Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 516 - Yemen War Mosaic 516

Yemen Press Reader 516: 24. Februar 2019: Vice-Film über Jemen – Humanitäre Lage von Frauen und Mädchen – Das Problem Südjemen – Bildung im Feuer – Kindersoldaten und Propaganda – Huthis und ...

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... Huthis und humanitäre Helfer – US-“Krieg gegen den Terror” – US-Think Tanks von Golfstaaten finanziert – und mehr

February 24, 2019: Vice Film on Yemen – Humanitarian situation of women and girls – The South Yemen issue – Education under attack – Child soldiers and propaganda – Houthis and humanitarian workers – US War on Terror – US Think tanks financed by Gulf states – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K P)


Im Jemen herrscht ein Bürgerkrieg mit internationaler Beteiligung; trotz intensiver Bemühungen der Vereinten Nationen, einen Friedensprozess in Gang zu bringen, ist ein Ende der Kämpfe nicht in Sicht. Islamwissenschaftlerin und Vorstandsvorsitzende des "Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient" (CARPO) Marie-Christine Heinze analysiert den Konflikt und stellt die aktuelle Situation im Jemen dar.

Seit 2014/15 leiden die Menschen im Jemen unter einem Bürgerkrieg, der, geführt mit internationaler Beteiligung, inzwischen laut Angaben der Vereinten Nationen zur größten humanitären Katastrophe unserer Zeit geführt hat. Abgesehen von der vereinbarten Waffenruhe rund um die Hafenstadt al-Hudayda und trotz intensiver Bemühungen der Vereinten Nationen, einen Friedensprozess in Gang zu bringen, ist ein Ende der Kämpfe in den kommenden Monaten nicht absehbar. Währenddessen bewegt sich das Land rasant weiter auf eine Hungersnot zu, was vor allem auch auf die dramatische wirtschaftliche Lage im Land und die Instabilität des Finanzsystems zurückzuführen ist.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass aktuell im Jemen die Huthis auf der einen Seite gegen eine Allianz aus unterschiedlichen, zum Teil miteinander verfeindeten Kräften auf der anderen Seite kämpfen. Diese „anti-Huthi Allianz“ wird oftmals als gegenüber der Hadi-Regierung loyal dargestellt; dies sind jedoch die wenigsten der hier versammelten Kräfte. Die meisten haben ihre eigene Agenda

(* B H K)

Reporter Talks About Yemen's Humanitarian Crisis In Presentation

IONA CRAIG: Sure. So at the moment, you've got a very bogged down conflict that began as a civil war and then involved regional nations led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who have been fighting rebels in Yemen known as the Houthi since 2015

So this started very much as a civil war. So essentially, it was a fight between two presidents, really, like much of the region after the Arab Spring.

CRAIG: Yes, well Yemen was the poorest country in the Middle East even before this conflict started. And it's a country that used to import up to 90 percent of its food. Prior to the war. So when you have a conflict and you have import restrictions that were imposed by the Saudi UAE led coalition and in some cases that was a complete blockade for periods of the war. It increases the price of food astronomically because the cost of getting food into the country, the ability to get food into the country, has very much been restricted. At the same time you've had internal economic collapse you've had civil servants wages that haven't been paid for years now, you've had the devaluation of the currency. What that really means when you're in the country, when I go there you can actually see a lot of food, flour, beans, rice, fruit and vegetables in the markets, but people simply cannot afford to buy it. You've got now have a 24 million people in the country of a population of around 30 million, 24 million people now in need of humanitarian aid (with audio)

(* B H)

Why Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis

Yemen is described as the world's worst crisis. After four years of catastrophic conflict, millions of Yemenis are just one step away from famine. Without life-saving aid in the coming months, thousands of lives are at risk due to ongoing violence and lack of access to food and medicine.

To avoid more deaths and suffering we must continue to scale up humanitarian assistance, donors should give more money, the use of blockade and restrictions on food fuel and medicines must be lifted, and we must see an end to the war.

The success or failure of the UN negotiated ceasefire and peace talks will be critical for the future of Yemen when the crisis enter its fifth year.

Here are 10 things explaining why this is the world’s worst crisis:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K)

Living Hell In Yemen | VICE on HBO Extended Episode

VICE News travelled to Yemen in October 2018 to report on the civilians who are being hit the hardest, the brave volunteers risking their lives to save them and the motley crew of U.S.-backed fighters, who want a fight to the finish, regardless of the costs.

“If you survived the mines, you’d get killed by a sniper,” said Khaled Ahyaf, a Doctor at a child malnutrition clinic in Eastern Yemen, barely a mile from an active frontline, explaining why he can’t get desperately needed supplies. “We’re living on the last 5%,” said Nabat Sulaiman, a nurse, “we only do the limited work we can do. We beg them, try to make peace.” They were surrounded by tiny, emaciated and wailing babies, just some of the 20 million people now facing famine due to the war in Yemen.

and a 6 min. cut:

(** B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Humanitarian Response in Yemen - 2019


The humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains the worst in the world. Nearly four years of conflict has led to the collapse of the economy and social services. Millions of Yemenis are hungrier, sicker and more vulnerable than a year ago.

An estimated 24 million people – over 80 per cent of the population – are in need of some kind of assistance, including 14.3 million who are in acute need – nearly two million people more than in 2018.

An estimated six million women and girls of childbearing age (15 to 49 years) are in need of support. Rising food shortages have left more than one million pregnant and lactating women malnourished, who risk giving birth to newborns with severe stunted growth. In addition, an estimated 114,000 women are likely to develop childbirth complications.

Nearly half of the health facilities are not functioning or only partially functioning. Only one-third of the functioning health facilities provide reproductive health services due to staff shortages, lack of supplies, inability to meet operational costs or damaged due to conflict. Equipment and medical supplies are inadequate or obsolete. Health workers not having been paid or having been paid only irregularly for more than two years has left Yemen with only 10 health workers per 10,000 people – less than half the WHO minimum benchmark.

In a country with one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the Arab region, the lack of food, poor nutrition and eroding healthcare, worsened by epidemics such as cholera, can mean an increase in premature or low-birth weight babies and post-partum bleeding.

As many as 4.3 million people have been displaced in the last three years, while some 3.3 million people remain displaced. About half of the displaced are women, 27 per cent of whom are below age 18. Their coping mechanisms are stretched to the limit and they are paying the heaviest price, as is so often the case in humanitarian crises.

With limited shelter options, displaced women and girls tend to suffer most from lack of privacy, threats to safety and limited access to basic services, making them ever more vulnerable to violence and abuse. Displaced girls are more likely to lose access to schooling as families with limited resources de-prioritize their right to education.

Conflict-related loss of male breadwinners in Yemeni families adds to the economic burdens women face, especially in the case of female-headed households, 21 per cent of which are headed by females under the age of 18. The pressure is even more severe where women or girls suddenly find themselves responsible for providing for their families when they themselves have been deprived of basic education or vocational training that would equip them for the labour market. In the absence of adequate empowerment and support, women and girls readily become vulnerable to negative coping strategies such as child marriage and child labour.

and full report:

and more general on this subject, also read:


(** B H)

In world’s worst humanitarian crisis, the miracle of a safe birth

Over a million pregnant women and new mothers require urgent aid in Yemen, the site of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Mohsina was one of these women when she went into labour at the end of a complicated and painful pregnancy. Luckily, her story had a happy – and surprise – ending.

The catastrophe in Yemen has taken a staggering human toll. A higher percentage of people face death, hunger and disease than in any other country, according to the United Nations response plan.

Six million women and girls of childbearing age are in need of support. More than 1 million pregnant and breastfeeding women are malnourished. An estimated 114,000 women are likely to develop childbirth complications.

But the health system has been devastated by the crisis. Fewer than half of health facilities across the country are fully functional. And due to staff shortages, lack of supplies and damage, only about a third of functioning health facilities are providing reproductive health care.

(** B P)

Crisis Group Yemen Update #5

This week, we look at how simmering tensions in the south of the country threaten the prospects for long-term peace.

As the UN makes progress on mediating a redeployment of rival fighters from areas in and around Hodeida on the Red Sea coast (see below), tensions in southern Yemen between the government of Yemen and secessionist groups continue to simmer with the potential to undermine any peace process that emerges in the north.

A year ago, many foreign officials working on Yemen were asking what could be done about the southern question. In January 2018, fighting broke out between loyalists of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), a self-styled breakaway southern government in waiting, and the internationally recognised government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi in the southern port city of Aden, the country’s temporary capital.

Twelve months later, the south is again largely forgotten. Most diplomatic efforts are focused on the Red Sea coast, particularly Hodeida

After a period of relative quiet, the STC has made its presence known once again, holding a third meeting of its National Assembly, which it hopes will one day become the legislature of an independent southern Yemeni state, in the port city of Mukalla. The meeting is a reminder that Yemen’s “southern question” remains an important on

Southern grievances

Tensions between Hadi, who himself hails from the south, and the STC leadership stem from Hadi’s stated commitment to maintaining north-south unity and his apparent closeness with Islah, Yemen’s main Sunni Islamist party. Many southerners see Islah as part of a brutal amalgam of what they consider tribal northerners, whose central aim is controlling the south’s resources, including its ports and oilfields.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is widely seen to support the STC, or at least key members such as STC president Aydrous al-Zubaidi and his deputy Hani bin Breik, both of whom maintain residences in Abu Dhabi.

If tensions between the government and the STC boil over again in the coming months, the fighting in Aden could be even more intense than in 2018 and would likely spread to other governorates

(** B H)

Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack: Safeguard Yemen’s Future: Protect Education from Attack

Attacks on education in Yemen are exacerbating an already devastating crisis for education, said the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) in a briefing paper, Safeguard Yemen’s Future: Protect Education from Attack, released today. According to Yemen’s Education Cluster, 2 million children are out of school today, compared to 1.6 million before the conflict. At the same time, the Cluster reports that 256 schools have been destroyed, and 1,520 damaged during the current armed conflict, which has lasted almost four years. Universities, their staff, and students have also been targeted.

Airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition have been the most prevalent risk to students and education personnel and facilities in Yemen, with the UN Secretary General attributing 57 percent of attacks on schools to the coalition in 2015, approximately 90 percent in 2016, and 95 percent in 2017. Airstrikes have sometimes caused significant casualties. A particularly devastating attack occurred on August 9, 2018, when the Saudi-led coalition struck a school bus carrying children on a special excursion. According to information verified by the Civilian Impact Monitor Project partners, 51 civilians, including 40 children, were killed, with many more injured.

Armed forces and armed groups have also used dozens of schools and universities for military purposes throughout the armed conflict, with the UN verifying 84 cases in 2015, and one to two dozen cases each year that followed. Some of these educational institutions have subsequently been targeted for attack by opposing forces.

Armed parties have also targeted female education. Anecdotal cases include reports in November 2017 by principals and several district heads of education that numerous schools had received WhatsApp messages threatening that they would be bombed if girls continued to attend. In addition, there have been reports of gunmen demanding segregation of boys and girls in schools, and girls’ schools being attacked.

“Female students in Yemen have been directly targeted, and are often disproportionately impacted by attacks, including because they are more likely than boys to be kept home when there is a risk of sexual and other violence at school, and boys’ education is often prioritized when funds are limited,” said Nijhowne.“ Any strategy for protecting education must account for the ways that women and girls are targeted and the unique consequences they may face, including being less likely to return to school due to traditional gender roles, such as caring for families, as well as early marriage.”

Higher education has also been impacted by attacks on education, with university staff and students being forced to seek exile abroad because of physical destruction of universities and political pressures to align themselves politically and ideologically with parties to the conflict. =

and full document:

(** B H K)

For Yemen Child Soldiers, a Refuge Mixes Play With Saudi Propaganda

In between is the entrance to the center for the rehabilitation of child soldiers in Marib, Yemen, financed by Saudi Arabia. A photograph of King Salman hangs on the wall.

Open a little more than a year, the center has provided up to six weeks of schooling and play in a comfortable villa for more than 200 boys enlisted by armed groups fighting in Yemen.

Almost all were recruited by the Houthis, the Iranian-allied Yemeni group fighting against the Saudi-backed forces, the center’s staff say.

But the center also doubles as a propaganda stage set, where its Saudi funders and their Yemeni allies have brought a long roster of Western news organizations to hear the children talk about Houthi abuses.

In a dusty yard behind a high wall, the center is a world away from the chaos of the dusty, overcrowded city.

By comparison, the Center for the Rehabilitation of Children Recruited and Impacted by the War in Yemen might as well be a five-star resort.

But a brief stay in even the most luxurious rehabilitation center, experts say, is unlikely to make much difference to the long-term welfare of the children. It can even complicate a return home by raising unrealistic expectations.

Aid groups instead recommend returning children to their families as soon as possible, followed by long-term support and education in their home communities.

With Saudi visitors watching, the staff members of the rehabilitation center stopped an interview with a boy they said had fought for the Saudi-backed Yemeni forces, not the Houthis.

Ali, a soldier for the Saudi-backed forces who was interviewed at another location in Marib, said he was 16 and enlisted at 15.

The Yemeni director of the center, Abdul Rahmen al-Qubati, later acknowledged that the Saudi-backed forces often consider it a form of support for the family of a dead soldier to enlist his young son.

Saudi officials arranged the visit by The New York Times to the center in part to rebut an earlier report that Sudanese militias fighting for the coalition had also included soldiers younger than 18 – by David D. Kirckpatrick

(** B P)

In Yemen, Targeting of Aid Workers Risks Unraveling Crisis

Houthi rebels’ attacks on aid workers could deepen the country’s humanitarian crisis.

Representatives of international aid and humanitarian organizations operating in war-wracked Yemen say they are increasingly being targeted by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels on a scale that could jeopardize efforts to assist millions of civilians caught in what is already the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

Aid workers told Foreign Policy that they are facing threats of attack in the areas controlled by the Houthis, which includes western parts of the country and Yemen’s capital, Sanaa.

Members of the group detained one humanitarian worker, Awfa al-Naami, in late January and held her for weeks, releasing her on Feb. 16 after sustained diplomatic pressure. Naami is the country manager for Saferworld, a U.K.-based nonprofit operating in Yemen. Her detention rattled other aid officials and stoked fears that the group would stage similar abductions. (Saferworld declined to comment for this story.)

The Houthis are likely testing the international community to see how much harassment and intimidation they can get away with, according to two aid workers. The two spoke to FP on condition of anonymity, fearing for their own safety and that of their colleagues.

“They’re continuing to push the boundaries,” one of them said.

The tactic of targeting and detaining aid workers has created a rift within the Houthis, according to experts and aid workers. Some Houthi hard-liners, worried about international interference, see outside aid as a tool for Western influence or infiltration by spies. Others in the group “are more concerned with maintaining relationships with donors especially and keeping the flow of international aid and money coming,” one aid worker said.

Ultimately, targeting aid workers could backfire for the Houthis. “Humanitarian aid is the only thing keeping the population semisatisfied and not rising up against the Houthis,” Mohamed said – by Robbie Gramer

(** B K P T)

Half a Million Dead, $5.9 Trillion Bill: The True Costs of US ‘Global War on Terror’

When I first set out to map all the places in the world where the United States is still fighting terrorism so many years later, I didn’t think it would be that hard to do.

I had no idea that I was embarking on a research odyssey that would, in its second annual update, map U.S. counterterror missions in 80 countries in 2017 and 2018, or 40% of the nations on this planet (a map first featured in Smithsonian magazine).

As co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, I’m all too aware of the costs that accompany such a sprawling overseas presence. Our project’s research shows that, since 2001, the U.S. war on terror has resulted in the loss — conservatively estimated — of almost half a million lives in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan alone. By the end of 2019, we also estimate that Washington’s global war will cost American taxpayers no less than $5.9 trillion already spent and in commitments to caring for veterans of the war throughout their lifetimes.

In general, the American public has largely ignored these post-9/11 wars and their costs. But the vastness of Washington’s counterterror activities suggests, now more than ever, that it’s time to pay attention.

In the name of the war on terror in countries like Somalia, diplomatic activities, aid, and support for human rights have dwindled in favor of an ever more militarized American stance. Yet research shows that, in the long term, it is far more effective and sustainable to address the underlying grievances that fuel terrorist violence than to answer them on the battlefield. – by Stephanie Savell = = =

(** B P)

Tomgram: Ben Freeman, How to Buy Foreign-Policy Expertise

Former Obama speechwriter, confidant, and deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes had an all-encompassing label for the wonks, experts, think tankers, cable news talking heads, and former or future officials, always ready to spin through Washington’s infamous revolving door, who make up the capital’s “foreign policy community.” He called them “the Blob,” a crew, as David Klion wrote in a profile of Rhodes for the Nation magazine, “largely committed to perpetuating its own power and reinforcing the status quo.”

In his striking recent book, The Hell of Good Intentions, Stephen Walt offers this vivid description of them:

“[T]he contemporary foreign policy community has been characterized less by competence and accountability and more by a set of pathologies that have undermined its ability to set realistic goals and pursue them effectively. To put it in the bluntest terms, instead of being a disciplined body of professionals constrained by a well-informed public and forced by necessity to set priorities and hold themselves accountable, today’s foreign policy elite is a dysfunctional caste of privileged insiders who are frequently disdainful of alternative perspectives and insulated both professionally and personally from the consequences of the policies they promote.”

And let’s add one more set of factors to any portrait of those blobbers who helped bring you America’s endless wars, drone assassination campaigns, and so memorably much more. Little noticed as it may generally be, the think tanks that many of them work for are often functionally for sale -- and that’s no small thing in a town awash in foreign lobbying money. Today, TomDispatch regular Ben Freeman explores the money trail that leads from the autocratic regimes of the Middle East to Washington’s think tanks and so into the heart and soul of the Blob itself – by Tom Engelhardt

Following the Foreign-Policy Money Trail in Washington
How Middle Eastern Powers Fund Think Tanks

After all, think tanks are homes for so many of the “experts” who are the go-to sources for media coverage of foreign and domestic policy topics on just about any day -- and are often key go-to sources for those making policy in Washington, too).

Those who run Washington generally trust the inhabitants of think tanks of their political bent to provide the intellectual foundations upon which much of public policy is built. At least in some cases, however, that trust couldn’t be more deeply misplaced, since cornerstones of the ever-expanding think-tank universe turn out to be for sale.

Every year foreign governments pour tens of millions of dollars into those very institutions and, though many think tanks are tax-exempt non-profits, such donations often turn out to be anything but charitable gifts. Foreign contributions generally come with critically important strings attached -- usually a favorable stance toward that country in whatever influential work the think tanks are doing. In other words, those experts you regularly read or see on screen, whose scholarship and advice Washington’s politicians and other officials often use, are in some cases being paid, directly or indirectly, by the very countries on which they are offering advice and analysis. And here’s the catch: they can do so without ever having to tell you about it.

The Money Trail From Foreign Governments to Think Tanks

Charity or Influence Buying?

Blurred Lines and Lack of Transparency

Finally, transparency is essential, but it’s well past time for think tanks themselves to focus on the track records of the countries they’re getting money from. The Brookings Institution did just that by cutting ties with the Saudis shortly after the murder of Khashoggi and, soon after, MEI, too, announced that it would decline any further funding from the Saudi government. More recently, and following the questions raised about CAP’s involvement with the United Arab Emirates, that think tank announced that it would no longer accept UAE money. As a CAP spokesperson said, “It’s just the right thing to do.”

CAP, MEI, and Brookings are, however, the exceptions – by Ben Freeman,_how_to_buy_foreign-policy_expertise/ =

and, from 2017, also read:

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

A local source reported that a woman died and dozens were infected due to the spread of cholera in Mawiyah district in #Taiz province. The source added that #cholera has spread in many villages in the aftermath of drought and water scarcity.

(* B H)

World Health Organization: Nationwide measles and rubella immunization campaign reaches 11.6 million children in Yemen

In collaboration with local health authorities, WHO and UNICEF have concluded a nationwide measles and rubella vaccination campaign in Yemen reaching more than 11.6 million children aged 6 months–16 years across the country. This represents 90% of all children targeted.

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

(* A H K P)

Jemen: UNICEF begrüßt geplanten Truppenabzug aus Hodeidah

Das UN-Hilfswerk UNICEF hat den geplanten Truppenabzug aus Hodeidah im Jemen begrüßt. Man hoffe, dass dieser Schritt sich positiv auf die Situation der rund 135.000 Kinder auswirken werde, die sich derzeit in der Hafenstadt befinden, heißt es in einer Pressmitteilung der Kinderschutzorganisation von diesem Donnerstag.

Es sei wichtig, dass das Abkommen auch zu Minenräumungen und der Wiedereröffnung von Schulen führe. Zudem müssten Zentren für die Betreuung traumatisierter Kinder eingerichtet werden. Am Mittwoch hatten die Vereinten Nationen angekündigt, dass die Kriegsparteien nach wochenlangem diplomatischen Tauziehen einem Abkommen zugestimmt hätten. in diesem verpflichten sie sich dazu, unter UN-Regie ihre Truppen aus der strategisch wichtigen Hafenstadt abzuziehen.

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

(* A K P)

Representatives of the Yemeni government to the Redeployment Coordination Committee have refused the first stage of the redeployment plan suggested by the committee’s chief , General Michael Lollesgaard

According to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, the gov’t representatives refused what they called “ a fake withdrawal” , stressing that the Houthis have to withdraw from the ports of Hodeida, al-Saleef and Ra’as Eisa as a whole, not partly.

My comment: The Hadi government wants to take full control of these sites. They claim that the "Houthis" (i. e. the Sanaa government) also must pull out their civilian administration bodies. But this is not part of the agreement.

(* A K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman: US-Saudi Mercenaries Commit 842 New Violations in 72 hours, Hodeidah

Brigadier General Yahya Sari said in a statement that "the aggression and its mercenaries committed during the past 72 hours more than 842 new violations, while flying jets of US-Saudi aggression launched 46 air raids on a number of provinces." They were spotted strengthening their forces and executing some operations and creating new fortifications. That confirms their intention to commit further crimes against the citizens.


(A K pH)

A Child Seriously Injured by US-Saudi Mercenaries Fires in Hodeidah

(* A K P)

Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen: Griffiths to Al-Arabiya: "phase one of redeployments in Hudayda should start immediately."

The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, stressed the importance for the parties in Yemen to immediately start implementing phase one of the redeployments in Hudayda. In an interview with Al-Arabiya’s Diplomatic Avenue, he mentioned that “the two parties sat down for two days with general Michael Lollesgaard and they agreed on these redeployments. We are still looking for that process to start. I have every confidence that this will start very soon.”

Griffiths stressed the importance of granting humanitarian access to the Red Sea Mills

Film: =

(* A K P)

Hope of Hodeida Ceasefire Wanes as Saudis Talks Peace but Bolster Military Presence

For Yemenis desperate for a solution, it may be hard to believe the Saudi Coalition’s promises of a withdrawal from Hodeida after previous promises were made and subsequently broken

Representatives from Yemen’s Houthis and the Saudi-led Coalition have agreed on Phase 1 of a mutual redeployment of forces under a UN-sponsored deal that would see both sides leave Yemen’s port city of Hodeida after months of failed attempts to implement previous agreements in the Red Sea city.

Under “Phase 1” of the withdrawal plan, the Houthis would withdraw from the ports of Hodeida, Saleef and Ras Isa. Saudi-led coalition forces would then retreat from the eastern outskirts of Hodeida, the main entry point for most of Yemen’s commercial and aid imports. Saleef and Ras Isa are crucial ports for grain and oil imports.

A Houthi source told MintPress that under the deal, Saudi militants would also reopen the roads linking Hodeida to Taiz as well as to the Houthi-held capital, Sanaa. They would also enable access to the Red Sea Mills, a food storage facility which holds enough World Food Programme grain to feed 3.7 million people for up to one month. The Mills have been inaccessible since September due to Saudi attacks.

Implementation of the first phase of the agreement was initially slated to begin on Tuesday morning but the Saudi-led Coalition has thus far failed to begin redeployment, claiming the delay is due to issues outside the terms of the UN-brokered agreement. Houthi officials have indicated that they have informed the head of the UN Coordination Committee that they have been ready to begin redeployment since Monday evening.

For Yemenis desperate for a solution, it may be hard to believe the Coalition’s promises of a withdrawal after previous promises were made and subsequently broken. “The implementation of the Armistice Agreement is not expected. The Coalition has another agenda. We see the Saudi-led Coalition’s huge military reinforcements have reached Hodeida” Mohammed al-Hassani, a Yemeni journalist, told MintPress.

(* B K P)

UN says 'further measures' could be taken over Hodeidah ceasefire violations

The UN Security Council is considering “further measures” against any party that violates the Hodeidah ceasefire in Yemen after a deadly attack and other violence in recent days.

A draft copy of statement from the Council, seen by The National and expected to be published later on Friday, indicates growing concern about armed activity in and around Hodeidah.

The council statement reiterates support for the Stockholm Agreement that formally brought the ceasefire into effect on December 18 but it stresses “the critical importance of the parties implementing those commitments without delay for the sake of the Yemeni people”.


(* B K P)

UN demands immediate pullback of forces from Yemen ports

The UN Security Council on Friday called on the warring parties in Yemen to immediately implement a deal to pull their forces out of three key ports and a key grain depot.

In a unanimous declaration, the 15-member council welcomed the recent UN-sponsored agreement between Huthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition fighting them.

They called for "the immediate implementation" of the first step of the deal, which includes the various factions pulling their fighters first back from the ports of Saleef and Ras Issa and then from the port city of Hodeida.

(* B K P)

Crisis Group Yemen Update #5

insight into ongoing attempts to demilitarise the country's Red Sea trade corridor.

While much of the rhetoric from the Yemeni government and coalition was devoted to arguing that the Huthis were impeding the deal by not withdrawing from Hodeida, under the terms of the Stockholm Agreement the RCC first needed to agree on a technical plan before force redeployments could begin. The Huthis, who under the Stockholm Agreement are required to redeploy their forces first, initially posed the biggest barrier to such a plan.

In later phases of negotiations, the sticking point became deciding on which “local forces” should take control of areas that fighters vacate, as the Stockholm Agreement stipulates. The government of Yemen argued that the Huthis could not be trusted to redeploy from the ports absent a clear monitoring mechanism and a plan for who should replace them and secure the ports and city. The two sides essentially agreed to postpone a decision on both issues for the time being, but it will likely resurface as a bigger obstacle when discussions begin over the second phase of redeployments, intended to demilitarise the city and create a cordon around it.

Bottom Line: The agreement on a first phase of redeployments is welcome news, but both sides now need to implement it – a challenging task – and negotiate the second phase. The twin issues of monitoring and local forces are likely to become more contentious during the next round of RCC discussions.

[Overview on the situation at Hodeidah, with two very good maps)

(A H P)

Revolutionary Committee Denounces Silence of UN on Coalition Closure of Red Sea Mills

The head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohamed Ali Al-Houthi, confirmed that the US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continue to prevent the organizations from reaching the Red Sea mills in Hodeidah for distributing their stocks to the poor and the hungry, YPA reported.

Al-Houthi blamed the coalition countries and their militants for not distributing the wheat aid stockpile, which is enough for 3.7 million people for a month causing famine, considering it as a crime along with the siege crime.

(* A K P)

Arab Media Report Uncertain First Steps in Redeployment Agreement in Yemen's Hodeida Region

Arab media is reporting that both the Saudi-led coalition and forces loyal to the Houthi militia group are starting to implement a redeployment agreement worked out by mediators in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, last December. Witnesses, however, say that they have not detected significant movement of forces.

Arab media reported scattered clashes in parts of Yemen Thursday, despite some reports that the warring sides had begun to implement a U.N.-sponsored redeployment in and around the Yemeni port city of Hodeida.

Saudi-owned al-Arabiya TV reported that the U.N. has given the Houthis four days to withdraw from Ras Aissa and Salif and that Saudi-coalition forces would begin pulling back from parts of Hodeida that they control after the initial Houthi withdrawal. The TV channel indicated that the Houthis would have another 11 days to evacuate the port of Hodeida.

Ali Shaabi, a spokesman for the Houthis, told al-Hurra TV that some analysts in the capital, Sana'a, (now under Houthi control) were "skeptical" about implementing the agreement.

He says that there remain many obstacles on the ground before implementing the (Hodeida) agreement and that there are a number of issues still pending that should normally have preceded the pullout, including a cease-fire, which has not completely taken effect in order to allow the redeployment to begin.

(* B K P)

Film: Yemen warring parties keep talking and never acting! No redeployment in Hodeida! Who would run the city and the ports? Remains the big problem! Without US-Saudi-UAE being willing to end the war, the parties would keep going

(* A P)

Houthis renew approval of al-Hodeidah's partial withdrawal plan

On his Facebook page, following a meeting with a number of Members of the European Parliament in Brussels, he said his group had approved the plan presented by the leader of the international observer team, Danish general Michael Lolisgaard, "despite our observations on some of its articles".

He noted that the plan was "presented in a non-parallel and uneven manner," but that his group had accepted the withdrawal of its troops for five kilometers, while the pro-government forces would withdraw for only one kilometer.

He accused the Yemeni government of obstructing the plan "in a clear way".


(A K P)

Abdulsalam: Bypassing Stockholm Agreement Miserable Attempt to Obstruct Solution in Hodeidah

Remark: From the Houthi side.

(A K pH)

Feb. 22: A woman was injured by US-Saudi mercenaries' gunshots in At-tohayta district. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted by artillery shells and machine guns several areas of Ad-durayhimi district. Over 75 artillery shells targeted Attohayta district.

(* A K pS)

A huge fire in a food factory south of Hodeidah following Houthi shelling

A massive fire broke at the Thabet brothers Food factory, south of the western city of Hodeidah,at Thursday evening following artillery shelling by Houthi militants according to eyewitnesses.

They said to al-Masdar that a huge fire broke out in the factory, which houses a commercial complex, after a shell landed on the factory's diesel fuel store (film)

and also, with film:

(* A K pH)

Saudi Mercenaries Continue to Violate Cease-Fire in Hodeidah

The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continued, Thursday morning, their violations of the cease-fire in the province of Hodeidah.

Al-Masirah Net reporter said that the invaders and mercenaries fired 13 mortar shells on the residential area, 7-Yolio.

The Saudi-mercenaries bombarded with medium machine guns at Hodeidah airport, he added.

At dawn, the Saudi-mercenaries burned down a civilian’s house by targeting it with a 23 caliber gun west of Ad-Durayhimi city.

(and more)

and also

(* A K pH)

Ten martyrs of women, child in saudi-led attacks within last 24 hours

The troops of mercenaries of US-backed saudi-led aggression coalition on over last 24 hours continued their violations and crimes in Hodeidah province and other provinces leaving ten of martyrs of women and child, a security official told Saba.

A women was killed as well as three child in two saudi-led air strikes which targeted a citizen's house in Tawya, Hajjah province, the official said.

Four women as well as two child were martyred in Ghamidh valley, Khulan district in saudi- led air raid which targeted a house there.

[and more]

(A K pS)

Two women were killed in Houthi group shelling at the residential neighborhoods in Al-Tahita city (photo)

(* A K pH)

Army: While our force ready to carry out phase of redeployment, coalition commits 219 violations

Brigadier General Yahia Sarie said in a statement to the Saba news agency that the aggression coalition committed during the last 48 hours 219 violations, including the launch of 115 shells and 84 rounds of medium weapons and three operations, the development of fortifications, eight operations reinforcements and movements, while the aggression's warplanes and reconnaissance aircraft committed nine violations flying in the atmosphere of Hodeidah and a number of districts.

and more

(* A P)

News Analysis: Experts skeptical of Stockholm truce deal on ending Yemen's war

It is hoped that Stockholm agreement on Yemen's key port of Hodeidah will be the first step to end the four-year civil war.

However, experts are skeptical of sensitive issues that caused two previous negotiations in Switzerland in late 2015 and Kuwait in 2016 to collapse.

The toughest issues have not been put on the table, including disarming rebels' ballistic missiles and holding early presidential elections to end the legitimacy of exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

According to a UN statement, other major issues will be on the table of negotiations in the next round of talks once the Hodeidah truce deal is fully implemented.

(* A K pS)

Yemen rebels launch attack in Hodeidah days before planned withdrawal

National Resistance repels offensive on area near a hospital in the east of the port city

Heavy fighting broke out after the rebels attacked National Resistance fighters near the 22 May Hospital in the east of the port city, a commander told The National.

(A P)

UN and international pressure on the government to accept the partial withdrawal agreement from Hodeidah

The United Nations and a number of countries are exerting pressure on the government team in the redeployment committee led by Danish General Michael Lolisgaard to reach a partial withdrawal in Hodeidah, a government source said Wednesday.

(* A K)

9 civilians killed, 13 wounded in war-torn Yemen: UN

Nine civilians were killed and at least 13 wounded earlier this week in attacks in the provinces of Hodeidah and Hajjah in war-torn Yemen, the UN said on Friday.

In Hodeidah, eight people were killed and 10 were wounded Tuesday when an artillery shell hit a market to the west of the Tuhayta district, according to a statement by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* A K pH)

9 British forces killed in SW Saudi Arabia

Some 9 UK military forces were killed in a conflict with Yemeni army and popular committees in Najran, southwestern Saudi Arabia.

According to Yemeni Ansarallah website, the British forces were leading Saudi aggressors' attacks on border areas with Yemen.

Earlier last week, UK media 'Daily Express' reported that two forces from Special Air Service (SAS) who were deployed on a top-secret mission in Yemen were injured in a roadside bomb blast.


(* A K pH)

Nine British soldiers were killed on Saturday in the Yemeni army’s attack in #Najran province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

The soldiers were targeted while trying to launch an attack with the Saudi army towards the Yemeni-Saudi borders in the province, the official added. (with map)

My comment: Britain is a warring party in the Yemen War, even having “boots on the ground”.

(* A K P)

Tariq Saleh: I call on everyone to turn the page of the past and unite to confront Houthis

Tariq Saleh, the son of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh's brother, called for the past to be folded and unite in the Battle of defending the homeland.

Saleh, who leads armed formations on the West Coast to fight the Houthis, is called "The guards of the Republic " in a dialogue with the site "Independent arab ": I hereby invite all political and national forces, elites and press and media to leave the trench 2011, and turn the page of the past

(B H K)

Yemen: el dolor de los civiles atrapados por el impacto de minas explosivas

La organización Médicos Sin Fronteras demanda que las autoridades de Yemen intensifiquen las operaciones de desminado, ya que estos explosivos cobran la vida de miles de civiles cada año

(* B P)

America Must Question Ally Actions in Yemen

The Saudi coalition, while far from the only cause of violence, has been a leading driver of the mounting civilian casualties. The aforementioned ACLED study found that Saudi Arabia and its allies were responsible for 4,614 civilian deaths since 2016 (over four times as many casualties as the 1,027 attributed to the Houthis and their allies), while the Yemen Data Project notes that a substantial number of Saudi air strikes are directed at nonmilitary targets

Ironically, Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the conflict seems to be have strengthened the positions of the forces it sought to oppose. At an event hosted by the Center for the National Interest last December, Daniel Byman of the Brookings Institute argued that while Iran offered limited support to the Houthis during the early stages of the conflict, the ties between the two Shia forces have deepened as a result of Saudi intervention

Ending American support for the coalition and threatening to suspend arms sales to its leading members would force Saudi Arabia and the UAE to end or dramatically reduce their military operations in Yemen. “The Saudi military is heavily dependent on U.S. weapons and support, and could not operate effectively without them,” according to a report from the Center for International Policy

The revelation that American-made weapons are being transferred to the very forces in Yemen that the United States actively opposes is emblematic of the broad failings of the coalition’s efforts in this war.

(* B P)

Hassan writes in his Bloomberg column, that Shias are in fact to blame for Wahhabi-inspired jihadi groups. Amazing. Truly bold. For good measure, he even throws in mention of the Houthis, because why not. I mean, who cares about getting the facts straight when it comes to Yemen.

For one, the group has never in its entire existence been in the business of transnational terrorism. Implying they are agents of Iran is a Saudi myth being perpetuated in an American publication. To say Shia groups in Iraq, Yemen “infiltrated" also plays into sectarian rhetoric.

To imply that a historically sidelined indigenous group sneakily “infiltrated” their own societies is a gross distortion that avoids asking hard questions that implicate those governments responsible for creating these political vacuums to begin with.

Nor are the Houthis known for surreptitious scheming. The group emerged as a Zaydi resistance to Saudi-Saleh’s corruption in the 1990s. Post-Saleh, they pretty much overtook the capital and announced “Hi. We’re taking over now.” This is not exactly infiltration.

Why am I harping on this? Because for years Americans were told that Houthis are an Iranian-cultivated enemy, a misinformation campaign largely spearheaded by Gulf money and influence. And now we’re finally waking up to the realization that we’ve been duped but in that time...

(B K)

Film: March 26, 2019 will be the four year mark in which #SaudiArabia, with a stamp of approval by

(A P)

Local Strategy Workshops held in Yemen

Oxford Research Group (ORG) and the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies (SCSS) held a series of workshops in Yemen’s Hadhramaut and Marib governorates in late January to explore opportunities for consolidating peace in the two governorates.

Over 50 participants, including academics, civil society, local authority representatives and journalists, discussed local issues related to prospects for peace and stability.


Photos: Graffiti campaign staged to call for world's attention on Yemen

(* B K P)

Former British Minister Accuses Saudi Arabia Of Going "Completely Mad" Over Yemen War

A former British cabinet minister has accused the Saudi leadership of losing the plot over the war in Yemen. Speaking at an event in the Palace of Westminster earlier this month, Andrew Mitchell, who served as secretary of state for international development from 2010 to 2012, was scathing about the humanitarian suffering being caused in Yemen by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

“This is a conflict where in my view Saudi Arabia has gone completely mad. It happens to countries from time to time... Countries do go bonkers and I think Saudi Arabia has gone completely bonkers in this war,” he told a meeting of the South Asia and Middle East Forum on 14 February.

(* A K P)

Russian Ambassador to Yemen, US Accusation of Iranian Support in Yemen is False

The Russian ambassador to Yemen, Vladimir Dedushkin, said there is no evidence of the US claim that Ansarullah are using Iranian-made drones and missiles, pointing out in an interview with the Russian newspaper, that attempts to accuse Iran of exporting weapons to Yemen is a serious exaggeration. "The missiles, the drones and the various weapons in Yemen are produced by the Yemenis themselves, they are talented people," said Dedushkin.

(* A K P)

Film: Hassan Al-Haifi war live.

(B K P)

Yemen civil war: Who's fighting the brutal conflict that's left millions on the brink of famine

A civil war between the government of Yemen and Houthi rebel forces has spiraled into the world's most severe humanitarian crisis.

Yemeni civilians are caught in the crossfire in what is largely seen as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia, which backs the Yemeni government, and Iran, which is accused of supplying arms to the Houthis.

My comment: A very superficial overview – greatly overstating the role of Iran (this war is NO Saudi-Iranian proxy war) and heavily underreporting the role of the US; and the UK is not even mentioned.

(* B H K)

Wie die Kinder unter dem Krieg im Jemen leiden

Bomben, Hungersnöte, Seuchen: Der Bürgerkrieg im Jemen trifft die Schwachen am schlimmsten. Die Welt bekommt von den Folgen kaum etwas mit.

Im Jemen herrscht die schlimmste humanitäre Krise des 21. Jahrhunderts

Der Jemen gilt den Vereinten Nationen zufolge als „schlimmste humanitäre Krise des 21. Jahrhunderts“. Seit fast vier Jahren tobt hier der Bürgerkrieg. Die Wirtschaft ist zusammengebrochen

Und so lässt sich auch Amarahs Geschichte nur anhand eines Videos erzählen, das die Ärzte ohne Grenzen gedreht haben, um der Welt die menschliche Misere zu zeigen.

Von insgesamt 27 Millionen Menschen befinden sich nach Einschätzung der Vereinten Nationen 22 Millionen in humanitärer Not. Demnach fehlt es mehr als zwei Dritteln der Bevölkerung an Wasser, Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten.

Mein Kommentar: Etwas oberflächlicher Überblicksartikel. Der Satz „Von all dem bekommt die Weltöffentlichkeit nur wenig mit. Dass Medien kaum über das humanitäre Desaster berichten, liegt vor allem daran, dass Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit im Jemen nicht existieren“ ist Unsinn. Es gibt reichlich Berichte und Bildmaterial. Die „Mainstreammedien“ im Westen kümmern sich nicht darum, weil der „Westen“ und seine Verbündeten in diesem Krieg die größten „bad guys“ sind.

(A P)

Yemen government urges US to list Houthis as foreign terrorist organisation

Yemeni minister accuses Iran-backed rebel group of war crimes

My comment: The Houthis might-be whatever: They are no terrorists.

(* B K P)

A troop drawdown could happen in Hodeidah. What does this mean for Yemen?

Yemen's warring parties have agreed to start withdrawing forces from the main port of Hodeidah under a UN-sponsored deal, the United Nations said, following weeks of diplomacy to salvage a pact that stalled over control of the Red Sea city.

Peter Salisbury of the Belgium-based International Crisis Group says the war is complex, but explained some of the key parts of the conflict to The World.

(A P)

Congratulations to special correspondent @JaneFerguson5 — named recipient of this year's Foreign Television Reporting @PolkAwards for her coverage of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

(* B P)

The Sounds of Silence

The U.S. organized a two-day conference on “peace and security in the Middle East,” (as though this were a field in which it specializes) in Warsaw to lecture its allies and partners inspire them to joint action.

the whole point of the gathering was to rally U.S. allies around U.S.-Israeli-Saudi plans for war on Iran.

Binyamin Netanyahu, who sat next to the puppet Yemeni foreign minister for part of the conference, was delighted with the outcome of the meet, which his office announced would “advance the common interest [of Israel and Arab states alike] of war with Iran.” That was the whole point.

It did probably solidify the de facto Saudi-Israeli alliance that targets Shiite Muslims that the Wahhabi Saudis dislike. That is: Shiites in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq and elsewhere as well as Shiite-majority Iran. And in Saudi Arabia itself

So it’s the assassin Prince Muhammed bin Salman, the corrupt politician and war criminal Binyamin Netanyahu, and the unhinged buffoon Donald Trump advancing their common interests in Warsaw while civilized humanity looks on in perplexity and terror.

(A P)

Erstes Gipfeltreffen von EU und Arabischer Liga

Die Europäische Union und die Arabische Liga kommen heute erstmals zu einem gemeinsamen Gipfeltreffen zusammen.

Bei den zweitägigen Gesprächen im ägyptischen Badeort Scharm el Scheich soll es unter anderem um eine engere Zusammenarbeit in politischen und wirtschaftlichen Fragen sowie bei der Bekämpfung des Terrorismus gehen. Weitere Themen sind die Kriege in Syrien, Libyen und dem Jemen sowie der israelisch-palästinensische Konflikt. Außerdem soll über die Eindämmung der illegalen Migration gesprochen werden.

Insgesamt werden rund 50 Könige, Präsidenten, Emire und Regierungsvertreter zu dem Gipfel erwartet. Für Deutschland nimmt Bundeskanzlerin Merkel teil. Sie erhofft sich von dem ersten Gipfel in diesem Format auch eine Stärkung der europäischen Position in der Region. Geleitet wird die Konferenz von EU-Ratspräsident Tusk und dem ägyptischen Präsidenten Sisi.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Weil es uns WURSCHT ist II. Song & Video - Krieg & Hunger im Jemen

(A H P)


Welthungerhilfe: Wir dürfen keine Hungersnot zulassen

(A H P)

Dramatische Not im Jemen

Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft fordert anlässlich der UN-Geberkonferenz am 26. Februar die Ausweitung der Hilfe für den Jemen. Die Lage der Bevölkerung in dem südlichsten Land der arabischen Halbinsel bleibt dramatisch.

Die humanitäre Lage der Menschen im Jemen ist katastrophal.

(A H P)


Die Zahlen aus dem Jemen entziehen sich jeder Vorstellung: 24 Millionen oder 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung benötigen humanitäre Hilfe, 7 Millionen sind unterernährt, darunter 2 Millionen Kinder. Am 26. Februar treffen sich internationale Geldgeber in Genf. Gemeinsamen mit anderen in dem Land tätigen Hilfsorganisationen hat Ärzte der Welt der Welt im Vorfeld ein Botschaft an die Konferenzteilnehmer/-innen formuliert. Lesen Sie hier einen Auszug.

(B H)

Dorcas Aid International: Dorcas in Yemen

By teaming up with ITDC, Dorcas is able to invest in Yemen for a longer period of time, starting by feeding the hungry. Eventually, we hope to assist with reconstruction, food security, education and vocational training

(* B H)

Yemenis desperately need more funding. As I've seen myself in Hodeidah, millions more lives are at stake

Just when you thought the situation in Yemen couldn’t get any worse, the latest analysis shows that, in fact, it has, with more than 60,000 additional people on the brink of famine over the past two months.

But what can we do about it?

The best thing we can do is stop the fighting. I’m currently in Yemen, and people have told me they are fed up with this war. They keep thinking it will be over soon, and are continually disappointed. The wider reverberations of war affect more than 24 million Yemenis, making this the largest humanitarian disaster in the world today. The longer the war continues, the worse it gets.

Yemenis have told me they want every country around the world to honour the arms trade treaty.

This week I have been in the vital port city of Hodeidah, where 70 per cent of Yemen’s food and fuel come in. The economy is in crisis and millions of people simply can’t afford to eat, because they have lost their livelihoods.

It is vital that the UK and other governments increase aid for Yemen, investing not just to save lives today and tomorrow, but also ensuring people have long-term livelihoods to build on, long after this conflict is finally over – by Laurie Lee, CARE

We need our government, and all governments, to insist on an immediate ceasefire for the whole country.

(A H)

Yemen Friends - Relief Hope and Development project for the forgotten people in al-#Hodeidah

Yemen Friends Hilfsprojekt für die vergessenen Menschen in Al-Hodeidah-Jemen

Mit Eurer Hilfe und trotz vieler Sicherheitsrisiken konnten wir heute in ländlichen unterschiedlichen Dörfern in der Provinz Al-Hodeidah weitere Nothilfeprojekt im Februar 2019 durchführen und haben es insgesamt geschafft, an rund 96 Familien Nahrungsmittelpakete zu verteilen und haben somit mehr als 600 Menschen geholfen. (photos)

(A H)

I'm so happy to be able to feed many families in my country #Yemen @monarelief's team delivered today food aid baskets to 100 families in al-Rahba area of Sana'a governorate. Our project was funded by our great partners in #Poland @SzkolydlaPokoju & our fundraising campaign (photos) .

(* A B H)

2019 High-Level Pledging Event

On 26 February, the United Nations and the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland will convene the third High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. The event will aim to garner support for the humanitarian response in Yemen and alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

Conflict remains the main driver as the worst hunger is concentrated in areas that saw the fiercest conflict last year. But despite the UN’s repeated call on all parties to facilitate access for humanitarians to reach people in need throughout Yemen, access is still elusive. The conflict particularly impacts women and children putting them at higher risk of sexual and gender-based violence.

A massive logistic effort continues to bring relief to millions of Yemenis in dire need of food and shelter. The magnitude of the relief operation is striking: about 8 million people across the country receive direct assistance from the UN and partners every month. Managing such a large operation requires care to ensure that aid is reaching the people who need it, and funding to be able to sustain and boost such efforts.

(* B H)

Im Jemen ist selbst Mehl umkämpft

Die meisten Toten des Jemen-Kriegs fordern nicht die Kämpfe, sondern Hunger und Krankheit. Hilfe kommt nur zum Teil bei den Bedürftigen an.

Die blockierten Getreidesilos in Hudaida sind nur einer von mehreren Faktoren, die zu der desaströsen Lage beitragen. Doch sie zeigen, wie die Kriegsparteien teilweise verhindern, dass bitternötige Hilfsleistungen die Notleidenden erreichen. Im vergangenen Jahr hielt ein Brief eines Expertenpanels an den UN-Sicherheitsrat fest, wie beide Seiten – Saudi-Arabien und die jemenitische Regierung einerseits, die Huthi-Rebellen andererseits – ein Hindernis für Hilfslieferungen darstellen.

„Die Huthis erheben Zölle an Checkpoints und ziehen einen gewissen Prozentsatz der transportierten Ware ein“, erklärt der Aktivist und Analyst Hisham al-Omeisy gegenüber der taz. Die beschlagnahmten Güter – etwa Speiseöl oder Mehl – verteilten sie dann entweder an ihre Kämpfer oder verkauften sie auf dem Schwarzmarkt.

Auch das Welternährungsprogramm hat Anfang des Jahres offengelegt, dass nur ein Teil der Hilfslieferungen bei den Betroffenen ankommt!5574469/

(* B H)

CARE vor Jemen-Geberkonferenz: "Vier Jahre Krieg sind vier Jahre zu viel" / Mehr Geld für humanitäre Hilfe benötigt als je zuvor / Über 24 Millionen Menschen brauchen Unterstützung

Rund 3,5 Milliarden Euro werden für die humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen in diesem Jahr benötigt - so viel wie nie zuvor. Im Jahr 2019 wollen die Vereinten Nationen gemeinsam mit Hilfsorganisationen wie CARE insgesamt 15 Millionen Menschen erreichen. Dazu zählt auch die Bereitstellung von Nahrungsmittelhilfe für 12 Millionen Menschen.


(B H)

Dramatische Not im Jemen

Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft fordert anlässlich der UN-Geberkonferenz am 26. Februar die Ausweitung der Hilfe für den Jemen. Die Lage der Bevölkerung in dem südlichsten Land der arabischen Halbinsel bleibt dramatisch.

(A H)

Malaysian group gives food aid to families at Yemen camp

(B H)

SMEPS: #Sadaa has one of the largest number of green houses, and #farmers there count on them! Green houses ensures safe farming and gives #farmers an #opportunity to continue production throughout the whole season. Which leads to #sustainable income and #Food_Security! (photo)

(A H)

ICRC resume activities in Taiz

Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Kevin Moore has stated that ICRC will resume its operations in Taiz soon

(* B H)

Film, Mark Lowcock: Without adequate resources, the aid operation in #Yemen will grind to a halt. Current resources will be used by end of March. On Tuesday, at the high-level pledging conference in Geneva, I implore donors to pledge generously, to continue to save lives.

(B H)

Film (snipet; Arabic): "Deadly Response", an investigation program on several internation humanitarian / aid agencies, that have aggravated the suffering of patients with kidney failure in #Yemen.
Will be aired, tomorrow, Friday, 8pm Sanaa time on #AlMasirah TV & other national tv stations.

(* B H)

Film: Humanitarian crisis grows in Yemen

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (December 2018 - January 2019)

Humanitarian partners reported 170 access incidents across 103 districts in December and January. This constitutes a marked increase from October-November, when a total of 81 incidents were recorded, in large part because of improved reporting mechanisms.

The Dhubab checkpoint in Taiz was the most persistent challenge. Among the tens of convoys that pass the checkpoint, 13 missions were delayed and three canceled as a result of new clearance requirements put in place by the Saudi-led Coalition in early December for humanitarian movements.

(* B H)


Seit Jahren tobt ein Krieg im Jemen, es ist einer der blutigsten und schmutzigsten Konflikte der Gegenwart. Mittendrin versuchen die Ärzte ohne Grenzen, die Not der Menschen zu lindern. Eine von ihnen ist die Tschechin Kristina Höschlová. Vor wenigen Tagen kehrte sie aus dem Jemen nach Tschechien zurück und hat für den Tschechischen Rundfunk ihre Erlebnisse geschildert.

„Bei der Mission in Mokka handelt es sich um ein sogenanntes Notprojekt. Das heißt, das ganze Feldkrankenhaus ist in Zelten untergebracht.“

Doch die Arbeit unter Planen stellte sich als relativ angenehm heraus, was nicht nur an dem fleißigen jemenitischen Personal lag. In dem Feldkrankenhaus war es überraschend sauber und vor allem praktisch: …

Nichtsdestotrotz war die Ausstattung dürftig, Operationen konnten in dem Zelt nur bedingt ausgeführt werden. Auch Diagnosen musste man laut Höschlova eher aus dem Bauch heraus stellen. Bis auf ein primitives Röntgengerät gab es kaum Technik. Doch es habe gereicht, meint die Ärztin aus Liberec, sie würde ihre Arbeit in Mokka sogar als die „echte Medizin“ bezeichnen.

Kristina Höschlova sagt, dass sie in ihrem Leben noch nie einen so trostlosen Flecken Erde gesehen habe. Und sie meint damit auch die Menschen, die dort leben. Es herrsche eine ganz bestimmte Kälte zwischen ihnen, erklärt die Ärztin:

„Wir waren wahrscheinlich die Ersten, die den Menschen dort irgendwie Würde und Hoffnung geben konnten. Deutlich wurde das bei den Müttern von Kindern, die wir behandeln mussten und die bei uns mit Schmerzen auf den Betten lagen. Ich habe nie gesehen, dass die Mütter ihre Kinder in den Arm genommen oder dass sie ihnen irgendein Spielzeug mitgebracht hätten.

Ihre einheimischen Kollegen würden hingegen mit Humor gegen diese Apathie ankämpfen. Höschlová kann nur vermuten, wo sie die Kraft dazu hernehmen:

(B H)

Film: Sara Beysolow Nyanti‏: Hello everyone! This is my first week as Representative of UNICEF to #Yemen. I am excited about my new role and with your support, I will do my best for the #YemenChildren

(* B H)

United Nations Population Fund: In Yemen: we must protect the cycle of life until the warring parties put down the guns

So while regional and international stakeholders scramble to keep the ceasefire while until they reach a longer term solution to the war in Yemen, it is essential to keep aid flowing into the various Yemeni cities. Can anything be done to curb the malicious effect of this war on Yemeni women? Yes, if only by continuing to receive lifesaving reproductive health services and medicines, the lives of many women can be saved. If a woman who needs a caesarian section can reach a functioning hospital, her chances of surviving, with her baby, can sky rocket. If a young mother is adequately nourished, she can breastfeed more regularly. This is the cycle of life, and we must preserve it.

Like in all conflicts, Yemeni civilians suffer without having had a say in the war. It is for these Yemeni men, women and children that we should all focus our efforts on helping them survive and be healthy. Ultimately, what every Yemeni wants is to go back a normal life without the constant fear of death and displacement. Until then, we, humanitarian actors should all help them stay alive.

(B H)

National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response distributed 335743 food baskets to IDPs and vulnerable host communities during 2018

(* B H)

Phone app links patients to blood donors in war-torn Yemen

Many are being helped by the app, but hospitals and health centres have limited facilities and getting the blood to those who need it in time is proving to be a huge challenge.

(* B H)

This has to be the last time that 80% of Yemen’s population needs humanitarian aid – CARE

As the United Nations' third high-level donor pledging event to garner support for the humanitarian response in Yemen gets underway in Geneva, CARE is calling for the world to do everything it can to make sure this is the last.

The fundraising target for this year’s humanitarian response in Yemen is $4 billion – the largest ever – and the U.N. is planning to reach a total of 15 million people through its partners in 2019, including providing food aid to 12 million.

In 2014, one year before the war began, there were 14.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Yemen, 10.5 million of whom did not have enough to eat. Now, over 24 million Yemenis need assistance and 20 million are severely food insecure. This increase of ten million people can only be attributed to the conflict that has gone on now for four years, killing tens of thousands and reducing an already poor country to an economic wreck.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

So Houthis put these 5 men on trial for attempted assassination of former President Ali Abdulah Saleh in 2011.

P.S Saleh was killed by Houthis in December 2017 (photo)

(A K P)

When you are over 70 years old and give your life to your country because there is something called sense of duty, patriotism and justice.

Munasar Al-Maysari insisted to take part throughout the past 4 years of#USA #Saudi genocide aggression against #Yemen.
He fell martyr on, 17th Feb, 2019. (photo)

(A P)

Parliamentary committee discuss draft expenditure plan for first half of 2019

The Parliamentary Committee charged with studying the draft expenditure plan for the general budget for the first half (January-June, 2019)

(A P)

Al Houthi fighters clashed with fighters from the Bani Miftah tribe in al Qahr district in northern Ibb governorate in central Yemen on February 21 and 22. The Bani Miftah tribe began fighting al Houthi forces on February 21 after al Houthifighters raided a number of Bani Miftah villages to forcibly conscript fighters, according to pro-Hadi government media.[1]

(A P)

Al-Houthi Blames Saudi-led Coalition for Hindering Implementation of Peace Process in Yemen

(A P)

Yemen armed tribesmen continue to support army with fighters & money to combat against US-Saudi-UAE invaders. (photos)

(* B P)

Mothers of Abductees Association: In Taiz only, 580 men disappeared, have been denied basic needs, and r subject to torture by Houthis for more than 3 years now.

(* A P)

Houthis impose control on the "Thu Yahya" tribe in Hajjah province following a violent attack

On Saturday, the Houthis imposed full control over the areas of Thu Yahiya tribe in Qara district of Hajjah Governorate, following a fierce attack since midnight Thursday.

The Houthis launched an attack on the Al-Rahba area of Qara district midnight on Thursday, and violent clashes between the attackers and tribal gunmen culminated in the invasion of the area of the tribe "Thu Yahya " and the area "al-Rahba" totally.


Hajjah.. Al-Houthi attacks the tribes of Thu Yahya on the continent with deaths and injuries on both sides

An attack on the Yahiya tribe in the northwestern province of Hajjah was launched by Houthi gunmen early Friday. A field source reported the Houthi militants attacked al-Rahba area of Qara district of Hajjah province, where there were violent clashes between attackers and tribal gunmen.


(A P)

Tribes repels a Houthi attack in Hajur, killing of field commanders in coalition raids

(A P)

Journalists ' syndicate refuses the referral of 10 kidnapped journalists to specialized terrorism court

(A P)

28 Saudi-paid collaborators freed in Ibb

The collaborators were accused of working to collect information to the aggression forces.

(* A P)

Ten Yemeni journalists, among many other dozen journalists, were arbitrarily arrested & detained in Sana’a by Houthis since 2015 & kept with no charge or trial. Just yesterday, Houthis announced that they'll try them soon. The crime: assisting Saudi aggression via social media.

Houthi-affiliated TV host Hafez Moa’ajeb @hafeed000 via his program calls on Houthis to release the 10 detained journalists. Hafez has had an influence in releasing Hisham @omeisy in 2017. Praying that this influence will work this time too! (photos, film)

(A P)

Houthi clashes with Yemeni tribes leave 45 dead in Hajjah

Clashes between the Houthi militias and Yemeni tribes intensified on Saturday in Hajjah, sources to Al Arabiya reported.

Tribal sources confirmed that fierce battles led to the killing of at least 45 Houthi fighters.

Remark: This is claimed by a Saudi news site.


(* B K P)

Tribal resistance to the Houthis is growing in northwestern Yemen. Four tribes from a powerful northern Yemeni confederation *denied the Houthis access to a key supply line in Amran governorate on February 14 to support tribal forces besieged by the *Houthis in neighboring Hajjah governorate. The Hajoor tribe in Hajjah revolted against the Houthis on January 22 after the Houthis violated the terms of a 2012 agreement.

We forecasted that forces backed by the #Saudi-led coalition will be able to leverage tribal uprisings to advance against the #Houthi movement in northwestern #Yemen earlier this month. Hadi gov forces have since pushed from Haradh district into the outskirts of Mustaba district


(A P)

Saudi-led coalition provides humanitarian assistance to tribe in Hajjah governorate

(B P)

Yemeni Researcher: Houthis Exploit Religion and Public Issues to Serve Their Interests

Researcher Mohammad Azzan has warned that special courses organized by the Houthis, which aim at brainwashing young Yemenis , pose a great danger to the future of the country.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

Assassination of a soldier in Wadi Hadramawt

(A P)

Telangana man detained in Yemen, wife seeks Swaraj's assistance

The wife of an Indian man who is allegadly lodged in a detention centre in Yemen has sought assistance from External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to bring her husband back home.

Remark: The arbitrary arrests at #Aden airport are becoming increasingly frequent and off the spotlight.

(A T)

Yemeni Forces Recapture Largest Al-Qaeda Training Camp in Abyan

Yemeni forces backed by warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition have recaptured the area’s largest training camp for al-Qaeda militants, in the southern province of Abyan, local newspaper Aden Al-Ghad reported.

(A P)

Hadi’s Soldiers attack school, beat student in Lahj


Government announces reopening of al-Rayyan Airport in mid-March after three years of closure

Transport Minister Saleh Algbwani said the ministry is in the process of reopening al-Rayyan airport in Mukalla, the center of Hadramawt province, in mid-March, after full rehabilitation.

The movement has stopped at the airport since al-Qaeda took control of Hadramawt coast in 2015 amid demands from citizens to operate it and alleviate their suffering.

(A E P)

The government approves the general budget for the current year with a deficit of up to 30%

The government is meant to cover that deficit from non-inflationary sources through the use of domestic debt instruments, mobilizing external funds and developing spending mechanisms that fit with the revenue stream.
The draft budget forecast that the revenues from oil and gas exports will account for 32 percent of the total public revenues during the FY.

(A P)

Assassinations resumed in Aden

gunmen on Wednesday assassinated an employee of the Central Organization for Control and Audit in the temporary capital of Yemen.

and (“unidentified gunmen”)

My comment: Blaming the Houthis for this is propaganda. – While the Houthis blame “mercenaries”: .– There are AQAP and UAE-hired death squads for doing such jobs.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A P)

Al Houthi: UN Envoy is under pressure of aggression countries to "deviate" peace process in Yemen

The head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohamed al-Houthi, confirmed the UN envoy Martin Griffith hints, that he is under pressure from the aggression countries led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Adding that aggression countries seek to " deviate the peace process and legitimize its war as they continue to prevent the distribution of aid from the Red Sea mills in Hodeidah." =

(* A P)

UN Security Council: Security Council Press Statement on Yemen, 22 February 2019

The members of the Security Council reiterated their endorsement of the agreements reached by the Government of Yemen and the Houthis in December 2018 as set out in the Stockholm Agreement, circulated as document S/2018/1134. They stressed the critical importance of the parties implementing those commitments without delay for the sake of the Yemeni people. The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their full support for the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen and the Chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) and called on all parties to continue to engage in good faith with them both.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the progress made by the parties in the RCC meeting of 16-17 February 2019 on planning for the redeployment of forces as envisaged in the Hodeidah Agreement reached in Stockholm. =

My comment: What do they really want to tell us? I do not find much here.

(A P)

National Delegation Concludes Meetings with Members of European Parliament

The National Delegation headed by Mohammed Abdulsalam concluded a three-day official visit to Brussels, in which they met with some officials in the European Union.

The Delegation held a number of important meetings with members of the European Parliament to discuss the developments of the US-Saudi aggression against Yemen

(* A P)

UN envoy seeks a round of consultations between the Yemeni parties in late March in Berlin

Griffiths presented the issue of the new round of consultations to the legitimate government and Houthi rebels in the recent round of talks between Sanaa and Riyadh, the source said.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Safavi: There Will Be No Al Saudi by 2030

Iranian Major General Yahya Safavi said that the Al Saudi regime ruling Saudi Arabia will become extinct by 2030, cautioning the Pakistani government not to rely on it.

(A P)

Iran's Soleimani warns Saudis after deadly attack in southeast region

The commander of the overseas arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards threatened Saudi Arabia with revenge over a suicide bomb attack in southeastern Iran on Feb. 13 that killed 27 Guards members, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on Thursday.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudi-Arabien tauscht Botschafter in USA aus

Saudi-Arabien ersetzt seinen Botschafter in den USA. Prinzessin Rima bint Bandar übernehme den Posten in Washington, wurde gestern in einem königlichen Dekret verfügt. Ihr Vorgänger Prinz Khaled bin Salman, Sohn von König Salman und jüngerer Bruder des mächtigen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman, wurde unterdessen zum stellvertretenden Verteidigungsminister ernannt.

(A P)

Brother of Saudi crown prince named deputy defense minister

Saudi Arabia appointed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s full younger brother as deputy defense minister on Saturday and named a princess as the kingdom’s first woman ambassador to the United States.

The elevation of Prince Khalid bin Salman, a son of the king, also further centralizes power in one branch of the ruling family after the crown prince took control of most levers of power and policy in the world’s top oil exporter.

My comment: Saudi Arabia, a feudal family clan enterprise.

Comment: Mohamed bin Salman made sure that he & not his father appoint 1st woman ambassador for PR purposes. He appointing his brother as MOD to have the upper hand & avoid “daddy appointed me & not you business”.

Reporters should ask the newly appointed #Saudi ambassador to Washington about how did she buy an $8 million home #Mclean when she was 22? Kleptomania anyone

(* B P)

For young Muslim, Islam cannot keep silent about Saudi Arabia’s reign of terror

Liberal Muslims must support the oppressed and break down the wall of silence.

Crown Prince Salman has tried to charm the West, a way to stifle the voices that oppose the oppression imposed on human rights activists. His attempts to create the image of an open and modernising prince in the eyes of the world are contradicted by his actions: repression, arrests, organised assassination and death sentences by decapitation, etc.

Human rights activists continue to sound the alarm bells highlighting the inhuman and barbarous actions carried out in that country. One way or another, the kingdom’s courts find a way to justify the death sentence.

What shocks and scares me is that everyone is silent. Whether Al-Azhar in Egypt, the World Association of Muslim religious scholars, or Muslims around the world, no one is speaking out and this silence is unjustifiable and inconceivable.

Saudi Arabia must revisit the way it deals with peaceful men and women who want only more freedom of conscience and expression. It is outrageous and unacceptable that men and women who denounce social injustice are treated this way in a community of more than one billion people. I include myself among them. Even though I may be in danger, as a liberal Muslim I stand by the oppressed because I am truly free, and for this reason I categorically refuse to be a prisoner of silence.,-Islam-cannot-keep-silent-about-Saudi-Arabia’s-reign-of-terror-46282.html

(* A P)

Mohammed bin Salman and Xi Jinping to work together on the Silk Road and against terrorism

Saudi Arabia is turning east because of difficult relations with the West, following the Jamal Khashoggi murder. The two countries plan to build an oil refinery and a petrochemical plan in Liaoning. Riyadh is silent over the fate of the Uyghurs.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) met today with Chinese President Xi Jinping, reiterating a relationship that "traced back a very long time in the past" in which "we have never experienced any problems”.

China will continue its Belt and Road Initiative (the New Silk Road), bringing in Saudi Arabia, which in turn is committed to its Saudi Vision 2030, a programme spurred by MbS to modernise and diversify the economy.

To smooth cooperation, Saudi oil company Aramco signed a US$ 10 billion deal to build an oil refinery and petrochemical plant in Liaoning.

The Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority also announced the signing of 35 non-binding memorandums of understanding, including deals related to energy, mining, transportation and e-commerce.

However, the two sides have remained silent about the fight against terrorism.

Out of friendship with China, Riyadh has never condemned Beijing’s violence against the Uyghurs.


(* A P)


A s he faces criticism from Western countries over the brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi Arabia’s young crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is forming new alliances.

On Friday, the leader colloquially known as MBS arrived in China, another country accused of authoritarianism, to meet with officials there


(A P)

Saudi crown prince hails China relations at talks with Xi

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hailed relations with China as trouble-free, during talks Friday with President Xi Jinping in Beijing aimed at strengthening relations in the face of criticism from the West over the kingdom's human rights record and its war in Yemen.

(A P)

Saudi crown prince defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps

Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’’s crown prince, on Friday defended China’s use of concentration camps for Muslims, saying it was Beijing’s “right”.

"China has the right to carry out anti-terrorism and de-extremisation work for its national security,” Prince Mohammed, who has been in China signing multi-million trade deals much to the annoyance of his Western allies, was quoted as saying on Chinese state television.

(B P)

Brother of Saudi women’s rights activist ‘being tortured in prison’ fears her treatment is getting worse

The brother of a leading Saudi women’s rights campaigner who is allegedly being tortured and sexually harassed in prison is fearful her treatment could be worsening.

Loujain al-Hathloul, who defied the kingdom’s recently overturned ban on female drivers, was arrested in May 2018 along with 10 other women’s rights activists in Saudi Arabia.

The 29-year-old campaigner’s family and Human Rights Watch have alleged in recent months that she and other female detainees have been tortured and sexually harassed in jail.

(* B K P)

Saudi long-range missile factory sparks fears over weapons proliferation

Satellite photos published in January reveal that Saudi Arabia may possess a factory capable of producing ballistic missiles.

This development is another worrying indication that rival Middle East powers are proliferating increasingly destructive weapons, escalating the risk of a dangerous regional arms race.

The satellite photos show a military base 145 miles west of the capital Riyadh. Included in the site is a test stand for testing any missiles the Saudis actually manage to manufacture.

Interestingly, analysts note that the Saudi test stand resembles a Chinese design, albeit smaller in size.

(B P)

'Dream of a safe place': Saudi sisters in hiding in Hong Kong after fleeing family

Two sisters from Saudi Arabia were intercepted at Hong Kong airport by the kingdom’s diplomats en route to Australia, their lawyer said, the year’s second high-profile case of Saudi women trying to flee what they call repression at home.

The pair, who have renounced their Muslim faith, arrived in the Chinese territory in September 2018 after fleeing a family holiday in Sri Lanka and had booked a connecting flight to Australia, Vidler said.

(* B P)

Saving Saudi Arabia's Women

The U.S. Congress can help through advocacy and decisions on funding.

Under Saudi law, a woman is part of a man, and not a separate individual. She must always be part of a man's flock and under his control. Until recently, the U.S. State Department website's travel section stated that women in Saudi Arabia are the property of their male family members – just like slaves were the property of their masters. If this is not slavery, what is?

It is time the world understood the position of women in Saudi Arabia as it is, and act accordingly. So far, the absolute monarchy in the kingdom has been able to persuade the world that the way women are treated under its rule is a product of local culture and of Islam itself. But the world didn't absolve the Dutch churches in South Africa or white African culture for the sin of apartheid, and it should not excuse the Saudi sin of enslaving women by blaming culture or religion.

Until women in Saudi Arabia acquire legal personhood, the world must make the Saudi government's life hard by placing the emancipation of women in every policy exchange they have with the Saudis, and by offering fleeing women a safe haven just as Canada did recently – By Ali Al Ahmed

(* A P)

Mauritanian political leader detained in Saudi Arabia

Saudi security authorities have held a Mauritanian political party leader for more than a month, according to the Nouakchott-based Al-Akhbar news website.

Yousef Ould Horma Ould Babana,head of the Rally for Mauritania party,was attempting to leave Saudi Arabia for Morocco to attend the funeral of his uncle in early January when he was arrested at Jeddah airport, the website reported.

(* B P)

Desperate and alone, Saudi sisters risk everything to flee oppression

The sisters say years of strict Islamic teaching and physical abuse at home had convinced them that they had no future in a society that places women under the enforced guardianship of men, and limits their aspirations.

"It's slavery, because whatever the woman will do it's the business of the male," Rawan says.

That's why they say they renounced Islam.

And that's why aged 18 and 20, they stole back their own passports, hid their abayas under the bedcovers, snuck out of their holiday home and boarded a flight from Colombo to Melbourne, via Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong stopover was supposed to take less than two hours.

Two hours has turned into five months (with film)

Film also here:


(B P)

Two sisters from Saudi Arabia who fled the conservative kingdom and have been hiding out in Hong Kong for nearly six months said they did so to escape beatings at the hands of their brothers and father.

(A P)

Saudi to free 850 Indian prisoners from its jails: India government

(A P)

Saudi Crown Prince gets gift of a golden gun during visit to Pakistan

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(A P)

Khashoggi fiancée calls for sanctions on Saudi

The fiancée of a Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi paid a visit to the European Parliament today in an effort to champion his values.

She added that she hopes her visit will help push for sanctions on Saudi Arabia.

(* B P)

REVEALED: Jamal Khashoggi's appeal for unity between Saudi and Iranian people

Unfinished opinion article also calls on Riyadh and Tehran to 'stop meddling in the internal affairs of other countries'

Jamal Khashoggi was working to promote reconciliation between the Saudi and Iranian people prior to his murder in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last October, Middle East Eye can reveal.

In an unfinished opinion article drafted early in 2018 by the exiled Saudi journalist in collaboration with a leading Iranian human rights activist, Khashoggi called for civil society organisations in both countries to be “voices of reason and moderation” even as their governments risked open conflict.

The article called on leaders in Riyadh and Tehran to “stop meddling in the internal affairs of other countries”, citing the death and devastation caused by both countries’ involvement in wars in Syria and Yemen, and to start respecting human rights.

“Our governments are stuck digging in their heels in a dangerous staring contest that may soon erupt into something worse,” Khashoggi wrote.

My comment: One more reason why the Saudis wanted to murder him?

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H P)

Rep. Ilhan Omar in Tampa raising humanitarian aid for Yemen

A new member of Congress may attract protesters when she speaks Saturday in Tampa at an event raising funds for humanitarian aid to Yemen.

(* B K P)

The Arms Trade Is Intensifying Under Trump

The revolving door between public officials and defense contractors has long distorted U.S. foreign policy to serve war profiteers at the expense of the public interest and basic humanitarian norms.

The global arms trade is experiencing its greatest boom since the Cold War, fueled by horrific wars in the Middle East and revitalized power rivalries among China, Russia and the United States. In their most recent report, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute revealed a 44 percent increase in arms sales from 2002 to 2017. The United States is the world’s biggest arms exporter by far, holding 34 percent of total market share — a 58 percent lead on Russia, its closest competitor. From 2017 to 2018, U.S. arms sales to foreign governments increased 33 percent, in part due to the Trump administration’s diminished legal restraints on supplying foreign militias.

Before entering the White House, Trump asserted his belief in a “lifetime restriction” on top defense officials working for private defense contractors after their public service.

Research from Brown University shows domestic investment in education and health care creates more than twice as many jobs as military spending. Trump’s argument that we have to provide Saudi Arabia or the UAE with bombs that land on school buses, hospitals and weddings in order to preserve jobs is unconscionable and demonstrates a warped sense of priorities.

(* A P)

Who’s Afraid of Saudi Nukes?

Riyadh’s reckless behavior foments widespread mistrust of its plans to buy nuclear reactors.

The release this week of an explosive report by House Democrats alleging that the Trump administration has sought to help its cronies sell nuclear power technology to Saudi Arabia has dramatically heightened tensions between the White House and lawmakers in both chambers.

So what is the problem with helping Saudi Arabia meet its growing energy demand with foreign-built nuclear reactors, as countries from China to Vietnam to the United Arab Emirates are doing?

“The simple answer is nothing. Civilian nuclear technology can be safeguarded, and it’s not very well suited to producing nuclear weapons material,” said Jon Wolfsthal, formerly a top nonproliferation official in President Barack Obama’s administration and now director of the Nuclear Crisis Group.

Except for one thing, Wolfsthal added: “Saudi Arabia doesn’t just want reactors—it wants the ability to enrich uranium. And that is very sensitive technology.”

Holding onto a sovereign right to enrichment is one thing. A much bigger problem is that, the NPT notwithstanding, Saudi officials have openly said they’d build a nuclear bomb of their own if Iran builds one.

(A K P)

Elizabeth Warren demands answers after CNN report on US weapons in Yemen

Elizabeth Warren wants to know how American weapons ended up in the wrong hands in Yemen.

On Thursday, the US senator and Democratic presidential candidate issued a letter with 13 questions about the suspected retransfer of arms from US allies to third-party actors in the wartorn country.

Addressed to acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the letter cited evidence of arms deal violations uncovered by a CNN investigation.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well - I've known about this from the start of the war - various researchers and journalists reported that Yemeni soldiers sold their weapons to arms markets that supplied groups from Al Qaeda to Houthis, and UAE itself reported arms drops to salafist militias such as Abu Abbas - now described as a terrorist group in USA and AL Qaeda members fighting in Taiz on behalf of the Saudi led coalition by the BBC and other media outlets. So this is not a surprise nor difficult to find out - UK and US governments were purposefully ignoring these issues as they have done in Syria and Libya.

(* B P)

The case for exporting American nuclear reactors to Riyadh

The big picture: While a nuclear-capable Saudi Arabia is a dangerous prospect — MBS has floated the idea of developing nuclear weapons — it's becoming something of a foregone conclusion. The world's nuclear suppliers are already bidding for the contract to construct Saudi Arabia's first two reactors, with Riyadh having shortlisted bids from not only the U.S., but also France, China, Russia and South Korea.

Comment by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Saudi Arabia is the biggest sponsor of jihadists terrorism and the radical ideology fueling terrorist organizations like AQ & ISIS, yet the Trump Admin wants to give them highly sensitive nuclear technology. This poses huge threat to US safety & security

(A P)

Vater von IS-Heimkehrerin zieht für Rückkehr seiner Tochter vor Gericht

US-Präsident Trump lehnt es ab, eine frühere Dschihadistin ins Land zu lassen. Dagegen hat der Vater, ein Ex-Diplomat aus dem Jemen, in Washington Klage eingereicht.

(B P)

US refuses to allow return of woman who joined ISIS

A US-born woman of Yemeni descent who joined ISIS will not be allowed to return to the country because she is not a citizen, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday.

(* B K P)

How the War in Yemen Could End in a Matter of Days

Officials in Washington, D.C. don’t generally know that under terms of a little noticed U.S. law, President Donald Trump could end the Yemen War in a matter of days.

U.S. arms manufacturers such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin supply 57 percent of the military aircraft used by the Royal Saudi Air Force. The U.S. corporations hire hundreds of U.S. civilian mechanics and technicians to repair, maintain and fuel fighter jets and helicopters. The Arms Export Control Act requires Saudi Arabia to use the military equipment for legitimate self defense.

Saudi Arabia’s consistent pattern of disproportionate attacks on civilians belies any claim of self defense, according to Brittany Benowitz, an attorney and former Congressional staffer who analyzes arms control issues.

“The Trump Administration is currently not complying with the requirements of the Arms Export Control Act,“ she told me. The act requires the President to stop supplies of spare parts and maintenance of Saudi fighter planes if they violate the act.

Those measures would undermine Saudi military capability fairly quickly – by Reese Erlich =

(* B P)

The Warsaw Summit and Effective Multilateralism

The Trump administration has sought to break out of its international isolation on Iran by pressuring nations to go to Warsaw for a summit on peace and security in the Middle East. But the administration has failed to craft an effective multilateral approach towards Iran based on common concerns and a realistic understanding of what is achievable.

(* B P)

Where Congress Stands on Yemen

Serious doubts remain about the political prospects for H.J. Res. 37 and other Yemen-related legislation, not to mention the legal effect they will have if enacted. But the fact that such measures are once again being debated may be a sign that the pressure to change U.S. policies in Yemen is once again building. And unlike last time, if the Trump administration does not change course, this effort may result in real legal restrictions on the policies that the administration may pursue.

(* B K P)

Obama-Berater über US-Politik in Nahost

„Wir waren damals zu unentschieden“

Ben Rhodes, einst Obamas außenpolitischer Berater, spricht über den Arabischen Frühling, Fehler der USA in Syrien und Donald Trump.

Die Lektion ist klar: Amerikanische Kriege für einen Regime Change funktionieren nicht, besonders im Nahen Osten nicht, aber auch weltweit nicht. Man kann das Militär für bestimmte eng definierte Aufgaben nutzen, um ein Terror-Camp zu zerstören oder ein bestimmtes Massaker zu verhindern. Aber einen Diktator zu stürzen, in einem Land, das man nicht besonders gut versteht? Dann muss man sich auf ein jahrelanges, aufwendiges Engagement einstellen. Und die US-Innenpolitik lässt das praktisch nicht zu.!5570746/

Mein Kommentar: Da ist auch sehr viel Selbstrechtfertigung drin.

(* B K)

US Military’s Ambiguous Definition of a ‘Legitimate’ Target

On Twitter, Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard law professor and former head of the Office of Legal Counsel for George W. Bush’s administration, pointed to the military’s use of the phrase “legacy al-Qaeda operative.” If ‘legacy’ means ‘former’, he wrote, “then the strike would raise tricky issues under domestic and (international) law.”

Robert Chesney, a law professor at the University of Texas, suggested that the military may be using “legacy” to refer to “core” al-Qaeda as opposed to one of its franchises. But the truth, as is often the case with the US drone program, remains unclear.

The al-Badawi drone strike also raises another and perhaps even more important question. At a time when AQAP is gaining a significant number of local recruits, helped in part by Yemen’s multiple ongoing wars: Is it ever possible to leave the group? Or, to put it another way, in the eyes of the US, is it ‘once an al-Qaeda member always an al-Qaeda member?’

This has been an issue for the US in Yemen before, and it will be an issue again – by Gregory D. Johnsen

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Jeremy Hunt is doing everything he can to make the UK a world-leading arsehole

Germany is one of several countries that have said they will not sell arms to Saudi Arabia due to its ongoing war on Yemen and the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But this principled stand hasn’t impressed Hunt. Because he’s lobbying the German government to relax its stance.

But Hunt’s efforts appear not to have gone done well. Because German foreign minister Heiko Maas has said the ban will stay.

Hunt is particularly ‘concerned‘ about parts for the Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets.

It is, however, a shame that Hunt isn’t so ‘concerned’ with the number of people killed in the onslaught in Yemen.

(A P)

British minister emphasizes Saudi Arabia’s important role in Yemen peace process

Hunt said that the British-Saudi partnership helped parties to the Yemen conflict form the Stockholm Agreement under the auspices of the UN

British Minister of State for the Middle East Alistair Burt pointed out that Riyadh was the “biggest donor of humanitarian efforts in Yemen”

My comment: This is propaganda bullshit, just showing the close British-Saudi ties. Burt’s statement ist he joke of the week.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

Siehe / Look at cp13a

(* A K P)

SPD ringt um Waffenlieferungen nach Saudi-Arabien

Außenminister Heiko Maas will Rüstungsgüter an Riad liefern. Bedingung: Fortschritte im Friedensprozess im Jemen. Der SPD-Politiker provoziert damit eigene Partei – und den Widerspruch der Opposition.

Die Uhr tickt. Am 9. März läuft der Ausfuhrstopp für Rüstungsgüter nach Saudi-Arabien aus. Für die SPD wird die Debatte um die Wiederaufnahme von Waffenlieferungen an Riad zum Lackmustest im Ringen zwischen Moral, Wirtschaftsinteressen und europäischen Verpflichtungen.

Die Union will das Moratorium, eine Reaktion der Bundesregierung auf die Tötung des Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi, aus Angst vor deutscher Isolation und dem Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen aufheben. Es geht um Aufträge im Wert von 1,5 Milliarden Euro. Betroffene Unternehmen wie Würth haben bereits Klage eingereicht.

Während Außenminister Heiko Maas erstmals ein Ende des Exportstopps andeutete, zeigte sich Parteichefin Andrea Nahlesskeptisch.

Mein Kommentar: Ja, was nun, Maas? Moral oder Moneten?

(* A K P)

Maas knüpft Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi-Arabien an Bedingungen

Erst wenn die Friedensbemühungen im Jemen vorankommen, hält der Außenminister weitere Exporte für denkbar. Es geht um Milliarden.

Außenminister Heiko Maas hat eine Aufhebung des Rüstungsexportstopps für Saudi-Arabien an Fortschritte im Friedensprozess für den Jemen geknüpft. "Die Haltung der Bundesregierung ist die, dass wir derzeit keine Waffen nach Saudi-Arabien liefern und die zukünftigen Entscheidungen davon abhängig machen werden, wie die Entwicklung im Jemen-Konflikt ist"


(A K P)

CDU kritisiert Unnachgiebigkeit der SPD bei Rüstungsexporten

Der CDU-Außenpolitiker Jürgen Hardt hat die SPD aufgefordert, ihre restriktive Haltung im Streit um Rüstungsexporte aufzugeben. "Deutschland muss auf die Interessen unserer Partner Rücksicht nehmen"

Mein Kommentar: Kaum zu fassen; die Lieferung von Rüstungsgütern in Kriegsgebiete ist ausdrücklich verboten.


(A K P)

Campaigners welcome German government decision to continue Saudi arms embargo

(* A K P)

Germany: Decisions on arms exports to Saudi will depend on Yemen conflict

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Wednesday that future decisions on whether to deliver arms to Saudi Arabia will develop on how the conflict develops in Yemen.

“The German government’s position is that we are not delivering any weapons to Saudi Arabia at the moment and we will make future decisions depend on how the Yemen conflict develops and whether what has been agreed in the peace talks in Stockholm is being implemented,”

(* A K P)

Allies fume at German ban of arms exports to Saudi Arabia

Germany said Wednesday (20 February) it would hold firm on its decision to halt weapons exports to Saudi Arabia, shrugging off British warnings that the embargo could hurt European credibility and efforts to bring peace in Yemen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Malaysia: Don’t expect us to take sides in any war, including in Yemen, says PM

“We will not take sides in big power rivalries, and neither will we rely on military alliances or strategic partnerships,” said Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, citing the policy used by most Asean countries.

“Don’t expect us to join you against your rivals and don’t expect us to fight your wars,” he said at the “Stand with Yemen” event. “We will spurn all who come to dominate or divide our region into warring camps,” he said.


(B K P)

‘Malaysia: Cash ties’ with Saudis why BN sent troops to join Yemen war, says Chandra

Prominent social critic Chandra Muzaffar today claimed the previous government deployed Malaysian troops to assist in the Yemen war because of its “cash relationship” with the Saudis.

(* B K P)

Is The United Arab Emirates Really Our Friend?

The idealized version of the U.S.-UAE relationship is based on a history of military and intelligence cooperation that includes fighting side-by-side in Afghanistan, Syria, and other conflicts.

Alongside its military and intelligence cooperation with the United States, the UAE has invested large sums in burnishing its image as the good Gulf State: more tolerant, more modern, and more forward-looking than other governments in the region. It has done an excellent job from its own perspective, but its carefully crafted image hides a wide range of activities that are counter to long-term U.S. security interests.

First and foremost, the UAE’s role as an equal partner with Saudi Arabia in its brutal war in Yemen runs directly counter to the interests of peace and stability in the Middle East.

Recent reports by CNN and Amnesty International indicate that the UAE has “recklessly” transferred U.S. munitions, armored vehicles, anti-tank missiles, and guns to private militias inside Yemen

There are also allegations of heinous acts of torture committed by the UAE and its allies in Yemen, dating back to 2017.

The UAE may yet pay a price for actions that contradict U.S. interests and abuse fundamental human rights.

The United States should withhold further arms, training, and military support for the UAE until it supports a ceasefire in Yemen, negotiates in good faith for a peaceful settlement to that conflict, and accounts for abuses committed by its own forces and those it has armed, financed, and trained. This is no time for business as usual in the U.S.-UAE alliance – by Willam D. hartung

(* B K P)

Armi italiane vendute all’estero per rilanciare il “Sistema Paese”

Il Governo del Cambiamento non ha intenzione di rinunciare alla vendita di armi italiane in Medio Oriente. Tanto che per il sottosegretario alla Difesa Tofalo si tratta di un business "da sfruttare al massimo". Con buona pace dei diritti umani violati dall'Arabia Saudia nella guerra in Yemen. Società civile e Comuni, invece, chiedono un'inversione di rotta

partly translated:


Last Sunday, #Idex 2019 (International Defense Exhibition), the biennial military systems exhibition in #AbuDhabi, reached its 14th edition. A fair that represents the point of reference for the rich buyers of the #MiddleEast and, above all, for the manufacturers of armaments.

#Italy was there: 31 companies, including the giants Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica) and Fincantieri, the bomb makers (Simmel Difesa of the French group Nexter), of "small arms" (Beretta, Benelli, Tanfoglio, Fiocchi , but also the less known Mateba), of "defense materials" of all kinds and above all of electronic systems, among which Hacking Team stands out , the company suspected of being involved in Giulio Regeni's espionage and also in the case of the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Not to forget: the undersecretary of defense, Angelo Tofalo,visited the exhibition.

(B H)

Australia must do more for Yemen, says Save the Children

Save The Children policy director Mat Tinkler has urged the government to give more aid money to Yemen and ban arms exports to Saudi Arabia.

(* B P)

The Dark Side Of The United Arab Emirates (UAE)

On February 19, the Sub-Committee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, jointly with the Delegation for Relations with the Arabian Peninsula, held a hearing on the situation of human rights in Persian Gulf countries.

By comparison, the closest Saudi ally in the region-the United Arab Emirates-gets kid-gloves treatment. True, the European Parliament adopted a resolutioncondemning the UAE for persecuting human rights defenders such as Ahmed Mansour. The house also voted to call for an arms embargo on the UAE, alongside Saudi Arabia, for the country's role in Yemen. This would have been unthinkable only a couple of years ago.

Overall, however, the reaction to human rights abuses in and by the UAE is much more subdued. This is because the Emiratis enjoy a much better image in Brussels and other Western capitals than their Saudi peers. Emirati diplomats and lobby firms at their service portray the country as a beacon of modernity, tolerance, and inclusion in a region where these values are often found wanting. The recent visit of Pope Francis to Abu Dhabi for an interfaith meeting was instrumental in promoting this positive image of the UAE. By tapping into the existing biases and fears of Western public opinion on Islam, the UAE positions itself as a successful model of a Muslim society in the twenty-first century.

However, the relative social openness and the interfaith dialogue are only the visible side of the Emirati model. The other, much less glamorous, side involves a strictly authoritarian regime and repression.

(A P)

Mass Demonstrations Denouncing Visit of Bin Salman to India

(A P)

Bahrain Court Gives Life Sentence to Nine Anti-Regime Activists

(B P)

Bahrain has stripped 40 activists of citizenship since January: Rights group

(A P)

Rights Group: Bahrain Has Stripped 840 People of Citizenship since 2012

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* A P)

Important development: #Qatari forces arrive to #Saudi military base in spite of Saudi blockade. GCC war games set to start there

referring to

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp9, 10, 11, 12.

(* A K P)

Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien: Die Rüstungsindustrie droht

"Dear Heiko": Der britische Außenminister fordert ein Einlenken seines Amtskollegen. Paris und Berlin arbeiten an einem Abkommen zur deutsch-französische Industriekooperation im Verteidigungsbereich

Wie lange wird die Bundesregierung dem Druck standhalten, den Stopp der Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien aufzugeben? Berlin stehe mit dieser Entscheidung ziemlich alleine da, heißt es in einem aktuellem Bericht des Nachrichtensenders ntv, der zur RTL-Mediengruppe gehört. Dort wird darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass Frankreich, England und Spanien andere Ansichten haben. In Frankreich und Großbritannien sei man verärgert, ist zu lesen.

Vergangene Woche sorgte ein Bericht über ein Schreiben des britischen Außenministers Jeremy Hunt an die Bundesregierung von Anfang Februar für Wirbel. Der Spiegel veröffentlichte Auszüge des Schreibens. Es veranschaulicht im Fall UK, wie eng die Beziehungen zwischen Rüstungsindustrie und Regierungen sind.

Mit "Dear Heiko" beginnt der handgeschriebene Brief an den deutschen Außenminister, in dessen Kern sich Forderungen der Rüstungsindustrie regen. Wie immer wenn es um Waffen geht, gehören Angstmachen und Drohungen zum Geschäft

(* A K P)

BAE Systems shares fall over Germany's ban on arms exports to Saudis

Embargo threatens UK’s pending £10bn deal to sell 48 Typhoon jets to Saudi Arabia

Defence company BAE Systems’ share price fell sharply on Thursday after it warned that a German ban on arms exports to Saudi Arabia, imposed after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, could scupper a multibillion-pound deal to sell Typhoon fighter jets.

Alongside its annual results on Thursday, BAE Systems stressed that its business is “reliant on the approval of export licences by a number of governments in order to continue supplies to Saudi Arabia”. The Gulf state accounted for around 14% of BAE’s annual sales in 2018, and is seen as a key customer for the Typhoon.

Remark: Look at cp10, cp11.

Comment: Great.

(* B K P)

UAE signs $5.5 billion in military contracts as Yemen war heightens scrutiny

The United Arab Emirates awarded 20 billion dirhams worth ($5.5 billion) of military procurement contracts during a defense show this week, at a time when arms sales to the country are under scrutiny due to its role in Yemen’s devastating war.

The majority were awarded to international companies such as U.S. firms Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, which sealed one of the biggest deals with 7 billion dirhams worth of contracts related to its Patriot missile air defense system.

(* B K P)

US $1.6 Billion Arms Deal With UAE Will Perpetuate the War-Fest in Yemen

As maintained by Patrick Wilcken, arms control and human rights researcher at Amnesty International: "Emirati forces receive billions of dollars' worth of arms from Western states and others, only to siphon them off to militias in Yemen that answer to no-one and are known to be committing war crimes.

At any rate, the new lucrative deals shed light on what is going to happen next to at least some of the weapons the UAE receives from its American partners: The ground war will continue, weapons will be used not only by UAE forces in Yemen, but will also be passed on to completely unaccountable Coalition-allied and Qaeda terrorists, with an open and long record of war crimes and terrorism.

Given the scope of war crimes and breadth of the catastrophe, the United States and its allies in Europe must halt all their weapons sales or risk being complicit in the Saudi-UAE war crimes. =

(* B K P T)

Telling Only Part of the Story of Jihad

A CNN star reporter should not be shocked to learn that U.S. allies are consorting with Yemeni terrorists

A recent CNN report about U.S. military materiel finding its way into Al Qaeda hands in Yemen might have been a valuable addition to Americans’ knowledge of terrorism.

Entitled “Sold to an ally, lost to an enemy,” the 10-minute segment, broadcast on Feb. 4, featured rising CNN star Nima Elbagir cruising past sand-colored “Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected” armored vehicles, or MRAPs, lining a Yemeni highway.

“That’s just the tip of the iceberg,” she adds. “CNN was told by coalition sources that a deadlier U.S. weapons system, the TOW missile, was airdropped in 2015 by Saudi Arabia to Yemeni fighters, an air drop that was proudly proclaimed across Saudi backed media channels.” The TOWs were dropped into Al Qaeda-controlled territory, according to CNN. But when Elbagir tries to find out more, the local coalition-backed government chases her and her crew out of town.

U.S.-made TOWs in the hands of Al Qaeda? Elbagir is an effective on-screen presence. But this is an old story, which the cable network has long soft-pedaled – by Daniel Lazare

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B)

Film: A Beacon of Hope in Yemen

Just ten miles away from Yemen’s capital city, Dar al-Hajar is a manmade wonder that sits atop a mountain of rocks. Created by Imam Yahya in the 1930s, the palace was the summer home and royal residence for the then ruler of Yemen.

In a country riddled with conflict and disaster, this palace has become a sanctuary for local residents and a beacon of hope for peace in the region.

(* B K)

Revealed: Houthi rebels looting and destroying Yemen's culture

The war in Yemen has left a devastating toll not only its population but also on its cultural history, resulting in the destruction of irreplaceable sites and monuments, according to the country's Ministry of Culture.

Documents provided to The National by the ministry outlined the first ever official account of lost cultural property and artefacts since the beginning of the war in 2015.

“From the start of the war until now Houthi rebels have attempted to destroy all of Yemen’s history. The truth is Yemen is full of historical sites and the damages that are caused have been through looting or direct destruction,” Abdullah Bakkada, Yemen's Deputy Culture Minister, told The National.

Despite the progress of diplomatic efforts, the Yemeni government continues to accuse the rebels of trying to smuggle stolen antiquities out the country for sale on the black market.

My comment: Yes, Yemen’s cultural heritage is destroyed and endangered by the Yemen war. But, apart from looting (which is not just done by the Houthis) blaming the Houthis for this is bullshit propaganda. By far the largest part of destructions of cultural heritage had been caused by Saudi coalition air raids, whether at Sanaa, at Saada, the Dhamar museum, the Marib dam and sanctuaries, and other places…

Comment by Judith Brown: Isn't it amazing how one 'side' in this conflict blames 'the Other' for doing just what they are doing themselves. I have no doubt that this dreadful war is destroying world history in amazing ancient Yemen but all sides are guilty. The Saudi led coalition has attacked UNESCO world heritage sites, museums, ancient mosques complete with some of the earliest Qurans, forts and castles, remains of ancient civilisations, whilst extremist militias on the Saudi 'side' have destroyed ancient mausoleums and shrines. Indeed Saudi Arabia has erased most of the ancient cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia but that's another issue. I am certain that the Houthis have destroyed many things of importance and wonder. But they are not the main perpetrators of this destruction, as this misleading article would make you think.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

[Aden] Central bank governor: we have sufficient reserves to implement monetary policy in the market

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

New 22.32min #AQAP #Yemen video "Dust of Battles" - Good example of framing local struggles as global #jihad (photos)

(A T)

#Yemen un véhicule d'#AQPA ciblé par l'#EI à "Dhi Kalib al-Asfal"

cp15 Propaganda

(B P)

Western media bias in Houthis favor

(B P)

The false narrative surrounding the war in Yemen

The Houthis opened a Pandora’s box, provoking both Sunnis and Shias to fight back, which partially explains the vast proliferation of armed groups and militias on the ground.

Fortunately for some Yemenis, the coalition has contained the Houthis’ influence in some provinces of the country, delivering much-needed support and assistance to the local population.

However, in areas under Houthi control or that of other factions, the situation remains dire, with millions of civilians in the crossfire and suffering from food shortages and disease.

It is time for the world to consider their plight and address the crux of the problem. Yet, this will not be possible if we continue to close our eyes to the crimes committed by the Houthis and the role they played in jump-starting the conflict in the first place.

(B P)

Voting Against Military Aid to Saudi Arabia Wrong

The president is an ardent supporter of Saudi Arabia and may cast the first veto of his presidency.

He would have good reason to do so. A new narrative is emerging in the lengthening confrontation between Saudi Arabia and the Iranian-supported Houthi rebels in Yemen.

For months various Western media outlets have focused on a one-sided interpretation of the Kingdom’s alleged responsibility for the health care and other humanitarian problems hanging over the war-torn nation.

At the same time, a closer look at events in Yemen underscores several truths inconvenient for what has been the prevailing Western narrative of Saudi responsibility for conditions in Yemen. Consonant with Iranian policy, the Houthi rebels are engaged in anti-American and anti-Semitic acts on a regular basis.

My comment: Just think which “arguments” are given here in favor of an US support for a war in a foreign country. And look who the authors are.

(B P)

Who is selling Jerusalem?

Mr. Erdogan, the Turkish President, speaks to the world everyday. A good part of his non-stop speeches are directed against Saudi Arabia. The Moroccan Brotherhood government and media are online around the clock in support. So are the Iranian and Qatari mouthpieces.
I doubt any logical argument would change their narrative. I gave up trying a long time ago. Instead, I would speak to their misguided audience.
Here are their major points and my responses.

My comment: Before blaming Erdogan for anything, the Saudis should look at Khashoggi first. – And Morocco suddenly is “Muslim Brotherhood”? What a bullshit is this?

(A P)

US Ambassador: The Houthis coordinate with al-Qaeda to spark turmoil

The US Ambassador to Yemen Mathew Tueller has said that there are possibilities of coordination between the Houthis with al-Qaeda with the aim of sparking chaos in Yemen.

My comment: This is propaganda nonsense. It just shows once again to which great scale the US is a warring party in Yemen. On the other hand, there is a plenty of evidence for various forms of acceptance and cooperation between Al Qaeda and the Saudi coalition in Yemen.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Feb. 21:

Feb. 20:

Feb. 19:

(A K pH)

Saudi-led airstrike hits citizen's house in Hajjah

The warplanes of US-backed saudi-led aggression coalition on Friday launched an airstrike on Hajjah province, a security official told Saba.

The official said that attack hit a citizen's house in Rahbah area which caused victims, whom the saving teams still incapable of help them due to the continued hovering of the combat jets of US-backed coalition.

(A K pS)

Arab coalition targets Al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen

The Arab coalition targeted Saturday Al-Qaeda positions in the southeastern province of Abyan in Yemen, Al Arabiya sources reported.

The coalition has been carrying out raids over the past week to combat terrorist groups, the report said.

My comment: These seem to be the very first Saudi coalition air raids against Al Qaeda instead against Houthi and civilian targets within nearly four years of Saudi aerial war.

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition airstrikes targeted the al Houthi Jarban training camp in Sanhan district, southeast of Sana’a city, Yemen’s capital, on February 22.[2]

The Saudi-led Coalition also conducted over a dozen airstrikes in multiple locations in Kushar district in Hajjah governorate in western Yemen on February 22. Saudi-led coalition forces are supporting a tribal rebellion against al Houthi forces in Hajjah governorate.[3]

(* A K pH)

Ten martyrs of women, child in saudi-led attacks within last 24 hours

A women was killed as well as three child in two saudi-led air strikes which targeted a citizen's house in Tawya, Hajjah province, the official said.

Four women as well as two child were martyred in Ghamidh valley, Khulan district in saudi- led air raid which targeted a house there.

(A K pH)

Three children, woman killed in six Saudi-led airstrikes on Hajjah

A woman and three children were killed on Wednesday in six Saudi-led coalition air strikes on Hajjah province, a security official told Saba.

The strikes hit citizens' houses in two districts of Koshar and Haradh

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Feb. 23: Sanaa p.

Feb. 22: Saada, Hajjah, Sanaa p. Hajjah p.

Feb. 21: Hajjah p.

Feb. 20: Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K)

Al Houthi forces clash with Hadi government-aligned forces in al Dhaleh governorate

(A K pS)

16 Saudi soldiers killed in fighting against al-Houthi last week

(A K pS)

A landmine planted by Houthis killed a civilian and wounded a child in Al-Shaqab area in South Taiz, Yemen.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* C)

Mukalla In Old Pictures

Mukalla city is old. It was much smaller than other settlements nearby; but, has grown faster than nearby older towns and settlements to become the largest and most populous urban center in Hadhramout; it now has the largest airport and seaport in western Yemen. From the beginning, the sea has always been central and pivotal to Mukalla's development. From the beginning of the 11th Century, settlements started growing in Mukalla. People were mainly attracted by the sea and the protective mountains around. (photos9

(*B )

From Yemen to the world: How Yemeni artists are highlighting displacement

The lack of noise and coverage has inspired a Yemeni art-collective with a goal to highlight the voice of Yemen to the wider world. On Echoes of Invisible Hearts: Narratives of Yemeni Displacement is an art instalment, curated by Lila Nazemian with thoughtful pieces from Yemeni artists including Ibi Ibrahim, a visual artists, filmmaker and musician and director of Romooz Foundation; an independent, non-profit dedicated to the promotion and development of Yemeni Art and Culture.

Nazemian and Ibrahim, alongside other Yemeni artists, Yasmine Diaz, Saba Jallas, Arif Al Nomay, Eman al-Awami, and Habeeb Abu-Futtaim, have taken their work to Berlin, and will soon showcase it in Beirut and Doha. The exhibition aims to examine, highlight and showcase the war in Yemen and the subsequent displacement of its people, from a personal perspective, but at an international level (photos)


Photo: Southern alley, #Shibam - #Yemen

(* B P)

Arab-Israeli Normalization and Anti-Iranian Obsessions

Saudi Arabia and its allies are again stepping up the process of normalization with Israel. Backed by the United States, some Arab governments and the Zionist state are using their common anti-Iranian ideology as a basis for furthering cooperation, while continuing to ignore the Palestinian cause.

These efforts were on display last week at a conference, allegedly on “Peace and Security in the Middle East,” held in Warsaw, Poland. A blatant, anti-Iranian spectacle, U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and representatives of Saudi Arabia and other Arab states gathered together to pave the way for armed attack on Iran.

At the conference, Netanyahu described the increasingly open cooperation with Arab governments as a “historic change.”

(* C)

The Insight Show Notes — Season 2, Episode 15: The Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula

This week on The Insight (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Google Podcasts)we discuss the prehistory of the Arabian peninsula with archaeologist Dr. Jeffrey Rose. We range over tool technology, geology, and the relationship between language and genetics.

Vorige / Previous

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-515 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-515: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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