Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 520 - Yemen War Mosaic 520

Yemen Press Reader 520: 10.–16. März: Jemen: Feste und Hunger – Film: Reporter-Reise in den Jemen – Huthi-Gefängnisse in Dhamar – Konyndyks Statement vor US-Ausschuss – Britische Waffenexporte..

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

... Britische Waffenexporte nach Saudi Arabien – Saudi-Arabien, das Teflon-Königreich – Die Saudi-Lüge – Hodeidah: Kämpfe, gegenseitige Vorwürfe – Saudi-Luftangriff tötet 23 – Kushar: Kämpfe, Huthi-Grausamkeiten – Senat stimmt für Ende der Unterstützung für Saudis im Jemenkrieg – Senats-Votum: besser spät als nie – Pompeos Lügen – und mehr

March 10 to 16: Yemen: Feasts and famine – Film: Journalists’ voyage to Yemen – Houthi prisons at Dhamar – Konydyks statement before US House Committee – British arms exports to Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia, the Teflon kingdom – The Saudi lie – Hodeidah: Fighting, mutual charges – Saudi air raid kills 23 – Kushar: Fighting, Houthi atrocities – US Senate votes to stop support for Saudis in Yemen War – Senate vote: better late then never – Pompeo’s lies – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Saudi-Luftangriff auf Kushar (Hajur) / Most important: Saudi air raid at Kushar (Hajur)

cp1d Am wichtigsten: Aufstand, Kämpfe in Hajur / Most important: Revolt, fighting in Hajur

cp1e Am wichtigsten: US-Senat stimmt gegen Saudi-Krieg / Most important: US senate votes against Saudi war

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Today I visited a school in Bani Matar. I was very sad. They study on the ground. No seats no doors no windows no blackboards

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(** B H K P)

Der vergessene Krieg

Seit bald vier Jahren herrscht im Jemen Krieg, ein Ende ist nicht in Sicht. Die Vereinten Nationen sprechen von der größten humanitären Katastrophe weltweit und versuchen zu vermitteln. Doch die Anstrengungen bleiben erfolglos. Die westliche Öffentlichkeit nimmt aus verschiedenen Gründen kaum Notiz.

„Wir verhungern hier, und es interessiert keinen“

Den Vereinten Nationen zufolge befinden sich rund zehn Millionen Jemeniten inmitten einer Hungersnot oder stehen kurz davor. Vier von fünf Menschen brauchen Nothilfe. Rund zwei Millionen Kinder unter fünf Jahren seien akut unterernährt, sagt die Welthungerhilfe.

Wer die Zahlen hört, mit denen die Hilfsorganisationen Alarm schlagen, erfährt nur die halbe Tragödie. Sie ist jenseits aller Vorstellungskraft. Diese Tragödie ist vor allem lautlos. Niemand wird von Flüchtlingsströmen aus dem Jemen aufgeschreckt, das Land ist abgeschottet, sei es aus geografischen oder politischen Gründen. So ist das Leid in dem bettelarmen Land kaum ein Thema in Europa.

Selten wird deutlich, was die abstrakte Formulierung „größte humanitäre Katastrophe weltweit“ für den Alltag im Jemen wirklich bedeutet. Immer wieder müssen die Menschen über Leben und Tod entscheiden. Sie müssen zum Beispiel die Frage beantworten, ob sie von dem bisschen Geld, das sie haben, den Transport des todkranken Kindes in die nächste Klinik bezahlen oder ob sie davon Brot kaufen. Brot, mit dem der Rest der Familie vielleicht überleben kann.

Tod durch Verdursten – oder durch Krankheit

10.000 Menschen seit Beginn der Militäroffensive gestorben

Doch wer den Krieg ausschließlich als Regionalkonflikt zwischen Sunniten und Schiiten beschreibt, versteht nicht, warum der Jemen in dieses blutige Chaos stürzte und wie wenig dies mit konfessionellen Faktoren zu tun hat. Die Lage im Land erscheint immer vielschichtiger und verwirrender, je mehr man sich ihr nähert.

Der Krieg steckt in einer Sackgasse

Und so wird die „humanitäre Katastrophe“ im Jemen wohl kein schnelles Ende finden. Inzwischen wird sogar befürchtet, dass die nächste Cholera-Epidemie bevorsteht. Die Statistiken lassen dies vermuten, sagt Waleed Al-Wateery von der Organisation für Gesundheitsentwicklung. Es gebe viele neue Cholera-Verdachtsfälle – Von Jürgen Stryjak

Mein Kommentar: Gute Einführung. Es sind aber nicht 10.000 Tote – inklusive der „indirekten“ Opfer kommt 200.000 der Realität näher. – Und die Überschrift ist unglücklich: Wenn der Krieg in den Medien vernachlässigt wird – weil er kein Ruhmesblatt für den „Westen“ ist – dann ist er nicht „vergessen“. Und die Jemeniten „vergessen“ ihn ganz bestimmt nicht.

(* B H K P)

Krieg gegen den Jemen- Vier Jahre Bruch des Völkerrechts und Deutschlands Beitrag

Das Resultat dieser brutalen Militärintervention unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens, die von Anfang an vor allem zum Ziel hatte, die wirtschaftlichen und geopolitischen Interessen Riads und seiner westlichen Verbündeten abzusichern: die laut Vereinten Nationen größte humanitäre Katastrophe unserer Zeit, über 57.000 allein durch Kampfhandlungen Getötete und weitere unzählige Menschenleben, die der von Saudi-Arabien verhängten See-, Land- und Luftblockade zum Opfer gefallen sind.

Geostrategische Interessen

Die Militärkoalition wird von den USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich aktiv unterstützt.

Deutsche Bundesregierung als Erfüllungsgehilfin

Es waren nicht die unzähligen Opfer des Jemenkrieges, die die Bundesregierung zum Handeln brachten – von Zaklin Nastic, MbB

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H)

Feasts in land of famine

Juxtapose my feast against another oft-repeated scene in Yemen that sometimes feels straight out of Dickens.

I’m in a crowded hospital, its fraying corridors filled with the cloying odour of antiseptic. I see faces weathered by tears and bodies broken by hunger. One of them, a desperate mother, is cradling a skeletal child with protruding ribs and hollow eyes. The infant is a bag of bones, barely clinging on to life, too weak to even cry. A doctor tries to draw blood, but can’t find the vein in the baby’s rail-thin arm.

The mother, also weak and gaunt, coos gently in the baby’s ear, clinging to hope despite the vacant stares. She and her husband have had to make an impossible choice at a time of war—cough up an unaffordable taxi fare to bring this child to hospital or feed their other children. It’s a choice that no parent should have to make (photos)

(** B H K)

Film: Saudi-Arabiens Angriffskrieg im Jemen - Die humanitäre Katastrophe und der Westen

28 Millionen Menschen leben im Jemen. 22 Millionen sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Acht Millionen direkt von einer Hungersnot bedroht. Was das für Einzelne heissen kann, dokumentieren Pascal Weber und Marine Pradel. Ein Jahr lang haben sie sich um Zugang zum Jemen bemüht. Endlich konnten sie die mit erheblichen Risiken verbundene Reise antreten. Sie erhielten Zugang zum Süden des Landes. Unter anderem reisten sie nach Aden, in die provisorische Hauptstadt.

Das Autorenteam reist in ein Lager, wo die Geflüchteten auf sich alleine gestellt sind. Verletzt, erkrankt und traumatisiert suchen sie nach Worten, was die treibenden Kräfte dieses Krieges sind. Viele wissen es nicht. Zu sehen sind die immensen Schäden.

«Der Jemen ist elend, verwüstet, und ein hoffnungsloser Fall», sagt einer der jungen Jemeniten, die Pascal Weber und Marine Pradel auf ihrer Reise durch den Südjemen kennengelernt haben. Doch sie haben auch die 12-jährige Noor getroffen, die sagt: «Ich will Architektin werden und mein Land wieder aufbauen!»

(** B P)

The passengers transit area that has been transformed into the Bermuda Triangle. "Al-Masdar Online" traces the map of Houthi prisons in Dhamar (Special report)

Nearly 3,000 abducted and forcibly hidden in the Houthi militia jails in Dhamar province, including 1668 abducted from the same province, until the end of last year 2018, according to reports from local organizations.

With the increase in kidnapping and enforced disappearances, the militia's arrest as a precautionary measure to deter its opponents, and retaliation for punishing the opponents of the coup d'état, in addition to the fact that arrest and kidnapping are a good source of money paid as ransom for the release of detainees, the number of prisons that It was developed by militias in the city, along with police stations and existing detention centers have increased.

In this report, "Al-Masdar online" monitors a number of public and private prisons in Dhamar, and how they were transformed from a transit area linking south and central Yemen to Sana'a, to a main headquarters for the arrest and detention of key party, political and civil leaders, brutal torture and intentional homicide, and places to wash the minds of the forcibly hidden, and a place to damage them physically and psychologically, in addition to terrorizing their relatives and looting their money and possessions.

Dhamar Media Center mentioned in statistics that there are more than 55 secret and public prisons in the city of Dhamar and its suburbs, as well as houses – there are no official statistics of the number-which became secret and temporary detention for opponents of the Houthi militias, with tens of prisons and public and private buildings in the directorates of the province that the coup group turned into places of detention and torture of the abductees and the group's opponents.

(** B H K P)

The Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: Addressing Current Political and Humanitarian Challenges

Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Sub-Committee on the Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism

Jeremy Konyndyk, Senior Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development 6 March 2019

While conflict in a country as vulnerable as Yemen inevitably creates humanitarian needs, the extreme severity of this crisis flows directly from the conduct of the war. All sides in this conflict share culpability for what is now the worst humanitarian emergency in the world. But that does not mean the culpability is evenly distributed.

Any fair assessment must assign predominant responsibility for the humanitarian crisis to the Saudi and Emirati-led Coalition and their conscious choices of tactics in this war. While both the Houthis and the Coalition have been responsible for impeding humanitarian response, the Saudi/Emirati Coalition is much more directly responsible for creating and aggravating the underlying conditions that have accelerated the humanitarian emergency

I want to be clear that the Houthi militants who control much of the country do bear a substantial share of responsibility for the abysmal conditions in Yemen today.

But the Saudi/Emirati Coalition’s behavior is the more dominant factor. Yemen’s crisis flows fundamentally from the collapse of the country’s economy and infrastructure, and this collapse is a direct, foreseeable, and seemingly intentional consequence of KSA/UAE political and military strategy. The Coalition’s behavior is also disproportionally important because the US has been involved in supporting and enabling it. For nearly four years, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have mounted an air campaign over Yemen using US-supplied bombs dropped out of US-refueled planes flown by US-trained pilots.

This involvement gives the US a degree of culpability, but also means the US has unique leverage to change Coalition behavior – something that we lack with respect to the Houthis. We must begin to apply this leverage

My comment: This is a brutally honest statement from within the “Empire”, simply showing the facts as they are.

(** B K P)

Written evidence submitted by Control Arms UK

Control Arms UK recommends that:

Arms transfers and the war in Yemen

While the war in Yemen continues and attendant serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law occur, the UK applies a de facto embargo on any arms transfers to Saudi Arabia or UAE, and suspends existing licences and deny future applications for transfers to all other members of the Saudi and UAE -led Coalition where there is any risk that those arms might be used in the conflict in Yemen

The government calls on other arms exporting countries to apply the same policies (as above), including at the level of the EU.

The government acknowledges the Coalition’s investigative mechanism, the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT), falls short of relevant international standards including those of transparency, independence, impartiality and effectiveness.

CAEC uses its report to highlight the extent to which the UK’s conduct vis-à-vis arms exports is damaging the rules based international system, including the ATT, and that the government should move to become immediately and consistently compliant with its international obligations.

The government improves efforts to adopt a joined-up approach to conflict resolution and prevention, and stops authorising arms exports which may undermine humanitarian, development and peace-building initiatives, including those supported by DFID.

Section 2: Arms transfers and the war in Yemen

Licences granted to Saudi Arabia

The UK has been one of the main arms suppliers of the Saudi and UAE -led Coalition fighting in the war in Yemen, with Saudi Arabia the principle recipient.

and summarizing report:

(** B K P)

Damning Yemen report calls on UK to come clean over arms exports

Study questions lack of detail surrounding scale and quantity of weapons sales

A highly critical report has found extensive flaws in the British government’s arms sales strategy.

Based on analysis of the Yemen conflict, the study urges a reduction in weapons exports to conflict zones and states involved in human rights abuses.

(** B P)

The Teflon Kingdom

Saudi Arabia is confident it can buy out the West, and Australia is happy to oblige

Amid all the comparisons – “the Next Saddam Hussein” (Foreign Policy), “Gaddafi on steroids” (Al Jazeera), “a Modern-day Saddam” (Middle East Eye) – you could forget that the West has been working with guys “like that” forever. In the Middle East the “reformers” have always been a rogue’s gallery, and the Saudi reformers especially so: The New York Times was talking up a ruler “more progressive and international-minded than his autocratic father” all the way back in 1953.

By now, the Saudis know that they do not have to wait very long for someone to provide a “but” on their behalf.

What we have learnt is that nothing – not even murdering journalists in embassies – will move the rusted-on pro-Saudi constituency in foreign policy circles. Middle Eastern oil is not quite the critical geo-security interest it once was – shale gas and renewables are diminishing this as an economic blackmail prospect – but the zombie belief in “stability” can still pick up the slack. “Saudi Arabia is the ally of the West,” Downer added. “Abandoning the relationship with Saudi Arabia would further weaken the interests and influence of the Western powers in the Middle East.

It doesn’t matter that Saudi Arabia is a state sponsor of terrorism. It doesn’t matter that it works as a destabilising force in Lebanon, Qatar and anywhere the Islamic State has a foothold. It doesn’t matter that it has spent billions of dollars exporting its militaristic interpretation of Islam in the explicit and successful hope of turning militants against other governments instead of the House of Saud. It is especially irrelevant that it continues its atrocities in Yemen – by Richard Cook

(** B P)

The Saudi Lie

With very few credentials and no experience in government – he became defence minister at the age of 29 – MBS knew at least how to manipulate global media. To promote his plan to ‘liberalise’ society and diversify the economy, reducing its reliance on oil and opening it up to foreign investment (a programme, largely devised by McKinsey, called Vision 2030), he launched a pervasive PR campaign costing millions of dollars, hiring APCO Worldwide, a Washington-based firm, to boost the coverage and facilitate his visits to the US.

MBS’s paid defenders have a line on detention: ‘Prison in Saudi Arabia is quite benign.’ Those were the words used during a televised debate by Ali Shihabi, the director of the Arabia Foundation, a Saudi-funded Washington think-tank founded in 2017 that is effectively a PR firm in all but name.

What does MBS’s progress look like in the eyes of his ardent supporters in the press? In 2016, David Ignatius foresaw a great transformation in Saudi Arabia under the crown prince.

It wasn’t only the media that glorified MBS: academics, too, joined the chorus celebrating the promised transformation.

In fact, the industry is all on the other side. Many Middle East and Islamic Studies centres at elite American and British universities – Harvard, MIT and Cambridge among them – have long received Saudi funding, always a challenge to academic objectivity.

Only two events have really tested MBS’s ability to have the world’s media dance to his tune. One is the war on Yemen.

The other event, of course, was the killing of Khashoggi.

Why have Western reporters – at least until Khashoggi’s killing – failed to see the MBS era for what it is? Some, of course, have been swayed by propaganda, money or charm, glorifying his so-called reforms and defending his erratic style of government. But others just weren’t listening.

If Saudi progress is to be measured against Western models, then we had better be sure we measure everything – not just the words of a prince, or how excellently he adheres to McKinsey’s economic plans. Behind all the distorted coverage of Saudi Arabia, it seems to me, is an exoticising assumption: they’ll never be quite like us, though they deserve extravagant praise for trying. But Saudi Arabia is a country like any other. Autocracy and dictatorship are not its natural or inevitable forms of government. Journalism that celebrates incremental reform while ignoring the structural problems of life under absolute monarchy is no help. But I imagine most of the part-time Saudi-watchers would be horrified at the thought of a real revolutionary change that might eventually lead to a restriction of the powers of the monarch, or even the monarchy’s abolition. That would be the real nightmare for Saudi Arabia’s Western allies – by Madawi Al-Rasheed

(** B K P)

Passage of SJR 7, Better Late Than Never

On the positive side, the passage reaffirms the strong interest among Democrats in Congress to end the war in Yemen and reclaim the war powers authority of the legislative branch of government.

The flip side of this is that a 54 majority is still six votes short of what’s needed to overcome a probable presidential veto to prevent the bill from becoming law.

Between watering-down amendments and the threat of a presidential veto, the measure passed by the Senate is still a long way from guaranteeing an end to the war in Yemen.

The question, to both the Arab coalition and to the Houthis should be, “Do you guys really want peace or not?”

The Houthis, battling the Hajour and other tribes in northern Yemen are fighting desperately, if sometimes brutally, to keep from losing strategic areas from which the Saudi-led forces could penetrate into their so far safe zones.

Regionally and internationally, there also seems to be no rush for Saudi Arabia to end the conflict. They have handled international opprobrium by fighting back with bought media and think tank outlets literally staving off many journalists and scholars from criticizing them.

All participants in the Yemen war are currently benefiting from its continuation. The Hadi government is getting rich on the largesse of Saudi Arabia. Its members are notoriously corrupt and not providing basic goods and services to their countrymen; and lack any incentive in trying to find peace for their country.

The Trump administration has made it clear that Saudi Arabia is a cash-cow they are not interested in abandoning

For the US, the long term national interest is not being served. The longer this war continues, the stronger the connection gets between the Houthis on the one hand and Iran and Hezbollah on the other – by Nabeel Khoury

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Third Cholera Outbreak in Yemen Due to Ongoing Aggression and Siege

In light of the ongoing US-Saudi-UAE aggression and siege on Yemen, cholera outbreak, which claimed thousands of lives last year, has returned. The Yemeni Ministry of Health reported more than 70 thousand cases and suspected cholera cases during the three months, with more than 103 associated deaths since the beginning of the year.

(* B H)

Taiz.. one person dies of cholera and 2864 infected since beginning of 2019

(* B H)

2818 people have died from #cholera in #Yemen and suspected cholera cases have surpassed 1,461,466 since April 2017, #Yemen Health Ministry says. The question is why the #cholera outbreak epidemic continues spreading in #Yemen as billions of $$$ being spent to stop the disease

(* B H)

12 people infected with cholera died in Dhamar since the beginning of this year. Medical sources said Sana'a hospitals receives 100 cases of #cholera daily

(* B H)

US-Saudi Aggression Prevents all Possible Measures to Face Cholera Outbreak, in Yemen

The cholera and starvation that is currently afflicting Yemenis are completely man-made and the product of a brutal, protracted war and the ongoing silence of the international community.

Freeman Spogli Institute has documented at least 75 instances in which US-Saudi airstrikes appear to have purposely caused damage to water, health and sanitation facilities in the northern part of the country.

(* B H)

Film: Fears of new cholera outbreak as Sanaa’s sewers overflow

(B H)

Photos: Cholera-infected people receive medical treatment in Sanaa, Yemen

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(** B P)

Inertia on the Red Sea coast: Will Yemen’s political process collapse?

Three months after the signing of the Stockholm Agreement, a frail hope of de-escalation in Yemen remains - but only if the warring parties soon implement its key measures.

There has been significant discussion of the types of “local forces” that are meant to fill the void following coalition or Houthi withdrawals. The Houthis have interpreted the phrase as signalling that their local allies can stay where they are, while many foreign officials have said that the “spirit of the deal” calls for neutral actors to take their place. Pushing for a broad Houthi withdrawal, Yemeni government officials have compiled exhaustive lists of alleged Houthi violations of the deal.

Contacts familiar with Houthi movement state that it is reluctant to grant pro-government forces an opportunity to establish a foothold in Hudayda lest the peace process collapse, or to withdraw in a manner that will set a precedent for future talks (regardless of assurances to the contrary). Thus, a lack of trust has made it increasingly difficult to implement key aspects of the Stockholm Agreement – by Adam Baron

(A K pH)

Saudi Artillery Bombardment Kills A Girl and Injures Two women in Yemen’s Hodeida

(A P)

Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General

Spokesman: Sure. The… first of all, the ceasefire is still generally holding. Both Martin Griffiths and General Lollesgaard continue to have contacts with various actors on this to try to push for the actual implementation of the agreement.

(A P)

The cost of the international observer Mission in Hodeidah has exceeded 17 million dollar over the past three months

(* A K pS)

Al-Houthi militia targets government team in Al-Hadidah Redeployment Committee

The Houthi militia on Tuesday targeted the Yemeni government team in the Coordinating and redeployment Committee formed in accordance with the Stockholm Agreement on Hodeidah

(* A K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman: Mercenaries Committed 505 Violations in the last 48 hours

(A K pH)

March 14: In Hodeidah, US-Saudi mercenaries targeted with over 65 artillery shells and machine guns civilians' farms and properties in Attohayta and Addurayhimi districts.

(* B H)

World Food Programme: Back to Yemen: Enabling life-saving work through connectivity in Al-Hudaydah

“Even the day we arrived, the port was empty, not even one ship. The silence in the air was almost palpable,” Jalal explains. Coming from frantic Rome, he found the eerie silence of the city was what had the biggest impact on him. “When you first enter Al Hudaydah, even approaching the outskirts of the city, you see the effects of war: blockades and ruined buildings. The city, normally bustling, is so quiet, with barely any people on the streets… in some parts it feels like a ghost town.”

As you enter the city, there is a shocking sense of disconnect from the outside world.

Inside the city, there is no fibre or any other landline connection at all. You suddenly realize you are going somewhere that is completely cut off.”

In response to this, the ETC has established four Internet ‘hubs’ where UN and non-government organizations (NGO) staff can access critical Internet connectivity. The ETC is the sole Internet provider in the city,enabling the entire humanitarian response in the area.

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Hodeidah vessel accommodation (March 2019)

(A K)

INGO statement on attacks in Hajjah and renewed fighting in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Yemen: Houthis increase tension with missile strike

A soldier was killed and 14 severely wounded on Thursday when Houthi rebels attacked a military base in Yemen’s Al Khokha in southern Hodeidah.

(* A K pH)

Army's spokesman: 534 new violations by coalition in Hodeidah during past 72 hours

(A P)

Effective today, Houthi controlled education office in Hodeida officially ordered schools to have students chant Houthi slogan “Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the Jews, glory to Islam” every morning after they sing national anthem.

(A P)

Houthis Detain Scores of Civilians in Hodeida West Yemen

(A P)

Mothers kidnapped in Hodeidah denounce the kidnapping of women by the Houthi community

(A K pS)

Houthi Militia Targets Yemeni Redeployment Coordination Committee

Remark: As claimed by Saudi Press Agency.

(* A K pS)

About 18 civilians killed, wounded in Hodeida

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels killed and wounded today, Monday, about 18 civilians through bombing populated neighborhoods in Hodeida.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, March 13th, 2019

(A P)

Source denies propaganda promoted by coalition on targeting redeployment Commission for coalition

Remark: By the Sanaa government.

(* B K P)

Whole Truth Behind Choked Stockholm’s, UN-Brokered, Agreement about Hodeidah

The Yemeni Army and Popular Committees have made a lot of concessions and started implementing the first phase of the redeployment in Hodeidah as agreed in the UN-brokered ceasefire agreement signed between the Yemeni National Delegation and Riadh-backed Delegation in December. However, the US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries hindered, delayed, did not abide by the implementation of the agreement and continued their violations.

Remark: By the Houthi side.

(* A K)

Film: Trotz Waffenstillstand: Neue Gefechte im Jemen

In der jemenitischen Hafenstadt Hodeida bekämpften sich Regierungstruppen und Houthi-Milizen. =

(* A K pS)

Yemen: Fierce confrontations renewed in Hodeidah

Fierce confrontations flared up between Houthi militia and joint forces backed by the Arab Coalition in the Al Duraihimi area of Hodeidah on Friday night, a joint forces spokesperson said.

and also

(* A K pS)

Arab Coalition: 18 violations of ceasefire committed in Hodeida in one day

the Iran-backed Houthi rebels committed 18 violations of the Hodeida ceasefire during Friday alone.

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Saudi-Luftangriff auf Kushar (Hajur) / Most important: Saudi air raid at Kushar (Hajur)

(* A K)

Yemenis bury children killed in Hajjah air strikes

Hundreds of mourners in northern Yemen on Thursday buried 17 civilians, including nine children, killed in air strikes last week as Western pressure increased on the warring parties to end the devastating four-year war.




(* A K)

Funeral for martyrs of saudi-committed Kushar massacre held in Sanaa

A funeral was held on Thursday in the capital Sanaa to the martyrs killed in saudi-led warplanes' attack on Kushar district which killed ans wounded tens of women and children.
Bodies of 17 martyrs killed was transported to their last destination to be a sign of dignity of the Yemeni honorable people.

(** A K pH)

In Bid to Control Yemen Border Towns, Saudi Arabia Employs Deadly Airstrikes and Jihadi Militias

At least 28 civilians, mostly displaced women and children, were killed and 17 were injured after the Saudi-led Coalition launched a barrage of airstrikes in the early hours of Sunday morning in Yemen’s northwestern Hajjah Province. The airstrikes, at least 30 in number, struck 13 residential homes in the Talan village of Hajjah’s Koshar district.

“Airstrikes targeted our neighborhood so we fled to another house and then again to Mohammed Ibrahim Zulil`s house. Here [at Zulil`s house], a double-airstrike hit,” recounted al-Hadi, one of the few survivors of the attack. He pointed to the rubble of the Zulil home where dead bodies were still buried under the ruins.

Al-Hadi was out buying milk for his children when airstrikes hit the Zulil home. “When I arrived, just two of my daughters were alive and screaming, the rest of my family was killed,” Al-Hadi recounted in a breaking voice. Eight of his family members were killed in the attack and four of his children survived.

Rescue efforts were complicated by a lack of medical equipment and fear of additional airstrikes, as Saudi warplanes continued to circle the area after the initial strikes. “There were survivors under the rubble who died because of the delay in the rescue operation,” one of the rescuers told MintPress.

Ambulances from Yemen’s health ministry rushed to the scene of the attack only to be targeted by additional Saudi airstrikes. At least one ambulance was destroyed while en route to the scene of the attack.

Dr. Taha al Mutwakel, Yemen’s Minister of Health said:

The houses were bombed on Sunday morning. So far (8:00 p.m.) our rescue crews have not been able to reach them. An ambulance was destroyed by a double-tap strike when it tried to enter the district.”

Saudi Arabia has been known to use double-tap airstrikes in Yemen, carrying out an initial airstrike and then circling back to target rescuers and ambulances.

Three of the homes targeted in the attack belonged to the Zalil, al Ahdab, and al Hadi families. The families had recently taken in a number of displaced peoples who were fleeing from clashes in nearby areas. Like many families that reside in the strategic Kushar directorate, the three families that were targeted in the attack had refused to cooperate with Saudi Arabia to facilitate the entry of Saudi troops through their neighborhoods.

Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news distributed footage the attack taken by drones, claiming the Coalition had targeted 20 Houthis as they fled to a home in Kushar, but the footage shows women and unarmed civilians as they were attempting to flee al Zulil’s home.

Yemen’s Ministry of Public Health and Population told MintPress News that the Saudi airstrikes killed at least 28 civilians, including 14 children, and nine women. The death toll is expected to rise, as at least 17 people have been reported injured from the attack. The 48th Hospital, where most of the victims of the airstrike are being treated, is already overcrowded with victims from previous airstrikes. Most of the wounded are in critical condition with wounds to the back or head. At least one victim of the attack, a 17-year-old girl, has succumbed to her injuries, according to hospital administrators.

In the aftermath of the attack, Yemen’s Health Ministry launched an urgent appeal for aid and called for victims of the attack to be allowed to be transported by air for treatment abroad, saying, “our capacities prevent us from treating any more of wounded.” – by Ahmed Abdulkareem

Remark: The correct figure of killed victims is 23.

(** A K)

Health Ministry: Death Toll Rises in Kushar’s Massacre, 43 Children and Women

The total number of victims killed in the US-Saudi massacre rose to 23 and the outcome is still likely to rise. "Ambulance crews are still working to retrieve the remains of the victims from underneath the rubble of 13 destroyed houses," Al-Hadhri said in a statement.

Al-Hadhri said earlier today that there are critical cases among the victims of the massacre. He pointed out that according to the ministry's emergency information, there were about 70 children and women who had taken refuge in houses that were bombed by the aggression.

and also

(* A K)

Minister of Health Examines Medical Situation of New US-Saudi Massacre in Hajjah

One of the victims of the massacre was 14-year-old, Noura Khaled al-Zulil, who died shortly before she arrived at the hospital because of her critical medical condition.

The Minister of Health pointed out that the hospital received, on Sunday, evening March 10, seven wounded women, their ages are less than thirty-five. The victims, who were sent to the 48th Hospital in the capital Sana'a, suffered serious injuries ranging from injuries to the brain and fractures to the ribs and bones.

(* A K P)


(* A K)

The names of the victims of the US-Saudi aggression air raids on #Kushardistrict of #Hajjah province on 10/3/2019:

(** A K)

Twenty-two civilians killed, including children, in north Yemen: U.N.

Air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition killed at least 22 civilians, including women and children, this week in a village in northern Yemen, the United Nations said.

Medical sources quoted by the U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen said late on Monday that the attacks in Kushar district, in Hajja Province, killed 10 women and 12 children and wounded 30 people, including 14 under the age of 18.

(** A K pH)

Saudi Fighters Kill Women, Children in Yemen

Local sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Saudi warplanes bombarded residential buildings in Talan village of Kushar district in Yemen's Northwestern province of Hajjah on Sunday afternoon, leaving 20 women and a child dead, Al-Masirah television network reported.

The sources added that the attacks leveled five houses to the ground. Locals were looking for possible survivors under the rubble.

Saudi fighter jest also reportedly targeted ambulances, preventing doctors and paramedics from reaching the area.

(** A K pH)

20 women killed in Saudi aggression air strikes on Hajjah

At least 20 women and an child were killed in Saudi aggression air strikes on Hajjah province on Sunday, a security official told Saba.

The strikes hit houses of the citizens in Talan area of Koshar district, the official added.

On Saturday, the official said that the aggression fighter jets launched more than 30 raids on the district.

and also

(** A K)

Film: US-Saudi war criminals kill Yemen women & children deliberately! This video proves this: They saw the women & children fleeing & hiding in this house. They bombed it with 30 airstrikes, killing 23& injuring 30 Saying they were Houthi fighters!!

Tracked 18 women&child via drones, they took shelter in neighbor house, raided & killed them all. #Saudi #AlArabia aired massacre recording, realized magnitude of their crime & in less than 24hrs accused Houthi of doing it, ignoring fact their media hv aired & documented it! = and also the main scenes here and here

(A K P)

Dozens killed and injured by new attacks in western Yemen, UN coordinator condemns ‘outrageous’ toll

and also

(A K P)

Arab coalition: we carried out quality air strikes to protect citizens in the center of Koshar Directorate

The air strikes were aimed at protecting the citizens from al-Houthi militia, the coalition said in a brief statement released Saturday night.

My comment: LOL, LOL, LOL. “Quality air strike” – a new Orwellian wording.

Photos: (injured boy Ammar Akis, 14) (only two child survivors)

Films: = (in 3 parts) and and

This old man walked into this fridge to identify his Sisters, Daughters, Sons & his grandchildren been killed by #Saudi #UAE strike on their home March10

In this one grave,10 members of Ahdaab family were buried in sacks 1.43

Ahmed is 1.5 years old. All his family was killed by US-Saudi war criminals.

cp1d Am wichtigsten: Aufstand, Kämpfe in Hajur / Most important: Revolt, fighting in Hajur

Siehe / Look at cp1c

Hintergrund / Background: =

(* B H K)

Film: Jemen: Auf der Flucht im eigenen Land

Diese Bilder zeigen die Lage in einem improvisierten Flüchtlingslager in der Region Kuschar in der nordwestlichen Küstenprovinz Hadscha.

Mehr als 5.300 Familien mussten laut Vereinten Nationen in den vergangenen Wochen aus Kuschar fliehen. Das Gebiet ist zum Brennpunkt des blutigen Bürgerkriegs geworden. Hier bekämpfen sich mächtige einheimische Stämme und Huthi-Rebellen. Leidtragende sich die Zivilisten

(** B K P)

Hajour tribes, Houthis locked in key battle in northern Yemen

Hostilities flared up between the Houthis and the Hajour tribes after the tribes captured Houthi fighters in the tribal territory. The incident escalated in early February into an ongoing fierce battle.

The battle of Hajour may extend to the Huth triangle south of Saada province and cut off the main road linking it with Sanaa. The Houthis would almost be completely trapped in Saada, their stronghold.

Stressing the importance of the Hajour battle, Sharafy pointed to the complex topography of the region and its connection to the neighboring tribal areas, describing the battle as the internal revolution of the tribes of the north.

According to Sharafy, the Hajour tribes are so far winning this round

Ahmed Jarib, a member of the Houthis' political bureau, told Al-Monitor, “The Saudi-led coalition’s failure to achieve any military progress on the various fronts in Yemen pushed it to ignite the battles in Hajour.”

He pointed out that Riyadh tried to exploit the situation of Hajour, from where hundreds of Salafists hail.

So far the odds are in favor of the Houthis. However, the battle in Hajour will be a long-drawn-out war of attrition since the battleground is overly sensitive to tribalism. This battle will undermine the Houthis’ influence in general and will continue to be a future threat to them. The tribes that the Houthis once bet on for support in their battles could now turn against them.

(* B K P)

Yemen's warring sides trade blame after women and children killed

Fighting has been raging in Kushar district for weeks as fighters from the Hajour tribe resist advancing Houthi rebels.

The Houthis, who control large parts of Yemen, claim that elements of the Hajour tribe have been stockpiling weapons provided by Saudi Arabia and bringing fighters into the area, a breach of a six-year-old truce that had seen the Hajour remain neutral throughout the current conflict.

The Hajour, however, claim that the Houthis have repeatedly shelled Kushar with heavy artillery, and are trying to wrest control of the mountainous region that it says forms a natural fortress.

(* B K P)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Hajjah - Flash Update 3 | 23 February - 11 March 2019

violence continued, with airstrikes and shelling incidents reported in Haradh, Hayran and Midi districts. In late January,
Kushar district became a new flashpoint when clashes broke out between pro-Ansar Allah forces and the Hajour tribesmen of Kushar.

(A K P)

ED Statement: Intensification of fighting impeding humanitarian access and displacing thousands in Hajjah, Yemen

(A K)

INGO statement on attacks in Hajjah and renewed fighting in Hodeidah

(A K)

Human rights groups demand to save people of Hajour

(A K P)

Yemen government calls for investigation into alleged acts of genocide by Houthis

Houthis have taken control of northern Hajjah province, exacerbating humanitarian crisis

Mr Al Eryani called for an international investigation into what he called “Houthi genocide against the Hajoor tribe”.

Remark: Hadi government.

(A K P)

Yemen's "Rasd Coalition" for Monitoring Human Rights Violations reported Houthi crimes against civilians in Hajour, Hajjah Province, according to SABA news agency. =

(* B K P)

Local sources said dozens of civilians were killed and injured, including children and women, during the Houthi group shelling at populated villages of Kushar district in Hajjah governorate.

(B P)

The harrowing conflict in #Hajjah b/t #Houthis & tribes in N. #Yemen has been ongoing for the past two months but Int'l media coverage remains absent. No presence of @UN agencies or Int'l aid organizations to help those affected by this conflict, so read & retweet:

"#Houthis attacked the Hajour province of #Hajjah, #Yemen after breaking a local peace agreement with tribes. They used using heavy weaponry, explosives & ballistic missiles, that directly targeted civilians."

Remark: By a strictly anti-Houthi author (Saudi-sponsored Arabia Foundation).

The Houthi view is quite different, 3 videos:

(A K P)

Video, March 15: Crimes of subversion gangs burning houses in Al -Abaisa 14-03-2019

(A K P)

Video, March 8: Yemeni army liberates al-Abaisa area

Ansarullah Media center on Friday released video footage shows al-Abaisa area and its market in Kushar district of Hajjah province, after the Yemeni army liberating the whole areas.


(A K P)

Video, March 8: Al - Masirah channel wandering around the market of the abyss at the Directorate of Kasher 08-03-2019

and this is a video by the anti-Houthi side:

(A K P)

Video, March 9: The sources said that fierce fighting in the area of Talan, following attacks by the militia towards the tribal areas ...

(A P)

Film: The women cry: "#Houthis initiated their attacks", "coming into our homes with their rockets & tanks", "We will never be subservient to #Houthis"

(A P)

After crushing the tribes, Houthis are mass arresting people in Hajour. They snatch them from their homes, road, farms, markets. Those coming in and out of Hajour r snatched by Houthis.

(* A P)

Heads of GPC and Islah Parties Slaughtered by Houthis in Hajoor North Yemen

After taking over Al Abaisa area, in the province of Hajja north Yemen, Houthis have carried out mass killings of their anti-combatants as well as slaughtering top leaders of political parties in Hajoor, north Yemen.

and also (Arabic)

(* A P)

Houthis Commit Brutal Crimes in Hajoor North Yemen

and also

(* A P)

Houthis continue to persecute residents of Koshar

(A K P)

The leader in Hajur resistance “Abu Muslim Al- Zu’kri” killed in fierce fighting against al-Houthi

(A K P)

News of the killing of the resistance leader and his brother and the president of the Congress Party in Koshar

(** A K pS P)

Yemen’s Houthis take villages vital to the northern front

Houthi rebels have gained ground in the mountainous northwest of Yemen, seizing tribal villages, killing anti-rebel fighters and civilians after weeks of intense clashes.

The rugged mountainous area near the Saudi border has become an important front line in recent weeks as local Hajoor tribesmen battle against the Iran-backed rebel assault.

“The rebels killed 62 civilians in the Hajoor tribal area, among them were 5 children and 5 women,” Yemen’s Minister of Human Rights Mohammed Askar told The National. “Also 217 were injured in the fighting and 268 families were displaced.”

and also


(** B H K P)

UN warns thousands trapped in Yemen's northern flashpoint

A U.N. humanitarian agency warned Tuesday that thousands of Yemeni civilians caught in fierce clashes between warring factions are trapped in an embattled northern district, an area that has become another flashpoint in the country's bitter civil war.

Over 5,300 families have fled from the district of Kushar and surroundings in the past weeks, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA. The overall number of displaced people in the governorate of Hajjah, where Kushar is located, has doubled the past six months, the U.N. said.

Remark, comment by Judith Brown: The background to this new area of conflict begins with the patronage system of the ex President Saleh. […]So now we have a local and brutal conflict - most people seem to think that on the ground the Houthis have advantage but there have been many civilians caught up in this latest flashpoint, sadly. Of course as in this war and all,wars both sides blame this on the other side.

cp1e Am wichtigsten: US-Senat stimmt gegen Saudi-Krieg / Most important: US senate votes against Saudi war

(** A K P)

US-Außenminister droht dem Internationalen Gerichtshof

Die Argumentation von Pompeo ist entlarvend. Wer den Krieg und die humanitäre Not wirklich bekämpfen wolle, müsse den saudischen Krieg unterstützen, um zu verhindern, "dass der Jemen sich in einen Puppenstaat der korrupten, brutalen Islamischen Republik Iran verwandelt". Man müsse verhindern, dass Teheran seine autoritäre Herrschaft erweitert oder die Schifffahrtslinien um den Jemen kontrolliert - und das durch Unterstützung des autoritären und repressiven saudischen Regimes, einer Monarchie als Diktatur, die sich im Krieg durch Bombardierung von zivilen Zielen hervorgetan hat.

Die USA hätten dem jemenitischen Volk zwei Milliarden US-Dollar für humanitäre Hilfe gegeben, der Iran nichts: "Wenn man das Leiden der Menschen im Jemen mindern will, dann darf man den Konflikt nicht durch Behinderung unserer Partner im Kampf verlängern, sondern muss der saudischen Koalition die benötigte Hilfe gewähren, um die vom Iran unterstützten Rebellen niederzuschlagen und einen gerechten Frieden sicherzustellen." Dialog gibt es in dieser Welt nicht, nur Durchsetzung der Macht und die Aufteilung in Gut und Böse.

Bemerkung: Dazu weiter unten, von Daniel Larison.

(** A K P)

Senat stimmt für Ende der Beteiligung am Jemen-Krieg

Der Senat hat Präsident Donald Trump zur Beendigung der Zusammenarbeit mit Saudi-Arabien im jemenitischen Bürgerkrieg aufgefordert. Die Vereinigten Staaten sollen ihre militärische Unterstützung für die von Riad geführte Koalition im Jemen-Krieg einstellen, hieß es in einer am Mittwoch im Senat verabschiedeten parteiübergreifenden Resolution. 54 Senatoren stimmten für den Text, darunter auch sieben Abgeordnete aus Trumps republikanischer Partei. 46 Senatoren votierten dagegen.

(** A K P)

Keine US-Hilfe mehr für den Krieg im Jemen?

Die Kammer des US-Kongresses stimmte mehrheitlich für eine Resolution, mit der die Unterstützung der USA dort gestoppt werden soll. 54 Senatoren stimmten für den Text, darunter auch sieben Abgeordnete aus Trumps republikanischer Partei. 46 Senatoren votierten dagegen. Eine Entscheidung des Repräsentantenhauses steht noch aus. Aber: Auch bei einer Zustimmung beider Kongresskammern kann US-Präsident Donald Trump sein Veto gegen die Resolution einlegen.ür-den-krieg-im-jemen/a-47902954

(* A K P)

Gegen US-Militärhilfe im Jemen

Falls in den nächsten Tagen wie erwartet auch das Repräsentantenhaus zustimmt, landet die Resolution auf dem Tisch von Donald Trump. Er verteidigt trotz des Jemenkriegs und der Tötung des saudischen Oppositionellen Khashoggi seine Unterstützung und enge Kooperation mit dem Regime in Riad.

Es ist ein „katastrophaler und verfassungswidriger Krieg“, sagte Bernie Sanders. Der Präsidentschaftskandidat legte die Resolution zusammen mit dem Demokraten Chris Murphy und dem Republikaner Mike Lee vor. Die drei Senatoren nutzten dafür den „War Powers Act“ von 1973, der vor dem Hintergrund des Vietnamkriegs entstanden war.!5580585/

und auch

(* A P)

U.S. should not curb aid to Saudi-led coalition in Yemen: Pompeo

“The way to alleviate the Yemeni people’s suffering isn’t to prolong the conflict by handicapping our partners in the fight, but by giving the Saudi-led coalition the support needed to defeat Iranian-backed rebels and ensure just peace,” Pompeo said.

(* A P)

If you 'truly care' about Yemenis, support Saudi Arabia, Pompeo says

"We all want this conflict to end. We all want to improve the dire humanitarian situation. But the Trump administration fundamentally disagrees that curbing our assistance to the Saudi-led coalition is the way to achieve these goals,"

"If you truly care about Yemeni lives, you'd support the Saudi-led effort to prevent Yemen from turning into a puppet state of the corrupt, brutish Islamic Republic of Iran."

"If we truly care about Saudi lives, you'd want to stop Iran-backed Houthis from launching missiles into Riyadh. If you truly care about Arab lives in the region, you'd support allied efforts to prevent Iran from extending its authoritarian rule from Tehran to the Mediterranean Sea and on down to Yemen."


(A P)

Film: Secretary of State Pompeo holds news conference

and short excerpt:


(** A B P)

Pompeo’s Obnoxious Yemen Lies

Secretary Pompeo predictably attacked the Senate’s antiwar Yemen resolution. Like his many other statements about Yemen in the past, Pompeo’s description of the conflict is extremely dishonest and amounts to little more than reciting pro-Saudi propaganda.

what makes Pompeo’s defense unusually infuriating is the conceit that war supporters somehow have the moral high ground in this debate. He starts with two false statements:

We all want this war to end. We all want to improve the dire humanitarian situation.

It isn’t true that advocates for continued support for the war want it to end. If they did, they would not oppose every effort to rein in the Saudi coalition.

The statement is classic Pompeo: condescending, false, and insulting to the intelligence of even the most minimally informed citizen. Notice he doesn’t deny that cutting off U.S. support would end the bombing. Instead, he actually tries to use human rights language to attack critics of the war. It takes remarkable gall for one of the enablers of the bombing and mass starvation of Yemen to lecture anyone else on disregard for human life, and Pompeo evidently has it in abundance.

The fixation on Iran in Pompeo’s statement is typically as misleading as can be. Iran is not “extending” its rule all across the region, and it certainly isn’t reaching “on down to Yemen.”

Pompeo’s feigned concern is deeply cynical and phony, and it will only make opponents of the war that much more determined to end U.S. involvement.

The pretense that any of this has something to do with protecting Americans may be the most insulting and dishonest of all. Fear of Iranian “control” of shipping lanes is ridiculous and the purest fear-mongering. Iran doesn’t control any part of Yemen, and the Houthis don’t follow Iranian orders.

In fact, the war has harmed U.S. and allied security. – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

Historic Yemen Vote: Despite Possible Veto, ‘Great Leverage for Peace Talks’

The Senate’s vote, invoking the War Powers Act and withdrawing U.S. support for the war in Yemen, could still be vetoed by Trump, but it can provide a way forward for ending this horrific war, say Shireen Al-Adeimi and Hassan El-Tayyab.

SHIREEN AL-ADEIMI: Well, it is going to harm the Saudis and the U.S. government’s relationship because it’s largely based on a lot of money. Trump, and before him Obama, have been making a lot money in this war through the defense contracts that they have with Saudi Arabia, through, of course, billions and billions of dollars in weapons sales, which, by the way, the War Powers Act does not address. So it addresses all sorts of military cooperation, but not the weapons sales themselves, but those are still largely based on money. And Yemen, of course, is an important strategic location for both Saudi Arabia and the U.S. because it controls Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, where 4.8 million barrels of oil travel each and every day. So the U.S. has interest in the area.

As for the arguments of combating terrorism, there’s been documented evidence by the BBC, by AP, that Saudi Arabia in fact works with al-Qaida in Yemen

and talk in film:

(* B P)

Film: Historic Yemen Vote: Despite Possible Veto, 'Great Leverage for Peace Talks'

What would a progressive foreign policy platform look like? Democrats, unlike Republicans, have no coherent perspective on foreign policy. Summary of an event convoked by Rep. Ro Khanna to "Chart a Progressive Foreign Policy for the Trump Era and Beyond"

(* B P)

After the Senate vote, will Trump intervene to back his reckless ally in Saudi?

Arguably, Trump’s approach to Saudi Arabia contradicts the US’ really morals. However, under his reign, we are seeing, more than at any time before, the White House administration giving its full support to a crown prince who has not been doing anything except breaching human rights laws.

(A P)

Yemen's warring sides divided over US Senate vote on war

Information Minister Moammar al-Iryani denounced the vote, saying it would only "embolden Iran and empower its proxy," the rebels known as Houthis.

The rivals Houthis — who are at war with the internationally recognized government and its backers from the Saudi-led coalition — hailed the Senate step, saying that U.S. support has "prolonged the conflict." =

(** A P)

Senate rebukes Trump with vote ordering U.S. military to end support for Saudi-led war in Yemen

The Senate voted Wednesday to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen, its latest rebuke of the Trump administration’s continued embrace of the Saudi monarchy despite growing frustration among lawmakers with its actions on the world stage.

The 54-to-46 vote marks the second time in recent months that the Senate has rejected the United States’ continued participation in Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign against Yemen’s Houthi rebels

The resolution must still be taken up in the House, where members passed a nearly identical resolution to end U.S. participation in the Yemen war earlier this year.

It is unlikely, however, that either chamber would have the votes necessary to resuscitate the measure if President Trump vetoes it.

If the resolution passes both chambers of Congress, it would mark the first time that Congress has successfully invoked the War Powers Resolution to end U.S. engagement in a conflict. =

and more articles: =

(* A P)

Film: The War in Yemen: US Senate votes to end military support

(* A P)

S.J.Res. 7: A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.

House Joint Resolution 37 would prevent the U.S. from fighting in or assisting in Yemen's civil war, starting 30 days after the legislation passes.

The legislation, which does not appear to have an official name, was introduced on January 30 by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA17).

A companion version in the Senate was introduced the same day as Senate Joint Resolution 7 by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

What supporters say

What opponents say

Odds of passage

Possible next steps

(* A P)

Text: S.J.Res.7 - A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.

(* A P)

Concerning #SJRes7 . next time make sure to read the bill.. #Yemen 1) UAE Bahrain Kuwait Egypt Senegal Sudan Jordan Morocco but doesnt say concerning UK France which are part of it 2) USA STILL ABLE TO STAY THERE CONCERNING ALQAEDA 3)USA STILL PARTICIPATE IF ISRAEL ACT IN YEMEN

(* B P)

[Who voted what, list]

(* A P)

Film, Bernie Sanders: This is historic. For the first time in 45 years, Congress is one step closer to withdrawing U.S. forces from an unauthorized war. We must end the war in Yemen.

(* A P)

Film, Chris Murphy: The Senate just passed our resolution to end U.S. involvement in the War in Yemen. This day has been years in the making. Here's why it's so important.

(* A P)

Film, Nabeel Khoury: My comments to @AJEnglish on the passage of #SJR7 this evening #yemen

(* A P)


The version that passed the Senate Wednesday was an attempt to restart the process without tricks. The resolution must now be taken up again by House Democrats.

And Progressive Democrats in the House, led by Rep. Ro Khanna of California — the bill’s sponsor in the House — are eager to do just that.

(* B P)

Senate Takes First Step To End Yemen War, Reorient Foreign Policy

The U.S. role in this needlessly destructive war is unlikely to end any time soon. Donald Trump, who appears to have a special fealty to the Saudi leadership and its criminal activity, has said that he will veto the resolution. But U.S. withdrawal is only a matter of time—that is, a matter of Trump’s time in office.

Indeed, one important feature of this vote is that Congress—with the help and prodding of grassroots activists—has officially normalized a policy of withdrawal from the Yemen war on a bipartisan basis.

My comment: This is nearly another 2 years!!!

(* B P)

With Yemen Vote, Congress Takes Aim at Trump's Foreign Policy

It’s rare in modern history that Congress votes to affirm a war. It’s unprecedented for legislators to vote to end one.

President Donald Trump’s veto of the War Powers Resolution and the continuation of U.S. support for Saudi war crimes could have disastrous effects for the American public down the line in the form of increased terrorism and blowback.

(B P)

Bernie Sanders Boosts Foreign Policy Cred For 2020 With Yemen Vote Win

(* B P)

White House advisers recommend Trump veto Yemen resolution

The White House on Wednesday formally indicated that President Trumpwould veto a joint resolution calling for an end to U.S. support of the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen ahead of a key Senate vote on the measure.

(* A K P)

Film: Bernie Sanders, full speech

(* A K P)

Film: Senators Sanders, Murphy and Menendez on Yemen Resolution

Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) spoke on the chamber floor about voting to end U.S. military support in Yemen.

(* B K P)

Film by Sen. Chris Murphy: Take two minutes to learn why the United States is involved in a war in Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians - and what you can do right now to help stop it.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)





(* A K P)

Film: Hassan Al-Haifiwar live.

(B K P)

Audio: Weltspiegel-Podcast (11): Jemen - der vergessene Krieg

(* B H K P)

Yemen’s Unending Agony – OpEd


(* B H K)

Kinder und Frauen durch Luftangriff in Jemen getötet

Die Huthi-Rebellen zeigen Genugtuung über die Entscheidung des amerikanischen Senats, die Unterstützung für die saudische Koalition in Jemen zu beenden. Dabei tragen sie selbst zum Leiden der Zivilbevölkerung bei.

(* B K P)

Keine Waffenverkäufe für den Einsatz im Krieg

Auch Großbritannien sollte sich dazu bekennen, dass Staaten keine Waffen erhalten, wenn sie mit diese gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen.

Aber letzten Endes fachen die meisten dieser Regierungen trotz ihrer Lippenbekenntnisse den Krieg nur weiter an, indem sie Saudi-Arabien und dessen Verbündeten Flugzeuge und Waffen verkaufen, mit denen diese ihre Luftschläge durchführen, ihre tödliche Blockade durchsetzen und ihre Bodenoffensiven gegen die von den Huthi gehaltenen Städte vorantreiben.

Wir glauben, es ist an der Zeit, das europäische Ideal zu stärken. Wir sind im besten Sinne eine Gemeinschaft der Demokratien auf der Grundlage gemeinsamer Werte – von ROLF MÜTZENICH und EMILY THORNBERRY

(* B K P)

Film: Hassan Al-Haifi war live.

(* B H K)

Rights coalition: More than 5,000 children have been recruited since the start of the war in Yemen

and also

(* B P)

Houthis and pro-UAE forces kidnapped (1496) citizens last year including women and children

The Association of Mothers of the abductees and forcibly hidden women said that (1496) citizen had been kidnapped in the areas of the Houthi control (north and Central) and the areas of Pro-UAE military formations southern Yemen.

The association explained that (1442) citizens abducted in the areas controlled by the Houthis, of which 114 were cases of abduction of women.

and also


(* B P)

Report Released: Over 1400 Abductees in 2018

In its annual report, Association of Abductees’ Mothers said 1441 civilians were abducted, including 114 women, in 2018.

[detailed figures]

(* B K P)

Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring #HumanRights Violations said more than 35,000 civilians have been killed and injured as a result of the indiscriminate shooting, landmines deployed by the Houthi group and other attacks during the last four years.

(B K P)

Houthis caused killing of 500 women and injury of 1950 others, says Yemeni official

and also

My comment: And more figures, by the Hadi government. They might be true, of course not mentioning the much larger figures of those who had been killed and injured by Saudi coalition air raids, and by the destruction of infrastructure mainly by Saudi air raids and by all effects of the Saudi blockade. This might have killed 20.000 women? 30.000?

(* B K P)

Yousef Mawry: Ansarallah Following Path of Third Shia Imam, “Never to Humiliation”

Commenting on the lack of response from the world body to the atrocities carried out by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, Yousef Mawry said, “Saudi Arabia is America’s watchdog in the region… to check and dismantle any nations or group that poses strategic threat to the ancient hegemonic power structure.”

(* B H K)

The impact of the war on Yemeni citizens

Four years of “mind-boggling violence” in Yemen “has not spared a single Yemeni citizen.

In Yemen today, the Yemenis continue to live in 31 active conflict zones including Hudaydah, Taiz, Hajjah and Saa'da – in areas witnessing heavy, war-related violence.

(B K)

Film: Where were you on March 26 2015?

(* B K P)

Film: Accountability for killings by US drones with European complicity

The US military bases at Ramstein (Germany) and Sigonella (Italy) play a crucial role in US drone strikes in Yemen

(* B P)

Yemeni War Emphasizes Importance of Internet Control in Statecraft and Conflict

This report serves as a follow up to Recorded Future’s previous work, “Underlying Dimensions of Yemen’s Civil War: Control of the Internet.” It is intended to provide an update on previous reporting, as well as explore the trend of government-mandated internet shutdowns and access control.

(* B H K P)

Nobel Laureate: Yemen Is the World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis. Here's How to End it

The Saudis and the Emiratis need to withdraw entirely; and the Iranian support of the Houthis must end. A constitutional referendum should be organized, and public elections carried out under U.N. supervision. Yemen must be a country run by and for Yemenis. The preservation of its unity, independence and integrity are paramount – By Tawakkol Karman (with many photos)


(B H K P)

How To Enjoy Dinner Knowing Fellow Americans Have Caused 85,000 Yemeni Kids to Starve to Death?

(* B P)

The hypocrisy of Organization of Islamic Cooperation against Myanmar: China and Yemen, anyone?

Equally alarming, is the reality of the so-called Islamic world caring for fellow Muslims. After all, the Saudi Arabia-led Sunni Muslim alliance is responsible for enormous malnutrition in Yemen, the spread of cholera, and sowing the seeds of anti-Shia sectarianism.

(* B K P)

Audio: Episode 1: Talking Yemen and How to Stop a War

What can be done to stop this devastation?

Enter our guest, Kate Gould, who in her capacity as Legislative Director for Middle East Policy for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (the Quaker lobby) has been at the forefront of efforts to end U.S. support for the war in Yemen, working with members of the U.S. Congress and their constituents to stop arms sales and to end all US military involvement in this devastating war.

Episode 1.5: Yemen and How to Stop a War — Special Update

Join Talking Human Rights host Heather Roberson Gaston and guest Kate Gould, Legislative Director of Middle East Policy for the Friends Committee on National Legislation, for this special update on current efforts in the U.S. House and Senate to end U.S. support of the devastating Saudi-led war in Yemen.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film: Jemen: Ärzte ohne Grenzen alarmieren

„Es braucht viel mehr internationale Unterstützung“, sagt Christian Katzer von „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“. Er war vor Ort und ist entsetzt über die katastrophale humanitäre Lage im Jemen.

(* B H)

Film: Save the Children im Jemen - So hilft Ihre Spende

(B H)

The number of deaths has increased in Al-Milywi and Al-Ghodarh villages in Al-Maqatera in Lahj governorate, as a result of reduced health services and the absence of specialized staff

(B H)

US Agency for International Development: Yemen: Food Assistance Fact Sheet - March 15, 2019

(B H)

Film: Yemeni Child Lost His Legs to a Landmine, Yet He Keeps Smiling =

(B H)

IBC continues food distribution in Yemen to reduce malnutrition needs

(B H)

In Al Dhale’e, Yemen, ACTED helps bring community health centres back online

(* B H)

Norwegian Refugee Council: On-the-record update on situation in Hajjah and Hodeidah, Yemen

Whilst the eyes of the world are on Hodeidah, airstrikes and shells continue to rain down on civilians in other parts of Yemen, killing with impunity.

Attacks in Kushar district this week have killed innocent women and children, and left many more people injured. Large numbers of people are being displaced within Hajjah Governorate. Many of these people have been displaced multiple times over the last four years. Thousands more remain trapped by front lines in Kushar, and areas bordering Sa'ada. Civilians must be able to flee to safety and get to help.

(B K)

Approximately 2600 schools were destroyed by Yemen’s war

My comment: mostly by Saudi coalition air raids, what a Hadi gov. minister does not mention here.

(B H)

Food and medicine for Yemen

(B H)

Film: App connects blood donors and patients in Yemen

(B H)

Save the Children: Horrified by reports of sexual abuse and bombing of children in Yemen

(* B H)

UNICEF: Jemenkrise hat 2 Millionen Kindern Zugang zur Bildung verwehrt

Das Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen - UNICEF - berichtet von rund 7 Millionen Kindern im Jemen im Ausbildungsalter, von denen 2 Millionen aufgrund des Krieges und der Zerstörung der Infrastruktur, keine Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten haben

(* B H)

Unicef bezahlt Tausende Lehrer im Jemen

Die Lage im Jemen ist schlimm und das spüren auch Lehrer: Viele von ihnen bekommen seit Monaten keinen Lohn. Damit nicht noch mehr Unterricht ausfällt, zahlt die Uno ihnen nun Geld.

Die Hilfe richte sich an landesweit mehr als 136.000 Lehrkräfte und Schulmitarbeiter, die seit mehr als zwei Jahren kein Gehalt mehr bekommen hätten, teilte das Kinderhilfswerk am Sonntag mit.

(* B H)

To keep children in education, UNICEF starts incentives for school-based staff in Yemen

UNICEF has started paying incentives aiming to reach over 136,000 teachers and school-based staff in Yemen who have not received a salary in over two years, helping to keep children in school and learning. =

and also

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen - Humanitarian Imports Overview, February 2019

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 20 February – 6 March 2019 | Issue 4

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, Nutrition Cluster: Yemen Nutrition Cluster Bulletin, Issue 7: Oct-Dec 2018

and also

(B H)

An overview of the World Bank projects and results in Yemen - March 2019

(B H)

UN Children's Fund: Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (February 2019)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: Mediterranean Migrant Arrivals Reach 10,308 in 2019; Deaths Reach 234

Yemenis: 26 who arrived in Greece.

(* B H)

Film: Yemeni refugees in Malaysia want the right to work

With no legal status or protection, Yemeni refugees in Malaysia are stuck in a life of limbo.

(B H)

Yemen. Iraq. Syria: Bombs cause people to flee

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 8 March 2019

(* B H)

International Organization for Migration: Yemen Area Assessment Round 37 (March 2019)

DTM has complete country coverage across all of Yemen, with active data collection taking place in all 22 governorates and 333 districts. For operational purposes for the assessment, there is further division into 2,287 sub-areas.

and full report:

(B H)

Cross Border Movements - Somalia (February 2019)

(* B H)

The Implications of the Yemeni War on Migration: Report

The number of irregular migrants traveling from the Horn of Africa to Yemen and the Gulf is far greater than the amount heading from the region toward Europe, but it is far less talked about. We want to change that and bring the world's attention to where it needs to be, in the hope that it will lead to more support for migrants in this part of the world too.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1d

(A P)

Mothers of Abductees in Ibb: 563 of the kidnapped families subjected to financial blackmail

The Association of Mothers of Abductees in Ibb the central province carried out a protest on Thursday to demand the release of all their abducted and forcibly hidden children from Houthi militia prisons.

(A P)

Houthi court deliberately prolongs imprisonment of “Asma al-Omaisi" despite lack of evidence

The al-Houthi state security court in Sanaa decided to postpone consideration of the case of Asma al-Omaisi until April 8.

(A P)

Houthis Turn Government Entity into Private Investment

(A P)

Endowments ministry says that the Houthis blackmailing the Hajj and Umrah agencies

Remark: Accusation by the Hadi government.

(A P)

Supreme Revolutionary: US Congress Vote to Stop Saudi Support, Clearly, Exposes to World, Yemen Unjustly Treated

(A P)

Film: Jemen: "Wieder 10 Kinder tot" – Hunderte Frauen und Kinder protestieren gegen Luftangriffe

(A P)

Residents in Sanaa organize rallies to condemn coalition massacres in Hajjah

Women rally in Yemen’s Sana’a to condemn Saudi strikes

Women’s Association in Sa’ada Rally in Protest, Condemning Crimes of US-Saudi Aggression in Kushar, Hajjah

(A P)

Through Omani mediation, Houthis release Indonesian, Malaysian in Yemen

and also

(A P)

Prime Minister stresses importance of distancing academies from politicization

My comment: LOL: The Houthis heavily politicize academiesa, schools, universities.

(A P)

#Houthi men stormed a commercial center, attacked its guards and scared the civilians in Ibb governorate (photo)

(A E P)

Fuel gallon price 7500 Yr.. Houthis raise fuel price in areas of their control

(A P)

A women's vigil in Sanaa denounces security chaos and abduction of girls

In Sana’a, allegedly safe according to some western “experts,”young girls disappearance is becoming a phenomenon. But no 1 is taking about it bcz Houthis threw journalists in jail & people r terrified to report about it on social media in fear of prosecution

(B P)

Yemen Baha'i leader faces unjust trial by Houthi rebels

(A P)

Supreme Revolutionary: US Congress Vote to Stop Saudi Support, Clearly, Exposes to World, Yemen Unjustly Treated

(A P)

Yemeni Election Commission Invites Organizations, Embassies, Parties to Monitor Election Filling Vacant Seats

(* B P)

Ten Yemeni journalists held by Houthis now face possible execution

for allegedly collaborating with Saudi and UAE-led enemy forces. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for their immediate release and the withdrawal of all charges against them.

Comments, discussion:


(A P)

PM stresses culture of tolerance, non-discrimination toward all society's segments

My comment: The gap between fact and fiction…

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A T)

A civilian was killed and more than four were injured by an explosive device planted in Jamal Street in downtown Taiz city.

(A P)

Court decides to release 5 other detainees in Mukalla

(A P)

After Three years of detention in Al-Mukalla prison. Release of Islah leader “Duqail" and 8 others

at a prison of the UAE forces in the Hadramawt coastline

(* A P)

'They insult Yemenis': Clashes expected after Saudi officers abducted by tribesmen

Yemeni forces supporting the Saudi-led coalition say they are preparing to launch an attack in Yemen's al-Jawf governorate to free four Saudi soldiers abducted by tribal fighters this week.

The fighters, who belong to the Bani Nawf tribe, kidnapped the soldiers of the Sixth Military Region in an attempt to secure the release members of their tribe who have been held in the nearby Marib governorate since last year.

(A P)

Tensions between government forces and tribal gunmen in al-Jawf after the abduction of two Saudi and six Yemeni soldiers

tension between troops of the sixth military region and tribal militants who kidnapped Yemeni and Saudi soldiers on Wednesday

(A P)

Limited clashes between two factions of Emirati-backed forces south of Shabwah with no causalities

(A P)

Socotra.. Mass reception of an anti-UAE tribal leader

(A P)

Soldier killed and others injured in a police raid in al-Sheher city, Hadramawt coast

(* A P)

Government official urges President Hadi and Saudi king to end UAE military intervention in Yemen

A senior government official in Yemen, accused one of the countries participating in the Saudi-led Arab alliance in Yemen, of standing behind all the problems and defeats of legitimacy and coalition against the Iran-backed Houthi militia, stressing the need to get that party out of the Arab coalition, without naming.

and also

(A P)

Al-Mahrah ... Re-opening of border cargo port after closure due to clashes between the army and tribes against the Saudi presence

(* A P)

6 Citizens Killed, Wounded of Saudi occupation Forces’ Gunfire in Al-Maharah

Local sources confirmed that the Saudi occupation forces and mercenaries launched an attack, on Monday, targeting members of the tribes of Harizi, Qumsit, Balhaf and Za’banout, killing two of them and wounding 4 others, near the border Shahin port with Oman.

and also

(A P)

Film: Protest yday in #Mahra #Yemen vs #Saudi occupation. But it’s complex 1/Feelings are real but fuelled by cash 2/Local tribe refused to allow protest in Shahn town, so staged nearby 3/Saudi presence in Mahra is questioned as >1000km from front-lines but smuggling did need attention

(A P)

Film: Today, a #Saudi military convoy was prevented from driving from Hat into Shahn province in east #Yemen's #Mahra. Yes, tensions are high. But no, this looks like neither a hijacking (as some pro-Saudi claim) nor a concerted move by "The Mahri Tribes" (as some perpetrators claim)

(A P)

Blocking International Road Between Oman and Yemen

after violent clashes broke out between tribes from Al-Maharah and Saudi militias led by Rajih Bakrit

(A P)

Pro-UAE forces arrest prominent tribal leader in the city of Ataq in Shabwah

(B K P)

Much talk about ghost soldiers on the payrolls of the forces backed by the Saudi-led coalition in #Yemen. Huge corruption is among reasons for failure of these forces to advance against what they call "Iran-backed Houthi militias"!

(* B P)

Pleading Yemen’s ‘southern issue’ at the British House of Commons

With fighting between STC supporters and the north erupting sporadically over the years, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia stepped in to calm tensions.

(* A P)

Yemeni boys 'raped by Saudi-backed militiamen' inside mosque

Three boys were raped and a fourth was sexually assaulted in the southwestern city of Taiz, Amnesty International said, likely by militants backed by Riyadh

Comment: Since 2015, Yemeni government gave local militias in Taiz a free rein over civilians with absolutely no accountability. Local militias associated with the government have been involved in executions, plunder, & now child rape. So much for legitimacy!


(A P)

Islah expresses sorrow over Amnesty International’s distorting claims


(A P)

Taiz’s authorities rejects Amnesty International’s report

My comment: Oh, they only played a little bit…

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(* A P)

UN Security Council in talks on saving Yemen truce deal

UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths briefed the Security Council behind closed doors on a stalled truce deal seen as crucial to diplomatic efforts to end the war =


(* A P)

UN Security Council holds consultations on Yemen as peace deal stalls

(B P)

Imploring #Yemen factions not to use the prisoner exchange card in latest squabbles over divergent interpretations and implementation of Stockholm agreements. Not being selfish or naive, but some disappeared or in detention for years now. Don't hold hostage to current bickering.

(A P)

Deputy Foreign Minister condemns UN for inaction towards Saudi crimes

Remark: Sanaa government.

(* A P)

Security Council members urge Yemen parties to implement peace deal

The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council urged Yemen’s warring parties on Tuesday to implement a peace deal in the port city of Hodeidah.

and also

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A K P)

Iran Condemns ‘Barbaric’ Saudi Air Raid on Yemeni Civilians

(* B P)

Bridging the Divide between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula

Relations between Iran and its Gulf Arab neighbors are at their lowest point since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, with little interaction between both sides of the Persian Gulf. Despite President Hassan Rouhani’s desire to make engagement of Iran’s Gulf Arab neighbors a major tenet of his foreign policy,1no significant progress has been made in this regard. Rather, the Gulf Arab states have made unilateral Iranian withdrawal from all Arab affairs a precondition to any talks—something Iran cannot accept,2 though it is willing to have a dialogue on regional security.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Film: A great speech by @MadawiDr Saudis are going to seek Asylum more and more escaping from the Saudi regime Mbs is not a reformist He's a criminal

(A P)

3 Saudi women activists receive PEN Freedom to Write Award

(* B P)

Is there any truth to rumours of a rift in the Saudi royal palace?

Despite reports of a growing quarrel between King Salman and MBS, it is likely that we are just witnessing business as usual.

Rumours of a rift between King Salman and his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), remain unfounded and attributed to unnamed sources.

(* B P)

Film: The West Should Cut Ties With Saudi Arabia

With friends like these, who needs enemies? Saudi Arabia is out of control. After the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, most likely on direct orders from the Saudi Crown Prince and de facto ruler Mohammed Bin Salman, it’s time for the West to sever ties with this regime of criminal despots.

Tthe BBC’s star international correspondent Lyse Doucet chaired a line-up of Middle East experts. Who’s right and who’s wrong? Hear the arguments and decide for yourself.

and excerpt, from speech of Mehi Hassan:

My comment: Mehdi Hassan is great!

(B P)

Loujain al-Hathloul's brother says former advisor Saud al-Qahtani threatened to kill her, cut her body into pieces and throw the parts in sewage

Loujain al-Hathloul's brother says she was previously offered a deal to be released in exchange for luring Saudi women in exile back home.

(* B P)

Two Women, Heroes for Our Age

One suffers in Iran, the other in Saudi Arabia. But Trump cares about human rights only in the country he despises.

My comment: Trump never cares for human rights, he just (mis)uses them in cases this fits to his propaganda for regimes change in countries where the US wants to regain hegemony.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia should release defenders, undertake meaningful rights reform

A large number of human rights concerns were raised during the UPR of Saudi Arabia, such as the detention of Saudi human rights activists – including women driving activists – jailed solely for peacefully advocating reform, as well as systemic discrimination against women, justice for the slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen.

(A P)

AFC surrenders to illegal Saudi pressure on its official broadcaster

as Confederation unilaterally breaches beIN’s multi-million dollar regional rights deal

(* B P)

A chance for Saudi Arabia to prove it has changed

(B P)

Detainee Jawad AlAqaili was arrested as a minor at the age of 16 and is now in failing health after spending 5yrs in prison. He has developed cancer behind bars, yet #Saudi continues recklessly endangering his life by denying him critical medical care!

(A P)

Rebel Saudi royal forms Europe-based opposition calling for regime change in Riyadh

Prince Khaled bin Farhan al-Saud says he hopes for proper elections in Saudi Arabia and has vowed to help dissidents

and also

(* B P)

Saudi ministers are harassing critics on Twitter

Twitter has been a hellscape these past few weeks for dissidents demanding accountability for the apparent murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi — and a haven for pro-regime accounts harassing anyone who dares speak up. The question now is how the company can change that, and whether it even wants to.

The story of Saudi-sponsored Twitter propaganda starts with the Arab Spring.

(B P)

8 times dancing got people in trouble in Saudi Arabia

(A P)

U.S. Woman Mired in Saudi Arabia Is Granted Legal Saudi Residency

(* B P)

Saudi female activists finally get a day in court. They deserve freedom.

(* A P)

Saudi women activists on trial after a year in detention

(* A P)

Saudi women's rights activists stand trial in criminal court

(* A P)

Trial of prominent Saudi woman activist to start this week: family

(* B E P)

Big investors look past Khashoggi to opportunities in Saudi Arabia

Big investors in Saudi Arabia are pushing ahead with deals and pouring money back into its stock market as the kingdom tries to move on from the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

(A E P)

Saudi seals six private sector deals worth $3.5 billion, plans many more

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(A P)

US ‘rights’ report avoids linking MbS to Khashoggi murder despite CIA report

(A P)

Turkey calls on Saudi Arabia to name defendants in Khashoggi trial

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1e

(* B P)

USA/Saudi-Arabien: Unterstützung eines Kriegsmonsters

Die Lobby ist zurück und kein bisschen weniger selbstbewusst nach dem Blutbad, das an Kashoggi angerichtet wurde.

Die Lobbyisten des absolutistisch-fundamentalistisch geführten Königreichs müssen sich Monate nach der weltweiten Entrüstung über die von Saudi-Arabien zu verantwortende Tötung ihres in Ungnade gefallenen Staatsbürgers (Khashoggi: Korrekturen, Lügen und eine Leiche, die verschwunden ist) nicht mehr verstecken und tun dies auch nicht.

"Wir haben es mit der Realität zu tun und nicht mit Idealismus", sagt Ali Shihab zur investigativen Reporterin der Yahoo-News. Der Zynismus des Lobbyisten hat in der Realität in Washington viel Zugkraft, wie Jenna McLaughlin in ihrem Bericht darlegt.

Waffengeschäfte sind in der Ära Trump die Realität, die zählt.

(A P)

Secretary Pompeo's Meeting With UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Martin Griffiths

(A P)

China, Saudi Arabia Condemned in Human Rights Report

(*A P)

Trump ally caught in crossfire as White House clashes with GOP over Saudi Arabia

Idaho Republican Sen. James Risch, the new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, decided last week to hold a classified briefing from administration officials on the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Risch, a staunch ally of President Donald Trump, had hoped the briefing would temper bipartisan criticism of Trump's response to the murder -- particularly among Republicans angry over his reluctance to hold Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman directly responsible.

But it seems to have had the opposite effect.

(* B P)

Saudis return to Washington scene after Khashoggi fallout

But several months later, after a noticeable lack of public admonition from the White House, the Saudis appear to be testing the waters on a public comeback, via high-profile international trips, diplomacy and engaging the policy community in Washington, D.C. And the message is clear: Saudi officials are declaring that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who the U.S. intelligence community has linked to Khashoggi’s murder in the Saudi Consulate in Turkey, is here to stay, perhaps for the next half-century and beyond.

(* B E P)

America is set to overtake Saudi Arabia and become the world's largest exporter of oil for the first time in 60 YEARS

(A P)

Muslim congresswomen criticize Saudi Arabia on Yemen

'Saudi Arabia is consistently ranked among the worst human rights abusers in the world,' says congresswoman Omar

(* B P)

Yemen conflict another opportunity to resolve war powers questions

(* B P)

Is a War With Iran on the Horizon?

Here’s the foreign policy question of questions in 2019: Are President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, all severely weakened at home and with few allies abroad, reckless enough to set off a war with Iran?

Worryingly, the answers are: yes and yes.

(* B K P)

Gun-Control Activists Should Also Take on America’s Drone Wars

Through its endless wars, Washington has been the true school shooter on this planet, terrorizing the global classroom with a remarkable lack of consequences.

To me, the U.S. military and CIA drones that hover constantly over eight countries across the Greater Middle East and Africa, and regularly terrorize, maim, and kill civilians, including children, are the equivalents of the disturbed shooters in American schools. But that story is hard to find anywhere in this country. =

(* B K P)

Trump pledged to end ‘endless wars.’ His executive order suggests just the opposite.

In an executive order last week, President Trump ended a requirement for the government to tell the public its official count of civilians killed by U.S. military and CIA lethal strikes in countries where we are not at war. The effect is that our government will continue killing people abroad with less oversight and no accountability.

(* A P)

The Senate Votes on Antiwar Yemen Resolution Tomorrow

There should still be enough votes to pass the “clean” Senate resolution again. Several of the Republican senators that voted for the previous resolution last year are still in the chamber.

(* A P)

U.S. Senate to vote Wednesday on Saudi Yemen war resolution

and longer article:

(* A P)

Senate to Vote Again to End Aid to Saudi War in Yemen

and also

(* B P T)


An advocate for the families of victims and survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks said that Republican and Democrat administrations have taken the side of Saudi Arabia over American citizens impacted by the tragedy.

(* B P T)

From 2009:

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists

Documents gathered by lawyers for the families of Sept. 11 victims provide new evidence of extensive financial support for Al Qaeda and other extremist groups by members of the Saudi royal family.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

British army criticised for cosying up to Middle East dictatorships

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)


The UK government must finally do the right thing and cut off its supply of arms to Saudi Arabia and its partners - until there is no longer a risk that they might be used in Yemen.

(* B K P)

RAF maintaining Saudi aircraft being used against Yemen, minister reveals

The Ministry of Defence has confirmed that Royal Air Force personnel have provided “engineering support” to Saudi Arabian aircraft involved in military operations over Yemen.

Responding to a parliamentary question from Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Minister for the Armed Forces Mark Lancaster denied that the RAF had been involved in planning operational sorties for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF).

He did however confirm the following:

“RAF personnel on secondment to BAE Systems in Saudi Arabia have provided routine engineering support for UK-supplied aircraft operated by the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF), including aircraft engaged in military operations in Yemen.”

Comment: I believe this is the first time we’ve had confirmation that UK engineers have maintained Saudi aircraft that are engaged in operations over Yemen.

as a reminder:

(* B K P)

Royal Air Force, Nov. 28, 2018: Ex Saudi British Green Flag is one of several exercises the RAF has recently conducted across the Middle East with other allies such as Qatar and Oman, which builds upon the UK’s commitment to security across the entire Gulf region.

and video

My comment: LOL. Bombing Yemen and killing Yemenis is “the UK’s commitment to security across the entire Gulf region“.

(* B K P)

Watch this report to know UK role in Yemen

(A P)

'Disturbing' Yemen war graffiti appears near Plymouth train station

(* B K P)

Film: A short timeline on the History of the #UK #BAE and #BAC [British Aircraft Corporation]

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* A K P)

Deutsche Waffen im Jemen-Krieg: Bundesregierung will aufklären

Die Bundesregierung hat umfassende Aufklärung zur Verwendung deutscher Waffentechnik im Jemen-Krieg angekündigt. Der Beschluss ist eine Reaktion auf das Rechercheprojekt #GermanArms, an dem auch das ARD-Politikmagazin report München beteiligt ist.,RKcLJKh

(A P)

Linksfranktion: Resolution des US-Senats zu Saudi-Arabien unterstützen
„DIE LINKE begrüßt die Entschließung des US-Senats für ein Ende der militärischen Unterstützung Saudi-Arabiens im Jemen-Krieg.

Jetzt ist die Bundesregierung gefordert, den vorläufigen Stopp deutscher Waffenexporte an Saudi-Arabien zu verstetigen.

(A H P)

CDU-Abgeordneter Hirte: Für verfolgte Christen im Jemen einsetzen;art4685,196430

(* B K P)

SPD-Politiker fordern endgültigen Exportstopp nach Saudi-Arabien

Damit droht Streit in der großen Koalition.

(* B K P)

Waffen für die Welt

Deutschland hat seine Rüstungsausfuhr in den vergangenen fünf Jahren gegenüber dem vorigen Fünfjahreszeitraum um mehr als ein Achtel gesteigert und war damit der viertgrößte Waffenexporteur der Welt.

Mehr als ein Siebtel aller Lieferungen geht nach Saudi-Arabien und in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate.

(* B K P)

Verlässlichkeit tötet

Deals mit den Saudis? In dieser EU ist Waffenhandel auch nur ein Geschäft

Die ganze Verlogenheit der westlichen, speziell auch deutschen Menschenrechtspolitik tritt wieder einmal krass hervor: an der Frage, ob Saudi-Arabien mit noch mehr Rüstungsgütern versorgt werden soll.

Der ganze Streit illustriert den Militarismus der EU, der seinerseits zu der Frage führt, die von Teilen der Linkspartei gestellt wird: ob die EU überhaupt noch reformierbar ist.

(B K P)

Drones and diplomacy: US Ramstein air base stirs controversy in Germany

The US military's Ramstein air base is a frequent source of criticism for the German government, especially when it comes to the operation of weaponized drones. Now the issue has gone to court.

(A K P)

Court hears case on Germany's role in US drone deaths in Yemen

An appeal has begun in the case of three Yemenis suing the German government for complicity in the death of family members killed in US drone strikes. Ramstein Air Base in Germany is integral to the US drone program.

(A K P)

Prozesse um Drohnenkrieg via Ramstein

Weil sie 2012 bei einem US-Drohnenangriff Angehörige verloren haben, klagen nun drei Jemeniten vor dem Oberverwaltungsgericht Münster gegen die Bundesregierung. Der Angriff war von Ramstein aus erfolgt.,drohnen-ramstein-prozess-100.html

und auch


cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(B P)

Film: The billionaire sheikh who won the Melbourne Cup.. and his daughter, the princess, who escaped, was re-captured then disappeared. It's an amazing story. 'The Mystery of the Missing Princess', next on #4Corners

(A P)

Bahrain sentences 167 people to prison in crackdown on dissent

A Bahraini court sentenced 167 people arrested in 2017 at a sit-in outside the home of Bahrain’s leading Shi’ite Muslim cleric to between six months and 10 years in prison at a trial in late February

(A K P)

Press review: Russia slams US for junking arms control and Yemen’s fate hinges on Saudis

(A P)

EU expands tax blacklist to 15 countries, including UAE

and also

(A P)

Saudis, Egypt, United Arab Emirates openly reject call to isolate Israel

(B K P)

Arms suppliers to Riyadh collaborators in Yemen disaster: Iran

and also

(A K P)

Lebanese Hezbollah condemns int'l silence towards Saudi aggression war crimes in Yemen

(* B K P)

Yemen: la guerra si fa con armi italiane. Fermiamo questa indecenza? | VIDEO

Perché finora il primo ministro Giuseppe Conte non ha fatto niente contro la guerra in Yemen? Ha detto di essere contrario alla vendita delle armi che uccidono i civili.

English summary:

(* B P)

UAE: The ‘happiest’ little police state ever?

‘Happy’ is a rather ludicrous descriptor for an entity that is so often synonymous with the obliteration of rights.

In February, Time Out Dubai ecstatically reported that the United Arab Emirates was "one of the happiest countries in the world", according to a new study by the Boston Consulting Group.

(* B P)

How Pakistan Navigates the Saudi Arabia-Iran Rivalry

(* B P)

Is Pakistan shifting from its neutral stance in the Yemen conflict?

Pakistani politicians from both the governing coalition and opposition have joined the foreign office’s condemnation of Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia for the first time.

(A P)

Italy's Salvini urges La Scala to snub Saudi cash

(* B P)

Die Doppelmoral der EU-Außenpolitik
Nach dem Gipfeltreffen der EU mit der Arabischen Liga ist ausgerechnet die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte in Venezuela ein besonderes Anliegen? Das Gipfeltreffen der EU mit der Arabischen Liga im ägyptischen Sharm-el-Sheikh war ein Lehrbeispiel für die Verlogenheit der Außenpolitik der EU

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P)

Forner Qatari energy minister Hamad AlAttya repeats what i told @AJArabic in 2017 of real #Saudi #UAE motivation behind their cold war on Qatar. They planned invasion & stealing its gas which equals 200 years of Saudi budget

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

UAE discusses military deals in Canberra drawing human rights criticism

(* B K P)

SIPRI-Bericht: USA bleiben größter Waffenexporteur der Welt

Die Zahl der weltweiten Waffenexporte ist dem Friedensforschungsinstitut SIPRI zufolge in den vergangenen Jahren weiter angestiegen.

Die USA stehen im Fokus des aktuellen SIPRI-Berichts. Danach haben sie ihre Waffenexporte zwischen 2014 und 2018 im Vergleich zum vorigen Fünfjahreszeitraum um 29 Prozent gesteigert. Der allgemeine Zuwachs im internationalen Waffenhandel lag bei 7,8 Prozent. An diesem Handel haben die USA nun einen Anteil von 36 Prozent. Und mehr als die Hälfte aller amerikanischen Exporte, darunter Kampfflugzeuge, Kurzstreckenraketen oder hoch entwickelte Bomben mit integrierter Zielfindung, gingen in den Nahen Osten, dessen Länder, vor allem Saudi-Arabien, ihre Importe im Schnitt um 87 Prozent erhöht haben.

(* B K P)

SIPRI: Trends in international arms transfers, 2018

The volume of international transfers of major arms in 2014–18 was 7.8 per cent higher than in 2009–13 and 23 per cent higher than in 2004–2008. The five largest exporters in 2014–18 were the United States, Russia, France, Germany and China. The five largest importers were Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt, Australia and Algeria.

The flow of arms to the Middle East increased by 87 per cent between 2009–13 and 2014–18, while there was a decrease in flows to all other regions.

and full report:

(* B K P)

Arms sales to Middle East have increased dramatically, new research shows

SIPRI report says that Saudi Arabia has become world's top arms buyer

Arms flows to the Middle East have increased by 87 percent over the past five years and now account for more than a third of the global trade, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said in a report on Sunday.

The defence think-tank’s annual survey showed that Saudi Arabia became the world’s top arms importer in 2014-18, with an increase of 192 percent over the preceding five years.

The new report shows how the United States and European nations sell jets, jeeps and other gear that is used in controversial wars in Yemen and beyond.

Sipri Infographics:

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia biggest arms purchaser in the world

While the US is the world''s largest exporter of arms, Saudi Arabia is the world's largest customer not just in the Middle East which purchases about a third of world arms exports but in the entire world.

and also

(* B K P)

Raytheon’s smart bombs linked to more alleged war crimes in Yemen

Smartbombs thought to have been part-made in Scotland were among weapons used in Yemen that killed or injured nearly 1000 civilians, a new report reveals.

(* B K P)

Chinese, local drones reflect changing Middle East

Ever since 9/11, drones have been amongst the most visible, and often controversial, signs of American power in the Middle East and beyond. But as regional powers look to chart their own course, a new generation of cheaper unmanned aerial vehicles - Chinese or locally built, with far fewer restrictions on their use - are taking to the skies.

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(* A E)

Yemeni rial declines to 600 per dollar as the demand of foreign exchange increases

(* B E K)

World Bank: Yemen Economic Monitoring Brief- Winter 2019

Yemen’s economic and social fabric continues to suffer from disintegration as the conflict enters its fourth year. While official statistics remain unavailable, partial information and anecdotal evidence suggests that Yemen’s GDP contracted by an accumulated 39 percent since end of 2014. The conflict has caused widespread disruptions of economic activities, with substantial reduction in jobs, private sector operations and business opportunities.

The dramatic deterioration of country conditions has translated into a significant worsening of the incidence of poverty

The conflict and the ensuing economic crisis are among the main drivers for Yemen’s deepened food insecurity =

(* B E P)

Opinion: A historic chance to marshal Yemen reconstruction plan

It's a historic opportunity for China, as well, to make this become a reality for the long-suffering people of Yemen. The world's second-biggest economy has what it takes to marshal international reconstruction efforts. The Asian giant played no role in the conflict, yet can surely help shape the post-conflict order

As Yemen's major trade partner, China has an outsized economic presence in the country and can play a significant economic role in Yemen's postwar reconstruction through its Belt and Road Initiative.

(A E P)

Yemen's biggest telecoms company back under government control

Yemen’s Ministry of Telecommunications and Information has regained control of the country’s biggest telecommunications corporation from the Houthis and moved its headquarters out of rebel-held Sanaa to the interim capital of Aden.


(* A E P)

Government confirms successful Teleyemen relocation to Aden... Will the communication and Internet service differ?

The legitimate government, through the company, is seeking to withdraw the telecommunications and Internet sector from the Houthis, in another economic war aimed at ending the takeover of this vital sector by the coup group and drying up their financial resources.

(* B E H)

Cooking gas prices in #Yemen: YR 8000 in Sana'a, 6000 n Taiz, 5000 in Aden, 2500 in Hadramout, and 2000 in Marib. (infographic)

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#IslamicState in #Yemen (ISY) issues 1st claim in 3 weeks: Rocket fired at #alQaeda in al-Humaydah, al-Bayda', seriously injuring 2 Targets of ISY ops so far this year: 64% #AQAP, 36% Houthis, 0% coalition (image)

(A T)

New video from #alQaeda in #Yemen's Batarfi. Takes Qur'an 5:52 as starting point (weak men fearing fate rush to ally with Jews) (photo)

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims explosive device against Houthi vehicle in al-Zahir, al-Bayda' on Sunday. 2 killed, 1 injured. Fact that this claim comes 2 days late

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims it infiltrated a #UAE-backed Security Belt brigade in al-Mahfad, #Abyan today. Says it planted then detonated an explosive device targeting soldiers on foot near leadership building & withdrew safely.

(* B P T)

9/11 Die Welt danach

Die zweiteilige Doku untersucht, wie sich ein Krieg zur Verteidigung westlicher Demokratie und Lebensweise, der "Krieg gegen den Terror", in die größte Bedrohung für eben diese Werte verwandelt hat. Die Vorgänge werden von Politikern, Sicherheitschefs und Generälen der USA, Großbritanniens, Frankreichs und Israels erläutert, die seit dem 11. September 2001 in Bereitschaft stehen.

und auf Französisch:

(* B P T)

Film: Terrorisme, raison d'État (1-2/2)

Comment la "guerre contre la terreur" lancée par l'administration Bush après le 11-Septembre a amplifié la menace djihadiste pour se muer en un conflit mondial qui menace le coeur même de la démocratie. =

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Lollesgaard: The Houthis refuse implantation of the Sweden Agreement

My comment: Did L. really tell this? Look at

(A P)

Yemeni Gov’t: We Proved Good Intention towards Peacemaking

(A P)

The Confused, Toothless Resolution on Yemen

Leave statecraft to the professionals.

Americans are appropriately mortified by their association with the less-than-discriminate campaign being waged by the Saudis and their Sunni allies, but that sense of humiliation has accompanied a loss of perspective. In the rush to condemn the Gulf States, the arbiters of American political discourse have given the Houthis a pass for terrorizing civilians.

So long as the U.S. is committed to containing the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism, it will side against the efforts of Iranian proxy forces to destabilize the region.

My comment: The members of Congress are no “professionals”? LOL.

(A P)

Yemen: Government Warns of Humanitarian Crisis as Houthis Hike Oil Prices

My comment: Looking at the Saudi blockade of supply and at the destruction of infrastructure by Saudi coalition air raids, then such a statement must be seen as odd propaganda.


(A P)

Houthis induce oil products crisis, says Economic Committee

(A P)

Yemen’s Defense Minister stresses on military approach to end Houthi coup

My comment: The Hadi government: “Make war, not peace”.

(B P)

Anwar Gargash: UAE position in Yemen is to restore legitimacy to its government

Abu Dhabi has played a ‘historic and courageous’ role, says UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs

(B P)

Arab coalition should use smart power in Yemen

Al Suwaidi’s Abu Dhabi-Makkah run highlighted the cooperation to combat terrorism

(A P)

Saudi Press: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia exerts an effort to save and Protect Yemeni Children s Future

(B P)

Mohammed bin Salman Is Here to Stay

The United States has to work with Saudi Arabia, so it has no choice but to work with its crown prince

Comment: FP magazine would write anything to make #MbS digestible and #US foreign policy is all here

My comment: The author is the founder of the Saudi-paid Arabia Foundation:, this tells all. He also is quoted and mentioned here:

(* B P)

War by Proxy: Iran’s Growing Footprint in the Middle East

There is growing Iranian activism in the Middle East despite U.S. and allied efforts to weaken Iran’s economy and politically isolate Tehran. Iran has weaknesses and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the United States and its partners.

My comment: A typical US-centered propaganda piece.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia’s KSRelief discusses children, humanitarian crisis in Yemen in Geneva

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1c

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

March 15:

March 14:

March 13:

March 12:

March 11:

March 10:

(* A K)

Saudi coalition bombs allied Yemeni soldiers killing 8

Yemeni military officials say the Saudi-led coalition launched a series of airstrikes along the Yemen-Saudi border that mistakenly killed and wounded forces allied with the government.

and also


(A K pH)

#Hajjah province: At least one civilian was killed and another wounded on Wednesday in US-Saudi aggression air raid targeted a house of a citizen in Bani Hassan area of Abbs district,

(* A K pH)

A new US-Saudi crime targeted civilians in Hajja governorate, killing and injuring 4 civilians and injuring 3 others. Almasirah correspondent stated that four bodies of civilians were found badly charred in the scene of the bombing, in Mustaba district.

In Hajja, the US-Saudi Aerial Aggression committed two crimes against civilians in Mastaba and Abs districts, the air raids targeted a car in Al-Hija in Mastaba, killing four civilians and injuring three others. A civilian was killed and another was injured by an air raid that targeted a house in Abs district.

In Saada, two citizens were killed and three others were injured by an US-Saudi air raid on a car in Zaher border district.

4 Civilians killed in warplanes' new attack on Hajjah

Four civilians were martyred in a preliminary toll death of new crime committed on Wednesday by the combat jets of saudi-led coalition during their attack on a car in Hajjah province

Death Toll of US-Saudi Crime in Hajja Increases to 5



(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

March 15: Taiz p. Sanaa p.

March 14: Amran p.

(* B K)

Film: “Our men were not carrying weapons- just necklaces of jasmine flowers that we later found, mixed with human flesh and blood”

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b, cp1d

(A K pS)

A family of four was injured by the explosion of a landmine planted by the Houthi group in Yais village, north of Dale governorate.

(A K pS)

A landmine exploded in Hayfan kills a civilian, south of Taiz

(A K pS)

Masam clear over 2,000 mines in one week

(A K pS)

One Man Killed, 4 Wounded by Explosive Devices in Al Bayda Central Yemen

(A K pH)

Army inflicts on saudi-led mercenaries heavy losses in Asir, Najran

Dozens of Saudi-paid mercenaries killed in Jizan

Remark: Attacks against Saudi territory.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B P)

Stephanuskreis über die Situation der Christen im Jemen: Mit Codewörtern im Untergrund

Im Jemen herrscht seit Jahren Bürgerkrieg. Menschen können ihren Glauben nicht gefahrlos ausleben. Das gilt auch für die Christen im Land. Deren Zahl wächst offenbar, weil sich viele vom Islam abwenden und zum Christentum konvertieren.

(A H)

In #Yemen, @UNICEF_Yemen launched computer labs in 242 schools, helping 193,503 students to have access to technology while learning, with support of @GPforEducation (photos)

(* C)

Amat al-Latif al-Wazir: A Yemeni Woman’s Life Story

story of Amat al-Latif al Wazir, only daughter of ‘Abdullah al-Wazir, one of the leaders of Yemen’s constitutional movement of the mid-twentieth century for reform of the autocratic imamate. Her relationship with her adored father, who was accused of treason, takes centre stage in this biographical narrative.

(* C)

First Conference for Yemeni Women in Say'oun, Hadramout, July 15-17, 1974 (photo)

My comment: Great. Look how the women are dressed, to imagine what a horrible backlash did happen in Southern Yemen from 1974 until today.

(* B D)

Haifa Subay: „Wir haben es mit zwei Feinden zu tun“

Künstlerin Haifa Subay macht mit Streetart auf das Leid von jemenitischen Frauen und Kindern aufmerksam.

Sich auf eine Seite zu stellen, kommt für Haifa nicht in Frage. Für sie verüben alle am Krieg beteiligten Parteien Verbrechen

(B D)

Artists paint murals of hopes and fears in war-torn Yemen

Vorige / Previous

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-519 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-519: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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