Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 483 - Yemen War Mosaic 483

Yemen Press Reader 483: 24. November 2018: Krieg in Zeiten der Cholera – Hungerkrise – Wie man die Hungersnot aufhalten kann – Besuch in Aden – Al Kaida erstarkt im Jemen wieder ...

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... Die USA, Khashoggi und Jemen – Die USA, Iran und Frieden im Jemen – Die USA, Saudi-Arabien und der Jemenkrieg – Erklärung des UN-Sondergesandten und Friedensbemühungen – und mehr

November 24, 2018: War in times of cholera (in German) – Hunger crisis (in German) – How to halt famine in Yemen – Visit at Aden – Al Qaeda resurging in Yemen – The US, Khashoggi and Yemen – The US, Iran and Yemen peace – The US, Saudi Arabia and the Yemen War – Statement by UN envoy on Hodeidah and peace efforts – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B H K P)

Krieg in Zeiten der Cholera

Am Anfang stand eine Revolution. Inzwischen ist der Jemen zum Schlachtfeld regionaler Mächte geworden.

Die Militärintervention, die im März 2015 unter saudischer Führung begann, hat einen innerjemenitischen Machtkampf zu einem internationalen Konflikt eskalieren lassen, an dem inzwischen über ein Dutzend Staaten als Kriegsparteien oder Unterstützer beteiligt sind.

Wie aus einem Volksaufstand ein saudisch-iranischer Stellvertreterkrieg wurde

Die Geschichte dieses Konflikts beginnt nicht mit Luftangriffen und Artilleriefeuer, sondern mit einer Demonstration der Gewaltfreiheit.

Und der Iran? Das Regime in Teheran war im jemenitischen postrevolutionären Chaos weit weniger involviert, als die Herrscher in Riad unterstellt haben.

Die Rolle der USA

Wie ausländische Kriegsparteien das Land zerreiben

Die Rolle der USA in diesem Krieg ist die vielleicht düsterste Hinterlassenschaft des im Januar 2017 aus dem Amt geschiedenen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama. Statt Riad in den Arm zu fallen, beschloss er im März 2015, die saudische Luftwaffe zu unterstützen.

Warum der Konflikt im Jemen auch Folgen für Europa haben könnte

Noch größere Verheerung als die Luftangriffe hat nach Einschätzung des jemenitischen Journalisten und Aktivisten Farea al-Muslimi die von Saudi-Arabien verhängte Wirtschaftsblockade in seinem Land angerichtet.

Vor allem wegen des Embargos konnte sich die Cholera, die eigentlich recht einfach zu behandeln ist, so rasant ausbreiten.

So befeuert der Krieg sich selbst – sowie eine kriminelle Ökonomie, basierend auf Entführungen, Plünderungen, illegaler Besteuerung und dem Schmuggel von Khat, Waffen und Menschen.

Wer momentan in der Lage wäre, im Jemen zu vermitteln

Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind längst Kriegspartei und fallen somit als Vermittler aus. Die Europäische Union ist vollauf mit Libyen und der Abwehr von Migranten beschäftigt. Die UN haben zwar einen Sondergesandten, aber keine Druckmittel. Ihr seit zwei Jahren andauernder Verhandlungsprozess ist bis auf Weiteres gescheitert.

Bleibt bei der Suche nach Akteuren, die die Gewaltspirale bremsen und vermitteln könnten, nur noch ein höchst unwahrscheinlicher Kandidat: Russland und dessen Präsident Wladimir Putin.

Protokolle aus dem Kriegsgebiet

"Ich will das Grauen nicht sehen"

Aziz*, 27, lebt in Tais. Die Front verlief hier mitten durch die Stadt

Als der Krieg begann, hatte ich Angst, aber das ist vorbei. Das ist das Merkwürdigste am Krieg: Er wird normal.

"Ich kann mich nicht verbiegen"

Alya*, 25, lebt in Sanaa. Hier regieren jetzt die Huthi-Rebellen - Von Andrea Böhm und Lea Frehse

Mein Kommentar: Schon wieder wird die viel zu niedrige Zahl von nur 10.000 Kriegstoten wiederholt, mit den indirekten Opfern (Folgen der Blockade) reichen 200.000 nicht. – Und, zum 1000. Mal: Der Krieg im Jemen ist KEIN saudisch-iranischer Stellvertreterkrieg.

(** B H K)

85 000 Kleinkinder sollen in Jemen verhungert sein – schuld ist nicht der Mangel an Lebensmitteln

Die Uno weist warnend darauf hin, dass durch die akute Hungerkrise bis zu 14 Millionen Jemeniten gefährdet sind. Die Situation könnte sich noch verschärfen.

Rund 85 000 Kinder unter fünf Jahren sind in den letzten zweieinhalb Jahren in Jemen an akuter Mangelernährung gestorben. Das hat das britische Hilfswerk Save the Children unter Verwendung von Uno-Zahlen berechnet. Das Hilfswerk bezeichnet die Schätzung als «konservativ».

Es ist eine von vielen dramatischen Zahlen, die in den letzten Monaten die Situation in Jemen illustriert haben.

Hunger als Kriegswaffe

Schuld an der jemenitischen Hungerkrise ist eine toxische Mischung aus Gründen. Dabei leidet das Land nicht in erster Linie unter einem Mangel an Lebensmitteln. An vielen Orten in Jemen sind die Marktstände gefüllt mit Obst und Gemüse – für eine Mehrzahl der Menschen sind die Waren aber unerschwinglich geworden. Sie sind Opfer einer Situation, die der Politologe Alex de Waal, der ein Standardwerk über Hungerkrisen geschrieben hat, als «Krieg gegen die Wirtschaft» bezeichnet hat. Beteiligt sind sämtliche Kriegsparteien, die in den unübersichtlichen Konflikt im ärmsten Land der arabischen Welt verwickelt sind.

Saudiarabien wird vorgeworfen, Hunger als Kriegswaffe einzusetzen.

Die Zentralregierung verschärft die Krise

Die Preise für die Lebensmittel, die noch ins Land gelangen, sind seit der Eskalation des Konflikts stark gestiegen.

Die jemenitische Regierung, die über weite Teile des Landes keine Kontrolle ausübt, hat die wirtschaftliche Krise mit mehreren Massnahmen verschärft. 2016 stoppte die Zentralbank die Zahlung von Gehältern an Regierungsbeamte in Gebieten, die von den Huthi kontrolliert wurden. Rund 80 Prozent der jemenitischen Bevölkerung leben in diesen Gebieten, die Zentralregierung ist der grösste Arbeitgeber.

(** B K P)

How to Halt Yemen’s Slide into Famine

A Saudi-led coalition attack on the city of Hodeida risks plunging millions of Yemenis into famine and will meet fierce resistance from Huthi rebels. The U.S. should stop enabling coalition offensives and international stakeholders must quickly place Hodeida under UN control.

Why does it matter? A final battle for Hodeida city and port would likely plunge millions of Yemenis into famine. It would also undermine talks between Huthi rebels and the Yemeni and Gulf Arab forces arrayed against them, thereby prolonging the population’s suffering.

What should be done? International stakeholders should strive to spare Hodeida and facilitate the port’s transfer to the UN. The U.S. and others should stop enabling the Saudi-led coalition’s offensives. The Security Council should pass a resolution calling for a nationwide ceasefire and for all parties to protect vital transport infrastructure.

Comment: suggests as a foundation for peace: 1) UN control & management of Hodeidah port/city 2) The Houthis have agreed Both assertions are highly questionable.

The idea that the Houthis would voluntarily agree to hand over sovereign control of #Yemen's Hodeidah port & city to the United Nations - or any other foreign power - is amusing, in a deadly desperate sort of way. Akin to Houthis slitting their own throats.

(** B H P)

Eight Days in Aden – a Forgotten City in Yemen’s Forgotten War

Two and a half years after the last major fighting in the southern port city of Aden, officially Yemen’s “temporary capital”, our Arabian Peninsula Project Director April Longley Alley finds a patchwork of rival armed forces, buildings in ruins and political groups’ effective steps toward autonomy, if not outright separation.

(** B T)

USA als unfreiwilliger Helfer: Der Jemen wird zum Nährboden für Al-Kaida

Vier Jahre Bürgerkrieg haben den Jemen ins Chaos gestürzt - und ein Machtvakuum geschaffen, in dem das Terrornetzwerk Al-Kaida wieder an Einfluss gewann. Anteil am neuerlichen Erstarken der Extremisten haben indirekt auch die Amerikaner.

Weitgehend unbeobachtet von der Weltöffentlichkeit erstarkt im Jemen ein alter Feind des Westens: Al-Kaida. Die Extremisten kämpfen in dem verheerenden Bürgerkrieg an eigener Front - und sollen enge Verbindungen zu Milizionären und Warlords pflegen. Seit 2015 ist es ihnen gelungen, große Gebiete in den Provinzen Abyan und Hadramaut unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen.

Einem Bericht des "Wall Street Journal" zufolge gingen zuletzt sogar viele Bewohner von Mukalla aus Wut über die schlechte Versorgung auf die Straße.

Al-Kaida hat das jahrelange Machtvakuum in dem Land genutzt, um sich neu zu formieren. Zwischen 4000 und 7000 Kämpfer sollen dem Terrornetzwerk im Jemen angehören - doch nicht alle kämpfen auch offen unter der Flagge der Extremisten. Viele sollen sich lokalen Milizen angeschlossen haben, die neben den Regierungstruppen ebenfalls gegen die Huthi-Rebellen vorgehen

Berichte über Gewalttaten von US-gestützten Milizen gegen Zivilisten sorgten zusätzlich für Unruhe, während sich die humanitäre und wirtschaftliche Not durch die teils noch immer geltende Blockade durch Saudi-Arabien weiter verschlimmert. All dies hat dafür gesorgt, dass viele Jemeniten nicht mehr Al-Kaida als Feind ansehen - sondern stattdessen die aus dem Ausland agierenden Mächte – von Judith Görs

(** B T)

Yemen’s War Opens Way for al Qaeda’s Revival

The extremist group’s franchise that is most focused on attacking the West is benefiting from the Saudi-backed conflict’s human and economic devastation

Nearly two years after being driven from its stronghold in Yemen, one of al Qaeda’s most dangerous franchises has entrenched itself in the country’s hinterlands as a devastating war creates the conditions for its comeback.

From its hide-outs in the provinces of Hadramout and al-Bayda, where it has remained since being pushed out of Al Mukalla, al Qaeda has largely bided its time.

A political solution [of the Yemen War] could even perpetuate the conditions that favor an al Qaeda resurrection, said Elisabeth Kendall,

Security experts see Yemen’s war as a potential seedbed for a resurgence of al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda has between 4,000 and 7,000 fighters in Yemen, the experts say, about the same level before its ouster from Al Mukalla.

Apart from the danger it poses to Yemenis, al Qaeda in Yemen is perhaps the branch of the group most focused on attacking the West.

“Right now, al Qaeda is severely degraded, but there are plenty of issues brewing beneath the surface that could allow it to regroup,” Ms. Kendall said.

Ibrahim al-Yafae, a Yemen-based analyst who specializes in al Qaeda, said militia abuses by U.A.E.-backed forces push some Yemenis to join the extremists to exact revenge, as do the country’s deep economic woes.

Comment: A report by associated press a few months ago said that al Qaeda (or al Qaeda lookalikes) were employed by UAE as militias in the south in militias such as the Security Belt. Even the second in command in Aden Hani Bin Brek is thought to be an al Qaeda sympathiser at best and maybe an affiliate. The infiltration of al Qaeda into the normal power structures in Yemen gets very little press.

(** B P T)

Saudi prince pursuing war with help of jihadist allies in Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition has struggled to subdue its enemies in Yemen. As pressure mounts to stop that costly war, its choice of battlefield allies could end up wrecking peace efforts.

In their drive to oust Houthi rebels said to have ties with Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have roped in a wide range of local groups – including radical Islamists with links to Al-Qaeda.

Parts of Taiz fell under the control of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) until earlier this year and remain a battleground for rival militias, according to local residents.

The rise of extremist Salafists, and the general proliferation of armed groups, is “creating a situation where there’s a huge risk of a conflagration,” said Adam Baron, visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations in London. “Even if the Houthis disappear from the picture, it’s pretty hard to put that cat back in the bag.”

Behind the Saudi lines, however, the war has at times enabled AQAP to strengthen its grip on remote eastern provinces, while militants have only been driven out of cities like Mukalla with UAE help. Islamist groups also played a key role in capturing other southern provinces and Aden.

“The UAE and Saudi Arabia are playing a seriously risky and adventurous game by arming them, ’’ said Farea Al-Muslimi, associate fellow at London-based think tank Chatham House. “The militarization of the Salafists is a double threat. They are the new Afghan Arabs.” =

(** B P)

Nothing In Any Conspiracy Theory Is As Bad As What’s Being Done Out In The Open

The statement reads like a long form version of one of Trump’s tweets, replete with gratuitous exclamation points and slogans like “America First!” and the lie that Iran is “the world’s leading sponsor of terror”, which will never be trueno matter how many times this administration deliberately repeats it. The world’s leading sponsor of terrorism is of course Saudi Arabia, along withIsrael and the United States.

Trump’s alleged opposition has responded with melodramatic outrage, as though a US president continuing to stand by Saudi Arabia in the face of horrific acts of violence is somehow new and unprecedented and not standard operating procedure for decades.

The lack of any sense of proportion in response to the Khashoggi case compared to the destruction of civilian lives in Yemen has been roundly criticized by anyone with a public platform and open eyes, and rightly so; obviously a government murdering a journalist in cold blood would be a terrible thing, but to hold that as more worthy of attention than the anguished deaths of untold tens of thousands is obscene.

This dynamic is also not unique to Saudi human rights violations.

If we could see with fresh eyes what is being done to us and our fellow man right out in the open, we would recoil and fall to the ground trembling in sheer terror. The only reason we don’t treat these terrible things like what they are is because they have been normalized for us to the point where we take them for granted and assume that’s the only way things could possibly be. Conspiracy theories sparkle because those are new stories we haven’t been desensitized to, but it’s usually the things that powerful people do out in the open that does the most damage – by Catlin Johnstone

(** B P)

A US–Iran strategy begins in Yemen

If Iran and Hezbollah’s rhetoric has been high pitched on the subject of Yemen, they have done precious little by way of direct intervention to help their ally – given the distance, the air, land and sea blockade around Yemen and their own preoccupation with higher priorities in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. This doesn’t mean they haven’t tried.

The Trump administration has one of two choices to change Iran’s behavior, diplomacy or war.

Here’s where Yemen come in. Invite Iran, given its religious and political affinity with the Houthis, to assist in bringing the Yemen war to an end.

By approaching Iran for help, the Trump administration would be killing the proverbial two birds with one stone – establishing its own initiative to resolve the conflict and giving Iran a chance to play a positive role by prevailing on the Houthis to yield to international pressure and accept certain compromises.

If this works and Iran lends a helping hand, it would set a precedent for U.S.-Iranian collaboration, which would in turn help establish a less hostile environment in which to discuss other regional conflicts currently causing tensions between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia on the one hand and Iran on the other - by Nabeel A. Khoury

Comment: This is a MUST read. Dr. Nabeel Khoury was actually a very prominent diplomat in #Yemen, I dare say one of the most famous to this day, and he knows what he's talking about.

(** B K P)

U.S. Military Support For Saudi Arabia And The War In Yemen

The assassination of U.S. resident and Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi national, at the hands of the Saudi regime has provoked a rethinking of U.S.-Saudi relations in general, and military relations in particular.

The President’s assertion that it is possible to balance benefits to the U.S. economy against the heinous behavior of an ally doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. No economic benefit, no matter how large, can justify continuing to arm a regime that has not only killed a journalist in the most brutal way imaginable but has killed thousands of civilians in indiscriminate bombing attacks in Yemen, many of them with U.S.-supplied bombs and aircraft.

But if economic arguments are to be brought into play, they should at least be accurate. This has not been the case.

The biggest flaw in President Trump’s ever-growing estimate of the U.S. jobs at stake in arms sales to Saudi Arabia is that the size of the alleged $110 billion U.S.-Saudi arms deal

The discrepancy between offers, agreements and deliveries is a result of the fact that a significant number of offers don’t eventuate in agreements or sales.

Key Findings

The Saudi military is heavily dependent on U.S. weapons and support, and could not operate effectively without them.

The Trump administration has not concluded a “$110 billion arms deal” with Saudi Arabia.

Saudi arms sales support at most tens of thousands of jobs in the United States, not hundreds of thousands or “a million,” as President Trump has claimed.

Many of the jobs created by U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia will be located in Saudi Arabia.

The U.S.-Saudi arms trade has a marginal impact on the U.S. economy.

Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics are by far the biggest beneficiaries of the U.S.-Saudi arms trade:

Cutting off U.S. arms and support is the best way to press for an end to the Yemen war – by William D. Hartung

and full report

(** A P)


The attention of the world is on Hudaydah. Leaders from every country have called for us all to keep the peace in Hudaydah.

I had the privilege of meeting yesterday in Sana’a with the Ansarallah leadership. Among other things, we talked about how the UN could contribute to keeping the peace in Hudaydah, and I am here to tell you today that we have agreed that the UN should now pursue actively and urgently detailed negotiations for a leading UN role in the Port and more broadly. We believe that such a role will preserve the essential humanitarian pipeline that starts here and serves the people of Yemen. We hope that it will also contribute to international efforts to increase the capacity and effectiveness of port operations.

Remark: More at cp7.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp7

(A K pH)

2 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

(* A K)

Only hours after the #UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths left #Hodeidah, fiercest clashes and confrontations have erupted again between the #Houthi militia fighters and the Joint National Resistance Forces in the 50 Street, according to locals.

(** B H K)

Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 7 - 21 November 2018 | Issue 32

As of 19 November, partners identified more than 132,000 displaced households from Al Hudaydah Governorate; of whom more than 123,000 households have received rapid response assistance.

Commercial food imports through Al Hudaydah and Al Saleef ports fell by more than 50 per cent compared to September 2018, with only 17 ships discharging their cargo in October.

The situation in Al Hudaydah and the humanitarian preparedness plan

most shops are closed and the number of people in the city has decreased significantly

To ensure the continued delivery of life-saving assistance to people in need and support to vital installations in the city that are under threat due to the expansion of the conflict near populated areas, humanitarian partners continue to pre-position supplies according to the Al Hudaydah preparedness plan.

Al Thawrah Hospital is the only facility in the city equipped to provide a full range of secondary and tertiary care.

Since the lull in hostilities, Al Thawrah Hospital has remained functional and accessible. However, front lines remain very close by.

(A K pH)

Saudi-led airstrike hits Hodeidah

(* A H K)

Top UN officials sound alarm as Yemen fighting nears vital hospital in port city of Hudaydah

As fighting in Yemen edges closer to the main healthcare practice in the port city of Hudaydah, the head of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) joined the world body’s humanitarian chief on Thursday to urge the warring parties not to target or occupy any civilian sites – including Al Thawrah Hospital.

(* A H K)

Joint statement by Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, and Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director, on the Situation in Yemen

“The recent de-escalation in fighting in Hudaydah is providing a desperately needed respite to hundreds of thousands of civilians who remain in the city. We urge all parties to maintain it.

“At the same time, we remain deeply concerned for the safety and protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure. Hostilities over the last several weeks in Hudaydah have taken a steep toll, including on health facilities directly damaged in crossfire or occupied by armed groups.

(A K pH)

Yemeni army soldiers, allies intercept, shoot down Saudi-led combat drone in Hudaydah

(* A K pS)

3 killed in Houthi bombing of Al Manther in Yemen

Three Yemeni citizens, including two children, and tens of other innocent civilians were injured in a mortar attack by the Iran-aligned Houthi militia on Al Manther village, in the recently liberated Al Hawak District of the Governorate of Hodeidah.

(* A H K)

Yemen: Health structures are threatened by fighting in Hodeidah

Heavy fighting and shelling have resumed inside Hodeidah, with battles getting very close to Al-Salakhana hospital, where MSF teams are working.

“Our staff can hear explosions and shootings occurring extremely close by every day around Al-Salakhana hospital” explains Caroline Seguin, MSF operations manager for Yemen. “Ground fighting between military forces are getting closer to this hospital, raising concerns about patient and staff safety.”

“Civilians have ever fewer options to access healthcare in Hodeidah, and referral to other health facilities outside the city takes hours

(A K pS)

Al Houthi forces claimed to fire a ballistic missile from southern al Hudaydah governorate into residential neighborhoods in al Durayhimi district, southeast of al Hudaydah city on November 21. The missile did not reach the intended target and was destroyed, according to anti-al Houthi sources. referring to

(A K pH)

Two Saudi-led airstrikes hit al-Hali district of Hodeidah

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B K P)

YEMEN: ‘UK Government No Mere Bystander in the War, It’s an Active Player’

Amid the current wave of mainstream righteous indignation and virtue-signalling over the Jamal Khashoggi affair, politicians in the US and UK have had to perform some crafty moves in order to protect their financial interests, whilst still appearing to be moral to their constituents. Of course, this dance is nothing new.

Trump was honest: he admitted what all of his predecessors practiced but never preached – that arms profits trump morals and principles.

You can’t rule over your subjects under a phony pretense of moral superiority while concurrently cashing fat arms cheques.

The jig is up now. Soon, political elites will have to decide between morals and personal fortunes, because they can’t have both. It’s unsustainable in the current ‘democracy’ framework, unless of course, that framework is permanently altered – whereby fascism (aka corporatism) becomes more formalized (and normalized) in the West.

Government will do what governments do. They always have. The political corruption is now openly on display, and there is nothing to hold it in check.

(* B K P)

The Illusion of Conflict Resolution in Yemen. Several Hundred Thousand Yemenis Have Perished from War, Disease, Starvation and Overall Deprivation.

Like numerous other endless conflicts, Yemen is Washington’s war, waged for strategic interests, the Saudis and UAE involved for their own – along with aiding the US achieve its objectives.

There’s nothing civil about war in Yemen. The notion of possible diplomatic resolution near-term is pure illusion. Fierce clashes continue.

In his days earlier address, Saudi king Salman lied, falsely claiming support for ending years of war – a notion he, crown prince Mohammad bin Salman, and Trump regime hardliners reject.

After suspending hostilities on Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah days earlier, the country’s humanitarian lifeline, a scheme to regroup, Saudi/UAE terror-bombing resumed intensively on Monday.

Washington, NATO, the Saudis and their warrior partners flagrantly breach Security Council resolutions and other international laws, letting nothing stand in the way of pursuing their imperial agenda – by Stephan Lendman

(* B K P)

Saudi Move in Yemen: An Opening for Iran

In “Don’t Let Yemen Become a Proxy of Iran” (op-ed, Nov. 17), Kamran Bokhari argues that the U.S. should maintain its involvement in the barbaric Saudi war in Yemen, largely to head off exaggerated fears of the threat posed by Iran.

The Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen preceded substantial Iranian support for the Houthi rebels.

Determination in Washington and Riyadh to discourage Iranian involvement in Yemen has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Indeed, the Houthis rarely do Iran’s bidding directly; they have their own identity and their own set of interests. They have fought prior wars with Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Bokhari dramatically exaggerates Iran’s influence on the Houthis.

My comment: Obviously.

(* B H K P)

As a Yemeni mother I’m calling on world leaders to stop our children starving to death

The UN is negotiating a peace deal. World leaders must get behind it. As a Yemeni mother, witnessing her people starve, there are no other options left. I found out I was pregnant a week before the fighting began. As the bombs rained down over the months to come, my doctor advised me to put on headphones and listen to music to distract me from the sound of airstrikes. I barely slept. And then my son was born, in the middle of a war zone. When my baby boy was learning to walk, my neighbour lost their five-year-old to hunger. His parents couldn’t afford food, clean water, or even the bus fare to hospital. And while my son was learning to talk, my 17-year-old cousin died from diabetes. She couldn’t find medicine or leave the country for treatment. She’d always wanted to be an English teacher in a good college, far away from war.

(* B K P)

Death toll from #Saudi war on #Yemen has passed 120,000 but major news outlets atill say 6 & 8 thousands. The @un is part of this lie as they stopped issuing death tolls for iver 2 years. Media is bias towRds #Yemeni it wont use their numbers

(* B K P)

Audio: Voice Of Islam: Drive Time Podcast 21-11-2018

Yemen - Plagued by war and famine

A Humanitarian Crisis Yemen is a country stuck in famine, war and poverty, with very little aid and support from the global community. What is happening in the beautiful country of Yemen, are there any signs of it ending any time soon? The show will discuss the Yemen humanitarian crisis giving insight into the current situation of the country as well as moral obligations of the global community to help.

includes interview with Hisham Al-@Omeisy discussing: - his kidnap and torture - question of proxy war - Yemen gov reponse - the humanitarian catastrophe - a solution his interview starts at 12.30

(*B K P)

Nobel laureate calls for end to war in Yemen

'Saudi Arabia, UAE and Houthis must be told with one voice: Enough is enough,' says Tawakkol Karman

My comment: She really needed a long time to finally learn this.

(* B H K)

Two physicians condemn use of disease and famine as weapons of war in Yemen

Two Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) physicians call on medical and public health communities around the world to condemn the attacks on health care facilities and services in Yemen conducted by the Saudi-led coalition in the three-year-old war.

"The Yemeni medical disasters are man-made, with outbreaks of infectious diseases and starvation following bombing. The war has been characterized by a violation of medical neutrality."

"Health-care workers are in a really unique position to stand up and say, 'We understand what's going on here. We understand that diseases, like diphtheria, don't just emerge from thin air. They are caused by gross negligence of war rules or actual deliberate attempts to interrupt healthcare structures. Doctors have a collective responsibility to take action."

and also and

(* B K P)

No Clean Hands: Reaction and Counter-Reaction in the Iranian-Saudi Proxy War in Yemen

No, Iran Is Not the Evil Puppet Master in Yemen

But what exactly is Iran’s role in Yemen? Is it the evil puppet-master Trump suggests, controlling the Houthis as a proxy force, or is something else going on? To get at the truth of what is happening on the ground in Yemen it is helpful to look back at recent history and trace Iran’s evolving relationship with the Houthis.

Iran does not now and never has had command-and-control over the Houthis. The Houthis are an Iranian ally, not an Iranian proxy – by Greogory D. Johnsen =

(*B H K P)

'Entirely Preventable' Deaths of 85,000 Yemeni Children Is Part of What Trump Has Embraced With 'America First' Allegiance to Saudis

"For children under the age of five this situation is proving a death sentence."

(* A K P)

UN envoy in Yemen to push for peace talks as famine stalks

[Overview, recent developments]

and overview on recent developments, from Jordan, somewhat biased:

and by Randi Nord:

(* B H K)

Oxfam: Stop the Bombs, Yemen is Starving

Millions of People Are in Need

Imported Arms Are Fuelling Death in Yemen

This terrible situation is entirely caused by a war in which the parties are dependent on arms supplied from outside the country.

Women Are Affected Most

Yemen Is Desperate for Peace

(A P)

Film: Money talks to keep war in Yemen alive: Pundit

The Saudi aggression against Yemen continues despite all casualties and destruction in the impoverished country, because arms dealers are earning money, says commentator Max Igan.

(A P)

Only Yemen’s Firm Struggle Can Deter Attacks on Hudaydah: American Prof.

Dennis Etler, a professor of anthropology at Cabrillo College in Aptos, California, in an interview with Tasnim.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

@YemenAid_US distributed 400
food baskets to 400 families in Dhalae’s Al-Azariq District worth $20,000.
Yemen Aid is the first International Humanitarian Organization to provide
humanitarian assistance to the area. Unfortunately, it is an extremely poor and
ignored area (photos)

(B H)

Recipients of the social welfare transfers which averaged around $23/month/household saw their income slashed by >70% within a few months. No matter how much humanitarian assistnce the int’l community can summon, it won’t be enough if we keep ignoring the macroeconomic challenges

(* B H)

In Sana'a.. A journey to find some beans for «Children's Dinner»

According to Barati, his living condition has deteriorated, his daily concern is confined to how to ensure the main meals of his children, which remains a luxury, after his salary suspension for the third consecutive year.

"We have no source of income other than salary, and the business is stalled, we have nothing left but to beg for a living, how painful it is to turn our dreams into daily suffering in order to provide food for our children," he said.

Some 1 million employees in the public administration have been living without salaries since September 2016,

However, the population of cities with a level of security stability may be better off than their village and rural counterparts, and dozens of them have been forced to eat leaves as one of the ways to stay alive.

Remark: By an anti-Houthi news site. Thus, the Houthis are blamed for the consequences of war and for the consequences of the Hadi government’s chaos central Bank policy.

(* B H)

Film: One-year-old Nusair is starving. And his mother is desperate to keep him alive, but it seems impossible.

(B H)

Shrooq, Raghda, Tahani, Osama, Abdullah, Hameed and Ahmad are of @ruawfd graduates, @SFDYemen #AlHudaydah, they prepared a charity clinic where there isn't health center #Bajil district, Dar Kadf village, through 120 work days/960 hours, est cost (YR 151,800) to serve 500 people (photos)

(* B H)

UNICEF: Krieg im Jemen: Hunderttausende Kinder in Lebensgefahr

Die Situation im Jemen spitzt sich weiter zu. Die Hoffnungen auf einen Waffenstillstand rücken weiter in die Ferne. Die Schwächsten der jemenitischen Bevölkerung leiden am meisten darunter. Über elf Millionen Kinder sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Das sind 80 Prozent aller Kinder im Land. Es könnte die schlimmste Hungersnot seit 100 Jahren ausbrechen.

1,8 Millionen Kinder im Jemen leiden Hunger. Insgesamt sind 400.000 Kinder unter fünf Jahren lebensbedrohlich mangelernährt. Hunderttausende Kinder sind täglich in Lebensgefahr. Alle zehn Minuten stirbt im Jemen ein Kind aus vermeidbaren Gründen – an Unterernährung, Durchfallerkrankungen wie Cholera oder Atemwegsinfekten.

Die Zerstörung der Infrastruktur hat die Grundversorgung der Kinder lahmgelegt. Sie sind mit akutem Nahrungsmangel, Krankheiten, Vertreibung und fehlendem Zugang zu grundlegenden sozialen Dienstleistungen konfrontiert. Jede einzelne dieser Herausforderungen wird mit jedem Tag, an dem der Krieg weitergeht, noch schlimmer. Mehr als die Hälfte aller Gesundheitseinrichtungen im Jemen funktioniert nicht mehr, weil sie beschädigt sind oder Budget und Personal fehlen. Seit über zwei Jahren werden Beschäftigte im Gesundheitsbereich nicht mehr bezahlt.

(* B H)

Hungersnot im Jemen

Seit dreieinhalb Jahren herrscht im Jemen Krieg. Am meisten trifft es die Kinder: Rund zehntausend Kinder unter fünf Jahren sind seit Ausbruch des Konflikts an Hunger und Krankheiten gestorben.

Mein Kommentar: Bei ca. 56.000 Kindern pro Jahr kommen wir auf mehr. Das ergibt fast 200.000. Save the Children schätzt 85.000.

(B H)

@monarelief thanks every single person who donated to our online fundraising campaign but we are still waiting more We are very happy to tell that we are going to help more than 500 families in #Yemen very soon (image)

(* B H)

Photo: The only outlet for besieged Taiz

A narrow mountain road and a mountain. Take the trip out of the city of Taiz to the area of Alhoban 6 hours.

(* B H)

8m Yemen children lack access to drinking water: UN

Some 8.6 million Yemeni children currently lack access to potable water, the UN children’s fund (UNICEF) reported on Thursday.

Speaking via Twitter, UNICEF warned that a chronic lack of access to water and health services was putting Yemeni children at risk of cholera, an infectious — and often fatal — bacterial disease.

My comment: Means: “lack access to clean drinking water“.

(* B H)

What conflict-torn Yemen needs to keep more children from dying

Nick Schifrin talks to Greg Ramm, Save the Children’s vice president for humanitarian response, about what can be done.

GR: We know what happens when children suffer from severe acute malnutrition and it's left untreated.

If you have a certain number of children with severe, acute malnutrition that's left untreated, a certain percentage will die.

Famine is preventable. It is preventable even in conflict, if all the parties allow humanitarian assistance to get through.

Children are not parties to the conflict (with film)

(* B H)

VIDEO: Weighing just eight kilogrammes, 10-year-old Ghazi Saleh lies on a hospital bed in the Yemeni city of Taez, barely breathing. Some 14 million Yemenis are at risk of famine, more than four years into the country's war.

(* B H)

Film, Arabic: Yemen’s children – the tragic continues

(* B H)

Leukaemia patients in Yemen suffer in silence amid war

People with chronic illnesses are struggling more than ever before to access treatment. The current situation forces 35 000 cancer patients – and nearly 11 000 new cases are diagnosed yearly – to hope only to survive rather than thrive. Almost half of the hospitals and health facilities have been destroyed due to the war, leaving the health system teetering on the brink of collapse.

The Leukaemia Centre in Sana’a is the only specialized leukaemia treatment centre for children in Yemen. With zero government support the Centre is in dire need of supplies and what is available covers only a fraction of the needs of incoming patients.

(* B H)

This Child Was Treated For Malnutrition. Months Later, He Might Still Die.

In the 13 months since he was born, Nusair has twice almost died from a lack of food.

In August he recovered from severe acute malnutrition, but after his family was forced to flee fresh violence in Yemen in October, he once again had to fight for his life.

Nusair’s story is terrifyingly typical for families in Yemen, where 85,000 children aged under 5 are thought to have starved to death in almost four years of civil war.

(* B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (October 2018)

UNICEF together with all United Nations agencies in Yemen is calling for urgent action on five key issues to avert a human catastrophe, in particular on: cessation of hostilities in Al Hudaydah and the rest of the country, addressing the massive malnutrition rates and underlying causes of food insecurity, intervening on essential infrastructure damages, tackling the ongoing depreciation of the Yemeni Rial (YER) and restoring payments of civil servants.

The Country Task Force continue to record a high number of child causalities due to the ongoing conflict,

The humanitarian situation in Yemen continues to deteriorate with no end in sight.

(* A H)

ICRC Started Foreign Staff Redeployment to Yemen - Aden Mission Head

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has begun the redeployment of the foreign personnel to Yemen, but still relies primarily on the local contingent, Carlos Batallas, the head of the ICRC mission to Aden, told Sputnik on Thursday.

"The situation is getting worse, and humanitarian aid is even more needed… We are now bit by bit bringing back people to Yemen since last 2-3 months to various specific positions. It is not back to normal, because I do not think that we will be able to go back to normal in few months, if not years," Batallas said.

(B H)

Yemen IDA Emergency and Crisis Response

An overview of the World Bank projects and results in Yemen- November 2018

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen: Concept of Operations, November 2018 (map)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Monthly Situation Report - October 2018

Over the month, 19 Shelter/NFI/CCM Cluster Partners were working around the clock to implement Shelter, NFIs (Non - Food Items) and SMC (Site Management and Coordination) response to 148,648 of Yemenis

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Abdullah Al-Dhaifi, former #Yemen consul to Tanziya, was abducted by Houthis n mid 2016 where he's been subject to torture. Houthi controlled criminal prosecution recently demanded death penalty accusing him of espionage to Israeli Mossad. He was denied to have a lawyer.

(* A P)

Houthis transfer abductees from Sana’a to Hodeida

Relatives of Yemeni abductees have revealed that Houthi militias transferred their abductees from the Central Prison in Sana’a to the city Hodeida, expressing fears that they might be used as shield fields or be involved in fighting fronts.

The Saudi newspaper of Okaz quoted some relatives of abductees as saying that 400 abductees and prisoners were transferred by force from Sana’a to Hodeida.

My comment: Saudi “Okaz” is no realistic source, anyway.

(A P)

The #Houthi militia is committing the dirtiest crimes against the people of Bani Al-Huthaifi in Al-Haimah Al-Dakhliah in Sanaa province after the latter prevented the militia from using their lands as training camps for the Houthi fighters.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi twitter page, no more details.

(A P)

Under the pretext of #gender_diversity , #Houthi militia gunmen have stormed #Bon_Appetit Cafe in the capital Sanaa on Thursday and arrested some of the diners, as they also messed around before leaving, according to residents and witnesses (photos)

(A P)

Al- Maysari “folk artist”, Salahi and al-Arifi “photographers “ enter second month of enforced disappearance

For the second consecutive month, Houthi militias continue to forcibly conceal folk artist Mohammed Khaled al-Maysari and his colleagues in the Media and journalism department at Hodeidah University Bilal al-Arifi and Mohammed Salahi.


Black flags raised in Ibb during the funeral of two girls killed by gunmen

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

The Local authorities which belong to the Yemeni government Raise Giant Painting with #Yemen & #Saudi flags in #Mukalla city , Hadhramaut saying : ( Brothers in distress & prosperity ) Then immediately look what’s happen to the Yemeni flag (photos)

It would take a lot more than raising a #Yemen flag to prove legitimacy. If the govt wants to be supported it needs to tackle its own corruption & deliver services.

(* A P)

Mothers demand to disclose fate of 31 detainees

Mothers of abductees and enforcedly disappeared persons carried out Wednesday a protest in front of the headquarters of the Arab Coalition forces in the temporary capital of Aden.

According to Alsahwa Net correspondent, the mothers submitted a list of 31 enforcedly disappeared persons, demanding to disclose their fate.

(A P)

Dr.Maeen: We focus on the economic and service side and there will be changes in the government

Prime Minister Dr.Maeen Abdul Malik said that the government's focus at the present stage is on the economic and service side, and that " citizen does not want to listen to politics when his situation is unstable, and he cannot find the strength of his day".

My comment: Empty bubbling. This government has zero power. It could nit improve the situation, and it will not.

(A T)

"Abu al-Abbas" battalions leader killed with his escort after raiding his home in Aden

(B P)

Assassinations in #Aden are continuing. In #Taiz, a new wave of assassinations has begun. In last 2 weeks, 3 military commanders and president of Taiz University survived assassination attempts. FYI, crimes, including murders and drugs, are commonplace in coalition-run cities.

(A T)

The president of Taiz university, Mohammed Alshuabi, was wounded seriously by a bullet fired by armed men at his car, also resulting in the death of his companion in #Taiz governorate (photo)

(* A P)

Al-Mahra protesters announce the start of a new phase of escalation next Friday

The leadership of the Al-Mahhra peaceful sit-in committee announced the start of the escalation phase next Friday to condemn the killing of protesters last week.

The committee explained in a press release, which "Al-Masdar online " obtained a copy of it, that a meeting held in the capital of the province confirmed the continuation of its activities rejecting the Saudi military presence, and stressed its demand to dismiss Governor Rajeh Bakrit and sue him in court.

(* A P)

Anti-Saudi Rallies Resume in Eastern Yemen

The Arabic-language service of al-Jazeera news channel reported that the protestors on Friday called for the punishment of the Saudi forces who killed two Yemeni citizens in the province during the recent rallies to protest at the Saudis' establishment of new military bases.

The ralliers also called for the end of the Saudi forces' presence in al-Mahrah province, dismissal of Rajeh Bakrit, the governor-general of the province, and trial of those who were involved in the death of two Yemeni citizens.

(A P)

With Community Participation, UNEP Project Team Organizes an Awareness Rising Campaign for Preserving Bio-Diversity in Socotra

The campaign came according to field surveys held by the project team recently. Seventy-five students of different schools in addition to twenty-five female students of faculty of education held field visits with purpose of increasing eco-awareness against intruding species and the damage they cause to bio-diversity and the unique eco-system of the archipelago.

(A P)

[Southern separatist news, stressing a positive role of their Emirati supporters (while the UAE role at Socotra had been very doubtful, earlier reporting), propagating their militia as fighting Al Qaeda, and self-determination]

Governor of Socotra: UAE Existence in Socotra Revived the Socotra People

Ramzi Mahrous, governor of Socotra negated news shared by local media about conflicts between local authorities of the governorate and UAE. Mahrous said: “Our relations with UAE are excellent and what UAE does in Socotra of humanitarian efforts led us to increase our respect to this humanitarian state”

Security Belt Troops Engage with Al-Qaeda-Suspected Armed elements and Arrest Several of Them in Modia – East of Abian

Under the Slogan of “This is Our South … Aden is Our Capital … Self-Determination is Our Right”, Al-Berika Transitional Council Holds a Naval Carnival in Celebration of the Glorious November Anniversary.

(* A T)

Five Martyrs of the Security Belt in a Terrorist Attack on a Security Post in Abian

Five soldiers of the security belt troops martyred on Friday dawn in Modia – Abian. A source indicated that a terrorist attack launched by Al-Qaeda terrorists targeted a security belt post in Al-Quoz crossing – Modia.

Yemen Qaeda/ISIS killed 5 soldiers working with UAE occupation forces in the area of Kuz Modya of Abyan South Yemen early this morning (photo) (other photo)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Griffiths in Riyadh tomorrow

UN special envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths departed from Sanaa Airport Sunday and is scheduled to hold talks on Monday with Khaled Al-Yamani, Yemeni foreign minister and chairman of the Government Consultations Committee, to brief him on his visit to Sanaa, the date fixed for consultations in Sweden.

(B P)

with all my respect, it will be impossible to a achieve any peace in the region without addressing th Southern Issue. As so far, we didn't see any serious steps in this direction. clinging to the status quo won't help and repeating the old views also won't make any real progress

(A P)

Mothers of Abductees Association @abducteesmother appreciates @OSE_Yemen & #Yemen government efforts to release prisoners as part of the Peace negotiations humanitarian track and stresses the importance of distingushing between abductees & POW

referring to

(A P)

UN Special Envoy leaves Sanaa

(* A P)

UN envoy steps up contacts with Yemen rebels, govt

United Nations envoy Martin Griffiths met a Yemeni rebel leader in insurgent-held Sanaa Saturday and is to follow up by holding talks with Yemen's government in Riyadh, a UN source said.

The source said Griffiths will hold talks on Monday in the Saudi capital, where Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi and other officials have taken up residence.

On Saturday, Mohammed Ali al-Huthi, head of the Huthi rebels' Higher Revolutionary Committee, met in Sanaa with the UN envoy, an AFP photographer said.

(A P)

Yemen's Houthi rebels pledge to attend peace talks in Sweden

The Houthi rebels in Yemen on Saturday pledged to attend the upcoming peace talks in Sweden, a Houthi chief said.

The commitment was made by Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, head of Houthi revolutionary committee, during his meeting with visiting UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths in Sanna.

(* A P)

UN-Sondergesandter für Jemen reist am Freitag in umkämpfte Hafenstadt Hodeida

Der um eine Wiederaufnahme der Friedensgespräche für das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen bemühte UN-Sondergesandte Martin Griffiths wird heute in der umkämpften Hafenstadt Hodeida erwartet.

(** A P)

Vorbereitungen für Jemen-Friedensgespräche

Der UN-Sondergesandte Griffiths versucht die Huthi-Rebellen auf Friedensgespräche einzuschwören. Kernpunkt ist die Hafenstadt Hudaida - die wichtigste Lebensader des Jemen. Unterstützung erfährt er aus Deutschland.

Griffiths reist seit Mittwoch durch den Jemen und vermittelt zwischen den Konfliktparteien. Nachdem er die Hauptstadt Sanaa besuchte, traf er an diesem Freitag in der umkämpften Hafenstadt Hudaida ein. Griffith sagte, mit den Rebellen sei vereinbart worden darüber zu verhandeln, wie die Vereinten Nationen eine führende Rolle einnehmen können, um den Hafen zu betreiben.

Vorab sagte ein UN-Sprecher in Genf, es gehe darum, den Hafen vor möglicher Zerstörung zu schützen und damit den wichtigsten Zugang für humanitäre Leistungen für die jemenitische Bevölkerung aufrechtzuerhalten. Geschätzt 80 Prozent der jemenitischen Importe und Einfuhren von Hilfsgütern verlaufen über den Hafen.

Griffiths fordere einen dauerhaften Waffenstillstand in Hudaida, um gute Voraussetzungen für die geplanten Friedensgespräche zu schaffen, sagte ein UN-Sprecher. Bei dem Besuch des UN-Sondervermittlers war aus der Ferne Gefechtslärm zu hören, wie ein AFP-Korrespondent berichtete.

(* A P)

UNO-Sonderbeuftragter für Jemen trifft sich mit Verantwortlichen des Landes

Der UNO-Sonderbeauftragte für Jemen, Martin Griffiths, hat sich während seines Aufenthalts in der Hauptstadt Sanaa mit einer Reihe von Verantwortlichen des Landes getroffen.

Griffiths hatte am Donnerstag auch mit dem Chef der Ansarollah-Bewegung "Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi" über die durch die saudische Aggression verursachten Probleme der Bevölkerung im Jemen gesprochen.ür_jemen_trifft_sich_mit_verantwortlichen_des_landes

(* A P)

Jemen-Gespräche Anfang Dezember in Schweden

Washington. Die Friedensverhandlungen der Konfliktparteien im Jemenkrieg sind nach Angaben von US-Verteidigungsminister James Mattis für Anfang Dezember in Schweden vorgesehen. Es sei bereits ein genauer Termin angepeilt.

Mein Kommentar: Offensichtlich wollen die USA hier Regie führen.

(* A P)

Jemen: Amerikaner steigen ins Spiel ein

Die USA schlagen vor, den schwer umkämpften jemenitischen Hafen Hodeida einer „neutralen Seite“ zu übergeben. Dies erklärte die offizielle Sprecherin des US-Außenministeriums, Heather Nauert.

„Der Hafen Hodeida sollte an eine neutrale Seite übergeben werden, um die Erweiterung der Hilfe zur Bekämpfung der akuten humanitären Krise zu beschleunigen und die Ausnutzung des Hafens für den illegitimen Waffenhandel und Schmuggel sowie für die Finanzierung der Huthi-Kämpfer zu unterbinden“, heißt es in einer schriftlichen Erklärung von Nauert.

Mein Kommentar: Die USA sind Kriegspartei im Jemen – das zeigt auch diese Äußerung, wo sie als Friedensengel auftreten. Und, nicht zuletzt: Die Menge der Waffen, die die USa als Waffenlieferanten in den Jemenkrieg gepumpt haben, dürfte die Menge an Waffen, die die Huthis über Hodeidah trotz der Saudi-Blockade bekommen haben, lhatcht um den Faktor 100.000 übertreffen.

(* A B P)

Kein Frieden für Jemen

UN-Sicherheitsrat diskutiert. Kämpfe im Süden der Arabischen Halbinsel gehen weiter

Wieder einmal werden Hoffnungen auf eine diplomatische Beendigung des Krieges im Jemen verbreitet. UN-Sonderbotschafter Martin Griffiths behauptet, »feste Zusagen« aller Beteiligten für Friedensverhandlungen erhalten zu haben, die demnächst in Schweden stattfinden sollen. Ein genauer Termin steht noch nicht fest. Im Gespräch sollen Ende November oder irgendwann im Dezember sein, jedenfalls noch im Laufe dieses Jahres. Zuvor will der UN-Sicherheitsrat eine Resolution beschließen, mit der die geplanten Gespräche »begrüßt« werden und ihnen ein Themenrahmen vorgegeben wird. Dazu liegt seit Montag ein britischer Entwurf vor, über dessen Inhalt jedoch nur wenig bekannt ist. Hauptsächlich geht es angeblich um einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand in der Umgebung von Al-Hudaida.

(* A P)

Minister of Information Muammer Al-Eryani confirmed that any wording of an agreement to run the port of #Hodeidah has to guarantee the return of the port to the legitimate authority; otherwise, any agreement won't be accepted at all.

My comment: The Hadi government is going to obstruct any plans of the UN managing the port of Hodeidah. The Hadi government simply claims that Hodeidah port must be rendered to THEM, claiming again and again they are the „legitimate authority“. But, of course this could not work, as the Houthis exactly do not achknowledge this. Thus, the UN plan would fail again, the Hadi govrenment / UAE militia would continue their assault. For the Hadi government, this maneuver means: Mission accomplished. – And one statement is not enough, thus:
(A P)

Presidential counselor: Yemeni government upholds its right in controlling Hodeidah and its port

The Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi counselor, Yassin Makkawi, said on Saturday that the government is committed to controlling the city of Hodeidah (Western) and its port, and the talk about its third-party control is unrealistic.

He stressed that Houthis were continuing the war and the decision to stop it not in their hands but with Iran.

My comment: it is not „unrealistic“; this simply means: We do not want it because we want to eat the cake alone. - The reference to Iran simply is propanda bullshit.

And also this US pundit = lobbyist clearly tells the Houthis: „We step in where ever we can, you would be idiots when you render Hodeidah to the UN, continue fighting:

(A P)

Michael Knights: I hope the UN take over Hodeida (and Saleef!) ports and help a swift but effective onshore inspection process at offloading. Enforcing the arms embargo from offshore has always been the worst way to do it, but necessary until the Houthis handed over ports.

(* A P)

U.N. ready to help run vital Yemen port in danger of destruction

The United Nations said on Friday it was ready to help supervise Yemen’s vital Hodeidah port to protect it from “potential destruction”, as its envoy met managers of the Houthi-held harbour.

U.N. spokesman Rheal LeBlanc told reporters earlier in Geneva that Griffiths had specific ideas about managing the port that he would present to the parties to the conflict.

The aim was to “protect the port itself from potential destruction, and preserve the main humanitarian pipeline to the people of Yemen,” LeBlanc said.

and Griffiths‘ statement:

(* A P)


Comment by Haykal Bafana: The day Houthis agree to hand over #Yemen's Hodeidah port city to UN supervision & control (to be run by UK mercs @CTGGlobal, mind you) or any other foreign entity will be the day we see legions of ex-Houthis. No Yemeni will support ceding Yemeni land to foreign control. No way.

Despite the elevated political & diplomatic hyperbole, there is in reality no UN Security Council resolution - or even a pithy non-binding statement - that actually prohibits a military assault on #Yemen's Hodeidah port & city.

For despite the UN envoy's confidence, I do not see Houthis agreeing to surrender Hodeidah port & city to 'UN control', presumably to be protected by a UN Peacekeeping Force of foreign military elements. The UN's concept is not grounded in the reality of what is Yemen.

To go slightly off-tangent, I read an analyst recently who opined that the Houthis could easily give up Hoideidah port/city to UN control and defend from the Yemeni highlands instead. This is a silly idea: To surrender Hodeidah control means a starvation of the Yemeni highlands.
On a final note, the lack of a UNSC resolution or even a statement clearly supporting this UN-controlled Hodeidah port concept leads me to doubt if the UN envoy has any UNSC support for his rather novel idea.

(* A P)

U.N. envoy to Yemen arrives in Red Sea city of Hodeidah: witnesses

The U.N. special envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, arrived on Friday in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, witnesses said

The U.N. envoy met with the management of Hodeidah port, an important supply line to the Houthi-controlled capital Sanaa.

(* A P)

UN envoy arrives in Yemen's Hodeida to encourage calm

UN envoy Martin Griffiths arrived in the battleground Yemeni port city of Hodeida on Friday to encourage the warring sides to exercise restraint ahead of planned peace talks in December.

Griffiths's visit is intended to send a message to the rebels, who control the Red Sea city, and the government forces

(* A P)

Yemen’s Houthi rebels agree to talks on UN running Hodeidah, envoy says

According to an AFP correspondent, clashes could be heard in the distance as the envoy visited the lifeline port.


(* A P)

Warring parties in Yemen seek gains before sitting down to negotiations

The Saudi-led coalition, for example, is relying on military achievements as well as divisions within the enemy camp to boost its own position in the talks. It is even offering financial incentives to split the ranks of its opponents.

Indeed, all sides want to negotiate from a position of strength. Hence, the formation of a propaganda and persuasion unit by the coalition to encourage dissidents amongst the Houthis to split from the main group.

In order to combat the propaganda and persuasion unit, the Houthi leadership has reinforced its own anti-espionage service, which now has a unit to monitor major figures who may be likely to accept Saudi largesse.

(* A P)

Exclusive: Signs of Houthi Intransigence Ahead of Sweden Talks

Asharq Al-Awsat learned that the Houthi leader asked that 50 injured fighters and the same number of bodyguards be transferred abroad before starting any peace consultations.

Meanwhile, Yemeni parties believe that the Houthis set this condition to make certain gains.
The sources said that in case their request is met, they would secure the transfer of Iranian and Hezbollah-linked members abroad.

My comment: This point had been granted tot he Houthis by the UN – now this looks like whether the Saudis would try to endanger these new peace talks again by blocking this transport, as they did in September. – And this seems to be the next step to obstruct the peace talks, by claims like this one:

(A P)

Iranians, Lebanese among Wounded in Yemen’s Hodeidah

The Yemeni government revealed that four Lebanese and two Iranians were on the list of wounded provided by the Iranian-backed Houthis and whom it was trying to evacuate outside the country.
This explains why the militias were insistent on not revealing the names of the injured, intelligence information said.
Yemeni government spokesman Rajeh Badi told Asharq Al-Awsat that the four Lebanese were members of the Hezbollah party and the two Iranians were from the Revolutionary Guards.

My comment: There certainly will not come any proof at all.

(* A P)

Emirati minister Gargash:

The UAE as part of Coalition committed to upcoming Yemen peace talks in Sweden. Speaking to counterparts, we welcome growing consensus that in order to constructively support these talks, any new UNSC resolution needs to be used at the right time.

The best way forward towards a sustainable political process is to support the Sweden talks and the work of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffith without prejudging these negotiations.

My comment: Interesting what he really tells: The new draft for a new UN resolution is not necessary („used at the right time“) and a lie: The Saudi coalition always had ist preconditions: The so-called „three references“ which would give the coalition side full advantage even before the peace process would really begin – and which thus would prejudge the negotiations.

(* A P)

Elisabeth Kendall: The UN Special Envoy is in #Yemen. All hopes are on him bringing the Houthis to peace talks in #Sweden in December. Here's my assessment for BBC World Service "Newsday"

(* A P)

UN Yemen envoy meets rebel chief ahead of Hodeida visit

A United Nations envoy met Yemen's rebel chief Thursday to nail down details of peace talks expected in December, a day before a planned visit to the battleground port city of Hodeida.

Martin Griffiths visit to Hodeida on Friday is aimed at encouraging Iran-aligned Huthi rebels and government forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition to tamp down hostilities ahead of the talks in Stockholm.

(* A P)

Leader of Yemeni Revolution meets UN envoy to Yemen

Ansarullah spokesman Mohammed Abdul Salam said the leader of the revolution, Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, met with the UN envoy on Thursday. in Yemen, Martin Griffith.
During the meeting, Al-Houthi stressed the importance of credibility and the willingness of the forces of aggression to seek a political solution.

(A P)

President al-Mashat meets UN envoy

Remark: Sanaa government.

(* A P)

UN envoy Griffiths due to arrive in Yemen's Hodeidah

The UN special envoy to Yemen is expected to arrive in the Yemeni city of Hodeidah as part of his renewed push for peace, as sporadic fighting continued in the strategic port city.

Martin Griffiths is spearheading the biggest push in two years to get the warring parties to join the upcoming peace negotiations aimed at ending almost four years of devastatin

and also

(* A P)

British Draft Resolution Submitted to Saudi Arabia and UAE for Adoption before Security Council

The member of the National Delegation to the consultations, Abdulmalek Al-Ajri, revealed Thursday that the British draft resolution was submitted to the UAE and Saudi Arabia for adoption before being presented to the Security Council.

"If the resolution is adopted in its current form, it will be another mine on the road to peace, not only because the resolution demanded not only the cease-fire, but also the humanitarian and economic steps it says are meaningless without unified mechanisms for managing the economy," he said.

(* A B P)

Tactical moves on Yemen’s front

International efforts are intensifying to reach a ceasefire in Yemen before the warring parties meet in Sweden,

International efforts are ongoing to launch a new round of Yemen negotiations in Sweden next month amid mediations to cease continuing firefights.

My comment: Many details, somewhat biased in favor of the Saudi coalition.

(A P)

US State Dep.: Press Statement

The United States reiterates its call for all parties to support UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths by immediately ceasing hostilities and engaging in direct talks aimed at ending the conflict.

Hudaydah port must be turned over to a neutral party to accelerate the distribution of aid to address the acute humanitarian crisis, and to prevent the port from being used to smuggle weapons and contraband into the country or to finance the Houthi militia.

My comment: The fox in charge of the henhouse. The US is a warring party in Yemen, as the reasoning on Hodeidah port is showing. How many arms the US is supplying to this war????

(* A P)

Yemen peace talks to take place in December in Sweden - U.S.' Mattis

“It looks like very, very early in December, up in Sweden we’ll see both the Houthi rebel side and the U.N recognized government,” Mattis told reporters.

(A P)

US and UAE declare support for Yemen talks next month

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed said the UAE is looking forward for talks in Sweden in an interview with Sky News Arabia

(* B P)

Yemen: Gateway To Iran-U.S. Dialogue?

After 40 years of relentless hostility, both the United States and Iran have a decent opportunity to mend ties by cooperating on conflict-resolution in Yemen, similar to the situation with Afghanistan after September 11.

A unique opportunity for peace is on the horizon, with multiple implications for bilateral relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia as well as the United States and Iran. It should be seized by all parties as soon as possible.

(* B K P)


Hudaydah and the spiraling famine in North Yemen present a dilemma in the truest sense. Though it is impossible to calculate just how much good can come from a ceasefire, it is also impossible to know how quickly and effectively the fall of Hudaydah will put an end to the war. The answer will be lost in complex analysis of relative combat power, skill of the commanders, tactical geography, and the unknowable will to win inherent in the opposing forces. There is simply no way to determine which is the ethically superior option from the purely utilitarian standpoint of: what is the most good for the most people?

Rather than making an ethical choice, the United States is shrewdly playing both sides. Calling for a ceasefire widely expected to fail makes it easier to blame one’s opponent for the disappointing result. Though this sounds intensely cynical, it can have the practical outcome of weakening Houthi/Iranian resolve, eroding international support, and may increase their need to make concessions. Giving the Coalition thirty days to implement it, however, encourages an attempt to settle the matter.

My comment: He certainly is right on the US intentions. “Settle the matter”??

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Story on Iran seizing Saudi fishing boat is old and is withdrawn

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

Dissident Saudi Prince Reveals MbS’ Plot To Assassinate Uncle

A dissident Saudi prince disclosed that Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman had plotted to kill his uncle Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, a younger full brother of King Salman who could take the throne after the recent scandals over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

Saudi prince Khalid bin Farhan al-Saud, who has fled to Germany after the empowerment of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, told the Arabic-language Khaleej Online news website that the "Mbs would kill his uncle prince Ahmed if he could".

According to him, after the scandals over killing prominent Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, the assassination attempt seems very difficult, =

(A P)

Saudischer König: Sind stolz auf unsere Scharia-Gesetze und werden den Jemen weiter "unterstützen"

Der saudische König Salman bin Abdulaziz sprach am Montag in Riad vor dem Shoura Council und skizzierte die Haltung seines Landes zu verschiedenen internationalen Themen.

Er betonte, dass "dieses Land nicht davon absehen wird, Gottes Scharia-Gesetz zu erfüllen". Zuvor erwähnte er, dass seine Beteiligung am jemenitischen Krieg "eine Pflicht ist, das jemenitische Volk zu unterstützen".

(* A P)

Film: British Imam Ajmal Masroor says he was fired from a Saudi-funded London mosque for criticising Mohammed bin Salman. This is his message to the Saudi crown prince

My comment: BRITISH Imam fired. Let it sack.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia says reports about torture by Amnesty, HRW are baseless

Saudi Arabia on Friday dismissed as baseless reports about torture and sexual harassment published by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

“The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia categorically and strongly denies the allegations made by them. The wild claims made, quoting anonymous ‘testimonies’ or ‘informed sources’, are simply wrong,” the Ministry of Media said in a statement.

My comment: LOL, LOL, LOL.

Remark: Look at earier reporting, Yemen War Mosaic 482.

(*B P)

Film by TRT: Is Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia losing royal support?

Reuters has reported that dozens of princes and cousins within Saudi Arabia's ruling family want a change over who will become the next King.

(A P)

RSF calls on the Saudi authorities to explain what has happened to the Saudi columnist Abdullah Akeel, who fell silent four days ago and who may also have been detained.

(* A P)

Saudi crown prince goes on tour of Arab states amid Khashoggi storm

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrived in the United Arab Emirates on Thursday at the start of a tour of several Arab countries, his first trip abroad since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi that caused a global outcry.

The prince, the country’s de facto ruler, is also expected to participate in a G20 meeting in Buenos Aires at the end of the month.

My comment: Fishing/bullying for solidarity?

(* A P)

Saudi foreign minister says kingdom united around its leadership

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Wednesday the kingdom is united around its leadership, dismissing as “ridiculous” reports that members of the Saudi royal family want to see a change in the line of succession.

In a statement Reuters said: “We stand by our story.”

My comment: LOL.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9

(* A P)

Khashoggi murder: Turkey accuses Trump of turning a 'blind eye' to journalist's killing

US has not informed Ankara of reported recording of crown prince ordering brother to 'silence' journalist, says Turkish foreign minister

Mevlut Cavusoglu, the Turkish foreign minister, called for an international investigation into the killing, describing the EU’s response so far as no more than “cosmetic”.

In an interview with CNN Turk, Mr Cavusoglu said: “Trump’s statements amount to him saying ‘I’ll turn a blind eye no matter what.’”

He added: “Money isn’t everything. We must not move away from human values.”

(* A P)

Turkish paper: CIA had recording of Saudi prince demanding Khashoggi be 'silenced'

A Turkish newspaper reported on Thursday CIA director Gina Haspel signaled to Turkish officials last month that the agency had a recording of a call in which Saudi Arabia’s crown prince gave instructions to “silence” Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Asked about the report, a Turkish official told Reuters he had no information about such a recording.

(* A P)

Trump suggests 'the world' is to blame for Khashoggi's murder, because it's 'vicious'

President Donald Trump on Thursday doubled down on his defense of the Saudi crown prince in the murder of Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi, disputing the CIA's reported assessment that the royals had ordered Khashoggi's killing.

From his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Trump said Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman regretted Khashoggi's death more than Trump did, according to pool reports.

When asked by reporters who should be held responsible for Khashoggi's death, Trump said "maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a vicious place."

(* A P)

Trump’s defense of Khashoggi’s Saudi murderers will stain him (and America) forever

In a juvenile, clumsy White House statement on Tuesday full of falsehoods, Trump repeated the Saudi lie that Jamal was an “enemy of a state” and that the “United States would stand steadfastly by Saudi Arabia,” even though its regime lured, killed and dismembered a peaceful Post op-ed writer who lived in Virginia.

In effect, Trump is doing his best to help the Saudi regime get away with the murder of a U.S. resident and one of the Arab world’s most prominent writers. If the administration continues down this path, it will further destroy whatever is left of America’s moral credibility on global human rights and freedom of expression -by Karen Attiah

(A P)

Denial is not a foreign policy

My comment: This WaPo opinion piece is just from the other (Clinton establishment) fraction of the US war party. Better read Attiah, link above.

(A P)

Film: Reporter: Who should be held accountable for [Jamal Khashoggi's murder]? Trump: Maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a vicious place. The world is a very vicious place. (via CBS)

also part of Trump interview

(* A P)

Trump’s statement smearing Jamal Khashoggi and giving Saudi Arabia a pass, annotated

President Trump on Tuesday pretty much erased any doubt that he wouldn’t hold the Saudi royal family accountable for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi — even as the CIA has concluded with high confidence that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was behind it.

[Statement in full]

(* A P)

Trump's Saudi support highlights brutality of 'America First' doctrine

It is the Trump doctrine laid bare.

By letting Saudi Arabia get away with the murder of US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the President sent a message of startling clarity about how the United States will conduct its business in the world.

Refusing to break with Saudi strongman Mohammed bin Salman over the killing in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Trump effectively told global despots that if they side with him, Washington will turn a blind eye to actions that infringe traditional US values.

My comment: Be honest: In realpolitics US values always had been: Rule others all over the world, exploit them, and if they don’t want, smack them in the mouth.

(* A P)

US politicians accuse Trump of putting 'Saudi Arabia first'

Democrats and Republicans vow to put 'serious sanctions' on Saudi Arabia and crown prince over Jamal Khashoggi's murder.

(* A P)

Trump’s Utter Denial About Saudi Arabia and Its Crown Prince

So much for American justice. In a statement both stunning and coldhearted, President Trump on Tuesday gave Saudi Arabia a pass on the grisly murder and dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the name of U.S. national security.

The President’s statement was riddled with falsehoods and contradictions. He embraced the “vigorous” denials from King Salman and his tempestuous young heir, Prince Mohammed.

(* A P)

Trump bows before Saudis in wake of journalist's murder

“Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!”

The drivel in Donald Trump’s statement matches the words uttered to defend another man once accused of murder who got away: “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”

Instead of saying clearly whether he considered the CIA report true or false, Trump employed the deceiving tactic of suggesting one thing while saying the exact opposite.

(* A P)

Navy SEAL Who Led the Bin Laden Raid? Bad. Saudis Who Murdered a U.S.-Resident Journalist? A-OK!

This is the official statement from the Office of the President* of the United States. It says so right at the top, so you won't confuse it with your fourth grader's history homework.

This man belongs in a home.

This is positively a Bat Signal to repressive regimes all over the world that it's open season on Americans, or on American residents, whom those regimes find troublesome. This especially includes journalists, which hits it a little close to home.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp8a

(* B P)

USA und Fall Khashoggi: Neue Hoffnung für den Jemen?

Trump hält im Fall Khashoggi zu Saudi-Arabien, doch andere US-Politiker fordern Konsequenzen - wie etwa, Waffenlieferungen an Riad zu stoppen. Könnte das den Krieg im Jemen beenden?

Über den Umgang mit Saudi-Arabien ist in Washington noch nicht das letzte Wort gefallen. US-Senator Rand Paul von den Republikanern sieht zum Beispiel deutlich mehr politischen Spielraum als US-Präsident Donald Trump.

Durch den Mord am saudischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi hat sich nichts an der geopolitischen Lage verändert. Aber der Blick auf den saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed Bin Salman ist in Washington ein anderer, auch wenn US-Präsident Trump an ihm festhält.

Politikwissenschaftler Riedel erklärt die Beweggründe des US-Präsidenten so: "Es gibt die Vorstellung in der Trump-Administration, dass, wenn die Saudis die Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen besiegen, das ein tödlicher Schlag für die Regierung im Iran wäre. Das ist komplette Fantasie."

(* B P)

The Votes Are There for a Congressional Reckoning on Yemen

Democratic control of the House of Representatives opens the door to finally translating congressional frustration with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) into real action and accountability for U.S. policy in Yemen next year. And despite having fewer Senate seats in 2019, Democrats will still have an opportunity to take the mandate voters gave them to affirm that even supposed short-term security gains never justify massive human suffering, including the world’s largest famine, nor are they worth turning a blind eye to the torture, abuse and war crimes of our “allies.” – by Kate Kizer

(* B K P)

Film: Did you know? At least one third of those killed by US. drone strikes in Yemen over thkilled by US. drone strikes in Yemen over the past year have been CIVILIANS 'The reason why you stand up to them is because LIVES are at stake' ON SATURDAY'S @Underground_RT whistleblower and former U.S drone operator @backavar

(B P)

Rep. Ro Khanna: If our alliance with Saudi Arabia is about “fighting terrorism”, then what do you call the murder of thousands of Yemenis civilians and the blockading of ports leaving millions without adequate food or medical supplies?

(B K P)

Film: As many of us celebrate Thanksgiving, the U.S. is participating in a Saudi war that is starving 14 million Yemenis to death. Thanks, @chrislhayes, for educating the American public about our Congressional efforts to stop illegal U.S. involvement in this senseless conflict.

(A P)

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Trump is “Saudi Arabia’s bitch” in tweet

(A P)

Trump praises Saudi Arabia amid pressure over ally

U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday praised Saudi Arabia for helping to lower oil prices

Comment by Sen. Schumer: Yesterday, you’re ignoring an egregious murder. Today, you’re thanking them for lower oil prices? Enough.

(A P)

Jim Mattis says US has no choice but to deal with Saudi Arabia

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says just as the U.S. should never apologize for its support for human rights, it should not have to apologize for working with Saudi Arabia for what he called “the good of innocent people.”

and DoD press release:

My comment: This is not just hypocritical – it’s just crazy.

(* B P

Trump's support for Saudi Arabia contradicts the CIA, subverts national security and puts millions of lives at risk

Foreign policy experts typically give three main reasons why we continue to boost Saudi Arabia. None of these holds water.

Saudi Arabia, long a problematic U.S. partner, has gone rogue, and Washington’s stubborn support for it is increasingly indefensible. If the new Democratic majority in Congress wants to hold Trump to account, not to mention stand up for America’s national interests, it could start by ending our support for the murderous regime in Riyadh.

While ending the catastrophe in Yemen must be the first priority, difficult discussions about America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia must follow. It is long past time to start rethinking our foreign policy in the Middle East, which is centered around unnecessary and untenable support for one of the world’s most repressive autocracies. The new Congress must put a stop to an alliance that has become a strategic liability and moral catastrophe.

My comment: To put this straight. This would have been correct: “Saudi Arabia, long a problematic U.S. partner, has gone EVEN MORE rogue“.

(* A B P)

Trump Dares Congress to Do What He Won’t on Saudi Arabia

The president’s extraordinary statement on Khashoggi’s murder means that it’ll be up to Congress to respond to the journalist’s death.

A better approach for Trump would have been to say nothing for now and focus behind the scenes on spurring more Saudi reforms and concessions. Under this scenario, Congress could have been a good foil.

Now Congress has no incentive to wait. If Trump won’t hold the crown prince accountable, it will.

(* B P)

Lawmakers Want to Push Back at Saudi Arabia With or Without Trump

Question may be whether there is a veto-proof majority for legislation

At least when it comes to Congress, Tuesday’s afternoon statement from President Donald Trump might not prove helpful to the cause of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Saudi royal family.

(* A B P)

Jamal Khashoggi and Saudi Arabia’s Dismemberment of Yemen

Regardless of the dollar amount of any promised weapons deal, Donald Trump has made it very clear: Spend enough money with the U.S., and you can get away with murder. It shouldn’t be a surprising position for a man who said, on the campaign trail, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose voters.”

(* A B P)

Trump’s Blatant Lies About the War on Yemen

Trump’s claims about the war on Yemen were lies and insults to the intelligence of every minimally informed person in the world.

(* B P)

The Votes Are There for a Congressional Reckoning on Yemen

Democratic control of the House of Representatives opens the door to finally translating congressional frustration with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) into real action and accountability for U.S. policy in Yemen next year.

and also

(* B K P)

How The U.S. Fueled The Saudi War In Yemen (with infograhic)

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

8 EF Typhoon jets and an A330 Voyager of the @RoyalAirForce arrive at #RSAF King Fahad AFB, Taif, for the #GreenFlag2018 joint exercise (photos)

My comment: Again:Britain is warring party in the Yemen War.

(A P)

Film: Hilary Benn: My question to the Foreign Secretary on the crisis in Yemen

(B H K)

The famine facing Yemen is a war crime – it must be investigated

The Saudi-led coalition has deliberately targeted civilians. The UK must press for answers – not be complicit in a cover-up

If that is what happened, it should be a national disgrace, because it does not just make our country complicit in protecting the reputation of the crown prince, but in covering up the terrible toll of starvation that he has inflicted on the children of Yemen – by Emily Thornberry

(A K P)

Emily Thornberry: 've just written to Jeremy Hunt asking a number of questions about the UK's draft UN resolution on Yemen, most importantly the one he refused to answer earlier in the House on whether Saudi Crown Prince Salman ordered him to remove a call for the investigation of war crimes (text in image)

(A P)

Thornberry grills Hunt: Did you bow down to Saudi Arabia over Yemen?


(A P)

Yemen child hunger crisis raised in urgent question

Emily Thornberry, the Labour Shadow Foreign & Commonwealth Secretary used an urgent question to examine the government response to the crisis in Yemen.

(A P)

What is Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt doing in Iran?

Jeremy Hunt's visit to Tehran comes amid tensions between the two countries over UK dual nationals detained in Iran, and the war in Yemen.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Die Generaldebatte im Bundestag

Linke-Politiker Gregor Gysi kritisiert scharf den Umgang der Bundesregierung mit dem Krieg im Jemen. Die Bevölkerung werde mithilfe von deutschen Booten mit einer Seeblockade ausgehungert, Gysi spricht von "Völkermord". Das Außenministerium habe sich erst zu spät (seit dem Fall Khashoggi) von Saudi-Arabien distanziert.

(*A P)

Germany to revisit Saudi arms embargo in two months, sources say

German industry’s voluntary halt in previously authorized arms shipments to Saudi Arabia after the killing of a journalist at the Saudi consulate in Turkey is slated to last until mid-January, industry sources said on Friday.

It was not immediately clear whether the halt in deliveries would be extended again or whether the companies would insist that the German government formally revoke the licenses then.

My comment: ?????? Do they really think the Yemen War will have stopped by mid-January, and Mr. Khashoggi will show up in the German parliament to make a speech on this topic?????

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Sweden refuses to grant Yemeni photographer a visa to attend his exhibition

(B P)

Letters to the Editor: 'Ireland has forgotten its history when it stands idly by while children starve to death in Yemen'

The answer as to why the Irish Government is doing so little to help starving Yemeni people is probably that we do a lot of trade with Saudi Arabia and UAE and none with Yemen.

Ireland is also complicit in these famine deaths by allowing US military to resupply Saudi munitions through Shannon Airport.

(* A P)

Sudan: We hope Khashoggi’s death helps end Yemen war

Sudan’s Vice President, Ibrahim Al-Senoussi, expressed hope that the war in Yemen would end after the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Al-Senoussi said: “Happy Yemen is sad because of the war that is killing children, elderly people and the disabled. The martyrdom of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi may be a reason to stop the war.”

My comment: A sign of weariness by the ally furnishing the largest part on cannon fodder to Saudi Arabia’s Yemen war.

(A P)

Iran Holds Int'l Conference to Support Yemeni People

Iran on Thursday hosted the International Conference on Supporting the Oppressed and Resistant Yemenis with participation of figures and activists from different world states.

(* A E P)

EDF engagé dans l'exploitation de la première centrale nucléaire du monde arabe

EDF va accompagner l'entreprise des Emirats arabes unis Nawah dans l'exploitation et la maintenance de la centrale nucléaire de Barakah, la première du monde arabe.

EDF a signé le 21 novembre un accord cadre de 10 ans avec Nawah, filiale d’Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC).

(A P)

Macron should press UAE on Yemen abuses on crown prince's visit, say rights groups

(* A P)

Lawsuit filed against Abu Dhabi crown prince accusing him of war crimes

In a suit filed in France, Mohammed bin Zayed is accused of war crimes, complicity in torture and inhumane treatment in Yemen

(A P)

UAE Giving into Britain Threat, Hoping "Friendly Solution" in Espionage Case

The UAE, on Thursday, expressed hope that a friendly solution would be reached with London over the case of British student, Matthew Hedges

This comes after Britain warning of "serious diplomatic consequences"

(* A P)

UAE sentences British student Matthew Hedges to life in prison for 'spying'

Matthew Hedges convicted of spying for the British government in hearing lasting less than five minutes

Comment: Is it likely that UAE sees legitimate research as a security threat where citizens are not supposed to generate new knowledge without state approval? Like many Arab states criminalize free expression in social media as dangerous security threats ? In either case, this is tragic

and also


(A P)

Elisabeth Kendall: In the light of the appalling life sentence for spying given to British student #MatthewHedges in #UAE yesterday, here are my comments on academic freedom & the risks of research for BBC Radio 4's "PM" news (audio)

On 24 October, the #UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs released this statement on #MatthewHedges. It clearly states that "the right to a fair trial is guaranteed by Article 94 of the UAE Constitution". Matthew got a 5 minute trial & no lawyer. In what way is that "fair"? (document)

(A P)

Rights group sues Abu Dhabi Crown Prince in France over Yemen

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Everyone Not Exporting Arms To Saudi Arabia Is Halting Arms Exports To Saudi Arabia

While perhaps we might say better late than never, it's interesting to now see pieces being written about "the latest countries to suspend new arms deals with Saudi Arabia" given that some of these countries' arms exports to Saudi Arabia were so minuscule to begin with that it hardly warrants congratulatory celebration.

Compare this to the heavy hitters the United States and United Kingdom. Despite European nations over the past years since the start of the 2015 Saudi coalition air campaign over Yemen steadily decreasing their arms exports to Saudi Arabia by the multiple tens of millions, the overall value of Saudi arms imports actually increased.

In terms of the negligible to almost non-existent deals that Denmark and Finland have with the kingdom, the countries announced that the few existing contracts in place would not be canceled.

(* B K P)

These are the countries still selling arms to Saudi Arabia

So where is Saudi Arabia getting its weapons from?

Arms deals are often done in secret or with little publicity. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) tries to track deals involving major weapons, and a database of Saudi imports from the last decade shows the United States as the biggest supplier, followed by the United Kingdom, France, Spain and then Germany.

(* B K P)

How the US-Saudi arms trade contributes to the Yemeni humanitarian crises

Saudi Arabia is the second-biggest arms importer worldwide with a 10 percent share of the global arms import market. Only India imports more arms with a 12 percent share of global markets, but Saudi weapons are growing every year.

Between 2013 and 2017, the kingdom increased its arms imports by 24 percent when compared to 2008 and 2012.

The US is one of the major arms suppliers to the Saudi Kingdom, representing more than 61 percent of Saudi imports coming from the States.

(B K P)

Film: Posted on 18/7/15, video shows ten or so Saudi-Canadian LAVs with caption "National Guard heroes before executing one [of] the tasks in the Yemeni territory"

(* A K P)

Denmark suspends Saudi weapon export approvals over Khashoggi, Yemen concerns

Denmark has suspended future approvals of weapons and military equipment exports to Saudi Arabia in response to the killing of a dissident Saudi journalist and the kingdom’s role in the conflict in Yemen, the Danish Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

(A K P)

Finland suspends arms export licences to Saudi Arabia, UAE over conflict in Yemen

The Foreign Ministry says the decision is primarily driven by the humanitarian disaster in Yemen and complies with EU guidelines

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

How Saudi Arabia is trying to erase Yemen's history

The Saudi-led destruction of Yemen, an ancient cradle of civilisation, seems to come from a place of deep envy

The indiscriminate ferocity of the coalition's onslaught on Yemen cannot be explained by these supposed motives. Why was it necessary to bomb the country back to the stone age and target its civilians, ensuring it will not recover for a century? To answer this question, one must understand Arabian history and Saudi Arabia's small place in it.

What, in contrast to these legendary Yemeni achievements, did North Arabia, most of which makes up modern Saudi Arabia, have to offer that could remotely compare?

Surveying this disproportionate degree of death and destruction, one must wonder if the real motive for the Yemen war is a deep-seated envy of the grandeur of these countries' place in human history.

(* B K)

A War on ‘Collective Memory’: A Sober Report Reveals the Extent of the Damage to War-Torn Cultural Sites in Yemen

The document demands that all parties involved in the conflict work to protect Yemen's important cultural heritage.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

The Yemeni currency value continues to improve The Exchange rate today is 510 YER vs US dollar... the rate was 850 YER two months ago

(A E P)

Ministry of Industry and Commercial companies announce a reduction in prices of goods (price lists)

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Yemeni government's and a number of businesses, including the group of "Hayel Saeed An’am and associates ", the largest companies group in Yemen, Nana Group and MBC al-Mehdhar group, announced Thursday a reduction of commodity prices.

This came in after to the improvement in the value of the Yemeni riyal in front of foreign currency.

and also (fuel)

food company and

My comment: Politically fixed prices – this never really worked, beginning in ca. 300 AD (Roman emperor Diocletian).

(A E P)

Hadi gov. Prime minister Saeed: The Gov has taken decision to pay pensions to retirees all over #Yemen starting from this week, including those who are under Houthis’ control.This will have a very positive impact on them. Houthis looted & they are continuing to loot retirement funds to finance their war machine.

My comment: Wait and see. – Blaming the Houthis for financing their “war machine” is somewhat odd. As if the Hadi government wold not have a “war machine” which requires payment as well. In this case, the Saudis will be a part of it.

(* B E P)

Dancing on a razor’s edge in Yemen

These multiple wars are converging along the Red Sea coast at the port city of Hudaydeh, placing at grave risk the future and viability of Yemen and its people.

All sides in the Yemen conflict believe on-the-ground military advantage is necessary and possible — and certainly before another round of peace talks.

Realistically, the only play that the Trump administration has in the short term is to work in concert with the United Nations, the Saudis and the Emirates to increase Yemeni purchasing power at the household level (by increasing supply and lowering costs of basic commodities, fuel and medicines) and by stabilizing the currency and increasing household income. Here are four concrete suggestions which are actionable now.

First, the Yemeni Central Bank must “dollarize” the financial system

Second, the Hadi government, working with the international community, can accelerate the nascent trade facilitation platform for private-sector traders.

Third, Yemen and its neighbors should open all land and air crossings, as well as all ports

Fourth, the United Nations, through donor support, should regularize salary payments to teachers and health care workers throughout Yemen

(A E P)

Analysis of bids for T-bills worth more than YR 105 milliards in Yemen's Central Bank

The analysis of bids for T-bills worth YR 105,296,130,000 on Thursday was carried out in the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) on Thursday.

Remark: Central Bank at Sanaa.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A T)

Rewards for Justice: AQAP Al-Batarfi

The U.S. Department of State's Rewards for Justice Program is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the identification or location of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, senior regional leader Khalid Saeed al-Batarfi.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemen’s vicious circle must be broken

Logic and recent experience say that halting the attack on the strategic port of Hodeidah cannot be compared to halting the missile attacks on Saudi Arabia. Let’s not even talk about comparing it to halting missile attacks on the UAE because it is doubtful that these missiles can reach that far in the first place.

What is certain is that there is a need for the Houthis to come to their senses. There is also a need to restructure the camp of the legitimate government so that it can be up to the importance of the event and able to deal with any political solution that may be submitted by the UN Secretary-General’s envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, who unfortunately does not seem to know much about Yemen or about the ambitions of the Houthis

(A P)

Turki Al Faisal: Saudi Arabia had an obligation to intervene in Yemen

Veteran Saudi diplomat says the kingdom's long history of supporting its neighbour has been ignored

Saudi Arabia had an obligation to intervene in Yemen after the country descended into civil war, senior statesman Prince Turki Al Faisal told The National.

The former ambassador to the US and UK said the kingdom had a "double responsibility to defend its own interest and the region's as well", and would continue to play a role on the world stage.

He said it was the Houthis who started the war, but that fact had been over looked by the press.

(A P)

Film: This is why the #Houthi militia celebrated the #Prophet's Birthday Anniversary.

(A H P)

Das saudi-arabische Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramm für Jemen eröffnet renovierte und neu ausgestattete Krankenhäuser im zum Teil von den Huthis kontrollierten Al-Jawf

"Wir danken der Regierung des Königreichs Saudi-Arabien für ihre großzügige Unterstützung im Allgemeinkrankenhaus Al-Jawf", sagt Ameen bin Ali Al-A'kimi, Gouverneur von Al-Jawf. "Diese Spenden bedeuten eine Verbesserung der Gesundheitsversorgung im gesamten Regierungsbezirk und in der Region."

(A P)

Peace In Yemen Requires British Courage

The Houthis are an evil group which grows stronger with every condemnation we make of their opposition – it is not in our character to appease such a threat

The Houthis chant “death to Jews” as they hold a starving country hostage. Calls for unilateral ceasefire serve only our guilt, not the Yemeni people.

t is quite a feat to prove oneself as anti-Semitic than the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The regime in Tehran has proudly threatened the state of Israel with total obliteration for many decades.

They want to drive a wedge between the Saudis and their Western allies, but faced with a unified opposition they would have no choice except to surrender Hodeidah at the very least.

This is where British courage is needed – by Ross Thomson, Briitsh Conservative MP

My comment: What an odd piece of propaganda, asking for more war instead of a ceasefire.

(A P)

Ahmed Aboulgheit, Secretary General of the Arab League, calls the Arab Spring the worst disaster in modern Arab history. Abulgheit embodies the old system that refuses to resign, and to understand.

My comment: This is Saudi. The „Arab laegue“ is a Saudi puppet and mouthpiece.

Comment: A system that looks upon citizens rising and demanding their rights as "the worst disaster in modern history". Because it is - to them. Despite their all their brutality, they remain terrified of us. This is the source of the paranoia that's driving their repression.

(A P)

Audio: Saudi Foreign Minister: We Will Pay For Yemen’s Reconstruction

We speak to Adel Al-Jubair about the kingdom's role in Yemen's war - and its resolution.

(A P)

Claims by #Saudi Monarchy FM @AdelAljubeir that our people support his king are utterly false. Let’s have an internationaly- monitored election & even i will won the people’s choice over his king or any of his clan.

(A P)

GCC hails Saudi-UAE move on Yemen

General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for Arab States Dr Abdul Latif Bin Rashid Al Zayani has hailed the announcement by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of launching “IMDAD” initiative to bridge the gap of humanitarian needs in Yemen and provide an additional support of $500 million.

(A P)

AE Press: Helping every Yemeni build a better future

My comment: Oh yes, by bombng them.

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador to US Accuses Houthis of Violating Yemen Truce

My comment: Which truce??

(A P)

Prince Khalid: Houthi violations consistent with their Iranian masters’ playbook

(A P)

Prince Khalid bin Salman: We will always be committed to ‘our brothers in Yemen’

(A P)

Saudi Arabia needs to take on a greater humanitarian burden in the Yemen crisis

My comment: A typical US „We are masters of the universe“ article. The saudis should not pay US$ billion 2, but 200 for all the destruction they had caused in the country.

(A P)

Blaming Saudi Arabia for the war in Yemen is doing nothing to achieve peace – we need to understand Iran’s key role in the conflict

Any plan to end the conflict without putting more pressure on Iran to dismantle its Quds forces is highly likely to fail, as we’ve seen since the beginning of this conflict

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

Nov. 23:

Nov. 22:

Nov. 21:

Nov. 20:


(* A K pH)

Film: Painful video: School building's roof collapsed on students earlier today in Sanaa governorate (Sanhan district). At least 10 children injured, 2 in critical condition. Building was already progressively damaged by heavy airstrikes in the past on the area. referring to film

(A K H)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Nov. 24: Saada p.

Nov. 23: and and Saada p. Hajjah p.

Nov. 22: Hodeidah p. Hajjah p. and and Saada p.

Nov. 21: Hajjah p. Hodeidah p.

(* A K pH)

On 19 of November 2018 #Saudi #UAE strikes targeted the home of Saleh Habra , former head of #Houthis political office during the national dialogue in #Yemen 7strikes on his home in #Saada killed 9 people: his 2 sons, his brother son , 2 of his sisters & 4 other people

My comment Politicians are no military targets.

(* A K pH)

Film: The funeral of the four martyrs in the province of Rima 23-11-2018

Remark: For this air raid, Yemen warMosaic 482, cp1a = cp16.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K pS)

Al-Houthi militias have intensified the firing of ballistic missiles in Marib province, which is under the control of government forces since the announcement earlier this week of a cease-fire of ballistic missiles in the direction of Saudi territories.

Marib is a newly formed Army center and a springboard for military units

My comment: The headline blames the Houthis for breaking a „ceasefire“ – while the Saudi coalition seems to have restarted the assault on Hodeidah, and pro-coalition media boast for successes in assaulting the Houthis in Saada prov.

(A K pS)

About 16,000 sea mines destroyed in Hajjah coast

The center said that these sea mines were planted by the Houthis in the coasts


(A KpS)

The technical teams of the Joint Resistance Forces have dismantled a quantity of sea mines that were planted by the #Iran-backed #Houthi militia inshore the port districts of Abs and Midi in the province of Hajjah.

(A K pH)

Saudi-led mercenaries shell border provinces in Saada

villages in Razih district

(A K pH)

Army's drone attacks Saudi-led mercenaries in Marib
(A K pH)

Army downs drone of aggression coalition in western coast

(A K pH)

Army downs spy aircraft of aggression coalition in Asir

(A K)

Film: Little Fatima is latest victim of frequent clashes between militias in #Taiz. She was shot when coming back from school. “Oh my heart”, she screams.

Film: My heart is full
I wish I was with my mother
Why do not you see me?
What are you sure about?
Fatima said she was shot after returning from school in Taiz

(B K)

"Abrams": Warum der beste US-Panzer im Jemen nutzlos ist – VIDEO

Der Panzer M1A2 „Abrams“ gilt als einer der besten in der Welt. Saudi-Arabien setzt ihn in Jemen im Kampf gegen Huthi-Rebellen ein. Kurz nach der ersten Kampferfahrung haben die Saudis jedoch auf die Schwachstellen der „Abrams“ hingewiesen und gebeten, die Panzer teils zu ersetzen. Das berichtete das Fachportal „We are the Mighty“ und Film

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: The Queen Elizabeth visits Aden 1954


The German-Yemeni Society is calling for #Yemen-i artists to enter their photograph / picture / drawing / cartoon for a picture competition on #German-Yemeni relations. Deadline is December 31. Please share with you friends and colleagues! (text in image9


Photos. In Maswar, Yemen's Hajjah province.

My comment: Green Yemen!

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-482 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-482: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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