Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 481 - Yemen War Mosaic 481

Yemen Press Reader 481: 18. November 2018: Zivile Opfer von US-Drohnen – Kulturerbe im Krieg zerstört – Jemeniten, die neutral bleiben wollen – Foltergefängnis in Südjemen ...

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... CIA: Kronprinz Salman befahl Khashoggi-Mord; NYT: Rekonstruktion der Ereignisse; Türkei: Audiomitschnitte werden veröffentlicht – Hodeidah: Kämpfe flauen ab, Luftangriffe, Zivilbevölkerung in Gefahr – UNO: Friedensbemühungen – und mehr

November 18, 2018: Civilian victims of US drones – Cultural heritage destroyed by the war – Yemenis who want to stay neutral – Torture prison in Southern Yemen – CIA: Crown prince Salman ordered Khashoggi murder; NYT: reconstruction of events; Turkey: Intercepted audio recordings will be published – Hodeida: Fighting lulls, air raids, civilians in danger – UN: Peace efforts – and more

Dieses Jemenkrieg-Mosaik besteht aus zwei Teilen.

This Yemen War Mosaic is divided in two parts.

Teil 2 / Part 2:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

(Teil 2: kursiv / Part 2: in italics)

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K P)

Film: Wo der Konflikt im Jemen seinen Ursprung hat

In der Geschichte des Jemens folgte ein interner Konflikt auf den anderen – ein STANDARD-Erklärvideo

Die Uno bezeichnet die Lage im Land als die derzeit größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt. Die Hälfte der Bevölkerung ist laut Uno von einer bevorstehenden Hungersnot bedroht. Außerdem herrscht in dem Land eine Cholera-Epidemie. Im Jemen kämpfen schiitische Huthi-Rebellen gegen Truppen des international anerkannten Präsidenten Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi. Dazu kommt die Gewalt, die von radikalen islamischen Gruppen und terroristischen Organisationen wie Al-Kaida und "Islamischer Staat" (IS) ausgeht. Der Ursprung und die Entwicklung des Krieges werden im Video zusammengefasst

(* B H K P)

Film: Yemen: The civil war explained

(* B K P)

Amnesty International: Stop the flow of weapons to Yemen

It's time to call for an end to weapons transfers used to fuel the crisis in Yemen.

Executions and torture; the crackdown on activists, journalists and academics; the murder of a dissident journalist in a consulate abroad; the escalating humanitarian crisis in Yemen. These are just some of the abuses that the Saudi authorities are trying to distract us from with expensive public relations campaigns.

Despite this, the conflict in Yemen has proven difficult to ignore - the world has been shocked by images of civilians killed and maimed; Yemenis who are starving; of schools, hospitals, markets destroyed by bombs with ‘made in the USA’ and ‘made in the UK’ inscribed.

We need to stop the flow of arms that are fueling these human rights violations in Yemen.

Join the global call to stop arms transfers to the Saudi and UAE-led coalition. Sign your name

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

UNO: Friedensbemühungen: cp7 / UN: Peace efforts: cp7

(** B H P)

The hidden toll of American drones in Yemen: Civilian deaths

The United States has waged a drone war in Yemen for 16 years, trying to suppress al-Qaida's branch here. But the campaign has had a hidden cost: civilians cut down by the drones' missiles.

There is no comprehensive count of civilian deaths because of the difficulty of confirming identities and allegiances of those killed. But in an examination of drone strikes this year alone, The Associated Press found that at least 30 of the dead likely did not belong to al-Qaida.

That is around a third of all those killed in drone strikes so far in 2018. The Pentagon does not release its assessment of the death toll, but an independent database considered one of the most credible in tracking violence in Yemen counted 88 people — militants and non-militants — killed by drones this year.

The AP count gives a glimpse, even if incomplete, into how often civilians are mistakenly hit by drone strikes, at a time when the Trump administration has dramatically ramped up the use of armed drones. It has carried out 176 strikes during its nearly two years in office, compared to the 154 strikes during the entire eight years of the Obama administration, according to a count by the AP and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

The AP based its count on interviews with witnesses, families, tribal leaders and activists. Most of those killed, 24, were civilians; at least 6 others were fighters in pro-government forces — meaning ostensibly on the same side as the U.S. — who were hit in strikes away from the front lines while engaged in civilian life. =


(** B T)

In Yemen, a race to save a boy from al-Qaida and a US drone

One word from his father, though, and the boy was up and dressed, trudging out of the house to the market in a neighboring village. Three hours later, when he still hadn't returned, Mohsanaa and her husband began to worry.

And they knew Abdullah was a good boy, though a bit naive.

All around al-Said district, in Yemen's southern Shabwa province, people heard the American drone overhead on the morning of Jan. 26.

That wasn't unusual. The sky often buzzed with drones hunting for the moment to strike at the al-Qaida militants

Soon after he left the house, Abdullah ran into a schoolmate who told him al-Qaida militants were giving away motorcycles in the town of Mosaynaa. The friend had heard it from a neighbor who belonged to the group.

Abdullah had never thought of joining al-Qaida and he didn't want to now. He was in the 8th grade and dreamed of becoming a doctor one day. But he knew how to drive, and he wanted a motorcycle.

The boys agreed they would go get the motor bikes and come right home. =

and also by Aljazeera


(** B K P)

Is the U.S. drone program in Yemen working?

I share the views of the moral and legal dissenters and hesitate to move beyond those debates because I don’t want to suggest that I accept the program’s legality.

But I do want to engage those who do view the program as working — after all, if the U.S. administration did not believe it was working, it wouldn’t need to justify it legally. But by what metrics should we consider judging its success?

Yet the success in taking out AQAP’s leadership is overstated. The numbers of AQAP members and supporters officially reported as killed are questionable, and probably grossly exaggerated. This is because the U.S. administration considers all adult males in the vicinity of the strikes to be combatants, not civilians, unless their civilian status can be established subsequently. Full investigations are neither desirable nor pragmatic for the U.S. government – particularly now that Yemen is the site of a civil and regional war. Even more troubling is that at times the U.S. may not even be certain of its primary targets. It frequently uses language that is so conditional that there seems to be more than a bit of guessing about the identities of those being targeted.

But I would like to focus on different metric: the longer-term impact of the drone strikes on the legitimacy and attractiveness of al-Qaida’s message in Yemen and its ability to recruit among Yemenis themselves. Drone strikes are widely reported in local media and online and are a regular topic of discussion at weekly qat chewing sessions across the country.

It is crucial to see the bigger picture, the one in which long-time Yemeni friends tell me of growing anti-U.S. sentiment where there was previously very little. Public opinion toward America has clearly deteriorated over the past decade, and to reverse it may take much longer. But the use of drones to kill people deemed enemies of the United States, along with the Saudi-led war against the Houthis, is expanding the spaces in which al-Qaida is able to function – by Jillian Schwedler


(* B K P)

Here’s why you aren’t hearing about the civilians the U.S. is killing in Yemen

Under the Trump administration an increasing number of civilians are being killed by U.S. drone strikes.

Of course whether any of these civilian casualties is even “credible” as far as the U.S. government is concerned is in question. If these places are remote, and records aren’t kept, if these deaths and injuries are unreported, and if the military does not contact the families of those killed, then how can they be counted? And how can practices that lead to their deaths be examined and changed?

Wim Zwijnenburg, program leader of the humanitarian disarmament group at PAX, a Netherlands-based group focusing on the protection of civilians,said that the AP investigation did not surprise him.

“But we had hoped, after the Obama administration policy, they would take cautionary measures, but apparently, those have failed, and children are being killed in drone strikes,” said Zwijnenburg.

Zwijnenburg said it’s largely unknown if the United States is basing its operations on its own intelligence or solely from local sources or foreign partners, how that information is vetted, how they verify that the target is a legitimate one, etc.

One thing seems pretty obvious: If intelligence prior to the war in Yemen wasn’t great, as the hundreds of civilian deaths suggest — then how strong could it be through the fog of a brutal civil war?

Additionally, the use of drones in counter-terrorism operations fall outside the rules that govern war — that is, the justifiable use of lethal force outside armed conflict. And although the United States supports the Saudi effort in Yemen, where it is carrying out airstrikes in support of the government, the U.S. is not officially at war in Yemen

(** B K)

Report details damage to ancient Yemeni archaeological sites

A prominent Yemeni rights group has documented heavy damage from ground fighting and airstrikes to at least 34 archaeological sites over the past four years and urged the international community to protect Yemenis' "collective memory."

In a lengthy report titled "The Degradation of History" released Thursday, Yemen's Mawatana Organization for Human Rights collected the testimonies of over 75 people working at archaeological sites and monuments that came under attack. The sites are located in nine governorates including the capital Sanaa, Aden, and the eastern governorate of Marib.

"The war in Yemen has impacted everything and has not spared the lives of Yemenis and their cultural property, including their rich history, unifying culture and collective memory," said Radhya al-Mutawakel, who heads Mawatana. "It is not only a loss for Yemenis, but also for the cultural heritage of all peoples."

Among the sites that have been damaged is the Old City section of the capital Sanaa, which is on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites. It has come under heavy airstrikes several times that have demolished many of the area's ancient buildings.

In many cases, Houthis turned some of the archaeological sites into army barracks, resulting in the Saudi-led coalition striking the sites, causing heavy damage to the ancient monuments.

On other occasions, extremist groups operating in the country blew up churches, temples and ancient Sufi shrines (photos) =

referring to

(** B K)

Mwatana Launches its Report “The Degradation of History”

Violations Committed by the Warring Parties against Yemen’s Cultural Property

In conjunction with the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Mwatana for Human Rights launched today its report, “The Degradation of History… Violations Committed by the Warring Parties against Yemen’s Cultural Property”.

Over the past three years, all parties to the conflict have been involved in attacks and hostilities against many cultural properties, including archaeological sites and historical landmarks dating back more than 2,000 years. The destruction of Yemen’s ancient and modern civilization and its historical and religious buildings has been a notable feature of the country’s fall into the abyss of a war without a resolution.

Radhya Al Mutawakel, the chairperson of Mwatana, said: “The war in Yemen has impacted everything and has not spared the lives of Yemenis and their cultural property, including their rich history, unifying culture and collective memory. It is not only a loss for Yemenis, but also for the cultural heritage of all peoples.”

“The Degradation of History” report documents various types of violations and attacks carried out by all parties to the conflict in Yemen, such as airstrikes by Saudi and Emeriti-led coalition. It also documents ground attacks, bombing, vandalism, demolition, and causing damage of varying degrees, in addition to using the surrounding areas of these culture properties to undertake acts of hostilities and their deliberate use for direct military purposes. Ansar Allah group (Houthis), forces of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, armed groups loyal to him and to the colaition, resistance groups, Ansar Al-Sharia, and Al-Qaida are responsible for these incidents.

While Mwatana was finalizing this report, Salafi gunmen backed by the United Arab Emirates were bulldozing a 1200-year-old archaeological mosque in the Al-Faza area, at Tuhayat District in Al Hudaydah Governorate, on the grounds that it included a shrine visited by people.

As the armed conflict escalated in Yemen, armed militias affiliated to the United Arab Emirates took control of the Al-Faza area, which was under the control of Ansar Allah (Houthis). As of the morning of Monday, October 22, 2018, the ancient mosque overlooking the west coast was still standing, but on the same day, at 1:00 pm, it turned into a pile of dirt, and as a consequence, Yemen lost forever one of its heritage cultural monuments.

“The Degradation of Hisotry” report is based on investigative field research conducted by a team from the research unit at Mwatana, which launched extensive investigations in nine Yemeni governorates. The incidents of this report have been documented in various contexts since the second half of 2014 and for a period of three years. In these contexts, the incidents were the result of different types and complex patterns of violations and attacks on cultural objects in Yemen. The report details 28 incidents of violations out of 34 incidents documented by Mwatana, about various types of direct and indirect violations and attacks carried out against archaeological and religious sites.

In its report “The Degradation of History”, Mwatana for Human Rights presented recommendations to the parties to the conflict demanding that they respect Yemen’s monuments and cultural property. It also made recommendations to the international community and actors to press for the preservation of Yemen’s history and civilization. Mwatana calls the UN Security Council to take measures to stop the suffering of Yemen and Yemenis.

and the full report

(** B P)

In Yemen's war, locals struggle to stay neutral

Ever more Yemenis are siding with the Saudi coalition or Houthis to safeguard a salary and a semblance of protection. But some are determined to stay neutral, despite the obstacles they face.

Civilians in Sanaa are trapped between the repressive rule of the Houthis and the indiscriminate offensive of the Saudi-led coalition.

To survive, more people are picking sides in the war to earn a living or secure an exit from the country. But Rahab and others refuse to do so, leaving them with few advantages and little protection.

"There are many other women who escaped [from Sanaa] to the city of Marib and I think many of them will be part of the Saudi alliance soon. But I'm also against Saudi Arabia's aggression," Rahab told DW.

Rami*, 29, said that the Houthis and the Saudi-coalition are equally responsible for ruining the city.

"I hate them all. There are hardly any jobs in Sanaa unless you have personal connections with a political faction," he told DW.

Fighting appears to be the only source of reliable income, giving Saudi Arabia an advantage. Several people told DW that the Saudis lure fighters away from the Houthis by paying in their own currency, which is much stronger than the Yemeni rial.

Adam Baron, a visiting fellow at the European Council of Foreign Affairs in London, adds that people who are politically active have little space in Yemen to remain neutral. He says that false allegations can land people in jail and that the Houthis often detain perceived opponents.

"People are putting each other in a box, so more people are thinking that they should just choose a side to get some benefits," Baron told DW.

Neither the Saudi coalition nor the Houthis have attempted to safeguard civilians. As the former starves the country, the latter profiteers from the dire humanitarian crisis.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has reported that the Houthis are holding opponents and perceived opponents hostage in secret prisons, where many are beaten with iron rods, whips and assault rifles. Many of the hostages are journalists and activists who have little to no affiliation with factions in the war.

"In almost all cases the families of victims were asked to pay a ransom to secure the release of their loved ones, but many of these people are already very poor," Kristine Beckerle, the Yemen researcher for HRW, told DW. "It's awful because the Houthi leadership knows that [hostage-taking] is happening and they can stop it if they want."

(** B P)

Organization reveals torture of detainees in army jails in Seiyun

According to the SAM Organization for Rights and Freedoms, it documented the exposure of detainees in the first Military District prison in Seiyun "southeaster Yemen ", to the gruesome physical torture and cruel and degrading treatment, noting that the prison is subject to the forces of the Arab coalition and the official Yemeni government.

In a statement issued on Friday (November 16th, 2018), the organization added, "Dozens of detainees inside the prison do not know their fate in cases of enforced disappearance, intentional torture, extension of their detention without being brought before the court, as well as preventing them from receiving proper treatment or allowing their families to visit them."

The Geneva-based organization obtained information confirming that the detainees were held in a prison called "Mud prison", an old abandoned prison since 2006

Sam pointed out that most of the detainees received by the organization were arrested by military agencies of the first military region without judicial orders or legal justifications, noting that most of them were arrested from public roads or markets, and then concealed for a whole year in Some cases, without their families knowing anything about them.

The organization stated that most of those arrested were "unofficially" charged with terrorism and belonging to al-Qaeda without fair trials, while some detainees were held hostage in order to force their families or their wanted children to surrender to the military forces.

The organization presented testimonies of former detainees and other detainees who revealed the appalling methods of torture practiced against detainees. Arrest and torture have affected even children, in flagrant violation of the Convention on the Protection of children.

and also

(** A P)

CIA macht saudischen Kronprinz für Khashoggi-Mord verantwortlich

Amerikas Geheimdienst glaubt, dass Mohammed bin Salman den Mord an Regimekritiker Jamal Khashoggi angeordnet hat. Der Beschuldigte streitet alles ab.

Der amerikanische Geheimdienst CIA kommt laut Berichten zu der Einschätzung, der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman habe die Tötung des Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi angeordnet. Die CIA sei zu dieser Schlussfolgerung gekommen, nachdem sie mehrere Quellen ausgewertet habe, darunter ein Telefongespräch zwischen dem Bruder des Kronprinzen und Khashoggi, berichtete die „Washington Post“ am Freitag unter Berufung auf mit der Sache vertraute Personen.

Khalid bin Salman habe Khashoggi am Telefon gesagt, dass er in das saudische Konsulat nach Istanbul gehen soll, um Dokumente abzuholen, schrieb die Zeitung. Er habe dem Journalisten zugesagt, dass dies sicher sei. Khalid bin Salman ist saudischer Botschafter in den Vereinigten Staaten. Er habe den Anruf auf Anordnung seines Bruders getätigt. Die Zeitung schrieb aber, dass es unklar sei, ob der Botschafter davon gewusst habe, dass Khashoggi ermordet werden würde.

Khalid bin Salman selbst schrieb auf Twitter, er habe nie mit Khashoggi am Telefon gesprochen und er habe ihm auch nicht empfohlen, in die Türkei zu reisen. Sein letzter Kontakt mit dem Journalisten sei am 26. Oktober 2017 per Textnachricht gewesen.

Die „Washington Post“ schrieb, der Anruf sei von amerikanischen Geheimdiensten abgehört worden.

Auch das „Wall Street Journal“ berichtete über die Einschätzung der CIA. Die Zeitung zitierte eine Quelle mit den Worten, die Tötung des Journalisten sei ohne die Beteiligung des Kronprinzen nicht möglich gewesen.


(** B P)

Berichte: CIA sieht saudischen Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman hinter Ermordung von Jamal Khashoggi

Für die Tötung des Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi soll die CIA den saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman verantwortlich machen. Er galt bislang als enger Verbündeter von US-Präsident Donald Trump.

Die CIA sei zu dieser Schlussfolgerung gekommen, nachdem sie mehrere Quellen ausgewertet habe, darunter ein Telefongespräch zwischen dem Bruder des Kronprinzen und dem Regierungskritiker Khashoggi, berichtete die "Washington Post" am Freitag unter Berufung auf mit der Sache vertraute Personen.

Bei dem Telefonat habe Khalid bin Salman Khashoggi gesagt, dass er in das saudische Konsulat nach Istanbul gehen soll, um Dokumente abzuholen, schrieb die Zeitung. Er habe dem Journalisten zugesagt, dass dies sicher sei.

Khalid bin Salman ist saudischer Botschafter in den USA. Er habe den Anruf auf Anordnung seines Bruders getätigt. Die Zeitung schrieb aber, dass es unklar sei, ob der Botschafter davon gewusst habe, dass Khashoggi ermordet werden würde.

Die "Washington Post" schrieb, der Anruf sei von US-Geheimdiensten abgehört worden.

Auch das "Wall Street Journal" berichtete über die Einschätzung der CIA. Die Zeitung zitierte eine Quelle mit den Worten, die Tötung des Journalisten sei ohne die Beteiligung des Kronprinzen nicht möglich gewesen.


(** B P)

CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination

The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month, contradicting the Saudi government’s claims that he was not involved in the killing, according to people familiar with the matter.

The CIA’s assessment, in which officials have said they have high confidence, is the most definitive to date linking Mohammed to the operation and complicates the Trump administration’s efforts to preserve its relationship with a close ally.

In reaching its conclusions, the CIA examined multiple sources of intelligence, including a phone call that the prince’s brother Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, had with Khashoggi, according to the people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence. Khalid told Khashoggi, a contributing columnist to The Washington Post, that he should go to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to retrieve the documents and gave him assurances that it would be safe to do so.

It is not clear if Khalid knew that Khashoggi would be killed, but he made the call at his brother’s direction, according to the people familiar with the call, which was intercepted by U.S. intelligence.

The CIA’s conclusion about Mohammed’s role was also based on the agency’s assessment of the prince as the country’s de facto ruler who oversees even minor affairs in the kingdom.

Mohammed’s private condemnation of the slain journalist stood in contrast to his government’s public comments, which mourned Khashoggi’s killing as a “terrible mistake” and a “tragedy.”

U.S. officials are unclear on when or whether the Saudi government will follow through with its threatened executions of the individuals blamed for Khashoggi’s killing. “It could happen overnight or take 20 years,” the U.S. official said, adding that the treatment of subordinates could erode Mohammed’s standing going forward.

In killing those who followed his orders, “it’s hard to get the next set [of subordinates] to help,” the official said – By Shane Harris, Greg Miller, Josh Dawsey

Comments: Why did @USTreasury not list Saudi FM & @kbsalsaud for their involvement in the murder of #JamalKhasoggi ?

Before @cia said Saudi ambassador was involved in murder of #Jamalkhashoggi i said he & @AdelAljubeir are both involved based on my sources

Rep. Ro Khanna: This CIA verdict must lead Trump to stop backing MBS and his brutal war in Yemen

Sen. Bon Corker: Everything points to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, MbS, ordering @washingtonpost journalist Jamal #Khashoggi's killing. The Trump administration should make a credible determination of responsibility before MbS executes the men who apparently carried out his orders.

and response of Saudi ambassador: Unfortunately the @washingtonpost did not print our full response. This is a serious accusation and should not be left to anonymous sources. Our full response was the following: (text in image9

and response to him:

When reading the Saudi official denials of the Washington Post story, it’s worth recalling Prince Khalid’s flagrant lie to me via WhatsApp on October 8 (text in image)


(** B P)

Film: Killing Khashoggi: How a Brutal Saudi Hit Job Unfolded

(** B P)

Fall Khashoggi: Zweite Aufnahme bringt Riad in Erklärungsnot

Saudi-Arabien gerät im Fall Khashoggi erneut unter Druck. Eine zweite Tonaufnahme soll belegen, wie ein Spezialkommando im Istanbuler Konsulat von der bevorstehenden Tötung spricht. Das widerspricht früheren Darstellungen.

Vom Ablauf der Ermordung des regierungskritischen saudischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi im saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul gibt es einem türkischen Medienbericht zufolge nicht nur eine, sondern zwei Audioaufnahmen. Bisher war nur bekannt gewesen, dass die Türkei über Aufnahmen vom Mord selbst verfügt. Der Zeitung "Hürriyet" zufolge gibt es auch ein Band aus der Zeit davor, dessen Inhalt der saudischen Darstellung des Tathergangs angeblich widerspricht.

"Hürriyet" berichtete, in der 15 Minuten langen Aufnahme sei zu hören, wie das aus Saudi-Arabien angereiste Spezialkommando schon vor Khashoggis Ankunft im Konsulat von der bevorstehenden Tötung spricht. Die Darstellung konterkariert eine saudische Version der Ereignisse von gestern

Die Zeitung lancierte die Informationen, nachdem der saudische Generalstaatsanwalt gestern die Todesstrafe für fünf mutmaßliche Täter gefordert und angebliche Details des Hergangs veröffentlicht hatte. Der türkische Außenminister Mevlüt Cavusoglu hatte die Darstellungen sofort als "nicht zufriedenstellend" kritisiert.


(** B P)

EXCLUSIVE: Turkey to use intercepted Saudi comms to demolish Khashoggi cover-up

Turkey is in possession of reams of phone calls in and out of the Saudi consulate, MEE learns, and will release them piece by piece

Turkey has a complete record of communications in and out of Saudi Arabia's Istanbul consulate in the week of Jamal Khashoggi's murder, a senior Turkish source has told Middle East Eye. The communications will be used to tear apart Riyadh's latest version of the killing.

These recordings, MEE has learned, have given Turkey a detailed picture of the various operatives, teams and missions issued from Saudi Arabia.

The contents of these communications, the source said, will turn the screw on a Saudi leadership that has sought to insulate itself from the scandal.

According to the source, Turkey intends to drip feed the information gleaned from the communications to the media, as it has been doing ever since Khashoggi was brutally murdered by a team of 15 Saudis on 2 October.

The Khashoggi-related conversations that Turkish intelligence intercepted began when the Washington Post columnist first went to his country's consulate on 28 September in an attempt to get papers required to remarry.

The plan to kill Khashoggi, who was told to return to the consulate four days later, began to be hatched the moment he left the building, the source said.

"We know what happened in the consulate from the day Jamal stepped inside on Friday 28 September to three days after the murder on 2 October," the source told ME

On the day of Khashoggi's murder, the conversations of one man are especially important.

MEE understands that Maher Abdulaziz Mutrib, the leader of the death squad sent to kill the journalist, made 19 calls to Riyadh on 2 October.

When CIA chief Gina Haspel visited Turkey on 23 October for consultations over Khashoggi, she apparently arrived with a team of some 35 people.

Amongst them were experts in deciphering recordings, linguists, people familiar with the Saudi accent and people who could enhance audio, the source said.

"After the first phone call between Erdogan and King Salman, Erdogan accepted King Salman's offer to establish a joint security investigation," the source said.

"The Saudis immediately sent a 15-man team. Two of these were people whose only mission was to destroy the evidence."


(** B P)

Alleged Khashoggi killers discussed plot minutes before he arrived: Turkish officials

The team of alleged assassins sent to murder Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi discussed their plan to kill the writer while he was making his way to Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul, a high-level Turkish official familiar with the investigation told ABC News.

The exchange, captured on recordings of Khashoggi’s killing and the moments leading up to it, are part of the focus of Turkish investigators, the official said.

The extended recording allegedly includes a conversation among the assassination team about their plan just 15 minutes before Khashoggi arrived at the consulate, the senior official said. The recordings contain conversations between the alleged killers, discussing in detail how they would attack and then murder Khashoggi, the senior official added.

The purported recording would disprove claims by Saudi Arabia that Khashoggi was killed after a botched kidnapping. On Thursday, Saudi officials offered yet another version of events, saying Khashoggi’s killing was a spur of the moment decision by the team.

“Sometimes mistakes happen,” the Saudi Foreign Minister told reporters.

In addition to audio from inside the Saudi consulate, the senior Turkish official told ABC News that investigators have another recording, taken at a location apart from the Saudi consulate or the Saudi consular residence where Turkey previously claimed Khashoggi's body had been taken.

The official claimed the other recording contains conversations which shed additional light on the nature of the killing and those who carried it out.

The recordings have led Turkish investigators to determine that the plot was hatched in Saudi Arabia, the high-level Turkish official said

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* A H)

Three children die in Sa'dah with diphtheria epidemic

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

(* A K P)

Jemen: Saudi-geführte Koalition muss Hodeidah-Offensive stoppen

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition hat einen Stopp ihrer Offensive gegen Huthi-Rebellen in der Haupthafenstadt Hodeidah angeordnet, sagten mehrere jemenitische Beamte. Diese hoffen, dass ein dauerhafterer Waffenstillstand erreicht werden kann.

Milizen, die von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unterstützt werden, wurde befohlen, ihren Angriff bis auf weiteres zu stoppen, erklärten mehrere jemenitische Militärbeamte am Mittwochabend und fügten hinzu, dass die Operationen wieder aufgenommen würden, wenn die Huthis Koalitionspositionen angreifen würden.

Mohammed Ali al-Huthi, ein Huthi-Führer und Mitglied des Obersten Revolutionskomitees der Gruppe, sagte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur, dass er immer noch keine offizielle Ankündigung über die Einstellung der Feindseligkeiten gesehen habe und dass die Gefechte in den äußeren Vororten von Hodeidah fortgesetzt würden.

Nichtsdestotrotz scheint die Entscheidung eine Reaktion auf Aufrufe von Hilfsorganisationen und intensive diplomatische Bemühungen der UNO sowie des britischen Außenministers Jeremy Hunt gewesen zu sein

Mein Kommentar: Das bleibt sehr labil.

(* A K P)

Regierungstreue Truppen in Jemen stoppen Offensive auf Hafenstadt Hudeida

Die jemenitische Regierung hat einen Stopp der Offensive auf die von Rebellen kontrollierte Hafenstadt Hudeida angeordnet. Die regierungstreuen Truppen seien angewiesen worden, die Angriffe auf die Huthi-Rebellen in Hudeida bis auf weiteres einzustellen, sagten drei Militärvertreter verschiedener Einheiten am Mittwoch der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.

Intensive diplomatische Bemühungen sorgten seit Montag für eine deutliche Deeskalation der Kämpfe.

(* A K P)

Sieben Tote bei saudischem Luftangriff

Im Jemen sind bei einem Luftangriff des von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärbündnisses sieben Menschen getötet und mehrere verletzt worden.

Getroffen wurde ein Bus mit Flüchtlingen in der umkämpften Stadt Hudaida, wie jemenitische Sicherheitskreise mitteilten.


Bemerkung: Laut Saba neun Tote.

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

(* A K)

Film: Saudi-led coalition resumes Hodeidah air raids after 2-day lull

After a pause in fighting in the besieged port city of Hodeidah, air raids by the Saudi-Emirati coalition against Houthi rebels resume =

(A K pH)

4 Saudi-Led Airstrikes Target Hodeidah

The four raids hit west of Tuhayta district, south of kilo 16 area and Jabaliah areas

(A K pH)

2 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

An airstrike hit al-Shab area of Hali district, while the other targeted an area near Youth city inTisain street.

(A K pH)

Citizen Killed in Saudi-led artillery shelling on Hodeidah

The artillery shelling hit the mercenaries' sites in west of Hais distric

(A K pS)

Houthis detain hundreds of workers in silos in al-Hodeidah factories

Militants of the al-Houthi group have been holding hundreds of workers in the city's grain silos at the time they were stationed in the factories, local sources said Saturday.

He explained to Al-Masdar source online, that the Houthis spread in the factories of the Sanabel silos, the grain silos of Yahya Suhail, Al-Zaylaee silos and the Al-Aoudi, located inside the port of Hodeidah.

He added that the Houthis forced the workers to continue working in those factories, after they high above their roofs, dug trenches and tunnels around them, and snipers spread in more than one location.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi news site; sounds somewhat dubious.

(* A K)

“F" is for "Empty" (Arabic - "Faregh"). Huthi forces mark abandoned houses in #Hodeidah neighbourhoods so fighters can move in. Here is a house on al Damagha Street, behind al-Olafi hospital. Most of the other 20-25 houses on al Damagha Street are full of civilians (photos)

(A K)

Film: Battles between Yemeni government forces and Houthis in Hodeidah

(* A K pH)

Transport Ministry, Reject Accusations of Mining Hodiedah Port

The Ministry of Transport and the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation rejected the reports published by media of the US-Saudi aggression accusing the national forces placing mines the Port of Hodeidah, the main access for more than 25 million Yemenis. A statement issued by the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation also ridiculed the claims of the aggression coalition that the port of Hodeidah was targeted by a ballistic missile.

(A K pH)

I Spoke 2some friends in the city they said,its not only strikes but now its constant shelling from CO backed forces

(A K pS)

Colonel Hussein Al-Moaidi, who is a #Houthi leading figure in the militia's so called "Special Missions" was killed along with a number of Iran-backed militias in Coalition airstrikes that targeted their gatherings in the port city of #Hodeidah.

(* A K pS)

Residents: Al-Houthi militias use truce in Hodeidah to kidnap civilians, booby-trap buildings and dig trenches

Residents in Hodeidah, West Yemen, said the Houthi fighters used the cessation of military operations there to carry out a large-scale kidnapping campaign among civilians.

Residents said to the correspondent of Al-Masdar Online a kidnapping campaign carried out by Houthi militants, which affected dozens of residents of neighborhoods near the areas of the clashes and from various age districts on charges of "collaborating with ISIS militants " in reference to government forces that reached the neighborhoods of south and southwest of the city and advanced towards East and north of the city for the purpose of encircling the city and reaching the harbor.

(A P)

Sanaa government: Great Mosque in Hodeidah after its restoration and rehabilitation inaugurated

Deputy Minister of Awqaf and ٌReligious Guidance Fuad Mohammad Naji and the Director of Endowments and Guidance Office in Hodeidah Sulaiman al-Faqih inaugurated today the Great Mosque in Hodeidah after its restoration and restoration.

(* B H K)

Yemen: UN must ensure civilians in Hodeidah are protected

Civilians in Hodeidah are facing a military onslaught unless the UN Security Council acts this evening to press the warring parties in Yemen to protect civilians and ensure full humanitarian access, Amnesty International said.

Thousands of civilians are at grave risk from both sides’ use of indirect explosive weapons such as mortars and artillery, said Amnesty. These weapons are indiscriminate when used in populated areas due to their imprecise nature and wide-area effects.

The fighting in Hodeidah is blocking access to aid warehouses and other humanitarian facilities, further exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation for millions of Yemeni civilians.

“All states, including permanent members of the Security Council like the USA, UK and France, should halt the flow of arms for use in the conflict and do everything in their power to prevent further violations - otherwise they are just part of the problem. And they should make clear that those responsible for war crimes in Yemen will be held to account.”

(* B H K)


“Even with the lull in fighting in recent days, Hodeidah remains on a knife-edge, and the ominous fear of mortal danger looms large. Hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped near frontlines must be protected amid the fighting and granted safe passage out of the city,” said Sherine Tadros, Head of Amnesty International’s UN Office in New York.

“This is not the time for discussion and words of support. All states, including permanent members of the Security Council like the USA, UK and France, should halt the flow of arms for use in the conflict and do everything in their power to prevent further violations – otherwise they are just part of the problem. And they should make clear that those responsible for war crimes in Yemen will be held to account.”

Thousands of civilians are at grave risk from both sides’ use of indirect explosive weapons such as mortars and artillery.

(A K pH)

[Various air raids]

(* A K pH)

Despite declared halt to offensive, Saudi warplanes hit Hudaydah

At least nine people have been killed in western Yemen, despite a declared halt to the Saudi-led offensive that was meant to seize control of the strategic port city of Hudaydah.

According to Yemen’s al-Masirah television network, Saudi warplanes bombed a residential building in the district of Hali in the Red Sea city on Friday, killing three women and wounding three others.

The aerial attacks came hours after four Saudi airstrikes hit a village near the city, killing six people and injuring several others.

Meanwhile, the Saudi-backed militants launched artillery attacks on the residential buildings in the district of 7 Yulio (July) in the city, causing severe damage to houses and private property.

(* A K pH)

In Hodiedah, 6 civilians were killed by targeting hem with US-Saudi airstrikes on village between Attohayta and Zabid. 3 women were killed and 3 others were injured by targeting a house in Al-Hale district


(* A K pH)

6 Yemeni women were hit now by US-Saudi airstrike! 3 killed, 3 seriously injured, when the airstrike destroyed their house to rubbles in the western coast city of Hodeida on the Red Sea. [Al Hale district]

3of his daughters were killed ystrday The other 3 daughters injured Today, Maajed Alwaheddi 4th daughter died aftr badly injrd by #Saudi #UAE strike on their home n Alhaali n #Hodeidah W #Yemen

ystrday 1 pic of him trying2find out who was killed 2nd pic He was happy2see she survived


death toll rised to 4:

while the other side claims the Houthis would have shelled their own territory

(* A K pH)

6 civilians were killed on Friday, by US-Saudi Airstrikes on a residential village in Zabid and Tahita districts in Hodeidah governorate.

(* A K)

Recieving reports that fighting in #Hudaydah #Yemen has resumed. My contacts there can hear the sound of airstrikes and shelling from Kilo 16 road. “We only just got a chance to breathe and feel a sense of relief but its starting all over again”

(A K pH)

Nov. 15: Several Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

(* B K pH)

Head of National Delegation, Salvation Government Spokesman Expose US-Saudi Aggression Lies about their Ceasefire

The head of the National Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, said, on Thursday, that the US-Saudi aggression's announcement of ceasefire in Hodeidah is nothing but a trick to get additional time, pointing out that the aggression in each round of escalation does the same thing.
He explained that the airstrikes and the military operations had not stopped either in Hodeidah or elsewhere, pointing out that the Yemeni People and the Army and Popular Committees' position is basically defensive and facing unjustified war.

(** B H K)

‘We are on life support’: Doctor makes desperate plea from Yemeni city of Hodeidah as humanitarian crisis worsens

An additional five million people across Yemen will starve if fighting along the Red Sea coast continues to push up food prices

Speaking from her hometown, Dr Moharram described how shelling drew closer and a helicopter circled above firing missiles around the hospital building, located in the heart of the Houthi-controlled city.

“I heard an explosion and even louder screams yelling ‘Get out of the car, doctor, go back, go back, a strike’. The shelling was getting louder and my heart beat more and more in panic,” she told The Independent. “I looked in the car mirror and found that one of the missiles hit a building just behind me. This was not a one-off but rather a typical day of horror that we are living here."

“Every time there is an escalation, that drives up speculation and worries about food and fuel. In Hodeidah, we’ve seen big spike in food prices,” Tamer Kirolos, Save the Children’s country director for Yemen, said. “Initially, we had 8.4 million who are severely food insecure and dependent on humanitarian aid. If prices continue to rise, we could see an additional 5 million people in need of food aid.”

In the heart of the city aid workers like Dr Moharram struggle to keep the civilian population alive, while caught in the crossfire.

She runs a weekly food and milk distribution programme in the centre of the city, for the most starving children under the age of eight but even that was being impacted.

She said she is now having to ration the milk she dishes out as basic supplies, including nutritional supplements, were running out.

Meanwhile, food prices were so high their parents are now eating rotten food to survive, she described.

“Children who are 8 years old look like they were just two. Children under three years are mere skeletons weighing 6kg at most. The worst thing is being forced to take milk away from a hungry baby, and then hearing them scream, it’s haunting,” she said. “The situation is not just getting worse day by day but hour by hour."

Many rely on her programme as al-Thawra has mostly been evacuated, while May 22 hospital, a private centre near the edge of the city, has been destroyed.

“We are now basically on life support, eating whatever food was left, drinking the few drops remaining, and rationing medicine to avoid it running out,” she said.

“Yemenis are dying if not by bullets; by disease, poverty, and famine." – by Bell Trew and Richard Hall

(A K pH)

3 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

(* A K pH)

Four civilians were killed and two others were injured in Hodiedah by US-Saudi airstrikes that targeted a bus in Al-Marawa'ah district. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted with artillery and machine-gun southern Hodiedah government, injuring 5 children (photo)

Four civilians were killed and two others were injured in Hodiedah by US-Saudi airstrikes that targeted a bus in Al-Marawa'ah district (photo)

(A K pH)

US-Saudi aggression launched a series of raids on Kilo 16, 3 raids on Al-Marawa'ah district, a raid on the road between Attohayta and Zabid districts and a raid on a farm in Attohayta district. US-Saudi mercenaries also fired 5 artillery shells on Hodiedah Airport and 2 artillery shells nearby the University.

(* A K)

Uneasy calm in Yemen's Hodeida as residents fear renewed violence

Yemenis in battle-scarred Hodeida had a brief respite Thursday as the port city remained calm -- but many fear that a return to violence is only a matter of time.

Armed men roamed the streets of the rebel-held city on pick-up trucks and motorbikes Wednesday, some carrying rocket-propelled grenades, as civilians tried to go about their lives.

"Every time they announce a truce, something worse happens," said resident and mother of five Fatima Ali.

"The fighting stops for a period of time and then continues. I am worried about my children," the 45-year-old said.

Ali lives in the Ghalil neighbourhood near the Al-Thawra hospital in the south of the city, which was rocked by a series of explosions on Sunday.

Hundreds of medical workers and patients fled as battles approached the facility, prompting international outcry.

Younes Ahmed, who lives in a coastal neighbourhood of western Hodeida, told AFP he remains hopeful despite the convoys of tanks and trucks roaming the streets a few kilometres from his home.

"I hope that this is the end of it, because the hardest thing for me is to explain it to my children," said the 38-year-old.

"We have to be hopeful, as we are every time the fighting stops, but the reality of the situation is that this war will go on for a very long time."

(A K pH)

Photo: Child Mohammed Ayyash 14 years old Al-Shatour area east of al-Tahita al-Hodeidah, fragments of a UAE-mercenary shell ripped off his corner and hung in the chest, hours after the declaration of the cease-fire.


(A K pH)

Coalition launches dozens air strikes on Hodeidah

The warplanes of US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Wednesday launched air strikes on Hodeidah province, a security official told Saba on Thursday.
An airstrike hit a road linking Zabid and Tuhaita districts and dozens of raids on Kilo 16 area

(A K pH)

Saudi-led artillery bombards Thawra Hospital in Hodeidah

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Wednesday late shells Thawra Hospital in Hodeidah province, a security official told Saba.
Tow shells of enemy's artillery hit the laboratory section of the hospital, leaving heavy losses among theirs ranks

(A K pS)

In conjunction with international pressure to stop confrontations... Fierce battles in Tahita south of Hodeidah following attack of Houthis

Fierce fighting erupted last night between government forces backed by Saudi Arabia-led Arab coalition forces and Houthi militants in the city of Tahita, south of Hodeidah Province (western Yemen), sources said Thursday.

The sources quoted by Al-Masdar online as saying that the fighting erupted following an attack by the Houthis on the city controlled by the government forces from the southern side, via the Al-Farouq playground.

(A P)

Ambassador Yassin said Noman: stopping the restoration of the wrong decision and give the Houthis a free victory

Yemen's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Dr. Yassin Saeed Noman, said that the stoppage of the restoration of the Hodeidah is wrong by all standards and will not contribute to peace.

"Every calm call from the international community responds to the alliance and legitimacy is recorded by the Houthis as a triumph because they are often a rescue agent," Yassin added.

My comment: Make war, not peace. An d this is the same:
(A P)

Yemeni Activists Angered by Western Pressure Halting Liberation of Hodeidah City

General People's Congress (GPC) party political activist Mohammed al-Absi, similar to many Yemenis, waits for the Iran-backed Houthi coup in Yemen to end, saying it has been a nightmare for Yemen.
Absi does not hide his displeasure at Western pressure seeking to halt military operations in Hodeidah, a key Red Sea port city overrun by Houthi militias.

(B K pS)

Iran-backed Militia Launches Ballistic Missile Towards Lifeline

A couple of hours after the Coalition-backed Joint National Resistance Forces announced a pause of the offensive against the vital port city of Hodeidah, the Iranian-backed Houthi militia launched a ballistic missile, targeting Hodeidah port on Wednesday.

The UAE News Agency (ENA) stated that the ballistic missile has missed its target and crashed in the sea while the Saudi-led coalition’s air force had tracked the missile, ENA said, adding that it was fired from Hodeidah’s Al Salif district.

Meanwhile, It was not immediately clear whether the strike would nullify a ceasefire announced hours earlier.

My comment: It’s very improbable thet the Houthis would shell the harbour they still held at Hodeidah. This sounds like propaganda.

(A K pS)

"We will allow another chance for #peace provided the #Iran-backed #Houthi militia fighters leave the port and the entire city of #Hodeidah," said the official spokesman of the National Resistance Colonel Sadiq Dwaid in his Twitter account.

My comment: He tells: We want victory, not peace.

(* B H K P)

What next for Yemen's Hodeida?

How did Hodeida become the main frontline in Yemen's devastating war? Who is winning, and what's next for the crucial port city?


(* A K pH)

Film: Yemen says Hudaydah still under control of resistance fighters

Popular fighters led by Ansarullah movement are showing strong resistance to Saudi-led attacks on the port city of Hudayda

Remark: “Yemen”, here: the Houthi government.

(* A K pH)

Report From the Battlefields of Hodeida: Yemeni Locals Push Back Amid Saudi Bombs, Mercenaries, Blockade

Houthi fighters, together with local volunteer fighters, have turned the tides in Hodeida in recent days, absorbing the Saudi blitzkrieg and restoring many of the Saudi-taken areas to local control.

Following twelve days of clashes in Yemen’s strategic port city of Hodeida, the Yemeni Army, supported by local volunteer fighters as well as Ansar Allah (Houthi), has pushed back a large-scale offensive by Saudi Arabia, its coalition allies and the mercenary fighters it employs. The attack is the latest of multiple failed attempts by the coalition to seize and occupy Hodeida, considered the most important stronghold of Yemen’s resistance and home of the port responsible for supplying the country with up to 70 percent of its much-needed food imports.

Fierce battles for control of the city are ongoing and have centered on Hodeida’s southern and eastern outskirts. Mercenaries — supported by heavy coalition airstrikes — have managed to capturethe Yemen Company for Flour Mills and Silos (YCFMS) and the Ekhwan Thabit Company, located to the southeast of the city’s main entrance. The noise of Apache helicopters, artillery and gunfire continue to echo through the city’s streets without pause.

In the first days of the attack, the coalition managed to overwhelm local fighters on the southern outskirts of the city, especially in the areas near Hodeida University, the international airport, the strategic Kilo 16 district, and towards Alsaleh`s Buildings. But Houthi fighters, together with local volunteer fighters, have turned the tides in recent days, absorbing the blitzkrieg and restoring many of the aforementioned areas to local control, including the 22 May Hospital.

Remark: This is a pro-Houthi view of the Hodeidah theater of war.

(A K pH)

Saudi #UAE backed forces fired 2shells on Althawra hospital laboratories in #Hodeidah This hospital is serving hundreds of thousands of #Yemen-is&is the only public hospital left in west coast intensive care closed days ago patients transferred2 #Sanaa cant find place

(A K pH)

2 Children injured in Saudi-led artillery shelling in Hodeida



(* A K pH)

US-Saudi Military Escalation on Hodiedah Opportunity for Army, Committees Demonstrate New Capabilities

The Military Media published, on Tuesday, scenes of a special ambush of over 20 US-Saudi mercenaries, while they were trying to infiltrate sites of the Army and Popular Committees. The scenes showed the moments of detonating the mines and dramatic pictures after that, their bodies were scattered all over the site.

(* A K)

Reinforcements arrive to back up pro-government fighting in Yemen

Reinforcements loyal to the former Yemen government arrived in Hudaydah for an offensive to retake the port city from Houthi rebels.

(* B K P)

Fighting in Hodeidah Closes in on Strategic Port


and also

(* B K P)

Battle for Yemen's Hodeida: Why the Saudi-led 'Golden Victory' operation is taking so long

Saudi ground forces are too weak to stand up to the Houthis in Yemen, and their allies and proxies all have their own goals in mind – making the capture of the key port of Hodeida a strategic snarl, experts say.

The coalition offensive on Hodeida – a key port and a lifeline for Houthis and civilians alike – is codenamed 'Operation Golden Victory'. Rather telling, considering the vast amounts of money Saudi Arabia bundles into its military. Ironic, too: it would seem that with such massively superior military resources, the coalition should have stamped the Houthi rebels down within days.

Instead, the operation has been dragging on for months.

For one thing, many coalition members are unwilling to suffer losses for the gain of few. Yemen is a mess mostly started by the Saudis, and the Saudis are the ones standing to gain the most in terms of regional influence. The coalition comprises nine regional countries – but how often do we hear about players other than Saudi Arabia?

The proxies sponsored by the Saudis and the Emiratis have different ideologies – in particular, the UAE pals around with southern Yemeni separatists, who want South Yemen to become a separate nation again, as it used to be before 1990.

"There's a certain race, a rivalry even, which certainly doesn't help speed up the completion of the main objective, the capture of Hodeida. Houthi forces and their field commanders are actively capitalizing on that," says Grigory Lukyanov.

For these forces, there can be no sharing when it comes to who controls Hodeida.

(* B K)

Au Yémen, Hodeida, un port sous le feu

«Toute la stratégie des Saoudiens réside dans l’idée de blocus», explique Eric Vallet. Or, Hodeida est le dernier lien des Houthis avec l’extérieur. La coalition impose déjà un embargo maritime autour du port.

Depuis le 1er novembre, les forces de la coalition progressent lentement en direction du port, situé dans le nord d’Hodeida.

Au sol, elles sont composées d’un assemblage hétéroclite de militaires pro-gouvernementaux, de milices sudistes, de combattants locaux, de troupes d’élite émiraties et de soldats «alliés» soudanais.

Au-delà de l’enjeu du contrôle du port, Hodeida, ville de plaine, constitue l’une des seules prises symboliques à portée de main de la coalition - les reliefs de l’intérieur du pays interdisent toute autre offensive d’ampleur.

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen crisis: The battle for Hudaydah

Yemen's civil war is approaching a pivotal moment, but the UN warns that the humanitarian crisis could be about to get much worse.

(* B H K)

United Nations Population Fund: 1,500 pregnant women at risk of death as main hospital in Hodeidah becomes inaccessible

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, fears that among the 10,000 pregnant women caught in the fighting in Hodeidah City, the lives of an estimated 1,500 who are likely to encounter complications during pregnancy and childbirth might be at risk as the city’s only hospital that can provide emergency care becomes inaccessible.

Health facilities across Hodeida are closed or functioning at minimum capacity, which is straining Al-Thawra Hospital, the governorate’s major neonatal care facility that witnesses some 400 to 500 deliveries per month, including more than 200 caesarian sections.

(A K pH)

2 civilians injured in airstrikes on Hodeida

airstrikes led to injuring a man an women in Kord village of Duraihimy district

(* A K)

Govt troops push in Yemeni port stalls as rebels plant mines

A push by Yemeni loyalists to recapture insurgent-held Hodeida has stalled, according to pro-government officials Wednesday, as local sources said rebels had planted landmines around the city's key port.

A relative calm was holding for a second full day Wednesday in the Red Sea city, despite the thundering sound of jets flying overhead, with no major clashes reported.

Pro-government forces have temporarily stopped their advance into the city to allow safe passage for civilians, humanitarian staff and wounded, a military official told AFP.

One military official told AFP the pro-government forces will be launching major operations "in the coming days".

"The battles will not stop, except with the liberation of Hodeida and the whole west coast," he said.

(* A K)

Yemen rebels mine entrances to Hodeida port: employees

Yemeni rebels are planting landmines around the key port of embattled Hodeida, employees said Wednesday, as a loyalist push to take the insurgent-held city appears to have stalled.

Three port employees reached by telephone said the rebels had also begun to mine entryways to the port overnight.

The workers said the Huthis had planted explosives near two of the port's gates, one that leads to Jizan Road, a main street in the city's north, and the other near the Alsanabel flour mill company.

"There is only one entrance left into the port, and that is the main gate that leads to Mina Street that trucks use," one employee, who requested anonymity, told AFP.

(* A K pH)

Update: Death toll from coalition airstrikes on Hodeidah’s passengers rises to 9

The Health Ministry said in a statement that the death toll from a US-backed Saudi-led coalition airstrike on passengers escaping battles in Hodeidah port city on Tuesday increased to nine, .
Earlier, an air strike targeted the passengers’ bus on the highway near al-Jarrahi district and led to injure two others.
The statement added that an ambulance rushed to the scene to rescue was hit by an airstrike few meters before it reached the site.


Remark: First reporting already in Yemen War Mosaic 480.


(* A K pH)

5 rescuers were killed when they rush to rescue casualties of #Saudi #UAE strike on a car in a road in Aljirahi area S #Hodeidah #Hodeida yesterday that killed 4 civilians in total 9 civilians killed 7 injurd in this double tap strikes

(A K pH)

Film: Crimes of aggression in the province of Hodeidah 13-11-2018

(* A K P)

Coalition, Yemen Rebels Agree on Informal Truce

Yemeni officials say an informal agreement to reduce hostilities between Saudi-led coalition forces and rebels in and around the Red Sea port city of Hodeida has taken hold.

They said Tuesday that hostilities have ceased for the past 24 hours, with both sides respecting the truce


(* A K P)

Intel: Why cease-fire deal won’t stop Yemen’s suffering

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen reportedly brokered an informal deal to cease hostilities around Hodeidah on Tuesday. The deal has held for the past 24 hours

It’s unclear whether the Donald Trump administration, which made a full-court press for the cease-fire late last month, will make a further push for a broader peace deal, but the news could change the UN’s timetable as the world body had postponed talks until December.

Yemeni sources don’t believe the cease-fire in Hodeidah will ease the country’s suffering

The US administration is still mulling whether or not to label the Houthis as a terrorist organization, which some experts think could shake up negotiations

(* A H K)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Yemen: Al Hudaydah Update Situation Report No. 14, Reporting period: 16 October - 13 November 2018

During the first 10 days of November, there was a marked increase in airstrikes, artillery fire and clashes in Al Hudaydah Governorate, especially around Al Hudaydah City. Hotspots included the airport area to the south of the city, and the areas around Kilo 10 and Kilo 16 to the east, the university and Al Thawrah Hospital towards the coast. Clashes were reported close to 90 Street and at the airport junction in the Alrabasa area to the northeast.

Other districts in Al Hudaydah Governorate that were hit by airstrikes included Al Marawi’ah, Ad Durayhimi, Al Hawak, Al Hali, As Salif and Zabid, and clashes continued in the Hays area. Further south, heavy shelling was reported in At Tuhayat town on 6 and 7 November. To the north, in Hajjah Governorate, by 7 November, the fighting had reportedly moved to A’shim Junction, Haradh and Mustaba districts, and armed clashes were reported around Haradh town.

The intensity of fighting reduced in Al Hudaydah City on 12 November, amidst reports of a possible de-escalation in hostilities, although some renewed fighting and airstrikes were reported again on 13 November, leading to a number of injuries.

(A K pS)

Local sources reported that residential buildings were planted with booby traps east of Hodeidah governorate

(A K pS)

Houthi militia have launched indiscriminate artillery shelling at Alhaqb and Bait Alyazedi areas, targeting civilians’ houses and national army sites

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Video: Houthis blew up a local school in Aljah southwest of Hodeida city.

cp2 Allgemein / General

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Interactive Map of Yemen War

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Women and children of Yemen cannot wait

Despite the odds, humanitarian aid is making a difference. Children are being treated for malnutrition, and receiving emergency health care. Families are receiving access to clean water, helping to tackle the growing cholera crisis, with 12,000 cases reported each week in September. Cash distributions are mitigating the skyrocketing food and fuel prices.

While these interventions can and do save lives — and urgently require more funding — they alone will not end the conflict, the core source of terror, loss and heartbreak.

As Canadians, let us channel our grief and heartbreak at Amal’s death to call on our government to suspend its military assistance to parties to the conflict, and move forward without complicity, pushing for accountability for those who have committed atrocities.

Join us. Because the women and children of #YemenCantWait.

(* B K P)

Roland Hedayat: Saudis Target Yemeni Democratization Out of Fears of Domestic Discontent

Political commentator Roland Hedayat says the one-family kleptocratic ruling class in Riyadh have been unnerved by the democratic movement of the Yemeni people, fearing that it would inspire discontent among the Saudi population.

Mr. Hedayat, in an exclusive interview with FNA, said that “the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is intentionally caused by the Saudi war of aggression, not an unintended side effect of war.”

Commenting on the role of American and British governments, he added that human rights and democracy do not matter for the two governments unless these terms “can be used as self serving propaganda instruments.”

Roland Hedayat is an activist and political commentator who has been closely following the war of aggression on Yemen.

FNA has conducted an interview with Roland Hedayat about the ongoing Saudi war on Yemen and possible motives behind the war imposed on the impoverished Arab country by Saudi Arabia and its western allies.

A: The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is intentionally caused by the Saudi war of aggression, not an unintended side effect of war. Since day one, the aggressors have hit food production and storage facilities, civil infrastructure, such as water pumping, sewer and water cleaning facilities, thus actively engineering starvation, diseases and epidemics. Also, schools, hospitals, health care centers, weddings, and funerals have been targeted, with the aim of bringing the population to its knees. These acts are war crimes and should cause an outcry from the International Community.

A: There are several reasons for the Saudi/UAE (and also US/UK) war of aggression on Yemen. The last two are added to the list, because they are directly involved in the warfare as well as selling arms, providing diplomatic cover, and spreading war propaganda to the media.

Saudi Arabia has a long tradition of meddling in the internal affairs of Yemen

(* B K P)

It is only Yemen; Who Cares?

All of sudden the world woke up and discovered there was a war on Yemen, for sure as a reaction to the gruesome murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

The United Nations intervention [in 2011] was in the form of appointing Jamal Benomar as the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, organizing and leading the National Dialogue Conference held over a period of one year, diffusing the volatile situation.

Jamal Benomar did an exceptional job in a country with so many factions and with so much mistrust, by leading and managing the National Dialogue Conference for over a year, and holding many sessions between fractious factions especially on the issue of the North and the South (two different Yemen) and on the revised and new constitution. However, Benomar was unable to bridge the gap between the North and the South.

All of this was blown away when the GCC interceded, making a deal with Ali Abdullah Saleh giving him full immunity from criminal and civil prosecutions; keeping tens of billions he looted; staying in the country (manipulating the army and the parliament); keeping the same corrupt, incompetent government in place by handing over the powers to his deputy of over 27 years, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, who was kept on for a year, and who later ran for a full term, winning 99.8% of the vote.

How can anyone in their right mind believe that Hadi received 99.8% of the vote when the country was divided into so many factions, and everyone knew Hadi was an extension of the corrupt regime of Ali Saleh?

It was this government of Hadi, with the help of the Saudis, that pushed the UN to dismiss Benomar as special envoy, aborting the idea of a new constitution, precipitating the takeover of Sanaa by the Houthis, who placed Hadi under house arrest. Hadi later escaped to Aden and flew to Saudi Arabia, where he “invited” Saudi Arabia to go to war to regain his “legitimacy”.

The War against Yemen must come to an end.

A new national dialogue must begin to create an independent governing system, address proposed regional divisions, establish term limits, keep the army out of politics, and of course, once and for all settle the issues dividing the North and the South, away from the GCC, and especially keeping Saudi Arabia and Iran away.

Perhaps placing the country under an international trusteeship for an interim period of three years might be the way to go forwardBy Sami Jamil Jadallah

Remark: For Benomar, read

(* B K P)

The Ukraine “solution” for Yemen?

The war is not unlikely to be ended after the fate of the battle for Hodeida becomes clear. If it stops, this would be in order to reach a situation that resembles the situation in the Ukraine today, a state of no-war/no-peace because the conditions for achieving peace based on a settlement that satisfies the demands of the warring parties remains out of reach

There are no doubt reasons that render an end to the war on Yemen likely. Among the most important are what Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah referred to when he said that if stopping the war is likely, this is because the Saudi-led coalition backed by the Western governments, headed by the U.S., has reached the conviction that the war is at a stalemate and there is no hope that it can be won militarily.

For these battlefield, financial, and political reasons, the war is not unlikely to be ended after the fate of the battle for Hodeida becomes clear. However, stopping it does not mean that a settlement, permanent peace, and stability will be achieved.

On the contrary; if it stops, this would be in order to reach a situation that resembles the situation in the Ukraine today – that is a state of no-war/no-peace because the conditions for achieving peace based on a settlement that satisfies the demands of the warring parties remains out of reach.

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Film: ORF-Kritik am illegalen US-Drohnenmassenmord in Jemen

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DRK ruft dringend zu politischer Lösung des Konfliktes im Jemen auf

Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz (DRK) ist sehr besorgt über die Situation der Menschen im Jemen. Inzwischen seien 80 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. „Nahezu alle Bereiche des Alltags sind von den Folgen des anhaltenden bewaffneten Konfliktes in dem Land betroffen. Die humanitäre Lage der Menschen ist katastrophal, sechs von zehn Jemeniten haben dauerhaft nicht genug zu essen“, sagt Christof Johnen, Leiter der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit beim DRK. „Es braucht dringend verlässliche politische Lösungen, um den Konflikt beizulegen. Es ist nicht leistbar, nahezu ein ganzes Land über humanitäre Hilfe zu versorgen“, sagte Johnen.

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Journalist aus Sanaa: USA profitieren vom Krieg im Jemen und wollen keinen Waffenstillstand

Die unbegrenzte Feuerkraft Saudi-Arabiens und der Emirate wird die Huthis zwingen, die strategische Hafenstadt Hodeidah aufzugeben. Ein Waffenstillstand ist nicht in Sicht, da auch die USA als Waffenhändler und Partner Saudi-Arabiens von der Situation profitieren.

RT Deutsch hat mit Mohammed el-Hodschili gesprochen, der in der Hauptstadt Sanaa lebt. Er ist Journalist und Medienkoordinator der Mona-Hilfsorganisation.

Die Einnahme von Hodeidah wird schwer. Klar sein sollte allerdings, dass die materielle und logistische Überlegenheit der Saudis und Emirate langfristig den Unterschied machen. Diese zwei Länder leisten Anti-Huthi-Kräften, darunter auch salafistische Kampfgruppen, unbegrenzte Boden- und vor allem Luftunterstützung. Diese Stadt kann nur nach sehr blutigen Kämpfen eingenommen werden.

Ich glaube, dass es keine ernsthaften US-amerikanischen Forderungen nach Frieden im Jemen gibt, insbesondere nicht die jüngsten Forderungen von Jim Mattis und Mike Pompeo. Das ist mediale Augenwischerei. Ich meine, man darf nicht vergessen, dass die USA zu den großen Profiteuren des Krieges im Jemen gehören, sei es durch Waffengeschäfte oder die militärische Beratung der Saudis, die den Krieg ausführen. US-amerikanische Offiziere stehen der saudischen Armee stets zur Seite.

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate versuchen seit längerem, Jemen gewaltsam auch wirtschaftlich zu durchdringen. Die Emiratis haben ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Häfen Jemens geworfen, die als strategische Durchgangstore zur weiteren ökonomischen Durchdringung verstanden werden.

Unterdessen arbeitet Saudi-Arabien mit aller Macht daran, sich die jemenitischen West-Provinzen Hadramout und al-Mahrah untertan zu machen. Auch Riad sichert sich Rechte auf Häfen und Pipelines durch al-Mahrah, um Irans Präsenz in der Straße von Hormus zu umgehen.

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Audio: Understanding the Tragic Humanitarian Disaster in Yemen and the Saudi Connection

Brooklyn Native Sam Quhshi joins Chilly Pete in studio for an extended discussion digging deep into the regional history and politics that have lead to this humanitarian disaster that finally the world is paying attention to. But is it too late?

(* B K P)

US, Britain Push Yemen Ceasefire as Tactic to Defeat Houthis

US Secretary of State James Mattis and Britain's Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt appear to be impelled by humanitarian concern for the massive human suffering in Yemen with their recent calls for cessation of hostilities.

But a more nuanced reading of their exhortations suggest that the real concern is to burnish the blood-soaked image of the Saudi coalition that their governments support, and, secondly, to inveigle the Houthis into a negotiations framework that will result in undue foreign influence over Yemen's politics.

American, British and French military support for the murderous operations in Yemen should have stopped months, even years ago, if official humanitarian concerns were genuine.

The question is: why the sudden effort by Washington and London, as well as Paris, to call for a ceasefire and follow-on political talks?

It seems significant that the acute disgrace over the appalling Khashoggi affair and the association of the US, British and French governments with such a despotic Saudi regime has in turn prompted these Western powers to mount a damage-limitation exercise in public relations.

This is where the Yemen war provides an opportunity for the Western powers and their Saudi clients to salvage their tarnished public image.

By pushing for a ceasefire in Yemen, Washington, London and Paris can claim to be "getting tough" with the Saudis for the sake of alleviating "humanitarian suffering." By appearing to respond to the Western calls for a ceasefire, the Saudis can then also claim they are relenting out of humane concern.

However, such pleas have not stopped Saudi and Emirati-backed militia on the ground besieging the Yemeni port city of Hodeida on the Red Sea

The recent impetus for a ceasefire and talks in Yemen coming from the US and its Western allies is not due to humanitarianism. It's a cynical PR exercise to whitewash bloodied images -- both theirs and that of their Saudi client regime.

If Washington, London and Paris were really serious about ending the suffering in Yemen, they would simply demand that the aggression stop immediately – By Finian Cunningham

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«Der Jemen-Krieg ist keine Naturkatastrophe, er ist menschengemacht»

Nach dem Mord an Jamal Khashoggi hatte der Westen eine Chance, Saudiarabien davon zu überzeugen, den Krieg in Jemen zu beenden. Doch diese Chance sei schon fast vertan, sagt die jemenitische Menschenrechtlerin Antelak al-Mutawakel.

Ich bin traurig, dass die Kinder in meinem Land, die morgens zur Schule gehen, nicht wissen, ob sie den Tag überleben. Es könnte jederzeit passieren, dass eine Bombe auf ihre Schule fällt. Ich bin traurig, dass wir mit ansehen müssen, wie unsere Städte in Trümmer gelegt werden, und nichts dagegen tun können. Ich bin traurig, weil dieser Krieg so absurd ist.

Ich finde es bedauerlich, dass all die Toten in Jemen nicht erreicht haben, was der Mord an einem Mann erreicht hat. Aber ich will mich nicht beschweren, wenn das der Preis dafür war, dass die Welt endlich auf die Kriegsverbrechen in meinem Land schaut.

Das Zeitfenster wird immer kleiner. Es gab den Aufruf der Amerikaner zu Friedensgesprächen. Kurz danach haben wir allerdings gesehen, wie die Saudi und ihre Verbündeten den Hafen von Hudeida angegriffenhaben. Das ist der Grund, warum wir an Taten, nicht an Worte glauben.

Man sieht das Elend an jeder Strassenecke. Überall wird gebettelt. Menschen suchen im Müll nach Essbarem. Es gibt lange Schlangen, wo noch Gas oder Benzin zu bekommen ist.

Die Lage ist überall bedrohlich. Kurz bevor ich Sanaa verliess, kamen dort 23 Bomben vom Himmel.

Ich meine, dass schon jetzt Hass gesät ist. Mein dreijähriger Enkel sagt, wenn er ein Flugzeug am Himmel sieht: Guck mal, das sind die Mörder aus Saudiarabien. Eine ganze Generation wächst so auf.

Es ist ganz einfach: Dieser Krieg ist keine Naturkatastrophe, er ist menschengemacht. Und Menschen finden immer eine Lösung.

(* B K P)

Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen?„Leben Tausender Kinder steht auf dem Spiel“: So grausam bombt der Saudi-Prinz im Jemen

Vor allem die von den Rebellen gehaltene Hafenstadt Hodeida ist schwer umkämpft. In der vergangenen Woche startete die saudische Militärkoalition eine große Offensive gegen den strategisch wichtigen Ort. „Dabei geraten auch Zivilisten und zivile Einrichtungen in die Schusslinie“, berichtet Susanne Krüger, Deutschland-Vorsitzende der Hilfsorganisation „Save the Children“, FOCUS Online.

„Ich telefoniere fast täglich mit unseren Mitarbeitern vor Ort, habe also ein recht gutes Bild der Lage“, sagt Krüger. Und diese Lage ist erschütternd. Die Helferin schätzt, dass rund 400.000 Menschen in der Stadt eingeschlossen sind. Die Infrastruktur sei zusammengebrochen, es gebe kaum Strom und fließend Wasser. Die Eingeschlossenen hungern, ihre Versorgung werde immer schwieriger, so Krüger.

Die Lage ist jedoch noch viel dramatischer: „Das Leben von mehreren Tausend Kindern steht auf dem Spiel, unzählige könnten verhungern“, sagt sie erschüttert. Da Grundnahrungsmittel knapp und die Preise entsprechend hoch seien, könnten sich viele Menschen die Lebensmittel schlicht nicht mehr leisten.

Doch nicht nur im belagerten Hodeida sei laut Krüger die Situation katastrophal

(* B K P)

Counting the Real Costs of the War on Yemen

The fighting in Yemen has killed at least 57,000 people, and the real death toll is likely much higher.

The “official” death toll remains frozen at around 10,000, and that has allowed the outside world to shrug at the plight of Yemen’s civilian population and conclude that the war can’t be as bad as all that. Marc Lynch recounted a conversation he had with someone in the government:

A senior US official recently tried to tell me Yemen wasn’t so bad because only 8000 had been killed and I couldn’t even

Our government must know that the death toll is much higher, but it is choosing to accept a very low number to minimize the consequences of our indefensible policy there. When senior U.S. officials are hiding behind obviously outdated and inaccurate information to justify our government’s indifference to the disaster that we have helped to create, there isn’t going to be any urgency in bringing the conflict to a halt. The governments responsible for destroying Yemen predictably have no interest in an accurate accounting of the true costs of the war, and our government is no exception – by Daniel Larison =

(* B H K P)

Film: Hopes for breakthrough Yemen peace plan

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Rep. McGovern on Yemen: 'I don't believe the Saudis have any intention of stopping this war'

Marco Werman checks in with Rep. Jim McGovern, an ardent advocate for ending the fighting, about what's being done by Washington — and what’s not — to bring an end to the Yemen war.

Hisham Al-Omeisy was in Sanaa for the first three and a half years of the war, spending part of it in detention, and he says it does not matter who wins this war now — Yemen just needs it to stop. He checks in from Cairo.

“I don't believe the Saudis have any intention of stopping this war,” says Jim McGovern, Democratic congressman from Massachusetts. “I don't believe [the Saudis] have any intention of stopping the killing. I think ... they're waiting us out … giving this administration some little crumbs to be able to say ‘Oh things are moving in a different direction.’"

"One of the things we wanted to do was to go on record saying we don't want the United States to be complicit in any of this," McGovern says. "We want to stop the sale of arms to the Saudi government, we want to stop any intelligence-sharing or any role we play that might aid [the Saudis] in their attacks on Yemen. That, to me, was a timely debate. We should have had it.”

Omeisy is not sure how much help politicians in Washington can provide.

“To be honest with you, there's a lot of political jousting when it comes to Yemen," he says. "I mean, I'll be blunt here. [In the] US Congress, in the UK even at the EU, these are political maneuvers that have more to do with their domestic politics than with Yemen. So we don't expect much.”

But McGovern is not likely to give up. (audio)

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International Committee of the Red Cross: Yemen: Before we talk about peace, we must talk about war

A statement from Fabrizio Carboni, the regional director for the Near and Middle East for the International Committee of the Red Cross, on the situation in Yemen.

A political solution for Yemen is urgently needed. Meanwhile, as long as the warring parties ignore international humanitarian law - the laws of war that protect civilians - the tremendous suffering across the country will continue and extreme hunger will turn more desperate, until potentially reaching famine.

Stopping the downwards spiral in Yemen requires a combination of urgent measures: a political process back on track, a progressive de-escalation of the conflict, free circulation of imports and unimpeded access to humanitarian aid. But it also requires a strong respect of the rules of war.

(* B K P)

The US is not sincere about a ceasefire in Yemen

Whatever the motivation, the US is both unable and unwilling to apply sufficient pressure on its allies to stop prosecuting this brutal war. Absent a comprehensive plan to address Yemen’s underlying political crisis – and one that is driven by the Yemenis themselves – the war is set to grind on at an immeasurable cost for the Yemeni people.

One of the reasons it is so hard to imagine a credible solution to the Yemeni conflict lies in the fact that it has been consistently mispresented from the outset. In the West the war is almost always framed as a proxy conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with the latter often presented as a champion of Yemeni sovereignty, at least in the early phase of the campaign.

Whilst it is true that Saudi Arabia began its bombing campaign in March 2015 in part to restore Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi to power, nevertheless the real reason behind the Kingdom’s heavy intervention is the desire by the House of Saud to reduce Yemen to a vassal state.

More broadly, the goals and priorities of the Saudis and Emiratis have steadily diverged to the point that they are now effectively prosecuting parallel – and at times conflicting – military campaigns. Both powers want to overthrow the Houthis, but beyond that they agree on little else in Yemen.

Additionally, ceasefire efforts must involve Yemenis to the greatest extent possible. As it is now increasingly clear, neither Saudi Arabia nor the UAE care much about Yemen’s interests, only Yemenis themselves can credibly represent those interests.

The warring parties in Yemen stand a much better chance of resolving their differences politically provided foreign powers allow them sufficient space to articulate their grievances and aspirations. For that to even begin to happen Saud Arabia and the UAE must halt their military campaign with immediate effect.

(B K P)

Saudi Arabia faces mounting calls to end war in Yemen


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Crisis in Yemen shaped by unique religious and political factors

How did Yemen arrive at this point?

Politics as much as religion has been a significant factor in Yemen, and the roots of the conflict go back several decades. Yemen has never had a strong central government. Throughout its history, individuals relied on local leaders and communities for resolving disputes and distributing resources. Sometimes, that local community is a tribe—a distinct social group linked to a specific area or reflecting extended family relationships.

Shoqi Maktary, country director for Search for Common Ground, an international peacebuilding organization that has continued working in Yemen during the conflict, commented on the importance of working at the local level because of the tribal dynamic.

(* B K P)

Experts discuss the war in Yemen and the role of international actors

On October 25, the Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings hosted a panel of experts to discuss the war in Yemen and the roles the United States and Saudi Arabia play in the conflict. Brookings Senior Fellow Daniel Byman moderated the discussion.

Fatima Abo Alasrar [is a 100 % Saudi propaganda mouthpiece]

Dafna Rand, vice president for policy and research at Mercy Corps, honed in on the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Bruce Riedel, senior fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy, expanded on the U.S. role in the war in Yemen.

Without U.S. sales of spare parts, the Saudi air force would be grounded in a matter of days, giving Washington tremendous leverage. It hesitates to use this leverage because “there is a fantasy in the Trump administration that somehow if the Saudis are able to defeat the Houthis, this will be a mortal blow to the government of Iran. This is a complete fantasy.” The Saudis will not unilaterally call for an end to the war either, Riedel said. Despite the war costing Saudi Arabia $50 billion per year, it is “Mohammed bin Salman’s signature policy initiative…his prestige is linked to the outcome of this war and he needs some kind of victory, whatever that is, to be done [with the war].” But, perhaps the most practical solution is for a unilateral Saudi cessation of air strikes and all military activity on the ground along with a complete lifting of the blockade.

(* B H K)

Film: Restore Hope: The Saudi-Emirate Way. Watch the story

(A P)

UAE, Saudi, UK and US establish committee to address Yemen war

Quartet states call for renewed UN-led peace talks

The UAE, Saudi, US and UK established on Thursday a committee to address Yemen’s economic and humanitarian crisis.

Senior officials and ambassadors of the quartet states met in Riyadh to identify measures aimed at stabilizing Yemen’s economy by calling on the international community to support the ongoing peace process.

“The four nations agreed to establish an advisory committee that will meet once a month to establish measures aimed at stabilizing Yemen’s currency, management of foreign currency flows and support the government of Yemen in improving its economic management,” according to a statement by the Saudi Press Agency.

My comment: How odd is this: All these four states are warring parties in Yemen – and they dare to play the role of peace supporters and to claim they “address Yemen’s economic and humanitarian crisis” – the crisis largely they themselves have provoked.


(A P)

Al-Houthi: We have not touched any political connection to stop the battles but talk in the media

Al-Houthi spokesman Mohamed Abdel Salam said on Thursday

"We do not see serious political communication about real political solutions or actual appeasement, but words in the media," the head of the Houthis delegation, who participated in the UN-sponsored consultations, said in a statement.

He described the results of the Quartet meeting as "agreements between the states of aggression itself or the so-called Quartet, which are the very ones that are waging direct and prominent aggression, especially in the Battle of the West Coast by their own admission."

(A H K)

„Lasst die Kinder leben“: Jemen droht Hungersnot, UN müssen Lebensmittelhilfe ausweiten

Das Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (WFP) bereitet sich angesichts der drohenden Hungersnot im Jemen darauf vor, die Lebensmittelhilfe für das Land weiter aufzustocken. WFP versorgt bereits jetzt jeden Monat sieben bis acht Millionen Menschen im Jemen mit Nahrungsmitteln, in Zukunft könnten es bis zu zwölf Millionen werden. David Beasley, Exekutivdirektor von WFP, forderte alle Parteien dazu auf, „diesen schrecklichen Krieg“ zu beenden.

(A H K)

‘Let the children live’: UN prepares to ramp up food aid to Yemen as famine risk grows

As the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) prepares to ramp up aid to Yemen, in the face of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, David Beasley, Executive-Director of the agency, issued a heartfelt plea for all warring parties to end “this horrible war.”

The relief efforts of the WFP are severely hampered by severe fighting around Hudaydah, and Mr. Beasley saw first-hand the heartbreaking consequences effects on Yemenis when he was shown around a hospital in the city and saw “small children, so malnourished they’re little more than skin and bone, lying there with hardly the strength to breathe. Let the children live and let the people start to rebuild their lives.”

WFP is already reaching seven to eight million people with food assistance every month, in the face of rapidly rising hunger, the agency is preparing to scale up even further to provide food and cash-based assistance for as many as 12 million people.

(A H K)

World Food Programme Chief appeals for peace in Yemen as agency plans major scale-up of food aid

A heartfelt plea for an end to the fighting in Yemen has been issued by the Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme as he concluded a three-day visit to the country which has become the scene of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today.

“What Yemen needs is peace,” said David Beasley. “Only then will it be possible to re-start the economy, get the currency under control and start paying public salaries, so people can have the money they need to buy food and other basics.”

(? B E K P)

Yemen urged to end economic war on its people (subscribers only)

Link, Comment: Well they should make clear that this is a policy of the Saudi alliance. The Hadi government has followed this policy faithfully and it has won them no friends on yemen but in truth it is impossible for them to stray from the path that has been set for them by those with money and weapons.

(* B K P)

Film: We had a side-chat with @Dr_E_Kendall at the #ForeignFightersForum. "One of the greatest lessons has been that action needs to be heavily localized. It's not just one size fits all."

(* B K P)

Misery of Yemen

The country has been reduced to what they call a “chaos state” ~ a geographical entity that exists only very nominally. Peace prospects are ever so uncertain. This week has been particularly devastating. Violence has intensified since the unexpected US call for a ceasefire last month, an appeal that was advanced in the aftermath of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder in Istanbul.

With fighting flaring in the critical port of Hodeidah, the supply of food will almost inevitably be dislocated. And as the crisis escalates, the UN envoy has deferred the scheduled talks until the end of the year. The country showcases a complex cocktail of geopolitics, involving the US, Iran, which backs the Houthi rebels, and Saudi Arabia that now contends with palace intrigues. A partially starving Yemen braces for war and no peace… and little or no food.

(* B H K)

Saudi Arabia accused of STARVING people in Yemen war by using BRUTAL hunger tactics

SAUDI ARABIA has been accused of using hunger as a weapon in order to defeat the Iran-backed Houthi rebels as the battle for the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah comes to a temporary pause.


(* B K P)

Yemen in the shadow of death

Humanitarian crimes taking place in Yemen can be stopped if the world takes serious action to end the war

Will the bloodshed continue? Will peace talks ensue to end the suffering of millions of Yemenis? This country’s crisis threatens to stretch its roots to the region and the rest of the world. Who is holding the cards of war and peace to end the suffering of Yemenis? Has the UN presented a roadmap to end the war, or is it releasing void statements? Will dividing Yemen to autonomously controlled areas provide the solution? Will the Yemenis agree to this to achieve peace?

The world’s worst humanitarian crisis may end with national rapprochement or military intervention. Either way, within the coming month the deteriorating conditions of a nation living in the shadow of death have to stop.

My comment: Blaming the Houthis as main perpetrators

(* B K P)

US, EU Countries Are Accountable for Saudi Atrocities in Hodeida

With $86.7 billion in approved sales to Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf Arab states since 2015, European countries are indeed accountable for the ongoing Saudi-led atrocities in Yemen’s besieged port city of Hodeida.

True, European governments and the European Union publicly wring their hands about the "human tragedy" and need for "life-saving assistance" in the war-torn country. But they never walk the talk. While the Saudi-led coalition aggression against the region’s poorest country has continued over the past three years and got worse in recent days in Hodeida, the EU and European countries have instead approved the sale of more arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

My comment: from Iran. Well, this simply tells how it is.

(* B K P)

Riyadh must be pressed to end its war in Yemen

Khashoggi murder and looming famine prompt a rethink by the west

Saudi Arabia and the UAE insist they are backing the legitimate government and accuse Iran of stoking the conflict by supplying arms to the Houthis. The Houthis, a battle-hardened movement, are also guilty of abuses including recruiting child soldiers and using access to aid as a weapon. But it is clear there their campaign cannot produce a military solution to this conflict. Arms sales to the coalition should have ended long ago. The immediate priority is to halt the fighting and ensure access for aid deliveries to prevent millions from starving. It is a tragedy that it took Khashoggi’s murder to prompt a rethink on Yemen in Washington and London. The US and UK must still prove they are serious about pressing Riyadh to end the bloodshed.

(* B H K P)

Kriegsgräuel im Jemen

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Film: La situation au Yemen, on en parle ? / Abdel En Live

Pays le plus pauvre du monde arabe, le Yémen est en guerre depuis 3 ans et n’en finit plus de sombrer sur le plan humanitaire. Abdel t'explique les raisons de cette situation catastrophique.

(* B K P)

Gescheiterte Strategie im Jemen: "Die Saudis führen keinen klugen Krieg"

Um den Einfluss Irans auf der arabischen Halbinsel zu beschränken, greift Saudi-Arabien 2015 in den Jemen-Konflikt ein. Doch drei Jahre danach zeigt sich: Das Kalkül der Saudis ist nicht aufgegangen. Stattdessen vereitele Riad sogar die eigenen Kriegsziele, sagt Nahostexperte und Islamwissenschaftler Guido Steinberg im Gespräch mit Für Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman, den neuen starken Mann im saudischen Königshaus, ist es nicht der einzige außenpolitische Misserfolg seiner noch jungen Führungskarriere.

Die arabische Militärkoalition unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate versucht offensichtlich, über das Leid der Zivilbevölkerung Druck auf die gegnerische Kriegspartei auszuüben. Diese Blockade wird also als militärisches Mittel genutzt. Und das ist - unabhängig von der rechtlichen Bewertung - eine sehr zynische und sehr brutale Vorgehensweise. Es ist aber nicht so, dass an den Problemen im Jemen allein die Saudis und die Emiratis schuld wären. Die Huthi-Rebellen tragen ihren Teil dazu bei.

Welche Druckmittel hat Europa, um die arabische Militärallianz zur Aufhebung der Blockade zu bewegen?

Die Europäer haben da keine Handhabe. Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate haben in der Vergangenheit immer wieder klar gemacht, dass sie Europa nicht ernst nehmen. Dort ist eine neue Generation am Werk, die ausschließlich auf das Bündnis mit den USA und Präsident Donald Trump baut.

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US, UK Culpable for Recent Saudi Atrocities in Yemen: American Analyst

An American political commentator deplored recent Saudi-led coalition’s attacks on Yemen’s western port city of Hudaydah, which led to the killing of about 150 people, and said the Washington and London governments are also complicit in the war crimes.

“As for the US and UK, they are completely culpable regards Yemen,” John Steppling, who is based in Norway, told the Tasnim News Agency in an interview.

“Totally, this is a Saudi/US/UK war, period!” he said, adding, “And the UAE is along for the ride too.”

Steppling: I think there are three strands to follow in trying to understand Saudi motivation here. The first is that the Kingdom does not want what they see as Shiite (Iranian) influence on the Arabian Peninsula. So, even if it is only rhetorical support from Iran (it is more but I'm not sure all that much more) the Saudis see themselves as the power broker in the region. This is maybe increasingly delusional but then they are prone to delusions.

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UK, France, US Lack ‘Political Courage’ to Pressure Saudis Over Yemen – HRW

London, Paris and Washington are lacking "political courage" to pressure Saudi Arabia over the actions of the Riyadh-led coalition in the Yemeni conflict and to ensure that Riyadh is held accountable, Bruno Stagno-Ugarte, the deputy executive director for advocacy at Human Rights Watch told Sputnik.

Stagno-Ugarte stressed that "there has not been a sufficient concern for the cholera epidemic, the famine, the humanitarian embargo, but also the many war crimes that have been committed by all sides, the inability to really have credible investigations in the alleged war crimes committed by all sides." =

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Hudayda’s collapsing stalemate: A new act in the Yemen war

The campaign has been stop and start. Due to a mixture of challenging battlefield dynamics and international pressure, coalition forces have been forced to periodically suspend their operations to facilitate international diplomatic efforts. In the past week, the coalition achieved one of its key goals: breaching the perimeter of the port of Hudayda.

The forces involved in the battle for the city are diverse. The Emirati army contributes the bulk of coalition troops, closely coordinating its operations with Riyadh and benefiting from the support of Sudanese soldiers.

According to some Western diplomats, calls for a ceasefire from US Secretary of Defense James Mattis and US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo precipitated the recent surge in fighting. This outbreak of violence has complicated UN-led diplomacy on Yemen.

In light of the United States’ recent alignment with Europe’s long-standing position on the conflict, there is now an opportunity for initial steps on the long path to peace. However, without the buy-in of fighters on the ground, there is little hope for ending the war – by Adam Baron

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«Hanishi» Mine Hunter.. When death hides inside the Soda can

Haj Mabkhout al-Hanishi, 65, from the Yam region, a rugged mountain chain north of Nehm district, east of the capital Sana'a, which returned to it after about a year of displacement, finds it a "mined area" after government forces forced al-Houthi militants to leave and left thousands of mines behind.

Haj «Mabkhout» works in cattle grazing, which is the profession practiced by most of the people in the region. But the need to nominate him for another job is to volunteer to remove the mines buried in his area, which are becoming a real threat to the lives and property of citizens.

Mabkhout told Al-Masdar online about his motivation to deal with this dangerous task he says he vowed to this mission to protect the lives of the people of his region and property

(A P)

13 fishermen detained arrives in Hodeidah

Arrived in fishing port in Hodeidah in Tuesday thirteen fishermen detained by the coalition forces of aggression .

The General Authority for Fisheries and Fishing Ports in the Red Sea said that thirteen fishermen arrived in to the fishing port, after their detention eight days by the coalition forces of aggression.

(B K P)

Yemen violence

The Saudi-led coalition continues to ignore international calls for a ceasefire from a list of countries, which now includes the US. The only way the coalition will heed these calls is for concrete action, rather than non-threatening calls, for sanity. Sanity is exactly what has not prevailed and is unlikely to prevail in the current circumstances.

(* B K P)

Yes, What about Yemen?

The ‘west’ is always killing someone somewhere, or helping someone else to kill them. Nothing has ever stopped it. Not 9/11 and certainly not the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. Even now Britain is ramping up its arms sales to Saudi Arabia, consolidating its position as a partner in the slaughter of Yemenis.

This is the template for what we now see around us. In the Middle East, the ‘west’ has been a curse. But what is ‘the west’?

No more than a useful cover, basically for three countries, Britain, France, and the US. Their outriders, Australia, Canada, other European states, in it for the money, or bullied and intimidated into joining the ‘coalition of the willing’ or whatever propaganda phase is cooked up to conceal the massacre of millions, are no more than useful bit players masquerading as independent countries.

Is Trump worse than Hillary would have been? Who knows? Who cares? Outside the serried rank of the pseudo-liberals baying for Trump’s blood, who gives a rat’s arse? Let the Americans fight their civil war. The more damage they do to each other the less the damage they might be able to do to other countries – by Jeremy Salt = =

(* B K P)

What is the Real Reason behind the War on Yemen?

What is really behind this war? Why is it being fought? What are the interests at stake in the genocide, and whose are they?

What is this war really about? That is: What is its sense and purpose? On who’s behalf is it being waged? Whose interests are involved in this genocide?

I have been looking for an answer to this simple question for a while, ever since the initial official justification of the Saudi-led war aggression seemed to me completely implausible (see my Telepolis-article on April 9th, 2015).

So far, I have had no leads. However, a few days ago, I happened upon an article by Hanan al-Hakry in the Egyptian Al Ahram Weekly (No. 1415, October 25th, 2018) titled Yemen's Vast Potential. In it, I read in a brief addendum in the second to last paragraph a passage that suddenly cast the entire war in a different light for me:

“It should also be added that a massive reserve of oil has been discovered in the area of Al-Jawf near the border with Saudi Arabia. It is estimated to be larger than the fields of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE put together.” Al Ahram Weekly

Is this assertion of fact accurate? If so, Yemen - so far without a doubt one of the "poorest of all Arab countries", as stated in the article - should be evaluated according to its potential as one of the richest countries on earth.

My central question can now be implemented by specifically asking: Why is the current genocide in Yemen from the point of view of MbS rational - and therefore strategically justified?

My roughly sketched answer: Because he knows - and all those on whose support for this genocide he can (so far) rely also know - that without this war the most important pillar of the power of his reign could be toppling over, this pillar being the guaranteed supply of oil for the world economy according to the conditions of the US. A rich Yemen which does not follow the rules of this Saudi / US-game could be a real "game changer". And even just the possibility of such an alternative has to be prevented, in the name and for the sake of this magic category - world-wide stability. Prevented by all means. With even the most extreme means. Such as genocide.

Bemerkung: Deutsche Version mit Ergänzung

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A E P)

Yemen's Oil ministry condemns forcing Saudi-led coalition three vessels to leave port of Hodeidah

Yemen's Oil and Mineral Ministry condemned forcing the Saudi-led coalition three oil vessels to leave the port of Hodeidah, in flagrant violation of international laws and conventions.
The Saudi-led coalition forced Distya Pushti, Sincero and Cleared ships to leave the port of Hodeidah and held in Djibouti in its current escalated in Hodeidah

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

Film: The War In Yemen: UN says 12 to 14M people are starving

The ongoing war in Yemen is showing no end. After nearly four years of conflict, some 8.4 million people are on the brink of starvation. The UN has now warned that will likely rise to 14 million - or half the total population of the country.

(B H)

Relief and Development Peer Foundation: Yemen: Monthly Situation Report No. 7 (October 2018)

RDP reached 1,452,653 individuals disaggregated 644,774 men, 670280 women, 65,899 boys and 71,700 girls through integrated package of Health, Nutrition, WASH and Food Security Interventions in September, 2018.

(* B H)

Wo Kinder zu Geistern werden

David Beasley kennt die Zahlen. Alle hier im Sicherheitsrat kennen sie: Zwölf bis 18 Millionen Menschen im Jemen am Rande des Hungers. Sie essen Gras oder Blätter. Aber Beasley, der Direktor des Welternährungsprogramms, der gerade dort war, in diesem sterbenden Land, er saß im Sicherheitsrat und sagt, es gehe nicht um Zahlen, es seien Menschen, sie hätten Namen.

Unterernährte Kinder

So wie Mohammed. Beasley sah ihn vor zwei Tagen im Krankenhaus von Sanaa, einer einst stolzen Hauptstadt. Mohammed, acht Monate alt. Chronisch unterernährt. 3,3 Kilo schwer, deutlich weniger als das, was ein Kleinkind in diesem Alter wiegen sollte. Seine Eltern fuhren dreihundert Kilometer zum einzigen Krankenhaus, das überhaupt irgendwie helfen konnte.

Seine Eltern fuhren 300 Kilometer zum einzigen Krankenhaus, das überhaupt irgendwie helfen konnte. Im UN-Sicherheitsrat Totenstille. James Beasley schaut in die Runde. „Haut und Knochen“ , sagt er. „Sie alle kennen die Bilder aus den Nachrichten. Mohammed war auch nur Haut und Knochen.“

Beasley zögert - und fügt an: "Ich sage, er war Haut und Knochen. Mohammed ist gestern gestorben."

Das sind keine Bilder von Einzelfällen. Das ist die Realität im ganzen Land. Mohammed war nur noch Haut und Knochen. Beasley zögert – fügt an: „Ich sage, er war Haut und Knochen. Mohammed ist gestern gestorben.“

Jahrelang Bürgerkrieg, vergessen von der Welt. Saudi-Arabien bombt aus der Luft gegen die Houthi-Rebellen. Die Rebellen töten am Boden. Und es sterben Mütter, Kinder. Babys – verhungern. Beasley war gerade da und er ersparte dem Sicherheitsrat, in dem die ersten mit den Tränen kämpften, gar nichts.

Es sei schwer, durch ein solches Krankenhaus zu gehen. Und Zimmer für Zimmer für Zimmer diese kleinen Menschen vor den eigenen Augen sterben zu sehen – von Georg Schwarte

Mein Kommentar: Der Titel wurde hier von dem gekürzten Tagesschau-Artikel genommen. Warum titelt der deutschlandfunk: „Ein wenig Hoffnung gegen das Sterben im Jemen“. Die derzeitigen Aktionen im UN-Sicherheitsrat helfen den Kindern nicht im geringsten.

(A H)

Do you remember Omar? I took Omar and his mom from Aldahei area in #Hodeidah to the nutrition center. The mother had an acute kidney failure and she died today. Omar will become an orphan.

(* B H)

A woman in #Sanaa saw me today briefing the #UNSC. She also listened to @WFPChief. She sent me a photo of @WFP cooking oil she bought from a supermarket. The non-efficacy of relief operations is contributing to the famine because of diversion (photo)

A lot of #NGOs in #Yemen are operating in a system that is currently exposed to #fraud and #corruption. It is time to bring more transparent and effective ways to build an effective and impactful #humanitarian assistance ecosystem.

I saw in #Aden many of food suppliers selling Aids with high price... Instead of distrputing food randomly inte NGOs can support #Developmenthumantriannexus rather than spoil the market. Yemenies want to be productive and change their lives for better ..

(* B H)

Food, clothes, medicine: the people of Yemen just want the same life as us

After spending years amid Yemen’s devastation, I have seen conflict and hardship overtake millions of ordinary people

The wave of severe hunger that humanitarians have been warning about will steamroll the country if there’s no major change. Over the past two months, there has been a massive deterioration in what is available at affordable prices. As the value of the Yemeni rial drops, people simply can’t buy enough food.

This intensifying hunger, now moving towards potential famine, will exacerbate the already fragile health situation. More malnutrition will make outbreaks of cholera, measles and diphtheria even worse.

In short, we’re talking about a country – one that until now was recently partially developed and functioning – now careering toward absolute devastation.

(B H)

Fotos: Jemen: Verhungernde Kinder im Bürgerkriegsland

(A H P)

Dozens of teachers demanded to reveal the investigation results with wage earner last August in Abyan governorate and the National Syndicate of Education stated that Houthi militia excluded 1189 teachers form the wage sheet in Sana'a &Hodeidah governorates.

My comment: ? Excluded or not, teachers got no more salary nearly two years now.

(* B H)

Trying to make Yemen child smile 'like tickling a ghost': U.N. food chief

United Nations food chief David Beasley spotted a tiny foot sticking out from under a blanket in a hospital in Yemen that has been overwhelmed with malnourished children, so he tried to bring a smile to the face of the small patient.

“It was just like tickling a ghost,” Beasley, executive director of the World Food Programme, told reporters in New York on Friday after returning from a three-day visit to the war-torn, impoverished Arabian Peninsula country.

Beasley recounted a conversation he had with a doctor at the hospital in the country’s capital Sanaa: “He said ‘every day about 50 children are brought to us. We have to send 30 home to die. We can only accommodate 20.’”

“This is not on the brink of a catastrophe. This is a catastrophe,” Beasley said.

(A H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Concerned for civilians in Yemen, UNHCR echoes calls for continued restraint

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Shabia Mantoo – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

UNHCR, the UN refugee Agency, echoes the calls, made by the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen and the Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator this week, for parties to the conflict to show continued restraint in Yemen and for the implementation of a cessation of hostilities.

UNHCR remains particularly concerned for civilians in Yemen and continues to urge all parties to do their utmost to protect civilians

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Médecins Sans Frontières: YEMEN - Al Dhale City - Base map

(B H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Response Plan 2018 - Funding Status (as of 14 November 2018)

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British Red Cross: Yemen crisis: “this is reality”

“Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. It’s not just in the media. It’s reality.”

These words from Indra Adhikari in Yemen struck me to the core.

Right now, after more than three years of conflict, people in Yemen could be at risk of facing the worst famine the world has seen in 100 years.

“More than 80 per cent of the country has felt the terrible impact of the conflict and other emergencies and they need help.

“The biggest need in the country is food, of course,” Indra said.

More than 18 million people in Yemen are going hungry, with over 14 million at risk of starvation, according to the UN. Imagine roughly twice the population of London going without food.

Add to the mix that fighting has forced two million people to leave their homes with just what they could carry.

From all over the world, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is rallying to help.

Yemen needs our help now. Please give generously.

Support the Yemen Crisis Appeal

(B H)

Film: Krieg im Jemen: Humanitäre Katastrophe

(A H)

Alzhurah School at the district centre of Az Zhuraha district #Alhudaydah Gov #Yemen Tamkeen supported the local authority to build this girl's school with funding from @EUinYemen via @UNDPYEMEN @SFDYemen provided the technical &financial support to the LA for this project (photos)

(* B H)

Film: "Our school was big. Now it's destroyed.""Our school was big. Now it's destroyed."
More than 2 million children are out of school in Yemen - and the situation only seems to be getting worse.

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Yemen’s war must end to address starvation, UN food aid chief says

David Beasley of the World Food Programme joins Nick Schifrin to describe the catastrophe and his appeals for a cease-fire.

But I will tell you, I was there just the day before yesterday in the Hodeidah port area. And it's like a ghost town in parts of. It is a militarized zone. We were distributing food. People were literally coming to us, coming out of their homes as quickly as they could to our distribution points, where we would give them enough food for one month, so they don't have to be in the streets, because it is a combat, militarized zones.

In fact, you can't believe how many people came up to me begging me to stay, believing that, as long as I was there long, as our team was there, there would be no military combat. In fact, military combat started one hour after we left.

So, cease-fire will give us tremendous opportunity to address the humanitarian catastrophe that we're facing right now.

Well, I was in the hospital, seeing the children literally dying right before my very eyes. Little Mohammed, who was literally just months old, just a situation with diarrhea, lack of — lack of food, lack of good water, and it was heartbreaking.

And it wasn't just Mohammed .I can talk to you about Warta and Malik. And I talked to these little girls. I remember one little child, his little, teeny feet were sticking out the blanket. And I tickled the little feet thinking I would get a little smile. And it was just like tickling a ghost.

It's heartbreaking. And it's all across the nation.

(* B H)

Yemeni father mourns baby girl who died of starvation

Thousands of Yemeni children suffer from malnutrition in a country that has been pushed to the brink of famine by years of war

Saleh al-Faqeh held the wasted arm of his baby daughter as she took her last breath on Thursday at the malnutrition ward of the main hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa.

Four-month-old Hajar al-Faqeh reached the al-Sabeen hospital last week from Saada province, one of thousands of Yemeni children suffering from malnutrition in a country that has been pushed to the brink of famine by more than three years of war.

Her body lies in the same ward where another baby boy, Mohammed Hashem, died from severe hunger on the same day. His passing was witnessed by a Reuters photographer. Doctors confirmed both babies had died of malnutrition (with photos)

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Map by World Food Programme: Yemen: Access Constraints as of 14 November 2018

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Calls for end to Yemen war offer little hope for hungry children

Lying on a dust-covered bed in a hospital ward in the Yemeni city of Taiz, 10-year-old Ghazi Mohammed barely has enough energy to watch doctors and nurses examine his emaciated body.

The boy weighs 8.5 kg (18 lb), less than a third of the average weight of a child his age. He fled hunger and poverty in his mountain village last year to find only more suffering in Yemen’s third largest city Taiz.

“This shows that the humanitarian aid that comes to Yemen does not reach people who really need it. Distribution remains random,” said his doctor, Amen al-Asli.

But calls for an end to the fighting have come far too late for millions of Yemeni civilians, including children, who face acute malnutrition and hunger in a complex, multi-sided war.

“They need a complete care, here in the hospital and later at home. Of course it depends on the parents’ financial condition as malnutrition can hit the whole family,” said Youssef al-Salawi, another doctor.

My comment: Dear “West”, by just calling now, you have killed about 100,000 children. Let it sack.

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Why A 'War On Children' Could Get Worse

Two weeks ago, 10-year-old Sara was sitting up in her bed at a hospital in Hodeidah, Yemen.

Some of the other children in the ward had their moms or other family members by their side.

But Sara was all alone.

She was recovering from a rare bacterial infection, called diphtheria, which had paralyzed part of her body. A small hole sliced into her throat was helping her breathe.

"As if that wasn't enough ... she was hearing the shelling going on [outside the hospital]," UNICEF's regional director Geert Cappelaere said at a press conference. "Just imagine what this little girl was thinking."

A vaccine could have easily prevented Sara's infection.

"But both sides of the conflict have prevented us from delivering these lifesaving vaccines to children in Yemen," says Cappelaere

(* A H)

Wie man humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen leistet

Maud Bellon, HI-Einsatzleiterin im Jemen, beschreibt die Situation in Sana'a, wo HI humanitäre Hilfe leistet. Ein Tagesablauf...

Dienstag, 13. November: Heute gingen der Physiotherapeut Aiman und die Sozialarbeiterin Sana in das Rehabilitationszentrum der Stadt. Sie trafen etwa fünfzehn Patienten, die bereits eine Prothese haben oder noch eine bekommen werden, für Untersuchungen und Übungen.

Die meiste Zeit verbrachten sie mit der kleinen Afraq, einer neuen Patientin: Afraq ist 12 Jahre alt. Sie lebt auf dem Land. Vor drei Monaten trat sie auf eine Mine, während sie Holz sammelte, um das Abendessen zu kochen. Ihr Bein musste bei einer Notfalloperation amputiert werden.

„Jetzt bekommt sie ihre erste Prothese. Ihr Stumpf ist gesund und ausreichend muskulös. Die Wunde ist gut verheilt und nässt nicht. Wir haben heute Maße genommen und eine Gussform für das Zentrum angefertigt, um die erste Prothese anzufertigen. Wir übernehmen die Kosten. Ich sage „erste" Prothese, denn mit dem Wachstum wird sie sie regelmäßig wechseln müssen.....“, erklärt Maud Bellon

In der Zwischenzeit wurden letzte Woche ihre Achsel-Krücken) aus dem Krankenhaus gegen Unterarmgehstützen ausgetauscht. Damit kann sie sich leichter bewegen.

(* A H)

Jemen: Die schwerste humanitäre Krise der Welt

HI arbeitet in acht Gesundheitszentren und Krankenhäusern in Sana‘a, der Hauptstadt des Jemen. Wir bieten dort Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen und psychologische Unterstützung an und verteilen Mobilitätshilfen wie Krücken und Rollstühle. Der andauernde Konflikt und die im November 2017 von der saudi-arabischen Koalition verhängte Blockade haben verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Bevölkerung. Maud Bellon, Leiterin der HI-Programme im Jemen, beschreibt die Situation.

Vor zwölf Monaten hat die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärkoalition eine Blockade auf Importe in das Land verhängt. Kraftstoff ist heute nur noch über alternative Kanäle erhältlich und natürlich teurer. Der Preis für Lebensmittel, Gas usw. ist gestiegen und es ist für eine jemenitische Familie fast unmöglich, normal zu leben.

Die heftigen Kämpfe, die Anfang des Jahres in Hoddeidah ausgebrochen sind, haben die Krise verschärft und Millionen von Jemeniten, die eh schon ums Überleben kämpfen, weiter geschwächt. Über den Hafen von Hoddeidah gelangen fast 80 Prozent der jemenitischen Importe und der größte Teil der humanitären Hilfe ins Land.

Obwohl das Land fast alle seine Lebensmittel importiert, sind 18 Millionen Menschen – 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung des Landes – aufgrund des Zusammenspiels der Auswirkungen von Konflikt und Blockade von einer Hungersnot bedroht. In vielen Gebieten ist der Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser sehr schwierig, was in den letzten Wochen die Cholera ausbrechen ließ.

Spenden Sie jetzt

(* A H)

Film: Hungerkatastrophe im Jemen

(* A H)

Relief delegation reaches Hodeidah amid decrease intensity of confrontations and Griffith welcomes calm

A large delegation of relief organizations arrived in the western city of Hodeidah on Tuesday evening, foremost among them the UN Humanitarian coordinator for the United Nations in Yemen, Lisa Grande.

Most of the workers in the relief organizations left the city in the past days as fighting intensified in large parts of the city between government forces and Houthi rebels.

The move coincided with a lull in confrontations over the past 24 hours, with the exception of sporadic clashes on some fronts.

(A H)

.@monarelief's team started today distributing blankets to warm the most needy families in Sana'a in this fierce cold weather. Our project was funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaing. #Yemen Please share and RT (photos)

(* B H K)

How does conflict damage a nation's health?

Conflict weakens the national immune system, leading to catastrophic public health emergencies.

As we mark a hundred years since the end of the world’s most deadly war, we must not forget another centenary. One hundred years ago, a deadly outbreak of flu spread across the UK and around the globe killing more people than both world wars combined.

The severity of the Spanish Flu outbreak wasn’t just bad luck or a coincidence, it was a consequence of the war. The Great War severely weakened the immune systems of whole nations. It left health systems broken and people malnourished, displaced and lacking clean water and sanitation.

Conflict creates a public health emergency by removing the safety net which people and communities, particularly the most vulnerable people in the most vulnerable places, rely on.

When infrastructure and systems break down, the most vulnerable are left without resources or access to adequate food, especially the elderly, people with disabilities, and those with young children.

It is in these vulnerable individuals that we see the first signs of a malnutrition crisis.

The economic situation is clearly worsening in Yemen, but the country is not suffering from a shortage of food.

There is food in the markets. Its population are unable to purchase the food that is available due to a spiralling economy caused by the conflict and a blockade imposed on the country.

Purchasing power has collapsed, wheat flour costs almost 80 percent more than before the war and the price of petrol has risen by 130 percent.

We must insist that hunger as a weapon of war is unacceptable. We must insist that the vulnerable are protected. Malnutrition is preventable, and lack of food should not be a cause of suffering in the world we live in today.

and film:

(B H)

Whaaaat YAC!!! Is she serious?!! Omg!!! WAIT I WILL SHOW YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THEM

Carla yemen aid charity with one CEO who is pro Hadi pro AlSaud and has another member whi is senior consultant in Deloitte ( linked to Giustra and Clinton foudation) ?

Another point about The Yemen US Aid charity (CEO of the charity Summer Nasser) and YAC If they were both helping #Yemen why on earth would they back Sanctions and embargo which led to starvation?! How anyone crying for Yemeni children dying would work with them?!

(A H)

World Concern Responds to Crisis in Yemen

World Concern is working directly through partners on the ground in Yemen:

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Fund - Third Quarterly Dashboard (January - October 2018)

Since January 2018, the YHF has channeled over US$184 million towards meeting critical life-saving needs of 8.7 million Yemenis, including through the provision of healthcare, clean water, sanitation services, food, or shelter materials, through 53 partners implementing 108 humanitarian projects.

My comment: This sum comes close to the sum Saudi Arabia is spending for its bombing war at Yemen (A DAY!).

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(A H)

A Security Post Exhausts a Trafficking Operation of Africans in Lahj

Rifil security post in Lahj seized a medium van trafficking Africans from Aden to northern governorates. A security source indicated that during regular inspection, soldiers found 26 Africans hiding inside the van. In their preliminary interrogation, the Africans and the driver indicated that they were hiding from Aden to Rima, a northern governorate, where smugglers will traffic them to Saudi Arabia in exchange of 1000 Saudi Riyals for each person.

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: Mixed Migration in the Horn of Africa and the Arab Peninsula (January - June 2018)

This report aims atproviding an overview ofthe trends observed in thefirst halfof 2018 in theregion, across Ethiopia,Somalia, Djibouti, and Yemen.

Children regionally made up for 23 per cent of the migration flows (4.7% under the age of 5 years), with an even divide between boys and girls.

In addition, a total of 8,400 (1.99%) unaccompanied children were also tracked during this time -the majority in Djibouti (44.5%), followed by Somalia (35.8%), Yemen (10.3%), and Ethiopia (9.4%)

(B H)

Amnesty International: Of the Yemenis that have applied for refugee status this year, 362 out of 481 have been given “humanitarian stay” permits. Some 80 others are still waiting for their results, while more than 30 applications have been rejected.

While enabling them to move on from Jeju and find work in other parts of Korea, a "humanitarian stay" permit also means that the government has neither accepted them as refugees nor recognized their rights as spelled out in the 1951 Refugee Convention, to which South Korea is a party.

The lack of recognition as a refugee presents the Yemenis with a number of new problems.

(A P)

I’m a Yemeni journalist. Sweden won’t help keep my daughter and me safe.

In Yemen, talking about politics and religion is dangerous.

In southern Yemen, journalists are imprisoned and murdered. Things are no better in the Houthi-controlled north.

I was one of the lucky ones. I was not killed, nor was I thrown in prison. I fled my country. But I am still not safe even outside of Yemen.

As a result of my work, my 16-year-old daughter and I received threats over the phone. They mentioned the name of her school and threatened to harm her if I did not shut up.

Sweden has now denied asylum for myself and my daughter (who is receiving medical treatment for her trauma). I live in constant fear that the police will come and take us and make us go to the Czech Republic, where I will have no guarantee of asylum and where I have no family – by Hind Aleryani

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Al Hudaydah Displacement/Response Update (1 - 14 November)

(B H)

Yemen: Current Status of IDPs Hosting Sites & Partner Mapping (as of 24 October 2018)

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Jordan Refugee 2018-2019 Winterization response

From Yemen: 7,266

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Police releases 45 mislead by aggression coalition in Dhamar

About 45 misled were en route to join the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition's invaders' camps were released on Sunday by police.

(A P)

Yemen's scholars renew rejection of US-Saudi aggression

Yemen's scholars on Sunday renewed their rejection of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition's aggression and its crimes against Yemeni people for nearly four years.
"The real beneficiaries of the war are only Jews and Christians, who supply weapons to Muslim countries and loot their money and wealth," said Shams al-Din Sharaf al-Din, grand mufti of Yemen and head of Yemen Scholars Association.

My comment: What should this have to do with “Jews and Christians”????

(A H P)

Free preview and other fees are reduced in government and private hospitals in Sanaa

Many Hospitals government and private on Sturday, began to open the door of free preview and 30% reduction in the rest of the fees in several directorates I the capital Sanaa, in statement obtains to Saba on Sunday.

The Director General of the Health Bureau of the Secretariat, Dr. Abdulmalik Al Marouni said there are seven government hospitals, 74 private hospitals and 264 governmental and private health centers in offers of discounts to citizens for a week of celebration this great occasion "birth of the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him".

Al Marouni added this reduction will be provided to the families of martyrs and wounded. He point that the Hospitals and health centers are ready to receive patients.

(A K P)

Yemen rebels mobilise to fight ahead of UN envoy visit

Yemeni rebels have said they are ready to mobilise more fighters to the frontline despite a lull in battleground Hodeida, as the UN envoy prepares to visit the country to boost peace efforts.

Dozens of Huthi rebels put on a show of strength on the outskirts of the capital Sanaa on Saturday, apparently getting ready to head towards Hodeida, a Red Sea city home to a vital port.


(A K P)

Tribal meeting in Sanaa to back army against Saudi aggression

A tribal massive meeting was held by sheikhs and tribesmen of Sanaa province to declare a public mobilization to back the army with fighters against Saudi-led aggression coalition.

(* A P)

Houthi militant kills and injures more than 10 people in Sana’a

A Houthi militant has killed and injured more than 10 people in the capital Sana’a on Friday, local sources told Yemen al-Ghad news website.

A number of residents of a neighborhood near the Textile and Weaving factory in downtown Sana’a crowded around the house of Rahabi Qannaf Arahabi who is in charge of the neighborhood and of distributing cooking gas to the residents to complain they have no gas in their houses.

Arahabi who is also a senior operative at the terrorist militia hurled a bomb at the crowd killing four and injuring eight.

A man captured the scene by his phone camera and circulated this link on the internet.

and more in Arabic here. and here

film here:

(A P)

Houthis Storm, Loot House of Minister of Agriculture & Irrigation in Sanaa

Remark: Hadi government minister.

(A P)

Release of 60 misled persons in Ibb

Police in Ibb province on Friday released 60 misled persons in implementation for amnesty.

(A P)

The al Houthi ministers of Technical and Vocational Training and Culture and Information announced their defections from the al Houthi movement on November 15 and 10, respectively, according to pro-Saudi news sources. The al Houthi Minister of Tourism previously left the movement on October 12, according to Saudi news.[5]

(A P T)

Al Houthi forces arrested alleged members of the Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) in al Hudaydah city. Al Houthi forces are also occupying homes in neighborhoods in southern and eastern al Hudaydah city. [6]

(* B P)

110 Abductees face death in Houthis custody due to deliberate neglect of their health conditions says @abducteesmother Mothers of Abductees Association

(A P)

Canada joins nations in support of Baha’is in Yemen

The Government of Canada has been a leading nation in support of the Baha’is who are facing escalating persecution in Houthi-controlled Yemen.

On November 8, 2018, Canada was joined by the governments of Australia, Germany and the United States in making the following joint statement on the situation of the Baha’is in Yemen:

We are deeply concerned about the worsening treatment of Bahá’ís in Yemen, particularly by the Houthis in Sana’a.

(* A P)

After 4 years of abduction and torture. Al-Houthi transfer journalist Omran to criminal prosecution

The authorities of the Houthis in Sanaa referred journalist Abdelkhalek Omran to the criminal prosecution specialized in terrorism and charged him with establishing a media center.

The move comes more than three and a half years after he was kidnapped with nine of his colleagues in Sana'a city and subjected to enforced disappearance, torture and detention in various prisons without finding an appropriate charge that could be directed to them.

According to Omran, one of the charges against Abdulkhaliq Omran is that the Media Center he created publishes materials that weaken the morale of the "army and People's committees"

(A P)

Gunmen attack academics at Sanaa University because he Talked about the coup

Gunmen at Sanaa University attacked the vice dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Economics for Community Affairs, Dr. Adnan Al-Maqtari, after the academic spoke in his lecture on ways to reach the government, including the coup.


(A P)

Yemen defections hint at Al Houthi collapse

Yemeni government seeks to build on battleground headway to encourage militia’s breakup

Recent high-ranking defections among erstwhile allies of Al Houthis signal further such splits as the Iran-aligned militia suffers setbacks at the hands of the Saudi-led coalition, experts said.

“The growing defections in Al Houthi ranks show their allies are jumping from the militia’s sinking ship,” said Adnan Mansour, a Yemeni analyst living in Cairo. “In fact, Al Houthis started losing trust among their allies inside Yemen after they killed former president Ali Abdullah Saleh,” Mansour told Gulf News.

Several Yemeni government loyalists have called for taking advantage of the plunge in Al Houthi morale to encourage more defections.

My comment: By UAE media. Might be wishful thinking.

(A P)

US shedding crocodile tears for Yemen: Ansarullah

US approach towards Yemen is like a crocodile shedding tears while devouring its prey, a member of Yemen's Ansarullah political council said on Wednesday.

(B P)

Film: This is the tremendous suffering of passengers going through "Abu Hashem" #Houthi checkpoint in Rada'a city in the central province of al-Bayda.

(A P)

Unidentified gunmen have kidnapped journalist Mohammed Yassin Abdah Sa'eed, who is working at Yemen Today TV channel. Sa'eed was abducted from one of the streets of the capital Sanaa and his whereabouts are still unknown, as his family blames #Houthis for his abduction.

(A P)

The disappearance of the journalist Al-Qadasi for the fifth day and his family: We searched for him everywhere and we did not find him

For the fifth day, journalist Issam al-Qudsi is still missing, after activists on the websites traded news of his abduction by Huthi gunmen last Friday.

The source continued online with Issam's relatives and reported that he had not returned home for four days and knew nothing about him.


(A P)

Unidentified gunmen, thought to be affiliated with the #Houthi militia, have kidnapped young media activist Essam Al-Qadasi from the militia-controlled capital of #Sanaa and his whereabouts are still unknown (photo)

(B P)

Those accused of an assassination attempt on Saleh are imprisoned by his killers

Yahya Badreddine al-Houthi, the brother of the al-Houthi leader, issued in May 2016 a written directive to the public prosecutor to release the five accused of the bombing of the al-Presidency House mosque, which angered Saleh, and ordered special forces loyal to him to move them from the central prison in Sana'a to the political security prison, defying the directives Huthi's brother.

But lawyer Barman says that any decision by the court--which he described as "illegal"--will not be accepted, describing what is happening in the trials of the "futility of being tried (al-Houthi group) a gang that took over the country and killed Saleh, and today claims to be the one who tried to kill Saleh."

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

President Hadi appears in the United States to dispel rumours of deteriorating health

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi appeared on Saturday in the United States, cutting rumors that activists and supporters of the al-Houthi group were circulating about his deteriorating health.

(A T)

Six students were injured in the accident. Deputy commander of security forces in Aden assassinated

Unidentified gunmen assassinated a prominent security official in the pro-UAE security forces, a security source in the southern city of Aden said Sunday.

The source told Al-Masdar online that unidentified gunmen fired a barrage of fire on the deputy commander of the security Belt forces in Abyan province, Brigadier Fahad Gharamah in front of the Paradise School for female students in the Inmaa neighborhood of Aden.

The fire penetrated the gate of the school, injuring six female students and teachers .

(A T)

17 Infantry brigade commander survives assassination attempt at South Taiz

(A P)

Under auspices pf the Southern Transitional Council, National Social Commission for Banning Weapons in Al-Mansoura Meets Several Security and Military Commanders in Aden

Commission of the National Social Campaign for Banning Weapons and Live Ammunition in streets and wedding parties in Al-Mansoura continued its field visits to public organizations and facilities to meet security and military commanders in Aden.

My comment: Southern separatists acting as authorities. – And more separatist ideas:

(A P)

Al-Wali: “We work in silence in all directions but we are not absent. We understand the position of our brothers in the countries of the Arab Coalition and they understand the interests and rights of our Southern People”.

Dr. Abd Al-Nasser Al-Wali, chairman od local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Aden, wrote a prolonged post on his official page on face book, dealing with several major points and clarifying the moves of the council inside and outside the country. He also referred to the understandings with our brothers in Arab Coalition. Dr. Al-Wali also referred to the southern-southern dialogue asserting that it works on strengthening the national link of the southern people inclusively. SMA News is publishing the post due to its importance.

(A T)

Taiz.. The commander of the 35th Armored Brigade survived an assassination attempt and captured a terrorist cell

(* A P)

Local sources: a citizen was killed and 3 others injured after Saudi and Yemeni forces dispersed a protest against the creation of new military bases in Almahrah governorate.

My comment: Just a reminder: This is Yemen, not Saudi Arabia. At Mahra, the Saudis show whatfore they really are in Yemen: as occupational force, which will nit leave any more.


(* A P)

Quiet in Al-Mahra... After the fall of victims in confrontations between government forces and protesters against the creation of checkpoints

Al-Mahra province witnessed calm after two protesters were killed and others injured last Tuesday after they objected to the creation of a security point in the district of Hasween, while the stories remained conflicting between the local authorities and the protesters.

The local authority found itself forced after the gunmen started shooting at the security personnel at the security checkpoint at a sudden," the governor said.

Thursday, Al-Mahrah governor Rajeh Bakrit drew up an urgent investigation committee into the tunnels checkpoint accident to find out the circumstances.

The statement urged all rational and benevolent people to gather the Al-Mahrah word for both the stability of the social peace to preserve the Al-Mahrah land and human.

In the light of these conflicting developments and narratives between the local authorities and the protesters, and the calls for understanding and calm, the question is whether it is in the Al-Mahrah to solve it and calm or to worsen and escalate.


(* A P)

Al-Mahrah... Meetings and statements consistent with the demands of investigating the killing of protesters

Meetings to discuss the aftermath of the killing of demonstrators and others injured last Wednesday, after they objected to the creation of a security point, continue in Al-Mahra Governorate.

The data emanating from the various meetings called for a transparent investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators of the incident but differed in its position on the Saudi military presence in the province.

The organizing Committee for Peaceful peace in Al-Mahra Governorate warned that the province would slip into chaos and called on the legitimate leadership to rectify what could be remedied.

The Committee announced the continuation of its peaceful struggle path, calling on the people to stand together to protect the country from Saudi ambitions that are no longer hidden.


Houthis were accused of using children and women in smuggling. Marib's prosecution destroys 2 tons of hashish

(* A P)

Al-Awlaki to EREM News: “We Are Partners, not Followers of the Arab Coalition and There is no Solution that Overcomes the South”.

Salem Thabet Al-Awlaki, official spokesman of the southern transitional council, said that any solution that overcomes the south or adjoins its cause to a non-southern political project “will not lead to any sustainable solutions” indicating that their road map is “clear and leads only to establishing an independent democratic state”. He added that “the south today is not the south before 2015 and our people will never accept any disparagement of our revolution and our resistance”. This came as part of his interview with EREM News. SMA News Publishes the following translation of the interview.

(* B E P)

Saudi-Arabien kündigt Marib Airport-Projekt im Jemen an

Das Königreich Saudi-Arabien kündigte ein neues Flughafen-Ausbauprojekt im Jemen an, das nach Fertigstellung Kapazität für 2 Millionen Reisende pro Jahr bieten wird. Das gab die saudische Regierung bekannt.

Wie das saudi-arabische Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramm für Jemen (Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen, SDRPY) meldet, wird der Flughafen in der historischen Stadt Marib östlich der Hauptstadt Sanaa neu aufgebaut, und nach seiner Fertigstellung als wichtiges Drehkreuz für die Infrastruktur des Landes und der Region dienen.

Mein Kommentar: Den Flughafen der Hauptstadt Sanaa haben die Saudis weitgehend zerstört, und sie blockieren den Flugverkehr nach und von dort. Mit diesem neuen Projekt sichern sie sich dauerhafte Präsenz, Macht und Einfluss im Land. Darum geht es.

(A P)

The chaos of militants threatens to disrupt the judiciary in Taiz and condemn the failure to arrest those involved in attacking the Muwasit court

Gunmen on Sunday attacked the district court, still fleeing justice, and were not caught, a local source in the al-Muwasit district of Taiz province said.

The source told Al-Masdar online that the militants are still moving freely in the area.

On Tuesday, a group of gunmen attacked a court session held by the Al-Muassiat tribunal, assaulted the President of the court, Judge Khalid Aker, and forced him to disembark from the bench.

(A P)

Government approves a number of projects and resolutions to normalize the situation

The government on Wednesday held a meeting in the southern city of Aden to discuss the latest developments in the Government's work and approve a number of projects and resolutions to normalize the situation.

(A P)

A rally in Al-Turbah demands the completion of liberation and rejects militating the army

The city of Al- Turbah (south of Taiz) on Thursday saw hundreds of AL-Hujariah children in a rally demanding the completion of Taiz's liberation and rejecting the militating of the army.

More than a month ago, Al-Turbah city was witnessing the mobilization, recruitment and distribution of weapons by elements of destinations seeking to detonate the situation and control the only road linking Taiz to the interim capital of Aden.

(A P)

[These articles show how the Southern separatists’ news site propagates the “Giants brigade”, a separatist militia fighting against the Houthis at Hodeidah and elsewhere]

(* A P)

In response to a rumors about Hadi's health.. Al-Alimi: The president is in good health

In response to the ongoing Ado on the health of President Hadi, the director of the Presidential office, Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi, has made a series of tweets confirming that there is no validity of what is being deliberated on President Hadi's health.

President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi is in good health and is undergoing regular tests to complete the September tests, said the head of the presidential office Abdullah al-Alimi late Wednesday evening.

referring to

(A P)

Doubts about the Fate of Hadi and his Clinical Death Increased

The fate of Hadi is still unclear after news that reported his clinical death, with no comment from his office so far, suggesting the possibility of US-Saudi decision to get rid of him.
Hadi left Saudi Arabia on October 23 for medical examinations, as was confirmed by his office, but pro-US-Saudi aggression media said that Hadi left Riyadh in order to hide him from the political scene.

(A P)

Official moves and promises to address the security dossier in Wadi Hadramawt after years of neglect

According to Saba, the vice president stressed the need to redouble efforts, unite and work as a single system to stabilize security, eliminate terrorism, control any security imbalances, and cooperate to establish security and strengthen and improve the performance of official institutions.

(* A P)

Saudi soldiers fire at Yemeni protesters in al-Mahrah, killing one

Tensions rocket in Yemen's east as Riyadh's forces shoot at demonstrators calling for their province to be freed of foreign troops

Saudi soldiers fired at Yemenis demonstrating against their presence on Wednesday in the eastern province of al-Mahrah, killing one person.

Al-Mahrah’s residents have been protesting for two days over new checkpoints erected by Saudi forces in the Yemeni province.

The protests are part of a wave of demonstrations calling for the Saudis to withdraw from al-Mahrah that have flared up regularly over the past year.

Wednesday’s protest marked the one-year anniversary of Saudi forces entering the province, whose residents insist is a peaceful place. They see Riyadh’s presence as malign and colonial.

Early Wednesday morning the Saudi forces tried to set up a new military checkpoint west of the al-Anfaq (tunnels) area, near Nishtawn seaport.

Najeeb Mohammed, a Yemeni who participated in the protests, told Middle East Eye there is now a sit-in where Kalashat was killed.

He said the tribes of al-Mahrah will now escalate their opposition to the Saudi presence.

"Early this morning, we went to peacefully stop the new checkpoint being set up, but the Saudi forces shot at us randomly and they killed one and wounded three others," Mohammed told MEE.

and also:

(A P)

Yemen Parliament to be held in Aden

said that a quorum is reached to held the Parliament sessions after some MPs could escape the house arrest imposed on them by the Houthis.

My comment: They already often had announced there would be a seesion of parliament at Aden now. It’s impossible that this would meet the quorum, however.

(* A B P)

UAE and Yemen's al-Islah: Meeting of enemies doesn't mean peace

The meeting was an attempt to forge an alliance of convenience and consolidate power

On Wednesday, in what appeared to be a radical policy shift, the United Arab Emirate’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed met with the leaders of Yemen's al-Islah party, a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

There are two primary reasons for the UAE’s shift on al-Islah. First, the US is pressuring the UAE and the Saudi-led coalition to enter into peace talks with weakened foes to end the war.

Second, the UAE is consolidating its power with al-Islah off the back of an alliance of convenience against the Houthis to reduce risks to its commercial enterprise projects in the south.

But also, al-Islah clearly accepted the invitation out of fatigue with the conflict and being overwhelmed by the superiority of the UAE-backed forces in southern Yemen. The UAE’s influence has not only been at odds with al-Islah previously, but more importantly is against President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi who is backed by Saudi Arabia.

Not long ago it was revealed that the UAE hired American and Israeli mercenaries to eradicate members of the al-Islah party, triggering serious tension within al-Islah on how to deal with the UAE’s presence in Yemen.

Whatever the sincerity of this rapprochment, if it advances reconciliation in Yemen and helps end the conflict, it is surely worth a shot. The reality is that time is running out, despite the fact that parties to the conflict are wilfully fighting on with no real end in sight.

(A B P)

There’s Actually Hope for an End to the Yemen War

A meeting in Abu Dhabi shows that Saudi Arabia’s key ally is looking for a way out.

The war in Yemen, and the humanitarian crisis it has inflamed, is usually thought of as Saudi-led and controlled. But the reality is more complicated, and involves a major role by the United Arab Emirates.

That’s why a meeting in Abu Dhabi this week between the leader of the U.A.E. and the heads of the main Sunni Islamist political party in Yemen is a dramatic development, and could be a crucial step toward ending the war.

A key ideological division has emerged between the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia in how to end the conflict. The U.A.E. is categorically opposed to all forms of political Islam. Saudi Arabia detests the terrorist groups and is wary of most Islamist parties, but is not as rigid as the Emirates.

In particular, Riyadh has been willing to work with the Yemeni party al-Islah, which is associated with the oldest and most established Islamist network in the Middle East, the Muslim Brotherhood.

The U.A.E., by contrast, has continued to view al-Islah and all Brotherhood-oriented parties with suspicion

Saudi Arabia has been pressing the U.A.E. to join Riyadh in putting aside doubts about al-Islah and working with the group to craft a domestic political alternative to Houthi domination.

My comment: I disagree. Look at article above. Such a meeting just means that the Saudi coalition protagonists try to settle their differences. This could mean an easing of tensions and strife in Southern Yemen, but not at all it will mean peace in Yemen (with the Houthis).

(* A P)

UAE crown prince hosts leaders of Yemen's al-Islah party

Despite previously tense relations, officials from Yemeni branch of Muslim Brotherhood express gratitude to Abu Dhabi

The United Arab Emirates' powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed hosted the leaders of al-Islah, the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, in a sign of rapprochement between the uncertain allies, who are both fighting against the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Bin Zayed met with Mohammad Abdullah al-Yadomi, president of al-Islah's supreme council, and Abdulwahab al-Ansi, the party's secretary general, on Wednesday in Abu Dhabi.

The Yemenis expressed gratitude to the crown prince and the Saudi-led coalition currently battling the Houthis in Yemen, for their efforts against the rebel group, the UAE's official news agency, WAM, reported.

Still, al-Islah has endured an uneasy relationship with its newfound UAE allies since the Saudi-led military campaign began.

and also

and by UAE news site


(A P)

Leader of Islah praises meeting between leaders of Islah and UAE leadership

He reiterated that the meeting is” a positive and significant step to enhance and consolidate the coalition” which supports the Yemeni legitimate government.

and also by Saudi news site:


(A P)

Saudi Arabia invites head of UAE-backed Yemen group for talks

Saudi Arabia has invited the president of the Southern Transitional Council Aidros Al-Zubaidi to visit the kingdom, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported.

High-level sources said Al-Zubaidi has welcomed the invitation, saying the transitional council is a key partner in the Saudi war on terrorism in Yemen.

My comment: Will Saudi Arabia (supporting the Hadi government and Islah Party) and the UAE (supporting the separatists) really try to find a solution for their (and their Yemeni puppets) strife on Southern Yemen?

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-480 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-480: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

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