Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 359 - Yemen War Mosaic 359

Yemen Press Reader 359: 18.-22. November / Nov. 18.-22.: Saudische Hunger-Blockade geht weiter, bringt Hungersnot und Seuchen / Saudi hunger blockade continues, causing famine and epidemics

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Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensverhansdlungen / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp15a Propaganda: Saudis "retten" Journalistinnen / Saudis "save" journalists

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(A P)

In their Day, Yemeni children dream of fathers' "warm arms"

The children of the Yemeni activists held in the jails of the extremist Shiit rebels of Houthi-Saleh staged a rally and submitted a letter to the OHCHR in Sana'a on Monday to express their wish and appeal to the "conscience" of the world to help secure the release of their fathers.

The children said their fathers are jailed without charges and that they are denied visits to them save for a few minutes of chatting with their fathers standing behind the bars. "Just once a week and from a far distance away from the jail window that none can hear the other clearly."

Al-Zahraa Ahmed a little girl delivered a speech in the rally said "my brother Zakaria died three months ago. And still my father does not know and I keep crying whenever how impactful the news will be to him if we tell him." and also

(A P)

Houthi intimidation forces woman journalist to publicize her fears

Al-Soufi has been enduring persistent incitements and threats from local Houthi leaders for one year but the group's mentioning of al-Soufi by name as an enemy intelligence agent via their TV al-Masira's news task bar on 15 November sent chills up and down her spine prompting her to share her worry with the Yemen Journalists Syndicate by sending a written appeal for solidarity.

The Syndicate, in return, condemned the militias' persecution

(* A P)

Houthis kidnap 12 civilians, blow up 3 houses in Sana'a

A local source said that the Houthis-Saleh gunmen kidnapped on Thursday 12 civilians from Arhab district, northern the capital Sana'a, and blew up three houses.

The source told Almasderonline that the Houthis gunmen attacked Biat al Haniq, al Arshan and al Ghola villages in Zandan area, and launched a raid campaign on the citizen's homes, claiming that they were looking for wanted people.

The Houthis blew up three houses of civilians in al Arshan area.

(* B P)

October 2017 State of Human Rights in Yemen

Arbitrary Detention:

Thousands of Yemeni civilians are under arbitrary detention at Houthis militia and Saleh forces’ prisons in Sana’a and other areas under their control, in addition to hundreds of civilians in Security belt and Hadhrami elite prisons in Aden and Hadhramout. SAM has documented 140 new cases of arbitrary detention during October, 125 by Houthis – Saleh militia and 15 by security forces in Aden and Shabwa.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Mehr über die Saudisch-amerikanische Blockade: cp2a / More on the Saudi-American blockade: cp2a

(** A H P)

HUMANITÄRE KATASTROPHE IM JEMEN... und die Welt schaut zu!

Saudi-Blockade gegen Huthi-Rebellen verhindert Hilfslieferungen ++ Millionen Menschen droht der Hungertod

Es sind Bilder, die wehtun. Sehr. Bilder, die es nicht geben dürfte. Babys und Kinder, fast verhungert, sind Opfer eines brutalen Stellvertreterkriegs.

Die Lage im Jemen wird immer dramatischer!

Seit mehr als zwei Wochen werden keine Hilfsgüter mehr ins Land gelassen – internationale Organisationen schlagen Alarm und fordern die Internationale Gemeinschaft zum Handeln auf.

Millionen Menschen in dem Bürgerkriegsland seien von Krankheiten, Hunger und Tod bedroht, erklärten die Unterzeichner eines in Bonn veröffentlichten Aufrufs, darunter die Hilfswerke Care, Save the Children, Oxfam, Aktion gegen den Hunger und Handicap International.

„Die internationale Gemeinschaft muss ihr beschämendes Schweigen angesichts dieser Zustände sofort brechen und alle ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel nutzen, die Blockade aufzuheben. Der Tiefwasserhafen von Hodeidah, über den 80 Prozent der Importe laufen, sowie der Flughafen von Sanaa müssen unverzüglich wieder geöffnet werden, um Nahrung, Treibstoff und Medikamente einführen zu können. Jeder weitere Tag der Blockade bedeutet mehr Hunger und Krankheiten für Tausende Jemeniten. Wenn die Blockade aufrechterhalten wird, könnten Millionen von Menschen infolge einer Hungersnot sterben“, heißt es in dem dramatischen Appell.

Karl-Otto Zentel, Generalsekretär von Care Deutschland, sagte BILD: Die Lage ist verheerend. Jeden Tag, den die Blockade weiter besteht, wird die ohnehin schon katastrophale Lage schlimmer.“

Die Sperrung verhindere die Einfuhr von Lebensmitteln, Treibstoff, Medikamenten und Vorräten, sagt Zentel. Insgesamt seien im Jemen 2,2 Millionen Kinder unterernährt. 385 000 seien in einem so schlechten Zustand, dass sie mit therapeutischer Nahrung versorgt werden müssten, so Zentel (viele Fotos)

Mein Kommentar: Der ausführlichste Bericht auf Deutsch kommt von Bild, danke! – Man muss sich freilich auch dort klar warden, dass diese ganze Katastrophe ausgerechnet diejenigen überhaupt erst möglich gemacht haben, denen sich der Springer-Verlag besonders verbunden fühlt: die USA. In den Unternehmensgrundsätzen des Springer-Verlages heißt es unter 3: “Wir zeigen unsere Solidarität in der freiheitlichen Wertegemeinschaft mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.“ Und Millionen Menschen verhungern zu lassen, das gehört nun einmal auch zu den “westlichen Werten”, wie sie die US-Außenpolitik verkörpert und praktiziert.

(** A H P)

Yemen: Collective punishment must end now

Over two weeks into Saudi-led Coalition’s blockade, continued blatant violation of international law has exponential impact on the IRC’s work and is creating humanitarian misery for million of Yemenis,

Partial lifting of blockade by Saudi-led Coalition is arbitrary and discriminatory; The IRC calls for an immediate and total lift. A return to status quo ante would be too little, too late;

Sanctions and inspections should not be used as weapons of war;

The international community’s continued inaction is a disgrace and is enabling what could be collective punishment.

The U.S.-backed Saudi-led Coalition (SLC) must immediately end its blockade of international airports, seaports and and crossings in Yemen. This blockade is is a blatant violation of international law which could amount to collective punishment, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) said today. Each week, the inability to deliver humanitarian aid by IRC alone will cost the lives of 500 children to malnutrition; prevent access to health services for 8,000 people; and prevent access to clean water for 15,000 people in the midst of the world's largest cholera outbreak on record. If it continues, the blockade will have devastating consequences—the recent Famine Early Warning Systems update on Yemen, the official body that declares famines, suggests that thousands would die as a result of lack of medicine and overland transport of supplies.

With every day that passes, the international community is complicit in what could amount to collective punishment, pushing millions of innocent men, women, and children closer to a catastrophic famine in a country already ravaged by nearly four years of war. The global community must exert all possible leverage on the SLC to lift the blockade immediately and then take steps to address the existing sanctions regime the SLC has used to justify the delay and denial of commercial and humanitarian supplies to Yemen since 2015.

(** A H P)

Film: Yemen: Surrender or Starve

The north of Yemen has become the world’s largest prison. For the past two weeks, a US & UK backed Saudi led military coalition has almost completely sealed off parts of the impoverished country held by the Houthi rebels - but also home to more than 20 million people, seven million of whom were already on the brink of famine. The UN says the blockade needs to be urgently lifted, warning it could lead to the deaths of millions from a lack of food and medicine. Saudi Arabia has blocked reporters from entering the country but the ABC’s producer in Sanaa, Moohialdeen Fuad filmed these images for 730. Middle East Correspondent Sophie McNeill produced this report.

(** B H P)

The little boy starving to death while the Middle East tears itself apart: Child lies in agony amid warning thousands could die DAILY if Saudi Arabia does not lift its blockade on the Yemen's ports

Harrowing photos from a malnutrition centre in Yemen showing small children starving to death reveal the grave dangers the country faces as Saudi Arabia refuses to open its ports.

Thousands of Yemenis could die daily if a Saudi-led military coalition does not lift its blockade on the country's key ports, a US-funded famine survey has revealed.

The warning came a day after the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said 2.5million people in Yemen's crowded cities had no access to clean water, raising the risk that a cholera epidemic will spread.

Some seven million people are already on the brink of famine, and further shortages are likely within three or four months if ports remain closed, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) said.

In such a scenario, shortages of food and fuel would drive up prices, and a lack of medical supplies would exacerbate life-threatening diseases.

'Thousands of deaths would occur each day due to the lack of food and disease outbreaks,' said FEWS NET, which is funded by the US Agency for International Development.

UN humanitarian agencies have issued dire warnings about the impact of the blockade, although UN officials have declined to directly criticise Saudi Arabia.

'The situation for dialysis patients, already urgent, is now critical,' Jaquemet said.

The ICRC had reports of some 20 kidney patients requiring dialysis having died over the last weeks 'due to the non-availability of treatment', she said.

Dialysis centres in the Houthi-held port city of Hodeidah are particularly hard-hit, working at only 30 percent of their capacity, she said. Other centres in Yemen have been forced to close, sending more patients to three ICRC-supported facilities.

Remark: Overvierw with severe photos

(** A H P)

Famine (IPC Phase 5) likely in Yemen if key ports remain closed

The recent closure of all Yemeni seaports is highly concerning. Even before the current blockade, Yemen already faced the largest food security emergency in the world, with more than 15 million people facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse food insecurity and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. Yemen is reliant on maritime imports for more than 80 percent of its annual staple food supply. Therefore, a prolonged closure of key ports risks an unprecedented deterioration in food security to Famine (IPC Phase 5) across large areas of the country.

If all ports remain closed, or re-open but are unable to support large-scale imports of essential goods, Famine is likely in many areas of the country within three to four months. In less accessible areas with the most severe current food insecurity, Famine could emerge even more quickly. In this scenario, food availability would be severely constrained, as the potential for overland trade to offset the decline in maritime imports is extremely low. In addition, concurrent limitations on fuel imports would accelerate sharp increases in fuel and staple food prices, while the lack of imported medical supplies would jeopardize treatment options for life-threatening illness. Thousands of deaths would occur each day due to the lack of food and disease outbreaks. The areas where Famine is likely to appear first are those that are heavily reliant on maritime imports for staple food supply, those areas with large IDP populations, and/or areas where levels of acute malnutrition are highest =


(** A H P)

Famine survey warns of thousands dying daily in Yemen if ports stay closed

A U.S.-funded famine survey said on Tuesday that thousands of Yemenis could die daily if a Saudi-led military coalition does not lift its blockade on the country’s key ports.

Using the internationally recognized IPC 5-point scale for classifying food security, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) said that even before the current blockade, 15 million people were in “crisis” (IPC Phase 3) or worse.

“Therefore, a prolonged closure of key ports risks an unprecedented deterioration in food security to Famine (IPC Phase 5) across large areas of the country,” it said.

and even Jordan and Egypt, bothSaudi allieds, report: and

(** B K P)

YEMEN: Ten Myths about Saudi War of Aggression Debunked

Why is Yemen not being described as a Holocaust. Why are the western governments and media refusing to use the H word when they use it so liberally to demonise target governnments or nations? Even Bana Alabed used it in her Tweets that were written for her by her mother, with western PR agencies as the “hidden hand”.

Former US Represenative at the UN in New York, Samantha Power, employed the H word regarding #Aleppo where US backed terrorists were the ones carrying out atrocities against Syrian civilians. Cynical use of the word to reinforce the US’ own whitewash of terrorism in Syria.

The same degree of terrorism is happening in Yemen, only now the H word is not employed because the US coalition wants to whitewash the daily war crimes committed by the Saudi coalition, supported & endorsed by the US, EU, UK and UN.

Call it what it is! Yemen is a Holocaust and it is being committed by our regimes in the west who are fully cognizant of their own criminality & that of their client state coalition which has been waging a genocidal war of aggression and attrition against the Yemeni people for more than 1000 days.

The following report from Randi Nord of Geopolitical Alerts debunks 10 of the mainstay myths that are being promulgated by the colonial media in the west to muddy the waters on Yemen and distract from the Saudi coalition ethnic cleansing-project reality:

1: Not A Civil War

2: Not a Proxy War

3: Not a Sunni vs Shia Conflict

4: Saudi Arabia has Always Wanted Political and Economic Control of Yemen

5: The Houthis (Ansarullah) are NOT an Iranian Militia

6: Al Qaeda is a De Facto US Ally in Yemen

7: Ansarullah and Allies Fight ISIS and AQAP

8: The Blockade Kills People Faster than Bombs Do

9: The UN and International Community Have Literally Done Nothing to Help.

10: Western Media Whitewashes Saudi War Crimes While “Condemning Violence on All Sides”

(** B K)

Film: The human toll of war in Yemen

Iona Craig is one of the few journalists in Yemen. She tells CNN what she found when visiting a hospital buckling under the pressure of war – by Iona Craig =

(** A H P)

60 Minutes, barred from Yemen, still got the footage

The Saudi-led blockade of Yemen isn't just targeting food supplies. As 60 Minutes found, it's also stopping reporters. How producers got this week's footage

This week on 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley reports on the dire conditions for children in Yemen. The situation is so severe that, according to the U.N., a child in Yemen dies every ten minutes. But the widespread starvation is an underreported story because, as Pelley explains, the Saudi-led blockade that's cutting off food supplies is also blocking journalists from entering Yemen.

It happened to Pelley and a 60 Minutes crew as they tried to enter Yemen to film conditions on the ground for this week's report.

"It's an extreme case," Pelley tells 60 Minutes Overtime. "In my experience, I have never found a country so sealed off from the rest of the world as Yemen under the Saudi coalition today."

"It's very rare to have a situation in which you have this all-out war, millions of people facing famine, nearly a million people infected by cholera—and the world can't see it," he says.

"We don't ever want to allow a government to prevent us from doing a legitimate story," Pelley says. "And over the years at 60 Minutes, we have gone to considerable risks to prevent that kind of thing from happening." (with film)


(** A H P)

Film: When food is used as a weapon

How Yemen's civil war has brought 7 million people, many of them children, to the brink of starvation

This month Saudi Arabia tightened a stranglehold on the neighboring country of Yemen and 7 million people face starvation. The Saudi blockade is an escalation in Yemen's civil war. The United Nations says the war has now become a "man-made catastrophe." You've seen very little of this because the Saudis prevent reporters from reaching the war zone. Recently, we were ordered off a ship headed to Yemen. Days later the Saudis gave us permission to fly there but, after our equipment was loaded and our boarding passes issued, the Saudis closed the airspace so the plane couldn't take off. Even so, we have managed to get pictures out of Yemen to show you what the Saudi government does not want you to see. This will be hard to watch, but 27 million people in Yemen pray you will not turn away.

My comment: it has to be said that the figures of victims are so much higher than stated here…


Film: "It's just desperation and death. It's as bad as it gets."

In Yemen, a child dies of preventable causes every 10 minutes, according to the United Nations. "All of those involved are using food as a weapon of war," David Beasley, head of the World Food Programme, tells Scott Pelley.

(** B H P)


On Sunday, “60 Minutes” aired a 13-minute segment on the war’s devastating humanitarian toll. The program featured imagery of starving children and interviews with displaced people, all obtained after Saudi Arabia blocked “60 Minutes” from entering the country.

Still, the program did not once mention that Saudi Arabia is a U.S. ally, and that U.S. support is essential for the Saudi campaign to continue.

For two-and-a-half years, the U.S. government has backed Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Yemen every step of the way. The United States has dispatched warships to reinforce the blockade. It has refueled Saudi planes, sent the Saudi military targeting intelligence, and resupplied them with tens of billions of dollars worth of bombs.

The U.S. has had the power to pull the plug on the intervention since the beginning.

for years, former President Barack Obama — and now President Donald Trump — had the power to stop the bombing campaign in an instant. Instead, U.S. government officials have watched Saudi Arabia use American weapons on homes, markets, farms, water infrastructure, hospitals, and children’s schools, and made a conscious decision to continue that support for the sake of not upsetting a regional ally.

Per “60 Minutes’s” framing of the conflict, the crisis in Yemen is a random tragedy happening on the other side of the world – manmade, but outside U.S. control. The truth is nearer the opposite. Without U.S. support, the humanitarian crisis would not exist on such a catastrophic scale – by Aley Emmons

(** B H P)

Ignoring Washington’s Role in Yemen Carnage, 60 Minutes Paints US as Savior

Meanwhile, Iran’s involvement in the conflict—which, even by the most paranoid estimates, is far less than the United States’—is placed front and center as one side of the “war.” The conflict is framed in hackneyed “Sunni vs Shia” terms, with Saudi Arabia unironically called the “leader of the Sunni world” and Iran the “leader of the Shia world.” A reductionist narrative that omits that Sunnis have fought alongside the Houthis, and the fact that Saudi bombs kill members of the marginalized, mostly Sunni Muhamasheen caste, who are neither “led” by Saudi Arabia nor part of the “Shia world.”

This cartoon dichotomy is the extent of the context. Saudi Arabia is rightly singled out as the primary aggressor (though a dubious comparative body count of 3,000 killed by Saudis vs. 1,000 by Houthis is proffered that is far lower than the UN’s January 2017 estimates of 10,000 total civilians killed), but who the Saudis’ primary patrons are—the United States and Britain (and Canada, too)—is simply not mentioned. One would think, watching Pelley’s report, it was a purely regional conflict, and not one sanctioned and armed by major Western superpowers to counter “Iranian aggression.”

To compound the obfuscation, 60 Minutes doesn’t just omit the US role in the war, it paints the US as a savior rescuing its victims. The hero of the piece is American David Beasley, the director of the UN’s World Food Programme, the organization coordinating humanitarian aid. “The US is [the World Food Programme]’s biggest donor, so the director is most often an American. Beasley was once governor of South Carolina,” Pelly narrates over B-roll hero shots of Beasley overseeing food distribution.

Beasley, in his sit-down interview, bends over backwards to downplay Saudi responsibility, insisting at every turn that “all parties” are to blame:

The spin that the crisis is the fault of “all parties” is understandable from a US-funded de facto diplomat, charged with providing some cover for a major regional ally. But the premise that “all parties” are causing the famine is never challenged by Pelley. It’s taken as fact, and the piece moves on.

It’s part of a broader trend of erasing American responsibility for the conflict and resulting humanitarian disaster – by Adam Johnson =

and also


(** B H P)

60 Minutes Imagines A Different War In Yemen

Despite the fact that Yemen’s starvation crisis is almost entirely the result of Saudi actions, Beasley was either unable or unwilling to say so. Here’s how he describedYemen’s hunger crisis to 60 Minutes

Perhaps Beasley feels constrained to avoid the appearance of bias, but with an estimated seven million Yemenis in or nearing famine conditions, it’s long past the point of trying to protect Riyadh’s delicate feelings. Regardless, it must be said loud and clear that “all of those involved” aren’t currently blockading Yemen from the air, land, and sea. “All of those involved” aren’t equally responsible for nearly a million Yemenis suffering from cholera without access to proper medical care. And “all of those involved” aren’t regularly conducting airstrikes that hit civilian targets in rebel-held northern Yemen.

But by far the most egregious part of the 60 Minutes coverage was its total failure to identify one key element of “all those involved,” namely the role that the United States and Britain have played in arming and sustaining the Saudi war effort.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Saudi operation in Yemen depends on this ongoing logistical support from the U.S. It also depends on arms, like American cluster bombs and British missiles, that U.S. and U.K. arms dealers eagerly sell to the Saudis.

This is certainly not a new phenomenon in Western media, which has made a habit of downplaying or outright ignoring American and British involvement in Yemen. But it is still a stunning omission. The program’s American audience deserves to know that its own government in part created the atrocities that flashed by on the screen. In failing to inform them of that fact, 60 Minutes did its viewers, and the people of Yemen, a tremendous disservice – by Derek Davison and Davison in Audio:

(** B H P)

The Deliberate Starvation of Yemen

It has been apparent for a long time that the coalition blockade is is intended to create harsher conditions in Yemen and especially in rebel-held areas. Preventing weapons shipments has become little more than a pretext, and the tightening of the blockade two weeks ago has shown just how flimsy that pretext really is. Paul excoriates the “international community” for how badly it has failed Yemen, and he’s absolutely right. I would just add that the U.S., Britain, France, and other Western states that have armed and supported this atrocious war bear a large share of the blame for the failed international response. They have not merely failed to act, but have made a point of enabling a war on Yemen that may end up claiming millions of lives. The reason that Yemen’s plight has become so severe is not just that the governments of the world are ignoring it, but that many of them have been knowing accomplices in creating the disaster unfolding there.

The deliberate starvation of Yemen is the most important story in the world, and it has been that for the last two years, but until very recently it was probably the most neglected major story. It is encouraging that this is beginning to change and more attention is finally being paid to what has been done to Yemen’s civilian population, but it is almost too late. The crisis demands an urgent, coordinated international response to put intense pressure on the coalition and to stave off massive loss of life, but there is no sign that there is sufficient political will or pressure to make that happen in time. The greatest crime of the twenty-first century is being perpetrated in front of us, and it is happening with Washington’s approval and the indifference of most of the world.

(** B H K P)

Ignoring U.S. Complicity in the Destruction of Yemen

There hasn’t been much Western media coverage of the war on Yemen, and often when there are reports the role of the U.S. in helping to make the war possible is minimized or left out all together. There is now more and better Western media coverage of the war than there used to be, but the coalition’s Western patrons often escape notice even now.

Ignoring U.S. and British backing for the Saudi-led war on Yemen matters for a few reasons. For one, it presents an incomplete and therefore inaccurate account of what is happening and why, and that allows Western audiences to think that their governments have nothing to do with the terrible consequences of the war. If the American and British publics remain largely unaware of their governments’ responsibility for helping to create the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, they are unlikely to demand that their governments stop enabling the disaster. Ignoring their role also lets those governments off the hook for appalling policies, and that in turn ensures that there is much less international pressure on the coalition governments that are destroying Yemen. Absent sustained international pressure and criticism, the coalition governments are able to wreck and starve an entire country without paying much of a price.

The lack of international pressure on the Saudi-led coalition is one more reason why the coalition and U.S. and other Western support for it should be under much more intense media scrutiny. Several major Western governments are deeply complicit in the destruction of Yemen, and that fact cries out to be exposed and broadcast far and wide as often as possible. Our government’s enabling of despotic regimes to attack their impoverished neighbor while causing the worst famine in decades ought to be a major scandal and a leading story every day, which makes the failure even to mention U.S. involvement in creating the disaster unfolding in Yemen an inexcusable omission.

(** B H K P)

The Faces Of Yemen – Where Is American “Outrage?”

As the world focuses on isolated incidents of terrorism taking place in Western countries, the wholesale slaughter being committed by Western countries against others generally goes unnoticed unless being pinned on the victim nation. However, even with Americans and other Westerners paying scant attention to Iraq and Syria, the conflict in Yemen scarcely gets a mention except in communities of human rights activists and geopolitical commentators.
Even after Yemen has overtaken Syria as the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis, most of the world has remained deathly silent about the situation unfolding there.
While not overwhelmingly involved with troops, bombing campaigns, and the like in the way that it is in Syria or Iraq, the United States is nonetheless complicit in the destruction of an entire country by providing intelligence, weapons, and political support to Saudi Arabia and the GCC in their war against the Yemeni people. In addition to that support, however, the United States has, at times, also contributed limited direct military support to the Saudi effort.

But while the mainstream Western press only mentions the Yemeni crisis in isolated articles, absent are the images of the Yemeni people who are being bombed, shot, tortured, starved and otherwise suffering from malnutrition and other war-related illnesses.

There is no American “outrage” over the dying children in Yemen because Americans are not being told by their televisions, politicians, and entertainers to be outraged about the children in Yemen. There are no calls to enact revenge on the perpetrators of the violence in Yemen (mainly because the perpetrators are Americans and American “allies). Yemenis are not even worthy of America’s “thoughts and prayers” or “I Stand With Yemen” hashtags and profiles. Instead, it’s business as usual

With that in mind, it is important to bring the faces of Yemen to light, even as the mainstream political discourse prefers not to do so.
While looking at these photographs, note that, if you are an American, the answer is not military intervention but the opposite; i.e. an immediate cessation of direct and indirect military assistance to Saudi forces and an end to selling weapons to the Neanderthal “kingdom” that is prosecuting its war against the Yemeni people – by Brandon Turbeville (with many photos) =

(*** B K P)

How North Korean Weapons Could Start a War (in the Middle East)

The campaign of ballistic missile attacks has been raging since 2015 when Saudi forces, backed up by a coalition of Gulf states, invaded Yemen on behalf of the deposed government of President Hadi. The Yemeni Army’s sizeable ballistic-missile forces sided with the Houthi rebels.

While dozens of missiles aimed at Saudi Arabia proper have been intercepted by Patriot air-defense missiles, three missile strikes on Saudi coalition forces within Yemen or near its border, in 2015 and 2016, resulted in well over three hundred deaths and major losses in equipment.

Yemen’s ballistic-missile arsenal dates back to the long war between Saudi-backed North Yemen, and the Communist-aligned South Yemen.

North Korea built between six hundred and one thousandof these missiles, and shipped between one-third to one-half back to the Middle East. Recipients included Libya, Syria and Iran, the latter dubbing the missiles the Shahab (“Meteor”)-1 and -2.

By this point, South Yemen had already received Scuds from the Soviet Union, and both North and South Yemen purchased the superior Tochka (SS-21 Scarab) and employed the weapons against each other. However, North and South Yemen reunified in the 1990s, and the new state aligned itself with the United States, so it was forced to look elsewhere to keep on growing its ballistic-missile force.

In 2002, the Spanish Navy boarded the North Korean cargo ship Sosan and found it was carrying fifteen Hwasong-5 missiles bound for Yemen. The shipment was eventually allowed to go through after protest from Sanaa, and it is estimated that Yemen received additional shipments of up to forty-five missiles, including Hwasong-6s. Therefore, the Hwasongs were very likely amongst the various Scud derivatives fired at Saudi and allied targets starting in 2015. The same report posits that longer-range strikes in Saudi territory were undertaken by Hwasong-6s

However, the Hwasongs and the Scuds are far from the only ballistic missiles being used by the Houthis. Tochka missiles likely inflicted more damage than the Scuds due to their greater precision. The Houthis also converted another Soviet weapon, dated S-75 surface-to-air missiles (SA-2 Guideline), into a ballistic missile known as the Qaher-1 and -2 with claimed ranges of 155 and 250 miles, respectively. By one count, the Houthis had around one hundred Scuds, sixty Tochkas and nearly a thousand eligible SA-2 missiles available to them in 2015.

More recently, the rebels have been launching missiles they claim to be domestic clones of Scuds, called the Burqan-1 and -2. These are believed to be modified Scuds with extended range. An analysis by Jane’s concluded that though it is possible these are derived from North Korean or Iranian technology, they are most likely local modifications – by Sébastien Roblin

and also look at this:

(** B K P)

Film: In an old interview with Al Arabiya TV, Gen. Asiri said: "The Yemeni missiles are not Iranian; they are from the Soviet Union, China and North Korea.

Film: Nabeel Khoury, the former US diplomat at the US embassy in Sana'a said "We have seen the missiles since 2000 ... #Yemen has more weapons than human beings".

(** A H)

Diphtheria outbreak in Yemen with 14 deaths, announces WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced Saturday the outbreak of diphtheria epidemic in Yemen and registered 14 deaths cases and 120 clinical in recent weeks.

The WHO, Yemen branch, twitted that most cases are children, pointing to the importance of vaccinating them with all vaccines doses.

A medical source told Almasderonline that the health authorities in Ibb province, central Yemen, registered 14 deaths cases of the epidemic, while dozens of residents were affected in the province districts. and also

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Yemen: One million children at risk following diphtheria outbreak - UN

Up to one million children are at risk of contracting diphtheria following an outbreak of the disease in Yemen, according to the UN. The country now has more than 120 diagnosed cases and 14 deaths in the past week. Dozens of children and babies were seen receiving treatment for a range of conditions at Hudaida's Al Thawra Hospital, Saturday, amid deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the face of the Saudi-led coalition blockade, which the UN says is exacerbating the general health crisis. The Saudi-led coalition has denied aid access to Houthi-held ports, like Hudaida, until the UN sets up a tighter system to control the flow of arms. The UN has reportedly dismissed the conditions. The UN wrote in a statement: "The blocking of essential medicine and vaccines and the lack of fuel arriving in Al Hudaydah port will impact millions of people that are already suffering from a lack of health services and multiple preventable diseases."

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An 8-year-old girl, a Saudi airstrike and an American-made bomb

Eight-year-old Sara is sitting on the floor next to her mother when she spreads her arms out and reenacts the moment a Saudi-coalition airstrike, using an American-made bomb, left her pinned under the rubble of her family’s home here in the Yemen capital.

On August 25, the Muthanya family of six awoke in the dead of night to the familiar sound of fighter jets roaring over rebel-held Sana’a. When one bomb landed a few hundred meters away, Ahmed Muthanya and his wife, Mesara, jumped out of bed and gathered their four children to take shelter in the windowless hallway of their apartment on the ground floor of a four story building — the safest place to avoid flying shards of glass from the shock waves.

Only Sara remembers what happened next.

“Everything collapsed. I called out for my mother and brother, but all I could hear was the sound of people screaming,” she explains in the quiet voice of a shy child. “I had pain in my chest and I couldn’t move. Then I heard people trying to dig through the rubble. I shouted to them, ‘Get me out! Get my brother and sisters out!’”

Sara says she was buried for about 30 minutes before a rescuer reached one of her outstretched hands.

“It was dark and I was struggling to breathe from the fumes of the bomb,” she says.

Sara’s father lost his only son, 2-year-old Naif, in the August strike that destroyed six civilian homes.

His wife, Mesara, lies prostrate under a blanket, barely able to walk more than a few steps due to crushing spinal injuries sustained in the airstrike.

Nearly three months on, Sara struggles to sleep at night, often waking with recurring nightmares.

“I dream of being under the rubble and hearing the planes,” she says. “I get scared, very scared.” – by Iona Craig

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The links between #Britain, BAE systems arms deals with #Saudi Arabia and the creation of #Wahhabism
Why does the west turn a blind eye on war crimes against #Yemen?
It's Partially based on an agreement called
'The Al Yamamah deals'
The Al Yamamah (“dove”) agreements of the mid-1980s were between the Thatcher government in the UK and the Saudi Arabian government. Military equipment, especially Tornado and Hawk jets, were to be supplied by what is now BAE Systems. The deals also included servicing, spares and ancillary services.
Financing: Al Yamamah was originally designed as a barter agreement with Saudi Arabia paying in oil.
As reported by The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT)
Saudi Arabia is a major buyer of UK weapons, and has been since the 1960s. The UK government is intimately involved in these deals as they are operated through Government-to-Government contracts. These contracts are complemented by those between the UK government and the prime contractors.
About 240 UK Ministry of Defence civil servants and military personnel work in the UK and Saudi Arabia to support the contracts through the Ministry of Defence Saudi Armed Forces Programme (MODSAP) and the Saudi Arabia National Guard Communications Project (SANGCOM). They are paid for by the Saudi Arabian government.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

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Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W46 2017 (Nov 13-Nov 19)

The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 19 Nov 2017 is 945,362 suspected cholera cases and 2,211 associated deaths, (CFR 0.23%), 1049 have been confirmed by culture.

The median age of suspected cases is (20) and the median age of death is (38)

59.3 % of death were severe cases at admission - The total proportion of severe cases among the suspected cases is 18% - The national attack rate is 343.26 per 10,000. The five governorates with the highest cumulative attack rates per 10,000 remain Amran (801), Al Mahwit (760), Al Dhale’e (641), Abyan (491) and Sana’a (459).

Children under 5 years old represent 27.8% of total suspected cases.

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Map: Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 20 November 2017)

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Map: Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April - 20 November 2017)

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Suspected cholera cases in Yemen hit 940,000: WHO

More than 940,000 suspected cases of cholera have been reported in war-torn Yemen since April 27, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) report released Monday.

Within the last seven months, the report states, the WHO has recorded 940,768 suspected cholera cases in 22 out of Yemen’s 23 provinces.

Over the same period, the report adds, 2,208 cholera-related deaths have been documented.

The highest number of suspected cases (about 136,000) have been reported in Yemen’s western Al-Hudeidah province, while the highest number of cholera-related deaths (about 416) have been reported in the northwestern Hajjah province.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

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Audio: Tracking U.S. Involvement in the War in Yemen

Today, The Takeaway takes a look back at the U.S. role in the war that has devastated Yemen.

Iona Craig, an investigative journalist who has covered the conflict in Yemen extensively, shares the history of U.S. involvement under President Obama to President Trump.

Adam Johnson, media analyst for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a national media watch group, and host of the podcast Citations Needed, has been tracking the media coverage since the Yemeni conflict began. He says that to get a better sense of how the U.S. should be addressing the war in Yemen, Americans should read this 2016 editorial published by The New York Times.

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Thousands of Twitter Bots Are Attempting to Silence Reporting on Yemen

Fake Twitter accounts are targeting individuals reporting from Yemen

The intention seems to be the delegitimization of the accounts

Saudi Arabia and its allies have been accused of being behind the bots by some

This is not the first time Saudi-linked fake accounts have been used for political purposes

Yemen-focused Journalist Iona Craig has alleged that thousands of bots have followed her on Twitter in recent weeks.

The situation, which has has been afflicting the Yemen Twitterati since May, has “reached ridiculous proportions,” she said.

While Craig gave no suggestion as to who the culprit is, Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. have been accused by some of being behind the fake accounts, which are apparently intended to force her suspension.

Craig is not alone. Other journalists, researchers and humanitarian workers in the war-torn Arab country have complained of fake accounts following them in huge numbers in recent months.

In July Exeter University lecturer Marc Owen Jones identified a separate but connected issue. He wrote on his blog that automated bots had been “using the ‘Yemen’ hashtag to promote the idea of Iranian influence in Yemen, a common trope in Gulf politics."

Jones identified hundreds of “bot accounts” spreading anti-Iran messages on that tag, speculating that there may be a link to satellite channel Saudi24, which is “loosely aligned with state rhetoric.”

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Ripe for intervention

The problem is that Saudi Arabia and its allies look at Yemen as a theatre for regional power play. The Saudis don’t want the Houthis to control the country as they fear it would extend Iran’s influence right to its backyard. But Saudi Arabia lacks the strategic depth and resources to shape Yemen’s future and yet, driven by geopolitical ambitions, it is resorting to excessive use of air power. But that is not enough to defeat the Houthis.

But the UN and other international bodies can’t ignore this man-made disaster. They should deal with Saudi Arabia in the way aggressor nations are dealt with and bring some real pressure on the kingdom to end this brutal war.

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A new episode of George Galloway's weekly program, where he and his audience of experts held a full debate of "Saudi Arabia's New Policies".

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Yemen's women may hold key to solving the country's devastating civil war

In the final part of her series from inside Yemen, Bethan McKernan investigates how the conflict is weakening the position of women and girls in society. Calls for female inclusion in public life – and a seat at the table during peace talks - are growing

According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the escalation of the conflict has “further weakened the position of women and girls in society”.

There has been a “near erosion of [women’s] protection mechanisms and [an] increased vulnerability to violence and abuse,” said Anjali Sen, UNFPA's Representative to Yemen based in Sanaa, Yemen’s Houthi controlled capital.

Child marriage is also on the rise, as war takes an economic toll on families struggling to make ends meet across the country. Before the war began, local activists had convinced politicians to consider a law outlawing marriage for girls under the age of 18.

Now, tens of thousands more have been auctioned off as the practice re-emerges without challenge, their hopes of an education and independence sacrificed for the good of the family unit.

Everyone suffers if women don’t get a place at the table, Ms Hammadi warned. Recent research suggests she is right.

Several papers have found that women’s involvement in peace building increases the probabality of ending violence by up to 24 per cent. In Yemen’s failed talks so far, very few women have been included at a natiional or international level.

Comment: Civil War? Shameful Independent.
After having joined a media mission to Mareb (sponsored by the government in exile in Riyadh), it depicts an unrealistic Eden in Mareb and the usual case of a 14-year-old girl married off to a 75-year-old man to underline the risk of childhood marriages.

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Intolerable Cruelty With No Security Rationale: U.S. Support of Saudi Arabia in Yemen

The United States is helping one of the most vicious authoritarian regimes in the world bomb and blockade one of the poorest and most defenseless countries in the world. Painful as it may be for Americans to hear, war crimes are being committed with America’s support.

Let’s be clear: there is no credible strategic justification for US complicity in this abominable cruelty. The Saudis claim the war is necessary to crush the Houthi militants in Yemen, a group that has received backing from Iran. Incidentally, Iranian support for the Houthis was negligible until well into the Saudi air campaign, with Iran boosting support largely in response to Riyadh’s offensive. In any case, the war itself has done more to bolster the position of Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen than to effectively push back against Iranian influence.

But even if that weren’t the case, nothing can justify this kind of brutal collective punishment and excruciating human suffering inflicted on millions of innocent people. Putting hundreds of thousands of children at risk of starvation is an intolerable crime, and only one among many currently being perpetrated. =

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USA weiten Unterstützung für Saudi-Arabiens Massaker im Jemen aus

Mit einer Reihe neuer Methoden unterstützt Washington das Militär der Diktatur in Saudi-Arabien, während diese mit seiner Belagerung des Nachbarstaates Jemen Millionen Menschenleben bedroht.

Das Wall Street Journal schrieb am Samstag unter Berufung auf hohe Regierungsvertreter: „Angesichts zunehmender Bedenken wegen einer destabilisierenden neuen Krise in der Region sucht die Trump-Regierung nach Maßnahmen, um Saudi-Arabiens Raketenabwehr zu stärken und den Zustrom von Waffen aus dem Iran in den Nahen Osten zu unterbinden.“

Die sogenannte „destabilisierende neue Krise“ im Nahen Osten ist durch Washington und Riad selbst verursacht worden. Sie resultiert aus dem Versuch der Trump-Regierung, ein gegen den Iran gerichtetes Militärbündnis zwischen den USA, Saudi-Arabien, den anderen reaktionären Ölscheichtümern am Persischen Golf und Israel zu schmieden.

Ermutigt durch die bedingungslose Unterstützung der USA, hat der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman das Regime von sämtlichen potentiellen Rivalen gesäubert. Gleichzeitig verschärfte er den mörderischen Krieg im Jemen und ließ den libanesischen Ministerpräsidenten Saad Hariri entführen. Dessen erzwungener Rücktritt diente dazu, den Libanon zu destabilisieren und einen religiösen Bürgerkrieg gegen die schiitische Hisbollah-Bewegung anzuzetteln.

Bemerkung: Weiterer Überblick.

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The Yemeni Spiral

As the war in Yemen continues to devastate the civilian population, the Saudi-led coalition’s recent decision to tighten Yemen’s borders to humanitarian aid will only make an unbearable situation immeasurably worse. This drastic act has placed a stranglehold on the few organizations still providing assistance in the country.

My organization, MSF, is struggling to provide lifesaving medical services in Yemen now that the main borders have closed.

More than two years of war have unleashed a cascade of deadly consequences across the country.

When I visited Yemen in September, I went to the northern city of Abs, where we support the only fully functioning hospital in a rural area. Before the conflict escalated, the hospital was meant to serve about 100,000 people. Today it serves one million. There is no other health care available to people who live perilously close to the front lines, about 50 kilometers [about 31 miles] away.

Many people are unable to access medical care under these circumstances, and millions of people displaced by the war require basic aid.

Before leaving Abs, I visited a windswept camp just east of the city, where displaced people have lived for more than two years. There is virtually no health care or infrastructure in the camp, with clean water trucked in every 10 days. While a person needs about 15 liters of water per day, camp residents told me they only receive about two liters.

Many lacked basic shelter, draping their sun-bleached clothes over foraged sticks and mud to fashion tents

Already, the impact of the border restrictions are being acutely felt – By Dr. David Noguera, president of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Spain. =

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Yemen: a Forgotten War and an Unforgettable Country

An Analytical Report Published by the Centre For International Development Issues(CIDIN) Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), in Collaboration with Qatar University, Qatar and AWAM Foundation, Yemen

Throughout the twenty-six months ofSaudi-led war on Yemen, the world has ignored the conflict, with little mention about its devastating consequences in many media

outlets, relevant international organizations, and in the world's political industry. It is clear that international politicians are only interested in the way Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups are growing but as long as they limit themselves to Yemen, no urgency is shown in peace-keeping or enforcement efforts to stop the killing of Yemenis. Already this struggle is called: The Forgotten War in many outlets sources.

This study initiated research into the nature of news coverage of the Saudi-Yemen war by the European media. Its objectives were as follows: (1) to identify the amount of coverage of Saudi-Yemen war by the following media outlets: The Independent (the UK), NRC Handelsblad (the Netherlands), France24 (France), and SWI; (2) To identify the primary frames used in reporting the Saudi-Yemen war by the four media outlets; and (3) To identify whether these media outlets differ in their news coverage on the Saudi-Yemen war.

Yemen is forgotten in the international media, but the country is not forgotten in the strategic calculations and the national security patterns of most of the Western countries and some of the Arab countries. The media totally concur that Iran's malicious activities in the area and its support of guerilla movements by all means is unsuitable and unacceptable. However, they are overlooking an entire people who are dying of hunger.

My comment: And also here the Iranian role in Yemen is exaggerated.

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Yemenis 'trapped in hell' as war escalates

Saudi Arabia called the attack an act of war committed by Iran, which allegedly supplied the missile to the Houthi rebels.

Yemen has had an indigenous missile force for decades. Former North Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh bought Scud missiles from North Korea in the 1980s, while the South Yemen communist government got them from Russia. Both sides used them extensively in the 1994 civil war, so there is a trained Yemeni military missile capability. The Royal Saudi Air Force and UAE air campaign failed to address the missile problem despite extravagant claims to the contrary at the start of Operation Decisive Storm in 2016.

The potential escalation of the war to the cities of the Arabian Peninsula is another reason to find an end to this dangerous conflict sooner rather than later. The Donald Trump administration is not responsible for getting America into the war on the Saudi side. President Barack Obama made the decision to provide American intelligence and logistical assistance to the Saudis on his watch. While Obama did not share the Saudis’ hysteria about the Iranian connection to the Houthi rebels, he did little to stop the violence, and he backed the United Nations Security Council resolution that tilted the political process toward the Saudi position. Stopping the war early or preventing the Saudi intervention would have been much easier than trying to halt it now.

So the Saudi strategy by default is to rely on famine and disease to wear down the Yemeni people. All sides in this war are guilty of perpetuating a catastrophe, but the blockade and airstrikes are the principle cause of the famine and cholera. The Saudi government and leadership should be held accountable for their actions. A strategy of starvation is unacceptable.

America and Great Britain are in the best position to end the war. Washington and London provide the Royal Saudi Air Force and its allies with the munitions and spare parts that enable the air war. If those are suspended, the coalition would have to scale back or halt the air campaign. Better still would be a major diplomatic effort to help our Saudi ally find a way out of the quagmire that is creating a hell on earth – by Bruce Riedel

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Yemen: Saudi Arabia’s mess, the West’s complicity

That the Yemeni war is, in fact, an internal, tribal war complicated by a complex amalgam of Arab Spring (Muslim Brotherhood) influence mixed with Sunni–Shia sectarian rancor and Saudi–Iranian competition is seldom conveyed in the Western press. The vast majority of media outlets routinely comment on the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, reinforcing the idea that it’s mainly a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. But that view is simplistic, misleading and dangerous. While Iran does provide support to the Houthis, it is by no means the main instigator of the Yemen tragedy.

However, the Saudi government sees only Iran’s influence.

The West has hitched itself to this policy. Unfortunately, by siding with the Saudis for strategic, financial and business (especially defence and arms trade) reasons, Western countries have undermined their ability to enforce humanitarian law. As an example, for over three years the UN has been constrained from doing anything other than providing crucial humanitarian assistance.

The problem for the West is that Saudi Arabia is highly unlikely to compromise on its objectives of its own accord, even as Yemen moves towards disintegration. Because the war was bin Salman’s brainchild, he is personally invested in winning. And because he’s driving the future of Saudi Arabia, he can’t afford to lose domestic credibility by failing.

The West must stop being complicit in this humanitarian disaster and start to pressure Saudi Arabia to create an environment for negotiations, and then push the Houthis to reach a negotiated settlement. That will require the Saudis to acknowledge that the Houthis have legitimate grievances. =

My comment: So far, the author is right. But he fully had been runnibg into the US / Saudi “The Houthis are an Iranian proxy” trap.

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US, NATO Leaders Must Be Investigated for War Crimes in Yemen

Lest we forget, the war crimes by the US and NATO allies are not the abuses and crimes of a few isolated cases, but rather are part of approved official policies in an attempt to force a sovereign nation into submission. There is irrefutable evidence to conclude that crimes have been committed in the furtherance of these colonial policies which would support US objectives in the ongoing war on Yemen - the poorest nation in the Arab world.

In conclusion, what judgment, what public reckoning, what accountability for the slaughter and moral depravity in Yemen can we expect? “Fakestream” news media in the West generally have not covered the conflict in depth, despite an overwhelming humanitarian crisis and flagrant war crimes conducted by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Oddly, there is more media interest in the humanitarian crisis than the illegal conflict itself, including the shameful participation by the US and NATO in this industrial-scale butchery of innocent lives.

Under the Rome Statute, the ICC can and must take jurisdiction over a national of even a non-party state like the US and NATO if he or she commits a crime in a state party's territory. The US and NATO vehemently object to this, but it's nothing new. Under well-established principles of international law, the crimes being prosecuted in the ICC - genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity - are crimes of universal jurisdiction.

The doctrine of universal jurisdiction permits any country to try foreign nationals for the most egregious crimes, even without any direct relationship to the prosecuting country. That means other nations can bring US and NATO leaders to justice in The Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Yemen.

My comment: You might think: OH, that’s from Iran of course. But it’s simply true.

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Yemen, one of the Arab world's poorest countries, has been devastated by a war between forces loyal to the internationally-recognised government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and those allied to the Houthi rebel movement.

My comment: general overview, with somewhat normal western bias.

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”Yemen is my Country” Jamil Al Abiad

Some of my FB friends telling is not right to post such graphic pictures of starved and dead children, because some people might get offended by them.

Well, I am sorry to those I might have offended, no offense intended, but I feel that people around the world should see this and know about the horrible atrocities that are happening in Yemen, after all, we are all fellow human beings living and sharing the same planet, especially when the news about Yemen is not shown or reported in the mainstream media.

Yemen is my country, and it breaks my heart to see it being destroyed and devastated day by day for almost 1000 days.

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Trump, Macron agree on need to work with allies to counter destabilization attempts of Iran and Hezbollah

US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday agreed on the need to partner with allies to respond to the destabilization activities of Hezbollah and Iran in the region.

The two leaders’ telephone conversation came in the aftermath of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s resignation, which he announced during a recent trip to Saudi Arabia.

“Both presidents agreed on the need to work with allies to counter Hizballah’s and Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region,” a statement from the White House said.

My comment: By Saudi media. Absurd, when looking at Sauzdi Arabia interfering everywhere in the region and running havoc.

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With 50,000 Yemeni children dead in 2017, UK-US-Saudi war enters horrific new stage

Two-and-a-half years of a lethal blockade and bombardment have produced almost nothing regarding territorial gains in the West’s Saudi-executed war against the Yemeni nation. The tightening of the blockade is an obscene, desperate attempt to put off its inevitable defeat.

The war against Yemen, sponsored by the West and executed by their ever-loyal Saudi fall guys, is going badly. Very badly.

Meanwhile, the ‘coalition’ which Saudi Arabia purports to lead is falling apart.

And this campaign, already characterized by a brutally callous attitude to the Yemeni population, has just reached a new level of terror. Humiliated by the firing of a Houthi missile into Riyadh on November 4th - demonstrating that, despite years of pummeling, the Houthis are now stronger than ever, the Saudis announced their blockade would henceforth become total, with entry of all goods to the country - via land, sea or air – completely stopped.

Yet, with two-thirds of the population - over 18 million people - now dependent on humanitarian aid for their survival, even these shocking figures are set to escalate very quickly.

Britain and the USA are driving the Saudis to unleash the world’s biggest famine for years against a totally captive population. Yet, as far as Western media is concerned, this is all totally un-newsworthy. The willful starvation of 130 children per day for the whole of this year is a footnote, at best, to this week’s rumors about Brexit or Trump’s latest absurd vulgarity.

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Paddy Ashdown: ‘It is very clear that war crimes have been committed in the conflict in Yemen’

On 18 September Middle East Monitor hosted a conference entitled “Crisis in Saudi Arabia: War, Succession and the Future” which was attended by former members of the British government and academics and journalists from around the world former. Former leader of the Liberal Democrats Lord Paddy Ashdown gave the keynote speech during the event.

This is the full text of the keynote delivered by Lord Paddy Ashdown Middle East Monitor’s conference:

In foreign affairs, having a flawed model for viewing the world is nearly always the prelude to having flawed policies which end in failure.

For four years now – perhaps a bit longer – many of us have been warning that the greatest threat to world peace coming out of the Middle East, was not jihadist terrorism, but the danger of a wider Sunni-Shia religious conflict, similar the Wars of Religion which engulfed Europe in the 17thcentury.

The radicalisation of the “Sunni Umma” promoted, assisted and funded by Saud Arabian and Gulf elements, if not specifically by their Governments, is not any longer targeted on us in the West as we liked to believe. Its real target is, no longer the Great Satan in Washington, but the Great Heretic in Tehran. Attacks on Washington, London and Madrid are merely a proxy to help win support for that wider conflict.

It is very clear that war crimes have been committed in the conflict in Yemen, both in relation to indiscriminate attacks on civilians and by using aid and starvation as a weapon of war. Britain’s silence on these matters is thunderous and shaming.

The fact that we are supplying arms to Saudi Arabia is even more so.

The Government tells us that no weapons supplied by Britain have been used in this war. As someone who knows a little about the temptations and confusions of war, I simply do not believe this.

The Government should announce an immediate suspension of arms sales to Riyadh until their blockade of aid supplies is lifted and their indiscriminate bombing of civilians is ended.

(B P)

Hundreds of rights violations documented in Yemen

At least 716 cases of rights violations were committed against civilians in Yemen last month, a rights watchdog has said.

The Geneva-based SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties said in a statement on Sunday that among the violations were incidents of extrajudicial killing, physical assault, arbitrary detention, forced displacement, torture and violations of press freedom.

More than 500 of the violations were attributed to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, who currently control the capital, Sanaa, while the Saudi-led coalition was deemed responsible for at least 100.

A total of 115 civilians were killed in October, according to SAM. The group also reported 140 new cases of arbitrary detention in October, in addition to the thousands of civilians who were already being held by Houthi rebels and loyalists to Yemen's former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

SAM condemned all the incidents in its report as "gross violations" of international humanitarian law.

and this is the SAM report:

My comment: This sounds to be quite biased anti-Houthi.

(* B H K P)

Why did the world tolerate the Saudi bombing and blockade of its neighbour?

But the level of cruelty and destruction enacted by Saudi Arabia upon this country has perhaps never been witnessed in this region in modern times. Even Saddam Hussain’s much publicised Halabja gassing of the Kurds in 1988 pales in comparison to what the Saudis have done to Yemen.

Whether or not the Saudis succumb to international pressures and partially lift the blockade, the fact remains that they have already destroyed and starved their neighbour — and the world has stood by and watched.

Apparently, this sort of behaviour is perfectly in line with western democratic norms and no Arab Spring was needed in KSA. Otherwise, why has this been tolerated by the champions of democracy in the West?

Meanwhile, the British government has so far not paid any attention to the criticisms being voiced of its arms dealings with Saudi Arabia, and the accusations that British bombs were used by the Saudis on their neighbour.

Many brave correspondents have travelled to this war zone; their dispatches describe a horrific situation. Their reports are harrowing and heartbreaking. Yet despite these reports, countries in the western bloc have been strangely cowed down by the Saudis and have failed to stop the fighting.

What I find truly mindboggling is that this barbaric situation exists in the 21st century.

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Explainer: Yemen is on the brink of a catastrophic famine. This is why

It's been called the "worst humanitarian crisis in the world:" Nearly 80 per cent of Yemen's population is food insecure; millions are teetering on the edge of famine.

The situation – described as critical for nearly two years – has grown even worse since early November, when Saudi Arabia enacted a near-complete blockade on its borders with Yemen, making it nearly impossible for anyone to import food, water and medical supplies from Saudi Arabia.

How did things get so bad? It's a complicated story, one that involves warring regional superpowers, terrorism, oil and an impending climate catastrophe.

But in some ways, it's also a simple one. Lots of people outside of Yemen are fighting for control and influence. And lots of the people within the country are paying the price =

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia and Arab allies accuse Iran and Hezbollah of interference

Saudi Arabia and other Arab foreign ministers criticized Iran and its Lebanese Shi‘ite ally Hezbollah at an emergency meeting in Cairo on Sunday, warning they would not stand by in the face of Iranian interference in Arab affairs.

Saudi Arabia also accuses Hezbollah of a role in the launch of a missile towards Riyadh from Yemen this month. Iran denies accusations that it supplies Houthi forces there.

“The kingdom will not stand by and will not hesitate to defend its security,” Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir told the assembly.

“Any leniency in dealing with their policies would only encourage them more, so we must stand together,” Jubeir said, referring to Iran and its regional policies.

My comment: That’s odd all together as Saudi interference in other countries greatly exceeds the Iranian one.

(* B H K)

Yemen quietly slips away, much like its starving children

With a Saudi blockade and a cholera epidemic considered the world’s worst in decades, it’s worth remembering that the conflict in Yemen goes beyond the apparent proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Children who die of starvation do not cry; they are so weak they quietly slip away, their deaths often unnoticed at first in hospitals overwhelmed by patients.

Which is also an apt description for Yemen’s slow demise.

“It’s not about us — we have no power to stop this war,” says Sadeq Al-Ameen, an aid worker based in Yemen’s capital, about the country’s war-weary population and exhausted frontline aid workers.

“Even if the international community … provides millions of dollars,” says Al-Ameen, “Yemen will not recover unless the war stops.”

And there are those who do not want it to stop.

Describing Yemen simply as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran is too easy, and not entirely accurate.

Toronto author and professor Kamal Al-Solaylee, who wrote a memoir about growing up in Sanaa and Aden, says empathy fatigue is another factor that adds to Yemen’s woes.

“People are very pessimistic,” Al Ameen says about the mood inside Yemen. “I think we will be neglected slowly by the international community and the world.” =

(* B K P)

How the media whitewashes the catastrophic US-Saudi war in Yemen – Al Jazeera Arabic interview

I had the privilege of joining the Al Jazeera Arabic program “From Washington” for an interview discussing how corporate media outlets in the United States and the Middle East whitewash the catastrophic war on Yemen, waged primarily by the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

This war has created the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with millions on the brink of starving to death in mass famine and with nearly 1 million infected in the biggest cholera outbreak in recorded history.

Yemen, however, has not gotten anything close to proportional coverage in the US media, which largely fixates on the crimes of US enemies (eg, Iran, Syria, Russia, Hezbollah) and not those of its allies.

You can watch the interview below: I begin speaking at 16:38 in the segment:

(* B K)

Das stille Töten: Der US-Drohnenkrieg und seine Opfer

Mit Drohnen gehen die USA in mindestens sieben Ländern gegen Terrorverdächtige vor. Doch den Angriffen fallen regelmäßig auch Zivilisten zum Opfer. Der Innsbrucker Journalist Emran Feroz hat ein Buch über den „Tod per Knopfdruck“ verfasst.

Weitgehend unbeachtet von der internationalen Öffentlichkeit führen die USA seit Jahren einen Drohnenkrieg in zahlreichen Ländern. Terrorverdächtige werden dabei ohne Anklage und Gerichtsverfahren getötet, regelmäßig kommen auch Zivilisten zu Tode. Der österreichische Journalist und Blogger Emran Feroz hat nun ein Buch veröffentlicht, um auf das Thema aufmerksam zu machen.

Für viele Menschen in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia und im Jemen gehören die „Todesengel“ genannten unbemannten Kleinflugzeuge zum Alltag. Feroz hat lange und akribisch recherchiert und in seinem Buch das zusammengetragen, was zu dem Drohnenkrieg bekannt ist. Das ist nicht sehr viel.

Feroz legt in seinem Buch dar, wie Drohnen funktionieren und wie die gezielten, aber oft wenig treffsicheren Tötungen ablaufen. Angehörige des US-Militärs steuern die mit Raketen bestückten Drohnen per Joystick von einem Hinterzimmer in Las Vegas oder einem anderen US-Stützpunkt tausende Kilometer von den Kriegsschauplätzen entfernt aus. Viele der Drohnenpiloten sind laut Feroz Zivilisten.

(* B K)

The Humanitarian Impact of Drones

over 700 air and drone strikes have taken place across Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. Since 2015, over 3,000 strikes have taken place in Afghanistan potentially causing the deaths of up to 1,400 civilians. The harm to people, places, and communities at the local, national, and international level is manifold and multi-faceted encompassing physical and psychological trauma, as well as raising serious questions about human rights, international law, ethics, and government transparency.

This is the reason why WILPF’s disarmament programme has published a new book, The Humanitarian Impact of Drones. One of the key objectives of the book is to refocus the debate about armed drones on the harm caused to people, disrupting narratives that emphasise the “low human costs” of deploying explosive force from drones as well as shift the burden of proof onto users of armed drones, putting pressure on them to justify their policies and practices. Through country and regional case studies, as well as personal stories, the book illustrates the multiple humanitarian effects of armed drone use as well as explore dimensions of the problem that are seemingly overlooked by policymakers or media in their coverage of the issue.

It also takes a close look at gendered aspects of drone use

(* A P)

Film: Afrah Nasser: 2017 IPFA Acceptance Speech

Afrah Nasser, a Yemeni reporter and blogger living in exile in Sweden, received CPJ's 2017 International Press Freedom Award on November 15, 2017, in New York.

In order you missed it (from 2010):

(* B K P)

Yemen: USA Are Fighting Against Democracy, Not Against Al-Qaeda

Interview With Mohamed Hassan, By Gregoire Lalieu & Michel Collon

A pair of trousers catches fire in an aeroplane close to Detroit and missiles rain down on Yemen. Is this is what is called the butterfly effect? For Mohammed Hassan, the terrorist threat is only an excuse. Mohamed Hassan explains what is really at stake in Yemen: i.e. undermining democracy in the Gulf in order to keep control over its oil.

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

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Mehr unter cp1 / More at cp1

(* A H P)

Yemen blockade leaves humanitarian staffers stranded

Hundreds of humanitarian staffers from nearly 50 agencies are stranded in Yemen or unable to enter the country after a Saudi-led military coalition shut down Yemen's air, land and sea ports, a U.N. spokesman said Wednesday.

Ahmed Ben Lassoued, a Sanaa-based media official at The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, told The Associated Press that a total of 32 flights have been canceled since Nov. 6, when the coalition ordered a tightening of the Yemen blockade.

He said 220 humanitarian staff from nearly 50 agencies in Djibouti and Amman are waiting to return to northern Yemen. Another 310 passengers are stranded in Sanaa and other duty stations in northern Yemen, waiting to depart.

"The blockade imposed on the humanitarian flights is severely hampering humanitarian operations, impeding humanitarians to provide much-needed assistance to millions of people who rely on it for their survival," Ben Lassoued said.

(* A H P)

Yemen: Wash Cluster Impact of blockade

A continued blockade could potentially impact 16.7 million people depending on public water networks and commercial water due to lack of fuel

An estimated 4.8 million litres of diesel per month is required to operate public water systems

Prices of commercially trucked water are increasing, resulting in pressure on household expenditure and other negative coping strategies

As a result of the closure of all air and seaports by the Saudi-led coalition, fuel prices in Yemen are spiking and fuel supplies are rapidly being depleted, which has a direct impact on the availability of water across the country. Failing water and sanitation services in the last years have contributed to one of the world’s worst cholera outbreaks in modern history. If these services collapse further, it is expected that another wave of cholera cases will affect the country in the nearby future.

Representatives from the largest fuel importing companies in Yemen have indicated that they no longer will be able to supply the consumer market with fuel starting November 21st, 2017. WFP is estimating (based on information from Yemen Petroleum Company) that approximately 16 days of diesel and 7 days of petrol is available in northern parts of the country. Based on these estimates, which assume normal purchasing patterns, commercial petrol stockpiles would be depleted by November 22nd and diesel stockpiles by December 2 nd.

(* A H P)

- ICRC relief plane
- Russian plane with diplomats (Embassy staff) and with photo

(* A H P)

32 humanitäre Hilfsflüge nach Jemen blockiert

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Koalition hat nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen in den vergangenen Tagen 32 geplante humanitäre Hilfsflüge ins umkämpfte Jemen blockiert. Zudem habe die Koalition auf Anfragen für neue Hilfsflüge nicht reagiert, sagte Uno-Sprecher Farhan Haq am Dienstag in New York. Nur Flüge in die Stadt Aden im Südwesten des Landes seien möglich gewesen. =

(* A H P)

32 flights have been cancelled through the 16-day blockade, leaving 220 humanitarian staff stranded in Djibouti & Amman & 180 stranded across Sana’a & other parts of northern Yemen waiting to depart.

(A H P)

Iran für Entsendung humanitärer Hilfen an Jemen und Syrien bereit

Der iranische Außenminister hat die Bereitschaft Teherans zur Entsendung humanitärer Hilfen an die Bürger im Jemen und in Syrien als dringende Priorität bezeichnet.ür_entsendung_humanitärer_hilfen_an_jemen_und_syrien_bereit

(A H P)

Zarif: Iran ready to ship relief aid to Syria, Yemen

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Tuesday that Iran is ready to send humanitarian relief aid to Syria and Yemen.

(* A H P)

The UN aid chief in #Yemen @jamiemcgoldric8, who is trapped in Amman, tells us there is only 2-3 weeks of fuel left before it runs out & hospitals generators can no longer operate & clean water stops being pumped

(* A H P)

Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General (21 November 2017) - Yemen

As of today, 32 humanitarian flights into Yemen have been cancelled and the [Saudi]‑led coalition has not been responding to new UN Humanitarian Air Service flight requests. As a result of the blockade, the Humanitarian Air Service is only able to operate flights to Aden. Humanitarian staff have been unable to move in or out of Sana’a since the blockade went into effect.

(A P)

We are grateful to #Yemenia, our national carrier, for continuing to, miraculously, fly. Given the fact #Sanaa airport has been closed since August 2016 to commercial flights and now even humanitarian ones, we ask the world how can a country of 28 million people rely, tomorrow (and it is a lucky day), just on the following flights out of #Yemen:
- Aden / Jeddah
- Aden / Amman
- Seyun / Cairo (image)



Saudi/UAE" liberated" Aden city, #Yemen : Yemenia Airlines jet forced to return to Aden Airport after being shot during take off. (photo)

(* A K)

Yemen Houthis say Sanaa airport repaired, ready to receive flights: agency

Yemen’s Sanaa airport, damaged in an air strike by a Saudi-led coalition last week, has been repaired and is ready to receive international flights, the Houthi-led government which runs the capital city said on Tuesday.

The Nov. 14 raid destroyed radio navigation equipment at the airport and in effect put the facility out of service.

The transport minister in the Houthi-run government, Zakariya al-Shami, said that technical civil aviation teams had completed implementation of technical alternatives necessary to restore services to the airport”.

“It is ready to receive international flights,” Shami said, according to Houthi-controlled news agency Saba.

(* A H P)

UNVIM reported that 29 vessels, carrying 300,000 MT of fuel, have already been prevented from reaching #Yemen (map)

(* B H P)

The Saudi-US War on Yemen Is Killing 130 Children a Day & Other Bleak Statistics

The Houthi gang is also guilty of war crimes, and of severe human rights violations and cannot be held blameless in the unfolding devastation of Yemen. But the Saudi-led war and the various forms of blockade Riyadh is imposing on Yemen are far worse. The Houthis are a radical group deriving from Zaydi tribes in Saadeh and other towns in rural north Yemen, who as Shiites deeply resent Saudi proselytizing for hard line Salafi Sunnism in Yemen. Houthi leaders have vowed to overthrow the House of Saud and have tried to imitate the rhetorical style of Hizbullah in Lebanon. However, Houthis are a local indigenous protest movement in Yemen, and are not a proxy for Iran. Houthi weaponry is mostly American and Iran does not give them much money or other support. The Saudis try to blame Iran for the Houthi revolt in order to shift blame from their own aggressive policies.

These political considerations should not allow us to forget what is being done to Yemen children.

*130 children die every day in Yemen from extreme hunger and disease–one child every 18 minutes. The Saudi blockade on ports such as Hudeida will increase this death toll.

*This year, at least 50,000 children are expected to die as indirect casualties of the war (if food cannot be off-loaded at ports, and bridges are knocked out, children will die of malnutrition).

*Nearly 400,000 children will need to be treated for severe acute malnutrition in Yemen in the next twelve months. Aid organizations are being actively interfered with in this work by the Saudi blockade and bombing strikes.

*As a result of the Saudi blockade, aid organizations like Save the Children will be out of food and medicine stocks in the next two to three months.

*If left untreated some 20 to 30 percent of children with severe acute malnutrition will perish every year – by Juan Cole

(* A H P)

Yemen’s man-made catastrophe has no end in sight

We should have peace,” a spokesman from the World Health Organization told CBS. “This is what we need to stop this epidemic.”

But peace in Yemen is not at hand.

“I don’t think there’s any question the Saudi-led coalition, along with the Houthis and all of those involved, are using food as a weapon of war,” Beasley said. “And it’s disgraceful.”

For a rare moment, the tragedy in Yemen was debated on Capitol Hill. But that will be of little comfort to millions of Yemenis trapped in a world of fear, hunger and deprivation with no end in sight – by Ishaan Tharoor =

Remark: Overview, at least mentioning the US role. Reference to “60 minutes”, look at cp1.

(* A H K)

Another view: Children are starving in Yemen; The White House should intervene

The Trump administration, through the State Department, has objected to the ongoing blockade and called for “unimpeded access” for humanitarian supplies. But many in Yemen suspect, with some reason, that the White House is tolerating, if not encouraging, the crime. Shortly before the siege was announced, Jared Kushner paid a visit to Saudi Arabia and reportedly met late into the evening with Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince.

Even if it was unaware of the subsequent crackdown, the White House has the leverage to put a stop to it. It should act immediately, or it will be complicit in a crime against humanity.


My comment: That is obviously true; but keep in mind that really the problem by itself was not US non-intervention but on the contrary the US intervention in the Yemen war. If the US just would have stood aside and would not have supported Saudi Arabia in the Yemen war, the war already would have ended a long time ago.

(* A H P)

Jemen: "Das Schweigen der internationalen Gemeinschaft bedeutet Mitschuld" Scharfer Appel von Hilfsorganisationen zur anhaltenden Blockade im Jemen

Am 15. Tag der Blockade der See-, Luft- und Landwege in den Jemen klagt eine Gruppe von Hilfsorganisationen zum wiederholten Mal die Gleichgültigkeit der internationalen Staatengemeinde an. Anlässlich der massiven humanitären Krise im Jemen müssen die Grenzen umgehend wieder komplett geöffnet werden, fordern aus Deutschland unter anderem CARE, Oxfam, ADRA, Aktion gegen den Hunger, Ärzte der Welt, Handicap International und World Relief Deutschland.

Die Hilfsorganisationen äußern sich sehr besorgt über den erneuten Ausbruch von Cholera und anderer Krankheiten, die durch verunreinigtes Wasser übertragen werden. Das UN-Kinderhilfswerk warnt, dass nur noch wenige Impfstoffe gegen Diphterie vorrätig sind. Ende November sollte eine neue Lieferung kommen, die Einfuhr ist aber bis dato noch nicht genehmigt. Wenn dieser Impfstoff nicht ins Land gelangt, drohen Millionen von Kindern schwere Schäden durch diese eigentlich vermeidbare Krankheit.

Die Treibstoffknappheit im Jemen verschlimmert zudem den Mangel an sauberem Wasser: Wasserpumpen werden abgeschaltet und Leitungen liegen trocken. Damit sind der Schulunterricht und vor allem der Betrieb von Krankenhäusern stark bedroht. Ärzte und Pfleger bemühen sich zwar, den Betrieb von OP-Sälen und Intensivstationen aufrecht zu erhalten, doch andere Stationen müssen geschlossen und Kühlvorrichtungen für Medikamente immer wieder stundenweise abgeschaltet werden, um Treibstoff für Stromgeneratoren zu sparen. Hinzu kommt, dass vielen Ärztinnen und Ärzten seit über zehn Monaten kein Lohn gezahlt wurde. Das Resultat: immer häufiger werden die Vereinten Nationen und Hilfsorganisationen darum gebeten, ihre Treibstoffrationen den Medizinern zu überlassen. Die meisten Hilfsorganisationen haben inzwischen weniger als einen Monat Treibstoff auf Vorrat.

Hilfsorganisationen haben bereits ihre Bargeldauszahlungen für die schwächsten Bevölkerungsgruppen verdoppelt, damit diese wenigstens ein paar Vorräte für die kalten Wintermonate anschaffen können, bevor die Preise weiter steigen. Aufgrund von Kampfhandlungen sind nach wie vor viele Regionen des Landes unerreichbar, die dort lebenden Menschen bleiben weiterhin komplett von Hilfe abgeschnitten.

Wenn außerdem Frachtschiffe in den nächsten Tagen keine Erlaubnis erhalten, ihre Ladung im Hafen von Hodeidah zu löschen, werden die im Land vorhandenen Reserven an Weizen und Zucker in den nächsten drei Monaten aufgebraucht sein. =

(* A H P)

Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General (20 November 2017) - Yemen

On Yemen, our humanitarian colleagues tell us that the blockade by the Saudi‑led Coalition — now in its fifteenth day — is continuing to exacerbate the country’s humanitarian crisis with food, fuel and medical stocks dwindling and the prices for food and fuel rising. The interruption in the importing of key items are pushing at least 7 million people — that is at least one third of the country’s population — closer towards famine. Fuel is becoming scarcer by the day and is disrupting the transport of goods, including food and water, as well as the use of generators needed to pump water and to support the power supply of hospitals and sanitation plants.

Milling is also being affected, with remaining wheat grain stocks unable to be milled, resulting in a further increase of food prices. The existing cereal stocks are expected to run out in three months. In addition, our humanitarian colleagues are very concerned about the inability of humanitarian workers to reach Sana’a — the gateway to Yemen’s largest populations of people in need — and for those remaining in‑country unable to even leave, including for emergency medical evacuation. They once again emphasize that, to avoid this humanitarian catastrophe, the Hodaidah and Saleef ports and the Sana’a airport need to open immediately.

(* A H P)

Film: Yemen: Saudi blockade 'a collective extermination'

The International Committee of the Red Cross says the Yemeni cities of Sanaa, the country's capital, and al-Bayda now lack clean water. A shortage of fuel caused by the Saudi-led blockade has caused pumping stations to shut down.

Yemen suffers the world's largest humanitarian catastrophe and the worst outbreak of cholera recorded.

(B H P)

Yemen facing ‘worst humanitarian crisis in the world’, says UK

Alistair Burt, the Minister for the Middle East, said the recent restriction on supplies risked a further deterioration in the country’s already dire situation

My comment: Oh, llok: Even an Emirati media reports on the dire humanitarian crisis caused by the Saudi blockade – by using the (hypocritical) British minister’s statement on Yemen (look at cp10) as subject of a report.

(* B H P)

The Deep Roots of Yemen’s Famine

The Saudi-led war has plunged the country into misery, but it was already vulnerable to this kind of disaster.

The intractable war in Yemen that has been laying waste to the northern half of the country for nearly three years became even more dismal in early November when Saudi Arabia tightened its blockade on the country, cutting a desperate population off from much-needed food aid, medical supplies, and fuel.

The magnitude of the misery is hard to wrap one’s head around, even in the context of Yemen, a country that has been garnering headlines suggesting it is on the brink of collapse for at least a decade.

Yemen’s food insecurity has been a concern long before the war began. That’s not an excuse for Saudi Arabia trying to “starve Yemen into submission”—in the words of the New York Times editorial board—but it is important to understand why the blockade is so deadly.

Yemen relies on imports for somewhere around 90 percent of its basic food staples like wheat and rice, and has done so for decades

The war turned a faltering economy into one in free fall.

Many Yemenis can’t afford what food exists—a gap that aid agencies can’t totally fill even in the best of environments.

“What is bizarre about the situation in Yemen, and this isn’t all that different from other hunger crises, is that food is available at markets across Yemen, but people simply don’t have the money to pay for goods,” Salisbury said. “Some rural stores and markets have closed down because of a lack of demand, which is compounding the issue.”

The conditions that already existed in Yemen before the bombs started falling have made the country especially vulnerable to this kind of punishment – by Laura Kasinof

(* A H P)

Film: Yemen: Saudi blockade 'a collective extermination'

The International Committee of the Red Cross says the Yemeni cities of Sanaa, the country's capital, and al-Bayda now lack clean water. A shortage of fuel caused by the Saudi-led blockade has caused pumping stations to shut down. Some Yemeni ports have re-opened to allow in desperately needed food and aid, but critics say it’s not enough, as Yemen suffers a humanitarian catastrophe and the worst outbreak of cholera recorded. Al Jazeera's Mohammed Jamjoom reports.

(* A H P)

Reminder that the US Navy has been involved in the blockade of Yemen. The US government is directly complicit in and responsible for the mass starvation and strangulation of millions of Yemenis

Referring to

Navy has seven combat ships around Yemen as ... - Washington Post

17.04.2015 - The U.S. Navy has seven combat ships in the waters around Yemen as the Saudi-led bombing campaign there continues

(* A H P)

Fuel will run out in 5 days in most governorates in #Yemen. Over 4 million people won’t have access to drinking water, by Rasha Muhrez, Director of Operations, Save the Children.

(* A H P)

2.5 million Yemenis now lack access to clean water: Red Cross

The capital Sanaa and al-Bayda have joined the list of Yemen cities without clean water due to the blockade by a Saudi-led coalition which has cut off supplies of fuel for pumping, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Monday.

Some 2.5 million Yemenis now lack access to clean water in crowded cities, “putting them at risk of another major outbreak of water-borne disease”, and other cities are running out of fuel, ICRC spokeswoman Iolanda Jaquemet said.

Since April, some 940,768 people in Yemen have been infected with cholera, a water-borne disease, in the world’s worst epidemic in a single year that has killed at least 2,200, and cases of dysentery are being reported, she said.

“The water and sewage systems in Dhamar and Amaran are now providing only half the normal coverage,” Jaquemet added.

(* B H P)

Yemen: Opinion – Misery deepens as borders close

As the war in Yemen continues to devastate the civilian population, the Saudi-led coalition’s recent decision to tighten Yemen’s borders to humanitarian aid will only make an unbearable situation immeasurably worse. This drastic act has placed a stranglehold on the few organisations still providing assistance in the country.

My organisation, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), is struggling to provide lifesaving medical services in Yemen now that the main borders have closed. Last week, flights that once transported medical specialists into the country have been grounded, and ships that brought lifesaving drugs and medical equipment were diverted from the port city of Aden. W

More than two years of war have unleashed a cascade of deadly consequences across the country.

When I visited Yemen in September, I went to the northern city of Abs, where we support the only fully functioning hospital in a rural area. Before the conflict escalated, the hospital was meant to serve about 100,000 people. Today it serves 1 million. There is no other health care available to people who live perilously close to the front lines, about 50 kilometres away.

Patients lined the gravel courtyard of Abs Rural hospital, waiting for treatment in the oppressive heat. All 40 beds in the therapeutic feeding centre were filled with malnourished children.

Other patients came with respiratory infections, snakebites, liver failure or broken bones. The week before Yemen’s borders were closed, the hospital had 980 emergency room visits, doctors performed 110 surgeries, and MSF midwives delivered about 20 babies per day. Yet in the latest escalation of the conflict, the Saudi-led coalition is warning humanitarian organisations to avoid "areas of combat," which would further exclude thousands of people from accessing health care in communities transformed into war zones.

Many people are unable to access medical care under these circumstances, and millions of people displaced by the war require basic aid.

Coalition leaders must immediately grant unhindered access to and within Yemen

(* A H P)

Film: Lifting Yemen blockade by Saudis far from enough – Red Cross to RT

(A H P)

World Food Program fears more Yemen deaths amid blockade

The head of the World Food Program in Yemen said on Monday that millions of Yemenis face the risk of more deaths as aid deliveries cannot get to those in need because of the continuing blockade of the war-ravaged country by the Saudi-led coalition.

Speaking to The Associated Press by telephone from Sanaa, Stephen Anderson said it is "heartbreaking" that millions in Yemen depended on sustained access to humanitarian aid. Of a population of 26 million, some 17 million Yemenis do not know where their next meal is coming from and 7 million are totally dependent on food assistance.

(* B H P)

Yemen’s Collective Starvation: Where Money Can’t Buy Food, Water or Medicine

Yemen is in the grip of the world’s worst famine and public health crisis, with all aid to Sana’a and the north presently blocked by the closure of the aiport and closest port, al-Hodeidah. The airport of Sana’a has been closed to all except aid flights since August 2016 and even to aid since the renewed Saudi blockade in retribution for the Houthi (Al-Ansar) missile directed at Riyadh. For good measure, the Saudi Coalition then struck the radio navigation tower of Sana’a airport, eliminating the possibility of any aid traffic, with the brave and hypothetical exception of relying solely on the pilots’ sight, as the runways and terminal still are intact. Al-Hodeidah, the Red Sea port with the closest and most direct route to Yemen’s capital Sana’a, has been ceremonially “re-opened,” but no aid ships have as yet received permission to dock and unload their cargoes. International aid groups, for most of the millions in Yemen, are their only hope for food, clean water, medicine, and other essentials for life.

The Saudi Coalition blockade of north Yemen’s port and airport is not designed for keeping weapons out, as is their stated goal; to be sure, the revolutionaries with the Al-Ansar cause are not hard pressed to funnel illegal activity through the heavily-surveilled access points when there are two thousand miles of coastline. Instead, the blockade of al-Hodeidah and Sana’a airport cuts the most heavily populated areas of Yemen off from food, water, medicine, and fuel. Desperate calls from all of the humanitarian efforts currently maintaining this lifeline to millions have set the direness of the situation in stark terms: hundreds of people die every day as a direct result of the blockade.

To much of the world, Sana’a is an abstract, a forsaken stage for the next global tragedy, swiftly becoming synonymous with such dire famines as Darfur in Sudan and the hinterland of Somalia. A third-world corner where few have ventured, removed from our conscience by distance, culture, and even time – by L V Filson

(* A H P)

IKRK: Gesundheitsstruktur im Jemen ist völlig zusammengebrochen

Das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) hat vor einer katastrophalen Gesundheitslage im Jemen gewarnt und zur Soforthilge aufgerufen.

Der Leiter der IKRK-Delegation im Jemen, Alexandre Faite, warnte am Sonntag vor der Gefahr der Jemen-Blockade durch die saudisch-geführte Kriegsallianz.

Er fordere ein rasches Ende der Blockade und erklärte: Die bereits sehr wacklige Gesundheitsstruktur in diesem armen arabischen Land droht nun völlig zusammenzubrechen.

Faite fügte hinzu: Das Einfuhrverbot für Brennstoffe und Grundmittel in den vergangenen zehn Tagen habe zum Bruch von Trinkwassern in den Städten geführt, so dass mehr als eine Millionen Menschen der Gefahr eines Ausbruchs von neuen Krankheiten ausgesetzt seien.

(* A H P)

Film: Yemen: Hudaida hospital lacking supplies due to Saudi-led blockade

A doctor reported a shortage of medical supplies at a hospital in Hudaida as a result of the Saudi-led coalition blockade of Yemen, Sunday.

(* B H P)

The Saudi War of Attrition and Aggression Against the Yemeni People

The Saudi measures in early November increased this existing blockade by closing Yemen’s few remaining lifelines including the Aden airport, Hodeidah port, and various land routes. The siege also restricts the flow of movement, and the Sana’a airport has been closed to commercial travel for years. (Saudi airstrikes attacked the Sana’a airport’s communication equipment last week just to ensure aid cannot enter.)

People living in Sana’a say the once bustling capital has become a ghost town as the prices of available goods have skyrocketed.

(* A H P)

The inability to re-supply life-saving maternal medicines & supplies will threaten the lives of 400,0000 pregnant women & their newborns, including 53,000 pregnant women who are likely to develop complications during childbirth

Impact of the closure of sea, land and airports on the humanitarian situation in #Yemen The price of petrol in Sana’a has increased by over 170 per cent in the black market. Few gas stations are currently open, and those that are have very long queues.

Impact of the closure of sea, land and airports on the humanitarian situation in #Yemen The price of diesel in the black market has increased by 62 per cent, the increase in fuel prices has meant the price of trucked water has increased by 133 per cent in Sana’a.

Impact of the closure of sea, land and airports on the humanitarian situation in #Yemen The blocking of fuel has led to a significant decrease in supplies, with diesel is estimated to run out in 20 days and petrol in 10 days in the northern areas of Yemen.

Impact of the closure of sea, land and airports on the humanitarian situation in #Yemen The blockade has prevented 29 vessels with approximately half a million metric tones of supplies (300,000 MT of food and 192,000 MT of fuel) from reaching the population of #Yemen.

Impact of the closure of sea, land and airports on the humanitarian situation in #Yemen A UN vessel with 25,000 tons of wheat is waiting to berth off the coast of Al Hudaydah port, incurring significant daily demurrage costs.

(* B K)

Two films explain ther Yemen war:

(* B H P)

Dispatch from Yemen: We’re Cut Off and Starving

Journalist describes what Saudi Arabia, and Iran, are doing to this country.

Late last month, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MbS), stated—referring to the Houthi rise—that he would not allow another Hezbollah in Yemen. “We’re pursuing until we can be sure that nothing will happen there like Hezbollah again, because Yemen is more dangerous than Lebanon,” MbS said.

In the view of the next Saudi King, neutering the Houthi influence would mean cutting off the Iranian hands in Yemen at any cost.

They struggle for food, water, electricity and transportation. The war and the blockade have made these services exorbitantly expensive or hard to find.

Recently, I came across a woman who spent two days queuing for cooking gas in Sana’a. She shared some details of her misery. “I woke up at 5 a.m., heading directly to join the endless line of people at the gas station. I spent the whole day queuing, but in vain. I went back to the house while my children were waiting for me and the cooking gas. They were hungry. I went to the bakery at night, and bought a few loaves for the children to eat. The loaves worked as a painkiller only,” the woman, who appeared in her fifties, said to me.

Such a story is solely the tip of the iceberg of what is happening here. Some families starve to death while no one knows about them. Many others die of treatable diseases like cholera

If the restrictions on the flow of aid to Yemen continue, the country will face “the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims.”

This is not hyperbole since Yemen had imported about 90 percent of its food even before the war began.

(B H)

Famine, cholera, and civilian casualties: The crisis in Yemen

My comment: Very short overview.

(* A H P)

''I’m sad to say 9 year-old Abdulaziz, the severely acute malnourished Yemeni boy featured on the front page of @guardian, has died. One of millions of Yemenis facing famine, thousands of who will also die of starvation due to Saudi’s collective punishment of an entire nation.'' (photo) and

(* A H P)

Saudi-Blockade: 400.000 Kinder in Jemen dem Hungertod nah

In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung teilten die WHO, UNICEF und das Welternährungsprogramm (WFP) mit, dass Tausende unschuldiger Opfer, darunter viele Kinder im Jemen, sterben werden, wenn ihnen nicht bald humanitäre Hilfe zukommt.

Drei UN-Organisationen haben davor gewarnt, dass Tausende von hungernden jemenitischen Kindern “dem Risiko des Todes ausgesetzt” sind, wenn sie nicht bald Hilfe erhalten.

In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung teilten die WHO, UNICEF und das Welternährungsprogramm (WFP) mit, dass Tausende unschuldiger Opfer, darunter viele Kinder im Jemen, sterben werden, wenn ihnen nicht bald humanitäre Hilfe zukommt.

Mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen, darunter 10 Millionen Kinder, bräuchten dringend humanitäre Hilfe und über 400.000 Kinder seien durch “akute Unterernährung” dem Risiko des Todes ausgesetzt.

(* A H P)

Film: Hungerkatastrophe im Jemen

Millionen Menschen sind im Jemen auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Vor allem die Kinder leiden. Die Nahrungsvorräte gehen aus, weil Saudi-Arabien die Wege ins Land blockiert.

(* A H P)

UN Secretary General sent letter to Saudis three days ago asking for immediate opening of all Yemen ports before sending team to Riyadh to discuss UNVIM. As of this morning Saudis have not responded, I am told.

(* A H P)

Infographic: Day 13 of the #blockade on #Yemen: Hundreds of thousands of metric tons of food, fuel and medicine stuck outside Yemen's borders while millions of people inside them struggle to survive.

(* A H P)

Due to the war in #Yemen, patients with chronic diseases like high blood pressure, or diabetes, etc. used to receive medicines from the state but now none of them receive any kind of help as most of them are poor and they can't buy their medicine.

(* A H P)

While international community keep silent dialysis center in #Taiz city closed its door cause of fuel & Medicine shortage .if this center will stay closed ,400 patients of renal failure will die .#Yemen Urgent appeal for helping the center (photo)

(* A H P)

Heartbreaking 4 cases of renal failure died in dialysis center in #Ibb city 11 years old girl among them . Equipment and drugs were ran out . This is #Yemen (photo)

(* B H P)

Yemen blockade

The blockade must be ended, particularly of the Hodeidah port, without delay, while both sides must work towards ceasing hostilities.

Riyadh, supported by its Western backers, needs to silence its guns while the Houthi-Saleh alliance must respond positively if it does.

The Yemeni people have had enough of the deadly cocktail of warfare, famine and disease.

(* A H P)

Red Sea Ports Corporation explains the fact that the aggression opened the port of Hodeidah

The head of the Red Sea Ports Authority, Captain Abu Bakr Ishaq, stressed that the closure of the aggression of ports and the prevention of the entry of commercial and relief vessels to the ports of Hodeidah and Salib is a crime against millions of Yemeni people and deliberately starving it under international silence.

In a press conference held at the dock, Captain Ishaq denied the claims of the media of the aggression countries by publishing news about the opening of Hodeidah port to enter commercial and relief vessels.

He explained that the ports of the Foundation did not receive any commercial vessel or relief for 12 days, either on the dock or submersible of the port or until the official notification of the arrival of ships to the submarine until today

(A K P)

The Minister of Transport in Sanaa, Zacarias Al-Shami, just confirmed that work is underway to restart operations of Sana'a International Airport in order to receive humanitarian and relief flights.
Al-Shami affirmed the Ministry's readiness to facilitate the work of the Yemeni technical team of the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority in developing solutions and alternatives necessary for the restoration of service and the operation of Sanaa International Airport as soon as possible.

(* A H P)

Yemen: Blockade continues to severely hamper humanitarian efforts to reach millions in desperate need

The blockade by the Saudi-Led Coalition on Yemen’s Sana’a airport and the country’s main sea ports in Hudaydah and Saleef is now in its 12th day. It is hurting millions of Yemenis who require urgent humanitarian assistance to stave off starvation and disease.

Yesterday, the United Nations and 14 international non-governmental organizations in Yemen released a joint statement, expressing the humanitarian community’s outrage by the continued blockade. The statement warned that 7 million people are now on the brink of famine.

On the same day, the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and the World Food Programme (WFP) also released a joint statement, warning that “More than 20 million people, including over 11 million children, are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.”

The Hudaydah and Saleef ports would allow around 80 per cent of commercial imports to enter through.

Yemen has the obligation to meet the needs of its population; this requires allowing essential supplies to enter and be distributed throughout the country.

Another indispensable source for the provision of water in Yemen is fuel.

(* B K)

Film: 'Proxy war' is a misnomer for what's going on in #Yemen, @khoury_nabeel tells @DavidShuster

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp2a (Blockade)

(B H)

Film: The children of #Yemen must live in peace to realize their dreams. Yasmeen Abdulla Al-Baseer, 14, is one of them and this is her dream.

(A H)

Yemen receives humanitarian medical aid from German company Denk Pharma

(A H)

From NGO:
''They are cold, many of their families have lost everything and war is the constant presence, day after day.
We went to visit them and distributed 120 school bags and 100 winter jackets to students.''
Heartwarming gallery of pictures

(* B H)

Film: 300,000 children are on the brink of starvation as #Yemen faces famine

and on children in Yemen war (graphic)

(* A H)

Dr. Najla Al-Sonboli from Al Sabheen hospital in Sanaa tells us they have serious concerns about a new Diphtheria outbreak. She's already had several children admitted in past few days but says doesn't have the medicine to treat them

(* A H)

Diphtheria is spreading in #Yemen. New cases have been reported in Althawra hospital in #Hodeidah after 14 people were killed from the disease in #Ibb and #Sanaa

(* B H)

Film: Around 1M Yemeni public employees not paid for a year

The government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, backed by Shia Houthi rebels are using public employee salaries as a bargaining chip in the ongoing dispute.

(* A H)

Taiz main hospital running out of dialysis, sends distress signal

The largest hospital in Taiz has sent a distress signal to the Yemeni government humanitarian organizations to save the lives of 400 kidney failure patients "who may die if the materials used in dialysis" are not made available.

In a statement on Saturday, the hospital said it is "running out of the necessary materials and what is left in stock is barely enough to cover the needs of more ." It did not specify what those materials are.

The hospital said it "400 cases are registered in the Dialysis Center and they are subjected to between 80 and 88 dialysis sessions a day."

My comment: Blaming the Houthis for this, as this Islah party media does, is rather odd, even if the Houthis block Taiz. Due to Saudi blockade, there is little or no more dialysis material available in the most of Yemen.

(A H)

National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response

NFDHR furnished and supplied 12 health facilities with medicines

NFDHR provided furniture for 12 health facilities in the districts of Al-Sayyani, Maton, Kharif and Bani Matar in Ibb, Jawf, Amran and Sana'a governorates as part of the Emergency Health Services project.

(B H)

Photos: During my long reporting of #Yemen conflict, I have encountered horrible experiences faced by children

(A H)

Funded by @monarelief's online fundraising campaign @monareliefye's ground crew resuming delivering school bags to 100 orphan students in Sana'a schools. Pix taken today at al-Azdhar school in Bani Hewat area of Sana'a (photos)

Here is the picture of education in #Yemen Unpaid teachers for almost 13 months. No textbooks for students. Students are not able to buy bags or notebooks. No enough chairs for all students. Classes are crowded with huge number of students (photos)

and more

(* A H)

Map: Yemen: Access Constraints as of 16 November 2017

My comment: It seems to have worsened for Taiz.

(* B H)

Film: The hospital rebuilding a generation disfigured by war

"If I had to do this alone, I'd feel like committing suicide."
This teenage boy is trying to rebuild his life after a Saudi coalition airstrike in Yemen injured him and put him in a coma for three months. /

(* B H)

Encouraging Improvements to Women’s Empowerment in Yemen

Aside from providing aid and support to others during the war, Yemeni women are empowered through maintaining their own businesses and developing better leadership skills, which are two of the goals of Partners for Democratic Change. Though the country’s embassy emphasizes the importance of equality among the genders, there are still cultural attitudes and patriarchal structures that cause barriers for women in Yemen. Partners for Democratic Change has worked to tackle these barriers by changing people’s attitudes and by educating women. The organization has advanced women’s empowerment in Yemen by training 75 women in business and leadership so far.

Aside from Partners in Change, there are many other groups that have been established with the purpose of advancing women’s rights

(* B H)

Just a few weeks ago I was working in Yemen. Here’s what I witnessed

The war is not over and the violence continues. It feels endless. But someone has to do something, and even if I don’t know when it is going to end, I have to keep hope that one day it will end — otherwise I could not do this job.

In Yemen, electricity is sporadic, water is hard to find, the sewage system is a mess, and tens of thousands of public sector health workers across the country haven’t been paid for more than a year. I asked why they continue to work with no salary. They see no other options, if they leave then who will do it? This is their home, their families, their community, so even if they don’t receive a salary they know that somebody has to do it. So, they sell their belongings and start business on the side, just to get by.

Public hospitals have run out of resources, so even though care is meant to be free, patients are asked to go to the market and buy their own medicines. MSF provides free care, but we can’t treat everyone.

It’s really difficult to turn a patient away because we don’t offer the type of care they need – by Nurse Tatiana Chiarella

(* A H)

''Rabies disease is spreading quickly in al-Jarahi district of Hodeidah due to the widespread dogs carrying the disease.
As the vaccination against rabies is not available there.
Here is a call to @WHOYemen to take an action to save lives of people in & around the city. #Yemen''
Fatik Al-Rodaini, founder of Mona Relief Yemen, NGO

(* B H)

Film: #Yemen’s conflict has created the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, affecting 21 million people.

(A H)

This is a teaser of a song that will be released on 20 November which is World Children's Day.
In this song children from across #Yemen come together and say 'Enough O World'.'

(* B H)

Yemen: Finding near-famine - and lots of food

In the frontline city of Taiz, under siege from Houthi rebels for two-and-a-half years, a stroll around one of the local markets reveals abundance. Huge pomegranates and oranges, fresh garlic, bananas, courgettes and tangerines.

There are supermarkets full of produce too - fresh meat, eggs, steaks and ribs. So how on earth can this country be starving? It makes no sense.

I was shown around one of the markets in Taiz by a man I'd met the day before. Sami Abdul Hadi, 55, saw our team filming outside one hospital.

He introduced himself to us and said we had to make sure our report included the real crime about the conflict in Yemen: people are starving, he said, yet there's plenty of food to go round. So we agreed to meet the next day.

Yemen is cursed by man. Its tragedy isn't a failure in nature, but a failure of politics. It's experiencing a political famine.

(A H P)

Wahj Al-Hayah launches a global awareness project to eliminate Hepatitis

(* A H)

UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #10 - October 2017

Despite challenging conditions and lack of funding, UN and humanitarian parties are providing direct assistance to more than 7 million people each month. During a visit to Yemen in October by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, he stressed the need for more funding and better humanitarian access to the population in need, calling all parties to ensure respect for international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians.

The Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan is 56.9 per cent funded with $1.3 billion of the $2.3 billion required to reach the 12 million people in need of humanitarian support and protection this year.

(A H)

Yemen | Nutrition Cluster Dashboard (January to October 2017)

and more by Nutrition Cluster

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Film: The Displaced Children of #Yemen

(* B H)

Film: See the situation of the displaced from the Directorate of Haradh Bahja and the province of Taiz to the province of Hodeidah siege of aggression 18 11 2017

(A H)

Mixed Migration in East Africa and Yemen | 4Mi Survey Snapshot, Phase 2 | October 2017

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A K P)

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Say They Will Keep Trying to Strike Saudis

Rebel spokesman says they reject Arab League statement

Abdulsalam calls Saudis a danger to regional stability

Yemen’s Shiite Houthi rebels said they will keep working to develop their ballistic missile technology to target Saudi Arabia after an attempted missile attack earlier this month on Riyadh’s airport.

In a statement carried by Houthi-controlled Al Masirah television, rebel spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam criticized an Arab League statement issued in Cairo that accused Iran of destabilizing the Middle East and condemned Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.

(A P)

In the image of expressive, the Yemen's children carried the funeral conscience the world to the United Nations cemetery, during the protest in front of office of the United Nations representative in the capital Sana'a on yesterday morning, on the occasion of celebration of the World Children's Day and in the light of what they are subjected to the bombing and the continuous killing by the Saudi-led coalition, Which was included in the UN blacklist (photos)

(B P)

Sinnbild des Scheiterns: Jemens Ex-Präsident Saleh

[Nach seiner Absetzung 2012] Und es dauerte nicht lange da streckte er seine Fühler in den Iran aus, den angeblich zweiten Hauptfeind des ehemaligen Saddam-Fans. Es dauerte nicht lange und ein Bündnis zwischen den mit iranischer Hilfe wieder erstarkten Houthis und Saleh zeichnete sich ab. Erst diesem Bündnis gelang es, mit Hilfe des Iran, ab 2014 große Teile des Jemen militärisch zu erobern.

Mein Kommentar: Über saleh kann man in der tat kaum positiv berichten. Wenn der bericht freilich in die jüngere zeit kommt, wird er Propaganda pur. Das gilt besonders für den hier zitierten Abschnitt mit hohem Quatschfaktor.

(A P)

Protest rally condemns Saudi war crimes in Yemen

Tribes and sheikhs of al-Marashy district of Jawf staged a protest rally to condemn the continuation of Saudi-led aggression coalition and the siege against the Yemeni people

(A H P)

Health Ministry, ICRC sign two MoUs

(A P)

President stresses need to activate local authorities in provinces, districts

My comment: Looking at Houthi behavior and cruelty in the provinces, Ibb in the first place, this really would be more then necessary.

(B P T)

Human Rights Ministry blames Saudi-led coalition for crimes in Aden

The Human Rights Ministry held Saudi-led aggression coalition states responsible for the crimes and violations they commit directly or through supporting terrorist groups in Aden province and in occupied provinces.

The statement pointed out that terrorist groups perpetrated suicide bombings and assassinations in Aden and other provinces with encouragement and support of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, and the last of which was the suicide attack against soldiers at the headquarters of Institutions Guarding in al-Mansoura district that killed six and injured 25 others.

Remark: The northern government on the events in Aden.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* B P)

The UAE occupation forces are proceeding with their construction work of the so called "city of Zayed" (Madinat Zayed) on the Yemeni island of #Socotra, which has been under Emirati control since the start of the US-Saudi aggression on #Yemen nearly three years ago.
Local sources confirmed that the housing complex (in the picture) consists of a number of units that will be allocated to officials and officers of the UAE who are stationed in the island and the rest of the southern provinces of Yemen.
According to the sources, the UAE will grant all those who agree to sell plots of land to the UAE, an apartment in "Madinat Zayed."
Dr. Khaled al-Qasimi, who is close to the Emirati decision makers, said in a tweet that Socotra has fully become Emirati. =

(B P T)

South of Yemen suffers under the occupation of the UAE

Two assassinations within 24 hours, one of which is the first in the province of Mahrah and the other in the city of Houta Shabram Hadramout.

Chaos is rampant throughout the provinces under the control of the invading forces until assassinations have become common news.

Yesterday, gunmen assassinated a mosque imam in the city of al-Ghaydah, the capital of the province of Mahara, a few weeks after the field movements of the UAE occupying forces to enter the city.

The other is an officer working in the recruitment of the so-called elite of the Hadramiya, which follows the UAE after being followed by gunmen on Sunday afternoon before being shot in the center of the city of Huta in the city of Shibam, Hadramout province.

All the interpretations go to confirm the fall of these provinces in the midst of a growing and multi-directional conflict. Just as al-Qaeda is active, it has acquired weapons from the countries of aggression, and other counter-groups are active.

(A T)

Government official shot dead in eastern Yemen

A government official was assassinated in Yemen’s eastern Hadhramaut province on Wednesday, according to a local security source.

Unidentified gunmen opened fire on Omar Saleh, a government communication director, in the city of Al-Qutn in Hadhramaut and fled the scene unscathed, the source said on condition of anonymity due to security reasons.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

(A P)

As Part of Southern Public Escalation, Public Escalation Committee Asserts Re-Raising the National Flag and Re-Using the National Anthem in Kriter’s Schools.

As part of southern public escalation, some members of the southern general syndicate of teachers and educators visited Kriter’s schools and launched the re-raising of the national flag and reusing the national Anthem in Aban and Al-Badery schools. This movement was received with public rejoicing from teachers and students who used revolutionary slogans in expressing their happiness.

My comment: Parts of the public return to former South Yemeni national symbols – giving the finger to “president” Hadi.

(* A P)

Muslim Brotherhood Leaders in Hady’s Office Falsify Important Documents, including Directives and Decrees, without Notifying the President

A directive notes from President Hady to Prime Minister’s Office indicated that all presidential directives and decrees are to be initiated only if attached with an official memorandum signed by president Hady himself. This note from president Hady, with his signature and official stamp on November 1st 2017, revealed a scandal that some written directives from Hady’s office were falsified and the president had no idea about them. The note indicated that some Muslim brotherhood members who work in Hady’s office falsified previous directives and these documents were seized and now under investigation of concerned bodies. It is noteworthy that Abdullah Al-Olaimy, directors of president Hady’s Office, is a prominent brotherhood leader

(* A P)

Coordination Committee of Adan University Protests the Catastrophic Situation in Adan

Cordination committee of Adan University protested the catastrophic situation of Adan and all other southern governorates because of Ben Doghr’s corrupt government. The protest was held on Monday morning and asserted the solidarity of university students with all sectors of the society who are dying of hunger. Protesters resents mass punishment, starvation and corruption of Ben Dogr’s governments indicating that this government is deliberately denies the daily needs of Adan. Students held signs against the corruption of this government in addition to southern flags. The coordination committee issued a statement and SAMA News is Publishing it:

Remark: Southern separatists rallying against the corrupt government of president Hadi’s prime minister.

(A P)

Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council Discusses Arrangements of Socotra Events

(A K P)

Cabinet affirm that Taiz liberation is a top priority

(A P)

President of the Emirati-backed Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) Aydarus al Zubaydi inaugurated the STC’s local leadership in Zinjibar city, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on November 18. Hadi government-aligned Abyan Governor Abu Bakr Hussein denounced the establishment of STC activity in Zinjibar. The STC inaugurated offices in seven other governorates since announcing the formation of a southern National Assembly on October 14.[2]

(A T)

An explosion device kill a security belt soldier, wound two in Abyan

A soldier from the belt security forces was killed and two others were seriously wounded when a roadside bomb exploded targeting a vehicle belonging to the UAE-backed security forces in al-Mahfad district northeastern Abyan province in southeastern Yemen. and also

Remark: “Security Belt” is a Yemen militia, formed and supported by the UAE, feared for cruelty against the people.

(A P)

Ex #Yemen president Mansour Hadi came quietly to #US to @ClevelandClinic for a heart check up.

(A T)

Today : IED explosion kills 2 civilians, injures others in Mahfad district of Abyan, #Yemen referring to

(A H P)

Yemen signs cooperation pacts with three European organizations

(* A P)

Depending on the Power of Legitimacy Will Dismantle the Ally

Some parties of the Arab Ally persist in depending on the powers of the failure legitimacy government while this corrupt government is doing nothing but supervising chaos, corruption and favoritism. This may lead support provided by the Ally to this corrupt government to turn against the Ally itself.

Without dismissing those criminals and war traders from the government, the Arab Ally, and the Yemeni people as well, will never see light. People of the north of Yemen will never erupt against Saleh to return his brother Ali Mohsen. They will never erupt against Al-Houthi to return Hameed Al-Ahmar again.

Without direct supervision of the Arab Ally on every single matter in Yemen, the Ally will find nothing but more chaos, destruction and blackmailing. What is available today might not be available tomorrow. Without a realistic political project for solving the southern cause, a solution acceptable by the southern people, any other solution will be nothing but a delusion in the mind of its maker, just like the outcomes of Sanaa talks that increasing the problem instead of solving it.

Yemen needs a project for economic security according to mechanisms of integrity and away from war traders and corrupt persons who will drag the region to more disturbance.

My comment: By a follower of separatist Southern Transitional Council. – “Arab Ally” = Saudi coalition. By blaming the Hsdfi government, the author is certainly right. – But the Hadi government’s “legitimacy (which actually already had expired on Feb. 27, 2015) was the only pretense for this “ally’s” interference in Yemen. – When they now try to construct a new one (the bad Iranians) this must fail as the pretense of Hadi’s “legitimacy” had been a fail from the very first day on.


(* B P)

Extraordinary Achievements!!

In the era of the “Legitimacy Government”, it is a great achievement if an oil ship managed to dock in a port to deliver only one thousand tons of fuel that is not enough for running Adan Electric power stations for more than two days. This event is considered breaking news in media channels. This asserts a so-called fact that prominent leaders of the country, from presidency to electric power authorities, have exerted extraordinary effort to make this event happen!!!

Excessive media coverage of such news made even housewives of Adan experts in oil, refineries and electricity.

Just as the electric issue, payment of half-annual pensions has become a major event under this government, as it is Ramadan at the age of Prophet’s companions. Pension payment requires six months of directives before payment and six months of thanks after payment!!

Unfortunately, this is absurd as the government is making and selling delusions for people.

The government is not deceiving any one but itself while giving those poor crushed people a funny interval for laughing on it while it is practicing primitive politics that are no different from the way former Imams ran their kingdom in the past.

( A P)

Yemen: A Protest To Demand President Hadi To Reject The Resignation Of The Governor Of Aden.

The people of the temporary capital of Aden staged a protest yesterday to demand that President Hadi reject the resignation of the governor of Aden, Abdul Aziz Al-Muflehi, where the demonstrators held an activity in the square next to the Aden Mall complex in the city of Krayter, raising banners rejecting the resignation of Al-Muflehi and demanding his return to Aden to build and reconstruct the province. They also demanded President Abd Rabo Hadi to form a committee to investigate his resignation, in addition to the dismissal of Yemeni Prime Minister Ben Dagher and the return of the governor to his job.

(A T)

Al Qaida loses major stronghold in south Yemen

Local security forces have taken charge to ensure the miltiants do not return

UAE-backed Yemeni forces have completely cleansed Al Qaida militants from Mahfad district, Al Qaida’s major stronghold in the southern province of Abyan, local government and military officials said on Sunday.

In the lightning offensive on the district earlier this month, forces from Security Belt stormed the town of Mahfad and a large of swathe of lands including scattered villages that have long been safe havens for the militants.

My comment: Emirati anti-AQAP success story, hard to verify.

(A P)

#Yemen: New statement from #Mahra after meeting with coalition in #Saudi yday.

(A K P)

Locals report more equipment for coalition forces was driven yday into east #Yemen's #Mahra region (i.e. right by #Oman). Aim is security & to combat smuggling (so control of ports). References to new forces as #Saudi rather than #UAE-led is significant, whether or not it's true. (photo)


(A K P)

The Arab Ally Sends Military and Security Enforcements to Al-Mehra and Sources Reveal the Mission of the Forces Sent to Al-Ghaida

Local source indicated that the Arab Ally, under commandership of Saudi Arabia, sent military and security enforcements to Al-Mehra for supporting security and fighting terrorist activities in the governorate

(* A P)

Imam assassinations in #Yemen: Imam Abd Allah al-Tayyib of mosque in al-Ghayda in #Mahra killed by gunmen last night. Murders very rare in east #Yemen's Mahra. Happens to coincide with arrival of #UAE-supported Security Belt forces last week. Imam was from Lawdar in Abyan.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

KUNA : EU calls for resumption of UN-led talks on Yemen

(A P)

Iran calls for circulation of Zarif’s letter on Yemen as SC document

Iran's envoy to UN has called for circulation of Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s four-point letter on appalling situation in Yemen as a document of the Security Council.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(* B P)

Vorherrschaft im Nahen Osten?

Nachrichten in deutschsprachigen Medien über den Nahen Osten lieben das Wort „Vorherrschaft“. Offenbar können Politiker, Experten und Journalisten über Konflikte in Syrien, dem Libanon, der arabischen Halbinsel, über Palästina, Ägypten, den Jemen und Libyen gar nicht mehr reden oder schreiben, ohne Iran und Saudi-Arabien zu erwähnen und dann erklärend hinzuzufügen, diese beiden Länder kämpften um die Vorherrschaft im Nahen Osten.

Tun sie das wirklich? Wird mit diesem Satz irgendetwas erklärt? Oder soll dies Mantra nur verschleiern, dass kaum jemand die Rolle Israels in dieser Region öffentlich analysieren will?

Trotz alledem ist unverkennbar, dass die Spannungen zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien nicht nur zugenommen haben, sondern sich in Stellvertreterkriegen manifestieren, deren Unmenschlichkeit bisher durch keinerlei Vermittlungsansätze hätte abgemildert oder gar beendet werden können. Die Kämpfe im Jemen, in Irak und Syrien, mit oder gegen AlQaida oder Isis, die Perspektive eines neuen Bürgerkrieges im Libanon zeigen vielmehr, dass die Entscheidungsträger in Riadh und in Teheran diese Spannungen als äußerst bedrohlich empfinden.

Warum das so ist, lässt sich offenbar mit den Worten „Streben nach Vorherrschaft“ nicht beantworten. Auf die Spur einer adäquaten Terminologie gelangt man aber mit anderen historischen Hintergründen für dieses beidseitige Empfinden äußerster Bedrohung – von Dr. Gerhard Fulda, Botschafter a.D., Vizepräsident der Deutsch-Arabischen Gesellschaft und BIB-Gründungsmitglied.

(B P)

Tehran Is Winning the War for Control of the Middle East

And there’s no indication that, despite Mohammed bin Salman’s bold moves, Saudi Arabia stands a chance of turning the tide.

My comment: US mainstream-like report.

(A P)

Iranischer Außenminister: Saudis sind auf Konfliktkurs

Der iranische Außenminister Mohammad Javad Zarif hat den regionalen Erzfeind Saudi-Arabien scharf kritisiert und dem Königreich vorgeworfen, auf Konfliktkurs zu sein. Der Iran nehme an Treffen teil, die für Entspannung und Frieden werben, die Saudis jedoch an solchen, die den Konflikt forderten, sagte Zarif.

(A P)

Iran's Judiciary Chief Raps S. Arabia for Committing War Crimes in Yemen

Iran's Judiciary Chief Sadeq Amoli Larijani blasted Saudi Arabia for bombing and massacring innocent Yemeni people, describing it as an instance of war crime.

(A P)

Iran's president calls Arab League 'worn-out' body

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has criticized the Arab League for supporting Saudi Arabia and its role in the war in Yemen.

Rouhani on Tuesday said it's unfortunate the organization expressed regret that the Yemeni rebels known as Houthis launched a ballistic missile into Saudi Arabia earlier this month in response to "so much bombing" by the Saudi-led coalition.

He also called the regional organization of Arab countries "old, worn-out, exhausted and ineffective."

Comment: Well it's long been an impotent body not reaching a decision on anything important; I guess it's now a mouthpiece for its biggest member.

(* A P)

Arabische Staaten gegen Iran

Die Außenminister der Arabischen Liga sind in Kairo zusammengetreten, um die Eingriffe des Iran in der Region zu erörtern.

An der Sitzung in der ägyptischen Hauptstadt Kairo, appellierten die Minister für eine gemeinsame Haltung der arabischen Staaten gegen den Iran. Der Einfluss des Iran in der Region müsse beendet werden. Der Generalsekretär der Arabischen Liga, Ahmed Abu Gayt wies darauf hin, dass der Iran Huthi Raketen liefert.

Mein Kommentar: Letzter Satz: Faktenfreie Behauptung, siehe YPR 358, cp1.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia seeks to ratchet up pressure against Iran

Arab foreign ministers have slammed Iranian interference in the Middle East. Arab states sought to present a united front as regional rivalries in Yemen, Syria and Lebanon heat up.

Saudi Arabia and Arab allies on Sunday condemned Iranian interference across the region, singling out Tehran's support for Houthi rebels in Yemen and the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah.

The extraordinary meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo comes as tensions between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran heats up, including over Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.

Arab diplomats drafted a resolution warning Iran against maintaining its current policy and pushed for a UN Security Council meeting in order to discuss "threats" posed by Iran.

"We are not declaring war on Iran at this stage," Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said. "We have not taken a decision to ask the Security Council to meet, but we are just briefing the council and maybe the next stage would be for us to meet and call for a Security Council meeting and submit a draft Arab resolution (against Iran)."

Saudi Arabia called the meeting as part of its latest effort to ratchet up pressure against its Shiite rival after Houthi rebels in Yemen fired a ballistic missile at Riyadh's international airport earlier in the month.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B P)

Saudi FM denies kingdom has relations with Israel

Adel al-Jubeir rejects reports of ongoing clandestine ties after Israeli army chief gives interview to Saudi publication

“There are no relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel,” Jubeir told Egypt’s CBC television, according to a translation by the Ynet news website.

My comment: Reality is different, as so often when this man tells something.

Comment: As an Israeli official once put it to me, "we're like the mistress, we give the Saudis what they want, but we have to use the back door"

(B P)

A Third Saudi Failure In Foreign Policy?

Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), as Minister of Defense and later on crown prince, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has undertaken three attempts aimed at reducing Iran’s expansion in the Middle East.

Yemen – Qatar – Lebanon

Will MBS now try another avenue perhaps by pushing the Palestinians to make a peace deal with Israel against their will just to prove himself on the world stage? Time will tell.

(* B P)

Saudi has been cosying up to Israel for decades. MBS is making it official

On the same day the interview was published and reported in the Israeli English language publication Haaretz, MEE reported exclusively that the Jordanian monarchy was extremely concerned that the Saudis were rushing to make peace with Israel and normalise relations with it at the expense of both the Jordanians and the Palestinians.

Despite having had its own peace treaty with Israeli since 1994, Jordan seems to fear a backlash if the Saudis were to conclude a deal that does away with the Palestinian right of return.

Nevertheless, it would not be accurate to assume that Saudi-Israeli rapprochement started with the ascent of MBS, as the Saudi crown prince is famously called. For a number of years, a few Saudi individuals, ostensibly acting in their personal capacities, were commissioned with the task of, or at least given the green light for, exploring and testing the waters.

Two in particular have been known to meet with Israeli officials at different levels and in various world forums, and have even made visits to Israel: the former head of Saudi Intelligence Prince Turki al-Faisal and former Saudi general Anwar Eshki.

(A E P)

Exclusive: Selling Saudi Arabia's grain mills proves a grind for investors

An unwieldy sale process and onerous ownership rules are discouraging some potential investors from bidding for Saudi Arabia’s state-owned grain mills, sources close to the firms say, in a potential snag for the kingdom’s economic reforms.

(A E P)

Exclusive: Westinghouse discussing group bid for Saudi nuclear tender - sources

Toshiba-owned Westinghouse (6502.T) is in talks with other U.S-based companies to form a consortium to bid in a multi-billion-dollar tender for two nuclear power reactors in Saudi Arabia, three industry sources said.


Saudi agency says country targeted in cyber spying campaign

Saudi Arabian security officials said on Monday that the country had been targeted as part of a wide-ranging cyber espionage campaign observed since February against five Middle East nations as well as several countries outside the region.

The Saudi government’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) said in a statement the kingdom had been hit by a hacking campaign bearing the technical hallmarks of an attack group dubbed “MuddyWater” by U.S. cyber firm Palo Alto Networks.

(* A E P)

Saudi Billionaires Look for Ways to Protect Assets From Any Government Purge

Wealthy families are looking at new corporate structures

Crackdown already targeted officials, princes and businessmen

Wealthy Saudis are seeking to restructure their businesses to ring fence assets in case authorities widen their declared crackdown on corruption, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

Several family groups and businessmen who aren’t implicated in the purge are talking to local banks and international law firms about how to structure their companies to make it harder for the kingdom to confiscate or seize assets, the people said, asking not to be identified because the discussions are private.

One option could be to split assets between more than one holding company, one of the people said, though it’s not clear how successful these plans could be because the government is closely scrutinizing business activity in the kingdom as part of the crackdown, he said.

(* A E P)

Exclusive: Saudi prince detention holds up loan to investment firm - sources

Kingdom Holding’s plan to borrow money to fund new investments has stalled because owner Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has been detained in Saudi Arabia’s anti-corruption crackdown, according to four banking sources familiar with the matter.

Kingdom 4280.SE had approached banks to obtain the loan, but the financing plan has been held up because the lenders are worried about potential repercussions if they lend to the prince’s company, the sources said.

(A P)

#Saudi FM @AdelAljubeir meets with #Egyptian Khaled Salah who incited terrorism & bombing of @qatarairways planes (photo) and more on Salah here

(* B P)

The Saudi Prince’s Dangerous War Games

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is working hard to consolidate power and establish his country as the Middle East’s only hegemon. But his efforts – which include an attempt to trigger a war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon – increasingly look like the work of an immature gambler.

A series of stunning political developments, originating in Saudi Arabia, has been roiling an already volatile Middle East. Is a major new war in the offing?

MBS’s ambitions extend far beyond his country’s borders.

MBS clearly hopes to establish Saudi Arabia as the Persian Gulf’s sole hegemon, and the protector of Sunni Islam throughout the Middle East. But his efforts increasingly look like the work of an immature gambler.

Saudi Arabia has already suffered from the farcical failure of its blockade on Qatar, not to mention its two disastrous attempts to stem Iranian advances in Syria and Yemen. Add to that MBS’s ham-fisted political purge, and the escalation in Lebanon may be viewed as a desperate gambit.

Yet provoking Iran is probably not in Saudi Arabia’s best interests. As MBS knows all too well, the Kingdom cannot match Iran’s military might. And his likely back-up plan – increasing security cooperation with Israel – might not work as he would like – by Shlomo Ben-Ami, a former Israeli foreign minister

(A P)

Saudi Crown Prince Grants Charities 12 Billion Riyals from his Personal Account

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, granted 12 billion riyals from his personal account to charities in the southern region, reported the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on Sunday.
It said that this initiative is part of efforts to support charity organizations that are part of a program he launched to back such organizations throughout the Kingdom.

My comment: This is US$ 3 billion. And this comment hits the spot:

In the middle of his 'anti-corruption' campaign, he does this? How did HE get this money? Boy's an idiot.

(* B P)

Game of Thrones: Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman macht sich zum Alleinherrscher des Landes. Das Tempo, mit dem er die Konkurrenz kaltstellt, ist hochriskant.

Geht das Kalkül des Prinzen innenpolitisch auf, könnte er sich seine Macht für viele Jahre sichern, vielleicht sogar lebenslang. MbS will sein Land in die Moderne führen. Er sagt spektakuläre Sätze wie: „Wir wollen zu dem zurück, was wir waren: ein moderater Islam, der offen für die Welt ist, offen für alle Religionen.“ Extremistische Ideen gehörten zerstört. Wow! Das hat man in Saudi-Arabien schon lange nicht mehr gehört. Dem jungen Monarchen schwebt vor, die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft auf die Zeit nach dem Öl vorzubereiten; einer Zeit also, in der Wohlstand ohne eine üppig sprudelnde Einkommensquelle erarbeitet werden muss und es keine Milliarden mehr gibt, mit denen die Mehrheit ruhiggestellt werden kann.

Die Pläne sind durchaus mutig, vielleicht sogar gewagt. Doch man sollte sich keine Illusionen machen: Es ist eine Palastrevolution. MbS geht es um den Erhalt des Systems. In seinem Fall: der absoluten Monarchie.

Diese Besessenheit vom Iran und die außenpolitische Impulsivität des Kronprinzen sind eine beängstigende Kombination. Sie machen ihn ähnlich unberechenbar wie Trump, nur dass man MbS nicht abwählen kann. Die Games of Thrones laufen in Saudi-Arabien in Endlosschleife.!5461026/

Mein Kommentar: Auch die taz kann trotz Kritik an Salman nicht vom „Reformer“-Image lassen.

(A P)

Saudi King to hand over crown to his son next week

The King of Saudi Arabia plans to step down and announce his son as his successor next week , a source close to the country’s royal family has exclusively told

The source said King Salman will continue only as a ceremonial figurehead, handing over official leadership of the country to his son - often referred to as MBS.

‘King Salman will play the role of the queen of England. He will only keep the title “Custodian of the Holy Shrines”.’

My comment: This seems to be just a rumor.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia Pursues Cash Settlements as Crackdown Expands

Authorities pushing some suspects to relinquish bulk of their wealth in exchange for freedom

Authorities in Saudi Arabia are widening a corruption probe that has reached the upper echelons of the royal family and entangled prominent businessmen who are now being asked to surrender assets in exchange for their freedom, according to two people familiar with the matter.

At least two dozen military officers, including multiple commanders, recently have been rounded up in connection to the Saudi government’s sweeping corruption investigation, according to two senior advisers to the Saudi government. Several prominent businessmen also were taken in by Saudi authorities in recent days.

It isn’t clear if those people are all accused of wrongdoing, or whether some of them have been called in as witnesses. But their detainment signals an intensifying high-stakes campaign spearheaded by Saudi Arabia’s 32-year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.


(* A P)

Saudi Graft Settlements Could Reap Billions

Corruption probe widens to include retired military officers

Suspects said to be offered chance to pay and avoid trial

Saudi authorities estimate they may be able to recover between $50 billion and $100 billion from settlement agreements with suspects detained in an anti-corruption crackdown that has implicated prominent princes, officials and billionaires, a senior official said.

Suspects are being offered settlements to avoid trial, the official said, requesting anonymity because to discuss the ongoing investigation. If they accept, talks are held with a special committee to work out the details. Payments are based on the amounts authorities believe suspects have amassed illegally, not their entire wealth, the official said.

A reminder from Oct. 2015:
(* B P)

Saudi Arabia: Eight of King Salman's 11 surviving brothers want to oust him

A growing number of members of the royal household support a move to oust King Salman and replace him with his younger brother

Eight of the 12 surviving sons of Saudi Arabia’s founding monarch are supporting a move to oust King Salman, 79, the country’s ailing ruler, and replace him with his 73-year-old brother, according to a dissident prince.

The prince also claims that a clear majority of the country’s powerful Islamic clerics, known as the Ulama, would back a palace coup to oust the current King and install Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, a former Interior Minister, in his place. “The Ulama and religious people prefer Prince Ahmed – not all of them, but 75 per cent,” said the prince, himself a grandson of King Ibn Saud, who founded the ruling dynasty in 1932.

Support from the clerics would be vital for any change of monarch, since in the Saudi system only they have the power to confer religious and therefore political legitimacy on the leadership.

(* B P)

After a String of Failures, Saudi Crown Prince Monopolizes Power

In 2013, Prince Muhammad bin Salman, at 28, was a lawyer and his career soared after his father became king of Saudi Arabia in 2015. In swift order, he became the country’s defense minister, head of the Council for Economic and Development Affairs, chairman of the Public Investment Fund, deputy crown prince, head of the Supreme Council of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company and then crown prince – a Middle East version of the Game of Thrones, according to author Dilip Hiro. “A young, inexperienced heir to the Arab world’s most powerful throne, Bin Salman consolidates his power by crushing potential centers of power outside the Royal Court,” Hiro writes, noting need is urgent after a string of failures.

Under the crown prince, Saudi Arabia hastily intervened in Yemen’s civil war and organized a blockade against Qatar, both moves destabilizing the region. He also exaggerates the threat from Iran in counterproductive ways. The crown prince claims to be a reformer by extending some rights to Saudi women and a crackdown on corruption that targets powerful rivals. The distractions may not be enough for citizens or foreign investors to overlook unemployment exceeding 12 percent, inequality and a lavish lifestyle for royals, tepid growth and an economy dependent on oil, as well as harsh rule of law and rejection of human rights – by Dilip Hiro

(A P)

#Heroes: Chess champions refuse to play in Saudi Arabia. Jovanka Houska: "I don’t feel comfortable visiting a country where I need a male guardian. It goes against my principles." Anna Muzychuk: "I am not going to play in Riyadh, which means losing two world champion titles." (photos)

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

The Ongoing Agony of the Obama-Trump War on the People of Yemen!

Yemen, the poorest Arab nation on Earth, is the victim of a savage, illegal war waged by the Saudi Arabian monarchy. Armed to the teeth with the most sophisticated weapons in the world manufactured and supplied by the merchants of death in the United States, the Saudis are providing another grotesque example of what happens when a powerful nation with modern weapons is unrestrained by law and basic human decency.

But the trauma and devastation of the people doesn’t end here.

For the last two weeks, the gangster family running the Saudi state has imposed a murderous air, sea and land blockade preventing vital aid to those millions now dependent on it for their basic survival.

However, the Saudis are not the only ones implicated in this unfolding international crime. Like most of the egregious, international human-rights crimes of the late 20th and 21st centuries, the U.S. state is once again complicit.

The fact is the Obama administration gave the green light to the Saudi war on Yemen. This is a war that could not then or today have been launched and executed without direct support from the U.S. military.

In this period when the corporate capitalist press and social media companies coordinate with the U.S. state to determine the range of acceptable information and selected facts presented to the U.S. public, it is not surprising Yemen has received scant coverage. Yet, in those few instances when the Obama administration felt compelled to comment on the situation—usually when the foreign press asked—it downplayed its role. When pressed, the Obama administration provided a ludicrous explanation: Apparently, Saudi Arabia was justified in intervening for its own security and to restore democracy in Yemen!

Today, the Trump administration doesn’t even need to bother to provide an explanation for continued U.S. support to the barbarism in Yemen.

Once again, the hypocritical morality of the U.S. and the West is exposed – by Ajamu Baraka

(A P)

U.S. warns citizens against risks of travel to Saudi Arabia

The U.S. State Department on Tuesday warned citizens to “consider the risks” when traveling to Saudi Arabia due to militant threats and the threat of ballistic missile attacks on civilians by rebels in Yemen. and this is the original:

(B H P)

Suffering Yemen needs our help

Few Americans have heard of Yemen; even fewer know of its misfortune. It is my sincere hope that this will change, and that Washington and the world will help Yemen rather than ignore it.

(* B K P)

The US is helping Saudi Arabia starve Yemeni civilians to death

In Yemen, the United States is helping Saudi Arabia starve a population to death.

The United States is not a passive participant in these travesties. It is fueling the Saudi and UAE planes that conduct airstrikes on civilian targets, and providing intelligence to help coalition actors find bombing targets. An American bomb was used to kill seven children. The U.S. is committing war crimes in Yemen, and it's pure, unalloyed evil.

I worry that once the Trump era passes, newly activated "Resistance" folks will retreat back into apathy. I worry that, without President Trump as a punching bag, center-left people will once again ignore the everyday evils of the American empire. I worry that the people who write longing Facebook posts about Obama's poise will continue to ignore his war crimes.

American involvement in Yemen is nothing new for us. In his otherwise admirable floor speech condemning the campaign, Sen. Chris Murphy called it "un-American." That's just not true.

When the United States does evil abroad, it's almost always shrouded in secrecy and deception – by Max Foley-Keene

(A P)

USA's Tillerson and Saudi crown prince discuss terrorism by phone

(A E P)

U.S. sanctions individuals, entities for Iran-linked counterfeiting

The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday sanctioned a network of individuals and companies it said counterfeited Yemeni bank notes potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars for Iran Revolutionary Guard’s Qods Force.

The network circumvented European export restrictions in order to provide the counterfeiting supplies and equipment, according to a Treasury statement.

President Donald Trump last month declared Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a supporter of terrorism and authorized Treasury to impose tough sanctions limiting its access to goods and funding.

(* B P)

Has Kushner given Riyadh carte blanche?

The State and Defense departments have urged Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to ease their pressure campaigns on Qatar and Lebanon and improve aid access in Yemen to avert catastrophic famine. But Saudi and Emirati officials have suggested to US diplomatic interlocutors that they feel they have at least tacit approval from the White House for their hard-line actions, in particular from President Donald Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, who Trump has tasked with leading his Middle East peace efforts.

Kushner has reportedly established a close rapport with UAE Ambassador to the United States Yousef al-Otaiba, as well as good relations with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, with whom Kushner met in Riyadh in late October.

But growing US bureaucratic dismay at perceived Saudi/Emirati overreach, as well as Kushner’s mounting legal exposure in the Russia investigations, has many veteran US diplomats, policymakers and lobbyists urging regional players to be cautious about basing their foreign policy on any perceived green light, real or not, from the Kushner faction at the White House. They warn the mixed messages could cause Gulf allies to miscalculate and take actions that harm US interests.

(* B K P)

Warum helfen wir Saudiarabien, den Jemen zu zerstören?

Es ist bemerkenswert, dass jedes Mal, wenn man einen Artikel über den Jemen in den Mainstream-Medien liest, die zentrale Rolle Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in der Tragödie überspielt oder völlig ignoriert wird. Ein kürzlich erschienener Artikel der Washington Post, in dem uns angeblich gesagt werden soll, "wie die Dinge so schlimm geworden sind", erklärt uns, dass "es eine komplizierte Geschichte ist", an der "kriegführende regionale Supermächte, Terrorismus, Öl und eine bevorstehende Klimakatastrophe beteiligt sind".
Nein, Washington Post, es ist einfacher. Die Tragödie im Jemen ist das Ergebnis einer ausländischen militärischen Intervention in die inneren Angelegenheiten des Landes. Es fing mit dem "Arabischen Frühling" an, der alle Fingerabdrücke der Einmischung des US-Außenministeriums aufwies, und es eskalierte mit dem unprovozierten saudischen Angriff 2015 auf das Land, um Riads bevorzugten Führer wieder an die Macht zu bringen. Tausende unschuldige Zivilisten wurden getötet, und Millionen von Menschen sind durch Hunger und Cholera gefährdet.

Uns wird gesagt, dass die US-Außenpolitik amerikanische Werte widerspiegeln sollte. Wie kann Washington also Saudi-Arabien - einen tyrannischen Staat mit einer der schlimmsten Menschenrechtsbilanzen der Welt - unterstützen, wenn es sich nach welchem Maßstab auch immer um einen Völkermord an dem jemenitischen Volk handelt?

Und warum gibt es eine Cholera-Epidemie? Weil die saudische Regierung - mit Unterstützung der USA - jeden Einreisehafen blockiert hat, um zu verhindern, dass lebenswichtige Medikamente die leidenden Jemeniten erreichen. Das ist kein Krieg. Das ist grausamer Mord.

Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika unterstützen die saudische Aggression gegen den Jemen, indem sie in jeder Hinsicht mit dem saudischen Militär zusammenarbeiten. Zielerfassung, geheimdienstliche Informationen, Waffenverkauf und mehr. Die USA sind Partner bei den Verbrechen Saudi-Arabiens im Jemen.

Spiegelt das Händchenhalten mit Saudi-Arabien bei der Schlachtung jemenitischer Kinder wirklich amerikanische Werte wider? – von Ron Paul

and English version:

(* B K P)

Why Are We Helping Saudi Arabia Destroy Yemen?

It’s remarkable that whenever you read an article about Yemen in the mainstream media, the central role of Saudi Arabia and the United States in the tragedy is glossed over or completely ignored. A recent Washington Post article purporting to tell us “how things got so bad” explains to us that, “it’s a complicated story” involving “warring regional superpowers, terrorism, oil, and an impending climate catastrophe.”

No, Washington Post, it’s simpler than that. The tragedy in Yemen is the result of foreign military intervention in the internal affairs of that country. It started with the “Arab Spring” which had all the fingerprints of State Department meddling, and it escalated with 2015’s unprovoked Saudi attack on the country to re-install Riyadh’s preferred leader. Thousands of innocent civilians have been killed, and millions more are at risk as starvation and cholera rage.

We are told that US foreign policy should reflect American values. So how can Washington support Saudi Arabia – a tyrannical state with one of the worst human rights records on earth – as it commits by what any measure is a genocide against the Yemeni people?

And why is there a cholera epidemic? Because the Saudi government – with US support – has blocked every port of entry to prevent critical medicine from reaching suffering Yemenis. This is not a war. It is cruel murder.

The United States is backing Saudi aggression against Yemen by cooperating in every way with the Saudi military. Targeting, intelligence, weapons sales, and more. The US is a partner in Saudi Arabia’s Yemen crimes.

Does holding hands with Saudi Arabia as it slaughters Yemeni children really reflect American values? Is anyone even playing attention?

US involvement in Saudi Arabia’s crimes against Yemen is a national disgrace – by Ron Paul = =

(B P)

I am doing an extensive report on #UAE ambassador to #US Yousef Al Otaiba. Any woman who was molsted or assaulted by him please contact me and an 2015 article on Otaiba

(* B K P)

What Uncle Sam Really Wants in Yemen

Murphy’s crusading efforts, along with those of colleagues like Marc Pocan (D-WI) and Rand Paul (R-KY), are admirable, though unfortunately insufficient at this time.

One thing missing in their rhetoric is an attempt to explain the motives underlying the American Executive Branch’s policies towards Saudi Arabia and Yemen, which lie at the root of double standards on human rights.

The U.S. is deeply committed to the House of Saud because it has provided the U.S. with access to cheap oil over the years and served as a U.S. surrogate in the Middle East almost as much as Israel.

Another hidden, unstated motive is the coveting of the island of Socotra, a wildlife preserve with 50,000 inhabitants located 380 kilometers off the coast of Yemen and 80 kilometers off the Horn of Africa.

(* B H K P)

US steps up aid to Saudi Arabia’s slaughter in Yemen

Washington is initiating a series of new policies aimed at building up the military power of the monarchical dictatorship in Saudi Arabia as it carries out a siege that could claim millions of lives in neighboring Yemen.

The Wall Street Journal, citing senior administration officials, reported Saturday that “The Trump administration is looking at ways to quickly strengthen Saudi Arabia's missile defenses and disrupt the flow of advanced Iranian-made weapons across the Middle East as concerns grow over a destabilizing new crisis in the region.”

The so-called “destabilizing new crisis” in the Middle East is one of Washington’s and Riyadh’s own making, flowing from the Trump administration’s attempt to forge an anti-Iranian alliance uniting US imperialism, Saudi Arabia and the other reactionary Sunni oil sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf and Israel in an anti-Iranian military alliance.

Washington, which echoed the Saudi propaganda blaming Iran for the attack, has issued no statement condemning the blockade of Yemen, a war crime in which the US is itself complicit. The major European powers have also remained largely silent as a near-genocidal campaign is being executed against the people of Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world. The European arms manufacturers, like their American counterparts, have secured lucrative contracts with the Saudi monarchy.

According to the Journal article, the foremost response of the Trump administration to the crisis in the Middle East is to push more arms on the Saudi regime.

The newspaper added that, “The US military also could step up its efforts to seize weapons shipments going through the Persian Gulf and across the region,” meaning that the US Navy would escalate operations that are contributing to the blocking of relief supplies and the mass starvation engulfing Yemen.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon has acknowledged that the US Air Force has more than doubled its refueling flights that keep Saudi and allied warplanes in the air

The systematic extermination of Yemeni men, women and children by bombardment, starvation and disease exposes the real face of US imperialism. It demonstrates that behind the empty rhetoric about the “war on terror,” “human rights” and “democracy,” it is prepared to kill millions to offset the decline of American capitalism through a drive to assert US global hegemony by military means.

(B P)

Trump is now invested in a risky Saudi strategy

Trump’s foreign policy faces a new challenge that could further disrupt the Middle East, already the most unstable part of the world. Trump has given the green light to an extraordinary series of moves in Saudi Arabia that can only be described as a revolution from above. Some of them suggest real and long-needed reforms. But all appear to have the risk of destabilizing Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

With Trump so firmly supporting the Saudi strategy, America could find itself dragged further into the deepening Middle East morass.

Comment: Bingo. Trump's cheering on a suicide bomber's suicide.

(* B K P)

The House Resolution on Yemen is a Stinker

Congress was given a chance to stand up for basic humanity and the Constitution, but instead chose to lay an egg, a rotten one at that. It rejected a chance to use the War Powers Act to halt U.S. collaboration with Saudi Arabia’s ruthless war and siege tactics in Yemen. Instead it passed a resolution that could have been written by the Saudi kingdom’s lawyers and publicists.

The effort started well. Reps. Ro Khanna, Thomas Massie, Mark Pocan, and Walter Jones introduced a privileged bipartisan bill invoking the War Powers Resolution to force a floor vote on ending U.S. participation in Saudi Arabia’s two year old war.

Yet the Khanna bill ran into opposition, not just from a Republican leadership eager to support a president who firmly thinks (or tweets) that the Saudi princes “know exactly what they’re doing,” but also from the Democratic Whip, Steny Hoyer, who urged fellow Democrats to refuse to sign onto the bill. In the end the “privileged” status was stripped from the bill and it was sent to oblivion in committee and another bill put in its place and guaranteed one hour of debate.

It was House Resolution 599, which did nothing to stop our warfare on Yemen. It had nothing in it about U.S. weapons being sold to the Saudis or U.S. mid-air refueling of Saudi bombers. Instead it provided a tendentious history of the bloodshed and our involvement, wrapped in a fig leaf of pious clauses urging the warring parties to obey humanitarian law.

When you inspect the resolution’s “whereas” sections you see the entire situation framed with the Saudi kingdom’s legal and factual assertions – by Stanley Heller

(* B K P)

The House Finally Debates the War in Yemen. But the War Will Go On.

Many Americans would find this situation appalling. Pictures of starving children and bombed marketplaces are incredibly disturbing images to see, but these are the types of photographs that have been streaming out of the conflict zone for years now. Equally appalling, however, is that U.S. participation in the war on behalf of Riyadh and Abu Dhabi is barely talked about in the nation’s capital. Many Americans don’t even know that the United States is involved—and has been involved—in the Yemeni civil war from the very start.

To the congressional leadership’s credit, the House of Representatives recently debated a Yemen resolution on the floor that at least gave some minimal attention to the bloodshed in that country and America’s culpability in it.

While a welcome step in the right direction, the bottom line is that the House debated a symbolic resolution that amounts to nothing but a distinguished press release from the body.

The House debate lasted for a grand total of forty minutes on a piece of paper that wouldn’t impact U.S. policy in Yemen even if it was passed.

Washington will continue intervening in a sectarian and regional-fueled proxy war that the United States has no business being involved in. It may seem harsh, but the mini-debate that took place in the House won’t make any bit of difference to what the administration’s policy is or how the Saudis conduct themselves on the battlefield.

But wherever the war takes Yemen, the United States should not be a part of it. The status quo is a detriment to what U.S. policy should be: that of a neutral power who exports food, water, medical kits and diplomatic talent from the State Department, not the bullets and bombs that ensure the war goes on – by Daniel DePetris

My comment: Being serious, we must confess that the US never was different from what the author deplores – from Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya to Ukraine and many other countries.

(* B K P)

Congress must end American support for Saudi war in Yemen

The resolution was a compromise, so it contained a lot of excess verbiage inserted by Republicans, and it was nonbinding. It thus fell short of the goals of its sponsors

But the Republicans, with possible complicity from Democratic leadership, threatened to block this vote and most of the debate, thereby forcing the compromise resolution. These details are important, because they show how an engaged citizenry, with just a handful of courageous members of Congress taking the lead, has much more power than is commonly believed to end U.S. involvement in atrocities.

The Republican House leadership did not pass this resolution because they care about people dying in Yemen. They did it because they were afraid of a full debate and vote to direct the president to remove armed forces from engaging in an indefensible war, and the U.S. military’s role in creating and perpetuating the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. They do not want this to become a major political and possibly electoral issue.

The House resolution has now set the stage for the fight to proceed in the Senate, which is more evenly divided – by Mark Weisbrot =

(B K P)
Friends in the US, here is how you can help #Yemen, effectively.
This is a sample letter Shireen Al-Adeimi has prepared and you can use to send your Senator to help stop US involvement in the unconstitutional war on Yemen.
150,000 children will die unless action is taken immediately.
You can help save a life. Please help Yemen.

(* B K P)

Film: (RP C. Murphy) Our endorsement of the humanitarian nightmare in Yemen must end. It's time for Congress and the American people to speak out.

(* B P)

The Observer view on Saudi Arabia, the US and Yemen

While Yemen starves, Trump moves ever close to its tormenter, the headstrong ruler of Saudi Arabia

The strong links between Salman, the de facto Saudi ruler, and the influential Kushner, Trump’s personal overseas troubleshooter and Middle East envoy, are nevertheless a big worry for American diplomats and the Pentagon. Officials told the New York Times they were not briefed on the Salman-Kushner talks. Such secretiveness is apparently the norm.

How the US under Trump runs its foreign policy is its own business. But when reckless, impulsive and confrontational actions, destabilising the world’s most volatile region, are the result, it’s a problem for everyone. That is what is happening now.

As Clive Myrie’s graphic BBC television reports last week suggested, the disaster in Yemen is as unacceptable as it is avoidable. But Saudi actions, including alleged crimes against humanity, pass unchallenged by Kushner and a collusional Trump administration.

Saudi Arabia is under pressure not just from Iran’s ambitions but also from falling oil revenues, shrinking national wealth and mounting demands for reform. Big changes are undoubtedly required – and in train. Salman’s foolish, headstrong behaviour, sanctioned by his unaccountable pal in the White House, risks it all.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

UK dangerously complicit in Yemen crisis, says ex-Tory minister

Andrew Mitchell says UK’s engagement in conflict is ‘doomed to strategic failure’

A former Tory cabinet minister has accused the UK of being “dangerously complicit” in a Saudi policy toward Yemen that is “directly promoting a famine and the collective punishment of an entire population”.

The former international development secretary, Andrew Mitchell said Britain’s engagement in conflict was “doomed to strategic failure”. He warned of a humanitarian catastrophe “the likes of which we have not seen in decades”.

(A P)

UK’s Jack Straw says Saudi Arabia danger to region

Former UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's foreign policies pose major risks to Middle East region.

Comment: Interesting - this was the man who was foreign minister at the time of the Iraq War. Now he's turned into a peace broker - pity it didn't happen 14 years ag

(* A P)

Corbyn demands Government acts to end suffering of the Yemeni people

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, has today (Monday) written to Prime Minister Theresa May demanding her Government acts to end the conflict in Yemen.

The letter follows repeated reports from the United Nations (UN) and other agencies about the scale of the “devastation and destruction in Yemen”, with millions of Yemenis at risk of death as aid cannot be delivered.

Jeremy Corbyn argues that the “UK has a crucial role to play” and calls for the UK to end support for the Saudi-led coalition’s conduct in this war. He urges the Government to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia, and call for an immediate ceasefire through the UN to enable the negotiation of a long-term political peace.

(* A P)

Unlike Most Western Leaders, Corbyn Demands End to US-UK Complicity in Yemen's Suffering

While most political leaders and U.S. media outlets continue to perpetuate the "power-serving" notion that the West has played little to no role in causing and worsening Yemen's humanitarian crisis, U.K. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn penned a letter to Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday slamming American and British forces for fueling the Saudi-led bombing campaign and demanding an independent war crimes investigation.

In contrast to the dominant media narrative, Corbyn's letter places the American and British role in arming Saudi Arabia front-and-center.

"Note how Corbyn doesn't just flamboyantly lament the destruction of Yemen as if it's a natural disaster, nor does he lay blame on other countries," observes The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald. "He explicitly notes his own government's key role in it. U.S . media could learn from that."

(A P)

Britannien fordert Ende der Jemen-Blockade

Mein Kommentar: Diese iranische Webseite stellt auf Deutsch nur einen Aspekt der Rede heraus. Auf Englisch wesentlich mehr:

(* A P)

Minister for the Middle East speech on the situation in Yemen

Minister Burt addresses parliament about Yemen.

Her Majesty’s Government remains deeply concerned by the humanitarian situation in Yemen and the impact recent restrictions are having on what was already the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and largest ever cholera outbreak.

We recognise the risk of a severe deterioration of the humanitarian situation, if restrictions are not quickly removed and call on all parties to ensure immediate access for commercial and humanitarian supplies through all Yemen’s land, air and sea ports.

But we should be clear about the reality of the conflict in Yemen.

The United Kingdom remains committed to supporting Saudi Arabia to address its legitimate security needs.

We are therefore deeply concerned by reports that Iran has provided the Houthis with ballistic missiles.

Comment: One sided smug colonialist mentality of setting one Arab side against another and not caring about the slaughter of millions in the UK's bid to sell lots of nasty weapons and justifying the extermination of millions by the Saudi led coalition by using the excuse of the Houthi takeover of Sanaa - which whilst not in itself a commendable thing to do, it is only a very small part of the history of the terrible situation in Yemen - which has b even worsened by the interference of international actors. Yemenis are dying for God's sake.

My comment: The UK is a warring party siding with Saudi Arabia. The “deep concern” is propaganda directed at the public. This speech is full of hypocrisy and absurdity.

And this is the whole debate in parliament:

(* A B P)

UK: Leaders, academics raise alarm over Saudi 'crisis'

Saudi Arabia is a country in crisis, from the kingdom's contribution to more bloodshed in Yemen to its growing rivalry with Iran, as it attempts to convince the rest of the world that liberalism is expanding at home, delegates at a conference in the UK capital have heard.

As the kingdom reels from a rapid succession of developments, politicians and academics gathered in London to speak on Saturday at the "Crisis in Saudi Arabia: War, Succession and the Future" summit, attended by around 200 people and organised by the non-profit press monitoring organisation Middle East Monitor.

Paddy Ashdown, the former leader of Britain's Liberal Democratic party who once mediated in the Bosnian conflict, warned that it was crucial for countries such as the UK and US not to take sides in a standoff unfolding between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* A P)

Regierungspressekonferenz: Jemen-Krieg ist ein „innerstaatlicher bewaffneter Konflikt“

Bei der Regierungspressekonferenz knüpfte RT Deutsch im Zusammenhang mit Rüstungsexporten nach Saudi-Arabien an ein Statement des Auswärtigen Amts aus der vergangenen Woche an. Laut diesem handele es sich beim Krieg im Jemen, um einen „innerstaatlichen Konflikt“.

Auf die Frage des Journalisten Hans Jessen, ob die Bundesregierung denn nun davon ausgehe, dass im Jemen kein Krieg stattfinde, spricht Adebahr mit einem Verweis auf das Völkerrecht von einem „innerstaatlichen bewaffneten Konflikt“. Nicht nur die Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V. spricht jedoch vom „Krieg im Jemen“. und Film:

Mein Kommentar: Dasselbe hatten wir schon letzte Woche: und : Regierungsamtliche Realitätsverweigerung, die zur Kumpanei mit Massenschlächtern wird.

(A P)

Konflikt wegen Gabriel-Äußerungen: Saudi-Arabien sagt Gespräche in Berlin ab

Die Krise mit Saudi-Arabien schwelt weiter. Nachdem die saudische Regierung Berlin am Wochenende so laut wie lange nicht mehr kritisiert hatte, sagte Riad nun den Besuch eines hochrangigen Offiziellen in Deutschland ab. Der Sonderbeauftragte für die humanitäre Hilfe im Nachbarland Jemen wollte in Berlin Gespräche im Auswärtigen Amt führen. Am Wochenende dann wurde die Visite kurzfristig abgesagt.

Die Absage ist ein weiteres Zeichen, wie prekär die Beziehungen zwischen Berlin und Riad derzeit sind.

Hierzu mehr:, cp4 und, cp 4

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the situation in Yemen

Access of humanitarian and commercial goods to large parts of Yemen - where most of the population is concentrated - has now remained blocked for two weeks, despite the opening of sea and airports under the control of the Government. This is having a dramatic impact on the delivery of life-saving assistance and an ever deteriorating situation on the ground.

While fully recognising the serious security threat incoming from Yemen, it is our firm belief that hindering vital humanitarian access to the Yemeni population that is already on the brink of famine and subject to a spreading cholera outbreak will not effectively address these security concerns.

Restoring immediate and full humanitarian and commercial access to Yemen, as provided under International Humanitarian Law, is urgently needed.

Comment: Aseptic Ms Mogherini citing threat coming from #Yemen but never a word on the Saudi led Coalition. Surreal

Comment: If the High Representative/Vice-President of the European Union do not dare to mention the The Saudi coalition in his Statement, then No wonder the humanitarian crisis in #Yemen has not and will not ended.

My comment: I agree to these comments!

(A E P)

Putin, Saudi king, stress need to coordinate over energy markets: Kremlin

(* B K P)

‘Canada is back’ (just not in Yemen)

Canada is playing both sides in a horrifying civil war in Yemen, arming the antagonists and offering scant aid to the victims

Canada is not a bystander in this war, in ways both good and bad.

And yet, when the new Liberal government came to power, one of the first things it did was approve the export of $15 billion in light armored vehicles (LAVs) to Saudi Arabia. Not surprisingly, and contrary to promises this would never happen, those vehicles have been spotted being used against civilians.

This government loves to claim “Canada is back”. If you want to say that and mean it, you have to pay the price. And Yemen is a good place to start.

(A K P)

Navy fails to exercise common sense with Saudi boarding party

Images of Australian and Saudi sailors conducting a joint boarding exercise in the Red Sea in August illustrate just how easy it is for the military to become entangled in political controversies in the Middle East unless on high alert for possible compromise.

From appearances, the boarding exercise took place with HMAS Newcastle and the Saudi navy’s replenishment oiler Boraida. While no details have been released, the action may well have been organised at the local level between the commanders on the two ships. Yet regardless of whether it was approved higher up the chain of command, bilateral military activities with Saudi forces should be heavily scrutinised. Conducting boarding-party training with the Saudi navy, which is prosecuting a heavily criticised naval blockade in the same maritime zone, was certainly not a smart move given that boarding operations are such a key aspect of enforcing a blockade.

(A P)

Western democracy advocates seated around the Bahrian foreign minister. (photo)

My comment: Nice “democracy advocates”, John Kerry (advocated for democracy in Yemen) and Condoleeza Rice (the same in Iraq) with minister of a feudal regime. Fine. These are the advocates democracy needs.

(* A P)

Israeli minister reveals covert contacts with Saudi Arabia

An Israeli cabinet minister said on Sunday that Israel has had covert contacts with Saudi Arabia amid common concerns over Iran, a first disclosure by a senior official from either country of long-rumoured secret dealings.

(A P)

[Malaysian] PM extols Islamic virtues, silent on Yemen

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak addressed the World Islamic Economic Forum today and spoke of some conflicts happening in the Islamic world today, but was silent on the ongoing war in Yemen.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* A P)

'Closed-Mindedness, Totalitarianism and Aggression': Qatar FM on Saudi-Led Bloc

Qatar's FM said "regional players are acting irresponsibly" and accused them of perpetuating "drama and discord"

He added that the Saudi-led bloc is attempting to subdue smaller regional countries like Qatar, Yemen, and Lebanon

He accused the bloc of using methods of intimidation, creating crises, manipulating financial markets, and terrorizing citizens

Saudi's influence on Hariri is an attempt to shift regional power away from Iran, he said

My comment: He is simple right. But what about Qatar itself?

(* A P)

We founded Qatar, we will purge it and get it back, says Sheikh Sultan bin Suhaim

We established Qatar and must purge the country and “rescue it before it plunges into chaos and is manipulated by corrupt people,” Qatar’s Sheikh Sultan bin Suhaim has told a tribal meeting of Saudis at Jouf Bani Hajjer in the east of the country.
The country is not in the hands of its true people but “we will get it back,” he said.

My comment: The Saudis still favour a “regime change” at Qatar. And also see (not available in the moment)

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

Siehe / Look at

(* A P)

Hisbollah-Generalsekretär dementiert Lieferung ballistischer Raketen an Jemen

Der Generalsekretär der libanesischen Hisbollah hat die Behauptung der Arabischen Liga über die Lieferung ballistischer Raketen durch die Hisbollah an den Jemen zurückgewiesen.är_dementiert_lieferung_ballistischer_raketen_an_jemen

(* A P)

Lebanon's Hezbollah denies sending weapons to Yemen

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah said on Monday his Iran-backed group had not sent any weapons to Yemen and categorically denied that it was behind the firing of a ballistic missile that was launched at Riyadh from territory held by Yemeni Houthi rebels. and also

My comment: It’s really hard to imagine how they should have achieved that.

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K P)

Yemen: Calls for Australia to disclose defence deals with Saudi Arabia

The Australian Government has been called on to disclose all defence deals it has made with Saudi Arabia, as the humanitarian crisis in Yemen worsens.

Amnesty International said Australia "is legally obliged" to make sure any defence sales are not being used to commit human rights violations in Yemen.

"We're calling on Australia to fully disclose all transfer details and deals they've made with the Saudi-led coalition, and make public what are the end user agreements."

The Department of Defence routinely refuses to reveal what those licenses are for.

(* A K P)

Russia's Arms Sales To Middle East Countries Spike To Record-High Levels

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is interested in procuring the Sukhoi Su-35 multi-role fighter. The country is considering the purchase of 10 or more of such aircraft. The UAE and Russia signed a letter of intent on the purchase of Su-35 fighter jets in Feb. 2017. The talks are in progress. The Emirates will be the second country after China to buy the plane.

The UAE has already purchased Russian ground weapons, such as BMP-3 infantry combat vehicles and Pantsir S1 air-defense systems. In February, the Emirates entered into military contracts with Russia worth $1.9 billion. The deal includes 5,000 anti-armor missiles in addition to training and logistic support. The UAE started talks with Rostec company on the development of light fighter based on the MiG-29 twin-engine aircraft with development set to kick off in 2018.

The military cooperation with the UAE is a good example to illustrate the increasingly growing demand for Russian weapons in the Middle East. Orders from Arab countries account for roughly 20 percent of Russian weapons' exports.Last year, Russia delivered more than $1.5 billion in arms to Algeria, $37 million to Egypt, $374 million to Iran and $300 million to Iraq. Today, the Russia's portfolio of weaponry orders from the countries of the region is $8 billion. In 2017, the Russian defence industry has been making major inroads in the Middle East and North Africa. Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Tunisia are interested in purchasing Russian weapon systems.

(* A K P)

UAE to develop autonomous helicopter system based on Russian Ka-226 helicopter

Russian Helicopters company announced plans to take part in the joint project with United Arab Emirates (UAE) to develop the autonomous helicopter system based on Russian Ka-226 lightweight multirole helicopter.

According to Algerian Mena Defense, the new remote-controlled helicopter can will the ability to autonomously take-off and land on any prepared and unprepared landing zones.

JSC “Moscow scientific-production complex “Avionica” named after O.V.Uspensky” is engaged in the adaptation of the ESU-V electro-remote control system for the unmanned Ka-226. Now there are preliminary works on the arrangement of the system by helicopter.

(* A K P)

The United Arab Emirates signed a deal with Turkish Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKE) to purchase MK82 and MK84 general-purpose bombs worth 74.29 million dirhams ($20.2 million). (photo; from Dubai Air Show?)

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* A T)

Terrorism’s Muslim Brotherhood roots

The fight to uproot terrorism and extremism begins at its Muslim Brotherhood roots, with that organisation’s structure, doctrines and ideologues

The US government has recently released to the public a large batch of documents that were recovered in the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in May 2011. What strikes one immediately, in these documents, is how the terrorist ideology that obsessed Bin Laden was rooted in Muslim Brotherhood ideology. The Al-Qaeda leader was steeped in the literature published by the Muslim Brotherhood’s founders and ideologues and he familiarised himself with their ideas directly through his contacts with Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Yemen.

If the release of the Bin Laden documents takes us back again to the origins of extremist Islamist thought, it also reminds us that regardless of the notoriety that some terrorist organisations, such as Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS) group, acquire from time to time, the Muslim Brotherhood remains the mother school.

My comment: Links between Bin Laden and the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood (Islah Party) in Yemen. But keep in mind that the Egyptian regime is strictly anti-Muslim Botherhood for internal reasons, as deposed president Mursi is aligned to it.

(* A T)

Pro-#alQaeda #Yemen wire claims #AQAP broke the Houthi offensive on Yakla, Nawfan & al-Jasima in al-Bayda' yday. Jihadists launched a 2-pronged attack, encircling the enemy. Dozens of Houthis killed & booty seized. If true, sounds like AQAP still significant presence in al-Bayda'

(A T)

Pro-#alQaeda wire from Abyan in #Yemen lists 3 "martyrs" of a "Crusader bombing" (likely US #drone strike) yesterday: Abu al-Layth al-Sana'ani, Hudhayfah al-'Awlaqi & a mujahid from Aden.

(* B T)

Defeating IS in Yemen

While the Islamic State has faced major defeats in Iraq and Syria, the protracted war in Yemen has provided the terrorist group's branch in that country oxygen to breathe.

The local IS branch — IS-Yemen — is displaying stronger capabilities and greater influence through continued exploitation of Yemen’s state collapse, civil war and humanitarian disaster.

Washington shares Abu Dhabi’s concerns that Yemen is becoming more of a safe haven for radical Sunni militants seeking to target both Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members as well as Western countries and interests across the Arab world. As IS fighters flee Iraq and Syria, there are legitimate anxieties about more foreign fighters joining IS-Yemen’s ranks as the local branch continues to spill blood.

Ultimately, IS-Yemen is unique in facing staunch opposition from virtually all involved parties in Yemen’s multidimensional civil war. Despite a mixed record of coordination, AQAP and IS-Yemen forces have clashed as well, with AQAP’s propaganda portraying AQAP as more “moderate” than IS-Yemen.

Unfortunately, although essentially all global, regional and local actors in Yemen share an interest in defeating IS-Yemen, a continuation of the Yemeni civil war will undermine these parties’ capacity to weaken the Yemeni wing of IS. These extremists have a high interest for Yemen’s civil war to rage on and for the humanitarian crisis to worsen because the biggest threat to the groups' strength would be a centralized Yemeni government building up enough legitimacy and military might to take on IS-Yemen and AQAP – by Giorgio Cafiero

(A T)

#IslamicState in #Yemen releases 3 photos of Wilayat al-Bayda' allegedly firing 82mm mortars at Houthi positions today in Sablat al-Jurm (Jarm) on its usual Qayfa front. Lack of photos of any IS fighters may indicate diminished numbers after recent US strikes and

(A T)

#AlQaeda's women's wire tackles that awkward question: Men enjoy 72 virgins, but what's so great about Paradise for #women? Cue Imam al-Qurtubi (d.1273): Women will be prettier & higher ranking than the virgins. I think it's safe to assume AQ's women's wire is written by guys

(A T)

US strikes al-Qaida in Yemen

U.S. forces carried out two airstrikes Nov. 19-20 in Yemen targeting al-Qaida militants in Bayda governorate, according to U.S. Central Command.

The results of the strikes are still being assessed


(A T)

A reported U.S. airstrike killed three suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants in a training camp in Yakla village, al Bayda governorate, central Yemen on November 19 [3]

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Human Rights Coalition: Houthis committed 3400 violations against children in Hajjah

The Houthis militants have committed 3,392 violations against children in Hajah province, northwestern Yemen, since the beginning of 2014, the year that the Houthis group began its war against Yemenis, the rights coalition said on Nov. 20 2017, the World Children's Day

My comment: This sounds like propaganda. This “Human Rights Coalition“ seems tob e another Hadi’s friends‘ circus. Just google “ “Human Rights Coalition“ Yemen” .

(A P)

Help for Jordan and Yemen

How Germany supports the two countries that have suffered gravely under war and crises.

Germany has announced that it will continue to provide intensive support for Jordan and Yemen. Both countries have suffered under war and its consequences. Five questions and answers.

What is the situation in Yemen?

Difficult – and it has continued to deteriorate since the Saudi air attacks. More than 20 million people are dependent on relief supplies, according to humanitarian organizations.

My comment: No word of german arms exports to Saudi Arabia. No word of German political support for Saudi Arabia, no word of German alliance with the US.

(A P)

Houthi militias recruited 4000 women fighters, says HOOD

The Houthi rebel militia allied with the former dictator Ali Saleh in fighting the government has recruited 4000 women fighters under the age of 18 years to radicalize them to carry out terror attacks; intimidations and murders within the parts of the country that the radical militias control, Hood Organization for Human Rights said on Saturday.

My comment: This obviously is propaganda. And at the HOOD website, which seems not to have been changed since 2013, you find nothing about it.

(A P)

Houthis force Saadis to store weapons in their houses

Houthis have forced the population of Sohar, Baqem, Dhahynan and Haydan districts of Saada to store the rebel militias' weapons in their houses as a warfare tactic to keep them scattered in smaller quantities than concentrated in few larger depots and be vulnerable to Arab Coalition airstrikes.

My comment: This sounds like a justification for relentlessly bombing all civilian houses in the region. Disgusting.

(A P)

Pilot sneaks from "capital of darkness, hunger and disease" to Marib

My comment: Well, Sanaa is this mostly due to Saudi blockade and air raids. And he lost his job because of the Saudis ended all commercial (and now all other flights) to Sanaa.

(A P)

KSrelief carries out 248 humanitarian projects in 38 countries, Al-Rabeeah tells officials in Rome

Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, supervisor general of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), on Sunday told senior officials in Rome that his center has implemented 248 humanitarian projects in 38 countries, foremost of which is Yemen.

My comment: A new propaganda campaign: The Saudis as human benefactors, especially in Yemen.

(A P)

Member of Italian Parliament Appreciates KSA For Assistance to Yemen

Member of Italian Parliament from the Democratic Party Khalid Shawqi has expressed his appreciation for great efforts being exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid in providing humanitarian aid to Yemen.

(A P)

Yemen FM: ‘Iranian regime has pushed too far through its proxy, the Houthis’

Yemen’s foreign minister told the Arab League in Cairo that “the Iran regime has pushed too far through its proxy, the Houthis, in annihilating Yemenis,” SABA reported.

Iran “supplied the Houthi militias with all types of weapons … which enabled them to overrun the country’s capital and on their way detonate residences, schools, places of worship and public and private facilities,” Abdul-Malik Al-Mekhlafi said.

“Firing the ballistic missiles toward Riyadh and the bombing of oil pipeline in Bahrain are all dangerous developments emanating from the Iranian agenda,” Al-Mekhlafi continued.

(A P)

Arab coalition forms committee to manage requests of those affected in Yemen

The Joint Incident Assessment Team (JIAT) of the Arab Coalition announced that a committee was formed upon a royal order to manage the requests of those affected in Yemen.
JIAT said that the Houthis chose their headquarters to be near hospitals. The team added in a press conference in Riyadh that the bombing operations are based upon intelligence information, which is aligned with the international and humanitarian laws.
The team confirmed that the Arab alliance targeted a camp in Ibb and not a residential building. The team presented pictures refuting allegations that the coalition is bombing residential buildings.
JIAT clarified that the coalition raids targeted ballistic missile launchers used by the Houthis.
The assessment team also said that the results confirmed the coalition attacks "for legitimate military purposes."

My comment: LOL. The Joint Incident Assessment Team (JIAT) is a Saudi propaganda scam disguised as a team for investigating air strikes. – “committee to manage requests of those affected in Yemen”: The damage by Saudi coalition air raids in Yemen had been estimated ca. US$ 130 billion a year ago. Open you burse, Saudis. But this “committee” is just a propaganda scam.


(A P)

Independent body rejects criticism of coalition airstrikes in Yemen

An independent assessment panel on Yemen found airstrikes launched by the Saudi-led coalition fully justified.
The coalition complied with military rules of engagement and international humanitarian laws, the panel said.
The coalition on Sunday renewed its call to international agencies to sit “face to face” to discuss untrue reports of civilian casualties and violations in Yemen.
“The Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) has invited international human rights bodies to discuss all cases, and provide details for assessment before accusing the coalition of reckless attacks,” said JIAT spokesman and legal adviser Mansour Ahmed Al-Mansour.
“We’ve asked them to give full information, including photos and coordinates of targets proving violations… but have received inadequate information,” he added.
“JIAT, representing the member states of the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen, found airstrikes justified and in accordance with international humanitarian laws in five different cases, citing the presence of armed militants at or near those targets.”

My comment: The bad joke is beginning with the first word, “independent”. And the same by Emirati press agency:

Comment: And here we have news from Saudi Arabia. They just tell lies. Al Jubair was on BBC two days ago stating that the Houthis had destroyed the cranes in Hodeida whereas it was the Saudis in 2015 and even Asiri was interviewed by Nawaf Al Maghafi stating that they would not allow the replacement cranes to be refitted. They denied using cluster bombs despite much evidence to the contrary until evidence forced them to come clean. And now they have more inadequate and biased investigations into their crimes in Yemen. The Yemen war needs a full international investigation, not this rubbish produced by JIAT that is led by the same judge who cleared Bahrain and Saudi Arabia of crimes when they attacked peaceful protesters in Bahrain.

and they even tell more:

(A P)

Yemen investigation panel accuses Houthis of putting bases near hospitals

The accusations were among the findings of a wave of incident reports in Yemen by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team, which investigates accusations of civilian casualties.

An investigation panel set up by the Saudi-led coalition has accused Houthi rebels in Yemen of using sites close to hospitals and schools to conduct their operations and host military barracks.

The accusations were among the findings of a wave of incident reports in Yemen by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team, which investigates accusations of civilian casualties.

"The Houthi and the ousted militias are using sites adjacent to hospitals,” Mansour Al Mansour, the assessment team spokesman, said at King Salman Airbase on Monday.

(A P)

Injured Yemenis arrive in India for treatment at UAE expense

My comment: And they bombed them first.

(A P)

Coalition targets in Yemen based on precise intelligence - Assessment Team

My comment: This is propaganda fiction. Facts can be seen here:, scroll to part 3.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

The Violation and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 17 - 21 Nov 2017

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K PH)

#BREAKING NEWS Reports That #Saudi #UAE Coalition strike targeted a car belong to #WFP n Alsllow area n #Taiz Reports of casualties

(* A K PH)

9 citizens killed in US-Saudi air strikes on Hodeida

Nine citizens were killed and three others wounded when the US-Saudi aggression coalition fighter jets waged a strike on al-Khokhah district of Hodeida province, a military official told Saba on Tuesday.
The strike hit a truck on the main road in al-Mawashaj area in the district, killing nine citizens and wounding three others in an initial toll



(* A K PH)

The names of the martyrs of the massacre committed by the Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight on 20/11/2017 against Marah were on a truck on the year (photos)


(* A K PH)

Film: A crime committed by the coalition of aggression against the citizens of Hodeidah 21-11-2017

A new crime committed by the American Saudi Arabian Air Force targeting citizens of Kano on board a transport truck for farmers in the public street in the district of Muhaj in the Directorate of Khokha in Hodeidah province =

(A K PH)

2 civilians killed in airstrikes on Saada

The US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes launched a strike on Monabah district of Saada province, an official told Saba on Tuesday.
The strike hit a car in the high way in Al-Moqna area in the district, killing two citizens.

(A K PH)

2 fishermen martyred in US-Saudi aggression air strikes on Hodeidah

At least two fishermen were killed and two others wounded on Monday morning when US-Saudi aggression coalition Apache helicopters targeted them in Khokha district of Hodeidah Red Sea province

(A K PH)

US-Saudi airstrike wounds citizen in Jawf

A Citizen was wounded when a US-Saudi aggression warplane targeted his car in the highway of al-Malttah district of al-Jawf province on Monday

(A K PH)

Citizen killed in Saudi airstrikes hit Sanaa

A citizen was killed and six others were wounded in US-Saudi air strikes on Sunday hit Hamadan district of Sanaa province six times, an official told Saba.
The strikes hit Bait Na'am area in the district, killing the citizen, injuring six others and heavy damaging to houses of the citizens.

(* A K PH)

8 children, 3 women killed in Saudi airstrikes on Jawf

Eight children and three women were killed on Sunday when the US-Saudi fighter jets waged a strike on their house in al-Maslub district of Jawf province, an official told Saba.
The strike hit the house completely in al-Hijah area in the district, killing eight children and three women.

(A K PH)

Child injured in Saudi air strikes on Sanaa

A child was injured when US-backed Saudi aggression combat jets waged three strikes on Hamadan district of Sanaa province overnight, an official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes hit Bait Na'am area in the district, injuring the child and damaging several houses of the citizens

(A K PH)

Film: the aggression Saudi American continues to target property Baqam Directorate in Saada 19-11-2017 =

(A K PH)

More air raids recorded on:

Nov. 22: Hajjah prov. Marib prov. Saada prov., Jizan (KSA)

Nov. 21: Marib prov. Taiz prov. Hajjah prov.

Nov. 20: Sanaa prov. Hajjah prov. Saada prov. Taiz prov. Marib prov.

Nov. 19: Taiz prov. Hajjah prov. Taiz prov.

Nov. 18: and Mocha, Taiz prov. Hajjah prov. Nehm Hodeida prov. Taiz prov. Saada prov. Serwah district, Marib prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PS)

Houthis launch two ballistic missiles towards Marib, third failed

A local source told Almasderonline on Monday that the Houthis-Saleh forces fired two ballistic missiles from 140 brigade air defense ( al Ghosh camp) located in Dola'a area of Hamdan district, northern Sana'a, towards Marib city, eastern the capital Sana'a, and failed in launching the third where it was exploded at the launch base.

(A K PS)

Army makes more advances toward militia-held Sana'a

The army has taken control of 90% of Nehm, an eastern suburban district of Sana'a, where the battles have been almost frozen for years, now stepping up a final push toward the capital controlled by the Houthi-Saleh militias.

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition is providing an aerial coverage for that campaign.

My comment: As claimed by pro.Hadi islah party media.

(A K PH)

the Saudi artillery and missiles shelling hit several farms and properties of the citizens in different areas in two districts of Monabah and Ghamar in Saada province, causing heavy damages

(A K PS)

Houthi militias shell Moreis villages with heavy artillery

(* A K PS)
Houthis kill six new civilians in Lahj

The Houthi-Saleh rebel militias have killed six civilians in a fresh attack on al-Jawaziaah village in al-Qabbayta district in Lahj, medical sources said.

The sources in Toor al-Baha Hospital said the militias shelled the village madly on Saturday afternoon killing six people all of them children save one.

(A K PS)

Houthi-Saleh sniper guns down farmer in Beidha

(A K PS)

Houthi snipers shoot an officer, three soldiers, and a civilian eastern Taiz

(A K PH)

Saudi-paid mercenaries launched an artillery shelling on various areas in Serwah district, Marib province, causing heavy damage to houses and farms of the citizens

(A K PH)

Saudi artillery and missile hit the border areas in Ghamir district in Saada province, causing heavy damage to houses, farms of the citizens and the main road

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B H)

Thana Faroq's Women of Yemen

Thana Faroq is a documentary photographer from Yemen, who recently added this stunning, startling set of images focusing on the women of Yemen, a country where an under-reported Civil War has wrought devastation and hardship since 2015. “My aim is to shade a light on these women’s struggles, portray their situation and produce not only startling portraits but also powerful stories”. Thana’s images show Yemeni women working as photographers to provide for their families; schoolchildren in their uniform after a year without education; and women who have survived conflict by fleeing their homes before having to marry for safety. “Though each woman has suffered the war differently, they all share one thing in common: the resilient spirit.” (photos)


Eric Lafforgue: 268 Yemen photos


Reintroducing Yemeni coffee to America

Connoisseurs swear this coffee from a far-off land is, well, good to the last drop. Very, VERY good. And as John Blackstone tells us, for the price, it better be:

(* B P)

Film: Jemen Mit 14 in die Todeszelle: Doku

Dutzende Jugendliche warten im Jemen auf die Vollstreckung ihrer Todesstrafe – Jemen zählt mit Saudi-Arabien, dem Sudan und dem Iran zu den vier Ländern, die jugendliche Straftäter zwischen 14 und 18 zum Tode verurteilen. Ein wenig Hoffnung besteht immerhin im Jemen: Die neue Regierung, an die Macht gekommen durch die Demokratiebewegung des arabischen Frühlings, prüft derzeit das ganze Justizsystem.

Bemerkung: Neu eingestellt, aber offenbar von 2012.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-358 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-358: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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