Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 440 - Yemen War Mosaic 440

Yemen Press Reader 440: 3. August 2018: Hodeidah: Saudischer Luftangriff, 55 Tote; Kämpfe im Süden der Provinz; Täglich 6000 neue Flüchtlinge – Fotos aus dem Jemen – Die wirklichen Opferzahlen..

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... Das „Jemen-Quartett“ und seine „Fake“ Hilfskampagne – Der Luftangriff vom 14. Mai und Details aus der saudischen Kommandozentrale – „Mütter der Entführten“ – Drohnenfilme von Sanaa – Al Kaida, Islah Partei und Hadi-Regierung – Konsequenzen des Irakkriegs – und mehr

Aug. 3, 2018: Hodeidah: Saudi air raid kills 55; Fighting in southern province; 6000 new refugees every day – Photos from Yemen – Real figures of Yemeni victims – The „Yemen Quartett“ and ist fake relief campaign – The May, 14 air raid and details from the Saudi command room – „Abductees‘ Mothers“ – Drone footage from Sanaa – Al Qaeda, Islah Party and Hadi government – Consequences of the Iraq war – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Hodeidah: 55 Tote bei saudischem Luftangriff / Most important: Hodeidah: 55 killed by Saudi air raid

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(** B H)

The World Has Left Yemen to Die

Exclusive photos give a rare look inside the country, where civil war has trapped civilians in a life of violence and disease.

This story appears in the August 2018 issue of National Geographic magazine.

After three years of fighting, the numbers are stunning: In a nation of nearly 29 million, 22 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to the UN. Two million have been displaced. At least 10,000 are dead. With the economy and health care system in shambles, Yemenis make desperate decisions to find medical treatment. Some take dangerous cross-country journeys to hospitals run by humanitarian groups; others spend their savings at private clinics. More than half of Yemen’s hospitals are closed or partly functioning, and sometimes administrators must choose between buying medical supplies and fuel for generators. Infectious diseases such as cholera and diphtheria are rampant, reflecting the lack of treated water and other basic government services.

Doctors and other health workers at public hospitals haven’t been paid since 2016. Humanitarian groups are supporting the health ministry with salaries and supplies. But a Saudi-led coalition blockade on the country’s airports and ports in an attempt to stop supplies from reaching the rebels has arbitrarily delayed or diverted aid shipments, says Kristine Beckerle, with Human Rights Watch, adding that both sides “are weaponizing aid.”

Since 2017 the country has seen more than a million suspected cholera cases—the worst outbreak in modern history. One NGO ordered a shipment of medication in July 2017. It didn’t arrive until April.

Many of Yemen’s doctors have moved to private hospitals or fled the country, leaving a shortage of medical professionals. Those who stay behind train their neighbors to treat wounds in case of an emergency overnight, when it’s too dangerous to travel.The private clinics cost more than even a middle-class civilian can afford. (photos, films)

(* B H)

Film: This is Yemen

and the worst humanitarian crisis in the world is getting worse day by day.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B K)

The deadly war in Yemen rages on. So why does the death toll stand still?

For almost two years, a figure — 10,000 people — has been frequently cited by journalists and relief agencies to describe the number of civilian deaths in the conflict. The number was based largely on reports from Yemen’s crippled health network and first mentioned by a senior United Nations official in January 2016. But in public discussion of the conflict, the number has never been revised, even as the war has retained its ruthless intensity.

It is almost certainly conservative and possibly grossly underestimated, according to U.N. officials and analysts who study the conflict, with one independent estimate putting the total number of Yemenis killed in combat at nearly 50,000. The undercount would reflect in part the impossible task of tallying deaths in war zones, where parties to the hostilities provide exaggerated figures while independent monitors are stymied by the violence and shifting battle lines.

For some of the same reasons, officials stopped releasing death tolls in Syria’s civil war several years ago — but only after hundreds of thousands of deaths already had been counted, focusing international attention on the slaughter.

In Yemen, though, the low death toll has reinforced a sense that the country’s misery is ignored by the wider world. It is rarely covered in the media due to restrictions and difficulties traveling there, but also because of a reticence to explain the confounding array of actors and grievances attending a conflict in the poorest country in the Arab world.

The overall death toll may have reached alarming levels, according to one independent tally. Data collected by ACLED, a group that studies conflicts, puts the death toll at nearly 50,000 people in the period between January 2016 and late July 2018. That number includes combatants but excludes people not directly killed during the fighting — thousands of civilians who have died of malnutrition or cholera, for instance. Last year, Save the Children estimated that 130 children were dying every day because of “extreme hunger and disease.”

ACLED is still tallying data from the first nine months of the conflict, when the fighting was most intense, meaning that the death toll is certain to rise, according to Andrea Carboni, who researches Yemen for the group. ACLED says it collects information from secondary sources, corroborates it multiple times and uses the most conservative estimates when it comes to fatalities.

A reliable death toll is important because “in general, its good to know the human price of war,” said Radhya Almutawakel, a co-chair of Mwatana, a Yemeni human rights group. But her group focused on documenting human rights violations rather than arriving at death totals. “It’s not our job, and its impossible,” she said, even for a group like hers with a large network of researchers in almost every region of Yemen.

As she watched her country disintegrate and learned the names of Yemenis killed by torture, land mines and aerial bombs, a total seemed beside the point.

“One story should be very alarming,” she said, “but it’s not the case.” – by Kareem Fahim

(** B K P)

Die Völkermord-PR

Eine milliardenschwere PR-Kampagne bemüht sich um die Vertuschung des Genozids im Jemen.

Die humanitäre Krise im Jemen bekommt in den Medien nicht die Aufmerksamkeit, die sie verdient. Deshalb veröffentlichen wir hier einen schon etwas älteren Text zum „YCHO“, dem Plan zur „umfassenden humanitären Hilfe im Jemen“, der genau das eben nicht ist. Dan Glazebrook untersucht darin die Rolle des „Jemen-Quartetts“ – Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, die USA und Großbritannien – in dieser schlimmsten humanitären Katastrophe seit Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts.

Das „Jemen-Quartett“: Koordinierung der Strategien der Hauptaggressoren

Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass die britischen und US-amerikanischen Aufpasser diese Eskalation abgesegnet haben. Ende 2016 wurde das „Jemen-Quartett“ gebildet, dem die USA, Großbritannien, Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate angehören und das die Strategie der vier Hauptaggressoren des Konfliktes koordiniert.

Im Jahre 2017 trafen sich die Mitglieder nur gelegentlich, gegen Ende des Jahres jedoch wurden die Treffen häufiger und fanden auf höherer Regierungsebene statt. Ende November 2017, kurz vor Beginn der Offensive in der Hudaida Provinz, lud Boris Johnson zu einem Treffen des Quartetts in London, während sich Theresa May gleichzeitig mit König Salman in Riad traf – wahrscheinlich um ihre Genehmigung zur Durchführung dieser neuen Runde von Verheerungen für die belagerte jemenitische Bevölkerung zu erteilen.

Die vier Parteien trafen sich zwei Wochen später sowie am 23. Januar 2018 erneut – wieder auf Betreiben Johnsons. An diesen Treffen nahm erstmals auch Rex Tillerson teil. Das „ökonomische Quartett“, an dessen Treffen auch Funktionäre des IWF und der Weltbank teilnahmen, versammelte sich am 02. Februar 2018 in Saudi-Arabien, während sich Johnson und Tillerson erneut mit ihren Amtskollegen aus Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten am 15. Februar in Bonn trafen um die Lage im Jemen zu besprechen.

Selbstverständlich wird auf solchen Treffen nicht das Klein-Klein der strategischen Kriegsführung organisiert – das übernehmen die Beamten in den Militär- und Nachrichtendiensten. Der Zweck solcher Runden auf hoher Ebene ist eher, dass jede beteiligte Partei den anderen demonstriert, bei alle strategischen Planungen den Segen der jeweiligen Regierungen auf höchster Stufe zu haben. Dass sich das „Quartett“ nur wenige Tage vor der Ankündigung getroffen hatte, dass ein lang geplanter Angriff auf Hudaida bevorstand, spricht Bände über die Komplizenschaft der USA und Großbritanniens in diesem neuen vorsätzlichen Kriegsverbrechen.

„Umfassende humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen“…

Diese militärischen und humanitären „Entwicklungen“ (wenn man so ein Wort überhaupt auf die vorsätzliche Zerstörung des Lebensstandards eines Landes anwenden kann) bilden die Kulisse für die Ankündigung der Saudi-geführten Koalition am 22. Januar, eine „beispiellose Hilfsaktion für die Bevölkerung Jemens“durchführen zu wollen.

…und warum der Hilfsplan kein Hilfsplan ist…

Das Problem ist hier nicht nur, dass es laut Schätzungen der UN etwa doppelt so viel an Mitteln bedürfte, um den durch die von Saudi-Koalition verursachten Bedarf zu decken. Das tatsächliche Problem ist, dass dieser Plan in Wirklichkeit die Importe, von denen der Jemen so ganz und gar abhängt, nicht steigern, sondern sogar weiter reduzieren wird. Der Grund dafür ist, dass die viel gepriesenen „Verbesserungen der Hafenkapazitäten“ nur auf jene Häfen zutreffen werden, die von der Koalition kontrolliert werden.

Ausgeschlossen sind damit die Häfen außerhalb ihrer Kontrolle, wie Hudaida und Saleef, obwohl sie zusammen etwa 80 Prozent der Importe in den Jemen umschlagen. Für diese unabdingbar wichtigen Häfen sieht der Plan ausdrücklich eine Verminderung der Importe vor und zwar um etwa 200 Tonnen pro Monat als Mitte 2017.

Ja, Sie haben richtig gehört: Die Frachtgutmengen von Mitte 2017, als täglich 130 Kinder wegen der bereits bestehenden Import-Einschränkungen an Mangelernährung und anderen vermeidbaren Krankheiten starben, sollen nun weiter erheblich verringert werden.

Dieser Plan ist nichts weniger als eine Systematisierung der Hungerpolitik, derer die Saudis wegen ihrer Schließung der Häfen von Hudaida und Saleef vom UN-Expertengremium für den Jemen beschuldigt wurden.

Letztendlich geht es im YCHO-Plan darum, die Blockade zu verschärfen und gleichzeitig den Zugang zu Hilfsleistungen in den Händen der Aggressoren zu monopolisieren, das Ganze hübsch verpackt als große humanitäre Bemühungen – und erst in dem Moment demaskiert, als die Koalition einen Angriff auf die lebenswichtige Versorgung des Landes lanciert, der zu einer „völligen Horror-Show“ und „nahezu sicheren Hungersnot“ führen wird.

In den kranken Hirnen von Männern wie Mohammad bin Salman, Rex Tillerson und Boris Johnson – für die sogar die Auslöschung eines gesamten Volkes offensichtlich ein ehrenhaftes Anliegen beim Verfolgen ihres Zieles der Eindämmung des Iran ist – gilt heute genau das als humanitäre Gesinnung – von Dan Glazebrook

Remark: The original English version had been published March 5, 2018:

(*** B K)


SHORTLY BEFORE 10 P.M. on the night of May 14, more than a dozen members of the Maswadah family, including nine children, lay sleeping in tents in the shadow of a cliff in Yemen’s northern governorate of Saada. The nomadic family had been eking out a living raising sheep and doing farm work in the region most heavily targeted by the U.S.-supported, Saudi-led bombing campaign that began in 2015.

Unbeknown to the Maswadahs, Royal Saudi Air Force drones had been hovering for 45 minutes over their dwellings at the edge of the wide plain walled by mountains. Saudi duty officers more than 550 miles away watched the family’s tents on their screens, along with two “hot spots” likely created by the body heat of people and animals inside.

What happened next in the Saudi war room is described in a U.S. intelligence report seen by The Intercept. The minute-by-minute account of a single airstrike provides a small yet detailed window into the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen, showing how officers in charge of daily air raids are ignoring their own procedures aimed at minimizing civilian casualties. Specialists in international humanitarian law say the incident described in the document shows “clear violations” of the laws of war.

The duty officers monitoring drone feeds in the Joint Forces Command National Defense Operations Center in the Saudi capital of Riyadh on the night of May 14 saw the Maswadahs’ tents, but observed “no personnel or vehicles visible, nor any other intelligence information about the location,” according to the report.

The Saudi brigadier general in charge on May 14 wasn’t present in the operations center, so the duty officers called him twice to describe the target.

At 9:25 p.m., the absent general issued the order to strike the tents. The RSAF, which was monitoring the site separately, added its own recommendation to strike. “At 2156, an unknown coalition aircraft released a single GBU-12 on the target,” notes the document, referring to a 500-pound, American-made precision-guided bomb that was dropped at 9:56 p.m., less than 50 minutes after the Saudis first caught sight of the tents.

It is not clear whether the aircraft that fired the munition belonged to Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, which lead the coalition fighting in Yemen, or to a partner nation such as Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, or Sudan. Morocco reportedly withdrew its fighter jets in April.

Abdullah Maswadah, 40, a farmer and father of the nine sleeping children inside the tents that night, told The Intercept that he was awake and outside the square fabric shelters trying to avoid mosquitos when the bomb dropped. Fortunately for his family, the missile failed to hit its intended target. The American-made munition missed the family’s tents, which had been donated by the Red Crescent, “by about 30 meters,” according to the intelligence report. Maswadah estimated that it landed 10 to 15 meters from where his children slept along with his wife, her parents, and her sister on sponge mattresses next to bags of clothes.

“I rushed to my tent and [the tent] had fallen on the kids,” Maswadah said. “Some woke in panic, screaming and crying, and some were still asleep.” He moved his relatives out into the open and wiped the dust from their faces. All had survived unharmed, likely because the sides of the tents had been reinforced with stone walls.

As preparations for a second strike unfolded in the Saudi operations center, “multiple personnel, to include at least 1 female and 4 children, exited the tent and fled towards a road,” according to the document. The second strike was then aborted.

The coalition and U.S. Central Command did not respond to questions from The Intercept. But the intelligence report includes what appear to be comments from an American intelligence analyst attempting to summarize key takeaways from the misguided strike.

The attack was “an indication of failure to follow proper procedure even though safeguards are in place,” the analyst wrote, without stating what those safeguards were. “The Saudis failed to corroborate the target with additional intelligence sources or weigh the lack of time-sensitivity with the decision to strike immediately.”

THE SAUDI OFFICERS’ FAILURE to take any precautions to avoid civilian injury or death was a clear breach of customary international humanitarian law, as was the failure to verify the target, experts said. “Beyond viewing the tents and the hot spots, if no intelligence was ordered to determine if these were military targets, then this is definitely a violation of the principle of precaution. This is the obligation to take all necessary measures to distinguish between civilians and combatants and to minimise incidental loss of civilian life,” said Ioannis Kalpouzos, an expert on the laws of war at City Law School, University of London – by Iona Craig

(** B P)

Wives and mothers on Yemen's frontline fight to free thousands of men from prison hell

But Nasayba won’t give up her fight for him. She is one of around 20 women who make up Yemen’s Abductees’ Mothers Association. Together, the women fight on the frontlines across the war-ravished nation on behalf of all Yemeni men unjustly swept up as political prisoners in the war Formed in April 2016, the association is comprised of mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and passionate activists intent on bringing awareness to the burgeoning crisis of imprisonment and alleged torture behind the shrouded secrecy of the blood-spattered walls.

“The first thing we are doing is gathering the women together so we can have a stronger voice to have our men released,” explained founding member Sabah Alamid. “Then we are gathering all the numbers and figures, providing psychological support for each other, and then helping women go to see their loved ones behind bars.”

Those are all tasks that come with great risk. Beneath the black burqas, these tenacious and fearless females are bucking traditional gender roles in the notoriously conservative Muslim society in which women rarely feature in the limelight.

In several major cities across Yemen, the female activists routinely call street demonstrations they refer to as “peace strikes” which often end in them being attacked and fleeing from abduction themselves.

The association has enlisted research specialists who endeavor to track down where prisoners are being held and then quietly guide family members to that location so they make persistent requests to visit their detained relative.

Yet even that is a harrowing experience for all involved.

According to data provided to Fox News by the Abductees’ Mothers Association, they have more than 17,000 civilian names registered as being wrongfully imprisoned, with around 3,200 either dead or being held in unknown locations, including 220 children used as a tool to punish their fathers.

The association claims to have verified at least 120 cases in which men have died under duress in prison.

Subsequently, the women pull out files of the dead, their smiling color photos contrasted with their decaying dead bodies and lengthy descriptions of who they were and what they left behind.

Each tale of torture is more horrific than the next.

The women say they fight for all detainee rights, on all sides of the protracted conflict.

“We want justice, we want the outside world to help us,” added Mariam Abdullah. “Otherwise, these men will just be forgotten. We need countries with the human rights, like the US, to help us.” – by Hollie McKay

and film:

My comment: By Fox News. – It’s coheherent that the Mothers appeal to the audience this article has been written for. And actually the US would be a power which could really support them. But of course the US is not at all any of the „countries with the human rights.“

(** B H K)

Films: Rare drone footage captures life amid the rubble in war-torn city

Striking new drone images from the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, sheds light on the rarely accessible, rebel-held city, under siege for years and bombarded by airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition.

The images were filmed in June by Brazilian photojournalist Gabriel Chaim, who was given limited access by the Houthi rebels who control the city, from where they unseated the Yemeni government in 2015. The footage shows the damage wrought to some of the buildings, but also its enduring beauty and how life goes on amid the rubble and carnage.

(** B P T)

Pushing Al-Qaeda out of Yemen Impossible Due to Its Ties with Government

It is impossible to defeat al-Qaeda in Yemen because of the deep coordination on the ground between al-Qaeda and Al-Islah, a crucial part of the Yemeni government.

However, the al-Qaeda branch is stronger than ever in the north of the country.

For the legitimate government of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, cutting ties with AQAP is an almost impossible mission. The government takes advantage of the shared Sunni background with al-Qaeda to push them for the fight against the Iran-backed Shiite Houthis.

This means that al-Qaeda is engaged in every step of the process of liberating Yemen from the Houthis. It makes talking about a future Yemen without terror groups impossible. AQAP is burrowing deeper into the country every day.

Ties Between Government and AQAP

The reason why it’s impossible to defeat al-Qaeda in Yemen today is the deep coordination on the ground between AQAP and Al-Islah, the Muslim Brotherhood’s party in the country. Al-Islah is a crucial part of the Yemeni government.

The links between Al-Islah and Al-Qaeda go far back, and senior Al-Islah leader Abdul Majeed al-Zindani played a vital role in the bridge between the two parties. In 2004, the U.S. government labeled him as “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” for his ties with al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden. When the Yemeni army was about to start an offensive against al-Qaeda in Abyan in southern Yemen in 2012, Al-Zindani called for a halt. The Al-Islah leader is a close ally of President Hadi.

According to Mareb Press, a news outlet loyal to the government, Hadi met with Al-Zindani in 2018 and described him as “the heir of the Prophet.”During the meeting, Hadi insisted for Al-Zindani to play a more prominent preaching role in Yemen, which would generate more violent thinking in the region.

Ties Between Army and AQAP

Another reason why it is unlikely AQAP will be defeated are the ties between Yemeni General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and the organization. Al-Ahmar is the most senior general of the Yemeni army in charge of all decisions on the ground in North Yemen. Since 2016, he is also the country’s vice president.

Is Al-Islah a Terrorist Group?

Weeks ago, the U.S. Congress held a hearing to examine the possibility of designating the Muslim Brotherhood party as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization.” The hearing resulted in the compromise that the Congress will go through case by case and only designate the radical Muslim Brotherhood branches.

Al-Islah, the group’s party in Yemen, is one of the most radical Muslim Brotherhood parties and the U.S. should, therefore, designate them as a terrorist organization. Al-Islah is deeply affiliated with AQAP.

Letting Al-Islah take over territory in Yemen generates wealth and resources for their ally AQAP to carry out more terror attacks. Daily incidents indicate that bombings and terrorist attacks are executed with professional planning and coordination between Al-Islah and AQAP.

Until this moment, a number of places under the control of the Al-Islah party embrace the leadership of terrorist groups, especially AQAP, particularly in Marib, al-Baida, and Taiz – by Ahmed Mutana

(** B K P)

Foolish Wars Have Consequences

Looking at the Middle East today, I feel an overwhelming sadness as I consider the far-reaching and devastating impact that the Iraq war has had on my country and the region and its peoples. Fifteen years later, only one of these claims turned out to be true: the region would be transformed. But it was not the transformation envisioned by the neo-cons. n additional tragic consequence of the war was the spread of extremism. Al-Qaeda, far from defeated, metastasized into newer and more deadly forms in Iraq, its immediate neighborhood, and countries beyond.

In this weakened and fractured Iraq, Iran found a foothold which it parlayed to its advantage. Today, Iran remains a major player in Iraq and not only there. Another unintended consequence of the war was the unleashing of Iran as a regional power.

Subdued, for a time, by its rival Iraq, Iran now felt empowered to extend itself beyond its borders.

The neoconservative’s blindness to Middle East realities did indeed give birth to a “New Middle East,” but it was exactly the opposite of the one they had imagined.

As the region descended into multiple new crises—with deadly wars in Syria and Yemen—the impact of the Iraq war became even more pronounced. Iran was a player in each of them. The Gulf states also became involved seeking ways to combat aggressive Iranian advances which challenged and threatened them. Al-Qaeda and its offshoots played an new and deadly role in Iraq and Syria. And new players like Russia and Turkey, each defending what they saw as their interests, also emerged as regional actors.

In this new chaotic multi-polar world, conflicts spin out of control, becoming more deadly and destabilizing as they grew. The Syrian conflict has taken the lives of a half-million while forcing over five million to become refugees. This has created new pressures in neighboring countries and unleashed an xenophobic tidal wave that is now challenging democracies in Eastern and Central Europe. And the battle in Yemen, which began as an effort to restore the legitimate government that had been overthrown by a rebel faction, has morphed into a draining regional conflict and a humanitarian disaster.

And so here we are fifteen years later, with the US reduced to playing a supporting role in a deadly conflict in Yemen and a backup role for minor players in Syria. The mono-polar world envisioned by the neo-conservatives has given way to a multi-polar region—with Iran, Russia, Turkey, the Gulf States, and the US all engaged, in varying degrees, in conflicts—all, seemingly, without end. This is the house that the Iraq War built.

I write this not to “cry over spilt milk,” but as a cautionary note. Foolish wars have consequences with which we are forced to live. We need to learn from them in order to not be so foolish in the future – by James J. Zogby =

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* A B H K)

WHO warns of new Yemen cholera surge, asks for ceasefire to vaccinate

Yemen may be on the brink of a new cholera epidemic, with a heightened death rate due to widespread malnutrition, and the United Nations is hoping for a ceasefire in the north to allow for vaccinations, the World Health Organization said on Friday.

“We’ve had two major waves of cholera epidemics in recent years and unfortunately the trend data that we’ve seen in the last days to weeks suggests that we may be on the cusp of the third major wave of cholera epidemics in Yemen,” WHO emergency response chief Peter Salama told reporters in Geneva.

“We’re calling on all parties to the conflict to act in accordance with international humanitarian law and to respect the request of the U.N. and international community for three full days of tranquillity and to lay down arms to allow us to vaccinate the civilian population for cholera.”

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen war: Fears of new cholera outbreak as violence escalates

Aid groups fear escalation in fighting could cause a shutdown of vital port of Hodeidah, further exacerbating what is already world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Violence is escalating in Yemen, raising fears of a new cholera outbreak in the port city of Hodeidah.

Saudi-UAE coalition jets have launched new air strikes on the city, which is held by Houthi rebels.

Aid groups are worried the fighting could make a humanitarian crisis even worse.

They are warning of a second cholera epidemic, and that more than eight million people are on the verge of starvation.

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

Siehe cp1c

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

(A K pS)

One civilian killed, and three others injured in a mine explosion in the south of Hodeidah

A civilian was killed, and three others were injured by a landmine explosion on the Maghras road in the eastern province of Tahita, a local source said Thursday.

A source of Almasdar online said that the four victims came to one family, who were on their way home after weeks of displacement in the Mansoriah district.

(B K P)

And therein lies the trap for the Houthis, madam. To cede Hodeidah is to betray & lose their supporters, while to refuse to give up Hodeidah brings on a large scale war. Both bad for them.

(A K P)

Joint naval drills

Special forces from Egypt, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the US took part this week in joint Egyptian-US naval manoeuvres in the Red Sea.

Military Spokesman Colonel Tamer Al-Rifaai said that in preparation for the drills lectures and other activities were held to familiarise participants with the theory underpinning the field skills and combat tactics used by special forces.

The exercises included marksmanship drills, explosive ordinance disposal training, practice in managing joint combat activities, including diving, carried out in daylight and at night, to secure maritime areas from a wide variety of threats, simulated search and rescue operations, underwater detonation drills and simulated visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) exercises.

My comment: All tese countries are warring parties in the Yemen war.

(A K pS)

The Army Forces have been surrounding Al-duraihmi town of the port city of #Hodeidah form the west side and are now mobilizing in preparation to enter the city, according to official sources.

My comment: If I remember right, already some weeks ago the pro-saudi side had claimed they had occupied the whole Duraihmi district.

(A K P)

National Committee for Women Condemns Kidnapping Women by US-Saudi Aggression Mercenaries

The National Committee for Women condemned kidnapping women in Hodeidah governorate by US-Saudi aggression mercenaries.

The Committee pointed out that the crimes committed by Saudi-paid soldiers are similar to ISIS, Boko Haram and al-Qaeda gangs crimes and violations incompatible with human rights.

(* A K)

Emirati-backed Yemeni forces renewed an offensive in al Darayhimi district, south of al Hudaydah city near Yemen’s western coast on July 31. Southern Giants Brigades advanced inland from the coastal road toward the center of the district and are now on the outskirts of al Darayhimi city. Al Houthi forces fired a ballistic missile at Emirati-backed forces at an unspecified location on the western coast on August 1, according to al Houthi news sources.[4]

(* B H K)

90,000 pregnant women at risk from the escalating conflict in Hodeidah

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund is extremely concerned of the escalating situation in Hodeidah, placing women and girls of childbearing age at extreme risk, in particular an estimated 90,000 women inside Hodeidah, who would give birth within the next nine months.

UNFPA estimates that among those affected are 750,000 women and girls of childbearing age with nearly 14,000 pregnant women risking complications with immediate danger to their lives if they do not receive urgent life-saving maternal care and medicines. Yemen has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the region, estimated at 385 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 2015. Today, the maternal deaths ratio is likely to have doubled.

“Damage to health facilities, in particular reproductive health facilities resulting from the on-going fighting could paralyse the delivery of reproductive health services and supplies.” said Dr. Luay Shabaneh, UNFPA Director for the Arab Region. “It is becoming increasingly difficult to reach pregnant women or those who want to avoid getting pregnant with the reproductive health services and medicines they require. This could mean grave consequences to their health and their children.” added Dr. Shabaneh

(* B H K)

Call for Yemen ceasefire as 6,000 flee Hodeida every day

An immediate ceasefire in Yemen is needed amid a fresh wave of violence in Hodeida putting thousands of lives at risk, Save the Children warned on Thursday.

Despite the coalition on 1 July pausing the offensive in what coalition partner the UAE described as a bid to give United Nations-led peace efforts a chance, recent air raids have struck the city, damaging a water plant and placing civilians at "extreme risk", according to the UN.

"We must see an immediate ceasefire to avoid any more civilian casualties and we call on all parties to continue to negotiate with the UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths in good faith, to achieve a workable peace deal that will bring an end to this brutal war and to the suffering of 22 million people in Yemen."

Even before the latest increase in violence, an average of 6,238 people – half of whom are children – were fleeing Hodeidah Governorate every single day.

In little more than 50 days (from 1 June to 24 July) the constant threat of bombing, shelling, starvation and a lack of basic services displaced a total of 330,610 people from Hodeidah Governorate according to the United Nations.

Even if they make it out, the villages and communities where they escape to are overwhelmed and cannot cope with the influx of people or provide them with essential services, Save the Children said.

(* B H K)

Save the Children: Three thousand children on average are being displaced from Hodeidah every day

The exodus could cause a devastating ripple effect throughout Yemen

A fresh wave of violence that's seen bombing escalate and deadly clashes erupt south of Hodeidah City is putting the lives of thousands of children in extreme danger, Save the Children is warning.

Even before the latest increase in violence, an average of 6,238 people-half of whom are children-were fleeing Hodeidah Governorate every single day.

In little more than 50 days (June 1st to July 24th) the constant threat of bombing, shelling, starvation and a lack of basic services displaced a total of 330,610 people from Hodeidah according to the United Nations.

The journey for those trying to flee, however, is often no safer-with families having to brave minefields, airstrikes and being forced to cross areas of active fighting all in a bid to escape the embattled governorate. Civilian casualties in the most impacted districts more than doubled in the start of July as the fighting moved to more populated areas, according to the UN's Refugee Agency.

ven if they make it out, the villages and communities where they flee to are overwhelmed and simply can't cope with the influx of people or provide them with essential services. This is putting the whole country at risk, leaving the most vulnerable living in crowded conditions and struggling to find enough food, water or medicine to survive. This could lead to extreme food insecurity or an outbreak of cholera, measles or diphtheria, diseases that have already taken hold in Yemen and disproportionately affect weak and/or malnourished children-leaving an already weakened health system on the verge of collapse.

Save the Children's Yemen Country Director, Tamer Kirolos, has just returned from Hodeidah. He described what he saw there:

"Since I was last here just two months ago, Hodeidah City has become somewhat of a ghost town. The streets are empty even in the day and there are checkpoints everywhere. The devastation that airstrikes and shelling have caused is clear to see."

(*A K pH)

Coalition warplanes target fishermen on Katama Island of Hodeidah

The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes on Wednesday targeted fishermen on Katama Island of Hodeidah province, a local official told Saba.
Two wounded fishermen arrived to the port of Khouba in al-Luhayah district, while the rest are missing


(* A K pH)

Saudi airstrike off the coast of Hudaydah kills 9 Yemeni fishermen

At least nine fishermen have been killed in Saudi Arabia's latest airstrikes on its war-torn neighbor Yemen.

According to Yemen's Arabic-language al-Masirah television network on Wednesday, the fisherman were killed when Saudi aircraft targeted their ship off the coast of Hudaydah.

Comment: I heard about the Hodeida fisherman earlier this week. The dilemma is that they and their families are starving and they don't know whether to risk going out on boats knowing they might be bombed or stay at home with no food and watching their families die. These are the real problems facing Yemen today and these brave and courageous fishermen paid with their lives. Sadly. Desperately sadly.

(A K P)

Hodeidah Security Arrests Criminal Cell Working to the US-Saudi Aggression

The Security Services arresed a cell recruited by the aggression countries, on Tuesday, to carry out armed operations and spread chaos in the Directorate of Zabid, in Hodeidah. This operation comes after a careful monitoring and follow-up of the security situation in the province. The cell recruited by the US-Saudi aggression countries were to carry out armed operations and spread chaos in the Directorate of Zabid.

(** A H K)

Norwegian Refugee Council : On-the-record update on situation in Hodeidah, Yemen

Quote from Mohamed Abdi, NRC's Country Director in Yemen:

"People fleeing now are utterly desperate - desperate for somewhere safe to sleep, desperate for something to eat, desperate for a situation that will allow them to go home."

People who have fled are taking shelter wherever they can - in highly-congested houses, repurposed schools, damaged buildings and empty markets. If we can't get enough food and clean water to these families each day, the risk of a major disease outbreak like cholera grows exponentially.

If Yemen is absent from global headlines it is not because the situation is any less catastrophic, it is because the world is becoming resigned to an unacceptable situation."

Latest updates:

Ongoing engagement from parties to the conflict in UN-led talks has helped sustain calm on the ground in Hodeidah city, but civilians report ongoing hovering and strikes from fighter jets over the city and strikes on some central locations.

Residents of Hodeidah city report that despite a lull in ground clashes, the city has become increasingly fortified in recent week. Civilians are able to move to, from and within the city but are navigating tighter security and remain · More than 300,000 people have been displaced from Al Hodeidah governorate since early June. This figure equates to more than 5,500 people each day and more than 40,000 each week.

A third of those displaced by recent violence have fled to areas within Hodeidah governorate, while another third have reached Sana'a city (Amanat Al Asimah governorate), about six hours away by road. Together, these governorates account for 25 per cent of Yemen's 1.12 million suspected cholera cases, indicating an extremely high risk of another outbreak.

Hodeidah's daily temperatures are currently reaching into the high thirties (upward of 100 degrees Fahrenheit), placing people at increased risk of dehydration, or communicable diseases caused by unclean water.

Heavy ground clashes and strikes are continuing across southern areas of Hodeidah governorate. Humanitarian organisations are reaching some areas with aid but maintain serious concerns about people trapped between frontlines or otherwise unable to access help.

Throughout the initial clashes around Hodeidah city and subsequent pause, Hodeidah Port has remained operational. 90 per cent of the food required has come through the port in July, while only 30 per cent of fuel has come through, sustaining inflation on the cost of transport and basic commodities across the country.

NRC's teams in Hodeidah and Hajjah governorates are delivering cash and other basic supplies to people fleeing conflict-affected areas, many of whom arrive with very little and use any remaining cash or food within days of arriving.

(A K pS)

After Controlling the First District in Al-Hodeida, Southern Giants Brigades Send Military Reinforcements to Al-Hodeida

Southern Giants Brigades, under commandership of Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, commander general of the west coast front, sent massive military reinforcements towards Al-Hodeida as troops managed to control and secure the first district of the city.

(* A K pH)

Fresh Saudi airstrikes leave four civilians dead in western Yemen

At least four civilians have been killed when Saudi military aircraft carried out airstrikes against an area in Yemen’s strategic western coastal province of Hudaydah as the Riyadh regime presses ahead with its atrocious bombardment campaign against its southern neighbor.

Saudi fighter jets conducted aerial assaults against the Office of Agricultural Extension in the al-Durayhimi district of the province on Tuesday afternoon, leaving four people dead and two others injured, unnamed local sources told Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network.

(A K pH)

6 US-Saudi airstrikes hit and destroyed this government building today [July 31] in Zaidia, western coast of Yemen . It was empty. (photos) (with map)


cp1c Am wichtigsten: Hodeidah: 55 Tote bei saudischem Luftangriff / Most important: Hodeidah: 55 killed by Saudi air raid

(A K)

Drawing: 'Hodeidah Again', War on Yemen. 2nd August 2018

(** A K)

Luftwaffe arabischer Koalition richtet Blutbad in jemenitischem al-Hudaida an

Mindestens 30 Zivilisten sind bei einem Luftangriff der von Riad angeführten arabischen Koalition auf die jemenitische Hafenstadt al-Hudaida am Roten Meer getötet worden. Das berichtete der von den Huthi kontrollierte TV-Sender El-Massira am Donnerstag.

Den Angaben zufolge wurde der Angriff gezielt auf ein Krankenhaus geflogen.

(** A K)

Film: Mindestens 20 Tote bei Luftangriff im Jemen

Bei einem Luftangriff nahe eines Krankenhauses in der jementischen Stadt Hodeida sind laut Zeugen und Ärzten mindestens 20 Menschen getötet worden, mehr als 60 weitere wurden verletzt. Auch der Fischmarkt der Stadt wurde bombardiert.

kurz im Film: =

Mein Kommentar: Es sind mittlerweile 55 Tote und knapp 130 Verletzte. Wesentlich mehr Informationen, ebenso Filme, Fotos weiter unten auf Englisch.- Die deutschsprachige Berichterstattung, über 20 Stunden nach dem Massaker, st erbärmlich. Veraltete Kurzmeldungen von Sputnik und Euronews. Mainstream: 0,0. Überhaupt nichts. Nada.

(* A H K)

CARE zu den gestrigen Luftschlägen auf Hodeidah: "Friedensgespräche im Jemen sind akut in Gefahr"
450.000 Jemeniten bereits auf der Flucht, humanitäre Hilfe muss ausgeweitet werden

Nach den gestrigen Luftschlägen auf die jemenitische Hafenstadt Hodeidah spitzt sich die Lage für die Zivilbevölkerung weiter zu, warnt die internationale Hilfsorganisation CARE. Die Angriffe trafen einen Fischmarkt sowie den Eingang eines Krankenhauses und verletzten mindestens 70 Menschen. 20 Menschen wurden getötet, darunter auch Krankenhausmitarbeiter.

"Wir hatten gehofft, dass die jüngsten Feuerpausen rund um die Hafenstadt Hodeidah eine Chance für Friedensgespräche sein könnten. Die jüngsten Luftangriffe machen diese Hoffnung zunichte, wieder sind es die Ärmsten und Verwundbarsten, besonders Frauen und Kinder, die darunter leiden", beklagt Karl-Otto Zentel, Generalsekretär von CARE Deutschland, der selbst im vorigen Jahr im Jemen war.

(* A H K)

UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen: Strikes at Hodeidah’s main hospital result in multiple deaths and injuries

Yemen’s largest hospital, Al Thawra, was struck in Hodeidah on 2 August. Preliminary reports from authorities and humanitarian staff on the ground confirm multiple deaths and injuries caused by strikes at the hospital and near-by locations.

“This is shocking,” said Ms. Lise Grande, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen. “Hospitals are protected under international humanitarian law. Nothing can justify this loss of life.”

“Al Thawra is the largest hospital in Yemen and one of the few functioning medical facilities in the area. It houses one of the best cholera treatment centres in the city,” said Ms. Grande. “Hundreds of thousands of people depend on this hospital to survive.”

“Every day this week we have seen new cholera cases in Hodeidah, and now this. The impact of the strikes is appalling. Everything we are trying to do to stem the world’s worst cholera epidemic is at risk.”

“We’ve said this before and we are saying it again—parties to the conflict are obliged to do everything possible to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure. This is not a voluntary commitment—it is mandatory on all belligerents,” said Ms. Grande. “So many people have died in Yemen—this conflict has to stop.”

(* A H K)

Explosions Reported Near Save the Children-Supported Hospital in Hodeidah, as Port City Sees Fresh Violence

At least one explosion went off Thursday evening in the vicinity of the main hospital in Hodeidah, Yemen, where Save the Children runs a diphtheria treatment center.

Save the Children staff, some of whom were near the area when the blasts occurred, reported chaos and captured videos of smoke rising up from the streets. Save the Children has yet to confirm reports that civilians have been killed and injured in the attack but is extremely concerned that the area may not be safe for civilians and that hospitals will not be able to cope with any large influx of wounded.

“A bomb exploded just outside the hospital, on the street. Then there was another explosion towards the back. I saw people running and bodies in the street,” said a Save the Children staff member in Hodeidah who witnessed the incident.

Tamer Kirolos, Save the Children’s Yemen Country Director, visited Al Thawrah Hospital only days ago. “This is the largest government hospital in Hodeidah and Save the Children runs a diphtheria center there where we work to save lives in one of the poorest and hardest-hit parts of Yemen,” said Kirolos.

“We’re seriously concerned that the area is simply not safe for civilians and that people seeking help at the hospital may not be safe. Just a few days ago, there was an airstrike that hit a few hundred yards away – showing just how unstable and unsafe the situation there has become,” he continued.

“It is unacceptable that civilians are coming under attack and that people simply walking the streets are getting caught up in this kind of violence. We strongly condemn any attacks on civilians and call on all parties to the conflict to respect international human rights law. It is imperative that all the parties step up their efforts to strike a peace deal and find a durable solution that will restore peace and dignity to the people of Yemen who have suffered far too much already.” =

(* A H K)

CARE: Airstrikes in Hodeidah mark fresh violence in vulnerable Yemen port city

„These attacks literally came out of the blue, and have hit people in an already dire humanitarian situation hard,” Jolien Veldwijk, CARE International’s Assistant Country Director in Yemen warns. “The cease fire gave people time to breathe again, and we were hoping it would give peace talks a real chance.”

Furthermore, Hodeidah port is a vital lifeline for desperately-needed food supplies coming into the country. “Airstrikes have already destroyed much of the water and sanitation facilities and any new damage risks the outbreak of diseases like cholera. We are also very worried that more and more people will face starvation. We keep thinking it cannot get any worse. But unfortunately we are wrong.”

(A H K)

ICRC: URGENT: We are sending surgical material enough to treat 50 severely wounded people to the @ICRC_ye supported Al-Thawra Hospital in Hodeida after vicinity targeted

(** A K pH)

At least 55 Yemenis killed in Saudi strikes on hospital, fishing harbor in Hudaydah

At least 55 people have been killed after warplanes of the Saudi-led military coalition hit a hospital and a fishing harbor in Yemen’s western province of Hudaydah.

Yemen’s Health Ministry said the Thursday brutal strikes also left at least 130 wounded, some in critical condition.

Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network, citing its correspondent, reported that Saudi-led jets struck al-Thorah Hospital in the provincial capital Hudaydah and a fishing port in the province almost simultaneously.

According to the correspondent, the death toll was expected to rise due to the magnitude of the airstrikes, particularly on the hospital.

The report also said that the attacked hospital had launched an urgent appeal for Yemeni citizens to donate blood.

Remark: The figures of victims are rising and rising – as so often. Sputnik News had reported 42:

(** A K)

'It was a massacre': Dozens killed in Saudi air raids on Hodeidah

The attacks, which hit near the city's main public hospital, killed at least 55 and wounded 124, Houthi rebels say.

At least 55 people, including women and children, have been killed in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah in air raids carried out by a Saudi and UAE alliance battling Houthi rebels, the rebel-run health ministry said.

In a statement issued late on Thursday, the ministry said the attacks, which targeted the city's Public al-Thawra Hospital and a busy fishing port, wounded at least 124 Yemenis.

Taha al-Mutawakil, the Minister for Public Health and Population in the Houthi-led administration, said local authorities were struggling to cope with the number of casualties, and ambulances feared transporting the wounded to Sanaa or other provinces due to fears of being targeted by air attacks. "What we have seen in Hodeidah is a heinous crime," Mutawakil was quoted by the Houthi-run SABA news agency saying.

He added that US shared responsibility for the deaths.

Mohamed al-Hasni, the head of Hodeidah's fishermen union, told Al Jazeera that there were no military targets in the area and "the targeting of fishermen was not expected".

"The port and market were full of people. It was a massacre," he said.

"There was no military presence in the area. No armed men were around at all. The targeting was aimed at spreading fear and terror.

Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from neighbouring Djibouti, said "rescue workers told journalists how they saw body parts all over the fish market that was the target of the air attacks.

"The fish market is just 20 metres away from the al-Thawra hospital, which is one of the handful of medical facilities that are still operational in Hodeidah."

Adow added that authorities in Hodeidah said these air attacks "were largely unexpected because both the Houthi fighters and the Saudi-UAE alliance had announced that they were going to cease hostilities in and around the port of Hodeidah to give UN peace efforts a chance".

Films: (Almasirah; 3:34) (Almasirah; 2:00) (Almasirah; 4:28) (Almasirah; 2:55) (Aljazeera) = = = = (Father of a victim)


City Map:

Names of victims:

List of names and age of casualties only in Althawra hospital #Hodeidah 1st pic of the dead Number 4 is 13 years old 5- pregnant women 12- 16yrs 14- 15yrs 16- 15yrs 21- 12yrs 22- 13yrs

Ibrahim Zaher,tried 2 rescue his friend Husam Aukasha by taken him 2 the al-Thawra hospital after being hit by the 1st Saudi airstrike on the fish market, but he didn't make it, as they were about 2 enter the hospital but the 2nd airstrike hit the gate killing them both. (photo)

(** A K P)

A Saudi Coalition Hospital Massacre in Hodeidah

Saudi coalition attacks on markets and hospitals are unfortunately common in this war. These attacks demonstrate the coalition’s blatant disregard for civilian lives and they put the lie to U.S. claims that our government’s support for the war reduces the number of civilian casualties. Providing the coalition with precision-guided weapons doesn’t do any good if they are deliberately targeting civilian structures, and there is ample evidence from the last three years of the bombing campaign to prove that they have been doing exactly that. As Iona Craig notes above, the hospital in question is the busiest in the region, so there is no question that the coalition knew what they were hitting and did so on purpose. The attack on the fish market is consistent with the coalition’s systematic, deliberatetargeting of sources of food production.

As I noted earlier this week, the coalition targets sanitation and water infrastructure in Hodeidah and elsewhere in Yemen. UNICEF warned this week that these attacks risked causing a new outbreak of cholera

Hodeidah’s remaining residents are at risk from disease and starvation, and they are also in danger of being slaughtered by coalition bombs and missiles. The Hodeidah offensive will result in many more senseless, illegal attacks like the two that happened today, and it also threatens to cut off millions from their food supply. It is imperative that the U.S. end all military assistance to the coalition and demand a halt to the offensive at once. (with many photos and more details from social media)

(** A K pH)

Update 2: Death toll from Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodeidah rises to 52 civilians: Health office

The death toll from Saudi-led air strikes on a fish market in Hodeidah province on Thursday increased to 52 citizens, a director of health office in the province Abdul Rahman al-Jarallah told Saba.
While 102 others were injured in that the coalition air strikes, the director added.
The official said that the blood bank in hospital of the province launched an urgent appeal call for the citizens to subscribe blood.

Death toll from Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodeidah rises to 30 civilians

The death toll from Saudi-led air strikes on a fish market in Hodeidah on Thursday increased to 30 citizens and 50 others were injured, an official told Saba.
The official said that the blood bank in hospital of the province launched an urgent appeal for the citizens to subscribe blood.

Over 37 civilians killed, injured in Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodediah

Over 37 citizens were killed and injured when Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Thursday waged a series of strikes on Hodeidah province, an official told Saba.
The strikes hit the main gate of al-Thawrah public hospital and a fish popular market.
The report said that the blood bank in hospital of the province launched an urgent appeal for the citizens to donate blood.

(A K P)

Broad Condemnation of The US-Saudi Aggression Crimes in Hodeidah

On Thursday, many organizations issued statements condemning the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression at Al-Thawra Hospital and the Fishing Market in Hodeidah.
The Local Authority, in Hodeidah, in an emergency meeting, reviewed the details of the massacre of the US-Saudi aggression against the citizens and employees of Al-Thawra Hospital and the Fishing Market. The meeting under the chairmanship of Acting Governor, Mohammad Qahim, confirmed that the targeting of two vital sites and one of the busiest places, frequented by poor groups in search for a living means, confirms the persistence of the aggression to kill of the sake of killing. The aggression, also, seeks to inflect the most destruction possible and to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people.

(** A K)

Dozens of victims in reported Saudi-led coalition bombing of Yemen hospital

An airstrike launched by the Saudi-led coalition has reportedly killed at least 26 people and injured dozens of civilians in the vicinity of a general hospital in Hodeidah, Yemen.

Footage from the scene of the alleged bombing shown by Yemen’s Almasirah television station, which is linked to the Houthi rebels, showed what appeared to be bodies of multiple people covered by blankets.

The bombing destroyed an ambulance as it was entering the gates of the hospital, local freelance journalist Ahmad Algohbary reported.

Algohbary said the hospital was targeted when people injured in an earlier attack on a fishing market were being brought there. Reuters sites local medical sources as saying that 26 people were killed and 35 others injured on Thursday in coalition attacks on Hudaydah port and the fishing market.

The Saudi-led coalition has denied the allegations that it was behind the deadly raid on the hospital, laying the blame on Houthi rebels. Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki Al-Maliki told Al Arabiya TV the coalition warplanes did not carry out any sorties in the area.

Houthi rebels, meanwhile, said that the civilians perished in a so-called “double tap strike” attack perpetrated by the Saudi coalition. Youssef al-Hadri, a spokesman for the Houthi-affiliated Health Ministry, called the alleged bombing a“war crime” speaking to the German press agency DPA. According to the ministry’s count, 52 people have been killed in the strikes and a further 101 people have been injured. (photos)

(** A K)

Death toll rises to 52 in Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen's Hodeidah

The death toll from Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah on Thursday increased to 52, the city's Health Office said in a statement obtained by Xinhua.

"The death toll from the airstrikes that struck in front of the Public al-Thawra Hospital and on the popular fish market increased to 52, while 102 civilians were wounded," the statement said.

"The toll was not final as scores of injured were in critical conditions," it said, citing the office's director Abdulrahman al-Jarallah.

The airstrikes hit a fishing port and a popular fish market, about 5 meters away from the main gate of Public al-Thawra Hospital in the city, a hospital official earlier told Xinhua by phone.

The official put the death toll at 30, but adding that dozens of bodies and injured were still trapped at the scenes of the airstrikes because of continuing air and sea bombardments.

(** A K)

Yemeni officials say Saudi-led airstrikes kill 28 in Hodeida

Yemeni medical officials said the Saudi-led coalition fighting Yemen's Shiite rebels conducted airstrikes in the rebel-held port city of Hodeida on Thursday, killing at least 28 people and wounding 70. But the coalition denied carrying out any attacks in the city.

The airstrikes took place close to the city's main public hospital, al-Thawra, and near a popular fish market, the officials said. The wounded, mostly civilians, were hospitalized. The medical officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

Rebel-run Al Masirah TV reported that airstrikes killed 52 people and left more than 100 wounded.

The coalition's spokesman, Col. Turki al-Malki, told the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya satellite news channel that it didn't carry out any attacks on Hodeida and blamed the attacks on the rebels, known as Houthis. He said the coalition "follows a strict and transparent approach based on the rules international law."

Ahmed Yehia, who witnessed the attack, said body parts were scattered in the area of the strike.

"There is a pond of blood outside the hospital's building," he said.

(** A K)

At least 20 dead in strikes on Yemen's Hodeida: medics

At least 20 people were killed Thursday in an air strike at the entrance to a hospital and the bombardment of a fish market in Yemen's rebel-held port city Hodeida, medics and witnesses said.

"The number of people killed in the two attacks has reached 20," a doctor in the Red Sea city told AFP, with other medical sources putting the number of wounded admitted to hospital at 60.

Rebel-run media outlets accused the Saudi-led coalition of carrying out the two attacks Thursday, but there was no immediate response from the alliance headed by Riyadh.

The air raid hit at the entrance to Hodeida's main Al-Thawra hospital, one of the busiest medical facilities in conflict-wracked Yemen.

The pro-Huthi Al-Masirah television channel put the death toll from that strike alone at "30 dead" and launched an appeal for blood donations.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen said it was "sending surgical material enough to treat 50 severely wounded people to the (ICRC) supported Al-Thawra Hospital in Hodeida after vicinity targeted".

(* A K P)

Saudi-led coalition says Houthi behind killing of civilians in Hodeidah, Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition spokesman accused Houthi militia of being behind an attack that killed and wounded dozens of civilians in Hodeidah in Yemen on Thursday, adding the coalition did not carry out any operations in the port city. Earlier on Thursday, medical sources and aid agencies said an air strikes by a coalition led by Saudi Arabia on a fishing port and fish market in Hodeidah killed 26 people and wounded 50 others.

“The coalition follows a strict and transparent approach based on the rules of international law. We pursue any allegations and if there is any responsibility we will hold it transparently,” Colonel Turki al-Malki told Al Arabiya television.

“Coalition did not carry out any operations in Hodeidah today...Houthi militia are behind killing of civilians in Hodeidah on today,” he added.

My comment: This is not the first time the Saudis just denied after having committed a horrible attack. Even the US and pro-Hadi media had admitted:

(A K P)

Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on Yemen

Ambassador Nikki Haley

U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations

And the idea that a Saudi-led coalition had air strikes today against a fish market and a hospital in Hodeida that may have caused dozens of casualties – we’ve hit a new day now in Yemen. And we’ve hit a new sense of urgency in Yemen.

Comment: It‘s somewhat crazy that she hast o admit this but before this she blasts Iran and the Houthis.

And also pro-Hadi, pro-Saudi coalition Almasdar Online is recording these air raids as such, stating how the figures of victims increased:

(* A K P)

Hodeidah attack: Saudi Arabia blames Yemen's Houthi rebels

Saudi Arabia blamed rebels for two reported airstrikes on the Yemeni city of Hodeidah yesterday. Colonel Turki al-Malki, spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition that is fighting in Yemen, blamed the double bombing on the Houthi rebels who control Hodeidah along with much of northern Yemen.

Speaking on the Saudi-owned Alarabiya television, Malki denied the coalition had carried out "any operations" in Hodeidah on Thursday and claimed the Houthi militia were "behind" the deaths.

Although details of the attacks are scarce there is reason to question the Saudis' denial because they have a history of making denials in the Yemen conflict and retracting them later.

In October 2016, two Saudi-led airstrikes hit a large funeral gathering in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, killing at least 140 people and injuring more than 500. It was the deadliest single attack of the war.

The Saudis' first official comment on the funeral attack was a categorical denial: "Absolutely no such operation took place at that target." They also insisted that coalition forces had "clear instructions" not to target populated areas.

Those claims quickly fell apart when a video emerged showing the attack.

The Saudis also spent several months denying the use of cluster munitions against Yemeni civilians, despite evidence from human rights organisations which showed the opposite. n a surreal interview in 2016, General Ahmad Asiri, the coalition's spokesman at the time, was asked about an attack on a village marketplace in Yemen that killed at least 97 people, including 25 children.

Human Rights Watch had sent two investigators who interviewed 23 witnesses and recorded a video at the scene.

Bizarrely, though, Asiri insisted that Human Rights Watch had never been there. "No," he told the interviewer. "No one can get in Yemen without the permission of the coalition."

Note: The headline and intro of this article were changed on 4 August 2018 in the light of further information.

(A K P)

Iran describes Saudi attack on Yemen as 'war crime'

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman on Friday described the Saudi attack on Yemeni civilians as war crime and warned about the deteriorating situation there.

cp2Allgemein / General

(B P)

"The Afrah Baduylan ". From anti-corruption to its practice with al-Houthi and legitimacy

After the invasion of al-Houthi, capital of Sana'a, Judge Afrah Baduylan, president of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Authority, was the first government official to receive the armed and bizarre "person" who was wandering in institutions with armed groups, and people were questioning his identity, before he later knew that Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, chairman of the Al-Houthi revolutionary committee.

Early this week, President Hadi was in Aden, receiving the Afrah Baduylan in the interim capital of Aden and the members of the National Anti-corruption authority.

Between this and that date, years of futility, opportunism and corruption, the "Judge" and her body, originally established to combat these phenomena, have been practiced.

Afrah Baduylan has decided to be aligned with the Houthi coup, and has established an office of the Supreme al-Houthi revolutionary committee in the body, and after her deputy, Dr. Ebtihaj Al-Kamal of Sana'a and her accession to legality in the year 2015, began to coordinate with al-Houthi by issuing a decision to appoint Nabil Azzani, one The staff of the Fund, acting as Vice-president of the Commission, succeeding the Al Kamal.

During that period, the staff members who refused to work with al-Houthi were curtailed, and the employees who were forced to leave Sana'a were cut off from September 2015, although the central bank in Sana'a continued to spend salaries until the end of the year 2016.

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Jemen - "Zu vermitteln ist fast unmöglich"

eit Jahren tobt im Jemen ein brutaler Stellvertreterkrieg, unzählige Menschen sind auf der Flucht, Millionen auf Hilfe angewiesen. Ein Gespräch mit ARD-Korrespondent Udo Schmidt über die Akteure und ihre Interessen in der Region. =

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Jemen: Angriffe auf die Wasserversorgung

Angesichts der schlechten Hygiene wird die erneute Ausbreitung der Cholera befürchtet. Netanjahu erklärt, dass Israel sich im Konflikt um die Bab-al-Mandab-Wasserstraße der saudischen Koalition gegen Iran anschließen würde

Ein sofortiger Stopp der Kampfhandlungen im Jemen wäre bitter nötig; schon wenn sie "nur" in der Hafenstadt al-Hudeida wirklich eingestellt würden, wäre das schon ein wichtiger Schritt. Dort werden lebensnotwenige Versorgungseinrichtungen angegriffen, klagen UN-Hilfsorganisationen.

UNICEF beschreibt eine "Eskalation der Angriffe auf Systeme und Einrichtungen, die wesentlich sind für die tägliche Versorgung". Zwei Luftangriffe hätten Lagerhäuser mit Lebensmitteln gegolten, einschließlich Versorgungsmitteln, die mit Wasser zu tun haben. Zudem sei ein Treibstofftank getroffen worden und eine Trinkwasseranlage, die al-Hodeida versorgt.

Warnung vor einer Katastrophe

Fotos von Kindern, die aus löchrigen Wasserleitungen trinken, machen die Runde. Lise Grande, manchem Leser vielleicht noch als OCHA-Spezial-Beauftragte im Irak bekannt, ist jetzt für das Office zur Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten der Vereinten Nationen im Jemen tätig. Ihre Warnung betrifft die Wasserversorgung und die damit zusammenhängende sanitäre Infrastruktur in Hinblick auf die Cholera-Ausbreitung.

Sie spricht von katastrophalen Folgen der Angriffe. Da die Luftangriffe wie die Kämpfe am Boden die Versorgung mit Wasser wie auch die hygienischen Umstände sehr stark beeinträchtigen, fürchtet sie, dass die Cholera-Epidemie sich ausbreiten könnte.

Die Huthi-Rebellen und Iran

Dass die Luftangriffe auf die Hafenstadt nach eben genannten Klagen der UN-Organisationen weitergehen, obwohl es von Seiten der Vereinigten Emirate und Saudi-Arabien hieß, dass man auf die Versorgung und die Situation der Zivilbevölkerung Rücksicht nehme, ist bezeichnend. Der Krieg hat viele Mitspieler und Ebenen, dass sich jemand an Regeln oder Absprachen hält, ist schwer durchzusetzen.

Es gibt landesinterne, lokale, tribale, soziale und politische Konflikte (vgl. auchSüdjemenitische Separatisten erobern halb Aden und es gibt, diese überlagernd, den Hegemonialkonflikt zwischen Saudi-Arabien sowie die dazugehörige Koalition und Iran, das in politischen Statements und in der Berichterstattung häufig eins-zu- eins mit den "Huthi-Rebellen" gesetzt wird.

Auch die beiden genannten Experten Elie Abouaoun und Sarhang Hamasaeed vom Think-Tank US Institute of Peace erklären klar und deutlich wie viele andere auch, dass Iran und die Huthis nicht identisch sind, dass "Irans Fußabdruck im Jemen deutlich kleiner ist als im Irak". Dennoch wird genau mit der Rolle Irans im Jemen der Konflikt angeschürt.

Für das jüngste Beispiel sorgt wieder einmal der israelische Premierminister Netanjahu, der Iran seit vielen Jahren mit allem Übel im Nahen Osten gleichsetzt, und dessen Waffenklirren Richtung Iran dank der Unterstützung Trump und der saudi-arabischen Führung eine neue reale Dimension bekommen hat.

Mittlerweile erklärten die Huthis, dass sie für zwei Wochen Angriffe im Roten Meer einstellen würden, um "Friedensinitiativen" zu unterstützen.

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At 03:00am on 8 October 2016 an airstrike allegedly by the Saudi-led military coalition struck the village of Deir Al-Hajari in Northwest Yemen. The airstrike killed a family of six, including the pregnant mother and four children.

At the site of the airstrike bomb remnants were found, and a suspension lug manufactured by RWM Italia S.p.A., a subsidiary of the German Arms Manufacturer Rheinmetall AG. ECCHR and its partners vom Italy and Yemen call for an investigation into the criminal liability of the Italian authorities and RWM's directors for arms exports.


The incident of Deir Al-Hajari is well documented, as a field monitor of Mwatana Organization for Human Rights (Mwatana), a Yemeni partner organization of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) attended the scene the day after.

At the site of the airstrike, bomb remnants were found, which indicate that the type of bomb used was a guided bomb of the MK80-family. Also in the rubble a suspension lug, which is needed to attach the bomb to the plane, was found. Its serial marks clearly indicate that it was manufactured by RWM Italia S.p.A., an Italian subsidiary of German Rheinmetall AG.

The direct perpetrators of this crime committed in Yemen – coalition politicians and their military personnel – might not be prosecuted at this point in time. However, their suppliers – like enterprises and state officials in Italy – could be brought to justice.


On 17 April 2018 ECCHR, Mwatana, and Rete Italiana per Il Disarmo in cooperation with Osservatorio Permanente sulle Armi Leggere e le Politiche di Sicurezza e Difesa (O.P.A.L.), filed a criminal complaint against managers of RWM Italia S.p.A. and senior officials of Italy’s National Authority for the Export of Armament – UAMA – to the public prosecutor in Rome.

The complaint focuses on the air strike of Deir Al-Hajari on 8 October 2016, which killed six civilians. It alleges the criminal liability of RWM Italia S.p.A. managers and of UAMA officials for the export of at least a part of the deadly weapon used in the strike, to Saudi Arabia or another member state of the Saudi-led military coalition.

and full report:

(A P)

Human Rights First announced today that it will award the 2018 Roger N. Baldwin Medal of Liberty to Yemeni human rights group Mwatana Organization for Human Rights
Mwatana is an independent Yemeni human rights organization that undertakes field investigations to produce objective accounts of human rights violations in Yemen, and provides legal support to assist victims

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Halt to West’s Arms Sales Can Force Saudis to Negotiate Peace: Int’l Lawyer

Edward Corrigan in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

Corrigan: Virtually every human rights organization has condemned the Saudi-led coalition attacks against Yemen. The claim that Saudi Arabia and its allies are trying to avoid civilian causalities is a lie as the number of civilian deaths has gone up. There is no UN Security Council Resolution authorization military action against Yemen. There is no legal justification for the Saudi and UAE and their allies’ attacks on Yemen. The United States, Britain, and France have been selling billions of dollars of arms to the Saudis and their allies. The US and Britain have laws that prohibit the sale of arms to countries that are involved in wars of aggression. However, they are more interested in making money than in human rights. There is a definite role for the International community to bring about the end of the conflict. The UN Security Council should pass a resolution to bring about the end to the attacks and to urge the parties to resolve their differences peacefully. However, this option is unlikely due to the veto power that the United States, Britain, and France have at the Security Council. If the US, Britain, and France were to stop selling arms to the countries attacking Yemen this would bring about the necessary pressure to force the attacking parties to negotiate peace. One of the main reasons why the Saudis, the UAE, and their allies have attacked Yemen is due to its strategic location and that Yemen and the Houthis can shut down the flow of oil through the strategic waterway. To my knowledge, the Yemen army and their Houthi allies have not attacked the oil tankers passing their border. Now the Houthis and their allies have escalated their attacks on the oil tankers and have also attack ARAMCO production facilities in Saudi Arabia. This is in response to the massive attacks on Yemen's infrastructure, food production and the blockade that is preventing medicine, food and fuel supplies from entering Yemen and the attacks against Yemen's civilian population. The conflict is in a stalemate with neither side having the ability to defeat the other. Hopefully, sanity will prevail and the parties will resolve their differences through peaceful negotiations.

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Film: One minute video in Taiz city streets. A city that bears leaders mistakes for +3 years now. Civilians create their coping mechanism on a daily basis waiting for peace.

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Film: New report sheds light on Saudi aggression in Yemen

A new report has shed more light on the ongoing aggression by Saudi Arabia against the Yemenis. The report by a regional human rights group also accuses Saudi Arabia of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Press TV’s correspondent in Beirut Rana Aladdin has more in this report.

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Interactive Map of Yemen war

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Film: Yemen war: Fears of new cholera outbreak as violence escalates | Al Jazeera English

Violence is escalating in Yemen, raising fears of a new cholera outbreak in the port city of Hodeidah. =

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A new Yemeni photojournalist dies: Isa Al-Nomi, was killed in an explosion on Wednesday while covering battles btwn Govt forces & Houthi militants in Saada province. He stepped on an explosive device in Abwab Al-Hadid area. Al-Nomi worked with Yemen Shabab TV.

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US Institute of Peace an Yemen be Pulled Back from the Brink?

USIP’s Dr. Elie Abouaoun and Sarhang Hamasaeed analyze the multi-layered nature of the conflict, Yemen’s dire humanitarian situation and the prospects for peace.

Abouaoun: It is true that the conflict has elements of a proxy war, however, that aspect of the conflict tends to be overemphasized. Indeed, the proxy war narrative downplays the reality that the primary sources of tension are homegrown and originally stemmed from deep divides along tribal, social, regional and political fault lines.

Unresolved issues with the Houthis—a Yemeni Zaidi Shia sect—and the south of Yemen—which was an independent state from 1967 to 1990—paired with the threat of al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), economic despair and political instability post-2011, all contributed to the internal chaos that the Houthis ultimately exploited to expand their control over large parts of the country. Overstating the degree to which the conflict in Yemen is externally fueled is dangerous in that it may lead to miscalculations that underappreciate the local realties of the conflict.

From a regional perspective, the growing influence of the Houthis raised red flags for Saudi Arabia, who feared an Iranian-backed group at their doorstep. As such, the Saudis have provided significant military support for the internationally recognized government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Further behind the scenes is the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who intervened alongside Saudi Arabia against the Houthis, but has also pursued an autonomous agenda in gaining control of maritime traffic in the Red Sea and supporting southern secessionist groups, often in contradiction with the Saudis.

Making matters worse is the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) crisis Finally, Iran’s footprint is vastly smaller in Yemen than it is in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

Hamasaeed: According to many Yemenis, beyond the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, internal tensions in Yemen have deepened and grown even more complicated since the takeover of Sana’a by the Houthi-Saleh forces in September 2014. Alliances in both the pro-government coalition and the Houthi sides have shifted. Yemeni actors who have stood against the Houthis and AQAP have turned against each other in Aden and other parts of Yemen.

What interests are at stake for U.S. national security? Why has Congress repeatedly tried to pull back U.S. engagement in Yemen?

Hamasaeed: For years, the United States has been interested in Yemen for counterterrorism purposes, but in the past few years the stakes have increased to also protecting Saudi Arabia, curbing the influence of Iran, and ensuring the safety of trade through the Bab al-Mandeb strait.

Abouaoun: The peace process in Yemen has been far from linear, as cease-fires have come and gone, and occasional momentum has been stymied by faulty assumptions about the local realities in areas that function as separate territories with their own internal political structures and external sources of support. U.N.-led peace efforts have too often excluded pertinent groups and placed too much emphasis on the terms of the internationally recognized government, which has led to unworkable solutions and only prolonged the conflict.

Hamasaeed: The key actors in the conflict remain on war footing—either through direct engagement or by playing a supporting role. t is unclear if the efforts of Griffiths will prevent a fight at the city and port of Hodeida and create a breakthrough in the conflict.

Alternatively, the fighting factions could use any pause in hostilities to buy time and as an excuse to potentially escalate the conflict. The bottom line is that a victory in Hodeida for either side will not force an end to the conflict =

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Film: Press TV Debate (August 01, 2018)

This edition of #PresstvDebate discusses the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

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Israel würde sich an Iran-Militärschlag beteiligen, wenn dieser Meerenge blockiert

Israelische Regierung würde sich an Aktion gegen Iran bei Sperre von Bab al-Mandeb-Meerenge durch Huthis beteiligen

Israel hat dem Iran mit einer militärischen Reaktion gedroht, sollte die Islamische Republik die Meerenge Bab al-Mandeb zwischen Arabien und Afrika schließen. Er sei sicher, dass der Iran in diesem Fall mit einer internationalen Koalition konfrontiert sei, die eine Blockade verhindern werde, sagte der Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu am Mittwoch. Dieser werde sich auch Israel anschließen.

Mein Kommentar: Eine Sperrung des Bab-al-Mandeb ist derzeit nichts, was tatsächlich befürchtet werden müsste. Derartig schrille Töne sind vor allem gegen Iran gerichtet, gegen das Netanyahu am liebsten sofort krieg führen möchte.

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Netanyahu Warns Iran: Block Mouth of Red Sea and Be Met by Force

Prime minister's remark comes days after Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels attacked Egypt-bound Saudi oil tanker

Defense minister: 'The IDF is ready to respond'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that any attempt by Iran to block the Straits of Bab al-Mandab at the mouth of the Red Sea would be met by an international coalition that would include Israel.

"Earlier this week, we witnessed a sharp clash with Iran's satellites who tried to sabotage international shipping in the Straits at the mouth of the Red Sea," Netanyahu said at a graduation ceremony for naval officers.

"If Iran tries to block the Straits of Bab al-Mandab, it will find itself facing an international coalition determined to prevent it from doing so, and this coalition will also include the State of Israel and all its arms," Netanyahu warned. Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman also spoke at the graduation ceremony, saying, "recently, we have heard of threats to harm Israeli ships in the Red Sea."

Lieberman continued: "I would like to emphasize: the Israeli military is ready to respond simultaneously on two fronts, and also on the Red Sea. Only in that case we would be less selective and the harm to our enemies would be greater. I hope they take that into account."

and by RT:

My comment: Evident: israel wants war.

Comment: Well it looks like clear confirmation to me of what many of us have been saying: the war on Yemen is for control of the Red Sea by Israel and Saudi Arabia - control of the Red Sea equals control of vital gas/oil export routes to Asia. For Israel, their Eilat port in the Gulf of Aqaba off the Red Sea gives them access to Asian markets.

Slaughter and starvation for Yemenis - the poorest but perhaps loveliest country in the Middle East? No problem for the greed merchant axis of evil of the US/UK - Israel - Saudi Arabia.

Now, Israel will try to make this all about Iran, using propaganda and fake intel etc as usual - when what it's really all about is money and power - as usual.

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Film: Media's Shocking Silence Continues on World Biggest Humanitarian Crisis | Guest: @randinord

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Yemen Crisis Spills Over into the Red Sea

The Houthis’ determination to speed up the process of bringing Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to the negotiating table with a genuine commitment to make painful concessions and compromises for the sake of conflict resolution builds up against the backdrop of an increasingly anti-Iranian foreign policy waged by the United States — underscored by Washington’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal — and Saudi Arabia, which has made clear the kingdom’s position in favor of regime change in Tehran.

The Houthis’ July 25 attack sends a message not only to Riyadh about the Houthis’ capacity to attack Saudi Arabia’s core interests as an oil exporter, but also signals Iran’s capacity to target America’s geo-economic interests in the Red Sea via Tehran’s proxies and partners.

Odds are good that as Saudi Arabia and the UAE continue to make their case against Iran before the West and the international community at large, their leaders will strongly emphasize how the Iranian-backed militias in Yemen are threatening global trade near one of the busiest shipping routes in the world. Ultimately, while Saudi and Emirati officials have been keen to downplay Houthi missile and rocket attacks that have reached their soil, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi will likely hype the Houthis’ strikes against targets in the Red Sea in pursuit of greater international support for their operations in Yemen.

My comment: The idea that Houthi attacks in the Red Sea would have anything to do with Iran and Iran’s policy regarding the Hormuz Street is a conspiration theory.

Another article working with this conspiration theory (and might-be even more ones) is:

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Equations of Bab Al-Mandeb

The Arab coalition was on the verge of taking from the Houthis in Yemen the port city of Hodeida, but stopped. Why, asks Khaled Okasha

Saudi Arabia’s recent decision to “temporarily suspend” oil shipments through the Red Sea needs to be viewed against this backdrop.

The halt was in response to missiles fired from the Yemeni mainland targeting two Saudi tankers. This development adds to the mystery surrounding the progress of the coalition’s military operation against Hodeida, which has also ground to a halt for no apparent reason. All evidence had suggested that the UAE forces were a stone’s throw from capturing both the port and the city of Hodeida. So, who ordered the halt to the Battle of Hodeida at this curious time? Why or in whose interests was that decision taken with respect to that location which is of such strategic significance for the freedom and security of international navigation?

The Saudi decision, therefore, seemed a deliberate overreaction, which leads one to suspect that it was linked to the pressures on the Saudi-led coalition to halt its advance into Hodeida. Was Riyadh’s intent to deliver a more severely worded message to the powers behind those pressures to the effect that Riyadh and its partners may begin to push back, albeit in other directions? One was struck by UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Qarqash’s tweet following the Saudi decision. After noting that the patience of the UAE and its allies was wearing thin because of the threats to their ships, he underscored two points. The first was how troubled the UAE and other countries in its axis were by the differences between Europe and the US over Iran. The second was that the UAE was prepared to undertake more security responsibilities in the Middle East.

If Saudi Arabia is reordering its trump cards, perhaps its recent decision was meant to cause waves — of a calculated degree, so far — in the security equations of the Bab Al-Mandeb and Red Sea. Iran, naturally, has been perpetually present in these equations since the outset of the Yemeni crisis. It too uses the maritime threat, but so far in very measured doses so as not to let it spiral out of control.

Unfortunately, this gives rise to the spectre that the Bab Al-Mandeb and southern Red Sea could shift from a “limited threat” zone, largely restricted to the bounds of the civil war/proxy war in Yemen, to the level of a more general regional security threat should navigation through the Bab Al-Mandeb and Red Sea become a major factor in the tug-of-war between Washington and Tehran. At that point, some action will be needed to keep the situation under control and to regulate the balances between the countries most immediately concerned with a situation that is tantamount to striking matches next to a haystack.

and another story of this kind, with this self-fulfilling propaganda again:

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Iran To Practice Blockading Strait Of Hormuz As Saudis Say Mandeb Strait Is No Longer Safe

And there is a definite possibility of a larger conflict, especially if Iran or its allies were to step up their activities in the Bab Al Mandeb Strait, which handles all sorts of international shipping. On July 27, 2018, CNN reported, citing unnamed U.S. officials, that there were discussions about potential military options to the increasing Houthi attacks between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The suggestion was that the U.S. military could extend its support for the Saudi-led coalition into the maritime domain, potentially helping provide intelligence information on rebel naval activities, which could then lead to air or other strikes. The officials stressed that, in keeping with the current American policy regarding the conflict in Yemen, the United States would not be engaged in direct action against the Houthis.

Given the international nature of the Strait, it is possible that the United States and the Saudis could build a maritime coalition of sorts to protect commercial shipping, similar to the multi-national forces the U.S. government and its allies set up to fight piracy off the coast of Somalia.

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Drinking water systems under repeated continuous attack in Yemen

UNICEF calls for immediate halt to attacks on water facilities and civilian infrastructure in Yemen

Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore

“Attacks against civilian facilities and services are unacceptable, inhumane and in breach of the basic laws of war.

“Ongoing violence and repeated attacks on lifesaving civilian infrastructure in Hodeida are a direct threat to the survival of hundreds of thousands of children and their families.

“Yet the past few days have seen an escalation in the targeting of systems and facilities that are essential to sustaining the lives of children and families.

“Two days ago, we received reports that a UNICEF-supported warehouse containing humanitarian provisions, including hygiene and water-related supplies, was hit by two airstrikes. On 28 July, a UNICEF-supported sanitation centre in the Zabid District came under attack, damaging the facility’s fuel tank. On 27 July, the water station in al-Mina District, which provides Hodeida with most of its water, was hit.

“Yemen is already facing a severe shortage of drinking water, which is directly linked to outbreaks of cholera and acute watery diarrhoea. Attacks on water infrastructure jeopardize efforts to prevent another outbreak of cholera and acute watery diarrhoea in Yemen.

“We continue to call on all parties to the conflict to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure.

“The war in Yemen has no winners. It is robbing Yemeni children of their futures.”

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Film: You know what Saudi-Emirati starvation in Yemen means?
You’re banned from getting food from outside
And your little food and your little water inside Yemen is deliberately bombed
And even the little food and the little water you get from relief agencies is also deliberately bombed
And at the end of the day, you see Saudis and Emiratis coming out and say “We’re helping Yemen”
Without any sense of shame or decency
Upside down logic, isn’t it? =

(* B P)

Journalists Union demands payment of journalists' salaries

The Yemeni Journalists Union demanded that the government and the de facto authority (Houthi militia) pay all the salaries of journalists that have been withheld since the beginning of the war in and all responsibility for the violations that harm the reality of journalists on Sunday and their .

In a statement, the Union said it is following with great concern the difficult conditions experienced by journalists in our country with the suspension of their salaries and the closure of a number of media outlets

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Kinderhilfsorganisation: Lage im Jemen verschärft sich weiter: Humanitäre Katastrophe

Das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen stürzt immer mehr in die Krise: Die Wasserknappheit nimmt zu, ebenso wie der Kampf um Zufluchtsplätze für die Menschen, vor allem aber haben zwei Drittel aller Kinder keinen Unterricht mehr.

Im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen verschärft sich wegen der Sommerhitze die Lage noch weiter. "Die Cholera-Gefahr steigt wieder", sagte die Geschäftsführerin und Vorstandsvorsitzende der Organisation Save the Children Deutschland, Susanna Krüger, dem Evangelischen Pressedienst (epd) in Berlin. Fast drei Viertel der Menschen im Land seien abhängig von humanitären Hilfsgütern.

Kinder sind anfälliger

"Für das ohnehin schon ausgemergelte System und die ausgemergelten Menschen, die weniger Widerstandskräfte haben, wird die Situation noch mal schwieriger", erklärte Krüger. Kinder seien besonders anfällig für die Durchfallerkrankung, die unbehandelt tödlich sein kann. "Unsere Mitarbeiter sehen täglich völlig mangelernährte Kinder und Säuglinge, die kurz vor dem Tod stehen."

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärallianz habe bei ihren seit mehr als drei Jahren andauernden Luftangriffen alle wichtigen Strukturen im Land systematisch kaputt gebombt, sagte Krüger, die im Mai den Jemen besuchte. Dazu gehörten auch Krankenhäuser und Schulen sowie Elektrizität und Wasserversorgung.

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Film: Yemen, la peor crisis humanitaria del mundo - Despierta con Loret

La guerra en Yemen y sus desplazados conforman la peor crisis humanitaria del mundo en la actualidad.

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Film: Yemen civilians live with hunger, hardship amid conflict

Images distributed by the UN's World Food Programme show destroyed buildings, malnourished children and World Food Programme members distributing aids to civilians in Yemen's Saada and Hodeida. On June 13, Saudi Arabia and its allies in a pro-government coalition launched a major offensive to retake Hodeida, through which 70 percent of Yemen's food imports flow.

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Is Establishing an Arab NATO Possible?

Latest reports have indicated that Trump's administration has been quietly pushing ahead with a plan to create a NATO-like security and political alliance between Arab countries to confront Iran, which is supposed to include six Persian Gulf Arab states, Egypt and Jordan, with its main goal being to counter what they call Iran’s expanding regional influence.

Political experts believe that there are many reasons for the American support of an Arab military union styled on a Western alliance like NATO. United States is actually trying to “milk” the aforesaid countries by making them buy increasing amounts of American-made weapons in the hope of warding off the spurious “Iran threat”, NATO-styled binding treaties would only increase the flow of American weapons across the lucrative Middle East market and elsewhere.

Observers say the entire project of Arab NATO is doomed to fail due to various reasons. Darko Lazar, a political analyst on Lebanese Alahed news website recently wrote that similar initiatives by previous US administrations to develop a more formal alliance with monarchies of Arab allies have failed in the past.

“As such, an Arab NATO is a US/Saudi project with clearly defined roles: Riyadh pays, Washington provides the arms, Cairo provides the bulk of the manpower, and the ‘Israelis' pitch in largely in the field of intelligence,” the analyst said.

Perhaps the biggest hurdles to the establishment of an Arab NATO lay in the widening cracks within the supposedly monolithic Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). =


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Washington Calls for US-Gulf Summit to Discuss Yemeni Ballistic Missile Confrontation

A Yemeni intelligence official said that after the failure of the US air defense systems Patriot to drop ballistic missiles in Yemen, the United States decided to double military cooperation with its Gulf allies against Yemen, and to hold a US Gulf summit to reach a new joint military strategy between US and Gulf sides in escalating the aggression on Yemen.

The summit would discuss the possibility of direct American military intervention in the aggression on the West Coast and the reasons of military strategies failure in the war against Yemen in more than three years.

According to Radio Sawa, Washington has invited Gulf countries to hold an extraordinary Gulf-US summit.
US Ambassador to Kuwait Lawrence R. Silverman said that Washington is seeking to urge all Gulf countries to participate in the next US-Gulf summit, without specifying a date.

Silverman, in remarks broadcast by Radio Sawa, described the upcoming summit as "very important."

"There are a lot of issues that must be discussed together, such as combating terrorism, protecting countries from ballistic missiles and economic and oil cooperation," he said.

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Hadi: A hollow president whose masters in Riyadh are killing us

Reading the op-ed published in the New York Times on Monday by Hadi, it is hard to tell if he is talking about the same country. Perhaps this is because he abandoned Yemen last month and fled to Saudi Arabia. His masters in Riyadh command Yemen’s skies but have no grasp of what is happening on the ground. The column speaks to his desperate lack of leadership: with Yemen facing its most grave crisis in decades Hadi did not address his own people, he wrote to America.

Accusing the Houthis of being “backed by Iran” and of “committing acts of aggression”, Hadi made several references to the people of Yemen. But who are the Yemeni people Hadi is talking about? If they are behind him, as he says, would he be fleeing from one place to another like a criminal?

And where is this Iran Hadi speaks of? Here in Yemen we only see American drones and now foreign war planes destroying our country. Has Iran ever attacked Yemen? Sent troops? Bombed Yemeni factories? Ask a Yemeni what Hadi achieved during his two years in office and the answer will invariably be the same: nothing. Instead of building institutions, Hadi allowed the government to rot, the old regime to resurface, and his allies to loot what remained of the country’s resources.

A hollow president, Hadi has called on foreign powers to do his fighting for him, destroying Yemen’s infrastructure and army in the process.

Many people in Yemen believe the US is at least partly to blame for the failure of the Arab spring. Especially in Syria and Libya, America’s allies – Qatar and Saudi Arabia – have funded terrorist groups with the aim of destroying armies and infrastructure and crushing hope for change. The Houthis are here to turn this counter-revolution around so that the demands of 2011 can finally be realised.

My comment: A Houthi viewpoint. As far as “president” Hadi is concerned, the author is simply right.,

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Aid agency says Yemen port shutdown could double needy

The already "staggering" number of 8.4 million Yemenis who don't know where their next meal will come from could double very quickly if ports in the rebel-held north are attacked and shut down, the head of the aid agency Oxfam America said Tuesday.

Abby Maxman, who spent a week in northern Yemen earlier this month, said in an interview with The Associated Press that the country is already "on the brink of starvation or ultimately famine, and the tipping point for that could happen very quickly."

Government forces, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, are trying to retake the port city of Hodeida, the main entry point for food in a country dependent on imports, from Iranian-allied Shiite rebels known as Houthis. The United Nations said Hodeida remains open, but there is growing concern of the impact of a port closure.

Maxman said "the humanitarian implications will be massive" if Hodeida and the other smaller Red Sea ports controlled by the Houthis shut down.

The president and CEO of Oxfam America said families she spoke to in camps for the displaced in Khamer and Amran "who have suffered at the hands of an ongoing conflict that is far larger than themselves for years" are very caught up in day-to-day survival and lack hope and the ability to see a future for themselves.

"And the data corroborates what I saw of children with malnutrition, with people who are looking for one meal per day, not having their basic health needs met, Maxman said.

Maxman said: "If the conflict continues, if there is an assault or an attack on a major port, if things continue to go a certain way, it would be likely that risk of famine increases."

(* B K pH)

Saudi Coalition Steps Up Yemen Offensive with Airstrikes, Kidnapping and Cluster Bombs

Over the weekend the Saudi-led coalition bombed a water treatment facility, targeted and killed a number of fishermen, used banned cluster bombs and targeted a Yemeni radio station.

The U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition conducted numerous airstrikes across Yemen this past weekend, especially against the strategic port city of Hodeida. Heavy civilian casualties have been reported, as has the use of cluster bombs against civilian targets. Hodeida’s water and sewage treatment infrastructure was also targeted in the bombing campaign.

Meanwhile — in a mass kidnapping incident similar to that carried out by ISIS in Sweida, Syria last week — a group of women in Hodeida’s southern Tuhieta district were kidnapped by the Giant’s Brigade on Sunday. The Giant’s Brigade is a group of indigenous mercenaries fighting on behalf of the Saudi-led coalition who share the same Wahhabi ideology as al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). The women’s whereabouts are still unknown.

One civilian was killed and several others injured, including women and children, when Saudi jets carried out an airstrike on residential buildings in the Riff al-Tahtia neighborhood in Hodeida.

In a separate incident, four fishing boats were targeted off of Hodeida’s coast inside of Yemen’s territorial waters, killing multiple fishermen according to a statement to MintPress by Yemen’s General Authority for Marine Fisheries in the Red Sea. Subsistence fishing is a primary means of securing food in Hodeida amidst a coalition-imposed blockade of the city’s port, which is used to import over 70 percent of the region’s food.

Yemen’s General Authority for Marine Fisheries told MintPress that the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition, “have prevented fishermen from fishing on the Red Sea coast and threaten them, saying they will be a military target if they try to fish off of Yemen’s coast.”

On Friday, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted two airstrikes on a fishing dock. According to Yemen’s General Authority for Marine Fisheries in the Red Sea, Saudi airstrikes have killed 28 fishermen in three attacks on Yemen`s Hodeida in the past three days.

The U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition has renewed its use of cluster bombs against civilian targets in Yemen (photos)

(* A K P)

Huthi-Rebellen stoppen vorerst Angriffe auf Öltanker

Die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen haben angekündigt, ihre Angriffe auf Öltanker im Roten Meer zwei Wochen lang auszusetzen.

Die vom Iran unterstützten Kämpfer erklärten, die Initiative könne verlängert und auf andere Fronten ausgeweitet werden, wenn die Gegenseite vergleichbare Schritte unternehme.

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis halt Red Sea attacks for two weeks

Yemen’s Houthi group said on Tuesday it is unilaterally halting attacks in the Red Sea for two weeks to support peace efforts, days after Saudi Arabia suspended oil exports through a strategic Red Sea channel following attacks on crude tankers last week.

Yemen - where a Saudi-led coalition has been battling the Iranian-aligned Houthi movement in a three-year-old war - lies on one of the world’s most important trade routes for oil tankers, the Bab al-Mandeb strait.

“The unilateral halt in naval military operations will be for a limited time period and could be extended and include all fronts if this move is reciprocated by the leadership of the coalition,” the head of the Houthi supreme revolutionary committee, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, said in a statement.

A statement from the Houthi-controlled defense ministry said later that the movement was halting naval operations for two weeks, starting at midnight (2000 GMT) on Aug. 1.

“We welcome any initiative to spare bloodshed and stop aggression against Yemen,” the statement published on the state news agency SABA said, quoting a defense ministry official.

The Houthi leader said the group’s initiative aimed to supports efforts to find a political solution to the conflict


(* A K P)

Yemen’s Houthis propose ceasefire initiative

A leader of Yemen’s Houthi rebel group on Tuesday unveiled an initiative aimed at halting all military activity in the war-weary country.

In a post on Twitter, Mohamed Ali al-Houthi, head of the group’s so-called Supreme Revolutionary Commission, reiterated calls for a “political solution” to the almost four-year-old conflict.

“Our initiative would include instructions from Yemeni official parties [in reference to Houthi institutions] to halt all military and naval operations for a specified, renewable period,” he said.

Al-Houthi voiced hope that a Saudi-led military coalition -- cobbled together in 2015 to fight the rebel group -- would reciprocate “if they really want peace for the Yemeni people”.

Early Wednesday, al-Houthi tweeted again, saying they have halted naval operations for two weeks.

"The unilateral ceasefire that has started tonight at 00.00 (2100GMT) will continue until Aug. 15 at 00.00 (2100GMT). However, if there is a positive response from coalition forces, this period can be extended," he said.

(* A K P)

Iranian hands still behind Houthi missiles, UN report finds

The experts are also investigating information that the Houthis received monthly shipments of fuel from Iran valued at $30 million (Dh110m). Iran has denied providing any financial support to the Houthis.

During the inspections of the missile debris, the experts mandated by the council also found power converters produced by a Japanese company and Cyrillic markings on components that suggested a Russian link.

The investigation of those findings continues.

remark: Earlier reporting YPR 439, cp2.

(* B K P)

Saudi Closure of Yemen’s Hudaydah to Worsen Humanitarian Situation: Ex-UN Official

A former official at the United Nations and professor of international law decried the Saudi-led coalition’s war crimes in Yemen and said the alliance’s move to close the Arabian Peninsula country’s port city of Hudaydah would make “the dire humanitarian situation even worse”.

“I can say that the Saudi-UAE tactic of closing the port of Hudaydah is a serious escalation that is likely to make the dire humanitarian situation even worse,” Richard A. Falk said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

“70% of Yemen’s food and medicine enters the country through this one port, and it is a further violation of international law to use military means to disrupt a source of food,” he added

When geopolitical forces are supportive of the crimes being committed in Yemen, the UN is paralyzed at the level of behavior. The most that the UN can do under these circumstances is to make known the horrible effects of the war, the millions of Yemenis who have been so far displaced, more than 10 thousand killed, and contributing to frightening levels of food insecurity. The UN has reported that as many as 18 million Yemenis are currently facing a famine threat, and could be at risk of starvation during the remainder of 2018. In effect, the UN is not able to protect the people of Yemen from these terrible realities, but it can at least raise political consciousness about the gravity of the situation by demonstrating concern and gathering information, and in the process activate the moral conscience of humanity.

(* A B K P)

Spokesman for the Joint Incident Assessment Team in Yemen: We are transparent in announcing the results and perceive the responsibility the team is shouldering to clarify facts

Spokesman for the Joint Incident Assessment Team (JIAT) in Yemen Mansour Al-Mansour, confirmed that the team follows transparency in announcing the results reached in all details, noting that it is the responsibility of the team to clarify the facts before the public. Moreover, the team has seen some of the tweets related to what was mentioned in this conference, specifically the case of accusing the coalition of bombing Husseini mosque, he added.

This came during a press conference on the assessment of accidents held by Al-Mansour today at the King Salman Airbase in Riyadh, in which he reviewed a number of cases, including case No. 20, as part of the report of the International Committee of the Red Cross dated 22/09/2017, mentioning that the coalition forces launched three air strikes on the village of Beit al-Athri, Arhab Directorate, governorate of Sana'a, at 3:00 am on August 23, 2017, pointing out that one of the strikes hit a building containing shops and a hotel accommodating farmers, out of whom 50 people were killed and 54 injured, according to the information passed to ICRC which also says the number of fighters is only two, while the rest are civilians, reportedly khat dealers.

The Legal Counsel stated that the JIAT had verified the incident and following having seen all relevant documents, including the procedures and rules of engagement, the air mission assignment, post-mission reports, satellite imagery and the evidence assessment, it was found that, based on intelligence information and pre-operation reconnaissance, a group of armed elements of the special battalion, affiliated to the Houthi militia, were stationed in the alleged building along with a military checkpoint opposite to it and that both buildings are used by the armed militia of Houthi, illustrating it as a high-value target according to the intelligence information.

Accordingly, Al-Mansour said, the Coalition Forces carried out an aerial sortie on 23/08/2017, against the two buildings in their capacity as two legitimate military targets, which if destroyed, a military adavantage would be achieved. Using two guided bombs, the Coaliton Forces hit their targets accurately in an endeavor to paralyze the movements of the Houthi militias at the entrances of the city of Sana'a, Al-Mansour said, adding that the JIAT concluded that the procedures followed by the coalition forces were correct and safe, in accordance with international humanitarian law and customary rules.

In the case No. 76, included in the annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights accusing the Coalition Forces to have launched an air strike on 20/09/2016, which reportedly resulted in hitting a civilian vehicle in Al-Mansaf area, Al-Mutama directorate, Al-Jawf governorate, killing 15 civilians including twelve children, three women and injuring three others, and that the local residents told the UNHCR that the car belongs to a farmer and that the victims were on their way to work in the farm, Al-Mansour said that the JIAT had verified the incident and after having seen all relevant documents, including the procedures and rules of engagement, the air mission assignment, post-mission reports, satellite imagery and the evidence assessment, it was found that reliable intelligence information had been received by the Command of joint special operations inland Yemen from the Command of the sixth military zone, affiliated to the Yemeni forces related to the legitimate government, that the vehicle, branded as jeep (Chass), was carrying some commanders of the Houthi militias, an information, verified by the coalition air forces in coordination with ground sources, proved true. After monitoring the vehicle until it reached an isolated area, with no buildings or civilians, the Coalition Forces, using a guided bomb, hit the target at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning (19 Dhu al-Hijjah 1437 H) corresponding to (20/09/2016). Video footage of the mission, proved that the vehicle was a one-cell jeep (chass brand), with no persons on its surface, he said, adding that a secondary explosion was observed in the aftermath of the bombing, indicating that the vehicle was carrying weapons and ammunition, as well as some commanders of the Houthi militias.

Al-Mansour explained that, in the light of this, the JIAT concluded that the coalition air forces targeted a vehicle, laden with weapons and ammunition, was carrying commanders and that the measures taken in dealing with the legitimate military target were safe and comply with international humanitarian law and its customary rules.

The August 23, 2017 raid: at cp1b and at cp1 with links to all articles, photos, films

The Sept. 20, 2016 raid, film:

My comment: The farce of the Saudi coalition’s own “investigation” team for the own air raids. Actually, this team (JIAT) is not “independent” at all, its only task is whitewashing the coalition. It’s really unacceptable that the West is consenting to all this and even twice had blocked a really independent international investigation to have this JIAT instead.

The Saudi claims related too these two raids are seriously baseless. Just putting the label of “Houthi” to someone / something is creating a legal “military target”? Certainly not. What does “Houthi” really mean? Members of a family clan? Members of a tribe? Members of a religious sect? Followers of a political, religious opinion? Employees of a government which is run by the Houthis at Sanaa? The family members of all these groups? All these are no “military targets”. Fighters?

Keep in mind that there cannot exist any “legal” “military targets” for any Saudi coalition air raids in Yemen – because the Saudi coalition air raid war is an illegal war of aggression. The claim of supporting the legal government (“legitimacy”) is baseless, as president Hadi’s term had ended on Feb. 25, 2015 already. – No foreign force – nor the Saudis, nor the US, even not the UN – just could ignore this fact and extend Hadi’s term, as they did by just ignoring the end of Hadi’s term. The Saudis’ main goal in Yemen is to secure Saudi influence and keep Yemen dependent. There is no “legitimacy” at all with “president” Hadi and with the Saudi interference and war.

Comment: This is truly ridiculous. Saudi Arabia wrote resolution 2216 in the first place that gave them the thumbs up to destroy Yemen. Now they investigate allegations against them and are judge and jury of the charges against them and say they are innocent. Now I don't call that justice.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B H K)

Yemen: Commodity Tracker (as of 1 August 2018)

This tracker monitors commercial imports to Hudaydah and Saleef ports via the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM) and prices of food and fuel,. The map below illustrates the final stages vessels progress through before reaching the port of destination.

Overall imports: In July 2018, commercial food and fuel imports via UNVIM declined 18% and 20% from June import levels, respectively. Only one containerized cargo vessel arrived at Hudaydah since December 2017. Since November, there has been a 43% decrease in vessels (20) are berthing at Hudaydah and Saleef on average, compared to pre-blockade average (35).

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1b2

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(B H)

Hungersnot in Jemen

In Jemen haben die Menschen in zwei Tagen nur eine Mahlzeit zur Verfügung. Dies sagte die Jemen-Koordinatorin der Vereinten Nationen, Lise Grande auf ihrem Twitter-Account.

Die Koordinatorin führte weiter wie folgt aus: “8,4 Millionen Jemeniten wissen nicht, woher ihre nächste Mahlzeit kommen wird. Viele können nur an jedem zweiten Tag etwas essen. Nach Worten von Grande seien wegen den Angriffen auf die Gesundheitseinrichtungen und Infrastruktur ein Anstieg bei Cholera-Fällen zu beobachten. 75 Prozent der Zivilisten im Land seien auf humanitäre Hilfen angewiesen. Wie die Koordinatorin weiter verlauten ließ, sollte im Jemen, wo die größte humanitäre Krise erlebt wird, alle Seiten die Kämpfe beenden und für die Probleme eine politische Lösung finden.

(B H)

INFOGRAPHIC fromUN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:Yemen: Humanitarian Response Plan 2018 - Funding Status (As of July 2018)

(* B H)

FAO: Jemen steht vor schlimmster Nahrungsmittelkrise weltweit

In einer Erklärung der UN-Ernährungsorganisation FAO vom Dienstag wird betont, dass der Jemen vor der schlimmsten Nahrungsmittelkrise weltweit stehe.

Mehr als acht Millionen Menschen seien im Jemen von einer starken Lebensmittelknappheit betroffen und bräuchten Nahrungsmittelhilfen aus dem Ausland, ließ die FAO am Dienstag verlauten.

Bereits am Montag hatte die UN-Ernährungsorganisation die humanitäre Lage im Jemen als äußerst katastrophal bezeichnet und vor einer fehlenden Nahrungsmittelsicherheit in dem vom Krieg heimgesuchten Land gewarnt. Mehr als 18 Millionen Menschen sollen laut der FAO davon betroffen sein.

(* B H)

Jemen: UNICEF fordert dringend Hilfe für elf Millionen Kinder

Das Leben und die Gesundheit von elf Millionen Kindern im Jemen sind durch die Angriffe auf grundlegende Einrichtungen gefährdet. Dieser Alarm kommt vom Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen. UNICEF-Generaldirektorin Henrietta H. Fore fordert deshalb einen sofortigen Stopp der Angriffe auf Wasserversorgung und zivile Einrichtungen im Jemen.

„Die Angriffe auf die zivilen Strukturen und Einrichtungen sind verwerflich, unmenschlich und ein Bruch des grundlegenden Kriegsrechtes,“ urteilt Fore. „Der Krieg im Jemen kennt keine Sieger. Er beraubt die jemenitischen Kinder ihrer Zukunft.”

Seit Anfang Juni steht die Hafenstadt Houdaida unter Beschuss. Die Verteilung von Gütern über diesen zentralen Versorgungspunkt wird durch die Gefechte extrem erschwert.

(* B H K)

UNICEF kritisiert Angriffe auf Wasserversorgung im Jemen

Das Kinderhilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNICEF) hat die Angriffe auf die Wasserversorgung und die Infrastruktur im Jemen kritisiert. "Angriffe gegen zivile Einrichtungen und Dienstleistungen sind inakzeptabel, unmenschlich und verstoßen gegen grundsätzliche Regeln des Krieges", sagte UNICEF-Exekutivdirektorin Henrietta Fore. Es wurde am Wochenende berichtet, dass ein von UNICEF unterstütztes Lager mit humanitären Hilfsgütern, einschließlich Hygieneartikeln und Gütern zur Wasserversorgung, von zwei Luftangriffen getroffen wurde.

Am Samstag wurde ein vom UNICEF unterstütztes Sanitärzentrum im Bezirk Zabid angegriffen und der Kraftstofftank der Anlage zerstört. Einen Tag zuvor wurde die Wasserstation im Bezirk al-Mina getroffen, die die wichtigste Wasserquelle für die bedeutende Hafenstadt ist.

Mein Kommentar: Auf Deutsch berichten Iran und der Vatikan und Aktiencheck – der deutsche „Mainstream“ versagt.

(B H)

Audio: Die Situation der Kinder im Jemen

(A H K)

A casualty of war in #Yemen posts an updated selfie on his Facebook page and writes: “Don’t you recognize me my friends? It’s not my fault my face got deformed by war. Nevertheless, my heart is still the same and still remembers you!” (photos)

(* A H)

MSF opens a surgical field hospital in Mocha to treat war-wounded patients

Following the recent offensive by forces loyal to President Hadi and supported by the Saudi and Emirati-led international coalition on Hodeidah, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has opened a 20-bed surgical field hospital in Mocha, 180 kilometres south of Hodeidah, to respond to increased medical needs.

More than 70 MSF staff are working in the newly-established surgical field hospital. The facility, whose capacity can be extended to receive more patients, provides emergency medical care to people coming from the Hodeidah and Taiz frontlines. Among the patients are war-wounded and pregnant women with complicated deliveries that require urgent surgery.

Since April, the escalation of violence in Hodeidah and Taiz has led to an increase of war-wounded people. In the last couple of months, around 20 ambulances per day have been transporting patients from Hodeidah and surrounds to Aden, a six-hour drive to reach much-needed healthcare.

The MSF trauma hospital in Aden has received 493 patients from the frontlines on the western coast since April. In July, 83 per cent of the 173 patients received from Hodeidah and Taiz were injured by gun shots, landmines or bombing.

“Some patients are arriving at our hospital in Aden in a critical condition, due to the long distance they’ve needed to travel to access health care”, said Thierry Durand, MSF project coordinator in Mocha. “This is one of the main reasons that led us to open this hospital in Mocha, so people are able to get to us quicker, enabling us to save more patients.”


(A H)

@msf_yemen field surgical hospital in #Mocha has performed its first surgery earlier today, a woman from Hays was admitted to @msf_yemen facility with peritonitis and received the treatment needed. (photo)

(* B H)

WFP: Für 18 Millionen Jemeniten gibt es keine sichere Lebensmittelversorgung

Dem Sender al-Mayadeen zufolge hieß es in einem WFP-Bericht vom Montag, dass es für 18 Millionen kriegsgeschüttelte Jemeniten keine Lebensmittelsicherheit gebe und diese somit von Hunger bedroht seien.

"Die Unterbrechung der Hilfsmaßnahmen für den Jemen, wie bei der Lieferung von Nahrungsmitteln, Treibstoff und Medikamenten, wird dazu führen, dass Millionen jemenitischer Bürger an Hunger sterben", hieß es in dieser Erklärung, und weiter: "Mehr als 3 Millionen Jemeniten brauchen Nahrungsmittelhilfen und Hilfen für die Beseitigung der Unterernährung."ür_18_millionen_jemeniten_gibt_es_keine_sichere_lebensmittelversorgung

(B H)

World Food Programme: Yemen: Emergency Dashboard, July 2018

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Humanitarian Access Severity Overview (July 2018)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1b2

(* B H)

International Organization for Migration: Yemenis Displaced by Hudaydah Offensive in Need of Greater Lifesaving Support

The world’s worst humanitarian crisis deteriorated even further in June 2018 when a military offensive on Hudaydah led to the displacement of nearly half of the city’s 600,000 population. Nearly three months later, the situation remains unstable and the displaced communities in and near Hudaydah are in desperate need of humanitarian aid.

In Hudaydah, IOM, the UN Migration Agency, provides assistance to displaced communities where they are temporarily residing. Since 13 June, date, IOM provided 4,680 medical consultations, antenatal care to 337 pregnant women, reproductive health consultations to 531 individuals and psychosocial support to 500 people, as well as conducting health promotion activities that have reached over 1,600 people.

IOM also distributed aid, including food rations, basic hygiene items and other essential items, to over 3,300 displaced people and materials to build shelters and other essential aid items to 1,400 families, as well as provided over 20,850 hot meals in various areas of displacement. To ensure their safety and access to humanitarian services, IOM has helped transport over 1,000 displaced people to various locations.

Having to flee for their lives, the displaced community have very little to support themselves in the places where they are sheltering. From July to the start of August, the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), airlifted, through seven flights, roughly 368 tonnes of aid to Yemen.

(B H)

UNHCR: 20,000 families benefit from Emirati grant to support UN plan in Yemen.

The UAE grant to support the 'Yemen: Humanitarian Response Plan 2018' of the UN has benefitted over 20,000 Yemeni families, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, has said.

(* B H P)

Film: "Sei nicht wie Europa": Flüchtlinge landen in Südkoreas Urlaubsparadies - dort will sie niemand

Die Insel Jeju gehört zu Südkorea und ist bei Touristen beliebt. Aktuell geht es dort aber alles andere als idyllisch zu, wie „Spiegel Online“ berichtet. Viele der Einheimischen protestieren dort gegen Flüchtlinge aus dem Jemen.

Es gehe um 550 Flüchtlinge, die aus Malaysia auf die Insel gekommen seien. Die Einheimischen hätten mit Slogans protestiert wie „Sei nicht wie Europa“ und „Wir wollen sicher sein“. Die südkoreanische Gesellschaft gilt als extrem homogen, es kommt immer wieder zu rassistischen Zwischenfällen.

Die Flüchtlinge kamen legal auf die Insel: Bis vor kurzem konnten Jemeniten visafrei dorthin einreisen. Mittlerweile ist die Visafreiheit wieder aufgehoben. Laut „Spiegel Online“ dürfen die jemenitischen Flüchtlinge nicht aufs südkoreanische Festland weiterreisen und nur sehr eingeschränkt arbeiten.

(* A H P)

Seoul vows to improve refugee protection, simplify review process

South Korea will work to better protect international refugees arriving in the country while greatly speeding up its refugee review process to help ease their pains and sort out fake asylum seekers, the country's justice minister said Wednesday.

Minister Park Sang-ki said the country will also boost its assistance for refugees here so they can stand on their own.

Park's remarks came in response to a recent petition posted on Cheong Wa Dae's website calling for a ban on the entry of new refugees. The petition was prompted by the recent arrival of some 500 asylum seekers from Yemen on the South Korean island of Jeju, which had previously allowed foreign nationals to visit the island without a visa for up to 90 days.

The island has since removed Yemen from the list of countries entitled to the visa-waiver program.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Ethiopia: Urban Refugees Factsheet (June 2018)

At the end of June 2018, there were a total of 22,443 refugees in Addis Ababa, mainly from Eritrea, Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and refugees of other nationalities, mainly from the Great Lakes region.

8.3 % from Yemen

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Yemen Situation: 2018 Funding Update (as of 31 July 2018)

US$ 116.9 million needed, 64% funded, gap still 41.6 million.

My comment: Compared to the cost of war (Saudi aerial war ca. US$ 200 million a day) really nothing…

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthis kill new prisoner by poisoning

A new prisoner in the jail of the Houthis died after he was poisoned by the extremist anti-government rebels in a jail in the central Yemen province of Ibb on Wednesday.

Local sources told Al-Sahwa that the terror group's intelligence agents abducted Fahd Saleh Nasser Al-Marhabi from Al-Manar Hospital Ibb where he was receiving treatment and took him to the a jail in the same city, where he died within hours.

(A P)

Yemeni Journalists Union discuss media role in exposing coalition propaganda

Yemeni Journalists Union held on Thursday an expanded meeting to discuss the role of the national media establishments in exposing Saudi-led aggression coalition’s war crimes in Yemen.

(A K P)

Justice Minister reveals coalition-caused damage to judiciary's infrastructure

During his meeting with Surayo Buzurukova, team leader for governance and peace-building unit at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Judge Aqaba emphasized the importance of rehabilitating the courts infrastructure, especially in the capital Sanaa and in Amran and Dhamar provinces.
The minister noted that the decision to transfer the central bank to Aden had a negative impact on the judicial staff in general.

(A P)

Parliament reviews report on questioning Salvation Government

The Yemeni Parliament in its meeting on Wednesday reviewed a part of the report of the special committee charged with studying the questioning directed to the National Salvation Government and the government's responses to it.
The parliament approved the attendance of Prime Ministers and the government members at its session to be held next Sunday morning to discuss the report.

(A P)

Yemenis Stage Massive Anti-Saudi-US Rally in Sa’ada

The Yemeni people from all walks of life poured into streets in the northwestern city of Sa'ada to condemn the US-backed war crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition and its mercenaries in the Arabian Peninsula country.

(B P)

The #Houthis continue to target #students through sectarian activities in schools, with the aim of inculcating the group's misleading ideas on children and then send them to participate on different fronts to cover the shortage of fighters.

My comment: As claimed by anti-Houthi source. What really are: “misleading ideas on children”?

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1


Dozens of travelers stuck in Aden because of the delay of Yemeni airways for the third day

A deterioration in its services and schedules, and a bad deal with travelers, that is the most important experience for Yemenis who wish to leave Yemen by flying, or to return aboard.

Three days ago, dozens of travelers were still trapped in the city of Aden, due to the postponement of a Yemeni trip that was supposed to leave for Cairo.

Travelers to the "Almasdar online" said that their journey aboard Yemeni-bound Cairo was delayed to the third consecutive day, causing suffering to them.

My comment: Yemenia is one of world’s badest and most dangerous airlines.

(A T)

A soldier and another person were killed in clashes between the security belt forces and gunmen in the Dhale’a

A soldier and a gunman were killed Thursday by an attack by tribal gunmen on a security point for the pro-UAE security belt in Sanah District in the southern province of Al-Dhae’a.

(A T)

Some local #Yemen media & pro-#AQAP wires are reporting heavy gunfire last night between #alQaeda fighters and #UAE-backed Security Belt Forces after AQAP jihadists stormed Security HQ in al-Mahfad, Abyan. No info on fatalities yet. No formal AQAP claim yet.


(A T)

A senior security officer was killed along with his bodyguards in an attack by Al-Qaeda in Abyan city in south Yemen on Friday. South Yemen: UAE plus UAE proxies, plus AQAP plus a pathetic government = homicides and terrorist attacks.


Young Man Killed by Gunmen in Aden

(* A P)


August 3, 2018

Special for Al-Mrasel Net:
Reliable sources in Aden told the correspondent that the UAE forces transferred the detainees from one of its secret prisons in Aden to Hadramout in anticipation of the arrival of an international committee to investigate the issue of secret prisons.

The sources said that the UAE forces transferred the detainees from the camp of Bir Ahmed in Aden, which includes a secret prison to the province of Hadramout.

The sources said this move came in anticipation of a UN commission of experts, including US experts, to go to Aden and investigate abuses committed by UAE forces in secret prisons in Aden.

(A P)

Mukalla Port Employees Go on Strike, Holding Minister of Transport Responsible

The Trade Union Committee of the Arab Sea Ports Federation (EPA), on Wednesday, carried out a complete and open strike on Mukalla port, from today until canceling the decision of the Transport Minister, in Hadi's government, to appoint a vice president from outside its cadres.

(A T)

Daesh carries out a new assassination in Hadramout

One of the citizens was killed ,today night, in a new assassination witnessed by the Directorate of Shibam west of Hadramout Valley in eastern Yemen.

According to local sources in Shabam, “unknown assailants believed to belong to al-Qaeda and #Daesh fired a few shots at a citizen near the Bank of Al-Amqi in the city and killed him immediately, while the perpetrators fled.

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Tariq Saleh's financial officer was killed by unidentified gunfire in the city of al-Mocha

The financial officer of the United Arab Emirates-backed Tariq Saleh was killed early Monday by an unidentified gunman in the Al Mocha city of Taiz province, southwest of the country.

According to the Almasdar online, the officer, alias "Al Haydari", was shot in the head while driving speeding on the sub-road of the Mocha market, after which his car collided with a light pole.

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Islah Party holds the interior and the security of Aden responsible for the assassinations of its members

The Reform Party”Islah”, blamed the Yemeni Interior Ministry and the Aden Security Administration for the assassinations of the party's leaders and members, as well as local and military leaders.

"We hold the Ministry of the Interior, the director of Aden Security and the relevant authorities fully responsible for all the assassinations in the interim capital of Aden since liberation and until today, as a result of the utter failure to carry out their duties," the Reform Party” Islah” said in a statement on Tuesday.

(A P)

Hadi arrives in Mahrah governorate for the first time since his presidency of the country

A government source said Wednesday that President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi had arrived in the province of Al-Mahrah (Far east of the country), coming from the southern city of Aden, the interim capital.

It is the first time that the president has reached Al Mahrah since his country's presidency in early 2012, succeeding the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh, under a peaceful transition under the initiative of the Gulf states.

According to the Almasdar online, Hadi will open a number of development projects in the province, after it has been damaged by a season of hurricanes, winds and torrents over the past months.


(A P)

President Hadi has reportedly just landed at Ghayda airport in east #Yemen's Mahra governorate. Visit comes in wake of recent tensions between pro-#Oman & pro-#Saudi factions. Interesting to see would-be "Sultan" of #Mahra & #Socotra (has Omani passport) issue banners of support (photo)


(A P)

Saudi envoy opens eight major projects in Yemen

Saudi Arabia has opened eight new development projects in Yemen as part of the Kingdom’s ambitious rebuilding program in the strife-torn republic.
Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed bin Saeed Al-Jaber, who is also supervisor of the Saudi Program for the Reconstruction, laid the foundation stones for the projects in Al-Mahra Governorate in the presence of Yemeni President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
The projects will create job opportunities among the Yemeni people.
Hadi praised Saudi Arabia, saying that although the Kingdom was aware of the “magnitude of risks and troubles” facing Yemen, it had been the first country to support the republic’s drive for reconstruction.

My comment: That’s it. Hadi is just a puppet. The Saudi ambassador is the one who is playing the main role. Hadi’s task just is to praise the Saudis. – Up to now, it’s just foundation stones and propaganda. – Saudi Arabia, according to Hadi, is “the first country to support the republic’s drive for reconstruction“???? It’s the country which is responsble for the greatest part of destructions in Yemen. – Why this happens in Mahrh province – which from all Yemeni provinces ist he one which ist he less affected by the war? The Saudis want to keep a firm grip on the province, getting a direct access from Saudi Arabia to the Indian Ocean there. – But the people of Mahrah are critical, they do not want a Saudi occupation – and they do not want the Wahabism propaganda center the Saudis want to establish there.

And pro-Hadi Yemeni news site emphasizes that it’s hadi who put the foundation stones:
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President Hadi lays foundation stones for several projects and launches the name "King Salman City" on the al-Mahrah University and hospital

During his visit, the President along with the Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Sa'eed Al-Jaber—the General Supervisor of the Saudi Reconstruction Program in Yemen--laid down foundation stones for several developmental and services projects to be funded by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The projects included the University of Al-Maharah, Hosipital of Al-Maharah with total capacity 200 beds in the first phase, King Salman Medical and Educational City, Rehabilitating of Al-GHaidha's airport and Nashton's seaport, the project of Al-Maharah Electricity, the highways repairing project and Al-Maharah Water project.

(* A P)


(A P)

#Yemen: Hadi & Saudi Ambassador's visit to #Mahra today raised local fears of #Saudi takeover. Speeches unveiled vast plans incl for a King Salman City for Education & Health, airport, port, power station & hospital. Locals grateful for development but also worry about annexation


Gunmen Kidnap Woman in Aden

Unknown gunmen kidnapped a woman from the center of Dar Sa’ad city in the southern province of Aden late on Tuesday.

Media sources close to the aggression quoted eyewitnesses as saying, the woman was standing in front of the community college in Dar Sa’ad when a minibus stopped with gunmen on board who dragged her to the bus and ran away.

(* A P)

"Ben Burik" and "silencer ".. objecting to President Hadi's security control in Aden

One day after President Hadi met with the security forces in the interim capital of Aden, _ to approve the mechanism for the implementation of the understandings reached by the Interior Minister Ahmed al-Mayseri with the UAE during his recent visit to Abu Dhabi ,two loud objections emerged from the very heart of Aden in the face of new directions to heal The city arteries that have been bleeding for three years.

The first objection was made by Hani Ben Brurik, vice-President of the Southern Transitional Council, and one of the most important members of the Emirates in Aden, who, after hours of security meeting at the presidential palace, hinted at the rejection of the new directions of the coalition with the Hadi government and posted on his account in twitter, "We respect the new directions of the coalition. But we reject them if they oppose the will of the southern people. "

Hani Ben Burik oversees the forces of the "security belt", a security configuration that is not under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior and receives funding directly from the UAE, and charges several counts for the establishment and management of secret prisons and the perpetration of physical violations, which were an essential part of the rebellion against the presence The Government of Ben Dagger in Aden last January, before Saudi Arabia intervened to defuse the armed conflict at the time.

Ben Burik position raises several questions about whether the man actually rejects any normalization of the security situation and the establishment of a unified operating and control room to control security in Aden, even if the UAE wants to!, especially as the man owes great loyalty to the UAE and is unlikely to dare to refuse any regarding Abu Dhabi direction.

Or that the man is based in his position on an undeclared Emirati green light

Since the liberation of Aden three years ago, the city has witnessed incessant security unrest, hindering the stability of the President, the Government and diplomatic missions, and thus the international community's confidence in the authority of President Hadi and his government.

The dilemmas of the non-government armed formations, assassinations involving army and security officers, advocates, scholars and politicians, and the growing state of hatred and territorial freight have emerged. This indicates the difficulty of predicting the future of the city of Aden, along with the legitimacy that Aden declared as the temporary capital until the liberation of Sana'a from the al-Houthi authority.

(A P)

Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council Launches the Rise of Southern Flag Over Abu Musa Al-Ashary Summer Camp

Leadership of the southern transitional council visited the summer camp held in Abu Musa Al-Ashary school to observe activities delivered by the camp to students. Shwaki Al-Ghubs, director of Abu Musa Al-Ashary school and manager of the camp received visitors who raised the southern flag over its pole in the middle of the school.

(A T)

Yemen officials: Bombing in Aden wounds politician, 3 others

Yemeni officials say a roadside bombing in the southern city of Aden has wounded a prominent politician, his son and two other people.

The officials say the attack took place on Tuesday and targeted Aref Ahmed Ali of the Islah party, which is Yemen's branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, in the district of Maala.

They say the wounded have been taken to hospitals for treatment. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk to reporters.

No group has claimed the responsibility for the attack.


Comment: So, Hadi's government and Saudi/UAE-led coalition can't put an end to assassinations in #Aden?! Now security and army officers and personnel, politicians and innocents are targeted on a daily basis. It is weird that there has been no single arrest in connection with these crimes.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Head of Supreme Revolutionary: US-Saudi Crimes Proves Rejecting Peace

The head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammad Al-Houthi, said, on Thursday, that the crimes of the aggression in Hodeidah and the previous crimes prove, for the thousandth time, that the leadership of the coalition of the aggression rejects peace. He pointed out that the perpetration of these massacres confirms the terrorism nature of the aggression are nothing but war crimes, adding that the peoples of the world view the position of the United Nations as collusion.

"The world must know that the Americans, the Saudis and their allies are committing massacres and breaking the law, unchecked," the Supreme Revolutionary Chairman said in a statement.

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Anfang September in Genf-Jemen-Friedensgespräche geplant

Für das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen sollen nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen im September neue Friedensgespräche geführt werden. Der UN-Sondergesandte Martin Griffiths kündigte an, die Konfliktparteien dafür zum 6. September nach Genf einzuladen.
Die UN versuchen Griffiths zufolge weiterhin, die Kämpfe um die Hafenstadt Hudaida einzudämmen.

Filme dazu: =


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Friedensgespräche für den Jemen Anfang September in Genf

In den Gesprächen in Genf sollten die Rahmenbedingungen für Friedensverhandlungen geschaffen und Vertrauen gebildet werden, sagte der UN-Gesandte Martin Griffiths am Donnerstag im UN-Sicherheitsrat. Eine «politische Lösung» für den Jemen sei «möglich», so Griffiths.

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UN to convene Yemen talks early next month in Geneva, envoy tells Security Council

The United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen announced on Thursday that after two years of stalled talks on resolving the crisis in the country, he plans to invite the warring parties to Geneva on 6 September for a round of peace consultations.

“It is time long past for us, together, to call for an early resumption of the political process, two years since the last round in Kuwait,” said Martin Griffiths, referring to the UN-supported peace talks that where first held three years ago in Switzerland before shifting to Kuwait in April 2016. n the Council today, Mr. Griffiths said it is time to “begin the difficult and uncertain journey away from war” and that there is now a chance “to weigh the opportunities for peace” in the war-ravaged country. Describing the ongoing the battle for Hudaydah, a port city on the Red Sea, as “the centre of gravity of the war”, he stressed that the gap between the two sides is being narrowed “in a way that nobody expected”. This issue, he said, “has a better chance of being resolved within the context of a comprehensive political settlement”.

He called on Council members to “urge the parties to resolve this conflict through negotiation rather than through military means”, explaining that he will invite the warring parties to Geneva on 6 September for a round of talks.

“These consultations will provide the opportunity for the parties, among other things, to discuss the framework for negotiations, relevant confidence-building measures and specific plans for moving the process forward,” said Mr. Griffiths, requesting the Council’s support.

Having engaged with the parties, as well as with civil society, Mr. Griffiths said he is especially grateful for his meetings with Yemeni women. “I continue to consult them on elements of the peace process. Their voices are a constant reminder that Yemeni families bear the brunt of this conflict.”

“We know what can work. We have talked to all the sides. We have studied the experience of past efforts to resolve this conflict. One hundred days in Kuwait is a valuable guide for us,” he insisted.

The Director of Operations for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), John Ging, also briefed the Council, painting a bleak picture of the situation on the ground.


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UN envoy to Yemen announces Geneva talks in September

The UAE’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Lana Nusseibeh, said her country “fully supports Mr Griffiths in his efforts to advance a settlement and enforce UNSC resolution 2216” which calls for an end to the violence and recognises Yemen’s legitimate government. Ms Nussiebeh took part in the UN envoy meeting with Arab ambassadors on Thursday morning. Randa Slim, director of Conflict Resolution and Track II Dialogues Program at the Middle East Institute, was cautious in reacting to the September 6 meeting. “There is a lot of time between now and then during which developments could transpire that torpedo the negotiations,” Ms Slim told The National.

Citing more internal fragmentation among the Yemeni parties, she said “assuming they take place, they will be difficult negotiations ... a lot has taken place since the Kuwait negotiations which will complicate the agenda of the talks.”

Building on the UN plan during the Kuwait talks would be crucial argued Ms Slim. “Despite all that has transpired since the 2016 negotiations in Kuwait, the Kuwait deal remains that date the best available deal on the table.”

My comment: By their statement, the Emirates want to fix the whole negotiations to their goal: UN resolution 2216 from 2015 had been drafted by the Saudis and is fully biased in favor of the Saudi coalition and its “legitimate” government.

The same for the so-called “legitimate” government:

(A P)

Yemen government reiterates desire to achieve peace

Yemeni Vice President Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar stressed on Friday the keenness of his country’s government to bring peace, Saudi state channel Al-Ekhbariya reported.

Al-Ahmar said that his government supports the United Nation’s efforts exerted by its envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths to achieve peace and resume the political process.

He said that the position of government is consistent towards lasting peace based on the three reference points represented by the Gulf Initiative, the National Dialogue Conference and UN Security Council Resolution 2216.

My comment: With resolution 2216, they insist on achieving victory, not peace.

(A P)

Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on Yemen

Ambassador Nikki Haley

U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations


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UN Security Council signals support for Special Envoy on Yemen

Statement by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, at the Security Council briefing on Yemen

My comment: The US and Britain are warring parties in the Yemen war and by their support for the Saudi coalition they belong to those powers which are mainly responsible for the Yemen catastrophe. Statements like this one are hypocrisy at its best.

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Yemen: Reviving the Kuwait track

The UN’s special envoy to Yemen is trying to revive prospects of a comprehensive settlement, but the increasingly complex weave of regional entanglements threatens his efforts

Griffiths’ attempt to revive the Kuwait venue, which is to say the comprehensive track, may have been inspired by the failure, so far, to advance the Hodeida initiative. Former minister of Yemeni national dialogue affairs Mohamed Al-Makhlafi does not hold out much hope, however. On the other hand, Griffiths may be contemplating another alternative, which is to combine the subsidiary Hodeida track with the comprehensive Kuwait track. This is the opinion of Yemeni political analyst Abdel-Aziz Al-Majidi who told the Weekly by phone that he believes that Griffiths is trying to get the parties to budge.

“Perhaps the Houthis gave some signs of a willingness to return to the negotiating table, but on conditions that were too difficult to meet. Perhaps they included understandings related to Hodeida as a starting point. If so, the government might not agree for various reasons, among which is its determination that the Houthis must surrender Hodeida first as a means to ensure that they are not recognised as a party of equal status to the legitimate government.” In Al-Madjidi’s opinion, the Houthis are playing along with the mediating efforts, but being evasive at the same time, their objectives being to prolong the conflict, gain time and confuse the issues. He is not optimistic about any of the proposed negotiating tracks.

Yemeni political analysts interviewed by the Weekly agree that the level of regional engagement in Yemen has generated a complex web of interrelations with other regional questions, such as the Iranian nuclear deal and the Syrian crisis, but that Yemen’s geopolitical location at the mouth to the Red Sea and across the Horn of Africa adds a dimension of complexity of a different magnitude because of its relation to security arrangements that are taking shape in the vicinity of the Horn of Africa. The confusing intricacy of that weave seems to put hopes for a solution to the Yemeni crisis even more out of reach.

My comment: “the government might not agree for various reasons, among which is its determination that the Houthis must surrender Hodeida first as a means to ensure that they are not recognised as a party of equal status to the legitimate government.” This is crucial, this ist he way the Hadi government tries to secure ist superiority. But there cannot be any peace as far as both sides are not treated equal and have an equal status in the negotiations. And of course it even would be odd to ask a partial surrender just as a sign to show the Houthis acknowledge Hadi’s superiority – and not something like printing Hadi’s portrait on their postage stamps or something like this.

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Yemen Offers Peace Initiative to Saudi Arabia, as Houthi Leader Announces Ceasefire

An official with Yemen’s Ministry of Defense confirmed to MintPress that naval operations would be halted for two weeks starting at midnight on August 1, saying “we welcome any initiative to spare bloodshed and stop the aggression against Yemen.”

Yemen’s Houthis (Ansar Allah) have submitted an initiative they hope will bring an end to conflict in Yemen and have unilaterally suspended retaliatory attacks against Saudi-led coalition forces in the Red Sea in order to support this effort.

A source in the Supreme Political Council, the highest political authority in Sana’a, told MintPress that the halt in retaliatory attacks in the Red Sea is aimed at preserving the Yemeni people and comes in response to regional and international efforts to bring peace to Yemen.

Mohammed Ali al Houthi, head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee (SRC), said in a statement to MintPress that “the unilateral halt in naval military operations would be for a limited time period and could be extended and include all fronts.” He said the scope of the initiative would be extended only if the initiative was reciprocated by the leadership of the U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition. He added:

Today, out of concern for the Yemeni people’s safety, humanity and due to our religious values, and in response to the peace initiative by some Arab figures as well as peace efforts by [UN Special Envoy] Mr. Martin Griffiths, we declare our initiative for peace.

We call upon Yemeni officials to cease all military operations on seaside battlefronts — and for a complete ceasefire on all battlefronts — if the coalition will respond in kind, as we hope they will if they are really considering peace for Yemen’s people.”

Read Mohammed Ali al Houthi’s Statment to the Secretary-General of the UN and The UN Security Council:

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UN experts say Iran might want to help end war in Yemen

U.N. experts say Iran might be willing to play "a constructive role" in ending the war in Yemen, though adding in a new report that Tehran still appears to be arming Yemen's Houthi Shiite rebels with ballistic missiles and drones.

According to excerpts of a report to the Security Council obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press, the panel of experts monitoring sanctions against Yemen raised the long-rumored possibility of Iran playing a role in restoring peace.

"The panel believes that Iran might now be willing to play a constructive role in finding a peaceful solution for Yemen, as evident in the country's, ultimately unsuccessful, attempt to broker a cease-fire for the holy month of Ramadan together with some European nations," the report said.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

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My son, Osama: the al-Qaida leader’s mother speaks for the first time

Nearly 17 years since 9/11, Osama bin Laden’s family remains an influential part of Saudi society – as well as a reminder of the darkest moment in the kingdom’s history. Can they escape his legacy?

“My life was very difficult because he was so far away from me,” she says, speaking confidently. “He was a very good kid and he loved me so much.” Now in her mid-70s and in variable health, Ghanem points at al-Attas – a lean, fit man dressed, like his two sons, in an immaculately pressed white thobe, a gown worn by men across the Arabian peninsula. “He raised Osama from the age of three. He was a good man, and he was good to Osama.” or years, Ghanem has refused to talk about Osama, as has his wider family – throughout his two-decade reign as al-Qaida leader, a period that saw the strikes on New York and Washington DC, and ended more than nine years later with his death in Pakistan.

Now, Saudi Arabia’s new leadership – spearheaded by the ambitious 32-year-old heir to the throne, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – has agreed to my request to speak to the family. (As one of the country’s most influential families, their movements and engagements remain closely monitored.) Osama’s legacy is as grave a blight on the kingdom as it is on his family, and senior officials believe that, by allowing the Bin Ladens to tell their story, they can demonstrate that an outcast – not an agent – was responsible for 9/11. Saudi Arabia’s critics have long alleged that Osama had state support, and the families of a number of 9/11 victims have launched (so far unsuccessful) legal actions against the kingdom. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.

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Saudi Arabia: Yemeni Sentenced to Death for Targeting Military Facilities

The Saudi judiciary issued a preliminary ruling for a death sentence against a resident of Yemeni nationality, on charges of attacking vital and military sites and facilities.
The man was accused of providing Houthi militias with the coordinates and the location of those sites, thus committing treason against the Kingdom, which had hosted him and gave him a residence permit.
During a hearing at the competent criminal court in Riyadh on Thursday, the convicted man confirmed his links with terrorist organizations to which he gave information and coordinates of government and military sites and facilities, in an attempt to harm the security and interests of the Kingdom.

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Regiments of Yemeni pilgrims move to the Holy Land through the land Wade’ah outlet

The first wave of Yemeni pilgrims to the Holy Land of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was launched Thursday, in preparation for the Hajj pilgrimage, through the border Wade’ah outlet between the two countries.

"The first wave of Yemeni pilgrims entered Saudi Arabia following the completion of the traffic through the port," Anadolu news agency quoted the director-General of the port of the land Wade’ah, Mutlaq Saiari, as saying.

He stated that 846 Yemeni pilgrims from various regions of Yemen had crossed until 10:00 a.m., noting that the procedures were conducted in a smooth and flexible manner.

He pointed out that the civilian, military and security services at the port are functioning to facilitate the operation of pilgrims.

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Saudi begins secret trials of opposition figures

Saudi authorities have begun secret trials for a number of detainees including clerics, media figures and academic, social media advocacy group Prisoners of Conscience has reported, warning that the detainees may not be given fair hearings.

“We have been assured that the Saudi authorities have started holding secret hearings to try a number of detainees held in September. Until now, the trials included a number of sheikhs who have recently been transferred from Dhahban prison to Al-Ha’ir, as well as media and academic figures,” the group said in a post on Twitter.

The account warned in another post that the secret trials are a major human rights crime, adding that the last victims of these trials were Dr. Mohammed Al-Hadeef and journalist Saleh Al-Hashihi who were sentenced to five years imprisonment each and activists Mohammed Al-Otaibi and Abdullah Al-Alawi who were sentenced to 21 years in prison.

Activists said they fear authorities would try the prisoners in secret under the Terrorism Act and sentence them to long prison terms.

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Prominent Saudi Women Activists Arrested

Samar Badawi, Nassima al-Sadah Among Latest Crackdown Victims

Saudi authorities have arrested the internationally recognized women’s rights activist Samar Badawi and an Eastern Province activist, Nassima al-Sadah, in the past two days, Human Rights Watch said today. Badawi and al-Sadah are the latest victims of an unprecedented government crackdown on the women’s rights movement that began on May 15, 2018 and has resulted in the arrest of more than a dozen activists.

Badawi, a recipient of the United States’ 2012 International Women of Courage Award, is best known for challenging Saudi Arabia’s discriminatory male guardianship system. She was one of the first women to petition Saudi authorities to allow women the right to drive as well as the right to vote and run in municipal elections. Al-Sadah, from the coastal city of Qatif, has also long campaigned both for abolishing the guardianship system and lifting the driving ban.

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Dissent still not accepted in Saudi, U.N. says, calls for activists' release

The United Nations human rights office called on Saudi Arabia on Tuesday to release all peaceful activists, including women held for campaigning against a ban on driving even as it was being lifted.

At least 15 government critics were arrested since mid-May, some of whose whereabouts are unknown amid a serious lack of transparency in the processing of their cases, the rights office said.

They included prominent women’s rights advocate Hatoon al-Fassi, arrested in June as she was planning to take journalists in her car to celebrate the much-hyped end of the world’s last ban on female drivers, long seen as an emblem of repression in the deeply conservative Muslim country.

“We urge the Government of Saudi Arabia to unconditionally release all human rights defenders and activists who have been detained for their peaceful human rights work, including their decades-long campaigns for the lifting of the driving ban for women,” U.N. human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said.

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Saudi Arabia Attacks UN Secretary-General, Accusing Him Of Supporting Terrorism

Saudi Arabia launched its first official attack on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, accusing him of playing a suspicious role in supporting terrorism in the Middle East.

Saudi official newspaper, Okaz, reported on Sunday, a report entitled ” Guterres Conspiracy .. Serve Suspicious Agendas,” during which a series of unprecedented accusations launched on the Secretary-General of the United Nations, including the support of the Houthis in Yemen and accused him of controlling the Security Council resolutions, to serve this agenda .

“The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Gutierrez, plays a suspicious role in the international institution and appears to be moving the Security Council along an agenda that will serve certain interests. What has been done by the international organization since he took over the presidency has become suspicious. Away from political, moral and diplomatic actions, he support terrorism in the Middle East, ” the report said.

The newspaper added that the Security Council has become “completely incapacitated, because of suspicious agendas, to move to deter Iran and prevent it from supplying Houthis with ballistic missiles.”

The newspaper called on the capitals of the international resolution and the permanent members of the Security Council to “immediately move to stop the false allegations transmitted by Guterres of the coalition to support the legitimacy in Yemen, and reveal the reasons that led to do so.”

The report said that Guterres launched statements against the Saudi alliance, fighting in Yemen, and said his reports and statistics on Yemen are biased and oblique, criticizing his decision to reject the transfer of headquarters of United Nations organizations from the Yemeni capital Sana’a.

This attack is the first of its kind targeting Guterres or any of his predecessors who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations during the past decades.


#Infograph |#Tanooma_massacre that was committed by #Al_Saud militia to #Yemen pilgrims on the first of July 1923. =

cp9 USA

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As Corporate Media Looks the Other Way, US-Backed Saudi Bombing Campaign Kills Dozens in Yemen

"Instead of providing healthcare to sick Americans or education, this is what your tax dollars are going towards. Enough is enough."

As some of America's most prominent corporate media outlets continued their lengthy blackout of Yemen's deepening humanitarian crisis—a catastrophe made possible by the U.S. government's enthusiastic military and political support for Saudi Arabia's years-long assault on the starving nation—the Saudi-led coalition on Thursday reportedly killed as many as 50 people and injured dozens more in a massive bombing campaign targeting the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah. Horrific images, videos, and witness accounts of the bombing quickly began circulating on social media after airstrikes pounded the vicinity of al-Thawra, Hodeidah's main public hospital.

Ahmad Algohbary, a Yemeni freelance journalist, offered a glimpse at the aftermath of the Saudi-led coalition's bombing campaign in an effort to "bring attention to the reality" of Yemen's situation, which has been described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the worldIncreasingly, activists and independent journalists have been using their social media platforms to pressure corporate media outlets that are failing to adequately cover the crisis in Yemen, which dates back to 2014. "Instead of providing healthcare to sick Americans or education, this is what your tax dollars are going towards," noted one Twitter user. "Enough is enough."

(* B P)

MSNBC Is Too Busy Serving Up Red Meat to Cover a Humanitarian Crisis

In April, AdWeekran a piece calling MSNBC the “Network of the Resistance.” In February, the New York Times exalted MSNBC’s Joy Reid as a “Heroine of The Resistance.” What exactly does that mean? What has the “Network of The Resistance” chosen to report on 455 times in the past year, while every ten minutes one child under the age of five dies from starvation?

President Trump’s affair with porn star Stormy Daniels.

The same week that Rachel Maddow was moved to tears on national television while reading an Associated Press report regarding the “tender age” shelters in South Texas, Yemeni civilians in Hodeidah were dodging airstrikes, part of the Saudis’ “Operation Golden Victory,” which claimed 280 lives that week alone.

Joy Reid, one of Maddow’s colleagues, is no stranger, either, to the virtue-signaling galore that Maddow is famous for.

In a New York Times article titled “How Joy Reid of MSNBC Became a Heroine of the Resistance,” Reid is quoted telling the Syracuse University class she teaches on race, gender, and media that “something is ‘true’ because you like it. If the information is displeasing to you or makes you uncomfortable, or is in opposition to your ideology, then it is ‘fake.’”

The Reid-rhapsody goes on to note that she’s “concerned consumers of news will isolate themselves, believing only what makes them feel good.”

“That’s the problem,” she said.

Joy Reid says there’s a “problem.” It’s more likely that it’s MSNBC’s blind spot to significant issues their viewers would benefit from learning about.

(A P)

Is the US-Saudi military love-in coming to an end?

Increasing knowledge of Yemen's dire humanitarian catastrophe has inspired members of the US Senate and Congress to begin the battle against Washington's vast support for Saudi Arabia and its complicity in Riyadh's bombing campaign in Yemen. Critics have said that, without American and British support, the Saudi air force would not function.
Andrea Prasow, deputy Washington director at Human Rights Watch, believes this latest bill could direct further US attention to Saudi Arabia's actions. The NDAA bill would not completely ban the refuelling however; it only requires Saudi Arabia to meet certain requirements before the US military can do so, which risks the possibility of continued support via loopholes. "I expect that the administration's responses will prove unsatisfactory to many members of Congress, which will hopefully increase congressional opposition to the war."
The bill also fails to address US arms transfers to Saudi Arabia. In March, Defense Secretary James Mattis
defended arms sales to Riyadh to lawmakers, showing the administration's staunch support for the current policy.
However, the latest developments show the increasing pressure which could yet alter the White House's stance. The increased awareness of suffering in Yemen appears to be leading to greater action within the bodies of US government.

My comment: To my opinion, this article is too optimistic. The US government and the US elite which profits from selling arms to Saudi Arabia just will give us more propaganda if necessary. The “greater action within the bodies of US government“ will be only this.

(A P)

Deputy Secretary Sullivan's Meeting With Humanitarian Organizations on the Situation in Yemen

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Heather Nauert:‎

Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan and USAID Administrator Mark Green met today with representatives from international and non-governmental organizations to discuss developments in Yemen, and the dire humanitarian situation there. They discussed the importance of maintaining unimpeded access at the key Red Sea ports of Hudaydah and Saleef, and keeping road networks open, in order to deliver critical commercial goods, including fuel, and humanitarian aid to all Yemenis in need throughout the country.

(* B K P)

(In pictures) US officers inside the operation rooms of the US-Saudi-led coalition’s operation rooms in the Coast front

“YemenExtra” site obtained the leaked pictures of US officers ,in addition to a number of officers of the UAE forces in the operation rooms of the US-Saudi -led coalition on #the West Coast front.

the photos in better quality here:

My comment: At air raids command center in Riyadh???

Comment: The “US backed” Saudi war on Yemen got it’s name from “Limited” involvement.
When US officials are in the UAE-Saudi operating room, it’s nothing less than a US led Saudi-Emirati war on

(A P)

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi in Washington, D.C. on July 30. The two reiterated the importance of a UN-facilitated settlement to the Yemen conflict and the need to prevent an escalation in the war. They discussed the need to protect coinciding U.S. and Gulf State interests in the region. [4]

(A P)

Iran rejects Trump offer of talks as a dream, without value

Senior Iranian officials and military commanders on Tuesday rejected U.S. President Donald Trump’s offer of talks without preconditions as worthless and “a dream”, saying his words contradicted his action of reimposing sanctions on Tehran.


(A P)

Zarif to Trump: Threats Will not Work

Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, on Tuesday rejected US President Donald Trump's recent statements, stressing that "threats, sanctions and public relations" will not work.

Remark: Earlier reporting YPR 439, cp9.

(A P)

Jordanian Man Arrested for Smuggling Illegal Aliens From Yemen Across the U.S.-Mexico Border

The Department of Justice announced Monday afternoon a Jordanian national has been arrested after allegedly smuggling a number of special interest illegal aliens from Yemen into the United States through the southern border with Mexico. Special interest aliens come from countries with ties to terrorism and pose a significant risk to the safety of Americans.

Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi, who lives in Mexico, was arrested at JFK airport in New York. Aldairi is accused of being paid in 2017 to work as a human smuggler and trafficking six illegal aliens into the U.S. through Texas.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Stroud documentary to highlight the 'forgotten' Yemen war

A DOCUMENTARY called Armed and Ready that highlights the destructive conflict in Yemen will be shown at a Prince Albert fundraiser this August.

Stonehouse resident Molly Yeomans whose documentary gained her a first in her dissertation spoke of what inspired her to make the programme.

"I remember first hearing about the war in Yemen and how distraught I was to discover that the UK sells weapons to Saudi Arabia, despite knowing that they are killing civilians in Yemen," said Ms Yeomans.

"This inspired me to find a way of telling more people about the war in Yemen or as it is often referred to the 'forgotten war'."

The showing will take place at the Prince Albert Inn located in Rodborough Hill, Stroud on Sunday, August 12 from 7pm, but beforehand a traditional Yemeni dish called Bint Al Sahn will be served with red tea.

(*B P)

When it comes to Middle East policy, the UK is nothing but a rogue state

Giving the UK a seat on the UN Security Council is like employing a gangster to serve as a judge

Last year, Attorney General Jeremy Wright said the UK was “a world leader in promoting, defending and shaping international law”.

Yet the reality is different: Britain has been promoting at least seven foreign policies that can be strongly argued to be violating international law, and which make a mockery of its current demonisation of Russia.

Israeli goods and Gaza blockade

Wars in Yemen, Syria, Iraq

The war in Yemen is a further example. Ministers have consistently told Parliament that Britain is “not a party” to the conflict – presumably since this would formally implicate Britain in the violations of humanitarian law of which Saudi Arabia is accused.

London’s claim is nonsense: It is arming, advising and training the Saudis and maintaining their aircraft bombing Yemen, many of which have targeted civilians, as the British government has long known.

UN Security Council Resolution 2286 of 2016 also calls on all states to “end impunity and to ensure those responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law are held to account”. Yet Britain is doing the opposite – it ensures the Saudis remain unaccountable by allowing them to conduct their own investigations into alleged war crimes.

A fourth policy concerns the RAF’s secret drone war, which involves a fleet of “Reaper” drones operating since 2007 to strike targets in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

Ministers remain unaccountable

There is a good reason why the UK never admits to undertaking covert action. As the same House of Commons briefing notes, “assistance to opposition forces is illegal”.

This means that Britain has been acting illegally in its years-long covert operation in Syria, and anywhere else it deploys covert forces without agreement from the host state. Face facts: UK is a rogue state

Finally, there is the 2011 war in Libya, for which British ministers remain unaccountable. While Tony Blair is widely accused of acting illegally in invading Iraq, UK Prime Minister David Cameron often escapes condemnation for the UK/NATO military intervention that overthrew the Gaddafi regime.

Yet this war was surely a violation of UN Resolution 1973

This list of wayward policies is by no means exhaustive. The UK does not deserve its place on the UN Security Council when it is a consistent violator of the principles it is meant to uphold: It is like having a gangster as a judge.

To call Britain a rogue state is not to take an ideological position so much as to describe a basic fact in current international affairs – by Mark Curtis

(* A K P)

British Special Forces send 20 troops into Red Sea port after rebels attack tanker

BRITISH Special Forces have arrived into a port in the Red Sea in order to protect the UK registered shipping in the area and disrupt terror attacks that threaten commercial shipping.

The 20 troops from the Special Boat Service have been sent after Houthi rebels attacked an oil tanker carrying two million barrels of oil as tensions have increased.

There are concerns that any shipping damaged may threaten the UK’s fuel imports.

The UK imports 90 percent of its oil from the Middle East and often has warships patrolling in the area as part of a Nato scheme to protect the ships.

My comment: More direct interference of Britain, showing it is a warring party in Yemen.

(* B P)

Agenda: With the pens in our hand the UK must push for peace in Yemen

IN 24 hours’ time, the United Kingdom will take control of the rotating residency of the United Nations Security Council. In assuming the Presidency, we will play an essential role in the functioning of the Security Council.

The UK has a moral imperative to push for peace in Yemen, not only because we “hold the pens” on Yemen in the UN Security Council and now hold the presidency, but because we are a major arms exporter to the combatants. Not specifically placing Yemen on the agenda is an unacceptable omission.

Recently I, along with Alison Thewliss (Glasgow Central) Andrew Mitchell (Sutton Coldfield) and Douglas Chapman (Dunfermline and West Fife) co-ordinated a letter to the Prime Minister calling on her to remove material support for the Saudi-Emirati-led coalition if an attack on Hudaydah Port occurred. This letter has now been signed by 75 MPs including three party leaders and three Select Committee Chairs.

Parliamentary opinion in the UK is clear. We must push to find a negotiated solution to the conflict and end the relentless suffering that has devoured the people of Yemen since 2015.

Raising this at the highest possible level at the United Nations Security Council is by far the most effective way to get international attention focused on Yemen and the world’s “forgotten war” – by Keith Vaz, MP

Comment: Well this is a good article by Keith Vaz. Despite U.K. holding the rotating presidency of the UNSC and also holding the pen on Yemen at the UNSC it has decided to concentrate on other issues and not Yemen. Shocking. And why I ask is this not headlines in all papers and only found in Scotland ?

My comment: The UK government will not. They are behaving like a warring party allied to the Saudis, and ignore everything contradictory to this alliance.

(* A K P)

UK's PwC Firm Under Fire Over Bid on Upgrading Saudi Army – Reports

One of the UK's biggest consulting firms, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), came under fire for having lodged a bid for a major contract on overhauling Saudi Arabia's military amid reports about multiple human rights cases of abuse in Yemen committed by the Saudi troops, The Guardian newspaper reported.

According to the newspaper, experts, including Amnesty International officials, claim that if the bid is successful, the firm may be viewed as complicit to the human rights abuses attributed to Saudi Arabia during the ongoing war in Yemen.

The media outlet added that the PwC, should it win the contract, would reshape recruitment, resourcing, performance management and strategic planning in the Saudi defense system.

The company confirmed it had tendered for the project, however, refused to provide any further details.


(* A K P)

UK firm finalizing massive military deal with Saudi Arabia

Rights groups and activists have criticized a major British consulting and accountancy firm over its bidding for a massive military contract in Saudi Arabia, saying the company will become complicit in crimes committed by Saudi Arabia in the war on Yemen.

The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) said Tuesday that it was finalizing a deal with Saudi Arabia’s military to modernize the kingdom’s army, according to an exclusive report by The Guardian.

The deal will in its first stage cover issued like recruitment, resourcing, performance management and strategic workforce planning, and how to manage and communicate change.

The company, however, failed to say what assurances it will put in place to avoid an involvement in a devastating Saudi war on Yemen, which has already killed 15,000 people, most of them civilians.

The Amnesty International, a major rights group based in the UK, said PwC’s provision of military assistance to the Saudi Arabia may eventually make the company complicit in the crimes committed by Riyadh in the Yemen war.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)

Deutschland treibt den Krieg im Jemen an

Die Deutschen spenden für die humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen, die Bundesregierung genehmigt unterdessen weitere Rüstungsexporte. Aber die zynische Rechnung geht auf: Die Einnahmen der Rüstungsfirmen lagen etwa 600.000 Euro höher. Ein Kommentar.

Doch zugleich wird jetzt bekannt, dass die große Koalition mit ihrem Versprechen bricht, eine Aus- oder Aufrüstung der Kriegsparteien im Jemen durch deutsche Firmen zu unterbinden – was man unter der vielzitierten „Bekämpfung von Fluchtursachen“ hätte verbuchen können. Nun aber zeigt sich, dass die Bundesregierung das Recht auf Bestandsschutz früherer Genehmigungen und jahrzehntealter Produktionsabkommen höher bewertet.

Das muss man noch nicht zynisch finden – vielleicht aber das: Im ersten Halbjahr 2018 spendeten die Deutschen allein an die „Aktion Deutschland Hilft“ für Menschen im Jemen knapp 1,4 Millionen Euro, weil sie die humanitäre Not anrührte, die nicht zuletzt der Kriegseinsatz der Saudis dort auslöste. Die Einnahmen, die die Bundesregierung den deutschen Rüstungsfirmen aus Saudi Arabien etwa zeitgleich genehmigte, lagen etwa 600.000 Euro höher. Eine zynische Arbeitsteilung.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Film: Ethiopia PM To UAE Crown Prince: 'You've Lost Islam'

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P)


But in the months that followed his departure, press reports strongly suggested that the countries lobbying hardest for Tillerson’s removal were Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, both of which were frustrated by Tillerson’s attempts to mediate and end their blockade of Qatar. One report in the New York Times even suggested that the UAE ambassador to Washington knew that Tillerson would be forced out three months before he was fired in March.

The Intercept has learned of a previously unreported episode that stoked the UAE and Saudi Arabia’s anger at Tillerson and that may have played a key role in his removal. In the summer of 2017, several months before the Gulf allies started pushing for his ouster, Tillerson intervened to stop a secret Saudi-led, UAE-backed plan to invade and essentially conquer Qatar, according to one current member of the U.S. intelligence community and two former State Department officials, all of whom declined to be named, citing the sensitivity of the matter.

Comment: This is very strange. No wonder the first thing Qatar did was to buy some more war planes from UK.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(B K P)

BAE's new fighter is a hit (but there’s still no sign of that Saudi Typhoon deal)

A slowdown in orders for Typhoon jets has hit sales at BAE Systems – though bosses have boasted of growing interest for its next-generation fighter.

Saudi Arabia has yet to firm up plans to buy 48 of the jets while a contract with Qatar for 28 is not due to start bringing in cash until later this year.

The drop in orders has already forced BAE to chop around 2,000 jobs and cut production, hitting its plants in Warton and Samlesbury, Lancashire.

ut boss Charles Woodburn said discussions with Saudi, which has signed a memorandum of intent, were progressing and there could be more orders from Europe.

(A K P)

Bin Zayed Meets Head of Raytheon, Talking Air Defense Systems

The crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed, received, on Tuesday, the head of the largest US company in the world, that specializes in manufacturing Air Defense systems.

The agency said that bin Zayed met Thomas Kennedy, Chairman and CEO of Raytheon, noting that "the two sides discussed during the meeting the potential and opportunities for cooperation between the company and its counterparts of specialized companies and institutions in the United Arab Emirates

(* A K P)

Arabia Saudí compra armas antidrones ante ataques de Yemen

[Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates seek to buy anti-drone systems from European companies for fear of reprisal attacks by the Yemeni Army.

An Emirati delegation has visited several French and Finnish companies that make anti-drone systems earlier this month, the US magazine Forbes has revealed in an article published on Friday.

Australian DroneShield, specialized in the manufacture of weapons to neutralize assaults with drones, has recently reported having received an offer of 3.2 million USD from a Middle Eastern country, described as an ally of the West.]

Arabia Saudí y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) buscan comprar sistemas antidrones de compañías europeas por temor a los ataques de represalia del Ejército yemení.

Una delegación emiratí ha visitado a principios de este mes de julio varias compañías francesas y finlandesas que fabrican sistemas antidrones, ha revelado la revista estadounidense Forbes en un artículo divulgado el viernes.

Asimismo, la empresa australiana DroneShield, especializada en la fabricación de armas para neutralizar asaltos con aviones no tripulados, ha reportado recientemente haber recibido una oferta de 3,2 millones de dólares desde un país del Oriente Medio, al que calificó de un aliado del Occidente.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K pH)

3000 mercenarios de Riad han muerto en Yemen en tres meses

El Ejército yemení informa que más de 3000 mercenarios saudíes y emiratíes murieron en los combates producidos en la costa occidental durante los últimos tres meses.

Según ha reportado este miércoles el canal de televisión yemení Al Masirah, unos tres mil milicianos que reciben apoyo de la coalición liderada por Arabia Saudí han perecido en la costa occidental de Yemen.

El número de los perecidos es aún mayor, si se contabiliza los 466 erradicados en el frente de Waziye en la provincia suroccidental de Taiz, y los otros 214 muertos en el frente de Jorash, situado en la provincia de Lahij, recoge el medio yemení.

Remark: This figure is claimed by the Sanaa Houthi govrenment’s army.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(B E P)

Yemen is closing unlicensed exchange stores as national currency hits a record low against US dollar. Not bad; currency speculation is a key reasons for deterioration of rial's value.But notorious corrupt governor of Central Bank must be changed & fiscal policies reconsidered

(* B E)

Yemeni rial is trading at 540 to US dollar, up from 215 before the war began in 2014. Prices of basic products are skyrocketing, some by 200%. Famine-struck #Yemen: worst yet to come.

(* B E)

In the Yemen war... The fruit is destroyed and the palm trees die

Dense palm plantations in the areas of Suwaiq, Madman, Nassery, Mujailis, the upper and lower Al jah, as well as the Drihmi and Al jarahi areas on the west coast of Yemen, have turned into a fierce battlefield between al-Houthi and government forces.

The Saudi Arabian coalition fighter jets are carrying out intensive raids on the farms where al-Houthi has barricaded themselves, but the raids often target civilians, as well as the raid on a car carrying shoppers that killed six civilians in the mid-month Al jarahi operation.

Al-Houthi also planted hundreds of mines on the farms to prevent the progress of government forces.

He describes the state of the population as saying, "aerial bombardment from the ground and battles breaking out between time and again, we forced this situation to stay in our homes, while others preferred to flee their homes and farms to survive, this situation coincided with the harvest season" and adds to the Al Jazeera net "the fruit draws while the palm trees die."

The majority of the West Coast population relies on palm cultivation, growing 2 million and 200,000 palm trees on the coast, according to the latest statistic from the Tihama Development Authority (government) in 2014.

The estimated annual production of Palms in the Tehama plain in Yemen is approximately 35,000 tons of dates, according to FDA.

The amount is millions of riyals, with a kilo of dates sold in Yemen for 500 Yemeni riyals (about two dollars), but this year's harvest is in vain, said farmer and Merchant Abdul Rahman Rami to Al-Jazeera net.

"There are some farmers who have lost their farms in full, especially those on the battle lines, and those who have lost large portions of them and have not been able to reap the fruits, fire, and bombardment have prevented them from reaching their farms to harvest," said Rami.

He noted that farmers ' losses did not depend on the crop being damaged, but rather had caused the collapse of palm trees due to the drought.

Crop damage

If the farmer is lucky and the farmer does not get the war, he has to go beyond a productive marketing problem, as the war broke the roads between the Yemeni cities and villages, which prevented the crop from being marketed and exported, especially the dates that characterize Yemen and the so-called Al-Manasif (80 percent of the cultivated dates).

"Farmers are barely trying to collect the harvest to the Suwaiq region to sell to local export agents and traders, but the continuation of the war and the interruption of roads have depressed the harvest," said Rami--an agent of dates export.

The deficit in the marketing of the date crop has caused a drop of about 35%, while there is a type of dates (called Khudhri) that cannot afford to stay for three days, if not sold in the market.

Export stopped

As in the case of the rest of the agricultural crops in Yemen, which is diverse in its climate and terrain, the export of dates abroad due to the war and the closure of the border with Saudi Arabia has been halted for Yemeni farmers to lose a basic resource.

(A P)

The central bank announces the withdrawal of the first tranche of the Saudi deposit

The first tranche of Saudi Arabia's deposit was withdrawn by the Central bank administration on Tuesday evening to cover the bank's funds for basic items.

The central bank said it had held a meeting Tuesday at its headquarters in Aden, the southern part of the country, and approved the withdrawal of the first tranche of Saudi deposits to cover the bank's basic material funds in the amount of $20 million and 428 thousand dollars.

It also approved the second instalment of bank applications to cover the funds from the Saudi depository, to complete its procedures in accordance with the approved mechanisms and to approve the issuance of a certificate of deposit to commercial banks at a rate of 17 per cent interest.

The Board of Directors of the Bank also approved the issuance of government bonds with interest rates of up to 12 per cent,

(* A E)

The first shipment since the start of the war. Yemen exports 500, 000 barrels of oil from Shabwah

The oil and minerals Ministry announced Tuesday the success of the first export of crude oil through the oil port of Radhom, south of the eastern province of Shabwah, according to a statement issued by the Ministry.

According to the state news agency Saba, the export of the first consignment of oil from the port of Rdhom, after the reproduction of the S2 sector in the northern capital of Ataq, since April 1, was reported by the Ministry.

According to the report, 500,000 barrels of crude oil were exported after being marketed globally, with 35 global companies participating in the international bidding, which was won by the Chinese company Katy Petroleum, depending on the highest price provided according to the Brent oil exchange.


UAE smuggles 500,000 barrels of Oqla fields in Shabwa and operator OMV Austria

Corresponding to $ 35 million

Production rate is 17 thousand barrels per day

A million and two hundred thousand dollars a day referring to

Austrian company OMV, which has UAE partners with very large shares and they are re-production and theft of Yemeni oil (images)

Hadi's government and its mercenaries sell the first shipment of oil from the Shabwa fields and have previously announced the sale of shipments from the fields of Hadramawt across Petromsila.

The so-called legitimacy of stealing oil from Shabwa

And from Hadramout and Marib (revenues of gas and oil from the refinery of Marib) and do not pay salaries and are printing a new currency !!

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A T)

A suspected #US drone strike has targeted a house in al-Rawda area south of the oil-rich province of #Marib, killing a number of people, but there were no verified reports if they were #AQAP operatives or not.

(A T)

New #ISIS #Yemen video's stab at theology misfires -Weak Qur’an quotes. Don't support points made -More at home quoting Baghdadi, ‘Adnani -Puerile: It’s #AQAP's fault. They’re liars & we’re NOT Kharijites Good news is my 2018 IS martyr spreadsheet totals 45. Can’t be many to go..(photo)

(A T)

New video from #IslamicState in #Yemen gives its version of Qayfa clashes: -#AQAP started it, collaborating with Yemeni army -Shows the 13 AQAP captives telling us they're alive (seem drugged, lines rehearsed) -Parades 13 of its own fighters killed by AQ (incl 1 Omani, 1 Kuwaiti) (photos)


The Salafi-jihadi blame game in #Yemen continues. #ISIS released a second video of captured #AQAP militants, blamed #alQaeda for instigating clashes in al Bayda, criticized AQAP leadership and urged militants to defect to ISIS, and acknowledged that AQAP killed 13 of its fighters

(A T)

Film: For a flavour of jihadi sung-#poetry: a tiny clip (responsibly edited) from #Yemen last week. I dub it "Ode to My Truck" as it's inspired by this ridiculously souped-up set of wheels. One may have to hide the #jihad juggernaut in the front room, but one can still sing about it..

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemeni Government Calls On UN Security Council to Take Actions On Situation in Hodeidah

Yemeni government called on the UN Security Council to exert more political pressure on the Iranian-backed Houthi militias.
"Peace will not be achieved only by expressing support for the efforts of the UN envoy to start the dialogue, but with more political pressure on the Houthi militias," said Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, Yemen's permanent representative to the UN, who read Yemen's statement before the Security Council at the open meeting on Yemen.
The Yemeni government stressed that the continued access of these militias to strategic areas in Yemen, from which attacks on international shipping lines are being launched, requires a firm stand by the Security Council.

My comment: “to Take Actions On Situation in Hodeidah“: firm action against hose who had killed 55 by air rids at a market and a hospital would be the first action needed on Hodeidah. – This statement is odd propaganda for justifying what cannot be justified.

(A P)

Yemen backs Arab coalition on Red Sea navigation

Yemen’s internationally-recognised government has voiced backing for moves by a Saudi-led Arab alliance to protect navigation in the Red Sea, a week after Iran-allied Al Houthi militants attacked oil tankers.

The Yemeni Foreign Ministry called on the UN Security Council to “shoulder its responsibility,” for protecting international navigation in the region.

“Protecting the international navigation waterway south off the Red Sea and Bab Al Mandab is not confined to the Yemeni government and the [Arab] coalition. It is a vital zone for international trade,” the ministry added in a statement, according to Yemen’s official news agency Saba.

My comment: This is propaganda for justifying any assaukts at Hodeidah. – The goalof securing the Red ea could be achived simply: declare it a Peace Zone and kick ALL warships out.

(A P)

Yemeni Government to Release Blacklist of War Criminals

Yemen’s Aden-based Ministry of Justice announced preparing a blacklist for war criminals with intentions of submitting it to international courts and organizations, including the United Nations Security Council.
Most courts and bodies receiving the list will be asked to review cases of people involved in unlawful conduct and the killing of defenseless civilians.
Ansar Allah movement leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi, Houthi military commander Abd al-Khaliq al-Houthi and Houthi's second-in-command Abdullah Yahya al-Hakim will be among those listed, Justice Ministry Spokesman Faisal Hazza al-Majidi told Asharq Al-Awsat.
In a phone interview, Majidi said that a number of other key Houthi leaders will be included. He confirmed that the ministry is in the process of preparing a full report documenting each blacklisted figure’s criminal record.

My comment: LOL. On the top of this list, as Nr. 1: Saudi crown prince Salman. As Nr. 2: Abu Dhabi crown prince Muhammad bin Zayid Al-Nahyan. As Nr. 3: “President” Hadi. As Nr. 4: “Vice president” Al Mohsen. As Nr. 5: A Houthi leader according to the Hadi government’s choice. As Nr. 6: Barack Obama. As Nr. 7: Donald Trump. As Nr. 8: Another Houthi leader according to the Hadi government’s choice.

(A P)

Yemen FM Urges International Community to Condemn Houthis

Yemeni Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani stressed on Wednesday the importance of the international community condemning the crimes of the Iran-backed Houthi militias in his country.
The militias’ practices are a threat to world security and peace, he said during a meeting with Sweden's special representative to Yemen Peter Semneby.
He added the Houthis are still committing their crimes that are threatening trade and international navigation routes, hindering oil shipments and targeting oil tankers.
Yamani, therefore, demanded that more pressure be exerted on Iran to make it alter its hostile behavior in the region and the world.

My comment: Condemning the Houthis without condemning the Saudis? This would be like condemning Mussolini but ignoring Hitler.

(A P)

The Arab coalition accuses al-Houthi of obstructing the entry of foodstuffs into Hodeidah

The Arab coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, accused al-Houthi of disrupting the entry of foodstuffs through the port of Hodeidah (western Yemen), saying that "al-Houthi militia is obstructing maritime traffic at the port of Hodeidah."

According to a statement by the coalition quoted by the Saudi news channel Al-ekhbaria, the poor management of the port of Hodeidah by the militia will cause an environmental catastrophe that prevents aid from reaching.

He warned that "disrupting the entry of foodstuffs through the port increases the suffering of Yemenis, and that a vessel collided with the canal in the port of Hodeidah" without details.

My comment: This is really ridiculous propaganda to justify the Saudi coalition assault against Hodeidah – especially when taking into account the Saudi blockade of Houthi-held Yemen.

(A P)

Hajj: Our old date, every year!

Hosting hajj is an honor that God Almighty has granted us since forever, an honor that men envy each other for.

Serving the pilgrims who visit the Kaaba is the pride of our kings before it is the pride of the people.

“My country lives as the pride of Muslims” is what we sang every morning. It’s the anthem that we stood to chant before our green flags.

Through Hajj, we learnt the greatness of the spreading of ideas. Any passport employee at any crossing border in Saudi Arabia can tell you about the features and traits of any people, considering our direct contact with all of the world’s nationalities.

Yes, I am saying it loud and clear: We have this honor that cannot be competed with, neither from a free party nor a semi-state. Serving the duty of Hajj has been linked to the names of our kings, and we are the ones most worthy of serving the guests of God.

As someone who follows up on Hajj news, when I recall Khamenei’s rant as he demands to internationalize Hajj, I can only recall two responses:

The first one is the smart response of Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir when he said to Khamenei and others that “any talk about the internationalization of Hajj is tantamount to a declaration of war on the Saudi kingdom.”

My comment: The Saudis are claiming the Hajj for themselves. But actually, in 1924 the Saudis occupied Mekka and Sharif Hussein bin Ali was forced to flee:,_Sharif_of_Mecca . And the year before, the Saudis had committed a horrible crime killing 3,000 pilgrims from Yemen:

(A P)

More Saudi / UAE “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1c

(*A K pH)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Thursday, August 2nd, 2018

(B K pH)

Film: Damages at Al Mahjar, Baqem district, Saada province

(*AK pH)

Coalition warplanes target fishermen on Katama Island of Hodeidah

The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes on Wednesday targeted fishermen on Katama Island of Hodeidah province, a local official told Saba.
Two wounded fishermen arrived to the port of Khouba in al-Luhayah district, while the rest are missing


(* A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Kills Fishermen in Hodiedah

Nine fishermen- as a preliminary result- were killed Wednesday, by US-Saudi aerial aggression targeting a fishing boat off the coast of Hodeidah.

Comment: I heard about the Hodeida fisherman earlier this week. The dilemma is that they and their families are starving and they don't know whether to risk going out on boats knowing they might be bombed or stay at home with no food and watching their families die. These are the real problems facing Yemen today and these brave and courageous fishermen paid with their lives. Sadly. Desperately sadly.

(A K pH)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

(A K pH)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Tuesday, July 31, 2018

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Jets Targeting The Telecommunications Towers In Yemen’s Rimah

Photos of the US-Saudi aggression jets targeting the telecommunications towers on Barad mountain at Raimah province.

On Saturday night, the US-Saudi aggression jets targeted Barad mountain site at kesmah district in Raymah district by six air raids which led to the destruction of the towers, central rooms and all network contents.

This network is considered as the main network for three districts in the province of “Kesmah Mezher Al-Salafiya”.

This targeting comes because of the media deception which achieves the US-Saudi aggression’s interests.

After the visit of Mr. Yasser Thamer, the telecommunications general manager to the bombing site, he declared that the US-Saudi aggression is trying to disconnect all of the country telecommunications and destroy our infrastructure, but in spite of this we will remain steadfast.

(A K pH)

Two citizens killed in Saudi-led airstrike on Saada

A woman and a child were killed and another one was wounded when the US-Saudi aggression coalition fighter jets on Wednesday waged a strike on Saada province, an official told Saba.
The strike hit a citizen's house in Saqeen district, killing the woman and the child

and, differing:

(A K pH)

Killing Woman, Injuring 2 Children in US-Saudi Aggression Attack on Sa’ada

A woman was killed and two children were wounded on Tuesday night by a US-Saudi airstrike on Sa’ada province.

Al-Masirah Net correspondent pointed out that the attack was on a house in Saqayn district of the province.

(A K pH)

6 US-Saudi airstrikes hit and destroyed this government building today [July 31] in Zaidia, western coast of Yemen . It was empty. (photos) (with map)


(* A K pH)

Fresh Saudi airstrikes leave four civilians dead in western Yemen

At least four civilians have been killed when Saudi military aircraft carried out airstrikes against an area in Yemen’s strategic western coastal province of Hudaydah as the Riyadh regime presses ahead with its atrocious bombardment campaign against its southern neighbor.

Saudi fighter jets conducted aerial assaults against the Office of Agricultural Extension in the al-Durayhimi district of the province on Tuesday afternoon, leaving four people dead and two others injured, unnamed local sources told Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network.

and by anti-Houthi news site:

(A K pH)

Al-Sharqabi, Al-Masirah correspondent Injured by US-Saudi Strike in Saada

Al-Masirah TV correspondent, Ali Al-Sharqabi, was injured on Tuesday by US-Saudi Aggression strike, during a tour to cover the Aggression raids in the villages of Baqim district north of Saada.

Almasirah Media Network Condemns US-Saudi Aggression Targeting Its Correspondent

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b2

(A K pH)

Saudi aggression artillery fires towards Saada

(* B K pS)

Mines with No maps.. Expose al-Houthi strategy in Yemen

Al-Houthi militias have relied on the planting of huge quantities of mines to face legitimate forces seeking to liberate the remaining cities in Yemen, but the method of laying mines without "maps" reveals much of the strategy of pro-Iranian militias.

According to the general manager of the Saudi de-mining project in Yemen, "Masam", Osamah Al-Qbeisi, most of the mine-laying operations carried out by the al-Houthi militia were found to have been carried out indiscriminately without maps.

Al Qbeisi says to Sky News Arabic: " The presence of maps greatly facilitates the task of de-mining, but we find that al-Houthi planted it indiscriminately and in populated areas ".

The project manager of "Masam" estimates the number of mines removed from the liberated areas in Yemen by about 1 million mines with the joint efforts of the Arab coalition, the legitimate forces and the national project, but the number of still buried minesin Yemen's territory is "much higher", he said.

In addition to modern technological means, "Masam" depend on a community-based project and communications from the population on the presence of mines in an area are used in the absence of maps.

The Qbeisi explains that regular armies usually plant mines for a defensive purpose and do so according to specific maps and far from populated areas, in order to be easily removed at a later stage, but the Houthi have laid mines in infrastructure and farms and between residential houses and even inside the houses themselves.

(A K)
Growing risk to Saudi aviation assets and oil infrastructure as Yemen-based Houthi militants continue developing weaponised UAVs

Yemen-based Houthi militants claimed to have hit Abu Dhabi airport with a new long-range weaponised unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), labelled the Sammad 2 which, according to the Houthi, has a range of more than 1400 km.

Although the UAE authorities denied reports that the airport was attacked, they acknowledged that an unspecified incident took place there, reportedly involving a supply vehicle.

The difficulty of a UAV penetrating Saudi airspace to reach Abu Dhabi undetected from Houthi controlled territory in northern Yemen, and the security and air defences at Abu Dhabi Airport, cause us to doubt the Houthi claim given the lack of evidence provided by the movement.

(A K)

Houthi shelling hits Saudi Arabia, no casualties

Houthi rebels on Tuesday shelled the southern Saudi port city of Jazan in attacks launched from Yemen, Saudi officials said.

The shelling hit the village of Al-Mahanish damaging a house, he added.

No casualties have been reported so far.

(A K pH)

Saudis fire 200 missiles, mortar shells at Saada

Saudi military forces have targeted residential areas in Saada Province with over 200 missiles and mortar shells, Yemeni TV Channel 'Al-Masirah reported.

Based on the reports, at least seven Yemeni civilians were killed in Saudis' missile and air strikes.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: Giving a Voice to Young Women in Yemen

Amani Yahya is a pioneer of Yemen's rap scene, and is one of the country's best known female rappers. She spoke to Emily Webb about how rapping brought her death threats. b

(* B H)

Women of Yemen: making art in times of war

So in the times of famine, cholera, destruction and social breakdown, what does it mean to talk about the Yemeni women’s art movement?

But how can it be avoided as Yemeni female artists and others in film, painting, and writing took it upon themselves to express the pain of their society and defend their human cause, far from the control of authorities.

In fact, contrary to what is commonly believed in the world that female artists work in a male dominated world and that their work is marginalized compared to the huge interest taken in men’s art work, in Yemen the situation is different. In my ten year long experience in covering Yemen, I saw women and men equally represented in the Yemeni art movement. All are marginalized and do not get any media attention and their work and talent is not well or sufficiently documented. Yet, this article for Jeem is dedicated to Yemeni female artists.

Sara Ishaq is one of the most important Yemeni artists of the young generation who found their voice with the outbreak of the revolution in Yemen in 2011. The young film director, who is Yemeni on her father’s side and Scottish on her mother’s side, scored a historic accomplishment with her Yemeni film in cooperation with a Yemeni film crew “Karama has no Walls” (2012) that was nominated for the Oscar for short documentaries. The film is about the events of a bloody day at the beginning of the Yemeni revolution which marked a turning point in its future trajectory – by Afrah Nasser


Yemeni blacksmiths transform shrapnel into heirlooms

In his war-torn city, a Yemeni artisan is transforming shrapnel which litters the streets into the country's celebrated traditional daggers.

For 45 years, blacksmith Mohammed Haradhi has crafted swords for his clients' loved ones and built custom locks.

But after more than three years of war, he and so many other Yemenis have been left struggling to find work.

Haradhi has turned to the conflict's debris in Hajjah, his home city in western Yemen, and repurposes the metal to make traditional jambiyya daggers. (photos)

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-439 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-439: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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