Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 389 - Yemen War Mosaic 389

Yemen Press Reader 389: 4.3.2018: Zivile Opfer – US-Propaganda für Saudi-Prinz – Saudische humanitäre Hilfe ist PR – US-Hilfe für Saudis legitim? – Waffenlieferanten – Jemenpolitik der Emirate

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March 4, 2018: Civilian victims – US propaganda for saudi crown prince – Saudi humanitarian aid is PR exercise – Legality of US support for Saudis in Yemen – Arms suppliers to the Yemen war – Yemen policy of the Emirates – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

(** B H K P)

Timeline: Seven years of deadlock and havoc in Yemen

Yemen has entered its eighth year of stalemate and chaos. Here is a reflection on the series of events since 2011 would explain what happened and when.

Pondering over the last seven years in Yemen, numerous fundamental changes cannot be forgotten. These events began with the peace protests, developing into a tumultuous situation and then fierce civil strife.
While the status quo remains messy today, a reflection on the series of events since 2011 would explain what happened and when:

My comment: Very detailed, for better understanding.

(* B H K)

Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen, gegen das Saudi-Arabien einen erbarmungslosen Krieg führt, ist katastrophal. [Überblicksartikel]

(* B H)

More than 21 million Yemeni citizens lack access to clean drinking water and need urgent assistance, 17.8 million of whom are unable to meet their food needs, Minister of Agriculture Othman Majali said on Thursday.
This comes during a speech at the fortieth session of the International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rome, noting thatabout 19.4 million people lack access to clean water and sanitation services, 9.8 million people can not access the water because of the war.
According to Saba news agency, about 8.4 million Yemenis are threatened by famine, an increase of 24% compared to the data of 2017.
He pointed out that about 14.1 million citizens live without adequate health care, in addition to the fact that at least 2.7 million people have fled their homes to other areas within Yemen or to other countries.

(** B H K)

Film: For those new to here's a 25 minute doco we made 2016 explaining how this UK & US backed war has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in airstrikes, from famine & lack of medical care

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen Millions of children and families are on the brink of starvation UNICEF

(* B H K P)

Amnesty: JEMEN 2018

In dem 2017 weiterhin andauernden bewaffneten Konflikt verübten alle Beteiligten Kriegsverbrechen und andere schwere Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht; unzureichende Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Rechenschaftspflicht verhinderten, dass Opfer Gerechtigkeit und Wiedergutmachung einfordern konnten. Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärallianz, welche die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen unterstützte, bombardierte erneut zivile Einrichtungen und verübte wahllose Angriffe, bei denen Zivilpersonen getötet oder verletzt wurden. Die bewaffnete Gruppe der Huthi und ihre Verbündeten, darunter Armeeeinheiten, die dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh die Treue hielten, beschossen Wohnviertel in Taiz mit Granatwerfern und feuerten Artilleriegeschosse wahllos über die Grenze nach Saudi-Arabien. Dabei gab es Tote und Verletzte unter der Zivilbevölkerung. Die jemenitische Regierung, die Huthi und mit ihnen verbündete Armeeeinheiten des ehemaligen Präsidenten Saleh sowie jemenitische Streitkräfte, die sich den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unterstellt hatten, griffen auf rechtswidrige Haftpraktiken wie Verschwindenlassen, Folter und andere Misshandlungen zurück. Frauen und Mädchen wurden nach wie vor Opfer von Diskriminierung und anderen Menschenrechtsverstößen wie Zwangsverheiratung und häusliche Gewalt. Die Todesstrafe blieb in Kraft. Es gab jedoch keine öffentlich zugänglichen Berichte über Todesurteile und Hinrichtungen.

and English version:

(* B H K P)

Amnesty International: YEMEN 2017/2018

All parties to the continuing armed conflict committed war crimes and other serious violations of international law, with inadequate accountability measures in place to ensure justice and reparation to victims. The Saudi Arabia-led coalition supporting the internationally recognized Yemeni government continued to bomb civilian infrastructure and carried out indiscriminate attacks, killing and injuring civilians. The Huthi-Saleh forces indiscriminately shelled civilian residential areas in Ta’iz city and fired artillery indiscriminately across the border into Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring civilians. The Yemeni government, Huthi-Saleh forces and Yemeni forces aligned to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) engaged in illegal detention practices including enforced disappearance and torture and other ill-treatment. Women and girls continued to face entrenched discrimination and other abuses, including forced and early marriage and domestic violence. The death penalty remained in force; no information was publicly available on death sentences or executions.

(* B H K)

"1- The humanitarian crisis in#Yemenis the most important story in the world,but it rarely receives the coverage that such a massive crisis ought to have.
2- Ongoing blockade by#Saudiand willingness to impose collective punishment on the civilian population.
3- suffering from the largest famine the world has seen 4 decades .
4- struggling with an acute hunger crisis that has effected at least 17M ppl ,third of them considered close to famine.
5- Diseases r spreading like a wildfire,the closure of Yemeni ports will worsen the epidemics.
6- There is a gas and fuel crisis ,people are without salaries for 18 months ,the #Saudi bombardment has really scared our children .
7- Almost daily massacres by #Saudi bombs made in#UK&#US.
8- Poor sanitation,famine,malnutrition,water crisis and etc...
9- The delay to the restoration and expansion of humanitarian access will cost the life of innocent people .
10- The only way to stop the war is if people put pressures on #UK & #US governments to stop selling arms to #Saudi and to find a sustainable peace solution. "

Ahmad Algohbary =

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Civilian Impact Monitoring Report - February 2018

December and January marked a shift in the conflict, which entered a more dynamic phase as infighting between factions on both of the warring sides led to a partial breakthrough in the deadlock that had characterised most of the previous year. Intensive, though short-lived, fighting broke out in the capital, Sana’a city, causing a realignment of the political alliances, and sparking renewed fighting on several fronts,including the launch of a military offensive in southern Al-Hudaydah.

As a result, the civilian impact incidents in December and January were high

322 incidents with a civilian impact recorded over the 2 months in the 5 target governorates.

Civilian impact incidents were caused by seven different types of armed violence. The vast majority of incidents in the reporting period were the result of airstrikes, 237 of the 322 incidents (74%), followed by shelling (16%), armed clashes (4%), SAF (3%), UXO (2%),IED (1%), and deployment (1%). This was the case across all governorates, with airstrikes the primary cause of civilian impact incidents in all five target locations.

This resulted in a total of 817 civilian casualties: 507 fatalities, including 60 children and 32 women killed, and 310 people injured,of which 31 were children and 11 women.

The highest number of incidents were in Sa’ada (144), which saw more than twice as many as the next highest governorate,AlHudaydah (64),despite not being an active front in the conflict.

However, despite seeing half as many incidents as Sa'ada,there were 284 civilian casualties in Al-Hudaydah over the reporting period,the highest number of the five target governorates.

Airstrikes were by far the deadliest type of armed violence over the reporting period, accounting for 90% of all civilian casualties (755 casualties), including 97% of fatalities (490 of 507 deaths) and 78% of injuries (243 of 310 injured civilians). and in full:

(** B P)

U.S. Saudi Lobby in Overdrive Ahead of Prince MbS ‘Roadshow’

Formidable network of beltway players paid for years to whitewash the blemishes and promote Kingdom's interests.

When Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman launches his tour through the United States in the coming weeks, he will be cushioned by a complacent mainstream press and his feet will pad over a lush red carpet rolled out by the White House, Congress, and foreign policy establishment in Washington.

Why not? He paid for it.

While most of the talk about the “foreign influence game” today revolves around Russia, possibly no world leader alive has the kind of elaborately engineered public relations machine laying the groundwork for his foreign visits as the Saudi prince, otherwise known as MbS. And it’s not just him, but the entire Kingdom, which over the years has benefitted from billions of dollars of investment in Washington, D.C. lobbying firms, think tanks, and universities. These institutions, each in their own way, have polished up an image of Saudi Arabia that’s not only a whitewash of reality but seeks to deflect negative news, and helps shape U.S. domestic policies in the Kingdom’s favor.

ask many in Washington about Saudi Arabia and they’ll give you the mixed review, invariably mentioning Saudi women’s new license to drive, the opening of movie theaters for the first time, and the billions of aid that Saudis have been pumping into Yemen to “relieve the suffering” there.

That last one is particularly cynical because, as Irin News reports, the Saudis recruited U.S. defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton to help design the aid plan – By KELLEY BEAUCAR VLAHOS

(** B H P)

Saudi $3.5bn plan to allay Yemen suffering branded 'a cynical PR exercise'

Critics say humanitarian operations scheme would further limit access to 8 million people on the verge of starvation

A much vaunted Saudi plan to relieve the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen has been branded a tactic of war and a “cynical PR exercise”.

Riyadh announced its $3.5bn (£2.5bn) Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations plan in January, following months of criticism over the effect of a blockade that has left an estimated 8 million people facing acute malnutrition in a country where 75% of the population of 29 million are in need of aid.

However, as a war that has pitted a Saudi-led coalition against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels approaches its fourth year, critics have slammed the scheme as ploy to distract international attention from the continuing civilian cost of the conflict.

At the centre of accusations levelled against the British and US-backed strategy is the claim that, despite Saudi Arabia’s promise to open the key port of Hodeidah – a city of 400,000 largely controlled by Houthi rebels and closest to the areas of direst need – the plan actually perpetuates the Saudi choke on imports there.


(* B H P)

The Starvation of Yemen and the Saudis’ ‘Cynical P.R. Exercise’

The Saudi-led coalition has been using its blockade to try to starve Yemen into submission for almost three years now.

It should not come as a shock to anyone that their plan to “help” Yemenis is an attempt to distract attention from what they continue to do to the civilian population. The Saudis and their allies are not the least bit interested in alleviating the terrible conditions in Yemen, but they want to appear as if they are so that their Western patrons don’t face as much political pressure to end support for the war. No one should be fooled into believing that the Saudi-led coalition’s “humanitarian” plan is anything more than a fig leaf to cover the horrifying reality of what they have done and what they continue to do to the people of Yemen.

(** B P)

The spin machine behind Saudi Arabia's 'humanitarian aid plan' for Yemen

Presented as a great humanitarian effort, the Saudi-led coalition's new aid plan for Yemen essentially aims to tighten the blockade and monopolise access to aid in the hands of the aggressors.

The problem here is not only that the funding required to meet the needs created by the Saudi-led coalition is estimated by the UN to be twice that amount. The real problem is that the plan will not, in fact, increase the imports on which Yemen is utterly dependent, but reduce them still further.

This is because the much-vaunted "improvements in port capacity" will apply solely to "coalition-controlled ports", excluding the ports outside their control - Hodeidah and Saleef - which, between them, handle about 80 percent of Yemen’s imports.

For these, absolutely critical, ports, the plan explicitly states that it wants a reduction in the flow of cargo they handle: by around 200 metric tons per month, compared to mid-2017 levels. Yes, you heard correctly: cargo levels in mid-2017 - when 130 children were dying each day from malnutrition and other preventable diseases largely caused by the limits on imports already in place - are now deemed in need of further, major, reductions.

But such a strategy will surely be hard to sell in this day and age. Certainly, the Saudis seem to think so, which is presumably why they have employed a plethora of PR agencies to help them do so.

Politicising humanitarian aid

Thankfully, the aid agencies do not seem to have been fooled. A joint statement on the YCHO by a number of international NGOs, including Oxfam and Save the Children, stated that: – by Dan Glazebrook and a longer version: =

(** B K P)

The Legality of U.S. Support for the Saudi-Led Campaign in Yemen

To assess the charge that recent U.S. actions in Yemen violate the War Powers Resolution—and the Department of Defense’s response that it does not—it is necessary to undertake a careful examination of publicly available information about U.S. involvement in Yemen.

(1) U.S. Navy ships off the coast of Yemen

Acting General Counsel Castle’s letter comes to the right conclusion, but asserts far greater authority than necessary—or warranted. It argues that the October 2016 strikes against radar facilities in Houthi-controlled territory in defense of U.S. Navy ships were justified under Article II. That is clearly right, given the limited scope of the operation.

(2) Operations Against AQAP and ISIS in Yemen

(3) Mid-air Refueling of Saudi-led Coalition Aircraft and Other Support

At the outset of U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition, the Pentagon stated that all mid-air refueling missions would be conducted outside of Yemeni airspace. Assuming that the U.S. military has adhered to this policy for its troops supporting the Saudi coalition, including the tanker aircrews (and there is no indication that they have not), it is difficult to argue that military personnel are at imminent risk of hostilities.

At least one thing is clear: the members of Congress have raised important questions about the legality of the support for the Saudi-led coalition that are, as yet, not settled by the Administration’s response—and, indeed, that response may raise more questions than it answers.

My comment: Interesting article and series on the US involvement, but I reject many of the conclusions. To point (1): The US navy strikes at Houthi territory evidently were not justified at all; the whole story was quite dubious and looked like a pretense similar to the Tonkin event in the 1960ies.

(** B K P)

Who is arming the Yemen war? (And is anyone planning to stop?)

The US and UK have rightly drawn opprobrium as the primary arms suppliers of Saudi Arabia, the leader of the pro-Hadi coalition in Yemen, pursuing its war against the Houthi rebels and their allies among the Yemeni army, who are in control of the capital Sana’a. However, the coalition includes several other countries that are playing major roles, and this coalition between them has a diversity of arms suppliers.

The Houthis and their allies
On one side of the war, the Houthis in control of Sana’a and much of the north and west of Yemen, there is increasing evidence that Iran is indeed supplying them with arms, in violation of a UN embargo on the group and their allies.

The Saudi-led coalition

So who are arming these countries? Table 1 below gives data on the supply of arms to each of the coalition members by the US, the top 6 EU arms producers, Russia, and China, using several different measures, where available: financial measures of deliveries, contracts or orders, and export licenses;[2] and SIPRI’s Trend Indicator Value (TIV) measure of the volume of major conventional weapons transfers. The latter is the only measure that is available for all exporters. The data is for 2015-2016 in most cases.

The table shows that all these countries are significant arms suppliers to the Saudi-led coalition.

We may note that all of the Western exporters except Sweden are significant arms suppliers to Saudi Arabia, while all but Germany and Spain are significant suppliers to the UAE.

Debates over arms sales
Arms exports to Saudi Arabia in particular are highly controversial in many of the exporter countries

All major arms exporters are suppliers to at least some of the participants in the Yemen conflict, and the horrific consequences of the war have, up to now, done little to dent the enthusiasm of the US and European exporters to sell to the lucrative Gulf arms market. Saudi Arabia, in particular, the world’s 4th largest military spender, is almost entirely dependent on imported arms, which most Western producers have been very happy to supply. However, the Yemen war has certainly led to a significant heightening of debate on arms sales, reaching in some cases the level of serious legislative opposition, and breaking what has often been a cross-party consensus in favor of arms sales in some countries.

Nonetheless, Germany is not one of the biggest sellers to these countries, and for the big three western suppliers: the USA, the UK, and France: there is no sign yet of a change in policy—though political dissent is growing.

My comment: Very interesting figures!

(** B K P)

The UAE's vested interests are prolonging the conflict in Yemen

By sponsoring the southern secession effort, the UAE is seeking to advance its own interests in the country and the region

Yemen is now less of a coherent nation state, and better described as a bloody arena for the parties to the conflict to play out their own vested interests.

it is now clear that Hadi and the coalition have failed to capitalise on the opportunity brought forward by the death of Saleh. Specifically, the coalition's failure to recapture key cities, including Hodeidah and Taiz has scorched any hopes of a swift end to the conflict.

The trend in Yemen seems to be headed in a different direction. Rather than unification under the leadership of Hadi's government, the months following the death of Saleh have marked a new period of instability and fragmentation.

The end of the conflict now appears to be a more arduous task than ever before. The role played by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) - a key coalition partner to the Saudis - is key to understanding how and why Yemen's small window for peace turned into contagion of increased division and prolonged war.

In reality, the UAE has no real desire to see Hadi governing Yemen from Sanaa. To that end, the UAE utilised the power of its military proxies in Yemen to ensure this will not happen, even if the Houthis continue to rule for a little while longer.

in the longer term, the UAE's support for secessionist groups like the STC - which incidentally is led by some controversial figures such as Hani Bin Breik - has serious implications for the unity of Yemen as we know it.

By sponsoring the southern secession effort, the UAE is seeking to advance its own interests in the country and region.
To start with, since Hadi claimed the UAE was acting more 'like an occupation power in Yemen rather than a force of liberation', the UAE has harboured a particular distaste for him.

The UAE's hunger for regional domination as demonstrated by their race to build military bases across the Middle East and East Africa, reflects how its interests are markedly different from those stated by its own coalition.

Yet the extent to which the Saudis support the UAE's motives in south Yemen is in question.

Although it changed the coalition's internal equilibrium, in reality it gave rise to increased desperation on the UAE's part, and a more vicious manifestation of its own contradictory self-interest. Indeed, if the coalition is unable to achieve its stated objectives in the conflict, it should at least be honest about its now evident ulterior motives – by Omar Mashjari

Comment: The tale of UAE being afraid of a Muslim Brotherhood State should Hadi win, is not correct.
Greed, hegemony, expansionism is the key motive of the UAE.
As dangerous as Saudis' agenda in #Yemen

(** B P)

The Yemen War Online: Propagation of Censored Content on Twitter

This study, conducted by the Internet Monitor project at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, analyzes the sharing of information on Twitter among different political groups related to the ongoing conflict in Yemen. The study finds that the networks on Twitter are organized around and segregate along political lines. The networks cite web content, including censored websites, that reflects and informs their collective framing of the politically sensitive issues. Each of the factions relies almost entirely on their own sources of information.

The study also tests for the availability of this open web content shared on Twitter in the countries most engaged in the public debate over the conflict and find that national filtering policies also seek to shape the narrative by blocking views and perspectives that diverge from government positions on the conflict. While selective exposure to web content is often associated with polarization, the paper shows that social media—in this case Twitter—is used to propagate censored content from the open web, making it more visible to users behind open-web filtering regimes. The evidence shows that government attempts to corral social media users into government-friendly media bubbles does not work, although government filters make it more difficult to access some content. Instead, social media users coalesce into self-defined media spheres aligned around social and political affinities.


We study the sharing of information on Twitter among different political groups related to the ongoing conflict in Yemen. We find that the networks on Twitter are organized around and segregate along political lines. The networks cite web content, including censored websites, that reflects and informs their collective framing of the politically sensitive issues. Each of the factions relies almost entirely on their own sources of information. We also test for the availability of this open web content shared on Twitter in the countries most engaged in the public debate over the conflict and find that national filtering policies also seek to shape the narrative by blocking views and perspectives that diverge from government positions on the conflict. While selective exposure to web content is often associated with polarization, we show that social media—in this case Twitter—is used to propagate censored content from the open web, making it more visible to users behind open-web filtering regimes. The evidence shows that government attempts to corral social media users into government-friendly media bubbles does not work, although government filters make it more difficult to access some content. Instead, social media users coalesce into self-defined media spheres aligned around social and political affinities.


In this study we evaluate the use of social media to disseminate information from web sites and online news sources that are normally blocked by government filtering. This work builds upon prior work focused on the evolution of Internet architectural choices and state censorship. Existing technologies used to carry out government-mandated filtering are unable to selectively block specific accounts or web pages when encryption is deployed on online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or Wikipedia.[1] The censors must either block the entire platform or allow everything through.[2] Users can exploit this feature of encrypted platforms to counter censorship by disseminating banned content through such platforms, as we demonstrated in a recent Egypt case study.[3]

Discussion and Conclusion

The three distinct networks we identified and analyzed on Twitter reflect the political affinities of the groups vying for control of the narrative on the war. Each focuses attention on open web media sources that frames the narrative around the conflict in a manner that is favorable to their side. The most cited URLs in each of the networks constitute a distinct set of websites that are different from the other networks with content that generally matches the overall political outlook and positions on the war of the three factions. and in full:

(** B E K)

Look at what US defence firm Raytheon [and others9 is up to in Saudi Arabia. This & a whole load of other new positions to assist the Saudi war on Yemen, with some clearly operational military roles.

referring to job offers at


Air Operations Analyst

Leidos is seeking candidates for an Air Operations Analyst position at the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) Headquarters in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Air Operations Analyst will augment and support the primary RSAF staff within the RSAF Research and Strategic Development Center. The Air Operations Analyst will be responsible for conducting studies and analysis of all aspects of air operations to include fighter/attack operations, suppression of enemy air defenses, surveillance and reconnaissance operations, airlift and air refueling operations, search and rescue and special operations. He is also responsible for the analysis of aviation doctrine, tactics, techniques, procedures and weapons system performance. The ideal candidate will have international experience as an Air Force advisor or instructor.

Patriot Battery Systems Technician Field Engineer II (by Raytheon)

The Patriot Battery System Technician provides technical advice and assists battery personnel in emplacement, orientation, alignment, checks, adjustments and system integration and checkout (SICO) of the patriot major end items equipment. Isolates malfunctions in the system using automatic and semiautomatic program maintenance diagnostics, unit self test, bite and external test equipment. Performs repair of patriot ECS, RS, IFF, AMG, LRPT, GMT and LS. Provides technical assistance in maintaining the patriot power generation equipment, communications equipment and assists in missile handling operations as required. Participates in on-the-job training (OJT) programs, and assists the section officer in enforcing safety policies, procedures, and standards. Identifies faulty work practices and demonstrates proper maintenance and troubleshooting techniques. Prepares and submits maintenance reports and system problem reports (SPR s) to the battery commander. The position is located in Saudi Arabia.

Patriot SMP systems Technician Sr Field Engineer I

Patriot Major Item Repairman (MIR) Senior Field Engineer I, Field Engineering supports the HAWK and Patriot Logistics Sustainment Services (HPLSS) Program. The MIR will provide in depth system knowledge and field experience related to the theory of operation and troubleshooting skills required to resolve complex Patriot missile system Major End Items (MEI) electronic and mechanical problems.
The MIR installs authorized third echelon modifications and provides day-to-day execution and oversight of the refurbishment and modification processes as well as demonstrate the ability to perform depot level diagnostic, fault isolation, cleanup and repair capability for PATRIOT Weapon System MEIs. The MIR must affect all electronic repairs on location with detailed system knowledge, the ability to use all of the hardware and software tools currently available to Organizational and Intermediate Maintenance. The MIR also monitors work performed by subordinates to insure it meets or exceeds established quality standards. Perform other duties and activities as directed. The MIR reports to the Senior MIR. Must be able to work in harsh climates and be able to lift 50 lbs. This position is located in Saudi Arabia.

Joint Military Analyst, Senior (Booz Allen Hamilton)

Provide professional leadership and Joint military expertise through onsite consulting assistance stationed overseas. Demonstrate superb client delivery expertise by diplomatically coordinating and providing support to Combined and Joint international personnel. Apply expertise in technical writing and comprehension and guidance and training. Leverage the ability to lead complex tasks and promote teamwork by collaborating with onsite assigned personnel. This position is located in the MENA region with limited visits back to the US.

Military Planner (Booz Allen Hamilton)

Provide military and planning advice and expertise to support the coordination of Joint counter threat operations executed by coalition member nations and facilitate resourcing to enable operations. Identify critical challenges associated with coalition military operations, assess how those issues impact the accomplishment of coalition objectives, and provide advice on the creation of plans and programs that mitigate those challenges. Support the implementation of processes and procedures to manage the simultaneous planning and coordination of multiple coalition initiatives in the military domain. Provide examples from western military experience to illustrate key planning and coordination issues. This position is not available for remote delivery and is located in the MENA region.

UH-60M Instructor/Operator

The Defense & Intelligence Group of Leidos has an opening for a UH-60M Instructor/Operator in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. JOB SUMMARY: UH-60M Instructor/Operator (I/O) will perform full-time English speaking Instructor/Operator duties in country for customer training. The I/O personnel qualifications includes the knowledge/experience of a rated U.S. Army UH-60M Aviator and instructor pilot and/or instrument trainer. The successful candidate will provide I/O support during established training times with the customer and have the ability to flex shifts as required to support day/night operations per customer training schedule.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* A H)

Yemen: 1,072,455 cholera cases as of March 3

WHO's Cholera Response Dashboard reports 1,072,455 cases and 2,263 deaths as of March 3. That is an increase of 1,178 cases and zero deaths in 48 hours.

(* A H)

WHO: Diphtheria mortality in Yemen rises to 72

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that the death toll from diphtheria in Yemen has risen to 72 since August.
In a report, the United Nations organization reported that these cases were registered in 20 out of 23 provinces and 171 out of 333 districts.
The report said ''1193 cases of infection in those provinces''.

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 27 February 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April 2017 - 27 February 2018)

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B K P)

Interactive map of Yemen

(* B K P)

Who Loves Ya, Saudi?

Just the UK's Theresa May and her deluded Foreign Office, and the callous death merchants of Washington and Tel Aviv.

Bin Salman arrives in London on 7 March. He'll be met by angry protesters.

The petition has well over 11,000 signatures so far. Of course, their request will be ignored. The UK Government is a great admirer of terror regimes such as Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia a partner for "tackling international terror and extremism"? Seriously?

Guilty as hell of complicity

(* B P)

Yemen needs a project for the future built on culture of life

The Houthis have no political, economic or educational project for Yemen.

Everybody in Yemen wants to go back to the past with one notable exception: the “legitimate” government represented by President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Hadi does not have any past to go back to, except perhaps when it comes to reviving the times of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and playing his role. Hadi needs to get over his Saleh complex and ensure Yemen’s transition to a new era and relinquish his fantasy of becoming president of a unified Yemen.

One of the major problems in Yemen is the lack of a clear project for the country’s political future. None of the power-sharing schemes, which were in place from 1962-90 and then 1990-2011 when the Muslim Brotherhood was doing its best to bring down Saleh and his heirs, has succeeded.

Despite the many mistakes Saleh has made, including helping the Houthis and hooking them up with Iran, he was the best authority on Yemeni affairs. Without him, however, the GPC is practically dead – by Khairallah Khairallah

My comment: Some good ideas and quite a lot of bullshit also. There is no “culture of death imported from Iran” nor the Houthi’s “only project is to be part of Iran’s expansionist plan in the Arabian Peninsula. And there is no “struggle for self-defence” by the Saudi coalition.

(B P)

Yemen, Syria to figure in Muhammad and Sisi talks

Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, deputy premier and minister of defense, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will discuss on Sunday a number of regional and international issues of concern including the situation in Yemen, Syria and Libya.
Combating terrorism and extremist organizations as well as efforts to counter Iranian meddling in the affairs of the region’s countries will also figure in the talks between the Egyptian president and the Crown Prince during the latter’s three-day official visit to Egypt.

(* B K P)

Catherine Shakdam: After Hitler, Saudis Next in History to Have Used Hunger as Weapon of War

Shakdam, in an exclusive interview with FNA, said that Saudi Arabia wants “to destroy the very idea of Yemen as a sovereign nation” to ensure its own rule being the sole prevailing power in the region.

The analyst believes that the patient and resilient Yemeni people, backed by their own history and civilization, have already won the war against Saudi Arabia who has spent billions of dollars to buy military technology and mercenaries.

FNA has conducted an interview with Shakdam about the ongoing Saudi war on Yemen and possible motives behind the war imposed on the impoverished Arab country by Saudi Arabia and its western allies.

Below you will find the full text of the interview.

The premise of Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen is based on destruction and chaos. And if Riyadh has tried to rationalize its military aggression by claiming it wants to restore Yemen’s legitimate government, the many deaths and unprecedented targeting of civilians clearly prove otherwise.” =

(* B K P)

Film: Great to see @BBCWorld devote serious air time to the #Yemen war on the back of @bbclysedoucet's excellent on-the-ground reports. Interviewy: Elisabeth Kendall. and snippet:


(* B K P)

Film: Yemen conflict - Humanitarian conditions are catastrophic

Elisabeth Kendall, interviewed by France24.

(* B K)

Film: The war in Yemen is one of the worst humanitarian crises in decades — and the U.S. is making it worse. Sign the petition to end U.S. support for this immoral war:

(* B K P)

Yemen Situation Report

[Overview, politics of ca. last 10 days]

Russia pushed through a UN Security Council resolution draft on Yemen that did not mention Iran's provision of asymmetrical capabilities to the al Houthi movement, effectively blocking a U.S.-led effort to hold Iran accountable for its role in Yemen. Russian and Iranian interests largely converge in the Middle East, which includes the shared interests of reducing American influence in the region.

The United States will not be able to bring additional pressure against Iran through UN channels

The Saudi-led coalition may perceive Russia’s veto in the UNSC as an indicator that the international community is not capable of diplomatically pushing back on Iran’s actions in Yemen. The coalition will likely continue to pursue a military solution to the conflict as a result. The coalition’s efforts to end the war militarily have been unsuccessful and will likely continue to fail, perpetuating conditions that allow groups like AQAP to flourish.

(* B K P)

Progressive“ Kriegstreiber
Dass die Antikriegsbewegung tot ist, zeigt sich auch daran, dass Menschen, die sich als "Kriegsgegner" bezeichnen, den Krieg gegen Syrien für einen "Bürgerkrieg" halten. Für sie ist der Krieg gegen den Jemen ebenfalls ein "Bürgerkrieg". Weil dieses Land vor allem von Saudi-Arabien bombardiert wird, versuchen US-Kriegsgegner die verdeckte Beteiligung der USA am Krieg gegen den Jemen zu ignorieren oder herunterzuspielen. Diese Haltung lässt sich in dem Satz zusammenfassen: "Weil keine direkte Beteiligung der USA vorliegt, besteht auch keine Notwendigkeit für eine Kampagne gegen den Krieg im Jemen".

Krieg und Neoliberalismus stehen nicht mehr im Mittelpunkt des zivilgesellschaftlichen Widerstandes. Ein von konzerneigenen Stiftungen finanziertes Netz nichtstaatlicher Organisationen hat den gesellschaftlichen Widerstand zerstückelt. Die Bewegungen gegen die Globalisierung und gegen den Krieg wurden gespalten. Die Wirtschaftskrise wird nicht mehr in Zusammenhang mit den imperialistischen Kriegen der USA gebracht – von Michel Chossudovsky

(A E P)

Yemenis launch social media campaign with focus on development

Yemenis have launched a social media campaign with the hashtag #BringDevBack - or Bring Development Back to Yemen - highlighting how years of war have destroyed the opportunity for development.

The campaign shows the people of Yemen are already thinking about rebuilding their country despite the ongoing conflict.

Wesam Qaid, executive director at Sanaa-based economic developmental organisation SMEPS, told Al Jazeera the goal of the campaign is looking towards a hopeful future.

(* B P)

Ahmed Saleh Presents Himself as Successor to His Father, Criticizes 'Unjust' Sanctions against Him

Ahmed Saleh, the eldest son of late former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, described UN sanctions against him as “unjust”, in his first official response to a recent decision by the Security Council to extend the sanctions.
Although Saleh's son’s statement was mainly devoted to thanking participants in the campaign that called for lifting the sanctions, it carried other concealed message that he was seeking to succeed his father to lead the General People’s Congress party and to join the Yemeni legitimate authority and the Arab Coalition in the battle against of the Houthi rebels.


(B P)

#Yemen update: Both the statements below are true. 1. At least 4 official statements issued since Dec 2017 by General Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, according to media reports. 2. No one has seen General Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh himself make even a single statement since Dec 2017.

(* B K)

Journalist unmasks so-called 'successful' U.S. raid in Yemen with first-hand reporting

It's been hailed as a "very successful mission," by U.S. President Donald Trump. In January of last year, the U.S. Navy's SEAL Team 6 launched a covert assault in al Ghayil, a remote part of Yemen. The military operation was a first under the Trump administration, purportedly to capture or kill an al-Qaeda leader.

At the time, freelance journalist Iona Craig was just set to leave the war-torn country but stayed to report on the U.S. raid. Disguised and travelling treacherous roads through volatile conflict zones, Craig found the story that Washington never wanted told.

And now, she's won the prestigious Polk Award for her foreign reporting of this story, published in The Intercept.

Craig joined The Current's Anna Maria Tremonti to share how she got to the heart of this story.

(* A)

Interactive Map of Yemen

(* B K P)

Film: Really short extract from my interview on al Jazeera NewsGrid yesterday. Might we finally see a shift in the #Yemen war?

(* B K P)

Film: Yemen 'a battleground for regional powers'

(A P)

The Saudi-led coalition called on international and non-governmental organizations to open offices in Aden, the Hadi government’s interim capital, on February 28.[4]

My comment: This would be a blow to their work, look at

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H P)

UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen Mark Lowcock reported that the Saudi-led coalition policy to divert containerized cargo to Aden is a major challenge in humanitarian relief efforts in Yemen during a briefing to the UN Security Council on February 27. Lowcock highlighted the importance of al Hudaydah and al Salif ports remaining open without time limits or restrictions. These ports provide access to seventy percent of people in need. Lowcock also reported that access to al Houthi-held areas has recently deteriorated and that the non-payment of salaries is driving the collapse of public services.[2]

(B H P)

Nichols’ sales grow as Yemen conflict hits profits

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

IKRK: 15 Millionen Jemeniten haben keinen Zugang zu Trinkwasser

15 Millionen jemenitische Bürger haben nach Angaben des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz((IKRK)) keinen Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser

Die Einfuhr von Treibstoff ist nicht erlaubt. Das verschärft den Mangel an sauberem Trinkwasser in den neun größten Städten Jemens, da Pumpen und Filteranlagen nicht mehr betrieben werden können. „Über eine Millionen Menschen haben keinen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser und sanitärer Versorgung mehr.

(* B H)

No Clean Water for 15 Million Yemenis Due to Saudi Aggression

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported that 15 million people have difficulty in terms of accessing safe water in Yemen, as, according to the United Nations, more than three-quarters of Yemenis are now in need of humanitarian aid as the brutal aggression launched by the Riyadh-led coalition nears its fourth year.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said in a tweet that pumping drinking water into nine cities stopped during the past year due to lack of fuel to run the pumps.

It added that the pumping stop caused a crisis and made about 90 percent of the residents of these cities wait to be transported by trucks and tankers.

(B H)

Film (Arabic): The suffering of the children of Al-Hashwa and their water needs in Saada

(B H)

Thankful words from Human Needs Development - HND NGO

Best thanks to our donors in Australia! (photos9

(* B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (January 2018)

Fighting escalated towards the end of the month

There has been a sharp rise in probable diphtheria cases this month

UNICEF reached at least 82,880 people, including 39,670 children, with lifesaving mine risk education messages this month.

As of 26 February 2018, UNICEF’s response in Yemen has a 75 per cent gap in Education (US$30.8 million required) and 74 per cent in Child Protection (US$ 33.2 million required).

(* B H)

Film: Watch these heartbreaking messages from Yemen’s children to US Senators — each view makes it harder for them to ignore! = =

(* B H)

Film: Yemen conflict - Humanitarian conditions are catastrophic

(* B H)

Film: Yemen is ‘world’s largest man-made humanitarian crisis’ – UN special envoy


(* B H)

Film: UN warns conditions in Yemen 'catastrophic' | Wednesday, February 28th 2018

(* B H)

Yemen: Emergency Dashboard, February 2018

(B H)

Film: Samar in Yemen

You'd think that living through the world’s largest humanitarian crisis might prevent you from running a successful business. But that’s exactly what one woman in Yemen is doing.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Nowhere to run: The Yemenis stranded in their own country

Yemenis battered by war and the economic fallout find that neighbouring countries will only admit them if they have enough money

Neighbours including Saudi Arabia, Oman and other countries refuse to accept the vast majority of displaced Yemenis through official channels, amid fears that it would result in a massive influx.

It's impossible to enter Saudi Arabia - which has led the coalition attack on Yemen since 2015 - as a displaced person.

Its left thousands of Yemenis stranded - or else turning to people smugglers.

The UNHCR said in October 2017 that 190,352 people have arrived from Yemen in neighbouring countries, often in desperate conditions. An estimated two million have been driven from their homes and are internally or externally displaced – but an estimated one million have attempted to return home, even though it is not safe, according to UNHCR.

Fadhl al-Thobhani, a social expert and professor of sociology at Taiz University, said that the situation in Yemen is not like that in Syria or other countries, where those leaving have been officially welcomed by their new hosts.

"If Saudi Arabia opened its borders to Yemenis, we would see millions of Yemenis leave and head towards Saudi. This would affect Saudi negatively, so it is normal that neighboring countries will open their doors only for specific people."

(* B H)

Film: These kids should be enjoying the innocence of childhood, but in #Yemen they're learning how to survive in a war zone.

(* B H)

Film: They might have dodged the bullets but they are hungry, sleepless and tired. As the fighting continues in #Taiz and #Hodeida more than 60’000 Yemenis have fled to safer realms in the #Aden area. Watch the story of Salamah here

(* B H)

The province of Hajjah hosts 19% (376,000) of Yemen’s 2 million IDP’s referring to

(B H)

Yemen: Passengers Transport Overview - Djibouti - Aden - Djibouti, February 2018

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen IDP Response: Core Relief Items (CRIs), Shelter and Cash Assistance (1 January to 31 December 2017)

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* B P)

For Baha’is, Yemen man’s death sentence is grimly familiar

The Houthi authorities, the rebel group that rules much of Yemen, recently added freedom of religion to the list of the war’s casualties.

On Jan. 2, Hamed bin Haydara, a member of the Baha’i faith, was sentenced to public execution on trumped-up charges of espionage that belie the real reason for his harsh sentencing: his religious beliefs. Arrested in 2013 under the Hadi government just as the civil unrest in Yemen was ramping up, Haydara was held for years without trial and subjected to torture and interrogations.

After prolonged, bungled court proceedings marked mostly by a lack of due process, the Houthis convicted Haydara of spying for Israel. The proof? Benign correspondence between him and the Baha’i World Centre, the administrative center of Haydara’s faith. The center has been in what is now Israel since the late 19th century.

And some reports by an anti-Houthi Twitter acoount.

The #Houthis have assaulted and beat up the citizens who protested the shortages of #gas and the high prices of it. some protesters in one of the streets near Sana'a university were not only beaten up, but also taken to unknown destinations (photo seems not to fit)

#Houthis are forcing the affiliates of the Military Policy in the capital #Sanaa and other provinces under the group's control to attend their sectarian so-called cultural training courses, where attendees are lectured the booklets of the groups founder #Yemen

The #Houthis are conducting wide-spread kidnapping campaign on the people of Al-Sha'er of Ibb province, most of whom are expatriates This campaign is aiming at extorting the people and forcing them to pay large amounts of money to finance the wars of the #Houthi group

The #Houti-appointed Public Prosecutor scolds three judges after the #Houthis arrested them

The #Houthis are forcing the entire staffers of #Yemen_Mobile - biggest Telecommunication company in #Yemen - to attend the so-called #cultural_training_courses


Very acute transportation crisis has engulfed the capital because the gas-fueled buses have stopped working due to the rapid increase of gas prices and its shortages in the capital Sanaa. The 20-liter cylinder of #Gas costs at least 7,000 #Yemeni Rials (photo)

My comment: It’s odd to blame the Houthis for this, instead of the Saudi blockade.

(* A P)

Yemeni Houthi Rebels Release Dozens of Supporters of Saleh

Yemeni Shia Houthi rebels released 69 supporters of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh killed last year by the Houthis, a source in security bodies told Sputnik.

(A K P)

In Yemen,parents sent their young sons to fight US-Saudi invaders. When sons get killed, the parents send food, money & weapons to fronts in the name of their dead sons. This is what Marwani family did today in Dhammar. Sent all this food,after losing sons (photos)

(A P)

Houthi gunmen loot humanitarian aid in Ibb province

A local source in Ibb city said that a Houthi leader looted humanitarian aid after he opened fire at the gate of a school in al-Sabra district southeastern the province.

(A P)

Houthis return mentally disturbed man dead to his family

Remark: By anti-Houthi Islah Party media.

(A P)

The Hadi government Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused al Houthi forces of storming the Iraqi embassy in Sana’a on February 28. The statement condemned the attack and accused the al Houthi movement of systematically targeting diplomatic missions.[5]

(A P)

Houthis take hold of $789 national pensions and benefits

Houthis have laid their hand on $ 789 million in national pensions and retirement benefits as they seized the General Authority for Social Security and Pensions (GASSP(, the last financial institution in the capital Sana'a

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi Islah Party media.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* A P)

Al Hizam Security Forces storm a local newspaper in Aden

Gunmen stormed the headquarters of a local print newspaper and set the building on fire in Dar Sa’ad district, Aden city on March 1.
The gunmen allegedly belonged to Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces, according to local sources.

(* A P)

The Taiz-based GPC faction affirmed its objective to defeat the al Houthi movement and promised to “punish” GPC members who support the al Houthi movement. The faction elected TaizDeputy Governor Aref Jamal as the GPC leader for Taiz governorate. Jamal has previously mediated conflicts involving an..AQAP-affiliated brigade in Taiz city. [2]


(A P)

The Sana'a-based GPC claimed these decisions were invalid

The GPC fractured after the death of former President Saleh, some anti-al Houthi factions have previously stated they do not want Hadi to be the head of the GPC. The statement from the GPC-Sana'a based faction aligned with the al Houthis is completely unsurprising.

(* A P)

Prominent cleric shot dead while praying in Yemen’s Hadhramaut

Unknown gunmen assassinated cleric Al Habib Aidroos Ben Abdullah bin Sumait, a prominent scholar and imam of Al-Mehdhar Mosque in his home in the city of Tarim in Hadhramaut, southern Yemen.

The gunmen pretended to be joining the cleric to read Quran, and after he allowed them in, they shot him as he performed his prayer, according to sources close to the deceased.


(* A P)

Reported assassination of a Sufi immam in Hadramout, south Yemen. So sad.

Habib Aydarus bin Sumayt

We have lost another of the men of Allah. Habib Aydarus bin Abdullah bin Sumayt was martyred in shocking circumstances in Tarim. On Friday morning 15th Jumada al-Akhirah 1439 / 2nd March 2018 a group of men knocked on his door. One of them said that he was sick and asked Habib Aydarus to read over him. Habib Aydarus said that he would pray Salat al-Duha and then help him. The men then shot him and he died on his prayer mat.

(A P)

Yemen’s Former Ruling Party Recognizes Hadi’s Leadership, Vows to Carry out Saleh’s Will

Yemen’s General People's Congress on Thursday launched in southwestern Taiz its first attempt at unifying the party’s image, after it had been divided by the death of ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Leaders of the local party, at an unscheduled conference held on Thursday in Taiz, announced their loyalty to the internationally-recognized President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi after the death of Saleh.

My comment: This certainly is little more than the one branch of the party which had been and is supporting president Hadi, claiming and described here as representing the whole party. There at least is one branch more, at Sanaa, still supporting the Houthis.

(* B K P)

Film: Reporting from Yemen: Final hurrah of an army in disarray

(* A P)

Yemen journalist held after Facebook post criticising army, media

Awad Kashmim, editor of the pro-government newspaper 30 November, was "arrested illegally" last week in the eastern city of Mukalla in oil-rich Hadramawt province.

On February 19, Kashmim posted a cryptic message in Arabic on his Facebook page levelling veiled criticism at both the army and the press.

The media, he wrote, has "lost all sense of professionalism and credibility in favour of service to regional parties".


(* A P)

Yemen: IFJ urges release of brave journalist and union activist

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), in urging the release of journalist and union activist Awad Kashmeem, who was arrested by local authorities on 21 February in Mokalla, Hadramout Province in Yemen.

Kashmeem is a journalist and director of the state-funded Baktheer Publishing Foundation and its newspaper, November 30. He is also the press freedom officer of the YJS´s branch in Hadramout.

Kashmeem´s arrest follows criticisms he made of local authorities and the services provided to citizens and also the lack of financial resources to the Foundation following the offices´ destruction by Al-Qaida in 2015.

(A P)

Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi visited Prime Minister Ahmed Bin Daghir due to Daghir’s current poor health in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 1. Daghir traveled to Riyadh from Aden city on February 16 after southern secessionist forces confined Daghir to Ma’ashiq Palace in Aden for two weeks.[3] and (photos9

My comment: Daghr is at Riad also! At Aden, The Hadi “government” really controls nothing more at all.

(* A P)

Alarming news from Aden, south Yemen. Armed militias reportedly stormed Alshumoo' (or Kindles) Printing Corp, which publishes Akhbar Alyoum daily, and set it on fire. referring to (photos)


(* A P)

Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces, according to local sources. Al Hizam Security Forces arrested journalist Awad Kashmim for criticizing al Hizam in al Mukalla city, Hadramawt governorate, eastern Yemen on February 21.[2]

(A P)

Paramilitary forces in south Yemen disrupt govt functions

Paramilitary forces in south Yemen have been disrupting government officials from pursuing their day-to-day jobs in different locations recently, local sources say.

Remark: Struggle between the Hadi government and pro-separatist forces.

(A P T)

PM tells security authorities to strike with iron fist on terrorists

Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr has directed the security authorities to strike "with an iron fist against those who target the nation and the people", referring to perpetrators of terror attacks.

My comment: “Iron fist”? This government controls little more than the government building.

(* B T)

Yemeni family flees Houthis only to die in ISIL attack

Yemeni soldier's harrowing story of how he tried to save a family

Abdullah Ahmed Al Khulaidy's family thought they had reached safety when they arrived in Aden after fleeing fierce fighting in their home city of Taez, which Houthi rebels had taken over and turned into an all-out military base.

But just two months later, Abdullah's wife and two of the couple's three children were dead.

It was then that a militant blew up a car outside the gate of the military base, just three metres from the bus stop. Abdullah's wife, his daughter and Elyas were all fatally injured.

(* B P)

About Southern Movement (Hirak) #SouthYemen

Ghaith Khalik Visits #SouthYemen when North #Yemen invaded in March 2015. Collection of clips from during his visit & earlier visits. Journalists & newsagencies choose to report differently

Remark: Pro-separatist film.

(* B P)

Film: Reporting from Yemen: 'In Aden, we don't know who is controlling what' =

(A P)

Massive March for Adan Oil and Refineries Company Workers Against the Corrupt Government and its Arms in the Refineries

Syndicated of Adan Refineries and workers of Adan Oil and Refineries company arranged a massive march in Adan on Tuesday February 27th, 2018, to protest the corruption of Ben Daghar’s government

(A P)

With Attendance of Sheikh Saleh Ben Farid Al-Awlaky, Tribal Leaders of Ba Kazam Meet UAE Military Commanders in Belhaf

Tribal leaders of BA Kazam in Al-Mahfed and Ahwar met military commanders of UAE armed forces in Belhaf with attendance of Sheikh Saleh Ben Farid Al-Awlaky, member of the presidency of the southern transitional council.

My comment: All events show the same: The Hadi government is simply “out”.

(* A T)

Jemen: IS will in angestammten Al-Kaida-Hochburgen Fuß fassen

Mit einem Doppelanschlag im Hafengebiet von Aden hat der "Islamische Staat" gezeigt, dass er den Jemen als perspektivisches Schwerpunktgebiet betrachtet. US-Geheimdienste gehen davon aus, dass der dortige Krieg noch weit von einem Ende entfernt ist.

Die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" (IS) scheint seine Aktivitäten im Jemen auszuweiten.

Seine jüngste Machtdemonstration stellten zwei Anschläge auf das Hauptquartier einer Antiterror-Einheit im südlichen Bereich des Hafens von Aden dar, zu dem die Organisation sich bekannt hat.

Dabei starben am Samstag mindestens 14 Personen und 40 weitere wurden verletzt, als Selbstmordbomber und mit Schusswaffen ausgestattete Terroristen versuchten, das Gebäude einzunehmen. Die Gegend galt bislang als Hochburg der rivalisierenden radikal-islamischen Terrororganisation Al-Kaida.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

Yemen: Peace on the Horizon?

The Houthis and the former President of South Yemen introduced somewhat similar peace proposals for ending the War on Yemen.

The first move in this direction was made during last week’s Valdai Conference on Russia’s role in the Mideast, when Ali Naser Mohamad, who presided over the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen from 1980-1986, issued an 8-point plan for resolving the conflict in which his most unique suggestion was to “initiate a dialogue between all the political forces on the establishment of a two-region federal state.”

As for the Houthis’ proposal, it interestingly mirrored most of what the former South Yemeni leader proposed, albeit with its own nuances.

Presuming that the former South Yemeni President was speaking in a semi-official capacity and “testing the waters” at Valdai, the conclusion can be reached that the STC is “moderating” its independence aspirations and willing to settle for federalization, at least at this stage, which of course appeals to the Saudis and the Houthis for different reasons and makes it easier to begin a dialogue on ending the war – byAndrew Korybko =

(* A P)

Lavrov calls on international community to encourage Yemeni factions to dialogue

The warring sides are not ready to face a constructive discussion, the Russian minister said

The international community should continue encouraging parties to the conflict in Yemen to a dialogue, giving up is unacceptable in that issue, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Ethiopia’s The Reporter.

"Our position remains unchanged, and we see that putting an end to Yemen’s conflict featuring the "Arab coalition," may be possible exclusively in a dialogue, to respect interests of Yemen’s all political forces," the Russian minister said on Saturday.

"However, it would not be possible to restore national accord there in an instant," he continued. "The opposing parties have accumulated too many claims to each other, though sometimes they may be groundless." and also

(A P)

Russian and Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministers discuss Russian veto in UN Security Council [1]

(* A P)

Will Russia step in to Yemen?

Signals are that Moscow aims to expand its influence across the region’s conflict zones, which may entail a cloning of its Syria intervention in Yemen

South Yemen President Ali Nasser Mohamed re-presented his initiative for resolving the Yemeni crisis at the Valdai Discussion Club in Moscow last week.

President Mohamed’s eight-point initiative begins with a ceasefire declaration followed by confidence building measures to generate a climate conducive to a solution and then the creation of an interim presidential council and a national consensus government representative of all political entities.

The South Yemen president maintains that there is a consensus among the regional powers involved in the conflict to end the fighting and move towards the negotiating track.

The initiative, as framed by the South Yemeni president, contains a number of problems. Perhaps the most important of is that reduces the crisis to a north-south polarity as though the political map of this crisis were limited to the Houthis in the north and the Aden-based Southern Movement – by Ahmed Eleiba

My comment: The author’s opinion. I do no agree. On this peace plan, YPR 388, cp7.

(A P)

United Nations 'an utter and abject failure' on Yemen: Rights group

A human rights group has described the United Nations as “an utter and abject failure” on the ongoing crisis in Yemen, stating that the Security Council is under the sway of some bulling powers.

Human Rights for Yemen Director Kim Sharif told English-language RT television news network on Thursday. and film

(B K P)

While UNSC Focuses on Iran, Saudi Arabia Massacres Young Girls in Yemen

Disturbingly (although not shockingly), the UNSC did not address Saudi Arabia’s war crimes and genocidal behavior in Yemen.

The UNSC also did not mention Ansarullah’s recently submitted six-point reconciliation plan.

The UK resolution was a clear attempt to skirt the West’s own war crimes in Yemen. =

(A P)

Saudi-Led Coalition Demands Including Houthi Figures in UN Sanctions List

The Saudi-led Coalition to support Legitimacy in Yemen called on the United Nations to put Houthi militants, including Head of the Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, in the list of sanctions issued under resolution 2140.

My comment: Well, why not? But in this case, the Saudi crown prince must be included first.

(* B P)

What the Russian veto on Yemeni war signifies

This is the first time Russia has shot down a US-led move in the Security Council regarding a regional conflict in which it is not directly involved

Suffice to say the Russian veto on Monday falls into a category by itself as a manifestation of the Russian-American standoff for global influence. It therefore becomes a turning point in the post-Cold War era of big-power politics.

On its broadest plane, Russia has signaled that the US and its Western allies can no longer dominate the international system and Russia will oppose US hegemony as a matter of principle. This has serious implications for regional and international security.

(* A P)

Ansarullh Criticizes US Statement, UN Weakness

President of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammad Ali al-Houthi in a fierce attack on the United States of America, on Wednesday morning, following statements by US civilian and military officials followed by a failure to pass a US draft resolution on Yemen in the UN Security Council.

“The American statements on the Yemeni file bear many inaccuracies,” Houthi said in a statement published on his official Twitter account. and also

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(* B P)

The Rivalry Behind Three WarsHow Saudi Arabia and Iran Fueled Conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Yemen

In the background of these three Middle East conflicts is a geopolitical rivalry between Shia-majority Iran and its Sunni-majority neighbor, Saudi Arabia. It’s a rivalry that’s helped prolong and deepen the strife, as both nations have infused weapons, money and proxy forces into conflicts that have exacerbated sectarian tensions in the region.

“This Saudi-Iranian competition is primarily a competition about the direction of politics in the Middle East,” said Randa Slim, a director at the Middle East Institute, in an interview for the FRONTLINE documentary Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia. “Sectarianism is an instrument, is a tool that is used in the waging of this competition.”

This wasn’t always the case. Forty years ago, Iran and Saudi Arabia co-existed as Western-friendly oil-rich monarchies that successive U.S. administrations viewed as pillars of security in the Gulf. But starting with the Iranian revolution in 1979, the two countries have been locked in a battle for influence

(A P)

Senior Cleric Blasts Saudi Arabia for Continued Massacre of Yemeni People

Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami blasted the Saudi regime's non-stop attacks and massacre of civilians in Yemen.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

PICTURES: ‘Al-Ahsa Runs,’ first marathon for women in Saudi Arabia

Women in Saudi Arabia participated for the first time in an all-female marathon on Saturday morning.

The 3km marathon, al-Ahsa Runs, welcome 1,500 girls from across kingdom.

Comment: 1st ever marathon for women in #Saudi Arabia, boasts @AlArabiya_Eng. But these poor women had to run the marathon clad in abayas and headscarves.

I think Saudi Arabia needs a Femen-led women power movement. To run a marathon in abayas is cruel & unusual punishment. Very Wahhabi.

No it is not the 1st. First marathon was 8 years ago in Qatif then the Saudi Monarchy shut it down. referring to

Of course Saudi rulers shut it down: The girls were wearing t-shirts at the marathon! What's next? A bikini beach resort?

As a young teen in 1983 i ran a marathon in Nuaryah city, but now they say #Riyadh marathon is sign of reforms.

(* B P)

Saudi purge was needed to support budget, crown prince says

Saudi Arabia's powerful crown prince said the kingdom's anti-corruption crackdown was needed to meet budget targets, comparing the purge to chemotherapy in an interview published Wednesday.

Authorities rounded up dozens of princes, top officials and businessmen in November on Prince Mohammed bin Salman's orders, with many confined and interrogated at Riyadh's glitzy Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

My comment: That’s just a confession: The whole purge was not for fighting corruption but for prwssing out money which was “needed to support budget“.

Comment: Shock therapy? Is that Saudi Cockney for daylight robbery or plague of idiocy?

(A P)

Saudi Crown Prince to visit Egypt: official, airport sources

Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman is to visit Egypt in his first public foreign trip since becoming crown prince last year

The visit, in the coming days, comes before he travels to London on March 7 and the United States, Riyadh’s closest Western ally, on March 19.

(* A P)

Saudi crown prince to visit Washington on March 19

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is to visit the United States from March 19-22, for the first time as heir to the throne, a Saudi government source told AFP on Wednesday.

The much anticipated trip to Washington will follow a visit to Britain on March 7 for talks with Prime Minister Theresa May.

US President Donald Trump hosted Prince Mohammed in March 2017, just weeks after taking office, and he chose Saudi Arabia for his first official overseas visit as president.

Prince Mohammed, who was named heir in June 2017, is also expected to visit France in the coming weeks.

(B P)

New book: Salman's Legacy: The Dilemmas of a New Era in Saudi Arabia

This book offers historical and contemporary insights into the various problems that persist in haunting the Saudi state. Madawi Al-Rasheed brings together well-established historians and social scientists with deep knowledge of Saudi Arabia―its history, culture and contemporary politics―to reflect on Salman’s kingdom.

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy court rules to forcibly divorce this man & his wife against their will over their "lack of class equity" That what @BorisJohnson says is reform referring to (film)


(A P)

#Saudi strongman #MBS reforms. Saudi court rules the southern AlQarni tribe is illegible to marry from the Najdi Tamim tribe due to "ethnic incompetence"


#Saudi strongman #MBS suffers another failure with Saudi capital #Riyadh flooding from light rain. Riyadh lacks basic infrastructure due to Monarchy greed

(* B K P)

What’s behind the sudden ouster of top Saudi military commanders

It also probably suggests that the crown prince is ready to up the ante and try again for a military victory in the war with the Zaydi Shiite Houthis and their Iranian backers. This is MBS’s war and his signature policy initiative. Failure in Yemen is a fundamental black mark on his credibility. So it appears he is determined to double down on the blockade, the air bombardment, and trying to rally the Houthis’ enemies against them – by Bruce Riedel


Saudi surgeons performed 515 eye surgeries in Nigeria

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia .. Sentenced to 6 years in jail for activist criticized the operation in Yemen

Saudi Arabia's penal court has sentenced a citizen to six years in prison for spreading critical comments about state policies and the military operation in Yemen on the Twitter social networking site.

The newspaper "Okaz" that the accused was convicted of "trying to incite public opinion against the state, publishing through his account on the platform of social networking," Twitter "Twitter includes insulting the state, and the appeal of some of its sovereign decisions, and the advocacy of some detainees and convicted in terrorism cases and postponed, "Deprivation" about the war in Yemen.

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy revokes passport of a young woman for marrying a #Belgian man. This is great progress according to Saudi minions in Washington

referring to

(A P)

Film (Arabic): "The Saudi Embassy canceled my passport after my guardian complained to them"

Saudi woman married a Belgian refused the mandate of the matter!

(A P)

#Saudi Strongman #MBS will go to #Egypt #March 2nd. will hand more $ billions to @AlsisiOfficial then he will go to #UK.

(A P T)

Saudi Arabia Transfers Terrorist Groups to Afghanistan



cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K P)

Gesetzentwurf des Senats würde Ende des US-Krieges im Jemen erzwingen

Formal am Mittwoch angekündigt, versucht eine neue überparteiliche Gesetzesvorlage im Senat ein Ende der US-Beteiligung an der saudi-arabischen Invasion im Jemen zu erzwingen, weil der Krieg nie vom Kongress genehmigt wurde.

Eingereicht von den Senatoren Bernie Sanders (Demokraten,Vermont) und Mike Lee (Republikaner, Utah), stützt sich die Gesetzesvorlage auf den War Powers Act von 1973, der dem Gesetzgeber die Möglichkeit gibt, ein Ende eines unbefugten US-Militärkonflikts zu erzwingen. Dieses ist das erste Mal, dass der Senat jemals versucht hat, das zu tun.

(* A K P)

Film: ICYMI: @MarkRuffalo calls for an end to the unconstitutional, secretive US war on #Yemen. Watch then call your senators at 1-833-StopWar & ask them to cosponsor #SJRes54!

(* A K P)

Film: Bernie Sanders wants the U.S. out of Yemen.

(* A K P)

The Sanders-Lee Resolution and Ending U.S. Support for War on Yemen

Whether or not the resolution passes, either way it will definitely face opposition from the Trump administration, who supports the Saudi bombing and has discussed escalating it even further. Even if the resolution does pass, the administration will most likely question the power of Congress to end the military’s role in the conflict. (4)

Our tax dollars cannot continue to fund this illegal and immoral war on Yemen. My bet is that most Americans do not know about what is happening in Yemen or the fact that our tax dollars are going toward killing innocent Yemenis.

(* B K P)

Make no mistake: This is a United States war in Yemen

Senators Bernie Sanders and Mike Lee have just introduced a resolution that should force a vote in the coming days on whether to end participation by the U.S. military in the devastation of Yemen.

Personally, I don’t think swamping every U.S. Senator with an overwhelming grassroots demand to end our highly proactive creation of the worst human nightmare in years will be sufficient to make a difference, but I do urge readers to get with World Beyond War to participate in their present efforts to address this abomination of ours.

U.S. tax dollars are being spent to create the worst humanitarian crisis on the globe — and we now have a chance to stop it.

Make no mistake: This is a United States war in Yemen. This is NOT just another conflict being covered by the news; in fact, it’s pretty much being ignored by our mainstream media outlets. This is — truth be told — an abomination of epic proportions, an historic set of atrocities set into motion with U.S. support.

(* A K P)

Farcical Bernie Sanders Call for Withdrawing US Forces from Yemen

The measure failed to call for halting sales of weapons and munitions to Saudi Arabia. It said nothing about ending longstanding US drone war, operating from bases outside the country.

Like others in Washington and Western media, Sanders failed to explain only Security Council members can authorize war, not presidents, prime ministers, Congress or courts – permitted only in self-defense in response to an attack or imminent one, never preemptively for any reason.

Sanders is no peacenik, far from it. He votes 98% of the time with other undemocratic Dems, supporting their war on humanity at home and abroad.

As a House member from 1991 – 2007 and senator for the past 11 years, he’s been notoriously pro-war, a hawk masquerading as dovish – by Stephen Lendman

(* A K P)

Department of Defense Press Briefing by Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana W. White

Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana W. White
March 1, 2018

Q: Thank you, on -- on Yemen, yesterday Senator Mike Lee and Bernie Sanders introduced a bill that would force a debate over our involvement in Yemen. What is the authority we are participating in the Saudi-led war? And what is your response to the legislation?
MS. WHITE: In Yemen our mission is two parts: it's counterterrorism which we feel we have the authority to conduct that mission under our current AUMF. Our other mission is with respect to supporting Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia has been attacked from Yemen by Iranian backed Houthis who have fired missiles on and targeted civilian facilities. The extent of our support is refueling and sharing intel. So, that is our mission in Yemen. I won't comment on pending legislation but that's the extent of our involvement.

Comment: No. US support is clearly more: Military training, weapons maintenance, expedited munitions supplies, etc.

(* B K P)

„Ich möchte Fotos von ihren aufgespießten Köpfen sehen“ – Der mörderische Drohnen-Krieg der USA – eine Rezension

Jeden Dienstag bekam der bei den Liberalen im Westen so hoch geschätzte US-Präsident und Friedensnobelpreisträger Barack Obama eine Todesliste vorgelegt, auf der er mit seiner Unterschrift die nächsten Drohnenangriffe genehmigte. In der großen Mehrzahl wurden und werden durch solche Drohnenangriffe friedliche Zivilisten getötet. Ein Vorgang, der in den westlichen Medien nur selten thematisiert wird. Deshalb empfiehlt Udo Brandes das Buch „Tod per Knopfdruck. Das wahre Ausmaß des US-Drohnen-Terrors oder Wie Mord zum Alltag werden konnte“ von Emran Feroz. Hier sein Lektürebericht.

Emran Feroz hat mit seinem Buch eine höchst beachtenswerte, akribische journalistische Recherche aus der Perspektive der Opfer vorgelegt, mit der man umfassend über das Thema „US-Drohnenkrieg“ informiert wird. Ich kann dieses Buch jedem politisch Interessierten nur empfehlen.

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy -funded @AtlanticCouncil is now active in promoting false information to the #American public regarding Saudi abuse of women by inviting Saudi Marie Antoinette. The council is unreliable center for academia.

(A P)

Pentagon: Congress Will Decide If U.S. Has Authority to Support Saudi War in Yemen

The Pentagon on Thursday said it will let Congress decide whether it has proper authority to continue supporting Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

“I will let Congress decide, but we feel as though we have the authorities under the current [authorization for the use of military force] to conduct our mission,” said Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana White at a press briefing.

(* A P)

Why Congress must vote on the United States’ role in Yemen

By Mike Lee, Bernie Sanders and Chris Murphy February 28 at 7:58 PM

Mike Lee, a Republican, represents Utah in the Senate. Bernie Sanders, an independent, represents Vermont in the Senate. Chris Murphy, a Democrat, represents Connecticut in the Senate.

What few Americans know, however, is that the U.S. military is making the crisis worse by helping one side in the conflict bomb innocent civilians. The millions we have spent in humanitarian aid were necessitated, in part, by a U.S. government failure.

We believe that since Congress has not authorized military force for this conflict, the United States should play no role in it beyond providing desperately needed humanitarian aid.

That is why we are introducing a joint resolution that would force Congress to vote on the U.S. war in Yemen. If Congress does not authorize the war, our resolution would require U.S. involvement in Yemen to end.

The Framers gave the power to declare war to Congress, the branch most accountable to the people. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution states in no uncertain terms that “Congress shall have power to . . . declare war.”

(* A P)

Bernie Sanders And Mike Lee Want A Fight With The Saudis. Trump’s Working To Stop Them.

The Trump administration and GOP leadership started lobbying against a bipartisan resolution questioning the U.S. role in the civil war in Yemen before Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) even filed it on Wednesday morning.

The Defense Department’s acting general counsel sent Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) a letter criticizing the resolution on Tuesday. That letter was sent to all Senate offices Wednesday morning, hours before a high-profile news conference at which Sanders and Lee argued

William S. Castle of the Pentagon disagrees. His letter maintains that the U.S. support does not count as “hostilities” because American forces are not having exchanges of fire with the rebels.

Read the Pentagon’s letter criticizing the resolution below:

(* A P)

Senators will try to pull U.S. from Yemen war

U.S. lawmakers unveiled plans on Wednesday to use a decades-old law to force a Senate vote on whether to pull the country out of a foreign conflict, in this case the civil war in Yemen.

Republican Senator Mike Lee, independent Bernie Sanders and Democrat Chris Murphy said they would make the first attempt to take advantage of a provision in the 1973 War Powers Act that allows any senator to introduce a resolution on whether to withdraw U.S. armed forces from a conflict not authorized by Congress.

(* A P)

Progressive champion Sanders joins fight against Yemen war

Progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont joined forces today with Tea Party conservative Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, on the latest bipartisan resolution to end US support for the Saudi-led war against the Houthis in Yemen.

“Many Americans are unaware that the people of Yemen are suffering today in a devastating civil war with Saudi Arabia and our allies on one side and Houthi rebels on the other,” Sanders said at a press conference introducing the resolution.

(* A P)


The Sanders-Lee resolution makes clear that U.S. forces are still authorized to attack Al Qaeda members in Yemen, but requires the U.S. to withdraw its support for the Saudi-led intervention.

The resolution is based on the War Powers Act, which requires the president to withdraw forces from “hostilities” after a 60-day time limit unless Congress explicitly authorizes continued action.

The resolution will likely face stiff opposition from the Trump administration, which has held classified briefings in support of U.S.-backing for the Saudi bombing campaign.

And even if it passes, the administration may question Congress’s power to compel the military to end its role in the war

The Sanders-Lee resolution will likely produce a second wave of Saudi lobbying

(* A P)

This Opportunity to End the US-Backed Carnage in Yemen Must Be Seized

This is the first real chance to stop the U.S. killing in at least one of the too many countries where U.S. bombers, pilots, special forces and other parts of the Pentagon's killing machine are deployed.

The news hook is great news: for the first time, senators of both parties, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), are challenging the U.S. role in the Saudi-UAE war against Yemen. It's good news because the U.S. involvement—from selling hundreds of millions of dollars of lethal weapons to sending U.S. pilots flying U.S. planes to conduct in-air refueling for the warplanes to make the bombing more efficient—is illegal, unconstitutional, and unconscionable.

It's good news even though it's very late

(* A P)

Film: Sanders, Lee and Murphy Introduce Yemen War Powers Resolution

(* B P)

Bernie Sanders: Every 10 minutes, a child under the age of five dies of preventable causes in Yemen. What few Americans know, however, is that the U.S. military is making the crisis worse by helping one side in the conflict bomb innocent civilians (with film)

(A P)

Film: Rep. Ro Khanna : Our nation’s military involvement in Yemen, the worst humanitarian crisis in our modern world, is unconstitutional and unauthorized. I applaud @SenSanders @SenMikeLee & @ChrisMurphyCT for their leadership on their resolution in the Senate.

(* A P)

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Backs Bipartisan Lee-Sanders Resolution Invoking War Powers Act to Stop Illegal U.S. Support for Saudi War in Yemen

The presidency’s progressive usurpation of congressional authorities related to war since 1950 has ushered in “interminable war-making,” Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (Ret.) said in a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitb. News Tonight with Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour.

Wilkerson expressed support for a joint push from Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to assert the War Powers Act to reduce and alter the nature of U.S. military involvement in Yemen.

(* A P)

Senators Issue Challenge: Vote On War in Yemen, or Get Out

A bipartisan vanguard is actually taking their constitutional authority seriously

On Wednesday, in a show of bipartisan unity against unauthorized wars of choice, Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah),Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.), and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) courageously introduced a Senate joint resolution under the War Powers Act, directing President Trump to halt all current U.S. military activities in Yemen.

In a joint press conference, Lee and Sanders said the U.S. military has been “engaging in hostilities” with the Saudi-led coalition against the rebel Houthis in Yemen in two critical ways: refueling Saudi bombers and providing aerial targeting intelligence and reconnaissance. These activities should have triggered a declaration of war or an authorization of force under the War Powers Act.

“This legislation is neither liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican— it’s constitutional,” said Lee.

(* A P)

A Chance to End U.S. Involvement in the War on Yemen

The senators’ resolution is important and worthy of the public’s strong support. It is the first measure of its kind introduced in the Senate, and it could not be for a worthier cause. There is no question that the U.S. has been and continues to be a party to the Saudi-led coalition’s war effort, and as such our military is engaged in hostilities on the side of the coalition against its enemies. Congress has never voted to authorize any of this.

and much more reporting on this matter, as

(* A K P)

U.S. Commander Says Military Support for Yemen War Authorized Under Logistics Agreement

The commander of United States Central Command said Tuesday that the U.S. was authorized to provide military support to Saudi Arabia in its war against Houthi rebels in Yemen under a bilateral agreement governing logistics sales.

Votel also said arms sales to Saudi Arabia go through the foreign military sales and foreign military funding process managed by the State Department.

Acquisition and Cross-Service Agreements (ACSAs) are agreements between the U.S. and a foreign government or organization governing the transfer of logistics support, supplies, and services directly.

My comment: “Authorized”: May be, but that’s not legalized at all.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Goodness @BBCr4today presenter casually asserts that UK sells arms to Saudi Arabia cos "UK needs those streams of income" ... Then asks, in next breath, without making connection "any sign of end to war in Yemen?

(* B P)

Mohammed bin Salman UK visit: Who is the Saudi Crown Prince, why are people protesting, what’s at stake?

The powerful leader, who is also the Kingdom’s defence minister, is the driving force behind Saudi involvement in Yemen’s civil war – which rights groups say is fuelled by UK government arms sales

While MbS, as he is known, is bringing sorely needed social and economic reforms to the country, his ruthless tactics for dealing with critics and rivals – as well as his involvement in neighbouring Yemen’s civil war – have been widely criticised.

Who is the prince?

What is the purpose of the UK visit?

As the foreign secretary has pointed out, British exports to the country have risen to £6.2bn – a 41 per cent increase since 2010.

Most of that is arms sales, including advanced munitions and Typhoon jets, which rights groups say are destined for use in Yemen’s devastating conflict.

Ministers also hope Riyadh will pick London for the planned stock market flotation of Aramco, the state oil group.

British government sources have stressed that Saudi Arabia is also a key intelligence and anti-terror ally for Western governments.

Why are people protesting?

About Saudi Arabia’s still dismal human rights record, its involvement in the three-year-old Yemeni war, and the UK government’s arms sales to the country.

(* B P)

Why the UK must rethink its support for Saudi Arabia

British policy since the 1970s has to an extent appended the UK economy to the Saudi economy, making Britain a de facto client state.

Government policies are meant to promote the national interest, but the upcoming visit to the UK by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman highlights something quite different: Whitehall's pursuit of a special relationship that endangers the British public.

Prime Minister Theresa May says the visit will "usher in a new era of bilateral relations" with Saudi Arabia - yet it will more likely reinforce four problematic British policies.

The first is British-Saudi collaboration over Yemen

The second aspect of the special relationship, which is little short of calamitous, is that, during Britain's decades-long support of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh has spent billions spreading its radical interpretation of Islam worldwide.

Framing UK foreign policy in the Middle East around supporting Saudi Arabia, the US and Israel while confronting Iran is contributing to a dangerous situation.

The third problematic policy is the UK helping to keep the House of Saud in power.

Fourth, there is the corporate profit from selling ever more weapons and from commercial investments – by Mark Curtis

(* A P)

Petition: Saudi Arabia:Do not execute protesters

Urgent – We will deliver this petition to the Saudi Crown Prince when he visits London on 7th March.

18 young people could be beheaded at any time for the ‘crime’ of protesting against the Saudi government. Some were sentenced to death for attending protests when they were children. All were brutally tortured into confessing.

Saudi Arabia claims to be reforming under its Vision 2030 programme, but these executions could come at any time. Urge Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to commute their death sentences.

(* A P)

Campaigners Rebut British Government Defence of Saudi Crown Prince Visit

The organisations who have opposed Mohammad bin Salman's visit have issued the following reply to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office response

The first claim of the government is that supporting the Saudi dictatorship has made ‘both of our countries safer and more prosperous’. Yet the Saudi regime’s autocratic rule and obvious destabilising actions in Yemen, Bahrain and other countries in the region serve to influence the sort of extremism that threatens the UK.

The second claim is that the Crown Prince is engaged in ‘reforms to modernise society and the economy’. UK governments have supported previous Saudi rulers as “reformers”. Yet Saudi Arabia today has a hereditary regime that appoints the government. Citizens are not allowed

The third claim is that engagement on human rights must be ‘practical, realistic and achievable’. The government here demonstrates a conventional hypocrisy.

(A P)

Saudi reformer Mohammed bin Salman deserves our support: article by Boris Johnson

In an opinion piece published in the Times, the Foreign Secretary looks ahead to the visit to the UK by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Today Britain and Saudi Arabia are working together to counter Iran’s disruptive behaviour in the Middle East and bring the war in Yemen to an end.

Our foreign policy is designed to promote the safety and prosperity of the British people while upholding our values as a force for good. We cannot achieve any of these goals unless we meet the leaders of Saudi Arabia on equal and friendly terms.

My comment: This is an absolute propaganda bullshit showing the total low the British government meanwhile has reached. – And of course, Saudi media state this propaganda report in full. Asharq Al-Awsat even enforces by the headline: Future of Saudi Arabia, Muslim World Depends on Success of Crown Prince:

Comment: Of all the embarrassingly sycophantic nonsense in this piece on Saudi Arabia by Boris Johnson, this one is indescribable: “Amid all the turbulence of the Middle East, the kingdom has generally acted as a force for stability and moderation”.

(* A P)

Boris Johnson throws support behind Saudi prince accused of Yemen human rights abuses

The UK government is throwing its arms open to Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman, ignoring calls from activists to arrest the royal on entry over his alleged involvement in the human rights atrocities in Yemen.

Boris Johnson is among those keen to praise bin Salman ahead of his visit to the UK. In a piece for the Times, the foreign secretary hailed the royal for “reforms” in his kingdom.

“The worst response would be for Britain to criticise from the sidelines or shun the kingdom altogether; instead our role must be to encourage [the crown prince] along this path,” Johnson wrote in the Times.

My comment: Disgusting.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B H)

Veranstaltungsreihe „Woher kommen die Flüchtlinge?“

1. Oktober, Heide: Jemen

(B H)

Wann werden wir unsere Töchter wiedersehen?

Geflüchtetes Ehepaar aus dem Jemen lebt seit zwei Jahren in Norderstedt. Die minderjährigen Kinder mussten Yassin Ali Mauda und seine Frau Thanaa Ahmed in einem jordanischen Flüchtlingslager zurücklassen

Ihre beiden Töchter haben sie seit mehr als zwei Jahren nicht mehr gesehen. Sie leben in einem Flüchtlingslager in Jordanien.

Im August 2017 erkannte das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge den "subsidiären Schutz" für das Ehepaar an.

Im Februar 2018 hat der Bundestag den Familiennachzug für subsidiär schutzberechtigte Flüchtlinge erneut bis Ende Juli ausgesetzt.

(* B P)

Georg Schwarte verbreitet in der ARD erneut Lügen und Kriegspropaganda über den Jemen

Genauso regelmäßig wird behauptet (oder mehr oder weniger subtil suggeriert), der Iran sei aktiv in diesen Krieg involviert und würde im Jemen die gleiche Rolle spielen wie Saudi-Arabien.

„Im Jemen tobt seit 3 Jahren ein erbitterter Bürgerkrieg in dem mittlerweile auch eine von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition sowie der Iran eingegriffen haben…“

Schwarte belügt die Zuschauer, wenn er davon spricht, dass Saudi-Arabien „mittlerweile“ in diesen Krieg eingegriffen habe, denn Saudi-Arabien bombt im Jemen seit März 2015, also seit 3 Jahren! Schwarte belügt die Zuschauer darüberhinaus, wenn er behauptet, der Iran würde in gleicher Weise Krieg im Jemen führen wie Saudi-Arabien.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Siehe, Look at cp1 (Emirates)

(A P)

Egypt's top court waives legal challenges to Red Sea islands transfer to Saudi

Egypt’s top court on Saturday dismissed all outstanding legal challenges to a deal transferring two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia, a day before a visit by its crown prince.

The plan to cede the islands to Riyadh, an ally which has given billions of dollars in aid to Egypt, was announced in 2016 and became mired in political protest and legal action.

(* B P)

Djibouti’s greatest threat may come from within

This strange juxtaposition of international trade and heavy-duty military hardware is no aberration. It has become Djibouti’s trademark, and it’s not hard to understand why.

But there is one thing that Djibouti has going for it — an irresistible attraction that keeps bringing superpowers to its shores, like alpha dogs marking their territory on the same lamp post.

In geopolitics, as in property, location is everything — and, on the global political chessboard, few countries are more strategically important than Djibouti.

It sits on the Bab-el-Mandeb, which is the narrowest point of the Red Sea. This is one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, linking Asia to Europe, making it also the world’s most important trade artery. From Djibouti, superpowers can keep their fingers on the pulse of global commerce and guarantee uninterrupted passage for the dozens of container-laden freighters and bulging oil tankers that traverse the route every day.

The civil war in Yemen, just across the strait, has made Djibouti even more attractive.

In a country at peace, especially such a small one, the roll call of superpowers and military hardware on show is staggering.

(A P)

What's behind Saudi-UAE aid to Maldives?

Saudi Arabia and UAE have announced a grant of $160m to the crisis-hit Maldives drawing criticism from the opposition.

The opposition in the Maldives led by deposed President Mohammed Nasheed's Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) reacted sharply.

"It is unfortunate that certain countries are assisting the deep state,"

Saudi Arabia is among the many countries seeking to grow influence in the island nation.

(* B K P)

L’Italia sta ignorando l’esportazione delle proprie armi in Yemen

Intervista a Cinzia Guaita, portavoce del Comitato per la Riconversione RWM, che punta a fermare la produzione di bombe nella fabbrica di Domusnova, le cui armi vengono vendute al’Arabia Saudita in guerra con lo Yemen.

(A K P)

Schweiz: Kein Waffenexportstopp für Jemen – die humanitäre Katastrophe geht weiter

Taub, blind, stumm: Der Bundesrat und das Parlament verschliessen sich ihrer humanitären Verpflichtungen. Zwei Mal hätte das Parlament heute die Möglichkeit gehabt, die Verwicklungen der Schweiz im Jemen-Konflikt einzugrenzen. Zwei Mal hat es sie verpasst.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp12

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia discusses importing suicide drones from Turkey

Saudi Arabia has discussed with Turkish defence contractor STM (Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik AŞ) the possibility of supplying Riyadh with “suicide drones”. The discussions took place on the fringe of the Saudi Armed Forces Exhibition for Diversity of Requirements and Capabilities.

(* A K P)

Saudis Want to Make Their Own Weapons. Russia Is Eager to Help

U.S. in pole position as ally seeks to build defense industry

But tech transfers are sensitive and Saudis have other options

Saudi Arabia aims to build a defense industry at breakneck speed, and it’s ready to look beyond its traditional Western allies for help.

The Saudis will need partners -- which means opportunities for Western companies, who were energetically exploring them at an arms fair in Riyadh this week. But there’s a potential catch. For joint ventures to work, U.S. and European governments may have to sign off on transfers of technology.

In case they’re reluctant to do so, the Saudis are making it clear that they have other options. They’re already planning to buy the Russian S-400 air-defense system, under a deal that would let them manufacture related products at home.


(* A K P)

Saudi Prince's Big Military Revamp Means Billions to Business

After pursuing the men with the money, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has turned to defense.

Executives from Raytheon Co., Boeing Co., Rheinmetall AG and other international companies were at the exhibition to talk about how they fit into his “Vision 2030.” The new era for defense includes developing a domestic industry so that the world’s biggest importer of U.S. weapons can make hardware itself in conjunction with foreign manufacturers.

For companies specializing in military equipment, it could mean billions of dollars in contracts as the kingdom spends decades building an industry from scratch. At the exhibition in Riyadh, dozens of companies marketed their cyber weaponry, combat vehicles and communications systems.

“There is a lot a business potential over the next five, 10 years, 15 years,”


(* A K P)

The Armed Forces Exhibition for Diversity of Requirements and Capabilities AFED

Our industry.. Our strength

More than 80,000 investment opportunities expected for businessmen, companies and local factories

Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center

With the participation of the major companies in the field of manufacturing equipment and spare parts. Incentives for investment and the development provide the opportunities for local manufacturers. Rank the Kingdom’s manufacturing capability among developed countries on a global scale.
This exhibition is a valuable opportunity for the private manufacturing sector to meet the armed forces current and future needs. The Ministry of Defense displays more than 100.000 opportunities for the supply of military equipment, spare parts and tools. This is an opportunity for large and medium size companies, businessmen and institutions to understand the opportunities available.


(* A E P)

AFED 2018 Kicks off in Riyadh with 80,000 Manufacturing Opportunities

Armed Forces Exhibition for Diversity of Requirements and Capabilities (AFED) will kick off in Riyadh on Sunday, under patronage of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and guidelines of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. It aims to showcase up to 80,000 manufacturing opportunities.
The 4th edition of the exhibition under the slogan “Our industry.. Our strength”, in Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center, extends to seven days full of showing and supporting the local content and nationalizing complementary goods, according to Saudi Vision 2030.
AFED 2018 supports local industries, seeks developing them in a way that complies with international standards, contributes to nationalizing complementary goods in addition to recycling financial resources, encouraging Saudization, attracting foreign capitals, raising awareness in the community and gaining its confidence in the local product, as well as building a long-term strategic relation with the private sector.
The second section of AFED includes international companies that have signed contracts with the ministry of defense and the participating parties.


(* A E P)

‘AFED 2018’ Exhibition witnesses signing of pact with returns worth SR2.6b in next five years

The Armed Forces Exhibition to Support Local Industries “AFED 2018” on Wednesday witnessed the signing of an agreement between the Saudi Air Force and General Electric to transfer and localize technology for the maintenance and overhauling of engines for F-15S and the new F-15-SA fighter planes as well as Apache helicopters and T700 engines for Black Hawk helicopters at a value exceeding $330 million.

and more reports of this Saudi arms fair:

and see a lot at Twitter at Hashtag

See all these companies being proud of exhibiting there, for instance

Lookheed Martin: We are delighted by the visit of General Abdul Rahman Al-Bunyan, Chief of General Staff Royal Saudi Armed Forces to our stand during his tour with the ministers and top officials at #AFED2018

Lockheed Martin highlights its expanding #Saudi footprint, through showcasing its advanced portfolio of defense, energy and technology capabilities at The Armed Forces Exhibition for Diversity of Requirements & Capabilities


(* A E K)

Lockheed Martin Highlights Expanding Saudi footprint at AFED

Global technology leader Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) will be showcasing its advanced portfolio of defense, energy and technology capabilities at The Armed Forces Exhibition for Diversity of Requirements & Capabilities (AFED), taking place in Riyadh from 25 February-3 March. A security partner to the Kingdom for over fifty years, Lockheed Martin is seeking new collaborations with local suppliers to promote Saudi Arabia’s flourishing industrial ecosystem.
During AFED, Lockheed Martin will engage with key local customers and demonstrate its long-term commitment to the realization of Saudi Vision 2030. The American aerospace giant will highlight its aviation, space and defense technologies, as well as cutting-edge systems and solutions at the exhibition hosted by The Ministry of Defense.

(* B K P)

The beginning of the end? European arms exports for the Yemen war

One of the tragedies of the war in Yemen is that many of the states insisting there is no military solution to the conflict are themselves responsible for supplying the arms that fuel and prolong the hostilities. However, an increasing number of European states are recognising this contradiction, and demonstrating a reluctance to supply military equipment at risk of being used in the Yemen conflict. It is high time others followed suit.

Certain Western states – including inter alia Bulgaria, France, Italy, Romania, the UK and the US – are apparently satisfied with the conduct of the Saudi-led coalition and continue to provide it with material support and political cover. However, several states have heeded or anticipated these calls for restraint in arms sales to a greater or lesser extent.

At the heart of this sits a failure of transfer controls systems. Some EU Member States persist in claiming sales into the conflict are consistent with the Common Position and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), whereas rigorous application of the Common Position criteria and relevant ATT articles surely argues the opposite.

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

The #UAE has restarted #Yemen LNG exports from Shabwah's Balhaf terminal, according to @riskstaff. referring to

First export of #LNG from #Balhaf since April 2015 on 24 February. If this is to be sustainable then the UAE military will need to strengthen its C2 in the region

(* A E P)

The Hadi government announced that Yemen’s Aden-based Central Bank will move to Amman, Jordan on March 1. President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi appointed Mohammed Zemman as the new governor of the Yemeni Aden-based Central Bank that will operate from Amman, Jordan on February 18. The Hadi government moved the Yemeni Central Bank from Sana’a to Aden in September 2016, fracturing Yemen’s banking infrastructure.[3]

Remark: #Yemen's central bank fractured after Hadi relocated it from Sana'a to Aden. The Aden-based bank was formed without basic infrastructure and never became fully operational. The #Houthi movement tried to hold onto Yemen's assets and keep them associated w/ the Sana'a bank.


(* A E P)

Yemen considers Central Bank headquarters to be in Jordan

Yemen is moving to the headquarters of the Central Bank of Yemen and its operations to be in the Jordanian capital, Amman, as an execution of the economic plan drawn up by the Quartet Committee on Yemen in order to consolidate the work of the Central Bank which is currently divided between the legitimate government in Aden and the Houthis group that controls the capital Sana'a.
The United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are pushing for the unification of the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) and for the resignation of the bank Governor Manasar al-Quaiti, the sources said.
According to the sources, the new governor will manage the branches of the Central Bank in Aden and Sana'a from its headquarters in Amman, and strengthened convictions to move the bank's headquarters to Jordan, after the recent fighting in Aden and fears of renewed armed conflict. and similar also

(* A E P)

A spokesman for the Houthi government in Sanaa accused Abdo Mansour Hadi and his government responsible for the collapse of the economic situation in #Yemen.
"The establishment of the central authority of the central bank to Aden has led to the crisis of local and foreign liquidity and the deterioration of the economic situation in Yemen," the Sanaa-based Saba news agency quoted.

The gas cylinder reached more than 7 thousand riyals in less than a day and the dollar was around $ 502 per dollar after it was at 477 yesterday.

(A E P)

Central Bank of Yemen in Adan Issues Two New Banknotes of 100 and 250 Riyals in the Local Market

My comment: Value of these notes: US$ 0,20 and 0,50.

(A E P)

Central Bank says Saudi $2 billion will be deposited after arrangements

The Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) said the promised Saudi $2 billion deposit to shore up Yemen's rapidly deteriorating currency will be delivered within the coming week, for certain arrangements have to be made first.

(A E P)

Central Bank of Yemen in Adan Negates News about Delaying the Financial Deposit of Saudi Arabia

Central Bank of Yemen in Adan negated all news concerning the delay of Saudi financial deposit and indicated that both Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Central Bank of Yemen are both eager to finish all banking and administrative processes as soon as possible as signing the deposit will be next week with attendance of all media agencies willing to attend.

My comment: The Saudi deposit was propagated to stabilize the downfall of the Yemeni riyal. The first effect had long been gone, the Riyal is as down as before. Economy and currency are destroyed because of the war, largely thanks to Saudi intervention, and cannot be cured by toys like a bank deposit.

(* A E)

When I first moved from Singapore to Hadhramaut in 2009, cooking gas was 700 Yemeni riyals per tank (Exchange rate: US$1=180YR). Today in #Yemen capital Sanaa, a tank costs 7,000YR (2018 rate: US$1=490YR).

(* A E)

Today's exchange rate 1 dollar = 490 YR. It was 215 when the war started

(* B E)

Revitalized coffee economy provides Yemen a boost amid conflict

Amid the country’s ongoing civil war, coffee provides Yemen with a lucrative opportunity. The surge in consumer demand for premium coffee bodes well for Yemen, which not only claims to have the world’s oldest coffee drinking culture, but also some of the best beans on the global market.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#AlQaeda in #Yemen seems to be struggling. Following counter-terror ops by #UAE (& likely US) supported forces in Hadramawt & Shawba in Feb, #AQAP formal wires have fallen silent for just over a week & #AQAP's previous 5 posts before that were all pre-recorded lectures by Raymi

(A T)

#IslamicState #Yemen claims 9th op this year & 2nd in Ibb, where it was inactive for over a year until 2 weeks ago. IS's newly resurfaced Green Brigade claims it killed "more than 7" Houthis (so presumably circa 8...) by bombing their vehicle in Ibb's al-Sha'ir region

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Al-Iryani: Houthis made Yemen a gate for Iranian regional plots

Minister of Information Muamar al-Iryani has said Yemen-under Houthi coup- has become a back gate to Iranian plots for destabilizing the Red Sea region, Arab Gulf and the whole region.

" Let me inform you they {Houthis} only seek to make Yemen a spot for feeding a regional and international conflict threatening the security and stability of the whole region not only Yemen," he said.

(A P)

The Rocks That Broke the Militias on the West Coast

Giants Brigades, under commandership of Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, represent the rock upon which all dreams of Al-Houthi militias broke down in the west coast. Their ambitions, fed by Iranians, to enslave free people and convert their religious beliefs in addition to falsifying the free will of citizens all went in vain.
With one victory after another, Giants Brigades are writing a new history on the west coast front

Remark: By Southern separatists.

(A P)

Russia Frustrates Peace Efforts in Yemen

Ambassador Kelley Currie is U.S. Representative for Economic and Social Affairs to the United Nations. She said, “Iran failed to prevent the transfer of ballistic missiles, related military equipment, and unmanned aerial vehicle technology to the Houthi militants.”

Even though this vote was a deep disappointment, “this is far from the end of the road to accountability for Iran,” warned Ambassador Currie. “Across the region, Iran is entrenching itself.

“We will not hesitate to continue to make the world aware of Iran’s misdeeds,” declared Ambassador Currie. “And we will not stop until Tehran is stopped and peace is once more possible for the people of the Middle East.”

My comment: Currie’s statement is as odd as the headline VOA put to this article. The Middle East lacks peace for decades – thanks to US meddling.

(A P)

Houthi rebels using Yemeni prisoners as human shields, rights group claims

Yemeni detainees are being used as human shields at Houthi militia prisons, the International Association for Peace and Human Rights (IAPHR) has claimed.
The human rights group outlined two reports on the Houthi coup in Yemen and its humanitarian impact on Yemeni civilians at a seminar at the United Nations in Geneva on March 3.

My comment: Just google “International Association for Peace and Human Rights”, 11 matches, seems to be another new propaganda scam. – “Human shields” in detention centers? I would think “human shields” would be used in a fighting zone and on the battlefield. For propaganda at Geneva, also

(A P)

85% of Yemenis Need Humanitarian Assistance, says a Senior Arab Official

The Head of the Arab Initiative for Education and Development Dr. Wissam Basendwa, who is a member of the Yemeni Group for Monitoring Human Rights Violations, said that the three-year Yemeni crisis has inflicted an economic and humanitarian tragedy, as the number of Yemeni citizens in need to humanitarian assistance has increased to 22.2 million people, equivalent to 85 percent of the Yemen's population.
This came in a seminar entitled "The humanitarian and political situation in Yemen following the coup carried out by Houthi militias".

My comment: Blaming the Houthis? By Saudi Press Agency. The arsonist is crying for the fire fighter.

(* A P)

Are Saudi Arabia’s reforms for real? A recent visit says yes.

Hearing the emphatic modernization message of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a visitor can’t help wondering: Is this for real? Are the young leader’s proposals for change supported by the religious leadership and the public in this traditionally very conservative country?

Making reliable forecasts about Saudi Arabia is impossible for an outsider. But I can offer some data points gathered during a trip here, where I heard strong support for reforms from young Saudis interviewed on the street as well as a senior Muslim cleric.

Whether MBS, as he’s known, can succeed with his transformational agenda is still an open question. But he has a key ally in Sheikh Mohammad al-Issa, since 2016 the head of the Saudi-backed Muslim World League. Speaking through a translator, Issa endorsed a series of recent moves by the crown prince that he said are backed by his colleagues among the ulema, or senior religious leadership – by David Ignatius

My comment: David Ignatius is one of the most keen propagandists for Saudi Arabia. This is his second article within a few days, on Feb. 27 it was this: . This is pro-Saudi propaganda flanking the princes’s visits in the western world. On Ignatius, a must read is: And be aware that’s the WoPO which gave the stage for this propaganda for one of world’s most terrible regimes.

Comment: These fly-in visits to Saudi have value for talking to people the Saudi government wants you to talk to. Like a US army embed in Iraq.

(A P)

The Hariri drama and Saudi Arabia

We can at least say that Hariri’s crisis proved that Saudi Arabia does not have absolute authority over any of its allies, even over Saad, the son of Rafiq Hariri who has a strong and long history of ties with the kingdom. It also proved that Saudi Arabia is a state, and not an exclusive agency for Hariri or any group or party.

Unlike Saudi Arabia, Iran absolutely controls its allies in Lebanon. It treats them like they’re its employees regardless of how high-ranking their statuses might be in their country

My comment: LOL, really.

(A P)

Yemeni Group to Monitor Human Rights Violations issues third annual statement on human rights in Yemen in 2017

On the sidelines of the 37th session of Human Rights Council currently being held in Geneva, the Yemeni Group to Monitor Human Rights Violations issued here today its third annual statement on human rights in Yemen in 2017.
In a symposium on the occasion, Mutahar Al-Bizaiji, the executive officer of the group described the state of human rights in Yemen as so sensitive and complicated, noting that the armed struggle which entered its fourth year was marred by bloodshed, violence and ugliness against civilians.
He said that the group has monitored during 2017 that as many as 2260 killed, 2780, injured, by attacks,snibers, mines, or illegal executions or death under torture or other ways of assassination.
He said they include 337 killed and 544 injured among children, 140 killed and 283 injured women and 128 killed and 179 injured among the elders.

My comment: A somewhat strange report, thus listed here at cp15 “Propaganda”. This was published by the Saudi Press Agency, citing a (as it seems) Hadi-government affiliated “NGO”, which prefer to pile apparently impressive figures of Houthis’ violations while something like Saudi coalition air raids do not even exist.

(A P)

Imperialist Media Caught Up In Its Own Lies: Claimed Ansarullah No Longer has Fighters, Now Claims to Have Defeated 4,000 in One Day!

(A P)


Saudi Arabia isn't high on my list of favorite countries. But the claim that it caused a humanitarian crisis by intervening against Iran's Houthi terrorists who actually caused the crisis is Iranian-Qatari propaganda. And yet it's repeated unthinkingly by every media outlet and even by some people who should know better.

The Qataris have enough catspaws in the West that they can push this fake news through the usual method of funneling it through non-profit humanitarian organizations. That doesn't make it any truer.

My comment: LOL, LOL, LOL.

(A P)

Spokesperson of Coalition Forces in Support of Legitimacy in Yemen confirms support for any international envoy to Yemen 5 Riyadh

He refuted reports that the Yemeni national army includes some 1000 disguised enlisted fighters as incorrect reports.
He confirmed reports on the occurrence of assassination operations among Houthi leaders, particularly after the killing of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Following deterioration of performance at battle fields at the Houthi side, children were forced to join the war in a flagrant violation of world agreements and international laws.
Asked to give figures about those arrested within a campaign to pursue terrorist organizations in Hadramout and Shabwa, Al-Turki said

(A P)

UAE Minister Gargash: Clear evidence of Iranian intervention in Yemen

Making his statements on Twitter, Gargash reaffirmed the correct decision taken by Saudi Arabia to intervene in Yemen. He also stressed that the UAE is living up to its role in the Arab Coalition.

On this he said: “Our sons’ sacrifices are for the future of their country and the whole region.”

(A P)

Arab Coalition: 18,000 relief ships docked in Yemen

The Arab Coalition spokesperson, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, stressed that the coalition forces are committed to fighting terrorism.

The colonel said in a press conference on Wednesday to comment on the results of the comprehensive humanitarian aid plan.

He pointed out that 18,000 relief vessels are now docked in Yemen, 22 relief posts are currently operating, and 959,000 Yemenis have so far benefited from the aid support within the Arab Coalition’s humanitarian plan. and also

My comment: Saudi propaganda getting more and more crazy. – These are the 50 countries which have the greatest fleets of trade ships, leading is Panama, 5,473 ships. All together could not match these 18,000…:

(A H P)

UAE will continue to support development and reconstruction of Yemen, says Hamdan bin Zayed

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador says KSA will spare no effort to help Yemeni expats

The Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Al Jaber said on Thursday that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will save no effort in assisting the Yemeni expat labor there.

My comment: By deporting them out of Saudi Arabia, I think.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day:

March 2:

March 1:

Feb. 28:

Feb. 27:

(A K PH)

Film: A child was injured by a bomb from the aggression in Sa'ada 03-03-2018 =


(A K PH)

Woman killed in Saudi airstrike on Taiz

A woman was killed in a raid launched by the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes on Moza district of Taiz province on Saturday, a military official told Saba.
The airstrike hit north of Alarish area in Moza district, which led to the killing of a women.


(A K PH)

Film: A martyr and a number of wounded are victims of a raid by the American air force on a group of women washing their children's clothes on the bank of the valley =

(A K PH)

Yemeni Abdullah Yahya Buraih, &his 3 sons were killed! Turned to charred pieces mixed with rubbles of his house. When US-Saudi war criminals hit them in their house yesterday in Tahayta Hodeida west of the country. (photos)

(A K)

Two children killed, eight wounded in Yemen airstrike

Two children died and eight were wounded in an air raid on Saada governorate on Tuesday.

(B K PH)


A total of 68 children were killed in airstrikes by the Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen between the months of July and September 2017.

The figures are contained in an excerpt of a confidential United Nations report on children and armed conflicts sent to the UN Security Council on January 19.

(* A K PH)

More saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

March 3: Bani Matar, Sanaa p. Serwah, Marib p. Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K)

Fighting outside Yemeni capital kills 55, wounds dozens

Yemeni medical officials say fighting outside the capital between Shiite rebels and forces loyal to an internationally recognized government has killed more than 55 people on both sides.

The officials said Saturday that the clashes took place in Nihm district, about 30 miles northeast of the rebel-held capital, Sanaa. Dozens were also wounded over the past 24 hours, they added.

They also said fighting killed at least 25 people on both sides along Yemen's west coast


(A K PS)

Yemen’s army continues its advance toward Sanaa

Yemeni forces have made advances in the Arhab directorate, northeast of Sanaa, after fierce clashes with Iran-backed Houthi militia, Saudi state-news channel Al-Ekhbariya reported.

Remark: Saudi-backed “president” Hadi’s army.

(A K PS)

Houthi militia orders arrest of 50 members for desertion

The Iranian Houthi militia has given instructions for the arrest of 50 of its members who fled from the fronts in the Red Sea Coast area of Yemen, especially on the outskirts of Al Jarrahi Directorate.

The militia distributed a list with the names of the 50 people at their checkpoints, with instructions that they should be arrested for fleeing from the battlefront, after the heavy losses incurred in equipment and lives as a result of the attacks by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition jet fighters with the support of the UAE Armed Forces and the battles with the Yemeni Resistance.

Remark: As claimed by Emirati news agency WAM.

(A K PS)

Three Bedouins wounded by Houthi landmine in Aljawf

(* A K PS)

NGO says Houthi landmines killed 189 persons

A Yemeni NGO has unveiled staggering statistics of deaths by Houthi planted landmines. The Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations (YCMHRV) said 189 persons have been killed by Houthi planted landmines in the period from April 2015 to the end of October 2017.

Remark: NGO? I don’t know. Seems to be affiliated with the Hadi government.

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition intercepts ballistic missile over Marib

(* A K PS)

120 Houthis killed in Hayes in 2 days

Over the last two days, 120 members of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia have been killed in the Red Sea coastal area of Yemen as a result of artillery and air strikes carried out by Arab Coalition forces, led by Saudi Arabia and supported by the UAE Armed Forces, and of clashes with the Yemeni National Resistance and UAE forces.

Remark: As claimed by the Emirati side.

(A K PS)

Four pro-government fighters killed by US drones: Website

Four pro-government tribal fighters have were killed by a US drone in al-Qurayshiyah district in Yemen's central Beidha province on Sunday, according to Akhbar Taiz news website.

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition intercepts ballistic missile fired by Houthi militia targeting Marib, #Yemen and

(A K PS)

Elderly woman hit by Houthi shell dies two dies later in Hodeidah

(A K PS)

Houthi sniper shoots dead 17 year old boy

A Houthi sniper gunned down 17 year-old Bashar Taha Ali Ahmed in his hometown in Taiz on Saturday afternoon .

(* A K PS)

Houthis kill 21 civilians in Taiz last January, says HRITC

The Human Rights Information and Training Center (HRITC) said the Houthis killed 21 civilians in Yemen's central Taiz province in January 2018.

In a report issued on Friday the HRITC said the rebel militia's heavy shelling on the densely populated city resulted in killing 21 persons including five children and four adult women.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A B H)


The Knesset’s Special Committee on the Disappearance of Yemenite and Balkan Children has reunited three families, and urges adopted Jewish children outside of Israel to make contact


Street artist in Yemen remembers casualties of war

Yemeni street artist Haifa Subay is painting murals to help ensure that victims of Yemen’s gruelling three-year civil war are not forgotten.

Her latest mural, portraying a one-legged casualty of a landmine, is one of many Subay has done in the capital Sanaa during the war


Al Jabal, Yemen Coffee by Port of Mokha

Featured in this video is a coffee from Sana'a Yemen, and the Al-Jabal province. This is the first of Port of Mokha's monthly coffees they are now featuring.


This Ancient Mud Skyscraper City is the 'Manhattan of the Desert'

Yemen’s Old Walled City of Shibam is the oldest metropolis in the world to use vertical construction.

In the heart of Yemen’s Wadi Hadramaut, a cluster of ancient mud skyscrapers soars above the desert floor—a beacon of mankind’s adaptability to the most formidable of environments.

At the edge of a desolate expanse of desert known as the Empty Quarter, the 16th-century Walled City of Shibam remains the oldest metropolis in the world to use vertical construction. Once a significant caravan stop on the spice and incense route across the southern Arabian plateau, British explorer Freya Stark dubbed the mud city “the Manhattan of the desert” in the 1930s.

Every aspect of Shibam’s design is strategic. Perched upon on a rocky spur and surrounded by a giant flood wadi, its elevated position shields it from flooding while maintaining proximity to its primary source of water and agriculture. (photos9

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-388 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-388: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

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