Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 393 - Yemen War Mosaic 393

Yemen Press Reader 393: 17.3.2018: Emirate u. Südjemen – Argumente des Pentagon – Seelische Leiden von Kindern – Saudi-Luftangriffe: Zivile Ziele – Saudi-Propaganda u. PR – Interview: Riaz Karim

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5-The wounds of her mother turned into a tumor, 6-She doesnt have money to treat her mother's tumor. 7-She lives with her mom in a small tent. 8-She a psychiatric condition (Mental condition). UK arms sales to Saudi caused this tragedy.

March 17, 2018: Emirates and Southern Yemen – Pentagon’s “arguments” – Psychological damage of children – Saudi air raids: Non-military targeting – Saudi propaganda and PR – Riaz Karim interview – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

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[In German above, in English scroll down]

(* B H K)

Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen, gegen das Saudi-Arabien einen erbarmungslosen Krieg führt, ist katastrophal. [Kurzer Überblicksartikel]

(** B H K)

Zwischen Cholera und Hungersnot
Der humanitäre Alptraum des Jemen-Kriegs
Seit März 2015 wird der Jemen von einem brutalen Krieg beherrscht, in dem eine von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition einen erbarmungslosen Bombenkrieg gegen die Aufständischen der Houthi-Bewegung führt, dem bereits weit über 10.000 Menschen zum Opfer fielen, über 3 Millionen sind auf der Flucht. Der Krieg wird dominiert von brutalsten Kriegsverbrechen der Saudi-Koalition. Eine „vollständig menschengemachte“ Folge ist die größte Cholera-Epidemie in der Geschichte und die größte Hungersnot seit Jahrzehnten mit potentiell „Millionen von Opfern“ - von Jakob Reimann

(** B K P)

Die Houthis und das Haus Saud: Die Wurzeln des Jemenkriegs
Saudi-Arabien beteuert, die Houthi-Rebellen wären eine Marionette Teherans und rechtfertigt damit den erbarmungslosen Krieg im Jemen, da dieser die Expansion des Iran auf die Arabische Halbinsel verhindern würde. Die tatsächlichen Gründe sind jedoch wesentlich banaler: Riad will die Grenzen seiner 1934 annektierten Provinzen schützen und seinen jahrzehntelangen Einfluss auf die jemenitische Regierung wiederherstellen - von Jakob Reimann = = =

(*** B K P)

Die Houthi-Iran-Connection

Krieg im Jemen: Die Verbindungen Teherans zu den Houthi-Rebellen werden von den Saudis massiv übertrieben. Ein regionaler Krieg wird so zum globalen Kampf gegen den „Schurkenstaat“ Iran.

Daher malt Riad das Bild der Houthis als hörige Marionetten Teherans, der Kampf gegen sie wird so zum Kampf gegen einen feindseligen Iran. Und westliche Politiker wie Medien übernehmen dieses Narrativ größtenteils, ohne es zu hinterfragen oder gar zu überprüfen. Ist der „Schurkenstaat“ Iran das eigentliche Ziel, so ist das bittere Elend der jemenitischen Bevölkerung offensichtlich akzeptabler – Collateral Damage.

Im Jemen-Kontext wird diese Strategie der sektiererischen Aufheizung geschickt mit Macht- und Geopolitik verknüpft. Der Iran als Kernland der Schiiten wird bezichtigt, als Drahtzieher hinter den schiitischen Houthis zu stehen, die von den Saudis und ihren Verbündeten als Werkzeuge Teherans dargestellt werden, um einen Fuß auf die Arabische Halbinsel zu bekommen. An Paranoia grenzend wird von Saudi-Arabien das Schreckgespenst eines „vom Iran dominierten Jemen“ bemüht, der saudische Angriffskrieg gegen die Houthis wird so zur Selbstverteidigung gegen den Erzfeind Iran umgemünzt.

Doppelstandards und die offenkundige Heuchelei westlicher Staaten im Jemen-Kontext: Der Iran wird aufgrund einer nicht zweifelsfrei nachgewiesenen Waffenlieferung an die eine Kriegspartei verurteilt, während eben diese vier verurteilenden Staaten zusammengenommen seit dem Jahr 2000 für jeweils 86 Prozent der Waffenimporte der zwei treibenden Kräfte der anderen Kriegspartei – Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate – verantwortlich sind.

Mit der „Iranisierung“ des Jemen-Krieges spielt Saudi-Arabien ein geschicktes PR-Spiel. Indem der iranische Teufel in Übergröße an die Wand gemalt wird, konnte die westliche Welt überzeugt werden, dass es sich keineswegs um einen lokalen Konflikt handelt, sondern um einen, der mit der indirekten Bekämpfung eines vermeintlich feindseligen Iran gar globale Kreise zieht. Wer würde schon für einen Grenzkonflikt mitten in der arabischen Wüste die faktische Vernichtung eines bettelarmen Landes tolerieren? – von Jakob Reimann = =

Mein Kommentar: Dieser Artikel zeigt sehr schön die saudische Propaganda auf, wie sie auch, mehr oder weniger deutlich, die Berichterstattung fast aller Mainstream-Medien durchsetzt hat.

und Teil 4 der Serie von Jakob Reimann, Das Achte Emirat Südjemen, als ersten Beitrag unter cp1 Am wichtigsten.

(* B H K P)

Amnesty: JEMEN 2018

In dem 2017 weiterhin andauernden bewaffneten Konflikt verübten alle Beteiligten Kriegsverbrechen und andere schwere Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht; unzureichende Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Rechenschaftspflicht verhinderten, dass Opfer Gerechtigkeit und Wiedergutmachung einfordern konnten. Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärallianz, welche die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen unterstützte, bombardierte erneut zivile Einrichtungen und verübte wahllose Angriffe, bei denen Zivilpersonen getötet oder verletzt wurden. Die bewaffnete Gruppe der Huthi und ihre Verbündeten, darunter Armeeeinheiten, die dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh die Treue hielten, beschossen Wohnviertel in Taiz mit Granatwerfern und feuerten Artilleriegeschosse wahllos über die Grenze nach Saudi-Arabien. Dabei gab es Tote und Verletzte unter der Zivilbevölkerung. Die jemenitische Regierung, die Huthi und mit ihnen verbündete Armeeeinheiten des ehemaligen Präsidenten Saleh sowie jemenitische Streitkräfte, die sich den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unterstellt hatten, griffen auf rechtswidrige Haftpraktiken wie Verschwindenlassen, Folter und andere Misshandlungen zurück. Frauen und Mädchen wurden nach wie vor Opfer von Diskriminierung und anderen Menschenrechtsverstößen wie Zwangsverheiratung und häusliche Gewalt. Die Todesstrafe blieb in Kraft. Es gab jedoch keine öffentlich zugänglichen Berichte über Todesurteile und Hinrichtungen.

(* B H K)

What Is Really Happening In Yemen?

A look into one of the most horrific humanitarian crises in modern history

In March-April, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Muhammad Bin Salman ordered airstrikes on Yemen that continue to be carried out today. These strikes are ruthless, hitting schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, ports, bridges, and roads. With blocked access to basic supplies, 2.9 million people were forced from their homes, 17 million people face famine, and 7 million people do not know when they will get their next meal.

Yemen is dependent on maritime imports for more than 80 percent of its annual staple food supply. According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS Net), “a prolonged closure of key ports an unprecedented deterioration in food security to Famine (IPC Phase 5) across large areas of the country.” FEWS Net also predicted that this would occur in three to four months if the blockade is not resolved.

Here are some brief statistics on how children are being affected by the Yemen Famine, as provided by Save the Children:

(** B H K)

Film: For those new to #Yemen here's a 25 minute doco we made 2016 explaining how this UK & US backed war has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in airstrikes, from famine & lack of medical care

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen Millions of children and families are on the brink of starvation UNICEF

(* B H)

More than 21 million Yemeni citizens lack access to clean drinking water and need urgent assistance, 17.8 million of whom are unable to meet their food needs, Minister of Agriculture Othman Majali said on Thursday.
This comes during a speech at the fortieth session of the International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rome, noting thatabout 19.4 million people lack access to clean water and sanitation services, 9.8 million people can not access the water because of the war.
According to Saba news agency, about 8.4 million Yemenis are threatened by famine, an increase of 24% compared to the data of 2017.
He pointed out that about 14.1 million citizens live without adequate health care, in addition to the fact that at least 2.7 million people have fled their homes to other areas within Yemen or to other countries.

(* B H K P)

Amnesty International: YEMEN 2017/2018

All parties to the continuing armed conflict committed war crimes and other serious violations of international law, with inadequate accountability measures in place to ensure justice and reparation to victims. The Saudi Arabia-led coalition supporting the internationally recognized Yemeni government continued to bomb civilian infrastructure and carried out indiscriminate attacks, killing and injuring civilians. The Huthi-Saleh forces indiscriminately shelled civilian residential areas in Ta’iz city and fired artillery indiscriminately across the border into Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring civilians. The Yemeni government, Huthi-Saleh forces and Yemeni forces aligned to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) engaged in illegal detention practices including enforced disappearance and torture and other ill-treatment. Women and girls continued to face entrenched discrimination and other abuses, including forced and early marriage and domestic violence. The death penalty remained in force; no information was publicly available on death sentences or executions.

(* B H K)

"1- The humanitarian crisis in#Yemenis the most important story in the world,but it rarely receives the coverage that such a massive crisis ought to have.
2- Ongoing blockade by#Saudiand willingness to impose collective punishment on the civilian population.
3- suffering from the largest famine the world has seen 4 decades .
4- struggling with an acute hunger crisis that has effected at least 17M ppl ,third of them considered close to famine.
5- Diseases r spreading like a wildfire,the closure of Yemeni ports will worsen the epidemics.
6- There is a gas and fuel crisis ,people are without salaries for 18 months ,the #Saudi bombardment has really scared our children .
7- Almost daily massacres by #Saudi bombs made in#UK&#US.
8- Poor sanitation,famine,malnutrition,water crisis and etc...
9- The delay to the restoration and expansion of humanitarian access will cost the life of innocent people .
10- The only way to stop the war is if people put pressures on #UK & #US governments to stop selling arms to #Saudi and to find a sustainable peace solution. " =

(* B H K)

Ten things you need to know about #Yemen :

1-Yemen is the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

2-The number of #UK & #US made bombs, &missiles sold to #Saudi since the start of its bloody war on Yemen has risen by 500 %.

3-There are 1.8 million acutely malnourished children.

4-The war has decimated Yemen's economy, 2 million people are displaced, 3,000 children killed and 2000 injured, 1.5 million born into war zone.

5--No electricity, no salaries, no fuel, no gas, no access to health care, no access to clean water, no jobs, and Famine.

6- 70 % of Yemeni infrastructure have been destroyed, the number of causalities is devastating, 12k civilians killed, and 21k civilians wounded.

7-The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water. In Yemen, collapsing health, water & and sanitation systems have cut off 14.5 million people from regular access to clean water and sanitation, increasing the ability of diseases to spread.

8-1085 days of : Aerial bombing, merciless war, terrorizing children, and living under siege.

9-The incalculable suffering of #Yemeni's people has been a mark of shame for humanity and the failure of world's leaders.

10- Yemeni people call for peace and humanitarian access to every woman, man & child in need. (thread)

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B K P)

Das Achte Emirat Südjemen

Krieg im Jemen: Die Emirate wollen zur globalen Energiesupermacht aufsteigen und nutzen dafür den Krieg zur Errichtung eines Vasallenstaats am strategisch so wichtigen Golf von Aden.

Die Nachricht vom Ende Januar, Separatisten im Südjemen hätten vom Militär die Hafenstadt Aden eingenommen, markierte die jüngste der dramatischen Entwicklungen des brutalen Jemen-Krieges, in dem seit Beginn der Bombardements der Houthi-Rebellen durch eine von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition im März 2015 weit über 10.000 Menschen getötet wurden und den die UN zu Recht als „die größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt“ bezeichnet.

[…] schert eine Partei zunehmend aus und verfolgt eine ganz eigene Agenda: die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE).

Während die Saudis bei der Entsendung von Bodentruppen in den Jemen eher zögerlich sind, haben die Emirate seit geraumer Zeit im großen Stile Truppen vor Ort. So kam den Emiraten bei der Rückeroberung der Hafenstadt Aden von den Houthis im Juli 2015 eine zentrale Bedeutung zu, seit gut zwei Jahren spielen sie die Führungsrolle im Kampf gegen Al-Qaida im Südjemen und verantworten zusätzlich die Ausbildung Zehntausender jemenitischer Truppen im Süden und Osten des Landes. Darüber hinaus importierten die VAE Hunderte bestens ausgebildeter Söldner aus Südamerika.

Die VAE betreiben im Südjemen außerdem ein Netzwerk aus Dutzenden Foltergefängnissen, in denen Tausende Terrorverdächtige „verschwinden“ und dort in Arbeitsteilung von den „VAE gefoltert und von den USA verhört“ werden, wie die Associated Press in einem herausragenden Bericht jüngst aufdeckte.

Die Emirate haben im Südjemen regelrecht eine parallele Sicherheitsstruktur etabliert, deren Truppen weder Hadi oder Saleh noch den Saudis unterstellt sind, sondern einzig und allein gegenüber Abu Dhabi Rechenschaft ablegen.

Die vielschichtige Jemen-Präsenz der VAE sollte aus einer Metaperspektive betrachtet werden. Die Emirate verfolgen über die Kontrolle strategisch wichtiger Knotenpunkte auf energierelevanten Handelsrouten den Aufbau überregionaler Strukturen im Nahen Osten und darüber hinaus, um so ihren Handel mit fossilen Rohstoffen nach Europa und Nordamerika zu konsolidieren und weiter auszubauen.

Hierzu drängt sich Abu Dhabi im Eiltempo in die Energie- und Sicherheitsinfrastruktur der Region hinein

Seit gut einem Jahr gewinnen die sezessionistischen Kräfte im Inland mehr und mehr an Einfluss und erhalten dabei tatkräftige Unterstützung aus dem Ausland: von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, die auch auf diesem Gebiet aus der Linie der Saudi-Koalition ausscheren, was mittlerweile als offener Bruch mit den Herren in Riad betrachtet werden sollte.

Die VAE verfolgen ambitioniert das Projekt eines geteilten Jemen

Und das zentrale Tool Abu Dhabis zur Erreichung dieses Ziels sind die Separatisten des Southern Transitional Council (STC), der sich im Mai 2017 gründete und die Abspaltung des Südjemen vom Norden verfolgt. Im STC sind fünf Gouverneure südjemenitischer Provinzen, mehrere Stammesführern sowie prominente Köpfen der Separatistenbewegung organisiert.

Die STC wird auf allen Ebenen von den VAE unterstützt.

Abu Dhabi wiederum schert sich nicht um den Konflikt mit den Houthis. Nicht das Kernland im Norden, sondern die Kontrolle über die rund 2.000 Kilometer jemenitischer Küste im Süden des Landes sind für die VAE von Interesse. Denn allen voran die Häfen entlang dieses Küstenstreifens sind ein zentraler Pfeiler von Abu Dhabis Plänen zum Aufstieg zur Energiesupermacht.

Anstatt die prinzipiell vollkommen legitime Mitnutzung der jemenitischen Häfen sowie Investitionen in die weitere Energieinfrastruktur des Landes auf Augenhöhe zu verhandeln, wählt Abu Dhabi die militärische Eskalation und strebt die Errichtung eines Vasallenstaats an: Das Achte Emirat Südjemen – von Jakob Reimann = =

(** A K P)

Mattis’ Weak Case for Supporting the War on Yemen

The Pentagon has been putting forward very weak legal arguments against S.J.Res. 54, and Mattis’ statement of the policy arguments against the resolution are not any better. The Saudi-led coalition would have great difficulty continuing their war without U.S. military assistance.

Mattis is taking for granted that U.S. military assistance somehow makes coalition bombing more accurate and less likely to result in civilian casualties, but that is hard to credit when coalition forces routinely target civilian structures on purpose and when the military admits that it doesn’t keep track of what happens after it refuels coalition planes.

Secretary Mattis says that cutting off support could jeopardize cooperation on counter-terrorism, but the flip side of this is that continuing to enable the Saudi-led war creates the conditions for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the local ISIS affiliate to flourish.

He claims that the Saudis and their allies are engaged in “a legitimate exercise of self-defense,” and this is simply not true. The Saudis and their allies were not attacked and were not threatened with attack prior to their intervention. Saudi territory now comes under attack because the coalition has been bombing Yemen for years.

Mattis also warns that ending support for the Saudi-led coalition would have other undesirable consequences.

These claims also don’t hold water. Iranian support for the Houthis remains limited, but it has increased as a direct result of the war.

Shipping lanes weren’t threatened before the intervention and won’t be threatened after it ends. Yemenis have every incentive to leave shipping lanes alone, since these are their country’s lifeline.

Mattis mentions that the U.S. role in the war is a “noncombat” and “limited” one, but for the purposes of the debate on Sanders-Lee resolution that is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter that the military assistance the U.S. is providing doesn’t put Americans in combat.

U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen is illegal, and the Senate should pass S.J.Res. 54 to end it – by Daniel Larison

Remark: More on this in cp9.

(** B H K)

Yemen’s children suffer untold psychological damage

When Ayesha, aged 8, was killed by rebel shelling in Taez a part of her friend Ghaida died with her. The nine-year-old used to be polite and obedient but now, like many of Yemen's children, she is suffering the emotional damage of the conflict.

Nearly 10 million Yemeni children face fear, pain and deprivation brought on by the war, Unicef said in a report last year, and the recruitment of child soldiers has also increased exponentially, particularly by the Iran-backed rebels. The UN documented nearly 1,500 cases of children below the age of 18 being recruited in the war in the last two years.

While it is hard to quantify the psychological trauma suffered by Yemeni children, it represents a familiar story of the emotional damage inflicted on young people in the region’s ongoing conflicts.

Taez city and the surrounding province has witnessed some of the most intense fighting of the Yemen war, with the Houthi rebels and their allies entrenched in a deadlock with fighters supporting the government.

Most of the families in Taez province are struggling to provide their children with food, much less take care of their mental health.

And across Yemen, words such as “surrender”, “sniper”, “shoot”, “enemy”, “kill”, “Kalashnikov” and “arms and ammunition” can often be heard as children play together.

They can also be seen imitating their surroundings in their games, with some making their own replica assault rifles with discarded cans or wood.

Wael Hasan, a psychologist working in Taez, said the children often speak the language of fighters while interacting with one another. He said this is an indicator that they need psychotherapy to help them overcome the traumas of war — such as death, violence and fear — that they are struggling to grapple with.

“There are less than ten psychologists in Taez province and it is difficult for all the affected people to get proper treatment,” said Dr Hasan.

My comment: By Emirati media – thus it also is interesting to see how the author avoids even to mention Saudi coalition air raids – as if there would be none, as if they would not affect children. Otherwise it’s an important article.

Comment: Traumatised for life.
What awaits #Yemen in the future is a country run by the traumatised children of today. War will continue to have repercussions for so long

(** B K)

Non-military targeting

Targeting trend continues in the most heavily bombed governorate of Sa'ada where 75% of identified targets were non-military in February.
While countrywide the proportion of air raids targeting non-military sites fell in February, going against the shift seen in December and January, data on air raids in the governorate of Sa'ada continued to show targeting of non-military sites. In 40 air raids where the target was identified in Sa'ada three times as many air raids (30) hit non-military sites than military (10).
The number of air raids in February (344) was up 7% from January, although still 36% below theDecember 2017 (541) spike.
The overall pattern of air raids since the start of the air campaign in March 2015 to the end of February 2018 show almost one third of all targets (31%) were non-military, 37% military with 32% classified as unknown. In February 2018, 27% of targets were military, 20% non-military and 53% unknown.

A total of 344 Saudi coalition air raids targeted Yemen in February, 24 more than in the previous month of January and 26% below the monthly average of 456 air raids per month since the air campaign began in March 2015.
Air raids targeted 12 of Yemen's 22 governorates in February.
The highest number of air raids recorded in a single month was September 2015, at 920.
Find YDP January data summary here
December 2017 data summary here

(*** B K P)

Foreign Office diplomat on "leave" at Saudi Crown Prince's PR firm

Consulum. This London and Middle East-based communications firm was founded by former executives from the scandal-hit agency Bell Pottinger. He has remained there ever since.

Consulum’s client list includes Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (widely known as MBS), Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, whose state visit to the UK starts this Wednesday amid controversy over his country's military campaign in Yemen. The United Nations said in September 2017 that airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition were the “leading cause” of civilian casualties in the Yemen war.

The Bureau has learned that Welsh has had at least some involvement with the Saudi account.

A former employee of one of the British PR firms likened representing a client like Saudi Arabia to being a defence lawyer. “You have to work to get the client out of trouble”, the employee said, and promote "the idea that Saudi Arabia is becoming Switzerland.”

British firms, Saudi influence

Consulum has been working on MBS's projects since at least 2016. The firm, whose London headquarters are in Berkeley Square, was set up in 2013 by former Bell Pottinger staff members, Tim Ryan and Matthew Gunther Bushell. It also has offices in Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE.

Consulum describes itself on its website as providing “sophisticated communications programmes that shape awareness, guide opinion and enhance understanding”. Industry insiders say the firm is known as being professional and has none of the reputation for risk-taking that affected Bell Pottinger.

But like Bell Pottinger, Consulum has attracted attention for the profile of its clients.

MiSK is a non-profit that runs education and skills programmes for Saudi youth. It also pushes Bin Salman’s message of reform and progress out on to the world stage, hosting a breakfast panel at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos.

According to the online journal Intelligence Online, Consulum also handles communications for the Saudi Arabia Military Industries company, a venture owned by Saudi’s Public Investment Fund that is seeking to promote domestic defence manufacturing.

Another British beneficiary of Saudi spending on outreach is Martin Sorrel’s WPP group. The global megafirm has contracts with the Saudis through US subsidiaries such as Hill & Knowlton and Burston Marsteller. The London agency Freuds meanwhile helped launch MBS’s economic reform agenda, Vision 2030, though a spokesman said they are no longer working on that account.

The international push

Some of the PR firms’ work is aimed at a domestic audience, but international public opinion is increasingly important to the Saudis. They have been spending on lobbying and consultancy firms for many years, but observers say the effort took on a new energy and sophistication with the ascent of Mohammed Bin Salman. The push started in 2015 when his father took over the throne and was consolidated in June 2017 when MBS was named Crown Prince.

According to an analyst close to Saudi circles, the Saudis decided in mid 2016 that they needed to be more active in influencing public opinion, not just policymakers. “They didn’t use to care about PR, they thought the relationship with the US was rock solid, then they realised it wasn’t and tried to do something about it”, the analyst said. “They came to realise there was a game to be played and they weren’t playing it.” Ten new Saudi PR contracts have been registered with US authorities since then, worth many millions of dollars.

The push to influence the global conversation has taken other forms. In 2017, the Saudi Ministry of Culture set up a ‘Center for International Communication’ to “facilitate relationships with the global media community”, which has been bringing more foreign journalists to Riyadh.

The Bureau understands that a US PR firm called Apco Worldwide has been working with the Saudi Center for International Communications to brief journalists on topics such as the anti-corruption crackdown.

The war in Yemen

Even more challenging to spin than the anti-corruption programme is the war in Yemen.

The Saudis have had various strategies for managing the negative PR from Yemen. Some are crude

Some are more subtle. Last summer, ahead of Trump’s trip to Riyadh, US lobbying firms circulated ‘fact sheets’ about the war in Yemen which emphasised the care Saudi targeters took not to kill civilians. The UN Panel of Experts by contrast found that “Measures taken by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in its targeting process to minimize child casualties, if any, remain largely ineffective.”

A former employee of one of the PR firms working for Saudi summarised the ‘lines’ he would be given to push as: “‘these are unconfirmed reports for the moment’, ‘we’re working with the Americans’, ‘we’ll investigate the situation’, ‘it’s a shame that civilians have been hit but you have to look at the bigger picture’”.

The stakes for the Saudis in this PR battle are high.

However, humanitarians say they have noticed a big effort to change the narrative on the humanitarian situation. First the Saudis allowed humanitarian supplies back through Hodeida, then they announced that they would deposit $2bn in the Yemeni Central Bank, and then, in February 2018, launched a much-trailed humanitarian action plan for Yemen, which included more funds. The plan was announced in a five star hotel in Riyadh, where members of the press were served an assortment of cakes.

In spite of uncertainty about the plan, Saudi Arabia is now under less pressure to do something about Yemen’s suffering than it was before. In fact, a draft Security Council statement put forward by the UK in February even praised the Saudi humanitarian efforts.

The British connection

The fact that some of the pressure is off Saudi Arabia will leave Prime Minister Theresa May in a less awkward position when Mohammed Bin Salman arrives in the UK on 7 March.

Peter Salisbury, a senior consulting Fellow at Chatham House, thinks the Saudi PR offensive is working, pointing to, among other things, the successful strategy of bringing more journalists in to the country. Recent columns have appeared in both the New York Times and the Washington Post extolling the virtues of MBS.

Salisbury says the Saudis managed a “clever and effective job of shifting the narrative that Saudi is a horrible conservative place, which was never the whole story. They’ve really been able to shift that to ‘Saudi is a country reforming under a young exciting dynamic leadership who shares liberal values with the west’, which isn’t the whole story either.”

He added: “The rebranding has worked.” – by Abigail Fielding-Smith and Crofton Black =

My comment: An important article on Saudi PR and lobbying – and you will understand better why you are bombed by such a lot of Saudi PR bullshit in mainstream media.

(** B K P)

Analyst: Saudis Starving Yemen to Install a Puppet Regime in Sana’a

Political analyst Riaz Karim says the main objective of Saudi Arabia and its allies is to bomb and starve the Yemeni population, to force them into submission and finally install a puppet government in Yemen to achieve their geopolitical aspirations.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, Riaz Karim slammed the Saudi-led coalition for using food as a weapon of war against the Yemeni people in pursuit of its aggressive objectives, and said American and British governments have the ability to bring an end to the war on Yemen but they won't because they are making profit out of the war.

Dr. Karim also added that the United Nations is not doing enough to stop the war due to its fears of losing the funding they receive from the Saudi.

FNA has conducted an interview with Riaz Karim about the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen and the possible motives behind the war imposed on the poor country by Saudi Arabia and its western allies.

Below you will find the full text of the interview.

A: I can tell you categorically that Yemen is a humanitarian black hole. What Saudi Arabia is doing in there with its allies like the US, UK, and France is that they are using the scorched-earth strategy.

There is so much destruction everywhere. Food is being used as a weapon of war. It is absolutely inhumane; Yemen is on the brink of collapsing. And when I say that, it probably doesn’t hold that much weight. But I can tell you the situation in Yemen is absolutely vexatious.

At this point the main objective of Saudi Arabia and its allies is to bomb and starve Yemen into submission and install a puppet government in order to effectuate their geopolitical aspirations.

Saudi Arabia in itself neither has the personnel nor the expertise of fighting any wars, it is entirely dependent on other countries for both, but they do have the money and since we live in a world where greed surpasses compassion anywhere, anytime, countries are queuing up to have a piece of the Saudi Pie.

If Saudi Arabia should be held accountable - not that we are holding our breath, it should not stand alone in the booth of the accused – the United States and the United Kingdom have a lot to answer to. I would actually argue that in this particular case, guilt lies not with those who pulled the trigger (after all, it is in the nature of the scorpion to sting) but those who provided a steady flow of fire power.

But then again it is in the nature of capitalists to turn a profit.

If cluster bombs were used it is because the US and UK sold them to Riyadh. If Yemen has been starved under a humanitarian blockade it is because the United Nations has allowed it; if children have died it is because British experts signed off on it.

I remember still how quickly UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon had to reinstate Saudi Arabia after labeling it a war criminal in its annual Children and Armed Conflict report. I remember how an allegedly impartial party was brought to a standstill after Riyadh threatened to withdraw its financial contributions.

If you want to find out who is guilty, silent or ignorant all you have to do is follow the money and it will become very clear very quickly.

The US and the UK have the ability to bring an end to the war in Yemen but they will not do it because they stand to make a profit from this war, the UN stands spineless to be able to do anything for the fear of losing their funding and that puts the possibility of ending this war in a complete quandary.

My comment: Dr. Riaz Karim, the co-founder of MONA humanitarian organization, is a very serious voice about Yemen, he’s Yemeni-American. Who in the West would give him a stage? Well, it’s just the Iranians so do not be fooled by the fact that this interview was published by an Iranian news agency.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A H)

Diphtheria vaccination campaign for 2.7 million children concludes in Yemen

The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and national health authorities have completed a large-scale vaccination campaign to control the spread of diphtheria in Yemen.

The campaign targeted nearly 2.7 million children aged 6 weeks to 15 years in 11 governorates. It focused on locations reporting suspected cases of diphtheria and areas at high risk of spread of the infectious respiratory disease. More than 6000 health workers were mobilized during the campaign, including for community engagement and the administration of the vaccine.

The vaccination campaign is part of a larger response plan to control diphtheria implemented by national health authorities.

(* B H)

Health Situations Worsening in Yemen: Report

Health situations in Yemen are becoming worse, as the Saudi-led war with US support continues for three years.

Many Yemenis have been affected by epidemics that have spread widely in various provinces, where some of these diseases are fatal and children are the most who get ill by them due to the lack of vaccines, as a result of the suffocating blockade on Yemen’s sea, air and land ports.

Hundreds of Yemenis of all ages have been victims of these diseases, while thousands are still at risk of being one.

International organizations accuse the Saudi-led coalition of blocking access to medical aid and child vaccines to various Yemeni governorates and cities.

Since the start of the Saudi military campaign on Yemen and its allies, in March 2015, various epidemics and diseases, some had been eradicated for years ago, have spread again

(* B H)

How a team of 5 are changing the lives of kids in Yemen

Vaccinating children against life-threatening diseases in the middle of an intense conflict can be a tough challenge. Over the past few weeks, polio vaccinates in Yemen, Sanaa, Yemen have braved rough terrains and crossed hostile front lines, criss-crossing valleys and mountains to reach children, some of whom have been displaced by the conflict. Their work has been challenged by insecurity, roadblocks, fuel shortages and power outages, among other obstacles.

In the first campaign of its kind this year, 40,000 vaccinates spread across the conflict-ridden nation to vaccinate 5 million under-five children in a door-to-door campaign against polio.

Ahmed Abdullah is one of these vaccinates. Together with three other colleagues he sets off to vaccinate children in the village of Alanaf, located north of the capital city, Sanaa. But getting to the remote village is no easy task.

With the health system hanging in the balance, the campaign initiated by Ahmed is very helpful to the people. The campaign is not only helping the kids improve their health but also ensuring that stay free of diseases, all this at the expense of risking their own lives.

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 13 March 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April - 13 March 2018)

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera & Diphtheria Response - Emergency Operations Center - Situation Report No.25 - As of 10 March 2018


As of 10 March 2018, the local health authorities reported a total of 1,294 suspected diphtheria cases including 73 associated deaths (CFR=5.6%).

The diphtheria outbreak has affected 179 districts from 20 governorates. Ibb and Al Hudaydah governorates are the most affected governorates.

Children (<5 years of age) represent 20 % of probable diphtheria cases and 40% of associated deaths.


The cumulative total of suspected cholera cases reported since April 2017 to 10 March 2018 is 1,076,472 with 2,265 associated deaths across the country.

(* A H)

Yemen - Cholera and Diphtheria – DG ECHO Daily Map | 14/03/2018

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B P)

Laurent Bonnefoy : « Au Yémen, une frontière entre le Nord et le Sud reprend forme dans les esprits »

Dans le nord du pays, les houthistes bénéficient d’un certain soutien de la population par réflexe antisaoudien, estime le chercheur. Tandis que dans le Sud, la coalition menée par l’Arabie saoudite s’appuie sur des acteurs qui ne sont pas prêts à mourir pour aller libérer le Nord. (paywalled)

(B H K P)

Film: Why and how the U.S. is involved in the conflict in Yemen

The Post's Missy Ryan explains who the key players are in the conflict in Yemen and why the United States is supporting Saudi Arabia there.

My comment: Quite US “mainstreamy”.

(A P)

100 Days after Saleh's Death Bring Back Controversy on Future of GPC

One hundred days after the death of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the controversy over the future of his party was brought back among its supporters and pro-Saleh activists.

In this context, social media has seen controversy among activists loyal to the General People's Congress party about its future, sparked by the 100th day of the death of its founder and president Saleh.
Pro-GPC activists accused the current leaders in Yemen and abroad of proving that they had failed to take any steps to unify the party's wings and develop a clear stance against murderers of the previous president.

My comment: The GPS is split in several branches. This Saudi media of course only quotes the anti-Houthi branch.

(B K)

Film by Press TV Iran: Saudis guilty of attempted elimination of Yemenis: Analyst

An analyst says the Saudis are guilty of “the attempted elimination” of the Yemeni people by waging a “genocidal war” on the impoverished Arab nation.

“Well it certainly is a human catastrophe, I would say it is even a genocide. Saudi Arabia has been engaging in with biological warfare in essence by using famine and disease and poisoning water supplies in the absence of food and water and medicine to cause a genocidal elimination of the Yemeni people,” Scott Bennett, a former US army psychological warfare officer, told Press TV in an interview on Friday.

(B K)

My rough calculation: From 26 Mar 2015 to now, Saudi Arabia & the UAE owe the Republic of Yemen Customs Department at least US$1.5 billion of unpaid import taxes on tanks, armored vehicles, weapons, explosives and ammunition (see image)

(* B P)

UAE-Saudi disagreement in Geneva puts Yemen’s unity at risk

On Wednesday, Al-Khaleej reported that there was a clear disagreement between the UAE and Saudi Arabia in the United Nations Human Rights Council. This revolved around the fact that Riyadh resisting efforts to hold Coalition leaders accountable for conditions in Yemen.

On the other hand, it was noted that the UAE supports groups that promote the division of southern Yemen.

Obaid Salem Al Zaabi, Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates, was seen with Abdel Rahman Al-Musibli, the representative of the separatist transitional council, and the former southern ambassador Ali Abdullah Al-Bujairi, along with Ahmed Shawqi, a journalist who works with the UAE.

The UAE has ambitions in southern Yemen, especially in the Port of Aden; accordingly, it supports the southern separatist movement.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates disagree over some issues in Yemen.

(A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen

(* B K P)

No end to Yemen war in sight as Saudi Arabia, Iran lock horns

As the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen nears its third year, the war doesn’t seem to be coming to an end anytime soon.

While many might ask whether Tehran and Riyadh might one day head toward a win-win regional settlement, the outcome of the Yemeni war is proving day after day that both sides are not winning but are rather mired in a lose-lose situation that is draining the two regional powers in different arenas. Nonetheless, Saudi Arabia is the one paying more money and is directly involved in the war, while Iran’s main cost in Yemen is the additional international pressure for backing its Ansar Allah allies with weaponry and expertise without being directly involved in the fight.

The main Saudi problem in the Yemeni war remains the lack of new strategies and tactics; the mounting number of civilian casualties, which is becoming a human rights nightmare for the kingdom and its Western allies; and the fact that many other wars are being fought in parallel, prompting a recent report by Chatham House to warn that Yemen has become a “chaos state.”

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman regards the Yemeni war as his own, and any success thus as his signature. Conversely, any failure will put a dark stain on his credibility as a leader aiming for the throne.

Tehran University professor Mohammad Marandi pushed back Saudi and US claims that Iran is militarily involved in Yemen, telling Al-Monitor that it’s physically impossible for Tehran to be engaged in the smuggling of ballistic missiles.

Despite the differences over who or what should stop first — whether the Saudi-led air campaign or the Iranian role in supporting Ansar Allah — it is clear that the endgame in Yemen does not seem to be near. The only thing obvious in this struggle is that more Yemenis will die while the whole world is watching.

(* B H K)

Film (Talk): Inside Yemen's 'forgotten war' (Yemen from min. 2:45) =

(B K P)

Film (Trailer)

Jemen - Die Welt schaut weg

(* B H P)

'No choice but to leave': Saudi Arabia kicks out thousands of Yemeni workers

Riyadh's new migrant rules have pushed tens of thousands of Yemenis out of jobs and back to a country on the brink, with disastrous results.

Saudi Arabia has been accused of forcing tens of thousands of Yemeni expatriates back home into poverty and war with the enforcement of tough new rules on migrant workers under Mohammed bin Salman's vision for a "Saudis first" economy.

The double-whammy has resulted in the exit of tens of thousands of Yemenis since December, and officials say they expect more of the estimated two million Yemenis still in Saudi Arabia to follow.

Those who return find themselves in a country breaking apart in a gruelling war.

"I used to provide for my family, my parents and my two brothers' families," Ariqi said. "Today I cannot provide for myself and cannot find work. If this continues, I will head for Djibouti where some of my friends have already gone."

Ariqi's story is not in isolation. He is one of many Yemeni expats forced back into a country breaking apart at the seams, in large part due to the Saudi-led blockade and bombing campaign against the Houthis.

More large-scale returns would be disastrous. According to Yemen's information minister, Moammar al-Eryani, there are two million Yemenis in Saudi Arabia, who have kept the heads of 10 million family members at home above water for years.

Fadhl al-Thobhani, a professor of sociology at Taiz University, said the return of so many expatriates from Saudi Arabia was worsening the situation of millions of Yemenis.

"Moreover, the expatriates who have returned are now competing for work inside Yemen, so the government has to solve this problem by the coordination with Saudi authorities to exclude Yemenis from such decisions."

(* B P)

Saudische Propaganda, Jemen und Iran

Propaganda und Krieg: Das saudische Narrativ von der Einmischung Irans im Jemen ist auch im westlichen politischen und medialen Mainstream erfolgreich – obwohl es vor allem Propaganda ist

Das Propagandanarrativ „Die Iraner sind an allem schuld“ hat dabei im Lauf der letzten drei Jahre das ältere Propagandanarrativ „Wir unterstützen die legitime Regierung“ klar auf Platz Zwei verdrängt. Gründe dafür sind einmal, dass die Hadi-Regierung sich samt ihrer angeblichen „Legitimität“ im Lauf der Zeit abgenutzt haben, und zum anderen, dass das Iran-Narrativ in den USA wesentlich mehr zieht, korreliert es doch mit der Jahrzehnte andauernden anti-iranischen Paranoia in den USA und der daraus sich ergebenden Politik.

Die Wirkung dieses saudischen Propaganda-Narrativs wird noch wesentlich verstärkt durch eine geschickte PR- und Lobbyarbeit, für die die Saudis beträchtliche Mittel aufwenden.

Und die Tatsache, dass das anti-iranische Propagandanarrativ der Saudis auch genau den Nerv der US-Außenpolitik trifft, verstärkt die Durchsetzung dieser Propaganda erheblich.

All das wirkt dann direkt auch auf die Mediendarstellung in Deutschland zurück und lässt das saudische Propagandanarrativ Erfolg haben – von Dietrich Klose

(* A K P)

Army General admits US does not track weapons used to bomb Yemeni civilians

US Army General Joseph Votel admitted that the US does not monitor how the weapons it supplies to Saudi Arabia are used in Yemen. Over 10,000 Yemeni civilians have died in the conflict since 2015.

During a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) asked Votel, head of the US Central Command, whether Centcom tracks the purpose of the Saudi missions it refuels in Yemen.

“We do not,” Votel said.

Warren drew attention to the recent spate of civilian casualties in Yemen as a result of Saudi airstrikes against the region. She asked whether Centcom is able to ascertain whether US fuel or munitions were used as part of Saudi strikes that killed civilians.

“I don’t believe we are,” Votel said.


(* A K P)

Pentagon Denies Responsibility for Helping Destroy Yemen, But It Isn’t Keeping Records

Votel also claimed that Houthi forces are refusing to engage in peace negotations, and that they are also “impeding humanitarian efforts that are being undertaken by Saudi Arabia.”

Whatever the veracity of the former claim, the latter flies straight in the face of expert opinion from the non-profit sector. Just two weeks ago, the International Rescue Committee said Saudi aid to Yemen amounted to a “war tactic.”

“The Saudi-led coalition is offering to fund a response to address the impact of a crisis it helped to create,” said IRC advocacy director Amanda Catanzano.

(* B K P)

Aden Port to the Chinese?
Sources said yesterday that President Hadi is offering the port of #Aden to China to manage and invest, after UAE forces obstructed and paralysed the port in order to maintain the status of the port of Dubai.
Hadi has reportedly offered the Chinese government to sign an investment and management contract for the port of Aden by the People's Republic of China.

My comment: A trick to pull Aden port out of UAE influence. Knowing this story, you can understand why China is supporting the Hadi government:

(A K P)

China plans to send humanitarian aid to #Yemen
China announced on Monday that it plans to send a new shipment of humanitarian aid to Yemen.

The Charge d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy confirmed that his country stands by the Yemeni government and that China will continue to assist Yemen in these exceptional circumstances.


(A K P)

Chinese Ambassador to Southern Movement Leaders: Our Country is Launching an International Project and Adan Has a Golden Chance According to Effective Partnership

Acting ambassador of China welcomed all leaders hoping that communications between them and China may continue indicating that China is committed with the legitimacy of president Hady. He added that China in launching an international project and Adan has a golden chance in that project according to effective partnership and mutual interests. He asserted the importance of unifying efforts for preserving peace and security. He praised the dialogue among the southern movement parties hoping that the dialogue may unify the southern political view.

(* B K P)

Film: Crece la indignación ante el papel de EEUU en la agresión a Yemen

[After three years of continuous bombing against Yemen, Saudi Arabia does not seem to be ending its cruel war of aggression that is destroying its poor southern neighbor soon. In the United States, public opinion is hardly informed of the complicity of its government in these crimes.]

Después de tres años de continuos bombardeos contra Yemen, Arabia Saudí no parece que vaya a acabar pronto con su cruel guerra de agresión que está destruyendo a su vecino pobre del sur. En Estados Unidos, la opinión pública apenas es informada de la complicidad de su gobierno en estos crímenes.

Poco se sabe en Estados Unidos del papel que su gobierno está jugando en la guerra de agresión de Arabia Saudí contra Yemen, sin embargo grupos de activistas se encargan de recordárselo a la opinión pública.

(B K H)

Human rights violations in Yemen, and the war on terror in liberated areas (1:21 h)

According to the speakers, “the press conference will review the human rights violations carried out by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in areas under its control. Security Council resolution 2201 (2015) affirmed Iran’s involvement in the war in Yemen. The press conference will also discuss Iran’s technical, Logistics Support, technical support for the Houthi militia, including short- and medium-range rockets fired by the militia on neighboring countries, according to the reports of the experts committee operating under UN Security Council Resolution 2140. =

My comment: This is strict anti-Houthi and anti-Iranian propaganda. For some background, and and . “"Paris Forum for Peace and Development"” had 5 matches at Google.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Arab Doctors Union warns of catastrophic summer waiting for #Yemen

The Arab Doctors' Union warned of a "health catastrophe" that Yemen could face by next summer, through the spread of diseases, the continued shortages of medicines and the collapse of health infrastructure.
"The situation in Yemen is getting worse and the Yemenis need urgent assistance," said Assistant Secretary General Abdulkawi al-Shamiri, a Yemeni doctor.

(A H P)

Yemeni, Saudi officials discuss situation of Yemeni labor in Saudi Arabia

Minister of Social Affairs, Dr. Ebtihaj Al-Kamal, met the Saudi Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development Tamader Al-Rammah and together discussed the situation of Yemeni labor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

al-Kamal asked for an exceptional treatment of Yemeni labor in Saudi Arabia in appreciation of the difficult circumstances Yemen is going through.

Remark: Saudi Arabia is to expel 100,000s of Yemeni workers.

(* B H)

Sequentially bad news of brain / heart strokes death or injury to many relatives and friends. #Yemenis faces the consequences of living under pressure and dies silently as indirect victims of war, blockade and unemployment.

The other side of war. It will never be included in any official statistic.

(* B H)

Film: Reportage au Yémen : le quotidien d'Ahmad, enfant des rues à Aden

(B H)

Film: #Farmer from Hodiedah #Yemen describes his success in trying drip irrigation systems and now plans to expand to rest of farm. A great #SMEPS #Development effort to support #Foodsecurity funded by @isdb_group @WorldBankMENA @UNDPYEMEN

(B H)

Film: At the heart of #development is human security and capacity. In Arabic, the woman from Hodiedah #Yemen explains, how the feeding trough she constructed supported by @SMEPSYEMEN will reduce animal disease & improve her livestock

These great women engineers are helping women livestock herders in Hodiedah #Yemen build pens & feeding troughs. (photos)

(* B H)

Film: The War in Yemen: Child soldiers trying to adapt to normal life

(A H)

Yemeni dairy farmers are producing more milk to feed their children and community

In Yemen, where 17 million people (60 percent of the population) are severely food insecure and malnutrition rates are high, FAO is helping to protect dairy farmers’ herds and enable them to produce more nutritious milk to feed their children and communities. Currently, milk production in Yemen meets just one-third of the demand.

FAO assisted rural communities to safeguard their livestock by providing and improving animal health services, distributing feed and enhancing access to water. Livestock health improved, resulting in enhanced milk production.

(A H)

UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #2 - February 2018

The situation in Yemen remains catastrophic. A record 22.2 million people need humanitarian assistance or protection – including 8.4 million people who are severely food insecure.

The the generous pledge by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of $930 million announced in January 2018 is to be received by 31 March 2018. The donors have also committed to raise $500 million from other donors in the region. It is expected that even with the support announced to date, the 2018 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan would remain only about one-third funded.

My comment: Adulating the Saudis for the money they had paid to improve their PR score is a disgrace.

(A H)

Yemeni Government Emphasizes Need to Decentralize Relief Work

The Yemeni government on Thursday renewed its call for the decentralization of aid by international relief organizations and called on the new UN coordinator, Lise Grande, to pressure Houthi militias to remove all obstacles to humanitarian work.
Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of the Higher Relief Committee Abdel Raqib Fatah welcomed the arrival of the new UN coordinator to Sana’a to assume her new mission, succeeding Jimmy McGoldrick, who was accused by the legitimate government of bias.
In an official statement, Fatah asked Grande to work with UN organizations to apply decentralization of relief efforts in order to achieve just delivery of humanitarian aid to all Yemeni provinces.

My comment: What does he mean by this? – And: The greatest obstacle to humanitarian work is the Saudi blockade, combined with Saudi air strikes.

(* B H)

‘You are dealing with people who are not giving up, so why should you?’

UNHCR has nearly 11,000 staff, most of whom are based in the field. Meet Ayman Gharaibeh, who leads our work in Yemen.

Name: Ayman Gharaibeh, 53, from Jordan.

Job title: UNHCR’s Representative to Yemen, based in Sana’a.

In just one day, Sana’a can get 62 air strikes. We can have 5,000 cholera cases per day. You are up against such a challenge and you begin to question yourself – what are we doing here? But that completely changes when you are closer to the people and see you’re actually making a difference in their lives.

We often say that what humanitarianism and humanitarians are doing is saving lives. But I don’t think that gives credit to the people we are serving. Refugees have survived because they know how to survive – people are saved by their own resilience, that’s how Yemen survives today.

It’s very hard to pick one particular day out of 25 years, but the best days are when I come face-to-face with the people that this organization serves. That’s what really gives you the motivation – you are dealing with strong, resilient people who are not giving up, so why should you give up? and film

(* B H)

Hilfsbedarf im Jemen

Der Bedarf an humanitärer Hilfe im Jemen wird für Jahr 2018 auf insgesamt 2,96 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt. Wie die Bundesregierung unter Berufung auf Angaben der Vereinten Nationen in einer Antwort (19/937) auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion Die Linke (19/596) schreibt, seien wegen des anhaltenden Jemen-Konfliktes 22,2 Millionen Menschen auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen, davon seien 11,3 Millionen Menschen in einer akuten Notlage. Das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen gehe von derzeit zwei Millionen Binnenvertriebenen aus.

(* B H)

Film: World Food Programme's Laura Morris on Yemen's 'forgotten crisis'

Comment: Very diplomatic when she speaks about the phantomatic 'lifting of the siege'.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Film: Saudi air raids cause unprecedented crisis in Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen continues to worsen the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country. Aid agencies are now struggling to assist the increasing number of displaced families across Yemen.

(A H)

Human Needs Deve-HND

100 food packs were distributed yesterday to internal displaced families in the capital of #Yemen, #Sanaa.

(* A H)

Stranded Migrants, Refugees Return Home from War-torn Yemen: IOM

IOM, the UN Migration Agency, continues to help stranded migrants in Yemen return home, with the latest of its humanitarian return movements taking place this week (12/03) – one from Al Hudaydah for 41 Ethiopian migrants and a Croatian migrant and the other from Aden for 144 Somali refugees.

The journey for 36 Ethiopian migrants stuck in Sana’a started last Saturday (10/03), when IOM transported them by bus to the port of Al Hudaydah. There they joined a further five Ethiopian migrants, who were staying at IOM’s Migrant Response Point (MRP).

On the same day (12/03), IOM in coordination with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, helped 144 Somalis refugees depart Aden to return home. This group were assisted through the Assisted Spontaneous Return programme (ASR) for Somali refugees in Yemen.

(* B H)

Film: The displaced children of Yemen's 'apocalypse'.

(* B H)

A Yemeni's harrowing journey through the 'Gate of Tears'

After risking everything for a better life in Djibouti, Abdullah Muhammad says he may have to return to war-torn Yemen.

Paying the trafficker $200 to guarantee him safe passage, he says seven people were loaded onto the overcrowded wooden boat.

After more than 24 hours at sea, and just a few minutes on dry land, Muhammad began questioning whether there was any going back.

"I breathed a sigh of relief, but I knew my problems were far from over," he said.

Around 600,000 people, more than 60 percent of the country's population, live in and around the capital, Djibouti city, but with unemployment hovering around 45 percent, close to 400,000 live in slums with minimal basic services, including clean water.

"The first thing the police did is take my passport," Muhammad said.

"I've received no assistance from either the local authority or UN agencies. I'm living off the kindness of others, which can't last long."

With at least 155,000 people food-insecure and successive years of drought damaging pasture zones, most Djiboutians rely on food assistance and remittances from abroad to survive.

"Once I get my passport back I want to head somewhere else. Maybe Australia will take me in," Muhammad said.

"I've spent $3 over the last two days, all I have remaining is $7 - that won't last long.

"If I can't find work I'll have to risk it all again and head back home to Yemen."

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A K P)

Graduation of new fighters of republican guards & special forces. On their way to battlefronts against US-Saudi invaders. March, 16, 2018, somewhere in the province of Sanaa. President commander in chief , Saleh Samad, attended the graduation. (photos)

(B P)

Photos: Houthi martyrs memory and killed Houthi child soldiers

(A P)

Houthi militiamen kill man, injure his brother in Ibb

Houthi militiamen have killed a man and injured his brother for unknown reason in a checkpoint they are manning in al-Sayani district in Ibb province.

(A P)

Yemen: Insurgents Force 2 Largest Telecom Companies to Pay $75 Mn

The internationally unrecognized government in Yemen has forced the two largest telecommunication companies to pay $75 million to allow their services be extended for another two years, according to informed sources.
Two days ago, militias held a meeting in Sana’a with official representatives of Saba Phone and MTN in the presence of insurgency's Prime Minister Abdel Aziz bin Habtour, sources told Asharq Al-Awsat.
The sources indicated that during the meeting, an agreement was signed allowing the two companies to serve until the end of 2019. The deal indicates that the firms will pay $75 million to the group, and in turn, insurgents will not object the extension of their work in Yemen.

Remark: By Saudi media.

(A P)

The #Houthi authorities issue a circular to all the #schools of the capital #Sanaa , forcin them to revive the "Zahra's birth anniversary" - prophet Mohammed's daughter - and adopt it as a main part of school morning radio. (photo)

(A H)

This little boy killed when he was trying to get cooking gas... hundred thousands of# Yemenis struggling to get their daily needs for living in #Houthies area .... (photo)

(A E H)

Photo: This picture clearly tells you that war is more than airstrikes. It is the daily lose of dignity, sense of belonging, and identities.. daily fight of uncertainty! This man choose to sleep by gas cylinders because they worth more than expected, a meal!

(A P)

The Sana’a-based General People’s Congress (GPC) party condemned Hadi government Prime Minister Ahmed bin Daghir on March 12 for his March 8 call to unify the GPC. Daghir also hinted that Ahmed Ali Saleh may play a role in the GPC’s leadership. The Sana’a-based GPC, which is aligned with the al Houthi movement, affirmed that Daghir does not speak for the GPC. [3]

(A K P)

Houthis establish military camps, recruit more fighters in Dhamar

The Houthi terrorist militia has established a new military training camp in and started to forcibly recruit tribal fighters in al-Hada region in Dhamar, south of the capital Sana'a.

My comment: By anti-Houthi Islah Party media. The greatest terrorists in Yemen (apart from AQAP and IS) certainly are the Saudis.

(A K P)

New Yemeni fighters graduating & maneuvering before heading to front battles to fight US-Saudi invaders. March 13, 2018, somewhere in the 6th military region (photos)

(A P)

Young man dies under Houthi torture in Hodeidah

The body of Ahmed Khaleel, a man in his twenties, was found by the shores of al-Saleef in the western province of Hodeidah on Monday. Khaleel had been in a police station run by the Shia Islamic rebels enduring brutal forms of torture.

(* A P)

Houthis detonate new houses by landmines

The Shia Islamic rebels blew up the house of Sharaf Ahmed Mohammed Ghaleb in Al Shaqab area in Taiz city on Monday, local sources said.

The sources said that the rebels had blown up the house of another man, Sadiq al-Moqwas, in the same area three days earlier.
The rebels planted landmines in a number of other houses in Saber area on Sunday in preparation for detonating them.

(A P)

Houthis subject 42 military officers to sectarian radicalization courses

Informed sources in the capital Sana'a said on Monday that the rebel militia have wrapped up a 10-day sectarian course for military commanders in Bani Hosheish in the outskirts of Sana'a.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1


The security of #Marib roads: more needs to be done

The security committee in Marib province on Thursday confirmed the arrest and prosecution of gangs specialised in looting and mining road safety.

(A P)

Stable and Patient… No Matter You Do or Try

Our hunger will never exceed what happened in 2015 and our oppression will never exceed the past 20 years. Free up fuel and all electricity, water, telecommunications and sanitation crises will end. Adan can never remain a hostage of such invented crises. You who are in power after Ali Abdullah Saleh in the beloved north, if you want to reoccupy the south then wake up of your delusions. Live by your own way and leave us to live by our own. Your union is not sacred, and your federation is inaudible to us. You don’t own ultimate truth. We promise you that we will be patient and stable as we always be. And at the end, victory is for us. – by Prof. Dr. Abd Al-Nasser Al-Wally

Remark: A southern separatist viewpoint.

(A E P)

Yemen tribesman block highway to protest rising prices

Armed tribesmen on Thursday blocked a major thoroughfare in eastern Yemen to protest a sharp rise in the price of locally-manufactured oil products, according to a local tribal source.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the source said tribesmen had blocked an international highway linking Maarib to Yemen’s eastern provinces and Saudi Arabia.

According to the same source, the move has brought commercial traffic in Maarib’s northern Al-Wadi directorate to a halt. and


(A E P)

Yemen: Locally-produced oil products markup postponed

Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) postponed its price rise on locally-manufactured oil derivatives following the province-wide protests, the company announced on Thursday.

In a statement, the provincial Maarib office of the company said: “It was decided to postpone the implementation of the new price list on the petroleum products given the life conditions in the province and the increasing number of domestic migrants.”

My comment: Sometimes, protest works!

(A T)

Yemeni court accused men of Al Qaeda affiliation and sets precedent

The trial could see several men sentenced to death for their cooperation with the terrorist group

Several Yemenis accused of being members of Al Qaeda went on trial Wednesday in a case that will look to set legal precedence in the country’s anti-terrorism legislation.

Judge Wahib Fadel opened the first session and heard testimonies of the suspected terrorists in the criminal court in Aden, Yemen’s interim capital.

Legal experts in Yemen said the men accused of collaborating with the terrorist organisation could be sentenced to decades in prison or death.

(A P)

Hadi government prime minister Ahmed Obeid Bin Daghir announced that he will soon return to Aden city on March 14. Daghir traveled to Riyadh from Aden city on February 16 to seek medical treatment after southern secessionist forces confined Daghir to Ma’ashiq Palace in Aden for two weeks.[3]

(* B P)

Is the president of Yemen under house arrest in Saudi Arabia?

Hadi may not be able to return to Aden, even if he wanted to

While Hadi has been referred to as the exiled president, he quite likely could now be described as the "detained president". On Sunday, March 12, Yemeni minister Salah Alsiady posted a statement on his Facebook account, calling on Yemenis to stage protests calling for the president's return from Riyadh.

Alsaidy's move was unprecedented and apparently courageous. It hints that President Hadi cannot carry out his mind's desires, or do what he thinks should rightfully be done for Yemen.

The true status of President Hadi has been clouded in recent months and years. While some say the president cannot return to Aden because of the unstable security situation, others contend that Hadi is under house arrest, and he could not take action without Riyadh's say-so.
At a time when Hadi and the Saudi leadership display no differences on the surface, Yemenis have grown sceptical - and furious - over the president's position.

Reports had previously emerged that Saudi Arabia placed Yemen's president and his government under house arrest.

The Yemeni government does not have absolute authority in areas in which the Saudi-led coalition forces are stationed. The coalition's influence in Yemen's affairs has led many commentators here to call the coalition countries - particularly Saudi Arabia and the UAE - occupiers.

(A T)

Lahj Security Forces Dismantle Explosives Implanted on the Road to Sufian Village – Teben

(A T)

Four civilians wounded by market bomb in Taiz

An explosive device went off in a Qat market in the city of Taiz

(A T)

Militants attempted to assassinate Taiz Police Chief Jamal al Shamiri [4]

(A P)

Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) representative Saleh bin Farid al Awlaki met with international recognized Yemeni President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi and Saudi-led coalition representatives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 13 to discuss control of energy facilities in Shabwah governorate, eastern Yemen. Al Awlaki called for the Emirati-backed Shabwani Elite Forces to takeover control of the Balhaf LNG energy facilities. [1]

(A P)

Trial begins for 6 accused of targeting Saudi ex-prince

The trial of six people accused of planning to assassinate former Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef when he was serving as interior minister kicked off Wednesday in capital Riyadh, according to local media reports.

Charges also include “attempting to target Saudi air force pilots, state security officers and a Danish resident [of the kingdom],” prominent Saudi daily Okaz reported.


Yemen Airways announces resumption of flights to #Socotra Island

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A K P)

Ben Brik Meets UN Experts Team

Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, vice president of the southern transitional council, met the UN International Experts Commission visiting Adan on Wednesday March 14th, 2018. Ben Brik welcomed the UN team and discussed with them human rights in the south. The team included Kamal Al-Gandouby, head of the delegation, Charles Garraway, Melissa Park and Roaida Al-Haj, coordinator of the team. Ben Brik informed the UN team that the council prepared files about all violations against the southern people since 1994 war till now, including recent violations in Adan last January by Muslim Brotherhood militias and other troops of the legitimacy government. He provided the team will files and photos for violations of January and February by Ben Daghar’s government.

Remark: The investigation team had been named in December 2017 ( and headed for Yemen some days ago (

(A K P)

IRC calls on UK to table a UN Resolution on Yemen

The latest UN Security Council Presidential Statement on Yemen does not do enough to revitalize the beleaguered Yemen peace process and secure a political resolution to the war. The IRC is calling on the UK, as the country responsible for Yemen in the Council, to lead UN efforts to resolve the disaster in Yemen.

Responding to the statement by the President of the Security Council on Yemen,Amanda Catanzano, IRC’s Senior Director of International Programs Policy and Advocacy said: “The humanitarian focus of the statement is important, but it does not reflect the urgency of the deteriorating situation in Yemen

Full and sustained opening of all Yemen’s ports and Sann’a airport are vital steps, yet even if these actions were implemented today they would not be enough to address the humanitarian catastrophe. Humanitarians cannot resolve the crisis – their efforts must be matched by political determination.

(* A P)

Weltsicherheitsrat tief besorgt über humanitäre Lage im Jemen

Der Weltsicherheitsrat hat am Donnerstag seine tiefe Besorgnis über die kontinuierliche Verschlechterung der humanitären Lage im Jemen sowie die Auswirkungen der Konflikte auf die Zivilisten geäußert.

In der Erklärung hieß es, zurzeit brauchten UNO-Angaben zufolge mehr als 22 Millionen Menschen im Jemen humanitäre Hilfe, also 3,4 Millionen mehr als im letzten Jahr. Es gebe schwere Unterernährung, Hungersnot und eine Cholera- und Diphterie-Epidemie. Der Weltsicherheitsrat sei darüber tief besorgt.

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat forderte alle Konfliktparteien auf, den Personen- und Güterverkehr für humanitäre Hilfe zuzulassen. Alle Häfen des Staats sollten geöffnet werden. Der Zugang zu allen kommerziellen und humanitären Güterimporten müsse garantiert werden. Außerdem forderte der Weltsicherheitsrat alle UN-Mitgliedsstaaten auf, Gelder für das UN-Hilfsprogramm 2018 für Jemen in Höhe von 2,96 Milliarden US-Dollar zu spenden.

Mein Kommentar: Sonstige Berichterstattung auf Deutsch: Fehlanzeige. Und das Einzige kommt aus China. Mehr muss man zu deutschen Medien schon gar nicht mehr sagen. Informieren Sie sich lieber auf Englisch, s. im Folgenden.

(* A K P)

Amid Deteriorating Conditions in Yemen, Security Council Presidential Statement Calls for Humanitarian Access, Strict Adherence to Embargo

The Security Council today underscored the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen, emphasizing that an inclusive political solution was needed to end the conflict.

In presidential statement S/PRST/2018/5, presented by Karel Jan Gustaaf van Oosterom (Netherlands), Council President for March, the 15-member organ cited its grave concern at the continued deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen, calling for all Member States to fully implement the arms embargo and for unhindered access for humanitarian assistance.

The Council recognized that the United Nations estimated that 22.2 million people were now in need of humanitarian assistance in Yemen, a rise of 3.4 million over 2017. The Council further called on all parties to respect and protect schools, medical facilities and personnel. It also condemned the ballistic-missile attacks by the Houthis against Saudi Arabia, particularly those targeting civilian areas. All parties should allow safe and unhindered access for humanitarian supplies and personnel to all affected governorates.

Raising concerns over the challenges facing Yemen’s economy, the Council called on the Government of Yemen to develop a transparent budget process, which consolidated revenues and prioritized spending on salaries for public sector employees. In addition, it recognized the need to strengthen the Central Bank of Yemen to develop and implement a transparent national monetary policy.

The Council called on all Member States to fully implement the arms embargo, as required by the relevant Council resolutions. It underlined its support for the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism that facilitated commercial shipping to Yemen. Attempted attacks by the Houthis against shipping around Bab al-Mandeb, a strategically important shipping passage, were being taken extremely seriously, and the continued exercise of navigational rights and freedoms in and around the strait, in accordance with relevant international law, must be upheld. The Council also condemned the use of sea mines by non-State actors, including Houthi forces, and expressed its concern that mines were prone to break free of their moorings and drift into international shipping channels, representing a threat to commercial shipping.

By the presidential statement, the Council called on all parties to the conflict to abandon preconditions and engage in good faith with the United Nations-led process in order to reach a political solution.

The full text of presidential statement S/PRST/2018/5 reads as follows: =

My comment: This statement sounds fully biased – it would be interwsting to know which side actually has been masterminding here. It seems actually the Saudis themselves achieved this for amny parts (see article by KUNA below). There is no word at all related to Saudi coalition air raids, while “The Security Council condemns in the strongest possible terms ballistic missile attacks by the Houthis against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” – although nobody had been harmed by them up to now. Furtheron, more Houthi actions are condemned, namely blaming the Houthis. On the contrary, Saudi Arabia is only mentioned in a positive way, it is highly praised for its humanitarian spending, unaware of the fact that this spending just is a fig-leave for the 3 years bombing war, to improve the bad Saudi PR. – And, paradoxical: On the one hand, the UNSC demands that all ports should be held open – otherwise it demands “strict adherence to embargo” – which, in its present form, means blockade of Houthi-held harbours by the Saudis. So what??? The UNSC does not want starving the Yemenis, and wants to achieve this by starving them???

(A K P)

UN council says Yemen conditions 'devastating' for civilians

The UN Security Council warned Thursday that conditions in war-torn Yemen are worsening and having a "devastating" impact on civilians, with 22.2 million now in need of humanitarian assistance.

The council cited indiscriminate attacks on densely populated areas, with large numbers of civilian casualties and damage to civilian structures.

"The Security Council expresses its grave concern at the continued deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen, and the devastating humanitarian impact of the conflict on civilians," it said in a statement.

It called on all parties to "respect and protect schools, medical facilities, and personnel."

My comment: While Western masters of hypocrisy do everything that (among all others) “schools, medical facilities, and personnel” are bombed.

(A K P)

UN urges warring parties in Yemen to facilitate aid

Responding to the world's worst humanitarian crisis, the U.N. Security Council on Thursday urged the warring parties in Yemen to ensure that humanitarian aid gets to all affected areas, citing U.N. estimates that over 22 million people need food, medicine and other aid.

A presidential statement approved by the 15 council members expresses "grave concern at the continued humanitarian impact of the conflict on civilians,"

It calls for "full and sustained" operations at all Yemen's ports and its main airport in the capital Sanaa for humanitarian and commercial imports including food, fuel and medicine.

The council statement, drafted by the Netherlands and Sweden, reiterates calls for a cease-fire between the Saudi-led coalition backing Yemen's internationally recognized government and Houthi Shiite rebels.

(A K P)

Netherlands working in Security Council to help people of Yemen

Under the Netherlands’ presidency, the UN Security Council has spoken out about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. ‘By doing so,’ says foreign minister Stef Blok, ‘the Security Council has laid the basis for ensuring that all humanitarian and commercial goods have full and ongoing access to Yemen’s ports.’

(A K P)

Saudi Arabia lauds Kuwait's UNSC efforts for Yemen statement

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has expressed appreciation of Kuwait's leading and positive role in the UN Security Council for issuing a presidential statement on Yemen.

He pointed out that negotiations over the statement had started last month when Kuwait was holding the rotating presidency of the Security Council.
The UN Security Council's welcoming of the statement reflected the international community's commitment towards a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen based on the Gulf initiative, national dialogue outcome, and relevant UN resolutions including UNSC resolution No. 2216, Mouallimi stated.
For his part, Yemen's Permanent Representative to the UN Khaled Alyemany welcomed the UN statement.
"This statement shows the international community commitment towards Yemen and the efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people due to the hostilities committed by Houthi group," he said.
He praised the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's humanitarian efforts to ease the humanitarian situation in his war-torn country.

(* A K P)

Geheimgespräche im Jemen?: Saudi-Arabien verhandelt mit Huthis

Saudi-Arabien und die mit ihm verfeindeten Huthi-Rebellen führen Geheimgespräche zur Beendigung des Kriegs im Jemen. Es gebe Beratungen zwischen beiden Seiten.

Die Huthis und die gegen sie kämpfende Militärallianz unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens wollten beide auf ein umfassendes Abkommen hinarbeiten. Ein Vertreter der von Saudi-Arabien unterstützten, international anerkannten Regierung des Jemen sei an den Gesprächen nicht beteiligt. Ein Sprecher der Allianz wies die Angaben zurück. Saudi-Arabien führe keine Verhandlungen mit den Huthis. Von den Rebellen war keine offizielle Stellungnahme zu erhalten.

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis and Saudi Arabia in secret talks to end war: sources

Saudi Arabia and its adversaries in Yemen’s armed Houthi movement are holding secret talks to try to end a three-year-old war that has unleashed the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, diplomats and Yemeni political sources said.

Speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, two diplomats and two Yemeni officials said the Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam had been in direct communication with Saudi officials in Oman on a comprehensive solution to the conflict.

“There are consultations between the Houthis and the Saudis, without a representative of the internationally recognized government, and it is clear that there is a desire of the Houthis and the coalition to go toward a comprehensive agreement,” one diplomat told Reuters.

The hoped for accord would begin with a truce to pause fighting on nationwide battlefronts and culminate in the signing of a peace deal addressing the political interests of the warring parties, the sources added.

The current talks appear to have bypassed Yemen’s Riyadh-based government, whose restoration was the justification for the Saudi-led intervention, underlining a series of deepening Yemeni squabbles which have hobbled the coalition war effort.

Two Hadi government officials contacted by Reuters were unaware of the dialogue

Comment: In 2016 #SaudiArabia & the #Houthi gov reached an agreement & ceasefire that Hadi was excluded from. Hadi and his forces undermined the agreement and proved despite his lack of domestic support he can still act as a spoiler. Hopefully there is something different about this round

(A P)

Hadi to meet new UN special envoy in early April, presidential source says

A Yemeni presidential source has denied that secret talks are being held with the Houthi coup militia as many media allege.

My comment: Well, the Hadi government just does not take part in these latest secret talks.

(* B K P)

Jemen hat Frieden verdient

Der Krieg hat Jemen abseits der Augen der Weltöffentlichkeit in den Abgrund getrieben. Friedensbemühungen sind bei weitem nicht ausgeschöpft. Europa könnte helfen.

Jemen ist voller Konflikte und hat zugleich eine reiche Tradition der Mediation und Deeskalation. Doch während alle möglichen Länder die innerjemenitischen Konflikte anheizen, nutzt heute kaum jemand das Potenzial für Friedensverhandlungen.

Mitverantwortlich für das Desaster sind westliche Länder, welche Saudiarabien mit Waffen und Informationen ihrer Geheimdienste beliefern, allen voran Grossbritannien und die Vereinigten Staaten.

Die Ernennung eines neuen Uno-Sondergesandten für Jemen im Februar ist eine Chance für die Wiederbelebung des Friedensprozesses, der seit über einem Jahr stillsteht. Es genügt jedoch nicht, die Gespräche mit den Huthi und mit Vertretern der Regierung wiederaufzunehmen, die weitgehend im Exil sitzt und im Land ein geringes Ansehen hat. Erstens müssen weitere Parteien berücksichtigt werden, die im Land wichtig sind.

Einer von vielen Gründen, weshalb heute in Jemen gekämpft wird, ist die Marginalisierung von Gruppen wie den Huthi oder von Regionen wie Südjemen durch den Zentralstaat. Das Fernziel muss eine Art Dezentralisierung sein, welche nicht die Fragmentierung des Landes festigt, sondern dieses im Gegenteil zusammenhält. Zweitens braucht die regionale Dimension mehr Aufmerksamkeit: Iran und Saudiarabien müssen ihren Stellvertreterkrieg in Jemen beenden.

Europa ist in einer guten Position als Vermittler: Von den Jemeniten werden die EU und die Schweiz als neutral wahrgenommen – neutraler als die Uno. Die Europäer können regional zwischen den Golfstaaten und Iran vermitteln sowie gegenüber Grossbritannien und den Amerikanern für eine konstruktivere Rolle in Jemen lobbyieren.

Dass die Jemeniten Frieden brauchen, ist Grund genug – von Monika Bolliger

(A H P)

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Lise Grande, left #Sanaa on Wednesday, two days after her arrival.

(A P)

USAID/Yemen: Inviting Applicants for Yemen Communities Stronger Together (YCST) Program

The United States Government as represented by the U.S Agency for International Development, Yemen (USAID/Yemen) has announced its desire to support applications for local level initiatives that mitigate conflict, strengthen social cohesion, promote the peaceful resolution of differences, and, where feasible, capitalize on stabilization opportunities in Yemen.

(A H P)

Geberkonferenz für Jemen im April 2018

Die Vereinten Nationen haben bekannt gegeben, dass sie die Vorbereitungen für eine Geberkonferenz am 3. April 2018 treffen, um Hilfsgelder für die Menschen im Jemen zu sammeln.ür_jemen_im_april_2018

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Krieg der Worte zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Iran

Der Iran hat auf die jüngste Erklärung des saudi-arabischen Kronprinzen Muhammed bin Salman scharf reagiert.

Der Iran hat auf die jüngste Erklärung des saudi-arabischen Kronprinzen Muhammed bin Salman scharf reagiert.

Der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Behram Kasimi sagte, die Worte des Kronprinzen verdienten keine Antwort, denn er sei eine unreife Person, die lügt und böse Worte benutzt. Er habe keine Ahnung von der Politik und habe auch keine Perspektive, daher verwende er zu unpassenden Zeiten diese scharfen Töne.

Kronprinz Muhammed bin Salman hatte in einem CBS-Interview gesagt, dass Saudi-Arabien keine Atombombe will, aber sollte der Iran Atombomben bauen, so werde auch Saudi-Arabien Atombomben bauen.

Der Kronprinz von Saudi-Arabien, Muhammed bin Salman hatte im Interview den iranischen geistlichen Führer Ayatollah Ali Hamanei mit Adolf Hitler verglichen. Der Kronprinz verglich die territorialen Ambitionen Irans mit der Expansionspolitik Nazideutschlands.

(A P)

Iran slams 'simple-minded' Saudi Crown Prince Salman over Hitler remarks

Iran on Thursday lashed out at Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, calling him a "simple-mind" after the powerful young royal likened Iran's supreme leader to Adolf Hitler.

"These words are worthless ... because they come from a simple-mind full of illusions who speaks only bitterness and lies," said Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi.

(A P)

Iran FM Says Hopes Saudi Arabia Does Not Seek Nuclear Weapons

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has expressed hope that Saudi Arabia would not seek to achieve nuclear weapons.

He underlined that all countries are entitled to have peaceful nuclear energy for peaceful purposes including uranium enrichment based on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

“We don’t know yet the real intention of Saudi Arabia but based on the NPT, all states are entitled to have peaceful nuclear program including uranium enrichment,” he was quoted as saying in a Farsi interview with Etemad newspaper.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Totale Eskalation? Saudi-Arabien droht dem Iran offen mit eigener Atombombe

Wenn sein Erzrivale Iran Nuklearwaffen zu erlangen versucht, werde auch Riad solche entwickeln, wie der saudische Kronprinz am Donnerstag sagte. Damit befeuerte er Spekulationen über ein atomares Wettrüsten in der Region, die ohnehin schon von Konflikten zerrissen ist.

"Saudi-Arabien strebt nicht nach Atombomben, aber wenn der Iran eine Atombombe entwickelt, werden wir diesem Beispiel zweifellos so bald wie möglich folgen", sagte Prinz Mohammed bin Salman in einem Interview mit dem US-Fernsehsender CBS.


Bemerkung: Die anderen Artikel hierzu in cp15 Propaganda.

(* A B P)

Why Mohammed bin Salman wants to go nuclear?

Although Saudi Arabia has hinted in the past about its intentions of going nuclear, the latest announcement was shocking as it was made by the most powerful person in the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia has been pressing the US to allow it an exemption to enrich uranium domestically and also to preprocess spent nuclear fuel as part of the deal. With MbS announcing his plans to develop a nuclear bomb, US companies like Westinghouse may have to withdraw from the project as US laws prevent the transfer of nuclear technology to a country which has not signed an agreement, ruling out uranium enrichment.

The timing of the threat by MbS is interesting. He is due to land in the US on March 19 for a multi-city tour, and, on the Iran nuclear deal, MbS and President Trump are on the same page.

MbS probably intends to keep the Iran issue in the spotlight by referring to his plans to develop nuclear weapons.

MbS has been preparing exhaustively for his US visit. Several lobbyists are working to popularise his reform initiatives. His plans to curtail the power of the religious establishment, to give more rights—including the permission to drive—to women, to pursue a more muscular foreign policy and to aggressively garner power by sidelining rival princes in the Al Saud family are all being sold to the west in a really convincing manner.

Iran, meanwhile, is a soft target to deflect attention from such criticisms. And, the spectre of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East will certainly raise alarm across western capitals. The latest move by MbS seems to have its desired effect.

Remark: Other articles in co15 Propaganda.

(B P)

Come to America, Mohammed bin Salman. But Free These Activists First.

Those in the West who support the cause of Saudi modernization, and businesspeople who may wish to invest in it, badly need reassurance. Fortunately, there is a ready way for the crown prince to offer it, even before he arrives in Washington: He can release some of the dozens of political prisoners who were jailed for advocating some of the very reforms he is attempting to advance.

He should fix that before he arrives in Washington – Editorial by Washington Post = =

My comment: This hardly would be enough – with the Yemen slaughter and starving still going on.

(* B P)

Reports of Saudi Crown Prince’s Domestic Violence Emerge

Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman, who is scheduled to arrive to the United States tomorrow, has severely beaten his wife leading to her hospitalization, multiple and unrelated sources told the Gulf Institute.

Reports of wife beatings will certainly cast doubt on MBS’ promoted image as a women’s rights champion and reformer, and challenge the credibility of his American official and media supporters.

The Gulf Institute first learned of MBS’ domestic violence abuses from a member of the Saudi ruling family and Bin Salman’s first cousin.

MBS’ history of violence toward his wife has been corroborated by several and separate sources.

Young described MBS as an aggressive man. “MBS’ mentality is like both his mother and father – he is a forceful bully boy,” he said. “He has anxiety-related conditions and has lashed out at others, including his wife.”

Several videos of MBS appear to support Young’s assertions of MBS’ anxiety disorder

The Gulf Institute has previously reported that King Salman killed his son Abdullah, who was born to a black slave girl child after a casual encounter with Salman. Salman killed Abdullah because he was black, according to a nephew of the King.

(* B P)

Mohammed bin Salman -- the reformer behind Saudi Arabia's shakeup

Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, is a man in a hurry. Only 32 years old, he’s been shaking up a country long seen as an oasis of stability in the Middle East.

The change going on in the Kingdom the past few years has been as breathtaking as Mohammed bin Salman’s ascent.

It’s all part of a plan to forestall disaster, says Karen Elliott House

But since his father became king, and MBS became the powerful figure he is today, he has been more open in revealing his personality and, according to House, comes across as dynamic: “He is unlike any other Saudi I have ever met in his energy, confidence, informality and willingness to take risks.”

My comment: A still somewhat moderate “Salman the reformer” story, as we could expect dozens in the following week.

(A E P)

Artists see bright future for Saudi Arabia’s entertainment sector

The future for the entertainment sector in Saudi Arabia is bright as the Kingdom witnesses rapid transformations. The major cities — Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam — have recently seen big crowds turn up for events organized by the General Entertainment Authority (GEA), which partners with various national and international organizations.

(A E P)

Can Saudi Arabia become the Middle East’s new entertainment hub?

Saudi Arabia is aiming to ring in a new chapter in its history with a range of developments to position it as a leisure destination for residents and overseas visitors.

The kingdom is planning to invest $64 billion in its entertainment industry over the coming decade as part of an ambitious program of social and economic reform, known as Vision 2030, to reduce its dependency on oil.

Mohamd Alkhateeb, Analyst at JLL in Saudi Arabia, says: "The goal of the entertainment fund is to build Saudi Arabia's much-needed tourism infrastructure.

(A E P)

Arriving soon: Saudi Arabia's tourism ambition

Saudi Arabia is ready to rev its economic engines again. Only this time it won't be oil that accelerates growth

A new era beckons that is anchored in development projects grander than any Gulf plans that came before it.

Even at the turn of the decade, becoming a tourist hotspot is a future hardly anyone would have conceived for Saudi Arabia. Historically, visa restrictions and a lack of openness to visitors, especially unmarried women, are among the factors that have hindered Saudi Arabia’s prospects as a tourism destination.

But from April 1, according to Conde Nast Traveller, travel agencies and tour operators expect the country to start easing rules toward issuing 30-day general tourist visas to those who wish to explore the kingdom’s hidden treasures.

My comment: Suddenly, several articles on this subject: PR campaign or more?

(A E P)

Goldman Bets on an Unprecedented Economic Overhaul in Saudi

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is doubling down on its plans for Saudi Arabia in a bet that sweeping economic reforms will draw investors to the kingdom despite a turbulent corruption crackdown.

(A E P)

Aramco Gets Cool Response on IPO From U.S. Investors

In meetings in New York, fund managers push back on valuation

Saudi officials were warned shale output may upset IPO plans

(* B E P)

Mohammed bin Salman Isn’t Wonky Enough

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince knows his country needs an economic overhaul, but his plans don’t add up

Saudi Arabia has moved from political paralysis to rapid action under the de facto leadership of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Like Western investors, the kingdom’s elites are uncertain about what the new order means for the country’s economy. The new Saudi leadership has indeed created new opportunities, but many of the deep structural barriers to diversification remain unchanged. The bulk of the public sector remains bloated by patronage employment, the private sector is still dominated by cheap foreign labor, and private economic activity remains deeply dependent on state spending. Addressing these challenges could take a generation — and it will require patience, creativity, and a clearer sense of priorities.

The country’s new rulers recognize that Saudi Arabia’s economy needs to adjust. But promises about rapid diversification and growth could backfire. It would be far more prudent to gently prepare citizens and businesses for a difficult and protracted adjustment period and to focus on a smaller number of priorities. This would make reform easier and allow the government to tackle the major barriers to diversification in a targeted way.

My comment: This all sounds serious to me, but this also seems to be one of these articles which overstress the idea of “reform” and thus get wrong what the real intention of Prince Salman likely is: to fix his rule and power.

(A P)

Saudi women’s strides in focus in the UN

Saudi-led efforts to empower women came under the limelight in the United Nations in New York.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia believes work is a woman’s right,” said Tamadar bint Yousef Al-Ramah, who was appointed as deputy minister of labor and social development last month.

Addressing the 62nd session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meeting, she said that Saudi had put put in place a program that supports the economic empowerment of women and increases their participation in the workplace.

(A P)

You & the Law: A breakthrough for mothers, and good news for families in Saudi Arabia

Until recently, divorced mothers in Saudi Arabia had to go through a long and complex legal process to obtain custody of their children, notwithstanding continuous efforts by the regulator to speed up such procedures. In a qualitative leap in this regard, divorced mothers will now be granted automatic custody, provided both parents have agreed on the matter and there is no dispute between them.

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U.S. officials: Saudi crown prince has hidden his mother from his father, the king

Fourteen current and former senior U.S. officials told NBC News that intelligence shows Prince Mohammed bin Salman— often referred to by his initials MBS — blocked his mother from seeing his father, King Salman, more than two years ago and has kept her away from him as the young prince rapidly amassed power.

Prince Mohammed, a key ally of the Trump White House, has concocted various explanations of his mother's whereabouts over the years, such as that she's out of the country receiving medical treatment, so King Salman would not know his son has been behind her continued absence, the current and former officials said.

U.S. officials interviewed for this story believe, based on several years of intelligence, that MBS took action against his mother because he was concerned that she opposed his plans for a power grab that could divide the royal family and might use her influence with the king to prevent it

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Saudi Arabia: Allegations of Abuse, Death in Custody

Detainees Accused of Corruption Denied Due Process

Saudi Arabia should immediately investigate the claims that authorities physically mistreated or coerced prominent people detained in November 2017 and hold those responsible to account, Human Rights Watch said today.

A March 12, 2018 New York Times report stated that 17 detainees among the princes, businessmen, and former and current government officials held at the five-star Ritz Carlton Hotel in Riyadh required hospitalization for physical abuse.

“The alleged mistreatment at the Ritz Carlton is a serious blow to Mohammad bin Salman’s claims to be a modernizing reformist,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.

Human Rights Watch has documented numerous allegations of torture and ill-treatment in Saudi prisons and detention centers in recent years. Human Rights Watch also has documented Saudi courts’ use of confessions to sentence defendants to serious punishments, including the death penalty, even after defendants tried to recant them in court, saying that they were coerced into giving them.

Human Rights Watch obtained and analyzed seven separate trial judgments that the country’s Specialized Criminal Court handed down in 2013 and 2014 against men and children accused of protest-related crimes following popular demonstrations by members of the Shia minority in 2011 and 2012 in Eastern Province towns. In all seven trials, detainees alleged that confessions were extracted through torture, but judges quickly dismissed these allegations without investigation, admitted the confessions as evidence, and then convicted the detainees almost solely based on these confessions, sometimes handing down death sentences.

On March 7, Human Rights Watch issued a report that documented the Saudi criminal justice system mistreatment of Pakistani citizens involved in criminal cases.

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Mohammed bin Salman’s triumphal tour masks mis-steps at home

The crown prince’s relentless efforts to rebrand Saudi Arabia has sown bitter seeds

But where is politics in all this? No one expects MbS to sprinkle pixie dust on an absolute monarchy that is rooted in a theocratically absolute brand of Islam and magic it into a Jeffersonian democracy. The point is that this young ruler, autocratic even by Saudi standards, has undermined each of the three pillars that hold the kingdom aloft — the ruling House of Saud, the Wahhabi clerical establishment, and the tribes. While that may eventually turn out to be a good thing, for now it is opening up an institutional vacuum in the country. It will take a lot more than expensive PR and consultants to fill that gap. The sprawling, faction-ridden House of Saud will not easily tolerate MbS’s monopoly of power. The al-Saud, understanding that over-reach and family rivalries brought down the first two Saudi kingdoms in the 19th century, have learnt to respect caution and revere consensus. Now the family is riven again, and it is not just hidebound gerontocrats who fear the young crown prince may be out of his depth.

The way in which MbS, backed by King Salman, cleared his path to the throne last year has sown bitter seeds.

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Riad will auch Atomwaffen - wenn Iran sie hat

"Wenn der Iran eine Atombombe entwickeln sollte, werden wir es ihm so bald wie möglich gleichtun", sagte der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman dem Sender CBS.

Saudi-Arabien will eigene Atomwaffen entwickeln, falls der Erzrivale Iran dies tun sollte. Das Königreich strebe zwar nicht nach einer nuklearen Bewaffnung, sagte Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman dem Sender CBS in einem Interview, das am Sonntag ausgestrahlt werden soll. "Wenn aber der Iran eine Atombombe entwickeln sollte, werden wir es ihm so bald wie möglich gleichtun." Ein Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums nannte die Aussagen des Prinzen "naiv".

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Saudi crown prince says will develop nuclear bomb if Iran does

Saudi Arabia will develop a nuclear bomb if its arch-rival Iran does so, the kingdom’s 32-year-old crown prince said in a preview of a television interview released on Thursday.

“Saudi Arabia does not want to acquire any nuclear bomb, but without a doubt if Iran developed a nuclear bomb, we will follow suit as soon as possible,” Prince Mohammed bin Salman told CBS.

The kingdom, locked in a tussle for influence with Iran across the Middle East and beyond, is stepping up plans to develop a nuclear energy capability as part of a reform plan led by Prince Mohammed to reduce the economy’s dependence on oil.

The United States, South Korea, Russia, France and China are bidding on a multi-billion dollar tender to build Saudi Arabia’s first two nuclear reactors.

My comment: And the West willingly will deliver the technology???

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Saudi cleric Abd Al-Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan said that even though a Muslim might possess "some of the despicable and nasty traits of the Jews," one must not taunt or curse them for this. Describing these traits, Al-Fawzan said that the Jews are "the most envious of people and the most likely to use sorcery" and are known "for arrogance and for sowing corruption upon the land." His statements aired on the Kuwaiti Al-Resala TV channel on February 23 and

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The Saudi ‘Reformer’ Who Uses Torture

Mohammed bin Salman’s power grab and subsequent shakedown of detainees were always aimed at consolidating power and extracting money by force. That seemed clear enough at the time, and this report just confirms it. The “anti-corruption” spin was always a pretext for doing these things and never a very convincing one, and it is a measure of how easily seduced by Mohammed bin Salman’s promise of “reform” they are that so many Western observers accepted his explanation at face value. Obviously, torturing people into handing assets over to the state is a crude abuse of power that has nothing to do with fighting corruption.

Before the U.S. wades any deeper into the muck with Mohammed bin Salman, there is an opportunity to extricate the U.S. from the disastrous war on Yemen that our government has been helping the Saudis and their allies wage for the last three years – by Daniel Larison

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

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U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller reportedly supported the idea of training special al Mahri forces in a meeting with al Mahrah Governor Rajeh Bakrit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 13. Tueller also discuss security and anti-smuggling efforts in al Mahrah governorate, eastern Yemen. [3]

My comment: Strange tasks for an ambassador… – On Tueller’s horrible and totally biased role read

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American PR Firm Defends Its Role in Saudi Arabia’s Corruption Crackdown

APCO’s work is part of a multimillion dollar PR offensive launched by Mohammed Bin Salman, who is due to visit the US on Monday.

A public relations (PR) firm hired by Saudi Arabia has defended its work briefing the media on the country’s anti-corruption crackdown after the New York Times reported claims that detainees were physically abused and coerced into handing over their assets.

APCO Worldwide, a US-headquartered firm, was hired by the Saudi Ministry of Culture and Information in 2017, as part of a major PR offensive revealed by the Bureau last week.

One of the firm’s duties was helping brief journalists on the anti-corruption campaign launched by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (also known by his initials, MBS) in November 2017,

When asked whether APCO had made any attempt to establish the truth about rumoured coercive and extra-legal practices in the anti-corruption campaign before briefing the media on it, a spokesman for the firm told the Bureau there had been no reason to.

“It is only now that such allegations are coming to light. Therefore, there were no concerns for us to raise with the client, and no reason for us to question the information we were given”, the spokesman said.

An energetic PR push will likely accompany the Crown Prince’s visit to Washington on Monday.

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Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to US meets Henry Kissinger

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A cautionary tale for dealing with Riyadh

As Washington mulls granting Saudi Arabia a permissive civilian nuclear cooperative agreement in the name of peace and prosperity, it should understand we’ve been here before. Presidents Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama also loosened the reins on "atoms for peace" in the name of stability. Their efforts, however, were less than optimal.

None of this history makes for pleasant reading. All of it, though, is directly relevant to any U.S. effort to strike a civil nuclear agreement with Saudi Arabia. The deal most often discussed is one that would allow the Saudis (now or in due course) to enrich uranium and reprocess spent fuel — two activities that can bring the Kingdom to the brink of making nuclear weapons. The premise behind cutting such a permissive deal is that if we want to restrain an aspiring nuclear weapons state, we must first demonstrate our trust that it will not go nuclear by sharing dual-use technology essential for both civil and military use.

Here, it is worth noting that our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, is wary of a nuclear Saudi Arabia.


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Analysis: Trump caught between Saudi nuclear ambitions, Israeli opposition

On the other side, initially and behind the scenes, the Israeli regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed opposition to the US nuclear cooperation with the oil-rich kingdom. He has recently, however, made his objection public when he voiced deep concerns of Tel Aviv and urged Washington to quit the negotiations.

The Trump administration, reportedly, rejected the Israeli regime’s demands, citing possible heading of the Saudis to the Russians and the Chinese to get help with the reactor building. Trump has declined to further comment on the case, and sources familiar with the issue said that the Israeli and American sides want to discuss the case more.

There is a consensus among the analysts that the oil-rich monarchy does not intend to use the nuclear energy peacefully. In earlier negotiations, it refused to sign any agreement that will deny it the right to enrich uranium on its soil despite the fact that the regime lacked the scientific and domestic prerequisites for uranium enrichment. Now the question is that will Donald Trump help Saudi Arabia with its ambitions, with the prior knowledge of Riyadh’s objective behind becoming a nuclear state?,-Israeli-Opposition =

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Mohammed Bin Salman: Brave Reformer Or Reckless Autocrat?

Given his aggressive foreign policy and record of internal repression, MbS’s attempt to burnish his image during his U.S. trip should be a hard sell. But he has prominent admirers in the U.S. press like David Ignatius of The Washington Post and Thomas Friedman of The New York Times in his corner, and is one of Donald Trump’s favorite world leaders. Perhaps this Sunday’s interview with MbS on CBS 60 Minutes will highlight his war-mongering and human-rights abuses as much or more than his claims to be a refreshing force for reform. But the danger remains that at least some parts of the mainstream press will whitewash MbS’s record.

As such, MbS’s visit, which is slated to include everyone from Donald Trump and his top security officials to Wall Street executives and Silicon Valley moguls, could at least partially succeed in meeting his main objectives. It’s up to opponents of MbS’s human rights record and his brutal war in Yemen to make sure it doesn’t.

Far from being a force for “stability in the region,” as the Pentagon routinely claims when it promotes yet another arms deal with Riyadh, the Saudi regime has become a force for conflict and division in a region desperately in need of peace – by William D. Hartung

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US at war in 7 countries — including Niger

Reminder about why all these conflicts are legal: the 2002 AUMF “contains no geographic limitation on where authorized force may be employed… to defend the national security of the United States.”

My comment: Oh no. The “national security of the United States” would be defended on US territory. The rest is imperialism.

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Four important points made by former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, and one raised by student protesters

Human rights policy expert speaks at Johns Hopkins as part of Foreign Affairs Symposium

The Yemeni conflict, Power later explained, is a complex example of how foreign policy shifts as time passes and relationships to foreign powers change.

Power reiterated her point that demanding accountability for government actions is an essential act of citizenship. She commended the student protesters and thanked them for supporting the Yemeni people.

"The fact that young people are protesting about Yemen is incredibly important," she said. "One of the reasons this vicious campaign [against Yemeni civilians] continues to happen is because the Saudis are paying almost no price in the court of public opinion. We should support [these students'] initiative." and also and

My comment: Why she is labeled as “Human rights policy expert“? She certainly is not, but after the end of her term as Obamas ambassador tot he UN she now plays this unfitting role. At the UN, she lobbied the UN fort he US-Saudi war in Yemen, backed the Saudis, enforced a biased politics in favour oft he Saudis and their warfare, which blocked any peace efforts up to now. She indirectly is responsible for Saudi war crimes in Yemen; if Power really is „demanding accountability for government actions“, then she is among those who must be held accountable.

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MbS Trip Will Test Strength of Resurgent U.S.-Saudi Ties

On March 19, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) will begin his first visit to the United States as presumptive heir to the throne. The extensive trip is scheduled to run through April 8 and involve visits to multiple cities. The crown prince will be aware of the need to polish his image in the United States since concerns regarding the recent corruption crackdown and detention of prominent Saudis, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and other issues could impact diplomacy and investment. Hence the visit is scheduled to include a measure of personal outreach by MbS to the U.S. public and opinion makers, including meetings with the editorial staffs of major newspapers and a scene-setting interview with the CBS television program “60 Minutes.” This visit comes at a crucial time, with Saudi social and political changes and economic reform gaining steam and Trump administration policies toward Iran growing more confrontational. Despite a general improvement in relations, or at least in atmospherics, between Washington and Riyadh since Donald J. Trump became president, several issues are unresolved and even most areas of convergence are works in progress requiring careful attention. Here’s what’s likely to dominate the conversations.

GCC Unity and a Potential Summit

Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Program


Washington continues to be uncomfortable with the humanitarian impact of the war in Yemen.

Trump can leverage long-standing U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition, including uninterrupted weapon sales, to insist that Washington has been more helpful to Riyadh on Yemen since he was elected.

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process


Saudi Arabia and its allies have been heartened by the tougher line the Trump administration has adopted toward Iran. Saudi perceptions of Iran as a primary national security threat have been exponentially increased by a series of attempted missile attacks on Saudi cities launched from Yemen by the Houthis.

The Trump administration seems to largely share this view and, crucially from a Saudi perspective, has linked the JCPOA with the same pattern of Iranian conduct that Saudi Arabia finds so threatening

Syria and Iraq

Trade, Investment, and Technology

My comment: What is to be expected: A bulk of bullshit propaganda, even much more than the one which flanked MBS’ visit to London.

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Debate over Bernie Sanders' bid to end U.S. role in Yemen, already the world's worst humanitarian crisis

The controversial U.S involvement in Yemen, in support of the Saudi effort, could end as early as next week if the bipartisan bill introduced late last month by Sanders and Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) can be forced to a floor vote, as its backers anticipate.

But others argue Sanders’ view fails to acknowledge the destruction may only worse should the U.S withdraw - and thereby heighten Iran’s power and influence in the already-tumultuous region.

“The U.S is assisting to stop an Iranian-Hezbollah base, so the question is whether we prefer whether we want Iran to have that capability,” said Ryan Mauro, national security and defense analyst for the Clarion Project. Mauro cautioned there could be “severe economic consequences” if Iranian influence is given a freer hand.

“The downside of halting support for our allies in the Yemen war is that the war will continue, with heavier civilian losses if the cutoff of U.S. intelligence leads to greater collateral losses in Saudi air strikes, while Washington’s reputation as a dependable ally will be damaged,” added Jim Phillips, senior research fellow for Middle Eastern sffairs at the Heritage Foundation. “The ending of U.S. participation in the naval quarantine will result in fewer interceptions of ships carrying Iranian arms to the Houthis and a greater risk that Houthi ballistic missile attacks on Saudi Arabia will escalate the crisis.”

Phillips also cautioned a U.S. withdrawal could enable the Houthis to increase the threat they pose to civilian shipping, the U.S. Navy and the navies of Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the Red Sea.

“The U.S should continue its diplomatic, logistical and limited military support for the Saudi-led coalition that supports the internationally recognized government of Yemen,” he said.

My comment: Those arguing against the Sanders resolution use the same odd arguments as the Pentagon and Secretary Mattis (his letter further below).

One “argument” is the role of Iran: using own nonsense propaganda as an “argument”. Yemen is of no importance at all, it’s Iran. Lert the people in Yemen be bombed and starved out, that doesn’t matter. – Halting US support for the Saudis should mean to continue the war and increase civilian losses? That’s odd as only the Western support and arms flow enables Saudi Arabia to continue this war.

the cutoff of U.S. intelligence leads to greater collateral losses in Saudi air strikes”??? Since 3 years now, the US (and the Saudis) totally failed in avoiding civilian victims of the air strikes. The US should have realised this fail already at least already 3 weeks after the aerial war had started – 3 years after the beginning of this war, this “argument” by the opposers of Sanders is total nonsense. – “The ending of U.S. participation in the naval quarantine will result in fewer interceptions of ships carrying Iranian arms to the Houthis”: Listen well!!! The US participates in starving out Yemenis, as is admitted here.

And: Those who are quoted here are “experts” – real: lobbyists – from “think tanks”, which actually means: Lobby groups. Look here:

Heritage Foundation:

Clarion Project:

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Film: Sanders Resolution Against War in Yemen Challenged by Mattis

Senators introduced legislation that would undermine the Sanders-Lee resolution to stop US support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen. "They're trying to provide cover for just a handful of senators so they can vote for this instead of the Sanders Lee bill," says CEPR's Mark Weisbrot.

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GOP leaders want to put off Yemen war powers vote

"I think it would be better for the committee to consider it and make a recommendation after having a hearing so everybody understands exactly what the consequences are," said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 GOP leader in the chamber, referring to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

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Yemen And The Defense Department’s Articles Of Faith

Though The Intercept labeled Votel’s remarks a “surprising admission,” this is a case of studied ignorance. Successive US administrations have understood that their Saudi and Emirati counterparts commit war crimes in Yemen. As a result, involved US personnel need at least a thin veil of deniability between themselves and culpability.

It’s more striking to set this admission of ignorance alongside statements General Votel later made in the same Senate Armed Services Committee hearing to Senator Angus King

As Votel had just admitted, he and CENTCOM have no evidence that they are “influencing” Saudi and Emirati targeting in the right direction (although he went on to contend that Saudi forces are adopting some measures to investigate the casualties they’ve already caused). General Votel is asking senators to believe, as he does, without seeing because he has no data to provide.

This appeal to metaphysical standards of civilian harm reduction not only highlights a disquieting aspect of the ongoing relationship between US and coalition forces operating in Yemen but also captures the gist of the administration’s pushback against the Sanders-Lee-Murphy war powers resolution (Senate Joint Resolution 54) soon coming to a vote.

The day of the resolution’s introduction, someone leaked a Pentagon letter informing senators that they simply didn’t grasp the limits of their constitutional war powers (according to the Pentagon, Congress has virtually none). It also presented the administration’s views on contentious topics—the definition of “hostilities,” the extent of the president’s Article II powers—as settled facts. The remainder of the Pentagon’s argument, formalized in a curt letter from Secretary of Defense Mattis to congressional leadership, consists of the kinds of tautologies that always stem from unevidenced assertions of authority.

As General Votel demonstrated this week, the Pentagon’s ultimate demand is that senators affirm their faith in the mission in Yemen—that perpetuating a stalemated civil war is sensible policy, that Saudi Arabia can exacerbate a humanitarian crisis with one hand and alleviate it with the other, that further entrenching the United States and its Gulf allies in an unwinnable war somehow hurts Iran. The senators must take this on faith, for there is no evidence – by Eric Eikenberry

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Congress should reject Mattis’ appeal, end U.S. support for Saudi war in Yemen

Any curtailment of American involvement is apparently unacceptable to Mattis, however, who acknowledged that American actions are unauthorized but went on to regurgitate talking points about why American involvement should continue anyway.

The United States shouldn’t remain complicit in the atrocities of purported allies, nor should the U.S. military be involved in limitless, unauthorized wars just because Pentagon officials and the executive branch want to.

If American military involvement in a given country or conflict can’t even be put to a vote, it shouldn’t be happening. We shouldn’t be involved in helping the Saudis commit atrocities in Yemen. We should be pushing for peace and nothing else.

For updates on the situation, I recommend One easy way to get involved is to sign this petition to Congress asking them to do their job and get the U.S. out of the Saudi-led war.

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Senate eyes vote next week on US military involvement in Yemen

The Senate is gearing up for a vote next week on whether or not to end U.S. military involvement in Yemen.

Coming out of a closed-door briefing early Wednesday evening, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said his resolution with Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) will be brought up before Congress leaves for a two-week recess.

"I think what our job now in Congress is to ... accept responsibility for issues of war," he said. "I hope Congress and the Senate next week votes to get the United States out of aiding Saudi Arabia in this very terrible war."

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Mattis Tells Senators to Defeat Yemen War Powers Challenge

Defense Secretary James Mattis is the latest to express opposition to the bill, in a letter to Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Mattis argues that the US support for Saudi Arabia is “non-combat support,” and that without it, Saudi Arabia would kill even more civilians in their airstrikes. This is a bold prediction given the outrageous number of civilians the Saudis are killing already.

Mattis further claims that the Saudis are engaged in a “legitimate exercise of self-defense,” another outrageous claim that other administration officials have made. This is based on the Shi’ite Houhis firing missiles at the Saudis, though presenting this as a pretext for a war of self-defense is preposterous, since the missiles were fired years after the Saudi invasion began.

Mattis does concede the point in his letter that there is no legal authorization for US involvement in the Yemen War, but insists Congress should “not impose restrictions” based on the war’s plain illegality under the War Powers Act. and the letter is here:

My comment: Mattis argues that the US support for Saudi Arabia is “non-combat support,” no, he is WRONG. Fueling the Saudi fighter jets, US staff sitting in the air force commando center assisting in targeting, US companies having their staff on the ground for training and service, Saudi military trained by US military, this actually IS a real combat support.

Mattis further claims that the Saudis are engaged in a “legitimate exercise of self-defense,””: No, they are NOT. The Houthi attacks against Saudi territory started 10 weeks AFTER the Saudis had started their aerial war against Houthi-held Yemen.


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Mattis warns Congress against Yemen vote

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made a personal appeal to Congress Wednesday not to restrict the United States’ support for the Saudi-led bombing military in Yemen

Mattis wrote that restricting military support the United States is providing to the Saudi-led coalition “could increase civilian casualties, jeopardise cooperation with our partners on counterterrorism, and reduce our influence with the Saudis - all of which would further exacerbate the situation and humanitarian crisis.”

He urged Congress not to impose restrictions on the “noncombat,” “limited US military support” being provided to Saudi Arabia “engaging in operations in its legitimate exercise of self-defense.”

As Mattis put it in his letter to congressional leaders Wednesday, “withdrawing US support would embolden Iran to increase its support to Al Houthis, enabling further ballistic missile strikes on Saudi Arabia and threatening vital shipping lanes in the Red Sea, thereby raising the risk of a regional conflict.” and also

My comment: Selling no more bombs and fighter jets “could increase civilian casualties“. How insane this man must be??? This whole letter is so twisted and odd that serious discussion would be a waste of time.

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Mattis asks Congress not to restrict U.S. support for Saudi bombing in Yemen

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made a personal appeal to Congress on Wednesday not to restrict the United States’ support for the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen, as the sponsors of a privileged resolution to end Washington’s involvement announced that the Senate would vote on the matter next week.

In a letter sent to congressional leaders Wednesday and obtained by The Washington Post, Mattis wrote that restricting military support the United States is providing to the Saudi-led coalition “could increase civilian casualties, jeopardize cooperation with our partners on counterterrorism, and reduce our influence with the Saudis — all of which would further exacerbate the situation and humanitarian crisis.”

He urged Congress not to impose restrictions on the “noncombat,” “limited U.S. military support” being provided to Saudi Arabia, which is “engaging in operations in its legitimate exercise of self-defense.”

“The U.S. government claims that it’s not engaged in hostilities unless U.S. troops are on the ground being shot at by the enemy,” Lee said on the floor Tuesday. “It stretches the imagination, and it stretches the English language beyond its breaking point to suggest the U.S. military is not engaged in hostilities in Yemen.”

Senators sympathetic to the Yemen resolution said the administration’s appeal fell flat.

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Senator @ChrisMurphyCT said he was irate at today’s classified briefing on Yemen war, said briefers were “misleading” the Senate. “I’ve never seen a more spin-heavy briefing than the one we just got.”

Correct. Briefers aren't supposed be arguing a political case. Trump's reps left out loads of important information that would have ruined their case to continue the US bombing of Yemen.

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'Human Rights Champion' John McCain Silent on Efforts to End War Crimes in Yemen

Yet the ongoing human rights crisis McCain has the most influence to do something about—the brutal, indiscriminate bombing of Yemen by Saudi-led forces—has not only been met with silence from the senator, but he has more often than not backed the country responsible for the disaster: Saudi Arabia.

During the three-year siege of the poorest country in the Arab world by Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, the U.S. and other Gulf allies, McCain has repeatedly voted in favor of selling the absolute monarchy weapons and protected it in Congress from efforts to curb its human rights abuses, offering only the occasional mild chiding.

As McCain polishes his PR image as a human rights champion, doing the media rounds and writing columns, those in the press need to ask him why he is silent on the human rights abuses he can actually do something about.

My comment: Well, McCain never was a “Human rights champion” – he simply was and is a champion in misusing human rights to achieve US geopolitical goals.

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Senators Respond to Pentagon’s Yemen War Letter

Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Chris Murphy (D-CT) responded to a Department of Defense letter last week that outlined the Pentagon’s opposition to a War Powers Resolution motion that would end United States involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.
“For too long, and under both parties, Congress has abdicated its responsibility to provide authorization for the use of military force,” the senators’ letter reads. “S.J. Res. 54 begins the process of reasserting congressional responsibility for the decision to commit U.S. armed forces to military conflict. Regardless of what one thinks of our involvement in Yemen, as we enter a fourth year of helping the Saudis prosecute this war it is important that Congress either provides express authorization for our involvement in the conflict or calls on the president to cease operations.”

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Warren followed up by describing an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition that struck civilians in February. The attack, in the northern Yemen town of Saada, killed five civilians. Medical staff who rushed in to help survivors were hit in a follow-up attack, Warren noted. (This is known as a “double-tap” airstrike.)

“General Votel, when you receive reports like this from credible media organizations or outside observers, is CENTCOM able to tell if U.S. fuel or U.S. munitions were used in that strike?”

“No, senator, I don’t believe we are,” he replied.

Votel’s stunning admissions come after The Intercept reported last yearthat CENTCOM doesn’t know how much fuel it offloads specifically for the Saudi-led coalition. Responding to questions from The Intercept, CENTCOM said that it lumps together refueling data for the coalition with data for U.S. planes in the area, joint U.S.-Emirati missions, and possibly other operation.

Comment: Really, truly take a few minutes to try and wrap your heads around this. Think about what this says. <thread>

There are two options here, and indeed it may be both. First, the Pentagon is so basically disrespectful for its legal obligations to ensure its support is not used to commit war crimes.

Or second, the folks that can tell us with detailed documentation precisely what aircrafts over Syria delivered what payloads to various targets (2017 chem weapons attack) can't figure out what our own allies are doing in a country under massive surveillance by the US.

It may in fact be both, or yet another option. But whatever it is, that the head of US Central Command sat before Congress and claimed we have no idea what the Saudis are doing with the bombs we sell them dropped from the planes we just gassed up, should deeply trouble us all.

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General Argues to Continue Refueling Saudi Planes in Yemen Fight

Lawmakers questioned whether it is possible for the U.S. to stop providing aerial refueling and intelligence to Saudi Arabia altogether.

"I think right now that the provision of those things that you just covered right now gives us placement, it gives us access and it gives us influence … with Saudi Arabia," Votel said.

"And what I would highlight to you is that we have been working with them, sharing our own experiences," he said, in response to Sen. Angus King, I-Maine.

"If the argument is this allows us to maintain control, are we maintaining some level of control?" King asked.

"The influence that we derive with them is by working with them to demonstrate how we do our targeting process," Votel said, adding the Saudis "absolutely" listen to the advice the U.S. gives them on limiting civilian casualties.

My comment: Telling such stories could have made sense at the end of the 3. Week of the war, hardly any more at the end of its 3. Month – at the end of its 3. Year it simply is ridiculous and kidding the public.

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End the U.S. Enabling of Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

If the U.S. military doesn’t track what the coalition planes do after they are refueled, it can’t honestly claim that it isn’t aiding and abetting coalition violations of international law. They don’t know what the coalition planes they refuel do later on, and perhaps they don’t want to know. If the U.S. isn’t tracking how our assistance is used, it isn’t credible to say that our government is using that assistance to change the coalition’s conduct of the war for the better. The U.S. is blindly enabling indiscriminate coalition bombing without making any effort to understand the effects of our support.

Gen. Votel also stated that the U.S. is not a party to the conflict. This is the lie that U.S. officials have been hiding behind for the last three years. When our military refuels planes that go on to bomb targets in another country, our military has joined that war on the side of the governments it is aiding. That should be an uncontroversial statement of fact, but supporters of U.S. involvement in the war are desperate to deny it

U.S. support has been essential to the Saudi-led war – by Daniel Larison

(* A K P)

Support S.J.Res. 54 to End U.S. Support for the War on Yemen

Sens. Todd Young and Jeanne Shaheen have introduced a competing resolution on U.S. support for the war on Yemen that won’t change anything.

Sen. Young has been one of a relative handful of senators doing important work in calling attention to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the role of the coalition blockade in creating that crisis. It is therefore regrettable that he is co-sponsoring a resolution that would do essentially nothing to pressure the coalition governments to end the blockade or halt their indiscriminate bombing campaign.

The conditions that the Young-Shaheen resolution would impose on U.S. support for the war are a woefully insufficient response to the disaster engulfing Yemen, and we have to assume that the incoming Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will always find in favor of the Saudis and their allies.

The best available solution is to cut off all U.S. military assistance in order to force the coalition into ending their wrecking and starving of Yemen, and the Young-Shaheen resolution doesn’t do that – by Daniel Larison

(A P)

America's duty to help stop Yemen's suffering: Congress must take a strong stand against Saudi aggression

For three years, I have witnessed the total destruction of my ancestors’ homeland and the pain and suffering of family, friends, and millions of innocent Yemenis as my beloved America supports Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen.

America has contributed to this war, and now we have the chance to right that wrong.

We have a great opportunity to show our leaders that we expect them to do their part to end this conflict and the death and suffering its causing. I am pleading with my fellow New Yorkers and Americans to take action and urge your senators to co-sponsor and vote for the bill.

America can and must use its influence to help push all parties in Yemen towards a political solution, and we can start by ending America’s involvement

(* A P)

Why Do Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Todd Young Want to Continue Starving Yemeni Children?

The Young-Shaheen bill would endorse continued unauthorized US participation in Saudi Arabia's war provided that Donald Trump's Secretary of State "certifies" to Congress that the Government of Saudi Arabia is undertaking "(1) an urgent and good faith effort to conduct diplomatic negotiations to end the civil war in Yemen; and (2) appropriate measures to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen by increasing access for all Yemenis to food, fuel, and medicine."

As long as Trump is President, the Secretary of State is Trump's employee. Trump and Saudi dictator Mohammed bin Salman are bosom buddies.

A vote for the Young-Shaheen bill would be a vote to continue US participation in the Saudi war in Yemen for another year, exactly as it is today.

(A P)

A delegation of military veterans from Common Defense and About Face delivered over 200k signatures to @SenSchumer today asking him to support the #SandersLeeYemen Resolution and put a stop to endless, unauthorized wars. (photo)

(* A P)

Yemen War Powers Resolution - S.J.Res 54 Resources

On February 28, Senate Joint Resolution 54 (S.J.Res 54) was introduced, "To direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress." The bipartisan measure, offered by Bernard Sanders (I-Vermont) with two original co-sponsors Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Christopher Murphy (D-Conn), now has 8 co-sponsors as of March 8.
Key resources include:

(* A P)


U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) – all co-authors of a bipartisan joint resolution to remove U.S. Armed Forces from hostilities between the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis in Yemen pursuant to the War Powers Resolution – refuted a Department of Defense (DoD) letter outlining the Pentagon’s opposition to the resolution. In response to the letter sent by DoD to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the senators rebutted DoD’s opposition to the resolution to end United States involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, and urged McConnell to schedule a vote on the resolution.

(* A P)

Film: Yemen 3/13

Senators Sanders, Lee, Murphy, and Durbin on the floor of the Senate talking about SJ Res 54. (59 min.) #

and just some short extracts:

(* A P)

Bernie Sanders calls out the vast majority of Senators who AREN'T speaking on the Senate floor right now. #SandersLeeYemen #SJRes54

Film: @SenatorDurbin takes the Senate floor and BRING A COPY OF THE CONSTITUTION to support #SandersLeeYemen #SJRes54

Film: Bernie Sanders: "Congress cannot continue to abdicate it's responsibility on the all important issue of how and when the United States becomes involved in military invention"

(A P)

#UAE academic close to the country's strongman @MohamedBinZayed says #UAE was behind #RexTillersonFired ousting of SOS. If true, then #US is now ran by foreign governments & despotic ones to boot referring to

My comment: I doubt. Trump wanted to get rid of Tillerson for months.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(B P)

Sharing the Best of British ExpertiseAn indication of the desperation of many of those leaving Somalia and other countries in East Africa is that the civil war in Yemen did not stop them going there. About 85,000 people from the Horn of Africa arrived in Yemen in 2017.

Britain’s response has been to continue hardening its borders against East Africans while opening them to Saudi royals.

At the end of his visit, Salman pledged to buy 48 Eurofighter Typhoon jets. A Downing Street spokesperson trumpeted new ‘direct Saudi investment in the UK’.

Penny Mordaunt, the international development secretary, said: ‘We are sharing the best of British expertise.’

(B P)

A journalist in Yemen sends out a tweet that Theresa May really needs to see

The prime minister did reportedly raise the issue of human rights abuses. But she apparently had no intention to stop arming the Saudi forces.

Theresa May might claim that she cares about Yemen’s humanitarian crisis and the children who are suffering. But her relationship with Saudi Arabia tells a different story.

(* B P)

Why Mohammed bin Salman's visit to London was a fiasco

The Saudi crown prince's eagerly awaited visit to London did not go off as well as was hoped. The visit was supposed to lend credibility to the international stature of a crown prince aspiring to one day rule the world's leading oil power.

It turned out instead to be a fierce attack on Saudi Arabia's brutal and amateurish foreign policy in the Gulf state region. The three-day state visit to the UK, which began on 6 March, was organised to both bolster the image of Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), as head of state, and to reinforce the strategic UK-Saudi partnership.

A long-standing ally, London is seen as one of the Wahhabi kingdom's key strategic partners, second only to the United States and far ahead of France.

The Saudi ruler's visit was quickly derailed, however, as he came under fierce attack for his role in the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, which began in March 2015 and has since killed thousands of civilians.

MBS's problems in London were largely due to the fiasco of the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen. Numerous human rights organisations have called for protest marches, forums and other symbolic gatherings to denounce the visit of a "war criminal"

(* B P)

Film: Reports of #SaudiArabia's funding of extremism and not to mention its deadly war on #Yemen have been on the spotlight again before, during, & after the visit of Saudi's #MBS.

(A E K P)

Theresa May: With a strong economy we can continue to create jobs, invest in public services and build a country that works for everyone. #SpringStatement

Comment by Ahmad Alghobary: With a strong economy you can continue to kill civilians in #Yemen You can't build your economy on the killing of innocents, it is a shame to sell weapons to #Saudi to kill children, and destroy infrastructure.

My comment: “You can't build your economy on the killing of innocents”? Oh, she actually DOES.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia Blocks Some German Business Over Rift

Saudi Arabia is cutting back on its dealings with some German companies amid a diplomatic spat with its top European trading partner, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

Government agencies have been told not to renew some non-essential contracts with German firms following comments made in November by Germany’s then-foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel

Relations between the two countries started to deteriorate after the kingdom condemned remarks made by Gabriel in Brussels on Nov. 13 when he suggested that Lebanon was a “pawn” of Saudi Arabia after the surprise resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Riyadh.

(A K P)

Deutscher Bundestag, Kleine Anfrage

Deutsche Rüstungsexporte an unmittelbar am Jemen-Krieg beteiligte Länder

CDU/CSU und SPD haben im Koalitionsvertrag beschlossen, „ab sofort keine Ausfuhren an Länder [zu] genehmigen, solange diese unmittelbar am JemenKrieg beteiligt sind“. Allerdings soll für bestehende Aufträge von Firmen Vertrauensschutz bestehen, „sofern sie nachweisen, dass bereits genehmigte Lieferungen ausschließlich im Empfängerland verbleiben“.

Allerdings bleibt unklar, welche Länder die Bundesregierung konkret meint, für die keine Exportentscheidungen mehr getroffen werden. Auf die Schriftliche Frage, welche Staaten am Jemen-Krieg nach Auffassung der Bundesregierung unmittelbar am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind, antwortete diese mit Verweis auf bereits erteilte Antworten.

Wir fragen die Bundesregierung:

(* B K P)

Grüne: Deutschland verstößt beim Waffenexport gegen eigene Grundsätze

Im Koalitionsvertrag heißt es nun, dass deutsche Waffen nicht mehr an Länder verkauft werden sollen, die „unmittelbar“ am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind.

Die Formulierung zeigt den Eiertanz der Politik beim Thema Waffenexporte. Denn während die unmittelbare Beteiligung der Saudis offenkundig ist, ist unklar, ob auch die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate oder Ägypten – ebenfalls zahlungskräftige Kunden auf dem internationalen Waffenmarkt – dazugezählt werden. Nötig wäre es, doch entsprechende Nachfragen der Opposition blieben unbeantwortet.

Es ist ein Hohn, wenn die Bundesregierung einen restriktiveren Umgang bei Rüstungsexporten ankündigt und gleichzeitig das zweite Jahr in Folge mehr Ausfuhren von Kleinwaffen genehmigt.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

UAE to train Somaliland forces under military base deal: Somaliland president

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will train Somaliland security forces as part of a deal to establish a military base in the semi-autonomous region, Somaliland’s president said on Thursday.

The UAE began construction last year of a base on a site at the airport of the Somaliland port city Berbera, and will be allowed to maintain a presence for 30 years.

President Muse Bihi Abdi said the UAE would train police and military in Somaliland, which wants independence from war-torn Somalia but is not recognized internationally.


(A K P)

Somalia’s quandary with UAE: A port in Somaliland

Somalia is taking a bold step against the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over the regeneration of a port in Somaliland it considers “belligerent and illegal”.

In a tripartite agreement between the UAE’s port company DP World, Ethiopia and Somaliland, Berbera port is to undergo work to resemble the Emirates’ Jebel Ali port

But Somalia’s discomfort led to a hit back on the deal, refuting it as “null and void” as the federal government wasn’t consulted. All ports are “national property” according to the federal government of Somalia.

(A P)

Belgium takes back Brussels' Grand Mosque from Saudi government

Belgium is taking back control of the Grand Mosque of Brussels by terminating Saudi Arabia’s lease of the building with immediate effect over concerns it promotes radicalism, the government said on Friday.

Concerns over Brussels’ biggest mosque, located near the European Union’s headquarters, surfaced after Islamist militants who plotted their assault in Brussels killed 130 people in Paris in 2015, and 32 in the Belgian capital in 2016.

Friday’s decision breaks Saudi Arabia’s unusual 99-year, rent free use of the building, the government said.

(A P)

French judge issues arrest warrant for daughter of Saudi king

A French judge has issued an international arrest warrant for the daughter of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz in relation to an attack by her bodyguard against a worker in her Parisian flat, a source close to the investigation said.

(* A K P)

Netherlands votes to ban weapons exports to Saudi Arabia

The Dutch parliament cited Saudi mass executions and the bombing campaign in Yemen

The Dutch parliament has voted to ban arms exports to Saudi Arabia in protest against the kingdom's humanitarian and rights violations.

It sees the Netherlands become the first EU country to put in practice a motion by the European Parliament in February urging a bloc-wide Saudi arms embargo.

According to Reuters, the Dutch bill asks the government to implement a strict weapons embargo that includes dual-use exports which could potentially be used to violate human rights.

(* A K)

Kuwait Air Force chief inspects troops with coalition for Yemen

Commander of Kuwait's Air Force Major General Abdullah Al-Fodari has examined Kuwaiti forces partaking in the international coalition for restoring legitimacy in Yemen.

Maj. Gen. Al-Fodari was welcomed upon arrival by the Commander of King Khaled Air Force Base in the southern sector, ranking Saudi and Kuwaiti officer.

My comment: Just as a reminder: Kuwait is taking part in bombing Yemen.

(* B P)

Iran, as Supporter of Self-Determination, a Thorn in Imperial Washington’s Side

What the media and Western governments don’t mention is that Iran’s core ideology stands directly opposed to U.S. military and economic expansion. The Islamic Republic’s promotion of self-determination indeed poses an existential threat to Washington’s dominance throughout the entire region — similar to that of communism during the Cold War.

However, the Islamic Republic of Iran is nothing like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Despite the media’s almost childlike ignorance, Tehran and Riyadh stand at direct odds due to pervasive ideological differences rather than simple Sunni-Shia sectarian disagreements.

No tangible evidence exists to prove Iran supplies Ansarullah (the Houthis) with weapons, as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley recently asserted. Nonetheless, the United States recently labeled Ansarullah an “Iranian-backed militia” in nearly every media report (or simply a “Shiite militia” to imply Iranian influence).

The United States knows it is operating in a bipolar world: a nation or group in the Middle East that doesn’t ally itself with the United States and Saudi Arabia will likely build relations with the opposing axis, which effectively means Iran, Syria, and now Qatar. Although Ansarullah began as a Zaydi-Shia movement, it has since morphed into a broad coalition consisting of Sunnis, Shias, as well as various local tribes and political parties that oppose U.S. imperialism, Zionism, and economic exploitation.

This prospect troubles the United States and Saudi Arabia

The barrage of negative press surrounding Iran serves two purposes: defaming Tehran and normalizing Riyadh – by Randi Nord

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P)

Can President Trump settle the Gulf crisis?

From a US perspective, the GCC is not only a strategic partner, but also an organization with significant potential to strengthen both economic and security cooperation. Qatar is home to the al-Udeid Air Base, the forward headquarters of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM).

Due to these considerations, coupled with an emerging consensus in Washington that the crisis has strategically setback the feuding parties, including for the US, the window of opportunity to solve the crisis is narrowing.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A K P)

Finnish peace organizations are going to make a complaint to Finnish justice chancellor about arms export permits because Finland only allowed to sell defense arms, not offensive. Yet in 2018 new permit to sell spare parts to UAE as part of 2017 Patria deal. They just keep on (image)

Finnish arms sales. 0-200 million euros, years, Green color middle-east, red other areas. In 2017 huge Patria deal with UAE (image)

(B K P)

Ukraine Is Building a Spaceplane for...Saudi Arabia?

Actual test facilities and experimental hardware point to a spacecraft that's much more fact than fiction.

In a presentation earlier this year, Ukrainian space company KB Yuzhnoye made a splash by unexpectedly revealing an exotic shuttle-like space vehicle. The presentation shows a bullet-shaped design that looks more like a plane than a traditional rocket—and unlike anything seen from the famous Ukrainian rocket makers before.

At the time of writing, there was no official explanation connecting these pieces of the puzzle, but sources told Popular Mechanics the unusual “space plane” is actually a partially reusable satellite launcher being developed at Ukraine’s KB Yuzhnoye and Saudi Arabia is covering the bill.

(B K P)

Spotlight on #Spain, ranking #3 in exports of arms to Saudi Arabia.
The vessel Bahri Hofuf has arrived on Spains's coast bound for Saudi Arabia which seems to be waiting for a cargo that will be supplied by MAXAM-Expal, an industry exclusively dedicated to the production of military equipment. sub-sector of ammunition and explosives that supplies Turkey and Israel mainly, and whose manufacturing plant is located in Burgos

referring at

(B K P)

¡No a la guerra imperialista contra Yemen!

(* B K P)


Owing to the spate of large sales under both administrations, the U.S. has maintained its role as the biggest arms exporter in the world.

The report from the Security Assistance Monitor, a program of the Center for International Policy that tracks and analyzes U.S. security assistance programs worldwide, notes another difference between the Obama and Trump administration sale proposals: the types of equipment offered to foreign governments. The most significant sale offers under the Obama administration were for military aircraft, while in the first year of the Trump administration, missile and bomb sales dominated.

THE TOP RECIPIENT of U.S. weapons in the deals proposed by the Trump administration was Saudi Arabia.

The Trump administration proposed almost $17.9 billion worth of arms sales to Saudi Arabia in 2017.

“Signing off on missile and bomb sales to Saudi Arabia when the country was using these weapons to attack the civilian population in Yemen sent an alarming signal about the U.S. support for human rights,” said Colby Goodman, director of the Security Assistance Monitor and editor of the group’s report.

THE ARMS EXPORT Control Act requires the State Department to notify Congress of its approval for large sales. Congress then has a specific amount of time – which varies depending on the type of sale – to reject the State Department’s proposal for moving forward. If Congress does nothing, the sale goes through.

This year is already off to a great start for weapons manufacturers.

(* B K P)

Denmark sold surveillance equipment to oppressive Gulf states: report

Denmark sold technology enabling Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar to monitor critics of their regimes with the approval of state authorities, according to a report.

The equipment, which enables the countries to monitor their entire populations, was sold with the consent of Denmark’s authorities, reports the Information newspaper.

Aalborg-based BAE Systems Applied Intelligence, a subsidiary of British weapons giant BAE Systems, sold the advanced technology with the blessing of Danish authorities, according to the report.

(* B K P)

Handel mit Großwaffen wächst
Der weltweite Waffenhandel hat in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich zugenommen – bei den Großwaffen um zehn Prozent. Die deutschen Exporte waren laut SIPRI-Bericht im betrachteten Zeitraum rückläufig.
Der weltweite Handel mit Großwaffen hat in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Wie das in Stockholm ansässige Friedensforschungsinstitut SIPRI bekannt gab, wurden im Zeitraum 2013 bis 2017 insgesamt zehn Prozent mehr solcher Waffen verkauft als im Fünf-Jahres-Zeitraum davor.
Deutschland steht auf Platz vier der fünf größten Exporteure, hinter den USA, Russland und Frankreich und vor China. Größter Importeur ist Indien, gefolgt von Saudi-Arabien und Ägypten. 74 Prozent der Exporte zwischen 2013 und 2017 gehen dem SIPRI-Bericht zufolge auf das Konto der fünf Haupt-Waffenexporteure.
USA bleiben größter Exporteur
Mit Abstand der größte Waffenlieferant sind weiterhin die USA, die allein einen Anteil von 34 Prozent halten. Sie verzeichneten demnach einen Zuwachs um ein Viertel.

(B K P)

Waffen für den Krisenherd – ein Irrsinn!

Die USA und europäische Staaten sind laut Sipri für mehr als 98 Prozent der Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien verantwortlich. Saudi-Arabien, das ein Meister in der Verletzung von Menschenrechten ist, ein Land, das im Nachbarland Jemen wirklich einen dreckigen Krieg führt. Einen Krieg, der vielleicht nur wegen der schlechten Rahmenbedingungen für mediales Arbeiten in unseren Breiten nicht so auf dem Schirm ist.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* A K P)

Calls on UNHRC to investigate UAE recruitment of mercenaries in Yemen

The Arab Organisation for Human Rights in Britain has called on the UN Human Rights Council to form a special committee to investigate the UAE’s recruitment of mercenaries in Yemen.

During a seminar organised at the UNHRC in Geneva, the organisation accused the United Arab Emirates of carrying out “indiscriminate attacks against civilians” during its war along with Saudi Arabia against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

According to the organisation, the United Arab Emirates used cluster bombs during its war and recruited mercenaries to carry out torture and field executions.

On 27 November, the organisation commissioned a law firm to file a formal complaint with the International Criminal Court demanding an urgent investigation into the UAE recruitment of armies of foreign mercenaries to carry out criminal activities in Yemen.

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Film: Yemen: War closes in on Zabid UNESCO World Heritage site

Yemen's civil war threatens to engulf the town of Zabid - listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1993. =

and already from Feb. 10, 2018referring to a report I had listed at that time, here emphasizing the many traditional villages also:

Yemen War Takes Toll on Historical Sites- UNESCO Warns

All the villages are historic in a way,” said Anna Paolini, the director of UNESCO’s regional office in Qatar that oversees Yemen and Gulf Arab nations. “They’re still heritage of the country. It’s sad to see what’s happening.”

The UNESCO deplored that Saudi-led airstrikes have destroyed historic mud homes in Saad

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia to deposit $2 billion in Yemen central bank: SPA

Saudi Arabia signed an agreement in Riyadh to deposit $2 billion in Central Bank of Yemen account, Saudi Press Agency said late on Thursday.

aims at shoring up the weak currency and official statement

Comment: It's like someone knocking your house down and then putting £10 in your bank to compensate.

(A E P)

Central Bank of Yemen Discusses a project for Facilitating Credit for Basic Martials with International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Governor of Central Bank of Yemen, Dr. Mohamed Mansour Zemam, met Mr. Al-Sayed Saad Sabra, representative of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the trades arm of the World Bank, in Beirut to discuss mechanism and procedures of a fund for financing and facilitating international trade in Yemen to facilitate credits for commercial banks for importing basic materials for Yemen. The project is based on IFC to facilitate and credit imports of basic materials through commercial banks for experienced traders with international relations.

My comment: President Hadi’s newly created central bank at Aden up to now could not fulfil its duties – so what will this lead to?

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#IslamicState #Yemen has just claimed it undertook 2 ops in al-Bayda' yesterday: "Soldiers of the caliphate" repelled Houthi advance in al-Zahra area; at least 1 Houthi killed, more injured & weapons seized. Bomb on same day in same area killed/injured 4 Houthis (image)

(A T)

After 3 week silence, #alQaeda #Yemen's official wire is back in action. Claims broad assault on Jabal Jumayda in al-Zawb area of al-Bayda' last Saturday, lasting 5.5 hours until 8am. 5 Houthis taken captive, heavy/medium/light weapons siezed + ammo & mines. and

(A T)

US #drone strikes in #Yemen: Pro-#AQAP wire today announced names of 2 "martyrs" killed by “Crusader strike in Hadi" (so presumably in Hazm al-‘Udayn district of #Ibb governorate)

(* B T)

LWJ Exclusive: US quietly continues Yemen air campaign

The United States’ air campaign in Yemen has shown no signs of slowing down. US forces conducted 12 airstrikes against terrorist groups in Yemen over the last month that were not publicly announced, FDD’s Long War Journal has learned.

Maj. Josh T. Jacques at US Central Command Communication Integration said yesterday in an email that “U.S. forces have conducted twenty-two (22) strikes against AQAP and ISIS-Y terrorists in Yemen 2018.” The US had conducted 10 counterterrorism strikes in Yemen when CENTCOM last issued a press release updating figures in early in February.

The latest data put this year’s number of strikes on-pace to fall just short of last year’s record surge. In 2017, the United States conducted a record 131 strikes in Yemen.

Despite an intensified air campaign by the US military, terrorist groups in Yemen continue to demonstrate their ability to conduct complex attacks

(* B T)

Trump’s Pentagon ups secrecy around US air wars

Civil rights group calls the transparency clampdown “deeply disturbing”

The US has quietly stepped up secrecy over its air wars in Afghanistan and Yemen since President Donald Trump entered office.

The American Civil Liberties Union called the new practices – discovered by the Bureau through interviews with past and present US military officials – "deeply disturbing”.

The Pentagon’s Central Command (CENTCOM), meanwhile, announced its intention to launch a monthly tally of strikes in Yemen. Although this was abandoned shortly after Trump took office, Centcom continued to provide detailed information on Yemen strikes on an ad hoc basis.

In February this year, a Centcom spokesman responded to a request for information on the location and casualty estimates of a spate of strikes in Yemen with a press release which simply stated the number of strikes that had occurred. The spokesman said he had been “advised” not to give out detailed information on strikes.

The restriction of information makes it harder for the Bureau to gain a proper picture of the war in Afghanistan and Yemen and hold operations in those countries to account as they increase in intensity.

A US military official derided the idea that the level of detail once provided would give the enemy an advantage.

(A T)

Just when #alQaeda #Yemen media looked down & out, #AQAP's al-Malahim Media revives its Madad news bulletin after 5 years (ceased Nov 2012). Same short format but no longer locally oriented. 3 pages glorifying Palestinian "martyr" Ahmad Nasir Jarrar (d.2/2018) who killed a rabbi (images)

(B T)

Horn of Africa and Yemen 'at great risk of terrorism'

The Horn Africa countries and Yemen were at a great risk of terrorist attacks despite the recent defeat of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, EU envoy said.

The European Union Special Representative for Sudan, Mr Jean Michel, warned on Tuesday of the expansion of terrorism in East and West Africa.

“The defeat of Islamic State Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will not mean that the risk is diminishing, particularly in the Horn of Africa as well as Yemen,” he stated.

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Film: Khaled Mohamed Alyemany (Yemen) and Abdallah Al-Mouallimi (Saudi Arabia) on the situation in the Middle East (Yemen) - Security Council Media Stakeout (15 March 2018)

Press briefing by H.E Mr. Khaled Mohamed Alyemany (Yemen), Permanent Representative to the Security Council for the Mission of Yemen to the United Nations, and Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations, on the situation in the Middle East (Yemen).

(A P)

Saudi Arabia: As Crown Prince MBS heads to US for a visit, here’s how to encourage reform

Western analysts are publishing a host of commentaries in anticipation of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s upcoming visit to the United States in the week ahead, including a meeting with President Trump on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, many of these analyses mischaracterize a lot of what the crown prince is doing in Saudi Arabia, while depicting him as a profligate individual who is ruthless at home and reckless abroad.

This approach misses the forest for the trees. The key factor to look at is that for the first time in 40 years, a bold leader has emerged in Saudi Arabia, determined to face all the challenges previous leaders have been kicking down the road for decades.

The most important of these challenges for bin Salman – commonly referred to as MBS – is his determination to free Saudi Arabia from the grasp of reactionary forces and to spearhead a socioeconomic transformation.

Until now, Western reporting on MBS has disproportionately focused on what is ultimately extraneous gossip about yachts and paintings. Journalists have misread his anti-corruption campaign as a “shakedown,” and have drawn superficial conclusions about the Yemen war.

Western reports have also routinely understated the extraordinary domestic and foreign policy challenges facing the crown prince, most especially Saudi anxiety over unchecked Iranian expansionism and the existential threat it poses to the kingdom.

But if one looks beyond these headlines, the rationale for MBS’s actions and the extent of his accomplishments come into focus.

Yemen war. As far as Saudis are concerned, this is a war of necessity.

Certainly, the human suffering in this war, or any war, is tragic. But what does a country do when it feels imperiled by an enemy emerging on its border who, if ignored, could ultimately pose an existential threat?

Rather than reflexively dismissing Saudi anxieties about the Iran-Houthi menace, critics should imagine what the United States would have done had the Soviet Union developed an alliance with a heavily armed, highly trained and well-funded Mexican militia at the height of the Cold War.

My comment: A bad piece of propaganda – and many others could be feared to come during Salmans’s visit to the US. – What a crazy argumentation for the Yemen war!!! – And by his silly Mexico argument, the author just has justified any Russian intervention in Ukraine, Georgia, or even Estonia, Lithuania… – This author spreads a lot of pro-Saudi propaganda: And still one more “think tank” involved, the author is the founder of: founded in 2017. The former director of the foundation is Fatima Baeshen, now speaker of the Saudi US embassy: and . The now director is: . And also look at the other heads there:

(A P)

Changes happening in Saudi Arabia “Historic”, says UK envoy

The recent meeting between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will lead to major advances in cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Britain, the UK’s ambassador to the Kingdom, Simon Collis, said.
The envoy described the meeting during the Saudi heir’s landmark visit to the UK as success for both countries, since “we have been friends for 80 years.”

(A P)

Film: Top Saudi official: Secretive corruption crackdown was "efficient"

"CBS This Morning" co-host Norah O'Donnell recently visited Saudi Arabia for this Sunday's "60 Minutes," and got a rare interview with the powerful crown prince. She also spoke with one of his top advisers, Mohammed al-Shaikh, who was closely involved in what happened at the Ritz.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Delivers 300 Tons of Medical Aid to Yemen

My comment: The “We are benefactors” propaganda. And, as in most cases, Saudi help goes to aereas under Saudi coalition control.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia and the US: A common cause, common destiny

We are on the eve of a visit by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the United States. It can be reasonably articulated that this is perhaps the most significant visit to Washington in recent memory.

Simply put, a gap had opened in the viewpoints of long held, mutual strategic interests. The visit of President Trump had not only closed these gaps, but the subsequent policy decisions and implemented actions of Washington allowed for not only a reestablishing of mutually ascribed strategic interests, but the possibility of significantly deepening them even further.

Riyadh has been a partner of the highest order from the very moment that the US emerged as a global superpower. In this aspect, Riyadh is unique among all other strategic partners Washington has had including nearly the entirety of NATO, or for even that matter, the United Kingdom.

My comment: “Common destiny”!! LOL.

(A P)

Saudi Deputy Minister of Labor: Political Leadership is Determined to Empower Women

Saudi Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development Dr. Tamader bint Yousef Al-Rammah addressed thousands of women participating in the Sixty-Second Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 62) in New York, stating that the political leadership in the Kingdom was convinced that women’s work “is a right and a necessity dictated by the conditions of life.”
She also pointed to Vision 2030 as a strategic goal that supports women’s economic empowerment and increase their participation in the labor market.
The Saudi minister delivered a speech highlighting the Kingdom’s achievements within Vision 2030.

(A P)

More must be done to stop Iran's human rights abuses

Respect for human rights in Iran has deteriorated even further.

The nature and character of the Iranian regime’s human rights abuses is diverse and multi-dimensional. There are four major categories with a downward trend. The first category is linked to the issue of political and civil rights: This can include freedom of expression and opinion, freedom of association and assembly, and freedom of the press.
Simply voicing one’s opinion against the regime’s policies can bring severe consequences, such as imprisonment, torture, and inhuman, humiliating and degrading punishments, as well as the death penalty.

My comment: This is all true, but in a Saudi website it’s just ridiculous.

(A P)

Military intelligence arrests al-Qaeda elements working as Houthi agents

Yemen's military intelligence agency has arrested a number of al-Qaeda infiltrators in the army working secretly as informants for the Houthi rebel militia.

My comment: from anti-Houthi Islah Party media. This sounds like odd propaganda to blame the Houthis, as Al Qaeda and Houthis are archenemies to each other.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Can Win Islam’s War of Ideas

Mohammed bin Salman’s embrace of “moderate Islam” deserves the Trump administration’s support.

What’s consistently been missing from America’s strategy have been powerful partners in the Muslim world who can reliably be counted on to speak out authoritatively on matters of Islamic theology in ways that the United States simply can’t. That’s where Saudi Arabia comes in. It’s the birthplace of Islam and host to the faith’s two holiest mosques. Combined with abundant oil wealth, these assets bestow on the Saudis a measure of soft power influence unrivaled in the Muslim world.

Unfortunately, for decades that power was wielded largely for ill. In an effort to counter the threat of Iran’s 1979 Shiite revolution, and burnish their legitimacy at home with powerful religious conservatives, Saudi rulers plowed billions of dollars annually into spreading the kingdom’s extremely harsh version of Islam — aka Wahhabism — around the world

Enter the enormous promise of Mohammed bin Salman. For months, the crown prince and his closest advisors have relentlessly hammered the theme that Saudi Arabia’s modernization requires an embrace of “moderate Islam.” He’s slammed the extremist ideology that the kingdom did so much to empower after the Iranian revolution and acknowledges that “the problem spread all over the world.”

If U.S. policymakers have learned anything since 9/11, it’s that only other Muslims will ultimately be able to — as Trump has said — “drive out” the extremist ideology that has fueled America’s long and costly war on terror. Saudi Arabia, perhaps the world’s most influential Islamic state, now has a leader who says that he aims to do exactly that. It’s a potentially historic moment that the president should seize, help shape, and exploit to advance vital U.S. interests.

My comment: The visit of Prince Salman ahead, the US propaganda machine has started. Here a really nonsense articlesupposing that Saudi Arabia now would leave Wahabism, which would mean pull out its own DNA.

(A P)

Saudi-arabischer Kronprinz droht mit Atombombe

Mohammed Bin Salman vergleicht vor seinem USA-Besuch Ayatollah Khamenei erneut mit Hitler und nährt Spekulationen über die Zukunft des Nuklearabkommens mit Iran

Die Kommunikationsbeauftragten haben dem saudi-arabischen Thronfolger ein gutes Entrée besorgt. Er kann sich der US-Öffentlichkeit am Vorabend seines Besuches in der reichweitenstarken Sendung "60 Minutes" als fabelhafter Reformer präsentieren. Um Profil und Statur zu zeigen, hat Mohammed bin Salman auch Markantes zum Thema Iran geäußert, das nun als signalstarke Botschaft vorab in die ganze Welt hinausposaunt wird.

„Saudi-Arabien hat nicht vor, sich eine Atombombe zu verschaffen. Aber es gibt nicht den Hauch eines Zweifels darüber, dass wir, sollte Iran eine Atombombe entwickeln, sobald wie möglich das Gleiche tun werden.“

(A P)

Saudi crown prince warns of nuclear ambitions sparking fears of Middle East arms race

Asked by host Norah O’Donnell why he had called Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei “the new Hitler”, he replied: “Because he wants to expand. He wants to create his own project in the Middle East very much like Hitler who wanted to expand at the time.

“Many countries around the world and in Europe did not realise how dangerous Hitler was until what happened, happened. I don’t want to see the same events happening in the Middle East.”

He insisted that the two countries, which are locked in a tussle for influence, could not be compared. “Iran is not a rival to Saudi Arabia,” he said. “Its army is not among the top five armies in the Muslim world. The Saudi economy is larger than the Iranian economy. Iran is far from being equal to Saudi Arabia.”

In the 60 Minutes interview, the prince will also discuss Saudi Arabia’s controversial role in the civil war in Yemen, its relations with America and an anti-corruption probe that saw hundreds of prominent Saudis detained at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh. and film

My comment: A lot of propaganda is to come, when salman goes to the US next week.

(A P)

VP says Houthis made great riches from commodity crises

Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh said that the Houthi group and its leadership have made great wealth thanks to the commodity crises they create.

My comment: Might-be they really do make great riches. But, this crisis had not been created by the Houthis, as this propaganda claims; it mainly has been created by the Saudi blockade. And, keep in mind: Your own government, your president, his cronies, your prime minister again and again had been accused of corruption, that means of making great riches from politics. So what?

(A P)

Yemen security forces seize shipment of weapons on its way to the Houthis

Yemeni security forces seized a shipment of weapons on their way to the Houthi militia in Sanaa on Wednesday.

Security sources revealed that one of the security forces at a check point, in Marib province east of Sanaa seized the shipment.

The weapons ranged from missile launchers, Kalashnikovs, explosives, which were hidden carefully in a large truck. (photos) and film

My comment: To whom ever this load was addressed – the Houthis actually have so much of this stuff that they even would resell it…

(A P)

Saudi women make the most of International Women’s Day

The Saudi woman also celebrates the International Women’s Day, but she felt that her celebration was incomplete because she was banned from doing things which are enjoyed by the rest of the women in the world, such as driving a car. At last she was granted this right too after passing several phases of hurdles.

The decision to allow Saudi women to drive was delayed a lot, and this delay gave the opponents a weapon to discredit or abuse the Kingdom every now and then.

Saudi women still aspire to enjoy more rights that are guaranteed by the Islamic Shariah and thus they are entitled to celebrate the International Women’s Day with women from the rest of the world without having any inferiority complex.

My comment: What a joke. A great part of the article is devoted to the right to drive, whether this would decide women’s position in society. “aspire to enjoy more rights that are guaranteed by the Islamic Shariah”: LOL, especially when thinking of Saudi Wahabism’s interpretation of what that means.

(A P)

The significance of Mohammed bin Salman’s foreign tour

Although the first foreign tour of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has not ended yet, it has already become the subject of discussion among people of the region and the countries he visited so far. The tour’s three stops are Egypt, the Arab ally, Britain, the old European ally, and the US that remains the most important international ally. These countries were carefully selected for the trip, as they are supporters of the future vision and great aspirations of the Saudi Crown Prince.

Crown Prince’s call against extremism

The most important message of the Saudi Crown Prince pertains to the new Saudi Arabia, which aspires for a great future and has leapt towards making major reforms in all fields without exception.

World acknowledges Saudi reforms

The Saudi Crown Prince’s vision, approach and policies are responsible for this transformation. He has fulfilled all his local and foreign promises, and everyone around the world believes that his present statements would become the reality of the future.

Proof of leadership

In the end, the Saudi Crown Prince has clearly shown that he is sincere towards all his allies and a powerful enemy for all the enemies of his country.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

And again, a bulk of UAE “We are benefactors” propaganda>.

(A P)

KSrelief Distributes 600 Dates Packs to Displaced People in Ma'rib, Yemen

My comment: LOL. We killed your kids, take dates instead and praise us, please.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K PS)

#Saudi-led Coalition Air Forces based at King Khalid AFB flew more than 50,000 sorties and logged over 100,000 flight hours during operations #DecisiveStorm and #RestoreHope

(* B K PH)

Yemen: War-shattered Sanaa International Airport lies in ruins (video)

Footage released on Thursday, showed severe damage caused to Sanaa International Airport amid ongoing Saudi-led coalition airstrikes carried out against the airport.

The Sanaa International Airport has been closed for almost a year due to the Saudi Arabian blockade against the country.

(A K PH)

Film: An air raid on a house and a farm in the Al Hjlan area of Sarawah governorate in Marib governorate


(A K PH)

U.S.-Saudi warplanes launches 4 raids on Serwah

(A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage raids on Hodeidah

(A K PH)

Film: View A child was injured in a raid on the Saudi - American aggression in Saada governorate, March 15 =

(A K PH)

Film: The raids of the Saudi-American aggression on Al-Hodeidah 15-03-2018 =

photo from film:

(B K PH)

US-Saudi Jets Targeted Sana’a International Airport with 160 Airstrikes

Khalid Al-Shayef , “Sanaa International Airport Director” said that the Saudi-led aggression have carried out more than 160 air strikes on Sana’a airport and its facilities since the beginning of the war , causing severe damage to the infrastructure and service of the airport.

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition fighter jets backed by UAE Armed Forces destroy Houthi military depots in Yemen

With the support of the UAE Armed Forces, the fighter jets of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition, have launched a series of air raids targeting military reinforcements and ammunition depots belonging to the Iranian Houthi militia in Bajel, Al Jarrahi and Al Tiheeta Directorates in the Red Sea Coast, Yemen.

(A K PH)

Saudi enemy wage 12 airstrikes on Sana'a Airport

and how pro-Hadi reports put it:

(A K PS)

Coalition aircrafts wage 12 airstrikes on Aldailami Air Base

The Saudi-led Arab coalition aircrafts waged on Wednesday 12 raids on al Dailami air base in the capital Sana'a, eyewitness said.

My comment: That’s bombing Sanaa airport. What should this “air base” be now? The Houthis do not have any air force – since the beginning of the war. At the best, this former air base is out of function now. Why bomb it? That’s a simple pretense to bomb the airport.

(A K PS)

Coalition aircraft target a rocket carrier, ammunition shipment in al Hodeida airport

On Monday evening, the Saudi-led Arab Coalition aircraft targeted a rocket carrier and a shipment of ammunition belonging to the Houthi militias in al Hodeida airport.

Eyewitnesses said that explosions were heard after the bombardment of a tanker carrying ammunition and shells at the gate of the airport.

Remark: As claimed by pro-Hadi media.

(A K PH)

Film: A woman and her two children were wounded in an attack on the Directorate of Razih Saada 11-03-2018

The American-Saudi Air Force launched a raid on civilians in Razih district of Saada =

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PH)

Roadside bomb kills over dozen Saudi mercenaries in SW Yemen

More than a dozen Saudi-backed militiamen loyal to Yemen's resigned president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, have been killed when a roadside bomb explosion ripped through their military vehicle in the country’s southwestern province of Ta’izz.

Yemeni troops and allied fighters from Popular Committees detonated a bomb as a vehicle was travelling north of Khalid military camp in the Mawza district, killing 14 Saudi mercenaries.

(A K PS)

Yemen forces foil naval attack, Houthi ballistic missile in western Yemen

Yemeni army force shave foiled a naval attack by the Houthi militia at the western coast frontier of Hodeida province.

According to the official website of the Yemeni army, they foiled the attack by “Tuhammia" resistance forces of the Houthi militia towards the village of Qataba near the coast of Khokha city south of Hodeidah in western Yemen.

It said all Houthi fighters were killed in a fierce battle that lasted for hours between the forces of the National Army and the militia.

Remark: Do not be confused by the wording. “Yemeni troops” or “Yemeni army” in pro-Houthi reports: The part of the Yemeni army allied to the Houthis. In pro-Hadi and Saudi reports: The part of the Yemeni army loyal to “president” hadi, allied to the Saudis. The other side is just “mercenaries” (in Houthi diction) or militia (in pero-Hadi, pro-Saudi diction).

(A K PH)

Yemeni forces shoot down Saudi-led spy drone in Asir

Yemeni army forces have shot down a Saudi-led reconnaissance drone in flight over a border area in the kingdom’s southern region of Asir.

(* A K PS)

Sixty-seven families lost their breadwinners in Taiz last month: NGO

As many as sixty seven families have lost their breadwinners in the war-torn Taiz province during February 2018, a local NGO has said a in newly issued report.

The Coalition for Humanitarian Relief said that 305 other persons in charge of providing to their families are now jobless because they were wounded beyond earning capacity in Houthi attacks during the same month. .

The Coalition documented the death of 15 children and 34 adult men, and the injury of 26 children, eight women and 93 adult men as in the Shia Islamist rebels' bombardment of neighborhoods in downtown Taiz city.

My comment: By anti-Houthi Islah Party media. Well, it sounds doubtful that the anti-Houthi side would not shell at Taiz; if there is shelling from one side, there also will be from the other.

(A K PS)

Yemen government liberates villages in Saada

Government forces opened up a new front in Saada in January

Yemeni government forces, backed by massive air and military logistics support from the Saudi-led coalition, have made a new, successful incursion into the northern province of Saada, Al Houthis’ main bastion, local media reports said.

Al Masdar Online, an independent news site, reported that loyalists seized control of several mountainous villages in Razah district, west of Saada, forcing the Iran-backed militia into fleeing to more rugged areas in province.

(* A K PS)

Over 20,000 Houthi-planted mines cleared by UAE in eight months

The Iranian-backed Houthi militias’ use of banned anti-personnel landmines in Yemen has triggered thousands of civilian casualties, wanton violence and bloodshed, a three-month field investigation by the Emirates News Agency, WAM, has revealed.

The Houthi forces have used landmines since the pro-legitimacy Saudi-led Arab coalition started its military operations to liberate the country from the coup perpetrators, killing, injuring and maiming thousands of civilians, including children, women and the elderly - disrupting civilian life in affected areas.

Investigations conducted by WAM showed in no uncertain way the Houthis are ceaselessly embedding explosive mines that will continue to pose a threat to civilians even after the conflict ends.

While comprehensive landmine casualty figures are not available, health professionals and local activists who spoke to WAM provided lists of people wounded by landmines in several governorates.

WAM, across a period of three months, accompanied specialist UAE de-mining teams working within the UAE Armed Forces, and interviewed a number of Yemeni families on the country’s Red Sea Coast, who were "stabbed in the back" by the Iranian-backed militias and had their own siblings mutilated, killed and injured by the landmines treacherously implanted in their own vicinities.

"The de-mining squads have cleared more than 20,000 mines and explosives over the past eight months across different parts of the Red Sea Coast," a de-mining expert told WAM.

Up to 4,000 wounded Yemenis have been treated in the UAE, Jordan, Sudan and India, some of whom have already recovered and returned home, while the rest are still being treated," he remarked.

"The military field hospital staged by the UAE received up to 2,500 mine-injured persons in four months, some of whom are critically wounded," Mohamed Abdullah, the head of the hospital's medical team, told WAM. and

(* A K PS)

Houthis bomb houses, kill 9 people in al Bayda province

Local residents said that the Houthi militants shelled civilian houses, detonated five artesian wells and demolished farms in the Zub area of al Quraishiya district, l Bayda province, and houses were seriously damaged by the shelling.

They told Almasdaronline that "after the militias suffered significant human and material losses yesterday in attacks by the resistance on their positions in Jamidah, Ham Thra' and al Khashia' areas''.

(A K PS)

Yemeni army foils Houthi militia naval attack

The militia launched its attack from three fishing boats which resulted in clashes between the two sides.
The army was able to defeat all militants while destroying their boats.

(* A K PS)

11 civilians injured in Houthi bombardment of Taiz hospital

Houthis have fired a shell on Taiz hospital injuring 11 civilians, some of them critically, in a shelling of a hospital in Taiz city on Tuesday morning, local sources said.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt


Erfolg der „Operation Red Sea" macht auf die tatsächliche Rettungsmission im Jemen neugierig

Der chinesische Anti-Terrorismus-Aktionsfilm Operation Red Sea hat rund 3,4 Milliarden Yuan (434 Millionen Euro) eingespielt und ist damit der bislang dritterfolgreichste chinesische Film, so die Informationen von Maoyan, einer großen chinesischen Filmdatenbank.

Viele Kommentatoren schwärmen von dem spannenden Plot und den atemberaubenden Schießereien des 64-Millionen-Euro-Films. Einige Zuschauer schrieben, dass sie sich nun über die Evakuierung von Hunderten von chinesischen Staatsbürgern und ausländischen Bürgern aus dem Jemen im März 2015 informieren wollen – auf welcher der Film lose basiert.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-392 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-392: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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