Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 412 - Yemen War Mosaic 412

Yemen Press Reader 412: 12.5.2018: Jemen wird zerrissen–Hadis Politikchaos–Saudis & Trump–Westl. Solidarität & Doppelmoral–Britische Geheimunterstützung f. Saudis–Saudi-Wahabismus-Export–Sokotra

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May 12, 2018: Yemen is torn into pieces (German) – Hadi’s political chaos – Western „solidarity“ and double standard – British secret support for Saudi Arabia (German) – Saudi export of Wahabism – Socotra crisis – Families killed in Saudi air raids – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Sokotra-Krise / Most important: Socotra crisis

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B K P)

Der Jemen wird auseinandergerissen

Das Elend im Jemen übersteigt jede Vorstellungskraft. Um es zu beschreiben, muss sich von einem Superlativ zum nächsten gehangelt werden.

Der Siegeszug der Houthis war der Alptraum des Haus Saud, nicht nur weil die Rebellen an der saudischen Südgrenze rüttelten, sondern vor allem, weil sie unabhängig von der Korruption und dem elitären Klüngel in Sana'a waren - und somit unzugänglich für Riads über Jahrzehnte etablierte Unterwanderung des jemenitischen Politbusiness. Denn seit jeher war es saudische Politik, im Jemen für instabile Verhältnisse sowie für eine schwache, grösstmöglich von saudischen Petrodollar abhängige Regierung zu sorgen, die keinerlei Gefahr für das saudische Territorium darstellen würde. Jemenitische Volksbewegungen oder ambitionierte politische Bewegungen in Sana'a wurden stets unterwandert oder offen militärisch bekämpft.

Als die Houthis schliesslich Sana'a einnahmen, waren Jahrzehnte der Einflussnahme der Saudis in ihrem "privaten Hinterhof" Geschichte. Als Exilpräsident Hadi im März 2015 um Unterstützung bat, kam Riad dieser Bitte nur allzu gern nach, hatte es doch nun die Rechtfertigung, um in einer gross angelegten Kampagne gegen die Houthis vorzugehen. Der erbarmungslose Krieg der Saudi-Koalition begann und die Houthis verloren in zähen Kämpfen signifikante Teile ihrer eroberten Gebiete - das endgültige Zurückdrängen in ihre Kernregion im Norden scheint nur eine Frage der Zeit zu sein.

Es geht im Krieg der Saudis gegen die Houthis also um schnöde Machtpolitik: Sicherung der Grenzen der drei riesigen 1934 annektierten jemenitischen Provinzen sowie die Wiedererlangung von Kontrolle über die Politik des Jemen. Um der Weltöffentlichkeit das erbarmungslose Bombardement jedoch zu verkaufen, bemüht Riad unablässig das Feindbild Iran, indem es versichert, die Houthis seien ein iranischer Proxy, mit dessen Hilfe Teheran einen Fuss auf die Arabische Halbinsel zu setzen versucht.

Die Houthi-Iran-Connection

An Paranoia grenzend beschwört Saudi-Arabien das Schreckgespenst eines "vom Iran dominierten Jemen" herauf, der saudische Angriffskrieg gegen die Houthis wird so zur Selbstverteidigung gegen den Erzfeind Iran umgemünzt. Und westliche Politiker*innen wie Medien übernehmen dieses Narrativ, ohne es zu hinterfragen oder gar zu überprüfen. Ist der "Schurkenstaat" Iran das eigentliche Ziel, so ist das bittere Elend der jemenitischen Bevölkerung offensichtlich hinnehmbarer.

Insbesondere lässt sich jedoch der Vorwurf, die Houthis wären massiv vom Iran hochgerüstet, kaum aufrechterhalten - wäre dies nicht zuletzt wegen der umfassenden Seeblockade der Saudis gegen den Jemen praktisch kaum umsetzbar – von Jakob Reimann

(** B P)

Hadi's political chaos may hamper Yemen talks

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s absence from Aden and the Saudi-led coalition’s lack of progress against the Houthis has led to high-level resignations from his government and public criticism of the government’s Saudi and Emirati backers. Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulmalik al-Mekhlafi recently told the reporters that the government’s differences with the United Arab Emirates had prevented Hadi from returning from his exile in Saudi Arabia.

A Yemeni government official noted that, “We are the ones who were mistaken from the beginning when we left the coalition to its own devices without supervision or accountability. We thought that they understood the complexities of the Yemeni scene, but it became clear to us that they didn’t.” Declining to be identified, the official added, “We now do not understand exactly what our brothers in the coalition want…or what their own agendas are in Yemen during and after the liberation campaign.”

However, while the UAE may have designs for the southern Yemeni coast, its support for the resistance in the south may not provide it with the leverage that it seeks. The divisions seen in Aden and Taiz are the result of fractures in Yemeni politics, and not ones created by the UAE. The STC is composed principally of leaders Hadi appointed and then fired. The UAE may disagree with Hadi over certain issues, but it is not the master of southern Yemeni politics.

Indeed, the Hadi government’s complaints about the Emirates masks its own struggle for coherence.

Hirak is opposed to the Yemeni unity that Hadi strongly supports, and Hadi grew fearful of the southern movement’s popularity and strength. He eventually deposed the governors of Aden, Shabwa, Lahj and Hadramawt. The move backfired and strengthened the hand of the deposed governors, who created the independent STC. Hadi’s replacement for governor, Abdulaziz al-Muflehi, a southern businessman who spent southern Yemen’s socialist years in Saudi Arabia, later resigned and accused Hadi’s prime minister, Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr, of corruption. Today, there is no governor in Aden—the son of former socialist President Salmeen is acting governor.

Hadi’s own struggle for political legitimacy stems from the same complexities of Yemeni politics that some Yemeni officials claim its coalition partners fail to comprehend. While the Hadi government may better understand the complexity of Yemeni politics, its performance shows that it is no more able to negotiate those complexities than its foreign backers. Neither Hadi’s people nor Emirati officials have been able to patch together the disparate forces arrayed against the Houthi. The political chaos may hamper negotiations with the Houthi – by Charles Schmitz

(** B P)

Arms and Influence: How the Saudis Took Donald Trump for a Ride

Through all of this, President Trump has remained steadfast in his support, while the U.S. military continues to provide aerial refueling for Saudi air strikes as well as the bombs used to kill so many of those civilians. But why? In a word: Saudi Arabian and UAE money in prodigious amounts flowing into Trump’s world -- to U.S. arms makers and to dozens of lobbyists, public-relations firms, and influential think tanks in Washington.

Trump’s Love Affair with the Saudi Regime

Saudi Arabia’s influence over Donald Trump hit an initial peak in his first presidential visit abroad, which began in Riyadh in May 2017. The Saudi royals, who had clearly grasped the nature of The Donald, offered him the one thing he seems to love most: flattery, flattery, and more flattery. The kingdom rolled out the red carpet big time.

The Personal Courtship

As a start -- as has been widely publicized -- Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and officially anointed point man on Middle Eastern peace (an outcome he is uniquely ill-equipped to deliver), has struck up a beautiful friendship with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Their relationship was solidified at a March 2017 lunch at the White House, followed by numerous phone calls and several Kushner visits to Saudi Arabia

The Lobbying Courtship

If such deep connections between Saudi Arabia and the Trump administration sometimes seem to surface out of nowhere, they all too often stem from an extraordinarily influential, if largely unpublicized, Saudi lobbying and public relations campaign.

Following the November election, the Saudis wasted no time in adding more firepower to their already robust influence operation in this country. In the less than three months before Trump was sworn in as president in January 2017, the Saudis inked contracts with three new firms

Another important avenue of influence for the Saudis and Emiratis: their financial contributions to Washington’s think tanks. The full extent of their reach in this area is hard to grasp because think tanks and other non-profits aren’t required to disclose their donors and many choose not to do so. A War Alliance?

There is more at stake in Washington’s present web of ties to those two lands than just business. The uncritical embrace of such reckless, extreme, and undemocratic regimes by President Trump and many members of Congress has far-reaching implications for the future of American foreign policy in the Middle East. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has asserted that Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “makes Hitler look good” and has suggested military action against Iran on a number of occasions. Add to this the prince's successful efforts to keep the Trump administration on board in supporting his war in Yemen, plus Riyadh’s political interference in Qatar and Lebanon, and there is a real danger that Trump’s uncritical embrace of the Saudi regime could spark a regional war. The indiscriminate killing of Yemenis by the Saudi coalition, with the help of U.S. weapons, has already contributed to the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, while reportedly making the al-Qaeda franchise in Yemen “stronger than ever.”

There is much concern in official Washington about Trump’s seemingly cavalier attitude towards longstanding U.S. alliances, but in the case of Saudi Arabia, a major change of course would undoubtedly be advisable. The least we can do is help make sure that the people of Yemen don’t fear for their lives at their own weddings – By Ben Freeman and William D. Hartung =

(** B K P)

Against solidarity of the powerful

Is it true that western powers’ silence over Yemen stands in opposition to their solidarity for the Syrians? Or, or do they both acquire the same quality?

Many concerned academics, activists, and journalists also worry over the “world’s silence” demanding “the world” to “speak” against atrocities inflicted on civilians in Yemen.

Yet curiously, mainstream media and academia have not been short of reporting on brutalities and the violations of the international humanitarian law in Yemen.

This, then, begs the question: whose silence is evoked here?

Perhaps this suggests that the “world” appealed to in such demands refers to the powerful western nations and International community. To those who desire the world to “come out of its silence,” it seems, condemnation uttered by leaders’ of the world powerful nations and institutions has a special quality that makes it highly desired.

It indicates that their condemnation and solidarity has the capacity to ward off injustices and atrocities in the world; for they are the guardians of global justice and since WWII they vowed: “never again.”

But is it true that western powers’ silence over Yemen stands in opposition to their solidarity for the Syrians? Or, or do they both acquire the same quality? Are the effects of their silence on carnages in Yemen different from their frequently pronounced solidarity with the Syrian people?

The recent response by Donald Trump to atrocities in Syria and Yemen is quite telling. In a recent alleged use of chemical weapon by Assad against his people, Trump seemed passionate about showing solidarity with Syrians, stating that this “evil and despicable attack left mothers and fathers, infants and children thrashing in pain and gasping for air. These are not actions of a man; they are crimes of a monster instead.”

However, Trump said nothing about Saudi Arabia’s continuing bombardment of Yemen for three years. Yet, in response to a Houthie’s missile attack on Riyadh, the Trump administration and European allies condemned the Houthies and blamed Iran for the attack.

So, there might be some truth in the assumption that there is a special effect of the western leaders’ condemnation, but it’s not distinct from their silence since both harbour thesame violent effects. Both have been garnered certainly not to end human suffering but only to prolong it.

Perhaps, this should be an invitation to stop fantasising about the solidarity of the powerful. Being the guardians of global justice does not mean that their solidarity will allow Yemenis, Syrians, Palestinians, Rohingya, and dehumanised people elsewhere, access to justice.

Meanwhile, those brutalised societies can only wait for justice. As we are watching them, we can only hope for them that while waiting, they will have the strength to re-invent novel ways of existence and co-existence to mitigate the devastating effects of injustices bestowed upon them. – by Kamilia Al-Eriani

(** B K P)

Undurchsichtiges Geflecht an Geheimverträgen: So hilft Großbritannien in Saudi-Arabiens Kriegen

Ein neuer Bericht und geheime Daten-Leaks aus höchsten Kreisen der britischen Regierung legen dar, dass Großbritanniens Beteiligung an den Kriegsabenteuern Saudi-Arabiens größer sein könnte als London zugeben will.

Glaubt man dem Bericht mit dem Titel "Britisches Personal zur Unterstützung der saudischen Streitkräfte - Risiko, Wissen und Verantwortlichkeit", beinhalten zahlreiche britische Waffenabkommen mit Saudi-Arabien geheime Unterstützungsklauseln mit Bezug auf Kampfflugzeuge "made in UK". Die Rüstungsabkommen gehen bis auf das Jahr 1985 zurück. Diese Abkommen verpflichten heute noch britische Rüstungskonzerne, im Zusammenhang mit saudischen Militäroperationen dessen Militär und Regierungspersonal de facto zu unterstützen, selbst wenn Großbritannien nicht selbst direkt daran beteiligt ist.

Die Realität der innigen Beziehungen des Vereinigten Königreichs zum saudischen Militär stellt die offizielle Lesart der britischen Regierung jedoch in Frage.

Rund 7.000 Personen, darunter Privatangestellte, britische Beamte und entsandte Mitarbeiter der Royal Air Force, sollen den Saudis dabei helfen, britisches Kriegsgerät effizient im Rahmen der Luftkampagne im Jemen einzusetzen. Das Personal sei ebenso an der Ausbildung der saudischen Militärs beteiligt. Darüber hinaus warten und verwalten britische Auftragnehmer die Infrastruktur der saudischen Luftwaffe, wie die investigative Recherche der britischen Analysten Mike Lewis und Katherine Templar ergab, die sich auf internationale Waffenkontrolle fokussiert hatte.

Bei der Recherche wurde deutlich, dass eine transparente Erfassung der Zahl von britischen Mitarbeitern und der Funktion der britischen Armee im Dienste der verschiedenen saudischen Sicherheitsinstitutionen unmöglich ist. Dafür sorgen streng vertrauliche Geheimabkommen zwischen London und Riad, die die Militär- und Rüstungsbeziehungen seit Jahrzehnten regeln und bis mindestens 2027 unter Verschluss stehen. Sogar britische Minister räumten vereinzelt ein, dass sie "keine vollständige Übersicht über den Personalbestand des Hauptauftragnehmers in Saudi-Arabien haben, dessen Einzelheiten Teil der kommerziellen Vereinbarungen und daher sensibel sind".

Geflecht aus Luftwaffensoldaten und BAE-Mitarbeitern vor Ort

In einer parlamentarischen Anfrage vom 21. März gab die britische Regierung zumindest zu, dass die britische Armee und der Rüstungskonzern BAE Systems der saudischen Seite sogenannte "routinemäßige technische Unterstützung" geben.

Die genaue Analyse der zwischenstaatlichen Militärbeziehungen ergab jedoch, dass ein eng verzahntes Konglomerat aus britischen Firmenmitarbeitern und Soldaten der britischen Luftwaffe für die Wartung der Waffensysteme aller saudischen Tornado-Jagdbomber verantwortlich ist.

In diesem Kontext bleibt zu erwähnen, dass die insgesamt 81 Tornado-Kampfjets im Inventar Riads das Rückgrat der saudischen Bombardierungskampagne im Jemen darstellen. Um die Kriegsmaschinerie am Laufen zu halten, wurde das militärische Personal aus Großbritannien auch zur Waffenaufsicht und Erhaltung der Flugzeugwaffentechnik der 54 saudischen Eurofighter Typhoon-Kampfjets eingestellt. Die Briten sorgen für die umfassende Wartung der im Jemen eingesetzten Kampfflugzeuge, erklärte Mike Lewis, ein ehemaliger Ermittler für Sanktionen beim UN-Sicherheitsrat, unter Berufung auf Interviews, die er mit britischen Militär- und Rüstungsvertretern geführt hatte, die in Saudi-Arabien aktiv sind oder waren.

Die britische Rolle als jederzeit helfende Hand der saudischen Luftwaffe wird auch noch durch weitere militärische Verpflichtungen des Vereinigten Königreichs gegenüber Saudi-Arabien untermauert. Diese Verträge wurden weder der Öffentlichkeit noch dem Parlament mitgeteilt.

Im Rahmen seiner Recherche richtete der Experte für Waffenkontrolle Mike Lewis die Aufmerksamkeit auf ein kaum bekanntes Abkommen unter dem Namen "Al Yamamah". In diesem wird detailliert dargelegt, wie das Vereinigte Königreich Saudi-Arabien die Tornado-Kampfbomber liefern und dieses noch darüber hinaus unterstützen wird. Nachdem das Dokument unfreiwillig publik geworden war, gaben Beamte des Verteidigungsministeriums an, dass dieses geheime Abkommen von 1986 in Kraft bleiben werde, "solange das Programm andauert".

Der Analyst Mike Lewis argumentiert, dass es in letzter Konsequenz schwierig für die obersten britischen Regierungszirkel ist, zu behaupten, dass sie nicht viel darüber wissen, wie ihre Waffenlieferungen verwendet werden. Immerhin helfe London den saudischen Streitkräften, sie zu nutzen.

Er kritisierte, dass London seine Pflicht nicht wahrnimmt, sich um die Tausenden von britischen Staatsbürgern zu kümmern, die in Saudi-Arabien in quasi-militärischen Funktionen arbeiten und die Verträge des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums erfüllen – von Ali Özkök

The original report in English is here: and full report

(** B P)

Saudi export of ultra-conservatism in the era of Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman

Estimates of Saudi spending on the funding of ultra-conservative Muslim cultural institutions across the globe and the forging of close ties to non-Wahhabi Muslim leaders and intelligence agencies in various Muslim nations that have bought into significant, geopolitical elements of the Wahhabi worldview are ballpark. With no accurate date available, they range from $75 to $100 billion.

It was a campaign that frequently tallied nicely with the kingdom’s deep-seated anti-communism, its hostility to post-1979 Iran, and the West’s Cold War view of Islam as a useful tool against Arab nationalism and the left – a perception that at times was shared by Arab autocrats other than the Saudis.

The campaign was not simply a product of the marriage between the Al Sauds and the Wahhabis. It was long central to Saudi soft power policy and the Al Saud’s survival strategy. One reason, certainly not the only one, that the longevity of the Al Sauds was a matter of debate was the fact that the propagation of Wahhabism was having a backlash at home and in countries across the globe. More than ever before, since 9/11 theological or ideological similarities between Wahhabism or for that matter Salafism and jihadism became under the spotlight.

The problem for the Al Sauds was not just that their legitimacy seemed to be wholly dependent on their identification with Wahhabism. It was that the Al Sauds since the launch of the campaign were often only nominally in control of it. They had let a genie out of the bottle that now leads an independent life and that can’t be put back into the bottle.

Frankenstein’s monster

The result of all of this is that four decades of funding has created an ultra-conservative world that lives its own life, in many ways is independent of Saudi Arabia, and parts of which have turned on its original benefactor. A study of Pakistani madrassas published earlier this year concluded that foreign funding accounted for only 7 per cent of the finances of the country’s thousands of religious seminaries.

The fact that ultra-conservatives are no longer wholly dependent on Saudi funding is a testimony to the campaign’s success.

There is, moreover, no doubt that Saudi funding in the era of Muhammad bin Salman is unlikely to revert to what it once was. The Saudi-funded Bangladeshi plan to build moderate mosques, the relinquishing of control of the Grand Mosque in Brussels, and the World Muslim League’s newly-found propagation of tolerance and interfaith dialogue, as well as its effort to reach out to Jewish communities, would suggest that Saudi money may be invested in attempting to curb the impact of the kingdom’s decades-long funding of ultra-conservatism.

Yet, there are also indications that Muhammad bin Salman is not averse to funding militants when it suits his geopolitical purpose. The US Treasury last year designated Maulana Ali Muhammad Abu Turab as a specially designated terrorist on the very day that he was in the kingdom to raise funds – by James M. Dorsey

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Diphtheria outbreak kills 91 in Yemen: WHO

A diphtheria outbreak has killed 91 people in war-torn Yemen since late October, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) on Saturday.

In a statement, the UN agency said some 1,725 suspected cases of diphtheria have been registered in 20 of Yemen’s 23 provinces.

It listed Ibb and al-Hodeidah provinces in central and western Yemen as the hardest-hit by the disease.

(* A H)

Concern over reported number of measles cases in Yemen

Over 3000 suspected measles cases have been reported in 2018 across Yemen, where conflict has plunged the country into the world's largest humanitarian crisis. Xun Yuan reports.

(* A H)

Shabwa has been declared a measles-stricken city. The disease has killed 5 and infected more than 300 others.

(* A H)

First treatments for trachoma distributed in Yemen

Antibiotics to treat blinding trachoma have been delivered to thousands of people living in remote corners of war-torn Yemen for the first time.

More than 444,000 doses of the drug Zithromax®, donated by pharmaceutical company Pfizer, were driven by local health officials through conflict zones and past road blocks to the rural Al Hodeidah and Ibb regions, where trachoma – a painful but preventable eye disease – remains prevalent.

A team of more than 4,000 mainly female volunteers went door to door through 273 villages to ensure the medication was given safely to those who need it.

(* A H P)

Fighting the world’s largest cholera outbreak: oral cholera vaccination campaign begins in Yemen

The first-ever oral cholera vaccination campaign in Yemen was launched on 6 May and concludes on 15 May, just before the start of Ramadan. The campaign aims to prevent the resurgence of the world’s largest cholera outbreak. The volatile mix of conflict, a deteriorating economic situation, and little or no access to clean drinking-water and sanitation have resulted in more than one million suspected cholera cases since the outbreak began in April 2017.

A race against time

This campaign is part of a broader cholera integrated response plan, implemented by national health authorities, WHO and UNICEF. Outbreak response activities include surveillance and case detection, community engagement and awareness, enhancing laboratory testing capacity, improving water and sanitation, and training and deploying rapid response teams to affected areas.

On 24 April, UNICEF delivered the first batch of 455 000 doses of oral cholera vaccine from the Gavi-funded global stockpile, targeting people over the age of 1 year, including pregnant women. The Global Task Force for Cholera Control approved the request of more than 4.6 million doses of the vaccine from the global stockpile to target cholera hotspots across the country. =

(* A H P)

'Race against time' to curb cholera outbreak in Yemen

But WHO and its partners, including Unicef and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, still do not have access to the whole country and just 350,000 people, including pregnant women, will be vaccinated in this current campaign.

Michael Ryan, WHO assistant director-general, said the organisation was "ready to move" as soon as approvals were in place.

“We have plans in place for extending that to all of the at-risk zones and we are still negotiating with health authorities in the north of the country, in Sanaa, in order to plan those campaigns,” he said.

Remark: Earlier reporting YPR 411, cp1a.

(B H P)

Houthis disallow WHO vaccination drive against cholera

My comment: As claimed by anti-Houthi media.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Sokotra-Krise / Most important: Socotra crisis

Siehe auch / Also look at cp12 (Emirates)

(* B P)

Yemen's Socotra: The UAE's "Eighth Emirate"?

The latest reports about the UAE's dispatch of troops and tanks to the Yemeni island of Socotra without the permission of the internationally recognized government that it's supposedly allied with have raised eyebrows and caused some to remark that the territory might be slated to become the Gulf country's "eighth emirate".

This surprising development comes as the UAE and its Saudi coalition ally are still in the throes of a low-intensity disagreement with one another over the future of the former country of South Yemen, whose Emirati-backed separatists staged a so-called "soft coup" in Aden at the beginning of this year against the Saudi-supported international Yemeni authorities there. Prior to the 1990 unification, South Yemen controlled Socotra, so any UAE-backed secession could see the island fall into Abu Dhabi's hands by proxy, that is, unless the Emirates stage its own separatist-within-a-separatist campaign like some analysts have suspected might be around the corner. From a strategic standpoint and little-known to the rest of the world, this tiny country has taken on an outsized importance lately by establishing a military presence all throughout the Gulf of Aden.

Apart from South Yemen and Socotra, the UAE is also building a base in Somalia's self-proclaimed independent region of Somaliland

(* A P)

UAE-funded media & politicians say UAE takeover of Yemen's Socotra comes to prevent Iran from seizing this archipelago & then threatening UAE & its interests. Guys, Iran is neighboring UAE & doesn't need far bases to threaten UAE. One more thing, Iran is occupying 3 UAE islands

(* A P)
Saudi Arabia insists on ending tensions on Socotra through a mechanism of coordination btwn Yemen & UAE--meaning UAE has rights on Socotra after all. As a Yemeni citizen I'm calling on our Govt not to compromise bcz sovereignty is never compromised whatever the cost to keep it is

(** B P)

The UAE appears to be building a Dubai-style resort on Yemen’s island of Socotra

Yemeni officials and islanders told Verdict that UAE developers are laying the groundwork to begin building hotels and apartments on the paradise island, known for its rare fauna and flora.

A former Yemen Government minister who spoke to Verdict on the condition of anonymity said:

What is happening is the opportunistic activities of few corrupt individuals, supported by Sultan bin Zayed [the UAE ruler] who was given a free hand in Socotra affairs.

This is particularly true for any land-grabbing and crazy investment.

What is happening now is land-grabbing by citizens of a defacto occupying country.

He said that he recently saw copies of land sale deeds by Socotrans to the UAE officer in charge of the island, Abu Mobarak al-Mazroai.

Speaking to Verdict from exile, he said these deals were made without “legal approvals” from the central Yemeni Government.

He said that a deal was struck between the governments of Yemen and the UAE in 2016 for Socotra island to become a tourist destination after the war.

He added that that UAE settlers on the island have introduced evasive species “such as thousands of ornamental trees and fruit trees in their soils with no quarantine procedure — something that was banned to protect the unique island ecosystem”.

The deputy governor for environment and development in Socotra, Abduljameel Mohammed, also spoke of his despair at watching Emirati companies begin the first phases of tourist infrastructure development that will see one of the last unspoiled islands on Earth turned into a flashy Dubai-style resort.

(* B P)

Socotra and the benefits of obscurity

For centuries past Indian sailors have set off from Kutch, Khambat and the Konkan to trade with Arabia and Ethiopia. And days into their journey they had their first sight of land – the island of Socotra at the mouth of the Gulf of Aden, below Yemen and just off the Horn of Africa. Few wanted to stop there, but they were wary of it. Socotra is notorious for ship-wrecks on its shoals, and also violent storms, especially during the monsoon months, during which the island was entirely cut-off from the wider world.

So sailors propitiated the spirits of the place.

One suggestion is that anti-UAE rhetoric is being supplied from Iran, which wants to establish its own base in Socotra, to support its allies in Yemen who are fighting attacks from Saudi Arabia. Another threat – and reason for the UAE’s action – is said to come from the pirates operating close by from Somalia, another country in collapse.

My comment: Interesting information about the history of Socotra, but the hints to the present situation are odd. Anti-UAE rhetoric “supplied from Iran”??? Thus, Iran should control the Hadi government???

(* B P)

Yemen's war hasn't yet reached this remote island paradise. But conflict is brewing.

Arab governments are in conflict over an island paradise in the Indian Ocean that few people have ever seen. Socotra, the largest island in the Middle East, is one of the most isolated places on Earth, home to an ancient culture and some of the world's strangest-looking plants.

Often called the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean, Socotra is 200 miles off Yemen's southern coast. To date, it has escaped the violence rocking the mainland, be it from the civil war, al-Qaeda or ISIS.

But observers fear that Socotra's natural treasures could be endangered if war comes to the island.

"There's been rumors for a couple of years that the United Arab Emirates is on the island, that they've started investing in the island," Towers says. "They admitted in 2017 that they've got a military presence on the island. So we really wanted to know: Are these rumors true?"

In April this year, Towers and reporter Bethan McKernan of the UK paper The Independent chose to investigate the rumors about the UAE's growing presence on Socotra. Getting there was no easy feat. Traveling as tourists, the pair boarded a dhow in Oman and sailed for two and a half days across the Indian Ocean — sharing their ride with a cargo of cement. Towers recorded the voyage.

During their week on Socotra, Towers and McKernon saw the influence of the UAE wherever they went – by Stephen Snyder (photos9

(A P)

Socotra people in Friday's protest against UAE military presence carried placards that read "we don't need food parcels, hospitals and electricity that come at the expense of Yemen's sovereignty and our identity". "We don't need aid in return for our land".

(A P)

Crowds Siege Ben Daghar’s Residence in Socotra and Rumors about His Escape

Several media channels shared news about angry protesters who sieged the residence of prime minister Ahmed Ben Daghar in a hotel in Socotra demanding him to leave the island. Sources indicated that protesters demanded Ben Daghar also to stop media campaign led by Muslim Brotherhood against the Arab Coalition.

My comment: By UAE-backed STC separatists’ news site. The STC backs their Emirati overlords. Be aware what is propaganda here: The UAE is not the “Arab Coalition” and protesting against the Emiratis’ occupation of Socotra has nothing to do with the Muslim Brotherhood.

(A P)

Yemen: UAE must leave Socotra Island before tensions rise

The Yemeni Ambassador to the United Nations, Khalid Al-Yamani, said his government has exclusive sovereignty over the land and this cannot be divided.

Speaking to Gulf Online, Al-Yamani said the Saudi-led coalition’s intervention in Yemen aims to support the legitimacy of the government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and not undermine it.

He added that his country’s position on the UAE’s violations in Socotra has been communicated to the global governments by Yemeni envoys.

(* A P)

Yemen complains to UN about UAE military occupation of Socotra Island

Yemen's internationally-recognised government has filed an official complaint to the UN Security council against the UAE, slamming Abu Dhabi's "unjustified military actions" on the Yemeni island of Socotra.

The government of Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi - which is backed by a Saudi-led coalition, of which the UAE plays a pivotal role - submitted the complaint on 5 May.

"The government of the Republic of Yemen considers the recent military deployment of United Arab Emirates troops and armoured vehicles, including tanks, in the Yemeni island of Socotra on 30 April 2018, as an unjustified military actions," the statement read.

(A P)

A document that reveals the Yemeni government's complaint to the Security Council against the recent "unjustified" UAE military action in #Socotra. (images) and

(A P)

Press Statement, Heather Nauert, Department Spokesperson

The United States is closely following the situation on the Yemeni island of Socotra and engaging with all parties to reinforce Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the need for de-escalation and dialogue. Political dialogue is necessary for the Republic of Yemen Government to rightfully ensure the safety and security of its residents on Socotra and throughout the rest of the country. The Socotra archipelago has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. The Yemeni people, along with their unique cultural and natural heritage, have already suffered immeasurably as a result of the ongoing conflict in Yemen. Yemen cannot afford further divisions. The United States calls on all parties to the conflict to focus on and embrace the UN-led political process, with the unified aim of a safe, secure, and prosperous Yemen.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

UAE's role in Yemen's Socotra 'essential' for development and reconstruction says Sheikh Hamdan

Chairman of Emirates Red Crescent highlights humanitarian-led 'perspective' and focus on improving living conditions

The UAE is playing an essential role in ensuring the development and reconstruction drive to improve living conditions in Yemen's Socotra archipelago "within a holistic humanitarian perspective away from any other considerations or individual interests", said Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed, Ruler's Representative in Al Dhafra Region and Chairman of the Emirates Red Crescent.

What the Emirates Red Crescent "is doing on ground in Yemen stems from a pure humanitarian and ethical commitment toward brothers," he said, according to Wam.

He said the Red Crescent "will spare no efforts to continue to help the Yemenis survive their challenges in Socotra and its presence there has not started recently but it has always been serving the interests of our brothers, alleviating their suffering and improving their lives".

My comment: This is really bad propaganda to justify a miitary occupation, a political takeover and economic exploitation.

And even more of this style propaganda, now from the UAE-backed southern separatists:

(A P)

After Calls to Expel Him out, Ben Daghar Uses Northern Soldiers as a Proof of Existence

Local sources in Socotra indicated that prime minister Ahmed Ben Daghar deployed northern soldiers in the streets as a try to falsify the will of Socotra’s people who refused his existence on their island. Sources indicated that Ben Daghar used soldiers of northern military camps on the island in addition to other soldiers who were entered the island during the past few days. People of Socotra expressed deep relief with the arrival of Socotra elites’ forces to protect and secure the island after decades of marginalization

My comment: That’s really odd propaganda.

(A P)

UAE occupation organized today demonstrations in occupied Yemen island of Socotra demanding that Saudi occupation representatives & those loyal to Saudis Get out of the "Emarati" island! Marriage of convenience between the big occupiers is about to be broken. (photos)


(A P)

Separatist protests against the government in Socotra and supporting UAE

The Southern separation movement allied to UAE in Socotra has organized a demonstration this morning (Wednesday) opposing the government and supporting Emirates military presence on the island.

According to the source, dozens of young men and citizens of Socotra follow what’s called (southern transitional council) supported by UAE opposing the government and supporting the Emirates military presence.

According to a local source, the protesters raised the separation flags (South Yemen flag) and Emirates flags and used sings supporting UAE and opposing the government.

(* B P)

Socotra is finally dragged into Yemen's civil war, ripping apart the island's way of life

In the week since The Independent’s eyewitness report from the island lifted the lid on how the UAE is quietly turning this Unesco-protected paradise into a military outpost-cum-holiday resort, the cracks in the relationship between Yemen’s exiled government and Abu Dhabi have fractured completely. In the week since The Independent’s eyewitness report from the island lifted the lid on how the UAE is quietly turning this Unesco-protected paradise into a military outpost-cum-holiday resort, the cracks in the relationship between Yemen’s exiled government and Abu Dhabi have fractured completely.

In reality, many said, Daghr is trapped on the island with no cards to play, unable to leave until the UAE says so. In the interim, he is posing for photo opportunities and inaugurating new development projects.

The clash between allies – on paper united in the Arab coalition fight against Yemen’s Houthi rebels – is changing the balance of power between Aden, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh.

It has also bought Yemen’s three-year-old civil war to Socotra’s shores for the first time, and the island’s 60,000 residents are now caught in the middle.

After millennia of isolation, Socotris are being forced to choose which sides of a war they want to be on in a conflict that up until now has been fought on the mainland, hundreds of kilometres away.

Pro and anti UAE sentiments – as well as growing support for reinstating the old Sultanate – are beginning to rip the island’s social fabric apart.

“The Emiratis were gentle and quiet about their power before,” one Socotran who has since left the island said.

“They bought their tanks in in something that looked like a military show. They are saying, ‘Look at us and what we can do, we are in charge here and don’t forget it.’”

Both summer temperatures and political tensions are currently rising on Socotra.

Every day for the last week has seen some sort of rally or protest, whether in support of Yemeni president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi’s government or Abu Dhabi’s crown prince – the Emirates’ de facto ruler – Mohammad bin Zayed. Posters bearing both of their faces are brandished around Hadibo.

Each side alleges the other is being paid to come out and protest.

A major driving factor behind the protests is anger at the fact Socotris are being told very little about the future currently being decided for them inside Hadibo’s lone government building.

Isa Musallim, an anti-UAE activist on the island, pieced together information volunteered from several Socotris and came to the conclusion the current spat was sparked by Prime Minister Daghr’s visit.

It appears that on his arrival on Socotra, Daghr announced the creation of several new humanitarian and social enterprise projects desperately needed by the under-developed island, funded by Arab coalition money – by Bethan McKernan, Lucy Towers

(A P)

Socialist Party declare his support of UAE role in Arabic coalition

(* A P)

Bin Zayed's first statement on the Yemeni island of Socotra: our efforts are purely humanitarian

HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan stressed that what links the UAE and Yemeni people are close ties

Bin Zayed's first statement on the Yemeni island of Socotra: our efforts are purely humanitarian

Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of the UAE Red Crescent Authority, said that the UAE, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, plays a pivotal role in promoting the development and reconstruction of the #Socotra Archipelago of #Yemen

HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan stressed that what links the UAE and Yemeni people are close ties rooted in the depth of history, brotherly ties that are stronger than any other considerations.

In a statement on the occasion of the implementation of a number of development projects in Socotra, he went further adding: "The Commission has never been far from the humanitarian challenges in Socotra and its humanitarian presence there has not started today; we are still working hard to alleviate the suffering and improve lives''.

"The Commission was a pioneer in meeting the call of humanitarian duty in the wake of the natural disasters and hurricanes that hit the Socotra Archipelago over the past years''

He also stressed that the projects in Socotra are an advanced and qualitative step forward for the archipelago which faces many humanitarian and developmental challenges.

My comment: And so on. This is the UAE propaganda on Socotra – which really would have deserved to be placed at cp15 “Propaganda”.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B K)

Immer mehr zivile Opfer im Jemen

Die Vereinten Nationen sehen Luftangriffe auf dicht bevölkerte Gegenden als Hauptgrund für die steigende Zahl getöteter Zivilisten.

Für Zivilisten war der April in diesem Jahr bisher der tödlichste Monat im Jemen. 236 Frauen, Männer und Kinder starben bei Luftangriffen, Kämpfen oder Anschlägen, wie das UN-Menschenrechtsbüro in Genf mitteilte. Etwa gleich viele wurden verletzt.

Man sei sehr beunruhigt über den starken Anstieg ziviler Opfer, sagte eine UN-Sprecherin. Besonders Angriffe auf dicht besiedelte Gebiete, wie zuletzt auf den Präsidentenpalast in der Hauptstadt Sanaa Anfang der Woche, seien zu verurteilen. Vermutlich sei dabei gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht verstoßen worden, das Kriegsparteien verpflichtet, Zivilisten besonders zu schützen.

Mein Kommentar: Das „vermutlich“ im letzten hier zitierten Satz istüberflüssig. Das ist evident.

(* B K)

UN: 60% of Yemen casualties caused by Saudi coalition

Some 236 civilians were killed in Yemen in April making it the “deadliest” month for the war-torn state this year, a United Nations briefing note revealed today.

“The month of April was the deadliest month for civilians in Yemen so far this year, with a sharp increase in casualties. At least 236 civilians were killed and 238 injured in Yemen in April – a total of 474 civilian casualties, well over double the 180 civilian casualties documented in March this year,” the UN briefing reported.

“In the first week of May, the heavy toll continued, with 63 civilian casualties documented by the UN Human Rights Office in Yemen, including six deaths and 57 people injured.”

Between 26 March 2015 and 10 May 2018, the UN documented a total of “16,432 civilian casualties – 6,385 dead and 10,047 injured”. Of these, 10,185 resulted from Saudi-led coalition air strikes, it added.

Comment: The casualty figures are just made up. It's impossible to believe that there are so few casualties as the UN states. Those killed by bombs are only counted in UN figures if the bodies turn up at hospital, and the majority don't - what would they do with a plastic bag of a body in bits? How do you get your loved ones' body to hospital for verification if it is many miles away and you don't have petrol ? As for those killed by the embargo, it mounts to hundreds of thousands by now if a child dies every 10 minutes and adults die too. It's about time the UN came clean about death statistics and stated that they are inadequate. But Yemen is shrouded in UN agendas of its richest members.

(B K P)

Die zweite Front

Auch in dem Land an der Südspitze Arabiens eskaliert wieder ein Krieg mit iranischer Beteiligung. Saudi-Arabien beschuldigt die islamische Republik, die Huthis mit ballistischen Raketen zu unterstützen.

Mein Kommentar: Schnell hingeschleudert mit Teileinsatz von Copy and Paste: Wie man einen Artikel nicht schreiben sollte.

(* B K P)

'US & UK can stop Yemen war today, but they love Saudi money'

The US should be held accountable for the death of civilians in Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in Yemen, Yemeni journalist Hussain Albukhaiti told RT. As he spoke, he held up a US-made cluster bomb he said was found by children.

The journalist spoke about the most recent airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition in the Hamdan district of Sanaa that killed six civilians and injured another six.

The US, along with the UK, keeps fomenting the conflict with a steady supply of weapons to Riyadh. That includes banned cluster bombs that Saudi warplanes are dropping on civilians, Albukhaiti claimed. He brought the wreckage of one such bomb to the RT studio, a Blue 97AB, which he said the children in one of the villages in the Saada area gave him six months after the hostilities began.

We have these bombs in Yemen and the only country who is actually using these bombs, only country that imposed a blockade on Yemen, only jets that are in the sky in Yemen are Saudi fighter jets that are fueled by US jets, and all the coordinates, all the satellite images, all logistics supply is coming from the US, and the only thing that the US is caring about is what types of missiles that Yemen has or the Houthis have," he said. and film

(* B K P)

U.S. Secret Military Operation in Yemen: A Perfect War Crime!

Today in Yemen, General Mad Dog Mattis’ dream in conducting a perfect War Crime has come true. This new condition gives the warmongers in the military and General Mattis the opportunity to set the stage confronting Iran militarily without authorization from Congress.

“At Mattis’s request,” writes Dexter Filkins in New Yorker “theatre commanders in Yemen and Somalia are now empowered to launch some strikes without permission from the White House.”

In the same lengthy article describing General Mattis, back in 2003 in Iraq, he also wrote:

“In a Marine base in Falluja, I saw a poster on the wall quoting Mattis’s advice on how to succeed in Iraq: ‘Be polite, be professional, but always have a plan to kill everyone you meet.’”

Apparently, the U.N. report of the death of 10,000 people in Yemen since 2015 is not enough for the generals and Pentagon. They are not concerned about Mark Lowcock -the head of the UN office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)- warning that people in war-torn Yemen are facing a situation that “looks like the Apocalypse”.

On the contrary, for the warmongers who are obsessed with turning Iran back to the situation pre-1979 revolution, a strong foothold in Yemen is an ideal military plan.

(* B H K)

In Yemen's Aden, a generation chewed up and spit out by war

Yemen's civil war has chewed up and spat out a generation of youth. Fighters on all sides are often minors, some as young as 12, dragged into what many see as a cynical fight between Iranian-backed rebels known as Houthis and a U.S.-backed coalition led by Saudi Arabia nominally supporting the government. Three years of war with no end in sight has wrecked Yemen, causing death, displacement, economic collapse, hunger and disease.

For Osama, Ahmed and their friends, it wasn't a fight for Hadi, it was for the south against the north. Southern Yemen was once independent and separatist sentiment remains powerful. So they joined other volunteers, militiamen and pro-Hadi army units to battle the rebels.

They took positions in Khormaksar, a neighborhood blocking the way to the heart of Aden, which stands at the end of a peninsula. There were 14 in Osama's group, armed with seven automatic rifles that they rotated among themselves.

They and the others stood little chance

To Osama and Ahmed, any veneer of a patriotic fight is gone — all they see is greed and self-interest. "We had hopes and dreams," Osama said. "(But) we've realized that everyone is running toward power and fame."

"It's a war over money," Ahmed said. For everyone else, "there are no salaries, no food, no water."

The most reliable employment is as a fighter in one of the militias, flush with funds from their international patrons. Otherwise, jobless men hang around all day in the streets.

Mohammed Abu Hassan, a 30-year-old who also fought in the Battle of Aden, can't bear to look at a weapon.

"Everyone is killing everyone," he said. "What did we gain out of all this? Nothing." =

(* A P)

A place they're cheering Trump's nuke deal withdrawal: the Gulf States

US President Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the nuclear agreement with Iran has been greeted warmly in Arab capitals, where tensions with Tehran form the backdrop of proxy wars raging in Syria and Yemen.

However, Maysaa Al Deen, a Bahrain-based Yemeni political analyst, is adamant that Iran through its proxies cannot be dragged into a new phase of fighting.

“Iran has gotten credit for a war that it hasn’t really been involved in except giving logistical support to the rebels. The main battlegrounds ... Iran does not want to lose are Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and for Saudi Arabia winning in Yemen would be a boon but that’s unlikely”, she told Fairfax Media.

Not all Gulf countries are cheering though.

Oman, traditionally a neutral peacemaker and stable actor leveraging its role as a mediator between Tehran and Riyadh under the long-time Sultan Qaboos has been hesitant about Trump’s move.

“I don’t foresee any major economic impact after the sanctions being reinstated but the political impact will be felt if Trump tries to escalate a war with Tehran which would be a major challenge”, said an Omani political analyst with government links who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of talking explicitly about the withdrawal to international media.

“Oman signalled that it would continue mediation, starting a fresh new round of talks between Tehran and Washington with the objective of finding a new way forward”, the analyst added.

My comment: It’s an absurd discussion. Obviously those who break and those who smear the deal WANT a war.

(A P)

7 Yemeni fishermen return from Saudi prisons

The fishermen were arrested by the battles of Saudi-led coalition aggression and were detained in the island of Fursan Jizan Saudi border province for 55 days.

(* B K P)

Yemeni forces prepare to recapture Hodeidah

Capturing the Houthi-held city would mark a major victory for the Arab coalition-backed forces

The Yemeni military, backed by UAE forces, are preparing a final push to recapture Hodeidah province, home to the country’s largest port city.

The military launched a renewed push at the beginning of this year to combat the Houthi presence in territories along the Red Sea coast of Yemen.

Known as the “Giant Brigade,” the special forces of the Yemeni military are now besieging rebel strongholds in the south-west provinces of the country after severing crucial supply lines in early May.

The Iran-backed Houthis are struggling to reinforce and resupply their units along the west coast battlefront. They are now forced to using tough mountain passes to supply provisions, a process which can take weeks.

Hodeidah, Yemen’s third largest city and home to its biggest port, will represent a major prize for the national forces in what has been an arduous military campaign.


(* A K P)

Large-scale Military Operation to Liberate Hodeidah Kicked off

Yemen National Resistance, Brigades al-‘Amalaqah and Tihama Forces have finalised preparations for a large scale military operation to liberate the Governorate of Hodeidah in Yemen from the clutches of the Iranian-bacjed Houthi militias.

A joint operations room, run by the Arab Coalition, will see the forces coordinating their efforts, under support from the UAE Armed Forces, taking part in the Saudi-led Arab Coalition, to achieve a victory for Yemen and its people.

The sources added that the Governorate of Hodeidah is home to one of the key ports on the Red Sea coast, which was used by the coup perpetrators for deliveries of weapons smuggled from Iran. It was also used as a base to target international shipping at one of the world’s most vital waterways, the Bab Al Mandab strait.

He also said that the liberation of the Hodeidah Port, which will be achieved with support from the Arab Coalition and the UAE Armed Forces, will deal a crippling blow to the Houthi militias who once used it for their illicit operations. It will also help cut-off their main artery for Iranian supplies of weapons that are used against the Yemeni people.

“Regaining the Port of Hodeidah will guarantee maritime security and importantly, will lead to drying up smuggling sources for the Iranian-backed militias,” the source added.

My comment: These articles again shows that Saudi, UAE and Yemeni allies do not want to make peace but to continue the war. An assault against Hodeidah would cause an horrifying effect on civilians – those living there and all those in Houthi-held areas who depend on imports arriving via Hodeidah.

(* B K)

Map: Yemen - Lahj City - Al Hawtah District - Scale of Building Damage - As of March 2018

(* B K)

Map: Yemen - Hajjah City - Hajjah City Disrtict - Scale of Building Damage - As of March 2018

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A H K)

Explosion beschädigt Bulker auf dem Weg nach Jemen

Eine Explosion hat ein türkisches Schiff beschädigt, das Weizen an Jemens Houthi-kontrollierten Hafen Saleef beförderte, mit unterschiedlichen Berichten, die den Vorfall am Donnerstag einer unerklärten Explosion an Bord des Schiffes oder einem möglichen Raketenangriff zuschrieben.

Ein Marineschiff einer von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition erhielt einen Anruf von dem Kapitän des Schiffes, Inez Inebolu, der berichtete, dass eine Öffnung in der Mitte des Schiffes auf der linken Seite erschienen sei, sagte ein Sprecher des Bündnisses.

"Koalitionskräfte führten eine Untersuchung des Vorfalls durch und besuchten das Schiff und fanden eine Explosion von innen nach außen", sagte der Sprecher in einer Erklärung.

Der Kapitän sagte, er kenne die Ursache des Schadens nicht, sagte der Sprecher. Die Koalition schleppte das Schiff später in den Hafen von Jizan in Saudi-Arabien.

Bemerkung: Nach Huthi-medien wurde das Schiff von der saudi-Koalition angegriffen; ein Foto weist ziemlich klar auf einen Geschosseinschlag hin:

(* A H K)

Explosion damages vessel carrying wheat to Yemen

An explosion has damaged a Turkish vessel carrying wheat to Yemen’s Houthi-controlled port of Saleef, with varying accounts attributing the incident on Thursday to an unexplained blast aboard the ship or a possible missile strike.

The captain said he did not know the cause of the damage, the spokesman said. The coalition later towed the ship to the port of Jizan in Saudi Arabia.

A shipping source said separately it was possible the damage was either caused by overheating of parts of the ship or a missile.

A separate source connected with the shipment said the vessel was carrying 50,000 tons of Russian milling wheat, adding that it was unclear if it was hit by a missile or due to an internal blast, while anchored about 70 miles off Saleef, which is just north of the port of Hodeidah on the Red Sea.

The ship was in a waiting area, the source said, where vessels typically anchor for permission to dock.

Comment: A spokesman for the alliance said: Coalition forces conducted a survey of the incident and visited the ship and found an explosion from the inside to the outside. Save this, The Saudi coalition will fabricate another story tomorrow


(* A H K)

Explosion Damages Turkish Bulker Off Yemen

Images published in Houthi-controlled media show the Inebolu's hull plating bowed outwards and a large hole with jagged edges curled towards the exterior of the vessel. Additional small holes with edges pointing outwards were also visible in the weather deck.

Houthi forces contend that the Inebolu was struck by Saudi coalition warplanes. In a statement, the Houthi ministry of transport told semi-official news outlet Saba that the vessel "was targeted by [the coalition] after taking the permit to enter from the [UN Verification, Inspection and Monitoring] office in Djibouti."


(*A H K)

Aggression warplanes target ship laden with wheat destined for Salib port

The Saudi-led aggression coalition warplane on Thursday targeted a ship, laden with 49 thousand and 770 tons of wheat was heading to the port of Salif in Hodeidah province, the Ministry of Transport said in a statement received by Saba News Agency on Friday.
The ship INCE INBOLU was targeted by the aggression after taking the permit to enter from the UNVIM office in Djibouti, read the statement.
The statement pointed out that the ship that was directed to the port of Jizan may sink into the sea and can not continue to Jizan port a result of the great damage caused by the targeting.
The Ministry carried the coalition full responsibility for this targeting and the resulting disaster and significant losses if it sinks at sea.

and photos:

Comment: One photo really points to a missile attack, look.

And what anti-Iranian propaganda made of it:

(A P)

Saudi air defense hit an Iranian ship loaded with military equipment heading to Al Hudaydah port in Yemen.

The shipment is thought to be provided to the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen.

This is a developing story

My comment: LOL. Even this seems to show that the Saudis attacked the vessel.

(* A H P)

Yemen Update on Food and Fuel Stocks and Shipments (commercial and humanitarian), 8 May 2018

Vessels Discharged at Hodeidah/ Saleef ports

Since the end of the temporary blockade on 22 November 2017, a total of 116 vessels and 15 dhows are / have discharged cargo at Hodeidah and Saleef ports.

10 humanitarian vessels carrying 231,330 metric tons (mt) of food items, 1 carrying 4 USAID funded mobile cranes and 4 carrying cargo for the Logistics Cluster.

16 dhows carrying 2,321 mt of humanitarian cargo.

51 commercial food vessels carrying 1,284,009 mt of wheat (flour, bagged or bulk), sugar, corn, soybean meal and rice have been offloaded at Hodeidah and/or Saleef ports.

54 commercial fuel vessels carrying 564,913 mt of diesel, petrol and 1 commercial vessel carrying 44,869 mt of coal have discharged at Hodeidah port.

Vessels Currently Discharging at Hodeidah/ Saleef ports

Commercial Food Commodities Available As of 15 April 2018:

Commercial Fuel Commodities Available As of 15 April 2018:

WFP Humanitarian Food Availability As of 05 May:

WFP Food Commodities Expected– May 2018 As of 05 May:

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(B H)

Where to contribute to help relief efforts in Yemen

The Associated Press provides a list of links of organizations that receive donations from individuals who want to contribute to lifting the suffering of the Yemeni people. These groups are founded by activists, physicians, and journalists across Yemen.

My comment: There are many missing, as MONA Relief.

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen Situation Update, April 2018

(A H)

Real time pictures @monarelief delivering now food aid baskets to IDPs and most needy families in Sanaa. Please help us help more families in #Yemen and donate. #monarelief #Ramadan2018

(A H)

Yemen war blinded him, doctors give his vision back

The world turned dark for Islam Hussein when a land mine went off near his home at Taiz, southwestern Yemen.
Six months after the blast that had blinded and severed the 21-year-old man's both arms, he saw his mother in a hospital in faraway Kochi.
A corneal transplant past, Hussein has regained almost 90% in his left eye. He is now waiting for a hand transplant at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences.

(* A H)

Alhamdulillah, @ShareYemen Org team started Ramadan Food Baskets Campaign Distribution process 2day . Unfolding thnx 2 our donors& friends of #Yemen! worldwide The first batch of 100 food baskets was distributed 2day in Al Sabaeen, #Sanaa. (photos)

The Holy Month of Ramadan should start on May 15 but, for Yemeni families, fasting during daytime will be prolonged during the night: people have no means to buy food.

In my country, stricken by war, eight million are totally depending on aid to survive and over 20 million need some form of assistance.

Shockingly: 400.000 children are currently starving to death and figures can only escalate (joint statement by WHO, UNICEF and WFP November 2017)

With my team at Share Aid Yemen along with our partners A World Without Barriers we want to beat the odds, racing against time.

We are launching our Ramadan Campaign aimed at providing the neediest families with a basket comprising (25kg of Flour, 10kg Rice and 10kg Sugar, 4 liters of Cooking Oil, 2kg of Milk Powder, 2 kg of Dates.)

How to help? You can sponsor a basket (30£) and you can also fundraise for the cause. You can raise awareness, you can share our message.

United we can beat odds, starting from now.

(A H)

Yemen: Passengers Transport Overview - Djibouti - Aden - Djibouti, April 2018

104 rotations with 2,358 passengers transported between Djibouti and Aden on behalf of 40 service users (14 UN agencies, 22 INGOs, 4 NNGOs),

(* B H)

World Food Programme: Yemen: Safety Nets Alert Platform (SNAP) Country Dashboard - March 2018

In March 2018, the Yemeni Riyal continued to suffer from rapid depreciation, and lost about 225% of its pre-crisis value.

Despite some improvements in imports of commodities, scarcity of essential imported food and fuel continued in March, with most governorates being affected by the continued shortage of essential goods in markets. As a consequence of short supply of food in local markets, the rapidly depreciating currency, the high cost of transportation caused by fuel shortages, double customs taxation, and restrictions of movements, retail prices of food and fuel continued to increase in March. Food prices were between 35% and 100% higher in March compared to the precrisis period, while fuel prices were still more than double (109%-162% higher than in pre-crisis time).

The average cost of the monthly minimum food basket in March increased by about 3% from February, 58% higher than in pre-crisis period. The Alert for Price Spikes (ALPS) indicators for most basic food items and the reference food basket persistently remained at crisis level in March.

(* A H)

World Health Organization: WHO responds to the cancer care crisis in Yemen [EN/AR]

The World Health Organization (WHO) has delivered over 7 tons of various life-saving anti-cancer medicines and chemotherapy medications to the country’s National Oncology Centre in Sana’a, Yemen.

The anti-cancer medicines are essential life-saving drugs that will cover the acute shortages of medicines for cancer patients for one year, thanks to the generous support of the World Bank and Germany.

These were delivered immediately to the National Oncology Centre, located in the heart of Sana’a. Since 2005 more than 60 000 cancer patients from all over Yemen (12% of whom are children) have received treatment at the Centre. While an estimated 30 000 cancer patients are still in dire need of active treatment (i.e. chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal treatment or palliative treatment).

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

Film: Similar but different - Ähnlich, aber anders

10.05.2018 - Millionen Flüchtlinge kamen 2015 und 2016 nach Europa. Nach England, Frankreich, Deutschland oder Spanien. Sie erzählen, was ihnen an ihrer neuen Heimat gefällt, was sie nicht mögen - und was sie überrascht hat.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthi militias seize money belonging to Yemen’s slain ex-president Saleh

Houthi militias have reportedly seized the money which was found with Yemen’s slain ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Saba news agency, which is controlled by Houthis in Sana’a, reported that Mahdi al-Mashat, head of the so-called Supreme Political Council of Houthi, directed to hand over the money to the Central Bank of Yemen.


(A P)

Mahdi al Mashat, the al Houthi Supreme Political Council President, ordered the seizure of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s financial assets by the Sana’a-based Yemeni Central Bank on May 10.[2]

My comment: Saleh had seized up to US$ 30 billion from Yemen during his presidency, so it’s more than necessary to seize this money back.

(* B H)

Huthi-Gerichtshöfe verhängen Todesstrafen im Jemen

„Rafat kann nicht schlafen. Wenn er schläft, hat er Albträume wegen seines Sohns Akram, der seit November 2016 von den Huthirebellen gefangen gehalten wird. ‚Sein einziges Verbrechen bestand darin, dass er einige oppositionelle Nachrichten und Fotos auf seinem Handy hatte‘, erklärt Rafat. Akram, ein 22jähriger arbeitsloser Lebensmittelverteiler, wurde im November 2016 entführt, als er sich auf dem Weg von Sana’a nach Aden befand, um dort Arbeit zu suchen. Die Huthis, die einen Großteil des Jemens einschließlich der Hauptstadt Sana’a kontrollieren, überprüfen die Handys aller Reisenden, die aus den regierungstreuen Provinzen in Gebiete kommen, die von den Rebellen kontrolliert werden. In Akrams Fall führte dies zur der Anschuldigung, er arbeite für die von den Saudis angeführte Koalition. Viele, die ähnlicher Vergehen beschuldigt wurden, sind zum Tode verurteilt worden. Allerdings ist bislang keiner von ihnen hingerichtet worden. ‚Dies ist ein Huthi-Gericht und wir können unsere Söhne nicht verteidigen‘, so Rafat. ‚Wenn ich versuche, meinen Sohn zu verteidigen, werden sie mich auch verhaften, und dann können nur noch die Frauen ihre Söhne verteidigen.‘

Die Justiz des Jemens ist, wie der Rest des Landes, ruiniert. Die jeweilige bewaffnete Gruppe, die eine Stadt oder Region kontrolliert – seien es Milizionäre, die Regierung oder Aufständische – betreibt ihre eigenen staatlichen Institutionen einschließlich der Justiz.

Remark: English reporting YPR 411, cp1, cp5.

(A P)

Minister of State opens food festival in Sana'a

Minister of State Hameed Al-Mazjaji inaugurated on Thursday in the capital Sana'a the Food Festival for the holy month of Ramadan.
The festival, which is organized by the Yemeni Economic Cooperation during the period from 10 to 26 May in coordination with Ministry of Industry and Trade and the General Federation of Yemeni Chambers of Commerce, aims to reduce the suffering of the citizens through providing facilities and discounts on food prices.

(A P)

The #Houthi authorities in the central province of Ibb have approved the lifting of tariffs on goods entering the province, by 20 to 50 percent, as traders denounced such an action action and vowed to confront them.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi twitter account.

(A P)

Patrols to protect Houthis Leader pictures

Houthis militia Have deployed military patrols to protect the founder of the militia pictures at Sanaa Streets were some of those pictures have been torn down.

Locals said to almasdaronline that military patrols deployed in many of Sanaa street to protect pictures of Hussien AlHouthi since some of those pictures tore down or mudded by unknowns south to Sanaa.


Seven Persons Killed and Injured during a Funeral in a Cemetery in Sanaa

Three persons were killed while four others were injured in armed clashes in a cemetery in Sanaa. Local sources indicated that armed persons of two tribes in Amran engaged in armed clashes during a funeral in Sheikh Abdullah Ben Hussain Al-Ahmar’s cemetery.

(* B P)

Houthi dissident reveals militia's atrocities against prisoners

A leading Houthi dissident who declined to be named said that the rebel militia's "Preventive Security" appparaatus has committed deliberate killings of a number of oppositionists to the coup d'état.

The Emirati daily al-Khaleej quoted the Houthi dissident as saying that "the Preventive Security Appartus whose staff had been trained in Iran is behind the mysterious disappearances of journalists, political and human rights activists and other" oppositionists to the rebel militia.
The leader revealed that some of the abductees had died under brutal torture; electrocution, beating the prisoners' heads with clubs and severe restriction of movement for lengthy times.
The Houthi militias have refrained from disclosing the fate of many of the oppositionists in their custody.
The dissident said the militia had handed over the bodies of a limited number of abductees who were killed under duress by the Preventive Security. The families of the killed abductees were threatened of serious consequences if they don't bury their killed relatives and keep silent about the issue.

Some of the tortured to death were buried by the rebels themselves without the knowledge of their families, said the dissident.

My comment: By anti-Houthi media. It’s well known that Houthis jail and torture opponents. But this “Houthi dissident” might just be a propaganda invention (would not be the first one).

(A P)

Islah leader tortured to death by Houthis

An Abducted leader in Islah has died yesterday (Tuesday) after 3 years of incarceration at Houthis prisons.

The Lawyer Aburahman Barman said the leader in Isalah (Sadiq Qaied Farhan) tortured to death in Houthis prisons, Sadiq was transferred to the Hospital in Dhamar Yesterday suffering from a brain hemorrhage and Hothis informed his family about his death this morning (Wednesday).

Houthis kidnapped Sadiq 3 Years ago and his destiny never known until his death announcement by Houthis, Sadiq is a father of 3 boys and one girl.

The human rights organization said that 117 kidnapped have died in Houthis prisons until today and Sadiq consider 118.

(A P)

By burning their skin with flamed plastic bottles Houthis militia tortures 4 in Taiz

The Human activists Dr.Abdulqader Al Junaid posted a picture of a kid named (Raheeb Ahmed Rabah)and signs of burns all over his body.
On his post said that Houthis tortured the kid among other 3 kids from Hajdah area – west Taiz.
A Houthi leader called (Abu Aziz ) from Saadah, an official in preventive security has accused the kids of stealing a telecommunication radio and burned their skin with burned plastic.
After investigation and searching, Houthis found the Radio in the car they claimed the radio was stolen from between Qat leaves and the empty water bottles, later on, they released the kids. (photo9

(A K pH)

Mahweet's officials discuss Mobilization efforts in Mahweet

Mahweet province's officials held on Wednesday a meeting to discuss the efforts of awareness and mobilization to confront the Saudi-led coalition aggression.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1b

(* A T)

Police officer killed in patrol attack in Yemen's Aden

One police officer was killed and five others were injured on Saturday in a fresh attack on a police patrol in Yemen's southern port city of Aden, an Interior Ministry official told Xinhua.

The Interior Ministry source, who asked to remain anonymous, said that some five policemen were also injured when their patrol was ambushed by unknown gunmen in Aden's neighborhood of Mansourah.

The condition of the injured were critical and shifted to nearby hospitals for treatment, the source said.

According to the source, the attackers also suffered casualties during the clash with soldiers, but their number could not be exactly specified.

(A P)

East #Yemen: Would-be sultan of #Mahra & #Socotra's Majlis tries to clarify its position


A clash in Taiz kills a civilian and injured other

A local source said to Almasdaronline that a clash between two armed gangs headed by “Salim Mshammer” and “Esam Sabaee” in Alnashmah market because Eisam refused to transfer the Qat market and taxing the markets by force.

(* A T)

#UAE-backed forces claim victory over #alQaeda #Yemen's main operations base after heavy clashes yday in the Maraqisha territory of #Abyan. By contrast pro-#AQAP wires claim to have killed/injured 15 soldiers (names below) & destroyed 12 vehicles (8 pick-ups, 2 Hilux, 2 carriers) (images)

(A P)

Yemeni President Visits Joint Forces Command

President of the Republic of Yemen Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi paid a visit here today to the Joint Forces Command, where he was received by Lt. General Fahd bin Turki bin Abdulaziz, Commander of the Joint Forces. and photo:

My comment: A short break of the house arrest at Riyadh?

(* B K P)

A War Within a War in Yemen’s South

Peter Salisbury, a senior consulting fellow covering the Middle East and North Africa for Chatham House, warns that if the south secedes before a political settlement is brokered, it would derail current UN-led peace talks.

Despite the warnings, separatists appear to be gunning for independence at any cost. On 28 January 2018, the STC declared a state of emergency in the port city of Aden and vowed to overthrow Hadi’s government, which fled there from Sanaa in late 2017. Fighters from the STC surrounded the presidential palace in Aden two days later, forcing the prime minister of the internationally recognized government to flee. Saudi Arabia eventually mediated a ceasefire, yet tensions remain high.

The STC has long wanted independence for south Yemen, which it had before it unified with the north in 1990. Since then, separatists have been at odds with the central government in Sanaa – a body that Hadi has presided over since 2012 – accusing it of corruption and marginalizing the south.

Outbreaks of violence between pro-government forces and fighters loyal to the STC is a result of these outstanding grievances, claims senior Yemeni analyst for International Crisis Group’s April Longley Alley.

“[The recent fighting] shows how the war has shattered the country, fracturing it along historical divides,” she told the Washington Post. “The narrative of a ‘legitimate government’ fighting the ‘Iranian-backed Houthis’ obscures a complex local reality, and it hinders efforts to achieve peace.”

“It’s going to be quite hard for the international power brokers, and this includes the Yemeni government themselves, to marginalize the STC to the extent that they’ve been marginalizing them before,” added Adam Baron, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

If fighting escalates between separatists and pro-government militias, it could damage the relationship between the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The former is particularly antagonistic towards Islah, a Sunni Islamist party that serves as Saudi Arabia’s and the Hadi government’s dominant ally. Never mind that the UAE is supporting its own so-called pro-autonomy Salafists in the conflict.

(A T)

Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces claimed to secure Wadi Hareem in Khabr al Muraqisha area after clashes with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants on May 10. Khabr al Muraqisha is northeast of Zinjibar city in Abyan governorate in southern Yemen.[2]

(A T)

Islah – Aden Held the security authorities responsibility of assassinations in the city

The Yemeni gathering of Islah announced the death of one of his members in Aden today ( Thursday) after he got assassinated at Almuaalla - Aden.

A statement issued by the party announced with grief martyrdom of the lawyer Safwan Abdulmawla

One of the youth members of the party in Aden who passed away after being targeted by an assassin bullet at the front of his house (Tuesday), the attackers were driving a white corolla.


(A T)

Following a spate of over 25 #ImamAssassinations in #Yemen (mainly Aden), local media are reporting assassination of Safwan al-Sharjabi "by unknown gunmen" at 10pm last night. He gave religious lectures (not actually the imam) in the #Somalia mosque in al-Mu'alla district of Aden

(A P)

Tensions in east #Yemen: Yesterday Mahris began a sit-in outside the building of would-be Sultan of #Mahra & #Socotra demanding the removal of #Saudi forces. They want borders, ports & the airport to be returned to Mahri control & warn of escalation if demands not met.

My comment: There had been tensions because of Saudi occupation already before, now they seem to rise again.

(A T)

Explosion in Taiz governorate building and assassination of an Islah leader in Taiz

The lawyer Walid Baggash the brother the Leader in Islah party in Taiz Habib Baggash, a source said to almasdaronline that Baggash died due to injuries in shooting attack by unknown.

(A P)

And more reports which show that the southern separatists and their militia behave like rulers of the country:

Commander of the Security Belt in Al-Dalia Promises to Protect ” Médecins sans frontiers” (MSF) and the Organization Agrees to Resume its Work

(A P)

Separatist Southern Council 7 May statement on #Mahra is raising tension in east #Yemen:

-Claims Mahra as integral part of South

-Voices concern at recent devs

-Praises coalition forces in Mahra & #UAE role in #Socotra

-Implies any opposition to STC is led by #Islah (not true)

(A P)

Abdul Malik al Mikhlafi, the Foreign Minister of Yemen’s internationally recognized government under Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on May 9. The statement claimed that the agreement failed to protect the interests of the United States and Yemen. [1] and

(* B P)

Judith Brown: The UAE is finding the politics of occupation are hazardous. There was very little choice in the UAE abandoning Hadi as he is so unpopular - and the STC had more support in the South than the Hadi lot as you read here. But the UAE can't say openly to the world that Hadi will not return to the south - even though it's clear that is where they stand. That puts them at odds with their coalition partners, who based their campaign on the return of Hadi - which realistically won't ever happen. Marib is another issue - the UAE are not allowed to enter the Marib governate - early in the war they had large numbers of their troops killed there, including a rumour that one of the Dubai princes was amongst the victims. Marib - independent of coalition partners - is stable and successfully overcoming the problems of conflict, although it has some oil to help its recovery. And Soqatra is another thorny issue. referring to

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

'Uphold international humanitarian law' UN chief tells parties to Yemen conflict

“The Secretary-General reminds all parties to the conflict that they must uphold international humanitarian law, including taking steps to protect civilians,” said a statement issued on behalf of the Secretary-General, by his Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric.

“All potential violations of international humanitarian law should be thoroughly investigated and those responsible for violations must be held accountable,” added the statement.

My comment: Up to now, the UN role was just shameful. The UN itself bears a great part of the blame for this never-ending war.


(* A K P)

On Yemen, Inner City Press Asked UN About Saudi Bomb on Sana'a, SG Here On That and Houthi Missiles

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres lavished praised on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on March 27, with not a word of the Saudi led bombing campaign that has killed civilians and caused cholera in Yemen.

Why didn't Guterres express concern at the airstrikes while he was taking the $930 million check from the Saudi Crown Prince? Inner City Press on May 7 asked the Deputy UN Ambassador of the UK, penholder on Yemen and arms seller to Saudi Arabia, a Yemen question on which they are, they say, to revert, see Periscope video here and below. Six hour later, nothing from the UK mission. At noon on May 7, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric, UN transcript here: Inner City Press: I wanted to ask you about Yemen. There's been a Saudi-led Coalition airstrike in the middle of Sana'a on the presidential palace. At least… some people say six civilians killed. I don't know if there's more, but, given that the UN is presumably there, Lise Grande and various members of the team, what is the UN's comment on such an airstrike in the middle of a city? .

(A P)

FM: Aggression escalation undermines peace efforts

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf on Wednesday said Saudi-led aggression countries' military escalation during the past period undermines the efforts currently being made to achieve peace in Yemen.

My comment: By the Sanaa government. Well, certainly.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(? B P)

Film: Bitter rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran

FRONTLINE examined a 40-year geopolitical rivalry that has added fuel to the devastating war in Syria, to the crisis in Yemen, to the turmoil in Iraq (in certain regions not available)

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Desperate Alliance Moves

Saudi Arabia has tried to create multilateral alliances with Arabs, Muslims, and some other nations. The first formation was the Arab Alliance in Yemen in March 2015. Subsequently, the Islamic alliance for the fight against terrorism was created in December 2015. The latest, which came together in June 2017, was an alliance to force Qatar to make a strategic deal with the dominant Saudis in the GCC.

All three alliances under the leadership of Saudi Arabia are getting weaker, and the participating countries don’t expect the bonds to improve. These alliances don’t really function day to day, and not all the members agree in equal measure about the purposes. There is no limitation on the term of these alliances, but their cancellation is always possible. The Yemen Alliance includes Morocco, Senegal, and the US, all of whom are thousands of miles from the battlefield. A number of the members for the 40-member Islamic alliance against terrorism are located very far from the command center in Riyadh.

Containing Iran

Preventing Iran from penetration westwards is one of the cardinal aims of the current foreign policy of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis fear Iran’s expansion and regional influence.

Riyadh has tried to change the GCC into a collective security alliance ever since its creation in the 1980s. Riyadh’s allies—Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and even the UAE—rebuffed these attempts. Saudi Arabia also tried to upgrade the level of military cooperation between GCC members and the US and mold the organization into a Common Defense System like NATO. Also, when GCC members were trying to reach an agreement with the United States on new missile defense systems, Obama demanded that the GCC maintain a cold peace with Iran.

By going to war in Yemen—ostensibly to combat forces aligned with Iran—Saudi Arabia has shown little interest in such a cold peace.

Friendship between Saudi Arabia and Israel is something of an embarrassment in the Muslim world, and may be a futile attempt by Riyadh to shore up its waning power regionally. If Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman decides to continue with his brinksmanship and “friendship” with the Israelis, the result will probably be rejection of the Saudis by many Muslims – by Javad Heiran-Nia, head of the international desk of Mehr News Agency (MNA), a semi-official, state-funded news agency and one of Iran’s biggest agencies.

(* A B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Is Wildly Popular Among (His Own) Youth

Over 90 percent of people between the ages 18 and 24 in Saudi Arabia support the Crown Prince’s leadership and believe that he will move the country in the right direction, according to this year’s Arab Youth Survey conducted by Dubai’s leading PR agency ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller.

In the broader Arab world, which includes Iraq, UAE, Yemen (where the Crown Prince architected a war) and other countries, his approval rate drops significantly: only 63 percent of youth support his succession as the King of Saudi Arabia; even fewer people (59 percent) believe he will take Saudi Arabia in the right direction.

“Inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially urban centers, young people are very supportive of the changes he’s making to society and the economy. He removed many conservative restrictions, particularly on gender issues. He also introduced movie theaters and musical concerts,” said Gerald Feierstein, a senior fellow and director for Gulf affairs and government relations at the Middle East Institute.

My comment: For this survey and the pro-Saudi bias of this PR agency, look at cp18.

(A E P)

Big Gulf Arab economies may be winners as U.S. exits Iran deal

Surging oil prices mean the big Arab countries of the Gulf — especially Saudi Arabia — look set to gain financially as well as politically from U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.

(A K P)

Riyadh tests new siren as Yemeni rebels fire missiles

Saudi civil defence posts a video on its official site of the alarm system being tested

(A K P)

Yemeni on Trial for Sending Saudi Military Coordinates to Houthis

The Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh has held a hearing on the case of a Yemeni who is accused of sending information about vital Saudi locations and military bases to Houthi insurgents in exchange for money and a position.
The Saudi Public Prosecution asserted that the accused had contacted hostile terrorist parties informing them about the locations of military and state facilities to undermine state security, interests and properties.
The Yemeni man admitted that he supports the Houthis, designated as a terrorist organization since taking over the Yemeni capital Sanaa in 2014, said the Public Prosecution, adding that he had sent photos and coordinates of vital Saudi military bases to Houthi leaders and members.

My comment: The Houthis as “terrorists”. LOL. And: Saudi media are crying when the Houthi side starts trials against those who are accused of supporting the enemy from within.

(* B H P)

U.N. urges Saudi Arabia not to deport Yemeni migrants to war zone

Saudi Arabia has expelled 17,000 Yemeni migrants so far this year, amidst fears that it could deport up to 700,000 back to war and misery in their homeland, deepening the crisis, the U.N. migration agency says.

The oil-rich kingdom has been imposing fines, jail time and deportation on migrants caught without valid identity documents in a push to reduce its abundant black market in labor.

“IOM can categorically say that between January and now 17,000 Yemenis have been turned back, simply because of their immigration status in Saudi Arabia,” Mohammed Abdiker, director of operations and emergencies at the International Organization for Migration (IOM), told Reuters.

“But our line is you cannot return people to a country like Yemen, particularly when you are bombing it yourself,” Abdiker said. “So is there any way the Saudis can waive this for the Yemenis until there is a country to go back to?”

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

Letter To the Editor:

Re “Army Special Forces Secretly Help Saudis Combat Threat From Yemen Rebels” (front page, May 4):

I’ll bet that it’s no secret to the Yemenis — as our “secret wars” against Cambodia and Laos weren’t “secret” from those victims either. I seem to recall that candidate Trump campaigned against this sort of intervention.

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Vietnam, anyone?


(A P)

US condemns Iranian 'destabilizing influence' in region

'Actions are further proof that Iranian regime’s reckless actions pose severe threat,' White House says

My comment: Odd when looking at what really happens and looking at the fact that it had been US influence which turned the Middle East to the nightmare which it is today.

(* B K P)

For Trump Regime, Regional Suffering, Death and Destruction Is Never Enough

No doubt, the presence of US forces on the border with Yemen is just the latest indication that the US, despite Trump’s May 8 statements to the contrary when he withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal - and the very tenuous legal authorization for support to the Saudi coalition - is a direct party in the Yemeni conflict and its humanitarian crisis, the worst in the 21st century.

All this and more raises both the prospect of inevitable mission creep and the US getting drawn further into the Yemeni quagmire. It also highlights that there is essentially no legal justification for such operations, as they have nothing to do with counter-terrorism efforts against Al-Qaeda, as stated in the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force that Trump has used to justify military campaigns in Afghanistan, Syria, and now Yemen.

And this is the same Trump that on his May 8 diplomatic show claimed Iran fuels conflicts across the Middle East and beyond. This is also the same Trump that claimed there have been enough suffering, death, and destruction, but great things can happen for the peace and stability that we all want in the Middle East. No he doesn’t want peace. By escalating the conflicts in Yemen and Syria through troop surge, by withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and paving the way for increasing tensions and confrontations, it should become clear by now that the ongoing suffering, death and destruction in the region has never been enough for the War Party in Washington. The bloodthirsty hordes want more.

Remark: From Iran.

(* B K P)

What Else is Washington Not Telling Us About US Participation in Yemen?

For the past three years, the United States has attempted to disguise, manipulate, or outright deny its involvement in Yemen. Nonetheless, new facts come to light every so often that indicate Washington’s participation in the Saudi-led war is much more hands-on than officials let on.

Green Berets Deployed Along the Saudi-Yemen Border

A U.S. Army Lieutenant Now Serves for the United Arab Emirates in Yemen — Seriously

UAE and US in Yemen Establish 18 Black-site Torture Centers

Occupying Socotra

Considering Washington’s close relationship with the Emirates, it’s hard to imagine that the U.S. is sitting on the sidelines during this land grab. This activity would require extreme stealth to avoid angering Washington’s allies in Riyadh.

Selling Internationally Banned Weapons to the Saudi Coalition

Occupying Oil Fields

The United States isn’t supposed to have any troops stationed in Yemen. Washington maintains that its role in Yemen involves two key goals: supporting the Saudi coalition and countering al-Qaeda influence.

Last summer, Emirati troops greeted U.S. soldiers in Yemen at a remote airport in eastern Yemen. Together, they conducted a special mission to push AQAP militants out of key oil fields. Now, the Emiratis and U.S. occupy some of Yemen’s vital oil supplies.

What Else is Washington Not Telling Us About the US in Yemen?

On top of this, the United States has carried out covert military actions in Yemen for over the past three years. From deploying Green Berets and occupying oil fields to running black-site torture centers, the US in Yemen has ignored all international laws and norms.

What else is Washington not telling the public about the US in Yemen? – by Randi Nord

(* A P)

Rep. Ro Khanna: Last night, Republicans blocked my amendment to the #FY19NDAA that would stop the U.S. from refueling Saudi-led coalition jets bombing civilians in Yemen. They argued that our alliance with the Saudi monarchy meant we needed to overlook their war crimes in Yemen. I disagree. (film)

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

King Hamad of Bahrain to attend Royal Windsor Horse Show this weekend

The Bahraini regime has an appalling human rights record and has supported the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen

UK has licensed £82 million worth of arms to Bahrain since ‘Arab Spring’ uprising in February 2011

(A P)

Q: To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have raised again with the government of Saudi Arabia the bombing of civilians in Yemen, following the promise by the government of Saudi Arabia that it would act on alleged violations of humanitarian law; and if so, what response they have received from them.

A: We regularly raise our concerns with Saudi Arabia over alleged violations of international humanitarian law. The Foreign Secretary most recently raised the issue with the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister on 26 April. Saudi Arabia has announced an investigation into the most recent incidents involving civilian casualties which took place in Taiz and Hajjah on 21 and 22 April.

My comment: The government’s answers just are created by “Copy and Paste” out of the “We want to sell our arms” manual.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* A P)

Wie man Weltmacht wird
Berlin sucht einerseits die Aggression gegen Iran zu nutzen, um Teheran zu Zugeständnissen zu nötigen. […] verlangen Berlin, Paris und London nun jedoch, Iran müsse nicht nur “seine eigenen Verpflichtungen aus dem Abkommen weiterhin erfüllen”, sondern sich auch noch weiteren Forderungen des Westens beugen. So solle Teheran nicht nur bereit sein, einen “langfristigen Rahmen für das iranische Nuklearprogramm” für die Zeit nach dem Auslaufen des Abkommens zu akzeptieren; es müssten darüber hinaus “Fragen des ballistischen Raketenprogramms des Iran und auch dessen destabilisierende regionale Aktivitäten, insbesondere in Syrien, Irak und im Jemen, gelöst werden”.Berlin hofft, dass Teheran unter dem Druck der US-amerikanisch-israelischen Aggression zu den gewünschten Zugeständnissen erpresst werden kann.

(* A P)

Merkel Proposes to Discuss Iranian Missile Program – Statement

German Chancellor Angela Merkel held on Thursday a phone conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and proposed him to discuss Tehran’s missile program and activities in Syria and Yemen, the German government’s press service said in a statement.

"The chancellor called for holding negotiations with Iran and an extended number of states on its ballistic missile program as well as on its international activities including those in Yemen and Syria," the statement said.

My comment: I think there is little to discuss about Syria (Iranian forces are there as requested by the legitimate government) and Yemen (the Iranian engagement is small). On the other side, the Iranians could tell Merkel uncomfortable facts when really speaking about these subjects.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Siehe cp13a (Italien) / Look at cp13a (Italy)

(A K P)

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman has become Israel’s partner in plans to formulate a new reality in the region, Tel Aviv’s Ambassador to Egypt David Govrin said.

“We take note of the change in Arab countries’ treatment of Israel, which is no longer considered an enemy, but a partner in shaping a new and better reality in the region. A reality that is based on stability and economic growth,” Govrin said.

The joining of the Saudi Crown Prince to the vision of stability and economic development shared by Egypt and Israel constitutes an important cornerstone.

“We have to broaden this partnership to additional states in order to advance common interests to combat Iranian-inspired states and terrorist groups.”

“Only a regional common struggle may confront Iran’s striving for nuclear weapons and undermine its consistent support to the terror organisations in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.” (with film)

(* B P)

UAE extends military reach in Yemen and Somalia

Military transport planes from the United Arab Emirates landed on the sleepy Yemeni island of Socotra last week, unloading tanks and troops as part of the Gulf Arab state’s drive to extend its influence over a strategic waterway flanked by war zones.

The UAE, with a population of less than 10 million but the Arab world’s second-largest economy thanks to oil, is deploying its soldiers and cash to create a web of bases and armed allies in Yemen and Somalia as a bulwark against Islamist extremists and Iranian influence, according to diplomats as well as Yemeni and Somali officials.

But backing groups at loggerheads with their national governments threatens to bog down the UAE in the seemingly endless conflicts of two of the world’s poorest countries.

The Yemeni government accused the UAE of seizing the island’s ports and airport. A government source told Reuters that the UAE move was a power-play for “commercial and security interests” and accused the UAE of trying to colonize Yemen.

“They won’t get that from Yemen,” the source said. “Yes, Yemenis are poor but they fight for their sovereignty,”

(* B P)

The Emirates’ widening appetite for colonialism

As part of its colonising plans and taking advantage of the poverty in Yemen, the UAE is offering the 60,000 Yemenis in Socotra free healthcare, free visits to Abu Dhabi, special work permits and building a new factory. It is also putting together a new local militia, building a prison and buying up lands. The UAE is also making claims that it has a 99-year lease of Socotra, a claim denied by the Yemeni Government. Also, the UAE has backed away from the Hadi government to support South-Yemeni groups who want to break away from the rest of the country.
Then from 2016, the UAE began to increase its humanitarian deliveries to Socotra, presenting them as altruistic gestures. Finally, it dramatically increased its troops in the area which were originally part of the Saudi coalition and became a full blown occupation force, expelling Yemeni forces and even detaining government officials.

The UAE is playing a major role in the blockade of former ally, Qatar, following a dispute within the Gulf States. In pursuit of its expansionist agenda, it is engaged in huge defence spending =

(A P)

#Oman remains a wise voice in the region in its careful statement on the scuppered #IranDeal:

(A K P)

Pour une commission d’enquête parlementaire sur les ventes d’armes au Yémen

Contrairement à d'autres pays occidentaux, la France ne discute pas de l'assistance militaire qu'elle porte à la coalition menée par l'Arabie saoudite. Il est temps de lancer le débat, estime le député LREM Sébastien Nadot.

(* B P)

Oman: Between Iran and a hard place

Oman has maintained good relations with Iran, and stands to lose a lot from the US' likely withdrawal from the nuclear deal

True to this tradition, Oman recently hosted secret talks between the Saudis and the Houthis to try to end the brutal conflict in Yemen. The talks have stalled after recent strikes in Yemen in April 2018 by the Saudi-led coalition, but as Muhammad Al-Bukhaithi - deputy head of the department of external relations of the Houthis, declared last October - "Oman can play a key role in stopping the war".

Oman's independent foreign policy is on most prominent display in its special relationship with Iran.
Oman has been careful to maintain strong relations with Iran despite the escalating anti-Iran rhetoric amongst its Gulf neighbours.

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

(* A P)

Film: Israel Threatens Lebanon After Hezbollah Makes Gains in Election

After Hezbollah and political allies won seats in Lebanon’s first parliamentary election in 9 years, Israeli minister Naftali Bennett threatened to retaliate against the Lebanese state for Hezbollah’s actions. Journalist Jamal Ghosn says this is the latest in a long string of threats, and Israel violates Lebanese sovereignty every day.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* A K P)


Now the State Department is taking preliminary steps toward a massive, multibillion-dollar sale of similar weapons to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, three congressional aides, a State Department official, and two other people familiar with the sales told The Intercept.

The State Department has yet to announce the exact details and dollar value of the package, but it is said to include tens of thousands of precision-guided munitions from Raytheon, the same company that was involved in producing the weapons used in last month’s strike.

Reuters reported in November that Saudi Arabia had agreed to buy $7 billion in precision-guided weapons from U.S.-based companies Raytheon and Boeing. Raytheon was “courting lawmakers and the State Department to allow it to sell 60,000 precision-guided munitions to both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,” according to the New York Times.

The sale in question is a direct commercial transaction between Raytheon and the Gulf countries, which does not require the government to publicly announce the sale at the time of congressional notification. That means it will be up to senators to decide how many of the details to make public.

The sale is likely to face stiff opposition in the Senate, where members have grown increasingly frustrated with the U.S. role in the devastating conflict in Yemen.

(* B K P)

Qatar, Egitto, Arabia Saudita: i regimi adorano le armi italiane. Nel 2017 autorizzate esportazioni per 10,3 miliardi: affari soprattutto con Paesi fuori dall’Ue e dalla Nato

[#Qatar, #Egypt, #SaudiArabia: The regimes adore Italian #arms.
In 2017 #Italy authorized exports for 10.3 billion Euros: especially to countries outside the EU and Nato]

Oltre dieci miliardi di euro. Dopo il 2016, anche nel 2017 le autorizzazioni rilasciate dal Governo italiano per l’export di armamenti fanno registrare cifre colossali. Fa niente se poi i principali “clienti” del mercato armato made in Italy, contrariamente a quanto previsto dalla legge italiana, siano anche Paesi che non brillano per la tutela dei diritti umani, dittature o altri che conducono guerre non riconosciute dalle organizzazioni internazionali. In totale parliamo di esportazioni per 10,3 miliardi. “


(* B K P)

Italia: export d’armamenti per 10 miliardi, la metà a regimi islamici

[Italian governments - both #Renzi and #Gentiloni - have increased #armsexports, especially to the Middle Eastern countries and authoritarian regimes.
But from the reports available it is not possible to know which and how many
Giorgio Beretta, arms trade analyst, explains why and reveals #UK should be Italy's 2nd arms client after #Qatar but it turns out the sales fall in "Intergovernmental Programs" which include supplies of EFA "Al Salam" Tornado "Al Yamamah" both destined to Saudi Arabia]

(A K P)

Bombe ai sauditi: pacifisti italiani all'assemblea di Rheinmetall

Rappresentanti di Rete Italiana per il Disarmo e Fondazione Finanza Etica sono in questo momento a Berlino per far sentire la voce della società civile pacifista italiana all'assemblea annuale della Rheinmetall, holding dedita alla produzione di sistemi d'arma.

(* B K P)

America dominates the thriving global weapons trade

Brutal civil wars in Syria and Yemen, coupled with the return of great power rivalries between the US, Russia and China, have brought the world's arms trade into sharp focus.

And unsurprisingly it is a thriving global industry, with the total international trade in arms now worth about $100bn (£74bn) per year, Pieter Wezeman, senior researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri), tells the BBC.

In its latest figures, the defence industry think tank says that major weapons sales in the five years to 2017 were 10% higher than in 2008-12.

And it is the United States that is extending its lead as the globe's number one arms exporter, adds Sipri.

It estimates that the US now accounts for 34% of all global arms sales, up from 30% five years ago, and are now at their highest level since the late 1990s.

It is Middle East states that have been among the US's biggest customers - Saudi Arabia tops the list - with the region as a whole accounting for almost half of US arms exports during 2013-17.

Yemen's civil war

This comes as arms imports to the region have doubled over the past 10 years, driven by widespread conflicts across the area - most notably the civil wars in Syria and in Yemen, which the UN has called the world's worst man-made humanitarian disaster.

(* B K P)

The global weapons trade is booming thanks to wars in Syria and Yemen

With the Middle East mired in conflict the global weapons trade is booming, sending the sales of weapons up by 10% between 2013 and 2017 from the four years prior.

The five largest exporters between 2013 and 2017 were the US (34%), Russia (22%), France (6.7%), Germany (5.8%) and China (5.7%), while the five largest importers were India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China.

Combined, these five countries received 35% of all arms imports.

Civil wars in Syria and Yemen, which have been raging for six years and three years respectively, have been the driving force behind much of the arms dealing.

The US was the top arms exporter in 2013–17 and 2008–12. Its share of total arms exports rose from 30% to 34% between those periods. The US’s exports of major arms grew by 25% between 2008–12 and 2013–17, further widening the gap between it and all other arms exporters.

Meanwhile, countries in the Middle East accounted for 49% of US arms exports in 2013–17, followed by countries in Asia and Oceania (33%), Europe (11%), the Americas (4.8%) and Africa (2.2%).

By far the largest recipient of US arms in 2013–17 was Saudi Arabia, accounting for 18% of US arms exports. The US’s arms exports to Saudi Arabia increased by an eye-watering 448% between 2008 and 2012 and 2013 2017.

(A K P)

UAE discusses military deals in Canberra drawing human rights criticism

The United Arab Emirates, which is accused of war crimes in its conflict with Yemen, has discussed buying more Australian military equipment during high-level talks in Canberra.

Late on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan travelled to Parliament House to discuss potential arms deals, holding meetings with his Australian counterpart, Julie Bishop, and Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne.

The ABC understands the UAE's elite Presidential Guard military unit expressed particular interest in purchasing the High Speed Support Vessel (HSSV), a multi-mission warship produced by WA-based shipbuilder Austal, which has previously been sold to Oman.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K P)

Time to Dust Off the War Crimes Act?–for an American ex-soldier now in command of UAE forces

a Buzzfeed article published this week profiles a former U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who has reportedly taken on a commanding role within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) military. American citizen Stephen Toumajan, as Commander of the UAE’s Joint Aviation Command, is responsible for “combat readiness and execution” of all UAE aviation missions.

As discussed in a previous piece, the International Criminal Court could garner jurisdiction over nationals of States that have ratified the Rome Statute. But that is obviously not the situation with respect to U.S. nationals. Moreover, a private military contractor who is no longer on active duty with the U.S. military, cannot be prosecuted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is the usual accountability mechanism for members of the U.S. armed forces. There is another possibility, however: the U.S. War Crimes Act (18 U.S.C. § 2441).

Over two decades old and yet to be used, the War Crimes Act enables the U.S. government to prosecute war crimes committed by U.S. nationals.

My comment: The US government will not do this. War crimes committed by an ally (and by US citizens for an ally) just are no war crimes. That’s it.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* A T)

Both al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) claimed attacks against al Houthi forces in al Bayda, a governorate in central Yemen southeast of the country’s capital, Sana’a. AQAP claimed the attack killed twelve al Houthi forces and injured others. Local sources reported the same AQAP attack as tribes defending villages. ISIS claimed an attack against al Houthi forces in Yakal village in Walad Rabi'a district on May 7 [3]

(A T)

#IslamicState in #Yemen issues a 15 image photoset of "food preparation for the mujahidin". Well, if you can't win hearts & minds, try stomachs. After all, there's a famine looming... (photos)

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1 (letzter Artikel / last article)

(A P)

ERC oorganises third mass wedding in Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, organised, on Thursday, the third group wedding in Al Mukalla, Hadramaut Governorate, as part of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, to hold a series of weddings to benefit 2,400 brides and grooms in eight Yemeni governorates.

Major General Faraj Salmeen Al Bahsani, Governor of Hadramaut, and an ERC delegation attended the event.

My comment: This is propagagated as humanitarian help here. Otherwhere for weddings in Yemen, the UAE and their Saudi coalition allies supply the fireworks, killing the bride and many guests.

(A P)

Krieg im Jemen: „Wir haben das Recht, uns zu verteidigen“

Oberst Turki Al-Malki von der saudi-arabischen Armee ist seit Juli 2017 der Sprecher der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition, die einen Krieg gegen die Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen führt.

Al-Malki: Das Hauptziel der Luftangriffe der Koalition ist es, die jemenitischen Streitkräfte bei ihrem Kampf gegen den Houthi-Rebellen zu unterstützen. Wir sind daher keine Befreiungsarmee, sondern nur eine unterstützende Kraft. Was auch immer nötig ist, werden wir umsetzten, um den Streitkräften zu helfen, mehr Land zu befreien. Die genaue Zahl der Luftangriffe kann ich aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht sagen, aber ihre Zahl ist sehr hoch. Wir wollen damit die militärischen Fähigkeiten der Rebellen neutralisieren oder vernichten. Wir werden weiterhin die jemenitische Armee unterstützen, um die legitime jemenitische Regierung wieder einzusetzen.

Die Koalition hat sich dem LOAC (Law Of Armed Conflict, Humanitäres Kriegsvölkerrecht, Anm.) verpflichtet und implementiert hohe Standards, wenn es um das Anvisieren von Zielen geht. Es gibt Vorwürfe, dass zivile Ziele getroffen wurden. Wir als Koalition sind da sehr offen und überprüfen jeden Vorwurf intern. Wenn sich herausstellt, dass wir etwas mit diesen Vorfällen zu tun haben, dann werden wir uns dazu bekennen und Verantwortung übernehmen. Es gibt keine Kriege ohne zivile Opfer. Wir tun aber alles in unserer Macht, diese zu vermeiden.

Die iranische Regierung hat kein wirkliches Interesse am Jemen. Für sie ist das Land ein großes Experimentierfeld für ihre Waffentechnologien. Sie wollen Chaos in der Region stiften. Aber sie wollen auch dem Golf-Kooperationsrat entgegenwirken und nutzen den Jemen als Frontlinie. Erst wenn der Iran aufhört, Waffen zu den Houthi zu schmuggeln, wird der Jemen sicher sein.

Saudi-Arabien und die Koalition haben das Recht, sich gemäß internationalem Recht zu verteidigen.

Mein Kommentar: Ein Propaganda-Potpourri.

(A P)

Socotra: The Galapagos of the Indian Ocean

The UAE Red Crescent was among the first aid organisations to arrive after the cyclones.

Cargo planes brought food, medicines and blankets. The UAE built a humanitarian corridor from UAE cities to affected areas on the island.

Thousands of displaced people were sheltered in tents as the UAE Red Crescent mobile clinics provided vital medical assistance.

Months after the cyclones, the agency began rebuilding schools, hospitals, roads and distributed 100 boats to Yemeni fishermen who lost their boats.

The island has recently been in the news as its residents have rallied in support of UAE presence on the island which has been essential in providing much needed humanitarian aid and rebuilding damaged infrastructure.

The rallies came in response to false media reports criticising the UAE presence there and likening it to an occupation.

(A P)

‘Yemen is bleeding’: Minister’s plea to UN food forum

The war in Yemen has made “the whole country bleed,” a Yemeni minister told a conference on eliminating hunger in conflict zones.

Othman Hussein Faid Mujali, Yemen’s minister of agriculture and irrigation, said the September day in 2014 when the Houthis mounted their coup was “the worst moment in our history.”

Addressing the Near East Regional Conference at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, Mujali said: “The Houthis have destroyed all that Yemen has achieved. They made the whole country bleed. Transport, services, health, education, water, electricity — all added to our indignity.”

My comment: The most destructions in Yemen had been “achieved” by the Saudi coalition. The Houthi “coup” certainly is not “the worst moment in our history.” Coups do happen quite often, many had been much worse than the Houthi coup, just look here: , and many are omitted in these list, as Ukraine 2014.

(A P)

Houthi leader seeks to escape to Iran

The Houthi armed group’s leader is searching for an escape route to Iran in a bid to avoid being assassinated, Yemen Today reported. “Unannounced” moves by Houthi officials seek to relocate Abdul Malik Al-Houthi from Saada governorate as the Yemen National Army (YNA) marches towards his hometown in Maran.

According to Yemen Today, sources have speculated that Abdul Malik Al-Houthi would leave for Iran with the support of Iranian intelligence officers, to prevent any pre-mediated assassination by the Saudi-led coalition.

The Saudi-led coalition executed air raids on Abdul Malik Al-Houthi’s headquarters and forced him to flee to mountainous areas in northern Yemen in recent days.

My comment: This certainly is propaganda. Why he should do so??

(A P)

Nach US-Ausstieg aus Atomdeal: Saudi-Arabien schließt eigene Atomwaffen nicht aus

Der saudische Außenminister Adel bin Achmed al-Dschubeir hat in einem Interview mit dem TV-Sender CNN erläutert, wie sein Land auf eine mögliche Entwicklung von Atomwaffen durch den Iran reagieren wird.

„Wir werden alles tun, um unser Volk zu schützen", sagte er. „Wir haben deutlich zu verstehen gegeben: Falls der Iran eine Möglichkeit bekommen wird, einen Nuklearwaffenschlag zu versetzen, werden wir alles Mögliche unternehmen, um dasselbe zu tun", so der Außenminister.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia 'Will Build a Bomb Itself' if Iran Acquires Nukes, Foreign Minister Warns

'If Iran acquires nuclear capability we will do everything we can to do the same,' Saudi Arabia's foreign minister says

Saudi Arabia will reportedly start developing its own nuclear weapons if Iran chooses to do so, its foreign minister said.

Speaking to CNN on Wednesday, Adel al-Jubeir said that Riyadh would “build a bomb itself” if Iran takes advantage of U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the landmark accord with Iran. “If Iran acquires nuclear capability we will do everything we can to do the same," Jubeir said.

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister also called out Iran's role in Yemen, where it is supplying rebels with ballistic miisiles. “These missiles are Iranian manufactured and delivered to the Houthis. Such behavior is unacceptable. It violates UN Resolutions with regards to ballistic missiles. And the Iranians must be held accountable for this,” Jubeir told CNN. and also

(A P)

UAE's Gargash slams critics of Arab coalition's role in Yemen

Dr Gargash said that there are entities that seek to undermine the efforts of the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Iran-backed rebels

UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash slammed on Thursday critics of the Arab coalition’s role in Yemen.

“We find odd these days, with the great military progress and international political pressure and the weakening of the enemy, those who say that the UAE has greedy ambitions in Yemen,” he tweeted.

“The pure blood of our martyrs that the UAE has offered as part of the Arab coalition in the war for freedom and stability is proof of our commitment to Yemen and its people and to regional stability.

“These are sacrifices that have contributed to defeating the Houthis and preventing them from being victorious.”

Dr Gargash said that there are entities that seek to undermine the efforts of the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Iran-backed rebels in Yemen at the request of Yemeni President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi’s internationally-recognised government.

“We must all be vigilant of those who seek to undermine efforts and who want to maintain their own personal and militia interests,” he said.

My comment: Hey, you try to deviate: It’s about the UAE occupation of Socotra, not about the Houthis.

(A K P)

Saada Tribes Tighten Their Grip on Houthi Stronghold

Yemen’s Saada-based tribes confirmed on Wednesday their absolute rejection of the Iranian-backed Houthi coup and expressed determination to continue fighting alongside Yemen’s Aden-based government.
Local tribes in Saada, which is one of the coup’s vital strongholds, pledging loyalty to the internationally-recognized government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi delivers a sizable blow to coup forces.

My comment: “Saada tribes”?? This sounds like propaganda claiming local support for the Saudi case – in the region which had been most relentlessly bombed by the Saudis.

(A P)

Yemen Army Detects Iranian Experts in Sanaa, Hodeidah

The Yemeni army estimated that some 150 Iranian experts were currently present in the capital Sanaa where they are tasked with bolstering the Houthi militias’ military capabilities in wake of their field losses on all battlefronts.
Yemeni army spokesman Abdo Majali told Asharq Al-Awsat that confessions from prisoners detained on the battlefield revealed that some 110 Iranian experts were in Sanaa and 40 others were in al-Hodeidah.
They have entered Yemen through illegal means, he said. The Houthis exploited the revolution and illegally granted them access to Saada. Others came to Yemen when the militias were in control of Sanaa international airport.
At the time, there were a total of some 14 daily flights from Tehran, he stated.
Currently, these experts are working on training the militias and developing all sorts of weapons to allow them to withstand the assault on Hodeidah and Saada, added Majali. and also

My comment: An old propaganda story, warmed up again. And again claiming these Iranians entered Yemen via Sanaa airport when there were civil flights from Teheran. Coming this way, hardly would have been “illegal”. – Also be aware of the difference between headline (“detect”) and report (“estimated”). LOL.

(A P)

In his Interview with “Le Figaro”, Lamlas Says: “The Council is Facing Public Pressure to Force his Authority and our Security Systems and Southern Elites Are Keeping Security and Fighting Terrorism”

Lamlas said: “southern security systems, and above all the security belt and elites’ forces, are in control and play a major role in keeping security and fighting terrorism”. As for the services, he said: “the government failed in this file although it has all necessary resources”. He added that the council did not force his authority till now although the council is facing massive public pressure to do so because of the poor conditions under which the country is living. He also said: “If our brothers in Saudi Arabia and UAE did not interfere at the last moment last January, the government would be now under trial in international courts because of its crimes against the southern people”.

My comment: This is southern separatists’ propaganda.

(A P)

Arab Coalition Air Forces Target Al-Houthi Leaders in the presidential Palace in Sanaa

My comment: This is what Southern separatists’ propaganda is making out of the Saudi coalition raid at Sanaa (YPR 411, cp1c).

(A P)

UAE Press: Time to end Houthi atrocities in Yemen

A UAE newspaper has said that with each passing day, Iranian-backed Houthi militias in Yemen are facing heavy losses both in lives and equipment. Successive defeats are forcing them to flee the front lines.

"The war, imposed by the Houthi rebels, has had a severe impact on the Yemeni people and on the country’s economy," said The Gulf Today in an editorial on Thursday.

The paper continued, "Owing to their arrogance, the Houthis are refusing to learn lessons and are only increasing the agony of the common Yemeni citizens who are suffering more and more. The militias have proved time and again that they do not want to give peace any chance at all.

"Iran’s involvement in providing the Houthi militias with qualitative potentials, in a flagrant defiance of the international community, to jeopardise Saudi stability and security in particular and the regional as well as world security, is deplorable.

(A P)

Missiles Fired at Saudi Arabia Signal Support for Iran by Its Proxies

Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen fired a barrage of missiles into Saudi Arabia, an early indication that Iran’s allies in the Middle East are flexing their muscles on behalf of Tehran

Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen fired a barrage of missiles into Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, an early indication that Iran’s allies in the Middle East are likely to flex their muscles in a show of support for their patron—risking a wider conflict.

Saudi Arabia’s air-defense systems intercepted four ballistic missiles, two of which targeted Riyadh, and two launched towards the southern cities of Jizan and Najran, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

The attacks, which caused no casualties, came hours after President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the nuclear deal with Iran, paving the way for the reintroduction of crushing economic sanctions on the country.

“They’ll want to show there is support for Iran in the region,” said a Saudi official. “In the short and medium term it will get worse, but then it will be done.”

My comment: This is totally odd propagandashowing a quite twisted view of the events.. These Houthi missies were fired as a response tot he heavy saudi air raid against Sanaa and have nothing to do at all with Iran. This is a crazy effort to construct a connection where there is none.

(A P)

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir says his country “will do whatever it takes to protect (its) people” if Iran restarts its nuclear weapons program, including developing its own nuclear weapons capability

(A P)

More Saudi / UAE “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day:

May 8:

(A K pH)

3 women killed in 2 Saudi-led airstrikes on Sanaa

Three women were killed and another was injured when the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition on Thursday launched two air strikes on a farm in Sanaa province, an official told Saba News Agency.
The air strikes targeted the farm in Eial-Mohammaed village, damaging it and civilians’ properties, said the official.

(A K pH)

Coalition warplanes destroy glass factory in Sanaa

The US-backed, Saudi-led aggression coalition fighter jets destroyed on Thursday a glass factory in Nehm district of Sanaa province, a local official told Saba.
The warplanes hit the factory located in Thoma area three times, which led to destroying it, the official said.
He added that it is the first glass factory in Yemen, and targeting it reveals that the coalition is deliberately destroying infrastructure and economic installations in Yemen.

film: =

(A K pH)

Civilian killed, 3 injured in bomb blast in Hodaida

A citizen was killed and three others wounded on Thursday in a bomb explosion in Tuhaita district of Hodaida province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency.
The bomb is a remnant of the weapons dropped by Saudi-led coalition warplanes on the coastal area of Alhayma in Tuhaita district

(* A K pH)

2 children, 4 civilians killed in 2 Saudi-led airstrikes on Sanaa

Six civilians were killed, including children, and other six injures in an initial toll on Thursday in two Saudi-led aggression airstrikes on Sanaa province, an official told Saba News Agency.

The two airstrikes targeted a civilian’s home in Azraqen area of Hamdan district.

The father, Abd alRahman al-Raisi, his wife and two of their children were killed and others four of their children were injured in the aggression airstrikes.

Two civilians were killed by the two airstrikes , one of them was in a nearby shop and the other a restaurant owner, and others two were injured while they were on a heavy vehicle.

The official said, the warplanes of aggression prevented rescuing the victims because it continued to fly in the skies of the region.

The numbers of deaths are more likely to increase as the rescue teams still searching for possible survivors from under the rubble, the official added.


(* A K)

Yemeni officials say Saudi-led coalition airstrike kills 6

Yemeni officials say a suspected Saudi-led coalition airstrike has killed six people, including children, near the rebel-held capital, Sanaa.

The medical officials say Thursday's airstrike hit a house and a nearby shop, wounding six others.


(* A K pH)

An initial toll of the bloody explosion in Al-Azraq area in Sana'a


1- Abdulrahman Abdu Ali Al-Risi (father).

2 - the girl Farah (daughter).

3 - the child Samoud (daughter).

4 - Wafa Ali Ali Al-Risi (mother).

5- Abdul Salam Al-Harazi (he was inside the shop in the same house).

6 - citizen (owner of a restaurant killed by shrapnel). and names of those killed (6) and injured (6)


(* A K pH)

Early hours of today: Another entire family was killed by another double tap strikes on a home NW #Sanaa #Yemen

6 civilians were killed inc A father A mother and their 3 children

6 others were injured inc 4 kids (photos)

Father is still under rubbles untill now : noon Thursday from midnight yesterday! (photos)

He miraculously survived! But, all his other 3 siblings,father & mother were killed. The responders pulled him out alive, as you can see in the pic, from under the rubbles of their house (photos)

and more photos in better quality:

and more photos

and films by Almasirah 432 245

and more films:

Watch this heartbreaking video of an injured young girl under the rubble asking for saving her life and a water to drink, she feels pain and thirsty


(* A K)

Shocking video shows terrified Yemeni children dragged from rubble after Saudi-led bombing (GRAPHIC)

Distressing video footage has captured the moment rescuers scrambled to help Yemeni children trapped under piles of rubble following an airstrike. The agonizing scenes are the latest grim chapter in a war ignored by MSM.

The children are victims of an attack on the Hamdan district of Sanaa, which Yemeni officials have blamed on the Saudi-led coalition that has been carrying out a military campaign for the last three years.

Children are seen crying for help and clambering to escape from under tons of concrete and twisted steel. Frantic adults are desperately trying to comfort and assist them as they scramble to free themselves from the wreckage of the destroyed buildings. (film)

(A K pH)

Aggression warplanes wage 2 raids on capital Sanaa

The warplanes waged a strike on Sanaa International Airport and another on Asir mount

(* A K pH)

5 of Family members killed in Saudi-led airstrike on Yemen’s Saada

Five members of a family on Wednesday were killed when the US-backed Saudi-led coalition aggression waged a strike on Saada province, a security official told Saba News Agency.
A mother and her four children were killed when the airstrike hit their home in Dhahian city of Majaz district, the official said.

#Saada: woman and her four children were killed in an air strike on the house of a citizen in Majz district of Dahyan.



(A K pH)

Air strikes on #Sanaa International Airport and an air strike on heavy transport in Aser in Sanaa.

(A K pH)

Child killed in cluster bomb in Saada

A child was killed, a man and his woman were seriously injured on Wednesday, when a cluster bomb, earlier dropped by Saudi-led warplanes, exploded in Saada province, a security official told Saba News Agency. The bomb exploded in Razih district

The child was not killed, only injured:


(* A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

May 11: Saada p.

May 10: Hajjah p. Saada p.

May 9: Hajjah p.

(* B K pH)

More pics of #Saudi #UAE double tap strikes on wedding in Bani Qais in #Hajah province NW #Yemen Entire families just vanished in seconds by a #US bomb ..
33 dead
55 injured
30 children were among the casualties

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K pH)

Yemeni ballistic missile targets Saudi military base in Najran

Yemeni army forces, supported by allied fighters from Popular Committees, have fired a domestically-manufactured ballistic missile at a military base in Saudi Arabia’s southern border region of Najran in retaliation for the Saudi-led military strikes against their country, a Yemeni media report says. and also

(* A K pH)

Al Houthi forces launched a Zilzal 2 ballistic missile targeting Saudi-led coalition troops at the Alab border crossing on the Saudi-Yemeni border in Asir region, southern Saudi Arabia on May 10.[3]

(A K pH)

Woman killed, child wounded by mercenaries’ fires in Jawf

The mercenaries targeted the civilians’ homes and farms in Muton district.

(A K pS)

Governmental forces seized control of AlHaima port and Kahboob

The governmental armed force seized control on AlHaima port south – Hodeida, at the same time of freeing Kahbob - north east Lahj.

Our sources at the ground said the governmental forces advanced toward AlHaima port north to KhoKha and toward Tahtita precinct, the ongoing confrontations killed 12 Houthis and injured other 17, 8 from the governmental forces killed and injured 8 others.

(B K pS)

Arab Coalition Hits Houthi Checkpoint-Turned-Recruitment Centers

Arab Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki told Asharq Al-Awsat on Thursday that Coalition forces targeted Houthi checkpoints as part of military efforts to undermine the rebels and support the legitimate Yemeni government.
Yemeni military sources said Houthis are using checkpoints to terrorize citizens and recruit young men by force of arms.

(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition-backed National Resistance Forces and Southern Giants Brigade forces advanced into southern al Hudaydah governorate on Yemen’s Red Sea coast on May 11. Yemeni National Resistance Forces led by the nephew of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Tariq Saleh, attacked al Houthi forces as they advanced toward al Jarahi district in al Hudaydah, north of al Khawkhah city, on May 11. Southern Giants Brigade forces advanced towards Hima port in al Tuhayat district in southwestern al Hudaydah on May 11. National Resistance Forces and Southern Giants Brigade forces secured major roads and cities leading from Taiz governorate to al Hudaydah governorate before their advance. [1]

(A K pS)

Houthi leader Taha Al Shahari and his 38 accomplices killed in Yemen

Houthi leader Taha Mohammed Abdul Rahman Al Shahari and thirty eight of his companions - members of the Iranian-backed militias - were killed during confrontations with the Yemeni Resistance Forces in the Hayes Front and the Tuhayat District south of Yemen's Hodeidah Governorate.

In an undeclared state of emergency, rebel members in the city of Hodeidah have called for blood donations due to the significant numbers wounded in their ranks as a result of the severe blows they are witnessing.

Remark: As claimed by the Emirati news agency.

(A K pS)

Breaking News: 60 Houthi militia fighters killed in Yemen's Red Sea Coast

60 fighters of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia were killed over the last two days in airstrikes launched by the fighter jets of the Arab Collation and confrontations with the Yemeni National Resistance Forces, Brigades al-'Amalaqah and Tihama Forces in Yemen's Red Sea Coast.

Remark: as claimed by Emirati news agency.

(A K pS)

Six #civilians, including a #child were injured due to #Houthi shelling that targeted the houses of citizens in the district of Hays in the port city of #Hodeidah. (photo)

(A K pH)

Saada province: missile and artillery shells were fired toward several areas of Munabeh, Dhahr districts and Ghor area of Ghamer border district

(* A K)

Al Houthi forces fired a Badr 1 short-range ballistic missile targeting a Saudi information headquarters in Najran regionin southern LOCATIONSaudi ArabiaTHE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA IS A COUNTRY ON THE ARABIAN PENI...Saudi Arabia on May 9. Colonel Turki al Maliki, the Saudi-led coalition spokesman, announced that the missile landed in an unpopulated desert area in Najran on May 9.[3]

(* A K)

Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen fire missiles at Saudi capital

Yemen’s Houthis fired a salvo of ballistic missiles at Saudi Arabia’s capital on Wednesday - an attack Saudi authorities said they intercepted in the skies over Riyadh.

The assault took place a day after Saudi Arabia’s top Western ally the United States pulled out of a deal with Iran over its disputed nuclear program and could signal an uptick in tensions between Riyadh and regional rival Tehran.

The Houthis said the missiles were launched at economic targets in Riyadh, the group’s al-Masirah TV reported. At least four blasts were heard in the city center, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

Colonel Turki al-Malki, spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, said in a statement that Saudi air defenses had intercepted one missile, with another falling in an uninhabited desert south of the city.

(* A K pH)

Army launched scores of ballistic missiles on economic targets in Riyadh

The missile force of the army and popular forces launched scores of ballistic missiles on economic targets in Riyadh, a military official told Saba.
The missile force shelled the dry port and other economic targets in Riyadh with scores of Borkan H2 ballistic missiles, the official said on Tuesday. and reuters report

(* A K pS)

Saudi air defences intercept two missiles over Riyadh

Saudi Arabia's air defenses intercepted two ballistic missiles over the capital Riyadh on Wednesday, state television said, the latest in a series of attacks claimed by rebels in neighboring Yemen.

Two explosions were heard in the city, according to an AFP photographer.

A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition said Saudi air defences hours earlier had also intercepted a ballistic missile originating from Yemen and targeting Saudi Arabia's southern city of Jizan.

Yemen's Huthi rebels quickly claimed responsibility for attacking "Riyadh Dry Port and other economic targets" in the Saudi capital with Burkan 2H ballistic missiles.

The rebels also claimed the Jizan attack, via their Al-Masirah TV.

(A K pH)

Army shoots two US-Saudi reconnaissance planes in Jizan

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B H)

Playing football in war

It was a miracle to see Yemen – a war-torn country — have a national team let alone progress in competitions without the usual home stadium, fans and access to transportation. The national team of Yemen, against all odds, advanced to the group stages of the Asian Cup with Ethiopia-born coach, Abraham Meberatu, at the helm. After registering a win against the Maldives in the play-off round, Yemen was grouped with the Philippines, Tajikistan and Nepal. During the qualification, Abraham’s team won one and drew five collecting 10 points. Due to the war raging in the country for the past three years, the Yemen national team made Qatar its home base. Abraham has managed various clubs including Ethiopian Grain FC, Customs FC, Nyala FC, Wonji Sugar FC, Ethiopia Coffee and Ethiopian Insurance FC. He has also served as the assistant coach for the Ethiopian youth and national team. After his move to Yemen, he was appointed coach Al-Hilal FC in 2006. Since then, he has worked in various positions such as a technical director, coach for the Olympic national team and a coach for the senior national team. Dawit Tolesa of The Reporter sat down with Abraham to discuss his journey and his next plan. Excerpts:

(B C)

Yemen in the 1930s

The Italian Orientalist Ettore Rossi is best known for his grammar of the Ṣan‘ā’ dialect, L’Arabo Parlato a Ṣan‘ā’ (Roma: Instituto per l-Oriente, 1939), but he also took photographs during his visits to Yemen in the 1930s. Several of these are preserved at the Europeana Collections website. Here are some samples.

(* B H P)

Young Arabs vote the UAE as best place to live

ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey 2018 also reveals strong support among young Emiratis for VAT and full report

Comment: Burson-Marsteller is the TOP #SaudiArabia PR agency and heavily involved in the Gulf

'The ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey conducted 3,500 face-to-face interviews with men and women aged 18-24 in 16 Arab nations during January and February'.

According to the web-page, only #Syria has been left out because of the war while #Yemen has been included.

We ask: has anyone in Yemen ever been interviewed face-to-face?

Palestine is reported with an asterisk (*) but no note is visible

Young Arabs see Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as a strong leader who will shape the next decade (Burson-Marsteller, remember!)

3.500 youths interviewed on 16 countries (300+ mln people) has, indeed, little value

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-411 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-411: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

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