Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 567 - Yemen War Mosaic 567

Yemen Press Reader 567: Der Krieg im Jemen und seine Akteure – Jemen, Norden und Süden – Die drohende Spaltung des Jemen – Das Spiel der Emirate im Jemen – Südjemen: Bürgerkrieg

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... Südjemen: Bürgerkrieg, die Separatisten ziehen sich nicht zurück, erobern Abyan – und mehr

August 20, 2019: The war in Yemen and its players – Yemen, North and South – The looming partition of Yemen – The UAEs game in Yemen – Southern Yemen: Civil war, separatists don’t withdraw, take Abyan – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen / Civil war in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO / UN

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B P)

Der Krieg im Jemen und seine Akteure

Die Hintergründe des Jemen-Krieges und die fortschreitende Fragmentierung des Landes seit 2015

Der Krieg im Jemen wird meist sehr vereinfacht in westlichen Medien diskutiert, ohne die komplexen Hintergründe des Konflikts zu beleuchten. Dabei wird er zumeist als ein Krieg zwischen Sunniten mit der saudisch/emiratisch-geführten Militärkoalition auf der einen Seite und Schiiten mit dem Iran auf der anderen Seite dargestellt. Jemenitische Akteure werden bei dieser Darstellung oft nur als Marionetten ihrer ausländischen Schutzmacht verstanden. Eine andere weitverbreitete und sehr vereinfachte Sichtweise beschreibt den Krieg als einen Konflikt zwischen den Huthi-Rebellen und der international anerkannten Hadi-Regierung, die aus Sanaa geputscht wurde. Dieses Bild des Krieges wurde erst zuletzt bei den UN-vermittelten Friedensverhandlungen in Stockholm im Dezember 2018 bestätigt, da nur diese zwei Konfliktparteien an den Gesprächen teilnahmen. Die Realität ist jedoch wesentlich komplexer und betrifft eine Vielzahl weiterer Akteure, die signifikant den Krieg im Jemen und seine Fortführung beeinflussen, beziehungsweise umgekehrt auf seine Beendigung hinarbeiten könnten. Der Beitrag von Anne-Linda Amira Augustin, die als Referentin in der europäischen Auslandsvertretung des Südübergangsrates arbeitet, widmet sich den verschiedenen an der jemenitischen Krise beteiligten politischen und militärischen Akteuren, gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Eckpunkte zur Entstehung des Jemen-Krieges und zeigt die fortschreitende Fragmentierung des Landes seit 2015 auf.

Fragmentierung im Jemen-Krieg: Drei Regierungen und eine Vielzahl von Akteuren

Noch im Jahr 2015 fanden erste UN-vermittelte Friedensverhandlungen in Genf statt, die ebenso wie die Gespräche in Kuwait ein Jahr später scheiterten. Basierend auf der UN-Resolution 2201 ist der Friedensprozess auf nur zwei Akteure, die Huthis und die Hadi-Regierung, fokussiert, was den lokalen Bedingungen nicht entspricht. Voraussetzung für diese Dichotomie ist der oftmals entstandene Eindruck, dass der Krieg zwischen den Huthis und der Hadi-Regierung geführt wird, dabei werden besonders der Hadi-Regierung verschiedene Gruppen zugerechnet, die völlig konträre politische Ziele zu dieser verfolgen. Der Krieg hat die bereits vor 2015 bestehende Fragmentierung des Landes noch weiter vorangetrieben und mit ihr auch die Stärkung lokaler Macht- und Regierungsstrukturen, die eine Rückkehr zu zentralistischen Staatsstrukturen, wie sie vor 2011 üblich waren, unmöglich macht.

Die Huthi-regierten Gebiete

Der Südübergangsrat

Nach der Befreiung Adens griff Präsident Hadi besonders auf Unterstützung von Südjemeniten zurück, setzte sie in hohe staatliche Ämter oder als Soldaten an der Front ein. Aufgrund der Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen im Südjemen, die viele südjemenitische Politiker und Gouverneure ebenfalls unterstützen, entließ Hadi einige südjemenitische Kabinettsminister und Gouverneure im April 2017, darunter Aydarus al-Zubaydi, den ehemaligen Gouverneur von Aden. Nach Massenprotesten Anfang Mai 2017 hatte er begonnen, den Südübergangsrat aus der Südbewegung und dem Südwiderstand aufzubauen

Diese regierungsähnlichen Strukturen sollen die Unabhängigkeit des Südjemen vorbereiten und auch ermöglichen. Weiterhin bestehen andere Gruppen, die der Südbewegung angehören, jedoch unabhängig vom Südübergangsrat sind, aber mit ihm dasselbe politische Ziel der Unabhängigkeit des Südjemen teilen.

Hinzu kommt, dass mehrheitlich südjemenitische Soldaten an den Fronten aufseiten der Militärkoalition kämpfen, die in europäischen Medien zumeist als «Hadi-loyale Truppen» bezeichnet werden. Im Südjemen wurden die zahlreichen Milizen, die sich 2015 unter der Bezeichnung Südwiderstand gegen die Huthis formierten, mit Hilfe der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate institutionalisiert und trainiert.

Die Hadi-Regierung

Die Interessen des Südübergangsrats stehen den Interessen der Hadi-Regierung, die an einer Einheit der Republik Jemen festhält, konträr entgegen. Präsident Hadi musste unter dem Druck der Huthis Ende 2014 zurücktreten und wurde unter Hausarrest gestellt, bis er im Februar 2015 nach Aden fliehen konnte, wo er seinen Rücktritt zurücknahm und Aden als Interimshauptstadt ausrief. Als die Huthis und Salih-Truppen nach Aden vorrückten, flüchtete er nach Saudi-Arabien, wo er Unterstützung im Kampf gegen die Huthis erhielt und seine Regierung im Exil wiederaufbauen konnte, die seitdem meist aus der saudischen Hauptstadt agiert und wenig bis kaum Präsenz in Aden zeigt.

Hadis engster nationaler Verbündeter ist derzeit die Jemenitische Versammlung für Reform (Islah), zu der auch General Ali Mohsin al-Ahmar gehört. Im April 2016 ernannte Hadi den General zu seinem Vizepräsidenten. Al-Ahmar war der führende General im Kampf gegen die Huthis in den 2000er Jahren und engster Vertrauter Salihs, bis er sich während der Proteste des sogenannten Arabischen Frühlings 2011 auf die Seite der Jugendbewegung und gegen Salih stellte. Wegen der zahlreichen Kriege in Saada ist er nicht gut bei den Huthis angesehen. Im Südjemen wird er für das brutale Vorgehen der Armee während des Krieges von 1994 und seine Rolle bei der Beschlagnahmung von Ländereien im Südjemen verantwortlich gemacht. Die Islah-Partei ist besonders stark im Zentraljemen, in Taizz und Marib, vertreten, wo ihre Anhänger gegen die Huthis kämpfen. Taizz steht mittlerweile komplett unter der Kontrolle der Partei. Die von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten finanzierte salafistische Brigade Abu Al-Abbas, die in Taizz aktiv ist, wurde im April 2019 gezwungen, sich aus Teilen der Stadt zurückzuziehen. Aufseiten der Hadi-Regierung kämpfen ebenfalls Einheiten des ehemaligen jemenitischen Militärs, die nach der Ermordung Salihs durch die Huthis im Dezember 2017 die Seiten wechselten. Die sogenannten Wächter der Republik, die von Salihs Neffen Tariq Salih angeführt werden, kämpfen nun auf Hadis Seite.

Regionale und internationale Akteure sowie ihr Einfluss auf den Krieg

Hinter jeder größeren nationalen Kraft steht eine regionale Macht, die in lokale Geschehnisse teils enorm eingreift und damit auch den Krieg im Jemen und dessen Fortführung entscheidend mitbestimmt. Besonders seien hier drei Staaten genannt, die eine wesentliche Rolle im Jemen spielen: Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und der Iran. Der Iran unterstützt die Huthis vor allem mit militärisch-strategischer Beratung sowie Waffenlieferungen. Allerdings sollte die Beziehung zwischen den Huthis und dem Iran nicht mit Irans Einfluss im Libanon, Syrien oder Irak gleichgesetzt werden. Der Iran hat deutlich weniger Einfluss auf die Huthis und damit auch auf das direkte Geschehen im Jemen – von Anne-Linda Amira Augustin, Referentin in der europäischen Auslandsvertretung des Südübergangsrates in Berlin. =

(** B P)

North and South: Who Benefits from a Divided Yemen?

Why is the split between southerners and northerners only growing more pronounced? Could this lead to the reemergence of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY) in the south? Why does the UAE support separatists in the South while Saudi Arabia backs the supporters of Hadi? How will this affect the future coalition? How do the Houthis stand to benefit from the confrontation in the South? What will Iran do?

The conflict between the two wings of the Arab Coalition (AC) in Yemen, essentially comprising its leader, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, took shape in 2016 in response to disagreements over the strategy for the military campaign in Yemen and the choice of Yemeni partners to carry it out. It was the UAE that initiated the military operation in the South in April 2016, using local paramilitary forces trained and equipped by the UAE military to liberate almost the entire Arabian Sea coast in Yemen from the control of Ansar al-Sharia, a group loyal to the leaders of the banned terrorist group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

The terrorists’ imperious claims in the South, which had pledged loyalty to the AC, shocked the local population, which had been fighting radical Islamists consistently for over 15 years. The establishment of quasi-administrative bodies in these cities by the Islamists was accompanied by violence against the local Sunni population. The terrorists brought in several Salafi Islamist groups that had access to the Yemeni Muslim Brothers from the Al-Islah party, which was imposing its religious rules – new to the local population and intolerant of previous Yemeni customs – all throughout Yemen.

In September 2014, Al-Islah suffered a political defeat in the North from the emerging alliance between the Houthi Movement, Ansarullah, and General People's Congress (GPC), Ali Abdullah Saleh’s party

The Al-Islah leaders fled to Riyadh, describing the Houthis’ peaceful entry into Sana'a on September 21, 2014 as a “coup,” although President Hadi remained at his post in Sana'a until he voluntarily ceded power on January 22, 2015 by submitting his resignation to parliament.

In March 2015, the leaders of Al-Islah announced support for Hadi as the legitimate president and took the leading wartime positions in his administration. In early 2016, the informal leader of the party’s military wing, General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, was appointed deputy commander and vice president of Yemen. That appointment led to an emerging rift in the AC between the pro-Saudi and pro-UAE wings. The Yemenis’ attitude towards the general and the Al-Islah party determined, to a certain extent, the subsequent shifts in political sentiment both in the North and in the South.

Although the UAE-led antiterrorist military operation in the southern port cities was bloodless, and the militants were allowed to leave the cities and move to their camps with their weapons to avoid civilian casualties, it clearly showed that the UAE and the majority of the population of the South would not tolerate AQAP terrorists or even Muslim Brothers from the Al-Islah party in this part of the country.

In May 2017, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) was established in the South, headed by Aidarus al-Zoubaidi who had been dismissed the day before by President Hadi as governor of the Aden province. The STC’s founders include almost all the governors of southern provinces (former PDRY); its political manifesto was the program of Al-Hirak, the secessionist Southern Movement, established in 2007 with the declared goal of restoring the sovereignty and independence of the South.

In 2018, the conflict between the two flanks of the AC camp began to spread to parts of the South quite far away from Aden,

The situation in the South in 2018 was also aggravated by the STC leadership’s support for Southern paramilitary forces’ (Al Amalaqah Brigades) involvement in the Golden Victory offensive on the North Yemeni port of Hodeidah, which was later considered the key operation of the protracted and stalled military campaign in Yemen. Earlier, Al-Hirak categorically refused to fight against the Houthi alliance forces outside the 1990 borders of the PDRY. It was not until January 2017 that new paramilitary South Yemeni units created by the UAE first crossed the invisible border of the former People’s Democratic Republic to join the AC operations in the vicinity of the northern Yemeni city of Taiz.

The southerners’ involvement in the war in the North – while the AC parties installed their stationary military facilities on the territory of the South, dissociated from the war with the Houthis, where many of the military camps of President Hadi remained under the command of General Ali Mohsen – began to destabilize the South.

It would be premature to make any projections about how the conflict in the AC might develop from here. This is just part of a larger ball of contradictions that had existed in Yemen even before the foreign intervention, but have now reemerged in a new shape as a result of the disastrous war. Neighboring powers are vying in pursuit of their geopolitical interests in Yemen, and this fact keeps interfering with local developments, upsetting the balance of power between Yemen’s centers of political influence located in Aden and Sana'a.

Iran’s involvement in the Yemen conflict as the military campaign enters its fifth year is highly doubtful.

The absolute dominance of Ansarullah, a movement 50% comprised of the former ruling party GPC, in the the coalition regime established in Sana'a in August 2016 and having proved resilient since then, is equally dubious. The Sana'a-based core of the GPC still enjoys strong support both in cities and especially in the tribes, not to mention the bureaucracy, the army, and the parliament also reestablished that year. These aspects of the war have long been obscured by simplistic arguments about civil war and Iranian intervention spread by the media and politicians.

The conflict in Yemen requires a political dialogue aimed at restoring the country's statehood in a format that would meet the demands of its people. Apparently, there can be no return to the original political process – led by the UN and interrupted by the intervention – after the dramatic changes in the political scene of Yemen over the war years. However, UN mediation still can and should help select, as soon as possible, the best formats for a speedy settlement in Yemen with the participation of the new Yemeni centers of political influence that established themselves before they became too numerous – by Sergey Serebrov

(** B P)

The looming partition of Yemen

After the UAE's decision to withdraw its troops from Yemen, the secessionist takeover of Aden was inevitable.

The success of Yemen's southern secessionists in taking over the city of Aden has opened a new chapter in the country's sordid history. It has effectively undermined all efforts to restore legitimate authority to the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and is endangering the territorial integrity of the country.

After the United Arab Emirates (UAE) decided to withdraw the bulk, if not all, of its soldiers from Yemen, it was inevitable that the secessionists would make a move against Hadi's forces in the south. In fact, what happened is very much part of the Emirati plan for southern Yemen, and particularly Aden and its seaport.

The UAE's love-hate relationship with Yemen

Geographically distant from Yemen, the UAE did not have the same degree of trepidation Saudi Arabia felt about threats and developments in that country over the past decade. Whether these emanated from the Houthi rebels on the kingdom's southwestern border or from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to its immediate south, they generally did not affect the security of the UAE.

Since the mid-2000s, the UAE has succeeded in striking deals with several states along this stretch to manage commercial ports and establish military bases. The UAE has footprints in Djibouti, Somaliland and Puntland (both federated states in Somalia), and Eritrea.

These considerations have been at the heart of the Emirati strategy in Yemen since the launch of Operation Decisive Storm in March 2015. However, for the Emiratis, stopping the Houthis and maintaining the collective security of the GCC did not necessarily mean the restoration of Hadi's legitimate authority over the country.

To be sure, the Yemeni president never believed that the UAE was working to restore his legitimate rule and had fallen out with its strongman, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) a long time ago.

Indeed, the UAE has had a Janus-faced relationship with Yemen since the start of the Saudi-led coalition's operations there in March 2015. While officially supporting the Hadi government, in practice, the UAE has been helping and sustaining its opponents in the south and paving the way for secession.

The seemingly endless nature of the Yemeni war - now a quagmire in its fifth year - a slowing UAE economy, and tensions in the Gulf necessitated retrenchment and withdrawal from Yemen. Still, gains in the south of the country could not be forfeited, nor could the UAE's local allies be abandoned. That is why Abu Dhabi decided to allow the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) to execute a coup against the Yemeni president and his government.

It is quite likely that the battle for Aden and its strategic facilities is only the beginning of a series of showdowns elsewhere whose ultimate aim is to remove all vestiges of Hadi's control in the south.

Whither Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia's position on what happened in Aden in early August has been rather murky. News reports from the city and statements by Hadi government officials point to Saudi inaction against the secessionists. But no matter its current stance, Riyadh appears incapable of delivering on promises it made to Hadi when it decided to launch Operation Decisive Storm.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) hitched his wagon to MBZ's horse, apparently with no clue as to where the UAE was taking Saudi Arabia and Yemen. After four and a half years of military action in Yemen, MBS can hardly claim any success, as MBZ runs away with Yemen's south.

Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran axis also appears to give way.

As the UAE tries to slip out of a war it encouraged Saudi Arabia to start, the Saudis may now be wondering: with friends like these, who needs enemies?

Potential future scenarios

If not reversed, the takeover of Aden by southern secessionists may well be the final nail in the coffin of Yemen's unity and territorial integrity. While Saudi Arabia has announced that it will host reconciliation meetings between Hadi and his adversaries, there is no guarantee that they will be successful. Having allowed Abu Dhabi to do what it wanted in Aden, Riyadh will find it difficult to oppose the further territorial expansion of the STC.

Over the next few weeks and months, a number of significant developments spurred by the crisis in Aden could take place – by Imad K. Harb

(** B P)

The UAE remains the most influential player in Yemen, despite its troop withdrawal

While UAE officials and media have been reassuring the public that the withdrawal decision was made in coordination with Riyadh, the “redeployment” has highlighted disagreements between the Emirates and Saudi Arabia over Yemen. Some reports indicate that the closest associates of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman intervened to try to change the UAE’s mind. The Emirati troops have been described as the most competent within the Saudi-led coalition and so their “redeployment” could be a major blow for Riyadh’s war efforts, leaving its own troops more exposed. Despite assurances by UAE officials that their country remains committed to the coalition and its goals, the Emiratis’ move has been interpreted as a slap in the face for Saudi Arabia.

It is, therefore, unclear how the UAE decision will affect the coalition and Saudi-UAE relations. The Saudis have so far played down allegations about a rift with the UAE.

Divergent Saudi and Emirati agendas for Yemen have been apparent almost from the start of their intervention in 2015.

The UAE’s departure should not leave a vacuum, as it has trained some 90,000 Yemeni troops made up of former security personal, tribesmen and militia members from the south that would provide an effective ground force and secure the Emirates’ political leverage in this part of the world.

According to Anne-Linda Amira Augustin, a political advisor to the Foreign Representation of the Southern Transitional Council at the European Union, writing in her article “Security in South Yemen”, the [troop withdrawal] will not affect the whole country equally, as the UAE redeployment will mainly impact areas like Hodeida. In South Yemen, she believes that little or nothing will change on the ground because security is provided primarily by South Yemenis.

Augustin reminds us that the Republic of Yemen was already fragmented before the war.

Nowadays, the STC claims to have a strong presence in the different governorates in South Yemen. “Southern actors are better organised and positioned than before the war,” Augustin told MEMO, “and they are not willing to give up their achievements for the reestablishment of a centralised rule in Sanaa, under which they suffered for almost three decades. Going back to pre-2011 Yemen is impossible in today’s circumstances.”

For Cafiero, though, “As Yemen remains a failed state and the UAE continues to assert its heavy influence in the war-torn country, the possibility of Abu Dhabi and its proxies succeeding in re-establishing South Yemen as an independent state is real.”

(** B P)

The UAE and the coup de grace to Yemen's unity

The UAE's actions in Yemen will have the same effect their policies have had in the rest of the Arab world: spreading disorder.

However, by seizing Aden, the interim capital, the STC is guilty of committing the same sin that the Houthis did at the outset. They overthrew the internationally recognised government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, initiating a de facto secession, striking a heavy blow to the unity of Yemen, and compromising not just its territorial integrity, but also its sovereignty and political independence.

Irrespective of whether southern Yemenis may hold some valid political grievances, staging a coup and further plunging the county into the dark abyss of violence is neither legal nor acceptable.

The STC has withdrawn from some of the critical posts it captured, but the UAE-sponsored putsch holds many essential lessons.

An act of epic treachery

The first takeaway is that the UAE's reputation has been - once again - struck a severe blow. The fact that the legitimate Yemeni government relied for its rescue on ''Operation Decisive Storm'', in which the UAE has played a central role, only to end up betrayed by the would-be saviour, is an act of epic treachery.

A long time in the making

From the onset, the UAE pursued a policy of establishing a parallel state, weakening the Hadi government bit by bit. It started with the establishment of a network of military camps and militia-run bases, over which the Yemeni government had no control.

Added to the mix are the egregious violations of human rights, including assassination campaigns, the use of secret prisons, and systemic enforced disappearances and torture, which have been labelled as war crimes by human rights organisations.

The reality is that the STC does not represent the entire south. Before 1967, there were about 18 sultanates, emirates and chieftains in control of large parts of south Yemen. Currently, there are other secessionist and regionalist movements in Al Mahra, Hadramaout, and other provinces, which are not represented by the STC.

One can safely argue that the UAE's designs are no more than a chimaera that will come tumbling down, sooner rather than later.

The biggest loser

Thirdly, the events in Aden demonstrate that Riyadh is on its way to become the biggest loser in Yemen. With no clear strategy, the Saudi military campaign has been nothing short of a disaster.

Is chaos the end game?

The fourth takeaway is that the UAE has no constructive project to offer the region. When one considers the UAE’s positions in Yemen, Libya and Somalia—which mostly consist of overtly undermining UN-recognised governments while supporting warlords and other secessionist movements—Abu Dhabi's larger regional designs become even more apparent.

It seems that the UAE's end game is to engender chaos and push fragile countries to fragment into pieces on behalf of larger international forces. Splitting existing Arab countries has been an idea nurtured by the neo-conservatives and other quarters since 2001.

All in all, the UAE has been a dagger inserted in the legitimate government's back all along – by Tarek Cherkaoui

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, two children were injured with a shell fired by US-Saudi mercenaries in Al-Hawak district. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted civilians' properties in Hais district with 38 artillery shells. The mercenaries targeted Ad-durayhimi district with 7 guided missiles and 19 artillery shells, damaging civilians' houses.

In Al-Jawf, a woman was killed with US-Saudi mercenaries' gunshots in Al-Motoon district.

(A K pS)

Houthi Commander Wounded in Militia Mine in Yemen

A leading member of the Iran-backed Houthi militias was seriously wounded by a landmine explosion in Yemen’s Hais region on Monday.
The website said Abdullah Batily and several of his companions were injured by a mine planted by the Houthis in Hais, south of Hodeidah.

(A K pS)

Film: A woman gets injured by shelling of Houthi militias on residential neighborhoods in Hays city

(A K pS)

Film: Shells of al-Houthi militias destroy houses in Mudhaer neighborhood, south of Hodeidah

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi mercenaries targeted Shajan village with 14 artillery shells in Ad-durayhimi.

(A K pS)

Houthis target joint forces in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthi militia blasts key main route in Hodeida

Local sources told “September Net” that the rebel militiamen largely blew up bridges on the main asphalted road that is linking the directorates of Tahita and Zabid, in south of the province.

(A K pS)

Houthis shell residential areas in Hodeida

(A K pS)

One person seriously injured by Houthi shelling on Hodeida

The Iran-backed rebel militiamen launched heavy artillery and mortar attacks on the movements of civilians at public roads and the densely populated villages south of the province, local sources told September Net.

They said the citizen Da’ood Solaiman suffered critical wounds all over his body by shrapnel from one of the random shells fired by the rebel militia on his residence in Matina southern Hodeida. =


(A K pH)

Three Civilians Injured as Saudi-led Aggressors Target Yemen’s Hodeida

Local source clarified that the Saudi mercenaries targeted Ansar street which led to injured three civilians . Another boy was injured as the mercenaries targeted Asweq area of Atuhita district .

As well , various areas were bombed with more than 40 artillery shells at various areas southern Atuhita district .

(A K pS)

Army hinders Houthi militia’s infiltration south of Hodeidah

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B K P)

Empfindliche Treffer auf einem saudi-arabischen Ölfeld

Drohnen der Huthis erreichen das 1.000 Kilometer entfernte Schaiba-Ölfeld und lösen Alarm aus. Für Beobachter ist das eine entscheidende Entwicklung im Jemen-Krieg

Wie immer im Krieg gibt es unterschiedliche Darstellungen, doch die Bemerkung des saudischen Energieministers deutet an, dass der Angriff ein empfindliches Ziel hatte. Die saudische Ölgesellschaft Aramco stuft ihn, wahrscheinlich auch um Märkte nicht nervös zu machen, als geringfügig ein: Es sei ein begrenztes Feuer gewesen

"Saudi-Arabien hat den Krieg verloren"

Das Ölfeld liegt "mehr als 1.000 Kilometer" vom Territorium im Nordwesten Jemens entfernt, das von den Huthis kontrolliert wird. So gesehen ist es erstmal zweitrangig, ob nun tatsächlich 10 Drohnen mit explosiver Ladung Anlagen im Schaiba-Feld getroffen haben, wie es die Huthis behaupten und wie große der faktische Schaden dieses Mal war. Denn der nächste Angriff, den der Anführer der "Huthi Ansarullah", Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, ankündigt, könnte schlimmer ausfallen.

Die Reichweite der Drohnen wird in Saudi-Arabien wie auch in den Emiraten und in den USA für Nervosität sorgen. Dass der saudische Energieminister auf Gefahren verweist, die Konsequenzen auf den globalen Ölhandel haben, ist ein erneuter Ruf nach Unterstützung für diese Seite des Konflikts im Jemen. Saudi-Arabien steht vor Schwierigkeiten.

Kritische Beobachter der US- bzw. der Politik westlicher Verbündeter im Nahen Osten wie das Blog Moon of Alabama und der belgische Journalist Elijah J. Magnier werten den Angriff als deutliches Signal der Niederlage

Das sind weitgefasste Spekulationen, die nicht in Rechnung stellen, welche Widerwehr zu erwarten ist, sollten die Ölfelder in Saudi-Arabien einer tatsächlich vitalen Bedrohung ausgesetzt werden. Das würde dann Interessen von mehreren Industriestaaten empfindlich berühren und letztlich auch die neue Nahostordnungsmacht Russland in die Dynamik miteinbeziehen. Was sich daraus entwickeln könnte, ist nicht voraussehbar.

(A K)

Film: Yemen Update by Hassan Al-Haifi 19 August 2019.
Yemen (Sana'a) Drone Force airraid on Saudi ARAMCO Sheba Oil Reservoir & Refinery Complex on Eastern Periphery of occupied Yemeni Rub'a Al-Khali (Empty Quarter) Desert just 10 km from UAE border.

(* B P)

Yemen .. Unity or separation and wrong questions

There has been no surprise in what happened in Aden. For example, Saleh did not manage the country's institutions, but a personal loyalty network that took him more than 30 years to build, as well as the onset of the depletion of oil resources that provided the necessary liquidity to build the loyalty network.

The recent events in Aden open the door to the demands of independence, and the aspirations of secession north and south, and re-questions the legitimacy and concepts of power, where access to power in Yemen is still subject to violence north and south, leading to these coups and the de facto authorities. The difference between the coups of the past and the present is that the coups of the past were committed to the framework of the state, and did not go beyond the change of power, while what is happening now is a sweeping of the state

"It is enough to mention the government has been coupled with exile, corruption and weakness" and its form and limits, and the alternatives presented derive its legitimacy from the past and the narrative of grievance without any future projects well-defined.

The absence of future projects leads to a policy of mobilization which means keeping the state of conflict or war in order to keep society in constant fear. This is what Houthi is doing, and the Transitional Council will do. Both rely on the policy of mobilization on the basis of identity, and not politics, there is no place for criticism or disagreement, which establishes the rule of the individual only, which is the real scourge of politics in Yemen.

The scourge of tyranny that has wiped out unity will eliminate illusions of revival of the imamate in the north and the southern state, because it will naturally create corrupt regimes and, consequently, a faltering economy and absent services, especially in a country with poor natural resources, such as Yemen

The Yemeni elite has been preoccupied with asking about Yemeni unity, and which is the best stage of unity or separation, especially the southern elite, and moved its preoccupation to the street, and this has led to disruptive approaches, where talk about the past of the south has become a great illusion and amplification.

The issue of the conflict between North and South Yemen is misleading, where the northerners have fought among themselves more than they did with the southerners, and the same is true with the southerners.

Political questions still go wrong when they are directed towards regions and sects, not policies and concepts, and the absence of any developmental perceptions and economy – by Misa' Shujae Aldiyn (trandslated by Google Transaltor)

My comment: A misleading interpretation of Houthi rule, which nor is aiming at reinstallate the pre-1962 imamate nor is aiming at divide the country and instalate a separated Northern Yemen.

(B K P)


The American expert on Yemeni affairs, Peter Salisbury, commented on the recent events in Aden, saying that what happened in Aden confirms that the coalition and its adherence to legitimacy is only a means to achieve its interests in Yemen.

Peter said that Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s presidency was more symbolic than anything, noting that Hadi’s approval of Saudi Arabia to take decisions in his place in Yemen was the dominant since the war began in March 2015.

The expert said it is in the coalition’s interest that President Hadi remain in Riyadh as a legal cover for continued interference in Yemen.

(B H K P)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen: Humanitarians in Yemen reaffirm that the only solution to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world is to end the conflict

Humanitarians across Yemen are renewing their call to end the conflict in Yemen on World Humanitarian Day.

“Every humanitarian working in Yemen knows that the only solution to this senseless, terrible tragedy is to end the conflict,” said Ms. Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen. “This is why we are using World Humanitarian Day to ask everyone to lay down their weapons, work towards peace and give humanitarians immediate, unimpeded and safe access to the people who need our assistance.”

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s $200 million a day fails to conquer Yemen

Saudi Arabia has essentially been booted from Yemen after four years of bankrolling mercenaries at the cost of $200 million a day to crush impoverished desert tribesmen.

Saudi Arabia now faces hundreds of thousands Houthi rebels armed with Iranian-supplied missiles on its southern doorstep. With no major partners willing to supply ground forces for what appears to be an unwinnable civil war, there has not been a patriotic rush by Saudis to volunteer for infantry combat duty in Yemen.

(B P)

Saudi Arabia, UAE occupied Yemen for US interests: analysts says

Saudi Arabia launched the war on Yemen, more than four years ago, to follow orders from the United States, which is striving for dominance in the Middle Eastern region, with the aim of maintaining the security of Israel, says an analyst.

Author and Middle East expert, Saeb Shaath, made the remarks to Press TV, when he was asked why Saudi Arabia has been spending so much money and so much of its reputation to continue this war against Yemen.

“The whole thing is not the war for Saudi Arabia,” he pointed out.

Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies launched the devastating campaign against Yemen in March 2015, “to dominate Yemen and to destroy Yemen as well for the interest of the United States of America to control the waterways and the strategic position of Yemen.” he said.

The expert further stated that Yemen is “a country occupied by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, carrying (out) the orders of the United States of American to destroy this country.”

My comment: A claim from Iran, but I do not think so. The Saudis acted on their own, the US (Obama) had let it happen.

(* B P)

The War on Yemen: How Far Will the Saudi-UAE Confrontation Go?

Saudi Arabia and the UAE, increasingly wary allies of one another in the War on Yemen, are poised to sharpen their competition in the Red Sea-Horn of Africa region to the point of becoming “frenemies” amidst both parties’ efforts to forge different coalitions in this strategic space through which the vast majority of European-Asian trade traverses.

Most observers agree that the UAE’s planned military drawdown from Yemen sharpened the competition between that country and its Saudi allies in the war, but the fact of the matter is that the general dynamic of these two GCC countries becoming rivals of one another actually started at the onset of that campaign.

The Emirates leveraged its influence in the Horn of Africa to set up a military base in Eritrea, after which it helped broker an historic peace between that nation and its Ethiopian neighbor.

The Saudis, meanwhile, have been in a state of shock that their “little brother” is outdoing them by punching well above its weight and behaving like more of a Great Power than they are. Riyadh’s regional ambitions were thwarted by its disastrous War on Yemen that was supposed to catapult the country into becoming a global power, yet it’s this very same campaign that’s responsible for actualizing Abu Dhabi’s exact same vision instead and thus turning the two allies into frenemies.

The kinetic (military) aspect of the conflict has largely died down from its previous high of seemingly never-ending coalition bombings against mostly civilian targets, but the non-kinetic (political) aspect has only intensified in turn. The UAE is carving out a de-facto protectorate in the formerly independent state of South Yemen

The UAE already appears to be hedging its bets and preparing for the possibility of pivoting away from the Saudis if need be in spite of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed (MBZ) being his Saudi counterpart Mohammed Bin Salman‘s (MBS) unofficial mentor.

It’s unclear how far this nascent rapprochement with Iran might go, but if the UAE continues moving in this direction in order to deter Saudi Arabia from stopping its plans for a de-facto protectorate in South Yemen, then it might set into motion a larger chain reaction of regional changes such as an improvement of the Emirates’ ties with Iran’s Qatari and Turkish partners, much to the Kingdom’s discontent.

Even if developments don’t move in that radical of a direction, it’s clear to see that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have gone from allies in the War on Yemen to frenemies who are strategically competing with one another in the larger Red Sea-Horn of Africa region. The implications of this trend are profound, providing opportunities but also obstacles for various third-party actors depending on their agendas. The proverbial “battle lines” are being drawn and the proxy war has already started after the STC seized control of Aden – by Andrew Korybko

(B P)

Yemen won't keep unified, gov't infiltrated through weak presidency: Kuwaiti journalist

The Yemeni internationally-recognized government is infiltrated, said the Kuwaiti chief journalist on Saturday, signaling apparently at the Muslim Brethren-affiliated Islah party, whose leaders dominate the Yemeni decision-making.

The Yemeni presidency is weak and unrealistic, Assyasa Editor Ahmed Aljarallah added in tweets seen by Debriefer, calling for the country's south to be kept away from its north.

"Frankly, the Yemeni legitimate government is infiltrated through a weak presidency far away from realty," he claimed. "The decisive storm has achieved its aim, as it's kept the Arabian Peninsula away from the risks of the Iranian clerical regime that intended to shiitize these countries under sectarian course.

"Saudi Arabia and Emirates have achieved their wanted purpose by keeping the south away and imposing a blockade on the north" of Yemen.

"Yemen won't keep unified .. and the Saudi-led coalition should realize that the culture of Yemeni southerners is different from that in the north, and their patriotism is more pure than that of a northerner," the Kuwaiti writer claimed citing the Iranian presence in the north, but not the south.

Now, the "Iranians are in the north with their Houthis and those selling their sons cheaply and pushing them - as fuel - to defend the Iranian influence."

The Kuwaiti writer's remarks come in harmony with accusations against Islah party of slackness at battlefronts in northern provinces, postponing the military victory against Houthis.

My comment: Useful thoughts mixed with odd propaganda.

(B K)

1,500 teachers killed, 2,400 injured by Houthi group

More than 1,500 teachers have been killed by Houthi militants during the country's four-year war, said Yahya Al-Yana’ee, media officer of the Yemeni Teachers' Union.

Nearly 2,400 workers in the education sector in Yemen have suffered various gunshot injuries, some of which have resulted in permanent disabilities, al- Yana’ee said in a statement to Al-Masdar Online.

He explained that armed clashes in villages and cities, indiscriminate shelling of schools and populated areas of citizens, torture in prison basements, and the planting of mines and explosive devices in residential neighborhoods, farms and roads by Houthi militia elements, resulted in so many victims among teachers.

Al- Yana’ee said the union has documented 32 cases of enforced disappearance of teachers abducted by Houthi militias from their homes and schools, none of whom have been seen since, and their families have not received any answer from the Houthis about their fate.

My comment: Probably: „by the war“ (which would mean 2/3 by saudi air raids) is changed here to „by Houthi group“ for easons of propaganda.

(* B H K)


Since the Arab Spring in 2011 Yemen has been involved in a civil conflict. While most of the other "springs" have ended Yemen continues in this long crisis. Are the Hothi rebels still fighting for a more democratic government? Or have your goals changed?

First, we must clarify that the Hothis have never fought for a better democracy. The struggle for democracy cannot be carried out through force to control the State. In fact, they are not democratic in the areas in which they maintain control. His method is that of an armed group. What is sad and ironic is that the government, controlled by the Hadi ethnic group, and the coalition of countries led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - who control 80% of the territory - are not fighting for a more democratic government either.

One more issue, for a better understanding, the crisis in Yemen is not due to the 2011 uprisings. The reasons must be sought in numerous mistakes made by all Yemen political parties throughout history, and more precisely because of the mistakes and wars that took place under the government of former President Ali Abdulleah Saleh.

What has been the human cost of the conflict? Is the Yemen crisis the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today? Why?

The cost is a devastating life. This is the title of the 2018 Mwatatna annual report that shows part of the horrible violations against civilians and civil institutions committed by all parties to the conflict in Yemen. We chose this title because every aspect of life in Yemen is getting rough. The situation has completely collapsed. Yemenis are surrounded by death everywhere and are safe only by accident.

In addition to all direct violations suffered by Yemenis - such as airstrikes, land bombings, mines, detention, forced disappearance, torture, recruitment of children, attacks on schools and hospitals and much more -, Yemenis also face another kind of rape that is hunger. I name it as a rape because Yemenis are not starving, but they are starving them. The parties to the conflict are using hunger as a weapon of war. An important example of that is the issue of wages. Most public sector employees have not received their salary for years. This is really one of the things that structurally broke society and brought it to the brink of famine.

Are both parties really blocking humanitarian aid? What is the main purpose to prevent help from arriving?

We cannot affirm that there is only one cause. Mwatana has documented incidents of blockage, obstruction or impediment of humanitarian aid or critical assets to save lives for all parties to the conflict. In 2018, Mwatana documented 74 incidents of obstruction of humanitarian access and humanitarian supplies. The armed group Ansar Allah (Houthis) was responsible for 62 of these incidents. The "Popular Resistance" forces and forces loyal to President Hadi were responsible for 6 incidents, while the Saudi Arabia / UAE Coalition was responsible for another 6 incidents.

Although blocking, obstructing or preventing humanitarian aid or life-saving critical assets in Yemen has a particularly acute impact, but it is not the only reason that creates the worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Do you consider this conflict as part of the regional power bid between Iran, ruled by Shiites, and Saudi Arabia, ruled by Sunnis? Is the Yemeni crisis in connection with tensions in the Persian Gulf?

It has nothing to do with the rivalry between Shites and Sunnis, it is a political war for power. The war in Yemen is increasingly complicated and more linked to the situation in the region, but it was not so from the beginning. If there is a real way for the international community to stop the war in Yemen, the country could stay away from these dangerous tensions.

(* B K P)

Long Range Attack On Saudi Oil Field Ends War On Yemen

Today Saudi Arabia finally lost the war on Yemen. It has no defenses against new weapons the Houthis in Yemen acquired. These weapons threaten the Saudis economic lifelines. This today was the decisive attack:

Drones launched by Yemen’s Houthi rebels attacked a massive oil and gas field deep inside Saudi Arabia’s sprawling desert on Saturday, causing what the kingdom described as a “limited fire” in the second such recent attack on its crucial energy industry.

Today's attack is a check mate move against the Saudis. Shaybah is some 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) from Houthi-controlled territory. There are many more important economic targets within that range.

The attack conclusively demonstrates that the most important assets of the Saudis are now under threat.

The drones and missiles the Houthi use are copies of Iranian designs assembled in Yemen with the help of Hizbullah experts from Lebanon.

The Saudi side will have to agree to political peace negotiations. The Yemeni demand for reparation payments will be eye watering. But the Saudis will have no alternative but to cough up whatever the Houthi demand.

Today's attack has an even larger dimension than marking the end of the war on Yemen. That Iran supplied drones with 1,500 kilometer reach to its allies in Yemen means that its allies in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq have access to similar means.

All the wars the U.S. and its allies waged in the Middle East, against Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Lebanon (2006), Syria (2011), Iraq (2014) and Yemen (2015), ended up with unintentionally making Iran and its allies stronger.

There is a lesson to learn from that. But it is doubtful that the borg in Washington DC has the ability to understand it.

(B K P)

Tehran University professor: Saudi-led coalition close to ending

Dr. Ahmadian claims Saudi Arabia and UAE are reaching logical conclusion to end the war

Professor at Tehran University and West Asia expert Dr. Hassan Ahmadian, has said that the coalition of Saudi-UAE aggression on Yemen is about to end. He pointed out that the differences between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi will very likely escalate.

Doctor Hassan Ahmadian said in an interview with a Tasnim International News Agency reporter that a comprehensive review of the UAE’s relations and regional behaviours has emerged, and this issue has gradu

(* B K P)

Lessons From the UAE War in Yemen

Michael Knights of the Washington Institute spent considerable time with UAE forces in Yemen, and he assesses the lessons that the UAE is learning, and should learn, from its intervention.

The withdrawal, though, began while Yemen is still exceedingly fragile. The cement has not set on the gains achieved by the UAE in removing Houthi rebels and al-Qaeda presence from large swaths of Yemen and returning a semblance of functioning governance.

Speaking to deployed and returned UAE officers, and also Yemeni and Saudi troops and officials, I formed a number of impressions about the lessons that the Emirates and other interested parties will take away from the UAE intervention in Yemen, which may now be transitioning to a less resource-intensive and less prominent phase.

The first lesson is that a capable and compact regional military, such as the UAE armed forces, can launch—and win—complex combat operations on their own. When UAE special forces began to roll back the Houthi rebel advance in Aden in April 2015, they were almost entirely alone

The second lesson is that U.S. counterterrorism operations are greatly aided by a capable regional partner who can act as a coordinating link between extraregional and local forces.

A third lesson is that foreign patrons must put in special effort and risk harming key relationships to prompt local auxiliary forces to meet international expectations on human rights and noncombatant immunity—and this might not be considered worth jeopardizing a strategic partnership. This was particularly evident in Aden, where the battle to liberate the city unleashed

A fourth lesson relates to the broader Gulf coalition, particularly to Saudi Arabia as a partner.

The UAE concluded, as one senior officer confided, that in Yemen they needed to “fix it or leave.” In the face of blanket international hostility, there was no completing the mission of liberating all the territories the Houthis seized in 2015, most importantly the vital Red Sea ports of Hodeidah and Saleef.

This is the final lesson the UAE will learn in Yemen: Intervening powers are remembered as much for how and when they leave, and what they leave behind, as for what they did while they were present.

The military balance will shift back toward the Houthis, allowing them to hold Saudi Arabia in a deadlocked struggle in the north, while gradually reexpanding their influence in central Yemen. Fairly or unfairly, the acceleration of many of these developments will be traced back to the early July 2019 announcement of the UAE’s military withdrawal – by Michael Knights

My comment: A somewhat „embedded journalism“.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

Film: How One Woman Became a Humanitarian Logistician in Yemen

In the face of crisis, one female humanitarian in Yemen coordinate logistics for international humanitarian organizations. This is the story of how logistician Farah Altarifi entered a male dominated part of the humanitarian sector.

(B H)

Feed Starving Kids in Yemen

$60 for Food Basket Sponsorships

Year after year, the situation in Yemen gets worse. Pictures and videos of thousands of children who are starving to death have flooded the media yet people sit back and watch. Young orphan boys and girls less than 5 years old living on their own searching and begging for food, it's heartbreaking. Will you sit back and watch or will you help? YOU can sponsor a food basket for $60.
My name is Fatimah Aulaqi and I am from Yemen and I am a Human Rights Activist that focuses on the Yemen crisis. I have decided to partner with Pure Hands (501c3 Charity) to help raise funds for food baskets. Pure Hands has a ground team in Yemen that is able to buy food from local vendors and distributes them to villages where aid in needed most. They will be providing us with receipts, photos and videos which we will be posting on this Gofundme page as the donations begin to accumulate.
We are currently doing food baskets for $60.

(B H)

Saudi Arabia uses solar power to generate water in Yemen

The Saudi program has supported the water sector in Yemen through the distribution of 120 tanks delivered to different governorates, as the first step in sustainable water projects

(* B H)

Film: Yemen's war cuts a father's route to work, now his toddler starves

A young Yemeni boy falling victim to acute malnutrition in Aslam district of the northwestern province of Hajjah is a symbol of the country's ongoing hunger crisis.

(B H K)

Islamic Relief humanitarians who saved many lives but lost their own

Just a few months ago Hamdi Abo Abdullah Al-ahmadi was out in Hodeida delivering aid. A driver for Islamic Relief in war-torn Yemen, Hamdi had been supporting our desperately needed emergency relief efforts.

He stopped at a roadside garage, less than a kilometre from our office.

But in Yemen – now gripped by the world’s worst humanitarian crisis – even an ordinary, everyday task can expose people to great risk. And our humanitarian workers, who live and work in the communities they serve, are no different.

While Hamdi changed a tyre, a stray bullet hit and killed him.

(* B H)

Der Kampf ums Überleben in der Kriegshölle des Jemen

Im Jemen tobt ein brutaler Krieg. Millionen sind auf der Flucht und leiden Hunger. Zehntausende wurden bereits getötet. Care-Nothelferin Jennifer Bose war vor Ort.

Insgesamt sind rund 24 Millionen Jemeniten – bei einer Gesamtbevölkerung von 28 Millionen – auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen, davon 13 Millionen Kinder. Rund 7,4 Millionen Menschen in dem bettelarmen, vom Krieg verwüsteten Land brauchen Nahrungsmittelhilfe. 3,2 Millionen Menschen sind akut mangelernährt, da- von 2,1 Millionen Kinder unter fünf Jahren und 1,1 Millionen Schwangere oder stillende Frauen. Und es gibt kaum Hoffnung auf ein Ende des blutigen Krieges

Bose beschreibt eine Welt, die von Tod, Hunger und Vertreibung geprägt ist

Trotzdem scheint die Weltöffentlichkeit die Tragödie im Jemen längst vergessen zu haben. Von den bei einer Geberkonferenz im Februar in Genf versprochenen 2,3 Milliarden Euro für Hilfsleistungen hat die UNO noch nicht einmal ein Drittel erhalten.

(* B H)

Yemen's war cut a father's route to work, now his toddler starves

Before Yemen's war broke out four years ago Ali Muhammad used to cross the border into Saudi Arabia to work, joining thousands of other Yemenis from his poor, mountainous region.

But fighting in the border areas left him unemployed in his remote village, watching acute malnutrition turn his two-year-old son Muath into skin and bones.

Yemen's conflict, which the United Nations has described as the world's worst humanitarian disaster, has pushed what was already one of the poorest Arab states to the brink of famine.

In a story repeated across Yemen's villages, Muath's lack of access to good food, healthcare and clean water has left him severely malnourished and weighing just 5.5 kg (12.13 lb).

"There is no work, I just sit at home," Ali Muhammad said from his village in the northwestern province of Hajjah. "Things were ok, thank God, but after the war we were not able to (go to Saudi) ... As long as this situation continues there will be no work."

With a poorly resourced local clinic unable to take him in, a health worker drove the toddler to another centre where he was weighed and fed as the parents could not afford transport.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H P)

Kritik an Jemen und Saudi-Arabien

Human Rights Watch wirft beiden Ländern Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Migranten aus Ostafrika vor

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen Jemen und Saudi-Arabien wegen deren Umgang mit Migranten aus Ostafrika. Demnach sollen Soldaten der jemenitischen Regierung seit Anfang Mai in den von ihr kontrollierten Gebieten begonnen haben, aus Ostafrika stammende Menschen festzunehmen und in provisorische Lager zusammenzupferchen. Das Größte davon: Ein Fußballstadion, in dem die Menschen ohne sanitäre Einrichtungen und ohne Schutz vor der extremen Sommersonne festgehalten werden.

In Saudi-Arabien sieht die Situation nicht besser aus. Am 2. August meldete sich das saudische Innenministerium über Twitter zu Wort: Man habe insgesamt 3,6 Millionen Ausländer festgenommen, die sich illegal im Land aufhielten und die nun abgeschoben werden.

In Äthiopien, am Flughafen von Addis Abeba, landen schon seit Monaten täglich Hunderte der Ausgewiesenen.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

They turned it into a headquarters for sectarian courses. Houthis deprive dozens of orphans of Hodeidah shelter

Houthi militants forced dozens of orphans to leave al-Ma’ali's orphanage in al-Maraw’a city of Al-Hodeida province in western Yemen, after it was stormed under the leadership of the Houthi supervisor, Abu al-Majd Yasser al-Marwani.

A local source in the directorate said that al- Marwani and director of the directorate, Adham Thawaba, approved the conversion of the house into a headquarters for summer courses and the use of its school to hold so-called sectarian cultural courses.

The source added that the administration of the house was forced to evacuate the orphans out of fear for their safety after the Houthi gunmen and their supervisors became permanently controlled and use it for their own purposes, and the orphans are homeless now.

The house is run by a group of female volunteers and rely on the support of philanthropists and expatriates to house the directorate's orphans and rehabilitate them scientifically.


Three people, including a woman, killed in Ibb in separate incidents

security chaos in the province.

Local sources said that residents found a woman named "Shaimaa al-Ezzi" who was killed under mysterious circumstances in her home

(A P)

Houthis kidnap civilians accused of being relatives of a person accused of participating in the killing of the group's leader's brother

Houthi militias have launched large-scale kidnapping campaigns against the sons of Al-‘arooq isolation in Hayfan district, south of Taiz, on charges of involvement in the killing of Ibrahim Badr al-Din al-Houthi in Sanaa.

Informed sources told Al-Masdar Online that Houthi militias accuse Ezzat Abdul Hadi Noman of participating in the liquidation of Ibrahim Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the younger brother of the group's leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi.

(A P)

Mass Rallies Celebrating Eid Al-Ghadeer in Sanaa

Yemenis celebrated Eid Al-Ghadeer with mass rallies in the capital Sanaa on Monday.
Yemen’s Al-Massirah TV channel reported that three public rallies were organized in Sanaa.

(A P)

Al-Dailami: Yemeni People Revolted, in September 21st, Freeing the Country from Tutelage Forever

Newly appointed Yemeni Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ibrahim Al-Dailami, said on Monday evening that "the Yemeni People revolted in September, 21st to get rid of guardianship forever. " Al-Dailami responded to a post by Britain's Ambassador to Yemen in which he objected to recognizing the appointment of Al-Dailami as the new ambassador to Iran.

(* B H K)

Film: I visited #Sanaa airport to show you the destruction caused by #Saudi led coalition. It is breaking my heart that thousands of people are stuck inside #Yemen and can't leave to get medicine care due to the closure of the airport. Hospitals suffer from a crisis in medicine.

(A P)


The Southern Movement leader, Ali Bathwab, accused the UAE’s Southern Transitional Council of leading the south to a bloody national front disasters by adopting its opinion and excluding other southern components and elites.

My remark: This „Southern movement“ is a Houthi puppet.

(A P)

Head of National Delegation: Willing to Visit any Arab, Islamic Capital that Wants to End US-Saudi Aggression

The head of the Yemeni National Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, stressed on Sunday the delegation's readiness to visit any Arab or Islamic country that want to strengthen the position calling for ending the US-Saudi aggression.

(A P)

Mohammed Al-Houthi: 17 Countries of US-Saudi Coalition Defeated in Yemen

Al-Houthi said during a speech during today march in the capital Sanaa: The Yemeni people stood in the face of the tyranny of aggression and terrorism and here we stand lofty facing the countries that fight us.

(A P)

Minister of Information stresses importance of continued defence of West Coast

Minister al-Shami praises steadfastness of Hodeidah's defenders

(A P)


Over the last few days, the media all over the world have put their focus on a meeting between Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and a delegation of Yemeni resistant group, Ansarullah.

Different think tanks are now trying to analyze this important meeting from a variety of aspects.

The meeting was particularly important in the following respects:

The attendants

According to official protocols and formalities, this delegation was not as high as others who meet the Leader.

The time of the meeting

The meeting was held in one of the most critical points in Yemen’s modern history.

Over the meeting, a letter from Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of Ansarullah was handed to Ayatollah Khamenei who immediately opened the letter and read it.

The subject of the meeting

Over the meeting, Mohammed Abdulsalam, the spokesman for Ansarullah delivered the warm regards of the movement’s leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi and other Yemeni people who are fighting the invaders. He told Ayatollah Khamenei, “We regard your leadership as the continuing leadership after the Prophet Muhammad (S) and his successor Imam Ali (AS). Your attitude of seeking justice for the oppressed Yemenis is the same policy of Imam Ali (AS) and the founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, this is the source of great blessing and hope for all the people.”

For his turn, the Leader said that “every devoted nation who believes in God and the reality of divine promises, will win. On this basis, victory will surely be with the oppressed and faithful people of Yemen.”

Accreditation of Yemen’s revolutionary government

(A P)

Houthi Leader Pleads for Int’l Recognition of His Militias, Boasts of Khamenei Ties

Lead of the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen, Abdul Malek al-Houthi pleaded once again on Saturday for international recognition of his coup.
In a speech, he urged the international community to follow in Iran’s example and recognize the militias by reopening embassies in Sanaa and activating diplomatic ties with the militias seeing as they are the “legitimate” rulers in Yemen.
He attempted to propose a compromise whereby the Houthis would cease launching Iranian-made drones towards Saudi Arabia in return for the Saudi-led Arab coalition to quit supporting the legitimate government in Yemen.


(A P)

Leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement warns Saudi Arabia

Hours after launching wide-scale operations deep inside Saudi territories, the leader of the Houthi Ansarullah movement delivered a televised speech. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said the attack sent a strong message to Saudi Arabia and the UAE not to be a tool in the hands of the US and its allies.

Houthi also urged the Saudi coalition to stop the devastating war on its southern neighbor or face the consequences.


(A P)

Yemeni Leader Says Not Ordered by Tehran

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement reiterated that Iran has never tried to force any decision on the Yemeni movement, adding that his movement only shares stances with Tehran against the US hegemonic behavior, injustice against Palestinians, and aggression against Yemen.

“Iran has never imposed any diktats upon us. It is threading the path of opposition to US hegemony and support for the Palestinian cause. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s stance concerning condemnation of the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen has been fairly clear,” Houthi said on Saturday.

He added that the Ansarullah movement wishes to forge strong relations with Iran, emphasizing that his group is seeking to cooperate with all Muslim states.

(A P)

Yemen Govt. Vows to File UN Complaint after Houthis Appoint Ambassador to Iran

The legitimate government in Yemen vowed to file a complaint to the United Nations Security Council after the Iran-backed Houthi militias appointed a Yemeni ambassador to Tehran.
Government spokesman Rajeh Badie told Asharq Al-Awsat that the appointment was a “flagrant” violation of international laws and norms and Security Council resolutions on Yemen.
He demanded that the council and UN assume their responsibilities over this issue.

and also

My comment: LOL. The Houthis had formed a government, and a government normally appoints ambassadors. Period.

cp6 Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen / Civil war in Southern Yemen

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp2

(* B P)

The politics of separation: Yemen's southerners scent an opportunity for independence

In the meantime, though, another issue has come to the fore: southern separatism.

North-south rivalries have waxed and waned in Yemen for more than 50 years and the roots of the problem lie even further back, in British and Turkish imperialism.

Since the start of the war the Saudis have focused on bombing the Houthis in the north while the Emiratis have worked in non-Houthi areas – primarily in the south – to bolster local anti-Houthi forces. This had two important side-effects. One was that it created a de facto north-south partitition of the country. The other was that by arming and training resistance forces in the south the Emiratis empowered the separatists.

This in turn has led to conflict between the separatists and supporters of the Hadi government. After being driven out of Sanaa – Yemen's official capital – Hadi claimed Aden as his temporary capital (though he actually spends most of his time in Saudi Arabia). The separatists, on the other hand, say Aden is theirs, not Hadi's. They also accuse the Hadi government of colluding with Sunni Islamist militants – inlcuding al-Qaeda and the Yemeni Islah party – who oppose the Houthis on religious grounds, since the Houthis follow the Zaidi strand of Shia Islam.

Tensions between the Hadi government and the separatists, and between the Saudis and Emiratis, are not new but they came to a head after two separate attacks killed dozens in Aden on 1 August.

The separatists' basic claim is that they are better placed than anyone else to provide security in the south, and should be allowed to do so. But there is more to the security issue than security itself. If the separatists can establish control of security across the south and start to provide services for the public they will have the rudiments of a future state.

More immediately, control over security in the south would give the separatists significant leverage in discussions about the post-war shape of Yemen – a process from which they currently feel excluded. The problem at an international level, as the southerners see it, is that the Yemeni war is treated as a two-sided conflict – Houthis versus the "legitimate" government.

Ending the war is seen as more urgent than addressing the southerners' demands. Internationally, there is also little support for separatist movements.

In the meantime, though, continued international support for the Hadi government looks increasingly difficult to justify.

But what of the separatists' legitimacy? They appear to have plenty of local support though they have not been in a position to demonstrate it electorally.

In any eventual negotiations he envisages the south being represented by an inclusive delegation: "You need to bring in more people in order to strengthen your base." This would mean striking deals with tribal leaders and other dignitaries but he doesn't see them as part of the negotiating team. "The delegation needs to have specialised people for negotiating but we have to sign agreements with other figures, different components in society – we have to bring them all together so that the delegation represents all these people."

A further complication is that the southerners are seeking to create their state within the colonial borders established in the 1960s for the People's Democratic Republic. While war has divided Yemen, very roughly, along similar lines, the division between Houthi and non-Houthi areas doesn't precisely follow the boundary between the old northern and southern states – by Brian Whitaker

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Aden standoff delays Saudi summit intended to forge new Yemen government: sources

The refusal of Yemeni southern separatists to hand back control of Aden port has delayed a summit in Saudi Arabia that is due to discuss reshuffling Yemen’s ousted government to include the separatists and end the stand-off, three Yemeni sources said.

Saudi Arabia called for the meeting after the separatist forces on Aug. 10 seized military camps and other state institutions in the southern port city, the temporary seat of the Saudi-backed government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

“Forming a new government has been proposed and the alliance supports it, but inclusion of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) is linked to them fully withdrawing first,” said a Yemeni official, who declined to be named.

The official said Hadi, who has no personal power base and has long been out of favor with the United Arab Emirates, a coalition member, may be sidelined if a new deputy is named.

The coalition declined to comment on non-military matters. There was no response from the Saudi or UAE foreign ministries or government media offices.

So far, the UAE-backed southern forces have refused to quit military camps, while vacating other state institutions, as they believe it would weaken their hand, the sources said. Hadi’s government said it would not attend talks until the “coup” ends.

The STC has said its forces will hold Aden until the Islamist Islah party, a key component of Hadi’s government, and northerners are removed from power positions in the south.

“Hadi is incapable of running Yemen due to his age and health. He trusts no one, and this makes things difficult at a critical time,” said the Yemeni official.

The official and another Yemeni source said one option being discussed was transferring presidential powers to a new vice president, leaving Hadi, who is 73 and resides in Riyadh, as a figurehead.

“It would be good to have a responsible, consensus VP,” said a senior official in the Gulf, while adding that Hadi had to remain to preserve the internationally recognized government.

“Southern forces are close enough to the sites they vacated to retake them at any moment. They outnumber and out-arm other forces in Aden,” another Yemeni official said.

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Security in South Yemen

Anne-Linda Amira Augustin works as a political advisor in the Foreign Representation of the

Southern Transitional Council in the European Union.

Anne-Linda Amira Augustin works as a political advisor in the Foreign Representation of the

Southern Transitional Council in the European Union.

Anne-Linda Amira Augustin works as a political advisor in the Foreign Representation of the

Southern Transitional Council in the European Union.

On June 28, Reuters reported that the UAE is reducing its military presence in Yemen and redeploying its forces, as worsening U.S.-Iran tensions raise security concerns in the Gulf. This news has spread rapidly over the past several weeks, prompting many questions about what it could mean for the continuation or possible conclusion of the war in Yemen. However, the move will not affect the whole country equally. The UAE redeployment will mainly impact areas like Hodeida in northern Yemen. In South Yemen, by contrast, little or nothing will change on the ground because security is primarily provided by South Yemeni actors. Trained and equipped by the UAE and estimated to number around 90,000, these southern forces have taken on a growing role in security provision in recent years and are well positioned to continue that going forward, regardless of how many Emirati boots are on the ground.

The UAE redeployment will mainly impact areas like Hodeida in northern Yemen. In South Yemen, by contrast, little or nothing will change on the ground because security is primarily provided by South Yemeni actors. Trained and equipped by the UAE and estimated to number around 90,000, these southern forces have taken on a growing role in security provision in recent years and are well positioned to continue that going forward, regardless of how many Emirati boots are on the ground.

New security challenges

In recent months southern security forces have had to deal with a host of new and recurring challenges. Since April 2019, South Yemeni forces have been defending border areas in al-Dhalia, Abyan, Lahij, and Shabwa from renewed attacks by Houthi militias

In Shabwa, tensions have escalated between the Shabwani Elite Forces and troops close to the Islah party and Vice President Gen. Ali Mohsen, a former ally of President Saleh. In recent weeks, reinforcements from Marib in central Yemen joined the Islah-aligned troops and were stationed in Shabwani oil fields, ultimately leading to military confrontation. On June 24, local residents demonstrated in Shabwa’s capital, Attaq, in support of the Shabwani Elite Forces and their role in maintaining local security, demanding military camps in Attaq be relocated outside the city and calling for an independent military unit for the governorate and an end to interventions by Islah-aligned troops.

The UN and the peace process

The UN special envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, has frequently expressed concernabout the “re-escalating violence across Yemen,” but not that it has largely taken place in southern border areas like al-Dhalia and Shabwa. His silence raises concerns in the South about whether the UN is trying to conceal Yemen’s large North-South divide, which increasingly figures into this dynamic. This clear divide overshadows the conflict between the Houthis and the Hadi government and gives rise to serious questions about the scope of the UN-led peace process

Southern security forces and the STC

In policy papers and media reports, UAE support for South Yemeni security forces is often seen as a source of future conflict – by Anne-Linda Amira Augustin, political advisor in the Foreign Representation of the Southern Transitional Council in the European Union =

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Who Is Interested in South Yemen's Independence?

Although the short-term prospects for south Yemeni independence are remote, the STC’s triumph in Aden has potentially significant geopolitical implications. The UAE’s partial drawdown from Yemen forced Saudi Arabia to take full control over anti-Houthi military operations, and Abu Dhabi’s creation of a second theater of confrontation in Aden further undercuts Riyadh’s ambitions. In order to reset bilateral relations, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed met with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman in Mecca to discuss Yemen. After their meeting, both leaders vowed to combat common security threats in the Gulf region and resolve the crisis in Aden through political means. The STC’s refusal to withdraw from its freshly captured territories in Aden has dashed hopes for a swift Saudi-UAE rapprochement on Yemen, and the Arab coalition will likely remain fraught with internal discord for the foreseeable future.

The Houthis could benefit from increased Saudi-UAE tensions

Although the STC’s seizure of Aden is unlikely to result in the swift creation of an independent south Yemeni state modelled after the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY), the STC’s actions will have lasting geopolitical reverberations. As tensions between the STC and Hadi’s government show few signs of ebbing, Iran and the Houthis could emerge as the unintended beneficiaries of the STC’s triumph in Aden.

(* B P)

What now for the Saudi-UAE alliance in Yemen?

What has happened in Aden?

Why does the new rift matter?

What will happen next?

Southern separatists in Yemen have seized control of the city of Aden, the temporary seat of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government, in an action that can fracture the alliance between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the country.

The UAE-backed southern separatists want to revert to a divided north and south Yemen, which existed before 1990 unification under then-president Ali Abdullah Saleh. They have sought to drive out northern officials and the Islah party, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and allied to the

(* B P)

Two Formerly Independent Nations Struggle for Re-emergence

Two re-emergent states on opposite shores of the Gulf of Aden are attempting to rise above the ashes of genocidal civil wars to establish themselves among the ranks of nations.

Even the most seasoned Middle East expert could be forgiven if the situation in Yemen seems confusing and bewildering. There are almost a dozen competing parties all jockeying for all or part of a post-civil war Yemen.

South Yemen's secessionist forces are hoping to be extended diplomatic recognition by some of the country's former allies, including China, Cuba, Pakistan, Syria, and Vietnam.

If the UAE moves to declare itself the de facto ruler of Aden and the South Yemeni island of Socotra, it may face a rebellion from its STC and SBF allies. The UAE has all but taken control of Socotra, with UAE flags flying from government buildings in the island's capital of Hadibu. A sizable UAE force, in addition to a smaller contingent of Saudis, are reportedly on Socotra to secure the airport and seaport. The presence of Yemeni forces loyal to Hadi, as well as Saudi and UAE forces on Socotra, does not sit well with the presumptive sultan of the former Mahra Sultanate of Qishn and Socotra, abolished in 1967 when South Yemen's socialist government took over from the departing British. The former sultan and the Mahra General Council, over which he has influence, want a restoral of independence for the Mahra Sultanate. In this, the sultan is relying on old royal bonds to the Sultanate of Oman and the seven emirates that make up the UAE. Other former sultanates also harbor a desire for restoration to their past glory. One is the inland Kathiri State of Seiyun in Hadhramaut.

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The UAE Arab Newspaper revealed a deal in which the Southern Transitional Council will abandoned its victory in Aden city, in exchange for two seats in the Hadi government,

According to the newspaper, the General People’s Congress and the Southern Transitional Council will participate in a new government to be consulted and will be announced soon.

It reported that there are signs of wide changes that will affect the structure of legitimacy and the institution of the presidency in the coming days as part of the merits of the Transitional council withdrawal in Aden.

The sources pointed out that the upcoming dialogue will work to restore balance within the “legitimacy” of Yemen and its institutions, and will ease the dominance of the Brotherhood Reform party.

It is worthy to mention that the reports talked about granting the President of the Southern Transitional Council as vice president in exchange for the overthrow of General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar.

My comment: By a pro-Houthi source. Wait and see.

(A P)


Al-Mahra tribes rejected the abuses and provocative practices carried out by elements affiliated to the militia of Rajeh Bakrit in the districts of the province.

The tribes called on all the people of Al-Mahra to go out in a popular revolution to take out those militias, which are run by Rajeh Bakrit under the name of the “Military Police”, which practices intermittence and looting the citizens in the points they have established.

This comes hours after the militia members were exposed to the cars of citizens, including a car belonging to Sheikh Abboud Hboud Qomsset at the point of valleys near al-Ghaida and fired in the air, which increased tension and congestion for the tribesmen to reject what they did.

Local sources said that the province of Al-Mahra is in a state of tension after this incident, pointing out that the tribesmen gathered more than 200 vehicles in the valleys and desert roads to protect themselves and their children from any foolish reaction by the militias or Saudi forces.

This coincided with the raising of the state of alert in the militia camps and Al-Ghaidah airport, which is under Saudi forces.

(A P)

The coalition spokesman is holding a press conference, the first after the events in Aden. What did he say?

Al-Maliki stressed that the Arab coalition alluded to the use of military force if the southern transitional does not stop controlling government headquarters and institutions, and abides by the ceasefire, which means that the threat of the coalition to use military force does not include the implementation of his next request in the statement in which he called on militants The southern transitional government to immediately withdraw from the positions and institutions they had taken over Ade

Colonel Al-Maliki said: "The escalation that took place in the interim capital Aden by the Transitional Council was regrettable because the events moved to a dangerous level in this period through the development of events in Aden and the deaths of a number of dead and martyrs and there were many injured, and therefore these actions damaged the interests of the Yemeni people and the Yemeni government interests and private and public property.

He said that the leadership of the joint forces of the coalition worked with all political and social components and the legitimate Yemeni government to calm down and engage in dialogue and arbitrate reason and logic.

Colonel Al-Maliki said: "We stress the non-acceptance of tampering with the interests of the Yemeni people during this difficult and critical period in the interim capital Aden, and we call for joint action from all political and social components with the legitimate Yemeni government to achieve the aspirations of the Yemeni people and liberate the regions. Yemen remaining from the coup.

(A P)

Yemeni government renews UAE call to stop financial and military support for Southern Transitional Forces

The Yemeni government on Tuesday renewed its call for the United Arab Emirates to stop financial and military support for the southern transitional forces, which have adopted a secessionist south.

Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadhrami said in a tweet posted by the ministry's Twitter account."We reject the continued provision of UAE financial and military support to the illegal out of state Transitional council forces in Yemen”.

"We renew the demand for immediate and complete suspension," he added.

"The escalation in Abyan province is unjustified by the UAE-backed Transitional Council forces," he said.

He noted that the escalation in Abyan is "unacceptable and unacceptable."

He said the escalation "will undermine and thwart mediation efforts of Saudi Arabia."

(A H P)

Military Medical Committee suspends treatment of army wounded abroad as government fails to approve budget

The Military Medical Commission announced that it has stopped treatment of the wounded of the Yemeni army personnel for treatment abroad because the government has not responded to the disbursement of the budget for the treatment of the wounded.

The committee said that it made this decision after a long journey of follow-up and communication with all officials, but did not find any response from them

(A P)

Local source: UAE forces provided military support to a pro-Houthi sheikh

A local source in Shabwa governorate, south-east Yemen, revealed that the joint UAE forces, which are located at the Gas facility , are providing military support to a sheikh loyal to Houthi militias.

The source told Al-Masdar online that Sheikh Hassan Banan arrived at Balhaf facility , southeast of Shabwa, on Monday morning to receive a number of armored vehicles and military vehicles.

According to the source, the goal of the UAE's support for Banan is to "create chaos", and is part of a project to undermine the legitimate authorities

(A P)

First day at work in #Aden This is how our office look like today early morning...Despite all challenges will back to work no matter what happened.. moving forward to provide assistance and support to all's our duty. (photos)

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Falling of the "military police" and "special security" in Abyan by the UAE-backed separatist forces

Two military and local sources told Al-Masdar Online that the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Forces (STC) took control of the military police camp in The City of Zanzibar, capital of Abyan province, after several hours of fierce fighting.

A military source said that the "transitional" forces simultaneously launched two attacks on the military police camp in al-Kud area, the entrance to the city of Zanzibar in the direction of Aden, and the building of the special security forces in the same directorate before the transitional forces imposed full control over the military police building after clashes began since At 8 a.m., it eventually led to the separatists' complete control of the camp loyal to the internationally recognized government.

Local sources said that the commander of the guards of the commander of the rescue forces was killed and a commander of the security forces of the transitional security belt named Abdul Rahman al-Shanini was injured.

The source said that soldiers were killed and wounded on both sides, but a local source and eyewitnesses told "AL-Masdar Online" that 15 soldiers of the security belt forces of the transitional arrived at al-Razi hospital west of Abyan while heavy fighting and the tightening of siege on the building of the special security forces stumbled Transporting the wounded and dead from the camp.

Local sources told "Al-Masdar Online" that soldiers from the security belt forces of the transitional driving vehicles and military vehicles stormed the camp located in the area of al-Kud and spread all over the place and raised flags of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, which existed in southern Yemen before Unity and the flag of the UAE.

The sources said that the fate of the commander of the military police forces Colonel Yusuf al-Aqel is still unknown, but local sources said that cars left the camp minutes before the security belt forces attacked the camp and it is believed that al-Aqel was one of those on board.

In addition, violent clashes broke out in the vicinity of the Special Security forces building from Tuesday morning until 12:00 p.m. before a mediation committee intervened to stop the fighting on the outskirts of the camp located on the outskirts of Zanzibar city from the side of Wadi Hassan, and according to the source, the commander of the forces "Special Security" Colonel Mohammed Al-Awban handed over the camp after negotiations with him, by representatives of the Transitional Council which sent delegates and local figures to negotiate with him and convince him of the futility of the fighting.

A military source told Al-Masdar Online that a tank belonging to the security belt forces fired missiles at the headquarters of the special security forces and damaged the building while coalition aircraft flew over the city of Zanzibar, the capital of Abyan, and over the areas of confrontation this morning.


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Security Belt seize government camps in Zinjibar, al-Kood of Abyan

The Southern Transitional Council took over the government military camps in Zinjibar and al-Kood of Abyan governorate, well-informed sources confirmed on Tuesday.
After long hours of fighting along with mediation efforts, the camp of the government's Special Security Forces in Zinjibar was handed over to the head of local STC leadership in Abyan Abdullah Al-Hotari. the commander and personnel of the camp were allowed to leave with their military equipment to Lowdar district in the same province.
Earlier today, the Security Belt forces managed to take control of the military police camp in al-Kood area.


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After the failure of the pacification committee. Renewed clashes between military police and UAE-backed forces in southern Yemen

A security source in the province of Abyan in southern Yemen told "Al-Masdar Online" that special security forces and military police are engaged in violent confrontations against forces of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council in the city of Zanzibar, the capital of the province, after military commanders refused to hand over their positions to the forces The UAE-backed transportation.

The source added that the clashes renewed near the buildings of the military police and special security forces after a mediation committee that intervened late on Monday evening to extend a truce that lasted until the early hours of Tuesday morning.

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Clashes hit Yemen's south

Southern separatists seized two Yemeni government military bases near the southern port of Aden early on Tuesday, triggering fresh clashes between nominal allies that have complicated U.N. peace efforts, residents and officials said.

“What is happening in Abyan is an unjustified escalation by the Southern Transitional Council (STC - the separatists),” the Yemeni government foreign ministry said.

The separatists’ seizure of two more bases in Abyan, Hadi’s birthplace, showed they are holding firm to demands for self-rule in the south and to be included in any U.N.-sponsored talks on Yemen’s future.



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Yemen separatists surround two govt camps in south

Separatists surrounded two government military bases in Yemen's south and demanded elements inside surrender, sources on both sides said Tuesday, ten days after the secessionists seized defacto capital Aden.

The flare-up, in Abyan province, comes after the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) partially withdrew from key sites it occupied in Aden, and the Saudi-led military coalition -- which backs the government -- said Riyadh and Abu Dhabi had "succeeded in calming the situation".

But on Tuesday fighters from the so-called Security Belt Forces surrounded a military camp in Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan, and another at Al-Kawd, according to government sources.

Yemeni Information Minister Moammer al-Eryani said the Zinjibar base had been surrounded, noting that it was a special forces camp.

"The Security Belt Forces... are demanding the (government) troops surrender or they will storm the camp," he said, referring to a United Arab Emirates trained force that is aligned with the separatist STC.

STC spokesman Nizar Haitham confirmed to AFP that the two pro-government camps were surrounded by separatist troops.

The Security Belt Forces are "pursuing (agents) working to destabilise security and stability and hiding in the camps belonging to the legitimate government", he told AFP.


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Armed clashes erupt in Abyan

Armed clashes erupted in th early hours of Tuesday, between pro-Southern Transitional Council forces (Security Belt) and pro-legitimate government forces (Special Security Forces and military police) in Abyan province, east Aden.

Local sources said that Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan, witnessed armed conflict between the Security Belt and Special Security Forces as intermittent clashes took place in al-Kood area of Abyan between the Security Belt and the military police.


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Southerners Rise to take full control of Abyan province in southern Yemen

Conflicts are spreading in Abyan province and more troops are being dispatched to Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan province.

Clashes between southerners and forces affiliated with Mansour Hadi are spreading to other areas under Mansour Hadi’s rule in southern and eastern Yemen (map)


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#Yemen Minister of Information: “STC had surrounded military base in #Abyan and are requesting a complete handover otherwise they are threatening to take over by force”

Rising tension in the southern province of #Abyan as UAE-backed STC security belt troops are besieging special security forces' headquarters in Zunjbar.

(A P)

Displaced people were killed and injured in al-Maleka camp as a result of conflict between the army forces and armed men in al-Ma’afer district in rural Taiz.

(A P)

Mass protest held in Taiz against Islah militia

Residents of al-Hujaryiah area in Taiz province on Monday morning staged mass demonstrations in protest against crimes of Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood) militias in al-Bireen area during the past few days.

The demonstrators roamed the streets of al-Nashma city, expressing outrage at attempts by Islah militia and the so-called Abu al-Abbas group to ignite chaos, sabotage and fighting in the area.

(A T)

Young man killed by unidentified gunmen in Mansoura, north of Aden

and also

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UAE-backed Yemeni separatists press on to Taiz

After capturing key locations in Aden, fighters seek to expand.

UAE-backed southern separatists in Yemen seek to take over parts of Taiz governorate after capturing key sites in Aden earlier this month, according to the London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi.

Meanwhile, the city of Turbah in the Taiz governorate has witnessed a rebellion of UAE-backed armed groups against state authorities, and an influx of gunmen coming in to help take control, the paper reported.

A security source told al-Quds al-Arabi that "armed confrontations broke out in Turbah between state security forces, gunmen and outlawed militia".

“The clashes extended to many suburbs and areas around the main road leading to the city of Taiz," the source said.

The clashes aren't spontaneous, but rather are part of a wider strategy set in place a long time ago, he said. More than 300 fighters are part of a force commanded by Tareq Saleh, nephew of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

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Independence in the air in south Yemen after Aden clashes

Colourful flags emblazoned with a red star are being held aloft in Aden, reflecting the independence ambitions of southern Yemen after a separatist takeover of the city.

Residents in Yemen's second city said that while they were happy with the STC's takeover, their key concern is whether the separatists can provide basic services.

"Our main worry is who will provide necessary public services and who will pay the salaries of tens of thousands of employees," Saleh Naser told AFP.

"If the STC is capable of running the south's affairs, then we are with it."

Saleh al-Haij, donning a shirt printed with the image of STC chief Aidarus al-Zubaidi, hoped residents' lives would improve under the separatists.

"There are plenty of shortages, such as water and power," he said.

While some residents are hopeful that negotiations may yield positive results, others, who are originally from the north, are worried they could suffer.

"We are afraid of being deported," said one man, Mohammed Abdallah.

"We are not with any party... and we have our interests and our jobs in the south." =

(A P)

Yemeni President Chairs Extraordinary Meeting of State Officials

Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, the Supreme Commander of the Yemeni Armed Forces, chaired here [Riyadh] today an extraordinary meeting of the country's officials, including Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh, Speaker of the House of Representatives Sultan Al-Barkani, Premier Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik, Deputy Premier, Minister of Interior Ahmed Al-Maisari and Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammad Ali Al-Maqdashi.
The Yemeni News Agency (SABA) reported that the meeting reviewed latest developments relating to the Yemeni internal arena and repercussions of the armed rebellion in the temporary capital Aden


(A P)

At a meeting of senior state leaders. President directs government to permanent Convening to deal with Aden coup

In the meeting, the president directed the government to convene permanently to deal with the repercussions of the coup of the UAE-backed Transitional Council and "to thwart everything that would divert the compass from confronting the main Iranian threat of Houthi militias and work to redouble efforts to alleviate the suffering of our people. Yemen in all areas of Yemen."

The meeting reviewed, according to Saba news agency, developments on the national scene and the repercussions of the armed rebellion witnessed in the interim capital Aden by the security and military formations of the so-called Southern Transitional Council, targeting state institutions, camps and security headquarters, threatening the unity of the safety and stability of the country and contrary to the objectives of the Arab Coalition to support legitimacy led by Saudi Arabia to face the Iranian expansion project in the region.

The meeting praised the "distinctive and sincere position of Saudi Arabia" and the statements of the Arab Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy led by Saudi Arabia, notably the resolute statement of the alliance which called on the rebel militias to withdraw from the positions and camps they captured."

The meeting also praised Saudi Arabia's sincere efforts to end the "separatist insurgency" and restore normalcy.


(A P)

Yemen President Calls on Citizens to Back Govt over Separatists

Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi called Monday on people to back his government over southern separatists, who took control of his administration's de-facto capital of Aden.

Hadi's statements were made during the first high-level government meeting after fighters of the so-called Security Belt Forces last week ousted loyalists from what was the capital of the formerly independent south, in clashes that left around 40 people dead.

Yemenis must "stand behind the legitimate leadership and its official state institutions and reject all destructive projects", Hadi said, according to the official Saba news agency.

He also ordered his government to "continuously convene to deal with the repercussions of this rebellion", calling on the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) to withdraw from positions they have taken over.

and Saudi statement:

Comment at Saudi statement: #Yemen's President & high officials met in Riyadh yesterday. #Saudi Press Agency's official meeting report remains hostile in tone, not conciliatory: #STC moves in #Aden are now referred to as an "armed rebellion" (not coup) that "threatens" Yemen and "contradicts" coalition aims


Security Foils Smuggling of Ammunition to Aden

My comment: „Security“ = Separatist militia. Propaganda presents them as keeping law and order.

(A P)

Gargash: Dialogue regarding the South is important

The ongoing dialogue between parties regarding the south of Yemen is important for the stability of the wider region, the UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said on Monday.

“The ongoing dialogue between a group of intellectuals whom we respect regarding the south of Yemen is important and expresses the Gulf's interest in the future and stability of the region,” Gargash tweeted.

“It remains that the resolution should be a result of the outcome of a Yemeni dialogue and should take place in the context of a political solution that we all seek. The priority now is to confront the Houthi coup,” he added.

And also

My comment: By talks, Southern separatists will win time to fix the achievements of their coup. Priority on the Houthis means: Any deflection from Southern Yemen is helpful for the UAE and their local allies.

(A P)

STC formed its negotiating team for talks in Saudi Arabia: Haitham
The Southern Transitional Council confirmed on Sunday that it continued to hand over government institutions and offices in the temporary capital Aden to a Saudi-UAE committee tasked to oversee the withdrawal of STC fighters from positions they seized last week from Yemen’s legitimacy.
The spokesman for the Aden-based STC Nizar Haitham told Asharq Al-Awsat on Sunday that the Council has formed its negotiating team, tasked with holding talks called for by Saudi Arabia.
“As soon as the date of the talks is announced, our team will travel to Saudi Arabia and work on a sustainable solution for Aden,” he said.

“We are currently handing over positions to the (Arab) Coalition. We have welcomed the Coalition’s request to keep government institutions in Aden neutral,” Haitham said.
He also denied that the STC forces were controlling the Central Bank of Yemen.
“We are not controlling the Central Bank because it is linked to the World Bank and therefore, its employees should be allowed to perform their duties,” he told the newspaper.

My comment: Withdrawal? No withdrawal? A speciel interpretation of withfrawal? Withdrawal without withdrawal?

(A P)

Not appropriate time to address separatist issue: Yemen minister

Yemen's deputy foreign minister, said his government is willing to address the 'Southern question' but only after the Houthis are defeated.

Any attempt to push for the division of Yemen in the south when the country is still fighting the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the North is counter-productive and will not help anyone's cause, a senior Yemeni government official has said.

Speaking to Khaleej Times over phone, Mohammed Al Hadhrami, Yemen's deputy foreign minister, said his government is willing to address the 'Southern question' but only after the Houthis are defeated.

"We are not saying that we don't need to open the southern question again. It is an important issue. But to push the government now when it is with the coalition on the frontlines is not acceptable."

(A P)

Prime Minister's Office source: The government will meet tomorrow for consultations. The suspension of institutions in Aden is not on the table now

Prime Minister Maeen Abdel Malik invited ministers to meet for a consultative meeting on Monday to learn about the latest developments and actions to be taken, a source in the prime minister's office said.

The source told "Al-Masdar Online" that the government did not take the decision to suspend the work of ministries and institutions in Aden, adding "This trend is not possible at the moment", but at a meeting on Monday will discuss the measures to be implemented to deal with the new conditions imposed by the coup d'état in Aden.

(A P)

Government appreciates American stance on Yemen’s unity

The government of Yemen valued on Saturday the position of the United States of America towards Yemen’s unity, security and stability.

(A P)

China and Britain confirm support for legitimacy. Prime Minister: Despite what happened in Aden, we trust Saudi Arabia and we will not hesitate to do our duty

Prime Minister Maeen Abdul Malik discussed developments in Aden in light of the coup d'état of the Southern Transitional Council militias and the ongoing efforts of the Saudi-led Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy to contain the insurgency and restore normalcy.

The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Yemen, Kang Yong, and the United Kingdom's ambassador to Yemen, Michael Aaron, were greeted separately on Sunday, as the state-run Saba news agency reported.

(A P)

President’s advisor: Aden rebellion hinders Saudi-led coalition

Mohammed Al-Amri, an advisor of President Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi said on Friday that the rebellion in Aden inhibits the Saudi-led coalition from achieving its objectives in Yemen.

(A P)

Military source reveals large movement to move military equipment out of Aden

A military source told Al-Masdar Online that a large movement of military equipment took place in Aden in the days following the takeover of government camps and institutions by the militants.

According to the source, the armed groups of the transitional movement transport heavy military equipment (tanks, armored vehicles and Katyusha vehicles) from the camps that belonged to the legitimate government, which became under the control of the transitional militants to areas under their control in Al-Dhlae’a and Yafe’a.

The source had earlier quoted residents and eyewitnesses as seeing tanks and vehicles being removed from Badr camp (39th Armored Brigade) and transported to the Transitional Camp of Jabal Hadeed.

(A P)

Amid Continued Fighting between UAE-Saudi Militias, MSF Hospital Stormed in Aden

Armed men from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) supported militia stormed a hospital belonging to the International Organization for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) on Sunday and arrested took patients.
According to local sources, the pro-Emirati Southern Transitional Council militia stormed the MSF hospital in Omar Al-Mukhtar neighborhood and arrested three patients from a battalion of Hadi's presidential protection brigades.

(A P)

Aden.. "Transitional" gunmen prevent deputy minister of information from reaching his workplace and Al-Iryani stops the newspaper of October 14

Gunmen affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council prevented Deputy Information Minister Hussein Basleem from entering his office in the interim capital Aden.

A source in the Ministry of Information told "Al-Masdar Online" that Basleem went on Sunday morning the first day of work after the Eid al-Adha holiday to the headquarters of the newspaper Of October 14, where he used to stay there for more than two years and was intercepted by the gunmen, who control the institution, at the gate of the building and prevented him from entering and they told him that he was not allowed to enter under the direction of the Transitional Command.

Later on, Sunday, Information Minister Muammar al-Iriani issued a decree suspending the October 14th newspaper until further notice.

The October 14 newspaper is one of the leading government newspapers that used to publish daily publications and express the direction of the Yemeni government before it was controlled by the UAE-backed Transitional Council and used to spread a culture of hatred and incitement against the legitimate government and against anyone who rejects the secession project, according to the source. Government.

The Minister of Information also sent a memorandum to the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank asking them to stop the monthly budget allocated to the October 14th Foundation and to maintain the payment of salaries to its members.


(A P)

Minister of Information Deprives 14 October Journalists their Wages

The leadership of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) has begun to address the government's attempt to obstruct the work of state institutions, starting with the 14th October Corporation for Journalism, Printing and Publishing.

This comes after several government ministries, including Foreign, Interior and Finance, announced the suspension of functioning in the capital Aden, a decision that affects the public services.

My comment: Separatist propaganda telling now the separatists keep everything working. And more separatist propaganda:

(A P)

Shatara: No one can override the return of the South anymore

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara affirmed that no one can override the return of the South anymore.
Shatara wrote on his Facebook wall that "What is happening in the South is a result of accumulated grievances, ignored rights and underestimation of people's will."


(A P)

Al Jaadi : A Sinister Lobby Operates Against the South

Fadel al-Jaadi member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council said that there is a sinister lobby operating against the country.
Al-Jaadi said, the Muslim Brotherhood (Islah ) in Taiz counterfeit everything and pick and chooses what suits their party and its members.


(A P)

Mesahour :Almaysary Commited a Humanitarian Crime Against the People of the South

In a tweet on Sunday Mesahour said: "The decision of Freezing the function of the ministry of interior in Aden at this critical time is a serious crime and causes a direct security threat to the public .”

referring to

(A P)

The Ministry of Interior suspends work in its office and the offices of passports and civil authorities in Aden

The Interior Ministry announced on Saturday the suspension of work in the ministry's general office, immigration, passports and civil status in the interim capital Of Aden, due to the "armed rebellion" led by the so-called Southern Transitional Council (STC), on its state institutions.

(A P)

STC General Secretariat discusses people's basic services in Aden
The meeting reviewed the recent developments in the South, in particular in Aden over the past two weeks, in addition to the mechanism needed to continue the work of public service institutions, including electricity, water and petroleum refinery among others.
The STC General Secretariat hailed the Southerners for their active participation in the unprecedented mass rally in solidarity with the STC leadership in Aden last Thursday, praising the role of civil society groups and unions in making it possible.

My comment: Separatists püresent themselves as taking care of the people.

(A P)

For all the complexities, Govt won’t hang back in servicing all Yemenis, PM says

(* A P)

Film: Tranquility Returns To Aden

Security conditions in Yemen's southern province of Aden have returned to its normal form after the fierce fighting between southern Transitional Council (NTC) and the presidential protection forces which has ended with NTC forces taking control of the city.

(* A B H P)

Spotlight: Yemeni families attempt to compensate joy lost due to fighting in Aden during Eid holiday

Scores of families in the southern port city of Aden attempted to compensate joy they lost due to fighting that erupted during Eid Al-Adha by starting to get out and head towards amusement parks along with their children.

Many families were preparing to celebrate and have a great time during the Eid holiday but the street-to-street fighting interrupted the citizen's preparations and forced them to stay at home for about four consecutive days.

On Sunday, many families felt safe and started to get out amid fears of fighting resumption as the internal conflict is still unsolved but was ceased temporarily.

Some families along with their children tried to compensate the lost joy and rushed into an amusement park that reopened its doors days after Eid al-Adha despite heavy deployment of armed forces on the city's streets.

[and overview of Aden events]

cp7 UNO / UN

(A P)

UN envoy hails 'tireless' Saudi efforts to restore order in south Yemen

The United Nations envoy to Yemen praised the “tireless role” played by Saudi Arabia in restoring stability to the country’s south.
Griffiths made the comments on Tuesday after a “positive and engaging meeting” with the Kingdom’s Deputy Minister of Defense Khalid bin Salman.

My comment: As claimed by the Saudis.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B P)

Film from Press TV Iran: Kings of sand, lords of dream!
Sudan's deposed military ruler Omar al-Bashir has admitted to receiving $90 million in cash from Saudi royals, an investigator told a Khartoum court on Monday.
But that is just the tip of the iceberg!

(A P)

Saudi-Gericht entzieht Mutter Sorgerecht für Tochter

In Saudi-Arabien ist der Amerikanerin Bethany Vierra (32) von einem Gericht das Sorgerecht für ihre Tochter Zaina (4) entzogen worden, nachdem die Frau sich vom Vater des Kindes hatte scheiden lassen.Wie CNN berichtet, war der angeblich zu westliche Lebensstil Vierras Grund für den grausamen Richterspruch.

(B P)

Warum es beim Prinzen nicht nach Plan läuft

Jemen-Desaster, auftrumpfende Mullahs: Der saudische Thronfolger Mohammed bin Salman bekommt seine Grenzen aufgezeigt. Büßt er an Macht ein?

Am ehrgeizigen, als aufbrausend und unberechenbar geltenden 33-Jährigen ist kein Vorbeikommen. Bin Salman hat das Land fest im Griff, aus dem er unbedingt ein Super-Schwergewicht in der Region machen will.

Doch auch für einen absoluten Herrscher läuft nicht immer alles nach Wunsch und Plan. Beim Königssohn läuft es gerade außenpolitisch sogar nur recht dürftig. Insbesondere der Krieg im Jemen gerät zum Fiasko.

Aber täusche sich keiner: Bin Salman mag auf der internationalen Bühne kaum punkten können – zu Hause kann er sich seiner Macht sicher sein.

(A E K)

Saudi Stock Market Drops after one Day of Yemeni Drone Attack on Shaybah Oil Field

Saudi Arabia's stock market closed lower on Sunday, a day after the Yemeni drones attack

cp9 USA

(A K P)

No More US Weapons to Saudi Arabia

Send a message to Speaker Pelosi and Senators Schumer and Reed that the House amendment to block arms sales to the Saudis MUST be included in the final version of the NDAA.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(** B P)

How secret Israeli attacks in Iraq are driving Trump’s obsession with Iran

President Trump’s policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran, notes former CIA analyst Paul Pillar, is more obsession than strategy, and a not-so-mysterious explosion on the outskirts of Baghdad Monday shows why.

Iraqi political analysts are blaming the attack on Israel, saying it follows two attacks earlier this month on facilities of Iranian-backed militias in Iraq. According to an Israeli news report, Israel launched the two attacks with U.S.-made F-35 jets.

Israel has long attacked Iranian-backed forces in Syria, an enemy of the United States. Now Israel has expanded its scope of operations to attack targets in Iraq, whose coalition government is friendly to the United States. The predictable result: the Iraqi government is bailing on Trump’s policy.

The dynamic exposes two underappreciated realities of Trump’s Iran obsession: Any U.S. war on Iran will ignite war in Iraq, and U.S. credibility is visibly faltering across the region. When things go wrong, a strategy can be rethought. An obsession can only ignore the warning signs.

The U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen that was supposed to check Iran’s power is now in disarray. The bloody war that Trump continued, over the bipartisan congressional objections, has generated the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and it is farther than ever from success.

The U.S.-backed Yemen war is losing allies, even among the Persian Gulf states that fear Iran.

In Europe, no government has joined Trump’s anti-Iran crusade (though John Bolton is whispering in the ear of the new Trump-loving prime minister, Boris Johnson.)

When it comes to “maximum pressure,” the international reaction is: “include me out” — except in Israel, and therein lies the danger for the U.S. government and the American people. Israel has a vested interest in escalation, not de-escalation, with Iran.

Thanks to Trump’s policy, the incentives for Iraq to side with Iran are growing. No Iraqi government can afford to be seen making common cause with Israel. When Israel announced last week it would join a U.S. coalition to protect Persian Gulf maritime traffic, the pro-American government in Iraq spurned the idea.

The U.S. alliance with Israel comes with a high political price that Trump appears willing to pay. The secret attacks may enhance Israeli security; they also serve to isolate Washington from its Iraqi allies.

In short, the secret Israeli attacks increase the chances that any U.S.-Iran war will be fought in Iraq, where the U.S. intervention proved to be a disaster 15 years ago. And there’s no reason to think the Israeli attacks won’t continue – by Jefferson Morley

(** B P)

Bundestagsgutachten: Festsetzung des iranischen Tankers „Grace 1“ vor Gibraltar war völkerrechtswidrig

Die wochenlange Festsetzung des iranischen Tankers „Grace 1“ vor Gibraltar war völkerrechtswidrig. Zu diesem Schluss kommt ein Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Dienstes des Bundestages. (…)
Die Untersuchung im Auftrag der Linken-Bundestagsfraktion kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Durchsetzung von EU-Sanktionen nicht über internationalem Recht steht und somit auch die von der Bundesregierung getragene Begründung der britischen Regierung für die Festsetzung nicht rechtens war. „Maßnahmen auf der Grundlage des EU-Sanktionsregimes sind insofern nur statthaft, als sie auch mit den einschlägigen völkerrechtlichen Rahmenvorgaben vereinbar sind“, heißt es in dem Gutachten. Am Donnerstag hatten die Behörden von Gibraltar die Beschlagnahmung des Schiffes mit mehr als zwei Millionen Tonnen iranischen Rohöls aufgehoben. Die USA blockieren jedoch nach wie vor die Weiterfahrt des Tankers. Ein Bundesgericht ordnete die Beschlagnahme des Öls an.
„Beide Akteure [EU und USA] können sich nicht auf eine Autorisierung ihrer Sanktionen durch eine externe, übergeordnete Ebene berufen. Der Vorwurf, letztlich eigene (nationale oder regionale) Interessen zu verfolgen, steht im Raum und unterminiert die Glaubwürdigkeit des Sanktionsregimes“, heißt es in dem Gutachten weiter. Großbritannien geht davon aus, dass das Rohöl für Syrien bestimmt war. Der Iran bestreitet das. (…)

(A P)

Bahrain to join U.S.-led military coalition to safeguard waters off Iran and Yemen

During the visit of the Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, chief of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) to the Bahraini capital Manama on Monday, August 2019, Bahrain has announced that it will join the U.S.-led military coalition to provide safe passage for shipping around the Persian Gulf and Yemen.

(A P)

Iran supertanker release proves country's international might: Military chief

Iran's top military commander says the release of the Iranian-operated Adrian Darya 1 supertanker, which was seized by British marines in the Strait of Gibraltar last month, proves the Islamic Republic's power at the international level.

(* A P)

Iran warns US against trying to seize its tanker following release from Gibraltar

The Islamic Republic says it has warned the United States against any attempt at seizing an Iran-headed supertanker that had been detained by the UK and Gibraltar.

“Should this measure be taken or even spoken of, it would constitute a threat against free shipping,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi told reporters at a presser on Monday.

The Islamic Republic has conveyed “necessary warnings” to American authorities through the official channels at its disposal, especially the Swiss Embassy in Tehran, “not to undertake this wrongheaded action because they will be faced with adverse consequences,” he added.

(* B P)

Leserbriefe zu “Soll der Welthandel militärisch abgesichert werden?”

Zu den Fragen, “Soll der Welthandel militärisch abgesichert werden? Ist eine solche Subventionierung der sogenannten Globalisierung und des Verkehrs wirklich sinnvoll?” gab es eine Reihe weiterführender Antworten und Gedanken, die sich nachfolgend finden.

(* A P)

Supertanker "Adrian Darya-1“ hat Gibraltar verlassen

Das Schiff, das noch vor kurzem „Grace 1“ hieß, nahm in der Nacht Fahrt Richtung Süden auf

(* A P)

Iranian tanker at center of standoff with West leaves Gibraltar, shipping data shows

The Iranian tanker caught in a standoff between Tehran and the West left Gibraltar on Sunday night, shipping data showed, hours after the British territory rejected a U.S. request to detain the vessel further.

The Grace 1, renamed the Adrian Darya 1, left anchorage off Gibraltar around 11 p.m. (2100 GMT), Refinitiv shipping data showed. Its destination was not immediately clear.

Iran’s ambassador to Britain, Hamid Baeidinejad, had written on Twitter earlier that the vessel was expected to leave on Sunday night, adding that two engineering teams had been flown to Gibraltar.

The tanker’s detention ended last week, but a federal court in Washington on Friday issued a warrant for the seizure of the tanker, the oil it carries and nearly $1 million.

Gibraltar said on Sunday it could not comply with that request because it was bound by EU law.

“The EU sanctions regime against Iran – which is applicable in Gibraltar - is much narrower than that applicable in the U.S.,” the government said in a statement.

“The Gibraltar Central Authority is unable to seek an Order of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar to provide the restraining assistance required by the United States of America.”

Films (Iranian and US):

(A P)

Iran’s missile power first in region, superior in world: Senior IRGC commander

Iran holds the very first ranking in the field of missile technology among the Middle Eastern countries and stands superior at a global level, says a commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

“Today, we rank first in the missile technology at the regional level and are placed among the few global powers in this regard,” Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Aerospace Division of the IRGC, said on Sunday.

(* A P)

US-Led Military Force Fighting ISIS Agrees to Halt All Flights over Iraq

Military leaders running the U.S.-led fight against the Islamic State group in Iraq have agreed to stop flying planes, helicopters and drones there after the prime minister called for all air traffic in the country to cease.

Senior leaders from Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve met with the Iraqi defense minister this week to discuss a recent call from Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi to restrict all Iraqi airspace. Abdul-Mahdi's request came after an unexplained blast at Camp Al-Saqr, or Camp Falcon, just outside Baghdad killed a civilian and injured more than a dozen others.

The U.S. has agreed to comply with Abdul-Mahdi's request, officials said Friday, as "guests within Iraq's sovereign borders."

and also

(A P)

Zarif: Foreigners will be forced to leave region

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran will stay in the region but foreigners will be surely made leave it.

(* A P)

Iran ready to escort Grace 1 into territorial waters if needed: cmdr.

Commander of the Iranian Army's Navy Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi announced on Sunday that Iran is not intended to escort Grace 1 but if need it is ready to safeguard the oil tanker to Iranian territorial waters.

He said that Army is ready to dispatch a naval fleet to escort the released oil tanker back to Iranian waters whenever Iranian officials require.

As reported, Iranian oil tanker, previously called Grace 1, has left Gibraltar, after a month of being unlawfully detained by UK.

(* A P)

Gibraltar refuses US request to seize Iranian tanker

Gibraltar says US sanctions on Iran are not applicable in European Union.

Gibraltar has refused a request by the United Statesto seize an Iranian oil tanker at the centre of a diplomatic standoff between Tehran and Europe.

Gibraltar's government said on Sunday it could not comply with the US request because of European law.

"The Central Authority's inability to seek the Orders requested is a result of the operation of European Union law and the differences in the sanctions regimes applicable to Iran in the EU and the US," the government said in a statement.

"The EU sanctions regime against Iran - which is applicable in Gibraltar - is much narrower than that applicable in the US."

Iran has denied the tanker was ever headed to Syria.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, reporting from Gibraltar, said the authorities in the overseas British territory had determined that US sanctions on Iran were not applicable in the EU.

"The US action is based on US sanctions, while the action taken by Gibraltar and the UK was enforced under EU sanctions, and as far as that issue goes there is compliance now. There was an assurance [from Iran] that this cargo on board, 2.1 million barrels of light crude oil, is not destined for Syria," he said.


(* A P)

Gibraltar Says Can’t Seek Court Order Detaining Tanker for U.S.

The Government of Gibraltar says European Unionregulations don’t allow it to seek a court order to seize a tanker which the U.S. accuses of breaching its sanctions by exporting Iranian oil.

The U.S. issued a warrant to seize the supertanker, which has been detained by the U.K. and Gibraltar since the beginning of July, on suspicion of hauling Iranian oil to Syria in violation of European sanctions, on Friday.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Southern Community in UK Demonstrates Solidarity with STC Leadership

The Southern Community in the United Kingdom staged a demonstration in London on Monday, to express its solidarity with the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council.

(A P)

British ambassador to Yemen: Only legitimate Government of Yemen can appoint ambassadors. Houthis no right to make such an appointment. This person has no official position - we will not meet him. I reiterated UK support for Gov of Yemen when I met Prime Minister @Yemen_PM Yesterday

My comment: LOL. The Houthi government is more legitimate than the Hadi government had been since Feb. 2015.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

Russia’s Growing Clout In Southern Yemen

With a lack of leadership from the United States and other world powers to support legitimate negotiations, Russia is in pole position to assume a greater role, particularly as it alone has contact with all prominent warring parties.

“Moscow certainly could work with the STC and an independent South Yemen. It was South Yemen, after all, that had a pro-Soviet Marxist regime from South Yemen’s independence from Britain in 1967 until its unification with North Yemen in 1990 at the end of the Cold War. Many from the older generation of the South Yemeni elite studied in the USSR, and contacts between them and Russia continued,” Mark Katz, Professor of Government and Politics at George Mason University, told Lobelog.

While Russia’s dominant status in southern Yemen faded after Yemen’s unification, that could be changing.

Throughout the Yemeni civil war, which erupted in March 2015 after the Saudi-led coalition launched a military campaign to crush the Houthi movement and restore Hadi’s government, Moscow has remained in the background, maintaining ties with all sides whilst refusing to explicitly support any party.

In the last year, Russia has shown increased concern for Yemen. Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, pledged Moscow’s support for the UN peace efforts in early 2019.

While Russia has yet to act decisively in Yemen, Moscow is exploring the possibly of negotiating with southern secessionists. Katz said that “Putin seems to want to regain everything that the USSR had,” suggesting this could cause him to reignite old ties with southern Yemen. “The STC is undoubtedly quite willing to work with Moscow, and that alone makes Moscow willing to work with it,” he added.

In addition to the benefits an independent South Yemen could offer Russia, Moscow must also consider that the Hadi government has lost most of its influence

Another factor is the relationship between Moscow and the UA

Russia and the UAE have found common ground in Libya by supporting Libyan National Army commander Khalifa Haftar.

Russia and the UAE have increasingly consolidated ties in recent months,

Russia and the UAE both tend to support ‘stable’ and authoritarian rulers

While aggravating U.S. and Saudi sensibilities is a concern, said Salisbury, this will not prevent Moscow and Abu Dhabi from establishing stronger links with the STC and other factions.

While seeking to strengthen ties with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Hadi, and the STC, Russia has also received requests from the Houthis to act as a mediator in Yemen. Moscow is clearly set for further intervention in the country, which could strengthen its regional and global clout – by Jonathan Fenton-Harvey = =

My comment: “Putin seems to want to regain everything that the USSR had,” is parroting US propaganda.

(* B P)

How Russia manuevers between Saudi Arabia, UAE in Yemen

Russia’s cautious reaction to the STC’s triumph in Aden reveals its desire to remain nonaligned as the interests of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) diverge in Yemen. Moscow’s hedging strategy also reflects the Russian expert community’s uncertainties about the depth and longevity of Saudi-UAE disagreements on Yemen.

Yemen expert at the Moscow-based Institute of Oriental Studies

Although Russia does not wish to interfere in the internal conflicts besetting the Arab coalition, Moscow also wants to preserve its growing stature as a diplomatic stakeholder in Yemen.

As Russia has consistently engaged in diplomacy with Houthi representatives since early 2015, Houthi officials hope that recent events in Aden will cause Moscow to endorse a new peace settlement that legitimizes the Houthis’ authority over Sanaa.

The STC believes that its swift triumph in Aden will convince Russia to back the creation of an independent south Yemeni state.

Yet Russia has not publicly supported the STC’s inclusion in a peace settlement, as it is officially committed to Yemen’s unity and does not wish to be seen as an enabler of the UAE’s hegemonic aspirations on the Red Sea. Looking ahead, however, the stagnation of Yemen’s peace process could change Russia’s policy toward the STC.

Although events in Aden could encourage Russia to establish closer relations with the Houthis and the STC, Moscow’s freedom of action is constrained by UN Security Council Resolution 2216. That resolution, which was adopted in April 2015, renders the Houthi occupation of Sanaa illegal and unequivocally supports a unified Yemen.

In spite of Russia’s public adherence to UNSC Resolution 2216, there are signs that Moscow could be willing to support the replacement of this resolution with a more inclusive framework.

Although Russia has treaded cautiously in the aftermath of the STC’s victory in Aden, the Houthis and the STC view Moscow as a potentially helpful partner in their efforts to gain international legitimacy – by Samuel Ramani

(A P)

Iran officially recognizes the Houthi government.. Legitimacy this is violates international resolutions

Iran officially recognized the Authority of the Houthis in Sana'a, a day after the militias appointed a member of its political bureau and director of al-Masirah channel, Ibrahim Mohammed al-Dailami as ambassador and commissioner in Tehran, which the legitimate government considered a flagrant violation of international laws and customs and Security Council resolutions related to the Yemeni crisis .

Tehran's recognition came in a report published by the Iranian state agency IRNA, in which it said that the Yemeni Government, led by Ansar Allah (Houthis), appointed Al-Dailami, commissioner, ambassador and commander of Yemen’s diplomatic mission in Iran.

(A P)

600 political prisoners are on hunger strike in #Bahrain to protest degrading & inhumane conditions and ill treatment. We have been asked to DEMONSTRATE SOLIDARITY with them by tweeting #BahrainPrisonersStrike & sharing personal messages of support. Get busy!

(A P)

Amnesty calls on Bahraini regime to allow ailing ex-MP to travel

Amnesty International has called on Bahraini authorities to lift a travel ban on a former lawmaker as the ruling Al Khalifah regime presses ahead with its clampdown on political dissidents and pro-democracy activists in the Persian Gulf kingdom.

cp12b Sudan

(* B P)

Ex-Sudan president got millions from Saudis, court hears

Sudan’s ousted president Omar Hassan al-Bashir acknowledged receiving millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, a police detective told a court on Monday at the start of a corruption trial that many Sudanese thought they would never see.

Bashir listened to the testimony without comment, sitting in a metal cage and wearing traditional white robes and a turban in his first appearance in a Khartoum courtroom.

He is charged with illicit possession of foreign currency and accepting gifts in an unofficial manner. Bashir’s lawyer dismissed the accusations, telling reports after the hearing it was usual for leaders to hold amounts of foreign currency.

His trial will seen as a test of how serious authorities are about trying to erase the legacy of a rule marked by widespread violence, wars, economic collapse and the secession of South Sudan.

The 75-year-old, who seized power in a coup in 1989, arrived at the courthouse in a convoy with military and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces soldiers.

Police Brigadier General Ahmed Ali Mohamed, a detective in the team investigating Bashir, testified that Bashir told them he had received $25 million from Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, known as MbS.

The detective cited Bashir as saying MbS gave him the money for spending outside the Sudanese state budget and that it was spent on donations, without going into further details on who received it.

Sums of $351,000, more than 6 million Euros and 5 million Sudanese pounds were found at Bashir’s home when he was arrested, a judicial source said at the time.

Mohamed said Bashir also told investigators he received $65 million dollars, in two separate payments, from former Saudi King Abdullah.

Bashir’s lawyer Ahmed Ibrahim told reporters: “There is no information or evidence with regards to the accusations of illicit gains aimed at Bashir.

“Anyone in his occupation [has] to have foreign currency and it was in a room attached to his office in his presidential residence,” he added.

(A K P)

Arab Organization for Human Rights Calls on Sudan to Withdraw its Forces from Yemen

he Arab Organization for Human Rights in Britain called on the Forces of Freedom and Change to work swiftly to withdraw the 30,000 Sudanese troops, including children, in the Yemen war.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(B K)

Modified NSV sold as anti-materiel rifle in Yemen

A mystery 12.7 × 108 mm anti-materiel rifle documented for sale in Yemen earlier this summer—described as ‘craft-produced’ by some observers—has been identified by ARES. It is not, in fact, craft-produced but rather an ingenious yet relatively straightforward modification of an NSV-type heavy machine gun (HMG). The gun’s barrelled action has simply been flipped upside down and re-equipped for firing from the shoulder. As well as the obviously locally made and rather blocky buttstock, numerous other additions have been made. A pistol grip, trigger guard and unusually shaped trigger (not the standard NSV assembly as normally found separately on the HMG mount) have been fitted to the rear cover plate in place of the rear sight assembly.

(* B K P)

UN experts discover British-made bomb parts in Yemen

Guidance unit for ‘high explosive bomb’ found at site in Yemen capital

A United Nations panel of experts has uncovered fragments of British-made laser guidance missile systems at an air raid site in Yemen in a strike that it concluded breached international humanitarian law.

The attacks took place in September 2016, a month after the then foreign secretary Boris Johnson said he was content to allow the export of weapons systems to Saudi Arabia in the expectation they would be used in Yemen.

A guidance unit for a “high explosive” bomb – stamped with the name of a Brighton based company, EDO MBM Technology Ltd – were found at the site in the Yemen capital Sana’a after four bombs were dropped on the site at 12.45am on 13 September.

Missile parts from the same British factory – ultimately owned by the US arms supplier L3 Harris – were also found by the UN experts at the Alsonidar complex following a second air strike nine days later, where a water pump factory and a former tube maker were located.

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Central Bank of Yemen exchanges 170 million Saudi riyals for fuel importers despite takeover of STC

The Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) has announced a new banking operation for importers of fuel oil, according according to the mechanism of the exchange process of SR 170 million.

The banking supervision sector in the CBY, headquartered in Aden, which is currently controlled by separatist forces, in a statement Sunday evening in "Facebook", followed by Debriefer International news agency that the conduct of the new banking comes within the framework of the tasks entrusted to the CBY in order to achieve stability in foreign exchange rates and to ensure the provision of oil derivatives to the local market.

(* B E H)

The Small and Micro Enterprise Service (SMEPS): Bridging the Void

A voice of hope and change is needed to help alleviate suffering and mend devastated souls. The role of humanitarian organizations is to help relieve suffering by providing aid; but putting the country in a constant aid acquisition mode only serves as a temporary solution. Providing both aid and development is the response many organizations try to realize.

The Small and Micro Enterprise Service (SMEPS) was first established in Yemen in 2005. As a subsidiary of the Social Fund for Development in Yemen, their work primarily focuses on economic development, specializing in private sector development. They are driven to create more jobs and opportunities, by increasing the number of beneficiaries affected and focusing on developmental projects. In a country torn apart by conflict, creativity in implementing strategies is key to help achieve SMEPS's main goals in Yemen.Through a market-oriented approach, they were able to penetrate the fabric of society, providing interventions to build and facilitate both economic and technical capacities to drive the market and revive the private sector, while working with local partners and international donors to help facilitate communication . Pursuing and combining development and humanitarian projects has proved to work effectively on the ground.

“Measuring sustainability, SMEPS focuses on something we call the 'replication affect'.That is, for every farmer we support, how many farmers replicate our efforts. This is important because it practically demonstrate 'market up-take' for development efforts in a sustainable manner. So far we have supported 4,000 farmers, and those that have replicated are more than 12,000, which demonstrated huge market up-take and sustainability ”, says Wesam Qaid, SMEPS Executive Director, explaining how success is measured inside SMEPS.

cp15 Propaganda

(A K P)

Coalition: Houthis continue to use residential areas in Yemen as military sites

The Houthis continue to use residential areas as military sites, the spokesperson of the Arab Coalition told Al Arabiya

My comment: This means: We will bomb everything.

(A P)

Yemen War Imposed on Gulf States to Maintain Regional and International Security: Arab Coalition

The Arab Coalition in Yemen headed by Saudi Arabia said on Monday, August 19th that the war in Yemen with Houthi militias imposed on the Gulf States must maintain regional and international security.

The coalition spokesperson Turki al Maliki said in a press conference that military operations in Aden started with an Isis attack.

Al-Maliki said in the conference that the militia members on June 20th also launched a ballistic missile from Sanaa University, which hit Yemeni territory

(A P)

Colonel Al-Malki: Coalition Continues in Supporting Legitimacy and Unity in Yemen 2 Riyadh

(A P)

UAE is an honourable model in humanitarian field: Khalifa Foundation

The UAE has carried out relief and development initiatives in challenging humanitarian situations in many regions around the world, a top official said on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day. Such humanitarian projects have supported victims of crises, conflicts and wars and contributed to improving their lives

(A P)

US ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Iran uses various militias to ‘fight their fight’

The US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid said that Iran meddles in nearly every country in the region via “various militias that are under Iranian control.”

“The Iranians are always ready to have somebody else fight their fight.

My comment: US madness: there are no Iranian fighters in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey. And tell me any country in the world where the US does not meddle in? It’s not even Russia you could list here.

(A P)

PM: Decisive battle for Government’s, Arab Coalition’s is against Iranian agenda

Yemen’s Prime Minister Ma’een Abdulmalik said the decisive joint battle of his government and the Arab Coalition is against the Iranian agenda in the country.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda and

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(A K pH)

Aerial Aggression Launches 15 Raids on Sana’a

The US-Saudi aerial aggression, on Monday evening, launched at least 15 raids on different areas in the capital and Sana’a province.

Almasirah Net correspondent reported that the aerial aggression stroke Attan area with six raids, while fighter Jets continued to fly over Sana'a.

The aerial aggression launched three raids on Al-Sawad mountain near Asser area, he added. In Sana'a, the aerial aggression launched two raids on Sanhan district.


(A K pS)

Command of joint forces of the coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen: Targeting and destroying of number of caves to store ballistic missiles, drones and weapons in Sana'a belonging to Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia

Colonel Turki Al-Maliki, the official spokesman of the coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen said that the command of the joint forces of the coalition this evening carried out at 2256 hours a qualitative military operation to destroy a number of legitimate military targets, caves used by the Houthi terrorist militia to store ballistic missiles, drones and weapons. The caves are located in Faj Atan and Al-A'amd camp in the capital Sana'a.
Colonel Al-Maliki said that the targeting process is an extension of the qualitative military operations to destroy the Houthi capabilities, which are implemented by the coalition joint forces' command to destroy these capabilities and neutralize their threat to regional and international security.

by Reuters, just parroting Saudi claims:

by Press TV Iran:


(A K)

Huge explosions rocks the capital #Sanaa due to #Saudi led coalition bombardment.

3 airstrikes in the last 5mins in #Sanaa... and the fighter jets are still hovering. The children are terrified and if I’m honest... so am I!!

Now 4...

7...8... and the jets are still hovering low. In #Sanaa there are no planes in the sky but fighter jets. The airport has been at a complete standstill for 3 years!!

9... Probably in retaliation to the #Houthi drone attack on the #Saudi #Aramco oil facility at Shaybah last Saturday..

(A K pS)

Coalition destroys militia‘s combat operating rooms in Sa’ada

The coalition supporting Yemeni government on Monday launched air strikes on sites and gatherings of the Iran-backed Houthi terrorist militia in Saada province, north of the country.
Five air strikes targeted gatherings of the militia in Ktaf district, east of the province.
The raids hit combat operations rooms for the Houthi militia in the same district.

(A K pS)

fighter jets have targeted last night a gathering of al-Houthi militia, in the same front.
The raids resulted in deaths among the al-Houthi militia, including a field commander and wounded others, in addition to the destruction of three vehicles belonging to them.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Aug. 12: Saada p., Asir

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Volley of Yemeni rockets hits Saudi Arabian camp

Yemeni armed forces have targeted a military camp in Saudi Arabia’s southern province of Najran with a barrage of rockets.

A spokesman for the Yemeni army said Yemeni forces hit a military camp, used for training Saudi-led mercenaries, in the al-Soh area of Najran with a volley of Katyusha rockets on Tuesday, Yemen’s al-Masirah reported.

It added that the rockets successfully hit their designated target, killing and wounding an unspecified number of the mercenaries.

My remark: As claimed by the Houthi side.

(A K pS)

VIDEO: #Saudi Air Force F-15 Eagle shoots down an #Iranian made IED-drone, Qasef-2K, over #Yemen. It’s worth mentioning that RSAF F-15s have intercepted & destroyed around 20 drones over the last 12 months.

Hmmmm...... Slow moving drone worth a few 100 usd being blown up by an aircraft and missiles worth 10s of million usd..... Nothing to harp about.

(A K pH)

In Al-Jawf, a woman was killed with US-Saudi mercenaries' gunshots in Al-Motoon district.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, US-Saudi mercenaries launched a series of raids on various areas in Al-Zaher district and launched six raids on Maran area. US-Saudi forces also launched a raid on the Jumla district of the Magz district.

(A K pH)

Rocketry Force Targets Military Parade in Marib by New Ballistic Missile Nakal

The Rocketry Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees targeted, on Monday, military parade of invaders, mercenaries in Mas camp, in Marib, with new ballistic missile, Nakal.

It is noteworthy that this is the first time to unveil the locally- made missile, Nakal


(A K pS)

Sources: Houthi projectile falls near Camp Marib and no injuries

The sources added to Al-Masdar online correspondent, that the Houthis targeted the Mas camp with an unidentified projectile during an event to celebrate the graduation of a batch of the camp.

The sources indicated that the projectile explosion occurred away from the camp without any damage.

(A K P)

UAE strongly condemns Houthi attack on Saudi oil field

Speaker of Arab Parliament condemns terrorist attack on Shaybah oil field

MWL Condemns Attack on Shaybah Oilfield

Tunisia Condemns Terrorist Attack on Shaybah Oil Field

Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union condemns attack on Shaybah oil field

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B D)

Film: Life In Yemen: Aden’s ancient cisterns crumbling, polluted

The Tawila Cisterns make up one of the most important historical sites in the city of Aden. They still store rainwater and help protect the Yemeni city from seasonal floods.

(* B D)

Maybe The Way To Control Locusts Is By Growing Crops They Don't Like

Locusts are not just a biblical plague. They're swarming around the world. Still. Again.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the desert locust situation is serious in Yemen and at the Indo-Pakistan border.

"One swarm covering one square kilometers contains 50 million locusts, and this swarm can eat the equivalent of 100 tons per day," said Wajeeh Mutawakel, the director general of the Plant Protection Office in the Houthi rebel-controlled Yemeni capital Sanaa, the Middle East Eye reported. "This may cause disaster not only in Yemen but also in other countries, such as in Saudi Arabia."

That's why scientists at Arizona State University have created the Global Locust Initiative. It seeks to "link partners and ideas and to avoid reinventing the wheel," says Arianne Cease, director of the initiative. The idea is to get people information they need before a plague occurs.

The fact that human behavior might have contributed to the demise of the Rocky Mountain locust is intriguing.

"We're really interested in that connection between people and locusts," Cease says.

She says there is no single answer to controlling locusts. For a variety of practical and human health related reasons you can't just spray them into submission with pesticides. You need a multifaceted approach.

(A E)

Oil rises 2% after attack on Saudi field, stimulus expectations

Oil prices gained roughly 2% on Monday after a weekend attack on a Saudi oil facility by Yemen’s Houthi forces threatened crude supplies and as traders looked for signs that top economies would take measures to counteract a global slowdown.

(* B D)

The street artist capturing the impact of the war in Yemen

Using stencils and spray paint, Murad Subay creates haunting figures, portraits and motifs

“Faces of War”, a project by Murad Subay, a Yemeni artist, seeks to draw attention to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

Mr Subay’s works convey this desperation.

Mr Subay began painting when he was a teenager, though he has never been formally educated in it. He first gained attention in 2012 with “Colour The Walls of Your Street”, a campaign in which he invited friends, passers-by and strangers on social media to paint bright murals in areas of Sana’a that had been affected by conflict after the Yemeni uprising in 2011.

Mr Subay is pessimistic about the future. Halting the supply of weaponry is not going to end the war, he says. Even so, British politicians have sent “a terrible message worldwide that will encourage warring parties to carry on war crimes”. Nor is he convinced about the impact of his own work, despite winning an Art for Peace prize in 2014 for “spreading the culture of peace” and an Index on Censorship Award in 2016.

(A E K)

Oil prices climb after Saudi oilfield attack, but recession worries drag

Crude oil prices rose on Monday following a weekend attack on a Saudi oil facility by Yemeni separatists and as traders looked for any signs that Sino-U.S. trade tensions could ease.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-566 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-566: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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