Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 558A- Yemen War Mosaic 558A

Yemen Press Reader 558A: 24. Juli 2019: USA-Iran-Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf, Iran beschlagnahmt britischen Tanker, gegenseitige Schlacht der Worte – und mehr

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July 24, 2019: US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf. Iran seizes British tanker, mutual battle of words – and more

Dieses Jemenkrieg-Mosaik ist in zwei Teile geteilt / This Yemen War Mosaic is divided in two parts.

Teil 1 / Part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Teil 1 / In Italics: Part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

Die deutschen Mainstreammedien berichten mit mehr oder minder deutlicher propagandistischer Schlagseite. Das zeigen die unten versammelten Beispiele. Ein besonders krasses Beispiel (von “Bild”) schaffte es in cp15 Propaganda. Aber es gibt zum Glück auch Anderes.

(** B P)

Doppelstandards: Journalismusforscher sieht Defizite in der Iran-Berichterstattung

Drohnenabschüsse, obskure Videos von angeblichen Sabotageakten, Tanker-Beschlagnahmungen, wechselseitige Drohungen: Angeblich will keiner einen Krieg am Persischen Golf, aber niemand scheint ihn aufzuhalten. Im Interview kritisiert Journalismusforscher Florian Zollmann die Iran-Berichterstattung. […]

Wie nehmen Sie die Berichterstattung wahr?

Ich sehe, dass westliche Stimmen und Erklärungsmuster in den Nachrichten der Leitmedien überrepräsentiert sind. Das führt dazu, dass die von der US-Regierung aufgebaute Drohkulisse auch in den Medien stark zur Geltung kommt. Und es gibt auch ideologische Annahmen in den Medien. So sprechen Leitmedien wie der „Spiegel“ von einem „USA-Iran-Konflikt“. Das Wort Konflikt deutet auf Zweiseitigkeit hin. Dabei war sich die Staatengemeinschaft im Prinzip einig über die Gültigkeit des 2015 abgeschlossenen Atomabkommen mit dem Iran. Nun hat die Trump-Regierung dieses Abkommen vor etwa einem Jahr einseitig aufgekündigt. Es entspräche also der Faktenlage, die Trump-Regierung als Aggressor zu bezeichnen.

Finden die historischen Hintergründe angemessen Berücksichtigung?

Kaum. Viele Iraner erinnern sich aber daran, wie die USA und Großbritannien 1953 einen Putsch initiierten, der den demokratisch gewählten Premierminister Mohammad Mossadegh stürzte und die Herrschaft des Schahs einleitete.

Wird mit zweierlei Maß gemessen?

Zuweilen schon. Auch auf die folgenden Aspekte wird nur selten hingewiesen: Der Iran hat den Atomwaffensperrvertrag unterzeichnet, dessen Artikel IV Verwendung der Kernenergie für friedliche Zwecke erlaubt. Dennoch wurden dem Iran von den USA weitreichende Sanktionen auferlegt, die der iranischen Bevölkerung enormen Schaden zufügen. Demgegenüber besitzen eine Reihe von Staaten in der Region Atomwaffen: Israel, Indien und Pakistan. Im Gegensatz zum Iranwerden diese Länder nicht öffentlich verurteilt

(* B P)

Iran-Update: Die aktuellen Ereignisse im Persischen Golf und ihre Vorgeschichte

Der Konflikt zwischen dem Iran und dem Westen spitzt sich zu. Da die deutschen Medien wie üblich die Vorgeschichte weglassen, soll hier noch einmal aufgezeigt werden, wie es zu dem aktuellen Konflikt gekommen ist und warum die aktuelle Zuspitzung der Lage zu erwarten war.

Das Problem zwischen London und Teheran ist nun das gleiche, wie zwischen den USA und dem Iran: Nachdem die USA das Atomabkommen gebrochen haben, bieten sie dem Iran nun plötzlich Verhandlungen an, nachdem der Iran partout nicht einknicken will. Die USA scheinen zu verstehen, dass der Iran sich mit Sanktionen nicht einschüchtern lässt und einen Krieg scheint man in Washington zu fürchten. Der Iran aber ist erst zu Verhandlungen bereit, wenn die USA sich wieder an das Atomabkommen halten und die Sanktionen beenden. Diesen Gesichtsverlust will Trump sich nicht erlauben. Damit steckt man in einer Sackgasse.

Gleiches gilt für London. Der Iran will den britischen Tanker erst freigeben, nachdem Großbritannien den iranischen Tanker bei Gibraltar freigeben. Das wäre ein Gesichtsverlust für London.

Man fragt sich wirklich, ob man in Washington und London so dumm war, auf ein schnelles Nachgeben des Iran zu setzen und so in diese Sackgassen geraten ist, oder ob dahinter Kalkül steckt und man den Konflikt künstlich vertiefen will.

Das werden erst die weiteren Entwicklungen zeigen.

Was man aber schon sehen kann ist, wie die sozialen Netzwerke die Politik der anglo-amerikanischen Länder unterstützen. Twitter hat gestern die Accounts von drei iranischen Nachrichtenagenturen gesperrt. Das Netzwerk hat damit gezeigt, dass es sich gerne für die Politik der Anglo-Amerikaner einspannen lässt.

(* B P)

Iran, die Tanker-Krise und die EU-Sanktionen
Die Eskalation am Golf geht weiter. Nach Großbritannien hat nun auch Iran einen Tanker festgesetzt – offenbar als Vergeltung für eine britische Beschlagnahme vor Gibraltar. Und was macht die EU?
Die Europäer solidarisieren sich mit den Briten. Die Situation am Golf sei durch die iranische Aktion “noch ernster und gefährlicher geworden” als ohnehin schon, sagte Außenminister Heiko Maas.
“Es geht darum, Krieg zu verhindern”, betonte der SPD-Politiker.
Wenn er das ernst meint, dann müsste er allerdings auch die Briten ermahnen. Denn die tun seit Wochen alles, um den Konflikt mit Iran anzuheizen – und die EU hineinzuziehen.
Begonnen hat es mit der Beschlagnahme eines iranischen Tankers vor Gibraltar. Angeblich schlugen die Briten zu, weil das Schiff EU-Sanktionen gegen Syrien unterlaufen wollte.
Doch diese EU-Sanktionen gelten nur gegen Syrien – und nicht für andere Länder. Im Gegensatz zu den US-Sanktionen wirken die europäischen nicht “extraterritorial”.
Die Briten können sich also nicht auf EU-Recht berufen, wenn sie den iranischen Tanker festhalten. Wenn die EU-Verantwortlichen dies einmal laut aussprechen würde, wären sie nicht nur glaubwürdiger…

(** B P)

Heimat der Tapferen

Um aus der derzeitigen Eskalationsspirale auszusteigen, müssen wir versuchen, uns in die Lage des Iran hineinzuversetzen.

Immer wieder wurde der Iran zum Opfer kolonialer, imperialistischer Ansprüche des Westens — durch Hungersnöte, Putsche und Sanktionen. Ein Land, das gelernt hat, sich nicht auf andere zu verlassen, weil Versprechen gebrochen, Loyalitäten gewechselt und Abkommen aufgekündigt werden, verlässt sich zwangsläufig immer stärker und selbstbewusster auf sich selbst — und bleibt wahrhaftig „souverän“.

Wenn man etwas aus der modernen Geschichte Irans lernen kann, dann Folgendes: Die Iraner haben gelernt, sich auf sich selbst zu verlassen — und nicht auf die Unterstützung der Großmächte. Zudem hat sich im iranischen Bewusstsein eingeprägt, dass diese Großmächte den Iran jederzeit — wie tatsächlich bereits passiert — verraten werden, um ihre eigenen Interessen zu verfolgen.


Der Iran hat seinen Anteil an dem Schaden, den der Imperialismus der Welt zugefügt hat, abbekommen

Verständliches Misstrauen

Berücksichtigt man diese geschichtlichen Ereignisse und zahlreiche weitere Beispiele, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass der Iran jedem Schritt der USA oder anderer globaler Mächte, vor allem jener mit einer Kolonialherren-Vergangenheit, Misstrauen entgegenbringt. Der JCPOA (Gemeinsamer umfassender Aktionsplan, das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran) hätte wohl einen Wandel in den Beziehungen zum Iran bedeuten können — stattdessen haben sich die Europäer nicht an ihre Abmachungen gehalten und die US-Amerikaner einfach mir nichts, dir nichts das Abkommen aufgekündigt, sobald sich Trump dem Iran zuwandte.

Nicht nur das: Anstatt sich an ihre Versprechen zu halten, versuchen sie sogar noch mehr für sich aus dem Abkommen herauszuholen — sie versprechen, sie hielten sich an ihre Verpflichtungen, wenn nur der Iran zusätzlich zu dem bereits geschlossenen Abkommen noch mehr anböte. Das bedeutet, dass man vom Iran verlangt, weitere Zugeständnisse in seinem Raketenprogramm zu machen — zum Vorteil der arabischen Monarchien am Persischen Golf, bei denen sich gerade ein Trend zu verstärkter Militarisierung abzeichnet.

Was uns zur letzten Runde der Spannungen in der Region bringt.

Angesichts der dargelegten Fakten muss man vor allem verstehen, dass es der Iran mit einer Reihe von Ländern zu tun hat, die in der Vergangenheit die Fakten verdreht und nicht zu ihren Vereinbarungen gestanden haben sowie in den Krieg gezogen sind, um ihre eigenen wirtschaftlichen Interessen auf Kosten anderer durchzusetzen.

Nach solchen geschichtlichen Erfahrungen und in einer derart explosiven Umgebung — in der die USA und ihre Verbündeten erst kürzlich die Nachbarn im Osten und Westen besetzt und Militärbasen errichtet haben —, verwundert es nicht, dass der Iran als stabilstes Land der Region sich zum Selbstschutz eher auf Abschreckung und Verteidigungsfähigkeiten verlässt, anstatt Zugeständnisse zu machen, die seiner Sicherheit schaden könnten. Und dies auch noch an Mächte, deren Wort man erfahrungsgemäß nicht vertrauen kann – von Karim Sharara

(* A B P)

So realistisch ist eine europäische Mission im Persischen Golf

Die Briten wollen zusammen mit anderen Europäern Schiffe im Persischen Golf schützen. Doch für eine solche Mission gibt es einige Hürden. Eine Analyse

Auf der Suche nach Partnern für die Mission sprach Hunt mit seinen Amtskollegen in Frankreich, Deutschland und anderen Staaten. Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) erklärte, Deutschland werde sich mit Großbritannien und Frankreich sehr eng abstimmen. Seit der Aufkündigung des Atomabkommens durch die USA arbeiten die Regierungen in London, Paris und Berlin, die sogenannten E3-Staaten, in der Iran-Politik Seite an Seite und grenzen sich damit vom Kurs der US-Regierung ab.

Wie Hunt betonte auch Maas, man wolle sich der US-Strategie des maximalen Drucks auf den Iran nicht anschließen.

Der Auswärtige Ausschuss des Bundestages wird an diesem Mittwoch zu einer Sondersitzung zusammenkommen.

Dagegen lehnt die Linke eine deutsche Beteiligung grundsätzlich ab. Der außenpolitische Sprecher, Stefan Liebich, sagte im Deutschlandfunk, dies sei kein europäischer Konflikt und Deutschland solle nicht mit hineingezogen werden.

Eine schnelle Entscheidung Deutschlands ist ohnehin kaum möglich. Denn einer Beteiligung der Bundeswehr müsste das Parlament erst zustimmen – von Claudia von Salzen und Christoph von Marschall

(* A P)

Großbritannien kündigt europäische Schutzmission an

Im Konflikt mit dem Iran setzt Großbritannien auf europäische Hilfe. Deutschlands Beteiligung ist offen – Erfahrung hätte die Marine aber.

Nach den Tankervorfällen in der Straße von Hormus will Großbritannien eine von europäischen Ländern angeführte Seeschutzmission in der Region auf den Weg bringen. Dieser angedachte Einsatz solle Schiffe schützen, die durch die für den internationalen Handel wichtige Meerenge fahren, sagte der britische Außenminister Jeremy Hunt am Montag im Unterhaus in London. Diskussionen darüber würden im Laufe der Woche mit anderen Ländern fortgeführt. Hunt äußerte sich nach einer Sitzung des britischen Nationalen Sicherheitsrats (Cobra), an dem auch Premierministerin Theresa May teilnahm.

Ob Deutschland sich beteiligen wird, war zunächst offen.

Der Iran betonte am Montag, die Beschlagnahmung der „Stena Impero“ sei sowohl legal als auch legitim und „keineswegs eine Vergeltungsmaßnahme“. Teheran könne Dokumente vorlegen, dass der Tanker in iranischen Gewässern gewesen und auf der falschen Richtungsspur von Süden in die Straße von Hormus eingefahren sei, sagte Regierungssprecher Ali Rabiei nach Angaben der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur IRNA. Zugleich deutete Rabiei auf seiner Twitter-Seite die Bereitschaft des Irans für eine diplomatische Lösung des Problems an.

Und bei RT:

(B P)

Können die Europäer Teheran mäßigen?

Festgesetzte Tanker und verhaftete „Spione“: Der Iran provoziert, die Europäer sind empört. Doch ihre Mittel sind begrenzt, auf Teheran einzuwirken

Neue Provokationen des Iran nach der Beschlagnahmung des britischen Öltankers „Stena Impero“ erhöhen den Druck auf die europäischen Staaten, einen Ausweg aus der Krise zu finden.

Die britische Regierung beriet am Montag bei einer neuen Sitzung des Sicherheitskabinetts über die Lage und mögliche Reaktionen auf den Vorfall. Dem Verteidigungsministerium zufolge wird eine „Reihe von Optionen“ geprüft. Nach Angaben britischer Medien wird erwogen, Vermögen des iranischen Staates einzufrieren.

Mein Kommentar: Hoher Propagandafaktor. Das typische Mittel hier wie so oft: Die „verkürzte Geschichte“, bei der die Erzählung erst mit dem Punkt beginnt, der das eigene Narrativ begünstigt und bei der entscheidende Sachverhalte einfach weggelassen werden. „Können die Europäer die USA mäßigen“ wäre hier etwa die wichtigere Frage gewesen, die natürlich nicht gestellt wird; denn mit dem Hegemon USA wollen sich die Europäer ja nicht wirklich anlegen.

(* A P)

Iran meldet Zerschlagung eines Spionagerings

Mitten in der internationalen Iran-Krise verkündet die Regierung in Teheran, dass ihr ein Schlag gegen US-Spione gelungen sei. Der US-Präsident dementiert.

Der Iran hat nach eigenen Angaben 17 angebliche CIA-Spione festgenommen. Einige der Männer seien bereits zum Tode verurteilt, meldeten iranische Stellen.

Auch einige europäische und asiatische Länder sollen bei den CIA-Einsätzen gegen den Iran mitgewirkt haben. Mehr Details zu dem Fall sollen demnächst öffentlich gemacht werden, sagte ein Beamter des iranischen Geheimdienstes.

Im staatlichen Fernsehen sagte ein iranischer Offizieller, dass nach Ansicht der staatlichen Stellen US-amerikanische Agenten sensible Sektoren des Iran infiltriert hätten – darunter den Wirtschafts-, Nuklear-, Militär- und Cybersektor. Es handele sich demnach um einen "Spionagering". Die USA haben noch nicht auf diese Behauptung reagiert.

US-Präsident Donald Trump dementierte diese Angaben des iranischen Geheimdienstes. Es handele sich um Lügen und Propaganda

Mein Kommentar: Spionage-Paranoia auf iranischer Seite ist natürlich möglich, andererseits, ganz ehrlich: In welchem Land sind denn tatsächlich KEINE Spione der CIA aktiv?

(A P)

Solidarität mit Großbritannien: Die EU darf den iranischen Angriff nicht straflos hinnehmen

Der Krieg, den Deutschland vermeiden will, ist längst im Gang. Europa muss seine Schiffe und seine Interessen gegen den Iran verteidigen. Ein Kommentar

Was Europa sich gerade gefallen lässt, ist an Absurdität kaum zu überbieten. Der Iran fordert ein EU-Mitglied, Großbritannien, militärisch heraus. Und was macht die EU? Sie tut so, als sei sie nicht gemeint.

Besonders peinliche Rollen spielen gerade der deutsche Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) und die neue deutsche Verteidigungsministerin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU). Sie warnen vor einem Krieg. Und fordern, man müsse alles tun, um eine Eskalation zu verhindern. Selbstverständlich ist dies keine Situation, in der die EU-Staaten den Verteidigungsfall ausrufen und offensive militärische Aktionen gegen das Mullah-Regime einleiten müssen. Das versteht sich von selbst.

Aber reagieren muss die EU und muss Deutschland schon: mit militärischer Defensive und ökonomischem Druck. Also mit Begleitschutz für europäische Schiffe, die durch den Persischen Golf fahren, damit der Iran keine weiteren Schiffe kapern kann; vor zwei Wochen hat Geleitschutz den ersten Versuch Irans, ein britisches Schiff zu kapern, vereitelt.

Und mit Sanktionen gegen den Iran, bis das britische Schiff frei ist – und bis jedes weitere EU-Schiff frei ist, das der Iran womöglich zusätzlich zu kapern gedenkt. Und mit den Sanktionen lässt sich der Iran in seiner schweren Wirtschaftskrise in absehbarer Zeit zum Einlenken bewegen. Die USA machen es gerade vor – von Christoph von Marschall

Mein Kommentar: Krasse Propaganda mit dem Holzhammer – die EU soll also den Konflikt weiter anheizen. Auch hier wird (noch krasser als im letzten Beispiel) mit der Propagandamethode der „verkürzten Geschichte“ gearbeitet. Es ist nun mal so, dass die Briten mit dem Spielchen „Ich beschlagnahme deinen Tanker“ begonnen haben und damit irgendwessen Solidarität weiß Gott nicht verdient haben.

(B P)

Hintergrund der Tankerkrise am Golf: Was der Iran will - und wie der Westen reagiert

Mit der Festsetzung eines britischen Tankers will der Iran Stärke demonstrieren – der Westen gibt sich alarmiert und besonnen.

Europa und die USA werfen den Iranern vor, die ohnehin bereits spannungsgeladene Situation am Golf weiter eskalieren zu lassen. Das ist tatsächlich ein Teil der iranischen Taktik. Teheran will mit Blick auf mögliche Verhandlungen mit dem Westen die eigene Stärke demonstrieren. Es ist ein Spiel mit hohem Risiko.

Seit die USA im Mai die Ölsanktionen gegen Teheran verschärften, um die iranischen Ausfuhren möglichst auf null zu bringen, wird die Lage im Persischen Golf und in der Straße von Hormus immer ungemütlicher. US-Präsident Donald Trump will mit den Sanktionen erreichen, dass der Iran strikteren Auflagen für sein Atomprogramm zustimmt. Teheran reagiert mit Angriffen auf die Schifffahrt im Golf und mit der Verletzung von Bestimmungen des Atomvertrages aus dem Jahr 2015. Mit dem Abkommen soll der Iran am Bau einer Atombombe gehindert werden. Die Beschlagnahmung der „Stena Impero“ ist nur das jüngste Beispiel für Teherans Reaktion auf die verschärfte Gangart Trumps.

Was der Iran will
Mit der Aktion rächte sich der Iran für die Festsetzung eines iranischen Tankers durch die Behörden im britischen Gibraltar. Gleichzeitig warnte Teheran die Briten vor Reaktionen, die zur weiteren Eskalation beitragen könnten. Dazu könnten britische Sanktionen gehören. Zudem wollen die USA eine internationale Marine-Allianz zur Überwachung des Schiffsverkehrs im Golf mit der Möglichkeit der Intervention schaffen.

Die iranischen Provokationen sind kein Selbstzweck. Sie sollen demonstrieren, dass der Iran dort zuschlagen kann, wo es dem Westen wehtut: bei der Ölversorgung. Außenminister Dschawad Sarif bezeichnete den Iran als Wächter über den Golf und die Straße von Hormus.

Mein Kommentar: Und weiter mit hohem Propagandafaktor. Immerhin werden der Aussteieg der USA aus dem Atomabkommen und die britische Kaperaktion vor Gibraltar noch erwähnt, haben aber für den Tenor des Atikels ansonsten keine Bedeutung. Im Gegenteil, es wird behauptet, „der Westen gibt sich besonnen“. Wirklich? Er hat diese ganze Krise schließlich ünberhauptr erst angezettelt und immer weiter hochgesteigert.

(B P)

Eskalation in der Straße von Hormus: Trotz allem eine Chance für die Diplomatie

Der Angriff des Iran auf einen Öltanker wird zur Kriegsgefahr. Es braucht eine Lösung, bei der die beiden Hauptgegner ihr Gesicht wahren können. Ein Kommentar.

Der iranische Angriff auf den britischen Öltanker „Stena Impero“ rückt den Nahen Osten näher an einen Krieg heran. Die USA, bereits mit starken Marine- und Luftwaffenverbänden am Golf vertreten, verstärken ihre Truppenpräsenzweiter. Und doch bietet die gefährliche Lage eine Chance für die Diplomatie.

Sie liegt darin begründet, dass weder Teheran noch Washington einen großen Krieg wollen.

Heute dagegen will Trump die Mullahs nicht stürzen, sondern zu einem Deal zwingen. Wenn er ihn bekommt, sinkt die Kriegsgefahr.

Und der Iran will ein Ende der US-Sanktionen und hat die Zustimmung zu strikteren Atomkontrollen angedeutet. Die Regierung braucht jedoch Zugeständnisse der USA, um einen solchen Schritt innenpolitisch rechtfertigen zu können. Hier können internationale Vermittler wie Frankreich oder Deutschland ansetzen.

Die Kunst der Diplomatie liegt in einer Lösung, bei der beide Seiten das Gesicht wahren können, auch Trump.

Mein Kommentar: Und weiter mit der propagandistischen Einfärbung. Sicher wird niemand bestreiten, dass wir in dieser Krise Diplomatie brauchen. „Der Angriff des Iran auf einen Öltanker wird zur Kriegsgefahr“: Wieder die „verkürzte Geschichte“, die alle westlichen Provokationen – von der Kündigung des Atomabkommens über die US-Sanktionen, das Einknicken der Europäer vor den USA in Sachen Instex, die Verlegung von mehr US-Truppen vor die iranische Haustür, das Kapern eines iranischen Tankers durch die Briten, einfach weggelassen werden. Als habe der Konflikt mit dem Kapern des britischen Tankers durch den Iran begonnen.

(A P)

„Wir müssen den Konflikt in Verhandlungen lösen“

Drei Fragen an und drei Antworten von Jürgen Hardt zur Krise am Persischen Golf

Das Brennpunktthema Iran. Dazu drei Fragen an und drei Antworten von dem außenpolitischen Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Jürgen Hardt.

Das Kalkül der iranischen Führung, mit einer massiven Störung der Weltwirtschaft von den innenpolitischen Schwierigkeiten abzulenken, ist bisher nicht aufgegangen.

Großbritannien verdient als Mitglied der EU und der NATO unsere Solidarität. Deutschland profitiert als Exportnation von freien und sicheren Handelsrouten. Deshalb sollten wir uns offen für den Vorschlag des britischen Außenministers zeigen.

Mein Kommentar: Schräg daneben. Warum sollen auch nur die Medien Propaganda verbreiten?

(A P)

Oman: Krise im Persischen Golf diplomatisch lösen

Der Oman hat in der Krise um den beschlagnahmten Öltanker im Persischen Golf Großbritannien und den Iran zu einer diplomatischen Lösung gedrängt. Man stehe mit mehreren Seiten in Kontakt, um die sichere Fahrt des Schiffs durch die Straße von Hormus zu garantieren, twitterte das omanische Außenministerium am Sonntag.

Die beteiligten Parteien müssten jetzt Zurückhaltung üben.

(* A P)

Großbritannien prüft Maßnahmen gegen den Iran

Die Lage im Golf spitzt sich zu. Der Iran und Großbritannien belauern sich in der Tankerkrise argwöhnisch. Der deutsche Außenminister sieht die Gefahr eines Krieges.

Der Iran muss in der Tankerkrise mit britischen Strafmaßnahmen rechnen. Die Regierung prüft nach den Angaben von Verteidigungsstaatssekretär Tobias Ellwood eine «Reihe von Optionen» und will diese am Montag bekanntmachen.

Seit die iranischen Revolutionsgarden einen Ölfrachter unter britischer Flagge in ihrer Gewalt haben, schaukelt sich der Konflikt hoch. US-Präsident Donald Trump will sich eng mit Großbritannien abstimmen und schickt zur Abschreckung Soldaten nach Saudi-Arabien. Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) befürchtet den Ausbruch eines Krieges in der Region.

Die Krise trifft Großbritannien in innenpolitisch turbulenten Zeiten angesichts des ungelösten Brexits und des Rücktritts der konservativen Regierungschefin Theresa May. Vermutlich der in der eigenen Partei umstrittene frühere britische Außenminister Boris Johnson übernimmt am kommenden Mittwoch Mays Posten.

Der iranische Botschafter in Großbritannien, Hamid Baeidinedschad, schrieb am Sonntag beim Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter, es gebe politische Kreise in London, die Spannungen jenseits des Tankerstreits wollten. Dies sei gefährlich und unklug. «Der Iran bleibt jedoch entschlossen und ist auf alle möglichen Szenarien vorbereitet», so der Diplomat.

Da der Tanker in den Gewässern des Omans gestoppt worden sei, sprach die britische Verteidigungsministerin Penny Mordaunt von einer «feindlichen Handlung». Ihr Kabinettskollege, Außenminister Jeremy Hunt, schrieb auf Twitter davon, dass der Iran einen «gefährlichen Weg des illegalen und destabilisierenden Verhaltens» beschreite. Dem Sender Sky News sagte Hunt: «Wir sind absolut deutlich, dass es sehr ernste Konsequenzen geben wird, wenn diese Situation nicht schnell gelöst wird.» Militärische Vergeltung schloss Hunt erst einmal aus.

Der Oman drängt Großbritannien und den Iran zu einer diplomatischen Lösung. = =

Mein Kommentar: Nein, die Lage schaukelt sich nicht erst hoch, nachdem Iran den britischen Tanker geentert hat. Die Briten waren vorher dran mit dem Spielchen: „Ich beschlagnahme euren Tanker“.

(* B P)

Iran und die USA – Das gefährliche Spiel mit dem Feuer

Der Iran-Konflikt spitzt sich immer weiter zu. Die USA und der Iran reizen die jeweils andere Seite mit massiven Fehleinschätzungen.

Der Krieg der Worte zwischen den USA und dem Iran tobt ohnehin bereits seit geraumer Zeit. Einstweilen scheuen beide Länder vor einem militärischen Schlagabtausch zurück. Sie setzen der jeweils anderen Seite mit Nadelstichen zu – doch alles unterhalb der Schwelle einer direkten Konfrontation.

Sowohl Washington als auch Teheran tragen ihren Konflikt auf kleiner Flamme aus. Beide glauben, die Eskalation nach Belieben hoch- oder herunterschrauben zu können. Sie sind davon überzeugt, eine mächtige Drohkulisse zu haben. Beide könnten sich in ihrem Kalkül verschätzen.

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat sich in seine „Strategie des maximalen Drucks“ verbissen.

Diese Rechnung könnte sich als Fehlkalkulation erweisen. Zwar wirken die Strafmaßnahmen der Amerikaner. Die Menschen im Iran leiden unter den galoppierenden Preisen – die Inflation liegt bei 50 Prozent. Das Wachstum wird dieses Jahr nach Schätzungen um sechs Prozent einbrechen. Doch die Bevölkerung ist an schmerzvolle Entbehrung gewöhnt. Mangel, Elend und Zerstörung haben während des Ersten Golfkriegs zwischen dem Iran und dem Irak 1980 bis 1988 nicht zum Zusammenbruch der Regierung geführt.

Auch blutet die iranische Wirtschaft infolge der US-Sanktionen keineswegs aus. Es gibt Schlupflöcher des Handels – etwa über die Türkei, den Irak oder Pakistan.

Doch auch der Iran könnte sich am großen geopolitischen Schachbrett verspekulieren. Teheran will vor allem die europäischen Unterzeichnerstaaten des Atomvertrags – Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien – unter Druck setzen.

Der Iran will die Europäer durch den Angst-Hebel dazu bringen, die US-Sanktionen auszugleichen. Es ist ein Spiel mit dem Feuer, das genau das Gegenteil bewirken könnte.

Die USAund der Iran reizen die jeweils andere Seite mit massiven Fehleinschätzungen. Sie manövrieren sich in eine Frontstellung, aus der es kaum noch einen Ausweg gibt. Damit steigt die Gefahr einer Konfrontation, die nicht mehr auf kleiner Flamme zu halten wäre. =

(* B P)

Die Iran-Krise erklärt: So gefährlich ist der Golf-Konflikt

Immer wieder Zwischenfälle im Persischen Golf. Warum hat sich die Lage so zugespitzt? Und was bedeutet das? Die wichtigsten Infos.

Wie gefährlich ist der Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran? Wie bedrohlich ist der Tanker-Krieg? Die Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen.

Mein Kommentar: Ein Überblicksartikel – mit Propaganda, zumindest propagandistischer Verkürzung: „Wann hat die Eskalation begonnen? Am 8. Mai, dem ersten Jahrestag des US-Ausstiegs aus dem internationalen Atomabkommen, droht der Iran den restlichen Unterzeichnerstaaten.“ Nein, die Eskalation hat mit dem Ausstieg der USA aus dem Atomabkommen begonnen.

(* A P)

Briten sprechen von "feindlicher Handlung" des Iran

Nachdem der Iran einen britischen Tanker gestoppt hat, spitzt sich die Situation im Persischen Golf immer weiter zu. Nun gibt es Berichte, dass sich das Schiff gar nicht in iranischen Gewässern befunden haben soll.

Der vom Iran festgesetzte britische Öltanker ist nach einem Bericht des Nachrichtensenders Sky News in den Gewässern des Omans gestoppt worden. Die britische Verteidigungsministerin Penny Mordaunt habe den Vorfall daher als "feindliche Handlung" eingestuft, berichtete Sky News weiter. Ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums wollte den Bericht auf Anfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur am Samstag nicht kommentieren.

Derweil hat hat die britische Regierung den Geschäftsträger des Iran in London einbestellt. Das teilte das Außenministerium in London mit.

Mein Kommentar: Was für eine Heuchelei. Es waren die Briten, die das Spielchen „Ich kapere deinen Tanker“ angefangen haben.

(* A P)

Iran stoppt Tanker – US-Militär will Soldaten in die Region schicken

Der Konflikt am Golf verschärft sich: Der Iran hat kurz nacheinander zwei Öltanker in der Straße von Hormus gestoppt. Die USA wollen erstmals seit 2003 wieder Soldaten in Saudi-Arabien stationieren.

Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden (IRGC) haben am Freitag gleich zwei britische Öltanker in der Straße von Hormus am Persischen Golf gestoppt. Nach dem Tanker "Stena Impero" beschlagnahmte der Iran laut britischer Regierung einen zweiten Tanker. Berichten zufolge handelt es sich um den Tanker "Mesdar". Inzwischen hat dessen Reederei "Norbulk Shipping UK" gemeldet, dass das Schiff aber wieder freigegeben wurde.

Die "Stena Impero" gehört der schwedischen Firma Stena Bulk, fährt aber unter britischer Flagge. Der britische Außenminister Jeremy Hunt drohte mit "sehr ernsten Konsequenzen", wenn diese Situation nicht schnell gelöst werde. Militärische Optionen würden nicht erwogen. "Wir halten nach einem diplomatischen Weg Ausschau, um diese Situation zu lösen", sagte Hunt dem britischen Nachrichtensender SkyNews am Freitagabend. In London trat nach Medienberichten der Nationale Sicherheitsrat (Cobra) zu Beratungen zusammen.

Auch die USA verurteilten das Vorgehen des Iran scharf. Washington kündigte an, die US-Militärpräsenz in der Golfregion weiter zu verstärken.

Die "Stena Impero" sei in Richtung Küste gebracht worden, um die notwendigen rechtlichen Prozesse zu durchlaufen, berichtete der iranische Auslandssender Press TV. Der Tanker soll nach iranischen Angaben angeblich sein GPS ausgeschaltet haben und vom südlichen Teil der Straße von Hormus eingefahren sein, der nur für den Ausgang der Schiffe vorgesehen ist. So habe er eine Kollision mit anderen Schiffen riskiert. Außerdem soll der Tanker auch umweltschädigende Materialien am Bord haben, die derzeit von der Umweltbehörde untersucht würden.

(* A P)

Saudi-Arabien kündigt Stationierung von US-Soldaten an

Saudi-Arabien hat die Stationierung von US-Soldaten in dem Königreich angekündigt. König Salman habe einem solchen Schritt zugestimmt.

Washington und Riad seien darum bemüht, ihre Zusammenarbeit «zur Verteidigung der Sicherheit und der Stabilität in der Region zu verstärken».

Zuvor hatten US-Medien bereits berichtet: Die Regierung von US-Präsident Donald Trumpplane die Entsendung von bis zu 500 US-Soldaten nach Saudi-Arabien. Der Schritt diene einerseits als zusätzliche Abschreckungsmassname. Aber auch dazu, die Streitkräfte und Interessen der USA in der Region vor Bedrohungen zu schützen.

Zuletzt waren US-Truppen in Saudi-Arabien im Jahr 2003 stationiert gewesen

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Iran-Konflikt: Ist eine Drohne einen Krieg wert?

Die Sorge vor einem bewaffneten Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran nimmt seit dem Ausstieg von US-Präsident Donald Trump aus dem Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) zu. Josef Braml von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik sagte im Deutschlandfunk: „Die Zeichen zeigen auf Krieg. Es ist wahrscheinlich nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis dann ein neuer Zwischenfall das Ganze zum Explodieren bringt.“[1] Ein Zwischenfall, bei dem es so schien, als könnte er dieser Eskalationsfunke sein, war der Abschuss einer US-Spionagedrohne über der Straße von Hormus am 20. Juni 2019. Eine sogenannte „kinetische“ Reaktion – sprich eine Bombardierung des Iran – befand sich zwar schon in Umsetzung, wurde jedoch letztlich nicht durchgeführt. Doch das US-Cyber-Kommando (USCYBERCOM) des Pentagon ging gegen das ballistische Raketenprogramm des Irans vor. (…)

Hier sorgte der Abschuss der Drohne beinahe für eine solche Eskalation. Diese konnte dieses Mal noch durch einen Präsidenten, der die jetzige Krise selbst produziert und weiter mit Benzin (Sanktionen und Rhetorik) übergossen hat, entschärft werden. Er nahm diesen Vorfall nicht als Anlass, mit einer Bombardierung zu agieren, gegen den Rat seiner engsten BeraterInnen.

Bei weiteren Vorfällen, wie einer Beeinträchtigung der Lieferketten des Schmiermittels der Weltwirtschaft oder einem Abschuss von bemannten Militärflugzeugen oder Aktionen gegen amerikanische Kriegsschiffe in der Region, wird Trump durch den Druck in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung kaum mehr in der Lage und vermutlich auch selbst nicht Willens sein, auf Militärschläge zu verzichten.
So bleibt die Situation weiter extrem angespannt.

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Dieses iranische Video soll Drohnen-Abschuss widerlegen

Haben die USA eine iranische Drohne abgeschossen oder nicht? Die USA sagen: Ja. Der Iran behauptet: Es fehlt keine Drohne. Ein neues Video aus Teheran soll das beweisen – wirft aber Fragen auf.

Der Iran will mit einer Video-Aufnahme Berichte der USA über den Abschuss einer seiner Drohnen widerlegen. Die von den Revolutionsgarden im staatlichen Fernsehen veröffentlichten Aufnahmen zeigen Kriegsschiffe, die aus der Luft gefilmt wurden. (Das Video sehen Sie oben.)

Der Staatssender behauptet, der Zeitstempel belege, dass die Bilder nach dem angeblichen Abschuss entstanden seien. Inwiefern die Aufnahmen beweisen können, dass nicht vorher eine andere Drohne abgeschossen wurde, ist jedoch unklar.

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KRISE IM PERSISCHEN GOLF: „Das Vorspiel ist im vollen Gange“ (nur im Abo)

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

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'The Bolton Gambit Succeeded': Critics Warn Top Trump Adviser Has Put UK on Path to War With Iran

"By threatening Iran with 'serious consequences,' without knowing what that may entail, Britain blindly dances to the beat of [U.S. national security adviser John] Bolton's war drums."

With the United Kingdom and Iran in the midst of a tense and dangerous standoff after the tit-for-tat seizure of oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, international observers are warning that the British government has fallen into a trap set by hawkish U.S. national security adviser John Bolton that could lead to a devastating military conflict.

After British commandos earlier this month swarmed and detained Iran's Grace 1 oil supertanker in waters east of Gibraltar, Bolton applauded the move as "excellent news" and said "America and our allies will continue to prevent regimes in Tehran and Damascus from profiting off this illicit trade."

Simon Tisdall, foreign affairs editor and commentator for The Guardian, wrote over the weekend that "Bolton's delighted reaction suggested the seizure was a surprise."

"But accumulating evidence suggests the opposite is true, and that Bolton's national security team was directly involved in manufacturing the Gibraltar incident," wrote Tisdall. "The suspicion is that Conservative politicians, distracted by picking a new prime minister, jockeying for power, and preoccupied with Brexit, stumbled into an American trap."

Shortly after British forces seized Grace 1, Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said the U.K.'s capture of the tanker was carried out under orders from the United States.

Tisdall pointed to a story last week by Spanish newspaper El Pais, which reported that the Iranian tanker "had been under surveillance by U.S. satellites since April."

"Although Spanish officials, speaking after the event, said they would have intercepted the ship 'if we had had the information and the opportunity,' Spain took no action at the time," Tisdall wrote. "But Bolton, in any case, was not relying on Madrid. The U.S. had already tipped off Britain. On 4 July, after Grace 1 entered British-Gibraltar territorial waters, the fateful order was issued in London—it is not known by whom—and 30 marines stormed aboard."

The U.K.'s seizure of Grace 1—denounced by the Iranian government as an act of "maritime piracy"—led Iran to counter on Friday by capturing a British tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, ratcheting up tensions in the Persian Gulf and prompting the British government to warn of "serious consequences" if the tanker was not released.

The perilous standoff, Tisdall argued, is precisely the outcome Bolton was seeking.

"The Bolton gambit succeeded," Tisdall wrote. "Despite its misgivings, Britain has been co-opted on to the front line of Washington's confrontation with Iran. The process of polarization, on both sides, is accelerating. The nuclear deal is closer to total collapse. And by threatening Iran with 'serious consequences,' without knowing what that may entail, Britain blindly dances to the beat of Bolton's war drums."

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif offered a similar assessment in a series of tweets on Sunday – by Jake Johnson =

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Iran has intercontinental drones, will use them if necessary: Navy chief

Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi says Iran is in possession of intercontinental drones and will definitely put them to use if the need for a long-haul mission arises.

Elaborating on Iran’s drone capabilities in an interview with the Young Journalists Club (YJC) published on Tuesday, Khanzadi said the country monitors American ships in the Persian Gulf and has “complete images and a large archive of the daily and moment-by-moment movements” of the vessels belonging to the US and its allies.

“We can bravely declare that we observe all enemy ships, particularly Americans, point-by-point from their origin until the moment they enter the region,” he said, adding that Iran’s Armed Forces also possess information about the type of their missions and their conduct in the region.

Khanzadi also complained that enemy ships create “severe insecurity” by “aimless sailing and hypocritical behavior” in the region.

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Russia Counters US Proposal for Mideast Maritime Coalition

Russia expresses unease and confusion over a proposal made by the United States for the establishment of a so-called maritime security coalition to patrol the Middle East region’s waterways.

“It is absolutely unclear to me what our American colleagues suggest,” Russian Special Presidential Envoy for the Middle East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov was quoted by the ITAR-TASS news agency as saying on Tuesday.

The United States has not contacted Russia concerning the initiative, he noted, saying, “They usually contact us and explain what they want, putting forward some ideas.”

Russia has its ‘own concept’

“We promote our own concept of collective security for the Persian Gulf area. We will publish it again today,” Bogdanov said.

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Saudi Arabia urges global community to deter maritime trade disruptions

Saudi Arabia’s cabinet said on Tuesday that Iran’s interception of commercial vessels in Gulf waters, including its seizure of a British tanker, violated international law and must be prevented.

The Saudi remarks came after Britain called on Monday for a European-led naval mission to ensure safe shipping through the Straight of Hormuz, the world’s most important oil artery.

“Any disruption of the freedom of international maritime traffic is considered a violation of international law and the international community must do what is necessary to reject it and deter it,” the Saudi cabinet said in a statement carried on state media.

My comment: They simply “forget” who had started this “I seize your tanker” game.

(* B P)

Film: I went on @NewsmaxTV's @liquidlunchtv and discussed how Trump has sought to provoke war with Iran: - Pulling out of the Iran Deal - Reimposing sanctions - Flying drones in their airspace - Sending troops to the region - Selling nuclear material to Saudi Arabia - Tweeting threats

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Maritime security in the Gulf: UK government response

This page sets out the government's initial response, during June and July 2019, to growing tensions following the impounding of tankers by Iran in the Gulf.

Stena Impero seized in the Strait of Hormuz

On 19 July Iranian authorities seized the British-flagged vessel, Stena Impero, in Omani waters in clear contravention of international law. Following a ministerial COBR meeting on 20 July, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt gave astatement on iranian actions in the Strait of Hormuz.

The UK Mission to the United Nations in New York, on behalf of the UK government, sent a letter to the President of the United Nations Security Council setting out the facts about the incident.

On 21 July the Foreign Secretary called the French and German foreign ministers. Both agreed with the Foreign Secretary that safe passage through the Strait of Hormuz is a top priority for European nations, while avoiding escalation in the region.

On 22 July the Foreign Secretary underlined further action to protect freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz. This includes seeking to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to support safe passage of both crew and cargo in this vital region.

My comment: The viewpoint of the British government. Propaganda level: Very high. Note the propaganda wording difference: While Iran had „seized“ a British tanker, the British just had „detained“ an Iranian tanker. LOL.

Remark by Elisabeth Kendall: Here's the link to all official UK government responses to tensions with #Iran in June/July. Important new points: -UK seeks Europe-led protection force & distances itself from US Iran policy -UK-flagged ships advised to avoid #StraitOfHormuz entirely

(A P)

Iran warns against ‘starting a conflict’ amid UK tensions

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif issues a stern caution against any attempts at starting a conflict with the country, which is not seeking one, reminding that the Islamic Republic’s recent seizure of a British-flagged tanker did not come as an act of “retaliation.”

Zarif made the remarks to reporters in Nicaragua, where he has traveled to as part of a tour of Latin America after a United Nations’ meeting in New York.

"Starting a conflict is easy, ending it would be impossible," he said after meeting with his Nicaraguan counterpart Denis Moncada.

"It's important for everybody to realize, it's important for Boris Johnson to understand, that Iran does not seek confrontation," he said, referring to the front-runner to become Britain's new prime minister.

"Iran wants to have normal relations based on mutual respect," he added (with film)

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US troops return to Saudi Arabia after 16 years

American troops are coming back 16 years after they left Saudi Arabia, King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud announced on Saturday.

In 2003 the Americans left, to the great relief of King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. Operation Southern Watch was over and Saddam Hussein was gone. The sore point of foreign troops inside the conservative country was removed.

Bringing the Americans back now underscores how deeply concerned the king is about the regional situation. The American violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action last year, a move Riyadh encouraged, has set Washington and Tehran on a collision course. Iran cannot allow its oil exports to be curbed by sanctions. The government-controlled Saudi press has openly called for American military action in response to Iranian attacks on oil tankers.

Meanwhile the Saudi war in Yemen, the crown prince’s signature policy, is an ever more expensive quagmire

The new deployment makes the United States a direct combatant in the Yemen war if Patriot missiles there are used to defend against Houthi attacks. The risk of miscalculation and escalating violence is growing. The crown prince may even believe that he can escape from the toxic consequences of his reckless behavior through a bigger crisis, even a regional conflict. We need cooler heads to prevail – by Bruce Riedel

(A K P)

VIDEO: DEFENSE THROUGH STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP | The #US is working closely with #SaudiArabia to build defensive capability at Prince Sultan Air Base (PSAB).

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Iran dismantles CIA spy network: Ministry

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry says it has identified and destroyed an integrated network of operatives serving the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) inside the country.

The Ministry’s director-general for counterintelligence said Monday that Iran captured 17 professional spies working on behalf of the CIA throughout last year and some of those arrested had been handed death sentences, according to the Fars news agency.

"The identified spies were employed in sensitive and vital private sector centers in the economic, nuclear, infrastructural, military and cyber areas... where they collected classified information," the unnamed official said in a statement.

The official said that the suspects were operating in key organizations and institutions mainly in the private sector.

He noted that the CIA had recruited the individuals by mainly contacting them over the internet. Other tactics included issuing or renewing US visas, hiring Iranian specialists, providing necessary equipment and access to certain participants in scientific events abroad, sending emails and messaging through social.

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If Iran Deploys Missiles in Iraq: U.S.-Israeli Response Options

If Iran duplicates its formula from Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen by sending long-range missiles to Iraq, then future conflicts with Israel would likely include military action on Iraqi soil.

Iran’s long-range rockets and missiles allow it to threaten enemy forces and populations hundreds of kilometers away, while proxy warfare enables it to indirectly harass and deter these enemies with minimal risk of confrontation on Iranian territory. In recent years, Tehran has combined these strategies to great effect in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. There are signs that Iraq may be the next theater for this approach—signs that were evident well before the latest U.S. military deployments to the region and meetings with Iraqi leaders. If so, such a scenario would threaten Iraq’s hopes for a peaceful future and its relations with the United States.


Washington and Baghdad need to make sure that Iran does not develop the capability to covertly move missiles into Iraq. Such deliveries would violate UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which bars “the supply, sale, or transfer of arms and related materiel from Iran.”

For its part, Israel is no doubt considering whether it should approach this potential threat following its older Lebanese mindset (i.e., do little until war) or its newer Syrian model (strike early before the missile threat develops into a formidable deterrent). Either approach would spell trouble for the United States and Iraq, so both governments should take steps to spare Israel from making the choice in the first place.

My comment: Very high propaganda rate here. – And keep in mind that the US actually has no more or no less business in Iraq than Iran or any other country.

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Is Trump setting the US up for further al-Qaeda attacks by putting Troops in Saudi Arabia?

Apparently everyone has forgotten that al-Qaeda made hay over the US military presence in Saudi Arabia. That country includes the twin holy cities of Mecca and Medina, and traditionalist Muslims believe that the second commander of the faithful, `Umar ibn al-Khattab, forbade non-Muslims to live in the holy land.

Usama Bin Laden characterized the US military presence in Saudi Arabia, the monarch of which is the “Guardian of the Two Holy Shrines,” as a military occupation by foreign Christians and Jews (“crusaders and Zionists”) of the Muslim holy land. Al-Qaeda used this allegation as a recruiting tool, and Bin Laden gave it as one of three major motivations for the September 11, 2001, attacks (the others were the sanctions on Iraq that killed thousands of children and the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem).

The impetus for the return of US troops to Prince Sultan Airbase in Saudi Arabia is the renewed tensions with Iran, which Trump caused by breaching the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran.

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman may also have lobbied for this move because Riyadh put Qatar under blockade, and feels at a disadvantage in this struggle because the US base al-Udeid makes Washington tilt toward Doha. But the US should be telling King Salman to make nice with Qatar; it shouldn’t be enabling his blockade by coddling Riyadh.

But it is a very, very bad idea.

First, al-Qaeda and kindred movements such as ISIL have not gone away. They will use this move very effectively for propaganda and for radicalization.

Second, Saudi Arabia in 2015 launched a massive and debilitating air war on little Yemen, in which Riyadh is still embroiled. The Houthis who control northern Yemen have managed to get hold of silkworm missiles and have occasionally struck substantially inside Saudi Arabia. The US is inserting itself further into this struggle, and Prince Sultan base could be targeted by the Houthis, though their technology and resources are limited.

Third, given the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, it is very bad optics for the US to be opening a base in Saudi Arabia – by Juan Cole

(A P)

Kuwait deeply concerned by escalating regional developments

The international community was called on to accelerate diplomacy efforts to contain these tensions and ensure all parties are committed to exercising restraint and respecting international maritime law

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Russia says Iran's tanker seizure arguments more convincing than UK's

Russia says Iran's arguments for its recent seizure of a UK-flagged oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz were more convincing than those of London.

"Arguments cited by the Iranian side to explain its actions are much more convincing than vague references to the European Union’s sanction law that were used by the Gibraltar authorities with the United Kingdom’s backing at the moment of the arrest of a Panama-flagged tanker carrying Iranian oil," said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.

"Iran’s arguments are much more right than those of Gibraltar and London who are indulging in piracy," he went on to say. "Iran is taking care of the ecology in the Strait of Hormuz."

(A P)

Iranian ambassador warns UK against further provocation

Iran’s ambassador to the United Kingdom has warned London against further provocation, as reports emerge that the British government is considering freezing Iranian assets and may take other measures as well in a standoff between the two countries over the mutual seizure of tankers.

“UK government should contain those domestic political forces who want to escalate existing tension between Iran and the UK well beyond the issue of ships,” Hamid Baeidinejad tweeted on Sunday. “This is quite dangerous and unwise at a sensitive time in the region.”

He added, however, that Iran “is firm and ready for different scenarios.” (with film)


(A P)

Film: Iran Ambassador says UK raising tensions would be ‘dangerous and unwise’

(A P)

Film: U.K. warship warned Iranian military against seizing tanker in recording

A recording has surfaced of radio messages between an Iranian military commander and a U.K. warship just minutes before the capture of a British tanker in the Persian Gulf.

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Iran thanks Saudi Arabia for release of its oil tanker Happiness 1: Fars

Iran said on Sunday it appreciated Saudi Arabia’s efforts in the return of an Iranian ship that had docked at Jeddah port because of technical problems in May, the semi-official Fars news agency quoted a Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying.

(A P)

Saudi minister says Iran's actions are unacceptable

Saudi Arabia’s minister of state for foreign affairs on Sunday condemned Iran’s seizure of a British flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz and urged the international community to take action to deter such “unacceptable” behavior.

“Any attack on the freedom of navigation is a violation of international law,” Adel Aljubeir said in a Twitter post.

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Film: Trump’s Iran Treaty Withdrawal and Sanctions Based on Lies, but War Could Be a Reality

Khury Petersen-Smith outlines how Trump’s untruths and policies are making America the aggressor, not Iran, and how American media from the New York Times to Fox News are falling for his rhetoric.

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Iran is becoming a drone superpower

Iran is quietly building up an arsenal of locally-produced drones that it is exporting to its allies in the region and testing against enemies in Iraq, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Iranian drone threat is not confined to waters off Iran’s coast, or to neighboring states. It is becoming a regional threat against U.S. allies. Iran’s allies, from the Houthi rebels in Yemen to Hezbollah in Lebanon, are benefiting from Iran’s technical drone know-how. For example, the U.S. believes that a drone attack on Saudi oil facilities was launched by pro-Iranian groups in Iraq in May.

Taken as a whole, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, using drone technology from Tehran, represent a major stepping stone for Iran in its ability to threaten the U.S. and its allies. Iran’s drone technology also appears to be growing more sophisticated. Since the 1980s, Iran sought to build up a force of locally produced drones.

Not all of Iran’s claims to build super long-range and stealth drones are accurate, but Tehran’s bragging is not a reason to scoff at its abilities.

Iran wants to show off its drones, at home and abroad, to show it can get around U.S. sanctions and continue to develop this military capability.

In any future conflict with Iran that might involve the U.S. and its allies against Iran and its proxies, the drone threat will need to be addressed – by Seth J. Frantzman =

My comment: A high propaganda factor here., describing Iran as the troublemaker in the region. There is no great Iranian influence on the Houthis, nor a great material support. – Iran actually does not threaten the US: Iranian military is 7,000 miles away from the US territory.

(* B P)


Today, despite the existential battle between Iran and the US, the “Islamic Republic” no longer uses religious slogans, but is instead rallying support on a national basis. Even Iranians who disagree with the present regime are supporting their country in the face of the aggressive posture of the US. Iranian pragmatists were disappointed by the US’s unlawful revocation of the JCPOA nuclear deal. Severe sanctions are being imposed on the Iranian people because Trump ditched the deal to please Netanyahu and to spite his predecessor Obama. In the face of these sanctions, the Islamic Republic refuses to bow to US dictates. Unlike other Middle Eastern countries who willingly submit to Trump’s blackmail and bullying, Iran says “NO” to the superpower. Why? How can Iran do what Saudi Arabia and other regional powers could do but will not?

Iran manufactures its own tanks, missiles,submarines and is a member of the global club of nuclear science capable countries.

Iran has strong allies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Yemen and can rely on them to take part in any war imposed on Tehran, even one imposed by the US.

Iran has democratically elected members of the parliament and a President who serves a four-year mandate and has the right for a single term renewal if he wins via the ballot, unlike Arab states who have presidents for life or inherited monarchies. Christians and Jews are recognised minorities in Iran; the Jews have a member of the Parliament, Siamak Moreh, and feel “safe and respected”. They number around 15,000 out of 85 million Iranians and have more than 25 synagogues.

Iran has faced US sanctions for over 40 years without bowing to US demands. I

Trump admits that he understands only “the language of figures and money”. Iran’s response to the US blackmail strategy embodies the perception that this world only respects and understands those who manifest strength and refuse to submit to coercion, and its conscience is only awakened by those who have the will to resist – ba Elijah J. Magnier =

(* B P)

'Horrific for all': Pentagon intelligence chief says Iran does not want war

As tensions in the Persian Gulf continued to ramp up on Friday afternoon amid news that Iran had seized a British oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Army Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, concluded that Iran does not want to start a war with the U.S. or its allies.

Answering a question posed by CNN national security correspondent Jim Sciutto in Aspen, Colo., about the latest incident, Ashley declined to give a specific response to the news, but later said that none of the United States’ major adversaries or competitors, including Iran, China and Russia, wants to start a war. “The outcome would be very horrific for all,” he said.

Speaking at the annual Aspen Security Forum, Ashley interpreted recent Iranian aggression within the last six weeks, including allegations that the IRGC used limpet mines to attack ships in the strait and downing a U.S. spy drone in international waters, as a response to the pressure Iran is under from multiple angles including harsh economic sanctions and diplomatic force. “I see Iran at an inflection point,” he continued. “What you see is an attempt to break that status quo,” he said.

(A P)

Panama says withdrawing flag from tanker towed to Iran, cites violations

Panama’s maritime authority said on Saturday it had begun the process of withdrawing the registration of an oil tanker called MT Riah, which was towed to Iran after it disappeared from ship tracking maps in the Strait of Hormuz on July 14.

(A P)

General Suleimani: Lack of Wise Leadership behind US Defeat in Middle East

Commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Qasem Suleimani considered that the lack of a wise leadership in Washington is behind the US defeat in the Middle East.

(A P)

Sayyed Nasrallah: Any Military Aggression Against Iran Will Drag Entire Mideast into Chaos

The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has warned the US that any military aggression against Iran will drag the entire Middle East into disarray, stressing that Washington will definitely not be the one who determines the end of such a scenario.

(A P)

Iranian ship repaired in Saudi Arabia heads back to Iran

An Iranian ship which had gone to Jeddah port in Saudi Arabia because of technical problems in May is heading back to Iran,

(A P)

Saudi Arabia says evacuated crew member of Iranian ship sent to Oman: SPA

Saudi Arabia said on Saturday it had sent a crew member of an Iranian ship who was previously evacuated for medical reasons from a vessel off the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, to Oman.

(A P)

Yemen condemns Iranian seizure of British tanker

Bahrain Condemns Iran's Detention of UK Oil Tanker in Strait of Hormuz

EU Express Concern over Iranian Detention of two Ships, in the Gulf

Germany Calls on Iran to Immediately Release UK Oil Tanker

France Expresses Concern Over Iranian Detention of British Tanker

My comment: By Saudi vassals, this had to be expected. – Western reactions are ridiculous, as you must compare them tot he reactions on the British seizure of an Iranian tanker. – At least, note the difference between „condemn“ and „concern“ here.

(* A P)

Iran Releases Footage of Seized UK-Flagged Oil Tanker in Strait of Hormuz

Iran has released footage of a British-flagged oil tanker which was impounded in the Strait of Hormuz after it ignored distress calls.

The footage shows Iranian speedboats cruising near Stena Impero tanker as a military helicopter is flying over the vessel.

An Iranian marine could be heard communicating with the command center in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas.

Masked Iranian commandos then rappelled onto the deck of the tanker from the helicopter. The name of the ship can be seen in the video (with film)

Film also here:


(* A P)

Video released by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards shows speedboats pulling up alongside a seized British-flagged oil tanker. Troops wearing ski masks and carrying machine guns rappelled onto the Stena Impero’s deck from a helicopter. The ship, with its 23-strong crew, has been taken to Bandar Abbas, one of the country’s main military ports [longer video] =

and this seems to be a longer version:

More videos:


(** A P)

UK tanker hit Iranian boat, ignored its distress call before capture: Iran

Iranian authorities say the British oil tanker seized in the Strait of Hormuz was involved in an accident with an Iranian fishing boat and ignored its distress call before capture.

Allah-Morad Afifipoor, head of Ports and Maritime Organization in southern Hormozgan Province, said on Saturday that the 30,000-tonne UK-flagged Stena Impero tanker had "collided with a fishing boat on its route and, according to law, after an accident it is necessary that the causes are investigated."

Following the collision, those on board the fishing boat "contacted the British vessel but didn't receive any response," so they informed the Hormozgan maritime organization "according to the legal procedures," he added.

Afifipoor also noted that the tanker had been taken to Bandar Abbas port, where it and its crew will remain while a probe is carried out into the British vessel’s conduct.

The tanker was not carrying any cargo, he said, adding the crew members of the ship may be interviewed on technical matters.

"The investigation into the cause of the accident has been started today," he said. “All its 23 crew members will remain on the ship until the probe is over."

"If necessary, and at the request of judicial authorities, the crew may be summoned for technical and specialist interviews," Afifpoor added.


(* A P)

Iran’s seizure of UK tanker aimed at upholding intl. maritime rules: Zarif

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has defended Iran’s recent measure to confiscate a British-flagged oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, saying the move aimed to "uphold international maritime rules."

In a tweet on Saturday, Zarif emphasized that “it is Iran that guarantees the security of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.”

“Unlike the piracy in the Strait of Gibraltar, our action in the Persian Gulf is to uphold int'l maritime rules,” Zarif tweeted.

(* A P)

Allies play hard to get on U.S. proposal to protect oil shipping lanes

The United States is struggling to win its allies’ support for an initiative to heighten surveillance of vital Middle East oil shipping lanes because of fears it will increase tension with Iran, six sources familiar with the matter said.

Washington proposed on July 9 stepping up efforts to safeguard strategic waters off Iran and Yemen where it blames Iran and its proxies for tanker attacks. Iran denies the charges.

But with Washington’s allies reluctant to commit new weaponry or fighting forces, a senior Pentagon official told Reuters on Thursday that the United States’ aim was not to set up a military coalition but to shine a “flashlight” in the region to deter attacks on commercial shipping.

Because of fears of confrontation, any involvement by Washington’s allies is likely be limited to naval personnel and equipment already in place - near the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf and the Bab al-Mandab strait in the Red Sea, two Gulf sources and a British security source said.

“The Americans want to create an ‘alliance of the willing’ who confront future attacks,” a Western diplomat said. “Nobody wants to be on that confrontational course and part of a U.S. push against Iran.”

Addressing such concerns or possible misunderstandings, Kathryn Wheelbarger, one of the most senior policy officials at the Pentagon, told Reuters in an interview that the new initiative was “not about military confrontation.”

Under Washington’s proposal, the United States would provide coordinating ships and lead surveillance efforts while allies would patrol nearby waters and escort commercial vessels with their nation’s flags.

Iran has said foreign powers should leave securing shipping lanes to Tehran and other countries in the region.

(A P)

U.S. Central Command Statement on U.S. activity in the Strait of Hormuz

"We have patrol aircraft operating in international airspace monitoring the situation within the Strait of Hormuz. U.S. Naval Forces Central Command has been in contact with U.S. ships operating in the area to ensure their safety."

(A P)

Following the Iranian military's seizure of two ships, the US military is currently monitoring the transit of a US commercial cargo ship through the Strait of Hormuz using armed aircraft overhead, a US defense official tells. Transit typically takes 6 to 8 hours.

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U.S. Central Command Statement on Operation Sentinel

U.S. Central Command is developing a multinational maritime effort, Operation Sentinel, to increase surveillance of and security in key waterways in the Middle East to ensure freedom of navigation in light of recent events in the Arabian Gulf region.

The goal of Operation Sentinel is to promote maritime stability, ensure safe passage, and de-escalate tensions in international waters throughout the Arabian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait (BAM) and the Gulf of Oman.

This maritime security framework will enable nations to provide escort to their flagged vessels while taking advantage of the cooperation of participating nations for coordination and enhanced maritime domain awareness and surveillance.

While the United States has committed to supporting this initiative, contributions and leadership from regional and international partners will be required to succeed.

U.S. officials continue to coordinate with allies and partners in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East on the details and capabilities required for Operation Sentinel to enable freedom of navigation in the region and protect vital shipping lanes.

and reports by Aljazeerah, Press TV Iran:

(A P)

Bahrain confirms plans to host 60-country meeting on navigation security

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry has confirmed that the Kingdom is preparing to host a meeting on navigation security, the Bahrain News Agency (BNA) reported on Thursday.

The meeting will be in cooperation with the United States and Poland, and more than 60 countries will participate.

The BNA statement also said that the meeting will provide an opportunity to find ways to deter the Iranian threat and ensure freedom of navigation.

My comment: Now…. Poland at the Gulf??


(A P)

Hook: Bahrain to host 65 countries to ensure freedom of navigation

The United States Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook said on Wednesday that Bahrain will host 65 countries in the coming weeks to ensure freedom of navigation.

(** A P)

IRGC says captures British oil tanker in Strait of Hormuz

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has said that it has captured a British oil tanker for breaching international maritime law while crossing the Strait of Hormuz.

The IRGC’s Public Relations Department said in a statement on Friday that the vessel named “Stena Impero” had been impounded “at the request of Hormozgan Ports and Maritime Organization when passing through the Strait of Hormuz, for failing to respect international maritime rules.”

The oil tanker was transferred to the coast to undergo the required legal proceedings, the statement added.

The Northern Marine Management, which owns the Stena Impero, has said the vessel carried 23 crew members.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has said that it has captured a British oil tanker for breaching international maritime law while crossing the Strait of Hormuz.

The IRGC’s Public Relations Department said in a statement on Friday that the vessel named “Stena Impero” had been impounded “at the request of Hormozgan Ports and Maritime Organization when passing through the Strait of Hormuz, for failing to respect international maritime rules.”

The oil tanker was transferred to the coast to undergo the required legal proceedings, the statement added.

The Northern Marine Management, which owns the Stena Impero, has said the vessel carried 23 crew members.

Speaking later with Iran's official news agency, IRNA, an unnamed military official informed on the matter said the ship had breached international maritime regulations by passing through a prohibited maritime passage in the Strait, turning off its tracking signals and ignoring warnings issued by Iranian authorities.

"The tanker had turned off its tracker and ignored several warnings by the IRGC before being impounded," the source told IRNA.

Head of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Hormozgan province told Press TV the body found that the British tanker failed to respond to a distress call by an accident-hit Iranian fishing boat as it had switched off its trackers.

The IRGC forces patrolling the area were then called on to escort the tanker to a place where the organization can investigate the issue, he added.

An informed official from Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization said that in addition to the previously-stated infractions, the vessel had also been "releasing oil residue from its tankers in the Persian Gulf".

The unnamed Iranian maritime official stressed that the ship's numerous infringements counted as a violation of the concept of "innocent passage," referring to a maritime law related to the passage of vessels through the territorial waters of another state.


(** A P)

Iran announces capture of British-flagged oil tanker; US officials say two ships seized

Later in the day, US officials told CNN that another ship -- the Liberian-flagged MV Mesdar tanker -- had also been seized by Iran on Friday.

But Iranian military officials denied that Mesdar had been seized, Press TV reported, citing informed military sources. The ship was "shortly stopped and briefed by Iranian authorities on maritime security and harmless navigation," Press TV said.

Mesdar's manager, Norbulk Shipping UK, confirmed in a statement that the ship had been released. "Communication has been re-established with the vessel and Master confirmed that the armed guards have left and the vessel is free to continue the voyage," Norbulk Shipping said. "All crew are safe and well."

On Friday evening, the Mesdar was seen headed in a western direction into the Gulf, instead of north to Iran, according to tracking data.

The Stena Impero

The Stena Impero was heading to Saudi Arabia's port of Al-Jubail from the UAE port of Fujairah when it was seized by the IRGC, the semi-official Fars news agency reported citing a statement from the IRGC.

The statement said the ship was making an entry from the exit point of the Strait of Hormuz in the south, "disregarding the established procedures that require all entries be made through the northern pass," Fars reported, adding that the ship has been escorted to Iranian coastal waters for further legal procedures and investigations.

According to a statement by the Stena Impero's owner, Stena Bulk, and operator, Northern Marine Management, the ship is Swedish-owned and there are 23 seafarers on board of Indian, Russian, Latvian and Filipino nationality.

The Stena Impero was first "approached by unidentified small crafts and a helicopter during transit of the Strait of Hormuz while the vessel was in international waters" at approximately 4 p.m. local time (12 p.m. ET), the company said.

More than six hours later, the ship was "no longer under the control of its crew" and "uncontactable," according to the company.

Richard Meade, the managing editor of shipping industry publication Lloyds List, described the significance of the Stena's seizure as "huge" for the region.– By Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne and Kara Fox


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‘Extraordinarily brazen’ : Iran seizes tankers in Strait of Hormuz, raising tensions with Britain

“This is an extraordinarily brazen step here. This is taking tankers under way, then forcing them into Iranian waters, and I think it’s a highly provocative step. It’s something the Iranians tried to do before, when they tried to nab another British ship on the 10th of July but British war ships stopped them,” said Henry Rome, Iran analyst with Eurasia Group. “This is an intentional escalation from what we’ve seen by the Iranians.”

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt earlier said he was concerned by the seizure of the two ships by Iranian authorities in the Strait of Hormuz. He said the U.K. is attempting to resolve the situation in Tehran and with international partners. Just after Hunt spoke, reports emerged that the Mesdar was released.

“I’m extremely concerned by the seizure of two naval vessels by Iranian authorities in the Strait of Hormuz,” said Hunt. “I will shortly attend a COBR meeting to review what we know and what we can do to swiftly secure the release of the two vessels — a British-flagged vessel and a Liberian-flagged vessel.” COBR is an emergency response committee.

President Donald Trump told reporters the U.S. would work with the British on the tanker situation. According to a statement, the U.S. military said unarmed surveillance aircraft were monitoring the situation in the Strait of Hormuz from international airspace, and it is in contact with ships operating in the area.

“I think we’re going to see more of this. I don’t think Trump has the appetite at this point to commit militarily,” said Rome. “He made some interesting comments on his way to Marine One, underlying that this was not a U.S. ship and implying our interests were not as directly affected as the British are. I would imagine more strong language coming out of the U.S and not a whole lot else. Trump has made his red line pretty clear, and it’s U.S. personnel getting injured or killed and other than that, he wants others to share the burden of the region or the Gulf.”

and more reporting:

My comment: Western comments and reactions are rather odd. Who started this “I seize your tanker” game??

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U.S. authorizes deployment of troops, resources to Saudi Arabia

The acting U.S. defense secretary has authorized the deployment of U.S. military personnel and resources to Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon said on Friday, adding the move would provide “an additional deterrent” in the face of “emergent, credible threats.”

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Saudi king approves hosting U.S. troops to enhance regional security: SPA

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman approved hosting U.S. forces in the country to boost regional security and stability, the state news agency (SPA) reported on Friday.

The decision on hosting U.S. forces aims “to increase joint cooperation in defence of regional security and stability and to preserve its peace” SPA said, quoting a Ministry of Defence official, without giving further details.

A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the deployment would include about 500 U.S. military personnel in Saudi Arabia, and is part of a boost in the number of U.S. troops in the Middle East that the Pentagon announced last month.

and official statement:

Comment by Ali AlAhmed: Deployment of #American troops to #Riyadh has more to do to internal #Saudi issues than anything else such as #Yemen or #Iran. #MBS becoming king or being ousted is why the troops are really there. #US has always picked who ruled #Riyadh.


(A P)

Abdulsalam Ridicules Saudi Arabia’s Celebration of 500 US Troops Arrival

"In one side, the Saudis seek protection from others and in the other side, we have Yemen facing those arrogant supper powers with strength, rigidity and wisdom," Abudlsalam said in post on Facebook.

Remark: By a Yemeni Houthi representative.

(A P)

Iran's Zarif says Saudi Arabia, not Iran, is to blame for Middle East instability

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Thursday that Saudi Arabia — and not Iran — is to blame for sowing instability in the Middle East, and accused the Trump administration of turning a blind eye to Riyadh's "malign" actions.

Speaking to reporters at Iran's United Nations Mission in New York, Zarif also proposed what he called a "substantial" diplomatic offer in which Iran would agree to permanent and enhanced inspections of its nuclear program in return for a permanent lifting of U.S. sanctions.

The proposal will likely be rejected by the Trump administration, which has demanded the regime agree to a list of concessions, including giving up uranium enrichment and halting its support for proxies in the region.

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IRGC releases drone footage, belying US claim of downing

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has released footage captured by an Iranian drone flying over the Strait of Hormuz and monitoring a United States Navy vessel, belying a claim by Washington that the unmanned aircraft was shot down by the American forces.

The IRGC’s Public Relations Department said Friday that the footage had been released with the aim of exposing Washington’s “lies.”

The IRGC said the American warships had been “fully and precisely” monitored for three hours, from the moment they entered the Strait of Hormuz, and that the Corps’ drone bases had detected and recorded “no unconventional and threatening action” by the US forces on the USS Boxer accompanied by five vessels during that period.

In an earlier statement, which the IRGC had released to announce its plan to release the footage, the elite force said the Iranian drone had successfully transmitted pictures of the US warship before and even after the time when the Americans claim they shot down the unmanned aerial aircraft (UAV), and then returned to its base safe and sound.

The statement described Washington’s claim as “ridiculous.” (with film)

Film also here:

(* A P)

Iran: USA könnten "irrtümlich" eigene Drohne abgeschossen haben

Ein Schiff der US-Marine soll eine iranische Drohne abgeschossen haben. Der Iran will von einer zerstörten Drohne nichts wissen – und liefert eine andere Erklärung.

Die USA könnten nach Angaben von Irans Vize-Außenminister Abbas Araghschi "irrtümlich" eine eigene Drohne über der Straße von Hormus abgeschossen haben. Der Iran habe keine Drohne verloren, begründete Araghschi seine Einschätzung am Freitag auf Twitter.

"Wir haben keine Drohne verloren, weder in der Straße von Hormus noch anderswo", schrieb dagegen Araghschi. Er fürchte, die USS Boxer habe ihre eigene Drohne abgeschossen.

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U.S. says Navy ship 'destroyed' Iranian drone in Gulf

The United States said on Thursday that a U.S. Navy ship had “destroyed” an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz after the aircraft threatened the vessel, but Iran said it had no information about losing a drone.

In the latest episode to stir tensions in the Gulf, U.S. President Donald Trump told an event at the White House that the drone had flown to within 1,000 yards of the USS Boxer and had ignored “multiple calls to stand down.”

“This is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by Iran against vessels operating in international waters. The United States reserves the right to defend our personnel, facilities and interests,” Trump said.

“The drone was immediately destroyed,” he added.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told reporters at the United Nations: “We have no information about losing a drone today.”

The Pentagon said in a statement that the USS Boxer, an amphibious assault ship, had taken “defensive action” against a drone on Thursday morning as the Boxer was moving into the Strait of Hormuz.

“We do assess it was an Iranian drone,” said Commander Rebecca Rebarich, a Pentagon spokeswoman.

(* B P)

America Pours “Oil into Fire” in Persian Gulf. Strategic Waterways. Control of Strait of Hormuz

The illegal seizure of an Iranian oil tanker off Gibralter by the British Navy last Friday is fast acquiring farcical character. Britain acted at the behest of the US; in turn, the US probably acted at the behest of the ‘B Team’. So far, only one top US official has expressed joy over the incident — National Security Advisor John Bolton, who is of course the member-secretary of the B Team. None of the other three members of the B Team — Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu or either of the two Gulf Crown Princes (bin Salman and bin Zayed)) has waded into the controversy.

The original intention behind the Anglo-American operation was clearly to provoke the Iranians into some retaliatory action. But Iran refused to be provoked and is biding its time. Had Iran acted impulsively or rashly, a military conflagration might have ensued, which would have provided just the alibi for a large-scale US military strike at Iranian targets. Even Article 5 of the NATO Charter on collective security might be invoked. The B Team has been angling for just such a window of opportunity. The US defence secretary’s last visit to Brussels was a mission to rally NATO support for a military strike against Iran.

Now, Iran is savvy enough to figure out the Anglo-American game plan

It doesn’t need much ingenuity to figure out that the US intends to take control of the Strait of Hormuz — although the strait is Iranian-Omani waters under international law. As the narrowest point of the Strait of Hormuz is twenty-one nautical miles, all vessels passing through the Strait must traverse the territorial waters of Iran and Oman. The rights of passage for foreign vessels under international law will consequently be subject to either the rules of non-suspendable innocent passage or transit passage depending on the applicable legal regime.

In strategic terms, therefore, by precipitating the seizure of the Iranian oil tanker, the US and Britain are proceeding on a track to create a pretext to challenge Iran’s rights over the Strait of Hormuz and to take control of the strait.

Suffice to say, it is possible to see that what might have appeared as a maverick or silly act by Britain off Gibralter when it seized the Iranian tanker could actually be the tip of a calibrated project aimed at imposing effectively a naval blockade against Iran. Indeed, this forms the latest chapter in the US’‘maximum pressure’ policy against Iran.

By the way, a second leg of the current project is also to seize control of the strategic shipping lanes via the the Bab al-Mandab (off Yemen), which leads to the Suez Canal. (The narrow Bab al-Mandab connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea.)

The US control of the Bab al-Mandab will mean that Iran’s use of the Suez Canal will come under intense US monitoring. The US has a military base in Djibouti facing the Bab al-Mandab – by M. K. Bhadrakumar =

(* B E P)

Hook: Iran oil sanctions alone deny the regime $50 billion in revenue annually

The US special representative for Iran, Brian Hook, told Al Arabiya that imposed oil sanctions on Iran alone will deny the regime 50 billion dollars in revenue annually, adding that the pressure is going to continue.

“The oil sanctions alone are going to deny the Iranian regime 50 billion dollars in revenue annually. We've also sanctioned the petrol chemical sector, their industrial metals, their precious metals,” said Hook, adding that “pressure is going to continue. This is not sustainable for the Iranian regime.”

It's important to respond to Iran's threats to freedom of navigation, said Hook, suggesting the imposition of more sanctions on the regime and driving up its cost for “behaving like an outlaw government.”

US President Donald Trump is satisfied with the pressure campaign, according to Hook, who said: “The president is very comfortable with our pressure and he knows that the Iranian regime is under a lot of strain and they are increasingly vulnerable.”

My comment: If Iran really behaves like an “outlaw state” in the Middle East (what still could be controversial), it’s evident that the US is behaving like an outlaw state worldwide – and US ally Saudi Arabia does in Yemen more than Iran anywhere.

(* B K P)

Scapegoating Iran

A little more than a year ago, Chris Hedges interviewed the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations and wrote about the situation between the United States and Iran. Now, amid even greater tension and threats of war between the two nations, Truthdig reposts that June 10, 2018, column.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(* B K P)

Passing the Buck on Yemen

After years of British government complicity in Saudi Arabia’s brutal war on Yemen, the court of appeal has suspended arms sales. But the fight for justice is far from over.

The entire notion of the government licencing arms to Saudi Arabia is a charade. Under a 1985 deal with Saudi Arabia that has generated £60 billion to date, the government itself contracts out the manufacture of the very bombs and planes whose export it is meant be regulating with licences.

From court documents we know that the head of the licensing unit told ministers that he was “minded to refuse the Saudi licenses” but somewhere along the line this recommendation was dropped before final sign-off. The new Prime Minister Boris Johnson, along with Liam Fox and Sajid Javid have all personally and illegally approved these licences to keep Riyadh’s doomed air war going.

For over four years the body tasked with scrutinising arms sales, the Committee on Arms Export Controls, has refused to do its job. Its current chair, Labour MP Graham Jones, is a steadfast enabler of this illegality because of his own support for the Saudi war in Yemen. As chair of the committee Jones went as far as to stop the UK’s own human rights expert on Yemen giving evidence.

With politicians like these, it has taken an incredible amount of work to bring about change. Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) and other NGOs worked diligently to make this judicial review happen.

Despite what the government will have us believe, the arms trade as it is currently configured does not promote global security or prosperity. The jobs of British defence workers are, in fact, under threat from a government strategy that contracts out domestic procurement while contracting in the rearmament of whatever needless war it is backing. In the 1980s, it was Saddam Hussain. Today, it’s Mohammed Bin Salman.

Britain needs a public inquiry into arms exports – by Lloyd Russell-Moyle

(* B K P)

UK licensed £650m of arms to Saudi Arabia in six months after Khashoggi murder

The government said it condemned the murder "in the strongest possible terms" but has kept selling arms.

Newly released arms export statistics show that the UK Government licensed £648 million worth of arms to Saudi Arabia in the six months that followed the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

At the time, the UK Government said that it condemned the murder “in the strongest possible terms.”

In these six months, Jeremy Hunt was Foreign Secretary and Greg Clark was the business secretary who ultimately approves arms export licenses.

These arms include £551 million worth of ML4 licences. This category includes grenades, bombs and missiles.

The Royal Saudi Air Force uses Paveway IV missiles which are made by an arms company called Raytheon in Glenrothes, Scotland.

Many of these weapons are likely to be used in the ongoing Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen.

(* A K P)

The UK government just sent a massive ‘f**k you’ to the people of Yemen and our legal system

Minister for trade Graham Stuart says the government is still inviting a delegation from Saudi Arabia to the London arms fair. Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) is one of the world’s largest arms fairs. It takes place every two years and will return to the capital in September – along with the Saudi delegation.

According to its website, DSEI provides “valuable opportunities for networking” and is:

The world leading event that connects governments, national armed forces, industry thought leaders and the global defence & security supply chain on an unrivalled scale.

Andrew Smith from Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) told The Canary:

DSEI is one of the biggest arms fairs in the world. It exists for one reason only, and that is to sell as many weapons as possible. It will see UK civil servants and military personnel introducing some of the world’s most repressive regimes to many of the world’s biggest arms companies.

Shut it down!

Smith outlined why it’s so important that we all take action to stop DSEI, saying:

The arms being promoted by DSEI could be used in atrocities and war crimes for years to come. That is why people from across the UK will be coming together to send the message loudly and clearly that it’s long past time to stop the arms sales and shut down the arms fair.

Remark: #Quakers from #Huddersfield will be with @Quakers_RoR and 100s of other Quakers, taking action to #StopDSEI. DSEI is the government backed arms fair where Saudi will be doing arms deals.


(* A K P)

British government invites Saudi Arabia to world's largest arms fair despite court ruling sales are unlawful

State-owned Saudi arms company to exhibit at DSEI as government appeals court judgment

The British government has invited Saudi Arabian representatives to the world’s largest arms fair, despite judges ruling the sale of weapons used in Yemen unlawful.

Graham Stuart, the minister for trade, confirmed a Saudi delegation would be invited to the controversial Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) event following a parliamentary question.

Liberal Democrat MP Wera Hobhouse called the invite “extremely irresponsible”.

“The Saudi government does not share our liberal values,” she told The Independent.

and also

(A K P)

Positive moves on the conflict in Yemen

Our message to the UK government is clear: keep Yemen at the top of the agenda – by Keith Vaz, MP

(B H P)

Yemen: Food

Department for International Development written question – answered on 18th July 2019.

Q: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development, what proportion of UK aid to Yemen has been spent on imports of food in each year since 2015.

A: The World Food Programme (WFP) is playing a vital role in Yemen, delivering food aid to millions of those in need across the country. We are providing WFP with £35 million in support this financial year (2019/20) and provided £35 million last financial year (2018/19).

(A P)

Another shameful #UKGov response to @CarolineLucas

on arms sales to #Saudi-led coalition. £££$$$ blinds them to their complicity in IHL violations in #Yemen. (text in image)

(A P)

APPG on Drones Statement on UK Assistance to Partners, following UK Court Ruling Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia Unlawful

Protecting civilians is not just about complying with international law. It is also about trying to be better – identifying additional precautionary measures, exploring different operational approaches, and seeking to do everything possible. Robust policy and process is particularly important when working with and assisting partners - especially those with differing rules of engagement from our own

Today the UK provides a myriad of assistance to partners, almost entirely without parliamentary oversight or means of evaluation. Among the more controversial forms of assistance is that to the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen,6 and to the US drone programme conducting unilateral counter-terrorism strikes.7 In both cases, significant allegations of disproportionate and uncounted civilian casualties have been brought forth. These include flagrant violations of international law such as the use of “double-tap” strikes, the targeting of funerals and weddings, as well as recurring targeting of civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and utilities.

Existing processes authorising, evaluating and assessing UK security assistance to partners are not robust enough to counter current risks of complicity in partners’ unlawful actions and harm to civilians in conflict.

The APPG on Drones urges the Government to take up the position as a global leader, and for the forthcoming UK Protection of Civilian strategy to represent the beginning of a dedicated process to institutionalise civilian protection as a cross-departmental, top line priority - both for our own operations and in partner assistance

and if link does not work, try

(A P)

Labour MP calls for public inquiry into UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia

UK Labour MP Fabian Hamilton has called for a public inquiry into why ministers have been allowed to disregard evidence that Saudi Arabia was violating international humanitarian law in order to continue lucrative arms deals with the kingdom.

In a tweet that includes a link to a video of a speech given by Hamilton in the Houses of Parliament, the MP for Leeds North East said that “the UK has been on the wrong side of the law for allowing arms exports to Saudi Arabia to continue.”

(* B P)


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott raised the issue of Jewish people living under threat in Yemen and urged government to help. Tories later killed off the move and declined to offer help

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Islah official discusses Yemen developments with German Diplomat

Abdulrazaq Al-Hajri, Head of the Islah Parliamentary Block met on Saturday 20 July 2019 German Ambassador to Yemen, Carola Müller-Holtkemper, in Berlin.

Al-Hajri and Holtkemper discussed Yemen developments and German support to reinstate the legitimate government.

(B K P)


Der Krieg im Jemen dauert seit Ende März 2015 an und wird zu Recht weltweit Welt kritisiert. Auch in Deutschland wird selbst aus regierungsnahen Kreisen immer Kritik laut, was allerdings von linken regierungskritischen Kreisen immer als Heuchlei gewertet wird. Denn dort spricht man immer wieder gerne den Deutschen eine tragende Rolle zu. Doch wird Deutschland dieser Rolle auch gerecht?

Mein Kommentar: Sehr schwacher Artikel.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B E P)

The UAE Embraces Russia And China

United Arab Emirates in 1971, and the two nations have maintained close relations ever sense. However, there are signs that the UAE’s attention is turning toward building relations with Russia and China, perhaps to Washington’s detriment.

U.S.-UAE Relations Since the 1970s

Going back to the early 1970s, the U.S.-UAE relationship has been one of the most stable in the world.

China and the UAE Drawing Closer

Alongside many other countries across Asia, Africa, and Europe, the UAE is set to play a big role in China’s BRI.

On April 27, 2019, the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, concluded a partnership in the BRI. He announced that the deal would potentially boost the current $53 billion bilateral China-Dubai trade to $70 billion by 2020. China has also established a strong foothold in the UAE. Dubai’s tribute to the Chinese New Year, held each of the past two years, is a testimony to their growing camaraderie.

In December 2015, Mohammed bin Zayed visited China in a trip that marked a significant leap forward in China-UAE relations. He signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)with Chinese President Xi Jinping to launch a significant investment cooperation fund worth $10 billion.

China has also been facilitating the UAE’s needs better than the U.S. in terms of regional issues. The U.S. Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) policy restricts the Pentagon from supplying armed drone technology to its Arab ally.

In July 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese surveillance and strike drones were being used by both UAE and Saudi Arabia in Yemen. A former Pentagon official and president of the U.S.-UAE Business Council, Danny Sebright, stated that the Emiratis bought Chinese drones and equipped them with South African laser targeting systems.

China has also surpassed the US in providing artificial intelligence technologies to the UAE. While such technology faces escalated scrutiny in the U.S., Chinese firms like Hikvision and Huawei have been marketing biometric surveillance systems to the Gulf nation, which has made heavy investments in surveillance technology and has been using cellphone hacking software to spy on journalists and dissidents.

An Emerging Russia-UAE Axis

Russia has been another significant rival of the United States and is also an emerging major ally of the UAE. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mohammed bin Zayed are reported to frequently speak by telephone, discussing their relationship and coordination on international issues of mutual interest. In June 2018, the MbZ visited Moscow with a delegation.

According to the Congressional Research Service, the growing partnership between the UAE and Russia could be the Emirates’ way of gaining U.S. concessions on F-35s and other possible transactions.

The UAE has been testing the limits of its alliance with the U.S. by establishing stronger relations with both China and Russia. While U.S. policy helps to explain the UAE’s shifting allegiances, it is also the case that the UAE’s interests are better served when it can strengthen its strategic partnerships with other world powers -byMarcus Salles

(A P)

Pardoned Exeter academic files official complaint against UAE after '7 months of hell'

A pardoned academic from Exeter has filed an official complaint against the United Arab Emirates after he spent almost seven months in solitary confinement and was sentenced to life in prison there.

He has now filed an official complaint against the UAE with the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention for having his human rights abused and being unlawfully convicted.

(B P)

Sharjah will bis 2021 200.000 chinesische Touristen anziehen

Mohamed Juma Al Musharrkh, CEO des FDI-Büros von Sharjah, "Invest in Sharjah", gab bekannt, dass die Zahl der chinesischen Touristen, die Sharjah besuchen, 2018 68.000 betrug. Er fügte hinzu, daß das Emirat diese Zahl bis 2021 auf rund 200.000 erhöhen möchte.

(A P)

Die Bidun: Kuwaits staatenlose Bürger

Seit über 50 Jahren leben die kuwaitischen Bidun ohne offizielle Staatsangehörigkeit. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Kuwaits versäumten sie, diese zu beantragen. Jetzt wollen Kuwaits Behörden das Problem angehen.

Als "Bidun" - der arabische Begriff für "ohne" - gelten jene in Kuwait lebenden Personen, die keine Ausweispapiere haben und damit auch nicht über die kuwaitische Staatsangehörigkeit verfügen.

Saadoun gehört zu jenen Demonstranten, die nach einer Kundgebung von den kuwaitischen Behörden verhaftet wurden. Anlass der Proteste war der Selbstmord eines jungen Mannes. Auch er war ein Bidun, ihm war es zuvor nicht gelungen, vom Staat offizielle Ausweispapiere zu erhalten. Dies wiederum führte dazu, dass er seine Arbeitsstelle verlor.

Im Umfeld der Demonstration wurden mindestens 15 Bidun verhaftet. Unter ihnen befindet sich auch der prominente Menschenrechtsanwalt Abdelhakim al-Fadhli. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) berichtet, dass sie mehrerer Vergehen beschuldigt werden

(A P)

Kuwait: Activists Arrested for Peaceful Sit-In

Stateless Bidun Planned Memorial After Member’s Suicide

Kuwait’s State Security agency arrested at least 15 activists from the stateless Bidun community over the past week, Human Rights Watch said today.

Authorities arrested the activists after they organized a peaceful sit-in at al-Hurriya Square in al- Jahra town near Kuwait City on July 12, 2019 in response to the death of Ayed Hamad Moudath. Moudath, 20, committed suicide on July 7 after the government denied him civil documentation, which is needed to access public services, as well as to study and work.

(B P)

Bahrain: Detained Officer Ali AlGhanimi (imprisoned for joining protesters in 2011) reports that he was tortured and left handcuffed in #JawPrison's solitary confinement despite suffering from rheumatism. His mother tearfully added, "Are we to remain silent as we lose our sons?!" (photos)

(B P)

Dubai ruler's high-profile divorce will expose mistreatment of wife, daughters and other women close to him, says royal family insider

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum of UAE risks exposing several secrets as he is embroiled in a multi-million-pound divorce battle with his estranged wife Princess Haya in the British courts, according to an insider in Dubai's royal family.

Marcus Essabri, the Sheikh's nephew, has now broken his silence to claim the divorce will show the world how his uncle mistreated Princess Haya and his cousins Princess Shamsa and Princess Latifa, Daily Mail reports.

"The one person who knows the truth about what happened to my cousins Latifa and Shamsa is Princess Haya," Essabri told Australia's TV news show '60 Minutes'. "I hope that she uses the court case to tell the world how they have been treated. She has the opportunity to do some good for these poor women.'

(* B P)

The UAE’s latest soap opera - and what was that about women’s rights?

The West is keen to endorse the image of the UAE as ultra-modern and civilised, as it facilitates the justification for nefarious military collaboration

As part of its Vision 2021 programme, the UAE furthermore “aims to become one of the world’s top 25 countries achieving gender equality” by the specified year, although it’s unclear what gender equality even means in a place where women are second-class citizens.

As Human Rights Watch Middle East researcher Hiba Zayadin observes in a new opinion piece, women are also discriminated against in divorce.

Noting that Princess Haya’s two children are accompanying her for the moment, “the same cannot be said for many mothers in the UAE who have lost the fight to keep their children with them”.

Obviously, female migrant workers in the UAE have extra categories of horrors to contend with, ranging from unpaid wages to impossibly extended workdays to physical and sexual violence.

A grim reality

Luckily, the grisly reality of life in the Emirates is nothing a bit of hardcore propaganda can’t take care of. Emirati publications continuously churn out glowing coverage of the authoritarian regime’s oh-so-progressive undertakings, while devoting much attention to the notion that the UAE is “one of the happiest countries in the world”.

This is presumably thanks in part to the existence of a Minister of State for Happiness and Wellbeing, who is - you guessed it! - a woman. As I’ve said before, nothing spells happiness like a police state in which every inhabitant is subject to nonstop surveillance and freedom of expression is criminalised along with other basic rights.

Other nauseating magazine offerings include “Why It Rocks To Be A Woman In the UAE” - courtesy of “International Woman” Rachel Hamilton - and “11 moments Sheikh Mohammed and Princess Haya were the perfect couple”, most of which moments appear to have transpired during exclusive horseracing events in the UK.

A model society?

For its part, the UAE government portal boasts that the country has “opened the region’s first military college for women, Khawla bint Al Azwar Military School”. After all, as in the US, female empowerment is greatly boosted by equal-opportunity killing.

But I’d wager that the countless female victims of the Western-backed, Saudi-Emirati-led slaughter-fest in Yemen are probably not too convinced of the UAE’s overwhelming commitment to female wellbeing – by Belen Fernandez

(A P)

Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy presented as loan in perpetuity to the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

The painting Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy, by Ary Scheffer painted in 1856 and from the Lubin Family Private Collection was presented on Thursday by Patrick Moody, British Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on behalf of the British Government and the Lubin Family and Five Islands Capital Limited of London, to Dr. Hamed bin Mohamed Khalifa Al Suwaidi, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Arts Society, as a Loan in Perpetuity to the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B E P)

How Qatar's Cows Show Growing Resistance To Saudi-Led Boycott

The dairy also hasn't solved the economic problem of getting Qataris to work in Qatar.

"The economy is getting stronger," said Yousef Al Horr, founding chairman of an environmental group, the Gulf Organization for Research & Development. He listed the new food industry, more direct supply routes and a boost for local logistic businesses tied to new port facilities.

"Now we have direct access to original suppliers and we're cutting out those middlemen," he said.

Overall, Qatar has adapted to the sanctions imposed more than two years ago by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt.

Qatar also has the money to ride it out.

Qatar relies heavily on liquefied natural gas, which accounts for about 85 percent of its total exports. Those massive LNG exports, including production joint ventures with ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell have continued unobstructed. In January, Qatar, which also produces only 600,000 barrels a day of oil, quit the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC.

Qatar has also rerouted much of its trade. Much of it previously flowed through Saudi Arabia - Qatar's only land border - or by sea through Dubai. Now, many ships to Qatar come from Turkey, India and Oman.

And Turkey, which made a deal last year with Qatar's central bank that helped stabilize the Turkish lira, is happy to boost trade, too.

To be sure, there have been bumps.

Because they must avoid Saudi airspace, commercial flights must take longer routes.

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

President of Sudanese Transitional Military Council receives Saudi Ambassador to Sudan

(* B P)

Sudan crisis: The ruthless mercenaries who run the country for gold

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have been accused of widespread abuses in Sudan, including the 3 June massacre in which more than 120 people were reportedly killed, with many of the dead dumped in the River Nile. Sudan expert Alex de Waal charts their rise.

The RSF are now the real ruling power in Sudan. They are a new kind of regime: a hybrid of ethnic militia and business enterprise, a transnational mercenary force that has captured a state.

Their commander is General Mohamed Hamdan "Hemeti" Dagolo, and he and his fighters have come a long way since their early days as a rag-tag Arab militia widely denigrated as the "Janjaweed".

The RSF was formally established by decree of then-President Omar al-Bashir in 2013. But their core of 5,000 militiamen had been armed and active long before then.

Their story begins in 2003, when Mr Bashir's government mobilised Arab herders to fight against black African insurgents in Darfur.

The core of the Janjaweed were camel-herding nomads from the Mahamid and Mahariya branches of the Rizeigat ethnic group of northern Darfur and adjoining areas of Chad - they ranged across the desert edge long before the border was drawn.

During the 2003-2005 Darfur war and massacres, the most infamous Janjaweed leader was Musa Hilal, chief of the Mahamid.

(* B P)

What Happens in Sudan Doesn’t Stay in Sudan

Will Khartoum Become the Center of a New African Order or an Appendage of the Gulf?

The upheaval in Sudan comes at the same time as Ethiopia’s reform-minded prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, is dramatically expanding political space in his country, while battling an attendant surge in ethnic violence. Together with subtler stirrings in Eritrea and elsewhere, the historic transitions in Sudan and Ethiopia could change the trajectory of a volatile corner of Africa for decades to come. The question that now hangs over the region is what the next era will bring: Will it usher in a new, more democratic order built on a shared foundation of national sovereignty and collective security? Or will it bring a closed, authoritarian order that is beholden to extraregional powers? Sudan, in particular, is a microcosm of this broader struggle to reshape the regional order, as well as a likely harbinger of its outcome. On one side of that struggle is a coalition of African states, bound together by the African Union and an important East African regional bloc. On the other are the oil-rich monarchies of the Persian Gulf.

(* A B P)

Bildung einer Übergangsregierung im Sudan beschlossen – der Kampf gegen die Militärs muss weiter gehen, kritisieren die Gewerkschaft SPA, die KP Sudan und die bewaffneten Oppositionsgruppen in den Regionen

„Nach monatelangen Unruhen im Sudan mit Hunderten Toten haben das Militär und die Opposition eine Einigung über die Bildung einer Übergangsregierung unterschrieben. Das Dokument wurde in Khartum von Vertretern des militärischen Übergangsrats (TMC) und des Oppositionsbündnisses Deklaration für Freiheit und Wandel unterzeichnet. Damit beginne eine neue Ära der Zukunft Sudans, sagte ein Vermittler der Afrikanischen Union. Die Übereinkunft sieht vor, dass ein elfköpfiger Souveränitätsrat die Macht übernimmt, in dem Zivilisten eine Stimme Mehrheit haben. Dieser Rat soll dann eine Expertenregierung bestimmen, bis es in spätestens drei Jahren zu Wahlen kommen kann. Am Freitag soll zudem eine Verfassungserklärung unterzeichnet werden. Darin soll dann die künftige Aufgabenverteilung zwischen Souveränitätsrat und Expertenregierung festgeschrieben werden…“ – aus der Meldung „Militär und Opposition einigen sich auf Machtteilung im Sudan“ am 17. Juli 2019 in Spiegel online über die dann doch, trotz aller Taktiken der Militärjunta zur Verzögerung und gleichzeitigen Einschüchterung, unterschriebene Vereinbarung. Zur Unterzeichnung des Abkommens und den aktuellen Konsequenzen daraus fünf weitere aktuelle Beiträge, sowie der Hinweis auf unsere bisher letzte Veröffentlichung dazu

mit Abriß folgender Artikel:

(* B P)

Ein Volk steht auf

Nach dem Massaker vom 3. Juni haben die Sudanesen im Konflikt mit der Militärregierung einen Etappensieg errungen.

Es schien offensichtlich, dass die schwerbewaffneten und brutalen Janjaweed-Milizen das Land jetzt wie in vergangenen Jahrzehnten mit Waffengewalt im Würgegriff halten wollten und sicher nicht an einer Zivilregierung im Sudan interessiert waren.

Der Vizepräsident des Militärübergangsrates, General Mohammad Hamdan Daglo „Hamedti" oder „Hamiaty" — auch der Schlächter von Darfur genannt und selbst ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Janjaweed-Milizen — sowie der Vorsitzende des Militärrates, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, — der zwar am 8. Mai seinen Rücktritt erklärt hatte, es aber nie tat, — werden in öffentlichen Briefen an den UN-Sicherheitsrat und an die Europäische Union als Mörder aus Al-Bashirs Kabinetts bezeichnet und seien für die Gräueltaten in Darfur, Süd Kordofan und Blue Nile verantwortlich. Diese beiden Männer seien außerstande, Stabilität ins Land zu bringen oder gar willens ein soziales, politisches oder wirtschaftliches Wachstum und Entwicklung für den Sudan anzustreben. Im Gegenteil, sie hätten die Revolution gezielt untergraben und versucht, die Einheit des sudanesischen Volkes zu zerstören (3).

Am Sonntag, 9. Juni, begann ein landesweiter Generalstreik, an dem wieder Millionen teilnahmen. In der Hauptstadt blieben alle Geschäfte geschlossen und die Straßen gespenstisch leer. Die Oppositionsgruppen hatten die Bevölkerung dazu aufgerufen, zu ihrer eigenen Sicherheit in ihren Häusern zu bleiben.

Zeitgleich mit dem Generalstreik begannen Exilsudanesen an vielen Orten der Welt mit Demonstrationen, so zum Beispiel vor dem Kapitol in Washington, DC. Jason Burke und Zeinab Mohammed Salih berichteten bereits am 9. Juni für The Guardian aus Khartum. Im Artikel wird der Sprecher der SPA wörtlich zitiert:

„Der friedliche Widerstand durch zivilen Ungehorsam und der Generalstreik ist der schnellste und effektivste Weg, die Militärübergangsregierung zu Fall zu bringen“ (8).

Die New York Times berichtete am 11. Juni auf ihrer Titelseite über die Vorgänge im Sudan (9) und die BBC brachte zeitgleich eine detaillierte Analyse der Situation (10).

Das internationale Kinderhilfswerk UNICEF und sogar der amerikanische Popstar Rihanna reiten ebenfalls auf dieser großen Welle der Sympathie für das sudanesische Volk (11, 12).

BBC News berichtete am 11. Juni auch, dass Tibor Nagy, der amerikanische Diplomat für Afrika ebenfalls in den Sudan fliegen werde, um vor Ort zu versuchen, positiv auf die Konfliktparteien einzuwirken. Weiter heißt es in diesem Artikel, dass die meisten afrikanischen und europäischen Länder hinter den Demonstranten stünden.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp9, cp10

(A K P)

Royal #Saudi Navy to launch tomorrow at Cherbourg, the first (2) Interceptor #HSI32 vessels out of (39) ordered under a joint construction agreement between the Saudi company Zamil Offshore Services and the #French shipbuilding company CMN. (photo9

(* B K P)

Limits on Western arms exports helped spur indigenous Saudi and UAE defense industry

Western concerns about making military technology transfers to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia may have led to greater reliance on indigenous military technologies in the conflict in Yemen, and experts expect those investments to continue to grow.

It’s a slow but potentially important shift in how the regional powers — historically major buyers of Western military goods — approach arming themselves.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia will have an increased concentration on local military production as part of a broader diversification of sources, said Wehbe Katicha, a former Lebanese general who is now a member of Parliament.

“As the threat posed by Iran increases, especially in [the] Hurmuz Strait, Gulf countries are more likely to increase their armament through many sources,” Katicha noted. “They will not move out [from] the USA ‘umbrella,’ but producing ammunitions and armored vehicles locally is one of the options to overcome sanctions.”

Experts point out that the conflict in Yemen was the first to see widespread use of systems domestically produced by the Gulf powers.

It is no secret the two countries have been looking to increase indigenous defense capabilities. For instance, Saudi Vision 2030 calls for increased technology transfer to the kingdom in order to grow its local knowledge base.

(* A K P)

Lockheed awarded $1.48 billion Saudi missile defense contract: Pentagon

Lockheed Martin was awarded a $1.48 billion contract to build the THAAD missile defense system for Saudi Arabia, bringing the total value of the deal to $5.36 billion, the Pentagon said on Friday.

The new contract was a modification to a previously awarded agreement to produce the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense interceptor for Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon said.

In November 2018, Saudi and U.S. officials signed letters of offer and acceptance formalizing terms for Saudi Arabia’s purchase of 44 THAAD launchers, missiles and related equipment.

In April Lockheed was awarded a $2.4 billion contract for THAAD interceptor missiles, some of which are slated to be delivered to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The latest contract is for interceptor support items.

and AlMasirah states the reason:

(* A K P)

After Patriot Failure in Repelling Yemeni Strikes, Saudi Arabia Buys THAAD System

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Yemen’s beautiful civilization during war time

Traditional crafts in Yemen vary in the variety of Yemeni customs, traditions and lifestyles among the inhabitants of the mountain, the plain and from one region to another in Yemen.

That shows clearly through the traditional clothing of men and women, as well as jewelry, ornaments, Janabi, cotton, bamboo and headdresses made from palm leaves, as well as household utensils such as pottery and clay water jar.

We also see mastery and great mastering especially in the field of construction , architecture, and it shows on the facades of historic places, buildings, walls, castles and forts using stones.

Also, in the field of ​​the character of construction and architecture, we could see the craftsmanship and mastery of Yemeni craftsmanship in the components and facades of the palaces, historic buildings, fences, castles and forts using stones.

The war threatens the Yemeni civilization .. A number of cultural landmarks and archaeological cities were exposed to aerial bombardment

211 monuments and 255 tourist facilities were bombed by air strikes in Yemen 70 sites, archeological and tourist sites were destroyed by the coalition raids led by Saudi Arabia and damaged thousands of artifacts during the war in Yemen, The archaeological sites were extensively destroyed by the Arab Alliance, the most prominent being the “Palace of Arms,” ​​east The city of Sana’a was destroyed by coalition aircraft on June 12, 2015, with archaeological buildings in the old city of Sana’a and the presidential palace.

Targeting Yemen’s cultural landmarks is a war on Yemeni memory and history. “When the Yemeni cultural memory is destroyed in cities and landmarks that are thousands of years old, here Yemen’s history is awakened”. (photos)


Archäologe aus dem Jemen erforscht an der Universität Jena die Geschichte seines Heimatlandes

Vor allem die Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena als wichtiges Zentrum für dieses Fachgebiet empfängt deshalb immer wieder Gastwissenschaftler aus der Region. Aktuell forscht Dr. Mohammed Ali Abdo Al-Hajj drei Monate lang am Lehrstuhl für Semitische Philologie und Islamwissenschaft – unterstützt von der Gerda Henkel Stiftung.

Derzeit konzentriert er sich während seiner Arbeit vor allem auf Inschriften aus dem antiken Königreich Qataban. „Das Reich erstreckte sich über zwei große Wadis im nördlichen Jemen und bestand aus etwa 30 Städten – darunter die Hauptstadt Timna, die direkt an der Weihrauchstraße lag“, erklärt der Gast aus dem Jemen. =

(A P)

Southern Cultural Observatory Teams Continue their Field Visits

The Southern Cultural Observatory Program continue its field visits to monitor violation of cultural landmarks and historic sites and the damage caused to historic monuments in Aden.
The team members in charge detected and reported in two days, seven sites subjected to different types of violations in al-Mualla district.

My remark: This is by southern separatists.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E H)

Yemeni communities abroad sent home over $3.4 billion last year making them by far #Yemen's largest donor.

(* B E H)

Cost of Living in Yemen

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#ISIS claimed one of its militants shot an #AQAP militant with a sniper in the al Humeida area of al Bayda, central #Yemen. Tit for tat attacks between AQAP and ISIS have decreased but continue.


(A T)

Latest claim by #IslamicState in #Yemen shows more weakness than strength: #ISIS-Y sniper wounded 1 #AQAP member in al-Humaydah -Over half of ISIS-Y claims in June/July are sniper ops -All ISIS-Y ops for past 5 months have targeted #AQAP -No op has targeted Houthis since mid-Feb


(A T)

Must be difficult editing a news bulletin on the run... #ISIS manages to miscount its #Yemen ops last week as 3 instead of 2, repeats the same claim word-for-word, & adds up its victims to 4 instead of 3 (al-Naba', no.191, p.9)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Why does int'l community systematically overlook Houthi terrorism?

This is the question that everybody should reflect on. The Houthis are a religious (theocratic) militia that absolutely do not believe in democracy and power sharing and, under the principle of Taqiyya, deny holding those beliefs! They practice terrorism against oppositionists and usually hide their cruelty from the media. They torture to death peaceful oppositionists.


(A P)

Why is the western media silent today?

The western media do not miss out on the news of Yemen, ground breaking developments or sensational little incidents of human rights abuses.

Many times stories are in fact made up to show the Houthis in a good light and the government in a bad one.

I woke up this morning and searched for "Yemen" in google news expecting to see a long list of headlines on the Houthi mutilation and parade of the corps of Mujahid Qushayra in northern Yemen's Amran yesterday. No western media wrote about it.

As usual, the American and European online news sites totally ignore the news that touch the Houthis.

(A P)

Info Minister: Putting Houthis on terrorists list necessary to ensure coexistence among Yemenis

Yemen renewed on Tuesday its call to the international community to put Houthis on the international list of terrorist organizations a couple of days after Houthi militants killed and dragged the corps of, Mujahed al-Ghooli, one of their key comrades in the streets of Amran.

My comment: Even this case would not justify to label Houthis as „terrorists“. – If this miister’s claim would be accepted, any peace with „terrorists“ would be declared as impossible and the war prolonged for a long time.

(B P)

UAE’s Yemen redeployment and ‘peace first’ strategy can put talks on track

Officials say the changing focus is about securing Yemen’s future not withdrawing from the conflict

There can be little doubt that the overwhelming body of world opinion favours an end to Yemen’s long-running war, the cause of one of the worst humanitarian disasters of the modern era in which thousands of innocent civilians have died and many more suffered.

There are even suggestions that Iran, whose military support for the Houthi rebels helped to cause the crisis in the first place, is growing weary of its involvement.

For all Tehran’s bluster about confronting the US and its allies in the region, the dramatic impact recent sanctions have had on the Iranian economy means that Tehran is no longer in a position to continue funding its overseas military adventures indefinitely.

Thus, at a time when the primary diplomatic focus of the world’s leading powers is to bring this dreadful conflict to an end, this month's announcement by the United Arab Emirates that it is undertaking a redeployment of its troops in Yemen should be seen as a significant step towards resolving the crisis.

Comment: This article is by Con Coughlin who writes in U.K. and generally holds a very right wing anti Iran position, including defence of UK's sales of weapons to countries engaged in war or with poor humanitarian records. Here he writes in a UAE news outlet.

(* B P)

Proxy of Convenience, Alliance of Necessity: How Iran Weaponized Yemen’s Houthis

For Iran, Ansarallah (more commonly known as the Houthis) is, arguably, the most convenient proxy to leverage in its current conflict with the United States. Unlike Hezbollah or the Hashd al-Shaabi in Iraq, Iran has hidden its support for the Houthis. And while activating its Syrian or Iraqi assets risks provoking a confrontation with US forces, Tehran knows that the US has no direct strategic stake in Yemen—outside of combatting ISIS and al-Qaeda.

For the Houthis, their partnership with Iran became necessary after they alienated nearly every single Yemeni ally they once had, leaving Iran and its transnational network as their sole source of support.

Even so, Iran’s weaponization of the Houthis was only possible because the Islamic Republic spent several years arming and training the group and decades cultivating critical intellectual, cultural, and ideological ties with North Yemen’s Zaidi community—the religious sect from which the Houthis originate.

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Iran continues to deny its role in perpetuating Yemen’s civil war. Unfortunately, much of the international community has gone along with this farce, enabling the Islamic Republic to continue using the Houthis to threaten shipping in the Bab al-Mandeb Strait and wage attacks with impunity. Over the past few months, the UN and Western media have rightly begun shining a more critical light on the Houthis’ actions. They should subject Iran’s role in abetting the Yemeni conflict to the same scrutiny – by Fatima Abo Alasrar

and full document:

My comment: And again the Iran story, now to blame Iran even more and to further beat the war drums in the Gulf conflict. – This is a piece by Saudi-paid Arabia Foundation. For this propaganda think tank, read: =

(A P)

Washington should wake up to the fact that Hezbollah runs Lebanon

The US State Department has invited Gebran Bassil to Washington to speak at a conference, despite the Lebanese foreign minister’s known ties with Hezbollah – which the US has designated as a terrorist organization since 1995. This is due to the US’s misguided policy toward Lebanon, which fails to acknowledge that an investment in the country’s “state institutions” is an investment in the Hezbollah state.

My comment: Lebanon as target of Saudi propaganda, again.

(B P)

Warum legt sich der Iran mit allen an?

Die Lage in der Region ist seit Wochen extrem angespannt. Der Zwischenfall in der Straße von Hormus belastet die Börsen und treibt den Ölpreis nach oben. Sie ist eine der wichtigsten Seestraßen der Welt. Fast ein Drittel des globalen Ölexports wird durch dieses Nadelöhr verschifft.

Iran will mehr Macht

Der Iran sieht sich selbst als große Regionalmacht, versucht, seine Stellung in der Region seit Jahren massiv auszubauen: Dazu unterstützt das Mullah-Regime massiv schiitisch-islamistische Milizen im Irak, im Libanon sowie in den Bürgerkriegsländern Jemen und Syrien.

Der Iran verstößt seit Anfang Juli ganz offen gegen den Deal, reichert Uran stärker an, als das Abkommen es vorsieht.

mein Kommentar: Angeblich Information, tatsächlich Propaganda der Bildzeitung mit dem Holzhammer, bei der die Fakten auf den Kopf gestellt werden.

(A P)

Al-Yafaei: Muslim Brotherhood of Yemen Stands Behind Chaos in Aden and the South

Yasser Al-Yafaei, a southern journalist, exposed the conspiracy of Al-Eslah party, the political arm of Muslim brotherhood in Yemen, against Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, asserting that Ben Brik will expose their plans to divide the south, adding that they are behind chaos in Aden and the South.

My comment: Southern separatist propaganda. Well, court hearings have revealed that Ben Brik had been involved in several political murders.

(A P)

Under Auspices of President Al-Zubaidi, National Dialogue Committee of Aden Local Leadership Organizes a Workshop Titled “Significance of National Dialogue”

My comment: Well, „National Dialogue” by southern separatists more looks like propaganda against political foes, conspiracy theories and militia fighting everyone from Hadi government troops and security to the Houthis.

(A P)

PM praises sacrifices of Hajjah people against Houthi militia

(B K P)

Iran’s arming of Houthi militias, threatens regional & international security

No one is ignorant of the destructive role of Iran in and the Arab region by supporting armed militias, finding proxies, just as the Houthi militia movement in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

It has led to wars and instability in a number of Arab countries, like Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. Each can be seen as model images that reflect the clarity of Iran’s negative role in the region.

Iran’s arming of Houthi militias in Yemen has become known at all levels. By providing Houthi rebels with weapons and drones, Iran seeks to target internal, regional and international security.

It does not stop at this point, but it also smuggles weapons experts into secret militia camps to train the rebels.

(A P)

Al-Maliki: Coalition continues to neutralize capabilities of Houthi militia

Arab coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen announced that it continues to neutralize the qualitative capabilities of Iran-backed Houthi militia.

Speaking at a weekly press conference in Riyadh, spokesperson Col. Turki Al-Maliki said that the coalition forces have dealt with a Houthi booby-trapped boat that was aimed at a merchant ship in the Red Sea.

Col. Al-Maliki pointed out the coalition intercepted the Houthi drones and missiles, stressing that several stores for weapons and missiles belong to Houthi militia have been destroyed.

and more

(A P)

Die Delegation der VAE nimmt am zweiten Ministertreffen des US-Außenministeriums zur Förderung der Religionsfreiheit teil

Eine hochrangige Delegation von Regierungs- und Glaubensführern aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten nahm kürzlich an der zweiten Ministerkonferenz des US-Außenministeriums zur Förderung der Religionsfreiheit teil.

Auf der Ministertagung, die vom 16. bis 18. Juli stattfand, unterstrichen die Delegierten das Engagement der VAE für die Förderung von Frieden, Integration und Koexistenz in den VAE in der gesamten Region des Nahen Ostens und in der ganzen Welt.

(A P)

Muslim Council of Elders publishes book on the works of the ‘Global Conference of Human Fraternity’

The Muslim Council of Elders has published a book on the works of the ‘Global Conference of Human Fraternity’ which was held on the 3rd and 4th of February 2019 in the Capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi.

The two-day conference saw over 700 participants from 16 different religions participate and discuss ways to improve human fraternity in the world.

(A P)

Gulf politics 101: The Qatar boycott for dummies

It is just over two years since the Anti-Terror Quartet (ATQ — Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt) severed relations with Qatar and began a trade, travel and diplomatic boycott. There are no signs that this boycott will be lifted any time soon.

Although this rift has endured for so long that it has become the “new normal,” it is of vital importance for the ATQ to constantly remind the public of the truth about how it came about; and to make it clear that despite the extensive (and expensive) efforts of Doha-funded lobbyists and spin doctors, in this matter Qatar is not the victim, but the villain.

(A P)

Saudi Press: Alliance For the Maintenance of Peace

Al-Riyadh newspaper in its editorial entitled "Alliance For the Maintenance of Peace" wrote that bullying and anarchism are the political characteristics of some countries that suffer from an intellectual vacuum and political poverty, noting that their conduct involves many dangers that pose a real threat to them and those around them, and these qualities and other political flaws apply precisely to the Iranian regime.

The newspaper added that the approval of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to allow the presence of United States forces in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is to maintain security in the region where neighboring countries are apprehensive of the follies of the Iranian regime.

(A P)

Turkish- Qatari role to build a MB’s army in Yemen

Yemen has fallen into a struggle between the Islamist and extremist groups which backed by “Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Houthis, and Muslim Brotherhood”. All that among the efforts of the Arab coalition countries led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in attempt to save the country away from the violence, disintegration and rule of militias in Sana’a, Marib and Taiz.

Yemeni media sources reported that there was Qatari support and Turkish supervision for “Yemeni Islah Party”, the political wing of Muslims Brotherhood there.

The Qatari- Turkish back for the party come to establish hugh militias be the startup of MB’s army. The aim is to control Yemen militarily, economically and politically by imposing a political force and weapon instead of peace and stability in Yemen.

“Qatar supports camps of the Muslim Brotherhood in Marib, which receives hundreds of Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood members, as well as non-Yemeni members: to form multiple militias serving the Qatari-Turkish in the region” sources told the «Reference».

(A P)

Saudi Press: The Kingdom and its commitment to ensuring the security of the region

Al-Youm newspaper in its editorial entitled "The Kingdom and its commitment to ensuring the security of the region'' wrote that the decision of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to receive US forces comes at this juncture to confirm the Kingdom's responsibility for its pioneering role in protecting the security of the region and the world energy markets from any plan of the Iranian reckless regime, as well as it emphasizes the strength of United States-Saudi relations and continuing cooperation between the two countries.

In the same context, Okaz newspaper commented on the King's decision to receive US forces, saying that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become one of the pillars of regional and Arab peace and security in the Arab region and the world in light of its geo-strategic, political and economic status and weight at regional, Arab, Islamic and international arenas.

(A P)

Film: A few months ago, I teamed up with the Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs & a local media production team in Sana'a, to create two ads showing the "other side" of the much-discussed Yemeni war. This one focuses on the thoughts & motives of the Yemeni soldier gearing up for war.

(A P)

Al-Iryani: Iranian regime has become a tool to terrorism in the region

Information Minister Mu’amar al-Iryani has said the Iranian regime has crossed all red lines and become a means for spreading terrorism and chaos and destabilizing security of the region.

“Yemen has suffered for years from malicious Iranian regime’s interferences and policies and now the world, including super powers, are burnt by this regime’s fire and terrorism,” said al-Iryani in a statement to Saba on Saturday.

He pointed to President Hadi’s warns in 2013 of Iranian destructive role to Yemen’s security and stability and regional security.

He also pointed to terrorist practices of Iranian regime of targeting trade ships and kidnapping them and forming sectarian militias for managing proxy wars in the region- as it did in Yemen- and provided them with ballistic rockets and drones.

and also

My remark: Hadi government parroting saudi nonsense propaganda.

(A P)

Kein Frieden, solange die iranischen Mullahs an der Macht sind

Eine ehrliche Analyse der Terrorakte im Nahen Osten und auf der ganzen Welt zeigt, dass fast jeder Konflikt, Krieg und jede Spannung im Nahen Osten auf die iranische Regierung zurückzuführen ist. Trotz der Illusion, die diejenigen, die die iranischen Führer beschwichtigen wollen, zu schaffen versuchen, ist es klar, dass der Iran, der nach wie vor die Fähigkeit zum nuklearen Erstschlag anstrebt, kein Interesse am Frieden hat.

(A P)

Iran’s expansionism keeps Yemen at war

Yemen’s predicament is not over. It will go on as long as there is no change on the fronts.

The stalemate continues in Yemen at all levels. Perhaps the best expression of it is what the Houthis have been doing in northern Yemen since they laid their hands on Sana’a on September 21, 2014.

The first thing that strikes a visitor to Sana’a is the prevailing sad atmosphere.

There is no doubt that Operation Decisive Storm, begun in March 2015, has achieved many results. It stopped the spread of Houthi control to all parts of Yemen. One should not forget that the Houthis, who are ultimately just an Iranian tool, had, after seizing Sana’a, made a dash towards Aden and Mocha Port.

My comment: „Iran’s expansionism“ in Yemen? How many iranian bombs had been dropped on Yemen, how many Iranian troops are there, compared to Saudi and UAE? This is ridiculous. Porpaganda tries to describe the Houthis as iranian toll, which they never had been. Also look at this here:

(A P)

Saudi Arabia’s multipronged strategy to clip Iran’s wings in Arab countries

Lebanon is a prime example of why Saudi Arabia must remain cautious as it works against Iran’s agenda.

Riyadh has, at times, flexed its military muscle, such as in Yemen, or opted for rapprochement, such as in Iraq. In Lebanon, Saudi Arabia has sent mixed messages on how to deal with Hezbollah.

Riyadh’s policy concerning Yemen has been consistent. It has remained committed to restoring the internationally recognised government of Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and preventing Iran’s “criminal interference in Yemeni affairs,” a recent statement by Saudi Deputy Defence Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman said.

As such, Riyadh’s military intervention, which began in 2015, will continue until the Iran-backed Houthis cease to be subservient to Tehran and commit to Yemen’s national interest.

Riyadh also needs to assist the Iraqi government’s efforts to rein in Iran-backed Shia militias to curtail their influence over some of the economy and their control of checkpoints in some provinces.

Equally critical is Iran’s influence in Lebanon, via its most important international proxy: Hezbollah.

My comment: This article shows where Saudi expanionism will go to: It’s Lebanon (again), and Iraq.

(A P)

The Inevitable Collapse of Israeli-Saudi-American Alliance Against Iran and Resistance

From the earliest years of the Zionist project, the leaders of the movement - which then morphed into the State of Israel - understood that regional coalitions were crucial to its success. But Israel is a settler colonial project and therefor it was and still is very much hated by people in the region.

My comment: By exaggeration, it’s morphing to propaganda.

(A P)

Saudi prison provides entertainment, rehabilitation for prisoners

A Saudi prison is providing prisoners with entertainment programs aimed at rehabilitating them into society. In partnership with the General Entertainment Authority (GEA), Jeddah’s Briman Prison is providing prisoners with a range of theater, music and other rehabilitation programs.

The rehabilitation programs give prisoners a chance to take part in cultural activities and performances which their families were allowed to attend. One prisoner told Al Arabiya KSA, “I feel like it’s a dream … I wasn’t expecting to be able to be part of an entertainment event which my family can come and share with me … This brought me happiness and confidence.”

(A P)

Al-Moualimi: It’s time to end Houthis hold on power

Saudi Ambassador to the United Nations Abdallah Al-Mouallimi expressed Saudi Arabia’s and other Arab countries’ concern about Iran’s ‘aggressive’ actions, which is destabilizing the Gulf region.
The ‘aggressive’ Iranian actions include the use of drones by their proxies in Yemen, the Houthi militia, which aims to create chaos by targeting civilian area in the Kingdom.
The drones and arms are sent by Iran to the Houthis. The Iranian regime also has been threatening navigation in the Strait of Hormuz and the Red Sea with use of limpet mines to target shipping in the busy sea-lanes.
"It's high time that the Houthis accept the UN resolution 2216 and put an end to their illegitimate occupation of the centers of powers in Yemen," Al-Mouallimi said in a press conference here.
Answering a question on what United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock said on the aid issue, Al-Mouallimi stated, "I reject this statement I believe its inappropriate and rude."
"Saudi Arabia is the biggest aid donor in Yemen, and we have provided more than $15 billion since the beginning of the conflict in Yemen by direct support or through special aid organization," he added.


(A P)

Saudi Ambassador to UN: It is time to end war in Yemen

Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United Nations, Abdullah Al-Mouallimi, yesterday said that his country does not want war with Iran and that the time to end the war in Yemen has come.

“We do not want war with Iran in Yemen or elsewhere,” Al-Mouallimi said, “it is high time that the war in Yemen should end and the Houthis should accept UN resolution 2216 by ending their illegitimate occupation of power in Yemen,” Anadolu reported.

My comment: he does not want an end of war – he wants a Houthi surrender (which would imply an end of war by a Saudi victory). Do not bother us by such a bullshit.

Comment: The decision to stop the war on #Yemen is not in the hand of #Saudi_Arabiabut in the hand of the #United_States. It is clear that President #Trump still needs to extort more money from Saudi Arabia (The Milking Cow).


Film: @amouallimi

said "The Kingdom of #Saudi have been the largest donor of aid to Yemen, we have spent more than 15 billion dollars."

(A P)


It's demand for the release of people sentenced to death in Sana'a on charges of communicating and cooperating with an enemy state is proof that these individuals are agents of the coalition countries and not political activists, most of them belong to the islah party, [Yemen's muslim brotherhood], the so called Brotherhood wants to use this case to claim that they are victimized by the government in Sann'a in their bid to win over public sympathy and the Hadi puppet government is doing their bidding.

My comment: This is propaganda on behalf of the Houthis, justifying Sanaa’s 30 death sentences.

(A P)

UN, Houthis and Hodeidah (“Cartoon”)

(A P)

Al-Ka’abi Asserts the Importance of Independence of the Southern State

“After World War II, Germany became two separate states, an eastern and a western state, Yugoslavia became six states, Czechoslovakia became two, the Soviet Union became Russia and several republics declared independence. Such things do no harm as long as they represent a solution for preserving blood in conflict areas. Let’s be more reasonable”.

My comment: Strange southern separatists’ view on history. Germany is reunited now, and in Yougoslavia blootshed starting with dividing the country.

(A P)

Lamlas: Violations of Al-Houthis Will Never Fall by Statute of Limitations and History Will Remember Al-Dhala’a as an Icon of Sacrifice and Resistance

Lamlas indicated that crimes and violations of Al-Houthis against civilians and children in Al-Dhala’a will never fall by statute of limitations and as the southern resistance and armed forces managed to exhaust the aggression of Al-Houthis, the southern will manage to put criminals on international trials for rightful punishments for their crimes and violations.

(A P)

Al-Hur: Qatar Seeks to Disturb Security in Liberated South Through Two Parallel Paths

Since liberating southern territories, Qatar provides Al-Houthi militias and terrorist groups with media and logistic support in addition to money and weapons.
Ahmed Al-Hur, a political activist and head of media center of Shabwa Elites Forces, indicated that Qatar takes two paths the first of them is creating conflicts among citizens of liberated southern territories and to disturb balance among security systems so that these territories look disturbed.
According to Al-Hur, the second path is to arm terrorist groups that are closely related to Al-Qaeda and ISIS

My comment: Southern separatists crazy conspiracy theories.


(A P)

Al-Zameki Demands Overthrowing the Campaign Launched by Yemeni Legitimacy Against UAE

Ali Al-Zameki, head of the Southern Transitional Council’s Office in Russia and Federation Countries, demanded all southern citizens to overthrow the vicious systemic campaign against UAE launched by Yemeni legitimacy in Riyadh and Coup forces in Sanaa and Qatar.

My comment: And more separatists’ cpnspiracy theories – an anti-UAE campaign uniting all separatists’ foes.

(A P)

Al-Shuaibi: Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen Lives in Hysteria

“Muslim Brotherhood now live in hysteria in several Arab countries.

All this came along with escalation in the south and smuggling Qatari weapons into Aden. But failure is the only path of this chaotic organization”.
Several Arab nations recently realized the danger of Muslim Brotherhood in these countries

My comment: Southern separatists’ propaganda against Muslim Brotherhood, = Yemeni Islah Party – as Islah Party supports Yemeni unity.

(A P)

Emirates: National Committee of 'Year of Tolerance': Places of worship Law in final stage

Sheikh Abdullah welcomed the members of the committee, stressing the importance of consolidating values of tolerance within the UAE community through sustainable initiatives and projects that enhance the role of the UAE as a global capital for tolerance, civilisational coexistence and human brotherhood.

The Supreme National Committee for Tolerance said that the law on the licensing of places of worship in the UAE is in its final stages, which includes the required conditions and standards for licensing places of worship in a way that reflects the image of tolerance on the land of the state.

(A P)

Saudi Press: Terrorism Is a Threat To KSA and World

Al-Yaum newspaper said in its editorial entitled (Terrorism Is A Threat to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and The World) that the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia attacks with ballistic missiles and Iranian-make drone against KSA and its vessels and oil pumps in addition to sabotaging vessels in the Gulf regional waters is not only a blatant aggression against KSA, but against the countries of the world as a whole. The paper affirmed that the attacks on oil tankers and oil pumps directly damage the economies of the world.

My comment: They simply „forget“ that it’s a war started by Saudi Arabia – and that there are more than 100 times more Saudi coalition air raids than these Houthi attacks.

(A P)

Iran is opening a new regional front in Iraq, the US must act

The US must act after Iran opened a new front in its regional war, exploiting American weakness in Iraq to use the country as a base to target the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and threaten US interests in the region.

US government officials have concluded that the May 14 drone attack on the east-west Saudi pipeline was launched from southern Iraq, having previously identified Yemen as the launch site.

Despite calls from the Iraqi government to disband, several Iranian-backed militias are active in southern Iraq. Iran has equipped these militias with the same weaponized UAV strike capability as its Houthi allies in Yemen.

According to the US government, the May 14 drone attack was likely launched by Kata’ib Hezbollah, an Iraqi militia and designated terrorist group created, funded, and directed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards –

My comment: This is from July 2 already. Beating the ewar drums even more. Keep straight: there is no US business at all in Iraq now and has never been. It’s 7,000 miles away from US territory.

(A P)

US ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Iran uses various militias to ‘fight their fight’

The US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid said that Iran meddles in nearly every country in the region via “various militias that are under Iranian control.”

“The Iranians are always ready to have somebody else fight their fight. You see it with Hezbollah in Lebanon, you see it with the various militias that are under Iranian control in Iraq, you see it with the Houthis, unfortunately, in Yemen,” Abizaid told Al Arabiya during an exclusive interview.

and film:

(A H P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda =

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

July 22:

July 21:

July 20:

July 19:

July 18:

July 17:

July 16:

(* B K)


This morning was my first experience of an airstrike happening almost on my doorstep, and it is deeply shocking and absolutely terrifying.

We heard the sounds of planes circling overhead again, signaling that there would be more airstrikes.

I woke at around 6.30 a.m. to the sound of a huge explosion that shook the solid foundations of my home, rattling the windows and doors. I admit that I panicked momentarily, wondering if I should head to the safe room. That room I have always wondered whether I would ever need.

I waited, trying to stay calm until all was still – eerily so.

I went upstairs and found my housemate looking out of the window, across the city to the mountains where a large plume of dark grey smoke was rising into the air.

The sky was still blue, the birds were singing, the morning air was fresh. But soon, we heard the sounds of planes circling overhead again, signaling that there would be more airstrikes. The minutes ticked by, and then there was again the sound of an explosion – this time fainter, further away – yet visible by the tell-tale smoke rising out of the tops of houses (subscribe for reading)

(A K pS)

12 Houthi militants killed by coalition airstrikes in Sa’ada

The coalition air raids targeted positions and gatherings of Houthi militia near the center of Baqem district,leaving 12 killed and more injured. =

(A K pS)

Coalition strikes Houthi militia in Al-Dhale

The coalition airstrikes targeted gatherings and combat vehicles of Houthi militia in the camp of al-Gub in Hagr area, killing and wounding several Houthi militants and destroying a number of their combat vehicles. =

(A K)

Schwere Luftangriffe im Jemen

Jemens Hauptstadt Sanaa ist am Samstag von schweren Explosionen erschüttert worden. Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition griff nach eigenen Angaben mehrere Stellungen und Lager der Huthi-Milizen an. Es habe sich um Luftverteidigungs-Stellungen und ein Depot für ballistische Raketen gehandelt, teilte ein Sprecher der Koalition mit. Augenzeugen berichteten von schweren Luftangriffen in verschiedenen Teilen der jemenitischen Hauptstadt. =

(A K pS)

Saudi-led coalition starts operation to target military positions in Sanaa

The Saudi-led coalition said it started an operation to target military positions in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, according to state TV early on Saturday.

The targets included air defense sites and ballistic missile depots, it added.

and also


(A K pS)

Arab Coalition begins operation targeting military positions in Yemen’s Sanaa

The Arab Coalition in Yemen said it started an operation to target military positions in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, according to state TV early on Saturday.
The targets included air defense sites and ballistic missile depots, it added.

The coalition said that it advised civilians to avoid going near the target areas.


(A K)

Reports of heavy explosions as Saudi-led coalition resumes assault on Yemeni capital

Shortly after the announcement was made, witnesses on social media reported a series of heavy explosions rocking the city within minutes of each other along with the sound of jets in the air.


(A K pH)

Yemeni TV Director Killed by US-Saudi Airstrike, Ministry of Information Condemns

Fayez Al-Shumairi, who worked as a director in the Yemeni satellite channel was killed by a US-Saudi airstrike on the capital Sana'a, at dawn on Saturday. The Ministry of Information, the Yemeni General Organization for Radio and Television and the Yemen Satellite TV, mourned Fayez Dabwan killing


(* A B K)

Saudi-UAE coalition unleashes air raids on Yemen's capital

Residents reported seeing flames rising from rebel military camps in different parts of the city.

There was no word on casualties.

According to the coalition's spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the strikes targeted five rebel air defence sites and a ballistic missile depot in Sanaa.

"The alliance command is committed to preventing the terrorist Houthi militia and other terrorist organisations from having access to such military capabilities," he added, according to Saudi state news agency SPA.

Speaking from Sanaa, Al Jazeera's correspondent Mohammed al-Attab said Yemeni civilians had become accustomed to such air attacks.

"The attacks do not make any difference to the Houthis or to the Yemenis because these kinds of military camps have already been destroyed," he said.

These kinds of targets, he added, have been attacked "hundreds of times" by Saudi fighter jets for over four years.

"The Houthis are now using guerilla war tactics near the Saudi border," al-Attab said. "So it doesn't make any difference [to them] when Saudi Arabia calls its current military campaign as wide-scale air strikes."


(* A B K)

Saudi Coalition Says it Destroyed Houthi Ballistic Missiles Around Yemeni Capital

Amateur video broadcast by Arab media showed a series of explosions around the Yemeni capital Sana'a, early Saturday, followed by loud percussive explosions.
Saudi-owned media, quoting coalition spokesman Turki al Maliki, indicated that at least five Houthi air defense sites were bombed by Saudi warplanes. Maliki claimed that a number of Houthi ballistic missiles were destroyed in the air attacks.
The Saudi-owned Asharqalawsat newspaper quoted Maliki as saying the "operation [overnight] targeted the Houthis air defense capabilities, as well as their ability to launch aggressive attacks." Maliki went on to say the coalition raids "conformed with international human rights law."
Hilal Khashan, who teaches political science at the American University of Beirut, tells VOA that he doesn't think the Saudi air raids are going to have much effect on the ongoing war or the Houthis military capabilities:
"This is not the first time the Saudis announced launching attacks on missile sites in Yemen," he said. "It happened in the past and it's highly unlikely that such attacks are going to have any tangible effects on the Houthi war effort."
Khashan stressed that most of the Houthis' attacks on Saudi territory in recent weeks have been launched "using drones, rather than by firing ballistic missiles."

(A K pH)

two air raids of the US-Saudi warplanes were launched on the Muziz district of Sa'ada province, on Friday, killing one person and wounding another.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

July 22: Al Dhalea p. Saada p.

July 21: Saada p., Dhalae p.

July 19: Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1b.

(A K pH)

July 23: In the province of Sa'ada, the aggression Saudi Army targeted with rockets and artillery shelling different bordering areas of Razih and Shada.

(A K pH)

Yemeni Rocketry Force Targets Saudi Sites with 5 Zilzal 1 Missiles in Bordering Najran

The Yemeni Rocketry Force announced, on Tuesday, the launch of five missiles, short range missile Zilzal 1, that targeted Saudi forces located in Najran Saudi-Yemeni border. A military source said that "the missiles targeted gatherings of Saudi paid-fighters, fighting a lot the Saudi army in Al-Sadid. The operation was successful, hitting targets with high precision and inflicted heavy casualties in their ranks."

(A K pH)

Intensive Saudi Bombardment on Saada Province

On Monday, residential areas in Saada province faced Saudi rocket attack . A local source reported that residents of border district were at risks in their homes , where they had have heavy losses in their possess. Also the Saudi’s border guards open fire on citizens which caused to wound one citizen.

(A K pS)

Arab Coalition source disdains Houthi claims of victories

A source in the Arab Coalition supporting legitimate government has disdained the Houthi repeated claims of “victories” achieved through the militia’s ballistic missile and drone attacks.

In a statement to Saba News Agency, the source said the Houthi militia uses rumors to create a morale incentive for their fighters who fail to hold ground against the advancing Yemeni army troops and flee the frontlines.

(* A K pH)

Yemen Responding to US-Saudi Airstrikes, Drones, Qasef-2K, Attack Saudi King Khalid Air Base

On Tuesday morning, the Yemeni Air Force carried out a massive operation targeting King Khalid Air Base in Khamis Mushait in Asir. The spokesman of the armed forces, Brigadier Yahya Saree, said that "a number of Drones, Qasef-2K, carried out, with the help of God Almighty, a broad operation on King Khalid Air Base, targeting radars and other military sites."

"This attack comes in response to the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression, siege and continuous raids on the Yemeni people, which reached during the past 24 hours 23 airstrikes," he added.

and also


(A K pH)

Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman: King Khalid Air Base Completely Paralyzed after Drones Attack

Spokesman of the Armed Forces, Brigadier Yahya Sari, said that the continued operations of the Air Force, which targets King Khalid Air Base, in the south-west of Saudi Arabia near Khamis Mushait in Aseer, during the past few days, the most recent Tuesday morning, led to completely paralyzing the air base.

Brigadier Sari said that the drones attack targeted the radars, weapons storage and sensitive military sites. He pointed out that the air base is important for the aggression's operations against Yemen.


(* A K pS)

Arab Coalition Forces intercept, down Houthi drones

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition Forces in Support of the Legitimate Yemeni Government, have intercepted and downed a number of unmanned drone aircrafts launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia towards civilian targets in the Asir region, Yemen.

The spokesman for the coalition forces, Col. Turki Al Maliki, said that the militias failed attempts to target civilian areas reflect their 'terrorist intensions' which is in clear violation of international humanitarian law.

My comment: Military targets as „civilian areas“: funny.

(A K pH)

July 23: In Sa'ada, densely populated villages in Manaba border district were hit by Saudi rockets and artillery

(A K pS)

Marib… At least 30 Houthi militants killed in Serwah

The national army forces ambushed today’s morning a group of Houthi militants in Serwah front, killing 30 Houthi militants while the rest elements flee.

(B K pS)

MASAM removes 3014 Houthi-laid mines in July

The Saudi Project for demining in Yemen MASAM announced that it had removed 1318 landmines and unexploded ordnance planted by the Houthi militia during the third week of July.

Project Manager of MASAM Osama Al-Gosaibi said that the engineering teams had removed 599 anti-tank mines and 3 antipersonnel mines.

The teams also removed 714 unexploded ordnance, and 42 explosive devices, Al-Gosaibi added. =

and also

(* B K)

Yemen rebel long-range arsenal grows lethal

From ballistic missiles to unmanned drones, Yemen's Huthi rebels appear to have bolstered their fighting capabilities, posing a serious threat to mighty neighbour Saudi Arabia.

In June alone, the Iran-aligned Shiite Huthis launched at least 20 missile and drone attacks on the oil-rich kingdom, Iran's regional foe, some resulting in casualties and damage.

Saudi advanced air defences successfully intercepted most of the strikes but failed to deal with some

"The current capability is far more advanced than anything the Yemeni armed forces had before the civil war," which began in 2014, said Kreig, an expert on the Middle East.

The rebels showed off some of their advanced weaponry at an exhibition held earlier this month at an undisclosed location to mark the fifth anniversary of their offensive against the Yemeni government.

Footage distributed by the Huthis showed models of at least 15 unmanned drones and various sizes of missiles of different ranges.

The newest of these weapons were long-range cruise missiles, dubbed "Al-Quds", and explosives-laden "Sammad 3" drones that can hit targets as far as 1,500 kilometres (932 miles) away, according to the Huthis.

- "Made in Yemen" -

On the sides of the Sammad 3, the phrase "Unmanned Aircraft Force" is printed, while the cruise missile is marked "Made in Yemen" on its giant body.

AFP has not established from independent sources if these missiles and drones were manufactured in Yemen.

A Yemeni army retired brigadier, Jamil al-Mamari, believes the "Huthis are not capable of manufacturing missiles in Yemen... They are only capable of assembling and modification".

"Huthis keep modifying army missiles by boosting their explosive capability and adding remote control devices," Mamari said.

Experts rule out the possibility that Huthis may have modified these arms on their own.

Hussein Ibish, a senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, believes Iran has had a hand in developing the Huthis' armaments.

The Huthis "have grown dependent on Iranian and Hezbollah support to maintain their current war posture", Ibish told AFP.

"Their current war posture and their missile technology and capability are mainly the result of direct support from Iran and Hezbollah. So it's very difficult to untangle this knot," he said – by Mohamad Ali Harissi =

(* A K pS)

Two Children Killed, Their Mom Wounded by Houthi Artillery in Taiz (photos)

Two children were killed and their mom sustained serious injuries late Saturday by an artillery shell launched by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the four-year besieged city of Taiz, Yemen’s third-largest city.

and also

other photo:

(A K pS)

Houthi bomb injures 2 children in Al-Jawf

A bomb attack by the Houthi militia coup on Saturday, killed [correct: injured] two children in the village of Al-Ghail, west of Al-Jawf province.

A local source told September Net that a mortar shell fired by the militia, fell on the house of a citizen, which resulted in the injury of two children and a woman seriously.

The shelling caused severe damage to the homes and property of the citizens, the source explained (photo)


(* A K pH)

Yemeni Air Force Conducts Fresh Attack on King Khalid Air Base, Asir

Yemeni Air Force, on Saturday, carried out several drone attacks on the King Khalid air base in Khamis Mushait, Asir.

The spokesman of the Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e said in a brief statement that the Air Force carried out several operation targeted radar and important military sites at the air base using Qasif-2K combat drones.

"The drone strikes had accurately hit the targets,” he added.

He stressed that the attack came in response to the crimes committed by the US-Saudi aggression on Yemen and the military alliance's continued siege on the country

(B K pS)

Securing ships off the coast of Yemen and Iran with Saudi participation. "Ben Turki" confirms thwarting attacks of the Houthis

The commander of the joint forces of the Arab Coalition, Prince Fahd bin Turki, said Thursday that coalition forces accompany ships and secure their passage in the Red Sea.

Asked by Reuters whether Saudi Arabia would play a role in an international maritime security alliance proposed by the United States, Prince Turki said the alliance secures transit trade shipments in the Red Sea, and has succeeded in this task in recent years.

"We have been doing this for the past few years and we have achieved great success despite some damage to civilian shipping, such as Saudi and Turkish ships?

"We are active in this area, we practice it in the Red Sea in the Bab al-Mandab Strait," the commander of the coalition's joint forces said.

(* B K pH)


The Yemeni military expert, Brigadier General Aziz Rashid, said that the drones of our guided air force have become alarmed the coalition of aggression, causing political and media embarrassment and a resounding military setback with the failure of the Saudi air defense systems against the rising capabilities of the Yemeni army that forced the coalition media to change.

Rashid said in a statement on Tuesday: “The enemy began to recognize that our dones could target sensitive military places of the kingdom, where he was bragging about its presence as a strike force no one can reach and did not imagine our ability to target them.

“If the Vietnamese-American war was called the flea war, Yemen today in the fifth year of confrontation against the coalition of aggression is moving from one strike to the locust war,” he said.

He explained that “the drones that the Yemeni army possessed through its military scientific research and the directives of the leadership of the revolution on the need to work hard in searching for the means available in the industrialization of the war had a significant impact on changing the rules of engagement and creating a balance in terror is a pressing strategy in the military equation to impose solutions Peace by acquiring more military force. ”

(B K pS)

Film: US Works to Remove Landmines from Yemen

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A P)

Film: British adventurer and former soldier


illegally smuggled himself into Yemen to shoot a travel show for the Discovery Channel, then claimed he was raising awareness. But was any of that necessary?


Twelve Passengers Burned Alive due to Fire Triggered by Car Accident in Dhamar (film)

and also


Belgium supports FAO in controlling desert locust swarms in Yemen

Yemen is facing a serious desert locust threat with widespread hopper band infestations that will cause swarms to form later this month. If conditions remain favourable, there could be a considerable increase in locust populations in Yemen during the summer that would further threaten the region – affecting food security and livelihoods of rural comunities.

Thanks to a contribution from Belgium to FAO through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA), FAO has initiated a project to support desert locust control operation in Yemen.

(B E)

Saudi has largest gold reserves in Arab world, Yemen no.13

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia topped the Arab world and ranked 16th worldwide for largest gold reserves, with 323 tonnes, according to Akhbaar24.
They are followed in the Arab region by Lebanon (286.80 tonnes), Algeria (173.60); Libya (116.60); Iraq (96.30) and Kuwait (79).
Other Arab countries cited in the list are: Jordan (43.50); Qatar (37.50); Syria (25.80); Morocco (22.10); UAE (7.50); Tunisia (6.80); Bahrain (4.70); Yemen (1.60) and Oman (0.02 tons).
The USA topped the world with the largest gold reserves (8,133.5), followed by Germany (3,367.90), Italy (2,451.80), Russia (2,119.20) and China (1,864.30).

(A P)

Yemeni Photographer, Taha ‘Detained and Deported’ from Egypt to London

Yemeni photographer, Rahman Taha claims he was deported from Cairo international airport last night after arriving in Egypt from London. Taha was participating in a symposium over a week ago at the British Museum in London as part of the Shubbak Festival of Contemporary Arab Culture, highlighting the art of Yemeni artists. Taha was showing some of his photography work and his film titled, “Short Scenes Based On A True Story.”

After being deported, Taha claims he didn’t face a problem at London’s Heathrow Airport and was able to leave the airport, but he speaks with tremendous distress, “I am now in London, alone, without any money and nowhere to stay in, and I don’t know what to do.”

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-558 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-558:

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-557 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-557: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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