Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 526 - Yemen War Mosaic 526

Yemen Press Reader 526: 7. April 2019: Menschenrechtsbericht von RASD – Die Huthis verstehen – Das volle Ausmaß der US-Waffenverkäufe an Saudis, Emirate – Cholera breitet sich schnell aus ...

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... US-Kongress verabschiedet Resolution gegen Jemenkrieg – Saudi-Luftangriff trifft Mädchenschule, tötet 13 – und mehr

April 7, 2019: RASD Coalition report on Human rights violations – Understanding the Houthis – The full extent of US arms sales to Saudi Arabia, Emirates – Cholera is spreading fast – US Congress passes antiwar Yemen resolution – Saudi air raid hits girls school, kills 13 – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

US Congress: cp9

Luftangriff / Air raid: cp16

(** B H K P)

Human Rights Situation in Yemen From 21 September 2014 until 31 December 2018

Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations (YCMHRV), also known as “Rasd Coalition”, is a coalition of a number of specialized Yemeni NGOs active in human rights issues including monitoring and documenting human rights violations in the country.


More than four years of the armed and violent conflict and the exacerbating humanitarian crisis in Yemen have led to a steep increase in the number of people in need for humanitarian and food aid to reach 75% of the population in 2018 according to data from humanitarian and food organizations concerned with food security around the world. This percentage was 34% of the population in 2006 according to World Bank indicators.

The human rights situation in Yemen has become very sensitive and complex. The fifth year of armed conflict has been marked by bloody, violent and horrendous violence against civilians as the case was in the past four years as addressed in this report. Violations associated with this conflict led to a serious deterioration of the humanitarian and economic status of the population to the extent that the countries of the world and its humanitarian organizations are warning of a humanitarian disaster affecting Yemenis. The signs of the disaster are evident in the high rates of malnutrition, especially among children and women, as well as the spread of diseases Yemenis have forgotten such as cholera, diphtheria and dengue fever and other illnesses that reemerged during the war.

This report covers the period from 21 September 2014 to 31 December 2018. The state institutions protecting human rights have vanished after the fall of the capital Sana’a. It should be noted that the report contains the most prominent violations and crimes that occurred during the period it covers. It shall be admitted that this report, or any other human rights report or organization, can not list all violations committed in Yemen given the intensity, diversity and sheer size of these violations. In terms of perpetrates, this report mentions the most prominent actors of them. It is a fact that under each conflict party, there are affiliated groups, entities and individuals that have not been named with few exceptions.

During the reporting period, all partiesto the conflictcommittedwidespread violations of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. The extent of violations varied from one party to another. There were crimes that violated International Humanitarian Law with regard to deprivation of life, such as bombing, indiscriminate attacks, the air strikes by Arab Coalition forces, the US drone attacks, as well as the killing by snipers and guided weapons and killings due to clashes between the parties to the conflict. This is in addition to the death and injury caused by mines. Crimes violating International Human Rights Law, such as the deprivation of the right to life including extrajudicial executions, death under torture, different forms of assassinations and suicide attacks were also committed. The report also focuses on violations of human dignity such as detention, enforced disappearance, torture and conditions of prisons operated by the parties to the conflict. The report also tackles violations against journalists, activists, human rights defenders, politicians and members of minorities including Baha’is, Jews and Christians, as well as attacks on the media and civil society organizations. The report also documents the siege imposed on the city of Taiz, and the closure of the seaports and airspace of Yemen.

My comment: As this organization is a loyalist to “president” Hadi, this report is very detailed, but it is biased.

(** B P)

Understanding the Houthi Faction in Yemen

One of the most misunderstood and most central parties to the conflict is the Houthis. In the past decade, they have grown in power from an isolated religious movement into a considerable militant faction that controls the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. However, with this success have come new internal divisions and external threats that will influence how the devastating war will end and what might follow.

The Rise of the Houthis

Who Is a “Houthi” in This Conflict?

The Houthis, who prefer the term Ansar Allah (Partisans of God), are generally defined as followers of Abdel Malik and Hussein al-Houthi’s religious and political agenda and the adherents of the philosophy inspired by Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

Authority resides in the “Sa’dah Core,” who survived the Sa’dah wars and whose ideologies lean closer to Twelver Shi’ism, which is practiced in Iran but historically alien to Yemen.

Authority resides in the “Sa’dah Core,” who survived the Sa’dah wars and whose ideologies lean closer to Twelver Shi’ism, which is practiced in Iran but historically alien to Yemen.

Another faction are the Houthi jihadis, who constitute the majority of the Houthis’ fighters in the war and who are motivated by a radical religious interpretation analogous to Salafi jihadis. They are inspired by the Sa’dah Core and the historical references to the martyrdom of Hussein

Additionally, there are the Zaydi dogmatists

In addition to the ideological division, the Houthis are also riven by geographic divides that are dictated by existing tribal groupings.

Failed Political Mobilization

The Houthis have failed to mobilize politically as they have militarily. After their initial success sweeping into Sana’a, a number of political parties sided with the Houthis, including the Union of Popular Forces and al-Haq Party, but their motives were complicated—while they were influenced by the legitimacy of the Houthis’ Zaydi identity, they also had to consider their own viability and safety under Houthi rule.

Many Houthi supporters are politically or religiously agnostic pragmatists whose support for the group is based on immediate interests.

The infighting between the Houthi and pro-Saleh factions reinforced perceptions that the conflict is primarily between Saudi and Iranian proxies, and after Saleh was killed outside Sana’a some pragmatists proclaimed their dissent and fled Houthi-controlled territory.

The most influential component of the Houthi group is its militant bloc, represented by the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, which is structured similarly to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The Houthi military bloc is formidably armed, including with weapons it seized from government forces in the north.

The Houthi military wing provides the only significant female representation within the organization.

The Houthis are waging battles on many fronts, including internally.

The military branch of the Houthi movement could easily take advantage of its powerful wartime role to crush its rivals in the political arm. Doing so, however, would hinder the possibility of reconciliation with other Yemeni groups postwar and would complicate the possibility of peace.

Iran’s Role in the Conflict

Yemen’s war is a gift to Iran; Iran’s quiet manipulation of the war has reinforced its opponents’ fears that it is a menacing power in the Arabian Peninsula.

The Houthis’ and Yemen’s Future

If the Houthis fail to uphold their end of the peace bargain, the United Nations and other peace brokers should pressure the Houthis with exclusion in postconflict arrangements or the peace-building process—especially if the other political and military factions in Yemen can agree. But this should be a last resort. The Houthis are a powerful faction, and even if they have struggled to govern the country, they have demonstrated the capacity to stoke conflict and spoil political cooperation. This will remain true whenever the war ends - by Sama’a Al-Hamdani

(** B K P)

REVEALED: The full extent of US arms deals with Saudi Arabia and UAE

Commercial deals tracked by arms monitor prove the US is far more involved in the Yemen war than suspected

The United States has struck at least $68.2bn worth of deals for firearms, bombs, weapons systems, and military training with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates since the start of their war in Yemen – billions more than previously reported – according to data collected by an American think tank.

That colossal sum includes, for the first time, both commercial and governmental arms deals and indicates that US involvement in the disastrous war may be greater than suspected. In fact, the weapons expenditure could have funded the United Nations’s 2019 humanitarian appeal for Yemen – which totalled $4bn – 17 times over.

According to the data collected by arms trade watchdog Security Assistance Monitor (SAM) and reported here for the first time, American companies have made deals worth at least $14bn with the Emiratis and Saudis since March 2015, when the coalition intervened in the conflict.

Government sales tend to be for major systems, like combat aircraft, tanks, bombs, and ships, some of which are more likely than others to be used in Yemen – partly because it can take years to finalise such deals, which frequently grab headlines.

But it’s the smaller weapons like firearms and bombs sold in commercial sales that experts say are disproportionately likely to be used in the conflict and inflict significant damage.

William Hartung, director of the arms and security project at the Center for International Policy, a progressive think tank in Washington, DC, which houses SAM, said the commercial data shows the US footprint in Yemen is "dramatically understated” because commercial sales are “so rarely discussed, compared to big glitzy deals like the fighter planes”.

SAM’s estimate was all but confirmed by a US state department official, speaking on background, who said the overall value of American weapons deals to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen since March 2015 totalled about $67.4m.

New details about the arms deals come amid a continued push in the US Congress to end Washington’s involvement in the war in Yemen

Yet deals over the past four years have continued largely unabated. “Most deals to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, or anywhere else, basically sail through Congress without a discouraging word, much less a vote,” said Hartung.

Tracking nightmare

The main reason the total worth of US arms deals to the Saudi-led coalition has been publicly undervalued, said Arabia, is the convoluted and opaque way commercial deals are tracked and reported.

The US government publishes details about arms deals concluded with other governments – through the “Foreign Military Sales” programme – whenever the administration gives its approval. But tracking deals between commercial US arms manufacturers and foreign governments – ‘Direct Commercial Sales’ – is tricky.

Some deals are listed as going to multiple countries, hiding the true recipients of the weapons or any dollar amount. Other agreements don’t give specific weapon types, only rough categories like "firearms and ammunition". Some deals are listed as going to multiple countries, hiding the true recipients of the weapons or any dollar amount. Other agreements don’t give specific weapon types, only rough categories like "firearms and ammunition".

However, bit by bit, Arabia has pieced together a database of commercial deals to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Combining figures from both the government and commercial deals she has tracked, Arabia’s totals show that the US has agreed on over $54.1bn in weapons and training with the Saudis and more than $14bn with the UAE since the coalition’s intervention in the war – by Frank Andrews (with film)

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H)

Cholera is surging once again in war-ravaged Yemen

Cholera is surging once again in Yemen, with the U.N. reporting that the number of suspected cases has doubled in March over previous months and doctors in overwhelmed health facilities fearing it could rival a 2017 outbreak that spiraled into the world’s worst flare-up.

The surge underscores how Yemen, which has endured multiple outbreaks of cholera amid four years of civil war, still isn’t able to stop its spread.

At al-Sabeen Hospital in the capital of Sanaa, beds are full and patients sleep in tents in a courtyard. Some of them wait for treatment by lying on cardboard under trees, with IVs dangling from the branches.

“We receive cases around the clock. Sometimes three to four cases a minute,” said Dr. Ismail al-Mansouri. “The hospital is under heavy pressure, as it receives patients from across the country.”

Even the doctors are not immune: Al-Mansouri and several other staff have caught cholera. On March 28, one of their colleagues, a well-loved pediatrician, died of the disease.

Two other outbreaks since 2016 caused more than 1.4 million suspected cases and killed more than 3,000 people. Most of those stemmed from an outbreak that began in April 2017 and grew into the world’s biggest.

The spread has slowed since late 2018, although it never stopped. Now, seasonal rains that began earlier than usual this year have caused a spike in the disease.

There were 76,152 new suspected cases and 195 deaths in March, compared to about 32,000 cases in February and 39,000 in January. The March toll brought the number of those believed to have died from cholera this year to nearly 300.

The rates last month are comparable to the first weeks of 2017, when cases jumped to 10,000 and 20,000 a week. It accelerated to 50,000 a week at its height and went on to infect more than 1 million people before waning in mid-2018.

“The outbreak this year is much worse and the situation is very dangerous,” said Adel al-Alamni, head of the cholera treatment center at al-Sabeen.

The destruction wreaked by Yemen’s civil war has created prime conditions for cholera’s spread – by Ahmed Al-Haj, AP = =

(* B H)

Film: Yemen's cholera outbreak kills over 300 people

The war has damaged the country's infrastructure, making conditions ripe for contamination.

Cholera is making another comeback in Yemen.

Suspected cases have doubled during the past month, with warm, wet weather, and a healthcare system that has been devastated by war, creating perfect conditions for the illness to spread. =

(* B H)

Yemen’s Worsening Cholera Outbreak

Like the rest of Yemen’s humanitarian crisis, the latest outbreak of cholera is the result of the destruction and upheaval caused by the war. All parties share responsibility for the deteriorating situation, but Saudi coalition bombing and policies have contributed significantly to creating the conditions for the quick spread of the disease.

The potential is great for a new and even larger cholera epidemic than in 2017, and it is one more reason why Yemen desperately needs a halt to the fighting and a massive humanitarian relief effort.

(B H)

Film: Cholera is spreading (in Arabic)

(A H)

Health Minister announces emergency state to combat cholera epidemic

My remark: Sanaa government.

(A H)

Emergency campaign to combat cholera in Mahweet

(* B H)

Two deaths and about 400 cases of cholera symptoms in Shamayteen in two weeks

The Director of the Health Bureau of the Al-Shmaytin district of Taiz said the number of cases of Cholera and the suspected cases that have reached the Directorate's health facilities in the past 10 days has reached 398.

Mohamed Sultan said in a special statement to Al-Masdar online. according to information from the epidemiological surveillance centre over the past 10 days, the number of recorded deaths is two, with the remainder 396 suspected of cholera.

Twenty two cases of cholera had been confirmed and the facilities had not been able to conduct cholera tests for the rest of the cases because of the lack of solutions and equipment.

(A H)

His name is Abdurahman. He lives in #Hajjah governorate. He died of diphtheria yesterday. Diseases like diphtheria and cholera are spreading like a wildfire in #Yemen (photo)

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pS)

Explosion of weapons depot east of Mocha and Houthi artillery shells government forces positions in Hodeidah

A number of artillery shells landed early Sunday morning at the Thabet Brothers compound, following artillery shelling by Houthi militants, on positions south of the city of Hodeidah, according to eyewitnesses.

(A K pH)

April 6: In Hodeidah, US-Saudi mercenaries fired 12 artillery shells and machineguns on civilians' farms and properties in Attohayta district.

(A K pS)

Film. Footage: Houthis Target Redeployment Committee Meeting Hall with Mortar

The Iranian-backed rebels targeted today a meeting hall of Redeployment Committee Coordination in the port city of Hodeidah.

According to National Resistance Military Medial, the rebels targeted the hall with a mortar shell. =

(* B P)

Yemen: Hadi's saudi-backed gov't continues lies on implementation of Sweden agreements

An official source at the Foreign Ministry on Thursday commented on the interview conducted by the Arab Independent newspaper website with the FM of saudi-backed resigned Hadi's government on April 2, 2019.
The source pointed out that the interview through these sites attempted to confirm the continuation of the group of the outgoing president loyal to Riyadh to exercise lies on the citizen and the international community by promoting the pursuit of seeking political solution, while avoiding in the same time the implementation of Security Council resolutions No. 2451 and No. 2452, which stressed the importance of the implementation of the Stockholm Agreement, which represents a first step in the peace process and not an entrance to surrender as Hadi's authorities imagine.

My remark: By the Sanaa government.

(* B P)

Crisis Group Yemen Update #8

Political and Military Developments

Hodeida continues to be the centre of gravity for diplomatic efforts in Yemen.

Bottom Line: Griffiths hopes to pivot toward a political process to end the war later in 2019, but he will need, at a minimum, to convince the Huthis and the Hadi government to implement the first phase of redeployments, which includes the Huthis redeploying from Yemen’s Red Sea ports. To do this, the local security force issue – which has as much to do with longer-term matters of sovereignty and legitimacy as with control of Hodeida itself – may have to be fully postponed and settled during discussions over a wider transitional arrangement. Hodeida has absorbed most diplomatic energy focused on Yemen, and for good reason given that both sides view it as a litmus test for moving forward with broader political discussion.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, April 5th, 2019

(* A K pS)

Three civilians were killed, including a woman, by the explosion of a landmine deployed by Houthi armed group in Tahita district and a civilian was killed by a Houthi sniper in Hays district in Hodeida governorate.

(A K pS)

Film: The bombing and siege of the militia of the Directorate of Hiss

One of the treacherous bombs fired by the militia exploded near a 30-year-old woman who was shot and killed 14 days later by shrapnel from the shell

the inhabitants of the city of Hiss receive their homes and markets strikes by the Houthi militias with various weapons

(A K pH)

Saudi-led coalition kills 8 civilians, injures another during attacks over last 24 hours

3 women and a man were killed while another injured when the mercenaries targeted a citizen’s house in Rabsa neighborhood, Hawk district, Hodeidah province.
The official added that the force of coalition fired more than 30 shells and machine guns at the Faculty medical science, al-Jamal Dawar, and Hodeidah Airport.

(A K pS)

Houthi Sniper Shoots Resident Dead North Al Hodiedah


(A K pS)

A landmine explosion kills two men and a woman south of Hodeidah

a mine exploded with a motorcycle carrying two men and one woman, all of whom were killed instantly.

(A K pH)

New Violation Crime Against A Yemeni Mother With Her Two Children

Militants loyal to the Saudi-led coalition forces have kidnapped a woman and two of her children in Hodeidah province on Thursday, a security source reported.

The source added that the attackers also completely destroyed her house

(A K pH)

Hodeidah security forces arrest criminal cell for US-saudi coalition forces

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* A K P)

Papst kritisiert Waffenhandel

Klare Worte vom Papst: "Jedes Land, das Waffen produziert und verkauft, hat den Tod von jedem Kind und die Zerstörung von jeder Familie auf dem Gewissen."

Papst Franziskus hat dem Westen wegen seiner Waffendeals mit Ländern in Konfliktregionen eine Mitschuld am Tod von Kindern gegeben. Dass es so viele Kriege in aller Welt gebe, liege daran, dass "das reiche Europa und Amerika Waffen verkaufen".
Diese würden dann genutzt, um Kinder zu töten, kritisierte Franziskus in einer Audienz vor Studenten

(* A K P)

Pope blames Europe, US weapons for children killed in wars

Pope Francis blamed Europe and the United States for the deaths of children in Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan, saying Saturday that wealthy Western countries fuel conflicts by selling weapons in war zones.

Speaking to students and teachers of Milan’s San Carlo Institute, Francis said the reason there are so many wars around the world is “the rich Europe and America sell weapons ... used to kill children and kill people.”

Without such firepower, the pope added, there wouldn’t have been war in countries such as Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria. .

“A country that produces and sells weapons has on its conscience the death of every child and the destruction of each family,” Francis said.

and also

(* B H K)

US-Saudi Missiles on Yemen Produce Generation of Deformed Babies

Medical source pointed out that the main cause of deformity of embryos within the womb of their mothers is the poisonous gases that accompany the forbidden missiles dropped by the coalition four years ago on the heads of Yemenis. Medical sources stated that the phenomenon of deformed births will continue in the border areas in Sa'ada because of the use of internationally banned weapons there intensively.

(* B H K P)

Audio: April 5, 2019: All About the Crisis in Yemen

All about the crisis in Yemen.Scott Paul is th eHumanitirian policy lead for Oxfam. He weighs in on where crisis originated, how the U.S. is involved, what the Saudi’s are doing, what’s happening on the ground and more.

(* B K P)

Audio: How Fake Russiagate Hid a Real Scandal in Yemen guest WIll Porter

Will Porter returns to FPF to talk Russiagate, Yemen, and Israel

Will breaks down the US and UK involvement in Yemen. Including a recent report that UK soldiers are fighting against the Houthi in Yemen.

(* A K)

Film: Hassan Al-Haifi war live.

(* B K)

Film. On International Day for Mine Awareness, we pay tribute to the women and men who show extraordinary bravery in advancing the vital work of de-mining, step-by-step, so that conflict-affected communities can live in security.

(* B K pS)

Life in a minefield... One million land mines and 30 million explosive devices in Yemen

The conflict statements and the armed event project ACLED, confirmed the end of last March, that data. between January and May last year, it is reported that mines planted by the Houthis killed an average of three civilians per month in al-Hodeidah Governorate.

The Houthi group planted tens of thousands of mines across the country, trying to stop the progress of government forces, and turned Yemen into a minefield and the world's largest mined country since World War II.

The al-Houthi mines produced scores of dead and hundreds of disabled people with catastrophic repercussions on the economy, agriculture, grazing and environmental impacts, as well as the huge material cost of their removal.

The number of mines planted by the Houthis in four years is estimated to be about 1 million, according to the MASAM Mine Clearance Center

(* B K pS)

Rasd Coalition recorded 1,155 #casualties of antipersonnel and anti-vehicle #mines, including 932 #civilians and 223 military personnel among the parties to the #conflict. Of the total number of civilian fatalities, 178 #children, 84 #women & 44 elderly people

(* B K)

In 2018 alone, 228 children paid the heaviest price of the war in #Yemen at the cost of improvised explosive devices, unexploded ordnances, mines and explosive remnants of war.

In total, 38 children lost their lives and 190 were wounded or injured.

(* B K)

Clearing the way to a better life

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works with the Yemeni Executive Mine Action Center (YEMAC) to clear explosives, while improving the skills and competence of national institutions to conduct demining exercises, without external assistance.

To date, approximately 1,250 YEMAC staff have been trained, nationwide. The next steps will include raising additional funds, decentralizing coordination and procuring equipment to help YEMAC fully meet the International Mine Action Standards.

In the meantime, “YEMAC has demonstrated a high level of resourcefulness,” says Stephen Bryant, Chief Technical Advisor at UNDP’s Mine Action Project in Yemen. “And they have achieved good results – even with limited resources and under the constant threat of artillery attack.”

(* B K pH)

NCD Enumerates Bombing Yemeni Civilians with 1,070 Cluster Bombs

The National Committee for Demining (NCD) held a ceremony in Sana'a on Thursday to mark the World Day for Mine Awareness under the slogan "For a Yemen Mine-free".

Mohammed Al-Amoudi, director of the Victim Assistance Department of the NCD, said that the US-Saudi aggression used cluster bombs on Yemen from the first time, where the number of raids used by coalition aircraft was 1070 cluster bombs and the number of civilian casualties was 1,096 civilians over the past four years.

Al-Amoudi added that the NCD center has worked to spread awareness through several workshops and courses on the dangers of this devastating weapon.

My comment: By the Sanaa government. This is quite strange as the Sanaa government’s fighters had placed millions of mines in Yemen.

(B K pS)

UAE supports global demining efforts

The UAE has played a key role in supporting global and regional demining efforts, as well as in reducing the social and economic effects of mines.

Coinciding with the United Nations, UN, International Day for Mine Awareness on 4th April, the Emirates News Agency, WAM, is highlighting, in this report, the key demining initiatives organised by the UAE in various countries, as well as its efforts to help local people resume their normal lives. 2019 Theme is "United Nations Promotes SDGs – Safe Ground – Sa

(* B K P)

Film: When will the world stop failing the people of Yemen?

Tawakkol Karman accuses Saudi Arabia and the UAE of committing war crimes in Yemen and we debate Brexit

In this week's UpFront, we ask Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman who she holds most responsible for the war in Yemen and what her message is for US President Donald Trump.

When asked if she had a message for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), who has been a driving force behind the war, Karman says she believes he is a "criminal".

"I won't ask anything from Mohammed bin Salman because he is destroying my country. Mohammed bin Salman and [Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi] Mohammed bin Zayed, they should be tried in the International Criminal Court, because they have committed war crimes in my country," says Karman. = =

(* B K P)

Film, Bruce Riedel, a reminder: If the USA and UK tonight told king Salman this war has to end, it would end tomorrow

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen children outcrying! Appealing to human conscience! Who would listen and who would respond?

(* B K P)

The war in Yemen is just one phase of a wider assault on democracy

The US is supporting a joint Saudi-UAE effort to stamp out democratic movements in the region.

It’s easy to dismiss Yemen as a ‘quagmire’ or write off the conflict as being such a convoluted mess that even trying to understand it is folly. For so long, we heard this same rhetoric over Syria as a means to justify what so many call genocide.

Therefore, there should be no hesitation in pointing out the primary forces to blame for the current catastrophe in Yemen – Saudi, the UAE and, their ally-enabler, the US. But it should also be understood that this war, as part of a general regional counter-revolution following the so-called Arab spring, is a war against democracy.

This is something that Congress doesn’t want to know about. It’s an element that most US lawmakers would be unlikely to recognise or admit exists within the context of Yemen or the world.

Congress seems increasingly caught between increasing futility and an absence of the principles necessary to recognise the anti-democratic and counter-revolutionary nature of the threat posed by the UAE and Saudi.

(* B K P)

Film: Are Houthis Winning the War in Yemen?

After more than four years of war, Yemen’s Houthi rebels have gone from strength to strength, despite years of air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition. The Houthis are said to rely on help from Iran, but the coalition opposing them has more wealth and far more firepower. So how have the Houthis managed to hold on to such large swathes of territory?

Guests: Hussain al Bukhaiti - Pro-Houthi Yemeni journalist; Elisabeth Kendall - Senior research fellow in Oriental Studies at Oxford University; Fatima Abo al Asrar - Senior analyst at the Arabia Foundation

My remark: „Arabia Foundation“ is a Saudi propaganda mouthpiece.

(* B H K)

Yemen, come si sopravvive dopo quattro anni di guerra

A quattro anni dall’inizio del conflitto armato, 24 milioni di persone hanno bisogno urgente di aiuto, l’80% della popolazione è allo stremo delle forze. Un’emergenza umanitaria che non conosce rivali, definita dalle Nazioni Unite come la più grave al mondo.

Sono trascorsi quattro anni dall’inizio della guerra in Yemen, un anniversario triste da ricordare

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B P)

Serious Implications of Preventing Entry Of Oil Vessels Into Yemen

The US-Saudi aggression is holding eight oil vessels in Djibouti, despite the fact that they already have been inspected and granted licenses by the United Nations that allow them to access the country.

The maritime blockade is causing disastrous consequences for the Yemeni economy

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(B H)

Disparity in Yemen, infographic|comp_higher_2yrs_2529|comp_higher_4yrs_2529|comp_higher_4yrs_3034&year=|2013

(B H)

Islamic Relief: Recovering from life-changing injuries thanks to Islamic Relief in Yemen

As part of Islamic Relief’s extensive emergency response, we are supporting three physiotherapy and prosthetic centres in Sana’a, Taiz and Aden. The centres help people to recover from injuries or live with lifelong conditions. We are providing help with maintenance, materials and financial support for staff – as well as badly needed prostheses and paralysis devices.

“Islamic Relief provided me with splints to my leg and hand, physical therapy, medicines and crutches. I am optimistic about the future, I hope that my leg and hand became better so I can get back to work.”

(B H)

Lo Yemen è un Paese appeso a un filo

[Overview; in Italian]

A quattro anni dall'inizio del conflitto, lo Yemen attraversa una crisi profonda che, dietro le parole e le rare immagini che ci giungono, ha un impatto sulla vita quotidiana di uomini, donne e bambini, privati di tutto.

(* B H)

Please read and don't be shocked Here is a document from Food Security Agriculture cluster in #Yemen mentioning the cost of each food basket (48000YR) as the real cost of each food basket in the local market is not more than (25000YR) The question is where is the rest of money? (document)

(B H)

World Food Programme: Yemen: Emergency Dashboard, March 2019

(B H P)

US Agency for International Development: Yemen - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #6, Fiscal Year (FY) 2019

With USAID/FFP support, WFP delivered emergency food assistance to approximately 9.3 million food-insecure people in February, reaching 200,000 more people than in January.

(B H)

The Sensitive Cash Transfer Program For Nutrition in Hodeidah, during March 2019, provided cash assistance for 25812 beneficiaries

The program in Hodeidah during the first quarter of 2019 provided cash assistance in form of transportation & accommodation allowance for 548 severely malnourished children (photos)

(* B H)

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International: Study reveals Yemenis are surviving war-torn districts through agriculture and livelihood aid

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) had for seven months conducted a pre- and post- study on the long-term effects of relief aid provided to 200,000 people in Yemen, many of whom were faced with ongoing unrest since peace treaties broke throughout the country in 2016.

In the first trial of the project, ADRA randomly selected 374 households to assess people’s living conditions and sources of income.

Some of the key findings:

82 percent of respondents reported being in debt; 72 percent of respondents depended on one source of income; Nearly 50 percent of households reported not having enough food

In the second trial, ADRA conducted a follow-up study after the project ended and surveyed households that were randomly selected and households that were visited before.

Results were:

78 percent of respondents reported being in debt; 81 percent of households depended on one source of income; 15 percent of households reported not having enough food

(* B H)

Film: Yemen: Mansour

Mansour got injured when he was just one.
With the long waiting lists for artifitial limbs replacements in Yemen, he's unable to replace his - forcing him to miss out on his favorite activities.

(* B H)

Film: The 13-year-old victim of Yemen’s war

“I’d like the war to stop, and we can live like children elsewhere.”

We meet a 13-year-old victim of Yemen’s war who was seriously injured while playing with an unexploded shell.

(A H)

Funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign in indiegogo @monarelief's team in Hajjah & Mahweet provinces provided food packages to a handful of families. Thank you so much our donors. (photos)

Again Real time pictures @monarelief's team distributing now food aid baskets to the most vulnerable families in in Sana'a funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign in #Indiegogo and our partners in Austria Roth Fundation Please donate #Yemen:

Based on funds by our great partners in Poland @SzkolydlaPokoju & Blue star in the USA @monarelief's team distributing now food aid baskets to the most vulnerable families in the capital Sana'a. Thank you to you all guys for your support Cc @monareliefye (photos)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 5 April 2019

UNHCR continues to deliver emergency response to internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing recent hostilities across the country.

UNHCR’s cash and shelter assistance to IDPs is on-going.

UNHCR continues addressing the needs of refugees and asylum-seekers through capacity building


(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Humanitarian Response Plan 2019 Snapshot and Meetings Calendar

In IDP Hosting Sites some 465,000 IDPs live in close to 1,300 Sites, often as a last resort, and are considered among the most vulnerable populations with no means to support more adequate shelter solutions.

(* B H)

The escape from death to death... Yemeni youth journey to find alternative homelands (investigation)

Dubaisi: I saw the red sky and the Sea was red and heard the screaming of women and children Oh God Oh God

Yemeni embassy in Libya: 7 Yemeni migrants who entered Libya through Sudan drowned by a boat carrying more than 100 people and 3 of them were rescued while four Yemenis were lost and so far they were not found.

Yemeni students study in Morocco, from 65 to 70 students, including one female student who left school and migrated to Europe

They saw their future falling in front of their eyes, and they are getting old in homelands filled with graveyards which made the greatest desire of Yemeni and Arab youth in general is to reach Europe. The promised paradise.

Fleeing death to death, they are in a difficult and dangerous way in search of life, a nation that accommodates their dreams, and those simple things (freedom, health, education, security, stability and dignity) that they have lost in their homelands, so the can find them in an alternative homeland worth the adventure to reach!

Two years ago she told me: I'm leaving with smugglers across the sea to Europe.

I told her: but you risk, risking your life, you may be arrested and imprisoned, and you may drown, you may be harmed, haven't you heard the stories of women who have tried too?

She said: In any case we are lost, we live a situation that compels us to venture, it worth the honour of trying , don't you think the dogs there live better than us? It has everything and we don't even have a bite to keep us alive, a girl ventured and reached and young people ventured and drowned in the middle of the sea, what will I lose if I try!

And finally

Is the Convention on the Status of Refugees still adequate? What about illegal immigrants who fled their countries suffering from war, poverty and persecution and are brutally treated in shelters? Or by the transit States, in my view, this Convention needs to be developed for the protection of illegal immigrants, reclining to international humanitarian law or human rights conventions is no longer sufficient.

(* A H K pS)

Hundreds of families displaced from Dhala’a province

Hundreds of families were displaced from Dhala’a province due to the indiscriminate bombardment by the Houthis who are trying to take over some district of the province.

Local officials appealed to local and international organizations to immediately intervene to save the harmed people and provide them with essential needs.

Musaed Abdullah, a relief official in al-Dhala’a, said that the displaced families are facing challenges and difficulties in the areas they fled to, pointing out that some of these families reside in caves, schools and old houses.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

Four unidentified bodies found in Ibb in the past two days

The province of Ibb is witnessing a security chaos that has increased the severity of crimes, daily killings, looting and burglary of public and private property.

(A P)

Accusations between Houthi leaders of smuggling al-Sheikh Al-Sakani assassin from its prisons in Sana'a

Security and political leaders of the al-Houthi group exchanged accusations against the backdrop of the smuggling of the al-Sheikh Al-Sakani assassin from the group's prisons in Sanaa by Houthi elements.

(A P)

Al-Houthi group acquires thousands of tons and lays aid wheat in containers with zakat Authority logo

A source working for the World Food Programme (WFP) said that the aid seized by al-Houthi is distributed by the name "Zakat authority".

The source disclosed to “Al-Masdasr online" the disappearance of thousands of tons of wheat material destined for those affected by the war, which he said go to the Houthis stores are acquired through the group's executive unit in Sana'a.

The source, who preferred anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation, reported that the al-Houthi group was unloading wheat after it removed the World Food Organization logo and placed it in packaging’s bearing the slogan of the so-called Zakat Authority recently established by the group headed by a member of the group.

(A P)

Sanaa Court reserves 36 kidnapped cases for sentencing and order imprisonment of defense lawyer because of a pen

According to private sources, the specialized criminal court in Sanaa has reserved the case of 36 kidnapped activists and journalists for sentencing in Saturday's session next week.

The sources added to "Al-Masdar online " that the court judge, reserving the case for the sentencing, after refusing to allow the defense of the abductees, to submit their pleadings to the criminal report and the documents and the reasons presented to the court, allegedly proving the involvement of the detainees in the malicious charges attributed to them by the prosecution.

According to the sources, the specialized Criminal court, in a hearing session on Saturday, imprisoned a lawyer (Hussein al-Hamami) and referred him for investigation and trial, after accusing him of inciting and attempted murder, by providing a pen to a kidnapped, the court claimed that he would be used to kill political security officers, referring to killings in a similar way in the past.

(A P)

Houthis Arrest Assistant Secretary-General of Raeduun Organization

The Houthi militia have arrested Ali Mas’ad Al-Aji, the Assistant Secretary-General of Raeduun Organization, for declining to pay for the militia’s alleged “war effort.”

“Assistant Secretary-General has been held captive for refusing to fund the militia with an amount of ten million Yemeni Rails,” a source in the organization told Republican Yemen.

(A P)

Houthi gunmen blow up two houses in Otmah West Dhamar

The campaign came against the backdrop of the killing of one of the Houthi gunmen and the injury of another on the same day in a row between them and tribal members of the region.

(A P)

Houthis attacked a wedding in Radaa Albayda Province and beat the drummer and cut his hair because guys are not supposed to have pretty hair. (photos)

(B P)

4 years of enforced disappearance. Why do the Houthis insists on concealing Qahtan??

The leader Mohamed Qahtan, today, completed his fourth year and entered into the fifth years of enforced disappearance.

Over the four years, the Houthi militia refused to disclose his fate, or even to confess to the fact that he still alive, and leaked news of his death and other state leaders (the brother of the President, the defense Minister and Faisal Rajab) in an air strike.

"Every year for four years, there is nothing to change," said Mohamed Qahtan's son Zaid, adding that the militias refused to answer their question about his father "refusing to talk about him."

Since he was kidnapped from his home, the militias have surrounded the fate of the leader Qahtan with a lot of secrecy, and resisted major international pressure from the United Nations and the UN Security Council.


(A P)

Daughter of forcefully disappeared and arbitrary detained politician for more than 4 years is calling to free her father #FreeQahtan referring to

(A P)

Parliament discusses Finance Committee's reports on taxation

Parliament directs government with number of recommendations

At this session, the Council reviewed the names of members of the Joint Governmental Parliamentary Committee charged with following up the implementation of the following recommendations:

(A P)

Al-Houthis Execute a Yemeni Citizen who Refused to Turn His House into a Military barracks

because he prevented Al-Houthis from using his house yard, near front lines of clashes west of the directorate, as field for heavy artillery. The statement indicated that Al-Houthis entered military patrols and weapons into citizens’ farms and these acts put citizens’ lives at risk.

(* A P)

An al Houthi commander killed an elder of one of the Bakil Confederation tribes from Ayyal Serih district in Amran governorate on April 2. Bakil Confederation elders threatened to withdraw fighters from al Houthi forces and to close supply routes between Sana'a city and Sa'ada governorates if the al Houthi movement refuses to hand over the commander. Bakil Confederation elders refused attempts to arbitrate the dispute and Bakil tribesmen protested in the suburbs of Sana'a city. The Bakil Confederation is one of the largest tribal confederations in central Yemen.[1]

(A P)

Pictures from the creations of the students of the Department of Art Education at the University of Thamarsit were presented during the annual art exhibition that evaluated the University of Dhamar on the occasion of the passage of four years of legendary steadfastness in the face of aggression (photos, film)


(B P)

Family's struggle to safely free son from Yemen prison

The mother of a political prisoner in Yemen, accused of being a British spy, has said the family faces continuing setbacks to free him.

Luke Symons, 27, from Cardiff has been held without charge in a political prison in Yemen for the last two years.

While his family has been told he can be released, his mother Jane Lawrence said they do not know how to get him out of the war-torn country safely.

and also

(A P)

The Mothers of Abductees Association held a protest in Sana’a over the torture and sexual harassment of the detainees in the Political Security (photos)

(* B P)

AMA demands to immediately save detainees from torture

The Abductees’ Mothers Association (AMA) has arranged a protest in the capital Sana’a, demanding to save abductees and enforcedly disappeared persons from torture inside the notorious prison of the Political Security.

In a statement, AMA affirmed that the abductees and disappeared have been being subjected to different sorts of torture for two weeks, emphasizing that they were deprived from being visited by their families.


(* B P)

Abductees Mothers Association Urgent Notification Calls for the Quick Rescue of Abductees in Political Security in Sana'a Dozens of civilian abductees, most of them are academics, journalists and students, are held in the political security prison in Sana', (text in image)

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: This is the worst prison with historic notoriety for being a darkest pit of hell. The forcibly disappeared are in eminent danger, where some may never see light again, and those who do will have a lifetime of hard recovery. UN Envoy needs to immediately prioritize release.

My remark: Omeisy himself was a prisoner of the Houthis at Sanaa.

(B P)

Um Salma out of “hell on earth” recounts

Shuddering at the memory of brutal torture and separation from her child she suffered under Houthi captivity, Um Salma says she hopes to live to see the day when the plight of Yemenis in militia detention facilities, which she labeled as “hell on earth”, is known to all.
Recounting her story, Um Salma (a pseudonym she asked to use) says that she was arrested back in October at Tahrir Square, a popular gathering spot for protesters in Sanaa, when demonstrating against hunger plaguing most of the city’s residents after Houthi militias, who run the city, failed to pay the salaries of public sector employees.
Um Salma, 35, says she was arrested alongside 15 other Yemeni women while protesting.

(A P)

Abdul Salam: Aggression on Yemen is American-British-Zionist, the Rest are Functional Puppets

The head of the National Delegation and official spokesman of Ansarullah, Mohammed Abdul Salam, said on Thursday that the investigation of the British Channel 4 into Britain's complicity in Yemen war reveals the true identity of the aggressor and its motives and objectives.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* A P)

Parliamentary source: The UAE has not allowed to hold a meeting of the House of Representatives in Aden

A member of the House of Representatives told Al-Masdar online that the House of Representatives meeting will not be held in the interim capital - Aden at all because the UAE did not allow it.

The parliamentarian, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak, pointed out that the arrangements now underway, which are still stalled, are all being searched on the basis of holding the meeting elsewhere and possibly in Hadramawt after Aden has been completely excluded as a place where the council meeting is supposed to be held.

He said efforts failed to persuade Emiratis to allow the meeting of the Council in Aden, and that these efforts faced formal justifications and the response of the UAE to local forces working for them to escalate against the presence of the government if insisting on holding the council meeting in the city of Aden.

The city of Aden (the southern part of the country) is under the control of the UAE and the local forces that created it to be a local agent, and despite the presence of the head of government and a number of ministers, the government movement is very limited, and confined to dealing with service files without approaching the political and security file.

My comment: „President” Hadi’s attempts to establish a concurrent parliament (parliament is holding sessions at Sanaa since 2016) by representatives who had deflected from the Houthis did not succeed up to now. – Southern separatists heavily oppose all these attempts, because in their eyes this parliament is a body which will strengthen Yemeni unity. It’s interesting up to which degree the UAE – the main supporters of Yemeni separatists – take their part in this matter. The whole matter shows that the UAE are those who really have the power at Aden, the Hadi “government” just being without any power in their own “capital city”. And separatists will oppose any sessions of these parliament at other places as well.

(A T)

An improvised explosive device exploded in the south-east of Abyan injuring a civilian

(A T)

A soldier killed and his brother wounded by unidentified gunmen west of Taiz city

(A T)

The body of an explosives expert who follows al-Qaeda in Abyan is found one week after his arrest

after being held in a prison run by local forces backed by the UAE in western Abyan province.

(A T)

Unidentified gunmen kidnap security official in Hadramawt

(A K P)

A large Saudi military force arrives in the First military Zone in Seiyun

A huge Saudi military force with heavy and sophisticated equipment arrived in the city of Seiyun Wadi Hadramawt on Saturday night.

Neither the coalition forces nor the First Zone command has made any clarifications on the purpose of these forces.

(A P)

The Nasserites in Taiz demonstrate in support of security. Military police confirm the arrest of 20 gunmen

The demonstrators demanded an end to all security imbalances in the city of Taiz, the arrest of civilian killers and assassination cells, bringing them to justice, and accelerating the liberation of the province from Houthi militias.

(B H P)

Last year, women in Mahra told of their dream to launch a newspaper. Now it’s a reality! The 1st issue of “Mahri Women’s Voice” has been published and tackles women’s illiteracy, training, Mahri language & more

Read about women's illiteracy, ambitions, health, Mahri language/culture & lots more! Via the website of local grass-roots NGO (Arabic only)

(A P)

Aden.. The death of lawyer Hoda Sarari's son by armed men bullets

The son of lawyer and human rights activist Huda Sarari died in a hospital in the southern Yemeni city of Aden, who was injured earlier by armed men fire north of the city.

A local source told Al-Masdar online that the incident of the son of human rights activist Huda al-Sarari, who died today, was hit by a bullet from armed confrontations during popular protests in the Sheikh Osman district north of the city of Aden earlier last month.

(A P)

Son of lawyer interested in case of UAE secret prisons in Aden dies of his wounds

Mohsen, son of Yemeni lawyer and human rights activist Huda al-Sarari, died of his wounds on Saturday in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden.

“Doctors failed to save the life of Mohsen, who was shot by the UAE-backed militia in the province,” a source in Aden told Yemen Press Agency.

(B K P)

UAE Developing New Port, Preparing To Establish Military Base on Island

the Emirati occupying forces has developed a new port in Hawlaf area near Haidibu city, the province capital, while a full military brigade is stationed in the provincial capital and its airport. The UAE is using foreign workers from Pakistan and other nationalities to work in the fish factory instead of the people of the province.

(* B P)

Crisis Group Yemen Update #8

This week, we explain why ending the internal conflict in Taiz should be a priority step toward national-level peacebuilding efforts.

Trendline: Trouble in Taiz

Taiz, Yemen’s largest pre-war manufacturing hub and cultural capital nestled in the country’s central highlands, is widely regarded by its inhabitants as a forgotten city. Any future political settlement will have to include a mechanism to end the struggle for Taiz, but internal wrangling among anti-Huthi forces may prove as much of a barrier to progress as their rivalry with the Huthis.

Internal tensions among the loose coalition of anti-Huthi forces inside the city continue to pose an additional obstacle to improving life.

Along with other major front lines in the broader conflict, an accord on Taiz city and the wider eponymous governorate will be a key component of any political settlement to end the war, not least because so many of Yemen’s warring factions and parties are present there. Taiz was discussed during UN-led talks between the Huthis and government of Yemen in December 2018. But with most energy in Sweden directed at brokering a deal on Hodeida, the parties made no substantive agreement beyond committing to create a new committee to discuss the status of the city.

Opening the Taiz-Aden Highway

UN officials say that this has led to constructive discussions that are now centred around reopening the main highway linking Taiz with Aden, currently cut off by fighting. Doing so would allow for huge improvements to daily life in Taiz

Bottom Line: Yemen’s war is complex and multifaceted, as Taiz demonstrates. De-escalating the conflict in the city and wider governorate requires the UN and other international players not only to reach an agreement between the Huthis and their adversaries, but also to achieve a compromise within the anti-Huthi front,

(* B P)

Emirati exploitation of humanitarian aid in Yemen. Two images that provoke widespread indignation

The UAE and the Emirati Red Crescent are very interested in exploiting the humanitarian aid they provide in the liberated governorates to win the allegiance of citizens, exploiting the need that has been imposed and protracted, making it an area of investment of the parties that have the power of decision.

Although Emirati assistance is limited to symbolic aspects, it is being manipulated by media in a provocative manner, and this has been done by two images that have been circulating on social media sites for the past two days.

Where Emirati assistance is provided, it covers the UAE's flags and its leaders pictures to the extent of coverage of everything that symbolizes the Yemeni state.

Dozens of public schools were painted by the UAE and a restorative touch was put in the way, which filled its walls with the Emirati flags, images and slogans glorifying its leaders.

In Socotra Province, activists circulated a photograph of the Emirati delegate there, known as "Khalfan al Mazro’ee ", in which he distributes a small amount of money to the tourist island's children in a humiliating manner by lining them in long queues for each of them to receive 1,000 Yemeni riyals (less than $2).


Four people injured in clashes between tribal gunmen east of Abyan

(A P)

Protesters in Aden Open Al Mualla Street hours after it closes to demand delivery of “Danba’a” assassins

the father of Ra'fat Danba’a, who was shot dead by security forces last month, reopened a major road in Mualla, west of Aden, late Wednesday evening, after being closed by protesters, in protest against the delay in handing over the defendants in the case that triggered a wave of major protests in city last month.

(B P)

Films: They raped a nurse, video taped her, then offered her a job if she kept silent. Speaking of #Aden mercenary forces crimes, fighting alongside the aggressors #USA #UK #Saudi & #UAE ! Women of Aden testifying. Men of Aden still silent & afraid 2 face those beasts

(A P)

President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi nominated Abdel Wahab Mu’awadha to replace Yehya al Ra’i as the Head of Parliament on April 4. Mu’awadha is a member of the General People’s Congress (GPC) party while al Ra’i is a member of the al Houthi movement and is based in al Houthi-controlled Sana’a. Assistant Secretary-General of the GPC Sultan al Barqani left Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on April 4 in protest of President Hadi’s selection.[2]

My remark: This is part of Hadi’s attempt to establish a concurrent parliament at Aden, with former MPs who had defected from the Houthis. Al Rai is head of the parliament at Sanaa.

(A T)

Emirati-backed Yemeni security forces claimed to complete operations against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Markhah al ‘Ulya district in Shabwah governorate in central Yemen on April 3. The operations are part of Operation White Mountains, which the security forces launched on March 26.[4]

(A P)

Jemen: Patient aus Krankenhaus in Aden entführt und getötet - Ärzte ohne Grenzen stoppt Aufnahme weiterer Patienten

Nach der Entführung und Ermordung eines Patienten stoppt Ärzte ohne Grenzen die Aufnahme von weiteren Patienten in das Al Sadaka-Krankenhaus in Aden. Am Morgen des 2. April haben bewaffnete Männer Wachen und medizinische Mitarbeiter des Krankenhauses bedroht, sich gewaltsam Zugang zum Gebäude verschafft und einen Patienten entführt. Dieser war am Vortag aufgenommen worden und sollte operiert werden. Er wurde später am Tag auf einer Straße im Al Mansura-Distrikt in Aden tot aufgefunden.ötet

(A P)

Yemen: MSF suspends hospital admissions in Aden after patient is kidnapped and killed

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has suspended all patient admissions to the organization's emergency trauma hospital in Aden, Yemen, following the kidnapping and killing of a patient.

On the morning of April 2, a group of armed men threatened guards and medical staff at Al Sadaqah hospital before entering the building and kidnapping a patient who had been admitted the previous day and was due to undergo surgery. Later the same day, the patient was found dead on a street in the city's Al Mansoura district.

This incident follows several other threats and security incidents this year involving patients and staff, even as the hospital is particularly busy treating people wounded in the escalating violence in Aden.

(A P)

STC condemns attack on MSF center in Aden

The Human Rights Department of the Southern Transitional Council strongly condemned the attack launched by an armed group on Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and kidnapping a patient from its center in al-Sheikh Othman district, Aden on Wednesday morning.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Griffiths to Visit Sanaa Monday
UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths is scheduled to visit Sanaa on Monday in a new attempt to save the stalled Stockholm Agreement

his flight, which was due to leave Amman on Saturday, was delayed.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia urges UN to address Houthi weapon stockpiles

Saudi Arabia has called upon the UN Security Council (UNSC) to disarm Houthi militias in Yemen by targeting their munitions depots and stockpiles.
The request came in a letter sent by the Saudi ambassador to the UN, Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, to the president of the UNSC and to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, illustrating the pressure ongoing Houthi aggression was bringing to the conflict.

My comment: LOL. Obviously, it would be necessary to disarm all parties fighting in Yemen. Thus, take the Houthis’ ant and the Saudi elephant as well.

(A P)

Advisor to the UN Special Envoy to Yemen Matthew Waldman met with a delegation from the Transitional Political Council for the South (STC) that included President of the National Assembly Ahmed Said bin Brik and STC Assistant Secretary-General Fadl Mohammed al Jadi in Aden city on April 4. Waldman stressed that addressing the southern issue is key to addressing the Yemen conflict.[3]

(A P)

UN to meet Houthis in Sana’a Sunday

UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths is to arrive Sana’a on Sunday to meet Houthi leader with the aim of persuading them to implement peace agreements reached in Sweden in December 2018.

(A P)

Griffiths in Sanaa to Revive Hodeidah Deal

UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths is expected to accompany the head of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) in Hodeidah, Lieutenant-General Michael Lollesgaard, to Sanaa on Saturday for talks with the Iran-backed Houthi militias.
The meeting with the Houthi leadership falls in line with UN efforts to make the final preparations on the execution of the first phase of redeployment in the city of Hodeidah, a UN source said.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

Attackers target checkpoint in eastern Saudi Arabia: Al Arabiya

Four attackers targeted a security checkpoint with guns and explosives in eastern Saudi Arabia as they tried to flee the country, leading to the death of two and the arrest of two others, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television said on Sunday

The oil-producing province is a flashpoint between the Sunni Muslim government and the Shi’ite minority, which complains of discrimination and repression.


(B P)

Those who question #Saudi Monarchy narrative on women rights activists & #JamalKhashoghi murder should do same when Saudi murder Qatifi Arab protest activists. @Reuters @ap have been awful & even sectarian in their reporting


(* A P)

#Qatif: #Saudi forces have reportedly carried out an open retaliatory assassination of several activists for their participation in Qatif's peaceful pro-reform movement. Such assassinations are indicative of the regime's gang-like manner of dealing with individuals.

#Saudi Klansmen continues to fabricate “terrorist” attacks as part of its public relations to paint itself as victim pf terrorism while it is a leading terrorist regime supporting #ISIS & bombing mosques #Qatif & Alhasa.


(* B P)

The forced change in the Qatif area is a mass destruction of the identity of the region and of the population and is one of the worst crimes against humanity

Supported by UK ambassador to #Riyadh @UKinSaudiArabia , Saudi Klansmen are destroying #Qatif history & unique ancient farmland that survived 3000 years

Our country is massive with empty desert space but #Saudi Klansmen are razing established farm land supporting local economy as part of its war on the people, their economy & history. Saudis have waged war on local people, history & culture in non Wahhabi regions.

I wonder why @ap & @Reuters with reporters in #Dubai & report on marginal news in #Saudi do not see the Saudi destruction of massive & ancient farm land #Awamiya.

(* A P)

Many Libyan tweeps commenting on how Saudi & UAE accounts with a large following & associated bots are weighing into the ongoing conflict in western Libya - with propaganda, fake news & incitement in support of Haftar‘s operation. This is new, at least on that scale. (images)

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Profound Failure in the Middle East

As Algeria shows, Saudi efforts to spread a counterrevolution throughout the Middle East are coming up empty.

This week’s successful toppling of ailing Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika make one thing abidingly clear.

Saudi efforts to roll back the achievements of the 2011 popular Arab revolts are faltering. They have not resulted in pre-empting further uprisings.

Things aren’t looking any better for them in countries where they wanted to achieve regime change.

(A P)

To import nuclear fuel Saudi Arabia must agree to inspections – IAEA chief

The head of the UN nuclear watchdog organisation said Saudi Arabia would have to agree to a programme of inspections and other safeguards before importing nuclear fuel for a research reactor nearing completion in Riyadh.

Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said, however, that Riyadh had not yet given a clear answer on its intentions.

My remark: Also look at cp8.


(B P)

Film: US decision to nuclearize Saudi Arabia very irresponsible: Scholar

The United States government has taken a very irresponsible step by purportedly deciding to secretly nuclearize Saudi Arabia, American writer and retired professor James Petras says.

“It’s a very serious and a negative step by the Trump administration that puts in question the whole stability of the Middle East and beyond. The Saudis are completely irresponsible and have demonstrated that in the recent past with their assassinations of [Jamal] Khashoggi and others that have been opposed to Saudi Arabia.”

“Most important of all Saudi Arabia has completely violated any legislation nuclear or otherwise that has taken place in the recent period,” he stated. =

and website of Saudi Nuclear research center.

(A P)

The #Saudi government re-opened the case of Malak Al-Shehri and requested her to attend court. Her case was simply leaving the house without an Abaya. This is targeted oppression against feminists inside the country & abroad

(B P)

Say they have confidence in King Salman's leadership. Saudi Arabia: 93% UAE: 86% Pakistan: 74% Egypt: 70% Australia: 52% Indonesia: 51% US: 47% Nigeria: 41% Canada: 35% UK: 35% Italy: 33% France: 28% Brazil: 23% Germany: 23% India: 18% Russia: 10% Turkey: 8%

Comment: So 93% of the #Saudis trust the Saudi leadership? this is must be a joke because there are lots of Saudis who oppose the royal family ,however they are afraid to speak up because they will end up in jail.

(A E P)

Grain giant John Nicoletti sells 200,000 hectares of WA land to Saudi company for $60m

Western Australia's biggest grain farmer, John Nicoletti, has sold his 200,000 hectare portfolio of land to the Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company (SALIC) in a deal worth an estimated $60 million.

Termed the Baladjie aggregation, the land is spread across WA's eastern wheatbelt region, comprising 76,000 hectares of freehold cropping land and 134,000 ha of leasehold land, which is used for broadacre cropping.

There is also a substantial sheep flock of 40,000 merino ewes, plus rams and lambs.

(A P)

Supporters of Saudi women activists detained, including two U.S. citizens

Saudi Arabia has arrested eight people, including two dual U.S.-Saudi citizens, in an apparent crackdown on supporters of women activists whose trial has drawn Western condemnation, rights groups said on Friday.

Those newly detained, seven men and one woman, are not frontline activists but have expressed support of women’s rights and other reforms. They were detained late on Wednesday and Thursday, according to ALQST and an associate, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

and by AP:


(* B E P)

Killt Saudi-Arabien den Petrodollar?

Die Saudis machten den Petrodollar erst möglich. Nun droht Riadh mit dem Ende. Washington könnte einen Regime-Change versuchen.

jetzt, so Reuters, unter Berufung auf drei unbekannte Personen, die mit der saudi-arabischen Energiepolitik vertraut sind, droht Saudi-Arabien, den Dollar als Hauptwährung beim Verkauf seines Öls fallen zu lassen, wenn die USA ein Gesetz (NOPEC, No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act) verabschieden, das OPEC-Mitglieder US-Kartellverfahren unterwirft.

Damit begibt sich die aktuelle Saudi-Führung jedoch auf sehr dünnes Eis.


(* B E P)

Steht das Ende des Petro-Dollars bevor? Das NOPEC-Gesetz und seine möglichen Folgen

Eine sehr wichtige Meldung ist gestern weitgehend untergegangen. Saudi-Arabien hat angekündigt, sich unter Umständen vom Petro-Dollar loszusagen. Nun nicht zu früh freuen, ganz so einfach ist es nicht und sicher ist es auch nicht. Aber allein die Tatsache, dass es einen so großen potenziellen Konflikt zwischen Saudi-Arabien und den USA geben könnte, ist einen näheren Blick auf die Hintergründe wert.

(* B E P)

Exclusive: Saudi Arabia threatens to ditch dollar oil trades to stop 'NOPEC' - sources

Saudi Arabia is threatening to sell its oil in currencies other than the dollar if Washington passes a bill exposing OPEC members to U.S. antitrust lawsuits, three sources familiar with Saudi energy policy said.

They said the option had been discussed internally by senior Saudi energy officials in recent months.

The chances of the U.S. bill known as NOPEC coming into force are slim and Saudi Arabia would be unlikely to follow through, but the fact Riyadh is considering such a drastic step is a sign of the kingdom’s annoyance about potential U.S. legal challenges to OPEC.

(* B E P)

Saudi plans to invite bids for nuclear power project in 2020: sources

Saudi Arabia plans to issue a multi-billion-dollar tender in 2020 to construct its first two nuclear power reactors and is discussing the project with U.S. and other potential suppliers, three sources familiar with the plans said.

The world’s top oil exporter wants to diversify its energy mix, adding nuclear power so it can free up more crude for export. But the plans are facing Washington’s scrutiny because of potential military uses for the technology.

Saudi Arabia, which aims to mine for uranium, says its plans are peaceful. But Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in 2018 the kingdom would develop nuclear arms if Iran did.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia: Women human rights defenders remain in prison awaiting verdict

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) calls for the release of all women’s rights defenders in Saudi Arabia, some of whom are currently on trial before the Criminal Court in Riyadh for their human rights work. There are currently at least 13 other women’s rights defenders (women and men) who were arrested as part of a crackdown on women’s rights activists that began in May 2018. Many of the women alleged they were tortured and abused in detention.

(B P)

Death penalty sought for Islamic researcher Hassan al-Maliki on charges that his religious views contradict Mohammad bin Salman’s pledge to destroy extremism

In October 2018, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia began its prosecution of the prominent Islamic researcher, Sheikh Hassan al-Maliki, in the Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh, which was specially established in January 2009 to handle cases of terrorism and national security.

About a month after al-Maliki’s arrest, his son, al-Abbas, was known to have been arrested amid tweets addressing the circumstances of his father’s arrest.

The ESOHR has been apprised of the list of the fourteen charges against al-Maliki, including among others:

Not believing in the validity of all the hadiths reported by al-Bukhari.

Criticizing the actions of some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

Holding numerous television interviews with foreign newspapers and channels “hostile”to the Kingdom (Al-Jazeera, Al-Alam).

Describing the official Council of Senior Scholars as extremist.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Petition: RashidaTlaib: Threaten Trump with Impeachment If Doesn't End Yemen War After House Vote

(A P)

US citizen arrests set to deepen divide between Trump, GOP over Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia arrested two more American citizens Friday in a direct snub to Congress, a move sure to create even more domestic political heat for President Donald Trump.

Given the timing and the stakes for the President, the arrests are "absolutely baffling -- and enraging," said John Hannah, a senior counselor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

(* B K P)

Yemen Cannot Afford to Wait

The scars in the country run deep—and the U.S. shares responsibility.

The U.S. contribution to this tragedy has been a step removed from the battlefield. The task of fighting and bombing has been carried out by locals, America’s Gulf allies, and others paid by the coalition for their labors.

But however indirectly the U.S. might be culpable for the calamity befalling Yemen, it is culpable nonetheless. The roots of the country’s failure go deep: from Sanaa’s repeated neglect of Houthi and southern grievances, to Yemeni elites’ betrayal of the promises of the 2011 uprising, to President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s ineffective and corrupt governance before the war, to the Houthis’ toppling of the government in late 2014 and subsequent conquest of the rest of the country, and finally to the Saudi-led coalition’s reaction to that move in the aftermath. At so many of these turns, the U.S. arguably mishandled its response. From the outset, it focused on the fight against al-Qaeda. That blurred its vision of Hadi’s failings and helped it miss the fact that, however obliging a counterterrorism partner he might have been, he widely was perceived by Yemenis as having let them down as their nation’s leader. But at none of those turns was the price ultimately to be paid higher than in the American decision to support the coalition’s battle.

Why the U.S. got entangled in this war—and why a president so determined to keep the country out of another Mideast military mess nonetheless got caught in this one—makes for a painful story.

The question today is less how the U.S. got into this mess than how it can end this war even if the coalition’s original ambitions (militarily defeating the Houthis, eliminating all Iranian influence in the country) will not be achieved.

The United States is left with painful questions: What would have happened if it had rejected the Saudis’ original pleas, or set tighter limits on its support, or exerted earlier and more meaningful pressure on its partners? Whatever the answers, it has now become party to a terrible war, and it is past time for the U.S. to do all it can to stop it – by:

ROBERT MALLEY, President and CEO of the International Group, was White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and Gulf Region in the Obama administration.

STEPHEN POMPER is director of Crisis Group’s U.S. program and served as senior director for multilateral affairs and human rights in the Obama White House. = =

My comment: Two former Obama staffs writing on Yemen – they should have used their brain four years ago. – The main tragedy here is US worldwide interference generally. Who are the people Yemenis would like to change with? Iraqis? Libyans? Afghans? Syrians? Southern Sudanese? Might-be still Venezuelans? For Venezuelans, wait another year and ask again.

(* B K P)

A historic rebuke, a historic foreign policy debacle

President Trump is unique in his lack of credibility and consistency on foreign policy. It therefore was stunning but not surprising that, after losing control of policy toward Saudi Arabia and the support of Congress, he received a unique rebuke.

Trump’s excessive reliance on Saudi Arabia in lieu of an effective Iran policy in concert with our European allies (which was shattered when Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement) has run into predictable problems. The Saudis do not share our values, to put it mildly, and therefore make for a highly problematic surrogate.

“It’s a strong vote of no confidence in Trump’s approach, but it will require more attention and focus to bring a real change in policy and peace in Yemen,” Brian Katulis of the Center for American Progress tells me.

My comment: This article is part of the “liberal” establishment’s fight against Trump, little more.

(B P)

Film: House Passes Yemen Bill - Quietly Adds Text Protecting Israel & Combatting Antisemitism

My remark: Discussion of the exact text.

(B P)

Even the GOP is fleeing Donald Trump’s latest losing gambit

It doesn’t really come as a surprise that Donald Trump, who has repeatedly attacked the media as “the opposition party” and the “enemy of the people,” did not choose to risk immensely profitable deals in order to come out as the champion of a dissident journalist. However, Trump does not have the full, unanimous support of his own party on the stance he has taken of unequivocally putting money above morals.

(* B K P)

The definition of war at heart of Yemen debate

When is the United States on the sidelines, and when is it at war?

That question is at the heart of the debate over an unprecedented congressional challenge to the Trump administration's support of Persian Gulf nations mired in Yemen's civil war.

After Thursday's vote, Cmdr. Rebecca Rebarich, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said in a statement that the Defense Department had been "transparent in dialogue with Congress that DoD support to the Saudi-led Coalition does not constitute involvement in hostilities."

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., a leading House critic of the war, rejected the administration's reading of the War Powers Resolution. "It does not require us to have ground troops," he said. "It just requires us to be involved."

Legal experts said the Trump administration's argument was consistent with how other administrations have defined hostilities.

In 2011, the Obama administration said its role in the international air operation against Libya leader Moammar Gaddafi, which went beyond the assistance being provided in Yemen, should not be considered hostilities under the War Powers Resolution.

"The problem is that the average person on the street would look at what we're doing in Yemen, if they knew what we're doing, and have a hard time concluding that's not hostilities," said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law.

Scott Anderson, a former State Department lawyer who is a fellow at the Brookings Institution, said that no matter its outcome, the discussion surrounding the legislation had raised the profile of the plight of Yemeni civilians and won over a cadre of Republicans.

"After this bill, [supporters] can say a bipartisan majority of Congress wants this to end and the president is going ahead," he said. "That's really the hook — to put it on the president's lap and make him bear the consequences that flow from that." – by Missy Ryan = =

(* B K P)

The Moral Peril of Proxy Wars

It’s not an accident that U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen has been a humanitarian disaster.

In the absence of a larger reckoning with the ethics of intervening in proxy conflicts, however, it’s only a matter of time until Yemen’s horrors are repeated elsewhere with U.S. assistance.

Proxy conflicts are complicated in ways that are not fully accounted for by standard moral frameworks. From St. Augustine in his letters to U.S. President Barack Obama in his Nobel Lecture, scholars and political leaders have grappled with the same dilemma: War is awful but sometimes necessary. Just war theory helps to establish when: The decision to go to war must come from the right intention, come from the right authority, and be a last resort.

These criteria provide an important framework for containing the worst excesses of war, but as the proxy commitments of the Soviet Union and later Russia, Iran, and the United States have shown, they are incomplete. Proxy conflicts, as the war in Yemen reveals, introduce complications that just war theory does not consider.

Much of this comes from a single flawed assumption: that if a proxy’s cause is just, then a benefactor’s support for them must be just. This ignores a reality now borne out by six decades of U.S. involvement in proxy conflict. The moment the United States has intervened on a proxy’s behalf, whether in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Yemen, this has immediately changed a proxy’s thinking. Once a proxy has a benefactor’s support, they have greater incentive to escalate a conflict rather than resolve it. A proxy has greater resources, and greater reason, to forgo risks around the negotiating table and pursue them on the battlefield.

This is one reason why intervention in a proxy war like Yemen’s often deepens the very conflict it is intended to resolve.

Much of this comes from a single flawed assumption: that if a proxy’s cause is just, then a benefactor’s support for them must be just. This ignores a reality now borne out by six decades of U.S. involvement in proxy conflict. The moment the United States has intervened on a proxy’s behalf, whether in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Yemen, this has immediately changed a proxy’s thinking. Once a proxy has a benefactor’s support, they have greater incentive to escalate a conflict rather than resolve it. A proxy has greater resources, and greater reason, to forgo risks around the negotiating table and pursue them on the battlefield.

This is one reason why intervention in a proxy war like Yemen’s often deepens the very conflict it is intended to resolve.

When a benefactor like the United States intervenes in proxy conflict, this provides reason for a proxy to escalate. In Yemen, they did. If a benefactor provides weapons to a proxy, they can land in the hands of terrorists. In Yemen, they have. And if proxies violate the laws of war, taking the lives of innocents, a benefactor has a responsibility to take action to prevent this from happening again. In Yemen, and in all proxy wars, the United States must – by Anthony Pfaff and Patrick Granfield.

My comment: This all sounds quite reasonable, but be clear: This article seems to be halfhearted; the authors still keep alive the idea of war being a means of politics. But, international law had restricted the possibilities of war much more. The authors still do not doubt the right of the US to lead wars anywhere on this planet, for which reason ever, by their own decision. – The authors are exactly right when describing the behavior of proxies when getting US support. The Saudis exactly are behaving this way.

(* B K P)

Film: Yemen war could have ended long ago

The US House of Representatives approved a measure that would end US funding for the Saudi-led war on Yemen, which has caused mass starvation, cholera and civilian deaths. President Donald Trump said he's vetoing the move. Joining RT America’s Sara Montes de Oca to discuss is Sam Husseini, director of communications at the Institute for Public Accuracy.

(* B K P)

America is fueling our age of impunity. Just look at Yemen

The US has the power to set a global standard on international human rights. Unfortunately, it is retreating from our global rules-based system

However, there is a wider, ugly picture, beyond Yemen. It can be summarized as an Age of Impunity: where war crimes go unpunished and the laws of war become optional. This is not solely the responsibility of the United States, but the US has the power and position to set a global standard, and when it fails to do so the effects are felt worldwide, by innocent civilians feeling the brunt of lawless military tactics and humanitarian aid workers risking life and limb as they go about their work.

There is a trend, however, going beyond isolated cases and beyond the Trump administration. The overall statistics suggest a terrible new normal: civilians fair game, humanitarians unfortunate collateral, investigations and accountability an optional extra – by David Miliband

(** A P)

US-Kongress will Militärengagement im Jemen beenden

Der US-Kongress will die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militäroperation im Jemen nicht länger unterstützen. Eine entsprechende Resolution wurde nun verabschiedet. Präsident Trump kann dagegen sein Veto einlegen.

Herbe Schlappe für US-Präsident Donald Trump: Der Kongress hat ein Ende des militärischen Engagements der USA im Jemen-Krieg gefordert. Nach dem Senat stimmte auch das Abgeordnetenhaus mehrheitlich für eine Resolution, die anweist, alle Kräfte zur Unterstützung der umstrittenen Operation binnen 30 Tagen abzuziehen.

Die Entscheidung wird als eine historische Premiere gewertet, da sie direkt die Militärpolitik des Präsidenten einzudämmen sucht. Trump kann dagegen ein Veto einlegen - es wäre das zweite seiner Amtszeit. Um dieses Veto zu überstimmen, wäre in beiden Kongress-Kammern jeweils eine Zweidrittelmehrheit notwendig, die kaum zu erzielen sein dürfte.

Das von den oppositionellen Demokraten beherrschte Repräsentantenhaus votierte mit 247 Ja-Stimmen bei 175 Gegenstimmen für die Resolution. Der von Trumps Republikanern kontrollierte Senat hatte sie im März bereits gebilligt.

und auch

(A P)

Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul, Ro Khanna, and a bipartisan group of lawmakers sent a letter to Trump imploring him to end US support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen

A bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers on Thursday sent a letter to President Donald Trump strongly urging him to sign a resolution that would end US support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.

The letter requests a meeting with Trump at his "earliest convenience" to discuss the resolution.

(* B P)

Congress Takes Aim At Yemen War

Despite the vote, the Yemen war and the U.S. role in it are likely to continue unchanged. President Trump, who has taken U.S. obsequiousness toward the Saudis to new levels in his two-plus years in office, will in all likelihood veto the measure. Since the resolution did not pass in either house by a large enough margin to override that expected veto, the practical effect of Thursday’s vote is likely to be minimal.

Responsibility for most of this devastation rests with the Arab coalition, led by Saudi Arabia

Despite the suffering this conflict has caused, the Saudis and the Trump administration continue to insist, in true “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes” fashion, that they’ve been saving Yemeni lives.

With Trump’s expected veto, nothing about the U.S. role in Yemen is likely to change, but antiwar groups say they’ll continue the fight.

If there is an effect from Thursday’s vote, it will likely be more symbolic than tangible. The vote represents the first serious attempt by Congress to claw back some of its constitutional authority in foreign policy – by Derek Davison

(* B P)

Ending US participation in Yemen's war: A watershed moment

The resolution will check the ever-expanding imperial presidential war-making, and hopefully rectify US complicity in human rights abuses throughout the region

[The] passage of the resolution is a watershed moment, both for checking ever-expanding imperial presidential war-making, and for addressing, and hopefully rectifying, US complicity in human rights abuses throughout the region.

Not only does the passage of the resolution herald the potential of Congress to reign in presidential adventurism; it also sheds light on the necessity of strengthening the reporting requirement of the law to enable Congress to have a more accurate picture of how the United States is actually participating in hostilities.

Congressional invocation of the War Power Resolution in respect to Yemen is a strong acknowledgement that even when the United States does not directly drop the bombs, its weapons sales to and logistical and intelligence support for those who do still make it complicit in those actions.

Let's hope that Congress' newfound assertiveness in calling out the human rights atrocities by Saudi Arabia sparks a long overdue reevaluation of US policy toward the region more broadly, that results in an ending of all the myriad ways in which the United States is complicit in human rights abuses – by Josh Ruebner

(* A P)

Sanders & Lee: Congress just told Trump to get US troops out of Yemen. Next, Afghanistan?

Congress made history this week by passing a resolution that cuts off U.S. support for Saudi-led forces in the civil war in Yemen. This is the first time since Congress originally passed the War Powers Resolution in 1973 that we have used it to call on the president to withdraw from an undeclared war.

The passage of this resolution has implications far beyond Yemen and opens a much broader and extremely important debate about how and when the United States uses our military, and who must authorize that use.

Importantly, this resolution shows that Congress has begun to reassert its constitutional responsibility over war making.

It is time for Congress to ask whether, nearly 18 years after 9/11, we really want to continue to be involved in these wars for another 18 or more.

The time is long overdue for Congress to reassert its constitutional responsibility over war making – by Bernie Sanders and Mike Lee


(* B P)

Film: Americans want war on Yemen to end: Analyst

Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D. in Islamic and Arabic Studies, told Press TV in a phone interview on Thursday that the fact of the matter is that American people were never really in favor of the aggression against the poor Yemeni nation, “but the representatives don't usually represent the people.”

Barrett said the US representatives pursue a different agenda from that of American people. “That is the reason why so many of these wars for Empire get started and drag on despite the general lack of popular support

(A P)

Bernie Sanders: Today we took a clear stand against war and famine and for Congress’ war powers by voting to end our complicity in the war in Yemen. This is just the beginning of a national debate over when and where we go to war and Congress’ authority over those interventions.

and also, Tulsi Gabbard:

Ro Khanna:

Chris Murphy:

Barbara Lee:

Mark Pocan:

(A P)

Film: Press Conference on Yemen War Powers Resolution

(* A P)

Anti-BDS amendment tied to end of US military action in Yemen defeated in Senate

An amendment introduced by Republicans denouncing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement was defeated in a resolution that passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday, calling for the end of U.S. support for the coalition led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen within 30 days.

Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.), who co-introduced a resolution last month condemning BDS, denounced the GOP amendment as a political tactic.

(** A P)

U.S. Role in Yemen War Will End Unless Trump Issues Second Veto

The House on Thursday gave final passage to a bipartisan resolution forcing an end to United States military involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, sending President Trump a pointed rebuke over his continued defense of the kingdom after the killing of a dissident journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

The 247-176 vote, with 16 Republicans joining united Democrats, invoked the rarely used War Powers Act to curb the president’s executive power to wage war without congressional approval. It likely sets up the second veto of his presidency, this time to publicly defend a four-year conflict that has killed thousands of civilians and inflicted a devastating famine.

The Senate passed a parallel resolution in March, 54 to 46.

“The president will have to face the reality that Congress is no longer going to ignore its constitutional obligations when it comes to foreign policy, when it comes to determining when and where our military is engaged in hostilities,” said Representative Eliot L. Engel of New York, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The vote on Thursday amounted to a do-over. Republicans again tried to derail the resolution with a last-minute procedural maneuver to attach an amendment to condemn the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel, a provision that put Democrats in a difficult position.

But this time, intent on ensuring the legislation would not be knocked off course again, Democratic leaders rallied their rank and file to oppose Republicans’ efforts – by Catie Edmondson


(* A P)

House rebukes Trump on Saudi Arabia, backs measure to end Yemen involvement

The U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution on Thursday to end U.S. support for the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in the war in Yemen, rebuffing President Donald Trump’s policy toward the kingdom.

As the resolution had already passed the Senate, where Trump’s fellow Republicans have a slim majority, the 247-175 vote in the Democratic-led House sends the measure to the White House, which said last month Trump would issue a veto.

Overcoming Trump’s veto would require two-thirds majorities in both the Senate and House, more votes than it has garnered in either chamber.


(** A P)

House ignores Trump veto threat, approves bill ending US support for Yemen war

The House passed a resolution Thursday to end U.S. military support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, sending it to President Trump’s desk and likely forcing him to issue the second veto of his presidency.

The resolution passed 247-175, with 16 Republicans siding with Democrats. One Republican, Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.), voted present.

Thursday's vote was the first time since the War Powers Act was passed in 1973 that both chambers of Congress passed a resolution using that law and was the culmination of a years-long effort propelled in recent months by lawmakers’ fury at Saudi Arabia over the killing of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Khanna told reporters after the vote he continues to hold out hope Trump will sign the measure, given some of his top allies, such as Rep. Mark Meadows (N.C.), were among the Republicans who supported it. Supporters will send a bipartisan letter to Trump asking to talk to him about the issue, Khanna added.

The White House has threatened to veto the resolution, saying in a statement that it raises “serious constitutional concerns” and is based on an “erroneous premise.”

and a plenty of reports: (with background and photos) =


(* A P)

Congress Finally Pushes Back Against the Imperial Presidency With a Vote to Cut US Support for the War in Yemen

“Today is a historic day for peace,” Diane Randall, the executive director of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, which has been in the forefront of the struggle to end US support for the Saudi-led war and the de facto blockade of Yemen, declared shortly after Thursday’s vote.

For peace, yes; and also for the Congress and the Constitution.

Khanna is right, but this fight is not finished. Every indication is that President Trump will veto the measure, setting up a critical test for Congress. The House and the Senate must attempt to override a presidential veto.

Unfortunately, too many members of both parties put partisanship ahead of a Constitution that grants the Congress—not the president—the power to declare wars and authorize military interventions and partnerships.

Now, Congress must make an existential choice.

No matter where a member of either chamber, and of either party, may stand on the specific question of US engagement with Saudi Arabia and the crisis in Yemen, a Trump veto would represent a rejection by a sitting president of the will of bipartisan majorities in a Republican-controlled Senate and a Democratic-controlled House on a matter of war and peace.

(* B P)

House Democrats Brace for Another Anti-Semitism Showdown Forced by G.O.P.

House Republicans are expected as soon as Thursday to try to add an amendment on anti-Semitism to a Yemen war resolution, giving Democrats a wrenching choice: Vote down the amendment amid charges that their party is coddling anti-Semites, or approve it and kill a hard-fought resolution aimed at ending American involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war.

While Republicans are keeping a close hold over their plans, Democrats and Jewish groups are convinced that the minority will try the maneuver to derail the Yemen resolution and embarrass Democrats in one maneuver. In February, a similar last-minute procedural motion to condemn anti-Semitism caught Democrats off guard, and knocked the Yemen resolution off its fast track to President Trump’s desk.

But this time, Democrats are prepared — and are already laying the groundwork to accuse Republicans of a cynical attempt to weaponize anti-Semitism. In a closed-door meeting this week, Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat and a vocal supporter of Israel, implored members to oppose any Republican motion.


(A P)

House Passes Antiwar Yemen Resolution, 247-175

Congress has made it clear that Americans do not support and have never consented to U.S. involvement in this war, and for the first time both houses have passed the same resolution in an attempt to force an end to an illegal foreign war.

Passing this resolution was just the first step in the effort to stop support for the Saudi coalition and bring an end to the war, but it was a necessary one.

Congress has finally reasserted its role in matters of war and peace, and this ought to be just the first of many challenges to illegal and unnecessary wars.


(A P)



(* B P)

House Will Vote on Antiwar Yemen Resolution Today

Speaking of cynically abusing the language of values, the House Republicans are poised to try another one of their obnoxious tricks in an attempt to undermine the antiwar Yemen resolution coming before the House today

The House GOP used this tactic in February to tack on an irrelevant amendment to H.J.Res. 37, and that amendment was then used by the Senate GOP to deprivilege the resolution so that they could prevent it from coming up for a vote.

The House majority has an opportunity to prevent war supporters from sabotaging another resolution, but they will have to call out their cynical maneuver for what it is and refuse to vote for any irrelevant amendments.

(* B K P)

Film: US Weapons Deals With Saudi-led Coalition Greater Than Suspected

The US has made deals for billions more weapons to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen than previously known

(* B P)

In den USA wächst die Unruhe über die atomaren Ambitionen Saudiarabiens

Die Regierung Trump erteilte Sonderbewilligungen zur Lieferung von Atomtechnologie, obwohl Saudiarabien ein normalerweise obligatorisches Musterabkommen noch nicht unterzeichnete. Warum sie das tat, will sie dem Kongress nicht sagen.

Neue Satellitenfotos zeigen, dass die Bauarbeiten am ersten saudischen Forschungsreaktor weit fortgeschritten sind und laut Fachleuten vermutlich noch in diesem Jahr abgeschlossen werden. In Washington wächst damit aber auch die Unruhe über die Tatsache, dass das Königreich noch kein Abkommen abgeschlossen hat, welches die Anreicherung und Wiederaufbereitung von Uran verbietet. Die Sorgen werden von der Tatsache getrieben, dass Saudiarabien in der Vergangenheit unverhohlen mit einem nuklearen Wettrüsten mit Iran drohte.

Das Energieministerium hat amerikanischen Firmen sieben Sondergenehmigungen für den Austausch heikler Atomtechnologie mit Saudiarabien gewährt, will aber den Inhalt dieser Bewilligungen und die Nutzniesser nicht offenlegen. Die Behörde für nukleare Aufsicht schwieg sich ihrerseits zur Frage eines Senators aus, ob sie für diese Bewilligungen konsultiert wurde.

Das Misstrauen im Kongress hat drei Gründe.

(* B P)

The US just sold nuclear secrets to the world’s largest funder of terrorism – what could possibly go wrong?

Donald Trump has been exposed authorising a potentially illegal multi-billion dollar deal to sell highly sensitive nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia – a decision which, experts say, has the very real potential of allowing the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism to manufacture a nuclear weapon. Yes, seriously.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that the United States Department of Energy had signed off authorisations allowing at least six American companies to divulge nuclear secrets and provide assistance in the development of nuclear energy to the Saudi Arabian dictatorship.

The deal was completed despite the Saudi regime consistently refusing to sign off on internationally mandated legal agreements which would prohibit it from using the technology to develop a nuclear weapon.

Moreover, it has also emerged that several independent agencies with whom the US government are supposed to inform and liaise with regarding decisions over the release of sensitive nuclear information were not consulted beforehand.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* A B K P)

Campaigners head to court to stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Lawyers for Campaign Against Arms Trade will argue in the court of appeal that UK exports breach international law

The sale of billions of pounds worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia hangs in the balance this weekend ahead of a landmark court case that could force the UK to halt exports of missiles, bombs and jets to the kingdom.

Human rights groups say the sale of arms to Saudi breaches UK export policy, which states that the government must deny such licences if there is a “clear risk” that weapons “might” be used in “a serious violation of international humanitarian law”.

“These arms sales are not just immoral – they are also illegal,” said Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade

(A P)

Yemen: Peace Negotiations

Foreign and Commonwealth Office written question – answered on 4th April 2019.

Yemen: Military Intervention

Ministry of Defence written question – answered on 4th April 2019.

(B P)


Personnel from the Royal Saudi Air Force are (and have been) trained at RAF Valley on Anglesey. The facility utilises the Civil Airport in the Isle of Man occasionally so it begs the question is the Isle of Man government complicit in war crimes.

(B E P)

Lothians pension pot has £85m in arms firms linked to Middle East ‘dirty war’

The Lothians fund has more money tied up with company’s selling arms to Saudi Arabia than any other UK pension pot

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B K P)

Sevim Dagdelen: Bundesregierung öffnet europäischen Waffenexporten an Saudi-Arabien Tür und Tor
„Die Bundesregierung öffnet über Gemeinschaftsproduktionen mit Frankreich und Großbritannien Waffenlieferungen an Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate Tür und Tor. Diese schlimme Entscheidung des Bundessicherheitsrats muss dringend korrigiert werden. Notwendig ist ein Waffenexportstopp ohne Wenn und Aber“, erklärt Sevim Dagdelen.

(* B K P)

6.4.2019 - Die Kriegsmaschine in Action

Rüstungsexporte sind das profitabelste Geschäft dieser Zeit. Einer Zeit, in der eine globale Profitmaschine auf exzessiv-expansivem Wachstumskurs die finale planetare Zerstörung eingeläutet hat. Halbherzige Einwände aus dem scheindemokratisch-parlamentarischen Überbau ihrer Machtinstrumente jucken die Profiteure des Räderwerks in den hohen Etagen der Mega-Kartelle schon lange nicht mehr. Es ist eine Binsenweisheit: Bei 300 Prozent Rendite geht das Kapital über Leichen. Daran hält sich auch der europäische Flugzeugbauer und Rüstungsgigant Airbus.

Ob Massenmord oder ökonomische Plünderung der Postkolonien, ob Umweltzerstörung oder wachsende Verarmung, ob Hunger oder Vertreibung: Innerhalb der gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftsweise kann es keine Lösungen für diese drängendsten Probleme der Menschheit geben. Sie sind Begleiterscheinungen des Kapitalismus. Seit Hunderten von Jahren schreiben Menschen darüber Bücher

(* A K P)

Film: Aktuelle Stunde auf Verlangen Bündnis 90/Die Grünen: «Keine Rüstungsexporte an Saudi-Arabien und andere am Jemenkrieg beteiligte Staaten» vom 5. April 2019

(A K P)

Rüstungsexporte und Jemen-Krieg

Die Fraktion Die Linke plädiert für einen konsequenten Rüstungsexport-Stopp in am Jemen-Krieg beteiligte Staaten. In einem Antrag (19/8965) fordern die Abgeordneten die Bundesregierung auf, den im November 2018 verhängten Waffenexportstopp gegen Saudi-Arabien wieder in vollem Umfang in Kraft zu setzen und auf alle Länder der Jemen-Kriegskoalition auszuweiten. Außerdem dürften keine Atomtechnologien oder Komponenten zum Bau und Betrieb von Atomkraftwerken, kein angereichertes Uran etwa aus der Anlage in Gronau sowie keine Brennelemente einer Anlage in Lingen zur Verwendung in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten oder Saudi-Arabien geliefert werden.

(* B K P)

Film: Jemen-Krieg: Das Märchen vom Rüstungsexportstopp

Keine Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi-Arabien!", lautet die Botschaft, die vor allem die SPD in diesen Tagen verbreitet. In Wirklichkeit hat die Bundesregierung den Weg dahin in der letzten Woche wieder frei gemacht: Europäische Gemeinschaftsprojekte wie Eurofighter, Raketen und Gefechtsköpfe können jetzt weiter gebaut werden - mit deutschen Teilen und Komponenten. Bis Ende Dezember sollen diese nicht ausgeliefert werden - aber ob die europäischen Partner sich daran halten, ist absolut ungewiss. Die Kirchen in Deutschland fordern deshalb ein zeitlich unbefristetes Waffenembargo gegen alle am Jemen-Krieg beteiligten Länder. =

(B K P)

Mit deutschen Waffen gegen Völkerrecht

Die Bundesregierung unterstützt letztlich seit vier Jahren eine Politik, die dem Jemen eine selbstbestimmte politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung versagt und eine politische Lösung verhindert hat. Stattdessen verhindert die Bundesregierung durch die fortgeführten Waffenlieferungen aus deutschen Rüstungskonzernen die Beendigung der größten humanitären Katastrophe unserer Zeit. Unterstützt wird die Bundesregierung in ihrer Politik durch die Medien, die dieses Thema weitgehend unbeachtet lassen und die Bundesregierung dafür kaum zur Rechenschaft ziehen.

(* A K P)

Rüstungsexporte nach Riad-Klausel erlaubt deutsche Waffen im Jemen

Keine Waffen für den Jemen-Krieg. Das hat die Bundesregierung versprochen. Jetzt schränkt das Wirtschaftministerium ein: Eine Verwendung im Jemen verstößt nicht gegen den Verkaufsvertrag.

Umso größer war die Verblüffung in einigen Abgeordnetenbüros, als dort ein Schreiben von Oliver Wittke einging, dem Parlamentarischen Staatssekretär des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums. Darin erklärt die Regierung, dass die Verwendung von Waffen im Jemen-Krieg nicht gegen die Endverbleibserklärungen verstoße. Das Schreiben stammt vom 4. April und liegt dem ZDF vor. Es bezieht sich auf Rüstungsgüter, die in der Vergangenheit an Saudi-Arabien oder die Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten geliefert wurden.

Den Jemen-Krieg stellt das Schreiben als legal dar. Die sogenannte Arabische Koalition unter der Führung Saudi-Arabiens sei "der Bitte des von der internationalen Gemeinschaft als legitim anerkannten jemenitischen Staatspräsidenten Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi um Unterstützung gegen die Huthi-Rebellen" nachgekommen, schreibt Wittke. Falls dabei Rüstungsgüter zum Einsatz kämen, die Deutschland diesen Ländern in der Vergangenheit geliefert habe, "verletzt deren militärische Nutzung – auch außerhalb der Grenzen des Hoheitsgebiets dieser Staaten – nicht die Endverbleibserklärungen, auf deren Grundlange die Genehmigungen erteilt wurden."

und auch:

Mein Kommentar: ???????????????????????? „Hammer“.


(* B K P)

Film: Sevim Dagdelen, DIE LINKE: Neuer Skandal bei deutschen Waffenexporten nach Saudi-Arabien
Jetzt, da die Bundesregierung den Einsatz deutscher Rüstungsgüter im Jemen-Krieg nicht mehr vertuschen kann, behauptet sie, dass Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate mit dem Einsatz deutscher Waffen im Jemen NICHT gegen die deutsche Endverbleibserklärungen verstoßen hätten, weil diese nicht territorial gebunden seien. Nach dieser Logik braucht es keine Endverbleibskontrollen mehr und jeder Diktator kann mit deutschen Waffen seinen Nachbarn überfallen. Er bekommt dafür sogar noch den deutschen Behördenstempel. Dieser brutale Zynismus muss aufhören! Für einen Stopp der Waffenexporte!

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Iran says it seeks peace and stability in Yemen, entire regiON =

My comment: This news is a nice example of who media are working now. In the google results, it showed up at least 50 times. They all adopted it by C * P, not even getting the headline right. It’s “regi” everywhere, no one even corrected to “region”. It’s even to much work to add two letters. Whow.

(* B P)

Haaretz: Reveals Intelligence Cooperation between Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israeli Enemy

Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, confirmed that one of the most prominent manifestations of rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia is intelligence cooperation, and that Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel are always sharing a lot of intelligence on the security risks described by Iran.

(B P)

Yemen’s anguish and our neglect

Money speaks louder than do human rights and sympathy. The fact that Pakistan conferred its highest civil award on the crown prince upon his visit delineates how neglectful towards Yemen it is. And although it did give rise to mixed feelings among the Pakistani citizens, sanity only prevailed when it was precisely believed that Muhammad bin Salman wasn’t deserving of the civil award-and that too a country’s highest.

In so doing, the PTI led Pakistani government not only rather brutally and knowinglybrushed under the carpet the concerns of the Yemenis, but failed to adhere to its chairman opposing Saudis’ intervention in Yemen when it was fresh and hot-whilst hot it still is.

(A P)

#Emirati authorities continue to refuse the release Osama al-Najjar after the completion of his three-year sentence for tweeting about #humanrights abuses in the #UAE.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

Here’s another tweet, by #UAE’s Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in #Dubai, Dhahi Khalfan, [He made a series of threats against Qatar within 24 hours]. This time Khalfan is calling for “arming 6,000 militia members, to give them weapons, and allow them to enter #Qatar.”

referring to

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp10, cp11

(* B K P)

Film: EU continues to give arms to Saudi Arabia despite threatening to suspend sales

Human rights organizations are slamming Western Leaders for selling arms to Saudi Arabia.

European arms manufacturers have not been able to resist Saudi petro-dollars.

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

The central bank issues a circular to stop the sale and purchase of currencies in Aden

According to the source, this decision by the central Bank of Yemen comes as a preliminary step to adjust the currency at a certain level, in addition to trying to unify the currency rates in all banks.

My comment: This will not work.

(A E P)

Meeting of the Governor of Central Bank and FM with the Ambassadors of the group of 19 to discuss the economic and political situation

Yemen's central bank governor Hafez Muaiad said Wednesday that the bank is currently focusing on currency stability, re-operating mechanisms for all bank transfers, resuming financial role in the banking sector and restoring it from the black market.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#AlQaeda's Hidaya Media releases new 12 minute video "Conversations of the Returnees" i.e. those defecting from #IslamicState in #Yemen (ISY) to #AQAP. Explains how ISY started the current war with AQAP. Exposes lies & inconsistencies in ISY media using alleged 1st hand accounts

(* B T)

Continued Fighting Between Islamic State and AQAP Complicates Security in al-Bayda

While the IS branch in Yemen (IS-Y) has faced significant challenges in maintaining expansive operations across the country, it has proved rather resilient in al-Bayda and continues to pose a threat to the country’s internal security. IS’ persistence creates a complicated and challenging dynamic in Yemen. First, and most obviously, its mere existence presents another jihadist group for local and international actors to confront. Second, its operations have already, and will likely continue to, have a multifaceted effect on al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

Over the past year, IS-Y and AQAP’s operations have mostly consisted of tit-for-tat attacks against one another in the Qayfa region of al-Bayda. The focus of the two group’s propaganda output has similarly followed this trend

On the surface, it is easy for analysts to view a scenario in which two jihadist groups are focused primarily on defeating one another as a positive, but the situation on the ground and the long-term implications are becoming far more nuanced as the fight continues. At present, it appears unlikely that either group will defeat the other any time soon, but what is clear is that the skirmishes between the two have disrupted local lives and are forcing some to choose between the two

In fact, the two groups have seemingly not been significantly degraded in this area and could both see short- or longer-term gains as they compete for local support or acquiescence.

(? B T)

Making al-Qa’ida legible: Counter-terrorism and the reproduction of terrorism

Why did America’s counter-terrorism strategy in Yemen fail to contain al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula in the years prior to the Yemeni government’s collapse in 2015? Moreover, why did the US administration think that its strategy was successful? This article draws from field research in Yemen and a diverse array of other Yemeni sources to argue that the answer lies in the fact that there are two broad, but ultimately irreconcilable, ontologies of what al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula ‘really is’: one legible, organisationally rational and thus governable; and one not entirely so. (paywalled)


USS Cole Bombing Investigation

On October 12, 2000, two Al-Qaeda suicide bombers attacked the Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole in Yemen’s Aden harbor, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation led a joint investigation into the bombing. Two former NCIS special agents shared their personal experiences working on the USS Cole investigation and how their findings shaped investigations of future terrorist attacks. The National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington, D.C., hosted this discussion.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Griffiths's efforts in Yemen continue to spin in a vicious circle

The sources said Tehran would not allow the Houthis to respond to peace efforts or implement the Swedish Agreement because it wants to keep tensions in Yemen high in response to the involvement of regional countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, and US economic sanctions on Tehran.

"The outcome of Griffiths’s visit to Muscat and his talks with Mohamed Abdul Salam was not as positive as the UN envoy wanted and he again touched the procrastination and the stall tactics of the rebels and their attempts at avoiding the withdrawal of their troops from positions in Hodeidah,” a Yemeni source said.

(A P)

In the UK and the US the debate on Yemen has less to do with #Yemen and more to do with the relationship of #UK and #US with #Saudi Arabia

the transition and the National Dialogue process had some flaws like any political process...this does not justify for the Houthis/or any other entity to drag a country into war

Yes. Saudi decision to intervene in 2015 was justified but the effect has been catastrophy. The int’l community has failed to do more to press both sides to stop the fight. Instead, too many in the west use Yemen as a stick to beat the Saudis. Vote in Congress is case in point.

(A P)

Yemen's Houthi Movement Can Still Be Split From Iran

Iran’s support for the Houthi movement in northern Yemen follows a sound logic as far as Tehran is concerned. But the movement’s usefulness to Tehran’s geopolitical ambitions does not guarantee its loyalty. The United States and its partners might still be able to reverse Iran’s pull on the Houthis.

Iran has cultivated the Houthis as part of Tehran’s effort to expand its regional influence through what it calls the Axis of Resistance. This Axis describes an informal Iran-led alliance of state and non-state actors opposed to Western and Israeli influence in the Middle East, as well as to America’s Arab partners.

A limited investment in Yemen has yielded outsized influence for Iran on the Arabian Peninsula and in the Red Sea. Iran has provided the Houthis with media, political, diplomatic, materiel, and humanitarian support. Critically, Iran has transferred asymmetric military capabilities to the Houthis that have enabled them to threaten Riyadh -- and possibly Abu Dhabi -- as well as to disrupt commercial naval traffic in the Red Sea.

The Houthis’ wartime requirements will continue to drive the movement closer to Iran. To interrupt that relationship, the United States could start by leading a diplomatic effort to resolve the underlying causes of Yemen’s civil war – by Katherine Zimmerman

My comment: The author really had written better articles. This one is simply bullshit propaganda – inspired by US anti-Iranian paranoia. Of course, the US should try to “resolve the underlying causes of Yemen’s civil war”.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Urges Security Council to Halt Houthi Terrorism

Saudi Arabia has called on the United Nations Security Council to take urgent measures to confront the terrorist and hostile violations by the Iran-supported Houthi militias in Yemen.
The latest of these violations took place on Tuesday when the Houthis targeted residential regions in Saudi Arabia’s Khamis Mushait with drones that were downed by air defenses.

My comment: LOL. The Houthis obviously had attacked King Khalid Airbase – the Saudi coalition air raids against Yemen are starting from there. “Residential regions”???

(A P)

Yemeni Minister Accuses Iran of Nurturing Sectarianism

Yemeni Minister of Information Muamer al-Iryani has slammed Iran-backed Houthi militias for indoctrinating students in their ideology.
Such measures present a threat to the country’s social fabric, said al-Iryani during talks with the head of the German parliament’s human rights committee in Berlin.
The minister told Gyde Jensen that Yemen’s humanitarian situation has become very difficult since the Houthis carried out their coup in 2015.

(A P)

Yemeni women chant #Iran-backed #Houthi slogan: "Death to #US/#Israel & curse the #Jews." Ironic that Congress made a point to stand up against #antiSemitism yet sees this group as freedom fighters.

(A P)

U.N., Congress Give Iran Pass on Murdering Scores With Landmines in Yemen

The international community handed Iran a collective pass this week as it commemorated its annual landmine awareness day with almost no mention of the growing strife in Yemen, where around one million Iranian landmines have been placed underground, threatening scores of civilians.

The United Nations, which holds events to bring attention to International Mine Awareness Day, neglected to mention Iran and its Houthi-backed terror forces in Yemen, the only global conflict where thousands of landmines are still planted underground on a weekly basis. U.N. Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez did not mention either country in his statement on landmines.

(A P)

Do Democrats Want a U.S.-Saudi Alliance or Not?

Does it matter to America which side wins the civil war in Yemen? It most certainly does — although congressional Democrats seem to need a reminder why.

Murphy is not wrong that Saudi Arabia has caused famine and misery in Yemen.

Nonetheless, this approach is short-sighted. To focus solely on Saudi Arabia’s role in the Yemen conflict is to give Iran a pass for making it worse — by, for example, giving its Houthi clients missiles capable of reaching Riyadh. If the Houthis prevail, then Iran will have access to a port in the Red Sea, from which it can make more mischief in the Middle East.

For the moment at least, there is no danger that this expression of congressional disapproval will result in an end to U.S. support for the Saudis in Yemen. First and most relevant, President Donald Trump has promised to veto it – by Eli Lake

my comment: Whow. This is a twisted, Orwellian and cynical reasoning. Look for the author.

(A P)


The Houthis have signed more than 70 agreements but refused to abide by a single one... all under the eyes of the international community and US Congress.

This continuous violation of Saudi Arabia’s sovereignty at the hands of a terror group finally pushed the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to express his irritation with Congress, which called to end the military cooperation between the United States and Saudi Arabia over alleged “violations of human rights” in Yemen.

Pompeo was right. The problem with some Western elites, especially those in Congress, is that they easily criticize this war because they are not actually experiencing the threat of these missiles.

A H P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

April 5:

April 4:

April 3:

(** A K)

Rebellen: Elf Zivilisten bei saudischem Luftangriff getötet

Bei einem Luftangriff der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition sollen im Jemen heute nach Darstellung der Huthi-Rebellen mindestens elf Zivilisten getötet worden sein. Weitere 39 Menschen seien bei dem Angriff auf ein Wohnviertel der Hauptstadt Sanaa verletzt worden, sagte ein Sprecher der örtlichen Gesundheitsbehörden.

Aus der saudischen Koalition verlautete dagegen, der Angriff habe einem Militärstützpunkt in einem Vorort von Sanaa gegolten. =

Bemerkung: Es sind jetzt schon 13 Tote.

(* A K pS)

The Arab Coalition fighter jets launched 4 air raids on Houthi Weapons stores in Sanhan district, south Sana'a.

My comment: This seems to have been a quite early report, published before the massacre had been reported; but this is a propaganda story, and later there only was denial. Even a pro-Saudi coalition news site simply accepted the facts:

(* A K pS)

Civilians killed and wounded in coalition raid on East Sanaa

According to the Saudi “AL-Hadath” channel, coalition fighters raided the "Military police camp in the north eastern suburb of Sanaa," which was turned by militias into a training camp and a weapons depot, for proximity to residential neighborhood, the channel said.

Local residents reported civilian casualties as a result of an explosion in the afternoon near the al-Ra’ee Girls ' School in Sa’wan, in addition to a number of houses damaged.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Houthi forces, Yahya al-Surai’a, said in a post on his Facebook page that there were scores of dead and wounded "including female students in raids of Saudi-American aggression against residential areas in Sa’wan ".


(** A K)

Death toll rises to 11 in Saudi-led airstrike on Yemen's capital

The Death toll rose to 11 in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike on Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa on Sunday, and more than 30 others were injured, the rebel-controlled Health Ministry said in a statement.

According to the residents, the airstrike happened in the afternoon, targeting a metal workshop near a school in Sawan neighborhood, east of Sanaa.

Ali Ahsan, a resident, told Xinhua he heard two powerful explosions in Sawan neighborhood and saw smoke rising.

Yousif al-Hadri, spokesman of the rebel-controlled Health Ministry, said the death toll increased from five to 11, "mostly schoolgirls," while the injured rose to 39, including passersby.

The spokesman said the airstrike targeted the school.


(** A K pH)

New Saudi airstrikes kill 13 civilians, including schoolchildren, in Yemen

More than a dozen civilians, most of them schoolchildren, have been killed in the latest round of airstrikes by Saudi warplanes on residential areas in Yemen's west-central province of Sana'a and the southwestern province of Ta'izz.

Youssef al-Hazzari, a spokesman for the Yemeni Ministry of Public Health and Population, said at least 13 people lost their lives and 87 others sustained injuries after Saudi warplanes launched aerial assaults against an area in the Sa'wan district of Sana'a on Sunday evening. He said most of the victims were schoolchildren.

Health Ministry : 9 civilians killed, 34 wounded, most of them students in saudi-led air attack on Sanaa

The Ministry of Public Health and Population on Sunday confirmed the death and injury of dozens of civilians, including students, when the warplanes of the US-saudi aggression coalition hit a residential area in Sawan, capital Sanaa.
The Ministry of Health said in a statement obtained by Saba news agency that the preliminary death toll of this crime has confirmed the death of nine citizens and wounding 34, mostly students.
The ministry noted that the crime raised panic and fear amid school students and led to the destruction and damage dozens of neighboring homes.

Photos, with more informations:

As usual the US-Backed Saudi-UAE aggression media claims that it bombed “Hothi” camp east of capital Sana'a, however all photos and videos from the war crime scene confirms that they bombed a girls ' school.

The death rises to 11 schoolgirls were killed in the new warcrime by US-UK-Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in Sanaa,

#Saudi #UAE strikes "reportedly double tap" strikes killed 8 civilians inc 5 elementary school students 34 were injured mainly students who suffered frm glass wounds and panic and fears The strikes targeted a residential area in Sa'awan west #Sanaa #Yemen near Alraea school

At the gate of this hospital in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, Parents are crowding together, looking for their girls. Many of them have no idea where their girl is until now at 6 pm!! US-Saudi war criminals killed 11 girl students, injured about 34 others in a school in Sanaa.

films: = = = = = = = = =

Video: Students were terrified after the first airstrike hit next to their school. Then the second air strike killed 5 and injured another 35 students. = = = (TRT)

More films by AlMasirah / Ansarullah Media Center:

and here follows reporting, added April 8, in the morning:

(* A K pH)

Health Minister: Toll of Victims of US-Saudi Airstrikes on Sawan Increases

The Ministry of Health spokesman dr. Yousef Al-Hadhri said, in a telephone conversation with Almasirah television channel, that the US-Saudi aggression has committed this crime in daylight and in the momentum of overcrowding of people in markets and presence of students in their schools.

He continued, "when we talk about the victim's toll, we may overlook the thousands of citizens that were affected by fear. Extreme fear caused by such crimes can cause problems in Liver, as well as diabetes, increase in blood pressure, psychological disorders and so many other problems that may affect these children.

(* A K pH)

Minister of Health: High toll of Saudi-led aggression coalition crime in Sa'wan to 105 martyrs and wounded

During his visit to the wounded in al-Jomhory, al-Thawra, al-Askari and al-Mutahedon hospitals, the minister pointed out that the number of martyrs reached 13, mostly students, and the wounded 92, mostly women and children, were distributed to various hospitals.

"During our visit to the wounded in hospitals, we found the most cases with severe convulsions, indicating that they were exposed to toxic gases and we have a committee of doctors and specialists to investigate these cases and know the causes." He also said.

(** A K)

Saudi-led air raids 'kill at least 11 civilians' in Yemen's Sanaa

"Everyone was hysterical, some were crying and shouting in panic," said Fatehiya Kahlani, principal of Al Raei school. "The situation was horrible as the school population is 2,100.

"Some girl students were killed and others were wounded and are in a hospital as a result of the missile strike. The school building was destroyed too."

"'We suddenly heard a fighter jet while we were at school. We then heard the first strike. We remained calm. Then came the second strike and then the third, which was the strongest of them all," said Ali Ahmed, a wounded student.

"The building was damaged and we were injured by broken glass. As the fourth air strike came in, we panicked and ran home."

(* A K)

10+ people, ‘mostly children,’ killed in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike on Yemeni capital – reports

(* A K)

Saudi Coalition Airstrikes Kill 11 Yemeni Girls

The latest coalition attack hit a residential area. That is consistent with the coalition’s frequent attacks on civilian targets, which have consistently made up one third of their airstrikes over the last four years of war.

The Trump administration continues to back the Saudi coalition as they bomb hospitals and kill schoolchildren. This is what supporters of U.S. involvement in the war are defending.

Update: The death toll has reportedly risen to 13, and as many as 90 people, most of them children, have been injured in the blast.

When #US Backed Salafi Terrorists In #Riyadh Carry Out Air Strikes On Civilians In #Yemen, They Normally Call It A “Military Operation” (image)

(A K P)

AP: Yemeni officials: Blast in capital kills 13

A large explosion at a warehouse in Yemen's rebel-held capital on Sunday killed at least 13 people, including seven children, and wounded more than 100, local medical officials said.

The Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, who seized control of the capital in 2014, said the Saudi-led coalition had targeted the warehouse with an airstrike. The coalition denied carrying out any strikes in the area.

The state-run news agency in Aden, aligned with the internationally-recognized government, said the rebels stored weapons at the warehouse (with AP photos) =

My comment: Keep in mind that AP (and the UN) keep to the Saudi propaganda story of “explosion”.

(A K P)

UN spokesperson: We’re following with great concern today’s explosion in Saewan district in Sana’a and the deaths & injuries of civilians. We call on all parties to exercise utmost restraint and ensure the safety of all Yemenis. We send condolences to all affected families.

Saudi money talks.

(A K pS)

Air and artillery strikes target Houthis in Ibb and Saada

The Yemeni Ministry of Defense's official website 'September Net' reported that the Arab Coalition fighters jets targeted on Thursday evening military reinforcements belonging to the Houthi militia in Ibb province central the country.
The coalition air raids targeted massive reinforcements sent to back Houthi militants in the warfronts in Al-Dhale province. Scores of Houthi insurgents were killed and injured in addition to destroying several combat vehicles.

(* A K pH)

April 3: Four civilians were killed when the air force of coalition hit a water tanker truck in Wahbya area, Sawadia.

Film: The crime of aviation aggression against the citizens in the area of Al - Wahabiyah, Al - Baidah 03-04-2019

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

April 6: Saada p. Hajjah p.

April 4: Saada p.

April 3: Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

Yemeni army advances in Sanaa province

My comment: “Yemeni army” means: Saudi-backed and Saudi-paid militia.

(A K pS)

Indiscriminate bombardment wound six children and women in Taiz

Four children and two women were wounded in Taiz on Saturday due to indiscriminate bombardment on populated neighborhoods by Houthi rebels, medial sources have stated.

and also

(A K pS)

30 Houthis killed in a failed ballistic missile launch in Sana'a

30 Houthis were killed in a failed ballistic missile launch in the southern parts of Yemen's capital, Sanaa.
Local sources said that the missile fired today exploded within seconds of launch in Jaziz area, south of the rebel-held capital of Sana'a.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi news site.

(A K pH)

April 6: Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted several areas of Baqem and Razeh districts, damaging civilians' properties.

(B K pS)

MASAM demines more than 55,000v Houthi-laid mines in 2018

In a speech he delivered on celebrating the International Mine Awareness Day, the Forth of April, al-Utaibi added that "the 32 teams of the project have been able to remove more than 55 thousand mines and explosives with different shapes from five provinces only since launching the project mid of 2018."

(* B K)

Missile Threat: Yemen Update: January 10-April 3

Between January 10 and April 3, KSA reported at least two Houthi ballistic missile launches targeting Saudi territory. Both are unidentified. One missile targeted Khamis Mushait, and was successfully intercepted. The second targeted a pro-coalition military base in Al Khokha in southern Hodeidah, Yemen. It was not intercepted and resulted in casualties.

There has been a significant decrease in reported missile activity over the past three months. There are several potentials reasons for this. One is that Houthis are substituting ballistic missiles for drones. During this three-month period, reporting on Houthi UAV forces and deployment has increased. A second reason behind decreasing reported missile activity is that Saudi Arabia may have cut reporting on its Yemen operations following considerable public scrutiny of the conflict that came with the Jamal Khashoggi killing. Other potential explanations include diplomatic efforts promoting strict ceasefires, and Houthis forces running low on ballistic missiles, potentially due to decreasing missile supplies coming from Iran.

Below is a summary of the confirmed missile and UAV events during the January 10 to April 3 period.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: Dieses Video zeigt die Schönheit und die Vielfalt des Jemen

Film: Just to remind everyone of the beauty and diversity of #Yemen, a nation which has stayed true to its origins.


Film: Despite the pain that we are in #Yemen passing through but still there place for fun, I have seen this today in Sana'a boys are dancing perfectly, Performing Yemeni tribal dance In the street some kind of wedding.


Map: Over a decade ago, FoS produced a map of the Soqotra Archipelago with the main village names transcribed by Dr Miranda Morris from Soqotri. Right now, there are more roads on the island than shown in this map. Produced voluntarily and FREE for distribution and use

Vorige / Previous

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-525/ Yemen War Mosaic 1-525: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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