Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 457 - Yemen War Mosaic 457

Yemen Press Reader 457: 14. September 2018: Saudi-Luftangriff im August – US-Außenminister Pompeo wäscht Saudi-Koalition weiß – Jemens Wasserkrise am Beispiel einer Region in Ibb ...–

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... Südjemen und die Saudi-Koalition – Kämpfe in Hodeidah, UAE-Milizen dringen in die Stadt vor, Saudi-Luftangriff tötet 15 – und mehr

September 14, 2018: Saudi coalition air raids in August – US Secretary Pompeo’s whitewashing of Saudi coalition – Yemen’s water crisis, investigation of a region in Ibb – Yemen’s South and the Saudi coalition – Fighting in Hodeidah, UAE-backed militia move forward to city, Saudi coalition air raid kills 15 – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B K)

Our latest monthly summary is out. August was marked by notable airstrikes on civilian vehicles & buses in Yemen amid a significant change in non-military to military targeting. Bombing of non-military targets more than doubled that of military targeting

In August, 39% of Saudi coalition air raids targeted non-military sites compared to 18% targeting military. Similar figures were recorded in July. This marks a significant change to the overall pattern of air raids since 2015 where 31% have been non-military, 36% military.

Graph showing the number of air raids on civilian vehicles and buses, which has risen every year since the Saudi coalition bombing campaign began in Yemen in 2015 - reaching 91 last year after 25 air raids targeted civilian vehicles and buses in a single month in December 2017.

Five air raids on civilian vehicles & buses in August - including two mass civilian casualty bombings that reportedly killed at least 60 civlians including 51 children - brings the total number of air raids targeting civilian vehicles and buses to 61 so far this year.

Yemen Data Project Air Raids Summary for August 2018

Air raids on civilian vehicles and buses

The month of August was marked by reported mass civilian casualty events in air strikes on civilian vehicles and buses amid a significant change in Saudi coalition non-military to military targeting

The number of coalition air raids fell in August to 249 from 277 in July.
The number of air raids in August was 43% below the monthly average of air raids since the air campaign began in March 2015.
While the number of monthly strikes remains well below average (441) for the 3.5 year-long air campaign, Sa'ada and Al-Hudaydah governorates have become the focus of the bombing with more than 66% of strikes in August targeting these two governorates.

Of the 141 air raids where the targets** were identified in August 2018

47 targeted residential areas

19 targeted farms

16 targeted non-military vehicles and transport - including 5 air raids on boats

4 targeted schools and institutes

2 targeted water and electricity sites

2 targeted INGOs

1 targeted food storage facilities

1 targeted healthcare facilities

Download the YDP's air raids dataset from 26 March 2015 to 25 March 2018
or visit our website
Download the ACLED/YDP full dataset on political violence and protest events from 1 January 2016 to date
or visit the ACLED website

Remark: Many of warplanes involved in these attacks on civilians are maintained by RAF/UK contracted personnel, which also stores/issues their weapons. It's tragic that this *direct* UK role in the war has been virtually entirely kept out of the UK 'mainstream' media.

(** A P)

The Trump Administration Is Lying to Congress About Yemen

It will come as no surprise that the Trump administration has certified that the Saudi coalition is meeting the requirements imposed by Congress in the NDAA. The evidence clearly shows that the Saudi coalition doesn’t meet any of them, so Pompeo just lied and said that they did. When given the choice between telling the truth and ending refueling of coalition planes or lying to keep that refueling going, the administration was always going to choose the latter. They have defended U.S. support for the war with dishonest and misleading claims before, and they have done so again. The Trump administration is lying to Congress in order to continue support for the war on Yemen, and Congress has to hold them accountable for that.

We know that the administration and the president are not concerned with evidence or expert opinion, and they were always going to do what they wanted to do. Gregg Carlstrom made a good observation about this earlier today:

They are determined to keep fueling the world’s worst humanitarian crisis by backing the Saudi coalition to the hilt, and they aren’t going to be dissuaded from this no matter how many atrocities the coalition carries out against innocent Yemenis with our help.

Leaving an opening for the administration to continue support for the war was the flaw in the Young-Shaheen approach from the start. That is why the war powers challenge back in the spring sponsored by Sens. Sanders and Lee was the best and only effective way to halt our involvement in the war.

Pompeo’s phony certification is an insult and shows contempt for the law, but it should also cause more members of Congress to oppose our indefensible policy in Yemen. The administration won’t agree to stop enabling Saudi coalition war crimes, so Congress will have to stop them – by Daniel Larison


(** A P)

On Yemen, Mike Pompeo gets it very wrong

On Sept. 12, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made what was probably one of the most ill-informed and disingenuous foreign policy decisions of the Trump administration’s 20-month tenure. Pursuant to the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, Pompeo certified to Congressthat Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were taking enough action to “reduce the risk of harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure” in the course of the Arab coalition’s military campaign against the Houthis in Yemen.

For those of us who have been monitoring the war in Yemen since its eruption over three years ago, the claim is ludicrous. Even more ludicrous, however, was Defense Secretary James Mattis’ press statement following Pompeo’s certification: “The governments of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are making every effort to reduce the risk of civilian casualties and collateral damage to civilian infrastructure.”

How do we know the Trump administration’s certification is groundless? And why should the American people care to begin with?

The first question is the most straightforward: we know because we have eyes. The pictures, footage, and eyewitness accounts collected by humanitarian organizations like Doctors Without Borders and human rights groups like Human Rights Watch lead us to the conclusion that the Saudi-led coalition’s war actions are reckless at best and criminal at worst.

Did the Pentagon and the State Department review any of these public reports before making their decision? If they disregarded this open-source material, this would be a scandal deserving strenuous oversight from the foreign and armed services committees. If they did read these reports and yet still concluded U.S. aid was appropriate, one has to question the administration’s level of priorities.

To the American people, which combatant wins or loses in Yemen has no bearing on their personal lives. Yemen is such a poor, violent backwater that whoever comes out on top will be unable to secure the entire country. Yemen’s political process is insignificant to U.S. national security interests in the region. What is significant is al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, a terrorist group that has only become richer and more embedded into Yemen’s communities since the internal conflict began.

U.S. taxpayer money and military assets, however, are being used in the war nonetheless. At the same time the administration talks about supporting a peaceful resolution to the conflict, it continues contributing to the violence by refueling the very Arab coalition aircraft that are killing civilians and demolishing the country’s remaining infrastructure.

U.S. policy in Yemen is a collection of contradictions and a sad joke to millions of Yemenis. As if this weren’t bad enough, Pompeo and Mattis just insulted the intelligence of the American people by telling us all that what the videos we are seeing and the stories we are reading aren’t the products of our wild imagination – by Daniel DePetris

Remark: More on Pompeo’s certification look at cp9 and:

(** B K P)


In a separate seven-page memo sent to Congress and obtained by The Intercept, Pompeo further justified the decision, citing U.S. training of the Saudi Royal Air Force and the formation of the Joint Incidents Assessment Team in 2016.

“Pompeo’s description of doing everything possible is wrong,” Larry Lewis, the State Department’s former senior civilian harm advisor, told the Intercept. Lewis, who was pushed out last year during Rex Tillerson’s tenure as secretary of state, previously gave trainings to Saudi pilots and assisted in the formation of the assessment team.

Humanitarian groups pilloried the decision,

THE FULL POMPEO memo to Congress, published here for the first time, conveys the breadth of justifications the Trump administration employs in its support of the Gulf coalition.

Pompeo referenced not just to the ongoing fight with Iranian-supported Houthi rebel forces and their ballistic missile arsenal, but also the drive to counter Al Qaeda and Islamic State activity in the country’s south. (The Houthis and Al Qaeda have at times fought one another in Yemen.) The refueling amendment included several carveouts for specific missions, including support for operations against both Al Qaeda and ISIS in the country — though such carveouts will not be necessary with Pompeo’s broader certification.

“Saudi Arabia and the UAE are strong counterterrorism partners,” says the memo, citing the expulsion of Al Qaeda’s affiliate from the Yemeni port city of Mukalla in May 2016, cutting off “a significant source of revenue of the terrorist group.”

Last month, the Associated Press reported that the retreat of fighters with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula from Mukalla and other areas came largely without fighting and was greased with cash and permission to take weapons and other equipment. “Hundreds more [Al Qaeda fighters] were recruited to join the coalition itself,” reported the AP.

Pompeo cited these developments as part of a trend toward a Gulf coalition victory. “The Administration believes that the support that the United States provides to Saudi Arabia and the UAE is helping defeat ISIS-Y and AQAP and counter Iran’s malign activities,” he wrote.

Reliable data on the refueling has proven elusive, but the bulk of fuel has not gone to the Saudis, but to the Emiratis, who in turn have been the U.S.’s principal partner against extremist groups.

As laid out in the memo, the rationale for refueling and the larger support package is buttressed by such long standing counter-terror operations — efforts in Yemen that enjoy far wider support among even staunch Congressional critics of the campaign to bomb Houthi rebels into submission. Though Pompeo cited the UAE’s efforts in the south, he ignored reports that Yemenis have been tortured in UAE-backed prisons there.

The memorandum also includes a curious entry that the two gulf coalition leaders are “complying with applicable U.S. laws governing the sale and transfer of arms, including the Arms Export Control Act, with rare exception.” It is unclear exactly what those exceptions to the law that restricts U.S. arms sales to rights violators are — though the coalition has supported a wide array of partner forces on the ground, including some that have reportedly gained access to American-manufactured weapons.

Pompeo noted that “recently civilian casualty incidents indicate insufficient implementation of reforms and targeting practices.” The memo also asserted that “investigations have not yielded accountability measures,” but explained that statement only by alluding to additional information contained in a classified supplement to his memo.

The secretary of state lauded the U.S.’s Gulf partners for what he called their restraint in UAE-led operations around Hodeidah. Pompeo said the coalition had incorporated a no-strike list and had received training on “air-to-ground targeting processes.” – by Samuel Oakford

My comment: This memo clearly explains that the Trump administration does not at all care for Saudi coalition war crimes and air raids. Pompeo clearly admits that his decision is only based on US (this means: US elite) geopolitical interests. And these are: The US wants to get in full control of Yemen, and (and this is much more important) of Iran and its resources. Yemen just should be one nail to Iran's coffin. When the nail is broken - doesn't matter.

“Saudi Arabia and the UAE are strong counterterrorism partners,” this values much more, even if it is blatantly wrong, as Saudi Arabia had sponsored terrorism in many ways. Effectivly, this argument should give the public a feigned reason for a US-Saudi-UAE partnership, for which other reasons are more significant.

“The Administration believes that the support that the United States provides to Saudi Arabia and the UAE is helping defeat ISIS-Y and AQAP and counter Iran’s malign activities”. This is full bullshit. The Yemen War is not directed against ISIS and AQAP, but against the whole Houthi-held part of Yemen including the whole population. And “Iran’s malign activities” in Yemen are quite marginal (and the Saudi, UAE, US activities there are much more malign, anyway) and just a propaganda bugaboo.

“Pompeo noted that “recently civilian casualty incidents indicate insufficient implementation of reforms and targeting practices.” What “reforms” could mean in a bombing campaign?? There had been no changes at all in the Saudi / UAE brutality in their aerial war. – And, the Saudi “targeting practices” quite often are perfect: Exactly, the can target and hit a school bus, driving cars full of civilians, driving trucks, fisherboats in the sea, residential homes, tents in the landscape (!!), wedding parties and funerals, all water wells on an island, and and and…

(** B H)

Relief and Development Peer Foundation: WASH Needs Assessment Report in Al Udayn District, Ibb Governorate (August 2018)

August 20th, 2018, RDP conducted the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Needs Assessment in five areas (Shalaf, Wadi Al-dor, Qesa’a Halian, Jabal Bahri, Bilad Al-Muliki) of Al Udayn district, Ibb Governorate.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned earlier that Yemen may be on the verge of a third wave of cholera epidemic, which could be deadlier than previous ones because of widespread malnutrition in the war-torn country. (WHO) reported that an increasing number of cases in several heavily populated areas over the past few weeks indicate the country may be on the cusp of a third major wave of this deadly disease.

The WASH Needs Assessment indicated that the conditions in Al Udayn district does not meet multiple Sphere minimum standards and indicators as shown below:

Water Quantity: 24% of households surveyed in five areas (Shalaf, Wadi Al-dor, Qesa’a Halian, Jabal Bahri, Bilad Al-Muliki) use less than 15 liters/person/day while 49% use 15-40 liters/person/day, bearing in mind that the assessment has been conducted in a rainy season where there was abundant water in the targeted areas. Additionally, most households have livestock which shared water with them.

Up to 25% of HHs spend more than two hours to go to the main water point, fetch water, and return, 19% spend 30 minutes up to 1 hour while 11% spend (1 – 2hours).

34% of HHs indicated that the timing of distance and queuing is considered as a problem. § 28% of households surveyed in the five areas use unprotected rainwater tanks and 27% use unprotected spring.

51% of households use other sources of water as 43% of them collect the rain water from houses’ roofs to jerry cans.

55% of HHs do not have enough quantity of water in the last 30 days. Besides, 48% of them reduce water for hygiene practices, 47% go to fetch water from a further water point.

63% of HHs have issues related to the taste, look, and smell of the main water source for the last 30 days in which 97% of them complained of its bad taste.

81% of HHs do not treat the drinking water because 74% of them don’t have materials for water purification/treatment.

44% of HHs surveyed use flush latrine to the open and 34% use Pit latrine-open/without slab which considered as unimproved latrine types that lead to increase contamination.

85% of HHs in need to procure hygiene items, but they could not find or afford during the last 30 days.

95% of HHs do not have hand washing facilities, and 34% of them do not have soap.

48% of HHs bury or burn the garbage while 34% of HHs leave garbage in public areas.

(** B P)

What's behind crumbling Saudi support in Yemen's south?

Politicians the world over are adept at manipulating people's behaviour, and dressing up their agendas with carefully crafted propaganda, and Yemen is no different.

More often than not, though, these methods are eventually undone, and there comes a time when people draw a distinction between the overt actions and covert intentions of their leaders.

Last week, mass protests flared in Yemen's south, vocalising their deep-rooted anger towards the internationally recognised government, and the Saudi-led coalition. This coalition has been fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen since March, 2015.

Over the last three years, Yemen's Aden and other southern provinces have been in sync with the Emiratis and Saudis. The southern people by and large had assumed that the coalition was working to restore peace in Yemen, and counter what they see as growing Iranian influence in the region.

However, what occurred in the south last week set a new precedent and represents another harsh blow to the image of the Saudi-led coalition

But these protests tell us that this status quo is changing, with the added factor of government corruption and rising living costs causing people to now boldly express their anti-coalition feeling.

Yemenis, south or north, appear to have lost hope and trust in the Arab coalition. The rationale is obvious: The country is spiraling towards more tragedy and the economic situation has inflicted severe suffering on its civilians.

The Yemeni rial has gone down drastically against the dollar over the past few months, reaching a record low of over 600 rials for US$1. In March 2015, US$1 was equivalent to approximately 220 rial.

This reality has caused the Saudi-led coalition to be perceived as aggressively hegemonic military force, that puts the dignity of Yemenis and the economy of the nation at the bottom of its list of priorities.

The people are asking why the legitimate government, and the significant might of the coalition forces have been incapable of establishing security in the Houthi-free areas in Yemen's south? Why is the living situation as bad as in Yemen's north, where the Houthis are dominating?

If the Yemeni government and the coalition have not been able to provide services for the people, why are they also incapable of fending off the continuous devaluation of the Yemeni rial? Such questions are countless, and they have pushed the people to lose confidence in the Arab coalition completely.

While the protests have abated for now, people feel strongly they were wrong to believe the coalition had come to Yemen's rescue. They no longer buy false promises, and the recent awakening in the south cannot be devalued and should not be ignored. When the people revolt, no power can suppress their collective voice.

Similarly, the people have begun to understand the real agenda of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, which

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

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(* A H)

Yemen - Cholera (DG ECHO) (ECHO Daily Flash of 13 September 2018)

The number of suspected cholera cases has increased for a 12th consecutive week - 9 425 suspected cases and 15 associated deaths were identified.

In the high-risk areas of Al Hodeida and Ibb governorates, nearly 400 000 people received the first dose of Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) in early August. Vaccination required the agreement of the warring parties to a three-day ceasefire. A second round of OCV is required within six months to ensure vaccine effectiveness .

Vaccination and water and sanitation activities must be scaled up

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important

(* A K)

In Jemen setzen die Kriegsparteien auf Eskalation

Das von Saudiarabien angeführte Militärbündnis hat die Angriffe auf die wichtige Hafenstadt Hudaida verstärkt. Seine Gegner, die von Iran unterstützten Huthi, suchen die Entscheidung ebenfalls auf dem Schlachtfeld.

Seit dem Scheitern der Genfer Gespräche hat die von Saudiarabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) angeführte Koalition die Luft- und Bodenangriffe auf die von den Huthi kontrollierte Hafenstadt Hudaida wieder aufgenommen. Die Huthi-Kämpfer leisten im Kampf um die Lebensader Jemens erbittert Widerstand. Nach eigenen Angaben haben von der Koalition unterstützte Truppen eine wichtige Nachschubroute der Huthi, die Verbindungsstrasse zwischen Hudaida und Sanaa, unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht. Hunderte von Einwohnern sind vor den Kämpfen geflohen. Dabei forderten die Bombenangriffe erneut Tote und Verletzte unter der Zivilbevölkerung. Nach Angaben von Ärzten wurden seit Donnerstag mindestens 50 Personen getötet, die meisten von ihnen Zivilisten.

Die Herrscher in Saudiarabien und den Emiraten glauben freilich, sie könnten die Huthi-Milizionäre nur dann zu Konzessionen bewegen, wenn sie ihnen Hudaida entreissen. Die Lage in der Stadt habe sich in den letzten Tagen dramatisch verschlechtert, erklärte die Leiterin der Uno-Hilfsprogramme in Jemen, Lise Grande, am Donnerstag. Sollten die Kämpfe weiter eskalieren, drohe den Einwohnern eine ernsthafte Knappheit an Lebensmitteln, Wasser und Medikamenten.

(* A K)

In Jemen flammen Kämpfe wieder auf

Nach dem Scheitern der Jemen-Gespräche in Genf sind die Kämpfe um die strategisch wichtige Hafenstadt Hudaida wieder aufgeflammt. Offenbar zielen die regierungstreuen Truppen dabei auf eine wichtige Versorgungsroute der Huthi-Rebellen. Die Einheiten berichteten am Mittwoch, eine wichtige Verbindungsstraße von Hudaida in die Hauptstadt Sanaa abgeschnitten zu haben. Über die Strecke läuft ein Großteil der humanitären Versorgung für die Zivilbevölkerung in dem von den Aufständischen kontrollierten Norden des Jemens.

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition flog nach Militärangaben und Augenzeugenberichten am Mittwoch Angriffe auf Vororte der Hafenstadt Hodeidah. und

(* A K)

Fighting rages in Yemen around Red Sea port city of Hodeida

Heavy fighting has been raging around Hodeida as Yemeni government forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition are trying once again to retake the Red Sea port city from the Shiite rebels known as Houthis, security officials said on Thursday.

They said at least 10 civilians have been killed and 19 wounded in the latest bout of fighting, including airstrikes by the Western-backed coalition fighting the rebels on the side of the internationally recognized government since 2015.

There was no immediate word from either side of the conflict on their casualties.

The officials said the fighting was concentrated in the eastern and southern approaches of the city, which is considered the lifeline of Yemen. They said Hundreds of civilians have fled their homes to elsewhere in the city to escape the fighting and that heavy smoke was rising above parts of the city.

(* A K)

Locals in #Hodeidah say indiscriminate Houthi mortar attacks are killing and wounding people as well. Coalition-backed forces are pushing deeper into the city centre from the eastern entrance.

(* A K)

Families in #Hodeidah, including my own, are unable to leave due to heavy fighting. The roads to Sana'a are either closed or extremely dangerous, and there are reports that US/Saudi/UAE airstrikes targeted 2 cars leaving the city today

(A K)

Houthis use stores of relief organization as military barracks, Government says

Yemen government has accused the Houthis of using stores of relief organizations’ stores in al-Hodeida as military barracks.

The Information Minister Mumar al-Eryani affirmed that the Houthis stormed stores of UNICEF and WFP and positioned inside them.

The minister said that these organization have not reacted so far, affirming that the Houthis are using civilians as human shields.

My comment: If there are civilians in places where the UAE-backed militia attack and the Houthis shoot back, propaganda claims they are “using civilians as human shields”.


(A K)

Supreme Revolutionary Committee Warns of More US-Saudi Aggression Crimes in Hodiedah

The head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammad Al-Houthi, warned, on Thursday, of the US-Saudi aggression's intention to target vital infrastructure including warehouses of international relief organizations, grain mills in Hodeidah governorate and densely populated neighborhoods with the excuse that these are barracks and weapons storage.
He added that this plan comes in conjunction with the media campaign launched by the aggression's media to justify its crimes in Hodeidah.

(B H)

UN #Hodeidah: more than 25% of children are malnourished, 900K ppl desperate for food & 90K pregnant women are at enormous risk. Families need everything- food, cash, health care, water, sanitation, emergency supplies & shelter. West is backing UAE/Saudi-backed attack on Hodeidah

(A K pS)

In yesterday's briefing, Col Turki al-Maliki provided more details of the new unmanned bomb boat found on Yemen's Fasht island (photos) and

(* A B H K)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Al Hudaydah Displacement/Response Update, 07 - 13 Sep

Over the week, the situation intensified in Al Hudadyah with the Government of Yemen Forces backed by SLC (Saudi-led coalition) advanced its military operations towards the entrance of Al Hudadyah city in Al Hawak district affecting the main road connecting Sana’a with Al Hudaydah governorate. The humanitarian community has been vocal in calling on all parties of the conflict to respect their obligation and responsibility to protect civilians in accordance with International Humanitarian law and guarantee the safety, security and freedom of movement of humanitarian personnel. Heavy air strikes and shelling have so far resulted in the displacement of about 500 families from the villages of group Olia, group Sofla and Alkembaha into Al Hudaydah city. Authorities suggested accommodating the new IDPs in factories but it was pushed back in order to ensure that families are provided with safer shelter solutions. It was reported that the internet connection speed was very slow in Al Hudahdayh during the past two days that challenge communication.

Aden Hub .

Ibb Hub .The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster through its Partner IYCY (International Youth Council –Yemen) completed the distribution of family tents to 289 families

Sanaa Hub .
The provision of alternative shelter solution for over 300 IDP families who fled the conflict in Al Hudaydah recently and resided in 9 schools in Amanat Al Asimah are running smoothly whereby 3 schools have already been vacated

(* B H K)

Save the Children: YEMEN: Military action near Hodeidah City threatens food supplies for millions of children

Save the Children is deeply worried for the welfare of 4.2 million children in Yemen on the brink of starvation following reports that the Yemeni Army, backed by the Saudi- and Emirati-led Coalition, has launched airstrikes outside the port city of Hodeidah, effectively shutting down the main artery linking the port city to the rest of the country. The charity is calling on parties to the conflict to ensure the road linking Hodeidah to the rest of the country remains open and safe to use.

Hodeidah is home to Yemen’s largest port and the main gateway for food, fuel and humanitarian aid to the rest of the country. An estimated 80 per cent of Yemen’s commercial supplies go through Hodeidah. The Yemeni Government and the Saudi- and Emirati-led Coalition have been trying to retake the vital port city from the Houthis for the past few months displacing 470,000 people since June, according to the UN. But it is still home to hundreds of thousands of civilians, half of them children.

Tamer Kirolos, Yemen Country Director, Save the Children, said:

“I cannot emphasise enough how vital it is that the main road linking Hodeidah to Sanaa remains open and accessible for the movement of people, food, fuel and aid to the rest of the country. It’s quite literally a matter of life and death.”

“Yemeni children are starving to death. This year alone we expect some 400,000 children under five to suffer from severe acute malnutrition, the most life-threatening form of extreme hunger. Unless supply routes remain open this figure could increase dramatically, putting the lives of thousands of children at risk from entirely preventable causes.”

“We urge all parties to end hostilities immediately, commit to a ceasefire and give peace a chance. With the UN Special Envoy, Martin Griffiths, due in Yemen this weekend, now is not the time to escalate the conflict. The people of Yemen have suffered enough misery.”

(* B H K)

Escalation in fighting around Hudaydah risks cutting off life-saving supplies for millions of Yemenis

Oxfam is warning of catastrophic repercussions for people in Yemen if the Saudi and Emirati led coalition, and aligned forces, continue to push for control of the main route linking the port city of Hudaydah to Sana’a.

Despite sustained calls from Oxfam and other aid agencies for the warring parties in Yemen to end the conflict, credible eyewitness reports suggest a clear escalation in violence in civilian areas close to densely-populated Hudaydah in the last 24 hours. Coalition forces are now less than two miles from the main road linking the port city with the capital.

Not only is this risking the lives of people in Hudaydah, but also the pipeline of food supplies that support millions of people in Sana’a and other northern parts of Yemen. If coalition forces gain control of this route, it would mean a de-facto blockade that would bar Yemeni families from life-saving essentials like food and medicine.

People fled for their lives from the latest fighting in Hudaydah. In recent months, the UN estimates fighting has forced almost half a million people to flee within the city and to other governorates, including Dhamar, Sana’a, and Ibb.

Most of the 600,000 people who live in Hudaydah, Yemen’s third biggest city, do not have electricity or water. The price of basic food supplies has risen by 45 per cent in recent weeks.

(* B H K)

Yemen - Conflict (DG ECHO) (ECHO Daily Flash of 13 September 2018)

As of 12 September, local authorities report over 490 000 forcefully displaced since June 2018, as a result of the ongoing military offensive in Hodeida and northern governorates. Over 97% have received emergency relief from humanitarian organisations, including through DG ECHO supported partners. The intensification of hostilities on the outskirts of Hodeida City and along the highway linking Hodeida and Sana'a (the main supply line and escape route), worsen the drastic conditions affecting over 300 000 civilians remaining in Hodeidah city.

(** A H K)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Hundreds of thousands of civilians are terrified by fighting in Hodeidah

“Hundreds of thousands of lives hang in the balance in Hodeidah,” said Ms. Lise Grande, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen. “The situation has deteriorated dramatically in the past few days. Families are absolutely terrified by the bombardment, shelling and airstrikes.”

“People are struggling to survive,” said Ms. Grande. “More than 25 percent of children are malnourished; 900,000 people in the governorate are desperate for food and 90,000 pregnant women are at enormous risk. Families need everything--food, cash, health care, water, sanitation, emergency supplies, specialized support and many need shelter. It’s heart-breaking to see so many people who need so much.”

Hodeidah is a life-line for millions of people who depend on assistance. Close to 70 percent of all humanitarian assistance and nearly all commercial food stocks for northern Yemen enter through the ports of Hodeidah and Saleef, just to the north of Hodeidah.

“The mills in Hodeidah feed millions of people. We’re particularly worried about the Red Sea mill, which currently has 45,000 metric tonnes of food inside, enough to feed 3.5 million people for a month. If the mills are damaged or disrupted, the human cost will be incalculable,” said Ms. Grande. “So much has already been destroyed. In the last six weeks alone, houses, farms, livestock, businesses, roads, a water facility and a flour mill have all been hit.”

Since mid-June, when the fighting started, humanitarian partners have provided emergency assistance to 366,000 people in Hodeidah Governorate; 116,000 people have received cash grants and 152,000 have benefitted from emergency supplies and shelter. During four days of tranquility in early August, humanitarians vaccinated 380,000 people against cholera. This past month, partners distributed food assistance to 700,000 people across the governorate.

“The human cost and the humanitarian impact of this conflict is unjustifiable,” said Ms. Grande. “Parties to the conflict are obliged to do absolutely everything possible to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure and ensure people have access to the aid they are entitled to and need to survive,” said Ms. Grande.

Comment: Today's UN statement on #Yemen contrasts with yesterday's US statement exonerating actions of the #Saudi-led coalition. UN details devastation of recent #Hudaydah escalation & notes "the humanitarian impact of this conflict is unjustifiable” but avoids apportioning direct blame

(* A K pS)

Residents of Hodeidah battle Yemen's Houthi rebels

Clashes break out after rebels prevent civilians from leaving to use them as human shields

Civilians have started fighting Houthi rebels in Hodeidah after the insurgents began using residents as human shields against Yemeni government forces closing in on the city, an officer told The National on Thursday.

Clashes between the residents and rebels have been reported in Mousa bin Nosier and Sanaa Street, said Colonel Mamoon Al Mahjami of the Al Amalikah Brigades, one of the government forces leading the push into the key port city.

The Houthis have suffered severe losses in recent days as government troops backed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition resumed ground operations and air strikes following the rebels' refusal to attend UN-mediated peace talks in Geneva last week.

"Ninety per cent of their military bases are destroyed and now they have started guerrilla warfare in the streets of Hodeidah," Col Al Mahjami said. "They have besieged hundreds of families who tried to flee the city to use them as human shields. We are striving to ensure safe routes for such people to be evacuated but the rebels target any family trying to flee."

He said the Houthis had become increasingly desperate after the Amalikah Brigades seized large sections of the main road linking Hodeidah and the rebel-held capital Sanaa, cutting off their supplies and reinforcements.

There were fierce clashes at the Kilo 16, Kilo 10 and Kilo 7 sections of the route as the government forces advanced on the city, with more than 70 rebel fighters killed since Wednesday, Col Al Mahjami said.

"The rebels abandoned their wounded fighters — they just took their guns and left them screaming. We took dozens of them to our mobile clinics to be treated."

Meanwhile, raids by coalition aircraft restricted rebel movements and prevented reinforcements from arriving from the north, Col Al Mahjami said. "Three Houthi armoured vehicles carrying new fighters to prop up the collapsing ranks of the rebels in Kilo 16 and Kilo 10 areas were all destroyed and all the fighters on them were killed, including high-ranking leaders."

After losing the Kilo 16 intersection, the Houthis resorted to shelling populated areas with mortars while retreating into Hodeidah city, where they have posted snipers on rooftops and commandeered residences as outposts, he said.

"When we took over Kilo 16, the Houthis suffered an unexpected fatal blow. Cutting their main supply route drove them crazy.

"They fired into the yard of a dairy plant in the area to stop the workers from fleeing the fighting. The workers were evacuated by us after our forces advanced into the area around the factory," Col Al Mahjami said.

"People celebrated as our forces approached Kilo 16. They were so happy — old women were roaming the checkpoints and the places where our forces deployed, bringing them water and milk. We distributed food baskets, tents and other aid to families who had refused to evacuate the area.

My comment: Report by UAE media with a fierce propaganda bias.

(A K pS)

Government forces control arch of Victory on Main road south of Hodeidah

and both sides claim the other side had destroyed it:

This is a Reuters report:

(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition seizes main road linking Yemen's Hodeidah to Sanaa

Yemeni forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition seized the main road linking the port city of Hodeidah to the capital Sanaa, blocking a key supply route for the Houthi group that controls both cities, military sources and residents said on Thursday.

“The main entrance in Hodeidah leading to Sanaa has been closed after forces backed by the UAE took control of the road,” a pro-coalition military source told Reuters.

Residents said the main eastern gate had been damaged in air strikes by coalition warplanes and that fighting was continuing on secondary streets off the main road.

There is another more circuitous supply route between Hodeidah on the western coast of Yemen to the capital in the north.

and by Washington Post:

(* A K)

As US-backed forces renew Yemen offensive, UN warns of 'incalculable human cost'

A senior commander with the coalition and Yemeni government forces said Thursday that they had seized a key southern road to Hodeida, potentially weakening the rebels' supply lines.

A senior Houthi political official disputed this, saying rebel forces still controlled the main southern entrance to Hodeida and had used roadside bombs and other means to stop their enemies.

"The coalition wants to take over the city and use that as a playing card to apply economic pressure on the Yemeni people and make them starve and therefore give in to the coalition," said Dhaifallah Alshami, the Houthi official. "However, that will never happen. The will of the Yemeni people cannot be broken."

Inside Hodeida, residents reached by telephone said they were living in apprehension.

"We have been hearing heavy and midsize machine gun firing, mortar shelling and airstrikes in the outskirts of the city, near the entrance of the city, especially at night for the past few days," said Mazen Mujammal, 21. "There is a great sense of panic and fear among people."

He and other residents said that the city was suffering shortages of food and medicine and that the rebels were patrolling the streets. Most shops and restaurants have closed. It was difficult for most residents to flee because of the ongoing clashes near the entrance to the city.

"The shootings and bombings are outside the city, in the southern part," said Majed Qadoo, 35, a government employee. "Inside the city, the situation is stable. People fear, however, that the bombings and shootings will reach them inside the city."

Almateri, the coalition commander, vowed that coalition troops would march into Hodeida – By ALI AL MUJAHED AND SUDARSAN RAGHAVAN

(* B H K)

Nothing Quiet on the Western Front: A New Battle Starts in Hodeidah as Peace Talks Fail

On September 7, coalition-backed anti-Houthi forces resumed military operations outside Hodeidah, in the latest attempt to retake the western port city that the Houthis have been controlling since October 2014. The offensive is reported to have already caused tens of casualties during the weekend, mainly a result of intense air and artillery strikes on Houthi military positions located around the city (Al Jazeera, 9 September 2018). A few days after the Geneva peace talks, convened by the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths, ended in failure, these latest developments mark a new escalation in the conflict that diminishes the prospects of a negotiated settlement to end the war.

Since the beginning of Operation Golden Victory – the codename of the offensive in Yemen’s western coast – Hodeidah has become the most violent frontline in Yemen. Around one third of the total conflict-related fatalities between June and September are recorded in the governorate of Hodeidah

full report, with maps:

(A K pH)

Civilian killed in Saudi-led air strikes on Hodeidah

A civilian was killed when Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Wednesday hit the western province of Hodeidah, an official told Saba on Thursday.
The strikes hit Qa'ad victory in Kilo 16 area and al-Jabanh area in al-Hali district.

(A K pS)

Large number of landmines, explosive devices dismantled

Large numbers of landmines and explosive devices have recently been dismantled in some areas around the city of Hodeidah, military sources said.

The sources told Alsahwa Net that the Houthis randomly planted landmines, pointing out that they do not care for the lives of civilians who are often fallen as victims of landmines.

(A K pS)

Film: The Houthis turned resident buildings in Hodeidah into military posts. Houthi trenches dug inside yard of a residential home.

(* A K)

A whole family, inc children were killed today in al-Maghras area of al-Tuhuitah in #Hodeidah in raids by Saudi jets (photos)


(A K)

Not only #Yemen-i people are being targeted by Saudi-led coalition airstrikes, but also animals. Last night, Saudi airstrikes hit cows farm in #Hodeidah killing almost all cows there. Pictures here showing you what is going on in #Yemen under the fire of Saudi regime. (photos)

(** A K PH)

Third Crime during Hours, 15 Killed, 20 Injured by US-Saudi Aggression Raids in Hodeidah

15 citizens were killed and more than 20 others were injured in non-final toll, on Wednesday evening by the hysterical US-Saudi Aggression raids that hit Kilo 16 area, in Hodeidah governorate.

Earlier, 4 civilians, including a child, were killed by US-Saudi aggression air raids targeted Kilo 16 area. Two others were killed and another were injured by 3 air raids targeted houses in al-Mughars district, south of Tahita, in Hodeidah.

10 citizens killed in Saudi-led aggression air strikes on Hodeidah

A total of 10 citizens were killed and over 20 others wounded in Saudi-led air strikes on Hodeidah province, an official told Saba.
The Saudi-led coalition fighter jets wages a series of strikes on Kilo 16 area, killing 10 civilian and wounding 20 others.

Death toll from Saudi-led aggression air strikes on Hodeidah rises to 15 citizens

A death toll from US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition air strikes on Hodeidah province rose to 15 civilians, a security official told Saba on Thursday.
Wednesday's air strikes hit Kilo 16 area, killing 15 citizens and injuring 20 others, the official added.


films: =

Second after #Saudi #UAE strikes on bus / car station East #Hodeidah city west #Yemen Coalition strikes on main road to #Sanaa targeting every moving vehicle prevented civilians frm leaving or entering the city:

The world must watch this: Heartbreaking video of 2 children crying over their mother's death by #Saudi led coalition airstrikes on bus station in #Hodeidah City. #Yemen.

Please put your self in this child's shoes: This child said"We took our furniture, we left our house, warplane hit our car and my mom died". then he cried over his mother's death by #Saudi led coalition airstrikes on bus station in #Hodeidah City.


(* A K)

Yemen pro-govt forces take main rebel Hodeida roads: military sources

Yemeni government forces, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, have seized two major rebel supply routes into the key port city of Hodeida, military sources said Wednesday.

Abdulrahman Saleh Abou Zaraa, head of the brigade fighting Yemen's Huthi rebels in Hodeida province, told AFP his forces had taken the insurgents' main supply route linking the port city to the capital Sanaa, known as Kilo 16.

Nearly three quarters of crucial imports to impoverished Yemen pass through Hodeida, including humanitarian aid.

The Saudi-backed forces also seized a second supply route around Hodeida, known as Kilo 10, earlier on Wednesday, military sources said.

A military source in the brigade fighting in Hodeida said Wednesday's operation aimed to cut off supplies to the rebels. The government coalition did not have immediate plans to try to take the city, the source said.

Fierce clashes broke out Wednesday betwee


(* A K)

Yemeni army seizes key Houthi supply routes into Hodeidah

Roads connecting key port city to rebel-held Sanaa have reportedly been taken over by Yemeni government forces.

Yemen's army and its allies have seized control of two key roads near the western port city of Hodeidah from Houthi rebels, military sources said.

Abdulrahman Saleh Abou Zaraa, head of an elite military unit known as the Giant Brigades, said on Wednesday his forces took control of the Kilo 16 area, cutting off the Houthis' main supply route linking Hodeidah city to the rebel-held capital Sanaa.

The army also captured a second supply route around Hodeidah, known as Kilo 10, the AFP news agency reported.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, reporting from neighbouring Djibouti, said fighting was ongoing around Kilo 16 with the "Houthis shelling the area in a counterattack measure".

"There are no reports of any casualties but you would bet they would be high with this intensity of the bombardment," he said.


(* A K pS)

Yemeni Resistance takes control of "Kilo 10" area in Hodeidah

The joint Yemeni Resistance Forces, led by the al-'Amalaqah Brigades (Arabic for Giants), have taken control of the Kilometre 10 area and have succeeded in cutting all the supply lines of the Houthi militia to the Kilometre 16 area in the province of Hodeidah. The Kilometrre 16 area is a key point on the route between Hodeidah and Sana’a.

Supported by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition Forces, the al-Amalaqah Brigades inflicted heavy losses in lives and material on the Houthis militias in a surprise operation, with dozens being killed or wounded and many others being taken captive.

(* A K pS)

Yemen pro-government forces cut major Houthi supply route

Yemen's pro-government Al Amalikah brigades on Wednesday retook the stretch of road between Kilo 16 and Kilo 10 near Hodeidah, cutting off a major Houthi supply route that runs from the port city to other rebel-held areas.

The road was also a link to Ibb, Taez and Aden to the south.

Al Amalikah soldiers are now expected to push into the city towards the Corniche and university, a military source told The National.

Also on Wednesday, pro-government groups seized the Nana juice factory and the Al Jeel Al Jadeed school – both used by the Houthis as bases and weapons and ammunition caches.

We are concerned with "civilian lives, since some civilians, especially those coming from Ibb province and Sanaa, still come across the intersection in Kilo 16 despite our continuous warnings," the director of Al Amalikah brigade's media centre, Aseel Al Sakladi said.

Civilians in eastern Hodeidah said Houthi rebels on Tuesday shelled homes and farms between Kilo 10 and Kilo 16. Seven farmers were killed as well as hundreds of cows and goats, residents told The National.

East of Hodeidah city, in Al Marawyah, reports emerged of young men being forced by Houthi fighters to take up arms, an activist in Yemen told The National.

(A K pS)

Houthi militias target Yemeni family with mortar shell

A Yemeni family was hit by a mortar shell fired by the Houthi militia at their home in a village in Al Jah, Hodeidah Governorate.

The latest aggression is part of a series of attacks by the militias against civilians, especially children.

The shell, which was fired on a residential neighbourhood, injured Muslah Saeed Al Ahdal and his children, Khaldoun, Nadher and Duaa, who are aged between one to five years. It also injured a fourth child from another family named Nesrin, who is under the age of five years.

In a quick response to their humanitarian situation, the Emirates Red Crescent provided relief assistance to the injured

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen war

(* A K P)

Target Yemen: Spain, US Confirm Support for Riyadh After Civilian Massacres

[Overview, various topics]

Since Saudi Arabia drew international outrage after killing more than 40 children in a bombing attack on a bus in Yemen on August 9, some demonstrable, if small, steps have been taken by a number of governments to weaken the monarchy's blows to the war-ravaged nation, which is gripped by one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in modern history.

But it appears that for every step taken forward, two are taken back.

(* B K P)

Ending Yemen’s war without perpetuating a ‘southern Hezbollah’

No one in his right mind thinks it will benefit Saudi Arabia or the United States to extend the war longer than necessary. The United States has rightly thrown its weight behind U.N.-mediated peace negotiations, though the Houthis did not bother to turn up to the long-awaited first round of talks commenced in Geneva last week.

However, for all the horror of the Yemen war, it is vitally important that U.S. policymakers and legislators do not lose sight of the strategic outcome the war was intended to avert — namely, the establishment of an Iranian-supplied “southern Hezbollah” on the Arabian Peninsula, flanking the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and Suez Canal and posing a new missile threat to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The sharp increase in Houthi military power and ambition was the result of not only their capture of Yemeni state arsenals after the Arab Spring protests in 2011, but was also an increase in Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah military assistance.

The Houthis are largely known outside Yemen as the victims of Saudi airstrikes, but for over 15 years, at every major event, they have chanted the slogan: “Death to America, death to Israel, curse upon the Jews, victory to Islam!” Their anti-American, anti-Western and anti-Israeli worldview is closely aligned with the other “Axis of Resistance” actors such as Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian-backed militias in Iraq. The Houthis were not pushed into this axis by the current war: they adopted their slogan in 2000 and started the current war in 2015, after four years of intense preparation, aided and encouraged by Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah.

All this means that the war must end, but it should not end with a “southern Hezbollah” on the Red Sea to match the northern Hezbollah on the Mediterranean. Of course, the United States should do its best to end the war and to force Gulf coalition partners to fight cleanly in the meantime. Yet U.S. strategic interests require that any U.N.-brokered peace deal does not end with Houthi-controlled coastline on the Red Sea, or direct uninspected flights landing in Houthi areas.

The United States should commit to open-ended support to maritime interdiction of Iranian arms shipments to Yemen, such as the weapons interdicted by a U.S. Navy destroyer on Aug. 28. If the United States, Israel and Europe could go back in time and prevent Hezbollah from becoming a powerhouse, they would do so in a heartbeat. This is the fleeting opportunity that still remains in Yemen – by Michael Knights

My comment: This is an abridgment of the author’s greater study on the “Houthi war machine”, presented and commented by me in Yemen War Mosaic 456, cp1.

The author is paralyzed (or wants to paralyze his readers) of the horror vision “of an Iranian-supplied “southern Hezbollah” on the Arabian Peninsula, flanking the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and Suez Canal”. He obviously wants to incite the US to interfer in Yemen. He does not clearly tell us, whether by military intervention or by Influencing / Bullying any international or inner-Yemeni peace efforts.

“Yet U.S. strategic interests require that any U.N.-brokered peace deal does not end with Houthi-controlled coastline on the Red Sea, or direct uninspected flights landing in Houthi areas”. The author takes it for granted that the US might shape the world according to US (this means: US elite) interests, where ever on this planet. This really is unacceptable.

It must be the interests of Yemen and of the Yemen parties how a peace will be arranged. Neighbouring and other countries cedrtainly have a right to be guaranteed that there will not come any aggressive acts and threats from Yemeni soil. And such a peace deal which really will last and will be a benefit for Yemen, will include free access to the outer world for all Yemeni entities – via harbours and air ports solely controlled by them and by no foreign force at all.

A real peace deal should include guarantees by all parties that they accept and support free international shipping in the Bab e-Mandeb and in the Red Sea. This would render baseless any claims that there would remain any threats to free shipping. This would be an effect of a real peace deal: All sides accept and guarantee that they will keep the peace for a long time and will abstain from any aggressive acts which could endanger peace. The same of course would prevail for the “missile threat” the author think he must emphasize (why he does not mention the far greater threat of Saudi air raids??).

“Peace” simply does not mean anything is under full control of one side. Peace is a system of balance between different powers. It seems to be a current opinion in the US that the US must be in control of the US. And this should be unacceptable for the rest of the world.

And, last not least: labeling the Houthis as a type of “Hezbollah” is a propaganda narrative no one should seriously believe in.

““Death to America, death to Israel, curse upon the Jews, victory to Islam!” seems to horrify the author. He simply cannot understand that there are people who detest the US and Israel. But, this is the world; peace would mean mutual acceptance, even if both sides detest each other.

And a bizarre statement by Knights is added here, showing his way of thinking: “Michael Knights, a senior fellow with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said the coalition’s use of U.S.-made precision-guided munitions and U.S. refueling support does in fact reduce civilian casualties. Aerial refueling allows coalition aircraft to stay in the air longer so “they don’t have to hurry so much when they are undertaking strike operations,” he said.” _ Oh yes, then they can bomb longer and more.

(* B P)

Yemen’s diplomatic discord

After the collapse of planned consultations in Geneva, a new round of formal peace talks seems unlikely before the end of the year.

The political breakdown has already had an impact on the ground. Fighting on the Red Sea coast has intensified once more

The coalition’s campaign to capture Hudayda is an especially acute concern, as it threatens to deepen the humanitarian disaster in Yemen.

The fight for the city could lead to huge shifts in Yemen’s power dynamics. It may have significant implications for not only the Houthis but also the various groups that oppose them.

international actors should also attempt to address Yemen’s economic crisis, lest weaknesses in the country’s monetary and financial system reignite conflict in Mukalla and other relatively stable places. The scuttling of the consultations could further undermine the economy.

Griffiths will likely prioritise economic issues, not least the need to preserve Yemen’s monetary system, as he returns to shuttle diplomacy. He is attempting to salvage the peace negotiations, stating that he will follow meetings in Geneva with consultations with Houthi leaders in Muscat and Sanaa. But it will be difficult to reacquire the political capital he has lost in the past week. While the Houthis have indicated that they are willing to go along with Griffiths’ shuttle diplomacy, the coalition will use the breakdown in the talks to justify its narrative that the Houthis are unwilling to make peace and must be coerced into a settlement through military force. At this stage, it is difficult to imagine that a new round of formal peace talks will begin before the end of the year – although this remains a possibility. All the while, the growing number of Yemenis caught up in the war will continue to suffer.

(B K P)

Film: US seeks to take control of Yemen using Saudis: Activist

The United States is behind Saudi Arabia’s onslaught on Yemen, says an activist, adding that Washington is seeking to take control of the impoverished Arab nation using Riyadh.

“The Saudis alone could not be flying these missions … They are using American and British weapons but mostly American weapons. The American planes are fueling them in the air … American advisers are helping them with logistics and helping them with logistics means the Americans are basically helping them choose targets,” Judith Bello, member of the United National Antiwar Movement, told Press TV in an interview on Thursday.

“The issue is that the Americans are 100 percent behind this war, they want to control that territory, they want to control the straits that the oil passes through, they want to – through the Saudis- have control of as much as the Arabian Peninsula as they can,” she added

Remark: From Iran.

(B H K P)

Film: Overview.

(A K P)

Gulf of Aden Security Review Sept.13, Sept. 12

UN humanitarian coordinator warns al Hudaydah offensive places hundreds of thousands of Yemenis at risk; Spain proceeds with sale of 400 laser-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia; ISIS claims to repel al Houthi attack in al Bayda governorate; al Houthi forces kill Saudi soldier near the Saudi-Yemeni border

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo certifies that Saudi-led coalition is attempting to reduce harm to civilians; Emirati-backed Yemeni forces seize positions along main road connecting Sana’a to al Hudaydah city; UN Special Envoy to Yemen travels to Oman to meet with al Houthi officials

(A K P)

Director-General condemns killing of journalist Ahmed al-Hamzi in Yemen

The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, today condemned the killing of journalist Ahmed al-Hamzi in Al-Bayda Governorate, in central Yemen on 30 August, and called for improved safety measures for journalists working in conflict situations.

(* B K P)

Are the US and Saudi Arabia hiding evidence of war crimes in Yemen?

The ongoing war in Yemen has led to thousands of innocent civilians dying. The irony is that the people investigating the crimes, are the same people doing the bombing.

For over three years, the international community has been presented with one sham US-Saudi investigation after another in regards to the human cost the war in Yemen has exacted on the Yemeni people.

With that said, expecting a country to investigate its own war crimes in an honest and transparent manner is akin to expecting the proverbial wolf to provide an accurate head count of the chickens he suddenly came to reign over in the proverbial hen house.

Human Rights Watch found that US-Saudi coalition forces routinely exonerate their respective forces, and place unjustifiable blame on their victims, while denying all culpability even in the face of irrefutable evidence that contradicts their claims.

“For more then two years, the coalition has claimed that the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) was credibly investigating allegedly unlawful airstrikes, but the investigators were doing little more than covering up war crimes,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director for Human Rights Watch. “Governments selling arms to Saudi Arabia should recognise that the coalition’s sham investigations do not protect them from being complicit in serious violations in Yemen.”

Finally, however, an independent and wide-ranging investigation into the war in Yemen was released by the United Nations.

While the Houthis, Iran, UAE, and a consortium of militia groups also come under fire for their respective roles in contributing towards what has become the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, the report is especially damning of the Saudi-led coalition’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians and vital infrastructure, and the devastation that has caused the Yemeni population.

When you combine these credible allegations with a myriad of others, including those that have made the case that US-backed Saudi warplanes have intentionally targeted Yemen’s food production and agricultural sector in what has been dubbed a “scorched-earth strategy,” you come to understand who is exactly to blame for why 14 million Yemenis—which represents more than half of the population—are facing starvation, and disease.

Thanks to the Group of International and Regional Eminent Experts on Yemen, however, we have a clearer picture of what and who is inflicting the lion's share of death and destruction in Yemen: it’s the US backed Saudi coalition.

Now we know who is responsible, the international community must pressure the belligerents into ceasing attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

The days of sham investigations into Yemen’s existential crisis, which have helped prolong the conflict by keeping the general public in the dark, are now over. We now know the god-awful truth. It’s time our elected leaders act like it – by C. J. Werleman

(B P)

Saudi, UAE dreams of Middle East dominance inflame regional conflicts

The Saudi-UAE cold war with Iran has been a hot war for most of the Middle East. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen bare the brutal scars of outside powers competing for influence.

The competition between Saudi Arabia and Iran is illustrative of Saudi Arabia's counterproductive behaviour in the international arena. Ever since the 1979 Iranian revolution, the Gulf has been trying to contain Tehran’s aggressive foreign policy orientation.

Riyadh’s opposition to the "Arab Spring", that started in Tunisia in late 2010 and spilt over to other Arab countries, was also vicious and intractable. Seeing that the uprisings were about to dismantle the old authoritarian order, the Saudis joined forces with the UAE to impede its expansion at all costs.

These two countries supported proxies that carried out a coup d’etat (e.g. Egypt) and advised them to utilise counter-revolutionary movements and terrorist groups to shift the uprising from peaceful demonstrations into armed conflicts as it happened in Libya, Yemen, and Syria.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), which specialises in researching conflicts and armaments, documented that from late 2012 to early 2013, 37 military cargo flights destined to extremist forces in Syria originated from various parts of Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi-UAE axis was so blatant in grooming extremist elements that even former US Vice President Joe Biden publicly criticised the actions.

My comment: From Turkey. Mixed up with a lot of “Turkey is a force of good” propaganda.

(* B H K P)

Siete historias desde Yemen, devastado por tres años de ataques de Arabia Saudí: "Las bombas caían, no podíamos dormir"

[7 stories from #Yemen, 7 voices who echo the silenced words of millions trapped by the Saudi led aggression]

Fadia, Ahmed, Samir, Fatimah, Hanan, Leila y Ahmed Ali son algunos de los miles de civiles golpeados por tres años de conflicto en Yemen

"Mientras mis hermanas y mi madre se ponían sus vestidos y mi hermano cerraba la puerta, una bomba cayó en medio de la casa", recuerda un testimonio recogido por AI

Las ONG piden al Gobierno el cese total de las exportaciones de armas a Arabia Saudí y que se mantenga firme en la paralización de la venta de 400 bombas láser, pero Robles evita aclarar qué va a ocurrir con este contrato

(* B P)

UAE 'instructed Yemen's Saleh to ally with Houthis', former spokesman alleges

The UAE convinced late Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to form an alliance with the Houthis, his former spokesperson alleged this week.

In an interview with Kremlin-linked Sputnik news agency, Yasser al-Yamani accused "all parties" of bringing Yemen to the disastrous humanitarian state it is currently in.
But it was his claim that the UAE instructed Saleh to form an alliance with Houthi rebels, before the rebels' takeover of the capital almost four years ago, which drew the most attention in Arabic media.
"The truth is that the UAE has planned to lose Amran under the pretext of defeating the Muslim Brotherhood," Yamani claimed.

He said that the the fall of Amran - a town, close to the capital, that the rebels captured in July 2014 - "was a conspiracy between Saleh and the UAE".
"The UAE arranged the fall of Amran under the pretext of overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood," he said.

(* B P)

Official: UAE convinced Yemen’s Saleh to ally with Houthis

A spokesman for the late Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh has revealed that the United Arab Emirates convinced him to ally with the Shia Houthi group.

“Everyone contributed to what Yemen has become today. The General People’s Congress [headed by Saleh] was a main contributor as well as Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Everyone has contributed to the Houthis’ arrival in Sanaa,” Yasser Al-Yamani said in an interview with Russia’s Sputnik news agency.

“We have to review the statements of former Yemeni defence minister, Mohammed Nasser, after he returned from the UAE before the fall of Sanaa and Amran. He told the media that the Yemeni army is neutral. How could the army be neutral while the state is fighting the militias?” he asked.

“The truth is that the UAE has planned to lose Amran under the pretext of defeating the Yemeni Congregation for Reform” Al-Yamani said, adding: “We all opposed this alliance at the beginning including myself, but the problem is that the People’s Congress was deceived by this alliance under UN auspices.”

According to Al-Yamani, “the UAE has significantly contributed to the situation in Yemen. It convinced former president Ali Abdullah Saleh … to ally with the Houthis in order to overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood or Al-Islah. He fell for it and President [Abd Rabbuh Mansur] Hadi has also fallen for it.”

This work by Middle East Monitor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

My comment: The Houthi-Saleh alliance of 2014 which lasted until 2017 certainly had not been initiated by the Emirates. Al-Yamani’s claim actually refers only to the case of the city of Amran and the local situation at a certain time.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

Yemen war a 'living hell' for children: UNICEF

“The conflict has made Yemen a living hell for its children,” Meritxell Relano, UNICEF Representative in Yemen, told Reuters.

She said more than 11 million children, or about 80 percent of the country’s population under the age of 18, were facing the threat of food shortages, disease, displacement and acute lack of access to basic social services.

“An estimated 1.8 million children are malnourished in the country. Nearly 400,000 of them are severely acute malnourished and they are fighting for their lives every day.”

The coalition has imposed stringent measures on imports into Yemen to prevent the Houthis from smuggling weapons but the checks have slowed the flow of commercial goods and vital aid into the country.

In Sab’een hospital a toddler in diapers lay wrapped in blankets with a tube inserted in the child’s nose. Another child cried while being lowered naked unto a scale to be weighed.

The families of the children declined to speak to the media.

“The situation of the families without jobs, without income and in the middle of the war, is catastrophic,” Relano said.

She said UNICEF had provided more than 244,000 severely malnourished children under the age of five with therapeutic treatment since the beginning of 2018, in addition to micronutrient treatment to over 317,000 children under five.

“The human cost and the humanitarian impact of this conflict is unjustifiable,” U.N. humanitarian coordinator Lise Grande said in a statement on Thursday.

(* A H)

‘Stay Safe Mama’ – Providing life-saving reproductive health services for pregnant women across Yemen

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, launched the ‘Stay Safe Mama’ project with the generous contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
The project aims to improve access to life-saving reproductive health services for women of childbearing age across nine governorates in Yemen.

UNFPA estimates that there are nearly 3 million women of childbearing age in acute need in Yemen, of whom some 450,000 are likely to be pregnant and deliver within the year, among them an estimated 67,000 women risk complications with immediate danger to their lives if urgent life-saving maternal care and medicines become inaccessible.

Within the scope of the project, UNFPA is supporting 158 health facilities by upscaling and equipping maternity units with reproductive health kits, medicines, supplies and would expand to cover 300 health facilities. Maternity units will be supported with skilled health workers from obstetric gynaecologists to midwives. In addition, midwives at the community level will be supported to set-up home-based clinics. These will play a critical role in helping pregnant women in remote areas who lack the means to reach the nearest hospital with the care and support they need during pregnancy and childbirth.
In a country with one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the Arab region, the ‘Stay Safe Mama’ project will play a vital role in reducing maternal deaths and related illness among mothers and their newborns.

(A H)

A schoolteacher has died from hunger in Sanaa. He left his children with his relatives and started to search for a new job after his family had been forced out of their apartment for failing to pay rent. #Yemen employees, majority in Houthi-run regions, unpaid since Sept 2016.

(* B H)

Take five: “Yemeni women and girls are the ones who are paying the price of war”

Areej Jamal Al- Khawlani has worked with UN Women as a Programme Associate in Yemen since 2017. Prior to joining UN Women, she was part of the Yemen Parliamentarians Against Corruption and worked for the Mwatana Organization for Human Rights. As the conflict in Yemen nears its fourth year, the conditions are worsening for women and girls: 76 per cent of internally displaced persons (IDPs) are women and children, and an estimated 3 million women and girls are at risk of gender-based violence, according to UNFPA. In this interview, Ms. Al-Khawlani shares the current needs and priorities of Yemeni women and girls.

The dynamics of the conflict have placed many restrictions on the work of international and local organizations. This requires us to think creatively about how we can achieve our objectives to support women and men, girls and boys of Yemen, particularly those most affected by the war.

For instance, while supporting women’s participation in politics, peace negotiations and decision-making bodies is a critical priority, all parties to the conflict tend to think that while the conflict is ongoing is not the time to address women’s right and empowerment issues. There are also heightened sensitivities about gender-based violence issues. Therefore, working on these issues means that non-governmental organizations and international organizations must be careful about how these issues are phrased and addressed through their projects.

Yemeni women and girls are the ones who are paying the price of war. Some 76 per cent of internally displaced persons are women and children, and nearly 21 per cent of households of internally displaced persons as well as host communities are headed by women below the age of 18.

Yemeni women are now having to step into roles that were traditionally filled by men because so many men have been killed or injured, forcibly disappeared or have lost their jobs. But now they have the double burden of being the family’s main provider while also performing their expected role of primary caregivers in the family.

The most urgent issues for women include the lack of medical care and the consequences of economic devastation. Women and children also account for the largest number of civilian victims. Reported gender-based violence incidents increased by 36 per cent in 2017, and child marriage rates have escalated to 66 per cent, as of 2017.

The dreams of many Yemeni women and girls have not come true, just because they are women and girls living in Yemen.

One of the main areas of UN Women’s work in Yemen is to expand women’s political participation, which is challenging during crisis.

(B H)

Infographic by UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Yemen: Organizations 3W Operational Presence (July 2018)

(A H)

Human Needs for Development-HND : "200" food packages were distributed to those poorest families in #Saada governorate northern #Yemen

The targeted families weren't able to afford such these foods because they don't have enough money. (photos) referring to!/

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(B H)

UNHCR Ethiopia Factsheet - August 2018

1,891 from Yemen

Ethiopia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers as of 31 August 2018

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Parliament to resume its sessions on Saturday

The Parliament is to resume on Saturday its sessions under the chairmanship of the parliament's speaker, Yahya al-Raei.
The parliament's agenda includes the discussion of the developments of the Saudi-led aggression coalition and its recent escalation on Hodeidah province, according to a statement issued on Wednesday by the parliament's presidency.
The agenda will also deal with the economic situation, as well as intensifying communication with international community organizations to demand to stop the aggression and lift the siege, the statement added.

(A P)

FM meets Representative of UN Human Rights Commissioner

(A P)

Seven coalition collaborators arrested in Sanaa

(A K P)

#Sanaa: The Rehabilitation Fund for the Disabled has rallied in front of the #UN to denounce the blockade, the closure of the airport, the lack of medications and aid supplies for the people of #Yemen. (photos)

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

The Hadrami elite forces arrest 4 terrorists planning a new terrorist act in Mukalla, where explosive devices, explosive belts and explosives were seized.

(A P)

Pro-UAE forces release activist hours after arrest in Shabwah

The al-Shabwaniya elite forces released late Monday evening a media activist, hours after he was arrested after publishing a post on his Facebook page

(A H P)

Hadramawt teachers begin mass strike demanding increased salaries

Thousands of teachers in the Hadramawt province (eastern Yemen) on Wednesday entered an all-out strike demanding a 100 percent salary increase to meet the high cost of the depreciation of the local currency.

"Today we started a mass and total strike after the lifting of red badges and a partial strike," said teacher Taha Bafadhl, chairman of the Media Committee for the follow-up of teachers ' rights in Hadramawt, to Anadolu.

The lifting of red badges means placing a piece of red cloth on the wrist or on the shirt pocket, which is recognized in Yemen as a sign of protest and anger.

He noted the "best" interaction of teachers with the Escalator program in its third phase, pointing out that the mass strike will continue to meet the demands of teachers.

He said the most important demands of teachers are to raise salaries by 100 percent.

The number of teachers in the Hadramawt Governorate is 15, 000.

(A P)

Aden vigil for the Mothers of abducted in front of coalition headquarters to demand the reveal of forcibly hidden

The Association of Mothers of abducted and forcibly hidden has demanded the disclosure of the fate of scores of their forcibly hidden children in the Arab coalition and government jails, whose families have learned their unknown fate for more than two years.

On Wednesday, the mothers of abducted staged a vigil in front of the coalition headquarters in the city of al-Buriqa, Aden, chanting slogans against arbitrary arrests, and raising banners demanding the release of detainees and forcibly hidden persons who were ordered to be released by prosecutors, and the remainder to be transferred to the prosecution.

Gunmen follow the Arab coalition attempted to attack the vigil to prevent filming.

The authorities of Bir Ahmed prison on Tuesday released 11 detainees, who were ordered to be released from the Public Prosecutor's office.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(B P)

Despite UN envoy's attempts to revitalize #Yemen peace process, the #Saudi-led coalition and Hadi government are unlikely to engage in the peace process in earnest until it militarily weakens the al #Houthi movement. #UAE official claims seizing #Hudaydah is only way forward.

(A P)

UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths traveled to Muscat, Oman to meet with Omani foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi and al Houthi political leaders. Griffiths told the United Nations Security Council on September 11 that he will also visit Sana’a, Yemen to meet with al Houthi leaders and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to meet with members of the Hadi government in the coming days to discuss the peace process. The al Houthi movement did not attend UN-led consultations in Geneva on September 6.[3]

(* A P)

UNHRC: Saudis Fight Back Against Report about Targeting Civilians in Yemen

The Saudi Arabian ambassador and his Yemeni counterpart spent their time at the United Nations Human Rights Council spewing lies and skirting the blame for the humanitarian crisis and violence in Yemen.

In his statement to the council, Saudi ambassador Abdulaziz al-Wasil completely rejected the findings and conclusions of a recent report from a UN group of eminent experts, otherwise known as a GEE report. The GEE report accuses the US-backed Saudi-led coalition of committing multiple violations against civilians in Yemen. The in-depth report highlights several cases of airstrikes deliberately targeting places where civilians were present.

Furthermore, the Saudi ambassador said the Kingdom planned to submit a comprehensive legal response against the UNHRC “exposing the falsehoods presented in the report.”

The GEE report points out that these attacks lack a clear military objective and utilize precision-guided missiles which indicate that the bombs did, in fact, reach their intended target. Geopolitics Alert has reported the US-backed war crimes in Yemen extensively over the past few years. Recent attacks include a school bus full of children on their way to a summer camp, fish market and hospital entrance, and wedding attack that specifically targeted the bride’s tent.

The report also covers numerous instances of torture and daily sexual abuse against children, women, and men, throughout secret detention centers and other territories under US-backed Emirati control.

However, the report fails to mention anything about the nearly 250,000 deaths from the US-enforced, Saudi-imposed land, sea, and air blockade which has put 22 million of Yemen’s 29 million population on the brink of famine. The blockade has also severely limited access to lifesaving medications — pregnant women, children, the elderly, diabetics, cancer patients, and the chronically ill are most at risk.

The blockade has also triggered a cholera outbreak completely unprecedented in modern times with over one million becoming infected – by Randi Nord

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A E P)

Jobs for Saudis, deportation for expats: Saudisation rollout begins

The 'Saudisation' scheme will replace 60,000 foreign workers with Saudi nationals by January, but lack of skilled Saudi labour remains a challenge

Saudi Arabia began an aggressive "Saudisation" campaign of four retail and wholesale sectors on Tuesday, as the Gulf country presses ahead with economic reforms.

In January, the Ministry of Labour and Social Development announced the gradual plan to restrict employment in 12 sectors to Saudi nationals over three phases, the first of which to begin this month.

The plan aims at reducing unemployment among Saudis, currently standing at 12.8 percent, and reduce the public sector wage bill by bolstering private sector employment.

Under the reform agenda spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the government seeks to reduce unemployment to 7 percent by 2030.

On Tuesday, inspectors from the ministry started the first phase by monitoring the implementation of the Tawteen (nationalisation) scheme for car and motorbike showrooms, shops selling ready-made garments for men and children, home and office furniture shops and shops selling kitchenware.

The four trading activities are due to become 70 percent "Saudised" under the supervision of the ministry.

Violators will be penalised in accordance with Saudi labour laws, the ministry said.

In response to the new restrictions, many shops have either shut down completely or reduced their number of branches, due to the higher costs of employing Saudis and the lack of skilled labour, economic daily Al-Eqtisadeya reported after interviewing shopowners.

(A P)

HRW Calls On Saudi To Immediately Release Cleric

Saudi Arabia: Prominent Cleric May Face Death Penalty

Escalating Crackdown on Dissent

Saudi prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against a prominent cleric on a host of vague charges related to his political statements, associations, and positions, Human Rights Watch said today.

Saudi authorities brought Salman al-Awda, 61, before the Specialized Criminal Court, the country’s terrorism tribunal, on September 3, 2018. A family member told Human Rights Watch that Saudi authorities allowed him contact with a lawyer at the hearing for the first time since his detention a year earlier. At the hearing, prosecutors handed down 37 charges and announced that they would seek the death penalty. The vast majority of the charges are connected to his alleged ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatari government, and his public support for imprisoned dissidents. None refer to specific acts of violence or incitement to acts of violence.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

Film by Nasser Arrabyee: Please US Congress, Take action now! George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would have stopped Saudis from Killing Yemen children!

(* A K P)

Saudi-led coalition working to reduce civilian deaths in Yemen: U.S. State Department

The Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen is taking steps to reduce civilian casualties, the U.S. State Department said on Thursday as it defended a certification to Congress by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to avoid limits on U.S. aid to the kingdom.

“They are taking steps, in the view of the U.S. government and this administration, in the right direction,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told a briefing. “We see them taking steps. Is it perfect? No absolutely not. Do we see them doing what they can to mitigate civilian casualties? Absolutely we do,” she added.

Her comments came a day after Pompeo told Congress that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were working to reduce civilian casualties.

My comment: This statement does not make things any better.


(* A K P)

US: Saudi-Led Coalition Vows to Compensate Victims of Airstrikes in Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition has promised to compensate the victims of strikes in Yemen that left dozens of civilians dead, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said during a press briefing on Thursday.

"They have also pledged to compensate the victims of those strikes that tragically did kill civilians," Nauert told reporters.

The United States sees that the coalition is making diplomatic efforts to stop the civil war in Yemen and taking steps to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the country, Nauert added. She said the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates designated significant funds to tackle humanitarian issues.

Nauert conceded that the actions of the coalition were not perfect, but said efforts to minimize civilian deaths have certainly been made.

My comment: This does not make it any better. I kill your kids and promise you some money for recompensation. Oh how fine is this!!!! (And it will be never paid, anyway).

(A P)

Deputy Secretary Sullivan's Meeting With Humanitarian Organizations on the Situation in Yemen

Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan and USAID Administrator Mark Green met yesterday with international and non-governmental organizations to discuss the humanitarian situation in Yemen, and to brief the group on the Secretary’s certification to Congress under section 1290 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. They discussed recent efforts by the United Nations’ Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths to bring Republic of Yemen Government and Houthi representatives to Geneva for consultations.

The Deputy Secretary and the Administrator discussed the importance of all parties continuing to support the UN Special Envoy; avoiding further escalation of the conflict – including in Hudaydah; coordinating efforts to address Yemen’s economic and humanitarian situation; and committing to a process to reach a comprehensive political agreement that will bring peace, prosperity, and security to Yemen. Participants expressed concern about escalating violence in Hudaydah and noted that the continuing dynamic of desperation in Yemen necessitated measures that would yield tangible results and a sense of improvement.

My comment: More of bla bla.

(* A B K P)

Congress Must Act to End U.S. Support for the Saudis in Yemen

All of these attacks form a pattern that proves that the coalition shows flagrant disregard for the lives of civilians and routinely commits war crimes in its bombing campaign. U.S. support makes that bombing campaign possible, and so our government is responsible for the crimes that the coalition commits with our military assistance. The Saudi coalition will take Pompeo’s certification as a signal that they can continue to act with impunity.

The Yemen Data Project has been tracking Saudi coalition airstrikes since the start of the war, and they have measured a significant increase in airstrikes on confirmed non-military targets in recent month

As we can see from these figures, the coalition is not only hitting non-military targets with horrifying frequency, but there are also far more strikes on non-military targets than there are on military targets. This increase in attacks on civilian targets is tied to the Hodeidah offensive, and the longer that this offensive lasts the worse things will become for the civilian population. The idea that the coalition is making any effort to minimize harm to Yemeni civilians is risible, and all of the evidence shows that it is false. Pompeo’s certification is a lie, and it is a remarkably transparent and shaky one at that.

Sen. Chris Murphy responded to Pompeo’s dishonest certification earlier today in a press release:

The U.S. should never have been involved in this war, and ending our involvement is long overdue. Congress needs to rebuke the Trump administration for its arrogance and dishonesty, and it needs to end U.S. complicity in the destruction and starvation of Yemen – by Daniel Larison

and more critics by Larison here (more at cp1):

(* A P)

Saudi, UAE trying to avoid civilian harm in Yemen: Pompeo

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday he had certified to Congress that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are working to avoid harming civilians in Yemen, clearing the way for continued U.S. help to Saudi Arabia.

Pompeo said in a statement he had advised Congress on Tuesday that “the governments of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are undertaking demonstrable actions to reduce the risk of harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure resulting from military operations of these governments.”

Without the certification, the law would prohibit the United States from refueling ally Saudi Arabia’s planes.

U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis said he backed Pompeo’s finding that Saudi Arabia and UAE “are making every effort to reduce the risk of civilian casualties and collateral damage to civilian infrastructure resulting from their military operations to end the civil war in Yemen.” E


and this is the original statement:

(* A P)

Certification to Congress on Actions of Saudi Arabia and UAE in Yemen Under the NDAA

Press Statement, Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State

Pursuant to Section 1290 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (NDAA), I certified to Congress yesterday that the governments of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are undertaking demonstrable actions to reduce the risk of harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure resulting from military operations of these governments.

The Trump Administration has been clear that ending the conflict in Yemen is a national security priority. We will continue to work closely with the Saudi-led coalition to ensure Saudi Arabia and the UAE maintain support for UN-led efforts to end the civil war in Yemen, allow unimpeded access for the delivery of commercial and humanitarian support through as many avenues as possible, and undertake actions that mitigate the impact of the conflict on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Comment: Pompeo lied, at least twice, today. The most annoying lie? Not when he backed the Saudis and Emiratis, but when he added: 'Ending the conflict in #Yemen is a national security priority'

Remark: For the 7 pages memo, look at cp1.

(A P)

Mattis is now endorsing Saudi & #UAE for "making every effort to reduce the risk of civilian casualties". Since civilians are still being killed, this is at best an endorsement of incompetence (with Mattis statement in image)

(* A P)

In response to Secretary Pompeo’s full certification of the US’ refueling of Saudi-led coalition planes in the Yemen conflict, Oxfam’s Humanitarian Policy Lead Scott Paul said:

Today, the Trump administration once put its Gulf allies ahead of Yemeni families who are struggling to survive.

With Secretary Pompeo’s certification, the State Department demonstrated that it is blindly supporting military operations in Yemen without any allegiance to facts, moral code or humanitarian law. As Oxfam earlier reported, August was the bloodiest month so far in 2018 for civilians in Yemen. There were brutal attacks from both sides, but the majority of civilian casualties were caused by Saudi Arabia-led coalition attacks. The coalition even dropped a US bomb on a school bus killing 40, including dozens of children. Rather than take “demonstrable steps” to curtail these atrocities as Secretary Pompeo certified, the coalition defended them, the bus a “legitimate military target.” Now, this administration is doubling down on its failed policy of literally fueling the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

The Trump administration is openly defying and lying to Congress. Members of Congress must act to end the United States’ complicity in this war.

Scott Paul on twitter: With this morning’s certifications we know once and for all that ending the #Yemen conflict is less of a priority than making nice with Gulf allies. So much less of a priority, in fact, that @StateDept other word for it...lying to Congress about it

(* A P)

U.S. Stands By Saudi Arabia, Despite Criticism Over Civilian Casualties In Yemen

In an op-ed published Tuesday in The Washington Post, Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Todd Young (R-IN) called on the U.S. to "use our leverage to press all parties to end the civil war, protect civilians, and provide full and unfettered humanitarian access."

After the certification, Shaheen said: "We need to hold our allies to a higher standard and, unfortunately, this certification fails in that regard. ... it is evident that the administration is deliberately sidestepping congressional oversight."

"There is little evidence of any attempt by parties to the conflict to minimize civilian casualties," Kamel Jendoubi, chairperson of the U.N.'s Group of International and Regional Eminent Experts on Yemen, said in a statement.

A recent report by Human Rights Watch said the coalition "did not appear to consider whether the attack was lawfully proportionate or if precautions taken were adequate," and "downplayed damage to civilian structures, contradicting physical evidence." It said that some of the coalition's strikes "show evidence of war crimes."

"The coalition's continuing unlawful airstrikes and failure to adequately investigate alleged violations puts weapons' suppliers to the coalition – including the United States, the United Kingdom, and France – at risk of complicity in future unlawful attacks," the rights group said.

(A P)

Rep. Ro Khanna: Pompeo’s ‘certification’ is a farce. The Saudis deliberately bombed a bus full of children. There is only one moral answer, and that is to end our support for their intervention in Yemen.

If this executive will not do it, then Congress must pass a War Powers Resolution.

(* A P)


How can the Trump administration deny what everyone can see with our own two eyes? It is as clear as day that Saudi-led coalition is recklessly – and likely intentionally – killing innocent civilians and children, and they’re doing it with U.S. bombs and so-called targeting assistance. These certifications are a farce and we should all be ashamed that our government is turning a blind eye to likely war crimes.

U.S. involvement in Yemen will be a black mark on our nation’s history. The facts on the ground all point to the exact opposite conclusions than the ones the Administration certified today. Civilian deaths are increasing, not decreasing, with nearly every year growing more deadly than the last. The horrific attack on a school bus was only the latest in a recent list of atrocities. And right now, the coalition is preparing to encircle the port city of Hudaydah, which will cut off vitally needed humanitarian aid to most of the population. The Saudis continue to attack water infrastructure and obstruct humanitarian aid, and a new wave of cholera is sweeping the country. Diplomacy hasn’t gained serious traction mostly because the U.S. continues to provide a virtual blank check to the coalition’s military campaign.

(A P)

Sen. Bernie Sanders: This is outrageous. The Saudi-led war on Yemen is killing thousands of people, including a school bus full of children last month. America's role should not simply be to help our Saudi clients manage the slaughter more responsibly; we need to stop supporting it altogether.

Comment: Despite tomes of historical precedent, some Americans still labour under the fundamentally false impression that America is a force for good, in Yemen or anywhere in the world.

Here's a fact check:

(A P)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: For months, Congress has raised serious concerns about US support of the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen. @SecPompeo’s response today makes a mockery of congressional oversight authority. It’s not a certification – it’s a rubber stamp for Saudi Arabia.

The Trump Admin has all the facts here – but continues to support a coalition that bombs schoolchildren on a class trip. It's wrong, and does nothing to make America safer. We should use our influence to bring an end to Yemen’s humanitarian crisis – not contribute to it

(* A B K P)


And while most U.S. politicians would prefer to pretend otherwise, all of this is happening with the cooperation and direct support of the United States, which is supplying bombs to the Saudis and refueling the planes that are dropping those bombs — like the one that hit a school bus full of children last month. Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy is one of the few lawmakers who has taken a loud and consistent stand against the war, even putting forward an amendment to cut off military assistance to the Saudi coalition. He joins Mehdi Hasan to discuss the ongoing conflict — and whether it can be ended.

(* A B K P)

Film, Ron Paul Liberty Report: Pompeo Green-Lights More Saudi Slaughter In Yemen

On the day Secretary of State Mike Pompeo certified that the Saudi-UAE coalition was doing everything possible to avoid civilian casualties in its war on Yemen, the Saudis hit another civilian bus, killing at least 15. Last month the Saudis attacked another civilian bus killing at least 40 children. The US government is a partner with the Saudis and is complicit in the slaughter of civilians. Congress complains, but does nothing...

(A P)

Ben Norton: As the US militarily helps Saudi Arabia and the UAE kill Yemenis — arming them with advance weaponry, providing in-air refueling and intelligence — the US is also politically shielding them, absurdly claiming they are "protecting" the civilians they are killing.

For 42 months the US has helped Saudi and UAE wage a brutal war on Yemeni civilians, bombing thousands to death, starving millions.

And after preventing independent international investigations, the US cleared them of all crimes.

This is beyond farcical.

And "Mad Dog" Mattis — whom corporate media outlets like to whitewash as "the only adult left in the room" in the Trump administration — "fully" supports Pompeo’s certification, claiming Saudi Arabia and UAE are “making every effort” to protect civilians.


(* A P)

Pompeo: Saudis Are Definitely Trying to Commit Fewer Mass Murders in Yemen

Allowing a totalitarian monarchy to kill thousands of civilians with bombs that are labeled “made in the USA” is a pretty good strategy for increasing the number of people in the Middle East who would like to commit terrorist attacks against the United States.

For these reasons and others, a bipartisan coalition in Congress has called on the Trump administration to withdraw its support for the Saudi campaign (which could scarcely exist without our government’s decision to supply Riyadh with planes, bombs, intelligence, and midair refueling services). Those legislators successfully inserted a provision into this year’s defense spending bill that would have barred the U.S. from refueling Saudi jets conducting bombing campaigns in Yemen — unless Secretary of State Mike Pompeo certified by September 12 that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were taking meaningful steps to reduce civilian casualties, increase humanitarian aid, and negotiate a resolution to the conflict in Yemen.

On Wednesday, Pompeo did just that — assuring Congress that the Saudis were really, truly committed to trying their very best to massacre somewhat fewer children in Yemen.

The United Nations director of Human Rights Watch, Louis Charbonneau, called the U.S. certification “ridiculous” in an interview with NBC News. “There is no indication that the coalition has been really trying to improve things. Citizens continue to be taking the brunt of the attacks; civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, continue to be hit.”

(* A K P)

US Support for the Bombing of Yemen To Continue, for Now

Anyone who follows international news could be excused for accidentally spitting out their morning coffee at Pompeo’s statement.

The United States is the number one weapons dealer in the world, and Saudi Arabia is our biggest customer, having purchased more than $100 billion in armaments since 2010

Concerned individuals should contact their House member and demand they support this common sense effort to cease US participation in this tragedy, without which the Saudi-led coalition could not continue and would likely be forced to negotiate more seriously with the Houthi-backed government. Unfortunately, this conflict is depicted as part of a regional Sunni-Shia supremacy struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which supports the Houthis, but the people of Yemen need the nightmare to end, regardless of geostrategic politics.

Another, more long-term action people of conscience can undertake is to ensure one’s investments or other financial instruments do not benefit Lockheed Martin and other weapons contractors profiting from endless wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. =

(* A P)

Pompeo Backs Saudi Military Action In Yemen

Unfortunately, the 50 children who were killed in a Saudi airstrike on a Yemeni school bus were not available for comment.

Congress slightly forced Pompeo’s hand on the issue with the certification requirement although it’s doubtful the State Department wouldn’t have supported Saudi Arabia. It mainly affected the U.S.’s ability to refuel coalition jets focused on Yemen, but the NDAA language was so broad it probably wouldn’t have caused too much strain on the relationship with the House of Saud. It is nice seeing Congress slightly use its constitutional muscles on making the rules of government, although this exercise was akin to stretching out a small cramp in one’s pinkie toe.

Of course, the Obama Administration had also been involved in Yemen through drone strikes, ‘military advisers,’ arms sales, and more.

It’s a bipartisan war – even if neither major U.S. party wants to take responsibility. It only matters when it comes up to election time and whether the American voter really cares about foreign policy, especially when it comes to troops (hint – not likely).

The entire situation is far from surprising because Trump is hoping to surpass Obama as arms dealer in chief.

Congress does have the power raise and support an army and arming those in the so-called Militia when they’re in the service of the U.S. Tomka believes the legislature has the power to sell weapons to allies in a time of war, although the logic is flawed because it stretches the words of “declare war” from the notion of Amerian troops fighting a battle to the U.S. funding conflicts like some sort of puppet master.

Of course, the U.S. does have a history of doing just that – whether it be through executive or legislative action.

A friend of mine declared America has a wretched track record when it comes to Arab World arms and military dabbling, but considering some of the questionable decisions by the U.S. government in South America (see Manuel Noriega and, possibly, Augusto Pinochet) it could be that track record is just wretched all around.

There are several solutions to this issue – although none of them will make anyone really happy.

(* A P)

Pompeo vouches for Saudi Arabia’s actions in Yemen as millions of children starve

In a "purely political decision," the State Department certified that the Saudi-led coalition is trying to reduce civilian casualties.

Daniel Balson, Amnesty International’s director of advocacy for Europe and Central Asia, told ThinkProgress that the certification is a “purely political decision” and one that is not supported by many lawmakers and flies in the face of the findings of human rights groups, humanitarian organizations, and years of reporting.

Opposition among lawmakers to U.S. support of the Saudi-led coalition, said Balson, is neither fringe nor partisan, and there is, in fact, recourse, should the Saudi coalition not do as promised. For instance, lawmakers can take legislative action to prevent further sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia.

“The State Department is placing a bet right now. And they’re betting that they can continue defending procurement of military aid to the [Saudi] coalition while TV screens across the U.S. show images of dead kids,” said Balson. “That’s not a very good bet.”

The Trump administration’s backing of the Saudi coalition is a tough one to defend given the horrific record for civilian deaths, including the Aug. 9 strike on a school bus that killed around 40 children.

(* A P)

'Outrageous': Fury as Pompeo Puts US 'Rubber Stamp' of Approval on Saudi Slaughter of Civilians in Yemen

"Pompeo's 'certification' is a farce. The Saudis deliberately bombed a bus full of children. There is only one moral answer, and that is to end our support for their intervention in Yemen."

The certification was met with anger by lawmakers and others who have demanded for months that the U.S. stop providing the Saudis and UAE with fuel, weapons, and tactical support in the war—with Sen. Bernie Sanders declaring Pompeo's statement "outrageous."

"The Saudi-led war on Yemen is killing thousands of people, including a school bus full of children last month," tweeted Sanders. "America's role should not simply be to help our Saudi clients manage the slaughter more responsibly; we need to stop supporting it altogether."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called the certification a "rubber stamp" for a coalition whose attacks the U.S. has steadfastedly backed even as it targeted a school bus in a strike that killed 40 children last month.

"The ball's in your court, Congress," wrote Stephen Miles, director of Win Without War, on social media. "Secretary Pompeo and the Trump administration once again prove that they will lie through their teeth and completely ignore all factual evidence to do whatever they want. How will Congress respond?"

In an op-ed for Common Dreams following Pompeo's announcement, Peace Action's Kevin Martin denounced the decision and called on Americans to divest from U.S. government contractors that have sold weapons to the Saudis.

Yemeni reporter Shuaib M. Almosawa, based in the capital city of Sanaa, noted that as Pompeo was making his statement, more Yemeni civilians were reported killed in the latest airstrikes in Hodeidah.

Meanwhile, Gregg Carlstrom, Middle East correspondent for The Economist, drew attention to Pompeo's certification as just the latest evidence that the Trump administration is intent on alienating the U.S. from the global community—declaring itself and its allies as within their rights to conduct international wars as they see fit while tearing up painstakingly formed agreements like the Iran nuclear deal.

(* A P)

Trump chooses more of the same in Yemen’s war

In Washington, opposition has been mounting to Saudi Arabia’s ruinous role in Yemen’s civil war. There is widespread outrage over grisly incidents in which civilians have died at the hands of a Saudi-led military coalition, including a missile strike last month that killed dozens of schoolchildren.

But the Trump administration is endorsing the coalition’s apparent efforts to cut down on such deaths.

“Since taking office, President Trump has strengthened U.S. ties with Saudi Arabia and the UAE,” noted my colleague Missy Ryan. “While his administration has criticized the coalition periodically for its handling of the war, it has restored arms sales suspended under President Barack Obama and echoed gulf concerns about the Houthis’ ties to Iran.”

Leaders in both Saudi Arabia and the UAE are happy for Washington to push this line.

Trump administration officials who spoke to The Post believe that maintaining support for the Saudis and Emiratis allows the United States to have better oversight over how the war is fought. “It’s an intense debate about what is a glaring problem about civilian casualties and whether we continue to work with the Saudis or whether we feel we have to put some distance” between Washington and the war effort, an administration official told my colleagues. “A lot of us also feel that things are going to get worse if we’re not even involved.”

But some lawmakers vehemently reject that view.

My comment: Trump administration logics: If you kill someone, I bring you the gun, I take my car and drive you to the place, I keep watch, because then I have “have better oversight over how” the killing is done. Absurd.

(* A P)

Yemen skeptics in Congress see politics shifting their way—and against Trump

The Trump administration’s move here may backfire, finally turning the political tide against U.S. involvement, said lawmakers who have long pressed to cut off U.S. bomb sales to coalition allies and aerial refueling support to coalition aircraft. (The U.S. also trains and advises the Saudi military to improve targeting and follow international law.)

"Pompeo’s ‘certification’ is a farce,” said Rep. Ro Khanna

Khanna said he, House Armed Services Committee ranking member Rep. Adam Smith and other Democratic leaders, will soon introduce a new resolution invoking Congress’s constitutional war powers to keep U.S. forces from aiding the Saudi-led coalition.

If midterm elections in November turn the House blue, ranking Democrats like Smith will become chairmen and hold more sway. To boot, Sen. Bernie Sanders, a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, and Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a likely 2020 hopeful, have both been active on the issue.

For now, Murphy is ready to introduce a joint resolution of disapproval in the Senate should the administration advance a precision guided munitions sale to Riyadh. The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., has been delaying that sale for months, and it is hard to see him let up now.

Amid the report’s contradictions, several lawmakers vented their annoyance on Wednesday — including the lawmakers who pressed for the certification requirement, Senate Foreign Relations Committee members Todd Young, R-Ind., and Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H.

To Shaheen, “the coalition clearly hasn’t met” the legislation’s benchmarks on avoiding civilian casualties, “and it is evident that the administration is deliberately sidestepping congressional oversight.”

But Shaheen held out hope the administration would get serious for future certification deadlines. “I hope that the administration will take these opportunities to finally use the leverage it has to hold our allies accountable,” she said.

(* A P)

'These certifications are a farce': Democratic senator on pledge to reduce Mideast casualties

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Congress late Tuesday that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are taking "demonstrable actions" to minimize civilian casualties in their war against Houthi rebels in Yemen, in a certification required by law.

But to critics, his words are, to a certain extent, refuted by the State Department's own report, an unclassified version of which was obtained by ABC News.

But while the State Department report said the two countries are in fact "taking appropriate steps to avoid disproportionate harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure," it's unclear to which recent steps it's referring.

In particular, the report said the Saudis "incorporated a no-strike list into its target development procedures." But the Saudis have lauded their no-strike list since at least May 2017, when a Saudi embassy press release listed it as one of "several steps [taken] to create a more thorough vetting process for target selection." The list included 33,000 targets at the time, the embassy said.

The State Department report also references a U.S. government course to the Royal Saudi Air Force "that included training on the law of armed conflict and air-to-ground targeting processes," but that course was delivered in May 2017, according to the report.

Instead, the report itself admits "recent civilian casualty incidents indicate insufficient implementation of reforms and targeting practices."

A State Department official would not comment on the contents of the certification report but did point to the coalition's investigation of the Aug. 9 bombing.

"That investigation led to the Coalition admitting it made errors," the official told ABC News, and the coalition is now "reviewing its rules of engagement, will hold those at fault accountable and compensate victims of the Aug. 9 air strikes in Sa'ada that tragically killed children on a school bus."

But the department's report also showed that, so far "investigations have not yielded accountability measures."

Critics have said the administration is loathe to criticize the Saudis, even in a spat between Canada and the kingdom over human rights.

"They've got a bad set of facts, but they don't care about that. They are singularly focused on having the Saudis be a buffer to Iran, and that has been this administration's policy since the president took office," Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., told ABC News. "The casualty of that is Yemeni civilians."

With the Democrats hoping to take back the House in November's midterm elections, the legislation could be top of list for the Armed Services Committee, which oversees the Pentagon's budget.

My comment: “’What Pompeo said is actually accurate despite all the naysayers. A huge effort is being made to improve targeting and work to avoid such accidents, and the U.S. is very aware of that, Ali Shihabi, founder of the Arabia Foundation in Washington, which has close ties to the kingdom, said in an email.“: This is pure Saudi propaganda. Keep in mind that this “Arabia Foundation” really is a Saudi PR / propaganda / lobbying outlet: =

(* A P)

Yemen: US “certifies” Saudi Arabia, UAE acting to reduce risk to civilians

But aid groups and members of Congress have slammed Pompeo’s certificiation as a “farce” and “without any allegiance to facts, moral code or humanitarian law.”

The assessment, which is required by Congress for the U.S. to continue allowing its air tankers to refuel Saudi and UAE warplanes, comes after a string of high-profile coalition strikes that have killed scores of civilians, many of them children.

Aid groups slammed Pompeo’s certification, saying it would ensure further civilian bloodshed.

“With Secretary Pompeo’s certification, the State Department demonstrated that it is blindly supporting military operations in Yemen without any allegiance to facts, moral code or humanitarian law,” Oxfam America Humanitarian Policy Lead Scott Paul said said in a statement.

“The Trump administration is openly defying and lying to Congress. Members of Congress must act to end the United States’ complicity in this war,” Paul added.

Brookings Institution fellow Scott Anderson said Congress must push for more information on the basis of the certification, and challenge Pompeo if this is deemed inadequate.

Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna called the certification a “farce.”

“The Saudis deliberately bombed a bus full of children. There is only one moral answer, and that is to end our support for their intervention in Yemen,” Khanna tweeted.

(A K P)

If you're keeping score at home, the US refuses to certify that Iran is complying with the nuclear deal, which the IAEA says it is, and certifies that the Saudi-led coalition is protecting civilians in Yemen, which the UN says it is not.

(* A K P)

Pompeo says Saudi-led coalition is trying to reduce Yemen's civilian casualties

Defense Secretary James Mattis praised Pompeo's move in a statement Wednesday:

"The Saudi-led coalition's commitment is reflected in their support for these UN-led efforts," Mattis said. "Alongside the Department of State, we are actively engaged with Mr. Martin Griffiths, the UN Special Envoy, to achieve a negotiated end to this fighting."

A senior State Department official said they realized the certification was a controversial decision, but said it was made for US national security interests, particularly because of Iranian involvement in Yemen. The official said that while the Saudi-led coalition obviously has a lot of work to do, they are making efforts at improving their targeting.

"The Administration recognizes that civilian casualties have occurred at rates that are far too high in the Saudi-led Coalition's campaign in Yemen," the official said, adding that the US believes "civilian casualties must be mitigated and reduced as much as possible for both strategic and moral reasons."

A State Department spokesperson told CNN that Department of Defense advisers and embassy personnel on the ground said they have observed efforts by Saudi Arabia and UAE to reduce civilian casualties. The spokesperson also said that the administration believes both countries are complying with applicable agreements and laws regulating defense equipment purchased or transferred from the US.

The spokesperson also said the administration has found that both nations are making efforts to end the conflict and reduce the humanitarian toll of the crisis.

"We are engaging the Saudi-led coalition to urge them to strengthen measures that reduce the risk of harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure," the spokesperson said. "The Department of State and the Department of Defense will continue to press Saudi Arabia and the UAE on this issue at the highest levels."

My comment: And some more reasoning behind. The confession “the certification was a controversial decision, but said it was made for US national security interests, particularly because of Iranian involvement in Yemen” is like “dropping the trousers” and clearly shows that just own geopolitical interests did matter.

(* B K P)

Film: Pompeo Under Pressure from Congress Over US Role In Yemen

Outrage is growing in the U.S. Congress over the U.S. military's role in Yemen, where thousands have died due to the war between a Saudi-led coalition and Houthi rebels. A bipartisan group of American lawmakers added a provision into a defense spending bill requiring Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to certify by September 12th whether Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are finding a political settlement to the three-year-old conflict.

(A P)

The United States has leverage to end the Yemeni civil war. Use it.

US Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Todd Young

We believe the United States’ national security interests and our humanitarian principles demand that we use our leverage to press all parties to end the civil war, protect civilians, and provide full and unfettered humanitarian access.

That’s why we have led bipartisan efforts in Congress to introduce and pass legislation into law that gives the Trump administration leverage that it can use to achieve our policy objectives and hold Saudi Arabia and the UAE accountable.

As members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, we have closely studied the situation in Yemen and believe the best way to oppose Iran in Yemen and stop ballistic missile attacks on our partners is to bring all parties to the negotiating table. We believe there is a moral imperative to do everything we can to ensure the Saudi-led coalition stops killing civilians. In fact, the indiscriminate targeting of civilians will only push more Yemenis toward Iran and its proxies — giving Tehran increasing opportunities to threaten Americans, our allies and our interests.

We stand ready to work with the administration to persuade the Saudis and Emiratis to support our objectives for Yemen and to honor their commitments.

For the sake of the United States’ interests and our humanitarian principles, we hope the administration complies with the law and submits a good-faith certification by Wednesday. If that does not happen, support for the coalition in Congress may reach a breaking point as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis deteriorates further.

My comment: This had been written just before Pompeo’s statement. This two senators’ statements reads like a lot of word bubbles worth nothing. The US is one of the worst malefactors in Yemen. Yes, the US would have “leverage to end the Yemeni civil war“ – simply by stopping US support for Saudi Arabia and by stopping to act out in Yemen the US paranoia on Iran. The Saudis and their allies must not be „persuaded“, but forced. „We stand ready to work with the administration“ really is servile bullshit, as this administration will fiercly support the Saudi war in Yemen to the very end.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* A B P)

News that the Tory government is betraying its own voters lands at the worst possible time

The Conservative government is betraying the majority of its own voters by continuing arms sales to Saudi Arabia. With the government having to defend its indefensible position on the issue at an emergency debate in parliament, the revelation couldn’t come at a worse time.

But despite the public opposition to its arms sales to Saudi Arabia, the government does appear very determined to continue them. MPs called an emergency debate about Yemen on 11 September. During the session, Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt, AKA the government’s Saudi-apologist-in-chief, defended its arms sales. Burt claimed “there was no simple answer to the war in Yemen”. According to Middle East Eye, he also said it is right to arm Saudi Arabia, adding:

We have done all we can to express the concern raised by the house

But many MPs and members of the public don’t want Burt merely to “express” concerns. They want the arms sales to stop so that the UK isn’t complicit in the potential war crimes that Saudi Arabia is committing in Yemen. They want the government to dissociate itself and the country from Saudi Arabia’s reckless actions,

(A P)

Film: Alison Thewliss- Emergency Debate on Yemen

My comment: Debate? The House is almost empty. Shame.

Comment by Hisham al-Omeisy: Alison is one of many heroes that I can not thank enough for going to bat for my safety and release when forcibly disappeared and tortured by the Houthis :) World would be a better place if more politicians were like her.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Gegen die Waffen, nicht die Arbeitsplätze

Friedensbewegung demonstriert gegen Rheinmetall

„Rheinmetall entwaffnen – Krieg beginnt hier!“ – unter diesem Motto demonstrierten vergangenen Sonntag 500 Demonstranten in Unterlüß. Der Ort in der niedersächsischen Südheide ist seit 1899 Sitz der Rüstungsfirma Rheinmetall. Ein Bündnis hatte zu einer Demonstration und einem Friedenscamp aufgerufen. Die Demonstration ging vom Bahnhof über das erst gerichtlich durchgesetzte Friedenscamp zu den zwei Eingängen der Rüstungsfirma Rheinmetall. Ein Tenor der Reden auf der Demonstration und danach war: Wir sind gegen Rheinmetall, aber nicht gegen die Arbeitsplätze der Beschäftigten. Die Diskussion über die Umstellung auf zivile und ökologische Produktion muss beschleunigt werden.ätze.htm

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Dritte Iran-Europa-Gesprächsrunde über Jemen

Die dritte Runde der Jemen-Gespräche Irans mit Vertretern der Europäischen Union und den Ländern Deutschland, Italien, Großbritannien und Frankreich hat in der belgischen Hauptstadt Brüssel stattgefunden.

Bei den Gesprächen habe man über Wege beraten, den Krieg im Jemen zu beenden und das Ausmaß der menschlichen Katastrophe zu mindernächsrunde_über_jemen

(A P)

"It is not your right to make me say something unless I say it "... An argument between Saudi Arabia and Iraq in the League of Arab States

Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and the Saudi Minister of State for African States Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Qattan, regarding Yemen and the kingdom-led "support for Legitimacy" coalition, held an argument at the meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers in Cairo.

The story began when Jaafari put forward the war in Yemen, calling for its end, with a view to the story of the Queen of Yemen and saying that "Kings if they enter a village they ruined".

al-Jafari's call did not seem to impress the Saudi Arabian Minister for the Affairs of African States.

(* A K P)

Spanien liefert doch Waffen an Saudi-Arabien

Spanien wird Saudi-Arabien 400 lasergelenkte Bomben liefern. Dies bestätigte Außenminister Josep Borrell in einem Radiointerview am Donnerstag. Seine Regierung habe "keinen Grund gefunden", den Liefervertrag aus dem Jahr 2015 zu stoppen. Und wenn die Bomben im Jemen eingesetzt werden, wo Saudi-Arabien Huthi-Rebellen bekämpft, und dort Krankenhäuser oder Schulen zerstören? Der Minister beruhigte die Hörer: "Dies sind Präzisionswaffen, die keine Kollateralschäden verursachen."

Wenn es um Jobs geht in der strukturschwachen Gegend um Cádiz, wird Spaniens Linke sensibel. Der bekannte Bürgermeister von Cádiz, José María González von der linkspopulistischen Podemos, verteidigte den Auftrag aus Saudi-Arabien

Mein Kommentar: Die begründung ist hanebüchen: "Dies sind Präzisionswaffen, die keine Kollateralschäden verursachen."

(* A K P)

Spain will go ahead with sale of 400 bombs to Saudi Arabia

Spain will go ahead with the sale of 400 laser-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia, Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said on Thursday, after the deal was halted amid concerns over the Saudi role in the war in Yemen.

“The decision is that these bombs will be delivered to honor a contract that comes from 2015, and was made by the previous government,” Borrell told Onda Cero radio.

Several government ministries had worked on the issue for a week and the contract was reviewed three times by a commission that authorizes arms sales, Borrell said, adding, “We found no reason not to carry it out.”

Asked whether Spain had received any guarantees that the weapons would not be used against the civilian population in Yemen, Borrell said the laser-guided bombs hit their targets with “extraordinary precision” of within one meter.

“This kind of weapon does not produce the same sort of bombing as less sophisticated weapons, launched a bit randomly, that create the sort of tragedy that we have all condemned.”

My comment: An incredible, and risible reasoning: Saudi precision bombs had hit all kinds of civilian targets very precisely, from a school bus to water wells etc.


(* A K P)

Spain to proceed with Saudi bomb deal days after halting it

Ministers had said €9m sale would be called off over concerns about use in Yemen

The decision came after protests by workers at the state-owned Navantia shipyard in southern Spain, who had argued abandoning the contract would lead the Saudi government to walk away from a €1.8bn deal to buy fivewarships.

“After an intense week’s work by various ministries – including the foreign ministry – the decision is that these bombs will be delivered to honour a contract from 2015, which was made by the previous government and in which no irregularity has been detected that would bar it from happening,” Borrell told Onda Cero radio.

The minister said the contract had been thoroughly reviewed by different ministries and checked three times by the interdepartmental commission that oversees arms sales.

Asked whether the Saudi government had suggested the purchase of the warships was dependent on the bomb deal, Borrell said: “Saudi Arabia looks at its arms deals as part of its overall relations …

“The ministry of defence and the foreign ministry have been talking about this and analysing it for a week. And I think we’ve come to the conclusion that this contract had to be honoured.”


(* A K P)

Spain to deliver laser-guided bombs to Saudis in u-turn

Cancellation of the deal would jeopardise a much larger order for five Corvette warships worth 1.8 billion euros, to be built by Spain's Navantia shipyard in the southern region of Andalusia, with thousands of jobs at stake.

Workers in the region, a stronghold of the ruling Socialist Party, have staged demonstrations pressing for the deal to go ahead. =

and also by Press TV Iran:


(* A K P)

El Gobierno ha ordenado esta mañana enviar las bombas a Arabia Saudí

[#Spain: Government gives the green light to the shipping of 400 guided bombs to #SaudiArabia.]

La dimisión de Carmen Montón ha revolucionado la actualidad política y ha desviado la atención sobre otro asunto político de calado: la venta de armas de Arabia Saudí. Fuentes diplomáticas han informado a este diario de que el Ministerio de Defensa ha comunicado al régimen árabe esta mañana que ya ha dado luz verde al envío de las 400 bombas láser que tenía pendiente. El departamento dirigido por la ministra Margarita Robles no ha querido confirmar el desbloqueo y un portavoz oficial ha asegurado que Defensa "no va a decir nada sobre el tema".

My comment: Disgusting.

(A P)

France seeks release of citizen held by Yemeni Houthis

France is in talks with Houthi forces in Yemen to secure the release of one its citizens held since June after his boat ran into difficulty near the country’s main port of Hodeidah, a French diplomatic source said on Wednesday.

Alain Goma, 54, has been in prison in the capital Sanaa, which is under Houthi control, after being transferred from the Red Sea port.

His detention is complicated politically for Paris.

(A K P)

Yémen : « La France doit suspendre ses ventes d’armes à la coalition »

La relation stratégique entre la France et l'Arabie saoudite ne peut se développer au détriment de la paix et des droits de l'homme, analyse pour JA le député Bastien Lachaud, qui réclame avec plusieurs parlementaires la création d'une commission d'enquête sur les ventes d'armes.

En France, un groupe de parlementaires, dont fait partie le député Bastien Lachaud (La France insoumise), réclame ainsi la création d’une commission d’enquête sur les ventes d’armes.

Jeune Afrique : Où en est votre demande de création d’une commission d’enquête sur les ventes d’armes ?

Bastien Lachaud : Au même point. Elle est toujours sur le bureau de Marielle de Sarnez, présidente de la commission des Affaires étrangères, qui doit l’inscrire à l’ordre du jour. Tant que ce n’est pas le cas, elle ne peut pas être adoptée. Il y a clairement une absence de volonté de voir naître cette commission d’enquête, malgré la demande de députés de plusieurs groupes. Je n’ai constaté aucune inflexion avec le temps.

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp12

(* B K P)

Raytheon’s War Crimes in Yemen

For more than three years, Raytheon, a major US defense contractor, has been aiding and abetting war crimes in Yemen, manufacturing the world’s worst humanitarian crises and profiting upon the bodies of Yemeni children torn apart by their bombs.

Largely hidden from the public, billions of dollars have been made by American arms manufactures in the US backed war in Yemen. As a result, the Saudis are able to deliberately produce massive civilian causalities, using Raytheon’s weapons with the purpose of starving the people of Yemen and depriving them of life saving medicine.

With one Yemeni child dying every ten minutes, without the help of Raytheon, the Saudis would not be as successful as they are now; at the same time Raytheon also benefits from that success, seeing a sharp rise in their share prices, because when civilian death toll rises, so do Raytheon’s stocks.

This can be quite difficult for many Americans to stomach, but the sad truth is that the Saudi airstrikes on Yemen have correlated with the dramatic rise in Raytheon’s share price; in the three years the war has been active, Raytheon’s stocks rose by 94 percent, from $108.44 per share in 2015 to $210.70 in 2018.

Remnants of missiles from Saudis have been retrieved which trace back to Raytheon, hundreds of civilian deaths have been confirmed from these discoveries alone. Considering the fact that Raytheon’s weapons have been used to target weddings, civilian homes, water drilling rigs, and funeral ceremonies, the high rate of civilian deaths is not as surprising.

Bombing civilians in order to make the Houthis surrender appears to be the Saudi’s intent.

Despite all these atrocities, the US government continues to supply the Saudis with arms for their assault on Yemen.

for Raytheon, also read

(A K P)

Royal #Saudi Navy to celebrate the roll out of its first MH-60R #Seahawk on Thursday, Sept. 13th.

#RSNF MH-60R Seahawk roll out ceremony at #LockheedMartin’s Owego, NY facility (photos)

(* A K P)

Riad kauft einen israelischen „Iron Dome“

Ein israelisches Schutzsystem gegen Kurzstrecken-Raketen und Granaten, der "Iron Dome", wäre laut der arabischen Presse an Saudi Arabien verkauft worden. Die Vereinigten Staaten hätten die Transaktion erleichtert.

Die "Eiserne Kuppel" wurde von Rafael Advanced Defense Systems entworfen. Sie funktioniert seit 2011 entlang dem Gaza-Streifen

Laut der Basler Zeitung waren Verhandlungen seit Januar 2018 im Gange.

In der Tat haben sich Saudi-Arabien und Israel seit 2009 genähert.

(* A K P)

Israel sells Saudi Arabia Iron Dome

Defense establishment initially opposed deal, but American pressure and Saudi promise that system would not endanger Israel led to signing.

The Saudi-based Al-Khaleej Online reported today that Saudi Arabia had acquired an Iron Dome system from Israel to defend itself from missile attacks by the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

According to the report, the deal was mediated by the United States, in which the Saudis undertook that the system would not endanger Israel or its allies.

Israeli security sources say this is a significant development in the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

According to the report, Israel initially refused to sell the Saudis to the system because the two countries have no diplomatic relations and the system may be used against it. Saudi Arabia involved the Americans who exerted pressure and brought about a change in the Israeli position.

The deal is due to take place within a few months and the first battery is due to arrive in Saudi Arabia before 2019. and also


(* A K P)

Israel Denies Reports Saudi Arabia Purchased Iron Dome Missile Defense Systems

Israeli security officials strongly denied on Thursday a report saying Saudi Arabia purchased Iron Dome missile defense systems from Israel.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) Wilayat al Baydaclaimed its militants repelled an al Houthi attack in northwestern al Bayda governorate, central Yemen on September 13. Al Houthi forces attacked ISIS militants in the Z’aj area of Walid Rabi district, northwestern al Bayda, according to the ISIS statement.[3]

(A T)

#AQAP-#IslamicState rivalry in #Yemen: After Tuesday's #ISIS video from Aden-Abyan, a prominent pro-AQAP wire released this image of its own crack troops in Aden-Abyan, celebrated with a simple #poem. Except ... these boys' photo was used 13 months ago billed as AQAP in Hadramawt (image)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Hadi government minister Eryani: Mrs.#Lis_Grande does not speak who triggered the war,led to the humanitarian deterioration in Yemen,nor about Houthi Iranian Militias obstruction 4 the peaceful settlement led by UN since 3years & recently Geneva consultations,neither about Militia shelling residential areas

Does Mrs. #Lise_Grande plays the role of lawyer for Houthis only, trying to mobilize Intel voices to stop their collapse in Hodeidah. Has UN Coordinator in Yemen turned its humanitarian mission into a platform for misinforming& mobilizing positions in favor of Houthi Iranian?

Mrs.#Lise_Grande is supposed to move in parallel with the government's policy of managing the crisis or to remain neutral,not to confuse the situation by staying silent on Houthi crimes, like breaking premises,stores of international & relief orgs,looting it, in Hodeidah city

Comment: Can you believe it!! This guy is a minister of information for Hadi's regime!!

My comment: he is blaming and verbally harassing Lise Grande, the UN the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, because she does not comply with the Saudi coalition’s propaganda agenda. Grande’s statement on Hodeidah in cp1b above.

(A P)

"Islamic Cooperation" announces its readiness to participate in UN meetings on Yemen

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, on Wednesday evening, expressed its readiness to participate in UN meetings on Yemen, with the aim of giving the Islamic dimension to it.

This came during the meeting of the Organization's Secretary-General, Yusuf ibn Ahmed al-'uthaymeen, and Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani, in Jeddah, for "Consultation on developments in the Yemeni arena and exchange of views", according to a statement by the Organization, which comprises 57 countries.

Al-'uthaymeen expressed the "readiness of the Organization to cooperate with the United Nations on Yemen, by advising the UN envoy (Martin Griffiths) and participating in various UN meetings to give the Islamic dimension to these meetings."

My comment: Another „international“ saudi mouthpiece. This really is what Yemen has waited for.

(A P)

RASD alliance: More than 1,900 civilians killed and injured in 10 months

Between September 2017 and June 2018, 1592 people, including women and children, were killed and injured in various Yemeni cities and governorates, according to statistics from the Yemeni Coalition for monitoring human rights violations (RASD coalition).

In its speech, which was held today before the Member States of the Human Rights Council on the sidelines of the 39th session of the Council in the Swiss city of Geneva, the monitoring coalition explained that the number of civilian fatalities was 939, including 42 women and 92 children, and 653 others, including women and children, were injured.

The coalition blamed the Houthi militia for the largest proportion of these violations, especially through its cultivation of mines and the destruction of the health and service system.

My comment: This “Yemeni Coalition for monitoring human rights violations” seems to be a pro-Saudi propaganda outlet, the main purpose of which is to put blame on the Houthis. Independent investigations as the August 28 UN report state that the greatest part of war victims is due to Saudi coalition air raids – and most of these reports even do not mention those who fell victims of the consequences of the US/Saudi blockade of imports. Google this Yemeni Coalition for monitoring human rights violations” and look who mostly quotes it.

– It also is twisted to blame the Houthis for the “destruction of the health and service system”: the destructions by Saudi coalition air raids and the lack of medical supplies due to the blockade outnumber everything else by far.

(A P)

Regaining Hodeidah could end Yemen war

Air strikes follow numerous opportunities to negotiate – all of them spurned by the Houthis

Since they overthrew Yemen’s internationally-recognised government in Sanaa in 2014 and spread their reign of terror across parts of the country, the Houthis have been afforded numerous opportunities to negotiate. In Kuwait in 2016, they failed to give peace a chance.

Instead, they have frustrated attempts, entrenching themselves in the vital port city of Hodeidah and planting up to a million landmines. Last week in Geneva, their attempts at sabotage were painfully clear. As UN special envoy Martin Griffiths and a Yemeni government delegation waited patiently to discuss confidence-building measures and a potential settlement, the Houthis did not even turn up.

On Wednesday, airstrikes resumed following a two-month ceasefire, with the public support of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Their purpose, as Mr Pompeo said, was to send a clear message to the Iran-backed Houthis: it is time to come to the table and help foster a resolution.

The coalition is adamant that only a political solution can bring Yemen’s bloody conflict to an end and, as Mr Pompeo said, has exhibited demonstrable actions to reduce the risk to civilians. For a resolution to arise, there must be a change in the Houthi calculus. That begins with Hodeidah, where the rebels have a stranglehold over the crucial port.

As Dr Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, noted on Wednesday: “The liberation of Hodeidah is what is needed to bring [the Houthis] to their senses and constructively engage in the political process.” I

Comment: Umm, no..... But hope - no matter how misguided - is a good thing

My comment: “Negotiating” in Saudi coalition wording means: The Houthis accept all our preconditions, one of them: They must capitulate. – And, the Pompeo certification (cp1, cp99) is already used by Saudi coalition propaganda as a US affirmation of the bombing war.

(A P)

Saudi donations forced @UNICEF_Yemen to mitigate words in its tweet, but regardless of mitigated words the fact remains that everyone knows that the Saudi coalition are war criminals. We can n't be diplomatic in front of devastation and war crimes (images)

(A P)

Yemen: Peace moves out of reach

Latest UN attempts to resolve the Yemeni crisis all but failed when Houthi representatives failed to show up in Geneva. But the real problem is outside powers prolonging the war

As peace prospects receded and mutual recriminations continue to echo in the wake of the UN envoy’s failure to make progress in bridging views and building trust, it appears that a lack of frankness and clarity in diagnosing the problem and remedying its effects has undermined the ability to reach and sustain understandings. To aggravate the situation, international resolutions are finding less and less scope for application which has enabled putschists to turn UN weakness to their advantage and to exploit international rivalries over the region.

WHAT NOW?: The lack of clarity on the roots and nature of the Yemeni crisis as a whole only compounds the fog that clouds the avenues to peace. The coup should be called what it is and condemned as a political act. A mechanism must be devised to reinstate the legitimate government and rebuild the state in accordance with the three established frames-of-reference, and all parties should understand that negotiations need to deal with viable solutions in accordance with international resolutions and an accurate portrayal of the problem.

To turn the consultation and negotiating process back to square one is not just a waste of time. It is also waste of the lives and the hopes of the Yemeni people whose dreams have been mangled in the machinery of war. All means possible must be brought to bear to end this war as quickly as possible, not only because of its consequences for Yemen but also because of the dangers it presents to the Gulf and the world as a whole. This is a war in which Yemeni territory and the Yemeni people are being exploited to promote other projects. Its perpetuation is serving only the agendas of powers involved in conflicts elsewhere in the region, such as Iran which sees Yemen as a low-cost environment in which to lure Gulf countries into a war of attrition without clear rules of engagement. To Western powers, the Yemeni conflict is a means to keep the Arab region embroiled in conflict and further weaken its governments so that those powers can more easily sap the resources of these countries and control their fates. Such intents have been made clear through the unending tests of lethal smart weapons in this conflict-plagued region and through the countless arms deals for astronomical prices.

At a broader humanitarian level, Yemen has not only experienced a coup against its government and a usurpation of power, it has also undergone a more painful coup. This one is against the value of life in Yemen by means of the deliberate impoverishment, degradation and starvation of the country for the benefit of a handful of elites.

My comment: This article is a strange mixture of much propaganda and some reality. One main purpose of this article seems to blame the Houthis (“putschists”, “coup”.

This is a war in which Yemeni territory and the Yemeni people are being exploited to promote other projects”: This is true. But, as external powers promoting their own projects, just Iran is named, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, having a much more horrible footprint in Yemen, are not.

(A P)

The Arab coalition is making progress against extremists in Yemen

Unfortunately, AQAP is not the only major threat in Yemen. The other is Iran and its Hezbollah-like proxy group, the Houthis, who triggered the current political and humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Representing barely 5 percent of the country’s population, the Houthis violently overthrew Yemen’s legitimate government in 2014-2015, and seized the capital, other large cities and the entire Red Sea coast. The first line of their adopted call to arms is “Death to America.”

Iran is providing the Houthis some of most sophisticated weaponry and know-how ever obtained by a nonstate actor.

With a mandate from the United Nations, the UAE, as part of a larger Arab coalition, is making significant progress against the Houthis. Large parts of southern Yemen have been liberated. Much of the Red Sea coast is secured with the focus now on Hodeida, the last major port under Houthi control. This calibrated offensive has reduced the danger to international shipping, applied additional pressure on the Houthis to negotiate and, in what has always been the most critical priority, maintained the flow of humanitarian assistance.

While the UAE is a leader in the fight against extremism and aggression, others are enabling and prolonging it.

Qatar again showed itself as the favored benefactor of Islamic extremism.

In glaring contrast, the UAE and the United States fight hand in hand against AQAP in Yemen.

The security risks on and around the Arabian Peninsula proliferate. The Houthis are defiant and dangerous, reliant on their Iranian lifeline – by Yousef al-Otaiba, ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to the United States. =

My comment: It is hard to understand why the WaPo gives any space to the propaganda of the representative of a cruelly bombing repressive regime. Otaiba himself is not free of scandals. – This report is pure propaganda. The Houthis are nor “Hezbollah-like” nor an Iranian “proxy group”. The current crisis in Yemen was triggred by many parties, the role of Saudi Arabia and the UAE is even much more horrific than the Houthis’ one. – The Houthis are a political group, no part of the population, thus saying they are “representing barely 5 percent of the country’s population”. This is bullshit. In the UK, Labour has ca. 700,000 members (ca. 1.2 % of population), the Tories ca. 124,000 members (0.2 % of the population). Acoording to Otaiba, certainly neither party should rule the country… – The Iran fairy tale we already know well.

There is no mandate of the UN for leading the war in Yemen. The UN just did not intervent to prevent the coalition from leading this war. – Therfe is no danger to international shipping arising from the Houthis, the danger arising from Saudi coalition warship activity, bombing the coast line and fishing boats is far greater.

applied additional pressure on the Houthis to negotiate” is bullshit. “Negotiate” in Saudi coalition wording really means “the Houthis accept all our preconditions, including the first one: they capitulate”. – The UAE assault against Hodeidah “maintained the flow of humanitarian assistance”. This is really a joke, no humanitarian organization would accept this.

And again, the tale of the UAE as champion in the fight against terrorism. Just try a reality cheque: . – There is no “Iranian lifeline” for the Houthis.

(A P)

Reference of the Political Solution in Yemen

On Monday, Aug. 13, a high-level conference on the Reference of the Political Solution in Yemen was held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the GCC in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The conference discussed references for the political solution in Yemen comprising the GCC Initiative and its mechanism of implementation, the merits of the peaceful transfer of power, outcomes of the Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference and the UN Security Council Resolution 2216.

The solution includes three major steps:
First of all, supporting the Yemeni government in seizing control over all the Yemeni territories as per the UN Security Council Resolution 2216, and enhancing its efficiency and competence. This entails complete withdrawal of the Houthi militias from the capital, Sanaa, in particular, as well as from all other areas of their control, handing over of their weapons to the state, and restoring state institutions. The Iran backed Houthi militias do not only pose a national threat, rather they have become a regional threat as they launch ballistic missiles towards Saudi Arabia targeting its vital installations, something that have been internationally condemned.

Secondly, drawing up a road map for the crisis in compliance with the prescribed references.

Avoiding these references will lead to a slippery slope that will take the country into the unknown, ending in a dark tunnel that will only open the door to Iranian ambitions. No political solution has ever been nationally and internationally recognized like the political solution in Yemen.

Thirdly, providing support to the Yemeni government by the International Community in implementing the outcomes of the Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference and all other references.

My comment: Shorter, and clearer: The Houthis must capitulate and disappear, our puppets (this means: we) must have everything under control. The Houthis must capitulate and disappear, our puppets (this means: we) must have everything under control. The Houthis must capitulate and disappear, our puppets (this means: we) must have everything under control. The Houthis must capitulate and disappear, our puppets (this means: we) must have everything under control. The Houthis must capitulate and disappear, our puppets (this means: we) must have everything under control. The Houthis must capitulate and disappear, our puppets (this means: we) must have everything under control. The Houthis must capitulate and disappear, our puppets (this means: we) must have everything under control.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia, UAE ramp up support for Yemen

Saudi Arabia and the UAE, whose aid contribution represents more than half of UN humanitarian targets, have scaled up their responses to the crisis in Yemen, said Mohammed Askar, Yemeni minister of human rights, on Wednesday.

The response had been ramped up to meet the most urgent needs of thousands of displaced families, especially because of the fighting in Hodeidah, the strategic port city through which 80 percent of food and aid are delivered into Yemen.

Askar gave an overview of the conditions of people in Yemen caused by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.

(A P)

Arab Foreign Ministers Value KSrelief Role, Played, in Yemen

Council of the Arab League (AL) expressed here today thanks to and appreciation of Riyadh-based King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) for the role, it plays, in Yemen and the recent undertaking that worth $40 million named Masam, for mine clearance project.
This came, in the context of a resolution entitled "Developments of the situation, in Yemen" issued by the 150th ordinary session of the AL council, held at the level of Arab foreign ministers, and headed by Sudan.
The council expressed thanks to and appreciation of Kuwait for fulfilling its full commitments, at the Geneva Conference, to support the humanitarian situation, in Yemen, for the current year, in the amount of $250million.

Commended the role played by the United Arab Emirates, in supporting relief, humanitarian assistance programs and rehabilitating the infrastructure and services in the liberated areas, in Yemen, the council hailed also assistance and support provided to Yemen from Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Djibouti and Jordan.
The ministers reaffirmed the continued support of the constitutional legitimacy, in Yemen, headed by President Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi and supported the measures taken by the legitimate government aimed at normalizing the situation, ending the coup and restoring security and stability to all Yemeni governorates


(A P)

Arab Foreign Ministers Value KSrelief Role, Played, in Yemen 2 Cairo

The Arab Foreign Ministers condemned all human rights violations committed by the Houthi militia, affirming the support of the Yemeni government's efforts to combat extremism and terrorism.
They pointed out that the Houthi militias provided the suitable environment for the spread of terrorist deviant organizations, condemning the Iranian support for the Houthis which undermined the efforts to return to the political process and impeded the international efforts to stop violence, terrorism and war in Yemen.
The ministers added that the Houthis are firing rockets at neighboring countries and threatening the international shipping in Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea, rejecting the allegations contained in the report of the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen issued on 28 August.


(A P)

Arab Foreign Ministers Affirm Support for Hadi's Government

The Council of Arab Ministers of Foreign Affairs affirmed backing the constitutional legitimacy in Yemen under the presidency of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and supporting the procedures taken by the government to end the coup and restore security and stability in all Yemeni provinces.
The council stressed maintaining the unity of Yemen, its sovereignty, independence and the rejection of any interference in its internal affairs.
The Arab ministers endorsed the standpoint of the Yemeni government and committing to the three references: the Gulf initiative and its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the national dialogue and the relevant Security Council resolutions, mainly Resolution 2216.
The ministers lauded the cooperation of the Yemeni government and its approval of the international proposals aiming to ensure a safe and smooth flow of the humanitarian aid. The council denounced the Houthi’s intransigence and refusal to attend the discussions session called for by Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths in Geneva on Sep. 6.
The ministers decried the human rights violations practiced by the insurgent Houthi militia in addition to the murdering, abducting, recruiting children, using schools and hospitals for military purposes and the continuity of the siege over Taiz since more than three years, not to mention the random shelling of residential regions, killing civilians and looting humanitarian aid.

My comment: The “Arab League” as Saudi mouthpiece.

(A P)

Yemeni Army Says Iran Stirs Up Hate in Orders Given to Houthi Militias

The Yemeni army issued on Tuesday a statement reaffirming senior Houthi leaders fleeing the city of Hodeidah in light of an army push for the city gates. Coupist ranks were noted to having started collapsing.
In another note, the statement cited accounts of Iranian orders directing Houthi militants to propagate anti-Yemeni messages and stoke sectarian divisions.
Iranian directives to Houthi militiamen represent blatant and provocative incitement against the Yemeni people, which mimic Iranian military statements made to threaten Yemen's security and integrity as well as promises to destabilize the war-torn country and the Arab region further, Army spokesman Brig. Gen. Abdu Majali told Asharq Al-Awsat.
Brig. Gen. Majali said that the Yemeni army is constantly monitoring Iran meddling and instructions given to insurgents.

My comment: This is propaganda. There are no Iranian orders addressed to the Houthis.

(A P)

Coalition Spokesman: Assistance provided for Houthi delegation to reach Geneva

The Spokesman for the Coalition Forces in support of Legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, has stated that the coalition provided all assistance for the Houthi delegation to travel to Geneva.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(A K pH)

Film: Targeting the aggression of civilians and property in the Directorate of Razih, Sa'ada Governorate 13-09-2018

(A K pH)

Two children killed in Saudi aggression air strikes on Saada

The Saudi-led aggression coalition combat jets waged a strike on Saada province, killing two children, a security official told Saba on Thursday.
The strikes hit a citizen's house in Maran area of Hydan district

(A K)

Sanaa: Arab alliance targeting the sites and gatherings of the Iranian Houthi militia in the Nahdain area and the perimeter of the Presidential House (photos)

by pro-saudi Yemeni media, of course claiming “positions of al-Houthi militants” had been targeted:

(* A K pH)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, September 12th, 2018

In Saada, a man and a woman were injured by an airstrike by US-Saudi aggression which targeted a house in Adhdhaher district. US-Saudi aggression launched 7 raids on Al-Malahed area in Adhdhaher district, 4 raids on All-Salem area in Ketaf district, 7 raids on Civilians' houses in Baqim district and two raids on civilians' houses in the same district. Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted Razih, Shida, Baqim and Adhdhaher border districts, damaging civilians' houses and properties.
In Al-Jawf, two civilians were killed and 4 others were injured, including a child, by an airstrike of the US-Saudi aggression on civilians' houses in Al-Masloob district.

(A K pH)

Civilian killed in Saudi-led air strikes on Hodeidah

A civilian was killed when Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Wednesday hit the western province of Hodeidah, an official told Saba on Thursday.
The strikes hit Qa'ad victory in Kilo 16 area and al-Jabanh area in al-Hali district.

(* A K)

A whole family, inc children were killed today in al-Maghras area of al-Tuhuitah in #Hodeidah in raids by Saudi jets (photos)


(A K)

Not only #Yemen-i people are being targeted by Saudi-led coalition airstrikes, but also animals. Last night, Saudi airstrikes hit cows farm in #Hodeidah killing almost all cows there. Pictures here showing you what is going on in #Yemen under the fire of Saudi regime. (photos)

(** A K PH)

Third Crime during Hours, 15 Killed, 20 Injured by US-Saudi Aggression Raids in Hodeidah

15 citizens were killed and more than 20 others were injured in non-final toll, on Wednesday evening by the hysterical US-Saudi Aggression raids that hit Kilo 16 area, in Hodeidah governorate.

Earlier, 4 civilians, including a child, were killed by US-Saudi aggression air raids targeted Kilo 16 area. Two others were killed and another were injured by 3 air raids targeted houses in al-Mughars district, south of Tahita, in Hodeidah.

10 citizens killed in Saudi-led aggression air strikes on Hodeidah

A total of 10 citizens were killed and over 20 others wounded in Saudi-led air strikes on Hodeidah province, an official told Saba.
The Saudi-led coalition fighter jets wages a series of strikes on Kilo 16 area, killing 10 civilian and wounding 20 others.

Death toll from Saudi-led aggression air strikes on Hodeidah rises to 15 citizens

A death toll from US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition air strikes on Hodeidah province rose to 15 civilians, a security official told Saba on Thursday.
Wednesday's air strikes hit Kilo 16 area, killing 15 citizens and injuring 20 others, the official added.


films: =

Second after #Saudi #UAE strikes on bus / car station East #Hodeidah city west #Yemen Coalition strikes on main road to #Sanaa targeting every moving vehicle prevented civilians frm leaving or entering the city:

The world must watch this: Heartbreaking video of 2 children crying over their mother's death by #Saudi led coalition airstrikes on bus station in #Hodeidah City. #Yemen.

Please put your self in this child's shoes: This child said"We took our furniture, we left our house, warplane hit our car and my mom died". then he cried over his mother's death by #Saudi led coalition airstrikes on bus station in #Hodeidah City.


(A K pH)

Two Yemeni children were injured today when US-Saudi jets bombed their house in Ghafer area, Saada north. names of victims: Rahaf Mohammed Hadhek, 6 years old, and her brother Abdu, 12 years old. Pictures are of the victims at local hospital. (photos) =

Photos also: (falsely ascribed to Hodeidah)

(A K pH)

2 civilians killed, 4 injured in Saudi air raid on Jawf

At least two citizens were killed on Wednesday and four others injured, including two children when Saudi-led aggression coalition aircrafts bombed a fuel station in al-Masloub district of Jawf province

(* A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Sept. 12: Jizan

Sept. 11: Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

Saudi air defenses intercept Houthi ballistic missile

Saudi air defenses on Thursday intercepted a ballistic missile which was fired on Nejran.

(A K pS)

Saudi soldier killed and a woman injured on the border with Yemen

Saudi Arabia on Thursday announced the death of a Saudi soldier in military confrontations with the Houthis on the border with Yemen, as well as the wounding of a citizen by shrapnel.

(A K pS)

Yemeni army finds communications room belonging to Houthi militia in Saada


(A K pS)

WATCH: Underground Houthi operations cell raided in Yemen’s Saada

The Yemeni army, supported by the Arab Coalition have raided an underground Houthi operations and communications cell in the province of Saada, an Al Arabiya correspondent reported on Thursday. (film, photos)

(A K pS)

A demining engineering team member killed in Shabwah

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B H)

My name is Gamela and I am looking for my family. An appeal to Yemen

The diaspora and stories of ordinary people who find themselves with little or no roots. A father disappearing and a woman looking for her past. The time has come to help an English- Yemeni who is trying to sew the patches of her life, stretching from Sheffield area - England - to Aden, Southern Yemen

Mine is a long heartbreaking story. My mum left me when I was three months old. It was my father, Yemeni, who actually brought us up. When I was sixteen, my father said he was going to Yemen for a few months but he never returnt. My step mum was here, in England with us, until she died. I have a brother and a sister: they went the English way, I sticked to Islam instead. I lost my youth and life feels very heavy.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-456 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-456: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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