Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 387 - Yemen War Mosaic 387

Yemen Press Reader 387: 28. Feb. 2018, 1: Frauen und Mädchen – Jemen im Januar – Saudische Jemenhilfe ist Propagandataktik – UN-Sicherheitsrat: Anti-Iran-Kampagne des Westens scheitert – u.a.m.

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Feb. 28, 2018, 1: Women and girls – Yemen in January – Saudi humanitarian campaign is a propaganda tactic – UN Security Council: Western campaign against Iran failed – and more

In Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 387 nur cp 1 bis 6, die Fortsetzung cp 7 bis 18 in Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 388

In Yemen war Mosaic 387 only cp 1 to 6, the prosecution cp 7 to 18 at Yemen war Mosaic 388

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: UN-Sicherheitsrat: Streit um Resolution / Most important: UN Security Council: Quarrel for resolution

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Kursiv / Italics in:

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

(* B H K)

Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen, gegen das Saudi-Arabien einen erbarmungslosen Krieg führt, ist katastrophal. [Überblicksartikel]

(* B H)

More than 21 million Yemeni citizens lack access to clean drinking water and need urgent assistance, 17.8 million of whom are unable to meet their food needs, Minister of Agriculture Othman Majali said on Thursday.
This comes during a speech at the fortieth session of the International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rome, noting thatabout 19.4 million people lack access to clean water and sanitation services, 9.8 million people can not access the water because of the war.
According to Saba news agency, about 8.4 million Yemenis are threatened by famine, an increase of 24% compared to the data of 2017.
He pointed out that about 14.1 million citizens live without adequate health care, in addition to the fact that at least 2.7 million people have fled their homes to other areas within Yemen or to other countries.

(** B H K)

Film: For those new to here's a 25 minute doco we made 2016 explaining how this UK & US backed war has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in airstrikes, from famine & lack of medical care

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen Millions of children and families are on the brink of starvation UNICEF

(* B H K P)

Amnesty: JEMEN 2018

In dem 2017 weiterhin andauernden bewaffneten Konflikt verübten alle Beteiligten Kriegsverbrechen und andere schwere Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht; unzureichende Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Rechenschaftspflicht verhinderten, dass Opfer Gerechtigkeit und Wiedergutmachung einfordern konnten. Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärallianz, welche die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen unterstützte, bombardierte erneut zivile Einrichtungen und verübte wahllose Angriffe, bei denen Zivilpersonen getötet oder verletzt wurden. Die bewaffnete Gruppe der Huthi und ihre Verbündeten, darunter Armeeeinheiten, die dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh die Treue hielten, beschossen Wohnviertel in Taiz mit Granatwerfern und feuerten Artilleriegeschosse wahllos über die Grenze nach Saudi-Arabien. Dabei gab es Tote und Verletzte unter der Zivilbevölkerung. Die jemenitische Regierung, die Huthi und mit ihnen verbündete Armeeeinheiten des ehemaligen Präsidenten Saleh sowie jemenitische Streitkräfte, die sich den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unterstellt hatten, griffen auf rechtswidrige Haftpraktiken wie Verschwindenlassen, Folter und andere Misshandlungen zurück. Frauen und Mädchen wurden nach wie vor Opfer von Diskriminierung und anderen Menschenrechtsverstößen wie Zwangsverheiratung und häusliche Gewalt. Die Todesstrafe blieb in Kraft. Es gab jedoch keine öffentlich zugänglichen Berichte über Todesurteile und Hinrichtungen.

and English version:

(* B H K P)

Amnesty International: YEMEN 2017/2018

All parties to the continuing armed conflict committed war crimes and other serious violations of international law, with inadequate accountability measures in place to ensure justice and reparation to victims. The Saudi Arabia-led coalition supporting the internationally recognized Yemeni government continued to bomb civilian infrastructure and carried out indiscriminate attacks, killing and injuring civilians. The Huthi-Saleh forces indiscriminately shelled civilian residential areas in Ta’iz city and fired artillery indiscriminately across the border into Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring civilians. The Yemeni government, Huthi-Saleh forces and Yemeni forces aligned to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) engaged in illegal detention practices including enforced disappearance and torture and other ill-treatment. Women and girls continued to face entrenched discrimination and other abuses, including forced and early marriage and domestic violence. The death penalty remained in force; no information was publicly available on death sentences or executions.

(* B H K)

"1- The humanitarian crisis in #Yemen is the most important story in the world,but it rarely receives the coverage that such a massive crisis ought to have.
2- Ongoing blockade by #Saudi and willingness to impose collective punishment on the civilian population.
3- suffering from the largest famine the world has seen 4 decades .
4- struggling with an acute hunger crisis that has effected at least 17M ppl ,third of them considered close to famine.
5- Diseases r spreading like a wildfire,the closure of Yemeni ports will worsen the epidemics.
6- There is a gas and fuel crisis ,people are without salaries for 18 months ,the #Saudi bombardment has really scared our children .
7- Almost daily massacres by #Saudi bombs made in #UK & #US.
8- Poor sanitation,famine,malnutrition,water crisis and etc...
9- The delay to the restoration and expansion of humanitarian access will cost the life of innocent people .
10- The only way to stop the war is if people put pressures on #UK & #US governments to stop selling arms to #Saudi and to find a sustainable peace solution. "

Ahmad Algohbary (thread) =


40 points about #Yemen

WHAT IF : 1-You do not know where your next meal will come from ? 2- You're starving ? 3-You do not have money to buy food for your kids? 4-You are sick and you can not go to hospital? 5-Your family die in front of you ? 40-You wish to die ? =

(* B H)

Film: La guerre qu Yemen engendre de la malnutrition chez plus d'un million d'enfants.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H K)

For friends who can't access the #WolfianPressReview2018, here is my latest article about #Yemen.

Please read article in images:

(** B H P)

Yemen: Saudi “aid” plan is war tactic

The Saudi-Led Coalition’s (SLC) humanitarian aid package ignores the most pressing humanitarian priorities and instead focuses on consolidating control over access and transit points.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) calls on the Saudis and the international community to permanently and completely lift the blockade on Red Sea ports without delay.

The Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO), announced on January 22, 2018, is neither comprehensive, nor reflective of clear, shared humanitarian priorities, the International Rescue Committee said today. The YCHO politicizes aid by attempting to consolidate control over access and transit points. Rather than endorsing a parallel plan, which was created without broad input from humanitarian actors, the Saudi Led Coalition (SLC) and its supporters, notably the US and UK, should work to ensure the full implementation of the existing UN humanitarian response plan.

“The name in itself is misleading: it is neither comprehensive, nor particularly humanitarian,” said Amanda Catanzano, senior policy and advocacy director at the International Rescue Committee. and shorter by Sputnik:

Comment: Exactly. Thank you for exposing what is happening.


(* B H P)

Don’t Be Fooled by Saudi ‘Aid’ Efforts in Yemen

Of course, the Saudis and their allies are not serious about addressing the humanitarian crisis, because they caused it and have no interest in ending it. However, they want the rest of the world to think otherwise. Their “aid” plan was created to give the impression that they are doing something to remedy the catastrophe they have caused, but it simply isn’t true. This is why credulous reporting about Saudi “aid” efforts is so harmful to the cause of responding effectively to the humanitarian crisis – by Daniel Larison

and this is one of these Saudi propagandistic reports: and this shows Saudi propaganda efforts: and some propaganda report as example for many: and and

(** B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Humanitarian Response in Yemen - 2018


The coping mechanisms of Yemenis are stretched to their limit. Women and children makeup 76 percent of those displaced and are paying the heaviest price, as in most humanitarian crises.

There are an estimated three million women and girls of child bearing age who need support. Risingf ood shortages have left an estimated 1.1 million pregnant women malnourished, and threaten the lives of 75,000 women who are likely to develop complications during childbirth, including risks of stunted growth of their newborns.

In a country with one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the Arab region, the lack of food, poor nutrition and the eroding healthcare, worsened by epidemics such as cholera and diphtheria, can mean an increase in premature or low-birth weight babies and severe postpartum bleeding. The process of giving birth thus becomes more life threatening.

As a result of the precarious security situation and the difficulty of access across the country, reproductive health personnel, commodities and services in health facilities have become much more scarce and difficult for women and girls to reach.

The escalation of the conflict and the ensuing humanitarian repercussions have further weakened the position of women and girls in Yemeni society, leading to a near erosion of their protection mechanisms and increasing their vulnerability to violence and abuse. and in full

(** B H K P)

Yemen at the UN – January 2018 Review

Executive Summary:

In January, widespread violence erupted in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden between ostensible allies in the coalition of forces fighting on behalf of the country’s internationally recognized government. On January 21, the Southern Transition Council (STC), a secessionist group backed by the United Arab Emirates, issued an ultimatum to Yemeni President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi to dismiss his prime minister and other cabinet members for alleged corruption. On January 28 the ultimatum expired and clashes broke out between the Presidential Protection Forces and STC-allied armed groups, with STC forces quickly routing Hadi-allied units from positions across the city and from nearby military bases.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates intervened to enact a ceasefire, with STC forces then pulling back from several areas they had overtaken (see ‘Clashes in Aden’). The fighting in Aden, the Yemeni government’s de facto capital, quickly had implications for the overall military campaign against the Houthis in the country’s north, however, and highlighted the Hadi government’s lack of authority across areas of southern Yemen it purportedly controls (see ‘Fallout From Aden Clashes’).

In mid-January Saudi Arabia announced a US$2 billion deposit in the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY), and less than a week later announced that the Saudi-led military coalition was launching a US$1.5 billion Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO) plan. The CBY deposit immediately helped shore up the Yemeni rial, which had been depreciating rapidly since the end of 2017, though by the end of January the rial’s value had continued to decline (see ‘$2 billion in Saudi Support for the CBY’).

Details released regarding the YCHO reveal how it is intended to support the UN’s US$2.96 billion Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan for 2018, also released in January. In addition to this the YCHO aims to boost the delivery of humanitarian aid, commercial imports and fuel by expanding Yemen’s port infrastructure, creating an ‘air bridge’ between Riyadh and Marib, and establishing ‘safe passage corridors’ inside the country. A subsequent IRIN analysis of the YCHO, however, detailed the wide array of foreign consultants and public relations firms Saudi Arabia enlisted to develop and promote the plan, and noted that it also seemed orchestrated to “reduce imports of vital goods into a key rebel-held port,” namely Hudaydah (see ‘Riyadh Launches ‘Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations’).

At the United Nations in January, a Panel of Experts on Yemen report noted that Iran was in noncompliance with UNSC Resolution 2216 regarding the prevention of “direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer” of arms to the Houthis. Among the Panel of Experts’ other findings were: Yemen as a state essentially no longer exists and no party to the conflict has the “political support or military strength to reunite the country”; after executing their erstwhile ally former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Houthis have carried out a brutal campaign to crush or co-opt Saleh’s support networks and stifle public dissent (see ‘Houthis consolidate power as GPC fragments’); President Hadi no longer has command and control over forces operating on behalf of the Yemeni government in the country’s southern governorates; and that the United Arab Emirates’ support of paramilitary groups and the STC has significantly eroded the Yemeni government’s authority (see ‘UN Panel of Experts Report’).

Last month UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed announced his intention not to seek a renewal of his term, scheduled to expire February 2018. His successor had not been named as of this writing, however, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has reportedly tapped Martin Griffiths of the United Kingdom for the post (see ‘UN Special Envoy Resigns’).

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley invited, at different times, both the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen and UNSC members to a Washington, DC, military base to view weapons allegedly manufactured in Iran and deployed by the Houthis. Sana’a Center discussions with UNSC member state representatives and diplomats from European countries highlighted that the US administration is escalating pressure on other nations to adopt a more hawkish posture towards Iran. In an early February New York Times Op-Ed a retired US Army colonel – who had been involved with the George W. Bush Administration’s push to justify a pre-emptive war with Iraq – said the “Trump administration is using much the same playbook to create a false impression that war is the only way to address the threats posed by Iran.” (See ‘In the United States’.)

Also in January, the Yemeni government released Yemen’s first budget since 2014, the Houthis implement currency controls for importers, and coalition-backed troops captured the town of Hays in Hudaydah governorate from Houthi forces.

And an interesting new comment on an older article, which I had presented in YPR 131, by Tawakkol Karman ( )
Comment by Judith Brown: Another 'old' article from 2016 by the 'peace laureate' Tawokkol Karman. Oh this woman is so inconsistent! Firstly many of her facts are frankly untrue. There are many reasons and theories about how the Houthis took over Sana'a so easily - one of them being that Hadi was exasperated with the Unity Government dominated by Islah and he felt that an alliance with the Houthis might bring them into line and he invited them into Sana'a - Karman is of course an Islah supporter so she's not going there. But I don't think anyone except for Karman in this article thinks that Iran was any part of the reason - though Saleh probably was. Nowadays Karman has changed her line completely, saying that Saudi Arabia and UAE are acting like 'occupiers' (I'm not going to argue with that, although the occupation of the old North by KSA is similar to the occupation of Gaza by Israel - it controls the external borders and bombs the inside bit as it pleases). This so called peace laureate has been a warmonger for most of the past three years, but now she seems to have decided peace is better after all. I think she should have a quiet word in the ear of Trump and May to get them to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. That silly idea that the UN should consider sanctioning Iran for providing weapons to Yemen seems to have got kicked into the long grass today. I'm all for ALL warring parties to be placed under an embargo.

(** B K P)

The Yemen Crisis and the Law: The Saudi-Led Campaign and U.S. Involvement

We are launching a series of articles exploring the legal issues surrounding U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. This first piece will provide background information on the conflict, its key players, and U.S. military support.

Subsequent articles will focus on U.S. domestic law, beginning in Part 2 with the War Powers Resolution. Part 3 will examine the Arms Export Control Act. Part 4 will look at aiding and abetting violations of the War Crimes Act. Part 5 will consider the Alien Tort Statute. The articles will then shift focus to international law, beginning in Part 6 with the question of whether the United States is a party to the armed conflict in Yemen. Part 7 will look at whether U.S. support violates Article 2(4) of the UN Charter. Part 8 will analyze Article 16 of the ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility. Finally, Part 9 will look at due diligence obligations under Common Article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

The final article will coincide with the release of a report by the Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges on the issues covered in the posts, as well as a conference to be held at Yale Law School on April 13.

The Houthi-Saleh Alliance and Civil War in Yemen

The Saudi Coalition and Civilian Casualties

U.S. Military Involvement

(** B P)

The NDC Outcomes: Hollow Effort, or a Path to Peace and Youth Inclusion?1 Creating opportunities for Yemeni youth through a local approach.

During the popular uprisings in 2011, Yemen’s youth stood at the forefront of political change, but now they’re all but forgotten. As the international community scrambles to find a new entry point into political talks with opposing parties vying to write Yemen’s future, the country’s youth grow increasingly desperate. With few opportunities in the job market, and financial as well as security challenges standing in the way of higher education, youth are often forced to join militias and fight at the front. As violence continues and the humanitarian situation worsens, the United Nations and Western governments must continue to insist on a political solution to Yemen’s conflict. But as the Yemeni nationstate in terms of national identity, institutions, and territory continues to fragment, with local actors creating new social, political, and economic realities on the ground, it becomes ever more difficult to imagine a political solution to Yemen’s conflict. Although Yemen’s transitional process is now widely recognized as having failed, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) are nevertheless viewed as a political platform with the potential to unite Yemenis. That potential is mitigated by the fact that the NDC outcomes have contributed to the escalation of violence, making them, at best, a component of an effective political solution. For that reason, the international community should incorporate a bottom-up approach to peacebuilding into their Yemen policy, which focuses on those NDC outcomes that are in fact consensual and create opportunities for young people.

and some poll results:

24% didn’t know whether Yemen should be divided into regions. 52% are against division, 7% support division. Those who strongly support division are mostly located in the south (14% in the South as opposed to 5% in the North).

Youth (15-25 yrs) poll: 42% in the South, as opposed to 2% in the North strongly believe the South should be independent. 66% in the North believe the South should not be independent.

Youth (15-25 yrs) poll: 14% in Taiz, 20% in al-Jawf, and 45% in Marib, believe the country should be divided into regions

Youth (15-25 yrs) poll: 42 % of the youth believe that the state is completely absent in their area; 16% stated the state is somewhat absent. At the same time 81% of the youth want the state to play a larger role in their everyday lives.

Feb. 21:

(** B H K)

Film: Yemen on the brink Civil war, famine and a growing separatist movement

And an older article, clearly showing that president Hadi’s term had ended in February 2015 at latest:

Jan. 21, 2014:

(** B P)

Yemeni president's term extended

Yemen’s political factions extended the president’s term by a year and approved a new federal system at the end of national reconciliation talks on Tuesday, a milestone in the troubled country’s transition to democracy.

The nation’s political factions gave interim President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, whose two-year term had originally been due to end with elections in February 2014, an extra year after delays in the transition to democracy.

Present comment: This is a relevant piece of history, written for Reuters in January 2014. In this article two things are apparent. One, Hadi had his term extended by political groups within Yemen - and this was contested at the time as some believed that he was elected for a fixed term and it could only be extended by further consulting of the people or by a parliamentary bill - and the then Islah dominated transitional parliament and Hadi were not getting on that well. The extension term - which may or may not have been legitimate - was for a year, taking his extended term to early 2015. It was this lack of clarification in Hadi's legitimacy that caused competing factions associated with Saleh to challenge Hadi. Secondly, it is also clear that Houthi delegates at the NDC were at risk - at least two and possibly three were assassinated during the NDC, one assassination described here. In effect, Hadi resigned in early 2015, reinstated himself, then first USA and then GCC countries declared him the legitimate president. Now it seems to me that only Yemenis can confer legitimacy. And for reinstating this unpopular man - hated in large swathes of Yemen - much of Yemen is being starved to death and its economy destroyed.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Feb. 28:

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April 2017 - 23 February 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 23 February 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera & Diphtheria Response - Emergency Operations Center - Situation Report No.23 - As of 24 February 2018

1.1 Diphtheria Highlights

According to MoPHP (24 February 2018), there are 1,172 probable diphtheria cases, including 72 associated deaths, in 168 districts among 20 governorates.

2.1 Cholera Highlights

The cumulative total of suspected cholera cases reported since 27th April 2017 to 24th February 2018 is 1,067,524 and 2,259 associated deaths across the country. and in full

Feb. 27:

(* A H)

Yemen diphtheria and cholera situation update

In an update on the diphtheria and cholera outbreak situation in war-torn Yemen, as of Feb. 10, there are 1,032 probable diphtheria cases, including 64 associated deaths, in 161 districts among 20 governorates in the country.

According to the World Health Organization, 1,068,520 cholera cases and 2,261 deaths as of February 25. The current outbreak started on Apr. 27, 2017. The outbreak has hit 22 out of 23 governorates (96%) and 305 out of 333 districts (92%).

Feb. 26:

(* B H)

Yemen's cholera epidemic likely to intensify in coming months: WHO

The World Health Organization warned on Monday that a cholera epidemic in Yemen that killed more than 2,000 people could flare up again in the rainy season.

“Usually cholera cases increase corresponding to those rainy seasons. So we expect one surge in April, and another potential surge in August.”

Feb. 25:

(* B H)

Yemen: Cholera & Diphtheria Response - Emergency Operations Center - Situation Report No.21 - As of 10 February 2018

1.1 Diphtheria Highlights

According to MoPHP (10 February 2018), there are 1,032 probable diphtheria cases, including 64 associated deaths, in 161 districts among 20 governorates.

Feb. 24:

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 21 February 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April 2017 - 21 February 2018)

Feb. 22:

Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W7 2018 (Feb 12-Feb 18)

The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 18 Feb 2018 is 1,063,786 suspected cholera cases and 2,258 associated deaths, (CFR 0.21%), 1104 have been confirmed by culture.

Feb. 21:

(* A H)

WHO: 66 people died of diphtheria in Yemen

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said yesterday that the number of deaths in Yemen from diphtheria has increased to 66 cases in the past several months, Anadolu news agency reported.

The organisation said in a report that the cases were recorded in 20 out of the 23 governorates and in 163 out of the 333 districts.

The report pointed out that 1,100 cases of infection were recorded in those governorates without specifying the exact duration.

(A H P)

Saudi Arabia pledges $11 million to Yemen cholera outbreak it helped create

Saudi Arabia has pledged $11 million to help the World Health Organisation respond to Yemen's cholera crisis - a deadly epidemic resulting from the kingdom's intervention in the country.

Remark: Look at cp1.

Feb. 20:

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April 2017 - 20 February 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 20 February 2018)

(unrated B H)

Film: Yemen cholera outbreak set to be worst on record

Feb. 18 and earlier:

(* B H)

Film: Malaria affecting thousands in war-torn Yemen

(** B H)
Film: Yemen's health crisis: Suspected cases of bird flu

Already dealing with a raging conflict and the world's worst hunger crisis, many people in Yemen are now dying from what is thought to be bird flu.

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W6 2018 (Feb 05-Feb 11)

The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 11 Feb 2018 is 1,059,970 suspected cholera cases and 2,258 associated deaths, (CFR 0.21%), 1104 have been confirmed by culture.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: UN-Sicherheitsrat: Streit um Resolution / Most important: UN Security Council: Quarrel for resolution

Preliminary remark: The debate on a new UN Security Council resolution on Yemen was a new low of international politics, propaganda and western hypocrisy. While the report of the UN panel had reported that all parties of the Yemen conflct had committed serious volations of Human Rights (and those committed by the Saudi coalition being thr most severe), the US and their western allies refused to look at that, but just focused on Iran, which actually is just a minor actor on the Yemen stage.

The US misused this UN panel report and thus misused the Yemen disaster to push its anti-Iranian geopolitical agenda, the background of which has nothing to do at all with Yemen itself, but with the influence of a special Zionist lobby in the US, the close US-Israel connection, the US’ attempts to have a US-linked regime in Iran, the US politics of regime change in Iran, the close US-Saudi alliance which means taking sides in the Saudi-Iranian rivalry, and the still painful sentiment that the US had been humiliated by the Iranian regime in 1980 by the failed attempt to liberate the US embassy personal having been taken hostage at Tehran.

Yemen, its people, their suffering, any interest in finally achieving an end to this terrible war and humanitarian disaster, did not play any role in US and western politics in this matter.

Of course, US and Western propaganda shamelessly pretended to care for Yemen and its people. This simply is a bulk of lies.

Russia really must be estimated for at least having prevented that the western resolution draft which would have made this Western self-interest based geopolitics to become the new UN basis for dealing with the Yemen conflict.

But, the alternative Russian draft which was accepted by all UNSCmembers as Resolution 2402 after the Western draft had been rejected, also does not solve the Yemen problem at all and does not bring any progress and any possibility of a new UN approach to the Yemen conflict at all. The Russian draft which was adopted as a new UN resolution simply just prolongs the 2015 UNSC resolution 2216. This resolution had been extremely biased; it had been largely drafted by the Saudis (!!) and had been adopted with the support of Saudi Arabia’s Western backers in the Council. And thus, this biased Resolution 2216 had limited the UN’s possibility to achieve any peace and progress in the Yemen conflict. It had fixed any UN efforts to proposals which preferred the Hadi government and its Saudi backers and disadvantaged the Houthis, claiming their de facto surrender and thus their military, political and certaimnly also their individual suicide. Thus, this resolution was and is a base on which peace never could be achieved. And the new resolution, changing nothing, will prolongue this deadlock for another year.

On the April 2015 resolution 2216 read (from April 2015) two article clearly explain the biased background, they are added on the bottom of cp1b below. Articles in german first; following English. Newest articles on top, oldest below.


(* A P)

USA und drei EU-Staaten verurteilen Iran wegen Waffenlieferungen in den Jemen

Mehrere Länder haben den Iran in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung wegen Verletzung des Waffenembargos im Jemen verurteilt. Washington, London, Paris und Berlin sehen Teheran hinter den Waffenlieferungen.

Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und die USA haben den Iran in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung wegen Verletzung des Waffenembargos im Jemen verurteilt.

Die Missachtung des Embargos bedeute „ernsthafte Risiken für Frieden und Stabilität in der Region“, hieß es in der am Dienstag von der US-Botschaft bei der UNO veröffentlichten Erklärung.

(* A P)

Russische UNO-Resolution zum Jemen einstimmig angenommen

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hat den russischen Resolutionsentwurf zum Jemen Konflikt einstimmig angenommen. Zuvor hatte Russland gegen einen britischen Entwurf sein Veto eingelegt. Die Briten hatten vorgeschlagen, in der Resolution auch den Iran zu verurteilen.

Laut UNO-Experten ist nach Inkraftreten des Waffenembargos noch iranisches Kriegsgerät in den Jemen geliefert worden. Der Lieferant konnte jedoch nicht verifiziert werden.

(* A P)

UN-Sicherheitsrat streitet über die Rolle des Irans im Jemen

Nach erneutem Widerstand Russlands hat der UN-Sicherheitsrat nur per Kompromisslösung die Sanktionen gegen den Jemen um ein Jahr verlängert.

Zunächst hatte Russland am Montag in New York eine von Großbritannien vorgeschlagene Resolution per Veto zu Fall gebracht, die den Iran der Waffenlieferungen an die Huthi-Rebellen beschuldigt hatte.

Im Anschluss stimmte der Sicherheitsrat einstimmig dafür, eine Resolution aus dem vergangenen Jahr, ohne Kritik am Iran, zu übernehmen und zu verlängern. Damit sind auch die Sanktionen gegen den Jemen und das Mandat der Expertengruppe um ein Jahr verlängert. und auch

(* A P)

Veto aus Moskau zu Irans Rolle im Jemen-Krieg

Neuer Ärger im Weltsicherheitsrat: Russland blockiert eine UN-Resolution aus Protest gegen Kritik am Iran. Später werden dann doch Sanktionen gegen den Jemen beschlossen.

Im UN-Sicherheitsrat ist ein Resolutionsentwurf, der dem Iran eine Mitschuld an Raketenangriffen der jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen auf Saudi-Arabien zuweist, am Veto Russlands gescheitert. Elf Staaten unterstützten den von Großbritannien vorgelegten Text, darunter die USA und Frankreich. Die Veto-Macht China enthielt sich.

Der russische UN-Botschafter Wassili Nebensia erklärte dennoch, die Vorwürfe gegen den Iran seien nicht bewiesen. Der britische Botschafter Jonathan Allen kritisierte, die Schlussfolgerungen der Expertengruppe dürften nicht deshalb ignoriert werden. und auch

(A P)

Uno-Sicherheitsrat berät über Iran wegen Raketenabschuss aus Jemen

Die Raketenangriffe von Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen auf Saudi-Arabien beschäftigen den Uno-Sicherheitsrat. Dieser soll nach dem Willen Grossbritanniens, der USA und Frankreichs den Iran wegen dessen Rolle bei den Abschüssen verurteilen und den Weg für Strafmassnahmen freimachen.

Das sieht ein britischer Entwurf für eine Uno-Resolution vor, der mit den beiden anderen Partnern abgesprochen ist.

Die US-Regierung dringt seit Monaten auf ein Vorgehen der Vereinten Nationen gegen den Iran.


Feb. 28:

(A P)

Houthis Thrilled Over Russian Veto As Resentment Builds Among Saleh Supporters

Yemeni Houthi militia expressed relief towards Russia's use of the veto in the United Nations Security Council, which prevented a British draft resolution calling for condemnation of Iran's policy in the war-torn country.
Iran-allied Houthis considered the veto a major victory on their behalf and the beginning of what they described as the decline of American hegemony over the "Yemeni file."

Remark: By saudi media.

(* A P)

Russian UN envoy calls for ending search for scapegoats in Yemeni conflict

Vasily Nebenzya said that "efforts to launch a meaningful process have been failing so far," while the situation in Yemen, "first and foremost, the humanitarian situation, has become catastrophic".

The global community must seek to launch a peace process in Yemen rather than look for scapegoats, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said at a UN Security Council meeting.
(* A P)

Iran: Failed UNSC Resolution Attempt Meant to Hide US, UK Complicity in Yemen War

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined that the recent failure by the US and the UK to issue a UN resolution against Tehran was nothing but an attempt to cover up their role in Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen.

"Desperate attempt by the US and the UK at United Nations Security Council" to cover up complicity of Saudi and Emirati war crimes in Yemen over past three years has failed, Zarif wrote on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

(* A P)

How Europe Can Punish Iran's Missile Smuggling While Preserving the Nuclear Deal

The UN has publicly identified the Iranian companies involved in smuggling ballistic missiles into Yemen, so Europe should quit stalling and follow Washington's example by sanctioning these firms.

To find good targets for sanctions, EU officials need only look at recent U.S. actions. Washington has sanctioned seventy-eight Iranian entities for activities related to ballistic missiles since implementation of the nuclear deal, but only three are on the EU list. A number of recent U.S. sanctions target subsidiaries of SBIG, SHIG, and DIO, all three of which remain subject to UN and hence EU sanctions.

To be sure, new sanctions will not be enough to disrupt the flow of Iranian missiles to Yemen. Maritime interdiction is necessary as well—some of this is already taking place, and the UN report recommended further action along that line, such as placing a permanent UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism presence at Hodeida port.

My comment: A really bad propaganda piece, asking Europe to follow the US paranoid Iran powerplay policy and even to take part in the blockade of Hodeida port.

And there seems to be some chance for it:

(* A P)

After Russian veto, US, allies condemn Iran over missiles to Yemen

The United States and three European allies condemned Iran on Tuesday after the United Nations found Tehran had violated the arms embargo on Yemen by failing to block supplies of missiles and drones to Huthi rebels.

Britain, France, Germany and the United States urged Iran to "immediately cease all activities that are inconsistent or would violate" the UN resolution that established the arms embargo in 2015.

"We condemn Iran's non-compliance, as described by the panel, which poses serious risks to peace and stability in the region," said the joint statement released by the US mission. and also and

Comment: To blame Iran for the bloody humanitarian disaster that is the Saudi-launched war on Yemen has failed, blocked by Russia's UNSC veto. So now the US & the UK revert to their traditional position of blaming Yemenis for being Saudi-bombed.

Comment by Judith Brown: I don't know about you, but it seems to me that there is a big effort to find a reason for a Trump to bomb Iran. They have failed to change the nuclear treaty, so they are desperately looking for something else. What Iran has done in Yemen in unknown. What Saudi has done is to destroy a wonderful country and impoverish its courageous people. Yet we supply weapons to the killers and criticise the ones who stand at the sideline cheering what us after all resistance - not that I like the resistance very much, but that's what the Houthis are.

(A P)

Call for a Political Settlement to Address the Humanitarian Crisis and Security Threats in Yemen

Statement by Stephen Hickey, UK Acting Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, at the Security Council Briefing on Yemen.

The United Kingdom is committed to providing that assistance to the people of Yemen. We are the second largest donor to the UN’s Yemen Appeal and the third largest donor to the UN overall.

Until an enduring political settlement is reached, the sanctions regime is a critical tool to deter those who would otherwise use violence to achieve their political aims.

My comment: A grotesque and blurred sense of self – Britain is part of the problem and not part of the solution, Britain is the second-largest Western supporter of the prolongation of the Yemen war.

(A P)

Iran Pleased with US Failure at UNSC Meeting on Yemen

Iranian Ambassador to London Hamid Baeidinejad underlined that Washington experienced a complete failure in the Monday meeting of the UN Security Council which was due to condemn Iran for the alleged supply of missiles to Yemen, adding that even the western states didn’t fully support the US.

Feb. 26:

(** A P)

U.S. threatens action against Iran after Russia U.N. veto

The United States threatened unilateral action against Iran on Monday after Russia vetoed a western bid for the United Nations Security Council to call out Tehran for failing to prevent its weapons from falling into the hands of Yemen’s Houthi group.

“If Russia is going to continue to cover for Iran then the U.S. and our partners need to take action on our own. If we’re not going to get action on the council then we have to take our own actions,” U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley told reporters.

The Russian veto was a defeat for the United States.

(** A P)

Press Release: Ambassador Haley on Failure to Act to Hold Iran Accountable for Arms Embargo Violations

Today, in spite of the overwhelming evidence provided by the UN’s independent Yemen Panel of Experts on Iran’s violations of the arms embargo in Yemen, the Security Council failed to adopt a resolution that would have called out Iran for its actions. The Panel of Experts’ final report outlined Iran’s failure to prevent the transfer of Iranian arms and related material, including ballistic missiles, military equipment, and unmanned aerial vehicle technology, to Houthi militias in Yemen.

“Russia has repeatedly stopped the Security Council from acting against the barbaric Assad regime in Syria. Today, Russia protected the terrorist-sponsoring regime in Iran. In spite of a mountain of credible, independent evidence showing Iran violated the Yemen arms embargo, resulting in a series of attacks on civilian targets, Russia prevented accountability and endangered the entire region.

My comment: LOL: The US is a backer of Saudi Arabia, which plays the farmost worse role in Yemen, Iran is only a minor actor. The whole region had been endangered by US interference, at Libya, Syria, Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Yemen…

And more of this crazy US propaganda:
(* A P)

Explanation of Vote on a Draft UN Security Council Resolution Condemning Iran for Arms Embargo Violations in Yemen

Ambassador Kelley Currie, U.S. Representative for Economic and Social Affairs, U.S. Mission to the United Nations

Today, Russia accused the majority of this Council of attempting to destabilize the region by supporting the UK’s text. This is perverse when, in fact, Russia’s veto today serves only to protect Iran’s efforts to destabilize the region and spread its malign influence.

The Security Council’s failure to pass the UK resolution today has set back our collective efforts to promote peace in Yemen. Not all Member States are responsible for this egregious failure, but we will all have to deal with its consequences: continuing conflict and suffering in Yemen, and the possibility of a wider war in the region.

and for all this, read:

(** B P)

The World Continues to Ignore the Catastrophe in Yemen

The Trump administration’s Iran obsession is such that I’m sure it would “take action” against Iran on this issue no matter what the Security Council did or didn’t do. Haley’s comments confirm how fixated the U.S. is on the relatively minor question of alleged Iranian weapons supplies while it deliberately ignores the far greater and more numerous violations of international law committed by the Saudis and their allies with our government’s help. If Russia is wrong to “cover for Iran,” as Haley says, how much worse are the U.S., Britain, and France when they cover for and actively assist the Saudi-led coalition as it devastates and starves Yemen?

While the major powers quarrel over this relatively minor issue, they are neglecting to do anything about the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. There is absolutely no desire on the part of the coalition’s Western patrons to condemn the coalition for its major part in creating that crisis, and there is certainly no political will in Western capitals to punish the coalition for their crimes – by Daniel Larison

(** A P)

UN Security Council adopts Russian-drafted resolution on renewal of Yemen sanctions

The Security Council on Monday adopted a Russian-drafted resolution on a technical rollover of the Yemen sanctions regime.

The unanimous vote followed a Russian veto of a UK-drafted text that contained language of Iranian "non-compliance" with the UN sanctions regime against individuals and entities deemed to be engaging in or providing support for acts that threaten the peace, security or stability of Yemen.

The council then put to vote the Russian-drafted text, which won unanimous support of the 15 members of the council. The Russian text was adopted as Resolution 2402.

The resolution renews sanctions against designated individuals and entities for a year, till Feb. 26, 2019, and extends the mandate of a Panel of Experts, which is tasked to assist in the implementation of the sanctions regime, until March 28, 2019. and also

(** A P)

Russia vetoes Western bid at UN to pressure Iran over Yemen

Russia vetoed Monday a UN draft resolution presented by Britain and strongly backed by the United States that would have pressured Iran over its failure to block supplies of missiles to Yemen's Huthi rebels.

Britain had sought to include in the measure renewing sanctions on Yemen an expression of "particular concern" from the Security Council over a UN report that found Iran had violated the 2015 arms embargo on Yemen.

After hours of negotiations in a bid to reach a compromise, Russia made clear it had strong reservations about the findings of the UN report and would not support a draft resolution that mentioned them.

China and Kazakhstan abstained, while Bolivia also voted against the measure.

and by TASS:

(* A P)

Russia blocks UN Security Council resolution on Yemen

Russia vetoed a British-drafted resolution on extension of sanctions against Yemen, which also condemns Iran for illegal supplies of weapons to the Houthi rebels, and instead brought up its own document to the UN Security Council vote on Monday.

Both texts envisioned extension of the weapons embargo and other sanctions, including assets freeze and banned trips for persons implicated in Yemen’s destabilization, throughout February 26, 2019 and prolongation of the power of a group of experts monitoring their enforcement - until March 28, 2019.

Both texts envisioned extension of the weapons embargo and other sanctions, including assets freeze and banned trips for persons implicated in Yemen’s destabilization, throughout February 26, 2019 and prolongation of the power of a group of experts monitoring their enforcement - until March 28, 2019.


Now, at the UN Security Council - Russia vetoes UK draft on #Yemen. Russia resolution passed unanimously. (image)

(* A P)

On Yemen, UK Says Its Sanctions Draft Has UNSC Support, Amid Delay, USUN Meetings

Amid the continued killing of civilians in Yemen the UN Security Council on February 26 at 10 am was slated to extended its Yemen sanctions. But no agreement was reached, and Russia issued its own draft. With the Yemen item moved until after a briefing on Burundi, Inner City Press observed the US Mission team going up to the third floor hallways where the UK has its clubhouse, then going up again with UK Deputy and charge d'affaires Jonathan Allen.

(* A P)

UK government: Call for Security Council Members to Vote in Favour of Resolution on Yemen

Statement by Ambassador Jonathan Allen, Chargé d’Affaires, ahead of Security Council Vote on Yemen Sanctions Renewal.

Comment: They are truly sick this government. Of all the deaths and destruction going on in Yemen at the hands of their wonderful ally Saudi Arabia, all ignored, May and her obnoxious government call for a resolution on Iran whose weapons have killed no-one at all.

(** A P)

UN faces rival drafts on Iran missiles to Yemen

The UN Security Council on Sunday was considering two draft resolutions on Yemen after Russia put forward a rival text aimed at blocking action against Iran over missiles sent to the country's Huthi rebels.

The rival Russian-drafted text presented to the council on Saturday and seen by AFP would extend the sanctions regime on Yemen until February 2019 without any reference to the UN report's findings on Iran and possible action targeting Tehran.

Diplomats said Russia could veto the British text, allowing for a vote on its own draft resolution.

(** A P)

Russia sets stage for U.N. veto of western bid to call out Iran

Russia has laid the groundwork for a likely veto on Monday of a British, U.S. and French bid for the United Nations Security Council to call out Iran over its weapons falling into the hands of Yemen’s Houthi group.

The 15-member Security Council has to renew its targeted sanctions on Yemen on Monday. Russia has proposed a rival resolution that would simply extend the mandate of the regime for one year and not mention Iran.

(* A P)

UN to vote on resolution condemning Iran over Yemen missiles

The UN Security Council is expected to vote on Monday on a British-drafted resolution that would condemn Iran for violating the arms embargo on Yemen and call for measures to address the violation.

The proposed resolution drafted is in response to a report by a UN panel of experts which found that missiles fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels at Saudi Arabia last year were made in Iran.

Feb. 23:

(** A P)

Trump: Cherry-Picking International Law

In drafting a resolution seeking to condemn Iran for its role in Yemen’s ongoing civil war, the United States—along with its UN Security Council allies Britain and France—seems to have cherry-picked information from a UN report that condemned all actors in that war for violations of international law. Rather than draft a resolution reflecting the broad range of crimes that have been committed in Yemen, the Trump administration chose to selectively pick out only those crimes that could be attributed to Iran while ignoring arguably more heinous crimes attributable to Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners, including the internationally recognized government of Yemen.

The draft resolution’s many silences are deafening. They have to do not only with the Trump administration’s obsessively anti-Iran Middle East policy, but also with the fact that the United States has aided and abetted almost all of the war crimes noted above. An honest appraisal of the many atrocities that have been visited upon Yemen over the past three years would certainly put America at the top of the list for condemnation, and so naturally the US government wants to ignore those crimes and point the finger at Iran instead.

Feb. 21:

(** A P)

Russia resists Western bid to condemn Iran at U.N. over Yemen arms

The United Nations Security Council should not condemn Iran in a resolution to renew sanctions on Yemen, Russia’s U.N. ambassador said on Wednesday, resisting a Western bid to denounce Tehran for failing to stop Yemen’s Houthi group getting its missiles.

The United States has been lobbying for months for Iran to be held accountable at the United Nations


(* A P)

Russia balks at UN bid to condemn Iran over missiles to Yemen

Russia on Wednesday poured cold water over a bid at the UN Security Council to condemn Iran for violating the arms embargo on Yemen and to call for further action against Tehran.

Britain last week circulated a draft resolution that would renew sanctions on Yemen for a year but also call for unspecified measures in response to a UN report which found that missiles fired by Yemen's Huthi rebels at Saudi Arabia were made in Iran.

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said the proposed measure should focus on renewing the mandate of sanctions monitors for Yemen instead of taking aim at Iran.

Comment: Thank you Russia. This crazy idea - UK and US made bombs are killing Yemenis via Saudi Arabia. And Iranian weapons even if they exist haven't killed anyone. And my stupid immoral government writes a UN sanction again IRAN!!!! Crazy and maybe evil.

And on UN Resolution 2216, from April 2015:

April 17, 2015:

(** B P)

Two Resolutions, a Draft Constitution and Late Developments

On April 14, three weeks into the Saudi-led air campaign called Operation Decisive Storm, the UN Security Council approved Resolution 2216. This legally binding resolution, put forward by Jordan, Council president for April, imposed an arms embargo on the Houthi rebels and former Yemeni president ‘Ali ‘Abdallah Salih and his son. There are also provisions freezing individual assets and banning their travel. Russia abstained. It seemed fully to endorse both the so-called Gulf Cooperation Council initiative, brokered by UN Special Envoy Jamal Benomar, and Operation Decisive Storm.

But then, within a day or two, Benomar resigned and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon issued a much stronger plea for an immediate cessation of all hostilities.

As the purported legal basis for UNSC 2216, Jordan’s proposal cited “a letter from the president of Yemen,” who has fled his country for Riyadh, requesting from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the League of Arab States immediate “support, by all necessary means and measures, including military intervention, to protect Yemen and its people from the continuing aggression by the Houthis.”

The April 14 resolution reads as if Saudi Arabia is an impartial arbitrator, rather than a party to an escalating conflict, and as if the GCC offers a “peaceful, inclusive, orderly and Yemeni-led political transition process that meets the legitimate demands and aspirations of the Yemeni people, including women.” This is unmitigated nonsense. And it is contradicted by the testimony of rules-of-war monitors.

The Security Council expressed “grave alarm at the significant and rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation.” But it conspicuously neglected to demand a humanitarian ceasefire to halt the Saudi-led bombing campaign, even briefly to allow essential medicines and food to reach Aden and other cities whose populations face death, destruction and devastation.

It is a particularly caustic omission - by Sheila Carapico

April 15, 2015:

(** B P)

Opinion: The GCC teaches the world a lesson from New York

This could well be the greatest diplomatic triumph for the Gulf and Arab countries at the United Nations. Who would have believed that mighty Russia, which until recently has been extremely sympathetic to the Houthis, would not be able to impede the UN Security Council resolution on Yemen? What kind of diplomatic efforts did Gulf countries exert to enable them to convince Russia to give its indirect approval to Operation Decisive Storm? What explains this level of international support that the offensive has garnered from the world’s highest political authority?

Comment: Here we have an English language Saudi funded newspaper published in U.K. crowing about how its draft resolution was passed at the UNSC.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Audio: Ahmad Algohbary ‏Receives Good News About Aisha In Yemen

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Feb. 28:

(* B K)

The U.S. Must Stop Enabling Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

It is a gross violation of international law to target civilians, and it is likewise outrageous and illegal to attack medical personnel. The Saudi-led coalition piles war crimes on top of war crimes. The coalition has illegally treated all of Saada as a military target for almost three years, and coalition forces have been bombing indiscriminately and targeting civilians on purpose there ever since – by Daniel Larison

(* B K)

Film: Why Saudi Arabia fights in #Yemen
First animation movie about Yemeni crisis, trying to describe what is really going on in Yemen and why Saudi bombs Yemen for 3 years until now.

(A K PH)

Two residents fishermen injured in Aden

Two residents from Aden sustained wounds yesterday after their boat was subjected to heavy fire from one of the Saudi-led coalition warships off Aden’s coast.

My comment: Security of shipping, Saudi style.

(B K P)

For Yemen’s sake, stop giving Saudis WMDs: Rouhani to West

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has called on the Western countries to stop providing Saudi Arabia with weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) for the sake of Yemeni people, who have been suffering under Riyadh’s bloody attacks and siege.

My comment: When he is right, he simply is right.

(* B H K P)

No Respite for Yemen, Middle East’s Forgotten Child

For more than three years, conflict in Yemen has afforded terrorist groups – namely al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) – lawless territory to exploit and opportunities to recruit from the Yemeni masses afflicted by a humanitarian catastrophe.

Without a clear roadmap towards peace, Yemen appears doomed for further infighting amongst the various groups and will remain subject to a relentless Saudi-led aerial assault that has decimated the country. AQAP will continue to seize upon internal discord to orchestrate attacks, further entrench itself into the country, and fortify safe havens where it can outline its plans for longer-term strikes against the West.

(* A P)

Interview with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Tawakkul Karman

"We need to bring back the Arab Spring!"

In 2011 Tawakkul Karman became the first Arab woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In interview with Nader Alsarras, the 39-year-old explains why the Arab Spring failed and why Yemen has since descended into war and chaos

The revolutionary forces of the Arab Spring and the counter-revolutionary powers are currently locked in a fierce struggle. The ignominy of the latter is clear to the world. The conflict is fuelling further wars and instability. And behind it all is a conspiracy led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). They are the ones leading the counter-revolution. Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, not to mention Tehran, saw the Arab Spring as a direct threat to their interests. So they attempted to use their money to foment coups, war and chaos in the capitals of the Arab world – in Cairo, Tripoli, Damascus and Sanaa.

The Arab peoples are currently struggling to find their way out of this dire situation. We will neither give up, nor renounce democracy, freedom and human rights. We will not accept a return to dictatorship, oppression and corruption. Our peoples will one day enjoy democracy and freedom. That much is certain.

My comment: There is really nothing new. The disastrous role of Saudi Arabia and the UAE is known since the first day of the war, but for the most time, Karmon had been quiet, backing the Hadi government and thus also its Saudi puppet masters. Thus, she lost her credibility.

Feb. 27, 26:

(B K P)

Audio: Der vergessene Stellvertreterkrieg

Interview mit Daniel Gerlach, Nahost-Experte, Chefredakteur "Zenith"

Der Nahostexperte Daniel Gerlach schreibt der Internationalen Gemeinschaft nur eine begrenzte Lösungskompetenz im Jemenkonflikt zu. "Internationale Systeme greifen nicht.

(* B K P)

Does Nikki Haley Know What the Word ‘Blockade’ Means?

If food and medicine are frequently disallowed from travelling through the Saudi blockade, how could large Iranian weapons get through? The answer is that this is impossible to any logical mind, which helps explain why only Nikki Haley and her UNSC partners still couch their argument around this illogical premise. The only other equally bizarre theory that some Saudi pundits have asserted is that Iranian supplies are arriving in northern Yemen via Oman.

Thus, because of the inability of western powers to think pragmatically on Yemen, an opportunity to call for a genuine peace process aimed at federalisation, has amounted to yet another lost chance to help a fractious Yemen.

(* B K P)

16$ Billion , UAE Spends In Its War on Yemen

The Emirates Center for Studies and Media in a research paper concluded that the UAE yearly spent about $ 16 billion for land and air operations of Saudi-led coalition’s troops that fighting against Yemen.

(* B H K P)

The World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Keeps Getting Worse

Yemen’s crisis is by far the worst in the world just by the sheer numbers affected and the severity of the conditions, and it is made even more so by the fact that the crisis could be quickly alleviated if the coalition halted its bombing campaign and lifted its blockade. If Yemen were allowed to resume normal commerce with the outside world and a sustained relief effort were made, the most dire, worst-case scenarios could be averted.

The crisis in Yemen is a man-made one caused in large part by the deliberate policy choices of the coalition governments and their Western enablers, and the crisis continues because they choose to continue it – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

The War on Yemen and the Credulous Western Embrace of Mohammed bin Salman

Whenever MbS is interviewed by Western reporters and pundits, the subject of Yemen comes up rarely and the countless crimes committed by the Saudis and their allies are never mentioned. It is bad enough that one of the architects of a disastrous war supported by our government is never forced to answer for the war crimes committed by his military and other coalition forces, but it is even worse when the interviewer makes no attempt to put the crown prince’s statements in context.

Treating Saudi royals with kid gloves is nothing new in American media, but I have been struck by how positive the coverage of Mohammed bin Salman has been when his record has been almost entirely destructive and destabilizing – by Daniel Larison referring to this propaganda article:

(B P)

Hypocrite world! (images)

(* A P)

Saudi, Emirati officials bribe NGOs to whitewash rights abuses: Group

An independent European organization, monitoring developments in the Middle East, says Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been bribing a number of international NGOs to cover up their gross human rights records at home and abroad.

Euroscope for Middle Eastern Affairs released on Tuesday a list of 15 Arab officials, including Saudi and Emiratis, accused of corruption, money laundering and bribery.

It says these countries have been engaged in unethical lobbying efforts such as the organizing of events to undermine the credibility of any NGOs that criticize their rights conditions.

It also cites investigations by the Independent United Nations Watch (IUN Watch) into financial crimes committed by these people in Geneva, using human rights to advance their political goals.

It names the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) as one of the bodies that have received bribes.

(A E)

An imminent fuel shortage threatens to close #Yemen's last two operating airports of #Seyoun and #Aden
"Only a small amount of fuel is left to run for two days. If fuel is not provided, passengers, especially patients, will be unable to travel'', Director General of Seyoun International Airport

(* B K P)

Yemen: What Dreams May Come

As early as 2007, while serving as Deputy Chief of Mission at the US embassy from 2004-2007, I argued that the central government needed to pay attention to legitimate grievances to prevent constant warfare in the north and a potential secession of the south.

A corrupt government ruled the capital Sana’a and the ruling General People’s Congress (GPC) party embodied the Saleh patronage system.

The power vacuum left by Saleh’s departure enticed the Houthis to reclaim Sana’a, and the southern Hirak to try to move against Sana’a as well—but the vacuum which enticed them produced chaos and regional intervention—making it difficult on all parties to achieve their goals.

The Houthis can defend their own region (and likely Sana’a itself) for a long time to come. Yet despite some financial and military support from Iran, they lack the political maturity and skill to unify and rule Yemen.

Yemen’s President Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi remains mostly irrelevant, relying on the so-called mantle of legitimacy as his only pedestal of any significance – by Nabeel Koury

(* B K P)

Arabia responsible of killing Yemeni children: US peace activist

An American peace activist called on the UN for taking Saudi Arabia responsible for killing thousands of children and people in Yemen.

“It is not ‘hundreds’ of death of children, but many, many, many thousands, because it’s not just the children who’ve died from Saudi bombs, but it’s the huge number of children dying every day from the effects of the bombs through malnutrition and cholera,” Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the women-led group Code Pink, told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) in a recent exclusive interview.

(B H K)

BILD IM JEMEN: Hier tobt ein Krieg,
den die Welt vergessen hat

Das Land belegt Spitzenplätze in Ranglisten, die niemand anführen möchte. Wo ist die Geburtenrate extrem hoch und die Lebenserwartung extrem niedrig? Wo hungern besonders viele Menschen? [nur Abo],view=conversionToLogin.bild.html

Feb. 24:

(* B H K)

Film: The Children of Yemen Need Our Help

In this video I am trying to spread out a message about children in need of help in Yemen. 11.3 million children in Yemen are known to need humanitarian help which would cover up a massive 28,5% of the United States of America. Please try to help if you can. You don't need to donate or give money away to help. You can also spread the word by sharing this video, making your own one or simply talking about it. Thank you for your time.

(unrated B K)

Film by Press TV Iran: Whats behind Saudi terrorism in Yemen for over a year?

The U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen and its a disaster. George Galloway explaining.

(* B K)

Film (French): Guerre au Yémen ailleurs.....

(* B P)

Pinocchio in Brussels: How Saudis Fabricate Lies to Continue War Crimes

With implausible deniability, Al-Jubeir says that this war was imposed on Saudi Arabia. He says their military intervention came after a request from the Yemeni president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and that the coalition relies on the U.N. resolution for its military intervention.

Saudi Arabia and their international backers believe they can fabricate such lies and mislead the entire international community by wielding their power and influence to achieve their ultimate goal of isolating Yemen from the world. =


(* B P)

Saudi Aggression and the War on Yemen

The Saudi foreign minister had some surprising information for the attendees at the Munich Security Conference:

“In contrast to Iran’s policy, Saudi Arabia has never carried out an attack” against another country, remarked Jubeir.

I know Saudi officials are obliged to spin things to make their government look slightly less odious, but even by that standard this is a ridiculous piece of fiction – by Daniel Larison

(* B K)


Craig, who was based in Yemen from 2010-2015 and had continued to make reporting trips to the country since a civil war broke out, quickly learned from local media that the raid killed civilians. As she began planning for an arduous and risky journey to the site of the assault, local sheikhs she knew from her previous work in the country told her that the U.S. was getting the story wrong. A large number of women and children had been killed, and the targeted village did not appear to have had a standing Al Qaeda presence.

But these accounts were just words that had yet to be confirmed. Craig had to go there to find out first-hand. and this was Craig’s article:

Remark: “For me, the real importance is that such a prestigious prize gives recognition to the voices of the civilian victims that are so often drowned out by powerful government institutions thousands of miles away,” Iona Craig said.

Comment: Wow this is truly an fantastic story of an amazing woman taking a staggeringly dangerous but important journey to find out truth - my hero! This is what courage means. Thank you Iona.

Feb. 23:

(* B K)

From the Front Lines of Yemen’s Lawless Taiz

As one of Yemen’s veteran journalists and rare war correspondents, al-Qadhi has a lot on his plate.

Al-Qadhi has been covering the conflict, travelling to different parts of Yemen such as Sana’a and Aden, with more extensive coverage of the bloody fighting in Taiz since early 2015.

War reporting is critical, in al-Qadhi’s view, despite all the risks. “As journalists, it’s our job to convey the voice of people trapped in such conflicts,” al-Qadhi says, “I have seen how some of my reporting has led philanthropists to send help to try and alleviate the suffering of people in Taiz. “That makes all the risks worthwhile.” – by Afrah Nasser

Feb. 22:

(* B K)

CBS: On the front lines of Yemen's deadly civil war

(* B K)

In French
#Yemen: Map reveals extent of destruction in #Sanaa

"Satellite radar data from the European Space Agency show the extent of Sanaa's destruction. The capital of Yemen, part of which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is in the throes of war that has ravaged the country for three years." (Map)

(B H K)

Your Questions About Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis, Answered

Comment (*): Well this really is rubbish. The death toll in Yemen is significantly higher than 10,000 and may be as high or higher than in Syria. In the first two years of war the Saudi spokesperson Asiri stated that they had undertaken 90,000 bombing missions and at least one third of these were on civilian targets - death statistics are just a guess and are manufactured to suit politics. And it suits Saudi Arabia, US and U.K. to guess at a high toll for Syria and a low toll for Yemen. Then why is there cholera - the Saudis have bombed sewage plant and water plant. Even during the epidemic. There isn't enough fuel to boil water that ones from contaminated sources - people can't get gas or wood or can't afford it. And people have been starved by a cruel embargo, led by the Saudi led coalition. So many children have died of starvation and disease. As have many others, the elderly, the sick, the poor. False news. There's lots of it about.

(B P)

Saudi Arabia and the UAE are gobbling up Yemen

Local groups are taking advantage of the chaos and staking their own claims to territory

The many new Gulf-backed militias are accelerating Yemen’s fragmentation. Tribal leaders are exploiting the chaos.

Feb. 21:

Film by Press TV Iran: Saudi Arabia intensifying war along Yemen's western coastline

(* B H K P)

War-Torn Yemen Is Desperate for Aid, So Why Are Saudi Efforts Stalling?

Humanitarian groups fear being targeted as combatants in impoverished country while kingdom-led coalition seeks to dispense assistance

Saudi Arabia and its allies are giving $1.5 billion to their war-ravaged neighbor, but their ability to fix the country’s humanitarian crisis is limited by their status as combatants—and because many aid groups are reluctant to take their money.

Many aid groups say they fear they will be targeted for associating with the country that for nearly three years has led a devastating air campaign against Houthi rebels, which Saudi Arabia suspects are backed by Iran.

Critics blame Riyadh and its coalition partners for prolonging the suffering there, but the coalition can’t deliver aid directly to the hardest-hit Houthi areas, nor can it join with aid groups that reach millions of people in dire need.

The situation also illustrates how Saudi Arabia’s regional proxy conflict with Iran is playing into the aid picture.

Feb. 19:

(* B K P T)

The Dangers of Ignoring Yemen

The Saudi military risks inspiring future generations of extremists dedicated to disrupting the established order in the Arabian Peninsula.

The Trump administration missed the opportunity to use the State of the Union to publicly highlight the coalition’s collective failure in Yemen, and it should not compound that error by continuing to ignore the mistakes being made by Saudi Arabia in Yemen. The targeting of civilian populations and critical infrastructure by the Saudi military has created a humanitarian crisis in Yemen and risks inspiring future generations of extremists dedicated to disrupting the established order in the Arabian Peninsula.

Feb. 18 and earlier:

(* B P T)


The travel ban has left families like the Gahleebs trapped in a war that has killed thousands and created a humanitarian crisis starving millions.

Even Yemenis who might qualify to be resettled as refugees face stiff odds.

MOHAMED GAHLEEB SAID Yemenis have lived under terrorism for nearly a decade.

“The terror people are everywhere,” he said.

Yemeni extremists are still active – and lethal. Mohamed Gahleeb said he now fears for the safety of his five children still in Yemen.

(* B K P)

Abu Dhabi’s quest for an eighth emirate in Yemen

South Yemen, with its strategically important location and infrastructure, could enable the rise of the UAE as a global energy superpower

As the war grinds on, the United Arab Emirates has been increasingly breaking ranks with the Saudi coalition to pursue its own agenda.

The UAE’s sole interest is controlling the 2,000 kilometres of Yemeni coast – a central pillar of Abu Dhabi's plans to become a global energy superpower, which it is relentlessly pursuing instead of negotiating the legitimate co-use of Yemeni ports and investments in the country’s energy infrastructure – by Jakob Reimann

(* B H P)

Engaged Anthropology in and about Yemen

The aim of my Talma Lecture, which I gave on 12 January at VU University Amsterdam, was to discuss the implications of the war in Yemen on my work as an anthropologist and, in a broader sense, talk about the role of engaged scholarship in times of war and conflict.

Every two or three weeks I receive a phone call or text message from Noura, one of my closest Yemeni friends. “Marina, can you send me the money for my medication?” is her standard question. Noura has heart problems and diabetes and needs daily medication.

And then, last but not least, doing engaged anthropology, which we could also call valorization if we want to use a fashionable word, or dissemination of research results to a wider audience. Speaking to the media is just one way of breaking the silence.

(* B K)

The sad story of Sana’a

Conflict continues to haunt Yemen’s capital

Photo gallery

(* B P)

Dennis Ross’s Shameless Paean to the Saudi War Criminal

The Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) is coming to Washington next month, so naturally we are already being treated to shameless propaganda on his behalf in our newspapers. Here’s Dennis Ross’ plea to “get behind” the Saudi king’s son: […]

It is bad enough to take MbS’s “reform” program at face value, as Tom Friedman did last year, but it is ludicrous to suggest that this power-grabbing Saudi despot can be compared to a secularizing modernizer like Ataturk. There is little evidence that he is “taking away the power of the religious base,” especially when his foreign policy has been marked by fueling sectarianism and pandering to Saudi clerics.

Ross declares MbS to be a “Saudi revolutionary.” That is a very questionable assertion, but why would the U.S. want to be siding with such a “revolutionary” in any case?

MbS is gulling Western audiences with his internal reform rhetoric while carrying out external policies that fan sectarian hatred and lend strength to jihadist groups – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

How Civil Wars End

The phenomenon of outside powers supporting different sides in civil wars is not unusual, of course. Civil wars are often beholden to the whims of external forces. It is surprising, however, that the scholarly literature on civil war termination has not addressed systematic changes over time in the ways in which external powers seek to end civil wars.

It is imperative for scholars and policymakers to decipher and explain large-scale trends in how civil wars end. There is no easy solution to these complex and destructive wars, but our findings show that external actors play a crucial role in determining how (and whether) civil wars conclude. Civil wars end the way that external powers think they should end. For Yemen, until external powers agree on how the civil war ought to end, it will not cease. =

(* B K P)

Film: Yemen 2018: Kate Alexader and Summer Nasser

Kate Alexader of Peace Action and Summer Nasser of Ymen Aid speaking on panel on Yemen and the Saudi-U.S. war against Yemen, 2/15/2018 Stony Point, NY

(A P)

Tareq Saleh resurfaces again, this time in the UAE base in Khokha in Yemen’s Red Sea coast; the man he’s with is the (RoYG) governor of Hudayda. (photo) referring to

Remark: The nephew of killed ex-president Saleh. He had played a great role in the December uprising against the Houthis at Sanaa and had gone to Southern Yemen afterwards.

(* B P)

The Saudi-UAE Alliance Faces its Yemeni Stress Test

The power nexus created by the alliance between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi has greatly underpinned this new strategic posture. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman (MbS), and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammad bin Zayed (MbZ), have been often, and closely, coordinating. Therefore, the impact of the Saudi-Emirati alliance cracking would likely be felt across the region. The stress test of such alliance has long been the war in Yemen against the Houthi rebels and the remnants of the former regime led by Ali Abdullah Saleh and the General People’s Congress.

Amid this background, it becomes harder to postulate a breakdown in the Saudi-Emirati coalition over the Yemeni southern secessionists aspirations. The SRF, cherishing the prospect of some form of independence, might be the only force motivated enough to push the conflict against the Houthis on the Red Sea coast. In fact, the Saudi-Emirati alliance might just have weathered its latest – and, to date, greatest – Yemeni stress test – by Cinzia Bianco

Feb. 15:

(? B H K)

Audio: Yemen: once known as Happy Arabia, now a forgotten crisis?

Since the Arab Spring in 2017, Yemen has fallen off the medias radar but it has a strong democratic movement which is being hampered by third world conditions. Is Yemen on a credible path.

(* B H K P)

Britain: Fuelling the Yemen War and Praising the Tormentors

The targeting of civilian infrastructure and chocking the country of vital and lifesaving supplies by Saudi led coalition forces in Yemen has led to humanitarian catastrophe

The United Kingdom (UK) is putting forward a proposal in the United National Security Council (UNSC) to praise Saudi Arabi and United Arab Emirates (UAE) for pledging nearly $1 billion to ease Yemen’s humanitarian crisis. But the irony is that same ‘saviours’ are the ‘tormentors’ who had been carrying out catastrophic bombing raids and military blockade in the war-torn country- amounting to war crimes. Furthermore, Britain is also complicit in the fuelling the war crimes.

(* B H K)

Film: Short video about the war on Yemen

Yemen is suffering and the UK & USA Government are funding the genocide of the Yemenese people

and a reminder from 2014 – what still had been possible at this time:

(* C)

Yemen: The Peace and National Partnership Agreement

What follows is the text—taken from the announcement by Jamal Benomar—of the Peace and National Partnership Agreement signed by representatives of Ansarallah, the umbrella organization of the Houthi movement, and the leadership of major political factions in Yemen, including the sitting government. It was signed late on 21 September 2014 after Ansarallah militarily seized control of Sanaa. It has been “welcomed” by the Gulf Cooperation Council and the General-Secretary of the United Nations.

Remark: But Benomar failed, thanks to Saudi Arabia.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Feb. 26:

Film: "The blockade in its worst form, Saudi authorities forced the departure buses to #Yemen to dump some fuel before it crosses the border arguing to prevention diesel smuggling to Yemen"

Feb. 24:

(* A P)


The administration of the UAE occupation in Aden issued a circular today banning commercial companies to import cars, motorcycles, spare parts, solar panels, batteries and a number of commercial items.

Remark: The UAE blocking Aden…

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)


Beim schwersten Diphtherie-Ausbruch im Jemen seit fast 30 Jahren sind bisher mindestens 781 Verdachtsfällen und 53 Todesfälle zu beklagen. Betroffen sind vor allem Kinder. Ärzte der Welt behandelt die Patienten in 13 Gesundheitseinrichtungen – doch der Bürgerkrieg und die Blockade von Lieferungen erschweren die Hilfe.

Das Projekt wird vom Auswärtigen Amt und Sternstunden unterstützt. Um unsere wichtige Arbeit im Jemen weiter fortführen zu können, ist jedoch auch Ihre Spende dringend vonnöten. Bitte helfen Sie.


(* B H)



Bitte unterstützen Sie jetzt unsere Hilfe im Jemen mit Ihrer Spende! (mit Film)

Spenden Sie jetzt

Feb. 28:

Film: How Yemen's war is affecting cancer patients

Widespread devastation means facilities to treat cancer patients are shrinking fast. = and see also

Feb. 27, 26:

(* B H)

Film by UNICEF: Imagine if you are a Yemeni parents & this is ur child , while he has malnutrition & there is no health care system to treat him , In #Yemen nearly 1.8 M kids under 5 are actually malnourished , if you are a Yemeni parents you have to watch ur kids get weaker

(* B H)

On behalf of Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. Mark Lowcock, UNOCHA Officer-in-Charge, Director of Operations and Advocacy, Mr. John Ging, Statement to the Security Council

I provide this update to the Security Council today on behalf of the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. Mark Lowcock.

After three years of conflict, conditions in Yemen are catastrophic. A record 22.2 million people need humanitarian assistance or protection – including 8.4 million people who are severely food insecure.

About 400,000 children under 5 are so severely malnourished they are ten times likelier to die without treatment than their healthy peers. Some 2 million people remain displaced – 90 per cent of whom fled their homes more than a year ago. Nearly 1.1 million suspected cases of cholera have been reported since April 2017 in what experts have called the world’s worst outbreak. An estimated 3 million women and girls are at risk of gender-based violence.

(* B H)

Film: The War in Yemen: Professionals struggle to make a living

How the well-educated are being forced to give up their careers because major institutions can't afford to pay their salaries.

(* B H)

Yemen emergency

The current level of hunger in Yemen is unprecedented and causing severe hardship for millions of people. Now, almost 18 million people in the country are food insecure, meaning they do not have enough food. Of these, more than 8 million are severely food insecure and rely entirely on external assistance. The rate of child malnutrition is one of the highest in the world.

US$ 303 million

is needed for WFP to provide food assistance and nutrition support to people in need through June 2018

Donate now

(A H)

Free clinic opens for Yemenis impoverished by war

Volunteer doctors are offering free medical services for a week at a clinic in the Yemeni capital Sanaa to treat people impoverished by a war which has killed thousands and wrecked the economy.

The initiative, dubbed “Breeze of Hope,” is the first by a group of nurses and doctors to conduct electrocardiograms, x-rays and other procedures that Sanaa residents cannot afford.

(* B H)

Yemen could face famine this year, UN warns

Yemen is sliding deeper into humanitarian crisis and could face famine this year, the United Nations aid chief has warned.

"The conflict in Yemen is now the primary driver of the largest food security emergency in the world," Mr O'Brien said.

Feb., Work of MONA Relief, all with photos: delivers food aid parcels in Sanaa helps malnourished girl child in Hajjeh delivers hygiene kits to al -Shafaqa center in Sanaa distributes 223 food aid packages in Hodeidah to most vulnerable families funded by Partners Relief and Development delivers Jewish minority members in Sanaa food aid packages for the seventh time delivers beds and blankets to IDPs and poor families in Sanaa delivers 200 classroom tables & chairs to students at al-Seddiq School in Hamdan of Sanaa

Feb. 25:

(* B H)

Poverty along with physical disability

How painful it is to look after seven young children and a mother with chronic illnesses while you are disabled, and your whole body is covered with severe burns. Not to mention how alarmingly the situation in this country keeps escalating day after day which makes it difficult for this vulnerable family to continue struggling for survival. Indeed, poverty and physical disability have left this afflicted person unable to keep feeding his family or even to meet their basic needs.

(* B H)

Yemeni women smuggling on rise as men refuse to carry out checkpoint inspections

Dozens of women have been arrested in Yemen after being used by gangs to smuggle drugs and weapons

Women are being increasingly used by smugglers in Yemen to bypass military checkpoints because male personnel are often unwilling to conduct inspections.

In both areas controlled by Houthi rebels and areas controlled by forces supporting President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, conservative social attitudes lead to women going unsearched through checkpoints.

They have therefore become ideal candidates for smuggling drugs, weapons and other illicit items across the war-ravaged country.

Feb. 24:
(* B E H)

Prices in #Yemen have increased dramatically as vulnerable populations see their livelihoods diminish or disappear, and savings deplete. An estimated 80% of Yemenis are now in debt, and more than half of all families have to buy food on credit.

Feb. 22:

(B H)

Oxfam Yemen Situation Report #51 as of 31 January 2018

(B H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Snapshot - Food Security (February 2018)

(* B H)

Amnesty: Yemen war has increased child marriages

Inequalities” between men and women in Yemen have been “exacerbated” as a result of the ongoing crisis in the country and resulted in the “rise” of negative coping mechanisms, including child marriage, Amnesty International’s World Report warned today.

The 409-page report, which mentions Yemen 58 times, says the situation has left women with “less protection” and fewer avenues to redress for “sexual and other violence”, including female genital mutilation and forced marriage.

Feb. 21:

(* B H)


Seit vielen Jahren arbeitet die DAHW zusammen mit ihren Partnern trotz schwierigster Bedingungen erfolgreich für die Menschen im Jemen. Die Kriegshandlungen werden immer verzweifelter und nichts und niemand bleiben mehr verschont. Nun geriet auch das Büro der DAHW in Taiz unter Raketenbeschuss. Trotzdem agieren DAHW-Mitarbeiter Dr. Al Qubati und seine Kollegen täglich unverdrossen weiter, um die Lepraarbeit im Jemen voran zu treiben und um weitergehende Humanitäre Hilfe zu leisten.

Feb. 18 and earlier:

(* B H)

.@MSF works in 13 hospitals and health centers in #Yemen and provides support to more than 20 hospitals or health centres across 11 Yemeni governorates: #Taiz, #Aden, #AdDhale, #Saada, #Amran, #Hajja, #Ibb, #Sana’a, #Abyan, #Shabwa and #Lahj. (Map)

(B H)

Protection Cluster Yemen Response and Gap Analysis, January - December 2017


Protection Cluster Yemen 3W, January - December 2017

Feb. 20:

(* B H)

“It is estimated that about 100,000 of children under age of five years will die in #Yemen in 2018 from malnutrition related causes if all treatment and prevention activities stop”. referring to

(B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #1 - January 2018



(* B H)

Raymah in the Eyes of Yemenis

In 2013, Yasser, 38, started to work as a field manager in one of ACTED’s project in Raymah governorate, which was the first time he saw Raymah.

The people of Raymah are very similar to their land.

“They have pure, strong hearts that can handle life under hard circumstances,” Yasser said. “Most of them are rooted in this land and are willing to do whatever it needs for them to build it up.”

Yasser’s perspective about the people of Raymah has come about from his interaction with them since 2013

ACTED is the only organisation currently supporting coffee farmers and is maintaining this commitment to support the coffee value chain in order to stabilize livelihoods as rehabilitation and recovery unfolds.

(* B H)

“Women build nations”: stories of female empowerment in wartime Yemen

As a young woman living in a war-torn country, I lose hope in everything around me when all doors are strictly closed. But I believe there’s hope because since I was a child my father used to tell me, “women build nations”.

Through my work as a communication assistant I heard stories from different women who completely changed the way I look at life. Although it is filled with suffering underneath it are powerful stories of survival, and resilience in the midst of war.

I remember in one of my first field visits I was so amazed when I saw an image I will never forget

The world should stand up and salute all Yemeni women for their courage, for their determination, for their belief in themselves, for their strength and for all their sacrifices. Let’s empower them and support them because it is women who build nations in the midst of war. =

Feb. 18 and earlier:

(* B H)

Film: Yemen over 15 million people across #Yemen lack access to clean water.

(B H)

#Sanaa: High demand for firewood after rising gas prices in areas controlled by the Houthis

(* B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 12 - 18 February 2018

(* B H)

Monthly Market Monitoring Bulletin (January 2018)

(* B H)

Yemen Food Security Alert: February 16, 2018

Sustained imports needed to reduce the risk of Famine in 2018

(B H)

Yemen Cash Working Group (CMWG): Currency of Transfer Guidance Note, February 2018

The purpose of this note is to outline the issues related to transferring USD or Saudi Rial to beneficiaries in Yemen and provide guidance on how cash transfers can be calculated in Yemeni Rial.

(* B H)

Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster - End Year Report 2017

Close to three years of relentless conflict in Yemen has devastated the lives of millions of people. An alarming 20.7 million people in Yemen needed some kind of humanitarian or protection support, with some 9.8 million in acute need of assistance. An estimated 4.5 million people needed emergency shelter, essential household items, or CCCM support including IDPs, host communities and returnees.
According to the TFPM (Task Force for Population Movement) 16th report in September 2017, Shelter remains the third most critical need for both IDP s and Returnees after Food and access to income/financial assistance.

(B H)

Yemen Nutrition Cluster Bulletin, Issue 4, Oct - Dec, 2017

(B H)

Yemen: WASH Active Partner Presence per Governorate and % Coverage (Jan - Dec 2017)

(B H)

WASH Cluster Response: Jan - Dec 2017 and in full

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Feb. 28:

(* B H)

RMMS Annual Trends and Analysis Summary 2017 - East Africa and Yemen

At the beginning of 2017, movement from Yemen was primarily influenced by the ongoing conflict that left approximately 2 million internally displaced people. However, the numbers of migrants arriving into Yemen from the Horn of Africa via the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, were slightly lower than in 2016 particularly along the Red Sea route due to reports of deportations from Yemen.

Feb. 27:

(* B H)

Escaping back to war: Somali refugees return from Yemen

When civil war broke out in Somalia, Ali Hassan Suufi and his wife fled to Yemen. But after the Yemeni Civil War began they returned to their home country, which had been ravaged by terror and poverty.

Feb. 26:

(B H)

Somalia: Refugees, asylum-seekers and returnees at 31 January 2018

(B H)

Somalia: Arrivals from Yemen at 31 January 2018

Feb. 25:

(* B H)

Film: They might have dodged the bullets but they are hungry, sleepless and tired. As the fighting continues in #Taiz and #Hodeida more than 60’000 Yemenis have fled to safer realms in the #Aden area. Watch the story of Salamah here:

Feb. 24:

(* B H)

Rückkehrer nach Somalia: Heimweh nach dem Flüchtlingslager im Jemen

Im Jemen leben einige hunderttausend Flüchtlinge aus Somalia. Doch der anhaltende Bürgerkrieg im Jemen zwingt viele von ihnen, wieder in ihre Heimat zurückzukehren. So wie Ali Hassan Suufi und seine Familie. Was sie nach vielen Jahren vorfinden, ist weiterhin Elend, Hunger und Terror.

Feb. 22:

(* A H)

Yemen: Al Hudaydah / Taizz Displacement (18 - 22 February 2018)

The conflict in Al Hudaydah Governorate expanded from Hays district to nearby districts like Aljarrahi; Newly displaced families were trapped in villages and they were targeted by Shelter intervention but couldn’t come to receive the assistance.

Feb. 21:

(A P)

Yemen President Samad met today in Sanaa with all senior state officials, military & security commanders, governors of provinces. Top priority, to unify and coordinate all efforts in the direction of defeating US-Saudi invaders, liberating all Yemen from all occupiers. (photos)

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Yemen Situation: 2018 Funding Update as of 13 February 2018

163.1 M required for 2018

6.8 M contributions received, representing 4% of requirements

(B H)

Yemen’s Director for Humanitarian Affairs: Displacement Catastrophic, Situation Deteriorating in All Respects

Feb. 20:

(* B H)

Hundreds of families continue to be displaced weekly due to the ongoing fighting throughout Yemen, as of February 7,000 families in Aden & 2,000 families in Al Hudaydah have been displaced, many forced to live with out shelter

An estimated 40 per cent of 1,256 newly displaced families are reportedly living in the open.

Feb. 19:
(* B H)

A School for Yemenis in Somalia Keeps Dreams Alive

Khalif is among 5,800 Yemeni refugees who are trying to make a new life in Somalia—an irony, given that thousands of Somalis in the past have fled to Yemen to escape violence in their country.

But with the help of the United Nations and international humanitarian groups, Khalif and thousands of other Yemeni youth are receiving a basic education, many of them for the first time.

The building that now houses the Yemeni Community School here became a reception center for refugees and returnees.

Feb. 18:
(B H)

Yemen UNHCR Update, 1 - 14 February 2018

22.2 million people in need

2,014,026 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

89 per cent of IDPs displaced for more than a year

Feb. 15:

(* B H)

Film: lDPs in Yemen lives in a harsh conditions

DPs in Yemen lives in a harsh conditions , A short documentary film about suffering with english translation.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Feb. 27:

(A P)

The #Houthis are adopting new sectarian curriculum at the #university of #Sanaa that includes subjects and topics excerpted from the booklets of their founder Hussein al-Houthi. It also includes topics that glorifies #Iran and #Hezbollah of #Lebanon (image)


Houthis enter new courses within the curriculum of the University of Sana'a, including praise for the # God's Party and # Iran, as well as the adoption of some of the lieutenant in the founder of the group within the Islamic culture (images)

Remark: By anti-Houthi Twitter account.

(A P)

#Houthi #militias have transformed a number of large #farms into #weapons caches and secret #training_camps for recruits ahead of deploying them to the #Hodeidah and #Hajjah fronts, according to local residents in Hodeidah. and also

Remark: By anti-Houthi Twitter account.

My comment: Well, at the last aerial attack against a farm in Hodeidah province a family of 10 was killed, among them 5 girls: and, this seems not to confirm such an anti-Houthi propaganda.

(A E)

The #Houthis are creating a domestic #gas #crisis in the capital #Sanaa , raising the price of 20-liter cylinder of gas to more than 6,000 #yemeni Rials

Remark: By anti-Houthi Twitter account.

My comment: Hardly the Houthis “create” this crisis, which is due to inflation (caused by a breakdown of economy, thanks to the war and the destructions mainly by the Saudi air raids, thanks to the inflation caused by the breakdown of the economy anf president Hadi’s foolish central bank policy, and due to the lack of cooking gas due to the Saudi blockade.

(* B P)

Yemen: Houthis Sentence Baha’i Man to Death

Drop Charges, End Persecution of Religious Minority

Houthi authorities should drop all charges against a Baha’i man who was sentenced to death on January 2, 2018 because of his religious beliefs, Human Rights Watch said today. The Houthis should unconditionally release Hamed Kamal Haydara and the six other Baha’i men who appear to have been detained for practicing their faith.

The Houthis should cease all persecution of the Baha’i religious minority in areas of Yemen under their control, Human Rights Watch said.

Feb. 26:

(* B K P)

Der lange Atem der Huthis

Nachdem die Huthis im Dezember 2017 ihren ehemaligen Verbündeten, Ali Abdullah Salih, ermordeten, stellt sich die Frage, ob dieser jüngste Gewaltakt die politischen und militärischen Bündnisse in dem vom Krieg zerrütteten Land verändern wird.

Salihs Tod hat die ohnehin komplexe Situation im Jemen weiter verkompliziert. Werden die Allianzen halten oder sind die Huthis diesmal zu weit gegangen?

Obwohl die von den Saudis geführte Koalition einige begrenzte Erfolge erzielt hat, wird ihre Präsenz im Jemen von vielen als ausländische Besatzung und Aggression gesehen. Dies gilt insbesondere aufgrund der verheerenden Luftangriffe und Wirtschaftsblockaden. Da die Regierung Hadi die Saudis unterstützt, gelten diese Ressentiments auch ihr gegenüber. Solange diese Politik weitergeführt wird, werden die Huthis sich selbst als Verteidiger des Landes in Szene setzen können. Selbst wenn sie sich aus Gebieten zurückziehen, die sie im Moment in ihrem Heimatland Sa'da halten, gehen Analysten davon aus, dass sie jahrelang weiterkämpfen können.

and English version:

(* B K P)

Yemen′s Houthis: Defenders of the country?

Yemen as a state essentially no longer exists and no party to the conflict has the political support or military strength to reunite the country

Adam Baron, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, notes that there has been a surprising degree of continuity so far, at least on the surface. It is also clear that the Houthis are not even close to being defeated or weakened. ″If anything, they have grown stronger, consolidating power and seizing the bulk of the Saleh network′s military installations and its weapons. The Houthis are unlikely to be eliminated any time soon,” he said.

Beth Grill, Senior Policy Analyst at RAND Corporation, on the other hand, does not believe that Saleh′s death has meant one side gaining an advantage over the other.

Although the Saudi-led coalition has achieved some limited success, their presence in Yemen, as well as popular resentment towards the Hadi government supported by them, is seen by many as foreign occupation and aggression, owing in particular to a brutal air campaign and economic blockade.

As long as this policy persists, Houthis will have every reason to portrait themselves as defenders of the country. Even if they withdraw from territories they hold at the moment to their homeland of Sa′da, analysts believe they could continue fighting for years.

(A P)

On the coasts of the Red Sea today, Yemen President, commander-in-chief, Saleh Samad, attended The graduation of the biggest batch of Central Security Forces, To enhance security & stability. (photos)

(A P)

Yemeni students take part in rally demanding immediate end of conflict

Yemeni deaf-dumb and disabled students take part in a rally demanding an immediate end of conflict in front of the UN office in Sanaa, Yemen, on Feb. 25, 2018.

Feb. 25:

(A P)

A #Houthi senior leader Zakaria al-Shami, who was appointed by the group as Minister of Transport, continues to loot 8 million riyals from the Ministry of Defense every month. sources confirmed that he still loots the monthly stipend despite he has been replaced

Remark: By anti-Houthi Twitter account.

(A P)

The #Houthis are appointing their loyalists as senior officials in the Communication Ministry in areas under they control, replacing senior cadres, including General Managers (document)

Remark: By anti-Houthi Twitter account.

(A K P)

Houthis send prisoners in Hodeidah to battle fronts

The Iran-backed Houthis militias have released dozens of prisoners in Hodeidah Governorate, forcing them to join the militias and fight the legitimate government of Yemen's forces.

Remark: By biased UAE media.

(A P)

Yemen President Saleh Samad in meeting today in Sanaa with a group of clerics, Highly appreciates the role of clerics & religious rhetoric in defending the country against US-Saudi invaders. (photos)

Feb. 24:

(A P)

President attends graduation ceremony of security batches

Feb. 23:

(A P)

In the context of the #Houthi war against the private sector, the Central Bank in #Sanaa , which falls under their control - issues a circular to all banks, Money Exchange, cash dealers and any financial institution - to stop dealing with 697 institutions and businessmen (document)

Remark: By anti-Houthi Twitter account.

(A P)

Yemen President, cimmander-in-chief, Saleh Samad, attended today in Sanaa a graduation ceremony of two new batches of intelligence officers. ( Political security organization) (photos)

Feb. 22:

(A P)

Houthis Plead Reconciliation with Saleh Supporters

Houthi rebels on Wednesday changed their usual rhetoric by begging reconciliation with the supporters of slain former President Ali Abdullah Saleh to compensate for major field losses against the Yemeni legitimate army.
During a rally in Sanaa, the rebel group acknowledged that it was “greatly shocked” by Saleh’s death, calling for a comprehensive reconciliation with his supporters in an attempt to strengthen their falling ranks.

Remark: Biased, by Saudi media.

Feb. 20:


Feb. 19:

(A T)

Yemeni Forces Crush Al-Qaeda Cell in Yemen’s Dhamar

Security forces of the revolutionary government have squashed a terrorist cell of Al-Qaeda fighters in the Dhamar Governorate, arresting its members. and (photo)

Feb. 18 and earlier:

(A E P)

Disaster Looms As Houthis Impede Imports with Outrageous Tariffs, Custom Processing

Yemen’s General Chambers of Commerce and Industry Union and the Sanaa Chamber of Commerce, with the latter operating under the reign of Iranian-backed Houthi militias, warned of an impending catastrophe befalling Yemenis after militias had set up customs control offices to collect a 100-percent-rate tariff on trucks loaded with goods coming from sea and land ports.

My comment: With propaganda bias, by Saudi media. It’s a bad joke anyway as the Saudis are those who keep up a Yemen blockade.

(A P)

Occupiers’ attempts to clone military institutions are futile: President

(A P)

Yemen's Houthis Release US Embassy Employee After 6 Months' Captivity – Source

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Feb. 27:

(A P)

In a Clear Evidence on the Gaps Between Leaders of Yemeni Legitimacy and Their Different Interests, Minister of Transportation in Ben Daghar’s government accuses Governor of Shabwa with Corruption and Smuggling Oil to Al-Houthis

(A T P)

Adan’s Security Chief: Our Partnership with the Arab Coalition is Fateful and Conspiracies Will Never Discourage Us

Brigadier General Shallal Ali Shaia, Security Chief of Adan, asserted that he is fully determined to eliminate terrorism from Adan and the whole south.

My comment: Of Southern separatists’ forces, which – together with their Emirati overlords – are the real masters at Aden. – And in the countryside, it’s the same:
(A P)

Commander of Shabwa Elites Forces – Azzan Axis – Confirms the Success of the “Determined Sword”

Colonel Mohamed Salem Al-Bu Hur, commander of Shabwa Elites Forces – Azzan Axis – confirmed that Shabwa elites forces, with backup of the Arab Coalition, fully controlled Al-Saeed directorate in Shabwa.

While the Houthi side claims that the terrorists are getting even stronger in the south:

(B P T)


Al-Qaeda (AQ) and Daesh (ISIS) is stronger than it has ever been in an environment of state collapse, growing sectarianism, security vacuums and escalating war.

Suicide bombings in Aden City is not surprising news. The reality of the security chaos makes the repetition of suicide bombings is normal.

(A P)

Yemen foils operation to smuggle weapons from Sanaa

Security forces in Radfan, on Monday, managed to intercept a shipment of weapons coming from Sanaa en route to Aden.

Feb. 26:

(A P)

Sheikh Saleh Ben Farid Al-Awlaky Visits Shabwa Elites Forces in Upper Shabwa, Azzan and Al-Ramda and Thanks the Arab Coalition for Supporting These Forces.

My comment: Southern separatists as the main forces in Southern Yemen.

(A T)

UAE ‘Operation Decisive Sword’ begins in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) triggered a counter-terrorism operation in Shabwa governorate early this morning against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Gulf News reported today.

“The operation is being carried out by the Shabwani Elite Forces, backed by the UAE, under the leadership of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition,” a statement on the Emirates News Agency read. The operation has already secured major roads in northern Shabwa, according to the Khaleej Times. and also


(A T)

#UAE's Operation Decisive Storm to clear an #AQAP stronghold is concentrated in Wadi Yeshbum, al Said district, Shabwah. In 2017, U.S. forces conducted several airstrikes targeting AQAP in al Said. Emirati-backed forces claimed to clear this district back in January. referring to (photos)

#AQAP pushing back on #UAE-backed operations in eastern #Yemen. Local news reporting that AQAP seized parts of Hajar district, including al Jul and Jazul villages, and clashed with Emirati-backed forces in the area. Second Military Region Spokesman denied this though (maps)

(* A P)

UAE building armies to divide Yemen, minister says

Transportation Minister Saleh al-Gabwani denounces Abu Dhabi's moves to set up 'tribal and regional armies'.

Yemen's Transportation Minister Saleh al-Gabwani said the UAE-backed troops cut off his convoy on Sunday while he was en route to inaugurate a new port, in Balhaf.

"There are tribal and regional armies set up by the Emiratis," Gabwani later told a gathering of local and government officials. "We as a state can't accept continuation of this situation."


(* A P)

Yemen minister accuses UAE of trying to fragment his country

A Yemeni minister has accused the United Arab Emirates of trying to fragment his country by creating separate "regional and tribal armies" in the south. and also

(A P)

The head of the #STC @EidrosZubaidi accuses the #Islah (Muslim Brotherhood) of not being serious in confronting the #Iranian project in #Yemen , hoping that the Arab #coalition reconsiders their alliance with the #MB

Feb. 25:

(* A H P)

The #doctors and staff of al-Thawrah Public #Hospital in Taiz organized a protest to denounce the #kidnapping of Dr. Anwar Al-Adwfi by unknown gunmen who assaulted him be his release. The hospital has been subject 2 repeated incursions by unknown local gunmen (photo)

(A P)

Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council Meets Representatives of UN delegate to Yemen

(A P)

UAE pressures Hadi to lift sanctions against ex-president’s son

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) sought to pressure exiled resigned president Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi to apply to the UN Security Council to lift sanctions against Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, close sources to Hadi said.

(A P)

Yemen journalist arrested by government military forces

Yemeni authorities should immediately release Awad Kashmeem and stop arbitrarily detaining critical journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Authorities on February 21 detained Kashmeem, the former governor of the board of directors for the government-aligned newspaper November 30, in Mokalla, Hadramout Province, according to Yemeni Journalists Syndicate co-chair Nabeel Alosaidi and news reports. and and and document

Feb. 24, 25:

(* A T)

Tote und Verletzte bei Anschlägen im Jemen

B ei zwei Selbstmordanschlägen in der jemenitischen Hafenstadt Aden sind nach Angaben von Medizinern mindestens 14 Menschen getötet und 40 weitere verletzt worden. Die Angriffe am Samstag hätten einer Einrichtung gegolten, die von Anti-Terror-Einheiten genutzt werde, sagten die Augenzeugen. Die Täter hätten dort am Eingang zwei mit Sprengstoff beladene Fahrzeuge zur Explosion gebracht. Zudem hätten sechs Bewaffnete versucht, die Einrichtung zu stürmen. Sie seien aber von Wachleuten erschossen worden.

Der "Islamische Staat" (IS) reklamierte die Tat für sich. und auch

(* A T)

Explosions in Yemeni Port Kill 5 Near Anti-Terrorism Camp

Two suicide car bomb attacks Saturday on a camp used by anti-terrorism forces in Yemen's port of Aden killed at least five people and wounded several others.

Soldiers were among the five bodies brought to the city's main Juhouriya hospital and

Later, much more death were reported:

(* A T)

At least 14 dead in attack on Yemen counter-terrorism base

At least 14 people were killed and 40 wounded when Islamist car suicide bombers and gunmen tried to storm the headquarters of a counter-terrorism unit in the southern port city of Aden on Saturday, security and medical sources said.

Islamic State, in a statement carried by its Amaq news agency, claimed responsibility for what it described as two “martyrdom operations” targeting the camp in Tawahi district in south-western Aden. and also and also



films: =


(* A T)

Children in #Yemen are victims of these horrible attacks ,The bombing was near a beach were many families spend their weekend innocent people were killed and injured by 2 car bomb explode in #Aden (photos)


(* A T)

Islamic State claims responsibility for Yemen attacks: agency

Islamic State claimed responsibility for a pair of suicide bombing attacks that hit Yemen’s southern city of Aden on Saturday, the group’s Amaq news agency reported.


(A T)

#ISIS has distributed pictures and further details about the #suicide bombers who targeted the #counterterrorism camp in #Aden two days ago (photos)


(A T)

#IslamicState #Yemen Aden-Abyan province claims yday's op on counter-terror HQ was coordinated with 4 suicide seekers (images)


(A P)

Activists: Adan Explosives Incited by Muslim Brotherhood

Commenting on the attack, Adel Al-Yafeay, a southern journalist, said: “continuous incitement by the media tools of the Reform Parties and those who lost their interests against anti-terrorism forces, the security belt and UAE naturally will lead to such painful scenes”.

Feb. 23:

(A T)

Security Belt in Yafea – Lahj Confiscates Huge Amounts of Chemicals used in Explosives

Feb. 22:

(* B P)

Women Lead the Hunt for Abducted Men in Yemen

As the sectarian conflict rages, a group of mothers have united and organized.

the Abductees’ Mothers Association. Yemeni families were desperately searching for male relatives in the shattered country after Yemen’s former president was killed.

The group, run by 20 women, was there to help. Amid the destruction as rebel Houthis allied to Iran fight Saudi-led forces, its members have found a key role in a country and region where women are so often shut out.

The association started in April 2016 and now has a research department and one for public relations to campaign for the release of men.

Comment: Women in Yemen are amazing. They need to be seen to be understood. They are not meek and weak. They are resourceful, inventive and flexible and just get on with things.

(* A T)

IED attack wounds soldiers in Yemen's Aden

AN UNSPECIFIED number of soldiers were wounded when an improvised explosive device (IED), emplaced on a roadside by unidentified militants, detonated targeting their vehicle in the city of Aden

Feb. 21:

(A P)

Unified Yemen in the interest of the region and world, says PM

Preserving Yemen is not only a local interest, but a regional and international one, Yemen’s Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid Bin Daghr stressed on Tuesday during his meeting with the US embassy.

Feb. 20:

(* A P)

As Yemen falls apart, one boomtown rises

But the fall of Yemen has coincided with the rise of Marib, once seen as an Al-Qaeda bastion, which has been spared much of the misery owing to its oil and gas reserves, proximity to Saudi Arabia and rare tribal cohesion that has helped repel Huthi incursions.

"We have managed to push the war far away from Marib," said provincial governor Sultan al-Arada.

"Marib is untouchable," he told AFP.

Marib is now Yemen's most thriving city, thanks in part to an influx of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people, among them entrepreneurs, doctors and a monied class that is driving up investments and real estate prices.

(A P)

Last November, religious militants group destroyed the British graveyard in Al-Mualla, Aden. Today the security belt forece "UAE backed forces" seized the British graveyard in Al- Buraiqeh, "Little Aden" to be residential land.

Feb. 18 and earlier:

(* A P)
Saudi Arabia welcomes push for U.N. action against Iran on missiles

Saudi Arabia on Sunday welcomed a draft United Nations resolution offered by Britain, the United States and France that would condemn Iran for failing to stop its ballistic missiles from falling into the hands of Yemen’s Houthi group.

(A P)

Yemen's President Summons the Prime Minister to Riyadh to Discuss Developments

(* B P)

The #UAE runs at least two informal detention facilities in #Yemen, and its officials appear to have ordered the continued detention of people despite release orders, and forcibly disappeared people, including reportedly moving high-profile detainees outside the country.

Remark: As often reported before.

(A T)

#Yemen: Major #UAE-led Operation al-Faisal is underway to clear #alQaeda from Hadramawt strongholds. Current focus is Wadi al-Masini. UAE-recruited Elite Forces are backed by UAE air power. Pro-#AQAP wires full of fighting talk, claim 1 soldier killed & 2 injured today in Mankhar

#Yemen: Hadramawt Governor announces successful end to Operation al-Faisal vs #alQaeda strongholds. Be sceptical. We've heard this before. Currently, sources conflict over whether #AQAP suffered significant losses or was simply driven elsewhere.

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims last night's bombing of Wadi 'Amad Security Building in Hadramawt vs #UAE-supported elite forces. Photos bear latest (since Jan) Ansar al-Shari'a news insignia. #AQAP also claims 5 Security Belt soldiers killed/hurt by roadside bomb in al-Mahfad, Abyan yday

(A T)

Imam assassinations in #Yemen: later the same day as Imam Kamadi's assassination, various sources report the attempted assassination of Imam Jalal al-Marimi in yet another drive-by shooting as he exited his mosque in Khur Maksar area of #Aden. They missed. referring to

(A H P)

Congratulations to @MahraYouth for launching Phase 2 of the "Me & Us" peace-building & stability programme in schools around #Mahra, east #Yemen. High levels of enthusiasm among both students (boys & girls) & the newly-trained teachers! (photos)

Fortsetzung / Prosecution (cp7 – 18)

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-386 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-386: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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