Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 384 - Yemen War Mosaic 384

Yemen Press Reader 384: 9. Feb. 2018: Der Westen und der Orient–Saudische PR-Kampagne–US-Think Tanks–USA und Jemen–Blockade–Krebs- und Dialysepatienten–Psychische Leiden–Banken blockieren Hilfe

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Feb. 9, 2018: The West and the Middle East – Saudi PR campaign – US think tanks propaganting regime changes – The US attitude to Yemen – Impact oft he blockade – Little help for kidney and cancer patients – Psychological suffering – Banks blocking aid – Houthi missiles – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Konflikt in Aden / Most important: Conflict at Aden

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

(* B H K)

Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen, gegen das Saudi-Arabien einen erbarmungslosen Krieg führt, ist katastrophal. [Überblicksartikel]

(** B H K)

Film: For those new to here's a 25 minute doco we made 2016 explaining how this UK & US backed war has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in airstrikes, from famine & lack of medical care

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Breaking News:

(** A H)

U.N. says 22 Ethiopian migrants missing off Yemen

Twenty-two Ethiopian migrants are missing after being dumped in the sea off Yemen, the U.N. International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Friday.

IOM spokesman Joel Millman said the missing people were on one of four boats that brought 602 Ethiopian men and women to the coast of Yemen’s Shabwa governorate in the past 24 hours.

“We understand that passengers on the boat had been dropped into deep water and forced to swim to shore. No bodies have been recovered but 22 remain unaccounted for,” Millman told a regular U.N. briefing in Geneva. He gave no further details of the incident.


(** A H)

25 Ethiopian migrants missing off Yemen, forced into the sea

Twenty-five Ethiopian migrants are missing off war-torn Yemen after being forced into the sea, the United Nations migration agency said Friday, highlighting the dangers of a well-traveled route from the Horn of Africa to rich Gulf nations.

Director of operations and emergencies Mohammed Abdiker said in a Twitter post that people in the last of four boats carrying migrants were forced to swim to shore Thursday as they approached Yemen’s Shabwa province from Somalia.

No bodies have been found.

About 600 Ethiopian migrants, men and women, were aboard the boats, spokesman Joel Millman said — an unusually large number of migrants to arrive off Shabwa at one time.,-forced-into-the-sea =

and also

(** B K P)

Der Westen tötet im Orient 329 Menschen. Jeden Tag. Seit 27 Jahren.
Durch Krieg und genozidale Sanktionen tötete der Westen im Irak, Afghanistan, Libyen, Somalia, Jemen und Pakistan in den letzten 27 Jahren 3.303.287 Menschen – im Schnitt 329 jeden Tag.
Das ist der deprimierendste Artikel, den ich je geschrieben habe. Als Naturwissenschaftler ist es meine Aufgabe, Dinge auszurechnen. An der Uni lernte ich, dies auf professionelle Weise zu tun. Doch die Reaktionskinetik enzymatischer Prozesse zu berechnen, ist das Eine – tote Menschen bis in den Himmel hochzuaddieren, das Andere. Dieser Text soll dazu beitragen, die Blasen, in denen wir leben, zum Platzen zu bringen. Er soll die fest zugekniffenen Augen für das Leid anderer Menschen öffnen.
Im Iran-Irak-Krieg (Erster Golfkrieg) zwischen 1980 und 1988 war Saddam Hussein ein enger Verbündeter des Westens, auch noch als er mit Giftgas made in Germany Genozid an den Kurden im Nordirak durchführte. Als er im Anschluss jedoch das ölreiche Kuwait überfiel, wurde er zur Persona non grata und provozierte eine massive Bombenkampagne der USA, die in 43 Tagen insgesamt 110.000 Luftschläge gegen den Irak flog und im großen Stile zivile Infrastruktur vernichtete: die Operation Desert Storm, der Zweite Golfkrieg. Im opferreichsten Einzelangriff der modernen Luftkriegsführung warfen in der Nacht zum 13. Februar 1991 US-Tarnkappenbomber zwei lasergelenkte ‘smart bombs‘ auf einen Schutzbunker in Bagdad ab und töteten 408 Zivilisten, die im Flammeninferno verbrannten.
Die US-Regierung weigerte sich, die Opferstatistiken des Golfkriegs zu recherchieren. „Wir haben keine Möglichkeit, die genauen Opferzahlen zu ermitteln,“ erklärte der damalige Verteidigungsminister Dick Cheney nach dem Krieg, „wir werden es vielleicht nie erfahren.“ Die junge Bevölkerungswissenschaftlerin Beth Osborne Daponte von der University of Chicago erarbeitete für die US-Zensusbehörde jedoch ebendiese Zahlen – und wurde für ihre Ergebnisse schließlich aus dem Staatsdienst gefeuert. In ihrer soliden wissenschaftlichen Studie wertete Daponte unter anderem Daten von UNICEF, dem US-Außenministeriums und der Harvard University aus und kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass durch direkte und indirekte Kriegsfolgen des US-Bombardements 205.500 Menschen getötet wurden, 74.000 Kinder darunter. Der UK Medical Educational Trust errechnete nahezu dieselbe Zahl.

Werden alle fettgedruckten Angaben zusammenaddiert, kommen wir auf eine Zahl von 3.303.287 Menschen, die seit 1990 vom Westen im Orient getötet wurden. Das entspricht im Schnitt 329 toter Menschen. Jeden Tag. Seit 27 Jahren.

Der Westen tötet im Orient so viele Menschen wie bei den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September in New York getötet wurden – alle acht Tage.

Es sei an dieser Stelle erneut ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass es sich bei den hier verwendeten Zahlen meist um die unterste Fehlergrenze konservativer Schätzungen handelt. Auch wurde eine Vielzahl grob fahrlässiger Handlungen, Sekundärphänomene, Ereignisse ohne solide Datenlage oder Kriege, in denen „unsere“ Verbündeten mit „unserer“ Unterstützung im großen Stil töteten, nicht berücksichtigt.

Würde all dem Rechnung getragen, kämen wir auf ein Vielfaches dieser Zahlen.

Zu den Toten kommen all die Verwundeten, die Verstümmelten, die Waisen, die Vertriebenen, die Generationen über Generationen zerstörter Kinder – und jetzt fragt Euch mit offenem Herzen:

Woher kommt der Hass auf den Westen? – von Jakob Reimann =

(** B H P)

Yemen PR wars: Saudi Arabia employs UK/US firms to push multi-billion dollar aid plan

Saudi Arabia has recruited an array of foreign consultants and public relations firms to draw up and promote its new multi-billion dollar aid plan for Yemen, one that could reduce imports of vital goods into a key rebel-held port, an IRIN investigation reveals.

Critics say the extent of the PR campaign betrays the kingdom’s determination to win the propaganda battle after nearly three years of conflict marked by high civilian casualties, widespread food and fuel shortages, a record cholera epidemic, and fear of famine.

Late last month, Saudi Arabia and its allies announced a new operation that commits billions of dollars “to relieve suffering” in Yemen, which is in the midst of what is often termed the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

The plan, known as Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations, or YCHO for short, promises $1.5 billion

But the plan rejects calls by the UN to lift an on-off blockade of Hodeidah port, a vital lifeline for civilians in the rebel-held north: it proposes reducing the overall flow of cargo into the city and stepping up imports into coalition-controlled areas.

Exact details of how (and if) the plan is intended to help hundreds of thousands of vulnerable Yemeni civilians – especially in rebel-controlled areas – are not yet clear. However, IRIN can reveal the lengths Riyadh has gone to in preparing and promoting it.

The press release journalists received announcing the plan came neither from the coalition itself nor from Saudi aid officials. It came, along with an invitation to visit Yemen, straight from a British PR agency.

UK- and US-based consultants and PR firms, including US defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, were also involved in helping to write and promote YCHO, which is tagged as “counter-terrorism” on a website funded by the kingdom’s US embassy.

All of this has fed suspicions that rather than a genuine attempt to help the people of Yemen, the plan is really intended more to gloss over the Hodeidah issue and improve Saudi Arabia’s battered image, or at least a bit of both.

Saudi Arabia wants to limit imports to rebel-controlled ports in Yemen. It says it can increase imports through the port of Aden to compensate.

What the timing reveals

Saudi Arabia’s use of external advisors for economic and military strategy is well documented, but aid and humanitarian matters are more typically the domain of the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The YCHO plan is not only the product of a commercial engagement but – in retaining control of Yemen’s points of entry – it appears to run against the advice of the UN and the ICRC who have both called for unfettered civilian cargo traffic and country-wide humanitarian access.

The Sana’a Center’s al-Muslimi said the plan was obviously an attempt to garner good press, and one that didn’t “come out of the ether”.

“It comes out of extreme pressure on the Saudis and their allies in Yemen,” he added. “It tells you how much there is to hide: terrible tragedies.” – by Annie Slemrod and Ben Parker

Comment: If you need a PR campaign to convince people that your humanitarian relief plan is probably isn't. This is propaganda, not assistance.

Fact: if KSA really wanted to advance the humanitarian effort it would 1) give its $ straight to UN pooled fund, 2) let UNVIM do its job & end all restrictions on commercial & humanitarian shipping, 3) stop bombing food production & infrastructure. KSA has done 0 of those things.

Comment by Judith Brown: Isn't this shocking and so immoral. Instead of spending money on saving lives in Yemen the KSA is using PR firms to cover up their horrible actions. It is estimated that Saudi spends $200 million per day on killing Yemenis - about $1.5 billion a week. They are now planning to match ONE WEEK's bombing money with an entire aid programme - and probably spending millions to get the message out. I hope the PR advisers know what they are trying to cover up. They should go to Yemen and see for themselves and they would realise how inadequate the paltry sums of money they are offering are.

and on “Think Tanks” and PR in the US also read:

(** B P)

In America, the ‘Syria experts’ have turned into ‘Iran experts’ overnight

The ease with which American foreign policy “experts” can suddenly reinvent themselves, switching focus as the DC mood changes, exposes the Washington think tank racket as a giant sham designed to manipulate opinion.

When protests broke out in Iran at the end of 2017, Washington think tanks were ecstatic. They saw an opportunity to push for regime change and they went for it. Almost overnight, all of the self-proclaimed "Syria experts" who spent the last several years arguing for the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar Assad shifted their focus to Tehran.
The Hudson Institute, a conservative pro-war Washington outfit funded by major corporations and oil companies, is a case in point

On January 16, Hudson hosted a panel of so-called experts, titled “Iran Protests: Consequences for the Region and Opportunities for the Trump Administration.” The panel featured a who’s who of warmongers discussing how to weaken yet another Middle Eastern state.

The most notorious among them was regime change aficionado Charles Lister, a "senior fellow” (read lobbyist) at the Middle East Institute, an influential DC think tank that receives tens of millions of dollars from the United Arab Emirates – by Rania Khalek

My comment: The way how US public opinion is manipulated is crucial for the reporting on Yemen as well.

(** B K P)

The Complicated War in Yemen

No matter how much some in the United States try to apply to the war in Yemen a Manichean template for seeing the conflict as a simple contest between good guys and bad guys, the complexities of the war keep intruding. Long overlooked has been how the supposedly good side—that is, the one on behalf of which Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have intervened—has been where some genuinely bad guys belonging to al-Qaeda have resided. Similarly overlooked is how the Houthi movement seen as the bad side—because the Houthis have accepted some Iranian aid—has been among al-Qaeda’s staunchest opponents in Yemen. Lest we forget, the Yemeni-based al-Qaeda branch is the wing of the organization that has come closest to inflicting post-9/11 damage on the United States.

Despite this head-swimming complexity, the latest splits should not have been surprising. The most important thing for the non-specialist to keep in mind is that the disputes underlying this war were originally and fundamentally very local, even though the later Saudi military intervention, in which death to civilians from the air has become a regular occurrence, has turned the conflict into a humanitarian catastrophe.

A lesson is that to define the U.S. approach toward the Middle East, as the current administration does, narrowly and overwhelming in terms of countering Iranian influence is a prescription not only for failing to curb that influence but also for getting mired in local conflicts in which the United States has no stake.

With the forces backed respectively by Saudi Arabia and the UAE going separate ways, on whose side is the United States now? The lack of a good answer to that question is another reason, in addition to the lack of a conscionable basis for supporting the devastating air war against Yemen, for not taking sides at all – by Paul R. Pillar =

(** B E H P)

Impact of the Blockade on Economic Resilience in Yemen

The sustained blockade seriously impacted the survival of millions, who can no longer afford basic commodities and fuel, especially during winter time. Private Sector actors report:

  1. Reduction of turn-over and near bankruptcy: Decline of up to 70 per cent of their sales and consequent reduction of turn-over. Many businesses may be forced to close soon if the situation remains the same.
  2. Increase of unemployment due to lay-offs: Many private sector employers were forced to lay off several of their employees, up to 70 per cent in some cases. Decrease of business activities and an increase of operational charges has forced them to maintain only a minimum of personnel to handle seriously reduced activities to keep afloat. Sustained blockade for a few more months will result in further loss of employment for the few remaining people still employed under current circumstances.
  3. Increase of operational costs, additional security and logistical challenges:
  4. Effects of the devaluation of the Yemeni Rial

In summary, direct results of a sustained blockade include:

  1. For businesses - Collapse of productive activities due to the impossibility to maintain a steady and predictable import/supply chain of fuel (diesel and heavy oil),

Overall, reduced ability for families’ ability to cope or adapt and progressively resume normal life due the exhaustion of all survival means at their disposal.

(** B H K)

Film by TRT: Off The Grid: Yemen's Wounded City - Taiz

Off the Grid gained exclusive access to Yemen’s main front line… The besieged city of Taiz.Some civilians like Nadhem took weapons to defend their city. While others like Abdulrahman, Marwan and Abdulkalfi are trying to carry on with their life among rubble. and also (lower quality)

(** B H)

Jemen: Rotes Kreuz besorgt um Tausende Menschen mit Nierenleiden

Das Internationale Komitee des Roten Kreuzes, IKRK, hat mitgeteilt, dass wenn die Dialysezentren im Jemen nicht instand gesetzt werden, Tausende Menschen mit Nierenleiden sterben müssen.

In der Erklärung des IKRK in Genf von Dienstag heißt es, dass seit dem Beginn der Angriffe Saudi-Arabiens auf den Jemen im Jahr 2015 ein Viertel der Dialyse-Patienten gestorben sind.

Alexandre Faite, der Leiter der Delegation des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) im Jemen, sagte, dass die Lage der Dialysepatienten im Jemen zeige, wie weit das Gesundheitssystem in diesem Land zerstört worden sei, und wie sehr viele chronisch kranke Menschen davon betroffen seien.

Mein Kommentar: Es lässt tief blicken (auf die deutschen und deutschsprachigen) Medien, wenn man für eine deutschsprachige Meldung auf eine iranische Presseagentur zurückgreifen muss. – und wie immer, in Englisch mehr:

(** B H)

Yemen: A hidden cost of war: Thousands of kidney dialysis patients at risk of death

Thousands of Yemenis with kidney failure are at risk of dying unless the country's remaining dialysis centres receive more supplies and its medical staff are paid, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said Tuesday.

The damage to the nation's health care sector is so vast that individuals with chronic diseases can't access life-saving treatment.
An astonishing 25 percent of dialysis patients in Yemen have died every year since conflict began in 2015. More dialysis supplies, functioning dialysis machines, and funding for staff salaries are urgently needed to ensure the mortality rate does not rise further for Yemen's 4,400 renal failure patients.
"The urgent needs of dialysis patients underscore how conflict has devastated Yemen's health care system, negatively affecting many people with long-term health concerns," said Alexandre Faite, ICRC's head of delegation in Yemen.
Travel to dialysis centers is frequently an odyssey of checkpoints and insecurity. Anis Saleh Abdallah, 42, must travel 250 kilometers from his home in Lahj to attend twice-weekly sessions at the ICRC-supported dialysis center in Aden's Al Joumhouria Hospital.
"The trip is not only very costly but also long and agonizing. I am too weak for this," said Mr. Abdallah, who has been forced to skip some treatments because the journey was too risky.

Of the 32 dialysis centres Yemen had before the war, four have closed; the other 28 are struggling to provide services, with broken machines, a lack of essential supplies and unpaid staff. Patients normally require three, four-hour sessions per week. In Yemen the fragile situation has forced patients to cut back to two sessions.
"Reducing the weekly dialysis sessions causes increased side-effects and a lower quality of life. Without dialysis treatment, the outcome is fatal," said Mr. Faite. and film: =


(** B H)

Yemen: Conflict Puts Renal Failure Patients’ Lives at Risk

Since the start of the conflict three years ago, four of Yemen’s 32 kidney treatment centers have been forced to close. The remainder are running out of essential supplies, hindering their ability to provide patients with uninterrupted treatment. Patients, meanwhile, struggle to travel to still-functioning centers, as well as to pay for treatment.

“Most patients with renal failure generally don’t have the physical strength or money to travel for treatment,” said Djoen Besselink, MSF head of mission in Yemen. “Even if they can reach a center that is still functioning, they may not be able to afford the treatment. A significant number of dialysis patients are government employees who haven’t received their salaries for over 18 months. Their chance of receiving this lifesaving medical care is slim.”

Patients with renal failure are dependent on machines to clean their blood, a function normally carried out by the kidneys. Such patients usually attend dialysis sessions three times per week. Across Yemen, many people have been forced to limit their sessions to two per week, leading to increased medical side effects, a decreased quality of life, and potentially death.

Mukbil, 35, who has kidney failure, has been living in a hospital parking garage for months to cut down on travel costs. “I don’t have the money for transport from my home to the hospital for each session, so I decided to stay in the parking lot,” he said.

Saber, 24, can only afford dialysis because his mother-in-law sold all her jewelry to fund his continued treatment. “The sickness is bringing me to the ground and my loved ones are suffering,” he said.

“The situation for renal failure patients is just one example of the consequences of war on the Yemeni people,” Besselink said. “Medicines and supplies are running low, health workers have not been paid for 18 months, hospitals are struggling to function, and many have been hit by airstrikes or shelling and forced to close—MSF facilities included. The medical needs are huge and the situation is dire.”

Over the past two years, MSF has imported more than 800 tons of dialysis supplies and provided more than 83,000 dialysis sessions for some 800 patients, free of charge. However, MSF is unable to cover the enormous needs in the country =


(* B H)

Film: Yemen’s chronic patients appeal for help

Yemen's healthcare sector continues to further deteriorate due to Saudi airstrikes on medical facilities and its blockade that prevented the flow of medicines into the war-torn country. Press TV correspondent Mohammed al-Attab has visited a dialysis center in the city of al-Hudiedah and filed this report.

(** A H)

Urgent call to save 350 lives, as Taiz patients begin to die

Six kidney failure patients in Yemen's besieged city of Taiz have reportedly died and 350 others are expected to follow after appeals to the government and humanitarian organizations to save their lives went unheeded.

Local sources said that six out of dozens of patients succumbed to death on Wednesday after long waiting and even protests for the re-operation of the dialysis service in the city's main and state-run hospital, al-Thawrah.

As many as 350 patients have been protesting for days to demand the government and the humanitarian organizations to save their lives as days pass by with al-Thawrah's dialysis center lacking materials and solutions it needs to re-run dialysis sessions.

As the patients kept crowding around Al-Thawrah, the hospital's management issued "an urgent appeal to the government and the humanitarian organizations to act seriously and promptly to afford materials for dialysis.

(** B H)

Cancer patients in Yemen face slow death as treatment options diminish

The life of cancer patients in Yemen have been aggravated by the 3-year-old conflict, which has led to the gradual collapse of the health system and driven millions of people into poverty. Even prior to the crisis, cancer patients suffered from serious economic challenges which hindered the regularity of their treatment.

Most families of cancer patients struggle to afford the cost of treatment, including expensive medicines, transportation and accommodation.

In Yemen, more than 60 000 cancer patients (12 percent of whom are children) receive treatment in the National Oncology Centre in Sana’a since 2005. But the Centre, which receives patients from across the country, had its annual budget totally stopped. = and film:

(** B H K)

Bomb-induced heart attacks have taken several lives in Yemen

Health experts say mental health crisis has gripped Yemen, where only 40 psychiatrists are left to cure tens of thousands of people suffering from heart and mental diseases caused by post-traumatic stress disorder.

The high-intensity conflict has led to nationwide psychological trauma, an issue that has largely been neglected by both domestic authorities and the international community.

As per the recent mental health report compiled by Columbia University, Yemeni officials and medical experts have raised serious concerns about "rising suicide rates, and increases in reports of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder".

Isam al-Mohammadi is one of the few psychologists in Taiz. He said most of the patients he sees come from poor families.

"Women and children are worst hit," Mohammadi said.

The small number of psychologists adds to the mental health crisis in the country. "There are less than 100 psychologists around the country," Mohammadi said. "And many of these psychiatrists have left Yemen in ones and twos."

As per, the World Health Organisation (WHO) there are only 40 psychiatrists working in the country.

Fadhl al-Thobhani, a professor of sociology at Taiz University, said the lack of research and information on the people who are dying from psychological trauma is one of the primary reasons why the local government, or aid agencies, aren't responding to the crisis.

According to the agency's report released in 2017, at least 10 million Yemeni children face fear, pain and deprivation due to the war.

Adults are also exposed to constant risk of losing their psychological balance. – by Nasser Al-Sakkaf

(** B H)

Aid to Yemen blocked by banks, suffocating local organizations, report finds

As the armed conflict in Yemen enters its third year, humanitarian organizations are struggling to deliver aid to even a fraction of those in need due to financial transactions being blocked by international banks, according to a new report issued by the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute.

The report from the London-based think tank addresses the impact of “de-risking” on humanitarian response in the country, where 17 million people — more than 60 percent of the Yemeni population — are currently estimated to be food-insecure.

De-risking occurs when international banks deem a financial transaction to be too risky due to suspicions of terrorism or money laundering. Many take a cautious approach, causing significant problems for NGOs working in developing and especially conflict-affected countries. The ODI report claims banks have yet to make the criteria for transactions clear to humanitarian organizations, so accounts are closed or transactions delayed for months at a time with little to no warning.

Compounded by a financial crisis and the weakening of the Yemen Central Bank, local and national NGOs — often the delivery partners for organizations such as Oxfam, Save the Children or Islamic Relief — are increasingly forced to rely on illegal money brokers to continue delivering aid to one of the world’s most severe humanitarian crises, feeding a burgeoning “black market” of food and fuel, the report states.

Speaking during a panel discussion on the issue at the ODI on Thursday, Imran Madden, Islamic Relief’s U.K. director, said de-risking has greatly hampered the organization’s aid operations in Yemen and that of their partners in-country.

“We’ve experienced the direct impact of de-risking. We had a global major bank pull the plug on our account, they gave us the option to close our account, we refused, but they then went ahead and closed it anyway,” he said.

Solutions at this stage are thin on the ground, el Taraboulsi-McCarthy said. The report outlines suggestions for de-compartmentalizing the humanitarian, development, and security efforts in Yemen to better track funds and prevent the creation of illicit cash transfer markets.

(** B K)

Interactive: The Missile War in Yemen

This map shows the relative intensity of missile and missile defense-related activity across the Arabian Gulf which has occurring as part of the ongoing Yemen conflict. Beginning in June 2015, the bulk of these incidents have occurred along Yemen-Saudi border around the cities of Najran, Jizan and Abha, but Houthi acquisition of longer-range missiles have more recently permitted attacks as far as Riyadh. (map and timeline)

Remark: Keep in mind that the first Houthi missile targeting Saudi Arabia was fired on June 6, 2015: Ca. 10 Weeks AFTER the Saudis began their bombing war against Yemen. That means: All Saudi claims their bombing war was started to defend Saudi Arabia is a lie.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Yemen Cholera Interactive Dashboard

1,056,690 cases and 2,255 deaths as of February 7. That is an increase of 727 cases and zero deaths in 24 hours.

(** B E H P)

Cholera in a time of neoliberalism

As cholera has been more or less eliminated from Europe and North America, the pandemic has until now received relatively little attention from global health actors.

The demise of cholera in Europe was the result of intervention by increasingly powerful and well-resourced states to provide cities with clean water and effective sewage systems. Several factors coalesced in the second half of the 19th century to make this possible.

So, can the Global Task Force on Cholera Control succeed in their goal of reducing cholera cases by 90 percent?

In theory, cholera is easy to prevent and treat today.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo and Yemen, this failure is, in large part, due to civil wars. Zambia, however, is a different case; it does not suffer from an ongoing armed conflict.

Cholera disappeared from Europe because increasingly strong and well-resourced states intervened to improve the living conditions of the urban working class. Many states in the Global South have neither the will nor the capacity to build water, sanitation and health systems. Moreover, it is unlikely that donor countries will help because they are far more concerned with the potential threat posed by airborne diseases such as Ebola.

Challenging this iniquitous neoliberal system is beyond the remit of global health actors, but as long as it prevails their role will be limited to treating the symptoms of our sick society. In this sense, it is quite likely that unless there is a tremendous political change in the Global South, the WHO and its partners will be unable to eradicate cholera in the coming decades – by Jonathan Kennedy

(* A H)

WHO-Chef befürchtet weitere Ausbreitung der Cholera im Jemen

Der Generaldirektor der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, hat vor einer weiteren Ausbreitung der Cholera-Epidemie im Jemen gewarnt.

Wenn im März die Regenzeit beginne, drohe die Zahl der Fälle in dem Bürgerkriegsland noch weiter anzusteigen, sagte er am Mittwoch in Genf.

(* B H)

How a surging stockpile of vaccines could help conquer cholera

But a countermeasure is gaining momentum as well. A vaccine against Vibrio cholerae, the causative bacterium, has been around for 20 years, but questions have long swirled about its usefulness in outbreaks, and it has been in short supply. That is changing. The global cholera vaccine stockpile, established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners in 2013, has attracted additional manufacturers, and now an easier to use formulation should help health workers respond to outbreaks. Many think this may be the year in which the stockpile starts to reduce cholera's overall toll. "We are reaching an extremely important point where the scale of the campaigns may be sufficiently large to show impact in controlling the disease," says Francisco Luquero, an epidemiologist with Doctors without Borders in Geneva, Switzerland.

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 04 February 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April 2017 - 04 February 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W4 2018 (Jan 22-Jan 28)

The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 28 Jan 2018 is 1,051,789 suspected cholera cases and 2,252 associated deaths, (CFR 0.21%), 1102 have been confirmed by culture.

Children under 5 years old represent 28.7% of total suspected cases.

(** A H)

Jemen: Wer Krieg sät, wird Seuchen ernten

Im vom Krieg geschwächten Jemen brechen weitere Seuchen aus. Zu Cholera, Diphtherie, Denguefieber, lokal Tollwut und Keuchhusten, kommen nun Vogelgrippe und Schwarzrost

Demnach breitet sich im Jemen die Vogelgrippe aus – in fünf Provinzen und in der Hauptstadt Sanaa tauchte das Virus bereits auf. Bislang forderte es sechs Todesopfer, zwanzig weitere Fälle wurden gemeldet (1). Das Virus ist also längst von Vögeln auf den Menschen übergegangen. Einrichtungen und Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung gibt es keine. Und um tote Vögel hatte sich in dem vom Krieg verwüsteten Land sicher kaum jemand gekümmert; da hatte man ganz andere Probleme.

Und dann meldet Scidev.Net den Ausbruch von Getreideschwarzrost im Jemen (4) – ein Pilz, der verschiedene Getreidearten, vor allem Weizen, aber auch Gerste, Hafer und Roggen befällt und zu erheblichen Ausfällen führen kann. Und gerade der Jemen befindet sich in einer für die Ausbreitung des Schwarzrosts entscheidenden geographischen Position zwischen Asien und Afrika. Der Jemen gilt als eine "grüne Brücke" für die Verbreitung des Schwarzrosts. Dabei verläuft der übliche Verbreitungsweg von Afrika über den Jemen weiter nach Asien und von dort bis Nordamerika und Australien.

Das Tückische an dieser Krankheit ist, dass immer wieder neue Abarten des Pilzes entstehen. Mit dem Wind können sich die Sporen schnell überweite Entfernungen verbreiten. Bis zu 100 % der Ernte können durch Schwarzrost vernichtet werden.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Konflikt in Aden / Most important: Conflict at Aden

(* A P)

Film: Jemen: Bürgerkrieg im Süden

Der Bürgerkrieg weitet sich aus. Die Hafenstadt Aden ist Schauplatz von Kämpfen. Nachdem der Krieg im Norden für extremes Leid sorgt, droht nun der Süden ins Chaos zu driften.ürgerkrieg-im-Süden/NDR-Fernsehen/Video?bcastId=3906326&documentId=49819948 =,weltbilder6668.html und bei Youtube:

(* B P)

Yemeni Government’s Violations of Truce with the Southern Transitional Council in a Week

A truce was signed between the council, as a representative of the southern people, and the Yemeni government, as a representative of the legitimate president, Mr. Abd Rabu Mansour Hady. Terms of this truce clearly indicate that both parties stop media campaigns, accusations and criticism against each other to prevent stress that may lead to renewing fights, and any party who violates the truce with provocative acts should bear the responsibility of his acts as the Arab Coalition will stand against such acts.
Accordingly, the southern transitional council directed his troops to return to its barracks surrendering the camps they previously controlled to the commission agreed-upon by the Arab Coalition. He also directed all his leaders and media men to stop all types of media campaigns against the government and they responded positively to such directives.
In return, with the Yemeni government feeling its close dismissal, as the truce was meant to give President Hady time to replace it, it started from the first moment, to violate terms of truce. These violations include:

(* B P)

Uneasy calm returns to Aden’s streets

A fragile calm has descended on Aden a week after heavy fighting saw southern Yemeni separatists take control of the city in a move that threatened to mark a volatile new phase in the conflict.
Saudi Arabia and the UAE helped broker a truce between warring factions.

Fighters on either side also said they did not want to clash again with each other while they are meant to be fighting against the Houthis.
Mohammed Al-Qirbi, 26, a captain with the forces of the Southern Transitional Council said when they arrived at the presidential palace in Aden, they received orders that forbid them from storming the building.
Al-Qirbi said many fighter’s from Hadi’s presidential forces surrendered rather than fighting.
“I am very sad about our colleagues who were killed in these clashes,” Al-Qirbi said, adding that he hoped fighting in Aden would not resume.

(A P)

Photo: Aden city, #Yemen: Not a good prognosis. Photo today – Large convoy of heavy battle tanks streams into Aden city from Al Anad airbase in Lahj province

(A P)

A Southern Political Observer warns the Southern People About Conflicts and Calls Them to Unite

If the southern people don’t leave conflicts and unite around one and only objective, we will see another story every day. We are sick of empty words without real acts. We should unite and fight our enemies.

The political observer also warned Ben Daghar about his description of the southern resistance as coup or mutiny as without the help of the southern resistance, he and the legitimacy might be homeless now. To Ben Daghar he said: he should read this to wake up from his arrogance.

(* B P)

The spectre of a divided Yemen

The role of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia is important to understanding these recent events. While the UAE is the junior partner in the Saudi-led coalition intervention in Yemen, it has been busy consolidating what it considers its strategic interests in the southern Yemeni coastal governorates.

Although it has empowered southern actors, the UAE is unlikely to have risked playing a direct role in the recent events for fear of angering Saudi Arabia. Rather, the UAE’s support of armed groups functioning outside the Hadi government should be viewed as motivated by a pragmatic understanding of the limitations of that government, rather than as a clear intention to divide Yemen in two.

For its part, Saudi Arabia is likely to be extremely unhappy with recent events, despite reportedly losing patience with the Hadi government. At the very least, the events in Aden completely eclipsed a recent PR push on Yemen based on a US$2 billion deposit into its central bank, as well as a US$1.5 billion commitment of humanitarian aid.

Reducing these events to geopolitical manoeuvring does a disservice to the genuine anger many Yemenis in the south hold against the Hadi government.

The recent events have made clear the extent to which the legitimacy of the Hadi government has been eroded. This is no better emphasised than by the fact Hadi has not visited Yemen since February 2017. Although it is unclear what the full ramifications of events in Aden will be, they will mark a major setback for the Saudi-led coalition campaign against the Houthis,

One thing is evident: the spectre of a divided Yemen is one step closer – by Alexander Harper

(A P)

Ali Al-Bukhaity, a Yemeni Political Activist, Describes President Hady as “Racist”

A li Al-Bukhaity, a Yemeni political activist, said that all policies and appointments should be faced as they are all racial and territorial, and each Yemeni should refuse it. In his tweets on tweeter, Al-Bukhaity indicated that all Hady’s appointments are racial and only his close circle benefits from it. He takes the share on behalf of the whole south while only his gang benefits from it.

(A P)

Corruption of Maasheek Government Can’t be Beautified and the People Can’t Be Neutralized

Remark: Maasheek = presidential palace at Aden; the government of Al Daghr is installed there.

(A P)

Hadi government Prime Minister Ahmed bin Daghir called for Saudi Arabia or the Saudi-led coalition to investigate corruption allegations against Daghir’s government and to identify a “course of justice” for those responsible for clashes in a February 7 cabinet meeting in Aden. [1]

(A P)

Al-Qaeda took advantage of Aden unrest, says Govt official

(A P)

#Yemen Prime Minister bin Daghir calls on the #Saudi-led coalition to send financial experts to investigate the Southern Transitional Council's (STC) claim that the bin Daghir gov is corrupt. Repeatedly calls the STC a coup & rebellion, blames deaths in #Aden on them. (photo) referring to

(A P)

Dramatic tweet from #Yemen PM: "With Arab coalition support we've prevented complete state collapse & defended the security of ourselves, the Arab Gulf & Arab people. Whoever doesn't see it like that must have lost his eyesight & foresight". So clearly some don't see it like that (photo) referring to

My comment: The Southern Movement has a quite different opinion, look at articles above.

(A P)

Yemen PM seeks reconciliation after deadly Aden clashes

Yemen's prime minister appealed on Wednesday for reconciliation with southern separatists after deadly clashes last month in which they seized almost all of Aden where his government has its base.

Mediation efforts by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have persuaded the separatists to lift their siege of the presidential palace and hand back three military camps to government troops, security sources told AFP.

But they remain in control of the rest of Yemen's second city as well as swathes of neighbouring provinces.

Prime Minister Ahmed bin Dagher called for an end to the infighting between the rival sides, which had previously fought together against Shiite rebels who control the capital Sanaa and much of the north.

"The mission today is to bridge the gap, heal the wounds and abandon political escalation," Dagher told the first cabinet meeting since the fighting.

"Based on directives from the president, we will work for social reconciliation in Aden and neighbouring provinces to pave the way for comprehensive national reconciliation," government-run media quoted him as saying.

My comment: The Southrn separatists still ask his government to be released.

(A P)

Ben Farid: The Last Black Comedy of the Legitimacy …. The Hotel-Residing Government Threats the Southern Transitional Council with Penalties!!!

Ministry of foreign affairs of Ben Daghar’s government sent a statement to its delegation in Geneva to include the southern transitional council in penalty lists. Ahmed Omar Ben Farid, a southern politician and writer said in a tweet on tweeter: “What a farce!!! The people who fought with the legitimacy against Al-Houthi militias, achieved all these victories and his leaders were exiled from managing their country is now threatened by the hotel-residing government with penalties!!”. He added: “The last black comedy of the legitimacy

(A P)

Ben Farid: Minister Al-Mesiry Acts According Vengeance Mentality that Doesn’t Consider Any Consequences

Ahmed Omar Ben Farid, a prominent southern writer, said that any clash or stress in Adan is the responsibility of minister Al-Mesiry and those who put him in this position. In a tweet on tweeter, Ben Farid added: “Al-Mesiry acts according vengeance mentality that doesn’t consider any consequences and doesn’t learn from the past.

(A P)

Ben Brik: Reform Party and Al-Houthis Kill, Robe, Lie and Foster Terrorism for Staying in Power

General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the southern national assembly, said that he never saw people like the reform party and Al-Houthis as they kill, robe, lie and foster terrorism and corruption just to stay in power while they are in their last breath.

My comment: reform = Islah Party, backing the Hadi government.

(A P)

Parley Between Head of UK Parliamentary Delegation and Chairman of the Political Department of the Southern Transitional Council

(A P)

Socotra Celebrates Victory of the Southern Resistance with A Carnival

On Monday February 5th, 2018, Socotra governorate witnessed a massive marsh supporting president Aidarous Al-Zubaidy, president of the southern transitional council and commander in chief of the southern resistance forces, in his decision issued on January 21st, 2018, calling for overthrowing Ben Daghar’s corrupt government.

My comment: While the UAE, which is backing the separatists, had made Socotra a colony (look at cp6).

(* A P)

Legitimacy in a Northern/Southern Conflict

Special sources indicated to SAMA News that severe conflicts appeared between president Abd Rabu Mansour Hady and vice president Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar about the demands of the Arab Coalition to form a new government to end the conflicts between legitimacy in one hand and the southern transitional council and the southern resistance in the other. Sources indicated that conflicts are between president Hady and other southern prominent leaders in one hand and the reform party and other northern leaders in the other about nomination of prime minister and the form of the government.

(A P)

With Peaceful Demonstrations, Southern Workers Regain Their Union’s Headquarters from Yemeni Occupation-related Workers

to mobilize to the workers’ union’s headquarters to regain it back after 25 years of Yemeni occupation. Through peaceful and civilized negotiations with the Yemeni leaders of the unions, southern unions and syndicates managed to regain the headquarters as a rightful step towards regaining all southern institutions and organizations robbed by the Yemeni occupation.

My comment: A new phrase for everything from the north, whether Saleh, Houthi, Hadi government: “Yemeni occupation”.

(A P)

Yemeni separatist leader visits UAE following clashes in Aden: Report

The leader of South Yemen's separatist movement is visiting the UAE and Saudi Arabia as different actors attempt to quell unrest in the southern city of Aden.

According to sources speaking to the Arabic-language Al-Araby al-Jadeed, Aidarus al-Zoubaidi - leader of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) - left Aden to travel to Abu Dhabi following days of bloodshed after forces linked to the STC seized control of the city. and also

(B P)

Separatisten im Jemen: Kampf für einen neuen, alten Staat

[Überblick als Film]

(* A P)

Southern Academics and Activists Demand Urgent Investigation with the Commandership of the Fourth Brigade – Presidential Guards – for Acquiring Internationally Banned “C4”

Southern academics and human rights activists demanded an urgent investigation with commandership of the fourth brigade – presidential guards – in Dar Saad for acquiring the internationally banned “C4” explosives in addition to trial them. activists asserted that this highly lethal substance was found in one of the storage rooms of the fourth brigade

(A P)

Massive Marsh in Al-Dalea in Response to the Calls of Syndicates and NGOs to Overthrow the Corrupt Government and Support Southern Resistance

statement of syndicates and NGOs that condemned irresponsible acts of Ben Daghar’s government concerning the killing and injuries of peaceful demonstrators and blocking the roads to prevent them from participation in the million marshes in Adan on January 27th and 28th, 2018.
The statement demanded that president Hady and countries of the Arab Coalition to fulfill their responsibilities towards punishing those who launched the aggression against innocent peaceful civilians

(* B P)

Rights Can’t Be Achieved merely by Hopes … Rights Require Arms!!!

It is clear that the legitimacy government don’t want a self-managed south, just to continue its robbery, fraud and corruption, while the majority of the southern people support the decisions of the southern transitional council. The current conflict in Adan is not a southern/southern conflict. Instead, it is a conflict between the southern people in one hand and the corrupt government and traitors of the southern cause in the other.

(A P)

Presidential directives: financial reward for every martyr family who responded to the rebellion in #Aden
The new directives came from President Hadi with a reward for all the families of the soldiers who responded to the rebellion in the de facto capital Aden last week.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B H K P)

U.N. Official: Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis Could Be the Worst in 50 Years

The head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) describes the horrific conditions in Yemen.

The main causes of the catastrophe engulfing Yemen have not changed. Just as they have been since the spring of 2015, the Saudi-led war and blockade continue to devastate Yemen and starve its civilian population of essential goods. Conditions are much worse than they were a year ago, and they will continue to deteriorate if there are not immediate and drastic changes in allowing in commercial imports of food and medicine. For tens of thousands of Yemenis, it is already too late, but there are still millions who may still be preserved from senseless, preventable deaths from starvation and disease.

The coalition bombing campaign has wrecked infrastructure, deliberately and systematically targeted sources of food production and distribution, repeatedly struck inhabited areas with blatant disregard for civilian life, and frequently hit medical facilities that struggle to cope with the spread of preventable diseases made worse by the effects of the coalition blockade.

In addition to being caught up in an atrocious war, the civilian population of Yemen has had the misfortune of being kept mostly invisible to much of the world and their plight mostly ignored by the powerful states responsible for creating it. Occasionally, the governments responsible for creating the disaster have thrown a few crumbs to the people they starve and then hire publicists to boast about their generosity. The Saudis have done this recently with a public relations blitz .

The Saudis and their allies aren’t interested in allowing essential food and medicine to reach the people that most need it. Indeed, the goal of their blockade all along has been to inflict as much economic pain as possible on the parts of the country their forces don’t occupy. That hasn’t changed – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

While efforts are underway to push towards a national solution to the Yemen crisis, tensions and competing interests on the ground continue to present obstacles

A Yemeni political source in Riyadh has revealed that a new initiative for resolving the Yemeni crisis is in the process of being formulated. It involves resuscitating the Muscat track. The UN, through its deputy to the special envoy for Yemen, Maain Shuraim, is spearheading this effort which has yet to coalesce into a final form.

However, a London-based observer of the Yemeni crisis told the Weekly, “we should not be too hasty in building our hopes on that vision. That track is riddled with obstacles.

On the battlegrounds in Yemen, the Saudi-led Arab coalition forces continue their push northwards along the western coast towards Hodeida

The coalition recently relocated the centre of operations from Nahem, northeast of Sanaa to the west, in order to gain control of the coastal areas that coalition officials claim are being used to smuggle arms to the rebel militias

Many sources speak of two aspects to the resurgent tensions in Aden. One has to do with the government’s attitude towards the south.

(* A K P)

Leading Yemeni human rights activist killed during clashes in Taiz

Riham al-Badr was killed by sniper fire from Houthi rebels while delivering aid, according to reports

A leading human rights activist has been killed in Yemen during a mission to supply aid to forces loyal to President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi in the city of Taiz.

Saudi-backed Al-Arabiya reported that Riham al-Badr was killed by a Houthi rebel sniper, along with another member of the humanitarian team.

Badr had been a major supporter of the 2012 uprising which saw longtime autocrat Ali Abdullah Saleh driven from power by mass protests.

Following the seizure of power by the Houthis in Feburary 2015, she was an outspoken opponent of the group and called for power to return to the Hadi government.

Speaking to Middle East Eye in July, Badr had called for the "liberation" of Taiz from Houthi control. and (photos of public mourning)


(* A K P)

Houthi sniper kills human rights relief worker in Yemen

A Houthi sniper has killed a human rights relief worker and lawyer, Reham al-Bader, on Thursday while she was working in Yemen.

A local source said to Al Arabiya that a Houthi sniper killed Bader, who was a member of the Monitoring Team of the National Commission of Investigation in Taiz, along with an individual who accompanied her while observing the violations made against civilians in residential neighborhoods east of Taiz. (photos)

and on scial media:

(B P)

Federation plan should be top priority in Yemen

A serious process of negotiations between the government, the various local stakeholders and the Arab coalition focused on the federation solution could provide greater stability in areas not under the control of the Houthis, and eventually offer a roadmap for peace. It would remove the pressure over Yemen’s understaffed and overreached government, allowing it to focus on fewer and crucial matters such as humanitarian aid, defense and foreign relations. It would also force local authorities to step up and assume formal responsibility and accountability for areas under their control.

My comment: By Saudi media.

(B K P)

In Yemen, Arabia Saudita ed Emirati Arabi cambiano strategia contro gli Houthi?

Quello che succede nel sud dello Yemen potrebbe essere l'avvio di una nuova strategia saudita ed emiratina contro gli Houthi filo-iraniani. L'analisi di Cinzia Bianco, della Gulf State Analytics e Phd Candidate all’Università di Exeter. =

(* B K P)


First, the Yemeni revolution began in January 2011, influenced by the Arab Spring protests such as the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings. The Yemeni people decided that they can no longer bear corruption that result in their hardships.

Ansarullah first originated in the governorate of Saada, northern Yemen. It was founded by Hussien Badreddin Al-Houthi in 2004 and one of its goals was to overthrow the corrupted government and the president Ali Abdullah Saleh. The formation of the movement is a result of foreign intervention such as the Saudi ideologies influence over Yemen as well as the western dominance in Yemen.

The conflict in Yemen is faced with international silence. Saudi Arabia opened new channels with the same names original Yemeni channels held to falsify the real news such as the achievements of the Yemeni army and the people’s committees.

Remark: By a pro-Houthi writer, on the development of Yemen since 2011.

(* B H K)

Yémen : l'horreur à travers des yeux d'enfants

ENTRETIEN. La réalisatrice Khadija al-Salami a pu se rendre au Yémen, théâtre d'une guerre oubliée. Son film est diffusé ce soir dans « Envoyé spécial ».

C'est ce visage-là qu'a voulu montrer la réalisatrice yéménite Khadija el-Salami, l'un des rares témoins à avoir pu se rendre sur place. Pour ce faire, elle a pris le parti de montrer cette guerre à travers les yeux d'enfants yéménites, particulièrement touchés par ce conflit sanglant. Yémen : les enfants et la guerre est diffusé ce jeudi soir dans l'émission Envoyé spécial, à 20 h 50 sur France 2.

En effet, un grand pessimisme règne. Mais il existe une solution, et elle vient de l'Arabie saoudite, qui a lancé cette guerre. Or elle donne l'impression de vouloir anéantir ce pays, et de vouloir le placer sous sa tutelle. Depuis les années 1970, le régime saoudien finance des institutions dans tout le Yémen dans le but de propager l'idéologie wahhabite (islam rigoriste). Pour combattre le Yémen du Sud, à l'époque marxiste, elle a maintenu la population yéménite dans l'ignorance (les deux Yémen se sont unifiés en 1990, NDLR). Jamais dans l'histoire l'Arabie saoudite n'a accepté que le Yémen se développe.

Mais force est de constater que ce que les habitants, notamment les enfants, entendent au quotidien, ce sont les bombardements, et ceux-ci proviennent de l'aviation saoudienne.

Les Yéménites ne parlent pas des États-Unis, car ils savent justement qu'ils sont le partenaire principal de l'Arabie saoudite. Ils n'attendent aucune solution de Washington, car ils savent que la politique américaine est avant tout préoccupée par les intérêts économiques, pas par leur souffrance. (with film)


(* B H)

Film (Interview): « Yémen : les enfants et la guerre » de Khadija Al Salami, sera diffusé jeudi soir sur France 2 dans « Envoyé spécial ».

Cette peur, mon invitée a décidé de la leur faire raconter. Elle les a filmés. Ou plutôt, elle leur a demandé d’en faire un film. De dire la guerre à leur manière. De parler et de faire parler. Ahmed, 11 ans, Rina, 8 ans et Youssef, 9 ans, vont vous montrer à hauteur de petites filles et de petits garçons non pas ce qu’est un conflit armé, mais ce que ça fait de le subir, au jour le jour. Un document bouleversant mis en scène par une cinéaste yéménite dont l’enfance, aussi, a été brisée, ce qu’elle cherche sans doute à réparer.


(* B H)

VIDEO. Du rap dans les ruines de Sanaa, Yémen

La guerre au Yémen vue par des enfants et un chanteur de Sanaa, la capitale. Dans les ruines d'une salle publique détruite par un bombardement pendant des funérailles en 2016, le rap pour résister à la destruction. Extrait d'un document diffusé dans "Envoyé spécial" le 8 février 2017.

Dans cet extrait, Ahmed, 11 ans, et Youssef, 9 ans, ont choisi d'interviewer un chanteur yéménite. Ils ont emmené Madji al-Zyadi dans les ruines d'une salle publique détruite par une attaque aérienne, le 8 octobre 2016. Le bombardement a fait 140 morts et plus de 500 blessés parmi la foule réunie pour une cérémonie funéraire.

Après ces années noires, quel avenir pour les jeunes au Yémen ? Le chanteur est ému : "Dans ces circonstances… dur. Vraiment dur", dit-il avant de comparer le pays à "un corps atteint d'un cancer, qui agonise".

Mais contre la tragédie et le pessimisme, il y a le rap.

(* A K)

These 2 Yemeni journalists: Abed Hamzah, Abdullah Muntasser, Were killed today by US-backed Saudi airstrikes while covering battles of western coast.

More than 30 Yemeni journalists were killed since the beginning of US-Saudi aggression on Yemen, 3 years ago. (photos)

(* B K)

Saudi Arabia-West Backed Coalition Disintegrating in Yemen?

The internecine clashes in the past days between constituents of the Saudi led coalition are a manifestation of the continued desire of southerners to secede. The southern separatists ─ who want the return of an independent state that ended with Yemen's unification in 1990 ─ have backed President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government against the Houthis. Hadi loyalists had earlier been boosted by the Popular Resistance alliance of southern separatists and tribesmen who took up arms after the Houthis advanced on their regions. But tensions between the two sides had been rising.

Reports say that the escalation in Saudi airstrikes has led to Yemen’s western coastal areas becoming deserted with the bombardments affecting the people who mostly depend on tourism and fishery for their livelihood.

Remark: Overview article.

(* B H K)

Film: Saudi Arabia has plans for Yemen's western coast

Yemen’s western coastal areas have become virtually deserted due to relentless Saudi airstrikes. The bombardments have greatly affected the people who mostly depend on tourism and fishery for their livelihood.

Press TV’s correspondent Mohammad al-Attab has traveled to Hudaydah and filed this report.

(B K)

Film: Envoyé spécial, reportage sur la guerre au Yémen à 21 heures sur France 2

(* B H K)

Audio: "Explosionen Tag und Nacht" - Hilfsorganisationen zur Lage im Jemen

(* B H K)

‘1st bomb took my leg’: Yemeni children tell RT of their suffering under Saudi-led strikes

As Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen enter their third year, devastation and misery dictate daily life for millions of its citizens. RT spoke to some of the most vulnerable – children, who have experienced the war firsthand.

A teenage boy, Hussain Hadi, was walking to a funeral with his father when “Saudi-American” planes suddenly started bombing. “The first strike left me without my leg. I remember I was standing – and then I fell down – already without a leg,”he recalls. The boy sits on a hospital bench after doctors examined his leg, amputated to the knee. (with film)

(* B H K)

Yemen: The mother who lost four sons to war

In a city that has grown painfully accustomed to loss, Umm Riyadh's personal death toll has shocked residents of Taiz in south-western Yemen.

For many in Taiz, Umm Riyadh has become a symbol of the suffering that has touched many families due to the crippling siege and ongoing violence.

Officials and activists visited Umm Riyadh recently with words of support and gifts to honour her for the sacrifices she has made for the city.

and what Hadi political propaganda made of it:

(A H P)

Protecting Yemen: a mother's sacrifice

Prime minister honours woman who lost five sons and her home in the battle for Taez city

One woman’s love for her city helped her feel pride beyond the pain of losing a son, five times over.

Mrs Al Sabri encouraged her sons to join the resistance militias to retake the city from the Iran-backed rebels, Hayat Al Thubhani, a media activist from Taez, told The National.

Ahmed bin Dagher, Yemen’s prime minister, called Mrs Al Sabri on Tuesday to thank her for her sacrifice. He also ordered that she be paid 10 million riyals as compensation for the loss of her home, according to the Yemeni news agency Saba.

(* B K P)

Saudi Forces Inch Forward in Yemen as Chaos Spreads Behind Lines

Still, his Saudi-backed force is inching forward. It’s now within about 30 miles (48 kilometers) of the country’s rebel-held capital -- close enough that he’s starting to think about what comes next.

“Our plan is to surround Sana’a,” said Al-Thebyani, looking across a barren rockscape toward the rebel positions. “We don’t want to destroy the historical capital. We want to save civilians and protect government buildings.”

“It will be difficult to maintain the facade of cooperation,’’ she said. Saudi allies are “united in opposition to the Houthis, but little else.’’ And the Saudi intervention has been over-reliant on “a punishing air campaign and partial blockade that has done little to dampen the military strength of Houthi irregular forces, but has stoked popular resentment.’’

In Marib General Hospital, 12-year-old Abdulwahed Ahmed sat in a wheelchair, his prosthetic leg resting on the floor. Two-and-a-half years ago he was working in Houthi territory when he stepped on a land mine.

(* A P)

Nobel laureate says Saudi, UAE 'betrayed' Yemen in push to expand influence

Yemeni Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman called for an end to what she says is a military occupation of her country by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), powerful Arab states she accuses of repressing democratic change in the region.

“The Saudi-Emirati occupation ... betrayed the Yemenis and sold them out, exploiting the coup of the Houthi militia backed by Iran on the legitimate government, to exercise an ugly occupation and greater influence”, Karman told Reuters by phone in an interview from her base in Istanbul.

She alleged that the President, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, along with other top officials, were being kept under “house arrest” by Riyadh and prevented from governing on the ground in order to preserve Saudi and UAE influence.

Karman says Saudi Arabia and the UAE, monarchies where the state and ruling families are intertwined, seek to seek to turn back the clock on political progress in Yemen and abroad.

“They regard the Arab Spring as their first enemy and this is a strategic error they have fallen into

My comment: Why just now? For a long time Karman was fully siding with the Saudis and just ignored the air raids.

(* B K P)

The tragedy of Yemen—the contorted, official views vs. straightforward ones (Videos)

The tragedy of Yemen, under assault by the US, Britain and Saudi Arabia, with ancillary support by the usual cast of vassal nations, has become so massive that not even the US media are able to disfigure and cover up its truth entirely, although they certainly try. The most frequently used argument is the old canard, that this is really a “brutal” (and apparently inexplicable) conflict between two equally ruthless and often barbaric sides, the Saudis and the Houthis—the latter the “upstarts” in the perennially reactionary imperial POV, the rebels who merit by definition little sympathy. Observe in this report—unusual in the sense how CBS correspondent Holly Williams, embedded with the US side of the conflict—delivers (for US tv standards) as close to a semi-decent report on the situation as her handlers will allow. That said, the poor woman must still perform literal contortions to give a facsimile of truth while still hiding the big pink elephant in the room, the fact that it is Washington and London who are the chief enablers of those doing 9/10s of the barbaric killing in Yemen, while the US public doze on. Each of the videos below is preceded by their official intros. Note that CBS casually acknowledges whose side they are supporting: “Holly Williams got access to the war-torn country from the Saudi Arabian government to see its version of the war.” This is propaganda in broad daylight, in your face, but few Americans notice and fewer care. (films)

(* B K P)

Yemen, i fantasmi del passato, i fantasmi del futuro

Intervista con Laura Silvia Battaglia, giornalista che ha vissuto in Yemen e che oggi osserva il Paese con preoccupazione

(* B K P)

„Drohende Erdölkrise durch Eskalation im Jemen“

Im Jemen-Krieg scheint ein alter Konflikt neu zu entfachen. Separatisten kämpfen im Jemen für einen unabhängigen Staat im Süden. Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate stellen sich auf ihre Seite. Der Jemen ist damit „nächster Kandidat für einen Failed State", sagt der Nahost-Experte Fritz Edlinger und spricht von der Gefahr einer neuen Erdölkrise.

Der Generalsekretär der Gesellschaft für Österreichisch-Arabische Beziehungen (GÖAB) hält die jüngsten Entwicklungen für alarmierend, „da sie eine zusätzliche Frontlinie im nunmehr bereits drei Jahre andauernden Krieg eröffnen und zudem auch Bruchlinien innerhalb der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Kriegsallianz offenbaren.“

„Im Unterschied zu Saudi-Arabien, dessen primäre Interessen im Norden des Jemen liegen, dürften die VAE ganz offensichtlich ein neues Kriegsziel haben, nämlich die Kontrolle über Aden, den Süd-Jemen, die Meerenge von Bab al-Mandeb und damit den Eingang zum Roten Meer.“ Hier werde ganz offensichtlich, dass die Emirate eine Politik verfolgen, mit der sie einen Teil des Süd-Jemens „einkassieren wollen“, unterstreicht der Experte.

Eine politische Lösung des Konflikts würden die Ziele der amerikanischen Administration im Nahen Osten verhindern, macht Edlinger deutlich. Diese Ziele seien der „Schutz Israels“ und die „Unterstützung der saudi-geführten Eindämmung des Iran“. Edlinger sehe inzwischen kaum noch eine politische Lösung, die die Einheit des Jemen aufrechterhalten könne.

Eine Eskalation der Konflikte zwischen den Separatisten und der Hadi-Regierung könne zu einem Kriegszustand der wichtigsten Erdöl- und Gasförderländer Saudi-Arabien und VAE führen (mit Audio)

(* B H K)

Film: The Complicated War in Yemen

(B P)

Arab Neoconservatives And Peace In The Persian Gulf

Recent years have seen a rise of what could be described as Arab neoconservatives: ambitious leaders such as the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed. Their distinctive feature is a heavy reliance on military power to re-shape the political map of the Middle East in their favor, with the overarching aim of pushing back against Iran, a policy they share with the original, American neoconservatives.

Yet their track record is not any more successful than that of their American counterparts in places like Iraq. The war in Yemen, conceived as a week-long cakewalk by then Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in 2014, has turned into a bloody quagmire, with no end in sight, let alone anything that could be remotely construed as a Saudi victory.

As experience suggests, however, the Arab neoconservatives and their American backers are more likely to double down on their policies rather than change the approach. This is especially so since they feel emboldened by the Trump administration in Washington, which is fast becoming neoconned itself.

One of the ways they are doing so is by pressuring the European Union (EU) into joining their efforts to push back against Iran on its missile program and regional policies – by Eldar Mamedov =

(* B K P)

Hadi’s Fall = Rise Of South Yemen = End Of The War?

the two Gulf allies will probably resolve whatever disagreements they may have about Yemen’s post-war political future behind closed doors, and the UAE would be wise to present a “face-saving” method for MBS to change his presumed position and accept South Yemen’s secession if the STC is successful with its struggle. Riyadh might have ultimately backed the wrong horse by supporting the unpopular Hadi, who is visibly despised in both parts of the country, so this “inconvenient” fact alone might be enough to get it to reconsider its backing for this failed politician and come to grips with the reality that neither Northerners nor Southerners want him ruling over their country. Getting rid of him, however, would nullify the official reason for the Saudi-led War on Yemen in the first place, but that in and of itself might be the pretext that Riyadh needs to downscale its disastrous and highly expensive participation in this conflict.

All told, the seemingly unexpected rebellion of Yemen’s Southern secessionists might represent the final phase of the War on Yemen if the STC is able to oust Hadi’s government from Aden once and for all, and a prospectively Russian-brokeredsolution” might see the country either “decentralize” along the Bosnian model of broadly independent “Identity Federal” halves or outright return to its pre-1990 division into two de-jure independent states – by Andrew KORYBKO =

(B K P)

Will the unrest in southern Yemen offset the failures of the coalition?

In a recent issue, the Palestinian magazine al-Manar notes that only a limited part of southern Yemen is in the hands of armed groups or paramilitaries who clash in order to strengthen the influence of their supporters.

What is happening in Yemen, especially the clashes between the forces of the Southern Transitional Council and the forces backed by the resigned president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, shows that Saudi Arabia has failed in the war in Yemen, and that in addition, his coalition with the United Arab Emirates nearly collapsed.

(* B H K)

VIDEO. Depuis la guerre au Yémen, "nous, les enfants, on a changé"

Sanaa, la ville aux deux mille cinq cents ans d'histoire, est aujourd'hui dévastée. La réalisatrice yéménite Khadija Al-Salami y a rencontré des enfants traumatisés par la guerre que vit son pays depuis trois ans. Extrait d'un reportage à ne pas manquer, le 8 février, dans "Envoyé spécial".

(* A K P)

Interactive map of Yemen

(A K PMap: Yemen conflict: Who controls what

(* B K)

Yemen: The Forgotten War

The situation in Yemen is catastrophic. Yet, we hear very little about this situation in the western media and not many people know much about the millions of Yemenis starving and dying. [Overview]

(A K P)

Yemen commander praises Saudi Arabia after civilians die in Sanaa airstrike

Comment: It is all in the title. This is what war has brought: praising the killing.

(* B K P)

Aden Conflict Not the Only Yemen News Worth Following

What is most intriguing, however, is that the Houthi negotiator apparently intends to stay in the Omani capital, Muscat, for an undetermined amount of time. This suggests a disposition on the part of the movement’s leadership to see if other parties in the conflict are inclined to resume discussions on what it might take to reconvene long-stalled peace negotiations. Already, some representatives of Western governments have called on Abdel-Salam, and others are considering doing so.

It is not clear if the United States is among those who will send an official in to probe the Houthi frame of mind, but it would be diplomatic malpractice if it failed to do so.

No opportunity – however unlikely – to reverse the momentum of Yemen’s war and move away from armed conflict toward a negotiated settlement should be missed – by Stephen A. Seche, executive vice president of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, and previously U.S. ambassador to Yemen.

(B H K P)

Destroying Yemen: It's Time to Stop Saudi Mayhem

Nevertheless, the need for greater public awareness only increases as the unnecessary conflict deepens and expands to new areas. While the tragedy is reflected in much of the country’s new reality, another worrisome consequence grips the young children of Yemen. Some are coerced into fighting; others are either killed in airstrikes or driven by social, economic, political or other motives to take up guns. Sometimes it is a complex combination of all these, but the end result is the same in any case: Children are dying.

The horror stories are easy to find in most parts of the country

The conflict marks yet another unfortunate escalation in the region that will exacerbate security problems and political divisions. This time around, Arab governments and the United States should do everything they can to end their airstrikes before Yemen becomes another intractable killing field.

Doubtless, the US-backed, Saudi-made humanitarian crisis in Yemen has strained an already bad security climate. The current historical moment offers an opportunity for the United Nations and the international civil society to deploy diplomatic influence in a concerted and sustained manner. They are in the know that now is the time to force the Saudis to end their protracted war on Yemen and allow its people to determine their own future.

My comment: By Iranian media, reasonable article anyway.

(B K)

On the front lines of Yemen's brutal civil war

The Saudi Arabian government invited us to Yemen to show us their version of the war there.

Both sides in this fight are accused of war crimes, but with weapons supplied by the U.S., Saudi Arabia is capable of much greater damage.

Food is a weapon in Yemen, and both sides know it. A group of men told us Houthis seized their houses, leaving their children homeless and hungry. But only the Saudis are U.S. allies, fighting a bloody war with American support (with film)

My comment: Another piece of “embedded journalism”, but more sincere.

Comment: .@CBSNews very commendably correcting the errors of their previous #Yemen reporting by highlighting the US role in the war. Saudis invited CBS in, but didn't get the friendly coverage they hoped for.

(* B H P)

Saudi Arabia, Yemen sign MoU to install four cranes in Yemeni port

Saudi Arabia and Yemen signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday to finance and install four cranes in the ports of Aden, Mukalla and Makhah.

The four new cranes, two in Makhah, one in Aden and one in Mukalla, are under the comprehensive humanitarian operations plan in Yemen.

My comment: The main reason of this will be to divert the aid flow away from Hodeidah port which is under Houthi control – but goods unloaded at other ports hardly will find its way to the North.

(B K P)

Supporting the New Gulf Effort to Ease Yemen's Humanitarian Crisis

Riyadh and its allies are finally moving to reduce the humanitarian impact of their blockade, so U.S. officials and other actors should take corresponding steps to assist aid flows, secure ceasefires, and promote a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

The Gulf coalition has always undertaken major relief operations inside liberated areas of Yemen.

What has been missing, however, is a focus on remedying the damage done by coalition military operations in rebel-held areas, and particularly lowering food and fuel prices.

Belatedly, but wisely, the Saudi government has begun to address the humanitarian needs of Yemeni civilians in rebel-held areas. The YCHO's initial efforts are a good start.


My comment: This is very US „mainstream”, taking the Saudis as humanitarian benefactors, Iran as arms supplier to the Houthis and the US as the good wise aunt of the whole world.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well I'll believe this when I see it; frankly this sounds like a publicity stunt rather than a solution to the starvation of Yemen. It would be nice if I were proven to be wrong. And it is a bit disingenuous to say that over 2 million were acutely food insecure before the war. Although they did not know where their next meal was coming from, they did not face starvation - they were fed somehow by charities some linked to mosques, by better off Yemenis, and by aid agencies. Now all those sources are less accessible and people are actually dying of hunger.

(* B H K)

When I woke up, I realized I was alive, but the five others were killed

"We are very sad, the whole family is still struggling. The father looks at the hard injured son.

- This was a crime, a massacre! And this often happens, they constantly bombard us, "he says.

He refers to the Houthi militia. Throughout much of the three-year war, the militias have sieged the city completely, which has led to collapse in what was once the beautiful city of Jemen.

"They attack us with grenades and rockets, and they turn down completely arbitrarily," says Ibrahim.

TV 2 gets permission to visit the front.The government-ruling forces stand between the Houthi militia and the inhabitants of Taiz.

It is not possible for us to visit the Houthi areas, but we get one of the representatives on the phone. Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti is a member of the Houtian Political Council, acting as their Deputy Foreign Minister.

[Scandinavians in #Yemen Taiz in focus on TV-News tonight, as Ole and Sonja film Team just visited 7 min's video Managed to get MohD Al-Bukhaiti on the line for a short moment. Voice (in Arabic) from min. 02:44] (with film, Norwegian]

(* B H K P)

Blocus au Yémen : "Si rien n’est fait, il s’agira d’un crime de guerre"

Alors que la guerre au Yémen s'enlise, la crise humanitaire a atteint un seuil critique, selon Jean-François Corty, directeur des opérations internationales de Médecins du Monde. Il pointe la responsabilité occidentale dans le conflit.

[Jean-François Corty, director of international operations of Médecins du Monde, points Western responsibility in the war on #Yemen. Starting from the blockade]

(* B K)

Outside Yemen's rebel-held capital, stalemated war rages on

In the rocky highlands outside of Yemen's rebel-held capital, it quickly becomes clear how the Arab world's poorest country remains mired in a stalemated civil war.

As the war has dragged on, it has become more muddled, with internal conflicts erupting on both sides

Although Yemen indeed appears to be chaotic from the outside, it contains its own internal logic, economies and political" powers.

All that can be seen in Marib, a province bordering Saudi Arabia and the northeastern highlands held by the Houthis =

(* A P)

Yemen Islamist party suspends membership of Nobel laureate Karman

Yemeni Nobel Prize winner Tawakkol Karman was suspended from an Islamist party allied with President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi after she accused the Saudi-led coalition that backs him in the country’s civil war of acting as occupiers. and also


(* A P)

Yemen Islah party suspends membership of Nobel laureate Karman

Speaking at the Warwick Economics Summit in London over the weekend, Karman said Saudi Arabia and the UAE were driven by a "reckless adventurism" when they intervened in Yemen in 2015 after Iran-aligned Houthi forces drove Hadi into exile.

In an earlier Twitter message, she wrote: "Saudi Arabia and UAE took advantage of the (Houthi) militia coup in Sanaa to launch a very ugly occupation and an uglier influence in Yemen." 0

(* B P)

'The Yemen civil war needs to end for global security - but there is little hope'

Yemen is worse than a failed state; it is a country in complete chaos and it is impossible to see a realistic end to the vicious civil war that has created the world's worst humanitarian crisis and sliced the country four ways.

(* B P)

Yemen commander claims government winning civil war in which 10,000 have died

A senior Yemeni Commander has told Sky News the government is winning the civil war.

Speaking from recently captured ground on top of Mount Nmeh, General Nasser al Dhaybani said his troops are moving closer to the capital Sana'a "every day" and will retake it "as soon as the conditions are right".

The officer's optimism is at odds with a conflict that has reached a grim stalemate in many areas and will enter its fourth year next month.

My comment: Overviews, overstressing the role of Iran.

(B K P)

Film: Civilian casualties mount in Yemen

[Typical „embedded journalism“, and also report on civilian victims]

(* B K P)

Eine Krähe hackt der anderen kein Auge aus: Der Krieg der Saudis im Jemen steht vor dem Scheitern

Nachdem sie mit dem Krieg gegen die Streitkräfte der Huthis nach deren Machtergreifung 2015 angefangen hatten, dachten die Emiratis und die Saudis, dass dieser Krieg eine Angelegenheit von kurzer Dauer sein würde. Aber die Frontlinien erstarrten schnell und es zeigte sich, dass es weder für den Krieg noch für das Hadi-Regime, das diesen förderte, Unterstützung gab. Die VAE, die zuvor der engste Verbündete der Saudis gewesen waren, verlagerten angesichts der drohenden Niederlage ihren Schwerpunkt von dem andauernden Krieg. Für Saudi-Arabien ist es nicht so einfach, sich zurückzuziehen.
Für den saudischen Kronprinzen Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS), dem eigentlichen Herrscher im Königreich, steht bei dem Krieg viel auf dem Spiel.

Die VAE haben andererseits weniger Sorgen. Es scheint, dass der Schritt der Machtfestigung in Aden ohne Zustimmung der Emiratis geschah, trotzdem ist er in Einklang mit dem von den Emiratis verfolgten allgemeinen Trend. Sie wollen sich schrittweise aus dem Krieg mit den Huthis zurückziehen und sich auf die Errichtung eines eigenen Stützpunkts um Aden, das eine strategische Position an der Meerenge von Bab-el-Mandeb besitzt, konzentrieren.

Es ist klar, dass der Krieg gegen die Huthis schon vor langer Zeit verloren wurde.

Die Ereignisse in Jemen sind ein weiterer Teil der Existenzkrise Saudi-Arabiens. Obwohl der Krieg im Jemen aus der Sicht der herrschenden Klasse des Königreiches kurzsichtig und dumm war, besteht in ihm trotzdem eine Logik. Ebenso wie die jüngsten Kriege in Syrien und dem Irak wurde der Krieg im Jemen u. a. begonnen, um den wachsenden Einfluss des Iran zu bekämpfen.

Dieses Stadium des Niedergangs ist das gefährlichste für die Existenz jedes Regimes =

and original English version:

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H P)

Film by Press TV Iran: UN says Saudi blockade exacerbates humanitarian crisis in #Yemen, questioning justification for siege

(* A H P)

Maersk Line re-open acceptance of bookings to Aden, Yemen

Maersk line is pleased to announce that effective the 5th of February, will reopen the acceptance of bookings to Aden for all commodities with the exception of the below – in line with the latest UN regulations. Above applies to Aden only, Port of Hodeidah remains closed for acceptance of bookings.

My comment: Q.E.D.

(A H P)

Coalition: Al Tewal Land Port Will Open Soon

The spokesman for the Arab Coalition Colonel Turki al-Maliki said that the coalition is working with United Nations organizations to secure the entry of humanitarian aid through the port of Al Tewal to the people of #Hajjah province

Remark: This port is in southern Saudi Arabia. Wait and see.

(* A H P)

Yemen Shipping and Food Stocks Update (commercial and humanitarian), 04 February 2018

Vessels Discharged at Hodeidah/Saleef ports

Since the end of the temporary blockade on 22 November, a total of 45 vessels and 1 dhow are / have discharged cargo at Hodeidah and Saleef ports.

2 Humanitarian vessels carrying 50,000 tons (mt) of wheat— 1 offloaded at Hodeidah port while the other Saleef port and 1 dhow carrying 220 mt of humanitarian medical items.

25 commercial food vessels carrying 680,104 mt of wheat flour or wheat in-bulk, sugar, corn and soybean have been offloaded at Hodeidah and / or Saleef ports.

16 commercial fuel vessels carrying 183,445 mt of diesel and petrol have discharged at Hodeidah port.

1 commercial vessel carrying 44,000 mt of coal has discharged at Saleef port.

Vessels Currently Discharging at Hodeidah/ Saleef ports

2 commercial food vessels carrying 30,700 mt of bagged wheat and corn.

4 commercial fuel vessel carrying 41,189 mt of diesel and petrol.

1 dhow carrying 220 mt of humanitarian medical items.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film (French): Yémen : les enfants victimes de la guerre | UNICEF France

Les violences au #Yemen mettent en grave danger les #enfants du pays : 1,8 million souffrent de malnutrition aigüe et + de la moitié des enfants n’ont pas accès à l’eau potable. =

(B H)

Jemen: Eine Ärztin kämpft für die Ärmsten

Ein jemenitisches Team, das schon lange für die ARD arbeitet, hatte nun die Möglichkeit, für den Weltspiegel in dem Bürgerkriegsland zu drehen. Sie begleiten eine Ärztin aus der Stadt Hudayda. Regelmäßig fährt diese zu den Familien in Not und versorgt sie, soweit es die begrenzten Möglichkeiten zulassen. [leider nicht der Film zu sehen]

(B H)

WASH Needs Assessment Report, February 2018

RDP conducted a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs assessment in three areas (Bani Ahmed, Al-Aqiba, Al-Ahmol) located in Far Al Udayn district, Ibb Governorate (December 23th , 2017 to January 7th, 2018).

The assessment aimed to:

Determine the current situation of WASH sector in Far Al Udayn district.

Finding out the causes behind a great level of negative health impacts.

Recent conflict escalation in Hayas and Jabal Ras districts of Al Hudaydah governorate has forced many families to abandon their homes. Far Al Udayn district has become the host place for IDPs as it is a neighboring area.

(* A H)

Yemen experiences cooking gas shortage amid Saudi-led military campaign


Urgent: Domestic gas cylinder price in #Sanaajumps over the ceiling of 5000 riyals
All the stations of the capital began selling the domestic gas cylinder -20 lt- at 5100 YR after it had lasted for several months ranging between 4500 and 4800 riyals.
This comes at a time when the price of gasoline stands at 7000 riyals (same as diesel) for 20 lt, and the price of bread jumped from 5 to 20 Riyals
exchange rate: 1 dollar = 470 YR ca

(A H)

Yemen: Rapid Assessment Report on Livestock Sector In Conflict Affected Areas of Hodeidah Governorate (Al-Jarahi, Jabal Rass & Hays districts)

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Yemen conducted a rapid assessment to identify how the recent escalation of conflict have impacted the livestock sector in the coastal area of the southern districts of Aljarahi, Hais and Jabal Ras in Hodeidah governorate. The main objective of the assessment is to identify the key impacts of the recent conflict and displacement and the challenges and impacts on the IDPs and host communities’ livelihoods and to provide recommendations for feasible interventions by the different stakeholders.

Therefore, the rapid assessment mission carried out to identify the basic needs of the displaced population and come up with recommendations to protect their productive assets as well as maintain their livelihoods in their displaced locations.

Immediate actions should focus on interventions to help families protect their livestock assets by implementing vaccination and treatment campaigns. FAO in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and FSAC partners will activate the process as soon as possible.

Provision of animal feed and water should target livestock keepers at greatest risk of livestock losses.

Ensure the equitable distribution of resources as there is a need to coordinate with the local authorities so as to minimize the protection issues.

(* B H)

A tremendous number of children are suffering from starvation in Yemen

Over the past year in Yemen, 50,000 children have died from famine and disease. The starvation caused by the current war has reached a critical and deadly level. For more than two years, Saudi Arabia has conducted an aggressive military campaign against the Houthis rebels, causing enormous suffering in what is currently the poorest nation in the Arab world. The high rate of civilian casualty has resulted in one of the worst humanitarian crises of the moment.

(* B H)

Film: Doctors struggle to treat the injured in Yemen

Doctors in southern Yemen say they are unable to cope with the constant stream of seriously injured men, women and children. The three-year conflict between Saudi-led coalition and Houthi separatists has claimed tens of thousands of lives.

(* B H)

Jemen: Die weltweit größte humanitäre Krise nimmt kein Ende

Der Krieg im Jemen dauert bereits mehr als 1.000 Tage, hat mehr als 5.500 Zivilisten das Leben gekostet und knapp drei Millionen Jemenitinnen und Jemeniten zur Flucht getrieben. Neben einer drohenden Hungersnot leiden die Menschen an der weltweit größten Cholera-Epidemie. Das kriegsgebeutelte Land benötigt dringend humanitäre Hilfe.

Oxfams Arbeit im Jemen

Trotz der Auswirkungen auf unsere Arbeit sind wir vor Ort und leisten akute Nothilfe. Wir stellen Trinkwasser bereit, verteilen Hygiene-Sets zum Schutz vor Cholera und unterstützen Familien mit Bargeld, damit sie Nahrungsmittel und andere lebenswichtige Güter kaufen können. Seit Ausbruch der Krise haben wir bereits mehr als 1,5 Millionen Menschen erreicht. Doch im Jemen sind mehr Menschen auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen als irgendwo sonst auf der Welt.

Bitte unterstützen Sie deshalb unsere Arbeit mit Ihrer Spende: Jetzt spenden

Mein Kommentar: 5.000 ist weit untertrieben. Mit allen Opfern der saudischen Blockade wird man eher mit 200.000 rechnen müssen.

(A H)

He was a teacher of English #Literature at Thamar university before the war ,now he is selling boiled maize corns in #Sanaa #Yemen His students posted his photo in facebook and they feel proud that their teacher is fighting to survive,also they feel his pain and suffering. (photos)

(A H)

Film: This is heartbreaking - a loving father sits with his daughter as she takes her last breath - denied life because of the embargo on Yemen. I ask you, is this Islamic, to facilitate this suffering of innocents? =

(* B H)

Taiz leprosy colony offers Yemeni 'outcasts' a home

Many leprosy sufferers told Al Jazeera they had been banished from their villages and towns, ostracised for carrying an ancient disease incorrectly associated with sin.

Leprosy is entirely curable today, thanks to a treatment called multi-drug therapy.

In Yemen, at least 367 cases were reported in 2016, up from 255 the year before, according to the World Health Organization.

Scores of emaciated patients, accompanied by their caretakers, have sought treatment at Taiz's Dermatology and Venereology hospital.

However, a chronic lack of funding has left many complaining of receiving substandard care.

With clean drinking water becoming harder to find, and the healthcare system in an increasingly precarious state, the danger of disease looms large over millions of Yemenis.

The humanitarian situation has been further compounded by a decision to shift the central bank out of the rebel-held capital, Sanaa, to the southern port city of Aden, after allegations emerged that the Houthis had looted funds to pay for their war effort - a charge the rebels deny.

The government stopped funding the public health department, resulting in many doctors and hospital staff, and around 1.2 million civil servants, not receiving their salaries.

"My children haven't been paid in over a year," said Dawood al-Raimi, a leprosy sufferer.

Preventable illnesses and deaths have increased staggeringly, with patients unable to afford their treatment.

"Every day I suffer. All I want is food and to be treated," said Dawood.

"I need help, but nobody is willing to give it".

(B H)

Yemen mVAM Bulletin #29: January 2018 - No improvement in household food security after suspension of blockade

Food insecurity remains high across Yemen, although the winter harvest has improved food access in Hadramaut

More households are borrowing food in Taizz as intensified fighting has reduced access to food assistance

Food shortages and lack of income continue to erode household food security across the country

(* B H)

Water Shortages Challenge Sustainable Agriculture in Yemen

Since Yemen is a predominantly rural country, with 68 percent of its population living in rural areas, irrigated agriculture is the main source of income, employment and economic activity. Thus, when a rapid drop in groundwater resources occurs, sustainable agriculture in Yemen suffers greatly.

Water scarcity in Yemen has put a huge constraint on food production. Almost 90 percent of water use is for agriculture. A large proportion of scarcity is due to inefficient irrigation techniques and the expansion of qat cultivation, which alone counts as 30 percent of the water use. Qat cultivation is six times more profitable than most food crops and relatively easy to cultivate. It has expanded at the expense of food crops, contributing to the dependence on food imports.

However, due to its profitability, year-round cultivation and high domestic demand, the water supply is dwindling.

(A H)

Today @monarelief distributed beds and blankets to IPDs and poor families in the district of Dhahban, Sanaa. Thanks to Kuwaiti donors who funded the project (photos)

@monarelief delivered school tables and chairs to al-Seddiq School in Sana'a (photos)

Jewish minority members in Sanaa receives monthly food aid packages from @monareliefye February 2018 (photo)

(* B H)

VIDEO. Le message de "Miss Guerre" dans un Yémen en proie à une grave pénurie

[in French with a message from 'Miss War' Nismah Al-Kumaim @nismah.alkumaim]

"On connaît les Miss Monde, mais on n'a jamais entendu parler d'une Miss Guerre..." Qui est cette "Miss Guerre" du Yémen, pays soumis depuis trois ans à des bombardements incessants ? Deux jeunes garçons de Sanaa, la capitale, sont venus l'interviewer pour un reportage à voir le 8 févier dans "Envoyé spécial". Dans cet extrait, elle a un message pour l'Union européenne.

"Miss Guerre" ne ressemble pas à son surnom : c'est une jeune femme souriante, mariée et maman de deux filles. Nismah Al-Kumaim, de son vrai nom, s'est fait connaître sur les réseaux sociaux avec ses photos décalées, où elle se met en scène pour évoquer le quotidien des Yéménites depuis 2015

(* B H)

The only growth industry in Yemen: making false limbs

Yemen has one growing industry and at least one successful apprenticeship scheme amid the destruction of war. Mohammed Abdullah and Osman al-Jallal, both 27, have been training for nine months and have already helped to build 300 artificial legs at their workshop behind Marib hospital.

“We can now make limbs for six or seven people in two days,” Mr Abdullah said. He was working as a nurse when a team of specialists from Turkey came to train him and Mr Jallal in how to make basic plastic limbs in April last year.

the pain of those still awaiting the false legs supplied by Mr Abdullah and Mr Jallal. There are 560 in Marib alone, according to the hospital. Mohammed al-Qutabi, the director, said that in the city of Taiz to the southwest another 700 people who have lost one or more limbs are on a waiting list. There is plenty more work for the prosthetic-makers.

(A H)

World Bank finances Emergency Health and Nutrition Project in Yemen

(* B H)

Saudi Arabia, at war with Yemen rebels, sends aid to nation

Saudi relief officials, however, stress their role has nothing to do with the ongoing military fight and say they also try to get their aid into Houthi-controlled territory as well.

"They are our neighbors," said Abdullah al-Wadei, the assistant director of medical and environmental assistance at the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center. "They are human beings first."

Associated Press journalists recently travelled into Yemen as part of a tour for foreign reporters organized by the Saudi-led coalition to highlight their relief efforts.

To speed relief, the Saudis have run some 20 aid flights with secondhand American C-130 military transport planes into Marib, about 115 kilometers (70 miles) east of Sanaa.

My comment: Western journalists invited for reporting on Saudi humanitarian help, and they do – at least with some critical distance here. Saudi humanitarian help is like the crate water the arsonsist brings to the house he had set fire to.

And this is the way Saudi media report:

(* B H)

Saudi Arabia extends a helping hand to Yemeni brethren

Saudi Arabia says it has spent nearly a billion dollars in aid to Yemen and plans with its partners to spend another $1.5 billion.
“They are our neighbors,” said Abdullah Al-Wadei, the assistant director of medical and environmental assistance at the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center. “They are human beings first.”
To speed relief, the Saudis have run some 20 aid flights with American C-130 military transport planes into Marib, about 115 kilometers (70 miles) east of Sanaa.

The Saudis also provide food for Houthi-controled territory in unmarked boxes that get distributed by local partners, he said. and similar

My comment: This artice also could have been placed at cp15 Propaganda. For understanding it, read the IRIn article in cp1.

Comment: We are not amused by a PR campaign to whitewash the criminal siege and war on #Yemen

and by the Saudi government itself:
(A P)

Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO): supply of new cranes to Yemeni ports

The Member States of the Saudi-led Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen announce the supply and installation of 4 cranes to Yemeni ports under the Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO)

The delivery of cranes to Yemen under circumstances of conflict and instability further demonstrates the commitment of the YCHO to relieve the suffering of the Yemeni people. The recent violence in Aden highlights the risks and dangers of humanitarian work, and the internationally recognized government of Yemen not only applauds the Saudi-led Coalition’s generosity, but also the YCHO’s determination to be a force for good. The people of Yemen are grateful for this generous initiative. =

Remark. Please read IRIN article in cp1.

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Issue No. 1 | 6 February 2018

FUEL REQUIREMENTS: A total of 4.3 million litres is required each month to support health facilities and Local Water Sanitation Corporations across Yemen as identified by the Cluster Lead Agencies. The tables below indicate the breakdown of facilities that are to receive fuel donated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The analysis of the data collected by WFP and FEWSNET shows that the Yemeni Riyal has lost 49 per cent of its value in the last 12 months. Due to the dependence on imports for essential items, this directly impacts on household poverty by reducing their purchasing power.


(* B H)

Jemen: "Im Durchschnitt hören wir fünf Explosionen pro Minute"

Gastkommentar von Arunn Jegan: Der Projektleiter von Ärzte ohne Grenzen berichtet von seinem Einsatz in Tais im Jemen.

Ich bin gerade in Tais im Jemen angekommen, wo Ärzte ohne Grenzen mehrere Krankenhäuser auf beiden Seiten der Front unterstützt. Obwohl ich vor meiner Ankunft in den Nachrichten verfolgt habe, wie schlimm die humanitäre Situation der Menschen in der Stadt ist, habe ich erst in meiner ersten Woche hier wirklich begriffen, wie groß die Verzweiflung tatsächlich ist, und mit welch gewaltigen Herausforderungen die Bevölkerung jeden Tag konfrontiert ist.

Am Tag meiner Ankunft, dem 24. Januar 2018, ist die Gewalt an allen Fronten rund um Tais eskaliert, und die vergangenen Tage waren extrem hart. Leider ist das für die Menschen hier inzwischen Alltag.

and English version:

(* B H)

Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Humanitarian Response Plan 2018 Snapshot

The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster YHRP 2018 will focus on more sustainable interventions recognizing the need for Livelihoods opportunities if families are to be given a chance to escape from the debilitating cycle of poverty. It also recognizes the need to harness the significant capacity of National Partners to bring the response closer to the beneficiaries.

This year the 2018 YHRP is seeking US$2.96 billion (up 40% from 2017) to assist 13.1 million (up 9 % from 2017) vulnerable people across the country out of 22.2 million people (up 18% from 2017) in Yemen who are in need for some kind of humanitarian or protection assistance, including 11.3 million (up 10% from 2017) who are in acute need.

(* B H)


(A H)

Bringing Them Home: Stranded Pakistanis return from Yemen

After more than a decade seven Pakistanis who were stranded in Yemen were repatriated and reunited with their families in Pakistan. The ICRC facilitated their return

(* A H)

Guidance on Cash for Work Reporting (V2. 19 Jan 2018)

Cash for work (CfW) has increasingly become a modality of the delivery of assistance in Yemen for many years. It has been used in various sectors to assist affected populations in meeting basic needs and improve livelihoods by improving purchasing power while rehabilitating community infrastructure and creating useful community (and sometimes individual, and household) assets.

(A H)

It is really sad to come across this letter (circulated in social media & dated Feb 4) addressed to #Yemen Airways by Egyptian authorities stating Yemenis (between 16-50) require a visa from embassies to get in #Egypt. What else left for us?! Yemen is an isolated prison. (image)

(A H)

Funded by @monarelief's online fundraising campaign and for the seventh time. #Jewish minority members receiving their monthly food aid packages today in Sanaa. Million thanks to all our donors. Pix by @monareliefye

(* B H K)

Film: On #WorldCancerDay we share with you the story of Najiba who is not only battling brain cancer but trying to survive through conflict and exile in #Yemen. =

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen Situation Update (January 2018)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A H)

Uno-Bericht: Kämpfe im Jemen vertreiben Zehntausende Menschen

Im Westjemen eskaliert der Konflikt zwischen Separatisten und Regierung, viele Menschen fliehen. In der "größten humanitären Krise der Welt" sind laut Uno 22 Millionen Jemeniten auf Hilfe angewiesen.

Wachsende Gewalt im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen hat nach Uno-Informationen in den vergangenen zehn Wochen mehr als 85.000 Menschen in die Flucht getrieben. Zehntausende flüchteten vor neuen Kämpfen an der Westküste, teilte das Uno-Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNHCR mit.

"Jemen ist die größte humanitäre Krise der Welt, mehr als 22 Millionen Menschen brauchen Hilfe", sagte UNHCR-Sprecherin Céline Pouilly. Das sind etwa zwei Drittel der Bevölkerung des Landes.

(* A H)

85,000 people displaced in 10 weeks as hostilities rage across Yemen

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Cécile Pouilly – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is alarmed at the upsurge in violence across Yemen which is resulting in increased displacement from various frontlines. According to UNHCR and partner data, more than 85,000 people have been displaced countrywide since 1 December 2017.

Yemen’s west coast continues to be the highest source of new displacement, with 71 per cent or some 61,000 people originating from Al Hudaydah and Taizz governorates.

Current military escalations on the west coast are leading to hundreds of people having to flee their homes on a daily basis, including from the districts of Al Khawkhah, Al Garrahi and Hays in southern Hudaydah; and from Mokha and Mawza in Taizz.

The majority of those fleeing violence from the west coast are fleeing east to Abyan, where more than 21,000 individuals have fled, whilst others are attempting to seek refuge elsewhere within Taizz and Hudaydah governorates. Some 13,600 people have been newly displaced within Taizz while more than 12,300 people have been newly displaced within Al Hudaydah, with others fleeing the west coast across the country to Lahj, Al Maharah, Aden, Ibb, Dhamar, Hadramaut and Shabwah.

UNHCR is particularly concerned for those that remain in areas close to hostilities in Taizz and Hudaydah

In addition to new displacement from the western coast, UNHCR is also observing a spike in new displacement from other frontline areas, including Yemen’s border governorates of Al Jawf and Hajjah, and also in Shabwah in the east.

and also

(* A H)

Thousands flee amid fresh violence in Yemen

Single mother Hayat Saif, who escaped Al Khawkah last month, described the recent upsurge in violence as the worst she had seen during the conflict.

“At some point the intensity increased so much that we just had to leave,” she said. “We were sleeping under our furniture just to try and protect ourselves. Some of the families that stayed behind are now having to hide underground.”

For Fatemah Murai and her three orphaned granddaughters, who were displaced from Nihm – a district of the capital Sana’a and a flashpoint of the conflict – UNHCR’s help has become a lifeline.

“We lost our land, home and furniture and became homeless overnight – this is the first time we received assistance since we were displaced,” she said. “Our hope is for this ugly war to end and the warring sides to leave us to live in peace.” =

(A H)

IOM Appeal: Yemen Crisis Response January - December 2018 | Published 7 February 2018

IOM, the UN Migration Agency, has launched an appeal for USD 96.2 million to fund its 2018 response for what is being called ‘one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world’ in Yemen.

The Appeal falls under the USD 2.96 billion Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) which covers the entire humanitarian community.

IOM’s appeal will provide frontline emergency response in the sectors of Health, Coordination and Safety, Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Shelter, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), Non-Food Items (NFIs) and Emergency Employment and Community Rehabilitation, as well as multi-sectorial assistance for migrants.

(A H)

Film: Yemen - Human Rights Minister Visits The African Migrants Center In Aden

Despite the sufferings and difficult economic conditions experienced by the Yemenis, the flow of thousands of African migrants continues across the Yemeni coasts. Human Rights Minister "Mohamed Askar" and UNHCR Director "Jacqueline Parlevliet" visited the African Migrants detention Center in the southern Yemeni city of Aden to learn about their humanitarian and health conditions, especially the Eritrean refugees, and Askar called on the military to cooperate and coordinate efforts to provide appropriate care for these refugees.

(* A H)

UN releases $9.1 million to fill 'critical healthcare gaps' in Yemen

With only 50 per cent of medical facilities fully functional in Yemen, the United Nations health agency is striving to fill a “critical” healthcare shortage and will use a $9.1 million emergency response grant to assist 630,000 vulnerable people in districts around Sana'a and al-Hudayda.

The grant from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will be used to deliver urgent health assistance to 189,000 internally displaced persons and 441,000 people from host communities, including chronically ill people, pregnant and lactating mothers, severely malnourished children, and injured people.

(A H)

Photography Exhibit to Portray Refugee Life in Djibouti

Photographs and insights from a refugee camp in Djibouti —by a professional photographer, Yemenis who live there, NYU Abu Dhabi students, and their professor — will come together in February in twin exhibitions in New York and Abu Dhabi.

Nathalie Peutz, anthropologist and assistant professor of Arab Crossroads Studies at NYUAD, said the material adds up to “a conversation … among refugees, a photographer, an anthropologist, and a range of students, about the condition of becoming a permanent refugee today.” (photos)

(B H)

UNICEF Djibouti Humanitarian Situation Report, December 2017

All refugees, migrants and host communities have very limited access to any form of livelihoods. As per the 2016 Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report, some 200,000 people in the country mostly in rural areas were in urgent need of food aid. Furthermore, 27,771 refugees rely on external food assistance.

(* B H)

Displaced people in Ibb devastated by hunger and disease for 3 years

Asrar is one of more than 500 000 IDPs living in Ibb. This number represents around 25% of all IDPs in the country. Currently, more than 2 million people are still displaced in Yemen, with women and children representing three quarters of IDPs.

“The suffering of the displaced people in Yemen is severe and unimaginable. They have gone through very tough times which gravely affect their health and psychological conditions,” said Dr Nevio Zagaria, WHO Representative in Yemen.

Hundreds of thousands of IDPs from Taiz, like Asrar, are unable to return home due to sustained clashes in different parts of the city. As the financial situation keeps deteriorating, most IDPs also find it difficult to find jobs or regular sources of income. Asrar is one of them.

“I tried to work, but there are no job opportunities. I would rather die instead of living such a life.” =

(* B H)

Film: Yemen war: Surviving winter without a home

Many families, whose homes have been destroyed, are now living in caves as a result of the war - they are facing harsh living conditions, especially the ferocious cold. = and an earlier film on refugees:

(* B H K)

UN: 47,000 displaced in Yemen since December

"Escalating conflict in Taizz and Hudaydah since December 2017 has displaced nearly 47,000 people to Aden and other governorates in the south," UN Secretary-General spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters.

(B H K)

Taiz IDPs cannot return home because of Houthi landmines, officials say

The displaced population of al-Selw district in Yemen's central province of Taiz cannot return to their government-captured district because of large numbers of landmines and booby traps the Houthi militants had planted before withdrawing last week, local officials say.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Yemen Situation: 2018 Funding Update (as of 29 January 2018)

163.1 M required for 2018

6.8 M contributions received, representing 4% of requirements

(B H)

Yemen UNHCR Update, 15 - 31 January 2018

22.2 million people in need

2,014,026 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

89 per cent of IDPs displaced for more than a year

(B H)

Yemen: Passengers Transport Overview - Djibouti - Aden - Djibouti, January 2018

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthi militia kidnap, blow up prisoner in Yemen’s al-Baydah governorate

The Houthi militia have heartlessly blown up the body of a prisoner in Yemen’s al-Baydah governorate, it has been revealed.

According to reports, Houthi militias kidnapped Mohammad al-Uzli last month in the Burkan district of al-Baydah governorate and then moved him to an unknown destination.

Remark: By Saudi media.

(A K P)

In Retaliation for the Saudi War on Yemen , New Yemeni Military Batch Graduated

Every day more Yemenis move towards the fronts of dignity and steadfastness facing of the the US-Saudi coalition which began in March 2015

Yemen’s War Media documented all payments of trainees graduating batches to fight and defend Yemen.

(A K P)

Yemen President Saleh Samad, Attended this morning a graduation ceremony of new security forces ( central Security). The new batches would enhance security in Sanaa city and all other cities across the country. Secret place in Sanaa province. (photos)

(A T)

Police dismantle three explosive devices in Bayda

(A P)

President meets with national salvation government

President of the Supreme Political Council, Saleh al-Sammad on Wednesday held an expanded meeting with prime minister Abdul-Aziz bin Habtoor and his government members. and photos

(A K P)

Houthis radicalizing prisoners to fight against the government

Houthis have taken hundreds of prisoners serving sentences for criminal offences in the Central Jail in the capital Sana'a and transported them to the Military College in the same city to radicalize them to become "holy warriors" against the government.

and also a “Houthi Horror Roundup” by anti-Houthi biased Islah Party media:

(A P)

Yemen Press Cutting

A Houthi sniper killed a young girl in Yemen's central al-Beidha province

Rebel leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has issued directives to his followers to recruit more fighters

Houthis have conducted a military parade in Yemen's central province of Ibb. Dozens of new recruits in the ranks of the Shiite Islamist terrorists marched in the streets

Houthis have forced dozens of school teachers in Sana'a to attended religious sectarian course

(A P)

Yemen President Saleh Samad, Chaired a meeting today in Sanaa with heads of gov universities. Urging them to be independent from political groups. Education must be distanced from politics. (photo)

My comment: I fear the Houthis themselves do not follow their president’s demands.

(A H P)

Deputy FM meets UNHCR resident representative

(A H P)

Head of National Authority meets UN refugees official

(A P)

Tortured by Houthis, abductee commits suicide

A young man unable to bear torture by Houthis ended his life in the town of Radaa in Yemen's central al-Beidha province on Sunday

(A P)

Houthis cut off tongue of Sana'a woman: News website

The sources told al-Asimah Online news site that the Shiah Islamist terrorists got a woman out of her house by a sting operation before kidnapping her to an unknown location, severing her tongue and releasing her speechless in the capital city, last week.

My comment: News of the anti-Houthi Islah-Party newssite, propaganda, fact or fiction?

(A K P)

New batches from Yemeni Navy & Air Force graduated to join Battlefields fighting against US-Saudi invaders in 45 fronts. The graduation ceremony took place in a secret place in the 5th military region. Sunday, Feb 4, 2018 (photos)

(A P)

Film: Yemeni women hold rally in Sana'a against Saudi attacks

(A H P)

President praises humanitarian organizations' positions in Yemen

President of Supreme Political Council Saleh al-Sammad on Sunday highly appreciated the positions of the UN and international organizations working in the humanitarian field in Yemen.

(* B K P)

New graveyards created by Houthis in Yemen expose their great losses

The Houthi Movement celebrated their killed members by inaugurating new graveyards, decorating their tombs and holding a photo exhibition in Sanaa and other strongholds thus revealing their great losses.
The exhibitions actually showed that the Houthis lost thousands of their fighters. Although the Houthi Movement refuses to acknowledge these losses, unofficial sources estimated that 50,000 Houthis were killed or injured last year. (photos9

Remark: By Saudi media, read with caution.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A P)


The Yemeni Ministry of Transport on Thursday approved the start of new flights, from March, after a halt of nearly three years.

Remark: From Aden airport.

Police in al Mahrah governorate, eastern Yemen transferred seven detainees arrested in al Ghaydah city to the Saudi-led coalition on February 7. The detainees will be extradited to Saudi Arabia. Al Mahrah Governor Rajeh Bakrit stated that the detainees aimed to destabilize the governorate. Saudi-led coalition forces deployed to al Mahrah in November 2018 to counter Iranian smuggling to the al Houthi movement.[2]

(* B H P)

Leben im Süd-Jemen: Brüchiger Frieden und tägliche Not

Seit der Eskalation des Jemen-Konflikts 2014 sind die Fronten verfestigt. Im immer noch umkämpften Norden haben die Huthi-Rebellen das Sagen, im Süden die Exilregierung von Präsident Hadi. Dort herrscht eine Art Scheinfrieden, doch alte Konflikte kommen jetzt wieder zum Vorschein.

Umgerechnet 20 Euro für ein Kiste Früchte. In einem Land, in dem der Normalbürger vielleicht zwei, drei Euro am Tag verdient. Wenn der Staat überhaupt zahlt. Überall die selben Klagen. Die galoppierende Inflation! Löhne, die nicht gezahlt werden! Eine Regierung, die vor drei Jahren aus der Hauptstadt Sanaa hierher geflohen ist und hier in Aden nichts tut. So die Vorwürfe.

Kilometerlange Schlangen an Tankstellen. Noch so ein Wutfaktor in Aden.

Der einzig gemeinsame Nenner ist der Feind. Die Huthis im Norden des Jemen. Sonst haben die einzelnen Koalitionäre, die Saudis, die Emirate, die Regierung Hadi und die Menschen hier im Süden nur wenig gemein. Man belauert sich argwöhnisch. Keiner traut keinem.

Hier im Süden sind alte Rechnungen mit dem Norden offen. Nahezu jeder hier in Aden weiß von Gängelungen zu berichten – Von Oliver Ramme

(A P)

Hadi orders government to stop unauthorized use of state properties

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi directed the government on Tuesday to get any tampering with and abuses of state-owned properties whether in Socotra islands or the country's mainland to be stopped.

My comment: He himself had rented Socotra island to the Emirates for 99 years – and the island now is exploited by the Emirates in various ways.

(A P T)

#Yemen & #Saudi press ran articles yday quoting Yemen Interior Ministry official blaming #alQaeda for assassinations of security commanders in #Aden (incl drive-by shooting Monday). Careful. These look like political/org crime assassinations. #AQAP hasn't (yet) claimed Mon's op (iamge)

(A P)

ERC to restore Women’s Development Organisation premises in Yemen

My comment: More from the „We are benefactors“ series.

(A P)

Yemen’s Vice President, General Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar, is leading strenuous efforts among different political parties and forces to declare a broad national alliance in support of the legitimate government and the Arab Coalition to restore the State’s legitimacy and liberate the remaining territories from the grip of Houthi militias.

The sources added that the vice president’s consultations over the past period included leaders of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform (Al-Islah), pro-legitimacy leaders of the General People’s Congress, officials from the Nasserist Unionist People’s Organization, as well as leaders of the Yemeni Socialist Party and key figures in the Southern Movement.
According to the sources, the alliance, if Al-Ahmar’s efforts succeeded, would form a comprehensive umbrella under which the Yemeni parties would agree on all critical matters.

My comment: This sounds like odd propaganda. Mohsen, a Northerer, is hated in the North and in the South alike. The communication between hadi loyalists and the Southern Movement is extremely bad (look at cp1). There hardly will be “key figures in the Southern Movement” under Mohsen’s “umbrella”.

Comment by Judith Brown: What an obnoxious man he is. Ali Muhsin thought he had an arrangement with Saleh that when Saleh retired, he would become the next president of Yemen. But he was very unpopular - an extremely conservative Muslim with close ties to Saudi Arabia - he even scared Saleh who thought that under his rule Yemen would just become a satellite of Saudi Arabia. The Houthi wars from 2004-2010 devastated the north west - using illegal warfare that disgusted many of the people living in the area, even those that did not like the Houthis - the government forces were lead by Ali Muhsin and not only did the army under his leadership destroy many civilian infrastructures, but he personally was a handicap to the many peace mediation attempts thwarting peace, but also he lead the Yemen army to defeat - his tactics were cruel, illegal, and incompetent.

In the uprisings against Saleh in 2011 he lead a branch of the army that supported the protesters - not that he sympathised with the protesters but he thought it was a route to him grabbing power. And of course his war tactics in the northwest eventually caused a small local uprising to turn into a national war, destroying much of Yemen. Hadi appointed him as his deputy, a real hardliner, replacing Bahah who was altogether more competent than either a Hadi or Al Muhsin. Incidentally his brigades were the part of the original Yemen army that did not support the Houthi-Saleh alliance - before it broke down.

and now the local followers tell their consent:

Political and military elite of southern Shabwa condemn Aden coup attempt

(* B K P)

Reports،Saudi and UAE plans to militarize East Yemen

“The developments in Mahara province, which has been part of southern Yemen for the duration of its independence (1967-1990), have increased concerns about the conflicting interests of the GCC and its role in undermining or weakening the solutions to the Yemeni war,” wrote Galvio Cafiero.

Abu Dhabi has mandated Mahara’s elite forces to protect the land and sea borders and to prosecute arms smugglers, as well as the crossings to the province and its airport in al-Ghaydah.

However, certain tribes have rejected the Emirati plan in their province, which have not suffered from the evils of the war in Yemen or the Salafist jihadist attacks.

Local people fear coalition intervention in their region, which has been safe and dragged into war

(A E P)

Veggies and fruits preservation: Marib's newest job generator

The Director General of the Agriculture Ministry's office in Marib Sayf al-Wals said on Sunday that a new central plant for the long term preservation of fruits and vegetables will be opened soon in Marib

(A T)

Commander of Security Belt of Al-Mahfed Survives a Failure Assassination in Wady Murea

(* A P)

These are Yemen's trees of Socatra island. They are cutting them and taking them to UAE, this is an environment crime. (photos)

Comment: Is this true ? This really is a crime if this is what is happening as they are endangered in Soqatra and they don't grow anywhere else. Soqatra is in the top 10 environmental sites according to UNESCO and as such the flora and fauna is protected.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

The only obstacle to peace in #Yemen's war is the continuing refusal of Saudi Arabia to negotiate with pro-Saleh & pro-Houthi factions directly. For doing so would be an instant admission of complete defeat.

(* A P)

The al Houthi movement reportedly refused to negotiate with the UN until the tenure of current UN Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed ends at the end of February. British mediator Martin Griffiths will likely replace Ould Cheikh Ahmed, whom the al Houthi movement declared a persona non grata in June 2017. to

(* B P)

Film: Could Saudi Arabia be suspended from UN Human Rights Council? | Inside Story

Two British lawyers have published a 31 page report - outlining how Saudi Arabia has breached international law. and also at

(A P)

UN official hails GCC states keenness to achieve security, stability in Yemen

Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the outgoing UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Yemen, thanked Dr. Al-Zayani for his support, hailing the keenness of the GCC states to end the conflict in Yemen and achieve security and stability. He lauded GCC states’ efforts to dispatch humanitarian relief to all Yemeni governorates to alleviate people’s suffering.

My comment: It’s enough now. Soon he will take his new post at a Saudi bank. This explains (nearly) all.

And even more:

(A P)

UN Yemen Envoy: Militias Cannot Make Peace

Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi blamed the Iran-backed Houthi militias for prolonging the conflict and Yemeni peoples' suffering.
UN Secretary General's Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Shiekh Ahmed meanwhile indicated that peace in Yemen should be based on what was agreed upon in the Kuwait talks, affirming that no militia can retain its weapons and also act as a peace partner.

My comment: Impossible to “ retain its weapons and also act as a peace partner“? Hmmm. Either that’s valid for all warring parties – or for no one.

(A P)

Iranian FM Stresses Implementation of 4-Step Plan to Resolve Yemen Crisis

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined that Iran's four-step plan should be implemented to resolve the ongoing crisis in Yemen and put an end to the Saudi-led aggressions.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Enigmatic Crown Prince

Altamar sets it sights this week on a single man: Mohammed bin Salman. The show’s 13th episode aims to break down the competing narratives surrounding Saudi Arabia’s controversial new crown prince.

While the guests agree that the domestic reforms that MbS – as he’s known – is advancing are overdue, Bernard offers a more enthusiastic appraisal of the young monarch’s approach.

“MbS understands,” he says, “that business as usual – which depends on men in their 70s and 80s, sometimes 90s, having to decide on things and taking forever to do so – is simply detrimental to the future of the country.”

But Jamal has his reservations.

“Foreign policy is perhaps where this ‘shoot first and aim later’ has shown itself the most,” Peter says. And not to the Kingdom’s benefit.

“From an image or PR point of view, it seems his interventions, whether in Yemen or Lebanon or Qatar, have been spectacular failures.”

My comment: This seems quite enthusiastic. I suddenly reminded that Churchill in earlier times was a fan of Mussolini – because of his “reforms”.

(* A P)


As Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman touts moderate Islam and makes a public display of giving women more rights, human rights activists say the country is quietly arresting women’s rights activists.

Human rights activist Noha al-Balawi, who is based in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, has been held in detention for 17 days and could be imprisoned for up to five years for advocating for women’s rights on social media, activists say.

“She is very vocal on Twitter and Snapchat, she advocates for women’s rights and women who drive. She asked to represent the people and the country in Parliament,” Yahya Assiri, director of the London-based human rights group Alqst, told Newsweek. “They don’t want activists to get involved. Women haven’t had any rights until now, and they are still arresting people.”

(* A P)

Today the #Saudi authorities locked down Alowaina, #Awamia and crackdowns martyr Salman Alfaraj uncle house. All boys in house were detained-total 2-the yonger uncle's son was a minor,15yr. (photo)

Today the #Saudi authorities raided another home & detained all the men who were in there at the time of the crackdown. The escalation of violations shows that the regime doesn't honor its own regulations, and such violations have become the new norm.

Yesterday abt 1:00pm the minor Hussain Saleh Alzinadi was arbitrary detained from #Awamia / #Safwa check point. Hussain is a 17 yr old. (photo)

Ali Mohammed Alfaraj another minor was arbitrarily detained from the same check point around the same on his way back from school to home in #Awamia. Ali, the 17 yo boy, was brutally beaten at the check point (photo) (thread)

Remark: Awamia, Eastern Saudi Arabia, a Shia minority town, a great part of which had been systematically destroyed by the Saudis in 2017.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s biggest obstacle to progress lies in its systematic human rights violations

Here are some key steps that Saudi Arabia needs to take if it wants to fulfil its ambitions:

Stop cracking down on activists, journalists, academics, and dissidents

Saudi Arabia’s crackdown on activists, journalists, academics, and other dissidents has intensified in the past months since Mohammad bin Salman became Crown Prince.

End systematic discrimination against women

End the persecution of the Shi’a minority

Stop the use of the death penalty. Stop torture.

Setting an example for the region? Don’t forget Yemen

Want progress? Look to Saudi civil society.

(B P)

Saudi envoy says Yemenis given 40,000 work permits in six months

As many as 40,000 work visas have been issued to Yemeni citizens over the past six months to work in the kingdom, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed al-Jaber, told Al Arabiya English in an interview on Thursday.

Al-Jaber said that the Saudi embassy in Yemen is the only embassy that has granted this many work visas so far.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia 'sacks TV duty editor for airing' Yemen's Nobel laureate Tawakkol Karman

The duty editor of Saudi Arabia’s al-Thakafiyah channel has reportedly been sacked after airing a show featuring the first Arab and Yemeni woman Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Riyadh’s crackdown on freedom of speech, exasperated by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has resulted in an ever-growing censorship of domestic and foreign critics of the state.

Remark: For Karman, look at cp2.

(* B E P)

Saudi economic transformation still a long way away

Recent government and military salary hikes are hardly in line with the radical fiscal overhaul proposed by Saudi Arabia’s crown prince

The new vision for Saudi Arabia up to the year 2030 was unveiled with great fanfare in mid-2016.

As part of its recipe for bringing about wide-ranging change, the plan put considerable emphasis on the need for higher and more widely applied taxes and the removal of wasteful subsidies. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), energy subsidies alone amounted to 20 percent of gross domestic product in 2011, though that figure is believed to have been substantially reduced in recent years.

At the top of the subsidy removal list is water. Saudi Arabia is facing a water crisis of immense proportions, with forecasts that the kingdom could run out of water in less than 20 years unless use is severely curtailed.

Saudis, inhabiting one of the most water-scarce countries on earth, are among the world's highest water users.

The goals of the national transformation programme have been scaled back significantly.

But the kingdom is still faced with serious economic and environmental problems. National transformation - despite the recent high-profile crackdown - is still a long way away.

(B E P)

Saudis prepare for the first pillar of tourism

Falling oil prices and a desire to modernise has pushed tourism to the forefront of the young Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Vision 2030, a blueprint to prepare the biggest Arab economy for the post-oil era. Officials announced last month that electronic visas would be available to "all nationals whose countries allow their citizens to visit" by the end of March. Their hope is to double the annual number of visitors to 30 million by 2030.

(* B P)

Mohammed bin Salman: Saudi Arabia’s great young reformer may struggle to control the forces he has unleashed

In the last of a three-part series on Saudi Arabia, Bethan McKernan asks whether the crown prince will be able to see through his ideas for reform

The rapid reforms do not stretch as far as addressing Saudi Arabia’s lack of freedoms of expression, assembly, or its liberal use of capital punishment.

But the 32-year-old didn’t earn the dubious epithet “the most dangerous man in the world” for nothing.

Whether the new crown prince will be able to control the myriad forces he has unleashed both at home and abroad remains to be seen.

(* B P)

Is the U.S. Backing a Serious Reformer or Reckless Driver in Riyadh?

How should U.S. policymakers take the measure of this untested leader in Riyadh at a time of such tremendous uncertainty and in a region increasingly torn by violence? This critical question will occupy the Trump administration in 2018 as it attempts to operationalize its recently published National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy in the Middle East.

At least some regional experts are optimistic about prospects for success.

Nonetheless, Western policymakers should be cautioned about placing too much confidence in the ability of MbS to implement quickly such wide-ranging social and economic reforms.

A sensible U.S. strategy going forward should aim at developing an institutionalized and trusted relationship with the young Crown Prince

At the same time, senior U.S. military and civilian defense officials should take the lead in working with MbS to curb his disturbing tendency to overreact and view events as a zero-sum competition with Iran – by Christopher J. Bolan

Comment: The war on #Yemen is a sufficient answer

(* A P T)

326 Yemeni terror suspects held in intelligence prisons

There are 326 Yemenis terror suspects are currently being detained in the intelligence prisons. They are out of a total 5,345 suspects of whom as many as 4,439 are Saudis and eight of unknown nationalities.
According to informed sources, the most dangerous of the Yemenis is Abdul Rahman Faris Amir Al-Mari who was accused of forming terror cells in four Saudi cities.

(A H P)

Film: Video: Yemenis deported en masse from Saudi Arabia. This is the utter uselessness of "Yemeni president" Hadi. referring to

cp9 USA

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

From Yemen to North Korea: We Need to Take the US War Machine Off Autopilot

There are two upcoming opportunities to help take the war machine off autopilot and reclaim some of our agency over what is done in our names and with our tax dollars.

The war in Yemen

Political support for Saudi Arabia -- a dictatorship with one of the world's worst human rights records we wouldn't give the time of day -- has been nearly unquestioned in Washington. That has begun to change in the last few years.

(* A B P)

A Treacherous Crossing

Paul Ryan’s recent trip to the Gulf reiterated the U.S. government’s support of the Saudi-led assault on Yemen and a bellicose stance towards Iran, which has created a watershed of human suffering

U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) arrived in Saudi Arabia, along with a congressional delegation, to meet with the monarchy’s King Salman and subsequently with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman who has orchestrated the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen. Following that visit, Ryan and the delegation met with royals from the UAE.

“So rest assured”, said Ryan, speaking to a gathering of young diplomats in the UAE, “we will not stop until ISIS, al-Qaeda, and their affiliates are defeated and no longer a threat to the United States and our allies.

“Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, we are focused on the Iranian threat to regional stability.”

Beyond the simple well-recorded fact of lavish Saudi financial support for Islamist terrorism, Ryan’s remarks overlook the Saudi-led coalition military assaults and “special operations” in Yemen, which the U.S. supports and joins.

The Iranian government Ryan denounced does have allies in Yemen and may be smuggling weapons into Iran [correct: Yemen], but no one has accused them of supplying the Houthi rebels with cluster bombs, laser-guided missiles and littoral (near-coastal) combat ships to blockade ports vital to famine relief. Iran does not provide in-air refueling for warplanes used in daily bombing runs over Yemen. The U.S. has sold all of these to countries in the Saudi-led coalition

Ryan implied the only security concerns worth mentioning are those that threaten people in the U.S. – by Kathy Kelly

(* B P)

Enmeshed in Yemen: Another split further entangles U.S. in brutal war

One more development in Yemen, a resurrection of a separatist movement in South Yemen, should force a major reconsideration in Washington of American military involvement in the war there.

We are already complicit. To continue to be so approaches war criminality. There is a real possibility, based on past history, that the Yemenis themselves can work it out if the foreigners — Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and the United States — would step back.

(* B K P)

Jemen: US-Luftschläge haben sich unter Präsident Trump versechsfacht

Daten des U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) zeigen, dass die USA im Jahr 2017 sechsmal so viele Luftschläge auf den Jemen durchführten wie im Vorjahr. Zudem ist das US-Militär mit einer kleinen Zahl an Streitkräften auch vor Ort auf dem Boden präsent.

Seit dem 1. Januar dieses Jahres hat es bereits zehn Angriffe aus der Luft auf Ziele im Jemen durch das US-Militär gegeben. Im vergangenen Jahr verübte die US-Armee mit unbemannten Drohnen sowie Kampfflugzeugen laut einem Bericht von NBC News131 Luftschläge. Im Visier hatten sie Mitglieder Al-Kaidas (AQAP) und des "Islamischen Staates" (IS).

Remark: English reporting in YPR 383. And two “latecomers”

(* B K P)

US conducted a record 131 airstrikes in Yemen last year

The US military has released a final tally for airstrikes conducted in Yemen in 2017. CENTCOM spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Earl Brown told FDD’s Long War Journal that US forces conducted 131 counterterrorism strikes in Yemen last year.

Despite the significant increase in strikes, the US military has released very few details on its air campaign in Yemen.

(* B K P)

Trump Escalated Obama’s War on Yemen

US special forces are operating covertly in the country, pretending to be combating ISIS and other terrorists Washington supports – targeting Houthi fighters, exacerbating crisis conditions.

UK-based Reprieve discussed Trump’s drone war on the country, greatly escalating what Bush/Cheney began, Obama continuing their aggression.

During his tenure, he carried out 563 strikes on Yemen, mostly drone terror-bombings, ten-fold more than Bush/Cheney, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Since taking office a year ago, Trump increased aerial attacks on Yemen six-fold over 2016 – by drones and warplanes, according to CENTCOM.

In January, he conducted 131 manned and unmanned strikes, pretending to be combating terrorism.

On February 1, 10 more strikes occurred

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

UK campaigners just won a major legal victory against the world’s arms industry

Campaigners against one of the largest arms fairs in the world just won a major victory. The activists blocked the road to the arms fair to stop it from setting up. And a judge agreed that their protest was lawful. and

(B P)

Unhappy Arabia

The Saudi Crown Prince should include peacemaking among his reforms

There is no prospect of victory by either side. Hopes of negotiating a compromise have been jeopardised by splits on all sides.

Prince Muhammad’s forthcoming visit to London is proving controversial. Britain has stood by him, but, as his principal arms supplier, is compromised by the deadly use of British arms in Yemen.

the immediate priority is to nudge him into new initiatives to end the war. To have any hope of success these will have to come from the region.

(A P)

Emily Thornberry demands Theresa May stops ‘bowing and scraping' to MBS

The shadow foreign secretary has called on Theresa May to use Britain's diplomatic power to call for a halt to Saudi bombing in Yemen

The Labour shadow cabinet minister has condemned the “red carpet treatment” expected to be offered to MBS when he meets with the British prime minister and senior members of the royal family in London.

Thornberry has called on the British government to explain why it is welcoming MBS to London despite “serious allegations” of violations of international humanitarian law by Saudi forces in Yemen (with film)

(A P)

Saudi Crown Prince Visit to take place 07-09 March: Prince to be met with protests

Police confirm to activists that Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, will visit the UK between 07-09 March 2018

UK has licensed £4.6 billion worth of fighter jets and bombs to Saudi forces since the conflict began

His visit will be met with protests. The final details of protests will be confirmed in the days ahead.

The visit has been opposed by a broad coalition of human rights organisations

(* A P)

While Theresa May will roll out the red carpet for the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince. The British public won't be so welcoming

Mohammad Bin Salman may have convinced Theresa May and her colleagues that he is a “moderniser” and a force for liberty, but the UK public has not been so easily fooled

The visit will be part of the ongoing charm-offensive being waged by the Crown Prince.

Beneath the “modernising” and liberal image he has worked so hard to build, there has been very little change. The Saudi Crown Prince might be a PR-friendly figurehead for one of the most authoritarian regimes in the world, but he has been the lead architect of the devastating three yearlong bombardment of Yemen.

Comment: Disturbing: #British court system is bent on arresting @JulianAssange but has not issued an arrest warrant against Saudi war criminal clansman Mohamed bin Salman

(* A P)

REVEALED: Saudi crown prince's UK visit delayed amid protest fears

The reported delay to the visit comes as rights groups are preparing to stage protests.

A controversial visit to London by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is set to be delayed, amid reports that officials in Riyadh are concerned over possible protests and unflattering media coverage of the powerful young royal, Middle East Eye can reveal.

The planned three-day visit of the self-described reformer, who is the chief architect of the ongoing Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen, was due to go ahead this month, but MEE understands the visit has been pushed back to 7 March after officials expressed unease over negative media coverage and the prospects of protests over Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and role in the ongoing Yemen civil war.

My comment: March 7 will not be different, better March 37.

(A P)

Dozens Picket Saudi Embassy in London Demanding End of UK Arms Sales to Riyadh

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Krieg im Jemen beschäftigt die Abgeordneten

Mit dem Krieg im Jemen beschäftigen sich zwei Anträge von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und Die Linke, die dem Bundestag am Freitag, 23. Februar 2018, zur erstmaligen Beratung vorliegen. Beide Fraktionen fordern darin, Rüstungsexporte in diese Region zu stoppen. Für die Aussprache im Plenum stehen 45 Minuten zur Verfügung. Anschließend werden die Vorlagen zur Beratung in die Ausschüsse überwiesen. Die Federführung übernimmt voraussichtlich der Auswärtige Ausschuss.

(* B K P)

German Mideast Arms Exports: Full Freeze Or Geopolitical Game?

Germany is making an effort to show that it’s responding to this criticism, though it’s unclear as of now whether it’s only paying superficial lip service to its citizens or if it truly intends to reevaluate its military relationship with these two Muslim Great Powers.

The reason for such suspicion is becausethe Yemeni announcement is very vague and leaves open the possibility that exports to so-called “transfer countries” such as the UK and France will still occur, thus maintaining a workaround to enable Germany to indirectly sell its wares to Saudi Arabia and others. Furthermore, there’s no confirmation yet as to whether this will affect existing contracts that are currently being implemented or will only pertain to future ones.

(* A K P)

Koalition gegen den Frieden!

Was die Rüstungsexportpolitik anbelangt, wurde der umstrittene Satz aus dem Sondierungspapier zwar beibehalten, keine Rüstungsgüter an Länder zu liefern, die am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind. Berichten zufolge sollen hier Vertreter von CDU und CSU erfolgreich auf eine Aufweichung gedrängt haben, denn nun wurde folgender Satz nachgeschoben: „Firmen erhalten Vertrauensschutz, sofern sie nachweisen, dass bereits genehmigte Lieferungen ausschließlich im Empfängerland verbleiben.“ Solange also Material nicht direkt im Krieg selbst zum Einsatz kommt, kann munter weitergeliefert werden.

(* A K P)

Bericht: Union und SPD weichen Nein zu Waffenlieferungen an den Jemen auf

Bestandsschutz für bestehende Aufträge

Union und SPD wollen einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge die bei den Sondierungen ausgehandelte Position zu Rüstungsexporten wieder abschwächen. Die Vereinbarung, Lieferungen an Staaten, die am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind, zu stoppen, werde zwar in den Koalitionsvertrag aufgenommen, berichteten die Zeitungen des Redaktionsnetzwerkes Deutschland (RND) am Dienstag. Für bestehende Aufträge solle es jedoch "Bestands- und Vertrauensschutz" und eine "Endverbleibskontrolle" wie bei Kleinwaffen geben. = und auch

(* A K P)

Germany's Angela Merkel finally reaches coalition deal with SPD

Arms exports:The two sides have agreed to tighten Germany's arms export controls — last updated in 2000 — and will specifically exclude all countries taking part in the war in Yemen. This would be a significant change, as it would mean that Saudi Arabia, historically one of the best customers for German arms outside the EU and NATO, will no longer be receiving German weapons.

My comment: That’s not fully true. Different to the first announcement, now it is stated that signed arms deals should be fulfilled.


(* A K P)

Lieferstopp für Rüstungsgüter umstritten

Laut dem Entwurf des Koalitionsvertrags streiten sich Union und SPD über die Lieferung von Rüstungsgütern an Staaten, die am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind. Im Sondierungspapier war noch von einem Ausfuhrstopp die Rede.

Der Lieferstopp für deutsche Rüstungsgüter an Staaten, die am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind, war in den Koalitionsverhandlungen zwischen Union und SPD zuletzt offenbar wieder umstritten. Wie aus dem Entwurf für den Koalitionsvertrag hervorgeht, der der „Frankfurter Rundschau“ vorliegt, sollten die Parteivorsitzenden von CDU, CSU und SPD darüber entscheiden, ob die Ausfuhr von Waffen zum Beispiel an Saudi-Arabien gestoppt wird.

Mein Kommentar: Schande für Deutschland. Kinderleichen (ob von Bomben getroffen oder verhungert) sind halt doch nicht so schlimm, zumindest, wenn sie 5.000 km entfernt sind und wir schön dran verdient haben.

Und hier der Wortlaut im Koalitionsvertrag:

(* A K P)

Für eine restriktive Rüstungsexportpolitik

Wir schränken die Rüstungsexporte für Drittländer weiter ein, die weder NATO noch EU-Mitgliedsländer sind, noch diesen gleichgestellt. Ergänzend zu den Kleinwaffengrundsätzen vom Mai 2015 sollen Kleinwaffen grundsätzlich nicht mehr in Drittländer exportiert werden. Wir schärfen noch im Jahr 2018 die Rüstungssexportrichtlinien aus dem Jahr 2000 und reagieren damit auf die veränderten Gegebenheiten. Wir werden ab sofort keine Ausfuhren an Länder genehmigen, solange diese unmittelbar am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind. Firmen erhalten Vertrauensschutz, sofern sie nachweisen, dass bereits genehmigte Lieferungen ausschließlich im Empfängerland verbleiben. Wir wollen diese restriktive Exportpolitik mit Blick auf den Jemen auch mit unseren Partnern im Bereich der europäischen Gemeinschaftsprojekte verabreden. Auf dieser Basis streben wir ebenfalls eine gemeinsame europäische Rüstungsexportpolitik an und wollen den gemeinsamen Standpunkt der EU fortentwickeln

Mein Kommentar: “sofern sie nachweisen, dass bereits genehmigte Lieferungen ausschließlich im Empfängerland verbleiben“. Wie soll das gehen?? Hier ist die ursprüngliche Vereinbarung in der Tat aufgeweicht worden.

(* B K P)

Germany's arms exports controversy: When doves cry

The embargo on arms exports to countries involved in the conflict in Yemen recently agreed by Germany's two biggest political parties must be maintained and underpinned by binding criteria in a law on arms exports

During this time, the war in Yemen has raged, yet any attempts by the Federal Government to block arms exports to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt have so far failed.

This is why this hard-fought outcome of exploratory talks must be included in any coalition agreement – as must another promise made by the negotiators involved in the exploratory talks: "We shall further restrict arms exports and tighten the guidelines governing arms exports dating from the year 2000, thereby reacting to the altered circumstances."

I t goes without saying that vague guidelines are of no use in the long run. The only way to prevent dictatorships and state bodies involved in conflicts from getting their hands on any more German-made arms is to introduce arms export legislation with clear sanction regimes.

It is a good thing that Arab autocrats will not be getting their hands on any patrol boats, air-to-air missiles and military trucks for the time being.

The failure of Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen to hinder the embargo on arms exports to Yemen, which has long been demanded by the European Parliament, in these exploratory talks is a defeat that the military industry is not going to take lying down.

The "Big Five" in this sector are generally one step ahead of the politicians anyway. Rheinmetall Defence in particular has for years being implementing a strategy of internationalisation, the Dusseldorf-based arms giant has been setting up joint ventures at locations in South Africa and the poorer regions of Sicily.

The battle for the next coalition's arms export policy has just begun – by Markus Bickel

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(B P)

Il senso di Putin per lo Yemen

La guerra yemenita sprofonda nel caos e molti guardano alla Russia in cerca di una soluzione. Ma per capire che partita gioca Mosca nello Yemen bisogna allargare lo sguardo. Fino a Damasco e a Riyad. E alle acque sempre più militarizzate che conducono verso i canali di Suez e Hormuz

(B P)

Turkey extends military deployment near Yemen

Turkey’s parliament approved the continued deployment of its forces serving in the Gulf of Aden, Somalia and the Red Sea, the Andaolu Agency reported today.

Turkish forces will be serving in the region until 10 February 2019. The military deployment has been extended ten times already.

(A P)

Bigotry alert: European Union ambassador to the #GCC @EUintheGCC attends a xenophobic event where #Saudi Monarchy openly promotes religious hatred and bigotry referring to

(A P)

FO condemns missile attack on Saudi city

Pakistan on Wednesday condemned a foiled Houthi missile attack targeting a Saudi city and warned that repeated attacks by the Yemeni militia posed a threat to the holy places and the security of the kingdom.

My comment: This missile had failed. This statement odd as Pakistan does not condemn Saudi air raids against Yemen. The security of Yemen seems to be of no interest. And a Saudi military camp is no holy site.

(A P)

Amnesty Launches Online Campaign to Demand Release of Jailed Bahraini Activists

Through its online campaign, the London-based non-governmental organization sends an email to Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifah to demand the release of Rajab and put an end to the ongoing crackdown on human rights activists in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom, presstv reported.

(B P)


In onze Big-Five-Week ontvangen we vandaag Irma van Dueren. Ze is ambassadeur voor Nederland in Jemen, maar haar ambassade is al drie jaar tijdelijk gesloten en het land komt ze niet in. Hoe is het om een ambassadeur in ballingschap te zijn?

[what is the Netherlands doing in #Yemen?
Listen from minute 44 to ambassador Irma van Dueren.]

(* B P)

Wird Russland eine aktivere Rolle im Jemen-Krieg übernehmen?

Während die Separatisten Aden, die de facto Hauptstadt des Jemen, am 30. Januar einkreisten, nahmen die Spekulationen zu, dass Russland in dem Konflikt Partei ergreifen oder, was vielleicht wahrscheinlicher ist, anbieten werde, als Vermittler aufzutreten

Das heißt jedoch nicht, dass Russland seinen Dialog mit den Huthis abbricht.

English original at:

(A P)

Egyptian Authorities Punish Yemeni People and Prevent Yemenis from Entering Egypt Because of Karman’s Tweets

Egyptian authorities prevented Yemenis from entering Egypt on Sunday saying that pre-acquired visa is required. According to Egyptian authorities, Yemenis are required to get a visa from the Egyptian embassy in Yemen. This measure came after bitter criticism from Tawakol Karman, a Muslim Brotherhood activist, against the Egyptian regimen.


(A P)

The Yemeni embassy in Cairo confirmed it continues to work with the Egyptian authorities to grant entry permits for Yemeni citizens to Egyptian territory.
It also confirmed that the new visa requirement for those seeking medical treatment is 'only for the age group of those between 16 and 50'

My comment: “Only”: LOL.

(* B P)

Why Iran Is Not A Mideast Hegemon

For many observers, Iran emerged as the major winner of Middle East developments in 2017. They saw a “new superpower” in the region now securing military victories “outside its own borders.”

Although the dynamic in places like Syria, Qatar, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen may have turned in Tehran’s favor, a closer look reveals that all of the 2017 successes bring a set of 2018 challenges. Observers should pay much more attention to these challenges in order to correct their exaggerated views of Iran.

Tehran realizes that all its regional victories come with a downside. After all, Iran’s formidable situation on the ground is the result not so much of its own strategic planning but the failure of others (namely the U.S. and Saudi Arabia). Saudi policies and interventions in Qatar, Lebanon, and Yemen have played into Iran’s hands the same way the U.S. invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan did – by Adnan Tabatabai is co-founder and CEO of the Germany based think tank CARPO – Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient.

My comment: Quite pro-Itranian; at least others’ mistakes can turn into soft power very well. The Yemen war simply weakens Saudi Arabia, even as Iran itself does little to nothing.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P)

Fire and Fury in the Gulf

Although the Qatar crisis may have passed its most dangerous moment, it has had significant negative consequences for both the Gulf and Washington.

As ties with the Obama White House deteriorated, ruling circles in Gulf capitals became increasingly muscular in pursuing their own regional interests. This was, in part, a reaction by Saudi and Emirati officials to Qatar’s assertive approach to the uprisings in North Africa and Syria between 2011 and 2013.

The second phase of the Gulf states’ regional assertiveness (after Qatar’s activist approach in 2011 and 2012) played out in Libya, Yemen, the Gulf and Egypt.

Looking back at the latest Gulf crisis, officials may reflect on the attempt to push the US government toward supporting a policy in favor of Saudi and Emirati (but not American) interests. For their part, policymakers in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, and also Doha, are doubtless all too aware that they can no longer take unconditional US support for granted, and that the transactional nature of the Trump presidency means it will evaluate policy on a case-by-case basis that could chop and change without warning. =

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

(* A P)

Lebanese Leaders Agree to Take Action against Israel Threats

Lebanon’s top three leaders accused Israel on Tuesday of threatening the stability of the border region between them, amid rising tension over territorial and maritime boundaries.

President Michel Aoun, Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri agreed to act to stop Israel from building a wall on Lebanese land at the border, and infringing on an energy block in disputed waters.

Arguments over the wall and Lebanon’s plans to explore for offshore oil and gas have elevated tensions between Israel and Lebanon. =

(** B P)

Geopolitics of the Lebanese Crisis: Economic and Energy Perspectives

Following the Qatar crisis, the Lebanese political turmoil could be seen as a result of a larger Sunni-Shia proxy conflict, which has dire implications for the country’s economy. Against this background, the article attempts to analyze the Lebanese crisis, its sectarian dimension as well as its implications for the economy.

Even though, Iran and Saudi Arabia have not been directly involved in war with each other, they have always expressed their animosity through proxy forces.

Lebanon has religious and ethnic minorities, which have been successful in maintaining stability despite an ensuing civil war in neighbouring Syria.

Lebanon’s Economic Dependence on Saudi Arabia

Lebanon’s Energy Dependence


Given the structural changes in the region and ensuing Shia-Sunni conflict, the weaker countries are being used as bait in this context. These shifts in the region have been complicated and worsened further by the use of military force by stronger actors like Saudi Arabia and Iran, coupled with the presence of external forces like the US and European countries (militarily or economically or politically) for geopolitical reasons. Until recently, effective governance in Lebanon under Saad Hariri provided fewer opportunities for regional actors to intervene in the country’s affairs, as it stayed away from regional politics, keeping itself aloof from the power struggle between the giants. Currently, Lebanon has become a mere puppet at the hands of the dominant regional powers.

My comment: This article simplifies the Yemen war: There are no Iranian “proxies” in Yemen. – Whether Lebanon’s Hzebollah are or not, I do not want to discuss here.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp11 (Germany)

(* B K P)

Mirages 2000, chars Leclerc, canons Caesar : la France fournisseuse officielle du carnage yéménite

[Mirages 2000, Leclerc tanks, Caesar guns: #France official supplier for the #Yemen-i carnage]

Tandis que plusieurs États ont décidé d’arrêter de fournir des armes aux belligérants, la France, « patrie des droits de l’homme » semble indifférente à la controverse, se réjouit même de ses ventes d’armes « record » et de leurs performances en matière de destruction.

La France, impassible, semble épargnée par ce mouvement. « A ce jour, nous n’avons pas d’information sur le fait que la France aurait revu sa position sur les exportations d’armes », déplore Aymeric Elluin, chargé de plaidoyer « armes et justice internationale » pour Amnesty France

Pire : depuis le second semestre de l’année 2014, la France a accordé pas moins de 1989 licences d’exportation de matériel militaire aux différents pays engagés dans la coalition menée par Riyad !

(A K P)

Lockheed wins $524 million U.S. defense contract: Pentagon

Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) has been awarded a $524 million modification to a contract to supply Patriot missiles and associated equipment domestically and to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Romania, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.

(* A K P)

Boom delle spese militari (mentre le nostre bombe uccidono in Yemen)

Noi delle Iene ci siamo occupati molte volte di dove finiscono queste armi. In particolare, di quelle che finiscono per bombardarebambini, donne e uomini in Yemen, tra i civili colpiti dall’Arabia Saudita. (films)

[Italy's bombs being dropped on #Yemen and the country's military industry
In Italian with video]

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Bürgerkrieg im Jemen bedroht antike Denkmäler

Experten befürchten, dass der Krieg Tempel und andere historische und kulturelle Bauten im Jemen bedroht. Viele Dörfer seien in gewisser Weise historisch, sagt Anna Paolini, Direktorin des Unesco-Regionalbüros in Katar, das für den Jemen und arabische Golfstaaten zuständig ist. Der seit fast drei Jahren andauernde Krieg im Jemen hat mehr als 10 000 Menschenleben gekostet. Von den humanitären Krisen abgesehen, sind auch die kulturellen und historischen Stätten betroffen. Zum Beispiel der Awwam-Tempel, der das Land mit der vorislamischen Geschichte Arabiens verbindet, einer Zeit der Gewürzkarawanen und der mysteriösen Königin von Saba.

(* B K)

Ancient temple left neglected as Yemen war threatens history

The Awwam Temple links a region now on the front lines of the Saudi-led war against Shiite rebels to Arabia's pre-Islamic past, a time of spice caravans and the mysterious Queen of Sheba.

Experts fear the temple, as well as other historic and cultural wonders across Yemen beyond those acknowledged by international authorities, remains at risk as the country's stalemated war rages on.

"All the villages are historic in a way," said Anna Paolini, the director of UNESCO's regional office in Qatar that oversees Yemen and Gulf Arab nations. "They're still heritage of the country. It's sad to see what's happening."

Even just the shockwaves of an explosion in the distance can be enough to damage delicate structures. UNESCO has shared coordinates of some 50 historical sites with militaries involved in the fighting to try to protect them, Paolini said, though many remain unguarded now in the chaos of the war.

"Although we've seen less collateral damage and targeting of heritage, it still happens," she said. =


Minerva Scholarship for Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen

In response to scholarly concerns of heritage destruction and looting throughout Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, the Association for Research into Crimes against Art would like to extend its Minerva Scholarship program to a limited number of candidates from these conflict countries for its tenth annual postgraduate certificate program in the study of art crime and cultural heritage protection.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

Siehe / Look at cp1 (Banks)

(* B E P)

Yemen: Exchange Rates and Inflation Trends (as of 31 January 2018)

(* B E P)

Money for nothing: Riyadh's cash injection does little to revive Yemen

Saudi Arabia last week poured $2bn into Yemen's central bank to save the rial and ease prices - but ordinary Yemenis have seen no change

The crisis came to a head last Wednesday when the rial crashed to 520 to the US dollar - pre-war rates were about 215. Riyadh's promises were kept, as it injected $2bn into Aden's central bank to prop up the currency amid warnings of impending catastrophe.

But the move appears to have failed - while the rial initially rallied to 400 to one US dollar, it soon began falling again and stood at 450 on Thursday this week.

And food prices remain as high as ever - the Saudi cash injection did not reach the street, and traders still cannot buy dollars for imports and must pay inflated black market prices for their foreign currency.

Yousef al-Aghbari, a food trader in Taiz, told MEE that the black market rate for one dollar was still hovering around 500 rials.

And no amount of free money from Riyadh tackles what is at the heart of the crisis - the war between the Saudi coalition and the Houthis that has wrecked the Yemeni economy.

Oil and gas products formed about 80 percent of Yemen's pre-war exports.

Since the war, many of the oil and gas fields have shut down as they are in conflict zones - meaning production has dried up to such an extent that the country now imports fuel.

If the war continues, so will the economic crisis, and many Yemenis place the blame squarely on Saudi Arabia.

"The deposit simply fell into the hands of Hadi and his corrupt government, and never reached local banks."

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* B T)

How to Beat Salafi-Jihadi Terrorism

One U.S. ally, Saudi Arabia, uses its oil wealth to spread an intolerant version of Islam via fundamentalist mosques and madrassas; tellingly, schools run by the Islamic State tend to use Saudi textbooks—often printed directly from Saudi government websites. Meanwhile, the Kingdom’s hardline policies against Iran are fueling Sunni-Shia animosity, most acutely in the intractable proxy war in Yemen. While developing a comprehensive strategy to counter Iran’s growing reach in the Arab world, the United States should confront the Saudi government and demand an end to both fundamentalist teaching and sectarian foreign policy.

My comment: This is true, but still it is quite soft. The word “Wahabism” does not appear once in this article.

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants ambushed al Houthi forces in al Zub area, al Quraishyah district, northwestern al Bayda governorate, central Yemen on February 6. AQAP fights alongside anti-al Houthi forces in al Bayda to position itself as a protector of local Sunni communities.[3]

(A T)

Father Tom releases book about 18 months’ captivity in Yemen

The Indian priest who spent 18 months in captivity in Yemen has released an autobiography.

Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil, who was freed in September 2017, has titled the book ‘By Grace of God’.

(* A T)

Coalition Strikes Target Terrorists in Yemen

U.S. Central Command

U.S. forces conducted eight airstrikes in Yemen in December 2017 and 10 air strikes in January targeting both al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in Yemen.

“Every strike advances the defeat of violent extremist organizations, and protects the United States and partner nations from attack at home and abroad,” said Army Lt. Col. Earl Brown, a U.S. Central Command spokesperson. and also

My comment to last phrase: LOL.


(* A T)

Yemen: Protests as 7 killed in US drone strike

Yemenis protest after US drone attack kills 7 in Shabwa

Scores of Yemenis have taken to the streets of the southern province of Shabwa after a US drone attack killed at least seven civilians.

The January 28 drone attack decimated a car carrying at least six male members of the same family and another individual as they were searching for a "missing child" in Shabwa's Said district, residents said.

Saleh al-Aishi al-Ateeqi, a relative of one of the victims who organised the protest, told local media that "the victims were all innocent civilians who had nothing to do with any political or religious organisation." and also

My comment: Do you feel how this is increasing our security? According to the US Central Command, it does.

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims 3 ops yday (1st since 30 Jan in Shabwa), all in al-Bayda', where #AQAP is most active: a 2 hour assault on al-Qurayshiyya building in Qayfa from 9.30pm, and 2 bombs against Houthi motorbike & vehicle in al-Hamra' area of al-Sawma'a

(A T)

Today's claim by #IslamicState #Yemen does more to prove its weakness than strength. Says it killed 2 Houthis by sniper yday in al-Zahra area of Qayfa. This is only its 4th claim of 2018, all vs Houthis, all small scale (6 killed in total), all on the Qayfa front in al-Bayda'

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1 (article by IRIN; article by Rania Khalek)

(A H P)

ERC sends relief assistance convoys to Bedouin nomads in Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, yesterday sent several relief assistance convoys to Bedouin nomads, who are long-term migrants, living in Uzlat Ba Qutayba in Merkhah As Sufla District of the Shabwa Governorate in Yemen.

My comment: First bomb and kill, then fix (look at cp16).

(A P)

UAE secures delivery of first aid convoy to Hayes, Yemen, following its liberation from Houthis

The UAE Armed Forces yesterday (Tuesday) delivered relief aid to the people of Hayes, in Yemen, following the liberation of the area from Iranian-backed Houthi militias.

The United Arab Emirates is currently carrying out a massive daily humanitarian campaign in the area of the country's Red Sea Coast distributing humanitarian and relief supplies to people who have been suffering as a result of militia-imposed blockades, following major victories by Arab allies.

My comment: “suffering as a result of militia-imposed blockades“, while the Saudis had imposed a blockade on 75 % of all Yemenis??

(A P)

Saudi Arabia, Yemen Sign a Deal to Facilitate Humanitarian Aid Entrance

Saudi Arabia announced a deal to finance four forklifts to be installed at a number of major Yemeni ports to facilitate humanitarian aid distribution and provide new job opportunities.
Saudi Ambassador in Yemen Mohammed Al Jabir announced the agreement signed with the Yemeni Ministry of Public Works to implement the new project at three Yemeni ports, which will contribute significantly to support humanitarian and relief work.

My comment: Look at IRIN article in cp1.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia's reformist crown prince pushes to bring the Kingdom, and its work force, into the future

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince is out to make the Kingdom great again, and like a certain other world leader, he is putting the focus on jobs.

Mohammed bin Salman, who has announced sweeping reforms since taking the reins of the oil-rich nation, recently announced that a dozen key jobs are now off-limits to foreigners. The move, which follows a crackdown on corruption and much ballyhooed measures aimed at diversifying the Kingdom’s economy, is part of Vision 2030, and aimed at ensuring an emerging generation of Saudi workers have employment.

Beginning this September, only Saudi nationals will be allowed to hold certain jobs, mostly related to sales, including sales of medical equipment, electronic devices, cars and furniture.

My comment: Saudi propaganda on Fox News – willingly repeated by Saudi media: . Where is Fox News’ enthousiasm for China? It’s economic success combined with an authoritarian political system. And I would prefer living in China to Saudi Arabia, really.

(A P)

Saudi Cabinet welcomes positive response of Yemeni parties to coalition call

The Saudi Cabinet has welcomed the response and commitment voiced by the Yemeni parties in Aden to a call by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition supporting legitimacy in Yemen for restraint and peace.

The Cabinet said the call also aims to keep Yemen safe and capable of development and prosperity. and also

My comment: This refers to the “umbrella” of Hadi’s vice-president Al-Mohsen (look at cp6). A new report from the Saudi propaganda parallel universe.

(A P)

Change in Saudi Arabia is a fact and not just wishes

Saudi Arabia is experiencing a real social, cultural and economic change, which has become a part of the daily lives of its citizens and residents. As it directly impacts people, sometimes they sense it with hope and joy and on other times related to financial and other concerns which they have not been used to for years.

Change is a fact and is not just a romantic dream that cannot be achieved. The country is heading for the future with an open mind based on scientific and constructive criticism, without paying attention to the voices of extremists, the frustrated or the prejudiced.

My comment: The greatest change could be: from theocracy and the rukle of a self-enriching clan to personal dictatorship and totalitarism.

(A P)

No chink in relationship between Saudi Arabia and the UAE

The two countries forming the solid backbone of our region in turmoil are Saudi Arabia and the UAE, whose leaders have consistently displayed great strength and wisdom, as well as loyalty to their people and to each other. And never more so than today.

Our mutual enemies dream of dividing us, weakening us, setting us against each other using falsehoods and innuendos, but they can never succeed. Rest assured that King Salman of Saudi Arabia and Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, President of the UAE, understand their nefarious games only too well.
Emiratis and Saudis are brothers sharing the same faith, language, culture, traditions, tribal roots and, in many cases, the same bloodlines.

(A P)

Reminding all Yemenis to fight terror before corruption

After the six wars, most of the Yemeni people and their neighbors realized the Houthi goals and Houthi involvement in Iranian plans in the region

We are trying here to remind all parties in Yemen not to be blind to the great danger of terrorism because they are thinking only of minor goals.

The south, on the other hand, believes that a separate southern Yemeni state would disable and delay the liberation of the north and force the Arab coalition to accept the separation of the two regions. These minor goals will not serve Yemen’s liberation but will be very dangerous and threatening to stability and prosperity. Understanding that is very important in order not to serve Iranian aims in the region.

Saudi Arabia is working to save Yemen from the Iranian terror and its danger to them and their national stability.

My comment: LOL. “Iranian terror in Yemen?” Propaphantasy. There are no Iranians in Yemen doing anything like “terror”. There might be Houthi terror – it’s not Iranian. And anyway there is much more Saudi coalition terror (by air raids), and there is Al Qaida (and also the IS) – they not even mentioned in this article!! – Well, both are of Saudi Wahabism origin.

(A P)

Inviting affection, the Qatari way

We no longer hear much about the dispute with Qatar except from Qatar’s side. Doha’s rivals are now paying attention to other issues like Iran, Yemen and their international and regional relations.

This has angered Qatar which wants its dispute with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to be an affair that occupies the international public opinion.

Sovereign rights allow each country to be free when choosing friends and whom it wants to open its markets to

(A P)

Yemeni minister hails coalition’s role in restoring normalcy in Aden

Yemeni Minister of Public Works Dr. Moeen Abdul Malik said that the Arab Coalition has played a remarkable role in the cessation of hostilities and returning normalcy to Aden after the recent incidents of unrest.

Speaking on the occasion, Colonel Turki Al-Malki, spokesman of the coalition, said that there has been an overwhelming response from the Yemeni government and the social and political groups toward the initiative of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to enforce ceasefire and bring back normalcy to Aden.
Al-Malki said Houthi militias target the Hodeidah port with boat filled with bombs, which is a serious threat to shipping and world trade, stressing that there is an international understanding of these threats. and also, longer:

My comment: And so on. The Houthis targeting their own harbour with bomb-filled boats? LOL.

(A P)

Iranian-armed Yemen Rebels Now Threaten One of World's Busiest Shipping Routes, Israeli Navy Says

Armed by Iran, Yemen's Houthi rebels now threaten one of world's busiest shipping routes, a top Israeli naval official said.

“The entrenchment of Iran in Yemen and the transfer of advance weaponry to the Houthi forces in the region constitutes a threat to merchant ships making their way to the Mediterranean Sea" via the Bab al-Mandab crossing, a senior Israel Navy official said Monday, as he described the threats to the State of Israel’s economic waters.

(A P)

#Saudi press today: #Yemen VP “We’re close to victory..85% of Yemen is in our hands”. Hard to credit -We've heard this for c.3 yrs -Both capitals out of control (Houthis in Sana’a, separatists in #Aden) while Pres lives in Riyadh -3 conflicts (vs Houthis, separatists, terrorists) (image)

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day:

Feb. 6:

Feb. 5:

Feb. 4:

Feb. 3:

Feb. 2:

Feb. 1:

Jan. 31:

(* A K PH)

2 Yemeni civilians killed in 35 Saudi airstrikes on Yemen during one day

(* A K PH)

Fresh Saudi airstrikes leave seven civilians dead in Yemen

At least seven civilians have been killed when Saudi military aircraft carried out airstrikes against a residential area in Yemen’s northern province of al-Jawf as the Riyadh regime presses ahead with its atrocious bombardment campaign against its southern neighbor.

Saudi fighter jets conducted two aerial assaults against the house of Ali bin Hussein bin Ashal in the Salbah area of Khabb wa ash Sha'af district on Thursday evening, leaving seven people dead, unnamed local sources told Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network.

The sources added that the victims were all members of a single family, and that there were women and children among the deceased.

(A K PH)

Saudi aggression airstrikes hit school in Yemen’s Saada

One of the airstrikes targeted a school in Aal-Ali area of Razeh district

(A K PH)

Saudi airstrike kills two civilians in Taiz

A women and her daughter were killed and her husband was injured when Saudi-led coalition warplanes bombed their home in Selw district of Taiz province on Wednesday, a security official told Saba.
An airstrike hit the house of Mohammed Saeed Moghalles in Selw district, killing his wife and daughter, while he was wounded

(* A K PH)

9 civilians killed in airstrike in Amran

Nine civilians on Tuesday were killed and three injured in an airstrike launched by US-backed Saudi-led coalition aggression warplane on Amran province, an official told Saba.
The airstrike was launched on a main road in Mojazea area of Qaflah district

(* A K PH)

10 civilians killed, 18 wounded in 60+ airstrikes over Monday

[the strikes of the day]

(A K PS)

#RSAF AS532 Cougar assigned to the 99th CSAR Sqn. taking part in Operation #RestoreHope. (photo)

#Saudi Air Force F-15C Eagle assigned to the 5th Sqn taxi down the runway to support the combat air patrol mission near #Yemen. (photo)

(A K PH)

Civilian killed, 3 injured in 7 Saudi airstrikes on Saada

A civilians was killed and other three were injured, including two women, on Tuesday when seven US-Backed Saudi-led aggression airstrikes hit Saada province, a security official told Saba.
The warplanes launched four airstrikes on tents of Bedouin nomads, causing the death of one and injured another in Mahather area of Sehar district.
Two women were injured in an airstrike targeted Boqaah of Marra area of Haidan district.
Furthermore, two airstrikes hit Laiah area of Dhaher district.


(A K PH)

See photos documenting the victims and the extent of the destruction caused by coalition raids on the nomads in Al-Mahazir area in Sa'ada governorate.

A security official in the province had confirmed earlier on Tuesday, 6 February 2018, that the coalition air targeted four air raids tents nomads in the area of Al-Mahather in the Directorate of yellow, killing one citizen and wounding another as well as the destruction and material losses suffered by the property of the Bedouins following the raids.

film: =

Can you ID bomb type and manufacture! Unexploded bombs after #Saudi #UAE strikes on Bedouin tents near Bani Aweer mountain in #Saada province

(A K PH)

Four children injured in Hajjah

Four children were injured on Monday in a cluster bomb explosion of the US-Saudi aggression's remnants in Hajjah province.

(* A K PH)

7 killed, 60 injured in over 45 Saudi airstrikes on Yemen

In Saada province, two civilians were injured in airstrikes targeted the public road in the city, while three airstrikes waged on al-Hamzat area in Sahar district.
Also in Saada

(* A K PH)

Four civilians killed in US-Saudi airstrikes on Saada

Four civilians were killed and six others injured on Monday when US-Saudi combat jets waged a series of strikes on their car in Baqim district of Saada province, an official told Saba.
The strikes hit the car in al-Qutainat area in the district, killing four citizens and wounding seriously.

and more precise, photos:

(* A K PH)

#Saudi #UAE strikes on 2 car s in a road n Baqim area N #Saada N #Yemen kild 4civilians inc a child&a women Injured 6 inc a 14&13 years old boys (photos) and and


The 2 cars that came under #Saudi #UAE strikes yesterday. Cars stopped as people waived at them to rescue shepherds who came under coalition strikes minutes ago in that area As soon as injrd got n the 2 cars, anothr strike hit them Casualties reached 6killed&7injrd

film 1: =

film 2: =

(* A K PH)

Two civilians killed in airstrikes on capital Sana’a

At least two citizens were killed on Sunday and more than 20 others injured in two airstrikes of Saud-led aggression coalition’s warplanes on the capital Sana’a, a security official told Saba.
The two airstrikes hit the Criminal Investigation building in Thahban area of the capital, which led to the killing of two people and injuring more than 20 others in a preliminary toll, the official made it clear.

Update: Casualties from Saudi airstrikes on Dhahban, Sanaa rise to 41

The toll of deaths and injured civilians from Sunday US-Saudi aggression coalition airstrikes on Lab's Forensic Evidence building of Sanaa province has increased to 41, an official and medics told Saba.
The strikes killed three civilians and injured 38 others in an endless toll

In the capital Sanaa, seven civilians were killed, including a child and at least 58 were injured when two airstrikes hit the Lab's Forensic building in Dhahban area.


films: = =

and what pro-Hadi media made of it:

(A K PS)

Sana'a: Houthis and civilians killed in coalition raid targeting Forensic Laboratory

Dozens of the wounded civilians and the Houthi militants arrived in neighboring hospitals

The raid targeted a weapon store in the criminal investigation building in Dahban residential area

My comment: How to distinguish “Houthi militia”? At least some of the victims must be declared “Houthi” or / and “militia” to justify the assault. And the “weapon store” seems to have the same purpose.

(* A K PH)

Four civilians on Sunday were killed when the US-Baked Saudi-led aggression coalition launched an airstrike on Saada city of Saada province. A security official.
The warplane waged the strike on a main road of Saada city, the official added.

(* A K PH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded at:

Feb. 8: Jawf prov. Hodeidah prov.

Feb. 7: Hodeidah prov. Hajjah prov. Saada prov. Hodeidah prov. Amran prov. (bridge)

Feb. 6: Saada prov. Marib prov., cluster bombs Hajjah prov.

Feb. 5: Saada prov. Asir Nehm, Sanaa prov.

Feb. 4: Hais, Hodeidah prov. Saada prov. the Vocational Training Institute in Luhaya district, Hodeidah prov. Hajjah prov. Hais, Hodeidah prov. Sanaa prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PH)


On February 8, the Houthis launched a large-scale attack on positions of the Saudi-led coalition’s forces in the northern province of al-Jawf and managed to capture several positions in the al-Yatimah area of the Khabb wa al-Sha’af district, according to the Houthis media wing.

(A K PS)

Yemeni National Army Says Taiz Territory is 85% Militia-Free

In its statement to Asharq Al-Awsat, the Yemeni national army said that the remaining 15% of Taiz province area is witnessing continued efforts by pro-government powers for clearing it fully from militia influence.

Most field advances are considered a result of national army forces joining forces with the Saudi-led Arab coalition backing Yemen’s internationally-recognized government headed by Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi


(A K PS)

Film: Heavy Clashes Between Yemeni Army And Houthis In Taiz (Exclusive Scenes)

(A K PS)

Yemeni forces make key advance towards rebel-held port

The Yemeni army has recaptured large areas in Saada district after fierce clashes with the Houthi rebels

The Yemeni military, backed by the Arab Coalition, captured strategic high ground critical to the battle against the Houthi militia in Hodeidah, Yemen’s rebel-held port city.

Along the northern front, the legitimate government was able to capture Mount Dharawiya, situated in the Baqim district less than 15 kilometres from the Saudi-Yemeni border.

The gain will allow government forces access to a key trade route that serves as supply lines with the northern front

(* A PS)

Al Houthi rocket fire kills six civilians in Hays

Attack comes after militants were booted from the town earlier this week

At least six civilians were killed and dozens injured on Wednesday when rockets fired by the Iran-backed Al Houthis hit residential areas in the newly liberated Hays town in Yemen’s western province of Hodeida, a local military commander told Gulf News.

Al Houthis who were expelled from Hays on Monday indiscriminately shelled the town with Katyusha rockets and mortar rounds, killing at least six civilians, said Abdul Raham Hajeri, a pro-government military officer.

The first wave of shells fell near a mosque, post office and meters from a police station.

(A K)

Sowjetischer „Winzling“ in Huthi-Händen: Rakete trifft Saudis ganz präzise – VIDEO

Die Panzerabwehrrakete „Maljutka“ (dt. Winzling) aus sowjetischer Produktion beweist sich trotz ihres Alters als eine effektive Waffe. Die neuesten Bilder einer Huthi-Attacke auf einen Posten der saudischen Militärs in der Region Jizan nahe der Grenze zum Jemen zeigen ihre Durchschlagskraft.

Mein Kommentar: Auch von Iran geliefert???

(A K PH)

5 Qaeda/ISIS operatives including 2 Egyptians ( Abu Hajer Al Mesri, and other) were killed today in Taiz while fighting with Saudi forces [anti-Houthi] against Yemenis [pro-Houthi]. (photos)

(A K PS)

Houthis blow up surgical bridge to prevent army advance. (photo)

(A K PS)

Yemen National Army retakes region in Al-Baydah

Here : Hadi government fighters.

(* A K PS)

Houthi militants kill a child, wound 19 civilians northern Taiz city

A child was killed and 19 other civilians wounded Tuesday evening in a bombardment by the Houthi militants of northern Taiz city. and also

and film:

(A K PS)

UAE Apache Aircrafts Sweep the West Coast in Preparation to an expected break in by the Southern Resistance to Al-Garrahy

UAE Apache aircrafts launched extensive sweeping operation on Tuesday February 6th, 2018, as part of the operations of liberating the west coast in Al-Hodeida. Sweeping operation came in preparation to an upcoming battel of the southern resistance against Al-Houthi militias in the west coast. Sources indicated that the southern resistance forces are preparing for breaking in Al-Garrahy town as part of the operations of liberating the west coast in Yemen.

(A K PS)

Yemeni National Army enters Heis Directorate in Yemen

The Yemeni National Army forces was able to enter the Directorate of Heis in the south of Al Hodeida Governorate in the Red Sea Coast of Yemen Front with support of the Saudi -led Arab Coalition forces to support of legitimacy in Yemen and the participation of the UAE Armed Forces.

The forces have succeeded in entering the Directorate of Heis after clashes with the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, which resulted in the deaths of large numbers of the militia members.

The same day, one Emirati media already reported: “Yemeni troops retake Haiys district from rebels in Hodeidah“:

and also

(* A K PS)

Yemen loyalists retake southwestern town from rebels

Yemeni government forces have retaken a key southwestern crossroads town from Houthi rebels as they press an offensive up the Red Sea coast, military and medical sources said on Tuesday.

The retaking of the town of Hays in heavy fighting that was accompanied by intense Saudi-led air strikes follows on from the recapture in early December of Khokha on the coast to the west.

Medical sources in the rebel-held port of Hodeida some 150km to the north said that at least 30 rebel fighters were killed in the battle for the town and scores wounded.


(A K P)

What’s the strategic significance of liberating Yemen’s Hays?

Liberating Hays marks a significant progress as it paves the way to liberating the rest of districts in Hodeidah, securing navigation in the Red Sea and cutting Iran’s supplies to Houthis, according to military experts.
Hays is the second district to be liberated in Hodeidah after al-Khoukhah


(A K PS)

Strategic Benefits of Controlling Heis on the West Coast for the Southern Resistance


(A K PS)

With Backup of Emirati Forces, Southern Resistance Controls the Governmental Compound and Police Station in Heis – Al-Hodeida (photos)

My comment: It’s spoken out clearly: Hodeidah should be attacked and taken – with a great humanitarian disaster to be expected at the city, as fort he delivery of essential goods for 80 % of Yemenis (who live in Houthi-held north).


(A K)

#UAE State Minister for Foreign Affairs noting Emirati forces participated in the seizure of Hays city in al Hudaydah, western #Yemen. UAE forces been playing a significant role in OP Golden Spear since it began last year, which aims to seize the western coast up to Hudaydah port referring at

(A K PS)

Yemen: Naval mines planted by the Houthis destroyed in Midi coasts

Yemeni naval forces, in cooperation with the engineering teams of the Arab coalition forces destroyed on Monday naval mines planted by the Houthi militias in the international waters near Midi coasts of the Hajjah governorate in northwestern Yemen.

(A K PH)

Yemen army fires ballistic missile toward Saudi military base

The short-range missile hit King Faisal military base in Khamis Mushait city


(A K PS)

Command of Forces of Coalition For Supporting Legitimacy in Yemen : Saudi Royal Air Defense Forces intercept and destroy a ballistic missile launched towards Khamis Mushait

The official spokesman of forces of Coalition for Supporting the legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that at 7:23 a.m. (seven and twenty-three minutes today morning, Saudi Royal Air Defense Forces intercepted a ballistic missile launched by Houthi militias of Iran from Yemeni territories (Sa'adah Governorate) toward the Kingdom.
Colonel Al-Maliki said that the missile was heading towards the city of Khamis Mushait and was deliberately launched to target civilian and populated areas.
… launching ballistic missiles toward densely populated cities and villages is contrary to the international humanitarian law.

My comment: LOL. “deliberately launched to target civilian and populated areas“: certainly not. – „launching ballistic missiles toward densely populated cities and villages is contrary to the international humanitarian law“: Oh yes. But the Saudis do exactly this since 1045 days in Yemen.

(A K PS)

Yemen Army Captures Taiz-Hodeidah Road

The Yemeni army captured on Sunday the Taiz-Hodeidah road amid ongoing clashes with the Iran-backed Houthi militias across the country.
In Taiz, the army continued its advance to liberate several positions east, west and north of the city as part of a wider campaign to complete the liberation of the entire province and lift its siege.

(A K PS)

Yemeni Chief of Staff to Asharq Al-Awsat: I Will Return to Frontline In Upcoming Days

The chief of staff of the Yemeni army has been injured by a landmine that went off while he was inspecting government positions in Khub wa al-Sha‘af, in the northern al-Jouf province

(* A K PS)

On mountain frontline, Yemen army makes push for Sanaa

Backed by air support from the Saudi-led coalition, the Yemeni army in recent months has toppled multiple Huthi rebel bases on Nihm, a rugged chain of cloud-cutting mountains on the eastern edge of Sanaa, which has been held by the insurgents since September 2014.

A bloody battleground, Nihm is a key gateway to the capital, which still remains elusive with the Yemeni military advance impeded by the treacherous mountain terrain and thousands of land mines planted by the Iran-backed rebels.

My comment: A typical “embedded journalism” piece, nevertheless quite interesting, with some background as well.

(* A K PS)

[Houthi landmines newly placed at Lahj; killing a family in Mokha; Houthi projectile killing woman]

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition intercepts two ballistic missiles over Marib

My comment: Of course, this Islah Party media claims they had been fired at the city – while the Houthis claim they fire against military camps, which sounds real.

and by same media:

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition defenses intercept three ballistic missiles over Marib

(A K PH)

ground shelling target Saada province

(A K)

Yemeni Army Gains Ground in Saada

Remark: Saudi media, “Yemeni army” = president Hadi’s fighters.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B K)

Artists turn to walls, internet in war-torn Yemen

The galleries in the capital Sanaa have either closed or reduced operations. Consequently, Yemeni artists have turned to two new platforms: the streets and the internet.

Yemeni graffiti artists, both men and women, have been turning the city’s walls into rich canvases, coloring the old gray buildings with splashes of color through various street art projects since 2012, often with pedestrians curiously looking on or joining in. One famous snapshot from 2016 shows a soldier picking up a brush to make his own graffiti: four birds, possibly doves, to extend his own message of peace in the warn-torn city.

Unlike the West, where a more rarified view often links art with existentialist suffering, in Yemen, both the subject and backdrop are brutal survival. For Murad Subay, a young Yemeni who has become the country’s best-known graffiti artist, the goal was to cover bullet holes and the signs of war with color.

Yemeni artist and researcher Rhman Qaid is a friend and colleague of Subay.


#InspirationalWomen: This woman helped change the direction of travel in #Yemen, literally. 41yrs ago #Aden started driving on the right. Maybe #women should be more involved in getting Yemen on the right track today. Not a female in sight in most meetings referring to (photos)

My comment: How modern 1970ies’ Southern Yemen must have been!

(B H K)

Dave Eggers' The Monk of Mokha Puts a Human Face on a Forgotten War

In The Monk of Mokha, Dave Eggers chronicles the true story of an aspiring coffee importer caught in the outbreak of the Yemeni Civil War. After meeting the man, Mokhtar Alkhanshali, in Oakland, Eggers retraced Alkhanshali’s steps through Yemen, Ethiopia and Djibouti, garnering insight from his narrative’s hero along the way.

The Monk of Mokha is a small, and therefore inevitably incomplete, portrait of the war. It’s remarkably bloodless, practically picaresque, but it’s also approachable. When we can put names and faces to these events—when we know that the coffee in our cup may have been produced, miraculously, in the face of a civil war—we can strip away the veils of distance and cultural difference, empathize and understand our world and the violence which roils it.


(B H K)

Author Dave Eggers to discuss new book with its subject, Mokhtar Alkhanshali, at Philly’s Free Library

“When I first started, I wanted people to see Yemen as something other than the headlines,” Alkhanshali said. “And I thought coffee was an incredible way to build bridges, not walls.

“I hope different people can find themselves in this book,” he added. “And I hope that after you read this book, you do have an appreciation of coffee and a better understanding of Yemen and that part of our world.”

“The Monk of Mokha,” written by Dave Eggers and published by Penguin Random House, is now available anywhere books are sold.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-383 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-383: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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