Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 356 - Yemen War Mosaic 356

Yemen Press Reader 356: Alles aus Woche 45 Teil 2 (9. - 12. November 2017) / All from week 45 part 2 (November 9 - 12, 2017)

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensverhansdlungen / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A B H K P)

Dem Westen ist der Krieg und die Hungersnot in Jemen komplett egal

In Jemen zeichnet sich die weltweit grösste Hungersnot seit Jahrzehnten ab, doch der Westen hat gelernt, den Krieg im Armenhaus Arabiens zu ignorieren. Ein Grund dafür: Jemenitische Flüchtlinge schaffen es kaum bis nach Europa.

Eines der reichsten Länder der Welt bombardiert eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt. Tausende Menschen sterben. Millionen sind auf der Flucht, doch ausser Landes schafft es kaum einer. Die Grenze im Norden ist abgeriegelt, im Süden liegt das Meer. Alle Häfen und Flughäfen sind geschlossen. Lebensmittel und Medikamente gelangen nicht mehr ins Land. Die Cholera breitet sich aus. Eine Hungersnot ist im Kommen - es könnte die weltweit grösste seit Jahrzehnten sein, wie die Vereinten Nationen warnen.

Ein geschasster Präsident soll in Jemen zurück an die Macht gelangen, weil er saudische Interessen vertritt (ungeachtet dessen, was grosse Teile der jemenitischen Bevölkerung davon halten). Das zweite Ziel ist eher abstrakt und handelt davon, den Einfluss der Iraner, von denen man in Riad glaubt, dass sie den Konflikt in Jemen orchestriert haben, in der Region zu brechen.

Vorschnell wird heute von einem Stellvertreterkrieg gesprochen.

Ein geschasster Präsident soll in Jemen zurück an die Macht gelangen, weil er saudische Interessen vertritt (ungeachtet dessen, was grosse Teile der jemenitischen Bevölkerung davon halten). Das zweite Ziel ist eher abstrakt und handelt davon, den Einfluss der Iraner, von denen man in Riad glaubt, dass sie den Konflikt in Jemen orchestriert haben, in der Region zu brechen.

Vorschnell wird heute von einem Stellvertreterkrieg gesprochen.

Ob und ab welchem Zeitpunkt die Huthi Waffen aus Iran erhalten haben, ist noch immer Gegenstand von Spekulationen.

Doch selbst wenn Iran in Jemen heute tatkräftig mitmischt: Einen Grund, die Huthi als Terroristen abzustempeln und sie vom Verhandlungstisch auszuschliessen, haben die Saudi nie gehabt.

Beeindruckt das Elend in Saudiarabiens «Hinterhof» den jungen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman? Nein.

Die stille Solidarität vieler westlicher Regierungen mit Saudiarabien, die Komplexität des Konfliktes und seine geografische Ferne sind nur drei Gründe, warum der Jemen-Krieg ein geduldeter ist. Der vielleicht wichtigste aber ist das Ausbleiben der Flüchtlinge – von Daniel Steinvorth

Mein Kommentar: Hier schreibt endlich einmal auch auf Deutsch jemand, der Ahnung vom Thema hat.

(** B H P)

The Saudi blockade of Yemen is starving kids and killing thousands, so why is Washington still defending it?

For though the blockade was tightened Monday, it is nothing new. The Saudi coalition has been keeping vital shipments of food, medicine and other necessary supplies out of Yemen for nearly three years.

No container ships carrying pharmaceuticals have been permitted to dock in Yemen since 2015, and just 21 container ships of food were allowed to dock from January to August of this year. During the same period of time in 2014, 129 food ships came in. Riyadh claims its blockade doesn’t deny or delay humanitarian ships, but independent investigations show that is not true.

Today, many in Yemen rely on humanitarian aid just to stay alive

That Saudi-led coalition is made possible by Washington. The blockade is happening with our government’s endorsement, and the entire Saudi intervention is happening with ourgovernment’s material and intelligence support.

(** A H P)

Saudi siege on Yemen: 'Hundreds will die within a week'

Hundreds of sick and elderly Yemenis "will die within the next week" unless Saudi Arabia lifts its blockade and allows urgently needed medical supplies into the country.

Doctors in the capital told Al Jazeera pharmacies across Sanaa that were already struggling with a critical shortage of specialist drugs, would be unable to treat cancer, diabetes and renal failure patients by the start of next week.

"We're running dangerously low on medical supplies and won't have anywhere near the necessary vials of pain-relief medication, insulin, and other specialist medicines for our patients," said Abdulrahman al-Ansi, a doctor at Sanaa's al-Mutawkil hospital.

"Unless Saudi Arabia eases its restrictions and allows food and medical supplies, I could end up losing all of my cancer patients - even those suffering from diabetes - [a treatable disease] will die. Hundreds will perish in the next week alone."

Aid organisations in Yemen said they were "greatly alarmed" by Saudi Arabia's decision, warning it could "bring millions of people closer to starvation and death".

"I haven't received my salary in months," Mohamed Aboubakr, a 62-year-old civil servant, who was undergoing chemotherapy at the hospital, told Al Jazeera.

"How am I going to pay my medical bills?" he asked. "Prices have soared since the start of the siege - what am I supposed to do?"

(** A H P)

Group Departure of Ships Anchoring in Al-Hodeida

After a UN alert, several ships left Al-Hodeida port, controlled by Al-Houthi militias. A navigation source in Al-Hodeida indicated that UN Inspection and Investigation Mechanism in Yemen and a navy ship of the Arab Ally drove eight ships out of the port on Tuesday. The ships left the port submersible with full cargo according to orders of UN mechanism and Arab Ally. Another three ships are still on wharf, one of them belong to UN World Food Program with 30 thousand tons of wheat and is still unloading while the other two ships are commercial ships one of them carries foods and the other carries medical supplies. A fourth ship belonging to UN World Food Program carrying 48 thousand tons of wheat is unloading in Al-Selif port. Spokesman of the UN Office for Human Aids indicated that the Arab Ally requested the UN Inspection and Investigation Mechanism in Yemen to direct all commercial ships in Al-Hodeida to leave, according to the UN broadcast website.

(** A H P)

Film: How can world leaders end Yemen's crisis?

Presenter: Jane Dutton


Akshaya Kumar - Deputy UN Director, Human Rights Watch, and ex-Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Law Centre

Hussain Al Bukhaiti - Journalist and ex-Editor, News of Yemen website.

Helen Lackner - London Middle East Institute, SOAS, University of London

(** A H P)

Saudi-led siege of Yemen: War-hit residents rush for food as prices soar


Aid agencies and NGOs have condemned the move, which Yemenis say will have little impact on Houthi rebels

Streets are full of people flocking to buy basic commodities as prices rise and traders fear that they will soon run out of imports.

“Food is more important than jewellery," he says. "Saudi Arabia has imposed a blockade on Yemen and we can’t find food in the markets anymore. Everyone is buying as much wheat as possible and putting it in barrels to keep for a long time.

"Now we can only sell the commodities that we have in our stores. We cannot import anything, that is why some traders have had to stop to selling.

"If we sell our goods at what we sold them before then we will not be able to buy fresh supplies in future and definitely we will [go] bankrupt. I hope that Saudi allows commercial ships to dock in Yemen, otherwise we will face a real crisis."

(** B K P)

Making Sense of the Missile Mess in Yemen: Where do the Houthis' rockets come from?

Foreign governments and experts for years have claimed that Iran supplies arms to the Houthis. But there’s simply no evidence to back such accusations. Saudi authorities have gathered up all the rocket wreckage from failed Houthi attacks, preventing outside observers from inspecting it.

The only firm evidence of Iran providing any direct military support to the Yemeni alliance is the video below, depicting a supposed “Hezbollah instructor” at a camp in Yemen. Saudi forces captured the video in a raid on a Houthi camp in February 2016.

The only arms captured anywhere in or around Yemen that can be linked to Iran have been a few RPG-7 grip-stocks, several machine guns of North Korean origin that are known to have been exported to Iran back in 1980s and a handful of sniper rifles of Austrian origin that were exported to Iran and then reverse-engineered there.

Even in these few cases, it remains unclear whether the arms in question reached Yemen with at least some sort of a consent from Tehran, or via the black market.

One possible answer is that the Houthi coalition is still deploying only missiles it took from the former Yemeni military

(** B H P)

Meet the Courageous Woman Standing Up to All Sides in Yemen’s Conflict

Radhya al-Mutawakel has faced detention, harassment, and even death threats for her efforts to document atrocities.

Radhya al-Mutawakel, a self-described “human-rights defender” and the co-founder of Mwatana, a civilian-led organization working to document human-rights violations on the ground in Yemen. For years she and her partner/husband, Abdulrasheed Al-Faqih, have trained and dispatched dozens of Yemeni men and women to track abuses perpetrated by all parties in the conflict. In a deeply divided nation, the group’s nonpartisan work has garnered enemies on all sides, and over the years al-Mutawakel has endured slander, detention, physical abuse, and rampant death threats. Her husband has faced similar treatment, while her father, a longtime political dissident, was assassinated in 2014. These experiences have not deterred her, nor her organization, which so far has documented hundreds of cases of violations of human rights and international law involving thousands of civilian victims.

I spoke to al-Mutawakel several times in October.

„The biggest thing for me was learning to just focus only on human rights, nothing else. Most of the time in a conflict, people just want to know, “Who’s the good side, who’s the bad side? Who’s at fault?” But the human-rights approach says, “Who cares?” Their issue is just documenting violations and protecting civilians. This was like magic to me. It simplified so much.

I can’t ignore human rights—that’s who I am, a human-rights defender. But I have to start by educating people with the basics.“

(** B K P)

How Saudi Arabia Sows Instability

U.S. propaganda claims Iran causes Mideast instability, but the truth is that Saudi Arabia – from backing Islamic extremists to blockading and bombing Yemen – is the real culprit, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains

Although only one man can be king at a time, the system of rule to date has involved a distribution of power among different branches of the royal family. With the latest purge and the concentration of power in the young hands of MBS, that system is destroyed.

The internal Saudi instability is important for outsiders, including the United States, regarding the need to realize what they are embracing when they choose to embrace a ruler such as MBS.

In addition, there are external implications. MBS’s internal machinations are related to the export of instability from Saudi Arabia to the rest of the region. This is partly a matter of how the concentration of power in MBS’s young hands amplifies the effects of rashness and inexperience.

Now, also coincident with the purge, is a new Saudi move to politically destabilize Lebanon.

The announcement by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri that he is resigning was patently managed by the Saudi regime. Saudi Arabia is where the Hariri family made its fortune, where Saad Hariri still holds citizenship, and where the resignation announcement was made. The apparent Saudi intention is to stir the Lebanese pot in a way that somehow would be disadvantageous to Hezbollah, which is a partner in the governing Lebanese coalition.

The Trump administration is worse than oblivious to all this; it is stoking it. While the President tweets about which stock exchange should be used for an initial public offering of shares in Aramco, at least as important a figure is another princeling. That would be the President’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who reportedly has hit it off well with his fellow thirty-something MBS and visited the Saudi crown prince just days before the purge.

This relationship is part of a mutual admiration society that also includes the United Arab Emirates’ de facto leader and Abu Dhabi crown prince, Mohammed bin Zayed

(** B K P)

Saudi Arabia’s arms deals are buying the West’s silence over Yemen, activists allege

Both the United States and Britain have been making more money with arms sales to Saudi Arabia in recent years than ever before. Human rights critics fear that Saudi Arabia has not only bought their weapons but their acceptance for their policies.

“The shameless arms supplies to Saudi Arabia … may amount to lucrative trade deals, but the U.K. risks aiding and abetting these terrible crimes,” James Lynch, the head of Arms Control and Human Rights at Amnesty International, said in a recent statement.

The defense industry employs tens of thousands of workers in Britain where concerns over faltering economic prospects are on the rise.

It is far from being the only European country involved in the controversial deals, however.

Of course Saudi Arabia’s attractiveness to Western countries is not just about arms sales. On Thursday, Downing Street said that it would provide Saudi energy giant Aramco with credit guarantees of $2 billion.

If E.U. politicians were determined to implement an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia, parliamentarians would have to convince the governments of all member states to agree to such a ban. With over a dozen nations profiting from arms and military equipment exports to the kingdom, the chances of such an embargo being implemented anytime soon are virtually nonexistent.

Attempts by nongovernmental organizations to force governments into committing to an embargo enforced by courts have so far also been blocked – by Rick Noack

(** B K P)

A Huthi Missile, a Saudi Purge and a Lebanese Resignation Shake the Middle East

Volatility is rising across the Middle East as local, regional and international conflicts increasingly intertwine and amplify each other. Four Crisis Group analysts give a 360-degree view of the new risks of overlapping conflicts that involve Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon and Israel.

The Yemen War Is a Trigger Point for Wider Conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran

Yet lost amid the regional dynamics is the Yemeni political context. The Huthi/Saleh alliance didn’t fire the missile as part of the Iranian-Saudi conflict; rather, they did so for domestic reasons. They view their missile program, rightly or wrongly, as the best way to retaliate against Saudi-led coalition airstrikes, which have devastated parts of north Yemen over the past two and a half years, and also as the best bargaining chip in future negotiations. Tellingly, the missile attack came on the heels of two Saudi airstrikes in the Huthis’ home governorate of Saada, which reportedly killed 38 people, eight of them children.

Should the Saudis choose to retaliate, they would have only limited options inside Yemen, and these would come with significant risks.

Military options also are limited. By this point, the coalition has exhausted legitimate military targets from the air.

The coalition also could put more troops on the ground to try to capture territory in north Yemen. One problem it would face is where to find such troops.

The U.S. conceivably could step in to help the coalition capture Hodeida and other areas. While this may produce gains, it likely would rally additional northern fighters to the fronts, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides. The battle would become increasingly prolonged if it subsequently moved into the highlands.

The Potential Cost to Iran of Its Expanding Rivalry with Saudi Arabia

This development also should be seen in the broader context of Iran’s rivalry with the U.S. and its regional allies. Friction between them is rising in eastern Syria as both sides rush to seize territory from a rapidly diminishing Islamic State (ISIS). This also comes at a time when the Trump administration has launched a broad campaign to demonise Iran as the source of all the region’s troubles and as acting in collusion with al-Qaeda, while refusing to certify Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement, thereby casting doubt on the accord’s sustainability. All of this has heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran, and none of which has been accompanied – let alone mollified – by diplomatic engagement between the two countries.

Saudi Arabia’s Counter-productive Show of Strength in Lebanon

That Prime Minister Hariri announced his resignation from Riyadh clearly made him look like he was acting on Saudi orders. That impression was reinforced by what had happened both prior to and after that event.

The question is why Riyadh made this decision now.

With the U.S. adopting a harder line against Iran and slapping new sanctions on Hizbollah, Saudi Arabia may have sensed an opportunity to reinforce that trend in order to isolate and pressure its regional rival.

Israel Faces New Risks in Enforcing Its Red Lines against Hizbollah

(** B P T)

ISIS was state-sponsored by US allies, says former government intelligence analyst

A stunning new study authored by a former US government intelligence analyst and staff member for official investigations into the 9/11 attacks, concludes that the Islamic State (ISIS) received significant state-sponsorship up to 2016.

The study is corroborated by revelations from two former senior British intelligence officials in exclusive interviews with INSURGE.

The new evidence raises urgent questions about the material context of ISIS’ extraordinarily rapid growth, and its ability to inspire incidents such as the truck attack in New York.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, the peer-reviewed paper published in the Routledge journal Studies in Conflict and Terrorism in July, confirms not only that several regional states deliberately empowered al-Qaeda and ISIS foreign fighters for their geopolitical ends, but that many of these states are ostensibly US allies in the ‘war on terror’: including Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Study author Professor Daniel Byman of Georgetown University’s Security Studies Programme was previously a Middle East analyst for the US intelligence community, and headed up the Center for Middle East Studies at the RAND Corporation — a major US government defence contractor.

‘Non-state’ terror is often state-sponsored

Flying in the face of much conventional wisdom on the ‘non-state’ nature of international Islamist terrorism, the study finds that:

“Some of the most important foreign fighter movements in the world today receive massive and explicit state support, while still others rely on states to tolerate their fund-raising, transit, recruitment, and other core activities.”

US and British regional alliances with various Muslim regimes have functioned systematically to undermine national security. It is long past time to re-evaluate these alliances – By Nafeez Ahmed

and on this subject also

(** B P T)

The Yemeni governor caught up in an Al-Qaeda financing scandal

Although the international community frequently accuses Yemen of corruption and double-dealing, few Yemeni politicians can say they have been sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for supporting Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)- the armed organisation's top franchise in the region.
That dubious honour belongs to Nayif Salih Salim al-Qaysi, the former governor of al-Baydha and an alleged AQAP financier.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), a sub-agency of the Treasury, listed al-Qaysi as a "specially designated global terrorist" for what it described as his history of commanding and funding affiliates of AQAP in addition to acting on its behalf on May 19, 2016, six months after the Yemeni government appointed him to the governorship of al-Bayda.
Al-Qaysi denied the allegations. A little over a year later, this July, the Yemeni government sacked him without public explanation.

My comment: It was well-known for long that al-Qaysi was al Qaida. He had been appointed by “president” Hadi and was held until now.

(** B P T)

CIA's bin Laden files stunt raises more questions than it answers

Iran hawks in the Trump administration have orchestrated the latest release of documents via a neoconservative think tank to link al-Qaeda to Iran

The fascinating part of this release story is that the first outlet that published the link between Iran and al Qaeda, based on a 19-page report that was distilled with extraordinary speed from almost half-a-million files, was the Long War Journal (LWJ), the publication of the neoconservative Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD).

The LWJ had prepared a post, ready to go upon release, to provide early context to the huge cache: Iran cooperated with al-Qaeda and could now be labelled as a “state sponsor of terror” based on al-Qaeda’s internal documents.

The next step? Advocating regime change in Iran similar to that which occurred in Iraq’s case.

The FDD is said to be a Washington, DC based think tank. But in reality, it is a centre dedicated to regime change in Iran and exerts influence over the US government to achieve its goal.

Familiarity with the intricacies of the religious differences and hostile relations between extremist Sunnis and Shias in the region makes the story of training al-Qaeda operatives in Hezbollah camps a dubious one.

The story is reminiscent of the claim that al-Qaeda members were trained by the secular and nationalist Baathist Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein.

Worthy of note are the contradictory descriptions presented by the journal regarding Iran-al-Qaeda relations.

In May 2015, just before the release of the first batch of documents collected from bin Laden's compound, the investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, in a lengthy report based on a number of American sources, revealed official Pakistani and Saudi aid given to bin Laden while he lived in Abbottabad. – by Shahir Shahidsaless

Comment: Well these attempts to link AQ with Iran seem a bit far fetched to me. As I understand things they are at opposite ends of the spectrum and more likely to kill each other than cooperate. Whereas the AQ and KSA links are well documented, well understood and make more sense - not least because both have extremist Sunni viewpoints and both have strong anti Shia rhetoric.

(** B P)

Der gewollte Krieg: Wie Saudi-Arabien den Mittleren Osten destabilisiert.

Als in Saudi Arabien in der Nacht vom 4. auf den 5. November die „Nacht der langen Messer“ ausgerufen wurde, glaubte man zunächst an den Amoklauf eines Tyrannen, der an vielen Fronten verliert: Der absolutistische Herrscher des Landes eignete sich – unter dem sinnigen Vorwand der „Korruption“ – das Eigentum von einigen der reichsten Personen des Landes an und zudem wurden mindestens zwei seiner möglichen Gegner getötet. Der Syrien-Stellvertreterkrieg ist so gut wie beendet. Die Aggressionen gegen Katar verpuffen. Der Krieg gegen eines der ärmsten Länder der Region, den Jemen, findet sich trotz Zerbombung der Infrastruktur, Sanktionen und Blockaden in einer Sackgasse. Die Aggression gegen den Iran isoliert das Land in keiner Weise. Und nun erklärt Saudi-Arabien dem Libanon praktisch den Krieg und „säubert“ im Inneren jeden möglichen Widerstand? Aber was völlig irrational erscheint, ist sorgfältig geplant und abgesprochen mit den USA und Israel. Und Deutschland ist über Waffenlieferungen und die NATO mit dabei.

Krieg gegen den Libanon

Krieg gegen den Jemen

Krieg gegen mögliche Opposition

In einer überraschenden „Säuberungsaktion“ befreit sich der Kronprinz offensichtlich von allen eventuellen Gegnern, die seinem Traum, König zu werden, gefährlich werden könnten. Der Vorwand „Geldwäsche“ und „Korruption“ ist insofern lächerlich, als das Land einer Familie „gehört“, die absolutistisch agiert und deren komplette Regierungsführung insofern nur aus Korruption besteht, da sie den Menschen keinerlei politische Rechte einräumt.

Die meiner Meinung nach der NATO sehr nahe stehende ZEIT siehtdie Massenverhaftungen übrigens als Zeichen: „Der saudische Kronprinz will das Land von Grund auf reformieren“. Gäbe es keine Steigerung von falsch, müsste man sie nun erfinden. Die Zeit erklärt allen Ernstes, dass der Kronprinz, der mehr als jeder seiner Vorgänger Kriege vom Zaum gebrochen hat, das Land zu einer „pluralen, modernen Volkswirtschaft“ machen will, ohne ein Wort über absolutistische Diktatur, Unterstützung von Terrorismus oder Kriegen, mittelalterliche Rechtsprechung und Verfolgung von Dissidenten zu verlieren.

Wer sind die Architekten dieser aggressiven Politik?

Letzte Entwicklungen


Diese Entwicklungen zeigen wieder einmal auf, dass unsere Politiker und die sogenannten Qualitätsmedien mit Ihrer Beschreibung von Saudi-Arabien als „Hort der Stabilität“ schon immer vollkommen falsch lagen – von Jochen Mitschka

(** B P)

In Saudi Arabia, Where Family and State Are One, Arrests May Be Selective

King Salman’s close relatives not only rule Saudi Arabia. They are also in business with it.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is leading a sweeping crackdown against what he has labeled “corruption” that has swept up at least 11 princes from the House of Saud. But his immediate family’s complicated and mostly undisclosed business interests are raising questions about what that accusation means in a kingdom where the law has so far included little or no regulation of what other countries have labeled and outlawed as self-dealing.

Saudi laws, issued by royal decree or derived from Islamic law, have so far included little or no regulation of the sprawling royal family and its closest clients. The family has never disclosed the sources of its income, how much its members might take from the country’s oil revenues, how much they earn from state contracts or how they afford their lavish lifestyles.

King Salman has never explained where he got the money to buy as much as $28 million in London luxury homes, just as his son, Crown Prince Mohammed, has never said how he was able to plunk down more than $500 million for a 440-foot yacht he spotted one day and decided he had to own.

Prince Mohammed’s corruption committee “can basically detain anyone for anything they choose to call corruption,” said Robert Jordan, the former United States ambassador to Saudi Arabia. “That’s part of how this web was spun.”

(** B E P)


A PLAN FOR the United Arab Emirates to wage financial war against its Gulf rival Qatar was found in the task folder of an email account belonging to UAE Ambassador to the United States Yousef al-Otaiba and subsequently obtained by The Intercept.

The economic warfare involved an attack on Qatar’s currency using bond and derivatives manipulation. The plan, laid out in a slide deck provided to The Intercept through the group Global Leaks, was aimed at tanking Qatar’s economy, according to documents drawn up by a bank outlining the strategy.

The outline, prepared by Banque Havilland, a private Luxembourg-based bank owned by the family of controversial British financier David Rowland, laid out a scheme to drive down the value of Qatar’s bonds and increase the cost of insuring them, with the ultimate goal of creating a currency crisis that would drain the country’s cash reserves.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A H P)

UNO befürchtet schweren Rückschlag bei Cholera im Jemen

Dem Kampf gegen die Cholera im Jemen droht nach Einschätzung der Weltgesund­heitsorganisation (WHO) ein schwerer Rückschlag – sollte die Blockade des Landes durch Saudi-Arabien andauern. Eine WHO-Sprecherin sagte heute in Genf, die Organisation benötige den „vollständigen Zugang“ zu allen von der Epidemie betroffenen Gebieten. Es sei nicht hilfreich, die Grenzen und sämtliche Zugänge zum Jemen zu schließen.

(** A H P)

WHO wary of 'major setback' on cholera in Yemen amid blockade

The World Health Organization warned Friday that a Saudi-led blockade of Yemen was threatening to undo efforts to rein in a cholera epidemic already affecting nearly one million people in the war-ravaged country.

Yemen, where a multinational conflict has caused a daunting humanitarian crises, has seen nearly 914,000 people infected by cholera since the latest outbreak began in April, according to WHO figures.

Nearly 2,200 people have so far died from the waterborne disease, which has propagated rapidly due to deteriorating hygiene and sanitation conditions.

A massive vaccination campaign had in recent weeks helped slow the spread, but WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib warned the Saudi-led coalition's decision to seal off Yemen's borders this week threatened the progress made.

"We will suffer a major setback if we don't have full access to all affected areas," she told reporters in Geneva. and film

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update (2017-11-08)

913,741 cases, 2,196 deaths

(* A H)

Yemen's Cholera Outbreak Is Spiraling Out Of Control

The outbreak is actually the fastest growing cholera epidemic ever recorded

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis threaten to attack warships, oil tankers if ports stay closed

Yemen’s armed Houthi movement said on Sunday it could attack warships and oil tankers from enemy countries in retaliation against the closure of Yemeni ports by a Saudi-led military coalition last week.

“The battleships and oil tankers of the aggression and their movements will not be safe from the fire of Yemeni naval forces if they are directed by the senior leadership (to attack),” the Houthis’ official media outlet Al Masirah said on its website, citing a military commander.

My comment: This could be seen as a further escalation. But, be aware, threats against enemy warships are nothing special in war. And the oil tankers from enemy countries are only threated “if they are directed by the senior leadership (to attack)” (what really does not make sense; in which case oil tankers would be used for attacking??). And, the illegal blockade is especially mentioned.


(*A P)

Yemen's Top Figure Warns Saudi Arabia against Attacking Hodeidah Port

Head of Yemen's Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammad Ali al-Houthi warned Riyadh about targeting the major Red Sea port of al-Hodeidah, west of Yemen, and vowed to revenge potential attacks.

Mohammad Ali al-Houthi said that if Saudi Arabia target Hodeidah port and its coastal areas, “we will make unprecedented steps” against the country, the Arabic-language Al Mayadeen TV network reported.

“We can target Saudi oil ships,” he added, noting that “The naval operation in Yemen coastal area will continue as usual peacefully and we will only target the aggressors.”

(* A P)

Houthis threaten to sink Saudi battleships & oil tankers unless Yemen blockade is lifted

Yemen’s Houthi rebel government has threatened to sink Saudi coalition warships and oil tankers unless Riyadh lifts its blockade which threatens the lives of millions in the war-torn country.

“Battleships and oil tankers of the aggressor and its movements will not be immune from the fire of Yemeni naval forces if directed by the senior leadership,” Al Masirah news cited the country’s navy and coast guard as saying Sunday.

The threat of a military response to the ongoing blockade was made after Maj. Gen. Yousef al-Madani met leaders of the naval, coastal defense and coast guard forces Saturday. The same day, Houthi leader Abdel-Malek al-Houthi posted a message on Facebook assuring that “international navigation will remain safe as it was before,” making clear that “only those who attack our country” will be targeted.

(* A K P)

Arab states spent $130bn to destroy Syria, Libya, Yemen: Algerian PM

Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia says some regional Arab states have spent $130 billion to obliterate Syria, Libya and Yemen.

Ouyahia made the remarks on Saturday at a time when much of the Middle East and North Africa is in turmoil, grappling with different crises, ranging from terrorism and insecurity to political uncertainty and foreign interference.

Algeria maintains that regional states should settle their differences through dialog and that foreign meddling is to their detriment.

My comment: That’s less than the sum which Saudi Arabia alone had spent for the Yemen war alone so far (ca. US$ 200 millian per day; that’s from the beginning of the war, 962 days now).

(* A H P)

Yemen: Saudi-led Coalition’s Closure of Ports Cuts the Remaining Life Artery

Millions of Yemenis are Endangered, Coalition Must Open Ports Immediately

Mwatana Organization for Human Rights organization declared that the Saudi-led coalition must immediately open all Yemeni ports including Sanaa international airport, for commercial and humanitarian flights.

After more than one year of Sanaa airport closure in August 2016, and after the missile attack launched by Ansar Allah (Houthis) and intercepted by Saudi Arabia near King Khalid international airport in Riyadh in Saturday evening November 4, 2017, the Saudi-led coalition decided on the November 6, 2017 to “temporarily block all Yemeni air, sea and land ports” including Aden and Seiyun airports which were open to commercial flights.

“For the second time during this war, Yemeni people woke up on the announcement of Saudi-led coalition decision of closing all Yemeni air, land and sea ports. This move shows no concern either to the fading life inside the country or to those who have found themselves stranded at the world’s airports. The coalition treats Yemen as a country with no inhabitants. ”, says Radhya al-Mutawakel, Chairperson of Mwatana Organization for Human Rights.

The Saudi-led coalition claims that this procedure is “To address the vulnerabilities in the current inspection procedures that led to the continuation of the supply of ballistic missiles and military equipment”.

In fact, this announcement has affected on the flow of humanitarian aid in Yemen due to the suspension of humanitarian flights.

(A H P)

Oxfam Calls on Int'l Community to Help Tackle Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

The international community should convince the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen to reopen the country’s ports amid the dire humanitarian situation the nation is facing, Shane Stevenson, Oxfam country director in Yemen, told Sputnik.

(B K P)

Continued Blockade of Yemen Result of UN Silence, US Support: Political Figure

The secretary general of the Yemeni Youth for Justice and Development party said the blockade of Yemen by Saudi Arabia continues due to the United Nations’ silence and the US support.

(A K P)

[Commenting on latest Saudi air raids]

A cynical person would think they're trying to provoke the Huthis to fire another missile at Riyadh in order to draw the US into the Yemen war as a way for KSA to extricate itself.

(* A K P)

Saudi-Arabiens Verbrechen im Jemen – unterstützt durch Washington, London und Berlin

Um von all diesen Problemen abzulenken, hat sich Bin Salman nun entschieden, den Krieg gegen die im Jemen vor drei Jahren an die Macht gekommenen Huthi-Rebellen, die dem Iran – dem Erzfeind Saudi-Arabiens – nahestehen, drastisch zu verschärfen. Mit diesem Machtpoker nimmt er eine menschliche Tragödie in Kauf, deren Ausmaß einem erst dann bewusst wird, wenn man sich folgende Zahlen vor Augen führt:

Diese Zahlen müssten jedem Menschen klar machen, welch monumentales Verbrechen es ist, den Jemen unter den gegenwärtigen Bedingungen vollständig von der Außenwelt abzuriegeln. Was aber tun die Regierungen der Welt dagegen? Wer diese Frage mit „nichts“ beantwortet, der irrt, zumindest im Fall der USA, Großbritanniens und Deutschlands. Deren Regierungen sind nämlich nicht nur der unterlassenen Hilfeleistung schuldig, sie sind direkt an dem Verbrechen im Jemen beteiligt und damit Komplizen bei einem geplanten Massenmord.

Dass die Bundesregierung versucht, dieses gigantische Verbrechen Saudi-Arabiens gegen die Menschlichkeit und die eigene Mittäterschaft stillschweigend zu übergehen, zeigt einmal mehr, wer in unserem Land die politische Macht in Händen hält und als Audio:

(unrated B K P)

Jemen-Feldzug wird zum Debakel für Saudis

Trotz militärischer Übermacht kann die Kriegskoalition des saudischen Königreichs keine entscheidenden Erfolge im Jemen erzielen. Deshalb erhöht sie den Druck auf die Zivilbevölkerung – und hofft insgeheim auf neue Verhandlungen.

Der im Jemen angezettelte Krieg entwickelt sich zu einem regionalpolitischen Desaster für Saudiarabien. Seit fast drei Jahren bombardiert die saudische Luftwaffe den südlichen Nachbarn in Grund und Boden, ohne seinen strategischen Zielen näherzukommen. Im Gegenteil: Die weltweite Empörung über die humanitäre Katastrophe wächst. Und den schiitschen Houthi-Rebellen gelang es zuletzt sogar, die 800 Kilometer entfernte saudische Hauptstadt, Riad, mit einer ballistischen Rakete anzugreifen, nachdem iranische Techniker offenbar die Zielgenauigkeit dieser Geschosse verbessert hatten.

Bemerkung: Überblicksartikel.

(* B H K)

Jemen: Der vergessene Krieg

Der Jemen befindet sich inmitten einer humanitären Katastrophe. Seit zwei Jahren herrscht Krieg, die Lage für die Menschen vor Ort wird immer aussichtsloser. Die DW beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen zur Krise.

Bemerkung: Überblicksartikel.

(unrated B H P)

Audio: Lage im Jemen: "Zehntausende Kinder unterernährt"

Die jüngste Blockade der Flug- und Seehäfen Jemens durch Saudi-Arabien verstärkt das Elend der Zivilbevölkerung, zwei Drittel der Einwohner sind auf Lebensmittelhilfe angewiesen. Tankred Stöbe, Ärzte ohne Grenzen International, schilderte auf WDR 2 eindrücklich die dramatische Lage vor Ort. Insbesonders Kinder seien vom Mangel an Nahrung und Medikamenten betroffen.

Mein Kommentar: „Die Rebellen werden vom Iran unterstützt“ Quatsch; und es sind Hunderttausende, nicht zehntausende Kinder.

(* B K P)

Yemen’s misery: Saudi blockade is causing a humanitarian crisis

There are at least four basic problems involved. The first is that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is in the process of consolidating his rule in Saudi Arabia.

The second problem is that Prince Mohammed is also showing his toughness by escalating Sunni Saudi Arabia’s conflict with Shiite Iran

The third problem is that, even if someone wanted to wrap up the Yemen war, and stop the suffering there, the situation in that troubled country is so complex in terms of competing armed national and international parties that it approaches hopelessness.

The fourth problem, due directly to the United States, is that, largely because of arms sales, America has pretty much 100 percent backed the Saudis in Yemen and in their conflict with Iran.

(B K)

The war gripping Yemen has killed around 8,650 people since a Saudi-led military intervention in 2015, and brought the impoverished country to the brink of famine.

The conflict is underscored by the regional rivalry between Iran, a supporter of Yemen's Shiite Huthi rebels, and Saudi Arabia, which heads a nine-member coalition backing the president.

Here is an overview:

My comment: Overview. The figure of those killed is much, much higher.

(A H P)

Saudi-Arabien hebt Blockade teilweise auf

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärkoalition hatte am Montag Flug- und Seehäfen im Jemen geschlossen. Nun hat Riad die Blockade in dem Bürgerkriegsland zumindest teilweise aufgeboben.

Von Sonntag an könnten die Städte Aden und Saijun wieder angeflogen werden, meldete der von Saudi-Arabien finanzierte Nachrichtenkanal Al-Arabija unter Berufung auf den jemenitischen Verkehrsminister Murad al-Halimi. Zuvor war bereits der Seehafen im südjemenitischen Aden wieder geöffnet worden.

(A H P)

Statement of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, on the Situation in Yemen

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is concerned about the effects of the total closure of air, sea and land access to Yemen on the people in the country, particularly the 2.2 million women of childbearing age, among whom some 352,000 are pregnant. Our estimates show that some 52,800 pregnant women risk complications with immediate danger to their lives if they do not get urgent life-saving maternal care and medicines.

The lack of food, poor nutrition, the unprecedented scale of the cholera outbreak and the near erosion of national health system is also making Yemen extremely dangerous for all, especially for women and girls. UNFPA calls for immediate humanitarian access to reach those in need, especially when Yemen already has one of the highest maternal death rates in the Arab world.

(* A H P)

Yemen: Impact of the closure of seaports and airports on the humanitarian situation - Situation Update 1 | 11 November 2017

since the SLC’s announcement, no permits have been received for humanitarian flights to and from Yemen and for WFP’s VOS Apollo boat to Aden. A consignment of WHO medical supplies remains in Djibouti. In urban areas like Sana’a, fuel prices have sharply increased. Petrol has risen from 275 YER/liter to 335 YER/liter (an almost 22 per cent increase). Local bus fairs in Sana’a have doubled and in some cases tripled.

The UN and other humanitarian actors have all called for the borders to be re-opened and flights to be resumed, stressing that continued closure will sharply aggravate humanitarian crisis in Yemen and bring millions of people in Yemen closer to starvation and death.

WFP currently has 200,000 MT of stocks of food to assist six million people until early January. This includes 108,000 MT of cereals stored in the silos at Hudaydah and Saleef ports.

In the coming month, WFP expects a total of 72,000 MT of mixed food commodities to arrive into Yemen, half of that through Hudaydah and Saleef. A protracted suspension or delay in the delivery of these commodities will affect six million vulnerable people who rely on assistance every month.

Given the time it takes to deliver food from the ports to the people on the ground, WFP relies on the continuous flow of commodities into Yemen.

(A H P)

Uno und EU fordern Aufhebung der Jemen-Blockade

Die Vereinten Nationen und die Europäische Union haben angesichts der im Jemendrohenden Hungersnot eine vollständige Öffnung des Bürgerkriegslandes für Hilfslieferungen gefordert. "Die Lieferung lebensrettender Versorgungsgüter ist entscheidend für die jemenitische Bevölkerung und muss von allen Konfliktparteien ermöglicht werden", erklärte der für humanitäre Hilfe zuständige EU-Kommissar Christos Stylianides.

(A H P)

Statement by Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides on the humanitarian situation in Yemen

Initial measures to resume operations in Aden port and to open al Wadea border crossing are a step in the right direction.

The EU urges the Coalition to ensure the immediate resumption of the UN's flights and activities in the ports of Hodeida and Saleef and the opening of land borders for humanitarian relief and basic commercial commodities. The delivery of life-saving supplies is critical for the Yemeni population and must be facilitated by all parties to the conflict.

(A P)

US Embassy Statement on Port Closings

We call on all parties to ensure unimpeded air and sea access for commercial and humanitarian shipments needed to avert the growing threat of starvation and disease throughout Yemen.
At the same time, we recognize the need for monitoring and controls such as the ones instituted by the UN in coordination with the Coalition to ensure that these shipments are not used to smuggle in weapons such as the missile fired at Riyadh last Saturday. Such missile attacks threaten regional security and undermine UN efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict.
We call for a return to peace talks under UN auspices in order to reach a political solution to the conflict and provide humanitarian assistance to the Yemeni people.

My comment: Even a pretenced appeal to reopen ports and airports is a justification of the 2015/2017 blockade and a support for the Saudi position.

(* A H P)

'Elders' call on Saudi Arabia, allies to lift blockade

An independent group of world leaders are calling on Saudi Arabia and its partners in a coalition fighting Shiite rebels in Yemen to lift their blockade of the war-ravaged nation to avert a humanitarian disaster.

In a Saturday statement, "The Elders" said the blockade was aggravating an already "dire" human situation in Yemen.

The statement echoed concerns by the United Nations and aid groups that the blockade could bring millions of people closer to "starvation and death."

The Elders are a group of world figures who work for international peace. The group is chaired by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

(* A H P)

Dire Humanitarian Situation in Yemen to Worsen amid Continued Blockade

Almost a week after the Saudi-led Coalition imposed a complete blockade on Yemen, humanitarian movements into or out of the country remain stalled. On Monday, the coalition shut air, land and sea routes into Yemen in retaliation for a missile strike carried out near the Saudi capital, Riyadh, last week.

The Coalition has not facilitated any humanitarian movements carrying relief items and aid workers. Climbing fuel prices, which have risen from 60 to 100 per cent, have pushed health facilities to shut down because they cannot cover the increased costs. Water pumping stations have also been affected.

(A H P)

Blockade of Yemeni Borders Temporary Measure - Saudi Arabia's UN Representative

The blockade of all Yemeni air, land and sea borders by the Saudi-led coalition forces is a compulsory measure that will be in place for a short duration and will not interfere with food deliveries to the country, according to Saudi Permanent Representative to the United Nations Abdullah Mouallimi.

"We will soon deal differently with this issue. Those measures aim to respond to a certain situation. When the purpose of those measures ends, we will reopen those ports with introducing some needed amendments and reforms," Mouallimi, was quoted as saying by the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

According to the diplomat, the blockade does not apply to vessels carrying food.

My comment: Reality or propaganda due to international pressure? They already have reopened (or shortly will) Aden port and air port) and a border crossing. I think the blockade of Houthi-held northern Yemen hardly will be lifted.

(* A H P)

Saudi easing of Yemen blockade not enough: UN

The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said Friday.

"Humanitarian movements into Yemen remain blocked," said Russell Geekie, spokesman for the UN office of humanitarian aid OCHA.

"The reopening of the port in Aden is not enough. We need to see the blockade of all the ports lifted, especially Hodeida, for both humanitarians and for commercial imports."

(* [*] B H K)

Audio: How US-Saudi war unleashed world's largest humanitarian crisis in Yemen - Ben Norton WMNF interview

Host Samar Jarrah invited journalist Ben Norton onto her global affairs radio talk show True Talk on October 13, 2017 to discuss the war in Yemen, where 30 months of bombing and blockade by the US-UK-Saudi-UAE coalition has created the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world. We speak about the horrific crisis Yemenis are enduring, with more than 80 percent of the population in need of humanitarian aid, millions of the verge of famine, more than 800,000 cholera cases. I also address the two separate US wars being waged in Yemen: the joint US-Saudi coalition war on the Houthi-Saleh government, and the 16-year covert drone war.

(B H K)

Jemen im Überblick-Armenhaus der arabischen Halbinsel

Arabia Felix, das glückliche Arabien, hieß der Jemen bei den Römern. Heute ist von Glück nichts mehr zu spüren. Einst Blüte arabischer Kultur, ist das Land zum Armenhaus geworden.

Bemerkung: Überblick.

(* A H P)

Saudi-Arabien und Iran nehmen ein Volk in Geiselhaft

Der Jemen ist von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten - Saudi-Arabien hat die Grenzen geschlossen. Hintergrund ist der Machtkampf mit Iran. Der Zivilbevölkerung steht ein brutaler Winter bevor.

Nachdem Saudi-Arabien im Sommer das Emirat Katar fast vollständig von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten hat, ist nun der Jemen an der Reihe. Häfen und Airports sind geschlossen, die Zufahrtswege abgeriegelt.

So sieht Riads Reaktion auf den jüngsten Raketenbeschuss aus dem Nachbarland aus.

Selbst Hilfsorganisationen sind von der jüngsten saudischen Strafaktion betroffen

Denn die Regierung in Riad um Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman attackierte in der Folge des Raketenangriffs nicht nur Iran, sondern auch die jemenitische Huthi-Miliz selbst. Am Wochenende veröffentlichte die staatliche saudische Presseagentur die Nachricht, dass Kopfgelder von bis zu 30 Millionen Dollar auf führende Milizionäre ausgesetzt worden seien.

Mein Kommentar: Saudi-Arabien riegelt den Jemen ab. Dass der Iran ebenfalls das Land “in Geiselhaft” nehme, ist Quatsch. Der Jemenkrieg ist auch kein Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien, dazu ist der Iran viel zu wenig involviert. Wenn schon “Stellvertreterkrieg”, dann allenfalls – so sehen es manche – ein Stellvertreterkrieg der USA (stellvertreten durch die Saudis) gegen die Huthis, wobei der Iran von der Saudi- wie der US-Propaganda vorgeschoben wird.

(* A H P)

Jemen droht Hungerkatastrophe: Ein ganzes Land als Geisel genommen

Saudi-Arabien hat gegen den Jemen eine Blockade verhängt. Flughafen, Grenzen und Häfen sind dicht. Und das hat fatale Folgen.

Die Uno fordert eine sofortige Wiederaufnahme der humanitären Luftbrücke nach Sanaa und Aden. Und eine Wiederaufnahme des humanitären und kommerziellen Schiffsverkehrs in allen Häfen, für Nahrungsmittel, Treibstoff, Medizin und andere notwendige Güter.

Auch Iolanda Jaquement, die Sprecherin des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes, schildert die Situation im Jemen am Telefon sehr anschaulich

Mit der Blockade nimmt Saudi-Arabien die Zivilbevölkerung im Jemen praktisch als Geisel, als Antwort auf die abgefeuerte Rakete. Die Sprecherin des Roten Kreuzes hat dafür relativ deutliche Worte. „Die politischen und militärischen Probleme dürfen nicht auf Kosten der Zivilbevölkerung ausgetragen werden“, fordert sie. Der freie Zugang humanitärer Lieferungen müsse gewährleistet sein, das „verlangt auch das Völkerrecht“. Doch das scheint im Jemenkrieg schon lange nicht mehr zu gelten.!5459021/

(* A H P)

Saudi-arabische Blockade: Uno warnt vor Millionen Hungertoten im Jemen

Eindringlicher Appell der Uno: Sollte die Militärkoalition unter Saudi-Arabiens Führung Hilfslieferungen nach Jemen nicht ermöglichen, drohe die "größte Hungersnot, die die Welt seit Jahrzehnten erlebt hat".

Im Jemen sind wegen der saudi-arabischen Blockade nach Einschätzung der Vereinten Nationen die Leben von Millionen Menschen bedroht. Diese könnten verhungern, wenn die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition die See- und Flughäfen weiter blockiere, warnte der Uno-Nothilfekoordinator Mark Lowcok vor Journalisten in New York. Zuvor hatte er den Sicherheitsrat über die aktuelle Lage in dem Land unterrichtet.

Der Uno-Sicherheitsrat forderte das von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärbündnis auf, alle Flughäfen und Häfen in dem Krisenland für Hilfslieferungen offen zu halten. Dies sei angesichts der "schrecklichen humanitären Lage" dringend notwendig.

(* A H P)

Film: Bürgerkriegsland Jemen-"Größte Hungerkatastrophe seit Jahrzehnten"

Hilfsorganisationen warnen vor einer beispiellosen Hungersnotkatastrophe im Jemen. Wegen des Bürgerkriegs sind jetzt schon sieben Millionen Menschen auf Hilfe angewiesen.

Dem bettelarmen Bürgerkriegsland Jemen droht eine der weltweit größten Hungerkatastrophen. Die Vorräte der Vereinten Nationen für notleidende Menschen reichen nach eigenen Angaben nur noch für sechs Wochen. "Im November können wir die Menschen noch versorgen, im Dezember nicht mehr", sagte der Leiter des UN-Nothilfebüros Ocha im Jemen, George Khoury, am Donnerstag.

Schlimmer als alles bisher Dagewesene

Täglicher Kampf ums Überleben

Frieden ist nicht in Sicht

Huthis wollen weiterkämpfen

weitere auf Deutsch: (mit Film) (Film) (Audio)

(* A H P)



“Die jüngste Schließung aller Häfen und Flughäfen macht eine ohnehin katastrophale Situation noch schlimmer.

Bereits heute droht fast 400.000 Kindern in Jemen durch akute schwere Mangelernährung der Tod.

Zu diesem Tribut weitere zehntausende Kinder hinzuzufügen, zehntausende persönliche Tragödien für Kinder und verzweifelte Eltern, ist schlicht unmenschlich.

Kinder sind nicht verantwortlich für den Konflikt und das Blutbad, das die Erwachsenen anrichten. Aber sie sind seine ersten Opfer.

Wir müssen alle Konfliktparteien fragen: Was für ein Jemen erhoffen sich die endgültigen Sieger zu gewinnen, während sie es zerstören?"

(* A H P)

Gastkommentar: Die Hungerkatastrophe im Jemen

Die Tragödie des jemenitischen Volkes zeigt, wie verhängnisvoll die saudisch-iranische Rivalität inzwischen über dem gesamten Nahen Osten lastet, meint Rainer Hermann von der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung.

Zu lange hat die Welt weggeschaut und hat nichts unternommen. Schließlich ist der Jemen weit weg und schließlich sind die Jemeniten zu arm, als dass von dort Flüchtlinge zu uns gelangen könnten. Die Weckrufe der Hilfsorganisationen verhallten ungehört. Die Welt schaute auch deswegen nicht hin, weil es kaum Fotos aus dem Bürgerkriegsland gibt.

Der neueste Appell der Vereinten Nationen aber rüttelt gewaltig auf

Die Zerstörung der Raketen, die auf Saudi-Arabien niedergehen, sind jedoch nichts gegen die Zerstörung, die der saudische Luftkrieg gegen den Jemen seit mehr als zwei Jahren anrichtet. Saudi-Arabien will verhindern, dass die Huthi-Miliz an seiner Südgrenze zu einer ständigen Bedrohung wird. Zu einer Bodenoffensive ist das Land aber nicht bereit. Der Luftkrieg allein hat die Huthis nicht vertrieben, aber er hat das Land und seine Bevölkerung in den Abgrund gestürzt.

Mein Kommentar: Der Iran spielt im Jemen nur in der saudischen und der US-Propaganda eine große Rolle. – Und, auch: Fotrosa gibt es mehr als reichlich. Der Westen schaut aber lieber weg.

(A H P)

Ärzte ohne Grenzen: Saudis blockieren humanitäre Hilfslieferungen für den Jemen

Saudi-Arabien heizt die Lage in Nahost weiter an. Die Golfmonarchie blockiert nun Flüge der Organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen, um Hilfslieferungen für die Zivilbevölkerung zu unterbinden. Diese leidet an der schlimmsten Hungerkatastrophe in der Geschichte des Landes.

Wie die internationale Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen (MSF) am 9. November 2017 mitteilt, untersagt das von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärbündnis der Organisation seit mittlerweile drei Tagen, sämtliche Flüge in den Jemen durchzuführen.

(A H P)

Hilfsorganisation Care fordert mehr Engagement im Jemen

Angesichts der drohenden Hungersnot im Jemen hat die internationale Hilfsorganisation Care die Geberländer zu mehr politischem Engagement aufgefordert.

(A H P)

Hilfsorganisation CARE zur Lage im Jemen: "Die Hungersnot ist menschengemacht"

Sollten Saudi-Arabien und ihre Verbündeten ihre Blockadepolitik nicht aufheben, droht Millionen Menschen im Jemen der Hungerstod. Marten Myllius ist Nothilfe-Koordinator des Hilfswerks CARE für den Nahen Osten und berichtet über die Lage.

CARE kann als Hilfsorganisation noch viele Teile des Landes erreichen. Wenn es aber eine Eskalation gibt wie derzeit, wo wir innerhalb von 24 Stunden 50 Luftanschläge erleben, dann wird es extrem schwer. Dann ist auch unsere eigene Mobilität so eingeschränkt, dass wir das Überleben unserer eigenen Mitarbeiter in den Vordergrund stellen müssen.

(* A H P)

Wichtiger Hafen im Jemen geöffnet

Eine von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärallianz hat einem Insider zufolge den wichtigen Seehafen in der jemenitischen Stadt Aden wieder geöffnet. Die Sperre sei aufgehoben, so dass wieder normal gearbeitet werden könne, sagte ein Hafenvertreter am Mittwoch. Dies habe das Bündnis offiziell mitgeteilt.

Warum die Blockade aufgehoben wurde, war zunächst unklar. Aden ist jedoch weitgehend in den Händen der Kräfte, die gegen die Houthi-Rebellen kämpfen und die auch Saudi-Arabien unterstützt.

Mein Kommentar: Eben, und für Hodeida, den wichtigsten Hafen für den Norden, wird die Blockade beibehalten.

(* A H P)

Yemen says Saudi-led coalition to allow commercial flights

The Saudi-led military coalition fighting against Yemen’s Houthi movement will allow the resumption of international commercial flights to the country, a Yemeni government minister said, easing its nationwide blockade.

(* A H P)

#Yemen airways will resume operating flights from and to #Aden airport on Sunday.

My comment: The real intention is to block the Houthi-held part of Yemen and to starve it out.


(A H P)

Yemen's aviation denies aggression's allegations on resuming flights in Aden

Spokesman of the Yemeni Aviation, Mazen Ghanem, denied aggression media reports about the resumption of commercial flights in Aden Airport, in a statement to Saba on Saturday.
"All airports are still shut by the aggression coalition," he said.


(A P)

Yemeni airline says not resumed commercial flights after blockade

Yemen’s national airline said on Sunday it still lacks the security permits needed to resume commercial flights, a day after the transport minister said some flights would be allowed as a nationwide blockade is eased.

and also at and


(A P)

Yemenia and Ministry of Transport apologize to passengers stranded in and outside #Yemen. Flying clearance is not obtained.. An entire nation relies on two aircrafts for international travels- now onhold. Extremely irritating and pathetic!

(A H P)

Saudi-led coalition reopens Yemeni al-Wadea border crossing: sources

The al Wadea border crossing, linking Saudi Arabia with territory in eastern Yemen controlled by the Saudi-backed government, was reopened on Thursday, the official and witnesses said, letting food and other supplies enter Yemen.


My comment: While Houthi-held Yemen stays blocked, what the Saudis wanted to achieve.

(* A H P)

Saudi-led coalition blockades Yemen

Volcano H2 missile that was launched by Houthis at Riyadh was an "excuse" for the Saudi-led coalition to block humanitarian aid to Yemen

Remark: Short overview.

(* B H P)

Saudi-led coalition continues to block aid to Yemen as famine worsens

Thousands have died from famine inside Yemen as Saudi-led coalition continue to bomb the country

Remark: Another overview.

(* B H P)

Yemen's unfathomable famine

More than 2 million children in the war-torn country are malnourished, and almost 400,000 of them are so skeletal they require treatment to stay alive.

Remark: Overview, short film.

(* B H P)

US-Saudi blockade threatens millions of famine deaths in Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s shutdown of all of Yemen’s seaports, airports and border crossings announced on Monday threatens to unleash famine of world historic proportions, leading to the deaths of millions, the United Nations and major aid groups have warned.

What is unfolding in Yemen is not only the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, but also one of its worst war crimes carried out by US imperialism and its reactionary Gulf State allies. Without any debate in Congress, and to the utter indifference of the US corporate media, Washington is pursuing its quest for hegemony over the Middle East through a war that threatens to kill millions.

Remark: Overview.

(* B P)

KSA lobbying has ensured that, in the eyes of the international community, the mere possibility of a Houthi missile hitting Saudi Arabia justifies the deaths of tens of thousands of Yemenis.

(* B H K P)

AP Analysis: No end to war in sight as life worsens in Yemen

As Saudi Arabia tightens the screws on its weak southern neighbor, the war it launched in Yemen more than two years ago appears more intractable than ever, with only more suffering in sight.

And while the coalition's recent tightening of a blockade to include aid shipments might be intended to starve the rebels into submission, they remain dug in to difficult, mountainous and urban terrain.

Unlike other regional conflicts in Syria or Libya, no side is winning, and peace talks are nonexistent.

After all the fighting, to say Yemen lacks leaders with broad consensus is an understatement.

The UAE's rising clout in the south, where it has backed alternate local leaders, has led to friction with Hadi and further undermined his rule.

While the Saudi-led coalition's air power and naval blockade cannot bring victory on its own, it has made a large-scale Iranian intervention nearly impossible.

Remark: Overview.

(* B K P)

Why Saudis Are Getting Tough With Their Neighbors: QuickTake Q&A

  1. What’s at the heart of the tensions?
  2. Why are they escalating now?
  3. What role has the U.S. played?

Whereas President Barack Obama counseled the Saudis to find a way “to share the neighborhood” with Iran, his successor, Donald Trump, has emboldened the Saudi leaders to take an aggressive approach by framing his Middle East security agenda around counteracting Iran. T

  1. What’s the deal with Lebanon?

It’s mysterious

  1. Why are the Saudis blockading Yemen?
  2. What happened with Qatar?
  3. How has Iran responded?

(* A H P)

Famine Caused by the Saudi Blockade Threatens to Kill Millions

Yemen’s humanitarian crisis would not already be the worst in the world if it weren’t for the Saudi-led coalition blockade that has been in place for the last thirty months. The severe plight of millions of Yemenis has been public knowledge for years, and yet it has not spurred the U.S. under the Obama or the Trump administrations to change its policy of backing the coalition war effort. Now that the coalition has shut all ports in an illegal and cruel act of collective punishment, there is even greater urgency in pressuring the Saudis and their allies to lift the blockade, but the coalition’s Western patrons have offered no meaningful response. Confronted with the potential mass starvation of millions of people by its clients in a war that it is supporting, the U.S. is doing nothing to stop it.

Despite the warnings of U.N. officials, the U.N. response appears to be no better – by Daniel Larison

(* A H P)

Saudi Arabia’s blockade could starve sick children in Yemen

Saudi officials say the siege is meant to prevent what they claim was the smuggling of missile parts into Yemen from Iran. It has offered no proof of the rocket’s origin, and experts point out that Yemen is known to have imported Scud missiles from North Korea before the war [bold mine-DL]. In any case, the blockade will not deter either Iran or the Houthis, but it could trigger a full-blown famine among innocent children. The Trump administration, which has blithely backed Crown Prince [Mohammed bin] Salman in his reckless adventures, should consider the cost.

(* B H K P)

Film: Hakim Almasmari on AJE on the impact of latest Saudi blockade of Yemen

(* A K P)

White House Statement on Iranian-Supported Missile Attacks Against Saudi Arabia

The United States welcomes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's statement exposing the Iranian regime’s support for Houthi militias, including the supply of illegal arms such as ballistic missiles. We condemn the Iranian regime's activities and stand with Saudi Arabia and all our Gulf partners against the Iranian regime's aggression and blatant violations of international law. These missile systems were not present in Yemen before the conflict, and we call upon the United Nations to conduct a thorough examination of evidence that the Iranian regime is perpetuating the war in Yemen to advance its regional ambitions.

My comment: What a farce. These are the preparation for a regime change in Iran, that means for repeating the Iraq war now in Iran.

Comment: It's amazing western officials have the audacity to accuse Iran of interfering in countries where Saudi Arabia has toppled a prime minister, armed jihadists and caused a famine and cholera crisis.

(A K P)

Al Houthi-Saleh spokesman Mohammed Abdul Salam denounced the White House’s political and military support for the Saudi-led coalition on November 9 [1]

(A K P)

One more Burkan 2H ballistic missile from #Yemen hitting Riyadh Airport will likely cause the cessation of all flights by international airlines to the capital of #Saudi Arabia. This would be justice.

My comment: Hem.

(* B K P)

Iran? No one I know in Yemen capital Sanaa needs Iranian weapons, ammo, explosives, ATGMs, RPGs, SAMs, etc. All (and I do mean ALL) are easily available for purchase here. The sellers : Yemeni forces who are constantly, abundantly & rather excessively armed by Saudi Arabia & UAE.

(* A H P)

WHO warns that more people will die if ports in Yemen do not reopen to humanitarian aid

For the fourth consecutive day, the World Health Organization’s operations in Yemen have been severely hampered due to the closure of all land, sea and air ports.

“WHO and the other humanitarian agencies need immediate and unhindered humanitarian access to Yemen”, said WHO Executive Director for Emergencies Dr Peter Salama. “The country is still facing the world’s largest cholera outbreak and 7 million people are on the brink of famine, including some two million severely malnourished children. If we can’t bring food and medical supplies into Yemen we will not be able to save people’s lives.”

(* A H P)

Yemen set to run out of fuel and vaccine in a month: UNICEF

Yemen’s stocks of fuel will last until the end of November and stocks of vaccines run out in one month if a Saudi-led military coalition does not allow aid into Hodeidah port and the Sanaa airport, UNICEF’s representative in the country said on Friday.


(unrated A H P)

Film: UN: Yemen to run out of fuel, vaccines in a month

The United Nations Children’s Fund warns that Yemen is in dire need of fuel and vaccines as the Saudi blockade is preventing the delivery of vital supplies. Interviewy: Hussain Al-Bukhaiti (Houthi)

(* A H P)

Geneva Palais Briefing Note: The impact of the closure of all air, land and sea ports of Yemen on children

This is a summary of what was said by Meritxell Relano, UNICEF Representative in Yemen Marixie Mercado – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

GENEVA, 10 November 2017 – Yemen is facing the largest humanitarian crisis and the worst food crisis in the world.

The recent closure of the Yemen's airspace, sea and land ports has worsened the already shrinking space for the lifesaving humanitarian work. It is blocking the delivery of vital humanitarian assistance to children in desperate need in Yemen. And it is making a catastrophic situation for children far worse. The port of Hodeida is where most of the humanitarian supplies enter and it is essential that the post resumes its activity. Also, because missions on the ground are not possible, blocking the movement of humanitarian workers and supplies, this means that millions of children will be deprived of lifesaving humanitarian assistance.

Let me give you some examples of the impact of the closure of the entry points to the country:

(A E)

News from #Yemen - cost of water up 130%, food prices 'rocketing' amid total blockade. Aid workers & relief supplies forced to turn back.

(* A H P)

MSF calls on Saudi–led coalition to immediately allow access into Yemen for humanitarian organisations following the sudden closure of its borders

Over the last three days, the Saudi-led coalition has not allowed MSF flights into Yemen, directly hindering the organisation’s ability to provide life-saving medical and humanitarian assistance to a population already in dire need. As such, MSF is calling on the Saudi-led coalition to immediately allow unhindered access to and within Yemen so that humanitarian assistance can reach those most in need.

(* A H P)


Refugees International calls on the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen and on the United States government to do everything in their power to open entry points into Yemen and not just allow but facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. While urgent warnings predict that the Saudi blockade will have immediate and devastating consequences for millions of Yemeni civilians, thousands of men, women, and children are already dying of disease, hunger, and the ongoing conflict. Humanitarian aid has arguably never been more desperately needed, or more thoroughly blocked.

(A H P)

US seeks end to Saudi Arabia's Yemen blockade

'The Yemeni people are not the ones at fault for their situation,' State Dept says

The U.S. joined ranks with the UN and 22 aid agencies on Thursday, urging Saudi Arabia to end its blockade of Yemen.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters the U.S. believes there should be immediate "unimpeded access for commercial and humanitarian good to get into Yemen".

"There is tremendous food insecurity in Yemen right now, some have said that this could be the top humanitarian disaster in the world," she said. "The Yemeni people are not the ones at fault for their situation."

My comment: The US is part of the problem, it cannot be part of the solution. Only an end to US support for Saudi Arabia could bring an advantage.

(* A H P)

By Fatik Al-Rodaini, head of Yemeni MONA relief, from Sanaa:

#Yemen had only six weeks of food aid remaining for about seven million Yemenis who are facing famine-like conditions. The situation here is too bad.

I have been noticing in the last a few days that most streets of Sanaa were almost free of cars due to a fuel shortage, and the price of gas has doubled.

Just think about it. We are without salaries for almost a year. We are living without electricity since the start of Saudi war in #Yemen Most #Yemen-is are not able to have their daily meal easily. We are suffering a lot please

Before the start of Saudi led coalition war in #Yemen, the price of cooking gas cylinder was acceptable but now it is too high and can't be offered by many in the country.

What they want from #Yemen-is it is not enough to kill us by airstrikes, but also they are planning to kill us all by starving us to death. What wrong we did as people of #Yemen. Actually, I have no idea.

When one of your children asking you almost daily to buy him and his brothers a kilo of fruit and you daily promising him to do so, but you didn't because you have no money to do so. Just think about it.

As #Yemen-is We are not able to think about our children's future because with the current situation we are living our life has stopped. There is no future or hope to have it my children. That unfortunately is true.

I swear to God guys Many families in #Yemen are dying inside their own houses from hunger, as the rest has only a meal for their families daily. Many are not able to feed their children. Our life is miserable.

It is just a written retweet We are just keep sharing our bad situation in the country. Begging the world to help us to stop the war to let us live in peace.But our voice is too low and can't be heard indeed. If we are a rich nation the whole world will reply to our call.

The only thing we have as #Yemen-is is the hope. And our trust in God. That the war will end and Saudi regime will stop bombing us. Sooner or later that will happen and then I will write my tweet telling the world that I was right. It is only the hope that we have.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabian purge and Yemeni blockade, frightening turn of events

Momani is the author of ‘Shifting Geo-Economic Power of the Gulf: Oil, Finance and Institutions’, among other books,

“This crown prince has a lot of ideas about modernising and reforming his society in a way that’s progressive in social values, let’s say; but there are so many challenges with his foreign policy, his frankly brash hunger for regional dominance. that I think should worry us all.” Momani says.

Momani says the growing nationalism in Saudi Arabia is a major factor. She says the war in Yemen is very popular.

“On the one hand, the same people who are encouraging him to reform internally, socially, are absolutely thrilled to bits with how great the Saudi army is doing in destroying the so-called rebels and terrorists. It really is a very popular war and it’s coming at the expense of enormous lives being lost in Yemen.”

The privatisation of state-owned Aramco is also one of the pillars of the vision, and Momani says, despite the efforts of both the British and the Americans, the shares made available will be going to China. (with interview in Audio.

My comment: Overview, interesting.

(B H P)

Opinion: Suffering in Yemen is on Saudi leaders' hands

Yemen's catastrophic famine shows how disastrous the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran is for the entire Middle East, says guest commentator Rainer Hermann from Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper.

The world has averted its eyes and done nothing for far too long. Ultimately, Yemen is so remote and so poor that there is no way that its citizens could ever reach Europe as refugees. Dire warnings issued by aid organizations have simply gone unheeded. The world is also not paying attention because there are no photos of the ongoing catastrophe.

The biggest catastrophe the world has seen in decades

The destruction of the missiles fired upon Saudi Arabia, however, is nothing compared to the devastation meted out on Yemen by the Saudi air war that began two years ago. Saudi Arabia is intent upon keeping Houthi rebels from becoming a permanent threat on its southern border, but the kingdom has been averse to sending in ground troops. The Saudi air offensive has done little to drive out the Houthis while casting the country and its people into a living hell.

My comment: very superficially, as the Yemen war is no Saudi-Iranian proxy war: Iran has little to do with it, and you should not believe everything Saudi propaganda tells.

(* A H P)

Film: Yemeni Journalist: Saudi Arabia’s Total Blockade on Yemen is “Death Sentence” for All

We are joined by Afrah Nasser, an independent Yemeni journalist who is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Sana’a Review. Facing death threats, she is in exile from Yemen but continues to report on human rights violations, women’s issues and press freedom there. She is here in the U.S. to receive the International Free Press Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists. With full transcript

AFRAHNASSER: It’s an extremely dire situation. Like even before this total blockade, there were many reports that every 10 minutes there is one child getting killed because of the implications caused by the war, such as, you know, the total collapse of the healthcare system. Already there was a partial blockade imposed on many entries in Yemen for more than one year, that really exasperated the humanitarian situation because of the lack of access for, you know, humanitarian operations to operate in the country and to send humanitarian aid and send medicine and food. And so, even before this total blockade, there was a partial blockade that impacted all aspects of life. So, the recent, like over the weekend, the decision by Saudi Arabia or the Saudi-led coalition to impose a total blockade means a death sentence that will kill all Yemenis. If we used to warn about a looming famine, it is already there.

Now we will not even hear or listen or know anything about what’s happening on the ground. The journalists are where they’re behind jail. International journalists are not able to have an access to the country. So, it’s going to be like—it’s beyond tragedy, that doesn’t even caught, you know, world’s attention, because of the blockade and the impossible access for journalists to report from there. and on youtube:

(* A H P)

INGO Joint statement on closure of air, sea and land ports in Yemen

15 humanitarian agencies expressed serious concern today over the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition’s decision to temporarily close all entry points to Yemen, effectively sealing the country off.

The agencies demand that humanitarian operations are allowed to resume immediately and request clarity on the planned duration of the current closure and contingencies to allow humanitarian supplies to be delivered.

(A H P)

Yemeni Civil Society Leaders Condemn Saudi Blockade

Today, leading members of Yemen’s civil society issued a statement condemning the Saudi-led coalition’s closure of all air, land, and sea ports in Yemen. The civil society leaders called the blockade a form of “collective punishment.”

(* B K P)

Deep in Yemen war, Saudi fight against Iran falters

The dysfunction is a reminder to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that his campaign to counter arch-enemy Iran in the Middle East, including threats against Tehran’s ally Hezbollah, may be hard to implement.

Now units trained by Saudi Arabia fight in scattered theaters with little obvious coordination, loyal to different parties and local leaders in a society awash with guns and notorious for its fickle politics.

The kingdom supports brigades adhering to Sunni Islam’s puritanical Salafi school in Western Yemen, while also backing the Muslim Brotherhood around Marib and loyalists of exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi in the south.

Additionally, the United Arab Emirates, - the other key Gulf power in the anti-Iran war effort in Yemen - has armed and trained formidable units across southern and eastern Yemen.

To add to the confusion, these fighters despise the Houthis as well as pro-Saudi units in northern Yemen.

(* B H P)

Rundum Krieg

Nur in der Stadt Marib nicht. Hier finden Jemeniten Zuflucht und Arbeit.

Doch mitten im Land hat sich die Provinz Marib als eine Insel der Stabilität entpuppt.

für Tausende Jemeniten aus anderen Regionen ist Marib der Ort, an dem man Arbeit findet, eine funktionierende Schule für die Kinder und volle Märkte.

Das hat maßgeblich mit Sultan bin Ali al-Aradah zu tun, einflussreicher Stammesführer und seit 2012 Gouverneur der Provinz. Al-Aradah ist entschiedener Gegner der Huthi.

Al-Aradah ist ein Kriegsgewinnler, wenn auch nicht im üblichen Sinn des Wortes. Er hat Sicherheit hergestellt und so Handel, Rohstoffgeschäfte und Schmuggel aller Art ermöglicht. Seit der Zentralstaat zerfällt, haben lokale Machthaber wie er mehr Zugriff auf Einnahmequellen.

Als Gäste des Gouverneurs werden wir wie Kronjuwelen im bewaffneten Konvoi herumgefahren.

(* B H P)

Film: Jemen im KriegFahrt ins Ungewisse

Auf seiner Tour in Jemen, für die Seite drei der Zeitung, hat F.A.Z.-Korrespondent Christoph Ehrhardt auch mit dem Smartphone gefilmt. Wieder zurück in Sicherheit hat uns Ehrhardt via Skype die Aufnahmen gezeigt und seine abenteuerliche Reise erzählt (nach Marib)

(* B H P)

As Yemen Crumbles, One Town Is an Island of Relative Calm

As much of Yemen slides toward famine, residents of this dusty desert town can now buy food many locals had never tasted before: pizza, hamburgers and ice cream.

And while airstrikes and combat have left piles of rubble in other towns and cities, this one is growing, with cinder-block factories doing swift business and new neighborhoods rising from the sand.

Amid the war that has caused a grave humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country, Marib is a relative bright spot in a nation with few to offer.

While the country is divided between competing factions, the government of Marib Province has used oil revenues and tribal politics to lessen the blows of war, providing a level of security and services lacking elsewhere. Its relative stability has attracted Yemenis fleeing more violent areas, some of whom have in turn brought money to buy property and start businesses. =

My comment: Inviting western journalists to his city, was a propaganda coup by the local (Hadi government) governor. However, it seems he realy had achieved quite a lot in this actual situation.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp2

(* A H)

Face of a forgotten war: Who is to blame for the death of this 11-year-old girl?

Exclusive: Jabrah was shot in the head while she slept. Her crime? Growing up in Yemen, which is suffering in a vicious proxy war. Now, after gaining rare access to report from the heart of the country, The Independent can tell her story

Eleven-year-old Jabrah Jaber Ali Shamla was asleep when the bullets started flying.

Now accustomed to the routine of waking her children to flee their village during Houthi rebel attacks, her mother went to shake her out of sleep.

The girl didn’t respond. In the dark, she realised her daughter's pillow was wet with blood.

Jabrah was still breathing, but a bullet had passed through the mud brick wall of the house and penetrated her skull.

(* B H)

Helping Her Homeland: Nouria Naji’s Yemeni Mission

Away from all the media attention, Nouria Naji continues her humanitarian work silently. Yemeni Education and Relief Organization, which she created in 2003, offers education services, helps the poor, and deals with street begging.

Naji grew up as a UK citizen; she came back to Yemen “because it’s my country, my father taught me to love my country and he used to tell us fond stories of Yemen. This served as a reminder of the place I belong to, so after my visit in 2003, I decided to stay and give something back”.

(A H)

Infographic: Yemen: Revised Humanitarian Response Plan - Funding Status (As of 12 November 2017)

(B H)

Footage taken today by @monarelief showing you all the real situation of education in #Yemen "We are prefering to sit down in the widow rather than keep standing all the day, pupils in their first primary stage told me today.

Here is pics of a house-like-school called al-Sedeeq school where 1000 pupils studying there daily. All classes have no chairs and all students sitting down on the ground

I'm here in the middle of a class at al-Sedeeq school in Erat Hamdan district of Sana'a. This class contains 108 pupils who they are in their primary stage. Students here sitting on the ground bc there is no chairs at all.

(* B H)

Yemenis’ hopes for peace go unanswered

A population in peril

This year has marked several grim milestones for Yemenis. Already the poorest country in the Middle East, Yemen has seen its GDP plummet from US$40 billion in 2014 to a projected $15 billion in 2017. The country is experiencing the largest single-year cholera outbreak ever recorded, resulting in more than 900,000 suspected cases. Yemenis also face the world’s biggest hunger crisis, with 17 million unable to procure adequate food to survive. And they face an unprecedented threat of famine, with a staggering 7 million people dependent on emergency assistance for their next meal.

“Conflict is causing death, injury, sexual violence and abuse, damage and destruction, massive displacement, loss of livelihoods, hunger and disease,” the ERC told Member States at a briefing on 6 November. “We need to make headway…so we can save lives and relieve the appalling suffering of millions of men and women, boys and girls across Yemen.”

A collapsing public sector

Diminishing access

Yemen only has 2,000 surgery kits left.

It means delivery of 50,000 vials of insulin for diabetics, is in jeopardy.

And it means millions of people assistance may soon fall into famine.

Financing the response =

(* A H)

Film: Yemen Crisis - UN Emergency Relief Coordinator mission Oct 2017

(A H)

FAO-World Bank launch $36 million programme to scale up famine-fighting in Yemen

World Bank grant will immediately assist 630,000 people and strengthen the resilience of rural communities

My comment: Nice move, but – that is ca. $1,30 per capita. And just the “value” of not even 0,2 days of Saudi bombing war – since March 26, 2015.

(* A H)

Rebel-held Sanaa braces for 'famine' as blockade tightens

Residents of Yemen's rebel-held capital said Thursday rising food and fuel prices were making life increasingly difficult because of a Saudi-led blockade that the UN warned could bring the world's worst famine in decades.

Sanaa residents said the price of gasoline jumped 50 percent, the value of the national currency plummeted and prices of basic goods rose after the Saudi-led coalition sealed off Yemen's borders on Monday.

"The situation was already catastrophic, but that didn't stop Saudi Arabia from imposing a total blockade for us to die of hunger," said taxi driver Saeed Kanaf.

(* A H)

Our supply of trauma kits in #Yemen is critically low – as of 6 Nov. we have enough for 2,000 surgeries but in the past days alone we’ve used a few hundred already due to intensification of the conflict.

(A H)

[Overview articles on famine and blockade]

(* A H)

Yemen Food Security Update - September 2017

Large-scale acute food insecurity continues worsening. October/November harvest will most likely not offset the local food production deficits. According to FAO cereal production thematic study conducted in seven governorates1 , the cultivated land under rain fed condition decreased by 11%, while irrigated land under cereals decreased by 40% compared with pre - crisis period.

(A H)

Yemen emergency crisis

The 24-month Emergency Crisis Response Project (ECRP) aims to mitigate the impact of the current crisis on local households and communities and assist their recovery from the bottom-up using local systems, capacities and institutions to progressively resume and scale-up service delivery

(B H)

Yemen - Food Security and Nutrition Assessment (EFSNA), June 2017

Yemen has undergone a series of successive socio-economic, political and security crises in the past years, accompanied by sharp deterioration of economic indicators, macroeconomic balances and people’s living standards, especially the most vulnerable segments of the population. The combined multi-faceted impact of the prolonged conflict, high food and nutrition insecurity, and widespread cholera outbreak has put Yemen at grave risk of worst and biggest humanitarian disaster in the world.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(A H)

Map: East, Horn of Africa and Yemen - Displacement of Somalis: Refugees, asylum-seekers and IDPs, as of 30 September 2017 and also

(* A H K)


Local sources said on Thursday that the UAE forces continue to prevent the villagers of the Directorate of "Zubab" on the west of Taiz province, to return to their villages claiming security and military reasons.

According to the sources who spoke to the correspondent of "Source Online", the leadership of the UAE forces explain that it prevented the citizens who were displaced during the war from returning to their homes in the areas liberated from the control of the Houthis and Saleh's forces, as these areas are used to smuggle weapons by the Houthis. referring to

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Houthis bomb a house, kill a civilian, wound another in Dhamar

Local residents said the Houthis-Saleh forces blew up a house on Saturday in Asakra village in Asbil district, east of the central province of Dhamar.

Residents told Almasdaronline that the bombing of the house killed one of the members of the family.

They explained that the Houthi gunmen stormed the village with a military campaign with a number of crews, and then surrounded the house of Ali Nasser al-Askari with dynamite, when the residents were inside.

(A P)

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council Calls for Massive Rally against Saudi Blockade

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council called on the people of the Arabian Peninsula country to participate in a massive rally in the capital on Monday to condemn the Saudi-led coalition’s blockade of all air, sea and land ports into the country.

(A K P)

Ansarullah: Yemen to Keep up Missile Attacks in Response to Saudi Aggression

Mohammed Abdulsalam, the Ansarullah spokesman, said on Thursday that Yemen’s missile launches are purely aimed at defending the nation in the face of Saudi attacks, Al Masirah reported.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Abdulsalam said the White House’s condemnation of Yemen’s missile attack is further proof that the US is covering up the kingdom’s crimes, while assisting Riyadh militarily.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets Yemen party leader

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met with the head of the Yemeni Islah Party, Mohammad al-Yidumi, in Riyadh.

(A P)

Hadi could be killed if he leaves Saudi: Yemen official

Yemen's president could be assassinated if he leaves Saudi Arabia and returns to the war-ravaged country, a Yemeni official has warned.

The government official told Al Jazeera that the kingdom feared for President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's life, and "urged" the 72-year-old to avoid returning to Yemen's coastal city of Aden.

The official also rubbished media reports from earlier this week that claimed Hadi was being held under house arrest in Riyadh.

My comment: A nice story which nearly confirms the “house arrest”.

Comment: Well lots of people have known that for a long time. That was why Hadi hardly ever visited and when he did he stayed in a South Yemen fortress with armed guards with him at all times. But since UAE finally lost faith with him they haven't allowed any plane to land in Yemen with Hadi on it. And the UAE and Saudi kiss and make up meant that Saudi in effect ditched Hadi, and he has only been the titular head ever since. He's just an embarrassment to the Arab states now and they don't really know how to deal with him seeing that they told the world they were destroying Yemen in order to support him. That's why he hasn't been back to Yemen. And I really don't know whether he was arrested or not. I suspect something happened.

(A T)

IED exploded next to the wall of Al-Shamua media organization near the home of its director in Al-Khadra city area north of #Aden yesterday morning (photos, film)

(A T)

4 dead as UAE-backed Yemen troops advance against Al-Qaeda

Two soldiers and two jihadists were killed in clashes Friday as Emirati-backed Yemeni forces seized an Al-Qaeda foothold in the country's south, security sources said.


(A T)

Security Belt forces raided an #AQAP camp in Wadi Sabr/Subr in #Mahfad district #Abyan seizing a cache of weapons (photos)

(A T)

A Martyr and Several Injuries, including Al-Bu Hur, During Clearing Al-Houta

Shabwani elites managed on Friday morning to break in Al-Houta – Shabwa, the main stronghold of Al-Qaeda in Shabwa.

(A P)

Photo. Southern Resistance checkpoint in Tor Al-Baha #Lahj. #SouthYemen

(A T)

Mansour Al-Ajili Abu Sharara was martyred while dismantling an IED planted inside a water cooler at a fuel station in #Mahfad district #Abyan. #SouthYemen

(* B P)

Film: #UAE #US claim they help #Yemen-They try2occupy it&built a military base as on island of #Myon

(* A P)

Emirati forces prevent residents back to their home

Local sources said on Thursday that the Emirati forces prevented the villagers of Dhubab district, located on the west coast of Yemen, from returning to their homes, justifying that for security and military reasons.

Remark: This already had been reported and is confirmed here.

(A T)

Film: 2017-11-05 Surveillance video of men planting IED, blowing up Islah party HQ in Dar Saad, Aden and excerpt

Remark: had been reported earlier.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp2

(A P)

Here is the draft Presidential Statement on Yemen circulated to UN Security Council members by Egypt. I'm told it was drafted by Saudi Arabia. There is no mention of the humanitarian situation in Yemen. UN says largest famine in decades looms unless blockade is lifted (text in image)

My comment: This would be a bad joke.

(A H P)

Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake on the situation in Yemen

“The recent closure of all ports and airports is making an already catastrophic situation even worse.

“We must ask all the parties: What kind of Yemen do the ultimate victors expect to gain as they destroy it?”

(A P)

Zarif: Iran’s Peace Plan for Yemen Can Still Work

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif highlighted the applicability of a four-point plan he had put forward more than two years ago for bringing peace to Yemen.

In a post in his Twitter account on Thursday, the top Iranian diplomat implicitly complained about the United Nations’ inattention to the peace plan he had proposed for Yemen in 2015.

(A P)

On Yemen, UNSC Hears From UN Lowcock Only, No IOCA, ICP Asks France & Sweden Why

Inner City Press asked Sweden's Deputy Permanent Representative Carl Skau why UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed is not involved; Skau replied that the closed door meeting is on humanitarian access and implementation of the past Presidential Statement. Inner City Press put the same question to French Permanent Representative Francois Delattre who echoed that it is humanitarian, while adding that the only solution to the humanitarian crisis is through a political process. Isn't that what IOCA is getting paid to work on? UK Deputy Permanent Representative Jonathan Allen declined to answer an audible Press question whether the UK has even proposed an outcome to the meeting.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(* B P)

Droht bald ein Krieg zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien?

Im Nahen Osten scheint sich ein Konfliktherd weiter aufzuheizen. Saudi-Arabien und der Iran verstärken dabei ihre militärische Präsenz.

Offensiv fordert bin Salman den Erzrivalen des sunnitischen Königreichs heraus: den schiitischen Nachbarn Iran. Der Kronprinz spielt dabei mit dem Feuer. Die Gefahr eines neuen Kriegs im Nahen Osten ist derzeit so groß wie lange nicht. Das war auch der Grund für den Besuch von Macron in Riad: Frankreich und Deutschland bemühen sich in diesen Tagen um eine Entspannung der Lage.

Unter der Führung von Kronprinz bin Salman hat Saudi-Arabien zuletzt vor allem seinen Kurs gegenüber dem Iran verschärft.

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Arabiens Kalter Krieg zwischen den Regionalmächten

lles hängt mit allem zusammen in der Krisenregion Nahost. Denn den Krisenstaaten Syrien, Jemen, Irak und nun auch Libanon ist bei aller Unterschiedlichkeit der Ausgangslage eines gemein: Hinter den Konflikten dort steht die traditionelle Rivalität der Regionalmächte Saudi-Arabien und Iran um die Vorherrschaft am Golf und im Nahen Osten. Ganz aktuell zeigt sich dieser Konflikt an der Destabilisierung des Libanon.

(* B P)

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Friends and foes in the region

Iran and Saudi Arabia have long been regional rivals, but tensions between the two have recently soared.

Each has its own powerful allies, and enemies, in the region. Here is where the key players stand:

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Iran condemns Saudi Arabia’s war crimes in Yemen

UN envoy Gholamali Khoshroo rejected Saudi Arabia’s allegations against Iran as baseless and called them attempts to shift attention away from Saudi Arabia’s war of aggression against Yemen.

The Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, Gholamali Khoshroo, sent a letter to the head of the United Nations Security Council in which he criticized Saudi Arabia for seeking a military solution to Yemen and instead called for a political settlement.

The full text of Khoshroo’s statement is as follows:

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Film: Saudi foreign minister calls for sanctions against Iran

In an interview with CNBC, Adel Al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister for Foreign Affairs, said Iran was the number one sponsor of state terrorism and called for action from the international community.

“We would like to see the International Atomic Energy Agency do a much more robust job in dealing with this. That’s with regard to the nuclear agreement,” he said. “The other part has to do with Iran’s behaviour, its support for terrorism and its ballistic missile programme, both of which are violations of international resolutions. And so we would like to see sanctions on Iran for its support of terrorism and sanctions on Iran for violating the ballistic missile resolutions of the United Nations.”

The minister also blamed the rise in tension with Lebanon on Iran. He says Teheran is meddling in Lebanon’s affairs via its proxy, Hezbollah.

My comment: This is odd propaganda again, and really nothing new at all. It seems just to be enforced now, to prepare a US-Saudi repetition of the Iraq war, now in Iran.

My comment: Saudi Arabia has been waging war against Yemen for almost 1000 days, bombing, sieging, bringing death and destruction.
You may listen to the Foreign Minister delusional words in the video: shameless

(A P)

Saudi Arabia created Isis and unleashed it on the Middle East, says Iran President Hassan Rouhani

Iranian leader defends the ballistic missile launch against Saudi Arabia, which was intercepted near Riyadh airport without casualties.

Comment: There's many outside Iran who say this - it was even in Clinton's papers released byWikileaks.

(A P)

Iranischer Außenminister glaubt weiterhin an Frieden im Jemen

Vor zwei Jahren legte der iranische Außenminister einen Vier-Punkte-Friedensplan vor, der dem Jemen eine friedliche Zukunft geben sollte. Trotz Anschuldigungen gegen den Iran, den Konflikt zu schüren und die Anfachung des Konflikts durch saudische Koalitionen, will Dschawad Sarif den Glauben an den Frieden nicht verlieren.

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Iranian FM: Time for Peaceful Resolution of Problems in Yemen after Syria

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined the necessity for resolving the crisis in Yemen through all-inclusive talks as the method has proved successful in Syria.

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Saudi Arabia v Iran: What’s behind bitter feud between Middle Eastern powers?

Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran are on the rise as the two states have engaged in a bitter war of words over Yemen, Lebanon and Syria. RT explores key current conflicts between the two and the possibility of a full-blown war between Tehran and Riyadh.

Some of the origins of the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran are of religious nature and go back to a centuries-old doctrinal conflict within Islam: a more than 1,000-year-old argument between Sunnis and Shia.

The recent increase in tensions between Riyadh and Tehran is just a “war of words,” Konstantin Dudarev, a Middle East expert and a specialist in Arabic studies, told RT, adding that Saudi Arabia’s belligerent rhetoric is unlikely to be followed by real actions. The Saudi officials and particularly Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have repeatedly stated that Riyadh is not interested in war with Tehran, he added.

(A P)

Iran accuses Saudi Arabia of 'strengthening ISIS' and orchestrating hostilities in Yemen

Hassan Rouhani warned Saudi Arabia's actions were strengthening terrorism

A war of words between the regional heavyweights has intensified recently

Saudi Arabia accused Iran again of 'direct military aggression' for Yemen ties

Tehran denied the claims in the most recent round of political mud-slinging

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia requests urgent Arab League meeting over Iran: Egypt state news

Saudi Arabia has called for an urgent meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo next week to discuss Iran’s intervention in the region, an official league source told Egypt’s MENA state news agency on Sunday.

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How Saudi Arabia could start World War 3 as it steps up furious rhetoric with Iran

FORGET Kim Jong-un: Saudi Arabia could be the country to start World War 3 as its brash crown prince escalates a long-running feud with Iran.

My comment: The Express is no serious newspaper, really. This link here is just for the headline. Unfortunaltely, here the Express hits the spot. And, for sure, the US is the one who would turn a regional conflict into a world-wide one. Wilhelm Trump III. 103 years after his great predescessor Wilhelm II.

Oh, the Express was not alone and gets support from a totally different political corner:

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WWIII: Saudi Arabia Bombs Yemen’s Ministry of Defense

My comment: Overview on latest events in the Middle East by Wikileaks, lenked here just for the headline.


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Muhammad Bin-Salman’s Purge in Saudi Arabia is Prelude to Something Bigger

Our region stands on the brink of war. We should not let small details — such as the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri’s resignation or the detention of princes and former ministers in Saudi Arabia — divert us from the big picture and the real developments taking place behind the scenes. The really dangerous phase is the one that will follow Crown Prince Muhammad Bin-Salman’s purge on the domestic Saudi front. It may be the precursor to scenarios for a regional war that could, without exaggeration, end up being the most devastating in its modern history.

All that is currently happening is part of a carefully planned and crafted scheme, and the prelude to a sectarian war waged in ‘Arab nationalist’ guise against the growing power of ‘Shia’ Iran and its surrogates in Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq with American, regional and Israeli backing.

The old Saudi Arabia is no more. Wahhabism is breathing its last, has been all but buried and is in the process of becoming history. A fourth Saudi state, dressed in the garb of modernity and based on different alliances, is being born.

When its would-be founder and man of the moment, Muhammad Bin-Salman, accuses Iran of mounting a ‘direct military attack that may amount to an act of war’ against his country by allegedly supplying missiles to factions in Yemen, and his stance is endorsed and supported by the US, it is clear that a new American-led alliance is taking shape in the region.

Muhammad Bin-Salman’s domestic purge, including the detention of 11 princes and scores of businessmen and former officials under the banner of fighting corruption, is only a first phase. It seems to have proceeded smoothly so far, without encountering any serious obstacles.

The man now has now brought the four major pillars of state power – the economy, the security and military forces, the media and the religious establishment (both the official Council of Senior Ulema and the unofficial ‘awakening’ clerics) — totally under his control.


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The Middle East Is Nearing an Explosion

Lebanon has long been a mirror for the broader Middle East. The region’s more powerful actors use it, variously, as a venue for their proxy wars, an arena in which to play out the Arab-Israeli conflict, and a testing ground for periodic bouts of Saudi-Iranian coexistence. It’s where the region wages its wars and brokers its temporary truces. This past week, like in so many others, the Middle East has not been kind to Lebanon.

All three developments point in a similar direction: that of an increasingly emboldened and single-minded Saudi leadership eager to work with the U.S. to counter an Iranian threat whose scale it believes was made all the starker by the day’s Yemen-related events.

Lebanon and the region arguably have seen all this before; a leadership vacuum in the context of rising tensions is nothing new. What is new, however, is an unusually apprehensive Israel, an unusually assertive and rash Saudi leadership and, of course, an unusual U.S. president. =

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Saudi Arabia has united with Israel against Iran – and a desert storm is brewing

Mass arrests are the Crown Prince’s opening salvo in a fight against corruption and an embrace of moderate Islam

For the Crown Prince’s supporters — vast swathes of the country’s young, eager for progressive social change — his way may be dictatorial but his motives are honourable. The purge represents the opening salvo in a fight against corruption that comes with an embrace of moderate Islam, a determination to relax the strict segregation of the sexes and introduce entertainment venues. Why should ordinary Saudis have sympathy for the arrested if they have, as alleged, been engaged in massive criminal schemes involving bribery and money laundering? When did any of those speak up on behalf of the oppressed masses?

Bin Salman’s power grab is in itself spectacular. But the wider significance of this can only be fully understood in conjunction with events in Israel. The Jewish state is hardly a natural ally for Saudi Arabia, but they have long shared a common enemy: Iran. Both fear the latter is exploiting the opening created by the fall of Isis, and the triumph of the Assad regime in Syria, to dominate the region. Iran and its proxies — whether the Houthi rebels in Yemen or Hezbollah in Lebanon — are in the ascendant, and neither Israel nor Saudi Arabia are going to sit on the sidelines.

So two months after his 32nd birthday, the Crown Prince has established himself as a despot, albeit one hailed by the West as an enlightened visionary. He has tightened a military alliance with Israel, all but declared war on Iran and prepared Lebanon as the first scene of this war — with Hezbollah as the first target.

(A K)

UAV from Saudi Arabia making its first airshow appearance at Dubai #DAS17 (photo)

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Saudi Arabia In Ferment: Complexities Of A Royal Coup

It is now MBS all the way; where he plans to take Saudi Arabia is where the nation could apparently go but there could be more palace coups waiting to take place. The attempted transition of Saudi Arabia is not going to be an easy affair. The strategic environment of the Middle East isn’t exactly conducive for that and the internal structure of the Saudi ruling family is a mixture of politics, deceit and subterfuge.What are the internal and external dynamics related to Saudi Arabia’s immediate future and how does the arrival of MBS impact these is the key question that analysts are examining.

MBS is attempting to project a new Saudi Arabia, much more moderate towards different segments of society.

MBS is obviously hugely encouraged by the apparent support he seems to be getting from US President Donald Trump. Bruce Reidel, the US expert on the Middle East, had this to say - “the Trump administration has tied the United States to the impetuous young Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and seems to be quite oblivious to the dangers. But they are growing every day.”

This is going to be a mill stone around the neck of the young Crown Prince. Prudence demands that he declares a victory and ceases further conduct of the campaign and politically manages the post seizure of operations scenario as best as he can. It will, however, further weaken him in his conflict of interest with the clergy and also consolidate Iran’s growing clout.

To handle the complexities arising out of the fast changing strategic situation in the Middle East would require consensus within Saudi Arabia and not the divisiveness created by MBS’ actions.

How much influence the US can exercise over this potentially negative situation to bring about any semblance of stability and freedom from conflict in the crucial region of the Middle East, is less sure than ever before.

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Saudi Crown Prince poised to take over as King: sources
Anti-corruption drive expands with arrest of hundreds of businessmen; $800 billion in assets targeted

Not even the key players probably know. But it is entirely possible – in the midst of feuding in the royal family – that the entire Saudi Monarchy could be overthrown and replaced by a military junta much as happened in Egypt in 1952, when King Faruq was overthrown and replaced by military leaders Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser.

(* A P)

Saudi "Deep State" Prince Bandar Among Those Arrested In Purge: Report

According to a new report by Middle East Eye, Prince Bandar bin Sultan - Saudi Arabia's most famous arms dealer, longtime former ambassador to the US, and recent head of Saudi intelligence -was among those detained as part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's (MBS) so-called "corruption purge" that started with the initial arrests of up to a dozen princes and other top officials last weekend.

If confirmed, the arrest and detention of Bandar would constitute the most significant and high profile figure caught up in the purge - even above that of high profile billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal - given Bandar's closeness to multiple US administrations and involvement in events ranging from Reagan's Nicaraguan Contra program (including direct involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal), to making the case for the Iraq War as a trusted friend of Bush and Cheney, to directing US-Saudi covert operations overseeing the arming of jihadists in Syria.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia tightens security after Bahrain pipeline blast

Saudi Arabia’s energy ministry said pumping to Bahrain had been suspended and the kingdom was stepping up security precautions at its own facilities after its Gulf island neighbor blamed “terrorism” linked to Iran for an oil pipeline blast.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Beheading First Female Robot Citizen Is Fake News
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Real Motive Behind Saudi Purge Emerges: $800 Billion in Confiscated Assets

From the very beginning, there was something off about Sunday’s unprecedented countercoup purge unleashed by Mohammad bin Salman on alleged political enemies, including some of Saudi Arabia’s richest and most powerful royals and government officials: it was just too brazen to be a simple “power consolidation” move; in fact most commentators were shocked by the sheer audacity, with one question outstanding: why take such a huge gamble? After all, there was little chatter of an imminent coup threat against either the senile Saudi King or the crown prince, MbS, and a crackdown of such proportions would only boost animosity against the current ruling royals further.

Things gradually started to make sense when it emerged that some $33 billion in oligarch net worth was “at risk” among just the 4 wealthiest arrested Saudis, which included the media-friendly prince Alwaleed.

Then an article overnight from the WSJ confirmed that fundamentally, the purge may be nothing more than a forced extortion scheme, as the Saudi government – already suffering from soaring budget deficits, sliding oil revenues and plunging reserves – was “aiming to confiscate cash and other assets worth as much as $800 billion in its broadening crackdown on alleged corruption among the kingdom’s elite.” =

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia’s Purge Of Royals Has Received Wide Support — And Here’s Why

The extraordinary purge of top princes and officials in Saudi Arabia has been described as a push to wipe out dissent against a young crown prince. But experts say the crackdown on corruption is sorely needed — and welcomed.

Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince who paid more than half a billion dollars last year to purchase a 440-foot yacht after spotting it off the coast in the south of France, makes for an unlikely leader of an anti-corruption crackdown in the name of the people.

But that’s what Saudi Arabia, one of the last few remaining absolute monarchies in the world, is currently undergoing, with an extraordinary purge of top princes and officials last week. Many see the move as a naked power grab — but Saudi Arabia is also badly in need of the shake-up.

Bin Salman’s strike against his country’s elite has earned him wide plaudits, from both international investors who do business in the kingdom and have long complained about corruption, and ordinary Saudis struggling to get by amid rising prices and what they perceive as a rigged economic playing field.

“This is about MbS as a Martin Luther and a Robin Hood, because he has a lot of support from everyone under 40,” said Karasik, using the popular initials for the crown prince.

My comment: Biased and this bias even must be labeled as propaganda. The crown prince and his entourage are as corrupt as all the rest of the Saudi dynasty.

(* B P)

Greed and intrigue grip Saudi Arabia

A prime minister vanishes. A ballistic missile explodes. An Arab prince rounds up some of his relatives on corruption charges and detains them in a deluxe hotel where they sleep on cheap mattresses under ornate, corniced ceilings. If it were a Hollywood script, producers would reject the plot as fanciful, but this week’s story of greed and intrigue in a Saudi Arabia steered by its brash 32-year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, is anything but.

Prince Mohammed’s domestic supporters are cheering him on as he tries to reshape the country while simultaneously leading a Sunni alliance against Iran.

Outsiders remain sceptical. “Domestic renewal is going to be very tough, a transformation like no other,” says one regional observer.
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How the Saudi crown prince pulled off his own Game of Thrones purge

THE Middle East has been thrown into chaos with Saudi Arabia’s crackdown. And the purge all started with a letter in a hotel.

There are no guarantees the prince’s ambitions will succeed.

Even some admirers ask whether his reach exceeds his grasp. His top-down approach, brooking no opposition, could scare off investors wanting assurances about rule of law and security. Without huge investor support, he will struggle to meet the aspirations of Saudi youth.

War in Yemen, a dispute with the Gulf emirate of Qatar and growing tension with Iran are concerns to investors too.

It should help that Prince Mohammed, following the example of Ibn Saud, sees the importance of forging a special bond with the United States.

Remark: Overview on the Saudi purge.

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Saudi billionaires said to move funds from region to escape asset freeze

Wealthy Saudis are moving assets out of the region to avoid the risk of getting caught up in what authorities call a crackdown on corruption, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
Some Saudi billionaires and millionaires are selling investments in neighbouring GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries and turning them into cash or liquid holdings overseas, the people said.

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Saudi Arabia’s crackdown on corruption is targeting so many individuals that the government has had to take control of another hotel, but one of lower quality, after it converted the five-star Riyadh Ritz-Carlton into a luxury prison earlier this week for the billionaires, princes, and officials implicated.

A worker at the nearby four-star Courtyard by Marriott in the Saudi capital’s diplomatic quarter confirmed to Newsweek that Saudi authorities had commandeered the hotel for their own use, forcing guests to leave.

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Der Kronprinz und die Kriegserklärung

Der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman will die arabische Welt führen – und nimmt den Kampf gegen Iran auf. Dabei hofft er auf die Unterstützung eines Partners.

In der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Iran hat sich der Ton massiv verschärft. Die Spannungen nehmen zu, seit der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman am Wochenende seine Macht vergrößert und gefestigt hat. Im Inneren geht er mit harter Hand gegen alle vor, die sich seinem Reformkurs in den Weg stellen, und außenpolitisch beansprucht er nun die Führung der arabischen Welt.

Dem 32 Jahre alten Kronprinzen unterstehen seit der Nacht der langen Messer am Wochenende die Armee und die Polizei, die Nationalgarde und die Geheimdienste – also der gesamte Sicherheitsapparat.

Es ist ein Ausdruck der Schwäche der arabischen Welt, dass auch Saudi-Arabien, die letzte arabische Regionalmacht, seine Möglichkeiten gegenüber Iran weitgehend ausgeschöpft hat. Die Hoffnungen Riads richten sich daher auf den amerikanischen Präsidenten, der mit dem Versprechen angetreten war, Iran in die Schranken zu weisen.

Mein Kommentar: In einer solchen Diktatur kann man nicht von “Reformen” etc. sprechen. Und die Passagen über den Iran nehmen die saudische und US-Propaganda für die Realität. So programmiert man den großen Krieg im Nahen Osten.

(* A P)

Senior Saudi figures tortured and beaten in purge

Several detainees taken to hospital with torture injuries, while sources tell MEE scale of crackdown is bigger than authorities have revealed

Some, but not all, of the top figures arrested were singled out for the most brutal treatment, suffering wounds to the body sustained by classic torture methods. There are no wounds to their faces, so they will show no physical signs of their ordeal when they next appear in public.

Some detainees were tortured to reveal details of their bank accounts. MEE is unable to report specific details about the abuse they suffered in order to protect the anonymity of its sources.

(B P)

In Growing Saudi Business, McKinsey Hired Officials’ Children

Consultancy employed at least eight relatives of high-ranking Saudis in past few years

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Saudi Arabia Seek Palestinian Support for Anti-Iran Alliance with Israel

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman sees an Israeli, Palestinian peace deal as key to building a regional alliance against Iran.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Riyadh this week as part of plans to form a grand regional alliance including both Israel and Palestine to confront Iran, Palestinian officials and western diplomats told Middle East Eye on Wednesday.

Abbas arrived in Riyadh on Monday following a weekend of drama and intrigue in which dozens of princes, former ministers and influential business tycoons were arrested and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri also announced his surprise resignation from the Saudi capital.

Officials and diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, told MEE that Abbas had been summoned to discuss renewed American efforts to secure a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority which the Crown Prince sees as a crucial step towards his goal of enabling Saudi Arabia and Israel to work together openly against Iran.

My comment: Odd.

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Saudi Arabia orders all of its citizens to leave Yemen after Iran accuses the kingdom of orchestrating hostilities in the country

The warning from Riyadh also asked nationals not to travel to Lebanon from anywhere in the world.

An official source said the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the warning, telling those in Yemen to leave 'as soon as possible' due to 'situations in the Republic of Lebanon'.

My comment: To leave Yemen because of the situation in Lebanon???

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Scores more Saudis detained in $100 billion corruption sweep

Saudi observer Thomas Lippmann says he believes the anti- corruption probe is “a power grab” because it targets only select members of the royal family and business community. He says it is also difficult to draw the line between what constitutes corruption in Saudi Arabia and how business deals, contracts and access have been won over the years.

“I don’t believe for a minute this is really about getting rid of corruption,” said Lippman, author of “Saudi Arabia on the Edge: The Uncertain Future of an American Ally.

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Crown Prince’s Power Grab Poses New Regional Risks

He has freed himself to engage in ill-fated confrontations abroad that dilute Saudi power, exposing the kingdom to greater military threats and scaring off investors.

Complicating matters further, the crown prince has opened too many fronts at once

(A P)

Saudi Authorities Freeze Former Crown Prince’s Bank Accounts

Mohammed bin Nayef, who was ousted in June, becomes latest royal to be targeted in leadership’s widening crackdown

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In gilded Saudi royal circles, corruption has long been a way of life

Critics call it a campaign of selective prosecution waged by an indulged young royal — widely known by his initials, MBS — who reportedly made an on-the-spot purchase of a $500-million yacht while vacationing on the Riviera in 2015, and is tied to business entities that stand to benefit immensely from the removal of some of those arrested.

Prominent whistle-blower Ali Adubisi, a Saudi in self-exile who heads the Berlin-based European-Saudi Organization for Human Rights, called the crown prince’s campaign a “black comedy.”

“This move is more a matter of organizing corruption,” he said, “so that it is in the hands of MBS and his coterie.”

(A P)

Saudi king appoints 30 judges, promotes 26 amid anti-graft purge

King Salman has appointed or promoted 56 judges, Saudi Arabia’s state news agency SPA reported on Thursday, a step coinciding with an anti-corruption crackdown in the kingdom.

The king issued a royal order that promoted 26 judges and appointed 30 others at different levels of the judiciary, SPA said.

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Saudi Arabia faces battle to repatriate assets after corruption crackdown

Saudi Arabia has announced it will confiscate money and assets held by dozens of top officials and businessmen detained in an anti-corruption crackdown.

(A E P)

Saudi graft inquiry spreads beyond borders as UAE examines bank accounts

Saudi Arabia’s crackdown on corruption has spread beyond its borders as regulators in the United Arab Emirates ask UAE banks for information about Saudi citizens detained in the investigation, a possible prelude to freezing their accounts.

(* B P)

Will Wahhabis and House of Saud Fight the Next War in Middle East?

The recent happenings in Saudi Arabia are not merely a fratricidal war within the House of Saud. More significantly, it marks a break-up of the compact between the House of Saud from Nejd and the Wahhabis.

Saudi monarchy has funded strife in other places to provide an outlet to the Wahhabi energies, laying waste a huge area in the Middle East, and losing out to the arch enemy, Shi’a Iran in terms of strategic footprint. USA stood with Saudi Arabia through thick and thin, clobbering Iran from time to time, but it had to reconcile with the reality.

That ISIS was a Saudi project funded by a not so gullible USA is now well known, thanks to the Qatari leaks. ISIS was the Saudi way of appeasing the hardliners among its clergy. A crackdown on the Eastern oil rich Shi’a provinces was also a project driven by the clergy. The war in Yemen was also at the instance of the clergy, but the call was finally taken by the impetuous Crown Prince. The strife with Qatar is also a Crown Prince project. The Qatar strife is unravelling many dirty secrets of the Syrian war.

With this as background, this is how I think the events are going to unfold:

All due to the hubris of an impetuous young man by the name of Muhammad bin Salman, who broke the compact with Wahhabis too soon, in quest of modernity .

My comment: Interesting, although I would disagree in several points.

(* B P)

Preliminary Thoughts about Saudi Arabia

Entering the Post-American Century

MBS has to consolidate power pretty much completely in the next 24 hours, or very nasty things will happen to him. The good option is if he’s simply executed and we return to power-struggle-as-usual; the bad option would be if he partially consolidates power, and this turns into an all-out civil war.

The Sunni part of the Islamic world is basically propped up by a combination of Saudi money (generally distributed as part of the princelings’ complicated internal power struggles) and Egyptian influence. A civil war knocks the pillars out of that, and would largely leave the Sunni world in chaos.

cp9 USA

(* B P)


a growing number of progressive members of Congress have come forward to challenge the consensus that arming Saudi Arabia is in America’s interest.

One of these representatives is Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., who went a step further in an interview with Jeremy Scahill for the podcast, Intercepted.

“I know this would never pass probably either house of Congress, but do you believe that the United States should stop entirely selling weapons to and giving military assistance to Saudi Arabia?” Scahill asked.

“Yes, I do,” Khanna said. “I don’t think the Saudis’ human rights record or their record in military conflicts are consistent with our values. I don’t think that we should be engaged in interventionism in the Middle East. … We have this record of interventionism that has not made us any safer. And I view our pragmatic, or expedient, alliance with Saudi Arabia in the same way.”

(* B P)

Saudi Shakeup Gives the U.S. an Opening With Iran

This can go two ways: toward either war or a new understanding of the balance of Middle Eastern power.

Prospects for a military confrontation between the U.S. and Iran are rapidly escalating.

If Saudi Arabia forces a showdown with Iran, the U.S. would find itself in the middle of it. Statements by President Donald Trump and his national security team point to a more aggressive U.S posture toward Tehran.

The Trump administration’s desire to isolate and pressure Iran reflects outdated thinking that does not take into account the shifting realities of today’s Middle East. The most likely outcome is it will inadvertently strengthen Iran’s hand in the region, much as President George W. Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq did in 2003.

With the Arab world and the Gulf Cooperation Council deeply divided, Washington’s attempts to isolate Iran run counter to European, Russian, and Chinese attempts to cajole Tehran to play a more constructive regional role, one befitting its status as a rising power.

U.S. attempts to undermine the nuclear deal will likely only draw other global actors to Iran’s side

It's unlikely that the U.S. and Iran will stop antagonizing each other any time soon. But the Trump administration could treat Iran not as a rogue threat

Washington and Tehran need to come to an understanding so as not to further enflame the region.

(* B P)

Trump's Mideast policy oblivious to Arab opinion, experts say

'War against terrorism' continues to determine course of US involvement in region

Fresh polling data of Arab opinion in the Middle East on Donald Trump and US policy towards the region has shown that the majority of Arabs hold a negative view of the American president, even in places like Saudi Arabia where the government is friendly towards his administration.

More than half of respondents in this poll unveiled on 26 October by the Arab Center Washington DC – a non-profit that focuses on American-Arab relations – said Trump was anti-Muslim and that his administration has battered US credibility in the world.

The index, which surveyed eight Arab countries, found that 56 percent thought Trump was Islamophobic, and almost half of respondents said he was dangerous and intolerant. Only 38 percent said he was qualified to be president.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Special Power Over Donald Trump

If all this were happening in Iran, it’s a fair guess that President Trump, Congress and a host of other voices would react with outrage. In truth, the scenario sums up what’s been happening in Saudi Arabia in the last week under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. And Mr. Trump could not have been more effusive. “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing,” he tweeted.

There’s a big difference, of course, between Saudi Arabia and Iran; the former is an American ally, the latter an antagonist. But it has not been American practice to give allies a free pass when they’re destabilizing the region

No problem, suggests Mr. Trump, who made clear early on that he would side with the kingdom and its Sunni allies against Shiite-led Iran. But there is a problem: Mr. Trump’s uncritical support of the prince’s behavior is stirring fears of a war with Iran and undermining American interests.

My comment: Well, it’s true that the Saudis have a “special power over Donald Trump.” But it’s telling us fairy tales when writing: “But it has not been American practice to give allies a free pass when they’re destabilizing the region”.Destabilizing the region exactly is what the US itself did for decades. – The NYT had been a supporter of US aggressive military foreign policy for decades and now misuses the last events not to criticly report on US aggressivity but to bash Donald Trump.

And similar:

(* B P)

Donald Trump Has Unleashed the Saudi Arabia We Always Wanted — and Feared

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has put the Middle East on a collision course. And the White House will own the consequences.

The Saudis have become everything we wanted them to be — and by the looks of things, maybe a lot more than we bargained for. Under Mohammed bin Salman, Riyadh has morphed into an independent force striking out aggressively at home and adventurously abroad, dragging Washington with them. Here’s why we have a serious case of buyer’s remorse — and why the Trump administration needs to hit the reset button with King Salman and his impetuous son.

In a string of pretty spectacular foreign-policy failures (see: Yemen, Qatar, and now Lebanon may not be far behind), Mohammed bin Salman’s most notable success abroad may well be the wooing and capture of President Donald Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Americans have long been infatuated with kings and the kingdom. But King Salman and Mohammed bin Salman seem to have set a new land speed record in convincing the Trump administration that they hold the keys to war, peace, and the transformation of the region.

It didn’t take much convincing. To be sure, the Saudis had some natural advantages over other possible partners that put points on the board in the White House: seeming stability and strength, an authoritarian streak, tons of money, and a desire to flatter and please. But above all, the new bromance reflected a timely coincidence of strategic imperatives – BY AARON DAVID MILLER, RICHARD SOKOLSKY

(* B K P)

How Recent War Powers Legislation May Affect the US Role in Yemen and Around the World

Despite its narrow interpretation by the executive branch, a careful reading of the WPR reveals that it not only constrains direct US military action, but it also broadly restricts indirect involvement in hostilities. Section 8(c), defines "introduction of United States Armed Forces" to include situations in which US forces “command, coordinate, participate in the movement of, or accompany the regular or irregular military forces of any foreign country or government when such military forces are engaged…in hostilities.” Unlike in previous WPR debates, H. Con. Res. 81 calls for removal of US armed forces participating in Yemen’s Civil War (distinct from US action against terrorists as authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force) not because of direct US involvement in hostilities, but rather because US troops are assisting in hostilities as defined by 8(c). A focus not on direct US action but indirect action, as defined under 8(c), could represent watershed WPR legislation for two reasons.

Throughout recent administrations, the executive branch has encouraged a clear trend toward use of American power to support other countries’ wars, and despite America First rhetoric, this seems unlikely to cease.

(* B K P)

US-Kriege: 5,6 Bio.!

Offiziellen Pentagon-Angaben zufolge haben die Vereinigten Staaten für ihre Kriege seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 zusammen1,5 Billionen US-Dollar ausgegeben. Das Projekt „Costs of War“ des Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs an der Brown University kritisiert die Regierungsangaben seit Jahren, da sie viel zu niedrig angesetzt seien. In einem neuen Papier wurde dort errechnet, dass sich die Gesamtkosten auf 5,6 Billionen Dollar belaufen würden – 23.000 Dollar pro Steuerzahler!

(* B K P)

YEMEN: The ‘New Vietnam’ Could Bring an End to the US ‘Forever War’ Policy

This is further evidence that U.S. involvement in the Saudi war is illegal. When asked for a justification for U.S. involvement in the Saudi/UAE war, both Barrack Obama and Donald Trump’s administrations have cited the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). That AUMF permits military action only against those entities who perpetrated the attacks on 9/11. In other words, military action is only permitted against al Qaeda. Yet, this war is being fought on behalf of al Qaeda against their enemies, the Houthis.

Neoconservatives are now calling for a new AUMF to explicitly define ‘the enemy’ more broadly as proponents of so called, ‘radical Islam’. The ‘radical Islam’ handle is a red herring callously promoted by the fake news establishment. It is meant to dumb down and obscure the realities of these conflicts for domestic audiences. The cynical neoconservatives are pleased to have Americans view all Arabs and Muslims as one homogenous and terrifying collective.

This is a particularly indefensible war, even by U.S standards.

(* B H P)

U.S. Backing Saudi Escalation of Starvation in Yemen (Links)

(A K P)

Coast Guardsmen awarded Navy Combat Action Ribbon

Twelve Coast Guardsmen who served on the Navy guided missile destroyer Mason when it came under attack off the coast of Yemen last year have been awarded the Navy Combat Action Ribbon, according to a news release.

Comment: Again: 'The Houthis are supported by Iran'.
Again: 'The Norfolk-based destroyer USS Nitze destroyed three radar sites in Yemen in retaliation' forgetting the radar sites were destroyed in the first weeks of attacks on #Yemen

(* B E P)

Saudi Royalty Arrests Rock Clinton-Obama Regime

The unprecedented sweep of corrupt Saudi elites implicates Clinton, Obama, Wall Street, and beyond.

As the story of the massive Saudi royalty purge develops, Americans should anticipate these arrests and the subsequent investigations will implicate Obama and Clinton in major ways. Investigations into Obama-Clinton impropriety by special counsel Robert Mueller encompass Obama and Clinton’s financial ties and dubious political alliances with both Saudi Arabia and Russia alike.

As speculation bubbles around looming indictments of Tony Podesta, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and others, charges against bin Talal and other Saudi royalty may well be related to money laundering and bribery schemes that implicate the Uranium One parties and transactions within the Obama-Clinton regime already being investigated.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(unrated A P)

Saudi purge may lift lid on £43bn BAE arms deal

Britain’s biggest-ever arms deal faces renewed scrutiny after Saudi Arabia placed it at the centre of an urgent criminal investigation as part of the kingdom’s anti-corruption drive.

One of the hundreds of princes, ministers and businessmen held in the country’s unprecedented purge of senior figures is Prince Turki bin Nasser, the royal at the centre of the so-called al-Yamamah scandal, The Times has been told.

The Saudi decision to investigate the £43 billion deal created political pressure last night for Britain to reopen its investigation into al-Yamamah, which was halted in 2006 on the orders of Tony Blair, prime minister at the time.

Sir Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat leader, said it was “an indictment of our foreign policy” that Saudi Arabia was now ahead… (paywalled)

(A E P)

Sir Richard Branson labelled a hypocrite over support for Saudi tourism scheme

Campaigners say tycoon’s plan to invest in luxury Red Sea project jars with previous criticism of Saudi Arabia’s questionable human rights record

Sir Richard Branson has been accused of hypocrisy after investing in a luxury tourism project in Saudi Arabia despite his track record of speaking out against human rights abuses in the country.

The Virgin Group founder has backed a project to develop 50 islands over a 34,000 sq km (13,127 sq miles) stretch of the Red Sea, creating an estimated 35,000 jobs.

But human rights campaigners are concerned that work on the project is likely to be carried out by migrant labour from Asia working under the kafala system, which has been likened to slavery. Under kafala, workers brought to the Middle East are bound to their employers and cannot leave a job without the permission of their bosses. In some cases, passports and wages are withheld by employers.

(A P)

Minister for the Middle East statement on Iranian involvement in Yemen

Alistair Burt expresses UK concern about the provision of ballistic missiles to Houthis.

On 6 November the Saudi-led Coalition released a statement providing details of Iranian support to the Houthis in Yemen, including via the provision of ballistic missiles. The UK has had longstanding concerns about Iranian involvement in Yemen, which we have raised with the Iranian government. The provision of weapons to the Houthis and forces aligned to former President Saleh is contrary to UN Security Council Resolutions.

Alistair Burt, Minister for the Middle East, said:

My comment: The British government is taking Saudi propaganda for reality, as it fits into their geopolitical aims and frame – and to their arms sales policy. And: The British government does not at all care for millions of Yemenis being in risk of starvation because of the enforced Saudi blockade. Disgusting, murderous.


(A P)

Iran slams UK position over Yemen missile strike on Riyadh

Iranian mission in London in a statement protested against Minister of State for the Middle East and North Africa's statement which was released on Nov 9 as Regard Iran's role in Yemeni strike on Riyadh.

(* B P)

“Inappropriate Behaviour”: Michael Fallon, Yemen, And The “Mainstream” That Is Anything But

The truth of corporate journalism, and the great irony of its obsession with ‘fake news’, is that it is itself utterly fake. What could be more obviously fake than the idea that Truth can be sold by billionaire-owned media dependent on billionaire-owned advertisers for maximised profit?

The ‘mainstream’ worldview is anything but – it is extreme, weird, a product of corporate conformity and deference to power

Consider the recent resignation of Defence Secretary Michael Fallon and his replacement by Prime Minister Theresa May’s Chief Whip, Gavin Williamson. Fallon resigned after it was revealed that he had ‘repeatedly touched the broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer’s knee at a dinner in 2002’.

But it is strange indeed that, while harassment is rightly deemed a resigning offence, other ‘inappropriate behaviour’ leaves ‘mainstream’ commentators completely unmoved.

Mass death, Iraq and Libya destroyed, millions of lives torn apart, profiteering in the billions from the torture of an impoverished, famine-stricken nation – none of this was deemed worthy even of mention in considering the record of Fallon and his ‘inappropriate behaviour’.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Entwicklungsminister Müller: Deutschland verdoppelt Hilfen an Jemen

Die Bundesregierung wird wegen der drohenden Hungersnot im Jemen ihre finanziellen Hilfen deutlich erhöhen. Angesichts der dramatischen Situation habe das Bundesentwicklungsministerium entschieden, die Mittel, die in diesem Jahr UNICEF für den Jemen bereitgestellt werden, auf 20 Millionen Euro zu verdoppeln, bestätigte Bundesentwicklungsminister Gerd Müller (CSU) der PNP.

mein Kommentar: Das sind also nun pro Einwohner statt 40 Cent 80 Cent. Deutschland täte mehr, würde es endlich seine Unterstützung für die Saudis (und endlich auch für die dahinter stehenden USA) aufgeben.

(A K P)

Bundesaußenminister Gabriel fordert weitere Öffnung von Hilfsrouten in den Jemen

Bundesaußenminister Sigmar Gabriel hat in einem Telefonat mit seinem saudischen Kollegen Adel al-Dschubeir die Öffnung weiterer Hilfswege gefordert, um eine menschliche Katastrophe im Jemen zu verhindern.

"Der Außenminister hat die Lage im Jemen angesprochen und besonders die schwere Not leidende Bevölkerung dort erwähnt", sagte am Freitag eine Sprecherin Gabriels. Er habe sich dabei dafür ausgesprochen, Zugangswege nach Jemen zur Versorgung der Menschen sicherzustellen. "Das ist eine Forderung, die aus unserer Sicht im Moment (...) Priorität hat." Die Wiedereröffnung des Hafens Aden sollte daher nur "ein erster Schritt" sein, dem weitere folgen müssten. =

Mein Kommentar: S. zu vorigem Artikel.

(A K P)

Bundeskanzlerin macht sich mitschuldig am Morden im Jemen

„Die Bundesregierung muss endlich Druck auf Saudi-Arabien ausüben, damit die mörderische Hungerblockade der islamistischen Diktatur Saudi-Arabien gegenüber dem Jemen endlich aufgehoben wird. Wer wie Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel weiter deutsche Waffen an Riad liefern lässt, macht sich mitschuldig an diesem geplanten Massenmord im Jemen“, erklärt die stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Fraktion DIE LINKE, Heike Hänsel. Hänsel weiter:

(A K P)

Das ZDF verbreitet erneut die Lüge vom „Stellvertreterkrieg“ des Iran im Jemen

Der Krieg Saudi-Arabiens im Jemen wird von der westlichen Propaganda weiter in einen Stellvertreterkrieg des Iran verdreht. Angesichts einer sich ausweitenden Katastrophe, die auch die Verbrecher von ARD und ZDF nicht gänzlich verschweigen können, wird erneut die Unterstützung Deutschlands, der USA, Großbritanniens und Frankreichs für den Massenmord an Zivilisten totgeschwiegen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A E)

Dubai Airshow opens with Emirates’ $15.1 billion deal with Boeing

The biennial Dubai Airshow opened Sunday with hometown long-haul carrier Emirates making a $15.1 billion (SR56.63 billion) buy of American-made Boeing 787-10 Dreamliners, as the world’s biggest defense companies promoted their weapons amid heightened tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Other airlines also are taking part, but missing from the trade show this year is one of the region’s largest long-haul carriers, Qatar Airways, amid diplomatic fallout between Qatar and four Arab nations.

(* B P)

Holding Hands, Drinking Wine and Other Ways to Go to Jail in Dubai

Dubai, one of the seven United Arab Emirates, portrays itself as welcoming to foreigners. Its boosters claim it is the fourth most-visited tourism destination in the world, and it has at least 12 times as many foreign residents as citizens.

But a legal system based on a hard-line interpretation of Shariah law often lands foreigners in jail for offenses that few Westerners would dream were even crimes.

Recent examples cited by lawyers include holding hands in public; posting praise on Facebook for a charity opposed to fox hunting; drinking alcohol without a license; and sharing a hotel room with a person of the opposite sex (other than one’s spouse).

My comment: No country for vacation at all.


(A P)

Film. Renewed call for release of human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor

Amid the glitz and glamour of the United Arab Emirates is the forgotten story of Ahmad Mansoor, one of the last human rights defenders living in the United Arab Emirates, imprisoned since March.

(A H)

Canadian charity prepares over 900 emergency kits for Yemen families amid cholera outbreak

30 volunteers spent part of Remembrance Day packing kits that contain water purification units

Remark: Please also look at cp13a.

(* A K P)

Israeli squadron flying from the bases of Eritrea and bombarding Hysteria sites in the capital and flying in the skies of Aden after the strike Taif

A special source loyal to the Saudi-led coalition , the first Yemeni scene, that a squadron of Israeli aircraft, launched from the bases of Eritrea, to bomb the Yemeni capital Sana’a.

The source, who declined to reveal more information, said that the King Fahd air base in Taif was paralyzed at the moment, after the last ballistic operation, pointing out that the green light was given to the Israeli enemy to compensate for the defeat.

He pointed out that an air raid in the city of Aden and its environs was about 11 pm on Thursday, stressing that the squadron of aircraft flying these moments is an Israeli squadron came after the urgency of the UAE and Saudi Arabia quickly intervene, he said.

The air force launched aggression hysteria at dawn Friday, July 28, 2017

My comment: If true, one great scandal more.

(A P)

Foreign Affairs Minister Yusuf Abdullah: #Oman is helping Yemenis openly using reason and dialogue, & our borders are open to all Yemenis going to other countries or returning to #YEMEN from abroad & this is an opening for a meeting of minds between northern & southern Yemenis

My comment: Oman is different.

(A P)

Yemeni Info min: "We continue to count on Kuwait's role"

(A P)

Besorgt wegen Libanon und Jemen: Macron besucht kurzfristig Kronprinz

Saudi-Arabien zündelt im multikonfessionellen Libanon. Die Furcht vor einer Eskalation im Nahen Osten ist groß. Frankreichs Präsident Macron ändert Reisepläne und will noch am Abend kurzfristig den saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman zur Rede stellen. und hier eingebettet Film:

(B P)

France's Macron Treads Fine Line in Iran-Saudi Minefield

With U.S. President Donald Trump tightly aligned with Saudi Arabia against Iran, France is positioning itself as a broker between the Sunni and Shi'ite Muslim rivals, but neutrality may leave it with little leverage.

With tensions between Riyadh and Tehran rising sharply since Saad Hariri's resignation as Lebanon's prime minister, President Emmanuel Macron made an unscheduled stopover to meet Saudi's powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Thursday.

The move, made ahead of a possible visit by Macron to Iran next year, is in line with the young president's foreign policy style of being engaged but non-committal, trying to mediate between all sides without unsettling anyone.

My comment: How blind you must be to alledge Macron could be a “broker” when he evidently is taking sides and even repeats Saudi war propaganda?

(A P)

Macron unexpectedly heads to Riyadh to discuss crises with Crown Prince

French President Emmanuel Macron will make a previously unscheduled trip to Saudi Arabia on Thursday to see Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and discuss crises in Lebanon, Yemen and the wider region.

My comment: What I expect: Nothing. Might-be a new arms deal.

(A P)

UAE: Macron Should Speak Up for Yemeni Civilians

President Emmanuel Macron of France should take the opportunity of his first official visit to the United Arab Emirates on November 8, 2017, to make the voice of Yemeni civilians heard, six human rights and humanitarian organizations said today. President Macron, accompanied by the French ministers of foreign affairs and culture, visited the United Arab Emirates for the opening of the Louvre Abu Dhabi. and other NGOs also

My comment: Daydreamer. France has sided with the Saudis – France is their 3. Arms supplier, making billions by Saudi killing of Yemeni civilians.

(A P)

France's Macron broaches Lebanon in surprise Saudi visit

French President Emmanuel Macron held hastily scheduled talks in Riyadh on Thursday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman amid rising tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, notably over Lebanon and Yemen.

The first face-to-face talks between the two men focused on regional questions, in particular Yemen and Lebanon, and “ensuring the preservation of stability in the region”, the French presidency said in a statement after the meeting.

My comment: Sounds like the usual bla bla. Well, look here:

(A P)

Macron arrives in Riyadh to meet Saudi Crown Prince amid tensions with Iran

The French President earlier condemned Iran after reports surfaced that the country had financed Houthi militia in Yemen with ballistic missiles, including the missile which targeted Riyadh on Saturday night.

“The missile which was intercepted by Saudi Arabia launched from Yemen, which obviously is an Iranian missile, shows precisely the strength of their program,” Mr Macron said at a news conference held at a French school in Dubai.

“I believe it’s important that we work with Saudi Arabia for the purpose of guaranteeing stability in the region and the fight against terrorism,” Mr Macron added.

My comment: I am sure what this man’s knowledge of Yemen is: Please get a microscope to look at it.

(A P)

France's Macron makes surprise Saudi Arabia visit

He said he would "emphasise the importance of Lebanese stability and integrity"

Macron said he would insist to Crown Prince Mohammed that Riyadh must open the borders to allow humanitarian access.

My comment: “Insist”? LOL.

(A P)

French President Says Iran Behind Yemeni Missile Launch, Calls For Talks

French President Emmanuel Macron is blaming Iran for a ballistic missile launch by Yemeni rebels targeting Riyadh last weekend, and said it illustrates the need for negotiations with Tehran over its missile development.

"The missile which was intercepted by Saudi Arabia launched from Yemen, which obviously is an Iranian missile, shows precisely the strength of their" program, Macron said late on November 9 as he visited the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

"There are extremely strong concerns about Iran" among its Arab neighbors in the Persian Gulf region over the missile launch, and "there are negotiations we need to start on Iran's ballistic missiles," he said.

"Like what was done in 2015 for the nuclear activities, it's necessary to put a framework in place for Iran's ballistic activities and open a process, with sanctions if needed, of negotiation that would enable [an agreement]," he said.

My comment: Yawn. As I thought before.

And as a reminder (I overlooked in 2016):

(* B K P)

France Is at War in Yemen, Photos Indicate

Satellite imagery underscores Paris’ role in the under-reported conflict

Satellite imagery suggests that French war materiel, if not French personnel, is supporting the Saudi-led war in Yemen. If confirmed, it represents a previously unreported escalation of French support.

The satellite imagery, some of which Google Earth published recently, shows two unique hangars deployed on an expanded parking apron at the Eritrean airport of Assab. The hangars match those of other known French deployments.

How they ended up at the airport remains an interesting question. Given recent developments between France and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, it appears France is deepening its relationship with the region in a substantive way.

(A P)

  1. Korea denounces missile attack on Saudi Arabia

South Korea on Friday denounced a recent ballistic missile attack by Yemen's rebels on Saudi Arabia's capital and called for efforts to help build peace in the Middle East region.

"The South Korean government is paying attention to the Saudi Arabian government's announcement of the interception and condemns the missile attack, which threatened the safety of civilians and international travel," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said

My comment: This is from Nov. 10. Be aware: They do not denounce the Saudi starvation blockade, nor the latest Saudi air raid at Hajja province which killed 60.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

Siehe eigenes Libanon-Mosaik / Look at special Lebanon Mosaic:

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A E K)

The @AntonovCompany @TAQNIA_Aero An-132D makes an impressive Khe Sahn approach at the @DubaiAirshow during rehearsals today, its an impressive performer with the new engines (photo)

Remark: Saudi-Ukrainian joint venture.

(* B E K P)

Canadian military exports to Saudi Arabia exploded in 2016

Canadian exports of military arms and equipment to Saudi Arabia jumped by 47 per cent to $142 million in 2016 as the troubled kingdom was intervening in next-door Yemen’s civil war and trying to suppress unrest among its own citizens.

A federal report shows the surge in exports from Canadian manufacturers — including munitions described as including “riot control agents” — took place even as the Canadian government was issuing an unusual statement of concern over growing violence in Saudi Arabia.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

Siehe / Look at cp16 (Sanaa)

(A T)

Explosion in #AlHawtah - #Shabwa during raids on Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants by Shabwani Elite forces. (photos)

Video of a burning building in Al-Hawtah #Shabwa after an explosion.

and film, fighting:

and some photos of this place:

My comment: Destroying cultural heritage.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

After Deterioration of Yemeni Riyal, Money Exchange Companies Closed in Adan

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen: Rogue(?) #AQAP cleric Abu al-Bara' al-Ibbi publishes "Reasons for the [#jihad] Setback no.6". This 3-page rambling rant may be summarized as follows: Jihadist youth in Yemen no longer know good from evil & are falling into criminal ways. (image)

(A T)

Two of Al-Qaeda Elements Killed in a Robot Plane Raid on Al-Baida

Two armed elements, though to be of Al-Qaeda, were killed on Friday in a robot plane raid on Al-Baida. Local sources indicated that the robot plane targeted a vehicle with two armed elements by a missile and killed them at once in Serar Gashm – Wald Rabia – Al-Baida


Local #Yemen press reports 2 suspected #AQAP on motorbike killed by #drone near Jabal ‘Akad in Abyan yday. Plus 2 killed in Hawta, Shabwa

(A T)

Latest #IslamicState bulletin devotes full page to its op in #Aden #Yemen on 5 Nov. Claims the op lasted 11 hours, killed/injured 90 (69 dead), destroyed 16 military vehicles, involved 1 suicide car bomber & 3 suicide fighters (2 of whom also detonated suicide vests) (image)

(A T)

#Yemen: Reports of coalition aircraft buzzing over Huta/Hawta in Shabwa today, a historic #AQAP stronghold. #UAE-supported force commander & 3 soldiers injured in ambush. Not yet claimed by AQAP. Hard to tell if main drivers of opposition to UAE forces are terrorist or political

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Bahrain Blames Oil Pipeline Explosion on Iran-backed 'Terrorism'

Iran rejects accusations, denies any role in the kingdom's unrest

(A P)

Explained Is Iran Actually Behind the Missile Fired From Yemen at Saudi Arabia's Capital?

Iran long has denied offering any arms to the Houthi rebels in Yemen. It has yet to specifically respond to the U.S. and Saudi accusations to the contrary

My comment: This is less “explained” than the usual Western propaganda (= a somewhat softened form of Saudi propaganda).

(A P)

Extraordinary int with ex PM Tony Blair on @BBCr4today: battle between Iran & Saudi Arabia not primarily Sunni Shia but between rule based societies believing in tolerance (KSA) & those who dont/are on side of darkness. (Iran).

I've gone through it in previous tweets on my timeline which you can look at. But ultimately he thinks the West should take the side of modernisers. He thinks SA are modernisers and Iranian regime are not.

My comment to Porte: That makes it only little better.

(A P)

Al Houthi threat to shipping is worrying

Plot to target international maritime transport with sea mines is an escalation that cannot be tolerated

Al Houthi terrorists in Yemen have sunk to a new low in their ongoing attempt to destabilise the country and try and turn it into a fiefdom of Iranian influence. Members of the international coalition fighting to restore the legitimate government and authority of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi thwarted Al Houthi forces on the island of Bawadi as divers were preparing sea mines and others rigged up explosive-laden boats — all with the deliberate and deadly intent to cause as much indiscriminate damage as possible to shipping.

Thankfully, the threat was eliminated, but the incident shows the extent and intent of Al Houthi forces, and the logistical and material support provided to them by their masters in Tehran.

(A P)

Houthis continue to pose big danger to international navigation, says Yemeni vice president and

(A P)

VP: War in Yemen against Iranian's scheme

Vice President Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Ali Mohssen Saleh stated that the ongoing war in Yemen is fighting against the Iranian plot and endeavors aiming to destabilize the regional and international security and stability.
(Lt Gen) Mohssen affirmed that Yemeni officially authorized government backed by Saudi-led Arab Coalition has been determined to stand up to Iran's scheme and neutralizing its threats.

My comment: Once again. This is odd as long as Saudi war ships block the coast, fire at coastal targets; and especially, as long Saudi air planes bombs Yemeni fisher boats (and Somali refugee boats) in the sea. That’s the real danger for international navigation. Last event a Saudi collation bombing of a fisherboat, 17 victims: and

And how propaganda invents non-events out of propaganda tales:

(A P)

The Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen has foiled a planned attack on international maritime navigation courses, the coalition’s spokesman said.
The attack was intended by Houthi militants by using bomb speedboats and a group of divers, Colonel Turki Al-Malki said in a statement. =

(A P)

Yemeni Minister: UN Silence Raises Doubts on Neutrality of Organizations

Yemeni Minister of Local Administration, Head of the Higher Committee for Relief Abdul Raqib Fatah condemned the forced displacements carried out by the coup militia against the residents of the Jabal Habashi district in Taiz governorate.
He accused them of forcing the residents to leave their homes and planting mines in the vicinity of these houses, resulting in the injury of a number of people.
In a statement issued by Yemeni news agency, Fatah called on UN Resident Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen Jimmy McGoldrick to condemn the actions of the militias and their daily violations against the people of Taiz and other governorates.

My comment: it even might be probable that the Houthis do this. – But, from the side of the Hadi government, these claims are propaganda: ook what happens in the same province, and the Hadi gov. does not care:

(A P)

Q&A: US, Saudi Arabia accuse Iran over Yemen missile launch

Both Saudi Arabia and the U.S. now accuse Iran of supplying ballistic missiles to Shiite rebels in Yemen, including one that targeted the kingdom's capital of Riyadh and its international airport.

My comment: Repeating the US mainstream narrative.

(A P)

Peace not materialized because of Houthis' hostage ship to foreign party, says minister

My comment: LOL.

(* A P)

Saudi Foreign Minister, Adel Al Jubeir

Hadley Gamble: Your Excellency, thank you so much for joining CNBC. I want to kick off by asking you about the ballistic missile launch from Yemen. You've called that an act of war. Is Saudi Arabia headed for a direct conflict with Iran?
Adel Al Jubeir: We hope not. What the, the missile was Iranian built, it was similar to a missile that was launched against the city of Yanbu on the 22nd of July. It's a carrying missile, has a range of over 900 kilometres. It was smuggled into Yemen in parts and then assembled in Yemen we believe by the Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah experts and then it was launched at our city. We believe that the missile that landed in Riyadh is of a similar make and we hold Iran responsible for this. They're the ones who provided the missiles in violation of U.N. Security Council resolution 22:16. We believe that it was Iranian experts and Hezbollah experts who taught and coordinated the attack against Saudi Arabia. So we believe that this could be considered an act of war.

My comment: CNBC interview. This is the usual propaganda shit, now to be labeled as war-mongering as well.

(A P)

US Air Force official: Missile targeting Saudis was Iranian

Iran manufactured the ballistic missile fired by Yemen's Shiite rebels toward the Saudi capital and remnants of it bore "Iranian markings," the top U.S. Air Force official in the Mideast said Friday, backing the kingdom's earlier allegations.

The comments by Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, who oversees the Air Force's Central Command in Qatar, further internationalizes the yearslong conflict in Yemen — the Arab world's poorest country.

My comment: “further internationalizes the yearslong conflict in Yemen“: that’s whefor this whole farce is staged – getting a pretence to start a new Iraq style war (now against Iran).

Comment: Endless flow of headlines on 'Iranian missile fired from #Yemen'.
Echoes of nonsense to justify the war agenda.
This is all the 'evidence' they claim:
“How they [the Yemenis] got it there is probably something that will continue to be investigated over time,” he said. “What has been demonstrated and shown based on the findings of that missile is that it had Iranian markings on it. That in itself provides evidence of where it came from.”

Comment: Dejavú of the weapons of mass destruction of the Saddam era.
Dangerous and filthy game

Comment: Q : How did the US & Saudi Arabia find out Yemeni ballistic missiles are Iranian? A : Houthis forgot to tear off the "Made in Iran" stickers. Careless, careless.

Note that even the Saudi government has not made this claim of "Iranian markings" on #Yemen's ballistic missiles before.

This proves that I definitely qualify to be a 3-star US General in charge of the US Air Force @CENTCOM. All I had to do was switch off 92% of my brain.

(A P)

Iran provided capability for missile attacks from Yemen: U.S. Air Force

Iran has provided the capability for ballistic missile attacks launched from Yemen, a senior U.S. Air Force official said on Friday.

Jeffrey Harrigian, commander for southwest Asia at the U.S. Air Forces Central Command, also told reporters while on a visit to Dubai that it was important to find diplomatic solutions to tensions surrounding Lebanon instead of going to war.

(A P)

OIC Concerned With Investigation Findings On Ballistic Missile Towards Riyadh

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said it is following with deep concern the repercussions of the act committed by the Yemen's Houthi-Saleh militias, which launched a ballistic missile towards Saudi Arabia's Riyadh.
This, the OIC said is a serious and clear breach of international law and an aggression against the safety and security of the territories of Saudi Arabia.
In a statement posted on its website today, the OIC said the kingdom had previously faced similar violations of its territories when Houthi and Saleh militias launched a ballistic missile towards the holy mosque in Makkah Al-Mukarramah on Oct 27, 2016. The militias repeated their heinous attempt on July 27 this year.

My comment: This Saudi-dominated organization simply repeats Saudi propaganda.

(A P)

Reports that #Hajjah airstrikes also killed Mohammed AlAtifi, the Minister of Defense and No. 7 on the #Saudi-led Coalition's wanted list.

My comment: What the hell he should have done at that remote place? Bullshit.

(A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi, the Iran-trained Yemeni who become a coup leader

Mohammed was born in 1975 in Saada. He joined the Iranian revolutionary guards before 2004 and later returned to Yemen where he was jailed for years. He emerged as a coup leader and engineer of the “revolutionary committees” which were tasked with controlling every aspect of the state following the coup in Yemen.

Comment: What?!? Are Houthis trolling Ryadh again?

(A P)

Muslim World League chief lauds Saudi Arabia for opposition to extremism

The secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL), Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, said on Wednesday that Saudi Arabia has established itself as “an international platform to fight extremist ideas” and that the Kingdom has put into place “strong and effective procedures” to prevent the funding of terrorism. Al-Issa — who is also the Kingdom’s minister of justice

Comment: Man, I almost peed in my ma'waz laughing.

My comment to comment: I follow laughing on this. And read this what he told in 2012: Salafism is only an approach, says justice minister: (And who does not obey to this “approach”, will be jailed and flogged).

(A K P)

5 Ways Saudi Arabia Could Crush Iran (or Any Enemy) in a War

For Saudi Arabia, the conservative Gulf kingdom whose number one priority in the region is to keep the status quo, it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that the entire Middle East is on the fire. Indeed, if Saudi Arabia resembled a giant mansion in the middle of the neighborhood, the rest of the street would be littered with abandoned houses and empty lots. In other words, the neighborhood outside the Kingdom doesn’t look good at the moment, and King Salman bin Abdulaziz knows it.

Here are the five deadliest weapons that Saudi Arabia has in its arsenal:

My comment: The problem is that the greatest part of litter in the neighbourhood has been thrown by the Saudis themselves, as they had expelled most of their neighbours and thrown in all the houses’ windows themselves.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia blasts 'Houthi terrorist' actions as UN warns of famine

Saudi Arabia said on Sunday it had closed all air, sea and land borders with Yemen, allowing only humanitarian supplies to pass through

Saudi Arabia has delivered a letter to the UN Security Council detailing the “terrorist actions” of the Houthi rebels in Yemen and calling for measures to be taken against Iran for supporting them.

“The Houthi's continued resort to violence, refusal to return to legitimacy and abide by the relevant Security Council resolutions, have resulted in the catastrophic humanitarian situation and is obstructing the political solution to the conflict,” Saudi Arabia’s UN mission said on Twitter.

My comment: These Houthi actions lamented here are acts of war, not of terrorism. It’s funny when the Saudis while bombing a country into ruins dare to lament about “the Houthi's continued resort to violence” – as well as to their “refusal to return to legitimacy”, because there is no more “legitimacy” with “president” Hadi as would be with president Yanoukovich of Ukraine in these days. And these relevant Security Council resolutions had been dictated by Saudi Arabia and the US, being the greatest obstacles for peace sinde 2 ½ years. It’s just extremely brazen then to claim that these Houthi “crimes” would have “have resulted in the catastrophic humanitarian situation”, while the Saudis are bombing and blocking the country.

(A P)

Yemeni Chief of Staff: International Navigation at Highest Levels of Danger

Yemeni Chief of staff Maj.Gen Taher al-Aqeeli said that Houthis’ announcement of a new naval missile system means "without any doubt that navigation in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and even the Arabian Gulf has become at its highest levels of danger since the rebels have taken over the power in Sana'a."
Aqeeli stressed that Houthis have revealed their violations of all the international laws and regulations.
He told Asharq Al-Awsat that many vital areas in the Gulf region have become within the range of Houthi weapons, which means that the international community needs to put an end to the Houthi violations that are supported by the Iranian regime.

My comment: Odd propaganda, as the Houthi threat clearly is directed at Saudi coalition warships only. And it’s odd as well to lament that “vital areas in the Gulf region have become within the range of Houthi weapons”, as since 2 ½ years all of Yemen is destroyed as it is within the reach of the Saudi coalition air force.

(A P)

Iran is Dragging Out Yemen War to Advance Regional Ambitions: White House

The White House said Iran is prolonging the war in Yemen to pursue regional domination

The U.S. accused Iran of supplying Houthi rebels in Yemen with weapons, including the ballistic missile that attacked Riyadh on Saturday

The Saudi Crown Prince said on Tuesday the missile attack on Riyadh was a “direct military aggression by the Iranian regime”

The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Saudi would “achieve nothing by threatening the might of Iran"

Iran is prolonging the war in Yemen in pursuit of regional domination and is undermining U.N. efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict, the White House said on Wednesday.

My comment: How idiotic is this? Iran should prolong a war it not even is participating in? It’s saudi Arabia and ist allies who are not willing to stop the war.

(A P)

Mekhlafi: Arab Coalition, Government Success Pushed Iran towards Military Escalation

Yemen’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi stressed on Wednesday that success achieved by the Arab coalition and the pro-government forces against Iran-backed coup militias has forced the latter towards military escalation.
He added that Yemen’s internationally-recognized government headed by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and the Arab Coalition have managed presenting a strong case in convincing world countries that militias are chiefly responsible for disrupting peace and finding a political solution.

My comment: OH, stupid: However pushing anyone towards „military escalation“ could be labeled a „success“?? And looking it the events, it is just Saudi Arabia who is pushing military escalation.

And Western whitewashing propaganda of Saudi “reforms” does not come to an end:

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K PH)

The Violation and Crimes that are committed by
#Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 8 - 11 Nov 2017

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(A K PH)

Child injure in Saudi airstrike on Saada

Monabah district of Saada province overnight

The strike hit a house of the citizen in al-Moqna'a area in the district, injuring the child.

(A K PH)

Film: the burning of aggression the home of a citizen in the area of Mfalis Directorate Hifan in Taiz 11-11-2017

(* A K PH)

Film: The martyrdom of 9 fishermen as a result of targeting the aggression of their boats in the island of Al-Bawadi in the province of Al-Hodeidah 11-11-2017

Film 1: = 2,48 =

Film 2: =


The martyrdom and wounding of 17 fishermen in the bombing of the air Saudi aggression on the island of the Bude in Hodeidah 11 - 11 – 2017


(A K PS)

West Coast Front: Air Raids Destroy Tanks of Militias

(A K PH)

Photos: Air raids at Sanaa at daytime, Nov. 11.

Saudi American aggression conducted two air raids against the Police Academy Street in Sana'a, #Yemen.

Thankfully one of the missiles did not explode. (photos)


(* A K)

Please re-tweet . Can anyone identify this bomb ? Photos of a bomb didn't explode Today #Saudi-led coalition has been bombing #Sanaa city for the last 24 hours

It’s an MK84 Mod-4

Bombs dropped on Yemen from Saudi Arabia show 'American markings'

Could be Turkish. Depends on whether U.S removed smart-deliveries to SA, as they said they should On clip: Slow Motion Guided Mk-84 2000lb GP Bomb, kit developed in Turkey and also

Hopefully this will explain more? (image)


(* A K)

Film / Photos: Today #Saudi targeted a police academy HQ and it was near to 3 schools . The HQ was empty .

Children crying and panicking at school near the police college that was bombed by the Saudi coalition today.

Photos: =

Film Al Masirah 1: = and, longer: =

Film Almasirah 2, Attack near school:

Films attack near school: = = = =

and as pro-Saudi media report:

(A K PS)

Arab coalition aircrafts pound Police College in Sana'a

(* A K PH)

2 airstrikes target Taiz

The US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes waged two air strikes on Hamly area in Mawza distract in Taiz province, a military official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes caused many casualties among residents.


(* A K PH)

Film: Scenes of the crime of aggression against passengers and pedestrians in Taiz 10-11-2017

Horrific scenes of the crime committed by the Saudi Arabian airliner hatred of innocent travelers and passers-by in Taiz province = =

(A K PH)

8 civilians killed, wounded by Saudi airstrike on Saada

At least 8 civilians, including children and women were killed and wounded on Friday from Saudi aggression airstrike on Razih district of Saada province, a health official told Saba.
The aggression warplanes were targeted a citizen house in Bani Sayah area of Razih district


(A K PH)

Only one massacre by Saudi jets today ? NO ! They targeted a house in Razeh area #Saada 4 people killed including 9months old child . #Yemen Ahmed Soliman 40 Matra Awadh 60 And children: Wada Saleh 5 Fedah Soliman 9 months died

and film:

" Watch this video He is taking his family From under the rubble And when he is taking little kid from rubble " Saudi massacre committed yesterday in sadaa city , #razih area Killed 2 old men 2 kids injured 3 men 1 woman = =

and photos:

(* A K)

Verletzte in der Hauptstadt

Saudi-Arabien bombardiert Wohngebiet in Jemen

In der Nacht zu Samstag haben Kampfjets der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition das Verteidigungsministerium und ein Wohngebiet in Sanaaangegriffen.

Explosionen von mehreren Bombardements seien zu hören gewesen, es steige Rauch auf, berichteten Zeugen. Bei einem dieser Luftangriffe auf eine Wohngegend in der Nähe des Ministeriums wurden demnach mindestens acht Menschen verletzt und zwei Häuser teilweise zerstört. Helfer suchten unter den Trümmern nach Überlebenden.

(* A K)

Kampfjets bombardieren Verteidigungsministerium in Sanaa

Saudi-Arabiens Allianz setzt ihre umstrittenen Militäreinsatz im Jemen fort. Kampflugzeuge griffen das Verteidigungsministerium an. Auch ein Wohngebiet wurde getroffen, es gab Verletzte.

In Jemens Hauptstadt Sanaa haben Kampfjets einer saudi-arabisch geführten Militärkoalition offenbar das Verteidigungsministerium unter Kontrolle der Huthi-Rebellen angegriffen und auch ein Wohngebiet getroffen. Das berichten die Nachrichtenagenturen dpa und AFP unter Berufung auf Augenzeugen.

Bei dem Angriff in der Nacht zum Samstag wurden den Angaben zufolge mehrere Zivilisten verletzt und mindestens ein Wohnhaus zerstört. Das Verteidigungsministerium in Sanaa war bereits in der Vergangenheit mehrfach von der Militärkoalition angegriffen worden. und auch und

(* A K)

Jemen: Luftangriffe der arabischen Koalition gegen Verteidigungsamt in Sana

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte arabische Koalition hat zwei Luftangriffe gegen das Verteidigungsministerium in Jemens Hauptstadt Sana geflogen, zehn Menschen haben dabei Verletzungen erlitten.

Laut dem Gesprächspartner der Agentur gibt es zwei Schwerverletzte. Bei dem Angriff seien auch sieben Wohnhäuser zerstört worden. Die Anwohner seien evakuiert worden.

(* A K PH)

3 air strikes hit capital Sanaa

The US- backed Saudi aggression warplanes waged three air strikes overnight on the capital Sanaa, an official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes targeted al-Ordhy area in Bab al-Yemen, damaging dozens of houses of the citizen

8 citizens injured in Saudi air strikes on capital Sanaa

Eight citizens were injured on Saturday when the US-backed Saudi warplanes waged two strikes on an old city of the capital of Sanaa, an official told Saba.
The strikes hit in al-Ordhi area in Bab al-Yemen, injuring eight citizens, destroying four houses completely and damage a number of neighboring houses

Citizen killed in Saudi air strike on Capital Sanaa

A citizen was killed and two others wounded when US-backed Saudi warplanes waged on Saturday strikes on an old city in the Capital of Sanaa, an official told Saba.
The strikes hit houses of the citizens in al-Ordhay area in the city ,which is a densely populated area.


(* A K)

Saudi coalition bombs Houthi defence ministry in Yemen

Two air strikes targeted the ministry late on Friday and plumes of smoke could be seen billowing from the building, the rebel media network Al Masirah quoted witnesses as saying.

One of the missiles hit a residential area near the ministry, wounding at least eight civilians, it said. The casualty toll could rise as rescuers search through the rubble for survivors.

(A K PH)

Film: Saudi aggression takes houses and residential areas military targets for raids 10 – 11

(A K)

Three people are wounded in air strikes on residential area by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's rebel-held capital

The attacks hit houses in a neighbourhood near the ministry of defence in Sanaa

Strikes come amid tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which backs rebels

Local residents say houses shook and property was destroyed leaving a crater

Casualties may rise when bodies are pulled from the rubble locals say

The strikes, which took place late on Friday, hit a residential area near the ministry of defence building, which had been targeted just before.

The coalition has targeted the nearby defence ministry in the past, leaving it heavily damaged

My comment: The Ministry had been bombed to ruins long before. Attacking these ruins again and again simply is an act of terror.


(A K)

Civilians wounded in Saudi-led strikes on Yemen capital: witnesses

"I was sitting at home and heard the first strike hit the ministry of defence. Everyone was afraid. Minutes later, another strike hit my neighbour's house," resident Mohammed Aatif said.

"My entire house shook," said Aatif, who fled with his family from the neighbourhood.

He said the strike destroyed his neighbour's house, leaving an enormous crater, and damaged others.

Witnesses said the number of casualties may rise as wounded are pulled from the rubble.


(A K)

Saudi-led warplanes strike defense ministry in Yemeni capital

The defense ministry building in Yemen’s capital, Sana'a has been targeted in at least two airstrikes by Saudi-led coalition warplanes, local media and eyewitnesses report. There are fears of civilian casualties as nearby buildings were also reportedly hit.

"There were two to three strikes on the Ministry of Defense," local journalist Hassain Abukhaiti told RT, confirming that Saudi-led planes are targeting the Yemeni capital. He said there are reports that "one of the missiles hit a house" near the military building. "A family was living there," the journalist said. "The house has been destroyed. It is very likely that the entire family was killed." with film:


(A K)

Film of attack


(A K PH)

Film: Targeting the capital Sana'a with three raids in two raids and the third raid targeted the # Al-Saadi neighborhood and caused the destruction of a house and damaged many houses,

To date, some 7 civilians have been evacuated, some critically, and the search is still under the rubble. = =

Film by Ruptly:

Film by Almasirah: =

Film, flight by filming drone: =

Film visit president Samad: = =

Films by Yemen Today: (night) (aftermath)


(* A K PH)

Photos. From the Old City of #Sanaa, protected by the UNESCO, tonight.
In the next few hours: we expect a statement of 'concern' by the Unesco and Saudi led Coalition investigating its own crimes to claim - in due course, with no rush - it was a technical mistake, a/o a legitimate target, a/o wrong intelligence. Or just business as usual: Houthis were there.

(* A K PH)

Latest pictures from #Sanaa.
Reports of 12 killed and many injured.

(A K PH)

Saudi aggression fighter jets launch 44 airstrikes on several provinces

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition Airstrikes Kill Houthi Commander, 15 Militiamen in Hodeidah

Houthi head of operations in the Yemeni province Hodeidah and 15 others were killed in a raid by the Arab coalition to support the legitimacy in Yemen.
Sky News Arabia’s breaking news reported that the air strike targeted a gathering in the Directorate of Khokha, south of Hodeidah.

(A K PH)

US-Saudi air strikes attack Nehm

The strikes hit farms of the citizens in the district

and film:

(A K PH)
Aggression targets innocent citizens in the Directorate of Nhm 09-11-2017

Nothing in this place but the ruins of the residences of simple popular houses destroyed by the air Saudi American aggression over its inhabitants and no longer the lens of the camera is picking up the blood of women scattered over the rubble (1:41) =

(A K PH)

Three citizens injured in Saudi air strikes on Saada

The strikes hit the main road in the district, wounding three citizen

and film

(A K PH)

Aggression targets civilians in Maran Saada area

A raid from three air raids by the Saudi American air force in Maran district of Haidan governorate in Saada province, which caused the injury of three passers-by on the public road in the region =

(A K PH)

Film: #Saudi air strike hit a buildings in Bani Alhareth area

More air raids recorded on:

Nov. 12: Hajjah prov. Saada prov.

Nov. 11: Saada prov.

Nov. 10: Hajjah

Nov. 9: Sanaa city

and by pro-Hadi media: Sanaa prov. Hajja Saada

(A K PH)

"Oh my father.. oh my mother.. where do I sleep tonight?"

Thus the little girl Rana Hamdi Jumaai (10 years old) screamed when she returned in the afternoon from grazing her sheep, after seeing her house, turned into a trace after an eye due to the forces of #Saudi-led aggression.

The Home of the citizen Hamdi Jumaai which is located in Heran region of Aflah district in Hajjah, has been targeted by several air strikes of the Saudi-led coalition and was completely destroyed and the killing of her family members on 7 Nov, 2017.

Film: =

(A K PH)

Photo: The only survivor of the # massacre of Oran Bam / Hijjah raids by the aircraft of the aggression of the Saudi American American child / Bashir Hamid Ali, a 6-year-old collective committed by the aggression on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. He is lying in intensive care at Al-Thawra Al-Hodeida hospital, unconscious in a coma after suffering bruises in the brain, opening in the head, injuries and multiple fractures on both sides of the head and front in front of the head, adding to a bloody gathering in the eyes. He lost his parents and two younger brothers. All lived in one house and survived two sisters between the ages of 10 and 16, being outside the house during the bombing.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PH)

Saudi missile and artillery shelling hit the border areas of Razih district in Saada province

(A K PS)

Army arrests African mercenary fighting in rebels' side

(A K PH)

Aggression mercenaries bomb houses and farms of citizens in Nhm

Shelled more than 15 rockets homes and farms in the area of ​​Ayyal Mohammed Directorate Nhm.

The shelling of mercenaries caused considerable material damage to the homes and farms of the target citizens, and to date no injuries have been reported. and translation

(A K PH)

Saudi border guards kills a citizen in Saada

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Feature: Untold story on Yemen's tourism, green, peaceful city, safe home for all IDPs

IBB, Nov. 11: The city is considered a safe home for travellers, who pass through it to fuel their vehicles when travelling from the northern provinces to the south or vice versa. And most time, the travellers love to stop in the city to get at least three-day rest.
City of Peace
However, the aggression war on Yemen was a surprise turning point that was not come into the account of the city's residents.

"I did not expect to leave Taiz, which I still miss, and live in Ibb, which lacks the most basic services of daily life, the simplest example is a bakery that does not cover the demands of new arrivals," said Safiya Hatem, 45, married with three children.

The rival forces have several times tried to draw the city into the conflict.

Safe City and Job Opportunities

My comment: The Houthis at Ibb behave quite unlawful (abducations; shooting; detaining; threatening).

(A P)

Yemen Issue Raised at Air Chiefs Conference

Senior Emirati leaders have hit back at criticism of Operation Restore Hope, the Saudi-led coalition of Arab air forces that have been attacking what they describe as rebel Al Houthi forces in Yemen. The operation has attracted unprecedented criticism from humanitarian agencies—and in a report commissioned by the United Nations Security Council—for indiscriminate targeting of civilians and refugees.

(A P)

After Praising her “Active Role”, Ben Doghr Givs Tawakol Karman the Green Light to Launch Her Attack Towards the Arab Ally

Tawakol Karman, member of the Yemeni Reform Party – the political arm of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen – launched a severe attack on Saudi Arabia and UAE, calling the Arab Ally “the Ally of Evil”, and preaching their fall on Iran’s hands. On her page on face book, Karman attacked Saudi Arabia and UAE, the prime leaders of the Arab Ally saying: “Three years of Saudi – Emirati viciousness in Yemen is only a new chapter of the long history of conspiracy on Yemen”. She added that in a few years for most, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi will fall on the hands of Iran, calling the Saudi crown price “little Gorbachev”. She also said that madness of prices is because of the embargo of what she called “The Ally of Aggression” on Yemen while she didn’t mention Ben Doghr’s governmental failure in saving national currency from deterioration. Ben Doghr received Karman during her visit to Riyadh last April and praised her “Active Role” in a gesture that activists considered as a green light from Ben Doghr to Karman to launch her attack on the Arab Ally


Ana Insan Madani with Hind al-Eryani

Hind al-Eryani is a writer, journalist and member of UN Women’s Yemeni women’s pact for peace and security. Many of her articles have been published in several languages, and she also has a weekly slot on radio Monte Carlo. One of her most popular articles, ‘Why don’t men cover their faces?’, was translated into five languages and published in a number of widely read international news sites and publications.


33 beautuful Yemen photos

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-355 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-355: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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