Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 499 - Yemen War Mosaic 499

Yemen Press Reader 499: 8. Januar 2019: Jemenkrieg: Eine elende Generation wächst nach – Aussichten für Jemens Zukunft – Frieden mit den Huthis? –Die Rolle der UNO beim Völkermord im Jemen ...

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... Hodeidah: Waffenstillstand wird gebrochen, gegenseitige Beschuldigungen – und mehr

January 8, 2019: Yemen War: A miserable new generation (in German) – Prospects for Yemen’s future – Can one make peace with the Houthis? – The UN role in Yemen genocide – Hodeidah: Ceasefire is violated, mutual accusations – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp8b Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun

cp9 USA

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Jemen-Krieg: «Eine elende Generation wächst nach»

Ali Saif Hassan ist Vermittler im Krieg in Jemen. Aber wie kann man angesichts von Hunger und Bomben in der Hauptstadt Sanaa überhaupt noch leben? Ein Zustandsbericht.

Ich werde in diesem Jahr 70 Jahre alt und habe viele Konflikte, Armut und Elend in Jemen erlebt. Aber dieser Krieg ist bei weitem der schlimmste. Warum? Die Luftangriffe und die gleichzeitige Blockade machen die Lage so schwierig. Es gibt vor allem zu wenig Lebensmittel im Land, und die, die es zu kaufen gibt, sind sehr teuer.

Man sieht den Menschen inzwischen den Krieg an. Viele sind sehr dünn, sie wanken, weil ihnen schwindelig ist, sie sind ausgezehrt. Auf dem Land ist es noch schlimmer. Dort, wo man schon vorher sehr arm war, sieht man jetzt eine wirkliche Hungersnot. Ohne Hilfe werden sie nicht überleben. Wo sollen die Jemeniten hin? Sie können nicht fliehen, denn unsere Nachbarn lassen niemanden über die Grenze. Sie sitzen hier fest. Sie sterben hier.

Man gewöhnt sich natürlich an den Krieg. Der Ausnahmezustand wird normal. Aber ich bin immer angespannt und in Alarmbereitschaft.

Nach Jemen fliegt noch eine einzige Fluglinie, unsere eigene: Yemenia. Zur Flotte gehören allerdings nur noch drei heruntergekommene Maschinen.

Wir können den Krieg nicht stoppen, aber wir können die Aggressionen begrenzen. Diese Mediationstreffen helfen, damit es überhaupt zu den offiziellen Uno-Friedensgesprächen wie kürzlich in Schweden kommen kann.

Die internationale Gemeinschaft will erreichen, dass sich Saudiarabien zurückzieht und die humanitäre Situation verbessert wird. Aber der Krieg der Jemeniten untereinander – der interessiert niemanden. Deswegen befürchte ich, dass dieser Teil des Konfliktes weitergehen wird.

In Sanaa ist die Situation noch besser als anderswo im Land. Aber auch wir haben seit Jahren keinen Strom gesehen. Jahre! Wir behelfen uns mit Solarenergie und Generatoren. Wasser haben wir ein paar Tage pro Woche oder alle zwei Wochen. Wie füllen es dann in unsere Wassertanks.

Die Krankenhäuser werden von den Hilfsorganisationen mit dem Nötigsten ausgestattet, aber ihre Möglichkeiten sind begrenzt. Am schlimmsten sind Nierenprobleme oder auch Krebs, Herzerkrankungen und schwere Operationen.

Jemeniten sind von Natur aus Händler. Die meisten Dinge gibt es in Sanaa durchaus zu kaufen, aber sie haben ihren Preis. Das Benzin zum Beispiel hat einen weiten Weg hinter sich. Jede Miliz «besteuert» es. Für die Mehrheit ist es deshalb zu teuer, die Leute gehen zu Fuss.

Wer noch etwas Geld hat, bringt es nicht zur Bank, denn die zahlt nur noch sehr begrenzte Summen aus.

Unser jüngster Enkel, er ist vier Jahre alt, will beim Spielen jetzt oft ein Saudi sein. «Ich bin ein Saudi, ich bringe dich um!», sagt er zu seinen Brüdern oder den Nachbarskindern. Oder: «Ich bin Huthi, ich bringe dich um!» Er gehört zu der neuen Generation, die Frieden nicht mehr kennengelernt hat.

Jemen ist so gespalten wie nie zuvor. Jedes Milizengebiet ist eine geschlossene Zone, die der Jugend nur ihr Weltbild beibringt. Viele Kinder gehen nicht zur Schule und werden Kämpfer, manchmal schon mit 14 Jahren. Sie werden nichts mehr über Jemen als Nation und als Staat wissen. Es wächst eine furchtbare Generation heran – von Ali Saif Hassan

(** B H P)

Prospects for Yemen in 2019 and beyond

The fear and terror induced by this situation, combined with unbearable survival conditions are creating a generation of psychologically scarred people, many of whom will never be able to live normal lives.

The Huthis skilfully stage-managed the apparent handover of the port to the Coast Guard, but it was a Huthi-managed entity who took over, a model which is likely to be reproduced in future as both groups have parallel institutions. To what extent either party is able to persuade UN monitors that their apparent implementation of the agreement is genuine will largely depend on two factors: first the monitors’ actual detailed knowledge of the situation on the ground and, second, the persuasive capacity of the members of the committee and other official spokesmen (no women involved, as usual).

Meanwhile, regardless of its weaknesses, the Stockholm agreement is a first sign of hope for 29 million Yemenis who are desperately waiting for peace and have been surviving war for close to 4 years, and in particular for the 20 million who are facing ‘severe acute food insecurity’ which is UN-speak for starvation.

The likelihood of peace in 2019 is extremely low: history has shown on multiple occasions that such talks are the beginning of very long and protracted processes and, at this point, there is no indication that any of the warring parties has come to the conclusion that negotiations and peace are a better option than continuing to fight in anticipation of victory, regardless of the suffering of the population.

What future for Yemen’s children?

However, to put the urgency in perspective, the following is a brief survey of the impact of the war and its continuation for the future of Yemen, and particularly of its children. They face a multiplicity of immediate and long-term challenges. Yemen, prior to the war the country with the highest illiteracy rate in the region, is now creating a new generation of illiterate adults, as more than 2 million children (a quarter of the school age population) who should be in education are not.[1] More than 2500 schools are unusable (16% of the total), either because they have been damaged or destroyed by military action (2/3 of cases) or because they have been closed due to lack of staff, are used as shelters for displaced people or have been taken over by the military.

In a country with limited natural resources, any successful future economic development will depend on highly educated adults able to participate in the modern economy. Better-educated people find higher paid jobs and their likelihood of unemployment is significantly lower, and are therefore less likely to join or support extremist groups.

In addition to the generation of children who remain out of education, those schools which are actually functioning only do so in a minimal level without equipment or other basics and with staff who, in many cases, have not been paid their salaries for well over two years now. Many teachers have stopped work, seeking an income elsewhere, or simply unable to afford the transport costs. Not only is education essential for the country’s future but, even now, while children are at school, they are far less vulnerable to risks such as recruitment as child soldiers, child labour or, in the case of girls, early marriage.

Leaving aside the implications for the future of Yemen of millions of uneducated adults, children are currently suffering from many immediate problems which will affect them in the post-war period. As has been amply demonstrated worldwide, low birth weight children are more vulnerable to diseases and early childhood malnutrition reduces people’s intellectual and physical abilities throughout their lives.

As of December 2018, about 1.1 million pregnant or breast-feeding women and 1.8 million children are malnourished. Many are basically starving

Close to 1.5 million children have been displaced, millions more are suffering from the trauma resulting from proximity to war zones, including the many active fronts, but also fearing attacks by drones, air strikes and other terrifying events which can happen anywhere in the country suddenly out of clear skies, day or night.

The fear and terror induced by this situation, combined with increasingly difficult, not to say, unbearable, living (or more accurately, survival) conditions are creating a generation of psychologically scarred people, many of whom will never be able to live normal lives.

We have not even mentioned here the issue of child soldiers; in an environment where there are no jobs, where families are desperate and adults [when ‘employed’] have not been paid, joining a militia or other military organisation features as a positive option for boys from an early age.

Most importantly, once this pointless and murderous war ends, the future of Yemen will depend on its children. They will inherit a country destroyed by the self-serving leaderships which have brought horrific and unprecedented levels of suffering to Yemenis, showing neither compassion nor commitment to find solutions to Yemen’s fundamental problems. If psychologically and physically scarred for life, how will they be able to re-create a better governed country able to provide adequate living standards for its people? – by Helen Lackner

Remark: The article starts with excellent remarks on the Sweden deal and the UN SC resolution 2451.

(** B P)

Yemen conflict: Can one make peace with the Houthis?

Despite all their faults, the Houthi movement of northern Yemen, also known as Ansar Allah, a largely Zaydi/Shii coalition of tribes, is neither a proxy for Iran nor a terrorist group. They have in the past formed and broken alliances within Yemen, negotiated and broken truces with Saudi Arabia and their Yemeni rivals, but are, even in that inconsistency, an integral part of the Yemeni tribal and societal fabric. They can and must be included in any discussion of peace — and must be involved in the much needed effort to rebuild the tattered state of Yemen.

To be sure, there are also legitimate concerns that the Hadi government and their Saudi backers may still prefer a total victory over the Houthis and are worried that the agreements being arrived at through UN special envoy, Martin Griffiths, are lending too much legitimacy to their enemies.

For the time being, however, both sides have given in to international pressures and are making an effort to implement the accords, hoping for the international community’s acceptance of their legitimacy and their concerns.

Given the continued recognition of the Hadi government by a majority of UNSC members and of the lack of the same for the Houthis — save for Iran, Hezbollah and perhaps Russia — the most relevant question arises as to the willingness and readiness of the Houthis to accept and implement a final peace agreement to totally end the war.

The line the Saudis have been using with the U.S., that they’re really fighting Iran — and that therefore the U.S. should be fully committed on their side — is not a new one.

Lebanese Hezbollah has also been able to provide some technical assistance and strategic advice.

Altogether, however, Iran’s assistance is a far cry from the air, land and sea involvement against the Houthis by the Arab coalition, mercenaries they have hired, and direct assistance provided by the United States and the United Kingdom.

The Houthi resilience militarily has not, however, been matched by comparable political or governing skills.

The Houthis come from a relatively isolated part of Yemen, and most of their supporters in the northern region have not travelled much outside the country or had political or governing experience. As such, the handling of government ministries taken over by them when they entered Sanaa has not been efficient, and their holding of the purse strings has not been without corruption. Perhaps most alarming has been the rough handling of journalists and dissenters

What they are not: For all their faults and the original sin of having precipitated the violence with their coup against the Hadi government, the Houthis are not international terrorists. Through their wars first against and then alongside former president Saleh, they never showed any interest in exporting violence outside their region. Their attacks on Saudi Arabia, to include rocket launches, were undertaken only after Saudi forces attacked them.

Further, despite their anti-American slogans, they have not undertaken any attacks against Americans, whether inside or outside Yemen.

The Houthis have been party to several agreements with the central government as well as with Saudi Arabia.

All this to say, their profile is not that of a terrorist organization bent only on causing death and destruction.

The Houthis have engaged in peace talks before, are currently involved in implementing the Sweden accords and have also issued invitations to the international media and representatives of western governments to visit Sanaa and observe the situation on the ground for themselves.

Abdulmalek al-Houthi may not be the easiest person to reach, but he surrounds himself with a political council of 10-14 individuals with varying degrees of savviness and the ability to conduct talks and negotiations. The difficulties with this group can and must be surmounted to spare 28 million Yemenis further injury, disease and famine, and to stop the Yemen conflict from spilling over more broadly and spreading chaos throughout the region – by Nabeel A. Khoury

und deutsche Übersetzung der obigen Ausschnitte, mit Google Übersetzer:

(** B P)

Jemen-Konflikt: Kann man mit den Houthis Frieden schließen?
Trotz all ihrer Fehler ist die Houthi-Bewegung im Norden des Jemen, auch Ansar Allah genannt, eine hauptsächlich aus Zayditen und Shiiten bestehende Koalition von Stämmen, weder ein Stellvertreter für den Iran noch eine Terrorgruppe. Sie haben in der Vergangenheit Allianzen im Jemen gebildet und gebrochen, mit Saudi-Arabien und ihren jemenitischen Rivalen verhandelt und gebrochen, sind aber selbst in diesem Widerspruch ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des jemenitischen Stammes- und Gesellschaftsgefüges. Sie können und müssen in jede Friedensdiskussion einbezogen werden - und müssen in die dringend erforderlichen Anstrengungen zum Wiederaufbau des zerfallenen Staates Jemen einbezogen werden.
Natürlich gibt es auch berechtigte Bedenken, dass die Hadi-Regierung und ihre saudischen Unterstützer immer noch einen totalen Sieg über die Houthis vorziehen und die Befürchtung befürchten, dass die Abkommen, die der UN-Sondergesandte Martin Griffiths getroffen hat, ihren Legitimationen zu viel Legitimität verleihen Feinde
Bislang haben beide Seiten jedoch dem internationalen Druck nachgegeben und bemühen sich, die Vereinbarungen umzusetzen, und hoffen, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft ihre Legitimität und ihre Anliegen akzeptiert.
Angesichts der anhaltenden Anerkennung der Hadi-Regierung durch eine Mehrheit der Mitglieder des VN-Sicherheitsrats und des Fehlens derselben für die Houthis - außer für Iran, die Hisbollah und möglicherweise Russland - stellt sich die relevanteste Frage hinsichtlich der Bereitschaft und Bereitschaft der Houthis, diese zu akzeptieren und ein endgültiges Friedensabkommen umsetzen, um den Krieg vollständig zu beenden.
Die Linie, die die Saudis mit den USA verwendet haben, dass sie den Iran wirklich bekämpfen - und daher die USA voll und ganz auf ihrer Seite sein sollten - ist keine neue.
Die libanesische Hisbollah konnte auch technische Hilfe und strategische Beratung anbieten.
Insgesamt ist die iranische Hilfe jedoch weit davon entfernt, dass die arabische Koalition, die von ihnen angestellten Söldner und die direkte Unterstützung der Vereinigten Staaten und des Vereinigten Königreichs die Houthis gegen die Houthis einsetzen.
Die militärische Widerstandsfähigkeit der Houthi war jedoch nicht vergleichbar mit politischen oder regierungsnahen Fähigkeiten.
Die Houthis stammen aus einem relativ isolierten Teil des Jemen und die meisten ihrer Anhänger in der nördlichen Region sind nicht viel außerhalb des Landes gereist oder hatten politische oder Regierungserfahrung. Daher war der Umgang mit den Ministerien, die von ihnen übernommen wurden, als sie nach Sanaa kamen, nicht effizient, und ihre Beibehaltung der Geldbörsen war nicht ohne Korruption. Am alarmierendsten war der grobe Umgang mit Journalisten und Andersdenkenden
Was sie nicht sind: Trotz aller Fehler und der Erbsünde, die Gewalt mit ihrem Putsch gegen die Hadi-Regierung ausgelöst zu haben, sind die Houthis keine internationalen Terroristen. In ihren Kriegen zuerst gegen und dann neben dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Saleh zeigten sie nie Interesse daran, Gewalt außerhalb ihrer Region zu exportieren. Ihre Angriffe auf Saudi-Arabien, einschließlich Raketenstarts, wurden erst durchgeführt, nachdem die saudischen Truppen sie angegriffen hatten.
Darüber hinaus haben sie trotz ihrer antiamerikanischen Parolen keine Angriffe gegen Amerikaner unternommen, weder innerhalb noch außerhalb des Jemen.
Die Houthis waren an mehreren Abkommen mit der Zentralregierung sowie mit Saudi-Arabien beteiligt.
All dies, um zu sagen, dass ihr Profil nicht das einer terroristischen Organisation ist, die nur Tod und Zerstörung anrichten will.
Die Houthis hatten bereits zuvor Friedensverhandlungen geführt, sind derzeit an der Umsetzung der schwedischen Abkommen beteiligt und haben internationale Medien und Vertreter westlicher Regierungen eingeladen, Sanaa zu besuchen und die Lage vor Ort selbst zu beobachten.
Abdulmalek al-Houthi ist zwar nicht die am einfachsten zu erreichende Person, aber er umgibt sich mit einem politischen Rat von 10 bis 14 Personen mit unterschiedlichem Grad an Ergebenheit und der Fähigkeit, Gespräche und Verhandlungen zu führen. Die Schwierigkeiten mit dieser Gruppe können und müssen überwunden werden, um 28 Millionen Jemeniten weitere Verletzungen, Krankheiten und Hunger zu ersparen und um zu verhindern, dass der Jemen-Konflikt weiter verbreitet wird und Chaos in der gesamten Region verbreitet - von Nabeel A. Khoury

(** B P)

Zur Rolle der UN beim Völkermord im Jemen

Mit der Resolution 2216 legitimiert die UN den Völkermord. Die UN selber schafft damit ihr eigenes Fundament, das Völkerrecht, ab

DIE UN ist an dem vorsätzlich herbeigeführten massenhaften Sterben im Jemen, insbesondere an den laut Save the Children über 85.000 verhungerten Kindern, ohne Frage mit-schuldig.

Diese Diagnose ist genau lokalisierbar. Der UN-Sicherheitsrat beschließt am 14. April 2015 ohne Gegenstimmen - allein Russland enthält sich - die Resolution 2216, mit der ein Waffenembargo sowie weitere Sanktionen gegen die Huthi-Miliz verhängt werden. Und nur gegen diese.

Die direkten Folgen dieser Resolution bringt die Organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen exakt auf den Punkt: Der SAC (der Saudi-Arabian guided Coalition) wird damit ein "Blankoscheck" ausgestellt, (i) "die gesamte Infrastruktur, die den Rebellen [den Huthis] einen militärischen Vorteil bieten könnte - wie Straßen, Flughäfen, Häfen und Tankstellen - zu bombardieren", und (ii) "Restriktionen über den Luft- und Seehandel zu verhängen, die in rapider Weise dazu führen, dass das ganze Land von der übrigen Welt isoliert wird".

Da die Versorgung des Jemen fast völlig Import-abhängig ist, bedeutet diese UN-Resolution insbesondere die Legitimierung einer totalen Versorgungsblockade. Kein Treibstoff; keine Lebensmittel; kein trinkbares Wasser; keine Medizin. Nahezu Null von all dem, was man selbst im Jemen zum bloßen Überleben braucht.

Die UN-Resolution 2216 - Beihilfe zum Völkermord

Nach dem üblichen Verständnis des Völkerrechts ist eine solche Blockade glasklar ein Kriegsverbrechen. Mit der Resolution 2216 legitimiert die UN einen Völkermord - den seit 2015 von der SAC mit massiver Unterstützung der USA, Großbritanniens und Frankreichs systematisch betriebenen Völkermord im Jemen. Was heißt: Die UN selber schafft ihr eigenes Fundament, das Völkerrecht, ab.

Es ist dieser Widerspruch, der den eigentlichen Skandal unseres Umgangs mit dem Jemenkrieg ausmacht - oder zumindest ausmachen sollte. Was es sonst noch über den Jemenkrieg zu sagen

Ich glaube nicht, dass wir uns die Dimension dieses Versagens der von uns bisher meist zu Recht so hoch geschätzten internationalen Rechts-Institution - eben der UN - bisher gebührend klar vor Augen geführt haben.

Die Hungerblockade gegen den Jemen - noch schlimmer als die Hölle des Krieges. Die Schuldfrage? Bisher ignoriert

Es hat immerhin mehr als 3 Jahre gebraucht, bis - in Reaktion auf einen saudi-arabischen Knochensäge-Mord in Istanbul - auch die NYT das Ausmaß des breiten Panoramas des Todes im Jemen ihren Leserinnen und Lesern nicht länger verheimlichen wollte und in diesem Kontext auch erstmals darauf hinwies, dass der überwiegende Teil dieser tödlichen Skala eben nicht durch direkte Kampf- oder Bombeneinsätze bewirkt wird, vielmehr durch die diversen Mittel der sogenannten indirekten Kriegsführung, insbesondere durch "the war on the economy"

Wie soll, so schreit unsere individuelle wie kollektive kognitive Dissonanz-Psyche auf - wie soll, was von einer einzigen UN-Resolution mit-bewirkt wird, schlimmer sein können als die uns ja auch aus anderen Ländern inzwischen nur allzu gut bekannte Hölle, in der die Bombenlast der modernsten und teuersten US-Hi-Tech-F-15-Bomber ganze Schulklassen und Hochzeits- wie Trauergesellschaften zerfetzt?

Der Völkermord im Jemen - eine Tatsache

Die Lage im Jemen nennt die UN inzwischen selbst "the world’s worst humanitarian crisis", eine "Krise", in der nach Lise Grande, der UN-Koordinatorin für Humanitäre Angelegenheiten, "in den nächsten Monaten 14 Millionen Jemeniten vom Hungertod bedroht sind". Ein weiterer Aspekt eben dieser Krise ist, wiederum nach Angaben der UN selbst: "the worst cholera epidemic in history".

Mit schuld an dieser Lage ist die UN selbst. Dank der Resolution 2216 von 2015.

Wie weiter?

Wie sollte das im Kontext des Völkerrechts so gern beschworene "Gewissen der Menschheit" auf diese Lage reagieren? Mit einem "Weiter wie bisher!"? Wer das empfiehlt, sollte von Menschenrechten und einem an diesen Rechten orientierten Völkerrecht fürderhin schweigen.

Notwendig: Revision der Resolution 2216

Ich sehe hier nur einen klaren Weg: Die UN- Resolution 2216, die dem von Seiten der SAC und ihrer westlichen Mentoren praktizierten Völkermord im Jemen erst Tür und Tor geöffnet hat, muss von der UN selbst widerrufen werden – von Georg Meggle

Mein Kommentar: Mehrmals fälschlich „Petition“ statt „Resolution“.

Kommentar: Klar ist einiges schiefgelaufen - aber es ist nicht nur die Resolution allein. Knöpft man sich diese nämlich vor, so steht nicht das drin, was uns der Autor glaubenmachen will. Es sind nämlich alle Parteien angesprochen, die Waffen niederzulegen - und die Embargoerlaubnis gilt gegenüber allen Kriegsparteien.

Ein angesprochenes Problem besteht durchaus - nämlich daß die Hoothis explizit angesprochen werden - was eine Asymmetrie hervorrufen könnte (und es dann auch tut). Die Hoothis jedoch werden deswegen explizit genannt, weil sie keine staatliche Abstützung haben, sondern wie simple Terroristen gehandelt werden. Nur verkennt diese Betrachtungsweise die Realität: die Hoothis hatten sehr wohl schon staatsähnliche (zumindest Kommando-)Strukturen - und gegen sowas kann man nicht wie gegen "simple Terroristen" vorgehen.

Das andere Problem, das er zwar anspricht, ist jedoch gewichtiger - aber die Resolution billigt es eigentlich gar nicht - nämlich daß die mitmischenden Staaten sich nicht auch zurückziehen und nur noch eine Art "passive Schutzpolizei-Funktion" ausüben. Stattdessen werden sie aktive Kriegspartei. Die Resolution sieht das aber gar nicht entsprechend militärisch-aggressiv vor, sondern höchstens als dissuasives Mittel.

Wirkliche Kriegstreiber sind die intervenierenden Staaten (allen voran die Saudis).

Das ganze ist aber auch das Resultat, wenn eine (mehr oder minder legitime) nach mehr Autonomie strebende Organisation einfach nur als Terroristen bekämpft werden sollen. Das läuft von der Angemessenheit auf mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen hinaus - völlig untauglich ...

Mein Kommentar: Der Kommentator widerspricht doch mit seinen ganzen Ausführungen der Behauptung im ersten Absatz, die Resolution spräche alle Parteien an. Die Forderung an alle, den Krieg zu beenden, ist nicht mehr als Rhetorik – alles, was konkret wird, ist allein gegen die Huthis (und damals noch: Saleh-Anhänger) gerichtet. Mit dieser völligen Einseitigkeit hat die Resolution 2216 in der Tat den Weg zum Völkermord (um das einmal so auszudrücken) ermöglicht und für jetzt 3 ¾ Jahre jeden Frieden blockiert, da die eine Seite volle Rückendeckung und überhaupt keinen Druck zum Kompromiss verspürte.

and translation of this excerpt, by Google Translator:

(** B P)

The role of the UN in the genocide in Yemen

Resolution 2216 legitimizes the UN genocide. The UN itself thus creates its own foundation, international law

The UN is unquestioning in the deliberate mass death in Yemen, especially in the over 85,000 children who died of starvation, according to Save the Children.

This diagnosis can be pinpointed. The UN Security Council resolves on 14 April 2015 unopposed - Russia alone abstains - Resolution 2216, which imposes an arms embargo and further sanctions on the Houthi militia. And only against these.

The direct consequences of this resolution bring the organization Doctors Without Borders exactly to the point: The SAC (the Saudi Arabian guided coalition) is thus issued a "blank check", (i) "the entire infrastructure, the rebels [the Huthis] one military advantage - such as roads, airports, ports and petrol stations - "and (ii) impose restrictions on air and sea trade, which rapidly cause the whole country to be isolated from the rest of the world ".

Since the supply of Yemen is almost entirely import-dependent, this UN resolution means in particular the legitimization of a total supply blockade. No fuel; no groceries; no drinkable water; no medicine. Almost zero of everything you need to survive even in Yemen.

UN Resolution 2216 - Aid to Genocide

According to the usual understanding of international law, such a blockade is crystal clear, a war crime. With Resolution 2216, the UN legitimizes a genocide - the SIC systematically launched in 2015 with massive support from the US, Britain and France for genocide in Yemen. In other words, the UN itself abolishes its own foundation, international law.

It is this contradiction that constitutes the real scandal of our dealings with the Yemen War - or at least should make it clear. What else to say about the Yemen War

I do not believe that we have so far been sufficiently aware of the dimension of this failure of the international legal institution that we have so far so rightly praised, namely the UN.

The hunger blockade against Yemen - even worse than the hell of war. The question of guilt? Ignored so far

After all, it took more than three years for the NYT, in response to a Saudi Arabian bone-saw murder in Istanbul, to no longer hide the extent of the widespread panorama of death in Yemen, and in this context, for the first time pointed out that the vast majority of this deadly scale is not caused by direct combat or bombing, rather by the various means of so-called indirect warfare, in particular by "the war on the economy"

How should, as our individual and collective cognitive dissonance psyche cries out - how should what is contributed to by a single UN resolution be worse than hell, which we now all too well know from other countries, in which the bombing burden of the most modern and expensive US hi-tech F-15 bombers shreds entire school classes and wedding-like mourners?

The genocide in Yemen - a fact

Meanwhile, the situation in Yemen is called by the UN "the world's worst humanitarian crisis", a "crisis" threatening starvation for 14 million Yemenis in the next few months, according to Lise Grande, the UN's humanitarian affairs coordinator. 1 Another aspect of this crisis, again according to the UN itself, is "the worst cholera epidemic in history".

The UN itself is to blame for this situation. Thanks to resolution 2216 of 2015.

What next?

How should the "conscience of humankind", so popular in the context of international law, react to this situation? With a "Continue as before!"? Anyone who recommends this should remain silent on human rights and international law based on these rights.

Necessary: Revision of petition 2216

I just see a clear path here: UN resolution 2216, which has just opened the door to the genocide in Yemen practiced by the SAC and its Western mentors, must be revoked by the UN itself - by Georg Meggle

My comment: Several times, falsely “petition” instead of “resolution”.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(B H)

Children should not be dying from preventable causes. In #Yemen, @UNICEF sensitizes communities on importance of vaccination against tetanus, through communication for development school health clubs. 55 clubs established and 870 students trained with @KSRelief_EN & @UAEAid (photos)

Tweet übersetzen

My comment: Referring to the UAE and the Saudis as benefactors is rather disgusting.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman: Mercenaries Escalate Violations in Hodeidah, Committing 263 Violations in 24 hours

The spokesman of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e, said that "the US-Saudi mercenaries have committed, 263 violations of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah, in the past 24 hours." He said in a statement to the Yemeni News Agency Saba that the US-Saudi mercenaries targeted by 215 missiles, artillery shells and various medium and light weapons residential neighborhoods, farms and Yemeni Army' sites in several districts. He explained that the fighter jets and reconnaissance continued to fly intensely over Hodiedah city and districts.
Yemeni Army monitored movements of trucks carrying supplies to US-Saudi mercenaries

(A K pH)

Saudi-led mercenaries bombard areas in Hodeidah

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s militiamen bombarded on Monday separate areas in Hodeidah province, a security official said.
The militias fired scores of the artillery shells on Al-Kuaai area of Duraihmy distric

(A K pS P)

Film: #Iran-backed #Houthi militia, looting shops in #Hodeidah. Dozens of militia militants have broken into a Tires Warehouse in their controlled area in the 50th Street in the port city and looted all its contents, according to local and military sources.

(* A K pS)

Injury of four workers in artillery shelling after renewed fighting south of Hodeidah

Four workers were injured in a factory in the Kilo 16 area of southern Hodeidah, as a result of the fall of shells, while limited but violent clashes erupted Saturday night and escalated on Sunday between government troops and the Houthis.

According to Al-Masdar, an artillery shell landed in a production department at the Nana Food factory, injuring four workers.

A similar missile landed in the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warehouses, south of the city, leading to a large fire in the warehouses, eyewitnesses said.

There were renewed battles between the Houthis and government forces in al-Rabsa neighborhood near Hodeidah University, the eastern neighborhoods of al-50th Street and the city of al-Saleh, northeast of the city, as well as rural villages south of the Kilo 16 strategic area.

Our correspondent said the two sides used heavy artillery and machine guns in confrontations that lasted for limited hours before stopping.

My comment: This pro-Hadi government site does not specify which side is responsible for shelling the Nana factory and the WFP ware houses. Blaming the Houthis for this, seems to be propaganda ( and and 9. Look also at earliest reporting: and

Film: 9

and by the Houthi side, a different story

(* A K pH)

Al-Masirah Net correspondent in Hodeidah reported that four workers were injured after the US-Saudi aggression targeted Nana factory in Kilo-16 with artillery shells.

Our correspondent added that the forces of aggression bombarded with 30 mortar shells south-west of Attohayta district and Al-Fazah area.

He pointed out that the Saudi-mercenaries combed with medium weapons south-east of Ad-Durayhimi district.

(* A K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman: US-Saudi Mercenaries Escalate Violations in Hodeidah, Committing 353 Violations in 48 hours

The spokesman of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e, said that US-Saudi mercenaries are trying to shirk their commitments and exploit the poor performance of the UN team leader to escalate their violations they have committed, in the past 48 hours. He said in a statement to the Yemeni News Agency Saba that the US-Saudi mercenaries targeted by 287 artillery shells and various medium and light weapons residential neighborhoods, farms and Yemeni Army' sites in several districts. He explained that the fighter jets and reconnaissance continued to fly intensely over Hais, Ad-durayhimi, At-tohayta, and the eastern districts.

Yemeni Army monitored movements of trucks carrying supplies of US-Saudi mercenaries.

(* A K pS)

Houthis send military reinforcements to Hodeida

Houthis have sent military reinforcements to Hodeida in conjunction with the visit of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths.

During the few last days, the Houthis indiscriminately bombarded roads and farms in the areas of al-Fazah, al-Suwaiq and al-Jabalyah, and targeted populated neighborhoods in the districts of Hais, al-Tuhaita and al-Duraihimi with mortars.

My comment: This is somewhat funny as the anti-Houthi side had landed 5 war ships full of reinforcements at Mokha harbour some days before.

(* A K pH)

Citizens Injured by Saudi Invaders and Mercenaries’ Gunfire in Hodeidah

A number of citizens were injured on Saturday night, by the forces of invaders and mercenaries in Al-Hali and Al-Hawak districts of Al-Hodeidah.

Our reporter in Hodeidah stated that the forces of the US-Saudi aggression targeted streets and neighborhoods in Al-Hali and Al-Hawak districts with artillery shelling and fire, injuring 10 citizens and damaging many houses.

He added that the forces of aggression targeted Nana factory in Kilo-16, Al-Hali district by artillery shelling, resulting in the injury of four workers of the factory.

The Saudi-mercenaries targeted Mahal Al-Sheikh village and its surroundings and Al-Zafaran village in Kilo-16 area with dozens of missiles and heavy machine guns. They fired medium weapons at the 50th Street in Al-Hali district, the airport and the medical college.

The artillery of the mercenaries intensely shelled south and west of Attohayta district. Al-Kou'i village in Ad-Durayhimi district was also attacked by artillery and medium-caliber machine guns. The Saudi-mercenaries attacked Bani Maghari village, north of Al-Khawkhah and north of Hays, towards the citizens' farms in Ad-Durayhimi.

(* A K)

Yemen's war rivals exchange artillery fire around port city

Security officials say Yemen's Shiite rebels and government forces are shelling each other in areas south of Hodeida, straining an already shaky cease-fire in the Red Sea port city.

They said each side blamed the other for Saturday's shelling, and that both were reinforcing their forces in the city in violation of the U.N.-brokered truce reached in Sweden last month.

(* A K)

Clashes erupt in Yemen's Hodeidah ahead of UN envoy's visit to rebel-held Sanaa

Heavy clashes erupted between Yemeni government troops and Houthi rebels in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah on Saturday, just hours ahead of a visit to the rebel-held capital Sanaa by UN special envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths.

The fighting flared up near Hodeidah University and the Rabasah quarter in the southern edge of the port city despite a UN-brokered cease-fire during the peace talks in Stockholm, Sweden last month.

Heavy machine guns and artillery shelling between the rival forces were heard across the city for hours, local resident Mohammed al-Zabidy told Xinhua by phone.

The rival forces traded accusations, blaming each other for breaching the truce and undermining the ongoing peace process.

(A K pH)

Saudi-led mercenaries continue their targeting to Hodeidah areas

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s militiamen shelled on Saturday several areas in Hodeidah province, a security official said.
The militias bombarded Kilo 7 area using machine guns.

Furthermore, the army repelled earlier the day an infiltration of US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s militiamen in Hodeidah province.
The militias carried out a failed attack on the army’s sites in north of Maghazi village of Hais district.

(A K pS)

Houthi Gunmen killed while trying to plant an IED in Hodeidah

Two militants of the al-Houthi group were killed while trying to plant an explosive device south of Hodeidah Province in the western part of the country, Saturday

(A K pS)

Yemen's Houthi rebels step up attacks in Hodeidah despite ceasefire

Houthi rebels launched several attacks on Yemeni government forces in Hodeidah and reinforced positions in the city in their most blatant violations so far of a UN-brokered ceasefire, military sources and residents told The National.

The rebel escalation on Thursday and Friday came ahead of a visit to Yemen by the UN special envoy Martin Griffiths, who was expected in Sanaa on Saturday for talks with Houthi leaders and the head of the UN ceasefire monitoring team, Patrick Cammaert.

However, the rebels violated the ceasefire more than 250 times in the first two weeks alone, according to a complaint to the UN security Council by the Yemen and the two main members of the Arab Coalition supporting the government, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The coalition reported another 34 violations on Thursday and Friday.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A P)

Divest from Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. | Yemen Campaign

The Call to Divest from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates:

We, representatives of the Yemeni diaspora and allies, call upon individuals, organizations, institutions, and governments to impose and implement boycotts, divestment initiatives, and other penalties against the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era.

Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. have helped drive the people of Yemen into a humanitarian crisis. In their war with Houthi rebels, the ruling monarchies of Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. have committed gross human rights abuses and war crimes, including using starvation as a weapon of war and the deliberate targeting of civilians.

Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. have bombed and killed tens of thousands of Yemeni civilians in airstrikes, using jet fuel and arms supplied by the United States, Britain, and other Western governments. The Houthis, the government of Yemen, and other armed groups have also committed human rights abuses and likely war crimes. However, the governments of Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. remain the leading source of civilian casualties and physical destruction of the country.

(B K)

National Salvation Government Spokesman Reveals Statistics of US-Saudi Aggression Crimes in Yemen for 2018

The Spokesperson of the National Salvation Government, Information Minister Dhaifullah Al-Shami, held a press conference in Sana'a on Monday, in which he reviewed some of the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression since its inception on 26 March 2015 until the end of 2018. The official spokesman of the government said that over 39480 civilians were killed and injured as a result of the direct targeting of the US-Saudi aggression until the end of 2015.
He pointed out that the number of civilian martyrs since the beginning of the aggression until the end of 2018 amounted to 15359 martyrs, while the number of civilians injured by direct targeting was 24121 civilians. Al-Shami added that over 17,608 patients died as a result of preventing them from traveling abroad for medical treatment and closing Sana'a International Airport.

My comment: These figures certainly are much too low.

(A K pS)

#SaudiArabian NG deploys additional forces from #KingAbdulaziz Mech. BDE stationed in Al-Hasa to the kingdom’s southern borders (photos)

(B H K)

What you need to know about the most humanitarian crisis in Yemen, Yemeni missiles in Taiz!

Because Yemen’s humanitarian crisis is the most important story in the world, but its victims are poor and practically invisible to the rest of the world their stories are mostly unheard and then ignored even when they are told ,the Yemeni army forces respond and the latest was in Taiz.

Remark: Overview article, strictly pro-Houthi viewpoint.

(* B K)

Over 15,000 Yemenis killed in Saudi-led air raids in 2018

Saudis killed 15,395 Yemenis and injured 24,121 more in 2018, said Zeifollah Shami, according to a report by the Yemeni TV Channel 'Al-Masirah'.
The closure of Sana'a airport also resulted in the killing of 17,608 patients, he added.
In the wake of humanitarian disaster in Yemen, over 22,000 people are in urgent need of aids, he said.
This is while, 3,450,000 Yemenis have become internally and over 70,000 others externally displaced, he added.

(* A K)


(A K P)

An open letter to the world, written & released by the International Solidarity Committee with Yemen.

2019 is the year of action & steadfastness for the Yemeni people and its staunch supporters outside of its borders.

2019 is the year of international solidarity.

My comment: This organization had been founded in December. It seems to be strictly anti-Saudi and at least somewhat pro-Houthi. But a lot of information is still missing on this website. There is not a single name given up to now. It’ totally unknown who actually would do what with the money they collect. Let’s wait for more.

(A P)

A Reality Check of Sweden Consultations in Light of Developments on the Ground

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen characterized as the world’s worst by the U.N. continues unabated, and largely out of the public’s mind.

The world has left Yemen to die. Media outlets have repeatedly referred to it as an “invisible” crisis, despite its magnitude. More than 22 million out of Yemen’s total population of 29 million are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to the the U.N. Already, more than 8 million people are “facing pre-famine conditions, meaning they are entirely reliant on external aid for survival,” says Mark Lowcock, the U.N.’s humanitarian chief. That number is likely to reach 14 million in the coming months – half the country’s population – as the effects of long-term malnutrition and compromised immune systems set in.

To end this catastrophic situation, Yemen needs ceasing fire, breaking siege on Hodiedah port and opening Sana’a airport.

(A P)

Statement: David Guetta, Enrique Iglesias, Jason Derulo, Black Eyed Peas Excusing & Whitewashing crimes of the Saudi regime

The International Solidarity Committee With Yemen condemns, on the strongest terms, the participation of a wide arrange of performers at Saudi Arabia’s Formula-E race opening in Ad Diriyah, Saudi Arabia.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A H P)

Deputy of "Red Sea Ports": US-Saudi Aggression Continues to Prevent Entry of Oil Tankers

Vice President of the Red Sea Ports Corporation Yahia Sharaf al-Din said that the US-Saudi aggression prevents the entry of three tankers carrying oil derivatives to the port of Hodeidah, despite obtaining permits from the United Nations.

(A P)

Painful picture..!! #EndYemenSeige and open the airports in #Yemen

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Commodity Tracker (as of 7 January 2019)

In December 2018, commercial food imports were the lowest ever since the start of UNVIM operations in July 2016 while fuel imports reached the highest levels since August 2017.

Fluctuations in imports between November and December 2018 resulted in a drop of the average monthly food imports from 77% of requirements being met to 75% and an increase in the average monthly fuel imports from 22% of requirements being met to 24% since the lifting of the November 2017 blockade.

There has been only one containerized shipment to Hudaydah since December 2017. Prices of basic commodities including food, diesel and petrol are 137%, 257% and 261%, respectively, higher than pre-crisis.

Since the KSA deposit of $200m into the Central Bank in October 2018, the rial has appreciated in value. However, as foreign currency reserves dwindle the rial has slightly depreciated.

Hudaydah and Saleef ports are open and operational. Ras Isa remains closed since June 2017.

(* B H)

Film: See how @UNICEF_Yemen mobile clinics reach out to the most vulnerable populations in hard-to-reach areas in Hadramout, #Yemen, thanks to the support of local partners and @UAEAid

Mobile clinics in Al-Mahara, #Yemen provide displaced families with integrated health &nutrition services, so they can access vital healthcare and have a chance to regain their dignity & rebuild their lives, with @KSRelief_EN:

My comment: Referring to the UAE and the Saudis as benefactors is rather disgusting.

(* B H)

Watch our new video: Al Frusiah water project in Sana’a #Yemen is a major urban #water project implemented by @UNICEF in the region. Over 42,000 people have now access to clean water in the area, with support of the German development bank @KfWpress

(* B H)

Ashwaq: “I save the lives of mothers and children and this is my main motivation”

Yemen is one of the worst places on earth to be a child. Nearly 16.4 million people, half being children, do not have access to basic health assistance.

Women and children living in rural areas are particularly vulnerable to displacements, spread of epidemic diseases, food insecurity and too often the primary victims of the lack of health infrastructure and services.

In this context, UNICEF partnered with the National Yemeni Midwifery Association, to strengthen its health response by offering quality reproductive health services to women and their newborns at the community level.

Last month, the Association held a training on maternal and newborn care for community midwives with the support of UNICEF and the local health authorities. Theory and practice were combined and the 21-day course equipped the midwives with skills on birth attendance and essential newborn care, including the capacity for timely referral of complicated cases to health facilities.

Ashwaq Mohammed Moqbel Al-Kawkbani was one of the training’s participants. "I am coming from Al-Sharq district in Dhamar governorate and I am a community midwife. I help women to give birth either at my home or at the nearest health facilities and I provide them with reproductive health services,” Ashwaq says while introducing herself.

“This course is very important because it provides us with new skills and corrects some of our behaviors. We are taught how to become more self-dependent when we practice the theoretical part at the teaching hospital,” welcomes the enthusiastic midwife.

(* A H)

WFP Calls for Biometric System to Prevent Food Aid Theft in Yemen

The World Food Program is calling for a biometric-based registration system in Yemen to prevent the theft of food rations meant for hungry people.

WFP spokesman, Herve Verhoosel, tells VOA his agency has implemented such a system in Aden with the permission of the Yemeni government. He says the program has successfully weeded out people who were not entitled to food assistance.

“We have proposed since a few months to do the same to the Sana’a de facto authorities," he said. "For the moment, they have not accepted yet. But it is the best way to make sure that the support reaches the people who need to receive that support.”

(A H)

SMEPS: Training gives #fishermen the confidence that they‘re able to face #difficulties during any fishing trip. Fishermen are empowered by learning #skills on how to use modern fishing technologies that includes #GPS & fish finders (photo)

These fishermen from #Mahrah are in the middle of the training course on how to use the GPS device.

(B H)

Community' involvement in SFD @TamkeenYemen helps achieve initiatives' outputs wth high levels of effective cost, transparent management & quality. As such an initiative paved this road in Almisbah market, Wesab AsSafil #Dhamar Supported & funded by @WorldBankMENA thru @UNDPYemen (photo)

(* B H)

Safeguarding Health in Conflict: Urgent Action Needed to Avert Humanitarian and Health Catastrophe in Yemen

Three and a half years of conflict in Yemen have led to the near total collapse of the country’s health system. More than half of health facilities are no longer functional and 16.4 million people do not have access to adequate health services.

Twenty-two million people require humanitarian assistance and 14 million people are on the brink of starvation.

An air, land, and naval blockade imposed by the Saudi and Emirati-led Coalition (SELC) has prevented medical evacuations and the import of crucial medical supplies and fuel to run hospital generators. The economy is crumbling, Yemeni’s face a dire lack of access to food and clean water, and parties to the conflict continue deliberately or indiscriminately attacking health facilities and health workers.

The SELC has bombed urban areas, destroying much of the health system, as well as water and sewer facilities, while the Houthi rebels have also attacked and occupied health facilities.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Escaping conflict: Yemeni refugees in Addis

Refuges from Yemen and Syria can occasionally been seen in the streets of Addis Ababa and several more live outside the city. Ethiopia is one of the largest refugee asylum countries in the world and the second largest in Africa following Uganda. At the beginning of 2018, Ethiopia has hosted 892,555 refugees that fled their homes as a result of political instability, conflict, famine and other problems. So what is being done to integrate them into the country?

Along with immigrants from South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia, refugees from Yemen and Syria have entered the country this past year. As of June 2018, there are a total of 22.443 refugees in Addis Ababa, mainly from Eritrea, Yemen, Somalia and South Sudan. The majority of these (79%) are from Eritrea and 8.3% of these are from Yemen. Since November 2017, 9,292 Yemenis have entered the country through Bole International Airport and 8,965 have departed by November of this year. Officially 1,771 Yemeni refugees are in the country but the number can be as high as 4000.

Many Yemenis cross from Aden to Djibouti by boat before crossing the Ethiopian border. The Many have been in the country since war broke out in 2015 while several more have arrived more recently, following family members already in the country.

With few employment prospects and dim likelihood of returning home any time soon, many have made their homes around the Urban Refugee Reception Centre office in Hayahulet.

One of the main objectives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees global compact is enhancing refugee self-reliance.

The residents of the city have grown used to seeing these refugees. The confusion that was stirred up a few months ago is dissipating, now. Their integration into local community is questionable.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers Statistical Report - 31 December 2018

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H P)

Missbrauch von Jemen-Hilfe: «Die Verantwortlichen müssen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden»

Die Verantwortlichen des Welternährungsprogramms der UNO (WFP) schlagen Alarm: Im Kriegsland Jemen sind in den von Rebellen kontrollierten Gebieten humanitäre Güter unterschlagen worden. Statt die WFP-Lebensmittel an Hungernde zu verteilen, wurden diese zum Teil auf dem Markt verkauft.

Die UNO ruft die Konfliktparteien darum eingehend auf, die Verantwortlichen zu eruieren und den Missbrauch umgehend zu stoppen. Doch das ist nicht so einfach, wie WFP-Sprecherin Bettina Luescher erläutert.

BL: Unsere Nachforschungen ergaben, dass eine lokale Organisation, die mit dem Erziehungsministerium der de-Facto-Regierung der Huthi-Rebellen zusammenarbeitet, in die Unregelmässigkeiten verwickelt ist. Wir machten den Verantwortlichen nun deutlich, dass wir unsere Arbeit in den betroffenen Gebieten einstellen, falls die Huthis nicht umgehend eine Untersuchung beginnen, um die Verantwortlichen der Korruption zu eruieren und den Missbrauch sofort unterbinden.

Sie haben uns zugesichert, umgehend eine Untersuchung zu starten. Nun warten wir auf die Ergebnisse dieser Nachforschungen.

Im Fall von Jemen erwarten wir nun, dass jene Individuen in der Verteilorganisation, die die Lebensmittel gestohlen haben, zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden.

Es ist tatsächlich ein furchtbares Dilemma. Wir wollen uns nicht aus Jemen zurückziehen, da Millionen Menschen von unserer Versorgung abhängig sind. Allerdings kann man gute humanitäre Arbeit nur dann machen, wenn wir wissen, wer wo Hunger hat, wer wie viel erhält, oder ob jemand mehr braucht. Auch müssen wir wissen, ob unsere Nahrungsmittel bei den Bedürftigen ankommen. Wenn es kriminelle Elemente gibt, müssen sie von den dortigen Behörden ausgemerzt werden (auch Audio)

(A P)

Houthis murders young man by hanging in Dhamar

Houthi militias on Sunday murdered a young man, Mohammed Abdullah al-Shatar after he was abducted from Anis before three months and put inside Dhamar’s central prison.

Local sources said that al-Shatar was subjected to mental and physical torture, pointing out that the Houthis tried to persuade the facility of al-Shatar that he committed suicide.

and also

(A K P)

Ansarullah: US, Israel Benefiting from Continued War in Yemen

A senior member of Ansarullah resistance group's political council said that the US and Israel are attempting to prevent termination of war in Yemen for the sake of their own interests.

"The US and Israel benefit from continued aggression against Yemen, each of them in their own way," Hizam al-Assad said on Monday.

He explained that the US is benefiting from the Yemen war by selling its weapons and military equipment to the aggressive Saudi-led coalition.

"Israel is also attempting to rally Saudi Arabia and the UAE's support for the Deal of Century plot by supporting their aggression against Yemen in return," al-Assad said.

(A P)

WFP's support for technical education in Yemen discussed

Minister of Technical Education and Vocational Training Ghazi Mohsen on Sunday discussed with Food Security and Livelihood Officer of the World Food Program (WFP) the possibility of the program's support for the technical education sector in Yemen.

(B P)

Yemeni says Houthis took over their assistances

Journalists of Althawra newspaper have recently revealed that assistances allocated for them by international organizations are regularly confiscated by the Houthis and they are given nothing.

The journalists who requested to be anonymous affirmed that they are forced by the Hothis to attend to their job sites and promised to be given financial benefits, asserting that the Houthis do not fulfill their words.

Journalists of al-Jomhoreyah newspaper also said that they received no salaries since their newspaper was reopened, pointing out that all financial benefits are confiscated by the Houthis.

The journalists called the UN Nations organizations to investigate into the confiscation of the assistances allocated for them by international organizations.

My comment: By an anti-Houthi, pro-Islah Party website and to be looked at with care.

(A H P)

@WFP cooking oil still sold in #Sanaa #Yemen, (photos)

Remark: For looting of humanitarian aid, Yemen War Mosaics 498, cp1, and 497, cp1.

(A P)

Uzbek doctor dies in a Houthi prison four days after his abduction in Ibb

An Uzbek medical doctor died in a Houthi prison in Ibb Province according to a medical source.

The medical source said that the Uzbek orthopedic doctor Azzam, 55, died in a Houthi prison in Yarim north of Ibb and that the circumstances and conditions of his death remain vague.

The Houthis kidnapped the doctor last Tuesday, with a Tajik doctor and a Yemeni man following the storming of their residence next to the Sari Medical Center in the city of Yrim, during the latter's celebration of the New Year.

The source said the doctor was likely to have been subjected to psychological and physical torture by the Houthis.

Al-Houthi media reported last Thursday that the group's gunmen kidnapped the Doctor and his companions on charges that they were working in a liquor factory.


Reports from Yemen's #Ibb province: Houthi militants tortured a Russian bone doctor to death. The doctor had been arrested along with Russian and Yemeni co-workers days ago over new year celebrations, according to the reports.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A T)

A Terrorist Attack on A Barrack of the Security Belt in Al-Quoz – Modia – East of Abian

Fierce armed clashes broke between terrorist elements and soldiers of the Security Belt post in Al-Quoz – Modia – east of Abian. One soldier of the security belt was killed while another was injured

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a video showing recent attacks on al Hizam Security Forces in Wadea district, central Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on December 29. An AQAP member accused the al Hizam forces of being mercenaries fighting against Islam on behalf of the UAE in the video.[5]

(A P)

Bir Ahmed detainees in Aden continue their hunger strike

Detainees at Bir Ahmed Prison in Aden, the interim capital of the country, continue to strike to death if authorities do not respond to their demands to resolve their cases, bring them to trial, and immediately release those who have not been charged.

The detainees, who appeared holding banners, confirmed that they will continue the hunger strike to fulfill their demands, and some of them were sewing their mouths to protest against what they were exposed to, according to images that were circulated in the social platforms.

The prisoners had sent a letter a few days ago saying that the fainting had reached 18 cases due to the hunger strike, noting that they were holding the criminal prosecution for their lives because they did not do their duty toward them.

The families of those arrested and forcibly concealed in Aden Governorate have blamed the legitimate authorities and coalition for the persecution and torture to which their relatives are subjected (photos)

and also


(B P)

The detainees in the prison of Bir Ahmad are 3 years in prison and their files have not been presented to the prosecution and the courts have had to sew their mouths and strike for eating and drinking until the courts and the prosecution

A clear message to the Minister of the Interior, what will you do to them ??? (photos9

(A P)

At the Meeting of Local Leadership of Aden, Lamlas and Al-Wali Assert the Importance of Southern Line Up and Actualizing Tolerance and Reconciliation in Reality

Al-Wali indicated that the meeting was dedicated to set all arrangements for celebrating the memory of the Southern Tolerance and Reconciliation Day as the main gate to close the past page and open a future one for the safety and security of the southern nation and to achieve its desired goal. He also asserted the importance of participation by all southern citizens in the events of this memory to actualize tolerance and reconciliation.
In turn, Lamlas called all southern citizens to participate in this event to avoid the conspiracies against the southern liberation project.

(A P)

Press Release Issued by the Meeting of the Administrative Commission of the Southern National Assembly

(B P)

The Mistery of the First Military Zone of Hadhramaut.

Successes of Hadhramaut Elites Troops (Second Military Zone) include guarding the costal strip of Hadhramaut that is nearly 350 km long only through training and qualifying 500 Hadhramauti soldiers of the Coast Guards!! Two years ago, in April 24th, 2016, only 5000 Hadhramauti soldiers managed to liberate Al-Makla from Al-Qaeda terrorists in a night! At the same time, the Second military Zone in its first version with all its brigades and equipment couldn’t protect itself or even defend the city.
According to these clear facts and successes of Hadhramaut Elites, there are legitimate questions that should be imposed about the suspicious existence of the First Military Zone in Hadhramaut Valley and Desert. Why aren’t these troops replaced by Hadhramauti troops? Many of Hadhramauti citizens look at these troops as “occupation troops” remaining since 7-7-1994 war.

The national state project will never go forth unless political, military and security balances are ratified. Hadhramaut will never be part of any future northern/southern agreement unless its land and citizens are secured. This applies to other marginalized governorates, like Tehama, Al-Mehra and Socotra, too. – Written By: Khaled Bahhah – Former Prime Minister of Yemen

My comment: Does Bahhah side with the southern separatists now?

(A P)

Shabwa Elites Attack Terrorist Dens in Lower Markha

My comment: Southern separatists are praising their militia – which are accused of severe Human rights violations.

(A E P)

Yemen plans for Aden financial hub amid security and logistics hurdles

Security threats and logistical difficulties pose major challenges to Yemen's plan to establish a financial hub in the southern port city of Aden, but the move is a positive step towards reviving its crippled economy, analysts say.

Yemen's central bank will begin preparations for the Aden Financial Centre (AFC) to strengthen the country's banking system and institutions, state-news agency Saba reported last week, citing central bank governor Mohammed Zammam’s statements after his visit to Saudi Arabia and Jordan. It will house the banking regulator's new headquarters, commercial banks, insurance companies and exchange firms.

(A K P)

Yemeni President confirms re-building the national army professionally

Yemeni President Abd-Rabbo Mansour Hadi- the Supreme Commander of the Military Forces- has confirmed significance of re-building the national army professionally on beliefs of revolutionary principles and protecting them as goals of the Federal Yemen.

(A T)

Ghazwan al-Mikhlafi Gunmen take control of a market after clashes with security forces in Taiz

A security source told the al-masdar online that the militants led by Ghazwan al-Mikhlafi launched an attack on the security forces tasked with protecting the Al-Ashbat market in the neighborhood of al-Thawra, led to confrontations between the parties, ended with the control of the militants on the market, without causing casualties.

He noted that the militants took control of the market in order to collect taxes from the Qat dealers.

(A T)

Gov founds explosives in commercial premises under the control of Taiz extremists

A security source told the source online that the special security forces found explosives and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the headquarters of the"Hayel Saeed Anaam" trading Group east of Taiz city, which was controlled by extremist militants before withdrawing from it.

(* A P)

Shabwah . A tribal mediation succeed in stopping the clashes

A tribal source in Shabwa said on Friday evening, a tribal mediation succeeded in calming the tense situation between the forces backed by UAE and tribal militants, in Markha Al-Sufla Directorate in Shabwah.

Al-Masdar source said that the tribes handed two of the Elite forces soldiers were captured during the clashes along with two vehicles while seven vehicles were destroyed.

The source added that the tribes of “Al-Sadah” called for the formation of an inquiry commission to uncover the causes of the accident that killed nine of their children.

Meanwhile, sources reported large military reinforcements from different axes of Al-Shabwani elite-backed by Emirates,, amid fears of an attack on the area after the success of mediation in releasing the captives.

Friday morning, clashes between tribesmen and elite forces after the latter raided the tribal areas, killing more than 13 people from two sides.


(A P)

Interior Minister Forms Committee to contain armed confrontations in Shabwah


(A P)

UAE Invaders Describe Shabwa Tribes as Terrorists and Raid Their Homes

Following its bloody operations against citizens, the UAE said that its forces launched an operation against what they described as terrorists and killed eight of them.

Remark: Earlier reporting in Yemen war Mosaic 498, cp6.

(A P)

Points to note as media focus on #Mahra #Yemen grows -#Saudi presence is self-serving & deemed occupation but not universally hated -Protests vs Saudi are real but funded & orchestrated to look mass (photo) -Mahris want control back but not to corrupt old elites stoking protests (photo)

(A E P)

According to a statement published by Yemen’s official news Agency, Saba New, 242,657 thousand employees out of the total number of 472,353 civil servants in Yemen were paid their salaries. Retirees were also paid their pension.

The government also claimed that it has restored 60 percent of the cash cycle and financial turnover from the black market to the official and commercial banking sector in accordance with international standards and requirements for combating terrorism and money laundering.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Kuwait: We are ready to host new round of Yemeni talks

A Kuwaiti official said on Monday that his country could host a new round of talks between the Yemeni factions, but did not set a date.

(* A P)

UN Security Council to meet Wednesday on Yemen truce deal

The UN Security Council will meet Wednesday to hear the UN envoy for Yemen report on a ceasefire deal and his latest efforts to end the nearly four-year war, diplomats said.

UN envoy Martin Griffiths was in Saudi Arabia on Monday for talks with Yemen's leaders aimed at shoring up the truce in the lifeline port of Hodeida that was agreed during talks in Sweden last month.

Those talks followed meetings in the rebel-held capital of Sanaa over the weekend to discuss the next steps for a redeployment of Huthi rebel fighters and coalition-backed forces from Hodeida.

(* A P)

UN envoy leaves Yemen after talks with rebels to push on peace process

The United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen Martine Griffiths left rebel-held capital Sanaa on Monday after holding intensified meetings with the dominant Houthi group to cement the fragile cease-fire and push for peace progress.

During his two-day visit, Griffiths held a series of meetings with the Houthi leaders, including the rebel chief Abdulmalik al-Houthi and head of the group's highest revolutionary committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi.

The Houthi-controlled Saba news agency said the meetings discussed the "obstacles and breaches" to the UN-brokered first-round peace agreement reached last month between the Yemeni rival parties in Stockholm.

They also discussed preparations to hold the second round of peace talks, Saba reported without giving further details.

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi tweeted that "no date and place have been set yet for the next round of talks."

"We demand the pay of salaries to all state employees and consider the refusal of paying the military and security institutions as the first step of an American conspiracy that seek to dissolve the Yemeni army and security institution as they did in a post-Saddam Iraq which we will never accept," al-Houthi said.

He said that his group also demands the re-opening of Sanaa airport and lift the all-out blockade on the rebel-held northern territories.

(A P)

UN Envoy leaves Sana’a, no progress in Sweden agreement

The UN Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths left Sana’a on Monday, heading to Saudi Arabia to meet officials of the legitimate government.

Griffiths held meetings with the Iran-backed Houthi leaders, trying to persuade them to withdraw their militias from Hodeida and its ports and replaced them with local security forces, however, his efforts failed so far.

After setting unrealizable conditions, Sweden agreement hang in balance

The Houthis have set unrealizable conditions in order to implement the Sweden agreement reached in Sweden in December 2018 between the Yemen government and the Iran-backed Houthi militias, Yemeni officials told the Saudi Okaz Newspaper.

The newspaper said that Griffiths exerted intensified meetings with Houthi leaders to maintain the fragile ceasefire in Hodeida, pointing out that the Houthis insisted on reopening Sana’a Airport before the implementation of the Sweden agreement.

My comment: As reported by anti-Houthi media. – At Hodeidah: Local security forces loyal to Saada government. – Other sources for the Houthi claim regarding Sanaa airport??

(A P)

Sanaa faction of Congress party threatens to withdraw from consultations

Sanaa's wing of the Congress party threatened on Sunday to withdraw from the UN-sponsored consultations through its envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths.

The party, led by former President Ali Abdallah Saleh, has been fragmented into four wings, including the Sanaa faction, which is still allied with the al-Houthi group, which has been invited to United Nations-sponsored consultations.

But the party's wing threatened to withdraw from the consultations, "if the United Nations tariffs continue to name the delegation, the Houthis ' delegation," without mentioning the conference delegation, said delegation member Yahya Nuri.

(* A P)

Yemen government says it won't attend talks unless Houthis comply with Hodeidah deal

Yemen's government on Monday warned it would not attend the next round of talks unless the Houthi group complies with a fragile UN-brokered truce

"We have said before and continue to say that we will not attend the next round of talks unless the Houthis comply to what was agreed in Sweden," a government official told The National.

Houthi rebels said on Monday that talks on Yemen’s weakened economy could take place in Jordan. The government, however, denies these claims.

"The next round of talks will most likely be held in Kuwait and not in Jordan and will focus on issues such as Hodeidah, re-opening the rebel held airport and the country's fragile economy," said the official.

My comment: It’s according to the Hadi government’s interpretation that they do not comply.

(A P)

UAE Rejects Prisoners’ Deal, Saudi Arabia’s Delay and Hide Hundreds in Prisons

The member of the National Delegation, the head of the National Committee for Prisoners' Affairs, Abdulqader Al-Mortadha, called on the United Nations to pressure the obstructionist party to the prisoners exchange agreement and to announce this to the public opinion. Al-Murtadha said that the forces of aggression are working to deny the existence of hundreds of prisoners who we know their prison places and refuses to disclose the hidden prisoners of prisoners and detainees.

He added that the UAE and its mercenaries object to the agreement and refuse to deal with it while Saudi Arabia procrastinates and hides hundreds of prisoners in its prisons despite their recognition of them previously.

Remark: Houthi government at Sanaa.

(A P)

Mothers of abductees demand to implement Sweden agreement

The Abductees’ Mothers Association has demanded the UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths to not allow any Yemeni fighting sides to breach the agreement reached in Sweden last month.

In a protest arranged in front of the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sana’a, the association called for the involvement of the abductees’ relatives in implementing the deal reached in Sweden last month, asserting that guarantees should be provided to end the crime of abducting innocent civilians.

The association affirmed that “though a deal was reached in Sweden to release all detainees, the Houthi militias continue to detain more people and put them in their prisons”.

(A P)

President Al-Mashat Questions Reasons, Humanitarian File Has not Made any Progress

President Mahdi Al-Mashat said during his meeting with the UN Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, that the humanitarian file did not make any progress despite what was agreed upon in the consultations of Sweden, stressing the importance of taking serious steps in this file which does not accept delay.

The other party hold full responsible for the failure to implement the Swedish agreement despite the steps initiated by the Supreme Political Council and the Government of National Salvation

Remark: Houthi government at Sanaa.

(* A P)

Film: New round of Yemen peace talks may launch in Jordan

A fresh round of talks between Yemen's warring factions may take place soon in Jordan, according to a senior Houthi official.

The United Nations' Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, met Houthi rebels before heading for Riyadh to ensure a recent peace deal reached in Sweden is fully implemented.

Both sides have been accused of violating the ceasefire agreement over Yemen's port city Hodeidah.

(* A P)

Next round of Yemen talks could be in Amman: rebels

A second round of negotiations between Yemen's government and Huthi rebels could be hosted "soon" in Jordanian capital Amman, a rebel leader said Sunday after meeting the UN envoy.

Talks on Yemen's failed economy "could take place soon in Amman or by video conference, which I discussed with the UN envoy", Mohammed Ali al-Huthi, head of the rebel Higher Revolutionary Committee, told AFP in Sanaa.

One month after hard-won peace talks on the Yemen conflict, the United Nations faces an uphill battle as it pushes to ensure the warring parties make good on a shaky truce deal. =

(A P)

Sayyed Abdul Malik Al-Houthi Meets UN Envoy to Yemen

The leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, met on Sunday with UN Secretary-General special envoy to Yemen Martin Griffith.
During the meeting, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi pointed to obstacles, disabilities and violations facing the Stockholm Agreement by the parties to the US-back,ed saudi-led aggression coalition.

(A P)

Head of Supreme Revolutionary: We are Adhering Stockholm Agreement

Earlier in the day, the head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohamed Ali Al-Houthi confirmed to the UN-envoy the adhering to the Stockholm agreement.

"We told the UN envoy that we are ready to implement all the terms of the Hodiedah agreement without retreat," the head of the Revolutionary Committee said.

He pointed out that the meeting also dealt with the peace efforts and the next round of consultations, the salaries of the employees, the Sana'a Airport, humanitarian and economic issues, some obstacles and other treatments that will serve the economic situation, and will return the payment of salaries through joint committees that can be achieved.

The Supreme Revolutionary head revealed his demand for the UN envoy to have "a professional independent financial commission, to look at the accounts of the Central Bank of Yemen and branches."

He explained that the UN envoy will return to Sana'a again, after meeting tomorrow in the Saudi capital Riyadh with officials there in order to overcome the obstacles placed by the committees formed by them.

(* A P)

UN-Sondergesandter zu neuer Friedensmission im Jemen angekommen

Der UN-Sondergesandte für den Jemen, Martin Griffiths, ist zu einer neuen Friedensmission in dem Bürgerkriegsland angekommen. Griffiths landete am Samstag in der von den Huthi-Rebellen gehaltenen jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa, wie ein AFP-Journalist berichtete. Bis Sonntag will er Vertreter der Rebellen und der Regierung treffen. Bei den Gesprächen soll es um die Umsetzung des Friedensabkommens von Schweden und mögliche weitere Friedensverhandlungen der Konfliktparteien gehen.

Anschließend wurde der UN-Sondergesandte in der saudiarabische Hauptstadt Riad erwartet, wo er sich unter anderen mit dem im Exil lebenden jemenitischen Präsidenten, Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi, treffen sollte. Am Sonntag soll Griffiths nach Angaben der Rebellen nach Hodeida reisen,-UN-Sondergesandter-zu-neuer-Friedensmission-im-Jemen-angekommen-_arid,643104.html

(* A P)

UN envoy arrives in Yemen's capital to salvage Hodeidah ceasefire

The UN special envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, is expected to meet with Houthi officials in the capital, Sanaa, to discuss ways to implement a fragile ceasefire in the strategic port city of Hodeidah.

Griffiths is scheduled to hold talks with Houthi leaders over the truce on Saturday, before meeting Patrick Cammaert, a retired Dutch general, who heads the ceasefire monitoring team in the port city.

The UN envoy is then expected to travel to Saudi Arabia to meet Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and other senior government officials.

According to the AFP news agency, Griffiths's visit to Saudi Arabia will attempt to bring the warring sides together later this month, possibly in Kuwait, to follow up on the "progress" made at last month's talks.

and also

(* A P)

UN envoy arrives in Yemen to push Hodeida truce

The UN envoy for Yemen arrived in the capital Sanaa on Saturday for talks to shore up a ceasefire in the country's lifeline port city of Hodeida, an AFP photographer said.

Martin Griffiths is scheduled to hold talks in Sanaa with Huthi rebel leaders and will later travel to the Saudi capital Riyadh to meet Yemeni government officials.

He will also meet in the rebel-held capital with retired Dutch general Patrick Cammaert, who has been appointed by the UN to head the truce monitoring team.

Griffiths' visit comes as the ceasefire in Hodeida was generally holding, although

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B E P)

Getting Saudi Arabia back on track

Saudis want the world in 2019 to refocus on economic investment, after unwelcome and distracting publicity

In the early part at least of 2019, Saudi Arabia's most urgent task will be to repair the damage to its international reputation. This was tainted over the past three years by the kingdom's conduct of the war in Yemen and the ensuing civilian suffering, which has left nearly 2mn people on the verge of starvation. But the real damage was caused by the murder in October 2018 of journalist Jamal Khashoggi

There are sound and compelling reasons why Saudi Arabia needs to polish up its image. The kingdom requires continued international support, from the US in particular, in its campaign to block the spread of Iranian influence in the Arab world.

On the economic front, Saudi leaders will work flat out in the year ahead to try to stop the flight of capital from the kingdom. This has been happening at an alarming rate since the mass arrests of prominent Saudis in November 2017 and their incarceration in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Riyadh. The shock of the Khashoggi killing and the air of uncertainty hanging over the kingdom will have persuaded still more Saudis to try to get their money out of the country.

At the same time, Saudis will seek to persuade foreign investors, made nervous by the events of the past year, to keep faith with the kingdom.

All this matters because Crown Prince Mohammed's economic reform programme, Vision 2030, is predicated on the launch of huge investment programmes aimed at creating jobs in the private sector and decreasing the kingdom's dependence on oil revenue.

(B P)

Saudi Women to Receive Divorce Notification by Text Message

Women in Saudi Arabia will receive a text message when a court ruling confirms their divorces — the latest step in a series of social reforms aimed at advancing women’s rights in the kingdom. The Saudi justice ministry said that starting from Sunday, courts will send messages informing women of their marital status after decisions on divorce filings have been finalised. Women can also log into the ministry’s website to check their marital status and view the divorce deed, the ministry added. Men were previously allowed to divorce their wives, including the registration of divorce deeds at the court, without the woman’s knowledge. “This is a very excellent service because previously there have been many cases in which women are divorced without knowing their status,” Saudi lawyer Bayan Zahran told a local television channel. “It is one of her most basic rights to be informed if the husband divorces her.”

My comment: LOL.

(* B P)


When the Arab Spring began in 2011, it heralded two values: freedom and dignity.

However, the youthful dream never reached its destination. It was assassinated by the forces of the counterrevolution, headed by regional states that possessed what the youthful forces of the Arab Spring did not possess: wealth, and Western support.

That dual capacity was destructive, and the harvest of the past five years across the region has been bitter.

That the West could turn a blind eye to the situation in Yemen to such a degree is demonstrative of just how destructive the dual capacity of Western support and wealth has been.

Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman has been at the helm of Saudi policy-making for the last 18 months. Having initially appealed to Western nations by implementing reforms that suggested a new direction of economic openness and social tolerance for Saudi Arabia (allowing women to drive cars and promising abundant profits to international firms,) the Prince managed to coax Western leaders into turning a blind eye also to his inherently autocratic policies.

The Prince’s true colours had been shown. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption, and the Prince saw himself as infallible, an individual who enjoys divine right to kingship, a man above any critique. He believed he could do anything and get away with it; it was this sense of impunity, together with his impulsiveness, that led him to murdering Khashoggi.

If there were a single positive thing that came out of the horrimurder of Khashoggi it is that the world media finally rose to the level of responsibility.

Western capitals should not remain hesitant in the face of a reality that clashes with all human values. Western capitals should not remain hesitant in the face of a reality that clashes with all human values – by Wadah Kanfar

(* A P)

Film, thread: The Saudi government is deporting hundreds of #Rohingya refugees to Bangladesh. Here's a video sent to me by an inmate in Shumaisi showing Rohingya being lined up, handcuffed, and prepared for deportation.

(* B E P)

Saudi Arabia’s Great Run Seems Headed for Trouble

Falling oil revenue, a restive young population and climate change will make a volatile mix.

On the surface, Saudi Arabia and its ruling family — an absolute monarchy flush with oil wealth — look secure in their power. Despite oil price fluctuations, income per person has been more or less constant for many years now.

But beneath the placid surface, there could be trouble brewing. First of all, the country’s demographics are headed in a direction that is sometimes associated with social unrest. As recently as 2000, Saudi Arabian families were very large, with an average of more than six children per woman. But fertility has dropped precipitously, and is now below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman.

A big cohort of idle young adults with high unemployment and relatively light child-care duties could be a volatile mix. Political scientists have long noted the correlation between youth bulges and civil strife.

This volatile situation could be made even more precarious by three additional factors: declining oil revenues, climate change and social liberalization.

The country has long vowed to diversify its economy away from oil, but its ambitious reform plans often seem to degenerate into yet more lavish government spending. Meanwhile, even if a price crash caused by electric cars never materializes, the country’s oil reserves are not infinite, and the country may already be struggling to raise production.

Another threat to the country’s stability is climate change, whose effects may be manifesting already. Drought exacerbated by global warming may be contributing to the conflict in Yemen, where arable land is disappearing, and Saudi Arabia may not be far behind. There is little that the country can do on its own to stop climate change, other than to stop drilling oil (which would devastate its economy) – by Noah Smith

(B P)

Censoring Commentary on War Crimes and Mass Starvation Is No Joke

Netflix should be ashamed and reverse its decision

Netflix’s decision to censor an episode of comedian Hasan Minhaj’s series, blocking access to it within Saudi Arabia, has implications that ripple far beyond the borders of the Saudi dictatorship. “Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj” is a comedy series produced by Netflix, featuring the young, Muslim-American comedian’s commentary on news and current affairs.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia starts ‘sham trial’ of 11 men accused of killing Khashoggi

We don't even know who the accused are, let alone the extent to which they were involved in the killing.

And after months of denials — many of them taking a darkly farcical turn — the kingdom on Thursday put 11 men on trial for Khashoggi’s murder, with five of those men facing the death penalty. It’s unknown whether any or some of these men were among the 15 who flew into Turkey to kill the journalist.

Thursday’s procedures, which were closed to the public as is customary in the Saudi courts, constituted only the initial hearing, with the unnamed defendants asking for a copy of the indictments and time to respond.

The official Saudi line is that the men were part of a “rogue operation” — somehow managing to board two private jets, fly to Turkey, commandeer the consulate, kill Khashoggi, dispose of his body, and fly back without the country’s leadership knowing anything about it.

This, in a Gulf Arab state where the movement and expression of citizens is strictly policed, and criticism of the state is punished with swift brutality.

The country is not known for its fair judicial system — it’s where activists are locked up and tortured, bloggers are flogged, and women are accused of “witchcraft” and beheaded.

There is little, then, that we can expect from the trial of the men who allegedly killed Khashoggi, human rights advocates say.

“The whole trial is widely seen as a sham trial,” said Philippe Nassif, Middle East and North Africa advocacy director for Amnesty International. Nassif added that it’s almost certain that someone within the crown prince’s circle, if not the crown prince himself, certainly knows who is responsible for Khashoggi’s murder.

“What a lot of folks in the human rights space are trying to grapple with is who are the people who are being accused — why them, specifically — and are some of them completely oblivious and innocent? That’s he un-discussed issue here … We have to look at how far removed these guys are from the case, if not entirely,” Nassif told ThinkProgress.

Rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have called for an independent international investigation.

cp8b Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun

– The story of a young Saudi woman who fled to Thailand (German, English: newest reports on top) –

(* A P)

Saudi-Araberin sitzt in Thailand fest

Flucht vor Zwangsheirat – 18-Jährige bittet um deutsche Hilfe

Rahaf al-Kunun flieht vor ihrer Familie aus Saudi-Arabien und sitzt nun in Thailand fest. Eine Abschiebung ist zunächst vom Tisch. Via Twitter bittet sie Deutschland um Unterstützung.

Eine 18-jährige Asylsuchende aus Saudi-Arabien wird gegen ihren Willen am Flughafen von Bangkok festgehalten und soll in ihre Heimat zurückgeschickt werden. In sozialen Medien bittet sie um Hilfe. Am Montagmorgen sollte sie bereits einen Flieger nach Kuwait besteigen, um von dort zurück nach Saudi-Arabien gebracht zu werden. Wie unter anderem der britische "Guardian" berichtet, hob der Flieger ohne die junge Frau ab.

Nach Angaben der Zeitung hat sich Rahaf Mohammed al-Kunun in ihrem Hotelzimmer verbarrikadiert. Sie bat von dort aus auch die deutsche Botschaft in Bangkok um Hilfe. Der deutsche Botschafter Georg Schmidt reagierte auf Twitter und schrieb: "Wir teilen die große Sorge um Rahaf Mohammed." Man stehe dazu auch in Verbindung mit den thailändischen Behörden.

Al-Kunun nutzt Twitter, um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen und sucht international Unterstützung. Am Montagvormittag etwa bat sie um Hilfe des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen.

Der aktuelle Status ist unklar. Die Menschenrechtsanwältin Nadthasiri Bergman gab bekannt, al-Kunun sei mit einem Einspruch gegen ihre Ausweisung in Thailand gescheitert. Bergmann kündigte gleichzeitig an, die Ablehnung anzufechten.

Einen Teilerfolg konnte al-Kunun erringen: Die junge Frau wird offenbar nicht nach Kuweit abgeschoben. "Wenn sie nicht ausreisen will, werden wir sie nicht zwingen", sagte der Chef der thailändischen Einwanderungsbehörde

Mein Kommentar: Ein Skandal, in mehrfacher Hinsicht: A) Saudi-Arabien behandelt Menschen (vor allem: Frauen) immer noch so, als wären sie irgenjemandes Eigentum. B) Kuwait Airlines macht sich zum Büttel saudischer Sonderinteressen, die internationalem Recht widersprechen (Erklärung der Menschenrechte). C) Die thailändischen Behörden Machen sich zum Büttel einer saudischen Politik, die gegen international Gesetze (Erklärung der Menschenrechte) wie gegen nationale thailändische Gesetze (Verfassung section 27, 28, 38: ) verstößt (Das sieht jetzt doch besser aus).

(* A P)

'You saved Rahaf's life': online outcry kept 'terrified' Saudi woman safe, says friend

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun was buoyed by thousands of messages during Thai ordeal, says Nourah Alharbi

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, the Saudi Arabian woman who fled her family and is now under UN protection in Thailand, has been sustained through the “terrifying” ordeal by thousands of online messages of support that probably saved her life, a friend has said.

Nourah Alharbi, 20, told the Guardian: “Yesterday, they [social media supporters] made the difference in Rahaf’s life. You saved Rahaf’s life yesterday: the people, the media.”

Speaking on Tuesday morning, Alharbi said Qunun was buoyed when she saw how many messages about her were being posted online. “She couldn’t believe it. Today when I was calling her ... [she said] she can see the thousands of messages, all of them supporting her. She’s terrified and stressed, and when she saw the messages it really made a difference for her.”

Now based in Sydney, Alharbi said she fled Saudi Arabia herself after suffering abuse from her family, and is seeking asylum in Australia. She has kept in close contact with Qunun throughout her ordeal.

Comment: Rahaf was so happy and felt safe that she got her passport back and that she’s under UNHCR protection

but I told her that “She’s not save yet as Thailand wasn’t in her side at first place so she should wait to be transferred to the asylum country before she can feel safe and happy” People don’t stop your support for her yet

(A )
Rahaf Mohammed:
You are the real power help me to send my message, I need PROTECTION .

(A P)

Please keep #RahafAlQanun in the news. Australia has revoked her visa. This is a crisis for her and for women all over the world. Our voices need to be heard loud and clear.

(A P)

Hey I'm Rahaf. My father just arrived as I heard witch worried and scared me a lot and I want to go to another country that I seek asylum in But at least I feel save now under UNHCR protection with the agreement of Thailand authorities. And I finally got my passport back (photos)

(A P)

'We Can Help': Calls For Australia To Help Saudi Woman Detained In Bangkok

Australia should issue emergency travel documents to 18-year-old Saudi woman seeking asylum.

That's the call from federal Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young, as concern grows for the young woman who was detained by Saudi officials at a Bangkok airport, as she sought to reach Australia to seek asylum.

[with more tweets relating to the case]

(* A P)

#KSA's embassy on the girl who claims to have fled from her family to Thailand for reasons of family violence (see in image)

My comment: LOL. – Who actually seized her passport?

Comment: Will now the whole world knows that what has been published from Saudi Arabia news on Rahaf story was a lie just like before on khashoggi .

Comment: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia stated that the family of Rahaf Mohammed Al-Qanoon lives in Kuwait!

Rahaf announced her university identity and she is a student at the University of Hail Saudi Arabia!

Saudi Arabia was exposed to lies! Just like they did with Khashoggi! Stupid stupidity !!! (photos9

Comment: Rahaf was with her family in Kuwait for a mid-school holiday

(A P)

Thailand’s immigration police chief Gen. ‘Big Joke’ Surachate has promised not to force @rahaf84427714 back to Kuwait and said the Thais believe her life is at risk if she does. Police trying to negotiate with her through her door now. She only wants to talk to the UN.

(A P)

Film: “Rahaf al-Qunun-mark my words,is going to start a revolution in Saudi Arabia.Go on social media now & watch accounts of so many young Saudis saying,“Rahaf,you’ve shown us,that we can do this! Rahaf, you have shown us,that we deserve to be free”

(* A P)

Saudi teenager barricades herself in Bangkok airport hotel

A Saudi teenager claiming to be fleeing her abusive family has barricaded herself in a hotel room in Bangkok's main airport after Thai immigration officials attempted to deport her back to the Middle East.

The 18-year-old identified herself as Rahaf Mohammed Mutlaq Al-Qunun on an unverified Twitter account. She posted photographs of herself and her passport, and said she was seeking refugee status from "any country that would protect me from getting harmed or killed due to leaving my religion and torture from my family."

Al-Qunun said that on landing at Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand, she had her passport confiscated and had been "held" by Saudi embassy officials.

Speaking to CNN, Al-Qunun said she had originally intended to fly on to Australia but decided to try and enter Thailand instead. However, she said that when she approached a visa on arrival counter in the airport -- Saudi citizens can apply for a temporary visa provided they have a "confirmed return ticket within 15 days" -- but saw a group of Saudi diplomats waiting for her.

Al-Qunun said the Saudis tried to make her sign a piece of paper, when she was refused and appealed to Thai immigration officials, she was escorted to a transit hotel.

(* A P)

'He wants to kill her': friend confirms fears of Saudi woman held in Bangkok

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun says she was fleeing abusive family for Australia when she was stopped in Thai airport

An 18-year-old Saudi woman who fled her family after renouncing Islam and is being detained in Bangkok fears she will be killed if she is repatriated, as a friend close to her said the threats to her life were real.

A Sydney-based friend of Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun told the Guardian that Thai authorities planned to force her to board the Kuwait Airways KU412 flight to Kuwait, scheduled to leave at 11.15am on Monday. Thai immigration officials have confirmed she has been denied entry to the country.

She has barricaded herself in her hotel room and Thai immigration officials congregated outside her hotel room door. Qunun has said she will not leave until she can see the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said Phil Robertson, Human Rights Watch’s Asia deputy director.

Qunun said she was trying to escape her family, saying they subjected her to physical and psychological abuse, and was in transit to seek asylum in Australia, where she claimed to have a visa.

My comment: A scandal, in several ways: A) Saudi Arabia still treats people (especially women) as if they were somebody's property. B) Kuwait Airlines behaves like the henchman of Saudi special interests that contradict international law (Declaration of Human Rights). C) Thai authorities make themselves the henchman of a Saudi policy that violates international laws (Declaration of Human Rights) as well as national Thai laws (Constitution section 27, 28, 38: ). (This last point seems to look somewhat better now)

(A P)

Film: "She believes she may be killed". The case of #Rahafmohamed @rahaf84427714 fleeing #SaudiArabia has been one of the lead stories in our newsroom today. Here I speak to @Reaproy in #Bangkok who is try to help her.

(* A P)

Radha Stirling: “World's commitment to women's rights tested in Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun case”

"Rahaf is clearly not alone in feeling that her basic rights are violated in Saudi Arabia; there are untold thousands of women who feel the same sense of desperation that drove Rahaf to flee her family. Even Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has acknowledged that the country needs to improve in the area of women's rights. If Rahaf is deported, the hopes of women throughout the kingdom, and indeed, the Gulf, will be crushed

When someone makes very serious allegations of abuse, torture, or a threat to their life; authorities have to take it at face value and allow the proper protocols of investigation to occur. It has been reported that Rahaf had a Visa to go to Australia, and intended to apply for asylum; it was due to Saudi intervention that she has not made it. It is unacceptable that the government from which someone is fleeing be permitted to interfere with their asylum request; and totally against diplomatic norms for a third country to cooperate in hindering such a process.

Whatever dangers Rahaf may or may not have faced before she took to social media, the fact is, now that she has criticised Saudi Arabia, Islam, her family, and ‘shamed the nation’; there is every reason at this point to fear that she could be jailed for many years and be subject to human rights violations and torture. She has violated Saudi laws in seeking to travel without the permission of her male guardian and has now further violated a number of laws and outraged the regime. There are reports that she is receiving death threats and that Saudi men are calling for her to be hanged as an example to other would be "rebels".

(A P)

Thailand: Allow Fleeing Saudi Woman to Seek Refuge

Threat to Send Her Back to Family in Saudi Arabia

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, 18, told Human Rights Watch that she arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok on the evening of January 5, 2019, en route from Kuwait to Australia, but was met by a representative of the Saudi embassy who seized her passport to prevent her from traveling to Australia. Saudi and Thai officials told her she would be forced to return to Kuwait on the morning of January 7, where her father and brother are awaiting her.

“Saudi women fleeing their families can face severe violence from relatives, deprivation of liberty, and other serious harm if returned against their will,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.

(* A P)

Saudi woman seeking asylum in Australia 'detained in Bangkok airport'

An 18-year-old Saudi woman on her way to seek asylum in Australia is being held in an airport hotel in Bangkok, and says her family will kill her

Rahaf Mohammed Mutlaq Alqunun flew from Kuwait and said she had a ticket onwards to Australia, but said when she arrived in Bangkok a Saudi diplomat met her at the Bangkok airport and forcibly confiscated her passport.

Ms Alqunun is currently confined in a hotel inside the airport, watched by men she said were from the Saudi embassy and Kuwait Airlines.

"Because I've got nothing to lose I'm going now to share my real name and my all information," she tweeted.

"My name is Rahaf Mohammed Mutlaq Alqunun, and this is my picture.

"I'm afraid, my family WILL kill me."

The ABC has received a video message from the teenager, to be broadcast in the event she disappears.

"She was at the Bangkok airport on the way to Australia — she had a visa to go to Australia — and her passport was seized by a Saudi embassy official in the airport," said Phil Robertson, deputy director Asia for Human Rights Watch.

"She's now being held at the Bangkok airport hotel and threatened to be sent back to Saudi Arabia tomorrow (Monday).

My comment: It’s really strange how a Saudi (!) official can confiscate any passport at Bangkok (!) airport, and based on which laws Thai authorities are doing anything like this. If she is unwanted in Thailand they should let her pass to Australia.

(A P)

Video from @rahaf84427714 just sent from her hotel room at the #Bangkok airport. She has barricaded herself in the room & says she will not leave until she is able to see #UNHCR. Why is #Thailand not letting @Refugees see her for refugee status determination?

Official from @KuwaitAirways is at Rahaf’s door but she’s refusing to leave (photo)

(A P)

Kuwait airlines and Saudi embassy work together!! They took my passport

more on:

(* A P)

Translation of tweets from the #Saudi woman trying to flee into asylum who said she is being held at #Bangkok airport: “I am the girl who escaped #Kuwait to #Thailand. My life is in real danger if I am forced to return to #Saudi Arabia.”

“I am 20 years old and I should be able to live alone, freely, independent of anyone who does not respect my dignity and who doesn’t respect me as a woman.”

“I have proof of my family’s violence, and my lawyer will raise a case against them if they don’t stop trying to repatriate me.”

“I am real, I exist, I am still breathing, but I am not sure I can continue or that I can stay alive unless the #Saudi embassy stops pursuing me.”

I was told just a short while ago that I will be forcibly repatriated to #Saudi. These are vital moments. Time is of the essence. I urge you, please do something. I am truly frightened.”

“I have been detained in an airport hotel. I will be forcibly repatriated tomorrow to Kuwait and then Saudi. There is an airport person who constantly follows me. I can’t even ask for protection or asylum in Thailand. Thai police refuse to help me.”

Remark: A similar case in 2017:

cp9 USA

(* B K T)

Central Command: US conducted 36 strikes against al Qaeda, ISIS in Yemen in 2018

The U.S. military conducted 36 airstrikes against terrorist groups in Yemen in 2018, Central Command said Monday.

The figure is a significant drop from 2017’s 120-plus airstrikes, which was a spike from previous years.

The strikes were conducted against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Yemen’s branch of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the governorates of Abyan, al Bayda, Hadramawt, Shabwah and Zamakh.

According to the release, 2018 began with 10 airstrikes against both AQAP and ISIS in January.

The remaining 26 strikes were all against AQAP and break down into six in February, seven in March, four in April, two in May, two in June, two in July, one in August and two in September.

There were no strikes in the final three months of 2018.

(A P)

Film: Activists on Hunger Strike Demanding End to US-Saudi War on Yemen

(A P)

Pompeo set for Gulf tour to reassure allies on Iran and Yemen

His tour of the Gulf is centred on concerns about the recent symbolic vote in the Senate on the Yemen civil war. Trump administration officials have re-pledged their support to the Arab Coalition in order to beat back Iran’s influence i

(* B P)

The Democrats’ Pop-Up Foreign Policy Problem

Conservatives have created a permanent infrastructure of think tanks to generate foreign policy positions regardless of who’s in the White House. Liberals need to do the same.

But while the killing of Khashoggi was the precipitating event, the Senate vote got an important assist from a group almost no one had previously heard of: National Security Action. Founded last winter by Ben Rhodes, former deputy national security adviser to President Obama, and Jake Sullivan, former senior foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton, the organization boasts an advisory board made up of national security bigwigs from the Bill Clinton and Obama administrations—including former CIA Director John Brennan, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power.

F or months leading up to the vote, National Security Action (which lends itself to an unfortunate initialism) had been quietly mobilizing support around getting the U.S. out of the Yemen crisis through Capitol Hill briefings and cooperation with progressive advocacy networks. Then, on November 11, a month after Khashoggi’s murder, the group released a statement signed by thirty top Obama-era officials calling for an end to all American involvement in Yemen.

National Security Action’s role in the Yemen resolution illustrates the importance of something Democrats desperately need that Republicans have in abundance: an infrastructure of nonprofit groups staffed with substantively knowledgeable, politically plugged-in foreign policy experts. For decades the American right has had multiple ideological think tanks.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A H P)

Wasserburg: Gesammelt für Kinder im Jemen

Viele Kinder waren auch in St. Wolfgang an den traditionellen Donnerstagen im Advent unterwegs, um - wie es der Brauch ist - anzuklopfen, zu singen und um eine Gabe zu bitten.

So kamen neben vielen süßen Sachen für die Klopferkinder stolze 1956,09 Euro zusammen, die der Aktion „Deutschland hilft“ gespendet werden, um den Kindern im Jemen ein Überleben ermöglichen zu können

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B K P)

Little Sparta & Their Evil Ways

The UAE has been a vital ally of the United States since the early 1990s, and of course, to be an ally, in this case, means you are a proxy force of the United States in the Middle East and Africa — that’s what makes the UAE “vital” to America’s never-ending war on “terrorism.” Little Sparta first showed their worth in Kosovo, Somalia, Afghanistan and then later they assisted in overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and became a leading force in the Coalition against ISIS.

The Emirates have consistently stated that they are “fighting for a moderate Islam” as the Emirates believe it is crucial to their survival and they have pledged to combat the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Queda, the Taliban and ISIS abroad before these groups threaten the security of the UAE. The UAE has shown that not only are they overflowing in national wealth from their oil reserves, but they are showing that they can be a reliable proxy force of the United States.

From 2013 to 2017 the UAE was the fourth largest buyer of weapons in the world with a defense budget that has recently exploded to well over 22 billion.

The UAE also built the Assab Military Base in Eritrea, and they have used this base as a launchpad for their operations in Yemen.

Last year Buzzfeed reported along with other media outlets that the UAE hired American mercenaries and paid them 1.5 million dollars a month to carry out assassinations of Imams and political figures of the Al-Islah party which the UAE accuses of being an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Last week reports surfaced that the UAE was arming Abu al-Abbas who is on the United States terrorist watch list

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia gets US missile defense boost despite Khashoggi uproar

The Donald Trump administration has approved nearly $200 million in upgrades to Saudi Arabia’s missile defenses, Al-Monitor has learned, despite continued congressional uproar over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Under the commercial deal approved by the State Department in December, Saudi Arabia will receive $195 million in upgrades to improve its Patriot PAC-3 defenses, including a guidance system that increases its ability to intercept ballistic missiles able to evade US-made radars.

Though the State Department notified Congress of the sale in December, it did not make the exact dollar value of the transaction public. The figures were provided to Al-Monitor by the Security Assistance Monitor.

A State Department spokesperson told Al-Monitor on background that Trump had indicated the United States would remain a “steadfast” partner for Saudi Arabia, despite tensions over the war in Yemen and Khashoggi’s death.

The Patriot deal, which went through the State Department’s direct commercial sales program that links up American weapons manufacturers with foreign customers, could provide another pipeline for the Trump administration to provide lethal assistance to Riyadh. The ballistic missile upgrades were among the last of $4.4 billion in US foreign military and direct commercial sales that the United States cleared for Saudi Arabia in 2018.

(B K P)

Iranian .50 Cal- The AM-50 Sayyad and Its Use in the Middle East

The AM-50 Sayyad- meaning Hunter- is commonly seen across the Middle East, particularly where Iran has maintained allies or has supplied arms. However, it does not always appear in the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran's friends, and is often seen in the hands of groups such as Hayat Tahir Al-Sham and ISIS as well as Iran's allies such as the Popular Mobilisation Forces in Iraq, or the Houthi forces in Yemen.

The story of the AM-50 is truly a story of arms technology copies and proliferation, which has yet more turns as I will detail later.

After the AM-50 entered series production with the Defence Industries Organisation, Iran's State-owned arms company, it was then offered for sale globally.

The rifle can also, of course, be freely found on Arms markets in Iraq, Syria, and possibly Yemen.

As we can see, the AM-50 Sayyad is a wide reaching and popular weapon across the middle east, with it's simple and inexpensive nature meaning that it can spread far.

(* A K P)

[Raytheon dystopic and Orwellian propaganda]

“Raytheon’s vision about making the world a safer place and the Girl Scouts vision of making the world a better place couldn’t be more well-suited as partners.” Learn how we're teaming up to get more girls interested in careers in STEM fields (film)

referring to

My comment: Look at the comments! My comments directly referred to the Yemen War:

For detailed information, read:

And these are Raytheon propaganda films on this matter: (the film of the tweet). Comments are deactivated. They will know, why. = Comments are deactivated. They will know, why. Comments are deactivated. They will know, why.

And this is how US Girls Scouts got bribed by mass murderers, took their blood money and started adulating them:

(* A P)


At a time when women account for half of the college-educated workforce but constitute just 29 percent of the workforce in science and engineering occupations, Raytheon and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) are collaborating on a new initiative to fuel the pipeline of female leaders in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Through a multiyear commitment from Raytheon, GSUSA launched its first national computer science program for middle and high school girls this year, and in the coming year, GSUSA will pilot its first-ever national Cyber Challenge for middle school and high school girls. These initiatives have the potential to reach nearly half a million girls in grades 6–12, many of them from military families, and they aim to prepare more girls to pursue computer science careers, including in cybersecurity, robotics, data science, and artificial intelligence.

This is the right action at the right time with the right partners.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Film: Yemen’s heritage in crisis

Since the conflict began in 2015, Yemen's heritage has come under siege

(* B K P)

Yemen's Loss Of Antiquities Is 'Robbing Them Of Their Future'

Deborah Lehr is the founder and chair of the Antiquities Coalition, an organization that works to stop the trafficking of antiquities and preserve cultural heritage.. She co-wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post this week with Yemen's Ambassador to the United States, Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak, about what the loss of antiquities means for Yemen's future.

Lehr spoke with NPR's Leila Fadel about what's happening in Yemen as these antiquities are taken from the country and what she has proposed with the ambassador to stop the loss of Yemen's history and culture.

Interview Highlights

On how many antiquities have left Yemen

It's very hard to quantify because we don't even have legitimate numbers on the legal trade, but what we can say is that Yemen was a very rich, historic country.

On where the antiquities are going

With the illicit trade, what we have tracked is their exit points.They meet with sophisticated middle men and they're being bought by collectors and others in major Western markets. Some of it is even showing up in the United States. These monies are going back and being used by the Houthis and other terrorist organizations in the region. We have evidence of al-Qaida raids on some of the museums in Yemen and we have evidence in Europe, even in Brussels, of dealers who have been selling al-Qaida-sponsored antiquities. There's definite evidence of ISIS benefiting.

On how she proposes to stop the loss of antiquities

My comment: The role of terrorist organizations in illegal arms trade is largely exaggerated.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Central Bank announces approval of withdrawal from Saudi deposit for the 13th installment

Yemen's central bank announced on Monday the arrival of the approval to withdraw from the Saudi deposit for the 13th batch of 56 million and 700,000 dollars, earmarked for a number of commodity dealers.

Remark: Aden central bank.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#AlQaeda's Hidaya media continues propaganda vs #IslamicState #Yemen. But 3-part video series "Allah Bears Witness That They're Liars" in late Dec misses the mark. Grim images of a child in no.1 but otherwise just 2 guys moaning whilst slobbering qat & 1 lone #AQAP fighting back (photos)

(* A T)

USA wollen Drahtzieher des USS-Cole-Anschlags getötet haben

Der mutmaßliche Al-Kaida-Terrorist Dschamal al-Badawi soll den Angriff auf das US-Kriegsschiff im Oktober 2000 geplant haben. Damals starben 17 US-Soldaten.

US-amerikanische Streitkräfte wollen den Drahtzieher des Terrorangriffs auf das US-Kriegsschiff USS Cole getötet haben. US-Präsident Donald Trump zufolge starb der mutmaßliche Al-Kaida-Terrorist Dschamal al-Badawi bei einem Luftangriff im Jemen. Trump schrieb auf Twitter: "Unser großartiges Militär hat den Helden Gerechtigkeit widerfahren lassen, die wir bei dem feigen Angriff auf die USS Cole verloren haben und die dabei verwundet wurden."

Bemerkung: Frühere berichte Yemen War Mosaic 498, cp14.

Kommentar: Nach 18 Jahren. Welche Rolle spielte Badawi heutzutage noch? Ging es nur noch um „Rache“ oder Verhängung einer Strafe für den begangenen Anschlag? Dafür wäre in einem Rechtsstaat ein Gericht zuständig gewesen. Und die Verhängung der Strafe hätte nur ohne Gefährdung anderer erfolgen dürfen, was bei einem Drohnenangriff per se immer der Fall wäre.

(* A T)

U.S. says suspected USS Cole bombing planner killed in Yemen strike

Badawi was indicted by a federal grand jury in 2003 over his role in the October 2000 deadly bombing of the USS Cole, a Navy guided-missile destroyer. He escaped from prison in Yemen twice, once in 2003 and again in 2006.

Still, Katherine Zimmerman at the American Enterprise Institute conservative thinktank cautioned that AQAP had proven it will remain a threat. The group has benefited from the chaos of Yemen’s civil war, although it has lost major strongholds, including the port city of Mukallah.

“There is certainly a degradation of the leadership,” Zimmerman said.

“The big concern is that al Qaeda has always proven that its bench is much deeper and there is no clear strategy for stabilizing Yemen and setting the conditions where we don’t have a new generation (of militants) coming forward.”

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Al-Zameki Exposes the Plan to Divide the South and Leave Some of Its Parts to Terrorist Groups

Dr. Ali Al-Zameki, a southern political analyst, exposed the plan to divide the south and leave some parts of it to terrorist groups. Al-Zameki indicated that the plan is to divide the southern lands among three countries, but he didn’t name them, and leave the rest to terrorist groups. Al-Zameki wondered if this project will be achieved at the hands of president Hady.

This is the plan and UAE is your only shield against it and the only hope for a unified south

My comment: This is special southern separatist propaganda.

(A P)

Al-Beed: The Southern Proved that They Are Partners with the Whole World in Fighting Terrorism and Achievements of Elites and Security Belt Troops Are the Proof

Hany Al-Beed, son of Ali Salem Al-Beed, the former southern president, said that achievements of security systems and units of Elites and Security Belt troops in fighting terrorism represent a record indicating that the southern people with all their powers and components are determined to become the hard number in this major international file. He added that the southern are real partners in fighting terrorism.

My comment: This is special southern separatist propaganda in favor of their militia, which are accused of many human rights violations.

(A P)

After Achieving Major Victories, “Hady” Replaces Titles of “Southern Giants’ Brigades” with Other Titles

Since its formation with support of UAE, Hady’s authorities and his government didn’t recognize the Southern Giants Brigades. The Giants Brigades recorded major victories over Al-Houthi militias in the west coast while the Muslim Brotherhood Army in Mareb failed to achieve one single victory. This uncovered the ugly face of the national army commanders and their resilience in facing these militias.

My comment: This is special southern separatist propaganda in favor of their militia fighting at Hodeida.

(A P)

Writer and political analyst Ali Al-bukhaiti has warned the leading figures of the General People's Congress (#GPC) party - who are currently present in the #Houthi-controlled capital Sanaa - from remaining as puppets in the hands of the Iran-backed royalists.

(A K P)

Arab Coalition warns Houthis are not committed to Sweden peace deal

Yemen's Houthi rebels show no intentions of implementing the UN-brokered ceasefire deal in Hodeidah, the Arab Coalition supporting the government said on Monday.

The government said there would be no further negotiations with the rebels until they acted on the agreement reached at UN-brokered talks in Sweden last month.

Colonel Turki Al Malki, coalition spokesman, said the rebels were breaching the ceasefire in the port city of Hodeidah by continuously bombing mosques and targeting government forces.

"The Houthis have no intention of implementing the Swedish peace deal and have violated the agreement 368 times," he said.

and also

My comment: As the “Arab” coalition seems to not be “committed to Sweden peace deal” any more than the Houthis, this statement is labeled as “propaganda” here.

(A K P)

How the UN can still save the Hodeidah deal

Up until now, the UN has not been able to enforce the Hodeidah agreement as it was understood by the international mediators in Sweden. The UN is still hoping to coax the Houthis into implementing it but, judging from past experience, there is little chance that they will relent.
The problem is that UN meditation has been based almost entirely on carrots and no sticks. This was true when Jamal Benomar was UN special envoy to Yemen and again when Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed was the envoy. This approach needs to change. The Houthis seem to think that the more they procrastinate, the more concessions they will get.

The Houthis also think that Yemen’s humanitarian crisis helps them put pressure on the international community. They have used it several times to avert or abort military attacks against them by government and coalition forces. According to reliable Yemeni journalists, the Houthis and their supporters control the distribution of UN aid almost entirely, from the moment it arrives in Yemen until its final destination. They use UN assistance to line their pockets by selling it on the black market.

The UN can be effective only if it can maintain pressure on the Houthis, which can be done in two ways: First, by assigning blame where it belongs and pointing out publicly the Houthis’ failure to implement the Hodeidah agreement; and, second, by establishing a sizable UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding presence in Hodeidah.

My comment: Labeled as propaganda here, as 1) the Houthis handed the port to local authorities loyal to the Sanaa Houthi government (the Sweden deal did not clearly regulate this point), 2) the anti-Houthi blame game is dropping back to the Saudis, as they “think that the more they procrastinate, the more concessions they will get” exactly describes Saudi politics towards the UN; and especially in the case of the Saudi coalition, without growing international pressure, there would not have been any talks and deals at all. It’s specially on the Saudi coalition where international pressure must be upheld.

(A K P)

Yemen President Accuses Houthis of Stalling in Implementing Sweden Deal

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi accused on Sunday the Iran-backed Houthi militias of stalling in implementing the Sweden ceasefire agreement on Hodeidah.
During a meeting with US Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller, he said that the Houthis do not want peace and were therefore stalling in implementing the deal.
He said that they have continued their attacks against the people and looting of relief aid.

(A K P)

Yemen President Orders Fortification of Battlefronts to Confront Iranian Agenda

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi ordered on Sunday the fortification of battlefronts to achieve victories and defeat the Iran-backed Houthi agenda, reported the Saudi Press Agency.

Hadi ordered military commanders to head to battlefronts to combat the Houthis, underlining the significance of the armed forces’ role, backed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition, at this critical time.

My comment: “Make war, not peace”. – Confronting an “Iranian agenda” in Yemen by “Fortification of Battlefronts“?? Why not confronting an „Ukrainian agenda“ or a „Nigerian agenda“?

(A P)

The Houthis must be dealt with forcefully

We said it before and we say it again, we should never assume good intentions from the outlaw Houthi militias who are occupying Yemen with the full support of the Iranian National Guard and the Lebanese gang of Hezbollah. All previous attempts to reach a peaceful solution to the Yemeni problem have failed because the Houthis do not want any political solution.

To be more specific, they do not have the power to make a decision because they only do what they are told by Tehran. They are only Yemeni in name; their allegiance is to Iran. This is the worst betrayal of the Yemeni people in its long Arab history.

My comment: The Iranian story is getting more and more ridiculous. – And based on this story, for Yemen, the author wants: “Make war, not peace”.

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen: the Kingdom supports peace efforts in Yemen according to the three references

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jaber stressed that the Kingdom will spare no effort to support peace efforts and the legitimate Yemeni government led by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, to reach a political solution in accordance with the three recognized references.

My comment: This is propaganda trash. Jaber wants to clearly tell to the UN envoy, who is on a new Yemen mission journey (above, cp7): Hey, we only would accept any deal which clearly fixes that our puppets become sole rulers of Yemen, all our preconditions are met and the enemy capitulates. Otherwise, fuck off.

(A P)

Settlement bonus.. Gulf and international promises to Yemen for financial support and economic growth during 2019

The Yemeni government has received Gulf pledges of financial support to provide foreign exchange reserves abroad, as well as the expectations of international institutions for extraordinary economic growth, if the economic settlement is successful, which is expected to lead to a political settlement that includes the cessation of the war and the formation of a coalition government from all sides, including the Houthis, according to the UN envoy's briefing to the Security Council.

The governor of the central bank, Mohammad Zammam, revealed in early December a $3 billion deposit awaited by the central bank, and a series of decisions will be taken by the United Nations or some countries with regard to new deposits.

The economic recovery will be stable, sustainable and durable, provided that some measures are taken at home and abroad, with the government announcing of a budget for the next year 2019 and that part of the measures will have an impact on currency stability, Zammam said a statement quoted by the official Yemeni news agency Saba.

(A P)

Saudi Study to Rehabilitate Yemen's 'Marib, Al-Aber' Road

A team of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) commenced its mission through visiting Marib – Al-Aber strategic road for the sake of preparing a field study on the rehabilitation needs of the 250km road.

(A P)

Seeing no light at the end of Yemen’s tunnel

The Yemeni crisis seems likely to go on for several years because the option of a comprehensive settlement is delayed.

This relative ceasefire remains Griffiths’ first achievement but he hasn’t achieved any breakthrough on the issue of prisoner exchange between the Houthis and the pro-government forces or on reopening Sana’a airport.

If Griffiths split the Yemeni crisis, reducing military escalation and establishing foundations for the presence of “blue helmets” in Hodeidah, it is inevitable to ask whether this price justifies recognising the Houthis as another legitimate authority in Yemen.

This “legitimacy” of the Houthis has turned into a burden on the Arab alliance, which has given a lot to end the Iranian project in Yemen. The Houthis are, of course, the spearhead of this project. The big problem has become the legitimate forces camp. There is a need to reorganise to change the balance of military power in Yemen and to represent the different Yemeni forces that reject the Iranian project. It’s as simple as that.

The legitimate forces camp must be restructured to effectively stop the Houthis and to reach a stage at which Sana’a and its vicinity are no longer the victims of a backward project.

My comment: Propagating “less peace, more war”, for clinging to Saudi Arabia’s well known propaganda phrases.

(A P)

Houthis Seize 72 WFP Aid Trucks in Yemen

The Iran-backed Houthi militias have seized 72 relief trucks provided by the World Food Program, reported the Saudi Press Agency Saturday.
The trucks were headed to the Ibb province.
The WFP had last week accused the Houthis of stealing food aid dedicated to people affected by the conflict in regions under militia control.
Local administration minister Abdulraqib Fatah held the Houthis completely responsible for any food shortage or humanitarian disasters that could affect people living in militia-held regions.

(A P)

Yemen: UN Ceasefire Monitoring Team Blocked by Houthi Lack of Cooperation

The United Nations team tasked with monitoring the ceasefire in Yemen's flashpoint city of Hodeidah, headed by Major General Patrick Cammaert, was faced by Houthi intransigence in the second round of meetings held with Houthi coupist and government delegations.
No breakthrough was registered at the meetings, despite the window for implementing phase one of the UN-brokered Stockholm truce agreement having passed.

(A P)

Yemeni Government Accuses Houthis of Misleading International Community by Publishing False Information about Humanitarian Situation

The Yemeni government has accused the Houthi militia of misleading the international community and international organizations by publishing false information and inaccurate information on the humanitarian situation and the nature of the humanitarian crisis caused by the coup and the war in Yemen.
Official Spokesman of the Yemeni government Rajih Badi pointed out to the size of the widespread misinformation practiced by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias and the outbreak of the relief and humanitarian efforts.

(A P)

Yemen government following up reports of aid looting

The spokesperson of Yemen’s government Rajeh Badi said on Friday that authorities were looking into recent reports of aid looting in the country by the Houthi militia.

He claimed that these reports and statements revealed the extent of the organized corruption carried out by the Houthi militia and the consequent humanitarian impact on those in need of aid in the various regions.

(A P)

UN Spent only 40% of the Saudi, Emirates, Kuwaiti Grant to Yemen, Al-Jaber Says

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Yemen Mohammed bin Saeed Al-Jaber was surprised by the continued silence of some United Nations organizations, on the crimes and violations of Houthi militias, in addition to their theft and hindering of distribution of humanitarian assistance to the Yemeni people.
In a televised interview with the Associated Press, Ambassador Al-Jaber said that many coalition officials had previously informed senior UN officials of the practices of the Houthi militias related to aid to Yemen.
He said that for years, Houthi's militias has been hindering aid and looting it, in addition to turning that aid into its war effort, in different ways.
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait had handed over to the United Nations $1.25 billion for humanitarian response plan, in Yemen, adding that "We have told UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock and the Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations, in Yemen, Lise Grande, that only 40 per cent of those funds have been spent, in areas under the control of the Houthi militias; because of their irresponsible practices.

(A P)

Saudi ambassador to Yemen denies alleged recruitment of child soldiers

Saudi ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed Al- Jaber, has denied allegations made in an article that was published by New York Times about recruiting Sudanese child soldiers to fight along the coalition forces in Yemen.
In a tweet, ambassador Al-Jaber said he sent a letter to ambassadors present in Yemen to clarify the false charges contained in the article.
The ambassador said the coalition welcome New York Times and other papers to visit military units from the Sudan within the coalition forces to stand on the truth and the uncorroborated allegations in the article.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

Jan. 6:

Jan. 5:

Jan. 4:

Jan. 3:

Jan. 2:

(A K pH)

Film: The death of a child and the injury of another with cluster bombs 07-01-2019

Remark: No place, no more details given. Must refer to this:

(A K pH)

In Al-Jouf, the correspondent of Almasirah Net reported the death of a woman and that another was injured by the explosion of a remaining cluster bomb from the US-Saudi aggression in Burt Marashi

In Sana'a, a sheep Shepherd was injured and a number of his cattle were killed by 9 air raids targeted Sanhan.

(A K pH)

Saudi-led airstrike injures civilian hits Sanaa, kills cattle

A civilian was injured and dozens of sheep were killed in a Saudi-led airstrike on Sanaa province, an official saba.
The air strike hit Bani-Bolol area of Sanhan district.

(* A K pH)

3 citizens Killed, 2 injured in Saudi-led air raids on Hajjah

Three citizens were killed and two others wounded in two Saudi-led air strikes which hit on Saturday Hajjah province, a security official said.
The two air raids hit Al-Makhafy area in Mastabaa district

3 children were killed and 2 others were injured, including children, following the targeting of the air force aggression during the two games while playing football in Al-Khafi district (following names; photos)

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Jan. 7: and Sanaa p. and and Saada p. Asir, KSA

Jan. 6: Saada p., Asir KSA

Jan. 5: Hajjah p. Saada p. Jizan, KSA

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

Yemeni army forces take down Iran-built Houthi military aircraft west of Al-Jouf province

The military forces shot down a plane carrying explosives this morning in the Masloub Directorate, and after examining the wreckage it was found to be made in Iran

(A K)

Saudi Arabian National Guard sends reinforcements, including a number of Canadian LAVs, "to the southern border between its territory and Yemen" (photo)

(A K pS)

Early this morning, the #SaudiArabian National Guard deployed the 22nd LAV Battalion of King Abdulaziz Mech. BDE stationed in Al-Hasa to #Najran to support the Armed Forces mission of defending the kingdom’s southern borders. (photos)

Film. #SANG units from Imam Mohammad bin Saud Mech. BDE today in #Saada

(A K pH)

Jan. 7: Saudi-led mercenaries bombard border areas in Saada

The shelling targeted civilians’ homes and farms in Baqim district.

(A K pH)

Citizen Injured in Saada by Saudi Border Guards Fire

A citizen from the Munabih border town of Saada was wounded on Monday by Saudi border guards fire, according to the correspondent of Almasirah Net.

(A K pH)

Saudi Border Guards Kills Civilian, Sa’ada

A civilian was killed by Saudi-border guards gunshots in Munabbih district in Sa'ada.

(* A K)

'This is how we welcomed 2019': Civilians killed in Houthi attack

A woman and a child killed and 16 others wounded after Yemeni rebels shell a residential neighbourhood in besieged Taiz.

At least two civilians have been killed and 16 others wounded after Houthi rebels shelled a residential district in Yemen's besieged city of Taiz.

According to residents and medical officials, the Houthis fired several mortar shells on Taiz's 7th July neighbourhood late on Saturday killing an elderly woman and a child.

According to the sources, the injured, many of whom were children, were taken to nearby hospitals controlled by the government.

"This is how we welcomed 2019 in Taiz," said Aeda al-Absi, a local resident.

"The world and humanitarian organisations have turned a blind eye to what is happening in Taiz."


(* A K pS)

No UN-brokered ceasefires stop Houthi massacres of mothers, babies in Taiz

With a bout of artillery fire the extremists killed a woman and her baby and injured sixteen others in 7 July neighborhood in downtown Taiz on Saturday afternoon. Most of the sixteen injured are women and children in life-threatening conditions, according to eyewitnesses and medical sources (photo)


He came home to find his wife & his 10 yr old kid dead.They were killed n Houthi shelling of Rawdhah neighborhd n Taiz today (photo)

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Audio: Elisabeth Kendall on BBC Radio 4: Yemen in 3 Objects (16 Dec 2018)

How about seeing #Yemen through 3 random objects, rather than always through a lens of #war, #jihad or #corruption? BBC Radio 4 gave me the chance in mid-December. Here's an extract on tribeswomen's colourful dress (plus a story!) Full interview is here


Iran gewinnt das erste Spiel 5:0 gegen Jemen

(A P)

Iran kicks off Asian Cup 2019 with 5-0 victory over Yemen

(* A P)

Jemens Nationalteam: "Gib niemals auf"

Im Jemen herrscht Bürgerkrieg. Die Fußballer des Landes an der Südspitze der Arabischen Halbinsel lassen sich dadurch aber nicht ermutigen. Sie trainieren hart - und haben es bis zum Asian Cup geschafft.

Seit über drei Jahren fallen im Jemen die Bomben. Millionen Menschen sind innerhalb des Landes auf der Flucht. Auch sportlich hat sich der Krieg bemerkbar gemacht: Die nationale Fußball-Liga machte eine Zwangspause. Auch internationale Spiele finden im Jemen aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht mehr statt. Trotzdem hat sich das Nationalteam des Landes für die Asienmeisterschaft 2019 qualifiziert.

Entschlossen haben sich die Spieler über alle politischen Differenzen hinweggesetzt. Trotz der politischen Zerrissenheit im Jemen repräsentiert das Team sämtliche Regionen des Landes: den von den aufständischen Huthis kontrollierten Norden ebenso, wie den Süden, in dem die legitime Regierung ihren Sitz hat.

So jubelten alle Bürger des Landes gemeinsam, als die Mannschaft sich für den Asian Cup qualifizierte. "Die Jemeniten haben in diesem Moment die Bomben und Gewehre sowie ihre Sorgen vergessen", sagt Bashir Sinan, der Präsident der jemenitischen Vereinigung für Sportmedien, im Gespräch mit der DW.

(* A P)

Asian Cup 2019: Yemeni team puts political differences aside as it embarks on Cup dream

The war in Yemen has negatively impacted all aspects of life and sports are no exception. Play in the country's top league has been suspended and despite the fact that they can no longer play their home matches in Yemen, the country's national team have qualified for the 2019 Asian Cup.

To do so, the players agreed to put all of their political differences aside and come together for a common goal. All regions of the country are represented in the squad, with players from the north, which is controlled by the insurgent Houthis, and the south, where the government is based.

"The Yemenis have forgotten the bombs and guns and their worries at this moment," Bashir Sinan, president of the Yemeni University of Sports Media, told DW after Yemen clinched qualification for the Asian Cup. "Darkness and violence have given way for a moment to the celebrations that took place throughout the country. All Yemenis celebrated their team."

(A P)

Asian Cup 2019: Does Yemen's Jan Kocian have the toughest job in world football?

Reaching the Asian Cup finals for the first time would be no small achievement for Yemen at the best of times. But doing so as war and famine push the poorest country on the Arabian peninsula into the abyss has made it a minor miracle.

This is no ordinary tale of footballing success against the odds. Yemen's story includes players kidnapped by extremists. Some can be found fighting in the mountains. Others are dead.

As Yemen prepare to get their campaign under way in the United Arab Emirates - they are outsiders in a group featuring Iran, Iraq and Vietnam - the tournament offers a small degree of respite for a nation ravaged by war and famine.

Vorige / Previous

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-498 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-498: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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