Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 411 - Yemen War Mosaic 411

Yemen Press Reader 411: 9.5.2018: Fotos aus Aden–Huthi-Todesurteile–Flüchtlinge–Kongress: Kriegs-Freibrief für Trump?–USA: Mittäter bei Kriegsverbrechen–Sokotra-Krise–Saudi-Luftangriff auf Sanaa

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May 9, 2018: Photos from Aden – Houthi death sentences – Refugees from Africa – Congress bill to give Trump a blank check for war (in German) – US complicit in Saudi war crimes – Socotra crisis – Saudi air raid at Sanaa – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Sokotra-Krise / Most important: Socotra crisis

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Saudischer Luftangriff auf Sanaa / Most important: Saudi air raid at Sanaa

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

p13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(** B H K P)

YEMEN: The State Sanctioned Mass Murder that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Children are dying every day in Yemen. They are dying from starvation, from treatable diseases, from Saudi bombs. They are dying because the UK Government does not care if they live or die. They are dying because corporate media in the west is so linked to state foreign policy, it has lost all humanity. They are dying because the UN tacitly supports the Saudi imposed blockade and humanitarian siege.

Every day we see images of twisted, broken, mangled limbs of children on social media. We become inured to this slaughter of innocents. We see the skin-stripping effects of the cluster bomb supplied by the U.S and the UK according to reports from inside Yemen. We see children clinging to life in the decimated, ruined medical sectors of Yemen. Children who simply do not deserve to die or to suffer in this senseless, heartless way.

We have seen wedding halls, markets, schools, hospitals, residential areas obliterated. Journalists have been deliberately targeted in a campaign reminiscent of the Zionist assassinations of Palestinian reporters who are the only voices able to transmit to the outside world. Since March 2015 this senseless war has waged even after UN Envoy, Jamal Benomar, made his departing statement:

“When this campaign started, one thing that was significant but went unnoticed is that the Yemenis were close to a deal that would institute power sharing with all sides, including the Houthis”

Professor Francis Boyle has many times described Yemen as a “genocide”. John Pilger, distinguished journalist and documentary filmmaker speaks on behalf of all thinking, breathing, empathic human beings when he says:

“If those who support aggressive war had seen a fraction of what I’ve seen, if they’d watched children fry to death from Napalm and bleed to death from a cluster bomb, they might not utter the claptrap they do.”

Yet our governments still ‘utter claptrap’. They talk about “aid” as if aid will be enough to repair the shattered lives and deliberately traumatised nation. As Hussain AlBukhaiti, a Yemeni activist and journalist based in Sanaa, said on RT’s Going Underground – ‘The U.K government sells billions of arms to Saudi Arabia to murder Yemeni people and then considers £ 10,000 in aid to be a sufficient offer to assuage their guilt’. I have paraphrased but the interview can be seen here.

While U.K politicians and U.S congress representatives pay lip service to “humanitarian” values they eschew at every turn, Yemenis die under a rain of death endorsed by those same representatives. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer puts jobs and resources provided by the U.S military industrial complex above the human misery in Yemen in a conversation with Rand Paul, one of the few genuine represenatives of the U.S people who speaks truth to power.

The fact is, the U.K and U.S administrations do not care about human suffering unless it is of benefit in providing public consent for their criminal foreign policies or is profitable for their corporate establishment mafia.

The hypocrisy must end. People must stop believing in the whitewash of evil that is conveyed to them by the state-sanctioned media and fraudulent NGOs that provide protection for their government crimes. Our governments do not care. They don’t care about the poor, the needy, the homeless, the “undesirables” in our own countries, they certainly dont care about the abject suffering they impose upon Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Palestine, Libya and so many more.

This is mass murder by criminal states who cover their crimes with counterfeit “humanitarian” platitudes. It is a pyrrhic victory for the war vultures who feed on the corpses of mankind, too weakened to withstand their rapacious intent – by Vanessa Beeley

(* B H)

Film: Children in Yemen are starving to death as civil conflict rages on

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B H)

Struggle and survival in war-torn Yemen

Civilians are struggling to cope with the devastating consequences of the three-year conflict.

[Photos from Aden]

In the south, the conflict with the Houthis feels increasingly distant. However, the region is affected by the threat of al-Qaeda, a problem that has taken root in some southern areas experiencing frequent deadly attacks.

Caught in the long-running conflict, civilians keep bearing the brunt. More than 40,000 displaced people, who arrived in Aden from other areas of the war-torn country, scrape by in slums and makeshift desert settlements, abandoned to their own fate.

The difficulty of accessing potable water has led to outbreaks of diseases such as cholera and dysentery. Children are particularly affected. The health crisis is aggravated by the lack of medical personnel in public hospitals, where workers have not been paid for several months.

Years of fighting and corruption have also led to oil scarcity at public petrol stations, which has in turn triggered huge price rises at private ones and on Aden's black market. As a result, power cuts are frequent and residents are often unable to run generators due to the fuel scarcity.

(** B P)

Shadow of execution: How Yemen families fear death sentences from illegal court

Akram, 22, an unemployed food distributor, was abducted in November 2016 while he was looking for work, heading to Sanaa from Aden.

The Houthis, who control much of Yemen including the capital Sanaa, inspect the mobile phones of anyone travelling from pro-government provinces to rebel-controlled areas.

In Akram’s case it led to accusations that he was working with the Saudi-led coalition: many charged with similar offences have been sentenced to death, although none has yet been executed at time of writing.

"This is a Houthi court and we cannot defend our sons,” Rafat said. “If I try to defend my son, the Houthis will arrest me as well as him, and then only the women will be able to go and defend their sons."

Court in a trap

Yemen’s legal system, like the rest of the country, is wrecked: whichever armed group – be they backed by militia, the government or rebels - runs a city or region usually runs its state institutions such as the judiciary.

The Specialised Criminal Court of First Instance in Sanaa, which deals with crimes including terrorism, is operated by the Houthi rebels.

During the past two years it has sentenced people like Akram, who have been stopped and accused of working with the Saudi-led coalition, al-Qaeda or Islamic State (IS).

On the same day as Aden shut down the court, the Sanaa judiciary sentenced three abductees to death for working for the Saudi intelligence and fighting with al-Qaeda against the Houthi Popular Committees.

On 24 April, four men were sentenced to death for being mercenaries of the "aggression", as the Saudi-led coalition is known, passing on positions and movements of Houthi military forces to the kingdom’s intelligence services, according to the Houthi-run Saba News Agency.

Another four, who received the same sentence, were accused of working for al-Qaeda and IS. And in January 2018 four abductees, including a woman, were sentenced to death for working with the Saudi-led coalition.

'Outlaw' justice?

The court in Sanaa has sometimes revoked its earlier decisions.

The Abductees Mothers Association (AMA) was founded in 2015, when the Houthis abducted thousands of people, to support families and especially mothers.

It condemned the judgments against abductees and said that the court is an “outlaw court where abductees are subjecting to illegal trials with false accusations."

The association said that the Houthis needed to take full responsibility for the safety of the abductees.

There are an estimated 14,000 detainees in Houthi prisons, according to the Yemeni government’s ministry of human rights, with at least 111 tortured to death. Some fear that the number is higher.

Abdurrahman Barman, a Yemeni lawyer forced to flee the country after the Houthis destroyed his home in al-Dhale, is a member of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations to Human Rights.

He has said that the court in Sanaa is "the court of militia" and that it is not illegal. "We live under the control of militia and there is no real government, either in the Houthi areas or the pro-government areas. So each court is biased to the controlling militia."

Ahmed, the judge in Sanaa, denied accusations of bias and said that the court operated according to Yemeni law. "I have been working in this court for more than 15 years and we are working now as we always have in the past few years, as the law is the real judge."

He said that there were more political cases now than before the war erupted in 2015, but that Yemeni law was still used as the basis for all judgments in Houthi-backed courts, including the death sentence, and that defendants still had the right to appeal against verdicts.

“In the second chapter of Yemeni law, article 125, it says: ‘Anyone who commits an act that affects the independence of the republic or its unity or the safety of its lands shall be sentenced to death.’"

Comment: Another story of 'justice' in Yemen. It is not only in the north of yemen that injustices are found. Prisons all over yemen hold political prisoners that have little hope and stories of torture and assassination are common. Pity the nation and pity the suffering.

(** B H)

Deadly journeys: how despair drives young Ethiopians to flee to Yemen

Persecution and hardship drives almost 100,000 migrants to cross the Red Sea each year, risking the treacherous journey in a bid to reach the Gulf

The Djiboutian police estimate that around 200 Ethiopians enter undercover like this each day, trekking through some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth in the hope of reaching war-stricken Yemen, across the Red Sea, and eventually wealthy Saudi Arabia. In February IOM, the UN’s migration agency, tracked nearly 17,000 migrants in Djibouti, most making their way northwards towards the coastal towns of Obock and Tadjoura; more than two-thirds were men and 8% were unaccompanied minors. The vast majority were from Oromia.

Overall, close to 99,000 people, mostly Ethiopians (and a much smaller number of Somalis), arrived on Yemen’s Red and Arabian Sea coasts last year, up from 65,000 in 2013.

Many do not make it. The numbers that die in the Djiboutian desert are unknown but there are enough unburied dead to contaminate the water supply.

The journey across the Bab el-Mandeb strait to Yemen is also perilous. One recent estimate put the numbers who have died making the crossing over the past decade at close to 3,000. The boats organised by smugglers are old, rickety and often overcrowded. Few Ethiopians can swim but the vessels, which depart at night in order to avoid detection, usually hover 20m or so away from the shore, which can be fatal for those clambering aboard.

The anarchy in Yemen brings a welter of dangers.

Those who make it to shore then face multiple threats. UNHCR has catalogued reports of physical and sexual abuse, abduction, extortion, torture and forced labour by smugglers and criminal networks. “Only a very small minority make it to Saudi Arabia without facing at least one incident of abuse,” says Danielle Botti of the regional mixed migration secretariat (RMMS), which monitors movements between the Horn of Africa and Yemen.

Those who survive remain vulnerable.

(** B K P)

Der grenzenlose Krieg – US-Kongress will Trump mit exzessiven Befugnissen ausstatten

Der in der gesellschaftlichen Schockstarre der Anschläge vom 11. September erlassene „Authorization for Use of Military Force Act“ (AUMF) stattete den US-Präsidenten mit weitreichenden Befugnissen zum Führen von Kriegen aus. Ein breites Bündnis von Demokraten bis Republikanern im US-Kongress will diese nun exzessiv ausbauen und dem Präsidenten die Macht erteilen, jede Gruppe oder Person in jedem Land der Welt als Feind zu deklarieren und gegen diese Krieg zu führen.

Mitte April stellten je drei Senatoren der Republikaner (unter Führung von Bob Corker) und der Demokraten (unter Führung von Hillary Clintons Vizepräsidentschaftskandidat Tim Kaine) einen Gesetzesentwurf vor, der den AUMF von 2001 ersetzen soll: das Corker-Kaine-Gesetz.

Laut der American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ist das Corker-Kaine-Gesetz „wesentlich breiter angelegt und sogar noch gefährlicher als die aktuelle Rechtsprechung.“ Die renommierte Bürgerrechts-NGO spricht weiter von einer „monumentalen Verschiebung, die den Krieg überall anheizen wird.“

Das erklärte Ziel des Corker-Kaine-Gesetzes ist es, eine „rigorose Kontrolle [von Kriegseinsätzen] durch den Kongress zu etablieren“. Im Prinzip sieht der Gesetzesvorschlag tatsächlich eine Vetomacht des Kongresses vor, doch dafür bedarf es einer Zweidrittelmehrheit in beiden Häusern. Angesichts des kriegstreiberischen Washingtoner Zeitgeists der letzten Jahrzehnte, sowie des Abstimmungsverhaltens bei entsprechenden Gesetzen in der Vergangenheit, ist es äußerst naiv zu glauben, zwei Drittel von Hunderten Abgeordneten würden sich gegen irgendeinen Kriegseinsatz aussprechen.

Es muss daher klar festgehalten werden, was das Corker-Kaine-Gesetz im Kern ist: Das alleinige Recht des US-Kongresses, Krieg zu erklären, soll endgültig auf das Amt des Präsidenten übertragen werden. Krieg gegen wen auch immer. In welchem Land auch immer. Mit keinem operativen Ende, mit keinem zeitlichen Ende.

Doch Corker und Kaine wollen dieses juristische Geplänkel der formalen „Legalisierung“ von US-Verbrechen nun beenden, indem sie dem Präsidenten die Macht geben, nach Gutdünken jede „Organisation, Person oder Macht“ als Feinde der USA zu definieren und gegen sie in den Krieg zu ziehen: Absatz 5 a (3) des Corker-Kaine-Gesetzesentwurf räumt dem Präsidenten explizit dieses Recht ein. In jedem Land dieser Welt.

Die Trump-Administration ist durchsetzt mit iranophoben Kriegstreibern – die jüngste Ernennung des Hetzers John Bolton zur mächtigen Position des Nationalen Sicherheitsberaters ist hier nur die unerträgliche Spitze des iranhassenden Mobs im White House. Trump könnte sämtliche vom Iran unterstützten schiitischen Milizen im Irak und Syrien – die zusammen mit den Kurden die einzigen Kräfte waren, die tatsächlich den IS bekämpften – als Feinde definieren und diese bombardieren. Trump könnte auch weitere Partner des Iran wie die Hisbollah im Libanon, die Houthis im Jemen – oder nach dem nächsten ungeklärten Chemiewaffenangriff Assad-treue Milizen in Syrien – zu Feinden erklären, diese bekämpfen und im Konzert mit iranophoben Kriegstreibern in Saudi-Arabien und Israel endlich den Krieg gegen Teheran vom Zaun brechen: das außenpolitische Kernziel der Trump-Regierung.

Ein breites Bündnis von Demokraten bis Republikanern im US-Kongress will diesem geistig labilen Mann nun endgültig das rechtliche Rüstzeug in die Hand geben, um gegen die gesamte Welt in den Krieg ziehen zu können – Von Jakob Reimann

(** B K P)

The War in Yemen Has Killed Thousands, and the United States Is Complicit

In this op-ed, poet and author Seth Oelbaum explains how the war in Yemen is part of a deadly division that’s been maintained throughout history.

The misery in Yemen is one more example of a larger global pattern that’s repeated itself for hundreds of years. For centuries, the British Empire and then the U.S. Empire have been ranking "the relative value of human lives."

In the United States, it seems like the majority of those deciding which lives are of value have white skin — or the type of influence associated with white skin — and apparently see themselves and their country only as symbols of “freedom” and “humanity. The "other'd" people — those with lives that don't seem to matter or contain much value — often have had darker skin and are believed by some to be “savages” who pose a threat to “one of the greatest countries” on earth.

With this binary established throughout time and across continents, it’s routine for Western governments to avoid meaningful accountability for their deadly actions. That is what’s happening in Yemen.

The problem is huge, and many are complicit. As Rami Khouri, a journalism professor at the American University of Beirut, told Al Jazeera, "The Anglo-American media has been criminally complicit in not reporting accurately about what actually is going on in Yemen.”

But it’s not just the media — it’s the people who glorify media, condemn media, or conflate media with progress. The media is not separate from society — it’s a reflection of the many biases and distortions of society, of its mindlessness. At this point, many Americans accept situations like Yemen and view such suffering as normal and undeserving of attention.

Whiteness appears to remain an essential ideal for many Americans from varied ideologies. It still seems to symbolize the ultimate way of life to a substantial number of Americans, even those engaged in supposedly progressive and diverse projects. When the suffering of nonwhite people is discussed, it’s frequently in the context of white suffering, as if the pain is understandable only after it’s been translated into a white experience.

If Americans are fine with the amounts of abuse and killing that their country exports, and they just don’t want it to happen to them, then they’re asking for special treatment. And the only thing that makes an American any more special than a non-Westerner — Yemeni or otherwise — is a racist, lazy, and brutal binary – by Seth Oelbaum

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

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(** B H)

Yemen is currently facing the largest documented cholera epidemic in modern times. A new report warns it could get worse

The serious cholera outbreaks came with the civil war. Specifically, it came with the bombing. Saudi aerial bombardment of the national electrical grid in April 2015 left the Sana’a wastewater plant without power. The plant ran on alternate fuel until the end of May 2015, and was then forced to shut down. UNICEF was able to keep it sporadically operating with fuel donations, but they weren’t enough for full operations. Every time the plant shut down, untreated wastewater began to leak out into irrigation canals and drinking water supplies. By late summer 2015, the diarrhea outbreaks began. In October 2016, the first cases of cholera were reported. By the end of 2017, one million cases of cholera had been reported.

This new study by Doctors Without Borders looks at the specifics of cholera transmission in Yemen. It finds some very detailed patterns of infection. The current outbreak of cholera in Yemen has come in waves, and those waves coincide with the rainy season. Doctors Without Borders has serious scientific rigor backing their conclusions, but it also makes intuitive sense. A disease that spreads with dirty water transmits more aggressively when there is more water to spread it.

The first rainy season in Yemen hit the hardest. In late April 2017, the spring rainy season saw daily national cholera incidence increase by 100 times. Cholera spread across the entire country. After a brief dry season, the rains came again in July. This time, health workers and aid groups had some time to prepare. Cholera incidence increased, but not as severely as in April.

As the study puts it, “The small first wave seeded cholera across the country during the dry season, leading to amplification in a major second wave during the rainy season. These findings have operational implications…If localised resurgence of cholera cases can rapidly be detected and contained during the 2018 rainy season, a potential third wave could be avoided.”

It’s early May 2018. The spring rains are on their way, and the summer rain will follow. If Yemen gets the support it needs – water and sanitation assistance, support for detection and treatment of cholera – we can keep the impact of cholera to a minimum. If the country is unprepared, the largest outbreak of cholera in the world will just keep growing.

The rain is coming. But cholera doesn’t have to come with it.

(** A H)

Groß angelegte Cholera-Impfkampagnen im Jemen und Teilen Afrikas gestartet

Im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen sollen in einer ersten Phase 350.000 Menschen in der südlichen Provinz Aden eine Schluckimpfung erhalten, wie die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), das UN-Kinderhilfswerk Unicef, die Weltbank und die Impfallianz Gavi am Montag in einer gemeinsamen Mitteilung ankündigten.

Aufgrund der angespannten politischen Lage war es demnach unklar, ob die Impfkampagne auf das ganze Land ausgeweitet werden kann: Derzeit gebe es Gespräche mit der schiitischen Huthi-Miliz, die den Norden des Jemen und die Hauptstadt Sanaa kontrolliert. Es stünden insgesamt 4,6 Millionen Impfdosen bereit, "es gibt also genug Dosen", sagte WHO-Vizechef Michael J. Ryan. Sobald die zuständigen Behörden einwilligten, könnten die Impfungen beginnen. = =

(** A H)

Cholera vaccination campaign starts in Yemen - WHO

The first vaccine campaign against cholera in Yemen has started, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday, a year and a half after an epidemic was triggered by war and a health and sanitation crisis.

The oral vaccination campaign, which began in four districts in Aden on Sunday targeting 350,000 people, coincides with the rainy season, which health workers fear could spread the disease further.

“The first four districts are being targeted ... and then the campaign will move towards all the areas at risk in the country, covering at least four million people,” Lorenzo Pizzoli, WHO cholera expert, said in a tweet posted on Sunday.

Nevio Zagaria, the WHO representative in Yemen, told Reuters in April that some 1.4 million vaccine doses had been shipped via Nairobi, out of 4.4 million planned.

“The rainy season is starting, so we need to use the window of opportunity to start a vaccination campaign,” he said at the time.


(** A H)

First oral cholera vaccination push launches in Yemen

Enough doses had been procured to cover all areas at risk in Yemen, WHO said, but talks were still underway with authorities across the country.

"There has been a large allocation of vaccines from the global taskforce... of about 4.6 million doses, so enough doses have been procured," said Michael J. Ryan, WHO assistant director-general.

WHO was still negotiating with authorities in north Yemen and Sanaa, both controlled by the Shiite Huthi rebels, to extend the campaign across the country.

"As of yet we don't have established dates for those campaigns, but... the international community is on stand-by to move just as soon as we get those necessary approvals," Ryan said.

Ryan warned conditions were ideal for another, and potentially worse, cholera outbreak come rainy season.

Research published this month in The Lancet Global Health journal warned that, based on data from previous outbreaks, 54 percent of districts in Yemen could be affected by an epidemic flare-up in 2018, putting more than 13.8 million people at risk.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Krise um Sokotra / Most important: Socotra crisis

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Remark: Zu Sokotra s. YPR 410, cp1b. For Socotra, look at YPR 410, cp1b.

(* B P)

Wikipedia: Socotra

Socotra, also spelled Soqotra, is an archipelago of four islands located in the Arabian Sea, the largest island of which is also known as Socotra. The territory is located near major shipping routes and is officially part of Yemen, and had long been a subdivision of the Aden Governorate. In 2004, it became attached to the Hadhramaut Governorate, which is much closer to the island than Aden (although the nearest governorate was the Al Mahrah Governorate). In 2013, the archipelago became its own governorate, the Socotra Governorate.

(* A P)

The Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) expressed support for the UAE’s military presence on Socotra Island and accused the Hadi government and Muslim Brotherhood of fabricating claims against the UAE on May 6. The Hadi government’s cabinet denounced the recent Emirati troop deployment to Socotra as unjustified in a May 5 press release. The STC is an Emirati-backed representative body that seeks increased autonomy in southern and eastern Yemen.[3] referring to

My comment: As the STC is backed by the UAE, I am not astonished.


(A P)

Statement of Southern Transitional Council about New Developments in Socotra

T he southern transitional council asserts that Socotra is a southern island and welcomes the major developmental efforts of the Arab Coalition, under commandership of Saudi Arabia and UAE, in the liberated governorates to support stability and security of economic and humanitarian projects. The council asserts the importance of securing regional water and navigation paths against any penetrations from terrorist powers, especially Muslim Brotherhood. We praise the people of Socotra for their public mobilization to support the Arab Coalition against vicious media campaigns, financed by foreign powers, that aim to distort the role of the Arab Coalition and its achievements in facing the Iranian project and other terrorist projects in Yemen. The southern transitional council confirms that the government’s pursuit to create subsidiary conflicts in Socotra, Adan and other governorates of the south clearly indicates the pursuit of evil powers, including Muslim Brotherhood, to dominate the country and support its powers.

and more details in this statement

My comment: Defending their Emirati puppet masters: This is really twisted.

(A P)

Gerald Feierstein, former US ambassador to Yemen: The Emiratis have played a double game in Yemen operating under UNSCR 2216 while undermining the Yemeni government and threatening Yemen’s unity all the time refusing to explain or justify their actions. This is unacceptable. They need to clarify what they think they’re doing.

(A P)

Notable Emirati academic calls for the UAE to pull out of the Yemen war, and leave it to “a failed government & the miserable Brotherhood”. referring to

(B P)

Socialist and Al Nasery parties disapprove to denounce UAE military presence at Socotra

Yemeni parties and all political elites allied to the government denounced the recent events at Socotra since UAE has sent armed forces and seized control of the airport and the port and kicked out the government employees and security.

In a statement signed by 8 major parties in Yemen allied to the government and president

Hadi said” what’s happening in Socotra is an attempt to involve this peaceful island in other agenda away from the goal of freeing Yemen from the coup and touch our National sovereignty” and also

(* B P)

UAE, Yemen 'reach deal' on Socotra island following tensions

The UAE and Yemen have reached an agreement over recent tensions on the Yemeni island of Socotra, the Saudi-led coalition has said.

Coalition spokesman Turki al-Maliki made the announcement on Monday during a press conference aired on local al-Arabiya TV.

"There were some differences in opinions between our brothers the Emiratis and local Yemeni authorities over the way some matters were handled on the island," Turki said.

"An agreement has been reached on a comprehensive, joint method of coordination between both parties," he added.

My comment: I do not believe this.

(* B P)

Film: What does UAE want with Yemeni island Socotra?

The United Arab Emirates has deployed its troops and seized key positions on the Indian Ocean island of Socotra.

What is driving Abu Dhabi's expansion in the region?

Presenter: Hoda Abdel-Hamid

Guests: Andreas Krieg - assistant professor at the defence studies department at King's College London; Catherine Shakdam - Middle East commentator and researcher at Al Bayan Centre for Strategic Studies

(** B P)

Does UAE seek to colonize Yemen's Socotra island?

Analysts believe that the measure by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to occupy the Yemeni island of Socotra is aimed at gaining dominance over major waterways that cross near the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa.

The area around the island is where major maritime routes crisscross and is used by major shipping lines of the world, including oil tankers, which carry crude oil from major Persian Gulf producers to various European and other destinations, especially along the Mediterranean Sea.

While the UAE’s Jebel Ali port continues to thrive in the Persian Gulf region, a new port on Socotra could uptick maritime commercial business in the Red Sea region.

Locals blame the UAE for using fishing fleets which deplete the fish stocks and push native fishermen out of work. The fish is then allegedly exported on military ships and aircraft to UAE restaurants and supermarkets.

Meanwhile, some of the limestone and granite cliffs along Socotra’s coastal roads have indeed been recently scooped out by Emirati-imported JCBs, and construction work appears to be ongoing.

Local tour operators have been forced to shut up shop and look for other kinds of work.

One self-described Emirati businessman recently told the daily Independent newspaper that he was building luxury five-star hotels above Socotra’s pristine white sand beaches and coral reefs.

Witnesses say parts of the island – 70 percent of which is protected land – have already been bulldozed in preparation for building hotels, pools and other tourist infrastructure for coming Emiratis.

Critics say the UAE seeks to transform the island into a permanent military outpost-cum-holiday resort, and may even be stealing its UNESCO-protected plants and animals.

Nearly three years since aggression, the Emiratis are still on the island – and they have no intention of leaving any time soon.

“There are no Houthis to free Socotra from,” local Abdul Wahab Al Ameri told the Independent. “Why are they here?”

(A P)

Yemenis protest against UAE presence in Socotra

Demonstrators march through the capital Hadibu, rejecting UAE intervention in the affairs of the province.

Demonstrators have marched through the streets of Socotra's capital Hadibu, rejecting what they describe as UAE intervention in the affairs of the province.

They have also condemned the deployment of UAE forces in the province without coordinating with the legitimate government or seeking its approval.

"These forces are present in Socotra and al-Mahra in numbers that can't be understood," said Abdullah bin Issa al-Aafra, of the Al-Mahra and Socotra People's General Council.

"There are illegitimate troops in these areas. Are there forces that belong to the Houthis to be fought by the coalition here? The answer is a big 'no'." and film


(A P)

Mass Rally this morning in #Socotra and People's Statement:

The people and sons of the Socotra archipelago issued a public statement shortly after a mass demonstration this morning in support of the Yemeni legitimacy and demanding the preservation of the archipelago (photo)


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Southern and Yemeni flags at protest of UAE Socotra takeover. Those who welcomed Emirati troops as liberators now realise they are being used and fleeced! referring to

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Yemen seeks to resort to Security Council to oust UAE forces from Socotra

A Yemeni official source said an increasing number of officials with Yemen's ousted government are “thinking of addressing the United Nations to get the UAE out of the Arab alliance”.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper that UAE’s actions are “a flagrant violation of Yemeni sovereignty”.

Aide to Hadi are pressing him to address the UN over the issue, but the Saudi pressure is hindering the move, the source added.

Other advisers to the former president, however, have said the Saudi mediation failed to calm down the situation and defuse the crisis.

On Sunday, the local leader of the Sons of the Provinces of al-Mahra and Socotra Sultan Abdalla bin Issa al-Afrar urged the withdrawal of the Emirati forces from the island.

Addressing the residents of al-Mahra after arriving from Oman earlier in the day, the sultan noted that the presence of Emirati forces is unacceptable as there are no Houthi fighters on the island, calling on the countries of Saudi-led coalition to put an end to their military presence. and also and

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Key Harak leader Hassan Baoum: The presence of UAE soldiers on Socotra island & other parts of the South is a military occupation, and southerners must expel them. referring to

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Aajajal: More than 300 cars and tribal crowds in the province of Mahrah carried out Sunday in the Shahn area west of the province denounced the interventions in the UAE in the # Socotra was headed by Sheikh Ben Afar. He said all options and possibilities in defense of the # Socotra (photos)

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Tensions Rise on Yemen's Socotra as UAE Deploys More Troops

Yemen is looking to end its formal alliance with the United Arab Emirates after the latter deployed forces to the Yemeni island of Socotra without the knowledge of Yemen's exiled government.

Tensions have heightened between the Yemeni government and the UAE after Abu Dhabi deployed some 300 soldiers, along with tanks and artillery, to Socotra over the past few days. The island, located in the Gulf of Aden and sometimes referred to as the ‘Galapagos of the Indian Ocean, is listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site.

According to a senior Yemeni official, the UAE deployed troops in Socotra without informing the government-in-exile of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

According to the official, the Yemeni government-in-exile is considering sending a letter to the United Nations "demanding the dismissal of the Emiratis from the Yemeni intervention."

Speaking on condition of anonymity, officials noted that the proposal was not welcomed by the president for fear of upsetting the Saudis.

Tensions have flared over the deployment which was mounted during a visit of a Saudi delegation to the strategic Yemeni island originally aimed at mediating between the two sides. The UAE deployed additional forces while the committee was on the ground, the official said.

In Socotra, residents and activists said that the UAE is building a factory and a prison, recruiting the island's residents, and creating a new militia, as well as buying land and clearing it for construction.

The official said that the Emiratis have occupied all the vital institutions in the island, including the airport, the seaport and the government headquarters, and have kicked out Yemeni forces. He added that "what the UAE is doing in Socotra is an act of aggression".

The islanders have reportedly protested the UAE presence in Socotra, arguing that there are no Houthis on the island to justify such a deployment. and similar

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Saudi team in Socotra as UAE presence angers Yemen

Meeting takes place amid rising anger among Yemenis over deployment of UAE forces and military craft on pristine island.

A first meeting between a Saudi delegation and representatives of the Yemeni government on the Yemeni island of Socotra has ended without results, a Yemeni source told Al Jazeera.

The delegation met Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr, Yemen's prime minister, on Friday.

A Yemeni government source told AFP news agency that the arrival of UAE forces on the island sparked anger among local residents, who argued that there were no Iran-aligned Houthi rebels on the island to justify the deployment.

Videos on social media show dozens of Socotra women taking part in a march against the UAE presence. and film

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issues statement on UAE efforts in Yemeni Socotra

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has expressed surprise over the statement issued in the name of Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed bin Dagher and published on his official social media account where he is attacking the UAE in a manner that goes counter to reason and realities on ground and does not do justice to the monumental efforts the UAE is making within the Saudi-led Arab Coalition in support of Yemen, and its stability and security.

MoFAIC denounces the inclusion of the issue of sovereignty in a way that does not have anything to do with the present crisis-ridden situation, specially under the current circumstances.

The Ministry said the UAE is fully aware of the role played by Muslim Brotherhood in instigating such malignant media campaigns against the UAE, and its integral role within the Arab Coalition in establishing peace and security and restoring legitimacy to Yemen.

Such heinous campaigns led by Muslim Brotherhood and which relates to Socotra island, fits within a long and repeated scenarios to distort the image of the UAE and its efficient contribution to the Arab Coalition efforts against the coup perpetrators led by Houthi militias.

Within this context, the UAE is playing a balanced role in the Yemeni Socotra Island to establish peace and stability and support developmental projects for the Island’s residents, said the ministry citing in this concern the Yemeni Prime Minister’s opening of some of these projects.

The statement said the UAE military presence in all liberated Yemeni governorates, including Socotra , fits within the endeavours made by the Arab Coalition to support legitimacy in this critical juncture in the history of Yemen. and

My comment: By the UAE. Nice propaganda to justify the occupation of Socotra. It’s interesting that they use the Muslim Brotherhood story to smear those opposing the occupation – the Hadi government as well.

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UAE says military presence on Yemen's Socotra 'distorted'

The United Arab Emirates, facing criticism from top Yemeni allies over its presence on the island of Socotra, said Sunday its role on the strategic Yemeni territory had been "distorted"..

[Hadi government’s Yemeni prime minister] Bin Dagher nevertheless took to social media on Sunday to question the UAE military presence he witnessed during an official visit to Socotra.

"On [April 30] ... the first Emirati military aircraft arrived carrying two armoured vehicles and more than 50 Emirati soldiers, followed immediately by two other aircraft carrying tanks and armoured vehicles and soldiers," Bin Dagher said in a statement published to Facebook.

"The continuing disagreement and its spread to all the liberated provinces down to Socotra, is clearly harmful ... and something that can no longer be hidden, and its impact has spread to all military and civil institutions," Bin Dagher said.

"Correcting this situation is everyone's responsibility."

The UAE Foreign Ministry said it was "surprised" by the Yemeni prime minister's statement and blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for drumming up anti-Emirati sentiment over Socotra. and


(A K P)

Yemen Hits U.A.E. Takeover of Its ‘Most Alien-Looking’ Island

The U.A.E. military’s seizure of the seaport and airport on Socotra is an “unjustified” assault on Yemen’s sovereignty, its exiled government said in a statement from Prime Minister Ahmed Bin Dagr’s office. It was a rare criticism of its partner in the fight against Houthi rebels who control large swaths of the country.

The takeover “reflects the disagreement between the legitimate government and our brothers in the U.A.E., and at its core is a dispute over national sovereignty and who has the right to practice it,” the statement said.


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Yemeni government: what happened in Socotra reflect the dysfunctional relation with UAE

The Yemeni government said today, what happened in Socotra island was unjustified and reflect the dysfunctional relationship between the Yemeni government and UAE.

The government through a post by the prime minister on his Facebook wall, emphasize on the need to fix the defects in this relationship, and it’s the responsibility of us all he said.

The statement said also, “the continuous and extension of this disagreement to the freed governorates all the way to Socotra is damaging and cannot be concealed anymore”, the statement also indicated that the disagreement also affected the military, civilian establishments and the Yemeni citizens as well.

The statement also mentioned the visitation agenda of the government to the island and their surprise by the Emirates military actions in seizing control of the airport and the port, which we agreed (Yemeni government and the Saudi committee) that it comes out of the cooperation framework concept.

The statement which published on Whatsapp by the media secretary of the prime minister then was asked not to be published since it was not approved, later on, the prime minister published the statement on his Facebook wall, but till now the national news agency did not publish it.

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UAE slams Yemeni PM's statement on UAE role in Yemen conflict

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday expressed "surprise" over the statement issued by Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed bin Dagher "attacking" the UAE, Emirati state news agency WAM reported.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Dagher's statement was delivered "in a manner that goes counter to reason and realities on ground and does not do justice to the monumental efforts the UAE is making within the Saudi-led Arab coalition in support of Yemen, and its stability and security."

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Southern Movement calls for the withdrawal of military forces from Socotra and left to its people

The Southern Movement called on all conflicting parties in Socotra to withdraw their forces stationed in Socotra.

This came in a statement issued by the Revolutionary Council and received by the newspaper "Aden tomorrow" and said:

The Supreme Council of the Revolutionary Movement for the Liberation and Independence of the South is following with great concern the events taking place in the Socotra archipelago and its repercussions on the level of coherence of the internal front in the face of enemies and their effects on the level of the southern social ladder.

In this regard, the Council wishes to emphasize the following:

First: Calls for the advance of the military forces that were provided to the Archipelago of Socotra without any substantial justification as well as the Yemeni forces and the security functions of the archipelago of Socotra's sons within the framework of security and military institutions.

Second: The Council calls on the legitimate government to disclose the current news regarding the leasing of the archipelago, its obligations and the circumstances that necessitated it.

Third: The Council calls for an immediate end to the various acts of mobilization that threaten the southern social peace and the disintegration of the united front in the face of the common enemy.

Fourth: The Council calls on Saudi Arabia, as the leader of the Arab Alliance, to play a decisive role in correcting the relationship and stopping its deterioration.

My comment: Even this southern separatists‘ body calls for the withdrawal of troops from Socotra. It’s NOT the „Southern Transitional Council“ which is backed by the UAE, anyway.

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#Socotra: The arrival of a 5th aircraft loaded with four military vehicles and personnel (photo)

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Emirates breach the Saudi agreement and send more forces to Socotra

The Emirates armed forces have ignored the agreement was made earlier with Yemeni government by a Saudi mediation.

A governmental source said to Almasdar online that the Saudi committee has agreed with the prime minister of the immediate departure of the newly landed Emirates armed forces, while the governmental delegation continue the visitation the governorates freed from Houthis, but without prior notice the UAE sent another military aircraft carrying more 4 armored vehicles and military personnel.

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Tensions brew on Yemen's Socotra after UAE deployment

A Saudi delegation is on the strategic Yemeni island of Socotra in a bid to defuse tensions which erupted after the United Arab Emirates deployed troops there, Yemeni state media reported.

The UAE is a key partner in a Saudi-led coalition that has been fighting Huthi rebels since 2015 to restore Yemen's internationally recognised government to power.

A Yemeni government source told AFP the UAE deployed forces in Socotra without informing the government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, which controls the island.

Socotra, which has been spared the violence that has ravaged mainland Yemen, sits at the exit of a bustling shipping lane that leads from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean.

A site of global importance for biodiversity and sometimes referred to as the "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean", it lies around 350 kilometres (220 miles) off Yemen's southern coast.

The delegation led by Saudi general Ahmed Abderrahman al-Shiri met on Friday with Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed bin Dagher in the presence of an Emirati official, Saba news agency reported.

It said the delegation was informed by the Yemeni government and Socotra officials "of what has recently happened on the island".

Talks also focused on "tensions that have existed in Socotra since the prime minister and his delegation arrived" on the island on Wednesday, Saba said. and also and

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Women on Yemen island protest against 'UAE occupation'

Women on the Yemeni island of Socotra have a held a protest against the United Arab Emirates' growing influence in the area, as tensions have erupted over a military deployment.

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Socotra Women demonstrates supporting the government and against UAE presence (photo)


Film: #Socotra: Women took to the streets of the Capital on Saturday chanting slogans 'Socotra is Yemeni', 'We are with Hadi to save our state'

more photos

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Saudis visit Yemen's Socotra to examine UAE deployment

A delegation of Saudi officials has visited Yemen’s Socotra to directly examine the situation in the Indian Ocean island after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) deployed troops and tanks there against the will of a government supported by Riyadh.

Saudi General Ahmed Abderrahman al-Shiri led the delegation that arrived in Socotra on Friday, Yemen’s Saba news agency said, adding that the Saudi official attended a meeting with senior Saudi-backed authorities and UAE officials in the island.

Yemenis said the delegation was briefed on the situation in Socotra, especially after the UAE decided to boost its military presence there.

And this is a really grotesque propaganda statement:

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UAE deploys to Yemen Island to protect residents

The UAE has deployed soldiers to Socotra Island in Yemen as part of a campaign to support its residents, according to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Anwar Gargash said on Twitter on Friday that the UAE has historic and family ties to the island in the Arabian Gulf. "We will support [Socotra's residents], in stability, health care, education, and living [conditions]," he said.

The island has been largely neglected by Yemeni authorities since the start of the war against the Houthi rebels who seized the capital Sanaa in 2014.

The UAE has since been offering support to the island's residents, including offering them trips to the UAE to receive medical treatment. It has been buying land in order to build a factory, prison and other facilities.

and they get their rioters to the street:

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Socotra residents rally in support of UAE

UAE role in securing Yemeni island, building hospitals and providing critical aid praised

Hundreds of people in Yemen’s remote island of Socotra have gone out in the island’s capital to express their support to the UAE military and humanitarian presence on the island.

Raising the Emirati flag and pictures of UAE rulers, residents chanted slogans and carried banners praising the UAE role in securing the island by training local forces, building hospitals and housing units and distributing humanitarian aid, the Yemeni Yafae News website reported. (film)

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UAE prevents Yemen Prime Minister from leaving island

Yemeni government sources said on Friday that the UAE has occupied an island in the Red Sea and prevented Prime Minister Ahmed Bin Daghr from leaving, Anadolu has reported.

Remark: The UAE had denied this.


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Alghaidhah Airport waiting for non-coming government

While the government members and the prime minister still in Socotra after the events happened there, new signs appeared this morning at Alghaidha airport (the capital of AlMihra governorate) welcoming the prime minister and his ministers which they did not arrive yet.

The signs were made by the local authorities welcoming the prime minister and his accompanying ministers, the visit planned to be today before it got delayed after the Emirates military in Socotra last Wednesday among other governorates visitations.

A former governmental official said, the government delayed its departure till solving the current situation in the island.

And this still happened before:

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700 million riyals’ worth of security projects in Socotra

The government speeds up its efforts in Socotra Archibald with inaugurating new security projects at the island today (Sunday).

The prime minister Dr. Ahmed bin daghr along with Socotra governor Mr.Ramzi Mahroos but the cornerstone for security projects in the island by governmental finance with the estimated cost of 700 million riyals.

According to SABA news agency, the projects included buildings for police headquarter, traffic police center, Qalansia police station, Abd alkor police station, Momy police station, Shawaab police station, Harra police station and Qaarah police station.

Interior minister deputy colonel Ahmed Masoud said: “ we will remain the security keepers of this land and sacrifice our souls and blood for it”.


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Prime Minister Bin Baghr. In the context of the comprehensive directions of His Excellency the President of the Republic to promote the Socotra Archipelago and the liberated governorates, we have laid the foundation stone for the launching of the SFD projects in Socotra for 13 projects funded by the World Bank's emergency response projects through the United Nations Program amounting to SR 349,919,162. (photo)

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Saudischer Luftangriff auf Sanaa / Most important: Saudi air raid at Sanaa

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

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Sechs Menschen sterben bei Luftangriffen auf den Jemen

Im Jemen wurden bei zwei Luftangriffen auf die Hauptstadt Sanaa sechs Menschen getötet. Zuvor hatte die saudiarabische Luftabwehr zwei Raketen aus dem Jemen abgefangen.

Ein Luftangriff der saudi-arabischen Koalition auf den Präsidentenpalast im Zentrum der Hauptstadt Sana'a am Montag machte laut Washington Postden Eindruck, als ob es sich um einen gezielten Angriff auf den Huthi-Führer Mahdi al-Mashat handelte - tatsächlich getroffen, getötet und verwundet wurden aber nach Kenntnisstand der Zeitung ausschließlich Zivilisten.

Mindestens sechs Tote und 30 Verletzte berichten ungenannte Offizielle als erste Bilanz des Angriffs. Nach Informationen von Nachrichtenagenturen soll kurz vor dem Raketenbeschuss ein Treffen von sogenannten Huti-Rebellen stattgefunden haben. Die Quellen, auf die sich die Washington Post beruft, sind sich allerdings nicht sicher, ob sich noch Führer der Huthis im Gebäude befunden haben und ob sie getroffen wurden. Am Montagmorgen hatte es gehißen, dass Saudi-Arabien Raketen der Huthis abgefangen habe.

Quellen aus der jemenitischen Hauptstadt melden auf sozialen Netzwerken erheblich mehr Opfer nach einem zweiten Angriff, der dem ersten folgte und Flüchtende traf. Etwa 100 Zivilisten seien getötet oder verletzt worden, schätzt der jemenitische Journalist Nasser Arrabyee.

Der Angriff war dem Eindruck der Bilder nach, die Arrabee veröffentlicht, nicht auf die Huthi-Führung gezielt, sondern auf Zivilisten. und auch und auch

Bemerkung: Über 90 Verletzte sind es mittlerweile.

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Jemen: Mindestens sechs Tote und 72 Verletzte nach Luftangriffen in Sanaa

Zwei von Ärzte ohne Grenzen/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) unterstützte Krankenhäuser in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa haben nach einer Serie von Luftangriffen am Montagmorgen 72 Verletzte behandelt. Sechs Menschen waren auf dem Weg in die Kliniken gestorben. Die Luftangriffe der von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten angeführten Militärkoalition zielten auf den Präsidentenpalast, trafen aber auch eine belebte Straße, in der sich ein Hotel, Apotheken, eine Bank und Geschäfte befinden.

„Zahlreiche Zivilisten und Zivilistinnen, darunter auch Kinder, wurden getötet und verletzt. Sie waren einfach zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort“, sagt João Martins, Landeskoordinator von Ärzte ohne Grenzen im Jemen. „Niemand sollte in der Angst leben müssen, beim Einkaufen oder anderen alltäglichen Aktivitäten bombardiert zu werden. Doch schon wieder werden wir Zeugen, wie Zivilisten und Zivilistinnen zum Opfer von Luftangriffen werden und in Krankenhäusern ums Überleben kämpfen.“

Ein medizinisches Team von Ärzte ohne Grenzen, das zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs eines der Spitäler besuchte, berichtete, dass die Angriffe schnell aufeinander gefolgt waren. Die Verletzten wurden sofort in nahe gelegene Gesundheitseinrichtungen transportiert, auch in die von Ärzte ohne Grenzen unterstützten Krankenhäuser Al-Gomhuri und Al-Thaura. Medizinische Berichte zeigen zum Teil lebensgefährliche Verletzungen durch Granatsplitter. Ein Kind wurde getötet und auch unter den Verletzten befinden sich drei Kinder.

„Die Verletzten kamen mit Krankenwagen und Motorrädern im Krankenhaus an“, berichtet Abdulfatah Al-Alimi, medizinischer Projektleiter von Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Sanaa. Er war kurz vor dem ersten Angriff im Al-Gomhuri-Krankenhaus angekommen. „Einige Patienten und Patientinnen haben Verletzungen am Kopf erlitten. Andere wurden von Granatsplittern an den Beinen verletzt. Es gab viele verschiedene Verletzungen. Ein kleines Mädchen versuchte, in die Notaufnahme zu gelangen, um ihren Vater zu finden. Sie wusste nicht, ob er noch am Leben war oder tot.”

Beide Krankenhäuser verfügten über OP-Material, das Ärzte ohne Grenzen bereitgestellt hatte, aber es ging schnell zur Neige. Ärzte ohne Grenzen schickte weitere Lieferungen an die Krankenhäuser und entsandte eine Fachkraft, um die Patienten und Patientinnen und deren Familien im Al-Gomhuri-Krankenhaus psychologisch zu unterstützen.

Die Verletzten gingen zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs ihrem Alltag nach. Ein 17-jähriger Schüler ging gerade nach einer Prüfung von der Schule nach Hause. Er verlor sehr viel Blut. Ein 19-jähriger Straßenreiniger erlitt Verletzungen am Kopf. Ein 30-Jähriger, der von Granatsplittern an Kopf, Hand und Rücken getroffen wurde, war auf dem Weg zu seinem Arbeitsplatz, einer Kantine. „Auf meinem Weg passierte der Luftangriff und ich wurde verletzt. Ich weiß nicht, was mit dem Rest meiner Kollegen passiert ist", erzählt er.

„Bei solchen Vorfällen mit vielen Verletzten zeigt sich, wie wenig belastbar das Gesundheitswesen im Jemen heute noch ist – und gleichzeitig, wie wichtig es für die Bevölkerung ist, die unter diesem Konflikt leidet", sagt Al-Alimi.

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Two Saudi airstrikes on Office of President of Republic

Dozens of Yemeni civilians were killed and injured when US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplane waged two airstrikes on capital Sanaa, a security official told Saba on Monday.
The aggression warplane targeted with two airstrikes Office of the President of the Republic in al-Tahrir neighborhood, causing killing and injuring dozens, said the official.
The warplane launched in the early hours of Monday morning two airstrikes on the Ministries of Interior and Defense. and

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Saudi airstrikes on Yemeni capital kill, injure nearly 100 civilians

At least half a dozen civilians have been killed and dozens more wounded after two airstrikes carried out by warplanes of a Saudi-led military coalition hit the office of the presidency in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.

Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network, citing its correspondent in the scene, reported on Monday that Saudi fighter jets launched at least two airstrikes against the building, situated in the packed district of Tahrir, killing at least six civilians, including a child, and wounded 86 others, including school children.

It added that due to the magnitude of the explosions in the crowded area the toll could possibly rise, as the raids have already inflicted heavy damage to the surrounding residential buildings and vehicles.

Meanwhile, the principal of the Gamal Abdel Nasser School, close to the presidency building, told al-Masirah that an unspecified number of students sustained injuries, adding that the huge blasts threw the students into a sudden panic, prompting the school authorities to suspend the exams.

The report added that ambulances were busy transporting the injured to nearby hospitals and medical centers for due treatment.

Photos circulated in social media show disturbing images of panicked people, some partially covered with blood, running here and there, with streets filled with rubble, buildings shattered, and cars bent out of shape.

The presidential building is located near a hotel, a bank and shops, and not far from the central bank.

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Update: Casualties from Saudi airstrikes’ crime on capital Sanaa rise to 96

The toll of deaths and injured civilians from Monday US-Saudi aggression coalition airstrikes on the Office of the Presidency in Tahrir district of the capital Sanaa has increased to 96, an official and medics told Saba.
The strikes killed six civilians and injured 90 others, including students, in an endless toll, the official added.
The official said that the injured were transferred to different hospitals in the capital Sanaa.

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Yemen: MSF-supported hospitals treat mass casualties caused by airstrikes in Sana'a

a mass casualty influx of at least 72 injured and 6 dead at two hospitals supported by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

“Civilians, including children, were killed and maimed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time,” said João Martins, MSF head of mission in Yemen. “No-one should live in fear of being bombed while going about their daily life; yet again we are seeing civilian victims of airstrikes fighting for their lives in hospitals.”

An MSF medical team visiting one of the hospitals at the time of the attack said the strikes occurred in quick succession. Casualties were immediately transported to nearby hospitals, including the MSF-supported Al-Gomhoury and Al-Thawra hospitals. Medical reports showed moderate to critical injuries caused by shrapnel. One child was among the dead and three children are among the injured.

“Some of the wounded arrived by ambulance, others arrived by motorcycle,” said Dr. Abdulfatah Al-Alimi, MSF Project Medical Referent in Sana'a, who arrived at Al-Gomhoury Hospital shortly before the first strike. “Some of the patients were suffering from head trauma. Others had shrapnel wounds in their legs. There were all sorts of different injuries. I saw a young girl trying to enter the emergency room; she didn´t know if she would find her father dead or alive.”

Both hospitals had existing medical stocks provided by MSF. However, as medics struggled to treat the influx of injured, these supplies quickly ran out. MSF sent additional supplies to both hospitals and deployed a psychologist to provide mental health support to patients and their families at Al-Gomhoury hospital.

The injured were going about their daily routine at the time of the attack. Shehab, a 17 year-old high school student, was walking home from school, having just finished an exam. He suffered severe blood loss. Akram, a 19 year-old street cleaner, suffered injuries to his head and ears. A man, Dawood, was buying medicine at a local pharmacy when he was injured in the attack.

Hussein, a 30-year-old cafeteria worker, suffered shrapnel wounds to his head, hand and back. =

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66 civilian killed, injured in 2 airstrikes on Sanaa in an infinite outcome

A total of 66 civilians were killed and injured in an infinite outcome caused by two airstrikes of US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplane on Monday at the presidential office at al-Tahrir densely populated neighborhood in capital Sanaa, a security official told Saba.
The two airstrikes killed six civilians including a child and injured more than sixty civilians including schools students in an infinite outcome, said the official.
The two airstrikes also, causing large damages in citizen's houses and their shops, in addition to the destruction of dozens of citizens' cars.

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Saudi-Led Strikes on Presidential Office in Yemen Kill 6, Injure 30 – Reports

According to residents of Yemen's capital, the Saudi-led attacks had hit the presidential palace in Sanaa, causing casualties. There is no information if any of the leaders were inside the palace at the time.

Six people were killed and over 30 were injured in two airstrikes of the Saudi-led coalition, targeting the presidential office in Yemen's Sana'a, a medical source told Sputnik on Monday.

The complexes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, as well as the headquarters of the rebel leaders of the Supreme Political Council in the capital district of Al-Tahrir were bombed. and also =

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Dozens of shoppers, pedestrians, passers-by Were killed/injured now by a series of US-Saudi airstrikes On the most crowded area of Tahrir at the heart of the Yemeni capital city of Sanaa

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Statement by Suze van Meegen, acting country director for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Yemen

"The Norwegian Refugee Council is appalled by Saudi-led coalition strikes on a highly-populated business district in Sana'a earlier today. We abhor the ongoing use of violence to intimidate civilian populations under the guise of efforts to protect them. Yemeni people are not collateral. Adherence to the laws of war is not optional.

The strikes that took place in Sana'a today are more visible to us because of their proximity to the homes of our staff but follow a trend of underreported attacks on civilians across the country.

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International Committee of the Red Cross: ICRC deplores loss of civilian life in airstrikes on densely populated neighbourhoods of Sana’a

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) deplores the intensive airstrike campaign on densely populated neighbourhoods of Sana'a since the beginning of this week, claiming the lives of scores of civilians.

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The Coalition spokesman: we have targeted High members of Houthis militia

The Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki AlMalikisaid Yesterday (Monday) that airstrikes on the presidential office were targeting high members of the militia.

Trusted intelligence came to the coalition led to the airstrike in Sanaa, and there were high members during the airstrike he said


(A K P)

Film: The new Spokesperson for #Saudi-led Coalition said "The bombing today has Killed #Houthis leaders in #Sanaa #Yemen. How Dare You!

photos: (Republican Hospital) (also) (also)

In front of him is his family’s livelihood tool ,a weighing scale. This kid goes to school in the morning then work in the street in #Sanaa #Yemen. Today, #Saudi led coalition bombardment killed him while he was working in Al Tahrir street. 2 photos of him before and after.


I Dont know his name But i did see him many times sitting n same spot asking ppl wth big smile: Do you wanna weight Sir! He always wait4his income frm ppl using his scale

Films by Almasirah TV: = (the boy with the scales)

Film by Aljazeera:

More Films (of attack) = = =

The City Centre, #Sanaa, this morning. People trying to continue living their lives but you hear the warplanes hovering. And then the airstrike arrives.

victims in the rubble = =

after raid (by Sputnik) (by AFP) (victim) (two films)


(A K pH)

Republican Hospital launches distress call to donate blood to save injured

The Republican Educational Hospital in capital Sanaa on Monday launched a distress call to donate blood to save the injured from the two air raids launched by the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition on the Presidency Office of Republic.
The hospital called on citizens to quickly donate blood to save dozens of wounded civilians.

(A K pH)

#Sanaa under heavy bombardment by US-UK-Saudi-led jets

During the past half hour, the Arab Coalition has launched a couple of aerial attacks, targeting both ministries of Defense and Interior in the capital #Sanaa. (photo)

(* A K pH)

US naval forces target Sana'a / killing of US forces, like other aggressors, a legitimate target of Yemen's army

US naval forces targeted the capital Sanaa early Monday morning with a missile launched by the American battleships supporting the coalition forces in the Red Sea, said a military official in a statement.
The coalition aircraft launched, in conjunction with the launch a cruise missile by the US Navy on the capital Sanaa, two air raids in an attempt to distort US participation in targeting the capital Sanaa.
The official added that the participation of naval battleships in the bombing of the capital Sanaa came after the Yemeni Defense Ministry statement on Sunday, in which the Yemeni army threatened the American forces to kill if they were on Yemeni lands.
The statement of the Ministry of Defense has confirmed that the killing of US forces, like other aggressor forces, is a legitimate target of the army.

My comment: As is claimed by this report. This seems to be a rumour only.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(B K)

SEMC: more than 400 Yemeni journalists, nearly one-third of the total number of journalists officially affiliated to the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate, have been displaced by war and forced to move to other areas inside Yemen or flee the country in order to save their lives.

(* B K P)

„Die Berichterstattung wurde faktisch zur Kriegsberichterstattung“

„Journalisten sollten an und für sich kein Interesse daran haben, irgendeine Seite zu dämonisieren bzw. zu entmenschlichen“, sagt Aktham Suliman im Interview mit den NachDenkSeiten. Der syrische Journalist warnt davor, dass Medienvertreter sich in Kriegenbewusst oder unbewusst selbst einer Konfliktpartei zurechnen. Dann, so der ehemalige Deutschlandkorrespondent für den arabischen TV-Sender Al Jazeera, müsste man den Begriff „Schreibtischtäter“ mit „neuen Inhalten füllen“. Ein Interview über die Berichterstattung zu Syrien, Erzählungen in den Medien, die nicht in Einklang zu bringen sind und den Gebrauch des gesunden Menschenverstandes, wenn es darum geht, die journalistische Berichterstattung einzuordnen. Ein Interview von Marcus Klöckner.

F: Aber in der Berichterstattung der Medien sind dennoch immer wieder Feindbilder zu erkennen.

A: Und zwar ganz ohne Eigenbedarf. Das Traurige ist, dass sich viele Medien für Ziele anspornen lassen, die gar nicht die ihren hätten sein dürfen. Soldaten brauchen einen entmenschlichten Feind, um diesen töten zu können, was sonst gegen den Arterhaltungstrieb wäre. Journalisten sollten an und für sich kein Interesse daran haben, irgendeine Seite zu dämonisieren bzw. entmenschlichen. Es sei denn, man rechnet sich bewusst oder weniger bewusst einer Konfliktpartei zu und begibt sich folglich in den Dienst von deren Vertretern, ob Politikern, Militärs oder sonstigen Akteuren, anstatt diese zu kontrollieren. In diesem Fall sollte man den Begriff „Schreibtischtäter“ mit neuen Inhalten füllen, etwa im Sinne von „Bildschirmtätern“. Schließlich werden inzwischen Bilder und Video-Aufnahmen immer häufiger angeführt, um Kriege und Militärangriffe zu rechtfertigen, wie neulich bei dem Raketenangriff auf Syrien.

Die Schuld der Medien besteht jedenfalls zunächst einmal darin, nicht tief und differenziert genug recherchiert und hingeschaut zu haben. Sonst hätten sie erkannt, dass die friedlichen Demonstranten – und diese gab es wirklich von Tunesien und Ägypten bis zu Syrien und dem Jemen – gegen die Missstände – diese sind ihrerseits real-existierend – eine weitere, eine geostrategische Ebene des Konfliktes nicht ausschließen dürfte.

Natürlich geht es Staaten um geostrategische Interessen. Das gilt auch für die selbsternannte „Wertegemeinschaft“ namens Westen, die im Übrigen zuerst, uneingeladen und ohne UNO-Mandat Ende 2014 militärisch in Syrien eingegriffen hatte, unter dem Deckmantel einer „internationalen Anti-Terror-Allianz“. In sozialen Netzen tauschen die Syrer in der letzten Zeit eine Karte des östlichen Mittelmeers aus. Die Karte ist voller amerikanischer, russischer, britischer und französischer Kriegsschiffe. Sie zeigt die Aufschrift: Wenn Sie glauben, dass all diese Schiffe wegen den Protesten aus dem Jahr 2011 hier sind, sollten Sie sich schnellstmöglich bei dem nächsten psychiatrischen Dienst melden!

(A K P)

Human Rights Ministry calls on Arab, int'l media to visit Yemen

Ministry of Human Rights on Monday called on Arab, international and regional media to visit Yemen and expose the misinformation carried out by Saudi-led aggression countries to cover up their crimes against humanity in Yemen.
The ministry also called, in a statement, on the United Nations and its humanitarian and legal bodies to visit Yemen to see the crimes and grave violations committed by the aggression coalition against the Yemeni people.
The statement confirmed that the Republic of Yemen will facilitate procedures for the entry of media and journalists to Yemen and enable them access to the targeted places and interview victims of those violations and to hear their testimony in order to convey the truth to the world peoples.

remark: From the Sanaa government.

(B H K)

The most inhuman proxy war in Yemen

Remark: Overview, with Turkish propaganda in the last paragraph.

(A K P)

Pentagon statement confirms visibility of Yemeni leadership that aggression is American

"The Pentagon's announcement of the presence of US forces directly involved in the coalition aggression against the Yemeni people confirms the clear vision of the Yemeni leadership from the first moment, which considered that the aggression against Yemen is an American aggression in the first place," said the spokesman of the armed forces, Brigadier General Sharaf Ghaleb Luqman on Saturday. 0

Remark: The pro-Houthi Yemeni army. Also in the following:

(A K P)

Yemeni Missiles Could Hit Saudi Targets in Bab el-Mandeb Strait: General

A Yemeni commander said the entire Saudi Arabia, including its capital, are within the striking range of Yemen’s homegrown missiles, warning the Al Saud that keeping the massacre of Yemenis would turn its vessels and oil facilities in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait into military targets.

In an interview with Tasnim, ranking commander of Yemen’s Army General Yahya al-Houthi said if Saudi Arabia continues to kill people of Yemen, the Saudi vessels and sites at the Bab el-Mandeb Strait will become military targets of Yemen’s missiles.

Yemen has gained such great missile capabilities that it could cripple Saudi Aramco oil company’s facilities on the shores of Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the general warned.

(* B K P)

Film: John Pilger special – Beyond the headlines on Syria, Salisbury, Yemen & North Korea

(A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen

(* B H K P)

Carleton University: A Conflict Overlooked: Yemen in Crisis

Conflict Risk Diagnostic 2017 and in full

My comment: The role of Iran is exaggerated, the role of the US is minimized. And the UK and all those great arms suppliers to Saudi Arabia simply are omitted. That’s whitewashing the “West”.

(* B K P)

Yemeni Rebels Begin Attacking Saudi Oil Infrastructure: You Know What That Means

The Houthi rebels in Yemen, officially known as Ansurallah, have vowed to intensify rocket attacks on Saudi Arabia’s critical oil infrastructure, warning that they are now manufacturing their own ballistic missiles to achieve those aims, the Financial Times reports.

The threat comes at a time when Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia have begun to increase.

The claim that Iran is responsible for the Houthis’ supply of arms is one that continues to skim the surface of mainstream discourse without being bolstered by any hard, credible evidence.

Despite this, these recent developments are raising fears that the war in Yemen may begin to spiral out of control even more so than it has already in the last three years.

According to Graham Griffiths, a consultant with Control Risks Group, these Houthi-led attacks have raised concerns for the safety of employees and assets even if the Houthis cannot exact any significant damage to the Saudi-led coalition.

“This perception of the risk is likely to greatly increase if even a single strike hits a sensitive target,” Griffiths said, according to the Financial Times. “The sustained pace of the attacks allows the Houthis to demonstrate that despite three years of war, they can still retaliate against a much more powerful foe.”

Most importantly — and largely missing from any serious analysis of this conflict — is Mr. Boukhaiti’s statement to the Financial Times that the Houthis will continue these attacks on Saudi Arabia until Riyadh “stops its aggression completely.”

(A P)

Saudi authorities release 91 Yemeni fisher men

Saudi authorities released on Saturday released 91 Yemeni fisher from their prisons in Jizan province, an official told Saba.

The released were arrested within Yemeni territorial waters 50 days ago, who arrived on board seven boats to the port city of Hodeidah.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B H P)

Wikipedia: Blockade of Yemen

The blockade of Yemen refers to a sea, land and air blockade on Yemen which started with the positioning of Saudi Arabian warships in Yemeni waters in 2015 with the Saudi invasion of Yemen. The United States had joined the blockade in October 2016, and the blockade was further constricted following the November 2017 launch of a missile from Houthis in Yemen towards Riyadh. The blockade of Yemen has been the cause of a critical situation for Yemenis, and it is worsening to the extent that United Nations mentioned Yemen is confronting with the worst global famine.

(* B H P)

Alarming trends. For the 5th consecutive month no containerized cargo is coming into Hudaydah port. Food Imports in April are at an all time low. (infographic)

(* B H P)

The Saudi Coalition’s Starvation of Yemen Hasn’t Ended

The AP has published an extensive, important report on the dire and worsening conditions in Yemen. The report focuses on the widespread malnutrition and starvation in the country caused in large part by the Saudi coalition blockade:

Both the U.S.-backed coalition bombing campaign and blockade are to blame

Most of the deaths from Yemen’s humanitarian crisis are invisible to the outside world because they go uncounted:

At least tens of thousands perished last year alone, and more are perishing now, and all of these deaths were from preventable causes of hunger and disease. We can’t know yet just how many lives have already been lost in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, but we can reasonably assume that almost all of these deaths could have been prevented if the civilian population weren’t being deprived of essential food, medicine, and fuel. We can also be sure that many more thousands will perish needlessly from preventable hunger and disease if things remain as they are.

The AP report is the sort of excellent, detailed coverage of Yemen’s humanitarian crisis that we should be seeing all the time, but unfortunately it is quite rare. Yemen’s humanitarian crisis is the most important story in the world, but even now it is still mostly ignored. It is critical that the starvation of Yemen’s people receive the extensive and frequent coverage that it deserves in order to put necessary pressure on the coalition governments and their Western patrons to stop it – by Daniel Larison and this is the AP report, presented before in YPR 410, cp1:

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(A H)

World Health Organization: Life-saving oxygen stations arrive in Aden to support Yemen’s health facilities

The health facilities in Yemen lack the basic necessities and WHO is working hard to ensure that medicines, supplies, fuel, water and equipment like these oxygen stations are sent to priority hospitals,” said Dr Nevio Zagaria, the WHO Representative in Yemen.

The provision and delivery of these 11 oxygen stations was made possible with the support of the King Salman Humanitarian and Relief Center. A total of 7 medical oxygen stations arrived in Aden port and are awaiting installation in targeted hospitals.

My comment: The WHO press center working as a Saudi propaganda department.

(* B H)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: FAO’s response in Yemen - Briefing note

The agriculture sector is among the worst hit by the current crisis and local food production has been severely compromised. The absence of veterinary services, coupled with scarcity and the high cost of drugs and animal feed has contributed to poor production. The country’s low food self-sufficiency has been worsened by the conflict, which has disrupted economic activities, led to the suspension of safety net programmes and the implementation of import restrictions.

Agriculture must be an integral part of the humanitarian response to prevent Yemen’s dire food security situation from worsening. FAO’s programmes in Yemen aim to save livelihoods through the provision of supplies, knowledge and training to support the most vulnerable Yemeni communities to enhance their resilience and improve their food security and nutrition.

(* B H)

Film. I rarely get to a limit where I have a hard time seeing something in my job. But in Sadah in Northern #Yemen it happened' Magda/Swedish Journalism [English subs]

(* A H)

Omani man Nasr Al Jadhamy set for fifth aid trip to Yemen ahead of Ramadan

Nasr Al Jadhamy will be transporting more than 100 tonnes of relief supplies, by road, to those who have been most affected by the conflict in Yemen. While travelling to Oman’s southern neighbour during what has been termed as one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises is extremely dangerous by itself, Nasr’s Ramadan trip will, incredibly, be his fifth trip to the war-torn nation since 2017.
Nasr is also going to the Palestinian Territories and Somalia to see how he can help those who have been affected in the two regions.
“We have collected more than 100 tonnes of flour, rice, wheat, oil, milk and other food supplies to send to the people in Yemen,” said Nasr, speaking exclusively to the Times of Oman. “We will also bring clothes and blankets to help the people. I will be leaving for Yemen any day now, and will be gone for most of Ramadan, as well as Eid.”

(A H)

Based on a fund by Kuwaiti donors @monarelief guaranteed food aid baskets to 3 families with special needs for 13 months.. each family will receive 2 food baskets monthly from April 2018 till May 2019. (photos)

(* B H K)

Film by ICRC: Their story didn't need to end like this.

Remark: That’s Yemen every day and all other countries suffering from war.

(* B H)

Your Abilities: Your Abilities Organization for development is Non-government & Non-profit organization based in Yemen Sana'a, established in 2015.
Registration No. (28/15/foundation) issued by the office of Social Affairs and Labor the Capital Secretariat. Your Abilities has several social and development services and activities such as humanitarian relief missions which assisting the poor and hungry people , those whose affected due to wars and life's complicated circumstances , Take-care of orphans. In addition, launching training courses for youth people which aiming to prepare them to labor markets and have ability to work.

(A H)

OCO provides aid to families in Yemen, Somalia

The Oman Charitable Organisation (OCO) said it has distributed 21,000 packages to families in Al Mahrah Governorate and 24,000 packages in Hadramaut Governorate in Yemen. The charitable organisation said that additionally 34,000 packages have been distributed by OCO in eight regions in Somalia.

(B H)

Yemen: Monthly Situation Report No 1 (April 2018)

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 1 – 7 May 2018 | Issue 14


  • Six months of conflict have displaced over 100,000 people into areas covered by the Aden hub.
  • Decline in food and fuel imports reported in April.
  • UNHAS continues to provide critical air service, more than 1,000 aid workers were transported in the month of April
  • Deconfliction requests increased in April compared to March.

(A H)

Share Aid Yemen‏: We have launched our #Ramadan #Campaign to ease the burden on the neediest during the Holy Month. The food baskets comprise 25 kg of flour, 10 kg of rice and 10 of sugar, 4 liters of cooking oil, 2 kg of milk powder, 2 kg of dates. Would you like to help a family? (photos)

(A H)

Workshops and awareness sessions for IDPs in Sirwah district, Marib Governorate

Food baskets distributed to IDPs funded by Imdad Institution

Emergency relief for poor and affected families in Rayma

Emergency relief for the displaced and conflict-affected people al-Khokha district

Water project for old neighborhoods in Shabwa governorate

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

International Organization for Migration: UN Migration Agency Calls for Greater Protection of Migrants, Yemenis Following Visit to Yemen

Following a visit to Yemen this week (02-06/05) Mohammed Abdiker, Director of Operations and Emergencies at IOM, the UN Migration Agency, said that he is "extremely concerned about the appalling and inhumane situation migrants are facing in Yemen" and called for "greater support and protection both from the international community and authorities in-country."

It is estimated that some 7,000 migrants enter Yemen each month with the total number of migrant arrivals in 2017 reaching near 100,000. The vast majority intends to reach the Gulf countries, in particular the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

Both en route and once in Yemen, many migrants suffer at the hands of cruel smugglers and other criminals, including physical and sexual abuse, torture for ransom, arbitrary detention for long periods of time, forced labour for no pay and even death.

“I met teenagers in utter distress from what they had experienced already in their young lives,” Abdiker explained. “They are just a commodity to smugglers – something to make quick and easy money from and, if they die, the smugglers do not care as there are thousands of other people willing to pay for their services and risk their lives to simply build their parents a house, put their brother through school, or for any opportunity at all.”

Some migrants also get caught up in the conflict, sustaining injuries or dying from shelling, and some are taken to detention centres.

"The recent Human Rights Watch and Vice News Reports showed how horrendously many migrants being held in Yemen's detention centres are treated. We welcome the closure of the Centre highlighted in that report and the prosecution of those who committed crimes against migrants. However, we know that this was not an isolated incident and so we call on all those with migrants in their custody in Yemen to treat them with dignity and compassion,” Abdiker continued.

“Our teams are seeing more and more Yemenis returning from KSA and they are in need of our support. They tell us that changes in their circumstances in KSA due to tightening regulations make them feel forced to return. Both migrants in Yemen and returning Yemenis are in desperate need of greater support from the international community, and neither group should feel forced to transit through or return to a conflict zone,” he added. and also and also

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Facebook led to an abduction in Dhamar

Houthis kidnapped Abdulhameed Hassan Alhadam the representative of the General public conference in Alhadda precinct -Dhamar and took him to unknown place.

Alhadam posted on his Facebook wall a post demanding Houthis to release the salaries of the people which has been suspended for more than a year.

(A P)

Conflicts Among Different Wings inside Al-Houthi Militias Lead Several Leaders Close to Al-Houthi not to Take the Auth of Loyalty Before Al-Mashat

Remark: As claimed by southern separatists’ news site.

(A K P)

Army spokesman: Response to be strong, painful against coalition war crimes

An Army spokesman Maj. Gen. Sharaf Luqman said that a response is to be strong and painful towards targeting citizens and densely populated areas by coalition air strikes on the capital Sanaa, in a statement received by Saba.

(A P)

Agreement signed between National Prisoner, Sustainable Development Institutions

(A P)

Sanaa is changing a lot, worse. This is Ugly in so many ways and it won't stop here! (photos)

My comment: These photos seem to show another aspect of the Wahabisation of the Houthis.

(A P)

Houthi militia begin to enforce Khomos tax in Sana'a

Houthi rebels in Sana'a have begun to levy fifth-of-income tax "Khomos" in the capital Sana'a and the rest of the north under their control, local sources said.
Government employees under the de facto reign of Houthis told the Saudi daily Okaz said that the Khmos was imposed on salaries of employees in the public, private and public-private sectors.

(A P)

Houthis Starts collection of Alkhums

The president of Sanaa University Ahmed Daghar issued a decision to deduct (Alkhums ) from the salaries of the teaching board and university staff.

(Alkhums) a religion term means a financial obligation (20%) for certain capitals variety such as minerals, the spoil of war, treasures etc, Houthis revived this to collect and tax the Yemeni people since they think they have the right and they see it should be paid to their leader (Abdul Malik AL Houthi)

According to the new instructions to the administrative affairs, the deductions will start as soon as possible.

Houthis militia provided a bill to the parliament to legalize this procedure including modifications in Zakat laws allow them to collect 20% of the Zakat and the resources of the country to their benefit.

My comment: They should pay them first. Many state employees did not get any salary for more than a year now.

(A H P)

Implementation of WFP 2018 plan in Yemen discussed

Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Abdul Aziz Al-Komim, met on Sunday with Resident Representative of the UN World Food Program (WFP), Stephen Anderson.

(* A P)

Houthis sell Human aids in the black-markets.

Houthis continue their violation of Yemeni people rights, this time by selling the human aids provided from international organizations to the displaced and worthies due to war, at black-market.

A source said to Almasdaronline that (the executive unit of the displaced) follows Houthis sold big quantities of foodstuffs continually to local traders.

The source said that the supervisors of this unit give the people only one wheat bag and one bottle of oil, and confiscate the other materials such as Sugar, rice beans, and milk and sell it to local traders discreetly.

The source also indicates that 70 % of the Human aids provided to Yemen goes to certain Houthis supervisors and displaced Unit officials.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi Islah Party website.

(* A P)

Euro-Med: Mass executions in Yemen’s Houthi group courts

Dozens of recent death sentences have been issued against political opponents of the ruling al-Houthi group on charges of communicating and collaborating with hostile foreign parties, reported the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties in a joint press release today. These sentences have been issued by the Criminal Court in Sana’a City, which investigates terrorism and matters of state security.

Since the beginning of the yet-ongoing armed conflict, the court has issued dozens of death sentences against political and military opponents, as well as supporters of the Arab-led coalition forces to support the Yemeni government.

Dozens of undeclared executions have been carried out by the Houthi group via the abuse of judicial power and by extrajudicial killings. Most of the Court's trials relate to political affiliations and are politically motivated.

Most of the verdicts pronounced have been preceded by a series of grave violations against the detainees before and during their court trials

Remark: Greater article in cp1.

(A P)

Mothers of abductees demand Houthis to release their sons

The Mothers of Abductees an organization representing the mothers of prisoners in Houthi jails have rallied in Taiz Taiz on Saturday to denounce the continued detention of their children by the Houthi militia and to demand their speedy release before the holy month of Ramadan.

The Mothers issued a statement saying their sons "are subjected to psychological torture and physical abuse, not to mention the physical elimination."

(A P)

A Security Post of Al-Houthis Prevents A Yemeni Minister of Their Government from Passing Huziz – Sanaa

Al-Houthi militias prevented Ghaleb Mutlek, minister of public works in Sanaa’s government, from leaving Sanaa and turned him back by force from Huziz security post. Media sources indicated that Mutlek was on his way for a condolence meeting outside Sanaa when Al-Houthis prevented him.

(A P)

Houthi rebels besiege head of their self-proclaimed government

Informed sources said that the Houthi rebels have imposed a security cordon on a number loyalists to the former slain rebel leader Saleh al-Sammad including the head of their self-proclaimed premier Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor to prevent their speculated escape out of the Houthi-held north of Yemen.

The militia leaders deployed checkpoints in all neighborhoods and main roads of Sana'a completely closing the capital city to prevent rebel officials from defecting and escaping out of Sana'a.

Speculations went around that the head of the rebel's self-proclaimed government has shown interest to defect and escape out of Sana'a but his attempt was foiled and now Houthis are besieging his house and those of other rebel leaders.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi biased Islah Party news site.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1b (Socotra)

(A T)

Assassinations in Taiz

Two unknowns assassins a soldier and injured a security officer in Taiz Yesterday (Tuesday) in Taiz-West of Yemen.

(A K P)

Local Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadhramaut Issues a Statement about Public Demands of Withdrawing Al-Ahmar’s Troops out of Hadhramaut’s Valley and the Desert

My comment: Troops of the Hadi government’s vice president, who originates from the north. – The figure of 200,000 soldiers is highly exaggerated.

(A T)

2 presidential guards killed in Yemen's Aden

During the attack, the soldiers were on their motorbikes near a Yemeni Airways building in Hur Mekser

(A T)

Aden: Mosque preacher escapes assassination attempt

(A E)

PASSAMA arrives to Aden

The giant cargo ship “PASSAMA” arrived last Saturday to Aden port carrying 3158 cars to be unloaded at the port.

The ship considers the biggest in size enter the port this year.

(A P)

Second Reserve Battalion Attacks a Gun Market in Sheikh Othman and Secures a Campaign for Demolishing Random Building in Al-Berika

Remark: A UAE-backed separatists’ unit.

(A P)

Regional powers are increasingly flexing muscles in east #Yemen. With tension rising over #Saudi in Mahra & #UAE in #Socotra, a son of #Mahra's former Sultan of Mahra & Socotra (now with an #Oman passport) has crossed into Mahra in a choreographed display of strength/popularity (photos)

(A P)

Governmental headquarters handing over process continue: by images destroyed and robbed buildings

the “governmental headquarters handing over” supervising committee continued her duties today in Taiz. (photos9

Remark: On the strife at Taiz, earlier reporting in the last YPRs.

(A P)

Ben Brik Asserts the Importance of Openness and the Significance of Conversation

Chairman of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council, Ahmed Said Ben Brik, asserted that the council was, and still is, calling for constructive conversation among all southern components without exclusion, to guarantee the unification of the southern line and to achieve the expectations and goals of the southern people.

(A P)

Southern Transitional Council Notifies UN Delegate with the Importance of Withdrawing Northern Troops from the South

Salem Thabet Al-Awlaquy, official spokesman of the council and member of the presidency, indicated that the council notified Mr. Griffith and all other parties them met that the solution of the southern cause is in respecting the southern people’s will and their right in having their political rights, including full independence of the southern state with its new regimen.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

UN Special Envoy to Yemen meets with GPC officials in Riyadh [3]

(A P)

Unofficial UN-sponsored Yemen peace talks have begun in Tunis, Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported.

Representatives of various Yemeni factions, including the internationally recognised government led by President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi; the General People’s Congress Party, which was headed by former President Ali Abdullah Saleh; the separatist Southern Transitional Council; the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Al-Islah party and the Houthi rebels were said to have attended.

The publication said the informal talks were brokered by UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths to set “a road map for the Yemeni state’s future political environment.” The talks were considered “consultative,” not official negotiations.

Authorities in Yemen arrested a person described as a Qatari military officer as he was leaving Yemen. He was suspected of providing intelligence support to the Houthi militia, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV reported.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

Analyse: Dieser Prinz rüttelt sein Land auf - um fester an der Macht zu bleiben

Alle Manöver in der Innen- und in der Außenpolitik scheinen dem Primat des Machterhalts untergeordnet zu sein, denn die Herrschaft der Saudis ist fragil.

Nach innen räumt er auf. Mögliche Rivalen werden beiseite geschoben. Zum einen gibt es unter MbS keinerlei Lockerung der Meinungsfreiheit, wenn es um Politik geht. Medien müssen ihm huldigen oder schließen. Andersdenkende landen im Gefängnis, und etlichen Prinzen wurde wegen Korruption der Prozess gemacht, also wegen Vergehen, bei denen sich der Kronprinz selbst gut auskannte. Die Anzahl der Todesurteile und Hinrichtungen ist unter seiner Herrschaft nicht zurück gegangen, wie zuletzt Menschenrechtler kritisierten.

Andererseits schiebt er innere Reformen an.

Nach außen fährt er den üblichen Kurs einer krassen Feindbenennung. Ohne Feinde geht es nicht, bin Salman hat die Lektionen des Populismus gelernt. Iran, Jemen und Qatar liefern bin Salman die Leinwände für seine aggressiven Projektionen.

(A E P)

KSA-UAE agreement to develop Saudi real estate 'hotspots'

Saudi Arabia's Jabal Omar Development Company (JODC) has teamed up with a UAE-based financial services firm to launch and manage real estate investment vehicles in the kingdom.

(* A P)

Saudi-Arabien begrüßt US-Ausstieg aus Iran-Abkommen

Saudi-Arabien hat den Ausstieg der USA aus dem Atomabkommen mit dem Iran begrüßt. Der Iran nutze die finanziellen Vorteile des Abkommens, um die Region weiter zu destabilisieren, erklärte das sunnitische Königreich am Dienstagabend, wie der arabische Nachrichtenkanal Al-Arabija meldete. Saudi-Arabien hoffe, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft Schritte ergreifen werde, um der "iranischen Gefahr" für die Sicherheit zu begegnen.

(* A P)

Gulf Arab allies jubilant at U.S. withdrawal from Iran deal

Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Arab allies welcomed President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from a nuclear agreement with Iran after years of warning that it gave their arch-rival cover to expand its regional influence.

The quick embrace of Trump’s announcement on Tuesday reflects a sense of vindication by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which have pushed Washington to take seriously Tehran’s ballistic missile program and support for militant groups - security threats they regard as existential.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia says backs U.S. decision to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal

Saudi Arabia welcomed President Donald Trump’s decision on Tuesday to withdraw the United States from the international nuclear agreement with Iran and to reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran.

(A P)

Saudi king orders whistleblower protections in anti-corruption push

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has ordered protection for employees who report financial and administrative corruption, Al Arabiya TV reported on Sunday, as part of an effort to combat graft that saw dozens of royals and top businessmen detained last year.

My comment: LOL. Those whistleblowing the wrong things certainly will be jailed and more.

(* B P)

Reporters Without Borders: Saudi Arabia: No independent media

Saudi Arabia permits no independent media and tolerates no independent political parties, unions, or human rights groups. The level of self-censorship is extremely high and the Internet is the only space where freely-reported information and views may be able to circulate, albeit at great risk to the citizen-journalists who post online. Like professional journalists, they are watched closely and critical comments are liable to lead to arrest and trial under the country’s terrorism or cyber-crime laws. Blasphemy, insulting religion, “inciting chaos,” “endangering national unity,” and defaming the king and the state are the most frequent charges brought against those who show a desire to report the reality. They may be detained arbitrarily without trial, mistreated in detention, and subjected to barbaric punishments such as flogging.

Despite his talk of reform, the young Mohammad bin Salman’s appointment as crown prince in June 2017 has had no positive impact on the freedom to inform.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia: Thousands Held Arbitrarily: Dramatic Increase in Detention Without Trial

Saudi Arabia is detaining thousands of people for more than six months, in some cases for over a decade, without referring them to courts for criminal proceedings, Human Rights Watch said today. Saudi Arabia’s attorney general should promptly charge or release all criminal defendants and stop holding people arbitrarily.

Human Rights Watch analyzed data from a public online Interior Ministry database, which revealed that authorities have detained 2,305 people who are under investigation for more than six months without referring them to a judge. The number held for excessively long periods has apparently increased dramatically in recent years. A similar Human Rights Watch analysis in May 2014 revealed that only 293 people had been held under investigation for that period.

“If Saudi authorities can hold a detainee for months on end with no charges, it’s clear that the Saudi criminal justice system remains broken and unjust, and it only seems to be getting worse,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “It seems that MBS’s ‘Vision2030’ plan better describes the length of detentions without charge than an aspirational time horizon for reforms.”

(* B P)

The Apprentice: the Education of Mohammed bin SalmanYet, long ago, I learned wisdom is not a pre-ordained inheritance but rather comes with the passage of time and the knowledge and experience that is companion to that travel. It is a lesson that 32-year-old Mohammed bin Salmanhas not yet mastered.

On all fronts bin Salman has failed the test.

Long accused of subsidizing terrorism, Saudi Arabia had, until of late, maintained the public face of a relatively quiet, stable regional actor. Over the last three years that has changed.

Although attacks on activists predate the ascendency of Mohammed bin Salman to Crown Prince, it is important to understand they continue even as he has been proclaimed as the voice of reform.

Indeed, not long ago, bin Salman opined that without America’s cultural influence on Saudi Arabia, “we would have ended up like North Korea.” – by Stanley F. Cohen

(* A P)

Vatican ‘denies’ agreement signed with Saudi Arabia includes building churchesNews that Saudi Arabia was to allow the construction of its first Christian church following a visit from a top Vatican official recently made headlines, but the claim appears to be overblown or premature.

According to the Daily Mail, the Holy See has simply dismissed the story as “false.” RT has contacted the Vatican to request a more detailed clarification. The original source of the news, cited by most outlets, was an article in the Egypt Independent, which was published on Friday. It has since been removed, though a cached copy is still accessible.

The foundation of the article was a visit by one of the top Vatican officials, President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, to Saudi Arabia last month.

As a result of the visit, Tauran signed an accord with the Muslim World League, a government-backed body responsible for spreading the Wahhabi form of Islam that is prevalent in the Gulf kingdom.

While the text of the agreement has not been widely circulated, the only confirmed detail from Rome’s own official sources is that Saudi and Vatican delegations will stage regular inter-religious summits.

and this contradicts to other reports like:

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Will Build Christian Churches After Striking Deal With Vatican

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will allow the Vatican to build Christian churches in Saudi Arabia.

The historic deal was signed by the Secretary General of the Muslim World League Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdel Karim Al-Issa and the President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue in the Vatican, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran following a meeting last month

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(** A P)

Ceasing U.S. Participation in the JCPOA and Taking Additional Action to Counter Iran’s Malign Influence and Deny Iran All Paths to a Nuclear Weapon

SUBJECT: Ceasing United States Participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and Taking Additional Action to Counter Iran’s Malign Influence and Deny Iran All Paths to a Nuclear Weapon

As President, my highest priority is to ensure the safety and security of the United States and the American people. Since its inception in 1979 as a revolutionary theocracy, the Islamic Republic of Iran has declared its hostility to the United States and its allies and partners. Iran remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and provides assistance to Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, al-Qa’ida, and other terrorist networks. Iran also continues to fuel sectarian violence in Iraq, and support vicious civil wars in Yemen and Syria. It commits grievous human rights abuses, and arbitrarily detains foreigners, including United States citizens, on spurious charges without due process of law.

Iran also continues to fuel sectarian violence in Iraq, and support vicious civil wars in Yemen and Syria.

Iranian or Iran-backed forces have gone on the march in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen,

My comment: It is breathtaking how odd this statement is.


(** B P)

Follow The Money: Three Billionaires Paved Way For Trump’s Iran Deal Withdrawal

Indeed, today’s unpopular announcement may have been exactly what two of Trump’s biggest donors, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, and what one of his biggest inaugural supporters, Paul Singer, paid for when they threw their financial weight behind Trump. Marcus and Adelson, who are also board members of the Likudist Republican Jewish Coalition, have already received substantial returns on their investment: total alignment by the U.S. behind Israel, next week’s move of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and the official dropping of “occupied territories” to describe the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Adelson, for his part, was Trump and the GOP’s biggest campaign supporter. He and his wife Miriam contributed $35 million in outside spending to elect Trump, $20 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund (a super PAC exclusively dedicated to securing a GOP majority in the House of Representatives), and $35 million to the Senate Leadership Fund (the Senate counterpart) in the 2016 election cycle.

Trump, who had previously complained that Adelson was seeking to “mold [Marco Rubio] into the perfect little puppet,” quickly snapped around and echoed Adelson’s hawkish positions on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem after Trump won the Republican nomination and secured Adelson’s backing.

Adelson, for his part, has advocated launching a nuclear weapon against Iran as a negotiating tactic and threatening to nuke Tehran, a city with a population of 8.8 million, if Iran does not completely abandon its nuclear program.

Newt Gingrich, a huge recipient of Adelson’s financial largesse during his failed 2012 presidential campaign, said that Adelson’s “central value” is Israel.

(* B P)

“US is treating Yemen as a Saudi possession” : former US diplomat speaks

In an exclusive interview with Yemen Press Agency, former Saudi-based US diplomat Michael J. Springmann denounces the extensive role of the United States in the war against Yemen.

“America is not treating Yemen as an independent state, like Japan or Germany. Rather, it is treating Yemen as a Saudi possession,” Springmann said in the interview on Monday.

Springmann said that the U.S. should stop its support for Saudi Arabia and respect the Yemeni people who is angry of these U.S. actions.

“The U.S. support of Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen and that U.S. military action in Yemen or on its borders incurs the wrath of the Yemeni people. What country likes it population attacked and killed?”, said the U.S. diplomat and author Michael Springmann.

Asked why Trump did not adopt the assassination of Yemeni president Saleh Ali Al Sammad last month, though Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, accused him of doing that and held the United States responsible, Mr. Springmann said: “Trump is silent on the Reaper drone assassinating al-Sammad because it would too clearly show the connection of the U.S. to murder, war crimes, and human rights violations.”

He noted that the U.S. government talks only of “support” for the Saudis and their illegal war against Yemen. “The U.S. government talks only of refueling Saudi and other aircrafts, providing targeting information, or other intelligence, and not acting as a murderous country.”

Michael Springmann has also said that “Barbara Bodine, the former U.S. ambassador to Yemen has characterized the Saudis’ actions as “murder, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.”

Asked why the U.S. deployed Green Berets to Saudi borders with Yemen?, he said that it is because the U.S. Patriot Missiles have failed to intercept Yemeni missiles, and this the reason why U.S. stationed its special forces near borders with Yemen.

He concluded that his heart is with “the unfortunate people of Yemen, murdered and starved by my country, the United States of America.”

Naseh Shaker of the Yemeni Press Agency conducted the interview with Michael Springmann, former U.S. diplomat in the U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia.

Springmann had published two books: “Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked The World” (an account of how the US created Islamic Terrorism ) and “ Goodbye, Europe? Hello, Chaos? Merkel’s Migrant Bomb” (the story of how the US herded the populations of countries it destroyed in the Arab and Muslim worlds into Europe to create hatred of people from those areas).

The following is the full text of the interview:

(* A K P)

DoD exploring medevac options for special operations forces within Yemen

The U.S. military is looking for contractors to provide airborne casualty evacuation services for special operations forces working “primarily within Yemen.”

A request for information posted April 30 stated that U.S. Transportation Command was conducting market research to identify air carriers operating ballistic-protected fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft capable of providing medical and casualty evacuation services within Yemen, and “all surrounding countries, waterways, and the Horn of Africa.”

A draft performance work statement adds that the personnel recovery services would be for Special Operations Command Central. That customer makes sense when looking at the request’s aircraft specifications.

For fixed-wing assets, contractors should be capable of take-off from a 3,000-foot unprepared runway, with a range of more than 500 nautical miles. Hopeful contractors also need to be able to use night-vision goggles, carry no fewer than eight passengers and be capable of hot refueling, which is when the engine is still running.

My comment: An obvious sign that the US is planning more and greater “boots on the ground” activities in Yemen.

(* B K P)

USA schickten heimlich Special Forces in den Jemen

Die USA haben unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit ein Sonderkommando der US Army an die Grenze zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Jemen entsandt, schreibt die New York Times.

Es handle sich bei der Stationierung der Green Berets-Einheit an Saudi-Arabiens Grenze zum Jemen um eine „anhaltende Eskalation der amerikanischen Geheimkriege“, schreibt die New York Times.

Praktisch ohne öffentliche Diskussion helfen die Armeekommandos dabei, Verstecke von ballistischen Raketen und Startplätzen zu lokalisieren und zu zerstören, welche die Houthis im Jemen benutzen, um sich gegen Saudi-Arabien zu verteidigen.

Einzelheiten der Green Beret-Operation blieben bislang geheim. Die New York Times kam jedoch über Kontakte zu amerikanischen Beamten und europäischen Diplomaten an einige Informationen.

Und diese scheinen den Erklärungen des Pentagon zu widersprechen, dass die amerikanische Militärhilfe sich auf die Betankung von Flugzeugen, die Logistik und den Austausch zwischen Geheimdiensten beschränkt.

(* B K P)

U.S. Troops Directly Involved in Yemen Conflict

A May 3 New York Times article revealed that U.S. Green Berets have been directly involved in supporting Saudi Arabia in its war with Yemen.

This comes despite testimony by General Joseph Votel, head of the Central Command, that ‘we’re not parties to this conflict.’

Presence of the Green Berets indicates a substantial escalation of the acknowledged role for the U.S. in the conflict, as well as a direct contradiction of the public testimony of Pentagon leaders to Congress.

The situation in Yemen is now the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, as U.S. culpability in the conflict only grows.

(* B K P)

How To Bankrupt A Nation

Simple... "When ur loading a $70,000 missile onto a $28 million drone, so it can fly at the cost of $3,624 an hour to kill some people in Yemen who live on less than $1 per day..." (photo)

(* B K P)

What the Deployment of Green Berets to the Saudi-Yemen Border Tells Us About America’s Dirty War

Not only does this reality contradict the Pentagon’s previous statements about its involvement in Yemen, it also brings into question the U.S. government’s intended goals. Is the U.S. military so committed to achieving Saudi Arabia’s mission to regain control of Yemen that it is willing to risk American lives? Alternatively, if the U.S. is advising and training soldiers, repairing and refueling aircraft, patrolling Yemeni waters alongside Saudi Arabia and now fighting Yemenis on the ground, is it really just Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen?

As the U.S. Congress fails to take responsibility for withdrawing U.S. support from the Saudi-led war, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis continues to unfold in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East.

U.S. lawmakers—and the American people—must not ignore this role any longer – by Shireen Al-Adeimi

(* B K P)

Teheran hat „Beweise“: USA verlegen IS-Terroristen nach Afghanistan

Der Berater des geistlichen Oberhauptes des Irans, Ayatollah Ali Chamenei, Generalmajor Yahya Rahim Safavi, hat den USA vorgeworfen, Kämpfer des „Islamischen Staates“* nach Afghanistan zu verlegen.

„Die US-Behörden haben die Schaffung des IS selbst zugegeben. Und jetzt besitzen wir Beweise dafür, dass sie in die Verlegung des IS nach Afghanistan verwickelt sind“, zitiert die Agentur Tasnim Safavi.

Die Präsenz der USA im Nahen Osten sei nicht ungefährlich. Seinen Worten zufolge vernichtet das Land die gesamte Region.

Mein Kommentar: Möglich. Verlegungen nach Jemen (allerdings durch die Saudis) wurden schon mehrmals berichtet.

(* A B K P)

The U.S. Must End Its Support for the War on Yemen

U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen is more extensive than the administration has admitted:

The U.S. has always been a party to the conflict through its support of the bombing campaign, and this shows that the U.S. is now involved in assisting the Saudis against the Houthis on the ground as well. There can now be no question that the U.S. is a party to the conflict and U.S. forces have been introduced into hostilities as participants in the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

U.S. involvement in the conflict is greater than administration officials have acknowledged. Even if administration officials did not technically lie to Congress (because this mission falls under the heading of “military advice” given to Riyadh), it still appears that the administration has misled members of Congress and the public about the extent and nature of U.S. military assistance to the Saudis. With any luck, the administration’s lack of transparency during the recent debate over S.J.Res. 54 will motivate more members of Congress to oppose our unnecessary and shameful involvement in the war on Yemen.

It is worth noting that the presence of U.S. forces to assist the Saudis against Houthi missile attacks would not be necessary if the U.S. had never supported the intervention in the first place. The Saudi claim that their war is one of self-defense is spurious, since they are the ones that intervened and they are the ones bombing Yemeni cities on a daily basis. The Saudis would have no need of U.S. assistance against missile strikes if they halted their bombing campaign and lifted the blockade they have imposed on Yemen.

The U.S. should never have had anything to do with this war. Ending U.S. military assistance to the Saudi-led coalition is long overdue, and I hope this latest report spurs Congress to do what it should have done earlier this year – by Daniel Larison

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

The Guardian view on civilian deaths in war: be honest and investigate

Britain ought to shrink the credibility gap in accounting for the death of innocents. Otherwise we will continue to wage wars without a true understanding of the costs

Coalition forces are fighting a brutal enemy that, unlike them, has no concerns about killing civilians. But western militaries have a moral responsibility to take extraordinary care that innocent lives are not lost. This is harder when nations like Britain are unable to confess to the scale of our own mistakes. US experts say such a lacuna raises serious concerns about compliance with the laws of war. Undercounting civilian casualties after airstrikes may affect the pre-strike assessment of expected civilian casualties. If allowed to continue unchallenged, military operations might fail to take adequate precautions to avoid non-combatant deaths or to ensure bombing raids are proportionate to the threat posed. These are live concerns: campaigners have won the right to appeal against a decision to allow UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia because they “might be used in the commission of a serious violation of international humanitarian law”. Britain ought to shrink the credibility gap in accounting for civilian casualties – and properly investigate claims of harm – by Editorial Board

My comment: The authors think of Syria – there is no difference for Yemen.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Von ARD und ZDF totgeschwiegen: Saudi-Arabien bombardiert Präsidentenpalast im Jemen

Es ist ein weiteres Beispiel der täglichen Nachrichtenunterdrückung in den deutschen Staatssendern.

Bemerkung: Es geht um den Luftangriff in oben cp1c.

(* A E K)

Rheinmetall stoppen heißt Leben retten!

Ausgerechnet am 8. Mai, am Tag der Befreiung von Faschismus und Krieg, versammeln sich im Maritim-Hotel in Berlin Menschen mit einem besonderes Interesse, das sie von der übergroßen Mehrheit der Menschen in unserem Land unterscheidet: Im Gegensatz zu 80% der Bevölkerung, die weniger Rüstungsexporte und weniger Aufrüstung wünschen, treffen sich hier diejenigen, die an Rüstung und Krieg verdienen wollen: Die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre der Rheinmetall AG. 5,8 Milliarden Umsatz hat der Konzern im vergangenen Jahr erwirtschaftet, fast die Hälfte davon mit Mordinstrumenten.

Und die Aktie, die man im Jahr 2000 noch für 9 Euro kaufen konnte, kostet heute 115 Euro. Bei jedem neuen Kriegsschauplatz auf dieser Welt knallen in der Konzernzentrale in Düsseldorf die Champagnerkorken. Denn Krieg ist gut für Umsatz und Dividenden.

Am Freitag meldete dpa: „Auftragsflut stimmt Rheinmetall nach schwachem Jahresstart zuversichtlich“. Das ist zwar für diejenigen, die Rheinmetall-Aktien besitzen, eine gute Nachricht, aber für sehr viele Menschen auf diesem Planeten eine schlechte.

(* A B E K)

Tote in Jemen - Geld für Rheinmetall

Strafanzeige gegen Tochter des Rüstungskonzerns, weil mit deren Waffen in Jemen Zivilisten getötet wurden

In Berlin haben am Montag Menschenrechtsgruppen den Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall wegen seiner Rolle im Krieg in Jemen angeklagt. Einen Tag vor der Hauptversammlung des Düsseldorfer Rüstungsherstellers in Berlin bezichtigten sie Rheinmetall, über Tochterfirmen in den Jemen-Konflikt verstrickt zu sein. In Italien steht die Rheinmetall AG durch eine Strafanzeige gegen ihre Tochterfirma RWM Italia auch juristisch unter Druck.

Auf einer Pressekonferenz im Vorfeld der Aktionärsversammlung berichtete die jemenitische Menschenrechtlerin Bonyan Gamal von einem Bombenangriff auf das Dorf Deir Al-Hajārī im Oktober 2016, bei dem eine sechsköpfige Familie getötet wurde. Mitarbeiter der Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO) Mwatana Organization for Human Rights fanden am Tatort Überreste von Bomben. Mindestens eines der Teile stammte aus der Produktion von RWM Italia.

Gemeinsam mit dem European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) und einem italienischen Partner hat Mwatana Strafanzeige bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Rom eingereicht. Die italienische Justiz solle die Verantwortung der Geschäftsführer von RWM Italia und der zuständigen italienischen Waffenexportbehörde klären.

und Video der Pressekonferenz (uaf meinem Browser geht er nicht)

(A K P)

»Der Krieg beginnt hier«

In Berlin und Unterlüß gab es Blockaden und Aktionen gegen die Aktionärsversammlung des deutschen Waffenherstellers

Auf der Kundgebung bekräftigte Anabel Schnura von der ethecon-Stiftung: »Rheinmetall ist der größte Rüstungskonzern in Deutschland, der Krieg beginnt hier.« Es sei »blanker Zynismus«, dass die Aktionärsversammlung ausgerechnet am Tag der Befreiung stattfinde. Die ethecon-Stiftung übergab symbolisch den Schmähpreis »Black Planet Award« an die Konzernleitung.

(* A B E K)

Bombengeschäfte von Rheinmetall

Vor der Hauptversammlung kritisieren Menschenrechtler Rheinmetall. Über Subfirmen soll der Konzern Waffen für den Krieg im Jemen exportieren.

Auf der Hauptversammlung möchten die Rüstungsgegner das Unternehmen mit der Situation im Jemen konfrontieren – durch eine Kundgebung vor der Tür und durch Wortmeldungen kritischer Aktionäre im Saal. Auf der Tagesordnung stehen ansonsten überwiegend Formalitäten wie die Vorstellung des Lageberichts, die Entlastung des Vorstands und die des Aufsichtsrates.

Waffenlieferungen von Rhein­metall in Krisengebiete sind offenbar keine Einzelfälle. „Der Konzern nutzt seine Tochterunternehmen im Ausland, um Munition für den Jemen-Krieg zu liefern“, sagt Otfried Nassauer vom Berliner Informationszentrum für Transatlantische Sicherheit. Saudi-Arabien habe seit 2013 durch RWM Italia Munitionslieferungen im Wert von mehr als 500 Millionen Euro erhalten. „So lagert Rheinmetall die Verantwortung durch die rechtliche Selbstbestimmung der Tochterfirmen aus“, kritisiert Nassauer.!5500764/

(* A B E K)

Friedensforscher werfen Rheinmetall Profitmache im Jemen-Krieg vor

Rheinmetall wollte die Vorwürfe weder kommentieren noch dementieren. "Wir bitten um Verständnis dafür, dass wir zu Fragestellungen, die etwaige Projekte oder mögliche Kundenbeziehungen berühren, aus vertraglichen Gründen keine Stellung beziehen können", erklärte das Unternehmen. Alle Tochtergesellschaften hielten sich an die vor Ort gültigen Exportbestimmungen.
Die Umwelt- und Menschenrechtsorganisation Urgewald erklärte die Bundesregierung für mitschuldig am Tod im Jemen, wenn sie die Ausfuhrvorschriften nicht verschärfe. "Es geht nicht nur darum, Exporte von Deutschland an die kriegsbeteiligten Staaten im Jemen zu unterbinden, sondern auch Zulieferungen über das Ausland oder Rüstungs-Joint-Ventures einen Riegel vorzuschieben", verlangte Barbara Happe von Urgewald.
Ihren Recherchen zufolge erhält Rheinmetall von der Deutschen Bank und Commerzbank Kredite. Des Weiteren seien viele führende Vermögensverwalter in Deutschland in Rheinmetall investiert

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* A K P)

Strafverfolgung der französischen Regierung wegen Waffenlieferungen an Saudi-Arabien

Zwei französische Nichtregierungsorganisationen haben eine Strafverfolgung der französischen Regierung wegen des Waffenverkaufs an Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, VAE, beantragt.

(A K P)


[More than 30 deputies from the majority have called for the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the sale of French arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the context of the conflict in #Yemen.]

C’est une avancée majeure : plus de 30 députés de la majorité ont demandé la création d’une commission d’enquête parlementaire sur les ventes d’armes françaises à l’Arabie saoudite et aux Emirats arabes unis dans le cadre du conflit au Yémen. Deux mois après le lancement de notre campagne « Yémen. La France complice ? », L’Acat fait appel à vous pour continuer dans votre action d'interpellation des députés. Les prochaines semaines sont décisives.

(* A K P)

French government faces legal pressure over arms sales to Saudi, UAE

Two rights groups campaigning for the French government to halt weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates said on Sunday they were taking their case to France’s highest legal authority.

President Emmanuel Macron has come under pressure from rights groups to scale back ties with a Saudi-led coalition that has intervened in Yemen’s civil war, where more than 10,000 people have been killed since 2015.

Droit Solidarite, a legal NGO, and Aser, which specializes in armament issues, demanded in March that export licenses to Saudi Arabia and the UAE be withdrawn. They gave Prime Minister Edouard Philippe a two-month ultimatum.

They have had no response, so the groups said they would present a legal challenge on Monday to the Conseil d’Etat, France’s highest legal authority, which advises the government on legislative matters and arbitrates on public policy issues.

“It will be up to (Council of State) to decide on the legality of the export license authorizations issued by the prime minister,” ASER et Droit Solidarite said in a statement.

(A P)

“Le armi vendute all’Arabia Saudita e usate in Yemen sono una questione democratica”: parla Nadot, deputato di En Marche

[Sébastien Nadot, French deputy of En Marche, explains his initiative to establish a commission of inquiry into the Assemblé Nationale on French arms sale to the Saudi monarchy.]

La vendita delle armi all’Arabia Saudita non rispetta i diritti umani. Perché quelle stesse armi finiscono per uccidere civili in Yemen. E c’è poi una questione democratica da risolvere con l’assolvimento delle funzioni parlamentari, indipendentemente dall’appartenenza politica. Sébastien Nadot, deputato francese di En Marche, spiega così la sua iniziativa per istituire nell’Assembléè Nationale una commissione di inchiesta sulla vendita di armi da parte della Francia alla monarchia saudita. Con l’obiettivo di chiedere trasparenza al governo del “suo” presidente, Emmanuel Macron.

(A P)

UAE: Reveal Status of Dubai Ruler’s Daughter

United Arab Emirates authorities should immediately reveal the whereabouts of Sheikha Latifa bin Mohammad al-Maktoum, the 32-year-old daughter of the ruler of the Dubai, and clarify her legal status, Human Rights Watch said today. Failure to disclose the whereabouts and status of the princess could qualify as an enforced disappearance, given the evidence suggesting that she was last seen as UAE authorities were detaining her.

(* B P)

Oman has historically been careful to balance its relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran, allowing it to play a useful role mediating regional disputes. However, as the region’s anti-Iran rhetoric is ramping up and the Sultanate is having to deal with its own domestic issues, neutrality is becoming harder to maintain.

As regional tensions have escalated, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have increased the political pressure on Oman to fall into line.

Oman’s two neighbours have been careful to keep their grievances and diplomatic pressures private. But on my recent visit to Oman, the talk was all about Saudi/UAE economic pressure, including delayed deals and increased bureaucratic burdens placed on trade and border crossing between the UAE and Oman.

(* B K P)

Film: Yémen : la France complice de l'Arabie saoudite ?

[Video by Observatoire des Armements @obsarm on #France being partner of the Saudis in the war crimes committed in #Yemen]

A l'occasion de la visite du prince héritier saoudien à Paris les 8-10 avril, retour sur les ventes d'armes françaises et la guerre au Yémen. Que vend-on ? A qui ? Pourquoi ? Et pour quelles conséquences ?

cp12b Lebanon / Libanon

(* A P)

Analyse: Die Wahlen im Libanon und die möglichen Folgen

Dagegen gilt weiterhin die von der französischen Mandatsmacht 1926 eingeführte Quote, wonach 50 Prozent der Parlamentssitze Christen und 50 Prozent sunnitischen und schiitischen Muslimen vorbehalten sind. Die prozentuale Aufteilung unter den Religionsgruppen im Libanon dürfte aber fast 100 Jahre später eine andere Realität darstellen. In jedem Fall stellen die Muslime im Libanon gegenüber den Christen eine deutliche Mehrheit dar. Um das komplizierte Machtgefüge des Zedernstaates nicht zu erschüttern, soll das aber weiter nicht offiziell anerkannt werden.

Nach ersten inoffiziellen Auszählungen war am Montagmorgen klar, dass die Hisbollah und ihre Verbündeten als klare Sieger aus den Wahlen hervorgegangen sind und bis zu 60 Sitze im neuen Parlament einnehmen werden. Großer Verlierer ist Saad Hariri, dessen Zukunftspartei ein Drittel ihrer Sitze verloren hat und im neuen Parlament nur noch mit voraussichtlich 21 Abgeordneten vertreten sein wird. Während das frühere Mehrheitswahlrecht nach dem Motto "Der Sieger bekommt alles" Hariri eine sichere Mehrheit lieferte, sorgt das neue Verhältniswahlrecht dafür, dass alle Parteien nach ihrem tatsächlichen gesellschaftlichen Gewicht bewertet werden.

Selbst in Beirut war es Hariri nicht gelungen, seine bisher festen Anhänger zu mobilisieren. Beobachter führten das schwache Abschneiden Hariris darauf zurück, dass seine Anhänger von ihm und seiner Politik zutiefst enttäuscht waren. Zudem war offenbar die finanzielle Unterstützung Hariris aus Saudi-Arabien ausgeblieben. Riad hatte diesmal Samir Geagea und dessen extrem rechtsgerichtete Partei "Libanesische Kräfte" (LF) unterstützt.

(* A P)

Hezbollah allies gain in Lebanon vote, underscoring Iran sway

Hezbollah and its political allies made significant gains in Lebanon’s parliamentary election, official results showed, boosting an Iranian-backed movement fiercely opposed to Israel and underlining Tehran’s growing regional clout.

The leader of Shi’ite Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, called the result a “a very big political, parliamentary and moral victory for the choice of resistance”.

The number of Hezbollah MPs was the same or little changed, but candidates supported by the group or allied to it gained in major cities. Hezbollah and its political allies won just over half the seats in parliament, according to final results from all but one of Lebanon’s 15 electoral districts.

An Israeli minister said the outcome showed the Lebanese state was indistinguishable from Hezbollah, signaling the risk of Israel hitting Lebanon’s government in a future war.

Western-backed Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri lost over a third of his seats, the results showed. He blamed a complex new voting law and gaps in his party’s performance.

But with 21 MPs, down from 33 in the last parliament, he still emerged as the Sunni Muslim leader with the biggest bloc in the 128-seat house, making him the frontrunner to form the next government.


(A P)

Hezbollah in control. In West Beirut, its supporters celebrate parliamentary victory for the group and its allies. First elections in nine years in Lebanon, PM Hariri fares badly. (film)

(* A B P)

Lebanon’s Elections: Beyond the Iranian-Saudi Rivalry

Tomorrow’s parliamentary election in Lebanon is the next inflection point in the Iranian-Saudi contest to dominate the Middle East. Currently, Lebanese Members of Parliament are roughly divided between pro-Saudi and pro-Iran blocs. Ongoing proxy wars in Syria and Yemen—and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s aggressive regional stance—have added fuel to the Tehran-Riyadh antagonism. The stage seems set for a dramatic showdown, one that will have wide-ranging implications not only for the region but for Lebanon’s own fragile national security.

Far more important than the showdown between Saudi Arabia and Iran is the building tension between those in power in Lebanon and those who are fed up with corruption, economic stagnation and a lack of political accountability. For careful watchers, Lebanon’s elections will hint at what’s brewing in the region beyond the Tehran-Riyadh scramble: entrenched elites facing rising discontent.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Global military spending remains high at $1.7 trillion

Total world military expenditure rose to $1739 billion in 2017, a marginal increase of 1.1 per cent in real terms from 2016, according to new figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Higher spending by Saudi Arabia drives increase in the Middle East

Military expenditure in the Middle East rose by 6.2 per cent in 2017.

Spending by Saudi Arabia increased by 9.2 per cent in 2017 following a fall in 2016. With spending of $69.4 billion, Saudi Arabia had the third highest military expenditure in the world in 2017. Iran (19 per cent) and Iraq (22 per cent) also recorded significant increases in military spending in 2017. ‘Despite low oil prices, armed conflict and rivalries throughout the Middle East are driving the rise in military spending in the region,’ said Pieter Wezeman, Senior Researcher with the SIPRI AMEX programme. In 2017 military expenditure as a share of GDP (known as the ‘military burden’) was highest in the Middle East, at 5.2 per cent. No other region in the world allocated more than 1.8 per cent of GDP to military spending.

US spending no longer in decline

The United States continues to have the highest military expenditure in the world. In 2017 the USA spent more on its military than the next seven highest-spending countries combined. At $610 billion, US military spending was unchanged between 2016 and 2017. ‘The downward trend in US military spending that started in 2010 has come to an end,’ said Dr Aude Fleurant, Director of the SIPRI AMEX programme. ‘

Comment: Shameful priorities: World military spending an incredible $1,739 BILLION in 2017 - at same time less than 1% of this amount was used on humanitarian aid & victims of war. Innocent civilians hit by conflict left without lifesaving support.

(B K P)

Norske rakettmotorer med på sjøblokaden av Jemen

[The Saudi-led coalition has been blocking - for over 3 years -food/relief from entering the country's ports. Several of the ships participating in the sea block are equipped with missiles powered by Norwegian rocket engines.]

Den saudiledede koalisjonen som kriger i Jemen har i lange perioder blokkert mat og nødhjelp fra å komme inn til landets havner. Flere av skipene som deltar i sjøblokaden er utstyrt med missiler drevet av norske rakettmotorer.

(* B K P)

Des armes fabriquées à Roanne tuent au Yémen

[Arms produced in #France in the Rhône-Alpes region are being used in the war on #Yemen]

Les armes vendues à l’Arabie saoudite, dont certaines fabriquées à Roanne, continuent en revanche de tuer des civils. Enquête sur les ventes d’armes rhodaniennes aux pays accusés de crimes de guerre au Yémen. (Subscribers only)

(* B K P)

Trudeau defends Canada’s $15 billion arms deal with despotic Saudi regime

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is continuing to defend Canada’s $15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, even as new information reveals the murderous character of the military equipment Ottawa is shipping to Riyadh.

A recent report from CBC, based on documents it obtained, outlined for the first time specifics of the Canadian-Saudi arms deal that had previously been sealed under a confidentiality accord.

The $15 billion deal was initially approved by the former Conservative government in 2014, but was given the go-ahead when the Liberals signed export permits that allowed the sale to proceed. Trudeau and his Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, Stephane Dion, were caught out lying about the deal, which they claimed had been finalized by the previous government. It was subsequently revealed that the Harper Conservatives only signed permits to authorize the provision of technical details about the light armoured vehicles (LAV) to be sold. The delivery was only able to proceed after Dion signed permits stating that the sale conformed with Canada’s arms control and human rights policies.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K P)

This American Is A General For A Foreign Army Accused Of War Crimes In Yemen

Stephen Toumajan spent most of his professional life as an officer in the US Army — but these days the country he serves is not the US but the United Arab Emirates. He is a major general for the Emirati military, according to his own statements and a UAE government website.

He commands the UAE’s military helicopter branch at a time when that country’s forces are fighting one of the world’s deadliest conflicts: the brutal war in Yemen, which has left over a million people with cholera, 8 million people at risk of starvation, and 5,000 children dead or wounded. The UAE and its partners in the war have been accused of atrocities. Toumajan says he is not involved in that war.

To be a UAE general is a step up for Toumajan, who left the US Army as a lieutenant colonel

More importantly, it represents a marked escalation of the role US private military contractors play in foreign conflicts. While military contractors have become deeply entwined in warfare all over the world, they traditionally have stuck to strict limits: advising, training, and supplying foreign armies — but not actually serving in them. It’s the distinction between being a contractor and a mercenary. Toumajan’s role blurs that distinction.

A UAE government website proclaims that “His Excellency Major General Staff Pilot Stephen A. Toumajan” is “Commander” of the UAE’s Joint Aviation Command, which, according to experts on the UAE’s military, operates most of the nation’s combat helicopters. The website says he is responsible for training, combat readiness, and “execution of all aviation missions.”

“I’m the commanding general for the Joint Aviation Command in UAE,” he says in a video on a US Defense Department website.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E)

The quiet collapse of Yemen's economy

The underreported collapse of Yemen's economy, and the absence of a functional central bank could worsen all of the country's problems

Yet perhaps the most pressing challenge, which genuinely has the potential to truly plunge the country into darkness for decades and make any effort at post-conflict reconstruction infinitely more difficult, is the least reported.

The collapse of Yemen's economy and the absence of a functional central bank in particular, if left unresolved, could further worsen all of the country's underlying problems.

The primary factor underscoring Yemen's humanitarian crisis is not linked to the availability of food, as markets are generally well stocked, but rather the increase in prices and affordability of food, impacted by the widespread loss of livelihoods and the extremely weak Yemen rial (YER).

The country's economic mismanagement and historic debt accumulated by the merger of the northern Yemen Arab Republic and the southern People's Democratic Republic of Yemen in 1990 were ongoing issues which hampered its performance.

Yet President Hadi's decision to 'relocate' the Central Bank in September 2017 effectively meant that the previous Central Bank in Sanaa would cease to exist, and in turn, a new Central Bank would emerge.

It was a means by which Hadi could legitimise his governance and provide basic services to the citizens and state, the Central Bank's main customer. Hadi's government also needed a Central Bank, however nominal, under its control in order to pay salaries of state employees, receive foreign aid from international donors and support the war effort more generally.

In reality, the problems with this decision were evident.
Demanding the creation of a new central bank with no or very little money from scratch in a city which the government held a fragile hold over was a recipe for economic disaster.
The original officials appointed to roles in the new Bank appeared to be inept with no high-level experience of running a central bank, let alone one in the midst of conflict. Most recently, this has led to the replacement of the governor in February 2018.
Since the move, the YER has lost more than half its value against the dollar and soaring prices have put some basic commodities out of reach for many Yemenis – by Omar Mashjari, British-Yemeni lawyer and writer.

My comment: What ever, it must be stated that the former Sanaa-based central Bank had worked a lot better than Hadi’s Aden central bank – thus this move was an economic disaster.

(* B E)

Yemeni car traders cash in on the Japan connection

Wooden dhows crammed with second-hand Japanese cars have been sailing unhindered into Yemeni ports for the past three years despite rigid wartime controls on imports of aid and other vital supplies.

The cars have become a nice earner for traders in both the UAE and Yemen.

Yemeni dealers gather daily at Dubai’s Al-Aweer Auto Market to bid as a big screen flashes prices for Japanese cars, with as many as 80 sold in a day at one auction house.

Once sold, the automobiles are taken to Port Khaled, where up to 200 vehicles are stacked onto each dhow.

The vessels are searched at Port Khaled and on arrival at As Shihr but have not been required to obtain permits or pay customs duties for the past three years, in contrast to the obstacles faced by ships delivering other supplies to Yemeni ports.

In March, however, the coalition changed the rules, requiring permits to be obtained from Saudi Arabia, according to Ali. He said he was told the new measures were introduced for security reasons.

Traders however seem confident the new measures will not disrupt their business unduly.

“This trade employs hundreds at the port now. They can’t ruin that, even if they impose a small tax,” said Ghaleb al-Mahry, who has a car showroom in As Shihr.

My comment: This trade is not affected by the Saudi blockade of Houthi-held ports; these cars are shipped to Hadramaut in SE Yemen.

(A E P)

Houthis invade Saudi markets with “Alsaied” Mango

Houthis managed to export Mango fruits to Saudi Arabia despite the ongoing war between both parties.

Activists on social media platforms said Houthis managed to export the fruits t Saudi Arabia under the name ( Alsaied mango), they added to Almasdar online they have been surprised by the name on the packing boxes despite the war going between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

My comment: If true: What for these mangos had been exported, there is no hunger in Yemen??????

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Both #IslamicState (formal) & #alQaeda (informal) claimed battles vs Houthis yday in Qayfa area, al-Bayda': #ISIL claimed it pushed back Houthi advance on Yakla; pro-#AQAP wires claimed Ansar al-Shari'a killed 12 & injured others in Walad al-Rabi', 2 jihadists "martyred"

Murky line between #tribes & Ansar al-Sharia in #Yemen is demonstrated by yday's informal #AQAP claim of battle vs Houthis in Walad al-Rabi', al-Bayda'. AQAP likes to latch onto local issues & claim the lead. Local press report the same battle as tribal action to protect villages (images)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

„Iran darf an Friedensgesprächen zu Jemen nicht teilnehmen“

Jemens Informationsminister kann sich Verhandlungen in Wien vorstellen. Bedingung für Frieden sei Entwaffnung der Houthi-Milizen (nur im Abo)

Mein Kommentar: Wer Entwaffnung des Feindes als bedingung für Frieden formuliert, will keinen Frieden.

(A P)

Saudi FM: Houthi attacks will not affect Saudi Arabia's stability

(A P)

Film hailing Saudi progress on women's rights branded 'dreadful propaganda'

Footage of women using wingsuits fails to take off as critics condemn strapline suggesting great women are supported by men

A film intended to celebrate progress on women’s rights in Saudi Arabia has been condemned by experts and rights groups as a “dreadful piece of propaganda” that will serve only to reinforce the existing culture of discrimination in the country.

Launched by the Saudi-based organisation Alwaleed Philanthropies, one of the world’s largest private philanthropic foundations, the film aims to highlight reforms in the deeply conservative state, where women can now attend sports events and will soon be able to drive cars.

It shows a woman being encouraged by a man to drive a car, as well as a woman in traditional Abaya being urged by a man to take a wingsuit flight – similar to skydiving – off a cliff.

But the tone of the footage – which shows men urging women to follow their dreams and culminates with the tag line: “Next to every great woman, a man believing in her” – has been criticised as patronising and discriminatory. (with film)

(A P)

Film: Saudis's propaganda in full swing
'Swedish “journalist” Magda Gad reporting false propaganda on Yemen.
She is standing inside a Saudi owned grocery store (the sign even says it) and debating that the situation in Yemen is not as dire as it seems.
Also keep in mind that the “newspaper” she works for is directly funded by CNN. referring to

(A P)

Arab Coalition Forces hunt Houthi leaders

The legitimate Yemeni forces, supported by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition forces, have continued achieving victories in all battle fronts, amidst the significant collapse of the Houthi militias in most battlefronts.

The air operations of the Arab Coalition Forces in Yemen have also made a significant impact, after a series of airstrikes that targeted Houthi leaders, which included Saleh Al Samad, President of the so-called Higher Political Council of the Militias, Brigadier General Mahmoud Al Naqib, the defecting Chief of Staff of the Seventh Military Region, and terrorist Abu Al Fadl, Head of Houthi Militias in the Red Sea Coast.

These losses have significantly affected the military abilities of militias while Saada created conflict among their leaders.

The confused actions of the Houthi militias have not changed their reality on the ground, as the legitimate Yemeni forces are continuing to liberate more areas of the Red Sea Coast, supported by the UAE Air Force.

My comments: Who "hunts" the enemies' leaders, is not committed to make peace.

(A P)

Spokesman of coalition forces supporting the legitimacy in Yemen reviews comprehensive humanitarian operations in Yemen, Houthi infiltrations and threats

Spokesman of Forces of Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Malki reviewed the comprehensive humanitarian operations in Yemen and the position of the operations to restore hope to support the legitimacy within Yemen and the Houthi infiltrations and threats to regional and international security, and targeting the Huthi capabilities inside Yemen and across the Saudi border, explaining that a high-ranking Saudi military delegation visited Socotra Island to meet Yemeni Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Obaid Bin Dagher, as well as members of the local government of the island. and also

(A P)

Yemeni intellectuals warn of political machinations

Two Yemeni intellectuals have warned of the danger of the Iranian project based on the policy of minimizing the results of the national project, on which agreed political and community forces in Yemen, by working to feed the differences between those components and forces in Yemen lining up to confront the project of Iran and its proxies topped by Iran's backed Houthi coup militias , as well as warning scholars and intellectuals of the danger of going to battlefields and disagreement again, and forgetting the enemy lined against the security of Yemen and harbors evil for the region.
Adviser to the Yemeni Ministry of Culture, Mohammed Mahdi, said that the lessons that happened to Yemenis and political forces during the previous period are enough for them to return to their senses, and give up for each other.
He added, "There is no Yemeni home which has not suffered and still suffering from killing or arrest, hunger, poverty and the spread of epidemics because of the actions of the Houthi coup militias,"

(A P)


UAE has provided millions in dollars in aid to small island as Qatar’s Al-Jazeera criticizes Abu Dhabi for its role in Yemen.

The Socotra issue now joins a much larger strategic battle between Qatar and the UAE and between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Amid the Yemen civil war it appears that the UAE’s presence will aid security in the Gulf of Aden and off the Horn of Africa. It also illustrates how the UAE is combining soft-power of investment and aid to further its objectives.

My comment: From Israel. This is a really twisted view on the Socotra crisis.

(A P)

How Iran’s Financing Of Houthi Rebels In Yemen Has Prolonged The War

For the past few years, Yemen’s Shiite Houthi rebels—who took control of the capital Sana’a in late 2014 and have since captured many provinces throughout the country—have been supported with weapons and funding by Iran, an arrangement that has been widely condemned by much of the international community. Yemeni officials claim that Tehran recently increased this backing, which, in turn, has contributed to prolonging of the three-years-long proxy war pitting the Islamic Republic against a Sunni coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

My comment: The same propaganda story again and again. If just a rest of the brain would have remained: Even if there would be Iranian financing of the Houthis (which is not; where are the proofs), could it really have “prolonged the war” against the plenty of billions available for Saudi Arabia and their warfare year by year???

(A P)

Increased military action by the coalition is an attempt to force the Houthis to the negotiation table.

With the Houthi rebels upgrading their military capabilities despite a UN-mandated arms embargo, the Yemeni Army and the Saudi-led coalition targeted suspected Houthi smuggling routes. Hodeidah is a main focus.

The Hodeidah offensive had been delayed over UN concerns about humanitarian effects. The Yemeni government and the coalition have called on the port to be put under control of international monitors.

My comment: “force the Houthis to the negotiation table” is propaganda nonsense. The Houthis are willing to negotiate. The real meaning is: “weaken the Houthis so much that they must accept all our preconditions”.

(A P)

Houthi militia wants to impose Hezbollah-style regime in Yemen: Diplomat

Saudi ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed Al Jaber, said this week that the Houthi militia aims to impose a Hezbollah-style regime in the war-torn country, Al-Arabiya has said.
During a meeting with the Arab Coalition’s Col. Turki al-Maliki in Vienna on Thursday, Al Jaber said elements of the Houthi militia supported by Iran “do not make up even 1-3 percent of the Yemeni people” and yet they want to impose a regime similar to that of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
The Saudi ambassador has repeatedly pointed out in previous statements that the Houthi militias are implementing in Yemen-Iranian policies aimed at continuing to starve and impoverish the Yemeni people.

(A P)

Info. Minister confirms President's keenness to achieve peace

Minister of Information Muammar al-Iryani said that the President of the Republic is keen on achieving a comprehensive and just peace and ending the human suffering of the Yemeni people caused by the coup of the Houthi militia.

He pointed out to the government's commitment to achieve peace in accordance with the three agreed terms of reference, namely the GCC initiative, its executive mechanism, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and UN Security Council resolution 2216.

My comment: The same as always. The GCC initiative of 2011 was the attempt of the autocratic Gulf states to confine the 2011 Yemeni revolution. – UN Security Council resolution 2216, mostly drafted by the Saudis and accepted with the support of the Saudis’ western backers, is fully biased, requiring a de facto capitulation of the Houthis. Thus, this resolution had been one of the greatest obstacles to peace for 3 years now. As long as anybody insists on these preconditions, all peace efforts will stay at Square One.

(A P)

UAE Soldiers are showing patriotic epics, says Yemeni Ambassador

Fahad Saeed Al Menhali, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the UAE, has stressed that the UAE has sacrificed lives of its sons as part of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition to liberate Yemen and to defend security and stability in the region from the subversive schemes and Iranian ambitions.

In his remarks to the Emirates News Agency, WAM, on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the Unification of the UAE Armed Forces which falls on May 6, Al Menhali said that the UAE's brave soldiers are showing all kinds bravery with their precious blood in the battle field.

(A P)

Yemeni Transport Minister: Houthi Militia Threatens to Blow Up 19 Ships Loaded with fuel in Hodeidah

Yemen's Transport Minister Saleh Al-Jubwani said that the Iranian backed Houthi militia had threatened to blow up 19 ships in the Al-Mukhtaf area of Hodeidah port carrying more than 200,000 tons of fuel after Houthi prevented them from entering the port.
Al-Jubwani said in a statement to the website of the Yemeni Ministry of Defense that this act is a fascist and indicates its barbarity and the extent of criminality, adding that the Houthi militias are a threat not only to Yemen but also to the region and the whole world.

My comment: An odd propaganda story, which already had been debunked as fake news (look at and and and, is even more reinforced here.

Comment: This old chestnut which I thought was dealt a blow last week as Western maritime analysts more or less said it was Saudi propaganda. Now it appears that Yemeni officials are saying the same thing. It seems very implausible to me and if it were happening I think there would be much more world wide alarm.

(A P)

Mohammed bin Rashid: Our Armed Forces a model to be emulated

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, has said that the UAE's Armed Forces are an example to be emulated when it comes to their efficiency and use of advanced weaponry, for the way they guard the sanctity of the country's borders - preserving its achievements and gains - and for taking the initiative to support brotherly countries when need be.

"Our Armed Forces have enabled our homeland to reach greater heights, and our soldiers have demonstrated the true character of Emirati sons. They have added powerful strength to our nation and deepened the level of loyalty and belonging to the homeland."

(A P)

More Saudi and Emirati “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1c (Sanaa raid)

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day:

May 7:

May 6:

May 5:

May 4:

May 3:

May 2:

(A K pH)

Report: 26 Airstrikes targeted three provinces

(A K pS)

Coalition Airstrike Kills 14 Houthis atHodeida

A local source said: the coalition fighters launched an airstrike Tuesday dawn targeted Alsham checkpoint at Hodeida governorate.

The source said the attack resulted in killing a representative of transportation official and two soldiers follow the local police forces and 3 of Houthis militia, the checkpoint was targeted with 3 airstrikes.

Another checkpoint has been targeted at Aldawwar near 22 may rostrum before dawn killed 8 Houthis and injured other 4.

(A K pH)

Aggression warplane targets a citizen's house, car in Saada

The US Saudi-led aggression coalition warplane waged on Tuesday two airstrikes on a citizen's house, car and a commercial store in Saada province, a security official told Saba.
The warplane waged an airstrike on a citizen's car in Elaf area of Sahar district, said the official.

(* A K pH)

Report: Six killed, 90 injured in 57 Saudi led coalition air strikes on several provinces

(* A K pH)

A security source said that the air force launched two bombs on two fuel stations and a raid on a domestic gas station in the area of Sahd Directorate of Saada, which led to the destruction of the stations in full and damaged neighboring houses. (photos)

4 workers killed in and 5 injured. (photos)

(A K pH)

Child killed in Saudi-led airstrike on Hodeidah

A child on Sunday was killed and others were injured, of one family, in a Saudi-led coalition aggression airstrike on Hodeidah province, a security official told Saba News Agency.

The air strike targeted a civilian’s home in Bit-Faqih district. and (2 victims, old woman and child)

(A K pS)

16 Houthi fighters killed in airstrike, ground battles in Yemen

About 16 fighters of the Shiite Houthi group were killed in airstrikes and ongoing armed confrontations with pro-government forces in Yemen's southwestern province of Taiz on Saturday, a military official told Xinhua.

The local military source, who asked to remain anonymous, said that the government forces air-covered by warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition heavily attacked the Houthi-controlled area of AlBarh in the western part of Taiz.

(* B K)

Film: Children & adults are being killed & injured in #Yemen by cluster bombes dropped by US-Saudi #SaudiBombsChildren

(* A K pH)

33 Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen over 24 hours, 8 civilians killed

Eight Yemeni civilians were martyred and another was injured when US-backed Saudi-led coalition waged 33 airstrikes and ground attacks on several Yemen’s provinces over the past 24 hours, damaging residents’ properties, according to Ansar Allah Media Center statement on Sunday.’
Five of a family-members, including women and children, were killed, a plow vehicle and a car were destroyed in two airstrikes targeted a home, killing dozens of sheep in Baqem district.
A civilian was killed in an airstrike hit a main road in Baqem.

Two civilians were killed in two airstrikes targeted their farms in Jariah area of Jarahi district.

7 civilians killed in 25 Saudi air strikes on various provinces

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes waged 25 air attacks on Saturday on different provinces, killed seven civilians and damaging to citizens properties, an official told Saba.
In Saada, the warplanes waged 13 strikes on Baqim district, killing five members of a family dozens of livestock and destroying a house and a car of the citizens.
In Hajjah, the combat jets hit Medi and Harad districts ten times.
Meanwhile, two citizens were killed in a coalition air raid on al-Jarbah area of al-Jarahay district of Hodeidah.


(A K pH)

Two citizens killed in Saudi air strike on Hodiedah

The US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes killed a citizen in Hodiedah, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The strikes hit al-Jarahi and Mahali districts, killing two citizens.

(A K pH)

Two people were martyred after a raid on Saudi-US air force on Saturday in the province of Hodeidah in the west of the country.

A local source reported that two citizens were killed by an air raid targeting them in al-Jarba area of al-Jarahay department. (photo) and film


(* A K pH)

5 members of family killed in Saudi air strikes on Saada

Five citizens were killed, including women and children in two US-Saudi air strikes on Baqim district of Hodiedah province, an official told Saba.

The strikes hit al-Zabih area in the district, killing five members of the family, dozens of livestock and destroying a car and a hoses [???] of the citizens.


(* A K pH)

5civilians inc2kids2women frm1 family kild by #Saudi #UAE double tap strike on home in Baqim N #Ssada #Yemen

(A K pH)

Civilian killed in Saudi-led airstrike hit Saada

A civilian was killed when the US-backed Saudi-led coalition aggression on Saturday launched an air strike on his car in Saada province, a security official told Saba News Agency.
The air strike targeted the car in a main road of Baqem district, the official added.
Furthermore, the warplane launched another strike on Mahjar area of Baqem, destroying a civilian’s car and damaging residents’ properties.

More Saudi coalition air raids reported on:

May 8: Taiz p. Marib p.

May 7: Hodeidah p. Hajjah p. Taiz p. Saada p. Marib p.

May 6: Saada p. Hajjah p. Taiz p. Saada p. Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K)

Raketen bei saudi-arabischer Hauptstadt Riad abgefangen

Offenbar wieder Angriffe der Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen

Die saudi-arabische Luftwaffe hat Berichten zufolge mindestens zwei Raketen nahe der Hauptstadt Riad abgefangen. Es seien mehrere laute Explosionen über der Stadt zu hören gewesen, berichtete der arabische Nachrichtenkanal Al-Arabiya am Mittwoch -

(* A K)

Yemen's Houthis Claim Missile Attack on Saudi Capital

Yemen's armed Houthi movement said it fired missiles at "economic targets" in Saudi capital Riyadh on Wednesday, the group's official channel al-Masirah TV reported.

(* A K)

Saudi Arabia says it intercepts missile above Riyadh: Al Arabiya TV

Saudi Arabia’s air defense forces intercepted a missile above the capital Riyadh, Saudi-owned broadcaster Al Arabiya said on Wednesday after several loud booms were heard in the city center. and also by Saudi media

(A K pH)

Ballistic missile fired toward Saudi air defenses camp in Jizan

The rocketry forces on Wednesday fired a ballistic missile toward Saudi camp in Jizan province, a military official told Saba News Agency.
The missile, Bader-1

(A K pH)

Saada province: A house and a commercial store were destroyed in Liah area at al- Dhaher district, while a Saudi artillery and missile shelling targeted separate areas of Manbah and Razeh border districts.

(A K pS)

Photos: Mortar shell fired by Houthi forces

The shell fell next to the sane village of Qataba north of Amkhouh

Nabil Manoubi was martyred

And the children of the Charter of Fuad Bqat, who were hit by the fall of the shell, their presence there

(A K pS)

'Al-Amalaqah Brigade' advance towards Al-Barah, Yemen, amid collapse of Houthi militias - Update

The Al-Amalaqah Brigade (Arabic for giants) have advanced to the city of Al-Barah west of Taiz and seized control of the main roads towards the Kahbub, Al Amri, Azan, Al Mansoura, Sanfa and Al Wazi'ya fronts.

The Coalition Forces successfully cut-off the supply lines of the Iranian-backed Houthi militias after reclaiming the Mocha and Al Wazi'ya junctions and clearing militia pockets, as part of a large military operation which have resulted in heavy losses for the Houthis, both in equipment and lives.

The Saudi-led operation is being carried out with the support of the UAE Armed Forces and the support of the Yemeni National Resistance.


(A K pS)

Scores of Houthi militia fighters surrender in Yemen

Brigades Al Amalaqah are continuing their advances across Yemen's Red Sea Coast, gaining control over the mountainous areas located on the entries towards the strategic city of Al Barh, west of Taiz, after liberating Mocha and Al Wazi'ya junctions in yet a new heavy military blow, supported by the UAE Armed Forces and Yemeni National Forces, that inflicted heavy material and human damage on the Houthi Militias.

In the meantime, Arab Coalition Forces' jets launched a series of raids on Houthi-controlled sites, targeting the rebels' reinforcements, including their arms caches.

In addition, more than 20 Houthi snipers were killed after confrontations with Brigades Al 'Amalaqah on the mountains overcoming Al Barh, including field commanders, with large numbers of the coup perpetrators fleeing the area en masse.

Remark: As claimed by Emirati media.

(A K pS)

The confrontations reached South Midi

The governmental armed forces advanced today toward Midi after heavy clashes with Houthis militia resulted in causalities from both sides.

According to Media center if the fifth military zone “the armed forces advanced at the sides of Hiran south to Midi toward Yahis on the coastal line.

The Yemeni army has declared Midi as a freed city two weeks ago after two years of confrontations left hundreds of causalities and was one of the biggest exhausting fronts for Houthis.

(* A K pS)

Houthis plant large numbers of landmines in coastal Hodeidah

The Houthi rebel militia has planted large numbers of landmines in large areas along the coastline of Hodeidah province.
The Houthi measure reflects growing fears among the militia leaders of the army's advances and as a result their dfeat.

Local residents told Asharq Al-Awsat daily that the rebel militia issued warnings to the local communities along the coastline no to approach large areas in the western coast of Hodeidah province, due to the fields of mines indiscriminately planted.

(A K pH)

Video: Yemeni army, Ansarullah forces seize Saudi-Sudanese military equipment in Jizan

Comment: Now a bit of the tit for tat propaganda that frequently - daily - is produced by Iran and KSA. In truth at the front line there are winners and losers on a regular basis as each 'side' wins a bit and loses a bit. I'll post a KSA news release as well so that you can see for yourself the propaganda that clogs up news feeds on a daily basis - so much that it hides any real news stories that are emerging.

(* A K pS)

Houthis kills three civilians including a woman in Al Baidah

Two civilians were killed today due to Houthis missiles launched on Albaidah today (Sunday).

A local source said a missile launched toward “Alsoqor” village at Qania kill Ahmed Abdullah and Ali alsaqri.

Another woman was killed by Houthi Sniper at (Al Ahmed ) near Qania – Albaida.

Sources said Houthis intense their shelling on Qania and civilians houses after the government seized control of it.

(A K pH)

Yémen : l’Arabie et les EAU ont subi de lourds dégâts sur tous les fronts

Les forces de l’armée yéménite et les combattants du mouvement Ansarallah ont asséné ces derniers jours des coups durs aux forces sous le commandement de Tariq Afash dans le gouvernorat de Taëz.

Remark: Iranian source, successes claimed for the pro-Houthi forces.

(A K pS)

Armed forces retake last part of coastal city of Meedi

The armed forces have announced retaking the last remaining part of the coastal city of Meedi in Hajja in north Yemen from the Houthi rebels' control.

(A K)

My friend in Monabeh village #Saada told me that #Saudi army artillery fire shells towards his village now and people got out from their houses.

(A K pH)

ground attacks target Saada

ground attacks, including missile and artillery, targeted several areas of Razih, Baqem and Munabeh border districts

(A K)

Saudi-Arabien fängt Raketen aus dem Jemen ab

Die saudi-arabische Luftabwehr hat nach eigenen Angaben zwei Raketen aus dem Nachbarland Jemen abgefangen. Diese seien von den Huthi-Rebellen in der jemenitischen Provinz Amran abgefeuert worden und hätten bewohnte Gebiete im Süden Saudi-Arabiens zum Ziel gehabt, teilte ein saudi-arabischer Militärsprecher mit.

Die Raketen seien zerstört worden, bevor sie irgendwelche Schäden anrichten konnten. Der Militärsprecher wertete den Raketenangriff als "neuen Beweis", dass der Iran die Rebellen im Jemen mit Waffen beliefere. Der Iran bestreitet dies.

(A K pH)

wave of ballistic missiles, Bader-1, fired to economic targets in Najran

Rocketry force of the yemen army and popular committees on Sunday fired a number of Ballistic missiles toward southern Saudi province of Najran,


(A K pS)

Air Defense of Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen intercepts two ballistic missiles launched by the Huthi militia towards the Kingdom

Spokesman of forces of "coalition to support the legitimacy in Yemen," Colonel Turki al-Maliki said that at eight and forty seven minutes on Sunday evening the air defense forces of the coalition detected the launch of two ballistic missiles by the Houthi militia backed by Iran from within the territory of Yemen, north of Amran governorate, towards the Kingdom's territory.
Colonel al-Maliki said that the two missiles were in the direction of the city of Najran and launched by the militia deliberately to target civilian and populated areas, and the Saudi Royal Air Defense forces were able to intercept all of them and as a result scattered fragments of missile fell on residential neighborhoods and no injuries or damage were recorded until the time of preparation of this statement.

(A K pS)

Houthi militias bomb populated areas in Al-Bayda governorate, Yemen

(A K pS)

Vehement to retain territories, Houthi militia keep planting landmines

Yemeni military sources said that the Houthi rebel militia has been vehemently working to hold ground against the advancing army forces in their stronghold of Saada and Yemen's western coastline by planting thousands of landmines.

Asharq al-Awsat daily quoted local sources as saying that the Houthi militiamen have resorted in recent weeks to planting of thousands of mines in the areas of Al-Barh and Mawze'a districts in the western province of Taiz to block the progress of government forces.

The sources said the militia aims to slow the advance of government forces and take time for themselves to regroup.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: Yemeni student creates machines from cardboard

Yemeni high school student Ahmed al Ma'mary is creating machines out of cardboard. He works in a coffee place to support his family but aims to get a scholarship one day.


Film: Ber'ai: when food has its own narrative and poetry

Wadi Dhahr, 15 km from #Sanaa, one of #Yemen's most notorious villages (home of the Dar al Hajar - The Rock Palace), with its rhythms and poetry, songs and village chats. And a typical dish, Ber'ai, which draws people together for shared breakfasts and salute the day

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Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-410 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-410: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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