Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 553 - Yemen War Mosaic 553

Yemen Press Reader 553: 9. Juli 2019: Die Huthis, anpassungsfähige Akteure in Jemens Geographie – Provinz Al Mahra im Auge eines geopolitischen Sturms – USA-Iran-Krise, wachsende Spannungen ...

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July 9, 2019: The Houthis, adaptable players in Yemen’s geographies – Al Mahra province eye of a geopolitical storm – US-Iran crisis, mounting tensions at the Gulf – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen | AFP Animé

Videographic explaining the background to the acute crisis in Yemen. The war there has left thousands dead and created one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.

(* B H K P)

5 Jahre Krieg im Jemen: "Schwer in den Griff zu kriegen"

Jemen-Expertin Mareike Transfeld berichtet im Inforadio-Gespräch von der komplizierten Lage im Jemen.

(* B H K)

Film: 5-Year Anniversary Since the Start of Yemen Civil War

(B K P)

Film: Who controls what in Yemen | AFP Animé

Updated videographic locating Yemen showing areas of the country controlled by rival forces.

(B H)

Film: Risk of famine in Yemen | AFP Animé

Videographic showing areas of Yemen threatened with famine.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B P)

The Huthis: Adaptable Players in Yemen’s Multiple Geographies

As water takes the shape of its container but maintains its own features, the Huthis of Yemen have demonstrated great adaptability to a fluid domestic and regional context, thanks also to a vague political identity. Framing the Huthi movement in the Yemeni Zaydi Shia tradition, this contribution explores the evolution of the Huthis as a political movement and militia, from the Saada wars (2004-10) to the civil conflict started in 2015. Viewing the Huthis as political actors within Yemen’s multiple geographies, it contends that the northern insurgents have been able to capitalize on internal and external dynamics, embodying a form of populist elitism. Pursuing the autonomy of the northern highlands, the Huthis have formally and informally penetrated the state they used to contest, transforming from local insurgents into, paradoxically, national contenders in a fractured and polycentric Yemen, despite their persistent local identity and goals.


For years, the perception of Yemen in the West reflected thelanguages and images use to promote an “exoticized” Orient;a narrative of this remoted land fixed in a primitive“traditional” past, characterized by black veiled women,mysterious villages castled on impossible dry mountains, warlike but gallant tribesmen. All to the benefit of Westerntourists and their modern “carnets de voyage”.

Not surprisingly, the reality of that country has always beenrather different. Both during the Cold War and after it, Yemen – for decades divided in two different oppositeregimes – played the role of a perfect peripheral arena forregional confrontation and proxy wars. Something whichover-emphasized its marked domestic tensions and fissures, with local political actors who have recurrently competed forauthority and legitimacy.

Especially since 2001, the pace of such complex politicalinterplay has considerably accelerated across the widerMiddle East, a region inflamed by multiple crises which aredramatically altering its geopolitical equilibriums. Thecombination of local conflicts and geopolitical rivalries is infact deeply transforming the wider Middle East’s socio-political and religious landscapes, drawing new spheres andboundaries between the people dwelling within it – by Eleonora Ardemagni (ed.)

(** B P)

Yemen’s Al-Mahra: From Isolation to the Eye of a Geopolitical Storm

Editorial Note: The author of this report was arrested by security forces in al-Mahra on July 3, 2019, and as of this publishing on July 5 his location is unknown.

Executive Summary

Yemen’s most easterly and isolated governorate of al-Mahra, to date spared the horrors of war experienced in much of the rest of the county, now faces destabilization due to a geopolitical struggle for influence involving Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman. Muscat has since the 1970s regarded al-Mahra as a natural extension of its national security sphere; in the decades following Riyadh pursued efforts to build an oil pipeline through the governorate to the Gulf of Aden; Abu Dhabi’s interests in al-Mahra have only come to the fore since the beginning of the current Yemen conflict.

Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have, under the guise of their ongoing military intervention in Yemen, sought to pursue their vested interests in al-Mahra. The UAE’s efforts between 2015 and 2017 to build influence in the governorate were eventually rebuffed by local opposition to foreign interference. Mahris have a unique history of running their own affairs as well as a common vision of sovereignty within a federal system that has kept them remarkably unified. Saudi Arabia, however, has leveraged its sway over the internationally recognized Yemeni government to force the replacement of uncooperative officials in al-Mahra and the appointment of pliant replacements, and in late 2017 Riyadh began deploying armed forces in al-Mahra under the premise of combating smuggling across the Omani border.

Today, Saudi Arabia controls the governorate’s airport, border crossings and main seaport, and has established more than a dozen of military bases around the governorate where it has stationed thousands of its own troops and Yemeni proxy forces imported from other southern governorates. The deep-seated sense of local identity has spurred a growing opposition movement to the Saudi presence in al-Mahra – an opposition movement Oman has actively supported. While this opposition began as peaceful demonstrations, in more recent months there have been open clashes with Saudi forces, with the Saudi air force carrying out airstrikes against Mahri tribesmen.

This paper lays the context for the evolving power struggle by examining al-Mahra’s unique character and history, and developments since the 2011 Yemen uprising. It then details the dynamics between the various local and regional actors to shed light on the myriad factors contributing to the current tension in one of Yemen’s most underreported regions -by Yahya al-Sewari

Some highlights emphasized here:

Comment by Judith Brown: This is an important & useful article on power dynamics in #Mahra #Yemen. But caution is advised on spin in some "local news" sources cited. As for some of the interviews, I'm reminded of Churchill's line "History will be kind to me, for I shall write it"

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H K)

Cholera – Die Geißel des Jemenkriegs. Beim UN-Menschenrechtsrat in Genf.

Im Jemen wird die Welt Zeugin der verheerendsten Choleraepidemie, die je in der Menschheitsgeschichte erfasst wurde – ein weiteres der vielen Superlative, mit denen wir es im Kontext des Jemenkriegs zu tun haben. Bis April 2019, so die jüngsten Zahlen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, wurden mehr als 1,7 Millionen Verdachtsfälle auf Cholera erfasst, und fast dreieinhalb Tausend cholerabedingte Todesfälle registriert.

Die Epidemie begann im Oktober 2016 in der von den Houthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Hauptstadt Sana’a und resultierte in zunächst rund 25 Tausend infizierten Personen. Diese erste kleinere Welle schwächte zum Frühjahr 2017 hin ab und Hoffnungen keimten auf, das Gröbste sei überstanden. Doch ab Ende April kam es zu einer regelrechten Explosion an Neuinfektionen, mit Tausenden neuen Infektionen jeden Tag – mit dem Peak Ende Juni des Jahres.

Nach einem Abflauen im ersten Halbjahr 2018 kam es im Sommer erneut zu einem drastischen Anstieg der Neuinfektionen, was meiner Einschätzung nach eine direkte Folge der Großoffensive der Saudi-Emirate-Koalition auf die Hafenstadt Hodeida war – der buchstäblichen Lebensader des Jemen mit dem mit Abstand wichtigsten Industriehafen des Landes – die Mitte Juni des Jahres ihren Anfang nahm. Im Frühjahr 2019 ereignete sich eine weitere Welle mit Hunderttausenden Neuinfektionen vor nur ein paar Wochen – und Dutzenden neuen Infektionen in den Minuten, in denen ich hier spreche.

Ein offensichtlicher Grund ist die systematische Bombardierung von Krankenhäusern durch die Kampfjets der Saudi-Emirate-Koalition, die schlicht und ergreifend die physische Grundlage zerstören, Menschen adäquat zu behandeln – von Jakob Reimann

(* B H)


The battle against cholera in Yemen is far from over, Save the Children warns: the first six months of 2019 have already seen more suspected cases than the whole of 2018, including 203,000 children under 15. At least 193 children died of cholera related illnesses in 2019[ii].

The warning comes at a critical moment. The rainy season is likely to lead to an escalation in the outbreak - there is already flooding, and more heavy downpours threaten to intensify the spread of the waterborne disease.

The total number of cholera related deaths spiked as well. In the first six months of 2019, the number of people dying from suspected cases of cholera was nine times as high as in the same period last year. The fatality rate has doubled[iii].

The conflict in Yemen has disabled much of the infrastructure for clean water and sanitation, leaving some 9.2 million children without proper access to safe water[iv]. Fuel availability is fluctuating, limiting the pumping of sewage and garbage collection, leaving many parts of Yemen a breeding ground for infectious and water borne diseases such as cholera.

Malnourished children are extra vulnerable to cholera related diseases – because of their weak immune systems they are at least three times more likely to die if they contract cholera[v].

Diarrhoeal diseases like cholera are also themselves a major contributor to malnutrition in Yemen.

(* B H)

World Health Organization: Outbreak update - Cholera in Yemen, 23 June 2019

The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 20,877 suspected cases of cholera with 19 associated deaths during epidemiological week 25 (17 to 23 June) of 2019. Thirteen percent of cases were severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January 2018 to 23 June 2019 is 863,815, with 1197 associated deaths (CFR 0.13%). Children under five represent 23.0% of total suspected cases during 2019. The outbreak has affected 22 of 23 governorates and 299 of 333 districts in Yemen.

From week 8 in 2019, the trend of weekly reported suspected cholera cases started increasing and peaked at over 29500 cases in week 14. The trend of suspected cases at country level has fluctuated over the last weeks: first a decline, followed by a stable trend, and finally an increase. From week 23 to week 25, the national trend of suspected cases is stable.

(* B H)

84 people have died of cholera in Dhamar since the beginning of this year

According to medical sources, the suspected cholera cases reached 41,653, while confirmed cases reached 8,289 with the deadly epidemic from the beginning of 2019 to early July.

According to the sources, 52% of the deaths are between 15 and 45 years old, while the city Directorate of Dhamar has the highest rate of cholera injuries

(A H)

Death Threats Children of Toursat Al-Azarek after Cholera Outbreak

A medical source indicated to SMA News that two children, under three years of age, were reported dead during this week, because of cholera. The source asserted cholera outbreak in the area indicating that another child is infected and its case is very critical.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition abducts 17 Yemeni fishermen from Hodeidah

Saudi-led coalition forces have detained 17 Yemeni fishermen from Al-Khokha district in the province of Hodeidah after being abducted by mercenaries on the pretext of “working with the Houthis.”

The leaders and elders of Al-Khokha called on the Saudi-UAE-led coalition, that directly supported by US and Britain, “to release fishermen detained in Jizan, Saudi Arabia.”

(A K pH)


The UAE-Saudi mercenaries continued their violations of the cease-fire in Hodeidah, killing and injuring a number of citizens, mostly women and children, as well as severely destroying homes and citizen’s property.

A local source reported that seven citizens were injured, including women and children, at dawn on Saturday, in a bombardment launched on different areas in the city of Hodeidah.

A civilian was killed and a house was burned earlier on Friday night by artillery shelling on the residential area of 7 Yolio in Hodeidah (with film)

(A K pS)

Houthi militia pushes additional reinforcements to Hodeida

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, a civilian and his child were injured and their house was destroyed with a US-Saudi mercenaries' shell in Al-Hawk district. The US-Saudi mercenaries targeted July 7th residential area with medium machineguns. US-Saudi mercenaries fired 15 artillery shells on Addurayhimi district. The mercenaries targeted civilians' properties in Al-Jah with more than 30 artillery shells.

(A K pS)

Government team: United Nations premises are missile launchers platforms for Houthis

The Yemeni government accused al-Houthi of using UN buildings in the city of Hodeida to fire rockets and projectiles towards liberated areas south of the city.

This was in a written letter sent by the Chairman of the government team at the Redeployment Committee, Maj. Gen. Sagheer Ben Aziz, to the Chairman of the committee, chief UN observer Michael Lolisgaard, who invited him to visit the areas affected by the shelling of the Houthi militias, and to take the necessary measures to stop the repeated violations by the putschists in Hodeida.

Ben Aziz said in the letter – published by the Media Center of the government delegation in the Swedish consultations – that the Houthi rebel militias launched an attack on the positions of government forces with artillery, tanks and armored vehicles and using United Nations installations and buildings as artillery platforms in the city in full view of Members of the UN Coordination and redeployment Committee, as well as other violations of the militias by attacking government forces in the area of the triangle and the city of al-Saleh.

My comment: This sounds rather improbable.

(* A K pS)

Yemeni officials say rebels kill 10 in attacks in Hodeida

Yemeni officials and witnesses say rebel attacks have killed at least 10 pro-government forces in the key port city of Hodeida.

They say the clashes, which flared up Wednesday, wounded at least seven civilians when shells hit their residential areas in the contested Red Sea city.

Yemen's internationally recognized government accused the Houthi rebels of using U.N. facilities in Hodeida to attack its forces. It says the attack killed at least 10 troops, and wounded 20 others.

(* A K pH)

Report: Citizen killed, 7 injured in Saudi-led mercenaries fire in Hodeidah‏

At least a citizen was killed and seven were injured in the Saudi-led mercenaries fire who continued to violate the cease-fire in Hodeidah city, while a citizen was injured in fire of the Saudi army in Saada province over the 24 past hours, a security official told Saba.

Seven citizens were injured including women and children when the mercenaries shelled with artillery and different machine-guns on separate areas Hodeidah city, said the official.

A citizen was killed and a house was burned when the aggression artillery shelled 7 July residential area, while the invaders and mercenaries launched 13 artillery shelling on separate residential places from 7 July area, the official confirmed.

In al-Hali district, three artillery shelling launched by the mercenaries were fell on al-Bayda neighborhood and Jizan St., targeted with artillery towards central prison in the district of al-Hawk.

In Hodeidah airport, the coalition shelled ten artillery shelling, medium and heavy weapons, while an intensive artillery shelling of the mercenaries targeted the citizens' properties west of Tuhaita district.

(* A K pS)

Houthi-fired shells land on residential areas in Yemen's Hodeidah

Fighters of the Houthi rebel group intensified the artillery shelling against a number of government-controlled areas in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah on Sunday, a military official told Xinhua.

The pro-government military official, who preferred to be unnamed, said that heavy Houthi artillery shelling targeted several houses in Mundhar residential area located to the south of Hodeidah city, causing injuries and damages in the area.

Some of the artillery shells landed on a house and destroyed it, causing also severe damages to other houses located in the same area, he said.

The Houthi indiscriminate bombardment forced scores families to leave their houses located near the government-controlled areas for fear of new attacks, the source added.

Sources of the pro-government Giants Brigades said that a camp of displaced people located in Hodeidah's district of Khokha, south of the city, was targeted by the Houthi shelling.

The Houthi-fired shells landed on displaced tents, leaving three girls injured, said the sources based on Hodeidah.

Yamani factories in Hodeidah's eastern part were affected by Houthi-fired mortar shells, causing partial damages to the private institution and leaving two workers injured, according to the local sources.

The injured workers were transferred immediately by an ambulance to receive treatment at a pro-government field hospital.

(A K pS)

Houthi militia shells populated areas in Hodiedah

The Houthi militia fired Katyusha rocket on Friday night on a camp for refugees in Khawkha district.

The Houthis’ shelling wounded two children and caused serious damages in the camp, according to the sources.


(A K pS)

Film: The artillery bombardment of the Al-Houthi militia on the Yamani factory in the city of Hodeidah, leaving wounded factory workers

and second film:

(A K pS)

Houthi missile found planted in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthi continue to shell joint forces in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, July 6th, 2019

(A K pS)

Hodeidah: Al-Mandher subjected to heavy Houthi shelling

The Houthi rebels indiscriminately rained down al-Mandher neighborhood of Hook district in the south of Hodeidah city with heavy artillery shells, Al-Amalika Media Centre reported.


(A K pS)

Hodeidah.. two civilians killed by IED and two children wounded by mortar shells

Two civilians were killed and five others injured in sporadic incidents by the fire of Houthi group militants yesterday, in the directorates of Hees ,al-Khokha in southern Hodeida, western Yemen.

Local sources told Al-Masdar online that Houthi militia snipers targeted the residents of Beit Maghazi village in Hees, injuring the citizen Abdallah Mayhoob Maghazi and his wife.

According to the sources, an IED exploded with a joint forces ambulance transporting the citizen Abdallah Mayhoob Maghazi on the Hees al-Khokha Road, killing the driver's escorts, and injuring the driver and the wounded man transferred from Hees and was aboard.

On the other hand, a child and a girl was injured as a result of mortar shelling fired by Houthi militias at al-Alili camp for displaced persons late Friday evening, in Al- Khokha district.

(A K pS)

Film: Hodeidah: Martyrs and wounded in Hays by militia fire

(A K pS)

Houthis shell joint forces positions in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis target IDP camp in Khokha, south Hodeidah

The Iran-backed Houthi putschist militia fired Katyusha rockets on Friday night at a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Al-Khokha district, south Hodeidah.
Local sources said that Katyusha rockets fell in al-Alili IDP camp in the eastern parts of Al-Khokha, leaving two people seriously injured; a woman and a 9-year-old girl.

(A K pS)

Paramedics killed, civilians injured by Houth-laid mine in Hodeidah

Two paramedics were killed and three civilians injured, including a woman in Hays city, south Hodeidah on Friday.

The media centre of the southern resistance quoted local sources as saying that the ambulance staff was taking injured couple from Hays after being shot by Houthi sniper stationed in the remote parts of the city, adding that the vehicle ran over a Houthi-planted landmine, causing death to two paramedics and severe injuries to the driver and the already injured couple. (with photo)

(A K pH)

Coalition continuous to violate cease fire agreement

(A K pH)

Yemeni civilian killed, 7 injured by Saudi mercenaries in Hodiedah

The US-Saudi invaders and mercenaries continued their violations of the cease-fire in Hodeidah, killing and injuring number of citizens, mostly women and children, as well as severe destroying homes and citizen's property.


(A K pH)

Al-Hudaydah: Aggression and its mercenaries continue to breach the Swedish agreement in Hodeidah. And commit more crimes against the citizens of the city of Hodeidah

Where he committed a crime against the people of Al-Zafran district, the current Directorate, wounding seven citizens of one family, including children and women and the destruction of three houses

The second crime in the district of 7 July in the same Directorate, which led to the bombing of the martyrdom of a citizen and wounding another mortar shell launched by the mercenary, leading to the death of a citizen and wounding another and the burning of their home (photos)

(A K P)

Film: Griffith's tour under the threat of imminent collapse of the Stockholm Agreement 05-07-2019

(* A K P)

Technical differences cause postponement of joint Committee for Redeployment meeting in Hodeida

UN efforts stalled to resume meetings of the joint Redeployment Committee in Hodeida City, despite the improved relationship of the Yemeni Government (recognized) and the resumption of its cooperation with UN envoy Martin Griffith, almost two weeks ago, after receiving verbal assurances and guarantees to re-correct The imbalances that accompanied the first phase of the implementation of the Sweden Agreement, concerning the redeployment of al-Houthi militias from the ports of Hodeida.

Government sources from the ports confirmed the postponement by the United Nations of the proposed date for resuming the work of the committee overseeing the implementation of the Agreement in the middle of this week, "for unknown reasons."

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(B P)

A conflict aroused between 2 large families in Ibb Over land and water the women from the two families came out holding hands, walking among the fighters “Kill us first before you widow us and orphan our children” The dispute ended with their wisdom

I have seen similar things happen in Aljawf & Marib. Yemeni Women r often portrayed as victims of society & politics. But they r strong & involved in helping their communities from volunteering to educate & tend to the sick to preventing & even resolving violent conflicts

(* B H K P)

When will the suffering end in Yemen?

Food insecurity. Famine. Starvation. The dire reality facing the Yemeni people has been caused by nearly a four-year devastating war. The war has crippled an already-ailing economy, caused mass displacement, disrupted salary payments, hiked food and fuel prices, paralyzed delivery of key services, and led to a deadly cholera epidemic.

Within just one month, more than 1.8 million people had been forced to flee their homes, becoming internally displaced within Yemen.

Given the turmoil that Yemen is in, cutting public-sector salaries has had a huge impact on the economy and public services. It left civil servants destitute and hungry, as well as their spouses, children and parents – how will they be able to afford their next meal, and will there even be food or cooking gas?

Today, more than 8 million people are on the brink of famine. People don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

Looking at four years of destroyed infrastructure, starvation and unchecked spread of disease, the humanitarian needs have increased from one year to another at an insane rate. Peace and not surrender is the only thing that will allow us to rebuild our country; the Yemeni people have been suffering for far too long. =

(? B K P)

The Saudis Are the Cause of Trouble in Yemen

The Houthis are a homegrown group of fanatical rebels who have been in Yemen for decades, not a recent invention of Iran. Only with the Saudi invasion and U.S. support did Iran see that this was a great place to enter the fray. We created this opportunity for Iran.

I lived in Yemen for 17 years. In “Congress Emboldens Iran in the Name of Peace in Yemen” (op-ed, June 26), Will Hurd puts the blame on the Houthis and Iran. Although the Houthis have caused suffering and destruction, the Saudi-U.S. coalition is the cause of the vast majority of the more than 90,00 deaths, the devastating disease and the untold destruction. The idea that continued U.S. support for the atrocious Saudi bombing campaign will help prevent suffering of the Yemeni people is laughable (paywalled)

(* B E H K)

Losses of Agricultural, Fisheries Sector Exceed $3 Billion Caused by US-Saudi Aggression

Yemen World Bank reports show that the aggression against Yemen has caused losses and damage to the agriculture, fisheries and livestock sector that is estimated by about $ 3 billion due to lack of electricity, running water, production inputs, access to markets and the collapse of logistics chains.

A study by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, with funding from UNICEF, estimated that the output of the agriculture and fish sectors declined by 32.8% in 2018 compared with 2014 due to the increase in fuel prices, agricultural inputs and limitation in access to fishing areas.
The overall level of food security has deteriorated significantly due to the collapse of oil and gas exports and other agricultural and fishery exports, as a result of the brutal blockade imposed by the coalition aggression on land, sea and air ports, where total exports were estimated to be about 80% lower in 2018 than in 2014.
The loss of employment is estimated to be around 50%. About 70% of Yemenis live in rural areas, and more than 50% of the labor force relies on agriculture and related activities to earn their living.

(* B E K P)


[Sanaa government] Minister of Oil and Minerals Ahmed Daress said that the cost of losses in the oil and minerals sector due to the coalition’s practices estimated at over $ 23.6 billion dollars and 53.9 billion Yemeni riyals until the end of 2018.

Yemen’s Islah party (Muslim Brotherhood)’s leader accused the (UAE) of exploding oil and gas pipelines in Yemen’s southern province of Shabwah.

Leader Salem al-Awlaqi said on his Twitter account that the targeted pipelines locating in Radhom area, which is being holding by the UAE-backed paid fighters.

“The UAE militias in Ataq city, the capital of the province, were defeated and cut, but they moved to sabotage and bomb the oil pipelines in the province,” he added.

The so-called “Shabwaniya elite paid fighters” backed by the UAE kidnapped an engineering team in charge of repairing the crude oil pipeline in Shabwa province, southeast of Yemen, and took them to an unknown destination.

(* B K P)

Military Intelligence of Yemen reveals infiltration of foreign agencies under the guise of humanitarian aid

The Director of the Military Intelligence Directorate in the Fifth Region has disclosed the influx of US intelligence agents into Yemen under the guise of humanitarian action.

The director, Brigadier General Riyad Salah, stated: “There are US intelligence elements that have arrived in Yemen since the beginning of the aggression under the banner of humanitarian action.”

The Brigadier General confirmed the incursion of foreign intelligence agencies, including an international organisation that collects military and non-military information, which was recently halted by the Yemeni intelligence services.

“Most of the elements working in humanitarian organisations were present at the US Embassy before the September 21 Revolution, and these elements were recruited as humanitarian workers after the coalition of aggression declared war on Yemen on the 26th of March 2014.”

Brigadier General Salah said that these elements seek to gather information through field projects carried out by humanitarian organisations, mainly pertaining matters of Yemeni national security, and submit reports of a political, security and economic nature to the countries of the invading coalition.

“Humanitarian action is being used by the United States America as a tool to penetrate and penetrate the Yemeni nation, and to obtain information, in addition to spreading diseases and epidemics among Yemenis because of the rotten food provided to them in the name of humanitarian aid,” he said.

My comment: From the Houthi side. Conspiracy theory and paranoia or reality??

(* B H K)

Film: Planting a landmine costs around 3 USD. Removing a landmine costs around 300 USD. The true cost is having to live with a landmine's consequences.

(* B P)

Our Turn: Four Years of Growth, Shaping Debate on Yemen

This month marks an anniversary for us at the Sana’a Center: it has been four years since our first publication went online. In that short and intense time, we have grown from what was a spark of an idea in a Yemeni diwan into Yemen’s leading independent research center. We have grown from a handful of geeks working pro bono in their living rooms into a full-time staff of more than 30, working all across Yemen and in seven time zones around the world. Today, our publications reach the most influential levels of policymaking on the planet and are cited by leading international media outlets.

It has been a rollercoaster journey for us, working within the context of a bloody and complex conflict. So we are writing this to mark this anniversary and to thank you for your readership, loyalty and feedback. Let us take this opportunity to also lay out

(* B H K)

Five years into war, Yemen at 'rock bottom'

The United Nations says Yemen is experiencing the world's worst humanitarian crisis, warning that millions are on the verge of famine.

Thousands of civilians, including hundreds of children, have been killed and tens of thousands wounded.

Essential health, education and other services have all but collapsed, especially since a Saudi-led coalition intervened in March 2015 in support of the government.

"The country is not on the verge of collapse, it is collapsing. It is collapsed actually," Fabrizio Carboni, the International Committee of the Red Cross regional director for the Near and Middle East, said in Geneva on Thursday.

For Salisbury, "it will take a lot more than five years to get us back to even 2014 levels of internal cohesion, if at all, (in terms of) service delivery and economic development."

(*B K P)

Emirate ziehen Teile ihrer Truppen aus dem Jemen ab

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate haben nach Angaben eines Regierungsvertreters Teile ihrer Truppen aus dem Jemenabgezogen. Dubai wolle von einer "Vorrang-Strategie für das Militär" zu einer "Vorrang-Strategie für Frieden" übergehen, sagte der hochrangige Regierungsvertreter Journalisten am Montag. Demnach wurden bereits "aus strategischen Gründen" Teile des Militärs aus der Küstenstadt Hodeida und "aus taktischen Gründen" auch aus anderen Teilen des Landes abgezogen. =

und mehr Details:

Mein Kommentar: Stattdessen setzen sie verstärkt auf einheimische Milizen.

(* B K P)

Amid reports the UAE was withdrawing from #Yemen, UAE-backed militias are escalating their war against internationally recognised government in south and Marib under the pretext the government is controlled by Islah Party. More military support has been provided to the militias.


(* B K P)

UAE says it will pull troops from Yemen in shift to 'peace-first' strategy

An Emirati official did not specify whether the troop drawback included local militias it had trained

The United Arab Emirates said on Monday it was winding down its involvement in Yemen as it pledged to reduce troop numbers in the war-torn country.

The announcement came as a spokesperson in Abu Dhabi told reporters that the country was shifting from a "military-first strategy" to a "peace-first strategy" in Yemen where Emirati forces have fought as part of a Saudi-led coalition battling Houthi rebels since 2015.

Speaking to reporters, the senior Emirati official said the decision to reduce troop numbers was "tactical" after nearly four years of fighting.

"We do have troop levels that are down for reasons that are strategic in [the Red Sea city of] Hodeida and reasons that are tactical," in other parts of the country, the official said.

"It is very much to do with moving from what I would call a military-first strategy to a peace-first strategy, and this is I think what we are doing."

The official did not specify whether the UAE would continue supporting local militias which it had deployed during the course of the war.

But the announcement comes after Western diplomatic sources told Reuters in June that the UAE was scaling back its military presence because of worsening US-Iran tensions threatening local security.

The diplomats said that the UAE had pulled some troops from the southern port of Aden and Yemen's western coast. Emirati officials admitted that there had been some troop movement but denied that it was related to worsening US-Iran tensions.

The latest statement also comes after hundreds of UAE-backed Yemeni forces, who were trained by the Emiratis, were dispatched to the small island of Socotra.

My comment: Nice words. The UAE withdrawal – i fit will be real – obviously is parallel to an increase in building up local militia, which will twke the place of UAE troops and still are under UAE control. A „peace-first“ strategy would be a good idea, but I fear it will be a „Yemenis-die-first“ strategy.

And more details in other reports:

(* B K P)

UAE says reducing troops in war-torn Yemen

The official however reiterated the UAE's commitment to the Yemeni government and the Saudi-led coalition, saying discussions on redeployment have been ongoing for more than a year.

"This is not really a last-minute decision. This is part of the process and naturally a process within the coalition that´s been discussed extensively with our partners, the Saudis," he said.

Coalition spokesman Turki al-Maliki said both the UAE and Saudi Arabia are committed to achieve their goals in Yemen.

"The United Arab Emirates and the countries in the coalition continue to achieve their operations and strategic goals," he told a news conference in Riyadh in response to a question about the redeployment of UAE troops.


(* B K P)

UAE partially withdrawing from Yemen, says official

But Emirati officials said they reduced their troops in Yemen due to a winding down of the conflict there. "You can't be blind to other geostrategic concerns," the senior official told CNN, referring to the wider security threats in the region. "But fundamentally this is really about Yemen."

The official said the draw-down would affect two main areas: the coastal Yemeni city of Hodeidah, where a withdrawal of Houthi forces has been negotiated, and the Eritrean port city of Assab, a staging ground for UAE operations against Houthis in Yemen.

"We feel in Hodeidah there is a political agreement that we are backing, and it makes a lot of sense for us to redeploy away from Hodeidah," the official said. The withdrawal of Houthi fighters from the strategic city was part of an agreement reached between Yemen's warring parties in Stockholm last December.

The UAE says it plans to shift its focus from fighting Houthi rebels to combating extremist Islamist groups such as ISIS and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

"Our commitment in Yemen remains. We are part of the Coalition," the official said.

"Our discussion over our current redeployment has been ongoing for over a year. It has been heightened after the signing of the Stockholm agreement in December," he added. "So this is not really a last-minute decision. But part of a process. It's a process within the coalition that has been discussed extensively with our partners," the official said.


(* A B K P)

UAE troop drawdown in Yemen was agreed with Saudi Arabia - official

The United Arab Emirates had been planning its recent troop drawdown in Yemen for over a year and coordinated its move with key ally Saudi Arabia, a senior Emirati official said on Monday.

The drawdown “was not a last-minute decision” and had been discussed extensively with Riyadh, said the official, who declined to be named.

“Our discussion over our redeployment has been ongoing for over a year and it has been heightened after the signing of the Stockholm agreement in December,” the official told reporters in Dubai.

The official said the port city of Hodeidah was most affected by the decision because of a holding ceasefire under a U.N.-led pact reached last year in Sweden to pave the way for talks to end the war.

“It makes a lot of sense for us to redeploy away from Hodeidah. By connection, Assab in Eritrea has also been affected because it was a staging ground for our operations in Hodeidah,” the official said, adding that troop movements in other areas of Yemen are “tactical and based on our needs”.

“We are not worried about a vacuum in Yemen, because we have trained a total of a 90,000 Yemeni forces,” the official said. “This is one of our major successes in Yemen.”

Asked about the drawdown, the spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition said member countries played different roles and contributed whatever capabilities they could.

“The United Arab Emirates... and the coalition countries continue to achieve their operational and strategic goals and reach the final status of restoring the legitimate Yemeni government,” Colonel Turki al-Malki told reporters in Riyadh.


(B K P)


While the UAE is a close ally of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi is now seeking to distance itself from Riyadh on critical issues of foreign policy.

Following a string of tanker attacks believed to be perpetrated by Iran, the UAE cited a lack of evidence and declined to blame Tehran, breaking with both Washington and Riyadh.

The UAE recently began withdrawing its troops and military hardware from Yemen, a disastrous war that has led to widespread humanitarian suffering and misery.

Mohammed bin Zayed has recognized that the war in Yemen has become a rallying cry against Saudi intransigence; ending the conflict is one of the few issues able to garner bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress.

My comment: Wait and see; any conclusions appear tob e too early.


(B K P)

With U.A.E. withdrawal from Yemen, Saudi Crown Prince could lose an ally

The U.A.E.'s withdrawal of troops could lead to de-escalation in Yemen, but for Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman (MBS), a key Arab friend of the Trump administration, it is the latest indicator that he is rapidly running out of allies.

If tensions between the U.S. and Iran escalate into full-blown conflict, the U.A.E. could become one of the first targets of Iranian missiles. Pulling forces home means the U.A.E.’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Zayad, can better defend his Gulf emirate.

My comment: On the withdrawal, look at Yemen War Mosaics 551, cp1 and 2. -This „withdrawal“ actually just seems to be exchanging own troops by UAE-paid militia, to have others to die in the Yemen war.


(? B K P)

Audio: UAE withdraws from Yemen-Managing alliances and reputational threats

A United Arab Emirates decision to withdraw the bulk of its forces from Yemen shines a spotlight on hard realities underlying Middle Eastern geopolitics.

(B H K)

Yemen, pounded by war for five years

[Short overview]

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(B H P)


The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is worsening day by day, the main reason is the closure of Sana’a International Airport. It is the main port of 80 percent of the population, and it is the only one for hundreds of thousands of patients need treatment abroad and the delivery of airborne medicines.

The High Commission of Medicines and Medical Supplies in the capital Sana’a has released the latest statistics of repercussions and consequences of Saudi-led coalition war on the pharmaceutical sector in Yemen during four years of the war and siege.

“The Saudi-led coalition warplanes have bombed three pharmaceutical factories, using air strikes, which have caused serious damage and destroyed two oxygen production plants, which have been providing services to several hospitals, health centers and facilities, this led to the suspension of investment activity, especially in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing, ” the commission said in its current report on the damages and losses of the sector.

According to medical reports, the dialysis center in Mahweet has stopped completely while other centers in several provinces will face the same fate because of the lack of solutions or the failure of the devices and their prevention by the aggression, which imposes a suffocating siege on Yemen.

The reports confirmed that the coalition on Yemen prevents the entry of life-saving devices such as respirators, dialysis machines and tomography.

Many patients have to travel by road to Sayoun or Aden and endure the hardships of the long road and the provocations of checkpoints along the way. Some are arbitrarily detained because of a picture in his phone or if there is a Zamil (Anthem of AnsarAllah) in his phone or because of the moods of pro-coalition militias.

Some of the patients were killed as a result of the armed clashes because of the unstable security situation in the provinces under the authority of the coalition militants or because of cutting or looting gangs along the road leading to Aden and Sayoun. =

(B P)

Why Sanctions Won’t Work in Yemen

Despite horrific humanitarian outcomes, sanctions and blockades will not achieve any of the coalitions strategic goals.

Robert Pape, an international security expert, explains in “Why Sanctions Do Not Work” that the most successful type of sanctions (by a margin) are ones meant to destabilize nations, and even then, they’re only successful 52% of the time. Governments with strong popular support are not as vulnerable to destabilization attempts as unpopular ones. However, the Saudi coalitions goals are far more complex and institutionally invasive than simple destabilization, so the possibility of their regional projects’ success is actually way lower than 52%. Saudi Arabia is intending to permanently influence domestic policy and select the head of state. This task requires major popular support that they do not have. Unfortunately, the victims end up being millions of innocent Yemeni civilians.

Another reason for the sanctions in Yemen being a strategic failure is that they relay an ugly image of Saudi and its allies. It presents the coalition and its supporters as the main causers of suffering.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, advocates of sanctions forget the public choice aspect.

My remark: A pro-Houthi opinion.

(A P)

Yemen Petroleum Company: Saudi-led Alliance of Aggression Holding Ship of Oil Derivatives

The Yemeni Petroleum Company said that the alliance of aggression held today a ship carrying oil derivatives, raising the number of oil vessels being held at sea to six ships. The company said in a statement that "the total of oil derivatives held by the aggression amounted to 65 thousand and 379 tons of gasoline and 47 thousand and 459 tons of diesel."

(A H P)

Amira Zaidy Symbol of Children Killed by Aggression’s Siege on Yemen

“When my own daughter is dying in front of me, I feel pain and I can not do anything..”

This is some of what the father of the three-year-old, Amira Abdullah Al-Zaidy from Marib, said.

Amira suffered from congenital disease and needed urgent surgery according to the specialist doctor who was presented with the case

The doctor confirms that these cases have multiplied greatly with the US-Saudi aggression on Yemen, because of fear of continuous shelling and the transfer of chromosomes from the mother to the fetus.

“Through all media, we appealed to the world and the Muslim nation that this innocent child has no sin in conflict or war. We appealed to those who call for humanity at least to allow her to travel for treatment, and I will take care of her, but they refused. Now she died, she is now lying in her grave. What is her fault? What did she do?” he continued.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B P)

Government renews accusations against UNICEF by empowering Houthis to loot Gulf grant for Yemeni teachers

The Ministry of Education, renewed its accusations to UNICEF of depriving thousands of Yemenis of cash incentives provided by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

In a meeting with the Minister of Education, Dr. Abdullah Lamlas with Shirin Varky, director of the UNICEF Cash Transfer projects unit, in Aden, he said that more than 8,000 teachers had not received their cash incentives, which had been disbursed through UNICEF to Yemeni teachers, noting that there were pending issues to be decided the most important is the issue of displaced teachers and their monetary incentives.

"The ministry has provided teachers ' lists, but it was surprised that a part of the names of the displaced teachers dropped,

My remark: As claimed by the Hadi government.

(* B H)

Assessment Capacities Project: Yemen: Crisis Impact Overview (January – May 2019)

The Yemen Crisis Impact Overview is a bi-monthly product to provide decision makers with a short, accessible overview of key trends and emerging challenges that may affect humanitarian programming in Yemen.

The product combines trends in key conflict data with daily media monitoring, secondary data review and ongoing joint analysis with a broad spectrum of Yemen analysts to track and identify key trends and risks with potential civilian impact.

As this is the first issue of the Yemen Crisis Impact Overview, its time frame focuses on the trends and developments reported in the first five months of 2019. The next report will be published in August, covering June and July 2019.

and in full: =

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen Monthly Overview June 2019

(B H)

World Food Programme: Yemen Emergency Dashboard, June 2019

(A H)

Govt launches prosthetic limbs project in Aden

Yemen’s government launched a new prosthetic limbs fabrication project in the temporary capital Aden.

The project, supported by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, aims to serve more than 600 military and civilian people who lost limbs in the Houthi war in Aden, Lahj, Abyan and Al-Dhale.

(B H)

Film: Share dramatic story to all Gameela from #Taiz, So sad to lost her two legs cause of #Houthi mines planted everywhere in #Yemen

(B H)

The yellow brick road - fiction in the novel The Wizard of Oz. A golden path to somewhere better. On this mountain in Raima #Yemen the road is no longer a fiction. @SFDYemen since 2015 has paved 1690KM of road. Paths to schools clinics markets & a more inclusive society for many (photos)

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (April - May 2019)

(A H)

A father killed his 3 daughters after his salary was cut and he had no money to feed them or pay the rent. According to sources from a human rights organization, the father admitted his crime and said it is better to kill them than to see them wandering in the streets for food (photos)

My remark: This already had been recorded. Here new photos, and the father seems to have been arrested.

(A H)

We provided medicines to patients from the poor families in Sana'a, funded by online donations, Thanks so much to all donors and all my friends for support our humanitarian work to help my people (photos)

for donations:

(* B H K)

Film: @CrisisGroup Board Member @wendyrsherman discusses the horrific impact of #Yemen's war on the civilian population and, in particular, the impact on children whose lives have been put at risk by a conflict aided and abetted by external actors.

(B H)

Ali, Nojoud : Ich, Nojoud, zehn Jahre, geschieden

Unvorstellbar im Jahre 2008
Die zehnjährige Nojoud lebt mit ihrer Familie im Jemen,als ihre unbeschwerte Kindheit plötzlich ein jähes Ende nimmt. Ihr Vater verheiratet sie ohne ihre Einwilligung mit einem älteren Mann.Sie muß fortan im Haus ihrer Schwiegermutter als verheiratete Frau wohnen und arbeiten.Von ihrem,bis dahin völlig unbekannten, Ehemann wird sie täglich missbraucht und misshandelt.

(* B H)

3 Million Yemeni Disabled Threatened with Death, Increasing Problems

President of the Arab Bureau for Persons with Disabilities: 3 million disabled people in Yemen are threatened with death and aggravated problems

The war on Yemen will result in great disabilities and problems in the future, said the head of the Executive Office of the Arab Region for Persons with Disabilities and the Director General of the Special Needs in the Municipality of the capital.

Abdullah Bonyan conifrmed that the proportion of the disabled in Yemen, according to a study prepared by the Regional Office for People with Disabilities, represents 13.5% of the population, about 3 million disabled. Their suffering doubled during the last four years, because of the siege and aggression on Yemen.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia Factsheet - 1 - 30 June 2019

As of June 2019, there were 34,558 refugees and asylum-seekers registered in Somalia, mainly from Ethiopia (16,890 asylum seekers and 4,002 refugees) and Yemen (48 asylum seekers and 13,028 refugees).

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 5 July 2019

With the onset of rising summer temperatures, UNHCR field office Ibb is currently conducting a pilot project to identify the most suitable shelter prototype for the hot, semi-arid local climate of the southern Taizz, Al Dhale'e and Ibb governorates.

Sub Office (SO) Aden prepared the beneficiary list for the third distribution of cash assistance in their area of operation this year, targeting 9,900 IDPs and vulnerable host community families.

(* B H)

Briefing Paper - Everyone’s prey: Kidnapping and extortionate detention in mixed migration

The Mixed Migration Centre’s 4Mi project gathers hundreds of interviews with refugees and migrants on the move every month and has developed extensive data sets across several migratory routes. This data indicates that kidnapping and extortionate detention have become a normalised part of the criminal exploitation of refugees and migrants on the move.


The greatest risk of kidnapping and extortionate detention for refugees and migrants on the Eastern route occurs in Yemen itself, where at times up to 75 percent of those on the move have been kidnapped for ransom on arrival, often with the collusion or active participation of state officials. The main perpetrators are smugglers, human traffickers and criminal gangs. It was once common practice for maritime smugglers to communicate with gangs who were waiting on Yemen’s shores with trucks to abduct the arriving refugees and migrants.

With US$300 often cited as a typical ransom demand for those kidnapped on the coast, this is a business that generates many millions of dollars every year. It is not uncommon for refugees and migrants to be kidnapped for ransom more than once on their journey through Yemen.

Victims of these abuses have recounted incidents of murder, robbery, confinement, starvation, brutal beatings and rape of men, as well as women. Other rights violations in Yemen include refoulement/forced deportation and the prevention of asylum applications. Thousands of Ethiopian and Somali women and girls have been separated from men on arrival and are often not heard from again. They are presumed to have been sold by smugglers and officials to human traffickers who exploit them or sell them on to others.

and full document

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* A H P)

World Food Program Continues to Distribute Large Quantities of Rotten Flour to Citizens

The World Food Program distributed large quantities of rotten and expired flour in Rimah province. Citizens appealed to the concerned parties to put an end to such practices, accusing the WFP of disregarding their lives.

The organizations deliberately store the aid inside unconditioned storage until they get spoiled and then order their distribution so that they can kill those who have not been attacked by aggression's airstrikes.


(*A H P)

WFP distributes expired food aid in Raimah

Local sources in the Raimah province on Sunday reported that the World Food Program (WFP) distributed large amounts of expired and spoiled flour.

The residents of al-Jafarih district called on the local authority for urgent and rapid intervention to put an end to this disregard of citizens’ lives.

The citizens noted that “dozens were infected with several diseases as a result of the use of rotten flour distributed by the WFP’s local organizations.



(A H P)

Humanitarian orgs must abide by laws in force in Yemen: President al-Mashat

President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat on Sunday stressed that humanitarian organizations must abide by the laws in force in Yemen.
"They should facilitate their work and serve beneficiaries in a manner that does not conflict with the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Yemen,"

My comment: Conflict between the Houthis and WHO., earlier reporting in earlier Yemen War Mosaics.

(A P)

14780 violations committed by Houthi militia in Al-Jawf

Human Rights Office in Al-Jawf province reported that it had documented 14780 violations committed by the Iran-backed Houthi militia against the citizens in the province.

This was announced on Sunday during a press conference held by Human Rights Office to review the documented results of victims of Houthi-laid mines in the province since the outbreak of the war until 2019.

and also

My remark: As claimed by a Hadi government body.

(* A K)

Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen zeigten hoch entwickelte Waffen

Die Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen besitzen eigener Aussage zufolge hoch entwickelte Waffen und wollen diese künftig im Kampf gegen das von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärbündnis nutzen. Die neuen ballistischen Raketen und Drohnen seien am Sonntag bei einer Waffenschau vorgestellt worden, berichtete die von den Rebellen kontrollierte Nachrichtenagentur Saba. =

(A K pH)

President Al-Mashat Inaugurates Exhibition of Martyr Al-Sammad for Yemeni Military Industries

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Mahdi Al-Mashat, Sunday opened the exhibition of Martyr Saleh Al-Sammad for the Yemeni Military Industries.

The president unveiled the new Yemeni weapons (many photos)


(* A K pH)

Yemeni armed forces display new domestically-built missiles, drones

Yemeni Armed Forces have unveiled new domestically-built military hardware, including ballistic and winged missiles in addition to unmanned aerial vehicles, which Sana'a says could act as game changers in the face of the Saudi-led military aggression against the Arab country.

The new pieces of military hardware are as follows: Quds-1 winged missile, the high-altitude Sammad-1 (Invincible-1) reconnaissance drone, long-endurance Sammad-3 (Invincible-3) unmanned aerial vehicle as well as Qasef-2k (Striker-2k) combat drone (many photos)

Films: = (excerpt)

Photos: =


(A K P)

Ben Habtour: We Started to Establish Deterrence Balance with Aggression Countries

Head of the National Salvation Government, Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Habtour, said Monday that the Martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad exhibition of Yemeni military industries is not for showing purpose, but for affirming our endeavor to prevent any aggression on Yemen. He also pointed out that the American regime supports Takfiri groups to secure the Zionist movement in the region.

"We have started to establish a balance of deterrence with the aggression forces,“

(A P)

Local sources report a driver of a van was killed by bullets fired by Houthi armed men after refusing to pay money for a tax in al-Bayda governorate

(A K P)

Abdulsalam: Targeting Saudi Airports, an Option Imposed by Continued US-Saudi Aggression

The Head of the National Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, said that "the continuous air strikes on the Saudi airports is an option imposed by the continued Saudi-led aggression and siege on the Yemeni People."

Abdulsalam said in his twitter account today, "that the countries involved in the aggression have to bear the consequences of their persistence in its criminality and contempt for the blood of the Yemeni People."

(A P)

Houthis raise over $100k for Lebanese Hezbollah

After finishing its fundraising campaign this week for Lebanese Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthi insurgent group has reported that it raised over $100,000 for the terrorist organization.

Sam FM, the Houthi-ran radio station that organized the fundraising campaign, said today that “thanks to God and the awareness and generosity of the public, the mujahid radio station Sam FM, gave in the campaign of the free men of the great Yemeni people 73,500,000 Yemeni Rial.”

This amount equals to about 132,000 USD, according to Sam FM. However, according to the official conversion rates, the number in USD should be much higher. It is unclear where the discrepant money was allocated.

and also

My comment: What a nonsense; Yemenis would need this money much more.

(A H P)

Houthis suspend work of French-aid organization in Ibb

Local sources in Ibb said that the organization was forced to suspend its activities in Ibb after the organization administration denied response to intervention by influential Houthis officials in its programs in Ibb.

This made the Houthis leaders to suspend activities of the organization in protest to their instructions being met with rejection on how to implement aid work activities.

(B P)

Houthi militia is seeking to radicalise #Yemen children in summer schools. It's urged families to send children to summer schools to teach em Islam & immunise em against normal life & better future. Since it seized power in late 2014, the militia has changed all school curricula.


(B P)

Warnings of Turning Summer Centers into Child Recruitment

Yemeni officials and activists have accused Houthi rebels of aiming to recruit child soldiers by launching summer centers intended to instill Jihadi culture into under-aged teens after Abdulmalik Al Houthi’s statement, who is the leader of the Houthi movement, was made manifest in the objective of child recruitment.

In a televised speech aired on Houthi-run Almasira TV, Houthis’ leader Abdulmalik Al Houthi called on teachers and instructors to exert every effort to build a new generation that believes in the language of violence and weapons.

[Hadi government] Minister of Information Muamer al-Iryani voiced concern that Iran-aligned Houthi rebels will exploit summer centers in their controlled areas to recruit children into its ranks and instill ultra-conservative and sectarian religious doctrine.



(B P)

Info. Minister condemns Houthi militia for employing scouting movement to recruit children

Minister of Information blames Iran-backed Houthi militia for exploiting the scouting movement to recruit children and promote its sectarian ideology in the militia controlled regions.

My remark: As claimed by the Hadi government.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Al-Maflahi: The UAE filled the void when the state was absent and without it Aden would be an ISIS or al-Qaeda state

The former governor of Aden and the advisor to President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, Abdul Aziz al- Maflahi, criticized what he said was a malicious media campaign against the UAE.

"The UAE played a leading role and assumed responsibility at a time when there was a" great void "after the liberation of Aden and other provinces, he said in a press statement distributed to the media, adding that" Unfortunately, the authority was absent and did not fill the void and did not bother to restore the security and intelligence apparatus and state institutions “.

"Without the movement of the UAE at that crucial moment, Aden would have been a emirate of al-Qaeda and ISIS, where its active role and decisive decision would have made it possible after God to cleanse Aden of terrorist groups, to eliminate their dens and to dry their sources," he added.

He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the leaders of the United Arab Emirates

(A P)

Yemeni journalist Rashid Al-Qaidy was humiliated and beaten brutally by security forces in #Marib province. Soldiers slapped his face twenty times, beat him with rifle butts and kicked him after falling on the ground, he said in a post on Facebook.

(A P)

Vice President of Marib Congress party: Those who assaulted the state should be tried and no targeting against "Al-Ashraf

(A P)

Parliament... Stalled attempts to resume sessions

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sultan Al-Barakani, revealed the obstacles (he did not name them) prevented the Yemeni Parliament from holding sessions after the Eid al-Fitr, noting that the Council's session would be held in the coming period (without specifying).

Al-Barakani pointed out that all necessary measures and precautions were taken to secure the Council's convening, which would enable it to perform its constitutional and supervisory functions, but did not mention the venue, according to the News of the meeting published by the Saba State agency.

(A P)

Spokesman: Reach of understanding between Houthis and Islah merely lies

Deputy Spokesman of the Islah Party, Adnan Al-Odaini refuted on Sunday any string of understanding reached between his party and the Houthis armed group.


(A P)

Highlights of four-year Houthis’ crackdown against Islah in Mahwit

My comment: Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood) is backing president Hadi and Yemeni unity. By these articles, Islah defends against southern separatist propaganda.

(A P)

Al-Noaman: Hady’s Government Failed Politically and Ethically

My comment: When separatist propaganda is right, it’s right. While the following is separatist propaganda bullshit and conspiracy theory in one:
(B P)

Al-Eslah Demands the Departure of UAE to Surrender the West Coast to Al-Houthi and the South to Al-Qaeda: Activists

Some Yemeni activists considered that Al-Eslah party moved to an advanced stage in its ally with Al-Houthi through attacking the Arab Coalition in the media to turn its into and enemy and to turn the Yemeni people against the coalition.
Observers considered this media attack by Al-Eslah media tools against the coalition in this critical stage of the Yemeni history as a means to mobilize the Yemeni people against the coalition and unify them with Al-Houthis progressively.

(A P)

Southerners turn tragic 7th of July into VICTORY

For two decades, the Southerners commemorate the 7th of July as a painful and tragic anniversary in which they lost their homeland that was invaded by northern forces to impose on them the (unity) that had been voluntarily approved by the South on 22 May 1990, but after four years of deceit and treachery the South declared its termination.

After the great victory of the proud people over the Iran-backed Houthi militia and Ali Saleh's forces in 2015, the 7th of July alliance carried out attempts, taking new forms and using different names, to re-formulate that day. But this can be hard to achieve as the people are ready for them and have foiled all their deceitful attempts that meant to restore the past that had been ended by the blood of thousands of southern martyrs and wounded.

My comment: A piece of southern separatist propaganda, as the following:

Al-Zubaidi: Hadhramaut is from the South and the South is from Hadhramaut


Clashes north of Aden kills a civilian

(A P)

Anti-corruption demands government to oblige Al-Mahrah authorities to supply the revenues to central bank and stop currency smuggling

The Supreme Anti-Corruption Commission, called the Prime Minister Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik, to oblige the local authority in al-Mahra province (eastern Yemen) to deposit government sector revenues and levies to the Yemeni central bank.

In the note – Al-Masdar online has obtained an image of it – Badwilan noted an earlier letter by the Governor of Central bank Hafez Mu’yad to the head of government, regarding the revenues of al-Mahra Governorate, which not deposited in the accounts of the central bank, and discharged in illegal methods without supervision from the bank's main office in the interim capital Aden.

My remark: A conflict between local authorities and the government.

(A P)

Listened to more than two thousand witnesses. National Commission of Inquiry monitors 939 incidents of violation within three months

In a statement on Saturday, the committee added that among the cases of violations that it monitored from April 1 to June 30, "423" cases of targeting civilians and (297) cases of enforced disappearance, arbitrary arrest and torture, and (51) cases of the cultivation of individual mines and vehicles, in which 82 victims were killed, in addition to 28 cases of murder out of the law, (19) cases of recruiting children, one incident to target medical crews, and 13 incidents of bombing houses.

My remark: This mostly seems to refer to cases in Southern Yemen.

(A P)

UAE-backed forces clash with tribal gunmen in Shabwah

On Saturday evening, clashes broke out between the forces of the Shabaniyah elite, pro-Southern Transitional Council", and groups of of "Al-Mihdar – Hashimist " in the area of al-Hajer in the Markha Al-Sufla district of Shabwah Governorate, in southeastern Yemen.


(A P)

Renewed the clashes between Elite forces and tribal gunmen in Shabwah

(A P)

High ranking official defects from Saudi-led aggression’s ranks

Colonel Abdul Majeed Abu Hatem, who was appointed by the outgoing Hadi as Deputy governor for Sana’a Province, announced on Saturday his withdrawal from the ranks of the coalition and returned back to the capital Sana’a to join the anti-coalition forces.

(A P)

Yemeni tribe vows to expel Islah party militias from Marib province

Abida tribes of Marib province on Saturday held, in a strongly worded statement, militias of Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood) responsible for the events and violations that took place in the province last week.

My comment: By a pro-Houthi news site; southern tribes blaming Islah Party certainly are pro-separatist.

(* A P)

Battles between UAE-backed Al-Shabwani elite forces & Al Mihdhar tribes have renewed in Yemen's #Shabwa. Government & Saudi-led coalition intervened & ended deadly battles between em in January. Reports at the time said UAE gave millions of Saudi riyals in compensation to tribes.

(A P)

Restoring urban life: Marib city ornaments with 13,000 trees on streets

The city of Marib celebrated on Friday the completion of 13,000 trees plantation on streets. The process is part of a project to build sidewalks and plant trees on main roads, streets, sub-roads, public squares and car parks across Marib city.

(A P)

Izi Shureim : There is a Conspiracy Against Abdulrabo M. Hadi

Dr Azi Shariem, Minister of Water and Environment of the current Yemeni government revealed shocking information about the situation of the Government and the legal system in general. He accused some officials of conspiring against President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.


Interior ministry: Security Campaign in Marib controls the areas of concentration of wanted gunmen south of the city

The Ministry of Interior announced Friday that the security campaign in Marib province has been able to "control the area of the Manyen the nest of the outlaw elements" completely.


Masked gunmen intercept car belonging to an Exchange Company and loot 30 million riyals in Aden

(A P)

Saudi forces kidnap TV reporter in Mahrah

The Saudi occupation forces have on Friday kidnapped a correspondent of Belqees TV in Mahrah province (eastern Yemen) while he was covering the popular protest against Saudi forces in the province.

The organizing committee for the sit-ins of Mahrah’s citizens said that journalist Yahya Al-Sawari, correspondent of Balqees TV, was kidnapped by soldiers affiliated with Saudi forces.


(A P)

Protest vigil demands release of abducted journalist “Al-Sawari” in Mahrah

(A P)

Saudi militias attack home, kidnap civilians in Mahrah

Saudi-backed militias have on Wednesday raided a citizen’s home in Ghaydha city, Mahra province, eastern Yemen.

“Forces loyal to Saudi Arabia surrounded the house with a number of armored vehicles, started to break into it and shot bullets, injuring a woman on the pretext of arresting accused persons,” an official said.

He added that the forces arrested a number of people in the house and took them to camps and secret illegal prisons.


(A P)

A protest for the Opponents of "Saudi military presence" in Al-Mahra and called for the governor change

Al-Ghaida, the capital of Yemen's eastern al-Mahra province, on Friday evening witnessed a mass rally to reject the Saudi military presence in the province and demand the resignation of the governor.

The participants raised banners and chanted slogans against the presence of Saudi military forces in the province, and to Governor Rajeh Bakrit.

(A P)

People in Yemen's #Mahrah province are escalating their protest against the presence of the Saudi and UAE forces and actions in the province. This picture shows the flow of protesters to the Show Square in Al-Ghaydah, the province's capital, on Friday. (photo)

(A P)

Governor Of Aden: UAE Withdrawal From South Is A Tactic To Absorb Anger

The governor of Aden and leader of the Southern Movement, Tariq Sallam, said that the announced withdrawal of some troops by the Saudi and Emirati occupation forces is a new tactic to absorb the anger of the people of the southern provinces, adding that it is working to find more than militias and plans to ignite chaos in the south.

My comment: A Sanaa government official, a governor actually without province.

(* B P)

[jan. 2019:] Status of the Abu al-Abbas Group in Taiz

Efforts to stabilise the city of Taiz remain fluid despite improved security in 2018 and a drive by the Saudi-supported internationally recognized government to integrate the Salafist Abu al- Abbas group into the armed forces. The Abu al-Abbas group, named after its leader Adil Abduh Fari Uthman al-Dhubhani, known as Abu al-Abbas, is adept at handling pressure. The group claimed to have withdrawn from most of Taiz but maintains a strategic presence in the city. Abu al-Abbas is open to alliances with any groups opposing the Houthis, regardless of their political ideology. Abu al-Abbas is reaping benefits of allying with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Saudi-backed government without jeopardising links with Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). AQAP is present in Taiz with individual fighters; their hold is currently shrinking, however, as they withdraw to rural areas.

Civic figures and security personal in Taiz say security threats remain significant. They report clashes between armed groups and instances of murder and theft, often committed by prison escapees and members of the security forces. However, efforts by the Governor’s Office to reestablish rule of law have improved security. According to interviews with security officials conducted between October and December 2018, increased material and financial support to the police, as well as political support from the governor, have helped the police resume the solving of crimes and increase security in Taiz.

The power rivalry between fighters belonging to the Islah-party and the Abu al-Abbas group remain a cause of instability in Taiz. Attempts by the Taiz Governor’s Office to minimize threats arising from the two groups have not reduced the tension. A police commander who heads a police station in Taiz said his main security concerns revolve around the presence of AQAP elements and Salafi groups led by Abu al-Abbas, and the arbitrary behaviour of the Islah-party. 2 The police commander chairs a reconciliation committee between Abu al-Abbas and Islah-party – by Kamal Muqbil & Mareike Transfeld

and full document:

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Griffith concludes tour of the region with a visit to Muscat

The Omani official news agency Twitter account said "The Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs has reviewed with Griffith the efforts made by the United Nations on the political track,".

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

Our new Saddam Hussein

Once upon a time, there was a brutal and reckless dictator of an oil-rich Arab country who, despite his well-documented excesses, was stroked and supported by the United States and other Western governments. His crimes were terrible, went the rationale, but he was modernizing his country and he was holding the line against Islamist jihadism and Iran. Anyway, there was probably no alternative.

The ruler heard that message. He concluded that, as long as he kept supplying oil and opposing Iran, he was free to butcher his opponents and bully his neighbors.

His name, of course, was Saddam Hussein. The bet made on him by the United States and its allies directly led to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, and from there to the “endless wars” in the Middle East that are now almost universally bemoaned by the West’s foreign policy establishment.

And yet, 30 years later, those mandarins and the politicians they report to are blindly repeating the mistake. They are saying they abhor the blatant crimes of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, including the murder of Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi and the torture and imprisonment of women seeking greater rights. They see his bombing campaign in Yemen as a war-crime-ridden disaster.

Yet, at the summit of the Group of 20 in Osaka, Japan, a week ago, they cheerfully clustered around him – by Jackson Diehl

(A P)

"Dieser Hund muss getötet werden" : Saudische Prinzessin soll Pariser Klempner erniedrigt haben

Er wurde geschlagen, beleidigt und musste die Füße einer Prinzessin küssen: Das führt ein Handwerker an, der am Dienstag in Paris gegen die Schwester des saudi-arabischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman vor Gericht zieht.

(A P)

A Saudi princess, a bodyguard and a workman: French trial to open

Princess Hassa bint Salman is due to go on trial in absentia on Tuesday on charges of complicity to violence with a weapon and complicity to kidnap an Egyptian-born artisan who was carrying out repairs at her father’s residence on the exclusive Avenue Foch in September 2016.

(B P)

#Saudi is never subtle about its intolerance for dissent, but it does attempt to cover up how it destroyed #Qatif's #Awamia, dispossessing locals of property, stifling all dissent, and transforming the area into a devastated warzone. (photos)

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia Intensifies Arrest Campaign against Palestinians

An exiled academic and political dissident says Saudi authorities have launched a new arrest campaign against Palestinian expatriates living in the conservative kingdom.

“There is an intensified campaign to arrest more Palestinians living in the kingdom, with the same charges that have so far been leveled against some 60 Palestinians. The arrest campaign will involve a number of Egyptian citizens,” Saeed bin Nasser al-Ghamdi wrote in a post published on his official Twitter page on Saturday.

Ghamdi added that Saudi officials have recently released 20 Palestinian and Egyptian women, whom they had arrested during the Hajj pilgrimage last year on charges of affiliation to the Muslim Brotherhood. =

(B P)

On July 5th marks the day i was jailed in 1981 with my mother, father & siblings by the #Saudi Monarchy. I was barely 14. Now my youngest brother & one nephew are in prison for political opinions & protest. 3 generations of my family have been political prisoners by Saudi Klan.

(A P)

We are always exposed to bullying because of our demand for a decent life in which we guarantee our rights and complete our university studies away from oppression and domestic violence (images)

My remark: Two saudi sisters who fled the country, bullied on social media.

(A P)


You couldn't think of many countries more incongruous with the word "freedom" than Saudi Arabia, but there she is—Lady Liberty herself, lifting her torch high above the kingdom's port city of Jeddah. Only in the Trump era could such a potent symbol of freedom as the Statue of Liberty be hijacked by a dictatorship like Saudi Arabia.

That the Statue of Liberty can be associated with such a place is an insult to those who cherish everything it represents: America the beacon of the world, America the melting pot of nations, America the land of the free.

But the fact that the Saudis feel emboldened enough to use her to claim some sort of solidarity with America is all down to Donald Trump.

(A P)

Queen' in the kingdom: Nicki Minaj set to perform in Saudi Arabia

Rights advocates call on Minaj to speak out for Saudi women's rights

In one of her hit songs, Nicki Minaj concludes a verse by comparing her lyrics to a "wrap like the things on the head of a Saudi".

Now, critics are having a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that the famous rapper - whose profanity-laden songs often focus on sex and drugs - will be performing in the ultraconservative kingdom.


(A P)


Hip hop artist Nicki Minaj considers herself a symbol of women’s empowerment. So why then is she performing in the most gender-segregated, repressive country on the planet? If Nicki Minaj follows through with her July 18 concert in Saudi Arabia she will be helping the country and its leader, Mohammad bin Salman, artwash Saudi Arabia’s crimes against women- including the imprisonment and torture of women activists.

cp9 USA

(* B K P)

Deconstructing the perpetual war machine

How Democrats and Republicans keep us constantly engaged in conflict

While I don't endorse chaotic thinking about foreign policy, it is worth recalling what normal-thinking foreign policy looks like. Past wars in the Mideast were professionally sold to the American people with massive propaganda campaigns run through the press. Normal presidents first dehumanize the enemy, then ignore civilian casualties.

Today, Democrats are raising questions about Trump's authority to bomb Iran without getting authorization from Congress. In response, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says that Trump can use the 2001 AUMF—the Authorization for Use of Military Force passed after 9/11—as justification for a new war with Iran.

The perpetual war machine is a bipartisan creation, fed by Republicans and Democrats alike. It is the inevitable result of a capitalist system that lets private companies profit from killing and war coupled with a political system that allows our national leaders to take campaign checks from these same war merchants. The result is a vicious cycle of wars that can never end because they are designed to spread violence and chaos. Then later, more military spending and war are required to deal with the new dangers created by the past wars.

Under this dysfunctional system, the main job of a commander in chief is to maintain enough conflict zones around the globe to keep the war machine funded to the tune of about a trillion dollars annually. On June 19, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed a nearly $1 trillion appropriations bill, the vast majority of which was for defense funding.

Trump deserves credit for at least acknowledging the influence of the for-profit war industry on his foreign policy. "Don't kid yourself," Trump told Fox News, "you do have a military industrial complex. They do like war."

As an example, why are we helping Saudi Arabia and its murderous Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman fight its cruel and brutal war in Yemen, targeting civilians, bombing hospitals, factories, mosques, schools, using starvation and disease as weapons of war? Trump will tell you why. We do it for the weapons contracts with the Saudis. But Obama, the president who got us into the war in Yemen, while he also negotiated huge weapons contracts with the Saudis, never offered any coherent explanation.

Accepting that you have a problem is the first step to changing course – by Leonard C. Goodman

(* B P)

Why is there so much Saudi money in American universities?

NYT report, in film

(* B P)

Rand Paul: Senators must continue the fight against selling arms to Saudi Arabia

Look at the photos of the dying, the wounded and the starving in Yemen — the parents holding their emaciated children — and tell me Saudi Arabia is a nation that deserves our support. Your support.

I agree with and support President Donald Trump on many issues, and I have vigorously defended him against the outrageous assaults he faces on a daily basis. But I disagree that selling arms to Saudi Arabia strengthens our national security, and I urge him to do here what he has boldly done in so many other areas: Reject the failed policies of the past.

We simply cannot profess to want Middle East peace on one hand and fuel a deadly arms race in the region on the other.

It’s time to say “no more,” and our momentum to do just that took a major leap forward last month.

(B P)

Film by Bernie Sanders: These High Schoolers Want You To Know About The War in Yemen

The Yemeni people need humanitarian aid, not more bombs. These incredible high schoolers are organizing to put an end to U.S. participation in Saudi Arabia’s brutal war in Yemen. I believe that as more young people get involved in the political process, we can achieve great things, like bringing peace to the desperate people of Yemen.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Iran reichert Uran auf mehr als 4,5 Prozent an

Der Iran reichert nun laut Atombehörden-Sprecher Behrus Kamalwandi Uran auf 4,5 Prozent spaltbaren Materials an.

Mit dieser Entscheidung würden die gegenwärtigen Bedürfnisse des Irans erfüllt, sagte Kamalwandi.

Der Iran hatte am Montagmorgen die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) in Wien über die Überschreitung des Urananreicherungslimits informiert. „Mit der Überschreitung der 3,67-Prozent-Grenze wurde schon gestern (Sonntag) begonnen“, sagte der Sprecher der iranischen Atomorganisation, Behrus Kamalwandi, dem Staatssender IRIB am Montag.

(A P)

Iran to lift uranium enrichment to 5%, above level in 2015 deal: official

Iran on Sunday will announce an increase in uranium enrichment to 5%, a concentration above the limit set by its 2015 nuclear deal, an Iranian official told Reuters, in a move signaling a deepening challenge to escalating U.S. sanctions pressure.

(A P)

Iran won’t tolerate Britain’s maritime piracy: Defense chief

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami has slammed as an act of “piracy” Britain's seizure of an Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar, saying Tehran will not tolerate such actions.

“The action runs counter to international regulations and is a kind of maritime piracy,” Hatami told a ceremony in the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas on Monday.

Referring to the Islamic Republic long record in combating piracy, he said: “Definitely this maritime piracy will not be tolerated by us”.

(* A P)

Iran Says Next Option is 20% Uranium Enrichment

Iran has warned its next step in reducing commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal will be stronger, with a senior nuclear official saying that 20% uranium enrichment is an option.

Spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization Behrouz Kamalvandi said Monday Tehran has passed the 3.67% uranium enrichment cap set by a 2015 nuclear deal and reached about 4.5%.

"Twenty percent is not needed now, but if we want we will produce it. When we've put aside 3.67% enrichment we have no obstacle or problem with this action," Kamalvandi said.

(A P)

Iran droht mit Aufgabe weiterer Atom-Verpflichtungen "in 60 Tagen"

Der Iran hat am Sonntag mit der Aufgabe weiterer Verpflichtungen aus dem Atomabkommen "in 60 Tagen" gedroht. Teheran hoffe, dass eine "Lösung" mit den verbliebenen Vertragspartnern des Atomabkommens gefunden werde, "sonst eröffnen wir in 60 Tagen die dritte Phase", sagte der stellvertretende iranische Außenminister Abbas Araghschi vor Journalisten. Die rückläufigen Ölverkäufe des Iran seien eines der Hauptprobleme, die gelöst werden müssten.

(* A B P)

Iran will Uran-Limit überschreiten – Atomdeal droht schwerer Rückschlag

Teheran will seine Urananreicherung ab heute hochfahren und würde so gegen eine zentrale Auflage des Atomdeals verstoßen. Der Schritt könnte das Aus des Abkommens beschleunigen.

Nach Darstellung der Führung in Teheran sind die Sanktionen ein brutaler Wirtschaftskrieg, Amerika möchte das iranische Regime in die Knie zwingen.

Direkte Verhandlungen mit Trump haben sowohl Präsident Ruhani als auch der geistliche Führer Ayatollah Chamenei ausgeschlossen. Stattdessen machte Teheran Druck auf die europäischen Unterzeichner des Atomabkommens. Wenn bis zum 7. Juli die Sanktionen nicht aufgehoben werden und der Handel mit Iran wieder anläuft, dann will Teheran seinerseits das Abkommen brechen und die Urananreicherung wieder hochfahren.

Der frühere Außenminister und jetzige außenpolitische Berater Chameneis, Ali-Akbar Velajati, ließ am Samstag in einer Videobotschaft verlauten, Amerika habe das Abkommen direkt, die Europäer indirekt gebrochen. Jetzt fahre der Iran die Urananreicherung wieder hoch.

Die iranische Forderung, Europa solle dafür sorgen, dass Trump die Sanktionen zurücknimmt, ist unrealistisch.

Ebenso wie die zaghaften Versuche der Europäer, mit komplizierten Zahlungsinstrumenten wie "Instex" den Handel mit dem Iran doch noch in Gang zu bringen. Eine politische Geste, die Europas Festhalten am Abkommen unterstreichen soll. Mehr nicht.

(* A P)

Iran starts enriching uranium to higher purity than 3.67% as Europe misses deadline

Iran says it is starting to enrich uranium to a higher purity than 3.67%, as the European signatories to a 2015 agreement with Tehran miss a 60-day deadline to offset the adverse impacts of a unilateral pullout by the United States.

(A P)

US can attend JCPOA meetings if it lifts certain anti-Iran bans: Iranian official

Iran says the United States can take part in the meetings of the signatories to the Iran nuclear deal — from which Washington has withdrawn — on the condition that it lifts sanctions against the country’s oil and banking sectors.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi made the remark during a press conference about the deal in Tehran on Sunday.

Along with two other senior officials, Araqchi detailed Iran’s latest move in scaling back its commitments under the deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), after the European signatories missed a 60-day deadline to offset the adverse impacts of the unilateral US pullout.

(* B P)

Chronologie und Fakten rund um den Streit mit dem Iran um das Atomabkommen

Der Iran setzt einen Teil seiner Verpflichtungen aus dem Atomabkommen von 2015 mit den Vereinigten Staaten, Russland, China, Frankreich, Großbritannien und Deutschland aus. Die Regierung der Islamischen Republik gab bekannt und die IAEO bestätigte es, dass das Land seinen Vorrat an schwach angereichertem Uran über die im Vertrag festgelegten Grenzwerte erhöht habe. Nach dem 7. Juli (wenn das Ultimatum des Iran an die Vertragspartner ausläuft, ihre im gemeinsamen Aktionsplan des Atomprogramms eingegangenen Verpflichtungen einzuhalten) wird Teheran seine Verpflichtungen weiter reduzieren, berichtete Tasnim zuvor. Der nächste Schritt werde die Urananreicherung auf mehr als 3,67 Prozent sein, sagte der iranische Außenminister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Russland, die EU-Länder und China fordern den Iran auf, seine Verpflichtungen wieder einzuhalten. Teheran hält die einseitige Einhaltung des Abkommens in seiner jetzigen Form für nachteilig, da sich die Vereinigten Staaten, die Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen den Iran verhängt haben, 2018 aus dem Abkommen zurückgezogen haben.

(* B P)

Der lange Arm der USA

Wie immer das Oberlandesgericht auch entscheidet: Der Fall stellt die Rolle der deutschen – und auch europäischen Politik in der Frage des Atomabkommens mit Iran und dem Vorgehen von US-Präsident Trump zentral ins Scheinwerferlicht. Und es ist alles andere als ermutigend, was die Welt da zu sehen bekommt: Entgegen aller Zusicherungen, dem Ausstieg Washingtons aus dem Atomabkommen nicht folgen zu wollen, haben die Europäer eben dies getan. Zwar haben sie keine eigenen Sanktionen eingeführt, aber sie kuschen unter dem Druck Trumpscher Androhungen. Und schliessen sich damit den amerikanischen Sanktionen an, die allemal radikaler und vernichtender sind als europäische Sanktionen es je wären. Abgesehen davon, dass die Europäer ja seit dem Rückzug der USA immer versichert haben, das Abkommen aufrechtzuerhalten, solange Iran dies auch tue. Im Klartext: Solange Teheran die Bedingungen des Abkommens erfüllt, werde man sich ebenfalls an das Abkommen halten.

(* B P)

USA und Iran – in der Eskalationsfalle

Die Geschichte des Atomstreits zwischen Amerika und dem Iran ist eine Geschichte von sich gegenseitig hochschaukelnden Eskalationen.

Das Problem besteht darin, dass Trump bei seinem Vorgehen Drittstaaten in Mithaftung nimmt. Fast alle europäischen Firmen haben den Iran verlassen, weil sie ihr US-Geschäft nicht verlieren wollen.

Teheran fühlt sich durch diese immer wieder verschärfte Sanktionskeule verraten.

Man darf annehmen, dass der Iran den Kurs der stufenweisen Eskalation nicht überreizt.

Auch Trump ist in der Konfliktmechanik gefangen. Er hat die Mullahs mit seinem in letzter Minute abgeblasenen Militäreinsatz einschüchtern wollen. Der Chef des Weißen Hauses liebt den Auftritt als Muskelmann.

Einstweilen baut Trump jedoch auf wirtschaftlichen Druck und das Apokalypse-Szenario. Sollte sich die iranische Wirtschaft dem Kollaps nähern, wird sich die Regierung schon bewegen, lautet seine Marschroute. Zwischen Berlin, Paris und London sieht man das wesentlich skeptischer.

All diese Aussichten sind düster. Die Akteure in Washington und Teheran sind derart ineinander verbissen, dass nur eine dritte Kraft einen Weg aus dem Dilemma zeigen könnte – von Michael Backfisch =

(* B P)

Die Golfkrise im Libanon: Kopf im Sand

Der ganze Nahe Osten und die Golfregion schaut derzeit nach Iran. Nur im Libanon scheint man sich nicht für den Konflikt zu interessieren.

Im Libanon kann man den Eindruck gewinnen, das Land habe nichts mit den Dynamiken im eigenen regionalen Umfeld zu tun. Als handele es sich um geopolitische Planspiele, deren gemeinsamer Nenner die rationale Einschätzung wäre, dass ein regionaler Krieg allen Beteiligten nur schaden könne. Ernsthafte Besorgnis wird eher lächelnd abgetan.

In Beirut ist keinerlei Nervosität sichtbar.

Von Iran, einem regionalen Krieg, der möglicherweise das Land erfassen könnte, ist keine Rede.

Eine Rückkehr zu dem Abkommen erscheint derzeit unwahrscheinlich. Der von der EU, beziehungsweise Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien vorgeschlagene alternative Handelsmechanismus, das sogenannte Instrument In Support Of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) wurde nur halbherzig umgesetzt und hat keinerlei Wirkung gezeigt.

In der Region hat die irakische Regierung die deutlichsten Warnungen vor einer Ausdehnung des Konflikts ausgesandt.

Eher hinter den Kulissen versuchen andere Golfstaaten zu vermitteln. Qatar könnte auf Grund seiner Abgrenzung zu Saudi-Arabien am ehesten im Iran gehört werden.

Die Aufkündigung des Abkommens durch die USA ist offenbar mit keiner regionalen Strategie unterfüttert. Die „Erhöhung des maximalen Drucks“ auf Iran wird sicherlich nicht zu einem Einlenken des iranischen Regimes führen, sondern möglicherweise zu einem andauernden Spannungszustand – von Joachim Paul

(* B P)

Konflikt zwischen USA und Iran schwelt weiter – Eine kurze Retrospektive
Der Iran hat die Menge von 300 Kilogramm leicht angereichertem Uran überschritten, die er gemäß dem Atomabkommen lagern darf. Irans Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif sagt, sein Land habe das Recht dazu. Laut US-Präsident Donald Trump spielt der Iran mit dem Feuer.
Dabei ist der Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran eine alte Angelegenheit, wie folgende Retrospektive zeigt.

(* B P)

Film: Rainer Rupp zum Iran-Konflikt: Es wird keinen Krieg geben
Der Geheimdienst-Experte Rainer Rupp rechnet nicht mit einem Krieg in und um den Iran. Den USA fehle in der Region ein belastbares Standbein für die Führung eines solchen Krieges. Ein unabhängiges Agieren der europäischen Staaten in der Krise erwartet Rupp nicht.
Was will US-Präsident Donald Trump im drohenden Konflikt mit dem Iran erreichen? Eine nukleare Abrüstung, die Begrenzung des iranischen Einflusses in der Region oder einem Regimewechsel in der Islamischen Republik? Diese und andere Fragen hat RT Deutsch Rainer Rupp gestellt.

(* B P)

Film: “No more war, no war in the Gulf, no war on Iran”
George Galloway talks truth on the US escalating war with Iran and how the country is NOT Iraq.

(* B P)

Film: Europeans Bowing to Trump on Iran Sanctions, Despite Their Opposition
Trita Parsi, founder of the National Iranian American Council, says that military confrontation between the US and Iran becomes more likely, especially since Europeans who oppose US sanctions are not really pushing back against Trump

(* B P)

Film: US officials join bizarre Iranian cult MEK in rallying for regime change
The exiled Iranian MEK regime change cult rallied in front of the US State Department on June 22, just a day after Trump rejected pressure to start a war on Iran. Current and former American officials joined the bizarre organization, hailing it as the legitimate resistance to Tehran. Shadowed by a team of Mojahedin-e Khalq minders, Max Blumenthal and Thomas Hedges reported from the scene.

(A P)

Iranian VP Warns about Global Consequences of US Unilateralism

Iranian Vice President for Legal Affairs Laya Joneidi said that Washington’s insistence on practicing unilateralism on the international scene that has witnessed abrogation of global treaties will have serious repercussion for peace and security in the world.

She stressed that the US withdrawal will not be limited to the nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as it has undermined the international procedures and institutes established over the past century.

(* B P)

Faktencheck: Ist die Beschlagnahme eines iranischen Tankers durch Großbritannien Piraterie?

Die Grundlage des Völkerrechts ist die UN-Charta. In Artikel 2 Absatz 4 wird klar gesagt, dass jede Einmischung von außen in die inneren Angelegenheiten eines Staates verboten sind. Gleiches gilt für die Androhung von Gewalt. Darunter fallen auch Sanktionen, sie sind also grundsätzlich verboten und damit völkerrechtswidrig.

Aber „grundsätzlich“ bedeutet, dass es Ausnahmen gibt. In Artikel 2 Absatz 7 der UN-Charta wird festgelegt, dass diese Ausnahmen – zu denen auch „Zwangsmaßnahmen“, also Sanktionen gehören – in Kapitel VII der UN-Charta geregelt werden.

Und dort kann man in Artikel 39 als erstes lesen, dass es für solche Zwangsmaßnahmen oder gar militärische Gewalt erforderlich ist, dass der UNO-Sicherheitsrat zunächst feststellt, dass ein Land mit seinen Handlungen den Weltfrieden gefährdet. Und erst wenn das geschehen ist, regelt Artikel 41, dass auch Wirtschaftssanktionen verhängt werden können, denen alle Mitgliedsländer der UNO folgen müssen. Dann darf man diese auch gewaltsam durchsetzen. Aber eben nur dann.

Die Beschlagnahmung des Tankers durch Großbritannien ist damit illegal. Sowohl die US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran, als auch die EU-Sanktionen gegen Syrien sind nicht vom Völkerrecht gedeckt und damit gibt es keinen legalen Grund, den Tanker festzusetzen.

Der Iran hat also Recht, wenn er von „Piraterie“ spricht, denn ein Schiff ohne Rechtsgrundlage zu kapern und zu beschlagnahmen ist per Definition Piraterie.

In den deutschen Mainstream-Medien gibt es keinen Artikel, der den Akt der Piraterie durch ein europäisches Land beim Namen nennt, es gibt keine ernsthafte Kritik in deutschen Medien.

(A P)

Iran Denies News of Detention of British Tanker in Gulf Waters

Iran has denied the detention of a British Oil tanker in the Gulf. News circulated of a British oil tanker being detained after a warning by the Iranian member of the board of experts in which he reacted strongly to to the detention of an Iranian Oil tanker in the Straits of Gibraltar.

Al-Alam news TV reported an Iranian source earlier denying the news about the detention of a British tanker in the waters of the Gulf, pointing out that what was reported by some media is false news and baseless.

(* A P)

Russia condemns UK for seizing Iranian oil supertanker off Gibraltar

Russia has condemned Britain for its seizure of an Iran-operated supertanker off the coast of Gibraltar, calling the provocative move a deliberate step geared to further deteriorate the situation in the Middle East.

On early Thursday morning, British Royal Marines in Gibraltar stormed the 300,000-tonne Grace 1 and detained it, accusing it of carrying oil to Syria in possible violation of the European Union’s sanctions on the war-torn Arab country.

According to Gibraltar authorities, the 28 crewmembers, who are nationals of India, Pakistan and Ukraine, are currently staying aboard the tanker, along with local police and customs officers boarding the vessel for a period of a probe.

Iran has condemned the move as “maritime piracy”

(* A P)

Guards commander says Iran should seize UK oil tanker if Iranian vessel not released: Tweet

Iran should seize a British oil tanker if an Iranian tanker detained off Gibraltar earlier this week is not released immediately, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said in a tweet on Friday.

British Royal Marines seized the supertanker Grace 1 on Thursday for trying to take oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions, a dramatic step that drew Tehran’s fury and could escalate its confrontation with the West.

and also

and film by Fox news:

(* A P)

Film by Aljazeera: What's behind the seizure of an Iranian oil tanker? | Inside Story

So what's behind this dramatic move? And as tension increases between the U.S. and Iran, is Europe caught between a rock and a hard place?

Presenter: Imran Khan Guests: Hassan Ahmadian - assistant professor of political science at the University of Tehran Ali Fathollah-Nejad - visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center Jeff Stacey - former U-S State department official under President Barack Obama

and shorter film by Aljazeera:

(* B P)

What’s Behind Claims of Anti-Saudi Attacks from Iraq?

Recently, Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the US State Department, reported that an attack on Saudi oil facilities and oil pipelines originated in Iraq, not Yemen.

what is the objective behind the American allegations regarding Iraqi groups’ hands in the anti-Saudi attacks?

The fact that with existence of a united and secure Iraq with an efficient government there will be left no justification for the American military presence in Iraq has motivated the American administration to embark on a new path regarding Iraq: sowing ethnic, religious, and political division to run Washington’s policies towards Iraq. This issue can be understood well if we know that the American claims come at a time when Abdul Mahdi recently managed, after months of standoff, to add the four remaining ministers to his cabinet as the political parties reached a consensus.

(* B K P)

America Last: The Real Meaning of the Donald’s Deplorable Aggression Against Iran

The currently threatened escalation of Washington’s economic war on Iran into an actual shooting war is a fraught case in point. Based on the news coverage since the two oil tankers were damaged yesterday you’d think that a crew of bloody-minded aggressors in Tehran had up and decided out of the blue to attack the whole world via disrupting its 18 million barrel per day oil lifeline through the Straits of Hormuz.

The truth of the matter, however, is just the opposite. The blatant aggressor is Washington and the dangerous confrontation now unfolding is utterly unnecessary.

That’s the foundational reality, and it’s far more important to understand than the momentary disputation about whether the Japanese oil tanker got hit by an Iranian mine or incoming projectile of uncertain origin.

Indeed, the Bombzie Twins, Pompeo and Bolton, have been in such heavy war heat for years that you can virtually bet when the dust settles the following false flags and manufactured pretexts for war per Max Blumenthal will have a Gulf of Oman coda

Iran has no blue water Navy that could even get to the Atlantic and only 18,000 sailors including everyone from admirals to medics; an aging, decrepit fleet of war planes with no long range flight or refueling capabilities; ballistic missiles that mainly have a range of under 800 miles; a very limited air defense based on a Russian supplied S-300 system (not the far more capable S-400); and a land Army of less than 350,000 or approximately the size of that of Myanmar.

Indeed, Iran’s defense budget of less than $15 billion amounts to just 7 days of spending compared to the Pentagon’s $750 billion; and it is actually far less even in nominal terms than Iran’s military budget under the Shah way back in the late 1970’s.

In inflation-adjusted dollars, Iran’s military expenditure today is less than 25% of the level prior to the Revolution. Whatever the foibles of today’s Iranian theocratic state, a thriving military power it is not.

So military threat has absolutely nothing to do with it. Washington is knee deep in harms’ way and on the verge of starting a war with Iran solely on account of a misguided notion that the Persian Gulf is an American Lake that needs to be policed by the US Navy; and, more crucially, that Washington has the right to control Iran’s foreign policy and determine what alliances it may and may not have in the region – including whether or not they pass muster with Bibi Netanyahu – by David Stockman

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* A K P)

UK ministers challenge court ruling on Saudi Arabia arms sales

Ministers have asked the courts to set aside a landmark ruling that British arms sales to Saudi Arabia are unlawful, a legal manoeuvre that prompted Jeremy Corbyn to accuse the Conservatives of prioritising military exports over civilian lives.

The government has applied for a stay of last month’s judgment pending an appeal, according to Campaign Against Arms Trade, which is fighting the case, at a time when conflict between the Saudis and Houthi rebels in Yemenhas intensified.

That appears to contradict assurances given to MPs by Liam Fox, the international trade secretary, that Saudi arms sales would be halted after the ruling pending a review. At the time, 57 export licences were under consideration.

Corbyn said: “This makes a mockery of their own commitment to halt all new sales while a review takes place into civilian casualties. Nothing could be clearer: the government’s priority is to sell arms, not to protect the rights and lives of Yemeni people.”

(A P)

Saudi king hosts British finance minister amid renewed Aramco listing talk

Phillip Hammond's visit follows the UK's suspension of new Saudi arms export licences over its offensive in Yemen

(* B P)

Tory candidates face calls for inquiry into Saudi arms sales

Opposition leaders question assurances from ministers that sales were lawful

Leaders of the five main Westminster opposition parties have united to call on the two Conservative leadership candidates to agree to hold a full parliamentary or public inquiry into how ministers continued to provide assurances to MPs that arms sales to Saudi Arabia were lawful when no such robust internal check had been made.

The letter is a sign of how much UK foreign policy, especially towards the Middle East, might change if the Conservatives lose power, and how much inter-party consensus there is between the opposition parties on foreign policy, if not on Brexit.

They claim both candidates for the Tory leadership told parliament that the UK operated the most robust arms control regime in the world, but the appeal court found no independent British government audit of the Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen had been made.

And also

(A K P)

Parliament: Yemen: Armed Conflict

Foreign and Commonwealth Office written question – answered on 4th July 2019.

Q: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what steps his Department is taking to prevent an escalation of violence in al-Hodeidah Governorate.

A: We continue to warn that Any renewed military activity in Hodeidah would be catastrophic for Yemen, potentially pushing millions into famine. We welcomed Houthi redeployments as a crucial first step in the plan to implement the Hodeidah Agreement, but there is more to do.

(A P)

UN Human Rights Council 41: Yemen

The UK remains deeply concerned by widespread human rights violations & abuses linked to the conflict in Yemen, and urges all parties to engage with the Special Envoy.

The United Kingdom welcomes Yemen’s continued engagement with the UPR process.

We welcome the Government of Yemen’s commitment to promote and protect human rights, including freedom of expression. We are pleased that the Government is addressing gender equality, including the participation of women in public life.

My comment: LOL.

(* B P)

Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson accused of ‘central role’ in arming Saudi Arabia as UK’s relationship with Riyadh reaches crossroads

Government reveals air to surface munitions shipments to Saudi have been halted by Hunt - but other arms sales continue

Andrew Smith, of Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), which brought the court case, said: “Both men have played an utterly central and complicit role in arming and supporting the Saudi-led destruction of Yemen. Whoever is the next prime minister must finally stop the arms sales and end UK support for this terrible dictatorship.”

According to a number of legal experts, ministers involved in arms deal approvals should now be looking over their shoulders for further legal cases seeking to establish whether export decisions were taken in the knowledge that British weaponry was likely to be used for unlawful or even criminal purposes in the Yemen conflict.

(* A P)

Petition: UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia are inhumane and illegal. End them now.

For over four years, the British government has been supplying the bombs. But now, you could stop our government from fueling these horrific airstrikes.

After years of legal battling, the Court of Appeal has ruled UK weapons sales to Saudi Arabia are unlawful. And yet the government is refusing to give in, fighting the ruling so to keep peddling their weapons.

That’s why we’re going straight to the Secretary of State, demanding the UK government stop selling bombs to Saudi Arabia.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B K P)

Welche restriktive Rüstungsexportpolitik?

Kommentar der Aktion Aufschrei - Stoppt den Waffenhandel zum Rüstungsexportbericht 2018.

Die Bundesregierung bezeichnet ihre Rüstungsexportpolitik als restriktiv. Doch der Rüstungsexportbericht 2018 beweist das Gegenteil. Denn die Bundesregierung genehmigte trotz entgegenstehender Gesetze und nachgewiesener Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen Rüstungsexporte an die dort Krieg führenen Staaten in Höhe von 500 Mio. Euro", kritisiert Christine Hoffmann, pax christi-Generalsekretärin und Sprecherin der "Aktion Aufschrei - Stoppt den Waffenhandel!".

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(B P)

Israel reveals the route of flourishing train from Haifa to Saudi Arabia

(B P)

Press TV Iran, Film: Is the United Arab Emirates the same paradise depicted by its rulers?

(* B K P)

Libyen: Neuer Stellvertreterkrieg in Nahost

Libyen schlittert in ein Inferno, die Kriegsparteien legen sich keinerlei Zurückhaltung mehr auf.

In dem nordafrikanischen Land kämpfen nicht nur Regierungstruppen und Rebellen.

Nach Syrien und Jemen ist Libyen die nächste nahöstliche Nation, auf deren Boden fremde regionale Mächte ihre Klingen kreuzen. Auf der Seite der international anerkannten „Regierung der Nationalen Übereinkunft“ in Tripolis stehen die Türkei und Katar. General Khalifa Haftars „Libysche Nationalarmee“ wird von Saudi-Arabien, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Ägypten hochgerüstet.

Solche von außen kommenden Kontrahenten jedoch nehmen keinerlei Rücksicht auf die örtliche Zivilbevölkerung. Stattdessen mischen immer mehr Söldner aus aller Herren Länder auf dem Schlachtfeld mit. Ausländische Kampfflugzeuge operieren ungehindert am Himmel, deren Piloten auf alles feuern, was ihnen ins Visier kommt. Gleichzeitig nutzen Dschihadisten das wachsende Chaos im Land, um ihre Terrornetzwerke neu zu knüpfen.

Selbst EU-Staaten mischen mit

(A K P)

Kontroverse um Pilatus: Die Schweiz misst mit zwei Ellen

Überraschend ist die News von heute nicht. Pilatus zieht vor Bundesverwaltungsgericht. Der Stanser Flugzeugbauer wehrt sich gegen das Tätigkeitsverbot in Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten.

Für Pilatus steht einiges auf dem Spiel.

Die Situation ist eigentlich absurd – die Schweizer Gesetze nämlich sind widersprüchlich: Für Verkäufe von unbewaffneten Pilatus-Trainingsflugzeugen für angehende Kampfjet-Piloten ins Ausland gilt ein eher wirtschaftsfreundliches Gesetz («Güterkontrollgesetz»).

Verboten ist ein Export im Wesentlichen nur, wenn er gegen internationale Embargos verstösst. Ob sich ein Deal grundsätzlich mit der Schweizer Aussen- und Friedenspolitik verträgt, ist nicht relevant.

Ganz anders ist es, wenn Pilatus fremden Armeen im Ausland beim Unterhalt seiner Trainingsflugzeuge helfen


(B K P)

«Rot» für Pilatus

Zum Fall der Pilatus-Werke gilt es zu sagen: Arbeitsplätze in der Schweiz legitimieren kein Leid, das Schurkenstaaten anrichten.

An Herrn Schwenk und alle, die es furchtbar finden, wenn einige Arbeitsplätze in der Schweiz bedroht würden: Hirn und vor allem Herz einschalten.


(A K P)

Wegen Pilatus: Die SVP kritisiert den Bundesrat scharf

Die Pilatus Flugzeugwerke dürfen in Saudi-Arabien keine Dienstleistungen mehr erbringen. Ueli Maurer versuchte zu vermitteln - doch das schlug fehl. Seine eigene Partei legt nun sogar nach.

In einem an Bundespräsident Maurer und den Gesamtbundesrat adressierten Brief fordert sie den Bundesrat dazu auf, Korrekturen zugunsten der Arbeitsplätze in der Exportwirtschaft zu unternehmen.


(A K P)

Pilatus-Präsident: «Ich schäme mich, gegen den eigenen Staat zu klagen»

Pilatus-Präsident Oscar J. Schwenk wehrt sich gegen das Geschäftsverbot in Saudi-Arabien und den Emiraten und zieht vor Bundesverwaltungsgericht. Er kritisiert den Bund – besonders Aussenminister Ignazio Cassis.

Was im Jemen-Konflikt passiert, ist schrecklich, keine Frage. Aber: Es war einerseits vom Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft Seco klar geregelt, was wir in die beiden Staaten ausführen dürfen und was nicht. Das Geschäft mit Saudi-Arabien erhielt damals sogar vom Bundesrat grünes Licht.

Mein Kommentar: dafür sollte er sich in der Tat schämen.

(A K P)

Aussendepartement gegen Pilatus: Das Parlament muss über die Bücher

Der Flugzeughersteller Pilatus wehrt sich gegen das Aussendepartement in der Causa Saudi-Arabien. Nach den Gerichten müssen sich die Parlamentarier mit dem Gesetzeswirrwarr beschäftigen.

(* B P)

Wahhabism confronted: Sri Lanka curbs Saudi influence after bombings

Sri Lanka is moving to curtail Saudi Arabian influence, after some politicians and Buddhist monks blamed the spread of the kingdom’s ultra-conservative Wahhabi school of Islam for planting the seeds of militancy that culminated in deadly Easter bomb attacks.

Sri Lanka has since arrested a Wahhabi scholar and is poised to take over a Saudi-funded school. The government also says it will monitor previously unchecked money flows from donors including prominent Saudi families to mosques on the Indian Ocean island.

“Nobody will be able to just make donations now,” said Muslim cabinet minister Kabir Hashim, who has urged Muslim communities to look at how radical ideas could have spread. He said the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs would oversee donations.

The outcry in Sri Lanka is the latest sign that Wahhabism, which critics deem a root cause of the jihadist threat, is under pressure internationally.

cp12a Sudan

(* A P)

Sudan generals, protesters reach agreement on new ruling body: mediators

Sudan's ruling generals and protest leaders reached an agreement on the disputed issue of a new governing body Friday, mediators said, in breakthrough talks aimed at ending the country's months-long political crisis.

"The two sides agreed on establishing a sovereign council with a rotating military and civilian (presidency) for a period of three years or little more," African Union mediator Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt told reporters.

The power sharing agreement came after two days of talks that resumed on Wednesday after the previous round of negotiations collapsed in May over who should lead the ruling body -- a civilian or soldier.

(* B P)

Hermeti‘s patrons in the Gulf

Sitting at the edge of Sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan has often seemed an outlier in the Arab world. Nonetheless, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have turned the African country into the latest frontier of a campaign for regional hegemony.

Under Hemeti’s watch, the RSF has sent fighters, including children, to support an Emirati- and Saudi-led war against the Houthis, Iranian-allied militants in Yemen. Despite the upheaval in Sudan, 30,000 Sudanese soldiers continue serving in Yemen.

While Hemeti was cementing his alliance in Riyadh, Burhan visited the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed (MbZ), as well as Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, another strongman aligned with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. MbS and MbZ’s patronage for Hemeti mirrors what happened in Egypt, where Sisi, a former general, circumvented the democratic demands of the Arab Spring by usurping power in a coup and violently quashing dissent. Sisi too has benefited from Emirati and Saudi largesse, hinting at the regional powers’ wider strategy.

Despite Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s success in influencing Egypt’s trajectory, MbS and MbZ will likely encounter unique risks in Sudan.

As Riyadh and Abu Dhabi navigate Sudan’s post-coup turmoil, the cost-benefit ratio of their alliance with Hemeti will likely define their decision-making. Enough outcry from the international community might force the regional powers to reconsider their ties to the strongman, but his contributions to Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s war machine in Yemen have made the partnership worthwhile so far.

Based on Riyadh and Abu Dhabi’s sustained support for authoritarians in Bahrain, Egypt, and Libya, Saudi Arabia and the UAE will likely overlook Hemeti’s abuses as long as the Sudanese strongman keeps Khartoum aligned with Saudi and Emirati national interests. From Sudan’s perspective, meanwhile, exporting tens of thousands of soldiers seems a small price to pay for escaping international isolation and receiving billions from the Persian Gulf, allowing this tenuous marriage of convenience to persist – by Austin Bodetti

(* B P)

Sudan may follow a perilous Arab Spring playbook: The strongman falls, his allies remain

My remark: By Washington Post, limited access

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10, cp12

(* B K P)


Also habe ich die Daten von 2015-2018 studiert, den Jahren des Jemen-Krieges, und die überwältigende Anzahl von nicht weniger als 32 Ländern ermittelt, die die leeren Arsenale in Saudi-Arabien, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Ägypten und den anderen sechs Ländern der Kriegskoalition wieder aufgefüllt haben. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen von kleinen Exporten aus Ländern wie Neuseeland, Südafrika, Pakistan oder Singapur und einigen größeren Umsätzen aus China und Russland handelt es sich bei der überwiegenden Mehrheit dieser Länder um westliche Länder, das heißt NATO-Länder.

Hier haben wir eine Tabelle mit den größten Waffenexporteuren der Koalition und ein Flächendiagramm mit den relativen Zahlen. Natürlich führen die USA mit 56 Prozent diese Liste an, und wenn wir nur Lieferungen nach Saudi-Arabien und in die Emirate berücksichtigen, steigt diese Zahl sogar auf 70 Prozent. Auf die USA folgen Frankreich, Russland, Großbritannien und Deutschland als Hauptexporteure von Rüstungsgütern an die Saudi-Emirate-Koalition.

Eine kleine Randnotiz: Die Top 4 der Liste sind allesamt ständige Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates, die sogenannten Vetomächte – von Jakob Reimann

(A K P)

#RSAF Pilatus T-21 turboprop trainers of King Faisal Air Academy flying over the city of #Riyadh. By: Fahad Rihan (photos)

My remark: They are from Switzerland.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A P)

Panel on adding Hadhrami musical rhythm to UNESCO's Heritage

A group of artistic experts have decided to form a panel to study the Hadhrami musical rhythm (Al-Dan) in preparation for nominating it to the UNESCO's Heritage List.

(A P)

Dammaj: We will work to incorporate Mahri and Socotri languages into UNESCO’s World Heritage list

Minister of Culture Marwan Dammaj said the ministry is working to nominating a number of immaterial elements mainly the local languages of Socotra and Mahrah to the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

(* A K P)

UNESCO Lists Sana’a, Shibam in World Heritage List at Risk

UNESCO World Heritage Center has listed Shibam and Sana'a cities to the World Heritage List at risk, due to the Saudi-UAE-led war on Yemen since March 2015.

The inclusion of the two cities in the list of endangered heritage is a clear call to save them from the devastating war ravaging the country before facing the threat of getting out of the list.

In addition to the deteriorating humanitarian situation, the war has contributed to the destruction of Yemen's rich heritage, which gives the Yemenis a sense of identity and belonging to a civilization that is deeply rooted in history.

[Sanaa:] Yemeni heritage officials said the 12th-century Mehdi mosque and traditional red brick houses were particularly affected by US-Saudi air strikes.

Photo from Shibam:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Coalition spokesperson: Al-Muhajer fought in Syria and has been commissioned to lead ISIS operations in Yemen

Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the official spokesman of the Coalition for the support of legality, said on Monday that the investigation showed the involvement of ISIS leader in Yemen in fighting in Syria.

Al-Maliki told a press conference on Monday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that Abu Osama al-Muhajir was commissioned by ISIS to lead his operations in Yemen, indicating that he is Yemeni, and bears different nicknames.

(B T)

The Effect of U.S. Drone Strikes on Terrorism in Pakistan and Yemen

This paper examines the effect of U.S. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or drones, on terrorism in Pakistan and Yemen using the data from the Global Terrorism Database and the data on drone strikes from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. I analyzed the Pakistan data from 2007-2015 for all terror acts in the Federally Administered Tribal Regions (FATA) of Pakistan, and I analyzed the Yemen data from 2011-2015 for terror acts committed by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) throughout Yemen’s provinces. I found divergent effects for Pakistan and Yemen. In Pakistan, I observed a fade-out effect, where drone strikes decreased both the weekly rate of terror attacks and the probability of a terror attack but only within one week of the drone strike. After one week, the probability of a terror attack increased. In Yemen, I found evidence that within the first week of a drone strike, the probability of a terror attack increased. The increase in probability of terrorism was not persistent past the initial days of the strike. These results suggest U.S. drone use should be considered on a country-by-country basis and that the effects of drone strikes, whether they increase or decrease terrorism, do not seem to be longterm.

My comment: A document of US cynism. The effects of droning are horrific, where ever.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Workshop highlights how coalition’s humanitarian operations go together with military ones

The Commander of Arab Coalition’s Joint Forces operating in Yemen Lt. Gen. Prince Fahd bin Turki inaugurated a workshop that highlights how the Coalition’s “Humanitarian Operations are Concurrent with Military Operations” in Yemen.

He said that the Coalition’s operations “The Decisive Storm and the Restoration of Hope are basically humanitarian support operations meant to protect the Yemeni people from the Iranian expansion and the Houthi militia.”

He said the decision to intervene military to the side of the Yemeni government in 2015 emanates out “of our full knowledge of what the Yemeni people would suffer if the Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia) and its allies did not intervene.” =

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

The Houthis’ real enemy is their own people

On top of their obstructing humanitarian aid efforts, the Houthis’ tax policy is adding to the suffering of Yemen’s civilians.

With Iran reeling under the pressure of increased US sanctions, its proxy militias, such as the Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon, are looking for alternative ways to finance their activities and exert influence.

Finding themselves under renewed US and international scrutiny, these groups have turned to malign manoeuvres and, at times, criminal activities to sustain themselves.

Muammar al-Iryani, information minister of the internationally recognised Yemeni government opposing the Houthis, said the new taxes affect goods and services such as medicine, cigarettes, soft drinks, mineral water, agricultural products, fertiliser, cement, transportation, the commercial sector, land and real estate.

My comment: A government rising new taxes in war times – how horrible is this??

(A P)

With help from Qatar, Muscat cells mount media campaign against Arab coalition

Cyber-power seems to be used to advance one interpretation of events above another but, beneath its hood, there appears a partisan coverage uninterested in facts on the ground.

Secret media cells and online-based groups aligned with Oman and Qatar are escalating a war of words online to elicit bellicose reactions towards certain actors and regarding developments in Yemen, sources claimed.

Sources on Socotra Island said coordinated Qatari-Omani media campaigns have been increased and focus on actions of the Saudi-led Arab coalition fighting in Yemen. The media cells allegedly coordinated a campaign pointing to incidents in Yemen’s Socotra Island and other developments.

Members of the cells are said to be based in Muscat and regularly meet with officials and representatives, discussing ways to unify online content geared against Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.

(A P)

Trump’s Iran Sanctions Face Seven Fallacies

seven claims form the main themes of the campaign launched by the pro-Tehran lobby with support from sections of the US Democrat Party and others who dislike Trump for different reasons. The first claim is that sanctions do not work.

(A P)

Yemen: Houthis Commit 18,000 Human Rights Violations in 6 Months

Houthis' violations of human rights had escalated this year in Sanaa and other areas under their control, confirmed security and human rights sources in Sanaa.
They said militias committed about 18,000 violations over the past six months, basing their information on reports from state facilities.

My comment: By a Saudi news site, this is propaganda. „security and human rights sources in Sanaa“: this obviously is bullshit.

(A P)

International community must take action against Houthi militants

The atrocities committed by the Houthi militants against the Yemeni people need to end. It is very distressing to know that even humanitarian aid is not reaching the Yemenis because the militias are looting the aid even before it reaches the needy.

Though the countries of the Arab Coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE are engaged in continuous efforts aimed at easing the suffering of Yemeni people by providing various developmental and humanitarian inputs, much more can be achieved if the international community would also mount pressure on the Houthis.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We arde benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

July 7:

July 6:

July 5:

July 4:

July 3:

(A K pS)

Coalition strikes Houthi militia gatherings in Al-Dhale

The airstrikes resulted in the killing and injury a number of Houthis, as well as destroying an armored tank and others combat vehicles.

(A K pS)

Coalition hits Houthi militias in Abes, Hajjah

The airstrikes targeted Houthi militia’s rocket launchers, in Bahees area, and Al-Jar farms in Abes district.

(A K pS)

Coalition fighters bomb al-Hamza camp in Ibb for the fourth time in a week

Arab coalition fighter jets on Sunday afternoon launched airstrikes targeting sites and gatherings of militants of the Houthi group in Ibb central province of the country.

Local sources said that the fighters carried out four air raids on the Houthis in the camp located in Al-Sabrah Directorate

(A K pH)


The Saudi-led coalition fighter jet launched on Friday evening an airstrike on a water project in Saada province, a security source said.

The strike hit the project in Haidan district, destroying it completely and heavy damage to citizens’ farms.

(A K pS)

Coalition airstrikes hit Houthi militia in Sa’ada

Arab Coalition fighter jets launched on Sunday airstrikes on Iran-backed Houthi militia in Ketaf district eastern the northern province of Sa’ada.

(A K pS)

15 Houthi militants killed by coalition airstrikes in Saada

(A K pS)

Coalition fighters target rocket launcher in northern Hajjah

air raid by the Arab coalition fighters on Thursday morning

The source confirmed to the “Al-Masdar online " the destruction of the platform, which is believed to be the launching pad known as al-Houthi, Badr 1, in addition to the death of a number of militia elements located in the same place.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

July 7: Ibb p.

July 6: Saada p., Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K)

Saudi-Arabien: Angriff auf Handelsschiff im Roten Meer abgewehrt

Das von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärbündnis hat eigenen Angaben zufolge einen Angriff von Huthi-Rebellen auf ein Handelsschiff im Roten Meer abgewehrt. Marinetruppen hätten dort am Montag ein mit einer Sprengfalle versehenes Boot abgefangen und zerstört, teilte der Sprecher der Militärkoalition, Turki al-Malki, mit. Um welches Schiff es sich handelte, bleib zunächst unklar.

Al-Malki machte die vom Iran unterstützen Huthi-Rebellen für die angeblichen Attacke verantwortlich. Die Bedrohung der internationalen Schifffahrt sei ein "gefährlicher Terrorakt", sagte Al-Malki. Die Verantwortung der Huthis für den mutmaßlichen Angriff ließ sich von unabhängiger Seite zunächst nicht bestätigen.

Mein Koemmentar: Alles bleibt vage, daher hohe Propaganda-Wahrscheinlichkeit.

(A K pS)

Naval Forces of Coalition to Support Restoring Legitimacy, in Yemen, Thwart Terrorist Attempt by Houthi Militia, targeting a Commercial Ship, in the South of Red Sea

Colonel Turki Al-Malki, the official spokesman for the Coalition Forces "Coalition to Support Restoring Legitimacy in Yemen", stated that early today, the Naval Forces of the Coalition managed to thwart a terrorist attempt by the Houthi militia targeting a commercial ship, in the southern waters of the Red Sea, using an unmanned booby-trapped Blue Fish boat.

Al-Maliki said that the coalition forces spotted the unmanned boat while it was moving, then intercepted and destroyed it, stressing that threating the international navigation.

My comment: This sounds quite propaganda-like. Which “commercial ship” should have been attacked? Where this bobby-trapped boat actually was heading for? “Coalition forces” should have spotted and destroyed it. What does mean “coalition forces”? Did the Houthis attack Saudi naval military vessels? – and, to fulfill the propaganda effect, there already is speculated on connections to Iran:


(A K)

Saudi says it foiled Houthi attack on ship in Red Sea, the group denies

However a Houthi military spokesman denied the group had targeted commercial ships in the Red Sea, the group’s Al Masirah TV reported.

“It is pure slander and completely baseless,” the Houthi spokesman was quoted as saying.

(* B K)

Houthis taking battle to Saudis with upgraded weapons cache

In stepping up their attacks against Saudi Arabia recently, the Iran-backed Houthis are displaying growth in their offensive capabilities. It's been more than four years since the coalition announced it had destroyed 80% of the Houthis’ heavy-weapon warehouses and neutralized 95% of their arms used in airstrikes. But today, Houthi missiles have reached the depths of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and broken into their advanced defense systems, targeting vital locations.

Editor-in-chief of the Houthi-affiliated Al-Jaish magazine Abdul Ghani al-Zubeidi told Al-Monitor about “new weapons that include a new generation of drones with a range of 2,000 kilometers [1,243 miles] and that will be unveiled soon.”

He added, “An air-defense system, including the 2K12 Kub [surface-to-air missile], which downed the US MQ-9 [Reaper drone] in Hodeidah on June 6, has been developed.” The United States says Iran helped the Houthis shoot down the drone.

Zubeidi also said, “The [Houthi] army command is adopting a strategy of crippling movement in Jizan and Abha airports, which are the take-off points of most of the aggressors' [Saudi and UAE] aircraft. If strikes in Yemen persist, we will move to the next stage, which is targeting more distant airports in Riyadh and Jeddah.”

(* B K)

How vulnerable is Saudi Arabia to Houthi missile and drone attacks?

According to Missile Defence Advocacy Alliance (MDAA) data, the Houthis most likely acquired the Scud-B and C missiles, the North Korean Hwasong variants and the Tochka missile from the ousted Yemen government. The Qaher-1 missile, the Zelzal-3 ballistic missile and the C-802 anti-ship cruise missile were delivered later, during the ongoing conflict. The US and Saudis believe that Iran, Russia and Lebanon’s Hezbollah have been the main suppliers of these systems.

When it comes to drones, an expert on emerging military technologies and humanitarian disarmament project leader for the Dutch peace organisation PAX said that current information on the type of drones shot down or otherwise found teaches us that they are based on Iranian versions. Wim Zwijnenburg added that the adapted version has been assembled in Yemen, either with home-produced or imported materials, including the loitering munition version. Reports from UN Security Council experts show that both the range and payload of the so-called “suicide/kamikaze drones” have increased, making them more effective. UN experts have estimated, for instance, that drones used by the Houthis have a range of over 1,000 kilometres, allowing them to penetrate deep into Saudi territory.

Justin Bronk, a research fellow at Britain’s Royal United Service Institute for defence and security studies (RUSI), said that if drones approach close enough to key personnel, they can pose a significant security threat to Saudi Arabia, although in terms of the damage that they can inflict on facilities they are very limited.

According to Bronk, drone and missile attacks are almost certainly enabled by Iranian support in terms of missiles, drone components and explosives. “Since the drones being used are relatively small,” he explained, “the component parts are much easier to smuggle through the blockade than missiles are.”

(A K pH)

Four Saudi soldiers killed in confrontations with Yemeni army in border fronts

Saudi media on Saturday admitted the death of four of its soldiers in a confrontation with Yemeni army in border fronts.

(A K pH)

July 7: In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted several areas of Razeh and Shida districts.

(A K pH)


(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition intercepts Houthi drone launched at kingdom

(* A K pH)

Yemeni Forces Strike Saudi Airports Anew

Yemeni forces struck Abha and Jizan regional airports with drones once against on late Saturday, a military official told Saba.

Yemeni armed forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree as saying that Qasif K2 drones carried out wide-scale operations, hitting the warplanes’ runways and other military targets there.

The airports are out of service following the strikes, Saree said, stressing that the drones accurately hit their targets.

He reiterated meanwhile a call for Saudi civilians to keep away from Saudi military targets, stressing that such sites are “no longer secure”.


(* A K pH)

New Fresh Attacks, Today, Yemeni Air Force Targets Abha, Jizan Airports, Halts Air Traffic

Air Forces of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees launched several offensives with Qasif 2K drones on Jet fighters' revetment and important military sites in Abha and Jizan Airports.


(* A K)

Yemeni Houthi rebels claim new drone attacks on Saudi airports

Yemen's Houthi rebels said they launched on Saturday new drone attacks against the Saudi airports of Jizan and Abha in southwestern Saudi Arabia, the Houthi-run al-Masirah TV reported.

The bomb-laden drones targeted military aircraft hangars and other facilities at the airports, said a Houthi military spokesman in a statement.

Jizan airport:

Abha airport:

(* A K pS)

Four civilians were killed and six others seriously injured in Houthi group shelling at a civilian neighborhood while they were receiving relief assistance in the east of Taiz city (photo)

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, a civilian was injured with Saudi Army's gunshots in Razeh district.

(A K pS)

Houthi snipers kill young man, injure child in Al-Dhale =

(A K pH)

Saudi missile attack hits Saada

(B K pS)

Film: Houthis targeting civilians in Taiz and demands of UN intervention

(B K)

Yemen in Focus: Iraqi militants, not Houthis struck Saudi pipeline

a Wall Street Journal report published earlier this week said US officials believe it was unlikely that Yemen's rebels launched the attacks.

The pipeline lies closer to the Iraqi border than Yemen's, and does not have the same defensive missile systems in place, as there is in the kingdom's southern frontier.

This has led US officials to say they believe the operation was launched by militants in Iraq and not in Yemen, sparking fears that a "second front" has opened for Saudi Arabia.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has spoken to Iraqi officials, urging them to take action

My comment: The author followst he US narrative, which ctually is rather improbable and would fit very wellt o further expand tensons with Iran.

(B K)

On 08.06.19 and 04.04.19 #Houthis claimed a series of attack on #Jizan Airport #Saudi_Arabia . Both strikes are now confirmed and Geolocated. The strike on the UAV shelter apparently was a near miss. Last strike 3 days ago flattened a whole 50x17 meter concrete structure. #GEOINT (images)

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A D)

Film: Art exhibition launches to embody the life of women in war and siege

The Local Authority's Office in Taiz, Southwest Yemen, launched the First Fine Arts Exhibition, under the title "Women of Taiz, a bleeding injured and steadfastness”

(B K P)


Finally, in 2021, the fighting fractions came to an agreement on how to govern the nation. With all infrastructure destroyed and institutions neglected, the United States Security Council (UNSC) agreed on the United States Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 3001 creating the UN Mission for Rebuilding Yemen (UNMRY). The mission’s HQ was in Aden chosen for its symbolic value and its port.

Acknowledging the fragility of the ceasefire agreement between the warrying parties, the UNSC requested NATO to provide the forces for an emergency evacuation of a minimal staff.

My comment: Sounds like horror science fiction, US imperialist type.

(* B D)

Yemen Airports & List of Airports in Yemen - Yemen Airport Codes

All the Airports in Yemen are listed below. For more information about any of these airports click on the airport name. There are 26 Airports in Yemen and this list covers all these 26 Yemen Airports. Find Airport Information with airport to airport distance, airport to city distance, Current Time and Date at airport Yemen etc...

My comment: Which of them is still working?

(* C)

Politics and the Soviet Presence in the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen

Since its independence in 1967, the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY) has posed various challenges to the conservative pro-Western states of the Arabian peninsula, and thus, indirectly, to the United States. This Note describes the evolution of the PDRY's internal political and economic situation and discusses its relations with other states in the region and with the Soviet Union. It also discusses potential changes in the PDRY's relationships with the Soviet Union and with the conservative Arab states and analyzes various U.S. options in relation to the PDRY. The United States can play a background role: U.S. policies that enhance the conservative Arab states' sense of security will contribute to greater rigor in their dealings with the PDRY. In addition to strengthening the PDRY's neighbors, the United States might, in the proper circumstances, consider playing a subsidiary role in the South Arabian detente itself.


British primetime TV host exploits Yemeni crisis for Discovery show

It is understandable that an intrepid journalist would want to lawfully venture into Yemen to cover Saudi-American war crimes and the suffering of ordinary people. However, sneaking into Yemen to garner ratings for a primetime entertainment TV show is utterly absurd and unacceptable. This is precisely what ex-British soldier and self-declared “explorer” Levison Wood recently did along with his crew for a new episode of “Arabia,” a show broadcasted on Discovery UK.



Film: Levison Wood Gets Stuck In Yemen After All Borders Close Undexpectedly | Arabia With Levison Wood

After crossing the border from Oman into Yemen, Levison Wood sets out on his journey across the country but has to rethink when he gets news that all the borders have been closed, and the Yemeni National Intelligence Unit are searching for Levison and the crew.


Film: Never Knew Yemen Could Be Like This | Socotra Island 2019

(* B P)

Arab world turns its back on religion – and its ire on the US

Survey of 25,000 people in Middle East and North Africa also shows 52% of 18- to 29-year-olds are thinking about migrating

The Arab world is turning its back on religion and on US relations, according to the largest public opinion survey ever carried out in the region.

A survey of more than 25,000 people across 10 countries and the Palestinian territories found that trust in religious leaders has plummeted in recent years.

The study, compiled by BBC News Arabic and Arab Barometer, a Princeton University-based research network, also identified a marked rise in the proportion of people describing themselves as “not religious” – from 11% in 2012-2014 to 18% this year.

Just 12% of the countries surveyed – which included Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen – had a positive view of Donald Trump. More than twice as many (28%) felt positively towards Russia’s Vladimir Putin, while Turkey’s Recep Erdogan fared the best (51%).

At least 60% of respondents in eight of the 11 places surveyed said violence against the US was a logical consequence of interference in the region. The sentiment was most pronounced in Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen, where 75% or more of those surveyed were of this view.

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(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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