Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 385 - Yemen War Mosaic 385

Yemen Press Reader 385: 14. Feb. 2018: Vertriebene in Sanaa–Filme: Glasherzen, Sonderbotschafter–Kulturgüter in Gefahr–Luftkrieg im Dez.; politische Gewalt–Saudi PR u. Propaganda–Medien im Jemen

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Feb. 14, 2018: Displaced Persons at Sanaa – Films: Hearts of Glass, Special Envoy – Cultural heritage endangered – Aerial war in December; political violence – Saudi PR and propaganda – Yemeni media – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Konflikt in Aden / Most important: Conflict at Aden

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

(* B H K)

Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen, gegen das Saudi-Arabien einen erbarmungslosen Krieg führt, ist katastrophal. [Überblicksartikel]

(** B H K)

Film: For those new to here's a 25 minute doco we made 2016 explaining how this UK & US backed war has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in airstrikes, from famine & lack of medical care

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen Millions of children and families are on the brink of starvation UNICEF

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H K)

Photos: Yemen: Displaced in Sanaa’s Old City

More than 10 percent of Yemen’s population has been forced to flee due to the ongoing conflict.

This photo essay is provided by the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.

Mohammed Ali unloads jerry cans from his wheelbarrow in the Old City of Sanaa. The 33-year-old fled with 10 family members from Yemen’s northern province of Sa'ada, on the border with Saudi Arabia, after his house was destroyed.

Forced to flee her home, 70-year-old widow, Qafia, passes time at the entrance of a small house she rents in Sanaa's Old City.

Jamal Mahmood, 13, juggles school and work, selling necklaces in the morning at Sanaa's Old City market before attending school at noon. Forced to flee his home in the neighbouring Amran governorate at the beginning of the war, Jamal helps provide for his parents, siblings and grandfather earning between $0.80 and $3.50 a day. More than 10 percent of Yemen's workforce are believed to be children.

(** B H K)

Film: Hearts of Glass

A recent film produced by the Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights documents the impact of the three-year war in Yemen on women and their families. This is a powerful short film that everyone should watch. It is one thing to write about the destruction of life, the terror of hearing a bomb descending and exploding, the constant fear of death. It is quite another to see such horror, let alone to live it.

“Hearts of glass” is a fitting metaphor for the emotional trauma that has not spared any part of Yemen. While the politicians and ideologues spew forth their empty promises and poisonous rhetoric, the suffering on the ground continues without respite. Look at the faces of the women in this film as they talk about desperately trying to save their children, not knowing where their husbands are or even if they are alive.

and film on Youtube (Arabic; English subs) and

(** B H K)

VIDEO. "Envoyé spécial" : la guerre au Yémen racontée par des enfants

La réalisatrice yéménite Khadija Al-Salami a confié sa caméra à trois enfants de son pays, pour qu'ils racontent une guerre oubliée. Un document rare et bouleversant, à voir dans "Envoyé spécial".

C’est un document exceptionnel, tourné dans un pays où aucune caméra ne peut plus pénétrer. Ahmed a 11 ans, Rima 8 ans, et Youssef 9 ans. Depuis trois ans, ils vivent au Yémen, sous les bombardements quotidiens de l’aviation saoudienne.

La réalisatrice yéménite Khadija Al-Salami a confié sa caméra à Ahmed, Rima et Youssef. Cette guerre oubliée, ce sont eux qui vont la raconter. Ils partent à la rencontre de leurs copains d’école, recueillent les témoignages des enfants blessés à l’hôpital et de ceux qui ont perdu leurs parents dans les bombardements.

Avec leur candeur d’enfant, ils interrogent aussi des adultes — une peintre, un chanteur de rap, une mannequin devenue "Miss Guerre" sur les réseaux sociaux… — et leur demandent d’envoyer un message à ceux qu’ils pensent seuls capables de stopper la guerre : les pays de l’Union européenne.

Construit comme un conte, sans images de violence, ce reportage bouleversant montre la cruelle réalité de la guerre à travers le regard des enfants, et l’incroyable espoir qu’ils placent en l’Europe pour mettre fin au conflit.

Un reportage de Khadija Al-Salami, diffusé dans "Envoyé spécial" le 8 février 2018. (film in full; in French) and full film on youtube:

and parts of film and interviews, on youtube:

(** B K)

Jemens einziger Schatz steht auf dem Spiel

Kaum beachtet von der Weltöffentlichkeit, verheert der Bürgerkrieg das zuvor schon blutarme Jemen. Er zerstört nicht nur die Lebensgrundlage der Menschen, sondern führt auch zu einem unwiederbringlichen Verlust des kulturellen Erbes.

Angesichts der verheerenden Kriegsfolgen ist die Frage berechtigt, warum wir uns auch darum sorgen sollten, was mit dem kulturellen Erbe des Landes passiert. «Was kümmert ihr euch um alte Steine, wenn wir verhungern?» Ja, das ist richtig: Menschenleben zählen mehr als der Erhalt von Ruinenstätten. Das eine schliesst das andere aber nicht aus. Ebenfalls fast unbemerkt von der Weltöffentlichkeit bedroht der Jemen-Krieg auch den Erhalt des einzigartigen Kulturerbes.

Die Fälle religiös motivierter Zerstörungen – etwa durch IS-Terroristen oder wahhabitische Extremisten – mehren sich auch in Jemen, allerdings werden diese anders als in Syrien und dem Irak nicht öffentlichkeitswirksam zelebriert.

Alarmierend ist, dass nach bisheriger Schätzung in 70 Prozent der Fälle Bombardements der saudischen Militärallianz als Grund für die Zerstörung jemenitischen Kulturerbes gelten. Böswillige Absicht unterstellen die einen, die anderen sprechen von reinen Kollateralschäden. Fakt ist, dass ein internationales Fachkollegium bereits 2015 eine Liste mit geografischen Koordinaten vieler Stätten des schützenswerten jemenitischen Kulturerbes erstellt und über die Unesco an die saudische Militärkoalition weitergeleitet hat. Leider ohne Erfolg. Um die militärischen Ziele zu erreichen, werden Zerstörungen achselzuckend in Kauf genommen.

Vielleicht noch schlimmer als die kriegsbedingten Zerstörungen einzelner Monumente und Museen sind die rasant zunehmenden Raubgrabungen im Lande – von Iris Gerlach, DAI)

(** B K P)

Further rise in non-military targeting

Air raids on non-military targets were almost treble those on military sites in January.
Continuing the shift seen in December 2017, the Yemen Data Project recorded almost three times as many Saudi coalition air raids* targeting non-military sites (122) than military sites (44) in January. The number of air raids in January (320) fell 41% from the December 2017 (541) spike.
This continued trend of increased targeting of non-military sites contrasts with the overall pattern of air raids since the start of the air campaign.

A total of 320 Saudi coalition air raids targeted Yemen in January, 221 less than in the previous month of December 2017 and 30% below the monthly average of 459 air raids per month since the air campaign began in March 2015.
Air raids targeted 12 of Yemen's 22 governorates in January.
The highest number of air raids recorded in a single month was September 2015, at 920.

New data released on political violence
In a new data collection project, YDP is working with the Armed Conflict and Event Data Project (ACLED) to collate data on political violence and protest events across Yemen.
In January, ACLED released the first set of data from a collaborative project with YDP.
This data project is particularly valuable given the very limited publically available data on violence and fatalities in the current conflict. Widely cited official UN figures have remained unchanged since the end of 2016.

A total of 7,862 events** were recorded in the ACLED/YDP 2017 dataset with 17,029 fatalities**.
For more details, interactive graphics, and political violence map visit ACLED's website.

Download the ACLED/YDP full dataset on political violence and protest events from 1 January 2017 to date

(** B H K P)

Westliche PR-Hilfe, Geld für die UNO: Wie Saudi-Arabien seinen Krieg im Jemen einparfümiert

Nach rund drei Jahren des Krieges gegen die Huthis im Jemen und einer humanitären Krise steht es um das Image Saudi-Arabiens nicht gut. Zahlreiche PR-Agenturen sowie Spenden und Lobbyarbeit bei den Vereinten Nationen sollen dem Ansehensverlust gegensteuern.

Das investigative Nachrichtenportal IRIN, das 1995 als UN-Informationsdienst gegründet wurde, hat im Rahmen einer Recherche Details über eine neue Image-Kampagne Riads hervorgebracht. Dabei bringt IRIN die autoritäre Führung des arabischen Landes mit fragwürdigen westlichen PR-Agenturen in Verbindung, die saudische Kriegsziele für die europäische und US-amerikanische Öffentlichkeit reinwaschen sollen.

Ende letzten Monats kündigten Saudi-Arabien und dessen Verbündete eine neue "Operation" an. Diese Initiative soll mit Milliarden von US-Dollar für die Linderung des Leidens im Jemen sorgen. Menschenrechtsorganisationen beschreiben die Lage dort als größte humanitäre Krise der Welt.

Der saudische Plan, der unter dem Sammelbegriff "Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations" (YCHO) bekannt ist, verspricht 1,5 Milliarden US-Dollar an "neuen humanitären Mitteln für die Verteilung über UN-Organisationen und internationale Hilfsorganisationen" sowie die Einrichtung von sicheren Durchgangskorridoren, um Hilfe zu leisten

Genaue Details darüber, wie Saudi-Arabien auf diese Weise Hunderttausenden von gefährdeten jemenitischen Zivilisten helfen will – vor allem in den von Rebellen kontrollierten Gebieten – sind unklar. Jedenfalls investiert Riad große Summen darin, dass die westliche Welt, wo sich zuletzt immer mehr Kritik am saudischen Jemen-Krieg geregt hatte, ihm die Story von der humanitären Hilfe abkauft. IRIN konnte in diesem Zusammenhang einige Hintergründe über die Abläufe der saudischen PR-Kampagne in den USA und Großbritannien offenlegen.

Berater und PR-Firmen mit Sitz in Großbritannien und den USA, darunter das US-Verteidigungsunternehmen Booz Allen Hamilton, waren an der Erstellung und Vermarktung der saudischen Initiative "Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations" beteiligt. Die "Operation" wird laut der englischsprachigen Nachrichtenseite Arabia Now, die von der saudischen Botschaft in den USA finanziert wird, unter dem Schlagwort "Anti-Terrorismus" gelistet.

IRIN deckte in diesem Zusammenhang auf, wie tief der Arm Saudi-Arabiens beispielsweise in die Vereinten Nationen reicht und wie leicht sich UN-Beamte von den PR-Taktiken der autokratischen Monarchie beeinflussen lassen.

Ende letzten Jahres berichtete die Financial Times, dass Riad beabsichtigt, PR-Zentren in Europa und Asien einzurichten, um sein globales Image zu verbessern. Ein Menschenrechtsexperte am Persischen Golf, der namentlich nicht genannt wurde, sagte IRIN, dass es so viele PR-Firmen im Westen gibt, die für Saudi-Arabien und dessen Nachbarn arbeiten, dass es "wie das Spielen von Whac-a-Mole" sei, den Überblick zu behalten.

Farea al-Muslimi, Vorsitzende und Mitbegründerin der Denkfabrik des Sanaa-Zentrum für Strategische Studien, sagte IRIN, es sei keine Überraschung, dass Saudi-Arabien externe Hilfe zur Vorbereitung und Förderung seines "humanitären Projekts" in Anspruch genommen hat.

Sie haben sich immer auf diese PR-Firmen verlassen", sagte al-Muslimi über die al-Saud-Herrscherfamilie. Aber "egal wie kreativ sie sind, egal wie viel Geld sie ausgeben [für Hilfe], es ist ein Tropfen im Meer einer schrecklichen Realität... bis dieser Krieg vorbei ist, bleibt jede PR-Maßnahme [nichts weiter als] ein kostspieliger Schadenskontrollprozess." – von Ali Özkök

And the original IRIN article in English here:

From March 2017, overlooked at that time:

(** B P)

Yemen’s Media Landscape: An Overview

Freedom of Expression

The current political climate in Yemen, with Houthi rebels in power in Sana’a, the UN recognized-government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi based in both Aden and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), and an ongoing conflict, is highly volatile and restrictive of freedom of expression. The country ranks 170th out of 180 countries in Reporters Without Borders’ 2016 World Press Freedom Index.

Following a Houthi-led uprising against the Yemeni government in 2014, and the Saudi-led air war on Yemen and Houthi targets that commenced in March 2015, the media environment has become increasingly hostile. A combination of airstrikes and urban combat means that journalists and broadcasters are increasingly at risk when reporting news.


Television is by far the most popular medium in Yemen, owing to the widespread access to TV sets and the country’s high illiteracy rates that preclude access to other media.

Overseas Yemeni-focused channels

Al-Masirah – Established in 2012 and broadcasting from Lebanon, al-Masirah TV is owned by Houthi affiliates and serves as the Houthi movement’s primary television outlet in Yemen



Newspapers are the third most popular news source in Yemen after television and radio, with the 2010 BBC World Service Trust survey reporting that only 12 per cent of Yemenis read a newspaper every day. This readership is hampered both by the country’s high illiteracy rate (adult literacy was estimated at 65.3 per cent by UNICEF in 2012) and the fact that newspapers only circulatein the major cities. Although privately owned newspapers are permitted, the majority suffer from poor daily sales and low advertising revenue.

Social Media

Yemen’s low internet penetration and high illiteracy rate mean that social media is inaccessible to many in the country. This situation has been compounded by the ongoing conflict that has damaged the already fragile communication infrastructure.

Online Publications

After Houthi forces seized control of the Sana’a-based state news agency Saba ( in January 2015, a rival online news agency, also called Saba, appeared in May 2015 at The former now publishes pro-Houthi information whereas the latter, using an identical layout, supports President Hadi and the Saudi-led intervention.

In the current, increasingly partisan media landscape, online news publications continue to be routinely shut down or blocked by the dominant groups in certain areas

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* A H)

I just received news that Bird Flu killed my high school English teacher in #Thamar city #Yemen He was so kind . Heartbreaking

(* A H)

WHO's Cholera Response Dashboard reports 1,057,777 cases and 2,256 deaths as of February 9. This is an increase of 1,087 cases and one death in 48 hours.

(* A H)

Audio: Impfung und Infrastruktur: Bekämpfung einer Cholera-Epidemie wie im Jemen

(A H P)

Coalition to Support Legitimacy to Sign Agreements with WHO to Fight Cholera

"Esnad" center in partnership with the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Works will sign today (on Tuesday) three agreements with the World Health Organization (WHO), to eradicate the cholera epidemic in Yemen.

The three agreements exceed $10 million and deal with the implementation of the comprehensive humanitarian plan launched by Saudi Arabia in Yemen last month.

My comment: Part of a Saudi PR campaign.

(* A H)

Film: Yemeni cholera explained in 35 seconds =

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Konflikt in Aden / Most important: Conflict at Aden

(* B P)

Professional Forgers of History

For a whole week, and may be another week to come, Qatari Al-Jazeera TV Channel dedicated most of its programs to Adan sorrowful events during January 28-30-2018. For all programs, talks didn’t deal with causes of the problem, who started violence, who shot the first bullet, who started killing unarmed civilians or even the ugly statement of the ministry of interior affairs that clearly indicated the ministry’s readiness to declare war against anyone who demands its resignation

Close observation of Al-Jazeera speech indicated that:

(A P)

Saudi-UAE Tensions Intensify in Southern Yemen Again

The security authorities in Dale' confirmed that they have arrested 66 officers, who are backed by the UAE and supported former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, while trying to reach Aden province.

“66 officers of the Republican Guard loyal to ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh were detained at a security point, as they were trying to enter Aden,” Akram al-Qudahi, the media official of Dale’ security department said.

Al-Qudahi confirmed that the officers are still in detention, denying news that they have been released and allowed to move to Aden to join a coalition camp.

The UAE has threatened that the country's fighter jets will attack the bases of the militants affiliated to fugitive Yemeni President Mansour Hadi.

Local sources in Southern Yemen confirmed that the officers sought to reach a base in Aden commanded by Saleh's nephew, Tariq Saleh.

Al-Jazeera news channel quoted the Yemeni sources as saying that Tariq is in the UAE forces base in al-Bariqeh in Aden which hosts a large number of presidential guards affiliated to Ali Abdullah Saleh to form a division to fight against Ansarullah. =

(** A P)

A rebellion in Aden is hastening the break-up of Yemen

And now the Security Belt’s political arm, the Southern Transitional Council, is ruling the roost in Aden under a former governor, Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, and his Emirati patrons.

The big loser is Mr Hadi. He has no loyalists left on the ground. “An emperor with no clothes,” sneers a foreign observer. From his gilded exile in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, he still has choices. He could proclaim Yemen a federation and name Mr Zoubaidi as his deputy. Though Mr Zoubaidi has raised the flag of the former South Yemen, he is tempering his separatist rhetoric for now. He says he just wants Mr Hadi to shuffle his cabinet to bring his men on board.

But Yemen’s cracks go deeper. Bar the past 28 years, the south and north have rarely been united.

Southern warlords, too, will be loth to surrender autonomy to Mr Zoubaidi. Just as Aden wants to cut loose from the north, many southern cities crave independence from Aden.

A Yemeni federation may be better than an anarchic break-up. But neither Mr Zoubaidi nor Mr Hadi may be able to halt the slide into chaos.

(* A P)

Yemen’s Hadi warns of violent clashes in Aden

Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi described the recent violent clashes in the province of Aden as “a warning bell for the Arab coalition and the Yemeni people”.

“This bell is for those who are trying to divert the course of Yemen and the Gulf battle against the Iranian project towards small destructive projects,” Hadi said in an audio recording marking the 7th anniversary of the Yemeni revolution on Saturday.

“Yemen will not allow adventurers and traders to enter the country into uncalculated confrontations,” he said, noting that his country is working to remove the causes of the recent upheaval.

(* A P)

Hadi accuses UAE of undermining stability in Yemen

Yemen's former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has finally broken his silence, accusing the United Arab Emirates of undermining stability in Yemen.

Hadi, who is reportedly under house arrest in Saudi Arabia, released an audio recording from Riyadh, saying the UAE is behind the latest clashes in Yemen's city of Aden, Watan newspaper reported Sunday.

The UAE, he said, is plotting a coup in the southern port city.

Hadi said the Emirati regime is pursuing its own interests in Yemen and is competing with Saudi Arabia for influence in the impoverished country. Saudi Arabia launched a bloody military campaign early in 2015 in an attempt to reinstall Hadi and crush the Houthis who administer the capital Sana'a.

(* B P)

Erneut Gewalt im Südjemen: "Da wurden alte Rechnungen beglichen"

Der Krieg gegen die Huthi-Rebellen im Süden des Jemen ist beendet. In den vergangenen Wochen gab es jedoch wieder Tote und Verletzte. Diesmal gehe es ums Begleichen alter Rechnungen zwischen Separatisten aus dem Süden und der dorthin geflohenen Exil-Regierung, sagte Oliver Ramme im Dlf.

Ramme bereiste den Süden des Jemen im Januar und sprach im Dlf von "einer Art Scheinfriede". Es gebe Lebensmittel zu kaufen, die Restaurants seien voll. Trotzdem seien die Menschen wütend, "denn der Süden fühlte sich über Jahre und Jahrzehnte gegängelt vom Norden", erklärte Ramme. (mit Audio)

(A P)

The Southern Transitional Council Renews Commitment with Cool Down Calls of the Arab Coalition and Asserts His Commitment with the Demands Declared by the Council and the Southern Resistance

(A P)

Presidential Guards Brigades Dismiss Affiliates of Radfan and Al-Dalea

Several affiliate soldiers of the presidential guards’ brigades, under commandership of “Nasser Hady”, complained that some commanders of brigades dismissed some affiliates from Radfan and Al-Dalea, on the background of recent events of Adan. In their complains, soldiers indicated that they were astonished by their dismissal and confiscating their personal weapons and they were informed that their dismissal because they refused to use weapons against their southern fellows

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen

(* B K P)

Marwa Osman: Saudis Intentionally Target Civilians to Pressure Yemeni Resistance

Political Analyst Marwa Osman says the Saudi-led coalition repeated strikes on residential and civilian sites are carried out in an attempt to pressure the resistance and the Yemeni army to surrender, but the move has only motivated the Yemenis to stay loyal to their country and their tribes and fight back harder.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, Osman said that the Saudi-led coalition deliberately targets civilians to pressure the Yemeni resistance to surrender.

The ultimate objective that Riyadh is pursuing against Yemen is eliminating the actual existence of any resistance that would dare to say no to their demands like that of Ansarullah. The stated objective is to return the internationally recognized government of the already resigned president Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi back to power in Yemen. The international community, since it still recognizes president Hadi as the legitimate ruler, seems to be a supporter of that despite the fact that millions have taken to the streets since 2011 to protest against Hadi who ended up resigning not only once but twice.

The second and the most important objective of the Saudi-led military aggression is to crush forces allied with the Ansarullah while making sure that no internal political solution is to be reached with the remaining factions inside of Yemen. To impose their power and steal Yemen’s resources without allowing anyone to stand in their way Saudi Arabia and the UAE with direct help and arms from the UK and the US, and several other European countries who all have Yemeni blood on their hands, are willing to see Yemen flooding in the blood its poor citizens who have had to endure multiple hardships throughout the years that no other nation has had to tolerate at this day and age.

(* B K)

Film: Watch what was best province in #Yemen then what became because the war Taiz was the city of cultural and industry in #Yemen , Now it's the most destroyed city

(B H K P)

Relief Coalition: 106 families lost their breadwinner in Taiz last month

The Coalition for Humanitarian Relief (CHR) said in a new report unveiled on Monday that 106 families lost their breadwinners in January. These householders were killed by the Houthi rebel militiamen.


(B H K P)

Yemeni Coalition condemns Houthi targeting of civilians

The Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations has condemned the Houthi militia's crimes against civilians and human rights activists, the latest of which was the killing of female human rights activist Reeham Badr Abdul Wassa in Taiz last week.

My comment: Organisations which seem to be closely linked to the Hadi government or Islah Party, making anti-Houthi PR, here reported by an anti-Houthi Islah Party media. But this of course does not mean that the killings reported here did not happen. For Taiz ist might be somewhat strange – if there is fighting and shelling it probably would mean that both sides of the conflict would be shelling there – that the missiles fired by anti-Houthi forces consequently would steer clear of civilians.

(? B H K)

Channel The Rage

By CJ Werleman

Episode 29: US-Saudi Violence in Yemen

In this episode, CJ chats with Yemeni journalist and filmmaker Nasser Arrabyee about the US-Saudi war that continues to ravage his country. He cares deeply for Yemen, and you’ll hear him speak with passion and conviction.

(* B H K)

Saudi cluster bombs continue to endanger Yemeni kids’ lives

Thousands of innocent children continue to fall victim to Saudi Arabia’s use of cluster bombs in aerial attacks on residential areas across the Yemen, corroborating assertions of violation of international law in the impoverished Arab country.

Many of the sub-munitions fail to explode on impact and effectively become anti-personnel mines. Unexploded sub-munitions have the potential to remain lethal for years, posing a high risk to the civilian population, both during and after the conflict.

(* B H K P)

Yemen’s future is our future too

I thought of two young students I encountered at Aden University. They had a 3D printer – the kind of modern marvel you might expect to see among the tech companies exhibiting on the promenade in Davos. But while the printer was incongruous in this war-torn environment, the way they were using it was anything but: they were printing prosthetic hands.

Using 3D modelling software, they were taking local materials to create something greatly needed in Yemen. As their professor explained, more than 5,000 young people here need prosthetic limbs. One of the students showed me their latest project, an unfinished hand; they had stopped working on it simply because they did not have what they needed to complete it. Increasingly, he told me, the materials they need just cannot be found in Yemen. Instead they must somehow find them from overseas.

In terms of this year’s Davos theme – Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World – it would be hard to conceive of a more vivid example of the need to find a shared future, than Yemen. Likewise, it is even harder to find a more fractured world than this desperately divided country.

Yemenis are tired and angry. They are desperate for a compromise that would achieve peace, but see the Houthi’s backers – Iran – and the government’s backers – Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – as obstacles to such an outcome.

I asked the two students at Aden University what they hoped to see in their country’s future. Was it a big united Yemen with everyone together? “Actually, I don’t care about this stuff,” one told me. “We’re already in a messed-up place. We want to live. We want medical services, we want roads, we want education, we want to have jobs. That is what we are thinking about as young people. I don’t care about political issues. That’s what we’re hoping for. We want to live.”

This is the simple truth of so many conflicts: the young want nothing more than a future – by Nic Robertson, International Diplomatic Editor, CNN

(B K P)

Judiciary Chief Blasts US Claims about Iranian Missiles in Yemen

Iran’s Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani denounced as a new plot the US claim that Iran has supplied missiles to Yemen, saying a total blockade that has barred even the delivery of medicine to Yemen shows that Washington’s accusation is ridiculous.

(* B H K)

Film: Yemeni families fall victim to Saudi cluster bombs

Thousands of Yemeni children continue to fall victim to Saudi Arabia’s use of internationally banned weapons such as cluster bombs. The use of internationally banned weapons has devastated the lives of poor Yemeni families. In one incident, Press TV’s correspondent met with a family injured by a cluster bomb in the coastal area of al-Tuhieta. =

(B H K)

UNO in Sorge wegen ziviler Opfer

Der Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte, al-Hussein, erklärte, man sei vor allem wegen der Kämpfe im Südwesten in der Region Taiz in Sorge. Dort gerieten Zivilisten unter Feuer von allen Seiten. Die Huthi-Rebellen und ihre Verbündeten seien für wahllosen Beschuss und den Einsatz von Heckenschützen verantwortlich, die saudisch geführte Koalition greife aus der Luft an.

Mein Kommentar: Wenn die UN immer noch die Zahl von 6,000 im krieg getöteten Zivilisten verbreitet, betreibt sie Weißwaschen aller Kriegsparteien, besonders der Saudis und ihrer Verbündeten. Mit den weiteren Opfern als Folgen der zerstörten Infrastruktur und der saudischen Blockade dürften 200.000 tote Zivilisten als Folge des Krieges eine realistische Zahl sein. Und so verbreitet sich diese Verharmlosung auch wieder durch die deutsche Presse: und

(* B H K)

Yemen: Civilians at mercy of sniping, shelling and airstrikes – Zeid

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Monday voiced alarm at continuing civilian casualties in Yemen as hostilities increase and spread.

“The upsurge in fighting in the south-western Governorate of Taizz is of particular concern. Civilians are under fire on all sides, as Houthi and affiliated forces carry out sniper attacks and indiscriminate shelling, and the Saudi-led Coalition continues to conduct airstrikes. For the civilians in the city of Taizz, the conflict is not just escalating but inescapable,” said Zeid.

Increased armed clashes in Taizz between Houthi-affiliated forces and those loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi in recent weeks have also fuelled fears that the violence will spread from suburban areas of Taizz City to other neighbourhoods, including the densely populated area of Alhuban. and also

(* B K P)

Saudi inquiry into Yemen air strikes ignores hundreds of reports of civilian deaths

Just 41 out of more than 300 allegations of civilian casualties in Yemen have been investigated by the Saudi-led coalition

The Saudi-led coalition set up an investigative mechanism, known as the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) in 2016 after pressure from the UK and other allies, but the new figures revealed in response to a parliamentary question show that it has investigated just 41 alleged violations of international law, despite the fact that RAF officers in Saudi Arabia have recorded more than 318 incidents of concern.

The release of the figures has prompted the charged that UK ministers are using JIAT as a cover when challenged on Yemen, and as an excuse to continue lucrative arms sales to Saudi.

“Instead of using the JIAT as cover whenever challenged over Yemen, UK ministers should support moves to ensure there’s a proper international investigation of human rights violations on all sides to this conflict,” Allan Hogarth, Amnesty International UK head of policy and government affairs, told MEE.

However, the low total of JIAT investigations has prompted renewed claims from a former cabinet minister that the Saudi-led coalition is effectively “marking its own homework”.

My comment: This Saudi JIAT is no real investigation, but its purpose is whitewashing. – And also these 318 raids recorded by the British RAF officers only are a small percentage of all Saudi bloody air raids.

(B P)

Osamah Alfakih retweeted Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi

On the occasion of the anniversary of the February Revolution, Hadi mentioned that he was a good "deputy" until 2011. In other words, he and Saleh were from the same institution of the corrupt presidency that the people had rebelled against. And with the bad elite ponds, recycling got to Saleh's regime. This is a reminder that we are not lying to ourselves and we are embroiled in Yemen

(* B P)

Saudi newspaper: Tariq Saleh receives orders from his cousin, the son of the late Yemeni president
Saudi media reported the United Nations Security Council has lifted sanctions against the son of late Yemeni President Ahmed Ali Saleh in Abu Dhabi and sources stated his cousin Tariq Saleh was awaiting orders to confront the Houthis.
Tariq Saleh is in Aden province and is said to be assembling military commanders loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh thus building an independent army in the south.

(* B K P)

Film: Yemen war escalates with no end in sight and in youtube:

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia and the UAE appear to diverge in their allegiances in Yemen

Until recently, Riyadh’s staunchest ally has been the United Arab Emirates (UAE). But in recent weeks, both countries seem to have adopted differing approaches on how the war should continue and how it could be won.

Until recently, Riyadh’s staunchest ally has been the United Arab Emirates (UAE). But in recent weeks, both countries seem to have adopted differing approaches on how the war should continue and how it could be won.

It now appears as if the UAE has backed the STC, ostensibly going against its Saudi Arabian ally and the Hadi government. Hadi was not in Aden when clashes between the STC and his loyalists began.

“In Aden, the UAE technically betrayed Saudi Arabia … technically,” said Sami Hamdi, a geopolitical analyst and editor-in-chief at London-based The International Interest. “In terms of alliance it’s betrayal, because, remember, the Saudis do not want to split Yemen. Saudi wants to keep Hadi in power.”

The UAE’s support of the STC may not be surprising, given that Abu Dhabi has generally focused its military efforts on southern Yemen, while Saudi forces have conducted similar operations in the north – by Linh Nguyen

(* B K P)

Remembering Yemen’s 11 February Revolution

On this day seven years ago, Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh was forced to step down after a three-decade-long presidency while 20,000 protesters spilled onto the streets of the capital, Sana’a.

What: Yemen Revolution

When: 11 February 2011

Where: Yemen, Sana’a

What happened?

(* B P)

A Look At Yemen Conflict

The southern separatist movement which has gained momentum recently has critical influence on the conflict dynamics in the south. As more influential parties promulgate in Yemen, it complicates the ability of any political solution to entice all parties and permeate to local communities. It is thus need of the hour that international community and the major stakeholders of the Yemen conflict revisit their respective approaches which are largely characterized by militarism, political expediency, and misinformation of the various tribal, regional and sectarian dynamics of the Yemen conflict. =

Remark: Overview, the roots of the conflict, back from 2011.

(? B K P)

Riyad désespère de mettre fin à sa guerre au Yémen

Le royaume – qui ressent la pression des organisations humanitaires et de ses alliés occidentaux – se dit prêt à demeurer au Yémen aussi longtemps que nécessaire, convaincu que les houthistes ne cesseront jamais de lui mener la guerre avec l’aide de l’Iran, explique le journaliste du « Monde », Louis Imbert (paywalled)

Comment: This Saudi viewpoint is odd anyway.

(A K P)

UK has responsibility for Yemen crisis after exporting weapons to Saudi Arabia, Nobel Laureate says

Tawakkol Karman urges Britain, the US and Iran to stop supplying the rebel militias and Saudi-led coalition with weapons

The United Kingdom has responsibility for the current crisis in Yemen after exporting weapons to Saudi Arabia, Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkol Karman has said.

The Yemeni Nobel Laureate has called on a number of countries, including the US and Iran, to stop supplying both the Saudis and the rebel militias with weapons, as Yemen’s devastating famine continues amid civil war.

Ms Karman, a politician and activist, is known in Yemen as the “mother of the revolution” after she took a prominent role in the uprising during the Arab Spring.

My comment: Why just now? Earlier, she had praised the Saudi coalition, the bombing war did not interest her.

(* B H K)

Film: Stop the war so that our children can achieve their dreams . Children in #Yemen have dreams ,watch this video and you will know their dreams . Warning : There is a graphic scene from 0:27 seconds to 0:42 seconds .

(* B K)

Film: Once the war is over, Ammar Basha dreams of opening a film industry in #Yemen
In the meantime, this is his call to #StopTheWarOnYemen

(A P)

Iranian, Yemeni diplomats discuss ways to deliver help to civilians

Iranian Foreign Minister's Special Assistant for Political Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari discussed ways for delivering aid to Yemeni civilians in a meeting with Mohammed Abdulsalam, the Spokesman for Ansarullah Movement of Yemen on Monday.

(A P)

Irans Außenminister: Der Jemenkrieg muss gestoppt werden

Irans Außenminister Mohammad Javad Zarif hat heute bei einem Treffen mit dem Sprecher der jemenitischen Ansarallah, Muhammad Abdassalam, die Notwendigkeit hervorgehoben, dass der Krieg und die Bombardierungen sofort gestoppt werden müssen.

(A P)

Zarif urges immediate halt to Saudi war on Yemen, delivery of aid to nation

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has called for an immediate halt to the Saudi-led military campaign against Yemen and delivery of humanitarian aid to the war-torn country.

During a Saturday meeting with Yemeni Houthi Ansarullah movement's spokesman, Mohammad Abdulsalam, Zarif pointed to Iran’s four-step solution to solve the crisis in Yemen and underlined the need for an urgent end to the bombardment and siege of the country. and also

(* B K P)

Film (talk): What will it take to stop the war in Yemen?

After almost three years of war, millions of Yemenis are going through the world's largest humanitarian crisis.

Hakim Al-Masmari - Editor-in-chief and publisher, Yemen Post

Adam Baron - Europe Council on Foreign Relations
Shabia Mantoo - UNHCR Yemen =

(* A H)

Film: Yemen : les enfants et la guerre - 8 février 2018

Ahmed a 11 ans, Rima 8 ans, et Youssef 9 ans. Depuis trois ans, ils vivent au Yémen, sous les bombardements quotidiens de l’aviation saoudienne. La réalisatrice yéménite Khadija Al-Salami a confié sa caméra à Ahmed, Rima et Youssef. Cette guerre oubliée, ce sont eux qui vont la raconter. Ils partent à la rencontre de leurs copains d’école, recueillent les témoignages des enfants blessés à l’hôpital et de ceux qui ont perdu leurs parents dans les bombardements. Avec leur candeur d’enfant, ils interrogent aussi des adultes — une peintre, un chanteur de rap, une mannequin devenue "Miss Guerre" sur les réseaux sociaux… — et leur demandent d’envoyer un message à ceux qu’ils pensent seuls capables de stopper la guerre : les pays de l’Union européenne.

(*B K P)

Dead on donkeys, radio taunts at front line of Yemen war

[Glimps at the present situation in Yemen]

And from Sept. 2017, I missed at that time:

(* B H K)

Saudi’s bombing campaign is destroying my country, Yemen, and Britain is helping them do it

In the second essay in our three-part #StopDSEI series, Safa Al-Shamy gives her perspective on the motivations for the Saudi attack on her country, Yemen, the humanitarian crisis it has caused, and the UK's role in supporting it.

This is the second of a three-part series of Ceasefire essays on the war on Yemen and the role of the UK’s Arms Trade industry, published ahead of next week’s DSEI arms fair in London. In the first essay, Tom Anderson writes on the geopolitical roots of the crisis. In the third essay, Paul Cudenec writes about the upcoming protest action planned against DSEI.

I was visiting Cairo when the Saudi airstrikes on Yemen began on 26 March 2015. One of their first targets was the airport at Sana’a, the Yemeni capital, which was hit by an airstrike. I couldn’t get a flight back home and was stuck in Cairo for three months. Afterwards, I was able to return to Yemen, but the ongoing attack meant I was unable to work. Although both of my parents are Yemeni, I was born in the UK and have a British passport, so I decided to come to the UK in December 2015.

The situation in Yemen now is very difficult.

Ordinary people globally should realise what’s going on in Yemen, and put more pressure on their governments to provide urgent assistance to the Yemeni nation – By Safa Al-Shamy

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

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(* B H P)

WFP Yemen Update on Food and Fuel Stocks and Shipments (commercial and humanitarian), 13 February 2018

Vessels Discharged at Hodeidah/ Saleef ports

Since the end of the temporary blockade on 22 November 2017, a total of 49 vessels and 1 dhow are / have discharged cargo at Hodeidah and Saleef ports.

2 Humanitarian vessels carrying 50,000 tons (mt) of wheat— 1 offloaded at Hodeidah port while the other Saleef port and 1 dhow carrying 220 mt of humanitarian medical items.

27 commercial food vessels carrying 716,224 mt of wheat flour or wheat in-bulk, sugar, corn and soybean meal have been offloaded at Hodeidah and/or Saleef ports.

19 commercial fuel vessels carrying 214,479 litres of diesel and petrol have discharged at Hodeidah port.

1 commercial vessel carrying 44,000 mt of coal has discharged at Saleef port.

Vessels Currently Discharging at Hodeidah/ Saleef ports

4 commercial food vessels carrying 66,820 mt of bagged wheat, corn and sugar.

3 commercial fuel vessels carrying 32,272 litres of diesel and petrol.

1 dhow carrying 220 mt of humanitarian medical items.

Vessels Waiting to Berth at Hodeidah/ Saleef ports

(* B H P)

Saudi Arabia's new "humanitarian" plan continues a chokehold on imports to the north of #Yemen that’s key to preventing famine.

and a reminder:

(* B E H P)

Film: Yemen's economy crippled by Saudi blockades

Saudi Arabia’s crippling blockade on Yemen has led to a dire humanitarian situation in the country. Yemeni officials say the port of Hudaydah, which is a lifeline for millions of people, is only operating at 20-percent of its full capacity. Press TV’s correspondent Mohammed al-Attab has visited the city of al-Hudaydah and filed this report.

(*A H P)

Joint Letter To Secretary Tillerson: Yemen In Crisis

As organizations that provide and advocate for life-saving assistance in Yemen, we write to urge your continued efforts to seek a permanent end to the Saudi-led coalition’s restrictions on humanitarian and commercial access to Yemen’s ports, particularly Hodeidah and Saleef. Furthermore, we urge you to redouble your efforts to mobilize political will and realize a political settlement to Yemen’s deadly conflict.

We applaud your personal diplomatic engagement to address this crisis in recent months, which, combined with public statements from President Trump and the efforts of your colleagues in the Department of State and USAID, has so far helped to prevent the world’s worst humanitarian crisis from significant further deterioration.

The recently-released Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO), proposed by the Saudi-led coalition, asserts that increasing the capacity of additional ports beyond Hodeidah and rerouting all fuel shipments south to Aden will address the dire humanitarian needs in Yemen. As stated in our November 27th letter to your office, there is no alternative to Hodeidah port for ensuring the adequate delivery of humanitarian and commercial supplies to the northern governorates.

InterAction, Norwegian Refugee Council, CARE, Mercy Corps, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, Refugees International, Save the Children, Global Communities =

(* A H P)

4 new cranes start unloading aid in Yemen amid hunger crisis

Four mobile cranes dispatched to Yemen have started unloading deliveries of humanitarian aid and commercial goods in Hodeidah, the United States said Friday, as the war-wracked nation faces the world's worst hunger crisis.

The cranes arrived in Yemen in mid-January after a Saudi-led coalition that has blockaded the port agreed to allow in the new cranes, which aid groups have described as crucial for easing the dire humanitarian crisis in the Arab world's poorest country. They took several weeks to be erected before becoming operational on Friday.

The cranes, capable of carrying about 60 tons each, were purchased by the U.N. World Food Program with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development. With the cranes in place, it will take half as long to unload ships carrying food, medicine and other critical supplies, USAID said.


(A H P)

US State Department: U.S.-Funded Cranes Offloading Goods in Yemen

The United States welcomes reports of the four U.S.-funded World Food Programme cranes offloading goods at Hudaydah port. These cranes are offloading key supplies for the people of Yemen and will allow greater throughput of critical humanitarian assistance and goods.

The United States also welcomes continued efforts by the Saudi-led coalition to address the humanitarian situation in Yemen, including a $1.5 billion pledge to the UN and humanitarian organizations.

and a similar statement by USAID:

Comment: Well it's a pity they sold the bombs that destroyed the original cranes.

Comment: The US praising the 'US-funded cranes'. Saudi and US PR machine

My comment: There still is a Saudi blockade as an obstacle to a free inflow of necessary goods. – And the existing cranes had been destroyed by US ally Saudi Arabia with (most probably) US bombs.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Sustainable Yemen programme recycles waste as school materials

An innovative project recycling and transforming waste into educational tools and art forms is one of many sustainable development schemes coordinated by the local sub-unit of the Yemeni National Commission for UNESCO.

The sub-unit, based in the province of Hodeidah with work extending to neighbouring areas, acts to coordinate and implement the multiple activities of projects on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It brings together educational, civil and private sector organizations to mobilize communities towards achieving the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and improving their own environment.

Since 2012, the initiative’s successes include training 60 teachers on the UNESCO course “Education and Learning for a Sustainable Future” and training 320 youth on project management and marketing. It has also established a youth foundation and community college and organized training of trainers =

(A H)

Relief and Development Peer Foundation: Elections to assist thousands of lives despite the longterm war

Ash Shamayatayn district is one among other suffering districts of Taizz governorate where the majority of its inhabitants are extremely food insecure. For almost 3 years, the district has become the only safe place for a massive number of affected IDPs coming from different areas

Relief and Development Peer Foundation (RDP) in partnership with Bena Charity is implementing the "Emergency Food Assistance to the most Affected and Vulnerable Households" project taking place in Ash Shamayatayn district which is funded by Yemen Humanitarian Pool Fund (YHPF). The major objective of the project is to make sure that vulnerable households – in Alasabih and Adeem sub-districts – are having sufficient access to food rations and getting the help they need to sustain their lives.

On February 12th,2018, an election to form a community committee was organized by RDP in such an unbelievable way in Abdurahman Alghafeqi school of Alasabih sub-district.

(* B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 5 - 11 February 2018

Military operations and airstrikes intensified in the western coastal areas of Yemen in November 2017, leading to the takeover of Al Khawkhah district by Government of Yemen (GoY) forces.


Preliminary information indicates that up to 14,000 households may have been displaced in the last three days from Al Khawkha, Hays and Zabid districts.

Hays hospital, the main health facility in the district, is not operational since 10 December 2017, after it was damaged by airstrikes. The facility should be re-operationalised as a matter of priority.

Farming and fishing activities have been disrupted, thereby cutting off a major source of livelihood

Livestock watering and feeding have been disrupted.

(* B H)

World Bank: Making a Difference: Delivering Services for Yemeni People During Conflict

In the face of this urgent and deepening crisis, the World Bank has joined forces with humanitarian organizations working inside Yemen. In early 2017, the World Bank initiated one of the biggest programs in support of health services in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The program is being implemented by UNICEF and the World Health Organization, as well as Yemeni government agencies and non-governmental organizations.

A large portion of the beneficiaries are children; so far 5 million children have been vaccinated against preventable diseases and 650,000 Women and children under the age of five have received basic nutrition services.

In August, the Bank approved an additional US$200 million to help combat the fast-spreading cholera epidemic.

The World Bank is strengthening the health care system so that it will be in a better position to respond to future crises. Currently, 50 percent of the country’s health care facilities are not functioning.

Among the main results so far of the Emergency Health and Nutrition Project:

(* B H)

Film: Yemeni journalists find little space as conflict rages on

For journalists, it's been particularly hard as the space to report on the conflict and other issues affecting Yemen shrinks.

Adnan al Jaafari, a journalist who has reported on social issues and corruption for years, says he could not continue working in the profession 'with a clear conscience' without reporting on the issues Yemen is facing.

He found no takers for the kind of stories he wanted to do and switched to driving a taxi.

(B H)

Strengthening Yemen's Social Safety Net

To support and reinforce the capacity of Yemeni institutions in their ability to lead the country's recovery efforts, this activity works with the Social Fund for Development in sectors that will be critical as people affected by the conflict start rebuilding their lives.

USAID/Yemen is progressively improving livelihoods in sectors that are critical to the country’s recovery by working with UNDP and the Yemeni Social Fund for Development (SFD). The SFD is an important social safety net institution that provides cash-for-work and training opportunities to Yemenis. The SFD simultaneously improves community infrastructure and service delivery while ensuring that Yemenis are building the skills that will help them gain sustainable employment opportunities. This activity will include:

(B H)

Yemen: Education in Emergency Response

Since the latest conflict erupted, widespread displacement, damage to schools, and general insecurity have left millions of children without reliable access to schooling. Many have also been exposed to serious psychological trauma, further putting their education at risk. Over 1,000 schools have been partially or completely destroyed or are being used to host internally displaced people (IDPs).

USAID/Yemen is helping restore access and facilitate re-entry to basic education with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education through the following activities:

(* B H)

On colour and origin: the case of the akhdam in Yemen

Crucially, Hudheyfi brought attention to how the akhdam’s social, economic and political marginalisation intersects with discrimination based on their skin colour. By bringing into focus ‘blackness’ as a defining characteristic of the akhdam, Hudheyfi qualified his people as a discrete ‘ethnic group’ resting on a particular racial identity – a move that significantly expanded the meaning of the term ‘racism’, which was traditionally used to refer to descent-based discrimination in Highland Yemen.

In Yemen, the akhdam are a minority group of black slum dwellers that are often relegated to ‘impure’ or ‘impious’ tasks, such as serving, musical performances, and magic, among others. Traditionally, most of them dwelled in rural areas of western and southern Yemen. However, after the 1962 revolution establishing the Yemen Arab Republic, many akhdam were compelled to work as salaried street-sweepers in major cities.

Today, the akhdam continue to suffer from socio-economic discrimination: they experience difficulties enrolling their children in school and accessing employment. They are perceived by the Arab majority in Yemen as the lowest-ranking group of the hierarchical system of the Yemeni Highlands.

Hudheyfi’s emphasis on ‘blackness’ as the defining characteristic of his people was a crucial shift from folk representations of the akhdam, which focus on their genealogical origin rather than their skin colour.

However, in spite of this egalitarian ideology, lineage remains a central concern in contemporary Yemen. Ideological state apparatuses depict ‘national character’ on two grounds: Yemeni citizens are defined as Muslims and ‘Sons of Qahtan’ (i.e. Southern Arabs). The akhdam – like other marginalised minority groups – do not qualify as either – by Luca Nevola

(A H)

Finally, some foreign intervention in eastern #Yemen's #Mahra region that is actually welcome! Locals are praising the US donation today of much needed equipment to al-Ghadya hospital, in coordination with Mahri local government. (photos)

(B H)

“We don’t have enough medicines & we have no choice but to watch our patients die due to lack of treatment. Poor #cancer patients simply leave us & die at home because they cannot afford treatment,” says Dr Ali Al-Ashwal, Director of the National Oncology Centre in Sana'a, Yemen.

(* B H)

Film: Meet Yusuf: #Yemen’s aspiring philanthropist. He’s only 11 years old and despite living under conflict and in hardship, he has great, big plans as enormous as his heart.

(A H)

The Yemeni National Meteorological Center (NMC) said on Monday that the particularly harsh cold and dry air mass will continue over the next 24 hours on desert areas, inland plateaus and parts of the country's mountainous highlands.

(B H)

The war, which has been raging in #Yemen for almost four years, has forced young Yemenis to celebrate "absenteeism" at the wedding of one of their friends who has been displaced by the war. (photo)

(* B H K)

Yemenis turn to herbal remedies as medicine prices soar

"I couldn't afford to see a doctor, and no one could help me cover the costs of my medical expenses," said Saif, the sole breadwinner of his family of five.

"I've been taking herbs for over a year now and it causes no side effects. The only shortcoming is that they don't cure most diseases."

Over the past three years, Yemenis seeking unproven natural remedies has become the norm in many parts of the country, he said, with a growing number looking for a cheaper way to treat their ailments.

But these holistic remedies are far cry from the medical care most Yemenis received before the conflict began.

More than 70 percent of the population had access to healthcare before 2015. Now, none of the country's major hospitals provide the same level of service as before.

The cost of most medicines has also risen sharply with some drugs experiencing a price hike of more than 300 percent, making it unaffordable for most families to obtain treatment.

"Malnutrition and disease are rampant as basic services collapse," said Meritxell Relano, UNICEF's representative in Yemen.

(A H K)

As usual @monarelief planting smile of people's faces. Pics taken today in Hodeidah by @monareliefye during food aid distribution funded by @PartnersRelief (photos9

With a $8.000 fund from Partners Relief & Development, @monarelief distributed food baskets to 223 families in the districts of Al-Marawi'ah and Al-Qutai'a districts in #Yemen's poorest city of Hodeida on Monday. (photos)

(* B H K)

Yemen: Crisis update January-2018

MSF is in Yemen to support the Yemeni populations affected by the conflict on all sides of the frontlines. We work in 13 hospitals and health centres and provide support to more than 20 hospitals or health centres across 11 Yemeni governorates: Taiz, Aden, Ad Dhale, Sa’ada, Amran, Hajjah, Ibb, Sana’a, Abyan, Shabwa and Lahj.

Yemen is one of MSF’s largest missions of the world in terms of personnel, with approximately 1,827 national staff and 93 international staff.

Key figures

Medical figures From March 2015 to December 2017

In 2017, MSF sent 1,496 tonnes of medical supplies and equipment to Yemen. Between March 2015 and December 2017, we sent 3,912 tonnes.

A large-scale humanitarian emergency

More humanitarian assistance is urgently needed

(* B H K)

Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 5 - 11 February 2018

Military operations and airstrikes intensified in the western coastal areas of Yemen in November 2017, leading to the takeover of Al Khawkhah district by Government of Yemen (GoY) forces.

A rapid assessment by FAO in January found that conflict had disrupted market systems as displaced people had sold their animals at distress prices to meet their household needs and requirements.


Preliminary information indicates that up to 14,000 households may have been displaced in the last three days from Al Khawkha, Hays and Zabid districts.

Unconfirmed reports indicate that the road between Al Garrahi and Hays is blocked etc.

(* B H)

Film: Jemen: Eine Ärztin kämpft für die Ärmsten

Laut Angaben der Vereinten Nationen leiden im Jemen mehr als acht Millionen Menschen an Hunger. Das ist mehr als ein Drittel der Bevölkerung. Eine Ärztin aus der Stadt Hodeida versucht, Familien in Not zu helfen. = und Auszug

Mein Kommentar: "Ein Krieg, der in Vergessenheit geraten ist. Denn: Keine Bilder, keine Empörung".

Das ist falsch. Der Krieg im Jemen ist nicht "in Vergessenheit GERATEN". Er wurde und wird vergessen gemacht, von unseren Medien, die darüber nicht berichten. Selektive Wahrnehmung, weil in diesem Krieg unsere Freunde 70 % von Mord, Leichen, Verwundeten, Verwüstungen anrichten. Weil neben den Saudis auch die Amerikaner, die Briten, und auch Deutschland als Waffenlieferanten und mit politischer Unterstützung ganz tief mit drinstecken.

Und Bilder gibt es genug - zu Tausenden: Zerfetzte Leichen, Verstümmelte, Verwundete, Zerstörungen aller Art, abgemagerte, skelettierte Kinder und Erwachsene, das dank der vom Westen politisch mitgetragenen weitgehenden Importblockade.

Man muss sie halt nur zeigen. Auch die ARD hat das weitestgehend jetzt fast 3 Jahre nicht getan.

Die Folge: "Keine Bilder, keine Empörung". Eben, und damit weiter Krieg, Tote, Verwüstung.

Das ist die Mitverantwortung der Medien.

(* B H)

Film: Restoring basic services through Village Cooperative Councils

As part of Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen Joint Programme funded by EU and implemented by FAO, ILO, UNDP and WFP, UNDP in Yemen is providing help restoring basic services to war-affected communities through enabling Village Cooperative Councils. =

(B H K)

Reham Al-Badr: A Yemeni symbol of bravery in a city devastated by war

The Yemeni human-rights activist was killed on Thursday, along with another volunteer, by a Houthi mortar as they delivered food aid to families trapped near the front lines in Taiz city.
The 32-year-old was widely known for her bravery in helping those worst effected by the conflict and friends, family and colleagues paid tribute to her work in one of the cities worst affected by the conflict.

“Reham was like a bee, you could find her everywhere in Taiz giving goods to people,” Dalia told Arab News. “Those who know Reham, they know the loss for Taiz.”

My comment: A Saudi media mourning for a human rights activist – oh, of course on e from abroad.

(A H)

Real time pictures Salam guys, @monarelief's crew is distributing now food aid packages to 100 most vulnerable families in al-Marwe'ah district in #Yemen's poorest city Hodeidah in western #Yemen. The project was Funded by @PartnersRelief

Great news guys, @monarelief's team has just arrived today in Hodeidah in western #Yemen to distribute food aid packages to most vulnerable families and IDps. The project is funded by @PartnersRelief for first time. (photo)

(* B H)

Film: #Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis today-

Women in Yemen face impossible choices to feed or treat their children, they cannot do both =

(* B H)

Film: Over 10,000 disabled Yemenis have been impacted by the war,
In #Yemen every day is a struggle, but for the disabled, that hardship is even greater. =

(* B H)

Film: Over the past two years, MSF has imported more than 800 tons of dialysis supplies and provided more than 83,000 dialysis sessions for some 800 patients, free of charge. However, MSF is unable to cover the enormous needs in the country, and is calling on other organisations to step in and help the more than 4,400 renal failure patients who are in urgent need of treatment. More about the challenges facing Dialysis patients in this video.

(B H)

US Agency for International Development

Yemen - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #4, Fiscal Year (FY) 2018

Yemen ‑ Active USG Programs for Yemen Response (Last Updated 02/09/18)

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Humanitarian Dashboard (January - December 2017)

From January to December 2017, around 190 national and international humanitarian partners have been working in Yemen. Throughout the year, an average of 5.8 million people were reached with emergency food assistance while some 900,000 people received livelihoods support across Yemen's 22 governorates.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film (Arabic, English subs]: The tragedy of Yemeni IDPs

The Internally Displaced of #Yemen are over 2 mln and their living conditions are beyond words.

(* B H)

Thousands cross Red Sea to Yemen every week: UNHCR

UN's refugee agency says thousands of East Africans try to make the sea crossing although it is rife with dangers

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said every week approximately 5,000 people from East Africa made the dangerous crossing across the Red Sea to Yemen.

The statement came during the launch of Dangerous Crossings Campaign -- a collaborative effort by the UNHCR and a number of renowned East African singers in order to raise awareness among the people living in the Horn of Africa on the risks of trying to cross the Red Sea.

Speaking at a press conference organized in connection with the launch of the campaign, Matthew Crentsil, the vice representative of the UNHCR in Ethiopia, said most of the people trying to make the perilous sea crossing across the Red Sea to Yemen were not aware of the risks associated with their journey.

He said the campaign aimed at raising the awareness of people in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Djibouti in particular.

(* A H K)

Map: Yemen: Al Hudaydah / Taizz Displacement (4 - 8 February 2018)

The wave of displacement is still continuing, but this week witnessed a significant displacment from Hays disrict in Al Hudaydah to other districts in Al Hudaydah. The continuing conflict in Hays district caused a new flow of displacement.

(* B H)

Flucht in den Krieg: Von Afrika nach Jemen

Viele Menschen am Horn von Afrika fliehen übers Meer - nicht nach Europa, sondern Richtung Saudi-Arabien. Häufig erreichen sie ihr Ziel nicht, sondern landen im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen, inmitten von Gewalt.

"Auf dem Boot brach Panik aus", sagt UNHCR-Sprecher William Spindler in einem Interview mit DW. So hat er es von Geretteten erfahren. "Die Schmuggler hatten auf hoher See plötzlich mehr Geld gefordert. Viele Menschen konnten nicht mehr bezahlen, da schossen die Schleuser auf sie." Er vermutet, dass die Zahl der Toten noch höher ist, als bisher angenommen.

"Die Menschen fliehen und riskieren ihr Leben, weil sie keine andere Wahl haben", sagt Spindler. Viele fliehen vor Krieg, Folter und Verfolgung und können nicht in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren."

Armut und unzureichende wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten in der Heimat, aber auch Verfolgung, Folter und Menschenrechtsverletzungen sind Gründe, die laut Spindler von UNHCR zu ihrer Flucht beitragen. Die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele (MDGs) der Vereinten Nationen müssten endlich umgesetzt werden, um die Ursachen der Migration langfristig zu bekämpfen, richtet Spindler einen Apell an die internationale Gemeinschaft.

"Der Migrationsweg nach Saudi-Arabien ist aber kein neuer Trend", sagt Catherine Northing von der IOM im DW-Interview. "Somalische und äthiopische Flüchtlinge sind schon früher durch den Golf von Aden gereist, um nach Saudi-Arabien zu gelangen." =

(B H)

Somalia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers Statistical Report with UNHCR - 31 January 2018

(* B H)

Conflict in Yemen Does Not Deter Ethiopian Migrants

The United Nations migration agency reports that thousands of Ethiopian migrants continue to make the perilous journey to war-torn Yemen in search of better economic opportunities despite the dangerous security conditions.
Despite the ongoing war and general insecurity in Yemen, the country remains a major transit point for thousands of migrants from the Horn of Africa.
Desperately poor migrants risk their lives to cross the Mandab Strait and reach Yemen, from where they move on to the Gulf countries in hopes of finding work.
The International Organization for Migration reports more than 87,000 migrants, most of them Africans, arrived in Yemen last year.These journeys were facilitated by smuggling networks.
IOM spokesman Joel Millman said this human trafficking continues to flourish.

(B H)

Photos: Life of an internally displaced family. Like thousands and thousands of others

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia: Response to Yemen situation 1 - 31 December 2017

Number of new arrivals 1,050 persons arrived from Yemen

New enrolments 227 students enrolled in school

Subsistence allowance 1,492 Yemeni refugee households (3,180 persons) received subsistence allowance

Access to heath 597 persons provided with health care assistance

Community-based projects 313 beneficiaries of community-based projects

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A K P)

Sixty-six Republican Guard officers defected from the al Houthi movement on February 11. Officials from the Transitional Political Council of the South (STC), an Emirati-backed representative body that seeks increased autonomy in southern and eastern Yemen, attempted to broker the officers’ travel to Aden. [2]

(A K P)

Senior Houthi official defects to Yemen army

A high-ranking Houthi official has defected to the Yemeni army after fleeing to Aden from the rebel-held capital, according to local media.

Major General Gameel Al Mamari, who was a member of the army units that aligned with the Iran-backed rebels in 2014, had been a spokesman for the Houthis' air defence forces, as well as deputy director of the so-called "military forum" — a group of high-ranking army officers in Sanaa


(A P)

Houthis are ‘at their worst,’ commander who defected to Aden says

Brigadier General Jamil al-Maamari who defected from the Houthis and went to Aden told Al Arabiya News Channel that the Houthis are “at their worst” and many officers in Sanaa await the right moment to get rid of them.

and also

My comment: By Saudi media. – He certainly will tell everything he is ordered to tell.

(* B P)


Am 2. Januar 2018 verurteilte das Strafgericht in Sana’a, Jemen, ein Mitglied der Baha’i-Gemeinde, Herrn Hamed bin Haydara, aufgrund seiner religiösen Überzeugungen zum Tode.

Seine Hinrichtung, deren Datum unbekannt ist, soll öffentlich durchgeführt werden. Wir fordern die Houthi-Behörden in Jemen auf, die Gerichtsurteile gegen Haydara aufzuheben und alle Baha’i-Gefangenen freizulassen.

(A H P)

#Sanaa: security campaign to control the weights and prices of bread
Authorities in Sanaa said on Monday they had carried out a security crackdown on "weights and prices in all the bakeries and public ovens in the capital in order to control and take legal measures to protect the consumer."

(A P)

Yemen calls for pressure on Security Council to stop aggression

Yemen on Monday called for pressure on the Security Council to stop the US-backed Saudi aggression military operations and lift all-out blockade, the Ministry of Human Rights said in a statement

(A T)

Unconfirmed news: Suicide bomber blows himself up in Mthbah area #Sanaa #Yemen Unknown casualties. Sources : Local media in FB (photo)


Sanaa today : Video – Suicide bomber cornered by security forces refused to surrender & blew himself up

(A P)

Yemeni parliament endorses Bill of Arab convention to combat money laundering, financing terrorism

My comment: The quorum had been met? After the December Sanaa events, I doubt.

(A H P)

Yemen, WFP discuss enhancing cooperation

Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Abdul Aziz Al-Komaim discussed on Saturday with Deputy Resident Representative of the World Food Program (WFP) enhancing of cooperation between Yemen and the program.

(A P T)

Yemeni judiciary sentences two al-Qaeda members to death

Yemeni judiciary sentenced on Sunday two members of al-Qaeda to death and convicted 12 others in charge of belonging to the organization.
The defendants got participated in an armed gang belongs to al-Qaeda organization to carry out terrorist acts in the country.

(A P)

Houthis blew up the house of Saeed Ahmed al-Haj a citizen in Dhira Ghobeir village in Saber al-Mawadem south of Taiz city

Houthis have sentenced a woman by the name Asmaa al-Omeisi to death in Sana'a, prompting a nationwide anger at the rebel militia. The extremist militia accused Asmaa, 23, of spying for the Arab Coalition. She has been facing torture in Houthi jail for two months now, local sources say.

(A P)

Houthis kill a detainee by detonating explosives they forced him to wear

Houthis have killed one of their detainees by forcing him to wear improvised explosive devices and detonating them remotely, local sources in Yemen's central al-Beidha province said on Friday.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A P)

Ben Brik Discusses the Situation in Adan with Chairman of IRC Commission

On Monday February 12th, 2018, General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council, met Mr. Alexander Fit, chairman of IRC commission to Yemen and the accompanying delegate

(A P)

Emirati-backed Shabwani Elite Forces seized an Islah party headquarters and Islah-affiliated buildings in Mayfa’a district, Shabwah governorate, eastern Yemen on February 11. The Shabwani Elite Forces turned over the headquarters to the STC. [3]


(A P)

Statement of the Southern Transitional Council of Maifaa

(A T)

On February 13, tribal gunmen blew up an oil pipeline in the southeastern province of #Shabwa.
Sources pointed out that the bombing comes in protest against the suspension of fuel allocations to the electricity of the Directorate of Bihan

(A T)

Adan Security Department: Wanted Outlaws Killed Deputy of Beer Fadl Police Department in Mansoura

Media office of Adan Security Department issued a statement about the details of killing First Noncommissioned Officer, Hady Rashed Saleh, deputy of Beer Fadl Police Department.

(A P T)

Senior party leader assassinated in Yemen’s Aden

An Islamist party leader was shot dead in Yemen’s coastal city of Aden on Tuesday, according to a local security official.

Two gunmen on a motorbike opened fire on Shawki Kamadi, a member of Al-Islah party in Mualla district in Aden, killing him on the spot and also and photo

Comment. Dozens of Salafi preachers assassinated in Aden city, #Yemen in the last 2 years. Mutual accusations abound, but it's hard to discern the real reasons why this is happening. referring to

(A P)

Statement on the Historical Confrontation with Others
By Dr. Ahmed Obaid Bin Daghar
Prime Minister of Yemen

In certain moments, we find ourselves faced with numerous choices. At least in my view, I have chosen at least the choice that best preserves the situation vis-a-vis the enemies of September and October. We need to complete the ranks of the Republicans. They are our shield and means to reestablish the state based on a new federalism.

We deal respectfully with the doctrines of others, even when these doctrines are in opposition to what we think of or believe in. With some of us and with those whom we stand together in the same line of this grand confrontation between the right and wrong in Yemen, at least some believe the right point of change was in February, a revolution that is the height of sanctity. So, should we continue in this rivalry because we disagree about yesterday on this issue?

My comment: How does all this fit to his confrontation against the Southern separatists and the Houthis alike? – Does not sound very credible. – And there are the complaints about Daghr’s corruption, which also will not fit to his nice words.

(* B P)

The UAE is looting the patrimony of #Yemen
Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm strongly criticized the role of the UAE in Yemen, stressing that the Al-Nahyan Emirate is working to transfer the patrimony of Yemen to its soil.
The newspaper said in an article by Abdul Nasser Salama entitled: "Theft of civilizations .. Yemen model": 'Believe it or not, the patrimony of Yemen is transported on board of boats and aircrafts. Monuments, coral reefs, daggers, swords, rare birds, everything related to history and heritage, even perennial trees, are being sent to the UAE. Not to mention the purchase of real estate and land, especially in #Socotra.'
The island was classified as one of the World Heritage Sites in 2008

(A P)

Film: Jemen: Tausende feiern den sechsten Jahrestag des Aufstandes

Tausende strömten am Sonntag auf die Straßen von Taiz im Südwesten des Jemen, um den sechsten Jahrestag der Revolution zu feiern, die die 30-jährige Herrschaft von Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh endete. Der Aufstand begann Anfang 2011 parallel zum Arabischen Frühling. Im Februar 2012 wurde Saleh aus seinem Amt entlassen. Auf den Bildern sind viele jemenitische Fahnen und Transparente zu erkennen, die die Hauptalleen der Stadt zierten. Einer der Feiernden, Abdul Khaliq Saif, sagte, dass die Menschen eine "Botschaft von der Einhaltung der Legitimität der Stadt und der Befreiung von Taiz" vermitteln wollten.

and also and

(A P)

Wounded Taiz wants Arab help to break Houthi siege

The people of Taiz which Houthi militiamen turned to a destroyed city have asked the Arab Coalition and the Yemeni government to help them break the strangling siege and drive the Houthi invaders out of their city.

(A P)

Marib commemorates 11 February revolution

Thousands of Yemenis have celebrated 11 February revolution in Marib city, the government-held city that offers a safe haven for hundreds of thousands of civilians who had escaped the ruthless Houthi Shia Islamists in north Yemen

My comment: Who had escaped war and Saudi air raids.

(A T)

Prime suspects in Aden bank robbery arrested, police say

The robbery resulted in the killing of the bank manager, who died in hospital four days later from injuries sustained

Forces known as the “Security Belt” in Abyan province, in collaboration with Aden police, arrested the two main suspects in a bank robbery that resulted in the killing of Abdullah Saleh Al Naqeeb, Aden police said in a statement.

Remark: Those responsible for the bank robbery were Al Qaeda militants.

(* A P)

Yemen: In major breakthrough, ICRC visits conflict-related detainees in Aden

In an important breakthrough that will allow many families to know the fate of missing loved ones, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has just finished a first round of visits to 279 people detained at a major detention facility in Aden.

"We are encouraged by the visits in Aden, the first of their kind there in nearly three years of hostilities," said ICRC President Peter Maurer. "They add to the positive dynamic generated by similar visits to conflict-related detainees that have been ongoing in Sana'a since November 2017."

Hundreds of families throughout Yemen and outside the country have approached the ICRC over the years anxiously looking for clues about the fate of loved ones. Some did not know if missing relatives were dead or alive.

The ICRC wishes to acknowledge the efforts made by parties to the conflict that enabled the visits to happen. The ICRC last year visited 11,000 detainees in Yemen.

"As positive as these visits in Aden and Sana'a are, more needs to be done. =

(A K P)

Film: Yemen - The Funeral Of The Human Rights activist Taiz

After she was shot dead by Houthi sniper during her work to monitor the violations of the residential neighborhoods in eastern Taiz, dozens of citizens and activists attended the funeral of a human rights activist "Riham Bader Abdul Wasa'a and member of the monitoring team of the National Commission for the Investigation of Human Rights Violations "Momen Said Al-Sharabi" in the cemetery of martyrs in the city of Taiz

(B E P)

Media Sources: al-Arrada Disables the Central Bank in Mareb and Deposits 700 million Daily in an Exchange Office Related to the Reform Party – The Political arm of Muslim Brotherhood

Media sources indicated that Sultan Al-Arrada, governor of Mareb, established a private bank in Mareb outside the supervision of the Central Bank of Yemen and is depositing more than 700 million riyals daily in an exchange office owned by a Muslim Brotherhood member called Haj Mohsen Al-Khedr. These deposits are the revenues of gas and oil


I love #Yemen. Owner of large grocery store in Aden city sets up a security checkpoint, backed by an armoured vehicle, to search & demand payment from customers who owe him long overdue debts. (photos)

(A T)

AQAP militants shelled an Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces site in al Mahfad district, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on February 6.[3]

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

U.N. chief set to appoint Britain's Martin Griffiths as Yemen envoy

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres notified the Security Council on Tuesday of his intention to appoint former British diplomat Martin Griffiths as his new envoy charged with trying to broker peace in Yemen, diplomats said.

The appointment will be approved by the council on Thursday evening if none of the 15-members have raised any objections. Typically, the Secretary-General has already informally consulted with council members before sending official notification.

Griffiths, currently executive director of the European Institute of Peace, will replace Ould Cheikh Ahmed, who the United Nations said would step down after three years in the job when his current contract finishes this month. and by AFP

(A H P)

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock – Statement on Yemen, 12 February 2018

I reiterate the Secretary-General’s statement welcoming the generous US$1 billion pledge by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to support humanitarian action in Yemen, as well as their commitment to raise an additional $500 million from other donors in the region.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates agreed today with the United Nations on the modalities to transfer, by 31 March, $930 million in support of the 2018 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP). The two Member States have been clear that the funds are to be used on the basis of humanitarian need alone, without regard for other considerations.

My comment: International kowtow to those who bear the greatest brunt of responsibility for the Yemen disaster, bought by money (which is peanuts compared to the money spent for achieving destruction in Yemen), flanked by a good propaganda campaign: Read

Comment by Judith Brown: Saudi Arabia alone spends $1.5bn a week on killing people. This sum is paltry and an insult to the long suffering people of Yemen who gave lost jobs, homes, education, health, savings, lives, and so much more. Including peace of mind.

(A P)

Mohamed bin Zayed receives Ismail Ould Cheikh

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, today received the United Nation Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, who will end his duties by the end of this month.

(A P)

UN envoy: Oman to host next Yemen talks

The United Nations (UN)’s outgoing envoy for Yemen says his potential successor is to moderate talks between Yemeni sides in Oman.

Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, who will step down by the end of his term later this month, made the remarks on Friday, various Arab-language media outlets reported.

The talks would start out with a round of negotiations between the General People’s Congress (GPC) party of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh and the country’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement.


(A P)

Oman to host Yemen peace talks, Houthis agree to join

Oman will be hosting a new round of peace talks over the on-going three year Yemen civil war, Kuna news reported.

Talks between the Houthi armed group and General People’s Congress party (GPC) are planned to take place as soon as the new United Nations Peace Envoy to Yemen is recruited. No other parties to the conflict were named to be part of the coming peace talks in Oman.

The role of the envoy is to “facilitate” negotiations between parties who would then decide if they can go ahead with peace talks,

Yes, we’re open for negotiations with all parties to the conflict,” Muhammad Al-Bukhaithi, deputy head of the department of external relations of Houthis.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(* B P)

The Widening Saudi–Iran Divide

The conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran marks a deepening division between regional powers and international hegemons in the Persian Gulf. The Saudis and Iranians have to learn to cooperate or risk further confrontation.

The Persian Gulf is consequently among the most significant geopolitical theaters in the world and will decide the fate of the global order. The chief rivalry in the region—between Saudi Arabia and Iran—is in fact a proxy for the competition between states seeking multipolarity (Iran) and those seeking to bandwagon off continued U.S. regional and global hegemony (Saudi Arabia).

The regional powers of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, and Israel and two global powers of Russia and the United States are the two consequential regional and international set of actors deciding the region’s fate. More specifically, the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran is among the most significant factors affecting the future of the Middle East, especially the Persian Gulf.

In moving toward a security and cooperation system in the Persian Gulf, leaders in both Saudi Arabia and Iran should be cognizant of the fact that while outside great power intervention in the region may come and go over the years, both countries will remain neighbors forever. They cannot afford to let animosities between them continue to grow and sow the seeds of perennial conflict. If each country is to reach its potential and prosper, they must live side by side in peace – by Seyed Hossein Mousavian

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Abdulwahab al-Majathl, a member Saudi Shura Council, proposes to cut off EARS of residence permit violator prior to departure from Saudi Kingdom. not a normal person opinion a member of Shura Council (Legislature) Despite this incitement no Saudi condemnation of his words referring to

(A P)

#Saudi strongman Mohamed bin Salman aka MBS arrests 2 young women & their brother over social media postings Noha, Rana & Bader AlBalawi from marginalized #Tabuk. Saudi minions in Washington calls this revolutionary progresses

(A P)

Giving up control of Brussels mosque, Saudi Arabia sends a signal

Saudi Arabia has agreed to give up control of Belgium’s largest mosque in a sign that it is trying to shed its reputation as a global exporter of an ultra-conservative brand of Islam.

Belgium leased the Grand Mosque to Riyadh in 1969, giving Saudi-backed imams access to a growing Muslim immigrant community in return for cheaper oil for its industry.

But it now wants to cut Riyadh’s links with the mosque, near the European Union’s headquarters in Brussels, over concerns that what it preaches breeds radicalism.

Riyadh’s quick acceptance indicates a new readiness by the kingdom to promote a more moderate form of Islam.

My comment: Tricky.

(A P)

Saudi Arabien: Luxusknast wieder Fünf-Sterne-Hotel

Aus dem Luxusknast wird wieder ein Fünf-Sterne-Hotel: Das vor drei Monaten geschlossene Ritz-Carlton in der saudi-arabischen Hauptstadt Riad ist am Sonntag wiedereröffnet worden. Ein Mitarbeiter am Empfang sagte, dass das Hotel wieder für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sei. Ein anderer Hotelvertreter bestätigte, es seien keine Gefangenen mehr auf dem Gelände untergebracht.

(A P)

Saudi Ritz reopens after stint as gilded prison of princes

Riyadh’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel reopened on Sunday, more than three months after it was converted into a gilded prison for members of Saudi Arabia’s business and political elite detained in an anti-corruption purge.

(* A P)

Film: KSA PR campaigns rants of "The Kingdom of humanity, #Yemen Restoring Hope Operation, King Salman relief Center... etc". Yemeni expatriate couldn't pay the residence fees & KSA authorities "UNHRC member" imprisoned his infants children in AlShamisi prison. referring to

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy arrests female social media star Lamya AlQarni for dancing while covred. Another obvious part of the amazing reforms referring to

Lamia had shown disgraceful images and was guilty of sin, and had established activists and a name in which they expressed their condemnation of her flagrant and flagrant violations.

(* B E P)

How a Saudi nuclear reactor could accelerate an arms race

The kingdom’s nuclear ambitions make little economic sense

The kingdom has its own ambitious nuclear plans: 16 reactors, at a cost of up to $80bn. But, unlike the UAE, it wants to do its own enrichment.

Lawmakers in Washington are worried. Granting the Saudis such a deal could prompt other countries, such as the UAE, to ask for similar terms. It may undermine global efforts at non-proliferation. Indeed, critics of the Iran deal fear that a Saudi enrichment programme would compromise their effort to impose tighter restrictions on Iran.

For the Saudis, though, a nuclear programme is a way to keep pace with Iran. It is also a step towards nuclear proliferation in the world’s most volatile region.

cp9 USA

(B K P)

The Worldwide Threat Assessment from the US Intelligence Community forecasts that the war in #Yemen is unlikely to end and the humanitarian crisis will worsen, warns #Iran's support for the al #Houthi movement poses a threat to US interests and allies #SaudiArabia #UAE (image, text)

The World Wide Threat Assessment from the US intelligence community marks parts of eastern #Yemen and Sana'a as areas #ISIS operated in 2017. #ISIL did not claim any attacks in these areas in 2017, but that does not necessarily mean they do not operate in the area. (map)

(* B K P)

Hier ist eine Liste der Länder, in denen die USA Militär-Mitarbeiter haben. Es ist lang.

A list of countries where US military advisers and US military are

(* A P)

U.S. lays off local staff three years after closing Yemen embassy

The United States has laid off 360 local staff in Yemen three years after closing its embassy as a civil war spread in the impoverished Arabian Peninsula country.

Ambassador Matthew Tueller wrote to workers saying new U.S. State Department regulations about suspended embassies meant he could no longer keep them on, in the letter dated Feb. 6, which was seen by Reuters.

A State Department official confirmed the lay-offs, saying: “We are extremely grateful for the service of each and every one of these individuals and hope to work with them at some point in the future when we can safely resume operations in Yemen.” and document:

and more details:

Tueller said the workers would get full severance payments and encouraged them to re-apply for jobs when the embassy reopens in the future. Workers told Reuters the United States was keeping on guards to watch the site.

My comment: Weak. And there are more jobless in Sanaa.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia Receives Lockheed Arms Deal As Podesta Group Lobbies For Both Parties

On Tuesday the Department of Defense announced a new $524 million contract for Lockheed Martin to sell Patriot missiles domestically and to foreign militaries, including those of Romania, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Kingdom is represented in Washington through a web of influential power brokers — among them until recently was the Podesta Group, which folded late last year amid possible implication in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. While representing Saudi Arabia in Washington, Podesta Group also lobbied Washington on behalf of Lockheed.

Without Podesta Group's most recent FARA filings it is impossible to know whether the firm specifically lobbied on behalf of the PAC-3 deal for Saudi Arabia. However, the firm's domestic lobbying disclosures for Lockheed show that it was lobbying the State Department, which is involved in approving any arms sale to foreign governments.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(B K P)

Film: Should Britain stop the arms deal with Saudi Arabia?

(* B P)

War criminals are to welcome here

Rather than being treated to a state visit, writes KIM SHARIF, Saudia Arabia’s crown prince should face arrest for the atrocities he has committed against the people of Yemen

We have a legal and moral duty, however, to summon him to our courts to answer charges of war crimes under British law.

The law is very clear on this point: there is jurisdiction to try in British courts anyone who commits war crimes anywhere in the world, whatever their diplomatic status.

Will the rule of law prevail or will “political expediency” debase our legal system and undermine the independence of our judiciary? That is the critical question that our application for an arrest warrant for Mohammad bin Salman will answer.

And from Sept. 1, 2017, missed at that time:

(* B K P)

‘War starts here, let’s stop it here’: Anger as death-dealers head for London

In the final essay in our three-part #StopDSEI series, Paul Cudenec reports on the toxic politics at the heart of DSEI, the world's largest arms fair, and the protest action set to greet it in London's Docklands next week, with opponents aiming to physically to stop it being set up.

Angry protests are set to greet the DSEI arms fair due to be held in London’s Docklands next week, with opponents aiming to physically stop it being set up. London-based campaign group, Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), is demanding that the event, which has been staged at the venue every two years since 2001, be closed down.

Spokesman Andrew Smith told us: “DSEI is a moral abomination that brings the biggest arms companies together with some of the most deadly and abusive regimes.

“DSEI fuels and supplies war, conflict and repression around the world. The arms being promoted may be used in atrocities for years to come. We have no idea where these weapons will end up or who they will be used against.

“Arms fairs like DSEI couldn’t happen without the direct support from civil servants and government ministers. They cannot be reformed or improved, they must be stopped.”

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Department of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Transitional Council Opens its Office in Berlin

Department of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Transitional Council opened its EU office in Berlin on Monday February 12th, 2018, as a step towards introducing and advocating the southern cause in the European Union Countries.

(* A P)

Einer, der gegen Waffen kämpft

Bei der Rüstungsexportkontrolle versagt die Groko. Wie gut, dass Menschen wie Jürgen Grässlin gegen die tödliche Heuchelei ankämpfen.

Am Donnerstag erreichte mal wieder eine seiner Pressemitteilungen deutsche Medienhäuser, die er zusammen mit der „Aktion Aufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel!“ verfasst hat. „Massive Kritik am Koalitionsvertrag von CDU, CSU und SPD“ steht darüber, und darin ist eine Bombe versteckt, die man auch selbst hätte finden können: Die Groko hat in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag zwar festgelegt, dass Rüstungsausfuhren an Länder, die unmittelbar am Jemenkrieg beteiligt sind, nicht mehr genehmigt werden; doch gilt, dass bereits genehmigte Lieferungen noch abgearbeitet werden dürfen. Die neue deutsche Bundesregierung lässt also weiter Militärgüter an ein Land liefern, das Zivilisten abschlachtet.“!5481090/

(B P)

Fortsetzung: Wer sind die „Beteiligten“ am Jemenkrieg? #Waffenexportstopp
Die „Beteiligten“ am Krieg im Jemen, an die die Bundesregierung keine Waffen mehr liefern will: Ein Fortsetzungsroman… keine Schulstunde! Werdet ihr daraus schlau?
Ausschnitte aus der BPK vom

  1. Januar 2018
  2. Januar 2018

und 31. Januar 2018

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia: Israel's Dream State

Israel is happy to let Riyadh lead the anti-Iranian alliance, but not so happy to pay the political price of real cooperation

Israel has no better ally than Saudi Arabia. It fights Hezbollah and overthrew the Lebanese prime minister who had lived in peace with that organization for a year. There is no other country in the world, including the United States, that acts with such resolve against Iran. Saudi Arabia even went to war in Yemen, not for the Yemenis, who as far as Riyadh is concerned could die of starvation, but to block Irans influence.

Saudi Arabia is the dream of the Jewish state. Its behavior toward Iran makes mincemeat out of the axiom behind Israels security strategy, namely that all Arab states seek to destroy it, but in return Saudi Arabia reinforces Irans status as the ultimate enemy.

(B P)

Will the Saudi-UAE aggression expand to Oman?

This strategy of relative neutrality is consistent with Iran, because Oman is one GCC state that shares the Strait of Hormuz with Iran. Where Oman has a vested interest in cooling the tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia, a conflict that would inevitably threaten Oman’s vital economy and security. This is a pretext for preface of aggression against Oman.

(* B K P)

No sign of France reviewing weapons sales to Saudi-led Yemen coalition

France has shown no concrete signs of reducing or suspending weapons sales to a Saudi-led coalition despite warnings that some of its weapons could be used in the war in Yemen, sources aware of the issue said on Friday.

The French administration under President Emmanuel Macron has drawn criticism in particular from rights groups over its support of the kingdom’s actions and allowing weapons it has sold to Riyadh potentially to be used in its Yemen operations.

“There is a desire to show that France is doing something. It says some deliveries have been suspended in the past, but there is nothing to show that,” a source close to the matter said.

A French diplomatic source said Paris applied export controls vetting deals on a case-by-case analysis that takes into consideration, among other things, the nature of the materials, the end user, human rights and regional situation.

“Of course, anything that may affect the safety of civilians is one of the criteria that leads us to authorize or not allow these exports,” the source said.

He declined to say if any sales to the Saudi-led coalition had been suspended.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Saudi S-400 talks complicated by tech transfer

The negotiations regarding Saudi Arabia’s acquisition of the S-400 long-range air defence system are not going smoothly due to Riyadh’s insistence on building the systems in the kingdom, Russian presidential assistant Vladimir Kozhin told the Kommersant newspaper on 7 February.

Kozhin confirmed an initial agreement had been signed, but said the negotiations were being complicated by Riyadh’s insistence on a “sudden breakthrough” that implies it wants to acquire S-400s made in Russia while at the same time receive the technology necessary to build the system in Saudi Arabia.

(* B K P)

The top 20 defense contractors spend just over $107 million on lobbying in 2017, with Boeing ranking first. Here’s my roundup of the end-of-y at lobbying filings from today’s (images9

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K)

Are Colombian mercenaries still fighting there?

Colombian coffee is passé. The UAE Is now recruiting Angola mercs to fight its Yemen war.

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Yemen's president Hadi names new central bank governor

Yemen’s President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi appointed former finance minister Mohammed Zammam as head of the central bank, the state-run Saba news agency reported on Sunday.

My comment: For his failing new central bank at Aden.

(* B E H P)

Film: Yemen's plunging currency deepens war woes

Against the backdrop of the war, Yemen is suffering its worst economic crisis in decades. Its currency, the riyal, is in freefall, and has dropped to record lows against the US dollar.

When a Saudi-led coalition intervened in Yemen's civil war in March 2015, a US dollar was worth 215 Yemeni Riyals.

By January of this year, that had risen to 510 which has left people in the capital, Sanaa struggling to get by. and

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* A T)

Drone strike kills 6 al-Qaeda suspects in Yemen

A drone strike killed six suspected al-Qaeda militants on Sunday in central Yemen, a security official said.

The official said the strike happened after sundown and targeted a vehicle in Bayda province.

“An unmanned drone -- likely American -- bombed the group’s vehicle in the area of Qayfa, where Al-Qaeda is active,” the official told AFP on condition of anonymity. and


(A T)

US #drone strikes continue apace in #Yemen. On Friday #alQaeda support wire named 5 "brothers" droned in al-Sawma'a, al-Bayda

(* B T)

Als Osama bin Laden unser Held war

Es gibt da dieses berühmte Foto von Bin Laden in einem nicht weniger berühmten Artikel der britischen Zeitung Independent aus dem Jahre 1993, der den amtlichen Terroristenchef als unseren Helden im Kampf gegen die Sowjetunion in Afghanistan feiert.

Der Independent hat mittlerweile das Bin-Laden-Foto aus der Onlineversion des Artikels entfernt („Photograph omitted“). In dem Artikel mit der Überschrift „Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace: The Saudi businessman who recruited mujahedin now uses them for large-scale building projects in Sudan. Robert Fisk met him in Almatig“ geht es um die Zeit Bin Ladens nach dem Kampf seiner Mudschaheddin-Jihadisten – später als „Al Qaida“ tituliert – gegen die sowjetische Armee in Afghanistan. Er hielt sich danach im Sudan auf und soll sich dort laut Independent-Artikel im Straßenbau verdient gemacht haben:

Aber lassen wir uns nicht allzu sehr von Afghanistan ablenken. Die wichtigere Frage momentan ist doch:

Wieso arbeiten die USA trotz 9/11 mit Al Qaida zusammen?

(A T)

Not much for #Yemen's #IslamicState jihadists to write home about. Today's claim (only its 5th of 2018) says it sniped a Houthi in al-Zahra in Qayfa, al-Bayda'.

(A T)

US drone kills two al Qaeda members in al Bayda

Two members of al Qaeda organization were killed on Thursday evening in an air strike by a US drone in al Soma'a district southeastern al Bayda province, central Yemen, a local source said.
The source told Almasderonline that the air strike targeted a motorcycle belonging to the organization near the Industrial Technical Institute in the district center, which led to the immediate death of the two members.

(B T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) attempted to attack Jordan in July 2017 from Yemen, according to a UN panel of experts report. [1]

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

WAM monitors return to normalcy in Hays Directorate after its liberation from Houthi militias

With solid support from the UAE Armed Forces within the Arab Coalition Forces, the Yemeni legitimacy forces continue advancing on the Red Sea Coast after liberating Hays Directorate in Al Hudaydah Governorate, Western Yemen, as Hays lives its first week after liberation and life returns to normalcy in this strategic city after the Yemeni Resistance was able to secure the Western and Eastern outskirts of the city.

Emirates News Agency, WAM, monitored the return of normal life in the Hays Directorate after its liberation from the Iranian Houthi militias leading to the return of smiles and hopes for Yemeni citizens who suffered due to the terrorist acts.

(A P)

Yemen Determined to Counter ‘Iranian Lobby’ in Europe

The Yemeni government is determined to confront the Iranian-backed Houthi militias before powerful foreign players.
Human Rights Minister Mohammed Askar told Asharq Al-Awsat that the government will focus on countering the false reports, propagated by the Houthis, on the human rights conditions in the war-torn country.
Askar declared that his country is taking efficient and swift measures to confront what he described as the “Iranian lobby” and the “Ansar allah lobby”.
This position will be presented before the European Union member states, as well as Latin America and research centers that release false information on Yemen.

and also

My comment: By PR (propaganda) games you cannot make unseen (nor undone) the disaster caused by Saudi coalition air raids and by the Saudi blockade. Let’s simply keep to the facts and to reality.

(A P)

Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations Aid Update: January 22 – February 11, 2018

The Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen announced on January 22, 2018 the Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO), an expanded relief program that commits billions of dollars in aid and support for the humanitarian response to the conflict in Yemen. The following is an update of the deliveries made since the announcement of YCHO.

Total Number of Beneficiaries: 544,037

My comment: Humanitarian help as a Saudi propaganda campaign:

(A P)

ERC distributes thousands of school bags to students in Khawkhah, Yemen

My comment: More of the “We are benefactors” stuff.

Comment: 827 schools/institutes have been bombed in #Yemen by those very same now distributing school bags, bragging about reconstruction.
The war waged on #Yemen has kept children out of schools.

(A P)

Coalition: Houthis fired 95 missiles toward Saudi Arabia so far

The spokesman for the Arab coalition forces in Yemen said that the Houthi militias targeted Saudi Arabia with 95 ballistic missiles since the beginning of the war.

Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki said at a press conference on Monday also that the militias were burning fuel trucks which belongs to the Yemeni citizens and accused the Houthis of targeting public property in Yemen.

My comment: I am not so much impressed. So far (precisely: Until Dec. 15, 2017) more than 15,000 Saudi air raids against Yemen have been recorded. Compared, percentage of Houthi missiles: ca. 0,65 %. So what???? – And up to now Saudi air raids included much more “burning fuel trucks” and “targeting public property in Yemen” than the Houthis had done and will do in the next 100 years.

(A P)

No change in coalition ‘peace strategy’ in Yemen

The Saudi-led Arab coalition will not change its strategy following the appointment of a new UN envoy to Yemen, its spokesman Col. Turki Al-Maliki told Arab News on Monday during a press conference in Riyadh.
“Our peace strategy won’t change under any circumstances,” he said.
“The coalition seeks peace. The legitimate government of Yemen seeks peace. We’re trying to find a political solution.” and

(A P)

Coalition Countries Committed to Standing by the Yemeni People, Welcoming Int'l Efforts to Realize Peace, in the Country, Coalition Spokesman Says

The Spokesman of the Coalition Forces for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Malki welcomed any international efforts to bring about peace, in Yemen, stressing that such moves fall, in full accordance with the principles of the coalition countries, committed to standing by the Yemeni people militarily and on humanitarian basis.
At the weekly press conference held here today, he explained, that the comprehensive humanitarian operations in Yemen, are proceeding according to plan and go on an upward trend, with regard to the initiatives included in the plan of these humanitarian operations, pointing out that three new initiatives will be signed tomorrow, related to the humanitarian work on the Yemeni territories and looking forward to more partnerships with various international organizations related to the work of relief and rehabilitation of infrastructure and humanitarian efforts.
On the results of the plan of comprehensive humanitarian operations in Yemen, Al-Maliki revealed that 544,037 Yemeni citizens benefited from the humanitarian assistance provided, in these operations. and by Emirati news Agency

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition ‘working with Yemen govt to ensure integrity of Oxfam work’

The spokesman of the Saudi-led Arab coalition, Col. Turki Al-Maliki, said on Monday that work is underway with the Yemen government to ensure the integrity of Oxfam's work in the war-torn country.

(A P)

US defense secretary: Iran is present everywhere we find trouble in Mideast

(A P)

KSRelief Distributes Food Baskets and Tons of Dates in Yemen

My comment: Dates for blood. More of the Saudi “We are benefactors” propaganda.

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Says Arab Coalition Proved Efficiency in Resolving Aden Crisis

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammad Al Jabir said on Friday that civilian life in Aden is safe, stable and calm, with all signs of life returning to normal.
He pointed out that recent demands made by a single social strait, which later led to clashes, have been calmed and resolved.
“Aden is not the most volatile now-- I believe there are fronts in which the pro-government forces are significantly advancing with the support of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition, and are registering successive successes.”

(A P)

'Death'...A Houthi-Imposed Reality Facing Yemenis

Nabil Ahmed, an alias he used to protect himself from targeting, says that his family, along with millions of Yemenis living in coup-controlled areas, fears death from starvation, disease or other brutal conditions Yemen has been witnessing since the Iran-backed insurgency took place in September 2014.
“The worst fate the Iran-backed coup exacted on Yemenis is death either by killing or starvation, or by epidemics and disease, in the near-total collapse of the health system under coup reign."

My comment: Making the Houthis responsible for the Saudi air raids and the Saudi blockade and for the epidemics which for a great part are ravaging due to Saudi blocade and Saudi air raids – that’s Saudi logic.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day:

Feb. 12:

Feb. 11:

Feb. 10:


Feb. 8:

Feb. 7:

(A K PH)

3 civilians killed in 3 air strikes on Yemen’s Hajjah

Three civilians on Tuesday were killed and four injured in an initial toll when the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes launched three strikes on Hajjah province, a security official told Saba.
The air strikes targeted a popular market in Bakil-Mair district

photo: =

film: = =

3 Yemeni shoppers at least were killed, 4 injured as an initial toll when US-Saudi war criminals hit a village market crowded with shoppers and vendors in Hadeed area of Kail Almer, Hajjah north of the country

(* A K PH)

7 civilians killed in airstrike hit Taiz

Seven civilians on Monday evening were killed in an initial toll when an airstrike of US-backed Saudi aggression coalition hit Taiz province, a military official told Saba.
The warplane targeted a water well in Salw district

(* A K PH)

9 family members killed in US-Saudi airstrikes on Hodeidah

Nine of a family members were killed on Sunday, including to five women when US-Saudi aggression combat jets hit their house twice in al-Jarahi district of Hodeidah province, an official told Saba.
The warplanes hit the house two times in al-Sharajah area in the district

more details:

Local sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network that the fighter jets struck a number of houses in Sharjah area of al-Garrahi district on Sunday afternoon, leaving nine civilians, including five women, dead.

photos, names of victims (among them, 4 children, baby, 4, 8 10 years old):

film: = =

(A K)

cluster bomb dropped by #Saudi jets exploded and killed a young girl in #Saqeen area #Saada #Yemen

(A K)

2 #Saudi air strike targeted a #watermelon farm in #Alduraihimi area #Hodeidah #Yemen

(* A K PH)

Seven killed by Saudi air strikes in Jawf

At least seven residents were killed when Saudi-led fighter jets hit a citizen's house in Khab Washaaf district of Jawf province overnight, a security official told Saba on Saturday.

(* A K PH)

Report: 4 children, woman wounded in over 32 aggression airstrikes, attacks on Friday

Four children and a woman were seriously wounded, , in more than 35 airstrikes and ground attacks launched by US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition on several Yemeni provinces over the past day

(A K PH)

Film: Aggression commits horrendous crimes in the provinces of Taiz and Hodeidah 09-02-2018

The American aggression on Saudi Arabia committed crimes against innocent citizens in the province of Taiz, the Directorate of the right of a whole family and in the province of Hodeidah against passers-by =

(A K PH)

# Taiz. Photos of the crime of flying the American aggression on Saudi Arabia targeted at the farm and the home of a citizen in the area of # Alslo

(A K PH)

Two children, woman injured in cluster bomb in Hodeidah

(* A K PH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on

Feb. 14: Saada prov. Saada prov.

Feb. 13: Taiz prov. Serwah, Marib prov.

Feb. 12: Asir Najran Marib prov. Sanaa city

Feb. 11: Hodeidah prov. Saada prov. serwah, marib prov. Hajjah prov.

Feb. 10: Nehm, Sanaa prov. Saada prov., Asir Hodeidah airport Hajjah prov. Jawf prov. Najran, Saudi Arabia Saada prov. (cars) Saada prov., Jizan

Feb. 9: Saada prov. Hajjah prov. Hajjah prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PH)

Saudi artillery and missile force shelled several areas of Razeh district, Saada prov.

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition targeted Houthi missile stockpiles, says spokesperson

The spokesperson of the Arab Coalition Col. Turki Al-Maliki said on Monday that the Coalition had targeted stockpiles of missiles and weapons belonging to Houthis near the Saudi border.

(A K PS)

Houthis sniper shoots injured young man in Taiz

A Houthi sniper shot dead a young man in Taiz on Sunday.

Elsewhere to the west of the city, in al-Aqroodh area, in the same day, Abdul-Hakim Aqlan and Mahyoob Ahmed two civilian men in their fifties were killed by the shrapnel of a Houthi rocket shelled on their village. The pictures are for the three victims.

(A K PH)

Saudi-paid mercenaries targeted the citizens’ houses and farms in several areas of Serwah district, Marib prov. by the artillery shelling

(A K PS)

Army experts removes 4000 landmines in Saadah

Experts in Yemen's armed forces have so far removed as many as 4000 landmines and improvised explosive devices during the past two weeks in north Yemen Saada province, the stronghold of Houthi rebel militants.

(A K PS)

Army dismantles landmines found three sites in Shabwah

Yemen's armed forces have removed landmines from three sites in Osaylan district of the southeastern province of Shabwah.

(* A K PS)

Two women die, increasing toll of Houthi landmine to five in Aljawf

Villagers transporting water by donkeys in al-Masloob of the northern province of Aljawf on Friday morning stepped up on a landmine, which exploded and killed two boys and one man and critically injuring two women. The two women are reported now to have died as a result of the wounds.

(A K PS)

Yemeni army de-mines three sites in Shabwa province and dismantles IEDs in Al-Jouf

Yemeni army engineering teams in the third military zone completed the de-mining of three strategic locations in the Directorate of Asilan, located in Shabwa province, on Sunday, Saudi state-run news agency SPA reported.

Remark: “President” Hadi militia and army.

(* A K PS)

Houthis kill two civilians, injure 14 others in Taiz

Two civilians were killed and 14 others wounded on Saturday by the Houthis militias shelling on a car in al Mogaliya neighborhood central Taiz city, southwestern Yemen, the car was carrying civilians coming from Sabir mountain to the city center, a medical source told Almasderonline.
The dead are a child and a young man, and the death toll may rise in the coming hours as dozens of the wounded were seriously injured in the incident, according to the source (photo) and also (second photo)

(A K PS)

Houthi Katyucha turns baby boy and grandma to minced flesh in Taiz

Houthis killed a grandmother and her baby grandson by a Katyucha rocket that turned them into a minced flash in Thaabat neighborhood, east of Taiz, late on Friday, local sources told Yemen Voice news website.

The grandmother was sitting in her house with her grandson in her lap when the rocket struck the house.

(A K PS)

Engineers from Yemen's armed forces and the Arab Coalition blew up last week scores of landmines the Houthis had planted in the international waters off the coast of the Red Seaport city of Meedi in Hajjah, north of Yemen.

(A K)

Yemen VIDEO: Truck Speeds Up to Avoid Being Hit by Houthi ATGM

An anti-tank guided missile has hit a truck carrying backers of Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in the province of Marib, according to a video that Yemen Observer published on Twitter.

(A K)

Clashes kill 12 in southern Yemen

Ten Houthi rebels and two government soldiers were killed in clashes in southern Yemen on Saturday, according to a Yemeni military officer.

The violence broke out after rebels attacked military positions in Qaatabah district in Dhale province, Army Capt. Fadl al-Jalal told Anadolu Agency.

He said army forces managed to repel the attack and forced rebels to retreat.

(* A K PS)

Yemeni Army Tightens Grip over Three Hays Gates

Yemen’s National Army Forces, with air support from Arab Coalition fighters, made remarkable advances south of Hodeidah in the last two days. Field sources also cited the continued march towards the center of Al-Jarahi Directorate, north of Hays.

Meanwhile, fierce battles are taking place between pro-government National Army forces and Iran-backed Houthi militia in the outskirts Al-Jarahi, where the National Army imposed a three-pronged siege on the directorate.
At the same time, coalition fighters bombed Houthi sites, gatherings and reinforcements in scattered Al-Jarahi farms, and in the neighboring Zabid district, resulting in dozens of Houthi militiamen deaths and injuries.


Remark: Part of the army fighting on behalf of “president” Hadi. And also:

(A K PS)

Yemen - Yemeni Army Advances In Hodeidah

With the support of the Arab Coalition Forces, the Yemeni army continues to advance towards the city of Hodeidah, west of Yemen, where the forces are now near the governorate's Al-Taheta Directorate. This came with the advancement of the forces towards the Aljerahi Directorate in the last few hours.

(A K PH)

Yemenis destroy Saudi-led missile system in Ta'izz with ballistic missile: Report

The Yemeni army, supported by allied fighters from the Houthi Ansarullah movement, has managed to successfully destroy a missile system run by Saudi Arabia’s mercenary forces in Yemen’s southwestern province of Ta'izz, a report says.

Remark: Part of the army aligned to the Houthis.


(A K)

Targeting anti- missile patriot proves Yemen's military superiority: Army spokesman

Yemen's spokesman General Sharaf Luqman said on Saturday that the army's recent successful operation that hit the Saudi-led coalition anti-missile patriot system in Mokha proved the Yemeni military superiority.

And the Saudi side reports:
(A K PS)

Arab coalition forces destroy Houthi missile targeting Al-Mukha in Yemen

The Arab coalition’s Patriot air defense systems intercepted a ballistic missile fired by the Houthi militia from Ras Kutayb area of Hodeidah province in the direction of Al-Mukha city in Taiz province western Yemen.

According to local sources, the missile was destroyed before reaching the target.

The coalition fighters targeted by an air strike a location controlled by the militia in the city of Hodeidah, which is believed to be the launch site


(A K PS)

Arab Coalition intercepts Houthi ballistic missile in Mokha

The Arab Coalition defenses have intercepted a ballistic missile Houthis fired toward the Red Sea port town of Mokha to the west of Taiz city.

Eyewitnesses said the Houthi missile was intercepted and blown up in the air on Friday and no casualties were incurred.

(A K PS)

Yemen’s Ministry of Defence said two civilians, a woman and a child, were killed on Friday when a rocket fired by Al Houthis exploded inside their house in Tha’aban region on the eastern edges of the city.

The ministry also said similar, indiscriminate shelling by Al Houthis injured several civilians in the newly liberated Salo district on the southern edges of Taiz.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B E)

The quest for Yemen-sourced coffee from a war zone

Mokhtar started going himself, working with local farmers, studying new techniques and raising the quality of their beans. Then, on one trip in 2015, he was about to return to the US, carrying a suitcase of beans for a big coffee conference in Seattle.

Now, three years later, Alkhanshali is pushing ahead with his coffee business. The beans he brought to the Seattle conference were a hit.

“In these blind tastings, the coffees were the highest scoring on the table,” he says.

Indeed, they ranked among the world’s best. The coffee’s flavors — tropical fruits, spices — blew the judges away. It let Alkhanshali build his business — Port of Mokha — something he never imagined doing growing up.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-384 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-384: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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