Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 477 - Yemen War Mosaic 477

Yemen Press Reader 477: 6. November 2018: Iona Craig über Jemen – Opferzahlen – Jemen: Schwangere Frauen in Gefahr – Korruption im Jemen – Persönliche Motive im Jemenkrieg – ...

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... Der UN-Sicherheitsrat und der Jemenkrieg – Khashoggi-Mord und Jemenkrieg – Westliche Medien, Khashoggi und Jemen – Westliche Mittäterschaft im Jemenkrieg – Rufe der USA nach Frieden eine Täuschung – Fünf Mythen über Saudi-Arabien – Britische Kurzsichtigkeit – Hodeidah: Heftige Kämpfe, viele Luftangriffe, Milizen der Emirate und Hadi-Regierung rücken vor, Zivilisten in der Falle, Krankenhäuser bedroht – und mehr

November 6, 2018: Iona Craig on Yemen – Figures of victims – Yemeni pregnant women in danger – Corruption in Yemen – Personal aspects of the Yemen War– The UN Security Council and the Yemen War – Khashoggi murder and Yemen war – Western media, Khashoggi and Yemen – Western complicity in the Yemen War– US calls for peace a scam – Five myths about Saudi Arabia – British myopia on Yemen – Hodeidah: Heavy fighting, many air raids, UAE/Hadi government militia advancing, civilians trapped, hospitals in danger – and more

Dieses Jemenkrieg-Mosaik besteht aus zwei Teilen. Teil 2:

This Yemen War Mosaic consists of two parts. Part Two:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

(Kursiv: Teil 2 / Italics: Part 2)

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** A B H K P)

Audio: Not Just Bombs but Economic Warfare

On the podcast: How a Saudi-led campaign has starved Yemen’s children.

On the podcast, we talk to journalist Iona Craig, who lived in Yemen for years and still makes regular reporting from her home in the United Kingdom.

(** B K)

Yemen War’s Death Toll Largely Goes Uncounted

So how many have been killed? 10,000 is a popular estimate, coming from the UN. The estimate, however, is from August of 2016, and a lot of major casualty incidents have hit in the two years since.

There hasn’t been an official estimate since, and while that reflects the reality that we just don’t know how many people are dying in Yemen, it also reflects what appears to be limited interest, at least among official agencies, in pinning that figure down.

Saudi Arabia is likely a big part of that, as many of the regular airstrikes where the Saudis kill scores of civilians are denied by the Saudis to have happened. Since the Saudis have managed to keep the UN from investigating their war crimes, it would follow that they prefer not to have gaudy official figures being thrown around to answer for.

Still, 10,000 is ridiculously low at this point, with even conservative estimates from analysts suggesting more like 50,000 combat deaths. When one factors in starvation, or that time the Saudi naval blockade prevented any insulin from entering the country for so long that much of the diabetic population surely died, it’s vastly higher.

Where NGOs have attempted to count deaths, they come up with thousands here, thousands there, and always with the caveat that the actual figure is “likely much higher.” As interested as the international community was in regularly increasing the estimated death toll in Syria, where they seemingly had little more access to reliable data, in Yemen there seems to be little interest, and a tendency to keep falling back on that 10,000 dead figure, two years later.

(** B H)

Miscarriages and malnourishment: The perils of pregnancy in Yemen

Maternal and infant mortality rise as doctor shortages lead to unqualified staff working in ill-equipped hospitals.

Deemed by the UN as the worst man-made humanitarian catastrophe, little is known about Yemen's mothers and their newborns.

Apart from the physical trauma, many suffer from an unspoken mental anguish.

Due to the country's failing healthcare system, owing to the protracted war, expectant mothers do not have proper medical support.

Specialised doctors have fled Taiz, Sanaa and medical centres because they have not received salaries for more than two years.

With or without financial resources, women seek treatment in understaffed hospitals and are at the mercy of unqualified medics.

Widespread corruption, disease and relentless air raids, in addition to increasing pressure on existing staff, have compelled hospitals to turn to new graduates for help.

But they are technically unlicensed doctors.

"Some students have not graduated from an authorised medical university," said Dr Youssef Al-Hadhri, spokesperson for the public health and population ministry within the Salvation Government in Sanaa.

Unlicensed hospital staff work for paltry sums of money.

"The ministry does not have numbers of [how many] unlicensed doctors working in Yemen's hospitals, both public and privately," said Hadhri.

In the summer of June 2017, Lamis Ali*, a 25-year-old from Taiz, was expecting twins.

But one was outside the uterus, also known as an ectopic pregnancy, and had a limited chance of survival.

Lamis was overcome by lassitude for five months after the birth of her son.

She endured severe abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and poor blood circulation.

"Doctors failed to identify the deceased child outside the womb, they didn't know what they were doing," she said.

It was only after a visit to Dr Tawfik Mikhlafi's clinic that she underwent surgery at Al Sabaeen hospital in Sanaa to remove the remains of the dead foetus from her womb.

At Al Thawra hospital in Sanaa, the smell of death wafts in corridors filled with mangled bodies.

Nasreen al-Haj, a gynaecologist specialising in emergency Caesarean sections, says there is a lack of equipment, clean hospital gowns, sterile surgical suture and mattresses.

"The worst case I have ever seen was of a mother bleeding profusely, but there was no blood at the blood bank. Her family was forced to shuttle between hospitals to get blood for her," she recalled.

If women can't be cared for at the government hospital, they are forced to seek private care.

"Some families can't pay for C-section emergencies. Some can't even pay for regular checkups, beds and blood. They wait until they can afford financial help, and often, it's too late."

At the reproductive health department in the Sanaa health ministry, director general Zainab al-Badawi says maternal and infant mortality rates have risen since the war began in 2015, after an earlier decline in 2013.

"Now, we see children born with birth defects, children who are low weight, and miscarriages are not uncommon. Unfortunately, we don't have numbers on the maternal and infant mortality rates. Though, I can confirm that during the past four years, there has been a sharp rise."

Naval and air blockades have restricted the flow of life-saving medicines, vitamins and food supplies.

More than one million pregnant or lactating women are acutely malnourished.

(** B E P)

Policy Brief: Corruption in Yemen’s War Economy

Executive Summary

Corruption, or the abuse of power for private gain, has been deeply entrenched in the Yemeni political economy for decades. Over the course of the ongoing conflict, however, as the war has fragmented and regionalized the country, state capture in Yemen has become far more complex. In the war economy, patronage networks are now emerging among previously marginal or unknown figures. The financial involvement of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has extended patronage across national borders. Alleged collusion between Houthi-affiliated importers and officials allied with the internationally recognized Yemeni government indicates patronage networks that potentially cross the frontlines of the war themselves. As greater numbers and a wider variety of actors profit from illicit activity in the war economy, vested economic interests in continued conflict become more entrenched.

If state capture is among the main drivers of Yemen’s war economy, then post-conflict recovery must include a strong anti-corruption agenda. Policymakers must begin planning to address corruption as a part of a potential post-conflict strategy. Given the multi-faceted pervasiveness of corruption in Yemen, any anti-corruption agenda must aim to understand the complex configuration of patronage networks in Yemen, to be introduced gradually, and to get the buy-in of as wide a group of Yemenis as possible. Without these basic building blocks, more specific policy changes such as encouraging transparency or reducing conflicts of interest may founder. Corruption has become deeply entrenched in Yemen; any post-conflict anti-corruption agenda must be great in scope and long-term in vision.


Corruption, or the abuse of entrusted power for private gain,[1] is endemic in Yemen. In 2017 global anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International ranked Yemen 175 out of 180 countries, with an index score of only 16 on a scale of 0-100 where zero is highly corrupt.[2] Yemen’s index score has trended downward in the past several years, indicating increased corruption.[3]

Corruption in Yemen is not a new development. For decades the country has witnessed what the World Bank terms “state capture,” wherein an elite minority distorts state institutions for illicit gain.[4] A narrow range of actors have manipulated Yemen’s state institutions, reaping the rewards of their elevated position and dictating the rules of the game.

The country’s informal elite networks have become more influential than formal state institutions — another hallmark of state capture.[6] State capture and lower-level administrative corruption, characterized by everyday bribery and favoritism, have been underpinned by informal institutions and a tacit cultural acceptance in Yemeni society that the abuse of power in business and politics is simply “how things are done.”[7]Despite the presence of a legal framework that technically prohibits such practices, arbitrary fines and unpredictable bribes to authorities are considered commonplace.[8]

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has not altered the basic workings of this system of state capture. An elite minority of actors continues operate according to rules of the game that remain fundamentally unchanged from before the conflict. However, the players involved are shifting. Yemen’s burgeoning war economy has seen the emergence of previously marginalized or unknown actors. Patronage networks now cross frontlines, with perceived adversaries willingly cooperating for the sake of maximizing private gain. The networks also now extend beyond Yemen’s borders. To some extent, these shifting patronage networks — and the war economy that supports them — are a driving force behind the conflict. If Yemen is to recover from this period of violence and instability, corruption cannot go unaddressed.

The following policy brief details the development of Yemen’s war economy, new players and dynamics in Yemen’s corruption networks, and then offer recommendations to international stakeholders and the Yemeni government to curb the worst excesses of corruption over the long run post-conflict.

Corruption in Yemen’s War Economy

As the conflict in Yemen has evolved since March 2015, so too has its burgeoning war economy. In the war economy, corruption has become systemic and even, to some degree, apolitical. At first glance, actors who are politically and militarily opposed to one another compete for influence on the ground. Beneath the surface, however, the reality is more complex. A wide array of actors shape Yemen’s thriving war economy: senior decision-makers, military commanders, established and newly empowered businessmen, local security officials that control checkpoints, commercial bankers, money exchangers, truck drivers and civil servants. Networks of corruption transcend the conflict, seamlessly crossing frontlines and regional borders, with perceived adversaries cooperating for the sake of maximizing profits.

and full PDF document:

and long summary by Almasdar Onlie, with emphasize on the south, but in bad English:

(** B K P)


In DG #31 Middle East analyst Peter Salisbury explained how the escalation up to that point had been driven by two men – one Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and the other a former teacher turned iron-willed general, Abdullah al-Hakem – both of whose personal ambitions have been played out to deadly effect.

Fifteen years ago Abdullah al-Hakem and Mohammed bin Salman were two 18-year-old men leading very different lives on either side of the Saudi-Yemeni border.

Abdullah would go on to oversee the Houthis’ triumphant capture of the Yemeni capital of Sana’a and Mohammed would spend billions of dollars attempting to halt his progress. Today Abdullah and Mohammed represent the two sides of Yemen’s civil war, which has left 22 million people – three-quarters of the Yemeni population – in need of humanitarian aid and protection.

Wars in the Middle East are often seen through the lens of identity, ideology and geopolitics – tribe versus tribe, Sunni versus Shia, Iran and its proxies versus the US and its allies. But the motivations of many of those involved in the region’s civil conflicts are often much more personal, opaque and rooted in individual experiences, and can defy the logic of sect or rational battlefield calculations. Understanding the personalities and motivations of Abdullah al-Hakem and Mohammed bin Salman takes us some way towards explaining the intractable nature of the bloody war in Yemen.

Abdullah: perpetual Houthi warrior

Abdullah al-Hakem, also known by the nom de guerre ‘Abu Ali’, emerged into the public consciousness in Yemen over the course of a few months in 2014 when he led a group of rebels from the Ansar Allah (Partisans of God) movement out from their stronghold, the northern province of Sa’dah, and seized, in quick succession, Amran governorate, the base for the group’s biggest tribal rivals, and the capital city, Sana’a.

Local media reports and the Yemeni rumour mill pointed to one man, a shadowy military commander who had spent much of his adult life at war, as the architect of the southwards drive to Sana’a. Abdullah al-Hakem was, a Houthi-supporter friend told me at the time, “the big fucker” in the movement, not just the top military commander but also the main strategist for the Houthi takeover of government institutions, a fierce warrior who also oversaw day-to-day management of hospitals and schools and clashed regularly with the so-called “moderate” political wing of the Houthis.

Starting as a local field commander during the early days of the Houthis’ ragtag insurgency, Abdullah rose through the ranks, going on to oversee the movement’s most significant battlefield victories, often demonstrating a hyper-aggressive, winner-takes-all mentality.

“Abdullah is now almost the most powerful man within the movement, second only to Abdulmalek al-Houthi, and is probably the more important decision maker when it comes to strategic decisions,” says a security analyst with close ties to the military establishment in Sana’a. Fifteen years on from his days as a primary-school teacher in Dahyan, Abdullah has tens of thousands of men under his command and receives a significant cut from Yemen’s thriving war economy. He is also likely to have an important say, if not the final word, on any deal to end the war.

Mohammed: the “young prince in a hurry”

“MbS sees himself as a great man, the next version of Abdulaziz,” adds a European diplomat with lengthy experience in the Middle East. “He wants to push back Iran, make Saudi Arabia great again and to rule for the next generation or two.”

With his father’s blessing, Mohammed has shaken things up while consolidating an unprecedented level of power around himself.

On paper Yemen’s war – which has lasted years, eviscerated the Yemeni economy, killed tens of thousands, led to mass outbreaks of cholera and has seen the Houthis launch dozens of missile strikes on Saudi Arabia, which in turn has suffered reputational damage for its role in a humanitarian disaster – would to be ripe for peace.

But that assumes a relatively simplistic calculus on the part of men like Mohammed and Abdullah, the respective powers behind the thrones of Saudi Arabia and the Houthis. “For Mohammed bin Salman, this is not his primary game, it’s his secondary game,” says de Waal. That is to say, bin Salman’s main aim is to consolidate himself as the centre of power in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi as the central power in the region; Yemen is just a subplot. And a man who wants to lead his country for the next two generations might not want to blot his reputation by fighting the first war he entered to a draw, particularly given that he sees the hand of Iran behind the Houthis’ rise – by Peter Salisbury

(** B K P)

Yemen: where is the UN Security Council?

If the world has looked the other way during Yemen’s ‘forgotten war’, the role of the UN Security Council (SC) in authorising the actions of the Saudis and their allies has also escaped public attention. The Council’s failure to respond to these well-documented actions in what is now the world’s most urgent catastrophe is disturbing, particularly since UN investigators said in late August that these may amount to war crimes, committed by all sides. Since three of the Council’s permanent members are allies of the Saudis, or supply them with arms, or both, UN silence may not be surprising.

Less apparent is the Security Council’s role in the famine and cholera epidemic gripping Yemen. This has largely come about through the UN body’s apparent authorisation of the Saudis and their allies to act on its behalf. Security Council resolution 2216 ‘calls upon Member States, in particular States neighbouring Yemen,’ to inspect cargo to Yemen ‘in their territory’ if the state has information that provides ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe the cargo contains weapons prohibited by the resolution. The state can then seize and dispose of these weapons ‘and related materiel of all types’. It need only provide a report explaining the grounds for their inspections and seizures.

The Saudi-led coalition has invoked this resolution as authorising the blockade of Yemen’s ports and a major airport, as well as inspections well beyond any legitimate concerns about weapons. All this has delayed the delivery of humanitarian goods, contributing to severe shortages of food and other critical needs.

The coalition has also failed to comply with the resolution’s (very modest) requirements for monitoring and reporting; and the Security Council has done little to clarify the resolution’s scope or intent, or address the Saudis’ failure to comply with it.

Shortly after resolution 2216 was adopted in April 2015, the Saudi-led coalition restricted access to Yemen’s ports, detaining and inspecting all ships seeking entry. They did so at the request of the Yemeni government under Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, but also invoked resolution 2216. But they failed to comply with the resolution’s requirement that they provide a report to the Council explaining their inspections or seizures.

The Security Council’s Panel of Experts on Yemen (POE) reportedthat this ‘undermine[d] the safeguards placed to ensure that the sanctions regime is not misused to achieve unilateral objectives.’ The Security Council has done little in response.

UN reports have called the Saudi naval intervention ‘de facto blockades’.

While the human cost of the coalition blockade is clear, the justification of its naval blockade (preventing weapons from entering Yemen) is dubious at best. In May 2016, the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen (UNVIM) was set up to inspect commercial ships entering Yemen’s Red Sea ports for compliance with the arms restrictions contained in resolution 2216. But even after ships had been inspected by UNVIM, the coalition often detained them for several weeks before granting clearance. This has continued to be the practice, even though no weapons have been found by either UNVIM or the coalition in the three years these inspections have been going on.

This process has resulted in losses and risks to shippers and suppliers; delays can cost ship owners up to $30,000 per day. Since the coalition may delay a ship for weeks, the losses could easily be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, resolution 2216 grants enormous power to member states to confiscate and dispose of any goods they discover to be in violation of the arms embargo. The ship itself may be confiscated, even on questionable grounds.

As a result, traders and shippers are reluctant to supply goods to Yemen.

The Security Council has throughout its history often failed to intervene in situations involving aggression, war crimes or human rights violations, where the interests of the permanent members or their client states were implicated. But there is another practice that is far less obvious: the hijacking of the Council, by circuitous means, for the particular agenda of its permanent members and their allies.

The Security Council confers the imprimatur of an institution of global governance on the Saudis and their coalition. Supplied with weapons from three of the Council’s permanent members — the US, the UK and France — the Saudis and their allies can pursue their own political interests. Having initially authorised the Saudi-led forces with resolution 2216, the Council failed to hold them to its own very minimal mechanism for oversight and accountability. It is not just that the Security Council has failed to take action in a crisis. In fact, it did much to set it in motion – by Jay Gordon

(** A B K P)

Will Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder Help End the Ghastly War in Yemen?

Yet there are growing signs that his death has spurred a diplomatic initiative to leverage the monarchy’s vulnerability, specifically to contain the aggressive foreign policy of the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. U.S. officials deny it, but the diplomatic buzz in Washington is that the kingdom’s de-facto ruler will pay a price in other ways, most notably in Yemen. It’s a kind of unspoken arrangement, potentially even a quid pro quo for accepting that the crown prince will retain his position.

On three fronts, there’s growing urgency to end the Yemen war

Yemen’s deteriorating physical condition could be worsened by political upheaval, which adds pressure to jump-start peace talks. President Mansour Hadi, a former field marshal of the Yemeni Armed Forces, has a serious heart condition. In recent weeks, he has quietly been receiving treatment at the Cleveland Clinic, Yemeni and Western officials told me. He was still there on Thursday, a Yemeni diplomat confirmed. His health was described by others as precarious.

Hadi heads an already unstable government

The Trump Administration now faces growing pressure from Congress

Washington has often appeared hypocritical—supporting peace efforts in Yemen while arming the Saudi-led coalition. The push on Yemen appears to be designed, in part, to help the Trump Administration justify deep U.S. ties to the monarchy, which is now pivotal to three of President Trump’s most important foreign-policy goals—squeezing Iran, counterterrorism in the age of isis and Al Qaeda, and an Arab-Israeli peace plan. Ending the war could ease growing opposition in Washington over propping up the House of Saud, either diplomatically or militarily.

No longer in control of its own capital, the government of Yemen welcomed the new push for peace on Thursday—then went on to condemn the rival Houthis. In its own signal, the Saudi coalition pounded the capital’s international airport on Friday. Even Western allies who back the U.S.-led push are skeptical that the Administration is willing to do whatever it takes—such as refusing to refuel planes or restock the kingdom’s arsenal—to get all parties to the table. “All the circumstances are here to take a strong advantage of the situation, but is this Administration capable of using this leverage and engage with the Saudis?” a European diplomat mused to me, on Thursday.

Ending the war will indeed be tough—as tough as getting the full truth about Khashoggi’s murder – by Robin Wright

(** B K P)

Western Media Make One Death a Tragedy, Millions a Statistic

The Western media coverage devoted to the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi proves the cynical adage that one person’s death is a tragedy, while millions of deaths are a mere statistic.

During the past four weeks since Khashoggi went missing at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, the case has been constantly in the news cycle. Contrast that with the sparse coverage in Western news media of the horrific Saudi war in Yemen during the past four years.

Admittedly, some politicians in the US and Europe are lately expressing disdain over the Saudi-led war and the possible culpability of Western governments in crimes against humanity.

Nevertheless, in proportion to the public concern devoted to the killing of Jamal Khashoggi there is a staggering indifference in relation to Yemen. How is possible that the fate of one man can provoke so much emotion and angst, while millions of children in Yemen appear to be shrugged off as “collateral damage”.

Partly, the circumstances of Khashoggi’s murder by a Saudi death squad are more easily visualized.

When Western media do carry rare reports on children being killed, as in the Saudi air strike on a school bus on August 9, which massacred over 50, the public is still relatively insensate. We are not told the victims’ names nor shown photographs of happy children before their heinous fate.

However, the contrast between one man’s death and millions of abstract deaths – all the more salient because the culprits are the same in both cases – is not due simply to human callousness. It is due to the way Western media have desensitized the Western public from their appalling lack of coverage on Yemen.

The Western media have an urgent obligation because their governments are directly involved in the suffering of Yemen. If the Western media gave appropriately more coverage with human details of victims then it is fair to assume that there would be much greater public outrage over Yemen and an outcry for justice – at least in the form of halting arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Such calls are being made over the Khashoggi case. Surely, the same calls for economic and diplomatic sanctions should therefore be made with regard to Yemen – indeed orders of magnitude greater given the much greater scale of human suffering.

The Western news media have been shamefully derelict in reporting on Yemen’s horror over the past four years. One of the most despicable headlines was from the BBC which described it as a “forgotten war”. The conflict is only “forgotten” because the BBC and other Western news outlets have chosen to routinely drop it from their coverage. That omission is without doubt a “political” decision taken in order to not discomfit Washington, London or Paris in their lucrative arms trade with the Saudi regime.

If we try to explain the disconnect in Western public reaction to the Khashoggi case, on one hand, and on the other, the massive misery of Yemen, one might invoke the cynical adage about a single death versus millions. But then how does that explain the apparent lack of public concern over the imminent death of individuals such as Israa al Ghomgham, her husband Moussa, or the student Mujtaba al Sweitat?

The tragedy of desensitized abstraction is not due to overwhelming numbers. It is primarily due to the willful omission – and worse, misinformation – by Western media on the barbarity of the Saudi regime and the crucially enabling support given to this regime by Western politics and economics.

The apparent disconnect is due to systematic Western media distortion. That’s not just a flaw. It is criminal complicity – by Finian Cunningham

(** B K P)

Shame on the United States MIC for Aiding Saudi Arabia in Mass Genocide in Yemen

The U.S. Defense Secretary Pompeo called for cease-fire, October 31st, right after the New York Times finally released an article depicting an emaciated Yemen young girl on the cover from the repercussions of sanctions utilized by the cold as ice Saudi led coalition. This cease-fire has further exposed the U.S./U.K. backed Saudi apparatus. (Who is to call negotiations with sovereign political parties or a government unless you have something to do with the conflict in the first place? Just asking for a friend.)

It looks like the U.S. backed Saudi Coalition had to sneak more puncture wounds into Sanaa and Hodeidah, Yemen in the early morning hours of November 2nd. The noose is getting tighter on one of the poorest nations in the middle east and I can’t help but think this “cease-fire” is nothing more than the last nail in northern Yemen’s coffin.

The Saudi led coalition, the U.S., and the U.K. are interfering in Yemens government and political dialogue between parties by insisting that Hadi is Yemen’s legitimate leader. Sanctions are supposedly aimed at a few rebel fighters but have been starving millions of Yemeni’s. Supporters of the war waged in Yemen justify military threats and sanctions as measures to restore Abdurabbu Mansour Hadi back to the seat of power after being driven out by the Yemeni Army and popular committies led by the Ansar-Allah GPC alliance.

Instead of Yemens parliament’s final decisions, the decision to keep Hadi on board was made up by the National Diologue Outcomes, a body that has no authority over presidential appointment terms.

This action alone shows that the war in Yemen is nothing more than an illegitimate attempt to restore Hadi and a government that works best for the globalist agenda and the Saudi Arabian monarchy.

Hadi remained the installed transitional puppet between 2011–2014 in Yemens government. However, he had failed to create a draft constitution and despite major disappointments in his leadership, some Yemen political parties in Yemen did not want Hadi remitted as his term finally ended in 2014.

Except Hadi didn’t accept that. After he fled from Yemen back to Saudi Arabia, it wasn't long after, that a fleet of nine African and Middle East countries known as the Saudi Arabian Led Coalition, launched an illegal war aggression on Asar Allah/ Houthi’s.

Is the U.K, U.S. and U.N. and U.A.E., merely using the so called Asar Allah/Iran backed Houthi’s group as a scare tactic and excuse to placate the public.

With a stack of sanctions, if you want to know who starts and controls the wars, look no further than the ones who control putting an end them.

The United States, U.N., U.A.E, the U.K. are all complicit and responsible for financially aiding Saudi Arabia in what is turning out a cheap excuse to control Yemens government, ports, and resources to which will provide a future of wealth for themselves.

The U.S. war machine has been turning lots of gears with their blood money operations behind the curtain of the what is an illegal war of aggression. “The Houthis and their allies — armed groups loyal to Saleh — are the declared targets of the coalition’s 1-year-old air campaign.” There has always been plenty of blame and excuses to legitimize an illeglitmate war in support of an illegelimitate installation of Hadi while slanting the narritives that the Houthi/Ansar Allah are insurgents and rebels – by Rebecca Andromeda

(** B K P)

Don't be fooled by US calls for Yemen ceasefire. It's PR spin for more war

The request for a cessation of hostilities within 30 days is yet another PR exercise designed to justify, rather than to reign in, this brutal war.

The UK appears now to be gearing up towards authoring a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Yemen, following years of blocking any resolutions on the issue.

The UK has been the official "penholder" on Yemen, meaning that it has been up to the UK to table resolutions, which it has steadfastly refused to do, while simultaneously blocking anyone else's attempts to do so.

The apparent about-turn is a response to last week's statements by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defence Secretary James Mattis calling for a ceasefire in Yemen within 30 days, to be followed by UN-facilitated peace talks.

The UK dutifully followed suit shortly afterwards, expressing support for the initiative. This was somewhat ironic given that Alistair Burt, the minister of state for the Middle East - obviously not privy to the seeming about-turn - had just spent the day providing MPs with excruciatingly contorted explanations of why calling for a ceasefire was not a good idea.

In the parallel universe of British double-speak, it is of course natural that unrelenting support for what is fast turning into a war of national annihilation gets recast as "working towards a cessation of hostilities".

Yet, this latest call does appear to be at odds with the hitherto existing strategy; it was only in June, after all, when the US and UK torpedoed a Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the face of impending famine.

Many commentaries have suggested that the US is taking advantage of pressure on Saudi Arabia after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi to push the kingdom towards a less belligerent position in the disastrous Yemen war.

The ever-more desperate humanitarian situation is giving the war a bad name, and - so the story goes - the US is now keen to end it. Unfortunately, it is likely to prove nothing of the sort. Far from representing some kind of Damascene change of heart, the "call for a ceasefire" is little more than yet another rebranding exercise - a cynical attempt to whitewash escalating carnage with the rhetoric of peace.

With every passing day, the war in Yemen becomes harder to defend.

For years, the media have consistently claimed a death toll of 10,000, but the true figure is closer to 56,000 since the start of 2016. Yet even this number, horrific as it is, is dwarfed by the deaths from starvation and disease, the coalition’s weapon of choice against the populations of Houthi-controlled areas.

Earlier this week, just as Mattis and Pompeo delivered their soothing words, 30,000 troops began massing to launch precisely that attack. The problem for the war’s backers in London, Paris and Washington is how to justify the holocaust this is almost certain to unleash on Yemen’s population in the delusional pursuit of reimposing an impotent and discredited quisling.

The ceasefire announcement, then, is about providing cover for the impending attack.

Just at the moment the aid agencies have been warning against its devastating consequences and calling for an immediate end to the bombing, the “ceasefire proposal” gives the Saudis a month’s free pass to conduct their famine-inducing operation on Hodeidah.

Rather than demanding the offensive be halted or delayed, the 30-day call eggs it on. Nor is the 30-day timeframe any kind of limit on the operation.

Call for unconditional surrender

The term "subsequently" is crucial, implying that the Saudis' continued bombardment - including in "populated areas" - would be perfectly justified unless the Houthis implemented a unilateral ceasefire first. This is little more than a call for unconditional surrender by the Houthis, dressed up as a peace initiative. By the same token, it sets the scene for laying all the blame for any continued fighting at the door of the Houthis.

The reality is that the US and UK could end the war tomorrow, simply by threatening to cut off military supplies, intelligence and training to the Saudis until the air strikes stop .

Yet, the US is precisely not calling for an end to the bombing, nor threatening to use its leverage to bring it about. Instead, this so-called initiative is yet another cynical PR exercise designed to justify, rather than to reign in, this brutal war – by Dan Glazebrook

(** B P)

Five myths about Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is difficult to comprehend. Blessed with almost limitless oil wealth and tremendous sway in global affairs, its leaders still feel precarious enough in their power that they imprison royal rivals and assassinate critics like Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Myths about the kingdom and its affairs continue to flourish.


Saudi Arabia is a good partner against Iran.

But Saudi Arabia is not a great U.S. partner in this contest. Despite a bonanza of spending on weapons and military tech — it is the world’s third-largest buyer of armaments — the Saudi regime cannot fight a war alone and can’t even effectively confront Iran in a proxy conflict


Saudi Arabia is a key ally in the fight against terrorism.

But the Saudi state has played a central role in spreading a splinter fundamentalist ideology that has justified terror across the globe. The siege of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979, al-Qaeda’s activities in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon, and the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria in 2014 were based on the idea of “jihad against unbelievers” and the excommunication of those who do not share Wahhabi religious outlooks, which are Saudi-sponsored interpretations. Riyadh expected its fundamentalists to launch jihad abroad and remain obedient at home. But the policy backfired, with fighters eventually targeting the nation’s government.


Saudi Arabians are Islamic fundamentalists.

The kingdom seems to have an unfortunate knack for producing fundamentalist terrorists

In a report on Saudi religious influence, a senior Islamic cleric in Turkey noted that while he was meeting with Saudi clerics in Riyadh, the government executed 45 Saudi citizens for terrorism. “I said: ‘These people studied Islam for 10 or 15 years in your country. Is there a problem with the educational system?’ ” In his book “Force and Fanaticism,” Simon Ross Valentine describes the nation as a hotbed of religious radicalism driven by the fundamentalist Wahhabi strain of Islam. Valentine witnessed the demolition of archaeological sites around Mecca and blamed Wahhabis, who object to saint veneration around sacred sites.

But while Wahhabism is a state ideology, not many Saudis subscribe to it. Researcher Mansoor Moaddel confirms that a moderate undercurrent pervades Saudi society — and that Saudis are less religious overall than people in other Middle Eastern countries.


Saudi Arabia's leaders are directing revolutionary reform.

This notion makes a mockery of both revolution and reform. A revolution is a complete overthrow of a government and social order, which has not happened in Saudi Arabia. Cinemas, theaters and circuses are not symbols of real transformation. Young people may enjoy these superficial changes for the time being, but the government is still an absolute monarchy, now with even greater power concentrated in the hands of one individual. The economic transformation is stumbling, with the unemployment rate rising to more than 12 percent, and the social order has become more restrictive, repressive and dangerous.


Saudi Arabia is a stabilizing force in the Middle East.

The status quo is, however, one of the major sources of instability in the region. The 2011 Arab uprisings came at a time when this status quo — namely, decades of authoritarian rule — appeared to explode under demographic, economic and political pressure from truly pro-democratic forces. Saudi Arabia and its alarmed Persian Gulf allies acted as counter-revolutionaries determined to preserve the autocratic state of affairs – By Madawi Al-Rashee

(** B P)

Wilful myopia on Yemen

Britain is taking the lead on ending the Yemen war.

The problem, however, is that the country still does not recognise that lucrative arms sales to Saudi Arabia has made it party to the conflict. Indeed, Minister of State for the Middle East Alistair Burt said as much last week when he pooh-poohed the idea that pulling the plug on selling deadly weapons to Riyadh would yield any positive effect on Yemeni suffering. This is to say nothing of the fact that British soldiers are embedded in control centres or that Saudi fighter pilots are trained in Wales. The latter should give the Pakistani state pause for thought given that it, too, is training parts of Riyadh’s military.

Thus as Burt tells it, the only development that could potentially threaten the cosy UK-Saudi relationship are disclosures about the full extent of the Kingdom’s involvement in the Khashoggi case. All of which points to wilful moral myopia. For the simple truth is that Britain has much blood on its hands; with the number of Yemeni fatalities being put at anywhere between 56,000-80,000. It must also take responsibility for the 400,000 children under five years of age that risk death every single day due to insufficient food. As well as the 1.8 million children (also under the age of five) suffering from malnutrition.

For the simple truth is that Britain can no longer trade on the outdated myth of always fighting for the underdog. Not when it has been involved in the deaths of untold numbers of civilians in the Middle East and beyond. From the sanctions on Iraq back in the 1990s that left a reported 500,000 children under the age of five dead. Admittedly, that figure today stands disputed but this does not detract from how the US said at the time that it was a price worth paying to punish Saddam Hussein. The United Kingdom’s silence on this front underscores full complicity.

Presently, nations such as Britain represent part of the problem. For they prop up despotic regimes or, else, militarily overthrow them, to serve certain geo-political interests. And still London peddles the fantasy of an ethical foreign policy. It cannot even pretend that its own citizenry benefits from deadly arm deals. For, according to figures from earlier this year, some 4.1 million children (or more than 30 percent) live in relative poverty in the UK; up from the previous year. Thereby suggesting that the elite political and business classes remain the usual suspects when it comes to profiteering from war.

So, while Britain tries to use its influence within the UNSC — it is hoped that it also musters the gumption for honest introspection.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

A form of biological warfare in Syria and Yemen

Like Syria’s Assad, Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman, architect of his country’s war in Yemen, may perceive a short-term strategic gain in deliberately sickening civilians. But both despots deploy this alternative form of biological warfare at their peril—at everybody’s peril, really. Viruses and bacteria like to breed in certain conditions, but ultimately they don’t care about borders. As Sparrow writes, “the next pandemic is more likely to be a superbug emanating from a devastated war zone than a deadly virus spawned in a laboratory.” And disease doesn’t wait to have its papers checked.

(* A H)

Local sources report that many citizens have been affected by a new type of smallpox disease which has begun to spread in Hajjah governorate (photo)

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A K)

Mehr als 50 Rebellen bei Offensive im Jemen getötet

Im Jemen sind dutzende Menschen bei Kämpfen und Luftangriffen getötet worden. Seit Samstag seien in der strategisch wichtigen Hafenstadt Hodeida im Westen des Landes 53 Huthi-Rebellen getötet und zahlreiche weitere verletzt worden.

Das erfuhr die Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Sonntag aus Spitalkreisen. Demnach hatte Regierungstruppen mit Unterstützung der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition am Donnerstag eine Offensive zur Rückeroberung der von den Rebellen kontrollierten Stadt gestartet.

Rund um die Universität der Stadt wurden die Kämpfe einem Militärvertreter zufolge am Samstag und Sonntag heftiger. Huthi-treue Medien berichteten von Luftangriffen auf Hodeida, nannten jedoch keine Opferzahl. Auf Seiten der Regierungstruppen gab es laut Ärzten 13 Tote.

(* A K)

Film: The new military escalation by #Saudi led coalition on #Hodeidah and its port will cut off the life line of food imports and will push 10 Million #Yemen-i people into Famine.

(A H)

Based on a fund by @PartnersRelief to feed 300 families in #Yemen @monarelief's team reached out most vulnerable families & IDPs with urgent food aid in al-Durehimi district of #Hodeidah, where heavy fighting has been continuing since last July forcing 1000k families to flee (photos9

(** A H K)

As Famine Looms in Yemen, Saudi-Led Coalition Redoubles Attacks

Columns of Yemeni militias fighting under the coalition flag have burst across a major front line and swept through the desert on the eastern edge of the city, threatening to encircle it completely, they say. Warplanes and attack helicopters have pummeled Houthi positions in the city in what aid workers called a near-continuous barrage of air attacks.

Inside the city, local people reported that Houthi fighters had entrenched themselves, taking up positions in apartment buildings, hospitals and homes. At least 150 fighters from both sides have been reported dead so far.

Tens of thousands of civilians, including some who only recently returned to the city during a lull in fighting, are sheltering in their homes, anxiously waiting. As the front lines have shifted, some have been forced to flee. A handful have been killed by stray gunfire.

Even with the clashes, the port of Hudaydah, which lies just north of the city, is still working. On Tuesday, seven ships were at berth with an additional eight waiting to dock.

The surge in fighting started days after the United States defense secretary, Jim Mattis, called for the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis to start peace talks within 30 days.

In the city center, Houthi fighters riding motorbikes circulate through the largely empty streets, carrying sniper rifles and rocket launchers. Some ousted residents from their homes, which they used for sniper positions. The Houthis have been preparing for a battle inside the city for months, digging trenches in streets and laying land mines.

Residents say there is a steady drumbeat of explosions from artillery or strikes by coalition warplanes and Apache attack helicopters. Early Monday, mortar shells hit a printing plant on the city outskirts, killing at least one worker and wounding three, according to plant officials.

Aid workers say that 90 percent of patients have fled the city’s main hospital, which now lies with half a mile of the front line. Unicef reportedthat 59 children, including 25 in the hospital’s intensive care unit, were at imminent risk of death.

Over the weekend, the United Nations intervened to stop the Saudi-led coalition from bombing the hospital, where Houthi fighters had taken up positions on the roof.

That is a frequent problem in Hudaydah, where Houthi fighters often fight near humanitarian buildings that are protected by a “no-strike” list drawn up by the coalition, the United States and the United Nations. Houthi fighters cache weapons or station troops beside such buildings in the hope of protecting them from airstrikes — but in so doing, can turn the buildings into legitimate military targets.

The Saudi-led coalition has assured the United Nations that it does not intend to bring the fight into Hudaydah or to capture the city port. But the Saudi-led forces are now a few miles from the city’s northern gates. Should they capture that area, they could encircle the city and impose a siege that would trap tens of thousands of civilians alongside the Houthis.

The United Nations has positioned a ship offshore to evacuate its staff should fighting spread to the streets. For civilians, a siege would even further limit access to food or clean water, and could lead to a deadly cholera epidemic. As the fighting nears, many are making difficult calculations – By Mohammed Ali Kalfood and Declan Walsh

(* A K pS)

Constant battles in Hodeidah and flames of fire reach residential neighbourhoods

The fighting is still strongest among the militants of the al-Houthi group and government forces backed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition fighters, south, and east of the city of Hodeidah, the reporter of Al-Masdar online said on Tuesday.

He added that the shooting was still mutual on the 50th street, while bullets and artillery fragments reached the center of residential neighborhoods of the 7 July district and Saddam Street, while the coalition warplanes bombed the Houthis ' positions on the outskirts of the city.

He noted that the Houthis responded with heavy shelling on the progress of the government forces and fired heavily on the city sky.

(** A H K)

Fears for civilians rise as clashes rattle Yemen port city

Government troops and rebels clashed again Tuesday near a Yemeni port city crucial for humanitarian aid, where hundreds of thousands of civilians could be trapped as war closes in.

Five days of battles between Iran-linked Huthi rebels and the army, allied with a regional military coalition led by Saudi Arabia, have left more than 150 combatants dead in the Red Sea province of Hodeida.

A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition on Monday said the government alliance had no plans to launch a full offensive to retake Hodeida.

But multiple military officials on the ground reported their troops had encircled the rebel-held city.

The rebels have also confirmed fierce fighting in the area via their Al-Masirah television station.

Medics at hospitals in the Hodeida neighbourhood of Bajil reported they had received the bodies of 49 Huthi rebels on Tuesday morning.

Hospitals in government-held Mokha, south of Hodeida, said 15 soldiers had been killed.

Rights groups warn the worst could be yet to come in Hodeida.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) on Tuesday said: "As fighting intensifies in Hodeida, MSF is concerned for patients and staff at Al-Salakhana hospital and for thousands of residents who remain in the city.

"All parties to the conflict must ensure that civilians and facilities such as hospitals are protected in Yemen," the aid group tweeted.

Save the Children has reported almost 100 air strikes counted by its staff at the weekend -- five times as many as in the whole first week of October.

The Norwegian Refugee Council on Monday warned fighting and air strikes in Hodeida threatened "to further deteriorate civilians' access to safety and aid".

(* A H K)

MSF teams in #Hodeidah #Yemen are witnessing an increase in violence, ground fighting and aerial and naval bombardments since last Thursday, with frontlines getting closer to civilian areas and health facilities, including Al Salakhana hospital where MSF is working.

4/4 As fighting intensifies in #Hodeidah, MSF is concerned for patients and staff at Al Salakhana hospital and for thousands of residents who remain in the city. All parties to the conflict must ensure that civilians and facilities such as hospitals are protected in #Yemen.

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UN Children's Fund: Yemen: Children in Hudaydah hospital at imminent risk of death

Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore

“Intense fighting in the Yemeni port city of Hudaydah is now dangerously close to Al Thawra hospital - putting the lives of 59 children, including 25 in the intensive care unit, at imminent risk of death.

“Medical staff and patients in the hospital have confirmed hearing heavy bombing and gunfire. Access to and from the hospital, the only functioning one in the area, is now imperilled.

“Children in particular cannot afford for Al Thawra to be caught up in the fighting. Hudaydah and the neighbouring governates account for 40 per cent of the 400,000 children in the country who suffer from severe acute malnutrition. Some of the sickest are taken to the hospital for urgent care.

“Fighting has also reportedly intensified around Hudaydah’s port – through which up to 80 per cent of Yemen’s humanitarian supplies, fuel and commercial goods are delivered. The toll in lives could be catastrophic if the port is damaged, destroyed or blocked.

“UNICEF’s teams on the ground are delivering assistance including lifesaving supplies like medicines, clean water and therapeutic food to treat acutely malnourished children. Further escalation in the fighting will jeopardize these efforts.

“UNICEF calls on all parties to cease hostilities near and around the hospital, and to ensure that civilians can safely access the hospital from all sides, and to abide by their legal obligations to stop attacks against civilian infrastructure – including the port of Hudaydah”

(* A H K)

Save the Children: Yemen statement: weekend of heavy bombardment around Hodeidah

Tamer Kirolos, Save the Children’s Yemen Country Director said:

“Save the Children staff in Hodeidah reported almost 100 air strikes over the weekend, five times as many as in the whole first week of October.

“This serious escalation around Yemen’s most important port city could put tens of thousands of children in the line of fire and further choke delivery of food and medicine to a country where we estimate extreme hunger and disease are killing an average of 100 children each day.

“Every convoy blocked from the port or unable to leave it because of the violence means more malnutrition and more children dying needlessly.

“Patients in our health facilities are terrified by the bombardment, running to safety at the sound of incoming airstrikes no matter their condition. They know that even health centres aren't safe. We're also worried that people in need of urgent medical attention won't seek out help because of the fighting.”

“This surge in violence is deeply concerning in light of plans for further peace talks that could be a vital step to bringing relief to Yemen’s children, many of whom have been bombed and starved to death for nearly four years.

“The weekend’s attacks show that what world leaders say have no meaning if they’re not backed up by concrete actions.

(* A K)

Yemeni drama deepens with tens of thousands under siege in Hudaydah port

The Saudi coalition is preparing for the final assault against the Houthi. 80% of food and humanitarian aid flows through Hudaydah. The fights are concentrated around the university and could involve the most important hospital in the city. AsiaNews sources: no glimmers of hope for "improvement". Fear of famine for up to 14 million people.

(A K pS)

Now in #Hodeidah: A state of panic among the doctors of the hospital of 22 May and residents of the neighboring areas after the Houthi militia stormed it and stationed on its surface.

(* A K pH)

2 citizens killed, 24 wounded in Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodeidah

Two civilians were killed on Monday and 24 others wounded in Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on Hodeidah province, a security offiical told Saba.
The US-backed Saudi-led fighter jets waged many airstrikes on several areas in the province, killing two citizens and injuring 24 others as an initial death toll, the official said.

(* A K pH)

Aggression warplane wages 23 airstrike on Hodeidah province

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition waged 23 airstrike overnight on Hodeidah province, a local official told Saba on Monday.
The warplane targeted Killo-16 with 23 airstrike and neighboring areas of al-Khamseen street over the two past hours, said the official.

film: crimes of aggression in the city of Hodeidah 05-11-2018

(A K pH)

A girl was wounded and a mosque was damaged when US-Saudi mercenaries targeted Al-Dhibiani neighborhood with artillery shelling. US-Saudi Aggression also launched two air raids on the area.

(A K pH)

New War Crime, US-Saudi Aggression Targets Central Prison, Hodiedah

The US-Saudi aggression targeted Central Prison Building in Hodiedah governorate, injuring five inmates. One of the workers of the Yamani factory was killed and over 5 others were injured by targeting one of the production sections with artillery shells.

(* B H)

International Organization for Migration: Yemen: Emergency Tracking Tool Report #14 - Displacement from Al Hudaydah (1 June to 23 October 2018)

(** A K)

Yemen: Fighting flares near Hodeidah despite calls for peace

Thousands trapped on the southern outskirts of Hodeidah as Saudi-led coalition forces battle Houthi insurgents.

Thousands of Yemeni civilians are trapped on the southern outskirts of the Red Sea port of Hodeidah as forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition battle Houthi insurgents entrenched in the city, aid groups said.

"All the people living between the airport and the university are trapped, the last four days have been very tough, it is beyond catastrophic levels," Isaac Ooko, Hodeidah area manager for the Norwegian Refugee Council, told Reuters news agency.

"Air strikes have been very intense and the hovering of the jets causes permanent anxiety ... Hodeidah has become a ghost city, people stay indoors and the streets are deserted."

Yemeni military officials told AFP that government forces backed by the US-supported Saudi-UAE military coalition advanced on Houthi-held Hodeidah and positioned themselves around both the north and south of the city in a bid to surround it and block a major rebel supply route.

The officials said the coalition sent fighter jets and Apache attack helicopters on Monday morning to back up ground troops.

A source in the Saudi-UAE alliance told AFP the clashes were not "offensive operations", adding that the alliance was "committed to keeping the Hodeida port open".

My comment: The last sentence quoted here simply does not make sense.

(* A K)

Yemen’s Hodeidah Port Stays Open Despite Upsurge in Fighting - UN Spokesman

The Yemeni port of Al Hodeidah remains open despite an upsurge in fighting, including airstrikes and artillery shelling in the southern and eastern outskirts of the city, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters on Monday.

"Hodeidah’s port remains operational and Yemen depends… on imports for 90 percent of its staple food and nearly all food and fuel," Dujarric said. "Most imports enter through Hudaydah or Salif ports."

Humanitarian agencies have not observed large-scale displacements from Al Hodeidah due to weekend fighting, Dujarric said. But he warned large-scale displacement could quickly occur if fighting moves deeper into the city.

(** A H K)

Spotlight: Yemeni gov't forces gain more ground from Houthis as fighting escalates in Hodeidah

The Yemeni government forces continued on Monday their fight with the Houthi rebels and seized more ground in the country's Red Sea coastal city of Hodeidah, after a a series of airstrikes launched by the Saudi-led coalition.

Forces of Giants Brigades captured three main entrances of the Houthi-controlled Hodeidah and are still attempting to completely besiege the entire city from different directions, an army commander told Xinhua by phone.

Government forces managed to capture the 22nd May hospital, key neighborhoods and AlSaleh city following ferocious fighting with Houthis, leaving scores killed, he said on condition of anonymity.

"The forces loyal to the government have a well-studied military plan and everything is going in the right direction till the moment," the commander said.

"Houthis are retreating backward and failed to carry out counter-offensive attacks because the government forces have modern armored vehicles," he added.

Warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition also participated in the ongoing anti-Houthi offensive in Hodeidah, causing casualties among rebels.

A resident based in the city said the pro-Houthi forces blocked the main roads in Hodeidah with several unused containers and deployed elite soldiers in and around the residential areas.

"The non-stop fighting deprived scores of families from fleeing to outside Hodeidah because no safe exits were available," said the resident, who preferred to remain anonymous.

"Humanitarian organizations should immediately intervene and rescue the besieged families by securing safe roads for fleeing from their war-torn areas," the Hodeidah-based resident said.

Still, two highways were opened for the residents to flee from the approaching clashes, according to pro-government media outlets.

Meanwhile, Houthi-run Al Masirah TV reported that a food factory worker was killed and seven others wounded when an artillery shell hit the factory earlier the day near Kilo16 road.

An official of the Yemeni government told Xinhua that "Houthis have new tactics and started using underground tunnels to infiltrate behind the advanced soldiers in Hodeidah."

He confirmed that the government forces lost several soldiers before discovering the tunnels that failed to slow down the progress.

Ali Khalaki, an Aden-based professor and military analyst, said the long-awaited military operation to capture Hodeidah has just started and it will achieve the desired goals before the end of November.

"It looks like the coalition-backed government forces received a green light from the international community to end the battle of Hodeidah before the period declared by Washington to begin new negotiations," Khalaki said.

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'We are waiting for death': Despite calls for peace, battles rage anew in Yemen

Pro-government forces have taken major areas in Hodeidah city and now stand some five kilometres from the seaport

Forces backing exiled Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi have been advancing towards Hodeidah’s seaport since Friday, with ongoing battles taking place some five kilometres from the coveted port on Monday afternoon.

Pro-Hadi forces, backed by the Saudi-led international coalition, announced the beginning of two military operations against Houthi rebels on Friday - one in Hodeidah on the western coast, and another in Saada in northwestern Yemen.

The pro-Hadi forces’ most significant advances in the past four days have taken place in Hodeidah.

"We launched the attack after military troops and military vehicles arrived in Hodeidah," a pro-Hadi field commander currently based in Hodeidah told Middle East Eye on condition of anonymity. "We received orders from the military leadership to attack Hodeidah in coordination with Saudi-led air strikes; They have been playing a main role in the advances.

"We advanced in several areas and recaptured the main gate between Hodeidah and Sanaa, which is called 'the Arch of Victory', and clashes are ongoing in the other direction towards Al-Sham Road," the commander said.

Dozens of Saudi-led air strikes have hit several areas of Hodeidah since Friday, with warplanes hovering above the city at all times, as residents told MEE that they did not dare to leave their homes.

Al-Sham Road, located close to the port, is the last road connecting Hodeidah city to other provinces. If pro-Hadi forces block it off, Houthis will find themselves fully besieged inside the city.

"We have a well-prepared plan to recapture the seaport and we are advancing according to that plan, that I will not reveal due to security concerns," the commander added.

Hodeidah’s port is of strategic importance as the entry point for three-quarters of imports to the impoverished country, which is struggling with increasingly widespread famine.

The pro-Hadi commander claimed that more than 100 Houthi rebels and dozens of pro-government fighters had been killed in recent days.

Houthi landmines continue to prove a deadly obstacle for pro-government ground forces, as has been the case since the beginning of the offensive on Hodeidah in June - although pro-Hadi forces have reportedly dismantled a large number of them in the most recent offensive.

"The landmines hinder our advance towards the seaport, but they cannot stop the advancement," the commander said.

According to an online statement by Houthi leader and member of the Houthi political and consultative councils, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, on Sunday night, "Air strikes are still targeting Hodeidah and more than 80 air strikes targeted the Kilo 16 area and the 50-Metre Street in the last few hours."

Bukhaiti said Houthi forces destroyed 20 military vehicles belonging to pro-Hadi forces, including 15 armoured vehicles.

Trapped civilians

Since the beginning of the recent escalation, the residents of the conflict zones in Hodeidah have been stuck at home as bullets, shelling and shrapnel from air strikes can be heard outside.

"Food and the water are going to run out, the shrapnel of air strikes and shelling lands in our neighbourhood, the children do not sleep well,” said Nashwan Mahboub, a resident of Hodeidah’s Ghulail neighbourhood. "There are only minutes between the air strikes and the battles have not halted since Friday.

“We have only two hard choices: either to flee amid battle or to stay under war," he told MEE. “We are waiting for death inside our homes."

With internet unavailable inside Hodeidah, most residents are unaware of the broader developments in the fighting.

"Some neighbours tried to flee amid the battles and they were targeted,” Mahboub said. “So I prefer to stay in my house until the battles are halted or until organisations intervene to help us."

He appealed to NGOs to intervene and evacuate civilians from the war zones.

Many residents of July 7th Street, al-Rabasah, Ghulail and University neighbourhoods have fled their homes before the recent onslaught, but impoverished residents have had no choice but to stay put.

"The movement is almost completely halted in the whole city as companies and other institutions have given their employees open-ended leave until further notice," Mahboub said.

Hodeidah city resident Hamdi Taha said he had no faith in the new calls for peace because he did not trust either rebels or pro-government factions.

“We are witnessing the talks of Kalashnikovs rather than peace talks."

(* A K)

My local contact in #Hodeida says fighting escalates as government forces that circumvented downtown r aiming at city’s seaport and Houthis’ last road to Hajja, north of Hodeida.Their aim is seizing seaport and laying siege to Houthi heavy defenses.

(* A K)

Yemen officials say coalition forces move closer to Hodeida

Forces loyal to the Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels advanced on Monday to within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of the port facilities in Yemen's contested Red Sea city of Hodeida, the current epicenter of the civil war, officials said.

Coalition aircraft and naval forces continue to pound rebel positions, and fighting has killed dozens of combatants from both sides, with dozens of military vehicles destroyed or burning along the front lines, they added.

Associated Press footage shows coalition forces on the main road to the capital, Sanaa, cutting off the highway and further encircling the rebels.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to brief reporters, say other offensives have been launched elsewhere, including in the Dhale and Hajjah provinces. Fierce fighting also erupted a day earlier in the provinces of Bayda, to the south, and Saada, a Houthi stronghold in the north. They say a total of 580 people have been killed or wounded in Yemen since the coalition offensive began four days ago.

(** A H K)

Yemeni civilians trapped by Hodeidah fighting, aid groups say

Thousands of Yemeni civilians are trapped on the southern outskirts of Hodeidah as forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition battle Houthi insurgents entrenched in the Red Sea port city, aid groups said on Monday.

The alliance has massed thousands of Yemeni troops in recent days near the heavily-defended port, but a source in the coalition told Reuters there are no immediate plans for an assault on the city, a lifeline for millions of Yemenis.

The United Nations has warned that an attack on the Houthi-held city, an entry point for 80 percent of Yemen’s food imports and aid relief, would risk triggering a famine in the impoverished Arab state.

The fighting has reached populated areas around a university that lies 4 km from the port and has neared the city’s main hospital for the first time, aid groups and residents said.

“All the people living between the airport and the university are trapped, the last four days have been very tough, it is beyond catastrophic levels,” said Isaac Ooko, Hodeidah’s area manager for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

“Air strikes have been very intense and the hovering of the jets causes permanent anxiety... Hodeidah has become a ghost city, people stay indoors and the streets are deserted,” he told Reuters by telephone.

A UNICEF spokeswoman, who was recently in Hodeidah, voiced concern that clashes were getting close to al-Thawra hospital, the main medical facility on Yemen’s western coast which treats thousands of people, including for cholera and diphtheria.

“You could hear the fighting from the hospital and from our guest house close to it,” said Juliette Touma.

(* A H K)

Yemen civil war: Hodeidah hit with almost 100 airstrikes as UK ramps up rhetoric

The Yemeni port city of Hodeidah was hit by almost 100 airstrikes over the weekend, according to Save the Children.

Staff stationed there on behalf of the charity said the fourth-largest city in the war-torn Arab nation was hit with five times as many airstrikes as in the entire first week of October.

Tens of thousands of children were potentially put in the line of fire, as the more than three-and-a-half year Saudi-led campaign against Iranian-aligned Houthi rebels continues unabated.

(* A K)

Neue Offensive der Regierungstruppen auf Hodeida

Im Jemen hat die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition eine neue Offensive zur Eroberung der Hafenstadt Hodeida begonnen.

Wie der saudische Fernsehsender Al-Arabiya meldete, lieferten sich östlich der Stadt am Roten Meer jemenitische Regierungstruppen mit Luftunterstützung der Koalition schwere Gefechte mit den Huthi-Rebellen. Hodeida ist für die Versorgung des Landes mit Hilfsgütern von großer Bedeutung.

(A H K)

CIVIC Statement: Parties to the Conflict in Yemen Should Take Immediate Steps to Prevent Harm to Civilians

In response to escalating violence and the initiation of a military assault on Hodeidah, Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) Executive Director, Federico Borello, issued the following statement:

“Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) is gravely concerned about the impact of military operations on civilians in Hodeidah. It is very troubling that the Saudi-UAE-led coalition proceeded despite warnings of the catastrophic impact this operation will have on civilians. Moreover, sufficient planning and precautionary steps – as required by international humanitarian law – were not taken. CIVIC implores all parties to immediately take proper precautions to protect civilians and safeguard the port, which provides a lifeline to millions of Yemenis.”

(** A K)

Reports from #Hodeidah in west Yemen: coalition and government forces are pushing deeper into city centre and advancing towards Hodeidah and Al-Salif seaports. Street warfare and mortar attacks are intensifying as locals say battles have spread across the Red Sea city.

(A K)

Latest from Hodeida: Houthis closed Alsham road, the only way out of Hodeida & forced civilians who were trying to exit the city to return. This means civilians r now trapped n the city with no way out as clashes escalate.

(** A K)

Map: Coalition backed Yemeni forces r moving Northwest Hodeida towards seaport. Once they reach seaport, the city will be under siege & civilians will be trapped. Houthis have already been digging trenches in anticipation of battle inside the city.

and more detailed map:

(** A K)

map showing Hodeida clashes where UAE-backed forces battle Houthis for control over major route, Kilo 16. So far, US call for a ceasefire has no impact on the ground.

(A K pH)

Saudi jet fighters bombard Al Hudaydah 80 times

The Saudi warplanes have bombarded the city of Al Hudaydah, Yemen 80 times over the past few hours, Yemeni TV Channel 'Al-Masirah' reported on Monday morning.

(A K pH)

Father and a mother were killed and their child was wounded in the air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition on their home in the July 7 area of #Hodeidah province.

(A K pH)

Nov. 3: In Hodiedah, over 65 raids were launched on Kilo 16 and Hodiedah Airport, 8 raids on Addurayhemi district and a raid on civilian's farm in Al-Sokhnah district.

(* A K pH)

58 Saudi aggression airstrikes hit Hodeidah

The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition targeted on Saturday 58 air raids on different places in Hodeidah province, an official told Saba on Sunday.

The coalition fired fifty air raids in Mander , 16 kilo and Hodeidah airport in al-Haly.

Meanwhile, eight airstrikes in al-Doryhmi .

(** A K)

Saudi-backed forces advance towards Yemen's Hodeidah as U.N. warns of famine

Yemeni forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition inched closer to the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah on Sunday as they battled Iranian-aligned Houthi fighters entrenched there, local military sources and residents said on Sunday.

The coalition has deployed thousands of troops to retake Hodeidah, a vital entry point for imports and a lifeline for millions of Yemenis after more than three years of war.

Fighting was focused around the airport, which the coalition failed to seize in a previous offensive, and also at the eastern entrance to the city and near a university that lies 4 km south of the port, which handles most of Yemen’s imports.

“This is the first time clashes have reached this point (the university),” one pro-coalition Yemeni military source said.

Residents said they could hear exchanges of fire in the area.


(* A K pH)

Saudi Coalition Preparing to Launch Heaviest Offensive on Key Yemeni Port

The Saudi-led Coalition is preparing to launch its biggest offensive to capture the strategic port-city of Hodeida in Western Yemen.

The Saudi-led Coalition forces already launched a preliminary offensive this week that targeted defense lines of the Yemeni popular forces of Ansarullah near Hodeida Airport, the AMN reported.

However, the Saudi Coalition’s advances have been limited near the Hodeida Airport; they are expected to make a much bigger push in the coming days.

With tens of thousands of troops already deployed to this strategic area along the Red Sea coast, the Saudi-led Coalition is hoping to capture the last major port under Ansarullah's control.

This will not be an easy task, however, as the Ansarullah forces have thousands of fighters inside and outside of Hodeida city.

Most of the Ansarullah fighters are battle-tested and well-armed; they will make it very difficult for the Saudi-led Coalition troops to seize any ground around Hodeida.


(* A K)

Dozens of Yemeni rebels killed in Red Sea port city: medics

Dozens of Yemeni rebels have been killed in battles and air strikes in Hodeida, medics said Sunday, as pro-government forces advanced in the insurgent-held Red Sea port city.

The bloodshed comes despite growing international pressure to end a years-long conflict that has left thousands dead.

Fifty-three Huthi rebels were killed and dozens were injured over the past 24 hours, medical sources in Hodeida told AFP.

Clashes intensified in the city and centred around its university on Saturday and Sunday morning, a pro-government military official said.

Huthi media reported air strikes in Hodeida on Sunday but did not give a fighter casualty toll.

Military officials said Saudi-led coalition warplanes carried out dozens of air strikes to support pro-government forces in the fighting which began on Thursday evening.

Thirteen pro-government troops were killed, medical sources in Aden and Mokha -- where the fighters were transported -- told AFP.

and also


(** A K)

Yemen troops make gains as air raids pound Houthi-held Hodeidah

Saudi-backed Yemeni forces claim to have captured two areas on the outskirts of the port city of Hodeidah.

The Saudi-UAE military alliance at war with Yemen's Houthi rebels says it has advanced towards the western city of Hodeidah, hours after residents reported a barrage of air raids targeting the strategic port city.

Residents in Hodeidah told Al Jazeera on Saturday that the United States-backed alliance launched more than 25 air raids, targeting rebel-held locations on the city's edges.

Yemeni journalist Manal Qaed said the sound of fighter jets dropping bombs pierced through the sky late into the afternoon, with civilians fearing to venture out of their homes.

The Houthi-affiliated Al-Masirah news outlet said more than 60 raids targeted Kilo-16 and its surrounding areas, wounding four civilians.

Kilo-16 is the main highway linking Hodeidah city with the rebel-held capital, Sanaa.

Aid agencies have long warned that fighting in Hodeidah risks escalating the dire humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where about half the population - some 14 million people - could soon be on the verge of famine.

Meanwhile, the dpa news agency reported that Yemeni forces, backed by the Saudi-UAE alliance, gained territory on the eastern and southern outskirts of Hodeidah.

A military source told dpa on condition of anonymity: "The forces will not stop until they take control of the strategic Hodeidah port."

On Tuesday, the alliance sent more than 10,000 troops to Hodeidah in a new offensive aimed at securing the so-called "liberated areas".

So far, the Yemeni forces and the alliance had held Kilo 7 and Kilo 10, areas which sit less than five kilometres from the city's busy fish market.

My comment: Look at the wording: On the Houthi government’s side, no “Yemeni forces” are fighting?


(** A K)

Yemeni pro-gov't forces advance in Houthi-controlled Hodeidah despite casualties

The pro-government Yemeni forces on Sunday advanced in the Red Sea coastal city of Hodeidah controlled by the Shiite Houthi rebels after two days of intense battles, local sources said.

The government forces of the Giants Brigades captured new sites from the Houthi gunmen amid a wide-scale offensive to capture the strategic port city.

"The Engineering Faculty of Hodeidah along with other institutions was seized by the Giants Brigades," an army commander loyal to the Saudi-backed Yemeni government told Xinhua by phone.

Several areas surrounding the Kiko-16 highway were captured by the government forces following hours of intense fighting, the army commander said on condition of anonymity.

The ongoing fighting between the two warring rivals, along with daily Saudi-led airstrikes, left scores of casualties.

More than 50 Houthi rebels were killed during helicopter shelling and ground fighting within the past 24 hours, medical sources based in Hodeidah confirmed to Xinhua.

Landmines and Houthi mortar shells killed 20 soldiers during the ongoing offensive in Hodeidah, according to other sources of government-controlled medical centers.

Early in the day, the Houthi-affiliated Masirah television network reported that a ballistic missile fired by the their fighters targeted pro-government forces in Hodeidah, causing heavy casualties.


(A K pH)

Yemeni forces foil Saudi-led push to seize port before talks

Yemen’s armed forces have decisively countered an all-out Saudi offensive, which was in the works for days to seize the country’s strategic Red Sea port.

Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree said the army thwarted “all attempts by the enemy to penetrate and infiltrate the defenses" in the port city of Hudaydah.

The counterattacks killed 113 of the enemy forces and injured 156 others, Yemen's al-Masirah television network quoted him as saying on Saturday.

Remark: As pro-Houthi Iranian sources put it.


(* A K pS)

Fierce battles with aerial forces participation after joint forces advance to Hodeidah University

Fierce fighting intensified in Hodeidah province, western Yemen, between the joint government forces and the Houthi armed militia on Friday.

Local sources told "Al-Masdar online " that the joint government forces had advanced to the "Western Gate " of Hodeidah University on the coastal road, following fierce fighting with the Houthis, which continued since Thursday evening.

The sources said the Houthi militia retreated under airstrikes and clashes to the end of the wall of the house of former President Ali Abdallah Saleh.

It noted that the F16 and Apache Coalition aviation is sweeping from 10 km to 16 km, while confrontations on both sides of the road continue and are considered the most severe since the arrival of the Joint forces.

The Houthis resorted to heavy ignition of tires on the road to Kilo 16 to block the vision of air forces, which has carried out more than 20 raids during the past hours.


(* A K pS)

Clashes escalate south of Hodeidah to coincide with intense international calls for ceasefire and resumption of consultations

During the past hours, armed confrontations between the forces of the legitimate government backed by the Arab coalition forces and the Houthi rebels have escalated in the south and southwest of the coastal city of Hodeidah (western Yemen).

According to Al-Masdar online, the clashes are continuing towards the University of Hodeidah and the airport roundabout with the participation of Apache fighters to reach the neighbourhoods of Rabsah and near the al-Thawra hospital and along the coastal road, on the other hand the area of kilo 10 violent clashes to south West Kilo 16 participate in The flight of thousands has been intense, with more than 20 air raids in the vicinity of 16 in the Arc de Triomphe, while the Houthi fighters are intensively igniting tyres in a bid to block the flight vision.

Eyewitnesses said that the Houthis had transported more empty containers towards the 50th Street to close the road leading to the seven July neighbourhood and intensified their deployment and continuous firing of the cannons.

(A K pH)

Film: WATCH the targeting civilian houses directly and deliberately by mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression in al-Hali district of #Hodeidah province.

(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition aircraft intensified airstrikes on al Houthi forces in al Hudaydah governorate, western Yemen on November 1 and 2. Saudi-led coalition airstrikes targeted al Houthi gatherings around the Kilo 16 area, east of al Hudaydah city. Emirati-backed forces deployed 10,000 troops towards Aden port ahead of a new offensive on al Hudaydah port city on October 30.[2]

(A K pH)

Desperate to Advance, US-Saudi Aggression Targets Kilo-16, in Hodiedah, with over 60 Airstrikes

The US-Saudi aggression launched over 60 raids on Kilo-16 and its surrounding areas in Al-Hale district in the past hours. US-Saudi artillery shells destroyed the houses and farms of civilians in Kilo 16, injuring 4 civilians.


(A K pH)

3 civilians, child injured in Saudi led airstrikes on Hodeidah

Four civilains were killed in four Saudi-led airstrikes which hit Hodeida province, a security official told Saba.
The airstrikes hit kilo 16 area in Hali.

The text does not fit: 4 were wounded. giving the number of 4


(A K pH)

Names of wounded:

  1. Waseem Ayesh 7 years old. Type of injury: - Fragments in the brain are serious
  2. Mohammed Ayesh Saeed 7 years old. Type of injury: - amputation of the fingers with a large wound in the forearm
  3. Marwan Ayesh Saeed 3 years old. Type of injury: - Slit in the left leg

And their wounded uncle:

  1. Salem Saeed Hassan 65. Type of injury: - Shrapnel in the right forearm (photo)


(* A K pS)

Yemeni Army Unleash New Offensive, on Hodeida

The Yemeni Army loyal to the legitimate government, announced here today launching of a military operation, on Hodeida, the seaport city, west of Yemen, to purge the rest of the areas, under the control of the Iranian-backed Houthi militias.
The brigades of the Giants of the Yemeni Army, announced in a statement that: Our forces have cleared areas in Kilo 16 to the so-called Arc of Victory, at the Eastern entrance of the city of Hodeida.

My comment: This is how the Saudi coalition’s and the Hadi government’s reply to the US calls for ceasefire and peace talks looks like.

(A K pH)

Film, air raid at truck with bee cells:

Earlier recording, photos: and

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* B H K P)

Film. Millions in Yemen are starving and UK, US & France are ‘behind this’ – Oxfam representative to RT

The US, UK, and French governments are behind millions of people starving in Yemen because they are “supporting this war,” an Oxfam representative told RT, urging London to stop beefing up Saudi Arabia’s military.

“We have 14 million people starving,” Richard Stanforth, Oxfam UK’s regional policy officer for the Middle East, said.

Stanforth blamed the British government in particular, saying that London should stop its arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which is accaused of targeting food supplies and even no-strike locations in Yemen.

“We’ve seen attacks on water infrastructure, on hospitals, warehouses of food. This pattern is continuing. Certainly, it’s the airstrikes that are killing most civilians,” he said.

Stanforth says Riyadh’s bombing is not sparing humanitarian sites either… including that of Oxfam. Saudi Arabia is aware of many of these locations” and along with the UAE, it is still hitting them, he added. and

(* B K P)

Der Völkermord

Verdeckt von Kriegslügen und Propaganda wird für alle Welt sichtbar die Bevölkerung des Jemen massakriert.

Der Krieg im Jemen ist kein Konflikt zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran — auch wenn das die Leitmedien ein ums andere Mal suggerieren. Es handelt sich vielmehr um eine einseitige Offensive der Saudis und ihrer Verbündeten gegen die Huthi, nachdem diese 2015 den Saudi-gestützten Präsidenten Mansur Hadi entmachtet hatten, erklärt Rannie Amiri. Auch von „vom Iran gelenkten Rebellen“ kann nicht die Rede sein. Denn die Huthi stehen den sunnitischen Saudis generell näher als den schiitischen Iranern. Als Ersatz für den „echten Feind“ muss die Bevölkerung des Jemen herhalten.

Jene in den westlichen Medien, die zu beschäftigt sind, sich um ein Verständnis der Komplexitäten, Feinheiten und Nuancen des Nahen Ostens zu bemühen, bedienen sich oft der Schlussfolgerung, dass alle Konflikte in dieser Region eine Art „Stellvertreterkrieg“ zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran seien.

Dahinter steckt meist Unwissenheit. Man reduziert Auseinandersetzungen auf den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner von „Sunniten versus Schiiten“, oder zwischen den Staaten, die für die beiden als wichtigste Schutzpatrone fungieren.

Der naheliegendste und willkommenste Sündenbock ist der Iran. Den Bestrebungen Saudi-Arabiens, der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate sowie, natürlich, Israels, den angeblichen Expansionismus des Iran einzudämmen, wird tatenlos zugesehen.

Eine der derzeit verheerendsten und tragischsten Episoden im Nahen/Mittleren Osten vollzieht sich derzeit im Jemen. Es handelt sich hier jedoch nicht um einen De-facto-Stellvertreterkrieg, über den wir — so die Hoffnung der Kriegs-Finanziers – gar nicht weiter nachforschen wollen, weil wir der Nachrichten darüber schon überdrüssig geworden sind.

Trotz der ständigen gegenteiligen Erklärungen der faulen Medien findet im Jemen kein Stellvertreterkrieg statt.

Der Krieg, der das ärmste Land der arabischen Welt seit März 2015 verwüstet, ist ein von Saudi-Arabien geführter, einseitiger Angriff, der den Staat, seine Wirtschaft, seine Infrastruktur und seine sozialen Dienste so sehr zerstört hat, dass dort Mangelernährung allgemein verbreitet ist und eine Choleraepidemie grassiert.

Die Huthi gehören hauptsächlich zu den Zaiditen, die innerhalb des Islams einen Zweig der größeren Gruppe der Schiiten bilden. Die Huthi als „vom Iran unterstützte schiitische Rebellen“ zu brandmarken, wie es inzwischen üblich ist, ermöglicht eine einfache und zweckdienliche Kategorisierung, um in den Medien des Westens und der Golfstaaten „die Bösen“ zu identifizieren.

Doch das ist verlogen. Die unbequeme Tatsache ist, dass die Zaiditen dem sunnitischen Islam im Allgemeinen näherstehen als dem schiitischen – und der von den Saudis unterstützte Langzeit-Militärdiktator Saleh war Zaidit. Noch entscheidender ist, dass es, abgesehen von seiner Solidaritätserklärung mit den Huthi, keine stichhaltigen Beweise für eine militärische Intervention des Iran oder seiner Verbündeten im Jemen gibt. Im Gegenteil, und sehr deutlich, stellen die saudischen und emiratischen unmenschlichen Bombenangriffe das eklatanteste Beispiel ausländischer Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten eines anderen Staates dar.

Im Jemen findet kein Konflikt zwischen religiösen Strömungen oder Stellvertretern statt, sondern ein Krieg, der aus den Nachwirkungen des Sturzes eines weiteren Saudi-gelenkten Machthabers resultiert.

Der Krieg, der im Jemen von Saudi-Arabien und seinen Verbündeten geführt wird sowie deren schamloser Einsatz von US-amerikanischen und britischen Waffen grenzt an eine regelrechte Invasion. Er ist ein einseitiges, bösartiges militärisches Abenteuer, das Millionen von Menschen in die Armut getrieben und sich bisher als vollkommen erfolglos beim Erreichen seiner gesetzten Ziele erwiesen hat – von Rannie Amiri

(* B P)

Jemen-Krieg: USA ziehen die Notbremse

Analyse zum «vergessenen Krieg» im Jemen

Ohne die militärische und logistische Unterstützung der USA, Grossbritanniens und Frankreichs könnte Saudi-Arabien diesen Krieg im Jemen nicht führen. 90 Prozent des saudischen Waffenarsenals stammen aus diesen drei Nationen, deren Experten im Einsatzzentrum in Riad auch bei der Auswahl der Bombenziele helfen. Nach Angaben der Website waren US-Tankflugzeuge mindestens 2900 Mal über dem Jemen im Einsatz, um saudische Kampfjets bei mehr als 12 000 Luftmanövern mit Kerosin zu versorgen. Mit den Erklärungen von Mattis und Pompeo läuten die USA nun das Ende des Jemen-Abenteuers von Mohammed bin Salman ein – nach dem Mordfall Khashoggi der nächste Rückschlag für die ungezügelten Machtambitionen des saudischen Kronprinzen. Zwischen dem Schicksal Khashoggis und den Millionen von Leben, die im Jemen auf dem Spiel stünden, «gibt es eine Verbindung, und die ist der Missbrauch von Macht», kritisierte der frühere britische Aussenminister David Miliband in der BBC.

An der Südspitze der Arabischen Halbinsel hat der Krieg ein unbeschreibliches Debakel angerichtet, wie in dem jüngsten UNO-Bericht nachzulesen ist.

(* B H K)

Map: Yemen: Access Constraints as of 1 November 2018

(B H K)

Film: Meet Ahmad al Naqeeb, a grocer who lost his business in #Yemen’s conflict. He's now improvised a unique way of warning residents in the city of #Taiz of incoming attacks

(* B K P)

Audio: Nasser Arrabyee With an Update on the War

Frequent Scott Horton Show guest Nasser Arrabyee comes back for an update on the current situation in Yemen. He explains that Coalition goals there simply can’t be realized, and that the U.S. should just end its support for the Saudis as soon as possible. If America withdraws, he believes Saudi Arabia will soon follow suit. Arrabyee also talks about how the casualty reports from the New York Times and other sources, namely 10,000 deaths, can’t possibly be right, given all the deliberate bombing of civilian infrastructure and the cholera outbreaks. He does think, however, that the war could actually end soon, due to recent outcry against Saudi Arabia.

Discussed on the show:

“6/20/18 Nasser Arrabyee on the Latest in the War in Yemen” (Libertarian Institute)

“How the War in Yemen Became a Bloody Stalemate” (New York Times)

Jamal Khashoggi


Nasser Arrabyee is a Yemeni journalist based in Sana’a, Yemen. He is the owner and director of You can follow him on Twitter @narrabyee.

(* B K P)

Yemen is Another US Dirty War

It is the US that is leading from behind the Saudi and other Gulf Cooperative Council countries' war against Yemen. The GCC front countries for the US are the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Kuwait, and Qatar. The KSA and Qatar are embroiled in a feud. Oman has opted out of the war for now. Non-GCC countries Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea and Somalia are also contributing to the massacre of the people of Yemen.

The US has recruited the usual suspects of non-state actors, Blackwater mercenaries (rebranded Academi), Daesh, and al Qaeda to terrorize Yeminis on the ground, while Saudi pilots pound them with 2000-pound bombs. The Saudi coalition pilots purposely target school buses, villages, markets and hospitals with precision guided bombs.

The United Nations is just a US lapdog that gives the US and Saudi coalition a fig leaf of legality for the genocide in Yemen. The UN has authorized a one-sided arms embargo against Yemen, which the US and Saudis have turned into a total blockade of food, water, and humanitarian supplies. The blockade is keeping vital supplies from the Yemeni civilians, which are desperately needed by them to sustain life.

The UN continues the façade that the "internationally recognized legitimate government" of Yemen is Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. His term as an interim president in Yemen expired in 2014. He illegally extended his term for one year, and then he was driven out of office by the Yemeni people. The people had had enough of Hadi's corruption, catering to the International Monetary Fund, austerity and the privatization of state enterprises at fire sale prices.

With US and Saudi backing, Hadi makes the claim from the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton Hotel that he is the legitimate government of Yemen. He has no portfolio with which to govern, and it is rumored that MBS is holding him prisoner in the Ritz-Carlton. Regardless of the rumor, he is still just a Saudi tool. The de facto government of Yemen is the Houthi-led movement's leaders, which are supported by the people and the security forces of Yemen.

The US blames the war on Iran which has not invaded another country in over 200 years.

The real Halloween boogeyman who is killing hundreds of thousands of Yemenis is the US-backed Saudi boogeyman Mohammed bin Salman. He is known affectionately as MBS, by his drooling admirer Thomas Friedman of the New York Times. MBS is a blood drenched madman. He chops off the heads of his critics, dismembers their bodies with bone saws, stones women for adultery, and crucifies victims just for the fun of it.

The US turns a blind eye from this bloody madman, because he buys billions of dollars' worth of US weapons. Then MBS uses the US weapons to kill innocent civilians in Yemen. Friedman says MBS is a liberal reformer in Saudi Arabia because MBS lets women drive cars (as long as they get their husband's permission first).

There would be no war against Yemen had the US-led Saudi coalition not first attacked that country from the air, land and sea – by David William Pear

(B P)

Trump administration must help bring the Yemen war to an end

The United States has aided Saudi Arabia and its allies in their often indiscriminate campaign against insurgents in Yemen, making America complicit in a humanitarian disaster of horrific proportions.

It seems obvious that the administration’s view of the coalition’s compliance was shaped by its partiality toward Saudi Arabia. It has seen the kingdom as a potential partner in negotiating peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
With Saudi leaders on the defensive after the appalling murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Trump administration may have more leverage to insist that the kingdom change its behaviour in Yemen or face a loss of US support.
It should use that influence to help bring this atrocious war to an end.

My comment: As seen from Qatar – which took part in this “often indiscriminate campaign”; a fact it and now simply no more mentions.

(* B K P)

Don’t hold your breath for a ceasefire in Yemen

That the half of Yemen’s population that is closest to its borders happens to be Zaidi Muslim, an offshoot of Shi’ism, is an additional worry for the kingdom’s elite, who adhere to Sunni Islam’s fundamentalist Wahhabi strain. Riyadh worries about a Shi’a pincer movement — Zaidi Yemen from the south, and an Iranian-backed uprising originating in its oil-rich, Shi’a populated Eastern province.

An additional Saudi concern is that until 1962, Yemen was ruled by Zaidi and Ismaili (another Shi’a variant) imams for about a thousand years; several of these rulers controlled Mecca and its surrounding territories. Memories are long on the Arabian Peninsula: Saudi King Salman’s official title is Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and he certainly intends to protect them against Yemeni encroachment.

The Obama administration had misgivings about aiding the Saudi-UAE air campaign, but reportedly did so to placate the Saudis, who were bitterly opposed to Obama’s determined pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran. Although the Trump administration has shared Riyadh’s opposition to the deal, it has continued to support Saudi Arabia’s air campaign, in no small part because of the close relationship between Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

There is no indication that either the Houthis or the Saudis are prepared to sit down and negotiate a ceasefire. The Saudis have every reason to fear a Houthi-dominated Yemen, which a ceasefire likely would enshrine. The Houthis feel that they are on the cusp of victory and do not want that snatched away at the negotiating table – by Dov S. Zakheim, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and vice chairman of the board for the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He was under secretary (comptroller) and chief financial officer for the Department of Defense from 2001 to 2004 and a deputy under secretary of Defense from 1985 to 1987.

My comment: And, what does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph quoted here? "The Saudis have every reason...", the author wants to present us the Saudi intervention as reasonable. Why should it be reasonable that any country should have the right to determine who should govern in a neighbouring country? The author is one of these lobby tank propagandists the US is filled up with.

(* B P)

The Treacherous Path for Yemeni Women Towards Achieving Rights

Women-led organizations are working hard to mitigate the impact of war. Many have refocused their mandates from working towards promoting gender justice to providing humanitarian relief. The war has also led to new women-led organizations forming inside and outside the country; one such is the recently established Peace Track Initiative. Although it has been active since 2015, it formally registered in October 2017. The Peace Track Initiative was founded by Rasha Jarhum and Yasmeen al-Nadheri, two leading women’s rights advocates in the diaspora. The Peace Track Initiative aims at localizing the peace process and creating a space for women, youth and civil society to contribute meaningfully to the peace process.

Rasha Jarhum, Director of the Peace Track Initiative, explains: “We thought since the formal tracks of peace are excluding women, youth and civil society, then let’s create our own track. We first focused on women and started consulting with them on different topics related to the peace agenda.”

However, women’s participation in the peace process has been severely limited. Formal delegations invited to the peace negotiations did not respect the 30 per cent quota as per the outcomes of the national dialogue.

Jarhum: “We began by arranging meetings for women with high influential stakeholders including the UN Special Envoy, diplomats and national officials. We also nominate women for high-level conferences and meetings to ensure their voices are heard… [and] work on improving the access of women-led organisations to funding opportunities…

Al-Nadheri argues that the suffering of women is the result of the war waged by men, who reject female participation in providing a vision to lift the country out of the war cycle that will not end without joint efforts. Women are in the first ranks of those efforts, along with the young people who are working hard to achieve peace and social cohesion.

Moreover, Al-Nadheri notes that many projects funded by international donors in Yemen are limited to humanitarian support and occasional support for simple development projects, in which at least 80 per cent of women work as volunteers. In addition, women contribute to providing for their families through their own projects, including food preparation and sewing, and other initiatives that have contributed to the development of temporary but robust solutions to support resilience in times of war and contribute to economic recovery.

(A P)

Prisoner exchange deal succeeds in releasing 17 abductees by Al-Houthi

A prisoner swap deal, signed between the Yemeni government and the al-Houthi armed group, has successfully freed 17 abductees of the al-Houthi armed group.

An exchange deal between the government and the Houthis resulted in the release of 17 detainees held by the Houthis as well as a prisoner, compared to 18 in government forces, a source in the mediation told Al-Masdar online.

(* B K P)

Film: Saudi Arabia wants Hudaydah as bastion on Red Sea coasts: Analyst

Saudi Arabia is doing all in its power to seize Yemen’s port city of Hudaydah and establish a stronghold on strategic Red Sea coasts, a commentator says.

Riaz Karim, director of the Veritas Center for Strategic Studies, told Press TV that “the Saudis want Hudaydah by hook or by crook and they are going to do anything and everything within their power to get that sea port, because they do not have any stronghold in that area.”

“In northern Yemen, they do not have any stronghold; so, it is very important for them to have a stronghold…because then they can get to Bab al-Mandeb,” he added.

The Saudis and their allies are “strangling Yemen” ahead of UN-proposed peace talks, said Karim, adding that the US has also “exaggerating” what it calls Iran’s role in Yemen in an attempt to “whitewash” the Riyadh-led coalition’s crimes in the violence-stricken country.

My comment: Karim, a Yemeni living in the UK, is a serious source.

(* B K P)

The Irish Times view on the war on Yemen: the world must press for peace

Over 14 million people are facing famine caused by economic blockade, hyper-inflation and systematic bombing of infrastructure, mainly orchestrated by Saudi Arabia

It took the international publicity and outrage surrounding the murder of the prominent Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of its regime to concentrate attention also on Yemen’s catastrophe, for which Riyadh is largely responsible. The evidence here is so strong that it gave an opportunity for the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defence Secretary James Mattis to call for an end to the fighting in Yemen and a resumption of United Nationsnegotiations.

“A balanced ceasefire allowing humanitarian aid to relieve a huge famine threat is an urgent necessity for the international community”.

Critics point out that their proposal is not even-handed, in that it urges the Houthi rebels to stop attacks on Saudi and Emirati targets before Saudi bombing of urban areas ceases and does not mention their attacks on rural infrastructure where most people live. This formula could allow the Saudis and their allies reinforce the economic and aid blockade of the Houthi-held Red Sea port of Hodeida which is a prime cause of the famine.

The civil war arose from their rebellion against government proposals to decentralise power in the country, depriving many areas of proper sharing in oil revenues, the country’s principal income earner. Unless these longer-term issues are addressed it will not be possible to find a peace settlement. In the meantime a balanced ceasefire allowing humanitarian aid to relieve a huge famine threat is an urgent necessity for the international community.

(* A H K P)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie calls for lasting ceasefire in Yemen

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie today called for the urgent establishment of a ceasefire in Yemen and a lasting settlement to the conflict. She welcomed recent discussion of a halt to hostilities, and called on the United Nations Security Council, working with countries in the region, to find a negotiated end to the conflict and to uphold international laws on the protection of civilians. She appealed for greater understanding of refugee protection laws, and for all countries to play their part in alleviating the human suffering in Yemen.

Jolie is currently visiting South Korea, where several hundred Yemenis are being hosted after fleeing the conflict.

She said: “As an international community we have been shamefully slow to act to end the crisis in Yemen. We have watched the situation deteriorate to the point that Yemen is now on the brink of man-made famine, and facing the worst cholera epidemic in the world in decades. When conflict develops to this extent, many people have no choice but to flee if they are to have any chance of survival. The only way to enable refugees to return home, and to bring down the overall numbers worldwide, is to end conflicts themselves. ”

(B K P)

The woes of Al Yemen Al Saeed

The situation in Yemen is too painful for words. It is a humanitarian catastrophe, according to the UNHCR, and experts fear that many more lives may be lost to violence, treatable illnesses or lack of food, water and shelter.

Today, the photos of emaciated babies reduced to skin and bones should have shamed Yemeni leaders into seeking peace; but the obese Mohammad Al Huthi rejected the call for a ceasefire, being more interested in allocating blame for the war than in ending it.

The Yemeni people’s dearest ambition, as expressed by Yemeni Nobel Laureate Tawakkol Karman is “a future where my children feel safe, appreciated and proud to be who they are”.

It is tragic beyond words, when a country’s leaders are more interested in their PR than in ending the suffering of their people.

(* B K P)

Yemen War: Saudis Have a Lot of Explaining to Do in International Tribunals

US Defense Secretary James Mattis has just called for an immediate ceasefire in Yemen. In the course of this, he has also demanded an end to fighting, and an immediate halt to all airstrikes against populated areas. Yet, the international community has serious questions about his degree of honesty when he asks for the cessation of hostilities.

Guess what? It’s still business as usual for the Saudi-led warmongers in Yemen, with Saudi warplanes pounding areas in and around the northern cities of Hodeidah and Sana’a. Heavy airstrikes were reported particularly around Sana’a Airport, which is a civilian-populated area. Sana’a was mostly hit with airstrikes, while locals reported heavy clashes around Hodeidah, a vital port city that Saudi forces have been massing around all week.

Meaning, in no case is there any indication that a ceasefire is starting. Saudi and UAE officials have yet to comment on the US call for a ceasefire and peace talks at all. The only response at all from their camp was from Saudi-backed fugitive officials, who embraced the idea of peace talks, but similarly showed no signs of stopping fighting in the meantime.

This is while the rising death toll of civilians is generating strong messages of condemnation from international institutions and human rights organizations – with the United Nations remaining helpless as killings keep multiplying. The House of Saud and its partners, which have launched thousands of deadly airstrikes against Yemen since March 2015, deny targeting the civilian areas! They claim the places they bomb are “major training camps for militia”!!!

This is by no means accurate. With the intensification in violence in the past week alone, the number of civilians killed and injured by Saudi airstrikes has grown sharply almost by the hour.

(* A H K)

Amal aus dem Jemen verliert den Kampf gegen den Hunger

Das jemenitische Mädchen Amal Hussain (7) liegt teilnahmslos auf einem Klinikbett – ihr Körper nur noch Haut und Knochen, der Blick geht ins Leere. Ein Spiegelbild der Situation in ihrer vom Krieg gebeutelten Heimat.

Das Foto der völlig unterernährten Amal wurde vergangene Woche in der „New York Times“ veröffentlicht und brachte der Zeitung eine Flut von Leserreaktionen. Die Menschen wollten mehr erfahren, helfen, spenden.

Zu spät für Amal. Das Mädchen ist jetzt in einem heruntergekommenen Flüchtlingscamp sechs Kilometer vom Krankenhaus in Aslam/Jemen entfernt gestorben.

und auch

Remark: English reporting: Yemen war Mosaic 476, cp1.


(* A H K)

Jemen: Der Bürgerkrieg, die Kinder und der Tod

Noch vor wenigen Tagen war Amal Hussain aus dem Jemen auf der Titelseite der New York Times zu sehen. Jetzt ist das kleine Mädchen tot - verhungert.

Declan Walsh leitet das Büro der Zeitung in Kairo. Er hatte den Artikel geschrieben, der die menschliche Tragödie in dem Bürgerkriegsland im Nahen Osten zeigt: "Wir haben erfahren, dass Amal einige Tage nach unserem Besuch im Krankenhaus entlassen wurde. Der Arzt gab die Anweisung, dass sie an einen Ort in der Nähe geschickt werden sollte, um von "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" behandelt zu werden. Aber die Mutter sagte, dass sie nicht das Geld für die Fahrt dorthin aufbringen konnte. Wie viele Jemeniten waren sie nicht nur durch die steigenden Lebensmittelpreise, sondern auch durch die Treibstoffpreise betroffen. Das bedeutet: Arme Menschen können es sich nicht leisten, selbst sterbende Kinder mitzunehmen. Die Mutter sagte, dass sie Amal in ihre Behausung in einem Flüchtlingslager gebracht hat. Drei Tage später erzählte sie uns, dass Amal gestorben ist." (Film) = = =

(* B H)

Pls stop and consider this: If #Yemen was 100 people then: -80 need aid to survive. -60 have barely anything to eat. -58 have no access to clean water. -52 have no access to health care. -11 are severely malnourished. But, Yemen is not 100 people. It’s 27 million people!

(* B P)

Youth and Sports: The UAE deliberately obstructed the participation of the Yemeni team in the World Cup to pick up the pickets

The Yemeni government [??? I think must read: The UAE] has deliberately obstructed the participation of the Yemeni national team in the third edition of the World Cup to pick up pickets in Abu Dhabi, according to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Yemen.

It confirmed that there had been an insistence on obstruction despite early follow-up and early dispatch of participants ' documents.

In an explanatory statement issued on Thursday evening, Al-Masdar online obtained a copy of it, the members of the International Federation to the need to choose the host country on the basis of neutrality in dealing with others, and not to mix sport with politics so as not to deprive some countries of participation in international forums.

The ministry said that the Emiratis informed the Yemeni side of the impossibility of issuing visas to the Yemeni team for "security reasons", and that the team left the Omani territory from which it intended to go to the UAE to return to Yemen.

(* B K P)

We can no longer just stand by while children are dying in war zones

All around the world children are being targeted with impunity. Surely the international community can unite on this issue?

The sheer brutality of the violence unleashed against children is one of the hallmarks of today’s wars. About 350 million children are living in war zones from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Syria and Myanmar. Many of these children are on the receiving end of war crimes and other human rights violations. Yet the world is turning its back.

Words cannot do justice to the moral depravity on display. Children are deliberately targeted for killing, abduction, rape and recruitment into armed groups. Others are treated as “collateral damage” in attacks on civilian infrastructure. Schools – and schoolchildren – are regarded as legitimate military targets. They are bombed in their classrooms or, especially if they are girls, assaulted for the crime of attending school. Obstructing humanitarian aid is now a standard military tactic, depriving children of access to food and medical aid.

Eglantyne Jebb, who founded Save the Children almost 100 years ago in the aftermath of world war one, once commented that “all wars are wars against children”. You can’t help wondering how she would view the wars of the 21st century.

My comment: To change this, international politics must fundamentally change. The “West” is might-be the most horrible warlord on this planet.

(* B P)

The New Front in Yemen’s Civil War Is Jamal Khashoggi

Yemenis can’t stop talking about the journalist’s murder.

For Yemen, however, Khashoggi’s death represents an especially interesting predicament. His death has been subsumed into the fault lines of the country’s ongoing civil war, going as far as to divide opponents of the Houthis against each other.

Khashoggi was generally as respected in Yemen as he was elsewhere in the region.

It’s such calculations that now lie at the heart of Yemeni politics, with Yemenis each arriving at different answers. Many sides even appeared to see the present moment as an opportunity to demonstrate loyalty to Riyadh. The internationally backed Yemeni government issued a statement of solidarity with the Saudis as the controversy heated up, while even the backers of the late Saleh, a frequent target of Khashoggi’s criticism, loudly echoed Saudi narratives on the affair, a marked shift from when they frequently criticized the kingdom on human rights grounds earlier in the conflict before breaking with the Houthis. Meanwhile, the Houthis, opposed both to the Saudi government and the U.S. government now pressuring the Saudis over Khashoggi, have also been carefully calibrating their messages: They issued a statement declaring they would “defend the land of the Two Holy Mosques” in the event of a form of reckless action from U.S. President Donald Trump, while continuing to criticize their Saudi adversaries.

(* B K pS)

Film: Taiz Children at the Top of the List of War Victims

Yahya Al-Muzaie's childish curiosity led him to explore the effects of the blast when he was hit by a second shell, disabling him.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B H P)

Norwegian Refugee Council: Yemenis in free fall one year since blockade

One year since the Saudi-led Coalition imposed a blockade on sea, land and air routes in Yemen, millions more are edging closer to famine and fatal disease. "The past 12 months have been a never-ending nightmare for Yemeni civilians. The parties to the conflict have consistently disavowed the laws of war and employed tactics that exacerbate suffering for civilian populations," said Jan Egeland,
Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

The one-year-long partial blockade has prevented import of vital food, fuel and medical supplies, creating shortages on key commodities for a population in dire need. This had led to mass inflation and propelled a crisis already widely regarded as the worst in the world.

Fuel imports through Hodeidah, Yemen's most important sea port, remain drastically low and insufficient for meeting needs. The past days have also seen fierce fighting and air strikes pick up in the vicinity of Hodeidah city threatening to further deteriorate civilians' access to safety and aid.

12 million people are left at imminent risk of descending into famine while over one million cholera suspected cases have been identified in Yemen. Over 22 million people need some form of aid or protection across the country.


  • On the 5th and 6th of November last year, the Saudi-led Coalition imposed a full blockade on Yemen's airports, seaports and land borders, purportedly as a measure to stop the importation of weapons into Yemen following interception by the Saudi military of a ballistic missile fired at Riyadh.
  • Air and sea ports in areas under the control of the internationally -recognised government of Yemen (GoY) remained closed for eleven days, while critical sea ports along Yemen's west coast were shut down for a period of more than seven weeks and only partially reopened thereafter.
  • 12 million people are now at imminent risk of descending into famine.
  • More than 16 million people don't have access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene and are extremely vulnerable to communicable disease outbreaks and factors that exacerbate the health causes of famine mortality.
  • As of the 26th of October, Yemeni Riyal was set at 720.18 to one USD by Internatinal bank of Yemeni.
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) reported 13,403 cholera cases as of October 2018. This is six times the number of reported cases as of mid-June (2,089), indicating the ongoing serious threat of a substantial new outbreak which has been exaccebated by displacement and economic deterioration.

Blockade Timeline - Key Events

(* B H K)

Factbox: A 'never-ending nightmare' for Yemenis one year since blockade

Yemenis in free fall one year since blockade

One year after a Saudi coalition imposed a blockade on Yemeni ports temporarily halting life-saving supplies, Yemenis are still living a “never-ending nightmare,” low on food and fuel, a senior aid official said on Tuesday.

Yemen, one of the poorest Arab countries, is locked in a nearly four-year-old war that pits Iran-aligned Houthi rebels against the government backed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the West.

For several weeks at the end of 2017, the Saudi coalition imposed a blockade on Yemeni ports which it said was to prevent Houthis from importing weapons. This had a severe impact on Yemen, which traditionally imports 90 percent of its food.

Jan Egeland, a former U.N. aid chief who now heads the Norwegian Refugee Council said since the blockade, food and fuel imports remain low and prices have soared, leaving millions on the brink of starvation as violence continues.

“The past 12 months have been a never-ending nightmare for Yemeni civilians,” he said in a statement.

Here are some facts about what has been happening inside the war-torn country:

(* B H P)

Film: US must force Saudi Arabia to lift Yemen blockade: Activist

The United States should force Saudi Arabia to lift the blockade on Yemen if it is serious about restoring peace to the impoverished Arab nation, says an activist.

“We know from the beginning of this war for almost four years, most of the Saudi airstrikes have been conducted in rural areas, killing tens of thousands of civilians and US statement actually hasn’t said anything about one of the major killing machine on Yemenis which is the Saudi-led coalition blockade … So if the United States really is serious about bringing peace in Yemen, they must first demand or actually have pressure or just ask the Saudis to stop the blockade and to allow food and medicine coming into Yemen,” Hussein al-Bukhaiti told Press TV in an interview on Friday.

(* B K P)

Saudi aggression brings famine to millions of Yemenis

Famine is now killing more people in Yemen than combat in that country’s war of defense against U.S.-backed Saudi Arabia.

Some 13 million civilians among Yemen’s 29 million people face death by starvation, said Lise Grande, the United Nations coordinator for Yemen. The U.N. is close to calling the situation a famine. (Independent, Oct. 15) The Save the Children charity now estimates that 50,000 children under the age of five could die from malnutrition this year alone.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film: Kinderarmut im Jemen

Das UNO-Kinderhilfswerk UNICEF schlägt Alarm: Mehr als sieben Millionen Kinder drohen im Jemen zu verhungern. Denn dort herrscht seit 2015 Bürgerkrieg.

(* B H)

Film: Jemen: alle zehn Minuten stirbt ein Kind

Der Bürgerkrieg im Jemen läuft größtenteils unter dem Radar der Öffentlichkeit, dabei sprechen die UN von der aktuell "schlimmsten humanitären Katastrophe der Welt". Der Unicef-Direktor für den mittleren Osten wünscht sich, dass zumindest eine Zahl durchdringt.

Fast drei Viertel des Landes bestehen aus Wüste, traditionell importiert der Jemen 90 Prozent seiner Lebensmittel. Für die Ernährung von Kindern so wichtige Vitaminträger wie Gemüse oder Früchte können sich die Mütter nicht mehr leisten. = = =

(* B H)

Jemen: Unicef sieht Hilfen torpediert

Das UN-Kinderhilfswerk Unicef wirft den Behörden im Jemen vor, wichtige Hilfslieferungen in das Land zu blockieren. Unicef-Regionaldirektor Geert Cappelaere erklärte, sowohl die jemenitische Regierung als auch die Huthi-Rebellen seien nicht zur Zusammenarbeit bereit. Das könne die Hungersnot noch verschärfen.

(* A H)

Amals Sterben berührt die Welt

Das Foto der ausgemergelten Amal aus dem Jemen berührt Leser in aller Welt. Ihr Bild in der "New York Times" löst riesige Betroffenheit aus. Doch diese herzzerreißende Geschichte hat leider kein gutes Ende.

Wenn man das menschliche Leid im Jemen, geprägt von Krieg und Hungersnot, in ein Bild fassen müsste, wäre es wohl das von Amal Hussain. Fotograf Tyler Hicks hat es für die "New York Times" vor einigen Tagen in Aslam aufgenommen und damit offenbar große Emotionen geweckt. Die kleine Amal liegt in ihrem Krankenhausbett im Norden des Landes. Das siebenjährige Mädchen schaut zur Seite, wirkt apathisch. "Ich kann kaum ein Brot kaufen. Das ist der Grund, warum meine Kinder vor meinen Augen sterben", erklärt die Mutter in der "New York Times".

Amals Körper ist ausgemergelt, jede einzelne Rippe ist sichtbar. Für Hicks ist es ein Symbolbild des Krieges. Als er das Foto des hungernden Mädchens in der Zeitung veröffentlicht, sind die Reaktionen der Leser überwältigend. Sie wollen spenden, der Familie helfen und fragen in weiteren Briefen und E-Mails nach, wie es Amal geht. Das Mädchen gibt dem Leid des Krieges ein Gesicht, macht es nahbar.

Doch die angebotene Hilfe kommt zu spät. Das Krankenhaus muss das Mädchen entlassen und empfiehlt der Mutter, eine Klinik von Ärzte ohne Grenzen zu besuchen. Doch bis dahin schafft die Familie es nicht. Amal bekommt weder die lebensrettende Milch noch weitere ärztliche Versorgung. Die Familie kehrt nach Hause zurück. Dort stirbt Amal.


(* A H)

Film: Jemen – Hölle auf Erden: Auf die Knochen ausgehungertes Mädchen stirbt in den Armen ihrer Mutter

Der Krieg hat den Jemen so sehr ins Elend gestürzt, dass in dem Land die verheerendste humaniäte Krise der Welt herrscht. Millionen Menschen leiden Hunger. Ein Bild, das erst Ende Oktober um die Welt ging und ein ausgehungertes Madchen zeigt, sorgt erneut für Schlagzeilen, denn die Siebenjährige ist nun gestorben. Ihre Eltern beschreiben vor der Kamera, welches Martyrium sie durchmachen und sind dabei doch nur eine Familie von vielen.

Ein Kamerateam besuchte die gebrochene Familie am Sonntag in einem Flüchtlingslager in der Provinz Hadscha. Die Mutter fürchtet, dass sie weitere ihrer Kinder auf Grund der desaströsen Lage verlieren würde.

(B H)

Yemen: Passengers Transport Overview - Djibouti - Aden - Djibouti, October 2018

(B H)

Suppressing childhood dreams
“my daughter always dreamt of being a dentist... me and her father encourages her, she completed her high school with high grades... but her father is in the prison for more than two years... I had to sell all my jewelries to pay for house rent and child school fees and expenses... she pleaded to join the dentistry college, but I can’t afford it... I told her to wait till her father release... she was broken, but I can’t help it... my sons asked to go for picnic, like their father used to do, I apologize that our budget can’t allow for that.”

(A H)

@monarelief's team has just arrived in the capital Sana'a after a 4-day mission of food distribution in #Hodeidah governorate to feed 300 families based on a fund provided by @PartnersRelief More pictures will be sent later (photos)

(A H)

World Food Programme: Yemen: Emergency Dashboard, October 2018

(* A H)

‘My hope is gone’: After tragic death of starving Yemeni girl, parents speak in emotional interview

The grief-stricken parents of the young Yemeni girl who died of malnutrition last week have spoken in a heart-rending interview after images of their emaciated child drew attention to the nation’s worsening humanitarian disaster.

In an interview with RT's Ruptly video agency, Amal’s mother, Mariam Ali said that she had lost hope since the death of her young daughter. “Our situation is deteriorating, and we suffer from malnutrition. We do not have healthy nutrition,” Ali said, explaining that she returned home from hospital with her sick daughter after receiving a call to say another one of her children was unwell.

When Amal’s condition worsened, in desperation her mother left her two sons and began to run with her child back to the hospital in the rain — a 30-minute journey on foot from where the family are living — but it was too late.

“Her father went to borrow money for her burial. They buried her. My situation is bad; my hope has gone after Amal died,”she said.

Amal’s father, Hussain Mohammed, who tends to grazing camels to provide for his family, said that sometimes the family is forced to eat from trees. Many families in the Aslam district have resorted to eating cooked leaves in an effort to survive. Mohammed said that he simply did not have enough money to send his suffering daughter to Hajjah or Sanaa for treatment.

“Whatever she needed, I did my best to bring that to her, but I had no money,” he said.

Director of the Malnutrition Centre in the Aslam district, Makkia Alaslami, said that Amal came from “one of the poorest families” and was severely malnourished and underweight when she died.

“The situation is very distressing, and they did not have enough funds to treat her, otherwise they would have treated her somewhere else,”Alaslami said, adding “each person has to manage by themselves, and this is one of the tragedies of the aggression and one of the tragedies caused by the war, which is aggravating day by day.”

(B H)

Feed Yemen: The worst famine in 100 years

Dear friends of #Yemen, Check out this successful ongoing food aid campaign by a young Yemeni-American woman via Facebook! You can join her by starting your own FB campaign, too!

(B H)

Yemeni scenes. Journalists ' lenses and the spectre of death

During the movement of Yemeni journalist Bassam Al-Qadhi in the town of Al-Azareq in Al-Dale province (southern Yemen), he was exposed to shocking scenes.

The houses of the poor in the town, which were absent from the eyes of the officials of the country mired in the war, were rife with meager children's bodies, malnutrition and epidemics, and families who were unable to provide the minimum amount of food.

However, the judge [journalist???], with the help of a number of activists, launched campaigns on social media sites to uncover the tragedy, published photographs, film clips, and statistics for children and was active with local media and relief organizations to shed light on the disastrous situation in the town.

In recent months, bloggers and activists have uncovered humanitarian crises in several areas of the country, exacerbated by extreme poverty and continued fighting, especially in the villages of Sana'a, Hajjah, Sa'ada, al-Dale, Taiz, al-Jawf, Marib, and Mahweet.

After the bitter years of war in Yemen, it became certain that without the presence of local journalists and photographers, the world would not be able to see the magnitude of the tragedy affecting the country's civilians, especially children.

But even the flow of these images has not prevented the death of mobile deaths in Yemen, nor the hunger that kills children and epidemics that threaten mass death.

My comment: This is very bad English, hard to understand.

(B H)

Qatar Red Crescent Society: QFFD, QRCS Join Hands to Back Health Sector in Yemen

(A H)

His name is Omar Ali, 2 years old, lives in Aldahei area in #Hodeidah. He is suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM). His family couldn't take him to the nutrition center because they don't have money. This is happening to our children in #Yemen.

I have arrived to Omar's home in #Hodeidah governorate, #Yemen.

Special thanks to all donors

Good news: I am going from #Sanaa to Hodeidah now to take Omar to the nutrition center.

Special thanks to @LayaBehbahani and Canadian donors for helping this child (photo, film)

(* B H)

Film: Unicef says 'every 10 minutes' a child is dying in Yemen

Remark: By Emirati news site! Well, at the end, propaganda is coming…

(* B H)

UNICEF: Für Kinder ist der Jemen die Hölle

Im Jemen stirbt derzeit alle 10 Minuten ein Kind an Krankheiten, die einfach zu heilen wären. 1,8 Millionen Kinder leiden an akuter Unterernährung. Von diesen schweben 400.000 in Lebensgefahr. 30.000 Kinder unter 5 Jahren sterben jedes Jahr an Krankheiten, die durch Unterernährung verursacht sind. Diese Zahlen nennt das UN-Kinderhilfswerk UNICEF.

„Der Jemen ist heute für Kinder die Hölle auf Erden. Es ist die Hölle für jeden einzelnen Jungen und jedes einzelne Mädchen in jenem Land,“ sagt Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF-Regionaldirektor für den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika. 40 Prozent der 400.000 Kinder vom Hungertod bedrohten Kinder leben in Hodeida und in den benachbarten Gouvernements, wo der Krieg tobt. Die Hälfte aller jemenitischen Kinder unter 5 Jahren sei chronisch unterernährt. Es handele sich um einen Teufelskreis. 1,1 Millionen schwangere oder stillende Frauen seien anämisch, so der UNICEF-Bericht. Bei der Geburt wüssten diese Frauen, dass ihre Kinder mit einem zu niedrigen Geburtsgewicht zur Welt kommen werden. Damit beginne Zyklus der Unterernährung, der zu chronischer Unterernährung und allen damit verbundenen Risiken für die Gesundheit dieser Jungen und Mädchen führe, so der UNICEF-Leiter. Chronische Unterernährung hat einen wichtigen Einfluss auf die Gehirnentwicklung des Kindes.

Keine Entfaltungsmöglichkeit

50 Prozent der heute chronisch unterernährten jemenitischen Kinder unter 5 Jahren werden nie ihr volles intellektuelles Potenzial entfalten. Das sei schlecht für die Kinder und schlecht für den Jemen, wenn man wollee, dass Jemen ein lebenswertes Land für Kinder werde, so Cappalaere weiter.

Krankheiten, die leicht zu verhindern seien, verbreiten sich nachdem die Impfzahlen seit Kriegsbeginn dramatisch gesunken. Schon vor dem Krieg war die Versorgung mit Impfungen nichtausreichend, im Krieg sank sie weiter. Es gebe kein nationales Impfprogramm, so dass man Ausbrüche von Masern und Diphtherie mit fatalen Auswirkungen auf die Kinder erlebe, resümiert der Regionaldirektor von UNICEF.

Obst und Gemüse sind unerschwinglich

„1,5 Millionen Familien machen die verletzlichsten und ärmsten Mitglieder der Gesellschaft im Jemen aus,“ so Cappelaere, „diese Familien erhalten von UNICEF monatlich einen kleinen Geldbetrag. Sie haben uns gesagt, dass sie sich wichtige Produkte wie Obst und Gemüse nicht mehr leisten können. Nicht, weil frisches Obst und Gemüse nicht auf dem Markt erhältlich ist, sondern weil es unerschwingliche Preise verzeichnet.“

Erwachsene verantwortlich für das Leid der Kleinsten

„All das Leid von Millionen von Kindern im Jemen wurde von Menschen verursacht. Wenn wir heute mit der Gefahr einer möglichen Hungersnot im Jemen konfrontiert sind, gibt es keine einzige natürliche Ursache. Sie entstand aus Gründen, für die die Erwachsenen verantwortlich sind, aber die Kinder zahlen den höchsten Preis dafür,“ zeigt Cappelaere eindrücklich auf.

(* B H)

UN Children's Fund: "A living hell for children" - UNICEF Regional Director Geert Cappelaere remarks on the situation of children in Yemen

This is a summary of what was said by Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press conference in Amman, following his visit to Yemen.

30,000 children in Yemen die every single year of malnutrition as one of the most important underlying causes. There is not one Amal – there are many thousands of “Amals”. Juliette [UNICEF Regional Chief of Communications] and I had the privilege of meeting many of them as we traveled through Yemen.

We met with Adam, Abdulqudus, Sara, Randa and others. Each time I name them, I see the images clearly of them lying in their beds. Some of them supported by their families. Some of them just lying on their own, with hardly anybody to support them.

Yemen, colleagues, is today a living hell for children. A living hell not for 50-60 per cent of children. It is a living hell for every single boy and girl in Yemen.

I know that figures don’t say much but they are important – just as a reminder for all of us to realize how dire the situation has become.

There are in Yemen during any given year, 1.8 million children suffering from acute malnutrition. 400,000 children on any given day suffering from a life-threatening form of severe acute malnutrition. Forty per cent of these 400,000 are living in Hodeida and in neighbouring governorates where the war is raging.

We were lucky on Thursday – we were really lucky. We were lucky to be able to attend to some of these children in al-Thawra hospital – the only remaining referral hospital in Hodeida. The al-Thawra hospital is one, maximum two kilometers from the frontline.

Before taking the road back to Sana’a, I hoped to go back to the hospital. But unfortunately by Friday, the hospital had become off-limits. Thursday night, we hardly managed to catch any sleep because of the heavy fighting around us throughout the night. As I lay awake, I thought of the children I had seen a few hours before.

Sara, for example, a child half paralyzed by diphtheria – an illness that is entirely preventable by vaccine if children get it in time. Sara – unfortunately - wasn’t vaccinated and she got diphtheria. Half of her body is paralyzed.

I thought of Sara. Not only was she on her own, not only was she half paralyzed – as if that wasn’t enough. As she was healing, she was hearing the shelling going on. Just imagine what this little girl was thinking.

Half of Yemeni children (under the age of 5) – half – are chronically malnourished. This is a vicious cycle. 1.1 million pregnant or lactating women are anemic. When giving birth, these women know that their children will be of low birth weight, starting that cycle of malnutrition and leading to chronic malnutrition and all the health consequences for these boys and girls. As we all know, chronic malnutrition has an incredibly important impact on a child’s brain development.

So the 50 per cent of Yemeni children under the age of 5 who are today chronically malnourished are all children who will never develop to their full intellectual potential. That is bad for the children and bad for Yemen, if we ever want Yemen to be a country where it is good to live as a child.

Vaccination levels have gone down dramatically since the beginning of the war. Let me also be very clear with all of you: even before the war, the vaccination levels were already not that good. They have gone down further. There is no country-wide immunity, so we see outbreaks of measles and diphtheria - with a fatal impact on children.

It is therefore not a surprise that we once again tell you that in Yemen today, every 10 minutes, a child is dying from diseases that can be easily prevented.

Unfortunately, the situation being bad, being incredibly dire, is just further deteriorating. We mentioned the war, but there is also the economic crisis with less and less essential commodities affordable for the majority of Yemenis.

(B H)

World Food Programme: Yemen Situation Update, October 2018

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

International Organization for Migration: Yemen: Emergency Tracking Tool Report #14 - Displacement from Al Hudaydah (1 June to 23 October 2018)

(* B H)

'Whatever it takes': people brave war in Yemen in hope of reaching Europe

Drownings, disease and abuse fail to deter on route supposed to be safer option from east Africa

Those who reach Yemen, a country torn apart by a civil war, cholera and famine, face systematic abuse at the hands of local security forces while being held in appalling conditions in makeshift detention camps. As the proxy conflict has intensified, historical local traditions of hospitality towards immigrants from east Africa have weakened and growing chaos has allowed traffickers and people smugglers to act with impunity, regional observers say.

Though the final destination of many is Saudi Arabia or other wealthy Gulf states, Adam is one of a small but growing number aiming to reach Europe. She eventually reached Aden and now plans to make another dangerous crossing, this time west to Port Sudan before travelling north along the coast to Egypt and the Mediterranean. Even with the risky double crossing, the route is considered safer than heading directly across the desert from Khartoum.

“Thanks be to God, I am not scared. I will keep trying. I am still hopeful that I’ll make it eventually,” she told the Guardian.

Most of those making the journey are Ethiopian, though some are Somalis and Eritreans. A recent UN survey found almost 85% said they were travelling to escape limited economic opportunities at home or poverty. Only a minority cited armed conflict or human rights violations. Most are young men. Of the many children, about a quarter are unaccompanied.

People smugglers only charge a few hundred dollars for the trip to Yemen, a fraction of the cost demanded for the more direct, and more lethal, route to Europe through Sudan to Libya.

Salad Nur Hassan, a 23-year-old Arabic teacher at a religious school, nearly died as he tried to reach Port Sudan from Yemen in January. Dozens drowned when the boat he was on capsized. Among the dead was his 19-year-old brother.

“A hundred of us were put into five-metre fishing boat. At midnight in the middle of the sea, the traffickers started to beat us saying that we were too heavy and the boat was unbalanced. Then the engine stopped and we started drifting,” Nur Hassan said. There were no life jackets. They said you have to swim … go swim … swim. They were armed and gave us no other option. We jumped into the sea. They started shooting us. I could hear my brother screaming for help. I could not help him.”

New “pay on arrival” schemes are encouraging travel on some migration routes.

(B H)

World Food Programme: WFP Djibouti Country Brief, September 2018

Djibouti is hosting approximately 26,300 refugees from Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea and Ethiopia, of which 21,100 reside in settlements. WFP provides assistance to all registered refugees and asylum seekers living in Ali Addeh, Holl Holl and Markazi camps in form of general distributions, nutrition support and a cash transfer component as part of the general distribution.

In September 2018, WFP provided food assistance to over 58,600 people, including refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable local households in rural and urban areas.

(B H)

OM Yemen: Emergency Displacement - IDP HHs Tracking from 1 June to 23 October 2018 | 3 November 2018

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* A P)

Al-Houthi militias raid media production company in Sanaa, kidnap TV photographers

The Houthi militia stormed the office of a media production company in Sanaa on Tuesday, abducting two photographers and took them to an unknown destination.

A member of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate Council, Nabil al-Osidi, said that militants of the al-Houthi group stormed the office of Yemen Digital Media Productions to search for Mohamed Aidha, a cameraman for al-Hurra and cameraman Fouad El Khader, who worked for the company and did not find them inside the office.

According to private sources, the gunmen moved to the houses of photographers living near the company and arrested Aydah and al-Khader and took them to an unknown location.

(A P)

Al-Houthi destroys civilian house in Nehm district, east of Sanaa

Al-Houthi gunmen on Monday destroyed the house of a civilian in the Wadi Melh in Nuaimat, in Nehm eastern district of the capital Sana'a.

A local source was quoted as saying that the Houthis blew up Saleh al-Nuaimi's house, seriously wounding his wife and terrorizing his children

(A P)

Al-Houthi leader “Al-Ghurbani” killed in Dhamt in internal conflict

A leader of the group, who is working as a community supervisor, was killed in Dhamt the southern Yemeni city of al-Dale province after disagreements erupted between two influential people in the group.

(A P)

Southern Patriotic Front Demands Withdrawal of Southerns from Death Camps on West Coast

Remark: Southerners supporting the Houthis.

(A P)

Houthis detain medicines shipment for kidney failure patients in Ibb

A local source told the "Al-Masdar online " that the Houthi militia in the port of "Ibb customs " is holding a shipment on board a truck, carrying medicines and medical supplies belonging to the patients of the dialysis center in Ibb province.

According to the source, the governor of the city, who was appointed by al-Houthi Abdul Wahid Salah, demanded in a memorandum sent to Ibb customs, the release of medical materials funded by the good people, but the customs officials rejected those directives.

Remark: As claimed by an anti-Houthi news site.

(A P)

A fire at Houthi militia Customs center in Ibb

A fire broke out on Sunday evening in the vicinity of Ibb central Yemeni customs, local sources said.

The fire broke out in Ibb customs, which was created by the Houthi militia nearly a year ago in the East Ibb orphanage, to impose more taxes and financial levies on food and commodities coming to August province, the source told AL-Masdar online.

(A P)

The Houthis say they allowed President Hadi's brother to call his family

The al-Houthi armed group said it had allowed the brother of Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to contact his family, in the efforts of the United Nations.

According to Saba, which is controlled by the al-Houthi group, the so-called "prisoners and Detainees Affairs" committee, in its efforts with the United Nations, "facilitated the continuation of the prisoner of war Nasser Mansour Hadi with one of his children."

"This step was preceded by steps such as facilitating the communication of the prisoner, Maj. Gen. Mahmud al-Subaihi, in his family."

(A P)

FM hands UN coordinator 2 letters to UN Secretary-General

Foreign Minister, Hisham Sharaf, on Sunday handed the United Nations resident coordinator for Yemen, Lise Grande, two letters to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
The first letter is related to allowing the use of fuel in the ship "Safer" in Ras Issa port to generate electricity for Yemeni cities, in order to alleviate the humanitarian situations.
The second letter dealt with the economic deterioration caused by the siege and the economic war being waged by Saudi-led aggression coalition countries against Yemen.

(A P)

Parliament resumes its sessions Saturday

The Parliament on Saturday resumed holding its sessions under the chairmanship of the Parliament Speaker, Yahya al-Ra'i.
In the meeting, al-Ra'i urged the parliamentary committees to speed up rising the reports relating to the topics referred to them so that the parliament can review and discuss them.
The parliament speaker stressed the need to activate the supervisory role of the parliament and enhancing the national unity "as a front of steadfastness against the Saudi-led aggression coalition."
"Yemenis are defending themselves and their unity, security and stability and do not assault anyone, al-Ra'i said.


(A P)

House of Representatives Comments on American Demand to Stop the Aggression

The Yemeni House of Representatives on Thursday commented on the US demand that the Aggression to be halted in 30 days.
It pointed out that since the first day of these statements, the US and the alliance intensifies air raids on Hodeidah and the capital Sanaa launching hundreds of raids and tons of bombs and missiles on the cities to kill and intimidate security.
The head of the House of Representatives held the international community responsible for the consequences of this disregard for the blood of innocents and the suffering of Hodeidah people and Yemenis in general due to the ongoing US-Saudi airstrikes targeted residential neighborhoods, Markets and roads that kill and injure every day dozens of civilians.

(* A P)

Transport Ministry Denies Claims of Holding 16 Vessels in Hodiedah Port

The Ministry of Transport and the Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation denied claims by the so-called "Esnad" center that there are over 16 vessels loaded with food and medicine prevented from accessing Hodeidah Port. The statement of Red Sea Ports Corporation called on the media to investigate the accuracy and credibility when dealing with the news and information of the US-Saudi sources.

(* A P)

Fighting between al Houthi forces loyal to the group’s leader, Abdul Malik al Houthi, and forces loyal to al Houthi’s uncle, Mohammed Abdul Azim al Houthi, intensified and left at least 70 dead and wounded in recent days, according to Saudi media. Mohammed Abdul Azim’s forces stopped Abdul Malik’s forces from smuggling drugs in Majz district, Sa’ada governorate, northern Yemen, prompting the clashes. The conflict between Abdul Malik and Mohammed Abdul Azim al Houthi reportedly began in 2004 due to disagreements over Abdul Malik’s relationship with Iran.[3]

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* B P)

The UAE wields a double-edged sword in Yemen

The UAE's thirst for hegemony over Yemen, particularly in the south, is becoming an obstacle to peace in the war-torn country.

The UAE's presence and influence in southern Yemen has grown rapidly over the last two years, and late last month, the Emirati Minister of State for International Co-operation, Reem Al Hashimi, arrived in Yemen's Aden to have a first-hand assessment of her country's activities in the city.

While Emirati state media and pro-UAE media outlets attempt to depict a healthy relation between the legitimate government of Yemen and the UAE, the fact lays bare that the Gulf state remains hostile towards the internationally recognised government and their rifts have been hard to bridge.
Yemeni and Emirati officials exchange smiles and hugs, yet their innermost feelings and thoughts are not friendly towards one another. This lack of true consensus between the two sides has largely complicated the situation in Yemen and impacted the entire course of war.

The internationally recognised government has been facing formidable challenges since the Houthi coup in September of 2014. In addition to the Houthi's tight control of the north, another major challenge are the activities of the separatists in Yemen's south and the momentum has risen more than ever before thanks to Emirati support.
The UAE is sponsoring the military training of southern groups outside the control of the legitimate government. More importantly, these militant groups could be used to confront the government and undermine its authority.

Although, there are many southerners who appreciate the Emirati role in fighting the Houthis and providing humanitarian aid to the needy, many believe that this should not replace or marginalise the role of the legitimate government of Yemen.
The continuous UAE support for secessionists is a stark betrayal to Yemen's unity and a contributing factor to the prolonged war and horrendous humanitarian catastrophes.
The Emirati thirst for hegemony over Yemen, particularly in the south, is becoming an obstacle to peace in the war-torn country.

Last month, reports indicated that the UAE had hired a group of foreign mercenaries to target local religious figures, particularly those affiliated to the al-Islah Party, the face of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen. The mercenary assassins were tasked to "disrupt and destruct" the party, which is a significant ally of the Yemeni government in the south. Such a heinous crime revealed the extent of the vile agenda the Emiratis have in Yemen.

The al-Islah Party is not only supportive of the legitimate government, it is also a zealous supporter of Yemen's unity. This contradicts the Emirati ambitions and plots, highlighting that it wants to see Aden as an al-Islah free city.

Since May last year, the southern separatists have escalated their chaotic activities including mass marches, protests and military confrontations with the pro-government forces.

(* B P)

Minister of Transport: UAE and Southern Transitional council militia control security over ports and airports

Minister of Transport Saleh Algbwani said that Legitimate government does not control the port of Aden in terms of security and control and inspection mechanisms and that those who actually control it are the UAE and its transitional Council militia.

With regard to the airport security Administration, Algbwani said that the work of the legitimate Government is limited to its technical aspect only.

In a private interview with Balqees channel, Algbwani added that the government faces a real problem in the control and inspection mechanism adopted by the Coalition since the beginning of the war, and that there is a list issued by the Alliance airports and Ports to prevent the importation of some goods without being coordinated with the Government or taking a view, a list that has become Expands every day.

He demanded that the list be amended because there are things that have nothing to do with the military industry.

"Despite all the control and inspection methods that the alliance has taken in ports and outlets, Houthis are still targeting in the Saudi depths, and the status quo with the coalition must be adjusted so that the Government can assume its responsibilities in government institutions," he said.

(A E P)

Yemen government eyes budget as war famine looms

Yemen's government ordered tighter tax collection at ports under its control Tuesday as it began preparing its 2019 budget with no end in sight to nearly four years of war.

The government had approved just one formal budget since rebels overran the capital Sanaa in 2014, seizing most of the rest of the country and forcing President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi to flee into exile.

After a meeting in its interim headquarters in second city Aden late on Monday, the government announced the formation of a committee to draw up a 2019 budget, which is again expected to run a huge deficit.

This year's budget, approved in January, projected a deficit of $1.3 billion. There has been no official update since then on the state of the government's finances but the actual deficit is expected to be far higher.

The government levies taxes and duties totalling 10 percent on goods entering areas under its control but the war has made collection uneven.

The cabinet approved measures to improve collection "on all taxable imports at all land, sea and air ports in liberated areas," the government-run Saba news agency reported on Tuesday.

and also

My comment: While the southern Hadi government blames the northern Houthi government for exactly doing the same – “tighter tax collection at ports“; „levies taxes and duties […] on goods entering areas under its control“; „measures to improve collection "on all taxable imports at all land, sea and air ports“.

(A T)

Two soldiers killed by IED in Wadi Hadramawt

A military source told Al-Masdar online that the soldiers were killed as a result of an improvised explosive device (IED) when they tried to dismantle it in Shebam, after they received a report of an explosive device.


Floodwaters following the cyclone in Almaharah governorate have turned the streets and neighborhoods into pools and swamps, which will lead to environmental risks and the spread of diseases (photo)

(A T)

Large quantities of high-explosive mines have been found in the Hadramawt coast

A spokesman for the second military region, Hisham al-Jabri, said on his Facebook page that the explosives found included 280 high-explosive mines, improvised explosive devices and t57 anti-armour mines.

Al-Jabri added that the engineering teams of the second military region have started dismantling explosives and mines.

The amount of explosives seized is the largest since the expulsion of terrorist al-Qaeda operatives from the Hadramawt coast on April 24, 2016.

(* A P)

Yemeni officials barred from returning home

Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdul Malik and some of his cabinet ministers arrived in the city of Aden on Tuesday, and a number of ministers were unable to return to the government delegation.

According to a government source who asked al Jazeerah not to be named there are a list of more than 120 Yemeni government officials circulated by the UAE forces at Aden and bad airports, as well as the ports leading to the southern city of Aden.

The continued ban by the Saudi-Emirati coalition of Yemeni officials from returning to the country has aroused resentment among Yemenis, as Mokhtar Rahbi, advisor to the Minister of information in a tweet, described what happened to Minister Sayadi as a "dangerous slide that we have reached; to come a foreigner that prevents you from returning to your homeland and people and your Land “.

"The coalition did not come to prevent the government, the President or any of the officials or any citizen from returning to Yemen, but it came to restore legality, but this deviation in the alliance's objectives will be an obstacle in our battle with the coup militias," he said in a comment on the measures.

(A P)

An academy and activist accuses the son of a military commander in Taiz of threatening to kill

A member of the Constitution Drafting committee accused al-Dubaie, the son of the commander of the Taiz axis (southwest), of threatening to kill, insulting her with immoral words, and threatening to attack the shops and property of her family.

Al- Dubaie filed a memorandum with the chief Prosecutor of Taiz and the city police Director general, explaining that «Mohammed Khaled Fadel, accompanied by several gunmen aboard a military vehicle, attacked the modern center for furniture and the al- Dubaie Furniture center located on Mohamed Ali Othman Street»

(A T)

As a continuation of the security chaos. Two people killed by unidentified gunmen in Hadramawt

Two civilians were killed Sunday in an attack by gunmen aboard a car in Hadramawt province, southeast Yemen.

A security source for "Al- Masdar online " said that gunmen in a car opened fire on two people belonging to the tribe "Batís ", in the city of Wadi Amad in Daw’an in Wadi Hadramawt.

(A T)

Gunmen assassinate one of Hadramawt's poets

A security source Al-Masdar source online that unidentified gunmen shot the great poet Taleb Batis Bouradhi in Wadi al-Amad, while he was walking around the area with a relative.

(B T)

Bold article today in Aden al-Ghad asking who's behind #ImamAssassinations in #Aden #Yemen. Lists 20 killed, 2 saved, 1 abducted, just since 2016 & just in Aden. Does not answer its own question but does point out that security services neither investigate cases nor protect imams (images)

My comment: The riddle is solved: US mercenaries, hired by the UAE.

(A P)

Southern separatists’ political activities, and militia:

Administrative Commission of the Southern National Assembly Discusses Several Issues in its Regular Meeting

“Elites” Brigade of the Second Military Zone Celebrates Graduation of a New Patch of Field Snipers and Mortar Shells Specialists


(A P)

#UAE-backed #Shabwa Elite Force yday imposed a ban on the narcotic qat. Cargos already seized. This has been tried before in #Yemen without success (photos)

(A T)

Shibam region, Wadi Hadhramaut – A series of huge explosions heard pre-dawn. Drone strikes on main highway targeting suspect characters, likely AQAP terrorists.

(A P)

"Baoum " supporters protest in Sayoon demanding the departure of the coalition and legitimacy

Dozens of members of the southern movement loyal to the leader "Hasan Baoum " demonstrated in Sayoon city in Hadramawt, southeast Yemen, to demand the departure of the "Arab coalition " and the legitimate government.

The protesters raised slogans demanding the departure of the Arab coalition and the government, accusing both sides of causing the country's deterioration and the collapse of the economic situation.

The rally was called by the so-called "Supreme Council of the Southern Revolutionary movement", in the framework of the extraordinary meeting of the central Body and the Political Bureau of the Council, which began its sessions on Friday afternoon.

(* A P)

More peaceful protests today in al Gheydah, capital of al Mahra Governorate, against the growing presence of Saudi military forces & the obstruction of a pre-arranged meeting on 27th Oct’ between the protesters committee & Yemen’s new PM, Maeen Abdulmalik.

Messages to Saudi & Yemeni Governments from protesters in al Gheydah, al Mahra Governorate, earlier today. Local people are losing patience with Saudi military occupation.

Rally in al Gheydah, al Mahra against Saudi military presence

Protester in al Gheydah, al Mahra Governorate today against the Dar al Hadith Islamic Centre in the city, set up under Saudi military protection & housing foreign nationals the local people say are Salafi-jihadists. Where did they come from? (thread with photos, document)


(* A P)

Film: battles for influence are hotting up in the east. Today saw big protests against #Saudi in #Mahra. Caution: Not entirely grass roots. Locals are receiving money/cars for support

Remark: there had been a lot of local protest against the Saudi attempts to tighten a permanent grip on this province; a plenty of earlier reports.

(A P)

The government discusses the economic dossier and the Commission for the Limitation of damage in Al-Mahrah submit its report

The Yemeni government held a meeting Thursday in the interim capital of Aden (southern part of the country) to discuss the need to activate tools, procedures and energies in stabilizing the government's role more strongly on the ground.

Prime Minister Maeen Abdul Malik said the government's priorities are to address the economic dossier, which has seen rapid collapses since mid-June until early October.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-476 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-476: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

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