Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 487 - Yemen War Mosaic 487

Yemen Press Reader 487: 3. Dezember 2018: Kinder im Krieg – Eine Frau aus dem Jemen spricht – Importe über Hodeidah stark gefallen – US-Außen- und Militärpolitik – Verbindung USA-Saudis ...

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... Schwere Kämpfe in Hodeidah Friedensgespräche werden stattfinden – Saudische Luftangriffe –und mehr

December 3, 2018: Children in the war – A Yemeni woman speaking – Imports to Hodeidah had largely dropped – US foreign and military policy – US-Saudi ties – Heavy fighting at Hodeidah – Peace talks will be held – Saudi coalition air raids – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H)

Short film: In Yemen, millions of people are facing starvation due to ongoing conflict

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H K)

Yemen's children are paying the price in the country's civil war

I have been working in Yemen for more than a year and have seen first-hand the devastation facing millions of people — many of them children.

The equivalent of Australia's entire population is in desperate need of emergency aid in Yemen, in a civil war that's been raging for close to four years now.

Sara: 'We searched everywhere, but couldn't find my son'

Sara's 12-year-old son Khaled was on the bus with Ismail when it was hit by the airstrike.

Ranya, 12: 'I prayed every day this marriage wouldn't happen'

With the country's economy collapsed, Ranya's sick father sold her as a bride to pay off his debts.

Iman, 6: 'I love to play with my friends'

When Iman's father was coming home from work on June 26, he saw smoke billowing up from his house. Running inside, he found her lying on the ground, crying out "I'm dying daddy". He rushed her to the hospital where she is recovering.

Haitham, 20: 'I saw people burning but didn't realise it was my own family'

Wafa, 4 and Shadia, 2 were travelling home with their parents following Eid celebrations on June 19 when a bomb hit. Their uncle Haitham, 20, watched the airstrike unfold, leaving both girls with shrapnel throughout their bodies.

The war on children – by Jason Lee (with photos)

According to UNICEF estimates, one child aged under five dies every 10 minutes in Yemen from preventable causes, more than 50,000 children each year.

The children of Yemen have watched their friends and family members die before their eyes, leaving many with mental challenges that could last a lifetime. But last year there were only 40 psychiatrists for a population of more than 28 million.

Hunger the silent killer

Malnutrition rates have also increased alarmingly in recent months with more than 400,000 children at risk of severe acute malnutrition,

Teachers not paid for two years


(** B H K)

UNICEF: Yemen's Children Dream Of Peace

Basic services like water, health care and sanitation have all but collapsed. With the economy in freefall, parents cannot afford to feed their children. A child dies in Yemen every 10 minutes from preventable causes, including severe acute malnutrition and vaccine-preventable disease.

More than anything, the children of Yemen wish that the fighting would stop, so they could just be children again. Some barely recall life before the conflict began. For others, trips to the market, going to school and playing in the park are only distant memories. Below, five Yemeni children share their dreams of peace.

"Peace means we don't hear people talk about war. It means on TV I can watch cartoons instead of watching people die," 12-year-old Ala'a says, wistfully. "I would like to tell them, 'Do not kill our dreams.' Stop the war so we can enjoy our childhood and achieve our dreams."

Ayah, 12, dreams of stepping outside unafraid. "I want life to be peaceful," she says. "So that we play peacefully, go to the park, buy the toys we love and go anywhere."

"Peace is something big," says 12-year-old Mohammed. "Without peace, we can't live. I used to go to the markets for shopping before the war. I used to feel safe going to the park or school. Now, I go with my family to the park, but I feel scared going alone. I hope the war will stop soon, so I can go anywhere I want, like the park."

PLEASE DONATE (with films)

(** B H K)

Yemen war is 'devastating as a mother'

Euronews spoke to Sukaina Sharafuddin, a Yemeni woman who works for Save the Children, about her country, her life, and the war raging around her.

Sukaina is a mother of a three-year-old boy and has been a humanitarian worker for 7 years in Yemen, seeing her country move from destitute to deadly. "As a Yemeni, I see it from the perspective of Yemenis living, and I’m at the world’s worst humanitarian crisis," she said.

"Every day I come into work, and yes, we go despite all the challenges that we face every day. We go to the field and we visit children whether they are in support or in clinics or visit them in their houses in case we have to process them and follow up with their cases. If they are maimed or injured from airstrikes or on-ground conflict. So yes, I’m doing both. And it’s really just a struggle to live here in Yemen and it's very devastating as a mother," Sukaina said.

Sukaina described how she felt seeing her country descended into war.

Two of them were malnourished while her daughter was injured in her eye by shrapnel from an airstrike.

"So, this mother doesn’t know how to provide for her family. She has two very sick children and she didn’t know what to do. I remember her saying that she had to remove the shrapnel from her daughter's eye by herself. How painful is that, to remove with such pain because you can’t afford to take her to a hospital that is still functioning. It’s just devastating," she said.

"The problem is that food is available in the markets," Sukaina reiterates. "Imagine, you are very hungry, your child is extremely hungry and you see food everywhere and you don’t have that money to pay it".

With the devaluation of the rial and continued airstrikes on the key port city, Hodeidah, more and more continue to starve. "At the beginning, they used to cry and scream and talk about it," Sukaina said. "But now, their eyes are just exhausted and their faces are so pale because them, themselves are are hungry. They just stare at their starving children not knowing what to do". and film:

(** B H K)

UN Department of Public Information: Regular Press Briefing by the Information Service, 27 November 2018 - Yemen food stock

Hervé Verhoosel, for the World Food Programme (WFP), read the following statement:

““Over the past two weeks, operations at Hudaydah port have decreased by nearly half. Shipping companies appear to be reluctant to call at Hudaydah port because of the high levels of insecurity in the city.

As 70 percent of imports come in through Hudaydah port, a decrease in food coming through the port would likely impact food stocks country wide—Yemen needs 250,000 megatons (mt)/month of wheat stocks in the country.

The Yemeni population not receiving food assistance from the World Food Programme and other international organizations- around 20 million people at the moment- are dependent on the commercial market to feed their families.

If this situation persists or further deteriorates, it will have a drastic impact on food availability and prices in the markets and make it increasingly difficult for Yemeni families to cover their basic needs.

Operations at Hudaydah port have decreased by 47 percent over the past two weeks. During ‘normal conflict times,’ over a two-week period around 200,000 mt bulk wheat and bagged cargo offload at Hudaydah port, while over the past two weeks only five vessels carrying 114,000 mt of bulk wheat and bagged cargo have done so.

Since November 2017, vessels with WFP and commercial containerized cargo have not accessed Hudaydah port and have been diverted to Aden, where there is currently a two-month backlog due to clearance procedures.

In Aden, WFP alone has about 1,700 containers awaiting clearance and has incurred demurrage charges of some USD 2 million. About 10,000 commercial containers are also awaiting clearance. Alternative options, such as through Salalah, will increase cost and transport times.

There is commercial food stock in Yemen for 2.5 months.

In answer to questions from journalists, Mr. Verhoosel said that the United Nations had recently announced that up to 14 million people in Yemen could soon be on the brink of famine.

(** B P)

U.S. Foreign Policy Has No Policy

Why can't we just leave everyone alone?

Trump’s memo on the Saudis begins with the headline “The world is a very dangerous place!” Indeed, it is and behavior by the three occupants of the White House since 2000 is largely to blame. It is difficult to find a part of the world where an actual American interest is being served by Washington’s foreign and global security policies. Indeed, a national security policy that sees competitors and adversaries as enemies in a military sense has made nuclear war, unthinkable since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, thinkable once again. The fact that no one is the media or in political circles is even talking about that terrible danger suggests that war has again become mainstreamed, tacitly benefiting from bipartisan acceptance of it as a viable foreign policy tool by the media, in the U.S. Congress and also in the White House.

The part of the world where American meddling coupled with ignorance has produced the worst result is inevitably the Middle East. Washington has been led by the nose by Israel and Saudi Arabia, currently working in sync, to have the United States destroy Iran even though the Iranians represent no threat whatsoever to Americans or any serious U.S. interests. The wildly skewed view of what is taking place in that region is reflected in Trump’s memo in the first paragraph

Almost all of that is either patently untrue or grossly exaggerated, meaning that Trump’s profoundly ignorant statement is remarkable for the number of lies that it incorporates into 631 words which are wrapped around a central premise that the United States will always do whatever it wants wherever it wants just because it can. The war being waged by the Saudis against Yemen, which reportedly has killed as many as 80,000 children, is not a proxy struggle against Iran as Trump prefers to think. It is naked aggression bordering on genocide that is enabled by the United States under completely false pretenses. Iran did not start the war and plays almost no role in it apart from serving as a Saudi and Emirati excuse to justify the fighting.

The core of Trump’s thinking about Khashoggi and the Saudis comes down to Riyadh’s willingness to buy weapons to benefit America’s defense contractors and this one sentence: “The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region.” Yes, once again it is Israel pulling Trump’s strings.

The reckless calibrations employed to set American policies in other parts of the world are also playing out badly – by Philipp Giraldi

Remark: 333 comments!

(** B P)

Yemen, Poisoned Water, and a Green New Deal

Understanding all of that should make clear to us that a long-term and relentless public education and mobilization campaign is needed locally and globally, and that the notion of a "good war" must be disallowed and defunded along with the murdering of Yemeni families. We must encourage Congress to get a move on with each step it takes, even while condemning legislation that violates the U.N. Charter and the Kellogg-Briand Pact by claiming to allow certain varieties of the crime of war. The notion that Saudi Arabia should not be helped out in the murder of tens of thousands and potentially millions of people because it murdered one particular person (Jamal Khashoggi) must be permitted to accomplish whatever good it can, even while we work to help people see through the idea that selling bombs only to nations that don't "violate human rights" is a piece of grotesque nonsense, as there is no use of bombs that respects human rights. Banning weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, for whatever reasons, is a step that must be taken in addition to -- and if possible by amendment to -- the legislation that would cut off U.S. military participation in the slaughter.

All of that being grasped, the fact remains that there is a reason that Trump has threatened a veto, and a reason that he sent Pompeo and Mattis scurrying over to the Senate to beg and plead for genocide, even though they apparently had nothing whatsoever to use to persuade even some of the most bloodthirsty senators ever to have lived. The White House and Pentagon and State Department are horrified at the prospect of the Congress, after a couple of centuries of ever increasing slumber, waking up and doing its job and stopping a war. Imagine if this were to really happen. What would prevent some Congress member's brain from stumbling across the thought that if one war could be ended, another might be as well? What would prevent ending a half dozen of the ghastly horrors? What would prevent Congress members from hearing people's screams immediately upon the start of each new war and voting immediately to block any war? This is the nightmare that keeps weapons profiteers tossing and turning in their gold-plated beds.

Why were 55 Senators for Genocide reduced to 37? Three reasons: public pressure, the murder of Khashoggi, and the fact that the Pentagon told a bunch of simplistic lies and made a bunch of baseless promises eight months ago and didn't think up anything new to explain them away this time around. Each of these three reasons is encouraging and worth building on.

The war on Yemen is killing directly through violence, but more so through the cut-off of supplies and through environmental destruction and the destruction of public resources -- results that lead to starvation and disease. People don't have food. People don't have clean water. People are afraid to leave their houses. In comparison with this state of affairs, fairy tales about Muslim Mexicans stealing your job seem downright charming.

A Congress that actually did its job would be subpoenaing and making public U.S. military plans for major permanent U.S. bases in the aftermath of Yemen, which I'd bet you a MAGA hat do exist. Most of the rest of the world has been coated with U.S. bases – by David Swanson =

(** B P)

US-Saudi Ties: Drenched in Blood, Oil and Deceit

Why do Donald Trump and the CIA disagree about the recent killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Turkey?

Trump’s statement reflects his narrow cultivation of business relations with MBS, while the CIA’s announcement reflects the view that that MBS has become a liability for the U.S. ruling class as a whole. The spy agency, which has deep ties to Saudi intelligence, fears that bin Salman’s reckless and impulsive actions could jeopardize the security of the whole Saudi ruling clique, endangering U.S. ruling class interests in Saudi Arabia and the entire Middle East.

For decades, Saudi Arabia has been one of the most strategic and valuable U.S. client states, and the CIA wants to keep it that way. Support for Saudi Arabia is completely bi-partisan. This partnership is drenched in blood, oil and deceit.

A review of U.S.-Saudi ties shows that Saudi Arabia anchors the U.S. empire in the Middle East. The kingdom, with the greatest oil reserves in the world, is a source of fabulous wealth for U.S. oil companies.

The kingdom willingly uses religion as a cover for imperialism’s aims, exporting thousands of schools, mosques, and other centers that preach intolerance and recruit jihadists for U.S. wars. It allows the U.S. to invade other Arab countries from its territory and has funded covert CIA actions on three continents. It is treated like a cash cow for U.S. corporations and banks. It uses its vast stash of petrodollars to buy billions of dollars in Pentagon weapons at inflated prices, as well as other high-price U.S. products and services.

Saudi Arabia’s rulers were among the first far-right Islamists assisted by imperialism. They set up an absolute monarchy and theocracy. The only constitution was the Koran as interpreted by the royal family. Slavery was legal until 1962.

The thinking of U.S. policymakers was, as Rachel Bronson puts it,

“that religion could be a tool to staunch the expansion of godless communism.”

Saudi rulers happily complied. The founder of modern Saudi Arabia told U.S. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Colonel William A. Eddy, “Our faith and your iron.”

In 1981, Ronald Reagan’s Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger said that the U.S. would not let the Saudi government be overthrown, and that it would send troops to defend the Saudi regime if necessary

Decades of funding extremist centers to recruit shock troops for CIA wars helped create radical Islamist groupings and individuals. Al-Qaeda’s founder, Osama Bin Laden, is a prime example. He was a Saudi citizen and a key recruiter of Saudi fighters to Afghanistan.

Saudi Arabia continues to be a cash cow milked by U.S. businesses. The kingdom bought $20 billion in U.S. products last year, from Boeing planes to Ford cars. It recently signed a $15 billion deal with General Electric for goods and services, and put $20 billion into an investment fund run by the Blackstone Group.

U.S. banks love Saudi Arabia. The kingdom has paid $1.1 billion to western banks in fees since 2010. And truly giant bank fees are in the offing for JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, who are working with ARAMCO to take that company public.

U.S. universities and corporations grease the wheels for these giant business deals by training the kingdom’s managers and politicians, and promoting mutual interests. Many Saudi rulers begin their careers working for U.S. banks and businesses. Fahad al-Mubarak, who governed the central bank from 2011-2016 was previously chairman of Morgan Stanley in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Ministers, include those of finance and petroleum, got their degrees in the U.S.

The kingmakers in this oil-rich country have always been the princes of Wall Street. And the only god worshiped by the U.S.-Saudi unholy alliance is the almighty dollar – by Joyce Chediac =

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Yemen sterilizes Sanaa water supplies as cholera outbreak picks up again

Authorities in the Houthi-held Yemeni capital Sanaa are sterilizing water supplies at wells, distribution networks and houses to help stem the world’s worst outbreak of cholera.

“We receive information of reported cases of cholera from the Ministry of Health, then the team sterilizes the house and 20 houses around it,” Nabeel Abdullah al-Wazeer, the Houthis’ minister of water, told Reuters in Sanaa.

“We worked from house to house and on sterilizing water wells. We also worked on bus-mounted tanks, which transport water in the private sector to the citizens, as well as sterilizing local institutions which distribute water.”

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(** A P)

Distraught medics warn hospitals engulfed by fighting

But undermining the hopes of peace is the battle which continues to rage in the Red Sea port of Hodeidah. Distraught medics told The Independent on Monday that patients, including children starving to death, pregnant women, and people needing chemotherapy, were unable to access the city's main hospital al-Thawra as fighting now completely encircles the building.

“The fighting has never been this bad. We cannot access al-Thawra to treat our patients, as the fighting has completely surrounded it,” said Dr Ashwaq Moharram a gynaecologist by trade, who broke down into tears during the phone call.

The doctor has been fighting a one-woman battle against famine for the last three years and is one of the few medics who stayed in Hodeidah to treat civilians.

She continued: “For two days now, I have seen with my own eyes airstrikes and shelling from both sides all around the hospital. There are patients that cannot move because they are so severely malnourished, and say they will die in the hospital.”

“There are others who urgently need medical help because they are so malnourished or dehydrated, but they can’t get there. They told me they will simply die at home,” she added.

(* A K pH)

#Hodeida port W #Yemen is under #Saudi #UAE strikes 3 people were killed 5 injured in a strike on the port minutes ago (no victims mentioned)


(A K pH)

4 Saudi-led air strikes hit Hodeidah

The air strikes hit Durihami district, leaving huge damages to citizens’ homes and farms

(A K pH)

2 Saudi-led air strikes hit Hodeidah

The air strikes hit Tuhiata district and caused heavy damages among citizens’ farms

(* A K pH)

Spokesman: No Response from Saudi-Led Coalition to Demands for Ceasefire in Yemen

Spokesman for Yemen's Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree said that the Saudi-led coalition has not responded to the UN demands for the establishment of ceasefire in Yemen.

"The Saudi-UAE coalition has not responded to the (UN) demand and has instead committed more crimes," Saree told reporters in a press conference in Sana'a on Monday.

He added that the Eastern and Southern parts of Hudaydeh and the plants and warehouses in the two towns of al-Darihemi and Kilometer 16 have mostly been targeted by the Saudi-led coalition in the past 10 days, noting that they used tens of banned munitions, including cluster bombs, against the civilians.

(A P)

A leader in the “Tahamia resistance” , loyal to UAE ,calls for the application of “Daesh” thought

Activists in the social media sites published several recent publications by Rashid Mabkhout, calling on fighters with the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, in the West Coast to blow up graves of religious men and historic shrines , relying on on the ideas brought by the terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria.

Rashid broadcasted recording video with the title “demolition of shrines is religious duty and worship to please Allah.

(A K pH)

3 saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

The airstrikes hit Shabab city located in Taseen street

(A K pH)

Saudi-led air strike hit vocational institute in Hodeida

The air strike hit the building of the vocational institute in Alkarar area of Bajel district causing damages in its facilities

5 Saudi-led air strike hit Hodeidah

An air strike hit the building of the vocational institute in Alkarar area of Bajel district causing damages in its facilities, while four other air raid targeted Durihimi district

(A K pH)

# Hodeidah # Pictures of the effects of the destruction of the complex of factories ""'ikhiwan thabt"

(A K pS)

Houthis shell Hodeidah

Renewed clashes in Hodeidah on Saturday saw Houthi rebels shelling government-controlled areas inside Yemen's port city, Lt Mohammed Qaid of the Al Amalikah brigades told The National.

"Last night the clashes intensified between the Houthis and troops affiliated with the National Resistance led by Maj Gen Tariq Saleh in Zayed Street and in the Dar Al Salam neighbourhood where," Lt Qaid said on Sunday. "The Arab Coalition jets launched several airstrikes on Saturday night targeting Houthi gatherings and weapons hideouts."

My comment: For the headline: No shelling by the other side, no air raids to be mentioned?

(* B H K)

Saudi-backed Hodeida offensive 'will starve whole of Yemen'

Clashes between pro-government forces and Houthi rebels, together with a 'hysterical bombardment' of coalition airstrikes have left the residents of Hodeida in a state of fear, despair and starvation.

Instability and a lack of security has gripped some four million Yemeni residents of the Hodeida governate, where Saudi-coalition airstrikes are aiding a fierce pro-government offensive to retake the port city.

"Hodeida is considered to be the poorest governate in Yemen," physician-turned-activist Ashwaq Moharram told The New Arab. "Even before the war, the residents of the port city were barely able to get their food, and now, because of this situation, it is near impossible.

"The humanitarian situation in the city is devastating," said Moharram, a resident of Hodeida who has for several years played a pivotal role in delivering aid to those in need across the country.
"There's a large number of internally displaced people who have moved from areas within the governate to avoid the fighting. The people of Hodeida are growing increasingly afraid," she added.

(A K pH)

Film: the crime of aggression in the region of Galil Directorate

(A K pH)

Film: the crime of the Saudi-American aggression in the province of Hodeidah 01-12-2018

(A K pH)

4 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

The airstrikes hit citizens houses in separate areas of Hais district

(* A K pH)

Fresh US-Saudi Airstrikes Kill , Injure 25 Yemeni Civilians in Yemen’s Hodeida

At least three Yemeni civilians lost their lives and eleven injured including women and children when the US-Saudi warplanes bombed their houses on Friday in Jamal Street of Alhawk district in Yemen’s Hodeida . In addition ,the US-Saudi fighter jets waged nine raids on Aljablyih area , one raid on Atuhita district and another on July-7 neighborhood .

Source at the Health ministry confirmed in initial statistic that three people killed and injured six including children in massive bombardment by the aggression mercenaries on the citizens’ houses .

As well , a civilian killed and wounded five including two women as Saudi drone targeted four houses in a neighborhood in Almina district .

In Atuhita district , a civilian died of his serious injuries when the aggression jets hit a house in Alkarma village of Aljah region .

Also at the same district, a child shot died by the Saudi invaders.

More than 40 Katyusha missiles and 25 shells were shot against the citizens’ properties, their farms in Azafran area and southern of Atuhita district .

As well as , the Saudi mercenaries’ artillery hit a factory for Ice-cream which led to wound a worker and huge fire was broke out.

(* A K pH)

Victims Toll Rise to 14 Martyrs, Wounded by US-Saudi Bombing Houses in Hodeidah

The intensive artillery bombardment of the US-Saudi invaders and mercenaries on Friday night, that targeted a neighboring house in the Hawk district of Hodeidah, killed and wounded 14 people.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Health Yousef al-Haidari, said that 3 citizens were killed and 11 others were wounded, including women and children in Hawk district, in Hodeidah.

The US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries escalated on Friday their attacks on citizens, where a citizen was killed and 5 others were wounded, including two women and a child, by airstrikes that targeted four houses in the port district.

A child was also killed by the invaders and mercenaries in Tahita district.

(* A K)

Deadly fighting erupts in Yemen's Hodeida

Renewed violence in Yemen's vital port city of Hodeida has left 10 fighters dead, despite a UN push for peace talks, an official and medical sources told AFP on Saturday.

An official with pro-government forces said fighting erupted in the east and south of the Red Sea city on Friday, while Huthi rebels on their television channel referred to an exchange of tank fire.

Intermittent clashes continued on Saturday, Hodeida residents told AFP by phone.

Medical sources on Saturday confirmed the bodies of eight militants had been transferred to hospitals. Two fighters with pro-government forces were also killed =

(A K pH)

Photos of the targeting of citizens' homes in Gamal Street, Hodeidah Governorate, 30-11-2018

(A K pH)

The funeral of the martyrs of the crime of Hawk (Al Hawk) and stops at the scene of the crime 01-12-2018

this was the air raid:

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(A P)

The release of 14 abductees of Hajja in an exchange deal with Houthis

An exchange deal between government forces and Houthi militias has succeeded in releasing 14 abductees from Hajjah Governorate who were in al-Houthi prisons.

A similar number of Houthi prisoners had been released under the efforts of tribal mediators that had lasted for several months, which led to the success of the deal.

(B H K P)

Forgotten Famine

[Report by The Tmes, in image]

(B P)

#Yemen Aviation : Not for Yemenis. – Al Mukalla Airport : No Yemenis allowed. Flights only for UAE military officers & US Ambassador Matthew Tueller – Sanaa Airport : No Yemenis allowed. Flights only for the UN and Ethiopian refugees evacuating to Addis Ababa (photos)

(A P)

You read all these intl' news websites writing a lengthy story on Yemen with only quotes from non-Yemeni Yemen "experts" as if Yemeni voices don't exist, as if Yemenis should only be starving with no voice. Sickening!

I am not demanding the exclusion of non-Yemeni Yemen experts. I demand that editors & journalists diversify the voices in their stories on Yemen! Wouldn’t be nice to have a comprehensive view on Yemen by male/female, non-Yemeni & Yemeni voices?!

(* B K)

Cluster Munitions: Investments in the banned weapon free fall

According to the Cluster Munition Monitor 2018, published in August, cluster munitions were used in Syria and Yemen in 2017. In total, the Monitor recorded 289 new cluster munition casualties in 2017, including Syria and Yemen, and eight other countries where cluster munitions dropped during past conflicts have exploded.


(* B)

2789 Yemenis were killed & injured by cluster bombs including 222 children, Said spokesman of Yemen army Yahya Saree. He showed these fragments to reporters in a press conference in Sanaa today. Most of these cluster bombs are US-UK made. Hit mostly Saada, Hajja, north

(* B H P)

Children die as foreign powers circle over Yemen's shattered land

Despite horrifying statistics of death and starvation, regional players and their backers are using a ceasefire as a bargaining chip

But the story of Yemen’s war is a story of international indifference, self-interest and cynical manipulation. World leaders at this weekend’s G20mostly paid lip service to the issue, if they discussed it at all.

Yemen has limited economic or strategic importance. Former colonial powers, Turkey and Britain, admit no responsibility. For the Saudis next door, it is a battleground in a region-wide proxy war with Iran. For arms dealers, it’s a profitable bazaar.

Despite the US and British shift, the Saudis continue to resist a Yemen ceasefire, fatuously claiming to be on the brink of victory. A government offensive around the key port of Hodeidah persisted until last week, despite UN warnings it was further jeopardising food imports.

For Prince Mohammed, an enforced, inconclusive halt to the war he launched in 2015 would be another big personal setback, coming on top of the Khashoggi disaster, the strategic failure in Syria (where Iran and its allies are triumphant), and the recent nosedive in Saudi relations with Turkey, Lebanon and the EU. His position at home, already weakened, could be fatally compromised. And the prince may yet face a UN war crimes inquiry.

Saudi and UAE reluctance to talk peace, and Trump’s determination to protect his friends in Riyadh, explain remarkable American double-dealing at the UN security council last week.

(* B H K P)

Friedensgespräche geplant: Eine kleine Chance für den Jemen

Die Vereinten Nationen nehmen einen neuen Anlauf, um den verheerenden Krieg im Armenhaus der arabischen Welt zu beenden. Kann das gelingen?


(* B H K P)

Int'l community pushing for peace in Yemen despite major obstacles

While the international community is trying to pave the way for Yemeni peace talks, the reality on the ground is completely different

[Somewhat biased overview, from Egypt]

(* B H K P)

As Senators Rebuke U.S.-Saudi Policy in Yemen, Revisit FRONTLINE’s Yemen Films

(*B K P)

No more excuses – the Saudi-led war in Yemen must end now

[letters to the editor]

(* B K P)


Corporate politicians try and defend the military actions of the Saudi led coalition in Yemen by sheer unadulterated lies. UK Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt in a debate in the House of Commons blithely stated that the Saudi led coalition had not breached any international law. *

Yet evidence of war crimes in Yemen abound.

The US and UK along with France are well known for being the major arms sellers to the Saudi coalition and for protecting its more well known war crimes from diplomatic censure. Less well known is their support for the Saudi coalitions economic war against Yemen, a major cause of starvation, and the deliberate destruction of Yemen’s water and food infrastructure.

Professor Mundy’s report, which draws upon a variety of Yemeni sources, adds to the growing body of evidence that reveals how Saudi Arabia and its allies are committing acts of genocide in Yemen. This is with the active complicity of America and its UK ally.

This evidence of the deliberate destruction of the food infrastructure of Yemen, which is designed to create the conditions for mass starvation, is a clear act of genocide. As such, it is the responsibility of ordinary people across the world to pressure their governments into taking action against this genocide (with map: Food supply, agriculture as targets of Saudi coalition air raids).

(B H K)

Our dying children

The international newspaper believed its version of Yemen’s story through powerful images that may be difficult to look at served a message. But somehow, the vast catastrophe in Yemen has failed to catch the world’s attention as much as the murder of a single man in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Jamal Khashoggi.

Unfortunately, The New York Times clearly couldn’t achieve what it aimed for. The world around us is still not much concerned about the horrors in Yemen or any other conflict zone for that matter.

Children in conflict zones are coming under attack at a shocking scale.

An end to the war in conflict zones is what we badly need to stop the suffering of children. Of our children. The world shouldn’t need more children like Amal to perish to realise this.

(B P)

Journalist and Director of Yemen based media group Yemen Alaan says that unless Saudis respect Yemen as an independent state, there will be no solution

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

(* B H)

Yemen war: The battle rages on, children suffer most

(B H)

ICRC: Social media dashboard, Yemen

(A H P)

The Ministry of Health and Population headed the offices and hospitals of the capital Sana'a and the rest of the provinces to carry out all operations related to cancer tumors and possible to be conducted in Yemen for free (documents)

(* B H)

Public Works Project – newsletter

(* B H)

The humanitarian cost of Yemen's crumbling health system

Maternal deaths in Yemen are the highest in the Middle East. Only a third of births take place with the help of experienced health workers, and far fewer take place in a hospital. On Nov 3, 2018, Aljazeera reported on the dismal state of the health system in Yemen through the lens of maternal care.

A lack of blood for medical emergencies is a common reality in Yemen. In August 2017, Yemen's national blood bank was at risk of closing within a matter of days because of a lack of financial resources, and although the WHO scaled-up its support for blood products, as well as other consumables and reagents, 8 months later the Saudi-led coalition hit the blood bank with an airstrike, causing considerable damage.

(* B H)

Film: David Beasley über die Hungersnot im Jemen

Die humanitäre Krise im Jemen spitzt sich zu, 12 Millionen Menschen stehen kurz vor dem Hungertod. Es fehlt nicht nur an Lebensmitteln, sondern auch an Kleidung und Hygieneartikeln. David Beasley, Leiter des Welternährungsprogramms der UN, war bis vor kurzem selber vor Ort und gibt im Interview einen Einblick in die aktuelle Situation.

french version:

(* A H)

1000 Kinder Chance geben, zu überleben

Spendenaktion für Kinder Jemens in Not e.V.

17 Millionen Menschen im Jemen sind von Unterernährung bedroht. Allein 2,2 Millionen Kinder sind akut unterernährt. 85.000 Kinder unter 5 Jahren sind in den letzten zweieinhalb Jahren in Jemen an akuter Mangelernährung gestorben. Ich möchte durch diese Aktion 1000 Kindern eine Chance zum Überleben geben.
Ich sammle Spenden für Kinder Jemens in Not e.V. und dein Beitrag zählt, egal, ob du wenig oder viel spendest. Jeder noch so kleine Betrag hilft. Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung. Ich habe unten Informationen zu Kinder Jemens in Not e.V. eingefügt.
Wir sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein aus Pasing (München), der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat Kinder im Jemen mit Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten zu unterstützen. Die Idee für den Verein kam dem gebürtigen Jemeniter Maged Al-Saidi, als er seinen Freunden und Kollegen vom Krieg und der Notlage im Jemen erzählte und immer mehr Menschen ihn gefragt haben, wie sie helfen können. Zusammen mit Freunden gründete er so Anfang 2017 „Kinder Jemens in Not“.

(* A H)

@monarelief has just finished distributing food aid baskets to most vulnerable families in Khulan district of Sana'a governorate. Today's project was funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising compaign. Please RT and Share (photos)

Also today in Khulan district of Sana'a governorate @monarelief's team provided most vulnerable families blankets to warm them from this cold winter. Our work today was funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign. Million thanks to all our donors and supporters (photos)

(* B H)

Sharp Drop in Commercial Food Imports into Yemen Will Increase Hunger for Millions

The World Food Program warns that millions of people throughout Yemen who depend on the commercial import of food into the country will go hungry because of fighting around the port of Hodeida.

Fighting around Yemen's vital port city of Hodeida has intensified since mid-November when the Saudi-led coalition launched airstrikes against Houthi rebels. The vicious tit-for-tat combat has resulted in a sharp decrease in port operations by nearly half as shipping companies appear reluctant to put themselves at risk.

WFP spokesman, Herve Verhoosel, says around 20 million people do not receive food assistance from international organizations like his own. He says they purchase their food on the market and depend upon the arrival of commercial ships.
"If this situation persists or further deteriorates, it will have a drastic impact on food availability and prices in the market and make it increasingly difficult for Yemeni families to afford their basic needs," ssaid Verhoosel. "The food today is already very, very expensive on the market because there is not a lot of food…and if less boats arrive, that price will increase even more."
Verhoosel says there is enough commercial food stock in Yemen for 2.5 months.

(B H)

Documentary about “Aslam " tragedy directed by Nesreen AlSubaihi

Jordanian director Nasrin Al-Sabbihi is completing a new documentary that highlights the humanitarian crisis in Aslam district in Hajjah.

"Al-Subaihi" told Al-Masdar online, that the film will focus on the situation of misery and the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the "Aslam ", which led them to eat trees leaves.

She pointed out that the film, which is expected to be 20 minutes, will address what is happening in the “Aslam” from a neutral angle, and will portray the facts and suffering as it is

(A H)

Qatar Red Crescent Society, QFFD Back Health Sector in Al-Hudaydah

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Yemen UNHCR Flash Update, 30 November 2018

Key figures:

22.2M people in need

2M internally displaced persons (IDP)

89% of IDPs displaced for more than one year

1M IDP returnees


USD 198.7 M required for 2018

USD 137.5 M received as of 26 November 2018


UNHCR’s winter response continues in Yemen. Over 6,000 households have been assessed for shelter and protection needs. Vulnerable people living in areas at higher altitudes are prioritised for winter assistance as they are more exposed to harsh weather conditions.

Disbursements are ongoing as part of UNHCR’s plans to provide USD 41 million in cash assistance in Yemen this year.

In Hajjah Governorate, north of Al Hudaydah, UNHCR is constructing 3,200 transitional shelters for people who fled to Abs and have been living in poor conditions.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* B P)

A chapter from hell... Al-Masdar Online publishes abductee message from within Houthi prison

“After all the torture I have received I found myself obligated to sign the confession papers gave to me by Houthis,” said an abductee in Houthis prisons about his tragedy in a leak massage from his detention in one of Houthis prisons in Sanaa.

The abductee mentioned in a letter - obtained by Al-Masdar online and which we reserve his name not to be disclosed to prevent his exposure to a retaliation torture- all kind of torture and violations he suffered to force him to confess things he did not commit.

“Houthis kidnaped me from my village in Raimah governorate and transferred him to Sanaa and I was forcibly hidden for 6 months, in which I lived horrific conditions and turned the life of my family which consists of my 76 years old father, my wife, and sister into a living hell after they informed them with rumors about my death and that Houthis executed me on the way” he said in the letter.

He added” My father health condition deteriorated while my wife went in a psychiatric trauma led to schizophrenia.

Al-Masdar online publishes the text of the abductee letter leaked from his detention:

In a secret prison they kept me for more than 6 months in which I’ve lived horrific conditions and turned the life of my family which consists of my 76 years old father, my wife, and sister into a living hell after they informed them with rumors about my death and that Houthis executed me on the way, they have been forced to sell belongings to use it to find me in the governorate prisons and in Hodeidah prisons, My father health condition deteriorated while my wife went in a psychiatric trauma led to schizophrenia because of disappearance.

(B P)

The Iranian government is targeting Baha’is in Yemen. We’ve seen this before.

My comment: It’s the Houthis who are targeting Baha’is in Yemen, it’s not Iran there.

(A P)

Parliament to resume its sessions on Saturday

The presidency of Parliament held on Monday a meeting chaired by speaker of the parliament, Yahya Al-Raai.
The meeting approved the commencement of its sessions of the Council for the 3rd period of the 2nd mi-year of the 13th annual tour on Saturday.

(* A P)

UN employee captured in Yemen port city

The Iranian-aligned Houthi rebels have captured an employee of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Sunday in the port city of Al Hudaydah, Yemeni Minister of Information Moammar Eryani has said.

Sputnik cited Eryani, who personally took to Twitter, saying, "The Houthi militia in the city of Al Hudaydah has detained Muhammad Shaybani, a specialist of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights." =

(B K P)

Houthi leader admits: Children are thrown to front lines

A former Houthi leader Ibrahim al-Sahmi has admitted that children are thrown to front lines, affirming that they are threatened with murder in case they retreat.

Al-Shami who has lately surrendered himself to the Yemeni army revealed that a number of Houthi leaders came from Saada to fight in Hodeida, noting that all those leaders hide in back lines and their duties are to purge Houthi fighters who retreat from battlefields.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi propaganda.

(B K P)

How have Yemen's rebels survived the Saudi-led onslaught?

Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners predicted a quick victory when they launched a military intervention in Yemen in 2015 to support the ousted government.

But more than three-and-a-half years later the Huthi rebels remain undefeated and the conflict is a quagmire that has set off a major humanitarian crisis.

Here is a look at how the outgunned rebels have clung on:

[somewhet superfiacial overview by AFP] =

(A H P)

Yemen Confirms the Importance of Enhancing a Cooperation to Prevent a Painful Health Disaster

Ministry of Health on Sunday called on all the international and humanitarian, health organizations and health ministers in the world to visit Yemen.

The call came to learn the humanitarian and health tragedy and war crimes caused by Saudi-led coalition against the Yemeni people.

(A P)

Authorities close 16 shops in Sanaa for not-commitment to official prices

18 shops for wholesale in Taiz province closed for non-commitment to prices approved list

(A P)

The #Houthi militia gunmen have abducted the #businessman Mohammed Ahmed Suliman and two of his guards as they also looted around YR 130 Million from his car. Suliman is one of the biggest and most prominent cashiers in al-Mahweet.

(A P)

Sanaa Airport ready to receive all civil flights: Transport Minister

Yemeni Transport Minister, Zakaria al-Shami, on Saturday announced the full readiness of Sanaa International Airport to receive civil flights in accordance with requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Remark: Sanaa airport is blocked by the Saudis, who had bombed it many dozens times.

(A P)

Yemen is not battlefield to settle US-Iranian disputes: FM

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf on Saturday called on the current US administration to avoid any differences with the Islamic Republic of Iran on Yemen's lands and territorial waters.
"Yemen is not a battlefield to settle disputes of others at the expense of the Republic of Yemen and its people," the minister said in a statement.
The statement criticized US senior officials' statements, the last of which was by the US ambassador to Yemen, Matthew Tueller, during his visit to Hadramout Province Thursday, who said that "the situation reached by Yemen is a result of an unlimited Iranian support."

(B P)

Diary of a former French abductee in Houthis prisons

Suddenly, he finds his life turned upside down. "On the first night they interrogated me on my boat, and as a gesture of good faith I gave them my phone and my laptop," he said. However, he remained on the boat for a week.
"I thought they would be released," he said, but unfortunately, as he repeated on 9 June, "They went on a tour of the country, during Ramadan, and I heard the voices of people outside.
At around 8 am, gunmen grabbed my hands and put a band in my eyes before I found myself on the third floor of a prison in Sanaa. There I realized that I was in the worst. "

"I had to fill out questionnaires, some of the questions were logical, others were insulting ... sometimes they beat me, but I told them I was peaceful and not interested," he said. To me with this war. "
"The nights were harsh, they were making a lot of noise, they were raising the sound of the radio," he said. "I was afraid in my heart that I could not resist."

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

30 vehicles provided by Saudi Arabia to police forces in Hadramawt

The governor of Hadramawt, commander of the second military region, Maj. Gen. Faraj Salem Al-Bahssani, directed to provide 30 security vehicles from Saudi Arabia grant to the security sector in Hadramawt.

My comment: This is the Saudis’ own interest, I guess.

(A P)

Coinciding with the memory of Saleh's death “Bin Dagher” calls to unite the party again

Former Yemeni prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher called for the unification of the Congress party which was torn apart after the killing of late President Ali Abdallah Saleh by his Houthi allies in Sanaa a year ago.

(A K P)

Investigation Committee listens to women victims of violations during armed conflict in Taiz

The National Commission for the investigation of violations organized a hearing for a number of women who were subjected to violations during the armed conflict in Taiz.

Women in session provided clarifications on the suffering of women as a result of shelling, mines, blockades, physical assaults, and house bombings, detailing the impact of war on women's lives, physical integrity and dignity, and the spread of mental illness and fear.

(B P)

Yemen's other conflicts simmer in city once held by al-Qaida

Two years after al-Qaida militants withdrew from Yemen's eastern city of Mukalla, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates patrol the streets in armored vehicles, driving past secessionist murals and keeping an eye out for jihadi sleeper cells.

The city on the Gulf of Aden, hundreds of kilometers (miles) from the front lines of the devastating war with Houthi rebels, offers a glimpse at the other conflicts simmering in Yemen, which threaten to boil over even if the latest international push for a truce in Stockholm this week succeeds.

Chipped murals throughout the city still bear the flag of communist South Yemen, and secessionists want to press their demands in any U.N.-brokered peace deal between the Houthis, the internationally-recognized government and Saudi-led forces. The United States under President Donald Trump meanwhile has increased the tempo of its drone strike campaign against al-Qaida to the highest level ever seen in the long shadow war.

My comment: This is by AP. This article is better than the AFP article, which largely repeats the UAE propaganda the foreign correspondents were told (look at cp15).

(A P)

A Public Festival in Ataq – Shabwa in Celebration of the 51st Anniversary of Southern Independence

On Thursday November 29th, 2018, a public festival was held in Ataq – Shabwa, in celebration of 51st Anniversary of Southern Independence. The first independence, when British occupation troops evacuated from the south, urges the southern people to seek a second independence when Yemeni occupation troops will be evacuated from the south

Shabwa Historic Festival: All International Efforts Towards Peace That Overcomes the Southern Cause Will Fail

Local leadership of Shabwa council issued the following statement:

Free citizens of Shabwa and glorious people of the south. You who sacrificed everything in your historic struggle towards liberation with dignity and patriotism. Here you are gathering today to celebrate the anniversary of November 30th, this glorious memory of the first national independence. He you are looking for your freedom through enforcing your will and gaining your second independence through restoring your free federal southern state.

On this occasion, we are asserting the following points:


(A P)

A Military Parade in Aden In Celebration of November 30th Independence Day

Military and security forces of the Southern Transitional Council held a military Parade in Al-Gala Camp in Aden in celebration of the 51st anniversary of November 30th Independence Day.

My comment: Southern separatists behaving like a ruling body already.

(A P)

"Cobra" a detained in «Bir Ahmed» tries to commit suicide after 5 months late release

A prisoner who was hospitalized in a critical condition this afternoon after trying to commit suicide with a large dose of medicine, according to security sources at Bir Ahmed Central Prison in Aden.

(A P)

Lamlas: Shabwa Will Never Chirp Outside the Squadron and Tomorrow Will Renew Its Stable Attitude Towards the National Cause of the South

Shabwa is of the south by soul and identity. Let’s all say it aloud that will will support our cause. Shabwa Will Never Chirp Outside the Southern Squadron”.

Remark: By southern separatists. Shabwa province had declared independence – this of course would disturb those who engage for a separatist Southern Yemen.

(A P)

Commander of Shabwa Elites – Azzan Axis – Participates in Public Celebrations of the Southern Independence Day in Ataq

Remark: Southern separatists praising their militia.

(A P)

Attempts to win influence in east #Yemen continue. #Saudi has just delivered 2,100 tonnes of diesel to #Mahra to help run generators. This will be welcome, but it may not calm fears of occupation (This comes 2.5 weeks after locals & Saudi forces exchanged gunfire, leaving 2 dead) (image)

(A P)

Film: Young girls dance to please Saudi ambassador to Yemen

(* B K P)

Erpressung: Teenager-Warlord terrorisiert zweitgrößte Stadt des Jemen

„Er ist zwar noch ein Teenager, führt aber hunderte Kämpfe an. Er ist rücksichtlos, kann als Scheich aber auch Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen Erwachsenen schlichten. Er ist arbeitslos, hat aber durch Erpressung ein Vermögen eingenommen. Der noch nicht volljährige Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi ist eine der mächtigsten Personen in Taiz, der zweitgrößten Stadt des Jemen, und hat vergangene Woche erneut unter Beweis gestellt, dass die Polizei sich nicht an ihn heranwagen kann. (…) Mekhlafi ist vielleicht das prominenteste Beispiel für das im Jemenkrieg weit verbreitete Phänomen des Kindersoldaten. (…)

Neben seiner Rolle als Militärkommandeur fungiert er auch als Scheich mit der Vollmacht, Meinungsverschiedenheiten unter den Bewohnern zu schlichten. ‚Scheich Ghazwan wird von vielen Menschen aufgesucht, die Meinungsverschiedenheiten schlichten wollen‘, so die Quelle in seinem Büro. Doch sind er und seine Kämpfer auf den Marktplätzen in Taiz wegen der Gelder, die sie von den Markthändlern und Ladenbesitzern erpressen, berüchtigt. (…)

and original English version, which had been linked earlier:

(A P)

We Will not Accept Violation of Legitimacy, Neglecting 3 References -Yemeni VP Says

Yemeni Vice President (VP) Ali Mohsen Saleh renewed rejection of attempt to demise the legitimacy or any deviation from the three recognized references, as the new round of consultations set to take place, in Sweden, approaches.

My comment: The Hadi government insists on its preconditions which really are an obstacle to any real peace – as they claim the Houthis must capitulate. According to the Hadi government, peace does not mean a “reset” for Yemen, but simply transferring all power in Yemen to the Hadi government.

(A P)

Demonstration in al-Turbah demanding Taiz full liberation

They declared their support to the president Hadi and the National Armed forces

(A P)

After meeting with prime minister. Taiz University resumes study Monday

The presidency of the University of Taiz announced on Saturday the resumption of study and work at the university starting next Monday, in all colleges and centers.

Remark: They had been on strike.

(A P)

Water Ministry condemns employees detention in field at Int'l Aden airport

The Ministry of Water and Environment on Friday condemned in a statement obtained by Saba the arbitrary measures taken by the Aden International Airport aiming to prevent a number employees working in water sector from traveling, interrogating, detaining and imprisoning some of them.

Remark: Houthi ministry at Sanaa complaining.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

Houthi delegation set to join UN-peace talks on Yemen

Houthi delegation set to join UN-peace talks on Yemen, as distraught medics warn hospitals engulfed by fighting

(* A P)

Yemen: media, likely postponement of Sweden talks

Yemeni talks initially scheduled in Sweden starting tomorrow could instead begin on December 6 or in the subsequent days, well-informed sources were quoted as saying by pan Arab daily al-Hayat, published by Saudi Arabia, which is involved in the Yemeni conflict.

(*A P)

Vereinte Nationen lassen verletzte Huthi-Rebellen aus Jemen ausfliegen

Die Vereinten Nationen haben am Montag rund 50 verletzte Rebellen aus dem Bürgerkriegsland Jemen ausgeflogen. Die Huthi-Kämpfer verließen am Nachmittag den Flughafen der Hauptstadt Sanaa in einem von der UNO gecharterten Flugzeug, wie Flughafenmitarbeiter und UN-Vertreter mitteilten. Ziel des Fluges war das Nachbarland Oman, wo die Rebellen medizinisch behandelt werden sollen.

Die Evakuierung der Rebellen war von der UNO als vertrauensbildende Maßnahme zwischen den Bürgerkriegsparteien vermittelt worden

(* A P)

Wounded rebels evacuated from Yemen on UN charter flight

Wounded Yemeni rebels were flown out of Sanaa on a UN charter flight Monday for medical treatment in Oman, an airport source told AFP, a critical step towards planned peace talks.

The source said the flight had taken off at 6:00 pm (1500 GMT) carrying 50 wounded rebels, their escorts and a team of doctors.

A UN source confirmed that wounded rebels had been evacuated from the Yemeni capital in what was a "confidence-building measure" aimed at pushing ahead with negotiations between Huthi rebels and a rival Saudi-led military coalition this month.

(* A P)

This is the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths, after he arrived in Sanaa airport with 2 airplanes. As scheduled,he’s supposed to leave with the Sanaa negotiators to Sweden tomorrow! Who knows? One of the 2 airplanes has already left Sanaa now with 50 wounded on board to Oman (photo)

(* A P)

UN envoy arrives in Yemen's capital to accompany Houthi rebel delegation to Sweden

United Nations Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths arrived in the rebel-held capital Sanaa on Monday, in a brief stop to get Houthi delegates to Sweden.

Griffiths refused to talk to reporters upon his arrival and rushed to meet Houthi officials.

Griffiths office said the talks in Sweden would more likely start on Wednesday.

The Houthi delegation was set to depart along with the UN envoy shortly after the 50 wounded rebel fighters boarded another UN plane for further treatment in Oman.

However, the injured have been waiting at the airport for more than six hours as their plane has not yet arrived.

and also

(* A P)

Houthi Fighters Evacuated From Yemen

Wounded Houthi fighters in Yemen's rebel-held Sana'a are being evacuated Monday before peace talks set to begin this month in Sweden.

The Houthi were taken in ambulances to the airport to board a U.N.-chartered flight.

The Saudi-led coalition said it had approved the evacuation of the wounded fighters.

(* A P)

Militärkoalition lässt Huthi-Rebellen ausfliegen

Es ist eine vertrauensbildende Maßnahme im Vorfeld der Friedensgespräche: Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärkoalition im Jemen erlaubt den UN, 50 verletzte Huthi-Rebellen zur Behandlung in den Oman auszufliegen.

Das bestätigte ein Sprecher der Militärkoalition im Jemen. Man betrachte die Aktion als eine vertrauensbildende Maßnahme im Vorfeld der Friedensgespräche, die in dieser Woche in Schweden starten, sagte Sprecher Turki al-Maliki laut der amtlichen saudiarabischen Nachrichtenagentur SPA. Die Koalition habe entsprechend einer Forderung des UN-Sondergesandten Martin Griffiths zugestimmt, Evakuierungsaktionen aus medizinischen Gründen zu ermöglichen. Die verletzten Rebellen, drei jemenitische Ärzte und ein UN-Arzt sollen demnach aus der von den Rebellen gehaltenen Hauptstadt Sanaa nach Maskat im Oman ausgeflogen werden.ärkoalition-lässt-huthi-rebellen-ausfliegen/a-46545589

und auch

(* A P)

UN plane to evacuate wounded Huthi rebels in Yemen: coalition

A UN plane will evacuate 50 wounded Huthi militants from Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa on Monday as a "confidence building measure" ahead of planned peace talks in Sweden, a Saudi-led military coalition said.

"A UN chartered plane will arrive at Sanaa international airport Monday to evacuate 50 wounded combatants... three Yemeni doctors and a UN doctor, from Sanaa to Muscat," a coalition spokesman said in a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency.

The fate of wounded rebels had been a stumbling block to the start of a previous round of aborted peace talks in September.

The coalition agreed to facilitate the medical evacuations at the request of UN envoy Martin Griffiths for "humanitarian reasons" and as a "confidence building measure", the spokesman added.

Huthi rebels on Thursday said they will attend UN-brokered peace talks in Sweden this week if guarantees to ensure they can leave home and return back are maintained. =

and also

(A P)

Sweden: Arrangements are ongoing go hold Yemeni consultations

Spokeswoman of Sweden Foreign Ministry has stated that arrangements are ongoing for holding consultations between Yemeni parties, pointing out that their appointment has not set so far.

(* A P)

UN-led Yemen peace talks to start in Sweden this week

Yemen envoy Martin Griffiths aims to get both sides to agree to UN-led negotiations to end the war

The current diplomatic initiative is being pushed amid a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation but also comes as the war’s front-lines have experienced a fragile de-escalation.

Mr Griffiths is expected to travel with the Houthi delegation from Sanaa on Monday, in an effort to preempt another premature collapse of talks, diplomatic sources told The National.

The UN envoy is planning to steer the new talks towards confidence-building measures such as unifying Yemen’s central bank and arranging prisoner swaps.

If the Houthi delegation makes it to Sweden, Mr Griffiths aims to get both sides to agree to a framework that “establishes the principles and parameters for UN-led, inclusive Yemeni negotiations to end the war, and restart a political transition," a statement from his office said.

Some of the dynamics around the upcoming talks are different from in September, said Elizabeth Dickenson, a senior analyst at the conflict monitoring organisation International Crisis Group.

(* B P)


We, as the Women for Yemen Network, call for women to be represented in peace talks, starting with the upcoming meeting in Sweden this December. We call on the international community to put pressure on all parties to the conflict in Yemen to ensure that women are present at the peace talks. When women’s voices are included, a more lasting peace is secured.

Many issues, essential to building a lasting peace, are being neglected in the current peace negotiations. When women are present at the peace table, they ensure that the lived experiences of women and their communities are reflected in the final peace agreement.

No true peace will happen without addressing the following issues:

Women’s role in the peace process:

Restoring normalcy in Yemen:


Child soldiers:

Transitional Justice:

(* B P)

News Analysis: Upcoming UN-sponsored talks raise hopes in Yemen, but huge obstacles loom

Yemeni analysts and politicians believe that the road to the success of the new peace negotiations will not be paved with flowers and a number of obstacles are looming on the horizon.

Abdul-Raqeeb Hidyani, a political analyst and writer, said most of the Yemeni people don't expect a lot from Sweden's peace talks because they used to see failure during all previous negotiations facilitated by the UN.

Mansour Saleh, a prominent political analyst based in Aden, said that achieving peace in Yemen is not linked to the two-warring sides but to the international community with a real desire to find it necessary to end this devastating war.

Nabil Albukiri, a researcher in international strategies, described the UN-sponsored talks as an international attempt to cease the fighting in Yemen for a short temporary period but not to end it permanently.

Albukiri said that Sweden's talks will create new rounds of military conflict afterwards because the major causes of the war are ignored. The talks will only discuss the results and the humanitarian consequences of the war.

Another obstacle facing the UN-sponsored talks comes from the pro-secesssion Southern Transitional Council (STC) that totally rejects any attempt to pass over the southern people's issue and their sole political representative in any upcoming negotiations.

My comment: Chinese sources seem to quote only anti-Houthi “analysts”.

(* A P)

Al-Ajri : US and Saudi Arabia Have to Participate in Sweden’s consultations

A member of the National Delegation, Abdulmalik al-Ajri, called on the US and Saudi Arabia to put their concerns on the negotiation table instead of covering up by misleading issues.

He said that America and Saudi Arabia should subject their fears and motives to the discussion. "To succeed in Sweden's consultations, America and Saudi Arabia should be brought to the negotiation table, he added.

Al-Ajri stressed the readiness of the national delegation to discuss with all issues all parties.

Remark: by the Houthi side.

(* A P)

Foreign Minister : we have completed the Deal of releasing the prisoners

Yemeni Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani said the government has completed all necessary measures to release all detainees, prisoners, abductees and forcibly hidden persons, and the Government is ready to go to Sweden's consultations.

In remarks to theÄl-Sharq Al-Awsat” newspaper on Saturday, he said that the prisoners ' file should be completed, is a purely humanitarian one that touches the feelings of tens of thousands of Yemenis.

My comment: Hadi government. – Well, wait and see.

(* A H P)

ERC calls for peace in Yemen

At the end of his mission to Yemen, Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock warned that conditions had deteriorated alarmingly since his last visit.

“Yemen is on the brink of a major catastrophe,” said Mr. Lowcock. “But it is not too late.

“During my mission, I met families outside Sana’a who fled their homes four years ago when conflict escalated and are still living in terrible conditions. In Lahj, I visited an overcrowded camp that hosts hundreds of desperate families displaced by recent fighting in Hudaydah.”

Displacement is one of the most visible consequences of the conflict in Yemen. About 2.3 million people are currently displaced across the country. Since June alone, more than 500,000 people have fled conflict in Hudaydah Governorate.

The conflict – and especially the recent economic crisis – are also driving major increases in severe hunger and malnutrition. “In Aden, I met emaciated children so malnourished they could barely open their eyes. Humanitarian assistance helps many of these children recover. But I also heard heartbreaking stories of children relapsing again and again because their families simply can’t afford food or proper medical care.”

and also

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Cartoon: Prince Salman arriving at Algeria

(B K P)

Film: The role of KSA in the international Alliance "Saudi Arabia overtook UK and France in the number of bombing operations in #Syria and #Iraq, came second after the United States". Brigadier General Hasan Thafer. The name of KSA has become associated with crimes everywhere.

(* B P)

Oppression in the Middle East is worse than ever — and Trump is encouraging more

AS CONGRESS considers its reaction to the state-sponsored murder of Jamal Khashoggi, it’s important to take into account that it was not an isolated act. The strangling and dismemberment of the journalist by a 15-member Saudi team form part of a pattern of brutal repression by the regime of King Salman and his highest-ranking son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, that far exceeds that of previous rulers. Saudi Arabia, in turn, forms part of a quartet of Sunni Arab dictatorships, all allied with the United States, that have sought to eliminate all forms of dissent, including free media, independent civil society groups and anyone advocating liberal reforms.

The regimes, which include Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, as well as Saudi Arabia, don’t hesitate to employ the most extreme methods to accomplish their aims, including mass arrests, torture, forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings. In doing so, they are repeating the mistakes of previous Arab dictators and storing up trouble for the future, in the form of alienated citizens and stagnant economies. In offering the regimes unqualified support, the Trump administration in turn is putting vital U.S. interests at risk.

One probable reason for the CIA’s conclusion that Mohammed bin Salman was involved in the Khashoggi murder is the operation’s resemblance to numerous others launched from the crown prince’s court over the past 18 months.

(A P)

My cartoon Saturday @TheTimes on the #G20Argentina aircraft steps red carpet...#MohammedBinSalman #Khashoggi #Yemen

(* B P)

„Damit es irgendwann zu Haftbefehlen kommt“

Die von Menschenrechtlern in Argentinien eingereichte Klage wegen Mord und Folter gegen den saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman solle Ermittlungen erst einmal in Gang setzen, sagte der Anwalt Andreas Schüler im Dlf. Wo auch immer er hinreise, müsse er damit rechnen, dass Anzeigen gegen ihn erstattet werden.

Schüller: Die Klage ist wichtig, weil es Ermittlungen in Gang setzen kann, auch wenn dem Kronprinzen jetzt während seiner Anwesenheit vielleicht nicht direkt eine Festnahme oder Vernehmung droht, aber eine solche Klage kann in Gang setzen, dass auch nach seiner Abreise ermittelt wird, und das wäre das Wichtige, was dann bleibt, weil solche Ermittlungen können dann auch später eventuell in anderen Ländern fortgeführt werden.

Die Klage jetzt in Argentinien oder die Strafanzeige wird schon Folgen haben, dass Mohammed bin Salman, wo auch immer er hinreist, damit rechnen muss, dass Anzeigen gegen ihn erstattet werden.

(B P)

Prinz Salman bei G20: Der Prinz hat schon verloren

Mein Kommentar: Wieso hat er das? Der kurze Text sagt dazu nichts.

(* A P)

Freundlicher Empfang für den Kronprinzen Saudi-Arabiens beim G20-Gipfel

Herzlicher Empfang statt internationale Isolation: Saudi-Arabiens Thronfolger Mohammed bin Salman ist knapp zwei Monate nach dem gewaltsamen Tod des Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi beim G20-Gipfel in Buenos Aires von den Staats- und Regierungschefs teils überschwänglich begrüßt worden. Trotz der möglichen Verwicklung des Kronprinzen in den Fall Khashoggi und der Rolle Riads im Jemen-Krieg gab es kaum Kritik an dem 33-Jährigen.

Prinz Mohammed unterhielt sich am Freitag am Rande des ersten Gipfeltags mit US-Präsident Donald Trump und dessen Tochter Ivanka. Zudem sprach der kurz "MBS" genannte Thronfolger mit Frankreichs Staatschef Emmanuel Macron und dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin.

Freundlich äußerte sich auch Chinas Staatschef Xi Jinping gegenüber Prinz Mohammed. Xi unterstütze die Reformpläne der Führung in Riad ausdrücklich, berichtete die chinesische Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua. China werde zudem mit dem Königreich weiter in Bereichen zusammenarbeiten, die seine Kerninteressen berührten, versicherte Xi dem Prinzen demnach.

Kritischer war die Begrüßung des Kronprinzen durch Macron.,-Freundlicher-Empfang-fuer-den-Kronprinzen-Saudi-Arabiens-beim-G20-Gipfel-_arid,638163.html =;art410924,9977538

(A P)

Saudi Crown Prince to visit Algeria after G20 summit

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will arrive in Algeria on Sunday for a two-day visit, Algerian state news agency APS said, resuming his tour of Arab countries after the G20 summit in Argentina.


(A P)

For His Crimes in Yemen and Consulate, Wide Public Rejection of Ben Salman’s Visit in Algeria

Algerian journalists, intellectuals and political parties rejected the visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Sunday for his massacres of civilians in Yemen and the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In a statement they objected to the visit delivered a letter signed by 17 media and cultural personalities, entitled "No to Mohammed Bin Salman's Visit."

(* A B P)

We don’t want him here’: Saudi crown prince is a protected pariah at G-20 summit

The legions of protesters demonstrating at a leaders summit here have unfurled a sea of standard-issue signs, ranging from “No to Imperialism” to “Yankees Go Home.” But a newer rallying cry also appeared on a smattering of homemade posters.

“Mohammed bin Salman, Assassin!”

For Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Group of 20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires has amounted to a key test: his first appearance at a major international event since the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Mohammed came to the summit a pariah to some leaders — he was positioned at the far edge of the back row in the annual “family photo” with attending leaders Saturday, and leaders including Germany’s Angela Merkel had let it be known before the summit that they would not see Mohammed in Argentina.

But Mohammed was also secure in the knowledge that President Trump had already said the crown prince’s culpability, if any, would not rupture the U.S. relationship with Riyadh.

That guarantee helped convince Mohammed that he could make the trip on behalf of his country

But the man who once sought to fashion himself as the younger, fresher face of Saudi leadership has also arrived to find himself viewed as tainted, transformed into a global symbol of brutal tyranny. In what was meant to be a triumphant display of his consolidation of power at home, Mohammed has instead been dogged by attempts to prosecute him in Argentina for foreign crimes, singled out by protesters and scolded by European leaders.

(* A P)

A high-five from Putin and that awkward photograph: Saudi prince's G20 summit

The two moments captured the dilemma facing world leaders at the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires this weekend: How to deal with the crown prince, who is dogged by controversy over the murder of a Saudi journalist but is also de facto leader of a rich, oil-producing kingdom that is a major global investor.

To be sure Putin’s exuberant greeting of the prince was seen as over the top and promptly went viral. But, while leaders appeared to ignore Prince Mohammed on stage during the “family photo,” many went on to have closed-door bilateral meetings with him during the two-day summit.

Three of them, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron, said publicly they had pressed Prince Mohammed for a full investigation into the murder.

The crown prince also discussed investments and economic partnerships with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Readouts of those meetings did not say whether Xi and Modi had confronted the prince over the Khashoggi case.

and also (with films)

(A P)

Film, G20 summit: Prince Salman getting ignored

(A P)

Film, G20 summit: This is what impunity looks like

(B E P)

Saudi Bourse Loses $ 20.4 Billion since Khashoggi Murder

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

Siehe / Look at cp9

(A P)

Turkey's Erdogan Says Not Aiming To Harm Saudi Royals In Khashoggi Affair

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Turkey's insistence on finding the truth behind the recent killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi was not aimed at damaging the Saudi royal family.

Speaking to reporters at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Erdogan said that solving the Khashoggi killing would also be in the interest of the Saudi monarchy.

"We have never seen this as a political issue," Erdogan said. "We want to make sure that the murder is revealed in all aspects and that the perpetrators are tried."

(* B P)

CIA Intercepts Underpin Assessment Saudi Crown Prince Targeted Khashoggi

Conclusion that Mohammad ‘probably ordered’ killing relies in part on 11 messages he sent to adviser who oversaw hit squad around time it killed journalist

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent at least 11 messages to his closest adviser, who oversaw the team that killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi, in the hours before and after the journalist’s death in October, according to a highly classified CIA assessment.

The Saudi leader also in August 2017 had told associates that if his efforts to persuade Mr. Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia weren’t successful, “we could possibly lure him outside Saudi Arabia and make arrangements,” according to the assessment.

with film: How did the CIA conclude that journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed on the orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman? WSJ’s Warren P. Strobel has an exclusive look at the secretive evidence behind the assessment.


(* B P)


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent at least 11 messages to his closest adviser, who allegedly oversaw the team that killed US columnist Jamal Khashoggi, in the hours before and after his death in October, The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday, citing a highly classified CIA assessment report.

The Wall Street Journal said it had reviewed excerpts of the Central Intelligence Agency’s assessment, which included electronic intercepts and other information.

The excerpts state that the CIA had “medium-to-high” confidence that Prince Mohammad had personally targeted Khashoggi to the extent of “probably ordering his death”. However, the assessment stated there was no direct reporting of the crown prince actually issuing a kill order, The Wall Street Journalsaid.

Prince Mohammed had sent the electronic messages to Saud al-Qahtani, who supervised the 15-man team that killed Khashoggi and was in direct communication with the team’s leader in Istanbul, the Journal said, citing the CIA report. The content of the messages between Prince Mohammed and Qahtani isn’t known.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Senate headed for clash over Saudi Arabia

The Senate is barreling toward a floor brawl over how to respond to Saudi Arabia's role in the slaying of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

But now, lawmakers need to figure out what a final bill will look like as they prepare to take a next step of bringing the resolution up for debate - and a potentially raucous floor drama. The war powers fight is uncharted waters for a Senate that has repeatedly rejected attempts to challenge the White House's war authority.

First, senators will need to agree to proceed to the resolution

It's what comes after that is causing heartburn for advocates of the resolution and leadership alike, who are hoping to get an agreement that would prevent an unwieldy debate that could otherwise derail the bill.

"I think this blows up the minute you get too far afield," Murphy said, characterizing himself as open to "limited" and on-topic amendments.

Without a deal on how to move forward, senators are predicting a marathon floor session akin to the infamous "vote-a-ramas" that accompany budget resolutions, where any senator can force a vote on any amendment on any issue. That would allow any senator to bring up political lightning rods and force tough votes that would otherwise be prevented from coming to the floor.

(* B P)

Senate Rebukes Trump But Yemen War Not Over Yet

For all of the Trump administration’s rhetoric about the need to end the war, the only way to achieve this goal is by ending the Saudi-led intervention. And without U.S. support, the Saudi-led coalition would lose significant legitimacy and the resources required to wage its intervention indefinitely, forcing Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and its proxies to come to the table to negotiate. That’s one reason why the Senate’s vote and upcoming votes are so critical. Congress has decided to hold the administration to its rhetorical support for an end to the war and invoke the military leverage the administration has been so loathe to use.

Indeed, leading up to the Senate vote, the administration came out in full force to defend business-as-usual with Saudi Arabia.

As Sen. Sanders rightly said this week, “Enough death. Enough killing. Enough destruction.” Yemen can no longer wait.

(* B P)

Senate Tumult Reflects Popular Discontent With Yemen War

But the Senate tumult also reflects the overwhelming American sentiment against the Yemen War, according to Cole Harrison, executive director of Massachusetts Peace Action and a friend.

“Saudi Arabia has one of the most hated regimes in the Middle East,” he told me. “It’s a repressive dictatorship. The murder of Khashoggi was just the spark that lit a fire.”

“The human rights community has played a key role in exposing Saudi atrocities,” peace activist Harrison said.

Grassroots groups are also building opposition to the Yemen War. Four activist organizations took out full page ads in local daily newspapers urging support for the War Powers Act resolutions.

Eric Eikenberry, Director of Policy & Advocacy at the Yemen Peace Project, one of the groups sponsoring the ad, said, “Many in the administration … inanely think that other countries will bear the brunt of both blame and accountability. With a potential famine impacting millions, we can only hope that Congress acts with more foresight, and more humanity.”

While the House and Senate debates are significant, don’t hold your breath waiting for Congress to stop the war. =

(* A P)

Bernie Sanders: End U.S. Arms Sales to Saudis and Support for its Yemen War

Sen. Sanders joins Paul Jay to discuss his Senate resolution to end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen

What we have managed to do, what we did last week, is for the first time use the War Powers Act to move forward to stop a horrible, horrible war. And that war is the Saudi-led intervention in the Yemen civil war.

Well, I’m a United States senator. So I … Look, I have been doing my best to make just those points, and to say why are we deeply allied–and you know, and Trump has taken it to a new level. There is an outrage all over the country and in Congress that in the most cold-blooded way imaginable, enticing a dissident to walk into a consulate, a Saudi consulate in Turkey, killing him and then dismembering them. This is, presumably, our wonderful ally. And Trump can’t even acknowledge the reality of what the CIA has told them.

But it’s not just Jamal Khashoggi. and film:

(A P)

Yemeni-Americans In Connecticut Call For Civil War Cease Fire

Yemeni-Americans living in Connecticut are asking people to put pressure on their elected representatives over U.S. involvement in Yemen’s ongoing civil war.

The group was invited by Democratic U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

(* B P)

News Analysis: Why does U.S. push urgently for peace process in Yemen now?

"The U.S. diplomatic movements have begun in early October, after the Western media began to learn about details of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi," said Abdelelah Haidar, a Yemeni political analyst and an expert on the U.S. political issues based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

"It appeared to be a U.S. military decision by the Pentagon chief Mattis as he was the first U.S. official to demand an immediate end to the Saudi-led coalition war in Yemen," Haidar told Xinhua.

"The victory of democrats in the midterm elections in the Congress in late October has sped up the pressure on Trump's administration," Haidar said.

"The democratic's senators were backed by a large-scale support from the leading U.S. media outlets, which focused on the Saudi-led coalition war in Yemen and linked it with the murder of Khashoggi," he said.

"I think, the Congress' pressure is targeting Trump himself ... it targeted the personal business relationship between Trump, his son-in-law Jared Kushner and the Saudi royal family," Haidar said.

Professor Ali al-Ammary of the Faculty of Media in Sanaa University argued that the increasing pictures of Yemen's war, particularly the airstrikes, the Yemeni malnourished children and depressed Yemeni families on western media front pages, were the key factor behind the recent international pressure to end the war.

(* B K P)

Understanding U.S. Involvement in Yemen’s ‘Forgotten War’

The war has since assumed the moniker “The Forgotten War” by Yemenis because public knowledge in the West has been low and media coverage has been scant, despite the magnitude of the calamity. The discussion of the war following Khashoggi’s death has seemingly unearthed the bombardment led by the Saudi coalition – made possible by American-supplied weapons and refueling. The war has spiraled into a famine that worsens with each passing day, thanks to the airstrikes and naval and air blockades of critical Yemeni ports. With the transition from Obama to Trump, the alliance between the KSA and the U.S. has shifted from one that was cast as a necessary diplomatic evil to serve geopolitical and economic interests to one that, increasingly, appears amicable.


(* B K)

Film: More civilian lives have been claimed, but this time not by the coalition airstrikes or #Houthi artillery, but by U.S. drone aircrafts. Watch this story

(* A K P)

US to keep aiding Saudis in Yemen despite furor: Pompeo

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed Saturday that the United States would continue supporting Saudi Arabia's military campaign in Yemen, despite rising outrage over the kingdom.

Speaking from a Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires, Pompeo acknowledged that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen -- where millions are at risk of starvation -- had reached "epic proportions" but said Washington and Riyadh were offering aid.

"The program that we're involved in today we intend to continue," Pompeo told CNN when asked about military assistance to the Saudi-led coalition.

Pompeo, who met in Buenos Aires with his Saudi counterpart, has backed the war as a way to counter Iran, which has ties to Yemen's Huthi rebels.


(* A P)

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo doubled down on continued U.S. support for Saudi Arabia to continue its devastating war on Yemen.

Pompeo's comments to CNN on Saturday . Speaking to Wolf Blitzer on the sidelines of the G20 summit, Pompeo said the administration was intent on keeping "the strategic relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

Asked by Blitzer about dwindling support within Congress for participation in the war and whether the U.S. would continue to support the kingdom's bombing campaign of Yemen, Pompeo replied, "The program that we're involved in today we intend to continue."


(* B P)

The U.S. Continues Enabling Crimes Against Humanity in Yemen

The Trump administration’s indulgence of Saudi Arabia continues.

The Saudi coalition backed by the U.S. is responsible for creating this humanitarian crisis of “epic proportions,” and the U.S. shares responsibility in that. Offering relatively paltry sums of aid while simultaneously strangling the economy, wrecking the infrastructure, and starving the population amounts to putting some ointment on the multiple stab wounds you have just inflicted on the victim. It does the people of Yemen no good to throw them a few crumbs when the Saudi coalition and our government are responsible for destroying their country. Pompeo keeps boasting about the aid that Yemen’s tormentors are providing, as if that erases the catastrophic harm they have done over three and a half years.

When Pompeo isn’t desperately trying to shift the blame away from the real perpetrators of these crimes against humanity, he is usingaid donations as a cloak to conceal those same crimes and make it seem as if the tormentors are Yemen’s benefactors instead.


(* A K P)

Pompeo doubles down on US support for Saudi Arabia, says no direct evidence of Saudi leader's involvement in journalist's murder

In an exclusive interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on the sidelines of the G20 summit, Pompeo again noted a lack of direct evidence linking bin Salman to Khashoggi's murder.

"I have read every piece of intelligence that's in the possession of the United States government," Pompeo said. "And when it is done, when you complete that analysis, there's no direct evidence linking him to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. That is a accurate statement, it is an important statement, and it is a statement that we are making publicly today."

When asked if the CIA has a high confidence of the de facto Saudi leader's involvement, Pompeo told CNN, "I can't comment on intelligence matters."

(A P)

Top GOP appropriator signals willingness to cut arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Speaking at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, said that while Congress was still gathering information, “if we have the full picture on [Khashoggi], I would say no, we should not sell.”

(* A P)

A prominent law expert from Geneva's Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in a message slammed the US officials' misunderstanding of the diplomatic freedom.

'Brian Hook [American lawyer and government official] says being out of the #JCPOA has given US a great deal of 'diplomatic freedom'. 'Diplomatic freedom' is a new term to describe acting outside Int'l law. Like #Saudi also enjoys its 'diplomatic freedom' when it bombs school buses, disregarding all laws of war in #Yemen,' Reza Nasri tweeted on Friday.

(* A P)

Pompeo and Mattis criticized for defending U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia

The Trump administration’s determination to maintain warm ties with the Saudi royal family came into clear focus this week when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis showed up at the Senate.

Senators wanted to know more about the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and U.S. support for Saudi airstrikes in Yemen.

Instead, Pompeo and Mattis kept pivoting to the threat posed by Iran

But the explanations did not sit well with many senators seeking straightforward answers to their concerns about the slaying of the journalist and the crisis in Yemen, which the United Nations has called the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.

One senator summarized the hour with Pompeo and Mattis behind closed doors as “that horrible meeting.”

Both men summarized positions already laid down by President Trump. But their defense of Saudi Arabia’s “strategic importance” to U.S. interests turned a harsh light on them.

The different emphasis they placed on the relationship shielded Mattis from criticism more than Pompeo.

Nancy McEldowney, a former head of the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute that trains diplomats, compared Pompeo to a man walking behind an elephant with a shovel to clean up the mess.

“He had no answer to give,” she said. “He couldn’t or wouldn’t speak the truth.”

and film:

(A P)

Eye on Boise: ‘Our support is necessary’ in Yemen conflict, Risch says

Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho: “I believe existing authorities cover the extremely limited support the United States is providing in Yemen. Most importantly, our support is necessary to protect our national security interests from the extremists and foreign proxies threatening the sovereignty of Yemen.”

My comment: Propaganda mouthpiece.

(A P)

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Film: After yesterday’s briefing on Saudi gov’s murderous tendencies, there is further proof the Trump admin refuses to hold the Saudis accountable. More reason to renounce our practical involvement—as well as moral & legal responsibility—for their deadly attacks on civilians in Yemen.

(* A B P)

Should the US suspend support to Saudi Arabia?

The Senate voted to bring a measure to the floor that would limit the president's war powers in Yemen in response to the murder of U.S. resident and journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabia.

[the whole matter, mainly extended quotations]

(* B K P)


(You can watch long-time LGM friend and Sanders foreign-policy aide Matt Duss explain the innovative, but entirely correct, reasoning behind invoking the War Powers Resolution here.)

Of course, what happens next is, as Ward puts it, “murky.” Even if, during the 116th Congress the House approves the resolution and the Senate still goes along, it remains unclear if anything will actually happen. Many dispute the constitutionality of the so-called “legislative veto” triggered by a concurrent resolution

I’m sure that Scott and Paul can say more about this, but my own sense is that this aspect of the War Powers Act is clearly constitutional; it enforces the black-letter power of Congress to declare (or not) war. But what the Supreme Court would do, including dodging the issue as a “political question,” remains uncertain.

There’s a certain resonance to the timing of these developments. The War Powers Resolution was passed over President Nixon’s veto—that is, during an administration whose echoes reverberate in the current one. Moreover, if Congress does finally claw back some real control over American involvement in Yemen then it will—to the best of my knowledge—prove the first significant successful legislative rebuke of a president’s freedom to materially back a party in a foreign conflict since the second Boland amendment, which prohibited the Reagan administration from supporting the Contras.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(B P)

The Government Has An Opportunity To Finally Stand Up For What Is Right, Instead Of Shielding Its Ally Saudi Arabia From Accountability In Yemen

As UN penholder on Yemen, it is disgraceful the UK has only now began to really use diplomatic leverage to press on the issue, and even then the Government has shown complicity as it refuses to call for an investigation into war crimes and full accountability for those responsible. For too long, the UK Government has shamelessly turned a blind eye to the suffering in Yemen, even as the Saudi-led coalition continue to target civilians.

My comment: Be honest: This will not happen. The only chance: A new government.

(B K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Did you know 12 million people in Yemen are starving?

What do Brits think of their government's support for Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen? We asked the public.

(A P)

Demonstrators in UK demand an end to war in Yemen

Protestors gathered outside 10 Downing Street late Friday, demanding an end to the war in Yemen and the British government’s support of Saudi Arabia.

The demonstrations were organised by the Stop The War Coalition and Hands Off Yemen anti-war movements.

(A P)

Corbyn: May must back up 'warm words' on Saudi Arabia with action

Labour leader challenges PM’s portrayal of a ‘robust’ conversation on Yemen and Jamal Khashoggi at G20 summit

Theresa May has offered “warm words” on human rights, but no action against Saudi Arabia on the war in Yemen or the killing of a Saudi journalist, Jeremy Corbyn has said, challenging May’s claim to have been “robust” with the Saudi leader at the G20 summit.

Corbyn said May’s comments meant nothing without concrete action.

and also

(A P)

If looks could kill... NEVER has Theresa May looked so awkward meeting a foreign dignitary

THE body language said it all – and that was before Theresa May gaze shot daggers into Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as she was forced into a formal meeting at the G20 summit in Argentina.

And the looks were backed up with actions as Mrs May demanded bin Salaman – increasingly referred to as MSB - take action over the death of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi during a heated meeting at the G20 summit.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Malaysia: Our military helped Saudi in Yemen war without Cabinet approval says Liew

The Cabinet did not approve Ops Yemen 2 that saw the Malaysian Armed Forces being deployed to Saudi Arabia to assist its military operations in Yemen.

Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong said that from June 11, 2015, about 27 officers and 62 rank-and-file troops were deployed to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on a rotational basis every three months for Ops Yemen 2.

However, the troops were withdrawn following the Pakatan Harapan government's decision on Sept 4 this year.

(* B P)

Special Report: How Iran spreads disinformation around the world

A Tehran-based agency has quietly fed propaganda through at least 70 websites to countries from Afghanistan to Russia. And American firms have helped.

More than 70 websites found by Reuters which push Iranian propaganda to 15 countries, in an operation that cybersecurity experts, social media firms and journalists are only starting to uncover. The sites found by Reuters are visited by more than half a million people a month, and have been promoted by social media accounts with more than a million followers.

The sites underline how political actors worldwide are increasingly circulating distorted or false information online to influence public opinion.

Reuters could not determine whether the Iranian government is behind the sites; Iranian officials in Tehran and London did not reply to questions.

Some of the sites in the Iranian operation were first exposed in August by companies including Facebook, Twitter and Google’s parent, Alphabet, after FireEye found them. The social media companies have closed hundreds of accounts that promoted the sites or pushed Iranian messaging.

But the sites uncovered by Reuters have a much wider scope. They have published in 16 different languages, from Azerbaijani to Urdu, targeting Internet users in less-developed countries.

The Iranian sites include:

Ten outlets targeting readers in Yemen, where Iran and U.S. ally Saudi Arabia have been fighting a proxy conflict since civil war broke out in 2015

Some of the sites are slapdash. The self-styled, misspelled “Yemen Press Agecny” carries a running update of Saudi “crimes against Yemenis during the past 24 hours.”


The Kremlin is widely seen as the superpower in modern information warfare.

Even though the Iranian operation is smaller, it has had impact on volatile topics.

AWDnews publishes in English, French, Spanish and German and, according to data from web analytics company SimilarWeb, receives around 12,000 unique visitors a month.

FireEye, a U.S. cybersecurity firm, originally named six websites as part of the Iranian influence operation. Reuters examined those sites, and their content led to the Tehran-based International Union of Virtual Media – by Jack Stubbs, Christopher Bing

My comment: Interesting, but politically biased. Iran actually does what all greater powers do. Islam-wide Saudi propaganda is well known. Does the US really care? No. – „The Kremlin is widely seen as the superpower in modern information warfare“. No. The absolute „superpower in modern information warfare“ ist he US. This article really wants to make us believe that only the enemies of the West are spreading world-wide propaganda. What a stupid propaganda scam!

The Pentagon alone, a 2009 report: „Here is your eye-popping statistic of the day: "This year, the Pentagon will employ 27,000 people just for recruitment, advertising and public relations — almost as many as the total 30,000-person work force in the
State Department." That's from an Associated Press investigation, "which found that over the past five years, the money the military spends on winning hearts and minds at home and abroad has grown by 63 percent, to at least $4.7 billion this year." ( We simply should not realise that there is a lot of Western propaganda spread worldwide every day – it is just not mentioned.

„The social media companies have closed hundreds of accounts that promoted the sites or pushed Iranian messaging“: Oupps: Why they do not block US propaganda as well? Facebook, Twitter and Co. are no neutral world-wide service provider: They are working in favor of the US propaganda. Even if one dislikes Iranian propaganda: should this be acceptable?

(A P)

Iran unterstützt neue Friedensgespräche

Man sei bereit, bei der Suche nach einer politischen Lösung zur Beilegung des Bürgerkriegs zu helfen, teilte das Außenministerium in Teheran mit.

(A P)

Iran backs Yemen peace talks, wants end of crisis: state TV

Iran backs U.N.-sponsored Yemen peace talks, Iranian state TV reported on Monday, saying Tehran was ready to help find a political solution.

“Iran welcomes the talks in Sweden ... Tehran is ready to help international talks to end the crisis and underlines the importance of accelerating providing humanitarian aid to the people,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, according to TV.

and also

(A P)

Erdogan: International community responsible for hungry children in Yemen

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the international community bears the responsibility for the hungry and innocent children in Yemen because it has remained silent.

Speaking to reporters at the end of the G20 summit in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, on Saturday, Erdogan said a comprehensive political solution is the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in Yemen, expressing Turkey’s support for efforts to revive negotiations under the United Nations umbrella.

Erdogan stressed the need to ease the pain of the Yemeni people as soon as possible and preserve the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding that the oppressed Yemeni people are left to their fate because their region does not have enough oil wealth.

(* A P)

Does Turkey regret supporting Saudi Arabia in Yemen war?

In the catastrophe in Yemen there is a take for Turkey as well. The Turkish government had announced that it supported the Saudi operation into Yemen only a few days after the intervention started.

Erdoğan, at a press conference in Buenos Aires late Dec 1, approached to the Yemeni warfrom a rather different perspective by underlining the international community’s responsibility in lending a hand to starving children and suffering innocents.

This new balance in the region has obviously pushed Turkey to return to its traditional foreign policy line that prioritizes dialogue, mediation, the use of peaceful means in resolving conflicts in third countries.

Turkey could do much more in promoting and protecting Yemen’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity if it would stay neutral and mediate between the rival parties instead of supporting the Saudi offensive.

(A P)

Thousands protest 'G20 circus' in Argentina

Thousands march against capitalism, abuse of activists as world leaders gather for annual G20 summit in Buenos Aires.

Meanwhile, the Argentine Committee in Solidarity with the Palestinian People also told Al Jazeera that it rejected the visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmanbecause of his role in the bombing of Yemen.

The group also highlighted the involvement of the United States and the United Arab Emirates in the Yemen war.

Others who protested against the attendance of Prince Mohammed called for justice for Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi


(A P)

Film: Argentinian activists have organized protests demanding the Argentine judiciary to prosecute those responsible for the war in #Yemen, starve the Yemenis and sever ties with the Saudi government.

another film

(A P)

PM Modi Meets Saudi Crown Prince, Investments, Defence Ties Discussed

G20 Summit: "Had a fruitful interaction with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. We discussed multiple aspects of India-Saudi Arabia relations and ways to further boost economic, cultural and energy ties," PM Modi wrote.

(* B P)

Tunisia’s tough lesson for Mohammed bin Salman

Under democracy, Tunisians enjoy the freedom to protest Mohammed bin Salman for Saudi Arabia’s assassination of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, its devastating war in Yemen and its crackdown on women activists. Rule of law, meanwhile, isn’t just a nice idea but something real and practiced.

These events are a small but powerful reminder of what Tunisia, despite its flaws and its struggles, can still teach us. It may not be a model, but it is, and can continue to be, an inspiration. And this is why—merely by existing—Tunisia represents both an exception and a threat to a new but ever-authoritarian Middle East. It’s no mistake that the only Arab Spring democracy is the one where people are protesting Mohammed bin Salman. Tunisia is the near-opposite of Saudi Arabia.

Today, Tunisia offers lessons not just to its neighbors but also to the United States and Europe on how to deal with strongmen such as Mohammed bin Salman—not with business-as-usual, but with criticism, accountability and a faith that justice, however slow and uneven, can be done. =

(A P)

Trudeau says he had ‘frank’ exchange with Saudi crown prince on Khashoggi, Yemen and human rights

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he spoke to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on the sidelines of the G20 summit to discuss Canadian concerns on an array of issues.

But Trudeau said his biggest concern was the situation in Yemen

He added that discussions on the Yemen crisis had come up repeatedly over the course of the G20 summi

My comment: And still selling arms to Saudi Arabia: This is hypocrisy.

(* A P)

Iran denies U.S. allegations of arms supply to Yemen Houthis

Iranian defense minister on Saturday denied that the Islamic republic is supplying arms to Yemen Houthi militants.

"The Americans are falsely accusing Iran of supporting the Yemenis (Houthis) militarily," Brigadier General Amir Hatami was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

"They (the Americans) think the Yemeni people's resistance is because of Iran's support, but our support is spiritual," the defense minister said.

(A P)

Mauritania Protests: No Welcome to the Yemeni Children Killer Ben Salman

Students of the University of Nouakchott, at the Faculty of Law and Economics, demonstrated in opposition to a visit by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Mauritania in a few days.

(A P)

Iranische Lehrer fordern von Vereinten Nationen Ende der Verbrechen im Jemen

In Teheran protestierten Lehrer vor dem Büro der Vereinten Nationen und forderten ein Ende der Gewalt im Jemen.

(A P)

Zarif fordert Umsetzung von Vier-Punkteplan in Bezug auf Jemen-Krieg

Der iranische Außenminister hat die Umsetzung eines Vier-Punkteplans zum Jemen-Krieg betont.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A E P)

Qatar to leave OPEC and focus on gas as it takes swipe at Riyadh

Qatar said on Monday it was quitting OPEC from January to focus on its gas ambitions, taking a swipe at the group’s de facto leader Saudi Arabia and marring efforts to show unity before this week’s meeting of exporters to tackle an oil price slide.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Report: Saudi Coalition Diverting Weapons to Yemeni Militias

A forthcoming documentary accuses the Saudi and Emirati governments of passing weapons purchased from the U.S., Britain, and other Western governments to militias in Yemen in violation of the agreements governing those sales.

Here is one more reason why the U.S. and other Western governments should get out of the business of selling arms to the Saudis and Emiratis. Not only are coalition forces using the weapons that our government sells to them to commit war crimes, but they are passing them along to their proxies and even to groups aligned with terrorists.

Since the Saudi coalition and its proxies have also been buying off and recruiting members of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), it isn’t surprising that they’re also providing jihadists with weapons sold by the U.S. and others, but it is more proof that these governments are not the counter-terrorist security partners that war supporters always claim them to be.

The Saudis and Emiratis have apparently been allowed to get away with this practice for years:

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(* A E P)
The riyal improved unlike prices

The Yemeni riyal witnessed a noticeable improvement in foreign exchange, months after the major collapse of the local currency, which reached its lowest level in the parallel market (black) at 800 riyals per dollar.

Following the monetary policy of the central bank and the Yemeni government, the exchange rate declined to USD 450 per dollar, creating an outlet for Yemenis who felt confident in their local currency and a breakthrough in the economic situation.

However, despite the improvement in the riyal, commodity prices are at high levels, with the exception of a slight reduction in the prices of domestically produced goods.

Slight retreat

According to a tour of Al Jazeera net in some stores, many of the items are still at their previous price, including infant formula, cheeses, medicines, and imported canned food, while the flour bag (50 kilograms) fell from 14,000 riyals (18.5 dollars) to 10,000.

Fuel prices fell from SAR 435 per liter ($1), two weeks before it was sold at 575 riyals (0.75 dollars), while the prices of fruits and vegetables remained unchanged.

This caused a state of congestion among Yemenis against merchants, as they saw it as "exploitation", as demonstrations erupted in the town of Radfan in the southern province of Al-Dale, while citizens called for the boycott of merchants. =

(* A E P)

Donating Countries fund the Yemeni central bank with 500 million USD

The Yemeni central Bank start discussions with donor countries the implementation of the central bank's funding program to support commercial lines of credit in the amount of $500 million, according to the decision of the Quartet at its last meeting.

This came at the meeting of the Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen, Mohammed Zamma, and leaders from the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank in Beirut, according to the state news agency Saba.

The first batch of the program will be 200 million dollars, with the aim of giving Yemeni merchants another option to finance the trade and coverage of the funds by the central bank, the agency said.


(A E P)

Central Bank governor calls for international support the Riyal price improvement

The governor of the central Bank of Yemen said on Sunday that the bank is calling for international support to maintain the improved local currency exchange rate, which has recently undergone a remarkable recovery.


(A E P)

Yemen central bank expecting $3 billion to prop up stricken economy - SABA

Yemen’s central bank is waiting for deposits worth $3 billion from foreign sources, the state news agency SABA quoted its governor, Mohammed Zammam, as saying on Saturday.

The deposits are expected to further prop up the battered Yemeni economy and its currency, the riyal, whose value has recently improved to 400 against the dollar, from a previous 800.

Zammam also said that the central bank will take “several decisions” to continue improving the exchange rate of the Yemeni currency, adding they will start paying salaries in Sanaa as of next week.


Remark: Hadi gov. Central bank at Aden.

Comment: Unless something is done to find jobs in Yemen the propping up of the central bank can only have imited effect, especially as its range is only the areas that are notionally under the control of Hadi.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#Jihad internecine conflict continues in #Yemen. #IslamicState (or the group identifying itself as such) claims it blew up an #AQAP member yesterday in al-Humaydiyya, al-Bayda'. Since start October, 60% of #ISIS Yemen ops targeted #alQaeda, only 40% Houthis & none the military... (image)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Arab coalition rescues 102 child recruits from Houthi militia in Yemen

The Arab Coalition fighting to support the legitimate government in Yemen said it rescued and rehabilitated 102 child recruits from Houthi militia.
Speaking at a weekly press conference in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Monday, spokesperson Col. Turki Al-Maliki affirmed that the coalition is continuing its fight against Al-Qaeda and Daesh in Yemen.

(A P)

Iran Isn't Interested in a Yemeni Peace on Saudi Terms

The diplomatic momentum that Tehran is enjoying in Washington may dissuade it from urging its Houthi allies from settling their claims at the peace table.

This brings us back to the key question in the conflict: What is Iran’s role on the Arabian Peninsula? It is doubtful that Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which are in proxy wars with Iran in Yemen and Syria and on the diplomatic front regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear-weapons program, would accept an armed, Iran-backed militia on their southern flank. It is equally unlikely that Iran will accept defeat at the peace table in Stockholm unless it is utterly vanquished on the battlefield in Yemen.

In the U.S. context, this may also explain why Iran’s ally, Turkey, is doing all it can to fan the flames of the Khashoggi investigation.

My comment: The Yemen war is no Iranian matter, and Iran does not take part in the peace talks. - "In the U.S. context, this may also explain ... ": This is a conspiration theory.

(A P)

Yemen alliance vows to smash Al Houthi arsenal

An Arab alliance, fighting Al Houthis in Yemen, has vowed to destroy the Iran-aligned militia’s arsenal.

This came after the coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Saturday destroyed a missile launch pad in the Al Houthi stronghold of Saada.

(A P)

Yemen city fights to resurrect itself after Al-Qaeda defeat

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), seen by the United States as the militant network's most dangerous franchise, was expelled from Mukalla in April 2016.

It was a rare success for coalition-backed Yemeni forces locked in a bloody stalemate with Iran-aligned Huthi rebels.

Militants who stoned women adulterers and enforced an austere vision of Islam no longer roam Mukalla's corniche and its squares no longer serve as venues for public executions.

But officials concede that the conditions that facilitated the militants' takeover of the poverty-stricken city of nearly 500,000 -- mainly a lack of services and governance -- still prevail.

Alongside fishermen in colourful sarongs, Mukalla's streets host beggars scavenging through overflowing dumpsters while raw sewage flows in open drains.

Neighbourhoods bear the scars of war, including bombed out houses. Joblessness is rampant, and despite Hadramawt being oil-rich, Mukalla is crippled by frequent power outages and fuel shortages.

"In Mukalla, the security is good, services are bad," said resident and former transport minister Badr Basalmah.

My comment: This looks like “embedded journalism”: an AFP correspondent came to Mukalla. – The coalition’s efforts against Al Qaida are a nice propaganda story. Just one point: “The jihadists retreated to the province's mountainous interiors just as swiftly as they took over the city”: because they were paid to do so.

(A P)

Standing With Saudi Arabia

In other words, there is an American alliance system in the region. It includes Saudi Arabia and Israel. On the other side is Iran. Again, the first principle of a sound foreign policy: discerning friends from foes.

How President Donald Trump has been forthright about the actual drivers of American policy in the Middle East

President Trump does away with all that nonsense in this statement, by putting U.S. interests first: “As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm.”

In both its style and its substance, Trump’s declaration of first principles is an unusually clear-minded, straightforward, and potentially significant document in the annals of American foreign policy, and a much-needed corrective to two decades of dishonesty and obfuscation.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia's KSRelief: ‘Humanitarian aid to Yemen is Arab coalition’s top priority’

Humanitarian aspect of the Yemeni conflict is the top priority of Saudi Arabia and other members of the Arab coalition, said Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, general supervisor of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief).
He said the coalition members strongly support entry of humanitarian aid into Yemen and reject exploitation of this issue for political gains.
He was addressing a joint press conference held at KSRelief headquarters in Riyadh on Sunday with Mark Lowcock, UN under-secretary-general for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.
Al-Rabeeah called on the UN and the international community to act against Houthis and put an end to their violation of international laws.

and statement in full

My comment: Lowcock seems not to look very happy in this photo. Might-be he knows that just a little sum of Saudi money (compared to what the Saudis did spend for the war) is making him a Saudi propaganda puppet.

And emphasizing on epoint:

(A P)

Stop exploitation of humanitarian situation in Yemen: Coalition

The Saudi-led Coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen rejects any exploitation of humanitarian situation in Yemen to achieve any political or military gains or any other goals, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, adviser at the Royal Court and general supervisor of the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Work (KSRelief) said on Sunday.

My comment: This is nice propaganda: The Saudis largely have caused this humanitarian situation, and the world is required to look away.

(A P)

Peace with Houthis is next to impossible

Now we are days ahead of another appointment for peace talks in Sweden. Once again, I posit that reaching peace with Houthis is next to impossible.

Houthis are one of the most extremist and uncompromising religious organizations on earth.

(A P)

Vice President: We will not accept Hizbullah's model in Yemen

Yemeni Vice President Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar said that Yemen would not tolerate the cloning of Hezbollah or any other area in Yemen for the state of Al-Faqih “As in Iran” and for militias that do not believe in political action or the peaceful circulation of power.

(A P)

What are Yemen’s Houthis preparing for Griffiths?

What is certain is that an independent Houthi entity in Yemen would amount to an invitation to more wars.

It is no secret that al-Houthi belongs to a doctrinal and sectarian school known for its reliance on duplicitous tactics in negotiations. So what could he be preparing for Griffiths, especially after the latter pressured the Arab coalition to stop a military campaign for the liberation of Hodeidah?

What is certain is that the UN envoy has served — knowingly or unknowingly — the Houthis’ interests. The Houthis know that extracting Hodeidah from them will have very important implications for whatever formula is used in a political settlement in Yemen.

Why does Griffiths insist on providing what the Houthis, who are betting on gaining precious time before anything else, demand?

What is happening in Yemen is the retreat of the Iranian project.

Where are Griffiths’ efforts leading? If the plan is to reach a formula that would lead to the establishment of a Houthi entity controlled by Iran, like the Gaza Strip, then the road map that he has adopted will lead to that outcome.

Every day that passes, we see Griffiths giving the Houthis more favours

(A P)

Government of Saudi Arabia: Yemen Quartet and Top United Nations Officials Discuss Humanitarian Situation and Aid Mechanisms in the Country

The Yemen Quartet grouping Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and the United Kingdom, on Saturday discussed in the Saudi capital with senior United Nations officials the humanitarian situation and the mechanisms of humanitarian aid in Yemen.

Held at the headquarters of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) in Riyadh, the meeting was chaired by the Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohamed Bin Said Al Jaber.

My comment: The four most horrible perpetrators in Yemen playing humanitarian benefactors. The “Yemen Quartett” is assembling four warring parties.

(A P)

Hypocrisy in the Yemen war

Short of Iran abandoning its expansionist designs and its use of its Houthi proxies to carry out its destabilising plans, Yemen’s tragedy could unfortunately continue.

The Houthis, Iran’s proxies in Yemen, are implausibly posturing themselves as proponents of peace ahead of talks this week in Sweden.

At a time when the international community was trying to de-escalate the conflict in Yemen, the Houthis were, however, seeking further escalation, hence boasting on November 29 of having fired a ballistic missile towards the Saudi border province of Najran.

My comment: Oh yeah, these horrible Iranians bomb Yemen into the ground, these horrible Iranian troops are assaulting Hodeidah…

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

Dec. 1:

Nov. 30:

Nov. 29:

Nov. 28:

(* A K pH)

#Hodeida port W #Yemen is under #Saudi #UAE strikes 3 people were killed 5 injured in a strike on the port minutes ago (no victims mentioned)


(* A K pH)

Saudi-led airstrike kills 4 civilians, injures 9 others In Saada

Four civilians were killed and nine others injured in a Saudi-led airstrike which hit on Monday Saada province, a security official told Saba.
The airstrike targeted a car carrying citizens in Kitaf district.

(* A K pH)

3 Citizens Killed by US-Saudi Apache Airstrikes in Saada.

Three citizens were killed on Sunday by US-Saudi Apache airstrikes in Baqim district of Saada.

(A K pH)

Dec. 1: In Sa'ada, A civilian was killed and his car was destroyed in addition to a civilians' properties damages by 9 of US-Saudi airstrikes on Baqim district.


(A K pH)

Film: the crime of aggression in the region of Galil Directorate

(A K pH)

Film: the crime of the Saudi-American aggression in the province of Hodeidah 01-12-2018

(A K pH)

Saudi-led airstrikes hit telecommunication network in Bayda (Nov. 30)

(A K pS)

Saudi-led coalition destroys Houthis' rocket pad launcher in Yemen's Saada

Saudi-led coalition involved in a war in Yemen destroyed on Saturday a rocket pad launcher of the Houthi militias in Yemeni city Saada, Al Arabiya TV reported.

The coalition spokesperson, Turki Al Malki, highlighted that the joint forces command of the coalition tracked the militias' attempt to prepare the camouflaged pad launcher with ballistic missiles in Saada province.

He said that the launcher was destroyed in full compliance with international humanitarian law and the rules of engagement of coalition forces.

My comment: They often claimed having targeting something like a Launcher, which proved to be something quite different.

(A K pH)

The funeral of the martyrs of the crime of Hawk (Al Hawk) and stops at the scene of the crime 01-12-2018

this was the air raid:

(* A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Dec. 3: Jawf p. and Hodeidah p.

Dec. 2: and and and Hodeidah p. and Nehm, Sanaa p. Jawf p. Bayda p.

Dec. 1: Nehm, Sanaa p. Hodeidah p. Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Saudi rocketry, artillery shell border areas in Saada

(A K pS)

The photojournalist, Raidan Alsofi, was killed by a landmine explosion planted by Houthi militia in Baqem district, Sa'ada governorate (photo)

(A K pH)

Saudi-led mercenaries shell populated border areas in Saada

(A K pH)

Saada prov.: The coalition fired artillery and rockets towards residential areas on Baqim district

(A K pS)

Houthi sniper kills mother of eight children in Taiz

The sniper stationed in Jaraydam mountain in Maqbana district of Taiz opened fire on Al-Shobeita Abdullah Rajeh a mother of eight children in her 55th year of age (photo)

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-486 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-486: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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