Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 542 - Yemen War Mosaic 542

Yemen Press Reader 542: 3. Juni 2019: Jemen, 22. Woche – Saudische Luftangriffe: Ein Vater in Trauer – Jemen-Vision der Huthi-Regierung – Jemens gespaltener Süden: Sokotra und Mahrah ...

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... Die wichtige Rolle von Jemens Gastarbeitern im Ausland – Julian Assange und Jemen – Wie die Saudis Mekka politisch instrumentieren – Die Kosten der amerikanischen Kriege im Mittleren Osten – Wachsende Spannungen im Mittleren Osten, USA bereiten Krieg gegen Iran vor – und mehr

June 3, 2019: Yemen, week 22 – Saudi air raids: A grieving father – Yemen’s Fractured South: Socotra and Mahrah – Yemen Vision of Houthi government – The essential role of expatriates workforce – Julian Assange and Yemen – Saudi political misuse of Mecca – The cost of US Middle East wars – Mounting tensions in the Middle East, the US is preparing for a war with Iran – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

cp19a USA bereitet Krieg gegen Iran vor / The US is preparing war against Iran

cp19b Weitere Spannungen im Mittleren Osten / More tensions in the Middle East

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(B H K P)


(* B H)

Film: Yemen: surving with nothing

Yemenis have nothing to sell any longer and Yemenis are living out of nothing, with nothing.
Just one of the bombs dropped in any neighbourhood would save millions from famine, but it has been decided otherwise.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Yemen journal week 22/2019; UN chooses Houthi and South Yemen chooses itself

In week 22, the UN will opt for the Houthis as a discussion partner, the division between North and South is in the pipeline and we will return briefly to prestigious journalist prizes, an interesting map and a beautiful photo from Aden.

UN chooses Houthi, angered government

Where Houthis leave, many land mines are left behind. Similarly in and around Hodeidah. To clear that up, the UN has partnered with YEMAC, whose antecedents also point to a strong relationship with the Houthis. YEMAC got twenty Hilux, that are super strong Toyota four wheel drives.

Outrage besides the expelled Yemeni government now also among activists and more neutral sources, who fear that the brand new Hiluxxes will be used for the armed struggle. It marks a clear trend break; the UN chooses the Houthis as a discussion partner in North Yemen. Apparently that is an accomplished fact: they are increasingly becoming the authority in North Yemen.

Division of North-South Yemen scaffolding

Elsewhere, too, we note a further marginalization of the expelled Yemeni government, the only legitimate authority in Yemen on paper.

The STC (Southern Transitional Council) is what the name says: the Southern Transitional Council. In fact, a confluence of southern independence fighters, especially in and around Aden, the de facto authority, in spite of the scorn Yemeni government. The prison exchange is, according to some, a prelude to a division of property between North Yemen and South Yemen, according to the 1990 borders, when the two Yemens merged.

A separation between North and South is, according to more analysts, the solution that can bring the war to an end quickly. However, the STC is armed, trained and paid for by the United Arab Emirates, and it is questionable whether a Yemeni peace is in the interest of the Emirati – by Anthon Keuchenius

My comment: This is an interesting weekly news site for Yemen, in Netherlands, here translated by Google translator. The site is paywalled (low fee: 0,69 € for each article), you need to register, the first three ones are free.

(** B H K)

My Son Needed Medical Help, Not an American Bomb: A Yemeni Father Grieves

There is an old saying that the definition of madness is to do the same thing again and again, expecting a different result. Yet this strategy seems to underpin the Saudi-led Coalition’s approach to its war on Yemen.

“I struggled for 30 years to build a house and an airplane comes and destroys it in seconds,” 55-year-old Ahmed al-Sulmi al-Hubeishi told MintPress. Ahmed lost four of his children last week — Seham, Abdul Rahman, Khalid, and Waseem — when Saudi airstrikes targeted a residential neighborhood in Sana`a’s al-Ruguss district. “Now, there is nothing left — even the games that remind me of my children have been destroyed.”

“The Saudis killed my four children for no reason — may God take revenge upon them,

So far the Coalition — armed, trained, and protected by the United States — has provided no evidence that any of these targets, which often exact a heavy civilian death toll, were legitimate military objectives. The Coalition repeatedly claims that it takes necessary precautions to minimize civilian deaths, yet still insists on calling its deadly attacks on civilians legitimate.

Needing medical help, Abdul Rahman got an American bomb

Standing atop the rubble of what was once his home, Ahmed searches for any remnants of his children’s toys; he clutches a photo of his sons in his hands. “This is Abdul Rahman,” he says with pride, indicating on the photo which of his sons is Abdul Rahman. “He was disabled and very helpless — what he needed was medical help, not an American bomb.”

Nowhere is “safe”

In the al-Ruguss district, where airstrikes have shattered the windows and blown out the doors in most homes, most families have already fled to the homes of family members or friends. Others, unable to flee as a result of poverty or simply because they have nowhere to go, hide in basements.

So much is wrong

Ahmed’s wife suffered fractures in her legs and of her skull following the airstrike on her Sana`a home. She is very ill and every few days needs blood work, but without fuel the hospital’s labs are unable to operate. Yemen is suffering from an acute lack of diesel fuel, which is used to transport medicine and patients, operate factories, and run generators at the hospitals.

No breadwinner, no help — only a will to keep fighting

Ahmed has been unemployed for 12 years. His son Waseem — who was killed in the airstrike on Ahmed’s home — was working in a desalination plant and was the sole breadwinner for the family. “Now we do not have a breadwinner and I am unable to work,” Ahmed said – by Ahmed Abdul Kareem


(** B E K P)

The Vision [by the Houthi government at Sanaa]

A modern, democratic, stable and unified Yemen which rests on having strong institutions, the realization of justice, the pursuit of development and a dignified life and standard of living for Yemeni citizens, the protection of the independence of the nation and seeking world peace and appropriate equal cooperation with the other countries of the world.

In fulfillment to the great Yemeni people and their sacrifices and to the martyr President
Saleh Al Samad and all the martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners we launch the National Vision document of building the modern Yemeni state, at the end of the fourth year of aggression and the beginning of the fifth year of withstanding under the slogan (a hand to protect and a hand to build) we will be as far as challenging and at the level of the aspirations of Yemeni people, God willing. President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Mohammed Al Mashat

Vision main objectives

Improving Yemen’s sustainable development index from 45 to 60.

Improving the investment index to (130 of 190).

Achieving an annual real economic growth rate of at least (5%).

Reaching the top 100 economies globally.

Rising Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up to above ($2,000 per annum).

Increasing the rate of production of electricity from multiple sources at an annual rate of not less than 600 MW.

Reducing inflation to less than (5%).

Reducing the unemployment rate to less than 10%.

Rising the ranking of Yemen in the Human Development Index to rank (120) among the countries of the world.

Accessing the rank of Yemen in the index of democracy and freedom and protection of citizens ‘ rights to (98).

Achieving a position for Yemen within 70 countries in the institutional efficiency index.

Yemen’s corruption perception index (CPI) should reach (100) among the countries of the world.

Achieving a qualitative level for Yemen in the basic Education Quality index to put Yemen in rank (90) among the countries of the world.

Reducing the illiteracy rate among the population to less than 20%.

5 Yemeni universities should be among the best universities in the Arab world.

Yemen’s International Justice index should reach 60 of the world’s countries.

Increasing the participation rate of women in the labor force to (30%) of the total labor force.

The level of citizen satisfaction for government services should be among the best (80) countries at the end of the period.

Improving Yemen’s level of innovation to rank (95) among the countries of the world.

Raising the life rate at birth to 75 years.

Reducing the poverty rate of the population to less than 20 %.

The rate of health insurance prevalence among the population should reach above (50%).

Improving the environmental performance index to rank (80) among the countries of the world.

Increasing the average number of residential units established annually during the period to (17500).

Governance system

A system of governance based on modern and democratic foundations, which adopts the principle of the peaceful transfer of authority, providing political, economic and social rights and freedoms, free and independent media that enhances the role of the people and their contribution to development, a government that invests autonomous resources to promote integration and equity in distributing wealth; development at the local and central levels, building effective governance institutions for citizens, implementing a good system of governance that combats corruption, ensures the rule of law, transparency, accountability and active society participation, and works to create the various elements necessary to ensure social and political stability to achieve a stimulating environment for sustainable and inclusive development.

My comment: A good governance system would be the precondition for anything. Be honest: The Houthi government is very far away from it.

(** B P)

Yemen’s Fractured South: Socotra and Mahrah

In Yemen, nearly five years of conflict have contributed to an extreme fragmentation of central power and authority and have often eroded local political orders. Local structures of authority have emerged, along with a plethora of para-state agents and militias at the behest of local elites and international patrons. According to the UN Panel of Experts, despite the disappearance of central authority, “Yemen, as a State, has all but ceased to exist,” replaced by distinct statelets fighting against each other (UN Panel of Experts, 26 January 2018).

This is the second report of a three-part analysis series exploring the fragmentation of state authority in Southern Yemen, where a secessionist body – the Southern Transitional Council (STC) – has established itself, not without contestation, as the “legitimate representative” of the Southern people (Southern Transitional Council, 7 December 2018). Since its emergence in 2017, the STC has evolved into a state-like entity with an executive body (the Leadership Council), a legislature (the Southern National Assembly), and armed forces, although the latter are under the virtual command structure of the Interior Ministry in the internationally-recognised government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi. Investigating conflict dynamics in seven southern governorates, these reports seek to highlight how Southern Yemen is all but a monolithic unit, reflecting the divided loyalties and aspirations of its political communities.

This second report focuses on the Arabian Sea island of Socotra and the easternmost region of Mahrah. Previously forming the Mahrah Sultanate of Ghaydah and Socotra, they hold a special place in Yemeni dynamics in that they are the only two governorates that have not been directly affected by the violence of the current conflict. They have, however, been impacted by conflict-related tensions, which are primarily the result of interventionist policies from Saudi-led coalition states, upsetting otherwise peaceful tribal orders.

Unlike the rest of Yemen, which has been directly impacted by the violence of the attempted Houthi takeover and the subsequent Saudi-led coalition intervention, these two isolated governorates have remained far from the frontlines since 2014. Yet, at times, they have made international headlines as a result of foreign interventionism and the subsequent local responses. In the first international reporting from Socotra after the war, British newspaper The Independent argued in May 2018 that “Socotra is finally dragged into Yemen’s civil war,” a week after it had reported that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had “annexed this sovereign piece of Yemen” (The Independent, 2 May 2018). The data collated by ACLED show that the vast majority of conflict and protest events in both Socotra and Mahrah are directly linked to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as intensified foreign activity in these two governorates has seemingly led to a deteriorating security environment. = and in full

(** B E H P)

Yemen’s Expatriate Workforce Under Threat: The Essential Role of Remittances in Mitigating Economic Collapse

Executive Summary

Scarce opportunities to earn a viable livelihood in Yemen have, for decades, driven hundreds of thousands of Yemenis abroad in search of work. Given chronically poor access to education in Yemen, the majority of these have been unskilled or semi-skilled laborers. The proximity of Saudi Arabia and the robustness of its oil-driven economy has made it a natural destination for most of Yemen’s expatriate labor force. The economic boom in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states in the 1970s and 1980s, with the corresponding demand for labor, also drew many Yemenis to work in the GCC, with Saudi Arabia opening its borders to Yemenis without visa requirements.

Following the 1990 Gulf War – and the Yemeni government’s decision not to support the United Nations Security Council resolutions against Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait – Yemeni workers were forcibly deported en masse from GCC countries. Close to one million returned home from Saudi Arabia alone. The loss of remittances from these workers, along with the increased demands on public services and pressure on the labor market, caused rapid economic decline and social instability in Yemen. This in turn is regarded as a contributing factor to the country’s 1994 civil war and today’s economic crisis.

In 1990 Riyadh also initiated a program to increase the share of its nationals in the labor force, however, it was not implemented at the time. Thus, over the subsequent two decades the number of Yemenis working in the kingdom returned to pre-1990 levels. Following the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings around the region and in Yemen, GCC monarchies’ security fears increased, as did their desire to increase employment for their nationals. Thus, in 2011 Saudi Arabia’s campaign to nationalize its labor market was reactivated, with this becoming part of Riyadh’s larger Vision 2030 economic plan in 2013.

The impact of these policies has become more pronounced in recent years, with greater restrictions on the number of job categories open to expatriate workers, fees to live and work in Saudi Arabia increasing for legally documented workers and their families, and undocumented laborers facing an evermore precarious existence and exploitation. This, along with Saudi campaigns to arrest and forcibly expel illegal workers, has resulted in tens of thousands of Yemenis being forced to return to their home country.

The escalation of this conflict has caused widespread economic collapse in Yemen, mass loss of livelihood and the cessation of large-scale oil exports, previously the country’s largest source of foreign currency. The result is that the survival of millions of Yemenis has become dependent on remittances sent home from relatives working Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere. These remittances – totalling billions of dollars annually – have also become the primary supply of foreign currency in the local market and critical to facilitating imports of basic commodities. Thus, remittances from Yemen’s expatriate workforce have prevented their country’s food security crisis, already the largest in the world, from being profoundly worse.

Should the mass expulsion of expatriate workers currently underway in Saudi Arabia continue at pace, it will have another catastrophic economic and humanitarian consequences for Yemenis. This in turn would spur further socioeconomic and political instability across Yemen and create an environment conducive to long-term armed conflict, regardless of whether a political settlement is reached between the parties currently at war. As many observers see Yemen’s stability as a cornerstone of stability in the wider Arabian Peninsula, the ramifications would be regionalized, if not globalized. Thus beyond the moral obligation to prevent the intensifying of mass human suffering, it is in the self-interest of all local, regional and international stakeholders that the flow of remittances from Yemen’s expatriate workforce be maintained.

It is incumbent on GCC states, and Saudi Arabia in particular, to allow Yemeni expat workers an exemption from the current labor nationalization campaigns, at least in the mid-term.

(** B P)

America’s persecution of Julian Assange has everything to do with Yemen

The US feels enraged by any revelation of what it really knows, by any alternative source of information. Such threats to its control of the news agenda must be suppressed where possible

the real purpose of state secrecy is to enable governments to establish their own self-interested and often mendacious version of the truth by the careful selection of “facts” to be passed on to the public. They feel enraged by any revelation of what they really know, or by any alternative source of information. Such threats to their control of the news agenda must be suppressed where possible and, where not, those responsible must be pursued and punished.

We have had two good examples of the lengths to which a government – in this case that of the US – will go to protect its own tainted version of events. The first is the charging of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange under the Espionage Act for leaking 750,000 confidential military and diplomatic documents in 2010.

The second example has happened in the last few days.

When the Pulitzer was awarded last Tuesday in New York, Zikry was not there because he had been denied a visa to enter the US. There is no longer a US embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, but two months ago he made his way to the US embassy in Cairo where his visa application, though fully supported by AP and many other prestigious institutions, was rejected.

Of course, Washington is fully capable of waiving any prohibition on the granting of a visa to a Yemeni in a case like this, but it chose not to.

Can what Assange and WikiLeaks did in 2010 be compared with what Zikry and AP did in 2019?

Take Yemen as an example of this. It is a story of great current significance because in recent days senior US officials have denounced Iran for allegedly directing and arming the Houthi rebels who are fighting Saudi and UAE-backed forces. Action by these supposed Iranian proxies could be a casus belli in the confrontation between the US and Iran.

These accusations by the US, Saudi Arabia and whoever is their Yemeni ally of the day that the Houthis are stooges of Iran armed with Iranian-supplied weapons have a long history. But what do we know about what Washington really thinks of these allegations which have not changed much over the years?

This is where Wikileaks comes to the rescue.

on 9 December 2009 when Stephen Seche, the US ambassador, sent a detailed report to the State Department titled: “Who are the Houthis? How are they fighting?” Citing numerous sources, it says that the Houthis “obtain their weapons from the Yemeni black market” and by corrupt deals with government military commanders. A senior Yemeni intelligence officer is quoted as saying: “The Iranians are not arming the Houthis. The weapons they use are Yemeni.”

Yemeni experts on the conflict say that Houthi arms acquisition today has likewise little to do with Iran. Yemen has always had a flourishing arms black market

Revealing important information about the Yemen war – in which at least 70,000 people have been killed – is the reason why the US government is persecuting both Assange and Zikry.

The defiant Yemeni journalist says that “one of the key reasons why this land is so impoverished in that tragic condition it has reached today is the US administration’s mass punishment of Yemen”. This is demonstrably true, but doubtless somebody in Washington considers it a secret – by Patrick Cockburn

ein Teil in deutscher Übersetzung:

(** B P)

Mecca summits: Saudi Arabia is using holy sites to score political goals

The three conferences start today, standing as a testament to the Saudi practice of using religion for political gain

The King’s rush to summon Muslims at the end of Ramadan, the fasting month, to Mecca to discuss highly political issues exposes the contradiction in the recent Saudi push to ban and criminalise Islamism.

The three conferences are not being held to discuss theological matters, but to seek support for Saudi Arabia’s king over serious, controversial and divisive political crises.

The drive to use Mecca’s religious significance to score political goals remains a cherished Saudi strategy.

Inserting politics in Mecca and its precincts is nothing but utter Islamism, the movement that the regime bans but is happy to practise nowhere but in the surroundings of a symbol so important to all Muslims.

This makes us believe that the Saudi regime wants Islamism without Islamists, as most of the latter are now in prison. The king is the only Islamist who remains free to instrumentalise Mecca to score political goals.

Saudi control over this holy place dates to 1925 when the region fell into the hands of the conquering Saudi-Wahhabi troops.

Since then the Saudi regime has struggled to build its legitimacy on the basis of serving Muslims in Mecca and providing essential services to pilgrims. Muslims rightly worry about who controls Mecca as the political power of the time manages and controls access to the holy precinct.

The three conferences in Mecca are but a continuation of Saudi practices that mix religion and politics nowhere but in Mecca itself.

Successive imams of the Mecca Mosque spare no opportunity to chant, supplicate, and recite praise for Saudi kings. Their audiences are always Muslims who come to the mosque either for pilgrimage or simply for a short visit.

So praising the Saudi king and expecting other Muslims to repeat Ameen is nothing but blunt political propaganda imposed on Muslims, the majority of whom come to Mecca for other reasons than being bombarded by Saudi propaganda.

From the pulpit, the imams of Mecca are also notorious for warning Saudis and others not to engage in any activity defined as politics in Saudi Arabia.

Those who expect serious resolutions in the three Mecca conferences may be disappointed, as the historical record of such meetings attests to a constant failure to achieve even minimal Islamic unity over serious political issues. All such rhetoric will be directed against Iran, seen by Saudi Arabia as the sponsor of the recent two terrorist attacks in the Gulf.

If we consider the conferences as yet another Saudi attempt to reach out to Muslims worldwide and seek solidarity over its limited but persistent agenda of defeating Iran, then the Saudis may not succeed – by Madawi al-Rasheed

(** B K P)

United States Budgetary Costs of the Post-9/11 Wars Through FY2019: $5.9 Trillion Spent and Obligated

The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post9/11 war veterans (see Table 1). This number differs substantially from the Pentagon’s estimates of the costs of the post-9/11 wars because it includes not only war appropriations made to the Department of Defense – spending in the war zones of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in other places the government designates as sites of “overseas contingency operations,” – but also includes spending across the federal government that is a consequence of these wars. Specifically, this is war-related spending by the Department of State, past and obligated spending for war veterans’ care, interest on the debt incurred to pay for the wars, and the prevention of and response to terrorism by the Department of Homeland Security.

If the US continues on its current path, war spending will continue to grow. The Pentagon currently projects $80 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) spending through FY2023. Even if the wars are ended by 2023, the US would still be on track to spend an additional $808 billion (see Table 2) to total at least $6.7 trillion, not including future interest costs. Moreover, the costs of war will likely be greater than this because, unless the US immediately ends its deployments, the number of veterans associated with the post-9/11 wars will also grow. Veterans benefits and disability spending, and the cost of interest on borrowing to pay for the wars, will comprise an increasingly large share of the costs of the US post-9/11 wars – by Neta C. Crawford

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cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)


The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement on Saturday that 621 Yemeni citizens have been died due to the spread of the cholera epidemic since of the beginning of the current year.

The statement added” that the epidemic infects more than 150 thousand cases in various Yemeni provinces.

(* B H)

Cholera im Jemen erlebt einen weiteren massiven Anstieg

Die Cholera breitet sich im Jemen in den letzten drei Jahren massiv aus. Nahezu 200.000 Menschen sind dort seit Jahresbeginn an der gefährlichen Durchfallerkrankung erkrankt.

Oxfam berichtete von 195.000 Neuansteckungen seit Jahresbeginn.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pS)

Al-Amalika and joint forces subjected to heavy Houthi shelling in Hodeidah

(A K P)

UN-supplied vehicles in Houthi parade invite sharp criticism

Social media has been rife with comments and images of Houthi militants blatantly using UN-supplied vehicles, purportedly meant to assist in demining efforts in Hodeidah, during a military parade.

Tweets by the Yemeni Information Minister Moammar Al Eryani carried photos of the Houthi military parade in which the vehicles provided by the UN Development Program (UNDP) were used.

referring to (photos)

(A K pH)

National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs: Releasing of 62 Prisoners of West Coast Front

Head of the National Committee for Prisoners' Affairs, Abdulqader Al-Mortadha announced on Sunday releasing of 62 prisoners of the Army and Popular Committees in the West Coast Front through local mediation.

(A K pH)

Air defenses down spy plane of aggression coalition in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, June 1st, 2019

(A K pS)

At least 20 Houthis killed in Hays, south Hodeidah

(A K pS)

8-year-old girl shot in the head by Houthi sniper in Hodeidah

Locals said that an 8-year-old girl, called Malak Abdu, was seriously injured in her head in front of her house by a sniper bullet.


(A K pS)

Houthi shell uninterruptedly Al-Amalika locations in al-Tuhita, Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, May 31st, 2019

(A K pS)

Violent clashes erupt following Houthi attack on Hays, Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Thursday, May 30th, 2019

(A K pS)

Violent clashes erupt following Houthi attack on Hays, Hodeidah

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B H K)

Film: What's your feeling when you go to sleep while having a family then wake up at the morning to see no one of them still alive? Mohammed Abdullah has lost most of his family members by Saudi coalition air strike. War has made 1000s of tragedies in #Yemen and yet didn't stop

(* A K P)

Audio: 5/31/19 Nasser Arrabyee on the Humanitarian Disaster in Yemen

Nasser Arrabyee is back with an update on the war in Yemen, where the UN estimates a quarter of a million people have died either in combat or because of the deprivation resulting from the war. Arrabyee reminds us that the objectives of this war are totally unachievable and nothing will change unless the U.S., in the hands of President Trump, decides to end the war altogether. =

(A P)

In the remaining days of #Ramadan, Mwatana is campaigning for forcibly disappeared and arbitrarily detainees held by #Houthis and #Yemen-i government. They must be released to celebrate #EidAlFitr with their families.

referring to

(* B K P)

Houthis a Grave Concern for Saudis

Fourteen years of conflict have strengthened Houthis, and they are thriving under the conditions of war. Since the early 2000s, and especially in the past four years of conflict, the Houthis have transformed from a small-scale rebel group warring in Yemen’s extreme north to central participants in perhaps the most significant regional conflict in the history of the modern Arabian Peninsula and the world’s deadliest war today. Today, the Houthis are taking on and posing great threat to important infrastructure of big brother of the region that is Saudi Arabia which is flush with Western weapons and oil money.

Saudi officials admit that Houthis technology has quickly evolved from small, propeller-powered surveillance drones to a larger plane-shaped model,

Ansar Allah also turned out to be successful in the raiding war along with Saudi-Yemeni border

A land-mine production facility was established in Sa’ada, for feeding distribution hubs in Sana’a, Hodeida, and Dhamar. In Hodeida, a drone workshop operates

The Houthis have also been strengthened from missteps by the Arab coalition and the Yemeni government

Saudis should engage Houthi and form a functional relationship with them as the other Yemeni parties. In this process Saudis can take help from regional countries which has credibility and legitimacy such as Oman.

Hence a Saudi-led diplomatic manoeuvre to engage Houthis directly would offer a much-needed, middle way to end this disastrous war – by Manish Rai

(* B K P)

Saudis fanning the flames with Mecca allegation

Saudi Arabia recently accused the Houthis of launching ballistic missiles towards Mecca, which hosts millions of Muslim pilgrims around the year, especially in the month of Ramadan. However, the Kingdom provided no evidence to back its claims and the accusation is being seen by many as an attempt to rally the support of the Muslim world against Yemen. Any attack on Mecca would be seen in the Muslim world as a sacrilegious act

In fact, from the very first moment that Saudi Arabia made the claim of a Houthi attack on Mecca, Arab social media was hit with a wave of posts rife with sectarian hatred and praise for the Saudi royal family. “The claims that we targeted Mecca seem like a desperate attempt to gain justification for a war which has killed thousands of civilians,” Mohammed al-Houthis told demonstrators in Yemen.

(* B K P)

Yemen in Crisis: The Road to War

Helen Lackner, Verso, 2019, 352 pages

Helen Lackner’s Yemen in Crisis: The Road to War was first published in 2017 and was reissued earlier this year. The book is wide-ranging and informative about Yemen’s recent history. The shortcomings occur in the assessments of the contemporary situation, where Lackner’s political leanings somewhat overshadow her analysis.

Lackner has studied Yemen for four decades, allowing her to detect changes in the country that others might miss.

Lackner does a good job of taking the reader through Yemen’s modern history.

Lackner says that the interim government after Saleh, headed by Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and charged with overseeing the NDC, was one of the most incompetent and corrupt Yemen has ever had, sapping the momentum and morale from the reform movement—and anyone who has spent any time with Yemenis has heard this view expressed, irrespective of their political views.

The reasons for the failure of the NDC are numerous. Lackner points to the inability—and really the lack of effort—by either Yemenis or the international community to bring the most powerful military units under state control; instead, Saleh continued to loom large.

My comment: „Lackner’s political leanings somewhat overshadow her analysis”: Th author of this book review obviously is led by a typical Western “mainstream” viewpoint of the Middle East and politics in general (look at denouncing Lackner for her paragraphs on neoliberalism). And, as Western “mainstream” so often does, contradicting opinions are blamed as “conspiracy theories” – while oneself even expressing the most absurd conspiracy theories. And, also the author of the review does so here. One example: Lackner would have expressed the “mistaken assumption that the war was not already driven by foreign states, namely Iran, which had backed the Huthi coup.“ Well, fact is that Iran in 2014 had warned the Houthis to commit a coup and to take Sanaa.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

Thks to ALLAH then generosity of our donors, we distributed 46 #Ramadan food bskts to IDPs families in North #Hodeidah. 46bskt by online donations 20bskt by our brothers in #Oman. Thks so much online donors & our brothers in Oman Plz #donate

Thanks to ALLAH & then the generosity of our sisters in London via our online campaign , we distributed Ramadan food baskets to 21 orphans families in Hodeidah. (photos)

(B H)

Famine Early Warning System Network: Yemen Key Message Update, May 2019

Sharp increases in fuel prices and humanitarian access constraints drive increased concern in northern Yemen

FEWS NET estimates that approximately 17 million people in Yemen would be in need of urgent action (IPC Phase 3 or higher) in the absence of ongoing humanitarian food assistance. Sa’ada and Hajjah governorates are in Emergency (IPC Phase 4), which is associated with large food consumption gaps and/or extreme depletion of livelihood assets. Of the remaining governorates in Crisis (IPC Phase 3), six would be in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) in the absence of ongoing assis

Fuel prices increased sharply in April 2019, particularly in northern areas of Yemen. Diesel prices increased by more than 60% in Sana’a City between March and April 2019 and by 45-55% in Al Hudaydah and Raymah governorates. Increases between 20 and 35% were observed in Dhamar, Al Jawf, Amran, and Marib. These substantial increases follow significant declines that occurred in late 2018. In April 2019, diesel prices in Al Hudaydah and Sana’a City were 50 percent higher than the 2018 average, and nearly 150% higher than the 2017 average. Initial information indicates that in recent weeks, fuel prices have returned to their March 2019 levels.

The recent increase in fuel prices was reportedly due to fuel shortages in northern Yemen associated with obtaining discharge permits from the government based in Aden. In late April, the Economic Committee in Aden (EC), permitted ships to partially discharge their fuel cargo in the Al Hudaydah seaports, which resulted in gradual increases in the availability of the fuel in this part of Yemen.

(B H)

Ein Mediziner lässt im Jemen Kinderaugen strahlen

Sie leben in der Hölle: Bombenangriffe, Tote und Verletzte gehören für Kinder im Jemen zum Alltag. Um ihre Gesundheit schert sich kaum jemand - Augenarzt Mathias Zirm, der in Innsbruck eine Privatklinik hat, schon.

Es sind oft unüberwindbare Distanzen für Familien in Krisengebieten, um ärztliche Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen zu können. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Zirm, Gründer der ersten österreichischen Teleklinik, kann diese Entfernungen überwinden – mit immer präziser werdenden Technologien, um Kinder quasi aus der Ferne therapieren zu können. Schauplatz Jemen – Schauplatz Wien: Viele junge Patienten wird der Universitätsprofessor, der in Innsbruck erfolgreich eine Privatklinik betreibt, mit Organisationen wie „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“ von seiner Tele-Augenklinik aus dank mobiler Kamerasysteme behandeln können.

„Weltweit“, sagt der Augenspezialist, könne und müsse diese Methode eingesetzt werden. „Ich sehe diese Arbeit als Friedenseinsatz“.

(A H)

We’ve held a training workshop on the #BRAVEWomen project at the Chambers of Commerce & Industry in #Taiz. The workshop was very productive as 100+ #business_women attended despite the fact that Taiz is currently going through tough times! I’m satisfied & wish them all the best! (photo)

(A H)

@monarelief launched today distributing Eid al-Fitr clothes to displaced and orphan children in Sana'a. Our project was funded by anonymous #Kuwaiti donors along with @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign in indiegogo. #Yemen Donate here … (photos)

(A H)

MONA: At the end of this Ramadan. I'm proud to tell you that our team in #Yemen provided 2100 food aid baskets to the most vulnerable families and IDPs in Hajjah, Sana'a, Aden, Dhamar, Mahweet, Hodeidah. Glad to help my people in #Yemen & I'm so happy to share with you what I'm doing. (photos)

In Ramadan this year with the support of our anonymous donors in #Kuwait @monarelief was able to help 580 widows and their children in Aden, Taiz, Hodeidah, and Dhamar with cash to buy their needs during Ramadan.

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 7 – 20 May 2019 | Issue 8


  • Closure of the Aden-Sana’a route due to fighting strains humanitarian operations.
  • Concerns have risen over high casualty numbers as more civilians are killed in hostilities.
  • Rapid Response Mechanism assistance has reached more than 1.5 million people since June 2018.
  • UNDP plans to upgrade the facilities at Al Hudaydah, As Saleef and Ras Isa sea ports.
  • Humanitarian agencies face severe funding shortfall despite increasing needs.


(* B H)

When life gives you locusts: Yemenis turn a plague into dinner during Ramadan

Amid food shortages in the war-torn country, swarms of insects have become an unlikely source of sustenance in Yemen during the holy month

On the first night of Ramadan on 5 May and for days afterwards, farmers on the western outskirts of Sanaa observed throngs of flying locusts descend on the Hamdan, Arhab and Bani Matar districts of Sanaa governorate.

The invasion came with Yemen in the grip of a desperate food crisis, prompting villagers to rally to catch the insects and save their crops.

Mutawakel said there is no doubt that locust swarms pose a threat to food security in Yemen

(A H)

MONA Relief: To all our donors, Your money is the field. Special thanks to people of #Ireland who supported @monarelief's humanitarian work in #Yemen Footage taken during food distribution yesterday in Sana'a. Please keep supporting our humanitarian efforts in the country.

@monarelief's team was able today to reach out 104 vulnerable families in Sana'a with food baskets (photos)

Million thanks 2 every single one who supported our humanitarian work during this Ramadan in which @monarelief reached out more than 2300 families across #Yemen (photos)

(A H)

Oman sends extensive aid to occupied Yemeni provinces

An Omani medical convoy has arrived in Mahrah province on Thursday, carrying medical equipments and assistance provided by an Omani charitable organization, local sources told Yemen Press Agency on Friday.

According to local sources, the convoy arrived at Houf Rural hospital, carrying an ambulance and a power generator and buffer.

It also carries many medical equipment and free medication (photos)

(A H)

@monarelief's team purchasing now Eid al-Fitr clothes to be delivered to more than 600 displaced & orphan children in Sana'a. I was able to collect money to buy only 430 pieces I need your support to buy the rest. Please donate here … (photos)

(B H)

Doctors Without Borders: A Yemeni fisherman lost 2 of his brothers and 2 of his relatives and friends when an airstrike hit his boat. He is being treated at Al Salakhana hospital where MSF teams are working (photo)

(B H)

World Food Programme accesses Yemeni frontline district for first time since conflict began

Amid the world’s largest humanitarian crisis still unfolding in Yemen, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) has gained access to the rebel-held northern district of Nihm, for the first time since the war between Houthis and the Saudi-backed Government coalition escalated in 2015.

WFP Spokesperson Herve Verhoosel, told journalists in Geneva that on Thursday the agency had succeeded in distributing food and aid to more than 5,000 people from “896 households living next to the frontlines of Nihm district in Sana’a governorate.” He highlighted that this was “the first time WFP and a cooperating partner, Islamic Relief, (have) reached people living inside the militarized zone of Nihm.”

(* B H)

Film by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders: A day treating wounded in Yemen's Al Salakhana hospital

Since a ceasefire was signed in mid-December 2018, aerial bombardments have reduced in Hodeidah but heavy ground fighting erupts every day inside the city, especially at night, close to the Al Salakhana area where MSF is present. In Al Salakhana hospital, our teams treat mainly trauma cases: burn patients, victims of road-traffic accidents and war-wounded, most of them civilians hit by stray bullets. Since October 2018, MSF teams have treated 6,600 patients in Al Salakhana hospital, including 440 war-wounded. =

(B H)

Film: Yemen: Heatwave compounds misery during Ramadan

With temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) and the Muslim holy month of Ramadan entering its fourth week, the sale of ice has seen a boom in the recent months, as shown in footage filmed in the Ku'aydinah District of Hajjah governorate on Tuesday.

(A H)

Omani medical support provided to Hawf Hospital, al-Mahra

The Management of Hawf Rural Hospital in al-Mahra province received onThursday, a new batch of equipment and medical appliances from Omani Charitable Authority for operating the hospital =

(B H P)

UAE provides food baskets to 600,000 people in Yemen

The UAE, through its humanitarian arm, the Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, has distributed around 79,000 food baskets in the liberated areas of Yemen during the Holy Month of Ramadan, benefitting some 600,000 people.

My comment: Trying to gain influence in the South, while supporting to ruin and starve out the North.

(A H)

Ahmad Algohbary: These are the best moments in my life. I have distributed 1500 food baskets for 1500 families in this #Ramadan (photos)

(A H)

MONA: I'm actually glad to spend my time tonight serving and providing some blind people in Sana'a Iftar meals. #Yemen (photos)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(A H P)

Malaysian interior approves renewal of residence for Yemenis for one year and allows them to work

The Malaysian government has agreed to renew residency for all Yemenis on its territory for a full year renewable.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Registered Persons Of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding SYR and IRQ) (31 May 2019)

From Yemen: 14,631

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Housing Rental Market Assessment, September 2018 – Taizz, Raymah, Ibb, Shabwah Governorates

What is the Objective of this Assessment?

The Preparedness Assessment is guided by a number of objectives. The main objective is to support Clusters’ priority preparedness activities through providing an independent preparedness assessment about “Housing Rental Market Assessment and Host Community Capacity Assessment”.

What is the Source of the Data?

The assessment uses primary data which is collected through qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative methods are key informant interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). For the quantitative data collection, a set of tools have been developed, specifically the landlords’ questionnaire, the tenants’ questionnaire, the exchange and remittance agents’ questionnaire, CBOs questionnaire, NFI/Shelter suppliers’ questionnaire, and the local authority questionnaire.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Internal displacement continues to blight the lives of thousands of Yemenis

During the reporting period, UNHCR partner Jeel Al-Bena conducted the home assessment and verificationDuring the reporting period, UNHCR partner Jeel Al-Bena conducted the home assessment and verification

Emergency distributions are also on-going in various districts

The 33rd boat left Aden with 123 Somali refugees on 29 May

Children continue to be the focus of UNHCR’s assistance

(B H P)

Jung Woo-sung campaigns for better treatment of refugees in Korea

Actor says hatred doesn't help, laments fabricated stories about Yemeni refugees

(A H)

Seoul hospital welfare helps Yemeni refugees with premature baby

(A H)

650 illegal migrants voluntarily deported

650 illegal migrant were voluntarily deported from Aden airport through 6 flights to their own origin countries.

A member of the committee tasked with deporting illegal migrants told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) the migrants were deported voluntarily in conformity with the International Humanitarian Law. =

(* B H)

250 Ethiopian Migrants Detained in Yemen Fly Home

The International Organization for Migration reports two flights carrying an estimated 250 Ethiopian migrants are expected to depart Yemen Saturday for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as part of a larger ongoing repatriation operation.

The UN migration agency says it hopes to repatriate another 1,968 Ethiopian migrants who are being detained under horrific conditions in a sports stadium in the Yemeni port city of Aden.

(* B H)

Tausende somalische Flüchtlinge kehren aus Jemen in Heimat zurück

Nach Schätzungen des UNHCR halten sich im Jemen rund 250.000 Somalier auf. Sie flohen vor der Gewalt und der Armut in ihrem Heimatland. Viele der Flüchtlinge sind sich laut dem Hilfswerk nicht über den Konflikt und den Hunger im Jemen bewusst.

Rund 4.300 Flüchtlinge aus Somalia sind laut den UN aus dem Kriegsland Jemen in ihre Heimat zurückgekehrt. Das Rückführungsprogramm mit Unterstützung der Behörden in Somalia und im Jemen habe 2017 begonnen, teilte Babar Baloch, Sprecher des Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR, am Freitag in Genf mit.

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Hurting in Yemen, Somali refugees head home in time for Eid

Gathered at the quayside in Aden, Yemen’s largest port, 125 Somali refugees wait with a mixture of excitement and trepidation to board the ferry that will take them back to their homeland, which many have not seen in decades.

Surrounded by their belongings, the returning refugees are given parting gifts containing sweet dates and children’s clothes to help them celebrate the upcoming Eid festival, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

The voyage across the Gulf of Aden to the Somali port of Berbera has been organized by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), as part of its Assisted Spontaneous Returns (ASR) programme.

Since the start of the scheme two years ago, 4,298 Somalis have been helped to return by UNHCR and its partners, who also provide returnees with documentation, transportation and financial support in Yemen to facilitate the journey, as well as return and reintegration assistance upon arrival in Somalia.

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Amid worsening conditions in Yemen, more Somali refugees opt to return

Almost 4,300 Somali refugees have now returned home from Yemen, since the roll-out in 2017 of an Assisted Spontaneous Return (ASR) programme, facilitated by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in cooperation with humanitarian partners and authorities in Yemen and Somalia.

In the latest departure, a boat carrying 125 Somali refugees departed Aden on Wednesday afternoon. The vessel arrived at the Port of Berbera in Somalia yesterday morning, bringing home men, women and children in time for the Islamic holiday of “Eid” next week, which is observed at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Those who returned home this week include Somalis who had been born in Yemen to refugee parents, and others who were born in Somalia and who fled to Yemen hoping to escape conflict and insecurity.

With Yemen being the world’s largest humanitarian crisis and civilians facing life-threatening conditions, the situation for refugees and asylum seekers and migrants has deteriorated significantly.

Somali refugees comprise 90 per cent of Yemen’s refugee and asylum seeker population, or some 250,000 people.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp15

(A K P)

Al-Houthi arrests 6 youths from Salim village in Qa’tabah and the killing of Houthi leader north of the city

A local source told Al-Masdar online that the Houthis attacked the village of "Salim " west of the district of Qa’tabah, Sunday morning, and launched a campaign of arrests of several young villagers and looted the funds of some local residents.

The source added that the Houthis raided the village with heavy gunfire, stormed the homes of citizens Ahmed al-Basisi and Mahmoud Abdallah al-Bsisi, before arresting six young villagers and took them to an unknown location.

(B P)

Houthi militia commits 15 violations against press freedoms in past two months

Houthi militia has committed 15 violations against media freedoms in Yemen during last March and April 2019, according to Media Freedom Observatory(MFO).

The report said that Houthi militia’s violations included 12 cases of assaults, a single threat, a single arrest and an attempt to break into a journalist’s house.

(B P)

NCIAHRV: Houthi militia abducted 182 women

The National Commission for Investigation into Alleged Human Rights Violations accused the Houthi militia of abducting 182 Yemeni women in Sanaa, Amran and Hodeidah.

“The militia is holding 100 women in three rooms in a prison in the capital Sanaa, 70 women in a prison in Amran province and the rest 12 in Hodeidah,” the member of the Commission Ashraq al-Maqtari said on her twitter page.

My remark: By a Hadi government body.

(* B K P)

Yemen: Rights Radar Released a Report on Grave Abuses in Hajour District, Hajjah Governorate

The Netherlands based, Rights Radar (RR) for Human Rights in the Arab world, has revealed today grave abuses against human rights in Hajour District, Hajjah Governorate, northwest of Yemen during the past few months of 2019. Some of these abuses considered as war crimes as tragic cases committed in this area.

RR released this report entitled (Hajour: Brutality of Abuses), which reported that the Houthi gunmen committed hundreds of grave abuses against Hajour civilians during the first quarter of this year, including executions out of law, cold-blooded killings, arrests, torture, blowing up houses, confiscating private property and deadly siege.

The report documented 20,560 abuses committed against Hajour civilians in Hajjah Governorate, including murder, physical assaults, abductions, forcibly disappearance and displacement, in addition to destruction and shelling of homes and looting of facilities. These cases of abuses were documented by RR field team, which meet victims, relatives of victims, as well as eyewitnesses.

The 33-page report includes details of numerous cases of grave abuses such as brutal killings, arbitrary arrests, horrific torture that led to death, right deprive to life and the enforced displacement by forcing people to leave their villages. This is in addition to abuses against women, children, heads of families and depriving people from right to education, health, agriculture and business.

This is the first report in its kind that issued by a human rights o

My comment: „Rights radar“ is somewhat biasred anti-Houthi.

(A K P)

‘We will have surprises for you!’ Yemen warns aggressors

Yemen’s Defense Minister Mohammed Nasser al-Atifi says the country has made great strides in the defense sector and will “surprise” Saudi Arabia and those of its allies that are waging a war on the impoverished nation.

Speaking at the committee on Yemen’s defense doctrine in the capital, Sana’a, on Saturday, Atifi said that the military had developed advanced weapons as well as technology that met the country’s need to defend its sovereignty, unity, and independence.

He stressed that Yemen had surprises in store for aggressor regimes.

and also

(A P)

Mass Demonstrations Against Saudi Summit and US “Deal” Mark Quds Day in Yemen

Quds Day demonstrations condemned the so-called U.S. Deal of the Century and vowed to support Palestinians facing the prospect of losing their rights under the U.S.-brokered plan.

Massive demonstrations took place across Yemen’s major provinces on Friday to oppose a meeting of leaders of Arab and Islamic countries who gathered in Saudi Arabia. Demonstrators also rallied against the Trump administration’s “Deal of the Century” — as Friday is also international “Quds Day,” when protests are held across the world to show solidarity with Palestinians.


(A P)

Thousands of Yemenis Marking Quds Day in Sana’a, Other Governerats

Thousands of Yemenis flocked to the 60th Street north of Sana'a City to join the mass rally in Sana'a to mark the International Day of Jerusalem.

Thousands of Yemenis are marking the International Quds Day Under the slogan "No to Trump's Deal



Photos from various provinces in Northern Yemen:

Whole northern Yemen:

At Hodeidah:

(A P)

CPJ calls on Houthis in Yemen to release all detained journalists

The Ansar Allah group, known as the Houthis, should immediately release all journalists in its custody and stop its campaign of detentions and intimidation against journalists working in areas under its control, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

The Houthis are expected to begin what they have described as trial proceedings in June or July for at least 10 journalists who have been detained for nearly four years

(A P)

Houthi Self-proclaimed Authority Presses Yemenis for Religious Endowments

Houthi militias, backed by Iran, have upgraded their pro-starvation policy exacted on Yemen’s war-ravaged population by issuing a series of unconstitutional decisions that include unsolicited religious tariffs.
After already having withheld the salaries of civil servants in their territory, Houthis have hiked Zakat al-Fitr rates collected by coupists from 300 Yemeni rials to 500 rials per person.
For Muslims, Zakat al-Fitr is a mandatory charity taken for the poor few days before the end of fasting in the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
Banners bearing slogans that urge anguished civilians to pay the charity to collectors sent by a recently established Houthi center, dubbed Zakat Commission, flooded streets in Sanaa.

Remark: As claimed by Saudi news site. – and, by the same news site:

(B P)

Yemen: Houthis Deplete Traders, Citizens’ Resources for 'War Effort'

Houthi militias intensify, during the month of Ramadan, efforts to blackmail citizens and merchants under the provision of “Eid convoys” in support of the war effort, as well as taxes and levies imposed such as zakat or fees to improve Sanaa and distribute food baskets.
Traders and businessmen complain they are on the verge of bankruptcy and their businesses could be subject to foreclosure due to systematic and continuous extortion by Houthi militias. They also impose royalties throughout the year, and on several occasions, which increases in Ramadan.

(A P)

Houthi leader: Yemen will always remain pro-Palestine

The leader of Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement has reiterated his country's support for Palestine in the face of Israeli occupation, calling on Yemeni people to express their solidarity with Palestinians by partaking in International Quds Day rallies.

"The Yemeni people will always be against the United States and Israel. and will remain pro-Palestine and support its cause,"

(A P)

President to leaders Gathered in Mecca: Our Hands are Extended for Peace

In his message, on Thursday, on the eve of Al-Quds International Day, President Al-Mashat stressed the importance of peace, good good neighbor relations and readiness to deal positively and fully with any Arab, Islamic or international effort in this regard

(A K P)

Saudi exhibition of remnants of Yemeni missile, drones ’increases our pride’

Spokesman of the Yemen's Armed Forces Brigadier Yahya Sare'e commented on the Saudi exhibition of remnants of Yemeni missiles and drones, stressing that Yemenis are in the position of deterrence and response to US-Saudi aggression.

(B P)

#Houthis closed @AmideastYemen office in #Sanaa last December 2018 (image9


(B P)

Welcome to AMIDEAST in Yemen. For over 50 years, AMIDEAST has played a vital role in facilitating educational programs between the United States and Yemen. Our activities date to 1952, when we began administering our first scholarship program for Yemenis. Our office in Sana'a officially opened in 1981 and our second office, in Aden, followed in 1998. AMIDEAST is committed to providing the highest quality of educational and training services to the people of Yemen.

My remark: Also look at and and

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

After promises to implement the kidnappers ' demands.. Brigadier General Al-Shamiri released a week after he was kidnapped in southern Yemen

A military tribal mediation managed to release Brigadier Jamal al-Shamiri, commander of the military police in Taiz, on Saturday, a week after he was kidnapped in the southern Yemeni province of Lahj.

(A P)

Yemenia: Coalition refused to grant us licenses for flights from Aden to Jeddah and Cairo

Yemeni Airways announced on Saturday that the evacuation room of the Arab coalition had not approved the granting of two flight permits from the interim capital of Aden.

The Yemeni Airways administration said on their Facebook page that their office in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, told them that the coalition did not agree to take off of the two flights without giving any reasons for their decision.

My comment: The Saudi coalition refusing grants for civilians flights from Aden had been a matter of conflict before. This shows who are the real rulers in Southern Yemen – the Hadi government or any Yemeni authority is not.

(A T)

Army officer survives assassination attempt on western Taiz city

(A T)

Young man killed by masked gunmen west of Aden

(A T)

Hadramout security thwarts terrorist attack, arrests attacker

(A P)

Chief of the military camp 20 in #Aden, part of the UAE-backed security belt militias, has been fired after a detainee was tortured to death at the camp. This camp has been involved in assassinations, including of secular and liberal intellectuals.


(A P)

The conflicts of influence in Aden escalate again with the dismissal of Imam al-Nubi and his referral for investigation

Conflicts between the centres of influence in Aden have again returned to the front with the dismissal of a commander of the armed formations and his referral to the investigation.

The command of the so-called "support and Attribution" forces on Saturday evening sacked the leader of 20th Camp in Crater Imam Al-Nubi against the backdrop of armed confrontations in the city in the past two days between groups belonging to Al-Nubi and other formations of the police chief of Aden Waterfall Shaya.

(* A P)

Reports from #Mahrah: Saudi apaches have struck tribes resisting the presence of Saudi troops in this province in east Yemen. Saudi Arabia does not need someone to show it where Iran is located. But I'm sure it isn't in east Yemen & Mahrah is on border with Oman, a US gulf ally.

Comment by Judith Brown: The province of Mahrah has never been at risk from Houthi attack and it is through this province that Saudi is building an oil pipeline to the Indian Ocean. The locals do not want it - Hadi changed the governor to one that was more Saudi friendly a few months ago but still the locals protest. The Saudi reaction ? Just attack the protesters with apache helicopters. Now tell me Mrs May is this the democracy you envisaged for Yemen ?


(A P)

Video: Mobilization of tribesmen in the skilled rejection of the presence of Saudi military bases in the shipment and prevent them from being in the Directorate of shipment was brought from the camp Khalidiya of the Saudi forces in the Directorate of Ramah in Hadramout province

(A T)

Suspected al-Qaida gunmen attack military checkpoint in SE Yemen

At least two Yemeni soldiers were killed on Saturday during an attack launched by suspected al-Qaida gunmen in Yemen's southeastern province of Hadramout, a security official told Xinhua.

and also

(A P)

Shabwani Elite Forces Siege A House Of One Of Its Leaders

the local forces in the district of Bir Ali in Shabwa province said troops from the UAE-backed Shabwani elite forces surrounded the house of one of its leaders

(A P)

A new wave of assassinations and homicides in Yemen's #Aden, which is run by UAE troops and UAE-backed militias.


(A P)

UAE-Backed Security Belt In Aden Kills A Young Man

(A K P)

Ben Laghbar” Reveals Details about the Conspiracy of Muslim Brotherhood of the Legitimacy with Al-Houthis to Invade Al-Dalia and Reach Aden

In a post on his page on face book, Ben Laghiar asserted that treason came with orders from the supreme authority of the legitimacy

My comment: Again, southern separatists’ conspiracy theory of a Houthi-Islah Party conspiracy.

(A P)

To implement the recommendations of the Parliament. The government has commissioned a team to review appointments and promotions since 2014

The Yemeni government has commissioned a team of civil service to review the decisions and appointments that have been made since the Houthi coup and their invasion of the capital Sana'a at the end of 2014, and its legality.

(A P)

Aden.. one killed and several wounded in clashes between Crater police and security belt forces

A local source told Al-Masdar online that a security force soldier was killed and others injured on Friday evening in light-and medium-weapons confrontations between Crater police and others following the security belt in the interim capital of Aden

and also

My remark: More strife between the Hadi government and its army, and southern separatists.

(A P)

Ben Habbish responds to Zubaidi: Leave Hadramawt alone and we are ready to secure Aden

Sheikh Amr ibn Habbrish al-Alii, the first-secretary of Hadramawt province said "The current and future Hadramawt belongs only to its people" said

His remarks came after days of threats by the UAE-backed separatist transitional Council to move to expel the forces of the first military zone in the vally and the Hadramawt desert.


(A P)

The first response to the threat of Zubaidi the first military region commander vows to destroy all plots in the Hadramawt Valley

The armed forces will be on the lookout for all hands that will try to tamper with and disrupt security in the Hadramawt Valley, said Maj. Gen. Saleh Mohammed Tumais, commander of the first military region.

This is the first response of the Government's (recognized) army to the threat launched by the president of the Southern Transitional Council, the pro-UAE, Aydaroos Zubaidi, about two weeks ago, by expelling the forces of the first military region of the Hadramawt Valley and pledging to liberate the valley described by the occupied.

and also

My remark: More strife between the Hadi government and its army, and southern separatists.

(* A P)

Tension returns to Socotra after local authority rejects the UAE's attempt to admit military equipment

The arrival of an Emirati vessel carrying military vehicles on the island of Socotra archipelago has sparked tension between the UAE and the island's local authority.

A local source told Al-Masdar online that the governor of Socotra directed the provincial Police department to return a number of police cars delivered by the UAE without coordination with the governor.

According to the source, the director of the Socotra archipelago stopped unloading the vessel after the UAE refused to inspect its cargo under the supervision of a Saudi commission.

(A P)

The first batch of passports ran out in Aden and liberated cities

the Immigration and Passports office in Aden received only 2,000 of the 10,000 passports distributed to the offices of the Department of Passports and Immigration in the liberated governorates.

According to the source, the office is facing considerable pressure in terms of the number of applications for passports

(A P)

Southern Armed Forces Arrest an African Spy Cell for Al-Houthis in Al-Dalia

My comment: African refugees as spies? This sounds like a real bullshit propaganda.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

Yemen and the Stockholm Agreement: Background, Context, and the Significance of the Agreement

On December 13, 2018, parties to the conflict in Yemen came together in Stockholm, Sweden, and agreed to a series of undertakings that raised hopes for a peaceful settlement of the conflict that began in 2015 and has resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and allegations that war crimes, crimes against humanity, and human rights abuses were committed by all sides.[1]

The Stockholm Agreement sparked discussion of whether the parties had finally reached a lasting peace for Yemen. Implementation of the Agreement, however, has been checkered with moments of positive steps towards compliance followed by retrogression into violent confrontations. For example, recently in May, UN reports raised hopes that Houthi forces were effectuating troop redeployment as agreed,[2] only to be followed by fresh clashes in Hodeidah days later that threatened to break the tenuous ceasefire agreed to in Sweden.[3] This followed a March statement from ambassadors to Yemen from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council expressing "extreme concern" and calls for "implementation of the proposal in good faith without further delay,"[4] as reports describedparties stockpiling munitions and preparing for strikes out of fear that the Agreement would be manipulated for strategic advantage.[5]

In the face of the fragile state of the Agreement's implementation, the background, context, and terms of the Agreement are explored below in order to recognize its the significance; particularly for victims seeking not only peace and security, but recognition and accountability for the violations and crimes they have suffered.

The Conflict Under International Law

It is widely accepted that the conflict in Yemen is classified under international humanitarian law as a non-international armed conflict.

The Stockholm Agreement in Three Parts

Conclusion: The Significance of the Agreement

The intention of the parties to take into account human rights considerations when agreeing to the Stockholm Agreement is critical. With serious and widespread international crimes and human rights violations alleged on all sides, it is significant that in supporting the Stockholm Agreement the parties explicitly "[r]ecogniz[ed] the importance of urgently addressing" the "humanitarian situation" concerning prisoners in Yemen and basing their agreement on "the legal processes and provisions, particularly, the conventions, principles and norms of international humanitarian law [and] human rights."[30] The parties went so far as to involve the International Committee of the Red Cross in order "to ensure respect for fundamental humanitarian principles and procedures,"[31] and acknowledge that humanitarian considerations motivated the ceasefire and redeployment of troops in Hodeidah.

This recognition speaks directly to the question of what human rights obligations attach to each party to the Agreement and who can be held responsible for their violation.

My remark: For unknown reasons, this link does not work. Please C+P URL into adress bar.

My comment: It is doubtful that the Yemen War should be a „a non-international armed conflict“. Since the Saudi coalition interfered on March 25, 2015, this does not hit anymore.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp19b

(A P)

Saudi Arabia accused of hacking UK-based dissident

Saudi Arabia is being accused of using military-grade spyware to target a prominent critic in Britain.

Ghanem Almasarir al-Dosari is a satirist and a YouTube influencer who has racked up more than 200 million views on his channel, where he regularly criticises the Saudi royal family.

Khalil Jahshan is the executive director of research organisation the Arab Center Washington, DC. He joins us on Skype to discuss this. =


(A P)

Saudi accused of targeting UK-based critic with Israeli spyware

Saudi Arabia is being accused of targeting a prominent critic in Britain using Israeli spyware. Ghanem al-Dosari is a popular satirist who regularly criticises the Saudi royal family.

(A P)

A Muslim appeal for Saudi Arabia to show mercy

A document urging clemency provides a snapshot of global Sunni Islam. It is revealing to see who did and did not sign

At least 80 respected scholars and teachers of the Muslim faith, from many countries but mostly Anglophone ones, have lent their names to a plea to the Saudi authorities. It urges the kingdom to spare the lives of three well-known figures in the world of Islam. The trio have been incarcerated on “terrorism” charges since 2017. They had refused to back the kingdom’s diplomatic and economic blockade of neighbouring Qatar (subscribers only)

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(B P)


Jared Kushner dismissed the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi as a “terrorist” during an off-the-record conversation with a reporter, the explosive new book by Michael Wolff claims. But the White House denies any such comments were made.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp19a

(* B P)

Film: Trump's Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: An Impeachable Offense?

Trump pulled an end run around Congress when he declared a national emergency letting him sell arms to Saudi Arabia. We speak to RootsAction's David Swanson about whether the move is an impeachable offense

(* B P)

Troika Fever

Key American Allies in the Middle East Are the Real Tyrants

American foreign policy can be so retro, not to mention absurd. Despite being bogged down in more military interventions than it can reasonably handle, the Trump team recently picked a new fight—in Latin America. That’s right! Uncle Sam kicked off a sequel to the Cold War with some of our southern neighbors, while resuscitating the boogeyman of socialism. In the process, National Security Adviser John Bolton treated us all to a new phrase, no less laughable than Bush the younger’s 2002 “axis of evil” (Iran, Iraq, and North Korea). He labeled Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua a “troika of tyranny.”

Alliteration, no less! The only problem is that the phrase ridiculously overestimates both the degree of collaboration among those three states and the dangers they pose to their hegemonic neighbor to the north.

You need only look to the Middle East to see a genuine all-American troika of tyranny. I’m thinking about the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the military junta in Egypt, and the colonizing state of Israel—all countries that eschew real democracy and are working together to rain chaos on an already unstable region.

If you weren’t an American, this might already be clear to you. With that in mind, let’s try on a pair of non-American shoes and take a brief tour of a real troika of tyranny on this planet, a threesome that just happen to be President Trump’s best buddies in the Middle East.

Beyond their wretched human-rights records and undemocratic tendencies, that troika has another particularly relevant commonality as the United States reportedly prepares for a possible war with Iran. Two of those countries—Israel and Saudi Arabia—desperately desire that the American military take on their Iranian nemesis. The third, Egypt, will go along with just about anything as long as Uncle Sam keeps the military aid flowing to Cairo. Think of it as potentially the ultimate “wag the dog” scenario, with Washington taking on the role of the dog. – by Danny Sjursen = =

(* B K P)

US-Vizepräsident Pence schwört zukünftige Soldaten auf Krieg mit Russland ein (Video)

US-Vizepräsident Mike Pence hat in einer Rede vor einer Klasse der US-Militärakademie Westpoint die "Unausweichlichkeit" kommender Kriege bekräftigt. Pence erklärte, eines Tages würden die Studenten auf jeden Fall auf dem Schlachtfeld kämpfen. Er sagte auch wo.

Als zukünftige und heutige Gegner nannte der Politiker den islamischen Extremismus im Mittleren Osten und Afghanistan, das "aggressive" Russland und verklausuliert auch Venezuela.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia First

The president is helping the repressive monarchy wage war in open defiance of Congress. That’s grounds for impeachment.

On its own, waging war after an official call from Congress to stop doing so ought to be regarded as a violation of the Constitution that warrants impeachment.

But there’s even more to the Trump administration’s “Saudi Arabia First” foreign policy: Citing a provision in the Arms Export Control Act that allows the president to bypass the legislative approval process in an emergency, the administration is circumventing a block on arms sales to the Saudis.

Congress ought to eliminate the emergency provision. But the provision’s existence does not justify its invocation when there is no actual emergency. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the weapons are needed to deter Iran, but that hardly amounts to an immediate crisis.

Put succinctly, the Trump administration unlawfully defied Congress to extend American participation in a war in Yemen, and now it is defying America’s elected representatives again to funnel more weapons to that war’s ringleader.

It’s the legislature’s move.

Perhaps a lawsuit of the sort urged by some legal scholars who believe votes against wars cannot be constitutionally vetoed by the president would prove effective.

But there is a more direct remedy available to Congress. So long as some of its members are invoking alleged obstruction of justice to justify impeachment proceedings, they ought to invoke abuse of the war power, too – by Conor Friedersdorf

(* B K P)

Yes, Trump can override Congress and sell weapons to Saudi Arabia — even over Republican objections

Trump’s move is legal. Under the 1976 Arms Export Control Act, the State Department authorizes arms sales (or doesn’t). As I explain below, Congress usually allows decisions to be implemented without objection. But this time, the administration has invoked the act’s provision that allows presidents to sidestep congressional review if they believe a national security emergency requires the arms to be sold.

Why is the administration working so hard to avoid Congress? Here’s what you need to know about the administration’s controversial move to authorize the new arms sales.

My comment: The problem is: There is no “national security emergency” at all.

(A P)

Outrage after US refuses to grant Yemeni journalist a visa to collect his Pulitzer Prize

(A P)

Yemeni Store Owner Faces 40-year Sentence for Khat Trafficking in USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Despite our own ‘Mr Blusters’ (The Chief Minister) dismissal of concerns over Saudi training facilities on Mann the reality is that children are suffering and dying every day because of the War in Yemen.
Let’s be clear it’s not just Saudi personnel trained at RAF Valley that are the issue RAF personnel also trained there go to Saudi Arabia to maintain the Saudi war effort (The MOD have confirmed this).
The Saudis are notoriously inept (last month they bombed their own troops) but they have loads of money and the UK wants a share of that pie.

(A P)

Allen Moore of Mannin branch Celtic League reports on the joint demonstration with another NGOs concerned about Yemen this morning. He avers the response from the pubic was heartening:

(A H P)


World Care Foundation is delighted to sponsor and support an event that celebrates Yemen’s culture and traditions.

Moved by the current humanitarian crisis in Yemen, a group of young professionals based in Scotland have created To Yemen with Love (TYWL), an initiative to raise awareness about the Yemeni plight to a wider audience, and to highlight Yemeni culture and traditions.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Film: Stop the WAR in Yemen - Qudstag Berlin 2019

(A P)

USA und Deutschland wollen Iran in Nahost und Golfregion eindämmen

Pompeo fordert von Berlin Einstufung der Hisbollah als "Terrorvereinigung"

Die USA und Deutschland wollen sich gemeinsam bemühen, den Einfluss des Iran im Nahen Osten und der Golfregion einzudämmen. Es sei ein gemeinsames Ziel Berlins und Washingtons, "dass die Rolle, die der Iran in der Region spielt, in Syrien, aber auch im Jemen, so nicht bleibt", sagte Maas am Freitag beim ersten Besuch von US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo in Deutschland.

Auch dürfe der Iran nicht an Atomwaffen gelangen und müsse die Bedenken angesichts seines ballistischen Raketenprogramms ernst nehmen, sagte Maas weiter. Über die Wege, Teheran von der Erlangung von Atomwaffen abzuhalten, gebe es Differenzen mit den USA, sagte Maas. =

und auch:

Mein Kommentar: Der treue Vasall übernimmt weitgehend die Sicht der USA.

(* B K P)

Wie deutsche Banken und Unternehmen am Jemenkrieg verdienen

Und in fast jedem Fall kann liegt richtig, wer davon ausgeht, dass führende deutsche, im DAX gelistete Unternehmen ganz vorne mit dabei sind.

Jüngst stellte die Berliner Organisation Facing Finance ihren neuesten „Dirty-Profits-Bericht“ vor, der sich mit Verstrickungen zwischen 2015 und 2018 von zehn europäischen Topbanken in Rüstungsexporte in die Mena-Region (Nahost und Nordafrika) befasst. Und wer ist mit dem meisten Geld involviert? Natürlich die Deutsche Bank und die Commerzbank

Und dann wären da natürlich noch Rheinmetall, die gerade eine beachtliche Umsatzsteigerung feierten und Thyssen Krupp.

Sicher, auch britische, amerikanische, französische und andere Unternehmen machen mit dem Jemenkrieg beste Geschäfte. Für jemenitische Kinder und andere Zivilisten dürfte es auch keine große Rolle spielen, woher die Waffen kommen, die ihr Land verwüsten.

Die Liste der Nutznießer deutscher Waffen oder Kredite aus den letzten Jahrzehnten ist sehr lang und zugleich ein Who is Who von Regimes, die zeitgleich von Human Rights Watch oder Amnesty International weit oben auf ihren Listen von Menschenrechtsverletzern stehen.

und auch

Meine Bemerkung: Hierüber wurde bereits früher schon berichtet.

(A K P)

„Wir geben jetzt keine Ruhe mehr“ - Erlebnisbericht von den Protesten gegen Rheinmetall in Berlin

Ich habe das Gefühl, am 28. Mai 2019 hat etwas begonnen. Schon länger hört und liest man, dass eine neue Antikriegsbewegung nötig sei, die es zustande bringt, der gesellschaftlichen Ablehnung von Rüstungsexporten auch auf der Straße einen angemessenen Ausdruck zu verleihen.

Rheinmetall Entwaffnen“ Glauben schenkt, will es die Kriegstreiber zur Rechenschaft ziehen, gesamtgesellschaftliche Bündnisse gegen Rüstungsexporte und ihre Profiteure gründen und damit eine neue und internationalistische Antikriegsbewegung für eine befreite Gesellschaft ins Leben rufen.

(B K P)

Foto: Patrouillenboote für Saudi-Arabien liegen auf dem Werftgelände der zur Lürssen-Werftengruppe gehörenden Peene-Werft in Wolgast.

(A K P)

PROTEST GEGEN RHEINMETALL; »Haben gute Laune und Lust auf mehr«

Rüstungsgegner stören Hauptversammlung von Rheinmetall. Besetzung gewaltsam geräumt. Nächste Aktionen angekündigt. Gespräch mit Kiano Möckel

Wir waren etwa 50 Leute im Saal des Berliner Maritim-Hotels. Als der Vorstandsvorsitzende Armin Papperger ans Mikrofon trat, entstand ein beeindruckendes Bild: Menschen drängten nach vorne zur Bühne, besetzten dort das Podium und nahmen das Rednerpult in Beschlag. Papperger ist aus unserer Sicht für das blutige Geschäft des Konzerns verantwortlich, das mit Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen einhergeht. Dort werden Bomben von Rheinmetall gegen die Zivilbevölkerung eingesetzt.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A K P)

Yemen’s victory against Saudi coalition ‘certain’, says Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the victory of Yemeni nation against the Saudi-led aggression is “certain”, adding that everyone has a responsibility to take the Yemeni side in this war.

The Yemen’s Popular Support Headquarters held a meeting in Tehran on Monday, with a number of Iranian officials, including FM Zarif and Secretary of the Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei, in attendance.

(* B P)

The most powerful arab ruler isn’t MBS. It’s MBZ

Mohammed bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi and de facto ruler of the UAE, is arguably the most powerful leader in the Arab World ..
For decades, the prince has been a key US ally, following Washington’s lead, but now he is going his own way
Under the Trump administration, his influence in Washington appears greater than ever

(* B P)

Sudan’s protesters can help alleviate Yemen’s tragedy

As Sudan’s protesters ratchet up the pressure on the transitional military council to hand over power to civilian rule, they should also demand an end to their country’s role in the war in Yemen. Such a call is closely tied to the Sudanese protesters’ broader demands for an end to socio-economic inequality and to dictatorship.

another potential avenue for bringing the war closer to an end lies in Khartoum.

Suffering harsh social and economic difficulties at home, these Sudanese soldiers join the war in Yemen out of desperation. Without prospects for improved socio-economic well-being in Sudan, especially under the authoritarian rule of the recently ousted al-Bashir, Gulf countries offer them up to $10,000 to fight a war that has created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since World War II.

The continued involvement of these Sudanese fighters has also helped perpetuate this abhorrent war

Protesters in Khartoum continue to reject the rule of the transitional military council, now headed by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and to demand a civilian-led transitional government.

A clear demand to bring back the Sudanese forces fighting the catastrophic war in Yemen would send a powerful message to the current military leaders of Sudan

This should serve as a wake-up call for the protesters in Khartoum: Demands for freedom and social justice are inseparable from demands to halt the unforgivable commodification of young Sudanese men in the war in Yemen. – by Noha Aboueldahab


(* A P)

'Bloody massacre': Sudan military try to disperse Khartoum sit-in

Five people reported dead amid gunfire as security forces attempt to break up protest site outside defence ministry


(* A P)

Sudanese Military Council renews support to legitimate government

The Head of Sudanese Military Transitional Council General Lieutenant Abdul Fattah al-Burhan renewed his country’s support to the government of Yemen.

In his speech in the Arab Emergent Summit in Mecca, al-Burhan confirmed that Sudan will remain unique party in the Arab Coalition for restoring legality in Yemen and realizing peace in the country.


(A P)

Sudan’s junta reiterates support to Saudi Arabia

Sudan’s military junta Friday has announced its support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against "irresponsible" threats in the Arabian Gulf and the southern Red Sea regions.

Speaking before the emergency summit, the head of the ruling Transitional Military Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, condemned the "threats and irresponsible actions aimed at the security and stability of our Arab region, especially the Arabian Gulf and the South Red Sea."

"We condemn these attacks and threats and affirm our stand by our brothers in the Gulf and support them in the face of these hostile acts whatever their source.

(A P)

The Russian government approved the creation of an office of Yemen’s Transitional Political Council for the South (STC) in Moscow on May 30. The STC is a UAE-backed southern secessionist group.[3]

(A P)

Activists lay children’s shoes as protest against #Saudi-led war on #Yemen in front of the European Commission’s headquarters in the #Belgian capital of #Brussels. Thank you so much for standing with our country (photos)

(* B K P)

Frankreichs schmutzige Geschäfte

Paris unterstützt die Saudis im Krieg im Jemen – und drangsaliert die eigenen Journalisten.

Pure Einschüchterung“, meinte der Pariser Journalist Michel Despratx diese Woche, nachdem ihn der französische Geheimdienst DGSI stundenlang einvernommen hatte. Zuvor schon hatte die Abteilung des Innenministeriums drei andere Presseleute verhört. Sie hatten im April unter anderem in dem Pariser Web-Magazin „Disclose“ einen vertraulichen Bericht der Streitkräfte veröffentlicht. Der enthält nebenbei einen für die Behörden höchst unangenehmen Befund: In den Händen der Saudis kommen französische Waffen auch gegen jemenitische Zivilisten zum Einsatz.

Mitte Mai sollte eine neue Ladung „Caesaren“ den nordfranzösischen Hafen Le Havre Richtung Dschidda verlassen. In einem sehr unüblichen Schritt drohten aber Dock-Arbeiter, die Verschiffung zu blockieren

(* A B K P)

Kritik an Frankreichs Waffenexporten

Anders als Deutschland liefert Paris Rüstungsgüter in das Krieg führende Saudi-Arabien. Hafenarbeiter weigern sich nun, die Kanonen zu verladen

Die vom staatlichen Rüstungskonzern Nexter hergestellten Geschütze können sechs Artilleriegeschoße pro Minute von einem Geländelaster aus abschießen, ihre Sprengkraft richtet verheerende Schäden an.

Laut dem Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) hat Frankreich den Saudis seit 2010 insgesamt 132 solcher Caesar-Kanonen verkauft. Die Geschütze "unterstützen die loyalistischen Truppen und die saudische Armee bei ihrem Vormarsch auf jemenitischem Gebiet", heißt es in dem Armeebericht.

Dieser Befund widerspricht der Behauptung der Pariser Regierung, im Krieg in Jemen – mit wohl weit mehr als zehntausend Toten seit 2015 – komme kein französisches Militärmaterial im Zivilbereich zum Einsatz.

Mitte Mai hätte eine neue Ladung Caesar-Geschütze Le Havre Richtung Saudi-Arabien verlassen sollen. Die Hafenarbeiter drohten aber damit, die Einschiffung zu blockieren.

Ein ähnlicher Fall harrt derzeit in Marseille einer Lösung. Acat behauptet, der dort angedockte Frachter Bahri Tabuk warte ebenfalls auf eine Caesar-Ladung.

Wie auch immer dieser Fall ausgeht, erklärt der Journalist Despratx, es bestünden genug Beweise, dass die Regierung wider besseren Wissens handle. Wenn sie weiter behaupte, Zivilisten kämen durch französische Waffen nicht zu Schaden, dann "belügt sie die Franzosen" =

(A K P)

Auch in Marseille: Hafenarbeiter verweigern die Beladung des saudischen Schiffes Bahri Tabuk mit Waffen

Am 28. Mai 2019 lief die Bahri Tabúk in den Hafen von Marseille-Fos ein, um eine „gemischte“ Ladung aufzunehmen. Die Dockergewerkschaft der CGT hatte bereits vor Einlaufen bekannt gegeben, man werde auf keinen Fall Waffen für den Krieg im Jemen verladen

und verluden dann auch wirklich nur den zivilen Teil, den anderen gab es auch und der wurde nicht verladen.

(A K P)

Film: Polémique en France au sujet de ventes d'armes. Deux bateaux seraient venus charger des munitions à destination de l'Arabie Saoudite. Certaines ONG dénoncent des "bateaux de la honte". Elles redoutent que ces armes servent à tuer des civils au Yémen.

(A K P)

Second Saudi ship leaves French port without arms cargo - rights group

A Saudi cargo ship has left the southern French port of Fos-sur-Mer without loading its arms cargo destined for Saudi Arabia, blocked from doing so after pressure from rights campaigners, a French rights group said on Thursday.

and also


(A K P)

French Arms Not Loaded on Saudi-Destined Ship

ACAT took legal action saying the deliveries were illegal under the treaty on the arms trade, signed and ratified by France, because of the high probability that the weapons would be used in Yemen against civilian populations.

However, the Paris Administrative Court rejected a submission filed by ACAT, saying that "the authorization of exit customs of these armaments does not create a characterized and imminent danger for the life of the people.” ACAT counters that the weapons would be in the hands of a country known to commit war crimes against Yemeni civilian populations.

and, then:

(A K P)

La nave delle armi arrivata di nascosto a Cagliari: “Caricate bombe per la guerra in Yemen”

[The Saudi ship Bahri Tabuk arrived this morning at 4 am in the Gulf of Cagliari and at 7:30 am embarked some containers. The Disarmament Network has no doubts: "#Yemen war bombs produced by Domusnovas RWM have been loaded".]


(A K P)

Nave saudita a Cagliari, "bombe a Yemen"

I nostri porti continuano ad essere meta di navi del gruppo Bahri per i rifornimenti bellici ai Paesi sauditi". E' l'allarme lanciato dal segretario nazionale della Filt Cgil, Natale Colombo, a seguito dell'attracco all'alba di oggi a Cagliari del cargo con bandiera saudita Bahri Tabuk.


(A K P)

Caricati all’alba sulla Bahri Tabuk 4 container arrivati sotto scorta al porto di Cagliari: ancora armi per la guerra in #Yemen?
Rete Disarmo è in grado di diffondere le immagini del carico. (photos)

(A K P)

La Bahri Tabuk a Cagliari: sosta imprevista e non dichiarata per caricare bombe?
Poco dopo le 4 del mattino di Venerdì 31 maggio la Bahri Tabuk è giunta nel golfo di Cagliari puntando verso il porto del capoluogo della Sardegna.

(A P)

Yemen solidarity conference in Italy condemns Saudi aggression

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

Siehe / Look at cp19b

(A P)

UNCONFIRMED news of #Qatari delegation pulling out of #OICMakkahSummit

Film: #Qatari delegation is seen walking out of the meeting as #Jordan’s King Abdullah initiates his speech

It seems that #Qatar walking out on #Saudi summit just now has thrown the entire Saudi efforts to waste. A well-calculated political strike that slayed the Saudi monarchy & gave more countries a path to follow

#Qatar just destroyed the fake #Saudi “leadership of the #Arab & the #Muslim” worlds. The fact the country is small in size gives larger countries the courage to emulate. This has a strategic impact on the geo-political position in the region.

(A P)

Film: #Qatar PM ignores #Saudi @KingSalman & giving the mothers of the thousands of political prisoners something to smile about

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp9, cp11, cp12

(* A K P)

UAE issues formal request to buy KC-46A tanker, says Boeing

The United Arab Emirates has emerged as a surprise customer for KC-46A Pegasus, having formally made a request to buy the tanker aircraft, according to manufacturer Boeing.

Speaking to reporters at a media event on the sidelines of the annual Shangri-La Dialogueregional security summit in Singapore, Jeff Shockey, Boeing’s vice president of global sales for defense, space and security, confirmed that the Middle Eastern kingdom had issued a letter of request for three tankers.

The UAE now joins the list of potential markets for the KC-46A


(* A K P)

UAE submits request to buy three Boeing tanker aircraft

The Boeing KC-46A Pegasus is a military aerial refuelling aircraft

The United Arab Emirates has issued a request to the United States to buy three tanker aircraft, manufacturer Boeing has confirmed.

Jeff Shockey, Boeing’s vice president of global sales for defence, space and security, confirmed the request letter had been submitted by the UAE in comments to reporters at a media event in Singapore, according to a report by the Defence News website.

Shockey’s comments were confirmed by a Boeing spokesperson when contacted by Arabian Business.

The model, the KC-46A Pegasus, “is widebody, multirole tanker that can refuel all U.S., allied and coalition military aircraft compatible with international aerial refuelling procedures,” according to Boeing website.

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia requests aircraft support services

The US State Department has made a determination approving a potential foreign military sale of aircraft follow-on support and services to Saudi Arabia, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced on 24 May.

(* B K P)

Map: French arms exports

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(B K)

This is NOT a classroom! These are Sudanese children being shipped to #Yemen to fight for the #Saudi-led coalition. The Tory Govt's support to the Saudi coalition in Yemen proves that our government is aiding war crimes in the poorest Arab country!

My remark. For Sudan, look at cp12.

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Kulturgüter aus der Ferne schützen

Jemen ist reich an antiken Schätzen, doch viele sind vom Krieg bedroht. Wie deutsche Archäologen versuchen, das kulturelle Erbe zu erhalten.

Kulturgüter schützen in Zeiten des Krieges – geht das überhaupt? Die Archäologin Iris Gerlach vom Deutschen Archäologischen Institut (DAI) weiß: „Im Krieg ist man oft machtlos, wenn kulturelles Erbe zerstört wird. Trotzdem gibt es Methoden, um Kulturgüter auch in Krisenzeiten zu schützen.“ Sie arbeitet für die Orient-Abteilung des DAI, das Außenstellen in Damaskus und Bagdad unterhält. Ihr Spezialgebiet ist der Jemen, den sie selbst 2013 verlassen musste. „Wir arbeiten immer noch eng mit der jemenitischen Antikenbehörde zusammen, um Kulturgüter in Zeiten des Bürgerkrieges bestmöglich zu erhalten“, erklärt Gerlach.

Seit 2013 unterstützt das DAI seine jemenitischen Partner von Deutschland aus beim Kulturerhalt. Dafür nutzen die deutschen Archäologen hauptsächlich Methoden der Fernerkundung. „Wir besitzen sehr viele Informationen über antike Stätten, in denen wir früher selbst gearbeitet haben“, sagt die Expertin. Über Google-Earth können die Archäologen im Zeitraffer beobachten, was sich durch den Krieg und Raubgrabungen in den antiken Stätten verändert. „Wenn wir etwas bemerken, informieren wir die jemenitische Antikenbehörde, die von offizieller Seite einschreiten kann.“ Allerdings ist den Kollegen eine genaue Bestandsaufnahme vor Ort oft unmöglich.

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B E P)

Economic Report: Government actions have contributed to currency stability but commodity prices have been increasing

An economic report confirmed the improvement of the price of the Yemeni riyal against foreign currencies in April, but the prices of basic commodities in the governorates escalated steadily.

A report issued by the Center for Economic Studies and Information said that the set of policies and decisions on monetary policies taken by the central bank in Aden "has calmed the state of speculation on the dollar and reduced the intensity of buying from the black market."

He explained that the improvement in the exchange rate was not reflected on the prices of the commodities, which "maintained their high level and rather move their index towards growth rather than downward."

The report, entitled "The Yemeni Economy index for April 2019" –Al-Masdar online reviewed its content-that other factors contributed to the continued escalation of commodity prices despite an improved exchange rate.

The report referred to the "State of division in the State administration of economic concerns and the non-Applicability of economic decisions issued by the Central bank in relation to monetary policy on the areas of control of the al-Houthi group in the northern and western governorates, which are areas of heavy population and economic. "confirming that the division is one of the factors in the continuation of prices of goods on the rise.

My remark: By the Hadi government.

(B E P)

Bahah.. The Godfather Of Corruption Stands Behind The Dubious “Gas” Deal

The Yemeni Comedian Mohammed al-Ruba launched a scathing attack against former Prime Minister Khalid Mahfouz Bahah, recalling his key role in the dubious deal: the deal to sell natural liquefied gas abroad.

Bahah was the minister of oil and minerals in the government of Dr Mojawar before the outbreak of the youth revolution in 2011.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#IslamicState in #Yemen now claims a 3rd attack on Tuesday vs #alQaeda in Bayda'. Suicide fighter Abu 'Abid al-Dhamari killed & injured several #AQAP as he fought to death with gun in al-Humaydah

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Houthis and Terrorism- Facts on Hidden Coexistence and Interdependence

But following the coup d’état launched by the Houthis, with the backing of Iran, Yemen has been forced into civil conflict, which allowed terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda (AQAP) and Daesh (ISIL) to find more footholds in Yemen than were previously established. Further, the Houthis have forged a symbiotic relationship with these terror groups to extend the chaos and conflict that they have sown in the country and have even adopted doctrines and teachings of these terror groups as a means of motivating young people to fight for their causes.

This paper outlines the current danger posed by terrorists organizations in Yemen; how these groups have aligned themselves with the Houthis; what the Government of Yemen is doing to enhance the tracking of terrorist elements and to reduce as well as remove their activities and movements; and, finally, why it is of critical importance for the United States and other allies of Yemen to maintain their support for and cooperation with the Yemeni government to combat any and all terrorist threats. Because with their agenda and intentions, what happens in Yemen doesn’t stay in Yemen. and full document:

My comment: This is nice propaganda – by a government, Which by itself is not free of Al Qaeda connections – while Houthis and AQP and ISIL are and stay arch-enemies.

(A P)

UN continues to 'stab the dead' in Yemen

A Yemeni proverb goes, "Stabbing the dead (body) is immoral."

Houthis, the religious terrorist militia behind Yemen's unprecedented misery and conflict running for nearly five years, is again receiving UN aid.

The Houthis are the only warring party using landmines. Since the war started in 2015 they have planted hundreds of thousands of them across Yemen many are still a danger lying in wait for children and women as the government's pace of mine extraction fail to cope with the mine producing workshops and planting hands of the militia.

The UN which has failed to force the militants to disarm and hand over north Yemen territories in compliance with the UN Security Council resolutions since 2015 instead continues to aid the militia by various ways and under various pretexts including in the name of "removing landmines"!


(A P)

UN finances Houthis’ mine-making programmes

Yemeni Information Minister Moammar Al Eryani called the donation of armored vehicles to the Houthi militia a new “UN scandal and seriously disregard for Yemenis’ lives ”.

(A P)

Houthis depend on foreign support for controlling Yemen: al-Sisi

President of Egypt Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi has confirmed that Yemen still suffer from Houthi group and their attempts of bullying with foreign support for imposing their agenda on all Yemeni people and their denounced attacks on Saudi territories. =

My comment: Of course, this statement hints against Iran, as the whole conference should blame Iran for whatever, demand Arab solidarity for Saudi Arabia against Iran, and beat the propaganda drum for more confrontation with Iran. But, the Houthis do not at all depend on Iranian support: for this, Iranian support in too small. The other way round, the Hadi government fully depends on Saudi coalition support: Otherwise, it would have disappeared quite a long time ago already.

(A P)

President: Iranian regime created sectarian, terrorist militia in Yemen

President Abd-Rabbo Mansour Hadi has said Iranian regime created sectarian militia in Yemen and has been taking care of it for long years and fed it with spites on history, human being and Yemeni civilizations and incite it on neighbors.
"It (Iranian regime) wants changing Yemen into a launch pad for harming security and stability of the region and the world."
"Yemeni people is waging its glorified battle against these militias with the help of its own civilized heritage and support of brothers in the Arab Coalition, who do their duty for helping Yemeni people and banning Iranian savage hegemony on the people and its capabilities," said President Hadi in Yemen's speech he delivered in the Islamic Summit held in Mecca.

My comment: LOL. The Houthis neither are „terrorist“ nor this meovement had been created by Iran. Nor the Saudi coalition war in Yemen is „civilized“ whatever your idea of „civilization“ would be. Nor does Iran have any plans of making Yemen a „launch pad“. Etc.

(A P)

Official pledges continued Saudi support for Yemen

Kadasa said: “The Kingdom’s total contribution to Yemen over decades of support has reached $14.4 billion

The Kingdom stood with its Yemeni brothers long before the 2015 coup by the Houthi terrorist militia, and it continues to support them through their difficulties today, said Abdullah bin Kadasa, director of media and strategic communication at the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY).
Motivated by its deep bonds with Yemen, Saudi Arabia remains committed to providing support for projects that have a positive impact on the lives of Yemenis,

My comment: This more is a threat than a promise. On the destruction of Yemen, Saudi Arabia had spent about US $ 300 billion.

(A H P)

WHO hails UAE-Saudi $20 million grant to fight cholera in Yemen

"The UAE-Saudi financial support is conducive to stopping the outbreak of cholera in the communities most heavily affected by the disease, while helping in building capacities to develop effective and rapid response to the epidemic in the future," said Altaf S. Musani, Representative and Head of Mission at World Health Organisation, in Yemen.

My comment: When taking “blood money” from the worst perpetrators of the Yemen war, UN organizations at least should keep quiet.

(A P)

Coalition: Iran’s interference in Yemen violates UN resolutions

The Arab Coalition spokesperson Colonel Turki al-Maliki said on Friday that the Iranian interference in Yemen is a clear violation of the UN Security Council resolutions.

Addressing a press conference, he said that the Iranian-allied Houthi militia is the first militia in the world which possess ballistic missiles.

The spokesperson of the Arab Coalition backing the Yemeni legitimate government emphasized that the coalition’s operations comply with international legal standards.

He said Saudi Arabia called upon all the Yemen parties to start a dialogue in 2014.

and also

(A P)

Arab Coalition: Some Houthi Weapons Smuggled from Hezbollah to Yemen

The Saudi-led Arab coalition to restore legitimacy in Yemen revealed on Friday that some weapons in the possession of the Iran-backed Houthi militias have been smuggled by the Hezbollah party from southern Lebanon.
Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki added that some of the weapons even carry the image of Syrian regime leader Bashar Assad.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

May 31:

May 30:


(A K pS)

Coalition raids target militia camps in Ibb, Sana’a

Arab coalition airstrikes targeted on Sunday Houthi militia camp in the central province of Ibb.

The coalition also bombed another camp for the Houthi militia, in Sanhan, south of the capital Sana’a

and also

(A K pS)

Coalition airstrikes target Houthi insurgents in Al-Dhale

targeted gatherings of Houthi rebels in the area of Hagr

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

June 1: Sanaa p.

May 31: Jawf p.

May 30: Sanaa p., Jawf p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K pH)

Yemeni Air Force Targets US-Saudi Mercenaries Military Parade, Aden

Air Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees on Sunday carried out an attack with drone, Qasef K2, on US-Saudi mercenaries military parade, in Ras Abas military camp in Aden

A military source confirmed the offensive was carried out after accurate intelligence monitoring.

(* A K)

Yemen's Houthis launch drone attack on Saudi-led coalition military parade in Aden

Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement launched a drone attack on a military parade for Saudi-led coalition forces in the port city of Aden, the group’s Al Masirah TV said early on Monday.

The Saudi-owned Al-Hadath channel later quoted sources that the air defenses shot down a drone west of Aden.


(* A K)

Air defenses intercept Houthi drone aimed at pro-gov't military base in Yemen

Air defenses of the Saudi-led Arab coalition intercepted a Houthi drone aimed at a pro-government military base in Yemen's southern port city of Aden on Sunday night, a security official told Xinhua.

The Houthi drone was shot down before having the chance of attacking the pro-government Ras Abas military base that houses thousands of newly-recruited pro-government forces in Buraiga district, western Aden, according to the official, who asked to remain anonymous.

So far nobody was reported injured, according to the official.



(A K pH)

Update: Drone attack targets coalition military parade in Aden

“The attack left many dead and wounded in ranks of the mercenaries,” the spokesman added.

(A K pS)

MASAM Removes 408 Landmines in 4th Week of May 2019

During the fourth week of May 2019, the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief)'s project for clearing landmines (MASAM) in Yemen has successfully demined 408 landmines

(* A K pS)

27 civilians incl. women and children killed, injured by Houthis’ shelling

A woman was killed and other 26 civilians were injured on Sunday due to Houthi militia’s shelling in Taiz province.


(A K pH)

June 1: In Taiz, Almasirah correspondent stated that 5 civilians, including children, in the city with shells. [were injured?]

(A K pS)

Dhamar Hospital receives 16 bodies of Houthi gunmen killed in Taiz clashes

(A K pS)

Houthi militia stages heavy shelling on civilian houses in Taiz

in Al-Jomhori area downtown the city.

The shelling damaged civilians’ homes, terrorized and frightened residents, mainly women and children. = =

(A K pS)

Houthi sniper kills old citizen north of Al-Dhale

(A K pS)

2 civilians killed by Houthi militia in Al-Dhale

and also

(A K pS)

Film: Security forces take control of several locations north-west of Dhale

(A K pS)

Southern Armed Forces Retrieve Weapons of The Arab Coalition from Al-Houthis in Kataba

Southern armed forces in northern and western fronts of Yemeni Kataba, administratively adjoined to Al-Dalia of the South, looted massive amounts of weapons left behind by Al-Houthis, including thermal missiles belonging to the Arab Coalition.
Sources indicated that manufacturing of thermal missiles used by Al-Houthis in north and west of Kataba date back to 2017. Photos also showed launching platforms belonging to the legitimacy-packing Arab Coalition.

(A K pS)

Serious Confessions of Al-Houthi Captives in Al-Dalia

Al-Houthi militants, captured in north and west of Kataba fronts, confessed about serious matters concerning their war against the south.
In their confessions, captives indicated that Al-Houthis implanted landmines along back lines of their stations to prevent them from escaping in front of southern troops.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, a civilian was killed with Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeting on populated villages in Munabbih border district. Saudi missiles and artillery shells also targeted several areas of Shida and Razih districts.

(B K pS)

Film: One million mines still waiting for Yemenis.. Watch this

(B H K)

Film (Jan. 2019): A Mother Pregnant With Twins Among Victims of a Houthi Missile in Taiz.

Houthi missiles claimed the lives of many civilians in Al-Shaht Village in Taiz, including a mother pregnant with twins, her two kids and another woman from the same family.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: I Lost My Heart to Socotra Island | YEMEN 2019 | Trailer


A German female doctor in Hadramaut

The photographic collections of two Yemen pioneers in the 1950s – Eva Hoeck and Erich Holm von Prosch

A true Yemen pioneer is Dr. Eva Hoeck (1917-1995) who worked as s doctor in Taizz (North Yemen) for the Harem of the Imam in the late 1940s and after this in the Hadramaut (South Yemen) in the early 1950s.

In Shibam, Hadramaut, she was able to build up the first hospital in the country (photos)

(* B H)

Love and war: Searching for glimmers of hope in Yemen

“There is a special kind of resilience and beauty in those tucked-away spots of life,” said Amira Al-Sharif. The Saudi-born but Yemeni-raised photographer has, for years now, documented life in her adoptive country — a country that has been at war since 2015. Her photographs paint a picture of love and war at a time when the two have become intimately intertwined.

While other photographers might see only destruction, starvation and death, Al-Sharif looks for the beauty that might offer glimmers of hope for a better future. “I want you all to see the true beauty of my suffering country,” she said.

While she has made a living as a fixer for foreign journalists, she also finds the time to focus on her own projects, including a few that center on Yemeni women.

Al-Sharif’s images show the struggle and courage of these women at a time when their lives have been upended by the war (with photos)


Shutterstock photos:

Aden, Yemen:

Sanaa, Yemen:

Hadramaut, Yemen:

Hodeidah, Yemen:

Saada, Yemen: No serious matches


(A P)

Drones in Yemen keep this thriller percolating

This tale from thriller writer David Ricciardi takes place in Zinjibar, Yemen. The main character, Jake Keller, is there on his first mission with the CIA’s elite Special Activities Center working alongside senior officer Curt Roach.

The two young Americans are tracking a notorious Islamic terrorist who helped plan the 9/11 attacks and went on to become leader of the ultra-violent al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

My comment: Thriller with propaganda purpose: The brave CIA against bad Arabs.

cp19a USA bereitet Krieg gegen Iran vor / The US is preparing war against Iran

Siehe / Look at cp9

(A P)

Mike Pompeo: Iran should behave like 'a normal nation'

Pompeo said: "President Trump indicated his willingness to have conversations with the Iranians in the past few days, and his said this not for a long time, just in the past few days. I will certainly prepare to have theses conversations when the Iranians conclude that they want to behave like a normal nation.

"This real challenge is inside of Iran today, they are not caused by the economic sanctions, they are caused by 40 years of Islamic regime"

Comments below:

That is so rich coming from US.

Comment: Does the USA behave like a normal nation?! Do rogue US allies in the region behave like normal nations?!

(A P)

Iran’s steadfastness made US back off: Rouhani

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has hailed the steadfastness of the Iranian nation in its tough battle against the United States over the past year, saying standing against Washington’s pressure caused it to back down from its previous position of seeking to topple the Iranian government.

"For months and days, the Iranian nation went through some tough times against the enemies relying on its steadfastness which forced the enemies to retreat step by step,” said Rouhani in a Saturday speech to a group of Iranian athletes in Tehran.

(A P)

Iranian president says talks possible only if Washington shows 'respect'

President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday suggested Iran may be willing to hold talks if the United States showed it respect, but said Tehran would not be pressured into negotiations, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

(* B P)

Trump’s ‘hit them first’ diplomacy risks war – ex-UK minister

Alistair Burt sums up Donald Trump’s policy in the region as ‘hit them in the nuts first’

America’s “hit them in the nuts first” diplomacy is helping put the Middle East on a dangerous trajectory towards a regional war, Alistair Burt, the UK’s minister for the region until last month, has warned.

On the eve of Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK, Burt told the Guardian what it has been like to be on the frontline of “America First” diplomacy, where “in every argument America has to win and someone has to lose”.

“America at present does not believe in compromise – it is a case of hitting them in the nuts first, and sooner or later they follow,”

(* B P)

Eskalation am Golf: Die trügerische Ruhe vor dem Sturm

Die Anzeichen für eine drohende militärische Auseinandersetzung zwischen den USA und dem Iran mehren sich. Europa aber hüllt sich in Schweigen: Das ist gefährlich.

Was der US-Präsident meinte, als er vom „offiziellen Ende des Irans“ sprach, ist nicht bekannt. Interessant aber sind die Reaktionen der europäischen Nato-Partner auf diese Vernichtungsdrohung. Es gab sie faktisch nicht.

Auch den Medien war Trumps aggressive Rhetorik kaum mehr wert als eine Pflichtmeldung. Keine Bundeskanzlerin, kein Präsident oder Ministerpräsident, kein Außenminister fühlte sich bemüßigt, sich von Trumps Drohung zu distanzieren. Das ist einerseits nachvollziehbar, denn die Europäer sind bestenfalls Juniorpartner Washingtons. Wer mag schon den Zorn der US-Regierung auf sich laden, die sich mit höheren Zöllen oder Handelshemmnissen für europäische Waren oder Dienstleistungen rächen könnte?
Andererseits ist dieses fast schon komplizenhafte Schweigen hochgefährlich. Kaum ein Tag vergeht, an dem die Regierung Trump ihren Konfrontationskurs gegenüber Teheran nicht verschärft.

Kommt es zum Krieg gegen den Iran, wird östlich des Suezkanals bis hin nach Indien kein Stein auf dem anderen bleiben. Die Ölpreise würden explodieren, Russland und China sich auf die Seite Teherans stellen. Wohin soll das führen?

Wollen wir Europäer, wollen wir Deutsche diesen Weg tatsächlich gehen?

Es wäre ein sicherer Weg in die Katastrophe – von Michaer Lüders

(* B P)

Der Konflikt USA-Iran: Eine nötige Auslegeordnung

Nebelpetarden und Kriegstrommeln dominieren die Tagesnachrichten. Es ist höchste Zeit, den Konflikt aus Distanz zu analysieren.

Wer kann entwirren, was in den letzten zwei, drei Wochen hinsichtlich des (noch unblutigen) Konflikts zwischen den USA und Iran der Weltöffentlichkeit aufgetischt worden ist? Hat Trumps Unsicherheitsberater Bolton Fake News produziert, als er von einer unmittelbar bevorstehenden Bedrohung von US-Soldaten in Irak sprach und Botschaftspersonal abziehen liess? Ist die Entsendung von weiteren 1500 amerikanischen Soldaten in den Mittleren Osten nichts als eine leere Geste, um Stärke zu zeigen? Sind iranische Revolutionsgarden für (folgenlose) Angriffe auf saudische Öltanker verantwortlich, und stehen sie auch im Jemen jeweils am Drücker, wenn die dortigen Huthi-Rebellen Raketen oder Drohnen auf Ziele in Saudiarabien schiessen?

Über vieles kann man dieser Tage nur spekulieren – aber vielleicht ebenso viel kann auch sachlich erklärt werden.

(** B P)

The Iran-U.S. Trigger List

An early-warning platform to monitor, analyse, and provide regular updates on the key and increasingly tense flashpoints between Iran and the U.S. or their respective allies that could lead to a direct or indirect confrontation, or generally to a dangerous regional escalation.

The risks of a direct, indirect, deliberate or inadvertent clash between Iran and the U.S. are rising to new highs. Our Iran-U.S. Trigger List is a unique interactive map and early warning tool that monitors and analyses the many flashpoints between the two countries, and shows how they are linked to the fate of the 2015 nuclear deal.

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran, as well as between Iran and Saudi Arabia, are reaching a critical level, as are risks of a deliberate or accidental confrontation among these parties. Nearly two years after entering into force, the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the P5+1 (permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany) is in jeopardy. Simultaneously, regional dynamics across the Middle East are trending in a worrisome direction. Friction between Iran and the U.S. is growing in Iraq and Syria as the strength of their common foe, the Islamic State (ISIS), diminishes. In Lebanon, Yemen and the Persian Gulf, Israel, the U.S. and a more assertive Saudi leadership see an emboldened Iran they are determined to cut down to size.

Escalation on one front could provoke escalation on another.

The webpage will be updated regularly. It is run by Ali Vaez, Crisis Group’s Iran Project Director, and Naysan Rafati, Crisis Group’s Iran Analyst (with interactive map)

(** B K P)

Escalating Iran crisis looks a lot like the path US took to Iraq war

Now, half of all Americans believe the U.S. will go to war with Iran "within the next few years," according to a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll released in late May amid increased tensions between the two countries, longtime geopolitical foes.

The escalating Tehran-Washington crisis comes as the White House claims, without providing detail or public evidence, that Iran poses an increased threat to American forces and facilities in the Middle East – one year after Trump withdrew from an accord between Iran and world powers aimed at limiting Tehran's nuclear capabilities.

Is Iran doomed to be an Iraq redux? This is just one of the questions raised by a crisis that has eerie parallels to the missteps that led to the Iraq War in 2003, where the buildup to conflict was precipitated by faulty intelligence and confrontational foreign policymakers such as John Bolton in President George W. Bush's administration.

Meanwhile, with the failed outcome of the 2003 Iraq War still plain to see, Bolton started ramping up his outspoken criticism of Iran's Islamic Republic.

As for Trump's position on Iran, nobody seems to know the president's mind, not even, perhaps, the president

Trump says he doesn't want war: Is Bolton driving the U.S. into a conflict anyway?

(* A P)

Pompeo sagte, Bolton werde in der kommenden Woche den Vereinten Nationen Beweise vorlegen, dass Iran die Angriffe auf die Schiffe durchgeführt habe. “Das waren die Bemühungen der Iraner, den Preis für Rohöl weltweit zu erhöhen”, sagte Pompeo.
Die Führung in Teheran bestreitet das jedoch. “Das sind lächerliche Behauptungen, die wir kategorisch zurückweisen”, erklärte Außenamtssprecher Abbas Mussawi in dieser Woche. Der saudische Staatsminister für Auswärtiges, Adel al-Dschubair, wiederum konterte in der BBC, derartige Dementis seien “zum Lachen”.

(* A P)

Evidence Iran was behind Gulf attacks to be presented to UN, John Bolton says

Trump national security adviser says evidence can be shown as early as next week

Evidence that Iran has been behind recent attacks on oil tankers and pipelines in the Gulf is likely to be presented to the UN Security Council as early as next week, John Bolton, the US national security adviser, has revealed.

Bolton has previously said Iran was almost certainly responsible for the attacks, but without presenting evidence. In what is likely to be a showdown over the US’s aggressive Iran strategy, in which Bolton has taken a leading role, much will depend on how credibly the US intelligence agencies can show the Iranian government is directing attacks by proxies.

Bolton also extended Iranian responsibility for the war in Yemen by saying Iran should be held accountable for the drone attacks on civilian and military airports, oil installations and shipping in the Red Sea being undertaken by Yemen’s Houthi rebels.

(* A P)

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that the attacks on the four vessels near a major bunkering hub, just outside the Strait of Hormuz, were “efforts by Iranians to raise the price of crude oil around the world.”

My comment: Evidence: None. War mongering: 99 %.

(* A E P)

Energy dealings with Iran lawful, must be respected: China to US

China, the top buyer of Iranian oil, has dismissed Washington’s warning to Hong Kong that it could face penalties if it provides services to a vessel carrying Iranian oil headed for the autonomous territory, saying “normal energy dealings” with Iran are in accordance with law and should be respected.

cp19b Weitere Spannungen im Mittleren Osten / More tensions in the Middle East

(* A P)

Qatar says it has reservations about Arab statements on Iran

Qatar said on Sunday it has reservations about hardline statements on Iran made at emergency summits of Gulf and wider Arab states called by Saudi Arabia, becoming the second Arab country to reject the statement following Iraq.

Qatar’s foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, said statements at the summits were not adopted using traditional procedures.

“The statements condemned Iran but did not refer to a moderate policy to speak with Tehran,” he said in remarks reported by Qatar’s state-owned Al Jazeera television.

“They adopted Washington policy toward Iran, rather than a policy that puts neighborhood with Iran into consideration,” he added.

and by Aljazeera:

(A P)

OIC summit had no achievement for Muslim world, Palestine: MP

Iranian Deputy Chairman of Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Kamal Dehghani Firouzabadi said Sun. that the recent OIC summit in Mecca had no achievement for Muslim world and Palestine, and was held to secure the benefits of the Israeli regime.

(B P)

All you need to know about the OIC

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is the second largest intergovernmental body after the UN.

The OIC's mission statement bills it as "the collective voice of the Muslim world" that works to "protect the interests of the Muslim world". It was established by 24 member states in 1969.

Today, with 57 member states from four continents, the OIC is the second-largest intergovernmental organisation in the world after the United Nations, with a collective population reaching over 1.8 billion.

While the 22 members of the Arab League are also part of the OIC, the organisation has several significant non-Arab member states, including Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.

(A P)

Abdulsalam: Failure of Mecca Summit Due to Being Outside Nation’s Issues

The Failure of convening the emergency meetings in Saudi Arabia, called by the kingdom, was due to the fact that it has become ineffective and outside the framework of issues of the Nation, said the Head of the National Delegation Mohammed Abdulsalam on Saturday.

My remark: Houthi opinion.

(* A P)

Saudi king: Iran-backed groups threaten global oil supplies

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has warned that Iran's aggression is a "grave danger" to the security of maritime traffic. Iran said it regretted the king's "abuse" of his country's "privilege."


(A P)

Saudi King Salman says will resolutely confront aggressive threats

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman said that a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Mecca on Friday would seek to confront threats and work for the future of Arab and Islamic states.

My comment: “work for the future of Arab and Islamic states”: LOL.

(A P)

Saudi aggression state exploits summits to justify its crimes in Yemen: Official

An official source at Foreign Ministry in Sanaa on Saturday said that the state of aggression, Saudi Arabia, is working on Arab and Islamic mobilization to justify its war crimes and promote misconceptions about the aggression on Yemen.
"Saudi Arabia is working to antagonize the Arab and Muslim worlds towards the brothers in Iran without any regard to the realities of the situation, especially in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is practicing the killing, destruction and aggression," said the source in a statement.

My remark: By the Houthi government.

(A P)

Hisbollah droht US-Truppen mit "Vernichtung" bei Angriff auf den Iran

Nasrallah: Saudi-Arabien und Israel werden "Preis zahlen"

Die schiitische Hisbollah-Miliz hat die USA eindringlich vor einem Angriff auf den Iran gewarnt. Bei einem Krieg gegen den Iran würden alle Truppen und Interessen der USA in der Region "vernichtet", sagte Hisbollah-Chef Hassan Nasrallah am Freitag. Die USA wüssten, "dass ein Krieg gegen den Iran nicht an dessen Grenzen enden wird", fügte der Anführer der mit dem Iran verbündeten Miliz hinzu. =

(* B P)

Gipfeltreffen islamischer Staaten-Iran: Saudi Arabien spaltet Region

Arabische Staaten werfen Iran Einmischung in ihre Angelegenheiten vor - nun antwortet Teheran: Insbesondere die Saudis würden die Region spalten.

Vor einem Gipfeltreffen der islamischen Staaten in Mekka hat der Iran seinem Rivalen Saudi-Arabien eine "Spaltung" der Region vorgeworfen. Die Regierung in Teheran zeigte sich am Freitag zudem enttäuscht darüber, dass Riad bei dem Gipfel der Organisation für Islamische Zusammenarbeit (OIC) seine "unbegründeten Vorwürfe" gegen den Iran wiederholen wolle. Die arabischen Staaten hatten Teheran am Vortag "Einmischung" Teherans in den Nachbarländern vorgeworfen.

In ihrer Abschlusserklärung verurteilten die arabischen Staaten eine "Einmischung" des Iran, seine "Drohungen" gegen den Seeverkehr und seine Unterstützung für die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen.

Der Iran warf Saudi-Arabien am Freitag eine versuchte "Spaltung der muslimischen Länder und der Region" vor.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia Banking On Muslim And Arab Summits To Strengthen Its Hand: Don’t Believe The Hype

The three organisations involved – the 57-nation Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the 22-member Arab League and the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – are deeply divided over Iran, how to restore regional security, and a host of other issues

Officials from the United Arab Emirates, in a bid to dial down tensions, have so far refrained from apportioning blame for the sabotage of oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman and a drone attack on a Saudi oil pipeline, pending the outcome of an investigation.

The belligerent Saudi tone was set before the summit, when the country’s foreign minister, Ibrahim al-Assaf, urged an OIC foreign ministers gathering before the Mecca meeting to confront with “force and firmness” the oil tanker sabotage and drone attack.

The prospects for concrete results from the three summits are further clouded by the fact that Iran is but one of a host of issues discussed – and Muslim and Arab leaders are deeply divided on most of them.

Finally, one major reason to expect little will come from the summits is the track record of the three organisations involved: they have no history of shaping policy and translating it into effective action.

The best the Saudis can hope for is that they will walk away from the summits bolstered by a blanket condemnation of “terrorism”. Riyadh will then be free to interpret this – and trumpet it – as a reference to Iran and its ambitions – by James M. Dorsey

(* B P)

Gulf rulers would have Arabs believe Iran - and not Israel - is their enemy

Palestinians are being asked to pay the price to preserve the thrones of the oil families

Who is the main enemy of Arabs: Israel or Iran? This was never a question that was entertained in the Arab world - until recently.

Iran’s new close relations with Iraq alarmed the Gulf regimes, especially Saudi Arabia, which launched a sectarian campaign against Iran and Shia Muslims, Persian and Arab alike. Beginning in 2004, the Arab peoples were subjected to unprecedented propaganda identifying Iran and Shia as the main enemy of Arabs.

Fifteen years on, this campaign has cost hundreds of thousands of Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian and Yemeni lives - sacrificed at the altar of the oil families - and it is now demanding that the Palestinian people give up all their rights in order to preserve the oil families’ thrones.

Thus began the attempt to redefine Iran, rather than Israel, as the main enemy of the Arabs.

Betting on making Arabs see non-existent Iranian threats and attempting to blind them to the real Israeli ones is a risky business at best – by Joseph Massad

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia united the Arab world against Iran. That means conflict could be one step closer

King Salman of Saudi Arabia has pulled off in Mecca what many had thought unlikely -- getting 20 or so disparate Arab nations to unite in a common position against Iran.

And while this achievement came without bellicose threats or new red lines, it is an important milepost on a road that may yet lead to regional conflict.

In middle-of-night, back-to-back summits at Islam's holiest of sites, the aging but still-attentive Saudi monarch got a double endorsement of his claims that Iran is destabilizing the Middle Eastand a backing of his call for "the international community to shoulder its responsibility.

It would be easy to write the King's success off as the kind of leverage that only petro-dollars can buy, but the region is deeply divided over many issues -- not least a searing rift with neighboring Qatar, which has spent two years under an economic and travel embargo imposed by Saudi Arabia.

The stigma of Khashoggi's killing isn't going to be washed away easily, but King Salman will see the events in Mecca this week as proof that he at least has clout.

He has used some canny diplomacy, including old school show-and-tell. Leaders landing in Jeddah airport on their way to the summits got a tour of Iranian-made ballistic missiles, and drones fired at Saudi Arabia by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

A simple message -- that Saudi is on the front line of Iranian-inspired aggression -- was an easy sell.

Trump's and Salman's agendas do intersect on Iran but the King's new-found regional unity on the issue could quickly crumble if he was seen to pick a fight. – by Nic Robertson

My comment: With the last paragraph (not cited here) being mere propaganda – who added it?

(* A P)

Iran calls Arab League crisis meeting a “distraction” from true enemy

A statement from Arab leaders denouncing Iran for meddling in the region was met with contempt in Tehran on Friday, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman rejecting the “baseless claims.”

“Saudi Arabia has used the holy month of Ramadan and the holy city of Mecca for political gain in order to put to the world baseless claims against Iran,” spokesman Abbas Mousavi told the local ISNA news agency.

The chief goal of the Islamic and Arab world should be the liberation of Palestinians, and not agitating one another, he said.

(A P)

Saudi King Salman says will resolutely confront aggressive threats

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman said that a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Mecca on Friday would seek to confront threats and work for the future of Arab and Islamic states.

(A P)

Saudi king says attacks by Iran-backed groups threaten global oil

“The drone attacks on Saudi oil pumping stations carried out by groups supported by Iran not only threaten the security of the kingdom and the Gulf, but also threaten maritime safety and global oil supplies,” Salman said at an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in the Saudi city of Mecca.

(* A P)

Russia Rejected Iran S-400 Missile Request Amid Gulf Tension

Russia has rejected an Iranian request to buy S-400 missile defense systems, concerned that the sale would stoke more tension in the Middle East, according to two people with knowledge of the matter, including a senior Russian official.

The request was rebuffed by President Vladimir Putin

(* A P)

Saudischer König will Iran stoppen

Der saudi-arabische König Salman hat die internationale Gemeinschaft aufgerufen, die «zerstörerischen» Aktivitäten seines Erzrivalen Iran zu stoppen. Irans Politik der Einmischung gefährde die Stabilität der Region und bedrohe die internationale Seefahrt, sagte er.

Salman warf am Donnerstagabend zum Auftakt eines Krisengipfels des Golf-Kooperationsrates (GCC) in Mekka dem Iran vor, Terror zu unterstützen und seinen Einfluss ausweiten zu wollen. Saudi-Arabien habe immer seine Hand zum Frieden ausgestreckt.

Mein Kommentar: rechts blinken und links abbiegen, nennt man so etwas wohl.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia says firm stand needed to deter Iran, Iraq demurs

Saudi Arabia’s king told an emergency Arab summit on Friday that decisive action was needed to stop Iranian “escalations” in the region.

A Gulf Arab statement and a separate communique issued after the wider summit supported the right of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to defend their interests after the attacks on oil pumping stations in the kingdom and tankers off the UAE.

But in a sign of regional tensions, Iraq, which has good ties with neighboring Iran and Washington, said it objected to the Arab communique, which stated that any cooperation with Tehran should be based on “non-interference in other countries”.

“The absence of a firm deterrent stance against Iranian behavior is what led to the escalation we see today,” King Salman told

Comments by Fuad Rajeh: Arab summit in Mecca condemned continued Iranian occupation of UAE islands at a time when the United Arab Emirates is seeking to occupy Yemen's #Socotra archipelago. Question to stupid UAE leaders: why don't you liberate your islands from Iran instead of destabilising Socotra?!

Saudi Arabia and the UAE always accuse Iran of interfering in internal affairs of Arab countries. The two Gulf countries do interfer and destabilise Arab states and back militias, too. Did anyone lie to them that their interference is guaranteed by constitutions of other states?!

(* A P)

Arab States Accuse Iran of Supplying Ballistic Missiles to Yemeni Houthi Rebels

Gulf Arab states have declared unity in the face of "Iran threats" according to a communique of the summit in Mecca.

Gulf Arab states have accused Iran in Mecca summit communique of supplying ballistic missiles to Yemani Houthi rebels for attacking Saudi territory.

"We condemn the launch of ballistic missiles manufactured in Iran from Yemen into Saudi Arabia. We condemn the operations that the Houthis carry out against Saudi Arabia," the Arab states said in the communique.

The document also says that Arab states condemn Iran's interference in Syrian crisis as well as "negative effect" on Syrian territorial integrity.

My comment: If Iran really supplies missiles to the Houthis, these should be compared to the arms the Gulf states buy from the West; the statement on Syria is fully absurd, as Syria’s territorial integrity is affected by Israeli occupation of the Golan heights, of Turkish and US occupation of certain areas.

(* A P)

Iraq opposes final statement from Arab leaders' emergency meeting

Iraq opposed on Friday a final statement released by Arab countries that were gathered for an emergency meeting in Saudi Arabia, which condemned Iran’s “interference” in other countries’ affairs.

and from Iran:

(* A P)

Gulf Arab states support right of Saudi, UAE to defend interests

Gulf Arab states voiced support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to take any action required to defend their security following recent attacks on their oil assets.

A statement published by Saudi state news agency SPA said the six nations had discussed at an emergency meeting in the kingdom a joint defense mechanism under the Gulf Cooperation Council alliance. They called on Iran to stop funding “militias” and “terrorist organizations”.

My comment: The whole Yemen war is no Saudi war of defense, whatever is going to happen in this war. – Well. While the Gulf states themselves obviously take the right to fund “militias” and “terrorist organizations”, in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan…

(A P)

Saudi king says Iran actions threaten regional, global security

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman told an emergency Gulf Arab meeting on Thursday that Iran’s development of nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities threatened regional and global security.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia says decisive Arab stand needed against Iranian actions

(A P)

Iraq warns of war if regional tensions not managed well

Iraq’s president told an emergency Arab summit in Saudi Arabia on Thursday that regional and international tensions with Iran could spark a war if not managed well and voiced hope that Iran’s security would not be targeted.

(A K P)

Saudi fragments exhibition aims to divert attention from coalition brutal crimes: Abdulsalam

and also

(A K P)

Saudi Arabia is welcoming Arab and Muslim leaders arriving for Mecca summits to a display of recovered debris of Houthi drones and missiles, crying she has been attacked, as if it has been dropping flowers and kisses not bombs on Yemen for five years.


New pics: #Saudi govt exhibits its work in #Yemen to visiting #Arab leaders by @A7medJa7af

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und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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