Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 376 - Yemen War Mosaic 376

Yemen Press Reader 376: 14. Jan. 2018: Opferzahlen MONA Relief –Emirate im Jemen–Neuer UN-Bericht–Lebensmittelkrise–Hintergrundberichte–Saudis in Ost-Jemen–Propaganda – Saudi- Luftangriffe, Tote

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Jan. 14, 2018: Total figure of victims – MONA Relief – The Emirates in Yemen (in German) – New UN report – Food crisis – Baxckground reporting – Saudis in Eastern Yemen – Fed up with propaganda – Saudi air raids, victims – and more

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Huthi-Raketen / Houthi missiles

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B P)

Yemeni media organization: 2,250 violations against journalists since Houthi coup

A report issued on Friday by the National Organization of Yemeni Media “Sada” revealed that 2,250 cases of violation against journalists and media workers, and their institutions, were recorded since the Houthi militia coup against the legitimate government in Yemen until the end of December 2017.
In its report titled “Price of Abandonment,” the organization — according to the official Saba news agency — held the Iranian-backed Houthi militia accountable for 85 percent of documented violations against journalists in 21 Yemeni governorates.
It said the capital Sanaa, under militias control, topped the list of documented violations with 88 percent.
According to the report, 20 types of violations committed by the Houthi militia against media workers were recorded.
These violations included “abduction, enforced disappearance, murder, physical assault, targeting of houses, occupation of media institutions, and security prosecution.”
Over the past three years, the Houthi militia has been reported to have killed 22 journalists through sniping, using them as human shields, and 141 journalists have been kidnapped, the report said. and

My comment: Houthi violations of journalism and journalists do happen on a great scale – but whether the Hadi-government’s biased great number counts actually are fact or fiction, is another question. And the fact that the media of the mother country of press freedom Saudi Arabia misuse this for anti-enemy propaganda, that’s still another thing.

(** B P)

Yemeni Human Rights Blogger Hisham Al-Omeisy Has Been Missing for 150 Days

It has been 150 days since Yemeni political analyst and blogger Hisham al-Omeisy was detained by Houthi rebels.

At approximately 2:45 pm on 14 August 2017, a group of security officers from the Houthi-controlled National Security Bureau (NSB) arrested Hisham Al-Omeisy in the neighborhood of Jawlat al-Misbahi in the capital Sana’a.

According to a local journalist, Al-Omeisy was arrested for exchanging emails in English with US-based organizations. Although 150 days have passed since Al-Omeisy's arrest, he remains in an undisclosed location and has not been charged, a violation of Yemeni law and international law.

Since his arrest, he has been held incommunicado where he has no access to a lawyer nor his family. All this suggests that Al-Omeisy has become a victim of enforced disappearance, a practice many other Yemenis have been subjected to, either at the hands of Houthis or the Saudi-led coalition fighting against them.

His family members — including his wife and two young sons, Khaled and Saif — are concerned about his health and safety.

Before his detention, Hisham Al-Omeisy was outspoken about the ongoing conflict in Yemen.

Through his Twitter account and his contributions to international media, he provided commentary and analysis on Yemen’s conflict and reported on daily events including airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition.

He also denounced violations committed by the different warring parties and spoke out about the humanitarian impact of the conflict.

The arrest and detention of Hisham Al-Omeisy is another example of the harassment and targeting of human rights defenders and journalists in Yemen as they attempt to draw attention to the ongoing conflict and strive to promote and protect human rights.

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) expresses serious concern for the health and safety of Hisham Al-Omeisy, particularly as he is being held incommunicado in an undisclosed location. GCHR expresses further concern for the situation of all those in Yemen who are being targeted as a result of legitimately reporting on the conflict – by Khalid Ibrahim, executive director of the Gulf Center for Human Rights, an independent, non-profit organisation that promotes freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly in the Gulf region and its neighbouring countries (with images, tweets) =

(* B P)

Iranische Einflussnahme führt zu Todesurteil im Jemen

Am 2. Jänner 2018 verhängte ein Sondergericht in Sanaa, Jemen, ein Todesurteil gegen Hamid bin Haydara, einen Bahá'í, der bereits seit vier Jahren auf Grund seines Glaubens inhaftiert ist. Das Todesurteil, das in einem von groben Mängeln und Folter gezeichneten Verfahren erfolgt ist, soll öffentlich vollstreckt werden; ein Zeitpunkt dafür wurde noch nicht bekannt gegeben. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des Jemens wurde ein Todesurteil alleine wegen der religiösen Zugehörigkeit gefällt, was diesen Fall zum Höhepunkt der religiös motivierten Gewalt im Jemen macht.

„Die in diesem Ausmaß unerwartete Eskalation der Unterdrückung der Bahá’í im Jemen – nach Wellen von Inhaftierungen in jüngster Zeit – und die gelieferten Begründungen zeigen unverkennbar die Handschrift der im Iran praktizierten Verfolgung der Bahá’í“ erklärt Anja Spengler von der österreichischen Bahá’í-Gemeinde. „Wir schließen uns dem Appell der Internationalen Bahá’í-Gemeinde gerichtet an die Huthi-Führung an und fordern eine unverzügliche Aufhebung dieses Urteils sowie die Freilassung von Herrn Hamed bin Haydara und den weiteren derzeit noch inhaftierten Bahá‘í.“

Inmitten des Konflikts bemühen sich jemenitische Angehörige der Bahá’í-Religion einen friedlichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lage zu leisten.

(* B P)

Baha’i Man Sentenced to Public Execution in Yemen. His Crime? Practicing His Faith

In December 2013, Hamed Kamal Muhammad bin Haydara disappeared into the maze that is Yemen’s National Security Bureau (NSB). Over the course of four years, he was tortured and denied a fair trial. His wife and daughters were not allowed to visit, nor did he get to meet legal counsel. Finally, on January 2, 2018, Haydara, was sentenced to public execution by the specialised criminal court in Yemen’s capital Sana’a. He wasn’t even present in court.

One of around 2,000 Baha’is in Yemen, he was picked up for something one would take for granted in a secular country: practicing his faith.

In Yemen, an Islamic society, the constitution does not recognise any other religion barring Judaism. This is why the trumped up charges against Haydara are, in most part, for “insulting Islam”, “apostasy” and urging Muslims to “embrace the Baha’i religion”.

The sentence has been met with protests by international human rights groups

Remark: English reports already in YPR 375, 374.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H K)

The death toll in both UN and media reporting on Yemen has been so ridiculously underestimated and minimized. In January 2017, OCHA reported 10,000 Yemenis had been killed in violence. But 12 months and thousands of Saudi airstrikes later, the AP is still using this tiny figure.

This "10,000 Yemenis killed" figure is also an extreme understatement because it's only a conservative estimate of *violent* deaths. It's likely hundreds of thousands more Yemenis have died from hunger and preventable disease. UNICEF reported 63,000 children died in 2016 alone.

Save the Children reported in November that more than 50,000 Yemeni children died from hunger and disease in 2017 alone. In addition to 63,000 Yemeni children who died in 2016. That's at least 113,000 Yemeni children killed in 22 months of US-Saudi war.

(** B H)
Interview with the founder and CEO of Mona Relief

I started working as a humanitarian after the Saudi-led coalition launched a bombing campaign in Yemen in March 2015. I could not stay home or watching while my country was in need of all of us. When the humanitarian situation started to deteriorate because of ongoing war and blockade, I decided to do something to help affected people. My humanitarian work has been focused on saving lives of IDPs and most vulnerable people in Amanat Al-Asimah “Sanaa the capital”, Sanaa the governorate, Amran, Saada, Hodeida, Marib, Dhamar, Mahwit and Hajjah.

I am the CEO of MonaRelief and have two main tasks, the office task is focused on daily and weekly communications with donors, international and local aid agencies and people that come to my office and ask for help. I also attend meetings of the UN and international organizations to discuss the situation and coordinate activities in Yemen. Moreover, I network with local organizations and support individual aid initiatives.

The field task: I am the leader of my field crews. I visit cities and areas to distribute and supervise the delivery of aid to the needy people. I also assess where, how, why and to whom aid must be given, besides supervising the performance of the field crews in order to guarantee everything is done in a good way.

Foreigners need to know that Yemen is facing the world’s largest humanitarian crisis and that all basic services are on the brink of total collapse. People in Yemen are dying from hunger and disease outbreaks while people outside Yemen either do not know about us or are just watching.

Main page:


(** B H)

Journey through Yemen – Yemen’s War and Travel

This is what makes all the pain, all the danger, and all of the after effects worthwhile in venturing into finding the truth for yourself. This is Yemen, true Arabia.

Traveling in any conflict zone brings risks, but I have a purpose for traveling to these places, and that is to bring awareness about the situation in Yemen, and help the people of this country in the future.

Explaining Yemen’s War

The world has labeled Yemen’s war as the forgotten war. After driving across the nation for five weeks observing the countries conflict I can relay to you the Yemeni people’s perspective on the war. During my journey here I stayed with locals, interacted with coalition and Houthi supporters, was jailed, interrogated and witnessed the after effects of the death of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Here is a quick explanation of the largest groups in Yemen.

What it’s like to Travel through Yemen

Traveling here you must first take into consideration which territories are controlled by who. This is important as the rules change with every new territory you enter. Apart from the rules changing, the security changes drastically as well. For example, the Coalition territory was rather lawless, while the Houthi were more suspicious of me and required more permits.

Knowing the security situation in each region is based on the control each government has. The Coalition being quite lawless allows terrorist organizations to run rampant in their territories. Knowing how these groups think is essential to your safety.

The security and combat are definitely big obstacles, but the hardest factor is witnessing the after-effects of war. The ones who suffer the most are the civilians of Yemen. Traveling here, every day you will see people suffering from disease, poverty, and conflict.

My Journey through Yemen: Hadhramaut Marib Sana’a: There is, however, a mountain road that takes you through the back door into Houthi controlled territory. Leaving the Coalition frontline, you pass by lines of tanks, artillery and mountain outposts covered with snipers. Manakhah and Jabal Haraz

Yemen’s Future

Finally, this is where I will give my two cents on what I have seen in Yemen’s war.

Yemen is a unique destination. The people are resilient, and the country will most definitely prosper when the war is resolved. If you read headlines like “Yemen is the next Syria” or “This is the Year Yemen Was Destroyed” ( As Vice so eloquently put it), I encourage you to blatantly accept all of this media as propaganda. I can tell you from experience there were no news agencies on the ground in Yemen, all of their news is provided by sources that have their own agendas.

Who will gain control and power of the nation at the moment is unknown, but talk to any local and they will tell you regardless of the outcome, the PEOPLE will come together to make the country prosper once again.

To simply put it, Yemen is not being divided by its own people, but instead, it is the influence of foreign powers. Even the radical groups coming to Yemen are foreign. Ask the Coalition or the Houthi’s who the real enemy is, and they will tell you it’s the ones dropping bombs and killing innocent people. It’s the ones stealing Yemen’s plentiful resources. Yemen is yet another nation to suffer because of the greed of first world powers.

Why I love Yemen – by Stephen Gollan (with photos)

(** B K P)

Der fahrlässige Poker der Emirate in Jemen

Die Emirate sind neben Saudiarabien führend bei der Militärintervention gegen die Huthi-Miliz in Jemen. Der kleine Golfstaat strebt mit zweifelhaften Methoden die Kontrolle regionaler Seehäfen an.

Die Emirate haben im Zuge ihrer Intervention im jemenitischen Bürgerkrieg mithilfe lokaler Verbündeter teilweise die Kontrolle in Aden übernommen. Imam al-Noubys Truppe gehört zum sogenannten Security Belt, einem Truppenverband, den die Emirate begründet haben. Er ist eine von vielen Gruppen, die sich im Chaos von Aden um die Vorherrschaft streiten.

Hani al-Guneid, ein Aktivist und Freund des Ermordeten, weiss aus erster Hand vom Terror der Truppe Noubys zu berichten.

Die Emirate präsentieren sich im Westen mittels gut bezahlter Lobbyisten als Kraft, die für freie Marktwirtschaft und säkulare Regime einsteht. Sie sind bekannt als Luxusdestination für Touristen und werden als Partner im «Kampf gegen den Terror» gepriesen. Bei westlichen Verbündeten findet ihre Interventionsarmee Bewunderung; der amerikanische General und heutige Verteidigungsminister der Vereinigten Staaten James Mattis hat die Emirate einst «kleines Sparta» genannt.

Ihre Rolle in Jemen will jedoch nicht in dieses Bild passen, das teuer bezahlte Lobbyisten der Emirate international propagieren. In den Reihen des Security Belt von Aden unter Führung der Emirate kämpfen Separatisten, welche die Einheit des Landes bedrohen, sowie Salafisten, unter ihnen so radikale Gruppen wie die Truppe Noubys. Ein parteiunabhängiger Politiker aus Aden insistiert im Gespräch, Salafisten seien innerhalb des Security Belt die stärkste Kraft. Ihre Zahl gehe in die Zehntausende. Sie seien bis an die Zähne bewaffnet und von den Emiraten finanziert: «Sie sind eine tickende Zeitbombe.»

In Jemen haben die Emirate jedoch mit radikalen Salafisten paktiert. Der Grund ist, dass für sie die Bekämpfung einer anderen Gruppe höhere Priorität hat: die Muslimbrüder. Sie sind für Abu Dhabi ein rotes Tuch.

«Die Emirate haben den Krieg in Jemen genutzt, um für sich eine autonome Einflusszone abzustecken», sagt Ulrichsen. Sie kontrollieren nicht nur Teile von Aden, dessen Hafen mit seiner Lage das Potenzial hätte, mit dem eher ungünstig gelegenen Hafen Jebel Ali von Dubai zu konkurrenzieren. Truppen und Söldner der Emirate haben mit amerikanischer Hilfe auch die Hafenstädte Mukalla und Shihr eingenommen.

Die Emirate sind in Jemen durch eigene Truppen und Söldner präsent sowie durch die Unterstützung lokaler Verbündeter.

Eine Recherche der Nachrichtenagentur APhat daneben die Existenz eines Netzwerks von 18 geheimen Haftanstalten aufgedeckt, mit dem die Emirate in Jemen operieren sollen.

Washington arbeitet in Jemen beim Kampf gegen die Kaida oft eng mit den Emiraten zusammen – von Monika Bolliger

(** B K P)

UN probe details fallout of proxy war in Yemen between Saudi coalition and Iran

A withering United Nations report on Yemen’s civil war provides fresh evidence about the extent to which Saudi Arabia and Iran have intervened in the conflict, pursuing their regional proxy war even as Yemen disintegrated into “warring statelets” that would be difficult to reunite.

A 79-page report by a U.N. expert panel bolstered accusations by the Trump administration that Iranian weapons, including ballistic missiles, have been supplied to a Yemeni rebel group called the Houthis. The U.N. panel said there were “strong indications of the supply of arms-related material manufactured in, or emanating from, the Islamic Republic of Iran,” in violation of a U.N. embargo on Yemen.

But the report also had harsh words for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, two of the Trump administration’s closest Arab allies, saying they have continued or expanded their support for Yemeni forces that undermine the authority of the government and could hasten the fragmentation of the state.

The U.N. experts were particularly critical of airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition. The U.N. previously had said that the majority of the more than 5,000 civilian deaths in the conflict were a result of the airstrikes, which are carried out by a handful of coalition countries including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, often using U.S.-supplied munitions.

The report, which has not yet been made public, was obtained by The Washington Post.

The panel’s findings, nearly three years after the eruption of widespread hostilities in Yemen, add weight to repeated warnings by aid workers and analysts about the risks of a humanitarian catastrophe, rampant human rights abuses and the potential for the battle to spill over Yemen’s borders.

With the proliferation of local rivalries and armed groups with competing loyalties, “Yemen as a state has all but ceased to exist,” the report said.

In reviewing the conduct of Saudi-led military activity, the U.N. panel examined 10 airstrikes last year that killed 157 people, including 85 children, and found that “measures taken by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in its targeting process to minimize child casualties, if any, remain largely ineffective.” And a coalition committee tasked with investigating the airstrikes had in some cases denied that strikes had taken place despite “clear evidence” to the contrary, the report said.

The report also found that the rule of law was “deteriorating rapidly across Yemen” as all parties to the conflict had carried out widespread violations of human rights – by Kareem Fahim

My comment: The death toll is not 5,000, not 10,000 – adding the victims of the blockade and taking into account that many victims of air raids never are counted, better speak of at least 200,000 deaths.

And other Western media just report the Iran connection, the other findings of the UN report are not even worth reporting:

(** A K P)

UN-Bericht: Iran verletzt Waffenembargo im Jemen

Experten der Vereinten Nationen werfen dem Iran vor, Waffen an die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen zu liefern und damit gegen ein Waffenembargo des UN-Sicherheitsrates zu verstoßen.

Die Experten waren im November und Dezember nach Saudi-Arabien gereist, um Raketenangriffe der Huthis im Mai, Juli, November und Dezember in Richtung Riad zu untersuchen. Sie identifizierten laut ihrem Bericht Reste von Raketen, zugehörige Militärausrüstung und Drohnen, "die aus dem Iran stammen und nach der Verhängung des Waffenembargos in den Jemen eingeführt wurden". Sie gehen davon aus, "dass die Islamische Republik Iran den Paragrafen 14 der Resolution 2216 nicht einhält", heißt es in dem 79-seitigen Bericht.

(** A K P)

UN report finds Iran in violation of Yemen arms embargo

Iran has violated a UN arms embargo by failing to block supplies to Yemen's Huthi rebels of ballistic missiles that were fired at Saudi Arabia, a UN panel of experts says, bolstering US and Saudi claims of Tehran's military involvement in Yemen.

The report seen by AFP on Friday does not identify the supplier but makes clear that missile debris inspected by the experts were of Iranian origin.

"The panel has identified missile remnants, related military equipment and military unmanned aerial vehicles that are of Iranian origin and were introduced into Yemen after the imposition of the targeted arms embargo" in 2015, said the report to the Security Council.

"As a result, the panel finds that the Islamic Republic of Iran is in non-compliance with paragraph 14 of resolution 2216" that imposed the ban on arms sales to Yemen, said the 79-page report presented on Tuesday.

They found that design features of the missile debris were "consistent with those of the Iranian-designed and manufactured Qiam-1 missile" and "almost certainly produced by the same manufacturer."

The drones were "virtually identical in design" to that of an Iranian-made UAV manufactured by the Iranian Aircraft Manufacturing Industries (Hesa), said the report. and also

My comment: Looking at what already had been reported before all this actually is nothing new any more. And it already had been widely discussed as well.

While Aljazeera for instance is reporting different:

(* B K P)

Steps to minimise civilian death in Yemen 'ineffective'

(with film]

And of course Iranian media stress this point of the report:

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia Accused of Rights Abuses in Yemen Civilian Deaths

and complain about bias:

(** B K P)

UN Nitpicking Iran While Saudi War Crimes Are Still Ongoing in Yemen

While the US has long accused Iran of having directly and heavily armed Yemen’s Houthi (Ansarullah resistance) movement, and Iran has denied any such thing, concrete proof has remained elusive. This continues to be the case, though a new biased report by the United nations is likely to continue to fuel the baseless allegations.

There is still no evidence the Iranian government actually provided any of this, and rather the panel is simply alleging that the Iranian government’s violation is failing to prevent such transfers.

Subtleties don’t always make their way into the rhetoric, however, and it’s likely the US and Saudis will prevent this as proof the Iranian government “sent the missiles,” even though this was never even attempted to be proven by the UN panel. But what about the US-backed, Saudi-led war crimes in Yemen which are still ongoing while the UN is not doing a damn thing about it? What about a report on that? And why on earth isn’t this happening? The answer, of course, is obvious:

Anytime there is a damning report against Saudi Arabia, its allies pile pressure on the United Nations to bin it.

This was also followed by American-Israeli bullying, threats, pressures multiplied by real blackmail. There was also a threat of clerics in Riyadh to issue a fatwa against the UN, declaring it anti-Muslim.

That Riyadh still uses threats or intimidation and is not committed to the United Nations is beyond dispute. What is surprising is that no country in the West, including the US, ever bothered to condemn the Saudi-led pressure. Instead, many condemned the blacklisting of the coalition!

Long story short, and as the UN report suggests this year, the Saudi-led coalition is responsible for 60% of child deaths and injuries in Yemen and the surest way for them to force the world body to look the other way is to blackmail it to issue misleading reports against Iran.

and Stephen Lendman writes:

(** B K P)

Iran in Violation of Yemen’s Arms Embargo?

Are UN officials in cahoots with US/Saudi aggression on Yemen? Vilifying Iran points fingers away from parties responsible for nearly three years of devastating war, inflicting appalling suffering on millions of Yemenis.
A likely US arranged, yet to be published, UN report to the Security Council, claimed it “identified missile remnants, related military equipment and military unmanned aerial vehicles that are of Iranian origin and were introduced into Yemen after the imposition of the targeted arms embargo” imposed in 2015,” adding:
The report didn’t say Iran supplied missiles to Houthi fighters, instead claimed it failed to keep these weapons out of Yemen, an absurd accusation.

Intensively vilifying the country is part of the Trump administration’s strategy, perhaps heading for direct confrontation - by Stephen Lendman

My comment: “The report didn’t say Iran supplied missiles to Houthi fighters, instead claimed it failed to keep these weapons out of Yemen, an absurd accusation”: That’s the important point. – On the other side, Lendman seems to be missing that the UN report really blames the Saudi coalition for its war crimes.

And also another aspect of the report is picked out:

(* B P)

UN: Saudi-led coalition is undermining Yemen government

The publication claims that both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have supported armed forces to fragment the authority of the Yemeni government led by the internationally recognised President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi which has bolstered the fragmentation of the country.

The United Arab Emirates has since supported the Southern Transitional Council (STC) based in Aden, south Yemen, which holds political goals to secede from northern Yemen. Late last year, the STC inaugurated its national assembly.

Comment: Maybe they have undermined Hadi. But in the end, who wants him as the president of Yemen??? Not many. The problem is not that they undermined him, but that they supported him. The UN needs to think critically of the needs of Yemeni people before they write such unnecessary reports.

(** B P)
The international community's whitewashing of Yemen

A reluctance to criticise Saudi Arabia's military campaign has empowered Riyadh to destroy thousands of Yemeni lives

It is due to a combination of support and silence from world powers - particularly in the West - towards the Saudi-led military campaign. Without such assistance, Saudi Arabia could not carry out its atrocities.
Now eminent political figures are trying to compensate for the damage caused by showing vague, half-hearted concern for Yemen, without acknowledging their own role in creating the crisis, while still otherwise supporting the coalition's bombing.
In December, US President Donald Trump called for Saudi Arabia to lift the blockade to allow aid in, saying Yemenis "desperately need it". Others within his administration echoed his words.

However, comments from US Defence Secretary James Mattis' are more telling. While again speaking of his concern for Yemenis, saying the US would do "anything we can" to limit civilian casualties, he also declared his continued support for the Saudi-led coalition.

It is simply contradictory to speak of concern for Yemeni lives and support the actions of the Saudi-led coalition.

Following President Trump's comments, the UK International Development Secretary Penny Mordant announced in December $50 million in aid to Yemen from the British government, while calling for the "immediate opening up of commercial and humanitarian access into Yemen".
Prime Minister Theresa May also criticised the blockade, while boasting of previous UK humanitarian donations to Yemen.
While Mordant directed criticisms at the Saudi blockade, she did not address the primary cause of Yemeni suffering: weapons sales to and impunity for the Saudi kingdom's military action.
And of course, the $50 million aid package barely dents the $8 billion or so pocketed by the UK in arms sales since the war started.

It is often argued that if Western nations withdrew weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, the kingdom would simply purchase them elsewhere. Yet as influential global powers, the withdrawal from the market of the US and the UK would set an example for others, and create a precedent for condemning Saudi Arabia.
They could also use their international leverage to negotiate a peaceful settlement in Yemen – by Jonathan Fenton-Harvey.

(** B K P)

Yemen: Trapped in crossfire of regional power struggle

Fears are rising that a humanitarian crisis will worsen amid fighting between Saudi Arabia and Iran-backed forces

More than 8m Yemenis — almost 30 per cent of the population — are on the brink of starvation, according to the UN. All are victims of a man-made catastrophe that started as a Yemeni power struggle three years ago before morphing into a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran that has left thousands dead and many more injured.

As the two regional powers ramp up their battle for influence — with the US under President Donald Trump throwing its weight behind Riyadh to counter the Islamic republic — Yemen’s war has become the principal theatre where their allies are in direct conflict. It has already created a humanitarian crisis and risks escalating beyond Yemen’s borders. Gaining control of rebel-held ports, particularly Hodeida, is crucial to the Saudi-led campaign to squeeze the Houthi-controlled north and stem what the coalition claims is the flow of arms to the rebels from Iran and Hizbollah, the Lebanese militant movement, backed by Tehran.

Residents fear that Hodeida is set to become the next big battleground in the conflict as pro-government forces, backed by Saudi air strikes, advance from their southern bases in an offensive to seize the port and encircle Sana’a, the Houthi-held capital. “If the war arrives in Hodeida, we will all die inside our houses,” says Islam Montaser.

Both Riyadhand Abu Dhabi consider the Houthis, members of the Zaydi sect of Shia Islam, to be Iranian puppets.

Tehran denies arming the Houthis, a group analysts describe more as an Iranian ally than a surrogate. Still, it serves Iran’s interests to see its regional rivals bogged down in an expensive and damaging conflict at limited cost to Tehran, they add.

Abdulmalik al-Mekhlafi, Yemen’s foreign minister, insists that aid could come through government-controlled ports in the south — the Saudi-backed administration is based in Aden. But close to 80 per cent of imports depend on access through Hodeida and neighbouring Saleef port, according to the UN. It said in a report in November that despite the damage inflicted on Hodeida during the conflict, “there is no viable substitute for the port both in terms of infrastructure and proximity to Yemen’s largest population centres”.

In cities and towns where there is no fighting on the ground, like Sana’a, life appears, on the surface, to be normal. But residents live in fear of the buzz of warplanes overhead.

“The way it [the campaign] was executed by the coalition was so bad,” says Rafat al-Akhali, a Yemeni analyst and former government minister. “The so-called internationally recognised government, which is very weak, has lots of corruption and is divided into many fronts. [And] all these air strikes on civilian areas only make things worse in terms of not making people want [Saudi] help.”

“There is a complete fragmentation of everything; of society, of state. You have different groups vying for power and each group further fragmenting into smaller groups,” Mr Akhali says. “That’s the biggest challenge even when the war stops.” – by Nasser al-Sakkaf and Andrew England or try via and audio version

Comment by Judith Brown: The Financial Times has great expertise in house on the Middle East and Yemen in particular and produced excellent articles in the first month of the war. However since then articles have been very sporadic. They today have produced this excellent article that demonstrates their skills and knowledge. Why oh why don't they do this more often?

Comment by Marc Springer: It pushes far too much on the Iran/regional power struggle issue. If all foreign actors bowed out today, the war would still continue. I think Peter Salisbury's newest paper would be a better read and give a better idea of what is going on. Mainstream media, it seems, has bought into the whole Iran/proxy war angle referring to

And here, Salisbury gives an extract of this article again:

(** B K P)

In Yemen, 2018 looks like it will be another grim year

For the past year, Chatham House has been mapping key players on the ground in Yemen: military officers, militia leaders and politicians, along with a dwindling supply of state and nonstate governance actors. We have also been building a picture of the political geography and economy of the conflict. The aim has been to analyze how the different actors fit into what is less a “war economy” than what we call Yemen’s “chaos state,” and assess their incentives and disincentives for participating in a peace process. In December, we published our research, in the form of a long report and a freely available online interactive map.

Here’s what the paper and the map tell us.

The situation on the ground is far more complex than Houthis vs. Hadi.

Local groups have done the bulk of fighting against the Houthis, provided most governance outside Houthi areas and control most territory on the ground. In contrast, the Hadi government has a very light footprint. Hadi cannot visit many areas under his nominal control, and his purported allies do not necessarily get along. In many cases, they have sharply divergent agendas.

Many groups ostensibly fighting the Houthis have profited from the thriving war economy.

The Saudis have repeatedly justified their blockade of the western port of Hodeidah by arguing it is a major entry point for smuggled materiel. But fuel, food, medicine, electronics and arms enter ports across Yemen’s southern coast and over land borders with Saudi Arabia and Oman. Overland trade is worth tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars a month for everyone from the guys with guns at checkpoints to the top leadership on all sides. Weapons have become so widely available that the price of AK-47s and ammunition has gone down since the war began. Meanwhile, some groups are benefiting from the sale of oil and gas both to local and international markets.

The Houthis were stronger than many had assumed and no longer have to worry about internal threats.

In 2017, insiders in Sanaa had told us the Houthis held an increasingly dominant position on the front lines of the war and a growing stranglehold over security elsewhere. The speed with which the Houthis dispatched Saleh, and their ability to maintain the front lines with few defections, supports this analysis. The Houthis emerged from the schism light a few soldiers, but they retain full control of an estimated 60 to 70 percent of Yemen’s prewar military arsenal and no longer have to contend with an internal rival – by Peter Salisbury

(** B P)

Salafi mission calls into question Saudi concept of moderation and policy in Yemen

Plans to open a Salafi missionary centre in the Yemeni province of Al Mahrah on the border with Oman and Saudi Arabia raise questions about Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salah’s concept of a moderate form of Islam.

The questions are prompted by the fact that Prince Mohammed has so far put little, if any, flesh on his skeletal vow last October to return his ultra-conservative kingdom to “moderate Islam.”

The crown prince has created expectations of more social liberalism.

Prince Mohammed has yet to conceptualize what a rollback of Sunni Muslim ultra-conservatism would mean in a nation whose public life remains steeped in a puritan interpretation of the faith.

The disclosure of the plan for a Salafi mission suggests Prince Mohammed may only want to curb ultra-conservatism’s rough edges. It also calls into question Saudi policy in Yemen that is reminiscent of past failures.

Saudi Arabia’s conflict with Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, a Zaydi Shiite Muslim sect with roots in a region bordering the kingdom, dates to Saudi employment of Salafism to counter the group in the 1980s.

The plan harks back to the creation of an anti-Shiite Salafi mission near the Houthi stronghold of Saada that sparked a military confrontation in 2011 with the Yemeni government, one of several wars in the region. The centre was closed in 2014 as part of an agreement to end the fighting.

Prince Mohammed’s use of ultra-conservative Sunni Islam in his confrontation with the Houthis was also evident in the appointment as governor of Saada of Hadi Tirshan al-Wa’ili, a member of a tribe hostile to the Shiite sect, and a follower of Saudi-backed Islamic scholar Uthman Mujalli. Mr. Mujalli reportedly serves as an advisor to Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, the exiled, kingdom-backed Yemeni president.

“Over the past forty years, the Saudi government has invested heavily in Salafi-Wahhabi-style madrasas and mosques in the northern areas, only to realise that this programme was jeopardised by the Zaydi revival movement. If the Houthis were to be defeated in their home province, it is likely that the Salafi-Wahhabi programme will be revived, and implemented more fiercely than in previous years,” said Yemen scholar Gabriele vom Bruck.

The questions about Prince Mohammed’s concept of a moderate Islam go beyond Yemen.

The example of Yemen suggests that little has changed in Saudi Arabia’s four-decade-old, $100 billion global public diplomacy campaign that promoted Sunni Muslim ultra-conservatism as an anti-dote to revolutionary Iranian ideology.

Yemen is but one extreme of the spectrum. The Saudi-funded and operated grand mosque in Brussels is the other.

There is indeed little doubt that the kingdom is serious about countering extremism. Opposing extremism, however, does not automatically equate to moderation or concepts of tolerance and pluralism. Prince Mohammed has yet to clarify if those concepts are part of his notion of moderation. His track record so far is at best a mixed one – by James M. Dorsey = and also

My comment: The Saudis tighten their grip on Marah region in Eastern Yemen. It seems, Wahabisation is part of the program, to brainwash the population. Marah population on various occasions had protested against the Saudi presence in Marah, look at and and more. Marah gives the Saudis the opportunity of a direct access from Saudi Arabia to the Indian Ocean.

Comment: Of all the things Yemen needs the very last thing is another religious school. Yemen has enough mosques everywhere. What people need is jobs and food, electricity and clean water, hospitals and ordinary schools for children, and above all, peace.


(** A P)

Protesters Against Establishing An Educational and Residential Salafist Center in Kushn Block a Major Road in Al-Mehra

Protesters in Kushn blocked a major road in Al-Mehar in protest of establishing an educational and residential Salafist center in Kushn. Protesters blocked the road as the convoy of Rajeh Ba Kerit, governor of Al-Mahera, was passing. The governor asked protesters to reopen the road and to form a commission to discuss the issue with local authorities of Al-Ghaiza. It is noteworthy that Kushn is witnessing widespread protests against establishing an educational and residential Salafist center in Kushn as an alternative of a similar one that was in Demag – Suada. [Dammaj, Saada]

Remark: Dammaj Salafi center was payed by Saudi Arabia with billions of Dollars ( and From there, the Wahabisation of Zaidi Northern Yemen should be organized. This was the cause of a lot of unrest and strife in the region. This Wahabisation effort was the orogin of the rise of the Houthi movement, which started as an intellectual movement against Wahabisation. – Now, the whole story is to be repeated in Sunni Eastern Yemen?

(** B H K P)

Missiles and Food: Yemen’s man-made food security crisis

The current dramatic levels of food insecurity in Yemen and the threat of famine are the results of over two-and-a-half years of war, adding to the already high levels existing pre-war. Yet, this food crisis is entirely manmade. Yemen imports around 90% of its food. Inspection mechanisms, congestion at ports and a destroyed infrastructure are hurdles that have caused a rise in food prices. At the same time, the economic crisis, the decline of the private sector and the non-payment of salaries in the public sector, as well as the loss of livelihoods has left people without the means to purchase what is available in the market. Significant delays in food imports and marked up prices have increased the cost for food to the extent that it is out of reach for most of the population, even though food has been readily available in large quantities in the markets. Yet, the lack of the most basic financial means and high food prices have combined to create a real threat for 17.8 million of the 27 million population of Yemen.

In less than three years since the escalation of the conflict in March 2015, the number of people who are food insecure in Yemen has risen from 11 million to nearly 18 million. The recent obstruction of food imports on which Yemen is heavily dependent has further exacerbated the crisis, with the result that two-thirds of Yemen’s population do not know where their next meal is coming from. This is a deadly combination, especially for the most vulnerable in society, including women and children.

The recent blockade, which has cut off large parts of Yemen from commercial imports, including fuel and food, has made far worse the already dire circumstances under which most people in Yemen live. Without immediate action to comprehensively tackle the world’s largest food crisis, Yemen risks becoming one of the worst famines in 2018.

This briefing calls for action by all actors in the conflict and by the international community to protect the civilian population from the effects of the war and to alleviate the food crisis. It calls for renewed momentum towards a peace deal which is inclusive of women, civil society, youth and minorities, and which begins with an immediate, nationwide ceasefire. and in full

(** B E H P)

“If the war doesn’t kill us, the food prices will”

For Yemeni civilians, the deadliest killers in 2018 may not be the bombs or the bullets

As much as the alliances on the ground are labyrinthine (the above is really just the beginning), the reasons Yemenis are starving are shockingly simple. In many cases, the economic collapse means families simply don’t have enough money to buy food.

For more than a year now, most public sector employees have gone unpaid. Others have lost their jobs when uprooted by violence (that’s what happened to Walid’s father), and others still work in sectors that no longer exist.

Take Basher al-Thobati, a father of six in his fifties who IRIN found perusing goods at a central Taiz market. He’s a construction worker but has had little work of late. Due to the sharp rise in prices – thanks to both inflation and a run on supplies after the latest border closures – he, like so many other would-be shoppers, was forced to turn away from the market empty-handed.

Before heading home, al-Thobati explained why the food crisis gripping his country was so important. “We can live amidst the fighting. We can hide from the shells and bullets. But we can’t flee the expense,” he said. “We have to buy food at any price. If the war doesn’t kill us, the [food price increases] will.”

As much as the alliances on the ground are labyrinthine (the above is really just the beginning), the reasons Yemenis are starving are shockingly simple. In many cases, the economic collapse means families simply don’t have enough money to buy food.

For more than a year now, most public sector employees have gone unpaid. Others have lost their jobs when uprooted by violence (that’s what happened to Walid’s father), and others still work in sectors that no longer exist.

Take Basher al-Thobati, a father of six in his fifties who IRIN found perusing goods at a central Taiz market. He’s a construction worker but has had little work of late. Due to the sharp rise in prices – thanks to both inflation and a run on supplies after the latest border closures – he, like so many other would-be shoppers, was forced to turn away from the market empty-handed.

Before heading home, al-Thobati explained why the food crisis gripping his country was so important. “We can live amidst the fighting. We can hide from the shells and bullets. But we can’t flee the expense,” he said. “We have to buy food at any price. If the war doesn’t kill us, the [food price increases] will.”

But Yemen as a whole, which imports 80-90 percent of its food, has been slowly breaking under the weight of restrictions on imports imposed by the Saudi-led coalition.

The recent closures, which the coalition says were imposed to prevent arms smuggling to the Houthis from Iran, were eased in phases. The key Red Sea ports of Hodeidah and Saleef were not immediately opened for business to commercial imports of food and fuel, and the country’s other main port – Aden – is simply not equipped to store and mill grain on the scale that Yemen needs to bring it in.

In December, the World Food Programme warned that if all ports were not allowed to work in full, “we will have a large-scale humanitarian catastrophe of a much larger magnitude than we currently face… It will be beyond the control of the humanitarian community."

Now, a battle threatens Hodeidah, and not for the first time. There will likely be a fresh spate of warnings about an imminent catastrophe. These statements are repeated so often about Yemen that they can begin to sound hollow. But for families like Walid’s, the spectre of famine is all too real.

(** B P)

Ali Abdullah Saleh's assassination and Yemen's tribes

When Ali Abdullah Saleh came to power in North Yemen in 1978, and became the first president of unified Yemen in 1990, he was well aware of the importance of tribes. Thus, he expended an enormous amount of political capital and financial resources to establish alliances with key tribal leaders.

During his time in power, Saleh showered tribal leaders and key figures from Hashid, Sanaa - Saleh's own tribe and also part of the Hashid federation - and other tribes with the highest military positions, government contracts, and generous financial support.

Yet, in the final days before his assassination, none of Yemen's tribal leaders answered Saleh's calls for help. Why did these tribes decide to abandon Saleh? Why did they not come to his rescue? And does this indicate the end of tribal politics in Yemen?

The collapse of the Saleh-Hashid alliance

The collapse of Saleh's tribal alliances did not come as a surprise to anyone following Yemen's political scene closely.

First, cracks in President Saleh's alliance with the Hashid federation started to appear in the 2000's

The Houthis factor

The Houthis, a group of Shia rebels that currently control the capital, Sanaa, and large expanses of the country, emerged on Yemen's political scene equipped with deeply rooted social connections and an extensive understating of the best practices in tribal mobilisation. They shrewdly exploited the increased gap between rich tribal leaders and their economically deprived tribesmen.

A large segment of the tribesmen who joined the Houthis had been neglected for years by both the government and their own tribal leaders.

Furthermore, the Houthis used extreme coercive measures against tribal and military opponents, including demolishing homes, confiscating businesses, and displacing families. These brutal tactics made some of Saleh's remaining tribal allies reluctant about coming to his rescue when he needed them most.

The end of Saleh's tribal patronage system

Saleh's patronage system was significantly weakened once he stepped down from the presidency in 2012, because he was not able to support it financially. When he left the presidency, Saleh lost control of the state's financial resources, as well as his influence over the Saudi patronage system in Yemen.

Does this mean that there will be no future return of tribal politics in post-Houthis' Yemen? That is unlikely to happen – by Gamal Gasim

(** B H P T)

After al-Qaeda: No signs of recovery in Yemen's Mukalla

Yemeni soldiers, backed by Emirati special forces, entered the city on April 24, 2016 after AQAP withdrew, following secret negotiations, to the rugged mountains of Shabwa, al-Bayda and Marib provinces.

The group, which has long boasted about preparing its soldiers for "martyrdom", said it fled to protect civilians from advancing forces.

Only a handful of its fighters remained, blending into the local population.

Now, nearly two years on, residents have told Al Jazeera that the Yemeni government and their Emirati handlers failed to provide them with the most basic of services, with their lives having been "better" under the armed group.

"Al-Qaeda paved roads, built hospitals. It was far from perfect, but they were better than the current administration," said Abdur Rahman Khaled, a 30-year-old fisherman

In a view echoed by several other residents, Khaled added: "Life was better under al-Qaeda, compared with now. Now it's just a mess."

Many of AQAP's leaders hailed from established Hadrami families

AQAP in Mukalla was "less cruel" than the image touted in the media, Khaled said.

"While they resorted to the stoning of at least one man and woman accused of adultery, as well as the crucifixions of two men suspected of being Saudi spies, such incidents were rare."

Charred buildings and crumpled cars are also a frequent sight, but with electricity still not fully restored after a coalition air strike flattened a power plant in 2016, most of the city is shrouded in darkness at night.

Residents complained to Al Jazeera of the nauseating stench of sewage fermenting in the hot climate, saying it could be smelled from "hundreds of metres away".

"The city is drowning in sewage and darkness," Afkar Alshanbati, a local resident and human rights activist, told Al Jazeera.

"Life was once good, now ... it's only misery we'll know." – by Faisal Edroos & Saleh Al Batati

(** B K P)

Jemen beweist, dass die USA die kriegführenden Kräfte in den Griff bekommen müssen

Mit dem Jemenkrieg, der sich seinem dritten Jahrestag nähert, mit Afghanistan, wo der Krieg schon gut über 17 Jahre lang dauert, mit Irak und Syrien, die scheinbar permanente Kriege der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind, und Eskalationen in ganz Afrika führen die USA anscheinend mehr Krieg als je zuvor. Präsident Trump hat dem Militär in diesen Kriegen eine zunehmende Autonomie verliehen, und das Gefühl des Kontrollverlustes ist spürbar.

Es ist Jahre her, seit der Kongreß bereitwillig seine Autorität über die Kriegsführung in irgendeiner ernsthaften Weise durchgesetzt hat, und auch der Präsident delegiert jetzt viel an die Generäle. Die Fähigkeit der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit, sinnvolle Beiträge zu Amerikas Kriegen zu liefern, ist weitaus begrenzter.

Jüngste Umfragen deuten darauf hin, dass das eine Position ist, mit der sich die amerikanischen Wähler nicht unbedingt wohlfühlen. Eine November-Umfrage von J. Wallin Opinion Research ergab, dass die überwiegende Mehrheit der Amerikaner, über 70%, den Kongress dazu auffordern, zumindest einige spezifische Grenzen für Konflikte in Übersee festzulegen und eine direktere Aufsicht auszuüben. Es zeigte sich auch eine Mehrheit für den Abzug der US-Streitkräfte aus dem Jemenkrieg.

Während es keinen Mangel an Gründen dafür gibt, dass Amerikas Kriegsmüdigkeit in die Höhe schießt, scheint der Jemenkrieg aus einer Reihe von Gründen der Wendepunkt zu sein. Der Jemenkrieg wurde in den USA nie auch nur ein wenig diskutiert und entwickelt sich rasch zu einer der schlimmsten humanitären Krisen seit einer Generation.

Die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit hat sich nie damit einverstanden erklärt, dem Jemen das anzutun, ebenso wenig der Kongress. Es gibt keinen rechtlichen Vorwand für eine Genehmigung zur Anwendung militärischer Gewalt im Jemen, auch nicht mit den vagen Interpretationen des AUMF 2001(Kriegsermächtigungsgesetzes 2001), das als Vorwand für jeden anderen Krieg benutzt wurde.

Während das saudi-arabische Ziel zunächst nur die Wiederherstellung der Machtposition Hadis war, der zur Zeit in Riad unter Hausarrest steht, scheint der Saudi-Krieg mit seiner erheblichen Beteiligung der USA ein Selbstzweck zu sein.

Da die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit zunehmend bestürzt über die Situation im Jemen ist und sich der militärischen Komplizenschaft der USA bei dem, was geschehen ist, zunehmend bewusst ist, bietet der Jemen die perfekte Gelegenheit für den Kongress und damit für die Wähler, die Kontrolle über die Konflikte im Ausland wiederherzustellen – von Jason Ditz =

and the English version already had been presented in YPR 375: =

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A H)

Diphtheria claims 48 lives in Yemen within 60 days: WHO

Diphtheria has claimed 48 lives in conflict-wracked Yemen within the last two months, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) report issued Thursday.

The report states that diphtheria-related deaths had been recorded in 19 out of Yemen’s 23 provinces.

Another 610 suspected cases of diphtheria, meanwhile, have been reported across the country, according to the WHO.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B K P)

La ONU afirma que Yemen vive el apocalipsis y no reacciona

[The war against #Yemen, headed by Saudi Arabia, is causing a daunting humanitarian crisis. The UN says Yemen is living an Apocalypse but does nothing to prevent it. Why?]

Yemen vive una situación “muy parecida al apocalipsis”, ha dicho Mark Lowcock el responsable de Asuntos Humanitarios de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU).

Su declaración es chocante.

El jinete del apocalipsis que ve Mark Lowcock es una coalición encabezada por Arabia Saudí y Emiratos en las que participan activamente Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña y a la que abastecen de armas sustancialmente Francia, Italia y España.

Dada la crisis humanitaria que vive Yemen cualquier solución militar significará la destrucción genocida de la población civil. Lo peor es que el apocalipsis que habla Mark Lowcock parece ser funcional al sistema.

Estados Unidos, Francia, Canada, Italia y España les van a seguir. Cómplices, están haciendo un muy lucrativo negocio también con la venta de armas a Ryad y Abu Dabi. Pronto Europa tendrá que elegir definitivamente entre los intereses de los fabricantes de armas y sus leyes orientadas a defender los derechos humanos sino quiere ser asociada con el apocalipsis en Yemen. Pero temo saber cuál es la respuesta mientras sigan los mismos gobiernos.

(* B K P)

The Militarization Of The Red Sea

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council—China, France, Russia, United States, and the United Kingdom—all have bases (or plans for bases) in Djibouti or Sudan. Other Western powers such as Italy and Spain do too. Regional actors, chiefly Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have obtained geostrategic footholds in, and economic agreements with, these African countries to further cement ties. Egypt, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are also military players in the Red Sea and Horn of Africa.

This race to assert greater military might in the body of water separating Africa and the Arabian Peninsula raises important questions about the balance of power in the Red Sea, sometimes referred to as an “Arabian lake.” – by Shehab al-Makahleh and Giorgio Cafiero

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen's Frontline City: Once thriving city of Taiz now lies in ruins

Taiz was once Yemen's cultural capital but like Aleppo and Mosul, much of it now lies in ruins. The Red Cross says the city is an example of how destructive urban warfare can be. Our Middle East Reporter Abubakr al Shamahi visited what used to be bustling neighbourhood of Taiz. =

(* B H K)


[Overview article]

Today what has happened to Yemen is that it has turned out to be the worst battleground of the region. The raging conflict has simply rained devastation on the poverty-stricken country. Besides, the fight is basically rooted in old conflicts and there is definitely no end to it in sight for now.

Besides, what is creating major concern is that the coalition forces are mainly targeting factories, food-storage warehouses and the Sana’a airport so as to cripple all the supply lines to the civilians in the rebel-held territories.

However, the way Saleh was eliminated by the Houthis has created a massive wave of sympathy for him, including among the young leaders, who rose up against him in 2011.

Finally, the Saudi involvement with its coalition partners such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain under the leadership of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman is simply dragging all these nations into a quagmire. It is resurfacing more traditional rivalries than bringing home an atmosphere of peace in the region.

(* B K P)

Yemen deterioration

Efforts continue on getting humanitarian aid to those in need in Yemen. But so far neither Yemeni factions nor Riyadh appear ready to act

[Overview article, latest developments]

Taher Ali Al-Auqaili, the chief of staff of the pro-Hadi army, told The Economist that the condition of his soldiers is deteriorating as a result of delays in the payment of their salaries, now over nine months late. He said that some soldiers were forced to sell arms or information to the Houthis. He added that, after the killing of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Houthis seized control of the arms of the Yemeni army that had fought under him. This, combined with the fact that a large number of Saleh’s officers were now loyal to the Houthis, made it unlikely that pro-Hadi forces would be able to recapture the strategic heights in Lahij.

With the death of Saleh at the hands of his erstwhile Houthi allies, Yemen is staring at an even more uncertain future. Observers believe that the GPC is cleft between its members’ tribal loyalties and a tendency to side with the Houthis or even the Hadi government.

Uncertainty appears dog the other side as well. Mohamed Al-Shami, a Yemeni journalist, said that the Arab coalition is not unified. The UAE supports Saleh’s son, Ahmed, who has vowed to exact revenge from the Houthis, while Saudi Arabia supports Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar from President Hadi’s camp. “So far, neither man has proven popular among the Yemenis, which complicates matters,” Al-Shami said – by Haitham Nouri

(* B P)

Film: Yemen's government struggles to exert control over Taiz

Houthi rebels were largely defeated in the city of Taiz in southwestern Yemen more than a year ago but the government hasn't been able to maintain influence over the area

A symptom of a growing problem in Taiz is the inability of the government to extend control over an area that's now largely free of rebel forces – except for Al Qaeda forces that are growing in strength in the embattled city.

"They've taken control of large areas of the city, and we've noticed that the state and the army deliberately avoids confronting them, and doesn't want to enter into open conflict with them," says an activist who narrowly escaped an attack by Al Qaeda, Fawwaz (his real name has been withheld for security purposes).

"So they're able to entrench themselves more, and carry out their agenda of attracting youth."

(* B H K)

1600 zerstörte Schulen in 1000 Tagen saudischen Kriegs im Jemen

Der von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Krieg gegen den Jemen hat zur Zerstörung von 1600 Schulen geführt und 1.400.000 jemenitische Schüler ihrer Ausbildung beraubt.

Dies gab die internationale Hilfsorganisation Oxfam bekannt.

Der katarische Nachrichtensender al-Jazeera hat in einem Bericht auf die schlimme Situation des Bildungswesens im Jemen seit Beginn der saudischen Angriffe auf dieses Land hingewiesen.

Laut diesem Bericht halten viele Familien ihre Kinder vom Schulbesuch ab, aus Angst vor Angriffen auf die Schulen.

In einigen Gebieten Jemens sind die Schulen zu einem Ort für Flüchtlinge, Militärkräfte und zu Waffenlagern geworden.örte_schulen_in_1000_tagen_saudischen_kriegs_im_jemen

(* B K P)

Film (Talk): What's the solution to the conflict in Yemen?

It is a new year but the same old story in Yemen.

The UN has called Yemen the world's worst humanitarian crisis, with eight million people on the brink of famine. Thousands of others are suffering from malnutrition and disease, including cholera.

So, what's the solution to the conflict in Yemen?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan


Hakim Al Masmari - Editor-in-chief of the Yemen Post

Nabeel Khoury - Former deputy chief of mission at the US embassy in Yemen

Andreas Krieg - Regional defence and security specialist and assistant professor at King's College London =

(A P)

Disappeared nephew of Yemen's Saleh resurfaces in the south

The nephew of Yemen's late President Ali Abdullah Saleh has surfaced in the country's south, weeks after he disappeared amid violence in the capital, Sanaa.

Brig. Gen. Tareq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh disappeared from Sanaa following the death of his uncle amid intense fighting between forces loyal to the ousted president and Iranian-backed Shiite rebels known as the Houthis.


(A P)

Footage Showing Alleged Dead Saleh Commander Appears on Web

The video’s authenticity has not been verified yet, however, the footage appears to show the head of Saleh’s forces, speaking to a crowd of men, expressing his condolences over the “martyred leader,” presumably referring to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. According to media reports, a video surfaced on Thursday featuring Tareq Saleh, a nephew of the murdered Yemeni president. Tareq was presumed dead or critically wounded last month.

In the footage, Tareq Saleh is addressing the murder of his uncle in the southern province of Shabwa, which is controlled by the government which the slain Ali Abdullah Saleh had fought since 2014, as cited by AFP. and also by Saudi Al Arabiya


(A P)

Nephew of killed Yemeni president calls on Saudi-led coalition to stop war

A nephew of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh has called for an end to the Yemen war, in his first public appearance since his uncle was killed by his former Houthi allies last month.

Addressing supporters in the southern Shabwa province where he had traveled to offer condolences to the family of Aref al-Zouka, who was killed along with Saleh in the attack on Saleh’s residence in Sanaa, Tareq said he remained committed to his uncle’s quest for peace in Yemen.

“We are with what the leader had willed, especially his demand to stop the war, lifting the siege from our people,” said Tareq, who survived the attack by Houthi forces.

“We also extend our hands to our brothers, particularly the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to work to end the war and to restore stability and security to Yemen,” he added. and how Saudi media tell it:


(A P)

General Tareq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh appears in Shabwah province to give condolences on the Sanaa killing of GPC leader Arif Al-Zoka (photos) referring to and also


(A P)

Saleh's nephew: I do not trust the tribes

The nephew of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Brig. Gen. Yahya Mohammed Saleh, stressed his confidence in the army and security, stressing that he does not trust the militias, tribes and sheikhs, and that he does not count on them. He said «the investigation is under way to see who betrayed his uncle», rejecting rumors of the existence of collusion with the Houthis.

and the story continues:

(* A K P)

UAE Establishes 2,000 Special Fighters Loyal to Saleh

United Arab Emirates is establishing a new camp for Tarek Saleh, son of the brother of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, according to local sources in Aden, southern Yemen.
The sources said the camp was held in the area of ​​Bir Ahmad in Aden, and has attracted about two thousand soldiers from the Republican Guard and the private pro-Saleh Gaurd, constituting the very beginning of the forces of this camp.
The sources also pointed that the camp contains a large number of vehicles and medium and heavy military vehicles.
Side of the camp as well as dozens of military vehicles can be seen in a video recorded by one of the fighters of the UAE-backed security belt group.

The government of the outgoing President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and a number of political parties loyal to to the government accuses the UAE of creating parallel military formations in the provinces under their influence and control, thereby undermining the powers of Hadi backed by Saudi Arabia

(* B K)


(* B H K)

Film: Civilians continue to bear the brunt of Yemen's war

Civilians caught up in the conflict, that has killed over 10,000 in the past three years, are narrating their account of the war.

In Al Shaqab village, on the country's front line, Ahmed Ghaleb's family has paid heavily in the fighting.

"My daughter was shot in the spine, she's been paralysed for a year and a half. A rocket hit my other daughter's house, the explosion made her go deaf. I'm injured in the foot. I was injured twice. We went out to pray and were faced with people shooting at us." Ghaleb said.

Another Al Shaqab resident Naseem Obaid lost her husband in the fighting.

"He left out of the door. I woke up and he was dead. Next to the door," Obaid said.

"He's been getting me medical treatment for 30 years. Now he's not here anymore. Now who's going to treat me? I'm poor." = =

(* B H K)

Infographics in Catalonian:
5 of 14 countries in the Middle East are witnessing armed conflicts with fleeing refugees and internally displaced persons. EU countries, on their side, continue exporting weapons fueling these conflicts

All here:

Mapamundi 'Quina responsabilitat tenen els països de la UE en la crisi de refugiats?'

Mapamundi "Armes europees que alimenten conflictes. Conflictes dels quals fugen els refugiats: Quina responsabilitat tenen els països de la Unió Europea en la crisi de refugiats?"

Infografía 'Exportaciones de armas, conflictos y refugiados': Oriente Próximo/Medio 3/6

(* A P)

Security forces shut down Al Jazeera office in Yemen's Taiz

Security forces on Tuesday closed Al Jazeera’s office in Taiz, central Yemen, citing the network’s negative coverage of forces loyal to the Saudi-backed government of Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Al Jazeera condemned the decision by the Taiz Supreme Security Command, calling it unjustified. The network also vowed to continue its “balanced” coverage of the events in Yemen.

The Taiz Supreme Security Command said in a statement that it closed the channel’s office because of Al Jazeera’s coverage that “reflects negatively” on the war efforts against the Houthis.

The Committee to Protect Journalists, a New York-based media watchdog, urged Yemeni authorities to immediately reopen the network’s office in Taiz.

"For authorities to stop an international outlet in a frontline city from broadcasting is tantamount to silencing the country's few remaining voices, and mirrors the practices long seen in Houthi-controlled areas," Mansour said in a statement.


(* A P)

Yemeni authorities force local Al Jazeera station to close

A video posted on Al-Jazeera Yemen's Facebook page shows men with guns dressed in military fatigues and red berets bearing the Yemeni military insignia at the channel's Taiz bureau. Saeed told CPJ the group showed up, and demanded that the office close.

The Taiz Security Committee said in a statement, which Al-Jazeera later published in an abridged format, that it ordered the Taiz offices to close because of the channel's alleged attempts to create divisions between "legitimate authorities," referring to the Aden-based government, and the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, which supports the government. The committee also cited Al-Jazeera's negative coverage of the Yemeni Army's campaign

Saeed told CPJ that, based on multiple sources, he believes the closure is a result of pressure from the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, both of which support the internationally recognized government based in Aden and its allies.

My comment: Earlier reports already in YPR 375. Here also the justification: “Al Jazeera’s coverage that “reflects negatively” on the war efforts against the Houthis”. Well, this is freedom of the press, Hadi government style.

(B K)

Saudi-led coalition turns the tide in Yemen conflict

After a months-long stalemate, the Saudi-led coalition is finally making progress on the ground against Yemen’s Houthi rebels. In December, the coalition – which has been criticized for the rising civilian death toll – launched 67 percent more air raids than the month prior. Backed by Saudi air power, Yemeni forces are advancing on a number of critical fronts including Yemen’s northern border and western coast. The capital remains under Houthi control, but is increasingly isolated as the coalition severs essential supply lines.

The Northern Offensive

The Yemen Army has made significant progress in Yemen’s north with the help of coalition air support, particularly in the Houthi stronghold of Sadaa, where the plurality of December airstrikes occurred.

The Coastal Offensive

The coalition continues to advance along Yemen’s western coast towards its largest port, Hodeidah. The Houthis have controlled Hodeidah since Oct. 2014, forcing the coalition to walk the fine line between targeting the Houthis and preserving humanitarian access.

In the Capital

While the Houthis maintain control of Sanaa, Yemen’s capital, the group’s grip appears to be under increasing strain.

My comment: A roundup which seems to parrot Saudi propaganda and Saudi coalition forces success propaganda. And the wording is significant. The “coalition is finally making progress”; “Yemeni forces are advancing” (the Houthis and the parts of the army supporting them are no Yemenis, they fell from the sky, they came from Argentine, or what?). – All these succeses still do not mean an end of stalemate, what ever coalition propaganda claims, as here:

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A H P)

Yemen-bound shipment update: APL accepts bookings for Aden-bound cargo

APL now accepts fresh bookings for commercial cargo bound only for the Port of Aden, with the exceptions listed below. Please note that APL will not accept bookings for cargo destined for the Port of Hodeidah, including humanitarian cargo.

(* A H P)

Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Jamie McGoldrick,on the vital importance of keeping Yemen's entry points open, 11 January 2018

The opening of the Red Sea ports of Al Hudaydah and Saleef to commercial and humanitarian shipments is a constructive and welcome step. Yemen imports about 90 per cent of its staple food and nearly all its fuel and medicine, therefore the functioning of all ports - including Al Hudaydah, Saleef and Aden - is critical to meet vital needs.

Since 20 December, 13 vessels have delivered both food and much needed fuel to Yemen, with more in the pipeline. This is positive, but is far less than what is needed to meet overall food and fuel needs.
I welcome too, the Saudi-led Coalition’s approval to move four cranes to Al Hudaydah port, which will enhance the capacity of the port, and allow for faster off-loading of vessels and thus help avert an even greater humanitarian disaster.

The lives of Yemenis, of whom more than 22 million are in need of humanitarian assistance, depend on keeping the ports open without interruptions or delays. I therefore urge all parties to the conflict to refrain from any disruptive action which may lead to further suffering of the Yemeni people.

Specifically, I call on the Coalition to continue allowing vessels into the Red Sea ports, and for the Houthis to desist from threatening this vital access route. The steady flow of imports is a lifeline for millions of vulnerable Yemeni people.


(A K P)

UN official calls on Houthis to refrain from shipping threats

The UN humanitarian coordinator in Yemen, Jamie McGoldrick, called on Thursday for the Houthi militants to refrain from threatening international shipping lines in the Red Sea,” Anadolu has reported.

Remark: Not to be found in the official statement (see above).

(* A H P)

Great news! RT@USUN: A ship carrying 4 US funded cranes is on its way to Yemen. We provided them to @WFP to improve delivery of critical supplies like food & medicine. For nearly a year the cranes have been stalled, now the world can track their journey at

My comment: Tweet by US ambassador to UN Nikki Haley. Also read the commets below! – Well, of course this tweet is US self-praise. What else the US had supplied for the Yemenis? Just two things: Bombs falling on them. Fighter jets dropping these bombs. – And kkep in mind that these crans already would have been in Yemen for about a year if not US ambassador to Yemen Tueller would have pressed these craners to be withdrawn: . And remember: The former cranes had been destroyed by a Saudi coalition air raid – certainly with bombs and by air planes which the US had sold to a Saudi coalition state.

Comment: US-funded new cranes for Yemen's Hodeidah port to replace the Yemeni cranes destroyed by US-sold, US-made missiles launched by US-supported, US-fueled, US-made, US-sold Saudi jets. Insane.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

#Malaysia-n project to feed most needy families in my city Zabid of Hodeidah in western #Yemen continues. Tonight #Malaysia-n students delivered 2250 families cards to receive bread for free next Sun, Mon &Tue @monarelief decided to support the project for the rest of the week. (photos)

(A H)

Photos: Farms in #BaniHashish: Temperatures dropped across northern Yemen, crops might be lost for this year and people have no heating.
Joke circulating: 'They bombed Yemen so extensively they pushed it to the South pole'

(A H)

500 Yemeni Rials, less than 2 USD
In a painful incident, a 12-year-old girl in #Amranprovince committed suicide by hanging herself because her family did not have the equivalent of less than 2 dollars (500 YR) to pay for her school.
As a sign of respect, we are withholding her name but this is not the first time a child commits suicide in #Yemen since the war started.
These children will never be acknowledged in any statistic, if not a generic 'collateral damage'.

My comment: That’s so tragic. Make school free in Yemen!

(* B H)

Saudi Arabia Feeds Human Trafficking in Yemen

Human trafficking is a primary human rights concern in Yemen. As usual, Saudi Arabia holds a lot of the blame. Human traffickers usually target young boys in Yemen where they are taken across the Saudi border to work as slaves in a variety of unskilled positions. Sexual exploitation is also common.

Many young girls also fall victim to sex trafficking within Yemen as well as after transport to Saudi Arabia. Still, a majority of human trafficking victims in Yemen are boys. In nearly all cases, children or teenagers are the primary victims.

(B H)

USAID: Yemen - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #3, Fiscal Year (FY) 2018

[Overview of the situation]

Yemen ‑ Active USG Programs for Yemen Response

(* B H)

My biggest wish for 2018 is peace in Yemen

I visited Yemen’s hospitals, where patients were lying down in the corridors. Old and young men, women, boys and girls. They were so weak, they could not even say a word.

The war has made life difficult even for my colleagues and me. We queue for hours to get petrol, and we often have no electricity and heating. Right now, with temperatures of minus five degrees, our heaters in the house are not working.

Convincing people that this year will be better has become a very hard job – by Abdulhakim Al-Ansi, communications specialist with CARE Yemen

(* B H)

Film: Interview with Mark Lowcock United nations humanitarian Chief

(A H)

WHO Logistics Cluster: Yemen Situation Update (December 2017)

The Logistics Cluster is extending its activities until the end of 2018 to continue supporting humanitarian organisations responding to the crisis in Yemen.

(* B H)

Audio: What One Doctor Has Seen Providing Care In War Zones Like Yemen And Syria

Chicago pediatrician Dr. John Kahler, co-founder of the organization MedGlobal.

Here & Now's Robin Young talks with Kahler (@Drjohnkahler) about his experiences in Yemen and Syria.

(B H)

Film, Arabic: The suffering of kidney failure patients in the province of Hodeidah by aggression

(A H)

SOUL launches trainings to contribute to poverty fighting

Soul for Development has launched a project of lengthy training for young people in Taiz and Hodeidah to empower them to set up small businesses and operate them.

(* B H)

Film: Yemen's cancer patients face uphill battle amid war

Battling cancer is hard, but it's even a greater struggle in the middle of the war. Recently, the cancer hospital in the Yemeni city of Taiz was destroyed. Abubakr al Shamahi visited a makeshift medical centre that now offers the only chance for treatment.

(* B H)

Film: Lack of clean water, food worsening crisis in #Yemen

(B H)

I've been harvesting rain water in Sanaa since 2013. 3 days of heavy rain fills my underground tank with 100,000 litres – enough to last my family 6 months. Purchasing the same amount from water tankers would cost over US$500.

Harvest, filter, chlorinate, use : It's free water from God, and I thank Him.

(B H)

Yemen | Nutrition Cluster Dashboard (January to November 2017)

Yemen Nutrition Cluster: Operational Presence as of November 2017

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Film: Press TV’s Mohammad al-Attab travels to the province of Ibb where around 30 percent of the country's internally displaced people have sought refuge.

(A H)

Handwerk in der Region baut auf Flüchtlinge

Khaled Alsarori aus dem Jemen macht in Pinneberg eine Ausbildung zum Elektroniker. Die Branche freut sich über Nachwuchs. (nur Abonnenten)

(A H)

UNHCR Somalia Repatriation Update, 1-30 December 2017

(A H)

Somalia: Arrivals from Yemen at 31 December 2017

10,776 refugees & asylum-seekers from Yemen

34,990 refugee returnees from Yemen (2014 - 2017)

Somalia: Refugees, asylum-seekers and returnees at 31 December 2017

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Voluntary recruiting campaign inaugurated in Hamdan

Military Commander of the 6th region, Major General Mohammad Yahya Al-Hawouri and Deputy of the Sanaa province, Ali Al-Ghashmi inaugurated on Saturday a voluntary recruiting campaign in Hamdan district of Sanaa province.

(A P)

Yemen women rally to reinforce army in fighting Saudi aggression, Marib

Film: Yemen: Gun-toting women and children decry Saudi bombing

Hundreds of women and children held an armed rally in Sanaa on Saturday decrying the ongoing Saudi-led bombing campaign. and on Youtube:

and photos:

(A P)

Confirmed : Houthis have released Sheikh Julaidan Mahmud Julaidan, ex #Yemen Communications Minister, who was detained by the Houthis since the Sanaa clashes of Dec 2017. referring to (photo)

(A K P)

volunteers from Raymah to join army against aggression

Local council officials in Raymah province held a mass meeting to receive new volunteers who will join the army and popular committees in defending the country against the Saudi-led aggression coalition.

(A P)

A memorandum of the Ministry of Finance, which includes instructions from the Minister of Finance, Hussein Maqbuli, to the Central Bank of Yemen has been published today.
In the memo, the Finance Minister confirmed the payment of half the salary of July 2017 to all state employees ' (document)

My comment: That’s rather beggarly. It’s January 2018 now.

(A )

Houthis kill one man, injure another in Ibb

Houthi rebel militiamen killed one man and injured another in al-Qafr district of Ibb on Sunday, local sources said.

"Disputes erupted between gunmen from Bani Jomaa'ah clan and Houthi militiamen escalated to armed clashes which led to the killing Mayazi Haddsn and injury of Bilal Mos'id two tribesmen at the hands of a Houthi local leade

(A P)

Yemen President Samad visiting intellectuals, poets, writers in Sanaa.

Study & Researches Center Sanaa, 10 Jan, 2018. (photos)

(A P)

Anti-Human Trafficking Law was issued

A Law No. (1) for 2018 was issued on Wednesday on combating
human trafficking.
Meanwhile, another Law No. (2) for 2018 was issued on Wednesday,
approving the documents of the twenty-fifth conference of the Postal
Union held in Doha 2012.

My comment: According to the constitution, laws must be decided by the parliament. What about the parliament? There was no session. Many MPs seem to have left Houthi-held territory.

(* A K P)

Yemen ministry of education denies as untrue&baseless reports that school children are recruited as fighters. Recruits must be older than 18 & younger than 40, reads the announcement of defense ministry that recruit. Voluntary recruitment takes place everywhere in Yemen now.

Remark: Anti-Houthi media tell otherwise. Yemen should not throw its future away – and recruiting children for fighting (and they will die when being made fighters) exactly would mean that.


(B P)

Film: These brave women & gentleman - school teachers - are fighting armed Houthi militants to prevent the Houthis from using their school for recruitment & raising money for fighting Children belong to schools not the battlefield

My comment: By an anti-Houthi biased source. Lacking Where? And When?


I received msgs telling me that the school principal/teachers responded to the video If I receive that statement I will immediately retract & clarify as I did in the past Until then I won’t deal with anonymous sources talking on the school’s behalf

(A P)

Premier holds meeting on economic situation

Prime Minister Abdelaziz bin Habtor held a meeting with members of the cabinet to discuss economic and financial situations amid the ongoing US-Saudi aggression war and all-out blockade.


Houthi militias loot currency exchange offices in Yemen’s Sanaa

Houthi militias have stormed currency exchange offices in Sanaa on Tuesday and looted large sums of money, sources have confirmed.

According to eyewitnesses, Houthi gunmen who arrived in five armored vehicles stormed al-Kuraimi exchange office in central Sanaa a while before operating hours ended, disabled surveillance cameras and looted all the money there as well as computers and electronic devices. They also assaulted the employees.

The Houthis also stormed al-Sayfi and Soueid exchange offices in Sanaa and looted them and shut them down.

Some banking sources said the Houthis justified their move by claiming they seek to protect the Yemeni rial.

My comment: By Saudi media. Propaganda or reality – as so often, it is hard to decide. Well, the Saudis use this for anti-Houthi propaganda – but it also could have been a “normal” robbery.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

A University professor killed in Aden

A university professor in Aden was killed by soldiers of a checkpoint in Aden province,south of Yemen, protecting the headquarters of the Saudi coalition forces .

According to press sources, soldiers standing at a checkpoint near the headquarters of the Saudi coalition forces in al-Brega opened fire on the car of university professor Ahmed Saleh al-Salahi and killed him immediately .

According to the sources, al-Salahi was from Yafa, a former dean of the Institute Languages at the University of Aden, and was on his way to his home in the directorate of al-Brega, during the shooting.

(A T)

#AQAP claims targeting Security Belt forces vehicle in #Mahfad district #Abyan with an IED at 10:30am on Saturday Jan 13.

(A T)

IED explosion near Al-Salam Hotel in #Seiyun city Wadi #Hadramout this morning destroyed a car, damaged homes and shops, and injured at least one civilian. Reportedly targeted a passing military vehicle (photos)

(* B P)

Public outcry, Archipelago of Socotra is not for UAE nor US occupation, it must be for Yemenis!

There are many reasons behind the occupation greed of United Arab Emirates (UAE) in taking Yemeni islands, especially the most interesting island in the world Socotra.

Citizens in the island confirm that too large land of Socotra island and its four small islands like Archipelago have been occupied by the Emiratis. Yemeni lawyers say this is a violation of the laws of the state, the protectorates and the protection of the coast. Adding that this is a direct occupation for an independent and sovereign country.

Military experts say UAE is exploiting the poverty situation among the people Archipelago of Socotra as it is recruiting thousands the island’s citizens as a part of achieving its goals.

The UAE says it uses the island as military base as it is a member of the Saudi-led aggression bombing Yemen since March 26, 2015 on Yemen.

However, it seems that there is an Emirati plan to displace the original residents of Socotra, the vast majority of them make living on the fishing profession, and has nothing for the UAE forces on their land.


(A P)

Al-Oush to Muslim Brotherhood: Socotra is Southern by Heart and Identity… It is Not One of Your Damen Hills

Mohamed Ali Al-Oush, vice chairman of the cultural commission of the national assembly of the southern transitional council for Socotra, indicated that Socotra is witnessing a good stage of development with support of brothers in UAE in all fields that suffered from marginalization for years. In his exclusive statement to SAMA News, Al-Oush indicated that local authorities of Socotra are running Socotra’s affairs, away from the brotherhood party supported by Qatar.

My comment: By Southern separatists’ news media. Looking at what the UAE is doing in Socotra, this seems to be fact-free propaganda on behalf of the separatists’ greatest backer UAE.

(A P)

Supreme Military Association of Southern Army and Security Forces Initiates Field Visits for Several Units Report

According to the plan of Supreme Military Association of Southern Army and Security Forces for field visits of its units and departments to see closely the framework of these units and accommodation of its members, the association, brigadier general Saleh Ali Zunkul, chairman of the association, and his deputies visited brigade 120 air defense on January 7th, 2018.

My comment: Southern separatists gaining influence in the military?

(A P)

The sons of Southern prisoner Ahmed Omar Al-Abbadi Al-Marqashi, Abdul Hakim and Nasser, were released after being arrested by an unnamed security force at their father's home in Khormaksar #Aden. (photos)

(A P)

Hadi government Vice President Ali Mohsen al Ahmar called for the General People’s Congress (GPC) party to unite under the leadership of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi during an interview with a UK-based Arabic language newspaper in Riyadh on January 10. The GPC fractured after the death of its leader, former Yemeni President PERSONAli Abdullah SalehALI ABDULLAH SALEH UNIFIED NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN YEMEN IN 19...Ali Abdullah Saleh, in December 2017. [3]

(A P)

A US Center for Research Categorizes Al-Ahmar as a Terrorism-Fostering Person in Yemen

US international center for researcher in Washington categorized general Ali-Mohsen Al-Ahmar, vice president of Yemen, as a terrorism-fostering person.

My comment: The Southern separatists refer to the brilliant article by Peter Salisbury:

(A P)

Al-Halemy: The Southern Transitional Council id the Will of the South and Recent Appointments Aim to Initiate a Dangerous Agenda in the South

In a TV interview with Al-Ghad Al-Mushreq channel, Murad Al-Halemy, former minister of transportation and member of the southern transitional council, indicated that the declaration of the southern transitional council reflects the will of the southern people in a critical historic moment and called for evaluating the steps taken by the council so as to avoid mistakes of the past in the south.

(A P)

Shatara: The Southern Transitional Council Opens a Direct Channel with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Lotfy Shatara, member of the presidency and chairman of the media department of the southern transitional council, who is visiting Paris now, met Mr. Jeremy Bonavont, chairman of North Africa and Middle East in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Maria Pascal and Mr. Frank Jilit, former ambassador of France to Yemen. Shatara indicated that this meeting opened a wider channel for direct contact between the southern transitional council and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(A K P)

This photo going viral among Yemenis as it generated a lot of heated discussions. The pic said to be of UAE military parade in Soqatra island.

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen has claimed yday's op vs #UAE-supported #Shabwa Elite Force in al-Wadi'. Says 20 dead/hurt after booby-trapped car targeted several armoured vehicles. Probably inflated as pro-#AQAP wire yday said only 2 injured, no dead & posted pics of only 1 destroyed vehicle (photos)

(A T)

3 soldiers killed in terrorist attack in southeastern Yemen

About three soldiers of the newly-recruited Yemeni troops were killed Wednesday when a booby-trapped car hit a military convoy in the southeastern province of Shabwa, a security official told Xinhua.

"The troops were targeted by a terrorist attack with a booby-trapped car that killed three soldiers and injured a number of others in the entrance of Saeed district of Shabwa province," the local security source said on condition of anonymity.

photos: and thread


(A T)

Yemen troops seize Al Qaida's key bastion in Shabwa

Yemeni government troops, backed by UAE military advisers and fighter jets, stormed Al Sayed district, Al Qaida’s key stronghold in the southern province of Shabwa

(A T)

#AQAP militants used RPGs and B-10 recoilless rifle during their attack on the Hadrami Elite forces camp in Budha area of Doan #Hadramout. Four attackers were killed. (photos)

#AQAP claims attack on Hadrami Elite forces camp at Budha in Doan #Hadramout at 5:45am this morning. Six photos published of the attack.

(A P)

#Women's activism in east #Yemen: More photos of yesterday's protests against "construction of centres for extremist religious groups" after arrival of 100s of Salafis into Qishn in #Mahra (near border with #Hadramawt). Influx coincides with #Saudi military presence & new Gov'r.

My comment: Earlier reporting YPR 375. – That’s not by chance that Saudi presence coincides with the appreance of sectarian extremists.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Deputy Head of Mission for Yemen Calls on Yemeni Leaders to Create Positive Conditions for the Resumption of Peace Talks

The Deputy Head of Mission of the Office of the Special Envoy for Yemen (OSESGY), Muin Shreim, concluded a five-day visit to Sana’a, during which he held meetings on the resumption of the Yemeni peace process with senior political figures from the Ansar Allah Movement, the General People’s Congress and other political actors and civil society leaders.

Shreim was encouraged by the commitment and cooperation of his Yemeni interlocutors to the resumption of the peace process. He urged the parties to engage fully and in good faith with the Office of the Special Envoy to reach a Yemeni-led agreement to end the conflict. Shreim called for unhindered and continued engagement between Yemen’s political leaders and the Special Envoy, which is critical to advance the political process.

The Deputy Head of Mission also underscored that all parties must take concrete steps to build confidence between them. This includes ensuring the uninterrupted operation of Hodeidah Port, which is a critical artery for the shipment of humanitarian assistance and commercial goods, while refraining from actions that violate applicable UN Security Council resolutions.

At a time when the United Nations is intensifying its efforts to facilitate the resumption of the political process in Yemen, it calls upon all parties to avoid engaging in threatening and escalatory rhetoric.

and this is what Saudi media tell:

(A P)

Deputy UN Envoy Leaves Yemen After Houthis Reject His Proposals

United Nations Deputy Special Envoy to Yemen Moin Shreem concluded on Wednesday five-day consultations with leaders of the Houthi militia and their political components in light of the rejection of the pro-Iranian group of the UN proposals submitted by Shreim and their insistence on continuing to fight the legitimate government forces.
The UN official refused to make any press statements to the media while he was departing Sanaa airport with his aids, which likely means that he failed in his mission to convince the coup group of the recent UN proposals.
The proposals included the hand over of the Hodeidah port to the legitimate government and the unconditional return to negotiations with the legitimate government to achieve peace based on the terms of reference of the dialogue and relevant Security Council resolutions.

My comment: This was to be expected. Anyway, there is no Houthis‘ „insistence on continuing to fight the legitimate government forces“. The Houthis always have made clear that they prefer a peace negotiation solution. The Hadi government had told again and again that it only wants a military solution. Wherefor the Houthis should hand over Hodeida? Does the Hadi government hand over Taiz instead? The so-called „terms of reference of the dialogue and relevant Security Council resolutions“ are fully biased pro-Saudi and pro-Hadi government; they are among the greatest obstacles to peace, as they had been for nearly 3 years now.

Ans why the Houthis are asked for an „unconditional return to negotiations“? The Hadi government has 5 preconditions, which actually would mean a capitulation oft he Houthis even bevor any negotiations could begin. This simply would not work. The Houthis only have 2 preconditions: an end tot he saudi blockade (what also is required by nearly the whole world) and an end oft he Saudi aerial war. This would be a part of a cease fire – as they always hab been brokered bevor the start of former peace negotiations on Yemen (even if they had failed in reality). So what???

(A P)

This is the UN deputy envoy to Yemen,Mueen Shuraim. Left Sanaa airport today. He declined to say anything to reporters about his 5-day visit. I guess, he had nothing2please Saudis! Would do nothing2end war,as long as Saudis refuse peace! (photos)

Remark: For his visit and peace plans, look at YPR 375.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Saudi Arabia to seek extradition of corruption suspects

Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor has said he will pursue extradition for corruption suspects living abroad as part of a two-month-old crackdown that has already netted princes and tycoons.

Evidence is being collected against “fugitives” in order to issue indictments against them and request that foreign governments return them to the kingdom, Saud al-Muajab told Arrajol magazine in an interview published on Thursday.

It was not clear how many people are being targeted, or in which countries.

(* A E P)

Die Begehrlichkeit des Kronprinzen

Saudiarabien übernimmt die Kontrolle des Bauunternehmens Saudi Binladin. Offenbar soll sichergestellt werden, dass die Firma Reformprojekte unterstützt. Es ist der Beginn eines offenen ökonomischen Nationalismus.

Saudiarabien hat offenbar die Managementkontrolle über die multinationale Saudi-Binladin-Gruppe übernommen. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtet, bleibt das in Jidda beheimatete Bauunternehmen vorläufig zwar in der Hand der Familie. Doch die Besitzer sind entmündigt, wenn nicht enteignet.

Der offene Zugriff auf eines der wichtigsten saudischen Unternehmen erfolgt nach der spektakulären Festsetzung eines Teils der saudischen Geschäftselite im vergangenen Oktober.

Die als Akt der Moral und der fiskalischen Tugend verkaufte Lösegelderpressung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Aber natürlich hat sie ein Klima der Angst kreiert, in dem die unverblümte Benennung von Fakten risikoreich ist.

Das zweite Ziel ist ein finanzielles. Riad will Geld von Binladin. Doch in krassem Unterschied zu den Firmen, deren Chefs im Oktober verhaftet worden waren und von denen sich der saudische Staat um Milliarden betrogen wähnt, geht es bei Saudi Binladin in erster Linie um Schulden des Staates. Denn im Gegensatz zur Königsfamilie haben die Binladins meist gut gehaushaltet.

In Riad wird bereits befürchtet, das Vorgehen des Prinzen gegen Saudi Binladin werde den Kurs vorgeben für die saudische Wirtschaftspolitik der nächsten Jahre – von Ulrich Schmid

(A E P)

Exclusive: Saudi state taking control of Binladin construction giant - sources

Saudi Arabia is taking managerial control of Saudi Binladin Group and discussing a possible transfer of some of the giant construction group’s assets to the state while its chairman and other family members are in detention, sources told Reuters.

Binladin, which had over 100,000 employees at its height, is the biggest builder in the country and important to Riyadh’s plans for large real estate, industrial and tourism projects to help diversify the economy beyond oil.

My comment: MBS making more money.


(* A E P)

Saudi Arabia Takes Control of Binladin Construction Giant; Chairman, Family Members Detained

Saudi purge: With arrest of Osama Bin Laden's brother, an old alliance shatters

Saudi Arabia reportedly sets price of freedom for world's richest Arab at $6 billion

UN calls on Saudi Arabia to release detained protesters, stop 'repression' of rights

(A P)

#Saudi clansmen invite hundreds of western reporters & media professionals to King Abdulaziz Camel Festival paying their travel & to bribe many @alaibilfestival

(A P)

Saudi Arabia to allow unaccompanied women tourists

Female visitors over the age of 24 will be granted visas even if they are not travelling with a male guardian

Saudi Arabia will allow women older than 24 to visit the country without a male guardian as part of a new policy to promote tourism in the kingdom.

My comment: The photo for this article shows a woman at ther archaeological site of Madain Saleh, north-west of Riyadh. In this dress, a woman at once would be arrested. Happy vacation in a Saudi jail!!

(A E P)

Hong Kong, London, New York shortlisted for Aramco IPO: sources

Saudi Arabia has shortlisted New York, London and Hong Kong - singly or in a combination of two or even all three - for the international portion of the listing of national oil company Aramco, two sources with knowledge of the discussions said.

(A P)

#Saudi clansmen raze homes of their owen soliders let's test @TheEconomist credibility . Entire villages were razed as clansmen grab more land (film)

(B P)

Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Salman bricht verkrustete Strukturen auf

Mohammed bin Salman mischt das Land auf, und die Bevölkerung mag das, meint Saudi-Arabien-Expertin Fatiha Dazi-Héni

Dazi-Héni berichtet hingegen, dass MBS in der saudischen Bevölkerung für seine Handlungen große Popularität genießt. Mit der Verhaftungswelle sei erstmals zugegeben worden, dass es systematische Korruption im Land gebe.

Dass es dabei vor allem Mitglieder der Königsfamilie getroffen hat, hat die Popularität des Kronprinzen nur gesteigert. "In Riad sagt man: 'Er ist der Prinz des Volkes'", so Dazi-Héni.

Ob all diese Reformen auch gelingen, sei allerdings noch offen.

Mein Kommentar: Stellenweise fast begeistert mit sehr verhaltener Kritik. 88 Kommentare. Zur Dazi-Héni:

(A P)

Saudi Prince Fired over Criticism of Bin Salman

A prominent Saudi royal critical of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s sweeping arrests of fellow princes has been sacked from his post.

Local press reports said Wednesday that Prince Abdullah bin Saud bin Mohammed had been sacked as head of Saudi Arabia’s Maritime Sports Federation after he purportedly made an audio recording criticizing the government.

Prince Abdullah was replaced by a military officer, the reports said.

(A P)

Job Description

Reporter, Dubai

The Wall Street Journal is seeking a skilled and enterprising reporter to follow the massive amount of money flowing from Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Persian Gulf, with an eye to revealing its effects on everything from financial markets and global business to geopolitics.

Coverage of Saudi Arabia, how Riyadh’s money gives it economic and political influence and how the Saudi royal family earns and spends its money, will anchor the beat. A big part of the job too will be keeping tabs on the Persian Gulf’s sovereign wealth funds, whose assets are bigger than the annual economic output of Russia and Brazil combined.

We are looking for an intrepid journalist at home in different worlds. and

Comment: I dont know who wrote this ad because 1. They are either v naiive 2. They want this future reporter to be banned from entry/thrown out of Dubai

(* B P)

Q&A: Crown Prince is ‘very weak now’, says Saudi human rights activist

Yahya Assiri is a Saudi human-rights activist and prominent critic of his country’s regime. He runs an organization, ALQST, which documents human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. WikiTribune talks to Assiri

At the beginning there was a risk that people will accept the idea that MBS can do social and economic reforms without political reform and without giving people their rights.

Later on, it became very clear to everyone, inside and outside, that there’s no chance for real reform while there are no transparency, civil society institutions, public participation, independent media and freedom of expression.

MBS is violating human rights more than anyone else. Outside, he is responsible for the worst Saudi decision, the war on Yemen. Inside, he is responsible for unbelievable mass arrest.

MBS is very weak now; he’s lost all the support from Saudi authorities, such as the royal family, the Wahhabis and Western allies. The royal family is not united as before, and not all of them support MBS.

Vision 2030 is just a huge propaganda and PR. The real vision will happen only when we have transparency, civil society institutions, popular participation, independent media and freedom of expression.

The Saudi regime presented to the world Wahhabism. It founded it, spreads it and funds it. It’s a very extreme version of Islam, sectarian and exclusivist. They use Wahhabism to fight all their political enemies and they exploit the religion for their own interests.

So how can MBS talk about moderating Islam, attack reformers and moderates, while exploiting the religion?

Once the government stops exploiting the religion, the religion will be moderate. The government must allow people to live freely without the sectarianism that was created by the authorities.

(* B P)

Even Saudi Arabia’s Allies Are Questioning Its Mideast Power Plays

Pushback against Iran meets setbacks in Yemen, Qatar, Lebanon

U.S., Europeans are critical and some Arab allies steer clear

“MBS approaches domestic and regional politics in a similar, bold fashion,” said Hani Sabra, founder of New York-based Alef Advisory. “Domestically, this has worked well for him. He’s outmaneuvered many influential relatives.” Abroad, the approach “is creating and intensifying risks,” he said The risk from the war in Yemen has been brought home to Saudi cities.

Yet the Saudi leader runs the risk of overplaying his hand, especially if he tries to use the Iranian protests as an opportunity to weaken the regime in Tehran.

Yet the Saudi leader runs the risk of overplaying his hand, especially if he tries to use the Iranian protests as an opportunity to weaken the regime in Tehran, according James Dorsey, a Middle East specialist at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University.

Domestically, Prince Mohammed has had more success advancing his agenda.

But the near-absolute power that Prince Mohammed enjoys in the kingdom doesn’t extend beyond its borders. He may not be sensitive to the different approach required in foreign policy, according to Sabra.

“MBS is either not acutely aware of, or doesn’t care about the details of the domestic conditions in the region’s other states,” he said. “This is often at the root of the problems.”

(A E P)

Saudi bourse adjusts rules to attract foreign funds, ease Aramco IPO

Saudi Arabia’s stock exchange is adjusting its rules to make it easier for foreign investors to trade - steps that may help the bourse absorb a huge IPO by oil giant Saudi Aramco this year, the exchange’s chief executive said on Wednesday.

cp9 USA

(* A P)

Want a toolkit on how to interact with US lawmakers on the war in #Yemen? Here it is.

(A P)

Saudi foreign minister meets US counterpart in Washington

Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir met with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Washington on Friday, the US State Department said.

The pair spoke about enhancing relations between both states and discussed the situation in the region, including the war in Yemen and Syria.

(* B P)

„Trumps“ Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie
Erst am 18. Dezember 2017 veröffentlichte das Weiße Haus die seit einiger Zeit in der Mache befindliche „Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie der Vereinigten Staaten“ (NSS). In ihr finden sich – normalerweise zumindest – die außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Prioritäten der Regierung und damit zuallererst die des Präsidenten.

bestätigt den Trend, dass diejenigen, die versuchen, die US-Militärpolitik in die gewohnten (üblen) Fahrwasser zurückzugeleiten, innerhalb der Regierung – und gegenüber dem Präsidenten – immer weiter die Oberhand gewinnen.

Insofern verwundert es auch nicht, dass die aktuelle NSS im Wesentlichen den Kurs fortsetzt, der bereits mit der „Defense Planning Guidance“ aus dem Jahr 1992 von den Neo-Konservativen eingeschlagen und auch von späteren demokratischen Regierungen mehr oder weniger strikt gehalten wurde. Die USA müssten durch militärische Stärke ihre Vormachtstellung gegenüber jedem potenziellen Rivalen bewahren, so die damalige (und heutige) Kernaussage. In der „Defense Planning Guidance“ wurde das damals folgendermaßen formuliert: „Unser erstes Ziel ist, den (Wieder-)Aufstieg eines neuen Rivalen zu verhüten, sei es auf dem Gebiet der früheren Sowjetunion oder anderswo, der eine Bedrohung der Größenordnung darstellt, wie früher die Sowjetunion. Das ist eine beherrschende Überlegung, die der neuen Verteidigungsstrategie für die Region zugrunde liegt. Dies erfordert es, dass wir versuchen müssen zu verhüten, dass irgendeine feindliche Macht eine Region dominiert, deren Ressourcen – unter gefestigter Kontrolle – ausreichen würden, eine Weltmachtposition zu schaffen. Zu diesen Regionen gehören Westeuropa, Ostasien, die Gebiete der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und Südwestasien.“

(* B H P)

Valley Yemeni families watch in horror of manmade humanitarian disaster

In the U.S., the Trump administration’s goal of a “Muslim Ban” specifically targets Yemeni families.

The effects here in Fresno have been devastating for the families involved. Many woke up recently to learn that even spouses and children of American citizens are being denied entry into the country.

Families have shared that rejections were based on Presidential Proclamation 9645, the Muslim Ban, and thus cannot be appealed. This highly discriminatory act is unprecedented and is being interpreted as akin to a death warrant due to the current conditions in Yemen.

The U.S. continues to provide intelligence, logistical support, aerial refueling, and increased arms sales to Saudi Arabia, exacerbating the situation.

These sales and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s chummy relationship with the Saudi prince, Mohammad bin Salman, has encouraged Saudi Arabia’s foolhardy proxy wars with Iran, who they believe support the Houthis.

The Saudi-led coalition’s tactics of a blockade is strangling 27 million people. Bipartisan legislation and debate has started in Congress, but the views of our Valley leaders remain unknown.

If we are to avert a humanitarian travesty then the U.S. must stop its support of Saudi adventurism in the Middle East and allow refugees some sanctuary. The hopes of many of our Yemeni-Fresnan families depend on it.

(B P)

Letter to the editor: Yemen crisis

Contact your congressional representatives. Demand no more U.S. support for Saudi-led air strikes on Yemeni civilians and for immediate humanitarian aid to Yemen.

(* B K P)

End US-Saudi Arabian Yemen war crimes

The Pentagon turns national security fleas into elephants to justify gratuitous undeclared wars and bloated budgets. It races abroad in search of hornets' nests to destroy to create opponents to fight. In the eyes of our multi-trillion-dollar military-industrial-counterterrorism complex (MICC), to lose a friend is a misfortune, but to lose an enemy is a catastrophe.

These background dynamics explain our unconstitutional and gratuitous war in Yemen as a co-belligerent with Saudi Arabia against Houthi rebels.

Begun under President Barack Obama and continued under President Trump, our co-belligerency is flagrantly unconstitutional. It also violates the War Powers Resolution of 1973 (WPR).

Presidents Obama and Trump never asked Congress to authorize their unconstitutional military caper in Yemen because they knew and know they would lose the vote and the support of the American people. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the White House's poodle, has thwarted a House vote for the same reason.

In other words, in the manner of Russian and Chinese despots, our political leadership is refusing a vote on our co-belligerency in Yemen to circumvent the will of the American people and congressional majorities.

The time to restore regular constitutional order in matters of war and peace is long overdue.

(* B P)


What was happening to the British Empire in Aden is essentially what is happening to the United States today, all over the world. Unfortunately, that is something that all too many Americans just do not want to see.

Of course, Americans don’t like to think of their own country as an empire. After all, the United States was born in rebellion against empire, the British Empire.

Nonetheless, what was happening to the British Empire in Aden is what is happening around the world to the United States. Foreigners are saying to the U.S. government: What is happening over here in this part of the world is none of your business. Get out. Go home. Leave us alone.

One of the reasons that Americans are unable to draw the parallels between Great Britain and the United States is that the U.S. version of empire hasn’t followed the British model. Instead of converting foreign lands into colonies, the U.S. government has followed the Soviet Union’s model of empire that was established in Eastern Europe. It uses local proxies or “puppets” to serve as agents for the U.S. government, just as the Soviets did in Eastern European countries. This has enabled the United States to maintain the façade of supporting “independent” regimes in the countries it controls, which just happen to “invite” the United States to maintain military bases in their countries.

Thus, the notion that the troops are defending our rights and freedoms with their activities abroad is totally wrong-headed. In actuality, it’s the exact opposite. What the troops are doing abroad is, indirectly, bringing about the destruction of the rights and freedoms (and economic well-being) of the American people at the hands of their own government.

The solution to all this is clear: End American’s experiment with empire. Bring all U.S. troops home (and discharge them). Leave people in foreign lands free to resolve their own problems. Restore America’s founding principles against empire and foreign interventionism. Restore a limited-government republic to our land. Unleash the private sector to interact with the people of the world. Build a model society of freedom here at home for the world to emulate – by Jacob G. Hornberger =

(A P)


The Trump administration has postponed making a decision on the prosecution of an Al-Qaeda suspect being held by the United Arab Emirates in Yemen, according to officials.

(B P)

Muslim Ban and the 'Perfect Passport': #Yemen-i photographer Tana Faroq tackling cross border issues

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

Arms sales: Britain increases exports to world’s most repressive regimes by nearly a third since Brexit vote

Britain has dramatically increased the value of weaponry and defence equipment it sells to the world’s most repressive regimes since vows by senior ministers to expand arms exports after the Brexit vote.

Figures seen by i show that the Government cleared export licences worth £2.9bn in the 12 months after June 2016 to 35 countries considered “not free” by Freedom House, a respected international think-tank. The figure represents a 28 per cent increase on the 12 months before the Brexit vote.

Britain biggest single export market remains Saudi Arabia, with licences worth £1.12bn granted last year amid continuing condemnation of British weaponry by the kingdom in its bombing campaign in Yemen.

(A P)

‘Sorry to butt in here, but I think you mean Yemen, not Lebanon': PM slaps down bungling Boris as the Foreign Secretary twice confuses countries in Cabinet meeting gaffe

The Foreign Secretary was rebuked by May at last week's Cabinet meeting

His latest gaffe came during a discussion on the Yemen civil war

Ministers looked at each other, wondering whether it was a slip of the tongue

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)

Film: AKTE D – Das Comeback der Rüstungsindustrie
Deutsche Waffen tauchen immer wieder in Krisengebieten der Welt auf. IS-Kämpfer posieren mit deutschen Panzerabwehrraketen, Bürgerkriege in Afrika werden mit Sturmgewehren aus Deutschland geführt. Ein Regime wie Katar, das aktiv an regionalen Konflikten teilnimmt, darf 200 Leopard-Panzer kaufen, ohne dass die aktuelle Bundesregierung den Deal verhindert. Wie kann das sein? Hatte der Zweite Weltkrieg nicht klar gemacht: Deutsche Waffen dürfen nie wieder Unheil in der Welt anrichten? Wer verhalf der deutschen Rüstungsindustrie zu ihrem erstaunlichen Comeback, das Deutschland heute zu einem der größten Waffenexporteure der Welt macht? […]

(B K P)

Video: Vorschau auf "Bomben für die Welt"

Montag, 15. Januar, 22.55, ARD

Während Bomben eines deutschen Konzerns im Jemen fallen und deutsche Unternehmen ganze Munitionsfabriken in den Nahen Osten und nach Nordafrika verkaufen, rühmt sich das Land mit seinen strengen Rüstungsexportregeln.

(A K P)

CDU-Politiker kritisiert Beschränkung von Rüstungsexporten

Der Greifswalder CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Philipp Amthor hat die geplante Beschränkung von Rüstungsexporten in Länder kritisiert, die am Krieg in Jemen beteiligt sind.

„Das ist existenzbedrohend für die Wolgaster Peene-Werft, die Küstenschutzboote für Saudi-Arabien produziert“, sagte Amthor am Samstag in Greifswald. Solche Boote seien keine Panzer, würden aber der von der SPDvorgeschlagenen Regelung zum Opfer fallen, meinte er. „Das muss sich in den Koalitionsverhandlungen noch ändern.“ und auch:

und frühere Berichte über die Peene-Werft und die Patrouillenboote:

2.3.2014: Milliarden-Auftrag für die Peene-Werft

Die politischen Parteien Vorpommerns haben den Milliarden-Auftrag für die Wolgaster Peene-Werft einhellig begrüßt. Selbst die örtliche Linkspartei – deren Fraktionschef Lars Bergemann riskiert dafür Ärger mit der Bundespartei.

7.9.2017: Peene-Werft profitiert von Korvetten-Bau

Ministerpräsidentin Manuela Schwesig besuchte Schiffbaustandort und Kreiskrankenhaus in Wolgast

24.10.2017: Saudi-Schiffe verlassen Werft

Zwei Patrouillenboote haben gestern um 5.45 Uhr die zur Lürssen-Gruppe gehörende Peene-Werft verlassen und die Peenestrombrücke passiert.

14.11.2017: Erneut Kritik an Patrouillenboot-Lieferung,peenewerft136.html

(A K P)

Gabriel verteidigt Rüstungsexportstopp für arabische Länder

Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel hat den geplanten Stopp von Rüstungsexporten an die am Jemen-Krieg beteiligten Länder verteidigt. „Das ist eine sehr kräftige Positionierung“, sagte er am Samstag am Rande eines SPD-Landesparteitags in Sachsen-Anhalt. „Wir können ja auch nicht nur jeden Tag beklagen, was im Jemen passiert. Das ist die größte humanitäre Katastrophe, die wir weltweit haben.“

(* A K P)

Ergebnisse der Sondierungsgespräche von CDU, CSU und SPD

Die Bundesregierung wird ab sofort keine Ausfuhren an Länder genehmigen, solange diese am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind.

(* A K P)

Sondierungen von Union und SPD: Keine Waffen mehr für Saudi-Arabien

Das vielleicht bemerkenswerteste Ergebnis der Sondierungen von Union und SPD im Bereich der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik versteckt sich in einem Satz, der auf den ersten Blick beinahe wie eine Selbstverständlichkeit wirkt. Im Abschnitt über Rüstungsexporte heißt es: „Die Bundesregierung wird ab sofort keine Ausfuhren an Länder genehmigen, solange diese am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind.“ Gemeint ist damit vor allem Saudi-Arabien, das seit Jahren zu den wichtigsten Empfängerländern deutscher Rüstungsgüter zählt.


(* A K P)

Union und SPD wollen Rüstungsexporte an Jemen-Kriegsparteien stoppen

Unklar blieb zunächst, ob das auch schon für die noch amtierende geschäftsführende Bundesregierung von Union und SPD gilt, also unverzüglich.
An dem direkten Kampfeinsatz im Jemen und an der Seeblockade des arabischen Landes beteiligen sich folgende Länder: Saudi-Arabien, Jordanien, Ägypten, Bahrain, Kuwait, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Marokko, Sudan und Senegal. Saudi-Arabien und die VAE waren 2016 bei den Einzelgenehmigungen deutscher Rüstungsexporte unter den zehn wichtigsten Empfängerländern.

Mein Kommentar: Endlich, endlich!!

Eine bemerkenswerte Kehrtwende. Ist die Bundesregierung jetzt in der Realität angekommen? Im November 2017 hatte der Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes noch erklärt: „Unserer Ansicht nach befindet sich Saudi-Arabien nicht in einem bewaffneten Konflikt mit Jemen, sondern unterstützt auf dessen Bitte die jemenitische Regierung.“ ( - Und die Liste der betroffenen Länder ist lang, wie oben zu lesen. Dann muss auch Folgendes ab jetzt der Vergangenheit angehören:

(* A K P)

Waffen für Ägypten

Die Bundesregierung hat im vergangenen Jahr Rüstungsexporte in Rekordhöhe an Ägypten genehmigt. Wie die Regierung bestätigt, beläuft sich der Wert der Zusagen, die 2017 getätigt wurden, auf rund 428 Millionen Euro. Kairo erhält unter anderem U-Boote, die von ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems gefertigt werden. Die Lieferungen erfolgen, obwohl gegen das ägyptische Militärregime Vorwürfe wegen schwerster Menschenrechtsverletzungen erhoben werden; der Fall eines Anfang 2016 womöglich von ägyptischen Polizisten oder Geheimdienstlern ermordeten italienischen Doktoranden ist bislang nicht aufgeklärt. Die ägyptische Marine unterstützt zudem den Krieg, den eine von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition gegen den Jemen führt. Die Koalition wird ebenfalls weiter mit deutschen Waffen aufgerüstet; Berichten zufolge wurden die Exporte an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate zuletzt ausgeweitet. Dabei beginnen inzwischen sogar NATO-Staaten, ihre Lieferungen an die Koalition auszusetzen - wegen der humanitären Katastrophe, in die sie den Jemen stürzt.

English summary: The German government approved arms exports to Egypt for ca EUR 428 million last year. Cairo received, among others, submarines manufactured by Thyssenkrupp Marine systems. The deliveries are made even though the Egyptian Military is accused of serious violations of human rights: the Egyptian Navy supports the war waged by a Saudi-led Coalition against #Yemen.
The Coalition will also continue to be armed with German weapons.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Siehe / Look at cp1 (Emirates; in German)

(? B P)

Oman will defend its interests on the Yemen border

Saudi-Emirati forces have entered Yemen’s Mahra province, which borders Oman, in search of smuggled Iranian weapons

Mahra's status

Countering smuggling

Muscat's position

Southern secessionism

Coalition objectives (only with login)

My comment: The Saudis tighten their grip at this border region, the population seeming quite unwilling (look at cp6, and earlier YPRs (375, 374) at cp6 each. The “smuggled Iranian weapons“ story is a scam, Oman always has denied that any arms are smuggled through its territory, and it would be odd anyway as the route from Oman to Houthi territory would lead through AQAP territory. Transporting any arms there would directly arm Al Qaida. The Saudis use this story as a pretense to get full controll over this region – which would grant them a direct access from Saudi Arabia to the Indian Ocean.

(B P)

Ethiopia: To Shield Yemeni Crisis Domino Effect

The ongoing crisis in Yemen has a considerable repercussion on its neighboring countries and beyond. It has altered the security dynamics at one of the world's busiest sea passages-Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

No doubt, the war and the expanding Saudi-Iranian rivalry could have serious repercussions to Horn countries including Ethiopia.

Yemen has become a burden for neighboring countries in terms of resources. With a rapidly growing poor population, the pressure on already thin resources and on the provision of goods and services are bound to become untenable.

Therefore, Ethiopia needs to play an active role in terms of promoting peace and security issues within the Horn and beyond through strengthening diplomatic relations.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

Qatar complains to UNSC after UAE fighter jet violates airspace

(* B P)

The Qatar Crisis Is Like a Game of Chess

The Qatar crisis has expanded to the Horn Africa, potentially fueling simmering regional conflicts. Renewed fears of heightened tension in the Horn — a region pockmarked by foreign military bases that straddle key Indian Ocean trade roots with its 4,000-kilometer coastline — were recently sparked by Sudan granting Turkey the right to rebuild a decaying Ottoman port city. The Turks will also construct a naval dock to maintain civilian and military vessels on the African country’s Red Sea coast.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10, cp11

(A K P)

KSA continues to hold deals with USA despite its failure in Yemen

US Army has awarded Sikorsky, a leading American aircraft manufacturer based in Connecticut, a contract worth nearly $200 million to supply 17 Black Hawk helicopters to Saudi Arabia.

The terms of the “firm-fixed-price” agreement between the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, and the army were announced Thursday by the Department of Defense.

Saudi Arabia is expected to receive eight UH-60Ms for the kingdom’s National Guard, while the other nine helicopters will go to the Royal special security forces.

The UH-60M Black Hawk, a medium-lift, rotary-wing helicopter, has been in use by military forces around the world since it was first introduced in 1979.

(* B E K P)

2018 Will Be an Arms Bonanza

The final number is likely to go far higher than the staggering figure Trump requested last spring.

And that's only the beginning of the good news for the big weapons companies. Industry officials and Beltway defense analysts aren't expecting the real increase in Pentagon spending to come until the 2019 budget. It's a subject sure to make it into the mid-term elections. Dangling potential infusions of Pentagon funds in swing states and swing districts is a tried and true way to influence voters in tight races and so will tempt candidates in both parties.

President Trump has long emphasized job creation above much else, but if he has an actual jobs program, it mainly seems to involve pumping more money into the Pentagon and increasing overseas arms sales.

While the full impact of Trump's proposed Pentagon spending increases won't be felt until later this year and in 2019, he did make a significant impact last year in his role as arms-dealer-in-chief. Early estimates for 2017 suggest that arms sales approvals in the first year of his administration exceeded the Obama administration's record in its last year in office.

The Good News for Arms Makers: More War

There are, however, a number of reasons to think that the major weapons makers will do even better in the coming years than they did in the banner year of 2017.

Start with America's wars – by William D. Hartung =

(* A K P)

Norwegian paper: Finnish personnel carriers in use in Yemeni war

A representative for the Finnish state defence contractor Patria has admitted that the armored modular vehicle pictured in the Norwegian newspaper is a Patria product.

On Thursday, the website of Norway’s biggest circulation newspaper Verdens Gang published a link to a video that the daily said includes images of an armored personnel carrier being used in the war in Yemen. The paper identified the vehicle as an armored modular vehicle (AMV) manufactured by Patria, the Finnish state defence contractor. The source of the video was said to be a news organisation in the United Arab Emirates.

My comment: Yemeni sources had identified these vehicles already weeks ago.

(* A K P)

Court rejects Ottawa's bid to halt Saudi arms deal lawsuit

A Federal Court judge has rejected the Trudeau government's attempt to sink a fresh legal challenge of the $15-billion sale of weaponized armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia, saying evidence last summer showing Canadian-made machines being deployed in a Saudi neighbourhood has breathed life into the matter.

This means a new lawsuit to block these arms exports will be allowed to proceed and Ottawa will be forced to shed light on what happened in the summer of 2017 when Canadian-made armoured vehicles were filmed and photographed taking part in a fight between Riyadh and residents of the Saudi kingdom's Eastern Province.

This is University of Montreal law professor Daniel Turp's second attempt to block exports of $15-billion of Canadian-made light armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia

In January, 2017, a different Federal Court judge rejected his lawsuit, noting there was no evidence demonstrating Canadian machines had been used against the civilian population. That decision is still under appeal.

In July, however, for the first time, videos and photos surfaced showing the Saudis wielding Canadian-made armoured vehicles against the population in Awamiyah, a minority Shia Muslim area.

My comment: Finally. Sometimes there are even happening positive things in these Western arms sales tragedies.

(* A K P)

Yemen: Ad Rwm, bombe legali

Sgarzi, "fabbrica sarda trasferita in Arabia Saudita? Falsità"

[Reports on the transfer ot RWM bomb factory from Sardinia to Saudi Arabia rejected as fake news]

"Non c'è alcuna possibilità di riconvertire la Rwm Italia. Nessun cambio di attività è possibile, la prospettiva sarebbe solo la chiusura della fabbrica e il licenziamento dei dipendenti". Lo dichiara Fabio Sgarzi, amministratore delegato della società che fabbrica armamenti a Domusnovas, nel Sulcis Iglesiente, in un'intervista al quotidiano L'Unione Sarda.

Nei giorni scorsi era circolata la voce di una possibile chiusura della fabbrica di Domusnovas col conseguente trasferimento dell'attività in Arabia Saudita. "Il progetto di delocalizzare in Arabia Saudita che ci è stato attribuito da alcuni quotidiani è una fake news - conclude il manager -. Continueremo ad investire in Sardegna".

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A P)

Film: Yemen - A Protest Condemning The Indiscriminate Construction And Violation Of Aden’s Monuments

Near the historic Bab Aden and the monuments in Aden, a number of activists held a peaceful protest against the random construction that have become a real threat to the civilization and history of the city, where the participants raised banners reading "Our landmarks are our identity .. No to random construction" and "Our city’s door won’t be closes."

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(B E)

The liquidity crisis that has plagued the banking & finance sectors in #Yemen capital Sanaa for 2 years is over, it seems – there is simply no liquidity at all now, at any price.

(* B E H)

How A Man With No Coding Experience Built An App That’s Bringing Solar Power To Yemen

With power intermittent in the war-torn country, solar can be a real improvement. PV Solar helps Yemenis get it.

“Due to the war and the crisis that is going on in Yemen, the power grid that was supplied by the government is totally disconnected, hence, solar power systems became the main power supply for most homes and businesses,” says Anwar Al-Haddad, who built the app, called PV Solar. Al-Haddad estimates that in 2016, solar grew from roughly 5% of the electricity supply in cities like the capital of Sanaa to more than 50%.

The app has been downloaded more than 60,000 times in Yemen and is in use in thousands of homes and businesses. For Yemen, the most immediate impact of new solar power is more reliable access to electricity.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

Several US drone strikes targeted #AQAP militants in #Qayfa region of #Bayda on Jan 12. Strikes reported in Hammat Laqah, Jabal Nawfan, and Dhi Kalib (thread, photo)

(A T)

US estimates #IslamicState in #Yemen doubled in size over the past year (CENTCOM 20 Dec). But #ISIS-Y has made only 2 tinpot claims in 6 weeks

(A T)

AQAP militants attacked al Houthi forces with two improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in central Yemen on January 11, according to AQAP’s official social media channel. AQAP militants killed four al Houthi troops in Juban district, al Dhaleh governorate and three al Houthi troops in Rada’a city, al Bayda governorate.[4]

(* B P T)

Our Common Enemy: Ambiguous Ties Between al-Qaeda and Yemen’s Tribes

The spread of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Yemen is sometimes mistakenly blamed on tribes.

Bayda Governorate is one of the areas where AQAP’s activity in the region has increased since late 2014. The group has been engaged in the conflict against Ansar Allah, a Zaydi-Shia rebel group known more commonly as the Houthis, a development that has reinforced the perception that AQAP has built an alliance with local tribes. In reality, prior to the conflict in Yemen, the tribes had largely obstructed AQAP’s ability to expand and gain influence. It was not the sympathy of local tribes but the offensive in Bayda by the Houthis and forces loyal to the late Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh that created chaos, fueled grievances, violated tribal honor, and exacerbated conditions that allowed AQAP to gain strength.


As the Houthis gained greater control over Bayda and became more powerful than Saleh, they went back on most of the agreements they had concluded with the tribes. They began committing unprecedented abuses to force the tribes into submission.

Many of the tribes saw the Houthis’ actions as an attempt to undermine their power.

The Houthis’ entry into Bayda allowed AQAP to gain influence on the ground and return to al-Manasseh, from where they had been pushed out in early 2013.

More significantly, AQAP was able to expand its operations in Bayda because it exploited the historic grievances that have shaped the tribes’ attitude toward the Houthis.


The tribes in Bayda regard the Houthis as a greater threat than AQAP. Unlike the Houthis, AQAP does not exercise power over the tribes or compel them to follow a particular ideology.8 The Houthis are outsiders who come principally from the northern tribes, while AQAP is made up mainly of local tribesmen who have not challenged the authority of the tribes in Bayda.

My comment: The author now follows a strictly anti-Houthi biased viewpoint, trying to ascribe almost all evils to them. Now, it’s even strengthening Al Qaida in Yemen. – Alliances between Al Qaida and anti-Houthi fighters (pro-Hadi militia and army, Arab allies) had often been recorded. How close the connections between Al Qaida and local elites (“tribes” in certain regions) could be, is shown in an article on AQAP in Mukalla, above in cp1.

Comment by Judith Brown: This article gives a good insight into the relationship between Al Bayda tribes, Al Qaeda, and the Houthi militias - and the complexity of the conflict in Yemen. Al Bayda and Hodeida are two areas where the Houthi militias have made money to support their campaign through the imposition of tariffs and taxes on goods passing through, hence they are important to the Houthi military campaign and to the Saudi led coalition that it trying to overcome them; hence they are areas that are contested - Al Bayda has long been a site of open warfare and Hodeida is fast becoming so.

The writer of this article does have a political position - her view is that of a southerner and an Islah supporter - people who are and have been very critical of the Houthi militias and ex-President and now deceased Ali Abdullah Saleh. But there is nothing to suggest that these views expressed here are not held by many al Bayda residents. The position of the Houthis in the north is more nuanced - they are not universally popular but many see them as better than a Saudi military occupation. And as the war goes on, more ordinary people are caring less about who wins and loses, and their ambition is just for the war to end - they don't have good feelings about the future of Yemen whoever is in control.

(A T)

ISIS claims a sniper killed a Houthi fighter in Sablat Al-Jarm area of #Qayfa region of northwest #Bayda today. (image)

(* B T)

U.S. Airstrikes Kill Senior Terrorists in Yemen

Several key al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula leaders were killed in recent U.S. airstrikes in Yemen, U.S. Central Command officials reported today.

Habib al-Sana’ani was killed in an airstrike Dec. 19 in Marib governorate.

External operations facilitator Miqdad al Sana’ani was killed Dec. 15

Abu Umar al-Sana’ani, an al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula Dawah committee member, was killed Nov. 20

Comment by Nasser arrabyee: Tell Trump, If he kills 1 terrorist by drone, He produces 1000 instead by supporting Saudi invasion on Yemen. Qaeda/ISIS uses Saudi money & US weapons to expand & recruit NOW. Leaders based in Riyadh. I'm morally & legally responsible for my words.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

FM says Houthis prove everyday disinclination, lack of desire for peace

Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi said the Houthi rebels prove everyday that they are "disinclined and undesirous for peace".

My comment: That’s repeated again and again, and it stays as odd as it is. The Hadi government is clearly told that it only wants a military solution. It has claimed five preconditions for any peace talks exactly knowing that with these preconditions there would not be any peace talks at all. They simply claim surrender of the other side.

(A P)

Houthis have lost legitimacy: Gargash

The Houthi militants in Yemen have lost legitimacy after the killing of former president Ali Abdallah Saleh, said Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Gargash, in tweets on Thursday.

They have lost all sense of balance and are "unhinged", Dr Gargash said. "All indications that the Houthi militia is unhinged. Loss of legitimacy following the murder of Saleh coupled with losses on the ground (5,000 killed & captured in December)," he tweeted.

Saleh's killing was a turning point in the war, the minister said. The militants cannot hope to get a national role after the outrage over Saleh's death, Dr Gargash said. "They are now perceived as a sectarian militia and an obstacle to a political solution," he said in the tweets.

My comment: There will not be any peace in Yemen when great parties are excluded. There will not be any peace in Yemen when one side of the conflict just makes peace with itself (in sex, you call it onanism). – The killing or not killing of an ex-president actually is no point of any “legitimacy”. – Might-be, the Houthis “have lost legitimacy”, by what ever. But the Hadi government already had lost legitimacy on Feb. 25, 2015 – and in the case of Yemen, Gargash’s UAE never had any.

(A P)

UAE and WHO sign deal for mothers, newborns in Yemen

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, has signed a cooperation agreement with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to support emergency care for mothers and newborns in the Al Mukalla province in Yemen's Hadramout governorate

My comment: And more of this “We-are-great-humanitarian-supporter” propaganda. And even more:

(A H P)

ERC delivers 6 aid convoys to Yemen’s Yashbam City

The assistance is part of relentless efforts by the UAE to ease the dire humanitarian conditions in Yemen

(A P)

Normalcy restored in liberated Yemeni areas: WAM Reports

Al MAKHA,10th January, 2018 (WAM) -- Normalcy has been restored in the areas liberated by the Arab Coalition Forces Supporting Legitimacy in Yemen, bringing smiles back on the faces of the ill and children whose innocence the Houthi militias are trying to kill.

The Emirates News Agency (WAM) made a field visit to some of the liberated areas to check the main facilities that have been rehabilitated and reconstructed by the UAE to provide integrated services to the children of Yemen through its humanitarian arm, the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC).

The Government Hospital in Al Makha City in Taiz governorate, which had been turned to rubbles by the Houthi militias during their control over the city, has been rehabilitated by the ERC. It is now ready to receive patients from different parts of the city.

Officials at the hospital said that during the control of the Houthi militias, the facility did not have the capabilities to receive patients. They pointed out that the restoration process started with the liberation of the city at the hands of the Arab Coalition Forces.

They thanked the UAE and ERC for rebuilding the hospital.

(A P)

WATCH: How Saudi women will attend their first league match in Jeddah

For the first time on January 12 the King Abdullah Sport City stadium will open its doors for Saudi women to attend the Saudi professional League game scheduled between Al Ahli club of Jeddah and al- Batin.

Images released on Twitter show the preparations ahead of the league game on Friday where signage was placed showing the women’s entrance and even including a women’s smoking section.

A special section has been assigned for women who smoke according to the images released. (photos)

My comment: propaganda for Westeners. Look whre women actually might take place – of course separated from men. LOL.

(A P)

The fight against terrorism enters a new phase

Firstly, ideology: “Disclosure of the ideas and methods of extremism and limiting its spread and impact on individuals and communities, while highlighting the values of moderate Islam and its ability to coexist with the other.”

There is an urgent need to address the misconception of establishing the Islamic caliphate in its utopian form and to strengthen national belonging and identity. The misconception of so-called end-time prophesies, which are used by terrorist organizations to legitimize their operations, also needs to be addressed. Hence, the ideological aspect is one of the fundamentals of our combat against terrorism.

Secondly, media: “Using media to confront terrorist propaganda, clarify the evil of its actions, expose the advertising methods of terrorists, disclose their beliefs, and to erode their perceptions.”

Thirdly, combating the financing of terrorism: “Work on curbing the sources of financing terrorism while increasing coordination and information exchange between the countries in this area besides developing systems and procedures for the prevention of terrorism from any financial sources.”

My comment: What about Wahabism and Saudi financial support for terrorists in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan? Will Saudi Arabia fight itself now?

(A P)

Houthi prisoner admits: ‘Hezbollah expert came to train us’

The Yemeni National Army released a video on Thursday of a Houthi militia prisoner in the Al-Jawf region who confessed to receiving training along with dozens of others at the hands of Lebanese Hezbollah soldiers.
He confirmed on the tape distributed by Al-Hadath that he was given training by an artillery and rocket expert along with 39 Houthi soldiers.

He said that the expert, only known as “Sajid”, used to come to train them weekly and added that he was Lebanese and had fought in Iraq.

My comment: This sounds more like a propaganda story.

(A P)

Rivalry within Houthi militia may develop to infighting

it seems that the Houthi militia itself is going to fracture soon. That is beginning as a rivalry now, sources say, between tribal leader Abu Ali al-Hakem serving as the chief of the militia's self-proclaimed "Military Intelligence" and Abdulkhalq al-Houthi a major warlord and brother of the militia's leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

Al-Yemen al-Saeed website quoted well-informed sources as saying that Abu Ali al-Hakem "is planning to eliminate top brass leaders within the Houthi group including Abdulkhaleq as part of their rivalry for clout, control and money."

The Sana'a sources indicate that there are actually more than two figureheads within the militia now craving for top positions and physically eliminating potential rivals.

My comment: By Islah Party news site which is biased anti-Houthi. Until further notice just rumours, labeled as propaganda in the moment.

(A P)

Defeat is inevitable for isolated Houthis

Like Daesh, the Houthis have brought nothing but death, destruction and misery to the people over whom they have ruled. While there is an important difference between the two militant groups — in the sense that the Houthis are Yemeni and could have a place at the negotiating table if they were to lay down their arms and withdraw from the regions they took over by force — in other regards the two groups have remarkable similarities. The Houthis would be wise to draw lessons from the fate of Daesh and other terrorist groups.

After turning on and killing their one-time ally, former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Houthis now find themselves with virtually no support or allies inside Yemen. That has meant they are now fighting a war on multiple fronts.

The Houthis cannot survive this isolation for long.

(A P)

Houthi aggression toward Saudi Arabia has increased in recent months and has caused a global outcry with a number of countries and organizations condemning the launch of ballistic missiles targeting the Kingdom.

my comment: By Saudi media. The Saudis playing the role of the victim. Ridiculous when looking at Saudi air raids on Yemen.

(A P)

VIDEO: 376 airstrikes carried out by the #Saudi-led Coalition over the last week targeting #Houthi militias assembly points, movements, ammunition storage in #Yemen and along the Saudi southern borders

My comment: And again one of these antiseptic targeting films, which should proof the targeting of “Houthi militias”, but actually could be almost everything. Remind the first US-Iraqi war.

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition says thwarts Houthi attack on oil tanker

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Wednesday it had thwarted an attack on a Saudi oil tanker over the weekend by Houthi fighters near the Red Sea port of Hodeidah.

The coalition destroyed a boat carrying explosives as it headed toward the tanker on Saturday, coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki said.

My comment: This smells very much like propaganda. There had been reports on a Houthi boat which had been destroyed, one report told the boat had come close to the Saudi warship which destroyed it, the other one claimed the Houthi boat had been destroyed in Hodeida harbour.

The Arab Ally destroyed a Houthi boat west of Al-Hodeida on Sunday morning. Knowledgeable sources indicated that a boat of Al-Houthi militias approached a military ship of the Arab Ally and the ship destroyed it at sight:

and also by an anti-Iranian propaganda channel, claiming that the boat was destroyed in Hodeida harbour, and “was patrolling the Red Sea waters and targeting commercial vessels crossing the international shipping lanes”, what obviously is nonsense:

The oil tanker has been introduced into this story just now to fit the Saudi propaganda purposes trying to paint the Houthis as threat to international shipping (look in article below). The Houthis would be absolutely crazy if they would attack any commercial ship in the Red Sea. If they have threatened to block international shipping as a last means in the fight on Hodeida does not mean they would do anything of this kind now. And even blocking a shipping line is something different to blow up a ship. The only “proof” for this oil tanker story: Saudi propaganda machine Maliki. Simply forget it and take it as what it is. – And international media are parroting…

And then the Houthi boat has morphed into three boats:

(A P)

On Jan 6, 2018: Saudi-led Coalition Navy foiled a WBIED attack on a #Saudi Oil Tanker by 3 boats in the Red Sea off the coast of Al Hudaydah.

(A P)

Coalition: Hodeidah Port Is a Threat to Int'l Navigation

In a new development, Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen announced on Wednesday that Hodeidah port is not only used for smuggling weapons now, but it has become a starting point to target navigation endangering security and regional and international peace.
Spokesman of the coalition, Colonel Turki bin Saleh al-Maliki said Iran-backed Houthi militias targeted a Saudi oil carrier while it crossed the Red Sea. However, the coalition’s navy intercepted the three boats’ mission and failed their attempt.
Speaking at his weekly press conference at King Salman Base in Riyadh, Maliki explained that the attack was executed by three boats which navigated towards the carrier with one remotely controlled, the other had a team and the third boat contained the bombs. He added that the coalition navy spotted the three crafts and intercepted the boat with the explosives and detonated it. and by Middle East Monitor

and by the Hadi government:

(A P)

Yemen says Houthi threat to shipping clear defiance to international laws

Fatah said that the "the international community and United Nations have to press the Houthi militia by all means to hand over all air and sea ports to the legitimate government"

My comment: “Yemen” is the Hadi government which in reality has less competence on the ground than Aden City Council. – And be aware, the Hadi government not even claims that Hodeida port should be handed to a third neutral party – they simply require to get Hodeida under their own control. All Saudi coalition proposals and threats that the Houthis must hand over Hodeida port to a third party (for instance the UN) just are camouflage: They want to get it under own control. The Houthis once removed and the UN (or the Vaticane or Switzerland or who ever installed there), the coalition simply would occupy it.

And among the Western media parroting this story and combining it to the Houthi threat of blocking the Red Sea shipping , British media must get the palm, headlining even with the Suez Channel:

(A P)

Yemen rebels threaten to choke off Suez Canal with boat bombs

and (still better, inventing a new “Suez crisis”:

(A P)

SUEZ CRISIS: Yemen rebels threaten to choke major shipping lane using BOMB BOATS

My comment: See it this way: For Westeners, the idea of getting less petrol and facing higher prices for petrol thus for driving up and down with their SUVs is a much more terrible idea than mass starvation and mass slaughter in other parts of the world. Or at least the media want to suggest the people to think so.

(A P)

Spokesman of coalition forces: Relief outlets in Yemen open to international organizations, donor countries to receive aid

Spokesman of the coalition forces in support of legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki bin Saleh al-Maliki said that the 16 air, sea and land relief outlets in Yemen outlets are open to international organizations and donor countries to receive aid and enter into the Yemeni interior.
During the weekly press conference held this evening at King Salman Base in Riyadh, Colonel al-Maliki reviewed video segments highlighting efforts of the coalition forces in Yemen and the relief and humanitarian efforts to restore security and stability in the Yemeni governorates and military operations carried out by the coalition forces professionally and accurately against the Huthi militias both inside Yemen and on the Saudi-Yemeni border.
The presentation dealt with the total permits issued during the past week, while the coalition forces detected the number of ballistic missiles fired from within Yemeni territory towards the cities of the Kingdom, as they reached 87 ballistic missiles, while the projectiles were 66,119.
Colonel al-Maliki said the Houthi terrorist group is training its personnel to attack ships, destroyers and aircraft carriers, and to target maritime traffic. He pointed out that the port of Hodeidah is a starting point for operations threatening maritime navigation, and Huthi militias threaten air navigation over Sanaa.
He pointed out that it is necessary and the United Nations must take the initiative to receive the port of Hodeidah from the Houthi armed group to help the Yemeni people and to maintain regional and international security and stability, pointing out that the port of Hodeidah has become the starting point for acts of terrorism that threaten the navigation movement.
He pointing out that the Houthi militia used radars to monitor the naval ships of the coalition, and commercial vessels crossing Bab al-Mandab, stressing the existence of substantial evidence of the presence of foreign experts in Yemen to support the coupists.

My comment: A propaganda and threat roundup, thus quoted in full here. The blockade is still in force, what ever propaganda tells. The highlighting of Hodeida and on the Houthis as a threat to the shipping in the Read Sea is significant. This means a) tightening the grip on the UN to press them to “negotiate” the Houthis out of Hodeida, b) to justify any further attack on Hodeida, c) to keep up the blockade while at the same time telling different, as done here: There still arrives little in Yemen, the blockade still is in effect. And be aware that even in his “There is no blockade”-propaganda Maliki just mentions Yemeni outlets would be “open to international organizations and donor countries to receive aid and enter into the Yemeni interior”: This does not include any commercial freight, no fuel, no normal food.

Parts of this propaganda press conference are not mentioned in the above SPA statement, more is here:

(A P)

Yemen ports open for aid, Houthis using ‘advanced weaponry’: Coalition spokesman

A Saudi oil tanker was targeted Saturday by Houthi speed boats, the spokesman told a press conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Both commercial and aid vessels are being targeted by the militias, he said.

Houthi forces are now focusing their attacks on Hodeidah, Al-Maliki said, adding that it was “vital” that the area is retaken to allow further humanitarian aid through the port.

Al-Maliki spoke of the Houthis' commitment to war and not peace. During the press conference a photo was shown portraying a soldier reading a primitive notebook that had pictures with instructions for the use of missiles. “Evidence proves that Houthis are being supported by foreign experts,” Al-Maliki said.

Al-Maliki pointed out that the Houthis are disguising themselves as normal citizens in order to avoid being targeted and taken in. He made clear that the coalition forces are advanced and monitoring them day and night.

My comment: A “Saudi oil tanker”. Hmm. As always in these propaganda scams, any details are missing. – “Houthi forces are now focusing their attacks on Hodeidah" ”s total nonsense as the Houthis are holding Hodeida, how should they attack it??? It’s the Saudi coalition who is “focusing their attacks on Hodeidah". – “it was “vital” that the area is retaken to allow further humanitarian aid through the port” is fully putting upside down. The flow of humanitarian aid via Hodeida would work if the Saudi would stop their blockade. If Hodeida would be “retaken”, this would not make anything better, on the contrary: In the case the city would be taken by the Saudi coalition, there would be a frontline between Hodeida and the rest of Northern Yemen, where the greatest part of the population is living, and in need of all the help and goods coming in.

This is the press conference by the Emirati news agency:

And the US propaganda is fully picking up the ball and playing it further:

(A P)

Dunford: Iran Provides Al-Houthi with Cruise Missiles and Threatens Bab Al-Mandeb

US Joint chief of Staff, general Joseph Dunford, asserted that Iran is still providing Al-Houthi militias with cruise missiles to threaten navigation in Bab Al-Mandeb, according to Al-Arabia Channel. The US Military official considered freedom of navigation in Hormuz and Bab Al-Mandeb Straits as a key issue for USA indicating that Iran’s acts of providing Al-Houthi militias with cruise missiles and advanced weapons is a real threat to this vital sea path and the international trade traffic. He considered such acts a challenge to US commitment of keeping these vital sea paths open and secure for international navigation

And the Emirati propaganda is following:

(A P)

Houthi militias collapse, some flee, others captured: Report

Between last December and the beginning of January this year, the Iranian-backed Houthi militias were heavily assaulted by the operations of the Yemeni National Army and the Arab Coalition Forces, led by Saudi Arabia, and it has become apparent that they are in a state of total collapse.

The Yemeni National Army and the Arab Coalition Forces have opened multiple fronts leading to Sanaa, which have created a state of confusion between the militias and cut off their connections to their central leadership, forcing many to flee or surrender.

The militias now live under the worst ever conditions on the back of the failure of their key military and field leaders, who have either been killed or captured, a miserable situation which made them commit further atrocities against unarmed civilians, recruit students forcibly and assault female school teachers.

The militias have gone further than simply robbing businesses and taking their money by force. These and other actions reflect the growing dissent among many of their

My comment: This simply is exaggerating the successes achieved by the coalition. And it is mixed with anti-Houthi propaganda.

And of course the Hadi government cannot stay absent here:

(A P)

Yemeni Foreign Ministry Addresses Urgent Messages to International Community on Violations of Houthi Militias Against Civilians

The Yemeni Foreign Ministry said in its messages that the violations of coup militias increased during the month of December and after the assassination of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and deformation of his body, and the abuse of leaders, members and supporters of the General People's Congress, in addition to deliberate executions of detainees in the prisons of militias.
The Yemeni Foreign Ministry stressed that these acts are terrorist acts, not different from the acts of any terrorist group, embodying the terrorist approach practiced by Houthi militias since its inception so far in liquidation of its opponents, seeking to terrorize the entire society to disseminate its terrorist agenda and heinous crimes to serve Tehran aiming at creating a state of instability in the region and spreading anarchy that serves the agenda of the mullahs of Iran and their tendencies to control the most important region in the world's economies.

(A P)

113 detainees killed by Houthi torture: Human rights report and also

My comment: I quoted the underlying Rights Radar report in YPR 375. A report on this by a Saudi media, is a joke. The photo given here shows the backs of two men who seem to have been heavily flogged. Well, might be the one of them actually is Raif Badawi ( )??

(A P)

Al Houthis willingly recruit child soldiers

What is clear in nearly three years since Al Houthis overthrew the legitimate and internationally recognised government of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi is that the tribal militia will stop at nothing in its efforts to bring chaos, suffering and violence across Yemen. It has turned to taking weapons, training and logistical support from Iran to pit Yemeni against Yemeni, fire missiles at humanitarian aid ships, mine international maritime waters, target Saudi cities with ballistic weapons, and continue to recruit the young and vulnerable as cannon fodder. and adopted by Emirati news agency:

My comment: The UN report is not new, and it is recycled here. And it blamed all parties of the conflict. And the story as told here does not stop with child soldiers. But in case a story is exaggerated too much (as is here), it turns to odd propaganda.

(A P)

Yemeni Officials Call for Standing behind Legitimacy to Defeat Iranian-Backed Houthi Militias

A number of Yemeni officials and parliamentarians have confirmed that Houthi militias chose to be part of the Iranian project in Yemen and the region to destroy them.
They explained in statements that Houthi militias had committed atrocious crimes against the cadres and leaders of the General People's Congress after the killing of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and against all the Yemeni people.
They stressed the importance of standing behind the Arab coalition to support the legitimacy in Yemen led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, maintaining Arab and regional national security and preserving Yemen from Iranian hegemony with its arm of Houthi militias.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

Saudi coalition air raids, day by day

Jan. 10:

Jan. 11:

Jan. 12:

(* A K PS)

More than 90 Houthi soldiers killed in coalition raids on Al-Bayda

More than 90 Houthi militia soldiers have been killed and dozens wounded in raids carried out by Arab coalition fighters on a training camp in the Al-Bayda governorate, Al-Ekhbariya reported.
The media center for the Popular Resistance in the governorate said that coalition aircraft launched more than 7 raids on the Al-Qaseer camp

Remark: By Saudi media.


(A K)

#Saudi-led coalition airstrikes targeted al #Houthi positions in the Jabal Jamida area, northwestern al Bayda, central #Yemen. #AQAP has fought alongside tribal forces against the al Houthi movement in this same area on several occasions. (map)

(A K PH)

US-Saudi airstrikes hit cemetery, school book store in Sa’ada

The US-Saudi aggression aircrafts targeted on Saturday a cemetery and a store of school books in al-Hamzat area in Sahar district of Sa’ada province, a security official told Saba.

The hostile air force launched another raid on a store of school books belonging to Hamza bin Abdulmottaleb School in the area, devastating thousands of books. and photos

Film: =

(* A K PH)

33 Yemeni civilians killed, injured in a single day by Saudi-led coalition airstrikes

A total of 33 civilians were killed and wounded, including children and women, in several airstrikes conducted by the Saudi-led coalition, including international banned cluster bombs, on several Yemeni governorates over the past day, according to a number of summarized reports.

(A K PH)

Saudi airstrike kills Yemeni civilian in Marib

A citizen was martyred in a US-Saudi aggression coalition airstrike on a citizen's house in Serwah district of Marib province on Saturday

(A K PH)

Saudi aggression waged 15 airstrikes on Dhamar

Three airstrikes were launched on the stadium sports in Dhamar city, causing the destruction of its stands and sports clubs


(A K)

Dhamar, Yemen, Jan 12, 2018, 0345 am to 09 am
The Saudi War planes carried a series of Air strikes on various locations on Dhamar. Among which 4 airstrikes on the empty Central Forces Camp (200 meters away from our residence) and 3 air strikes on the Dhamar Stadium (500 meters away from where we live)..
They started at 4 am with the Central forces camp which is too close to where we reside 4 or 5 strikes, windows glass rattled and broke, bombs fragments, stones and huge amounts of dust reached our yard, to cover the air, accompanied with a strange smell of chemicals to make it hard for us to breath for minutes there after.
The weather was so cold (3 degrees centigrade below zero) we were shivering, horrified and shocked as all the windows & doors were opened!!
We slept for three hours and again waked up by the huge explosions for the bombs which were dropped on the Stadium!! =

(* A K PH)

Film: The aggression against civilians in Hodeidah, leaving martyrs and wounded

The air aggression targeted a passenger car in the road of the province of Hodeodah, the aftermath of the attacks of 8 martyrs and 3 wounded and targeted the aggression farm and a mosque in the Directorate of Tahita in the province of Hodeidah, causing great destruction v= =

(A K PH)

Film: coalition of aggression against innocent children and women in the Directorate of Ghamer Governorate Saada = =

(A K PH)

2 civilians killed in air strikes on Saada

Two citizens were killed when the US-backed Saudi aggression waged three airstrikes overnight on Shepherds in Safraa distract of Saada province, a security official told Saba on Friday.
The air forces launched three raids on nomads' tents in Akwan area,which led to the deaths of two citizens and the destruction of their tents.


(A K PH)

Film: The crime of aggression against shoppers and nomads in # Kataf and # Al-Safra # Saada

The hostile Saudi-American airliner committed two crimes against innocent citizens in the departments of Kataf and Al-Safra in Sa'ada governorate, leaving martyrs and wounded

the martyrdom of two citizens in three raids of the Air Force aggression targeted tents for mobile shepherds in the region of Akkouan Directorate of yellow. = =

Today 2 Shepherds and their 2 sons were walking with their sheep next to a mountain in Alsafra area #Saada ,suddenly #Saudi air strike killed the 2 shepherds , their 2 sons survived ,but Unfortunately they will become orphans (photos)

(A K PH)

Two US-Saudi air strikes hit capital Sana

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes waged on Thursday two fierce strikes on Shaob district in mid of the capital, Sanaa, an official told Saba.
The strikes hit the building of military works in the district, heavy damaging to houses of the citizens and public properties


(A K PH)

A fire broke out after the air raids on the Engineers' Corps in the area of # Sa'wan

11/1/2018 (photos) and film


(A K)

I am literally tweeting, and shivering! I chose the worst day to take my #baby to #nursary! He has been locked at home for more than a month, now I am worried sick. It is not safe to go out. But, I will have to go and get him.

Heavy airstrikes on #Sanaa #Yemen this morning - my colleague Sukaina terrified because she'd taken her toddler to nursery. How much more of this do Yemeni civilians have to endure?

(* A K)

Yemeni official: Saudi-led airstrike on market kills 11

A provincial health official says an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition has struck a market in northern Yemen, killing 11 people, including an 11-year-old boy.

Hassab al-Azay, the health director in Saada province, a stronghold of the country's ShiiteHouthi rebels, told The Associated Press that Wednesday's airstrike wounded another five people.

(* A K PH)

10 civilians died in US-Saudi airstrike on Saada

At least 10 civilians were killed and another one wounded at an initial toll on Wednesday in a US-Saudi air strike on a popular Souk in Kutaf district of Saada province, an official told Saba.

(* A K PH)

3 killed, 3 child injured in airstrikes on Yemen Saada

Three civilians on Wednesday were killed (including two child) and three child were injured in US-Saudi aggression airstrikes on Saada province, a security official told Saba.
Two child were killed and three others child and man were injured when the warplane launched an strike on civilians house in Mahjar area of Baqem district.


(* A K PH)

Today ,6 kids were playing soccer in their neighborhood in Baqeem area #Saada ,suddenly 3 #Saudi air strikes targeted a home & killed 3 of these kids ,the other 3 kids got injured and were taken to the hospital (photos)

and more photos, also stating names of killed and injured:

film: =

(A K PH)

Update: Casualties from Saudi airstrikes on Teshdan, Saada rise to 5

The casualties toll from the three US-Saudi aggression airstrikes in Ghamer district of Saada province on Wednesday rose to four child and woman, a security official told Saba
The strikes killed two child and two others and woman were seriously injured, and destroyed two residents' houses.


(A K PH)

2 child, woman injured in airstrikes on Yemen Saada

At least two child and woman injured at an initial toll on Wednesday in three US-Saudi air strikes on Ghamer border district of Saada province, a security told Saba.
The air strikes hit resident's houses in Teshdan area.

(A K PH)

32 US-Saudi aggression airstrikes hit Sanaa, using cluster bombs

The US-Saudi aggression coalition warplanes on Wednesday launched 32 strikes using cluster bombs on the capital Sanaa, a security official told Saba.
The airstrikes targeted Dhula-Hamdan area west of the capital Sanaa, causing huge damage to residents' houses and farms.
The enemy planes are continuing to fly over the capital as they break the sound barrier. and (Arabic) and related on this is claiming a “military camp” had been the target

(* A K PH)

Targeting Al-Khoba Port Aluhya District-Al-Hudaydah Governorate 8-1-2018

Yesterday, the Saudi-led coalition warplanes launched an airstrike on AlKhoba Port targeting a store of fish Resources belongs to the general Authority of Fish Resources , this store also used as a place of sleeping for the fishers . The attack resulted in the killing of three innocent people and the injuring of three others in addition to the destruction of the fish store and eight shops close to it. Legal Center for Rights and Development contacted with some witnesses in the targeted area, who in turn told us some information about the crime.

film: =

Remark: This air raid already was reported in YPR 375. This is a full report with many details.

(A K PH)

More air raids reported on:

Jan. 13: Bayda prov. Hodeida prov. Marib prov. Saada and Jizan prov.

Jan. 12: Saada prov. Taiz prov. Saada prov. Gamer district, Saada prov.

Jan. 11: Bayda prov. Hajjah prov.

Jan. 10: Marib prov. Hodeida prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PS)

With UAE Support, 68 Injured Persons of the West Coast Front Evacuated for Treatment in Egypt

My comment: Repair of cannon fodder.

(A K PH)

missile and artillery force of the Saudi enemy shelled different areas of Razeh, Munabeh, and Ghamer border districts

(B K PS)

UAE forces and Yemeni army continue tightening control on strategic Khalid ibn Al Waleed camp

The UAE Armed Forces and the legitimate Yemeni army continue to tighten control on the Khalid ibn Al Waleed camp in Yemen, one of the most important camps and among the strongest fortifications liberated by the Arab coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia from the Iranian-backed Houthi militias.

(* A K PS)

De-mining operations underway in Yemen’s west coast

Teams from UAE and Sudan work to remove landmines on road between Al Mukha and Al Khokha

Engineering teams from the UAE Armed Forces alongside Yemeni legitimacy forces and Sudanese forces from the Saudi-led Arab Coalition Forces have begun carrying out de-mining operations in roads used by residents of the western coast areas of Yemen.

The UAE engineering teams are working on a daily basis to clear the liberated areas of thousands of mines and improvised explosive devices planted by Al Houthi militias on the road between Al Mukha and Al Khokha.

Al Houthis have deliberately and randomly planted various types of mines and improvised explosive devices on roads, homes and farms in the areas they’ve been expelled from without taking into consideration civilians, children, young people, women and the elderly.

(* B K PS)

WAM reports suffering of Houthi landmine victims

The UAE Armed Forces Military Engineers, the coalition forces supporting legitimacy in Yemen, and the Sudanese forces within the Arab coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia, have carried out de-mining of the improvised explosive devices, IED, planted by the Houthi militias in the roads used by residents of the western coast areas of Yemen.

Some local and international rights reports have revealed that Houthi militias have planted more than half a million mines in the liberated Yemeni provinces, including internationally banned mines that have killed hundreds of civilians and caused thousands of permanent disabilities to others.

Al-Houthi's landmine victims, who were interviewed by the UAE's Emirates News Agency, WAM, said the mines and explosive devices targeted not only civilians but also animals.

Abdelmajid Abdu, one of the injured civilians, was playing with his friends outside his house when a small explosive device blasted on his body, causing him permanent disability.

(A K PH)

2 civilians killed, injured by Saudi border guards shoting in Saada

A civilian was killed and another injured on Friday when Saudi border guards fired at them in Saada province, a security official told Saba.
The civilians sniped in Raqo area of Munabeh district.
Meanwhile, several areas of Munabeh and Shada border districts were shelled by Saudi artillery and missile shelling, causing damage to property of citizens.

(A K PH)

Saada province: several areas of Munabh district was fired by artillery and missile shelling, causing huge damage to farms and road.

(A K PS)

Al-Mahramy Negates the News About Stopping Military Operations on the West Coast

Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, commander general of the west coast front negated the news shared on social media about the intention of stopping military operations on the west coast because of the appointment of a certain person as a minister in the legitimacy government.

(* A K)

Houthi Katyucha rocket kills granny, mother, her two kids in Taiz

The Houthis killed a mother, her two children and their grandmother in Taiz on Thursday evening, local sources told the media.

The Shiit Islamist extremists fired a Katyucha rocket toward Shaht village in al-Dhabab, west of the city of Taiz. The rocket landed on a house killing the mentioned family panicking and disheartening the whole village residents, said the sources. and photo:

(A K PH)

Ballistic missile hits Saudi army camp in Najran

The army and popular forces fired on Thursday evening a ballistic missile, Qaher m2, on Saudi army camp in Najran province, a military official told Saba.
The missile hit the special forces camp and the military airport of Apache helicopters accurately


(A K PS)

Saudi Arabia air defense units intercept ballistic missile fired by Houthi militia on Najran

Royal Saudi Arabia Air Defense forces intercepted a ballistic missile over the southern province of Najran, bordering Yemen, on Thursday.

Saudi air defense intercepted the missile and shot it down without causing any damage.

(A K)

Caught On Video: Saudis Intercept Ballistic Missile Shot By Yemen Militants

Royal Saudi Arabia Air Defense forces have shot down a ballistic missile near the border of Yemen over the southern province of Najran on Thursday (film; images)

(A K PS)

Film: UAE 'Scorpion Battalion' joint with SaudiSOF in support of the #Yemeni National Army operations in Mawza District, Taiz

(A K PH)

Saada province: One civilian were killed when Saudi border guards forces fired at him in Shada district.

(A K PH)

Believe it or not! These are Yemeni fighters climbing high mountain b4 capturing Saudi strategic positions of Dhabah of Najran south Saudi Arabia this week. All Saudi soldiers were killed or arrested, all equipments captured or destroyed (photos)

Video showing How Yemenis capturing Saudi positions, using ladders to climb high mountains. Najran south Saudi Arabia and photos and video also at


(A K PH)

Yemeni Forces Attack Saudi Military Base in Najran: Video+Pictures

Yemeni forces have captured a Saudi military base called Adaba’a in the kingdom’s border region of Najran during a retaliatory operation, killing several of the troops stationed there.

A video released by the Houthi Ansarullah movement on Wednesday shows the Yemeni joint forces made progress toward the position using ladder to climb to the Saudi site that involve Saudi fighters

(A K PS)

Land mines planted by the Houthis were cleared in Al-Zahari village of #Mokha district #Taiz (photos)

On the downed or crashed Saudi fighter jet (Tornado), which crashed in Saada province:

(* A K PS)

Saudi CSAR squadron flew into Yemen to recover crew from Tornado fighter shot down by Houthi forces.

It was not shot down.

Oxygen system inside the cockpit exploded, caused fire inside the cockpit

#RSAF 99th Sqn CSAR mission involved 5 AS532 Cougar and was supported by 8 #RSAF F-15S/C, 3 #RSLF AH-64 Apache and an RSLF SOF unit.

und der Film von Al Masirah:

(* A K PH)

Huthi-Rebellen tanzen auf Wrackteilen des Tornado-Kampfjets – VIDEO

Der den Huthi-Rebellen nahestehende Fernsehsender Al-Masirah hat Foto- und Videomaterial veröffentlicht, das den in der jemenitischen Provinz Saada abgestürzten Kampfjet vom Typ Tornado zeigt. Der Flieger soll der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition gehört haben. verweist auf

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B D)

Beans from war-torn Yemen find a home in Dearborn coffee shop

Before being roasted in-house, finely ground and boiled in a raqwa pot at the chic, wood-accented digs at 6655 Schaefer Road, these beans embarked on a perilous journey that began in the mountains of Yemen, a country afflicted with hunger, blockades, and a war that has claimed thousands of lives.

It's a country that Qahwah House owner and Yemen-native Ibrahim Alhasbani wants his customers to learn about, a country that he boasts is the "homeland for coffee."

"It's not just about the coffee," said Alhasbani, who is hosting a grand opening on Saturday, after a soft opening in September. "It's about ... Yemen."

(A P)

Hello @realDonaldTrump, Thought you might be interested to see the great people of #Yemen ( the Middle East) seize the initiative on #guncontrol. Authorities in Mukalla (former #alQaeda capital) have outlawed carrying guns as they've spotted a link between guns & violence. (photo)

(* B)

Film (vor dem Krieg): DOKU Terra X - 51 - Die Weihrauch-Connection - Expeditionen im Jemen

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-375 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-375: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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