Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 406 - Yemen War Mosaic 406

Yemen Press Reader 406: Interview mit Barbara Wally – Misshandlung von Flüchtlingen – US-Bericht zu Menschenrechten – Tropenkrankheiten – Saudi-Luftangriffe: Taiz 20 Tote, Hodeidah 5, Saada 5

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Interviewing Barbara Wally (in German) – Refugees are mistreated (in German) – US State Dep. Human Rights Report for Yemen – Tropical diseases in Yemen – Saudi coalition air raids kill 20 in Taiz, 5 in Hodeidah, 5 in Saada provinces – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Most important: Saudischer Luftangriff tötet 20 Menschen / Saudi air raid killing 20 people

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B H K P)

Interview mit Barbara Wally

In einem Krieg wie diesem, der militärisch nicht zu gewinnen ist, werden andere Strategien eingesetzt um Druck auszuüben und Nachgeben zu erzwingen. Not, Hunger, Schutzlosigkeit und Ohnmacht werden zur Demoralisierung eingesetzt und auch die karitativen Leistungen werden zunehmend strategisch instrumentalisiert.

Unter dem massiven öffentlichen Druck kündigte Saudi Arabien an, Hilfsgüter im Werte von 1,5 Milliarden USD in den Jemen zu entsenden. Allerdings wickelt das Land die Spendenaktionen nicht über die professionellen Organisationen ab, sondern hat eine eigene „Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operation initiative“ eingerichtet, ein rein saudisches Unternehmen unter Ausschluss der internationalen Hilfsorganisationen, das auf dem gesamtjemenitischen Gebiet in 17 Korridoren von Marib aus, das unter saudischer Kontrolle steht, operieren und Hilfsgüter transportieren und zur bedürftigen Bevölkerung bringen will. Offensichtlich will Saudi Arabien die angekündigten Hilfsleistungen mit strategischen Interessen verknüpfen und sich auf diese Weise Zugang zu den Houthi-Gebieten verschaffen. Zudem wird offensichtlich mehr Geld für die Propaganda dieser Aktion eingesetzt als für die Aktion selbst.

In Bezug auf Hadi klaffen die Innensicht innerhalb des Jemen und die Außensicht, insbesondere die Berichterstattung über den Jemen, extrem auseinander. Die Legitimität Hadis ist seit seinem Rücktritt 2014 mehr als fragwürdig und beruht auf der Formel „des international anerkannten Präsidenten“. Eine Formel, die für Saudi Arabien wichtig ist, weil die saudische Regierung den Angriff auf den Jemen mit der Wiedereinsetzung des „rechtmäßigen“ Präsidenten begründet hat. Aber auch die USA, GB und Russland halten zumindest nach außen und auf dem Papier an Hadis Präsidentschaft fest, die er von seiner Residenz in Riad mit mehr oder weniger befolgten Erlässen, Ernennungen und Absetzungen ausübt. Hadi ist auf jemenitischem Gebiet „persona non grata“, im Houthi-Gebiet gilt er als Staatsfeind und Verräter, weil er die Saudis zum Bombenkrieg eingeladen hat, und im Süden verweigert ihm die Besatzungsmacht der Emirate die Landeerlaubnis. An der Person Hadis öffnet sich eine weitere Kluft, denn während Hadi als treuer Vasall der Saudis gilt, versuchten ihn die Emirate von Anfang an zu demontieren, weil seine Anhängerschaft vorwiegend aus Muslimbrüdern besteht.

Doch je mehr Hadis Einfluss schwindet, desto mehr drängt sich die Frage auf, was mit den zigtausenden Soldaten des regulären Heeres geschehen wird, wenn es keinen Oberbefehlshaber mehr gibt? Werden daraus Milizen, die von den verschiedenen in- und ausländischen Interessensgruppen für ihre Ziele instrumentalisiert werden?

Am wichtigsten ist es aber, in der Diskussion um Waffenexporte den Zusammenhang zwischen Waffenlieferungen, Kriegsgeschehen und Flüchtlingsströmen herzustellen. Gerade angesichts der hohen Gewinne in der Waffenproduktion und im Waffenhandel würde ich dafür plädieren, Waffenexporte in (potentiell) Krieg führende Länder mit sehr hohen Exportsteuern zu belegen, die nach dem Verursacherprinzip einerseits für den Wiederaufbau im betroffenen Land, andererseits für die angemessene Unterbringung und Betreuung von Flüchtlingen aus Kriegsländern verwendet werden.

Mit jedem Kriegstag mehr, fürchte ich, tragen die Kinder durch Unterernährung, Krankheiten und Traumatisierung bleibende Schäden davon, jeden Tag mehr, die ihr weiteres Leben bestimmen werden, vielleicht sogar noch das Leben ihrer Kinder – so wie unser Leben (ich gehöre der Nachkriegsgeneration an) vom Horror des 2. Weltkriegs und den Gräueltaten geprägt wurden. Die jemenitischen Kinder werden weniger Chancen haben als andere Kinder, die in Frieden aufwachsen können. Ich glaube auch, dass die Menschen im Jemen nicht zur ihrer früheren Lebensform, zu ihrer Gastfreundschaft, ihrer Großzügigkeit und Lebensfreude zurückkehren können – nach allem was sie jetzt durchmachen. =

(** B H P)

Menschenrechtler prangern Folter und Vergewaltigung von Flüchtlingen im Jemen an

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) wirft Behörden im Jemen Folter, Vergewaltigung und Tötung afrikanischer Flüchtlinge vor. Wachleute in einem seit Anfang 2017 betriebenen Haftzentrum in Aden schlugen einem am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Bericht zufolge Flüchtlinge mit Metallstangen und übten sexuelle Gewalt gegen sie aus. Mindestens zwei Gefangene seien erschossen worden.

Die Organisation befragte acht Migranten, die in dem Haftzentrum der südlichen Hafenstadt Aden festgehalten wurden, sowie Vertreter der jemenitischen Regierung. Ein ehemaliger Häftling berichtete, dass sich die Wärter jede Nacht ein Opfer holten, darunter junge männliche Insassen. Er kenne sieben Jungen, die vergewaltigt worden seien. Das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) bestätigte die Angaben in einem eigenen Bericht und forderte ungehinderten Zugang zu den Gefangenen.

Die jemenitische Regierung trägt laut HRW zudem die Verantwortung für den Tod von Migranten, die unter Zwang über das Meer abgeschoben werden.

Schuldhaftes Verhalten sieht die Nichtregierungsorganisation auch bei den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten.

Von den Emiraten unterstützte Sicherheitskräfte wurden laut HRW damit beauftragt, "Migranten und Vertriebene zusammenzutreiben und in das Gefangenenzentrum zu transportieren". =

Bemerkung: Der ausführliche Bericht von HRW auf Englisch: YPR 405, cp1.

(** B K P)

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2017. Yemen

US State Department: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

The most significant human rights issues attributable to the Houti-Saleh rebels, and sometimes to the government authorities or various armed actors in the country, included extrajudicial killings; forced disappearances and kidnappings; reports of torture; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention; arbitrary infringements on privacy rights; repression of the freedoms of expression, the press, assembly, and association; the inability of citizens to choose their government through free and fair elections; pervasive corruption; criminalization of same sex sexual conduct, although the law was not enforced; recruitment and use of child soldiers; and trafficking in persons, including forced labor.

The Hadi government took steps to investigate, prosecute and punish officials who committed human rights abuses; however, impunity was persistent and pervasive. Houthi-Saleh influence over government institutions severely reduced the Hadi government’s capacity to conduct investigations.

Nonstate actors, including Houthi-Saleh rebels, tribal militias, militant secessionist elements, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and a local branch of ISIS, reportedly committed significant abuses. Few actions led to prosecutions. Saudi-led coalition airstrikes resulted in civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure on multiple occasions. Hadi government and coalition delays or denials of permits for commercial and aid shipments bound for rebel-held ports, as well as actions by Houthi rebels and others, disrupted aid delivery on the ground.

My comment: From the US State Dep. You should not expect aneutral point of view. – And how are treated the most horrible violations, the Saudi coalition air raids???


(** A K P)

Human Rights Groups Bristling at State Department Report

What’s not in the report is as important as what’s in it.

Human rights groups blasted the State Department’s annual human rights report, released on Friday, which removed the term “reproductive rights” and softened language on human rights violations in a number of countries, including Yemen and the Dominican Republic.

Human rights groups say the changes undermine the integrity of the report, which is used by the U.S. government, lawmakers, and researchers around the world as a global benchmark for how each country treats human rights.

In the section on Saudi Arabia, the State Department pared down language on the effects of its U.S.-backed bombing campaign in the Yemeni civil war and misquoted reporting from human rights watchdogs, according to Raed Jarrar, a Middle East expert with Amnesty International.

The report, Jarrar says, “sugar-coats” Amnesty International and other nongovernmental organizations in writing “some coalition airstrikes caused disproportionate collateral damage.” Amnesty’s actual reporting says the Saudi bombing campaign constituted serious violations that could be amount to war crimes.

“I thought to myself, how dare you misquote us in the report,” he tells Foreign Policy. “That’s not our language at all, and it was obviously changed for political motives.”

The Trump administration has drawn fire from human rights groups and lawmakers for backing the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen, which the U.N. says accounts for 61 percent of total civilian deaths in the the conflict.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(** B H)

Neglected tropical diseases killing thousands globally put 6 million at risk in war-torn Yemen

Aside from cholera, Yemen is affected by numerous neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) – an epidemic that is affecting 1.5 billion people worldwide and killing around 170,000 per year.

“NTDs are a diverse group of communicable diseases that prevail in tropical and subtropical conditions in 149 countries – affect more than one billion people and cost developing economies billions of dollars every year,” Associate Director of External Relations of END Fund, Yayne Hailu told Arab News.

The five most common NTDs are intestinal worms, schistosomiasis, trachoma, lymphatic filariasis and river blindness.

Intestinal worms cause infection which give the patient diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stool. Schistosomiasis cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, or blood in the urine. Trachoma causes a roughening of the inner surface of the eyelids. Lymphatic filariasis affects body’s fluid balance and fights infections. While river blindness causes severe itching, bumps under the skin, and blindness.

(* B H)

Novo Nordisk, Red Cross team up to tackle chronic diseases in conflict zones

Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk and aid agency Red Cross have teamed up to try to improve the treatment of chronic diseases among the millions affected by conflicts and humanitarian crises in countries such as Syria and Yemen.

Non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as diabetes and hypertension, also known as chronic diseases, kill 40 million people per year, equivalent to 70 percent of all deaths globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

"Non-communicable diseases are a silent killer and often overlooked during times of armed conflict," said Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

"If you look at Yemen, Syria, Iraq and beyond, thousands will remain with life-threatening illnesses if they are not able to receive essential medical supplies such as insulin to treat diabetes," he said.

Novo Nordisk, the world's largest diabetes drugmaker, said it would contribute 21.5 million Danish crowns ($3.58 million) and adapt its ordering and production procedures to better serve the needs of humanitarian organisations.

cp1b Most important: Saudischer Luftangriff tötet 20 Menschen / Saudi air raid killing 20 people

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A K)

20 Tote bei Luftangriff im Südjemen

Bei einem Luftangriff der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition sind am Freitag im Süden des Jemen 20 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die Menschen seien mit einem Fahrzeug südlich von Tais unterwegs gewesen, als die Flugzeuge angegriffen hätten, sagte ein Anrainer. Sechs Tote hätten identifiziert werden können, die übrigen seien bis zur Unkenntlichkeit verbrannt.

(** A K pH)

Aggression airstrikes killed at least 20 civilians in Taiz

At least 20 civilians were killed and others were injured in US-backed Saudi-led aggression airstrikes on Taiz province, a security official told Saba on Friday.
Aggression warplane targeted with several airstrikes on a car carrying citizens in al- Areesh region at Mawza district, resulting in the death of 20 citizens and wounding others, said the official.
The official denounced the continued aggression in targeting civilians, their homes, roads, public and private property in shameful international silence.

(** A K)

Twenty killed in air strike in southwest Yemen: residents

Twenty people were killed in an air strike by a Saudi-led military coalition in southwestern Yemen on Friday, residents said.

The attack hit a car transporting 20 passengers south of Taiz province, locals told Reuters. Six bodies had been identified but the rest were charred beyond recognition, they added.

(** A K)

20 killed in Saudi-led coalition strike on civilian vehicle in Yemen – reports

At least 20 people have been killed in Yemen, after the Saudi-led coalition reportedly struck a civilian vehicle in Taiz province on Friday.

While some sources said a warplane targeted a single car carrying civilians with several airstrikes, a local medical official told Xinhua, that “two vehicles were destroyed by the Saudi-led airstrikes.”

“No one could survive the missile attack,” the medic said, adding that the people were killed while returning home from a village market in Mawza area of Taiz. Bodies of the victims “were scattered at the bombing scene,” a Xinhua source added.

Local residents, meanwhile, told Reuters that the bodies of the victims were so charred that only six out of 20 corpses could be identified. Arabic news outlets also report at least 20 dead.

films: = (Ruptly) (Al Masirah)


And even the pro-hadi website reports:

Another Civil Crime .. Coalition Warplanes kill 18 civilians in Taiz

(A K P)

Yemeni: Saudi-led airstrikes killed 30 civilians #Yemen Friday

West: it wasn't a chemical weapons attack

Y: Saudi massacres continue

West: dont you see Houthi missiles at Saudi?

Y: Saudi started war

Macron: I've proof

Y: proof for what?!

Macron: Syria


US: we protect our allies

cp2 Allgemein / General

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(* B K P)

Americans are very sheltered from alot of the war happening in this world. Even in this day and age of the internet, we are distracted by a squirrel the MSM wants us to look at. Overworked & not enough time to do research on our own at times. But we owe it to any we harm to do so

(* B K P)

Audio: Radio War Nerd EP #128* [REPOST] — The War On Yemen w/Nasser Arrabyee

RWN subscribers asked us to repost our interview with Nasser Arrabyee free and open to the public, because his story—the story of the US-backed Saudi war on his country Yemen, needs to be heard. Nasser spoke to us from his bomb-damaged home in the capital Sanaa, about the world's worst humanitarian crisis — a man-made artificial famine causing over 1 million cholera victims, in a war fully backed and armed by the US and the western powers. A war that the western press corps and human rights community seems remarkably uninterested in reporting. Meanwhile, Yemen's Houthi rebels, based largely in the north and west of the country, have made mincemeat of the Saudis. Nassar explains what the war looks and feels like from inside the killing zone, and why the Houthis have broad-based support...

(* B K)

The area radiation survey proved US-Saudi usage of atomic-like bomb in Attan Sanaa 20-4-2015 (image)

According to radiometer, the radiation rate in the blast area was about 70 times more than normal. According to the seismic monitoring center, the blast caused a 3.7 magnitude earthquake. Rocks at the site of the bomb melted at 4000 degrees Celsius. Tell me what was it?

(* B H K)

Film: Jemen: Opfer des Krieges

Ahmed bin Ahmed Salim Halisi dachte, er hätte seine Familie aus der heißen Kampfzone gebracht. Aber er hatte sich getäuscht. Anfang April, am Vormittag griff die saudische Luftwaffe an. Jetzt ist seine ganze Familie obdachlos, sein Enkelsohn ist tot. Häufig trifft es auch Zivilisten in diesem Stellvertreterkrieg auf der arabischen Halbinsel.

(A K P)
Interactive map of Yemen, April 20

(B H K)

With MSM AWOL on Yemen, MintPress News Series To Give Yemenis Back Their Voice

What’s really happening in the poorest country in the Middle East is a test of our humanity — a catastrophic, perfect storm of suffering and death, and the most horrific genocide you’ve likely never heard of.

[Overview] =

(* A K P)

Nephew of former Yemeni president leads clashes against Houthi forces

Forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh battled their former Houthi allies on Thursday over control of a key outpost, marking the first such battle between the two sides since the veteran leader was killed last year.

The fighting underlined the growing complexity of the conflict

Sources in the pro-Saleh forces there said there were casualties on both sides in the fighting. The forces included a new unit set up by Saleh’s nephew, Brigadier-General Tareq Mohammed Saleh. He had led a brigade of a Yemeni army unit before his uncle was forced to step down in 2012 following mass protests against his rule. and by UAE news agency: and film

(A K P)

#Saudi Arabia threatens UN agencies operating in #Yemen capital Sanaa again. Riyadh says Houthis set up ballistic missile launch sites near UN offices like UNICEF.

(* B K P)

The Victims in Gaza and Douma

In their book Manufacturing Consent Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky distinguished between two kinds of victims: the worthy victims and the unworthy victims. The “worthy victims” are the victims (real and alleged) of leaders on the U.S. enemies list, such as Bashar al-Assad. The “unworthy victims” are those of the U.S. and its client states, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The U.S. led cabal calling itself the “international community” is outraged when there are worthy victims. For example the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley holds up pictures of dead Syrian babies for the world to see. Worthy victims are granted human rights, and Assad deserves our outrage.

Unworthy victims for example are the 50,000 Yemeni children who have died of starvation because of Saudi Arabia’s total blockade of Yemen, including blockading food, water and medicine. Unworthy victims are blamed for being victims and ignored by the international community and the mainstream media. Unworthy victims have no human rights. Yemen is a humanitarian disaster that is ignored, because Saudi Arabia is a friend of the U.S.A.

There is no outrage from the U.S. when Saudi Arabia’s Mohammad bin Salman (MsB) is dropping U.S. manufactured bombs from U.S. manufactured airplanes and indiscriminately slaughtering Yemeni men, women and children. MsB is the new darling of the neocons, and Thomas Friedman writes words of praise as if it is really cool to be an absolute monarch in the 21st century. The late Robert Parry described Friedman and the neocons as being “disconnected from reality”. = =

(* A K)

Yemen: three media workers killed in two attacks

Media workers Mohammed Naser Al-Washali, Abdullah Al-Najjar and Abdullah Al Qadry were killed in two separate attacks in Yemen last week.

Yemen TV producer Mohammed Naser al-Washali and set decorator Abdullah Al-Najjar, who were filming a drama TV series, were killed on 12 April by a missile fired by the Saudi-led coalition, according to the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate.

In addition, news photographer and camera operator Abdullah Al Qadry, working for Belquees TV and AFP French news agency, was also killed after a rocket fired by the Houthi group set his vehicle on fire. During the incident, journalists Waleed Al-Ga’ouir and Ziyab Al-Shater, who were also in the car, were injured, the YJS added. and

(* B K)

Journalists in Yemen targeted by all parties

The continued targeting of journalists and media outlets in Yemen by conflicting parties is deeply alarming, says the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor. The Euro-Med condemned the killing of three journalists in less than 24 hours.

This year witnessed a marked increase in violations against journalists, including kidnappings, arrests, killings, and enforced disappearances, said the Geneva-based human rights organization in a press release today, stressing that, “Yemen has gained a place among the few most rights-violating countries, relentlessly targeting media professionals.”

(B K P)

Woher rührt der Konflikt im Jemen?

Viele sehen im Jemen-Krieg einen Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran. Deshalb bombardieren die Saudis die Huthi-Rebellen. In Wirklichkeit ist dieser Krieg aber hausgemacht.

Ohnehin gibt es über Art und Umfang der iranischen Unterstützung für die Huthis keine verlässlichen Angaben. Experten weisen daraufhin, dass die Huthis nicht einfach nur als Stellvertreter oder Befehlsempfänger des Iran agieren - vielmehr sei der Jemen-Krieg nach wie vor vor allem ein inner-jementischer Konflikt.

Wie es scheint, haben sich die Saudis verrannt, weil sie auch im Jemen den Iran am Werk sehen. Doch diese Sichtweise hat mit der Wirklichkeit des Konflikts wenig zu tun - und sie macht seine Lösung noch schwieriger.

[Überblick; mit Audio]

16 Kommentare, darunter: "In Wirklichkeit ist dieser Krieg aber hausgemacht."
Herr Kühntopp hält über Jemen genau so eine Märchenstunde ab, wie jahrelang über Syrien aus Kairo.
Der Krieg in Jemen von außen geführt, Herr Kühntopp.
Nämlich in einem völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg aus der Luft mit NATO-Bomben und am Boden alle Grenzen von Jemen zu zum Aushungern und Ausdursten der jemenitischen Bevölkerung.
Und die Krieger von Außen haben Namen und Adresse:
USA und deren Willige, auch mit Bomben- und anderen Waffenlieferungen wie Dtl., Saudi-Arabien und Jordanien

(B K)

Photos: In pictures, war related damage in Aljahmalia area, Taiz city! These neighborhoods were full of life, people and peace.

(* B H P)

Film: Stopping fuel import into #Yemen by #US-#Saudi coalition caused spoilage of 100's farms

from 2017:

(* B H K)

"Las relaciones comerciales entre España y Arabia Saudí silencian la Guerra en Yemen"

El silencio ante la tragedia que está sufriendo Yemen llevó a Eva Erill a fundar en julio de 2015 la única ONG española presente en el país de la península arábiga.

Bajo el nombre Solidarios Sin Fronteras, Eva y sus dos compañeras -Noèlia Ruiz y Blanca de Goenechea- abastecen desde hace dos años de comida y agua a los yemeníes. Debido al aislamiento impuesto por la coalición, la organización solo puede llevar a cabo la compra de alimentos gracias a una mujer yemení -ex trabajadora de una compañía aérea- que distribuye la ayuda en el país.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A H P)

Houthis detaining 19 oil vessels, Saudi ambassador to Yemen confirms

Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Yemen Muhammad Al-Jaber confirmed that Houthi militias were detaining 19 oil vessels, carrying 200,000 tons of oil, and prevented them from entering Hodeidah port.

“The Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Support Center (YCHO) is deeply concerned that the Iranian-backed Houthi militias are holding more than 19 oil vessels in the militia-controlled area of Al-Mustaqaf, preventing them from entering the port,” Al-Jaber wrote in a tweet on Saturday.

My comment: This sounds like propaganda.

(* B K P)


“Red Sea Ports Foundation” condemned the undeclared blockade imposed on Hodeidah port by the Saudi-led coalition, accusing Saudi alliance of seeking to empty the port, which 70% of the country’s imports get through it and serving some 21 million citizens.

In a statement,the founation indicated that the food vessels arriving from the beginning of this year to the port were receiving compulsory orders from the coalition forces to change their course.

Also described the acts of the Saudi-led coalition as “maritime piracy”, and confirmed that such practices are an apparent violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which states that in the period of war and crisis, ports and outlets must be avoided from any violations.

(* A H P)

Naval battleships arrested and prevented four hunters from fishing in territorial waters.

According to asite of “Taiz” fishermen said that naval forces of coalition of aggression detained them and practiced the worst kinds of torture and abuse and intimidation in flagrant violation of all international laws, stressing that the forces of aggression prevented them from fishing operations in the territorial waters of Yemen. (photos) and more photos

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(B H)

Films, Norwegian, one with English subs

(* A T)

Yemen: ICRC staff member shot and killed in Taiz

Hanna Lahoud, a Lebanese national, was in charge of the ICRC's detention programme in Yemen. He was on his way to visit a prison this morning when the ICRC vehicle he was traveling in was attacked by unknown armed men on the outskirts of Taiz. Mr Lahoud was rushed to hospital where he died as a result of his injuries. The colleagues he was traveling with were unharmed in the incident.

(A T)

Humanitarian Organisations in Yemen Condemn Attacks and Call for Immediate Protection of Aid Workers

Non-Government Organisations working in Yemen condemn in the strongest terms the abhorrent attack on an ICRC vehicle that resulted in the killing of an employee of the International Committee of the Red Cross earlier today, 21 April 2018. We are deeply shocked by the death of Hanna Lahoud, a member of the humanitarian community who gave his life delivering assistance to people in dire need of aid. Our deepest condolences go to Hanna’s family, friends and colleagues at the International Committee of the Red Cross.


(A T)

The United Nations strongly condemns the killing of an ICRC Colleague in Yemen

(A H)

I have good news for you today. This is Ziad before and after treatment in the nutrition center in #Hodeidah #Yemen. (photos)

(A H)

Saving her life is the best thing I have done in my life. Her name is Seham, this is her photo before & after treatment. People helped me to save her life by donating to @hope_relief . She lives in Alduraihimi area #Hodeidah #Yemen. Her photo after treatment was taken yesterday. (photos)

(* B H)

Film: Wider Dangers of Yemen’s War

The public health care system is on the edge of collapse. Here, Doctors Without Borders field worker Heather Thomson talks about what she saw while working in Yemen as a medical coordinator.

(* B H)

Yemen Red Cross: More Die From War’s Side Effects

The outgoing head of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Yemen said Friday he believes that more people are dying from indirect effects of the conflict now than from bombing, shelling and ground attacks.
Alexandre Faite pointed to more than 2,000 deaths from cholera and acute watery diarrhea in a little more than six months, a crumbling health system, almost no power in most towns, and the absence of key commodities or their availability only at very high prices.

He told a small group of reporters Friday that he has been traveling to capitals including Berlin, Brussels, Paris and Washington to deliver the message that “the situation in Yemen and the results of indirect effects of the hostilities are really dire.”
With the high death toll from cholera, Faite said, “I would personally think ... that now more people are dying from the indirect effect of the hostilities.”

(B H)

UN Children's Fund: Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative March 2018

The JMMI will incorporate information on market systems including price levels and supply chains. The basket of goods to be assessed comprises eight Non-Food Item (NFI) products, including fuel, water and hygiene products

(B H)

Film: The War in Yemen: Survivors of the war left with lasting scars m

(* B H)

Verantwortung mit 13 Jahren

Der 13-jährige Osama ist das älteste Kind der Familie. Als seine Eltern durch den Krieg im Jemen umkamen, wurde er von einem Moment auf den nächsten zum Oberhaupt der Familie und musste die Verantwortung für seine Brüder und Schwestern übernehmen.

Geschwister auf sich allein gestellt

"Mein Vater starb vor zwei Jahren in Aden. Wir wurden bald Waisen, weil meine Mutter einen Nervenzusammenbruch erlitt, krank wurde und starb. Wir Kinder müssen uns nun um uns selbst kümmern — unsere Eltern können es nicht mehr tun.“

Lange Suche nach Entlastung

Nachdem Ihre Eltern starben, wurden die Geschwister von einem Familienmitglied zum nächsten weitergereicht. Zunächst nahm sie eine Tante auf. Doch diese heiratete bald darauf und ließ sie zurück. Dann lebten sie eine Weile mit einer anderen Tante, aber auch sie verließ die Kinder nach einiger Zeit. Als die Kämpfe die Stadt erreichten, in der sie lebten, flohen sie zu ihrem Großvater nach Al-Garrahi.

Dankbar für jede Unterstützung

"Wir haben nicht viel zum Leben. Mein Großvater kümmert sich auch um einen meiner Onkel — er hat Krebs und seine medizinische Behandlung ist sehr teuer." Nur durch die Unterstützung von Hilfsorganisationen und kleinen Gaben der Nachbarn kommen sie über die Runden. Osama: "Ich möchte mich bei Ihnen für all die Mühen bedanken, die Sie auf sich nehmen, um Flüchtlingen zu helfen!"

Osamas Schicksal ist kein Einzelfall

Aktion gegen den Hunger ist weltweit in vielen humanitären Katastrophen im Einsatz, um Menschen in Ihrer größten Not beiseitezustehen. All das schaffen wir nicht ohne die Hilfe und Unterstützung von Menschen wie Ihnen! Darum bitte ich Sie: Helfen Sie jetzt mit Ihrer Spende!

Trotz der Sicherheitsrisiken und Schwierigkeiten, die Notleidenden zu erreichen, leistet unser Team tagtäglich lebensrettende Nothilfe: 260 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter von Aktion gegen den Hunger kämpfen im Jemen unermüdlich dafür, das Leid der Menschen zu lindern und Leben zu retten. Wir verteilen Nahrungsmittel und Hygieneartikel, sorgen für die medizinische Versorgung von unterernährten Kindern und reparieren Wasserquellen und Latrinen, um Zugang zu sauberem Wasser zu schaffen.

(* A H)

Jemen: Wassermangel bedroht Menschenleben

Zu Beginn der Woche wurde das Wassersystem in Al-Hamazat vollständig zerstört. Dadurch haben 7.500 Menschen keinen Zugang mehr zu Wasser. 8,6 Millionen Kinder in dem Land sind ebenfalls nicht ausreichend mit Trinkwasser und sanitären Einrichtungen versorgt.

Zu dieser Situation äußert sich Geert Cappelarere, der Regionaldirektor Unicefs für den mittleren Orient und Nordafrika. „Der Jemen ist auch weiterhin eines der Länder mit der größten Wasserknappheit weltweit. Der Zugang zu Trinkwasser ist extrem eingeschränkt für die verwundbarsten Personen: 8,6 Millionen Kinder im Jemen haben keinen ausreichend Zugang zu Wasser und sanitären Einrichtungen.“

Bemerkung: Luftangriff der saudischen Koalition.

(* B H)

ICRC warns of increased mortality among kidney failure patients

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen has warned of increased mortality among kidney failure patients due to the ongoing war.

In a press conference held by the Ministry of Health in the temporary capital Aden, the ICRC's head of delegation Morazzani, and health coordinator in Yemen, Maria delPilar, said on Wednesday that the mortality rate has reached 25% since the start of the war in 21 March 2015.

They said that it is important to afford support for dialysis centers in order to maintain the stability of health for thousands of people suffering from renal failure. and also

(* B H)

World Health Organization: WHO scales up support to mitigate child malnutrition in Yemen

Yemen continues facing the double burden of high acute and chronic malnutrition. As the conflict continues unabated, the situation worsens, causing the list of malnourished children to increase daily. Currently, more than 1.8 million children under the age of 5 are acutely malnourished, including 500 000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition, requiring immediate admission into therapeutic nutrition programmes.

“The heartbreaking scenes of malnourished children in Yemen signal the catastrophic consequences of the conflict. I’ve seen children suffering from severe acute malnutrition with medical complications who really need special care and well-trained medical personnel,” said Dr Nevio Zagaria, WHO Representative in Yemen.

Responding to rising malnutrition rates in Yemen, WHO is providing life-saving treatment for children with severe acute malnutrition and medical complications. In 2017 alone, more than 4430 children under the age of 5 suffering from severe acute malnutrition with medical complications received treatment at WHO-supported stabilization centres.

WHO supports 47 centres, with 3 more planned in 2018, to cope with the rising needs for malnutrition treatment services. =

(B H)

Oxfam Yemen Situation Report #53, as of 31 March 2018

(A H)

Photo: Not chilling out, not cooling off.

This man collapsed because of hunger and does not have the strength to get up.

(B H)

World Food Programme: Yemen Conflict - ETC Situation Report #22 (Reporting Period: 16/03/18 to 15/04/18)

(A H)

UNICEF Lauds Saudi Arabia's Contribution for Children’s Health in Yemen

UNICEF’s regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, Geert Cappelaere, welcomed the Kingdom’s contribution of $4.7 million (SR17.6 million) for programs to vaccinate children against preventable diseases, in addition to $33 million to support ongoing initiatives in Yemen tacking a cholera outbreak and acute watery diarrhea.

My comment: If you had kept quiet…

Comment: Saudis' siege on #Yemen and war are killing 1 child every 10 minutes but UNICEF received $4.7 million for programs to vaccinate children against preventable diseases and $33 million to support ongoing projects: how can donations whitewash war crimes?

(B H)

Breaking the Cycle of Cholera in Yemen

Communique from “Breaking the Cycle of Cholera in Yemen” Roundtable at the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, Geneva, 3 April 2018.

Today’s event, hosted by the UN-UK, offered an opportunity to establish a shared understanding of the crisis and accelerate the planning of our response. We agreed on the urgent need to finalise an integrated cholera response plan and on the importance of a fully funded 2018 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan.

My comment: The British and Yemen: The fox keeping the geese.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H P)

Asylum claims in Canada reached highest level in decades in 2017

more than 90% of asylum seekers from Syria, Yemen and Eritrea each had their applications accepted, the highest acceptance rates in 2017.

(* A H P)

Haftbefehl gegen Ex-Chef von Gefangenenlager im Jemen

Einen Tag nach der Veröffentlichung eines Berichts über Vergewaltigungen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen in einem Gefangenenlager für Flüchtlinge im Jemen haben die jemenitischen Behörden die Festnahme des früheren Lager-Leiters angeordnet. Oberst Khalid al-Alwani solle im Zuge der Ermittlungen sofort festgenommen werden, erklärte das Innenministerium in Aden am Donnerstag.

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) hatte am Mittwoch über Vergewaltigung, Folter und Morde durch Aufseher in dem Flüchtlings-Gefangenenlager Buraika in Aden berichtet. =

(* A H P)

Yemen orders arrest of colonel who oversaw notorious detainee center

Yemen’s interior minister on Thursday ordered the “immediate arrest” of an Aden-based colonel, citing allegations of rape against African detainees that occurred under his watch.

Interior Minister Ahmed Al-Misri “directed the relevant security services to immediately arrest Col. Khalid Al-Alwani, the former director of the African refugee center, and refer him for investigation over human rights violations and cases of rape against African migrants,” a statement on the ministry’s website said.

Al-Alwani was suspended from his role overseeing the Buraika migrant detention center in mid-March but continued to serve as a police chief for the Mualla district in the southern port of Aden.

The ministry said it had already pledged to carry out a full investigation and take legal action against those found guilty of abuses “regardless of whether they are members of the ministry.”

(* B H)

Map: Yemen | Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Situation - DG ECHO Daily Map | 18/04/2018

(A H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Yemen Situation: Funding Update 2018, as of 17 April 2018

Just 21 % Founded, US$ 92 million missing.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A K P)
Film: Yemen: Hundreds mourn Houthi military commander killed in airstrikes

Hundreds of people gathered in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a on Saturday to attend the funeral of a senior Houthi military commander killed in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike. Major General Nasser al-Qubari was killed in Yemen's northern Saada province, Houthi-run SABA news agency reported on Thursday.

(* A P)

Taiz: Houthi militia displace 200 families in Taiz

Houthis forced 200 families into displacement and blew up a house in al-Hayma in Taiz on Friday, just two days after blowing up two houses in the same region .

Witnesses said that "the rebel militia forced 200 families to leave their villages and homes from AL-Hayma north of Taiz," according to the Emirati daily al-Khaleej.
The militia stormed the region, controlled the houses and detonated two houses and a well belonging villagers who resisted the rebels invasion.

The rebels planted dynamite expolsives in the corners of the house of Ahmed al-Harbi and blew it up.

(A K P)

Houthis blew up the houses of Mohammed al-Koheil and Abdul-Fattah Ataa two local citizens from al-Haymah region in the north of the city of Taiz on Thursday.

Houthi rebels displaced dozens of families from the vicinity of the town of Heis in the Red Sea port province of Hodeidah in the past two days, local sources said. The rebels turned the evacuated villages into military sites.

Houthis blew up water wells and pumps in al-Haymah a region to the north of the city of Taiz on Wednesday, after clashes with the army there. Sources said the Shia Islamist extremists forced women and children of al-Haymah to walk before their fighters as a human shield for them to advance toward the army's sites.

Remark: By anti-Houthi Islah Party website

(B P)

Yemen: Religious Persecution Of Bahá’i Practitioners – OpEd

The significant pressure that has been brought to bear on the Houthis and the Iranian authorities by the Arab and non-Arab world in recent months has, no doubt, stayed their hand an even prompted some Houthis to engage in dialogue with the Baha’is to end the persecution. However, as of this penning this piece, a number of Baha’is remain imprisoned in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, after four years of their arrests, detentions, and continuous torture by the Houthis. Most tragically, the death sentence against Hamed Bin Haydara, one of the Bahá’í practitioners, has been issued along with an order for the confiscation of all of his assets and the dissolution of this religion’s institutions and the banning of its activities. Mr. Haydara’s death sentence remains to be repealed.

(* A P)

Photos leaked from the secret prisons of Huthis in Amran to prisoner of detention Nuri Zeid al – Sayani

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi Twitter account.

(A P)

MP Accuses Houthis Of Misappropriating Public Funds

A member of the parliament has accused the Houthi-formed government of misappropriating the public funds and deliberately refuse to pay the salaries of public sector employee.

Abdu Besher, the member of the Parliament and also a member of the pro-Houthi government, has told the parliament that the so-called Rescue Government has committed several irregularities, including not applying a number of articles found in the constitution.

He also asked: Why don’t they pay the salaries of state employees and alleviate the suffering of citizens.

He has also condemned the sectarian training sessions that the Houthis are conducting for public workers, inside and outside the government bodies.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Human Rights Ministry: Govt won't be lenient with human rights abuses

The Ministry of Human Rights has reiterated that the government won't it be lenient with human rights violations and will hold human rights abusers accountable no matter their positions.

My comment: They are no more in control – and the greatest abuse of all (Saudi coalition air raids) do not interest them at all.

(A K P)

Thousands of Yemenis voluntarily joining National Resistance Forces - Update

Thousands of Yemenis have been reporting to voluntary military service and recruitment offices across Yemeni governorates to join the Yemeni National Resistance Forces under the leadership of Staff Brigadier-General Tarek Mohamed Abdullah Saleh.

The development invigorates the military efforts being made against the Iran-backed Houthi militias on the Yemen's Red Sea Coast.

Remark: As claimed by Emirati news agency.

(* A T)

Mitarbeiter des Roten Kreuzes im Jemen getötet

Ein Mitarbeiter des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (ICRC) ist nach einem Feuergefecht im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen getötet worden. Militärkreise berichteten der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, dass Unbekannte im umkämpften Tais im Südwesten des Landes ein Fahrzeug der Hilfsorganisation beschossen und dabei den Libanesen getötet hätten. =

(* A T)

'Gunshots to the heart': Red Cross aid worker killed in Yemen

A gunman shot dead a Lebanese aid worker from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Saturday near the city of Taiz, southern Yemen.

The incident took place early in the morning when a team of aid workers from the ICRC was returning from Taiz city.

The ICRC confirmed to Middle East Eye that Hanna Lahoud, a Lebanese employee, was killed, stating that they were trying to find out more about the incident. Yemeni officials also confirmed to Reuters the identity and nationality of the slain aid worker.

"One of our colleagues was killed by an armed man in Taiz city," Sanaa-based Red Cross official Adnan Hizam told AFP.

The aid worker was killed by multiple gunshots to the heart, according to a hospital source who spoke on condition of anonymity to AFP. A statement by the ICRC confirmed that Lahoud had died as a result of his injuries. and also and


and according to Houthis, Iran:

(A T)

Saudi-backed militants kill ICRC aid worker with multiple gunshots in Yemen

(A T)

ICRC leaves Taiz after its member killed

Earlier on the security officials said militants believed to be belonging to the Saudi-led coalition.

(A P T)

A Statement by Islah Party regarding killing of ICRC staff member

(A P)

Ideological Distraction… the Powerful Weapon of Our Enemies

As southern citizens, we should be ware of this systematic ideological distraction initiated by our enemies through their agents represented in some southern activists and media men. They are trying to distract the southern public opinion to force the south out of the desired path and into trivial matters. The main aim is to make the southern people believe that their desired goal, independence, is not a top priority and then gradually it disappears from our calculations. That is exactly what some of their agents started to do in the south.

Again, be ware of that trap.

Remark: By southern separatists.

(A T)

Unidentified gunmen have assassinated the local #journalist Abduallah Anber as well as the citizen Hassan Ashal, relative of Parliamentarian Ali Ashal in the Abyan provinces, south Yemen.

(A P)

Lamlas to the Swiss and Dutch TVs: The Southern Transitional Council is the Representative of the Southern Cause

Lamlas said: “the council is a result of years of accumulated struggle of the southern people that finally led to the formation of the southern transitional council as a representative of the southern cause”. He added: “the world is now a small village, and no one can cover the truth. The council exists and represents the cause of the southern people, state and identity. This contributes greatly in introducing the southern cause to the international society”.

(* A P)

Emirati forces attack female protest march

Forces of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) occupation force in southern Yemen have used excessive violence to disperse a rally by Yemeni women who demanded the release of their imprisoned family members from prison.

In the cities of Mukalla and Aden, both under Emirati occupation, mass women’s protests were held to call for the release of their male relatives who had been imprisoned by the Emiratis. At the Mukalla rally, Emirati and mercenary “elite forces” were used to disperse the rallies through violence, with many women reportedly having been brutally beaten.

The Saudi-led occupation force employs several privately-owned prisons in which thousands of Yemenis are jailed for dubious reasons, and often in inhumane circumstances.

(A P)

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the Association of the Mothers of Kidnappers, the Association called for 18 April as the abductor's day, at a protest in the governorate of Aden. And invited mothers to participate in their campaign # Save the abductees to demand the rescue of the abductees and

(A P)

Yemen's Interior Ministry has ordered the arrest of director of African Refugees Center #Aden where HRW said migrants & asylum seekers had been tortured and raped.

Hope UAE which is sponsoring forces weakening Govt wont put pressure on president Hadi to replace Interior Minister

Remark: For this detention camp, look at YPR 405, cp1, cp6.

(A T)

Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces killed a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader and militant in al Wade’a district, central Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on April 18.[2] and photo


(A T)

Saudi Arabia says two al Qaeda militants killed in Yemen

Coalition-backed forces killed two al Qaeda militants in Yemen in a raid in the southern province of Abyan on Wednesday, the Saudi government media office said.

It described Murad Abdullah Mohammed al-Doubli, known as Abu Hamza al-Batani, and Hassan Basurie as among “the most dangerous leaders” of Yemen’s al Qaeda branch, known as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

The two men were killed in a clash with forces backed by the United Arab Emirates and photos

(A T)

Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) Wilayat al Bayda in Yemen claimed its militants attacked “Yemeni Army” forces in Qayfa area, northwestern al Bayda governorate, southwestern Yemen on April 16. ISIS shared images on social media of captured “Yemeni Army” troops and equipment from the attack.[3]

(A T)

#Yemen: News (+photo of bodies) on #alQaeda supporter wires of 2 #AQAP killed this morning by #UAE-supported forces.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Acting U.S. Secretary of State John Sullivan met with UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths in Washington, D.C. on April 19. Sullivan and Griffiths discussed the humanitarian situation in Yemen and the delivery of aid to Yemeni civilians. Sullivan expressed his support for a comprehensive political agreement.[3]

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UN-Sondergesandter Griffiths hofft auf neue Friedensgespräche für Jemen

Der neue Sondergesandte der Vereinten Nationen für den Jemen, Martin Griffiths, hat alle Konfliktparteien aufgefordert, ohne jede Vorbedingung Friedensverhandlungen einzuleiten.
„Eine verhandelte politische Einigung durch einen inner-jemenitischen Dialog, ist der einzige Weg, den Konflikt im Jemen zu beenden und die andauernde humanitäre Krise zu bewältigen“, sagte Griffiths gestern im UN-Sicherheitsrat.
In seinem ersten Briefing vor dem Sicherheitsrat seit seiner Amtsübernahme im März, informierte Griffiths die Mitglieder, dass er innerhalb der nächsten zwei Monate Voraussetzungen für neue Friedensgespräche schaffen werde.
UN-Notfallkoordinator Mark Lowcock sagte am Dienstag, dass weiterhin über 22 Millionen Menschen von humanitärer Hilfe abhängig seien, einschließlich 8.4 Millionen Menschen die keinen gesicherten Zugang zu Nahrung haben.
„Bemühungen, Millionen Jeminiten mit humanitärer Hilfe zu versorgen, wurden erheblich beeinträchtigt, aufgrund von bürokratischen Hindernissen durch die Behörden sowie durch Einfuhrbeschränkungen und Hindernissen bei der Zollabfertigung und langen Wartezeiten und Durchsuchungen an Checkpoints“, fügte er hinzu.

(A H P)

Russlands UN-Botschafter: Millionen Jemeniten hungern

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudische Sicherheitskräfte schiessen Drohne über Riad ab

Nach Angaben der Polizei soll es sich dabei um ein Spielzeug gehandelt haben. Laute Schüsse hatten zu Spekulationen über einen Putsch oder einen Angriff auf die Königsfamilie geführt.

In Saudiarabiens Hauptstadt Riad haben Schüsse am Samstagabend für Aufregung gesorgt. Auf im Internet kursierenden Videos waren laute Salven zu hören, die nahe des Königspalastes gefallen sein sollen. Die Polizei in Riad sprach in einer Stellungnahme von einer «nicht genehmigten» Drohne, die abgeschossen worden sei.

Internetnutzer hatten nach dem Bekanntwerden der Videos auch aufgrund der sehr lauten Schüsse spekuliert, dass es sich um einen Angriff auf das Königshaus und möglicherweise gar um einen Putschversuch handeln könnte. Dies bestätigte sich zunächst nicht. und auch, mit Film:

(A P)

Fears of a coup are sparked in Saudi Arabia after heavy gunfire erupts near the Royal Palace - but officials claim it was only guards shooting down a drone that flew too close to the King Salman's residence

Numerous videos have been published online of heavy gunfire from Rihayd

Mohammed Bin Salman is thought to have been evacuated to nearby bunker

It is unclear whether there have been any injuries or causalities so far

A Saudi official confirmed on a state news agency that a drone had been shot down after footage was posted online of the gunshorts.

A spokesman for the Riyadh police said forces at a checkpoint in the Khozama district identified the drone and 'dealt with it according to their orders', state news said without specifying if there were any injuries or damage.

According to the rumours on social media, it was claimed that the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman had been evacuated to a nearby bunker at a military base for his safety, although this too appears to be false.

Al Jazeera tweeted to confirm that King Salman was not at the Ouja Palace duing the shooting.

Twitter was full of rumours, claiming that the footage proved there was an ongoing coup.

A Saudi official confirmed on a state news agency that a drone had been shot down after footage was posted online of the gunshorts.

A spokesman for the Riyadh police said forces at a checkpoint in the Khozama district identified the drone and 'dealt with it according to their orders', state news said without specifying if there were any injuries or damage.

According to the rumours on social media, it was claimed that the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman had been evacuated to a nearby bunker at a military base for his safety, although this too appears to be false.

Al Jazeera tweeted to confirm that King Salman was not at the Ouja Palace duing the shooting.

Twitter was full of rumours, claiming that the footage proved there was an ongoing coup.

(A P)

Saudi security shoots down recreational drone near royal palace

Saudi Arabian security forces said they had shot down a recreational drone in the capital on Saturday after online videos showing gunfire in a neighborhood where royal palaces are located sparked fears of possible political unrest.


This video debunks the #Saudi Monarchy claims of a drone. You can can see firing is at a horizontal level at second 4&5. I guess Saudi bots/minions will say this is a low-flying drone. I did a screen capture to show the bullets referring to

My comment: No, this is the new consistent Western foreign policy, bombing regimes which kill civilians, as in Syria: Reaction to the last Saudi air raids in Yemen which killed 20 in Taiz, 5 in Hodeidah, 5 in Saada: US Air Force acting in Riyadh now (end of joke).


(A P)

Drone triggers gunfire outside royal palace in Riyadh (VIDEOS)

A number of videos have emerged online, showing heavy gunfire in the vicinity of the royal palace in Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh. The disturbance was caused by a small drone, which entered an off-limits zone, the police said.

The shooting incident occurred late on Saturday, triggering confusion on social media. While one of the initial reports suggested that the shooting erupted when the palace guards targeted a rogue drone which came too close to the king’s residence, some feared a terrorist attack or even an unfolding “coup.”

Footage purportedly taken at the scene shows military or emergency vehicles with their lights flashing. Multiple gunshots can be heard in the background. Saudi police later confirmed that the shooting was caused by a small commercial drone that entered an off-limits zone, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

An investigation into the identity of the drone's operator and motive has been launched.

(B P)

FaceOf: Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Al-Jaber

Al-Jaber, a military expert and strategist, was appointed ambassador to Yemen just ten days before the Houthi coup in September 2014

He played an important role in overseeing the Saudi and Gulf relief operations in Yemen in January 2015

(* B P)

Fearing execution, Saudi Shia are forced into a life in hiding

According to activists, some Shia Muslims have gone into hiding as they face arrest, imprisonment and even the death penalty after unfair trials

Dozens of other young men, say activists on the ground, have gone into hiding in al-Awamiya, with no place to go since there are checkpoints manning the town’s exit points since August, when Saudi forces flattened most of the town's old quarter and forcibly relocated many of its residents.

“I still don’t know why they’re after me. I think it’s because I participated in protests against the state [during the Arab Spring],” said Abdullah. “The whole community is scared. I think I know at least 50 people who have been seized by police [in al-Awamiya].”

Six of Abdullah’s family members have been arrested within the last year. According to Abdullah, the same day security forces raided his home in February, his nephew was dragged out of his sister’s house without explanation. Abdullah claims those arrested in al-Awamiya are taken to a prison in the eastern city of Dammam and later charged with harbouring terrorists or attempting to overthrow the state.

These charges, suspects Abdullah, are handed down to people who protested against the ruling family during the Arab revolutions which erupted in 2011.

Shortly after Bin Salman assumed power, al-Awamiya was being pounded to rubble by Saudi security forces who have been engaged in clashes with armed Shia residents since May.

The residents were resisting the demolition of the historic al-Masora neighbourhood. In April last year, the United Nations called on the Saudi government to halt the demolition of the 400-year-old walled district, warning that it threatened "the historical and cultural heritage of the town with irreparable harm".

However, the Saudi government plans to build a development project, including a shopping mall in its place, after claiming that the neighbourhood was harbouring Shia militants. Al-Awamiya, the hometown of al-Nimr, has long been a flashpoint for protests by Saudi's Shia minority since the Arab revolutions in 2011.

(A P)

Saudi Women Are Being Grossly Overcharged for Driving Courses, So They're Teaching Each Other for Free

Women with some driving experience (such as those whose husbands or family members have taken them out) are required 30 hours of training, while those without any experience are required 90 hours. The average price of one hour of driving practice costs 60-75 riyals, meaning women without experience will pay nearly $1800 just to get the hours needed to qualify for a license. For men, it costs a little more than $100.


Four Saudi security forces killed by gunmen in southern province

Four members of Saudi Arabia’s security forces were killed and four others wounded in clashes with gunmen on Thursday at a checkpoint in the southwestern Asir province, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV said.

One gunman was killed and two detained, the broadcaster said on Twitter, citing the Saudi interior ministry, without providing more details.

Asir province borders Yemen.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Meets Vatican Official To Confront Violence And Extremism

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman received at his office at Al-Yamamah palace in Riyadh on Wednesday the Chairman of the Pontifical Council for Interfaith Dialogue at the Vatican, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, and his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, they stressed the important role of followers of religions and cultures in renouncing violence, extremism, terrorism and achieving worldwide security and stability.

He was hosted on Tuesday by Riyadh-based Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology, or Etidal, which showed its work in combating extremist ideology.

Etidal, Arabic for “moderation”, is an effort by the international community to expose, combat and refute extremist ideology, said Etidal Secretary-General Nasir Al-Biqami told the delegation.

“I think we have two enemies: extremism and ignorance. I don’t believe in the clash of civilization but rather in the clash of ignorance. Most of the time people react because they don’t know who you are or who they are,” said Tauran, who is seen as an energetic promoter of dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and Islam.

My comment: A Saudi propaganda coup – and the Vatican is falling for the tricks. – And on this site below, the following article from 2012 is shown:

(* B P)

Saudi King Must Impeach Grand Mufti Who Demanded Destruction Of All Churches – OpEd

the Saudi Arabian Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Shaikh on March 14th, 2012, declared in a fatwa “that it is necessary to destroy all the churches in the region [Arab Peninsula].” He based his proclamation on only one tradition (hadith), wherein the prophet is said to have declared on his deathbed that “there are not to be two religions in the Arab Peninsula”, which has always been interpreted to mean that only Islam can be practiced in the region.

My comment: He was not impeached up to now. That’s it

(A P)

Saudi Arabia to launch first new cinema at private VIP event

Saudi Arabia is launching its first commercial movie theater on Wednesday as it ends a nearly 40-year ban on cinemas under a push by the crown prince to open up the deeply conservative Muslim kingdom

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia: Why is going to the cinema suddenly OK?

Saudi Arabia's decision to end its ban on cinemas is part of a wider change across society.

But now the country has to adapt to a 21st Century where oil wealth will not be enough to fund government spending and create jobs, and where the clerics have less influence than they once did with the new leaders of the royal family.

Western observers have often thought that Saudi Arabia would eventually have to cut back on economic handouts to its population, and that this would result in pressure for more political rights.

But MBS seems to be offering a different model.

In effect, he is saying: "Work harder, don't criticise the system, but have more fun."

Like neighbouring Dubai, he is offering some degree of greater social freedom rather than greater political freedom.

The current leadership thinks that empowered clerics can be politically dangerous - whether they inspire Islamist extremists, or more peaceful demands for political power-sharing.

The government is signalling that they will have less power and influence than in the past.

Thus, this week's premiere in Riyadh shows that entertainment and leisure can reveal deep political, economic and social shifts.

(A P)

Awamiyah: Three-year-old boy dies from wounds after Saudi security forces ‘open fire on family’

Sajaad Mohamed Abu Abdallah spent two months in intensive care before succumbing to his wounds after bullets hit his uncle’s car in the besieged Shia neighbourhood of Awamiyah

A three-year-old boy has died from injuries sustained from gunfire in the contested Saudi town of Awamiyah, the child’s uncle and several activists have confirmed to The Independent.

Sajaad Mohamed Abu Abdallah, who would have turned four in October, passed away on Wednesday at nearby Dammam Maternity and Children’s Hospital, where he had been cared for since a bullet hit him in the torso and right hand in the 12 June incident.

Sajaad’s uncle – who asked not to be named – said that he, his sister, her five-year-old daughter and her son Sajaad tried to drive past Awamiyah police station, one of the main headquarters for the Saudi security services in the stand-off with armed Shia protesters, when the shooting occurred. and

cp9 USA

(* B K P)

Film: Flächenbrand im Mittleren Osten: heute Syrien, morgen Iran?

Während die Welt auf Syrien schaut, haben die Falken in Washington längst Größeres im Sinn: Es geht um die Vormachtstellung im Mittleren Osten in den kommenden Jahrzehnten. Die Strategie der US-Amerikaner: Regime Change oder zumindest militärische Schwächung des Erzfeindes Iran. Dessen Feinde, insbesondere Saudi-Arabien, werden dafür massiv aufgerüstet – auch mit Hilfe Deutschlands. Ein Spiel mit dem Feuer, das Frieden und Sicherheit in weite Ferne rücken lässt.

(A H)

Central High School student becomes valedictorian after moving from Yemen

(* B K P)

Two Sides To Congressional Engagement On Yemen

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) produced a special report on the situation in Yemen, authored by the CRS’ long-time Yemen specialist, Jeremy Sharp. The report begins with a sober overview of the war in Yemen and a measured assessment of Iran’s limited role as the Houthis’ main foreign supporter, which is a welcome contrast from the rhetoric both the Trump administration and the Saudi-led coalition employ concerning Iran’s involvement. However, the analysis, while couched in the voice of objective expertise for which the CRS is known, has several shortcomings that, perhaps unintentionally, obscure the nature of Yemen’s crisis and the context of increasing congressional dissatisfaction over US participation in the conflict.

First, the report foregrounds concerns over Houthi ballistic missile activity. Those attacks on Saudi Arabia (and potentially the UAE) are certainly dangerous, unjustifiable, and should be condemned. Generally, they also are likely to garner disproportionate attention from US officials, given the government’s overriding concern for the stability of Saudi Arabia and the presence of US citizens in the country. However, this focus does little to explain the conflict on the ground: ballistic missile strikes did not cause the civil war, nor are they accelerating the warring parties’ fragmentation or driving the war profiteering that disincentivizes armed actors from negotiating. This focus also elevates Saudi domestic security concerns over the violence being committed by all parties against Yemeni civilians. While a mention of a recent deadly strike against civilians in Hudaydah is welcome, a greater focus on the war’s frontlines, including the decimation of civilian infrastructure in Sa’dah or the Houthis’ ongoing siege of Ta’iz, would have provided a clearer snapshot of the warring parties’ inexcusable human rights and law of war violations.

The report also, unjustifiably, downplays the civilian casualties resulting from coalition attacks, failing to mention that the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has identified the coalition’s airstrikes as the leading cause of civilian casualties.

Similarly, Sharp’s report downplays the coalition’s role in exacerbating the humanitarian crisis, only directly apportioning Saudi Arabia responsibility when discussing the full blockade of last November and December. Reading this, a congressional office would get no sense that the coalition has maintained a partial blockade throughout the conflict.

In its final paragraphs, the report presents US involvement in Yemen’s civil war as an unfortunate situation for which the US has “few good choices.” In discussing the difficulties facing the peace process, Sharp seems to acknowledge the limitations of UN Security Council Resolution 2216 (which established unrealistic preconditions for negotiations), before warning that negotiating outside of its framework is a “risk”that will “alienate” the coalition “while also boosting Iranian legitimacy” (without explaining what this latter claim means) – by Will Picard

Remark: On the debate in senate, look at YPR 405, cp9.

(* B K P)

The Extent and Validity of Yemen’s Consent to the US’s Use of Force

Although Article 2(4) of the UN Charter prohibits members from threatening or using force against another member, there are certain exceptions that may apply to the U.S. military involvement in Yemen, such as the Yemeni government’s consent. However, recent reports that Yemen’s President Hadi is under house arrest in Saudi Arabia raise deep concerns about the validity of his government’s consent to military operations. In the absence of valid consent, many of the current U.S. operations in Yemen would likely be found to violate the UN Charter’s prohibition on the use of force.

The only ongoing direct use of force by the United States in Yemen is against the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and associated groups, including al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.There is little doubt that the repeated use of military weaponry to cause significant property damage and loss of life within the territory of another sovereign state qualifies as a “use of force” under Article 2(4).The question, then, is whether any of the exceptions to the prohibition on the use of force applies.

Because there has been no Security Council authorization regarding Yemen, there are two possible legal bases for these uses of direct force: consent or self-defense.

The one direct use of force by the United States against the Houthis took place after the Houthis fired on U.S. Navy ships in 2016. As discussed in the first Article in this series, that use of force was justified as an act of self-defense (and the Obama Administration filed an Article 51 letter to that effect). At present, the Houthis do not appear to pose any continuing threat to the United States and therefore self-defense would not be available to the United States as a justification for any renewed use of force against the Houthis in Yemen.

Although the United States is not presently using direct force against the Houthis in Yemen, it is providing military weapons, training, and other assistance to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.Such support can cross the use of force threshold and thus bring a state into violation of Article 2(4) unless it is justified under one of the permitted exceptions to the prohibition on the use of force.

Here, President Hadi’s request to the Saudi-led coalition asked that it use “all necessary means” to combat the Houthi-Saleh alliance, a request that arguably includes the use of U.S. military assistance. Notably, President Hadi’s letter requesting assistance was directed towards specific countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, and Qatar), not the international community in general.Any use of force by a state other than those to whom the letter was addressed may therefore be a violation of Article 2(4). Consent, after all, is not transitive.

As the foregoing analysis shows, the central legal basis for U.S. operations in Yemen is the consent of the Yemeni government.However, news reports suggest that Saudi Arabia has placed Yemen’s President Hadi “under de facto house arrest in Riyadh because they deemed his political activities in the liberated port city of Aden as too meddlesome.”

My comment: The problem is: “president” Hadi’s term as president finally ended on Feb. 27, 2015. Thus, his letter requesting assistance was not written by Yemen’s legitimate president. Therefore, the whole Saudi aggression, and all US assistance for the Saudi coalition, are illegal.

(* A P)

US War Making: What’s in It for You?

If you are an American, have you asked yourself these questions?

  1. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Iraq?
    2. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Afghanistan?
    3. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Syria?
    4. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Yemen?
    5. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Africa?
    6. What purpose of mine would be served by the US government’s making war in Iran?
    Unless you are an unusual American, and if you are honest, your answer in each case would be, No purpose of mine is served by such war making.
    Yet US forces continue to make war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Africa with no prospect of discontinuation in sight, and the probability is substantial that US forces will attack Iran and that US actions in Syria will provoke direct fighting with the Russians supporting the Assad regime — fighting that might spiral out of control and eventuate in nuclear war. Why?

(* A P)

Sen. Chris Murphy Grills State Dept. Official: After Five Years, Why Is U.S. Still Backing Saudi Arabian War In Yemen?

At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy grills Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Satterfield about the war in Yemen, where the U.S. is supplying a Saudi Arabian proxy war against Iran.

Satterfield explained: "It is the Saudi position that military force needs to be continued to apply. Our response to the Saudis at the highest levels has been that application of force has not been and is not predictably likely to be successful in achieving that political goal."
"And we have been unsuccessful in changing their mind for five years and we expect things to change?" Murphy said.
"The Saudis have made it pretty clear to everyone that's asked them that they are not going to come to the table until the military battle lines on the ground inside Yemen change and that until they get the Houthis back on their heels militarily they aren't going to come to the negotiating table," Murphy also said. "And yet you're telling us that you think that they are going to -- the Saudis are going to engage even if after five years of trying to get the battle lines to be different they have no success."
"So, why are the Saudis going to come to the table today if for five years they've been trying to move the battle lines without success?" (with film)

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

UK envoy to Saudi Arabia hails defeat of 'terrorists' in besieged Shia town

Ambassador said shattered Awamiyah could be rebuilt with the 'return of security' to the city

Human rights activists have criticised the British ambassador to Saudi Arabia after he was filmed in the recently besieged eastern province city of Awamiyah praising the government's defeat of "terrorists".

Awamiyah, located in the Shia-populated Qatif province, was the site of clashes between Saudi security forces and locals last year after attempts were made to demolish the historic Musawara district.

"This morning I am visiting Musawara in Awamiyah," said Simon Collis in the video, released on Twitter by the Saudi news site Al-Sharq Al-Awsat on Thursday, after he visited the area that morning.

"This is a place where the Saudi authorities defeated terrorists last year and where they have begun to rebuild the community."

He hailed the "investment" going on in the town as a sign that the community was being rebuilt following the siege.

My comment: This is fully adopting the Saudi view smearing every opposition as “terrorists” and the destruction of an opposition town as “return of security”. Shame.

(A K P)

Corbyn: Does Strike on Syria Justify Bombing Saudi Arabia over Yemen?

Leftist leader of Britain's Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn said the US-UK-France missile strike on Syria was "legally questionable," and its rationale could be used to justify bombing Saudi Arabia over its devastating war on Yemen

JEREMY CORBYN: Does, for example, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen entitle other countries do arrogate themselves the right to bomb Saudi airfields or their positions in Yemen, especially given their use of banned cluster bombs and white phosphorous?

Three United Nations agencies said in January that Yemen was the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. So will the Prime Minister today commit to ending support to the Saudi bombing campaign and arms sales to Saudi Arabia?

(A K P)

Yemen: Peace Negotiations:Written question - HL6842

Q: To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have any plans to table a resolution in the UN Security Council calling for an immediate ceasefire and peace talks in Yemen.

A: The Government keeps under consideration whether a new UN resolution would support progress towards a polictical settlement in Yemen. Any new UN Security Council resolution requires consensus amongst the international community and the cooperation of regional parties to have an effect on the ground. Passing a resolution without clear progress on the political track risks undermining the authority of the Council.

(A K P)

Q: To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia until there is an end to conflict in Yemen.

A: The British Government takes its arms export licensing responsibilities very seriously and operates one of the most robust arms export control regimes in the world. All export licence applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis against the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria, taking account of all relevant factors at the time of the application. The key test for our continued arms exports to Saudi Arabia, in relation to International Humanitarian Law (IHL), is whether there is a clear risk that those items subject to the licence might be used in a serious violation of IHL. The situation is kept under careful and continual review.

My comment: LOL.

Comment: Here’s another possible UK headline that will only appear in a newspaper on Mars: “UK to continue arms exports to Saudi Arabia as atrocities continue”.

Comment: Here’s another key UK foreign policy that won’t make the news. The headline could be: “UK opposes ceasefire in Yemen”. But this would serve no ideological function for the 'mainstream' media, therefore the public will hear nothing of it.

(A P)

UK PM’s husband’s Capital Group is largest shareholder in BAE, shares soar since Syrian airstrikes

Philip May, husband of the UK prime minister, works for a company that is the largest shareholder in arms manufacturer, BAE Systems, whose share price has soared since the recent airstrikes in Syria.

The company, Capital Group, is also the second-largest shareholder in Lockheed Martin – a US military arms firm that supplies weapons systems, aircraft and logistical support. Its shares have also rocketed since the missile strikes last week.

Theresa May’s husband has worked as a relationship manager for the research investment company Capital Group since 2005. The Tory-BAE links go even deeper, however.

My comment: Shame. But please also mention the Saudi war in Yemen and zthe 48 BAE Typhoon fighter jets which Saudi Arabia will buy now.

(A P)

From Barrow to Saudi Arabia - John Woodcock leads delegation to meet King Salman

The week-long visit focussed on the longstanding defence partnership which sustains thousands of BAE aerospace manufacturing jobs

BARROW and Furness MP John Woodcock met the king of Saudi Arabia as he led a Labour fact finding mission to the country.

King Salman received the Labour MPs at his presidential palace in Riyadh on Tuesday to discuss areas of co-operation between the kingdom and Great Britain.

Mr Woodcock said he was “hugely struck by the king’s ambition to modernise the country” after being invited to lead the six-strong delegation of senior MPs and peers in his role as chair of Labour’s backbench foreign affairs committee.

My comment: Odd. What is he doing there?

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Yemen community in Germany to protest against Saudi war crimes

Yemen community in Schleswig-Holstein state of Germany will hold a protest on Saturday against the ongoing crimes of the Saudi-led international coalition forces in Yemen, The head of the Yemeni community, Saddam Al-Hamri, told Yemen Press Agency.

(* A P)

Deutscher Bundestag

zu dem Antrag der Abgeordneten Omid Nouripour, Katja Keul, Claudia Roth

(Augsburg), weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN

– Drucksache 19/834 –

Humanitäre Katastrophe in Jemen lindern – Rüstungsexporte stoppen

Die Antragsteller sind der Auffassung, dass die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Staatenkoalition durch die Lieferung von Waffen aus Deutschland direkt oder indirekt unterstützt werde. Sie begrüßen die im Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU/CSU und SPD vereinbarte Beendigung von Waffenlieferungen an unmittelbar am Krieg im Jemen beteiligten Staaten, fordern die Bundesregierung jedoch dazu auf, auch bereits erteilte Genehmigungen zu widerrufen, den Genehmigungsvorbehalt für technische Unterstützung in den §§ 49 und 50 der Außenwirtschaftsverordnung auf sämtliche Rüstungsgüter zu erweitern und ein Gesetz zu schaffen, welches den Anwendungsbereich der deutschen Rüstungsexportbestimmung auf Tochterunternehmen deutscher Unternehmen erweitert, die im Ausland produzieren.

(A H)

Massenschlägerei unter Flüchtlingen

Flüchtlinge aus Somalia und dem Jemen haben sich in der Landesunterkunft in Boostedt bei Neumünster eine Schlägerei geliefert. Ein am Dienstag begonnener Streit habe sich am Mittwoch in der Kantine fortgesetzt, teilte die Polizei mit. Dabei seien zehn bis 15 Personen aneinander geraten. In einer ersten Meldung war von 100 bis 150 Beteiligten die Rede gewesen. Dies habe sich aber nicht bestätigt, gab die Polizei an. =

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Disturbing: #UAE strongman @MohamedBinZayed orders the closure of #UAE hospital in #Somali capital that gave free health care to needy 1000s. MBZ Using medical care as a weapon

(A P)

UAE rights activist Ahmed Mansoor put on trial in Abu Dhabi

Prominent activist Ahmed Mansoor has been held for more than a year in solitary confinement without access to a lawyer.

The trial of an Emirati human rights activist, who was arrested after falling foul of the country's cybercrime laws, has started in the UAE's capital, Abu Dhabi.

Ahmed Mansoor was arrested on March 20 last year after authorities accused him of using his social media accounts to publish "false information" and "spread hatred and sectarianism".

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A K P)

Qatar joins Gulf war games in apparent compromise

Qatari forces participated in joint military exercises that ended in Saudi Arabia this week, in an apparent sign of some compromise among U.S.-allied Arab states locked in a nearly year-long dispute.

Comment: Divided in peace, united by any potential war. What to expect next, Qatar rejoining the Coalition bombing #Yemen?

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* A K P)

Trump admin rolls out new rules for weapon, drone sales abroad

The Trump administration has rolled out a new set of policies governing its exports of military equipment abroad, with a focus on the idea that “economic security is national security.”

But the changes may fall short of what the defense industry was hoping for, particularly when it comes to the export of military drones.

The new rules, rolled out April 19, create broad new language emphasizing the need to consider economic benefits when looking at potential weapon exports to partner nations.

Peter Navarro, White House National Trade Council head, said this change will allow allies and partners “to more easily obtain” American security goods, which in turn improves the security of the Untied States while “reducing” the need for them to buy Chinese and Russian systems.

“For too long we have hamstrung ourselves and limited our ability to provide our allies and partners with the defensive capabilities they require, even when in the U.S. interests,” Navarro said.

My comment: They never get enough…

(* A K P)

NGOs zeigen Rheinmetall-Tochter an

Der Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall gerät in Italien juristisch unter Druck. Wegen Bombenlieferungen an Saudi-Arabien haben Menschenrechtsorganisationen aus mehreren Ländern gegen die Unternehmenstochter RWM Italia Strafanzeige erstattet, die dem ARD-Politikmagazin Report München vor liegt. Es geht unter anderem um mögliche Mittäterschaft beim Mord an Zivilisten im Jemen.

Am 8. Oktober 2016 um drei Uhr nachts schlägt in einem Dorf im Nordwesten des Jemen eine Bombe ein. Sechs Menschen kommen ums Leben, darunter vier Kinder und eine schwangere Frau. In den Trümmern finden Mitarbeiter der jemenitischen Menschenrechtsorganisation Mwatana Bombenteile. Ein Code deutet auf den Hersteller RWM Italia hin. Die Abkürzung bedeutet: Rheinmetall Waffe Munition.

Anzeige richtet sich auch gegen deutsche Rüstungsmanager

Der Fall steht im Zentrum der Strafanzeige, die das European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) mit Sitz in Berlin, Mwatana und die italienischen Organisationen Rete Disarmo und Opal jetzt gemeinsam bei der Staatsanwaltschaft in Rom eingereicht haben.

Sie richtet sich gegen italienische Beamte, die trotz des Jemen-Kriegs seit Jahren Exporte von Rheinmetall-Bomben nach Saudi-Arabien durchwinken. Im Fokus stehen außerdem aktuelle und ehemalige hochrangige Mitarbeiter von RWM Italia. Unter diesen sind auch deutsche Rüstungsmanager.

NGOs geben Managern und Beamten Schuld an Bombardierung eines Dorfs

Nach Auffassung der Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben Manager und Beamte den Angriff auf das jemenitische Dorf durch die Waffenlieferungen an Saudi-Arabien oder dessen Verbündete ermöglicht.

Rheinmetall liefert seit Jahren Bomben an die Saudis

Rheinmetall umgeht deutsches Exportverbot für Bomben

Deutsch und italienische Regierungen erklären sich für nicht zuständig

Auch italienisches Recht verbietet Bombenlieferungen in Kriegsgebiete

und auch:

(* A K P)
Italian officials and German firm face legal action over Saudi arms sales

Human rights groups file complaint challenging arms exports used in Yemen bombing

A rare legal action has been launched against Italian government officials and a major European arms manufacturer over alleged involvement in the aerial bombardment of Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians.

A coalition of human rights organisations from Germany, Italy and Yemen filed a complaint on Tuesday with the prosecutors’ office in Rome against officials from the Italian foreign ministry and the local subsidiary of the German conglomerate Rheinmetall, RWM Italia, over arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

The move was announced at a joint press conference of the organisations in Rome on Wednesday.

The groups mounting the legal challenge in Italy hope that by focussing on a specific incident – a well-documented bombing on 8 October 2016 that left a family of six dead, including four children – they will increase their chances of success.

The legal challenge was lodged jointly by the Berlin-based European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), the Yemen-based Mwatana Organisation for Human Rights and the Italian Rete Italiana per il Disarmo.

Francesco Vignarca from Rete Disarmo said: “Despite the reported violations in Yemen, Italy continues to export arms to members of the Saudi-led military coalition. This is contrary to Italian law 185/1990, which prohibits arms exports ‘to countries engaged in armed conflict’. Further, it is in contrast with the binding provisions of the EU common position on arms export control and the international arms trade treaty.” and


(* A K P)

“Bombe italiane per uccidere civili nello Yemen”, Rete disarmo: “Unici in Ue a non dichiarare a chi vendiamo armi”

Alcune organizzazioni dichiarano di avere le prove che ad uccidere alcuni civili durante il conflitto nello Yemen sono state armi italiane. Il loro impiego da parte del contingente guidato dai sauditi è stato più volte denunciato da parte degli operatori umanitari, ma questa volta le prove verranno consegnate direttamente alla procura di Roma perché accerti le responsabilità italiane in merito a un preciso episodio in cui dei bambini e una donna incinta hanno perso la vita.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* A K P)

Film: The arrival of mercenaries from Chad to Saudi Arabia after they were brought by Mohammed bin Salman for the fighting in Yemen.

What appears to be an #American or #British officer is guiding mercenaries from #Chad in #Saudi Arabia before they join the Saudi war on #Yemen. British mercenaries are operating worldwide& have killed 1000s of civilians (photo9

(* A K P)

Bring Sudanese troops home now

The Sudanese troops fighting hard now in Yemen, who were sent there by order of al-Bashir, should return home. The process of implementing this task is much challenging. But, we urgently should initiate a broad and stormy civil movement to help our sons get out from this Iranian-Saudi sectarian conflict.

Thinking profoundly about this dilemma, we should have a comprehensive perspective to deal with the high casualties facing our young troops participating in that war zones. In the absence of justifiable ethical reason concerning the participation of the country’s armed forces in the conflict, the news of the systematic death of these Sudanese youth in the Yemeni battlefields is painful, sad and Heartbreaking.

Almost all the soldiers sent to Yemen are victims of poverty, which is caused by Al-Bashir’s policies. Whether some of them have volunteered to join the mission or are merely ordered by the government to participate in it, they are all faced with a painful reality. Given the fact that there is no place for them in the country’s miserable workplaces, fighting for Al-Bashir is their only option available to them now.

(* A K P)

Sudan airlifts hundreds of Darfuri recruits to UAE bound for Yemen war

Last week hundreds of Darfuris were reportedly transported from El Geneina airport in West Darfur to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in two large aircraft, for military training. They will then be deployed by Sudan in the war in Yemen.

Informed sources in El Geneina told Radio Dabanga that the recruitment process is carried out by officers of the UAE.

According to the sources, each recruit who is fit to fight and is no more than 30 years old would be given SDG1 million (*$55,000) in advance to sign a service contract for a period of five years.

The sources said that last week two large aircraft loaded with hundreds of soldiers of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia were flown to Yemen after receiving military training in camps in West and Central Darfur.

Hundreds of recruits have already been flown from Nyala airport to Saudi Arabia after being recruited by Saudi officers at Mural Hotel.

The recruits were reportedly each handed an initial advance payment of SDG 830,000 ($45,700) before travelling to Saudi Arabia where they would be trained for military service.

(* A K P)

Saudi Coalition in Yemen Courts Uganda to Resuscitate Failing Operations

Now, the UAE and Saudi Arabia lack the manpower to carry out their ground invasions. This situation has led Abu Dhabi to court Kampala into sending troops to Yemen.

The Ugandan government dismissed these reports and denied that Kampala would send its forces to the Arabian country. According to a member of the Saudi coalition in Yemen, Uganda will send 8,000 troops to Yemen on the U.A.E.’s behalf.

Emirati Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan will travel to Uganda soon to sign several unknown agreements — one of which is said to include the troop deployment.

Remark: Earlier reporting YPR 405, cp13b.

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* A B K)

The Aggression Targets Historical Cities The General Commission for Preservation Historic Cities condemned the direct and continuous targeting of cities and monuments in Yemen since the beginning of the US-Saudi aggression, which homes, mosques, fortresses, fortresses, palaces and temples were destroyed by the aggression without regard to international laws or humanitarian considerations. .

The Commission condemned the aggression against these cities and monuments deliberately intended to obliterate the civilizational history of our country and its national identity. The latest is what was done by the US-Saudi Aggression on Monday, 16, April, 2018, of a rocket attack targeting the historical archaeological village of Masar in Manakhah district, causing the destruction of the fortress of the historical path that dates back to the fourth century AH and a large number of houses in the village were completely destroyed in addition to causing serious damage to what remains of it.

Remark: On the aggression against Manakah, YPR 405, cp16, and look at film

(* A K)

Yemen: Civilian casualties, destruction as airstrikes hit historic Jabal Masar

Saudi-led airstrikes hit civilian houses in the Yemeni town of Jabal Masar, which is known for its ancient history, on Monday as shown in footage released on the following Thursday.

According to local media, two women were killed and scores more civilians were injured, among them many women and children. The airstrike turned many of the town's historic houses to rubble.



Glimpses of Ancient Yemen at the Hermitage

The Hermitage Museum, Russia, in conjunction with UNESCO, is showing “Yemen in the Hermitage,” highlighting the culture and history of ancient Yemen at a moment when the country is torn by war and many archeological sites and works of art are being destroyed.

“The bitter civil war with extensive foreign intervention is bringing with it the mass destruction of historical monuments that is going unnoticed by the world community,” the museum says. “That is why museums around the world in conjunction with UNESCO have launched a series of informative actions to remind people of yet another cultural tragedy.” (with photos)

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

Great to see Hadramout Beekeepers Association finalize packaging of honey ready for exports. (photos)

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

1/ New 31min film from #alQaeda #Yemen: Repelling Aggression 9. Focuses on #AQAP ops in Abyan vs #UAE-backed forces. Showcases prep & execution of multi-suicide op vs Rapid Reaction Forces (23Oct2017). Ends showing training for motorbike drive-by assassinations. Some old footage (thread)

(A T)

Al-Badya' remains the main focus of #alQaeda ops in #Yemen. Today #AQAP claimed 2 more ops vs Houthis in al-Bayda' on Wednesday morning: Commander Abu 'Aziza assassinated in the cultural quarter of Bayda' city & vehicle bombed in al-Wathba area.

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen support wires yesterday reported the death of Abu Nasir al-Baydani by US #drone strike in al-Sawma'a region of al-Bayda' along with other "brothers" who were with him.

(* A T)

Syrien: Kämpfen Islamisten aus Ost-Ghuta jetzt im Jemen weiter?

Die radikalen Islamisten der Gruppe Dschaisch al-Islam haben Ost-Ghuta verlassen. Sie befinden sich jetzt in einer nordsyrischen Provinz an der Grenze zur Türkei – und wechseln die Seiten.

Es könne jedoch auch sein, dass Saudi-Arabien sie nach Jemen verlegt. Dort würden dringend frische Kräfte benötigt. „Nur führt der kürzeste Weg dorthin über türkisches Gebiet. Entweder Ankara stimmt der Verlegung zu, oder Saudi-Arabien muss einen anderen Weg finden“, so der Experte.

Mein Kommentar: Ja, fein, mit wem sich die Saudis (und damit auch ihre westlichen Verbündeten) alles einlassen.

(* A T)

#AQAP releases Madad bulletin 2 focusing on #ImamAssassinations. Features message from Batarfi (1st from him since 23Jan release of a Dec2017 video message on Jerusalem). Calls for #Yemen's Southerners to rise up against #UAE & its henchmen in Yemen who “arrest & torture Muslims”


(* A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed the UAE and Emirati-backed forces are responsible for a string of imam assassinations in southern Yemen in its second issue of Madab bulletin published on April 18. The bulletin also called for Yemeni southerners to rebel against the UAE. Militants have assassinated at least 25 imams in Aden and southern Yemen since 2016.

cp15 Propaganda

(A K P)

Arab Coalition Calls for Transferring UN Headquarters to the Liberated Territories

The Arab Coalition renovated his call for UN delegations in Yemen to transfer its headquarters from territories controlled by Al-Houthi militias to the liberated territories. Saudi UN delegate delivered a message to UN Secretary General and UN Security Council indicating that Al-Houthi militias establish their ballistic missiles launchers near the offices of UN delegations in Yemen, like UNICEF, and this prevent the Arab Coalition from targeting such posts

My comment: Take it as what it really is: a threat.

(A K P)

Tareq Saleh’s Forces Confuse Houthis in Yemen

Party sources confirmed that panic gripped Houthi militia commanders after Tareq Saleh entered the battle.
The militia summoned hundreds of its members in the northern front of the western coastal region to reinforce its lines against his forces’ imminent attack, said local sources in the al-Hodeidah region.
Military observes said that the participation of Tareq Saleh’s highly prepared forces marks a major transition in ending the Houthi presence in Yemen and shifting the battle in the country in favor of the legitimate forces.’s-forces-confuse-houthis-yemen

My comment: Ok, the Saudis need these militia to whin the war? Oh yes, seems so.

(A K P)

Yemeni Government Condemns Silence of International Community Regarding Houthi Violations and Crimes in Taiz Governorate

(A P)

Yemen PM: Houthi militia have lost strength, its end is near

Yemeni prime minister, Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr said, on Friday, that the Houthi militia lost most of its strength and that “its end is near and inevitable,” calling on those who are misled by them to return to their right mind and support the federal state of Yemen.

He stressed that the Yemeni people “will not accept the myth of the divine right to rule,” referring to the Houthi militia’s ideology. and see also

(A P)

How Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants are Seizing Power in a Key Part of the Arabian Peninsula

byJulie Lenarz | 04.20.18 12:01 pm

Iran’s involvement in Yemen should be framed as part of its expansionist agenda in the Middle East region and larger proxy war with Saudi Arabia.

Matters came to a head as a result of the Houthi’s seizure of the country’s capital Sana’a in September 2014. In March of 2015, a Saudi-led coalition began an air and ground campaign against the Houthi. Over two years later, the war has entered a stalemate, with Yemen’s civilian population now suffering through one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters.

The Yemeni government has demanded that the United Nations designate the Houthis as a terror group.

Remark: On the author: Julie Lenarz is a senior fellow at The Israel Project and the executive director of the Human Security Centre, an independent foreign policy think tank based in London.

My comment: LOL. Another of these Lobby Think Tanks.

(A P)

"Outside of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman might be associated with confrontation" is the euphemism the TIME 100 list uses to mean "MBS is bombing thousands of Yemeni children to pieces & starving millions more civilians—while backing Salafi death squads in Syria" (see image)

(A P)

Dear Rouhani, actions speak louder than words

Iran’s disruptive activities in the region have forced Arab leaders to sound the alarm bell

There is many a slip between the cup and the lip in Tehran. President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that Iran “does not intend any aggression” against its neighbours, at a time when the UAE announced that had seized an Iranian-made drone laden with explosives in Yemen.

The complete disparity between Iran’s actions and words has become the norm as Arab leaders continue to sound the alarm to the international community of the dangers of leaving Iran’s regional ambitions unchecked.

The United States and its allies have been demanding that Iran curb its ballistic missile programme, but have taken little concrete action to clip Iran’s wings.

Iran has long been accused of seeking to dominate the Middle East through the expansion of proxy forces — not only in Yemen but in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon as well.

(A P)

Bellingcat—which gets money from the US gov-funded NED and fixates obsessively on Western enemies—claims to be nonpartisan and impartial, committed to exposing all sides, but a website search shows it hasn't published anything on Yemen since February 2017.

When Bellingcat's Eliot Higgins rarely brings up Yemen, it's not to report on the Yemeni civilians who are on a daily basis massacred by US-Saudi coalition airstrikes, but rather to deflect from criticism over Bellingcat's extremely biased pro-Syrian opposition work (image)

(A P)

Army spokesman: Intensive preparations to encircle Sana'a from its south

The Yemeni army's spokesman Brig. Gen. Abdu Majalli said " preparations are under way to surround Sana'a from its south by opening a front in Dhamar province."

In a statement to the Saudi daily "Okaz" , he said that Dhamar and province of Beidha will represent a gateway to liberate the province of Ibb and cut the rebels' supplies to Taiz and other southern regions.

(A P)

Hodeidah Governor : Signs of victory appearing in the horizon

The Governor of Hodeidah Hassan Ali Taher said "the signs of victory are appearing in the horizon" as several strategic sites have been recaptured from Houthi rebels in Yemen's western coastline.

In an interview with WAM agency, he called upon the people of Hodeidah to rebel against the Iranian –backed militia and against their continued violations, repressive grip and terrorism.

Remark: Hadi government appointed governor.

(A P)

Only UN-sponsored "political response" can end Yemen conflict - French FM

A "political response" under the auspices of the United Nations is the key to finding a solution to the Yemeni conflict that is having "absolutely dramatic" effects on the civilian population, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Wednesday.
Speaking in Parliament, Le Drian said "the conflict is in an impasse" after three and a half years and the humanitarian crisis is worsening.
He said France was in regular contact with the Saudi-led coalition and had agreed on the hosting of a humanitarian conference on Yemen in the coming months, most likely before the summer.
"Progress has been made as the coalition has decided to mobilize USD 1.5 billion to help with humanitarian aid," Le Drian remarked, adding that President Emmanuel Macron had discussed the humanitarian crisis with Saudi Crown Prince,

My comment: France had lost any credibility in regard of the Yemen war and crisis.

(A P)

Yemeni PM Claims Houthi Rebels Smuggling Missiles From Iran Through Al-Hudeidah Seaport

Shia Houthi rebels are smuggling “ballistic missiles” from Iran through the Al-Hudeidah Seaport on Yemen’s western coast, Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Daghar claimed Wednesday.

“The Yemeni government is facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid through seaports in liberated areas with a view to distributing it countrywide,” bin Daghar said.

“But the Houthis are using Al-Hudeidah Port to smuggle weapons [into Yemen] -- including ballistic missiles -- from Iran,” he added.

“This has served to prolong the war and increase the suffering of Yemeni people in areas under Houthi control,” the prime minister said.

(A P)

Houthis: Iran’s New Hezbollah in Making

The greater Iranian support to Houthis is unsurprising. What is surprising is that the Houthi militias, which claim to be fighting to liberate Yemen and in name of Yemeni nationalism have blindly chosen to take orders from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards even when these orders completely contradict their agenda. Now Al Houthis are a mere tool in the hands of the regime in Tehran which they can use anytime to serve their regional aspirations. Iran has always taken advantage of chaos in any country in which they created proxies like- Iraq, Lebanon and Syria hence Iran will never let Yemen be stabilize.

(A H P)
More Saudi / UAE „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1b

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

April 20:

April 19:

April 18:

April 17:

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition’s war jets bomb farm in Hajjah

Fighter jets of US-backed, Saudi-led aggression coalition attacked citizen's farm in Bakil al-Mir district of Hajjah province, a local official told Saba on Saturday.
The airstrike hit a citizen’s farm in Fas area in the district.


Pictures of the effects of the destruction caused by the Saudi air force on a bulldozer and farm of the citizen Mohammed Jubran Qabhash in the area of Fez,

(A K pH)

Film: Injured citizen in a raid on the Saudi - American aggression on the region of Ghafra, Saada governorate

(* A K pH)

5 Civilians martyrdom in aggression airstrikes in Saada

Five civilians were killed and others were injured in US-backed Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on Haidan district in Saada province, a local official told Saba on Friday.
The operation took place on Maran area in Hidan distric

and photos

film = =

(A K pH)

Two aggression airstrikes wages on Sanaa

US- backed Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Thursday waged two airstrikes on Sanaa capital, a local official told Saba.
The aggression warplane waged two airstrikes on power plants transformer south of al- Sabieen garden, said the official.


(A K pS)

At least 3 civilians wounded by coalition air strike southern Sana'a

At least three civilians were wounded Thursday night by air strikes launched by Saudi-led Arab warplanes south of the capital Sanaa, eyewitnesses said.

The eyewitnesses told Almasdaronline that the warplanes launched two raids, the first in the field of 70th square, and the other in the Masbahi around, without causing deaths.

They said one of the raids targeted electric transformers in front of the Fun City Park, wounding three civilians.


(A K pH)

My entire family survived a real death this afternoon. Airstrikes hit near Fun City in Sanaa, where hundreds of children including mine were playing. Shrapnels, sand and stones hit under their feet. They were almost suffocated by dust and smoke. Shock is unfathomable!

Nothing whatsoever could justify indiscriminate targeting of densely populated areas by any of the parties to the conflict. Harrowing accounts by my kids on how they’d survived today’s heartless attacks in Sanaa. They look physically ok, but totally devastated.


I was close to today's bombing by #Saudi led coalition on Fun city Park in #Sanaa, women and children were crying, I saw fragments hit cars and injured people.


Target: A cute little house. #Saudi airstrikes yesterday off the Al Misbahi roundabout, Haddah district. (photo)


This Yemeni man has become homeless over night! He & his wife & their daughter are all in the street! He came here to see if he can find anything to help him under rubbles His house was destroyed yesterday whenUS-Saudi war criminal bombed electric generators of Sanaa(pic 3) (photos9

(A K ph)

#Yemen capital Sanaa, just before sunset today: #Saudi airstrikes off Al Misbahi roundabout, Haddah district.

(A K pH)

Reports of civilians casualties in #Saudi #UAE 2 strikes on power station in Almusbahi area in Haddah district in #Sanaa #Yemen

US-Saudi war criminals bombed generators of electricity in the middle of Yemeni capital Sanaa. All public electricity networks all over the country had been destroyed at the beginning of this US-Saudi barbaric aggression. Today,they maliciously destroyed small generators!

(* A K pH)

Five civilians killed as Saudi warplanes bombard Yemen’s Hudaydah

At least five civilians have been killed and several others injured when Saudi fighter jets carried out a string of airstrikes against a residential neighborhood in Yemen’s western coastal province of Hudaydah as the Riyadh regime continues with its bombardment campaign against its impoverished neighbor.

Local sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told al-Masirah television network that Saudi military aircraft had launched three aerial assaults against an area in the al-Hali district of the province, located 150 kilometers southwest of the capital Sana'a, on Thursday afternoon.

The sources added that five people had lost their lives in the attacks, while a number of others sustained injuries.

Earlier in the day, Saudi warplanes struck Sa’ada airport as well as Kahlan military base, situated 3 kilometers northeast of the mountainous northwestern city of Sa'ada, with cluster bombs.

There were no immediate reports about the extent of damage caused in the airstrikes. and also

and films (Hodeidah):

# Hodeidah Watch the video targeting the flight with a third raid and the apparent fall of the missile on one of the neighborhoods in the round Al-Qarai near the factory Habashi Street ring in the city of Hodeidah 19/4/2018

(A K)

#Breaking: #Saudi warplanes are dropping cluster bombs on #Saada city #Yemen. @theresa_may , @realDonaldTrump and @EmmanuelMacron are responsible for theses unlawful attacks

My friend said that they have found the cluster bombs in #Saada university.

My comment: Military target.

(* A K pH)

Report: woman wounded, citizen' homes destroys, 29 Saudi aggression airstrikes, ground attacks over a day

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

April 21: Hajjah p. Bayda p.

April 20: Saada p.

April 18: Lahj p. Hajjah p. Saada p. Taiz p. farm in Lahj p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K pH)


The pro-Houthis media group “Yemen Wrath” has released a big video report showing the Houthis’ combat operations against Saudi-led forces in March. The video shows military operations inside Yemen as well as cross-border operations on the Yemeni-Saudi border.

(A K)

Dozens killed as violence continues in Yemen's besieged Taiz

Heavy fighting between Yemeni pro-government forces and Houthi rebels has killed at least 25 people since Tuesday in the besieged southwestern province of Taiz, Yemeni security officials said on Thursday.

Houthis carried out an attack with heat-seeking, shoulder-fired missiles against pro-government forces led by the nephew of Yemen's late President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the western al-Burj district in Taiz, the officials said.

More than 10 fighters of Brig. Gen. Tareq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh's forces were killed in the attack and another eight were wounded, they said.

(A K pS)

Southern Resistance Siege Al-Houthis Near Al-Rahedah – South of Taiz

Remark: UAE-backed Soutrhern sparatists’ militia.

(A K pS)

Al-Houthi Militias Bombard Overpopulated Villages of Haqab – Karsh

(A K pS)

A Houthi sniper killed a child in Taiz on Wednesday in the latest deliberate murder of children in Yemen's southwestern city. (photo)

(A K pH)

Badr-1 ballistic missile hits Jizan airport

The missile force of the army and popular committees on Friday launched Badr-1 ballistic missile on Jizan airport, a military official told Saba

(A K)

Yemeni rebels step up ‘flying bomb’ attacks

The Saudi-led coalition has confirmed that the Yemeni rebel group Ansar Allah (Houthis) has used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) carrying explosives in at least three attempted attacks in a week.

(A K pH)


Jemenitische Kräfte haben einen Flughafen in Saudi-Arabien mit einer im Inland hergestellten ballistischen Rakete ins Visier genommen, berichtet die iranische Nachrichtenagentur PressTV unter Berufung auf arabische Medien.

Laut dem arabischsprachigen al-Masirah-Fernsehnetzwerk des Jemen am Mittwoch wurde die Rakete am Flughafen der Region Jizan gestartet.Der Angriff ereignete sich mehrere Stunden, nachdem jemenitische Streitkräfte ein Kraftwerk in der Najran-Region des Königreichs angegriffen hatten.

(A K)

Saudiarabische Luftabwehr fängt erneut Rakete aus dem Jemen ab

Die Luftabwehr in Saudi-Arabien hat erneut eine von den Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen abgefeuerte Rakete abgefangen. Die ballistische Rakete sei auf die Stadt Dschisan am Roten Meer abgefeuert worden, teilte die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition am Freitag mit.

(A K pH)

Badr-1 ballistic missile hits Jizan airport

The missile force of the army and popular committees on Wednesday launched Badr-1 ballistic missile on Jizan airport, a military official told Saba. and


(A K pS)

Joint Forces Command of the Coalition (Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen): Royal Saudi Air Defense Intercepts and Destroys Ballistic Missile Launched by Iranian Houthi Militia at Saudi Arabia.

The Official Spokesman of the Coalition (the Coalition to restore legitimacy in Yemen) Col. Turki Al-Malki stated that at 10:02, the Royal Saudi Air Defense detected a ballistic missile launch from Sa’dah, Yemen aimed at Saudi Arabia.
Col. Al-Malki reported that the ballistic missile was launched deliberately by the Iranian Houthi militia to target densely populated civilian areas in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, where the missile was intercepted and destroyed by the Royal Saudi Air Defense.
He continued: “The interception resulted in a projection of fragments throughout some residential areas. No casualties were recorded up to the time of this release”

My comment: Funny statement: “ballistic missile was launched deliberately by the Iranian Houthi militia to target densely populated civilian areas in Jizan”.


(A K P)

Jordan Condemns Houthi Militias Launching of Ballistic Missile on Jazan Region

(A K pS)

A #Houthi reconnaissance aircraft was shot down south of the Midi Front, in Hajjah province, northwest of Yemen, while taking photographs of army positions, days after the Houthis were defeated from this strategic city. (photos)

(A K pH)

Air defenses down drone of Saudi-led coalition in Hodaida

Air defenses of the army and popular forces on Wednesday downed a US MQ-9 unmanned aircraft belonging to the Saudi-led aggression coalition in Hodaida province and

(A K pH)

Yemen shoots down American drone

The Yemeni air defense units shot down an American MQ9 drone in the western province of Al-Hudaydah Wednesday

My comment: Saudi or American? This would make a great difference. – US drones do important task collecting info for Saudis and UAE coalition and once again show that the US is a warring party in Yemen.

Comment. Now, what's an American drone doing over #Yemen's AQAP-free Hodeidah province? It's like looking for a Montana Minutemen base in Brooklyn's Jewish neighbourhoods.

(A K pH)

Saada province: the Saudi' artillery shilling on differences places on Razah , Hidan and Thaher districts .
The cause left a woman was killed in Razah district. Also the attacked left large losses in citizens hoses and their properties.

(* A K pH)

Army's missile force, drone air force joint operation targets UAE Patriot system

The missile force and drone air force on Tuesday carried out a joint operation targeted the Saudi-paid mercenaries and invaders in Mukha and Mushaj in the west coast, according to military official combined by Saba.

The joint operation targeted an UAE Patriot system and the mercenaries troops in the west coast including Emirates

(* A K pS)

UAE intercepts Iranian-made drone in Yemen

The explosive-laden drone is believed to have been sent by Houthi rebels

Emirati forces in Yemen intercepted a drone on Wednesday believed to be targeting Arab coalition forces deployed along the western coast of Yemen.

The drone, which the military identified as an Iranian-made Qusaf-1, was carrying explosives. Military sources told Sky News Arabia that the intended target was coalition forces along the Red Sea coast making a push for the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah.

The Arab coalition is preparing for a renewed push to capture Hodeidah from the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. and

My comment: „Iranian made“? This still is he question. – And the Saudi / UAE side uses this incident for posing threats again.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Photo: This is what Yemenis are made of.... defiance, love and hope. A father who cannot afford a wheelchair carries his handicapped son to attend his graduation ceremony.

(* A)

Jemen: Fußballmärchen inmitten von Leid und Krieg

Doch ausgerechnet der Fußball bringt in diesen schweren Zeiten etwas Freude in das Land, das seit mehreren Jahren von einer der größten humanitären Katastrophen der Welt erschüttert wird.

Erstmals in ihrer Geschichte hat sich die Nationalmannschaft des Jemen für die Asienmeisterschaft qualifiziert. Es ist ein kleines Wunder, das die jemenitische Auswahl vollbracht hat.

"Die Qualifikation hilft jungen Menschen ihr Lächeln zurückzufinden und Teile ihres schweren Schicksals zu vergessen", sagt ein Anhänger aus Aden der französischen Nachrichtenagentur AFP. = und Film: =

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-405 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-405: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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