Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 405 - Yemen War Mosaic 405

Yemen Press Reader 405: 18.4.2018: Antibiotika-Resistenzen–UN-Resolution 2216 ersetzen!–Afrikanische Migranten misshandelt–Kinderbräute–Syrien u. Jemen: Luftschläge gegen Saudis?–USA und Saudis

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April 18, 2018: Antibiotica-resistant bacteria in Yemen – Give peace a change: Redraw UN Security Council Resolution 2216! – Yemen: Detained African Migrants Tortured, Raped – Selling Yemeni child brides abroad – Syria and Yemen: Russia to strike Saudi Arabia now? – The US and Saudis – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* A H K P)

Fast jeder dritte Luftangriff im Jemen galt zivilen Zielen

Al Jazeera hat in einer interaktiven Darstellung alle Luftangriffe der Koalition seit März 2015 zusammengetragen und anschaulich gemacht.

Der Nachrichtensender griff dafür auf frei verfügbare Informationen zurück, die er durch andere Informationen verifiziert hat. Al Jazeera verwendete dazu offizielle Berichte lokaler Behörden, Berichte lokaler und internationaler Medienagenturen, Berichte von Menschenrechtsgruppen und Informationen von nationalen wie internationalen Nichtregierungsorganisationen. Mehrere Bombardierungen desselben Ziels innerhalb eines Angriffs fasste Al Jazeera als einen Angriff zusammen.

Das arabische Bündnis hat vor allem Luftangriffe auf die Hauptstadt Sanaa und den von den Rebellen besetzten Norden des Landes durchgeführt. In der Summe zeigt sich: Fast ein Drittel (31 Prozent) der mehr als 16'305 Luftangriffe war gegen zivile Ziele gerichtet.

Von den Angriffen auf nichtmilitärische Ziele trafen 1'491 Wohngebiete. Etwa 10'000 Zivilisten wurden laut Al Jazeera durch Luftangriffe getötet.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H K)

Will the Next Superbug Come From Yemen?

It was two days after the young Yemeni man was released from surgery that the doctors first noticed the smell. The bullet that wounded the leg of the 22-year-old college student had shattered bone and torn a hole in the soft tissue. Now, the wound was emitting a distinct smell, described in the medical literature as “offensive.” It strongly suggested infection, perhaps life-threatening, and the wound was not getting better.

Realizing that normal antibiotics were not working, the doctors at a trauma center run by Doctors Without Borders sent a blood culture for analysis to their new microbiology lab, the only one of its kind in the region. The tests found a bacterium, Acinetobacter baumannii, resistant to most standard antibiotics. Nobody knows how the student — who was identified using his initials, A. S., to preserve his privacy — acquired the drug-resistant infection, but it is so common in Yemen that it could have come from the bullet itself or the sand on the ground when he fell, said Dr. Nagwan Mansoor, the chief physician in Doctors Without Borders’s antibiotic stewardship program.

S. survived. “We captured the patient from the mouth of death,” said Dr. Mansoor. But A. S. was lucky: Most hospitals in Yemen do not have the capacity or protocols in place to detect and treat drug-resistant infections; if he had been anywhere else, he would have lost his leg, or died.

The Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen has produced thousands of casualties and created vast numbers of refugees. But the real cost may not become apparent for years to come. After years of bombardment that has crippled the food supply, destroyed basic infrastructure and disrupted medical care, Yemen has become a breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant disease, with potentially catastrophic consequences — and not just for Yemen.

More than 60 percent of the patients admitted to the medical organization’s hospital in Aden have antibiotic-resistant bacteria in their systems.

The widespread prevalence of multidrug-resistant infections has nearly quadrupled the amount of time patients must spend in a field hospital to recover from war wounds. This extra time, plus the specialized antibiotics a patient requires to overcome a drug-resistant infection, means far fewer patients can be treated than the norm, and the care is much more expensive and difficult.

Similar problems are reported to be occurring through the war-torn regions of the Middle East, including Iraq and Syria, and countries with extensive refugee populations, like Jordan – by Sam Loewenberg =

(** B K P)

Give peace a real chance in Yemen

The time is now to redraw outdated UN plans to end the war

On Tuesday, 17th April, the new UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, will give his first briefing to the UN Security Council. His appointment brings with it a fresh opportunity to reset attempts to forge a political solution. Yet if Griffiths is to succeed, the Security Council must consider a new pathway to peace and scuttle the current framework that makes his already difficult task even tougher.

That framework was set out in Resolution 2216, adopted by the Security Council in April 2015; it was never designed to reach a third birthday.

The binding resolution established an arms embargo on Houthi rebels, imposed sanctions on leaders in their alliance with former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, and reaffirmed the legitimacy of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi – a provision the Saudi Arabian-led coalition interprets as legal backing for its intervention.

Resolution 2216 was intended as a short-term fix to rescue the fragile authority of Hadi, then the transitional president. It also provided international legitimacy to the Saudi-led military campaign aimed at reversing the illegal usurpation of power by the Houthis. The Saudis apparently believed they could achieve this goal in a matter of weeks.

Three years and more than 16,000 Saudi coalition airstrikes later, the Houthis still control Yemen’s capital and most of its strategic highlands. President Hadi remains in exile in Riyadh, Saleh is dead, and Saudi Arabia is under increasing threat from ballistic missiles launched by the rebels, who enjoy growing support from Iran. As the complexities of the war have grown, Resolution 2216 has become at best increasingly irrelevant. At worst, it is an obstacle to peace.

If Security Council members want to offer Griffiths the chance to succeed where his predecessors have failed, they would do well to examine closely how Resolution 2216 in fact dissuades key players from negotiating peace and how much the conflict has changed in the three years since it was adopted.

First and foremost, it impedes peace negotiations by placing unrealistic preconditions to a political agreement on one party. It requires the Houthis to withdraw all forces from areas they have seized (including the capital, Sana’a), lay down their arms, and cease all government-like actions before any political agreement takes effect. Let’s be clear: it is realistic and right for the Security Council to require the Houthis to surrender control of Sana’a and the other territory they seized, in favour of either a transitional or multi-party governing body. However, it is not realistic to tell the Houthis that they must retreat and disarm – in a word, capitulate – before talks on an agreement even get underway.

Second, Resolution 2216 disincentivises the Hadi government from coming to the negotiating table. Hadi was elected in 2012 for a two-year term as transitional president, with his mandate extended another year in 2014. But since fleeing Yemen in 2015, his status as the country’s recognised president is based exclusively on explicit references to that effect in Resolution 2216. Since it is clear that Hadi will not remain president under any peace deal, he is incentivised to maintain the status quo lest he be disenfranchised.

The principal legal basis for the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen is the consent granted to them by Hadi; once he goes, the Saudis and their partners would find themselves on shaky ground to continue bombing. Riyadh thus has a stake in perpetuating Hadi’s otherwise-expired status.

In addition to creating disincentives for peace among key actors in the conflict, Resolution 2216 also fails to take into account the dynamics on the ground today – by Stephen A. Seche, former US ambassador to Yemen.

My comment: Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! – For 2216, also read:

Comment: Peace is unlikely to be achieved in #Yemen while UN Resolution 2216 (2015) remains the framework for talks. An urgent rethink is required. Read this important article by former US Ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Seche

(** B H)

Yemen: Detained African Migrants Tortured, Raped

Yemeni government officials have tortured, raped, and executed migrants and asylum seekers from the Horn of Africa in a detention center in the southern port city of Aden, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities have denied asylum seekers an opportunity to seek refugee protection and deported migrants en masse to dangerous conditions at sea.

Former detainees told Human Rights Watch that guards beat them with steel bars and sticks, whipped them, kicked and punched them, threatened to kill or deport them, sexually assaulted them, and fatally shot at least two men. Male guards forced women to take off their abayas (full-length robes) and headscarves. They took migrants’ money, personal belongings, and documents provided by the United Nations refugee agency.

“Guards at the migrant detention center in Aden have brutally beaten men, raped women and boys, and sent hundreds out to sea in overloaded boats,” said Bill Frelick, refugee rights director at Human Rights Watch. “The crisis in Yemen provides zero justification for this cruelty and brutality, and the Yemeni government should put a stop to it and hold those responsible to account.”

Human Rights Watch interviewed eight migrants, including seven ethnic Oromo from Ethiopia who had recently been held at the center, as well as Yemeni government officials and members of migrant communities.

The migrant detention center, in Aden’s Buraika neighborhood, is a converted marine science research center. Since early 2017, it has held several hundred Ethiopian, Somali, and Eritrean migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, though as of April 2018, only about 90, primarily Eritrean, migrants remained.

Past videos and photos of the detention facility show hundreds of men and boys in a crowded concrete hangar, with women and girls sitting on a stone floor. Former detainees reported that the facility was overcrowded, with dire sanitation conditions and little access to medical care. The provision of food was inconsistent, and guards would occasionally withhold food.

Former detainees said guards sexually assaulted women, girls, and boys regularly. Boys would be taken at night: “Every night, they would take one, to rape them,” a former detainee said. “Not all of them. The small ones. The little ones. I know seven boys who were sexually assaulted… You could hear what was happening.” Several former detainees said the boys would come back unable to sit, sometimes crying, and occasionally telling the others what had happened. An Ethiopian woman who had been held at the facility said she still suffered pain after a guard beat her severely for refusing to have sex with him. She said women and girls were regularly raped and saw guards rape two of her friends.

Accounts of Abuse

About 10 days after he arrived, the guards told the men that one Ethiopian man had escaped. They took a large group of men and boys to the main yard and ordered them to strip naked, whipping seven and saying the men would not be given food or water until after sunset. The guards ordered the women to look at the naked men and boys and beat those who did not. Ahmed heard a gunshot. He saw the guards take an Ethiopian man’s limp body into a truck. Later, other detainees told him the man had been killed. “We don’t know how long we stayed,” he said. “When you are standing there, heat and hunger don’t matter. What matters is the gun. We are waiting for the gun.”

The nights were horrible, Ahmed said, as the guards would yell at the men and boys to go to sleep: “They would scare people with their guns... Some of my friends, who were kids, they [the guards] took them. And then when they came back they could not sit.” Some of the children told Ahmed the guards had raped them. He knew 10 children taken at night, including some held at the checkpoint with him the first day. Most were younger than he was. and also article by Vice, and film, very worth looking: and film: =

(** B H)

Child marriage on the rise as conflict in Yemen continues

Forced marriages have led to suicide among young brides

As far as Mubarak is concerned, he is just a middleman satisfying a need.

The 41-year-old, a Yemeni refugee, supplies young brides in the country where he now lives: Oman.

The war in his homeland means business has never been better.

"Omani men in Salalah pay good money for one of them," he said of a southern Oman city where some of the child brides have ended up.

"These men are married but want a very young second wife. And on the cheap side," he added.

The sellers are impoverished families. For 2,500 rials, around $6,500, one fifth of which involves bribes in Yemen, he can supply a bride, aged as young as 15.

"From that amount I pay 1,500 rials to the parents, 500 rials to the authorities in Yemen helping me to get them out and the remainder is my commission. Everyone is happy," said Mubarak, who would only use his first name.

Contacted by The National, local dignitaries in Dhofar, the southern Oman province where the brides cross the border into Oman, acknowledged it was happening.

Nada Foundation, a Yemen-based sister organisation of Girls not Brides, said that many of the Yemeni girls smuggled out of the country into Oman are then being sold as brides across the GCC.

"More than 250 girls have been forcibly married for social reasons or difficult living conditions, most of whom are displaced from war or exploited for the loss of their parents or their displacement," said a spokeswoman from Nada Foundation.

They said that six women committed suicide in Yemen last year as a result of forced marriage. A larger number of deaths occur from complications from pregnancy.

(** A K P)

Russia Prepares For Strikes On Saudi Arabia After Chemical Weapon Attack Fears In Yemen Grow, Orders Heavy Bombers To Stay In Iran

An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that Russia is in the process of preparing for military strikes upon Saudi Arabia over its use of chemical and biological weapons in Yemen—that is due to the apocalyptic situation in Yemen about to get much worse after Jaysh al-Islam terrorists leaving Syria are now flowing there in massive numbers, and who in the past have used chemical weapons against Syrian Kurds—with the greatest fears of the General Staff being of a “super bug” just discovered in Yemen by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF-Doctors Without Borders) scientists who are now warning has mutated into a new bacterium that poses a catastrophic risk to the entire world—and with Russia’s first action in this potential strike against Saudi Arabia being the ordering of its heavy bombers in Iran to stay there until further orders are received while Moscow builds a US, UK and French coalition to begin these attacks.

According to this report, in the hours leading up to yesterday’s United Nation Security Council (UNSC) meeting where Russia put forth a resolution condemning the American-led “military masturbation” attack upon Syria over unproven allegations of a chemical attack, President Putinpointed out to his Western counterparts that the logic they were using to justify their illegal attack could, in turn, be used by Russia to launch strikes against Saudi Arabia—with the West’s new standard for allowing any country to attack another being best articulated by France's UN Ambassador Francois Delattre who stated “the use of chemical weapons cannot be tolerated and must be deterred…that is essential”.

Siding with Russia’s position that unproven chemical weapons use accusations failed to meet United Nations standards for one country launching an attack on another (Law of War), this report continues, were China and Bolivia—with Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Equatorial Guinea and Peruabstaining from voting because they needed more information—but with the Western aligned nations of the US, UK, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Kuwait, Poland and Ivory Coast voting to reject the United Nations decades long justified reasons to start wars with their, instead, creating a new paradigm allowing any nation to attack another based on nothing more than the standard of “we believe it happened, so it’s true”.

Quickly adopting this new United Nations standard wanted by the West of “we believe it happened, so it’s true” in order to legally justify one nation attacking another, this report details, was President Putin—and who, during today’s Security Council meeting, presented evidence that Saudi Arabia has been supplying ISIL and Nusra Front terrorists with chemical weapons and chemical ingredients for building such weapons—with Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Sharaf Qaleb Luqman, also, having previously documented the extensive use of chemical and biological weapons by Saudi-led forces in Yemen's Ma'rib province.

While the West is manically cheering itself for it’s completely failed strike on Syria over unproven chemical weapon use allegations, that even the Jaysh al-Islam terrorists (who concocted this “fake news” story at the urging of their British secret services handlers) are now “calling a farce”, this report continues, completely being ignored by these Western warmongers is what Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen—and whose description as a “war” by the US-led mainstream propaganda media is as grossly obscene as it is inaccurate, as it’s true propose is the total extermination of that nation’s millions of Islamic Shiite peoples in what has become one of the largest genocides in human history.

My comment: Yes, exactly this is it – even if Russia of course does not really plan to bomb Saudi Arabia. But this really would exactly be the same as what the US did and do in Syria. And, to put it straight: For any Russian attack against Saudi Arabia, it even would not have been necessary that Saudi Arabia had used chemical weapons in Yemen. There is no great difference between killing civilians by chemical weapons or by bombing, as happens in Yemen every day.

The cholera story which is told here again certainly is fake news. But, the Saudis themselves had admitted that they had used white phosphorus bombs in Yemen. Read – and it was the US themselves who had supplied these bombs: . And the US themselves have used white phosphorus in Iraq and Syria. .

And let’s have a look at Ukraine again. When the Ukrainian army and air force and various Ukrainian militia like Asov batallion shelled eastern Ukrainian cities and villages day bay day in 2014, killing thousands of civilians, according to the Western logics in the case of Syria, Russia would have had the right (and even the moral obligation) to bomb the Ukrainian air force and artillery into the ground. If Russia really would have done that – what they would have told in the West? Remember the Western hype propaganda about the Russian support for Eastern Ukrainian separatists.

(** B K P)

US Should Do the Opposite of What Saudis Want

Consider the irony: The United States, which bills itself as the world’s beacon of freedom, has for some 70 years allied itself with one of the last absolute monarchies on the planet. Time and again, Washington has done the biddingof Saudi Arabia in the Greater Middle East, as a catalog of presidents allowed themselves to be dragged along by despotic kings in keffiyehs. It’s downright embarrassing and a monument to American hypocrisy. So, you ask, why aren’t mainstream, so-called liberals outright appalled by all this? Well, they’re as hawkish and beholden to the military-industrial complex as the unapologetic Republicans.

That Washington still dances to Riyadh’s tune indicates something far more disturbing: Either US policymakers are criminally naive, or they actually agree with Saudi policies and priorities.

It is hard to know which is worse.

The problem is, each and every time the US has followed the Saudi lead and done the king’s bidding, the results have been catastrophic. None of these ongoing operations is in the strategic interest of the United States, and too often they place US troops on the wrong side of history. Here are just a few areas in which doing the Saudis’ bidding has led to—often ongoing—disasters:

The Saudis don’t care about US safety or our best interests. They see America—especially its military—as just another tool in their regional arsenal. They want guns, money, tanks, planes and diplomatic cover—which they’ve now received for decades—from Washington. The US relationship with Saudi Arabia’s kings and princes is an international embarrassment and has ruined whatever is left of our reputation on the Arab street. They’ve bogged us down in stalemated wars, dragged us into probable war crimes in Yemen and all the while underwritten Wahhabi Islamist extremism throughout the region.

Why do it, then? Who benefits? Not the average American citizen, of course. Not the volunteer soldier sent to fight, die and kill in our sundry unwinnable wars. No, the only winner is the arms industry, the military-industrial behemoth – by Major Danny Sjursen

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A H)

Sad news Cholera epidemic is back , According to my friend who works in local hospital in Sana'a the capital of #Yemen, the Hospital has received five Cholera cases Today

(* A H)

Yemen: 1,089,507 cholera cases as of April 14

WHO's Cholera Response Dashboard reports 1,089,507 cases and 2,274 deaths as of April 14. That is an increase of 286 cases and one death in 24 hours.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H K P)

Jemen: Die Eskalationsspirale dreht sich nochmal schneller

Die Ereignisse von Aden zeigen, wie komplex der jemenitische Bürgerkrieg und wie verzerrt dessen bisherige Darstellung ist.

Im Kern ist dadurch klargeworden, dass es im Jemen um mehr geht als nur um eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen Houthi-Rebellen und Zentralregierung, und dass das Feld der Kriegsparteien heterogener ist, als es Staaten wie Saudi-Arabien oder die USA zugeben wollen. Weil beide die jemenitische Zentralregierung unter dem Vorwand, den Vormarsch der Houthis zu stoppen, stützen, liegt es in ihrem Interesse, den Konflikt als einen binären darzustellen, in dem eine legitime Zentralregierung gegen vom Ausland unterstützte, sektiererische Rebellen kämpft.

Wie jedoch die Auseinandersetzungen vom Februar innerhalb der anti-Houthi Allianz zwischen den Regierungstruppen und den südjemenitischen Milizen zeigten, ist der Konflikt weitaus komplizierter – und damit auch potenzielle Lösungen. Es wäre das Gebot der Stunde, diese Dynamiken und ihre Hintergründe anstelle der politisierten Betrachtungsweise zu respektieren, um den mehr und mehr eskalierenden Krieg im Jemen, der schon jetzt eine der schlimmsten humanitären Krisen der Welt darstellt, deeskalieren zu können.

Ein besseres Verständnis des Bürgerkriegs sowohl vonseiten der internationalen Akteure als auch internationaler Medien könnte dabei helfen, besser mit der Situation umzugehen und zwischen den verfeindeten Parteien erfolgreicher zu vermitteln. Eine detailliertere Analyse der Gründe des Krieges, die sich nicht vereinfachter Narrative bedient, sondern die bestehende Komplexität anerkennt und einordnet, wäre hierbei ein erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Der folgende Artikel soll einen Anstoß hierzu bieten, indem er den Hintergrund der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Regierungstruppen und separatistischen Milizen nachzeichnet und darstellt, inwiefern die Entwicklungen in Aden nur am Beginn einer noch weitreichenderen Eskalation stehen könnten, sollte von der internationalen Gemeinschaft keine Lösung angestrebt werden.

Sollten die internationalen Akteure sowie Medien nicht anfangen, ein vollständigeres Bild des Konfliktes wiederzugeben, ohne die Rollen Saudi-Arabiens und Irans, oder den „schiitischen“ Charakter der Houthis überzubewerten und stattdessen die wirklichen Bedingungen des Krieges zu analysieren sowie konkrete Lösungsvorschläge davon abzuleiten, erscheint der Jemen verdammt, in noch mehr Eskalation abzugleiten.

(* B H K P)

Audio: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman’s War In Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, just completed a highly-publicized tour of the U.S. and Europe. He talked with many leaders of government and industry. Many deals were made. The crown prince’s war in Yemen didn’t impede on the trips success. Saudi Arabia continues to bomb Yemen and blockade aid to the country. The U.N. refers to Yemen as the “world’s worst humanitarian crisis.” Shireen Al Adeimi, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is among those who oppose the U.S.-Saudi nexus vis-à-vis Yemen. She’ll tell us her prescriptions for solving the crisis.

(* B K P)

Yemen's Houthis Vow to Step Up Missile Attacks on Saudi Arabia

[Overview; various voices]

(* B K P)

The destruction of infrastructure needed to provide clean drinking water for civilians is clearly a violation of international law, and the fact that the same system has been targeted more than once should put to rest the idea that the coalition strikes these targets only by accident. Just as it has systematically and deliberately attacked food production and distribution inside Yemen, the Saudi-led coalition repeatedly strikes at the infrastructure that the population needs for water and sewage treatment. This destroyed water system relied on solar power to operate, but many Yemenis rely on fuel to power generators to pump clean water, and thanks to the blockade there has been a fuel shortage that severely limits access to potable water. Yemen still suffers from the world’s worst cholera outbreak, and attacks like this one on sources of clean drinking water put more lives at risk from preventable diseases.

The coalition uses the weapons and refueling that the U.S. provides to deprive displaced people of clean drinking water.

The location of this destroyed water system is also significant. The Saudi-led coalition illegally declared all of Saada to be a military target three years ago, and it has struck civilian targets in that part of Yemen more often than in any other. There was a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Yemen earlier today, but the routine coalition targeting of civilian structures in Saada never came up, nor did the coalition’s illegal decision to treat the entire area as a military target. The routine attacks on civilians in Saada prove that the coalition forces have a blatant disregard for the lives of noncombatants, and the longer that the U.S. enables the coalition bombing campaign the more innocent Yemenis will needlessly die.

The Senate was wrong to kill S.J.Res. 54, and it is critical that they correct that terrible error and vote to end U.S. support for the war on Yemen – by Daniel Larison

(* B P)

Religiöse Minderheit in Jemen fürchtet um ihre Existenz

Vertreter der Huthi-Miliz, welche Teile Jemens kontrolliert, hetzen gegen die Bahai und andere religiöse Minderheiten.

Die Rhetorik der Huthi gegen die Bahai ist unlängst dramatisch eskaliert. Der Rebellenführer Abdelmalik al-Huthi warf den Bahai vor, Teil einer Verschwörung gegen den Islam zu sein. Die Bahai führten einen gefährlichen Krieg der Ideen gegen den Islam, mahnte der Huthi-Führer in einer Freitagspredigt vergangenen Monat.

Die schiitischen Huthi sind nicht die einzige Bedrohung für religiöse Minderheiten und Atheisten. In Aden im Süden Jemens beispielsweise sind bewaffnete Salafisten aktiv, sunnitische Fundamentalisten, die Andersdenkende bedrohen.

Die Verfolgung der Bahai in Sanaa war im August 2016 zum ersten Mal eskaliert, als die Huthi 65 Anhänger der Religion, einschliesslich Frauen und Kinder, bei einem Workshop für Sozialarbeit verhaften liessen.

Die im Land verbleibenden Bahai fürchten, dass die Hassreden der Huthi Mitbürger zu Übergriffen anstacheln. Aktivisten berichten von einer organisierten Kampagne – von Monika Bolliger b

(* B K H P)

From revolution to civil war: Yemen faces total collapse

Saudi Arabia's Yemen campaign has been a tool to silence possible opposition against reforms in the domestic scene. The conflict in Yemen and a tough stance against Iran are being used to strengthen MBS's rule. The latest liberalization reforms in the society and the economy have also attracted much consent from the international community. Unfortunately, reforms in Saudi Arabia attract much more attention than the country's Yemen policy that has led to a complete failure and disaster.

My comment: Overview. – The Houthis are no Shiites.

(A P)

Yemen’s former president calls to stop war in Yemen

The Yemeni former president Ali Nasser Mohammad called on Arab leaders meeting in the southern city of Dhahran in Saudi Arabia to stop three-year-old war on Yemen.

In his letter sent to the Arab leader on Sunday, he said that the war, which had entered fourth year, caused killing citizens, destroying infrastructure and the outbreak of diseases and epidemics. =

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen

(* B K P)

'Double standards: US, UK, France stand by Saudis in Yemen but pose as moral crusaders in Syria'

The Syria attack reveals the hypocrisy of the West – which fuels the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen despite documented abuses – but relies on unverified claims to punish Syria, journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark told RT.

"On the one hand, they are rolling out the red carpet for Saudi leaders and they are supporting, either directly or indirectly, the Saudi bombing of Yemen, which is causing a great humanitarian catastrophe – and how many children has that conflict killed?

"On the other hand, they pose as moral paragons, as moral crusaders when they claim children have died in Syria's chemical weapons attack without evidence," he said.

Clark argued that by continuing its weapons sales to Riyadh, the West "has been feeding and supporting that conflict."

(* B K)

Film: Saudi Arabia intensifies airstrikes on Yemen

As our Yemen correspondent Mohammad al-Attab reports, many Yemenis have highlighted Washington’s role in Riyadh’s aggression after the US and its allies attacked Syria. Saudi Arabia has intensified its airstrikes on #Yemen amid a visit by officials from the European Union and the UN Human Rights Council.
The world, in the meantime, continues to give Saudis the immunity to strike

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A H P)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Commodity Tracker (as of 15 April 2018)

This tracker monitors commercial imports to Hudaydah and Saleef ports via the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM) and prices of food and fuel,. The map below illustrates the final stages vessels progress through before reaching the port of destination.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Audio: The former head of the ICRC in Yemen is sad to leave the world's worst humanitarian crisis

Alexandre Faite, a Belgian who's been in charge of the International Committee of the Red Cross operations in Yemen for the past two years of its intractable conflict, that has included not only war injuries but massive hunger and a cholera epidemic that infected a million people, tells The World's Marco Werman, that despite all of this, he's sad to be leaving Yemen. =

(A H)

Der 4-jährige Kriegsüberlebende aus dem Jemen wird von Kugeln verletzt und bekommt neues Leben bei Global Hospitals

Der Vorfall ereignete sich vor zwei Monaten, als das Kind, Dhai Mohammed, von Kugeln getroffen wurde, während sie in der Nähe ihres Hauses spielte.

Global Hospitals, ein Multi-Super-Spezial-Krankenhaus für tertiäre Versorgung, hat erfolgreich die erste Stufe der Hüftknochenkorrektur bei einem 4-jährigen Überlebenden aus dem Jemen-Krieg durchgeführt; die nach einer Verletzung durch eine Kugel an ihrem Hüftknochen zur Behandlung nach Indien gebracht wurde. Der Vorfall ereignete sich vor zwei Monaten, als das Kind, Dhai Mohammed, von Kugeln getroffen wurde, während sie in der Nähe ihres Hauses spielte.

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 10 – 16 April 2018 | Issue 11

The Shelter/NFI/CCCM cluster reports that as of 12 April protracted violence in the Al Hudaydah and Taizz governorates has displaced 19,145 households of whom 9,838 have been assisted. This new wave of displacement further adds up to the three million Yemenis who have already faced the shock of having to flee their homes, two million of whom remain displaced across the country. 89 percent of IDPs in Yemen have been displaced for more than one year.

According to the Protection Cluster, displaced people increasingly face protection risks, including those living in public buildings, collective centres or spontaneous settlements.


(* B H)

Film: Mercedes TATAY MSF International Medical Secretary

3 Questions in 3 Minutes to Mercedes TATAY #MSFInternational Medical Secretary, back from #Yemen

(B H)

With support from the @WorldBank, WHO has conducted 12-day spraying campaign in high-risk districts in #Hajjah, #Yemen, to mitigate the spread of #dengue fever and disrupt breeding grounds of the disease (photos9

(* B H)

Film: Garbage as a last resort. It happens, in Yemen

If the war has been nothing but hell on earth, it has been of unspeakable pain for the Women of #Yemen who, far too often, have only the garbage as a last resort.

(A H)

Relative died today in the plane at #Aden Int'l Airport before departure for Amman. She needed urgent evacuation for medical treatment abroad around 2 weeks ago but was impossible due to closure of #Sanaa Int'l Airport. Really depressing, annoying & painful

(* B H)

Save the Children: A YEMENI EDUCATION

These are tough conditions for children to grow up in, with huge risks for their well-being and protection. Particularly striking for me were the struggles children confront in simply trying to get an education.

We visited two hugely overcrowded schools in Aden city – one for girls and one for boys. Some classes have over 100 children in them; that’s four to each desk. The girls’ school had been hit by explosive weapons earlier this month when a fight between neighbours strayed into the schoolyard. When we met them, the girls were full of excitement, hope and enthusiasm, but the headteacher told us they had been terrified that day, fleeing out of doors and windows in panic, and that the whole school was now tense with worry.

The following day we spoke to the Heads of Education from the six southern governorates. They told us that the incidence of attacks on schools is rising and that children are threatened on their way to and from school as well. Some schools are being occupied by military forces, while others are homes to displaced families, used to store supplies or being repurposed as health centres or even as shops. In each case, the effect is to rob hundreds of children of their futures.

Save the Children is helping equip the schools it supports, as well as running teacher-training, psychosocial support, and re-enrolment campaigns and catch-up classes for students who’ve had to drop out. We’re also advocating across Yemen – and worldwide – for schools to be treated in the same way as hospitals and mosques are; that is, as protected spaces that should never come under attack and that shouldn’t be used for any purpose other than education.

(* B H)

Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion: Yemen emergency: Providing support to people with injuries

Since February, Humanity & Inclusion has expanded our scope of action in Yemen to ensure that people with disabilities and other vulnerable individuals are not left on the sidelines during this crisis. We’ve recruited dozens of additional staff members and are now working in seven hospitals in and around Sana’a, the capital of Yemen.

Since 2015, we’ve provided rehabilitation care to 7,500 people, psychological support to 8,500, and distributed 9,800 mobility aids such as crutches, wheelchairs, and walkers. François Olive-Keravec, HI's director in Yemen, describes what has become one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world:

Injured individuals arrive in waves. It varies according to the intensity of the fighting. Included are victims of explosions, gunfire, car and motorbike accidents. We see a lot of amputations.

One of the challenges facing us in recent months has been the early discharge of patients. As the hospitals are over-crowded, the medical staff have been sending patients home immediately after their surgery. Our teams, who are not part of the hospital staff but providing rehabilitation and psychological support, sometimes find out that a patient has left the hospital without necessary rehabilitation care.

We are trying to convince the hospital staff of the importance of rehabilitation and to provide better patient follow-up, so they can be managed in a rehabilitation center if they need to leave the hospital.

(* B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #3 - March 2018

The Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) is 9.8 per cent funded with U$ 291.4 million received against the overall requirements of $2.96 billion as of 27 March 2018. An additional $62.7 million has been mobilized outside the framework of the YHRP.

Access constraints remains a major constraint for the overall humanitarian response in Yemen, including for UNFPA, with constraints reported in 90 per cent of districts. Armed conflict remains one of the main drivers of access constraints, both in terms of the type and severity of access difficulties.

As of end March 2018, UNFPA's response in Yemen, has reached nearly 24,000 people with reproductive health services and services for some 4,000 survivors of gender-based violence. With increased donor support, plans are underway to expand UNFPA's presence at the governorate and district level in the north and south of the country.


Lack of humanitarian access to conflict-affected areas.

Difficulties in obtaining life-saving medical supplies into Yemen due to air and sea blockades, and denial of visas for humanitarian workers.

Difficulty in organizing services for reproductive health and genderbased violence in conflict areas due to damaged or non-operating health structures, limited movement of partners and limited transportation of supplies to health facilities.

(B H)

There is a great deal of suffering to patients suffering from diarrhea, because of the food that has a certain proportions and washing and complications and have trouble sleeping; besides the scarcity of tools and washing materials, especially in these circumstances.

This is how the nurse Taqi al-Haimi described the condition of the patients in the kidney center at the Republican Hospital in Sana'a. (photo)

(B H)

WFP: UNHAS Flight Schedule, May 2018

(* B H)

There are too many lost childhoods in Yemen

They spill out into the streets early in the morning; they have small bodies, pale faces and bold features. You might think that they are on their way to school, but a closer look reveals that they are not carrying any school bags or books.

“They” are the children of Yemen who have been pushed by the cruelty of war, hardships and the loss of family breadwinners to leave school and what they love the most, playing with the neighbourhood children in the decaying alleys. Instead, they have to join the workforce in order to scratch a living and provide for their families. The jobs that they do are usually unsuitable for their age, size and physical abilities.

Each one hides within them great tragedy and pain. Some have spent time on the front line, carrying heavy weapons on their tiny shoulders, in a flagrant violation of the rights of a child. You can find others underneath cars, learning how to fix them, with little or no regard for the great danger and risk that this poses. They rarely find anyone to tell them, “Watch out!”

Others can be found wandering the streets in the burning sun that scorches their faces and heads; they search through piles of rubbish for empty bottles and cans which they can sell for a little money, although that is not enough to make a living. Some sell newspapers and various other goods, which they carry all day, while yet more stand in lines to carry home heavy water or gas containers for their family. Children have been seen working in any number of dangerous places, such as bakeries, working with open fires.

(* B H)

'The mother and the breadwinner': Yemen's women turn war struggles into work opportunities

As Yemen's war rages on, many women are now seeking their own ways to eke out a living for their families to survive through the tough economic circumstances.

Today, the consequences of the war have inflicted damages on the livelihoods of millions of civilians including Eza, the mother of five.

"I used to be dependent on my husband, and now my children are dependent on me. I am their mother and breadwinner. This war has badly changed our lives," Eza tells The New Arab.

Today, she owns a stall, selling strawberry and other fruits in the city.

For Fatima, it was not interest that sparked the need to begin this business, but rather the circumstances that compelled her to work and make ends meet. She spent about a year selling vegetables, but soon realised she would need to sell another profitable item, so she began selling qat.

"Profit is my motive since I want to improve my income and fulfil at least the basic needs of my family," says Fatima.

"My husband is suffering from psychological problems. He is no longer fit for any job. This situation dictated that I should be responsible for bringing the food on the table. Even if I receive aid from any charity, it does not come every day and does not last for long," Fatima, the mother of three, tells The New Arab.

When it comes to work, women are not welcome in every sector in Yemen.

Nabil Al-Sharabi, a Yemeni journalist focusing on economic affairs, said the war has led families to break the stereotypes about the work of women.

"When a family loses its source of income and when the male breadwinner cannot provide, women have no choice but to work and earn," said Al-Sharabi.

According to Al-Sharabi, the war has deprived lots of men of their jobs, pushing women to seek work.
"Women are no longer confined to their houses. They have joined the struggle, doing business activities which generate income."

He added, "Women have been affected by the war, and many of them have been able to provide for themselves and families. They have broken the stereotype that the woman is a burden. They have proved that they can overcome hardships."

(* B H)


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) recently released a plan of action to enhance food security in Yemen between 2018 and 2020. Right now, 17.8 million Yemenis are food insecure and 8.4 million are severely food insecure.

The agriculture sector in Yemen has been devastated by the war. Agricultural inputs and animal feed are expensive and scarce, farmers do not have the resources to combat pests or animal and plant diseases, qat production is expanding and reducing land availability for food production, the workforce is emigrating, and public resources are not being allocated to agriculture. In order to sustainably restore this sector, the plan of action prioritizes long-term capacity-building interventions. FAO also recognizes the necessity of short-term food and cash distributions to immediately repair damages and losses caused by the war, but warns that an exclusive focus on short-term interventions can cause food-aid dependency and hinder resilience capabilities.

The report outlines three pillars (subdivided into 21 short- and long-term inventions) that specify how FAO will achieve its goal. This is estimated to cost a total of $228.5 million. These pillars recognize the diversity of need in Yemen, encouraging flexibility in the implementation of all interventions.

Pillar 1: Emergency support to the most vulnerable rural and peri-urban households (across famine-risk districts)

Pillar 2: “Support to the sustainable restoration and diversification of agricultural livelihoods and agri-food systems (across districts where access is secured)”

Pillar 3: “Improved coordination of planning, programming and support for food security, nutrition and agricultural livelihoods”

(* B H)

Audio: MSF doctor returns from Yemen

Médecins Sans Frontières, tries to step into the breach: its Paediatrics Medical Advisor, Dr Nikola Morton, is home for briefings, having seen the situation first hand last month. and

(B H)

Film: Just days before speaking at Women in the World, aid worker for CARE Yemen was huddled up with her 12-year-old son as their hotel was rocked by airstrikes.

(B H)

Film (Arabic): Munirah: From the ashes of war tragedy into a quest for a new life

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1


(* B H)


Despite this grim reality, African migrants are fleeing crises at home in search of employment and opportunity in Saudi Arabia, and are hoping to pass through Yemen’s war zone to get there. VICE News witnessed hundreds of migrants starting their long walk from the shores of Bi’r Ali in south-east Yemen to the Saudi border.

Some migrants we spoke to didn’t even know Yemen was in the midst of a war, and others said they were willing to take their chances here anyway. “We were suffering back at home. There is misery and violence in Somalia,” Khadija said. “It’s expensive to go to Libya and it’s far. I’ll get out of here and head to Saudi Arabia. Then I’ll find a job.”

But this influx is overwhelming a country already on its knees, and creating another crisis of its own: a thriving criminal human trafficking industry and the abandonment of basic human rights.

Rights watchdogs are particularly alarmed by Yemen’s migrant detention facilities

VICE News visited the large coalition-backed, government-run migrant detention facility at the center of HRW’s report. There, hundreds of migrants were held in one single shed, with little room to move.

VICE News spoke with one man who said he and fellow detainees had “been locked in here for two months.”

“They torture us every day,” the man, who withheld his name for concerns over his safety, said. “They enter with guns and punch us, without reason. Until we’re bleeding. And we are sold here — You know about this? We’re sold.” and film: =

Remark: More in HRW article, cp1.

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR alarmed at horrific conditions facing newly-arrived refugees and migrants in Yemen

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is extremely concerned by a further worsening of the situation for newly-arrived refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Yemen. Unabated conflict, deteriorating economic conditions and now increasing criminality are exposing people to harm and exploitation.

With prolonged conflict and insecurity threatening state institutions and weakening the rule of law, there are growing accounts of extortion, trafficking and deportation. Many are arrested, detained, abused, and then pushed out to sea or forcibly returned by the very same smugglers who brought them to Yemen.

Since February this year, UNHCR has been working on the situation of some 100 new arrivals to Yemen who have been arrested and kept in detention. Those individuals have been faced with threats of removal or deportation, as well as subject to extortion and various forms of abuse either at the hands of traffickers or during their detention.

Reports of abuse inside detention facilities are numerous with some new arrivals being subject to physical and sexual violence. Survivors have described to UNHCR being shot at, regular beatings, rapes of adults and children, humiliations including forced nudity, being forced to witness summary executions, and denial of food.

(* A H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Al Hudaydah / Taizz Displacement Update (8 - 12 April 2018)

Due to the intensification of fighting and its expansion to new locations in Al Garrahi district, Al Hudaydah, the National Authority for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Recovery (NAMCHA) reported the displacement of 663 families within the same district. and full HRW report in cp1

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: CCCM Factsheet – March 2018

The 23% of the population residing in IDPs hosting sites are among the most vulnerable population who do not have the means to provide adequate shelter solutions for their families and suffer from limited to no assistance so far. They lack structure for the IDP hosting Site Management and Coordination with no one to advocate for their needs.

The IDPs hosting sites (CCCM) baseline assessment is an essential exercise to drive the response in these sites. So far 776 sites have been assessed in 16 Governorates and the last 4 Governorates are being assessed.

The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster identified Partners to support Site Management and Coordination in 44 priority IDP hosting sites agreed in the HRP 2018 as a pilot for the integrated response methodology.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Republic of Yemen: Shelter/NFIs Fact Sheet, March 2018

A large-scale conflict related displacement from Al Hudyadah and Taizz due to the intensified fighting erupted in December 2017 and has resulted in the displacement of 17,039 IDP families mainly inside AlHudaydah, Taizz and Abyan up to the end of March.

In response to the displacement from Taizz and AlHudaydah, the SubNational Clusters organized emergency response in coordination with local authorities. This meant that 8,663 IDP families were assisted in which 7,844 families received Non-Food Items (NFIs) and 1,117 families received Enhanced Emergency Shelters Kits (EESK).

(* B H)

Photos: Darwan Refugee Camp in Yemen

Yemeni families, displaced by the clashes and air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition, face difficulties living under tough conditions

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(B P)

The #Houthis demand that the imprisoned schoolteacher Ahmed Shattaf be swapped with one of their captives though Shattaf was arrested in front of a #school in #Sanaa. Shattaf lost an eye when an airstrike targeted the military police prison, where Houthis were holding him (photos)

(B K P)

Houthi child soldiers, photos

(A P)

The relation between UAE, phone calls in Yemen

The security services in the capital Sanaa on Monday arrested a cell ,specialized in the smuggling of international phone calls.

“The cell is using modern technologies and the cell was operated from the UAE,” according to the security media.

It also reported that it would publish a documented report of the seized cell, with full details.

(B P)

Officer of Guidance and Relations Department in the #Houthi Ministry of Interior Mohammed Al-A'nsi said that his group has arrested 6,052 citizens during the past 3 years, on charges of supporting the #Saudi-led #Coalition, other than those arrested after the Sep events.

(A K P)

Film: Not one Yemeni has not been affected by Saudis' terror campaign

Yemen's Interior Ministry says Saudi Arabia has been secretly ordering and supporting thousands of assassination operations against #Yemen's security forces and civilians over the past three years.
Not one Yemeni has not been affected by Saudis' terror campaign

(* A T)

18 al-Qaida inmates escape Houthi-controlled prison in Yemen

Eighteen inmates of the Yemen-based al-Qaida branch managed to escape from a prison controlled by the Shiite Houthi rebels in central province of al-Bayda on Saturday, a security official told Xinhua.

According to the security source, who asked to remain anonymous, the escape followed a rebellion that erupted inside the Political Security (Intelligence) prison controlled by Houthis in al-Bayda province.

"The guards around the prison who were badly injured failed to resist or put down the prisoners rebellion," the source said.

"Even the weapons of the guards were seized by the al-Qaida inmates who fled to unknown locations," the source added. =


(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims it broke 18 jihadists out of political security jail in al-Bayda'. Guards were attacked, tied up, gagged & their weapons seized. Press report this as yday but #AQAP date it to Wed 11 April though only issued claim yday. AQAP has history of large jailbreaks

(A P)

FM meets IOM's Resident Representative in Sana'a

(A H P)

Delegations of EU, CHR, Swiss donors arrive in capital Sanaa

Delegations of United Nations Commission on Human Rights (CHR), European Union (EU) and Swiss donors on Saturday arrived in the capital Sanaa at an official visit for several day.

(A P)

Muhammad Abdul Salam : They Want Us Be Junior Employees Taunting from The Presence of Hadi at The Recent “Arab Summit”

The spokesman of Ansar Allah Muhammad Abdul Salam, on Saturday, taunted from the presence of Hadi at the recent “Arab summit” in Dammam. He stressed that Saudi Arabia and its allies don’t want Yemenis to be partners in their country, but junior employees.

“The summit discussed Yemen issues, they leave Hadi silent, uninterested in what is going on, and sometimes sleeping, he doesn’t speak or express anything, while the king of Bahrain makes an important speech about the situation in the region and Yemen,” Abdul Salam said.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

Unknown gunmen assassinate army member in Taiz

(A T)

#ImamAssassinations in #Yemen, missed this one: Several local media sources report that Salafi Sheikh Waddah al-Qubati, Imam of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq mosque in #Aden, was killed 8 April in an "arranged" traffic accident on his way to the Mokha front (image)

(* A P)

Foreign Minister: UAE prevents President Hadi returning to Aden

The Foreign Minister Dr. Abdulmalik Al-Makhlafi said that the UAE is preventing the return of President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi to Yemen, especially to the interim capital of Aden.

Al-Makhlafi said in an interview with the BBC, in coincidence with the conclusion of the Arab summit held in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that the security divisions in Aden and the differences with the UAE called for postponement of his return.

Regarding the heard disagreements with the coalition countries, Al-Makhlafi said that legitimacy is working to overcome these differences in the ongoing dialogue with the leadership of the coalition.

Al-Makhlafi stressed that among those disagreement points is UAE supporting the militias that undermine the state authority in Aden.

It is noteworthy that, two former ministers in the government, Transport Minister Saleh al-Jubwani and outgoing minister Salah al-Sayadi, said earlier that the UAE was preventing President Hadi from returning to Aden.

My comment: Interesting. A very high-level confirmation of the struggle within the “Saudi coalition” and the UAE-Hadi government divide.

(A T)

Heavy Clashes Between Security Belt Forces and Al-Qaeda in Al-Wadia

Remark: “Security Belt”: UAE-backed separatists’ militia.

(A T)

Oil Pipe Exploded in Shabwa

Anonymous persons attacked an oil pipe in Etq – Shabqa on Saturday morning. Local sources indicated that the exploded pipe located in Al-Baiad, east of Etq. Smoke and flames were seen behind Ben Lashdaf. This attack came two weeks after commencing oil export from Al-Ukla oil field. and

(A P)

Hadi Renews His Rejection of Any Political and Peaceful Solutions in Yemen , Ask to Continue The Aggression

The fugitive president “Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi” rejected any peaceful solutions to crisis situation in Yemen, asking to continue aggression on country.
Hadi said in his speech at the meeting of 29th Arab summit held in Dhahran city , Saudi Arabia, “restriction storm”, launched by Salman was an expression of original Arab will to confront Iran’s expansionist ambitions.”

Hadi Confirmed his rejection of any peaceful political solutions, ask more aggression , destruction and siege, claiming that the alliance of aggression protects the world from the most dangerous project that threatens international security, as he claimed.

(A P)

Bin Daghr Government hold its first meeting in Aden

(A P)

Yemeni PM Calls For Unifying Military, Security Apparatus Under Legitimate Govt.

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr stressed Monday the need to unify the military and security apparatus under the ministries of defense and interior to prevent discrepancies in their duties.
Presiding over a meeting for the military and security committee in the country’s temporary capital Aden, bin Daghr called for activating intelligence work to stop terrorist and criminal attacks and for tightening security in Aden and liberated provinces.

My comment: Great parts of the security apparatus meanwhile stand with the separatists and their UAE overlords.

(A P)

Yemen PM says no more ‘bloodshed’ in Aden

Yemen’s Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr said on Sunday his return to Aden was to bring an end to the instability in the de facto capital, Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Sunday.

“There will be no more bloodshed or fighting because the government is back in Aden. We will exert all our efforts to stop the security situation from further deteriorating and to stop further assassination attempts on dozens of religious and military figures,” the PM said. and

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Protesters Prevent Ben Daghar from Entering Faculty of Medicine

Protesters who gathered in front of the main gate of Faculty of Medicine in Khour Maxer – Adan prevented Prime Minister Ahmed Ben Daghar from entering the faculty on Sunday morning to attend the meeting of presidents of Yemeni Universities

(A H P)

Al-Bu Hur and Al-Ba Auda Open Water Supplies Project with UAE Red Crescent Fund

My comment: It’s the separatists and their forces who actually rule in Southern Yemen, representing their UAE overlords.

(A P)

PM: Dual authorities and militaries are conducive for terror proliferation

Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr said that duality of political authorities and militaries makes a conducive environment for the proliferation of terrorism.

Chairing a consultative meeting for universities in the temporary capital Aden on Sunday, he said that "the presence of dual political authorities and militaries means poses risks to people's lives, peace and undermine the Arab Coalition as it seeks to counter the Iran-backed Houthi enemy. It also creates a conducive environment for the proliferation and expansion of terrorism."

My comment: Of course, that’s opposing the southern separatists. Meanwhile, these seem to have much more power than the Hadi government of bin-Daghr. Thus, according to his own statement, the best thing he could do is to resign.


(A P)

Yemen - Analysts: The Role Of Bin Daghr’s Government Is To Provide Services

Political analysts believe that the return of Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr and a number of his cabinet members to Aden last Thursday was part of an agreement between the transitional council, the government and the Arab coalition, adding that the role of Bin Daghr’s government is to provide services to citizens, while the role of the Transitional Council is political as it represents the mobility and the southern people. Leaders of the Southern Transitional Council stated in its first comment on Bin Daghr and his government’s return to Aden that the events of January were not to expel Bin Daghr from Aden, but to change the government and form a government of technocrats and eliminate corruption.

My comment: This is more “propaganda” than analysing.

(* A P)

Political protest in Taiz against formation of paramilitary forces

The political parties in al-Shammayatein and other districts in Taiz organized demonstrations in different parts of Yemen's southwestern province on Saturday against the formation of new forces outside the government's regular forces.

The protests followed the parade of a well-equipped force loyal to Tareq Mohammed Saleh al-Ahmar, a member of the former regime who is now said to be going to aid the government against Houthi rebels.

My comment: This and the following on an Islah Party website. Islah does not approve an alliance with Saleh relatives.

(A P)

Taizis regret governor's criticism of their anti-warlord protests

The relatives of thousands of people killed and injured in Taiz over the past three years by armed rebels including warlord Tareq Mohammed Saleh have regretted their governor's support of Tareq and criticism of their protests against him.

The city's people accuse Tareq of - in alliance with the Shia Islamist extremist Houthis - spearheading a genocidal war that killed and injured their relatives from early 2015 until late November 2017 when he and his uncle Ali Saleh's regime finally broke ranks with Houthis.


(* A P)
'A hero from a killer': Nephew of former Yemeni president divides Taiz

Some in Taiz believe Tareq Saleh is responsible for the deaths of civilians and protesters. Others trust he will avenge his uncle's killers

thousands in Taiz protested this weekend against Tareq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh's newfound role. Many in the southwestern Yemen city see him instead as "a killer" who is responsible for the deaths of Taiz civilians.

But the alliance has sparked disquiet and now protests as pro-government forces and members of the Southern Movement, which call for an independent southern Yemen, condemn Saleh as a killer who allied with their Houthi enemies for years before switching sides.

Taiz' residents and especially members of the Islah party, the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood whose supporters form a majority of the city’s population, are particularly dismayed because the Emiratis are their main enemy.

On Saturday, protesters in Taiz raised banners that read "The killer of our children will not rule us” and "Tareq Afash [his nickname] is a main participant in killing and destruction of Taiz until now."

(A P)

Legitimacy Spokesman to Asharq Al-Awsat: Isnad Aids in Restoring Ports

Yemeni government's top priority is to restore basic services and stabilize security in all Yemeni provinces, according to a senior Yemeni government official.

"The main services are to ensure the stability of electricity, especially as the country is coming to a hot summer season, and some areas of the country are suffering from shortages of basic necessities," Yemeni government spokesman Rajeh Badi told Asharq al-Awsat.

The spokesman stressed the importance of the Isnad Center for comprehensive humanitarian operation throughout Yemen and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief). He stated that a Yemeni Higher Committee was formed to implement the grant program which enables the government overcome power cuts in all Yemeni provinces.

My comment: This could be labeled as propaganda.

(A P)

Yemeni official: Al-Bayda liberation will place 90% of Yemen under government control

Yemen’s government will have control of 90 percent of the country after liberating the central governate of Al-Bayda from Iran-backed Houthi militants, according to the adviser to the supreme leader of the Yemeni armed forces, Saudi state-news channel Al-Ekhbariya reported.

My comment: Hadi government figure acrobatics.

(A P)

CBY forms a committee to study stability of Riyal

In Aden, a committee was formed, included representatives of the official and trade banks, and cashiers under the supervision of the Central Bank, to determine the exchange rate of the dollar. and

My comment: This rate depends on the market, not on the government, stupids.

(A T)

AQAP militants attacked the headquarters of Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces with small arms in al Wade’a district, eastern Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on April 14, according to an official AQAP media channel. AQAP militants last attacked al Hizam Security Forces in al Wade’a on March 29. [4]

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

A Good Day For Autocrats as UN Body Hands Out Leadership Posts

In a busy day at the United Nations, diplomats in New York on Monday filled dozens of leadership positions across a range of U.N. bodies, with many going – in some case without even a semblance of a vote – to some of the world’s most repressive regimes.

In one of the more striking decisions taken by the U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Saudi Arabia was handed a seat on the executive board of the women’s empowerment agency U.N. Women for the three-year period 2019-2021.

Comment: #SaudiArabia says being given another term on #UNWomen 'reflects support of Saudi govt. women’s empowerment ...' Good grief.

(A P)

U.N. Yemen mediator to come up with talks framework in two months

United Nations Yemen mediator Martin Griffiths told the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday that he plans to put to the 15-member body a framework for negotiations to end the conflict within two months.

He also warned that there were unconfirmed reports that “movements of forces in Yemen are on the increase” and that the prospect of intensive military operations around Hodeidah port might be forthcoming.

My comment: Get rid of UNSC resolution 2216 (look at cp1), or, I am afraid, you will fail.

(* A P)

UN Yemen Envoy Warns of Possible Military Operation Around Hodeida

The new U.N. envoy for Yemen warned Tuesday that reports of a possible military operation around a major urban center and a key seaport could ruin any hopes of ending that country’s civil war.

“We also hear unconfirmed reports that movements of forces in Yemen are on the increase and that the terrible prospect of intensive military operations in al-Hodeida, long heralded, may be soon forthcoming,” Martin Griffiths told council members.

The U.N. has previously warned that the Yemeni government and the Saudi-led coalition were preparing an offensive on Hodeida seaport to stop Iranian-backed Houthi rebels from using it to smuggle arms and ammunition into the country.

“Our concern is that any of these developments may in a stroke, take peace off the table,” Griffiths told the U.N. Security Council in his first briefing since taking up the post as envoy last month. “I am convinced that there is a real danger of this. We all need urgently and creatively to find ways to diminish the chances of these game-changing events, upsetting and derailing the hopes of the great majority of Yemenis,” he said.

Hodeida is Yemen’s fourth largest city and is densely populated. Its port is a key lifeline, handling nearly 80 percent of the country’s food imports. The Saudi-led coalition briefly blockaded the port last year

(* A P)

Nikki Haley Slams Iran For Supplying Houthi Rebels

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley condemned Iran’s continued support of the Houthis, an Islamic rebel group in Yemen that has continued to attack Saudi Arabia.

“To achieve enduring peace in Yemen, Iran must stop its interference and its violations of the arms embargo this Council imposed,” Haley said in an address to the U.N. Security Council. “Last week, the Houthis launched yet another round of ballistic missiles at Saudi Arabia. At the end of March, debris from a Houthi missile attack against the capital of Saudi Arabia killed a civilian.”

The arms embargo, known as Security Council Resolution 2216, aimed to stop Iran from arming rebel groups in Yemen and demanded the Houthis cease all offensive operations. Clearly, thinks Haley, neither the Iranians nor the Houthis are complying with the resolution.

“Each day that goes by the risk of greater regional conflict increases,” Haley said. “And yet this Council has not acted to hold the Houthis and Iran accountable for weapons that violate the arms embargo and Security Council Resolution 2216.”

My comment: The same absurdities again, while the US sverely backs saudi Arabia. The US is a warring party in the Yemen war.

And another overview of this session:

and here speeches abridged, a lot of propaganda was put on the table:

(*A P)

Parties in Yemen Must Return to Negotiations or Risk Escalating World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis, Senior Officials Tell Security Council

and here the speeches in detail:

(* A P)

Martin Griffiths, Special Envoy for Yemen makes his first briefing to the Security Council and in film

(*A P)

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock, Statement to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Yemen, 17 April 2018 and and Audio:

(A P)

Swedish statement at the UN Security Council Briefing on Yemen

(A P)

Kuwait emphasizes need for political solution to Yemeni crisis

Kuwait's Permanent Delegate to the UN Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi has stated that there was no military solution to the crisis in Yemen.
In his speech at a special UN Security Council session on Yemen Tuesday, Al-Otaibi underlined the need for a political solution to the civil conflict based on the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative, outcome of Yemeni national dialogue and the relevant UN resolutions, particularly resolution No. 2216.

My comment: Who is insisiting on the biased resolution 2216 is prolonging the war (look at cp1).

(A P)

Supporting a UN-led political solution in Yemen

Statement by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, at the Security Council Briefing on Yemen. =

Comment: A rather biased UK perspective on the war. The GCC countries wrote the UN resolution 2216 so it's not surprising that they wrote a resolution that put sanctions on those that opposed them in this horrible war. Surely the suffering of Yemeni people, the humanitarian need, should usurp any political ambitions of the GCC states, and UK and USA. There should be a weapons embargo to all parties seeing that there is no political solution.

(A P)

Russia’s Mideast envoy confirms Moscow’s readiness for any role serving peace in Yemen

The Russian president’s special envoy to the Middle East, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, affirmed his country’s readiness for any role that serves peace, security and stability in Yemen, Arabic news site Youm7 reported on Sunday. and also

(A P)

Iran: US and UK complicity in Yemeni crisis ‘reprehensible’

The US and UK complicity in Yemen crisis is shameful, The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations announced in a statement.

(A P)

Russia Voices Support for Hadi as Yemen Army Frees Govt. Compound in Saada

Russia reaffirmed on Sunday its support for Yemen’s internationally-recognized government fighting against the Iran-backed Houthi-led insurgency and expressed its readiness to adopt any role that serves peace.

Hadi met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on the sidelines of the 29th Arab summit hosted by the Kingdom.

He reiterated Moscow’s support for Yemen and its constitutionally-elected government and noted current preparations for commemorating in November the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Yemeni-Russian relations.

My comment: Russia must decide whether it will back one side of the war or whether it will “adopt any role that serves peace”. Both together does not work.

(A P)

Human UN chief visits Saudi-led coalition's unit to protect Yemeni children

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday visited the Child Protection Unit of the pro-legitimacy in Yemen coalition.
Guterres toured the unit and an exhibition of photos documenting human rights violations and crimes committed by Iranian-backed Houthi militias against children and civilians in Yemen during his visit to the Joint Forces Command.
The UN Secretary-General also discussed with the Commander of the Joint Forces, Lieutenant General Fahad bin Turki the attacks of the Houthi militias on Saudi cities.

(A P)

UN Secretary-General: It is necessary to disarm the Houthis

The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterich said that the international community understands Saudi Arabia's concern about the Houthis attacks, and sees the need for disarming Houthis militants of heavy weapons.

He said in an interview with ‘Al Arabia Alhadath’ Saturday evening, that it is indeed a necessary need to disarm the Houthis, and it comes within the framework of a political solution to end the crisis in Yemen.

"I understand the security concerns in Saudi Arabia and we must find a political solution in Yemen to ensure those security concerns of the Saudi Arabia, and there should be no external intervention in the future of Yemen, and the solution should include the disarmament of illegal forces, especially heavy weapons," he said.

"Any arms supply at the moment is illegal under the UN Security Council resolution. At the same time, any missile launched against the kingdom puts civilians at risk. "


(A P)

UN chief says Houthi must be disarmed

The UN secretary-general on Saturday said that a political solution must be found in Yemen and this solution must include disarming the irregular groups especially the Houthis.

In an interview with the regional TV al-Arabiya Antonio Guterres said he appreciates the Saudi security concerns and so a political solution that assuages the Saudi concerns must be found.

He said that Houthi ballistic missiles against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia endangers the country's civilians.

My comment: This interview shows that Guterres clearly is taking sides in this war – and by this, the UN (once again!!) has lost peace in Yemen.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

Saudi Arabia says open to sending troops to Syria under wider coalition

Saudi Arabia would be prepared to send troops into Syria as part of the U.S.-led coalition if a decision was taken to widen it, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Tuesday.

“We are in discussion with the U.S. and have been since the beginning of the Syrian crisis about sending forces into Syria,” Jubeir told a news conference in Riyadh with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

My comment: Absurd. Yemen is not enough?

(A P)

#Saudi Arabia's government hosted a sermon last week by a preacher who has previously called on God to "destroy the Jews" and "the Christians" and "the Alawites" and "the Shiites", as well as fear mongered about "the claws of the Jews" (1/3)

(B P)

Reality Check for a Superstar Saudi Prince

Mohammed bin Salman made a big impression on a U.S. visit. A Middle East expert says it's too soon to be carried away.

"MBS is the epitome of complication, a very mixed picture," said Bruce Riedel, a Middle East specialist formerly with the Central Intelligence Agency who advised four presidents over almost three decades.

Riedel appreciates both the importance and the limitations of this relationship. He knows MBS and considers him a genuine reformer determined to transform and diversify the fossil-fuel-reliant economy and modernize Saudi society by giving women more rights.

But Riedel also retains some skepticism. He's not impressed by the Trump administration's plan to make Saudi Arabia work with Israel to thwart Iran.

"Saudi Arabia cannot abandon Wahhabism and survive in its current form," Riedel said, noting that the 11 most popular Twitter handles in the kingdom are those of conservative clerics.

My comment: And again an article which just leaves out the main problems. Yemen is just mentioned once. The Yemen war alone would convince every normal thinking person that MBS’ “reforms” are little more than a PR stunt.

(* B K P)

Salman spricht’s aus

Saudi-Arabien: Keine Fake News: Lange Zeit engagierte sich der Westen für den Salafismus

Was von den reformerischen Ambitionen des Thronfolgers bekannt ist, beschränkt sich bisher darauf, saudischen Frauen das Autofahren zu gestatten, in Riad Kinos zu eröffnen und Israel diplomatisch anerkennen zu wollen. Weitgehend unbeachtet bleibt ein ausführliches, am 22. März der Washington Post gegebenes Interview Salmans über die Kooperation zwischen dem Westen und den saudischen Herrschern zur weltweiten Förderung des Salafismus.

Allerdings spricht Prinz Salman von der „Forderung unserer Verbündeten“, dass sich sein Land „für die Schaffung von Koranschulen, Moscheen und die Propaganda des Wahhabismus in der islamischen Welt“ engagieren solle. Gegeben habe es dieses Verlangen erstmals im Jahr 1979, als im Iran ein religiöses Regime errichtet wurde – doch das greift zu kurz. Die Unterstützung islamistischer Bestrebungen durch die Golfstaaten bei wohlwollender Duldung des Westens setzte schon nach dem Sechstagekrieg von 1967 ein. Seinerzeit war das Prestige eines säkular ausgerichteten Panarabismus in Syrien und Ägypten schwer beschädigt. Ziel sei es gewesen, so Salman gegenüber der Washington Post, „die Sowjetunion daran zu hindern, ihren Einfluss in der islamischen Welt zu stabilisieren“. Die Verbündeten hätten darum gebeten, dass „wir dafür unsere finanziellen Mittel einsetzen“.

(A P)

Gipfel der Arabischen Liga hat begonnen

Das 29. Gipfeltreffen der Arabischen Liga in Saudi-Arabien hat begonnen.

(A P)

Riad gegen Irans "offene Einmischung" in arabische Angelegenheiten

Am Gipfeltreffen der Arabischen Liga im saudiarabischen Dhahran hat König Salman dem Iran "offene Einmischung" in Angelegenheiten arabischer Länder vorgeworfen. "Wir bekräftigen unsere entschiedene Verurteilung iranischer Terrorakte in der arabischen Region." =

(A P)

Der Gipfel der Arabischen Liga in Saudi-Arabien zeigte die tiefe Gespaltenheit der Staatengemeinschaft

Obwohl das Treffen von Gastgeber König Salman – ja, den gibt es auch noch, nicht nur seinen Sohn, den Kronprinzen – "Jerusalem-Gipfel" getauft wurde, dominierte das Thema Iran. Die Islamische Republik steckt nach Ansicht Saudi-Arabiens und seiner Verbündeten hinter so ziemlich jedem Konflikt in der Region, vor allem natürlich hinter den Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen

(A P)

Arab League summit concludes works by issuing anti-Iran statement

A statement issued at the end of the 29th Arab League summit in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia once again raised unfounded accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

(A P)

Arab leaders support constitutional legitimacy in Yemen

Arab leaders have reaffirmed their support for constitutional legitimacy in Yemen under the leadership of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

They have praised his government’s measures to restore peace and tackle the coup staged by the Houthi militias.

The show of support came at the 29th Arab Summit in Dhahran, where members also commended the efforts of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition to restore peace to all Yemeni governorates.


(A P)

Arab leaders gather to unify ranks in face of conflict, wars

An annual gathering of Arab leaders has opened in the eastern Saudi city of Dhahran as tensions with Iran and wars in Syria and Yemen threaten stability across the region.

Saudi King Salman told leaders from across the 22-member Arab League that Iran was to blame for instability and meddling in the region. and also


(A P)

Abu Al-Gheit: Iran backs Houthis to destabilize Yemen, threaten region's states

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abu Al-Gheit said that Iran-backed Houthi militia has become a destabilizing factor in Yemen, poses threats to neighboring countries.

Addressing the 29th Arab Summit held Sunday in Al-Dharan city of saudia Arabia, Abu Al-Gheit added:" Iran's interferences in the Arab Affairs have unprecedentedly intensified and never serve Arab interests nor seek for their well benefits".

My comment: This league is little more than a Saudi mouthpiece. Simply forget it. News like this one actually is “No News”.

(A P)

Saudi condemns Iran amid Arab divisions over Syria strikes

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman opened a summit of Arab leaders on Sunday by condemning an old foe, Iran and

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K P)

Lawmakers push to curtail US backing for Saudi campaign in Yemen

Administration officials pushed back against lawmakers who are seeking to end US support for the Saudi Arabian-led coalition in Yemen unless its takes "urgent steps" to reduce the enormous toll of human suffering there.

While lawmakers argued that the Saudi campaign is fueling suffering that will drive terrorism, administration officials said that countering Iran is essential and that the situation would be worse if the US pulls out -- though they had little evidence to show their efforts with the Saudis have lessened effects on civilians.

"The longer the civil war continues, the worse the humanitarian crisis will grow, and the more Yemen will serve as a staging ground for terrorist activities that threaten the US and our partners," said Sen. Todd Young, an Indiana Republican, during a Senate Foreign Relations hearing on administration policy on Yemen.

The Indiana senator is part of a bipartisan group proposing legislation that would require the State Department to repeatedly certify that Saudi Arabia is taking urgent steps to end the Yemeni conflict, ease the humanitarian crisis and lower the risk to civilians.

If State isn't able to do this using unclassified information, the bill would bar US air refueling for Saudi coalition aircraft focused on missions over Yemen. Saudi Arabia has conducted an average of 15 airstrikes a day for three years now, Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut estimated.

At the UN, where the Security Council gathered to meet on Yemen, US Ambassador Nikki Haley stressed that while the US wants peace, it has no intention of rewarding Iran and the Houthi rebels that Tehran backs.

"Iran and the Houthis, in particular, need a much better understanding of our seriousness when it comes to their destabilizing activity," Haley said.

She also stressed Saudi Arabia was entitled to defend itself from missile attacks by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, particularly since they caused a civilian death.

"If a missile killed civilians in Washington DC, I know how we would respond," Haley said.

In Washington, the emphasis was on Yemeni civilians.

US officials from the Defense and State Departments argued that the presence of US personnel helps to mitigate the toll on civilians.

"Curtailing US military support would not persuade the Saudi-led coalition to abandon its air campaign," said acting Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs, David Satterfield. If Washington backs away, Satterfield argued, Saudis could pursue defense relationships with countries that "do not have an interest in ending the humanitarian crisis, minimizing civilian casualties, or making progress towards a political solution.

The US has "fewer than 50 US military personnel" working in Saudi Arabia with the coalition, said Robert Karem, the Pentagon's assistant secretary for policy, "advising and assisting with the defense of Saudi territory, sharing intelligence, and providing logistical support," including aerial refueling.

Karem said that the US is "focused on helping the coalition avoid civilian casualties in Yemen." But when pressed by Maryland Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin, Karem said the US doesn't actually track the results of Saudi military activities.

"We see a difference in how the Saudis operate," Karem said before admitting that, "we do not have perfect understanding because we are not using all of our assets to monitor their aircraft."

My comment: A Déjà Vu. The officials’ statements repeat what already had been said by mattis and others before. Absurdity of its best. Support a bombing campaign if you want to save civilians’ lives. This is US government logics. The victims are given another kick by lampooning them with such an attack against common sense. While Assad is an “animal”, according to Trump.

Comment: U.S. officials' opening statements at SFRC hearing on Yemen are hard to take seriously. They say that the U.S. wants to bring an end to the conflict and alleviate the humanitarian crisis, but U.S. actions show that this is not true.

One of the officials referred to supporting Saudi and Emirati "self-defense" when these are the governments attacking and starving Yemen. The DoD representative is particularly annoying in claiming that our military support has something to do with their self-defense


(* A K P)

Lawmakers grill State Department and Pentagon on US role in Yemen’ civil war

Trump administration officials faced tough questions from lawmakers Tuesday over U.S. military support for Persian Gulf nations involved in Yemen, as congressional pressure grows to reconsider the American role in a conflict that has killed thousands of civilians and spawned the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

The questioning from members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee indicates growing discomfort with U.S. support for the campaign, which activists say has caused thousands of civilian deaths through reckless airstrikes and exacerbated Yemeni suffering by impeding the import of basic goods.

Robert Karem, undersecretary of defense for international security affairs, said the United States believed that Saudi Arabia had improved its procedures for conducting airstrikes. A small number of U.S. military personnel are located at a military command center in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, but do not take part in identifying targets for Saudi warplanes.

Karem acknowledged that the Pentagon does not track civilian casualties in Yemen.

"We do not have perfect understanding because we are not using all of our assets to monitor their aircraft" as they conduct operations over Yemen, Karem said. He later suggested that intelligence agencies may track those casualties but did not provide details.

But Sen. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md., said improved targeting procedures could not be equated with decreased civilian casualties. =

Comment: It’s no more a “civil war”, as there is a “US role”.


(* A P)

Senators Demand Answers From Trump Team on Yemen

Administration officials defended their position, but lawmakers weren’t happy with their answers.

Administration officials at the hearing painted the conflict as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and its regional archrival, Iran, which backs the Houthi rebels who control much of the western part of the country, including its capital, Sanaa.

“Yemen has become a testbed for Iran’s malign activities,” Karem said. He cited the 13 ballistic and other long-range missiles the Houthis launched at Riyadh in the past month as one example. The United States believes Iran supplied the Houthis with the missiles.

With lawmakers losing patience, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is considering a bipartisan bill that aims to check the administration’s unfettered support for the Saudi-led campaign and exert pressure on Riyadh to ease the humanitarian crisis and find a diplomatic solution. The bill requires the State Department to regularly certify that Saudi Arabia is taking steps to end the Yemen civil war, alleviate the humanitarian crisis, and demonstrate it is reducing the risk of civilian casualties in its bombing campaign.

“Right now, the status quo is there is no legal requirement for the administration to engage Congress on Yemen,” says a Democratic Senate aide involved with the bill.

“If your son was shooting off his pistol in the backyard and doing it indiscriminately and endangering the neighbors, would you give him more bullets or less?” asked Rand Paul, the libertarian-leaning Republican Kentucky senator. “Our strategy is to give [the Saudis] more bombs, not less.”


and full film of the hearing:

(* A K P)

Senators hold a hearing on the war in Yemen, a U.S.-backed, Saudi-led campaign that’s already claimed thousands of civilian lives and left ‘millions on the brink of famine,’ according to the Int’l Rescue Committee.

and this is by the DoD:

(* A K P)

Iran Using Yemen as ‘Test Bed’ for Malign Activities, DoD Official Says

The conflict, which began more than three years ago, threatens regional security and U.S. national security interests, which include the flow of commerce in the Red Sea, he said.

“Yemen has become a test bed for Iran's malign activities,” he said, adding that a political solution to the conflict will “reduce the chaos that Iran has exploited to advance its malign agenda.”

The Defense Department’s first line of effort and priority in Yemen is the fight against al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in Yemen, Karem said. AQAP and ISIS in Yemen are “two terrorist organizations that directly threaten the United States, our allies and our partners,” he told the senators.

"We need a stable, inclusive government in Yemen to provide security to the Yemeni people and to reduce and ultimately eliminate terrorist safe havens that are being used by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula -- AQAP -- and ISIS in Yemen," Karem said.

A second line of effort, he said, is to provide limited noncombat support to the Saudi-led coalition in support of the U.N.-recognized government of Yemen, he said.

Fewer than 50 military personnel work in Saudi Araba with the Saudi-led coalition, advising and assisting with the defense of Saudi territory, sharing intelligence and providing logistical support, including aerial refueling, Karem said.

and this is the full DoD statement:

(* A K P)

SFRC Hearing on Yemen Mr. Robert Karem Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy April 17, 2018

(* A K P)

As Senate probes Yemen role, US quietly continues strikes

In the past month, the United States conducted three strikes against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP.)

US Forces Central Command (CENTCOM) has not released details for any strikes in 2018, continuing the military’s limited transparency from the year prior. Without the press releases, the location and results of these strikes remains unknown.

The United States has conducted 25 strikes in Yemen in 2018, LTC Earl Brown at CENTCOM Media Operations said this week. A strike in Jan. 2018 targeted the Islamic State, but the 27 others have all targeted Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen.

The current operational tempo is lower than last year’s record rate, but is still poised to be higher than any other year in the decade-long air campaign. Last year, the United States conducted a record 131 strikes in Yemen.

(A P)

Last night Trump said: “To Iran, and to Russia, I ask: What kind of a nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men, women, and children?” Totally fair question and one Iran and Russia must confront. Yet I’m guessing people in #Yemen might ask US same thing.

(A P)

Disturbing: @YouTube deletes channel of popular leading political satirist after #Saudi Monarchy complained. freedom of expression & art is being quashed by #Youtube

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* A K P)

Film: Corbyn: Berechtigt humanitäre Krise im Jemen jetzt andere Länder zum Angriff auf Saudi-Flughäfen?

Während der ersten Sitzung des Britischen Unterhauses nach den Luftangriffen auf Syrien wies der Oppositionsführer Jeremy Corbyn - der wiederholt lautstark unterbrochen wurde, bis das Präsidium die Abgeordneten zur Ruhe rief - darauf hin, dass angebliche humanitäre Erwägungen für ein militärisches Vorgehen gegen Syrien im Analogieschluss bedeuten müssten, dass dieselben auch für den saudisch-geführten Krieg gelten müssten.

(* A K P)

Film: Corbyn: Does this mean countries could now bomb Saudi airfields over crisis in Yemen?

The Labour leader asked May if she would cease arms sales to Saudi Arabia and stop the government’s support for the bombing campaign in Yemen. and also

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

Saudi Dictator Dines with French President as Yemenis Starve

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited France to sign $18 billion in agreements, while Algerian journalist Akram Belkaid says the catastrophic war on Yemen is barely even mentioned.

AB: So what is happening with Saudi Arabia, you know, the public opinion of course is against selling arms to any country that is using it against another country in wars, especially when it's civil war, and when also it's the richest, one of the richest country in the world, Saudi Arabia, attacking one of the, one of the poorest in the world. But in the same time the government is always doing what it wants on these issues. And even our Congress, our parliament, l'Assemblee nationale, is not able to ask the government what is happening and why are we selling arms, guns, to Saudi Arabia being used against the Yemeni people.

So this is the situation. More than that, it is also a problem for the French media because this war, what is happening is Yemen is not covered at all. You can, may sometimes find some subject about this, some topics, but no one is clearly explaining what is happening. They are trying, sometimes, the main media here are trying to explain that it's a very conventional war, and that of course it's, Saudi Arabia is legitimate to intervene in Yemen because of Iran, because Iran might be present in, in Yemen. So this is why, you know, till now what would be, what should be a national debate is not taking place because of the lack of information in the media, the lack of information to the public opinion, and also the fact that the main, and the main attitude, the main target for the government is to pursue the economic and the political cooperation with Saudi Arabia. It is something you can not change. I mean, it's obviously, France had relations with all these Arab autocrats for a long time. And it is not something that the, what we call the Arab Spring has changed, unfortunately. and interview in film

(A P)

Egypt reasserts support for Yemeni government: Sisi

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met on Monday President of Yemen Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi within the framework of the 2018 Arab League summit held in Saudi Arabia.

Spokesperson of Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bassam Radi stated that the two presidents discussed developments regarding the situation in war-torn Yemen.

Sisi asserted that Egypt stands with the legitimate government in Yemen and supports the unity and safety of the Yemeni state.

(A P)

Somalia Softens Stance On UAE After Gulf State Disbands Military Training & Funding

A day after United Arab Emirates announced cutting military support to Somalia has seemingly back down on its earlier tough stance on the Gulf state.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicates that Somalia regrets last seizure of a UAE aircraft and millions of dollars it carried.

“The Federal Government of Somalia has sought to clarify facts surrounding recent developments in order to remove any room for misunderstanding between the two governments and peoples” the statement partly said.


(A P)

UAE disbands training mission in Somalia

The UAE has decided to disband its military training programme in Somalia which started in 2014 to build the capabilities of the Somali army.

The decision comes in response to Somali security forces' seizure of a UAE-registered civil aircraft at Mogadishu Airport and confiscation of money destined to pay the soldiers.


(A P)

UAE plane in Somalia denied permission to take off as relations tumble

Somali officials refused to let the plan take off after Emirati military training personnel refused to put their heavy luggage through scanners at Bosaso airport

(* A K P)

Morocco to repatriate F16 Jets from Saudi-led Campaign in Yemen over Tensions in Sahara

The Moroccan royal air force will withdraw its F16 fighter jets taking part in the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthis in Yemen as the Moroccan army is placed on high alert following the recent tensions with the Algerian-backed Polisario separatists in the north-west of the Sahara territory, said.

Citing sources from the royal air force, the website said that the retreat of Moroccan F16 jets is not a pullout from the coalition but rather a move to strengthen the Moroccan military capabilities.


(* A K P)

Morocco withdraws from the Arab Coalition Forces in Yemen

According to Moroccan website Al-Ayam 24, some observers have linked Morocco’s withdrawal of its squadron to the acceleration of events in the Sahara and the buffer zone. However some commentators consider suggest it is routine redeployment.

The Moroccan website has quoted the “well-informed sources” as saying that under the direction of General Abdelfattah Louarak, head of Royal Armed Forces, a squadron of six planes, which had been sent to the United States improvements, has been ordered to return.

(A P)

Ex-Chef von Propaganda-Firma soll Nachrichtenagentur AFP leiten

Neuer Chef der französischen Nachrichtenagentur Agence France-Presse (AFP) wird Fabrice Fries, der frühere Präsident des PR-Giganten Publicis Consultants. Die Firmengruppe macht mutmaßlich auch politische Propaganda, etwa für Saudi-Arabiens Krieg gegen Jemen.

Die PR-Agentur arbeite schon länger mit der saudischen Monarchie zusammen, schreibt Ali Özkök auf RT weiter. Bereits 2016 verbreitete die MSL-Group einen Artikel des saudischen Außenministers Adel bin Achmed al-Dschubeir, der die Hinrichtung von 47 Menschen an einem Tag - darunter der schiitische Kleriker Nimr an-Nimr - als "Kampf gegen den Terrorismus" rechtfertigte.

(B P)

Ex-Spy Says the Daughter of Dubai's Ruler Has Been Missing Since He Tried to Help Her Escape

Her friends say the last they saw of her was when commandos intercepted their sailboat in the Arabian Sea and dragged her away, kicking and screaming. A daughter of Dubai’s ruler, she had been trying to escape her homeland, saying she was being abused.

Since then, the whereabouts of Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum are unknown, though she was likely brought back to the United Arab Emirates after the commando raid last month, said Herve Jaubert, a French ex-spy who told The Associated Press that he helped organize her escape attempt.

(A P)

#Bahrain's corrupt judiciary sentences 16YO S.Majid AlMahfoudh to 3yrs in prison, raising his total sentence to 5yrs.17YO Kumail AbdelHassan was sentenced to 7yrs, for a total of 9yrs. Seven other AlNoaim village detainees all under 25yoa were sentenced to 7yrs. (photos)

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(B K)

Film: ARWA | Flash | Mercenaries: #US, #UK, #France backed #Saudi & #UAE Coalition violate #YEMEN people's right to self-determination with thousands of #Sudan Jinjaweed, Blackwater-type mercs and #US Treasury specially designated global terrorists.

(* A K P)

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Show dates: January 20 – 22, 2019, Venue: Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

(* B K P)

Activist Explains How French Weapons End up in Saudi Hands Warring in Yemen

Yemeni human rights activists have charged Mohammad bin Salman, accusing him of aiding in “acts of torture” during the campaign in Yemen. Paris is being put under pressure, due to the fact that French weaponry is used in the conflict by the coalition. Tony Fortin, member of the board of the Observatory for Arms told Sputnik how this happened.

Fortin said that one of the most controversial deals is the selling of French arms on the DONAS contract. According to it, Saudi Arabia paid for weapons that must have been delivered to Lebanon.

"Part of the weaponry, which was delivered to Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners, were originally intended for Lebanon. Companies that created it worked under the DONAS contract," Fortin said. "In 2015 [the government] asked them to adapt their weapons to Yemeni conditions. Some of the companies were surprised that the weaponry they were creating would be used in the bombing of civilians," he added.

According to Fortin, one of the main problems with the arms deals with Saudis is their non-transparency due to a large number of broker companies, although such practices will be banned in the near future.

(A K P)

Emirati rifle to be manufactured in India

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed by India’s MKU and the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE’s) EDIC Caracal covering the manufacture of the CAR817AR Advanced Gas Piston-based Assault Rifle.

The CAR817AR is said to be more rugged and stable in harsh environments such as sand and mud. The rifle will be manufactured under the ‘Make in India’ initiative at MKU’s facility in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

(* A P)

Audio: Kosten des Krieges (1/3) - Wer verdient am Waffenhandel?

In Irak, Syrien, Libyen, Mali, Afghanistan, Jemen, Somalia: Überall wo gekämpft wird, stellt sich die Frage, wo kommen die Waffen her und wie kamen sie dorthin? Wer bezahlt und wer kassiert? Woher haben Terrormilizen, Brigaden und marodierende Armeen die Mittel, sich Waffen zu kaufen?

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* A K P)

Saudi, UAE recruiting 1000s of African mercenaries: Report

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are reportedly recruiting thousands of African mercenaries to serve in their military adventurism overseas, including the bloody war on Yemen.

Saudi sources told the al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper that the kingdom is likely using Chadian mercenaries in its operations abroad.

They said the speculation had gained more credence after Chad’s President Idriss Déby traveled to Saudi Arabia earlier in the month to observe the Joint [Persian] Gulf Shield-1 military drills in the eastern Saudi city of Jubail.

The kingdom has signed secret agreements with N’Djamena, enabling its enlistment of thousands of Chadian mercenaries, according to the sources.

The UAE is, meanwhile, seeking to recruit thousands of mercenaries from Uganda to deploy in Yemen and Somalia, Yemen’s al-Masirah television network reported, citing Arabic media outlets.

(* A K P)

Ugandan soldiers to bolster UAE forces in Yemen

With fears that Sudan will pull out of the Saudi-led coalition, UAE looks to Uganda

The UAE plans to use Ugandan forces to reinforce its military operations in Yemen, a Yemeni source told news site Arabi21.

According to the source, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan plans to visit Uganda soon to sign several agreements, including one which would see 8,000 fighters sent to Yemen to support UAE forces there.

Another 2,000 fighters would be sent to Somalia, according to Arabi21.

The source said that the UAE wants the help of the Ugandan soldiers because it fears that Sudan will withdraw its forces from the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen and the strategy hasn't been coordinated in advance with Saudi Arabia.

On Uganda and UAE, also read

(A K P)

Uganda denies plan to deploy in Yemen

However, government yesterday dismissed the reports, saying there was no such plan and discussion between Uganda and the United Arab Emirates.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Central Bank of Yemen Responds to Rumors on Social Media

Social media activists and some websites shared rumors about the intent of the Central Bank of Yemen to print additional amounts of Yemeni Riyals that may lead to the collapse of the national currency in front of foreign currencies, especially US Dollar. The Central Bank of Yemen officially negated the rumors saying that no new amounts of banknotes will be printed, and monetary exchange will be limited to amounts under current exchange

Remark: “President” Hadi’s new Chaos Central Bank at Aden.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Worrying. #IslamicState #Yemen issues photoset showing printing & distribution of #ISIL's weekly bulletin al-Naba'. That's one way of getting round poor internet access in Yemen's remote areas like "Wilayat" al-Bayda'. It's recent as issue depicted is recognizable as last week's (images)

(A T)

#IslamicState posts photos of it battling "the apostate #Yemen army with heavy weapons" in Qayfa, al-Bayda' + 3 more #ISIS jihadists killed on this front: 2 from Taiz (rich recruiting ground) & 1 from Aden. (photos)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Report: 268 Houthi violations in Mahweet during Q1 of 2018

My comment: hadi government supportes’ figure plays.

(A P)

Houthis have hardened against a political process in Yemen

Saudi Arabia open to sending troops to Syria under wider coalition

The success of any political solution in Yemen depends on the Houthi militias, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said here on Tuesday in a joint press conference with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

“Saudi Arabia did not want a war in Yemen but was forced into it after the coup against the legitimate government by the Houthi militias,” Jubeir said, adding that the Houthis have hardened against a political process in Yemen because of Iran’s obstinacy and interference. and also

(A P)

Alleged rape victim in Yemen Confesses She Lied

Sudanese forces investigated the allegations and the girl confessed in front of the leader of the camp of local resistance that nothing had happened to her and this accident is completely falsified.

My comment: Well, they threatened her, the other women and her family.

Comment: How much more stupid can #Sudan get in #Yemen? Much more, clearly.

(A P)

UAE Press: Well-deserved praise for UAE over role in Yemen

In an editorial today (Tuesday), a UAE newspaper said that the horrendous atrocities committed by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias have led the Yemeni people to say "enough is enough". "They (Yemenis) are more and more determined to liberate the entire country from the militias, with the support of the Arab Coalition, led by Saudi Arabia," Sharjah-based The Gulf Today said.

Dr. Al Hassan Ali Taher, Governor of Hodeidah, is absolutely correct in stating that the UAE’s support for the Yemeni people is a model to follow by other countries that desire to support the rights of the oppressed, it added.

The paper noted, "The UAE Armed Forces, as part of the Arab Coalition, are launching various military operations to ensure the security of Yemen’s Red Sea Coast and protect maritime navigation in a strategic international commercial route. b

(A P)

Al-Alimi: Arab region suffered major rift as a result of Iranian interventions.

The Director of the Office of the Presidency of the Republic, Dr. Abdullah Al-Alimi, stressed that the Arab Coalition backing the government is one of the most important assets in countering Iran's expansionist project in the region and its interventions that have harmed the Arab region and Arab security.

(A P)

Destroying the structures of extremism

Prince Mohammed bin Salman correctly diagnosed the intellectual issues and triggers that lead men to commit acts of terrorism. In an interview with TIME magazine, he spoke about the Muslim Brotherhood’s crimes and their role in promoting this evil.

He also discussed another dangerous movement that has its supporters and followers in Saudi Arabia, the Sururist Movement, which lies at the center of the Islamic Sahwa (Awakening) Movement. It’s an era that the state is working on sweeping away and making it history.

The prince described the Sururists as even more extreme than the Muslim Brotherhood, and added: “According to our law, they are criminals” promising to take them to court whenever there is enough evidence against any one of them, which is a very important step.

Neither Sahwa nor Sururism has been defeated yet. It will take a long time before they can be defeated. There are extended conflicts and fierce battles ahead. However, we will cross the bridge. The path is rough but we have the strength and the capability. What we rely on to destroy the structures of the guardians of illusion is the political decision which wants this phenomenon to disappear.

My comment: Wahabism is extremism par excellence. Here, new fictional dangers are constructed. And, articles like this show that wahabism does not accept anything else than Wahabism. For Sururism, read: , for Sahwa:

(A P)

Dhahran Summit and the dialogue of priorities

The meeting’s sponsor, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz called for a “strong international stance to confront Iran’s behavior in the region,” and reiterated warnings of this “Iranian behavior’s threat.”
Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit reiterated that there’s a need for an Arab stance against Iranian stances.

Threats are common. Bahrain and Lebanon suffered from Iran’s interferences six years ago, and today we can see that Iran’s rifles expanded the scope of their activity towards Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria. If some Arab governments do not think Iran’s behavior is a threat, either because they’re geographically far from it or because they have a political consensus with it, the Arab League’s principle of joint defense, and on which the league was established, will have failed.


(A P)

The Dhahran Summit and Tehran

The more dangerous file is regarding Iranian interferences in the region and different Arab stances when dealing with Tehran. Arabs should agree that Iran is a lurking and ambitious enemy that must be confronted. Clear stances must be taken in this regard especially after it was confirmed that the ballistic missiles launched from Yemen against Saudi Arabia were of Iranian origin.

(A P)

Pro-#UAE #Yemen press today claims #Houthis have new strategy to coordinate with #AQAP & arranged prison-break of 18 jihadists in Bayda’ Saturday to counter recent coalition gains. Seems far-fetched. 49% of formal AQAP ops this year were in Bayda’ & they all targeted Houthis


(A P)

Details of deal between Iran, Qaeda to spread terrorism in Yemen

Recent reports affirmed that Iran has made a deal with Al Qaeda to release their imprisoned terrorists in Yemen through their puppet, the Houthi militias.

The Mullah regime has instructed their puppets, Houthis, to release 18 terrorists of Al Qaeda from the Yemeni prisons, to fuel the conflict Al Bayda' city in central Yemen.

The deal, whose details were not revealed, was made to spread chaos across the country

My comment: Absurd propaganda, referring to a prisoners’ escape, look at cp5.

(A P)

We are determined to liberate Yemen: Hodeidah Governor

Dr. Al Hassan Ali Taher, Governor of Hodeidah, highlighted the determination of the Yemeni people to liberate the entire country from the Houthi militias, with the support of the Arab Coalition, led by Saudi Arabia.

In an interview with the Emirates News Agency, WAM, Dr. Taher said that he is optimistic after the liberation of many strategic areas, as well as the consecutive defeats of the militias and the retreat of their fighters from many battlefronts.

Remark: Hadi-government-appointed governor.

(A P)

Time for region’s leaders to put Arab interests first

With the Middle Eastern policies of Western nations more fickle, uncommitted and unreliable than ever before, the Dhahran Arab League summit was an opportunity for Arab states to stand up and display strategic regional leadership.
Iranian meddling is the common denominator straddling the perfect storm of geopolitical crises the region faces. Tehran should not be feared or placated — combined Arab League GDP, at over $3.2 trillion, is nearly 10 times that of Iran. Tehran boasts third-rate military capabilities and only constitutes a threat because it spent decades mobilizing Arab militants against their own countrymen. Should we pity or despise those who sold their souls for pennies from Tehran, when the Arab world boasts such immense capacities and riches? If only we could come together to deploy these resources effectively and wisely.
The Tehran regime cannibalized its own economy to bankroll overseas terrorism and militancy. Iran furthermore invests billions in media, educational and theological institutions that sow seeds of sectarian hatred throughout the Arab world.

My comment: The last sentence quoted here is the best joke. This is from a Saudi website, and this sentence exactly describes what Saudi spreading of Wahabism is (worldwide, and not just in the Arab world).

(A P)

Arab Summit Starts 29th session in Dhahran 4 Dhahran

We also support all efforts aimed at reaching a political solution to the crisis in Yemen, in accordance with the GCC initiative and its executive mechanism, the outcomes of Yemen's Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference and UN Security Council Resolution No. 2216.
We call upon the international community to work towards preparing all means to deliver humanitarian aid for the various areas of Yemen.
We hold the Iran-backed Houthi militias fully responsible for the emergence and continuation of the Yemeni crisis and the human suffering that has afflicted Yemen.

(A P)

Arab leaders support constitutional legitimacy in Yemen

The 29th Arab Summit has affirmed Arab leaders' continued support for constitutional legitimacy in Yemen under the leadership of Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and the measures taken by his government to put an end to the coup staged by the Houthi militias and restore peace to all Yemeni governorates.

In the summit's final communique issued this evening, the Arab leaders condemned the myriad ballistic missiles launched by the Houthi militia towards several cities in Saudi Arabia.

(A P)

Al-Jubair: Iran and Terrorism are Two Faces of the Same Coin

Al-Jubair indicated that terrorism should be treated firmly, and its financial resources should be dried. He added that Iran and terrorism are two faces of the same coin in the region. Al-Jubair asserted that Al-Houthi militias hold full responsibility of the Yemeni crisis.

(A P)

The South… Fighting Terrorism Alone!

Southern citizens fight, on behalf of the whole world, this criminal thought with all what they can use. They sacrificed their soles to vanquish this terrorist thinking. In return, we don’t see international support for fighting terrorism. We don’t even know why the whole world left us alone to face this monster. Only the Arab Coalition supports us in our fight against terrorism and coup forces as well while the whole world remained in the spectators’ seats without any kind of media

Remark: Form Southern separatists.

(A P)

Yemeni Govt. Accuses Iran of Pushing Houthis to Escalation

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr stated on Saturday that the ballistic missiles and drones used by the Houthi militias are made by Iran.
These weapons were never part of the state’s army before the Houthi coup, he explained after a cabinet session in Aden.
He added that the militias have no control over agreeing to a peace agreement in Yemen because they are pawns for Iran.
Tehran is the side that ordered the militias to intensify their rocket attacks against Saudi Arabia in an attempt to ease their international isolation and hamper peace efforts.

(A P)

Al Jazeera under fire for tweet ‘justifying’ attacking Saudi Arabia, Israel in response to Syria strike

The US, the UK and France early on Saturday launched strikes on positions and bases in response to the chemical weapons attack conducted by Syrian President Bashar Assad on Douma. Al Jazeera’s Arabic service tweeted: “Houthi leader: The best response to the military aggression on Syria is bombing the financier Saudi Arabia and Israel, the partner.”
That is despite the fact that Qatar itself had expressed support for the US, British and French operations against military targets used by the Syrian regime.

Comment: This is quite crazy. When you look at the actual content Al Jazeera are just quoting someone not making the assertion themselves. What on earth is 'truth' these days?

(A P)
More Saudi / UAE “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

April 16:

April 15:

April 14:

(* A H K)

UN Children's Fund: Military action on and around water infrastructure jeopardizes efforts to prevent another outbreak of cholera in Yemen

Statement attributable to Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director in the Middle East and North Africa

“Earlier this week, the Al-Hamazat water system in the Sehar district in Sa’ada governorate was completely destroyed in an attack that left 7,500 people, including internally displaced families, without water. During the attack, the nearby solar energy system which provides power to the water system was also severely damaged. The same water system came under attack and was destroyed in 2015. UNICEF rebuilt it in 2017.

“At the same time, armed groups have launched military attacks from sites close to water points.

“Access to clean water is especially critical to prevent waterborne diseases from spreading further in the war-torn country. Last year, Yemen had the biggest outbreak of cholera/acute watery diarrhea in the world and the likelihood of another outbreak looms if access to water continues to be jeopardized.

My comment: Why not mentioning who attacked this infrastructure? Uruguay? The Vaticane? It has been a Saudi coalition air raid.

(* A K pH)

6 civilians killed in Saudi airstrike in Hodeidah

At least 6 citizens were killed when the Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit Hodeidah province, an official told Saba on Tuesday.
The airstrike targeted a home in al-Haed area in Hais district

(A K pS)

Houthi senior operatives and Hezbollah missile experts killed in airstrike

A senior operative of the Houthi rebel militia and a number of missile experts from the Lebanese Hezbollah militia have been killed by Arab Coalition air strikes that targeted their positions in Saada province. in one of the caves near al-Boqaa in Saada, the stronghold of the Houthi rebels.

My comment: This sounds like propaganda bullshit.

(A K pS)

Coalition airstrikes target several Houthis sites in Saada, Lahj provinces

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition aircrafts launched several air raids on the Houthis militants strongholds in Sa’ada provinces, and in Lahij province.

Eyewitnesses told Almasdaronline that the aircrafts launched four raids on the Special Forces camp (Central Security) in the city of Saada.

They said that the air strikes targeted the mechanisms and sites of the Houthis, resulting in the deaths and injuries.

In the context, the aircrafts launched four raids on the positions of the Houthi militants in the Al-Shuraija and Hamla regions in Karish in Lahj province.

Moreover, a military source said that the aircrafts targeted the Houthi gatherings in the said area.

Remark: As claimed by a pro-Saudi, pro-Hadi site. The Houthi side just confirms the air raids as such (see below).


(A K pS)

Arab coalition air strikes target Houthi in Yemen’s Sarawah

DUBAI: The Arab coalition launched several air strikes targeting the Houthi militia in the Sarawah district, Saudi state-news channel Al-Ekhbariya reported.
There was an unspecified number of dead and injured in the raids, that also led to the destruction of military hardware held by the militia

Remark: As claimed by a Saudi site. Saada province.

(* A K pH)

On Monday morning, 16/4/2018, more than 13 air strikes targeted the Jabal Masar fort in the Haraz area of the Directorate of Manakha.

Causing the death and wounding of about 10 citizens, including women and children, as well as the destruction of communication towers and radio towers, destroying and damaging many of the homes of citizens and causing a great panic among the people of the region.

[Names of 2 killed and 5 injured] (photos)

More photos:


(A K pS)

Arab Coalition jets bombard Houthi secret camp in Sana'a

The Arab Coalition's fighter jets bombed a secret training camp for Houthi rebels in Al-Hayma district in Sana'a, a local official said.

Remark: As claimed by a pro-Saudi, pro-Hadi site. Not mentioned by the Houthi side.

(* A K pH)

Seven killed, injured in aggression airstrikes, bullets by Saudi border guards

An airstrikes waged on the building of the court in the area of Gammar, two raids on Shaaban area of Razeh district, a raid on a water tank in the area of Talan and raid on the area of Maran in Haidan district.
Two airstrikes targeted area of Mathab in al- Safraa district and Kahlan camp east of the city of Saada, and a raid on the area of Qehza north of the city.
A child were killed, while her mother and sister were injured in an airstrike targeted a house at al- Atn area in Bakil al- Meer district in the province of Hajjah, and also a raid on a car at al-Abtah area in district of Qarah, causing to the killing of its driver and a woman.

(* A K pH)

Fresh Saudi aerial aggression kills at least 6 people across Yemen

Yemen's official Saba news agency, citing an unnamed military official on Monday, reported that at least two women and one man were killed after Saudi fighter jets pounded a residential area in the Manakhah district of the western province of Sana’a, adding that a child was also injured in the raid.

Yemen's Arabic-language al-Masirah satellite television network, however, raised the number of people wounded to five, excluding the child. It added that another child was wounded in a separate airstrike in Sa'fan district in the same province.

Meanwhile, Saba news agency, in another report, said that at least one child was killed and her mother and sister were injured after Saudi warplanes hit their house in Bakil al-Mir district in the northwestern province of Hajjah.

(* A K pH)

Saudi aggression on NW Yemen kills 5 civilians

Saudi airstrikes on Yemen claimed the lives of 5 civilians in Hajjah and Saada Provinces in northwestern Yemen.

Saudi jet fighters on Sunday night attacked a house in Hajjah and killed a child and injured two others, Yemeni TV Channel ‘Almasirah’ reported.

This is while, attack on a car in Ghareh Town killed two people.

According to Almasirah, Saudi border guards also killed 2 Yemenis in Saada Province.

(A K pH)

Film: The crime of Saudi - American aggression against a man and his wife in the Directorate of Tahita in Hodeidah Governorate 15-04-2018

(A K pH)

Film: Targeting the American - Saudi aggression car of a citizen in Taiz

(A K pS)

Air Raids target radio and television towers in central Yemen

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition aircraft destroyed On Sunday, radio and television towers and an Enhanced Telecom Network in the central of Ibb province.

Local sources told Almasdaronline that coalition aircrafts bombed radio and television towers and an Enhanced Telecom Network at the highest peak in al-Qabreen area, in al-Rabadi region, Jabala district, southwestern Ibb.

The sources confirmed that the shelling destroyed the towers, and wounded the guard of the site, Hamoud Saleh Naji, as well as destroyed a car of another citizen named Hamoud Naji Ghaleb. and report by pro-Houthi Saba Net.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

April 17: Taiz p. Saada p. Hajjah p. Lahj p.

April 16: Saada p. Hodeidah p. Sanaa city Hajjah p. Hajjah p. Saada p.

April 15: Taiz p. Saada p. Hodeidah p.

April 14: Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K)

Hadi government forces seized al Malahit city from al Houthi forces in al Zaher district, western Sa’ada governorate, northern Yemen on April 15. Hadi government control of al Malahit cuts off al Houthi supply lines leading from Sa’ada city to Haradh city in Hajjah governorate, according to local sources. Sa’ada governorate is the historic stronghold of the al Houthi movement.[2]

Hadi government forces began an offensive to seize Haradh city from al Houthi forces in northern Hajjah governorate, northwestern Yemen on April 17. Hadi government forces seized Midi city, west of Haradh city, from al Houthi forces on April 10. The Saudi-led coalition previously deployed troops to Haradh district for an offensive on Haradh city on March 6.[3]

(A K pS)

A military expert stated that the #Houthi rebels have turned the desert district of Midi into a minefield, as they planted everywhere in the district even under the trees. (photo)

(A K pH)

a civilian was injured by the fire of Saudi border guards in Munabah district.
Meanwhile, Saudi missile targeted several areas in Bagem, Ghmer and Razeh , causing large damage in citizens’ properties.

(A K pS)

Arab Coalition: Houthi Ballistic Missile Platforms Destroyed in Yemen

The Arab coalition to restore legitimacy in Yemen declared on Monday that it had destroyed several ballistic missile platforms that were used by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.
Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki said during a press conference that the majority of the platforms are located in Yemen’s Saada province.

(A K pS)

Spokesman for the coalition forces reviews Iranian-Houthi drones fired on Abha threatening global security

In a press conference held on Monday in Khobar, the Spokesman of the Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Malki reviewed a video presentation of the Iranian-Huthi suicide drones that were launched on Abha city threatening global security. The press conference also included the position of the operations of Restore Hope to support the legitimacy within Yemen and targeting and attacking Houthi capabilities within Yemen across the Saudi border and the Houthi infiltrations and threats to regional and international security.
Colonel al-Maliki also reviewed the firing zones of the ballistic missiles from inside Yemen towards the Kingdom, indicating that the number of ballistic missiles fired on the Kingdom until the date of April 16, 2018, were 119 missiles and the number of projectiles were 66259, which comes within the Huthis' violations and threats to regional and international security. and also

My comment: 119 Houthi missiles against more than 16,000 Saudi coalition air raids.

(A K pH)

Army fired Badr-1 ballistic missile on Saudi power plant

The missile force of the army and popular committees on Monday fired a ballistic missile on the power plant of Najran, a military official told Saba.


(A K pS)

Saudi Arabia shoots down Houthi missile

Saudi air defenses have shot down a ballistic missile fired by the Houthi militia in Yemen toward the southern Saudi province of Najran on Monday.

(A K pS)
Arab Coalition intercepts two Houthi missiles in western Yemen

Arab Coalition air defense systems on Sunday intercepted two ballistic missiles fired by Houthi militias toward the coastal Yemeni city of al-Mokha.

Sources said the intercepted ballistic missiles over Mokha were destroyed without causing any damage. The initial launching points of the missiles has not been pinpointed yet.

(A K pH)

Film: Aggression mercenaries target citizens in the Directorate of Mtoun in Al - Jouf 15-04-2018

(A K pH)

Saudi snipers gunned down 2 citizens, shelling artillery in Sadaa

Two citizens were killed by the Saudi' snipers in Manba border in Sadaa province, a secretary official told Saba on Monday.
Meanwhile, the Saudi missiles and artillery shelling attacks on differences areas in Razah district in Sadaa

(A K pH)

Citizen killed by the Saudi’ mercenaries in the border in Munbah district.
Also several places in Sadaa hit by Saudi’ artillery and missiles.
The attack left causing large losses in properties of the citizens and their farms.

(A K pS)

Houthis Continue to Siege, Shell Hais in Hodeidah

An old woman and a 16-year-old girl were both killed and another woman was wounded due to Houthi shelling against the houses of civilians in the Hais district, south of Hodeidah.

According to local sources, the causalities resulted when the Houthis shelled the house of civilian citizen Ali Mohammed Shehab in the neighborhood of al-Mahel in Hais district, south of Hodeidah.

(* A K pS)

Saudi Arabia intercepts Houthi missile attack on port city

The attack on Jazan was the third in three days as the rebel group vowed to step up its military capability

The repulsed attack had targeted densely populated areas of the city and sent showers of shrapnel and fragments on to homes, said Col Turki Al Malki, a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition. “No casualties or damage were reported,” he was quoted as saying by the Saudi Press Agency.

(A K pS)

Houthis kill child, injure his brother by heavy shelling

Houthis killed Jamal Jameel a 14 year old boy and dismembered the feet of his younger brother by heavy shelling on their village in Wadi Aman area east of the city of Taiz on Sunday

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A D)

Football 'miracle' offers shared goal for war-torn Yemen

A "miracle" winning streak has propelled Yemen's senior and youth football teams to the Asian Cup, catching the war-torn nation's attention and offering a common goal to a divided country.

Qualification is a first ever for the senior team, currently based in Qatar, and a rare achievement for the under-16s who still train in Yemen.

"Qualification has brought Yemenis together -- they're doing us proud," said Ahmed Sabahi, a fan in the southern port city of Aden.

"All Yemenis are behind their team," he said.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-404 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-404: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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