Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 334 - Yemen War Mosaic 334

Yemen Press Reader 334: Tragödie von Hunger und Cholera – Jemen-Krieg: Sehen wir nur zu? – Jemen im Juli – Finstere Aussichten am Golf – Cholera – Saudi Arabien: Belagerung von Awamiya – u. mehr

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The tragedy of hunger and cholera – Yemen war: a spectator sport? – Yemen in July – Dark Signs in the Persian Gulf – Cholera – Saudi Arabia: Awamiya siege – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp1b Schlepper werfen Flüchtlinge ins Meer / Traffickers drown refugees

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritnnien / Grest Britain

cp12 Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

11.8.2017 – CARE (** B H)

Yemen videos: The human tragedy of hunger and cholera

Every day, families in Yemen go hungry and thirsty; every hour, one person dies.

Please watch these short videos where mothers speak of the despair and heartbreak caused by the Yemen crisis.


11.8.2017 – Shireen Al-Adeimi (** B K P)

Shireen Al-Adeimi - Has The War In Yemen Become A Spectator Sport?

Shireen Al-Adeimi (@shireen818) was born in Aden, south Yemen. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The text below was copied from Shireen Al-Adeimi's Twitter thread published on August 11 2017.

Has the war in Yemen become a spectator sport?

My thread may be long, but I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read it.

The war on Yemen rages, yet, Yemenis' plight is STILL not receiving the attention it deserves - not from the media, nor from politicians. When Yemen's not totally ignored, facts are obscured because confronting our countries' active participation in destroying Yemen is inconvenient. While rich Arab states bombard Yemen with fancy (Western-purchased) weapons and hire mercenaries as ground troops, many are afraid to confront the Saudis and face financial consequences (e.g. the UN) or are themselves implicated and/or profiteering (e.g. the U.S./UK). So United Nations offers "concerns” and UK expresses its desire to "find a political solution" while they fill their pockets at the expense of Yemeni lives. And while citizens are often oblivious to their governments' crimes, many know about #Yemen but are not doing enough with this knowledge.

Has Yemen become a spectator sport? For two and a half years, Yemeni children’s dead or emaciated bodies have been splattered all across our screens. Some shed tears, others donate, few hold politicians accountable, but most just turn away. Is it helplessness or indifference? I can't tell. Yemenis are not knocking on Europe’s door because we are trapped by a land/air/sea blockade. Are we 'out of sight out of mind'? I can’t tell. Someone once told me Yemeni children are not ‘photogenic’ enough to draw emphatic responses. Is racism/discrimination at play? I can’t tell. Or are Yemeni wallets not heavy enough to purchase or at least demand international attention, condemnation, and action? I also can’t tell.

What I can tell is that the world is watching. They watch our kids die of curable diseases like cholera because they have no access clean water. They watch our children die of hunger in a time of immense global wealth because their parents can not afford what little food is available. They watch as our children, women and men are killed by U.S.-supported, Saudi airstrikes that target homes, schools, and hospitals alike. When people are asked to engage with elected officials (even by simply signing a petition like: Save Yemen) only a few engage. Even when we ask for our stories to be shared with wider audiences, we're ignored (I was told that readership on Yemen news is in the tens).

I and other Yemenis not only have our families in mind, but millions who ca not access the most basic of needs: safety, shelter, food, and water. I feel totally and utterly helpless. I struggle with sharing stories of dying Yemeni children when I know that no one will come to their rescue. I cry, from the depths of my soul, for a nation that suffers in silence all the while exemplifying the true meaning of faith and resistance. I mourn the children whose little bodies gave up fighting in the time it took you to read this thread. And I pray for Yemen. = =

9.8.2017 – Sanaa Center (** B H K P)

Yemen at the UN – July 2017 Review


In July, Yemen’s cholera epidemic became the largest ever recorded in one country in a single year, with the World Health Organization recording 430,000 suspected incidents and almost 2,000 associated deaths with the disease by month’s end. This comes following the UN declaring Yemen the world’s largest food security emergency earlier this year.

Pro-government forces seized the Khalid bin Walid military base from Houthi fighters and the allied forces of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Taiz governorate last month, resulting in the most significant battlefield success for the Yemeni government since its forces captured the port city of Mokha in January. Continuing rivalries and sporadic violence amongst armed groups supporting the government, however, continued to undermine security in areas nominally under government control, notably in Aden and areas of Taiz city.

The United Nation’s Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed briefed both the Security Council and later the Arab League regarding the situation in Yemen, highlighting the escalating violence and the continued targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure by all warring sides. The Special Envoy said he was “encouraging” belligerent parties to engage with his peace plan, though his ability to mediate negotiations remained in doubt with the Houthis leadership re-asserting its opposition to working with Ould Cheikh Ahmed, whom they view as biased.

In the United States, opposition to American support for the Saudi-led military coalition – which is intervening in the Yemeni war on behalf of the internationally recognized government of President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi – advanced markedly. A bipartisan effort that gained widespread support in the US House of Representatives saw three amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which, contingent on the bill passing in the Senate and receiving presidential approval, would end funding for US military support to the Saudi-led coalition.

In economic news, following the reactivation of the Central Bank of Yemen’s (CBY) international wire transfer capacities, the US Treasury unfroze Yemeni government funds worth as much as $850 million. Also in July, the government received more shipments of Yemeni rial banknotes from printers abroad to help address the cash liquidity crisis and pay the country’s public servants, many of whom have not received a salary since September 2016. Economic observers suggested that the CBY’s access to new foreign currency reserves should help it offset the downward pressure on the value of the rial that will result from the distribution of public sector salaries.

Banking sector sources also told the Sana’a Center that the World Bank and UNICEF are assisting Yemen’s Social Welfare Fund (SWF) to restart payments in August; before the current conflict the SWF paid monthly stipends to approximately 1.5 million of Yemen’s most economically vulnerable persons, though it last disbursed funds in 2015.

12.8.2017 – Lobelog (** B P)

Dark Signs in the Persian Gulf

The political and economic assault against Qatar by a Saudi-led coalition so far shows no signs of succeeding in bending Qatar to its will. More seriously, it raises ominous signals for the future of geopolitics in the Arabian Peninsula. That future may have less to do with Iran and more to do with a Saudi Arabia that is demonstrating a newfound aggressive drive towards hegemony in the Arabian Peninsula.

Saudi Arabia is now the de facto leader of a counter-revolutionary—one might even say counter-evolutionary—bloc dedicated to quashing any replay of the kind of tumultuous regime change we witnessed in the Arab Spring of 2011. In those events four autocratic regimes bit the dust—Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen—and Syria nearly so. Autocrats of course place top priority on retaining power.

More disturbing however, is that Saudi Arabia seems engaged in a long-term process of expanding its authority, and eventually its sovereign control across the Arabian Peninsula in fulfillment of a kind of Wahhabi “Manifest Destiny.” Saudi Arabia is the chief promoter of narrow and intolerant Wahhabi-Salafi interpretations of Islam from the UK to Indonesia to South Africa. Riyadh does not support terrorism as such, but bankrolls the schools and mosques from which ideological justification for terrorism almost invariably proceeds. Saudi territorial expansion of dominance in the Peninsula will only increase that problem.

Riyadh may trumpet Iran and Shi’ism as the chief threats in the Gulf. But smaller Gulf rulers now have increasing reason now to fear the Kingdom’s growing assertiveness under its new young Saudi king-to-be. This is a key reason why most Gulf states have always shown some reluctance to sign on to Saudi schemes for centralized military control in the Gulf, fearing erosion of their own sovereignty in the face of Saudi power.

The current crisis over Qatar now raises stakes in an unprecedented fashion for small Gulf monarchies.

Yemen is the most culturally distinct Arab state of all on the Peninsula—a vigorous but dirt-poor mountainous nation with no oil but with a vivid sense of its own distinct identity and ancient historical culture that creates a bulwark against all outside domination. Yemen will almost surely never be swallowed up in any future mega-state on the Peninsula. Saudi Arabian longstanding efforts to tame Yemen’s independence over half a century have come to naught. Even today Saudi Arabia’s brutal war against Yemen—this time in the name of deterring the “Iranian threat”—is in the process of destroying the country and its people through starvation and disease. But MbS’s policies represent a major political failure.

Only two things stand between Saudi expansionism and annexation of the small Gulf shaykhdoms. One would be the massive violation of international law before the court of world opinion that such annexation would represent. The other would be the interests of other large states in the region—Iraq, Iran and Turkey to block Saudi expansionism.

Just contemplate the name of a future post-monarchical state in today’s Saudi Arabia? Sa’ud is the name of the ruling family—the only country in the world to be named after its ruler. Will it eventually become the Islamic Republic of Arabia? What kind of policies will such a Wahhabi-driven state, armed and newly ambitious, extend across the Peninsula?

These thoughts are admittedly speculative. But events have been moving quickly in the region. Moves towards Saudi de facto hegemonic control of the Peninsula have become a whole lot more real. They make such speculations far more credible than other Gulf monarchs might ever want to admit – by Graham E. Fuller, former senior CIA official, author of numerous books on the Muslim World

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

12.8.2017 – WHO (* A H)

More than 494,000 suspected #cholera cases and 1966 associated deaths have been reported in 22 governorates and 298 districts in #Yemen (infographic)

12.8.2017 – Handelsblatt (** A H)

Jemen wird zum Brutkasten für Cholera

Nicht nur der Krieg wütet im Jemen, auch die Krankheit Cholera: Experten schätzen, dass jeder 120. Bürger an dem Brechdurchfall erkrankt sein könnte. UN-Helfer tun, was sie können. Aber ihre Möglichkeiten sind begrenzt.

UN-Manager Churi räumt ein, dass seine Behörde von der rapiden Ausbreitung überrascht war und die Gelegenheit verpasst hat, das Problem im frühen Stadium unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Wie sie hatten auch Regierungsstellen anfangs gedacht, dass der Ausbruch nach einer leichten Krankheitswelle ab Oktober 2016 bald vorbei sei. Aber die Krankheit kehrte Ende April mit voller Wucht zurück. Churi führt dies hauptsächlich auf das Versagen eines landesweiten Epidemie-Warnsystems zurück, das unter anderem dazu da sei, frühzeitig Fälle aufzuspüren.

Rima al-Jussefi, die Leiterin des Epidemie-Warnsystems, verteidigt indes ihre Behörde. Die Angestellten arbeiteten rund um die Uhr und ohne Entgelt, sagte sie. „Es gibt kein Budget (...) es fehlt an allen Ecken und Enden.“ Al-Jussefis Behörde ist nur eine von vielen im Jemen, die ohne internationale Hilfe kaum noch funktionsfähig sind. Obwohl die Vereinten Nationen die internationale Gemeinschaft um umgerechnet 1,8 Milliarden Euro an Hilfsmitteln gebeten haben, sind bisher lediglich 44 Prozent der nötigen Aufwendungen finanziell abgedeckt.

In der Stadt Kohlan al-Scharaf, nicht weit von Bani Haidan entfernt, dient eine Schule als provisorisches Gesundheitszentrum. Die benachbarten Einrichtungen sind überfüllt. Ärzte schildern, dass sie seit Monaten nicht bezahlt worden sind und einige den Schmuck ihrer Frauen verpfändet haben, um sauberes Wasser zu kaufen. Mitarbeiter der Gesundheitsbehörden haben sich in manchen Fällen Geld leihen müssen, um ihre Telefone aufzuladen.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

26.7.2017 – Washington Post (B H)

Film: Karen Attiah: Stop ignoring the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II.

While you're distracted by Trump news, the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II is getting worse. Here's something you can do about it.

13.8.2017 – Nadwa Dawsari (* B H K)

Alternatve road used by civilians coming in & out of Taiz (red-rugged) bcz of Houthi siege on city compared to road before war (blue-paved) (map)

It used to take about 45 min to get from south of Taiz city to Hawban district that connects with highway to Sanaa. Now it takes 8-9 hours

12.8.2017 – Sputnik News (* B K P)

Yemeni Politician: 'War Against Us Was Started by the US'

The former head of the political branch of the Yemeni Hizb al-Haqq (Party of Truth), Ahmed Ali al-Bahri, told Sputnik in an interview that since the outbreak of war in Yemen, the United States has supported the coalition led by Saudi Arabia with military supplies and intelligence.

Al-Bahri condemned the words of the US ambassador in Yemen, who recently said that Washington has no solution for the Yemeni crisis.

However, according to al-Bahri, “Saudi Arabia started the war in Yemen on the orders of the US because the kingdom does not take any action without a preliminary agreement with the US leadership.”

"If Washington wanted to end this crisis, it would exert the necessary pressure on all parties of the conflict. The statements of the US ambassador were made after the refusal of the Yemeni people to accept the initiative by Ould Cheikh Ahmed [UN special envoy to Yemen] because Yemenis felt that this initiative offends their self-esteem and may pose a threat to the stability of their country,” al-Bahri said.

The Yemenis also saw the initiative as implying justification to the actions of Saudi Arabia in Yemen and that completely distorts the true state of affairs, the politician noted.

In turn, Yemeni political analyst Mahmud al Tahir said that all the promises made by the UN regarding the settlement of the Yemeni crisis have not been realized.

“The statements of European politicians on the inadmissibility of a military solution to the conflict were aimed at a political game with Saudi Arabia, rather than resolving the crisis,” al-Tahir said.

According to the analyst, the recent statements by the US ambassador seem to signal that the situation in Yemen is now transferred completely into the hands of Saudi Arabia, which can now act as they want to.

“Saudi Arabia should understand that it is unprofitable for everyone to continue the war. Riyadh should seek to find ways of reconciliation, otherwise the Yemeni war will cause a real crisis in the region,” al Tahir concluded.

12.8.2017 – Total UAE (* A K P)

Yemen army will attack Hodeida if peace efforts fail — experts

The current diplomatic efforts by the UN envoy to Yemen is the last-ditch attempt to convince Iran-backed Al Houthi rebels to leave the western city of Hodeida or face a military operation, military and political experts said.

“If these efforts reached a deadlock and Al Houthi militias did not agree to pull out of Hodeida, we are ready to escalate our military pressure until we recapture it,” Brigadier General Abdo Abdullah Majili, a Yemeni army spokesperson, told Gulf News.

The UN envoy to Yemen, Esmail Ould Shaikh Ahmad, has recently shuttled between regional capitals to garner support for his recent proposals on Hodeida that were rejected by Al Houthi rebels and their ally ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Majili said that the Yemeni army is making major advances along the western coast of the country and Al Houthis are in retreat. “We have completely defused thousands of landmines planted by Al Houthis in Khalid Bin Waleed camp as army troops move eastward,” Majili said, adding that the army is still waiting for a presidential order to accelerate military operations on the Red Sea coasts and this order might not come before the end of the recent push for peace by UN envoy.

In Aden, a top army general ruled out any military operation to recapture Hodeida in the foreseeable future as the international community is determined to defuse tension over the city peacefully. “Hodeida issue is now in the hands of the international community and powerful countries. The outcome of discussions between those countries will decide who will rule Hodeida,” the army general told Gulf News on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to brief reporters.

My comment: Blackmailing the UN envoy and the Houthis, and propaganda preparation of a military attack at Hodeida (which will be horrific and will have horrific consequences9.

12.8.2017 – Mark Curtis (* B P)

I just counted the number of #BBC online articles since 1 August: #Venezuela 35, #Yemen war 2.

The number of #BBC online articles since 1 August on opposition protest/uprising against regime: #Venezuela 35, #Bahrain 0

60% of the UK public 'regularly get' their news from BBC (yougov), clearly not realising it's the British state propaganda service

My comment: This would be similar regarding other mainstream media – and not only in the UK, but in ALL western countries. And look also at this:

12.4.2017 – Merlin Norbury (* B P)

Film: @jimmy_dore explains how the 'corporate news' & MSM focuses our attention; direct us to think about certain issues whilst ignoring others:

11.8.2017 – Lilysei (* B K)
This is what is left of Sada'a after 2 years of saudi coalition war

12.8.2017 – Bernama (* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis Deny Accusation Of Weapons Smuggling Through Sanaa Airport

Yemen's Shiite Houthi rebel group denied accusations by a Saudi-led coalition of smuggling weapons through Sanaa airport, ensuring the airport's safety and security management to receive all inbound flights, China's Xinhua news agency reported.
The Houthis said the accusation is "baseless," and it is also baseless that the coalition concerns the "security and safety management of the civic air navigation by Sanaa airport," according to the Houthi-controlled Saba news agency.
"The Yemeni staff running the airport is of high quality and has been receiving UN inbound flights without any problem since the airport was forced to close by the coalition forces one year ago," Houthis said.
"And even before the closure of the airport, all going and coming flights were forced for inspection by the coalition forces inside the Saudi territories," they said in the statement.

Remark: For the problem of Sanaa airport and the claim to reopen it, look at YPR 333, cp1 and cp2.

And look at the twisted arguments of the Saudi side:

11.8.2017 – Bernama (* A K P)

Saudi-led Coalition Admits Banning Commercial Flights From And to Sanaa Airport

Saudi-led coalition that fights Houthi militias in Yemen admitted on Thursday banning commercial flights from and to Sanaa International Airport, China's Xinhua news agency reported the Saudi Press Agency as saying.
"Closing Sanaa airport and limiting it to relief efforts came as a precaution to ensure the safety of all inbound commercial and cargo flights, due to the Houthi attempts to smuggle arms into the country," Official Spokesman of the coalition, Col. Turki Al-Malki, said.

He responded to the statement by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen regarding banning commercial flights from and to the airport, highlighting efforts to ensure the safe arrival of all commercial, cargo and relief flights to all Yemeni airports.
He said airports in liberated, and safe cities have been assigned as alternatives for commercial flights at the request of the Yemeni government. Thus, these precautionary measures should not be stigmatised as the cause of suffering for Yemeni people. and a film by Press TV Iran on this subject:

My comment: That is the Saudi coalition which always bombed Sanaa airport and which therefore is responsible for any insecurity there. – And for the people from the north who must leave the country to get medical help abroad (and to return) traveling to an open and operating airport (Aden) in times of war simply is impossible. Thus the Saudi arguments are nonsense propaganda. – Other Yemeni airports [under Emirati control] are closed, too.

11.8.2017 – Haykal Bafana (A P)

Strange news. 2 Islah party leaders call for reconciliation with Houthis & Ali Abdullah Saleh. Houthis welcome it. (images)

Bizarre development, if true. It's the first time this has happened in #Yemen's war so far (text in image, Arabic)

9.8.2017 – Alternet (* B K P)

War Crimes: Saudi Arabia Should Pay the Penalty for Catastrophe in Yemen

Yemen is at the brink of cholera and famine driven mass death.

Meanwhile, the U.N. Security Council has been mute on the medieval siege that has throttled the lives of the Yemeni people. The U.N. has passed several Security Council resolutions, but none of these have condemned Saudi Arabia for its war and embargo, for essentially sending Yemen into genocide. Only in June 2017 did the president of the Security Council—Bolivia’s Ambassador Sacha Sergio Llorentty Solíz—encourage the installation of the cranes at Hudayadah port (bombed by the Saudis) and the reopening of Sana’a International Airport. There was no mention that the embargo against Yemen’s people is a violation of the free movement of people (article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

In January 2016, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said of the condition in Syria, ‘The use of starvation as a weapon of war is a war crime.’ No such statement has been made against Saudi Arabia’s siege.

The U.N.’s Yemen humanitarian coordinator, Jamie McGoldrick, said recently that he is in touch with the Saudi government and its Yemeni allies. He has personally asked the Saudis to allow the airport to open to full capacity

In March, Ambassador Michele Sison, the U.S. Deputy Representative to the United Nations, who is a career State Department officer, pointed directly to the war and the siege as the reasons for the civilian deaths and the impending cholera as well as famine.

It is unlikely that the U.S. will stop its active support for the Saudi war. Paranoia about Iran’s role in Yemen stills the hand of the Trump administration. It has been suffocated by its one-dimensional view of Iran. A dramatic operation by Saudi and UAE-backed Yemeni forces against al-Qaeda strongholds in Yemen’s Hadhramaut region this week gives the war a new lease on life. It is as if the Saudi-backed forces are fighting not only al-Qaeda in Yemen, but also Iran. Trump—who strangely believes that Iran and al-Qaeda are on the same side—must view this with pleasure. Reality is far from his assessment. Saudi Arabia will get off scot-free. The monstrous anger of the guns will not cease – by Vijay Prashad =

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

13.8.2017 – Adel Hashem, Human Needs Development (B H)

If nothing is done by the world and its UN to alleviate Yemen’s water crisis, and especially if war continues to degrade infrastructure and make repairs impossible, Yemen is a strong candidate for the world’s first major climate refugee crisis and will be the acutest humanitarian crisis in the ancient and modern histories.
Between cholera outbreak, famine, other preventable diseases' spreading, climate change, and the indifference of the world, the land known as "Happy Yemen" is well on its way to becoming ungovernable, if not uninhabitable (photos) =

13.8.2017 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (* A H)

Yemen Humanitarian Bulletin Issue 26 | 14 August 2017


• Over 494,000 suspected cholera cases and 1,966 deaths were reported in under four months.

• Two million Yemenis are displaced; one million have returned to their homes.

• In two separate incidents, 280 migrants were forced off boats near the Yemeni coast, killing scores of them.

• An airstrike in Sa’ada killed 12 people, including women and children, on 4 August.

Cholera crisis far from over

Over 494,000 suspected cases and 1,966 deaths in less than four months

The cholera outbreak in Yemen has claimed some 1,966 lives in less than four months and more than 5,000 people are falling ill every day with symptoms of acute watery diarrhoea/cholera. All governorates have been affected, except Socotra. Children and the elderly are the hardest hit: more than 41 per cent of the suspected cases since 27 April and a quarter of the deaths are children, while people over 60 represent 30 per cent of fatalities.

The outbreak is man-made; more than two years of conflict have severely degraded sanitation systems, health services and other public institutions. More than half of all health facilities have closed or are only partially functional, leaving 14.8 million people without adequate access to healthcare. Some 15.7 million people can no longer access clean water and sanitation because infrastructure is disrupted or damaged. Thirty thousand health workers have been paid erratically or not at all for almost a year, which has greatly affected services through absenteeism and reduced commitment.

The outbreak is currently the worst in the world. It has significantly worsened what was already one of the world’s largest humanitarian crisis: more than 60 per cent of the population are facing the threat of food insecurity, seven million people are severely food insecure and two million children are acutely malnourished. Malnourished children, pregnant women and people living with other chronic health conditions are at greater risk of death as they face the “triple threat” of conflict, famine and cholera. and in full:

13.8.2017 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (* A H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Response Plan 2017 Revision (August 2017)

The 2017 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) released in February 2017 sought US$2.1 billion to reach 12 million people with life-saving and protection services across the country. The strategic focus of the YHRP revolved around the following strategic objectives:

Provide life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable people in Yemen through an effective, targeted response.

Ensure that all assistance promotes the protection, safety and dignity of affected people, and is provided equitably to men, women, boys and girls.

Support and preserve services and institutions essential to immediate humanitarian action and the promotion of livelihoods and resilience.

Deliver a principled and coordinated humanitarian response that is accountable to and advocates effectively for the most vulnerable people in Yemen.

The scope of the revised 2017 YHRP: reflecting the findings of the Periodic Monitoring Review and the requirements of the integrated cholera response plan

Following a comprehensive Periodic Monitoring Review (PMR) exercise in June 2017, the Yemen Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) agreed to revise the 2017 YHRP based on available new information and performance against 2017 YHRP targets as well as new activities and requirements stemming from the integrated cholera response plan.

In reviewing the YHRP, the HCT confirmed that the original planning scenario (see 2017 YHRP, p. 10) still applies to the current situation. and in full

11.8.2017 – Health Mobilisation (* B H)

Film: Yemen, the forgotten crisis

8.2017 – Andrew Smith, CAAC (* B H)

Film: 80% of #Yemen families live under poverty line

12.8.2017 – Deutschlandfunk (A H)

Hilfsorganisation spricht von Untergangsszenarien

Die Lage der Bevölkerung im Jemen ist nach Einschätzung von Care International dramatisch.

Die Menschen litten Hunger, etwa drei Millionen seien vertrieben worden und befänden sich nun im Land auf der Flucht, sagte der Generalsekretär der Hilfsorganisation, Jamann, im Deutschlandfunk. Dazu komme die schwere Cholera-Epidemie, die außer Kontrolle zu geraten drohe. Jamann betonte, man stehe tatsächlich vor Untergangsszenarien im Jemen. Wegen der Kämpfe und der Bombardierungen sei die Versorgung komplett zusammengebrochen. Auch die Mitarbeiter der Hilfsorganisationen könnten sich nicht sicher fühlen. Sie versuchten, die Menschen mit sauberem Wasser und Nahrungsmitteln zu versorgen. Das werde durch Blockaden aber oft verhindert.

Jamann erklärte, den am Konflikt beteiligten Kräften fehle der politische Wille, die Kämpfe zu beenden. Die internationale Gemeinschaft habe den Jemen zwar nicht völlig vergessen. Aber die Ursache werde nicht angegangen und die Hilfen seien nicht ausreichend. Die Vereinten Nationen haben nach eigenen Angaben im Februar um 4,9 Millionen Dollar für Hilfen gebeten. Etwa die Hälfte davon ist demnach bislang eingegangen. Laut UNO sind im Jemen und sieben Millionen Menschen von einer Hungersnot bedroht. 70 Prozent der Bevölkerung benötigen Hilfe. und das vollständige Interview:

11.8.2017 – Aljazeera (* A H)

Yemen's blood bank faces threat of closure within days

War-torn country may be hit by new humanitarian disaster as depleted blood bank treats some 3,000 Yemenis a month.

"We appeal to all humanitarian organisations in the international community and all financial donors to support the centre, as our medical supplies have nearly run out," said Hakimi.

An MSF spokeswoman said the charity had handed over its support for the blood bank to the World Health Organization.

"We will only be able to work for one more week, and after that, if the humanitarian organisations don't mobilise to support the national centre, it will shut down."

The blood bank says it treats some 3,000 Yemenis a month who suffer from cancer, kidney failure, and thalassaemia, an inherited blood disorder that causes severe anaemia.

But a trifecta of war, disease, and famine has left the bank struggling to keep up with spiralling demand, with basic supplies all but impossible to secure in a country locked in by port and airport blockades.

"We've been impacted by the overall situation in Yemen, including the economic collapse," Hakimi said.

Amina Ali, whose young son has a condition that requires blood transfusions, makes the trip to the centre regularly for blood and platelets.

Now, she says, she fears those trips are numbered.

"I order blood and platelets for my son every 10 days from the centre," she told AFP news agency.

"What if it shuts down? Many children will get worse, including my son."

and also

12.8.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A H)

Film: Yemen says national blood bank to be closed within days

A senior Yemeni official says Yemen’s national blood bank is on the verge of closure as the Saudi blockade of the country persists.

Remark: Earlier reporting: YPR 332, cp1.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

13.8.2017 – Suhf Net (A P)

Mothers kidnapped in Hodeida denounce the preparation of the Houthis to try the comic of their kidnapped sons

The Association of the Mothers of the abducted in Hodeidah province Wednesday morning in front of the building of the southern court in the province, a protest in which the Houthi and Saleh armed group to prepare for the trial of their kidnapped children, without notice to their parents the date of the trial and arranged by theHouthis in secret closed and complete.

The mothers 'statement condemned the Huthis' persistence in the issue of the abductees. They not only hid their abducted children, deprived their families of their visits, and prevented food and drink. They also extracted confessions under psychological and physical torture to confess to the charges they did not commit and to sign them.

13.8.2017 – Suhf Net (A P)

An officer and a soldier were killed and seven others were injured when a grenade exploded in the Al-Mashna district in Ibb

13.8.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K P)

Yemen President Samad attended 2day graduation of new fighters in Taiz central after the same thing in Saada north, against invaders. (photos)

12.8.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K P)

Photos: YemenPresident Samad attended today a graduation of trained snipers who are heading to south Saudi Arabia.

12.8.2017 – Hisham Al-Omeisy / Omar Al Yemeni (A P)

Armed goons backed by corrupt officials are forcefully taking real estate properties in Sana'a. They just showed up at my door.

That's crazy I have heard houthis buying up villas at double the prices in cash now they are blatantly stealing,not shoot sign

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

13.8.2017 – Reuters (* A P)

Yemen central bank complains to Saudi-led coalition about cash deliveries

Yemen's central bank has complained to its allies in a Saudi-led military coalition about a lack of cash deliveries needed to pay salaries, in a sign of the government's struggle to keep the war-torn country's economy afloat.

There are two opposing central banks in Yemen - an internationally recognised one in the southern city of Aden and another in the capital Sanaa in territory run by the government's foes in the armed Houthi movement.

Both suffer from depleted reserves but play a key role in mitigating widespread famine and disease, after two years of fighting, by paying some public sector salaries.

But the Aden bank said in a statement late on Saturday that the Saudi-led coalition had not given landing permits for air shipments of cash 13 times for unknown reasons - in a rare airing of a grievance by the government to its main backer.

"The (bank) faces extreme difficulties ... because of the hindrance in delivering these funds by air to Aden airport by the coalition for unknown reasons," the bank said.

"This creates dangerous strangulation for the Yemeni economy in providing liquidity for the crisis," it added. It did not say which currency the deliveries would be.

Comment: They moved the Central Bank from Sanaa to Aden making promises and claiming salaries would be paid on time.
Now they are in the hands of the Saudi led Coalition who has not given landing permits for air shipments of cash 13 times for unknown reasons..
This is a rare airing of a grievance by the government to its main backer.

Comment by Soraya Tebbani: KSA is saying that if Yemeni people don't have salaries and are starving it's UAE fault BOTH PLAYING A SICK GAME ! DISGUSTING AND PATHETIC !


12.8.2017 – Alomanaa Net (* A P)

In an important explanatory statement .. The Central Bank of Yemen reveals who is hindering the performance of his duties

The Council has faced the severe difficulties facing the transport and supply arrangements due to the obstruction of landing the funds by air to Aden International Airport by the coalition cell for unknown reasons since April 2017 and for 13 trips were canceled permits to Aden and supply to the warehouse The Central Bank without justification or clear explanation and the failure of the supervisory committee to achieve the results of its decisions in this area.

The Council expressed its deep surprise and dismay at these obstacles, especially as it hinders the Central Bank of Yemen from carrying out its functions and legal duties in providing the appropriate and appropriate liquidity for the Yemeni economy in accordance with the Central Bank of Yemen Law No. 14 of 2000,

These artificial obstacles harm the reputation of the Central Bank of Yemen and its executive management. The leadership of the bank shows that it is failing in the performance of its tasks and deprives large sectors of the administrative staff of the state of receipt of salaries and causes the Yemeni economy serious bottlenecks in providing the necessary liquidity and receiving negative repercussions on the banking system and the Yemeni economy in general .

In view of this situation, the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Yemen decided to continue to communicate with the Arab Alliance and the regional and international community in order to enhance the independence of the Central Bank of Yemen and respect its performance for its legal functions and to take into account the independence and sovereignty of this institution on the Yemeni level. And the sovereignty of Yemen.

13.8.2017 – Alomanaa Net (* A H)

An urgent humanitarian appeal to save the lives of Aden satellite channel cadres

How cruel and painful the suffering of beloved colleagues of the media cadres of the finest and finest of the creators of the Radio and Television Aden and their suffering and deterioration of their health conditions under their difficult and harsh conditions and their inability to meet the costs and expenses and the requirements of physical treatment and high and worsened conditions under the silence and neglect and negligence and ignorance and denial and I have been suffering from them and trying to help them. I have suffered so much for their suffering and have continued with them to reassure them about their health. I have learned how deep and painful they are in their hearts and in order to provide them with a sense of appreciation and gratitude for the years of fellowship. For the friendly friendship that accompanied us and promised them to contact the officials to inform them of their suffering and appeal to the speed of intervention and to fulfill their duties and to provide assistance and care to save the lives of colleagues and the speed of taking measures to ensure their travel abroad for treatment at the expense of the state and in fairness to the truth My brother and colleague and friend, Hussein Omar Salim, Who interacted and responded positively to me for the moment of my contact and promised to visit them to their homes to be reassured about their health and knowledge of their needs and asked me to inform them the number of personal phone and give them their numbers and addresses of their residence and then follow the travel procedures for Therapy
(Pictures of colleagues with heart disease and brain clots): 8 names, photos

My comment: This is Hadi’s “liberated” capital city’s “paradise”.

12.8.2017 – Alomanaa Net (A P)

The Shabanese elite issues a circular banning African migrants from riding cars

The Shaban elite forces issued a circular on Saturday morning to their military posts banning the passage of African migrants from the Horn of Africa in cars passing by points starting on Saturday.

The Shaban elite forces demanded that citizens abide by military orders.

Comment by Haykal Bafana: Now, the true news starts to dribble out about why African refugees are being dumped at sea off Shabwah, #Yemen

reminds also

25.11.2015 – Haykal Bafana (B K P)

#Saudi Arabia's latest desperate move in #Yemen: Financing ad-hoc recruitment of arriving African refugees to fight Saleh/Houthi forces.

12.8.2017 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Saudi-appointed leadership of Aden( prime minister Daghr,&governor Maflahi) were forced 2day2leave4Saudi Arabia. UAE leadership takes over

The Saudi-appointed governor of Aden Maflahi left Aden today after, he said, had survived 4 assassination attempts.

Maflahi left Aden2day after being barred from taking office by UAE-appointed governor who does not recognize legitimacy of Saudi puppet Hadi


13.8.2017 – Alomanaa Net (A P)

Sources for Alomanaa: President Hadi will return to the capital Aden with the governor Muflihi

Alomanaa learned that President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi will return in the next few days to the capital Aden from the Saudi capital Riyadh with a number of the most prominent leaders of the legitimacy currently in Riyadh.

The sources pointed out that the governor of the capital Aden Abdul Aziz al-Muflihi will return with President Hadi and some officials.

The sources revealed in the context of her own statement to the "secretaries" that President Hadi will return to the capital Aden accompanied by the governor of Muflihi to end the controversy that was raised on Saturday after the departure of Muflih governor and Prime Minister d.Ahmed Obaid bin Dajar, capital of Aden, heading towards the Saudi capital Riyadh.

12.8.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A T)

Yemen: Security Services Arrest Terror Rings in Shabwa, Hadhramaut

Yemen’s interior ministry announced on Friday foiling a number of plots targeting several liberated cities.

Most of the attacks were aimed at undermining the internationally-recognized government’s interests.

Terror rings were arrested in each of Shabwa, Hadhramaut and the interim capital Aden, said interior minister Major General Hussein Arab.

Such plotting is believed to be spurred by vengeance against the constitutionally elected government, which recently announced holding the first parliamentary session after securing necessary quorum and representation for all national blocs.

Some of the terrorist cells were found affiliated with Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and others supported by coup-run Sana’a.

In his interview with Asharq al-Awsat as Maj. Gen. Hussein Arab said some of these groups receive direct support from Tehran.

He also said that these rings are involved with smuggling of drugs to a number of neighboring countries, and ransom-driven kidnaps.

The Yemeni interior minister also pointed out that “great cooperation runs between the pro-government forces and the Saudi-led Arab coalition,” and said that it played a great role in arresting those terror groups. and also

My comment: Until short time ago, AQAP had been given the opportunity to retreat. – Support of terror cells by the Sanaa government and by Iran: Attention, this sounds like propaganda. Shabwa and Hadramaut is AQAP / IS country.

12.8.2017 – Suhf Net (A P)

Comedian «Anbar» is a clear evidence of the fate of hundreds of prisons in the United Arab Emirates

The well-known actor Nasser al-Anbari has been under enforced disappearance for more than two months after an unknown security force stormed his home in the technical district of Mansoura district in the center of the southern city of Aden.
Al-Anbari is an artist who has a distinguished artistic and social presence. He has several poetic works about the deterioration of service waste in the governorate of Aden, before his memory is lost in the middle of a prison that does not know his place.
On the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, a security force reinforced with armored vehicles stormed his home in al-Tania and his family said he was taken to an unknown destination until today.
His family said that they knocked the doors of all the official prisons in Aden and culminated in a question for security officials, but all parties were confirming that they do not know his location.
Two years later, Aden was freed from the grip of pro-Houthi forces and Saleh has a number of secret prisons where hundreds are arrested without charge.
On the backdrop of these arrests, citizens demand that the security forces in Aden comply with the law and order. The arrests should be ordered by the Public Prosecution and in a manner that ensures the sanctity of the houses and the place of detention should be known to the family of the detainee and his family. Of law and order.

11.8.2017 – Suhf Net (A P)

The Yemeni government warns Al Jazeera and its activities in the liberated provinces

"The government informed the channel's office in Yemen that most of its recent reports from Yemen have begun to take a different approach to serve the channel's professionalism in dealing with the humanitarian and military situation," the source said.

My comment: Yes, Aljazeera became more critical to the Saudi coalition now. And the Hadi government only accepts pro-Saudi / pro Hadi “reporting” (propaganda).

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

12.8.2017 – Pars Today (* A P)

Iran hofft auf Kriegsende im Jemen

Bei einem Treffen mit dem UN-Vertreter für Jemen, Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed, unterstrich Irans Vizeaußenminister, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, dass die Bestrebungen der UNO zur Lösung der Krise im Jemen in erster Linie auf einer vollkommen unparteiischen Position der UNO beruht, damit ein gegenseitiges Vertrauen zwischen beiden Konfliktseiten hergestellt wird.

Der stellvertretende iranische Außenminister für Afrika und den arabischen Raum hat heute nach dem Treffen mit dem UN-Vertreter für Jemen die Gespräche als "produktiv" bezeichnet und die Bemühungen des UN-Vertreters gelobt.

12.8.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A P)

UN envoy for Yemen arrives in Iranian capital to discuss Yemeni conflict

The United Nations (UN)’s Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed has arrived in the Iranian capital, Tehran, to discuss the Yemeni conflict with Iranian officials, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Cheikh Ahmed arrived in Tehran on Saturday and would meet Minister Zarif and other officials, including Zarif’s deputy for Arab and African affairs, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, later in the day, according to ISNA.

This is Cheikh Ahmed’s second visit to Iran.

12.8.2017 – Tasnim News (A P)

Iran’s FM, UN Envoy Stress Need for End to Yemen Human Catastrophe

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed called for steps to bring the human tragedy in the Arabian Peninsula country to an end.

In a meeting in Tehran on Saturday, Zarif and the UN envoy discussed the latest developments in Yemen.

The two highlighted the need for an end to the ongoing human catastrophe in Yemen and called for efforts to find comprehensive political solutions for the country’s crisis.

12.8.2017 – Fars News (* A P)

Deputy FM: Iran Supports UN Efforts to Settle Crisis in Yemen Rapidly

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Jaberi Ansari announced that his country supports the UN efforts for the rapid settlement of the Saudi-led crisis, war and siege on Yemen.

"We support the UN efforts for resolving the crisis in Yemen more rapidly and coming out of the current situation in general," Jaberi Ansari told reporters after a meeting with UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Walad Sheikh Ahmed in Tehran on Saturday.

He called for UN impartiality and efforts to create trust between the two sides of the war in Yemen, and expressed the hope that the devastating war and siege on the poor Arab country would end as soon as possible and the ground would be paved for direct serious talks and move towards the political settlement of the crisis using the Yemeni nation's votes.

12.8.2017 – IFP News (* A P)

Iran Urges UN to Remain Neutral in Yemen Crisis

In a Saturday meeting in Tehran, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari held talks with UN envoy on Yemen affairs Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

Following the meeting, the Iranian official described his negotiations with the UN representative as good and constructive.

He said the UN envoy seeks to actively pursue a political settlement in Yemen, according to a Farsi report by Fars News Agency.

He added Cheikh Ahmed’s visit to Iran is within the framework of his trips to countries in order to win support for the responsibility he is tasked with at the moment.

Jaberi Ansari reiterated that Tehran backs the UN’s efforts to resolve the Yemen crisis and get out of the current situation as soon as possible.

He said Iran believes efforts will bear fruit only if the UN remains fully neutral in line with its international mission and try to build confidence between the warring sides.

He expressed hope with the initiative and practical plans that the UN will pursue, efforts will be made to lift the blockade on Yemeni people as soon as possible and end the aggression against the Arab country.

He also hoped that attempts will lead to direct talks between the warring sides, the crisis will be settled politically and the Yemeni people’s votes will be used as a yardstick in a bid to get out of the current situation.

He added that the Yemeni envoy has asked Iran to contribute to the current efforts in Yemen.

My comment: Ould Sheikh’s visit to Iran is quite important, and it is totally neglected by Western and pro-Saudi Arab media.

12.8.2017 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Houthis Hamper Chinese Mediation to Hold Talks with Ould Cheikh

Houthis rejected Beijing’s efforts to resume talks with UN special envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmad, Yemeni officials revealed on Friday.

“The efforts launched by some world powers to restart talks between Houthis and Ould Chiekh are currently facing some challenges. We are waiting that those efforts bear fruits ahead of completing all the elements of a solution,” Rajeh Badi, Yemeni government spokesman told Asharq Al-Awsat Friday in a telephone interview.

For his part, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdel-Malak Al-Mekhlafi told Asharq Al-Awsat that Chinese ambassador to Yemen Tian Chi exerted efforts to plan meetings between Ould Cheikh and Houthis. However, he said, those efforts were lately disrupted by the militants, who rejected the Chinese mediation.

My comment: of course, anti-Houthi bias. The Houthi / Saleh side rejects Ould Cheikh as mediator.

12.8.2017 – Suhf Net (A P)

The UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said there is no stalemate in the political efforts of the United Nations, pointing to the nullification of accusations by the Houthis of bias, and that he offers a neutral solution to try to get out of the Yemeni crisis.
The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations revealed that he is trying to convince a delegation of Houthis and the Congress Party to get out of
Sanaa by United Nations aircraft to an agreed place that may be Geneva or Muscat in the initial stage.
"There are those who want to disrupt the political solution to serve his personal goals and prolong the Yemeni crisis," he said in an interview with Saudi daily Al-Riyadh.
He called on the "couriers and the legitimate government to make a number of concessions to get out of the crisis, noting that
the Arab alliance does not want to resolve the crisis militarily, fearing losses and dire consequences for the Yemeni people.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

11.8.2017 – The Independent (* A P)

Saudi Arabia: 14 men facing 'imminent' beheading, highlighting sectarian divisions

The activists had taken to the streets as part of the Arab Spring protests

13.8.2017 – Human Rights Watch (** A P)

Saudi Arabia: Security Forces Seal Off Eastern Town

Awamiya Residents Caught in Crossfire, Lack Essential Services

Saudi security forces have surrounded and sealed off the predominantly Shia town of Awamiya in July 2017 as they confronted an armed group hiding in a historic neighborhood slated for demolition, Human Rights Watch said today.

The violence in the Eastern province, which began in May, has resulted in deaths and injuries among the residents, local activists said, and caused significant damage to the town, based on an assessment of satellite imagery. Residents and activists say that most residents have fled Awamiya, and those who remain lack essential services such as medical care. The town remains sealed off.

Saudi Arabia announced plans to demolish and redevelop the al-Musawara neighborhood of Awamiya, Qatif governorate, in 2016, citing health and safety reasons. Demolition began on May 10, after al-Musawara residents were evacuated, but met with armed resistance. Awamiya residents told Human Rights Watch that security forces have fired into populated areas far from al-Musawara, killing residents, occupied a public school, closed clinics and pharmacies, and prevented essential services such as ambulances from reaching the area.

Security forces engaged in shoot-outs with an unknown number of armed men inside al-Musawara, and on July 26 brought in additional armored vehicles and sealed the town’s entrances and exits, residents and activists said.

Awamiya has a longstanding reputation of opposition to Saudi rule and has been the site of protests about government discrimination against Saudi Shia.

Human Rights Watch analyzed satellite imagery that shows extensive damage to the neighborhood and the town’s main commercial street bordering it. While much of the damage is due to the demolition, the images also show buildings and areas damaged by the violence.

Saudi activists said the violence has killed more than a dozen people, both Saudis and foreigners, in addition to at least five armed militants. A Saudi Interior Ministry official told Reuters that eight members of the police and four members of the special forces had been killed. The Saudi authorities have not released information on resident casualties. Reuters reported that a 3-year-old boy died on August 9 from injuries suffered when an armored vehicle fired on his family’s car in June.

Local residents said that people have been fired at and injured in areas such as al-Shukrallah, al-Jumaymah, and al-Rif neighborhoods, which are west of security forces who are stationed between these neighborhoods and al-Musawara to the east. The residents said they had not seen any armed militants in these areas.

The five Awamiya residents and three activists close to the situation said that a majority of the town’s inhabitants fled after security forces escalated the situation on July 26. They said that most fled between July 27 and 28 when the town’s electricity was cut off for more than 24 hours, leaving people exposed to temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit) without air conditioning. Residents and activists said that the electricity grid had been damaged by gunfire, but did not know who was responsible.

The residents said that security forces closed all of Awamiya’s clinics and pharmacies in May, which they believed was to ensure that militants could not seek medical treatment. Since July 26, they said, security forces had not allowed emergency services to reach the wounded or taken steps to provide humanitarian assistance to people who remain there, though all the shops in the area were closed.

They also said that security forces had occupied a boys’ secondary school

12.8.2017 ff – Various (A P)

Awamiya siege in social media (look at YPR 333, cp8)

14.8.2017 – Saudi Gazette (A E P)

Cost of living to go up by 5%

Decks cleared for VAT implementation from Jan. 1

As per GAZT guideline based on unified GCC agreement, VAT will be imposed on all goods and services at the rate of 5 percent of the cost of good or service sold.

4.12.2016 – Middle East Eye (A P)

Saudi journalist banned from media after criticising Trump

Jamal Khashoggi’s weekly column in Al Hayat newspaper was not published this week, after appearing every Saturday for almost 5 years


13.8.2017 – Haykal Bafana (A P)

Anti-Trump #Saudi journalist @jkhashoogi, banned since Nov 2016 (when Trump was elected, is now kosher again in Riyadh. By order, MBS.

cp9 USA

12.8.2017 – Aljazeera (* A P)

How a case against Israel officials helped Saudi Arabia

'False alarm' war crime case was used by lobbyists to try and influence US politicians into revoking law Riyadh opposed.

A US lawyer with ties to Saudi Arabia filed a "false alarm" lawsuit against senior Israeli and Trump administration officials, which helped the country's lobbying efforts against legislation that allows US citizens to sue Riyadh over the September 11 attacks.

Al Jazeera has discovered that Martin McMahon, who filed the complaint in February at a district court, has connections to Saudi Arabia dating back to at least 2003.

The lawsuit alleges the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former foreign minister Tzipi Livni, the Trump administration's ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and the Kushner Family Foundation, the charity of Trump's son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner all committed or financed war crimes in violation of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA).

JASTA is an amendment to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) that limited foreign states' immunity to lawsuits brought by US citizens in relation to support for "acts of terrorism". It became law in September 2016 after a veto from then-president Obama was overridden by US Congress.

The complaint against Israeli and Trump-related officials was then used by Saudi lobbyists to show members of Congress how a key ally could be put at risk by JASTA, according to Brian McGlinchey, editor of – by Creede Newton

11.8.2017 – The Intercept (* B P)


“Enrichment is not important,” the ex-Israeli official continued. “What Israel needs to see from Iran is a sweeping attitude change.” The veteran Israeli decision-maker — himself a vocal opponent of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — explained that Israel could not accept the U.S. coming to terms with Iran without demanding that Iran come to terms with Israel. “Israel is not party to the deal, so it won’t be bound by the deal,” he warned. If Iran is not willing to accept Israel’s existence, then Israel will stand in the way of the U.S. reaching a deal with Iran, the Israeli message read – by Trita Parsi

11.8.2017 – The National UAE (A P)

High level US delegation to visit Gulf states, Egypt, Jordan and Israel

Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner will form part of a three-strong team who will viist the Gulf

While the timetable for the trip has not been made public yet, the spokesperson said that the three-member-delegation will meet with leaders from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, “to continue discussions on how to support peace efforts between the Israelis and Palestinians”.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

12.8.2017 – The National Scot (A P)

UK Government slammed for boasting about £8m Yemen cholera aid ... while selling £3.3bn in arms to the people bombing the country

Responding, Amnesty International UK’s government and political relations manager Scott Dawes told The National: “Priti Patel is trying to patch up Yemen while her other government colleagues allow billions of pounds worth of UK arms to be sold to Saudi Arabia which is busily bombing homes, hospitals, schools and other civilian infrastructure in the country.

“The Saudi Arabia-led coalition’s apparently reckless and indiscriminate airstrikes in Yemen have killed and injured thousands of civilians, and made the country especially vulnerable to the ravages of malnutrition and cholera.

“If the UK genuinely wants to help Yemen’s beleaguered civilian population, it should end its huge flow of arms to Saudi Arabia.”

Meanwhile, Katy Wright, head of advocacy at Oxfam, said: “The government is right to highlight the crisis in Yemen and much more funding is desperately needed to get health, water and waste services back up and running.

“The only solution to the crisis in Yemen is an end to the war, and the Government can encourage this by immediately halting arms sales to Saudi Arabia. In prioritising profits over people, the UK and US are complicit in this disaster.

“Billions of dollars is being made by exporting arms while mothers, fathers, sons and daughters are paying the price.”

Andrew Smith of CAAT said: “If Priti Patel and her colleagues really want to do what is best for the people of Yemen then it will take more than just aid.

“If they really want to meaningfully improve the appalling situation, then they must finally end their uncritical political and military support for the terrible Saudi regime, which has been responsible for inflicting so much of the pain and suffering.” – by Kirsteen Paterson

Remark: Earlier reporting YPR 333, cp10. Once again on Patel:

12.8.2017 – The Guardian (A P)

Yemen: aid offers ‘only hope of survival’ in cholera epidemic, says Priti Patel

Development secretary says ‘catastrophic disaster’ is looming unless foreign donors follow UK lead to tackle disease that has infected half a million Yemenis

My comment: Look at the headline: NO, this is simply a lie and whitewashing of the own British interference and responsibility for the Yemen humanitarian crisis. The “only hope” is an end of the war, this also means: an end of British arms sales to Saudi Arabia. The “only hope” is not giving a sum which equals US cent 30 for every Yemeni a year (one roll a year) and then boasting for this and declaring this roll the “only hope of survival” and that “the international community must follow Britain’s lead and join our effort”. And all humanitarian aid will save nobody from the UK supplied bombs dropped by the Saudi coalition.

12.8.2017 – The Independent (* B P)

From Venezuela to Saudi Arabia, the UK is arming regimes on its own list of human rights abusers

The FCO list includes 30 countries where the UK has serious concerns about the state of human rights and democracy. Yet, in the last two years alone the Government has licenced a total of £4.1bn worth of arms to 22 of them

If there is one area that exemplifies and embodies the startling hypocrisy and doublespeak of UK foreign policy, then it’s the Government’s record on arms exports.

Recent weeks have seen a lot of tough and uncompromising talk from government ministers about the increasing scale of repression and human rights abuses taking place in Venezuela. Boris Johnson has said that the country is “turning on itself” and that “democracy and basic rights are in jeopardy”.

This is something Whitehall and Downing Street have been concerned about for some time, which is one reason why Venezuela has been on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) list of “human rights priority” countries for the last two years.

Despite the condemnation and concerns, more than £1.4m worth of military equipment has been licenced to Venezuela since the Conservatives came to power in 2010. Unfortunately, Venezuela is not an isolated case – and far from the worst. The FCO list includes 30 countries where the UK has serious concerns about the state of human rights and democracy. Yet, in the last two years alone, the Government has licenced a total of £4.1bn worth of arms to 22 of them.

The FCO list also includes a number of other countries that have seen widespread state repression and political violence at least on par with, if not even worse than, the abuses being committed in Venezuela (including Bahrain, China and Egypt).

Arms sales can never be apolitical, and these sales don’t just provide military support – they also send a clear sign of approval and political support. They send a clear sign of trust and assign an extra layer of respectability and legitimacy on those that buy them.

The results can be catastrophic and deadly. As I write, Saudi-Arabian military personnel are flying UK-made fighter jets and dropping UK-made bombs on Yemen – by Andrew Smith

Remark: Look atYPR 333, cp10.

13.8.2017 – The Telegraph (* B P)

Exclusive: Tony Blair's Middle East envoy work secretly bankrolled by wealthy Arab state

Tony Blair's work as a Middle East envoy was secretly funded by a wealthy Arab state which also employed him as a paid adviser, leaked emails seen by the Sunday Telegraph reveal.

The United Arab Emirates quietly financed Mr Blair's London office while he also received millions in consultancy fees from the state and the sovereign wealth fund of its capital, Abu Dhabi.

A senior Foreign Office official acting as Mr Blair's chief of staff in his role as Quartet envoy was also used for assignments connected to his private consultancy empire.

The disclosures will raise serious questions over potential conflicts of interest between Mr Blair's public and private work.

He has always insisted that his public and private work was kept entirely separate, and has denied that Quartet staff were involved in "commercial work". – by Edward Malnick (registered only)

cp12 Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

13.8.2017 – Suhf Net (A P)

Al-Jubeir surprises everyone and announces Saudi conditions to end boycott with Qatar

" Qatar must take several steps, including ending its support for the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Muslim Brotherhood, in order to restore relations with other major Arab states," he said.

13.8.2017 – Al Araby (* C)

UAE and Saudi Arabia 'vied to host the Taliban'

Qatar says it hosted the Taliban as part of US-led peace efforts for Afghanistan

Afghan mediator says Saudi and Emirati accusations against Qatar over the Taliban are misplaced, given the two countries' earlier eagerness to host the group.

12.8.2017 – Arab News (* A P)

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia between two crises

[In 1990, after Iraq occupied Kuwait] King Fahd could have copied Sheikh Hamad and bargained with Saddam in exchange for Kuwait, but he did not. He was a brave leader who made a historic decision to stand by Kuwait; we are all proud of this. As such, it is surprising to hear some Kuwaitis supporting Qatar today, instead of condemning its actions that threaten the security and existence of four countries. Kuwait has a moral debt to repay, and we expect it to do so.
If interests rather than morals are driving support for Qatar, we advise Kuwaitis to open their eyes and think about their future interests. Kuwait is not stable. It is the country that needs the GCC’s unity and stability the most. Saddam is gone, but his successors are much worse and more evil – by Abdulrahman Al-Rashed

My comment: A clear Saudi threat against Kuwait. As already expected: Kuwait will be the next ally which is bullied by Saudi Arabia.

9.8.2017 – Aljazeera (* A P)

Qatar-Gulf crisis: All the latest updates

The latest news after some of the Gulf states and Egypt cut ties with Qatar and imposed a land, sea and air blockade.

Remark: No news reported after Aug. 9. Why?

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

9.8.2017 – Ali AlAhmed (* B K P)

Film: Saudi dissident on arms deal: ‘I believe Canada could strike a model for the world’

Ali Al-Ahmed of the Institute for Gulf Affairs in Washington D.C. discusses Saudi Arabian military action in the Eastern province of Qatif and how Canada should view its sales of military vehicles to the Saudi Arabian government.

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

13.8.2017 – Almasdar Online (A H)

Taiz receives 303 thousand IDPs: UNHCR

The UNHCR posted Sunday on Twitter that Taiz province, southwestern Yemen, has received 15% (around 303,672) of the total IDPs in Yemen, with the military operations escalating along the western coast of the province.

According to UNHCR statistics, the IDPs had settled in al Mafer, al Wazea, and the other adjacent districts, which are relatively safe, unlike the western districts, where violent clashes have been raging since early this year.

12.8.2017 – DPA (* A H)

UNHCR: Hilfsgelder für den Jemen fließen nur spärlich

Die Hilfsgelder für das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen fließen nach Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfsorganisation UNHCR nur spärlich

Die Hilfsgelder für das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen fließen nach Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfsorganisation UNHCR nur spärlich. Es seien erst 50 Prozent der Mittel zusammengekommen, die das Land in diesem Jahr noch brauche, sagte Shabia Mantoo, UNHCR-Sprecherin im Jemen, der «Wiener Zeitung» (Freitag). Obwohl es sich um die aktuell größte humanitäre Krise handele, bekomme sie international nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit. Dabei habe die Krise potenziell globale Folgen.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

14.8.2017 – Almasdar news (* A T)

Graphic pictures: ISIS conducts savage raid on Houthis in Yemen (18+)

ISIS terrorists operating in central Yemen have overrun a number of Houthi positions, killing several rebels and even being as personal as to destroy their houses. ISIS propaganda released images of the event.

The engagement took place in the al-Zahraa area of central Yemen’s al-Bayda region. Here, ISIS activity against Houthi rebels has been particularly high as of late.

The photos below show that ISIS used heavy weapons in the raid it conducted. The terrorist raiding party can be seen to have employed at least one recoilless rifle, a medium mortar, a heavy machine gun, a number of medium machine guns and a Toyota pickup armed with a 23-mm autocannon.

According to sources, ISIS killed and captured a number of Houthi rebels after attacking and overrunning their positions. At least two captured Houthis were beheaded and all of the rebels houses burned to the ground following the raid – by Andrew Illingworth (photos)

13.8.2017 – Almasdar Online (A T)

US drone kill two al Qaida suspected elements in Abyan

A local source told Almasdaronline that two suspected elements of Ansar al-Sharia, AQAP branch in Yemen, were killed Sunday afternoon in a US drone airstrike targeted their motorcycle in al Maroun area of Khobar al Marakisha district of Abyan province, southeast of Yemen.

12.8.2017 – Elisabeth Kendall (A T)

Possible #IslamicState & #AlQaeda coordination in #Yemen? Both IS & #AQAP released claims this a'noon of different ops in al-Zahra, al-Bayda (photos)

Comment by Haykal Bafana: No. In #Yemen, Islamic State & Al Qaeda are the same terrorists donning different guises. Why? To get finance from competing financiers.

My comment to comment: There are several reports on AQAP and IS in Yemen as concurrents.

11.8.2017 – Critical Threats (A T)

AQAP magazine encourages train derailments in the West [2]

AQAP militants blow up al Houthi-Saleh water tanker in al Bayda governorate, central Yemen [3]

cp15 Propaganda

13.8.2017 – The Arab Weekly (A P)

Everyone in Yemen is in a state of denial

Placing Al Hudaydah port under the control of a neutral side can logically be a starting point for a more comprehensive political settlement in Yemen.

Political deadlock pre­vails in Yemen and is likely to continue as none of the warring parties seem to have realised that a military solution to the conflict is virtually impossible. All previous power equations in Yemen have shifted and, what is worse, most Yemenis live in the fantasy world of old times.

Why is a political solution virtually impossible in Yemen and what makes the prevailing situation very likely to continue?

First, the Houthis do not seem to be willing to make concessions and accept that they are just one of the political forces on the scene. Houthi members appar­ently believe that they are the strongest and that they enjoy a revolutionary form of legitimacy in Yemen.

This kind of legitimacy, how­ever, is pure fantasy.

Backed by Iran, the Houthis could have accepted a settlement by surrendering control of the port of Al Hudaydah to a neutral party. That port is crucial to supplying the Houthis. They refused to give up control because they do not accept the idea that they are just one element of the political map in Yemen and that they can be represented in any future government. They apparently believe they can spread their control to other areas in Yemen despite their daily losses.

The Houthis in Sana’a are living in a fantasy reality of their own. They could not care less about Yemen or Yemenis. Their only concern is Iran’s expansionist plan – by Khairallah Khairallah

My comment: Yawning.

12.8.2017 – Al Arabiya (A P)

Muqtada al-Sadr: Riyadh serves as regional ‘father figure’

Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of The Sadrist Movement in Iraq, stated that visions were aligned during his meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah last month.

Al-Sadr said that Riyadh serves as a “father figure” in its efforts to bring peace to the region.

Comment by Haykal Bafana: What $10M buys.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

12.8.2017 – Yemen Extra (A K PH)

Saudi Airstrikes Against Yemen on August 12th: Monitor

12.8.2017 ff– Legal Center (* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 9, 10, 11 Aug 2017 (full lists):

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

13.8.2017 – Hajjah, evening (A K PH)

SAUDI FIGHTER JETS HIT HAJJA with three airstrikes.
Area: Mustaba district

13.8.2017 –Almazirah TV (A K PH)

Film (graphic) The death of one of the wounded who was injured in the raid a few days ago at the Directorate of Razih in Saada

In northern Yemen, bordering Saada governorate, a civilian fell as yet another victim of the multiple Saudi targeting of travelers in Burkan region based in Razih district, following his severe injury from the previous week. /

13.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

U.S.-Saudi warplanes launch raids on capital Sanaa

Saudi warplanes wage raids on Bani Matar of Sana'a province

Nine Saudi airstrikes hit Saada province

US-Saudi fighter jets hit Hajja province

12.8.2017 – Saudi War Crimes (A K PH)

Photo: Sana'a: A picture of two raids carried out by Saudi Air Force on the area of # Atan this morning

12.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage raids on Sanhan

Saudi fighter jets hit Saada province

Saudi aggression airstrikes hit Marib province

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

12.8.2017 – Reuters (* A K)

Yemen's Houthis target coalition warship, agency reports

The armed Houthi movement and their foes in Yemen's civil war, the Saudi-led coalition, on Saturday gave conflicting accounts of a Houthi attempt to attack shipping in the Red Sea port of al-Mokha.

The Houthi-controlled state news agency SABA said the Houthi navy targeted and hit a warship belonging to the coalition inside the port.

The coalition spokesman, Colonel Turki al-Malki, said the Houthis attempted to attack al-Mokha port in the early hours of Saturday, using a remote-controlled boat packed with explosives.

"The coalition forces detected the boat three miles off the port, while it was sailing at 39 knots, and was intercepted by the coalition defense and diverted from its initial trajectory," al-Malki said in a statement sent to Reuters.

He did not give further details.

The SABA news agency, quoting a Houthi military source, said: "The Yemeni navy and coastguards targeted one of the warships belonging to the invasion and aggression forces inside al-Mokha port and hit it with precision."

My comment: ??? So what ???

12.8.2017 – Almasirah TV (* A K PH)

Film: Destruction of the 12 ship of the alliance of aggression inside the port of Al - Mukha 12-08-2017

The Maritime and Coastal Defense Force announced the targeting of a convoy of the aggression coalition in the West Coast, which was targeted inside the port of Al-Mukha, and is considered the 12th vessel that was targeted in the West Coast

12.8.2017 – Press TV Iran (* A K PH)

Yemeni naval forces, allies sink vessel of Saudi-led coalition off Mukha: Report

Yemeni naval forces, backed by fighters from Popular Committees, have reportedly targeted and destroyed a military vessel in a missile attack off the coast of the country’s southwestern province of Ta'izz.

A military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Arabic-language al-Masirah television network that the frigate was targeted with a guided missile in waters near the port city of Mukha, situated 346 kilometers south of the capital Sana'a, on Saturday.

An unnamed military source told Yemen’s official SABA news agency that the vessel was heavily loaded with various munitions, and the missile attack caused a series of explosions that lasted until 8:30 p.m. local time (1730 GMT), before water-dropping planes could extinguish the flames.

The source added that the wounded Emirati soldiers have been transported to the Eritrean port city of Assab to receive treatment.

12.8.2017 – Fars News (* A K PH)

Yemeni Forces Hit Another UAE Warship off Coast of Mukha

An Emirati warship was targeted by the Yemeni naval forces and Ansarullah movement off the coast of Mukha port city in Ta’iz Province on Saturday.

Local activists reported that the warship was in Yemen's territorial waters, near the port city of Mukha, when it came under attack by the allied forces confronting the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen.

According to reports, the Yemeni troops fired several rockets at the Emirati vessel after the ship sailed to the striking range of their forces.

Al-Masireh TV Network quoted the Yemeni Naval forces and Ansarullah fighters at the time as saying that the warship was destroyed by a "qualitative weapon".

A military source also confirmed late June that a Saudi-led coalition warship was targeted by the Yemeni forces off the coast of Mukha port city.

Meanwhile, Vice-Spokesman of the Yemeni Army Brigadier General Aziz Rashed also disclosed that the country's forces have used an advanced secret weapon in their recent attack on a Saudi-led coalition warship in the Southern waters of Yemen.

and by the coalition side:

12.8.2017 – The National UAE (* A K PS)

Houthi rebels target coalition warship at Mokha

The Saudi-led coalition on Saturday thwarted another attempt by Yemeni rebels to attack Mokha port using a remote-controlled boat loaded with explosives.

The attack on the Red Sea port was carried out in the early hours of Saturday, coalition spokesman Colonel Turki Al Maliki said.

"The coalition forces detected the boat three miles off the port, while it was sailing at 39 knots," Col Al Maliki said. It was "intercepted by the coalition defence and diverted from its initial trajectory".

The Houthi-controlled Saba news agency said the target of the attack was a warship belonging to the coalition inside the port, and claimed it had been successful.

12.8.2017 – RT (A K)

17 Menschen sterben in Jemen bei Gefechten zwischen Regierungskräften und Huthi-Rebellen

Mindestens 17 Menschen sind am Freitag im Jemen bei Gefechten zwischen Regierungskräften und Huthi-Rebellen getötet worden. Zu den Kampfhandlungen kam es im Gouvernement al-Dschauf im Norden des Landes.

Nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua sollen bei den Gefechten acht Armeeangehörige und zehn Aufständische getötet worden sein. Weitere vier Soldaten sollen Verletzungen erlitten haben.

12.8.2017 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi-paid mercenaries shelled homes and farms of the citizens in a number of areas in Serwah, Marib prov.

Saudi missile shelling hits Saada province

12.8.2017 – TRT (A K)

Vier Soldaten aus den Emiraten sterben bei Helikopterabsturz im Jemen

Vier Soldaten aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) sind bei einem Hubschrauberabsturz im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen getötet worden.

11.8.2017 – Al Arabiya (A K PS)

Four UAE soldiers dead after helicopter crashes in Yemen due to technical fault and reuters

Pro-Houthi / Pro Saleh reports:

Pro-Hadi / pro-Saudi reports:

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

8.2017 – Desmedtkris at Pinterest

175 best Yemen images on Pinterest

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-333 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-333: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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