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and the conflict will also add onto the refugee crisis. Unfortunately, if the status quo continues, the world will look back in shame because it is, what ICRC President Peter Maurer has called it, a “man-made humanitarian catastrophe.”

The political problem is the main obstacle to any peaceful settlement in Yemen. There are not one, but two central governments in Yemen. Each side of this conflict is hurting each other. Saudi Arabia and others in the coalition are committing war crimes in Yemen as a violation of international law, and the Houthis are also committing crimes in Yemen.

In essence, the country is falling apart and the world is watching this quagmire collapse - By Vincent Lofaso

31.7.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (* B K)

I think the estimated figures for Yemeni civilians who died due to incompetence & corruption of the UN staff exceeds 20,000 civilians

In a simple calculation, Martyrs of my relatives represent 1.64% of the total #Yemen victims of the Saudi coalition raids, which is nonsense

referring to

I believe that actual number of victims from my relatives compared to total civilian victims of Saudi coalition raids doesn't exceed 0.3%

My comment: It certainly even is much more than just 20,000.

31.7.2017 – Reuters (A P)

Yemen government will not let Houthis keep Hodeidah: minister

The Saudi-backed Yemeni government will not allow its Houthi foes to keep the Red Sea port of Hodeidah, the information minister said, underlining its intention to remove the vital aid delivery point from the control of the Iran-aligned group.

"The government will not accept that Houthi control of Hodeidah port continues, or that humanitarian aid is obstructed or that its revenues are used for the military effort while state employees have not been paid for 10 months," the minister, Muammar al-Iryani, told Reuters on a visit to Cairo.

Iryani repeated that the government had accepted a proposal by U.N. envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, to hand over control of Hodeidah to a neutral party as a way of avoiding military action.

Comment: For 'Yemeni government' they mean the government in exile in Ryadh bombing Yemen to crumbles. The government 'internationally recognised' by - what a coincidence - countries supplying/selling arms to the Saudis and partners.
Hadi, the exiled former President of Yemen, claims Houthis are using Hodeidah port to smuggle arms inside the country. What about the siege? What is the Coalition doing: blocking food and letting arms enter?
It is all, fundamentally, one excuse and lie on top of the other.
And Yemenis die.

31.7.2017 – New News (* A P)

The Coalition of Anti-Aggression Parties Respond to Statements of US Ambassador Regarding Hodeidah

The coalition of anti-aggression parties denounces the statements made by the American ambassador, in which he noted that he received what he described as positive indicators of elements supported by Saleh party on handing over the port of Hodiedah to the third party…we regard this as a great national betrayal of the Yemeni state and its high standards and the sacrifices of the great and proud Yemeni people and the victories of the Yemeni army and popular committees in various fronts to defend the sovereignty and independence of the homeland and to liberate all its soil from the forces of aggression…

My comment: By gthe Houthi / Saleh side.

31.7.2017 – The Drive (* A B K P)

Houthi Rebels In Yemen Attacked Another UAE Ship and That's All We Know For Certain

Whatever the details, the Yemeni rebels continue to be a credible threat to military ships and commercial vessels operating in the region.

The UAE’s Navy operates a number of corvette-type ships, a category that some refer to as frigates. The largest of these are Italian-made Abu Dhabi-class, which displace 1,650 tons and are armed with Exocet anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, a 76mm main gun, and other smaller weapons. The Emiratis also have six Baynunah-class and two Muray Jib-class types, both of which are smaller and displace less than 1,000 tons.

All three types have space for a single light helicopter on their rear deck. This could help explain other reports that the ship was “carrying helicopters” during the attack. It would also support descriptions of helicopter activity after the incident, though it wouldn’t confirm the exact reasons they were airborne.

If the reports about a accompanying mine hunter receiving damage are true, this may have been one of the UAE’s two ex-German Frankenthal-class ships. - by Joseph Trevithick

My comment: Interesting, but the US mainstream song of a Houthi „threat“ in the Red Sea, neglecting the main threat: Saudi coalation air raids and war ships bombing and pounding the coast and civilian ships and boats.

31.7.2017 – New News (B K)

Russian Expert: Saudi Arabia Can not Defeat Yemen

One of the Russian military experts said Yemenis are the best fighters in the Middle East, and Saudi Arabia can not defeat them.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

2.8.2017 – Ahmad Alghobary (* A H)

Because the outbreak of Meningitis A boy was killed n my city #Dhamar #Yemen What the Hell! #cholera &now this

My comment: Another plague to hit Yemen...

2.8.2017 – Tagesschau (* A H)

Film: Katastrophale Situation für Kinder im Jemen

2.8.2017 – Al Madaniya (* B H)


Women and War is an ongoing documentary photography project that sheds light on the stories of women’s struggles and survival during the war. The project was initiated by documentary photographer Thana Faroq during collaborations with international NGOs, to tell the stories of women, children and internally displaced people.

My aim is to shed a light on these women’s struggles, portray their situation and produce not only startling portraits but also powerful stories. This is going to be an ongoing project dedicated to the women who survive in the makeshift encampment and who struggle every day to keep hope alive in spite of the hardships surrounding them. By capturing the women in their familiar surroundings, I provide a snapshot into the daily life of these women – what has changed and is missing due to the war – and thus I try to offer more detailed insights into Yemeni society.” Thana Faroq.

Thana Faroq is a Yemen-based documentary photographer, currently pursuing an M.A. in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism at the School of Media, Art and Design at the University of Westminster in London. (photos)

2.8.2017 – Deutschlandfunk (* A H)

Großer Teil der Bevölkerung im Jemen auf Hilfe angewiesen

Im Jemen sind nach UNO-Angaben rund sieben Millionen Menschen von einer Hungersnot bedroht.

70 Prozent der Bevölkerung benötigten Hilfe, erklärte der Beauftragte der Vereinten Nationen für das arabische Land, Lootsma, in New York. Zugleich verwies er darauf, dass im Jemen mittlerweile 400.000 Fälle von Cholera registriert worden seien. Zudem sei dort die Meningitis ausgebrochen.

1.8.2017 – Tagesschau (* A H)

Humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen: Ein Land rast auf den Abgrund zu

70 Prozent der jemenitischen Bevölkerung brauchen akut Hilfe. Ihre größten Feinde: der Hunger, die Cholera und die zwei Kriegsparteien, die sich unbeirrt weiter bekämpfen. Mittendrin verzweifelte UN-Helfer.

Auke Lootsma, er ist vermutlich derzeit einer der verzweifeltsten UN-Mitarbeiter überhaupt. Der Mann, Direktor des UN-Entwicklungsprogrammes für den Jemen, sitzt in Sanaa, inmitten von Hunger, Tod und Cholera und sagt, die humanitären Helfer vor Ort müssten Löcher stopfen, die sie nie und nimmer mehr stopfen könnten.

27 Millionen Menschen im Jemen brauchen humanitäre Hilfe - 70 Prozent der Bevölkerung. Zwei Millionen Kinder und Babys sind akut unterernährt. Es fehlt an allem, nur nicht am Krieg und am Sterben in dem Land, das jetzt im traurigen UN-Ranking der Katastrophen den Spitzenplatz einnimmt.

Die größte Hungersnot und der weltgrößte Cholera-Ausbruch - und mittendrin die hilflosen Helfer wie der Niederländer Lootsma. Per wackeliger Videoleitung zugeschaltet in die Zentrale der Vereinten Nationen nach New York, beschreibt der Mann, was knapp zwei Jahre Bürgerkrieg und Bombardement durch die saudi-arabisch geführte Koalition aus dem Jemen gemacht haben. Das Land, sagt er, sei wie ein Bus voller Jemeniten, der auf einen Abgrund zurase. "Aber der Fahrer, statt auf die Bremse zu treten, gibt Gas und rast weiter auf den Abgrund zu." - von Georg Schwarte dazu Audio:

Bemerkung: 27 Millionen ist die Gesamtzahl der Einwohner.

1.8.2017 – Nordbayern (* B H)

Jemen: "Wir können das Allerschlimmste noch vermeiden"

Seit anderthalb Jahren versinkt der Jemen im Chaos. Ein Bürgerkrieg hat Millionen von Menschen zu Flüchtlingen gemacht, Saudi-Arabien und der Iran führen im Armenhaus Arabiens einen Stellvertreterkrieg um die Vorherrschaft in der Region. Vor wenigen Tagen reiste Dr. Wolfgang Jamann, der Generalsekretär der Hilfsorganisation CARE International, in den Jemen. Die Nürnberger Zeitung hat mit ihm gesprochen.

Wolfgang Jamann:Im Prinzip ist eine ganze Nation in Not. CARE ist seit 25 Jahren im Jemen, wir haben dort bereits vor der akuten Krise sehr lange gearbeitet, insbesondere an der Bereitstellung von Infrastruktur für Wasser, Hygiene und Latrinenbau. Allerdings liegt im Moment der Fokus komplett auf der Nothilfe wegen der Cholera und der Unterernährung von Kindern. Viele Familien stehen vor der unfassbaren Alternative, ernähre ich mein Kind oder gebe ich das wenige Geld, das ich zur Verfügung habe, für die Gesundheit meines Kindes aus. Wir versuchen, den Familien in dieser Situation zu helfen.

Hajja an der Grenze zu Saudi-Arabien ist eine der am schwersten betroffenen Provinzen. Im Prinzip sieht man in jedem Dorf Cholerafälle, dazu relativ viele offensichtliche Fälle von Unterernährung von Kindern. Die Hospitäler beziehungsweise die Gesundheitsstationen sind nicht adäquat ausgestattet.

Es ist sehr schwer. Der Zugang sowohl ins Land, als auch der Zugang innerhalb des Landes wird durch eine ganze Reihe von Faktoren erschwert. Ich bin selber in einem Flugzeug in Dschibuti stecken geblieben, in dem drei BBC-Journalisten mitreisen sollten, und Saudi-Arabien hat diesen Flug gestoppt.

Durch die Blockaden, durch das Stilllegen jeglicher Infrastruktur, ist auch die Wirtschaft zum Erliegen gekommen, insbesondere im Nordteil des Jemen. Und das heißt, dass im Prinzip auch die Möglichkeit, Einkommen zu erwirtschaften, für jeden Jemeniten zusammengebrochen ist. 80 Prozent der Haushalte sind verschuldet, Kinder werden verheiratet, die Gewalt ist gestiegen.

2.8.2017 – Aljazeera (* A H)

Auke Lootsma, the country director of the UN Development Programme, also reported an outbreak of meningitis in Yemen, compounding the cholera epidemic and the risk of famine in the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Describing the situation as "very bleak," the UN official said there were "several" new cases of meningitis detected in Yemen but he could not provide details.

2.8.2017 – AP (* B H)

UN: Yemen Food Crisis Man-made, Partly as Wartime Strategy

The crisis in Yemen that has left millions on the brink of famine is "a man-made disaster" driven not only by decades of poverty and lack of investment but also by economic strangulation being used as a tactic of war, the U.N. development chief in the country said Tuesday.

Auke Lootsma said "there is no end in sight" to Yemen's civil war. He said about 70 percent of the country's 27 million people need humanitarian aid, 60 percent don't know where their next meal is coming from, and nearly 7 million "are close to slipping into a state of famine."

Lootsma told U.N. reporters by videoconference from Yemen's capital, Sana'a, that nearly 2 million children are considered "acutely malnourished," which makes them susceptible to cholera — and cholera creates more malnutrition.

"We expect this cholera outbreak to continue to wreak havoc despite the best efforts of the U.N. agencies" and humanitarian agencies working on the ground, said Lootsma, who is the U.N. Development Program's country director in Yemen. and the report by UN News Service: =

1.8.2017 – UN (* B H)

Film: Yemen is gravest humanitarian crisis in the world, says Auke Lootsma, United Nations Development Programme Yemen Country Director, who will brief reporters via video-link on the situation in Yemen. and

2.8.2017 – Reuters (* B H)

More than 1 million malnourished children in Yemen at risk of cholera: charity

More than one million malnourished children aged under five in Yemen are living in areas with high levels of cholera, the charity Save The Children warned on Wednesday as it began sending more health experts to the worst hit areas.

Save the Children said children under the age of 15 are now accounting for about 44 percent of new cases and 32 percent of fatalities in Yemen where a devastating civil war and economic collapse has left millions on the brink of starvation.

"The tragedy is both malnutrition and cholera are easily treatable if you have access to basic healthcare," said Tamer Kirolos, Save the Children's Country Director for Yemen.

"But hospitals and clinics have been destroyed, government health workers haven't been paid for almost a year, and the delivery of vital aid is being obstructed." - by Will Kubzansky and by the Guardian:

2.8.2017 – World Bank (* A H)

World Bank and Food and Agriculture Organization Partner to Support Food Security in Yemen

New project aims to improve livelihoods and nutrition for more than 630,000 Yemenis by helping smallholder farmers restart production in the hardest hit areas of the country

The World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have partnered to support food security in Yemen with the launch of a US$36 million project to support smallholder farmers resume production in seven of the country’s most conflict affected provinces. By restarting small scale agriculture in the most food insecure regions of Yemen, the project aims to improve both the livelihoods and nutrition of 90,000 households, or around 630,000 Yemenis. The project will be funded by a grant from the World Bank-administered Global Agriculture Food Security Programand will be implemented by the FAO in collaboration with Yemen’s Social Fund for Development.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well what about stopping the cluster bombs on the farms, the bombings of livestock and wArehouses, the destruction of irrigation plants and farm machinery, and the bombing of roads that allow food distribution. And of course the bombing of food trucks.

1.8.2017 – Mohammed Al-Qadhi (* A H)

1-Dialysis center at Althawra hospital in Taiz city stops operating due to lack of fuel, strike of unpaid employees (photos)

2 - Lives of 262 dialysis patients at risk after treatment center at Althawra hospital in Taiz stopped functioning today (photos)

This woman fainted today as she could not have kidney dialysis treatment following after treatment center closed today in #Taiz, (photo)

Human tragedy: 262 #dialysis patients at risk after treatment center in #Taiz stoped working coz lack of fuel & employees pay delay. (film)

31.7.2017 – MONA Relief (A H)

Footage taken today during food aid distribution in Sanaa. Plz support our work and donate (film, photos)

75 families of disabled & blind receive today food aid baskets provided by @monareliefye's team in Sanaa. Great thanks to our donors (photos)

31.7.2017 – Tagespost (* B H)

Bischof von Südarabien: Lage im Jemen „prekär“

Der für Südarabien zuständige katholische Bischof Paul Hinder (75) hat auf die dramatische Lage im Jemen aufmerksam gemacht. Das Gesundheitssystem sei „kriegsbedingt weitgehend zusammengebrochen“ und auch die Ernährungssituation in vielen Teilen des Landes „prekär“, sagte er in einem Interview mit dem Schweizer katholischen Nachrichtenportal „“ am Wochenende. Der weiteren Ausbreitung der aktuellen Cholera-Epidemie im Jemen sei unter diesen Bedingungen kaum Grenzen gesetzt. Der Schweizer Kapuziner Hinder ist Apostolischer Vikar des Südlichen Arabien mit Sitz in Abu Dhabi in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten.;art312,180567

31.7.2017 – ICRC (* B H)

Film: Decimated by a brutal war, this is #Yemens health-care system today.

31.7.2017 - UN Children's Fund (A H)

Infographic: Yemen Child Protection Sub-Cluster: Thematic 4W (Who, What, Where, When) mapping for 2nd Quarter of 2017

Infographic: Yemen: Child Protection Sub Cluster - Child Protection Dashboard - On Needs, Response and Gaps - Second Quarter 2017 (from January - June 2017)

31.5.2017 - World Food Programme (A H)

WFP Yemen Country Brief, May 2017

In May 2017, WFP reached approximately 4.5 million people in 17 governorates through in-kind and commodity voucher based emergency assistance under the prioritisation plan: 2.3 million people received full entitlements and 2.2 million received a 60 percent entitlement. This represents 66 percent achievement against the 6.8 million target and represents an increase of 82 percent in comparison to April 2017.

30.7.2017 - World Health Organization, Health Cluster (A H)

Yemen: Health Cluster Dashboard (as of 30 June, 2017)

ealth Cluster partners identified 14.8 million people in need of health assistance in the 2017 HNO. In light of access and security constraints, the 2017 Health Cluster response plan targets 10.4 million people in 2017, including the 8.8 million people identified as facing acute health needs in the HNO. According to Health Cluster analysis, the main causes of avoidable deaths in Yemen are communicable diseases, maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions (together accounting for 50 per cent of mortality) and non-communicable diseases (39 per cent of mortality). As the health system has continued to collapse as a result of the conflict, people’s inability to access healthcare for these conditions is having a catastrophic effect. = and in full

29.7.2017 - World Food Programme (A H)

Djibouti: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - Air Transport Services, Airlifts Djibouti to Sana’a (July 2017)

Since March 2015, commercial air carriers have suspended their regular air operations to Yemen. This has drastically limited the prospects for humanitarian organisations to airlift cargo into Yemen.

To fill this gap, WFP as lead agency of the Logistics Cluster, has established a regular airlift service to augment cargo importations into Yemen and to provide a fast and efficient delivery of emergency relief cargo.

28.7.2017 - World Food Programme (A H)

UNHRD Operations Update - Response to the Crisis in Yemen, as of 28 July 2017

19.7.2017 – Oxfam (* A H)

OXFAM YEMEN Humanitarian Response

15.7.2017 – World Food Programme (A H)

Infographic: Yemen Operation Overview - 1 April - 15 July 2017

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

1.8.2017 – Suhf Net (A P)

Saleh Party accuses US ambassador of sowing discord with Houthis

Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh's party accused US Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Toler of trying to sow sedition between him and his Houthi allies.Less than 24 hours after Toller's statement that he had seen "positive signals" from Saleh's General People's Congress (GPC) about the UN initiative on the port ofHodeidah , the party denied the reports, saying the US ambassador's remarks were " To stir confusion »within the party alliance with the armed group Houthi , which rejects the plan of the UN envoy Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed.

1.8.2017 – Almasdar Online (A)

Houthis blow up house in al-Dhala

Houthi militants bombed a house following an ambush targeted a Houthi leader in Jubn district of northern Lahj province south Yemen ,a local source said on Monday.

The source told Almasdar Online that the house of Saleh Ahmed al-Yarimi was blown up by Houthi militia.

1.8.2017 – New News (A H P)

President of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Calls on MSF to Convey the Yemeni Tragedy to the World

1.8.2017 – New News (A P)

Our Enemy is American and its Tools Headed by Saudi Arabia:President Al-Sammad

This battle enemy is a with the American and its tools headed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, pointing out to the Zionist presence and its objectives in planning and even participating which is often done by Zionist instruments such as warplanes that bombed some areas,” al-Sammad added.

Al-Sammad stressed to take all measures to defend the country against the Saudi and Emirates’ plans that seek to divide Yemen.

1.8.2017 – Saba Net (A P)

FM calls on friendly, brotherly countries to contribute ending Saudi aggression war

31.7.2017 – AFP (A P)

Yemeni man executed for rape, murder of 3-year-old

Thousands of people gathered in the rebel-held Yemeni capital Monday to witness the public execution of a man convicted of raping and murdering a three-year-old girl.

and Reuters

and film

and photos

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

2.8.2017 – Critical Threats (* A P)

Yemen Security Brief

President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadiwill return to Adencity to open the first session of parliament for the internationally recognized Yemeni government since 2015. The al Houthi-Saleh bloc formed a rival parliament in Sana’a in August 2016. Several Yemeni parliamentarians arrived in Aden city on August 2 in preparation for the session. Southern Movement leaders condemned the upcoming meeting as an attempt by the Hadi government to reduce southern Yemeni autonomy.[1] and sources:

“Hadi will return to Aden during the next few days to open the first parliamentary sessions,” Al Masdar Online, August 2, 2017,; “The South refuses a meeting of the Yemeni parliament to be held in Aden and threatens escalation,” Aden Lange, August 2, 2017,; and “Yemeni President decides to transfer headquarters of parliament to Aden,” Saudi Press Agency, January 28, 2017,

My comment: I am interested what is to come. The greatest part of the MPs are at Sanaa, that's the parliament under Houthi / Saleh control. - - The wording by Critical Threats is wrong: the Houthi / Saleh side not at all had „formed a rival parliament in Sana’a“ - this parliament at Sanaa is and was the only one Yemen had since more than 15 years now. And: „rival“ to which other parliament? There simply was and is no other one.

3.8.2017 – Almasdar Online (* A T)

Police station blown up by suspected Al-Qaeda militia in Abyan

Militants from Ansar al-Sharia, Yemeni branch of AQAP, blew up a police station on Wednesday in al Mahfad area of Abyan province ,southeastern Yemen.

Residents told Almasdar Online that huge explosion shook the area of Mahfad due to bombing the police station by the extremist militias without giving more details.

Al-Qaeda has claimed ,in a statement, the responsibility of exploding the police station, which was used previously by troops of Security Belt ,in Shaab Ghabrin nearby the village of Sinaj in al-Mahfad district.

2.8.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Yemen Qaeda/ISIS killed2day number of UAE-hired soldiers by bombing their headquarters in Mahfad Abyan south where these groups dominate. (photos)

3.8.2017 – AFP (* A T)

Al-Qaeda attack kills six soldiers in southern Yemen

Six soldiers of a new anti-jihadist force formed by the United Arab Emirates were killed and others were abducted Wednesday in an Al-Qaeda suicide bombing in southern Yemen, a Yemeni military official said.

The suicide bomber blew up his vehicle next to a military position recently set up by the Yemeni force in Shabwa province, the official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Two vehicles belonging to the anti-jihadist force were destroyed in the attack, which left an undetermined number wounded while other soldiers were abducted by Al-Qaeda members supporting the suicide bomber, he added.


3.8.2017 – Almasdar Online (* A T)

7soldiers killed,8 injured in al-Qaeda attack on checkpoint in Shabwa

Fighters from Ansar al-Sharia ,the local branch of al-Qaeda in the Arabic Peninsula (AQAP), launched attack on a security checkpoint belonging to forces of the Security Belt in al-Radhum district of Shabwa province southeast Yemen,a local source said on Wednesday.

The source added that 7 soldiers were killed and 8 others wounded while a number of soldiers captured by members of suspected al-Qaeda.

The gunmen used medium and light weapons during their surprise attack on the checkpoint, the source said.

The source pointed out that 2 bodies of soldiers were burnt and all victims of the attack were taken to the hospitals of the region.

According to the source ,one of al-Qaeda militants was killed and others injured, without giving a specific number.

2.8.2017 – Suhf Net (* A P)

A street war in Sheikh Osman in Aden amid intensive flights of air and houses of citizens under fire

The area of ​​armed clashes so far in the Directorate of Sheikh Osman in the interim capital of Aden , in conjunction with a heavy flight of Apache planes in the sky over the city.

Medical sources confirmed that 12 people were wounded in the clashes so far, who were transferred to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital, three of them seriously.

Residents of Sheikh Osman said the shooting was carried out with heavy, medium and heavy weapons and that the bullets were hitting houses.

Residents of the Omar al-Mukhtar neighborhood of Sheikh Othman have posted pictures through social media sites showing their houses were shot, and appealed to the Aden security department to intervene and stop the clashes.

There are violent clashes between forces of the security belt and armed elements, the causes of which are still unclear.
Earlier, clashes broke out between security forces and armed elements loyal to the commander of the
Bab al-Mandab Front, Lu'ay al-Zamki, against the backdrop of attempts to smuggle prisoners from the police station of Omar al-Mukhtar in Sheikh Osman, but Zamki issued a statement earlier denied any link to the clashes.


2.8.2017 – demolinari (A P)

Film: Technical used by militants burning near Cairo round in Sheikh Othman #Aden after being targeted by UAE Apache early Wed.

1.8.2017 – Critical Threats (* A T)

Yemen Security Brief

AQAP militants attacked a checkpoint run by Emirati-backed al Hizam security forces in Ahwardistrict, eastern Abyan governorate in southern Yemen on August 1. AQAP social media accounts reported that militants killed several troops and destroyed an al Hizam armored vehicle. AQAP militants resumed a campaign against al Hizam security forces in Abyan governorate on July 5 in Shaqra town, following an operational pause in June 2017. The group continues to prioritize attacks on Emirati-backed security forces, which lead counterterrorism operations in southern Yemen.[3]

1.8.2017 – Tasnim News (* B P)

UAE Secret Jails in Yemen: Unknown Fate of Inmates (+Video)

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) secret jails in the occupied southern parts of Yemen have become a place for exercising extreme torture tactics against inmates who face unknown fate.

Remark: The subject, widely reported, is recycled here.

3.7.2017 – New News (* B P)

Destruction of the file of reforms in Aden .. Colonial policy of subjugation and recruitment of southerners

Fathi Bin Zark, the editor of the Aden al-Ghad newspaper and website of the so-called “Southern Resistance”, wrote about the deaths of thousands of southerners who joined Saudi Arabia or the UAE to fighting against north fronts, Liberation of the south “but in order to get 1000 Saudi Riyals to help them shape their future.

Before Ben Zark was the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Government of Hadi and leader of the Reform Party Brotherhood Nayef Bakri in a meeting recently with Saudi figures in Riyadh, saying that the death of 12 thousand loyalists of the coalition were killed on the forehead of Marib and Jouf only, this fact was not complete would not come out if the video was leaked Of the meeting, and published by the correspondent at the time and a number of media.

Back to the journalist Ben Lazar, he wrote in an article on his Facebook page entitled “The boy died” and contains a lot of information that does not appear in most media:

Article text:

A nurse at the Republic Hospital told me: “Here dozens of wounded war veterans here die silently, most of them from the poor families of the countryside and the children of Aden.

(Saudi Riyal Thousand) is the facade of a great southern tragedy that history will tell and tell about a people who lost their way and exploited the dreams and aspirations of their youth.

The southerners are fighting there without any guarantees from anyone without any recognition of anything. When a simple victory is achieved, all the internal and external forces will be accelerated to kidnap him.

On the fronts of the north today, thousands of our young people are being transformed into a fighter sector that loves “death” and believes it. When it returns, it will continue its fight and violence, but against whom?

( the boy died ) Abdul Aziz died and to his side 13 of his comrades in a battle is not their battle and defense of a cause is not their cause and goal is not their goal ..
Abdul Aziz died and left a few “Saudi” papers and a small floor behind the stadium waiting for the next groom from the unknown ..
“Abdul Aziz” died, Who will tell his family that he died ..

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

2.8.2017 – Ben Norton / Haykal Bafana (* B K)

UN death figures for Yemen are extremely low and unreliable. OCHA reported 10,000 in January. 186 days later, OHCHR reported just 11,000 (image)

Interestingly, the UN figures on Yemen civilian deaths seem to get smaller as the war goes on. Dead Yemenis may be getting resurrected.

2.8.2017 – UN News Centre (* A P)

Adopting new resolution, UN Security Council moves to thwart terrorists' access to weapons

The United Nations Security Council today unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons, particularly small arms and light weapons, the “destabilizing accumulation and misuse” of which the 15-member body said “continue to pose threats to international peace and security and cause significant loss of life.”

The Council “strongly condemned” the continued flow of weapons, military equipment, unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) and their components, and improvised explosive device (IED) components to and between the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da'esh), Al-Qaida, their affiliates, and associated groups, illegal armed groups and criminals.

UN Member States were encouraged to prevent and disrupt procurement networks for weapons, systems and components between and among such groups and entities. Member States were specifically urged to ensure the ability to take appropriate legal actions against those who are knowingly engaged in providing terrorists with weapons and to ensure proper physical security and management for stockpiles of small arms and light weapons.

It also encouraged the implementation of marking and tracing procedures of small arms and light weapons to improve traceability of such weapons which could be provided to terrorists through illicit trafficking.

UN Member States were also urged to strengthen their judicial, law enforcement and border-control capacities, and develop their capabilities to investigate arms-trafficking networks in order to address the link between transnational organized crime and terrorism.

My comment: LOL. It's mainly the US, the UK and Saudi Arabia who had furnished terrorists with weapons.

Comment by Hussam Al-Sanabani: Great, now USA,UK and other western countries should refrain from selling arms to Saudi coalition.

My comment to comment: Yes – as Saudi Arabia is „IS with embassies“, as once stated (look at cp10).

2.8.2017 . Al Arabiya (A P)

Ould Cheikh Ahmed in Muscat for new round of Yemen peace talks

United Nations special envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, has embarked on a new journey to initiate peace negotiations, starting from Omani capital city of Muscat.

Ahmed referred to his meeting with the Omani Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yusuf bin Alawi as very positive. Oman has expressed the need to end the war in Yemen as soon as possible, he added.

Sources at Al Arabiya have confirmed that the UN envoy is set to meet President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi in Aden as per his contact with parties in the Yemini crisis.

My comment: the peaece talks need a totally new approach by the UN. UNSC resolution 2216 is an obstacle to peace, since more than 2 years now. And this envoy is no more accepted by one side of the conflict.

31.7.2017 – ANSAMED (* A P)

Yemen 'talks back to point zero', Italy's special envoy

Diplomatic efforts continue despite all is these dire problems. ''The UN and representatives of the parties of Aden and Sanaa, the General People's Congress (GPC) and Al-Islah (the largest opposition party of the Houthis, Ed.), continue meeting to discuss the future constitutional framework of the country,'' he said. ''A session of this dialogue was held in June in Italy as well and others will surely be held,'' he added, but the main problem ''is still the federal nature and the powers of the federated regions.'' To the question of whether it is possible to go back to a Yemen divided into two parts as it was before 1990, he said that ''Italy and the UN are against this and it isn't a good idea for Saudi Arabia, while it would not be a problem for the UAE, which has a great deal of trade with the south.''

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

2.8.2017 – Axios (* B P)

What comes next in Iran vs. Saudi Arabia

Iran and Saudi Arabia's regional tug of war has shaped the Middle East for decades - think Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Arab Spring hotspots Syria and Yemen.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman is 81 and Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei is 78. What will the inevitable transition of power in these two influential countries — and historical rivals — mean for the region? We asked five experts for their perspective and predictions:

  • Ali Shihabi, Saudi Arabia policy advisor, Arabia Foundation: Succession in Iran will escalate tensions

  • Bernard Haykel, Middle East scholar, Princeton University: Don't expect de-escalation

  • Dalia Dassa Kaye, political scientist, RAND: Youth will drive change

  • Suzanne Maloney, Iran policy advisor, Brookings: Sectarian tensions are baked into the relationship

  • The strategic competition and sectarian tensions between Riyadh and Tehran will almost certainly outlive the senior leadership of the two theocracies. Both engage in pan-Islamic posturing, but sectarian absolutism is baked into the ideology and institutions of Iran's Islamic Republic and the Saudi monarchy. New leadership won't be inclined or empowered to rise above it.

  • Karim Sadjadpour, Middle East policy analyst, CEIP: The rivalry will grow

  • The Saudi-Iran rivalry is less an ancient religious conflict and more a modern geopolitical proxy war cloaked in ethnic (Arab vs. Persian) and sectarian (Sunni vs. Shia) garb. The two countries are on opposing sides of horrific conflicts—in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq—that have caused over a million civilian casualties, the greatest refugee crisis since WWII, and the proliferation of Sunni Jihadist groups such as ISIS and Shiite militias to counter them.

The most powerful man in each country—78-year-old Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and 31-year-Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)—are a study in contrasts. Khamenei is a deeply traditional cleric who cautiously rules a predominantly modern society; MBS has a modern outlook and bold ambitions but presides over a deeply traditional society.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

2.8.2017 – Gulf Business (A E P)

Saudi halts operations of one million firms for breaching Saudisation laws

The kingdom is expected to introduce even stricter requirements for employing Saudis from next month

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Labour and Social Development reportedly halted the operations of nearly one million companies for violating labour laws as it moves to introduce stricter Saudisation requirements.

The ministry said there were 739,701 private firm suspended and another 255,356 in a precarious position under the Nitaqat system, according to Arabic publication Al-Watan.

There were more than two million private establishments in the kingdom last year.

Nitaqat categorises companies based on the percentage of Saudis in the workforce and imposes either limits or preferential treatment in areas like the granting of visas for foreign workers.

1.8.2017 – Fadila Al Jaffal (A P)

Crown Prince launches a massive project to turn 50 islands & sites on Red Sea coast into tourism resorts #Saudi (film)

31.7.2017 – Al Arabiya (B D)

How Hip Hop became part of Saudi Arabia’s cultural scene

The Saudi Arabian Society for Culture and Arts in Jeddah has decided to include Hip Hop as part of the various art programs they offer, Dr. Omar al-Jasser, manager of the society, announced last week.

There has been debate over Hip Hop’s culturally acceptability in Saudi Arabia and whether it can become part of the Kingdom’s art landscape. Al-Jasser noted that the art of Hip Hop must be respectful and consistent with the Kingdom’s laws and regulations.

My comment: LOL.

31.7.2017 – Fars News (* A P)

Analyst: Saudi Crown Prince Marginalizing Opponents by Intensified Crackdown in Qatif

"There is no doubt that bin Salman is attempting to stabilize the bases of his power in Saudi Arabia and wants to marginalize his enemies in the ruling family with the help of the war against Yemen and massacre of people in Qatif and establish control over all power lifelines inside the country," Ali Al-Ahmed, the director of the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs, said on Monday.

2.8.2017 – American Herald Tribune (* A P)

Media Blackout as Saudi Arabia Bombs Its Own Citizens, Tells Them to Leave Their Homes or Die

With most eyes set on what mainstream media has architected as “pressing issues” : Iraq’s alleged mistreatment of Daesh militants, Qatar-would-be declaration of war against the kingdom over the hajj management, or US President Donald Trump’s latest twitter rant, those news which reflect most the nature of our age remain firmly under lock and key - buried under much public apathy.

True to its inherent nature: Saudi Arabia’s system of governance sits still on exclusionism and takfirism, the kingdom’s security apparatus took yet another crack at Qatif Shia community to quench its thirst for religious absolutism. If the international community is in full agreement as to its condemnation of takfiri terrorism, it has yet to accept that while Daesh may be the expression of Terror, Saudi Arabia remains its ideologue.

The one single most dangerous threat to religious freedom Saudi Arabia lives in a perpetual state of murderous rage with a side of religious megalomania. The most violent, oppressive and reactionary theocracy to have grace the pages of our history so far, the kingdom remains bent on disappearing religious pluralism from within its borders - most certainly to set the tone for a further push out.

For those still incline to believe that Saudi Arabia can be reformed, integrated or even tamed I would strongly suggest looking at Riyadh’s abysmal human rights track record vis a vis its religious minorities. I would also suggest wrapping one’s mind around the principle that holds the kingdom upright in the face of popular hatred: bloody repression.

A Shia-majority town under complete lockdown by the Saudi authorities, al-Awamiyah could soon see its streets turn red. Should Riyadh have its way all Shia Muslims living within the city border could soon be lying face down on the ground, claimed by a regime which hatred for Shia Islam stands equal to none.

Local sources in the al-Awamiyah confirmed this week that residents were told under no uncertain terms that should they refuse to leave their homes they would be killed by the hands of the security forces.

Why one may ask? Why would a government ever besiege its own people, especially if we bear in mind that those civilians do not represent any real threat, unless of course one chooses to view Shia Islam as a national security threat … others several centuries ago have taken that position, and bloodshed did in fact ensue – by Catherine Shakdam

31.7.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A P)

Video shows Saudi forces firing rockets at Shia homes in Awamiyah

A footage circulating on social media shows Saudi soldiers atop rooftops in Awamiyah firing a full array of weapons, including rocket-propelled grenades, at residential buildings in the besieged Shia-populated town.

More than people have been killed and many others wounded in more than 80 days of tensions in Awamiyah, as the regimecontinues with its heavy-handed crackdown in Eastern Province.

Awamiyah has witnessed an increase in anti-regime protests and an ensuing crackdown, with the Saudi regime pushing ahead with its controversial razing of the al-Masoura neighborhood.

1.8.2017 – New News (* A P)

The Saudi Regime Recruits Yemeni Residents in Its Oppressive Campaign against Awamiyah People

Activists on social networking pages have been photographing a young Yemeni resident in the kingdom wearing a helmet and a military shield as well walking around Al-Masoura neighborhood in the eastern city of Awamiya.

30.7.2017 – Almasdar News (* A P)

Saudi regime forces film themselves attacking charitable organization

The Saudi regime forces continued their inhuman siege of the predominately Shiite Al-Awamiya District in eastern Saudi Arabia, Sunday, arresting and shooting many residents that dared to leave their homes.

In addition to harassing residents, the Saudi regime forces have also inflicted heavy damage on the district’s infrastructure, targeting hospitals and charitable organizations that dare to help the people.

In one particular incident this weekend, Saudi regime soldiers filmed themselves on Snapchat firing shots at the Al-Awamiya Charitable Organization building, destroying its security cameras and bragging about it. (with film)

13.5.2017 – The Globe and Mail (* A B P)

The Saudi citizens seen targeted in video live in the hotbed of Shia opposition

Al-Qatif featured prominently this past week in the running debate over whether Canada's sale of $15-billion in combat vehicles to Saudi Arabia will enable the Sunni-dominated country to perpetrate human-rights violations on civilians.

The Globe and Mail published footage from Shia activists in al-Qatif showing Riyadh's forces using armoured vehicles against civilians. The vehicles that were deployed are not Canadian-made, but they demonstrate the Saudis' proclivity to use such machines against their people.

The Saudis frequently cite terror threats when they go after the area's dissidents, some of whom are more militant than others.

Toby Matthiesen, a senior research fellow at the University of Oxford who has studied the Saudi Shiites, describes al-Qatif as an "area under lockdown" and in a perpetual state of emergency – not unlike some other parts of the Middle East.

Prof. Matthiesen says Westerners, foreign journalists and diplomats are discouraged from visiting al-Qatif. "As soon as you go there, you realize what is going on. … It's a kind of war zone. It's not the image Saudi Arabia wants to portray."

Reuters reported earlier this year that foreign media are permitted to visit al-Qatif only if they are accompanied by government officials, which Riyadh says is necessary to ensure the journalists' safety.

Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher with Human Rights Watch, says what distinguishes al-Qatif from other parts of Saudi Arabia are the numerous police checkpoints – a way for authorities to check identification and keep tabs on movement. "They can tighten these checkpoints in a tense period … and bring in armoured vehicles and park them here," Mr. Coogle said.

Human Rights Watch says Shiites face discrimination in employment, the education system and the courts, and cannot build houses of worship outside designated enclaves. - by Steven Chase

2.8.2017 – Ali AlAhmed (* AP)

Breaking: For the 1st time in its history: #Saudi Monarchy uses its air force on #Awamya today (photos)

#Saudi Monarchy 80 days of bombing #Awamya has caused billions of dollars in damage

After more than 80days of #Saudi bombing of #Awamya,@BBCArabic limits guests on issue 2 #Saudi govts reps & blocks activists

and Awamiya siege in social media (with films, photos)

31.7.2017 – Middle East Eye (A P)

Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr meets Saudi crown prince

Muqtada al-Sadr's office said they hoped the meeting signalled the beginning of the end of 'sectarian strife' in the Middle East

My comment: I think that's illusion. Wahabism is staying, thus 'sectarian strife' will too.


1.8.2017 – Fars News (* A P)

Whistle-Blower: S. Arabia Hosts Iraqi Officials to Receive Help for Ending Yemen War

Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid, who is believed to be a member of or have a well-connected source in the royal family, underlined that Riyadh has resorted to Iraqi officials and figures, including Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr, to ask for their mediation with Iran to help end the Yemen war.

Saudi Arabia's changing policy towards Iraq and its invitation for the Iraqi officials to visit the country is for asking them to meddle Iran's help to convince the Houthis to end the Yemen war, Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Tuesday.

31.7.2017 – Juan Cole (* A P)

Al-Sadr in Jidda: Are Saudis looking for channel to Iran, or anti-Iran Client?

In fact, despite his Shiite fundamentalism, al-Sadr is politically even-handed in ways that might appeal to Riyadh. Although Western analysts have repeatedly pegged him wrongly as a cat’s paw of Iran, in fact al-Sadr is an Iraqi nativist whose movement resents the influence of Iran on Iraqi Shiism.

Al-Sadr opposes the tendency to see the Shiite militias in Iraq as a stand alone force, sort of a National Guard (a line pushed by Iran) and rather wants them absorbed into the regular army.

Al-Sadr opposes Iranian intervention in Syria (and, indeed, all foreign intervention in Syria, including that of Russia).

Last March, al-Sadr called for formal peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran, since those two countries are on all but a war footing. Al-Sadr argues that some face to face summits among leaders of the two countries could tamp down sectarian tensions and lead to a new era of good feeling in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia has lost its struggle with Iran over the past 15 years – by Juan Cole

1.8.2017 – Saudi Gazette (A E P)

Saudi Oger finally downs shutters after four decades

Saudi Oger finally downed its shutters on Monday after almost four decades of its existence in the Saudi market. It was incorporated in January 1978 with headquarters in Riyadh.

The source said files on the emoluments of the Saudi and expatiate staff have been handed over to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD).
The ministry has informed the staff that payment of their delayed salaries was not certain because the company does not have any assets.
The source, however, said the ministry had no doubts that the delayed salaries of 14 months would finally be paid but did not fix the date or the modality.

1.8.2017 – Arab News (A T)

Yemeni gets 19 years in prison for Al-Qaeda links

31.7.2017 – Bethan McKernan (A P)

Saudi women's rights activist Mariam al-Otaibi released after 104 days in detention - reportedly even without permission of her father

30.7.2017 – MbKS15 (A K P)

Film: Inside a #Saudi drones factory at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (@KACST)

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

2.8.2017 – New News (A P)

Statements by the American ambassador… And the recognition of Saudi/America’s failure

The ambassador tried to mix the cards this time and achieve what the war machine was unable to achieve. He was unable to raise the dispute between the national forces in Sana’a when he said, “We received positive signals from elements supporting Saleh’s willingness to deal with the ideas carried by the envoy.” About the port of Hodeidah.
Allegations that the Congress Party denied, ending the debate on it by confirming, on Monday, that “there is no truth to what the US ambassador said about the positive signals attributed to the conference on what the international envoy on the port of Hodeidah, saying that this comes within the framework of the stir to stir confusion In the national front against aggression and rejection of the blockade, which is led by the General People’s Congress and supporters of God. ”

The US ambassador also tried by talking about Ould Sheikh’s initiative and Washington’s humanitarian aid to Yemen, marketing his country as a mediator to end the Saudi war on Yemen, through which Washington has raised billions of dollars in arms deals, aircraft supply and rent of military barges and satellites for the benefit of Saudi Arabia. That he contradicted himself when he talked about “the right of Saudi Arabia to have the military capability can defend itself in a region known for violence,” reiterating Washington’s commitment to “security” Saudi Arabia, while denying the Yemeni army’s possession of weapons to defend his country, forgetting N the Yemeni people is the victim.

It is worth mentioning that the statements of the American ambassador, which he said: there is no military solution to the “crisis” in Yemen, and “no military solution to end the conflict,” in which observers see implicit recognition of the failure of Washington’s allies to achieve any gains following the orders of the US Defense Secretary to them recently .

My comment: More reporting on Tueller YPR 329, cp15.

1.8.2017 – The Antimedia (* A P)

US Ignores Saudi Beheading of 14 Activists, Labels Venezuela Dictatorship Despite Elections

This week, the Trump administration condemned the Venezuelan government following the country’s recent election. But as the U.S. imposes sanctions on Venezuela and vocally decries their lack of democracy, President Trump’s outrage is all but nonexistent as a U.S. ally preparing to behead 14 students for protesting. Though the Venezuelan regime is undoubtedly corrupt, the president’s outrage is meaningless in light of his lack of concern for the victims of U.S. allies.

hough the recent Venezuelan election received little participationfrom citizens, it’s worth noting that Saudi Arabiahas no national elections.

Supporting freedom and democracy, it seems, is only an American foreign policy priority when non-allies crush the rights of their people. As the U.S. ruling establishment continues to feign support for democracy and freedom, its selective application of these values demonstrates a commitment not to principle, but to power – by Carey Wedler

1.8.2017 – Lobelog (* A P)

UAE Ambassador: Trump Least Qualified to be President

United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the U.S. Yousef Al-Otaiba was sharply critical of Donald Trump, even suggesting that he would seek “early retirement” if Trump won the election, according to a series of hacked emails allegedly sent by Otaiba to Richard Clarke, chairman of the Middle East Institute, and shared with LobeLog. Compared to the rest of the Republican primary field, Otaiba wrote, Trump “is easily the least prepared or qualified to be president.”

Otaiba’s criticism of Trump came in the form of lengthy satirical emails drafted by the ambassador as cables reporting on the political climate in the U.S. for the benefit of UAE’s leadership. - by Eli Clifton

1.8.2017 – Reuters (* A P T)

Saudi Arabia seeks to end U.S. lawsuits over Sept. 11 attacks

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday asked a U.S. judge to dismiss 25 lawsuits claiming that it helped plan the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and should pay damages to victims.

In a filing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, Saudi Arabia said the plaintiffs cannot show that the kingdom or any affiliated charities were behind the attacks. It also said it deserved sovereign immunity.

The Saudi government has long denied involvement in the attacks, in which airplanes hijacked by al Qaeda crashed into New York's World Trade Center, the Pentagon outside Washington, and a Pennsylvania field. Nearly 3,000 people died.

Saudi Arabia is being sued for billions of dollars by the families of roughly 2,500 of those killed, more than 20,000 people who suffered injuries, businesses and various insurers.

In Tuesday's filing, Saudi Arabia acknowledged that JASTA eliminated some of its defenses.

But it said the plaintiffs still could not show that any Saudi official, employee or agent planned or carried out the attacks – by Jonathan Stempel

1.8.2017 – MbKS15 (A K P)

VIDEO: First deployment of the Royal #Saudi Air Force Typhoon fighters to the #UnitedStates to take part in exercise #

RedFlag and also

My comment: Friendship with killers (in Yemen).

31.7.2017 – Express (A P)

Trump travel ban: Yemen urges US accept stranded immigration lottery winners

YEMEN is urging the US government to take in dozens of Yemenis who traveled to Malaysia in recent months expecting to immigrate to the United States, only to find themselves stranded by President Donald Trump's temporary travel ban.

3.9.2015 – The Intercept (* B K P)

NYT Claims U.S. Abides by Cluster Bomb Treaty: The Exact Opposite of Reality

The New York Times today has a truly bizarre article regarding the U.S. and cluster bombs. The advocacy group Cluster Munition Coalition just issued its annual report finding that cluster bombs had been used in five countries this year: Syria, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine and Sudan. This is what The Paper of Record, in its report by Rick Gladstone, said this morning about the international reaction to that report (emphasis added):

The use of these weapons was criticized by all 117 countries that have joined the treaty, which took effect five years ago. Their use was also criticized by a number of others, including the United States, that have not yet joined the treaty but have abided by its provisions.

As Americans, we should feel proud that our government, though refusing to sign the cluster ban treaty, has nonetheless “abided by its provisions” — if not for the fact that this claim is totally false. The U.S. has long been and remains one of the world’s most aggressive suppliers of cluster munitions, and has used those banned weapons itself in devastating ways – by Glen Greenwald

14.12.2016 – Moby Picture (B P)

Film: British #Journalist Louise Mensch says on TV that Saudi Arabia is #ISIS with a embassy

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / Look at cp1

29.7.2017 – Debating Culture (* B P)

EXPOSED: Luke Akehurst, Saudi Arms Sales, Shai Masot, and the Israeli Lobby

This blog article is about Luke Akehurst and the extent of his involvement against the will of the British people and collusion with the State of Israel to undermine British politics and democracy.

Luke replies that supporting Saudi’s assault on Yemen is justified in his view, because (and I quote): “I absolutely do not want Iran to win in Yemen or anywhere else.”

Luke’s view of Iran, ‘as a common enemy of Western society’, is essentially a Zionist and Israeli one, but not entirely unjustified.

His comments were made in reference to current war efforts and activities by the Saudi regime in Yemen.

To be clear, Iran is not currently active in Yemen.

Rather, the UAE, Israel, and the US, currently run secret torture centres there, and the country is under constant joint military bombardment, including use of White phosphorous – by Jason Schumann

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

2.8.2017 – Wallstreet Journal (* A P)

High-flying UAE ambassador drawn into 1MDB scandal

Yousef Al Otaiba, the United Arab Emirates ambassador to the US, is a high-profile power player in Washington, trying to shape American policy towards the Middle East and lobbying over a regional dispute with Qatar.

He is also being drawn deeper into a major global corruption scandal.

Newly released stolen emails show a long-running relationship between Mr Otaiba and Jho Low, a Malaysian financier who US law-enforcement officials say is at the centre of the misappropriation of $US4.5 billion ($5.7bn) from a Malaysian state development fund.

That relationship is drawing new scrutiny from US, Swiss and Singaporean authorities, according to sources. The stolen emails show Mr Otaiba and Shaher Awartani, his Jordanian partner, discussing inquiries from those countries about transactions they received from entities investigators say are connected to Mr Low – by Bradley Hope, Tom Wright

2.8.2017 – The Globe and Mail (A K P)

Former Liberal cabinet minister calls for end to Canadian arms sales to Saudi Arabia

A former federal Liberal cabinet minister and human-rights lawyer says Saudi Arabia's apparent deployment of Canadian-made combat vehicles against Saudi citizens demonstrates why Canada should end all arms sales to the Islamic kingdom.

1.8.2017 – Fars News (A P)

Bahraini Human Rights Activist Denied Leaving Country by Manama Regime

The Bahraini authorities prevented member of Bahrain Center for Human Rights and activist Hussein Radhi from leaving the country.

29.7.2017 – Osservatorio Diritti (A P)

Guerra Yemen: Parlamento prenda posizione

L’Italia è membro del Consiglio di Sicurezza Onu e tra i fondatori Ue: perché il Parlamento non propone d'accertare le violazioni della guerra in Yemen compiute dalla coalizione guidata dall'Arabia Saudita? E dica con chiarezza cosa ne pensa delle continue forniture di bombe "made in Italy" inviate ai sauditi per devastare lo Yemen

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

1.8.2017 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (* A P)

Al-Attiyah, reply to Bahrain's FM who accuses Qatar of leaking the coordinates of Safer camp in #Yemen: He knows that I know he isn't honest (film)

Khalid Al-Attiyah, Qatar Defense Minister: The task of the Qatari forces was to protect 7 points on the southern Saudi borders. (film)

Al-Attiyah ignored more than 2,010 hours of participation by the Qatari air force in the aggression on #Yemen (film)

Al-Attiyah did not mention what al-Jazeera has already reported about the entry of Qatari troops through the AlWadia access to Marib #Yemen (image)

31.7.2017 – AP (* A P)

Anti-Qatar bloc opens 'emergency routes' to Qatari planes

Four Arab states that have cut diplomatic and transport ties with Qatar said Monday that they have opened up air routes that Qatari planes can use in case of emergency.

Remark: Qatar says this is a sham.

cp13a Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

2.7.2017 - UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Yemen UNHCR Flash Update, 14 - 20 July 2017


  • 20.7 million people in need

  • 1,980,510 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

  • 84 Percentage of IDPs displaced for more than a year

  • 946,044 IDP returnees

  • 865,121 recipients of NFIs since March 2015

  • 280,210 refugees and asylum seekers


USD 114.6 million requested for IDPs and refugees in Yemen for 2017 and in full

31.7.2017 -

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (* A H)

Yemen: National Situation Report - July 2017


Total population in need

Cluster target population

Population assisted


Setting up of CASH for Shelter Technical Working Group (TWiG).

Humanitarian Forum Yemen (HFY) CASH for Shelter hotline report.

CSSW post distribution monitoring (PDM) and feedback reports on NFI distributions.

Commencement cholera prevention activities.

Cluster Coordination Team mission to Aden. and in full

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

1.8.2017 – Spark (* B E P)


Last year SPARK, together with Hemmat Shabab Foundation, established a business incubation center in Yemen, called Noah’s Ark. In the midst of the current war, Noah’s Ark incubation center could be a roof over the head of Yemeni businesses. It allows start-ups a head-start to settle in and buckle up the safety belt. But this is only the beginning of a long bumpy road to success. For a business to survive an eventful journey, many factors, other than ‘luck’, play a role.

Noah’s Ark offers businesses office space, electricity, internet, landline phones, printers, meeting spaces and water. Getting legal licenses, quality networking, administrative guidance, logistic support and awareness seminars are among the services they offer.

The Ark has recently turned 10 months old. With more than 30 businesses supported so far, it has become popular among Yemeni entrepreneurs who are looking after a business in an unfriendly economic system

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

2.8.2017 – Le Monde (unrated B T)

Guerre au Yémen : le laboratoire d’Al-Qaida

La guerre au Yémen (3/5). S’installer dans le pays, tisser des relations avec les chefs de tribu, sans toutefois prendre le contrôle formel des agglomérations. C’est le premier volet de la nouvelle stratégie de l’organisation djihadiste .

Le pays est désormais le laboratoire d’Al-Qaida, là où l’organisation djihadiste réfléchit à ses erreurs passées et essaie de réinventer son futur. Comment s’adapter, comment triompher ? Dans la province de Chabwa, celles d’Al-Baïda, de l’Hadramaout, ou encore à Lahij (à la sortie d’Aden), et jusqu’à Marib, dans le Nord, des éléments d’AQPA s’installent, tissent des relations avec les chefs de tribu. Plus l’Etat est absent, plus cela leur est facile. (registered only)

1.8.2017 – Consortium News (* B P T)

How US Policy Helps Al Qaeda in Yemen

President Trump – like President Obama – is working at cross purposes in supposedly fighting Al Qaeda in Yemen while helping Saudi Arabia kill Al Qaeda’s chief Yemeni enemies

All of which raises an embarrassing question: Why is the United States supporting AQAP’s main ally in Yemen, Saudi Arabia?

The publication’s sources further allege that “at least five Yemenis designated as terrorists by the U.S. Treasury have advised and coordinated Saudi operations in Yemen with allied forces on the ground.” One senior al-Qaeda supporter in Yemen, Nayif al-Qaysi, has been repeatedly interviewed in Saudi Arabia by fawning television stations. He served as governor of the Yemeni city of Bayda until late July.

Most bizarre of all, one notorious al-Qaeda fundraiser, who has lived in Saudi Arabia for nearly three years, turned up on a list of terrorists whom Saudi Arabia accused Qatar of harboring.

Suffering and chaos provide ideal breeding grounds for AQAP, which took control of a provincial capital and one of Yemen’s largest ports for many months. A special report last year by Reuters concludedthat “the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen, . . . backed by the United States, has helped Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to become stronger than at any time since it first emerged almost 20 years ago.”

AQAP has gained traction by taking advantage of growing local resentmenttoward U.S. and UAE counterterrorism operations that result in the murder or tortureof suspects. - By Jonathan Marshall

1.8.2017 – Critical Threats (* A T)

Yemen Security Brief

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula(AQAP) militants conducted multiple attacks on al Houthi-Saleh forces on several fronts in al Baydagovernorate in central Yemen. [2]

1.8.2017 – Terror Monitor (A T)

Organization Islamic state published pictures of clashes with the Huthis in the area of Dahra in the province of Al Bayda (photos) .

AlQaeda In The Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Claims Number Of Attacks On Houthis In AlBayda (image)

31.7.2017 – Almasdar News (A T)

In pictures: ISIS attacks Houthi forces in central Yemen

ISIS forces based in central Yemen have launched a deadly night raid against Houthi rebels, killing their fighters and seizing some of their military equipment.

According to reports, ISIS militants conducted their attack throughout the hours of absolute darkness in the al-Zahraa region of al-Bayda’ Province. During the raid Islamic State militants were able to capture one Houthi position, killing several fighters who were manning it, and then proceeded to loot weapons and ammunition from the site.

My comment: ISIS or Al Qaeda?

31.7.2017 – Critical Threats (* A K T)

Yemen Security Brief

Two reported U.S. airstrikes targeted al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants in Yemen on July 30 and 31. An airstrike killed five AQAP militants in al Jawba district in western Ma’ribgovernorate in central Yemen on July 31. An airstrike also targeted a local AQAP commander and multiple militants while they were traveling by car in Mudiyah district in northern Abyan governorate in southern Yemen on July 30, according to local sources. [3]

31.7.2017 – Terror Monitor (A T)

A Saudi national was killed in Yemen and is fighting in the ranks of al-Qaeda in the province of al-Bayda. (photo)

31.7.2017 – Al Arabiya (A T)

Senior al-Qaeda leader surrenders to Yemeni security forces

Khaled Abdelnabi, a prominent leader of Ansar al-Sharia, the local branch of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, voluntarily turned himself in to security forces in the Yafa’a district of the Lahij governorate.

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1b

1.8.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemeni Government Regrets UN Coordinator’s Silence towards Houthis’ Inhumane Actions

Yemeni government welcomed the efforts by UN and peace-brokering countries in elevating the struggles of Yemenis, but at the same time it regrets that the UN coordinator isn’t taking any measures against insurgents who steal and resell medications and treatments of Cholera.

Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Relief Abdul-Raqib Fateh stated that the legitimate government has welcomed all initiatives, including ones suggested during Switzerland and Kuwait talks.

In spite of that, the armed militias are the primary issue here, stated the minister.

Fateh said that cholera spreads widely in areas under armed militias’ control, while it is being controlled in government-ruled areas which is a positive indication.

The minister told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that militias are involved in stealing and reselling cholera treatments, and sadly the UN coordinator remains silent and doesn’t seem to be bothered by that or issue statements against the inhumane actions.

Fateh said he was relieved with the US ambassador in Yemen Mathew Tueller’s statements.

My comment: LOL.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

1.8.2017 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen

31 July 2017 (full list):

2.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression launches 14 airstrikes on Sa'ada province

2.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression launches two raids on Hodaidha, injures child

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes waged on Wednesday two air raids on al-Kadah area in al-Khukhah district in Hodaidha province.
The aggression warplanes targeted a house in the area. The house was completely destroyed.
A child was critically injured in the raids.

2.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

U.S.-Saudi warplanes launch 13 raids on Hajjah

1.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi airstrike hits Nehm

31.7.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

U.S.-Saudi warplanes launch 5 raids on Serwah

Aggression launches three raids on Serwah

1.8.2017 – Middle East Eye (* A K PS)

Yemen: Houthi leaders killed in airstrike

Houthi leaders were killed in Shabwa by a Saudi-led coalition airstrikes yesterday, the Gulf News reported.

The Houthi leaders were holding a meeting in a Civil Status Department in Bayhan town in Shabwa which the Saudi-led coalition bombed. The building was destroyed by the airstrikes and witnesses told Gulf News reporters that there were no survivors.

Ambulances rushed to the scene form the Bayhan’s main hospital. Houthi fighters blocked roads leading to the hospital and prevented hospital patients from leaving.

31.7.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi warplanes hit Saada province

31.7.2017 – Middle East Monitor (A K)

Saudi coalition kills 8 allied forces in Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition’s fighter jets accidently killed eight Yemeni government troops yesterday, RT Arabicreported.

and film

31.7.2017 – New News (A K PH)

Banned Weapon Takes the Life of a Yemeni Child in Saada

A child was killed on Monday due to a cluster bomb dropped by the warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition in Saada governorate, northern Yemen.

31.7.2017 – Almasirah TV (B K PH)

Film: Targeting the aggression of children and civilians in Saada during July (graphic)

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

2.8.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Two children killed by Houthi militants last 24 hours in Taiz

1.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Mercenaries target house, kill man, daughter

A man and his daughter were killed on Tuesday in Saudi-paid mercenaries bombing in al-Moton district in Jawf province.
The Saudi-paid mercenaries pounded the house of Saleh al-Hayek, killing al-Hayek and his daughter.
Al-Hayak's son was also injured in the mercenaries' bombing.

1.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi army kills civilian, injure another in Sa'ada

A civilians was shot dead on Tuesday by Saudi border guards in Munabah district in Sa'ada province.
The Saudi border guards also fired at borders, injuring another civilian in al-Raqw area in the district, a local official told Saba.
The official said that the Saudi army targeted the main road and citizens' farms in the district.

1.8.2017 – Yemen Press (A K PH)

The Strategy of Recovering Yemeni Land from Saudi Occupation Forces… A New Phase of Deterrence

The military operations carried out by the heroes of the Yemeni army and the popular committees in the depth of Saudi Arabia, comes within the framework of the strategy of recovering Yemeni territory, which was controlled by the formerly by Saudi regime.

After the deterrent operations carried out by the missile force in the border areas (Najran, Jizan and Asir) by firing ballistic missiles, targeting Khamis Mushayt and Aramco and other targets, this strategy was changed, targeting Riyadh and beyond after Riyadh ballistic missiles, Ground forces to hold the ground.

The escalation that the Yemeni army and the Popular Committees which was promised, has become more and more practical. After the ballistic missiles hit the Saudi depth on different levels and targets, the Yemeni fighters launched attacks on the southern front of the Kingdom.

Remark: The Saudi provinces of Najran, Jizan and Asir had been Yemeni territory, occupied by Saudi Arabia in the 1932 war, came under Saudi rule in the Taif treaty of 1934. – According to Saudi media, the operations failed:

1.8.2017 – Anadolu (A K PS)

Clashes in Yemen's Taiz leave 11 fighters dead

Three government forces and eight Houthi rebels were killed in clashes in Yemen’s southwestern Taiz province on Tuesday, according to a government commander.

Remark: Relying on Hadi government sources.

31.7.2017 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Houthi bombing kills two civilians ,wounds woman western Taiz

Two civilians were killed and a woman wounded on Monday by artillery shelling and gunfire of Houthi-Saleh militants in Jabal-Habashi and Mekbanah districts western the city of Taiz ,southeaster Yemen

31.7.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

Breaking: Saudi Arabia recognizes that 73 of its soldiers killed&26 arrested as Yemeni army took AlJavri campJaizan

referring to

Pro-Houthi / Pro-Saleh reports:

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

31.7.2017 – MbKS15 (A K P)

Upcoming airshows for the RSAF @SaudiHawks88 Aerobatic Team: Pakistan, Sanicole Airshow, Ostrava Airshow, & Malta International Airshow. (photos)

My comment: Killers invited to air shows – one in Pakistan, three in European Union (Belgium, Slovakia, Malta). Disgusting.

31.7.2017 – New York Times (* C P)

Persian Gulf Rivals Competed to Host Taliban, Leaked Emails Show In their long-running rivalry, the United Arab Emirates has often accused its neighbor Qatar of abetting Islamist militants, citing as one prime example the 2013 opening of a Taliban embassy in the Qatari capital, Doha.

Now it turns out that the Emiratis tried to get the Taliban to open an embassy in their own country instead. The Emirati ambassador to Washington, Yousef al-Otaiba, even received “an angry phone call” from the foreign minister at the time complaining that the Taliban had ended up in Qatar and not the U.A.E., according to leaked emails from the ambassador’s account.

The leaks are the latest salvo in a two-month-old feud among the Persian Gulf neighbors that has divided Washington’s allies in the fights against the Islamic State and Iran. - By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK

7.2017 – I hate Ceva at Pinterest

188 beautiful Yemen photos

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-329 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-329: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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