Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 417 - Yemen War Mosaic 417

Yemen Press Reader 417: 30.5.2018: Lebensmittelimporte u. -märkte im Jemen–USA: Imperiale Kriegslogik; Imperium von Angst u. Krieg–Wahabismus u. der Westen–Projekt Titania–Offensive vor Hodeidah

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Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Offensive gegen Hodeidah / Most important: Offensive against Hodeidah

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

cp18a Cyclone Mekunu

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K)

Yemen cannot wait for aid any longer

Global actors must urgently provide assistance as the war-torn country grapples with a shattered healthcare system

Once labelled "the forgotten war" for its lack of international attention, Yemen's conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis so vast it is now impossible to ignore. Due to its rapid growth and devastating nature, there is an urgent need to contain it.

In response to an increased awareness of Yemenis' suffering, aid groups have been bravely operating amid battle lines, aiming to relieve the suffering of those in desperate need, despite various obstructions.

Before the war, Yemen was already the poorest Arab country, with the three-year conflict plunging it into further anguish. Its unprecedented cholera outbreak - with more than a million cases - surpasses all other known epidemics of the disease in history, a sign of Yemen's collapsed healthcare system. Around half of the country’s health facilities have stopped working or are dysfunctional.

Other diseases, such as diphtheria, are spreading rapidly. Abdulaziz al-Sabri, a Taiz-based journalist, said that since cleaners have gone unpaid and stopped working, public health has further deteriorated.

Millions are malnourished, including nearly two million children under five who are acutely or severely acutely malnourished - yet those suffering cannot receive vital aid. Saudi Arabia's blockade prevents essential goods from freely entering the country, while the war atmosphere prevents aid within the country from reaching civilian areas.

International crisis

Yemen's war is international, and it therefore requires an international solution.

An outright victory for either side is nearly impossible. The Saudi-led coalition has relentless military support from the US, the UK and France, while rebel forces remain surprisingly strong. Neither side wants to concede ground.

While the UK should take a leading role in the crisis, as Yemen's penholder in the UN Security Council, it has neglected this duty. Its most recent use of its power was a UNSC resolutionaimed at condemning Iranian influence in Yemen, rather than focusing on a ceasefire or on the unrestricted entry of aid. The UK government alone will not solve Yemen’s healthcare crisis.

Greater lobbying from activist groups and politicians is crucial to pressuring regimes, such as the UK and the US, from ending weapons sales and political consent to the Saudi-led coalition.

Global actors must address this chaotic episode of history as urgently as possible to minimise further suffering and prevent a tsunami of deaths. Yemen cannot wait any longer by Jonathan Fenton-Harvey

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H)

World Bank: Yemen: Securing Imports of Essential Food Commodities to Yemen: An Assessment of Constraints and Options for Intervention

A new report published by the World Bank examines the financial and logistical constraints the private sector is facing to importing basic food commodities into Yemen. The report offers solutions to facilitate food imports and ease the food security and humanitarian crises in the country. Priority interventions include the scale-up of income support measures to ease the burden on the Yemeni population and provide support to strengthen the resilience of the food import value chain against rising costs and risks. The recommended interventions are also expected to help recovery efforts and improve the effectiveness and delivery of humanitarian, reconstruction, and recovery activities.

Yemen’s very difficult economic challenges before the current conflict cannot be compared to the intensely critical situation the country is facing today. Yemen has become the site of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Food and fuel imports were severely affected and vital hydrocarbon exports fell, triggering a shortage of availability of foreign currency and causing inflation to accelerate.

The situation in Yemen is now at emergency levels, and the international community is rightly alarmed by the rapid deterioration of humanitarian conditions and concerns about disruptions in food supply. An estimated 17.8 million Yemenis, 60 percent of the population, are food insecure and require urgent humanitarian assistance. Approximately 9.4 million people are in an immediate crisis while 8.4 million more are on the brink of famine.

A new report, Securing Imports of Essential Food Commodities to Yemenexamines the financial and logistical constraints the private sector is facing to importing basic food commodities, including wheat, flour and rice. The report offers solutions to help facilitate the import of food and other essential goods to ease the humanitarian conditions in Yemen.

Yemen depends almost entirely on imports to meet the local market demand for its staple food commodities. Those imports are secured almost entirely by the private sector which have shown great resilience and have been successful in sustaining the continued supply of those commodities into the country. However, despite their ability to date, these market mechanisms could fail due to rising costs and risks.

According to the report, the biggest challenge to food security in Yemen is weakened demand. Food importers, wholesalers and retailers have identified the drop in purchasing power as a key challenge to their businesses. The majority of the population have lost their sources of income, which has resulted in the near-famine conditions that are present today. The coping mechanisms of a large part of the population have changed due to the decrease in purchasing power. Today, an increased number of people resort to increased levels of borrowing for food consumption as well as reliance on income support from humanitarian aid or remittances.

Access to foreign exchange (FX) has emerged as a key constraint faced by food importers, with limited availability and rising costs being the most pressing challenges. Additionally, difficulties withdrawing and transferring bank funds have eroded trust in the banking system and contributed to the rise of money exchanges as the major provider of finance – which comes with greater costs and risks. Finally, food importers are facing logistical challenges that include the disruption of access to key ports such as Al-Hodeida, Aden, and Saleef and rising costs due to delays in obtaining clearances for incoming shipments. =

(** B H)

World Food Programme: Food Markets in the Time of Conflict and Cholera - Rapid Market assessment in Yemen (Sana’a, Hodeidah and Hajjah)

The crisis in Yemen is among the most serious and complex in the world with over 7 million people are assisted by the World Food Programme (WFP). In November 2017, rapid market assessments were conducted in the cities of Sana’a, Hodeidah and Hajjah to evaluate a potential scale-up of the current commodity voucher system and the feasibility of introducing cash-based transfers to broaden the portfolio of food assistance programming.

This report presents three possible scenarios. The first is the ‘baseline scenario’, which reflects conditions up until October 2017; the second is the ‘blockade scenario’, which arose in November 2017 when airport and seaport access to and from northern Yemen was closed; and the third is the ‘crisis scenario’, referring to when armed clashes burst out in the streets of Sana’a in December 2017.

In the report we discuss the political and economic situation in Yemen; availability of food through local production, imports and stocks; the general functioning of the supply chain; and price analysis including the minimum expenditure basket.

Under the ‘baseline scenario’, despite all challenges faced by the commercial sector, the market environment in the assessed locations seemed vibrant enough to support a gradual scaleup of value-based vouchers, mainly in Sana’a city. It could possibly support a gradual shift to cash-based interventions using the existing network of traders. The challenges identified were primarily associated with the substantial economic slowdown and the fragile business environment, in which the Central Bank of Yemen is split into two independent ‘branches’ that pursue different monetary policies, and the commercial banking system is scarcely able to support the private sector. Traders often bypass banks in favour of the more agile moneyexchanger system, which is mostly based on remittance flows. Yet worrying levels of local currency depreciation challenge all business activities. UN agencies contended with significant exchange rate losses, especially before working at a negotiated exchange rate.

When the blockade came into force, the situation changed dramatically. The most striking effect was the almost immediate lack of fuel in the country, with diesel and petrol prices doubling in some cases, as stocks were estimated to last for just a couple of weeks. By contrast, wheat stocks were sufficient to meet consumption needs for three months, so the price rise for wheat flour was more contained. However, the combination of the rising exchange rate and fuel prices would make future food price rises more likely. According to our estimates, an increase of 1 percent in diesel prices could trigger up to a 10 percent increase in the price of wheat flour within six months in Sana’a. An appreciation of the US dollar would lead to a 3 percent increase in the same time frame. It is not clear how far the commercial sector could adapt to this scenario, as the imposed move from the Red Sea ports to Aden would force them to reorganize their supply chain, which would require political support unless they are one of the few major importers operating in Yemen. In any case, the port of Aden does not seem equipped to fully substitute the activities of the Red Sea ports on account of its limited capacity of handling containers and the milling volume potential. If operations were to shift entirely to Aden, WFP would have to evaluate the appropriateness of the current commodity voucher system. According to WFP price monitoring, both nominal and real prices rose significantly between November 2017 and January 2018, suggesting that food supply chains have not yet adapted to the new political situation. and in full

(** B P)

Die Logik imperialer Kriege

Wie lassen sich die amerikanischen Kriege der letzten Jahrzehnte rational erklären? Die folgende Analyse zeigt anhand des Modells der Professoren David Sylvan und Stephen Majeski, dass diese Kriege auf einer eigenen, genuin imperialen Handlungslogik basieren. Eine besondere Rolle kommt dabei dem traditionellen Mediensystem zu.

Aufgrund ihrer ökonomischen und militärischen Vormachtstellung nehmen die USA seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und insbesondere seit 1990 die Rolle eines modernen Imperiums ein. Hieraus ergibt sich für ihre Außenpolitik eine eigene, genuin imperiale Handlungslogik (siehe obige Abbildung).

Die zentrale Unterscheidung (Nr. 1) aus Sicht eines Imperiums ist dabei jene in Klientel- und Nicht-Klientelstaaten. Der Begriff des Klientelstaates stammt aus der Zeit des Römischen Reiches und bezeichnet Staaten, die sich grundsätzlich selbst verwalten, ihre Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik aber am Imperium ausrichten und ihre Regierungsnachfolge mit diesem abstimmen.

Bei bestehenden Klientelstaaten (linke Seite des Diagramms) geht es aus imperialer Sicht entweder um die Routine-Verwaltung (B – bspw. Schweiz und Österreich), eine militärische oder nicht-militärische (z.B. ökonomische) Unterstützung (D bis I – bspw. Kolumbien und Pakistan), oder aber um den Versuch, inakzeptable Klientelregierungen demokratisch oder militärisch zu ersetzen (A – bspw. Griechenland 1967, Chile 1973, ev. auch Deutschland 2005 und Türkei 2016). In gewissen Fällen kann sich eine Klientelregierung trotz imperialer Unterstützung nicht mehr an der Macht halten und muss fallen­gelassen bzw. der Klientelstaat aufgegeben werden (C, F, G – bspw. Südvietnam 1975 oder Iran 1979).

Bei Nicht-Klientelstaaten (rechte Seite des Diagramms) ergibt sich eine andere Ausgangslage. Gerät eine Region neu in den Einflussbereich des Imperiums, so wird es zunächst versuchen, die entsprechenden Staaten auf friedliche Weise als Klientelstaaten zu erwerben (J). Dies war beispielsweise der Fall in Osteuropa und dem Baltikum nach 1990.

Weigert sich ein Staat hingegen, Klientelstaat zu werden, so gerät er früher oder später zum Feindstaat, da er den Hegemonialanspruch des Imperiums allein durch seine Unabhängigkeit und Eigenständigkeitin Frage stellt und damit die innere und äußere Stabilität des Imperiums bedroht. Denn ein Imperium, das seinen Hegemonialanspruch nicht mehr durchsetzen kann, zerfällt. Auf diese Weise geraten die meisten Imperien in einen beinahe unvermeidlichen Expansionszwang, dem sich selbst grundsätzlich friedliche Staaten nicht entziehen können.

Bei Feindstaaten muss das Imperium zunächst entscheiden, ob eine militärische Aktionerfolgsversprechend ist oder nicht (Nr. 11). Falls nicht, wird das Imperium möglicherweise Verhandlungen aufnehmen und je nach Erfolgsaussicht entweder den Feindstatus beenden (K) oder aber Sanktionen verhängen bzw. einen (zivilen) Regimewechsel anstreben (L).

Typische Beispiele hierfür sind derzeit etwa der Iran, Nordkorea, Russland und zunehmend China. Nicht zufällig sind dies meist Staaten, die Nuklearwaffen besitzen oder anstreben, denn nur damit lässt sich die entscheidende Weiche Nr. 11 nachhaltig von militärischen auf nicht-militärische Szenarien umlegen. Wichtig ist zudem die Verfügbarkeit von essentiellen Rohstoffen wie Öl und Gas, da sich ansonsten die eigene Unabhängigkeit längerfristig nicht aufrecht erhalten lässt.

Beurteilt das Imperium eine militärische Aktion hingegen als erfolgsversprechend, so stellt sich als nächstes die Frage, ob der Feindstaat bzw. seine Regierung internationale Legitimität besitzt oder nicht (Nr. 13). Im ersten Fall wird das Imperium eine verdeckte feindliche Intervention vorbereiten, im zweiten Fall ist eine offene feindliche Intervention möglich. Dabei kann die autokratische Regierungsform vieler Feindstaaten genutzt werden, um ihnen die internationale Legitimität abzusprechen.

Zu den verdeckten feindlichen Interventionen zählen insbesondere der Staatsstreich (M – z.B. Iran 1953, Ägypten 1956) sowie die verdeckte Unterstützung von Rebellen (N – z.B. Afghanistan 1979ff) oder Exilgruppen (O – z.B. Kuba 1961ff). Es sind dies klassische Geheimdienstoperationen.

Die imperiale Handlungslogik ist grundsätzlich unabhängig von der jeweils amtierenden US-Regierung.


(** B P)

Ein Imperium, das im In- und Ausland Angst verbreitet und vom Kriegsfieber befallen ist

Angst lähmt unser ganzes Land! Wo wird das enden?

Ein auf Angst erbautes Imperium

Vorherrschaft ist die treibende Kraft der Baumeister des US-Imperiums. Dieses Imperium ruht aber zunehmend auf bröckelnden wirtschaftlichen Fundamenten. Ein Imperium, das errichtet wurde, um die Welt auf lange Dauer zu dominieren, droht nach einer ganzen Reihe militärischer Niederlagen im Ausland vorzeitig unterzugehen und muss sogar schon die eigene Bevölkerung durch Propaganda einschüchtern und in Angst versetzen, um seine Macht erhalten zu können.

Dieses Imperium kann nur überleben, wenn es auch die eigene Bevölkerung durch die Erzeugung von Angst in Schach hält.

Da die aus allenfalls 1 % aller US-Bürger bestehende herrschende Klasse die Weltherrschaft nur noch durch zunehmende Ausbeutung und wachsende Ungleichheit erringen kann, ist die freiwillige Unterordnung der (immer weiter verarmenden) Mehrheit nicht mehr gewährleistet.

Auch die überwiegende Mehrheit der US-Bürger hat das Vertrauen in die herrschende Elite verloren. Die Schulweisheiten von der Demokratie und der Eigenverantwortlichkeit sind unglaubwürdig geworden. Wie sollen Schulkinder in öffentlichen Schulen, die sich in Abstellkammern verkriechen müssen, noch an die von der Verfassung garantierten Bürgerrechte glauben?

Weil die wachsende wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit nicht mehr durch patriotische Ablenkungsmanöver zu überdecken ist, wächst die Unzufriedenheit in der US-Bevölkerung.

Ein Präsident, der seine unterprivilegierten Wähler so enttäuscht, wie Trump das tut, indem er immer mehr seiner Wahlversprechen bricht, kann sich nur durch Panikmache im Amt halten.

Die Angst, die uns lähmt, wird von der herrschenden Klasse erzeugt, von den Massenmedien verstärkt und verbreitet und von örtlichen Meinungsführern im täglichen Umgang mit den Menschen in ihrer Umgebung geschürt. Lehrer und verunsicherte Eltern übertragen ihre Angst auf die Kinder, ohne über den Ursprung und die Absichten nachzudenken, die mit der Angstmacherei verfolgt werden.

Die Mainstream-Medien erwecken täglich den Eindruck, wir seien von Terroristen umzingelt, müssten unsere Wachsamkeit erhöhen, den Polizeistaat weiter ausbauen, die Ausrüstung unserer Polizei mit Kriegswaffen einfach hinnehmen und auch in unseren Nachbarn, Arbeitskollegen und besonders in Kritikern der Herrschenden potenzielle Terroristen und Dschihadisten sehen, die als Immigranten in Büros, Fabriken, Schulen, Kirchen und Wohngegenden „eingeschleust“ wurden. Inzwischen genehmigen sich die uns regierenden Oligarchen massive Steuersenkungen und genießen den größten Zuwachs an Reichtum in der bisherigen Geschichte.werden.

Die Angst lenkt davon ab, dass unsere Imperialisten ständig Krieg führen und mehrere hundert Militärbasen im Ausland betreiben. Jede Kritik, die darauf aufmerksam macht, dass täglich unzählige Menschen sterben müssen oder ihrer Lebensgrundlagen beraubt werden, damit noch mehr Milliarden in die Taschen der herrschenden Klasse wandern können, wird durch Zensur aus der öffentlichen Debatte herausgehalten.

Die Angst durchdringt die ganze Gesellschaft: Weil alle Kommunikationsmittel überwacht und manipuliert werden, schränken die Menschen ihre Kommunikation ein und wagen es aus Angst vor Repressalien nicht mehr, ihre Sorgen und Nöte mit anderen zu besprechen, geschweige denn gemeinsam nach Lösungen zu suchen. Sie leben nach der Devise: Halt deinen Mund und sprich nur noch mit deinen nächsten Verwandten! – von James Petras =

and English version:

(** B K P)

An Empire Built on Fear at Home and Abroad. War Fever is Everywhere

Fear stalks the land! Where will it end?

An Empire Built on Fear

Domination is the driving force of US Empire builders. But today’s empire is built on fragile economic foundations. An Empire, which has aimed to dominate the world for the long duration, now stumbles over a series of military defeats abroad and increasingly relies on instilling fear, intimidation and propaganda on its domestic citizenry to regain its dominance.

Inculcating fear, especially at home, is the method of choice.

Since the ruling class of ‘the 1%’ seeks to maintain its world domination, based on increasing exploitation and widening inequalities, voluntary submission of the majority cannot be taken for granted.

The vast majority of citizens no longer trust the ruling elite. The school lessons in democracy and civic responsibility have lost their credibility. How can public school children, who now cower in closets, believe in citizen and constitutional rights?

Unending economic insecurity and the increasingly phony patriotic sideshows are beginning to stir up popular discontent. Large scale, long-term trillion-dollar bank bailouts and exorbitant military budgets are financed by the slash and burn of workers’ wages, job security, public services and the social safety net. Soaring medical costs are the primary cause of personal bankruptcy among the working and lower middle classes. A physician-pharmaceutical industry fueled opioid addiction crisis is narcotizing millions and killing well over one hundred Americans each day. The unemployed are prescribed multiple mood altering drugs to numb their anxieties about the future. Fear, incompetent medical care, self-destruction, despair and pain all lead to premature death causing the life expectancy among workers to drop for the first time in US history.

An empire, which fails to reward its supporters, like President Trump’s marginalized voters, and repeatedly reneges on its promises, can only rely on fear.

The fear we experience is brought about by the ruling class; repeated and embellished by the mass media; and made legitimate by local opinion leaders through face-to-face daily encounters. Teachers and terrified parents instill this fear into the very young without stopping to analyze the origins and motives behind the fear mongering.

The mass message tells us that we face daily threats from terrorists; that we must increase our vigilance; that we must constantly strengthen police state powers; that we must accept the use of advanced lethal police weaponry on our streets; that we must turn to informing on our neighbors and co-workers as potential terrorists, militants, activists, critics and immigrants embedded in offices, factories, schools, churches and neighborhoods. Meanwhile our oligarch-leaders bless themselves with massive tax-cuts and enjoy the greatest concentration of wealth in history.

Fear is the last desperate weapon for retaining an unchallenged world empire. Fearful adversaries are compelled to negotiate away their defenses and disarm, like Iraq and Libya, and then allow the ‘empire’ to commence slaughter at will. Military threats directed against Iran are naked attempts to force them to dismantle their defensive missiles and cut ties with regional allies. The plan is to disarm and isolate Tehran, in order to launch an attack with impunity and— force 80 million Persians to submit to the combined wills of the US, Israeli and Saudi oligarchs – by James Petras

(** B P)

Saudi Wahabbism Serves Western Imperialism

When the Saudi Crown Prince gave an interview to the Washington Post,declaring that it was actually the West that encouraged his country to spread Wahhabism to all corners of the world, there was a long silence in almost all the mass media outlets in the West, but also in countries such as Egypt and Indonesia.

Reading between the lines, the Saudi Prince suggested that it was actually the West which, while fighting an ‘ideological war’ against the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, handpicked Islam and its ultra-orthodox and radical wing – Wahhabism – as an ally in destroying almost all the progressive, anti-imperialist and egalitarian aspirations in the countries with a Muslim majority.

Since the beginning of the spread of Wahhabism, one country after another had been falling; ruined by ignorance, fanatical zeal and fear, which have been preventing the people of countries such as post-1965 Indonesia or the post-Western-invasion Iraq.

In reality, Wahhabism does not have much to do with Islam. Or more precisely, it intercepts and derails the natural development of Islam, of its strife for an egalitarian arrangement of the world, and for socialism.

The Brits were behind the birth of the movement; the Brits and one of the most radical, fundamentalist and regressive preachers of all times – Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

The essence of the Wahabi/British alliance and dogma was and still is, extremely simple: “Religious leaders would force the people into terrible, irrational fear and consequent submission. No criticism of the religion is allowed; no questioning of its essence and particularly of the conservative and archaic interpretation of the Book. Once conditioned this way, people stopped questioning and criticizing first the feudalist, and later capitalist oppression.

Only a few in the devastated, colonized countries actually realize that Wahhabism does not serve God or the people; it is helping Western interests and greed.

Precisely this is what is right now happening in Indonesia, but also in several other countries that have been conquered by the West, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

Despite its hypocritical secular rhetoric, manufactured mainly for local consumption but not for the colonies, the West is glorifying or at least refusing to openly criticize its own brutal and ‘anti-people’ offspring – a concept which has already consumed and ruined both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. In fact, it is trying to convince the world that these two countries are ‘normal’, and in the case of Indonesia, both ‘democratic’ and ‘tolerant’. At the same time, it has consistently been antagonizing almost all the secular or relatively secular nations with substantial Muslim majorities, such as Syria (until now), but also Afghanistan, Iran (prior to the coup of 1953), Iraq and Libya before they were thoroughly and brutally smashed.

The main reason for the intellectual stagnation and lack of resistance is obvious: people in countries such as Indonesia and KSA are conditioned so they are not able to see the brutal reality that surrounds them. They are indoctrinated and ‘pacified’. They have been told that socialism equals atheism and that atheism is evil, illegal and ‘sinful’.

Hence, Islam was modified by the Western and Saudi demagogues, and has been ‘sent to a battle’, against progress and a just, egalitarian arrangement of the world. – by Andre Vltchek

(** B P)

Exclusive Leaked Docs Expose Yemen-Based Counter-Insurgency Program by Cambridge Analytica Parent Company SCL

Part one of a two part investigation into Cambridge Analytica/SCL’s global operations

Internal documents exclusively obtained by the Grayzone Project and embedded at the end of this article show how Cambridge Analytica’s UK-based parent company, SCL group, conducted a surveillance operation in Yemen, using psychological profiling, “strategic communications campaigns,” and infiltration of foreign operatives into indigenous communities through unwitting local partners whom they were instructed to deceive.

The SCL documentsdescribe “a research and analysis study undertaken by Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) on behalf of Archimedes,” a US-based military contractor. The name of the operation was “Project Titania.” It relied heavily on deception to gain access to the local population, ordering project operatives to develop a “cover story” that placed their presence in the country in a more innocent light.

The geographic targets of the project were Yemen’s Hadramout and Marib provinces.

Many of the methods of surveillance and manipulation revealed in these SCL documents closely mirror the tactics that were later applied in Western electoral contests. And when these tactics were exposed in early 2018, they ignited a political firestorm.

The leaked Project Titania documents highlight the British government’s participation in SCL’s covert activities in Yemen, and suggest that it was the client that had contracted the private counter-insurgency operation.

Project Titania documents listed an array of NGOs operating in Marib and appeared to suggest them as potential vehicles for obtaining intelligence on the indigenous population. The names of those NGOs have been redacted from this report to protect staff from repercussions that might result from their connection to a covert Western influence operation. If any wound up as participants in Project Titania, they did so unwittingly, as project materials specifically demanded they be coerced into the operation under false pretenses – By Max Blumenthal

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(A H P)

Launching Environmental Campaign Against Cholera

Minister of Water and Environment Nabil Al-Wazir, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Ghazi Mohsen, Secretary of the Capital Hamoud Abbad and Deputy Resident Representative of UNICEF Sherine Farkai inaugurated the environmental campaign to combat the cholera epidemic.

During the inauguration, the Minister of Water and Environment referred to the importance of this environmental campaign, which comes within the national efforts to combat the cholera epidemic.

Remark: By the Sanaa government.


(A H)

With support from @UNICEF_Yemen, a 16-day awareness and spraying campaign in six districts of Sana'a was launched in order to prevent the comeback of #cholera in the city.

(* A H)

World Health Organization: Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W20 2018 (May 14 - May 20) [EN/AR]

1,100,720 suspected cases, 2,291 deaths (May20)

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Offensive gegen Hodeidah / Most important: Offensive against Hodeidah

(** A H K)

Making Yemen’s Humanitarian Catastrophe Even Worse

The Washington Post calls on the Trump administration to pressure the Saudi coalition to halt its offensive against the port of Hodeidah.

The U.S. absolutely should do as the editorial recommends, but the fact that the offensive is happening suggests that the Trump administration supports the coalition’s decision to attack the port or it tells us that the coalition doesn’t think they will face any consequences for doing it anyway. Trump has shown no interest in pressuring the Saudis and their allies, and his administration has fought every Congressional effort to end U.S. support for the war. It would be good news if the administration suddenly changed its position on the war on Yemen, but we have to assume that it won’t.

A coalition attack on Hodeidah would likely make it impossible to use the port for weeks and possibly months to come. That means that the main point of entry for the country’s commercial imports and humanitarian aid would be inoperable while more than eight million are already on the edge of famine. The U.N. just warnedthat another ten million are at risk of starving to death by the end of the year, and an attack on Hodeidah would hasten that outcome. Even if the coalition were to take the port fairly quickly, that would still be a death sentence for countless Yemeni civilians. Not only can we expect the coalition assault to be as indiscriminate and senselessly destructive as the rest of their war effort, but it is a virtual certainty that the coalition’s attack will cut off most Yemenis from their main source for food and fuel.

The coalition has been blockading Yemen for over three years and deliberately attacking their food production and distribution, so when the crisis worsens as a result of the coalition’s actions it will not be accidental. The coalition has been trying to starve Yemen into submission for years, and this assault is the latest part of that – by Daniel Larison

referring to

(** B H K)

The world’s worst humanitarian crisis could get even worse

THE WORLD’S worst humanitarian crisis may be about to get much worse. In Yemen, where some 8 million people are on the brink of famine and the worst cholera epidemic in history is raging, the country’s most important port has become the target of a new offensive in the three-year-old civil war. Yemeni forces backed by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are seeking to cut off and eventually capture Hodeida, a city of 700,000 that is the entry point of 70 percent of the aid shipments keeping millions of civilians alive. The United States, which supplies the Saudi-UAE alliance with arms and intelligence, should use its leverage to stop this reckless venture.

The Saudis and some advocates in Washington contend that if Hodeida’s port could be seized from the Houthis, aid shipments would improve, while the smuggling of Iranian missiles would stop. But aid groups see it differently. The offensive, they say, is likely to meet stiff resistance, and even if successful could take weeks or months. Any sustained interruption in shipping to Hodeida could tip the country into famine — and make it virtually impossible to combat the spread of cholera, which has already infected more than 1 million people.

The military escalation is particularly senseless because it comes at a moment when the prospects for a political settlement are improving – by Editorial Board

(** A H K)

Battle for Hodeidah: How the destruction of one Yemen port could send millions into famine

Eight million Yemenis currently live on the brink of starvation. Their fate hinges on the imminent fight to retake vital port city back from the Houthis

“What happens to Hodeida is going to have huge consequences for Yemen’s war,” said Adam Baron, a visiting fellow with the European Council for Foreign Relations (ECFR).

“The key question is: how is the battle going to be fought? The port is vital for Yemenis across the country. There could potentially be massive destruction of the city’s facilities. People are worried about how long the port might be out of action and how long it could take to rebuild.”

Hodeidah is Yemen’s lifeline. Even before the war, it handled about 70 per cent of imports in a country where a staggering 90 per cent of food had to be imported.

The new UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, has warned that the new offensive to retake Hodeidah will result in mass displacement and “in a single stroke, take peace off the table”.

The Houthis are expected to withdraw to the mountains surrounding Hodeidah when the fighting in the city proper gets under way, but it is entirely possible they are intent on giving the coalition a bloody nose before that, Oxford University’s Elisabeth Kendall said.

“Further military pressure on the Houthis may have the reverse effect of making them less amenable to enter proposed peace negotiations, since they will be in a weaker position,” she said.

Retaking Hodeidah could potentially open a pathway to finally retaking the Yemeni capital of Sanaa from the rebels – but that does not mean Houthi capitulation, Dr Kendall added.

The human cost of winning the city of 600,000 people back could be catastrophic, several aid organisations have warned.

„An additional 340,000 people could be displaced should Hodeidah come under attack,” said Bhanu Bhatnagar, a Save the Children spokesperson.

“The fighting is also likely to be protracted and the possible use of explosive weapons in densely populated urban areas will have a disproportionate impact on the civilian population.”

(* A H K)

Hodeidah battle is make or break moment for Houthis in Yemen

A US State Department official, writing in an email to The National about the situation in Hodeidah, recalled Deputy Secretary John Sullivan’s statement last week that “no party should obstruct the delivery of food, fuel and assistance to any part of Yemen.” The National has learned that a US State Department delegation has arrived in Saudi Arabia over the weekend to discuss political efforts in Yemen.

“The Hodeidah battle is extremely important to both sides in the war, as it is north Yemen's key lifeline,” said John Arterbury, a Yemen analyst at the Navanti Group, an analysis company in Washington.

For the Arab coalition, “taking Hodeidah could mean replacing the Houthis as the top guarantor of Yemen's food supply” he added. But he cautioning that “serious battles could disrupt food imports for a long period of time, or leave the port damaged or inoperable.”

My comment: A quite reasonable article by an Emirati media.

(A K P)

Beyond the Headlines podcast: Hodeidah's importance to victory in Yemen

We analyse what a takeover of the port city could mean in the battle between the Saudi-led Arab coalition and the Houthi rebels

Yemen's military is within striking distance of one of their biggest victories since civil war began in 2015. The forces, backed by the Arab coalition, was last reported to be within 10km of Yemen’s third largest city, Hodeidah.

We analyse what this could mean for the future of the four-year civil war in Yemen with Fatima Alasrar, a senior analyst at Washington-based Arabia Foundation.

Remark: Quite biased, by Emirati media with an expert of an extremely biased lobby think tank.

(* A H K)

UN extremely concerned by Yemen offensive on key port

The United Nations is extremely concerned by a Yemen military offensive to seize the port of Hodeida and has begun drawing up plans to deal with a possible escalation in fighting, the UN spokesman said Tuesday. =

Comment: Over 3 years of 'extreme concerns'. So much of a result

(A K pH)

#Saba News Agency reports:
Security services on Tuesday arrested four people suspected of collaborating with Saudi-led aggression coalition in the port city of #Hodeidah.

(A K pS)

Film: The Army and Resistance Forces have seized anti-ship missiles in the Western Coast Front while the bodies of the #Houthi militia fighters are scattered everywhere south of the port city of #Hodeidah.

(A K pS)

Film: In the context of the ongoing preparations for the Battle of #Hodeidah, and with the support of the Arab coalition forces, further military reinforcements have arrived to the Western Coast Front to liberate the port city from #Houthis.

(A K pS)

"A few days ago, the #Houthis have taken 12 young people from al-Hada tribe of Dhamar province - among a large group of fighters - to save the situation on the Western Coast Front, but yesterday the 12 were killed," said Ali al-Bukhaiti.

(A K pS)

In conjunction with the Army Forces' advancement towards #Hodeidah port, the #Houthis begin to sell equipment, goods and machinery in the port in auction. This comes as citizens call for preventing such procedures. (document)

(A K pS)

The booklets of the #Houthi group's founder Hussein al-Houthi are scattered on the ground in one of the sites, where their fighters fled their battlegrounds in al-Husseiniya junction in the port city of #Hodeidah. (photo)

(A K pS)

Air defenses intercepts 6 Houthis missiles over Khokha – Hodeida

A governmental military source said the Arabic Coalition led by Saudi Arabia air defenses intercepted 6 ballistic missiles today (Tuesday) launched by Houthis over Khokha – South Hodeida – west Yemen.

The source told Almasdaronline , the UAE Patriot missiles destroyed the Houthi missiles over the city and the debris fall on the city which under governmental control.

While Houthis announced that they launched a bunch of missiles targeting the enemies and mercenaries’ locations on the west coast according to them.

(** A K pH)


Al Arabiya zufolge sind von Saudi Arabien, den USA, Britannien und weiteren Terrorregimes unterstützte Besatzungstruppen der VAE und ihre Handlanger entlang der westlichen Küste des Jemen inzwischen bis auf 20 Kilometer an die Stadt Hodeida herangekommen, die den einzigen größeren Hafen für die Hauptstadt Sanaa und den nicht besetzten Teil des Jemen hat.

Auf einer frischen Karte von Islamic World News stellt sich die dramatische Lage wie folgt dar:

Doch auch wenn Abdul Malik al-Houthi im TV versucht, Siegeszuversicht auszustrahlen, sieht die Lage nicht gut aus. Islamic World News meint, Hodeida könnte vor dem Fall stehen, womit sich die Lage für die seit über drei Jahren von Saudi Arabien und den Emiraten mit Unterstützung der sogenannten westlichen Wertegemeinschaft belagerte und ausgehundgerte Bevölkerung des Nordjemen nochmals deutlich zu verschlechtern droht.

(A K pS)

As they prepare to flee Hodeidah, Houthis loot everything in their way

As the army advances toward the Red Seaport city of Hodeidah, the rebel militia of Houthis are looting everything and robbing everyone in their way, local sources say.

Eyewitnesses have reported seeing the rebel militia seize the equipment, furniture and everything from public offices in the western city and sending them by lorries to the capital Sana'a under their hold. .

Sources in the seaport reported that the rebel leaders have confiscated and sold all the shipments imported by traders for their own benefit.

The management of the airport also received orders from Sana'a to confiscate all the goods from foodstuff to car imports in the port's warehouses and to sell them and transfer the proceedings to the rebel authorities in Sana'a.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi media.

(* A K pS)

Legitimate Forces Advance on Yemen’s Hodeidah as Panic Grips Houthis

In Hodeidah city, witnesses told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Houthis have been gripped by an unprecedented state of panic as the legitimacy forces made their advance.

They revealed that the militias removed their checkpoints from the city and its senior leaderships began to flee the area. They started smuggling their families and looted goods to Sanaa.

To counter this development, the militias tightened their security measures on the city’s exits where they inspected traveler identification cards to prevent the escape of the Houthis.

The rapid advance of the legitimacy forces prompted Houthi leader, Abdul Malek al-Houthi, to make a speech from his hideout in an attempt to lift the morale of the militias.

He tried to justify the losses near Hodeidah and the legitimacy advance on the city, saying: “Any retreat does not mean the end of the battle.”

He pleaded with the Houthis to defend the city and the West coast, issuing a religious fatwa that commands the militants to fight.

Remark: By Saudi media.

(* A K pH)

#Hodeidah offensive: sources confirmed that the fighting is on the outskirts of the airport.
Saudi-UAE backed forces supporting Hadi's government are on high alert to prepare for the storming.
The problem stands for the local population which has been informed to leave but people have nowhere to go, no means of transportation, no funds, no strength

(* A K)

Thread: Developments on the Red Sea coast are happening so quickly that its difficult to keep up...

(* A K pS)

Yemen forces closing in on Hodeidah: Saudi-led coalition

Hodaideh's airport has been declared "a military zone" by pro-government forces, according to the spokesman for the National Resistance Brigades.

(* A K pH)

Should the UAE and Saudi-backed forces seize Hodeideh Port, the Houthi-held held areas in northern Yemen will be under a permanent land, air, and sea siege.

The Houthi forces are now reportedly trying to mobilize troops from nearby Ta’iz and Hays to drive back the pro-government forces.

(** A K)

#Yemen #Map - Gov. forces advancing on the coastal line toward #Hudaydah city and airport as clashes vs #Houthis militants ongoing in the area.


(** A K)


This map provides a general look at the military situation in southwestern Yemen. The Saudi-led coalition and its proxies are developing advance along the western Yemeni coast. Recently, Saudi-backed forces have captured the areas of al-Mashra’i, al-Tilaf, al-Mashiyakhi, al-Jah al-A’la, al-Jah al-Asfal and al-Zuhr and have almost captured the districts of al-Tuhayat, al-Durayhimi and al-Garrahi.

(** A K)

Yemeni forces advancing on rebel-held Hodeida: coalition

Yemeni government forces are only around 20 kilometres (12 miles) from Hodeida as they advance on the key rebel-held port city, the Saudi-led military coalition said on Monday.

The Red Sea port has been a point of contention in Yemen's war since Saudi Arabia and its allies intervened on behalf of the government in 2015 against Iran-allied Huthi rebels.

"The Yemeni army backed by the coalition is at a distance of around 20 kilometres from Hodeida," coalition spokesman Turki al-Maliki told reporters in Riyadh.

"The purpose is to return the city back to the legitimate government of Yemen. Our operations are ongoing," he added.

Hodeida is the main conduit for humanitarian aid on which millions depend, as Yemen teeters on the brink of famine.

But for neighbouring Saudi Arabia, Hodeida is seen as the entry point for rebel weaponry -- which it accuses regional rival Tehran of supplying.

"Our goal is to cut the vein that the Huthis are benefiting from" in their war effort, Maliki said.

(** A K)

Saudi-led coalition closes in on Yemen port city Hodeidah

Forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition are closing in on Yemen’s Houthi-held port city Hodeidah, a coalition spokesman said, but did not specify whether there were plans for an assault to seize the western port, long a key target in the war.

“Hodeidah is 20 km (12.43 miles) away and operations are continuing,” spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki said at a press briefing in the Saudi capital Riyadh late on Monday, detailing gains made against the Iran-aligned Houthi movement.

The Western-backed military alliance last year announced plans to move on Hodeidah, but backed off amid international pressure, with the United Nations warning that any attack on the country’s largest port would have a “catastrophic” impact.

Coalition-backed troops have now reached al-Durayhmi, a rural area some 18 km from Hodeidah port, residents and the spokesperson for one military unit told Reuters on Monday.

(*A K)

Yemen government forces set sights on strategic port city

A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition has said the aim is to "cut the vein that the Houthis as benefiting from." But a Houthi leader has called for his followers to join the fight in Hodeida and confront the "breach."

Coalition-backed pro-government forces have made significant gains over the past year. For observers, the question isn't whether they can take the port city.

"It's what they intend to do next. Can they use control of the port to ensure humanitarian supplies can get in unimpeded? Will they use the military victory to press for political talks?" said Gerald Feierstein, a former US ambassador to Yemen and director of the Washington-based Middle East Institute, in a tweet.

"All civil wars end. Whether the ending is sustainable is the right question. Yemen has tried repeatedly to find permanent solutions to its systemic problems but failed. We need to understand why and avoid repeating the errors of the past."

My comment: „Can they use control of the port to ensure humanitarian supplies can get in unimpeded?“ is an odd question. If the port is in the hands of another authority than th hinterland impending on the imports, this will hindert he supply. This question also deflects from the fact that it is the Saudi blockade which is impeding the import of essential supplies. Just lifting the blockade would improve the situation better than any other measure could do. - „Will they use the military victory to press for political talks?" is a wrong question. It must be changed to: Will they use the military victory to impose their preconditions to any political talks?"

(* A K pS)

Pro-government forces in Yemen bolstered by an unlikely ally

Brig. Gen. Tareq Saleh, nephew of the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, and commander of the powerful Republican Guards, is leading his troops in the fierce fighting toward Yemen’s largest port.

Tareq Saleh’s forces are fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with other sections of the Yemeni military and groups wanting to defeat the Iran-backed Houthis.
Ammar Aqeel, a fighter with the Republican Guards involved in the battles, told Arab News they are focused on reaching Hodeidah’s port.

He said that when the forces reached the port in Hodeidah, it would be easy to receive reinforcements from the sea.

A spokesman for Yemen’s army, Sadeq Dawaid, told Sky News Arabia that after liberating Houthi areas, the army was then faced with heavily mined land which it had to clear.

Aqeel also said the Houthis had laid as many mines as possible to slow their progress.
He said many new fighters were joining Tareq Saleh’s forces, some of whom fled from the Houthi-controlled areas in the north and others from government-held territory.
Tareq Saleh’s defection and new role battling the Houthis has been criticized by some pro-government groups unwilling to forgive his military support for the Houthis.

(** A K pS)

Another district falls in Yemen forces' march on Hodeidah

Saudi forces bring down Iran-made drone launched by Houthi rebels as they suffer collapse on Red Sea coast

Yemeni troops moved closer to a key rebel-held port on Sunday after seizing control of Hodeidah's Al Duraihami district, the latest victory in lightning offensive launched in the province last week with support from the UAE Armed Forces.

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels left behind large numbers of weapons as they fled Al Duraihami, state news agency WAM reported.

Heavy fighting in Hodeidah between pro-government forces and the rebels has killed more than 150 people in the last four days, Yemeni officials and witnesses said on Sunday.

The large-scale offensive has seen ground troops carrying sophisticated weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles, backed by air support from the Arab Coalition, move to within 50 kilometres of the strategic port city of Hodeidah. and also


(*A K pS)

Joint Forces Capture The District Adjacent to Hodeidah Port

The Joint Forces, along with Al-Amaleqah Forces have taken entire control of Al Duraihami district, which is adjacent to the port city of Hodeidah, inflicting great human and material losses on the Houthi militia.

The National Resistance also cleared the liberated areas of the Iran-affiliated rebels’ pockets and bastions and located a large quantity of Iran-made explosives, munitions and weaponry left behind by the rebels after they fled the area en masse.

The Yemeni resistance, backed by the Arab Coalition fighting on behalf of the internationally recognised government in Yemen is continuing their advances toward Al Hodeidah port, crossing 20 km beyond Al Hosayiniya Junction on the country’s Red Sea Cost. and map and film

(* A K pS)

The spokesperson of the National Resistance Colonel Sadiq Dwaid has said that the Joint Forces are within 18 kilometres from the port city of #Hodeidah. (photo)

(A K pS)

Al Amaleqah Brigades along with the Resistance Forces continue to advance towards #Hodeidah, and they are now within 40 kilometers from the city (photo)

(A K pS)

Film: Dozens of young people have joined the military camps of the Army Forces and National Resistance in the Western Coast of the port city of #Hodeidah in order to fight the #Houthi militia.

(* A K pH)

Scenes reveal coalition troops’ heavy losses in west coast

The military media on Sunday evening published scenes revealing Saudi-led aggression coalition troops’ material and human losses and their prisoners caught by the Yemeni army after repelling a wide-scale infiltration in the west coast front.
The scenes show dead soldiers and prisoners from the coalition recruits, as well as a number of burned and destroyed military vehicles belonging to the coalition.
Earlier on Sunday, an official at the Defense Ministry in Sanaa said dozens of the coalition troops and mercenaries were killed, hundreds wounded, and 15 military vehicles destroyed in unique operations of the army in the west coast front over the past 24 hours. and (photos, film)

Remark: The Houthis claim successes at the West coast, while the Saudi/UAE-backed troops seem to advance there.

(* A K pS)

Southern Giants Brigades Arrive at Bait Al-Faqueeh – Al-Hodeida amid panic of Al-Houthi militias

Southern Giants Brigades continue its field advances on the west coast front. Sources indicated that Southern Giants Brigades arrived at “Al-Jah” of Bait Al-Faqueeh directorate, 50 km off Al-Hodeida strategic port amid unprecedent panic among Al-Houthi militias because of sudden military operations and quick advance of the troops.
Sources also indicated that Southern Giants Brigades found massive amounts of weapons and ammunition in addition to military vehicles of Al-Houthis.

Remark: UAE-backed Southern separatists’s militia fighting against the Houthis.

(* A K)

New bout of heavy fighting in Yemen kills dozens

Heavy fighting in Yemen between pro-government forces and Shiite rebels has killed more than 150 people in the last four days, Yemeni officials and witnesses said Sunday.

Government forces have been trying to seize rebel-held areas along the western coast, while an allied Saudi-led coalition has been targeting the rebels with airstrikes in the northwestern Saada province, a rebel stronghold.

The offensive is being waged by ground troops carrying sophisticated weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles, with air cover from the coalition, the officials said.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen

(* B H K)

„Alle interessieren sich für Syrien, keiner für uns“

Susanna Krüger von Save the Children war gerade dort. Worauf kommt es für Helfer in einer solchen Lage an?

Krügers Mitarbeiter vor Ort schweben ständig in Lebensgefahr. Die Chefin hat sie in Sanaa und dem von den Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Gebiet besucht. Es fehlt an Lebensmitteln, es fehlt an Wasser, „nicht einmal mehr die grundlegendsten Dinge sind verfügbar oder funktionieren. Die gesamte Infrastruktur wird bombardiert. Das ist Methode, um die Huthis zur Aufgabe zu bewegen.“

Save the Children arbeitet im Jemen auf beiden Seiten in diesem Krieg. Geschäftsführerin Krüger war bei ihrer Reise zwar nicht in Aden, dem Sitz der vom Westen anerkannten und von Saudi-Arabien militärisch unterstützten Regierung: „Aber wir leisten auch Arbeit in Aden, und ich habe mit unseren Mitarbeitern dort gesprochen.“

Zunächst gehe es um „humanitären Zugang“, etwa zu den Hilfsmitteln im Hafen von Hudaydah. Gemeinsam mit 16 weiteren im Jemen tätigen Hilfsorganisationen fordert Save the Children die komplette und bedingungslose Öffnung des Hafens an der Westküste, „damit die Menschen endlich wieder uneingeschränkten Zugang zu Nahrung und Treibstoff erhalten“.

Krüger berichtet über ein ernüchterndes Gespräch mit einem verantwortlichen Politiker auf der Huthi-Seite: „Der hat mir nach anderthalb Stunden ins Gesicht geblickt und gesagt: ,Wir wissen, dass wir für euch Europäer nicht interessant sind, weil von uns keine Flüchtlingsgefahr ausgeht. Im Norden sind die Saudis, und im Süden ist das Meer, und darum kommen die Menschen hier nicht raus. Deswegen interessieren sich alle für Syrien, aber keiner für uns.‘“ und Film:

Mein Kommentar: Das propagandistische “Framing”, das die “Welt” dazu liefert, ist falsch. Der Jemenkrieg ist kein Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Saudi-Araben und dem Iran, und die Unterszützung des Iran für die Huthis ist keineswegs “stark”.

(* B K)

Film: I got out to bring a lunch food my family, then the #Saudi coalition jet hit my house, when I arrived a house I found that most of my family were killed , Salwa has lost 13 members of her family due one of #Saudi coalition attacks, thousands else have been killed in #Yemen

(A K P)

Hodeidah: the Houthi's supply hub

Seizing the port city could be the final step before recapturing Sanaa

Yemen's Houthi rebels are facing the loss of one of their most strategic assets as government forces close in on the port city of Hodeidah.

Hodeidah's port is Yemen's largest and the entry point for 90 per cent of its food imports and most of the humanitarian aid sent to the country. The city borders some of the most strategic Houthi-held areas and serves as the supply hub for tens of thousands of rebels, including those fighting in southern Yemen.

In 2015, the Saudi-led Arab coalition supporting the government found that the Iran-backed rebels were using the Red Sea port to smuggle in weapons sent by Tehran, and destroyed much of the facility in response.

Capturing Hodeidah city has proved difficult because of the protection offered to the rebels by the mountains and wadis surrounding it. However, in recent days Yemeni forces backed by the coalition have advanced to within 15 kilometres of the city's airport. The large-scale offensive is reported to have caused widespread panic among the Houthis, with many of those not killed or captured fleeing north to Sanaa, the rebel-held capital.

Securing Hodeidah's port would potentially allow the coalition forces to stem the flow of arms to the Houthis and seize what is reported to be the rebels' largest weapons cache in Yemen. It could also protect international trade from the threat of Houthi disruption and could be the final step before launching a military campaign to recapture Sanaa, which is less than a day’s drive away.

My comment: A view from the Emirates, full of propaganda. – “using the Red Sea port to smuggle in weapons sent by Tehran“: propaganda, as this supply only can be very small because oft he Saudi coalition blockade. – „protect international trade from the threat of Houthi disruption“: propaganda, as there is no such threat. The only hreat is caused by wafare in the Red sea, as it is enforced by the Saudi coalition by air raids against fishing boats and by warships pounding the coastline.

(A K P)

Iran Is Ready to Discuss Yemen Conflict With European Nations

Iran will be holding a new round of talks with Europe on the Yemen conflict, negotiations that have taken on greater significance as the sides try to salvage a nuclear agreement.

European diplomats have been pressing Iran to curb its direct and indirect involvement in conflicts across the Middle East, including the civil war in Yemen, where it is backing Shiite Houthi rebels.

We have said many times: the nuclear program isn’t related to any other matter,” Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi told local TV late Sunday, according to state media. “We won’t enter into negotiations on missiles or the region -- aside from Yemen,” because of the humanitarian crisis there, he added.

Araghchi indicated that any negotiations would be held in parallel to the nuclear consultations and led by a different Iranian team.

My comment: The European quest is absurd, as the European support for the Saudi coalition in Yemen is much higher than the Iranian support for the Houhis ever has been.

(* B H K)

Film: More than 1,000 Saudi troops killed in Yemen since war began

Since Saudi-led coalition intervened in 2015, thousands of Houthi rebels have also been killed.

More than a dozen soldiers from Saudi Arabia have been killed in Yemen during operations along the border. This brings the total number of Saudi casualties since 2015 to over 1,000, according to state media.

Meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is worsening as the war prevents much-needed aid from reaching many Yemenis. The UN estimates that 22 million Yemenis are in need of food aid and more than eight million are threatened by severe hunger.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

More humanitarian organisations in Yemen:

(B H)

Infographic: Food Security in Yemen

(A H)

Launching The First Initiative Saving Children On Sana’a’s Street

Human rights and media activists launched the first humanitarian initiative, "Children Support" which focuses on disadvantaged children on the streets in Sana'a. The head of the initiative, Dr. Noura Rassam, explained that this initiative is the first specialized program to target children on the street. It is aiming to improve their living conditions and encourage them to continue their education and to provide them with psychological and physical protection in proportion to their age groups.
She pointed out that the initiative aims to protect the target group from deviation, and from the various forms of violence and exploitation that may be exposed to it.

(* B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 22 – 28 May 2018 | Issue 17


The humanitarian community is responding to needs following an escalation in fighting on the west coast.

Humanitarian responses to the impact of Cyclone ‘Mekunu’ have been scaled up on Socotra Island.

Deconfliction notifications submitted by OCHA on behalf of UN agencies to the Evacuation and Humanitarian Operations Committee (EHOC) have reached 10,000 since 2015.

The first containerized cargo vessel to be granted access to Al Hudaydah port since November 2017 arrived on 26 May.

Humanitarian partners estimate that some 140,000 more people are at risk of being displaced from the three southern Al Hudaydah districts – Zabid, Al Garrahi and At Tuhayat. If the conflict reaches Al Hudaydah City, projections are that an additional 200,000 people are likely to be displaced, mostly within Al Hudaydah Governorate.

Humanitarian partners in Aden and Al Hudaydah hubs have ramped up the delivery of assistance to accessible areas and are refining contingency plans in anticipation that humanitarian needs will increase as the conflict expands across the west coast.

(B H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Response Plan 2018 - Funding Status (As of 28 May 2018)

(* B H)

Defying the odds: one doctor’s story of preventing blindness in civil war

I will never forget the first week in May. I was proud to be part of a team going door-to-door delivering trachoma treatments in remote corners of Yemen, in the midst of a complex civil war.

Plane diversions, roadblocks and the death of a rebel leader delayed the arrival of antibiotics into the country; then villagers with good reason to be suspicious of strangers needed to be persuaded to take treatment.

Despite this, we shared drugs, ointments and health advice with 92 percent of the target population we wanted to reach. This could prevent more than 360,000 people from going blind from trachoma.

Much of the country has been torn apart by conflict, particularly areas under control of the Houthi rebels where we were delivering these treatments. Scars show in most aspects of daily life – not least people’s health. Medicines are scarce and health facilities have been damaged and shut down.

There were many obstacles but we overcame them. We have seen another side of conflict – how healthcare can be delivered, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

The best moments for me were seeing families accept antibiotics and knowing the difference they would make. Many faces will stay with me. One of the most memorable was that of five-year old Khalyda.

I feel such pride in my colleagues, the volunteers and others who united to make the seemingly impossible happen.

My country is one where people leave their homes in the morning not knowing whether they will come back safely. Yet despite this, and the fact no-one has been paid a salary for two years, my fellow health workers have stayed in post, working harder, for longer, overcoming problems - by Tawfik Al-Khatib | Sana'a University

(* B H)

Film: Die Kinder in #Jemen wollen zur Schule gehen. Aber Millionen Jungen und Mädchen können nicht lernen - weil Krieg herrscht. Wir bieten im Jemen deshalb in temporären Schulen Unterricht an. CEO Susanna Krüger hat dort mit Kindern über ihre Träume gesprochen

(* B H)

Film: Jemen - Live dabei Ramadan Pakete 2018 - Ansaar International e.V.

(* B H)

Film: Jemen: Diese Ärztin kämpft täglich ums Überleben

Die Kämpfe im Jemen halten seit drei Jahren an. Taizz ist inzwischen eines der am stärksten umkämpften Gebiete. Es gibt kaum noch Ärzte vor Ort. Viele sind geflohen oder vor Ort gestorben. Eine Ärztin berichtet von ihrem unvorstellbar harten Arbeitsalltag und der ständigen Angst davor, diesen Krieg nicht zu überleben.ärztin-kämpft-täglich-ums-überleben/vi-AAxUXqi =

(* B H)

UNICEF and The World Bank Emergency Cash Transfers Reach 9 million of the Most Vulnerable People in War-torn Yemen

Nearly 1.5 million of the most vulnerable families in Yemen – an estimated 9 million people - have received emergency cash transfers from the Emergency Cash Transfer Project implemented by UNICEF and funded and supported by the World Bank’s International Development Association.

The joint UNICEF-World Bank emergency cash transfer project was launched in mid-2017 and this week concluded its second payment to the most vulnerable Yemenis. A third payment is being planned for August 2018.

“These emergency cash transfers contribute to avert the risk of famine and allow targeted families to buy food and medicine for their children, among them many malnourished. It is also pivotal in avoiding families’ negative coping measures like child labor and early marriage, both on the increase in war-torn Yemen”, said Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director.

The cash transfers come as a lifeline for nearly one third of the people in Yemen.

(A H)

UNHAS Flight Schedule, June 2018

(A H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (April 2018)

The security situation in Yemen deteriorated in April with attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Since the beginning of 2018, UNICEF has now treated over 61,000 children under 5 with severe acute malnutrition, reaching 22 per cent of the overall target.

Although humanitarian partners welcome the efforts of the new Special Envoy and key Member States to restart political dialogue and halt hostilities before the start of Ramadan, all indicators point to a sharp deterioration in humanitarian, social and economic conditions in Yemen this month.

(A H)

Film: When volunteering #Yemen-is help (video in Arabic/below the translation)
Al Wajba al-Ramadaneah (The Ramadan meal) Project
One of Itaam (feeding) program projects - Bonyan Development Foundation
The project provides
420,000 meals during the Holy month of Ramadan
The project targets:
28,000 families of the poorest families in Sanaa

Remark: In Houthi-held Sanaa.

(* A H)

Nutrition and retrospective mortality survey highlands and lowlands livelihood zones of Lahj Governorate, Final report, Yemen, December 2017

In July 2017, Action Contre la faim (ACF) in collaborations with Ministry of Public Health and Population (MPHP) of Lahj governorate, conducted two nutrition assessments in Lowlands and Highlands ecological zone of 15 districts.

The mean household size was 6.9 in both Lowlands and Highlands, while the respective proportion of children under-five was 18.4% for Lowlands and 17.3% for Highlands. Caregiver educations level is 58% and 54% illiterate for Lowlands and Highlands livelihood zone respectively; only 22% of the caregiver surveyed that did not access education can read and write for Highlands and 13% for Lowlands. Others indicators results are summarized in the table 1.

(* A H)

Nutrition and retrospective mortality survey highlands and lowlands livelihood zones of Abyan Governorate, Final survey report, Yemen, February 2018

two nutrition assessments in Lowlands and Highlands’s ecological zone of 11 districts of Abyan governorate.

The survey results indicated a mean household size of 7.4 and 7.8 for Lowlands and Highlands livelihood zones respectively. Women illiteracy levels were notably high at 53 and 65 percent for Lowlands and Highlands respectively. The results also indicated that a larger proportion of caretakers were women with 97 and 99 percent for Lowlands and Highlands livelihood respectively.
The survey results for other key indicators are in table 1 below, the summary of recommendations generated from the findings are presented in table 2.

(A H)

World Food Programme, Emergency Telecommunications Cluster: Yemen Conflict - ETC Situation Report #23 (Reporting Period: 16/04/18 to 17/05/18)

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) has developed a contingency plan based on worstcase scenario and submitted it to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

(A H)

Thriving and achieving the best, no matter the bombs and war.
A new operation was conducted for the first time at the Republican Hospital by Dr Al-Aghbari, head of the orthopedic department: a special plate was fixed on the left shoulder bone after a scapula-glenoid fracture and displacement were caused by a self-shot accident.
Thanking all the doctors in #Yemen who continue to work, day and night, even with no salary, just to help. (photos)

(A H)

The medical team of Al-Balsam preformed one open-heart surgery and 7 catheterizations for #Yemeni citizens, as the Organization's campaign, which began in May 26th and will continue to June 2nd, aims to preform 10 open-heart surgeries and 90 catheterizations. (photos)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Map: Figures at a glance: There are more than 2 million internally displaced people in #Yemen, with those most vulnerable often turning to informal settlements and collective centers for shelter. =

(B H)

Das große, haarige, blonde Wesen

Im Jemen sagte man mir, Hunde seien gefährlich. In meiner deutschen Familie lebe ich nun mit einem zusammen. Durch ihn habe ich viel über Vorurteile gelernt.

Nach Deutschland zu kommen, hat mein ganzes Leben verändert und nicht zuletzt auch mein Verhältnis zu Tieren. Die deutsche Familie, bei der ich lebe, hat einen Hund, Asten genannt, ein großes, haariges, blondes Wesen. Als ich hier einzog, schnüffelte er überall an mir herum. Ich fand das anfangs so eklig, dass ich täglich extra duschte, nur um seine Spuren und seinen Atem loszuwerden, ja, sogar seine ganze Existenz zu vergessen.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A K )

Houthis ban fighter contact with families, order deserters elimination

Al-Sharq al-Awsat daily reported that the rapid collapse of the Houthi rebels on Yemen's western coastline, Saada and Hajja warfronts prompted the militia's leaders to mobilize their police in Sana'a to the front lines in an attempt to fill the growing shortage of their fighters.

Communications between their new recruits and their families have been banned, and the rebels issued orders to kill any fighter who withdraws from the fronts.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi media.

(A P)

The #Houthis Preventive Security has brutally eliminated one of their field leading figures named Mofadhl al-Banoori after he criticised the corruption of the leaders from #Saada (Houthi stronghold), said Journalist Mohammed Aysh.

"After it was known that the #Houthis eliminated al-Banoori, they sent their so-called supervisor to al-Banoori's hometown in Haraz to pressure his family to waive in return for handing over his body, but his family refused and the body is still held up," said Mohammed Aysh.

(A P)

Houthis dismiss 70,000 "oppositionists" from public payrolls

Houthis have dimissed 70,000 servicemen from the public payrolls in their areas of control north of Yemen under the pretext that those dismissed are "oppositionists."

Al-Sharq al-Awsat daily leart that the rebel militia is carrying out what it calls "payroll clean-up" operation to remove employees absent from work under the pretext that they are "oppositionists".

Remark: As claimed by Saudi media.

(B K P)

Saudi Arabia, UAE after occupying Yemen: Ansarullah

The main goal Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are following to do by launching a military aggression against Yemen is occupation of the country, the Yemeni Ansarullah movement leader said.

The goal Saudi Arabia and the UAE are following to achieve is by no means peaceful, Abdol Malek Badreddine al-Houthi said in a recent interview broadcast by regional television networks.
'Saudi Arabia and the UAE have funneled in billions of dollars to support the Takfiris who are active in some provinces in Yemen,' al-Houthi said.
He said that the Saudi aggressors have been trying to promote dispute and enmity among the people in Yemen soon after they launched their military operation against the country.
'The Saudis and Emiratis are proxies of the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel and Saudi and Emirati generals are working closely with their American and Zionist peers in Yemen,' he added.

(*B K P)

Sayyed al-Houthi : We will defend Yemeni western coast

Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, on Sunday vowed to defend the Yemeni western coast.
This came during a televised speech he delivered to the nation and aired by Al-Masirah TV channel, reviewing the latest developments in the western coast battles.
"Thousands of infiltrations and operations by US-backed Saudi-led coalition troops have been foiled, and the Yemeni people have lived many triumphs," Al-Houthi said.
He noted that Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates had paid billions of dollars to finance extremist groups in southern Yemeni provinces, exploiting the political problems the people suffered from in the past.
"The war on Yemen is a foreign military aggression," al-Houthi said. "Some mercenary leaders of the Saudi-led coalition have recently complained over the coalition acts, and become aware that the coalition forces are occupiers."
"Those who bet on the support of foreign forces will never reach satisfied results," he said.
He pointed out that the battle in Mocha city on the western coast is being run by UAE officers, who are under the command of Israeli-US operation room.
"The decision of invading the Yemeni western coast has been taken and adopted by the United States of America," Sayyed al-Houthi said. and also and

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A T)

Shabwa Elites Exhaust a Terrorist Attack

a suicide bomber driving a car bomb attacked Al-Musainea post of Shabwa Elites Forces on Al-Saeed axis but the guards were alert and opened fire on the car before approaching their post.

(A T)

Assassinations hit Taiz again

Taiz governorate witnessed two assassination attempts targeted a school principal and a military officer.

Local sources said to Almasdaronline , Unknowns opened fire on {Shawqi Alhammadi} a school principal at Almawaset – South Taiz , shawqi died instantly and attackers flee the scene.

While the colonel Moaz Alyasery survived an attempt on his life at Alajinat -South Taiz and his escort injured in the attack.

(A P)

Labor union of Aden Port : the new procedures may affect the navigation activities

Aden port is facing new decisions and procedures may slow down the navigation activities at the port, especially the decision of preventing the import of many products and materials which will affect in a direct way the activity of the port, the main items included in the prohibition are cars and solar panel which forced the importers to find alternative ways to import it other than Aden port.

The head of labor union of Aden port {Saeed Maari} said in a press conference published by media: “ the unjustified decisions is threatening the navigation activity at the port by delaying the ships to the anchorage after coming from Jeddah Islamic port and despite getting the permits from the coalition”.

Almaari added, Aden port is no longer an international port since the start of the war at 2015 and changing the center of goods from Aden port to Jeddah port due to the security situation and it is reasonable argument as he said but he expressed the union upset due to the delay of entering the ships to Anchorage by the command center of the coalition despite that they are coming from Jeddah Islamic port and got all required permits, this delay has bad consequences on the navigation activities from the shipping companies side according to him.

(A P)

Protesters at Mukalla blocking roads for electricity services

Angry civilian blocked the main roads at Mukalla city the capital of Hadramout governorate protecting on the deterioration in electrical services in the city.
The protesters blocked the roads by flaming tiers and throwing rocks in it.
This protesting comes after the deterioration in the electrical services section in the city and the inability of the local authorities to fix it especially with the first days of Ramadan and the increase in the temperature and humidity.

(A H P)

French Delegation Visits Rehabilitation Center for Children recruited by Houthis in War in Yemen

A delegation of the French Parliament, accompanied by the French Ambassador to Yemen, visited here today the rehabilitation center for children recruited by Iran's Houthi militia to involve in the war in Yemen.

(A P)

Al-Yamani and the Corrupt Legacy of Al-Mekhlafi

Media sources indicated that the newly-appointed Yemeni minister of foreign affairs “Khaled Al-Yamani” was shocked because of the corruption of the former minister “Al-Mekhlafi”. Sources asserted that “Al-Yamani” found himself in the middle of a legacy of corruption and favoritism.
Close sources to “Al-Yamani” indicated that he revised the lists of appointments in the ministry of foreign affairs and was shocked of the mass corruption practiced by “Al-Mekhlafi” who was expelled to a “consultative position”.

(* A P)

Emirati forces arrested southern resistance leader Walid al Idrisi in Aden city on May 27, sparking protests and vandalism targeting Emirati propaganda. Al Idrisi was critical of the UAE’s role in Yemen. Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces clashed with southern resistance fighters in al Mansoura district after the security forces tried to break up the protests. Emirati forces released al Idrisi on May 28 after al Idrisi publicly apologized to the UAE. The Emirati-backed Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) accused the Islah party and Hadi government of stoking unrest in Aden and warned that Yemeni liberation will not end with “the expulsion of the last Houthi” on May 28.[3]


(A P)


Activists on Twitter published images showing uprising of Yemenis in Aden against the UAE and its policies in Yemen.

The demonstrators got down picture of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and the UAE flag by lifting it from higher buildings in Aden. They stomped on bin Zayed’s picture and the UAE flag. They also wrote on the walls “death to UAE occupation”.

There were clashes with light and medium weapons between forces loyal to the security of Aden backed by the UAE, and armed men in Mansora City.


(A P)

Clashes in Aden because of Anti-Emirates signs

A clash broke out in Aden between the security forces and armed men follow a leader in the public resistance at “Martyrs” plaza in Almansorah – Aden city south Yemen.

A local source said in the city said to us, a security force tried to break up a gathering for armed men protest to release Waleed Aledrisi a leader in the public resistance and the situation aggravated to an armed clash.

The clash resulted into causalities.

Waleed Aledrisi was taken by the UAE armed forces and accused him of writing Anti-Emirates signs on the walls and tearing the pictures of the crown prince Mohammed bin Zayed.


(A P)

Protests in #Aden at #UAE-backed forces' dawn arrest of Southern resistance leader Walid al-Idrisi, who was critical of UAE role in #Yemen. Photos circulating of UAE flag & propaganda billboards being trampled on & set alight. So far, unrest is limited to Mansoura district (photos)


(A P)

UAE Foreign Affairs Minister describes the protesters who trampled Mbz portrait with their feets yesterday in #Aden city as idiots, foolish and helpless UAE regime claims its presence in #Yemen to restore the state & stability ,In fact they're occupiers jointly with Saudi regime (more photos)


(A P)

#Yemen: Yday’s Southern Transition Council statement exposes coalition cracks & North-South divide. Blames some in Hadi gov & Islah for stoking #Aden unrest. Warns “the liberation battle hasn’t ended with the expulsion of the last Houthi”. But careful to voice support for #Saudi (document)

(A P)

South Transitional Council asks Security to deal with Anti-Emirates

The Southern transitional council called the security authorities allied to in Aden city to deal with strict with whoever offend or oppose UAE

The Council issued a statement about the current incidents at Martyr's plaza at Almanssorah , after the arrest of Waleed Aledrisi the leader in the resistance by UAE forces and accuse him by writing signs offending UAE.

The statement said, “we call the security in Aden to take strict actions against what is going on and the council and the southern resistance will be on their side assuring our readiness for all options”.

And added , “there are some parties in legitimacy government did not understand the turnovers of the scenes and try to impedes and push toward the chaos and terrorism, and supported by those who perform those illegal unethical and actions in public.

My comment: The South Transitional Council demonstrates how much they depend on the UAE.


(A P)

UAE release the resistance leader and he apologize

The Emirates armed forces at Aden (the Temp-capital of Yemen) released today (Monday) the leader in the public resistance who has been accused by offending UAE and write Signs against it.

The leader Waleed Aledrisi said in videotape published on the social media platforms “that he apologize to the United Arab Emirates since it is an important partner with southern.


(A P)

From Al-Mansoura Square, Al-Idrisi Accuses Political Parties of Abusing Events of Adan and Apologizes to UAE

In a second video recording, the southern activist “Waleed Al-Idrisi” renewed his apology to UAE for writing offensive statements against UAE role. Al-Idrisi refused the fact that some enemy powers of the south abused recent events asserting that what happened was an “emotional outbreak”. He also asserted his apology for what had happened

(A T)

Yemen’s deputy army chief survives attempt on life

(A H P)

Yemeni Minister Awaits Paris Meet For Reconstruction Of War-torn Country

Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and chairman of Higher Committee for Relief in Yemen Abdul Raqeeb Fateh said on Saturday that the scheduled Paris conference for the reconstruction of Yemen would discuss clear mechanisms for the delivery of humanitarian aids to the entire Yemeni territories, based on the announcement made by foreign ministers of the Saudi-led Arab coalition.

“The Yemeni government has specific guidelines which were presented during the Geneva meeting held last April.

Those guidelines focus on moving from an early recovery response to one related to the livelihoods and the needs of people, to enhance stability and provide revenue streams to the Yemenis,” Fateh said.

My comment: This conference will be a pro-Saudi propaganda event.

Comment: Delusional: the government in exile is responsible for the total destruction of #Yemen and now it awaits donors funding to rebuild the country without any credible peace process envisioned.

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (ORGANIZATIONAQAPAL QAEDA IN THE ARABIAN PENINSULA (AQAP) FORMED IN JANUARY 2...AQAP) al Malahem Media Foundation published a video highlighting footage of old attacks against Emirati-backed Hadhrami Elite Forces in Hadramawt governorate, eastern Yemen on May 27. [4]

(A T)

AQAP militants ambushed Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces in al Mahfad district, northern Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on May 26. AQAP claimed to kill one soldier in the attack.[5]

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A K P)

UN Spokesman had a bunch of press releases but nothing on #Yemen and #Saudi coalition moving in on #Hodeidah port. Inner City Press asked if UN is *coordinating* with Saudi, why so quiet. On UNTV; Story later

(A K P)

Iran willing to push for ceasefire in Yemen talks with European powers

Iran and European powers have made good progress in talks to end the conflict in Yemen as Tehran has shown itself willing to push for a ceasefire and ease the humanitarian crisis there, according to officials on both sides.

“Because of the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, we have agreed to work with Britain, France and Germany to end the conflict in Yemen,” a senior Iranian official told Reuters.

“The aim is to secure a ceasefire to help those innocent civilians. We will use our influence to bring our allies to the negotiation table.”

Three European diplomats said the talks had progressed significantly and were going in the right direction.

(*A P)

‘We can’t end hunger if we don’t end conflict’

Historic UN Security Council resolution recognizes link between conflict and food insecurity

As hunger and conflict fuel one another, the recent proliferation of conflicts has reversed several decades of progress fighting global hunger. Today, people living in conflict-stricken areas make up 60 percent of the world’s 815 million chronically hungry. They are more than twice as likely to be undernourished than those living in countries at peace.

In a historic vote on 24 May 2018, the UN Security Council recognized for the first time that armed conflict and violence are closely linked to food insecurity and the risk of famine currently threatening millions of people.

Sponsored by Cote d’Ivoire, Kuwait, the Netherlands and Sweden, and adopted unanimously, the resolution calls on all parties to armed conflict to comply with their obligations under international law to protect civilians, including by abstaining from targeting sites that are necessary to produce food — such as farms, markets, mills, water systems, food processing and storage sites — and distribute it.

The resolution condemns the use of starvation as a weapon of war and calls for humanitarian personnel to be granted safe and unhindered access to civilians in armed conflicts.

My comment: And, what will really happen now?

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Saudi Cabinet approves measure criminalizing sexual harassment

Saudi Arabia’s Cabinet on Tuesday approved a measure criminalizing sexual harassment, the state news agency SPA reported, weeks before a decades-old ban on women driving is set to expire.

The anti-harassment measure, which was approved on Monday by the Shura Council advisory body, introduces a jail sentence of up to five years and a 300,000 riyals ($80,000) fine.

My comment: Wait and see. In the past, clerics had claimed rape would be legal if women drive a car, are walking alone in the street, dress a wrong way etc.

(B E P)

Social reform is rare bright spot in Saudi economic gloom

Consumer spending by newly employed women like al-Anzy is helping to offset a huge drag on growth from measures to bolster state finances and an exodus of foreign workers.

The extent to which the economy can pick up over the next two years after shrinking last year for the first time since 2009 may depend largely on how much female empowerment and other social reforms can contribute.

Two years after it launched an economic reform programme to cut reliance on oil exports, Saudi Arabia has little to show for it. Plans to spur private investment in new non-oil industries, from shipbuilding to robotics, have barely got off the ground, partly because of red tape and legal uncertainties.

But social reforms introduced by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman alongside the economic steps are underway, and for the next few years at least, they may have more of a positive impact on business than Riyadh’s ambitious investment plans.

Many of the measures have business implications.

My comment: Should this be a try to paint a more positive picture of the Saudi “reforms” again during the crackdown on Human rights activists now? – Just let it be with these Saudi “reforms”.

(* B P)

Absolutistisches Saudi-Arabien: Viel schlechter als sein Ruf

Nur der Kronprinz bestimmt, wie die Gesellschaft auszusehen hat. Kritiker sind "Extremisten und Verräter". Für den Westen gehört das Land zu den "Guten"

Medien folgen politischen Vorgaben. Wer die momentane Nachrichtenlage in der westlichen Hemisphäre verfolgt, gewinnt angesichts der insistierenden Schilderung Irans als Sponsor des internationalen Terrors und große Bedrohung für den regionalen Frieden den Eindruck, dass es sich bei den Gegenspielern des "iranischen Regimes" nur um hauptsächlich "gute Nationen" handeln kann.

Diese werden in der Medienwahrnehmung regiert von zumindest gut Gesinnten, solchen, die vielleicht noch ein bisschen brauchen mit ihren demokratischen Fortschritten, die aber doch prinzipiell den Anschluss suchen an die freie westliche Welt und deren Werte. Wie zum Beispiel Saudi-Arabien, wo derzeit mehrere Frauen und Männer ohne Zugang zu Anwälten in Polizeigewahrsam sind, weil sie für Frauenrechte eintreten.

Das Land sei "viel besser als sein Ruf", stellte die Tagesschau im Mai letzten Jahres fest. Der Beitrag ist mittlerweile nicht mehr ohne weiteres online zu finden, die Hoffnung, die darin zum Ausdruck kam, ist noch präsent.

Alle Hoffnung auf den "Reformer"

Die Hoffnung lautet, dass in Saudi-Arabien jetzt einiges an Reformen in Bewegung kommt und das Land auf einem guten Weg ist

Der Kronprinz, dessen "Reformgeist" überall gepriesen wird, ist auf dem Weg zur Ausgestaltung einer modernen absoluten Herrschaft, in der sämtliche Kritik an der Herrschaft nur von der Herrschaft selbst kommen darf. Er betreibt ein System brutaler Repression.

Festzuhalten ist, dass die nun festgenommenen Kritiker des Systems in Saudi-Arabien verschiedenen Generationen angehören, dass sich die Festnahmen an ähnliche Aktionen gegen Kritiker vor einigen Wochen anschließen und dass sie offenbar noch nicht beendet sind. Gestern wurde eine neue Festnahme gemeldet.

"Nur der Regierung ist die Freiheit gestattet, sich die saudische Gesellschaft neu vorzustellen"

Die Festnahmen sind nicht auf kurze Zeit beschränkt, so der Bericht. Sie machen deutlich, dass es unter Mohammed bin Salman keine Toleranz gegenüber unabhängigen Aktivismus im Zusammenhang mit dem Status von Frauen und ihren Rechten geben wird. Die Verhafteten plädieren für einen freieren Status von Frauen, die in Saudi-Arabien noch immer von Rechten gegängelt werden, die eine männliche Vormundschaft in vielen Belangen fordern.

"Nur der Regierung und ausgewählten Vertretern ist die Freiheit gestattet, sich die saudische Gesellschaft neu zu imaginieren oder gar das Verhältnis zwischen Herrscher und Beherrschten neu zu definieren", heißt es in der Situationsbeschreibung. Interessant ist auch die Beobachtung, dass die Verhaftung sehr laut vonstattenging, mit großer Medienaufmerksamkeit und den bereits genannten "Verräter"-Stichwörtern. Die Medienberichterstattung wird in Saudi-Arabien nicht dem Zufall überlassen – von Thomas Pany

(A P)

U.N. voices concern over Saudi arrest of women's rights activists

The United Nations called on Saudi Arabia on Tuesday to provide information about women’s rights activists arrested ahead of the lifting of a ban on women driving that is part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s reform program.

(* B P)

Prince Mohammed bin Salman's arrests confuses those enthusiastic about Saudi reform

Saudi Arabia's crackdown on women's rights campaigners, just weeks before the much-hyped lifting of a ban on women driving, has revived doubts about its crown prince's inscrutable and seemingly erratic approach to reforms in the kingdom.

The arrest this month of nearly a dozen prominent activists, mostly women who for years urged reforms that are now being implemented and trumpeted abroad, has further disconcerted Western allies. Diplomats were unnerved that state-backed media had labelled the activists as "agents of the embassies".

"It's tough because to date we've been encouraging of the Saudi reform agenda," one diplomat said.

"The Saudi government seems to be sending a message to friendly governments not to engage with anyone at all on government-led social reform, even where the messages we are hearing are supportive of the government and echoing what the government's own international PR campaigns are saying."

The official reason for the arrests was suspicious contact with foreign entities and offering financial support to overseas enemies. No details were provided and security spokesmen have not responded to requests for comment.

Following the latest arrests, diplomats in Riyadh have begun questioning how serious the kingdom is about change. Activists say the move signals that political openness will not be allowed to follow social liberalisation.

"It sends a message domestically that don't even think about opposing any government policy, but the message internationally is completely different," said Kristian Coates Ulrichsen from Texas-based Rice University’s Baker Institute.

My comment: This crackdown only can disappoint those who either were deceived by Salman’s “reforms” and their own Western wishful thinking or those who willingly made themselves mouthpieces of the Saudi dictatorship. These “reforms” never were meant to change the political autocracy – just to secure and enforce it by getting rid of some old-fashioned rubbish.

(* B P)

New York Times. Reform in Reverse in Saudi Arabia

Since rising to power as the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman has cultivated a reputation as a savvy young reformer, dragging his hidebound country into the modern age with a new vision.

Saudi analysts say the reversal is a reflection of Saudi politics and the prince’s desire to portray the lifting of the driving ban as a gift of the monarchy to Saudi women rather than a concession to international or domestic pressure.

But the crackdown also raises doubts about the prince’s commitment to women’s equality and freedom of movement. Pro-government media outlets publicized photos of the detained activists and accused them of being traitors, a shocking attack on a group whose only apparent offense was peaceful protest. They should be released immediately.

The episode also calls into question Prince Mohammed’s ability to deliver on his promises to bring fundamental change to a patriarchal society where men exert legal control over women.

If Prince Mohammed cannot take the heat for lifting the driving ban, one can only imagine how much harder it will be for him to deliver on tougher promises.

This is not the first time Prince Mohammed has undermined the reformist credentials on which he is trying to build a new image of his country.

By raising doubts about the kingdom’s commitment to human rights and the rule of law, such behavior is unlikely to be attractive to the foreign companies the prince is wooing to invest in his country.

My comment: The New York Times was one of the most horrible Saudi “reform” propaganda mouthpiece outlets, giving space to Thoma Friedman.

(* A P)

Saudi Authorities agrees on resumption Umrah for Yemenis

The Saudi Authorities Agreed today (Monday) on the resumption of Umrah for Yemenis after they suspend it since mid-2015.

The deputy of the ministry of endowments for pilgrimage and Umrah Affairs said by post in his Facebook wall “the royal decision issued today with approval to reopen Umrah for Yemenis starting from this Year”.

Saudi Arabia prevented Yemenis from Umrah since Ramadan 2015 due to the deterioration of the situation with the ongoing war which started at the end of 2015.

(A P)

Montreal grants honorary citizenship to Saudi blogger Raif Badawi

The City of Montreal made Saudi blogger Raif Badawi an honorary citizen on Monday, voting unanimously to award the distinction to the father of three who has been languishing in jail for nearly six years.

(* B E P)

Saudi Arabia freezes out German companies

German relations with Saudi Arabia have been frosty for months, partly due to unfortunate comments made by a former foreign minister. Now Riyadh seems to have instituted a semi-official boycott of German companies.

Reports this week suggested that the desert kingdom had imposed a de facto boycott of Germany, its main European trading partner. Now a senior Saudi official has confirmed to Handelsblatt that Riyadh is indeed very cross with Berlin, and won’t consider German commercial bids until Germany changes its diplomatic tack.

To further complicate matters, after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the international nuclear deal with Iran earlier this month, Germany was one of several European countries that pushed for a continuation of its terms. But Iran is Saudi Arabia’s arch-enemy. Both Islamic nations struggle for regional hegemony and are involved in at least two proxy wars, in Syria and Yemen.

(* B P)

Thoughts on the Saudi-Israeli Connection

Israel and Saudi Arabia are making strange bedfellows but there are reasons for the emergence of their de facto alliance

The Saudis have built their security around an alliance with Israel’s major backer, the United States. One price paid for that alliance has been a de facto acceptance of Israel’s existence. Thus, Saudi dislike of Israel has been largely rhetorical. However, it would seem that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has finally abandoned even that facade as well as abandoning the Palestinians. That is why during the prince’s recent trip to the U. S., he was found publicly rubbing shoulders with AIPAC. =

(A P)

Saudi Crown Prince and FIFA President discuss ways of strengthening cooperation

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met on Friday with the President of the International Football Association (FIFA) Gianni Infantino in Jeddah.
During the meeting, they reviewed ways to strengthen cooperation between FIFA and the Saudi General Sport Authority (GSA).

Remark: Thus, rumours that Salman had been killed in April are baseless.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

U.S. overreach in Yemen

t is a troubling fact the government is currently spending significant amounts of money and sending U.S. military personnel into harm’s way in order to — at best — make Riyadh’s participation in the Yemen civil war more convenient. The viability of the Saudi state is not in question, and the Saudi’s own armed forces are not at risk of being defeated by rebels in Yemen. Saudi Arabia’s interests are not America’s interests.

Our armed forces should not be used, our taxpayer dollars should not be spent and our military soldiers’ lives should not be put at risk for the mere convenience of any other nation.

I t is painfully clear that the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen’s civil war is being poorly conducted, causing the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians, and is no closer to a resolution than when it started. Moreover, no threats to U.S. national security are at play in this war. Given this new information about U.S. ground troops operating near the border with Yemen, it is Congress that is tasked with the job of oversight of U.S. foreign policy. It is the body entrusted to examine America’s role in this disastrous war.

President Trump’s foreign policy stance in the 2016 election that he was against nation-building and opposed to “stupid wars” was in tune with the wishes of the American public — that is an important reason he won the election. His views were right then and are still valid today.

In order to eliminate the avoidable deterioration of Washington’s ability to keep America safe from our national debt and military overstretch, policymakers must set defense priorities based on a realistic assessment of our security and prosperity — not by cleaning up Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy blunders in Yemen – by Daniel L. Davis

(B H P)

'It's brought us together': at Ramadan, American Muslims on life in the age of Trump

In Hamtramck, Michigan, many feel a sense of foreboding – and a connection to their community – in a difficult political climate

(* A B K P T)

How a Bernie Sanders resolution is normalising the war on terror

A recent measure proposed by US Senator Bernie Sanders to end the war in Yemen masks US raids in the country.

Sanders intends to bring back the measure for another vote, according to his spokesperson Josh Miller-Lewis .

"The resolution is concerned specifically with the lack of authorisation for US military support for the Saudi-led war against the Houthis," he told me in an email exchange.

Ending the Saudi-led war should be a priority for anyone who values human life.

But while Sanders' resolution would curtail the more direct forms of support for these hostilities, it would allow the other US war in Yemen to continue. In fact, it makes sure that the proposal is not construed as limiting it, providing an exemption for "United States armed forces engaged in operations directed at al-Qaeda or associated forces".

Sanders' office did not answer when asked why language exempting the war on terror was included in the resolution on the Yemen conflict. One could speculate that it's a legislative strategy: Don't let ending all wars be the enemy of ending the war you can. But Sanders isn't selling it that way. His argument against the Saudi-led war in Yemen centres on its humanitarian toll, but also notes it has "undermined US efforts to stop terrorism."

This effort, in Sanders' view, requires authorisation of the use of special forces and drones wherever the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which split from al-Qaeda, shows up.

In Yemen, in 2018, the war on terror is a complementary evil, but it's also the root of all the others. The need to wage it, for over a decade, led Washington to support a dictator - and, when that dictator fell, to support the installation of his vice president, despite the Arab Spring's cries for change.

This US war in Yemen cannot be divorced from the other conflicts raging there, particularly when Donald Trump is helping escalate them all. Children are being killed in the dark, their blood is on the president's hands. It's arguably too late, but also worth asking: Do we want it on ours? – by Charles Davis

(* B P)

Riyalpolitik and the Art of Influence in Trump’s Washington

America's Arab allies have always wanted to buy direct access to U.S. foreign policy, and they finally found a seller.

Nader’s story is yet another example of the sleaze, greed, and influence-peddling that has come to seem ordinary in Trump-era Washington. But it also offers a view into a more extraordinary and unprecedented problem: a decision by some of America’s closest allies in the Middle East to leverage their financial resources in common cause with a bunch of ganefs to influence U.S. foreign policy. It is a problem that can be traced back, in ways that haven’t generally been understood, to Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner and his mobile phone.

According to the New York Times, Nader and Elliott Broidy pitched a scheme to the governments of the UAE and Saudi Arabia in which Broidy would use his extensive contacts in Washington, especially in the White House, to shape U.S. policy toward Qatar, which the Saudis and Emiratis accuse of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, funding extremism, and cozying up to Iran. Apparently, the Emiratis agreed to the arrangement. The kind of influence-peddling in which Nader and Broidy were involved can be traced back to Jared Kushner.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A H)

Film: Sickening level of food wastage during #Ramadan in a gulf arab country!Sickening level of food wastage during #Ramadan in a gulf arab country! As Yemeni children starve to death next door: Saudi Arabia:
15 million tons per year/ 8 million meals daily Dubai:
1,850 tons of food is thrown away daily UAE:
6 million tons per year Bahrain: 400 tons daily = =

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A E P)

Qatar bans goods from UAE, Saudi as embargo anniversary approaches

Qatar said it was banning products originating from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain, almost a year after those states imposed an embargo on Doha, accusing it of supporting terrorism.

cp12b Libanon / Lebanon

(* B P)

Macron: "Saudi-Arabien hat Hariri festgehalten"

Das Außenministerium in Riad dementiert. Dort wünscht man sich, dass Frankreich mit dem Königreich deutlich Front gegen Iran macht. Indessen soll Deutschland wirtschaftliche Nachteile für seine Haltung spüren

Sein Eingreifen im November habe möglicherweise einen Krieg im Libanon verhindert, sagte Macron am vergangenen Freitag dem französischen Fernsehsender BFMTV in einem Interview, das nun für Verstimmungen zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Frankreich sorgt.

Denn Macron äußerte Erstaunliches. Der französische Präsident gab mit einer Bemerkung allen Recht, die im Spätherbst 2017 bei den spektakulären Ereignissen in Saudi-Arabien davon ausgegangen waren, dass der libanesische Premierminister Hariri dort gegen seinen Willen festgehalten würde (Rätsel über den zurückgetretenen libanesischen Premier Hariri). Einige hielten diese Vorstellung für eine typische Verschwörungstheorie.

Macron erklärte dem Fernsehsender gegenüber ganz eindeutig, "dass ein Premierminister in Saudi-Arabien mehrere Wochen lang festgehalten wurde." Im November war seine Haltung im Fall Hariri noch sehr viel vorsichtiger, sprich diplomatischer.

Riad reagierte nun auf diese Äußerungen. Dort ist man nicht sehr angetan. Man dementiert die Aussagen des französischen Präsidenten. Der Sprecher des saudi-arabischen Außenministeriums bezeichnete sie als "inkorrekt". In französischen Medien wird das Statement, das über die saudi-arabische Nachrichtenagentur verbreitet wird, mit "unwahr" statt "inkorrekt" zitiert, was darauf hinausläuft, dass man Macron in Riad der Lüge zeiht.

(* B P)

Without France, Lebanon would probably be at war, Macron says

French President Emmanuel Macron has claimed credit for solving a political crisis in Lebanon last year and stated publicly that Saudi Arabia had held Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri for several weeks.

Macron said an unscheduled stopover in Riyadh to convince Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, followed by an invitation to Hariri to come to France, had been the catalyst to ending the crisis.

“I remind you that a prime minister was held in Saudi Arabia for several weeks,” he said, a comment that could irk Riyadh which, like Hariri, denied he was ever held against his will.


(A P)

Saudi Arabia denies Macron's charge it held Lebanese PM captive

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry denied French President Emmanuel Macron’s assertion that the kingdom held Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri captive last November, official Saudi media reported on Tuesday.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry statement on Tuesday called Macron’s comments “untrue” and said the kingdom would continue to support Lebanon’s stability and security.

“All the evidence confirms that what is pulling Lebanon and the region toward instability is Iran and its tools like the Hezbollah terrorist militia...” the statement said.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* A K P)

Boeing Wins $26M FMS Deal For CH-47F Chinook Helicopters

The Boeing Co. (NYSE:BA) recently clinched a modification contract for eight CH-47F new build helicopters, aiming to support the Royal Saudi Land Forces Aviation Command (RSLFAC). The deal came under the foreign military sales (FMS) program. Boeing’s CH-47 Chinook is an advanced American twin-engine, multi-mission, heavy-lift helicopter used by the U.S. Army and other international defense forces.
Details of the Deal
Valued at $25.7 million, the contract has been awarded by the U.S. Army Contracting Command Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.

Work related to this deal is scheduled to get completed by Jul 31, 2021 and will be carried out in Ridley Township, PA. The contract will use fiscal 2017 foreign military sales funds.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(A K P)

I have a friend from #Sudan, he told me that the #Sudanese people are not happy with their military intervention in #Yemen, and that the wealthy officials are taking advantage of the poor society.

(A K P)

Sudan says participation in Yemen war “moral commitment”

Sudan’s Defence Minister Awad Ibn Ouf said his countries participation in the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is an ethical commitment.

My comment: This is odd. – Earlier reports YPR 416, 415, cp13b.

Comment: There is nothing moral in sending mercenaries to fight for the Coalition in #Yemen

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


The #Omani authorities have seized as many as 52 pieces of antiquities that were smuggled from #Yemen through the Omani-Yemeni border port, saying that they will return them to the Yemeni government.(photos)

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Yemeni government raise fuel prices by 75%

The legitimate Yemeni government in Aden announced a rise in fuel prices in a decision expected to provoke citizen anger.

The Yemeni oil company issued “generalization” included the new pricing list of the fuel starting from today (Monday) , the gasoline price raised from 185 to 325 YR/L by 75 %, the gallon 20 liter increased from 3700 to 6500 YR, while the diesel price which used in generating electricity will be 270 YR/L from 165 YR/L with (65%) raise.

The legitimate government which recognized by the international community has decided to remove the restrains on importing fuel to allow the privet companies to import the fuel and to make the distribution as competitive between the companies.

Yemeni oil company and Aden Refinery have stopped importing fuel due to the liquidity of the US dollar since the mid of 2017 and inability of the government to cover the cost of fuel-importing in US dollar.

My comment: And how often hey had blamed the Houthis for rising fuel prices!

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#IslamicState in #Yemen has announced another "martyr", al-Qa'qa' al-'Adani. This makes 25 #ISIL Yemen "martyrs" so far this year

(A T)

New #AQAP video from Hadramawt #Yemen looks strong but may suggest: -Weak leadership: No ref to current leaders; Wuhayshi (droned 2015) dominates -Fading support: some old footage + calls to follow in martyrs’ footsteps -Comms challenges: Date shows took 2 months to get it online (potos)

(B T)

#UAE is doing something right: formal claims by #AlQaeda in #Yemen are way down. Last night #AQAP issued only its 4th claim all May (versus 31 ops in May 2017): ambush of UAE-backed Security Belt forces in al-Mahfad, Abyan on Saturday. 1 killed, others wounded, vehicle destroyed

(* B T)

Analysis: AQAP remains under pressure

AQAP’s media arms have suffered significant losses. The US and its allies have repeatedly targeted the personnel responsible for producing AQAP’s videos, statements and publications, including the English-language Inspire magazine and the Arabic-language Al Masra newsletter. This campaign has been waged for years, but has continued in recent months.

In Dec. 2017, US Central Command (CENTCOM) reported that “[o]ngoing operations pressuring” AQAP’s “network” had “degraded” its “propaganda production, reducing one of the methods for the terror group to recruit and inspire lone wolf attacks across the globe.”

Indeed, the UN concluded that AQAP “continues to play a leading role in the propaganda activities of the al Qaeda core,” with member states finding “that AQAP in Yemen serves as the communications hub for the entire al Qaeda organization.”

Therefore, it stands to reason that the disruptions in AQAP’s messaging capabilities have ramifications outside of Yemen’s borders.

Like their jihadi cousins in northwestern Syria, AQAP’s leaders and members are confronted by a complex, multi-sided war that tests both their resolve and skill. Evaluating AQAP’s prospects requires a careful assessment of many factors, from the role of foreign actors to the strength of the group’s tribal ties.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Why fall of Al Duraihami will pave the way to secure Bab Al Mandeb strait

The fall of the Al Duraihami district of Hodeidah to the Yemeni National Resistance Forces is a turning point of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition military campaign.

The Al Duraihami district is of strategic importance in the operation to liberate the governorate of Hodeidah, especially Hodeidah port, a vital lifeline through which most of Yemen's food and medicine is shipped.

Hodeidah port, one of the key ports on Yemen’s Red Sea Coast, is used by the coup perpetrators for deliveries of weapons smuggled from Iran. It has also been used as a base to target international shipping at one of the world's most vital waterways, the Bab Al Mandeb strait.

Taking control of the Imary Camp, the second largest military base on the Red Sea Coast after the Khalid Ibn Al Waleed camp in Muza', now fully liberated, has also made it possible for the pro-government forces to protect the international navigation passage through the Bab Al Mandeb.

So far, the Arab Coalition has liberated a coastline of more than 350 kilometres, starting from Aden up to the north of Hayes district, expelling the Houthi rebels from the Bab Al Mandeb and securing the safety of international navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The Coalition's continuing efforts to fully retake the Red Sea Coast are part of its strategy to secure international navigation in the Red Sea and to end the threat posed by the Houthi militia to international navigation through the arbitrary planting of mines from their terrorist base at Hodeidah Port.

My comment: The arms supply by Iran to the Houthis is minimal, and the by far greatest threat to shipping in the Red Sea are Saudi coalition air raids against fishing boats, harbours and Saudi war ships pounding the coast line.

(A P)

Nathalie Goulet confirms the humanitarian position of Saudi Arabia at the Arab coalition forces in Yemen

Vice-chairwoman of the French Senate - GCC parliamentary friendship group, Nathalie Goulet, who is also Member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, affirmed Saudi Arabia's humanitarian position at the command of the international coalition forces in Yemen, lauding the assistance provided by King Salman Center For Humanitarian Aid And Relief for the needy in Yemen to promote and continue to live in peace under the siege and war imposed by the Houthi militias.
Nathalie Goulet praised the efforts the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is exerting to help the children of soldiers in Yemen and all the medical assistance King Salman Center For Humanitarian Aid And Relief Affairs is also providing, noting that King Salman Center and the UAE Red Crescent are the sole organizations operating in the governorate of Marib for international humanitarian work in the absence of all international humanitarian organizations governmental and non-governmental organizations.
"I have been present in Yemen with five members of the French Senate and the French General Assembly, as well as a parliamentary deputy and a French ambassador, to assess the humanitarian situation in Yemen," Nathalie Goulet said.
She pointed out that about three million Yemeni children are invited by Saudi Arabia to improve their humanitarian situation, especially in the holy month of Ramadan, in which the Kingdom doubled its efforts.

My comment: This is really awful propaganda – a European parliamentarian who serves as mouthpiece of those who slaughter and starve out children.

(A P)

Yemeni national army advances towards Al-Hodeida, Col. Al-Malki announces

In his regular weekly press conference, Al-Malki said the recent U.S. sanctions imposed on a host of Iranian individuals and organizations as well as the terrorist Al-Houthi militias in Yemen are yet another evidence that Iran is a terror-sponsor state.
He also cited the withdrawal of ten Yemeni representatives from the Popular Conference Party, led by Nasser Bajeel, as a sign of what the once-Houthi-allies suffer from the Houthi militias who are not allowing them to freely practice their political rights.

Regarding the drone which attacked Abha last week, Al-Malki said the Saudi royal air forces have successfully intercepted and destroyed the non-pilot plane and later, the coalition monitored the Saada-based assembling apparatus, strictly attacked the persons in charge of this terrorist act.

Malki said that the joint coalition forces are taking the legal and necessary measures to destroy these capabilities in accordance with international law and customary military rules.
Houthi militias used women on the battlefield, contrary to the principles, ethics, and customs of Yemen and the region. Some women involved in military operations were arrested. Al-Malki said that the air, sea and land relief outlets of Yemen are operating at full capacity. The coalition forces have so far given 24,710 permits to relief agencies.
The aid provided by the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid as part of the Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations Plan in Yemen reached 4,777,679 Yemeni nationals as of Thursday night.

(A P)

UAE rescues Socotra cyclone victims

The UAE has responded quickly, since the tropical Cyclone Mekunu hit the Yemeni island of Socotra, to rescue residents and assure they receive all the medical care needed.

The Emirates News Agency (WAM) met with Socotra residents and their escorts as soon as they arrived at hospitals in the UAE, where they expressed both thanks and appreciation to the UAE leadership and people for the significant efforts that led to reducing their hardships.

They affirmed that what the UAE has done in Socotra reflects the humanitarian and giving approach of the UAE, as provided over many decades.

One of the patients, Mohamed Amer Khamis, said he would like to thank the UAE for this generous initiative, adding that the UAE is considered the first country to rescue people in Socotra

(A P)

UAE pledges to return stability to war-torn Yemen

The United Arab Emirates Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Gargash reiterated on Monday the UAE's commitment to finding a solution to Yemen.

In a series of tweets Dr Gargash said the UAE would accomplish its mission alongside the Arab coalition, and return stability to the war-torn country.

History, he noted, will show that the UAE "assumed its responsibilities in the security of the region with honesty and honour".

"The role of the UAE in support of its brothers emerges in critical times and amid the greatest challenges, the UAE is part of a partnership that strives to keep the security of the region," he tweeted.

(A P)

Yemeni Vice President appreciates great role of the coalition countries in facing conspiracies of the Iranian project

The Yemeni Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh praised the great role played by the coalition countries, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in supporting the Yemenis to get rid of the conspiracies of the Iranian project, protect the territorial waters and safeguard the Arab identity.
In a telephone conversation with the governor of Hodeidah Al-Hasan Ali Taher, the Vice President of Yemen confirmed the leadership and legitimate government's efforts to liberate all the provinces from the coup militias and alleviate the suffering of Hodeidah residents, who have been abused by the Houthi militias and deprived from legal rights.

My comment: The „Iranian project“ in Yemen is a conspiration theory.

(A P)

More Saudi / UAE „We are benefctors“ propaganda

(A P)

UAE to work with international organisations for food security

Mariam Hareb Almheiri, Minister of State for Food Security, held high-level meetings in Rome with officials of the international organisations concerned with food security.

Comment: They block food supply to #Yemen and are battling to ensure the taking of #Hodeidah port where 90% of Yemen's food and aid should enter, but on the world stage they engage in food security

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

May 28:

May 27:

May 26:

(A K pH)

Civilian killed in Saudi-led airstrikes on Ibb

A civilian was killed and another injured when the US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Tuesday launched two airstrikes on two Locomotives in Ibb province, an official told Saba News Agency.
The airstrikes hit the locomotives in a main road Of Dalil area on Makhader district.
The two the Locomotives were completely destroyed in the airstrikes.


(* A K pH)

Marine Terminal Under Drone Attack
A US drone launched two strikes on Ras-Isa area / Marine Terminal - of Salif district, #Hodeidah.

(A K pS)

Arab Coalition says it targeted 4 Houthi leaders in Saada

The spokesman for the Arab Coalition supporting Yemen's government, Col. Turki al-Maliki said that battlefield rebel leaders who were killed by an airstrike in the fronts of Razih Saada, are Abu Hussein Ghathwan, Walid Saleh al-Ghamri, Ali Qassem Qazan, and Hamid Mohammed Rawiyah.

Maliki said the Coalition's jets also destroyed a storage site for Houthi unmanned drones after their failed terrorist attempt to target Abha international airport with one such drone on Saturday.

(A K pH)

2 civilians killed in Saudi-led air strikes on Hodiedah

Two citizens were killed and an another wounded in two air strikes of Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Hodiedah province, an official told Saba.
The strikes hit al-Nqakhail area of al-Duraihami district.

Earlier, the fighter jets waged a series of strikes on several provinces of Saada, Taiz and Jawf, leaving heavy damage to citizens' properties.


(A K pH)

Saudis warplanes targeted #Hodeida port early morning resulted in mass destruction on the port's facilities and infrastructures, in away aims to see a new wafe of starvation in a country facing the worst famine crisis in the world.
The port considered the only lifeline which millions people north of #Yemendepend on for getting rarely food, medicines and fuel imports, in addition to the humanitarian aid supplies given by International Organizations. (photos) =

(A K pH)

Coalition warplane targets boat of Marine diver’s Maintenance of in Hodeidah

Warplane of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Sunday launched a strike on the red sea port province of Hodeidah, an official told Saba news Agency.
The air strike targeted boat of Marine diver’s Maintenance in Hodeidah port. and photos

and also in anti-Houthi media

(A K pH)

Film: Saudi Wahhabi crimes in holy Ramadan: Dozens killed, injured in coalition bombing of Yemen's Saada / Video

Three children and a man were killed and 15 civilians injured in an airstrike which targeted a main road of Saada city.

(* A K pH)

Report: 41 killed, injured in different provinces in a day

The US-backed Saudi aggression coalition 41 killed and injured in many different provinces during 24 hours, a military official told Saba on Sunday.

In the capital Sanaa, the Saudi enemy fired a missile on oil company station, which led to eleven wounded and four citizen killed.

In Sadaa, a man and two children killed and other fifteen injured by a ride waged at general road, also the aggression shelling another raid on Qamar border left two men and a child killed.

Meanwhile, the enemy fired four missiles at civilians ‘houses and a missile on a mosque in Sahar district. Other eight missiles on Magaz district and four missiles on Kataf. Also six missiles on Raza district.

In Hodeidah, a man killed on a Saudi ‘airstrike on al-Tohutah district and four strikes hit fishermen boats in Alarg center in Bagal district.

(* A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

May 29: Hajjah p. Hodeidah p. Sanaa p.

May 28: Sanaa p. Hajjah p. Haradh district, Hajjah p. Hajjah p. Hajjah p. Hodeidah p. Saada p.

May 27: Saada p. Saada p.

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen war: Wedding party that turned into a 'bloodbath'

Sameeh was at the wedding in rural Yemen in April that his father Ali was performing at when he was killed by a Saudi airstrike.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

Killed and wounded rebel fighters arrive in Hajjah hospitals in dozens

Medical sources have reported the arrival of dozens of Houthi fighters killed and wounded to the hospitals of the city of Hajjah, coming from the warfronts of Meedi, Haradh and Hayran north of the same province, near the border with Saudi Arabia.

(A K pS)

Saada: Army dismantles 215 improvised explosive devices and landmines

The army's engineering experts have dismantled dozens of mines and improvised explosive devices in the stronghold of the the Houthi rebel militia , Saada province.

(A K pS)

Army dismantle naval mines planted by Houthis off Meedi Coast

Military experts have found and disassembled a number of naval mines that Houthi rebels had planted off the coast of Meedi town in the northern province of Hajjaj.

(A K pS)

The #Houthis have failed to launch a ballistic missile towards al-Jawf province and the missile fell down on a deserted area with no causalities reported. (photo)

(A K)

Map: Houthi territory is shrinking day by day.

(A K pS)

Houthis transporting heavy artilleries from Sanaa to Saadah

Military sources revealed today that Houthis militia has started (Saturday) evening and {Sunday) dawn to transport 18 tanks (T82) Russian made,

The militia also transported large quantities of mid-heavy ammunitions and AK ammunition which were stored at leaders houses in Sanaa.

Observers said this comes with the military preparations made by Houthis to anticipate any attack on Saadah by the governmental forces especially after the defeats they sustained at the coastal line fronts during the past weeks. and also

My comment: The idea stated by aawsat why the Houthis transport these arms to Saada sound odd; this certainly does not have anything to do with the offensive against Hodeidah. Almasdar gives a better explanation.

(A K pH)

The Saudi Army’s Artillery and Rocket Fire Injures a Man in Saada

The Saudi forces fired with its artillery and rockets on the border districts in the northern province of Saada, leaving many killed and wounded among citizens.

A citizen was seriously injured due to rocket and artillery shelling on different areas of the border district of Razih, where it has intensified its bombardment in the border districts in the northern province of Saada.

(* A K pS)

Houthis Kills 3 women and injures one in Mortar attack south Hodeida

Eyewitnesses said that with the dawn of Tuesday 3 women killed and one injured in a shelling attack launched by Houthis on Hees – South Hodeida (east Yemen).

The reporter of Almasdaronline said according to the witnesses, a Mortar shoot by Houthis fall a house belongs to ALmaghrasi family in Hees the city under governmental control, and a big explosion hit the house.

(B K pS)

The naval technical teams have found naval mines the #Houthi militia has implanted off the Coast of Midi district, north of Hajjah province. (photos)

(B K)

Film: Recklessness at its best. Mine clearance in Yemen.

(A K pH)

Saada prov.: several areas of Razih district were shelled by artillery and missile

(* A K pH)

Yemen Army Has Database of Saudi Targets: Spokesperson

The deputy spokesman for Yemen’s army said his country has a ready-made database of various military targets and economic sites inside Saudi Arabia that could be prime targets for Yemeni missiles and drones.

Remark: The Houthi-affiliated part of the Yemeni army.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B H)

Video 05: The People’s Street

It is located in the heart of Sana’a, in a lost corner inside Change Square. The official name of that small alley is unknown, but everyone knows where Restaurant Alley is. It is a place where one can eat and gather. A rare destination where, uniquely, unity and equality are assured in a land torn apart by war, corruption and conflict.

The Alley welcomes people from all social and political classes; the poor person sits on a table facing the novelist. The army men share bread with the young. This has been the atmosphere of Restaurant Alley since it opened in the late eighties.

The Alley has been an inspiration for many of Yemen’s artists and creative thinkers. and =

cp18a Cyclone Mekunu

(* A)

Tote durch Tropensturm „Mekunu“ im Oman und im Jemen

Die Zahl der Toten durch Tropensturm „Mekunu“ im Oman und im Jemen ist auf mindestens elf gestiegen. Acht Menschen werden noch immer vermisst.


Floods destroyed the roads and cut off the power lines and internet in Mahrah

The heavy raining and floods resulted from Mykonos cyclone caused huge damage in roads networks and cutting the power lines and internet services in most of Mahrah governorate according to the citizens there.

Locals said to Almasdaronline most of the roads destroyed in the past two days while cities of Mahrah like Sihoot city and the cities near to it total blackout because of the destroyed power lines.

Governor of Mahra called the Yemeni government to provide a helicopter to rescue the trapped people at Wadi Aljazaa between Alabri and Alghaidah.

(A H)

Socotra…United Nation aid in its way and new Saudi aiding aircraft

The Yemeni Local administration minister Abdulraqeeb Fateh said today(Tuesday), the united nation announced its response to the Yemeni government call to aid Socotra which damaged by Mykonos cyclone.

The minister said in a tweet on his account “ I received a letter from the united nation coordinator in Yemen stating the response by providing the urgent needs, and the aid will include 10.5 tons of aiding materials and medications, 1000 sets of sheltering materials and 4000 Hygiene kits and materials in addition to 35 containers of bottled water.

While Saudi Arabia announced sending another aiding aircraft to Socotra.


Oman, Yemen | Tropical Cyclone Mekunu - Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) – DG ECHO Daily Map | 28/05/2018

(* A)

Tropical Cyclone Mekunu-18, Socotra Island, Yemen: Preliminary and Rapid Analysis of Qalansiyah, Socotra Island, using satellite data acquired on 27 May 2018

UNOSAT has performed a rapid satellite based analysis and assessment to illustrate the impact in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Mekunu-18 over Qalansiyah, Socotra Island, Yemen. For this analysis UNOSAT has used satellite images over the area before and after the cyclone:

  • Pre event: Planet from 08 May 2018 (3 m resolution)
  • Post event: Planet from 27 May 2018 (3 m resolution)

Main Findings

  • Water flow with potentially high discharges is observed in wadis.
  • Some areas along the wadis seem to be potentially flooded as of 27 May 2018.
  • Some road sections appear to be potentially affected by water and mud.
  • This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field.

(* A )

Strongest Cyclone on Record in Yemen Dumps 3 Years of Rain in One Day, Kills 11

The most powerful cyclone on record, Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm Mekunu blasted coastal and inland regions of Middle Eastern states Yemen and Oman with sustained winds of 112 mph and gusts of up to 124 mph, bringing rainfall amounts of up to eleven inches over a 24-hour period — an astonishing and unprecedented downpour that killed at least 11 as many more remain missing, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

(* A)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Cyclone Mekunu Flash Update 2 | 27 May 2018

Situation Overview

The impact of cyclone ‘Mekunu’ on Yemen’s eastern mainland, after it had made landfall in the Sultanate of Oman on 26 May, has been limited. Minor damage has been reported to infrastructure in the districts of Hawf and Shahan of Al Maharah Governorate. Two ships reportedly sank in Al Gaydah and the cycolone damaged agricultural equipment. Meanwhile, assessments and relief efforts continue on the island of Socotra.

On 27 May, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies reported that seven people have died and eight are still missing due to the cyclone.

Implications on the humanitarian situation and response

Search and rescue operations continue, with local authorities trying to reach communities in remote areas. While the road to Socotra’s second largest city, Qalansiyah, is reported open, roads towards the south and across the Haghier mountains remain closed. Hospitals in Hadibo and Qalansiyah are functional although Khalifa hospital, in the former, has reportedly sustained partial damage.

Local authorities and the Displacement Tracking Team led by the International Organization for Migration (DTM/IOM) have reported a total of 507 families being displaced in Hadibo and Qalansiyah.

As a result of the cyclone, a number of water wells and water network in both Hadibo and Qalansiyah sustained limited damages.

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Tropical cyclone Mekunu has caused heavy rainfall on the Arabian coast including Socotra island of Yemen. Sustained maximum wind speeds reached 99-106mph (159-209kmph), (India Meteorological Department). Mekunu’s path mainly affected the two Yemeni governorates of Socotra and Al Mahrah

Impacts I. Socotra: 550 families in Hadibu and 53 families in Qalansiyah were evacuated to schools, mosques, government buildings and relatives’ houses. Seven people died and 8 sailors are still missing. Livelihoods are greatly affected since most of the people are sailors and farmers. Many sailors lost their ships, and mudslides ran over many farms. In addition, electric power and telecommunications are down in many areas around the island. Five houses were damaged and some other houses were partly damaged. The governorate infrastructures have many problems, including damaged roads, out of service sewage system and insufficient drinking water. The government authorities announced Socotra as a disaster area calling for help and interventions. So far, Socotra is the most affected Yemeni governorate by cyclone Mekunu.

II. Al-Mahrah: Mekunu cyclone hit Al-Maharah in the early hours of 26 May for a few hours. Eight people were injured in Hawf and flash floods impacted some buildings, such as Surfeit port office. Haswayn school, Khawlah school and the old building of customs are partly damaged. Agricultural equipment, harvesters and warehouses are damaged in Al Gaydah. Strong winds speeded the crawling sands covering the road connecting between Hadramout and Al-Maharah. Two ships sank in AlGaydah and Al-Ebri health centre is out of service due to lack of medical supplies. Although some telecommunications’ towers are damaged, the maintenance teams succeeded to bring some of the network back online in some areas of Hawf (small city next to Omani borders) and its neighbouring area.

Red Cross and Red Crescent action The following has been the response from various Movement partners:

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OCHA says heavy rains caused significant damage to Socotra infrastructure.

In its situation review on the cyclone Mekunu of Socotra, the Office of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that heavy rains arising from the cyclone Mekunu caused significant damage in the archipelago of Socotra.

Excerpt from the review dated 25thMay:

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Photos: In east, severe flooding hits #Mahra after #CycloneMekunu.

Film: Impact of #CycloneMekunu in east #Yemen's #Mahra: Loss of life is limited (though funeral today for boy drowned in Hawf). Infrastructure damaged - this video via @forsan_almahrah shows serious flooding in Huswayn. #Qatar Red Crescent promises $100k for mattresses, blankets, food


First Saudi Aid Shipment Arrives on Yemeni Island of Socotra Devastated by Cyclone Mekunu and photos:


UAE to treat 17 Yemenis affected by Cyclone Mekunu in implementation of President's directives

My comment: Both saudis and Emirates have political, economic and military interests in Socotra – this explains their quick and great support.

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Tropical Cyclone "Mekunu" slams into Oman as strongest in recorded history, dumps nearly 3 years' worth of rain in one day

Tropical Cyclone "Mekunu" slammed into Oman around 20:00 UTC on Friday, May 25, 2018 as the first Category 3 hurricane equivalent to hit the region in recorded history. The storm dumped nearly three years' worth of rain in landfall area and left at least 5 people dead and 30 missing.

Mekunu became an Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm prior to landfall which occurred about 40 km (25 miles) WSW of Salalah, Oman's third-largest city with a population of about 200 000. (images)

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und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

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