Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 441 - Yemen War Mosaic 441

Yemen Press Reader 441: 6. Aug. 2018: Saudischer Luftangriff vom 2. Aug. auf Hodeidah Artilleriebeschuss? – Kinder im Jemen unter Feuer – Al Kaida und Saudi-Koalition – Huthi-Landminen – u. mehr

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August 6, 2018: Was August, 2 Saudi air raid on Hodeidah a mortar fire? – Yemeni children under fire – Al Qaeda and the Saudi coalition – Houthi land mines – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Hodeidah: 55 Tote bei saudischem Luftangriff (?) / Most important: Hodeidah: 55 killed by Saudi air raid (?)

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H K)

Yemen: Children Under Fire


Overview Food security Low Health Services Spread of Epidemics Children Victims of Armed Conflict Malnutrition Embryos and Neonatal Deformities Education Social Care for Children -Juvenile Care Centres -Safe Childhood Centres for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Street Children -The Orphanages Internal Displacement Obstructing Humanitarian Supplies and Assistance Recommendations


Yemenis have been increasingly suffering as a result of the ongoing military operations led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, since March 2015. The escalating aggressive acts and practices have directly reflected on the lives of civilians, deprived them of their most basic essential needs and infringed many of their human rights.

The coalition continues to impose a comprehensive siege on all Yemen's entries, seaports and airports. Apart from their control and blockade over most of the seaports and airports, the coalition have also imposed tough restrictions on the entry of basic commodities, including humanitarian imports such as food and medicine.

Most airports are under the control of the Saudi-led coalition and they operate under their supervision. The rest of the airports, which are under the Houthis’ authority, have been fully closed as Sanaa International Airport, where air traffic has been completely halted, since August 2016, although it is considered the main port of Yemen's air traffic, serving annually more than 8 million passengers. This closure has been regarded as a collective punishment against Yemenis, turned Yemen into a large prison and created an unspeakable humanitarian tragedy.

Further, the coalition forces have banned some journalists from entering Yemen and also prevented them from boarding the United Nations’ plane, which limits the news coverage and imposes a media blackout. In May, the ban also extended to restrict the work of the human rights organisations.

In August 2016, President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi issued a verdict to transfer Yemen’s Central Bank from Sanaa; the capital, to Aden province, which is controlled by the coalition. Since then, the payment for public employees’ salaries has been interrupted despite it was going on normally since the onset of the war against Yemen. Since the very beginning of June 2018, the tragic scene in Yemen has been worsened due to the Saudi-led coalition’s new military operations to control the coastal province of Hodeida; the only active maritime ports for imports and humanitarian aid to millions of people.

Certainly, children are the most affected category because of the conflict’s continuation and the mounting of violence. The deteriorating humanitarian situation and the collapse of public services have deprived millions of children of adequate food and private health care. A large number of schoolchildren have not been able to complete their education and work instead to help their families provide daily maintenance. In addition, thousands of children are at risk of trafficking and joining armed groups.

In August 2016, President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi issued a verdict to transfer Yemen’s Central Bank from Sanaa; the capital, to Aden province, which is controlled by the coalition. Since then, the payment for public employees’ salaries has been interrupted despite it was going on normally since the onset of the war against Yemen. Since the very beginning of June 2018, the tragic scene in Yemen has been worsened due to the Saudi-led coalition’s new military operations to control the coastal province of Hodeida; the only active maritime ports for imports and humanitarian aid to millions of people. Certainly, childrenCertainly, children are the most affected category because of the conflict’s continuation and the mounting of violence. The deteriorating humanitarian situation and the collapse of public services have deprived millions of children of adequate food and private health care. A large number of schoolchildren have not been able to complete their education and work instead to help their families provide daily maintenance. In addition, thousands of children are at risk of trafficking and joining armed groups.


1. To immediately suspend all the Saudi-led coalition’s operations in Yemen; to completely lift the blockade and to open airports and seaports.

2. To urge the Yemeni parties to stop all forms of conflict and engage in serious negotiations to ensure that Yemenis are spared the scourge of war.

3. To form an independent international commission in order to investigate all the committed atrocities and violations. These violations include the crimes practiced by the coalition against children and women and against detainees in secret prisons; such as systematic rapeees in secret prisons; such as systematic rape and torture.

4. To ensure that those who have committed serious crimes in Yemen and who are regarded as war criminals are referred to international courts. Further, to ensure that those criminals are held accountable in accordance with the relevant international rules and procedures.

5. To stop the large-scale of land, sea and air military operations, led by the coalition, to control the province of Hodeida, which is currently the only functioning seaport in Yemen. Obviously, the closure of Hodeida port would likely lead to starving millions of Yemenis who depend on this port for humanitarian assistance and the basic elements of life.

6. To activate the United Nations bodies and offices in Yemen, in order to carry out its role and assume responsibility regarding the humanitarian catastrophe suffered by the Yemenis for more than three years and continues toincrease as to the moment of writing this report.


(*** B T)

Yemen: US allies don't defeat al-Qaida but pay it to go away

Again and again over the past two years, a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and backed by the United States has claimed it won decisive victories that drove al-Qaida militants from their strongholds across Yemen and shattered their ability to attack the West.

Here's what the victors did not disclose: many of their conquests came without firing a shot.

That's because the coalition cut secret deals with al-Qaida fighters, paying some to leave key cities and towns and letting others retreat with weapons, equipment and wads of looted cash, an investigation by The Associated Press has found. Hundreds more were recruited to join the coalition itself.

These compromises and alliances have allowed al-Qaida militants to survive to fight another day — and risk strengthening the most dangerous branch of the terror network that carried out the 9/11 attacks. Key participants in the pacts said the U.S. was aware of the arrangements and held off on any drone strikes.

The deals uncovered by the AP reflect the contradictory interests of the two wars being waged simultaneously in this southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula.

In one conflict, the U.S. is working with its Arab allies — particularly the United Arab Emirates — with the aim of eliminating the branch of extremists known as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP. But the larger mission is to win the civil war against the Houthis, Iranian-backed Shiite rebels. And in that fight, al-Qaida militants are effectively on the same side as the Saudi-led coalition — and, by extension, the United States.

"Elements of the U.S. military are clearly aware that much of what the U.S. is doing in Yemen is aiding AQAP and there is much angst about that," said Michael Horton, a fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, a U.S. analysis group that tracks terrorism.

"However, supporting the UAE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against what the U.S. views as Iranian expansionism takes priority over battling AQAP and even stabilizing Yemen," Horton said. The AP's findings are based on reporting in Yemen and interviews with two dozen officials, including Yemeni security officers, militia commanders, tribal mediators and four members of al-Qaida's branch.

Coalition-backed militias actively recruit al-Qaida militants, or those who were recently members, because they're considered exceptional fighters, the AP found.

The coalition forces are comprised of a dizzying mix of militias, factions, tribal warlords and tribes with very local interests. And AQAP militants are intertwined with many of them.

Horton said much of the war on al-Qaida by the UAE and its allied militias is "a farce."

"It is now almost impossible to untangle who is AQAP and who is not since so many deals and alliances have been made," he said.

The U.S. is aware of an al-Qaida presence among the anti-Houthi ranks, a senior American official told reporters in Cairo earlier this year. Because coalition members back militias with hard-line Islamic commanders, "it's very, very easy for al-Qaida to insinuate itself into the mix," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity under the terms of the briefing.

More recently, the Pentagon vigorously denied any complicity with al-Qaida militants - By MAGGIE MICHAEL, TRISH WILSON AND LEE KEATH, ASSOCIATED PRESS = =

(** B K pS)

Yemen’s fight against the Houthi landmine legacy

The mine specialists have carried out the controlled demolition of tens of thousands of mines. It is the only way to deal with the vast quantities they have discovered. “When we destroy them in this way, we know they can never be planted again,” says Mr Al Kaabi, who declines to give his rank.

It is an ongoing battle. Clearance teams are sent out every morning to sweep the road between Mokha and Kokha, as Houthi rebels often mine the major route at night.

Part of the job is to educate civilians of the risk of mines. "Ultimately they are the victims of these weapons. It’s rare that the soldiers trigger a mine, it’s almost always the civilians – children and animals too.”

The ignition cord flails in the coastal wind. “Are you ready for a bonfire?” asks one the small group of Emirati and Sudanese soldiers standing around.

The mine clearing teams have removed more than 40,000 landmines since last October, says Mr Al Kaabi, making Yemen the most mine afflicted country he has worked in.

“We’ve worked in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Lebanon,” he recalls.

“Somalia and Kosovo too,” adds one of his colleagues.

“We have never see this before,” Mr Al Kaabi says.

The pace of mine clearance has picked up as the Houthis have been pushed back. As the rebels retreat, they leave behind mines at random to slow pro-government forces. Last week, the Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance claimed that Houthi rebels in Yemen had planted one million mines.

Pictures posted to social media show huge caches of explosives uncovered. Some are mass produced, others are improvised, camouflaged to look like rocks, or a children's toy.

Michetti warns that while the mines are necessarily difficult to detect, it is the manner in which they are deployed that make them such a risk.

“I can’t imagine the bar for detecting them is very high, but when you see the scale they are removing them, I’d be shocked if the Houthis are keeping maps of where they are planting these things, it’s more just knowing where to look for them – that’s the real challenge”.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A H)

Film: A new wave of cholera at the west coast

(* A H)

A 3 days #Cholera vaccination kicked off this morning in #Hodeida and Ibb to protect over 500,000 children and adults from the deadly disease.

800,000 vaccines were sourced by @gavi in #Yemen to cover the second round of the Oral #Cholera Vaccination Campaign in #Hudaydah and #Ibb governorates conducted by WHO and #Unicef in partnership with the @WorldBank

It’s the 2nd day of the cholera vaccination in Ibb and Hodeida #Yemen. Over 2,000 vaccinators are heading out to provide children and adults with this crucial vaccine.

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

(* B H K)

UNICEF bezeichnet Lage im Jemen als Hölle für Kinder

In einem hierzu veröffentlichten Bericht des UN-Kinderhilfswerks hieß es, dass tausende Kinder im Jemen humanitäre und kommerzielle Hilfen bräuchten, die tagtäglich über den Hafen Al-Hudaida importiert werden. Hudaida sei die wichtigste Anlaufstelle, Nahrung und Hilfe in das Land zu bringen.

Der UNICEF-Bericht war unter dem Titel "Auswirkungen der Kämpfe in Hudaida auf das Leben von Kindern im Jemen."

Sollten die Auseinandersetzungen in Al-Hudaida zunehmen, wäre das Leben mehr als 100 tausend jemenitischer Kinder in Gefahr, hieß es.

Laut UNICEF gelangen 70 Prozent der Einfuhren im Jemen, darunter humanitäre und kommerzielle Güter über die nördlich gelegenen Häfen Hudaida und Salif ins Land. Kämpfe in diesen Gebieten würden katastrophale Auswirkungen auf die Kinder haben.ölle_für_kinder

(* A B H K)

Saudi-Arabien lässt Zivilisten verenden

Die saudische Koalition bombardiert Trinkwasseranlagen und Lagerhäuser in der Hafenstadt Hodeida. Und provoziert damit den Ausbruch einer weiteren todbringenden Cholera-Epidemie.

Da sowohl die Kämpfe am Boden als auch die Luftangriffe die Trinkwasserversorgung und die Hygiene stark beeinträchtigten, müsse jetzt mit einer erneuten Ausbreitung der Cholera-Epidemie in dem Bürgerkriegsland gerechnet werden, warnte die OCHA-Beauftragte Lisa Grande. «Nur noch ein Luftangriff», fügte sie in einem Rundfunkinterview hinzu, «und der Jemen könnte vor einer nicht mehr aufzuhaltenden Epidemie stehen.» Beim bisher grössten Cholera-Ausbruch der modernen Geschichte im Jemen hatten sich im letzten Jahr eine Million Menschen mit der gefährlichen Durchfallerkrankung angesteckt. 2227 Menschen fielen nach Erkenntnissen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation der Seuche zum Opfer.

Mein Kommentar: Der Artikel bringt offenbar den letzten großen Angriff auf Hodeidah (am 2. August) mit früheren Angriffen durcheinander.

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

(* A K)

Officials: Heavy fighting near Yemen's Hodeida kills 80

Heavy fighting in Yemen's port province of Hodeida between pro-government forces and Shiite rebels has killed at least 80 people on both sides over the last two days, Yemeni officials and witnesses said Sunday.

Government forces, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, have been advancing in the area in recent weeks as they battle Iran-allied rebels known as Houthis. The fighting has escalated as government forces try to retake the port city of Hodeida, the main entry point for food in a country teetering on the brink of famine.

The officials said forces backed by airstrikes from the Saudi-led coalition have been trying to seize the rebel-held district of ad-Durayhimi south of Hodeida city and at least 100 have been wounded over a 24-hour period.


(* A K)

War in Yemen: Heavy casualties on both sides in fighting near Hodeida

Heavy fighting in Yemen's port province of Hodeida between pro-government forces and Shiite rebels has killed at least 80 people on both sides over the weekend, Yemeni officials and witnesses said. Government forces, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, have been advancing in the area in recent weeks as they battle Iran-allied rebels known as Houthis. The fighting has escalated as government forces try to retake the port city of Hodeida, the main entry point for food in a country teetering on the brink of famine.

The officials said forces backed by airstrikes from the Saudi-led coalition have been trying to seize the rebel-held district of ad-Durayhimi south of Hodeida city and at least 100 have been wounded over a 24-hour period.

The rebels have killed at least 30 Emirati-backed forces in an ambush in ad-Durayhimi, they said. Fighting has been ongoing in the district, about 20 kilometers south of Hodeida International Airport, they said.

(* B H K)

UN: Attacks on Yemen's Port of Hodeidah Would Be Catastrophic

United Nations aid agencies are renewing appeals to Yemen's warring parties to spare the Port of Hodeidah, warning attacks against the vital lifeline would be catastrophic.

The United Nations warns that Yemen, where the world's worst humanitarian crisis is unfolding, would suffer even more if the vital Port of Hodeidah were attacked and ceased to operate.

Around 80 percent of Yemen's food and medicine is imported through the Port of Hodeidah. Jens Laerke is Spokesman for the U.N. Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs or OCHA. He said fuel and other essential humanitarian relief also arrive via the port.

"OCHA warns that sustained hostilities in Hodeidah city, interruptions to the port operations, which are critical for vital imports of food and fuel or a siege of the city would be catastrophic. There is no contingency plan that can effectively protect civilians from the humanitarian consequences if the conflict escalates further. The response capacity of international organizations on the ground would quickly be overwhelmed," he said.

(* A K pH)

3 Children, women injured in aggression warship shelling over 24 past hours

The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes and warships continued in targeting the civilians in many provinces of Yemen, injuring three children and a women over the 24 past hours, a military official told Saba on Sunday.


(* A K pH)

Martyrs, Wounded on Bombing of Aggression Battleships in Hajjah

A number of citizens were killed and other wounded, on Saturday evening, as a result of the bombing of the US-Saudi aggression against residential areas in Abss district of Hajjah province.

According to Al-Masirah Net correspondent in Hajjah, the battleships of aggression targeted the homes and farms of citizens in Umm Al-Thab village of Abss district.

Eyewitnesses said that the residents of the village of Umm al-Thab were surprised at seven o'clock on Saturday evening by heavy rocket fire targeting the houses of the village, resulted in a number of martyrs and wounded who were driven to hospitals in the city of Abss.

Local medical workers reported that there were still missing victims and had not been found so far.

(A K pH)

Photos: Few hours ago: huge airstrikes by US-UK-UAE-Saudi-led coalition in #Hodeidah (Aug. 4, evening)

(A K)

Pictures here of the remains of cluster bombs which were used by Saudi led coalition in al-Tuhita area of #Hodeidah n western #Yemen. Dropped bombs are banned by 120 nations n the world & dropped on the houses of fishermen n al-Tuhita, which consideres the poorest area in #Yemen.

(* A B K P)

Audio: 8/01/18 Nasser Arrabyee on Yemeni War

Nasser Arrabyee, reporter from Sana’a, Yemen, is interviewed on the status of the current battle of Al Hudaydah on the Red Sea. The Saudi war in Yemen is also discussed, as is the US’s support for the Saudis and regional tensions with Iran and the Saudi coalition.

(A K pS)

Southern Giants Troops Complete Military Readiness to Break in Al-Hodeida

Giants Brigades troops, under commandership of Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, completed its combat readiness in the west coast front in preparation to break in Al-Hodeida and cut the last line used by Al-Houthis on the Red Sea to smuggle sea-born weapons sent by Iran.

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Hodeidah: 55 Tote bei saudischem Luftangriff (?) / Most important: Hodeidah: 55 killed by Saudi air raid (?)

Earlier reporting: YPR 440, cp1c

(A K P)

We have repeatedly appealed to the United Nations to establish an independent and impartial commission to investigate human rights violations in Yemen and thus to punish violators under the laws of the International Bill of Human Rights. I renew my request to form this committee.

(** A K)

Yemen: Hodeidah 'airstrikes' may have been mortar fire

Deadly explosions that hit the Yemeni city of Hodeidah on Thursday have been widely attributed to Saudi-led airstrikes but emerging evidence suggests they were probably the result of mortar fire. Holding back hasn't amounted to a ceasefire, however, and during the last days of July, according to Lise Grande, the UN's Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, airstrikes occurred near a reproductive health centre and public laboratory in Hodeidah and damaged a facility which supplies most of the city's water.

Thursday's attacks initially seemed to be more of the same, hitting a fish market and the entrance to a hospital some 200 metres away. At least 20 people are said to have been killed and some reports put the death toll at more than 50. A witness was quoted as hearing a warplane overhead at the time.

While no one is disputing that people were killed and injured in the attacks, photos and videos posted online show relatively minor blast damage – less than would be expected from typical airstrikes. Some also show what appear to be the remains of mortars: A video posted on Twitter shows Yemenis examining a small crater and removing part of a munition from it.

Speaking on the Saudi-owned Alarabiya television, Colonel Turki al-Malki, spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, denied coalition forces had carried out "any operations" in Hodeidah on Thursday and claimed the Houthis were to blame.

The coalition has made false claims in the past (as have the Houthis), so such statements need to be viewed with caution. If it's true that the deaths were the result of mortar fire rather than aerial bombing, it's unclear why the Houthis would have attacked an area that was under their control, and the Saudis have so far provided no evidence to support their claim that the Houthis were responsible.

There is no indication that any opposing forces were fighting inside the city, and according to the New York Times (which doesn't cite a source) Thursday's attacks also hit "security facilities controlled by the Houthis". Based on the limited information curently available it therefore seems likely that the attacks were coming from outside the city.

One possible source of incoming fire might be the Amaliqa Brigades – Yemeni forces allied to the coalition. If, as some say, they are only four or five kilometres south of the city, this would put them within striking distance if they had the right type of mortars. It's too early to draw any firm conclusions, though, and hopefully the picture will become clearer as more evidence comes to light – by Brian Whitaker (with photos) =


(* A K)

Member of #Yemen’s National Com to Investigate Alleged Human Rights Violations: 3 members were on scene 2 hrs after Aug 2 attack in #Hodeidah, conducted initial inv inc intrvws w 6 witnesses/Thawra hospital staff/vics; examined shrapnel/handed it to mil expert for analysis.

My comment: This seems to be the source for the alternative version that there did not happen two air raids but mortar fire. The question arises: How serious this source really is? This commission seems to be strictly anti-Houthi and pro-UAE ( and and ) but showed up at the site in Houthi-held Hodeidah just a little time after the event and „found“ these mortars during a quick first survey?

Question: Could these mortars really cause such an heavy effect as it had happened at Hodeidah?

Even if the mortar alternative would proof to be right, there stays the question who actually had fired them. If it would be true that mortars had been fired then there still is no hint at all who had fired them. It’s odd that the anti-Houthi coalition simply blames the Houthis for the Hodeidah massacres. This propaganda not even clarifies why this should be the case, it’s just taken for granted.

It looks strange to me how well the appaearance of this commission at the site, the mortar „evidence“ and the anti-Houthi propaganda and claims would fit together here. Is this just a propaganda game to whitewash the Saudi coalition and even to use own war crimes for propaganda blaming the enemy?

Anyway, to be cautious: this is just an idea. Further investigation would be needed. Anyway, keep in mind that Saudi Arabia had blocked all initiatives to establish an international independent investigation of war crimes in Yemen – already three times now. And the western powers had supported these Saudi filibusters, in all cases.

If the mortar alternative really would proof to be true, I think Whitaker’s ideas on who could have fired these mortars sound quite probable. – It‘s really unlikely that the Houthis had fired them – why they should have shelled a Houthi-held city? From where these mortars should have been fired? Why Houthi artillery should have been directed to places in the own territory, quite far away from the enemy? And even if someone would think of a horrible mistake and accident, why this mistake should have been repeated again later?

I remember that in 2014 in Eastern Ukraine pro-Ukrainian militia and the Ukrainian army relentlessly shelled cities and villages held by the Eastern Ukrainian separatists, then claiming that the separatists had shelled their own territory and have to be blamed for the victims. The separatists published a drawing ridiculing tis claim: The mortar when being fired from the cannon making a great hemicycle, is flying backwards and hits the city in the back of the cannon.

(* A K P)

YCHO Support Center : Targeting "Al-Thawra Hospital" and "Fish Market" in Al-Hodeidah by Houthis is a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law

The Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations' Support Center (YCHO) has viewed the statement of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen on the recent events of Al-Hodeidah and the statement issued by the Command of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen about the involvement of Houthi Militias in targeting "Al-Thawra Hospital" and the "Fish Market" in Al-Hodeidah.

The Coalition found evidence of the involvement of Houthi Militias in targeting civilians with Houthi mortar.
YCHO expresses its sympathy and deep sorrow for the deaths of innocent civilians in Yemen and stresses the need to spare civilians in all Yemeni governorates and the effects of the conflict, and calls for full compliance with the provisions of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and its customary rules, conforming that targeting "Al-Thawra Hospital" and the "Fish Market" by Houthis and the resulting civilian casualties among the dead and wounded is a serious violation of (IHL) by these Militias.
The Center also expresses its condolences to the families of the victims, stressing its continued efforts and maximum cooperation to aid and relief the Yemeni people in coordination with the Yemeni Government, the Command of Coalition and humanitarian and relief organizations operating in Yemen.
The Coalition launched the Comprehensive Humanitarian Operation Plan in Yemen on 22 January 2018, through which Yemen's Humanitarian Response Plan for 2018 (YHRP) was funded by ($1.25) billion from the Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.

In conjunction with military operations in Al-Hodeidah, the Kingdom and the UAE launched five initiatives to support humanitarian efforts through the launch of a relief bridge (Air, Sea, and Land).
YCHO affirms its continued support for international humanitarian and relief efforts aiming to alleviate to suffering of the brotherly Yemeni people and to continue to exchange information to ensure having correct and accurate information, which will enhance our communication together and contribute to achieving positive results towards the relief of the Yemeni People.

My comment: By this statement, this YCHO proofs to be a Saudi coalition propaganda outlet.

(A K P)

Yemeni Government Surprised that Arab Coalition Blamed for Terrorist Incidents in Hodeidah

Yemeni Government is astonished to hear accusations blaming the Arab Coalition of being involved in the two terrorist incidents that targeted Al-Thawrah Hospital and Fish market in the city of Hodiedah on Thursday, August 2, which resulted in killing several people and wounding scores, though the Coalition announced that it didn't carry out any air strikes in Hodeidah that day. Moreover, it provided the International Security Council with technical evidences showing that the bombings which hit Al-Thawrah Hospital and Fish market were a result of mortar's projectiles fired from nearby sites controlled by Houthi militias.
The Yemeni Foreign Ministry said in a statement the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) received a copy of it that "The Yemeni Government considers such accusations, most recent issued by the European Union's statement, come to confirm that there are many people pay little attention to objective facts and driven by their own tendencies to everything may acquit the Houthi militia that carried out attacks against maritime navigation lanes south-east the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandeb Strait. To keep silence over these crimes and breach of the International Law is sending wrong messages to the putschist militia

My comment: Propaganda reaches new levels of absurdity.

(A K P)

Govt says Houthi massacre in Hodeidah shameless attempt to "confuse cards"

The Ministry of Human Rights condemned the Houthi militia's massacre against civilians in a fishing port near Al-Thawra Public Hospital in Hodeidah city on Thursday.

In a statement the Ministry called the Houthi shelling that killed 14 persons and injured more than 30 others "a shameless attempt to confuse cards". It also called it "a serious violation of international humanitarian law …. and a war crime against humanity should not be subject to to the statute of limitations."

My comment: Propaganda claming the Houthis side shells itself.

(** A K)

Uno entsetzt über Luftangriffe auf Krankenhaus und Markt in Hudeida

Bei Luftangriffen des von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärbündnisses gegen die Huthi-Miliz ist im Jemen ein Krankenhaus getroffen worden - 55 Zivilisten wurden getötet. Vertreter der Uno sind entsetzt.

Die Vereinten Nationen haben entsetzt auf Luftangriffe auf ein Krankenhaus und einen Markt in der von Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierten jemenitischen Stadt Hudeida reagiert. Der Vorfall sei "schockierend", sagte die Uno-Koordinatorin für humanitäre Hilfe in dem Land, Lise Grande, am Freitag. Nach Angaben des Roten Kreuzes starben bei den Explosionen mindestens 55 Zivilisten, 170 weitere wurden verletzt. Der Leiter einer Delegation des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz im Jemen, Johannes Bruwer, sprach in einer Erklärung von einer "verwerflichen" Missachtung menschlichen Lebens. Zugleich hieß es darin, die "genauen Umstände" der Explosionsserie seien ungeklärt. Diese hatten Hudeida am Donnerstag erschüttert und laut der Organisation unter anderem dicht bewohnte Gebiete in der Nähe des al-Thawra-Krankenhauses und einen lokalen Fischmarkt getroffen.

Nach vorherigen Angaben von Ärzten und Augenzeugen hatte es zwei Luftangriffe auf den Eingang des al-Thawra-Krankenhauses und den Fischmarkt gegeben, wobei mindestens 20 Menschen starben.

(* A K)

Entsetzen über Luftangriffe auf Spital und Markt in Jemen

Bei den Luftangriffen auf die von Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierte Hafenstadt Hodeida sind nach Berichten des Roten Kreuzes mindestens 55 Zivilisten getötet worden. 170 Menschen wurden verletzt.

Die Vereinten Nationen haben entsetzt auf Luftangriffe auf ein Spital und einen Markt in der von Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierten jemenitischen Stadt Hodeida reagiert. Der Vorfall sei «schockierend, sagte die Uno-Koordinatorin für humanitäre Hilfe in dem Land, Lise Grande, am Freitag. Nach Angaben des Roten Kreuzes starben bei den Explosionen mindestens 55 Zivilisten, 170 weitere wurden verletzt.

Der Leiter einer Delegation des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz, Johannes Bruwer, in Jemen sprach in einer Erklärung von einer «verwerflichen» Missachtung menschlichen Lebens. Zugleich hiess es darin, die «genauen Umstände» der Explosionsserie seien ungeklärt. Diese hatten Hodeida am Donnerstag erschüttert und laut der Organisation unter anderem dicht bewohnte Gebiete in der Nähe des al-Thawra-Spitals und einen lokalen Fischmarkt getroffen.

Weitere, weitgehend identische Berichte:

Mein Kommentar: Das war es wohl im deutschsprachigen Mainstream, zumindest Online. Zwei Berichte bei NZZ und Spiegel, die reichlich kurz ausgefallen sind. In der Druckausgabe entspräche das einer achtel Seite auf Seite 9 oder ählich. Bei den anderen: Gar nichts. Wieder einmal ein eklatantes Versagen unserer Medien. Stellen Sie sich vor, ein vergleichbarer Angriff würde der syrischen Assad-Regierung oder den Russen angelastet: Seite 1, Hintergrundberichte auf Seiten 2 und 3, Kommentar auf Seite 4, alle 15 Minuten die erste Nachricht auf einem Nachrichtenkanal wie Bayern 5, 5 von 15 Minuten in der Tagesschau, “Brennpunkt” um 20.15. Uhr. – Unsere Medien sind “transatlantische” Propagandaschleudern, was sich eben auch im Weglassen äußert.

(* A B K P)

Film: The Saudi-US Agenda Behind Destroying Yemen (Pt 1/2)

Professor Isa Blumi of Stockholm University and author of “Destroying Yemen,” discusses the motives and impact of the unrelenting US-backed assault

(A K)

This is Ibrahim Zaher, he went to the crime scene that #Saudi committed yesterday in #Hodeidah's fish market and found his friend wounded, he took him to Althawra hospital, but the 2nd airstrike hit the gate of the hospital killing him&his friend too with dozens of ppl. #Yemen. (photos)

Ibrahim Zaher and his friend Husam Aukasha who killed by Saudi led coalition airstrikes on the gate of al-Thawra hospital in #Hodeidah 2 days ago as Ibrahim tried to rescue his friend Husam. I have no words to say except "rest in peace" I can't hold the tears back.

(A K)

Ali Saigher and his son were among the civilians who killed during the Saudi airstrikes on the fish market n #Hodeidah (photos)

(A K)

Here is A Story of one of the Fifty-five Victims,
by Abdualhafad Moajab in his TV show -

Sultan Nono
A simple worker at the fish market in
#Hodeidah and his family and children, he works day and night to earn an honest living, He was martyred at al- Hodeidah hospital when he was trying to ambulance the wounded
In the three strike that targeted paramedics (photo)

(A K)

What do you know about this # dangerous criminal / # Ibrahim_Zahir_Al Bahri.?

This small and dangerous criminal is a ninth grader who, after finishing school, goes to his "job" to provide a living for his mother and siblings to support his father in bearing the burden of responsibility.

In the same day, he was taken to the General Hospital of Al-Thawra in his town of Al-Hudaydah, where he was not received by a specialist doctor or a general nurse.

But received him there missiles Al-Saud jets inflamed again as if chasing him, to be a martyr to the side of more than 52 martyrs of innocent citizens and 100 wounded (photo)

(* A K P)

Saudis Deny Role in Attacks That Killed Civilians in Yemeni Port

At least 55 civilians were killed and 170 were wounded by bombings that struck densely crowded areas of the seaport, including a fish market and areas around Al Thawra Hospital, the International Committee of the Red Cross said in a statement from its Yemen delegation. It did not identify who was responsible. Medics and witnesses in Al Hudaydah said Thursday that at least 30 people had been killed, and that missiles fired by warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition had caused the deaths and destruction.

Medics and witnesses in Al Hudaydah said Thursday that at least 30 people had been killed, and that missiles fired by warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition had caused the deaths and destruction.

The Saudi spokesman for the Arab coalition forces that have been threatening to seize Al Hudaydah said Friday that the coalition had not carried out any operations there. The spokesman, Col. Turki al-Maliki, told the pro-Saudi Al-Arabiya television news channel that “the Houthi militia are behind the killing of civilians in Hudaydah on Thursday.”

At a separate news conference in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, on Friday, Colonel Maliki said that the coalition had targeted positions on Wednesday and Thursday that were more than one mile away.

Comment: Saudis always deny FACTS. Mainstream media take Saudi denials as FACTS! With no one even asking : why not investigation? Saudis refuse investigations. Or they investigate into their crimes and vindicate themselves and mainstream media celebrate.

(* A K P)

Yemen: ICRC deplores civilian cost of Hodeida attacks

The International Committee of the Red Cross condemns Thursday's hits in the coastal city of Hodeida which resulted in the killing and wounding of scores of civilians.

"The scenes coming from Hodeida are horrific. The disregard of international humanitarian law in Yemen cannot be tolerated. While the exact circumstances around the ground explosions are still unknown, this lack of respect for civilian life and civilian property is reprehensible," said Johannes Bruwer, the head of the ICRC delegation in Yemen.

My comment: If you let unmentioned those who did this, it‘s an invitation to repeat.

(* A K P)

Red Cross condemn 'reprehensible' attacks that killed 55 in Yemen

A series of explosions Thursday on Yemen's rebel-held port city of Hodeida killed 55 civilians and wounded dozens of others, the Red Cross said, denouncing the "reprehensible" disregard for human life.

The attacks, which were also denounced by a senior UN official, come as the United Nations has said it will invite warring sides in Yemen for talks on September 6 in Geneva to discuss a framework for peace negotiations.

The International Committee of the Red Cross on Friday said 55 civilians were killed and 170 others wounded "when a series of explosions rocked densely populated districts of the coastal city, including a fish market and the area around Al-Thawra Hospital". Rebel-run media outlets have accused the coalition of carrying out Thursday's attacks in Hodeida.

But the coalition's spokesman, Turki al-Maliki, on Friday denied the charges, accusing the Huthis of having bombed the hospital and the fish market.

The nearest target hit by the coalition on Wednesday or Thursday was more than two kilometres (1.2 miles) away from the two sites, Maliki told a news conference in Riyadh. =

(* A K P)

Red Cross condemn 'reprehensible' attacks that killed 55 in Yemen

A series of explosions Thursday on Yemen's rebel-held port city of Hodeida killed 55 civilians and wounded dozens of others, the Red Cross said, denouncing the "reprehensible" disregard for human life.

The attacks, which were also denounced by a senior UN official, come as the United Nations has said it will invite warring sides in Yemen for talks on September 6 in Geneva to discuss a framework for peace negotiations.

The International Committee of the Red Cross on Friday said 55 civilians were killed and 170 others wounded "when a series of explosions rocked densely populated districts of the coastal city, including a fish market and the area around Al-Thawra Hospital". Rebel-run media outlets have accused the coalition of carrying out Thursday's attacks in Hodeida.

But the coalition's spokesman, Turki al-Maliki, on Friday denied the charges, accusing the Huthis of having bombed the hospital and the fish market.

The nearest target hit by the coalition on Wednesday or Thursday was more than two kilometres (1.2 miles) away from the two sites, Maliki told a news conference in Riyadh.

(* A H K)

Statement attributable to UNFPA Arab States Regional Director on attack at Al Thawra Hospital, Hodeidah

We are extremely shocked by the attack on Yemen’s largest hospital in Hodeidah. Al Thawra Hospital serves as a major neonatal care facility with some 400 deliveries taking place there every month, including 200 caesarian sections. UNFPA supports the Al Thawra Hospital with essential reproductive health supplies, life-saving medicines and incentives for health staff performing normal deliveries and caesarian sections.

As the UN agency promoting reproductive health, UNFPA deplores attacks on health facilities and personnel, in particular, facilities where women and young girls seek help. Targeting medical facilities is strictly forbidden under humanitarian law, as it serves no purpose other than depriving people, in particular women and girls, from much needed life-saving services.

UNFPA estimates that there are 90,000 pregnant women inside Hodeidah with 14,000 of them risking complications during childbirth, requiring emergency care that could only be available at the Al Tharwa Hospital.

(* A H K)

Fresh Yemen hospital attack raises risk of new cholera epidemic

A deadly attack on one of the last functioning hospitals in Yemen in the key port city of Hudaydah has put hundreds of thousands of people at risk and damaged efforts to prevent a third cholera epidemic in the war-torn country, top UN officials warned on Friday.

Early reports suggest multiple deaths and injuries after Yemen’s largest hospital, Al Thawra, was hit on Thursday, said Dr. Peter Salama, who is in charge of Emergency Preparedness and Response at the World Health Organization.

“We’re particularly saddened at WHO by the attack on one of the major hospitals in the country yesterday, Al Thawra in Al Hudaydah,” he said. According to latest news reports, at least 20 have been killed by several air strikes, which also hit a fish market in the city.

The attack on the hospital – which houses a major cholera treatment centre - is the latest outrage in the fight to capture the key Red Sea port from Houthi opposition militia.

Sharing WHO’s condemnation of the Hudaydah attack, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Lise Grande, described the impact of the strikes as “appalling”.

Hospitals are protected under international humanitarian law, the UN official insisted, adding that “hundreds of thousands of people” depend on the hospital to survive.

“Everything that we are trying to do to stem the world’s worst cholera epidemic is at risk,” Ms Grande said, noting that new cholera cases have been identified in the city “every day this week”.

(* A K P)

Film: 'US should condemn Yemen catastrophe': Reports say Saudi-led airstrikes kill dozens in Yemen

(* A K P)

US ‘bears full responsibility’ for deadly airstrikes in Hodeida, Yemen Health Ministry says

The United States should be held accountable for Saudi-led airstrikes that hit a hospital and fish market, killing at least two dozen civilians in the Yemeni port, Health Ministry said as thousands protested the attack.

A spokesman for the Houthi-affiliated health ministry said on Friday that “the United States bears full responsibility” for the deadly attack, adding that “the United Nations, its organizations and the international community have remained silent in the face of the aggression” from the US-backed, Saudi-led coalition that invaded Yemen in 2015

(* A K P)

Yemeni Government Officially Accuses Al-Houthi Militia of Bombing Civilians in Al-Hudaydah

The Yemeni government has officially accused the Iranian-backed Al-Houthi militia of shelling the fishing port and Al-Thawrah hospital in the city of Al-Hudaydah, killing 14 people and wounding more than 30, mostly civilians.
"This heinous crime constitutes a serious and blatant violation of international humanitarian law, Geneva Conventions' Four Treaties and their Additional Protocols and is considered as a war crime against humanity," the Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights said in a statement quoted and broadcasted by the Official Yemeni News Agency.

My comment: It is ridiculous: The puppets follow Saudi denial propaganda.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B H K P)

Vortrag, Film: Stop the WAR in Yemen zu Gast bei Pax Terra Musica - Friedensfestival 2018

(* B H K)

Krieg im Jemen: Die Welt schaut weg

Der Bürgerkrieg im Jemen hat die größte Versorgungskrise der Welt geschaffen und zu einem dramatischen Ausbruch der Cholera geführt. Ein Überblick in Grafiken.

Mein Kommentar: Zu denen, die wegschauen, gehört auch die Süddeutsche Zeitung.

(B K)

As many as 21,000 people have sustained varied injuries in the province of #Taiz due to the ongoing violent clashes and confrontations in the province, according to official government sources.

(A H K)

The internationally recognized government warned fishermen from crossing territorial waters, and urged them to avoid sailing near Arab Coalition ships, according to official statements.

My comment: Fishermen are pummeled in many ways by the Saudi coalition.

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(A K P)

Iran Judiciary Chief Raps West’s Double Standards on Human Rights

Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani deplored the double-standard policies of some Western countries, the US in particular, on human rights and said they voice support for “rioters” in Iran while keeping silent on the Saudi-led coalition’s war crimes in Yemen.

(B K P)

Film by Nasser Arrabyee: The Saudi game of ‘kill and deny’ continues in Yemen

And the western media continue to believe the killers and disbelieve the victims

And if the crime is big, like the massacre of this week,with a lot of people killed,

The Saudi denial comes big, with a lot of lies and deceit,

And it’s like ‘this is the truth

The Saudis refused UN investigations 3 times now

On big massacres like this one.

And when the pressure heats up on Saudis,

They cool it down by investigating into their own crimes!

Ending up with vindication of themselves!

And the bad media celebrate
And blame the victims for killing themselves!

(* A B K P)

Saudi Coalition Renews Attack On North Yemen's Lifeline

The war on Yemen, which has been ongoing for three years, gets way too little mention in "western" media:

The war is also complicate and difficult to explain. The alliances are opaque and make little sense. Individual events conceal the big picture.

The Saudis started the war after a Zaidi Shia movement from Yemen's northern highlands, the Houthi, pushed the Saudi proxy-government under the former president Hadi out of the capital Sanaa. The exiled Hadi government is still internationally recognized but under complete Saudi control.

The Saudis want to control all of Yemen. While Yemen is geographically smaller and dirt poor it has an equal number of citizens and some valuable resources. The Saudis have for decades financed Wahhabi preachers to proselyte in Yemen. But Yemen has its own milder style of Islam and the Wahhabis were generally not welcome. There are also plans for a Saudi pipeline to Yemeni ports which would allow Saudi exports to bypass the Strait of Hormuz. For their war on Yemen the Saudis allied with the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE have their own plans for Yemen. They wants to control south Yemen and the port of Aden as a gemstone in their expansionary Dubai Port World conglomerate.

Both have hired Yemeni tribal proxies and foreign mercenaries to help in their campaigns. The Saudis have allied with the Yemeni Islah party which is part of the international Muslim Brotherhood. The UAE allied with some southern Yemeni tribes who strive for independence from the north.

The U.S. supports its Gulf "allies" and sells them lots of weapon. It is also interested in keeping al-Qaeda in Yemen down.

All these aims are conflicting with each other.

Ahmed Muthana, a former Yemeni diplomat based in Washington DC, explains why, for example, al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP) can not be eliminated from Yemen:

The reason why it’s impossible to defeat al-Qaeda in Yemen today is the deep coordination on the ground between AQAP and Al-Islah, the

The targeting of civilian installations is not a mistake, but the Saudi coalition tactic to put pressure on Yemen's population.

(* B H K P)

The scale of the Yemen crisis is unimaginable

Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with 75 percent of its population requiring humanitarian assistance and eight million Yemenis facing starvation. Families who try to escape the ravages of this war must steal away at night, navigating across roads and fields laden with landmines, evading airstrikes and mortar rounds. Frail bodies lug what few things they can carry — including sick and starving children.

“The scale of this crisis is unimaginable,” says Dr. Nevio Sagaria, WHO’s representative in Yemen. “Almost three years of conflict have led to the world’s largest food crisis, the world’s worst cholera epidemic and the near collapse of the nation’s health and social systems. The humanitarian situation is catastrophic and continues to deteriorate.”

Because tracking cases is so difficult, it is impossible to get a count of the number of children who have died here from extreme hunger and disease. Based on knowledge that 30 percent of children with severe/acute malnutrition who are not able to get treatment die, Save the Children estimates that 50,000 children may have died in just 2017.

Can conditions get any worse? Observers have been asking this question since the early years of this protracted war. There’s always this to consider: One of the many horrors of food crises is that they tend to grow terrorists. Yemen has been a staging ground for ISIS and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is one of al Qaeda’s most dangerous affiliates.

Our officials must listen to the concerns about the dangerous role the U.S. is playing in escalating this crisis.

(* B K P)

Die Ausweitung der Schweigezone

Dass ihr Schicksal auch hätte anders ausgehen können, beweist der Fall von Anwar al Rokn. Der jemenitische Journalist ließ sich von der Bedrohung durch die Kriegsparteien nicht einschüchtern und berichtete weiter aus den Regionen des Landes. 2017 wurde er auf dem Gebiet der Houthi-Rebellen entführt. Nach einjähriger Gefangenschaft ließ man ihn frei. Wenige Stunden später starb al Rokn. Unterernährt und übersät mit Wunden, wurde sein lebloser Körper in den Gassen der einst so prächtigen Hauptstadt Sanaa gefunden.

Radhya Almutawakel weiß, wie die vielen Anführer in ihrem Land junge Leute im Namen der Religion für den Kampf anwerben. Das Rezept gilt nicht nur im Jemen: Die Kämpfer glauben, in göttlichem Auftrag unterwegs zu sein, den Warlords indes geht es um Macht. Sie alle seien Verlierer, sagt Radhya Almutawakel: „Sie wissen nicht, warum sie kämpfen. Sie haben weder einen Friedensplan noch einen Kriegsplan.“

Keine der Kriegsparteien sei stark genug, das ganze Land zu kontrollieren, geschweige denn, die Menschen vor Angriffen zu schützen. Möglich sei es schon, die einflussreicheren Führer an den Verhandlungstisch zu zwingen, sagt Radhya Almutawakel. Dass dies nicht geschehe, sei ein Versagen der internationalen Gemeinschaft: „Es fehlt einfach das Interesse. Frankreich, Großbritannien und die Vereinigten Staaten sind ein Bündnis mit Saudi-Arabien eingegangen. Sie haben Partei ergriffen in einem Krieg, der auf beiden Seiten auf religiösem Hass beruht.“

Dass Saudi-Arabien eigene Interessen im Jemen habe, sei kein Geheimnis. Doch dass die von Saudi-Arabien unterstützten Gruppierungen, genauso wie die Houthi-Rebellen, Terror ausüben und Kritiker zum Schweigen bringen, kehre man vor der Weltöffentlichkeit unter den Tisch. So wurden in Aden, Sitz der Exilregierung, schon des Öfteren kritische Medienredaktionen geschlossen und Journalisten festgenommen und gefoltert. Einige wurden sogar hingerichtet; verurteilt von einem offiziellen Gericht -von Tobias Müller

(* A B K P)

Film: The Saudi-US Agenda Behind Destroying Yemen (Pt 1/2)

Professor Isa Blumi of Stockholm University and author of “Destroying Yemen,” discusses the motives and impact of the unrelenting US-backed assault

(* A B K P)

Audio: 8/01/18 Nasser Arrabyee on Yemeni War

Nasser Arrabyee, reporter from Sana’a, Yemen, is interviewed on the status of the current battle of Al Hudaydah on the Red Sea. The Saudi war in Yemen is also discussed, as is the US’s support for the Saudis and regional tensions with Iran and the Saudi coalition.

(* B K P)

Zeitung: Saudi-Arabien gibt Milliarden Dollar für Jemen-Krieg aus

Laut der israelischen Zeitung Haaretz gibt Saudi-Arabien monatlich fünf Milliarden Dollar für die Rekrutierung von Söldnern aus Süd-Amerika und Afrika im Krieg gegen den Jemen aus. Saudi-Arabien setzt moderne Waffen, die es in den USA gekauft hat, ein. Washington stellte Riad auch wertvolle Informationen für den Jemenkrieg zur Verfügung.

Haaretz verwies in ihrem Bericht zudem auf die Schwierigkeiten der saudisch-geführten Kriegsallianz im Jemen und bemerkte, der geflohene ehemalige jemenitische Präsident sei weiter auf der Flucht. Ferner hätte die Allianz entgegen ihren eigenen Angaben keine Angriffe auf die Stellungen der Terrorgruppe Al-Qaida geführt.

Laut jemenitischen Angaben, benutzen Saudi-Arabien und VAE die Al-Qaida-Milizen, um in Jemen weitere Unruhen zu schüren.ür_jemen_krieg_aus

(* B K P)

Backed by Iran, Yemen’s Houthi Fighters Flout Saudi Arabia's Might

However, there are virtually no Saudi attacks on Al-Qaida bases in southern Yemen. Indeed, according to reports from Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are actually using Al-Qaida personnel to beef up tribal gangs fighting the Houthis with Saudi funding.

Yet looking beyond this American shrug and the disappointing military capabilities evinced by Saudi Arabia and the UAE despite their investment of tens of billions of dollars in military equipment, Yemen challenges the conventional wisdom that the war there is one against Iranian expansion. Shi’ites constitute about 35 percent of Yemen’s population, and the Houthis are the biggest and most important Zaidi group. But even the Zaidi minority isn’t all cut from the same cloth.

One example is the bitter rivalry between two tribal confederations, the Hashid and the Bakil. Both claim descent from the same patriarch and both adopted the Zaidi faith, but they went in different political directions. While the Hashid – one of whose members is Ali Abdullah Saleh, the former Yemeni president ousted in the Arab Spring revolution and killed by the Houthis last December – supported the government, the Bakil joined the Houthis in fighting against the government.

Thus the view that the Houthi-Iranian connection rests on Shi’ite solidarity cannot explain the rivalry between these Zaidi tribes, which are fighting on opposite sides of Yemen’s civil war.

Moreover, the Houthis themselves, despite the aid they get from Iran, have no desire to create an Iranian-style republic in Yemen

But the Yemeni theater has long since turned into a war of prestige, in which the two regional powers, Saudi Arabia and Iran, are trying to reap a political victory for themselves at the Yemenis’ expense. Efforts to solve the crisis by the United Nations, European Union and certain Arab states, including Kuwait and Oman, have repeatedly failed, crashing on the shoals of the conditions set by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. They have adopted the Hadi government even though neither he nor his government is actually functioning. The very phrase “the recognized government” is meaningless, and the Arab coalition’s partial victories haven’t produced any major change in the balance of power.

The U.S. administration could play a decisive role in ending the war if it pressured Saudi Arabia and the UAE into serious negotiations with the Houthis. But when Washington is weighing the chance of distancing Iran from the Red Sea against the continued slaughter without victory, and pressure on an ally against the fear of being viewed as lending support to Iranian loyalists, it seems unlikely that it will lift a finger – by Zvi Bar‘el

My comment: From Israel. An interesting article, even if the well-known Iran propaganda story is included to it.

(* B K)

Counting the Dead in Yemen

Kareem Fahim investigates the war on Yemen’s weirdly static official death toll of 10,000 casualties and finds that it is certainly much higher.

The figure of 50,000 does not account for the early months of the war, and so the overall death toll from fighting is certain to be higher than that.

There has already been enormous loss of life in Yemen that the official figures have obscured for years. If the current Hodeidah offensive continues, the loss of life will be much greater. What sets Yemen apart from other places around the world is the sheer scale and severity of the humanitarian crisis created by the Saudi coalition war. A war that has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives could soon cause the deaths of millions if conditions are allowed to remain as they are.

(* B K)

HK: See, the danger is that in a war situation that has spiraled out of all reasonable limits, a VLCC sailing with its AIS off just looks like a military vessel trying to skunk around anonymously in order to to attack #Yemen. Missile bait. 7 of them.

SW: I agree. There is no evidence that the oil tankers were targeted at all, or AIS was used. Military ships transit in the area with AIS off, requiring the use of "spotters" to target them. Highly likely the missiles' active radar didn't acquire the right ships in the terminal phase

(* A KP)

Saudische Öltanker nehmen wieder Route durch das Rote Meer auf

Saudi-Arabien lässt seine Öltanker nach einem Zwischenfall vor der Küste des Jemens wieder über eine der wichtigsten Handelsrouten durch das Rote Meer fahren. Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition habe notwendige Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ergriffen, um die Schiffe in Zukunft zu schützen, sagte Saudi-Arabiens Energieminister Chalid al-Falih der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur SPA am Samstag.

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia to resume oil exports through Red Sea lane

Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia said on Saturday it would resume all oil shipments through the strategic Red Sea shipping lane of Bab al-Mandeb, the state news agency SPA reported.

Saudi Arabia halted temporarily oil shipments through the lane on July 26 after attacks on two big oil tankers by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement.

SPA quoted Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih as saying: “The decision to resume shipping of oil through Bab al-Mandeb comes after all necessary procedures were taken by the coalition leadership to protect ships of the coalition countries.”

My comment: The main or even the only reason for this temporary halt was the assumed propaganda effect: Blming the Houthis and demonstarting how dangerous they would be.

(B K)

Seven Saudi tankers go dark off Yemen after Houthi attack

Seven Saudi tankers appear to have shut off their transponders that make their position visible to the world after last week's Houthi attack on two VLCCs in the Red Sea, according to S&P Global Platts trade flow software cFlow.

(* B K P)

Jemen: Huthi-Rebellen drohen Saudi-Arabien mit neuen Angriffen

Offenbar unbeeindruckt von der von den angeführten Koalition, intensivieren die vom Iran unterstützten Houthi-Rebellen ihre Drohungen gegen Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Der Krieg im Jemen ist zunehmend mit dem Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran verflochten, was für die Jemeniten nichts Gutes verheißt. Die Houthi erklärten, Abu Dhabi, Dubai und Riad sollten sofort evakuiert werden, da sie weitere Raketen und Drohnen gegen diese Städte einsetzen würden. In den iranischen Medien wurden die harschen Drohungen genüsslich auf den ersten Seiten widergegeben.

Die Houthi rechtfertigen ihr Verhalten als angemessene Reaktion auf die seit vier Jahren anhaltenden Luftschläge der von den Saudis angeführten Koalition auf jemenitische Städte und die Blockade, die zu weit verbreiteter Unterernährung geführt hat. Allerdings weisen die Beharrlichkeit der Houthi und ihre sich im Laufe dieses Monats intensivierenden Drohungen eindeutig darauf hin, dass die Koalition sie noch immer nicht eingeschüchtert hat. Mit den Raketenangriffen ist zwangsläufig das Risiko eines katastrophalen Erfolgs verbunden. Sollte eine Rakete ein wichtiges ziviles Ziel in Riad oder Abu Dhabi treffen und Dutzende Zivilisten töten, stünden die Führungen Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate unter enormem Druck, nicht nur gegen Sanaa, sondern auch gegen Teheran Vergeltung zu üben – von Bruce Riedel

and original English version:

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Film: In #Yemen, the owner of a #Syrian restaurant offers free falafels to hungry people.

(* B H)

Film: The world's worst humanitarian crisis is in Yemen and it affects over 11 million children.

(* B H)

Film: Among those most affected by hostilities are fishermen (whose livelihoods had taken a hit even before the latest escalation).. entire fishing communities have been displaced.. we shed light on one story from Qataba village in #Hodeidah

(B H)

Left: #Yemen billionaire's son's lavish wedding in Saudi Arabia. Right: Desperate Yemeni mother offers to sell her kidney just to buy food for her starving children. Photos)

(A H)

Sanaa: A neonatal-premature care unit has been set up in the Republican hospital with funding for #UNHCR in #Yemen and the implementation of the family welfare association, in coordination with the ministry of public health and population.

Is it too much to ask not to drop bombs close by?

(* B H K)

World Food Programme: Food Security Technical Secretariat - Snapshot, Issue NO: 8, Creation date: 28 July 2018

The humanitarian implications of an Al Hudaydah City conflict, inhabited by an estimated (600,000) people, would be enormous. In this case , UNICEF nutrition program are serving 23 priority districts in Al Hudaydah including 12 districts within the conflict lines, benefitting more than (50,000) children with Severe Acute Malnutrition.

33,000 cartons of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) are available in the UNICEF warehouse in Al Hudaydah.

730 MT super cereal is being prepositioned and will to be added to the first food basket as a preventive measure for acute malnutrition in children and pregnant and lactating women for up to (73,000) IDPs

(B H)

Yemen Conflict - ETC Situation Report #25 (Reporting Period: 01/07/18 to 01/08/18)

(B H)

Yemen Nutrition Cluster Accountability to Affected Population operational guidance

This Accountability to Affected Population (AAP) operational guidance was developed for the Yemen Nutrition Cluster partners by the Nutrition Cluster AAP Task Force, chaired by the Save the Children International, with members being Abs Development Organisation, International Medical Corps, SOUL for development, UNICEF and WFP under the overall guidance and leadership of the Nutrition Cluster Coordinator. The AAP taskforce would like to acknowledge contribution of the Community Engagement & Accountability unit of UNICEF EMOPS, who reviewed the guidance and provided tools 2, 3, 9 and10 for the toolkit.

(B H)

Operational Guidance on Yemen Integrated Famine Risk Reduction Programming, Final guidance for pilot July 2018

The Nutrition, FSAC, Health and WASH clusters have agreed to support Integrated Programming for Famine Risk Reduction (IFRR) in Yemen. 107 priority districts were identified as those most in need of IFRR in 2018. This is based on the IPC Guidelines on key parameters for IPC famine classification (IPC, 2016), according to which famine is declared based on the three following indicators: As there is no recent mortality data in Yemen, only two indicators (district level estimated GAM rate levels of 15% above and percentage of severely food insecure population of 20% and above) based on the conducted surveys were used for the prioritisation of districts in need of IFRR2 . Furthermore, 30 pilot districts have been selected out of the 107 priority districts for IFRR (districts at risk of famine) where the four clusters will monitor and evaluate the pilot in 2018.

However, the partners are encouraged to follow this operational guidance in all 107 priority IFRR districts in 2018 and beyond.

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Nutrition and retrospective mortality survey highlands and lowlands livelihood zones of Hajjah Governorate, Final SMART survey report, Yemen, March 2018

In March 2018, Action Contre la Faim (ACF), in collaboration with Ministry of Public Health and Population (MPHP) represented by Hajjah Governmental Health Office (GHO), conducted two nutrition assessments in Lowlands and Highlands’s ecological zone in 28 districts, out of 31, in the governorate. This was in response to the need to determine the malnutrition levels and trends for the different ecological zones and to inform on the intervention response for the governorate.
The main objective was to assess the current nutrition situation in Highlands and Lowlands of Hajjah governorate together with key determinants of Nutrition, Health and Food Security situation and provide key recommendations.

The survey results indicated an high Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate of 14.9 % (11.8 - 18.8 95% C.I.) classified as serious and 8.9% (6.5– 12.1 95% CI) classified as poor in the Lowlands and Highlands livelihood zones respectively. The results also indicated a very high rates of chronic malnutrition of 53.3% (47.9 – 58.7 95% CI) and 55.2 % (50.2 - 60.1 95% C.I.) in Lowlands and Highlands livelihood zones respectively.
The Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) results showed a low exclusive breastfeeding rates of 17.6% (8.4 -30.9 95% CI) and 30.3% (21.0 – 41 95% CI) and low minimum acceptable diet: 7.1% (3.6 -13.2 95% CI) and 4.0 % (1.8 -8.1 95% CI) for Lowlands and Highlands livelihood.
The survey results on food security indicated a household’s dietary diversity of 6.7 and 7.4 for Lowlands and Highlands zones respectively. The food consumption score noted that 52.0 and 53.0 percent of households consume food from poor and borderline food consumption group in lowland and highland zones respectively.
The survey results for other key indicators are in table 1 below, the summary of recommendations generated from the findings are presented in table 2.

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, Nutrition Cluster: Yemen | Nutrition Cluster Dashboard (January to June 2018)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(A H)

Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) 132 Ethiopian migrants safely departed YESTERDAY from the port city of #Hudaydah. #IOM Djibouti will receive the returning #migrants and facilitate their return to Ethiopia. Total number of migrants assisted this year is 615 Ethiopians (photo)

(B H)

Somalia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers Statistical Report with UNHCR (31 July 2018)

From Yemen: 11,604 refugees

(* B H P)

Südkorea wehrt sich gegen die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen

Die südkoreanische Insel Jeju war bis vor Kurzem ohne Visum zu erreichen. Seit über Malaysia ein paar hundert jemenitische Flüchtlinge gekommen sind, gibt es Proteste nationalistischer Aktivisten, die die Asylbewerber als faul und gefährlich verunglimpfen. Jetzt nimmt Jeju keine Jemeniten mehr auf. Bis vor Kurzem war die Insel, etwa so groß wie Rügen und ebenso beliebt als Ferienort, für eine Vielzahl von Ausländern ohne Visum zu erreichen. Südkorea versprach sich davon einen Touristenboom. Dass auch andere die Lücke entdecken würden, hatte man übersehen. Nur: Woher kommt die Angst vor den Fremden? Kan Yok Shin ist Sprecher eines Netzwerks, das den Flüchtlingen helfen will:

"Wir Insulaner haben überhaupt keine Erfahrung mit Asylbewerbern. Als im Mai plötzlich mehr als 500 Jemeniten vor der Tür standen, waren wir erst mal überrumpelt. Dazu kommt, dass es alles Muslime sind. Die meisten hier verbinden den Islam mit Terror, Krieg und Flüchtlingsströmen. Außerdem gibt es jede Menge "fake news" über diese Leute, also Falschmeldungen im Internet."

Allmählich wird klar: Die meisten jemenitische Flüchtlinge sind über Malaysia gekommen, sprechen sehr gutes Englisch, sind Ingenieure, Anwälte, Journalisten. Und haben Angst, für den Bürgerkrieg in ihrer Heimat rekrutiert zu werden, von dem die Vereinten Nationen sagen, dieses sei die schlimmste humanitäre Krise unserer Zeit. "Frauen und Kinder sind Opfer dieses Gemetzels, aber junge Männer werden zu Tätern. Sie werden einfach eingezogen, egal zu welcher Miliz. Deswegen wollen sie nicht zurück. Sie wollen sich dem Krieg entziehen. Einige sind im Jemen bereits gefoltert worden."

Die eifernde Nationalistin Lee Hyung weiß das. Aber sie verhöhnt das Argument. Im Gegensetz zu den angeblich tapferen Koreanern, die ihr Land bis aufs Messer verteidigten, seien Araber Feiglinge und Drückeberger. Was sie sagt, ist klassische Demagogie. Eine Mischung aus Halbwahrheiten und populären Lügen. Aber im Internet muss nichts bewiesen werden. Es reicht die Behauptung

(* B H P)

Arrival of Yemeni refugees on holiday isle has revived South Korea’s ‘pure blood’ prejudices

Between January and May of this year, approximately 550 Yemeni citizens made their way to Jeju Island via Malaysia. Entering Jeju on a visa-waiver, the Yemenis motivation for travel was not for a luxurious spa escape, but rather an escape from the severe human rights abuses and persecution in their home country. Following the arrival of the 550 refugees between January and May this year, South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s office received a petition with more than 640,000 signatures calling upon the government to stop accepting refugees. In addition to this, there has also been a sharp increase in online anti-refugee propaganda, as well as several anti-refugee rallies across the country.

The rapid deterioration in public sentiment towards refugees is multifaceted and complex, but it can be significantly attributed to the overwhelming public belief that the recent arrivals are “fake refugees.”

For many, the mere fact that the refugees have access to a cellphone and “nice clothes” means that they simply cannot be refugees. Such simplistic arguments are clear evidence that the majority of South Korean society have very little understanding of “who is a refugee.”

However, it also clearly indicates that there are a multitude of other factors influencing public opinion that need to be addressed.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* A P)

A child killed and others wounded in Houthi attack on clinic in Damat

Local sources in Damt district in the province of Dhale'a said that armed groups subordinate to Houthi leader Sheikh Hussein Al-Mudhaji (self-proclaimed by the militia as a deputy governor of Dhale'a) stormed al-Amal clinic in Damt on Sunday and shot fire that led to the killing of a boy and injury of two others including a child seriously.

According to the sources, that after firing a barrage of bullets on the clinic, the gunmen raided it after and shot fire randonly killing "Wadah al-Shami" a girl below 13 and injured Ali Mohammed al-Jabali a young man and Shafiq al-Qahshari a 9 year old child seriously.

(A P)

Prisoner Abdo Mohammed al-Amari, a citizen from Ibb province, was killed in one of the #Houthi militi's prisons due to severe torture and electrical shocks by the militia, according to local sources.

(A K P)

Tens thousands of Yemenis in Sanaa at protest rally after Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodeidah

Tens thousands of people in the capital Sanaa city took to the streets in a protest rally on Friday, a day after the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on Hodeidah province.
Thursday’s air strikes, which hit a fish popular market and a gate of al-Thawrah hospital in the province that killed 55 civilians and wounded over 130 others.
The rally took place in Bab al-Yemen district in the center of the capital, attended by the head of the Supreme revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi.

(A K P)

Film: Yemen: Thousands hold massive protest against Saudi-led coalition in Sanaa

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Residents in Aden are protesting to demand Hadi government lower fuel prices and provide service and they're threatening an uprising if the government doesn't comply. (photo)

(A P)

The just graduated 23 yr old son of #Yemen ambassador in Bahrain is appointed as deputy military attaché in our embassy in Jordan. Dozens of children & wives of Yemen government officials have been appointed n senior govt positions since 2016.

My comment: This shows how corrupt the Hadi government really is.

(A T)

Victim List of Al-Mahfed terrorist Attack Increases to Four Including Commander of the Sector

According to local sources, armed terrorists of Al-Qaeda ambushed a military convoy of the Security Belt Troops in Al-Mahfed, east of Abian. Sources indicated that four soldiers of the convoy martyred while others were injured an one terrorist was killed.

(* B )

To the Arab Coalition: No Excuses for Derecognition

As most southern territories are liberated during the last war launched by the north against the south, southern voices started demanding the Arab Coalition to fully recognize southern rights in restoring their state. some were overconfident to demand the Arab Coalition to separate the south from the north.
At that time, the excuse of southern voices advocating the Arab Coalition was that the Coalition was formed to restore legitimacy and return Hady to Sanaa. After that the southern cause can be discussed. Now, by the end of the fourth year of war, the following facts became clear:
The legitimacy and Yemeni parties don’t have the will to liberate Sanaa
Yemeni Armed Forces loyal to the legitimacy don’t desire to fight their northern brothers even if they are Houthis, pagans or Muslims.
The legitimacy and Yemeni parties forgot all about Sanaa and headed to Aden to overturn it and the whole south.
For these facts and trends of the international society represented in UN Security Council, the last of which was preventing the Arab Coalition and southern troops from breaking in and liberating Al-Hodeida. Now, there is no excuse for Saudi Arabia and UAE not to recognize the right of the southern people in restoring their homeland and identity, unless they don’t want the southern people to restore their state.

My comment: Southern separatists pressing for getting more. Also the following article:

(* B P)

Al-Gaadi: The Southern Cause is the Key to Solving All Issues in Yemen and the Region. We Are not Worried About Griffith or any One Else

Deputy Secretary General and member of presidency of the southern transitional council, Fadl Al-Gaadi, indicated that UN envoy to Yemen, Mr. Martin Griffith, is mere facilitator to approach points of view among parties of Yemeni war.
In a special release to SMA News, Al-Gaadi indicated that Mr. Griffith and all other UN envoys to any country of the world work as facilitators to approach points of views of conflicting parties. He added that statements of Mr. Griffith, either the last one or any other, don’t concern the southern people as the southern cause is the key to solutions of all issues in Yemen and the region.
Al-Gaadi indicated that Mr. Griffith will do the same mistakes of his predecessors if his reading of the situation is not based on the fact that the southern cause is the key to solutions of all issues and the recognition of the southern people’s right in self-determination.
Fadl Al-Gaadi asserted the right of southern people in self-determination, calling Mr. Martin Griffith and all parties to realize that peoples have wills and these wills can never be defeated. This is what we have as southern people.

(A P)

Southern Transitional Council of Lahj Decorates Al-Houta Facilities and Buildings with Southern Flags

(* B P)

While #Yemen is starving, unemployment is rampant and the public sector has not received the monthly due in over two years, Hadi’s ‘Legitimate Government’ enjoys:

- salary of a minister in the government of Hadi and Ben Dagher: 8000 USD, equivalent to 4 million Yemeni riyals
- salary of the Deputy Minister $ 6,000, with various deputies for each ministry
- agents and advisers to the Minister: 5.000 USD x person (ten agents/advisers x Ministry, usually)
- the so-called Assistant Undersecretary or Chancellor of the same degree receives $ 4,500 USD
- the Director General receives $ 3,000 USD
- Ben Dagher receives a salary of $ 12,000, equivalent to 6 million Yemeni riyals. Bin Dagher has more than 35 advisers and all of them have enjoyed a salary adjustment while 90% of them do not perform any duty
- Those in exile in Cairo and Riyadh enjoy the same range of salary.

The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in the Government of Aden requested the World Bank to grant a loan of $ 3 billion to be able - according to the memorandum of request - to pay salaries of state employees in all regions of Yemen Without exception.
The same request was made by the government of Hadi at the end of 2016 for the United Nations and Russia in order to allow the printing of the Yemeni currency. This government made a commitment and an official commitment to pay salaries to all employees in all governorates. However, none of this happened.

(A T)

Suspected al-Qaida gunmen attack UAE-backed Yemeni military base

Gunmen suspected of belonging to the Yemen-based al-Qaida branch attacked a military base of newly-recruited Yemeni troops in the southern port city of Abyan on Friday, a security official told Xinhua.

The security source, who pleaded to be anonymous, said that a group of gunmen, carrying sophisticated weapons, tried to storm a Yemeni military base backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Mahfad area of Abyan province.


An armoured vehicle of UAE-backed Abu Al-Abbas jihadi militia ran over two children in Yemen's Taiz city.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Women for Life propose to UN peace mediator a breakthrough in Taiz siege

A group of women leaders from Taiz, a central Yemen city under Houthi siege for three years, have submitted to the UN peace mediator Martin Griffiths an initiative for opening humanitarian access breakthroughs in the tight blockade.

My comment: A tots ceasefire including a stop of all air raids, shelling, and blockades including thr blockades of Hodeidah, Taiz and the saudi coalition blockade of Northern Yemen would bei it.

(A P)

Government Declares Hodeidah Proposal Dead, Says Houthis Actions Speak Louder than Words

Yemen's permanent representative to the UN Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak, said Houthis’ pirate-like actions confirm speculations over their ill intentions. He took example in Houthis’ recent announcement of a ‘unilateral truce.’ In a phone interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Mubarak declared the Hodeidah proposition for settlement is virtually dead due to Houthi’s constant violations and transgressions.
UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths has spent relentless efforts in trying to prevent a Hodeidah clash, but received no efficient responsiveness from Iran-backed coupists. Houthis did not make any concessions in Hodeidah, said Mubarak.
Externally, Houthis promoted their position as supportive of Griffiths’ proposal, but proceeded to act in a counterproductive manner.

My comment: This is propaganda and just a pretense to continue the assault against Hodeidah. Which special Houthi „transgressions“ does he really mean? There are lots of transgressions of all kids by all sides – and those by the Saudi coalition are quite more and quite more heavy.

(* A P)

Yemen rebels say willing to attend UN talks

A member of the political wing of Yemen's Huthi rebels said Saturday the insurgents were willing to attend UN-brokered talks, although they had low expectations of a positive outcome.

Salim Meghles said the Ansarullah (Supporters of God) political wing is "not opposed to such consultations" which are aimed at "reaching a general framework for negotiations".

"We are not opposed to travelling to any neutral country to take part in such consultations," he told AFP.

The UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, on Thursday told the Security Council that the United Nations will invite Yemen's warring sides for talks in Geneva on September 6 to discuss a framework for peace negotiations.

Meghles cast doubt over the expected meeting saying he did not sense "any serious or real stance by the aggressors towards reaching a political solution".

(A B P)

The UN peace envoy just flew into #Yemen capital Sanaa again this morning, I think. Once again, he will demand the Houthis choose between 2 impossible choice: Surrender Hodeidah, or else. War envoy, not peace.

(B P)

If UN isserious about peace in #Yemen, it should talk tough to White House & Downing Street. What? Saudis & UAE can't do anything in the region without support from the US & the UK. The world should take 2 things into account: Yemen is starving to death & Hadi's Govt is a puppet.

(A P)

UN special envoy discusses Yemen consultations with Arab Coalition ambassadors

The UN special envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, recently met the UN ambassadors of the Arab coalition countries, including the UAE.

During his meeting with Saudi Ambassador to the UN Abdallah Al-Mouallimi and the UAE’s Ambassador to the UN Lana Nusseibeh, Griffiths discussed his recent consultations on the political process in Yemen.

“The UAE continues to fully support Griffiths in his efforts to advance a settlement and enforce Security Council Resolution 2216,” the UAE mission to the UN tweeted.

My comment: By their statement, the Emirates want to fix the whole negotiations to their goal: UN resolution 2216 from 2015 had been drafted by the Saudis and is fully biased in favor of the Saudi coalition and its “legitimate” government. Saudi Arabia wrote resolution 2216 in the first place that gave them the thumbs up to destroy Yemen.

(A P)

Yemen Urges UNSC to Take Firm Stand, in Hodeida, against Iran-backed Terrorist Houthi Outfits

Yemeni government called on the UN Security Council (UNSC) here today, to exert more political pressure on the Iran-backed Houthi militias, the Emirates' official news agency WAM reported.
Peace will not be achieved only by expressing support for the efforts of the UN envoy to start the national dialogue, but also with more political pressure on the Houthi militias, Ahmed Awadh bin Mubarak, Yemen's permanent representative to the UN said, as he was addressing the council, at an open meeting held on Yemen.

My comment: As the Hodeidah air raid shows even more, the main emphasize should be put on pressure on the Saudi coalition.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Saudis stellen iranischem Diplomaten Visum aus

Saudi-Arabien hat nach Angaben der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur IRNA einem iranischen Diplomaten ein Einreisevisum ausgestellt. Mohamed Alibak, der im Außenministerium die Abteilung für Oman und Jemen leitet, solle die Interessen des Irans in Dschidda vertreten, zitierte IRNA eine informierte diplomatische Quelle. Dies werde als erster Schritt zur Verbesserung der bilateralen Beziehungen gewertet.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia to admit Iranian diplomat: IRNA

Saudi Arabia has agreed to admit an Iranian diplomat to head an office representing Iranian interests in the kingdom, the official Iranian news agency IRNA reported on Sunday, in a rare move after the rivals broke off relations in 2016.

“An informed diplomatic source said Sunday that Saudi Arabia had agreed to grant a visa to the head ... of Iran’s interests section,” IRNA reported. “Observers saw this ... as a positive diplomatic step in Tehran-Riyadh relations.”

The office is expected to be set up within the Swiss diplomatic mission in Saudi Arabia, based on an agreement signed in 2017.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

Saudi-Arabien weist Kanadas Botschafter aus - Streit um Menschenrechte

Saudi-Arabien hat den kanadischen Botschafter nach Kritik an der Menschenrechtslage in dem Land ausgewiesen. Gleichzeitig rief die saudische Führung ihren Botschafter in Kanada zu Konsultationen nach Riad zurück, berichtete die saudische Agentur SPA. Zudem fror Saudi-Arabien ein erst vor kurzem geschlossenes Handelsabkommen mit Kanada ein.

Anlass war ein Twitter der kanadischen Außenministerin Chrystia Freeland zum Schicksal der Aktivistin Samar Badawi und deren Forderung nach Freilassung der Aktivistin. Sie war nach Angaben der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch vor kurzem mit einer Mitstreiterin festgenommen worden.

(A P)

Canada is gravely concerned about additional arrests of civil society and women’s rights activists in #SaudiArabia, including Samar Badawi. We urge the Saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peaceful #humanrights activists.

and this is the Saudi reaction:

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia freezes new trade with Canada for urging activists' release

Saudi Arabia will suspend new trade and investment with Canada after that country’s foreign ministry urged Riyadh to release arrested civil rights activists, it said in a statement released to the official Saudi Press Agency on Sunday.

It also gave the Canadian ambassador 24 hours to leave the country and recalled its own ambassador to Canada, the statement by the Saudi foreign ministry said, adding it retained “its rights to take further action.”

The Saudi ministry had been briefed that the Canadian foreign ministry and the Canadian embassy urged the Saudi authorities to “immediately release” civil rights activists, the statement said.

My comment: This is how Saudi foreign policy works. And in many cases, they are successful this way. Just have a look at the UN.

Comment: Saudi Arabia says Canada's concern about arrests of women's & human rights activists was interference in its affairs. It has recalled envoy to Canada & expelled Canadian envoy. Saudi Arabia has been interfering in & destabilising regional countries "maybe others too" for decades!

Comment: The Saudi government’s attacks on Canada (and now the massing of Saudi trolls to talk about indigenous & Quebecois rights) are remarkable & bizarre. What’s especially striking is that the statement they say they’re upset about is honestly pretty standard.

(A P)

Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada: Very alarmed to learn that Samar Badawi, Raif Badawi’s sister, has been imprisoned in Saudi Arabia. Canada stands together with the Badawi family in this difficult time, and we continue to strongly call for the release of both Raif and Samar Badawi.

My comment: You are totally right… But I ask you how you could still look into the mirror when taking into account that it had been YOUR government who pushed Canadian arms sales to Saudi Arabia worth US$ 11.63 billion. This has been a direct support for the Saudi war in Yemen and the Saudi blockade which had destroyed half a country and had killed not less than 50.000 a year:

cp9 USA

(A K P)

HRH Ambassador Prince @Kbsalsaud toured @CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa, Florida, where he held a productive meeting with CENTCOM commander Gen. Joseph Votel. HRH also met with Saudi officers currently stationed at the facility, and underscored the strong KSA-USA defense ties.

Tweet übersetzen (photos)

My comment: A close alliance, and both are allies and warring parties in Yemen.

(A P)

Haley concerned Yemeni civilians 'starting' to be at risk after 3-year war leaves 8 million starving

Yemeni civilians are "starting" to be at risk after Saudi-led airstrikes hit a hospital, Nikki Haley said in puzzling statement about the US and UK-backed campaign that has lead to thousands dying from bombs and starvation. Speaking before the Security Council, the US envoy to the United Nations began her remarks by condemning the Houthi rebels – and Iran – before venturing into uncharted territory: tepid criticism of the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen. Haley expressed concern about reports that the Saudi-led coalition – backed by US weapons and logistical support – bombed a "fish market and a hospital" in Yemen's port city of Hodeida, and may have caused "dozens of casualties."

"If this is what's starting to happen, civilians are at risk, infrastructure is at risk, and we as the international community have to demand that the two parties come together and understand the seriousness of this."

(A P)

Trump hotel in New York got a huge revenue boost from Saudi crown prince's entourage, report says

President Donald Trump's hotel in New York City earlier this year reversed a two-year trend of declining rental revenue after members of the entourage of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman booked rooms there, The Washington Post reported.

The news came a week after a federal judge allowed to proceed a lawsuit against Trump that claims he is violating the Constitution's emoluments clause by accepting business payments from foreign governments.

(* B K P)

The U.S. “Yellow Light” in Yemen

The United States continues to tacitly support Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates’s military campaign in Yemen even as the country implodes, Iran’s influence grows and U.S. allies sink into the quagmire. The United States calculated that supporting its allies in favor of preventing Iranian encroachment offers more value than the fallout from the humanitarian crisis. Yet, the newest operation over the port of Hodeidah offers the United States an opportunity to push for peace negotiations.

Trump responded positively to Saudi and UAE efforts to court him and embraced their view of Yemen.

The Hodeidah operation will likely push Yemen’s humanitarian situation from nightmarish to something worse, both because of the fighting and the likely slow (or nonexistent) post-conflict reconstruction.

The United States should abandon the “yellow light” policy in Yemen in favor of a “red light” policy. The tally between costs and benefits of supporting the Saudi and Emirati intervention falls decidedly in the costs category.

The allies’ approach is self-defeating. Iran is stronger in Yemen than it was prior to the intervention in 2015.

The “yellow light” policy does not avoid U.S. complicity in the humanitarian disaster in Yemen.

Further, the “yellow light” policy—coupled with the Trump administration’s strong embrace—empowers Saudi Arabia and the UAE to take self-defeating steps.

Together, the Saudis and Emiratis perceive these gestures as indications that he does not care about Yemen and will follow their lead in the region.

Although the Trump administration will not likely seize it, the Hodeidah operation offers an opportunity to renew negotiations – by Daniel Byman =

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* A K P)

More than half British public want government to call for ceasefire in Yemen

A majority of the British public want their Government to call for a ceasefire in Yemen as a fresh wave of violence in the port city of Hodeidah has seen bombings escalate and deadly clashes erupt south of Hodeidah City, putting the lives of thousands of children in extreme danger, warns Save the Children.

A Save the Children/YouGov survey suggests that 51 per cent of the British public want their Government to call for a ceasefire in Yemen. Britain is a major arms exporter to the Saudi- and Emirati-led Coalition fighting in Yemen but 61 per cent of those surveyed either tend to oppose (27 per cent) or strongly oppose (34 per cent) the transfer of British-made weapons to Saudi Arabia and/or the United Arab Emirates. When asked whether Britain should continue to supply weapons to the Coalition more than half of respondents said they want the Government to either completely suspend (47 per cent) or reduce (nine per cent) arms sales to any party involved in the conflict in Yemen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(B H)

Lessons from a Yemeni immigrant in India

Tucked away in a bylane in Delhi's Hauz Rani lies a small Yemeni restaurant.

The restaurant is run by the refugee Yasir who has made India his home. He is married to a Manipuri but kept it hidden from the family he loves.

Yasir finds himself in India because of both desire and disruption. He had always wanted to come to India as a child today he cannot go back because of the war.

(A K P)

Joint statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Christos Stylianides on the airstrikes in Hodeidah

The consecutive airstrikes in the city of Hodeidah have once again claimed dozens of lives, with many people injured. This is a tragic reminder that in Yemen the international humanitarian law - in place to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure in times of war - continues to be broken on a daily basis.

While reiterating its strong condemnation of attacks against civilians, the European Union expects all parties to ensure the protection of the civilian population. Far too much suffering has been caused to the civilians: Bombing of densely populated areas, as well as attacks causing a destruction of schools, medical facilities, residential areas, markets, water systems, ports and airports.

More than three years into the conflict, Yemen is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world

My comment: The EU is hypocritical. Istead of issuing such statements, the EU finaly should stop their arms sales to the Saudi coalition and their biased political support for one side od this war.

(A K P)

Targeting Yemen civilians indicates Saudi failure, moral decay: Hezbullah

Hezbollah lashed out at the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen, as he denounced the massacre in Hudeidah, which killed and injured dozens of civilians the port city.
In a statement released by its Media Relations Office late Friday, Hezbollah stressed that targeting civilians shows the “Saudi-US aggression’s failure and the moral decay.”
“The Saudi-US alliance had committed a horrible massacre that targeted civilians and patients in Hudeidah’s hospital and market,” the statement said, stressing that the attack “is a crime in every sense of the word.”
“As we firmly denounce this disgraceful crime, we call on free states across the world, international organizations and human rights watchdogs to condemn it and to stand against its perpetrators in order to expose their aggression which has been for more than three years.”
“Targeting patients in a hospital indicates the Saudi-US aggression’s flagrant moral decay, as well as its failure in the battlefield in front of the courageous Yemeni resistance,” the statement stressed.

(A P)


Because of the on going war in Yemen, Yemeni citizens do not have the possibility to travel in a direct flight to Yemen. The only way is to travel to Amman, Jordan or to Cairo, Egypt with any airlines and from there take the Yemeni airlines to the south of Yemen.

I am Zakariya Nasr with my friend Haitham Shamlan who is supposed to get married in 10 days and my cousin Louay Al-Jamrah bought a flight ticket from Berlin, Germany to Amman, Jordan through Norwegian Airlines.

In order to be allowed to have a transit at the Jordanian Airport we need to have at least 6 months resident visa for Germany.

I have 18 months visa but the employees of Norwegian Airlines stopped us for over an hour to check on our status and eventually issued the boarding pass.

(A E)

Dubai Tourism Growth Looses Steam

The number of foreigners visiting Dubai, a Persian Gulf tourism hub, grew by 0.5% in the first half of 2018, a substantially slower rate than the 10.6% growth recorded a year earlier, official data showed on Wednesday.

Dubai, which has spent billions building attractions including the world's tallest tower, hosted 8.1 million international overnight tourists in the six months to June 30, the tourism department said without giving a comparative figure, Reuters reported.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A KP)

Etwas an der Realität vorbei

Nordkorea stellt sein Atomprogramm nicht ein, heißt es in einem UN-Bericht.

Denn es ist ja nicht nur so, dass Kim weiter Massenvernichtungswaffen bauen lässt, der neue UN-Bericht enthält noch weitere Unappetitlichkeiten. Danach kooperiert Nordkorea militärisch mit Syrien und hat versucht, Waffen nach Libyen, in den Sudan und an die vom Iran gestützten Huthis im Jemen Waffen zu verkaufen. Diese Entwicklung gilt es frühzeitig zu stoppen.

(A K P)

North Korea continuing nuclear programme - UN report

It said that Pyongyang also "attempted to supply small arms and lights weapons and other military equipment via foreign intermediaries" to Libya, Yemen and Sudan. =

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A K)

Yemen’s Ministry of Culture appealed, to the international organizations, United Nations, UNESCO, and International Committee of the Red Cross to intervene for stopping the unjustified Saudi-led coalition bombing on Zabid historic city in Hodeidah province.

In statements, The ministry pointed out that Zabaid is a historical city listed on the World Heritage List because of its unique historical monuments , as well as a religious and cultural school, where there are a number of religious and cultural libraries that include rare manuscripts.

Remark: Sanaa government.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* A E P)

Yemeni Riyal devalued from 490 to 542 per 1 USD over the past 2 weeks. #Yemen. Government workers have been without salaries for 2 years now

(A E)

It just keeps getting from bad to worse. Vice President of Petro Masila (Yemen's biggest oil company), Mohamed Ben Nabhan says that the company is completely bankrupt and it can no longer pay its employees' salaries.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp6

(B T)

Just a reminder of how #Yemen became a “Hotbed” for Al-Qaeda under Ali Abdullah Saleh’s rule, his idea of making Yemen a Hotbed was in order to milk the #US for over $60bil USD in the so-called “war against terror,” looking back in history says it all:

February 2009- Government announces release of 176 al-Qaeda suspects on condition of good behaviour.

December 2009- Yemen-based branch of al-Qaeda claims it was behind failed attack on US airliner. The government calls on the West for more support to help it combat the al-Qaeda threat.

Now that Saleh is gone, Al-Qaeda takes orders from the US backed Saudi coalition but the Yemeni resistance of Ansarullah, the Yemeni army and popular committees are extinguishing this “Hotbed,” as a reminder

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1c

(A P)

CNN stands Yemen facts on head

In my previous column I wrote about how many western media stand Yemen facts on head; portraying the Houthi terrorist group as the victims and the opponents of Houthis (essentially the Yemeni people) as the author of Yemen's misfortune.

Since biased coverage such as these continue to mislead the international reader about what is going on in my country I would like to refute as many of these torrential reports as possible, one at a time.

On August 2, the CNN published an article entitled "Rare drone footage captures life amid the rubble in war-torn city" to claim that the Houthi-held capital Sana'a is in ruins!

A whopper in the headline. Everyone in Yemen and every interested follower of the Yemeni conflict knows that Sana'a is one of a few totally safe cities that fortunately survived the war with the least minimal damage. Simply because the Houthis are not shelling and besieging it, it is their stronghold from where they plan the war and send their battalions of extremist fighters southward to fight government soldiers and kill and round up oppositionist civilians. The Arab Coalition's strikes in Sana'a have for three years been focused on the arms depots in Al-Nahdain and Attan mountains on the periphery of the city. In the age of Google Earth and drone planes, no giant news network should dare to lie and claim that a wholesome city is war-torn.

Collateral damage to civilian infrastructure in Sana'a is fortunately too limited, despite the fact that the war has been going for more than three years and the fact that Sana'a is the rebels' stronghold. The phrase "war-torn" here is a lie, unprofessional and a sign of bias.

My comment: This really is odd propaganda. There had been so many air strikeds against Sanaa, tageting and hitting so much civilia targets of all kind that claiming the city would not be „war-torn“ is totslly absurd. – You might discuss whether Sanaa could be called „besieged“ or not. But think of the Saudi blockade to relize that to a grat part this really would justify this label. And – Sanaa airport had been blocked by the Saudi coalition for most flights. – And: „opponents of Houthis (essentially the Yemeni people)“ simply is absurd as the Houthis are Yemenis and obviously still have quite many supporters.

(A P)

Amir’s life should be source of inspiration to all: UN envoy for Yemen

UN Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths lauded His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s successful efforts in addressing the challenges of ending war and establishing peace. He told the UN Security Council on Thursday that he had met His Highness the Amir in Kuwait earlier last week, saying “His Highness the Amir’s life should be a source of inspiration to all of us.”

My comment:if flattering will bring any positive effect… The rest of tis artile is a C+P repreat of well known Saudi coalition claims and propganda.

(A H P)

Arab coalition pumps in over Dh51 billion aid into Yemen in three years

The UAE and Saudi-led Arab coalition has pumped in $14 billion (Dh51.4 billion) in the last three years to support Yemeni people and is deploying several more aid shipments with strong focus on health, sanitation, water, energy and food, a senior UAE government official said.

"The coalition forces have put in close to $14 billion in the last 3 years in support of the Yemeni people. Yet despite that financial commitment, there is a still lot of suffering. There are still many basic needs that are not being met for Yemeni people - for the children in particular. And there are several sectors that we are very much focused on - health, sanitation, water, energy and food. We have currently aligned several shipments that are ready to be deployed (to Yemen)," said Reem Al Hashimy, UAE's Minister for International Cooperation.

She pointed out that the UAE and its coalition partners are closely looking at other ways in which they can reach the people of Hodeida in Yemen. "We are very committed to doing all that we can to address the needs of the population."

My comment: The bomb the country into ruins – and boast for this… - And also:

(A P)

UAE Humanitarian Efforts and Support for Political Resolution in Yemen

UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem Al Hashimy discusses the UAE and Arab Coalition’s humanitarian assistance efforts and push for a political resolution in Yemen.

(A K P)

Two Hezbollah members on mission to train Houthis killed in Yemen

Two Hezbollah members who were on a mission to train Houthi militia were killed Thursday in raids carried out by the Saudi-led coalition in Sarwah, Marib province, the pan-Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported.
The head of the Guidance Division of the Third Military Region, Brigadier General Dr. Sadiq Al-Mekhlafi, said that “coalition air raids targeted an operations room run by Houthi militia in the Beit Ja'bel area on the Sarwah front, killing two members of Hezbollah and a number of Houthis,” according to the Yemeni army’s website
Al-Mekhlafi added that the two Hezbollah members were on a mission to train and guide Houthi militia.

My comment: Claims like this one are repeated from time to time. Proofs: None. Might-be aerial reconnaissance checked the passports and the Hezbollah membership cards?

More Saudi / UAE “We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1c

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

August 4:

August 3:

August 2:

August 1:

July 31:

July 30:

(A K p)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, August 5th, 2018

(A K pH)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, August 4th, 2018

(A K pH)

Photos: Few hours ago: huge airstrikes by US-UK-UAE-Saudi-led coalition in #Hodeidah (Aug. 4, evening)

(A K)

Pictures here of the remains of cluster bombs which were used by Saudi led coalition in al-Tuhita area of #Hodeidah n western #Yemen. Dropped bombs are banned by 120 nations n the world & dropped on the houses of fishermen n al-Tuhita, which consideres the poorest area in #Yemen.

(A K pH)

24 past hours

(B K)

Film: Terrifying reality of Yemen war as footballers try and play while Patriot missiles fire over pitch

The players can be seen continuing their game despite the Patriot fire blasting overhead of their pitch as the civil war rages on

Remark: No place, date are given.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1b2

(A K pS)

Two children injured in Houthi shelling on Taiz

"The rebel militiamen fired rockets on the neighborhoods of Wadi al-Qadhi and other neighborhoods to the north and east of the city on Saturday noon, two children were hit by shrapnel sustaining serious wounds in Wadi al-Qadhi," said one source. (photo)

(A K pH)

Yemen's Ansarullah attacks Saudi airport in Assir

Ansarullah movement announced on Saturday that it has launched airstrikes on King Khalid international airport in Assir province in Southwestern Saudi Arabia.
The Arabic-language website of Sputnik news agency quoted a Yemeni military source as saying that the country's air force has targeted the airport with a drone of Qassif 1 type.
Reports said the drone has bombed the airport, but did not reveal any further details on damage to the airport or any possible casualties.

(A K pH)

Army shoots down US-Saudi reconnaissance plane in Jawf

(A K pH)

Two civilians killed in Saudi artillery on Saada

Woman and child were killed when Saudi artillery units launched an indiscriminate attack against a residential area in al-Zaher district in Saada province, a military official told Saba on Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Saudi artillery and missile bombardment rocked residential areas of the citizens in different regions in the three districts Monaba, Shada and Baqim in the same province, causing serious damages,

(A K pS)

Saudi experts extract 919 landmines in Yemen in two weeks

Experts from a Saudi mine action project "Masam" in Yemen managed to extract 919 landmines from different provinces liberated from Houthi militants within two weeks.

(* B K pS)

One million mines planted by coup perpetrators in Yemen in three years: Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance

One million mines have been planted by Houthi militia's coup perpetrators in Yemen in three years, killing 1194 civilians, 216 of whom are children, according to a senior official at the Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance (MASAM), which aims to make Yemen landmine-free to protect civilians and safeguard the delivery of urgent humanitarian supplies.

Speaking to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), Osama Al Qasibi, MASAM Director-General, said, "MASAM teams have managed to detect and remove 919 mines and explosive charges in Taiz, Red Sea Coast, Beihan, Osailan, Saada, Shabwa and Marib, only during the two weeks that followed the launch of the project."

"Most of these are internationally banned anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines that originate from difference sources in addition to 288 locally devised or Iranian made mines," he added.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Video 08: Where did she come from?

20-year-old Somaya Abduallabegan developing her interest in photography from the age of 14. It took her about six years until she obtained her first professional camera. She used Instagram as a platform to share her early work with a public audience. The positive response from the art and photography community in Yemen encouraged Somaya to continue developing her skills, and eventually she began receiving commissions from local companies, organizations and initiatives. Somaya was encouraged to present an art video piece and utilize Al Madaniya’s platform to share her first video with the public.

Approximately 800 km away from Sana’a, between Tareem, Sayoon, Shebam, Daw’an and Mareb, Somaya spent 25 days traveling in the north of Yemen.

Upon her return to Sana’a, Somaya began collecting the accumulated footage from her journey and developed a short video art piece paying homage to the beautiful scenery that existed for thousands of years throughout Yemen. Every part of this country represents a completely different meaning and holds its own hidden codes of conduct and historic memories. Her journey simply reminds us that Yemen is more than a war-torn land.

Al Madaniya is pleased to support the artistic production of young creative Yemenis. Video 08 “Where did she come from?” represents the first art video published on our platform, and we encourage other artists to contact the editorial team and propose future project ideas.

and film.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-440 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-440: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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