Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 353 - Yemen War Mosaic 353

Yemen Press Reader 353: Alles aus Woche 43 Teil 2 (25-27. Oktober 2017) / All from week 43 part 2 (October 25-27, 2017)

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B P)

Netizen Report: Voices of Yemen’s ‘Forgotten War’ Speak Out, Despite Legal Barriers

Hisham Al-Omeisy, who was detained by Houthi rebels without explanation in August 2017. This week, it was reported that Al-Omeisy was arrested on charges related to his correspondence with US-based organizations.

Al-Omeisy has been actively tweeting about the humanitarian crisis and violations committed by both warring parties in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. He also has analyzed and spoken about the conflict to international media including the BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, and NPR.

referring to

(* A P)

A journalist close to the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, the arrest of the Houthi group of media activist in the Congress Party, on charges of using English in his correspondence.

The journalist Nabil al-Sufi, who is described as close to "Saleh" in his blog at the expense of "Toutir" Hisham al-Amisi was arrested because of his email in English with American organizations on the opinion of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Conference against aggression.

"I swear to you that these charges are English," he said sarcastically.

The Houthis launched a campaign of arrests of journalists and activists affiliated with the "Saleh" party, including "Kamel al-Khudani", who broke into his house for the second time and shot his daughter, and Amisi, who is still detained in the prisons of the Houthis until today. and in translation

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B K P)

Jemen - Schritt um Schritt ins Chaos

Jemen wird zunehmend das Land eines Krieges, von dem niemand spricht. Es gibt viele Gründe dafür. Die Lage dort ist ebenso kompliziert wie hoffnungslos, ebenso unübersichtlich wie weltpolitisch marginal.

Auch gibt es so viele Unglücksherde mit Krieg und Hungersnot, die
Welthilfe und Weltaufmerksamkeit verlangen, dass sie die Hilfswilligen
überfordern. Dazu kommt vielleicht auch ein bisschen Scham. Saudi
Arabien, der Staat, der am meisten tut, um Jemen zu Grunde zu richten, bringt der reichen, entwickelten Welt viel Geld ein und kauft ihre
Waffen für so viele Milliarden, dass niemand auf das gute Geschäft
verzichten mag.
Doch das dortige Geschehen verdient Aufmerksamkeit. Was gegenwärtig dort vorgeht, ist über den Einzelfall Jemen hinaus exemplarisch für die Bedrohungen, der jene Teile der Welt ausgesetzt sind, die am am üppigen Gastmahl der Globalisierung nicht teilhaben und stattdessen zunehmend dem Druck ausgesetzt sind, dieses Gastmahl der anderen zu beliefern. Das muss nicht, aber kann zum Zusammenbruch ihrer Staaten führen.

Der erste Erschütterungsstoss, mit dem der Zusammenbruch einsetzen
kann, ist dadurch gegeben, dass ein Teil der Bevölkerung, jugendlich
und mindestens digital eingeschaltet und angeschlossen an Vorbilder
aus der wohlhabenden Aussenwelt, aufbegehrt – von Arnold Hottinger

Mein Kommentar: Ein guter Überblick mit Hintergrund.

(** B H K)

Audio: Notes From An Invisible War

Children describing the sounds that bombs make as they fall. Streets covered with rotting garbage. Doctors and nurses who have gone months without pay, at hospitals struggling to care for an influx of cholera patients and malnourished infants.

The reporting for this story was done as part of an upcoming FRONTLINE special on the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Airing in 2018, the documentary will trace the roots of the Sunni-Shia divide, and explore how a proxy war between the two countries is devastating the Middle East.

(** B K)

It Once Was Their Home

At first glance, one feels surprise at walking through all the debris. But the pain you see in the eyes of the returnees lives with the viewer for days and days, especially the haunting photographs of children visiting their former homes.

Photographer Mohammed al-Tawiji, with the consent of the parents, took the children to the destroyed districts and neighborhoods of Taiz in order to capture the reaction of children in those parts of town. His photographs clearly capture the situation the children are in.

(** B P)

Yemen/UAE: Aden Hunger Strike Highlights Detainee Abuse

A hunger strike by dozens of detainees in Yemen’s provisional capital of Aden highlights the mistreatment of prisoners throughout Yemen, Human Rights Watch said today.

Relatives and others reported that family members held in an informal detention facility at Bir Ahmed, a military camp controlled by the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-backed “Security Belt” forces, began refusing food on October 21, 2017. An announcement issued the same day in the name of detainees’ family members said the men would forego food until granted their “legal and humanitarian rights.”

“Detainees should not have to refuse food to be treated humanely and free from abuse,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “The UAE and their Yemeni proxies should stop denying responsibility for mistreatment and investigate and act on the complaints.” and film by Aljazeera


(* B P)

UAE accused of abuse in secret Yemen prisons

A prisoner in Yemen has spoken exclusively to Al Jazeera about torture methods used in secret prisons run by the United Arab Emirates and its allies.

Dozens of detainees have gone on a hunger strike in the city of Aden saying they are being abused.

(** B K P)

Sudan’s Controversial Rapid Support Forces Bolster Saudi Efforts in Yemen

Sudanese military forces have been participating in the coalition campaign in Yemen since 2015, fighting against the Ansar Allah (Houthi) movement and its allies, composed mainly of forces loyal to the former Yemeni president Ali Abd-Allah Saleh (Press TV [Tehran], August 26; YouTube, March 22; YouTube, November 9, 2015; YouTube, October 27, 2015). [1] They are a core ground component of coalition forces in Yemen, serving in multiple regions of the country (al-Araby al-Jadid, June 13).

Saudi Arabia’s recent efforts to create a buffer zone inside northern Yemen have led to the increasing deployment of the RSF (al-Sudan al-Youm [Khartoum], September 29; Sudan Tribune [Khartoum], June 9). Their presence, however, is not without its drawbacks as a Houthi information war has made much of the RSF’s highly problematic past.

(** B K P)

The UAE’s War Aims in Yemen

The UAE’s desire to counter Iran and maximize influence over Saudi domestic affairs is keeping it involved in Yemen, where its interests are not always in line with Saudi Arabia’s.

With the prevailing sense of “mission accomplished” in the UAE’s role in Yemen, increasingly there is debate over whether this might be the time to draw down troop levels. The UAE believes that its intervention in Yemen has been successful in assisting various southern allies in the fight against al-Qaeda and in containing the expansion of the Iran-backed Houthis, despite an unprecedented loss of Emirati lives. Yet this perceived military success does not mean the Emiratis are planning to leave Yemen any time soon. According to Emirati analysts,1 Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), the de facto leader of the UAE, values military and diplomatic engagement with the Saudis because of a shared regional interest in countering Iran and because he thinks it maximizes Emirati influence on a Saudi domestic agenda that the UAE hopes includes reining in Wahhabi extremism. Compounding the likelihood that the UAE will remain in Yemen is their sense that only they—not Saudi Arabia or the internationally recognized, formal Yemeni political leadership it backs—are doing the real work of fighting the war and rebuilding infrastructure.

Remarks by Haykal Bafana: UAE : Saleh the only one with tribal patronage, charisma & common sense to restore #Yemen's national integrity.

#UAE view : Current #Yemen alliance between Saleh & Houthis is strictly tactical and can easily be overturned.

#UAE view: Providing money & arms to Saleh would encourage him to crush the Houthis, and inevitably weaken #Iran's interests in #Yemen.

(** B K P)

NSA-Dokument: Riad befehligte Angriff auf Damaskus – Stadt sollte "in Brand gesetzt" werden

Wie aus einem am Dienstag von The Intercept veröffentlichten NSA-Dokument hervorgeht, hat Saudi-Arabien eine am 18. März 2013 erfolgte Attacke der "Freien Syrischen Armee" auf Damaskus befehligt. Demnach wollte Riad die syrische Hauptstadt brennen sehen.

The Intercept hat am Dienstag mit der Veröffentlichung eines geheimen NSA-Dokuments einen weiteren Beleg für die Kontrolle der Aufständischen in Syrien durch das Ausland publik gemacht. Das Nachrichtenportal spielte eine wichtige Rolle beim Snowden-Skandal. Angehörigen des US-Militärs ist es sogar untersagt, die Webseite der Internetplattform zu besuchen – von Rechnern des US-Militärs aus ist sie nicht erreichbar.

Wie aus dem nun von der Plattform veröffentlichten Dokument des US-Nachrichtendienstes hervorgeht, befehligte Saudi-Arabien einen Angriff der so genannten Freien Syrischen Armee (FSA) auf Damaskus am 18. März 2013. Die FSA hatte dabei den Präsidentenpalast, den Flughafen sowie andere Einrichtungen der syrischen Hauptstadt mit zahlreichen Raketen und Mörsergranaten unter Beschuss genommen. Die Anzahl der Menschen, die dabei ums Leben kamen, ist unbekannt.

Der saudische Prinz Salman bin Sultan - mittlerweile Verteidigungsminister seines Landes - habe die FSA angewiesen, "Damaskus in Brand [zu] setzen" und den noch im Betrieb befindlichen zivilen Flughafen „dem Erdboden gleich" zu machen. Mit dem Ergebnis des Angriffs sei das wahhabitische Königshaus "sehr zufrieden" gewesen, so die NSA. Laut dem Dokument hat der US-Geheimdienst diese Informationen im Vorfeld der Attacke durch das Überwachungsprogramm PRISM erlangt, das der Whistleblower Edward Snowden später öffentlich bekannt gemacht hatte.

and the original English article by The Intercept:

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

(** B H)

Yemen reels under the weight of brutal cholera outbreak – in pictures

With Yemen in the grip of the biggest and most rapidly spreading cholera epidemic on record, an estimated 80% of the population is in urgent need of aid. Clean water and food are hard to come and, with the millionth cholera case on the horizon, the country’s health system is on the verge of collapse

(* A H)

Outbreak update - cholera in Yemen, 26 October 2017

The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen has reported a cumulative total of 862858 suspected cases of cholera including 2177 associated deaths as of 26 July for the outbreak which started in October 2016.

The overall case-fatality rate remains low (0.25%). There has been a modest decrease in the number of suspected cholera cases and deaths compared to previous weeks, and the overall trend appears to be stable.

(* B H)

Yemen’s cholera crisis—a sliver of hope but more needs to be done

In just six months since the end of April, Yemen has identified over 845,000 suspected cholera cases, quickly surpassing the count in Haiti’s cholera outbreak from 2010 to 2017. But despite the bleak big numbers, recent data has suggested that the epidemic has started to slow down with numbers averaging around 29,000 per week, down from 50,800 per week at peak suspected cases. There is a sliver of hope—but more needs to be done to help those trapped in the country contributing the largest numbers to the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H K)

Deliberate Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Is a War Crime

In a new report, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Hilal Elver has examined the right to food in conflict situations and found a grim picture depicting the most severe humanitarian crisis since the UN was established. She says, “Contrary to popular belief, causalities resulting directly from combat usually make up only a small proportion of deaths in conflict zones, with most individuals in fact perishing from hunger and disease.

As it stands, the Saudi-led war on Yemen has proliferated around the region and with it has come a rise in food insecurity. The proportion of undernourished people living in Yemen and protracted crisis is almost three times higher than that in other developing countries. As a consequence, millions of people are facing famine and starvation in the conflict-stricken country. Many more currently require emergency food assistance.

Yemen is a clear situation where deliberate famine constitutes a crime against humanity in which both the United States and Saudi Arabia are responsible.

My comment: From Iran – anyway, simply true.

(* B H K P)

Yemen humanitarian crisis peaks in civil war but US reluctant to get involved

“Any peace deal is going to need to involve the actual power centres on the ground, it’s going to have to involve tribesmen and secessionists and Islamists and civil society,’’ Salisbury said.

“The current peace process is based on a fiction that this is a war between Hadi and the Houthi-

Saleh alliance. Any deal they strike is likely to be rejected by the majority of the actual powers

involved in the war.

“Given that the UK, US and France — the three Western powers on the UN Security Council — are all lending different degrees of support to the Saudis, it is hard for them to be seen as an honest broker in any peace deal.

“Maybe the EU can play a role, but everyone else looks pretty burned.’’

Remark: A long overview article.

(* B H K)

‘Not a normal life’: Yemen’s ongoing suffering

Yemen, the most impoverished country in the Middle East, has been wrecked by two and a half years of deadly conflict. Around 10,000 people have reportedly lost their lives and several millions have been displaced since a Saudi Arabia-led coalition intervened in March 2015 to reinstall internationally recognised President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi into power.

“The humanitarian situation in Yemen is dramatic,” says Rajat Madhok, Unicef's communication and advocacy chief in the country.

Remark: Overview article.

(* A K P)

After its military failure in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is now stealing Yemeni land

After breaking its dream of re-dominating Yemen through its agendas and the regional and international alliance, Saudi Arabia has again sought to cut off Yemen’s geography under international and international acquiescence.

From the Khrakhir region of Saudi Arabia in the desert of Al-Rubi Al-Khali, which lies to the north of the international line between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, is constantly working to cut off areas after the international line located in the area of the Republic of Yemen.

(* A H K P)

Desperate and forgotten: The bombs keep on coming, and Yemenis keep on dying

A severe humanitarian crisis continues to wreak havoc on the Yemeni people while the arms deals get bigger

For my generation, the "American-made catastrophe" in Yemen is the crisis that has undeservedly received the least attention from the international community.

But just because the world's media and its leaders pretend the Middle East's poorest country is not besieged and trapped in the middle of a broader geopolitical conflict, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands and the near total destruction of the country's already ailing infrastructure, does not mean the international community can wish the humanitarian disaster away.

(* A H K P)

Only 3 vessels at Hudaydah port. Again saddened to see the port almost empty and people outside are hungry # Yemen (photo)

My comment: That’s the Saudi blockade, thanks to UNSC resolution 2216, the UN keeping silent for 2 ½ years now.

(* A K P)

MBS’ Delusions and the War on Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) says that he is determined to keep waging the failed war on Yemen. He addresses the war in an interview with Reuters:

The absurdity of MBS’ position is that the longer the Saudis and their allies wreck and starve Yemen, the more likely it is that they turn the Houthis into the Iranian proxy that Riyadh claims to fear. They aren’t preventing that outcome by persisting in an atrocious war that they can’t win.

To be clear, the Houthis weren’t an Iranian proxy before the intervention and they still aren’t now. Claiming that the attack on Yemen was aimed at opposing Iranian influence was a lie to provide political cover for an indefensible war – by Daniel Larison

(A P)

Nobel Peace laureate: Yemen is systematically destroyed by regional actors

Nobel Peace Prize laureate and human rights advocate Tawakkol Karman reiterated today that the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are fully responsible for systematic destruction of Yemen and the suffering of Yemeni people.

In a statement shared on Twitter early Tuesday evening, Mrs. Karman launched a scathing attack on the two main members of the Arab military coalition fighting in Yemen, UAE and Saudi Arabia, accusing them of playing destructive roles in the war-torn country.

Karman said that while Riyadh is placing President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi along with many party and state leaders under house arrest, “the UAE occupation forces keep arresting and forcibly disappearing “hundreds of activists, political leaders and the anti-hegemonic southern resistance”.

(* B H K)

Yemen: An ever-worsening crisis

Yemen has struggled to cope with crises prompted by its atrocious civil war, including catastrophic hunger and devastating cholera outbreaks. DW examines the conflict and how it affects the country's civilian population (photos)

(A K P)

Yemenis Burn Leaflets Dropped by the Saudi-Led Coalition on Saada

The warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition dropped on Wednesday leaflets in different parts of the District of Majz north of Saada, northern Yemen.

The leaflets carried statements in support of the Saudi-led war, attempting to convince civilians that this war is for their advantage, local source reported to YemenExtra.

Such acts indicate the failure of the forces of the coalition

(* A H P)

Film: Money Talks: Saudi air blockade over Yemen impacts the most in need

The continuing closure of Sana'a international airport in Yemen is having a dramatic impact on the country's population. A Saudi led no fly zone has trapped those who are sick and in need of treatment or simply desperate to leave inside the war torn country. Nick Davies Jones has more.

and on the same subject:

(* A H P)

Film: This is the heart-breaking story of a man who lost his father as a result of the airport closure. CARE and other INGOs in Yemen are calling on all actors to allow for the reopening of the country’s main airport, Sana’a International.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Film: Yemen : War Increases The Sufferings Of Leprosy Patients In Taiz

The war increased the sufferings of leprosy patients, especially patients who reached the stage of disability in the city of Taiz in southern Yemen, these patients are constantly suffering from the pain that gnaws their bodies, in addition to isolation and rejection by their families, which increased their suffering.

(* B H)

The Aussie GP battling a cholera epidemic in Yemen

We talk with Dr Melissa McRae.

Dr Melissa McRae is an Australian GP currently working as a medical co-ordinatorin Yemen. The conflict in the country, which has waged for two years now, has been dubbed the “forgotten war”. But it is fuelling a major humanitarian crisis, with doctors and health workers also facing an unprecedented cholera epidemic. Here Dr McRae, who practises in Warrnambool in rural Victoria, describes life on the front line (join, login)

(* B H)

La dramática situación de los niños en Yemen en diez datos

The dramatic situation of #Yemen-i children in 10 points

(A H)

Funded by an anonymous Kuwaiti donor, .@monareliefye provides medicine to th sick kid in Sanaa today (photos9

(A H)

Yemen – Cholera outbreak, food insecurity and displacement - DG ECHO Daily Map | 26/10/2017

(* B H)

Film: Jemen: Wafa'a Alsaidy im Interview

Die humanitäre Situation im Jemen ist dramatisch: Millionen von Menschen sind von akuter Mangelernährung bedroht, Hunderttausende von der Cholera-Epidemie betroffen. Und der Frieden ist nicht in Sicht. Projekt-Koordinatorin Wafa'a Alsaidy im Interview.

(B H)

Support to Eliminate the Mines and Explosive Remnants of War in Yemen - IV - 2016

UNDP has actively supported HMA (Humanitarian Mine Action) nationwide in Yemen since the late 1990s working with the national implementers. The aim of UNDP’s intervention has remained constant to reduce or eliminate the impact EO (Explosive Ordnance) has on the civilian population, infrastructure and economy. 0 and full PDF:

(A H P)

Yemen becomes 70th country to sign Safe Schools Declaration to protect education in conflict

Hundreds of its schools have been damaged or destroyed by attacks in its ongoing conflict. Millions of its children are out of school because of strike action by teachers who haven't been paid for months.

In the midst of this chaos - almost unnoticed - Yemen has become the 70th country to sign the Safe Schools Declaration. =

My comment: “Yemen” is the Hadi government – and it’s Saudi puppet masters Have bombed more than 1.000 schools in Yemen. And now?

(A H)

Across #Yemen childrenU5 given #polio vaccine & screened for malnutrition,those malnourished being referred to health facilities 4 treatment (photos)

During the campaign, Reem Al-Ezzi walks 7hrs a day going from house to house to vaccinate children against polio (photo)

Remark: Earlier reporting: YPR 352, cp3.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Unterstützung für Binnenvertriebene und aufnehmende Gemeinden in Jemen

Viele Jemeniten sind wegen des Bürgerkriegs auf der Flucht im eigenen Land. Die Bevölkerung braucht eine stabile Gesundheits- und Trinkwasserversorgung.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Gunfire And Arrests Taint Baha'i Holy Celebrations In Yemen

This past weekend marked a period of supreme sacredness and festivity for members of the Baha'i Faith.

In Sana'a, Yemen, celebrations were tainted by an ongoing campaign of persecution against the Baha'is. Houthi forces raided a family home where some friends were commemorating the bicentenary, breaking down the door with an armored vehicle and opening fire. Houthi authorities arrested Mr. Akram Ayyash, a local Baha'i.

(A P)

Ansarullah denounces Saudi crown prince’s pledge to continue Yemen war

Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has hit out at the Saudi crown prince and defense minister, who said the Riyadh regime has no intention of ending its bloody military campaign against the impoverished nation.

Mohammed Abdelsalam, a senior spokesperson for the Houthis, said Thursday that Riyadh seeks to install another puppet regime in Yemen, which would do the biddings of Al Saud and the United States.

(A K P)

Yemen President Samad attends graduation of new fighters heading to battlefronts against US-backed Saudi invaders. Oct 25, 2017, Baidha (photos)

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

Emirati forces train 1500 troops to be deployed to Taiz city, central Yemen

The UAE is reportedly training 1000 troops in Aden city, southern Yemen and another 500 in Eritrea to deploy a security unit similar to the Emirati-backed al Hizam security forces to Taiz city, central Yemen. Al Hizam forces are troops from local communities in southern Yemen trained to conduct security and counterterrorism operations. Coalition-backed Salafi militias are currently the primary force fighting al Houthi-Saleh forces in Taiz city, but several militias also provide assistance to Salafi-jihadi groups.[2]

(A P)

Reports by the separatist Southern Transitional Concil:

Under Protection of Elite and Security Forces, Thousands of Hadhramaut Citizens Attend the Declaration of Transitional Council of Hadhramaut and Ben Brik Inflames the Crowds

Ben Brik: Our Project is the State of the South and Abian is Our Backbone

Elites Forces Will Control Hadhramaut Valley and the Transitional Council Will Support i

Al-Zubaidy: Soon, we will Manage the Liberated Territories Ourselves

In their “Last Peaceful Scream”, retired Southern Military Personnel Mobilize in Adan and Warn the Government

(A E)

Adan at the Gates of a New Fuel Crisis

( A T)

Local news reports 3 #Yemen military dead & 7 injured in roadside bomb in Say'un, Hadramawt, this afternoon. referring to and

(A P)

Article on Zubaydi's #Mahra visit today: "[South] Transition Council doesn't enjoy broad popularity in Mahra" #Yemen referring to

(A P)

#Today #Yemen is more divided than ever:
''Thousands welcome the leaders of South Transitional Council/South Arabia in #AlMahra province.'' (photos)

(A P)

Ominous. #UAE-funded Hadrami Elite Force says "President" al-Zubaydi will launch local leadership structures tmrw in #Mahra & Socotra referring to

(* A P)

UAE-backed southern government president establishes local offices in Hadramawt governorate, eastern Yemen[3]

(* A P)

Pro-UAE militias escalate attack on Al-Islah in Yemen

Militants led by Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, head of the UAE-backed South Transitional Council, have increased their attacks on the Al-Islah party.

Al-Islah, with whom Al-Zubaidi has previously been aligned, ceased its alliance with the UAE’s man in the south of Yemen following his rift with the internationally backed President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Al-Zubaidi’s forces have escalated their attacks on Al-Islah since the Gulf blockade on Qatar began in early June.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

Russia reportedly offers to host talks between President Hadi and former president Saleh[1]


Ansarullah Welcome the Russian Effort to Halt Saudi War, Describe It as Positive

(* A H P)

UN aid chief raises deep concern in first Yemen visit

The UN's aid chief has arrived in Yemen's capital, Sanaa, expressing his deep concern about the war-torn country's deteriorating humanitarian crisis.

Mark Lowcock is on his first visit to Yemen since being appointed under-secretary-general and emergency relief coordinator on September 1.


(A H P)

Visited #Hudaydah Port in #Yemen, yesterday. It's crucial to keep this lifeline open for humanitarian & commercial cargos (photo)

(* A P)

Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General (25 October 2017) - Yemen

The Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, today wrapped up a four‑day visit to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he met with senior Yemeni and Saudi officials. In his meetings with Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and Foreign Minister Abdel-Malek al-Mikhlafil, the Special Envoy discussed his efforts to move towards a viable negotiated settlement. He said that steps are being explored, focusing on three pillars: the resumption of the cessation of hostilities, specific confidence building measures that can alleviate suffering and the return to the negotiating table to reach a comprehensive peace agreement.

(* A P)

UN Seeks Further Initiatives to End Violence in Yemen

A United Nations envoy has met with senior Yemeni and Saudi officials to discuss his initiatives to end fighting in Yemen, stressing that “this is at heart a political conflict so it can only be solved with political negotiations.”

These discussions took place in Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, where UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed wrapped up a four-day visit Wednesday.

“We are currently exploring significant steps that each side can take to restore confidence and move towards a viable negotiated settlement,” said Mr. Ould Cheikh Ahmed at the end of the visit =

(A P)

UN Envoy Suggests Initiatives to End Violence in Yemen

The United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed concluded today a four-day visit to Riyadh where he met with Senior Yemeni and Saudi officials.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Swiss to represent Iran, Saudi interests after rivals broke ties

Neutral Switzerland’s embassies in Riyadh and Tehran have signed agreements to represent Iranian interests in Saudi Arabia and Saudi interests in Iran, the Swiss government said on Wednesday.

After the Middle Eastern rivals severed relations at the beginning of January 2016, both countries agreed to Switzerland’s offer of its traditional policy of good offices to “undertake a protecting power mandate on both sides”, Switzerland said.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A E P)

Exclusive: OPEC's head says Saudi, Russia statements 'clear fog' before November 30 meeting

The fog has been cleared ahead of OPEC’s next policy meeting by Saudi Arabia and Russia declaring their support for extending a global deal to cut oil supplies for another nine months, OPEC’s secretary general told Reuters on Friday.

(* A P)

Saudi scholars to vet teaching of prophet Muhammad to curb extremism

Royal order decrees King Salman Complex be set up in holy city of Medina to root out ‘fake and extremist texts’

Saudi authorities have taken an “unprecedented” step to tackle Islamic extremism by setting up a council of scholars to vet religious teachings around the world.

A royal order issued this week by King Salman established a global body of elite scholars based in the holy city of Medina to root out and “eliminate fake and extremist texts”.

The King Salman Complex will become a “trusted source of the correct and authenticate [sic] hadith”, said an announcement from the Saudi ministry of culture and information. It described the move as an “unprecedented initiative”.

My comment: The Saudis claim to be the overlords of Islam. Imagine: The Saudis want to curb extremism in Islam!! They just want to get control of everything. If they would take this goal serious, the first thing they would have to curb is: Wahabism!!

(* A P)

Saudi plans to modernise Mecca slammed as 'destroying the cradle of Islam'

Plans for retractable sports stadium style roof to shield pilgrims visiting Grand Mosque complex from sun ‘will not meet international preservation standards’

Alleged Saudi government plans to build a retractable roof over Mecca’s holy Kaaba have been met with outrage over concerns the modifications will destroy the historic character of one of Islam’s most sacred sites.

While there has been no official announcement from Mecca province or other Saudi authorities on the proposed measures, video provided to The Independent by the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation shows a scale model currently on display in the holy Saudi Arabian city, demonstrating how the roof will work.

The new “umbrella project” enclosure is designed to protect pilgrims from the scorching desert sun when visiting the Kaaba


(* A P)

Saudi Arabian plans to build a retractable ROOF over Mecca's holy Kaaba will 'destroy the cradle of Islam', critics say after Crown Prince unveiled plans to modernise the Kingdom

Video of the 'umbrella project' shows a scale model on display in the holy city

Construction is due to begin soon and roof will reportedly be finished by 2019

But critics are already slamming the controversial modernisation proposals and with photos:


(* A P)

Saudi Arabia building retractable roof over Mecca's Grand Mosque, sparking accusations of 'cultural vandalism'

Saudi Arabia is planning to build a retractable roof over Islam's holiest site, sparking accusations that Riyadh is further distorting Islamic heritage.

A video circulated on social media this week shows a scale model of the sports stadium-like roof over the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

In August, the security chief of the Grand Mosque's told local media that work on the "umbrellas project" would begin next year.

The head of the London-based Islamic Heritage Research Foundation has strongly condemned the plans to provide shade for pilgrims walking around the Kaaba


(* A P)


Saudi Arabia’s plans to remodel Mecca will make Islam's holiest place look “more Las Vegas” and less like a religious shrine, critics say.

Another expert said the retractable roof—the Astrodome of Islam, if you will—is universally unpopular among the devout.

and more background information here:

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia Invests $1 Billion in Virgin Group's Space Ventures

Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund plans to invest about $1 billion in Virgin Group’s space companies, giving the ventures a welcome jolt of capital as the kingdom seeks to reduce its dependence on oil.

(* A P)

Dieser Prinz will Saudi-Arabien zu einem weltoffenen Land machen. Wer ist das?

Das ultrakonservative Saudi-Arabien will freundlicher werden. Das hat nun zumindest überraschend der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman versprochen. Auf einer Wirtschaftskonferenz in der Hauptstadt Riad sagte er:

Wir gehen zu dem zurück, wie wir waren: dem moderaten Islam, der offen gegenüber der Welt und allen Religionen ist

Mohammed bin Salman – "MbS" genannt – ist der neue Politstar im Königreich. Aber kann (oder will) er Saudi-Arabien wirklich öffnen?

Also ist MbS ein Hoffnungsträger?

Ja und Nein. Die innenpolitischen Weichenstellungen nehmen viele Saudis jubelnd auf, seine "Vision 2030" kommt an. Aber in erster Linie ist Salman Verteidigungsminister – und als solcher ein knallharter Populist.

Mein Kommentar: Man sollte nicht PR und Realität durcheinander bringen.

(B P)

Mohammed Bin Salman's vision for Saudi Arabia may lead to popular resistance

For decades, Saudi rulers have utilised religion to remain in power and gain regional dominance. Mohammed Bin Salman's attempt to shake that status quo could yield severe consequences

On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia's crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, stated that his country was moving towards a "moderate, open" form of Islam. The statements, which triggered a mixed reaction among Saudis, reflect what amounts to a radical shift on the question of religion in the kingdom.

Many wondered what role religion is likely to play under king Mohammed bin Salman, particularly given the fact that previous Saudi rulers have invested heavily in creating the perception of the kingdom as the sole guardian of the Muslim faith.

Since the foundation of the Saudi state - and its takeover of the most sacred sites of Islam - religion not only served as an internal tool for the political elite to enforce authority, but also as an external tool used by the nascent state to impose its leadership and dominance over the Muslim world.

My comment: He will not do that. Don’t mix reality and a PR gag (Salman is a great communicator) telling Western media mouthpieces what they want to hear.

(** A B P)

Sun, Sea and Robots: Saudi Arabia’s Sci-Fi City in the Desert

The sci-fi city with glimmering office towers and five-star hotels is supposed to represent Saudi efforts to transform a nation once swimming in oil money and now facing a severe financial squeeze.

It’s also another example of Prince Mohammed’s willingness to throw money at projects regardless of dwindling resources. The unveiling of the megacity this week follows plans for a vast entertainment park, a tourist retreat and a $4.8 billion makeover for the waterfront in Jeddah on the Red Sea coast.

My comment: A lot of background information.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia's new bridge to Africa 'will require Israeli approval'

Expert says that the inclusion of the Israeli-controlled Straits of Tiran in Saudi Arabia's ambitious $500bn plan suggests secret coordination.

A key element of Saudi Arabia's ambitious $500 billion plan to establish a business and industrial zone stretching into Egypt and Jordan will require Israeli approval, according to a report published on Wednesday.

The proposal, which is the largest project so far to be announced as part of the country's economic transformation, includes the construction of a bridge over the Red Sea Straits of Tiran.
The straits are currently controlled by Israel, in line with the North African country's 1979 peace treaty with Israel.


(* B P)

Saudi Arabia Might Recognize Israel Because Of NEOM

The half-a-trillion-dollar initiative to build a tristate city at the Saudi, Egyptian, and Jordanian border in the Gulf of Aqaba will more than likely lead to Riyadh recognizing Israel and integrating Tel Aviv into the project.

The Gulf of Aqaba was chosen not just because it would allow NEOM to spread into Egypt and Jordan, but also because of its proximity to Israel, which is promoting its “Red-Med” railway proposal as the perfect Mideast complementary component of the New Silk Road.

(* A E P)

Exclusive: Saudi Aramco IPO on track for 2018 - Saudi crown prince

Saudi Aramco’s initial public offering is on track for next year and the national oil giant could be valued at more than $2 trillion, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman told Reuters in an interview.

Following is the text of Reuters interview with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

He spoke on a number of issues, including NEOM, the $500 billion mega-city announced this week, which he said will be floated on financial markets alongside oil giant Saudi Aramco as part of the kingdom’s drive to diversify away from oil.

Q: Any change of heart on policy in Yemen?

“If we want to create another Hezbollah in the Middle East, then let’s change our policy in Yemen.”

and also

(A E P)

Citigroup plans hiring drive as it re-enters Saudi Arabia

Citigroup (C.N) wants to hire up to 20 bankers in Saudi Arabia, where it plans to formally begin operations in the first quarter after obtaining an investment banking license in the kingdom, a senior executive said.Saudi Arabia’s economic reform program would create investment banking opportunities through privatizations and by encouraging more savings by the population, Carmen Haddad, chief executive officer of Citi Saudi Arabia, told Reuters

(* B P T)

Film: let Me introduce you to Salman Bin Sultan .the man who funded extremists rebels in Syria .

(* A H P)

Wie junge Muslima auf YouTube die Männerwelt in Saudi-Arabien aufmischen

"Die Videos sind nicht nur für mich – sondern für alle Frauen!"

Amal arbeitet gerade an einer kleinen Revolution. Sie nimmt dafür zwei Eier in die Hand, zerbricht sie über einer Schüssel und fügt Mehl und Milch hinzu. Dann zerquirlt Amal die Masse, gießt sie in eine Pfanne und macht Crepes. Mit einer Kamera filmt sie ihre Hände bei der Arbeit – das Video auf YouTube haben bereits mehr als fünf Millionen Menschengesehen.

Die meisten kommen wahrscheinlich aus Saudi-Arabien, denn dort ist Amal El-Mziryahi ein Star. Sie gehört zu einer Gruppe junger Frauen, die online für Aufsehen sorgen.

cp9 USA

(* B P)

America's Appalling Role in Yemen War Will Never En

It is premature to get excited over the news that some US House lawmakers are supporting a bill to halt Washington’s military involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen.

Although the bill requires the removal of US forces from the “unauthorized hostilities” in Yemen within 30 days under the War Powers Act, it will never happen, even if the measure reaches the floor for a vote. As maintained by the same lawmakers, the bill would not prevent the Pentagon regime from going after Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIL, which for the first time has established a foothold in Yemen. The bill would not end US drone strikes either, which in many cases target civilians in the war-ravaged country.

After all, the US is aiding and abetting the Saudi-led war that is designed to restore the ousted government of President Hadi to power - Riyadh’s own puppet.

Put simply, the US will continue to sponsor an appalling humanitarian catastrophe that, by some measures, is larger than the crisis in Syria. The Saudi-led coalition would be grounded if the War Party in Washington withheld its support. Yet all we have heard is crickets - beyond a couple boilerplate, lukewarm expressions of concern, and dodgy bills at the Congress.

My comment: By Iranian media –anyway, I fear, simply true.

(* A P)

#HConRes81 now has 36 cosponsors! If you don't see your reps' names, please contact them ASAP: (202)224-3121 or

Tell Congress: Stop fueling war in Yemen

Yemen is facing a massive humanitarian catastrophe and we need your help to stop it. American aid is crucial to the Saudi war effort, and removing our assistance would limit Saudi attacks and may be even push them to the negotiating table. Email your Representative now and ask them to support House Resolution 81, the Khanna Pocan resolution to stop US military action in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

To find the names of your Senators and Representatives please see this page.

Below is some sample text to get you started, but please customize the message in your own words.


(A P)

US lawmaker calls to halt military support for Saudi Arabia

US Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna said he hoped a resolution could be passed that puts an end to US military support for Saudi forces in their war against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

(A P)

Kootenai County GOP rejects Yemen resolution; Labrador joins Yemen war skeptics

(* A P)

Trump's New Refugee Policy Targets These 11 Countries

The administration won't say who's on it, but The Atlantic has obtained a list.

The Trump administration issued an order Tuesday that resumed the resettlement of refuges in the United States, but said the applications of citizens from 11 “higher-risk” countries would be considered on a case-by-case basis during a new 90-day review period.

(* A P)

Tillerson Warns Europe Against Iran Investments

Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson warned Europeans on Sunday not to invest in certain Iranian businesses as the Trump administration considers walking away from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposing sanctions against Iran.

Speaking during a visit to Saudi Arabia, Mr. Tillerson said, “Both of our countries believe that those who conduct business with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, any of their entities — European companies or other companies around the globe — really do so at great risk.” Mr. Tillerson appeared at a brief news conference in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, with the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir.

Tillerson Warns Europe Against Iran Investments - The New York Times = and also and film:


There are an estimated 350,000-400,000 Yemenis living in the United States as of 2010.

Yemenis first arrived to the United States in 1869. These early immigrants became farmers in the West and worked in automobile factories in Midwestern and Northern states; most settled in New York, Michigan, and California.

The first Yemeni entrepreneurs in the United States were owners of cafes, gas stations, and businesses that are not characteristic of Yemeni culture. It is likely that Yemenis became owners of cafes connected with the more established Lebanese and Palestinian communities.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

Britain’s allies are killing, and maiming, children in Yemen. This must stop.

Sign the petition to foreign secretary Boris Johnson now.

(* B P)

Even the Labour party cannot get enough of Saudi’s war on Yemen

Faced with these jobs disappearing rapidly (1,000 more were reported to have gone last year), the Labour party is responding poorly. They are calling for the dominance of the arms trade to be further entrenched, and for it to enjoy even more state sponsorship than it already does, and receive even more lucrative subsidies

(* A P)

The government makes a ‘shameful’ confession, then tries to defend it. Wrong move.

The UK government has tried to defend a “shameful” confession it made. But no one’s buying it.

The Department for International Trade (DIT) has revealed that Britain sold over £1bn worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia in a six-month period alone. This is despite human rights groups routinely accusing the kingdom of war crimes in Yemen.

The government appears to argue that the sales are fine because it hasn’t green-lit a large amount of licences. Instead, the huge figure mainly relates to one particular licence worth around £830m.

It’s only the government, however, that seems to think that makes it okay.

(* A P)

'Greater good' pair cleared of BAE criminal damage

Two men have been acquitted of criminal damage at a site owned by defence company BAE Systems after arguing they acted for the greater good.

The Reverend Daniel Woodhouse, 30, and Samuel Walton, 31, broke into the site in Warton, Lancashire, on 29 January.

They said they were trying to stop Tornado jets being used by Saudi Arabia to bomb Yemen.

A district judge in Burnley accepted their beliefs were sincerely held and found them not guilty.


(*A P)

"UK prostituting human rights for weapons," say freed fighter-jet 'saboteurs'

Two anti-war campaigners who attempted to sabotage a fighter jet due for export to Saudi Arabia for possible use in Yemen's conflict have been found not guilty of causing criminal damage.

Sam Walton and Rev Daniel Woodhouse, a Christian minister, said their acquittal at Burnley Magistrates Court was a "vindication" of their protest.

"Today's verdict is a condemnation of BAE Systems and UK arms export policy," Sam Walton told The New Arab.

"I call on anyone who is heartened by this case to celebrate by criticising and protesting against Saudi Arabia."

District Judge James Clarke described the two men in his verdict as "impressive and eloquent men who held strong views about what they were doing and what they wanted to achieve".


(* B P)

Even the UK courts believe our arms sales to Saudi Arabia are wrong – which is why we were acquitted of criminal damage this week

Motivated by our Quaker belief and our political principles, we stressed that we had never wanted to take the action against BAE Systems in the first place. We had felt compelled to do so in order to prevent greater crimes – by Sam Walton, Daniel Woodhouse


(* A P)

Reverend and Quaker activist found not guilty after trying to disarm BAE fighter jets headed for Yemen

This afternoon, Reverend Daniel Woodhouse and Sam Walton, a Quaker activist from London, were found not guilty at Burnley Magistrates Court, following their arrest for trying to disarm Typhoon fighter jets at BAE Systems’ site in Warton, Lancashire on 29 January 2017.

Their aim had been to stop the jets, which had Saudi markings painted on them, from going to Saudi Arabia where they would be used to support the ongoing bombing of Yemen. Sam and Daniel successfully argued that their intention was to save innocent lives and prevent war crimes, by physically disabling the warplanes. and photos:

(* A P)

Reverend & Quaker in court today for trying to disarm BAE Systems fighter jets destined for Saudi Arabia

Activist Sam Walton and Rev Daniel Woodhouse were arrested in January 2017 for breaking-in to BAE factory to ‘disarm’ Typhoon fighter jets.

The trial, which begins tomorrow, will last for three days

Typhoon fighter jets are being used by Saudi-led forces in the ongoing bombardment of Yemen

The UK has licensed £3.8 billion worth of arms to Saudi Arabia since the bombing began in March 2015

(A P)

Activists Intercepted Al-Jubair’s ,Gargash’s Car while Bahraini Ambassador Run Away in London

British activists intercepted the Saudi Foreign Minister “Adel al-Jubeir” was accompanied with the UAE Minister “Anwar Gargash” and Bahraini Ambassador “Fawaz Al-Khailafa” after after the end of a lecture in London. and film:

(* A P)

Michael Fallon: criticising Saudi Arabia 'not helpful' for UK arms sales

Defence secretary provokes backlash from human rights groups for emphasising sale of fighter jets to the kingdom

Michael Fallon urged MPs to stop criticising Saudi Arabia in the interests of securing a fighter jet deal, provoking sharp criticism from human rights and arms trade campaigners.

The defence secretary was giving evidence to the Commons defence committee, where he was pressed about why a deal to sell Typhoon fighter jets to Saudi Arabia had not yet been signed.

Fallon said he had been working extremely hard on the deal and had travelled to Jeddah in September to discuss it with his Saudi counterpart

Comment: #ISIS should start buying their weapons from #UK, if they want to stop criticism of their #terror & #oppression.

My comment: This is absolutely disgusting – and never the less is true. Does anyone have in mind that it never can be the task of a so-called “defence secretary” to show up as an arms representative for British Aerospace or any other company – that simply is not his job!!!!! – Keep in mind that the public gets enraged when after their retirement politicians become lobbyists and companies’ representatives – and fallon already does this DURING his political career!!!

(* A K P)

Criticism of Saudi Arabia ‘not helpful’ for UK weapons sales

MPs told sales of Typhoon fighters are being hindered by attacks on regime

Sir Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, said criticism of Saudi Arabia in parliament risked jeopardising BAE Systems’ £4bn deal to sell 48 Eurofighter Typhoon jets to the oil-rich kingdom.

During a 2½ -hour session before MPs on the defence committee on Wednesday, Sir Michael said he remained hopeful that a deal with Saudi Arabia would be concluded but added that criticism of potential human rights abuses in the conflict with Yemen threatened to derail the deal. and also

(* A K P)

Michael Fallon is “putting arms sales ahead of human rights,democracy & international humanitarian law”

This afternoon the Secretary of State for Defence, Michael Fallon, told the House of Commons Defence Committee that criticism of the Saudi Arabian regime and its brutal bombardment of Yemen is a hindrance to arms sales. This was part of an update he gave on negotiations to sell a further batch of Eurofighter jets to the Saudi Royal Air Force.

Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade said: “These comments from the Secretary of State for Defence are disgraceful. He is calling on other parliamentarians to join him in putting arms sales ahead of human rights, democracy and international humanitarian law.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Der Jemen-Krieg

Wege aus der Ohnmacht der Weltgemeinschaft

Die Lösung des Konflikts hat offensichtlich keine hohe Priorität in der internationalen Krisendiplomatie, bisherige Friedensbemühungen liefen ins Leere. Und auch Deutschland liefert weiter Waffen an Saudi-Arabien. Der Krieg spielt derweilen Teheran in die Hände – ohne das Iran viel investieren muss, ist der Konkurrent Saudi-Arabien in einen Konflikt mit hohen Kosten eingebunden.

Mein Kommentar: Ach, die Grünen. Sie stehen doch auch für den NATO-Konsens… und damit für die Kriege unseres transatlantischen Verbündeten.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Health of Hunger Strikers in Bahrain Prison Worsen Amid Cruel Treatment

(* A P)

EU under mounting pressure to ban arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Four political groups in European parliament urge EU foreign policy chief to propose arms embargo over Yemen campaign

(A P)

Man detained in Dubai for touching a man's hip returns home

Jamie Harron, who faced three months in a Dubai jail, has returned to the UK after his charges for public indecency were dropped. On his arrival, Harron said: "I still couldn't believe it had actually happened."

My comment: NEVER, NEVER go for vacation to this horrible state.



Dubai revealed the project, Mars Science City, last month through a press release and annual government meeting. At 1.9 million square feet, the Mars Science City will be the largest space simulation city in the world. The goal is to create a viable and realistic environment for simulating life in space and other planets.

The Gulf kingdoms’ history of using forced immigrant labor also seems to fly under the media’s radar. The majority of the U.A.E.’s population is Indian or Pakistani– only about 8% are actual Emiratis. This makes it hard not to wonder who will be building the Mars simulation city. Slave labor perhaps?

Since the U.A.E. recently jumped at the chance to militarily occupy most of southern Yemen including the island of Socotra (a natural wonder), it’s no surprise they also plan to be the first nation to colonize Mars.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P T)

Film: #Qatar's ex PM says that Qatari support for jihadists including Nusra in #Syria was in coordination w/ KSA, Turkey & the US via @BBassem7

My comment: That’s 100 % believable.

(A P)

Film: The Emir of Qatar says Pres. Trump offered a meeting at Camp David to help end its blockade. @CharlieRose spoke with him for @60Minutes:

(A P T)

Yemeni Al Qaeda figure sanctioned by GCC appeared on Qatar boycott list

A Yemeni individual and an organisation that appeared on a US and Gulf list of terror financiers were previously highlighted by the quartet as backed by Qatar

Remark: By Emirati media.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Finland wary over defense industry sales to Middle East nations in conflict

Finland’s arms exports rose to $150 million in 2016 amid continuing efforts by the country’s defense industry to grow sales to markets in the Middle East. However, the increase in export business to the region, and in particular those states engaged in the military conflict in Yemen, is proving a cause for concern in some political quarters in Finland.

“We need to question some export permits, especially to states in the Middle East that are experiencing civil unrest and at war with their neighbors. It is questionable whether we should be selling military materials to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which are involved in the conflict in Yemen,” said Erkki Tuomioja, a Social Democratic lawmaker who formerly served as Finland‘s foreign minister.

According to the Finland-based security think tank SaferGlobe, a record 63 percent of Finland’s defense export revenues in 2016 were generated from sales to Middle Eastern countries.

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

(* A K P)

Sudanese MP calls to withdraw troops from Yemen

The leading figure at the Reform Now Movement (RNM) and member of the parliament Hassan Osman Rizq Wednesday has called to end the presence of the Sudanese troops in Yemen.

“If we entered the war for the sake of our friendly relations with Saudi Arabia, it doesn’t need that because Saudi Arabia has many friendly countries that didn’t enter the war to fight alongside it,” he said.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(unrated B E K)

Film: Experts say impacts of Saudi war on Yemen economy immense

Economic experts have held a forum in Yemen to assess impacts of the Saudi war on the country. They say nearly 47% of the country's factories and other facilities have been partially or totally destroyed.

Remark: From Iran.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

#alQaeda #Yemen releases lament for Sheikh Abu Hammam al-Ibbi. #AQAP previously retracted its announcement of his death by drone in Nov 2016 (image)

(* A P T)

Yemen's Salafi warlord - armed by Riyadh, branded a terrorist by Riyadh

Saudi Arabia financed Abu al-Abbas for years. This week it labelled him al-Qaeda, in an embarassing move that threatens Taiz with more violence

Abu al-Abbas commands the largest Salafi force inside Taiz's Popular Resistance. He controls most major routes in and out of the city, dominates most public institutions as resistance finance manager and has for three years been armed and paid by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

But that could soon change - earlier this week, Abu al-Abbas was designated an al-Qaeda and Islamic State supporter by the Saudis, their Gulf allies, Qatar and the US.

The latest split among supporters of the government of Abd Rabbuh Hadi raises not only serious questions about Saudi policy in Yemen, but also threatens to bring more violence to a city and region already suffering from years of siege warfare and bombing.


(A P T)

Abu Al Abbas, Qaeda/leader in Taiz. On Oct 22, he wrote this letter to Saudi puppet Hadi as soldier of his.b4 being announced a terrorist! (images)

(* A T)

US drone strike kills 13 'IS fighters' in Yemen

A US drone strike killed 13 suspected Islamic State militants in central Yemen on Wednesday, as the US and six Gulf states announced sanctions against militants in the war-torn country.

My comment: Again: “Suspected”.

(* A T)

Pentagon: US airstrikes in Yemen kill 9 ISIS militants

The US military conducted two airstrikes targeting ISIS in Yemen on Wednesday, killing nine ISIS militants, according to US Central Command, which oversees US troops in the region.

The two strikes hit ISIS vehicles and took place in al Bayda Governorate in Yemen.

The first strike successfully targeted seven armed ISIS fighters traveling in a truck in a rural area of al Bayda. The second strike killed two armed ISIS fighters in a parked truck located about five miles to the west of the first site, Jacques said

(* A T)

Arab news sites are reporting 13 dead in 2 US #drone strikes on #IslamicState in al-Bayda' #Yemen today. referrring to

(* A T)

Drone kills seven suspected al Qaeda members in Yemen: sources

Seven suspected al Qaeda militants were killed by a drone strike in central Yemen on Wednesday, residents and local officials said.

The strikes hit two cars carrying armed individuals in al-Bayda province, the sources said.

(* B T)

US strikes ISIS in Yemen again, killing 60 terrorist targets in total

Wednesday’s strikes are only the second series of strikes against ISIS militants in Yemen. In mid-October, U.S. unmanned aircraft struck an ISIS training camp in the same region, killing dozens of ISIS fighters.

“In the last ten days, U.S. forces have targeted and killed approximately 60 ISIS terrorists in Yemen,” an official at CENTCOM told Military Times.

My comment: So it works: In the news, they often are “suspected” Al Qaida fighters. Afterwards, the y simply are “terrorists”. That’s more than doubtful, anyway.

Comment: Notwithstanding the usual 'Iran back Houthis' narrative, this is an interesting read.
Is ISIS truly growing in #Yemen? Are we brought to believe by paranoid governments that ISIS is moving from the failed attempt to establish a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq to Yemen?

(* A T)

U.S., Gulf nations target Yemen terrorism financing

The United States and six Gulf nations have targeted 13 individuals they say are al Qaeda and Islamic State militants, in an action intended to disrupt terrorism financing in Yemen, U.S. administration officials said on Wednesday.

Among those targeted are the militant group’s chief financial officer in Yemen and head of assassinations in that country. The action puts those named on a business blacklist, which prohibits any financial actions and freezes their bank accounts.

(* A T)

U.S. Joins With Saudi Arabia, Qatar on New Yemen Sanctions

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the U.S. would impose sanctions on alleged terrorism financiers in Yemen, targeting eight individuals and an organization for supporting the militant groups Islamic State and al-Qaeda in Yemen.

The move was made “in partnership” with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, the Treasury Department said in an emailed statement on Wednesday.

Qatar’s involvement is notable

and also

(* A P T)

Feuding Arab states back U.S. sanctions of Yemeni

Qatar joins critics targeting terror group financiers

Qatar joined other Arab powers Wednesday in a U.S.-backed push to level fresh sanctions against individuals and organizations accused of financing the Islamic State and al Qaeda in Yemen — an unexpected shift by the tiny Persian Gulf nation that has been diplomatically blackballed by its Arab neighbors for allegedly supporting terrorists.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin announced the new sanctions in Saudi Arabia, signaling a rare moment of coordination among the feuding oil-rich Gulf states. And analysts saw Qatar’s involvement as a small but hopeful sign of progress toward a resolution of the ongoing diplomatic crisis that has badly divided some of the U.S.’ strongest allies in the region.

and this is the official list by the Treasury:

(* A P T)

Counter Terrorism Designations

OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL, Specially Designated Nationals List Update:

and keep in mind:

(A P T)

Riyadh slaps sanctions on 11 Yemenis, 2 entities for terror links

My comment: While cooperating with Al Qaida in Yemen in many ways. LOL.

(A P)

Bahrain designates individuals, entities in Yemen as terrorists

In light of the ongoing efforts to eradicate terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and combatting the financing of terrorism, the Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Bahrain has classified a number of individuals and entities on the list of the leaders, funders and aiders of the terrorist organizations Daesh and Al Qaeda in Yemen.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemen President: Houthi Militias Are Iranian Proxies Targeting Saudi Stability

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi said on Thursday that Iran is exclusively using coup militias in Yemen for their regional proxy war, hoping to destabilize the security and stability of neighboring countries, specifically the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


(A P)

Hadi: Iran is seeking to establish a new Hezbollah

President Abdu Rabbu M. Hadi said, "Iran is seeking to establish a new Hezbollah on the borders of the Kingdom [of Saudi Arabia] by supporting the Houthi's militia."

My comment: This simply is part of Hadi’s odd standard propaganda.

(A P)

Saleh-Houthi militias kill, injure 1070 civilians from a province they control

My comment: The Houthis’ behavior especially in Ibb province is horrible – often also linked to be me – but these figures are from the clouds of Hadi government propaganda.

(A P)

Mekhlafi: Disarming Insurgents is Essential for Peace in Yemen

In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdel-Malek al-Mekhlafi said that his government would stress during the upcoming meeting its commitment to peace, especially in light of the latest international proposals that were approved by the Yemeni authorities.

“We are at a turning point, in which much has been achieved in the last period in favor of the restoration of the state, putting an end to this coup, and strengthening the presence of the Yemeni government across the Yemeni territories. We are in a new phase seeking to realize greater and wider victory, especially that the Arab coalition has achieved a lot on the ground and in the political process,” Al-Mekhlafi stated.

(A P T)

Hit terrorists where it hurts in Yemen

While Gulf states and US have made crucial progress, military action alone won’t eliminate extremists

The UAE has played a leading role and dedicated massive resources to making sure that such terrorist groups are not allowed to fester in Yemen. It was the first country to decide to train Yemeni forces to fight against the group and has recorded many victories since then

(A P)

I will return Saudi Arabia to moderate Islam, says crown prince

Mohammed bin Salman tells the Guardian that ultra-conservative state has been ‘not normal’ for past 30 years

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has vowed to return the country to “moderate Islam” and asked for global support to transform the hardline kingdom into an open society that empowers citizens and lures investors.

In an interview with the Guardian, the powerful heir to the Saudi throne said the ultra-conservative state had been “not normal” for the past 30 years, blaming rigid doctrines that have governed society in a reaction to the Iranian revolution, which successive leaders “didn’t know how to deal with”.

My comment: Salman is a great PR communicator, making a lot of interviews. – He indirectly blames Iran for Saudi extremism? LOL. Well, but Saudi extremism does not go back 30 years or 38 (to Iranian revolution) but at least 273 years to 1744 (the Saudis becoming followers of Wahabism).

(A P)

War against Yemen’s Houthis set to go on: Saudi prince

Saudi-led campaign in Yemen has prevented Shia militia from becoming ‘Hezbollah on our borders’, crown prince asserts

Bin Salman made the assertion in an official statement carried by Saudi news channel Al-Arabiya.

“The war in Yemen will prevent the Houthis from becoming another Hezbollah on our borders,” he said. and also

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Saudi air raids, by Legal Center: Look at Yemen War Mosaic 354

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K PH)

Saudi Warplanes Continue Killing Yemenis for Two Years and Half The The warplanes of the coalition led by Saudi Arabia waged three airstrikes targeted the public road that links between Amran and Saada provinces in AlAmar area, AlSafra district, killed 3 civilians and injured 3 others including children …

*Killed Names: (photos) and also

(A K PH)

An Update on the Crimes Committed by the Saudi-Led Coalition on 26/10/2017

(A K)

3 #Saudi air strikes targeted Alsafra area in #Saada #Yemen Reports of casualties.


(A K PS)

Senior Houthi leader killed in coalition airstrike

A senior Houthi militia leader was killed along with a number of his other soldiers in Hajja province in north-west Yemen by an Arab Coalition air strike on Thursday. and also

(A K PH)

Two citizens killed in Saudi air strike hit Saada

The US- backed Saudi aggression warplane waged a strike on Baqim district of Saada province and killed two citizens overnight, an official told Saba on Wednesday.
The strike hit al-Humaiqany area, killing the two citizens

and film:

(A K PH)

Film: 2 civilians killed in an air strike in Baqam, Saada, 25-10-2017

Al-Adwan Air Force targeted a motorcycle with an air strike in the Baqam district of Saada governorate, where the raid left two martyrs. = =

and photos:

(A K PH)

Six US-Saudi airstrikes hit capital of Sanaa

The strikes hit Atan area in al-Sabeen district,
The official said that the raids caused heavy damage to houses of the citizens, public and private property and photos:

(A K PH)

More Saudi coalition air raids reported on:

Oct. 26:

Oct. 25:

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K PH)

Yemeni forces target Saudi Typhoon fighter jet over Sana’a

Yemeni air defense forces, backed by fighters from allied Popular Committees, have reportedly shot down a Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jet belonging to the Royal Saudi Air Force, a report says.

Yemen's air defense unit told the country's Arabic-language al-Masirah television network that the aircraft had been targeted with a surface-to-air missile as it was flying in the skies over Nihm district east of the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a on Friday evening. and also

(A K PH)

Pilot of the British-made Euro-fighter ( Typhoon) downed by land-air missile over Sanaa 2day, might have been arrested alive, sources.

(* A K PS)

Missile fired from Yemen at civilian area in Najran

A ballistic missile was fired from Yemen toward the Kingdom’s southern border in the early hours of Friday, spokesman of the Arab Coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen, Col. Turki Al-Maliki said.
The missile, he said, was directed at the southern border village of Najran targeting a civilian populated area.
The missile landed on a residential complex inhabited by resident workers. A fire at the site was put out leaving extensive property damage and only one minor injury to a worker was registered.


(* A K PH)

Yemeni Revolutionaries Score Direct Hit on Saudi Army Base

The Houthi Movement forces fired a ballistic missile at an army base inside Saudi Arabia last night, marking the second time this month that they have targeted installations inside the KSA.

The English-language Lebanon-based AMN quoted the Houthi media relations as saying that the revolutionary forces fired a Qaher-M2 ballistic missile towards the Saudi Army base in the Beir Askar area of the Najran Region.

It further added that their ballistic missile scored a direct hit on the Saudi Army base, destroying a storage hangar that was filled with weapons and food. and also

My comment: So different…

(A K PH)

The Saudi-paid mercenaries waged an artillery shelling on farms in Al-Maslub district of Jawf province, the official said.

(A K PH)

Army shoots down Saudi reconnaissance aircraft in Najran

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


USS Howard aids Iranian mariners from pirate attack off Yemen

An American destroyer has aided three Iranian civilian mariners who reported being attacked by pirates off Yemen, according to a statement from the US Navy on Wednesday.


“My Yemen”: 170 photos

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-352 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-352: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

Jetzt ergänzt: 6.- .18. Okt. 2017 / New: Oct. 6-18, 2017:

und folgende / and following

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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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